1048 papers:
- QoSA-2015-Kramer #approach #consistency #generative #modelling #multi
- A Generative Approach to Change-Driven Consistency in Multi-View Modeling (MEK), pp. 129–134.
- DocEng-2015-DumasCBS #approach #design
- An Approach for Designing Proofreading Views in Publishing Chains (LD, SC, BB, SS), pp. 215–218.
- DocEng-2015-FranzeMW #documentation #navigation #question
- Does a Split-View Aid Navigation Within Academic Documents? (JF, KM, MW), pp. 211–214.
- SIGMOD-2015-KatsisOPZ #incremental #maintenance
- Utilizing IDs to Accelerate Incremental View Maintenance (YK, KWO, YP, KKZ), pp. 1985–2000.
- VLDB-2015-KrishnanWFGK
- Stale View Cleaning: Getting Fresh Answers from Stale Materialized Views (SK, JW, MJF, KG, TK), pp. 1370–1381.
- SANER-2015-SaeidiHKJ #approach #clustering #multi #search-based
- A search-based approach to multi-view clustering of software systems (AS, JH, RK, SJ), pp. 429–438.
- ICALP-v1-2015-AgrawalIKP #complexity #encoding #perspective #random #statistics
- Statistical Randomized Encodings: A Complexity Theoretic View (SA, YI, DK, APC), pp. 1–13.
- ICFP-2015-JaskelioffR #data type #functional
- Functional pearl: a smart view on datatypes (MJ, ER), pp. 355–361.
- CHI-2015-FischerRRRRJ #collaboration
- Building a Birds Eye View: Collaborative Work in Disaster Response (JEF, SR, TR, SR, SDR, DJ), pp. 4103–4112.
- CHI-2015-JohnsonRMT #collaboration #how
- Can You See Me Now?: How Field of View Affects Collaboration in Robotic Telepresence (SJ, IR, BM, LT), pp. 2397–2406.
- CSCW-2015-PinelleG #performance
- The Effects of View Portals on Performance and Awareness in Co-Located Tabletop Groupware (DP, CG), pp. 195–206.
- CSCW-2015-WangNMRW #social #social media #student
- Coming of Age (Digitally): An Ecological View of Social Media Use among College Students (YW, MN, GM, SMR, MW), pp. 571–582.
- DHM-EH-2015-YamamotoABKGO
- Caregiver’s Eye Gaze and Field of View Presumption Method During Bathing Care in Elderly Facility (AY, TA, HCBJ, NK, AG, TO), pp. 524–532.
- DUXU-IXD-2015-LeeLK #case study #navigation
- A Study on a Split-View Navigation System (JSL, HL, SWK), pp. 485–495.
- CAiSE-2015-VidalCARLLR #incremental #linked data #maintenance #open data #specification
- Specification and Incremental Maintenance of Linked Data Mashup Views (VMPV, MAC, NA, MR, LAPPL, GRL, CR), pp. 214–229.
- ICEIS-v1-2015-NevesFGNAV #perspective #standard
- International Standard ISO 9001 an Artificial Intelligence View (JN, AF, GG, MN, AA, HV), pp. 421–428.
- ICEIS-v3-2015-RiveroC #case study #evaluation #experience #user interface #using
- Using a Study to Assess User eXperience Evaluation Methods from the Point of View of Users (LR, TC), pp. 88–95.
- ICML-2015-MaeharaYK #game studies #multi #perspective #problem
- Budget Allocation Problem with Multiple Advertisers: A Game Theoretic View (TM, AY, KiK), pp. 428–437.
- ICML-2015-SunLXB #clustering #multi
- Multi-view Sparse Co-clustering via Proximal Alternating Linearized Minimization (JS, JL, TX, JB), pp. 757–766.
- ICML-2015-WangALB #learning #multi #on the #representation
- On Deep Multi-View Representation Learning (WW, RA, KL, JAB), pp. 1083–1092.
- KDD-2015-BotezatuBGVW #clustering #multi
- Multi-View Incident Ticket Clustering for Optimal Ticket Dispatching (MMB, JB, IG, HV, DW), pp. 1711–1720.
- KDD-2015-LanH #complexity #learning #multi
- Reducing the Unlabeled Sample Complexity of Semi-Supervised Multi-View Learning (CL, JH), pp. 627–634.
- RecSys-2015-MojsilovicV #enterprise #perspective #recommendation
- Assessing Expertise in the Enterprise: The Recommender Point of View (AM, KRV), p. 231.
- PPDP-2015-HaarPRV #algebra #concurrent #logic
- An algebraic view of space/belief and extrusion/utterance for concurrency/epistemic logic (SH, SP, CR, FDV), pp. 161–172.
- REFSQ-2015-GhaziSG #approach #named #requirements #visualisation
- FlexiView: A Magnet-Based Approach for Visualizing Requirements Artifacts (PG, NS, MG), pp. 262–269.
- SAC-2015-Brefeld #learning #multi
- Multi-view learning with dependent views (UB), pp. 865–870.
- SAC-2015-DominguesSBMPR #metadata #multi #personalisation #ranking #recommendation
- Applying multi-view based metadata in personalized ranking for recommender systems (MAD, CVS, FMMB, MGM, MGCP, SOR), pp. 1105–1107.
- ICSE-v1-2015-SiegmundSA #empirical #re-engineering
- Views on Internal and External Validity in Empirical Software Engineering (JS, NS, SA), pp. 9–19.
- SPLC-2015-HotzWRGL #automation #evaluation #multi
- Evaluation across multiple views for variable automation systems (LH, YW, MR, OG, JL), pp. 311–315.
- LICS-2015-ChatterjeeKK #markov #multi #process
- Unifying Two Views on Multiple Mean-Payoff Objectives in Markov Decision Processes (KC, ZK, JK), pp. 244–256.
- QoSA-2014-DajsurenGSWVB #architecture #formal method
- Formalizing correspondence rules for automotive architecture views (YD, CMG, AS, AW, BV, MvdB), pp. 129–138.
- WICSA-2014-SyromiatnikovW #design pattern
- A Journey through the Land of Model-View-Design Patterns (AS, DW), pp. 21–30.
- CASE-2014-VaskeviciusP0 #locality #low cost #recognition
- Fitting superquadrics in noisy, partial views from a low-cost RGBD sensor for recognition and localization of sacks in autonomous unloading of shipping containers (NV, KP, AB), pp. 255–262.
- DAC-2014-Chandra #embedded #monitoring #multi #perspective #reliability
- Monitoring Reliability in Embedded Processors — A Multi-layer View (VC), p. 6.
- SIGMOD-2014-NikolicEK #incremental #maintenance #named #query
- LINVIEW: incremental view maintenance for complex analytical queries (MN, ME, CK), pp. 253–264.
- SIGMOD-2014-QardajiYL #named
- PriView: practical differentially private release of marginal contingency tables (WHQ, WY, NL), pp. 1435–1446.
- ITiCSE-2014-SettleVS #motivation #programming
- Three views on motivation and programming (AS, AV, JS), pp. 321–322.
- TACAS-2014-ReinekeT #modelling #multi #problem
- Basic Problems in Multi-View Modeling (JR, ST), pp. 217–232.
- CHI-2014-BatesHFMC #energy #towards
- Towards an holistic view of the energy and environmental impacts of domestic media and IT (OB, MH, AF, JM, AKC), pp. 1173–1182.
- CHI-2014-ChenGWSHFA #3d #authoring #modelling
- History assisted view authoring for 3D models (HTC, TG, LYW, RMS, BH, GWF, MA), pp. 2027–2036.
- CHI-2014-GaoHAHD #automation #named #pipes and filters #visualisation
- NewsViews: an automated pipeline for creating custom geovisualizations for news (TG, JH, EA, BH, ND), pp. 3005–3014.
- CHI-2014-LissermannHSSM #collaboration #multi #named
- Permulin: mixed-focus collaboration on multi-view tabletops (RL, JH, MS, JS, MM), pp. 3191–3200.
- CHI-2014-YueMJ #collaboration #composition #online
- Share your view: impact of co-navigation support and status composition in collaborative online shopping (YY, XM, ZJ), pp. 3299–3308.
- CHI-2014-ZhuCMPBK #community #effectiveness #online
- Selecting an effective niche: an ecological view of the success of online communities (HZ, JC, TM, AP, HB, REK), pp. 301–310.
- DHM-2014-YamamotoKGOAYB
- Caregiver’s Gaze and Field of View Presumption Method During Bath Care in the Elderly Facility (AY, NK, AG, TO, TA, SY, HBJ), pp. 78–87.
- DUXU-TMT-2014-FigueiredoNATT #3d #experience
- Fishtank Everywhere: Improving Viewing Experience over 3D Content (LSF, EVN, EA, JMXNT, VT), pp. 560–571.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-RoyC #artificial reality #detection #invariant #markov #using
- View-Invariant Human Detection from RGB-D Data of Kinect Using Continuous Hidden Markov Model (SR, TC), pp. 325–336.
- HCI-TMT-2014-Moran #interface
- One Interface, Many Views: A Case for Repeatable Patterns (WM), pp. 340–349.
- HIMI-AS-2014-AsaiY #documentation #generative
- EA Snippets: Generating Summarized View of Handwritten Documents Based on Emphasis Annotations (HA, HY), pp. 20–31.
- HIMI-DE-2014-OzawaMDTK #evaluation #multi #named
- MulDiRoH: An Evaluation of Facial Direction Expression in Teleconferencing on a Multi-view Display System (SO, SM, MD, HT, AK), pp. 525–535.
- LCT-TRE-2014-YamaguchiSYNSM #collaboration #detection #distance #learning
- Posture and Face Detection with Dynamic Thumbnail Views for Collaborative Distance Learning (TY, HS, MY, YN, HS, TM), pp. 227–236.
- VISSOFT-2014-HomerN
- Combining Tiled and Textual Views of Code (MH, JN), pp. 1–10.
- ICEIS-v2-2014-MurianaMG #approach #development #information management #open source
- Development of Open Source Software, a Qualitative View in a Knowledge Management Approach (LMM, CM, ACBG), pp. 391–399.
- CIKM-2014-JinZXDLH #learning #multi
- Multi-task Multi-view Learning for Heterogeneous Tasks (XJ, FZ, HX, CD, PL, QH), pp. 441–450.
- CIKM-2014-QianZ #clustering #feature model #multi #web
- Unsupervised Feature Selection for Multi-View Clustering on Text-Image Web News Data (MQ, CZ), pp. 1963–1966.
- CIKM-2014-WuHPZCZ #feature model #learning #multi
- Exploring Features for Complicated Objects: Cross-View Feature Selection for Multi-Instance Learning (JW, ZH, SP, XZ, ZC, CZ), pp. 1699–1708.
- CIKM-2014-YangLLLH #automation #clustering #detection #multi #social #using
- Automatic Social Circle Detection Using Multi-View Clustering (YY, CL, XL, BL, JH), pp. 1019–1028.
- CIKM-2014-ZhangLLW #graph #multi #named
- PatentDom: Analyzing Patent Relationships on Multi-View Patent Graphs (LZ, LL, TL, DW), pp. 1369–1378.
- ICML-c2-2014-ArgyriouD #theorem
- A Unifying View of Representer Theorems (AA, FD), pp. 748–756.
- ICML-c2-2014-DasL #automation #interactive
- Automated inference of point of view from user interactions in collective intelligence venues (SD, AL), pp. 82–90.
- ICML-c2-2014-SongADX #estimation #modelling #multi #parametricity
- Nonparametric Estimation of Multi-View Latent Variable Models (LS, AA, BD, BX), pp. 640–648.
- ICML-c2-2014-SuttonMPH #equivalence #monte carlo
- A new Q(λ) with interim forward view and Monte Carlo equivalence (RSS, ARM, DP, HvH), pp. 568–576.
- ICPR-2014-AfzalAFMO #3d #multi #re-engineering
- RGB-D Multi-view System Calibration for Full 3D Scene Reconstruction (HA, DA, DF, BM, BEO), pp. 2459–2464.
- ICPR-2014-AggarwalNJ #perspective
- Estimating Floor Regions in Cluttered Indoor Scenes from First Person Camera View (SA, AMN, CVJ), pp. 4275–4280.
- ICPR-2014-AllettoSCC #estimation
- Head Pose Estimation in First-Person Camera Views (SA, GS, SC, RC), pp. 4188–4193.
- ICPR-2014-CaoMS #image #segmentation
- Segmentation of Anatomical Structures in Four-Chamber View Echocardiogram Images (YC, PM, TSM), pp. 568–573.
- ICPR-2014-ChangWW #image #matrix #multi
- Multi-view Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Clothing Image Characterization (WYC, CPW, YCFW), pp. 1272–1277.
- ICPR-2014-Climent-PerezMR #detection #multi #using
- Multi-view Event Detection in Crowded Scenes Using Tracklet Plots (PCP, DNM, PR), pp. 4370–4375.
- ICPR-2014-DengWGZZ #modelling #multi
- Multiple View Based Building Modeling with Multi-box Grammar (RD, QW, RG, GZ, HZ), pp. 4027–4032.
- ICPR-2014-FrinkenIIFU #recognition
- Improving Point of View Scene Recognition by Considering Textual Data (VF, YI, RI, KF, SU), pp. 2966–2971.
- ICPR-2014-GuoZLCZ #clustering #kernel #learning #multi
- Multiple Kernel Learning Based Multi-view Spectral Clustering (DG, JZ, XL, YC, CZ), pp. 3774–3779.
- ICPR-2014-Hess-FloresRJ #analysis #multi #nondeterminism
- Uncertainty, Baseline, and Noise Analysis for L1 Error-Based Multi-view Triangulation (MHF, SR, KIJ), pp. 4074–4079.
- ICPR-2014-IoannidisCL #clustering #modelling #multi #using
- Key-Frame Extraction Using Weighted Multi-view Convex Mixture Models and Spectral Clustering (AI, VC, AL), pp. 3463–3468.
- ICPR-2014-LeeSL #3d #invariant #recognition #self #using
- View-Invariant 3D Action Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Self-Similarities from Depth Camera (ARL, HIS, SWL), pp. 501–505.
- ICPR-2014-LiYLYWH #classification #multi #predict
- Multi-view Based AdaBoost Classifier Ensemble for Class Prediction from Gene Expression Profiles (LL, ZY, JL, JY, HSW, GH), pp. 178–183.
- ICPR-2014-MesterC #statistics
- When Patches Match — A Statistical View on Matching under Illumination Variation (RM, CC), pp. 4364–4369.
- ICPR-2014-RamirezOT #detection #multi
- Go with the Flow: Improving Multi-view Vehicle Detection with Motion Cues (AR, EOB, MMT), pp. 4140–4145.
- ICPR-2014-WangCH #hybrid #markov #multi #random #using #video
- Wide Baseline Multi-view Video Matting Using a Hybrid Markov Random Field (TW, JPC, AH), pp. 136–141.
- ICPR-2014-WuMCXC #gesture #invariant #parametricity #recognition #using
- View-Invariant Gesture Recognition Using Nonparametric Shape Descriptor (XW, XM, LC, YLX, AC), pp. 544–549.
- ICPR-2014-WuS #learning #multi #recognition
- Regularized Multi-view Multi-metric Learning for Action Recognition (XW, SKS), pp. 471–476.
- ICPR-2014-YanRLSS #analysis #clustering #invariant #linear #multi #recognition
- Clustered Multi-task Linear Discriminant Analysis for View Invariant Color-Depth Action Recognition (YY, ER, GL, RS, NS), pp. 3493–3498.
- ICPR-2014-YanSRLS #classification #interactive #learning #multi
- Evaluating Multi-task Learning for Multi-view Head-Pose Classification in Interactive Environments (YY, RS, ER, OL, NS), pp. 4182–4187.
- ICPR-2014-ZhuS #learning #recognition #taxonomy
- Correspondence-Free Dictionary Learning for Cross-View Action Recognition (FZ, LS), pp. 4525–4530.
- KDD-2014-GunnemannFRS #clustering #multi #named
- SMVC: semi-supervised multi-view clustering in subspace projections (SG, IF, MR, TS), pp. 253–262.
- KEOD-2014-SurynekS #big data #challenge #graph #information management #logic #perspective #reasoning
- Theoretical Challenges in Knowledge Discovery in Big Data — A Logic Reasoning and a Graph Theoretical Point of View (PS, PS), pp. 327–332.
- SIGIR-2014-PanYMLNR #image #learning
- Click-through-based cross-view learning for image search (YP, TY, TM, HL, CWN, YR), pp. 717–726.
- SIGIR-2014-QianL0H
- Co-training on authorship attribution with very fewlabeled examples: methods vs. views (TQ, BL, MZ, GH), pp. 903–906.
- SIGIR-2014-ZhangLLZ #evolution #graph #multi #named
- PatentLine: analyzing technology evolution on multi-view patent graphs (LZ, LL, TL, QZ), pp. 1095–1098.
- ECMFA-2014-AnjorinRDS #graph grammar #performance
- Efficient Model Synchronization with View Triple Graph Grammars (AA, SR, FD, AS), pp. 1–17.
- OOPSLA-2014-MitschkeEKMS #named
- i3QL: language-integrated live data views (RM, SE, MK, MM, GS), pp. 417–432.
- RE-2014-ZhuMR #modelling #multi
- Structured multi-view modeling by tabular notation (XZ, DM, DR), pp. 327–328.
- ICSE-2014-MaozRR #component #modelling #verification
- Verifying component and connector models against crosscutting structural views (SM, JOR, BR), pp. 95–105.
- HPDC-2014-ChenDWCZG #communication #distributed #graph #performance #perspective
- Computation and communication efficient graph processing with distributed immutable view (RC, XD, PW, HC, BZ, HG), pp. 215–226.
- ISMM-2014-Printezis #perspective #twitter #virtual machine
- Use of the JVM at twitter: a bird’s eye view (TP), p. 1.
- CASE-2013-ZhangJYZCPLX #communication #multi
- Multichannel subgrade temperature acquisition system based on LabVIEW and serial communication (JZ, SJ, MY, XZ, JC, BP, JL, XX), pp. 558–563.
- ICDAR-2013-YinLS #analysis #detection #documentation #framework #image #multi #novel
- A Novel Multi-view Object Class Detection Framework for Document Image Content Analysis (WY, TL, FS), pp. 1095–1099.
- IFL-2013-DenuziereRG #declarative #modelling #specification #user interface
- Piglets to the rescue: Declarative User Interface Specification with Pluggable View Models (LD, ER, AG), p. 105.
- GCM-J-2012-ErmlerKLT #graph transformation #reduction
- A Graph Transformational View on Reductions in NP (ME, SK, ML, CvT).
- CHI-2013-HaraLF #artificial reality #crowdsourcing #identification #problem
- Combining crowdsourcing and google street view to identify street-level accessibility problems (KH, VL, JF), pp. 631–640.
- CHI-2013-IonCHHS #multi #named #scalability
- Canyon: providing location awareness of multiple moving objects in a detail view on large displays (AI, YLBC, MH, MSH, SDS), pp. 3149–3158.
- CHI-2013-LanirSCG
- Ownership and control of point of view in remote assistance (JL, RS, BC, PG), pp. 2243–2252.
- CHI-2013-XuYZLS #parallel #perspective #web
- Facilitating parallel web browsing through multiple-page view (WX, CY, SZ, JL, YS), pp. 2167–2170.
- DUXU-NTE-2013-ChuangH #case study #difference
- A Study on Time Differences between Actual Advertisement Viewing and Retrospective Perception (MHC, CH), pp. 455–464.
- DUXU-PMT-2013-Kurosu13a
- Sci-Fi Movies and the Pessimistic View for the Future Controlled Society of Totalitarianism (MK), pp. 94–99.
- HCI-III-2013-IshiharaI13a
- Correcting Distortion of Views into Aquarium (YI, MI), pp. 163–170.
- HCI-III-2013-SakamotoSYO #3d #metric #using
- Evaluating Emotional State during 3DTV Viewing Using Psychophysiological Measurements (KS, SS, KY, AO), pp. 353–361.
- HCI-III-2013-WangWDL #3d #estimation #image #multi #sequence
- Tracking End-Effectors for Marker-Less 3D Human Motion Estimation in Multi-view Image Sequences (WW, ZW, XD, BL), pp. 227–235.
- HCI-III-2013-YangZZJXW #detection #multi #realtime #using
- Depth Camera Based Real-Time Fingertip Detection Using Multi-view Projection (WY, ZZ, XZ, LJ, CX, PW), pp. 254–261.
- HIMI-D-2013-SusukiTOM #analysis #behaviour
- Cognitive Analysis of Driver’s Behavior with Seamless Display of Back-Monitor and Side-View Mirror (NS, KT, MO, HM), pp. 642–649.
- HIMI-HSM-2013-ZiefleKWH #perspective
- Acceptance of Telemedical Treatments — A Medical Professional Point of View (MZ, LK, WW, AH), pp. 325–334.
- HIMI-LCCB-2013-OmoriTU #3d #experience
- A Method of Viewing 3D Horror Contents for Amplifying Horror Experience (NO, MT, RU), pp. 228–237.
- EDOC-2013-MullerBHKP #database #enterprise #in memory #maintenance #performance
- Efficient View Maintenance for Enterprise Applications in Columnar In-Memory Databases (SM, LB, KH, SK, HP), pp. 249–258.
- CIKM-2013-FangZ #feature model #learning #multi
- Discriminative feature selection for multi-view cross-domain learning (ZF, Z(Z), pp. 1321–1330.
- CIKM-2013-WangLZ #approach #graph #metric #multi #random #towards
- Towards metric fusion on multi-view data: a cross-view based graph random walk approach (YW, XL, QZ), pp. 805–810.
- CIKM-2013-ZhuXGC #detection #mobile #perspective #ranking
- Ranking fraud detection for mobile apps: a holistic view (HZ, HX, YG, EC), pp. 619–628.
