Stem relationship$ (all stems)
500 papers:
VLDB-2015-RenW #graph #morphism #scalability- Exploiting Vertex Relationships in Speeding up Subgraph Isomorphism over Large Graphs (XR, JW), pp. 617–628.
CSCW-2015-MatthewsMCMHB #community #what- They Said What?: Exploring the Relationship Between Language Use and Member Satisfaction in Communities (TM, JUM, JC, MM, EMH, HB), pp. 819–825.
DHM-HM-2015-MigakiOTMKIH #experience- The Relationship Between Mechanical Properties and the Method Technique of GFRP Plate by Hand Lay-up Method: Effect of the Workers Experience (MM, KO, RT, YM, EK, DI, HH), pp. 143–153.
DUXU-DD-2015-GuoSYL #people- Personal Museum — A New Museum that Focus on Emotional Relationship Between People and Belongings (LG, YS, SY, HBL), pp. 502–512.
HCI-DE-2015-Chae #case study- A Study on the Relationships Between Drivers’ Emotions and Brain Signals (SC), pp. 468–476.
HCI-DE-2015-SalanitriHBLSW #trust #usability- Relationship Between Trust and Usability in Virtual Environments: An Ongoing Study (DS, CH, SB, GL, SS, BW), pp. 49–59.
HCI-IT-2015-SakamotoT #communication #interactive- Stage of Subconscious Interaction for Forming Communication Relationship (TS, YT), pp. 376–384.
HIMI-IKC-2015-HayashiH #analysis #concept #learning #process- Analysis of the Relationship Between Metacognitive Ability and Learning Activity with Kit-Build Concept Map (YH, TH), pp. 304–312.
CAiSE-2015-GuarinoG #modelling #quote- “We Need to Discuss the Relationship”: Revisiting Relationships as Modeling Constructs (NG, GG), pp. 279–294.
ICEIS-v1-2015-KnoblauchB #concept #framework- Conceptual Framework of Anything Relationship Management (JPK, RB), pp. 108–120.
ICEIS-v3-2015-BagheriKT #information management #network #social- Business-IT Alignment in PSS Value Networks — Linking Customer Knowledge Management to Social Customer Relationship Management (SB, RJK, JJMT), pp. 249–257.
ICEIS-v3-2015-CruzV #architecture #enterprise #towards- Towards a Reference Enterprise Application Architecture for the Customer Relationship Management Domain (AC, AV), pp. 185–195.
ICML-2015-ZhaoMP #network #on the- On the Relationship between Sum-Product Networks and Bayesian Networks (HZ, MM, PP), pp. 116–124.
KDD-2015-KicKimanR #identification #social #social media #towards- Towards Decision Support and Goal Achievement: Identifying Action-Outcome Relationships From Social Media (EK, MR), pp. 547–556.
KDD-2015-Papagiannopoulou #learning #multi- Discovering and Exploiting Deterministic Label Relationships in Multi-Label Learning (CP, GT, IT), pp. 915–924.
KDD-2015-StantonTJVCS #data-driven #mining- Mining for Causal Relationships: A Data-Driven Study of the Islamic State (AS, AT, AJ, PV, AC, PS), pp. 2137–2146.
MLDM-2015-MoldovanM #data mining #learning #mining #performance #using- Learning the Relationship Between Corporate Governance and Company Performance Using Data Mining (DM, SM), pp. 368–381.
MLDM-2015-SalahAM #mining #optimisation #performance #pipes and filters- Optimizing the Data-Process Relationship for Fast Mining of Frequent Itemsets in MapReduce (SS, RA, FM), pp. 217–231.
ECOOP-2015-MedeirosKRNG #c #preprocessor- The Love/Hate Relationship with the C Preprocessor: An Interview Study (FM, CK, MR, SN, RG), pp. 495–518.
SAC-2015-PedrosaT #approach #encoding #visual notation #word- Compact and discriminative approach for encoding spatial-relationship of visual words (GVP, AJMT), pp. 92–95.
SAC-2015-ZappatoreLB #composition #contract #network #representation- SLA composition in service networks: a tool for representing relationships between SLAs and contracts (MZ, AL, MAB), pp. 1219–1224.
HT-2014-ThomeeM #automation #equivalence- Automatic discovery of global and local equivalence relationships in labeled geo-spatial data (BT, GDFM), pp. 158–168.
VLDB-2014-WuLLH #mining- MoveMine 2.0: Mining Object Relationships from Movement Data (FW, TKHL, ZL, JH), pp. 1613–1616.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-GrantC #maintenance #similarity #topic- Examining the relationship between topic model similarity and software maintenance (SG, JRC), pp. 303–307.
ICPC-2014-VasquezKMSPG #anti #java #matter #metric #mobile- Domain matters: bringing further evidence of the relationships among anti-patterns, application domains, and quality-related metrics in Java mobile apps (MLV, SK, CM, AS, DP, YGG), pp. 232–243.
ICPC-2014-ZapalowskiNN #architecture #source code- Revealing the relationship between architectural elements and source code characteristics (VZ, IN, DJN), pp. 14–25.
ICSME-2014-LandmanSV #analysis #corpus #empirical #java #scalability- Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between CC and SLOC in a Large Corpus of Java Methods (DL, AS, JJV), pp. 221–230.
CHI-2014-BrubakerDGKH #legacy- Stewarding a legacy: responsibilities and relationships in the management of post-mortem data (JRB, LD, AMG, NK, GRH), pp. 4157–4166.
CHI-2014-WaycottDVMGOK #bound- Captioned photographs in psychosocial aged care: relationship building and boundary work (JW, HD, FV, AM, AG, EO, LK), pp. 4167–4176.
CSCW-2014-BackstromK #analysis #facebook #network #social- Romantic partnerships and the dispersion of social ties: a network analysis of relationship status on facebook (LB, JMK), pp. 831–841.
CSCW-2014-HeinrichKAS- Enabling relationship building in tabletop-supported advisory settings (PH, MK, FRA, GS), pp. 171–183.
CSCW-2014-Vitak #facebook #maintenance #strict- Facebook makes the heart grow fonder: relationship maintenance strategies among geographically dispersed and communication-restricted connections (JV), pp. 842–853.
DUXU-DP-2014-KarapantelakisG #deployment #design #effectiveness #evaluation #scalability #social- Design, Deployment and Evaluation of a Social Tool for Developing Effective Working Relationships in Large Organizations (AK, YG), pp. 49–60.
DUXU-TMT-2014-AvilaL #usability- Relationship between Elements of the Usability and Emotions Reported after Use: A Mexican Case (ICLÁ, LRPL), pp. 285–295.
HIMI-AS-2014-MatsuiHKA #behaviour #case study #education #learning- A Study on Exploration of Relationships between Behaviors and Mental States of Learners for Value Co-creative Education and Learning Environment (TM, YH, KK, TA), pp. 69–79.
HIMI-AS-2014-OhtaK #evaluation- The Relationships between the Products and Affective Evaluation Concerning Uniqueness (YO, KK), pp. 622–630.
ICEIS-v2-2014-CalefatoLN #social #social media #trust- Investigating the Effect of Social Media on Trust Building in Customer-supplier Relationships (FC, FL, NN), pp. 635–642.
ICEIS-v2-2014-KhashabGAK #comprehension #towards- Scoping Customer Relationship Management Strategy in HEI — Understanding Steps towards Alignment of Customer and Management Needs (BK, SRG, AA, MK), pp. 267–274.
ICEIS-v3-2014-WissotzkiTWK #bibliography #perspective #state of the art- Investigation of IT Sourcing, Relationship Management and Contractual Governance Approaches — State of the Art Literature Review (MW, FT, JW, HK), pp. 280–287.
CIKM-2014-LiuXD #mining #network #predict- Relationship Emergence Prediction in Heterogeneous Networks through Dynamic Frequent Subgraph Mining (YL, SX, LD), pp. 1649–1658.
CIKM-2014-LiWH #twitter #what- What a Nasty Day: Exploring Mood-Weather Relationship from Twitter (JL, XW, EHH), pp. 1309–1318.
CIKM-2014-MengCS #analysis #approximate #keyword #query #semantics- Semantic Approximate Keyword Query Based on Keyword and Query Coupling Relationship Analysis (XM, LC, JS), pp. 529–538.
CIKM-2014-PfeifferNB #learning #network #probability #using- Active Exploration in Networks: Using Probabilistic Relationships for Learning and Inference (JJPI, JN, PNB), pp. 639–648.
CIKM-2014-WilkieA #analysis #bias #performance #retrieval- A Retrievability Analysis: Exploring the Relationship Between Retrieval Bias and Retrieval Performance (CW, LA), pp. 81–90.
CIKM-2014-ZhangLLW #graph #multi #named- PatentDom: Analyzing Patent Relationships on Multi-View Patent Graphs (LZ, LL, TL, DW), pp. 1369–1378.
ICPR-2014-LiuWF #modelling- Modeling the Relationship of Action, Object, and Scene (JL, XW, YF), pp. 2005–2010.
MLDM-2014-SharmaT #mining #social #social media- A Generalized Relationship Mining Method for Social Media Text Data (TS, DT), pp. 376–392.
RE-2014-FotrousiFF #elicitation #quality #requirements- Quality requirements elicitation based on inquiry of quality-impact relationships (FF, SAF, MF), pp. 303–312.
SAC-2014-WangMLG #recommendation #social- Recommendation based on weighted social trusts and item relationships (DW, JM, TL, LG), pp. 254–259.
ICSE-2014-AndroutsopoulosCDHH #analysis #fault #testing- An analysis of the relationship between conditional entropy and failed error propagation in software testing (KA, DC, HD, RMH, MH), pp. 573–583.
CC-2014-SrinivasanR #composition- Recovery of Class Hierarchies and Composition Relationships from Machine Code (VS, TWR), pp. 61–84.
DocEng-2013-AlvaroZ #layout- A shape-based layout descriptor for classifying spatial relationships in handwritten math (FA, RZ), pp. 123–126.
HT-2013-GuerreiroG #exclamation #quote #what- “Tell me what I want to know!”: the effect of relationship closeness on the relevance of profile attributes (JG, DG), pp. 230–235.
SIGMOD-2013-BykauRV #evolution #query- A query answering system for data with evolution relationships (SB, FR, YV), pp. 989–992.
CSMR-2013-JaafarHGHA #empirical #evolution #on the- On the Relationship between Program Evolution and Fault-Proneness: An Empirical Study (FJ, SH, YGG, SH, BA), pp. 15–24.
ICSM-2013-MorenoBHM #debugging #on the #source code- On the Relationship between the Vocabulary of Bug Reports and Source Code (LM, WB, SH, AM), pp. 452–455.
