Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Fischmeister K.Czarnecki A.Ketata C.Moreno Z.Newsham W.Lindsay V.Ganesh
Talks about:
sat (2) toolchain (1) structur (1) softwar (1) predict (1) perform (1) formula (1) visual (1) solver (1) migrat (1)
Person: Jia Hui Liang
DBLP: Liang:Jia_Hui
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- MoDELS-2015-KetataMFLC #migration #modelling #performance #predict
- Performance prediction upon toolchain migration in model-based software (AK, CM, SF, JHL, KC), pp. 302–311.
- SAT-2015-NewshamLGLFC #evolution #named #satisfiability #visualisation
- SATGraf: Visualizing the Evolution of SAT Formula Structure in Solvers (ZN, WL, VG, JHL, SF, KC), pp. 62–70.