- ICML-c2-2013-MinhBM #framework #learning #multi
- A unifying framework for vector-valued manifold regularization and multi-view learning (HQM, LB, VM), pp. 100–108.
- ICML-c3-2013-RastegariCFHD #predict
- Predictable Dual-View Hashing (MR, JC, SF, HDI, LSD), pp. 1328–1336.
- ICML-c3-2013-WangNH13a #clustering #learning #multi
- Multi-View Clustering and Feature Learning via Structured Sparsity (HW, FN, HH), pp. 352–360.
- KDD-2013-Bhandarkar #named
- Hadoop: a view from the trenches (MB), p. 1138.
- KDD-2013-McMahanHSYEGNPDGCLWHBK #predict
- Ad click prediction: a view from the trenches (HBM, GH, DS, MY, DE, JG, LN, TP, ED, DG, SC, DL, MW, AMH, TB, JK), pp. 1222–1230.
- KDD-2013-TangZM #modelling #multi #topic
- One theme in all views: modeling consensus topics in multiple contexts (JT, MZ, QM), pp. 5–13.
- KEOD-2013-CalegariFP #categorisation #comparative #ontology
- Comparative Evaluations of a Hierarchical Categorization of Search Results based on a Granular View of Domain Ontologies (SC, FF, GP), pp. 361–366.
- SEKE-2013-DelfimG #coordination #mining #multi #slicing #using
- Multiple Coordinated Views to Support Aspect Mining Using Program Slicing (S) (FMD, REG), pp. 531–536.
- ECMFA-2013-KusterVFBC #process
- Supporting Different Process Views through a Shared Process Model (JMK, HV, CF, MCB, KC), pp. 20–36.
- PPDP-2013-MatsudaW #approach #bidirectional #for free #problem #runtime
- Bidirectionalization for free with runtime recording: or, a light-weight approach to the view-update problem (KM, MW), pp. 297–308.
- POPL-2013-Dinsdale-YoungBGPY #composition #concurrent #named #reasoning #source code
- Views: compositional reasoning for concurrent programs (TDY, LB, PG, MJP, HY), pp. 287–300.
- RE-2013-Gorschek #requirements
- A little rebellion now and then is a good thing: Views on the requirements engineering conference (TG), pp. 357–360.
- SAC-2013-KolbR #abstraction #adaptation #data flow #process
- Data flow abstractions and adaptations through updatable process views (JK, MR), pp. 1447–1453.
- SAC-2013-ShinYR #android #security #visual notation
- Supporting visual security cues for WebView-based Android apps (DS, HY, UR), pp. 1867–1876.
- SAC-2013-TranLZ #architecture #metadata #security
- Derivation of domain-specific architectural knowledge views from governance and security compliance metadata (HT, IL, UZ), pp. 1728–1733.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-MaozRR #component #modelling #synthesis
- Synthesis of component and connector models from crosscutting structural views (SM, JOR, BR), pp. 444–454.
- LDTA-J-2009-ChilowiczDR #sequence #source code
- Viewing functions as token sequences to highlight similarities in source code (MC, ÉD, GR), pp. 1871–1891.
- DATE-2012-EllenEO #automation #development #embedded #process #safety
- Automatic transition between structural system views in a safety relevant embedded systems development process (CE, CE, MO), pp. 820–823.
- SIGMOD-2012-El-HelwFI #information management #using
- Just-in-time information extraction using extraction views (AEH, MHF, IFI), pp. 613–616.
- SIGMOD-2012-KatsifodimosMV #xquery
- Materialized view selection for XQuery workloads (AK, IM, VV), pp. 565–576.
- VLDB-2012-AgrawalAW #in the cloud #perspective #privacy
- Secure and Privacy-Preserving Data Services in the Cloud: A Data Centric View (DA, AEA, SW), pp. 2028–2029.
- VLDB-2012-AhmadKKN #higher-order #named
- DBToaster: Higher-order Delta Processing for Dynamic, Frequently Fresh Views (YA, OK, CK, MN), pp. 968–979.
- VLDB-2012-BaoDM #dependence #fine-grained #workflow
- Labeling Workflow Views with Fine-Grained Dependencies (ZB, SBD, TM), pp. 1208–1219.
- VLDB-2012-CautisK #complexity #probability #query #using #xml
- Answering Queries using Views over Probabilistic XML: Complexity and Tractability (BC, EK), pp. 1148–1159.
- VLDB-2012-JhaS #database #probability
- Probabilistic Databases with MarkoViews (AKJ, DS), pp. 1160–1171.
- ICPC-2012-RajlichW #comprehension #concept
- A retrospective view on: The role of concepts in program comprehension: (MIP award) (VR, NW), pp. 12–13.
- WCRE-2012-El-BoussaidiBVM #architecture #legacy
- Reconstructing Architectural Views from Legacy Systems (GEB, ABB, SV, HM), pp. 345–354.
- FLOPS-2012-CaballeroGS #debugging #declarative #sql
- Declarative Debugging of Wrong and Missing Answers for SQL Views (RC, YGR, FSP), pp. 73–87.
- GT-VMT-2012-ArijoH #generative #graph transformation #modelling
- View-based Modelling and State-Space Generation for Graph Transformation Systems (NA, RH).
- CHI-2012-JoshiKC #mobile #scalability
- Looking at you: fused gyro and face tracking for viewing large imagery on mobile devices (NJ, AK, MFC), pp. 2211–2220.
- CHI-2012-KimCZT #concurrent
- Enabling concurrent dual views on common LCD screens (SK, XC, HZ, DST), pp. 2175–2184.
- CIKM-2012-ChongCZSQZ #pattern matching #rdf #using
- RDF pattern matching using sortable views (ZC, HC, ZZ, HS, GQ, AZ), pp. 315–324.
- CIKM-2012-QuanzH #generative #learning #multi #named
- CoNet: feature generation for multi-view semi-supervised learning with partially observed views (BQ, JH), pp. 1273–1282.
- CIKM-2012-SunG #learning
- Active learning for relation type extension with local and global data views (AS, RG), pp. 1105–1112.
- ICML-2012-GuoX #classification #learning #multi
- Cross Language Text Classification via Subspace Co-regularized Multi-view Learning (YG, MX), p. 120.
- ICML-2012-Memisevic #learning #multi #on the
- On multi-view feature learning (RM), p. 140.
- ICML-2012-NeufeldYZKS #reduction
- Regularizers versus Losses for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction: A Factored View with New Convex Relaxations (JN, YY, XZ, RK, DS), p. 191.
- ICPR-2012-AhmedC #detection #robust
- A robust person detector for overhead views (IA, JNC), pp. 1483–1486.
- ICPR-2012-DuanPJ #multi #probability #realtime
- Probabilistic depth map fusion for real-time multi-view stereo (YD, MP, YJ), pp. 368–371.
- ICPR-2012-Filip
- Restoring illumination and view dependent data from sparse samples (JF), pp. 1391–1394.
- ICPR-2012-HesseGGE #multi #recognition #using
- Multi-view facial expression recognition using local appearance features (NH, TG, HG, HKE), pp. 3533–3536.
- ICPR-2012-IshikawaTKI #3d #synthesis
- 3-D recovery of a non-rigid object from a single camera view by piecewise recovery and synthesis (SI, JKT, HK, SI), pp. 1443–1446.
- ICPR-2012-JiangLLL #clustering #collaboration #multi
- Collaborative PLSA for multi-view clustering (YJ, JL, ZL, HL), pp. 2997–3000.
- ICPR-2012-KawaiMHIY #identification #using
- Person re-identification using view-dependent score-level fusion of gait and color features (RK, YM, CH, HI, YY), pp. 2694–2697.
- ICPR-2012-LiangM #multi #segmentation
- Object segmentation in multiple views without camera calibration (QL, ZM), pp. 890–893.
- ICPR-2012-MaB #detection #multi
- Multi-view multi-class object detection via exemplar compounding (KM, JBA), pp. 3256–3259.
- ICPR-2012-MacriniWLG #parsing #probability #recognition
- Probabilistic shape parsing for view-based object recognition (DM, CW, RL, MG), pp. 2303–2305.
- ICPR-2012-MansurMY #invariant #recognition
- View-invariant gait recognition from low frame-rate videos (AM, YM, YY), pp. 2383–2386.
- ICPR-2012-MoZW #classification #learning
- Enhancing cross-view object classification by feature-based transfer learning (YM, ZZ, YW), pp. 2218–2221.
- ICPR-2012-NodariVG #artificial reality #image #privacy
- Digital privacy: Replacing pedestrians from Google Street View images (AN, MV, IG), pp. 2889–2893.
- ICPR-2012-Shen #image #multi
- Depth-map merging for Multi-View Stereo with high resolution images (SS), pp. 788–791.
- ICPR-2012-SiddiquieFDD #detection #invariant
- Unsupervised model selection for view-invariant object detection in surveillance environments (BS, RSF, AD, LSD), pp. 3252–3255.
- ICPR-2012-SuryantoJF #3d #image #multi #similarity #visualisation
- Protein structure similarity based on multi-view images generated from 3D molecular visualization (CHS, SJ, KF), pp. 3447–3451.
- ICPR-2012-TaoKNT #process #recognition
- Camera view usage of binary infrared sensors for activity recognition (ST, MK, HN, JT), pp. 1759–1762.
- ICPR-2012-YangLZC #image #learning #multi #retrieval
- Multi-view learning with batch mode active selection for image retrieval (WY, GL, LZ, EC), pp. 979–982.
- ICPR-2012-YanRLS #classification #learning #multi
- Active transfer learning for multi-view head-pose classification (YY, SR, OL, NS), pp. 1168–1171.
- ICPR-2012-YlimakiKHHB #multi #re-engineering #robust
- Robust and accurate multi-view reconstruction by prioritized matching (MY, JK, JH, JH, SSB), pp. 2673–2676.
- ICPR-2012-ZhangZNH #learning #multi #recognition
- Joint dynamic sparse learning and its application to multi-view face recognition (HZ, YZ, NMN, TSH), pp. 1671–1674.
- KDD-2012-GunnemannFS #clustering #modelling #multi #using
- Multi-view clustering using mixture models in subspace projections (SG, IF, TS), pp. 132–140.
- KDD-2012-ZhangH #induction #learning #multi
- Inductive multi-task learning with multiple view data (JZ, JH), pp. 543–551.
- RE-2012-GrossD #exclamation #requirements #specification #what
- What you need is what you get!: The vision of view-based requirements specifications (AG, JD), pp. 171–180.
- SAC-2012-ManciniFP #combinator #constraints #database #problem #relational #synthesis
- Combinatorial problem solving over relational databases: view synthesis through constraint-based local search (TM, PF, JP), pp. 80–87.
- SAC-2012-ReichertKBB #personalisation #process #scalability #visualisation
- Enabling personalized visualization of large business processes through parameterizable views (MR, JK, RB, TB), pp. 1653–1660.
- PPoPP-2012-KosterMD
- Synchronization views for event-loop actors (JDK, SM, TD), pp. 317–318.
- ISSTA-2012-AlkhalafCFBOK #analysis #consistency #difference #named #nondeterminism #string #validation
- ViewPoints: differential string analysis for discovering client- and server-side input validation inconsistencies (MA, SRC, MF, TB, AO, CK), pp. 56–66.
- WICSA-2011-DemirliT #architecture #modelling #named
- SAVE: Software Architecture Environment for Modeling Views (ED, BT), pp. 355–358.
- HT-2011-JonesA #tool support
- Many views, many modes, many tools & one structure (WJ, KMA), pp. 113–122.
- PODS-2011-DavidsonKMPR #privacy
- Provenance views for module privacy (SBD, SK, TM, DP, SR), pp. 175–186.
- PODS-2011-KimelfeldVW
- Maximizing conjunctive views in deletion propagation (BK, JV, RW), pp. 187–198.
- SIGMOD-2011-MeliouGNS #fault
- Tracing data errors with view-conditioned causality (AM, WG, SN, DS), pp. 505–516.
- VLDB-2012-GoasdoueKLM11 #database #semantics #web
- View Selection in Semantic Web Databases (FG, KK, JL, IM), pp. 97–108.
- FoSSaCS-2011-StahlV #guidelines
- A Trace-Based View on Operating Guidelines (CS, WV), pp. 411–425.
- CSMR-2011-Borchers #assessment #re-engineering
- Invited Talk: Reengineering from a Practitioner’s View — A Personal Lesson’s Learned Assessment (JB), pp. 1–2.
- CSMR-2011-Lopez-HerrejonE #composition #consistency #multi #named #variability
- C2MV2: Consistency and Composition for Managing Variability in Multi-view Systems (RELH, AE), pp. 347–350.
- ICPC-2011-Storey #interactive #java #revisited #source code #visualisation
- An Interactive Visualization Environment for Exploring Java Programs: SHriMP Views Revisited (MADS), p. xviii.
- ICSM-2011-Hindle #perspective #process
- Evidence-based software process recovery: A post-doctoral view (AH), pp. 562–567.
- WCRE-2011-ZhuWPXZ #composition #evolution #monitoring #quality #roadmap
- Monitoring Software Quality Evolution by Analyzing Deviation Trends of Modularity Views (TZ, YW, XP, ZX, WZ), pp. 229–238.
- ICFP-2011-SchrijversO #monad #stack
- Monads, zippers and views: virtualizing the monad stack (TS, BCdSO), pp. 32–44.
- CHI-2011-ChoiHLLL #interactive #named
- RemoteTouch: touch-screen-like interaction in the tv viewing environment (SC, JH, GL, NL, WL), pp. 393–402.
- CHI-2011-MendelsFO #design #multi #named #process
- Freed: a system for creating multiple views of a digital collection during the design process (PM, JWF, KO), pp. 1481–1490.
- DHM-2011-GrafHKM #3d #multi #re-engineering #realtime #video
- Accelerated Real-Time Reconstruction of 3D Deformable Objects from Multi-view Video Channels (HG, LH, SK, CM), pp. 282–291.
- HCI-DDA-2011-DjamasbiST #behaviour #eye tracking #visual notation
- Visual Hierarchy and Viewing Behavior: An Eye Tracking Study (SD, MS, TT), pp. 331–340.
- CAiSE-2011-CabanillasRCA #automation #generative #process
- Automatic Generation of a Data-Centered View of Business Processes (CC, MR, ARC, AA), pp. 352–366.
- CAiSE-2011-KabicherR #analysis #process
- Human-Centered Process Engineering Based on Content Analysis and Process View Aggregation (SK, SRM), pp. 467–481.
- CAiSE-2011-PuraoMR #architecture #enterprise #modelling #ontology #perspective
- Transforming Enterprise Architecture Models: An Artificial Ontology View (SP, RM, ELR), pp. 383–390.
- ICEIS-v2-2011-RenW #perspective
- Declare Value Transportation — An Incomplete Contracting View (YR, QW), pp. 373–377.
- ICEIS-v3-2011-ChakirF #approach #modelling #multi #variability
- A Model Driven Approach Supporting Multi-view Services Modeling and Variability Management (BC, MF), pp. 247–252.
- CIKM-2011-CuiLYJJHGCD #framework #multi #random
- Multi-view random walk framework for search task discovery from click-through log (JC, HL, JY, LJ, RJ, JH, YG, ZC, XD), pp. 135–140.
- CIKM-2011-VliegendhartLKP #network #peer-to-peer
- A peer’s-eye view: network term clouds in a peer-to-peer system (RV, ML, CK, JAP), pp. 1909–1912.
- ICML-2011-ChenWC #automation #composition
- Automatic Feature Decomposition for Single View Co-training (MC, KQW, YC), pp. 953–960.
- ICML-2011-HeL #framework #learning #multi
- A Graphbased Framework for Multi-Task Multi-View Learning (JH, RL), pp. 25–32.
- ICML-2011-KumarD #approach #clustering #multi
- A Co-training Approach for Multi-view Spectral Clustering (AK, HDI), pp. 393–400.
- ICML-2011-QuadriantoL #learning #multi
- Learning Multi-View Neighborhood Preserving Projections (NQ, CHL), pp. 425–432.
- KDD-2011-ZhangHLSL #approach #learning #multi #scalability
- Multi-view transfer learning with a large margin approach (DZ, JH, YL, LS, RDL), pp. 1208–1216.
- KEOD-2011-AhmedMB #approach #dependence #ontology
- Existential Dependency Driven Approach for Extracting Views from Domain Ontology (SSA, MM, SMB), pp. 413–418.
- SEKE-2011-BaillieAAMCB #architecture #component #performance
- A Model-View-DynamicViewModel and its Performance in a Web-based Component Architecture (GB, BA, DA, RM, TMC, RBB), pp. 786–791.
- SEKE-2011-SantosGSF #agile #empirical #implementation #learning #towards
- A view towards Organizational Learning: An empirical study on Scrum implementation (VAS, AG, ACMS, ALF), pp. 583–589.
- SIGIR-2011-LagunA #interactive #named #scalability #web
- ViewSer: enabling large-scale remote user studies of web search examination and interaction (DL, EA), pp. 365–374.
- SIGIR-2011-LiuJWZ #named #twitter
- QuickView: advanced search of tweets (XL, LJ, FW, MZ), pp. 1275–1276.
- ECMFA-2011-GoldschmidtU #incremental #modelling
- Incremental Updates for View-Based Textual Modelling (TG, AU), pp. 172–188.
- SAC-2011-LanLSH #algorithm #analysis #case study #classification #comparative #image
- A comparative study and analysis on K-view based algorithms for image texture classification (YL, HL, ES, CCH), pp. 859–860.
- ICSE-2011-LopezH
- The code orb: supporting contextualized coding via at-a-glance views (NL, AvdH), pp. 824–827.
- ICSE-2011-StengelFAFKD #development #feature model #infinity #interface
- View infinity: a zoomable interface for feature-oriented software development (MS, MF, SA, JF, CK, RD), pp. 1031–1033.
- CSL-2011-Schwencke #nondeterminism #recursion
- A Category Theoretic View of Nondeterministic Recursive Program Schemes (DS), pp. 496–511.
- LICS-2011-BrazdilBCFK #markov #multi #process
- Two Views on Multiple Mean-Payoff Objectives in Markov Decision Processes (TB, VB, KC, VF, AK), pp. 33–42.
- ECSA-2010-VerjusCRD #architecture #framework #named
- BeeEye: A Framework for Constructing Architectural Views (HV, SC, AR, SD), pp. 376–383.
- SIGMOD-2010-FuKOPZ #incremental
- Ajax-based report pages as incrementally rendered views (YF, KK, KWO, YP, KKZ), pp. 567–578.
- SIGMOD-2010-SiferLWB #corpus #keyword #multi #summary
- Integrating keyword search with multiple dimension tree views over a summary corpus data cube (MS, JL, YW, SB), pp. 1167–1170.
- VLDB-2010-BenediktG
- The Impact of Virtual Views on Containment (MB, GG), pp. 297–308.
- VLDB-2010-KimuraHRMZ #correlation #database #design #named
- CORADD: Correlation Aware Database Designer for Materialized Views and Indexes (HK, GH, AR, SM, SBZ), pp. 1103–1113.
- VLDB-2010-LiuSC #workflow
- Searching Workflows with Hierarchical Views (ZL, QS, YC), pp. 918–927.
- ITiCSE-2010-Ezel #assessment #education #how #student
- Assessment methods and how teachers and students view them in a computer science course at Uppsala University (MCE), p. 309.
- ICSM-2010-HindleGH #process #using
- Software process recovery using Recovered Unified Process Views (AH, MWG, RCH), pp. 1–10.
- ICFP-2010-BarbosaCFGP #lens
- Matching lenses: alignment and view update (DMJB, JC, NF, MG, BCP), pp. 193–204.
- SOFTVIS-2010-AnslowMNTB #evaluation #scalability #using #visualisation
- User evaluation of polymetric views using a large visualization wall (CA, SM, JN, EDT, RB), pp. 25–34.
- EDOC-2010-EshuisN #framework #outsourcing #process #using
- A Framework for Service Outsourcing Using Process Views (RE, AN), pp. 99–108.
- EDOC-2010-SchummLS #process
- Process Viewing Patterns (DS, FL, AS), pp. 89–98.
- ICEIS-DISI-2010-LemosCV #query #relational #sql #using #xml
- Using SQL/XML for Efficiently Translating Queries over XML View of Relational Data (FCL, CC, VMPV), pp. 269–274.
- ICEIS-HCI-2010-WuLFW #perspective
- The Acceptance of Wireless Healthcare for Individuals — An Integrative View (ILW, JYL, CYF, SMW), pp. 124–130.
- CIKM-2010-CiglanN #detection #named #personalisation #statistics #wiki
- WikiPop: personalized event detection system based on Wikipedia page view statistics (MC, KN), pp. 1931–1932.
- CIKM-2010-EatondJ #clustering #constraints #learning #multi
- Multi-view clustering with constraint propagation for learning with an incomplete mapping between views (EE, Md, SJ), pp. 389–398.
- ICML-2010-NiuDJ #clustering #multi
- Multiple Non-Redundant Spectral Clustering Views (DN, JGD, MIJ), pp. 831–838.
- ICML-2010-Scherrer #difference #fixpoint #perspective
- Should one compute the Temporal Difference fix point or minimize the Bellman Residual? The unified oblique projection view (BS), pp. 959–966.
- ICPR-2010-AshrafSF #constraints #invariant #rank #recognition #using
- View-Invariant Action Recognition Using Rank Constraint (NA, YS, HF), pp. 3611–3614.
- ICPR-2010-ChoiMLSBPF #3d #multi #re-engineering #using
- 3D Face Reconstruction Using a Single or Multiple Views (JC, GGM, YL, LS, ORPB, MP, TCF), pp. 3959–3962.
- ICPR-2010-DasKK #detection #multi #optimisation
- Sub-Category Optimization for Multi-view Multi-pose Object Detection (DD, YK, YK), pp. 1405–1408.
- ICPR-2010-DederscheckZFM
- Optical Rails: View-Based Track Following with Hemispherical Environment Model and Orientation View Descriptors (DD, MZ, HF, RM), pp. 2752–2755.
