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Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
Collaborated with:
M.Vriesenga C.Ornes A.Disher B.Chai X.Zhuang Y.Zhao
Talks about:
neural (2) linear (2) relationship (1) algorithm (1) piecewis (1) perceptu (1) classifi (1) network (1) visual (1) binari (1)

Person: Jack Sklansky

DBLP DBLP: Sklansky:Jack

Contributed to:

ICPR 19981998
ICPR 19961996

Wrote 3 papers:

ICPR-1998-OrnesDS #network #visual notation
A visual neural network that learns perceptual relationships (CO, AD, JS), pp. 873–875.
ICPR-1996-ChaiZZS #algorithm #linear #search-based
Binary linear decision tree with genetic algorithm (BBC, XZ, YZ, JS), pp. 530–534.
ICPR-1996-VriesengaS #classification #linear #modelling
Neural modeling of piecewise linear classifiers (MV, JS), pp. 281–285.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.