WCRE-2013-JaafarGHK #anti #dependence #mining- Mining the relationship between anti-patterns dependencies and fault-proneness (FJ, YGG, SH, FK), pp. 351–360.
WCRE-2013-KomondoorBDK #domain model #modelling #using- Using relationships for matching textual domain models with existing code (RK, IB, DD, SK), pp. 371–380.
CHI-2013-NeustaedterBM #energy #how #process #product line- Everyday activities and energy consumption: how families understand the relationship (CN, LB, AM), pp. 1183–1192.
CSCW-2013-ChoiHHLS #communication #mining #social #using- Mining social relationship types in an organization using communication patterns (JC, SH, JH, GL, JS), pp. 295–302.
CSCW-2013-KazakosHV #product line- Revisiting the relationship between reunion and technology-mediated separation in periodically transitioning families (KK, SH, FV), pp. 1157–1168.
CSCW-2013-MinWHZ #mining #smarttech #social- Mining smartphone data to classify life-facets of social relationships (JKM, JW, JIH, JZ), pp. 285–294.
CSCW-2013-ThayerSL #using- Recalibrating the ratio: enacting accountability in intimate relationships using shared calendars (AT, BS, CPL), pp. 203–214.
DHM-HB-2013-NakamuraKOOHNAKMK #artificial reality #learning #self #student #towards #using- The Relationship between Nursing Students’ Attitudes towards Learning and Effects of Self-learning System Using Kinect (MN, YK, JO, TO, ZH, AN, KA, NK, JM, MKP), pp. 111–116.
DUXU-PMT-2013-ChungF #component #experience- Context as a System, Product as a Component, and the Relationship as Experience (WC, SF), pp. 29–37.
DUXU-WM-2013-TsengLL- The Relationship between Preference and Stare Duration on Bicycle (JHT, DBL, ZHL), pp. 450–456.
HCI-AS-2013-EshraghiERYEMH #case study- Study on Relationship between Foot Pressure Pattern and Hallux Valgus (HV) Progression (SE, IIE, PR, MY, ME, AM, SH), pp. 76–83.
HCI-AS-2013-LucenaMPF #design- Telemedicine and Design: Relationships that Create Opportunities (CAPdL, CRM, FP, LF), pp. 127–133.
HCI-III-2013-BlezingerSH #concept #human-computer- Unifying Conceptual and Spatial Relationships between Objects in HCI (DB, AFgS, CH), pp. 10–18.
HCI-III-2013-OhiroIN #communication- An Awareness System for Supporting Remote Communication — Application to Long-Distance Relationships (TO, TI, YN), pp. 329–338.
HIMI-D-2013-ChiuWT- The Relationship Between Handlebar and Saddle Heights on Cycling Comfort (MCC, HCW, NTT), pp. 12–19.
HIMI-D-2013-Maeshiro #multi #network- A Model of Living Organisms to Integrate Multiple Relationship Network Descriptions (TM), pp. 475–483.
HIMI-HSM-2013-Campbell #safety #simulation #using- Safety Culture: An Examination of the Relationship between a Safety Management System and Pilot Judgment Using Simulation in Aeronautics (SAC), pp. 453–459.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-OhtaK #motivation- The Relationship between Kansei Scale for Uniqueness of Products and Purchase Motivation (YO, KK), pp. 521–530.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-TakadamaSHISHSY #comprehension #interactive #multi #towards- Towards Understanding of Relationship among Pareto Optimal Solutions in Multi-dimensional Space via Interactive System (KT, YS, TH, YI, KS, KH, HS, TY), pp. 137–146.
OCSC-2013-HeKP #case study #community #distance #online- You Are Not Alone Online: A Case Study of a Long Distance Romantic Relationship Online Community (YH, KK, JP), pp. 23–32.
ICEIS-v2-2013-EomA #testing- Developing and Testing a Model to Understand Relationships between e-Learning Outcomes and Human Factors (SBE, NJA), pp. 361–370.
ECIR-2013-WilkieA- An Initial Investigation on the Relationship between Usage and Findability (CW, LA), pp. 808–811.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-Dessne #learning- Learning in an Organisation — Exploring the Nature of Relationships (KD), pp. 496–501.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-Eardley #information management #learning- Negotiated Work-based Learning and Organisational Learning — The Relationship between Individual and Organisational Knowledge Management (AE), pp. 1–5.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-GonzagaLSO #case study #performance- Performance Indicators and their Relationship with Organizational Strategy — A Study in Brazilian Companies (RPG, ATMdL, FdAeS, MPVdO), pp. 559–566.
KEOD-2013-WaldsteinWH #lightweight #ontology #parametricity- Lightweight Ontologies in Context — Relationship between Ontology Characteristics and Context Parameters (IW, ROW, NH), pp. 308–315.
MoDELS-2013-IordanovAAHU #modelling #semantics #web- The Semantic Web as a Software Modeling Tool: An Application to Citizen Relationship Management (BI, AA, SA, TH, PU), pp. 589–603.
MoDELS-2013-IordanovAAHU #modelling #semantics #web- The Semantic Web as a Software Modeling Tool: An Application to Citizen Relationship Management (BI, AA, SA, TH, PU), pp. 589–603.
SAC-2013-TsukudaOYIT #analysis #coordination- Discovering unexpected information on the basis of popularity/unpopularity analysis of coordinate objects and their relationships (KT, HO, MY, HI, KT), pp. 878–885.
ICSE-2013-RahmanARP #case study #on the- On the relationships between domain-based coupling and code clones: an exploratory study (MSR, AA, CKR, FP), pp. 1265–1268.
VLDB-2012-LiWC #multi #network #profiling #social- Multiple Location Profiling for Users and Relationships from Social Network and Content (RL, SW, KCCC), pp. 1603–1614.
CSMR-2012-CoutoSVBA #debugging #metric- Uncovering Causal Relationships between Software Metrics and Bugs (CC, CS, MTV, RdSB, NA), pp. 223–232.
CSMR-2012-MurgiaTMCCMS #empirical #refactoring- Refactoring and its Relationship with Fan-in and Fan-out: An Empirical Study (AM, RT, MM, GC, SC, JM, SS), pp. 63–72.
SCAM-2012-AliSGA #debugging #using- Improving Bug Location Using Binary Class Relationships (NA, AS, YGG, GA), pp. 174–183.
CHI-2012-NeustaedterG #chat #video- Intimacy in long-distance relationships over video chat (CN, SG), pp. 753–762.
CHI-2012-VoidaHA #coordination #social #volunteer- Bridging between organizations and the public: volunteer coordinators’ uneasy relationship with social computing (AV, EH, BAA), pp. 1967–1976.
CSCW-2012-KowWC #design #game studies #online- Designing online games for real-life relationships: examining QQ farm in intergenerational play (YMK, JW, YC), pp. 613–616.
CSCW-2012-LeeDTB- I love you, let’s share calendars: calendar sharing as relationship work (CPL, KD, AT, MJB), pp. 749–758.
CSCW-2012-LeshedM #3d #social- Metaphors for social relationships in 3d virtual worlds (GL, PLM), pp. 593–602.
CSCW-2012-WangKL #health #online- To stay or leave?: the relationship of emotional and informational support to commitment in online health support groups (YCW, RK, JML), pp. 833–842.
CIKM-2012-Chung #using- Finding food entity relationships using user-generated data in recipe service (YjC), pp. 2611–2614.
CIKM-2012-LuYW #framework #graph #image #named #novel #social- SRGSIS: a novel framework based on social relationship graph for social image search (BL, YY, GW), pp. 2615–2618.
CIKM-2012-XinKALH #design #modelling- Do ads compete or collaborate?: designing click models with full relationship incorporated (XX, IK, RA, MRL, HH), pp. 1839–1843.
CIKM-2012-YangTKZLDLW #learning #mining #network- Mining competitive relationships by learning across heterogeneous networks (YY, JT, JK, YZ, JL, YD, TL, LW), pp. 1432–1441.
ICPR-2012-KisilevFWTN #image- DFlow and DField: New features for capturing object and image relationships (PK, DF, EW, AT, YN), pp. 3590–3593.
ICPR-2012-ThanhMNMY #detection #recognition #robust #using- Inertial-sensor-based walking action recognition using robust step detection and inter-class relationships (TNT, YM, HN, YM, YY), pp. 3811–3814.
KDD-2012-SongCWWYD #analysis #behaviour- Coupled behavior analysis for capturing coupling relationships in group-based market manipulations (YS, LC, XW, GW, WY, WD), pp. 976–984.
KMIS-2012-DurantiX #development #information management- Knowledge Management & Records Management — Establishing Relationships for Common Development (LD, SLX), pp. 247–250.
KMIS-2012-LageA12a #approach #process- Information and Knowledge Sharing in Inter-organizational Relationships under the Process Approach (EL, BA), pp. 273–276.
SEKE-2012-AlrayesL #automation #web- Automatic Acquisition of isA Relationships from Web Tables (NA, WSL), pp. 706–711.
SIGIR-2012-LimSG #on the #trade-off- On the mathematical relationship between expected n-call@k and the relevance vs. diversity trade-off (KWL, SS, SG), pp. 1117–1118.
SIGIR-2012-Roelleke #information retrieval #modelling- IR models: foundations and relationships (TR), pp. 1187–1188.
SIGIR-2012-SeverynM #learning #ranking #scalability- Structural relationships for large-scale learning of answer re-ranking (AS, AM), pp. 741–750.
SAC-2012-TownsendHS #modelling- Relationship of reproduction and evolutionary computation to analytical modeling of the ecological genetics of inducible defenses (GCT, WNH, BS), pp. 1375–1380.
ICSE-2012-Dilshener #concept #information retrieval #using- Improving information retrieval-based concept location using contextual relationships (TD), pp. 1499–1502.
SAT-2012-LiWL #satisfiability- Exploiting Historical Relationships of Clauses and Variables in Local Search for Satisfiability — (Poster Presentation) (CML, WW, YL), pp. 479–480.
ASE-2011-GhabiE #validation- Observations on the connectedness between requirements-to-code traces and calling relationships for trace validation (AG, AE), pp. 416–419.
CASE-2011-DahaneR #multi #outsourcing- Economic model of outsourcing for a subcontractor manufacturing system in a single subcontractor — multi-outsourcers relationship (MD, NR), pp. 450–455.
VLDB-2012-FangSYB11 #named- REX: Explaining Relationships between Entity Pairs (LF, ADS, CY, PB), pp. 241–252.
ITiCSE-2011-EckerdalLLS #concept #perspective #programming- Relationship between text and action conceptions of programming: a phenomenographic and quantitative perspective (AE, MJL, ML, AS), pp. 33–37.
