Collaborated with:
C.Baier L.Leuschner D.P.0001 S.Wunderlich S.Kiefer S.Klüppelholz D.M.0001 J.W.0001
Talks about:
markov (2) unambigu (1) automata (1) reliabl (1) process (1) checker (1) interv (1) model (1) ensur (1) decis (1)
Person: Joachim Klein 0001
DBLP: 0001:Joachim_Klein
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CAV-2016-BaierK0K0W #ambiguity #automaton #markov
- Markov Chains and Unambiguous Büchi Automata (CB, SK, JK0, SK, DM0, JW0), pp. 23–42.
- CAV-2017-Baier0L0W #markov #model checking #process #reliability
- Ensuring the Reliability of Your Model Checker: Interval Iteration for Markov Decision Processes (CB, JK0, LL, DP0, SW), pp. 160–180.