Collaborated with:
G.R.Crane ∅ A.Mahoney L.Vetter S.M.Rüger D.Heesch
Talks about:
corpus (2) latin (2) text (2) new (2) technolog (1) disambigu (1) document (1) approach (1) retriev (1) qualiti (1)
Person: Jeffrey A. Rydberg-Cox
DBLP: Rydberg-Cox:Jeffrey_A=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ECDL-2004-Rydberg-CoxVRH #information retrieval #multi #problem #visualisation
- Approaching the Problem of Multi-lingual Information Retrieval and Visualization in Greek and Latin and Old Norse Texts (JARC, LV, SMR, DH), pp. 168–178.
- DL-2000-CraneR #corpus #editing
- New technology and new roles: the need for “corpus editors” (GRC, JARC), pp. 252–253.
- JCDL-2001-Rydberg-CoxMC #corpus #documentation #quality
- Document quality indicators and corpus editions (JARC, AM, GRC), pp. 435–436.
- JCDL-2003-Rydberg-Cox #ambiguity #automation #library
- Automatic Disambiguation of Latin Abbreviations in Early Modern Texts for Humanities Digital Libraries (JARC), p. 372–?.