ESOP-2011-ParkinsonS #logic- The Relationship between Separation Logic and Implicit Dynamic Frames (MJP, AJS), pp. 439–458.
SCAM-J-2009-LammelZ11 #grammar recovery #java #specification- Recovering grammar relationships for the Java Language Specification (RL, VZ), pp. 333–378.
WCRE-2011-GrantCS #analysis #concept #reverse engineering #source code #using- Reverse Engineering Co-maintenance Relationships Using Conceptual Analysis of Source Code (SG, JRC, DBS), pp. 87–91.
CHI-2011-BakkeKM #user interface- A spreadsheet-based user interface for managing plural relationships in structured data (EB, DRK, RM), pp. 2541–2550.
CHI-2011-GoodmanR #online- From garments to gardens: negotiating material relationships online and “by hand” (EG, DR), pp. 2257–2266.
CHI-2011-KwakCM #online #twitter- Fragile online relationship: a first look at unfollow dynamics in twitter (HK, HC, SBM), pp. 1091–1100.
CHI-2011-ManciniRTJPBJN #product line- In the best families: tracking and relationships (CM, YR, KT, ANJ, BAP, AKB, LJ, BN), pp. 2419–2428.
CSCW-2011-AlsheikhRL #case study #design #distance- (Whose) value-sensitive design: a study of long- distance relationships in an Arabic cultural context (TA, JAR, SEL), pp. 75–84.
CSCW-2011-XuCSHG #comprehension #game studies #online #social- Sociable killers: understanding social relationships in an online first-person shooter game (YX, XC, AS, RH, TG), pp. 197–206.
DUXU-v2-2011-Hsu11b #analysis #design- Analysis of Causal Relationships between Blog Design Criteria (CCH), pp. 13–19.
HCI-DDA-2011-KalwarHP #behaviour #internet- Finding a Relationship between Internet Anxiety and Human Behavior (SKK, KH, JP), pp. 359–367.
HIMI-v2-2011-ItouOM #analysis #chat #word- Analysis on Relationship between Smiley and Emotional Word Included in Chat Text (JI, TO, JM), pp. 141–146.
HIMI-v2-2011-OgakiIM #chat #communication #research #visual notation- Research on the Relationships between Visual Entertainment Factor and Chat Communication (TO, JI, JM), pp. 165–170.
IDGD-2011-ChenC11a #design #interactive- Friendly Design and Interaction Relationship Study on Sitou Tea-Sipping Design of Cultural Product (CHC, BCC), pp. 27–36.
IDGD-2011-DingR #network #performance- An Investigation on the Relationship between Informal Networks and Organizational Performance (HD, JR), pp. 490–493.
IDGD-2011-LiuL #complexity #comprehension #performance #towards- Toward Understanding the Relationship between Task Complexity and Task Performance (PL, ZL), pp. 192–200.
OCSC-2011-GaoQZ #mining #social- Mining Social Relationships in Micro-blogging Systems (QG, QQ, XZ), pp. 110–119.
ICEIS-v4-2011-CuiYZ #analysis #empirical #industrial #social- An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Social Consumption Demand Factors and the Cultural Industry in China (LC, HY, HZ), pp. 606–610.
ICEIS-v4-2011-DuG #research- The Research on Human Factors in Urban Traffic based on the Causal Relationship (XD, JG), pp. 557–562.
ICEIS-v4-2011-HaanONS- Management of the “Customer — Logistics Service Provider” Relationship (JdH, MO, FN, JS), pp. 720–725.
ICEIS-v4-2011-ZhangFZ #behaviour #industrial #performance- An Empericial Study about Franchise Relationship Behaviors’s Impacts on Franchisees’ Performance in Fastfood Industry (YZ, JF, YZ), pp. 695–701.
CIKM-2011-HopcroftLT #predict- Who will follow you back?: reciprocal relationship prediction (JEH, TL, JT), pp. 1137–1146.
KDIR-2011-BarbieriCMR #approach #clustering #probability- Characterizing Relationships through Co-clustering — A Probabilistic Approach (NB, GC, GM, ER), pp. 64–73.
KDIR-2011-GuoK #ontology #research #using- Discovering Relationship Associations from the Literature Related to Research Projects in Sustainability Science using Ontology and Inference (WG, SBK), pp. 390–393.
KDIR-2011-KharratJG #multi #semantics- Semantic Relationships between Multimedia Resources (MK, AJ, FG), pp. 342–347.
RecSys-2011-YuanCZ #recommendation #social- Factorization vs. regularization: fusing heterogeneous social relationships in top-n recommendation (QY, LC, SZ), pp. 245–252.
ECOOP-2011-BalzerG #invariant #multi #verification- Verifying Multi-object Invariants with Relationships (SB, TRG), pp. 358–382.
ICSE-2011-NohrerRE #consistency #effectiveness #nondeterminism- Positive effects of utilizing relationships between inconsistencies for more effective inconsistency resolution (AN, AR, AE), pp. 864–867.
ECSA-2010-KamalA #design pattern #mining- Mining Relationships between the Participants of Architectural Patterns (AWK, PA), pp. 401–408.
ASE-2010-Chen #documentation #source code #traceability #visualisation- Extraction and visualization of traceability relationships between documents and source code (XC), pp. 505–510.
HT-2010-MitzlaffBSH #analysis #network- Visit me, click me, be my friend: an analysis of evidence networks of user relationships in BibSonomy (FM, DB, GS, AH), pp. 265–270.
HT-2010-TamS #information retrieval- Webpage relationships for information retrieval within a structured domain (VWLT, JS), pp. 307–308.
PODS-2010-WeikumT #web- From information to knowledge: harvesting entities and relationships from web sources (GW, MT), pp. 65–76.
VLDB-2010-DongBHS #detection- Global Detection of Complex Copying Relationships Between Sources (XD, LBE, YH, DS), pp. 1358–1369.
VLDB-2010-LimayeSC #using #web- Annotating and Searching Web Tables Using Entities, Types and Relationships (GL, SS, SC), pp. 1338–1347.
FoSSaCS-2010-AcciaiBZ #behaviour #logic #on the #simulation- On the Relationship between Spatial Logics and Behavioral Simulations (LA, MB, GZ), pp. 146–160.
ICPC-2010-Elish #case study #design #metric- Exploring the Relationships between Design Metrics and Package Understandability: A Case Study (MOE), pp. 144–147.
CAiSE-2010-LagunaMC #case study #modelling #on the #question #semantics- On the Semantics of the Extend Relationship in Use Case Models: Open-Closed Principle or Clairvoyance? (MAL, JMM, YC), pp. 409–423.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-Deng- Relationship between Levy Distribution and Tsallis Distribution (JD), pp. 360–367.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-SchusterJS #using #web- Finding and Classifying Product Relationships using Information from the Public Web (DS, TMJ, AS), pp. 300–309.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-Tagg #concept #modelling #ontology #towards- Towards a More Relationship-friendly Ontology Foundation for Conceptual Modelling (RT), pp. 368–373.
CIKM-2010-CarmelRY #on the- On the relationship between novelty and popularity of user-generated content (DC, HR, EYT), pp. 1509–1512.
CIKM-2010-JensenS #classification- Exploiting sequential relationships for familial classification (LSJ, JGS), pp. 1901–1904.
CIKM-2010-JinW #concept #ranking- Discovering, ranking and annotating cross-document relationships between concepts (WJ, XW), pp. 1929–1930.
CIKM-2010-Kawamae #topic- Latent interest-topic model: finding the causal relationships behind dyadic data (NK), pp. 649–658.
CIKM-2010-LiLY #named #query #semantics #using- EntityEngine: answering entity-relationship queries using shallow semantics (XL, CL, CY), pp. 1925–1926.
ICPR-2010-TanakaIKM #fault #kernel- A Relationship Between Generalization Error and Training Samples in Kernel Regressors (AT, HI, MK, MM), pp. 1421–1424.
ICPR-2010-WangM #learning #order #process #using- Gaussian Process Learning from Order Relationships Using Expectation Propagation (RW, SJM), pp. 605–608.
ICPR-2010-ZouY #image #kernel #learning- Learning the Relationship Between High and Low Resolution Images in Kernel Space for Face Super Resolution (WWWZ, PCY), pp. 1152–1155.
KDD-2010-WangHJTZYG #mining #network #research- Mining advisor-advisee relationships from research publication networks (CW, JH, YJ, JT, DZ, YY, JG), pp. 203–212.
KDD-2010-YanFDR #classification- Medical coding classification by leveraging inter-code relationships (YY, GF, JGD, RR), pp. 193–202.
KDD-2010-ZhangY #learning #metric- Transfer metric learning by learning task relationships (YZ, DYY), pp. 1199–1208.
KDIR-2010-KrainesGHMT #generative #using- Generating Literature-based Knowledge Discoveries in Life Sciences using Relationship Associations (SBK, WG, DH, HM, TT), pp. 35–44.
SEKE-2010-DongSX #empirical #evaluation #online #process- An Empirical Evaluation on the Relationship Between Final Auction Price and Shilling Activity in Online Auctions (FD, SMS, HX), pp. 286–291.
SEKE-2010-MauczkaBG #case study #classification #metric #process- Analyzing the Relationship of Process Metrics And Classified Changes — A Pilot Study (AM, MB, TG), pp. 269–272.
SEKE-2010-Wang #black box #parametricity #testing #using- Reducing Black-box Test Suite Using Input Parameter Relationships (LW), pp. 180–185.
SEKE-2010-WangWLX #developer- Assisting Developers to Read Code Help-Documents Efficiently through Discovering Document-section Relationships (LW, LW, GL, BX), pp. 367–373.
SIGIR-2010-AzzopardiB #effectiveness #on the- On the relationship between effectiveness and accessibility (LA, RB), pp. 889–890.
SIGIR-2010-GoharianM #classification #query #using- Context aware query classification using dynamic query window and relationship net (NG, SSRM), pp. 723–724.
SIGIR-2010-MuhrKG #analysis #clustering- Analysis of structural relationships for hierarchical cluster labeling (MM, RK, MG), pp. 178–185.
SIGIR-2010-PhamMM #categorisation #graph #image #modelling #visual notation- Spatial relationships in visual graph modeling for image categorization (TTP, PM, LM), pp. 729–730.
SAC-2010-MengleG #category theory #mining- Mining temporal relationships among categories (SSRM, NG), pp. 1107–1108.
ICSE-2010-BegelKZ #named #repository- Codebook: discovering and exploiting relationships in software repositories (AB, YPK, TZ), pp. 125–134.
ICSE-2010-Brondum #architecture #concept #detection- Software architecture for systems of software intensive systems (S3): the concepts and detection of inter-system relationships (JB), pp. 355–356.
