12 papers:
SANER-2015-Felden #communication- SKilLed communication for toolchains (TF), p. 596.
MoDELS-2015-KetataMFLC #migration #modelling #performance #predict- Performance prediction upon toolchain migration in model-based software (AK, CM, SF, JHL, KC), pp. 302–311.
PASTE-2013-SarimbekovSKZBBA #virtual machine- A comprehensive toolchain for workload characterization across JVM languages (AS, AS, SK, YZ, WB, LB, DA), pp. 9–16.
ICST-2013-BertolinoBDKLM #design #policy #testing- A Toolchain for Designing and Testing XACML Policies (AB, MB, SD, NK, FL, EM), pp. 495–496.
ESOP-2011-Appel- Verified Software Toolchain — (Invited Talk) (AWA), pp. 1–17.
MoDELS-2011-JensenCGN #behaviour #detection- A Toolchain for the Detection of Structural and Behavioral Latent System Properties (ACJ, BHCC, HG, ECN), pp. 683–698.
MoDELS-2011-JensenCGN #behaviour #detection- A Toolchain for the Detection of Structural and Behavioral Latent System Properties (ACJ, BHCC, HG, ECN), pp. 683–698.
ISSTA-2011-RosenblumMZ- Recovering the toolchain provenance of binary code (NER, BPM, XZ), pp. 100–110.
CASE-2010-PintoKK #analysis #modelling #probability- A model-based end-to-end toolchain for the probabilistic analysis of complex systems (AP, SK, SK), pp. 994–1000.
LCTES-2010-BiehlCT #analysis #development #embedded #modelling #safety- Integrating safety analysis into the model-based development toolchain of automotive embedded systems (MB, DJC, MT), pp. 125–132.
GPCE-2009-RadermacherCGT #case study #component #execution #generative #modelling #realtime #specification- Generating execution infrastructures for component-oriented specifications with a model driven toolchain: a case study for MARTE’s GCM and real-time annotations (AR, AC, SG, FT), pp. 127–136.
MBT-2008-FalconeMFR #java #named #testing- j-POST: a Java Toolchain for Property-Oriented Software Testing (YF, LM, JCF, JLR), pp. 29–41.