4306 papers:
ECSA-2015-AlvaresRS #architecture #component #configuration management- High-Level Language Support for Reconfiguration Control in Component-Based Architectures (FA, ÉR, LS), pp. 3–19.
ECSA-2015-RademacherPS #design #domain-specific language #framework #independence #web #web service- Design of a Domain-Specific Language Based on a Technology-Independent Web Service Framework (FR, MP, SS), pp. 357–371.
CASE-2015-TheorinB #implementation #symmetry- Implementation of an asymmetric relay autotuner in a sequential control language (AT, JB), pp. 874–879.
CASE-2015-WareS #synthesis #using- Synthesis time optimal accepting traces using language projection and pruning (SW, RS), pp. 1363–1368.
DATE-2015-DeAntoniDTCC #concurrent #domain-specific language #metalanguage #towards- Towards a meta-language for the concurrency concern in DSLs (JD, PID, CT, JC, BC), pp. 313–316.
DATE-2015-Ibing #architecture #execution #symbolic computation- Architecture description language based retargetable symbolic execution (AI), pp. 241–246.
DATE-2015-YanCC #consistency #natural language #specification- Formal consistency checking over specifications in natural languages (RY, CHC, YC), pp. 1677–1682.
DATE-2015-YazdanbakhshMTP #approximate #design #hardware #named- Axilog: language support for approximate hardware design (AY, DM, BT, JP, AN, SS, KR, NR, RJ, AR, HE, KB), pp. 812–817.
HT-2015-GavilanesGPTKG #twitter- Language, Twitter and Academic Conferences (ROGG, DG, DPS, CT, AK, EG), pp. 159–163.
HT-2015-KershawRS #network #online #social- Language Innovation and Change in On-line Social Networks (DK, MR, PS), pp. 311–314.
PODS-2015-Green #declarative #enterprise #named- LogiQL: A Declarative Language for Enterprise Applications (TJG), pp. 59–64.
SIGMOD-2015-AlexandrovKKSTK #parallel- Implicit Parallelism through Deep Language Embedding (AA, AK, AK, FS, LT, OK, TH, VM), pp. 47–61.
SIGMOD-2015-AmsterdamerKM #interface #mining #named #natural language- NL2CM: A Natural Language Interface to Crowd Mining (YA, AK, TM), pp. 1433–1438.
VLDB-2015-AmsterdamerKM #interface #natural language #query- A Natural Language Interface for Querying General and Individual Knowledge (YA, AK, TM), pp. 1430–1441.
ITiCSE-2015-DiethelmG #education- Questions on Spoken Language and Terminology for Teaching Computer Science (ID, JG), pp. 21–26.
ITiCSE-2015-PalI #programming- Classroom Versus Screencast for Native Language Learners: Effect of Medium of Instruction on Knowledge of Programming (YP, SI), pp. 290–295.
ESOP-2015-BattyMNPS #concurrent #problem #programming language #semantics- The Problem of Programming Language Concurrency Semantics (MB, KM, KN, JPP, PS), pp. 283–307.
ESOP-2015-CoxCR #abstraction #multi #source code- Desynchronized Multi-State Abstractions for Open Programs in Dynamic Languages (AC, BYEC, XR), pp. 483–509.
ESOP-2015-VasconcelosJFH #analysis #functional #lazy evaluation #recursion #type system- Type-Based Allocation Analysis for Co-recursion in Lazy Functional Languages (PBV, SJ, MF, KH), pp. 787–811.
TACAS-2015-KantLMPBD #independence #model checking #named- LTSmin: High-Performance Language-Independent Model Checking (GK, AL, JM, JvdP, SB, TvD), pp. 692–707.
ICSME-2015-AbidDCM #automation #c++ #generative #natural language #summary #using- Using stereotypes in the automatic generation of natural language summaries for C++ methods (NJA, ND, MLC, JIM), pp. 561–565.
ICSME-2015-PawelkaJ #case study #identifier #natural language- Is this code written in English? A study of the natural language of comments and identifiers in practice (TP, EJ), pp. 401–410.
MSR-2015-HellendoornDB #modelling- Will They Like This? Evaluating Code Contributions with Language Models (VH, PTD, AB), pp. 157–167.
SANER-2015-JiangSPLZ #comprehension #developer #interactive #natural language #query- Understanding developers’ natural language queries with interactive clarification (SJ, LS, XP, ZL, WZ), pp. 13–22.
SANER-2015-PalixFL #algorithm #difference- Improving pattern tracking with a language-aware tree differencing algorithm (NP, JRF, JL), pp. 43–52.
SANER-2015-SharmaTL #automation #identification #named #twitter- NIRMAL: Automatic identification of software relevant tweets leveraging language model (AS, YT, DL), pp. 449–458.
PEPM-2015-KootH #analysis #exception #functional #higher-order #semantics #strict #type system- Type-based Exception Analysis for Non-strict Higher-order Functional Languages with Imprecise Exception Semantics (RK, JH), pp. 127–138.
PEPM-2015-VerstoepH #analysis #functional #higher-order #strict- Polyvariant Cardinality Analysis for Non-strict Higher-order Functional Languages: Brief Announcement (HV, JH), pp. 139–142.
SAS-2015-AldousM #low level #static analysis- Static Analysis of Non-interference in Expressive Low-Level Languages (PA, MM), pp. 1–17.
CIAA-J-2013-JirasekJ15 #bound #on the #regular expression- On the boundary of regular languages (JJ, GJ), pp. 42–57.
CIAA-2015-CaronMM #on the- On the Hierarchy of Block Deterministic Languages (PC, LM, CM), pp. 63–75.
CIAA-2015-Madejski #linear #permutation #problem- The Membership Problem for Linear and Regular Permutation Languages (GM), pp. 211–223.
DLT-2015-BellRS #formal method- Factorization in Formal Languages (PCB, DR, JS), pp. 97–107.
DLT-2015-Bojanczyk #monad- Recognisable Languages over Monads (MB), pp. 1–13.
DLT-2015-EremondiIM #on the- On the Density of Context-Free and Counter Languages (JE, OHI, IM), pp. 228–239.
DLT-2015-HanKS #fault- Generalizations of Code Languages with Marginal Errors (YSH, SKK, KS), pp. 264–275.
DLT-2015-JirasekJ #bound- The Boundary of Prefix-Free Languages (JJ, GJ), pp. 300–312.
ICALP-v1-2015-FullaZ #constraints #infinity- A Galois Connection for Valued Constraint Languages of Infinite Size (PF, SZ), pp. 517–528.
ICALP-v1-2015-GoldreichGR #branch #context-free grammar #proving #proximity #source code- Proofs of Proximity for Context-Free Languages and Read-Once Branching Programs — (Extended Abstract) (OG, TG, RDR), pp. 666–677.
ICALP-v2-2015-BenesBLS #automaton #parametricity- Language Emptiness of Continuous-Time Parametric Timed Automata (NB, PB, KGL, JS), pp. 69–81.
ICALP-v2-2015-CiobanuDE #equation #set- Solution Sets for Equations over Free Groups are EDT0L Languages (LC, VD, ME), pp. 134–145.
ICALP-v2-2015-SwernofskyW #complexity #on the- On the Complexity of Intersecting Regular, Context-Free, and Tree Languages (JS, MW), pp. 414–426.
LATA-2015-NayakK #on the #word- On the Language of Primitive Partial Words (ACN, KK), pp. 436–445.
FM-2015-AhrendtCPS #runtime #specification #verification- A Specification Language for Static and Runtime Verification of Data and Control Properties (WA, JMC, GJP, GS), pp. 108–125.
FM-2015-SafilianMD #feature model #formal method #modelling #semantics- The Semantics of Cardinality-Based Feature Models via Formal Languages (AS, TSEM, ZD), pp. 453–469.
SEFM-2015-CarvalhoBCCMS #csp #natural language #requirements #testing- NAT2TEST Tool: From Natural Language Requirements to Test Cases Based on CSP (GC, FAB, AC, AC, AM, AS), pp. 283–290.
SEFM-2015-NicolaMPST #interactive #interpreter #modelling #twitter- Twitlang(er): Interactions Modeling Language (and Interpreter) for Twitter (RDN, AM, MP, AS, FT), pp. 327–343.
SFM-2015-BrandauerCCFJPT #parallel- Parallel Objects for Multicores: A Glimpse at the Parallel Language Encore (SB, EC, DC, KFR, EBJ, KIP, SLTT, TW, AMY), pp. 1–56.
ICFP-2015-BaumanBHKPST #functional #jit #named- Pycket: a tracing JIT for a functional language (SB, CFB, RH, VK, TP, JGS, STH), pp. 22–34.
ICFP-2015-Chlipala #compilation #functional #optimisation- An optimizing compiler for a purely functional web-application language (AC), pp. 10–21.
ICFP-2015-DannerLR #functional #induction #semantics- Denotational cost semantics for functional languages with inductive types (ND, DRL, R), pp. 140–151.
ICFP-2015-NeisHKMDV #compilation #higher-order #imperative #named- Pilsner: a compositionally verified compiler for a higher-order imperative language (GN, CKH, JOK, CM, DD, VV), pp. 166–178.
ICFP-2015-RendelTO #automation #pattern matching #problem- Automatic refunctionalization to a language with copattern matching: with applications to the expression problem (TR, JT, KO), pp. 269–279.
GaM-2015-BakFPR #graph #interpreter #programming language- A Reference Interpreter for the Graph Programming Language GP 2 (CB, GF, DP, CR), pp. 48–64.
ICGT-2015-Oliveira #graph transformation #reachability #slicing- Reachability in Graph Transformation Systems and Slice Languages (MdOO), pp. 121–137.
CHI-2015-CaiGGM #education #named- Wait-Learning: Leveraging Wait Time for Second Language Education (CJC, PJG, JRG, RCM), pp. 3701–3710.
CHI-2015-FowlerPCBOZ #modelling #performance #personalisation #type system- Effects of Language Modeling and its Personalization on Touchscreen Typing Performance (AF, KP, CC, XB, TO, SZ), pp. 649–658.
CHI-2015-Hale #editing #wiki- Cross-language Wikipedia Editing of Okinawa, Japan (SAH), pp. 183–192.
CHI-2015-PlimmerHZKYJBD #interactive #tool support- New Interaction Tools for Preserving an Old Language (BP, LH, TZ, KK, AWY, GJ, RB, EYLD), pp. 3493–3502.
CHI-2015-PolitisBP #multimodal- To Beep or Not to Beep?: Comparing Abstract versus Language-Based Multimodal Driver Displays (IP, SAB, FEP), pp. 3971–3980.
CSCW-2015-BraggRL #taxonomy- A User-Powered American Sign Language Dictionary (DB, KR, REL), pp. 1837–1848.
CSCW-2015-MatthewsMCMHB #community #what- They Said What?: Exploring the Relationship Between Language Use and Member Satisfaction in Communities (TM, JUM, JC, MM, EMH, HB), pp. 819–825.
DUXU-UI-2015-MorrisonKM #design #smarttech- Designing a Vibrotactile Language for a Wearable Vest (AM, HK, CMY), pp. 655–666.
HCI-IT-2015-WalkerSJ #interactive #performance- Interactive Sonification Markup Language (ISML) for Efficient Motion-Sound Mappings (JWW, MTS, MJ), pp. 385–394.
HIMI-IKD-2015-EldesoukyMSD #interface #knowledge base #natural language- Seed, a Natural Language Interface to Knowledge Bases (BE, HM, SS, AD), pp. 280–290.
LCT-2015-FlanaganYSH #fault #predict- Prediction of Learner Native Language by Writing Error Pattern (BF, CY, TS, SH), pp. 87–96.
SCSM-2015-KinclNPS #analysis #independence #sentiment- Language-Independent Sentiment Analysis with Surrounding Context Extension (TK, MN, JP, PS), pp. 158–168.
AdaEurope-2015-PavleticVRKK #debugging #framework- Extensible Debugger Framework for Extensible Languages (DP, MV, SAR, BK, TK), pp. 33–49.
CAiSE-2015-Francescomarino #using #workflow- Completing Workflow Traces Using Action Languages (CDF, CG, ST, IVS), pp. 314–330.
ICEIS-v1-2015-BrodskyL #knowledge base #modelling #reuse #towards- Decision Guidance Analytics Language (DGAL) — Toward Reusable Knowledge Base Centric Modeling (AB, JL), pp. 67–78.
ICEIS-v1-2015-MeisenKMRJ #named #online #query- TIDAQL — A Query Language Enabling on-Line Analytical Processing of Time Interval Data (PM, DK, TM, MR, SJ), pp. 54–66.
ICEIS-v1-2015-PfaffK #automation #benchmark #classification #documentation #identification #metric #natural language- Natural Language Processing Techniques for Document Classification in IT Benchmarking — Automated Identification of Domain Specific Terms (MP, HK), pp. 360–366.
ICEIS-v2-2015-BraunE #enterprise #framework #modelling- A Generic Framework for Modifying and Extending Enterprise Modeling Languages (RB, WE), pp. 277–286.
ICEIS-v2-2015-MoraisS #interface #modelling #quality- Assessing the Quality of User-interface Modeling Languages (FM, ARdS), pp. 311–319.
ECIR-2015-EsuliF #categorisation- Distributional Correspondence Indexing for Cross-Language Text Categorization (AE, AMF), pp. 104–109.
ECIR-2015-ValcarcePB #case study #modelling #recommendation- A Study of Smoothing Methods for Relevance-Based Language Modelling of Recommender Systems (DV, JP, AB), pp. 346–351.
ICML-2015-AllamanisTGW #modelling #natural language #source code- Bimodal Modelling of Source Code and Natural Language (MA, DT, ADG, YW), pp. 2123–2132.
ICML-2015-JerniteRS #approach #learning #markov #modelling #performance #random- A Fast Variational Approach for Learning Markov Random Field Language Models (YJ, AMR, DS), pp. 2209–2217.
RecSys-2015-Valcarce #modelling #recommendation #statistics- Exploring Statistical Language Models for Recommender Systems (DV), pp. 375–378.
RecSys-2015-ValcarcePB #case study #modelling #recommendation- A Study of Priors for Relevance-Based Language Modelling of Recommender Systems (DV, JP, AB), pp. 237–240.
SEKE-2015-AdjoyanS #architecture #product line- An Architecture Description Language for Dynamic Service-Oriented Product Lines (SA, AS), pp. 231–236.
SEKE-2015-AdornesGLF #architecture #distributed #domain-specific language #memory management #pipes and filters- A Unified MapReduce Domain-Specific Language for Distributed and Shared Memory Architectures (DA, DG, CL, LGF), pp. 619–624.
SEKE-2015-BonifacioCFPK #domain-specific language #named #rest #specification- NeoIDL: A Domain-Specific Language for Specifying REST Services (RB, TMC, RF, AP, UK), pp. 613–618.
SEKE-2015-WuCZX15a #case study #comparative #object-oriented #programming language- A metrics-based comparative study on object-oriented programming languages (DW, LC, YZ, BX), pp. 272–277.
SIGIR-2015-GangulyRMJ #information retrieval #word- Word Embedding based Generalized Language Model for Information Retrieval (DG, DR, MM, GJFJ), pp. 795–798.
SIGIR-2015-SchamoniR #information retrieval #orthogonal #scalability- Combining Orthogonal Information in Large-Scale Cross-Language Information Retrieval (SS, SR), pp. 943–946.
ECMFA-J-2012-LaraGC15 #metamodelling #modelling- Model-driven engineering with domain-specific meta-modelling languages (JdL, EG, JSC), pp. 429–459.
ECMFA-J-2012-PfeifferW15 #design #development #multi- The design space of multi-language development environments (RHP, AW), pp. 383–411.
ICMT-J-2012-AtkinsonGT15 #model transformation #modelling #multi- Enhancing classic transformation languages to support multi-level modeling (CA, RG, CVT), pp. 645–666.
ICMT-J-2012-KuselSWKRS15 #model transformation #question #reuse- Reuse in model-to-model transformation languages: are we there yet? (AK, JS, MW, GK, WR, WS), pp. 537–572.
MoDELS-2015-FoucheNGE #diagrams #generative #modelling #standard #tool support- Systematic generation of standard compliant tool support of diagrammatic modeling languages (AF, FN, SG, ME), pp. 348–357.
MoDELS-2015-GregoricsGKDD #algorithm #diagrams #layout #visualisation- Textual diagram layout language and visualization algorithm (BG, TG, GFK, AD, GD), pp. 196–205.
MoDELS-2015-GreifenbergLRR #domain-specific language- Engineering tagging languages for DSLs (TG, ML, SR, BR), pp. 34–43.
MoDELS-2015-HolldoblerRW #model transformation- Systematically deriving domain-specific transformation languages (KH, BR, IW), pp. 136–145.
MoDELS-2015-LarsenDCM #behaviour #coordination- A Behavioral Coordination Operator Language (BCOoL) (MEVL, JD, BC, FM), pp. 186–195.
MoDELS-2015-PescadorGGCL #development #domain-specific language #modelling- Pattern-based development of Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (AP, AG, EG, JSC, JdL), pp. 166–175.
ECOOP-2015-ShinnarSH #calculus #compilation- A Pattern Calculus for Rule Languages: Expressiveness, Compilation, and Mechanization (AS, JS, MH), pp. 542–567.
ECOOP-2015-VekrisCJ #trust #type system #verification- Trust, but Verify: Two-Phase Typing for Dynamic Languages (PV, BC, RJ), pp. 52–75.
Onward-2015-LiPPK #semantics- Slimming languages by reducing sugar: a case for semantics-altering transformations (JL, JP, JGP, SK), pp. 90–106.