SPLC-2010-AzevedoMBR #uml #variability- The UML “extend” Relationship as Support for Software Variability (SA, RJM, AB, HR), pp. 471–475.
DATE-2009-Schat #fault #on the- On the relationship between stuck-at fault coverage and transition fault coverage (JS), pp. 1218–1221.
ICDAR-2009-AlyUFS #classification #statistics- Statistical Classification of Spatial Relationships among Mathematical Symbols (WA, SU, AF, MS), pp. 1350–1354.
PODS-2009-RastogiHMS #privacy #query- Relationship privacy: output perturbation for queries with joins (VR, MH, GM, DS), pp. 107–116.
ITiCSE-2009-ListerFT #programming- Further evidence of a relationship between explaining, tracing and writing skills in introductory programming (RL, CJF, DT), pp. 161–165.
ICSM-2009-Zhang #fault- An investigation of the relationships between lines of code and defects (HZ), pp. 274–283.
SCAM-2009-LammelZ #grammar recovery #java #specification- Recovering Grammar Relationships for the Java Language Specification (RL, VZ), pp. 178–186.
WCRE-1999-DAmbrosLR99a #fault #on the- On the Relationship Between Change Coupling and Software Defects (MD, ML, RR), pp. 135–144.
SAS-2009-ChenMWC #abstract domain #linear- Interval Polyhedra: An Abstract Domain to Infer Interval Linear Relationships (LC, AM, JW, PC), pp. 309–325.
SEFM-2009-KawamataSIH #refinement #specification- Specifying and Checking Refinement Relationships in VDM++ (YK, CS, FI, SH), pp. 220–227.
CHI-2009-LeeSRCT #dataset #named #roadmap- FacetLens: exposing trends and relationships to support sensemaking within faceted datasets (BL, GS, GGR, MC, DST), pp. 1293–1302.
HCD-2009-Wang09b #interface- Influence and Impact Relationship between GIS Users and GIS Interfaces (HW), pp. 815–824.
HCI-AUII-2009-McMullenW #assessment #design #learning- Relationship Learning Software: Design and Assessment (KAM, GHW), pp. 631–640.
HCI-AUII-2009-MouJH #interactive- Relationship Enhancer: Interactive Recipe in Kitchen Island (TYM, TSJ, CHH), pp. 641–650.
HCI-AUII-2009-OchoaAG #collaboration #comprehension #mobile #requirements- Understanding the Relationship between Requirements and Context Elements in Mobile Collaboration (SFO, RA, LAG), pp. 67–76.
HIMI-DIE-2009-Doyo #aspect-oriented- Internal Aspects of the Relationship between Pressing Force and Training Difficulty (DD), pp. 475–484.
HIMI-DIE-2009-TaguchiKT- A Method for Evaluating the Relationship among Four Perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard (YT, TK, TT), pp. 163–170.
IDGD-2009-LinYK- An Investigation of the Relationship between Digit Ratio and Spatial Ability (HL, MY, YK), pp. 266–273.
IDGD-2009-Singh #design- Balancing Separateness and Jointness of Money in Relationships: The Design of Bank Accounts in Australia and India (SS), pp. 505–514.
OCSC-2009-TaylorT #analysis #game studies #multi #online- A Content Analysis of Interviews with Players of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Play Games (MMORPGs): Motivating Factors and the Impact on Relationships (JT, JT), pp. 613–621.
ICEIS-J-2009-YamamotoIVCB #analysis #framework- Actor Relationship Analysis for the i* Framework (SY, KI, JMV, KC, SJB), pp. 491–500.
CIKM-2009-KasneciEW #mining #named- MING: mining informative entity relationship subgraphs (GK, SE, GW), pp. 1653–1656.
CIKM-2009-ShenWCSYCL #classification- Exploiting term relationship to boost text classification (DS, JW, BC, JTS, QY, ZC, YL), pp. 1637–1640.
KDIR-2009-GuoK #ontology #using- Discovering Relationship Associations in Life Sciences using Ontology and Inference (WG, SBK), pp. 10–17.
KDIR-2009-PiedadeS #education #student- Business Intelligence in Higher Education — Managing the Relationships with Students (MBP, MYS), pp. 297–302.
KEOD-2009-Haddad #approach #probability #representation #towards #word- Representation of Arabic Words — An Approach Towards Probabilistic Root-Pattern Relationships (BH), pp. 147–152.
KEOD-2009-WalzerHK- Event Lifetime Calculation based on Temporal Relationships (KW, TH, AK), pp. 269–274.
RecSys-2009-MaLK #learning #recommendation #trust- Learning to recommend with trust and distrust relationships (HM, MRL, IK), pp. 189–196.
SEKE-2009-AzizZM #classification #requirements #towards- Towards a Classification of Requirements Relationships (RAA, DZ, TM), pp. 26–32.
SIGIR-2009-WangTFZ #community #modelling #ranking #reasoning- Ranking community answers by modeling question-answer relationships via analogical reasoning (XJW, XT, DF, LZ), pp. 179–186.
ECOOP-2009-JaspanA #framework #interactive- Checking Framework Interactions with Relationships (CJ, JA), pp. 27–51.
SAC-2009-PlattMG #classification #detection #topic- Improving classification based off-topic search detection via category relationships (AP, SSRM, NG), pp. 869–874.
ESEC-FSE-2009-CataldoN #analysis #empirical #maturity #on the #process #quality- On the relationship between process maturity and geographic distribution: an empirical analysis of their impact on software quality (MC, SN), pp. 101–110.
ICSE-2009-SarmaMWH #development #interactive #named #visual notation- Tesseract: Interactive visual exploration of socio-technical relationships in software development (AS, LM, PW, JDH), pp. 23–33.
CSL-2009-AtseriasW #consistency #constraints #decidability #problem- Decidable Relationships between Consistency Notions for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (AA, MW), pp. 102–116.
CASE-2008-KumarTSS #fuzzy #modelling #nondeterminism- A fuzzy system for modeling the structure-activity relationships in presence of uncertainties (MK, KT, NS, RS), pp. 1025–1030.
SIGMOD-2008-PatelHL #classification #mining- Mining relationships among interval-based events for classification (DP, WH, MLL), pp. 393–404.
ITiCSE-2008-CrossHUB #java- Exploring accessibility and visibility relationships in java (JHCI, TDH, DAU, LAB), pp. 103–108.
ITiCSE-2008-Goelman #collaboration #database #learning- Databases, non-majors and collaborative learning: a ternary relationships (DG), pp. 27–31.
CSMR-2008-AbdeenADPS #visualisation- Package Reference Fingerprint: a Rich and Compact Visualization to Understand Package Relationships (HA, IA, SD, DP, MS), pp. 213–222.
ICSM-2008-PentaCGA #design pattern #empirical- An empirical study of the relationships between design pattern roles and class change proneness (MDP, LC, YGG, GA), pp. 217–226.
WCRE-2008-YuW #comprehension #evolution #tool support- Graph-Centric Tools for Understanding the Evolution and Relationships of Software Structures (YY, MW), pp. 329–330.
CHI-2008-JacobssonBH #framework- The see-Puck: a platform for exploring human-robot relationships (MJ, JB, LEH), pp. 141–144.
CSCW-2008-Dabbish #game studies #online- Jumpstarting relationships with online games: evidence from a laboratory investigation (LAD), pp. 353–356.
CAiSE-2008-HerssensJF #using- Capturing and Using QoS Relationships to Improve Service Selection (CH, IJ, SF), pp. 312–327.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-ZineldinV- A Cyber Organization in the Cyber World — ICT and e.Total Relationship Management (e.TRM) (MZ, VV), pp. 118–123.
ICEIS-ISAS1-2008-GullaBK #concept #ontology #using- Using Association Rules to Learn Concept Relationships in Ontologies (JAG, TB, GSK), pp. 58–65.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-CasanovaBBF #generative- Generalization and Blending in the Generation of Entity-Relationship Schemas by Analogy (MAC, SDJB, KKB, ALF), pp. 43–48.
ICEIS-J-2008-GullaBK08a #learning #ontology- Association Rules and Cosine Similarities in Ontology Relationship Learning (JAG, TB, GSK), pp. 201–212.
CIKM-2008-DowneyDLH #comprehension #query- Understanding the relationship between searchers’ queries and information goals (DD, STD, DJL, EH), pp. 449–458.
CIKM-2008-LosadaAB #documentation- Revisiting the relationship between document length and relevance (DEL, LA, MB), pp. 419–428.
ECIR-2008-LinC #category theory #evolution #network #social- Labeling Categories and Relationships in an Evolving Social Network (MSL, HHC), pp. 77–88.
ECIR-2008-StathopoulosUJ #automation #graph #image #multi #semantics- Semantic Relationships in Multi-modal Graphs for Automatic Image Annotation (VS, JU, JMJ), pp. 490–497.
KDD-2008-SatoYN #graph #information management #parametricity #semantics #using #word- Knowledge discovery of semantic relationships between words using nonparametric bayesian graph model (IS, MY, HN), pp. 587–595.
RE-2008-HoWR #fault #performance #problem #requirements- Examining the Relationships between Performance Requirements and “Not a Problem” Defect Reports (CWH, LW, BR), pp. 135–144.
SAC-2008-ItoMI #concept #modelling #named- CPRM: a chronic patient’s management model based on the concepts of customer’s relationship (MI, JSCM, LCI), pp. 1364–1368.
SAC-2008-MengleGP #category theory #classification #using- Discovering relationships among categories using misclassification information (SSRM, NG, AP), pp. 932–937.
SAC-2008-SchroederM #logic #xml- Conversion of generalization hierarchies and union types from extended entity-relationship model to an XML logical model (RS, RdSM), pp. 1036–1037.
ICST-2008-StreckerM #detection #fault #testing #user interface- Relationships between Test Suites, Faults, and Fault Detection in GUI Testing (JS, AMM), pp. 12–21.
ESOP-2007-FengFS #concurrent #logic #on the #reasoning- On the Relationship Between Concurrent Separation Logic and Assume-Guarantee Reasoning (XF, RF, ZS), pp. 173–188.
CSMR-2007-LunguL #evolution- Exploring Inter-Module Relationships in Evolving Software Systems (ML, ML), pp. 91–102.
ICSM-2007-DucassePSAA #comprehension #visual notation- Package Surface Blueprints: Visually Supporting the Understanding of Package Relationships (SD, DP, MS, HA, IA), pp. 94–103.
ICSM-2007-SiyCRS #developer #segmentation #version control- Discovering Dynamic Developer Relationships from Software Version Histories by Time Series Segmentation (HPS, PC, DJR, MS), pp. 415–424.
