Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Japan
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
M.Lawley Z.Milosevic J.Steel K.Raymond R.Drogemuller A.Wood A.Gerber S.Abraham A.P.Barros
Talks about:
transform (2) enterpris (2) pattern (2) model (2) event (2) architectur (1) workbench (1) pegamento (1) approach (1) reusabl (1)
♂ Person: Keith Duddy
DBLP: Duddy:Keith
Facilitated 4 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ICMT-2011-SteelDD #modelling
- A Transformation Workbench for Building Information Models (JS, KD, RD), pp. 93–107.
- EDOC-2004-DuddyLM
- Elemental and Pegamento: The Final Cut — Applying the MDA Pattern (KD, ML, ZM), pp. 240–252.
- EDOC-2003-DuddyGLRS #approach #declarative #model transformation #reuse
- Model Transformation: A declarative, reusable patterns approach (KD, AG, ML, KR, JS), pp. 174–185.
- EDOC-2000-AbrahamDLMRW #corba #enterprise
- Mapping Enterprise Events to the CORBA Notification Service (SA, KD, ML, ZM, KR, AW), pp. 124–134.
- UML-2000-BarrosDLMRW #architecture #concept #enterprise #process #uml
- Processes, Roles, and Events: UML Concepts for Enterprise Architecture (APB, KD, ML, ZM, KR, AW), pp. 62–77.