Onward-2015-PolitoDBF #framework- A bootstrapping infrastructure to build and extend Pharo-like languages (GP, SD, NB, LF), pp. 183–196.
OOPSLA-2015-FelgentreffMBH #constraints #programming language #theorem proving- Checks and balances: constraint solving without surprises in object-constraint programming languages (TF, TDM, AB, RH), pp. 767–782.
OOPSLA-2015-JantzRKD #memory management- Cross-layer memory management for managed language applications (MRJ, FJR, PAK, KAD), pp. 488–504.
OOPSLA-2015-VoelterDKE #c #case study #embedded #using- Using C language extensions for developing embedded software: a case study (MV, AvD, BK, SE), pp. 655–674.
GPCE-2015-AdamS #domain-specific language #tool support #towards- Towards tool support for spreadsheet-based domain-specific languages (SA, UPS), pp. 95–98.
GPCE-2015-FlorenceFFTKWNY #named #programming language- POP-PL: a patient-oriented prescription programming language (SPF, BF, MF, WHT, TK, DPW, CN, PRY, RBF, SMB), pp. 131–140.
GPCE-2015-RingertRW #behaviour #code generation #tool support- Composing code generators for C&C ADLs with Application-specific behavior languages (tool demonstration) (JOR, BR, AW), pp. 113–116.
GPCE-2015-ScherrC #domain-specific language #embedded #staged- Almost first-class language embedding: taming staged embedded DSLs (MS, SC), pp. 21–30.
PPDP-2015-GiantsiosPS #functional #testing- Concolic testing for functional languages (AG, NSP, KFS), pp. 137–148.
PPDP-2015-MeiklejohnR #coordination #distributed #named #programming- Lasp: a language for distributed, coordination-free programming (CM, PVR), pp. 184–195.
PPDP-2015-Schmidt-Schauss #call-by #functional #semantics- Improvements in a functional core language with call-by-need operational semantics (MSS, DS), pp. 220–231.
POPL-2015-AlurDR #declarative #named #string- DReX: A Declarative Language for Efficiently Evaluating Regular String Transformations (RA, LD, MR), pp. 125–137.
POPL-2015-BastaniAA #context-free grammar #reachability #specification #using- Specification Inference Using Context-Free Language Reachability (OB, SA, AA), pp. 553–566.
POPL-2015-Buneman #database #programming #question- Databases and Programming: Two Subjects Divided by a Common Language? (PB), p. 487.
POPL-2015-Pous #algebra #algorithm #equivalence #testing- Symbolic Algorithms for Language Equivalence and Kleene Algebra with Tests (DP), pp. 357–368.
POPL-2015-Staton #algebra #programming language #quantum- Algebraic Effects, Linearity, and Quantum Programming Languages (SS), pp. 395–406.
SAC-2015-CordobaL #design #effectiveness #java #modelling- A modelling language for the effective design of Java annotations (IC, JdL), pp. 2087–2092.
SAC-2015-MarquesRA #named #representation #traceability- TRL: a traceability representation language (AM, FR, WdLA), pp. 1358–1363.
SAC-2015-MarquesRPSM #coordination #named #network- NVL: a coordination language for unmanned vehicle networks (ERBM, MR, JP, JBS, FM), pp. 331–334.
SAC-2015-RuyFBG #ontology #pattern matching #process #standard #towards- Towards an ontology pattern language for harmonizing software process related ISO standards (FBR, RdAF, MPB, GG), pp. 388–395.
SAC-2015-SousaS #domain-specific language #simulation #tool support- A domain specific language for spatial simulation scenarios (DSL3S): introduction and tool support (LdS, ARdS), pp. 1854–1856.
SAC-2015-TakanoI #correctness #functional #lazy evaluation #semantics- Thunk recycling for lazy functional languages: operational semantics and correctness (YT, HI), pp. 2079–2086.
SAC-2015-VorobyovKS #monitoring #specification- A concise specification language for trace monitoring (KV, PK, PS), pp. 1637–1640.
ESEC-FSE-2015-0002SGBZ #automation #impact analysis #named #natural language #requirements- NARCIA: an automated tool for change impact analysis in natural language requirements (CA, MS, AG, LCB, FZ), pp. 962–965.
ESEC-FSE-2015-CasalnuovoVDF #developer #experience #git #social- Developer onboarding in GitHub: the role of prior social links and language experience (CC, BV, PTD, VF), pp. 817–828.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Jain #automation #generative #programming language- Automated generation of programming language quizzes (SJ), pp. 1051–1053.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Konopka #dependence #eye tracking #identification #navigation- Combining eye tracking with navigation paths for identification of cross-language code dependencies (MK), pp. 1057–1059.
ESEC-FSE-2015-NguyenKN #slicing #web- Cross-language program slicing for dynamic web applications (HVN, CK, TNN), pp. 369–380.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Olajubu #domain-specific language #modelling- A textual domain specific language for requirement modelling (OO), pp. 1060–1062.
ESEC-FSE-2015-ParkEZNH #approximate #composition #named #programming- FlexJava: language support for safe and modular approximate programming (JP, HE, XZ, MN, WH), pp. 745–757.
ESEC-FSE-2015-SaraivaBZ #developer #how #n-gram- Products, developers, and milestones: how should I build my N-Gram language model (JS, CB, TZ), pp. 998–1001.
ICSE-v1-2015-NanzF #case study #comparative #programming language- A Comparative Study of Programming Languages in Rosetta Code (SN, CAF), pp. 778–788.
ICSE-v1-2015-NguyenN #graph #statistics- Graph-Based Statistical Language Model for Code (ATN, TNN), pp. 858–868.
ICSE-v2-2015-ArnaoudovaHMA #natural language #re-engineering #retrieval- The Use of Text Retrieval and Natural Language Processing in Software Engineering (VA, SH, AM, GA), pp. 949–950.
ICSE-v2-2015-ChitchyanCR- Engineering Sustainability Through Language (RC, WC, AR), pp. 501–504.
ICSE-v2-2015-FranksTDH #modelling #named- CACHECA: A Cache Language Model Based Code Suggestion Tool (CF, ZT, PTD, VH), pp. 705–708.
SLE-2015-DegueuleCBBJ #composition #development #domain-specific language #metalanguage #named #reuse- Melange: a meta-language for modular and reusable development of DSLs (TD, BC, AB, OB, JMJ), pp. 25–36.
SLE-2015-GammaitoniKG #design #using- Designing languages using lightning (LG, PK, CG), pp. 77–82.
SLE-2015-LatombeCCDP #concurrent #domain-specific language #execution #modelling #weaving- Weaving concurrency in executable domain-specific modeling languages (FL, XC, BC, JD, MP), pp. 125–136.
SLE-2015-Lopez-Fernandez #validation #visual notation- Example-based validation of domain-specific visual languages (JJLF, EG, JdL), pp. 101–112.
SLE-2015-MaroSATG #domain-specific language #editing #experience #industrial #on the #uml #visual notation- On integrating graphical and textual editors for a UML profile based domain specific language: an industrial experience (SM, JPS, AA, MT, LG), pp. 1–12.
SLE-2015-Pearce- The whiley rewrite language (WyRL) (DJP), pp. 161–166.
SLE-2015-UmuhozaBRC #empirical #modelling #process- An empirical study on simplification of business process modeling languages (EU, MB, DR, JC), pp. 13–24.
SPLC-2015-FerrariSGD #diagrams #documentation #feature model #natural language #tool support- CMT and FDE: tools to bridge the gap between natural language documents and feature diagrams (AF, GOS, SG, FD), pp. 402–410.
SPLC-2015-FontBHC #automation #formal method #product line #variability- Automating the variability formalization of a model family by means of common variability language (JF, MB, ØH, CC), pp. 411–418.
SPLC-2015-KuhnCO #product line- Choosy and picky: configuration of language product lines (TK, WC, DMO), pp. 71–80.
SPLC-2015-PatelS #as a service #automation #testing #using #variability- Automated testing of software-as-a-service configurations using a variability language (SP, VS), pp. 253–262.
ASPLOS-2015-ZhangWSM #data flow #design #hardware #information management #security- A Hardware Design Language for Timing-Sensitive Information-Flow Security (DZ, YW, GES, ACM), pp. 503–516.
CC-2015-BourkeCPPP #code generation #hybrid- A Synchronous-Based Code Generator for Explicit Hybrid Systems Languages (TB, JLC, BP, CP, MP), pp. 69–88.
CC-2015-HollingumS #context-free grammar #framework #reachability #scalability #towards- Towards a Scalable Framework for Context-Free Language Reachability (NH, BS), pp. 193–211.
PPoPP-2015-ChenCM #named #parallel- Tiles: a new language mechanism for heterogeneous parallelism (YC, XC, HM), pp. 287–288.
CADE-2015-DinBH #concurrent #deduction #modelling #named #verification- KeY-ABS: A Deductive Verification Tool for the Concurrent Modelling Language ABS (CCD, RB, RH), pp. 517–526.
CSL-2015-DuparcFH #ambiguity #on the- On Unambiguous Regular Tree Languages of Index (0, 2) (JD, KF, SH), pp. 534–548.
ICLP-2015-Hallen #data mining #higher-order #logic #mining #specification- Higher Order Support in Logic Specification Languages for Data Mining Applications (MvdH).
ISSTA-2015-YueAZ #automation #framework #generative #named #natural language #testing- RTCM: a natural language based, automated, and practical test case generation framework (TY, SA, MZ), pp. 397–408.
LICS-2015-AdamekMUM- Varieties of Languages in a Category (JA, RSRM, HU, SM), pp. 414–425.
LICS-2015-Place #quantifier #regular expression- Separating Regular Languages with Two Quantifiers Alternations (TP), pp. 202–213.
CBSE-2014-HorcasPF #architecture #injection #quality #variability- Injecting quality attributes into software architectures with the common variability language (JMH, MP, LF), pp. 35–44.
CBSE-2014-SpacekDT #architecture #component #implementation #modelling #programming #prototype- A component-based meta-level architecture and prototypical implementation of a reflective component-based programming and modeling language (PS, CD, CT), pp. 13–22.
ECSA-2014-CavalcanteOB #architecture #code generation #implementation- Architecture-Based Code Generation: From π-ADL Architecture Descriptions to Implementations in the Go Language (EC, FO, TVB), pp. 130–145.
WICSA-2014-BabazadehP #design #distributed #framework- The Stream Software Connector Design Space: Frameworks and Languages for Distributed Stream Processing (MB, CP), pp. 1–10.
ASE-2014-Angerer #impact analysis #multi #product line #variability- Variability-aware change impact analysis of multi-language product lines (FA), pp. 903–906.
ASE-2014-DeweyRH #constraints #fuzzing #logic programming #using- Language fuzzing using constraint logic programming (KD, JR, BH), pp. 725–730.
DATE-2014-DhruvaKGT #cyber-physical- Computing a language-based guarantee for timing properties of cyber-physical systems (ND, PK, GG, LT), pp. 1–6.
DocEng-2014-CabralLMFASR #framework #independence #summary- A platform for language independent summarization (LdSC, RDL, RFM, FF, BTÁ, SJS, MR), pp. 203–206.
PODS-2014-ArenasGP #query #semantics #web- Expressive languages for querying the semantic web (MA, GG, AP), pp. 14–26.
PODS-2014-GottlobRS- Expressiveness of guarded existential rule languages (GG, SR, MS), pp. 27–38.
SIGMOD-2014-GulwaniM #data analysis #interactive #named #natural language #programming #spreadsheet- NLyze: interactive programming by natural language for spreadsheet data analysis and manipulation (SG, MM), pp. 803–814.
SIGMOD-2014-LiJ #database #interactive #interface #named #natural language #query #relational- NaLIR: an interactive natural language interface for querying relational databases (FL, HVJ), pp. 709–712.
SIGMOD-2014-ZouHWYHZ #approach #data-driven #graph #natural language #rdf- Natural language question answering over RDF: a graph data driven approach (LZ, RH, HW, JXY, WH, DZ), pp. 313–324.
VLDB-2014-KlonatosKRC #performance #query- Building Efficient Query Engines in a High-Level Language (YK, CK, TR, HC), pp. 853–864.
VLDB-2014-KlonatosKRC14a #performance #query- Errata for “Building Efficient Query Engines in a High-Level Language” (PVLDB 7(10): 853-864) (YK, CK, TR, HC), p. 1784.
VLDB-2014-ShirakawaHN #independence #named #realtime #twitter- MLJ: Language-Independent Real-Time Search of Tweets Reported by Media Outlets and Journalists (MS, TH, SN), pp. 1605–1608.
VLDB-2015-LiJ14 #database #interactive #interface #natural language #relational- Constructing an Interactive Natural Language Interface for Relational Databases (FL, HVJ), pp. 73–84.
TFPIE-2014-MorazanA #automaton #formal method #functional #student- Functional Automata — Formal Languages for Computer Science Students (MTM, RA), pp. 19–32.
TFPIE-2014-Winter #authentication #functional #named #programming language- Bricklayer: An Authentic Introduction to the Functional Programming Language SML (VLW), pp. 33–49.
ESOP-2014-Garnock-JonesTF #network- The Network as a Language Construct (TGJ, STH, MF), pp. 473–492.
ESOP-2014-PercontiA #compilation #multi #semantics #using #verification- Verifying an Open Compiler Using Multi-language Semantics (JTP, AA), pp. 128–148.
ESOP-2014-SlepakSM #morphism #polymorphism #rank- An Array-Oriented Language with Static Rank Polymorphism (JS, OS, PM), pp. 27–46.
FoSSaCS-2014-AdamekMMU #theorem- Generalized Eilenberg Theorem I: Local Varieties of Languages (JA, SM, RSRM, HU), pp. 366–380.
FoSSaCS-2014-KobayashiIT #higher-order- Unsafe Order-2 Tree Languages Are Context-Sensitive (NK, KI, TT), pp. 149–163.
TACAS-2014-MalerM #learning #regular expression #scalability- Learning Regular Languages over Large Alphabets (OM, IEM), pp. 485–499.
TACAS-2014-Wang0LWL #automaton #specification- Are Timed Automata Bad for a Specification Language? Language Inclusion Checking for Timed Automata (TW, JS, YL, XW, SL), pp. 310–325.
WRLA-2014-ArusoaieLRSSR- Language Definitions as Rewrite Theories (AA, DL, VR, TFS, AS, GR), pp. 97–112.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-BaggeZ #problem- International workshop on open and original problems in software language engineering (AHB, VZ), p. 478.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-LammelLSV #comparison #implementation- Comparison of feature implementations across languages, technologies, and styles (RL, ML, TS, AV), pp. 333–337.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-TomassettiRT #automation- Spotting automatically cross-language relations (FT, GR, MT), pp. 338–342.
ICPC-2014-StefikHMAYS #design #empirical #programming language #what- What is the Foundation of Evidence of Human Factors Decisions in Language Design? An Empirical Study on Programming Language Workshops (AS, SH, MM, AAA, SKY, SS), pp. 223–231.
ICPC-2014-XiaLWZW #debugging #locality- Cross-language bug localization (XX, DL, XW, CZ, XW), pp. 275–278.
MSR-2014-CampbellHA #fault #modelling #syntax- Syntax errors just aren’t natural: improving error reporting with language models (JCC, AH, JNA), pp. 252–261.
MSR-2014-MertenMBP #natural language #semistructured data- Classifying unstructured data into natural language text and technical information (TM, BM, SB, BP), pp. 300–303.
SCAM-2014-CaraccioloCSL #corpus #multi #named- Pangea: A Workbench for Statically Analyzing Multi-language Software Corpora (AC, AC, BS, ML), pp. 71–76.
SCAM-2014-YooBE #slicing- Seeing Is Slicing: Observation Based Slicing of Picture Description Languages (SY, DB, RDE), pp. 175–184.
PEPM-J-2013-ServettoZ14 #library- A meta-circular language for active libraries (MS, EZ), pp. 219–253.
PEPM-J-2013-WeijersHH14 #fault #higher-order #polymorphism #security- Security type error diagnosis for higher-order, polymorphic languages (JW, JH, SH), pp. 200–218.
PEPM-2014-CheneyLRW #effectiveness #query- Effective quotation: relating approaches to language-integrated query (JC, SL, GR, PW), pp. 15–26.
PLDI-2014-CaiGRO #difference #formal method #higher-order #λ-calculus- A theory of changes for higher-order languages: incrementalizing λ-calculi by static differentiation (YC, PGG, TR, KO), p. 17.
PLDI-2014-DAntoniVLM #named #performance #transducer- Fast: a transducer-based language for tree manipulation (LD, MV, BL, DM), p. 40.
PLDI-2014-LuJS #parallel #scripting language- Dynamic enforcement of determinism in a parallel scripting language (LL, WJ, MLS), p. 53.
PLDI-2014-RaychevVY #code completion #modelling #statistics- Code completion with statistical language models (VR, MTV, EY), p. 44.
PLDI-2014-StorkNSMFMA #approach #named #programming language- Æminium: a permission based concurrent-by-default programming language approach (SS, KN, JS, MM, AF, PM, JA), p. 4.
PLDI-2014-TorlakB #lightweight #virtual machine- A lightweight symbolic virtual machine for solver-aided host languages (ET, RB), p. 54.
PLDI-2014-VilkB #named- Doppio: breaking the browser language barrier (JV, EDB), p. 52.
SAS-2014-CoxCR #analysis #automation #source code- Automatic Analysis of Open Objects in Dynamic Language Programs (AC, BYEC, XR), pp. 134–150.