MSR-2007-German #open source #using- Using Software Distributions to Understand the Relationship among Free and Open Source Software Projects (DMG), p. 24.
SCAM-2007-RodenVEM #agile #empirical #metric #modelling #process #quality #using- An Empirical Study of the Relationship of Stability Metrics and the QMOOD Quality Models Over Software Developed Using Highly Iterative or Agile Software Processes (PLR, SV, LHE, SLM), pp. 171–179.
CHI-2007-PetrieK #usability- The relationship between accessibility and usability of websites (HP, OK), pp. 397–406.
DHM-2007-KuboTA- Two Vibration Modes of a Human Body Sitting on a Car Seat- The Relationship Between Riding Discomfort Affected by the Material Properties of the Seat Cushion and the Two Vibration Modes (MK, FT, HA), pp. 894–903.
HCI-AS-2007-MorDML #approach #behaviour- A Three-Level Approach for Analyzing User Behavior in Ongoing Relationships (EM, MGD, JM, SL), pp. 971–980.
HCI-IDU-2007-ZhouF #comprehension #design #experience #quality #user interface- Understanding, Measuring, and Designing User Experience: The Causal Relationship Between the Aesthetic Quality of Products and User Affect (HZ, XF), pp. 340–349.
HCI-MIE-2007-HwangLK #interactive- Three Way Relationship of Human-Robot Interaction (JHH, KWL, DSK), pp. 321–330.
HCI-MIE-2007-ParkC #comprehension #social- Understanding the Social Relationship Between Humans and Virtual Humans (SP, RC), pp. 459–464.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Jones- The Relationship Between Working Conditions and Musculoskeletal/Ergonomic Disorders in a Manufacturing Facility (DRJ), pp. 903–909.
HIMI-IIE-2007-TaguchiAT #analysis- Information on the Causal Relationship Between Store kaizen and Store Features That Attract Customers by Covariance Structural Analysis (YT, YA, TT), pp. 973–982.
OCSC-2007-ChenRM #information management #mobile #process- The Need for Technology to Support Creative Information Sharing Whilst Mobile: Identified Activities and Relationship Groups (YC, TR, VM), pp. 50–59.
OCSC-2007-SchimkeSZ #community #identification #online #social- The Relationship Between Social Presence and Group Identification Within Online Communities and Its Impact on the Success of Online Communities (DS, HS, AZ), pp. 160–168.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-IshayaR #e-commerce #effectiveness #quality- Data Quality for Effective E-Commerce Customer Relationship Management (TI, JR), pp. 92–100.
KDD-2007-BellKV #modelling #multi #recommendation #scalability- Modeling relationships at multiple scales to improve accuracy of large recommender systems (RMB, YK, CV), pp. 95–104.
KDD-2007-MoserGE #analysis #clustering #specification- Joint cluster analysis of attribute and relationship data withouta-priori specification of the number of clusters (FM, RG, ME), pp. 510–519.
SEKE-2007-GomezA #development #quality- Study of the Relationships between Personality, Satisfaction and Product Quality in Software Development Teams (MG, STA), p. 292–?.
SIGIR-2007-Al-MaskariSC #effectiveness #information retrieval #metric #user satisfaction- The relationship between IR effectiveness measures and user satisfaction (AAM, MS, PDC), pp. 773–774.
SIGIR-2007-PhanBW #comprehension #query- Understanding the relationship of information need specificity to search query length (NP, PB, RW), pp. 709–710.
ECOOP-2007-BalzerGE #reasoning #relational- A Relational Model of Object Collaborations and Its Use in Reasoning About Relationships (SB, TRG, PE), pp. 323–346.
SAC-2007-YangWK #analysis #modelling #partial order- General dominant relationship analysis based on partial order models (ZY, BW, MK), pp. 470–474.
ICSE-2007-HendricksonH #architecture #modelling #product line #set- Modeling Product Line Architectures through Change Sets and Relationships (SAH, AvdH), pp. 189–198.
SIGMOD-2006-ChakrabartiGHX #ranking- Ranking objects based on relationships (KC, VG, JH, DX), pp. 371–382.
SIGMOD-2006-LiOTW #analysis #named- DADA: a data cube for dominant relationship analysis (CL, BCO, AKHT, SW), pp. 659–670.
SCAM-J-2005-BinkleyDGHKK06 #formal method #slicing- A formalisation of the relationship between forms of program slicing (DB, SD, TG, MH, ÁK, BK), pp. 228–252.
CSMR-2006-DAmbrosL #approach #debugging #evolution #visual notation- Software Bugs and Evolution: A Visual Approach to Uncover Their Relationship (MD, ML), pp. 229–238.
CHI-2006-ViegasGD #email #visualisation- Visualizing email content: portraying relationships from conversational histories (FBV, SAG, JSD), pp. 979–988.
CSCW-2006-AvrahamiH #communication #predict- Communication characteristics of instant messaging: effects and predictions of interpersonal relationships (DA, SEH), pp. 505–514.
ICML-2006-DavisG- The relationship between Precision-Recall and ROC curves (JD, MG), pp. 233–240.
ICPR-v1-2006-BerrettiB #3d #modelling- Modeling Spatial Relationships between 3D Objects (SB, ADB), pp. 119–122.
KDD-2006-VirdhagriswaranD #detection- Camouflaged fraud detection in domains with complex relationships (SV, GD), pp. 941–947.
SEKE-2006-YangKEA #flexibility #framework- A Relationship-based Flexible Authorization Framework for Mediation Systems (LY, JMK, RKE, MA), pp. 381–385.
SIGIR-2006-ChenHY #concept #integration #on the #web- On hierarchical web catalog integration with conceptual relationships in thesaurus (IXC, JCH, CZY), pp. 635–636.
RE-2006-TangL #case study #modelling- Improving the Modeling of Use Case Relationship (JT, DL), pp. 348–351.
SAC-2006-AgostiFO #automation #graph #image- Graph-based automatic suggestion of relationships among images of illuminated manuscripts (MA, NF, NO), pp. 1063–1067.
SAC-2006-Fasli #on the- On the relationship between roles and power: preliminary report (MF), pp. 313–318.
SAC-2006-WolfG #development #named #performance- Good/fast/cheap: contexts, relationships and professional responsibility during software development (MJW, FSG), pp. 261–266.
ICSE-2006-NguyenBV #maintenance #outsourcing #trust- Critical factors in establishing and maintaining trust in software outsourcing relationships (PTN, MAB, JMV), pp. 624–627.
SPLC-2006-BragancaM #case study #metamodelling #specification #uml #variability- Extending UML 2.0 Metamodel for Complementary Usages of the «extend» Relationship within Use Case Variability Specification (AB, RJM), pp. 123–130.
ASE-2005-Milanova #composition #diagrams #identification #precise #uml- Precise identification of composition relationships for UML class diagrams (AM), pp. 76–85.
VLDB-2005-MeierWAS #classification #fuzzy #query #using- Using a Fuzzy Classification Query Language for Customer Relationship Management (AM, NW, MA, MS), pp. 1089–1096.
ITiCSE-2005-SohSPNL #process- Analyzing relationships between closed labs and course activities in CS1 (LKS, AS, SP, GN, JL), pp. 183–187.
CSMR-2005-CapiluppiFR #complexity #cumulative #open source- Exploring the Relationship between Cumulative Change and Complexity in an Open Source System (AC, AEF, JFR), pp. 21–29.
CSMR-2005-YehL #database #diagrams #legacy- Extracting Entity Relationship Diagram from a Table-Based Legacy Database (DY, YL), pp. 72–79.
SCAM-2005-BinkleyDGHKK #slicing- Minimal Slicing and the Relationships Between Forms of Slicing (DB, SD, TG, MH, ÁK, BK), pp. 45–56.
WCRE-2005-KimPW #automation #detection- When Functions Change Their Names: Automatic Detection of Origin Relationships (SK, KP, EJWJ), pp. 143–152.
CHI-2005-VetereGKHMPMB #design- Mediating intimacy: designing technologies to support strong-tie relationships (FV, MRG, JK, SH, FM, SP, KM, MB), pp. 471–480.
ICEIS-v3-2005-MisraKK #analysis #modelling- Modeling Strategic Actor Relationships to Support Risk Analysis and Control in Software Projects (SCM, VK, UK), pp. 288–293.
ICEIS-v3-2005-ZhaoVB #collaboration #distributed #interactive #trust- Type and Scope of Trust Relationships in Collaborative Interactions in Distributed Environments (WZ, VV, GB), pp. 331–336.
CIKM-2005-BaiSBNC #information retrieval #modelling #query #using- Query expansion using term relationships in language models for information retrieval (JB, DS, PB, JYN, GC), pp. 688–695.
CIKM-2005-ChenFTK #automation #statistics- Statistical relationship determination in automatic thesaurus construction (LC, PF, UT, TK), pp. 267–268.
CIKM-2005-FinanceMP #data access #xml- The case for access control on XML relationships (BF, SM, PP), pp. 107–114.
ECIR-2005-JiangSZ #web- Applying Associative Relationship on the Clickthrough Data to Improve Web Search (XMJ, WGS, HJZ), pp. 475–486.
SEKE-2005-ChenKZ #adaptation #effectiveness #on the #random testing #testing- On the Relationships between the Distribution of Failure-Causing Inputs and Effectiveness of Adaptive Random Testing (TYC, FCK, ZZ), pp. 306–311.
SIGIR-2005-FreundTC #information retrieval #modelling- Modeling task-genre relationships for IR in the workplace (LF, EGT, CLAC), pp. 441–448.
SIGIR-2005-GaoNB #modelling #word- Integrating word relationships into language models (GC, JYN, JB), pp. 298–305.
SIGIR-2005-XiFFZCYZ #matrix #named #similarity #using- SimFusion: measuring similarity using unified relationship matrix (WX, EAF, WF, BZ, ZC, JY, DZ), pp. 130–137.
ECMDA-FA-2005-SteinHU #modelling #on the #query- On Relationships Between Query Models (DS, SH, RU), pp. 254–268.
ECOOP-2005-BiermanW #object-oriented- First-Class Relationships in an Object-Oriented Language (GMB, AW), pp. 262–286.
GPCE-2005-Ahlander #sorting- Sorting Out the Relationships Between Pairs of Iterators, Values, and References (KÅ), pp. 342–356.
SAC-2005-CaoBZBROA #modelling #using- Marshaling and unmarshaling models using the entity-relationship model (FC, BRB, WZ, CCB, RRR, AMO, MA), pp. 1553–1557.
SAC-2005-SunZ #approach #semantics- An approach to acquire semantic relationships between terms (XS, QZ), pp. 1630–1633.