- ICPR-2010-DOrazioLM #generative #multi #synthesis #video
- Panoramic Video Generation by Multi View Data Synthesis (TD, ML, NM), pp. 4105–4108.
- ICPR-2010-FilipHC
- Gaze-Motivated Compression of Illumination and View Dependent Textures (JF, MH, MJC), pp. 862–865.
- ICPR-2010-FujiyamaSS #geometry #multi
- Multiple View Geometries for Mirrors and Cameras (SF, FS, JS), pp. 45–48.
- ICPR-2010-HabeMK #automation #composition #image #video
- Automatic Composition of an Informative Wide-View Image from Video (HH, SM, MK), pp. 4117–4120.
- ICPR-2010-HoriKY #generative #image #multi #sequence #using
- Arbitrary Stereoscopic View Generation Using Multiple Omnidirectional Image Sequences (MH, MK, NY), pp. 286–289.
- ICPR-2010-HuangCWC #modelling #probability
- Probabilistic Modeling of Dynamic Traffic Flow across Non-overlapping Camera Views (CH, WcC, SJW, JHC), pp. 3332–3335.
- ICPR-2010-HuCY #estimation #interactive
- Hand Pointing Estimation for Human Computer Interaction Based on Two Orthogonal-Views (KH, SJC, LY), pp. 3760–3763.
- ICPR-2010-HurWL #estimation #invariant #learning
- View Invariant Body Pose Estimation Based on Biased Manifold Learning (DH, CW, SWL), pp. 3866–3869.
- ICPR-2010-IiyamaKM #image #multi
- Super-Resolution Texture Mapping from Multiple View Images (MI, KK, MM), pp. 1820–1823.
- ICPR-2010-KatoSS #constraints #geometry #multi
- Extended Multiple View Geometry for Lights and Cameras from Photometric and Geometric Constraints (KK, FS, JS), pp. 2110–2113.
- ICPR-2010-KoskenkorvaKB
- Quasi-dense Wide Baseline Matching for Three Views (PK, JK, SSB), pp. 806–809.
- ICPR-2010-KusakunniranWZL #multi #recognition #using
- Multi-view Gait Recognition Based on Motion Regression Using Multilayer Perceptron (WK, QW, JZ, HL), pp. 2186–2189.
- ICPR-2010-LiH #image
- A Full-View Spherical Image Format (SL, YH), pp. 2337–2340.
- ICPR-2010-MahdhaouiC #classification #multi #speech
- Emotional Speech Classification Based on Multi View Characterization (AM, MC), pp. 4488–4491.
- ICPR-2010-Mirzaei #algorithm #clustering #multi #novel
- A Novel Multi-view Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm Based on Ensemble of Partitions on Different Views (HM), pp. 1007–1010.
- ICPR-2010-PengHRYZ #orthogonal
- Single View Metrology Along Orthogonal Directions (KP, LH, RR, XY, HZ), pp. 1658–1661.
- ICPR-2010-RaytchevMTK #invariant #recognition
- View-Invariant Object Recognition with Visibility Maps (BR, TM, TT, KK), pp. 1040–1043.
- ICPR-2010-RodolaAT #approach #game studies #multi #robust
- A Game-Theoretic Approach to Robust Selection of Multi-view Point Correspondence (ER, AA, AT), pp. 57–60.
- ICPR-2010-RudovicPP #multi #recognition
- Regression-Based Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition (OR, IP, MP), pp. 4121–4124.
- ICPR-2010-RutherB #coordination #estimation #multi #novel
- Novel Multi View Structure Estimation Based on Barycentric Coordinates (MR, HB), pp. 193–196.
- ICPR-2010-RybokVES #estimation #multi
- Multi-view Based Estimation of Human Upper-Body Orientation (LR, MV, HKE, RS), pp. 1558–1561.
- ICPR-2010-TrummerMD #online #optimisation #using
- Online Next-Best-View Planning for Accuracy Optimization Using an Extended E-Criterion (MT, CM, JD), pp. 1642–1645.
- ICPR-2010-UchiyamaDTIM #image #multi #sequence
- Removal of Moving Objects from a Street-View Image by Fusing Multiple Image Sequences (HU, DD, TT, II, HM), pp. 3456–3459.
- ICPR-2010-WanS #geometry #multi
- Multiple View Geometry for Non-rigid Motions Viewed from Curvilinear Motion Projective Cameras (CW, JS), pp. 181–184.
- ICPR-2010-XingAL #detection #learning #multi
- Multiple Human Tracking Based on Multi-view Upper-Body Detection and Discriminative Learning (JX, HA, SL), pp. 1698–1701.
- KDIR-2010-ArmanoV #recommendation
- A Unifying View of Contextual Advertising and Recommender Systems (GA, EV), pp. 463–466.
- RecSys-2010-Servan-Schreiber #recommendation
- Recommendation analytics: the business view, and the business case (ESS), pp. 215–216.
- SEKE-2010-HuKYJS #assessment #evolution #named #quality
- VESTA: A View-based Software Quality Assessment Model for Software Evolution Management (WCH, CHK, FPY, HCJ, KFS), pp. 345–348.
- SIGIR-2010-KimAGG #clustering #documentation #multi
- Multi-view clustering of multilingual documents (YMK, MRA, CG, PG), pp. 821–822.
- ECMFA-2010-Atkinson #approach #modelling #novel #re-engineering
- Orthographic Software Modelling: A Novel Approach to View-Based Software Engineering (CA), p. 1.
- ECMFA-2010-Lopez-HerrejonE #consistency #detection #modelling #multi #nondeterminism #variability
- Detecting Inconsistencies in Multi-View Models with Variability (RELH, AE), pp. 217–232.
- REFSQ-2010-HubauxHSD #multi #towards
- Towards Multi-view Feature-Based Configuration (AH, PH, PYS, DD), pp. 106–112.
- SAC-2010-LajmiZZC #approach #component #modelling #multi
- A multi-view model-driven approach for packaging software components (AL, MZ, TZ, SC), pp. 2297–2304.
- SAC-2010-LanLSH #algorithm #classification #image #using
- An improved K-view algorithm for image texture classification using new characteristic views selection methods (YL, HL, ES, CCH), pp. 959–963.
- ICSE-2010-DemskyL #concurrent #named
- Views: object-inspired concurrency control (BD, PL), pp. 395–404.
- CBSE-2009-BotaschanjanH #architecture #functional
- Integrating Functional and Architectural Views of Reactive Systems (JB, AH), pp. 156–172.
- ASE-2009-BiermannEEH #eclipse #framework #generative #modelling #simulation
- Generation of Simulation Views for Domain Specific Modeling Languages Based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EB, KE, CE, JH), pp. 625–629.
- DAC-2009-ChengGSQH #modelling #variability
- Physically justifiable die-level modeling of spatial variation in view of systematic across wafer variability (LC, PG, CJS, KQ, LH), pp. 104–109.
- HT-2009-MitchellM #authoring #design #hypermedia #multi #tool support
- Designing hypertext tools to facilitate authoring multiple points-of-view stories (AM, KM), pp. 309–316.
- SIGMOD-2009-AgrawalSCSR #database #maintenance
- Asynchronous view maintenance for VLSD databases (PA, AS, BFC, US, RR), pp. 179–192.
- SIGMOD-2009-SunLDC #analysis #detection #workflow
- Detecting and resolving unsound workflow views for correct provenance analysis (PS, ZL, SBD, YC), pp. 549–562.
- VLDB-2009-BaoBDG #difference #named #workflow
- PDiffView: Viewing the Difference in Provenance of Workflow Results (ZB, SCB, SBD, PG), pp. 1638–1641.
- VLDB-2009-El-HelwIZ #named #recommendation #statistics
- StatAdvisor: Recommending Statistical Views (AEH, IFI, CZ), pp. 1306–1317.
- VLDB-2009-SunLNDC #analysis #detection #named #workflow
- WOLVES: Achieving Correct Provenance Analysis by Detecting and Resolving Unsound Workflow Views (PS, ZL, SN, SBD, YC), pp. 1614–1617.
- ITiCSE-2009-BauerFDBK #online #student
- The student view on online peer reviews (CB, KF, MD, PPB, SK), pp. 26–30.
- ITiCSE-2009-TaubBA #student
- The effect of CS unplugged on middle-school students’ views of CS (RT, MBA, MA), pp. 99–103.
- CSMR-2009-BittencourtG #algorithm #architecture #clustering #comparison #graph
- Comparison of Graph Clustering Algorithms for Recovering Software Architecture Module Views (RAB, DDSG), pp. 251–254.
- CSMR-2009-Gyimothy #developer #metric #quality
- To Use or Not to Use? The Metrics to Measure Software Quality (Developers’ View) (TG), pp. 3–4.
- ICSM-2009-KnabFGP #interactive #problem
- Interactive views for analyzing problem reports (PK, BF, HG, MP), pp. 527–530.
- ICSM-2009-RothlisbergerHVABNM #ide #metric
- Augmenting static source views in IDEs with dynamic metrics (DR, MH, AV, DA, WB, ON, PM), pp. 253–262.
- ICSM-2009-RothlisbergerHVABNM09a #eclipse #metric #named
- Senseo: Enriching Eclipse’s static source views with dynamic metrics (DR, MH, AV, DA, WB, ON, PM), pp. 383–384.
- WCRE-1999-AckermannLC99a #behaviour #interactive
- Recovering Views of Inter-System Interaction Behaviors (CA, ML, RC), pp. 53–61.
- WCRE-1999-AriasAA99a #resource management #scalability
- Constructing a Resource Usage View of a Large and Complex Software-Intensive System (TBCA, PA, PA), pp. 247–255.
- CHI-2009-Thom-SantelliM #learning
- Learning by seeing: photo viewing in the workplace (JTS, DRM), pp. 2081–2090.
- CHI-2009-TsaiKDCHS #feedback #mobile
- Who’s viewed you?: the impact of feedback in a mobile location-sharing application (JYT, PGK, PHD, LFC, JIH, NMS), pp. 2003–2012.
- HCI-NT-2009-AhmedMB #human-computer #interactive
- Aesthetics in Human-Computer Interaction: Views and Reviews (SUA, AAM, KB), pp. 559–568.
- HIMI-DIE-2009-Soderston #experience #tool support #user interface
- A Retrospective and Prospective View of Information Technology Professionals’ Use of Tools: Maturing the User Experience (CS), pp. 306–315.
- IDGD-2009-Sun #design
- Designing for a Dialogic View of Interpretation in Cross-Cultural IT Design (HS), pp. 108–116.
- OCSC-2009-TsuchihashiO #case study #interface #using
- A Study on the Interface for Viewing the Information Menu of a Town from Intersections Using a Digital Compass (MT, KO), pp. 126–133.
- VISSOFT-2009-VoigtBD #information management
- Enhancing structural views of software systems by dynamic information (SV, JB, JD), pp. 47–50.
- CAiSE-2009-WeigandJAB #design #modelling #towards
- Value-Based Service Modeling and Design: Toward a Unified View of Services (HW, PJ, BA, MB), pp. 410–424.
- CIKM-2009-AltingovdeOU #query #web
- Exploiting query views for static index pruning in web search engines (ISA, RO, ÖU), pp. 1951–1954.
- CIKM-2009-WuTW #query #revisited #using #xml
- Answering XML queries using materialized views revisited (XW, DT, WHW), pp. 475–484.
- ICML-2009-ChaudhuriKLS #analysis #canonical #clustering #correlation #multi
- Multi-view clustering via canonical correlation analysis (KC, SMK, KL, KS), pp. 129–136.
- RecSys-2009-LousameS #recommendation
- View-based recommender systems (FPL, ES), pp. 389–392.
- RecSys-2009-WedelRC #personalisation #recommendation
- Up close and personalized: a marketing view of recommendation systems (MW, RTR, TSC), pp. 3–4.
- ECMDA-FA-2009-ChenM #consistency #guidelines #uml
- A Language-Theoretic View on Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML (ZC, GM), pp. 66–81.
- RE-2009-Lamsweerde #modelling #multi #requirements
- Building Multi-View System Models for Requirements Engineering (AvL), pp. 368–369.
- RE-2009-OmoronyiaSRFW #case study #developer #navigation #source code #traceability
- Use Case to Source Code Traceability: The Developer Navigation View Point (IO, GS, MR, JDF, MW), pp. 237–242.
- RE-2009-WaldmannJ #feature model #perspective #requirements #reuse
- Feature-oriented Requirements Satisfy Needs for Reuse and Systems View (BW, PJ), pp. 329–334.
- SAC-2009-ChunLSC #multi #predict #using #video
- An enhanced multi-view video compression using the constrained inter-view prediction (SC, SL, KS, KC), pp. 1811–1815.
- SAC-2009-EshuisN #outsourcing #process
- Constructing process views for service outsourcing (RE, AN), pp. 1615–1616.
- SAC-2009-LiuDSYH #algorithm #classification #image #invariant #using
- A new K-View algorithm for texture image classification using rotation-invariant feature (HL, SD, ES, CY, CCH), pp. 914–921.
- SAC-2009-MaoLPCH #approach #detection #learning #multi
- Semi-supervised co-training and active learning based approach for multi-view intrusion detection (CHM, HML, DP, TC, SYH), pp. 2042–2048.
- SAC-2009-PaganoPL #multi #realtime #using
- Real-time multi-view vision systems using WSNs (PP, FP, YL), pp. 2191–2196.
- ESEC-FSE-2009-KnabKP #problem
- Smart views for analyzing problem reports: tool demo (PK, HG, MP), pp. 289–290.
- ICSE-2009-TreudeS09a #named #timeline
- ConcernLines: A timeline view of co-occurring concerns (CT, MADS), pp. 575–578.
- SLE-2009-AlferezSMGKAA #composition #multi #product line #requirements
- Multi-view Composition Language for Software Product Line Requirements (MA, JPS, AMDM, AG, UK, JA, VA), pp. 103–122.
- ECSA-2008-BouckeWHHH #architecture
- Characterizing Relations between Architectural Views (NB, DW, RH, TH, AH), pp. 66–81.
- WICSA-2008-Kennaley #3d #architecture #framework #quote
- “The 3+1 Views of Architecture (in 3D)”: An Amplification of the 4+1 Viewpoint Framework (MK), pp. 299–302.
- WICSA-2008-RadjenovicP #architecture #consistency #dependence
- The Role of Dependency Links in Ensuring Architectural View Consistency (AR, RFP), pp. 199–208.
- ASE-2008-LiHG #code generation #interface #modelling #multi #named #process
- MaramaEML: An Integrated Multi-View Business Process Modelling Environment with Tree-Overlays, Zoomable Interfaces and Code Generation (RLL, JGH, JCG), pp. 477–478.
- CASE-2008-LiF
- Full-view car navigator (SL, KF), pp. 744–749.
- VLDB-2008-NezhadBSCA #process
- Process spaceship: discovering and exploring process views from event logs in data spaces (HRMN, BB, RSP, FC, PA), pp. 1412–1415.
- VLDB-2008-PaquetV #database #named #perspective
- Capri/MR: exploring protein databases from a structural and physicochemical point of view (EP, HLV), pp. 1504–1507.
- FASE-2008-EhrigEEP #consistency #integration #modelling #visual notation
- Consistent Integration of Models Based on Views of Visual Languages (HE, KE, CE, UP), pp. 62–76.
- ICPC-2008-BohnetVD #comprehension #execution
- Locating and Understanding Features of Complex Software Systems by Synchronizing Time-, Collaboration- and Code-Focused Views on Execution Traces (JB, SV, JD), pp. 268–271.
- ICPC-2008-FonsecaCHP #behaviour #how #web
- How to Interconnect Operational and Behavioral Views of Web Applications (RFCdF, DCdC, PRH, MJVP), pp. 263–267.
- ICSM-2008-ZhangBJAL #analysis #generative #visual notation
- Query-based filtering and graphical view generation for clone analysis (YZ, HAB, SJ, DA, ML), pp. 376–385.
- SEFM-2008-HofnerKM #algebra
- Algebraic View Reconciliation (PH, RK, BM), pp. 85–94.
- GT-VMT-2006-JakobS08 #graph grammar #metamodelling #modelling #using
- View Creation of Meta Models by Using Modified Triple Graph Grammars (JJ, AS), pp. 181–190.
- CSCW-2008-DantecE
- The view from the trenches: organization, power, and technology at two nonprofit homeless outreach centers (CALD, WKE), pp. 589–598.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-VidalLAC #approach #maintenance #sql #xml
- A Mapping-Driven Approach for SQL/XML View Maintenance (VMPV, FCL, VdSA, MAC), pp. 65–73.
- ICEIS-ISAS1-2008-IdaniC #towards #uml
- Towards Reverse-Engineering of UML Views from Structured Formal Developments (AI, BC), pp. 94–103.
- ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-Prpitsch #process #using
- From Process to Software Systems’ Service — Using a Layered Model to Connect Technical and Process-related Views (CP), pp. 298–304.
- CIKM-2008-KormilitsinCFS #algorithm #heuristic
- View and index selection for query-performance improvement: quality-centered algorithms and heuristics (MK, RC, YF, MFS), pp. 1329–1330.
- CIKM-2008-LuoY #maintenance #online #performance
- Content-based filtering for efficient online materialized view maintenance (GL, PSY), pp. 163–172.
- ECIR-2008-MetzlerSC #modelling #retrieval #statistics
- A Statistical View of Binned Retrieval Models (DM, TS, WBC), pp. 175–186.
- ECIR-2008-SongTWHY #perspective #proximity
- Viewing Term Proximity from a Different Perspective (RS, MJT, JRW, HWH, YY), pp. 346–357.
- ICML-2008-HamL #analysis #learning
- Grassmann discriminant analysis: a unifying view on subspace-based learning (JH, DDL), pp. 376–383.
- ICML-2008-SindhwaniR #learning #multi
- An RKHS for multi-view learning and manifold co-regularization (VS, DSR), pp. 976–983.
- ICML-2008-WangZ #learning #multi #on the
- On multi-view active learning and the combination with semi-supervised learning (WW, ZHZ), pp. 1152–1159.
- ICPR-2008-HuZYWTH #case study #recognition
- A study of non-frontal-view facial expressions recognition (YH, ZZ, LY, XW, JT, TSH), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-KawaiTFK #3d #performance #representation #web
- Efficient meta-information annotation and view-dependent representation system for 3D objects on the Web (YK, ST, RF, HK), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-LiuJ #classification #multi
- Violence classification based on shape variations from multiple views (FL, YJ), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-LuJZ #detection #effectiveness #segmentation
- An effective method for detection and segmentation of the body of human in the view of a single stationary camera (HL, CJ, RZ), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-SrestasathiernY #invariant #recognition
- View invariant object recognition (PS, AY), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-ThomeA #bottom-up #detection #invariant
- A bottom-up, view-point invariant human detector (NT, SA), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-TianFG #composition #multi #recognition
- Multi-view face recognition by nonlinear tensor decomposition (CT, GF, XG), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-UdeA #perspective #recognition
- Control and recognition on a humanoid head with cameras having different field of view (AU, TA), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-WangQ #3d #correlation #performance #recognition
- 3D object recognition by fast spherical correlation between combined view EGIs and PFT (DW, HQ), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-WanS #geometry #multi
- Computing multiple view geometry in space-time from mutual projections of multiple cameras (CW, JS), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-WuF #3d #classification #learning #multi #using
- Multiple view based 3D object classification using ensemble learning of local subspaces (JW, KF), pp. 1–4.
- KDD-2008-BlockeelCFGPR #database #induction #mining #prototype
- An inductive database prototype based on virtual mining views (HB, TC, ÉF, BG, AP, CR), pp. 1061–1064.
- KDD-2008-ZhouX #correlation #perspective
- Volatile correlation computation: a checkpoint view (WZ, HX), pp. 848–856.
- KR-2008-CalvaneseGLR #logic #ontology #query
- View-Based Query Answering over Description Logic Ontologies (DC, GDG, ML, RR), pp. 242–251.
- SEKE-2008-DezhkamS #design #diagrams
- Knowledge Transformation from Task Scenarios to View-based Design Diagrams (ND, KS), pp. 26–32.
- BX-2008-Terwilliger1 #user interface #visual notation
- Graphical User Interfaces as Updatable Views (JT), p. 32.
- BX-2008-Wang1 #abstraction #bidirectional
- Translucent Abstraction: Safe Views Through Bidirectional Transformations (MW), p. 41.
- ECMDA-FA-2008-HolmesTZD #approach #aspect-oriented #modelling #process
- Modeling Human Aspects of Business Processes — A View-Based, Model-Driven Approach (TH, HT, UZ, SD), pp. 246–261.
- SAC-2008-NunesC08a #artificial reality #challenge #health #perspective
- The virtual reality challenges in the health care area: a panoramic view (FLSN, RMEMdC), pp. 1312–1316.
- SAC-2008-Rohloff #architecture
- An integrated view on business- and IT-architecture (MR), pp. 561–565.
- FSE-2008-Baldwin
- A design-centric view of the economy: abstract (CB), p. 1.
- ICSE-2008-GrundyHHL #eclipse #generative #multi #named
- Marama: an eclipse meta-toolset for generating multi-view environments (JCG, JGH, JH, KNLL), pp. 819–822.
- ECSA-2007-CorderoS #architecture #composition #perspective
- Analyzing Styles of the Modular Software Architecture View (RNLC, IRS), pp. 275–278.
- WICSA-2007-OliveiraW #approach #architecture #modelling
- A Model-Driven Approach to Extract Views from an Architecture Description Language (CO, MW), p. 7.
- CASE-2007-LiI #image #locality
- Qualitative Localization by Full-View Spherical Image (SL, TI), pp. 566–571.
- DATE-2007-Huomo #communication #ubiquitous
- Emerging solutions technology and business views for the ubiquitous communication (HH), p. 678.
- DATE-2007-LisselGG #design #industrial #perspective #verification
- Introducing new verification methods into a company’s design flow: an industrial user’s point of view (RL, JG), pp. 689–694.