DLT-J-2013-BertoniCD14 #automaton #context-free grammar #decidability #on the #problem #quantum- On the Decidability of the Intersection Problem for Quantum Automata and Context-Free Languages (AB, CC, FD), pp. 1065–1082.
DLT-J-2013-CarninoL14 #automaton- Factorizations and Universal Automaton of ω-Languages (VC, SL), pp. 1111–1126.
DLT-J-2013-DrosteV14 #context-free grammar #theorem- The Chomsky-SCHüTzenberger Theorem for Quantitative Context-Free Languages (MD, HV), pp. 955–970.
DLT-J-2013-IbarraR14 #complexity- Some Decision Questions Concerning the Time Complexity of Language Acceptors (OHI, BR), pp. 1127–1140.
DLT-J-2013-Shur14 #anti #finite- Languages with a Finite antidictionary: some growth Questions (AMS), pp. 937–954.
AFL-2014-Brinda- Languages of lossless seeds (KB), pp. 139–150.
AFL-2014-BrzozowskiD13- Maximally Atomic Languages (JAB, GD), pp. 151–161.
AFL-2014-Crespi-ReghizziP #commutative #composition- Commutative Languages and their Composition by Consensual Methods (SCR, PSP), pp. 216–230.
AFL-2014-HolzerJ #automaton #product line #regular expression- More Structural Characterizations of Some Subregular Language Families by Biautomata (MH, SJ), pp. 271–285.
AFL-2014-Valdats #complexity #regular expression- Boolean Circuit Complexity of Regular Languages (MV), pp. 342–354.
CIAA-2014-BiasiY #automaton- Unary Languages Recognized by Two-Way One-Counter Automata (MDB, AY), pp. 148–161.
CIAA-2014-Blanchet-SadriGS #automaton- Minimal Partial Languages and Automata (FBS, KG, AS), pp. 110–123.
CIAA-2014-CevorovaJK #on the #regular expression- On the Square of Regular Languages (KC, GJ, IK), pp. 136–147.
CIAA-2014-JiraskovaPS- Kleene Closure on Regular and Prefix-Free Languages (GJ, MP, JS), pp. 226–237.
CIAA-2014-Otto #automaton #bibliography- Restarting Automata for Picture Languages: A Survey on Recent Developments (FO), pp. 16–41.
CIAA-2014-Pighizzini #automaton- Investigations on Automata and Languages over a Unary Alphabet (GP), pp. 42–57.
DLT-2014-DayRS #pattern matching- Closure Properties of Pattern Languages (JDD, DR, MLS), pp. 279–290.
DLT-2014-MarsaultS- Breadth-First Serialisation of Trees and Rational Languages — (Short Paper) (VM, JS), pp. 252–259.
DLT-2014-Schmid #regular expression- Characterising REGEX Languages by Regular Languages Equipped with Factor-Referencing (MLS), pp. 142–153.
DLT-2014-TorreNP #automaton #bound- Scope-Bounded Pushdown Languages (SLT, MN, GP), pp. 116–128.
ICALP-v2-2014-Chaturvedi #towards- Toward a Structure Theory of Regular Infinitary Trace Languages (NC), pp. 134–145.
LATA-2014-FormentiHKP #complexity- ω-rational Languages: High Complexity Classes vs. Borel Hierarchy (EF, MH, MK, JP), pp. 372–383.
LATA-2014-KoHS #top-down- Top-Down Tree Edit-Distance of Regular Tree Languages (SKK, YSH, KS), pp. 466–477.
LATA-2014-MazadiGZ #pattern matching- Distinguishing Pattern Languages with Membership Examples (ZM, ZG, SZ), pp. 528–540.
LATA-2014-OttoM #automaton #order- Extended Two-Way Ordered Restarting Automata for Picture Languages (FO, FM), pp. 541–552.
FM-2014-ChristakisLS #formal method #verification- Formalizing and Verifying a Modern Build Language (MC, KRML, WS), pp. 643–657.
ICFP-2014-GibbonsW #domain-specific language #functional- Folding domain-specific languages: deep and shallow embeddings (functional Pearl) (JG, NW), pp. 339–347.
IFL-2014-AronssonAS #domain-specific language #embedded- Stream Processing for Embedded Domain Specific Languages (MA, EA, MS), p. 8.
IFL-2014-LeF #functional #parallel- Combining Shared State with Speculative Parallelism in a Functional Language (ML, MF), p. 2.
ICGT-2014-RidderR #morphism #problem- The Subgraph Isomorphism Problem on a Class of Hyperedge Replacement Languages (HNdR, NdR), pp. 192–206.
CHI-2014-HaimsonBH #online- DDFSeeks same: sexual health-related language in online personal ads for men who have sex with men (OLH, JRB, GRH), pp. 1615–1624.
CHI-2014-LiR14a #named- SmartVoice: a presentation support system for overcoming the language barrier (XL, JR), pp. 1563–1570.
CSCW-2014-HwangYHYLMKS #mobile #named- TalkBetter: family-driven mobile intervention care for children with language delay (IH, CY, CH, DY, YL, CM, JK, JS), pp. 1283–1296.
CSCW-2014-MitraG #people #predict- The language that gets people to give: phrases that predict success on kickstarter (TM, EG), pp. 49–61.
DUXU-TMT-2014-DanylakK #game studies- The Language Game (RD, KK), pp. 55–63.
HCI-AIMT-2014-AlkhashramiAA #design #interface #learning- Human Factors in the Design of Arabic-Language Interfaces in Assistive Technologies for Learning Difficulties (SA, HA, AAW), pp. 362–369.
HCI-AIMT-2014-EndrassHHTA #communication #interactive- A Pictorial Interaction Language for Children to Communicate with Cultural Virtual Characters (BE, LEH, CH, ST, EA), pp. 532–543.
HCI-AIMT-2014-ErikssonLSSK #interface #question- Can User-Paced, Menu-free Spoken Language Interfaces Improve Dual Task Handling While Driving? (AE, AL, AS, AS, KK), pp. 394–405.
HCI-AIMT-2014-KrennEKA- Effects of Language Variety on Personality Perception in Embodied Conversational Agents (BK, BE, FK, EA), pp. 429–439.
HIMI-DE-2014-LiH- Improving Academic Listening Skills of Second Language by Building up Strategy Object Mashups (HL, SH), pp. 384–395.
LCT-NLE-2014-WangLC #learning #online #student- Low-Achieving Students’ Perceptions of Online Language Learning: A Case of English Proficiency Threshold (ALW, YCL, SFC), pp. 250–258.
LCT-TRE-2014-Jebali #question- Does CMC Reduce Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety? (AJ), pp. 277–287.
LCT-TRE-2014-ShimizuO #effectiveness #learning #question- Which Is More Effective for Learning German and Japanese Language, Paper or Digital? (RS, KO), pp. 309–318.
VISSOFT-2014-BergelMDG #dependence #domain-specific language #graph #visualisation- A Domain-Specific Language for Visualizing Software Dependencies as a Graph (AB, SM, SD, TG), pp. 45–49.
VISSOFT-2014-Noble #programming language- Livecoding the SynthKit: Little Bits as an Embodied Programming Language (JN), pp. 40–44.
AdaEurope-2014-PedroPPP #ada #framework #programming language #runtime #towards #verification- Towards a Runtime Verification Framework for the Ada Programming Language (AdMP, DP, LMP, JSP), pp. 58–73.
HILT-2014-BarnesT #ada #design #lessons learnt- Ada 83 to Ada 2012: lessons learned over 30 years of language design (JB, STT), pp. 3–4.
HILT-2014-BocchinoGGS #named #programming language- Spot: a programming language for verified flight software (RLB, EG, KPG, RRS), pp. 97–102.
HILT-2014-GacekBCSW #architecture #assurance #modelling #named- Resolute: an assurance case language for architecture models (AG, JB, DDC, KS, MWW), pp. 19–28.
HILT-2014-MatsakisK #rust- The rust language (NDM, FSKI), pp. 103–104.
HILT-2014-Seidewitz #execution #modelling #uml- UML with meaning: executable modeling in foundational UML and the Alf action language (ES), pp. 61–68.
HILT-2014-SzaboVKRS #development #embedded #named- mbeddr: extensible languages for embedded software development (TS, MV, BK, DR, BS), pp. 13–16.
HILT-2014-TaftMPM #ada #parallel #programming- Safe parallel programming in ada with language extensions (STT, BM, LMP, SM), pp. 87–96.
CAiSE-2014-CarvalhoAG #domain-specific language #ontology #semantics #using- Using Reference Domain Ontologies to Define the Real-World Semantics of Domain-Specific Languages (VAdC, JPAA, GG), pp. 488–502.
ICEIS-v1-2014-BrodskyHL #named #query- DG-Query: An XQuery-based Decision Guidance Query Language (AB, SGH, JL), pp. 152–163.
ICEIS-v1-2014-KleinSRF #formal method #integration #on the #using- On the Formalisation of an Application Integration Language Using Z Notation (MJK, SS, FRF, RZF), pp. 314–319.
ICEIS-v2-2014-GippMBPN #detection #semantics #similarity #using #visualisation- Web-based Demonstration of Semantic Similarity Detection Using Citation Pattern Visualization for a Cross Language Plagiarism Case (BG, NM, CB, JP, AN), pp. 677–683.
ICEIS-v2-2014-PfisterHN #agile #concurrent #design #diagrams #framework #metamodelling #modelling #synthesis #towards #visual notation- A Framework for Concurrent Design of Metamodels and Diagrams — Towards an Agile Method for the Synthesis of Domain Specific Graphical Modeling Languages (FP, MH, CN), pp. 298–306.
ICEIS-v3-2014-SilvaOAL #declarative #empirical #imperative #process- Declarative Versus Imperative Business Process Languages — A Controlled Experiment (NCS, CALdO, FALAA, RMFL), pp. 394–401.
CIKM-2014-RahimiSK #analysis #axiom #information retrieval- Axiomatic Analysis of Cross-Language Information Retrieval (RR, AS, IK), pp. 1875–1878.
CIKM-2014-SondhiZ #community #knowledge base #mining #natural language #online- Mining Semi-Structured Online Knowledge Bases to Answer Natural Language Questions on Community QA Websites (PS, CZ), pp. 341–350.
CIKM-2014-TuLLH #ad hoc #documentation #information retrieval- Log-Bilinear Document Language Model for Ad-hoc Information Retrieval (XT, JL, BL, TH), pp. 1895–1898.
CIKM-2014-VineZKSB #semantics #similarity- Medical Semantic Similarity with a Neural Language Model (LDV, GZ, BK, LS, PB), pp. 1819–1822.
ECIR-2014-FiliceCCB #effectiveness #kernel #learning #online- Effective Kernelized Online Learning in Language Processing Tasks (SF, GC, DC, RB), pp. 347–358.
ECIR-2014-LeeC #feedback #pseudo- Cross-Language Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Techniques for Informal Text (CJL, WBC), pp. 260–272.
ECIR-2014-NarducciPS #named #retrieval #semantics- CroSeR: Cross-language Semantic Retrieval of Open Government Data (FN, MP, GS), pp. 793–797.
ECIR-2014-YounusOP #approach #behaviour #microblog #modelling #personalisation- A Language Modeling Approach to Personalized Search Based on Users’ Microblog Behavior (AY, CO, GP), pp. 727–732.
ICML-c2-2014-BalleHP #comparison #empirical #learning #probability- Methods of Moments for Learning Stochastic Languages: Unified Presentation and Empirical Comparison (BB, WLH, JP), pp. 1386–1394.
ICML-c2-2014-BothaB #composition #modelling #word- Compositional Morphology for Word Representations and Language Modelling (JAB, PB), pp. 1899–1907.
ICML-c2-2014-KirosSZ #modelling #multimodal- Multimodal Neural Language Models (RK, RS, RSZ), pp. 595–603.
ICML-c2-2014-PaigeW #compilation #probability #programming language- A Compilation Target for Probabilistic Programming Languages (BP, FW), pp. 1935–1943.
ICPR-2014-ChenWCN #detection #fault #modelling #network- Confusion Network Based Recurrent Neural Network Language Modeling for Chinese OCR Error Detection (JC, YW, HC, PN), pp. 1266–1271.
ICPR-2014-DiezVPRB #optimisation #recognition- Optimizing PLLR Features for Spoken Language Recognition (MD, AV, MP, LJRF, GB), pp. 779–784.
ICPR-2014-DuCZ #aspect-oriented #identification #using- A Product Aspects Identification Method by Using Translation-Based Language Model (JD, WC, XZ), pp. 2790–2795.
ICPR-2014-ViitaniemiKL- Experiments on Recognising the Handshape in Blobs Extracted from Sign Language Videos (VV, MK, JL), pp. 2584–2589.
KDD-2014-Munro- Bringing data science to the speakers of every language (RM), p. 1523.
KDIR-2014-AbdallahI #classification #modelling #n-gram #using #web- URL-based Web Page Classification — A New Method for URL-based Web Page Classification Using n-Gram Language Models (TAA, BdlI), pp. 14–21.
KDIR-2014-DeglInnocentiNT #approach #knowledge base #multi- A New Multi-lingual Knowledge-base Approach to Keyphrase Extraction for the Italian Language (DD, DDN, CT), pp. 78–85.
KEOD-2014-DogmusPE #natural language #ontology #query- Answering Natural Language Queries about Rehabilitation Robotics Ontology on the Cloud (ZD, VP, EE), pp. 75–83.
MLDM-2014-KhasnabishSDS #detection #learning #programming language #source code #using- Detecting Programming Language from Source Code Using Bayesian Learning Techniques (JNK, MS, JD, GS), pp. 513–522.
SEKE-2014-FreireKAJNAG #domain-specific language #empirical #formal method #re-engineering- An Empirical Study to Evaluate a Domain Specific Language for Formalizing Software Engineering Experiments (MAF, UK, EA, AJ, ECN, STA, MG), pp. 250–255.
SEKE-2014-ShankarN #automation #metric #tool support- Automated Metrics Collection for IEC61131-3 Languages from Engineering Tools (MS, AN), pp. 7–12.
SIGIR-2014-TangWZ #recommendation- Cross-language context-aware citation recommendation in scientific articles (XT, XW, XZ), pp. 817–826.
SIGIR-2014-VoseckyLN #collaboration #modelling #personalisation #topic #twitter- Collaborative personalized Twitter search with topic-language models (JV, KWTL, WN), pp. 53–62.
SIGIR-2014-VulicZM #e-commerce #formal method #learning- Learning to bridge colloquial and formal language applied to linking and search of E-Commerce data (IV, SZ, MFM), pp. 1195–1198.
BX-2014-Wider #bidirectional #domain-specific language #implementation #model transformation #scala- Implementing a Bidirectional Model Transformation Language as an Internal DSL in Scala (AW), pp. 63–70.
ECMFA-2014-CuadradoGL #model transformation #towards- Towards the Systematic Construction of Domain-Specific Transformation Languages (JSC, EG, JdL), pp. 196–212.
ECMFA-2014-Goldschmidt #domain-specific language #framework #multi #towards- Towards an Infrastructure for Domain-Specific Languages in a Multi-domain Cloud Platform (TG), pp. 242–253.
ECMFA-2014-PfeifferRW #independence #traceability- Language-Independent Traceability with Lässig (RHP, JR, AW), pp. 148–163.
ICMT-2014-BlouinPDSD #case study #experience #graph grammar #modelling- Synchronization of Models of Rich Languages with Triple Graph Grammars: An Experience Report (DB, AP, PD, FS, JPD), pp. 106–121.
ICMT-2014-ErginS #design pattern #graph #model transformation #towards- Towards a Language for Graph-Based Model Transformation Design Patterns (HE, ES), pp. 91–105.
MoDELS-2014-KrikavaCF #domain-specific language #named #scala- SIGMA: Scala Internal Domain-Specific Languages for Model Manipulations (FK, PC, RBF), pp. 569–585.
MoDELS-2014-KrikavaCF #domain-specific language #named #scala- SIGMA: Scala Internal Domain-Specific Languages for Model Manipulations (FK, PC, RBF), pp. 569–585.
ECOOP-2014-AnconaC #induction #object-oriented #type system- Sound and Complete Subtyping between Coinductive Types for Object-Oriented Languages (DA, AC), pp. 282–307.
ECOOP-2014-FelgentreffBHLOFK #constraints #implementation #named #ocl- Babelsberg/JS — A Browser-Based Implementation of an Object Constraint Language (TF, AB, RH, JL, YO, BF, RK), pp. 411–436.
ECOOP-2014-MayerS #automation #domain-specific language #framework #java #multi #refactoring- Automated Multi-Language Artifact Binding and Rename Refactoring between Java and DSLs Used by Java Frameworks (PM, AS), pp. 437–462.
ECOOP-2014-OmarKNCPA #composition- Safely Composable Type-Specific Languages (CO, DK, LN, BC, AP, JA), pp. 105–130.
Onward-2014-AcherCC #domain-specific language- Metamorphic Domain-Specific Languages: A Journey into the Shapes of a Language (MA, BC, PC), pp. 243–253.
Onward-2014-Conversy #programming language #visual notation- Unifying Textual and Visual: A Theoretical Account of the Visual Perception of Programming Languages (SC), pp. 201–212.
Onward-2014-KaraivanovRV #programming language #statistics- Phrase-Based Statistical Translation of Programming Languages (SK, VR, MTV), pp. 173–184.
Onward-2014-PhilipsRCM #development #towards #web- Towards Tierless Web Development without Tierless Languages (LP, CDR, TVC, WDM), pp. 69–81.
Onward-2014-Skene #logic #programming language- Description Logic as Programming Language (JS), pp. 143–162.