ITiCSE-2004-GoldweberCFP #community #education #research- The relationship between CS education research and the SIGCSE community (MG, MC, SF, AP), pp. 228–229.
SCAM-2004-RoblesG #analysis #execution #source code- Executable Source Code and Non-Executable Source Code: Analysis and Relationships (GR, JMGB), pp. 149–157.
ICEIS-v1-2004-LaiCC #feedback #incremental #topic- Applying Cross-Topic Relationships to Incremental Relevance Feedback (TCHL, SCfC, KFLC), pp. 356–363.
ICEIS-v1-2004-Rizopoulos #automation #semantics- Automatic Discovery of Semantic Relationships Between Schema Elements (NR), pp. 3–8.
ICEIS-v2-2004-KooptiwootS #mining #set #using- Mining the Relationships in the Form of the Predisposing Factors and Coincident Factors Among Numerical Dynamic Attributes in Time Series Data Set by Using the Combination of Some Existing Techniques (SK, MAS), pp. 327–334.
ICEIS-v2-2004-KooptiwootS04a #idea #mining #set #using- Mining the Relationships in the Form of Predisposing Factor and Coincident Factor in Time Series Data Set by Using the Combination of some Existing Ideas with a new Idea from the Fact in the Chemical Reaction (SK, MAS), pp. 531–534.
ICEIS-v3-2004-AliBG #dependence #diagrams #uml #verification- UML Model Verification Through Diagram Dependency Relationships (MA, HBA, FG), pp. 184–191.
ICEIS-v3-2004-PudhotaCD #component #modelling #workflow- Modelling the Dynamic Relationships Between Workflow Components (LP, EC, JD), pp. 495–500.
CIKM-2004-RavindranG #concept- Exploiting hierarchical relationships in conceptual search (DR, SG), pp. 238–239.
CIKM-2004-Rigoutsos- Of parts and relationships: an unending quest (IR), p. 250.
ICPR-v3-2004-HiguchiAKF #recognition- Scene Recognition Based on Relationship between Human Actions and Objects (MH, SA, AK, KF), pp. 73–78.
KDD-2004-ZhangZK #approach #category theory #data mining #image #mining #modelling- A data mining approach to modeling relationships among categories in image collection (RZ, Z(Z, SK), pp. 749–754.
SEKE-2004-JuzgadoMS #architecture #usability- Clarifying the Relationship between Software Architecture and Usability (NJJ, AMM, IS), pp. 378–383.
SEKE-2004-WahidACM #design #evolution- Entering the Heart of Design: Relationships for Tracing Claim Evolution (SW, CFA, CMC, DSM), pp. 167–172.
OOPSLA-2004-GueheneucA #uml- Recovering binary class relationships: putting icing on the UML cake (YGG, HAA), pp. 301–314.
SAC-2004-Aguilar-RuizCD #information management- Knowledge discovery from doctor-patient relationship (JSAR, RC, FD), pp. 280–284.
SAC-2004-DutaBA #named #xml- ConvRel: relationship conversion to XML nested structures (ACD, KB, RA), pp. 698–702.
SAC-2004-LeeR #requirements- Missing requirements and relationship discovery through proxy viewpoints model (SWL, DCR), pp. 1513–1518.
SAC-2004-PardedeRT #on the #using #xml- On using collection for aggregation and association relationships in XML object-relational storage (EP, JWR, DT), pp. 703–710.
ASE-2003-GueheneucA- A Pragmatic Study of Binary Class Relationships (YGG, HAA), pp. 277–280.
ITiCSE-2003-Hazzan03a #concept #student- Computer science students’ conception of the relationship between reward (grade) and cooperation (OH), pp. 178–182.
SCAM-2003-WheeldonC- Power Law Distributions in Class Relationships (RW, SC), pp. 45–54.
CHI-2003-FriedmanKH #hardware #online #what- Hardware companions?: what online AIBO discussion forums reveal about the human-robotic relationship (BF, PHKJ, JH), pp. 273–280.
CHI-2003-VenoliaN #comprehension #email #sequence #visualisation- Understanding sequence and reply relationships within email conversations: a mixed-model visualization (GDV, CN), pp. 361–368.
CAiSE-2003-SalinesiR #modelling- Fitting Business Models to System Functionality Exploring the Fitness Relationship (CS, CR), pp. 647–664.
ICEIS-v3-2003-DahchourP #modelling- Relationship Support in Object Models (MD, AP), pp. 547–550.
ICEIS-v3-2003-PrikladnickiAE #comprehension #development #distributed #towards- Distributed Software Development: Toward an Understanding of the Relationship Between Project Team, Users and Customers (RP, JLNA, JRE), pp. 417–423.
ICEIS-v4-2003-PerkinsJBC #collaboration #information management #trust- Building Supply Chain Relationships with Knowledge Management: Engineering Trust in Collaborative Systems (JP, AKJ, LB, SC), pp. 63–70.
CIKM-2003-ZhangOR #learning #using- Learning cross-document structural relationships using boosting (ZZ, JO, DRR), pp. 124–130.
KDD-2003-PerngTGMH #data-driven #network #validation- Data-driven validation, completion and construction of event relationship networks (CSP, DT, GG, SM, JLH), pp. 729–734.
SIGIR-2003-AzzopardiGR #information retrieval #metric- Investigating the relationship between language model perplexity and IR precision-recall measures (LA, MG, KvR), pp. 369–370.
SIGIR-2003-Croft #evolution #information retrieval- Salton Award Lecture — Information retrieval and computer science: an evolving relationship (WBC), pp. 2–3.
GPCE-2003-ZolyomiPK #c++ #metaprogramming #type system- An Extension to the Subtype Relationship in C++ Implemented with Template Metaprogramming (IZ, ZP, TK), pp. 209–227.
RE-2003-BergmanM #analysis #requirements- In Situ Requirements Analysis: A Deeper Examination of the Relationship between Requirements Determination and Project Selection (MB, GM), pp. 11–22.
SAC-2003-ChandranK #embedded #image #retrieval- Image Retrieval With Embedded Region Relationships (SC, NK), pp. 760–764.
SAC-2003-KwonHN- Inference of Transcriptional Regulation Relationships from Gene Expression Data (ATJK, HHH, RTN), pp. 135–140.
ICSE-2003-NuseibehKF #exclamation #named- ViewPoints: meaningful relationships are difficult! (BN, JK, AF), pp. 676–683.
ICSE-2003-SchmidtB #framework #middleware- Patterns, Frameworks, and Middleware: Their Synergistic Relationships (DCS, FB), pp. 694–704.
CSMR-2002-YehK #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering Aggregation Relationship Based on Propagation of Operations (DY, WYK), pp. 223–229.
CAiSE-2002-Olive #concept #modelling #representation- Representation of Generic Relationship Types in Conceptual Modeling (AO), pp. 675–691.
ICEIS-2002-BarjisC #analysis #database #design #modelling #semantics #using- Data Modeling for the Purpose of Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Model and Semantic Analysis (JB, SC), pp. 235–243.
ICEIS-2002-DahchourP #semantics- The Semantics of Reifying n-ary Relationships as Classes (MD, AP), pp. 580–586.
ICEIS-2002-Olive #concept #modelling- Specific Relationship Types in Conceptual Modeling: The Cases of Generic and with Common Participants (AO), p. 9.
ICPR-v1-2002-KoB #image #retrieval #using- Integrated Region-Based Image Retrieval Using Region??s Spatial Relationships (BK, HB), pp. 196–199.
ICPR-v1-2002-VegaS #analysis- Experiments on Gait Analysis by Exploiting Nonstationarity in the Distribution of Feature Relationships (IRV, SS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-v1-2002-YamNC #automation #identification #on the- On the Relationship of Human Walking and Running: Automatic Person Identification by Gait (CYY, MSN, JNC), pp. 287–290.
ICPR-v3-2002-CheungI #retrieval #semantics- Semantic Retrieval by Spatial Relationships (KKTC, HHSI), pp. 16–19.
ICPR-v3-2002-JohnsonB #identification #metric- Relationship between Identification Metrics: Expected Confusion and Area Under a ROC Curve (AYJ, AFB), pp. 662–666.
SIGIR-2002-YuanBK- The relationship between ASK and relevance criteria (XJY, NJB, JYK), pp. 359–360.
UML-2002-GenovaLQ #case study- Digging into Use Case Relationships (GG, JL, VQ), pp. 115–127.
RE-2002-BergmanM #analysis #empirical #requirements- Exploring the Relationship between Project Selection and Requirements Analysis: An Empirical Study of the New Millennium Program (MB, GM), pp. 247–254.
DATE-2001-JozwiakC #composition #functional #metric- High-quality sub-function construction in functional decomposition based on information relationship measures (LJ, AC), pp. 383–390.
ICDAR-2001-ChoK #modelling #network #online #recognition- Bayesian Network Modeling of Strokes and their Relationships for On-line Handwriting Recognition (SJC, JHK), pp. 86–90.
ICDAR-2001-WatanabeS #estimation- Estimation of Home-Address Numbers on the Basis of Relationships and Directions among House Blocks (TW, TS), p. 1245–?.
CSEET-2001-Newman #case study #education #re-engineering- Observations on Relationships between Initial Professional Education for Software Engineering and Systems Engineering-A Case Study (IN), p. 172–?.
FASE-2001-BordeleauC #design #on the #state machine- On the Importance of Inter-scenario Relationships in Hierarchical State Machine Design (FB, JPC), pp. 156–170.
FASE-2001-Stevens #case study #modelling #on the- On Use Cases and Their Relationships in the Unified Modelling Language (PS), pp. 140–155.
FoSSaCS-2001-Morin #on the #sequence chart #traceability- On Regular Message Sequence Chart Languages and Relationships to Mazurkiewicz Trace Theory (RM), pp. 332–346.
DLT-2001-BeaudryHNO #on the #product line- On the Relationship between the McNaughton Families of Languages and the Chomsky Hierarchy (MB, MH, GN, FO), pp. 340–348.
CAiSE-2001-IivariH #deployment #development- The Relationship Between Organisational Culture and the Deployment of Systems Development Methodologies (JI, MH), pp. 234–250.
ICEIS-v1-2001-Eom- Relationships between the Decision Support System Subspecialities and Artificial Intelligence (SBE), pp. 418–424.
CIKM-2001-TombrosR #metric #similarity- Query-Sensitive Similarity Measures for the Calculation of Interdocument Relationships (AT, CJvR), pp. 17–24.
SEKE-2001-GeneroOPR #diagrams #information management #maintenance #predict- Knowledge Discovery For Predicting Entity Relationship Diagram Maintainability (MG, JAO, MP, FPR), pp. 203–211.