- ICDAR-2007-Fujisawa #documentation #future of #past present future #recognition
- A View on the Past and Future of Character and Document Recognition (HF), pp. 3–7.
- PODS-2007-Marx #query
- Queries determined by views: pack your views (MM), pp. 23–30.
- SIGMOD-2007-LarsonLZZ #assurance #estimation #quality #using
- Cardinality estimation using sample views with quality assurance (PÅL, WL, JZ, PZ), pp. 175–186.
- SIGMOD-2007-LarsonLZZ07a #estimation #self
- Exploiting self-monitoring sample views for cardinality estimation (PÅL, WL, JZ, PZ), pp. 1073–1075.
- SIGMOD-2007-LuWZMLRY #generative #named
- MySearchView: a customized metasearch engine generator (YL, ZW, HZ, WM, KLL, VVR, CTY), pp. 1113–1115.
- VLDB-2007-ArionBMP #query #xml
- Structured Materialized Views for XML Queries (AA, VB, IM, YP), pp. 87–98.
- VLDB-2007-BitonBD #query #workflow
- Zoom*UserViews: Querying Relevant Provenance in Workflow Systems (OB, SCB, SBD), pp. 1366–1369.
- VLDB-2007-LimWW #using
- Unifying Data and Domain Knowledge Using Virtual Views (LL, HW, MW), pp. 255–266.
- VLDB-2007-ReS #database #optimisation #probability #query
- Materialized Views in Probabilistic Databases for Information Exchange and Query Optimization (CR, DS), pp. 51–62.
- VLDB-2007-ShaoGBBCYS #keyword #performance #xml
- Efficient Keyword Search over Virtual XML Views (FS, LG, CB, AB, MC, FY, JS), pp. 1057–1068.
- VLDB-2007-WuLXHLR #database #named
- DataScope: Viewing Database Contents in Google Maps’ Way (TW, XL, DX, JH, JL, RR), pp. 1314–1317.
- VLDB-2007-ZhouLE #lazy evaluation #maintenance
- Lazy Maintenance of Materialized Views (JZ, PÅL, HGE), pp. 231–242.
- CSMR-2007-LangeWC #evolution #monitoring #named #quality #uml
- MetricViewEvolution: UML-based Views for Monitoring Model Evolution and Quality (CFJL, MAMW, MRVC), pp. 327–328.
- CSMR-2007-Lormans #evolution #monitoring #requirements #using
- Monitoring Requirements Evolution using Views (ML), pp. 349–352.
- CSMR-2007-Sartipi #evolution #integration #multi #tool support
- A Multi-view Toolkit to Assist Software Integration and Evolution (KS), pp. 337–338.
- ICPC-2007-CornelissenHZMWD #comprehension #execution #sequence #using
- Understanding Execution Traces Using Massive Sequence and Circular Bundle Views (BC, DH, AZ, LM, JJvW, AvD), pp. 49–58.
- ICPC-2007-LangeC #comprehension #interactive #modelling #uml #validation
- Interactive Views to Improve the Comprehension of UML Models — An Experimental Validation (CFJL, MRVC), pp. 221–230.
- WCRE-2007-Cornelissen #architecture #dynamic analysis #re-engineering
- Dynamic Analysis Techniques for the Reconstruction of Architectural Views (BC), pp. 281–284.
- WCRE-2007-SchaferAMMO #clustering #framework #generative
- Clustering for Generating Framework Top-Level Views (TS, IA, MM, MM, KO), pp. 239–248.
- ICALP-2007-HasuoJU #category theory
- Categorical Views on Computations on Trees (Extended Abstract) (IH, BJ, TU), pp. 619–630.
- ICFP-2007-MatsudaHNHT #automation #bidirectional
- Bidirectionalization transformation based on automatic derivation of view complement functions (KM, ZH, KN, MH, MT), pp. 47–58.
- AGTIVE-2007-AndresLG #domain-specific language #visual notation
- Domain Specific Languages with Graphical and Textual Views (FPA, JdL, EG), pp. 82–97.
- AGTIVE-2007-RangerGH #graph #interface
- Defining Abstract Graph Views as Module Interfaces (UR, KG, MH), pp. 120–135.
- HCI-AS-2007-ConvertinoZGCR #approach #distributed #multi
- A Role-Based Multiple View Approach to Distributed Geo-Collaboration (GC, DZ, CHG, JMC, MBR), pp. 561–570.
- HCI-AS-2007-SekiWYYH #case study #multi
- Multiple Viewed Search Engine for an e-Journal — A Case Study on Zoological Science (TS, TW, YY, NY, SH), pp. 989–998.
- HCI-IPT-2007-WuH #visualisation
- The Perceptual Eye View: A User-Defined Method for Information Visualization (LHW, PYH), pp. 181–190.
- HCI-MIE-2007-NodaITF #adaptation #semantics #web
- An Adaptive Web Browsing Method for Various Terminals: A Semantic Over-Viewing Method (HN, TI, YT, SF), pp. 440–448.
- HCI-MIE-2007-WonCKC #authoring
- Customer-Dependent Storytelling Tool with Authoring and Viewing Functions (SW, MYC, GYK, HIC), pp. 1000–1009.
- HIMI-IIE-2007-ParkJ07b #interface #multi #video
- Integrated Multi-view Compensation for Real Sense Video Interfaces (JP, BJ), pp. 608–617.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-ParkB07b #adaptation #distance #realtime
- Real-Time Stereoscopic Conversion with Adaptable Viewing Distance at Personal Stereoscopic Viewing Devices (IP, HB), pp. 738–746.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-ZhangCF #image #multi #named #personalisation #retrieval #video
- MyView: Personalized Event Retrieval and Video Compositing from Multi-camera Video Images (CCZ, SBC, SF), pp. 549–558.
- VISSOFT-2007-CosmaM #distributed #visualisation
- Distributable Features View: Visualizing the Structural Characteristics of Distributed Software Systems (DCC, RM), pp. 55–62.
- VISSOFT-2007-HoltenCW #sequence #using #visualisation
- Trace Visualization Using Hierarchical Edge Bundles and Massive Sequence Views (DH, BC, JJvW), pp. 47–54.
- VISSOFT-2007-KagdiM #diagrams #graph #uml
- Onion Graphs for Focus+Context Views of UML Class Diagrams (HHK, JIM), pp. 80–87.
- ICEIS-DISI-2007-AouicheL #comparison #estimation
- UNASSSUMING view-size estimation techniques in OLAP — an experimental comparison (KA, DL), pp. 145–150.
- ICEIS-DISI-2007-TraversD #graph #optimisation #perspective #xquery
- An extensible rule transformation model for XQuery optimization — rules pattern for XQuery tree graph view (NT, TTDN), pp. 351–358.
- ICEIS-HCI-2007-IshikawaYY #multi #novel #using
- Novel View Telepresence with High-Scalability Using Multi-Casted Omni-Directional Videos (TI, KY, NY), pp. 148–156.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2007-BoukadiGMB #petri net #specification #using #verification #web #web service
- Specification and Verification of Views over Composite Web Services Using High Level Petri-Nets (KB, CG, ZM, DB), pp. 107–112.
- CIKM-2007-NamataSGS #approach #interactive #network #visualisation
- A dual-view approach to interactive network visualization (GN, BS, LG, BS), pp. 939–942.
- ICML-2007-AndoZ #generative #learning
- Two-view feature generation model for semi-supervised learning (RKA, TZ), pp. 25–32.
- ICML-2007-SongSGB #clustering #dependence
- A dependence maximization view of clustering (LS, AJS, AG, KMB), pp. 815–822.
- ICML-2007-ZhouB #clustering #learning #multi
- Spectral clustering and transductive learning with multiple views (DZ, CJCB), pp. 1159–1166.
- MLDM-2007-HebertC #metric
- A Unified View of Objective Interestingness Measures (CH, BC), pp. 533–547.
- SEKE-2007-Urban #education #research #specification
- A View on Software Specification Research and Education Advancement (JU), p. 1.
- SIGIR-2007-JansenSB #learning #online #paradigm
- Viewing online searching within a learning paradigm (BJJ, BKS, DLB), pp. 859–860.
- ECMDA-FA-2007-HerrmannKRSV #algebra #composition #semantics
- An Algebraic View on the Semantics of Model Composition (CH, HK, BR, MS, SV), pp. 99–113.
- LOPSTR-2007-Poernomo #communication #process #synthesis
- Synthesis of Data Views for Communicating Processes (IP), pp. 185–200.
- RE-2007-KwanMD #requirements
- Viewing Project Collaborators WhoWork on Interrelated Requirements (IK, SM, DD), pp. 369–370.
- SAC-2007-GhourabiITMK #algebra #axiom #logic
- Logical and algebraic view of Huzita’s origami axioms with applications to computational origami (FG, TI, HT, MM, AK), pp. 767–772.
- ICSE-2007-BurmesterGHHTGMV #perspective #realtime #tool support
- Tool Support for Developing Advanced Mechatronic Systems: Integrating the Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite with CAMeL-View (SB, HG, SH, MH, MT, AG, EM, HV), pp. 801–804.
- SOSP-2007-LaadanBPPN #named
- DejaView: a personal virtual computer recorder (OL, RAB, DBP, SP, JN), pp. 279–292.
- ICLP-2007-CaropreseTZ #constraints
- View Updating Through Active Integrity Constraints (LC, IT, EZ), pp. 430–431.
- ASE-2006-Abi-AntounANSG #architecture #difference
- Differencing and Merging of Architectural Views (MAA, JA, NHN, BRS, DG), pp. 47–58.
- ASE-2006-Sabetzadeh #consistency
- Management of Incomplete and Inconsistent Views (MS), pp. 339–342.
- PODS-2006-BohannonPV #lens #relational
- Relational lenses: a language for updatable views (AB, BCP, JAV), pp. 338–347.
- SIGMOD-2006-DeshpandeM #database #modelling #named
- MauveDB: supporting model-based user views in database systems (AD, SM), pp. 73–84.
- SIGMOD-2006-GouKC #evaluation #performance #query #using
- Query evaluation using overlapping views: completeness and efficiency (GG, MK, RC), pp. 37–48.
- SIGMOD-2006-OnoseDPC #query #using #xml
- Rewriting nested XML queries using nested views (NO, AD, YP, EC), pp. 443–454.
- SIGMOD-2006-ZuzarteY #approximate #performance #statistics
- Fast approximate computation of statistics on views (CZ, XY), p. 724.
- VLDB-2006-DasGKT #query #using
- Answering Top-k Queries Using Views (GD, DG, NK, DT), pp. 451–462.
- VLDB-2006-LakshmananWZ #query #using
- Answering Tree Pattern Queries Using Views (LVSL, WHW, Z(Z), pp. 571–582.
- VLDB-2006-MissierEGPJ #quality
- Quality Views: Capturing and Exploiting the User Perspective on Data Quality (PM, SME, RMG, ADP, BJ), pp. 977–988.
- VLDB-2006-SawiresTPAAC #maintenance #xpath
- Maintaining XPath Views In Loosely Coupled Systems (AS, JT, OP, DA, AEA, KSC), pp. 583–594.
- ITiCSE-2006-Lauer #algorithm #interactive #visualisation
- Learner interaction with algorithm visualizations: viewing vs. changing vs. constructing (TL), pp. 202–206.
- ICPC-2006-DesmondSE #source code
- Fluid Source Code Views (MD, MADS, CE), pp. 260–263.
- ICPC-2006-SartipiYS #interactive #named #tool support
- Alborz: An Interactive Toolkit to Extract Static and Dynamic Views of a Software System (KS, LY, HS), pp. 256–259.
- ICSM-2006-NeginhalK #c #comprehension #graph #reduction
- Event Views and Graph Reductions for Understanding System Level C Code (SN, SK), pp. 279–288.
- ICSM-2006-Notkin #re-engineering #research
- Unconventional Views on Conventional Wisdom about Software Engineering Research (DN), p. 201.
- WCRE-2006-LormansGDSS #case study #industrial #monitoring #requirements #using
- Monitoring Requirements Coverage using Reconstructed Views: An Industrial Case Study (ML, HGG, AvD, RvS, AS), pp. 275–284.
- WCRE-2006-SartipiDS #architecture #multi #re-engineering
- An Orchestrated Multi-view Software Architecture Reconstruction Environment (KS, ND, HS), pp. 61–70.
- WCRE-2006-ZouG #case study #industrial #maintenance
- An Industrial Case Study of Program Artifacts Viewed During Maintenance Tasks (LZ, MWG), pp. 71–82.
- ICALP-v1-2006-Marx #optimisation #problem
- A Parameterized View on Matroid Optimization Problems (DM), pp. 655–666.
- SEFM-2006-Khedker #perspective #source code #static analysis
- Static Analysis of Programs: A Heap Centric View (UPK), p. 261.
- ICGT-2006-GuerraL #graph transformation
- Model View Management with Triple Graph Transformation Systems (EG, JdL), pp. 351–366.
- ICGT-2006-JakobKS #graph grammar #specification
- Non-materialized Model View Specification with Triple Graph Grammars (JJ, AK, AS), pp. 321–335.
- CHI-2006-JakobsenH #source code
- Evaluating a fisheye view of source code (MRJ, KH), pp. 377–386.
- CHI-2006-KoM #editing #framework #implementation #interactive #named #tool support
- Barista: An implementation framework for enabling new tools, interaction techniques and views in code editors (AJK, BAM), pp. 387–396.
- EDOC-2006-ChiuHCK #adaptation #enterprise #ubiquitous
- Adapting Ubiquitous Enterprise Services with Context and Views (DKWC, DH, SCC, EK), pp. 391–394.
- EDOC-2006-ZahaDHBD #interactive #modelling
- Service Interaction Modeling: Bridging Global and Local Views (JMZ, MD, AHMtH, APB, GD), pp. 45–55.
- ICEIS-DISI-2006-ZhengLOA #performance #xml
- Efficient Mechanism for Handling Materialized XML Views (JZ, ACWL, TÖ, RA), pp. 151–162.
- CIKM-2006-ChirkovaS #optimisation #query #using
- Query optimization using restructured views (RC, FS), pp. 642–651.
- CIKM-2006-CongFG
- Annotation propagation revisited for key preserving views (GC, WF, FG), pp. 632–641.
- CIKM-2006-WangRMJ #approach #named #xml
- HUX: a schemacentric approach for updating XML views (LW, EAR, MM, MJ), pp. 816–817.
- ICML-2006-XiaoSB #reduction
- A duality view of spectral methods for dimensionality reduction (LX, JS, SPB), pp. 1041–1048.
- ICPR-v1-2006-BouterucheA #fuzzy #gesture #online #recognition
- Fuzzy Point of View Combination for Contextual Shape Recognition: Application to On-line Graphic Gesture Recognition (FB, ÉA), pp. 1088–1091.
- ICPR-v1-2006-MaiH #approach #multi #re-engineering
- Augmented Lagrangian Approach for Projective Reconstruction from Multiple Views (FM, YSH), pp. 634–637.
- ICPR-v1-2006-MillerH #visual notation
- Exact View-Dependent Visual Hulls (GM, AH), pp. 107–111.
- ICPR-v1-2006-Niskanen #video
- View Dependent Enhancement of the Dynamic Range of Video (MN), pp. 984–987.
- ICPR-v1-2006-PflugfelderB #matrix
- Fundamental matrix and slightly overlapping views (RPP, HB), pp. 527–530.
- ICPR-v1-2006-WenhardtDHND #3d #approach #re-engineering
- An Information Theoretic Approach for Next Best View Planning in 3-D Reconstruction (SW, BD, JH, HN, JD), pp. 103–106.
- ICPR-v1-2006-ZhangGZ #database #orthogonal
- Recognizing Rotated Faces from Two Orthogonal Views in Mugshot Databases (XZ, YG, BZ), pp. 195–198.
- ICPR-v2-2006-ChengW #feedback #image #multi #retrieval
- Multi-View Sampling for Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval (JC, KW), pp. 881–884.
- ICPR-v2-2006-Guo #perspective #using
- Plane Rectification Using a Circle and Points from a Single View (FG), pp. 9–12.
- ICPR-v2-2006-MizunoN #comprehension #constraints #prototype
- Constraint-Based Prototyping for Understanding Three Orthographic Views (KM, SN), pp. 1090–1093.
- ICPR-v2-2006-RohSLL #gesture #invariant #recognition
- Volume Motion Template for View-Invariant Gesture Recognition (MCR, HKS, SWL, SWL), pp. 1229–1232.
- ICPR-v3-2006-ChenCL #multi #video
- YUV Correction for Multi-View Video Compression (YC, CC, JL), pp. 734–737.
- ICPR-v3-2006-LeeE06a #using
- Simultaneous Inference of View and Body Pose using Torus Manifolds (CSL, AME), pp. 489–494.
- ICPR-v3-2006-LienH #multi
- Multi-view-based Cooperative Tracking of Multiple Human Objects in Cluttered Scenes (KCL, CLH), pp. 1123–1126.
- ICPR-v3-2006-WangG #analysis #recognition
- Tensor Discriminant Analysis for View-based Object Recognition (YW, SG), pp. 33–36.
- ICPR-v3-2006-ZhangGL #automation #recognition #synthesis
- Automatic Texture Synthesis for Face Recognition from Single Views (XZ, YG, MKHL), pp. 1151–1154.
- ICPR-v4-2006-Li06b #image
- Full-View Spherical Image Camera (SL), pp. 386–390.
- ICPR-v4-2006-TeshimaSOYI #estimation #image
- Vehicle Lateral Position Estimation Method Based on Matching of Top-View Images (TT, HS, SO, KY, TI), pp. 626–629.
- ICPR-v4-2006-TokaiH #layout #multi #navigation
- Attention Navigation by Keeping Screen Layout for Switching Multiple Views (ST, HH), pp. 766–769.
- ICPR-v4-2006-WangLTX #detection #estimation #multi #realtime #video
- Real-Time Multi-View Face Detection and Pose Estimation in Video Stream (YW, YL, LT, GX), pp. 354–357.
- ICPR-v4-2006-YuTT #framework #recognition
- A Framework for Evaluating the Effect of View Angle, Clothing and Carrying Condition on Gait Recognition (SY, DT, TT), pp. 441–444.
- ICPR-v4-2006-ZhangA #estimation #multi #parametricity #robust
- Multi-View Active Shape Model with Robust Parameter Estimation (LZ, HA), pp. 469–468.
- KDD-2006-GuoV #mining #multi #relational #validation
- Mining relational data through correlation-based multiple view validation (HG, HLV), pp. 567–573.
- KDD-2006-MeruguRP #approach #estimation #multi
- A new multi-view regression approach with an application to customer wallet estimation (SM, SR, CP), pp. 656–661.
- SEKE-2006-BokhariP #analysis #modelling #petri net #uml
- Translation of UML Models to Object Coloured Petri Nets with a view to Analysis (AB, WFSP), pp. 568–571.
- SAC-2006-CoxBRT #framework #requirements
- A contingency view of organizational infrastructure requirements engineering (KC, SJB, PR, AT), pp. 1497–1504.
- ICSE-2006-Boehm #re-engineering
- A view of 20th and 21st century software engineering (BWB), pp. 12–29.
- SPLC-2006-CzarneckiKK #feature model #modelling #ontology
- Feature Models are Views on Ontologies (KC, CHPK, KTK), pp. 41–51.
- PPoPP-2006-DeitzCCS #abstraction #reduction
- Global-view abstractions for user-defined reductions and scans (SJD, DC, BLC, LS), pp. 40–47.
- CSL-2006-LautemannTT #algebra
- An Algebraic Point of View on the Crane Beach Property (CL, PT, DT), pp. 426–440.
- WICSA-2005-MuskensBC #consistency
- Generalizing Consistency Checking between Software Views (JM, RJB, MRVC), pp. 169–180.
- WICSA-2005-RatcliffeCO #architecture #case study #design #monitoring
- Case Study on Architecture-Centered Design for Monitoring Views at CERN (OR, SC, FO), pp. 213–214.
- WICSA-2005-SagarduiAE #architecture #experience
- The ADOV Method: an Experience in Selecting the Relevant Views of an Architecture in a SME (GSM, GA, LE), pp. 259–260.
- PODS-2005-SegoufinV #query
- Views and queries: determinacy and rewriting (LS, VV), pp. 49–60.
- SIGMOD-2005-DeHaanLZ #sql
- Stacked indexed views in microsoft SQL server (DD, PÅL, JZ), pp. 179–190.
- SIGMOD-2005-TatemuraSPAC #incremental #maintenance
- Incremental Maintenance of Path Expression Views (AS, JT, OP, DA, KSC), pp. 443–454.
- VLDB-2005-DalviS #probability #query #statistics
- Answering Queries from Statistics and Probabilistic Views (NND, DS), pp. 805–816.
- VLDB-2005-FolkertGWSBSBS #optimisation #set
- Optimizing Refresh of a Set of Materialized Views (NF, AG, AW, SS, SB, SS, TB, LS), pp. 1043–1054.
- VLDB-2005-LarsonZ
- View Matching for Outer-Join Views (PÅL, JZ), pp. 445–456.
- VLDB-2005-MandhaniS #database #query #xml
- Query Caching and View Selection for XML Databases (BM, DS), pp. 469–480.
- VLDB-2005-PeiJET #approach #semantics
- Catching the Best Views of Skyline: A Semantic Approach Based on Decisive Subspaces (JP, WJ, ME, YT), pp. 253–264.
- VLDB-2005-XuO #query #using #xpath
- Rewriting XPath Queries Using Materialized Views (WX, ZMÖ), pp. 121–132.
- VLDB-2005-YaoWJ
- Checking for k-Anonymity Violation by Views (CY, XSW, SJ), pp. 910–921.
- ITiCSE-2005-Walls #behaviour
- Integrating views on ethical behavior for computer professionals in an interdisciplinary environment (DCW), p. 414.