Onward-2014-SpasojevicLN #ecosystem #mining #type inference- Mining the Ecosystem to Improve Type Inference for Dynamically Typed Languages (BS, ML, ON), pp. 133–142.
Onward-2014-StefikH #community #programming language- The Programming Language Wars: Questions and Responsibilities for the Programming Language Community (AS, SH), pp. 283–299.
Onward-2014-VisserWTNVPK #design #implementation #verification- A Language Designer’s Workbench: A One-Stop-Shop for Implementation and Verification of Language Designs (EV, GW, APT, PN, VAV, AP, GK), pp. 95–111.
OOPSLA-2014-HolkNSL #data type #gpu #memory management #programming language- Region-based memory management for GPU programming languages: enabling rich data structures on a spartan host (EH, RN, JGS, AL), pp. 141–155.
OOPSLA-2014-MitschkeEKMS #named- i3QL: language-integrated live data views (RM, SE, MK, MM, GS), pp. 417–432.
OOPSLA-2014-WangCC #abstraction #compilation #verification- Compiler verification meets cross-language linking via data abstraction (PW, SC, AC), pp. 675–690.
PLATEAU-2014-KoitzS #comparison #education #empirical #hybrid #programming language #visual notation- Empirical Comparison of Visual to Hybrid Formula Manipulation in Educational Programming Languages for Teenagers (RK, WS), pp. 21–30.
PLATEAU-2014-KubelkaBR #programming #smalltalk- Asking and Answering Questions during a Programming Change Task in Pharo Language (JK, AB, RR), pp. 1–11.
PLATEAU-2014-KurilovaPA #design #named #programming language #security- Wyvern: Impacting Software Security via Programming Language Design (DK, AP, JA), pp. 57–58.
GPCE-2014-Asai #compilation #using- Compiling a reflective language using MetaOCaml (KA), pp. 113–122.
GPCE-2014-GousetiPS #algebra #implementation- Extensible language implementation with object algebras (short paper) (MG, CP, TvdS), pp. 25–28.
GPCE-2014-HumerWWWW #abstract syntax tree #domain-specific language #self- A domain-specific language for building self-optimizing AST interpreters (CH, CW, CW, AW, TW), pp. 123–132.
GPCE-2014-ShiodaIS #domain-specific language #embedded #library #metaprogramming #named- LibDSL: a library for developing embedded domain specific languages in d via template metaprogramming (MS, HI, SS), pp. 63–72.
PPDP-2014-MehnerSSV #functional #parametricity #proving #theorem- Parametricity and Proving Free Theorems for Functional-Logic Languages (SM, DS, LS, JV), pp. 19–30.
PPDP-2014-PachecoZH #bidirectional #functional #named #xml- BiFluX: A Bidirectional Functional Update Language for XML (HP, TZ, ZH), pp. 147–158.
PADL-2014-LakinP #compilation #functional #programming language #using- Compiling DNA Strand Displacement Reactions Using a Functional Programming Language (MRL, AP), pp. 81–86.
POPL-2014-CasinghinoSW #proving #source code- Combining proofs and programs in a dependently typed language (CC, VS, SW), pp. 33–46.
POPL-2014-GordonGRRBG #named #probability #programming language- Tabular: a schema-driven probabilistic programming language (ADG, TG, NR, CVR, JB, JG), pp. 321–334.
RE-2014-AntonelliRLO #using- Language Extended Lexicon points: Estimating the size of an application using its language (LA, GR, JCSdPL, AO), pp. 263–272.
RE-2014-PruskiLAOARC #named #natural language #query #towards- TiQi: Towards natural language trace queries (PP, SL, RA, GO, SA, AR, JCH), pp. 123–132.
RE-2014-RiazKSW #automation #identification #natural language #requirements #security- Hidden in plain sight: Automatically identifying security requirements from natural language artifacts (MR, JTK, JS, LAW), pp. 183–192.
REFSQ-2014-FerraridSG #natural language #requirements- Measuring and Improving the Completeness of Natural Language Requirements (AF, FD, GOS, SG), pp. 23–38.
REFSQ-2014-KnaussO #automation #categorisation #natural language #requirements- (Semi-) automatic Categorization of Natural Language Requirements (EK, DO), pp. 39–54.
SAC-2014-FalboRGBA #enterprise #ontology #pattern matching #towards- Towards an enterprise ontology pattern language (RdAF, FBR, GG, MPB, JPAA), pp. 323–330.
SAC-2014-HalderZC #analysis #database #information management #query- Information leakage analysis of database query languages (RH, MZ, AC), pp. 813–820.
SAC-2014-KrikavaCF14a #domain-specific language #modelling #using- Manipulating models using internal domain-specific languages (FK, PC, RBF), pp. 1612–1614.
SAC-2014-ReisIB #syntax- Defining the syntax of extensible languages (LVdSR, VODI, RdSB), pp. 1570–1576.
SAC-2014-Rohrig #domain-specific language #process #scheduling- A domain specific language for process scheduling (DR), pp. 1550–1551.
SAC-2014-Umatani #calculus #implementation- Practical implementation techniques of ambient calculus in conventional dynamic languages (SU), pp. 1345–1351.
SAC-2014-ZiadiHPZT #approach #independence #product line #towards- Towards a language-independent approach for reverse-engineering of software product lines (TZ, CH, MP, MZ, YLT), pp. 1064–1071.
FSE-2014-BinkleyGHIKY #independence #named #slicing- ORBS: language-independent program slicing (DB, NG, MH, SSI, JK, SY), pp. 109–120.
FSE-2014-RayPFD #case study #git #programming language #quality #scalability- A large scale study of programming languages and code quality in github (BR, DP, VF, PTD), pp. 155–165.
ICSE-2014-NikzadCG #development #energy #middleware #mobile #named- APE: an annotation language and middleware for energy-efficient mobile application development (NN, OC, WGG), pp. 515–526.
LDTA-J-2011-SauthoffG #analysis #domain-specific language #optimisation #programming- Yield grammar analysis and product optimization in a domain-specific language for dynamic programming (GS, RG), pp. 2–22.
SLE-2014-DiekmannT #composition #editing #named- Eco: A Language Composition Editor (LD, LT), pp. 82–101.
SLE-2014-KuhnLGSA #metamodelling #modelling #product line #programming language- A Metamodel Family for Role-Based Modeling and Programming Languages (TK, ML, SG, CS, UA), pp. 141–160.
SLE-2014-MeyersDLSVW #framework #generative #named- ProMoBox: A Framework for Generating Domain-Specific Property Languages (BM, RD, LL, ES, HV, MW), pp. 1–20.
SLE-2014-TisiJDSC #assembly #model transformation- fUML as an Assembly Language for Model Transformation (MT, FJ, JD, ZS, HC), pp. 171–190.
SPLC-2014-DieumegardTP #approach #data flow #library #product line #semantics #specification- A software product line approach for semantic specification of block libraries in dataflow languages (AD, AT, MP), pp. 217–226.
SPLC-2014-Reinhartz-BergerF #modelling #orthogonal #variability- Comprehensibility of orthogonal variability modeling languages: the cases of CVL and OVM (IRB, KF), pp. 42–51.
SPLC-2014-VacchiCCA #automation #component #implementation #model inference #variability- Automating variability model inference for component-based language implementations (EV, WC, BC, MA), pp. 167–176.
SPLC-2014-YuZZJ #automation #case study #feature model #named- TDL: a transformation description language from feature model to use case for automated use case derivation (WY, WZ, HZ, ZJ), pp. 187–196.
ASPLOS-2014-0001KOTRKSHC #named #policy #security- Sapper: a language for hardware-level security policy enforcement (XL, VK, JKO, MT, VRR, RK, TS, BH, FTC), pp. 97–112.
ASPLOS-2014-BucurKC #execution #prototype #symbolic computation- Prototyping symbolic execution engines for interpreted languages (SB, JK, GC), pp. 239–254.
ASPLOS-2014-RibicY #energy- Energy-efficient work-stealing language runtimes (HR, YDL), pp. 513–528.
ASPLOS-2014-SantosRSW #mobile #runtime #using- Using ARM trustzone to build a trusted language runtime for mobile applications (NS, HR, SS, AW), pp. 67–80.
ASPLOS-2014-Wood #architecture #named- Resolved: specialized architectures, languages, and system software should supplant general-purpose alternatives within a decade (DAW), pp. 653–654.
ASPLOS-2014-WoodCG #detection #low level- Low-level detection of language-level data races with LARD (BPW, LC, DG), pp. 671–686.
CGO-2014-HongSWO #domain-specific language #graph #scalability- Simplifying Scalable Graph Processing with a Domain-Specific Language (SH, SS, JW, KO), p. 208.
CGO-2014-YanXYR #detection #memory management #named- LeakChecker: Practical Static Memory Leak Detection for Managed Languages (DY, G(X, SY, AR), p. 87.
HPDC-2014-FaltBKYZ #named #parallel #streaming- Bobolang: a language for parallel streaming applications (ZF, DB, MK, JY, FZ), pp. 311–314.
OSDI-2014-MooreDKC #named #scripting language- SHILL: A Secure Shell Scripting Language (SM, CD, DK, SC), pp. 183–199.
PPoPP-2014-Olukotun #domain-specific language #parallel #programming- Beyond parallel programming with domain specific languages (KO), pp. 179–180.
CAV-2014-RakamaricE #implementation #named #verification- SMACK: Decoupling Source Language Details from Verifier Implementations (ZR, ME), pp. 106–113.
ICLP-J-2014-CruzRGP #concurrent #graph #linear #logic programming #programming language- A Linear Logic Programming Language for Concurrent Programming over Graph Structures (FC, RR, SCG, FP), pp. 493–507.
ICLP-J-2014-Jackson #domain-specific language- A Module System for Domain-Specific Languages (EKJ), pp. 771–785.
LICS-CSL-2014-PlaceZ #first-order #logic #regular expression- Separating regular languages with first-order logic (TP, MZ), p. 10.
RTA-TLCA-2014-Schmidt-Schauss #analysis #concurrent #programming language #semantics- Concurrent Programming Languages and Methods for Semantic Analyses (Extended Abstract of Invited Talk) (MSS), pp. 21–30.
CBSE-2013-JafroodiG #implementation- Implementing generalized alternative construct for erasmus language (NJ, PG), pp. 101–110.
ECSA-2013-SilvaMCB #architecture #lightweight #product line- A Lightweight Language for Software Product Lines Architecture Description (ES, ALM, EC, TVB), pp. 114–121.
ECSA-2013-ThatSOB #design pattern- Composition-Centered Architectural Pattern Description Language (MTTT, SS, FO, IB), pp. 1–16.
QoSA-2013-TekinerdoganD #architecture #evaluation #framework- Evaluation framework for software architecture viewpoint languages (BT, ED), pp. 89–98.
ASE-2013-AnnervazKSS #analysis #domain model #modelling #natural language #quality #requirements- Natural language requirements quality analysis based on business domain models (KMA, VSK, SS, MS), pp. 676–681.
ASE-2013-Hellerstein #case study #design #distributed #experience #named- BOOM: Experiences in language and tool design for distributed systems (keynote) (JMH), p. 1.
DAC-2013-LeGHD #simulation #using #verification- Verifying SystemC using an intermediate verification language and symbolic simulation (HML, DG, VH, RD), p. 6.
DocEng-2013-YuanM #repository #retrieval- Cross language indexing and retrieval of the cypriot digital antiquities repository (DY, PM), pp. 235–236.
HT-2013-BastosPT #topic #twitter- Tweeting across hashtags: overlapping users and the importance of language, topics, and politics (MTB, CP, RT), pp. 164–168.
ICDAR-2013-BuiVM #documentation #invariant #navigation- Invariants Extraction Method Applied in an Omni-language Old Document Navigating System (QAB, MV, RM), pp. 1325–1329.
ICDAR-2013-FischerFBS #keyword #modelling- Improving HMM-Based Keyword Spotting with Character Language Models (AF, VF, HB, CYS), pp. 506–510.
ICDAR-2013-GerdjikovMN- Extraction of Spelling Variations from Language Structure for Noisy Text Correction (SG, SM, VN), pp. 324–328.
ICDAR-2013-RomeroS #modelling #recognition- Category-Based Language Models for Handwriting Recognition of Marriage License Books (VR, JAS), pp. 788–792.
ICDAR-2013-SankaranJ #detection #fault- Error Detection in Highly Inflectional Languages (NS, CVJ), pp. 1135–1139.
ICDAR-2013-SuDPL #comprehension #documentation #novel #word- Cross-Language Sensitive Words Distribution Map: A Novel Recognition-Based Document Understanding Method for Uighur and Tibetan (BS, XD, LP, CL), pp. 255–259.
PODS-2013-LibkinRV #adaptation #graph #query #rdf- Trial for RDF: adapting graph query languages for RDF data (LL, JLR, DV), pp. 201–212.
SIGMOD-2013-HuangZ #natural language #rdf- Natural language question answering over RDF data (RH, LZ), pp. 1289–1290.
SIGMOD-2013-ZhangGBFRP #named #statistics #using- GeoDeepDive: statistical inference using familiar data-processing languages (CZ, VG, JB, TF, CR, SP), pp. 993–996.
VLDB-2013-CaoB #implementation #performance #quantifier #query #relational- Efficient Implementation of Generalized Quantification in Relational Query Languages (BC, AB), pp. 241–252.
VLDB-2013-Madaan #documentation #multi #query #repository- Domain Specific Multi-stage Query Language for Medical Document Repositories (AM), pp. 1410–1415.
VLDB-2013-SeoPSL #analysis #distributed #graph #scalability- Distributed SociaLite: A Datalog-Based Language for Large-Scale Graph Analysis (JS, JP, JS, MSL), pp. 1906–1917.
CSEET-2013-NobleHBB #design #education #programming language #question #re-engineering- Designing Grace: Can an introductory programming language support the teaching of software engineering? (JN, MH, KBB, APB), pp. 219–228.
ITiCSE-2013-Alshaigy #development #education #interactive #learning #programming language #python- Development of an interactive learning tool to teach python programming language (BA), p. 344.
ESOP-2013-JeanninKS- Language Constructs for Non-Well-Founded Computation (JBJ, DK, AS), pp. 61–80.
FASE-2013-ZhongTX #api #behaviour #difference- Exposing Behavioral Differences in Cross-Language API Mapping Relations (HZ, ST, TX), pp. 130–145.
FoSSaCS-2013-GianantonioE- A Language for Differentiable Functions (PDG, AE), pp. 337–352.
TACAS-2013-GangeNSSS #bound #constraints #model checking #regular expression- Unbounded Model-Checking with Interpolation for Regular Language Constraints (GG, JAN, PJS, HS, PS), pp. 277–291.
CSMR-2013-PolychniatisHJBV #dependence #detection- Detecting Cross-Language Dependencies Generically (TP, JH, SJ, EB, JV), pp. 349–352.
ICPC-2013-MayerS #framework #java- Patterns of cross-language linking in java frameworks (PM, AS), pp. 113–122.
ICPC-2013-MorenoASMPV #automation #generative #java #natural language #summary- Automatic generation of natural language summaries for Java classes (LM, JA, GS, AM, LLP, KVS), pp. 23–32.
ICPC-2013-MorenoMPV #automation #generative #java #named #natural language #summary- JSummarizer: An automatic generator of natural language summaries for Java classes (LM, AM, LLP, KVS), pp. 230–232.
ICSM-2013-AsaduzzamanRSP #approach #hybrid #independence #named #source code- LHDiff: A Language-Independent Hybrid Approach for Tracking Source Code Lines (MA, CKR, KAS, MDP), pp. 230–239.
MSR-2013-AllamanisS13a #mining #modelling #repository #source code #using- Mining source code repositories at massive scale using language modeling (MA, CAS), pp. 207–216.
PASTE-2013-SarimbekovSKZBBA #virtual machine- A comprehensive toolchain for workload characterization across JVM languages (AS, AS, SK, YZ, WB, LB, DA), pp. 9–16.
SCAM-2013-Schink #database #multi #named #refactoring #relational- sql-schema-comparer: Support of multi-language refactoring with relational databases (HS), pp. 173–178.
WCRE-2013-BaggeZ #problem- Workshop on open and original problems in software language engineering (AHB, VZ), pp. 493–494.
WCRE-2013-SaeidiHKJ #analysis #legacy #modelling #named #tool support- Gelato: GEneric language tools for model-driven analysis of legacy software systems (AS, JH, RK, SJ), pp. 481–482.
PEPM-2013-OliveiraL #domain-specific language #graph #syntax- Abstract syntax graphs for domain specific languages (BCdSO, AL), pp. 87–96.
PEPM-2013-ServettoZ #library- A meta-circular language for active libraries (MS, EZ), pp. 117–126.
PEPM-2013-WeijersHH #fault #higher-order #polymorphism #security- Security type error diagnosis for higher-order, polymorphic languages (JW, JH, SH), pp. 3–12.
PLDI-2013-DeVitoHAHV #multi #named- Terra: a multi-stage language for high-performance computing (ZD, JH, AA, PH, JV), pp. 105–116.
PLDI-2013-ElmasBNS #concurrent #debugging #domain-specific language #named- CONCURRIT: a domain specific language for reproducing concurrency bugs (TE, JB, GCN, KS), pp. 153–164.
PLDI-2013-GreenLRSV #named #programming language #quantum #scalability- Quipper: a scalable quantum programming language (ASG, PLL, NJR, PS, BV), pp. 333–342.
PLDI-2013-Ragan-KelleyBAPDA #compilation #image #locality #named #optimisation #parallel #pipes and filters- Halide: a language and compiler for optimizing parallelism, locality, and recomputation in image processing pipelines (JRK, CB, AA, SP, FD, SPA), pp. 519–530.
