Travelled to:
2 × Sweden
Collaborated with:
S.Männikö U.Wolz P.Anderson Z.Chen J.Dunne G.Karlsson A.Laribi R.Spielvogel H.M.Walker
Talks about:
comput (3) collabor (2) educ (2) set (2) conferenc (1) communic (1) report (1) mediat (1) teach (1) itics (1)
Person: Jacob Palme
DBLP: Palme:Jacob
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ITiCSE-1997-PalmeM #education
- Use of computer conferencing to teach a course on humans and computers (JP, SM), pp. 88–90.
- ITiCSE-WGR-1997-WolzPACDKLMSW #collaboration #communication #education
- Computer-mediated communication in collaborative educational settings (report of the ITiCSE 1997 working group on CMC in collaborative educational settings) (UW, JP, PA, ZC, JD, GK, AL, SM, RS, HMW), pp. 51–69.