- ICSM-IT-2005-MensKPW
- The Intensional View Environment (KM, AK, FP, RW), pp. 81–84.
- ICSM-IT-2005-NyaryPHK #cobol #legacy #maintenance #repository #tool support
- Supporting the Maintenance of legacy COBOL Applications with Tools for Repository Management and Viewing (EN, GP, MH, ZK), pp. 5–10.
- IWPC-2005-CoxC #comprehension #source code
- Working Session: Textual Views of Source Code to Support Comprehension (AC, MLC), pp. 109–112.
- IFM-2005-OssamiJS #consistency #multi #specification #uml
- Consistency in UML and B Multi-view Specifications (DDOO, JPJ, JS), pp. 386–405.
- ICFP-2005-DiatchkiJL #low level
- High-level views on low-level representations (ISD, MPJ, RL), pp. 168–179.
- CHI-2005-NguyenC #multi #named #video
- MultiView: spatially faithful group video conferencing (DTN, JFC), pp. 799–808.
- CHI-2005-SkopikG
- Improving revisitation in fisheye views with visit wear (AS, CG), pp. 771–780.
- ICEIS-v1-2005-PequenoA #semantics #using
- Using Correspondence Assertions to Specify the Semantics of Views in an Object-Relational Data Warehouse (VMP, JNA), pp. 219–225.
- ICEIS-v1-2005-RamachandranSR #data access
- Dynamic Pre-fetching of Views Based on User-Access Patterns in an OLAP System (KR, BS, VVR), pp. 60–67.
- ICEIS-v3-2005-RajuganDCF #design #uml #xml
- XML Views, Part III: An UML Based Design Methodology for XML Views (RR, TSD, EC, LF), pp. 19–28.
- CIKM-2005-KumamotoT #mining #people #web
- Web opinion poll: extracting people’s view by impression mining from the web (TK, KT), pp. 265–266.
- ICML-2005-Meila #axiom #clustering #perspective
- Comparing clusterings: an axiomatic view (MM), pp. 577–584.
- SEKE-2005-YeS #dependence #modelling #variability
- Modelling Feature Variability and Dependency in Two Views (HY, AS), pp. 661–664.
- SIGIR-2005-CarneiroV #database #image #retrieval #semantics
- A database centric view of semantic image annotation and retrieval (GC, NV), pp. 559–566.
- PADL-2005-ZhuX #pointer #programming
- Safe Programming with Pointers Through Stateful Views (DZ, HX), pp. 83–97.
- POPL-2005-FosterGMPS #approach #combinator #problem
- Combinators for bi-directional tree transformations: a linguistic approach to the view update problem (JNF, MBG, JTM, BCP, AS), pp. 233–246.
- RE-2005-LehtolaKK #requirements
- Linking the Business View to Requirements Engineering: Long-Term Product Planning by Roadmapping (LL, MK, SK), pp. 439–446.
- RE-2005-SabetzadehE #algebra #consistency #framework
- An Algebraic Framework for Merging Incomplete and Inconsistent Views (MS, SME), pp. 306–318.
- RE-2005-SabetzadehE05a #consistency #named
- iVuBlender: A Tool for Merging Incomplete and Inconsistent Views (MS, SME), pp. 453–454.
- SAC-2005-ChinoVTT #comprehension #data access #metric #named #visual notation
- MAMView: a visual tool for exploring and understanding metric access methods (FJTC, MRV, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 1218–1223.
- SAC-2005-RobinsonRHD #automation #database
- User-defined view automation of genomic databases (AJR, JWR, SH, TSD), pp. 671–675.
- SAC-2005-SignoriniG #evolution #object-oriented
- Object-oriented wound healing in the liver: a class-structured view of fibrogenesis and a glimpse of its evolution (JS, PG), pp. 165–171.
- SAC-2005-WattersZD
- Comparing table views for small devices (CRW, RZ, JD), pp. 975–980.
- SAC-2005-WojnickiL #query
- Jelly view: a technology for arbitrarily advanced queries within RDBMS (IW, AL), pp. 629–633.
- WICSA-2004-DeursenHKMR #architecture #named #re-engineering
- Symphony: View-Driven Software Architecture Reconstruction (AvD, CH, RK, LM, CR), pp. 122–134.
- ASE-2004-Lanza #named
- CodeCrawler — Polymetric Views in Action (ML), pp. 394–395.
- DAC-2004-AsafMZ #analysis #functional
- Defining coverage views to improve functional coverage analysis (SA, EM, AZ), pp. 41–44.
- DATE-DF-2004-LoukusaPRRV #design #perspective
- Systems on Chips Design: System Manufacturer Point of View (VL, HP, AR, TR, OV), pp. 3–4.
- DocEng-2004-Rose #perspective #xml
- The XML world view (KHR), p. 34.
- SIGMOD-2004-FanCG #query #security #xml
- Secure XML Querying with Security Views (WF, CYC, MNG), pp. 587–598.
- SIGMOD-2004-GraefeZ #transaction
- Transaction support for indexed views (GG, MJZ).
- VLDB-2004-BalminOBCP #framework #query #using #xml #xpath
- A Framework for Using Materialized XPath Views in XML Query Processing (AB, FÖ, KSB, RC, HP), pp. 60–71.
- VLDB-2004-BraganholoDH #problem #relational #xml
- From XML View Updates to Relational View Updates: old solutions to a new problem (VPB, SBD, CAH), pp. 276–287.
- VLDB-2004-OConnell #perspective #roadmap
- Trends in Data Warehousing: A Practitioner’s View (WO), p. 1224.
- VLDB-2004-TajimaF #network #query #xpath
- Answering XPath Queries over Networks by Sending Minimal Views (KT, YF), pp. 48–59.
- CSMR-2004-DucasseLB #runtime
- High-Level Polymetric Views of Condensed Run-time Information (SD, ML, RB), pp. 309–318.
- ICSM-2004-PinzgerFJG #source code
- Abstracting Module Views from Source Code (MP, MF, MJ, HG), p. 533.
- ICSM-2004-SalahM
- A Hierarchy of Dynamic Software Views: From Object-Interactions to Feature-Interactions (MS, SM), pp. 72–81.
- IWPC-2004-StoermerOV #architecture
- Architectural Views through Collapsing Strategies (CS, LO, CV), pp. 100–110.
- SCAM-2004-TourweM #concept analysis #mining #using
- Mining Aspectual Views using Formal Concept Analysis (TT, KM), pp. 97–106.
- STOC-2004-HarnikNRR #perspective
- Completeness in two-party secure computation: a computational view (DH, MN, OR, AR), pp. 252–261.
- FLOPS-2004-Kahl #calculus #pattern matching
- Basic Pattern Matching Calculi: a Fresh View on Matching Failure (WK), pp. 276–290.
- CIAA-2004-FrishertCW #automaton #finite #regular expression
- FIRE Station: An Environment for Manipulating Finite Automata and Regular Expression Views (MF, LGC, BWW), pp. 125–133.
- SEFM-2004-BidoitHKB #black box #object-oriented #specification
- Glass-Box and Black-Box Views on Object-Oriented Specifications (MB, RH, AK, HB), pp. 208–217.
- SEFM-2004-MengNB #algebra #on the #perspective #refinement #semantics #uml
- On Semantics and Refinement of UML Statecharts: A Coalgebraic View (SM, ZN, LSB), pp. 164–173.
- CHI-2004-PaekDL #internet #named
- WaveLens: a new view onto Internet search results (TP, STD, RL), pp. 727–734.
- CHI-2004-ToryMAK #2d #3d
- Combining 2D and 3D views for orientation and relative position tasks (MT, TM, MSA, AEK), pp. 73–80.
- CSCW-2004-McDonaldWG #authoring #multi
- The multiple views of inter-organizational authoring (DWM, CW, JHG), pp. 564–573.
- CAiSE-2004-MorishimaK #database #optimisation #relational #source code #xml
- Optimizing DOM Programs on XML Views over Existing Relational Databases (AM, AK), pp. 248–262.
- ICEIS-v1-2004-BaiHM #query #semantics #using
- Improving View Selection in Query Rewriting Using Domain Semantics (QB, JH, MFM), pp. 177–183.
- ICEIS-v3-2004-AsriNKC #aspect-oriented #comparison #lifecycle
- Views, Subjects, Roles and Aspects: A Comparison Along Software Lifecycle (BEA, MN, AK, BC), pp. 139–146.
- ICEIS-v3-2004-IacobL #architecture #concept #enterprise #framework #prototype #visualisation
- View Visualisation for Enterprise Architecture — from Conceptual Framework to Prototype (MEI, DvL), pp. 629–634.
- ICEIS-v3-2004-Noran #case study #comparative #modelling #uml
- UML vs. IDEF: An Ontology-Oriented Comparative Study in View of Business Modelling (ON), pp. 674–682.
- ICEIS-v4-2004-KanzowDA #deployment #how #multi #workflow
- Flow-Oriented Deployment of a Multi-Agent Population for Dynamic Workflow Enactment: A Different View on How to Use Agents for Workflow Management (SK, KD, YA), pp. 510–514.
- CIKM-2004-LiuRF #maintenance
- Restructuring batch view maintenance efficiently (BL, EAR, DF), pp. 228–229.
- ECIR-2004-Nunzio #categorisation #documentation
- A Bidimensional View of Documents for Text Categorisation (GMDN), pp. 112–126.
- ICML-2004-HamLMS #kernel #reduction
- A kernel view of the dimensionality reduction of manifolds (JH, DDL, SM, BS).
- ICML-2004-LeeWZB #perspective #probability
- Probabilistic tangent subspace: a unified view (JL, JW, CZ, ZB).
- ICPR-v1-2004-LiangCP
- Uncalibrated Two-View Metrology (BL, ZC, NP), pp. 96–99.
- ICPR-v2-2004-DentonDASD #3d #canonical #recognition
- Selecting Canonical Views for View-Based 3-D Object Recognition (TD, MFD, JA, AS, SJD), pp. 273–276.
- ICPR-v2-2004-HuangAWL #detection #multi
- Boosting Nested Cascade Detector for Multi-View Face Detection (CH, HA, BW, SL), pp. 415–418.
- ICPR-v2-2004-ManoMT #generative
- Factorization-Based Planar Mapping Method for Generating Intermediate Views (HM, AM, NT), pp. 891–894.
- ICPR-v3-2004-AnsaryVD #3d #approach #modelling #retrieval
- A Bayesian Approach for 3D Models Retrieval Based on Characteristic Views (TFA, JPV, MD), pp. 898–901.
- ICPR-v3-2004-LeeC #3d #perspective #re-engineering
- 3D Hand Reconstruction from a Monocular View (SUL, IC), pp. 310–313.
- ICPR-v4-2004-ArnabatCM #3d #consistency #modelling #multi #sequence #using
- 3D Modeling from Turntable Sequences Using Dense Stereo Carving and Multi-View Consistency (JA, SC, GGM), pp. 36–39.
- ICPR-v4-2004-DehaisDMC #artificial reality #perspective #realtime #sequence #using #video
- Augmented Reality through Real-Time Tracking of Video Sequences Using a Panoramic View (CD, MD, GM, VC), pp. 995–998.
- ICPR-v4-2004-IwaseS #detection #image #parallel
- Parallel Tracking of All Soccer Players by Integrating Detected Positions in Multiple View Images (SI, HS), pp. 751–754.
- ICPR-v4-2004-JuBSMWT #image #integration #multi
- Integration of Range Images in a Multi-View Stereo System (XJ, TB, JPS, NJBM, JW, RDT), pp. 280–283.
- ICPR-v4-2004-NakamuraFTMYMTI #image #recognition #using
- Eigen Nodule: View-Based Recognition of Lung Nodule in Chest X-ray CT Images Using Subspace Method (YN, GF, HT, SM, SY, TM, YT, TI), pp. 681–684.
- ICPR-v4-2004-UkitaSK
- Extracting a Gaze Region with the History of View Directions (NU, AS, MK), pp. 957–960.
- ICPR-v4-2004-UtsumiTI #3d #detection #interactive
- View-Based Detection of 3-D Interaction between Hands and Real Objects (AU, NT, SI), pp. 961–964.
- ICPR-v4-2004-WallhoffZRP #using
- Face Tracking in Meeting Room Scenarios Using Omnidirectional Views (FW, MZ, GR, IP), pp. 933–936.
- ICPR-v4-2004-WangJ #detection #multi
- Multi-View Face Detection under Complex Scene based on Combined SVMs (PW, QJ), pp. 179–182.
- KDD-2004-YehTJS
- Analytical view of business data (AY, JT, YJ, SS), pp. 847–852.
- ECOOP-2004-JanzenV #effectiveness #programming
- Programming with Crosscutting Effective Views (DJ, KDV), pp. 195–218.
- PADL-2004-AchtenEP #composition #user interface #visual notation
- Compositional Model-Views with Generic Graphical User Interfaces (PA, MCJDvE, MJP), pp. 39–55.
- SAC-2004-LiuCT #comparison
- A comparison of two view materialization approaches for disease surveillance system (ZL, PKC, FCT), pp. 754–755.
- SAC-2004-SignoriniG #design #object-oriented #process #specification
- Object-oriented design for the specification of the blood clotting cascade: a class-structured view of bio-computing processes (JS, PG), pp. 207–208.
- ASE-2003-ArevaloDN #comprehension
- XRay Views: Understanding the Internals of Classes (GA, SD, ON), pp. 267–270.
- PODS-2003-CalvaneseGLV #query
- View-based query containment (DC, GDG, ML, MYV), pp. 56–67.
- PODS-2003-ChirkovaL #query
- Materializing views with minimal size to answer queries (RC, CL), pp. 38–48.
- PODS-2003-GrahneT #constraints #query #using
- Query containment and rewriting using views for regular path queries under constraints (GG, AT), pp. 111–122.
- PODS-2003-GuptaSH #problem #xml
- The view selection problem for XML content based routing (AKG, DS, AYH), pp. 68–77.
- PODS-2003-Lechtenborger #approach #constant #towards
- The impact of the constant complement approach towards view updating (JL), pp. 49–55.
- SIGMOD-2003-LiBKN #xml
- Composing XSL Transformations with XML Publishing Views (CL, PB, HFK, PPSN), pp. 515–526.
- SIGMOD-2003-ZhangDWEMPMDR #multi #named #optimisation #using #xml
- Rainbow: Multi-XQuery Optimization Using Materialized XML Views (XZ, KD, LW, MES, BM, BP, MM, LD, EAR), p. 671.
- VLDB-2003-Galindo-LegariaJWW #statistics
- Statistics on Views (CAGL, MJ, FW, MCW), pp. 952–962.
- VLDB-2003-LuoNEW #protocol
- Locking Protocols for Materialized Aggregate Join Views (GL, JFN, CJE, MW), pp. 596–607.
- CSEET-2003-X03d #re-engineering
- Software Engineering in the 21st Century — a view from the trenche, p. 33.
- FASE-2003-Kelsen #object-oriented
- An Information-Based View of Representational Coupling in Object-Oriented Systems (PK), pp. 216–230.
- ICSM-2003-MensPG #maintenance #source code #using
- Using Intentional Source-Code Views to Aid Software Maintenance (KM, BP, SG), pp. 169–178.
- DLT-2003-AnselmoM #formal method #perspective #problem
- Covering Problems from a Formal Language Point of View (MA, MM), pp. 122–133.
- VISSOFT-2003-RillingL #architecture #challenge #visualisation
- Challenges in Visualizing and Reconstructing Architectural Views (JR, ML), pp. 73–79.
- CAiSE-2003-BarilB #approach #cost analysis
- Selection of Materialized Views: A Cost-Based Approach (XB, ZB), pp. 665–680.
- CAiSE-2003-ChiuCL #adaptation #collaboration
- A Three-Tier View-Based Methodology for Adapting Human-Agent Collaboration Systems (DKWC, SCC, HfL), pp. 226–241.
- CAiSE-2003-RizziS #constraints #design
- View Materialization vs. Indexing: Balancing Space Constraints in Data Warehouse Design (SR, ES), pp. 502–519.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-BartocciMM #xml
- An XML View of the “World” (EB, EM, LM), pp. 19–27.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-HoBE #approach #database #performance #xml
- Efficient Storage for XML Databases: Vertical View Model with Signature-Based Approach (WH, LB, DE), pp. 55–62.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-KaramEII #algorithm #constraints #maintenance
- The Enhanced Greedy Interchange Algorithm for the Selection of Materialized Views Under a Maintenance Cost Constraint in Data Warehouses (OHK, MES, OI, RI), pp. 279–284.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-MontesiT #query
- Imprecision Based Queries Over Materialized and Virtual Integrated Views (DM, AT), pp. 407–413.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-Seriai #named #object-oriented #query #using
- QUEROM: An Object-Oriented Model to Rewriting Query Using Views (AS), pp. 389–395.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-HarrisonABBRTL #information management #network #re-engineering
- Key Issues in Information Systems and Software Engineering — Views From a Joint Network of Practitioners and Academics (RH, DEA, KHB, RB, MR, DT, KL), pp. 357–363.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-Motschnig-PitrikS #object-oriented
- Customizing Web-Based Systems with Object-Oriented Views (RMP, MS), pp. 390–397.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-NassarCCEK #modelling #towards
- Towards a View Based Unified Modeling Language (MN, BC, XC, SE, AK), pp. 257–265.
- SEKE-2003-CostagliolaMF #3d #developer #evaluation #perspective #web
- An Evaluation of Web3d Technologies from Developer’s and End-User’s Point of View (GC, SDM, FF), pp. 25–32.
- UML-2003-Balsters #database #modelling #ocl #uml
- Modelling Database Views with Derived Classes in the UML/OCL-Framework (HB), pp. 295–309.
- OOPSLA-2003-AzatchiLPP #garbage collection #on the fly
- An on-the-fly mark and sweep garbage collector based on sliding views (HA, YL, HP, EP), pp. 269–281.
- RE-2003-HellerV #perspective #requirements #testing
- Requirements Based Testing at HP Open View (GH, PV), p. 299.
- SAC-2003-VolzOSS #ontology #web
- Views for Light-weight Web Ontologies (RV, DO, RS, SS), pp. 1168–1173.
- SAC-2003-YangH #classification #data flow #image #using
- Image Texture Classification Using Datagrams and Characteristic Views (SY, CCH), pp. 22–26.
- ICSE-2003-ClementsGLNS #architecture
- Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond (PCC, DG, RL, RLN, JAS), pp. 740–741.
- ICSE-2003-NuseibehKF #exclamation #named
- ViewPoints: meaningful relationships are difficult! (BN, JK, AF), pp. 676–683.
- HPDC-2003-IvanK #component #framework #reuse #using
- Using Views for Customizing Reusable Components in Component-Based Frameworks (AAI, VK), pp. 194–204.
- ICLP-2003-FarreTU
- Handling Existential Derived Predicates in View Updating (CF, ET, TU), pp. 148–162.
- ICLP-2003-Winsborough #distributed #logic programming
- A Logic Programming View of Authorization in Distributed Systems (WHW), pp. 20–46.
- VMCAI-2003-Majster-CederbaumZF #logic #perspective #refinement
- Action Refinement from a Logical Point of View (MEMC, NZ, HF), pp. 253–267.
- DocEng-2002-CollardMM #documentation #source code
- Supporting document and data views of source code (MLC, JIM, AM), pp. 34–41.
- PODS-2002-AfratiLM #query #using
- Answering Queries Using Views with Arithmetic Comparisons (FNA, CL, PM), pp. 209–220.
- PODS-2002-BunemanKT #on the
- On Propagation of Deletions and Annotations Through Views (PB, SK, WCT), pp. 150–158.
- PODS-2002-CadoliM #compilation #query #synthesis
- Knowledge Compilation = Query Rewriting + View Synthesis (MC, TM), pp. 199–208.
- PODS-2002-CalvaneseGLV
- Lossless Regular Views (DC, GDG, ML, MYV), pp. 247–258.
- PODS-2002-Chirkova #bound #problem #query
- The View-Selection Problem Has an Exponential-Time Lower Bound for Conjunctive Queries and Views (RC), pp. 159–168.
- PODS-2002-LechtenborgerV #on the #relational
- On the Computation of Relational View Complements (JL, GV), pp. 142–149.
- VLDB-2002-BohannonGKNS #optimisation #query
- Optimizing View Queries in ROLEX to Support Navigable Result Trees (PB, SG, HFK, PPSN, PS), pp. 119–130.
- VLDB-2002-CandanALPH #architecture #multi
- View Invalidation for Dynamic Content Caching in Multitiered Architectures (KSC, DA, WSL, OP, WPH), pp. 562–573.
- VLDB-2002-HeymannTKWRMF #named #network #product line #visual notation
- Viator — A Tool Family for Graphical Networking and Data View Creation (SH, KT, AK, GW, PR, DM, JCF), pp. 1067–1070.
- CSEET-2002-Kohli #perspective
- Creating Software Engineers — A Systemic View (FCK), p. 4.
- ITiCSE-2002-Pears #education #research
- Defining a global view of CS education research (AP), p. 227.
- WRLA-J-1996-BorovanskyKKM02 #logic #perspective
- ELAN from a rewriting logic point of view (PB, CK, HK, PEM), pp. 155–185.
- CSMR-2002-RivaR #architecture #re-engineering
- Combining Static and Dynamic Views for Architecture Reconstruction (CR, JVR), p. 47–?.
- ICSM-2002-TruyenJV #consistency
- Consistency Management in the Presence of Simultaneous Client-Specific Views (ET, WJ, PV), pp. 501–510.
- IWPC-2002-Quigley #abstraction #experience #visualisation
- Experience with FADE for the Visualization and Abstraction of Software Views (AJQ), pp. 11–20.
- CHI-2002-CzerwinskiTR #perspective #women
- Women take a wider view (MC, DST, GGR), pp. 195–202.
- CHI-2002-Gutwin #interactive
- Improving focus targeting in interactive fisheye views (CG), pp. 267–274.