PLDI-2013-Schneider #programming language #security- Programming languages in security: keynote (FBS), pp. 139–140.
CIAA-J-2012-Brzozowski13 #regular expression- In Search of Most Complex Regular Languages (JAB), pp. 691–708.
DLT-J-2012-BrzozowskiT13 #complexity #regular expression- Complexity of atoms of Regular Languages (JAB, HT), pp. 1009–1028.
DLT-J-2012-EsikO13 #context-free grammar #on the #word- On Context-Free Languages of Scattered Words (ZÉ, SO), pp. 1029–1048.
DLT-J-2012-GeffertP13- Unary Coded NP-Complete Languages in Aspace(log log n) (VG, DP), p. 1167–?.
DLT-J-2012-HanKS13 #context-free grammar #regular expression- The Edit-Distance between a Regular Language and a Context-Free Language (YSH, SKK, KS), pp. 1067–1082.
DLT-J-2012-LehtinenO13 #context-free grammar #morphism- Homomorphisms Preserving Deterministic Context-Free Languages (TL, AO), pp. 1049–1066.
DLT-J-2012-Schmid13 #regular expression- Inside the Class of regex Languages (MLS), pp. 1117–1134.
CIAA-2013-Campeanu #implementation- Cover Languages and Implementations (CC), p. 1.
CIAA-2013-IbarraR #problem- Some Decision Problems Concerning NPDAs, Palindromes, and Dyck Languages (OHI, BR), pp. 193–207.
CIAA-2013-JirasekJ #bound #on the #regular expression- On the Boundary of Regular Languages (JJ, GJ), pp. 208–219.
CIAA-2013-MaiaMR #complexity #finite- Incomplete Transition Complexity of Basic Operations on Finite Languages (EM, NM, RR), pp. 349–356.
DLT-2013-BertoniCD #automaton #context-free grammar #decidability #finite #linear #problem #quantum- Quantum Finite Automata and Linear Context-Free Languages: A Decidable Problem (AB, CC, FD), pp. 82–93.
DLT-2013-CarninoL #automaton- Factorizations and Universal Automaton of ω Languages (VC, SL), pp. 338–349.
DLT-2013-DrosteV #context-free grammar #theorem- The Chomsky-Schützenberger Theorem for Quantitative Context-Free Languages (MD, HV), pp. 203–214.
DLT-2013-IbarraR #complexity- Some Decision Questions Concerning the Time Complexity of Language Acceptors (OHI, BR), pp. 264–276.
DLT-2013-KlimaP #automaton- Alternative Automata Characterization of Piecewise Testable Languages (OK, LP), pp. 289–300.
DLT-2013-LuPC- Deciding Determinism of Unary Languages Is coNP-Complete (PL, FP, HC), pp. 350–361.
DLT-2013-PanellaPLM #precedence- Operator Precedence ω-Languages (FP, MP, VL, DM), pp. 396–408.
DLT-2013-Pin #regular expression- An Explicit Formula for the Intersection of Two Polynomials of Regular Languages (JÉP), pp. 31–45.
DLT-2013-Shur #anti #finite #order- Languages with a Finite Antidictionary: Growth-Preserving Transformations and Available Orders of Growth (AMS), pp. 445–457.
ICALP-v2-2013-CzerwinskiMM #performance #regular expression #sequence- Efficient Separability of Regular Languages by Subsequences and Suffixes (WC, WM, TM), pp. 150–161.
ICALP-v2-2013-EtessamiSY #context-free grammar #probability #regular expression- Stochastic Context-Free Grammars, Regular Languages, and Newton’s Method (KE, AS, MY), pp. 199–211.
ICALP-v2-2013-Janin #algebra #automaton #logic- Algebras, Automata and Logic for Languages of Labeled Birooted Trees (DJ), pp. 312–323.
LATA-2013-AtminasLM- Deciding WQO for Factorial Languages (AA, VVL, MM), pp. 68–79.
LATA-2013-ChatterjeeCR #how- How to Travel between Languages (KC, SC, SR), pp. 214–225.
LATA-2013-DengZDZ #concurrent #π-calculus- The Buffered π-Calculus: A Model for Concurrent Languages (XD, YZ, YD, FZ), pp. 250–261.
LATA-2013-IbarraR #automaton #bound #on the- On Bounded Languages and Reversal-Bounded Automata (OHI, BR), pp. 359–370.
LATA-2013-MontanariS #logic #regular expression- Interval Logics and ωB-Regular Languages (AM, PS), pp. 431–443.
LATA-2013-RotBR #equivalence #induction #proving- Coinductive Proof Techniques for Language Equivalence (JR, MMB, JJMMR), pp. 480–492.
LATA-2013-SelivanovK #algebra- Boolean Algebras of Regular ω-Languages (VLS, AK), pp. 504–515.
CEFP-2013-Brady #dependent type #domain-specific language #embedded #implementation #programming language- The Idris Programming Language — Implementing Embedded Domain Specific Languages with Dependent Types (EB), pp. 115–186.
CEFP-2013-Gibbons #domain-specific language #functional #programming- Functional Programming for Domain-Specific Languages (JG), pp. 1–28.
ICFP-2013-BernardyC #context-free grammar #divide and conquer #parsing #performance- Efficient divide-and-conquer parsing of practical context-free languages (JPB, KC), pp. 111–122.
ICFP-2013-CheneyLW #query- A practical theory of language-integrated query (JC, SL, PW), pp. 403–416.
ICFP-2013-LorenzenE #automation #composition #verification- Modular and automated type-soundness verification for language extensions (FL, SE), pp. 331–342.
ICFP-2013-SvenningssonS #composition #embedded #monad- Simple and compositional reification of monadic embedded languages (JS, BJS), pp. 299–304.
GCM-J-2012-Flick #graph grammar- Derivation Languages of Graph Grammars (NEF).
GCM-J-2012-KniemeyerK #graph transformation #model transformation #named- XL4C4D — Adding the Graph Transformation Language XL to CINEMA 4D (OK, WK).
GT-VMT-2013-KupperKB #category theory- Concatenation and other Closure Properties of Recognizable Languages in Adhesive Categories (SK, BK, HJSB).
CHI-2013-EdgeCW #learning #named- SpatialEase: learning language through body motion (DE, KYC, MW), pp. 469–472.
CHI-2013-GreenHM- The efficacy of human post-editing for language translation (SG, JH, CDM), pp. 439–448.
CHI-2013-KuksenokBWL #challenge- Challenges and opportunities for technology in foreign language classrooms (KK, MB, QW, CPL), pp. 1011–1020.
CHI-2013-MonroeLOSPM #approach #challenge #query #specification #visual notation- The challenges of specifying intervals and absences in temporal queries: a graphical language approach (MM, RL, JMdO, BS, CP, JM), pp. 2349–2358.
CHI-2013-TausczikP #feedback #realtime #using- Improving teamwork using real-time language feedback (YRT, JWP), pp. 459–468.
CSCW-2013-HailpernDHSLK #communication #framework #named #research- ACES: a cross-discipline platform and method for communication and language research (JMH, MD, AH, SS, RL, KK), pp. 515–526.
CSCW-2013-WangFC #idea- Machine translation vs. common language: effects on idea exchange in cross-lingual groups (HCW, SRF, DC), pp. 935–944.
DUXU-CXC-2013-Al-ArifiAAAA #communication #towards- Towards an Arabic Language Augmentative and Alternative Communication Application for Autism (BAA, AAR, GAO, NAR, AAW), pp. 333–341.
DUXU-CXC-2013-MouraVCBSTLK #exclamation #game studies #how #learning #mobile- Luz, Câmera, Libras!: How a Mobile Game Can Improve the Learning of Sign Languages (GdSM, LAV, AC, FB, DdS, JMXNT, CWML, JK), pp. 266–275.
DUXU-CXC-2013-SturmSG #locality #performance- Localization beyond National Characteristics: The Impact of Language on Users’ Performance with Different Menu Structures (CS, GS, SG), pp. 105–114.
HCI-AMTE-2013-MeixnerOK #development #evaluation #industrial #modelling #user interface- Evaluation of User Interface Description Languages for Model-Based User Interface Development in the German Automotive Industry (GM, MO, MK), pp. 411–420.
HCI-AS-2013-EskildsenR #challenge #integration #learning- Challenges for Contextualizing Language Learning — Supporting Cultural Integration (SE, MR), pp. 361–369.
HCI-AS-2013-LimaRSBSO #learning- Innovation in Learning — The Use of Avatar for Sign Language (TL, MSR, TAS, AB, ES, HSdO), pp. 428–433.
HCI-AS-2013-OnoIY #comparative #education #evaluation- A Comparative Evaluation of Podcasting-Based and Mobile-Based Material Distribution Systems in Foreign Language Teaching (YO, MI, MY), pp. 474–483.
HCI-IMT-2013-FroehlichLS #interface #taxonomy- The Language of Motion: A Taxonomy for Interface (EF, BL, HS), pp. 668–677.
HCI-IMT-2013-GalatasPM #artificial reality #distance #multi #recognition #robust #speech #video- Robust Multi-Modal Speech Recognition in Two Languages Utilizing Video and Distance Information from the Kinect (GG, GP, FM), pp. 43–48.
HCI-IMT-2013-WuOMS #design #information management #query #visual notation- Design of a Visual Query Language for Geographic Information System on a Touch Screen (SW, SO, GM, MS), pp. 530–539.
HIMI-D-2013-EricksonS #modelling- Unified Modeling Language: The Teen Years and Growing Pains (JE, KS), pp. 295–304.
HIMI-D-2013-LiaoLH #concept #modelling #ontology #perspective #security #towards- Towards an Ontological Interpretation on the i* Modeling Language Extended with Security Concepts: A Bunge-Wand-Weber Model Perspective (GYL, PJL, LTH), pp. 322–328.
HIMI-D-2013-ZeshanMA #bibliography #ontology #quality #web #web service- Quality of Service Ontology Languages for Web Services Discovery: An Overview and Limitations (FZ, RM, MNA), pp. 400–407.
HIMI-HSM-2013-ChunJHJSLCJ #natural language #using- Pathway Construction and Extension Using Natural Language Processing (HWC, SJJ, MNH, CHJ, SKS, SL, SPC, HJ), pp. 32–38.
HIMI-HSM-2013-HosonoMINSMT #communication #people- The Urgent Communication System for Deaf and Language Dysfunction People (NH, FM, TI, MN, MS, HM, YT), pp. 269–274.
VISSOFT-2013-HomerN #editing #programming language- A tile-based editor for a textual programming language (MH, JN), pp. 1–4.
HILT-2013-Jackson #domain-specific language- Engineering domain-specific languages with formula 2.0 (EKJ), pp. 3–4.
CAiSE-2013-BaryannisP #calculus #named #specification #web #web service- WSSL: A Fluent Calculus-Based Language for Web Service Specifications (GB, DP), pp. 256–271.
CAiSE-2013-Henderson-SellersCG #modelling #on the- On the Search for a Level-Agnostic Modelling Language (BHS, TC, CGP), pp. 240–255.
EDOC-2013-AtkinsonGF #enterprise #modelling- Modeling Language Extension in the Enterprise Systems Domain (CA, RG, MF), pp. 49–58.
EDOC-2013-SelwayGMS #approach #formal method #natural language #specification #using- Formalising Natural Language Specifications Using a Cognitive Linguistics/Configuration Based Approach (MS, GG, WM, MS), pp. 59–68.
ICEIS-v2-2013-BouassidaBA #design #named #semantics- P-UML — A Pattern Design Language with a Formal Semantics (NB, HBA, MA), pp. 197–205.
ICEIS-v2-2013-SierraCVCV #education #re-engineering #recommendation- Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Computer Materials to Support the Teaching of Nasa-Yuwe — Recommendations from a Software Engineering Disciplines Viewpoint for Constructing Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Materials Aimed at Supporting Nasa Yuwe Language Teaching (LMS, EASC, JAV, TRC, EMV), pp. 526–531.
ICEIS-v3-2013-MalekanA #collaboration #modelling #network #process- Business Process Modeling Languages Supporting Collaborative Networks (HSM, HA), pp. 258–266.
CIKM-2013-LuBL #enterprise #retrieval- Structured positional entity language model for enterprise entity retrieval (CL, LB, WL), pp. 129–138.
ECIR-2013-Franco-SalvadorGR #detection #multi #network #semantics #using- Cross-Language Plagiarism Detection Using a Multilingual Semantic Network (MFS, PG, PR), pp. 710–713.
ECIR-2013-RahimiS #approach #corpus #modelling- A Language Modeling Approach for Extracting Translation Knowledge from Comparable Corpora (RR, AS), pp. 606–617.
ICML-c1-2013-XiaoG #adaptation #probability #sequence- Domain Adaptation for Sequence Labeling Tasks with a Probabilistic Language Adaptation Model (MX, YG), pp. 293–301.
MLDM-2013-SouzaP #random #recognition #word- Sign Language Recognition with Support Vector Machines and Hidden Conditional Random Fields: Going from Fingerspelling to Natural Articulated Words (CRdS, EBP), pp. 84–98.
SEKE-2013-SakamotoWF #design pattern #object-oriented #programming language- Extended Design Patterns in New Object-Oriented Programming Languages (S) (KS, HW, YF), pp. 600–605.
SIGIR-2013-FreitasFOC #approach #graph #linked data #natural language #open data #query #semantics- Answering natural language queries over linked data graphs: a distributional semantics approach (AF, FFdF, SO, EC), pp. 1107–1108.
SIGIR-2013-SordoniNB #dependence #information retrieval #modelling #quantum- Modeling term dependencies with quantum language models for IR (AS, JYN, YB), pp. 653–662.
SIGIR-2013-TureL #information retrieval #modelling- Flat vs. hierarchical phrase-based translation models for cross-language information retrieval (FT, JJL), pp. 813–816.
SKY-2013-SuarezMFM #automation #generative #natural language #semantics #using- Automatic Generation of Semantic Patterns using Techniques of Natural Language Processing (PS, VM, AF, JLM), pp. 34–44.
AMT-2013-NalchigarSC #model transformation #non-functional #requirements #towards- Towards a Catalog of Non-Functional Requirements in Model Transformation Languages (SN, RS, MC), pp. 72–81.
BX-2013-HofmannPW- Edit languages for information trees (MH, BCP, DW), pp. 76–89.
ECMFA-2013-Gogolla #constraints #modelling #ocl- Employing the Object Constraint Language in Model-Based Engineering (MG), pp. 1–2.
ECMFA-2013-Storrle #ad hoc #declarative #named #query- MOCQL: A Declarative Language for Ad-Hoc Model Querying (HS), pp. 3–19.
ICMT-2013-WillinkHK #qvt- Yet Another Three QVT Languages (EDW, HH, DSK), pp. 58–59.
MoDELS-2013-NoyritGT #analysis #domain-specific language #integration #modelling #using- Computer Assisted Integration of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages Using Text Analysis Techniques (FN, SG, FT), pp. 505–521.
MoDELS-2013-StorrleF #analysis #physics #towards #visual notation- Towards an Operationalization of the “Physics of Notations” for the Analysis of Visual Languages (HS, AF), pp. 104–120.
MoDELS-2013-NoyritGT #analysis #domain-specific language #integration #modelling #using- Computer Assisted Integration of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages Using Text Analysis Techniques (FN, SG, FT), pp. 505–521.
MoDELS-2013-StorrleF #analysis #physics #towards #visual notation- Towards an Operationalization of the “Physics of Notations” for the Analysis of Visual Languages (HS, AF), pp. 104–120.
ECOOP-2013-SujeethRBLCPWPJOO #composition #domain-specific language #reuse- Composition and Reuse with Compiled Domain-Specific Languages (AKS, TR, KJB, HL, HC, VP, MW, AP, VJ, MO, KO), pp. 52–78.
Onward-2013-OhshimaLFK #declarative #framework #interactive #user interface- KScript and KSWorld: a time-aware and mostly declarative language and interactive GUI framework (YO, AL, BF, TK), pp. 117–134.
Onward-2013-TorlakB- Growing solver-aided languages with rosette (ET, RB), pp. 135–152.
OOPSLA-2013-BolzDT- Storage strategies for collections in dynamically typed languages (CFB, LD, LT), pp. 167–182.
OOPSLA-2013-MeyerovichR #analysis #empirical #programming language- Empirical analysis of programming language adoption (LAM, ASR), pp. 1–18.
OOPSLA-2013-TreichlerBA #clustering- Language support for dynamic, hierarchical data partitioning (ST, MB, AA), pp. 495–514.
GPCE-2013-Bodik #biology #modelling #programming language- Modeling biology with solver-aided programming languages (RB), pp. 1–2.
GPCE-2013-ErdwegR #framework- A framework for extensible languages (SE, FR), pp. 3–12.
LOPSTR-2013-AntoyJ #compilation #functional #logic- Compiling a Functional Logic Language: The Fair Scheme (SA, AJ), pp. 202–219.
PPDP-2013-JedynakBB #coq- An operational foundation for the tactic language of Coq (WJ, MB, DB), pp. 25–36.
PPDP-2013-MandelPP #functional #refinement- Time refinement in a functional synchronous language (LM, CP, MP), pp. 169–180.
PPDP-2013-MontenegroPS #analysis #functional #regular expression #using- Shape analysis in a functional language by using regular languages (MM, RP, CS), pp. 251–262.
PADL-2013-BrasselHPR #constraints #equation #functional #implementation- Implementing Equational Constraints in a Functional Language (BB, MH, BP, FR), pp. 125–140.