SEKE-2001-RamirezA #constraints #reasoning- Checking Integrity Constraints in Reasoning Systems based on Propositions and Relationships (JR, AdA), pp. 188–195.
HT-2000-Calvi #hypermedia #question- Text and hypertext: always a binary relationship? (LC), pp. 218–219.
HT-2000-YooB #analysis- Finding linking opportunities through relationship-based analysis (JY, MB), pp. 181–190.
ICPR-v1-2000-SugimotoM #coordination #image #multi- Multilinear Relationships between the Coordinates of Corresponding Image Conics (AS, TM), pp. 1550–1554.
ICPR-v2-2000-LinF #detection #geometry #using- Human Face Detection Using Geometric Triangle Relationship (CL, KCF), pp. 2941–2944.
KR-2000-Bloch #representation- Spatial representation of spatial relationship knowledge (IB), pp. 247–258.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-ZhangFZ #database #design #web- Role-Based Database Designing for Managing Complex Objects and Their Relationships on the Web (YZ, JF, LZ), pp. 212–219.
ICRE-2000-BreitmanL #evolution- Scenario Evolution: A Closer View on Relationships (KB, JCSdPL), pp. 95–105.
SAC-2000-Vazirgiannis #nondeterminism- Uncertainty Handling in Spatial Relationships (MV), pp. 494–500.
HT-1999-KumarF #visualisation- Visualization of Relationships (VK, RF), pp. 137–138.
IWPC-1999-FrancelR #comprehension #debugging #slicing- The Relationship of Slicing and Debugging to Program Understanding (MAF, SR), pp. 106–113.
WCRE-1999-Systa #java #modelling #on the #reverse engineering- On the Relationships between Static and Dynamic Models in Reverse Engineering Java Software (TS), pp. 304–313.
HCI-EI-1999-FukuzumiY #case study- Study on Stress Management — Relationship among Body Sway, Eye Accomodation, and Mental Fatigue by VDT Work - (SF, TY), pp. 79–83.
HCI-EI-1999-KinoeM #idea- Discovering Latent Relationships among Ideas: A Methodology for Facilitating New Idea Creation (YK, HM), pp. 1242–1246.
HCI-EI-1999-KotaniH- Relationship between Size of Icons and Mouse Operating Force with Complex Actions during Pointing Tasks (KK, KH), pp. 412–415.
HCI-EI-1999-ToivonenT #assessment- Assessment of dose-response relationship between VDU work and discomfort (RT, EPT), pp. 27–30.
CAiSE-1999-Olive #perspective- Relationship Reification: A Temporal View (AO), pp. 396–410.
EDOC-1999-Senivongse #approach #corba #equivalence- An approach to making CORBA support equivalence relationships (TS), pp. 233–244.
ICEIS-1999-AlvesHM #database #development #logic #named- DB-GRAPH — A Tool for Development of Database Systems Based on the Extended Entity Relationship Logical Model (MAA, MOH, FLM), pp. 3–6.
ICEIS-1999-Chattopadhyay99a #approach #enterprise #information management #lifecycle- Customer Oriented Enterprise Information Management: A Customer Relationship Life Cycle Approach (SPC), pp. 391–395.
ICEIS-1999-Zineldin- Beyond Relationship Marketing-Technologicalship Marketing: Relationship Marketing Based on Technology (MZ), pp. 550–562.
CIKM-1999-ShyuCK #database- Discovering Quasi-Equivalence Relationships from Database Systems (MLS, SCC, RLK), pp. 102–108.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-BarbierH #metamodelling- Object Metamodeling of The Whole-Part Relationship (FB, BHS), pp. 127–138.
TOOLS-USA-1999-AlexanderO #analysis #polymorphism #testing- Analysis Techniques for Testing Polymorphic Relationships (RTA, AJO), p. 104–?.
TOOLS-USA-1999-MuenchaisriM #development- Entity-Relationship Software Development Environment (PM, TM), pp. 354–363.
ICSE-1999-MichailN #library- Assessing Software Libraries by Browsing Similar Classes, Functions and Relationships (AM, DN), pp. 463–472.
DAC-1998-AmonBL #using- Making Complex Timing Relationships Readable: Presburger Formula Simplicication Using Don’t Cares (TA, GB, JL), pp. 586–590.
VLDB-1998-HelmerWM #algorithm #named- Diag-Join: An Opportunistic Join Algorithm for 1:N Relationships (SH, TW, GM), pp. 98–109.
CSCW-1998-ONeillG #online- Sustaining Mentoring Relationships On-Line (DKO, LMG), pp. 325–334.
EDOC-1998-SyrbeP #analysis- An enterprise-level analysis of customer-provider relationships and implications for QoS enforcement (JHS, TP), pp. 208–217.
ACIR-1998-VriesB #database #information retrieval #multi- The Relationship between IR and Multimedia Databases (APdV, HMB).
CIKM-1998-DulleaS #analysis #modelling- An Analysis of the Structural Validity of Ternary Relatinships in Entity Relationship Modeling (JD, IYS), pp. 331–339.
CIKM-1998-SchmittT #approach #incremental #integration- An Incremental Approach to Schema Integration by Refining Extensional Relationships (IS, CT), pp. 322–330.
ICPR-1998-OrnesDS #network #visual notation- A visual neural network that learns perceptual relationships (CO, AD, JS), pp. 873–875.
SIGIR-1998-Picard #documentation #modelling #probability #using- Modeling and Combining Evidence Provided by Document Relationships Using Probabilistic Argumentation Systems (JP), pp. 182–189.
SIGIR-1998-SaitoO #user satisfaction #web- A Cognitive Model for Searching for Ill-Defined Targets on the Web: The Relationship Between Search Strategies and User Satisfaction (MS, KO), pp. 155–163.
UML-1998-OvergaardP #approach #case study #formal method- A Formal Approach to Use Cases and Their Relationships (GÖ, KP), pp. 406–418.
CADE-1998-OhtaIH #on the #testing- On the Relationship Between Non-Horn Magic Sets and Relevancy Testing (YO, KI, RH), pp. 333–348.
JICSLP-1998-CollavizzaDR #consistency- Relationships between Partial Consistencies over Continuous Domains (HC, FD, MR), pp. 345–346.
WCRE-1997-Mfourga #approach #database #relational- Extracting Entity-Relationship Schemas from Relational Databases: A Form-Driven Approach (NM), pp. 184–193.
WPC-1997-Visaggio #documentation #maintenance #process- Relationships between Documentation and Maintenance Activities (GV), pp. 4–16.
CHI-1997-TerwilligerP #interface- Relationships Between Users’ and Interfaces’ Task Representations (RBT, PGP), pp. 99–106.
HCI-CC-1997-MoroCBSA- The Relationship Between Sitting Posture and Musculoskeletal Pain (FBPM, FTC, ADB, MJS, PA), pp. 525–528.
CIKM-1997-DulleaS #analysis #constraints- An Analysis of Cardinality Constraints in Redundant Relationships (JD, IYS), pp. 270–277.
UML-1997-Ou #on the #uml- On Mapping Between UML and Entity-Relationship Model (YO), pp. 45–57.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-Sellers #formal method #modelling #towards- Towards the Formalization of Relationships for Object Modeling (BHS), pp. 267–285.
TOOLS-USA-1997-PotterS #eiffel #java #named #question- Keynotes: Java and Eiffel: A de facto relationship? (JP, RS), p. 3.
PODS-1996-BettiniWJ #data mining #mining #multi #testing- Testing Complex Temporal Relationships Involving Multiple Granularities and Its Application to Data Mining (CB, XSW, SJ), pp. 68–78.
STOC-1996-Okamoto #on the #proving #statistics- On Relationships between Statistical Zero-Knowledge Proofs (TO), pp. 649–658.
TRI-Ada-1996-NeedhamDGPZME #ada #design #eiffel #independence #inheritance #modelling #named #object-oriented- ADAM: A Language-Independent, Object-Oriented, Design Environment for Modeling Inheritance and Relationship Variants in Ada 95, C++, and Eiffel (DMN, SAD, KEG, TJP, PZ, MM, HJCE), pp. 99–113.
CAiSE-1996-KemperWS #database #process- Active Relationships for Controlling the Propagation of Information and Activities in Databases (FK, WW, GS), pp. 160–175.
ICPR-1996-PetrouS #fuzzy #network #on the #reasoning- On the relationship between neural networks and fuzzy reasoning (MP, KRS), pp. 239–243.
ICPR-1996-Xia #invariant #on the- On contour invariants: relationship and application (FX), pp. 136–140.
SEKE-1996-KimSK #communication- Relationship Between Communication Capability and Goal Achievement in System of Agents (HGK, YCS, MhK), pp. 246–252.
ECOOP-1996-BullatS #clustering #database #effectiveness- Dynamic Clustering in Object Databases Exploiting Effective Use of Relationships Between Objects (FB, MS), pp. 344–365.
LOPSTR-1996-BenoyK- Inferring Argument Size Relationships with CLP(R) (FB, AK), pp. 204–223.
VLDB-1995-SistlaYLL #retrieval #similarity #using- Similarity based Retrieval of Pictures Using Indices on Spatial Relationships (APS, CTY, CL, KLL), pp. 619–629.
ICSM-1995-BuckleyC- Discovering relationships between service and customer satisfaction (MB, RC), p. 192–?.
CAiSE-1995-AndonoffHPZ #composition #inheritance #modelling- Modelling Inheritance, Composition and Relationship Links between Objects, Object Versions and Class Versions (EA, GH, ALP, GZ), pp. 96–111.
CAiSE-1995-SiauWB #concept- A Psychological Study on the Use of Relationship Concept — Some Preliminary Findings (KS, YW, IB), pp. 341–354.
SAC-1995-GyseghemC #behaviour #fuzzy- Fuzzy behaviour and relationships in a fuzzy OODB-model (NVG, RMMDC), pp. 503–507.
SAC-1995-JungG #automation #knowledge base #visualisation- Automatic determination and visualization of relationships among symptoms for building medical knowledge bases (GSJ, VNG), pp. 101–107.
VLDB-1994-SistlaYH #reasoning #retrieval- Reasoning About Spatial Relationships in Picture Retrieval Systems (APS, CTY, RH), pp. 570–581.
TAGT-1994-KorffR #graph grammar #petri net- Formal Relationship between Graph Grammars and Petri Nets (MK, LR), pp. 288–303.
CIKM-1994-Borgida #logic #on the- On The Relationship Between Description Logic and Predicate Logic (AB), pp. 219–225.
CIKM-1994-HalperGPK #using- Integrating a Part Relationship Into an Open OODB System Using Metaclasses (MH, JG, YP, WK), pp. 10–17.