- VISSOFT-2002-MaleticMC #visualisation
- ATask Oriented View of Software Visualization (JIM, AM, MLC), p. 32–?.
- VISSOFT-2002-Sajaniemi #comprehension #editing #independence #multi
- View Definitions for Language-Independent Multiple-View Program Comprehension and Editing (JS), pp. 3–12.
- CAiSE-2002-KangL #incremental #xml
- Deferred Incremental Refresh of XML Materialized Views (HK, JL), pp. 742–746.
- ICEIS-2002-GyllenswardKL #reuse
- Information Organizer: A Comprehensive View on Reuse (EG, MK, RL), pp. 99–106.
- ICEIS-2002-PequenoV #self #using
- Using Full Match Classes for Self-Maintenance of Mediated Views (VMP, VMPV), pp. 148–154.
- ICEIS-2002-Prosser
- Proposing a Method for Planning the Materialisation of Views in a Data Warehouse (AP), pp. 155–162.
- ICML-2002-MusleaMK #learning #multi #robust
- Active + Semi-supervised Learning = Robust Multi-View Learning (IM, SM, CAK), pp. 435–442.
- ICML-2002-MusleaMK02a #adaptation #automation #detection #towards #validation
- Adaptive View Validation: A First Step Towards Automatic View Detection (IM, SM, CAK), pp. 443–450.
- ICPR-v1-2002-KubotaA #generative #image #linear
- Virtual View Generation by Linear Processing of Two Differently Focused Images (AK, KA), pp. 504–507.
- ICPR-v1-2002-KuthirummalJN #multi #recognition
- Planar Shape Recognition across Multiple Views (SK, CVJ, PJN), pp. 456–459.
- ICPR-v2-2002-HungYL #classification #image
- Use of Characteristic Views in Image Classification (CCH, SY, CML), pp. 949–952.
- ICPR-v2-2002-InamotoS #generative #multi
- Intermediate View Generation of Soccer Scene from Multiple Videos (NI, HS), pp. 713–716.
- ICPR-v2-2002-IwataKY
- The Proposal of a New Robot Vision System Called the Horizon View Camera (AI, KK, KY), pp. 709–712.
- ICPR-v2-2002-MahmoudiD #3d #modelling #retrieval #using
- 3D Models Retrieval by Using Characteristic Views (SM, MD), pp. 457–460.
- ICPR-v2-2002-RotherCT #multi
- Projective Factorization of Planes and Cameras in Multiple Views (CR, SC, DT), pp. 737–740.
- ICPR-v2-2002-SerratosaSA #3d #graph #modelling #multi #using
- Modelling and Recognising 3D-Objects Described by Multiple Views Using Function-Described Graphs (FS, AS, RA), pp. 140–143.
- ICPR-v2-2002-WangWH #approach #novel
- A Novel Approach for Single View Based Plane Metrology (GW, YW, ZH), pp. 556–559.
- ICPR-v3-2002-BulthoffWG #recognition
- View-Based Dynamic Object Recognition Based on Human Perception (HHB, CW, ABAG), pp. 768–776.
- ICPR-v3-2002-LaganiereV
- Wedge-Based Corner Model for Widely Separated Views Matching (RL, ÉV), pp. 672–675.
- ICPR-v3-2002-LuoWH02a #approach #graph #learning
- Graph Spectral Approach for Learning View Structure (BL, RCW, ERH), pp. 785–788.
- ICPR-v3-2002-MacriniSDSZ #3d #graph #recognition #using
- View-Based 3-D Object Recognition using Shock Graphs (DM, AS, SJD, KS, SWZ), p. 24–?.
- ICPR-v3-2002-MordohaiM #multi #using
- Perceptual Grouping for Multiple View Stereo Using Tensor Voting (PM, GGM), pp. 639–644.
- ICPR-v3-2002-ZhangPKA #3d #multi #representation
- 3-D Object Representation from Multi-View Range Data Applying Deformable Superquadrics (YZ, JKP, AK, MAA), pp. 611–614.
- ICPR-v4-2002-FrancoisMW #geometry #symmetry #using
- Reconstructing Mirror Symmetric Scenes From a Single View Using 2-View Stereo Geometry (ARJF, GGM, RW), pp. 12–16.
- ICPR-v4-2002-LeeJN #modelling
- Integrating Ground and Aerial Views for Urban Site Modeling (SCL, SKJ, RN), pp. 107–112.
- ICPR-v4-2002-QuanL
- Structure from Motion from Three Affine Views (LQ, ML), pp. 1–6.
- ICPR-v4-2002-SrinivasanB #estimation #using
- Head Pose Estimation Using View Based Eigenspaces (SS, KLB), pp. 302–305.
- SEKE-2002-Albalooshi #automation #consistency #database #representation
- A database representation that improves automation and maintains consistency in a mulitple view environment (FA), pp. 281–288.
- SEKE-2002-AugustoG #logic #modelling #paradigm
- A temporal logic view of paradigm models (JCA, RG), pp. 497–503.
- SEKE-2002-MensMW #maintenance #source code
- Maintaining software through intentional source-code views (KM, TM, MW), pp. 289–296.
- TOOLS-USA-2002-MiliMS #aspect-oriented #functional #named
- CorbaViews: Distributing objects that support several functional aspects (HM, HM, SS), pp. 207–229.
- WICSA-2001-BaragryR #architecture #why
- Why We Need A Different View of Software Architecture (JB, KR), p. 125–?.
- ASE-2001-Egyed #approach #consistency #scalability
- Scalable Consistency Checking Between Diagrams-The ViewIntegra Approach (AE), pp. 387–390.
- VLDB-2001-ChirkovaHS #formal method #problem
- A Formal Perspective on the View Selection Problem (RC, AYH, DS), pp. 59–68.
- VLDB-2001-ShanmugasundaramKSFF #query #relational #xml
- Querying XML Views of Relational Data (JS, JK, EJS, CF, JEF), pp. 261–270.
- VLDB-2001-VeltriCV #repository #scalability #xml
- Views in a Large Scale XML Repository (SC, PV, DV), pp. 271–280.
- ITiCSE-2001-DickSM #student
- Is it okay to cheat? — the views of postgraduate students (MD, JS, SM), pp. 61–64.
- ITiCSE-2001-KarvonenRTT #concept #web
- Versatile concept map viewing on the Web (AK, ER, JT, JT), pp. 105–108.
- FASE-2001-FischerOW #csp #diagrams #uml
- A CSP View on UML-RT Structure Diagrams (CF, ERO, HW), pp. 91–108.
- ICSM-2001-CookJH #evolution
- Dynamic and Static Views of Software Evolution (SC, HJ, RH), pp. 592–601.
- ICSM-2001-FranceB #evolution #framework #multi #object-oriented #uml
- Multi-View Software Evolution: A UML-based Framework for Evolving Object-Oriented Software (RBF, JMB), p. 386–?.
- ICSM-2001-Layzell #evolution #maintenance #re-engineering #research #roadmap
- Addressing the Software Evolution Crisis Through a Service-Oriented View of Software: A Roadmap for Software Engineering and Maintenance Research (PJL), p. 5.
- ICSM-2001-RotschkeKH #analysis #architecture #multi
- Multi-View Architecture Trend Analysis for Medical Imaging (TR, RLK, DH), p. 107.
- ICSM-2001-SouderMS #framework #named
- Form: A Framework for Creating Views of Program Executions (TSS, SM, MS), p. 612–?.
- ICSM-2001-TuG #architecture #perspective
- The Build-Time Software Architecture View (QT, MWG), pp. 398–407.
- IWPC-2001-Sartipi01a #component #evaluation #using
- A Software Evaluation Model Using Component Association Views (KS), pp. 259–268.
- IWPC-2001-StoreyBM #interactive #java #source code
- SHriMP Views: An Interactive Environment for Exploring Java Programs (MADS, CB, JM), pp. 111–112.
- DLT-2001-FernauS #algebra #perspective
- Valuated and Valence Grammars: An Algebraic View (HF, RS), pp. 281–292.
- FME-2001-JohnsonR #modelling #specification
- View Updatability Based on the Models of a Formal Specification (MJ, RDR), pp. 534–549.
- CHI-2001-RuiGC
- Viewing meeting captured by an omni-directional camera (YR, AG, JJC), pp. 450–457.
- EDOC-2001-LeffR #design pattern #development #mvc #using
- Web-Application Development Using the Model/View/Controller Design Pattern (AL, JTR), pp. 118–127.
- ICEIS-v2-2001-ShinkawaM #consistency #enterprise #information management
- An Information System View of Consistency and Integrity in Enterprise Operations (YS, MJM), pp. 709–716.
- CIKM-2001-JeongH #induction #xml
- Induction of Integrated View for XML Data with Heterogeneous DTDs (EJ, CNH), pp. 151–158.
- CIKM-2001-LeeSK #incremental #maintenance #performance
- Efficient Incremental View Maintenance in Data Warehouses (KYL, JHS, MHK), pp. 349–357.
- CIKM-2001-QiuL
- Index Filtering and View Materialization in ROLAP Environment (SGQ, TWL), pp. 334–340.
- KDD-2001-ChenCS #adaptation #named #self
- PVA: a self-adaptive personal view agent system (CCC, MCC, YSS), pp. 257–262.
- TOOLS-USA-2001-HayaseIM #framework #object-oriented
- A Three-View Model for Developing Object-Oriented Frameworks (TH, NI, KM), pp. 108–119.
- TOOLS-USA-2001-Tracz #architecture
- Extreme Architecting: Surviving the Architectural View Zoo (WT), p. 382.
- POPL-2001-Vouillon #calculus
- Combining subsumption and binary methods: an object calculus with views (JV), pp. 290–303.
- SAC-2001-Jamil #relational #unification
- A case for parameterized views and relational unification (HMJ), pp. 275–279.
- LICS-2001-AlonMNSV #database #relational #xml
- Typechecking XML Views of Relational Databases (NA, TM, FN, DS, VV), pp. 421–430.
- PODS-2000-CalvaneseGLV #query
- View-Based Query Processing for Regular Path Queries with Inverse (DC, GDG, ML, MYV), pp. 58–66.
- PODS-2000-GrumbachT #on the
- On the Content of Materialized Aggregate Views (SG, LT), pp. 47–57.
- PODS-2000-PapakonstantinouV #xml
- DTD Inference for Views of XML Data (YP, VV), pp. 35–46.
- SIGMOD-2000-LabrinidisR
- WebView Materialization (AL, NR), pp. 367–378.
- SIGMOD-2000-SalemBCL #how #incremental #maintenance
- How To Roll a Join: Asynchronous Incremental View Maintenance (KS, KSB, RC, BGL), pp. 129–140.
- VLDB-2000-AgrawalCN #automation #database #sql
- Automated Selection of Materialized Views and Indexes in SQL Databases (SA, SC, VRN), pp. 496–505.
- VLDB-2000-PottingerL #algorithm #query #scalability #using
- A Scalable Algorithm for Answering Queries Using Views (RP, AYL), pp. 484–495.
- CSEET-2000-Tomayko #re-engineering
- A Historian’s View of Software Engineering (JET), p. 101–?.
- TACAS-2000-GoedickeEMT #development #distributed #graph transformation #multi #tool support
- ViewPoint-Oriented Software Development: Tool Support for Integrating Multiple Perspectives by Distributed Graph Transformation (MG, BE, TM, GT), pp. 43–47.
- WRLA-2000-DuranM #maude
- Parameterized Theories and Views in Full Maude 2.0 (FD, JM), pp. 316–338.
- ICSM-2000-Chapin00b #maintenance #perspective
- Software Maintenance Types — A Fresh View (NC), p. 247–?.
- IWPC-2000-Sajaniemi #comprehension #multi
- Program Comprehension through Multiple Simultaneous Views: A Session with VinEd (JS), pp. 99–108.
- CSCW-2000-CadizBSGGJ #collaboration #distance #distributed #learning #video
- Distance learning through distributed collaborative video viewing (JJC, AB, ES, AG, JG, GJ), pp. 135–144.
- CSCW-2000-HeGG #design #on-demand
- Designing presentations for on-demand viewing (LH, JG, AG), pp. 127–134.
- CIKM-2000-BellatrecheKS #on the #performance
- On Efficient Storage Space Distribution Among Materialized Views and Indices in Data Warehousing Environments (LB, KK, MS), pp. 397–404.
- CIKM-2000-LiuVM #database #maintenance
- Maintaining Views in Object-relational Databases (JL, MWV, MKM), pp. 102–109.
- ICPR-v1-2000-AbbasiM #automation #multi #recognition
- Automatic View Selection in Multi-View Object Recognition (SA, FM), pp. 1013–1016.
- ICPR-v1-2000-AllezardDJ #3d #modelling #recognition
- Recognition of 3D Textured Objects by Mixing View-Based and Model-Based Representations (NA, MD, FJ), pp. 1960–1963.
- ICPR-v1-2000-Astrom #multi
- Multiple View Vision (KÅ), pp. 1059–1066.
- ICPR-v1-2000-Boufama #synthesis
- The Use of Homographies for View Synthesis (BB), pp. 1563–1566.
- ICPR-v1-2000-CohenGH #recognition
- Vision-Based Overhead View Person Recognition (IC, AG, TSH), pp. 5119–5124.
- ICPR-v1-2000-GimelfarbZ #image #multi #re-engineering
- Relative Image Orientation for Multiple-View Terrain Reconstruction (GLG, JQZ), pp. 1904–1907.
- ICPR-v1-2000-HabedB #3d #re-engineering
- Three-Dimensional Projective Reconstruction from Three Views (AH, BB), pp. 1415–1418.
- ICPR-v1-2000-Kanatani #3d #analysis #re-engineering #reliability
- Gauge-Based Reliability Analysis of 3-D Reconstruction from Two Uncalibrated Perspective Views (KiK), pp. 1076–1079.
- ICPR-v1-2000-LiuH #database
- Vehicle Ground-Truth Database for the Vertical-View Ft. Hood Imagery (GL, RMH), pp. 1342–1345.
- ICPR-v1-2000-LourakisTAO #3d #constraints #geometry #using
- Using Geometric Constraints for Matching Disparate Stereo Views of 3D Scenes Containing Planes (MIAL, SVT, AAA, SCO), pp. 1419–1422.
- ICPR-v1-2000-OkataniD #fault #image #metric #multi
- A Method for Fine Registration of Multiple View Range Images Considering the Measurement Error Properties (ISO, KD), pp. 1280–1283.
- ICPR-v1-2000-PujolVW #automation
- Automatic View Based Caricaturing (AP, JJV, HW), pp. 5072–5075.
- ICPR-v1-2000-RomdhaniPG #scalability
- A Generic Face Appearance Model of Shape and Texture under Very Large Pose Variations from Profile to Profile Views (SR, AP, SG), pp. 5060–5063.
- ICPR-v1-2000-SongGH #geometry #performance
- Single View Computer Vision in Polyhedral World: Geometric Inference and Performance Characterization (MS, AG, RMH), pp. 1766–1769.
- ICPR-v1-2000-VasconcelosL #image #similarity
- A Unifying View of Image Similarity (NV, AL), pp. 1038–1041.
- ICPR-v1-2000-ZhuL #multi #recognition
- Edge Orientation-Based Multi-View Object Recognition (WZ, SEL), pp. 1936–1939.
- ICPR-v2-2000-SaranliD
- A Unified View of Rank-Based Decision Combination (AS, MD), pp. 2479–2482.
- ICPR-v3-2000-ChoKN #image #interface #performance #using
- An Efficient Walkthrough from Two Images Using View Morphing and Spidery Mesh Interface (HSC, CHK, SN), pp. 3143–3146.
- ICPR-v3-2000-SalamancaCA #modelling #named #representation
- HWM: A New Spherical Representation Structure for Modeling Partial Views of an Object (SS, CC, AA), pp. 3778–3781.
- ICPR-v3-2000-StiefelhagenYW #perspective
- Simultaneous Tracking of Head Poses in a Panoramic View (RS, JY, AW), pp. 3726–3733.
- ICPR-v4-2000-JoganL #locality #recognition #robust #using
- Robust Localization Using Panoramic View-Based Recognition (MJ, AL), pp. 4136–4139.
- ICPR-v4-2000-TakahashiKIS #image #using
- Expanding Possible View Points of Virtual Environment Using Panoramic Images (TT, HK, KI, MS), pp. 4468–4472.
- ICPR-v4-2000-WorthingtonH00a #synthesis
- View Synthesis from Needle-Maps (PLW, ERH), pp. 4110–4113.
- ICPR-v4-2000-YamaguchiTYY #generative #image #realtime #sequence #using
- Real-Time Generation and Presentation of View-Dependent Binocular Stereo Images Using a Sequence of Omnidirectional Images (KY, HT, KY, NY), pp. 4589–4593.
- KDD-2000-CrapoWWW #modelling #perspective #process #visualisation
- Visualization and the process of modeling: a cognitive-theoretic view (AWC, LBW, WAW, TRW), pp. 218–226.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-CaronCD #corba #middleware
- An Original View Mechanism for the CORBA Middleware (OC, BC, LD), pp. 146–156.
- ICRE-2000-BreitmanL #evolution
- Scenario Evolution: A Closer View on Relationships (KB, JCSdPL), pp. 95–105.
- ICSE-2000-Orsted #development
- Software development engineer in Microsoft: a subjective view of soft skills required (MO), pp. 539–540.
- LICS-2000-CalvaneseGLV #constraints #query
- View-Based Query Processing and Constraint Satisfaction (DC, GDG, ML, MYV), pp. 361–371.
- ASE-1999-BoseM #adaptation #coordination #named
- NAVCo: Negotiation-based Adaptive View Coordination (PKB, MGM), pp. 327–330.
- HT-1999-ShipmanML #hypermedia
- Beyond Location: Hypertext Workspaces and Non-Linear Views (FMSI, CCM, ML), pp. 121–130.
- PODS-1999-Abiteboul #on the #xml
- On Views and XML (SA), pp. 1–9.
- PODS-1999-CohenNS #query #using
- Rewriting Aggregate Queries Using Views (SC, WN, AS), pp. 155–166.
- PODS-1999-KarloffM #complexity #on the #problem
- On the Complexity of the View-Selection Problem (HJK, MM), pp. 167–173.
- SIGMOD-1999-KotidisR #named
- DynaMat: A Dynamic View Management System for Data Warehouses (YK, NR), pp. 371–382.
- SIGMOD-1999-RundensteinerKZWLLN #evolution #maintenance
- Evolvable View Environment (EVE): Non-Equivalent View Maintenance under Schema Changes (EAR, AK, XZ, AvW, YL, AJL, AN), pp. 553–555.
- VLDB-1999-AbiteboulAAACHHMMMMSTV #repository #xml
- XML Repository and Active Views Demonstration (SA, VA, SA, BA, SC, BH, FH, JCM, AM, LM, TM, CSdS, BT, AMV), pp. 742–745.
- VLDB-1999-AbiteboulACEMM
- Active Views for Electronic Commerce (SA, BA, SC, AE, LM, TM), pp. 138–149.
- CSEET-1999-Mengel #education #metric #research
- Software Metrics: Views from Education, Research, and Training (SAM), pp. 126–128.
- FoSSaCS-1999-ArruabarrenaLN #embedded #logic programming
- A Strong Logic Programming View for Static Embedded Implications (RA, PL, MN), pp. 56–72.
- ICSM-1999-RichnerD #information management #object-oriented
- Recovering High-Level Views of Object-Oriented Applications from Static and Dynamic Information (TR, SD), pp. 13–22.
- AGTIVE-1999-GoedickeEMT #development #distributed #graph transformation #integration #multi #tool support #towards
- Tool Support for ViewPoint-Oriented Software Development: Towards Integration of Multiple Perspectives by Distributed Graph Transformation (MG, BE, TM, GT), pp. 369–377.
- AGTIVE-1999-GoedickeEMT99a #development #tool support
- Tool Support for ViewPoint-oriented Software Development (MG, BE, TM, GT), pp. 419–425.
- CHI-1999-ToyodaS #editing #interface #multi #navigation #network #perspective #predict
- Hyper Mochi Sheet: A Predictive Focusing Interface for Navigating and Editing Nested Networks Through a Multi-Focus Distortion-Oriented View (MT, ES), pp. 504–511.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-Menzel #design
- New design solution for call center work places from the point of view of furniture manufacturer (DM), pp. 1327–1331.
- SIGAda-1999-Kermarrec #ada #corba #perspective
- CORBA vs. Ada 95 DSA: a programmer’s view (YK), pp. 39–46.
- CAiSE-1999-JungferLR #database #relational
- Constructing IDL Views on Relational Databases (KJ, UL, PRT), pp. 255–268.
- CAiSE-1999-Olive #perspective
- Relationship Reification: A Temporal View (AO), pp. 396–410.
- CAiSE-1999-TheodoratosLS #design
- Designing the Global Data Warehouse with SPJ Views (DT, SL, TKS), pp. 180–194.
- ICEIS-1999-PopescuM #implementation #perspective
- Organizational Level of Intelligent Robots-An Implementation Point of View (AP, GM), p. 779.
- CIKM-1999-Gal #enterprise #information management #query
- Obsolescent Materialized Views in Query Processing of Enterprise Information Systems (AG), pp. 367–374.
- CIKM-1999-KaoLACL #database #maintenance #realtime
- Updates and View Maintenance in Soft Real-Time Database Systems (BK, KyL, BA, RC, TSHL), pp. 300–307.
- CIKM-1999-SamtaniKM #maintenance #multi
- Self Maintenance of Multiple Views in Data Warehousing (SS, VK, MKM), pp. 292–299.
- CIKM-1999-Scoggins
- A Practitioners’ View of Techniques Used in Data Warehousing for Sifting Through Data to Provide Information (JTS), pp. 3–4.
- CIKM-1999-SmithL #adaptation #data transformation #framework #multi
- An Adaptive View Element Framework for Multi-Dimensional Data Management (JRS, CSL), pp. 308–315.