PADL-2013-DreyMHC #debugging- Reversible Language Extensions and Their Application in Debugging (ZD, JFM, MVH, MC), pp. 206–221.
PADL-2013-FourtounisPR #functional #implementation #lazy evaluation- The Generalized Intensional Transformation for Implementing Lazy Functional Languages (GF, NP, PR), pp. 157–172.
POPL-2013-Adams #parsing- Principled parsing for indentation-sensitive languages: revisiting landin’s offside rule (MDA), pp. 511–522.
POPL-2013-BenzakenCNS #semantics- Static and dynamic semantics of NoSQL languages (VB, GC, KN, JS), pp. 101–114.
POPL-2013-Krishnamurthi #programming language- From principles to programming languages (and back) (SK), pp. 233–234.
POPL-2013-Myers #distributed #how- How languages can save distributed computing (ACM), pp. 315–316.
POPL-2013-StatonL #programming language- Universal properties of impure programming languages (SS, PBL), pp. 179–192.
RE-2013-DwarakanathRS #automation #natural language #requirements #taxonomy- Automatic extraction of glossary terms from natural language requirements (AD, RRR, SS), pp. 314–319.
RE-2013-SchneiderBB #architecture #enterprise #implementation #modelling #requirements- A tool implementation of the unified requirements modeling language as enterprise architect add-in (FS, BB, BB), pp. 334–335.
REFSQ-2013-FerrariGT #clustering #documentation #natural language #requirements #using- Using Clustering to Improve the Structure of Natural Language Requirements Documents (AF, SG, GT), pp. 34–49.
REFSQ-2013-Ott #automation #bibliography #categorisation #natural language #scalability #specification- Automatic Requirement Categorization of Large Natural Language Specifications at Mercedes-Benz for Review Improvements (DO), pp. 50–64.
SAC-OOPS-J-2009-BettiniCD13 #flexibility #java #on the- On flexible dynamic trait replacement for Java-like languages (LB, SC, FD), pp. 907–932.
SAC-PL-J-2011-AcherCLF13 #domain-specific language #feature model #modelling #named #scalability- FAMILIAR: A domain-specific language for large scale management of feature models (MA, PC, PL, RBF), pp. 657–681.
SAC-PL-J-2011-DinkelakerEM13 #compilation #embedded #incremental #syntax- Incremental concrete syntax for embedded languages with support for separate compilation (TD, ME, MM), pp. 615–632.
SAC-2013-Bettini #implementation #java #semantics #xtext- Implementing Java-like languages in Xtext with Xsemantics (LB), pp. 1559–1564.
SAC-2013-CarvalhoFBSMMB #generative #natural language #requirements #specification #testing- Test case generation from natural language requirements based on SCR specifications (GC, DF, FAB, AS, AM, LM, MRB), pp. 1217–1222.
SAC-2013-CelestiniNT #coordination #specification- Specifying and analysing reputation systems with a coordination language (AC, RDN, FT), pp. 1363–1368.
SAC-2013-DelahayeKS #c #dynamic analysis #source code #specification- Common specification language for static and dynamic analysis of C programs (MD, NK, JS), pp. 1230–1235.
SAC-2013-GroppeSW #embedded #xml- Eliminating the XML overhead in embedded XML languages (SG, BS, SW), pp. 542–547.
SAC-2013-GrueauA #modelling #towards- Towards a domain specific modeling language for agent-based models in land use science (CG, JA), pp. 83–85.
SAC-2013-HahnMPM #composition #semantics #web #web service- Formal semantics and expressiveness of a web service composition language (MGH, RM, AP, MAM), pp. 1667–1673.
SAC-2013-HalderC #database #query #slicing- Abstract program slicing of database query languages (RH, AC), pp. 838–845.
SAC-2013-HongJ #named #network #object-oriented #programming language- Meso: an object-oriented programming language for building strongly-typed internet-based network applications (SH, YJJ), pp. 1579–1586.
SAC-2013-LaboreiroBSRO #microblog- Determining language variant in microblog messages (GL, MB, LS, EMR, ECO), pp. 902–907.
SAC-2013-LourencoSM #concurrent- Concurrent typed intermediate language (LML, JCS, FM), pp. 1587–1588.
SAC-2013-MarianiO #probability- Probabilistic embedding: experiments with tuple-based probabilistic languages (SM, AO), pp. 1380–1382.
SAC-2013-SilvaC #exception #interface #java- New exception interfaces for Java-like languages (TBLS, FC), pp. 1661–1666.
SAC-2013-WestermannHF #automation #empirical #performance #specification- An experiment specification language for goal-driven, automated performance evaluations (DW, JH, RF), pp. 1043–1048.
SAC-2013-WoutersG #development #domain-specific language #empirical #metamodelling #modelling- Notation-driven vs metamodel-driven development of domain-specific modeling languages: an empirical study (LW, MPG), pp. 1145–1146.
ESEC-FSE-2013-NguyenNN #migration #statistics- Lexical statistical machine translation for language migration (ATN, TTN, TNN), pp. 651–654.
ESEC-FSE-2013-NguyenNNN #semantics #source code #statistics- A statistical semantic language model for source code (TTN, ATN, HAN, TNN), pp. 532–542.
ICSE-2013-DyerNRN #framework #named #repository #scalability- Boa: a language and infrastructure for analyzing ultra-large-scale software repositories (RD, HAN, HR, TNN), pp. 422–431.
ICSE-2013-HauptmannJEHVB #natural language #smell #testing- Hunting for smells in natural language tests (BH, MJ, SE, LH, RV, PB), pp. 1217–1220.
ICSE-2013-Slankas #data access #database #implementation #natural language #policy- Implementing database access control policy from unconstrained natural language text (JS), pp. 1357–1360.
LDTA-J-2009-AndersenBC #algebra #composition- Banana Algebra: Compositional syntactic language extension (JA, CB, DRC), pp. 1845–1870.
SLE-2013-ErdwegSVBBCGHKLKMPPSSSVVVWW #challenge #state of the art- The State of the Art in Language Workbenches — Conclusions from the Language Workbench Challenge (SE, TvdS, MV, MB, RB, WRC, AG, AH, SK, AL, GDPK, PJM, MP, RP, ES, KS, RS, VAV, EV, KvdV, GW, JvdW), pp. 197–217.
SLE-2013-FehrenbachEO #domain-specific language #evolution- Software Evolution to Domain-Specific Languages (SF, SE, KO), pp. 96–116.
SLE-2013-LammelMV #tool support #wiki- Method and Tool Support for Classifying Software Languages with Wikipedia (RL, DM, AV), pp. 249–259.
SLE-2013-SobernigSB #domain-specific language #energy #scheduling- Developing a Domain-Specific Language for Scheduling in the European Energy Sector (SS, MS, AB), pp. 19–35.
SLE-2013-VacchiCPC #development #domain-specific language #variability- Variability Support in Domain-Specific Language Development (EV, WC, SP, BC), pp. 76–95.
SLE-2013-VasudevanT #ambiguity #detection #programming language- Detecting Ambiguity in Programming Language Grammars (NV, LT), pp. 157–176.
SLE-2013-WachsmuthKVGV #analysis #incremental #independence- A Language Independent Task Engine for Incremental Name and Type Analysis (GW, GDPK, VAV, DMG, EV), pp. 260–280.
SPLC-2013-EichelbergerS #analysis #modelling #variability- A systematic analysis of textual variability modeling languages (HE, KS), pp. 12–21.
SPLC-2013-FerrariSd #documentation #mining #natural language- Mining commonalities and variabilities from natural language documents (AF, GOS, FD), pp. 116–120.
SPLC-2013-HaberHKLRMS #modelling- Engineering delta modeling languages (AH, KH, CK, ML, BR, KM, IS), pp. 22–31.
SPLC-2013-HaugenWC #named #variability- CVL: common variability language (ØH, AW, KC), p. 277.
CC-2013-BhaskaracharyaB #data flow #framework #named #visual notation- PolyGLoT: A Polyhedral Loop Transformation Framework for a Graphical Dataflow Language (SGB, UB), pp. 123–143.
CGO-2013-ZhangM #named #parallel- Hidp: A hierarchical data parallel language (YZ, FM), p. 11.
LCTES-2013-Wu- HW/SW co-designed acceleration of dynamic languages (YW), pp. 1–2.
PLOS-2013-BurtsevMER #analysis #named #performance #streaming- Weir: a streaming language for performance analysis (AB, NM, EE, RR), p. 6.
CSL-2013-ColcombetKLB #automaton- Deciding the weak definability of Büchi definable tree languages (TC, DK, CL, MVB), pp. 215–230.
CSL-2013-SchmidtW #abduction #complexity #constraints #similarity- The Complexity of Abduction for Equality Constraint Languages (JS, MW), pp. 615–633.
ICLP-J-2013-Balduccini- ASP with non-herbrand partial functions: a language and system for practical use (MB), pp. 547–561.
ICLP-J-2013-BanbaraSTIS #modelling #programming #set- Answer set programming as a modeling language for course timetabling (MB, TS, NT, KI, TS), pp. 783–798.
ICLP-J-2013-Schwitter #challenge #natural language- The jobs puzzle: Taking on the challenge via controlled natural language processing (RS), pp. 487–501.
ICST-2013-AfshanMS #evolution #natural language #string #testing #using- Evolving Readable String Test Inputs Using a Natural Language Model to Reduce Human Oracle Cost (SA, PM, MS), pp. 352–361.
ICST-2013-SakamotoSTWF #framework #metric #multi #named #programming language #test coverage #tool support- OCCF: A Framework for Developing Test Coverage Measurement Tools Supporting Multiple Programming Languages (KS, KS, RT, HW, YF), pp. 422–430.
ICST-2013-Torsel #domain-specific language #model checking #modelling #testing #using #web- A Testing Tool for Web Applications Using a Domain-Specific Modelling Language and the NuSMV Model Checker (AMT), pp. 383–390.
RTA-2013-BoichutCR #approximate- Over-approximating Descendants by Synchronized Tree Languages (YB, JC, PR), pp. 128–142.
CBSE-2012-RouvoyM #agile #architecture #prototype- Rapid prototyping of domain-specific architecture languages (RR, PM), pp. 13–22.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-TauschPA #analysis #domain-specific language #named #traceability- TracQL: A Domain-Specific Language for Traceability Analysis (NT, MP, JA), pp. 320–324.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-WoodsB #architecture #case study #experience #industrial #information management #scalability #using- Using an Architecture Description Language to Model a Large-Scale Information System — An Industrial Experience Report (EW, RB), pp. 239–243.
CASE-2012-DotoliFIR #agile #modelling #simulation #using- A lean manufacturing strategy using Value Stream Mapping, the Unified Modeling Language, and discrete event simulation (MD, MPF, GI, GR), pp. 668–673.
CASE-2012-LeeB #execution #framework #lifecycle #simulation #using- Executable simulation lifecycle management framework using extensible and interoperable simulation language (HL, AB), pp. 237–242.
DAC-2012-BachrachVRLWAWA #embedded #hardware #named #scala- Chisel: constructing hardware in a Scala embedded language (JB, HV, BR, YL, AW, RA, JW, KA), pp. 1216–1225.
DAC-2012-Harris #design #natural language #specification- Extracting design information from natural language specifications (IGH), pp. 1256–1257.
DRR-2012-MorillotLG #modelling- Construction of language models for an handwritten mail reading system (OM, LLS, EG).
ITiCSE-2012-GinatA #composition #pseudo- Pseudo abstract composition: the case of language concatenation (DG, RA), pp. 28–33.
TFPIE-2012-ODonnell #education #functional #hardware #using- Connecting the Dots: Computer Systems Education using a Functional Hardware Description Language (JTO), pp. 20–39.
FASE-2012-LiT #domain-specific language #erlang #refactoring- A Domain-Specific Language for Scripting Refactorings in Erlang (HL, SJT), pp. 501–515.
FASE-2012-LongCMM #abstraction #refinement- Language-Theoretic Abstraction Refinement (ZL, GC, RM, RM), pp. 362–376.
FASE-2012-RuscioMMPP #architecture #modelling- Model-Driven Techniques to Enhance Architectural Languages Interoperability (DDR, IM, HM, PP, AP), pp. 26–42.
FASE-2012-SalayFC #independence #modelling #refinement #using- Language Independent Refinement Using Partial Modeling (RS, MF, MC), pp. 224–239.
FoSSaCS-2012-BolligCGK #model checking #word- Model Checking Languages of Data Words (BB, AC, PG, KNK), pp. 391–405.
FoSSaCS-2012-KurzST #on the #regular expression- On Nominal Regular Languages with Binders (AK, TS, ET), pp. 255–269.
TACAS-2012-HardinSWP #verification- The Guardol Language and Verification System (DSH, KS, MWW, THP), pp. 18–32.
ICPC-2012-KeivanlooRR #clone detection #detection #named #semantics- SeByte: A semantic clone detection tool for intermediate languages (IK, CKR, JR), pp. 247–249.
ICSM-2012-Pollock #analysis #challenge #natural language- Leveraging natural language analysis of software: Achievements, challenges, and opportunities (LLP), p. 4.
SCAM-2012-MayerS #analysis #refactoring- Cross-Language Code Analysis and Refactoring (PM, AS), pp. 94–103.
WCRE-2012-Al-OmariKRR #detection #dot-net #programming language- Detecting Clones Across Microsoft .NET Programming Languages (FAO, IK, CKR, JR), pp. 405–414.
PEPM-2012-GotoS #approach #functional- An approach to completing variable names for implicitly typed functional languages (TG, IS), pp. 131–140.
PEPM-2012-JainZS #nondeterminism- Translating flowcharts to non-deterministic languages (SKJ, CZ, BS), pp. 155–162.
PLDI-2012-DubachCRBF #architecture #compilation- Compiling a high-level language for GPUs: (via language support for architectures and compilers) (CD, PC, RMR, DFB, SJF), pp. 1–12.
PLDI-2012-OhHLLY #analysis #design #implementation- Design and implementation of sparse global analyses for C-like languages (HO, KH, WL, WL, KY), pp. 229–238.
PLDI-2012-ZhangAM- Language-based control and mitigation of timing channels (DZ, AA, ACM), pp. 99–110.
FLOPS-2012-AntoyP #compilation #functional #logic- Compiling a Functional Logic Language: The Basic Scheme (SA, AP), pp. 17–31.
FLOPS-2012-RoseVS #data flow #hybrid #programming language #query- A Data Flow Language for Hybrid Query and Programming Languages (KHR, LV, NS), pp. 228–242.
AFL-J-2011-BrzozowskiL12 #complexity- Quotient Complexity of Star-Free Languages (JAB, BL), pp. 1261–1276.
AFL-J-2011-FazekasLS12 #context-free grammar #on the- On Non-Primitive Palindromic Context-Free Languages (SZF, PL, KST), pp. 1277–1290.
AFL-J-2011-IbarraS12 #bound #linear- Characterizations of Bounded semilinear Languages by One-Way and Two-Way Deterministic Machines (OHI, SS), pp. 1291–1306.
AFL-J-2011-Pin12 #equation- Equational Descriptions of Languages (JÉP), pp. 1227–1240.
DLT-J-2011-ChaturvediOT12 #game studies #infinity- Languages versus ω-Languages in Regular Infinite Games (NC, JO, WT), pp. 985–1000.
DLT-J-2011-ZhengQL12 #automaton #finite #quantum- Some Languages Recognized by Two-Way Finite Automata with Quantum and Classical States (SZ, DQ, LL), pp. 1117–1130.
CIAA-2012-AmarniL #kernel #sequence- Factor and Subsequence Kernels and Signatures of Rational Languages (AA, SL), pp. 313–320.
CIAA-2012-Brzozowski #regular expression- In Search of Most Complex Regular Languages (JAB), pp. 5–24.
CIAA-2012-JahnKL- Regular Ideal Languages and Their Boolean Combinations (FJ, MK, AL), pp. 205–216.
DLT-2012-BealCDJL #decidability #geometry #regular expression- Decidability of Geometricity of Regular Languages (MPB, JMC, JPD, HJ, SL), pp. 62–72.
DLT-2012-BrzozowskiT #regular expression- Quotient Complexities of Atoms of Regular Languages (JAB, HT), pp. 50–61.
DLT-2012-DennunzioFP- Acceptance Conditions for ω-Languages (AD, EF, JP), pp. 320–331.
DLT-2012-EsikO #context-free grammar #on the #word- On Context-Free Languages of Scattered Words (ZÉ, SO), pp. 142–153.
DLT-2012-FlickK #on the- On a Hierarchy of Languages with Catenation and Shuffle (NEF, MK), pp. 452–458.
DLT-2012-GandhiKL #complexity #finite #on the #word- On State Complexity of Finite Word and Tree Languages (AG, BK, JL), pp. 392–403.
DLT-2012-GeffertP- Unary Coded NP-Complete Languages in ASPACE (log log n) (VG, DP), pp. 166–177.
DLT-2012-HanKS #context-free grammar #regular expression- Computing the Edit-Distance between a Regular Language and a Context-Free Language (YSH, SKK, KS), pp. 85–96.
DLT-2012-KetemaS #normalisation #string #termination- Characterizing Languages by Normalization and Termination in String Rewriting — (Extended Abstract) (JK, JGS), pp. 459–464.
DLT-2012-KlimaP #automaton- Biautomata for k-Piecewise Testable Languages (OK, LP), pp. 344–355.
DLT-2012-LehtinenO #context-free grammar #morphism- Homomorphisms Preserving Deterministic Context-Free Languages (TL, AO), pp. 154–165.
