Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Erdweg T.v.d.Storm M.Völter M.Boersma R.Bosman W.R.Cook A.Gerritsen A.Hulshout S.Kelly A.Loh G.D.P.Konat P.J.Molina M.Palatnik R.Pohjonen E.Schindler R.Solmi V.A.Vergu E.Visser K.v.d.Vlist G.Wachsmuth J.v.d.Woning
Talks about:
workbench (2) languag (2) challeng (1) conclus (1) state (1) art (1)
Person: Klemens Schindler
DBLP: Schindler:Klemens
Contributed to:
Wrote 1 papers:
- SLE-2013-ErdwegSVBBCGHKLKMPPSSSVVVWW #challenge #language workbench #state of the art
- The State of the Art in Language Workbenches — Conclusions from the Language Workbench Challenge (SE, TvdS, MV, MB, RB, WRC, AG, AH, SK, AL, GDPK, PJM, MP, RP, ES, KS, RS, VAV, EV, KvdV, GW, JvdW), pp. 197–217.