- CIKM-1999-WangOL #multi #performance
- Efficient Refreshment of Materialized Views with Multiple Sources (HW, MEO, WL), pp. 375–382.
- UML-1999-EgyedM #architecture #integration #representation #uml
- Extending Architectural Representation in UML with View Integration (AE, NM), pp. 2–16.
- OOPSLA-1999-LipkindPK #distributed #parallel
- Object Views: Language Support for Intelligent Object Caching in Parallel and Distributed Computations (IL, IP, VK), pp. 447–460.
- TOOLS-ASIA-1999-CheungCC #modelling #object-oriented #specification
- Extending Formal Specification To Object-Oriented Models Through Level-View Structured Schemas (KSC, KOC, TYC), pp. 118–125.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-MahemoffJ #multi #mvc
- Handling Multiple Domain Objects with Model-View-Controller (MM, LJ), pp. 28–39.
- TOOLS-USA-1999-MiliDCGM #development #distributed #object-oriented #programming #source code
- View Programming for Decentralized Development of OO Programs (HM, JD, OC, RG, AM), pp. 210–221.
- RE-1999-GoedickeMT #consistency #development #distributed #graph transformation #nondeterminism #towards
- ViewPoint-Oriented Software Development by Distributed Graph Transformation: Towards a Basis for Living with Inconsistencies (MG, TM, GT), pp. 92–99.
- ESEC-FSE-1999-FradetMP #architecture #consistency #multi
- Consistency Checking for Multiple View Software Architectures (PF, DLM, MP), pp. 410–428.
- ICSE-1999-Hantos #requirements
- A Systems Engineering View of Requirements Management for Software-Intensive Systems (PH), pp. 620–621.
- OSDI-1999-ItzkovitzS #multi
- MultiView and Millipage — Fine-Grain Sharing in Page-Based DSMs (AI, AS), pp. 215–228.
- CSL-1999-BalatC #linear #logic #morphism
- A Linear Logical View of Linear Type Isomorphisms (VB, RDC), pp. 250–265.
- ICLP-1999-Muller #constraints #graph
- Practical Investigation of Constraints with Graph Views (TM), p. 615.
- IWTCS-1999-Frey-PuckoKN #automation #consistency #generative #industrial #testing
- Automatic Test Case Generation from the Industrial Point of View: Conformance Testing in IskraTEL (MFP, MKK, RN), pp. 347–362.
- DAC-1998-NemaniN #estimation #perspective
- Delay Estimation VLSI Circuits from a High-Level View (MN, FNN), pp. 591–594.
- HT-1998-RobertL #multi
- Browsing hyperdocuments with multiple focus+context views (LR, EL), pp. 293–294.
- PODS-1998-AbiteboulD #complexity #query #using
- Complexity of Answering Queries Using Materialized Views (SA, OMD), pp. 254–263.
- PODS-1998-SmithLCJ #assembly
- Dynamic Assembly of Views in Data Cubes (JRS, CSL, VC, AJ), pp. 274–283.
- SIGMOD-1998-KotidisR
- An Alternative Storage Organization for ROLAP Aggregate Views Based on Cubetrees (YK, NR), pp. 249–258.
- SIGMOD-1998-SubramanianV #cost analysis #optimisation #query #using
- Cost-Based Optimization of Decision Support Queries Using Transient Views (SNS, SV), pp. 319–330.
- VLDB-1998-AbiteboulMRVW #incremental #maintenance #semistructured data
- Incremental Maintenance for Materialized Views over Semistructured Data (SA, JM, MR, VV, JLW), pp. 38–49.
- VLDB-1998-BelloDDFNSWZ
- Materialized Views in Oracle (RGB, KD, AD, JJFJ, JLF, WDN, HS, AW, MZ), pp. 659–664.
- VLDB-1998-ShuklaDN #dataset #multi
- Materialized View Selection for Multidimensional Datasets (AS, PD, JFN), pp. 488–499.
- CSMR-1998-KirnerG #re-engineering #specification #using
- System Specification Reengineering Using the SpecView Tool (TGK, RCG), pp. 135–141.
- FLOPS-1998-BorovanskyKK #functional #semantics
- A Functional View of Rewriting and Strategies for a Semantics of ELAN (PB, CK, HK), pp. 143–166.
- TAGT-1998-FischerKT #communication #distributed
- Local Views on Distributed Systems and Their Communication (IF, MK, GT), pp. 164–178.
- CAiSE-1998-Rolland #process
- A Comprehensive View of Process Engineering (CR), pp. 1–24.
- ICPR-1998-AeberhardV #image #multi #recognition #using
- Face recognition using multiple image view line segments (SA, OYdV), pp. 1198–1200.
- ICPR-1998-CutlerD #analysis #detection
- View-based detection and analysis of periodic motion (RC, LSD), pp. 495–500.
- ICPR-1998-MaruyamaAN #bidirectional #recognition #synthesis
- Face recognition by bidirectional view synthesis (MM, SA, YN), pp. 157–159.
- ICPR-1998-UtsumiMOY #multi
- Multiple-view-based tracking of multiple humans (AU, HM, JO, MY), pp. 597–601.
- ICPR-1998-VelA #image #recognition #using
- View-based object recognition using image lines (OYdV, SA), pp. 805–807.
- ICPR-1998-ZhangT #3d #image #re-engineering
- 3D reconstruction from a single view of an object and its image in a plane mirror (ZYZ, HTT), pp. 1174–1176.
- TOOLS-ASIA-1998-LuoL #modelling
- Object and Role Models Viewing (ZL, WL), pp. 43–52.
- ALP-PLILP-1998-BreitingerKL #haskell #implementation #parallel #perspective
- From (Sequential) Haskell to (Parallel) Eden: An Implementation Point of View (SB, UK, RL), pp. 318–334.
- SAC-1998-LeeSL #incremental #mobile
- Incremental view update for a mobile data warehouse (KCKL, AS, HVL), pp. 394–399.
- SAC-1998-StaudtQJ #maintenance
- View maintenance and change notification for application program views (MS, CQ, MAJ), pp. 220–225.
- HT-1997-MukherjeaH #web
- Focus + Context Views of World-Wide Web Nodes (SM, YH), pp. 187–196.
- PODS-1997-BeeriLR #logic #query #using
- Rewriting Queries Using Views in Description Logics (CB, AYL, MCR), pp. 99–108.
- PODS-1997-DuschkaG #query #recursion #using
- Answering Recursive Queries Using Views (OMD, MRG), pp. 109–116.
- SIGMOD-1997-AgrawalASY #maintenance #performance
- Efficient View Maintenance at Data Warehouses (DA, AEA, AKS, TY), pp. 417–427.
- SIGMOD-1997-ColbyKLMR #maintenance #multi #policy
- Supporting Multiple View Maintenance Policies (LSC, AK, DFL, ISM, KAR), pp. 405–416.
- SIGMOD-1997-QuassW #maintenance #online
- On-Line Warehouse View Maintenance (DQ, JW), pp. 393–404.
- VLDB-1997-BaralisPT #database #multi
- Materialized Views Selection in a Multidimensional Database (EB, SP, ET), pp. 156–165.
- VLDB-1997-GarofalakisOS #database #scheduling
- Resource Scheduling in Enhanced Pay-Per-View Continuous Media Databases (MNG, BÖ, AS), pp. 516–525.
- VLDB-1997-Huyn #multi #self
- Multiple-View Self-Maintenance in Data Warehousing Environments (NH), pp. 26–35.
- VLDB-1997-YangKL #algorithm #design
- Algorithms for Materialized View Design in Data Warehousing Environment (JY, KK, QL), pp. 136–145.
- IFL-1997-KarlsenW #concurrent #haskell #repository #using
- Using Concurrent Haskell to Develop Views over an Active Repository (EWK, SW), pp. 285–303.
- CHI-1997-Furnas #effectiveness #navigation
- Effective View Navigation (GWF), pp. 367–374.
- HCI-CC-1997-Horie
- Fundamental Study on Optimum Working Posture of VDT Workers from the View Point of EMG (YH), pp. 643–646.
- HCI-CC-1997-HuZX #design #human-computer #interface
- Views on Designing Human-Computer Interface for ELS (WH, WZ, NX), pp. 809–812.
- HCI-CC-1997-Lee
- Effect of the Field-of-View Against Target Ratio in Haptic Exploration (SL), pp. 595–598.
- HCI-SEC-1997-DeisingerCRS #comparison #monitoring
- The Effect of Different Viewing Devices for the Sense of Presence of Immersion in Virtual Environments: A Comparison of Stereoprojections Based on Monitors, HMDs and Screens (JD, CCN, OR, JS), pp. 881–884.
- HCI-SEC-1997-FisherADTCJ #named #visualisation #web
- CZWeb: Fish-Eye Views for Visualizing the World-Wide Web (BDF, MA, JD, PT, GC, CVJ), pp. 719–722.
- HCI-SEC-1997-UenoSO #html #question
- Book Based View and Scroll Based View: Which is Suited for HTML Viewers? (KU, KS, HO), pp. 795–798.
- CIKM-1997-JonesR
- View Materialization Techniques for Complex Hierarchical Objects (MCJ, EAR), pp. 222–229.
- SIGIR-1997-HearstK #interactive #interface #named #retrieval #scalability #specification #using
- Cat-a-Cone: An Interactive Interface for Specifying Searches and Viewing Retrieval Results using a Large Category Hierarchy (MAH, CK), pp. 246–255.
- UML-1997-BreuGHRS #modelling #uml
- Systems, Views and Models of UML (RB, RG, FH, BR, WS), pp. 93–108.
- TOOLS-ASIA-1997-TaniarR #database #object-oriented #parallel #perspective
- Parallelization and Object-Orientation: A Database Processing Point of View (DT, JWR), pp. 244–253.
- ESEC-FSE-1997-EngelsHTE #approach #graph transformation #modelling
- A View-Oriented Approach to System Modelling Based on Graph Transformation (GE, RH, GT, HE), pp. 327–343.
- ICSE-1997-YehHC #architecture
- Manipulating Recovered Software Architecture Views (ASY, DRH, MPC), pp. 184–194.
- ICLP-1997-TorosluK #algorithm #effectiveness #maintenance #recursion
- Effective Maintenance of Recursive Views: Improvements to the DRed Algorithm (IHT, FK), pp. 213–225.
- ILPS-1997-AravindanB #algorithm #database #performance
- A Rational and Efficient Algorithm for View Deletion in Databases (CA, PB), pp. 165–179.
- TLCA-1997-Kurata
- A Type Theoretical View of Böhm-Trees (TK), pp. 231–247.
- SIGMOD-1996-ColbyGLMT #algorithm #maintenance
- Algorithms for Deferred View Maintenance (LSC, TG, LL, ISM, HT), pp. 469–480.
- SIGMOD-1996-RossSS #constraints #maintenance
- Materialized View Maintenance and Integrity Constraint Checking: Trading Space for Time (KAR, DS, SS), pp. 447–458.
- SIGMOD-1996-RundensteinerKRCJM #multi #object-oriented
- The MultiView Project: Object-Oriented View Technology and Applications (EAR, HAK, YGR, VCT, MCJ, PJM), p. 555.
- VLDB-1996-GuptaM #problem #what
- What is the Data Warehousing Problem? (Are Materialized Views the Answer?) (AG, ISM), p. 602.
- VLDB-1996-SrivastavaDJL #query #using
- Answering Queries with Aggregation Using Views (DS, SD, HVJ, AYL), pp. 318–329.
- VLDB-1996-StaudtJ #incremental #maintenance
- Incremental Maintenance of Externally Materialized Views (MS, MJ), pp. 75–86.
- VLDB-1996-Suciu #composition #maintenance #query #semistructured data
- Query Decomposition and View Maintenance for Query Languages for Unstructured Data (DS), pp. 227–238.
- ICSM-1996-Favre #perspective #preprocessor
- Preprocessors from an Abstract Point of View (JMF), p. 329–?.
- WCRE-1996-Favre #perspective #preprocessor
- Preprocessors from an Abstract Point of View (JMF), pp. 287–296.
- AdaEurope-1996-Bondeli #ada #object-oriented #programming
- An Ada 95 View of Some Difficult or Controversial Points in Object-Oriented Programming (PdB), pp. 370–384.
- CAiSE-1996-BellahsenePT #design #information management
- Views for Information System Design without Reorganization (ZB, PP, MT), pp. 496–513.
- ICPR-1996-BatistaAA #analysis
- Pose view stability analysis for camera look angles computation (JB, HA, ATdA), pp. 171–175.
- ICPR-1996-BellaireS #3d #recognition
- 3-D object recognition by matching the total view information (GB, KS), pp. 534–538.
- ICPR-1996-BukerH #3d #knowledge-based #recognition
- Knowledge-based view control of a neural 3-D object recognition system (UB, GH), pp. 24–29.
- ICPR-1996-CuiW #recognition #segmentation
- View-based hand segmentation and hand-sequence recognition with complex backgrounds (YC, J(W), pp. 617–621.
- ICPR-1996-DoraiWJM #3d #automation #image #modelling #multi
- From images to models: automatic 3D object model construction from multiple views (CD, GW, AKJ, CRM), pp. 770–774.
- ICPR-1996-DunkerHS #3d #estimation #prototype #recognition #set #using
- Single view recognition and pose estimation of 3D objects using sets of prototypical views and spatially tolerant contour representations (JD, GH, MS), pp. 14–18.
- ICPR-1996-EggertFF #multi #reverse engineering
- Simultaneous registration of multiple range views for use in reverse engineering (DWE, AWF, RBF), pp. 243–247.
- ICPR-1996-KimHN #3d #algebra #modelling
- Reconstructing 3D models with algebraic curved surfaces from three-view drawings (CHK, MWH, SN), pp. 854–858.
- ICPR-1996-LiM #3d #estimation
- 3D pose estimation from an n-degree planar curved feature in two perspective views (LL, SM), pp. 374–377.
- ICPR-1996-MaL #re-engineering
- Ellipsoid reconstruction from three perspective views (SM, LL), pp. 344–348.
- ICPR-1996-MaseN
- Computing the field-of-view of a stitched panorama to create for sensitive virtual environments (KM, HN), pp. 151–155.
- ICPR-1996-Maver #representation
- Necessary views for a coarse representation of a scene (JM), pp. 936–940.
- ICPR-1996-Mel #3d #approach #multi #named #recognition #using #visual notation
- SEEMORE: a view-based approach to 3-D object recognition using multiple visual cues (BWM), pp. 570–574.
- ICPR-1996-Nagao #2d #using
- Direct methods for evaluating the planarity and rigidity of a surface using only 2D views (KN), pp. 417–422.
- ICPR-1996-Pito #problem
- A sensor-based solution to the “next best view” problem (RP), pp. 941–945.
- ICPR-1996-SeitzD #representation #towards #using
- Toward image-based scene representation using view morphing (SMS, CRD), pp. 84–89.
- ICPR-1996-SequeiraGR #3d #performance #re-engineering
- Active view selection for efficient 3D scene reconstruction (VS, JGMG, MIR), pp. 815–819.
- ICPR-1996-WernerHLP #representation
- Selection of reference views for image-based representation (TW, VH, AL, TP), pp. 73–77.
- KDD-1996-Ullman #implementation #performance
- Efficient Implementation of Data Cubes Via Materialized Views (JDU), pp. 386–388.
- SEKE-1996-HwangCWS #3d #performance #using #visualisation
- A Fast 3-D Visualization Methodology Using Characteristic Views of Objects (SH, SYC, TW, PCYS), pp. 577–584.
- SEKE-1996-KnollSS #assurance #perspective #quality #specification
- Quality Assurance of Specification — The Users Point of View (HDK, TS, WS), pp. 450–456.
- SIGIR-1996-KraijP
- Viewing Stemming as Recall Enhancement (WK, RP), pp. 40–48.
- ICSE-1996-AvrilionisCF #evolution #named #process #reuse
- OPSIS: A View Mechanism for Software Processes Which Supports Their Evolution and Reuse (DA, PYC, CF), pp. 38–47.
- HPDC-1996-AydtCR #requirements
- I/O Requirements of Scientific Applications: An Evolutionary View E. Smirni (RAA, AAC, DAR), pp. 49–59.
- HPDC-1996-GrimshawW #named
- Legion — A View from 50, 000 Feet (ASG, WAW), pp. 89–99.
- JICSLP-1996-Decker #abduction #database #deduction #maintenance
- An Extension of SLD by Abduction and Integrity Maintenance for View Updating in Deductive Databases (HD), pp. 157–169.
- JICSLP-1996-Naish #declarative
- A Declarative View of Modes (LN), pp. 185–199.
- LICS-1996-Ong #category theory #proving #semantics
- A Semantic View of Classical Proofs: Type-Theoretic, Categorical, and Denotational Characterizations (Preliminary Extended Abstract) (CHLO), pp. 230–241.
- ICDAR-v1-1995-MarstonK
- Interpretation of 3-view engineering drawings as central quadric surface mechanical parts (REM, MHK), pp. 343–346.
- PODS-1995-JagadishMS #maintenance
- View Maintenance Issues for the Chronicle Data Model (HVJ, ISM, AS), pp. 113–124.
- PODS-1995-LevyMSS #query #using
- Answering Queries Using Views (AYL, AOM, YS, DS), pp. 95–104.
- SIGMOD-1995-GriffinL #incremental #maintenance
- Incremental Maintenance of Views with Duplicates (TG, LL), pp. 328–339.
- SIGMOD-1995-GuptaMR #adaptation
- Adapting Materialized Views after Redefinitions (AG, ISM, KAR), pp. 211–222.
- SIGMOD-1995-LuMSS #maintenance #performance
- Efficient Maintenance of Materialized Mediated Views (JJL, GM, JS, VSS), pp. 340–351.
- SIGMOD-1995-ZhugeGHW #maintenance
- View Maintenance in a Warehousing Environment (YZ, HGM, JH, JW), pp. 316–327.
- ICSM-1995-AvrilionisC #maintenance #modelling #petri net #process #using
- Using views to maintain Petri-net-based process models (DA, PYC), pp. 318–326.
- ICSM-1995-StoreyM #using
- Manipulating and documenting software structures using SHriMP views (MADS, HAM), p. 275–?.
- STOC-1995-RabaniRS
- A computational view of population genetics (YR, YR, AS), pp. 83–92.
- CHI-1995-MukherjeaFH #hypermedia #multi #network #visualisation
- Visualizing Complex Hypermedia Networks through Multiple Hierarchical Views (SM, JDF, SEH), pp. 331–337.
- TRI-Ada-1995-Kruchten95a #architecture
- Architecture Blueprints — the “4+1” View Model of Software Architecture (PK), pp. 540–555.
- ICML-1995-DietterichF #learning #perspective
- Explanation-Based Learning and Reinforcement Learning: A Unified View (TGD, NSF), pp. 176–184.
- SEKE-1995-Stanbrough
- An object view = methods + events (DS), pp. 80–86.
- ESEC-1995-Jarzabek #named #specification
- PQL: A Language for Specifying Abstract Program Views (SJ), pp. 324–342.
- LCT-RTS-1995-Wilner #comprehension #embedded #named #realtime #visualisation
- WindView: A Tool for Understanding Real-time Embedded Software Through System Visualization (DW), pp. 117–123.
- RTA-1995-BaaderS #algebra #constraints #perspective #theorem proving
- Combination of Constraint Solving Techniques: An Algebraic POint of View (FB, KUS), pp. 352–366.
- DAC-1994-Maly #design #perspective
- Cost of Silicon Viewed from VLSI Design Perspective (WM), pp. 135–142.
- KBSE-1994-Novak #component #reuse
- Composing Reusable Software Components Through Views (GSN), pp. 39–47.
- PODS-1994-OhoriT #calculus #polymorphism
- A Polymorphic Calculus for Views and Object Sharing (AO, KT), pp. 255–266.
- VLDB-1994-GutierrezPST #database #graph #persistent
- Database Graph Views: A Practical Model to Manage Persistent Graphs (AG, PP, HS, JMT), pp. 391–402.
- CSCW-1994-PrakashS #collaboration #named #performance #using
- DistView: Support for Building Efficient Collaborative Applications Using Replicated Objects (AP, HSS), pp. 153–164.
- CAiSE-1994-JarzabekT #modelling #multi #re-engineering #reuse
- Modeling Multiple Views of Common Features in Software Reengineering for Reuse (SJ, CLT), pp. 269–282.
- CAiSE-1994-Prakash #process
- A Process View of Methodologies (NP), pp. 339–352.
- CIKM-1994-Al-AnziS #behaviour #concurrent #modelling #towards
- Modeling Behavior, A Step Towards Defining Functionally Correct Views of Complex Objects in Concurrent Engineering (FSAA, DLS), pp. 1–9.
- CIKM-1994-Rundensteiner #algorithm #classification #object-oriented
- A Classification Algorithm for Supporting Object-Oriented Views (EAR), pp. 18–25.
- KR-1994-Jiang #logic #multi #on the #perspective
- On Multiagent Autoepistemic Logic : An Extrospective View (YJ), pp. 317–328.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-CharltonLR #database #inheritance #persistent #using
- Using Inheritance to Provide Subschema Views in a Shared Persistent Object Database (CCC, PHL, MR), pp. 419–428.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Johnson #framework #named #reuse
- Frameworks: A Programmer's View of Developing Reusable Software (REJ), p. 545.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Tomek #smalltalk #tool support
- Three Tools for Smalltalk Programmers: Task Oriented Views, Information Cards, and SCRC card (IT), pp. 489–497.
- ALP-1994-Paige #program transformation
- Viewing A program Transformation System At Work (RP), p. 5.
- PLILP-1994-Paige #program transformation
- Viewing A Program Transformation System At Work (RP), pp. 5–24.
- ICRE-1994-GullaWLS #concept #modelling
- Executing, viewing and explaining conceptual models (JAG, GW, OIL, AS), pp. 166–175.