DLT-2012-ReidenbachS #pattern matching- Regular and Context-Free Pattern Languages over Small Alphabets (DR, MLS), pp. 130–141.
DLT-2012-Schmid #regular expression- Inside the Class of REGEX Languages (MLS), pp. 73–84.
ICALP-v2-2012-BojanczykL #independence- A Machine-Independent Characterization of Timed Languages (MB, SL), pp. 92–103.
ICALP-v2-2012-BojanczykP #infinity #regular expression #set- Regular Languages of Infinite Trees That Are Boolean Combinations of Open Sets (MB, TP), pp. 104–115.
ICALP-v2-2012-DiekertKRW #regular expression- Regular Languages Are Church-Rosser Congruential (VD, MK, KR, TW), pp. 177–188.
ICALP-v2-2012-Torunczyk #problem #word- Languages of Profinite Words and the Limitedness Problem (ST), pp. 377–389.
LATA-2012-Asarin #information management- Measuring Information in Timed Languages (EA), pp. 1–2.
LATA-2012-Dowek #automaton #formal method #physics #quantum- Around the Physical Church-Turing Thesis: Cellular Automata, Formal Languages, and the Principles of Quantum Theory (GD), pp. 21–37.
LATA-2012-DubeLT #regular expression- Conservative Groupoids Recognize Only Regular Languages (DD, ML, PT), pp. 216–227.
LATA-2012-GeilkeZ #algorithm #learning #pattern matching #polynomial- Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Learning Typed Pattern Languages (MG, SZ), pp. 277–288.
LATA-2012-Genova #normalisation #set- Forbidding Sets and Normal Forms for Language Forbidding-Enforcing Systems (DG), pp. 289–300.
LATA-2012-Hetzl #proving- Applying Tree Languages in Proof Theory (SH), pp. 301–312.
LATA-2012-Rabkin- Ogden’s Lemma for ET0L Languages (MR), pp. 458–467.
IFM-2012-RochaCMS #execution #interactive #verification- A Formal Interactive Verification Environment for the Plan Execution Interchange Language (CR, HC, CAM, RS), pp. 343–357.
SEFM-2012-NikolicPZ #imperative #modelling #rule-based #simulation- A Rule-Based and Imperative Language for Biochemical Modeling and Simulation (DN, CP, RZ), pp. 16–32.
SFM-2012-CabotG #constraints #ocl- Object Constraint Language (OCL): A Definitive Guide (JC, MG), pp. 58–90.
ICFP-2012-Axelsson #embedded #syntax- A generic abstract syntax model for embedded languages (EA), pp. 323–334.
ICFP-2012-Olukotun #domain-specific language #embedded #performance- High performance embedded domain specific languages (KO), pp. 139–140.
ICFP-2012-Sheard #design #programming #reduction- Painless programming combining reduction and search: design principles for embedding decision procedures in high-level languages (TES), pp. 89–102.
IFL-2012-SculthorpeFG #haskell #program transformation- The HERMIT in the Tree — Mechanizing Program Transformations in the GHC Core Language (NS, AF, AG), pp. 86–103.
GT-VMT-2012-BrugginkHK #automaton #graph #towards- Towards Alternating Automata for Graph Languages (HJSB, MH, BK).
ICGT-2012-Ong #graph transformation #multi #programming language #rule-based #using- Multi-scale Rule-Based Graph Transformation Using the Programming Language XL (YO), pp. 417–419.
CHI-2012-BaoHCQHG #named #wiki- Omnipedia: bridging the wikipedia language gap (PB, BH, SC, MQ, MSH, DG), pp. 1075–1084.
CHI-2012-BogartBDAW #case study #debugging #design #interactive #programming- Designing a debugging interaction language for cognitive modelers: an initial case study in natural programming plus (CB, MMB, SD, HA, RW), pp. 2469–2478.
CHI-2012-DearmanT #using- Evaluating the implicit acquisition of second language vocabulary using a live wallpaper (DD, KNT), pp. 1391–1400.
CHI-2012-DenefK #design #pattern matching- Talking about implications for design in pattern language (SD, DVK), pp. 2509–2518.
CHI-2012-LeivaA #automation #exclamation- Monsieur, azonnal kövessen engem bitte!: an automatically generated interlanguage tailored to speakers of minority but culturally influenced languages (LAL, VA), pp. 31–34.
CHI-2012-MetoyerLRC #comprehension #visualisation- Understanding the verbal language and structure of end-user descriptions of data visualizations (RAM, BL, NHR, MC), pp. 1659–1662.
CHI-2012-PiperWH #authoring #game studies #interactive #process #tool support- TAP & PLAY: an end-user toolkit for authoring interactive pen and paper language activities (AMP, NW, JDH), pp. 149–158.
AdaEurope-2012-Tempelmeier #ada #concept #education #programming language- Teaching “Concepts of Programming Languages” with Ada (TT), pp. 60–74.
HILT-2012-Leino12a #proving #using #verification #why- Program proving using intermediate verification languages (IVLs) like boogie and why3 (KRML), pp. 25–26.
HILT-2012-Steele #lifecycle #programming language- Programming language life cycles (GLSJ), pp. 95–96.
CAiSE-2012-LaraGC #approach #modelling- Abstracting Modelling Languages: A Reutilization Approach (JdL, EG, JSC), pp. 127–143.
CAiSE-2012-LeopoldMP #generative #modelling #natural language #process- Generating Natural Language Texts from Business Process Models (HL, JM, AP), pp. 64–79.
ICEIS-J-2012-VianaPP12a #domain-specific language #framework #modelling- Building Domain-Specific Modeling Languages for Frameworks (MCV, RADP, AFdP), pp. 191–206.
ICEIS-v1-2012-TeguiakAJS #database #modelling #named- MQL: A Mapping Management Language for Model-based Databases (HVT, YAA, SJ, ÉS), pp. 145–150.
ICEIS-v2-2012-FreireCGL #modelling #multi #named- NorMAS-ML — A Modeling Language to Model Normative Multi-agent Systems (ESSF, MIC, EJTG, YSL), pp. 113–119.
ICEIS-v2-2012-VianaPP #domain-specific language #framework #generative #modelling #reuse- Generating Applications — Framework Reuse Supported by Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (MCV, RDP, AFdP), pp. 5–14.
CIKM-2012-BaeK #classification #effectiveness #recommendation- An effective category classification method based on a language model for question category recommendation on a cQA service (KB, YK), pp. 2255–2258.
CIKM-2012-DarwishMM #microblog #retrieval- Language processing for arabic microblog retrieval (KD, WM, AM), pp. 2427–2430.
CIKM-2012-ReyesD #natural language #preprocessor- Preprocessing of informal mathematical discourse in context ofcontrolled natural language (REGdPR, JFDF), pp. 1632–1636.
ECIR-2012-ChhedaFM #word- Handling OOV Words in Indian-language — English CLIR (PC, MF, PM), pp. 476–479.
ECIR-2012-Garcia-MoyaAL #modelling #probability #retrieval #sentiment- Combining Probabilistic Language Models for Aspect-Based Sentiment Retrieval (LGM, HAS, RBL), pp. 561–564.
ECIR-2012-KarimzadehganZ #analysis #axiom #information retrieval- Axiomatic Analysis of Translation Language Model for Information Retrieval (MK, CZ), pp. 268–280.
ECIR-2012-LiG #information retrieval- An Information-Based Cross-Language Information Retrieval Model (BL, ÉG), pp. 281–292.
ECIR-2012-ParaparB #clustering #constraints #modelling- Language Modelling of Constraints for Text Clustering (JP, AB), pp. 352–363.
ICML-2012-GuoX #classification #learning #multi- Cross Language Text Classification via Subspace Co-regularized Multi-view Learning (YG, MX), p. 120.
ICML-2012-MatuszekFZBF #learning- A Joint Model of Language and Perception for Grounded Attribute Learning (CM, NF, LSZ, LB, DF), p. 186.
ICML-2012-MnihT #algorithm #modelling #performance #probability- A fast and simple algorithm for training neural probabilistic language models (AM, YWT), p. 58.
ICPR-2012-FrinkenZBBFB #memory management #modelling #network #recognition- Long-short term memory neural networks language modeling for handwriting recognition (VF, FZM, SEB, MJCB, AF, HB), pp. 701–704.
KDD-2012-Mayer #identification #internet #multi- Bootstrapped language identification for multi-site internet domains (UFM), pp. 579–585.
KEOD-2012-AygulCC #multi #natural language #ontology #query- Natural Language Query Processing in Multimedia Ontologies (FAA, NKC, IC), pp. 66–75.
KR-2012-BaralL #declarative #reasoning #representation- From Knowledge Represented in Frame-Based Languages to Declarative Representation and Reasoning via ASP (CB, SL).
KR-2012-HalpernK #ambiguity #difference- Ambiguous Language and Differences in Beliefs (JYH, WK).
SEKE-2012-AlbuquerquePL #approach #case study #experience #natural language #requirements #reuse- Reuse of Experiences Applied to Requirements Engineering: An Approach Based on Natural Language Processing (AA, VP, TL), pp. 574–577.
SEKE-2012-ConradoC #domain-specific language #embedded #visual notation- Engineering Graphical Domain Specific Languages to Develop Embedded Robot Applications (DBFC, VVdC), pp. 495–498.
SEKE-2012-HumairaSOWF #framework #metric #multi #programming language #source code #towards- Towards a Unified Source Code Measurement Framework Supporting Multiple Programming Languages (RH, KS, AO, HW, YF), pp. 480–485.
SEKE-2012-NarkngamL #diagrams #domain-specific language #process #uml- Rendering UML Activity Diagrams as a Domain Specific Language — ADL (CN, YL), pp. 724–729.
SIGIR-2012-TsagkiasB #behaviour #modelling- Language intent models for inferring user browsing behavior (MT, RB), pp. 335–344.
SIGIR-2012-TureLO #information retrieval- Looking inside the box: context-sensitive translation for cross-language information retrieval (FT, JJL, DWO), pp. 1105–1106.
ICMT-J-2011-WimmerKKRSSKPLSW12 #inheritance #model transformation- Surveying Rule Inheritance in Model-to-Model Transformation Languages (MW, GK, AK, WR, JS, WS, DSK, RFP, ML, AS, DW), pp. 1–46.
BX-2012-Zaytsev #evolution- Language Evolution, Metasyntactically (VZ), pp. 38–54.
ECMFA-2012-GoldschmidtM #domain-specific language #query- An Internal Domain-Specific Language for Constructing OPC UA Queries and Event Filters (TG, WM), pp. 62–73.
ECMFA-2012-KolovosRWMP #approach #documentation #lightweight #xml- A Lightweight Approach for Managing XML Documents with MDE Languages (DSK, LMR, JRW, NDM, RFP), pp. 118–132.
ECMFA-2012-LaraG #metamodelling #modelling- Domain-Specific Textual Meta-Modelling Languages for Model Driven Engineering (JdL, EG), pp. 259–274.
ECMFA-2012-PfeifferW #development #multi #named- TexMo: A Multi-language Development Environment (RHP, AW), pp. 178–193.
ICMT-2012-Cuadrado #model transformation #product line #towards- Towards a Family of Model Transformation Languages (JSC), pp. 176–191.
ICMT-2012-GeorgeWS #domain-specific language #model transformation #scala #type safety- Type-Safe Model Transformation Languages as Internal DSLs in Scala (LG, AW, MS), pp. 160–175.
ICMT-2012-PachecoC #bidirectional #model transformation #multi #named #xml- Multifocal: A Strategic Bidirectional Transformation Language for XML Schemas (HP, AC), pp. 89–104.
ICMT-2012-WagelaarIRP #co-evolution #emf #semantics #virtual machine- Translational Semantics of a Co-evolution Specific Language with the EMF Transformation Virtual Machine (DW, LI, DDR, AP), pp. 192–207.
ICMT-2012-WimmerKKRSS #model transformation #reuse #rule-based- Fact or Fiction — Reuse in Rule-Based Model-to-Model Transformation Languages (MW, GK, AK, WR, JS, WS), pp. 280–295.
MoDELS-2012-JacksonSB #constraints #declarative #detection #fault #specification- Detecting Specification Errors in Declarative Languages with Constraints (EKJ, WS, NB), pp. 399–414.
MoDELS-2012-PfeifferW #development- Cross-Language Support Mechanisms Significantly Aid Software Development (RHP, AW), pp. 168–184.
MoDELS-2012-RabbiM #agile #development #domain-specific language #workflow- T□: A Domain Specific Language for Rapid Workflow Development (FR, WM), pp. 36–52.
MoDELS-2012-JacksonSB #constraints #declarative #detection #fault #specification- Detecting Specification Errors in Declarative Languages with Constraints (EKJ, WS, NB), pp. 399–414.
MoDELS-2012-PfeifferW #development- Cross-Language Support Mechanisms Significantly Aid Software Development (RHP, AW), pp. 168–184.
MoDELS-2012-RabbiM #agile #development #domain-specific language #workflow- T□: A Domain Specific Language for Rapid Workflow Development (FR, WM), pp. 36–52.
ECOOP-2012-Ancona #induction #object-oriented #semantics- Soundness of Object-Oriented Languages with Coinductive Big-Step Semantics (DA), pp. 459–483.
ECOOP-2012-BonoKM #composition #named- Magda: A New Language for Modularity (VB, JK, MM), pp. 560–588.
ECOOP-2012-LeeGHM #metaprogramming #named- Marco: Safe, Expressive Macros for Any Language (BL, RG, MH, KSM), pp. 589–613.
ECOOP-2012-MorandatHOV #data analysis #design- Evaluating the Design of the R Language — Objects and Functions for Data Analysis (FM, BH, LO, JV), pp. 104–131.
Onward-2012-Gabriel #programming language- The structure of a programming language revolution (RPG), pp. 195–214.
Onward-2012-HafizAJ #pattern matching #security- Growing a pattern language (for security) (MH, PA, REJ), pp. 139–158.
Onward-2012-Heinlein #composition #named #programming language #static typing- MOST-flexiPL: modular, statically typed, flexibly extensible programming language (CH), pp. 159–178.
Onward-2012-MeyerovichR #named #programming language- Socio-PLT: principles for programming language adoption (LAM, ASR), pp. 39–54.
OOPSLA-2012-Anderson #fine-grained #parallel #policy #resource management #using- Efficiently combining parallel software using fine-grained, language-level, hierarchical resource management policies (ZRA), pp. 717–736.
OOPSLA-2012-CastanosEINNOW #compilation #jit #on the #scripting language #static typing- On the benefits and pitfalls of extending a statically typed language JIT compiler for dynamic scripting languages (JGC, DE, KI, PN, TN, TO, PW), pp. 195–212.
OOPSLA-2012-MullerC #concurrent #towards- Towards a practical secure concurrent language (SM, SC), pp. 57–74.
PLATEAU-2012-MeyerovichR12a #bibliography #case study #developer #experience #how #repository- How not to survey developers and repositories: experiences analyzing language adoption (LAM, ASR), pp. 7–16.
PLATEAU-2012-SpinellisKL #comparative #programming language #testing- Comparative language fuzz testing: programming languages vs. fat fingers (DS, VK, PL), pp. 25–34.
PLATEAU-2012-UrmaM #evolution #programming language #query #source code- Programming language evolution via source code query languages (RGU, AM), pp. 35–38.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-FavreLSV #community #named- 101companies: A Community Project on Software Technologies and Software Languages (JMF, RL, TS, AV), pp. 58–74.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-MarrD #abstraction #concurrent #identification #implementation #multi #virtual machine- Identifying a Unifying Mechanism for the Implementation of Concurrency Abstractions on Multi-language Virtual Machines (SM, TD), pp. 171–186.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-SoekenWD #behaviour #development #natural language #using- Assisted Behavior Driven Development Using Natural Language Processing (MS, RW, RD), pp. 269–287.
GPCE-2012-EfftingeEKZMHH #domain-specific language #implementation #java #named- Xbase: implementing domain-specific languages for Java (SE, ME, JK, SZ, RvM, WH, MH), pp. 112–121.
LOPSTR-2012-ChristiansenHLP #data analysis #declarative #pipes and filters- A Declarative Pipeline Language for Complex Data Analysis (HC, CTH, OTL, MP), pp. 17–34.
PPDP-2012-PlasmeijerLMAK #functional #programming- Task-oriented programming in a pure functional language (RP, BL, SM, PA, PWMK), pp. 195–206.
PADL-2012-BradyH #domain-specific language #embedded #programming- Resource-Safe Systems Programming with Embedded Domain Specific Languages (EB, KH), pp. 242–257.
PADL-2012-BromanN #equation #modelling #object-oriented #semantics- Node-Based Connection Semantics for Equation-Based Object-Oriented Modeling Languages (DB, HN), pp. 258–272.
POPL-2012-HeideggerBT #contract #scripting language- Access permission contracts for scripting languages (PH, AB, PT), pp. 111–122.
POPL-2012-MonsantoFHW #compilation #network #programming language #runtime- A compiler and run-time system for network programming languages (CM, NF, RH, DW), pp. 217–230.
POPL-2012-Rexford #network #programmable #programming language- Programming languages for programmable networks (JR), pp. 215–216.
POPL-2012-YangYS #automation #policy #privacy- A language for automatically enforcing privacy policies (JY, KY, ASL), pp. 85–96.
RE-2012-BerenbachSN #industrial #modelling #requirements- The use of a requirements modeling language for industrial applications (BB, FS, HN), pp. 285–290.
RE-2012-Ott #fault #legacy #natural language #specification #using- Defects in natural language requirement specifications at Mercedes-Benz: An investigation using a combination of legacy data and expert opinion (DO), pp. 291–296.