CIKM-1994-RezendeH #abstraction #semantics #using- A Lock Method for KBMSs Using Abstraction Relationships’ Semantics (FdFR, TH), pp. 112–121.
SEKE-1994-CanforaLT #inheritance- Recovering object classes and inheritance relationships from existing code (GC, GADL, MT), pp. 233–240.
SIGIR-1994-ConradU #database #feature model- A System for Discovering Relationships by Feature Extraction from Text Databases (JGC, MHU), pp. 260–270.
ICDAR-1993-SekiT- Relationship between the construction of Chinese character and the correct ratio of writer indentification (YS, NT), pp. 838–841.
HCI-ACS-1993-ArthurB #performance- The Relationship Between Secretaries Opinions of Computing and Their Computer Performance Within a United Kingdom Health-Care Setting (JA, PB), pp. 362–367.
HCI-ACS-1993-LipnerSS #design #interface- The Relationship Between Task Structure and Choice of Navigational Aid in Human Computer Interface Design (RSL, GWS, KEOS), pp. 522–527.
HCI-ACS-1993-SwansonS #performance- The Relationship of Working Posture to Performance in a Data Entry Task (NGS, SLS), pp. 994–998.
HCI-ACS-1993-TakedaHS93a #analysis- Analysis of Uric Properties for Stress Caused by VDT Work and Relationship Among CFF, HRV and VEP (MT, YH, KS), pp. 903–908.
HCI-SHI-1993-BoczkowskiNR #hypermedia #on the #process- On the Relationships between Hypermedia and the Psychotherapeutic Process (PB, FDN, GR), pp. 476–481.
HCI-SHI-1993-HabibiR #multi #process #visualisation- Visualizing Multidimensional Process Control Relationships (SKH, DSR), pp. 555–560.
CIKM-1993-SongJ- Binary Relationship Imposition Rules on Ternary Relationships (IYS, THJ), pp. 57–66.
ESEC-1993-Basili #experience #paradigm- The Experience Factory and its Relationship to Other Improvement Paradigms (VRB), pp. 68–83.
ICSE-1993-NuseibehKF #multi #requirements #specification- Expressing the Relationships Between Multiple Views in Requirements Specification (BN, JK, AF), pp. 187–196.
ILPS-1993-ChanS #prolog- A Prolog-Based Definition of an Entity Relationship Language (HCC, KS), p. 650.
LFP-1992-NeubergerM #analysis #deduction #power of #precise #strict- A Precise Relationship Between the Deductive Power of Forward and Backward Strictness Analysis (MN, PM), pp. 127–138.
SEKE-1992-SatoH #constraints- A Constraint Satisfaction System on the Entity and Relationship Model (MS, MH), pp. 503–510.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-BaelenLSR #named #object-oriented #specification- EROOS: An Entity-Relationship Based OO Specification Method (SVB, JL, ES, HVR), pp. 103–117.
PLILP-1992-SolnonR #inheritance #prolog #source code- Inference of Inheritance Relationships from Prolog Programs: a System Developed with PrologIII (CS, MR), pp. 489–490.
HT-1991-HaraKW #database #exception #hypermedia #implementation- Implementing Hypertext Database Relationships through Aggregations and Exceptions (YH, AMK, GW), pp. 75–90.
SIGMOD-1991-WolfsonDSY #evaluation #incremental #parallel- Incremental Evaluation of Rules and its Relationship to Parallelism (OW, HMD, SJS, YY), pp. 78–87.
CAiSE-1991-Troyer #concept #object-oriented- The OO-Binary Relationship Model: A Truly Object Oriented Conceptual Model (ODT), pp. 561–578.
KDD-1991-LongIS #automation #database- Automating the Discovery of Causal Relationships in a Medical Records Database: The POSCH AI Project (JML, EAI, JRS), pp. 465–476.
KDD-1991-WuW #functional- Discovering Functional Relationships from Observational Data (YHW, SW), pp. 55–70.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Page-Jones #object-oriented- Relationship Between the Structured and Object-Oriented Worlds (MPJ), pp. 395–396.
LICS-1991-Vaandrager #algebra #automaton #on the #process- On the Relationship Between Process Algebra and Input/Output Automata (FWV), pp. 387–398.
RTA-1991-Kucherov #on the #term rewriting- On Relationship Between Term Rewriting Systems and Regular Tree Languages (GK), pp. 299–311.
SEI-1990-SandersS #perspective #re-engineering- Establishing Motorola-University Relationships: A Software Engineering Training Perspective (GS, GS), pp. 2–12.
GG-1990-Engels #database- Elementary Actions on an Extended Entity-Relationship Database (GE), pp. 344–362.
POPL-1990-Burn #abstract interpretation #analysis- A Relationship Between Abstract Interpretation and Projection Analysis (GLB), pp. 151–156.
DAC-1989-Devadas89a #composition- General Decomposition of Sequential Machines: Relationships to State Assignment (SD), pp. 314–320.
SIGMOD-1989-AgrawalBJ #knowledge base #performance #scalability #transitive- Efficient Management of Transitive Relationships in Large Data and Knowledge Bases (RA, AB, HVJ), pp. 253–262.
SIGMOD-1989-MarkowitzS #correctness #on the #relational #representation- On the Correctness of Representing Extended Entity-Relationship Structures in the Relational Model (VMM, AS), pp. 430–439.
VLDB-1989-BattistaL #deduction #modelling- A Deductive Method for Entity-Relationship Modeling (GDB, ML), pp. 13–21.
CAiSE-1989-DahlO #development #modelling #tool support- The Relationship between Models, Methods and System Development Tools (i.e. Case Tools and 4GL) (LD, RO).
OOPSLA-1989-ShahRHB #modelling #named- DSM: An Object-Relationship Modeling Language (AVS, JER, JHH, REB), pp. 191–202.
ICSE-1989-OttT #slicing- The Relationship between Slices and Module Cohesion (LMO, JJT), pp. 198–204.
VLDB-1988-Chaudhuri #database- Temporal Relationships in Databases (SC), pp. 160–170.
VLDB-1987-LenzeriniN #constraints #dependence #on the #satisfiability- On The Satisfiability of Dependency Constraints in Entity-Relationship Schemata (ML, PN), pp. 147–154.
SLP-1987-Saraswat87 #haskell #named #problem #semantics- GHC: Operational Semantics, Problems, and Relationships with CP(|, |) (VAS), pp. 347–358.
PODS-1986-GelfondPP #parallel- The Extended Closed World Assumpution and its Relationship to Parallel Circumscription (MG, HP, TCP), pp. 133–139.
VLDB-1986-JunetFL #database #named #query #semantics- ECRINS/86: An Extended Entity-Relationship Data Base Management System and its Semantic Query Language (MJ, GF, ML), pp. 259–266.
CSCW-1986-KrautGE #research- Relationships and tasks in scientific research collaborations (RK, JG, CE), pp. 229–245.
CADE-1986-Burckert #strict #unification- Some Relationships between Unification, restricted Unification, and Matching (HJB), pp. 514–524.
DAC-1985-WinslettBPW #database #design #relational- Relational and entity-relationship model databases and specialized design files in VLSI design (MW, RB, THP, GW), pp. 410–416.
STOC-1985-AharoniEL #integer #linear #source code- Dual Integer Linear Programs and the Relationship between their Optima (RA, PE, NL), pp. 476–483.
SIGIR-1985-ShepherdLP #case study #query- A Study of the Relationship between User Profiles and User Queries (MAS, AL, WJP), pp. 274–281.
VLDB-1984-NavatheSE #integration- Relationship Merging in Schema Integration (SBN, TS, RE), pp. 78–90.
ICALP-1984-GoltzM #on the #petri net- On the Relationship of CCS and Petri Nets (UG, AM), pp. 196–208.
SIGIR-1984-AzmoodehLS #semantics- The Semantic Binary Relationship Model of Information (MKA, SHL, MS), pp. 133–151.
ICALP-1983-Brookes #csp #on the- On the Relationship of CCS and CSP (SDB), pp. 83–96.
SIGMOD-1981-SwartwoutL #on the #requirements- On the Requirements of Navigational Relationship Representations (DES, JCL), pp. 1–9.
VLDB-1981-BenneworthBTHM #database #implementation- The Implementation of GERM, An Entity-Relationship Data Base Management System (RLB, CDB, CJMT, WDH, FMM), pp. 478–484.
SIGMOD-1980-LuskOP #database #design #implementation #using- A Practical Design Methodology for the Implementation of IMS Databases, Using the Entity-Relationship Model (ELL, RAO, BDP), pp. 9–21.
SIGMOD-1980-Sakai #approach #concept #design- Entity-Relationship Approach to the Conceptual Schema Design (HS), pp. 1–8.
VLDB-1980-Swartwout #database- Database Theory and its Relationship to Practice (DES), p. 361.
DAC-1978-Fortin #approximate #diagrams #named #using- BUBBLE: Relationship diagrams using iterative vector approximation (GF), pp. 145–151.
VLDB-1978-Ashany #analysis #classification #database #matrix #retrieval #scalability- Application of Sparse Matrix Techniques to Search, Retrieval, Classification and Relationship Analysis in Large Data Base Systems — SPARCOM (RA), pp. 499–516.
ICALP-1978-Berman #complexity- Relationship Between Density and Deterministic Complexity of NP-Complete Languages (PB), pp. 63–71.
GG-1978-Wileden #analysis #concurrent #design #graph grammar- Relationships Between Graph Grammars and the Design and Analysis of Concurrent Software (JCW), pp. 456–463.
VLDB-J-1975-Chen76 #towards- The Entity-Relationship Model — Toward a Unified View of Data (PPC), pp. 9–36.
DAC-1975-Losleben #design #performance- Computer aided LSI circuit design: A relationship between topology and performance (PL), pp. 102–104.
VLDB-1975-Chen #towards- The Enity-Relationship Model: Toward a Unified View of Data (PPC), p. 173.
DAC-1973-KrawczykD #evaluation #generative- Space plan: A user oriented package for the evaluation and the generation of spatial inter-relationships (RJK, EED), pp. 121–138.
ICALP-1972-Monien #automaton #bound #turing machine- Relationship between Pushdown Automata and Tape-Bounded Turing Machines (BM), pp. 575–583.
DAC-1971-White #layout #named- RELATE: Relationship layout technique (RNW), p. 221.
STOC-1970-Morris #precedence- A Result on the Relationship between Simple Precedence Languages and Reducing Transition Languages (JBM), pp. 73–80.
STOC-1970-Perrot #automaton #finite #monad #on the- On The Relationship between Finite Automata, Finite Monoids, and Prefix Codes (JFP), pp. 217–220.