- SAC-1994-ShiL #equivalence #framework #generative #multi #object-oriented
- View generation based on equivalence framework in object-oriented multidatabase systems (KSS, HJL), pp. 529–533.
- KBSE-1993-Jr. #development #research #scalability
- A researcher’s view of life in a large software development environment (Keynote) (ESJ), p. 4.
- HT-1993-Noik #network #scalability
- Exploring Large Hyperdocuments: Fisheye Views of Nested Networks (EGN), pp. 192–205.
- SIGMOD-1993-GuptaMS #incremental #maintenance
- Maintaining Views Incrementally (AG, ISM, VSS), pp. 157–166.
- SIGMOD-1993-Wade #database #distributed #logic
- Single Logical View over Enterprise-Wide Distributed Databases (AEW), pp. 441–444.
- CSM-1993-Pigoski #maintenance
- Software Maintenance: A Practitioner’s View of Changes Since 1983 (TMP), pp. 413–414.
- HCI-ACS-1993-CockeWA #health #modelling #physics
- Models of Job Enlargement Tested and Evaluated from the Point of View of Physical Health and Job Satisfaction (BC, GW, EÅ), pp. 845–850.
- HCI-ACS-1993-HouwingWA #evaluation #metric #usability
- Usability Evaluation From Users’ Point of View: Three Complementary Measures (EMH, MW, AGA), pp. 475–480.
- HCI-ACS-1993-Soderberg #design #how
- How the Design of the Premises Supports a New Organizational Structure as Viewed by Full-Time Operators in Large-Scaled Tele-Services (IS), pp. 839–844.
- HCI-SHI-1993-HowardC #towards
- Snapshots from the Eye: Toward Strategies for Viewing Bibliographic Citations (DLH, MEC), pp. 488–493.
- INTERCHI-1993-BrownMS #graph #using
- Browsing graphs using a fisheye view (abstract) (MHB, JRM, MS), p. 516.
- INTERCHI-1993-GaverSHL #multi
- One is not enough: multiple views in a media space (WWG, AS, CH, PL), pp. 335–341.
- CAiSE-1993-Johannesson #integration
- Schema Transformations as an Aid in View Integration (PJ), pp. 71–92.
- CIKM-1993-Rundensteiner #database #generative #object-oriented #tool support
- Tools for View Generation in Object-Oriented Databases (EAR), pp. 635–644.
- SIGIR-1993-Krovetz #process
- Viewing Morphology as an Inference Process (RK), pp. 191–202.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-Marcaillou-EbersoldCV #approach #modelling
- An Approach to View Point Modelling (SME, BC, DPV), pp. 151–164.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-GrundyH #framework #named #programming #visual notation
- MViews: A Framework for Developing Visual Programming Environments (JCG, JGH), pp. 465–473.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Lumsden
- A View of VisualWorks: ParcPlace Smalltalk-80 (DL), p. 330.
- TOOLS-USA-1993-BaudoinH #industrial #lifecycle #perspective
- Realizing the Object Life Cycle: An Industry View (CB, GH), p. 533.
- TOOLS-USA-1993-BielakM
- The Many Faces of a Class: Views and Contrasts (RB, JCM), pp. 153–161.
- LOPSTR-1993-LauO #deduction #logic programming #source code #specification #synthesis
- A Formal View of Specification, Deductive Synthesis and Transformation of Logic Programs (KKL, MO), pp. 10–31.
- PLILP-1993-DarlingtonGK #functional #linear #logic #perspective #programming language
- Functional Programming Languages with Logical Variables: A Linear Logic View (JD, YG, MK), pp. 201–219.
- SAC-1993-PelkeyTTLD #gnome #representation #visual notation
- Gnome View: A Tool for Visual Representation of Human Genome Data (JEP, GST, DAT, VBL, RJD), pp. 21–27.
- ESEC-1993-JarkePJBAHWRPSSJMTVCS #process #representation #requirements
- Requirements Engineering: An Integrated View of Representation, Process, and Domain (MJ, KP, SJ, JABJ, PA, PH, BW, CR, VP, JRS, AGS, SJ, NAMM, DT, YV, PC, GS), pp. 100–114.
- ICSE-1993-NuseibehKF #multi #requirements #specification
- Expressing the Relationships Between Multiple Views in Requirements Specification (BN, JK, AF), pp. 187–196.
- ICLP-1993-Maher #logic programming
- A Logic Programming View of CLP (MJM), pp. 737–753.
- KBSE-1992-Novak #clustering #reuse
- Software Reuse through View Type Clusters (GSN), p. 15.
- HT-ECHT-1992-TochtermannD
- Fishing for Clarity in Hyperdocuments with Enhanced Fisheye-Views (KT, GD), pp. 212–221.
- VLDB-1992-Rundensteiner #database #multi #named #object-oriented
- Multiview: A Methodology for Supporting Multiple Views in Object-Oriented Databases (EAR), pp. 187–198.
- SEI-1992-Taulbee #interface #perspective #re-engineering
- The Software Engineering — Patent Law Interface: A Practitioner’s View (GMT), pp. 194–244.
- ICALP-1992-Bundgen #algorithm #term rewriting
- Buchberger’s Algorithm: The Term Rewriter’s Point of View (Extended Abstract) (RB), pp. 380–391.
- CHI-1992-Hill #constraints #paradigm #user interface #using
- The abstraction-link-view paradigm: using constraints to connect user interfaces to applications (RDH), pp. 335–342.
- CHI-1992-Kuzuoka #collaboration #video
- Spatial Workspace Collaboration: A SharedView Video Support System for Remote Collaboration Capability (HK), pp. 533–540.
- CHI-1992-SarkarB #graph #visual notation
- Graphical Fisheye Views of Graphs (MS, MHB), pp. 83–91.
- CSCW-1992-GrahamU #automation #distributed #implementation #multi
- Rational Views as a Model for Automatic Distributed Implementation of Multi-User Applications (TCNG, TU), pp. 59–66.
- TRI-Ada-C-1992-BlakeB #ada #case study #experience #interface #perspective #semantics #specification
- Experiences with The Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS): Developing a Tool with a View (SJB, JBB), pp. 458–468.
- CAiSE-1992-Comyn-WattiauB #constraints #integration
- Constraint Confrontation: An Important Step in View Integration (ICW, MB), pp. 507–523.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-BreuningA #set #user interface #visual notation
- Hierarchic Views — a Construction Set for Complex Graphical User Interfaces (RB, WA), pp. 325–332.
- TOOLS-USA-1992-Johnson92b #reuse
- A Programmer’s View of Developing Reusable Software (REJ), p. 268.
- ALP-1992-Maher #logic programming
- A CLP View of Logic Programming (MJM), pp. 364–383.
- LOPSTR-1992-FribourgO #induction #logic programming #source code
- A Unifying View of Structural Induction and Computation Induction for Logic Programs (LF, HO), pp. 46–60.
- LOPSTR-1992-Neugebauer #approach
- The LOPS Approach: A Transformational Point of View (Extended Abstract) (GN), pp. 80–81.
- CADE-1992-FrischC #unification
- An Abstract View of Sorted Unification (AMF, AGC), pp. 178–192.
- JICSLP-1992-Bugliesi #declarative #inheritance #logic programming
- A Declarative View of Inheritance in Logic Programming (MB), pp. 113–127.
- HT-1991-KaindlS #hypermedia #perspective #representation
- Hypertext and Structured Object Representation: A Unifying View (HK, MHS), pp. 345–358.
- SIGMOD-1991-AbiteboulB
- Objects and Views (SA, AJB), pp. 238–247.
- SIGMOD-1991-BarsalouKSW #database #relational
- Updating Relational Databases through Object-Based Views (TB, AMK, NS, GW), pp. 248–257.
- STOC-1991-Mulmuley
- Hidden Surface Removal with Respect to a Moving View Point (KM), pp. 512–522.
- CHI-1991-BarfieldBP #interface
- The views user-interface system (LB, EB, SP), pp. 415–416.
- CHI-1991-RossonCS #reuse #smalltalk
- A view matcher for reusing Smalltalk classes (MBR, JMC, CS), pp. 277–283.
- CHI-1991-RossonCS91a #reuse #smalltalk
- Demonstrating a view matcher for reusing Smalltalk classes (MBR, JMC, CS), pp. 431–432.
- KR-1991-Schaub #perspective #semantics
- Assertional Default Theories: A Semantical View (TS), pp. 496–506.
- PLILP-1991-BorgerD #database #framework #prolog
- A Framework to Specify Database Update Views for Prolog (EB, BD), pp. 147–158.
- POPL-1991-AbadiP #composition #logic #refinement
- A Logical View of Composition and Refinement (MA, GDP), pp. 323–332.
- ESEC-1991-Jackson #industrial #perspective #re-engineering
- The Impact of Software Engineering Researches on Industrial Practice — a Personal View (CJ), pp. 472–479.
- ESEC-1991-Parisi-PresicceP #algebra #inheritance #object-oriented #programming #type system
- An Algebraic View of Inheritance and Subtyping in Object Oriented Programming (FPP, AP), pp. 364–379.
- ISLP-1991-Ducasse #prolog
- Abstract Views of Prolog Executions in Opium (MD), pp. 18–32.
- DAC-1990-Spreitzer #design
- Comparing Structurally Different Views of a VLSI Design (MS), pp. 200–212.
- ECHT-1990-MylonasH #hypermedia
- Hypertext from the Data Point of View: Paths and Links in the Perseus Project (EM, SH), pp. 324–336.
- SIGMOD-1990-AgrawalGS #interface #named #visual notation
- OdeView: The Graphical Interface to Ode (RA, NHG, JS), pp. 34–43.
- SIGMOD-1990-AgrawalGS90a #interface #named #visual notation
- OdeView: A User-Friendly Graphical Interface to Ode (RA, NHG, JS), p. 389.
- SIGMOD-1990-StonebrakerJGP #database #on the
- On Rules, Procedures, Caching and Views in Data Base Systems (MS, AJ, JG, SP), pp. 281–290.
- VLDB-1990-SudkampL #database
- Elimination of View and Redundant Variables in a SQL-like Database Language for Extended NF2 Structures (NS, VL), pp. 302–313.
- CHI-1990-CarrollSBA #learning #smalltalk
- A view matcher for learning Smalltalk (JMC, JAS, RKEB, SRA), pp. 431–437.
- CHI-1990-WixonHK #design
- Contextual design: an emergent view of system design (DRW, KH, SK), pp. 329–336.
- CAiSE-1990-WijersH #automation #modelling #process
- Automated Support of Modelling Process: A View Based on Experiments with Expert Information Engineers (GMW, HH), pp. 88–108.
- OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-CarreG #inheritance #multi
- The Point of View Notion for Multiple Inheritance (BC, JMG), pp. 312–321.
- OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-McDonaldSB #multi
- Painting Multiple Views of Complex Objects (JAM, WS, AB), pp. 245–257.
- OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-NierstraszP #communication
- Viewing Objects as Patterns of Communicating Agents (ON, MP), pp. 38–43.
- ICSE-1990-Talbot #towards
- Towards Systems Engineering: A Personal View of Progress (DT), pp. 306–307.
- CLP-1990-MonteiroP90 #inheritance #logic programming
- A Transformational View of Inheritance in Logic Programming (LM, AP), pp. 481–494.
- VLDB-1989-Gallaire #database
- From a laguna to open waters: Another view on the next generations of databases (HG), p. 1.
- ECOOP-1989-FriedrichHSS #named #tool support #visualisation
- ObjView: A Task-Oriented, Graphics-Based Tools for Object Visualization and Arrangement (GF, WH, CS, MS), pp. 299–310.
- OOPSLA-1989-Shan #framework #mvc #smalltalk
- An Event-Driven Model-View-Controller Framework for Smalltalk (YPS), pp. 347–352.
- OOPSLA-1989-ShillingS #object-oriented #paradigm
- Three Steps to Views: Extending the Object-Oriented Paradigm (JJS, PFS), pp. 353–361.
- DAC-1988-BaerLMNSW #multi
- A Notation for Describing Multiple Views of VLSI Circuits (JLB, MCL, LM, RN, LS, WW), pp. 102–107.
- PODS-1988-SrivastavaR #maintenance #modelling
- Analytical Modeling of Materialized View Maintenance (JS, DR), pp. 126–134.
- SIGMOD-1988-Goldberg #perspective
- Data with a Point of View (AG), p. 1.
- VLDB-1988-NeuholdS #personalisation
- Dynamic Derivation of Personalized Views (EJN, MS), pp. 183–194.
- CSCW-1988-WhitesideW
- Contextualism as a World View for the Reformation of Meetings (JAW, DRW), pp. 369–376.
- OOPSLA-1988-KleynG #comprehension #named #object-oriented #using
- GraphTrace — Understanding Object-Oriented Systems Using Concurrently Animated Views (MFK, PCG), pp. 191–205.
- PLILP-1988-DeransartM #logic programming
- A Grammatical View of Logic Programming (PD, JM), pp. 219–251.
- DAC-1987-GirczycL #design #mvc #named #smalltalk
- STEM: An IC Design Environment Based on the Smalltalk Model-View-Controller Construct (EFG, TAL), pp. 757–763.
- PODS-1987-AptP #database #maintenance
- Maintenance of Stratified Databases Viewed as a Belief Revision System (KRA, JMP), pp. 136–145.
- SIGMOD-1987-Freytag #optimisation #query #rule-based
- A Rule-Based View of Query Optimization (JCF), pp. 173–180.
- SIGMOD-1987-Hanson #analysis #performance
- A Performance Analysis of View Materialization Strategies (ENH), pp. 440–453.
- POPL-1987-Wadler #abstraction #named #pattern matching
- Views: A Way for Pattern Matching to Cohabit with Data Abstraction (PW), pp. 307–313.
- PODS-1986-BiskupBSK
- One Flavor Assumption and Gamma-Acyclicity for Universal Relation Views (JB, HHB, LS, MK), pp. 148–159.
- SIGMOD-1986-BiskupC #integration
- A Formal View Integration Method (JB, BC), pp. 398–407.
- SIGMOD-1986-BlakeleyLT
- Efficiently Updating Materialized Views (JAB, PÅL, FWT), pp. 61–71.
- SIGMOD-1986-DadamKABEGLPW #prototype
- A DBMS Prototype to Support Extended NF2 Relations: An Integrated View on Flat Tables and Hierarchies (PD, KK, FA, HMB, RE, JG, VYL, PP, GW), pp. 356–367.
- VLDB-1986-Keller
- Choosing a View Update Translator by Dialog at View Definition Time (AMK), pp. 467–474.
- ESOP-1986-Salminen #specification
- Specification of a Tool for Viewing Program Text (AS), pp. 250–261.
- CRAI-1986-Stenning #ada #perspective
- The Ada Environment — A Personal View (VS), pp. 48–61.
- SLP-1986-Tarnlund86 #logic programming #perspective
- Logic Programming-From a Logic Point of View (SÅT), pp. 96–103.
- PODS-1985-Connors #capacity #equivalence #query
- Equivalence of Views by Query Capacity (TC), pp. 143–148.
- PODS-1985-Keller #algorithm #database
- Algorithms for Translating View Updates to Database Updates for Views Involving Selections, Projections, and Joins (AMK), pp. 154–163.
- SIGMOD-1985-CliffordT #algebra #database #on the #relational
- On An Algebra For Historical Relational Databases: Two Views (JC, AUT), pp. 247–265.
- VLDB-1985-Ioannidis #bound #recursion
- A Time Bound on the Materialization of some Recursively Defined Views (YEI), pp. 219–226.
- VLDB-1985-MedeirosT #comprehension #policy
- Understanding the Implications of View Update Policies (CBM, FWT), pp. 316–323.
- VLDB-1985-Zlatuska #database #functional #perspective
- Hit Data Model Data Bases from the Functional Point of View (JZ), pp. 470–477.
- DAC-1984-ColtonSE #perspective
- Users view (JC, FES, DHE), p. 384.
- PODS-1984-Hegner #algebra #canonical #component
- Canonical View Update Support through Boolean Algebras of Components (SJH), pp. 163–173.
- PODS-1984-Vianu #relational
- Object Projection Views in the Dynamic Relational Model (VV), pp. 214–220.
- SIGMOD-1984-ShmueliI #maintenance
- Maintenance of Views (OS, AI), pp. 240–255.
- VLDB-1984-GoldhirschY #query
- Processing Read-Only Queries Over Views With Generalization (DG, LY), pp. 344–348.
- VLDB-1984-Masunaga #database #relational
- A Relational Database View Update Translation Mechanism (YM), pp. 309–320.
- ICSE-1984-Reiss #development #multi #named
- PECAN: Program Development Systems That Support Multiple Views (SPR), pp. 323–333.
- DAC-1983-Camoin #perspective
- Central DA and its role: An executive view (RJC), p. 3.
- PODS-1983-CasanovaV #integration #towards
- Towards a Sound View Integration Methodology (MAC, VMPV), pp. 36–47.
- PODS-1983-Cosmadakis83a #relational
- Updates of Relational Views (SSC, CHP), pp. 317–331.
- SIGMOD-1983-Neuhold #data transformation
- Views on Data Management (EJN), pp. 4–5.
- SIGMOD-1983-Stonebraker #question
- DBMS and AI: Is There any Common Point of View? (MS), p. 134.
- VLDB-1983-BertinoHL #database #distributed
- View Management in Distributed Data Base Systems (EB, LMH, BGL), pp. 376–378.
- VLDB-1983-BiskupB #approach
- Universal Relation Views: A Pragmatic Approach (JB, HHB), pp. 172–185.
- ICALP-1983-Smyth #perspective
- Power Domains and Predicate Transformers: A Topological View (MBS), pp. 662–675.
- SIGIR-1983-Somers #analysis #file system #recommendation #user interface
- The User View of File Management: Recommendations for a User Interface Based in an Analysis of UNIX File System Use (PS), p. 161.
- VLDB-1982-NavatheG #database #design #logic
- A Methodology for View Inegration in Logical Database Design (SBN, SGG), pp. 142–164.
- DAC-1981-Chan
- A perspective view of the MODCON system (YKC), pp. 179–188.
- DAC-1981-Dutton #automation #design #perspective #tool support
- Position statement — tools for design automation from a university point of view (RWD), p. 333.
- SIGMOD-1981-Stonebraker #database
- Hypothetical Data Bases as Views (MS), pp. 224–229.
- VLDB-1981-Adiba #distributed
- Derived Relations: A Unified Mechanism for Views, Snapshots, and Distributed Data (MEA), pp. 293–305.
- ICALP-1981-Ullman #database #relational
- A View of Directions in Relational Database Theory (JDU), pp. 165–176.
- VLDB-1980-Spyratos #relational
- Translation Structures of Relational Views (NS), pp. 411–416.
- DAC-1979-Cronin
- Views of a vendor (Position Paper) (MJC), p. 346.
- SIGMOD-1979-RoweS #abstraction
- Data Abstractions, Views and Updates in RIGEL (LAR, KAS), pp. 71–81.
- SIGMOD-1979-Zaniolo #design #network #relational
- Design of Relational Views over Network Schemas (CZ), pp. 179–190.
- VLDB-1979-BaldisseraCPB #database #design #interactive #specification #verification
- Interactive Specification and Formal Verification of User’s Views in Data Bases Design (CB, SC, GP, GB), pp. 262–272.
- SIGMOD-1978-FryS #database #multi #towards
- Towards the Support of Integrated Views of Multiple Databases: An Aggregate Schema Facility (DES, JPF), pp. 132–143.
- SIGMOD-1978-MalkinA
- A Case Management System: Three Views of an Application (JGM, BFA), pp. 89–100.
- SIGMOD-1978-NavatheS #database #design #logic #representation
- View Representation in Logical Database Design (SBN, MS), pp. 144–156.
- VLDB-1978-DayalB #on the #relational
- On the Updatability of Relational Views (UD, PAB), pp. 368–377.
- VLDB-1978-Wasserman #database #re-engineering
- A Software Engineering View of Data Base Management (AIW), pp. 23–35.
- VLDB-1978-Weber #database #re-engineering
- A Software Engineering View of Data Base Systems (HW), pp. 36–51.
- VLDB-1977-KlugT #framework #multi
- Multiple View Support within the ANSI/SPARC Framework (ACK, DT), pp. 477–488.
- VLDB-J-1975-Chen76 #towards
- The Entity-Relationship Model — Toward a Unified View of Data (PPC), pp. 9–36.
- SIGMOD-1976-Schneider #independence #relational
- A Relational View of the Data Independent Accessing Model (LSS), pp. 75–90.
- ICSE-1976-Whitaker #re-engineering
- A Defense View of Software Engineering (WAW), pp. 358–362.
- DAC-1975-Quinn #physics #problem
- The placement problem as viewed from the physics of classical mechanics (NRQJ), pp. 173–178.
- SIGMOD-1975-Stonebraker #constraints #implementation #query
- Implementation of Integrity Constraints and Views by Query Modification (MS), pp. 65–78.
- VLDB-1975-Chen #towards
- The Enity-Relationship Model: Toward a Unified View of Data (PPC), p. 173.
- VLDB-1975-Zimmerman #database #network #relational
- Different Views of a Data Base: Coexistence between Network Model and Relational Model (KZ), pp. 535–537.
- SIGFIDET-1974-Beitz #database #representation
- A Set-Theoretic View of Data Base Representation (EHB), pp. 477–494.
- SIGFIDET-1974-Stonebraker #functional #independence
- A Functional View of Data Independence (MS), pp. 63–81.
- SIGIR-1973-Smith #perspective
- From a Data Description Point of View (DCPS), pp. 118–130.
- DAC-1971-Sherman #hardware #testing
- Computer-controlled hardware testing: A programmer’s view of the test center (JWS), pp. 267–272.
- DAC-1970-BottorffR #generative #testing
- A view of a user-oriented production test data generation system (PSB, RAR), pp. 90–94.
- STOC-1969-Thatcher #automaton #finite
- Transformations and Translations from the Point of View of Generalized Finite Automata Theory (JWT), pp. 129–142.