RE-2012-ShakerAW #feature model #modelling #requirements- A feature-oriented requirements modelling language (PS, JMA, SW), pp. 151–160.
RE-2012-YangRGWN #automation #detection #natural language #nondeterminism #requirements- Speculative requirements: Automatic detection of uncertainty in natural language requirements (HY, ANDR, VG, AW, BN), pp. 11–20.
REFSQ-2012-QureshiJP #adaptation #modelling #requirements #self #towards- Towards a Requirements Modeling Language for Self-Adaptive Systems (NAQ, IJ, AP), pp. 263–279.
SAC-PL-J-2009-J-BiggarVG12 #compilation #scripting language- A practical solution for achieving language compatibility in scripting language compilers (PB, EdV, DG), pp. 971–989.
SAC-2012-BromanFHA #comparison #domain-specific language #implementation- A comparison of two metacompilation approaches to implementing a complex domain-specific language (DB, PF, GH, JÅ), pp. 1919–1921.
SAC-2012-ChiprianovKR #architecture #enterprise #modelling- Extending Enterprise Architecture Modeling Languages: application to telecommunications service creation (VC, YK, SR), pp. 1661–1666.
SAC-2012-GjondrekajLPT #adaptation #coordination #modelling- Modeling adaptation with a tuple-based coordination language (EG, ML, RP, FT), pp. 1522–1527.
SAC-2012-MetivierBCKL #constraints #declarative- A constraint language for declarative pattern discovery (JPM, PB, BC, MK, SL), pp. 119–125.
SAC-2012-PozzaniC #named #query #sql- ST4SQL: a spatio-temporal query language dealing with granularities (GP, CC), pp. 23–25.
SAC-2012-PriamiQZ #biology #graph #imperative #self- An imperative language of self-modifying graphs for biological systems (CP, PQ, RZ), pp. 1903–1909.
SAC-2012-ScholteRBK #analysis #empirical #validation #web- An empirical analysis of input validation mechanisms in web applications and languages (TS, WKR, DB, EK), pp. 1419–1426.
FSE-2012-CugolaGPT #adaptation #declarative #mobile #named- SelfMotion: a declarative language for adaptive service-oriented mobile apps (GC, CG, LSP, GT), p. 7.
FSE-2012-DiGiuseppeJ #automation #fault #semantics- Semantic fault diagnosis: automatic natural-language fault descriptions (ND, JAJ), p. 23.
FSE-2012-XiaoPTX #automation #documentation #policy #security- Automated extraction of security policies from natural-language software documents (XX, AMP, ST, TX), p. 12.
ICSE-2012-AtkinsonGK #domain-specific language- Symbiotic general-purpose and domain-specific languages (CA, RG, BK), pp. 1269–1272.
ICSE-2012-Faghih #modelling- Model translations among big-step modeling languages (FF), pp. 1555–1558.
ICSE-2012-IwamaNT #industrial #natural language #parsing #specification- Constructing parser for industrial software specifications containing formal and natural language description (FI, TN, HT), pp. 1012–1021.
ICSE-2012-NguyenNNN #detection #named #web- BabelRef: Detection and renaming tool for cross-language program entities in dynamic web applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 1391–1394.
ICSE-2012-PanditaXZXOP #api #natural language #specification- Inferring method specifications from natural language API descriptions (RP, XX, HZ, TX, SO, AMP), pp. 815–825.
ICSE-2012-VoelterP #composition- Language modularity with the MPS language workbench (MV, VP), pp. 1449–1450.
LDTA-2012-ErdwegGR #composition- Language composition untangled (SE, PGG, TR), p. 7.
LDTA-2012-JongeV #refactoring- A language generic solution for name binding preservation in refactorings (MdJ, EV), p. 2.
LDTA-2012-LinckeS #concept #higher-order #object-oriented- From HOT to COOL: transforming higher-order typed languages to concept-constrained object-oriented languages (DL, SS), p. 3.
LDTA-2012-Voigtlander #bidirectional #programming language- Programming language approaches to bidirectional transformation (JV), p. 1.
SLE-2012-HillsKV #metalanguage #type safety- Meta-language Support for Type-Safe Access to External Resources (MH, PK, JJV), pp. 372–391.
PLEASE-2012-AcherMHCL #feature model #modelling #tool support- Languages and tools for managing feature models (MA, RM, PH, PC, PL), pp. 25–28.
LCTES-2012-GerardGPP #array #compilation #composition #data flow #memory management #optimisation- A modular memory optimization for synchronous data-flow languages: application to arrays in a lustre compiler (LG, AG, CP, MP), pp. 51–60.
PPoPP-2012-BonettaPPB #named #rest #scripting language #web #web service- S: a scripting language for high-performance RESTful web services (DB, AP, CP, WB), pp. 97–106.
PPoPP-2012-KamilCBCGHMF #domain-specific language #effectiveness #embedded #parallel #performance- Portable parallel performance from sequential, productive, embedded domain-specific languages (SK, DC, SB, HC, EG, JH, JM, AF), pp. 303–304.
PPoPP-2012-LeissaHW #programming- Extending a C-like language for portable SIMD programming (RL, SH, IW), pp. 65–74.
CAV-2012-LahiriHKR #imperative #named #semantics #source code- SYMDIFF: A Language-Agnostic Semantic Diff Tool for Imperative Programs (SKL, CH, MK, HR), pp. 712–717.
CSL-2012-GrandjeanO #complexity- Descriptive complexity for pictures languages (EG, FO), pp. 274–288.
ICLP-2012-BacciCFV #automation #functional #logic #specification #synthesis- The additional difficulties for the automatic synthesis of specifications posed by logic features in functional-logic languages (GB, MC, MAF, AV), pp. 144–153.
ICLP-2012-ZomboriCS #constraints #logic programming #static typing #type inference #using- Static Type Inference for the Q language using Constraint Logic Programming (ZZ, JC, PS), pp. 119–129.
ICST-2012-DurelliOD #mutation testing #testing #towards #virtual machine- Toward Harnessing High-Level Language Virtual Machines for Further Speeding Up Weak Mutation Testing (VHSD, JO, MED), pp. 681–690.
ICST-2012-GligoricMM #model checking #named #programming language- X10X: Model Checking a New Programming Language with an “Old” Model Checker (MG, PCM, DM), pp. 11–20.
ICST-2012-Li #automation #testing- A Smart Structured Test Automation Language (SSTAL) (NL), pp. 471–474.
LICS-2012-Hoshino #call-by #combinator #semantics- Step Indexed Realizability Semantics for a Call-by-Value Language Based on Basic Combinatorial Objects (NH), pp. 385–394.
LICS-2012-JainMS #complexity- The Complexity of Verbal Languages over Groups (SJ, AM, FS), pp. 405–414.
LICS-2012-Jancar #decidability #equivalence #first-order- Decidability of DPDA Language Equivalence via First-Order Grammars (PJ), pp. 415–424.
LICS-2012-KrebsS #first-order- Non-definability of Languages by Generalized First-order Formulas over (N, +) (AK, AVS), pp. 451–460.
ECSA-2011-BarbosaBGS #architecture #aspect-oriented #named #product line- PL-AspectualACME: An Aspect-Oriented Architectural Description Language for Software Product Lines (EAB, TVB, AFG, ES), pp. 139–146.
ECSA-2011-DemirliT #architecture- Software Language Engineering of Architectural Viewpoints (ED, BT), pp. 336–343.
ECSA-2011-SilvaB #architecture #specification #using- A Model for Specifying Rationale Using an Architecture Description Language (LdS, DB), pp. 319–327.
ASE-2011-AcherCLF11a #feature model #modelling- Decomposing feature models: language, environment, and applications (MA, PC, PL, RBF), pp. 600–603.
ASE-2011-BacchelliCLM #documentation #natural language #semiparsing- Extracting structured data from natural language documents with island parsing (AB, AC, ML, AM), pp. 476–479.
ASE-2011-HillPV #code search #natural language #source code- Improving source code search with natural language phrasal representations of method signatures (EH, LLP, KVS), pp. 524–527.
ASE-2011-KimmigMM #natural language #query #source code- Querying source code with natural language (MK, MM, MM), pp. 376–379.
ASE-2011-Li #consistency #natural language #requirements #towards- Toward consistency checking of natural language temporal requirements (WL), pp. 651–655.
DAC-2011-AuerbachBCRS #hardware #object-oriented- Virtualization of heterogeneous machines hardware description in a synthesizable object-oriented language (JSA, DFB, PC, RMR, SS), pp. 890–894.
DocEng-2011-CardosoJLRC #independence #performance- An efficient language-independent method to extract content from news webpages (ETC, IVJ, ESL, RR, PC), pp. 121–128.
ICDAR-2011-ChowdhuryGC #finite #online #recognition #transducer- A Weighted Finite-State Transducer (WFST)-Based Language Model for Online Indic Script Handwriting Recognition (SC, UG, TC), pp. 599–602.
ICDAR-2011-LiMV #visual notation- Symbol Knowledge Extraction from a Simple Graphical Language (JL, HM, CVG), pp. 608–612.
ICDAR-2011-SaabniE #independence #using- Language-Independent Text Lines Extraction Using Seam Carving (RS, JES), pp. 563–568.
ICDAR-2011-Smith #modelling- Limits on the Application of Frequency-Based Language Models to OCR (RS), pp. 538–542.
ICDAR-2011-SongXZYZ #algorithm #documentation #image #multi- A Handwritten Character Extraction Algorithm for Multi-language Document Image (YS, GX, YZ, LY, LZ), pp. 93–98.
PODS-2011-AbiteboulBGA #data transformation #rule-based #web- A rule-based language for web data management (SA, MB, AG, ÉA), pp. 293–304.
VLDB-2011-BeyerEGBEKOS #data analysis #named #scalability #scripting language #semistructured data- Jaql: A Scripting Language for Large Scale Semistructured Data Analysis (KSB, VE, RG, AB, MYE, CCK, FÖ, EJS), pp. 1272–1283.
VLDB-2011-FurcheGGSS #named #scalability #web- OXPath: A Language for Scalable, Memory-efficient Data Extraction from Web Applications (TF, GG, GG, CS, AJS), pp. 1016–1027.
CSEET-2011-NanzTPM #assessment #concurrent #education #empirical- Empirical assessment of languages for teaching concurrency: Methodology and application (SN, FT, MP, BM), pp. 477–481.
ITiCSE-2011-BowerM #comparison #learning- Continual and explicit comparison to promote proactive facilitation during second computer language learning (MB, AM), pp. 218–222.
ITiCSE-2011-MselleM #concept #education #memory management #programming- The impact of memory transfer language (MTL) in reducing misconceptions in teaching programming to novices (LJM, RM), p. 388.
ITiCSE-2011-OliveiraMR11a #case study #natural language #programming- Natural language in introductory programming: an experimental study (OLO, AMM, NTR), p. 363.
ITiCSE-2011-TremblayL- A marking language for the oto assignment marking tool (GT, PL), pp. 148–152.
ESOP-2011-KoutavasH #encryption #higher-order #testing- A Testing Theory for a Higher-Order Cryptographic Language — (Extended Abstract) (VK, MH), pp. 358–377.
FASE-2011-EsmaeilsabzaliD #modelling #quality #semantics- Semantic Quality Attributes for Big-Step Modelling Languages (SE, NAD), pp. 65–80.
FoSSaCS-2011-Hoshino #functional #linear #programming language- A Modified GoI Interpretation for a Linear Functional Programming Language and Its Adequacy (NH), pp. 320–334.
FoSSaCS-2011-MollerS #context-free grammar #html #validation- HTML Validation of Context-Free Languages (AM, MS), pp. 426–440.
ICPC-J-2009-StefikG11 #empirical #programming language- Empirical studies on programming language stimuli (AS, EG), pp. 65–99.
SCAM-J-2009-LammelZ11 #grammar recovery #java #specification- Recovering grammar relationships for the Java Language Specification (RL, VZ), pp. 333–378.
ICPC-2011-StefikSSS #programming language #towards- Toward Intuitive Programming Languages (AS, SS, KS, MS), pp. 213–214.
ICSM-2011-RastkarMB #generative #natural language #source code #summary- Generating natural language summaries for crosscutting source code concerns (SR, GCM, AWJB), pp. 103–112.
MSR-2011-CallauRTR #developer #how #programming language #smalltalk- How developers use the dynamic features of programming languages: the case of smalltalk (OC, RR, ÉT, DR), pp. 23–32.
MSR-2011-KarusG #case study #evolution #open source- A study of language usage evolution in open source software (SK, HCG), pp. 13–22.
PEPM-2011-Mogensen #partial evaluation- Partial evaluation of the reversible language janus (TÆM), pp. 23–32.
PEPM-2011-WangG #embedded #programming #protocol- An embedded language for programming protocol stacks in embedded systems (YW, VG), pp. 63–72.
PLDI-2011-AnselMETCSSBY #compilation #independence #self- Language-independent sandboxing of just-in-time compilation and self-modifying code (JA, PM, ÚE, ET, BC, DLS, DS, CB, BY), pp. 355–366.
PLDI-2011-LiTOKCSH #data flow #hardware #named- Caisson: a hardware description language for secure information flow (XL, MT, JO, VK, FTC, TS, BH), pp. 109–120.
PLDI-2011-PrabhuGZJA #commutative #parallel #programming #set- Commutative set: a language extension for implicit parallel programming (PP, SG, YZ, NPJ, DIA), pp. 1–11.
PLDI-2011-Tobin-HochstadtSCFF #library- Languages as libraries (STH, VSA, RC, MF, MF), pp. 132–141.
DLT-J-2009-BertoniCR11 #context-free grammar #problem- The Inclusion Problem of Context-Free Languages: Some Tractable Cases (AB, CC, RR), pp. 289–299.
DLT-J-2009-BrzozowskiGS11 #formal method #theorem- Closures in Formal Languages and Kuratowski’s Theorem (JAB, EG, JS), pp. 301–321.
DLT-J-2009-Fazekas11 #regular expression- Powers of Regular Languages (SZF), pp. 323–330.
DLT-J-2009-GazdagN11 #theorem- A Kleene Theorem for Bisemigroup and binoid Languages (ZG, ZLN), pp. 427–446.
CIAA-J-2010-DiekertK11 #regular expression- It is NL-Complete to Decide Whether a Hairpin Completion of Regular Languages is Regular (VD, SK), pp. 1813–1828.
DLT-J-2010-Giammarresi11 #subclass- Exploring inside Tiling Recognizable Picture Languages to Find Deterministic subclasses (DG), pp. 1519–1532.
DLT-J-2010-JiraskovaM11 #complexity #regular expression- Complexity in Union-Free Regular Languages (GJ, TM), pp. 1639–1653.
AFL-2011-BrzozowskiJLS #complexity #regular expression- Quotient Complexity of Bifix-, Factor-, and Subword-Free Regular Languages (JAB, GJ, BL, JS), pp. 123–137.
AFL-2011-BrzozowskiL #complexity- Quotient Complexity of Star-Free Languages (JAB, BL), pp. 138–152.
AFL-2011-CanoJ- Varieties of Languages and Frontier Check (AC, EJ), pp. 153–167.
AFL-2011-HolzerJK- The Chop of Languages (MH, SJ, MK), pp. 197–210.
AFL-2011-IbarraS #bound #linear- Characterizations of Bounded Semilinear Languages by One-Way and Two-way Deterministic Machines (OHI, SS), pp. 211–224.
AFL-2011-Ito #strict- K-Restricted Duplication Closure of Languages (MI), pp. 28–33.
AFL-2011-Pin #equation- Equational descriptions of languages (JÉP), pp. 50–63.
CIAA-2011-BechetDF #strict- Categorial Grammars with Iterated Types form a Strict Hierarchy of k-Valued Languages (DB, AJD, AF), pp. 42–52.
CIAA-2011-HolzerKM #complexity #nondeterminism- Nondeterministic State Complexity of Star-Free Languages (MH, MK, KM), pp. 178–189.
DLT-2011-BattaglinoFFR #encoding #regular expression- Encoding Centered Polyominoes by Means of a Regular Language (DB, JMF, AF, SR), pp. 464–465.
DLT-2011-BonizzoniJ #constant- Regular Splicing Languages Must Have a Constant (PB, NJ), pp. 82–92.
DLT-2011-BrzozowskiY #complexity- Syntactic Complexity of Ideal and Closed Languages (JAB, YY), pp. 117–128.
DLT-2011-ChaturvediOT #game studies #infinity- Languages vs. ω-Languages in Regular Infinite Games (NC, JO, WT), pp. 180–191.
DLT-2011-HolzerKL- Nodes Connected by Path Languages (MH, MK, UL), pp. 276–287.
DLT-2011-HundeshagenO #automaton #regular expression- Characterizing the Regular Languages by Nonforgetting Restarting Automata (NH, FO), pp. 288–299.
DLT-2011-KortelainenS #bound #context-free grammar- There Does Not Exist a Minimal Full Trio with Respect to Bounded Context-Free Languages (JK, TS), pp. 312–323.
DLT-2011-SelivanovK #algebra #regular expression- Boolean Algebras of Regular Languages (VLS, AK), pp. 386–396.
DLT-2011-Shur- Growth Properties of Power-Free Languages (AMS), pp. 28–43.
ICALP-v2-2011-BenediktPR #cost analysis- The Cost of Traveling between Languages (MB, GP, CR), pp. 234–245.
ICALP-v2-2011-CartonCP #linear #order #regular expression #word- Regular Languages of Words over Countable Linear Orderings (OC, TC, GP), pp. 125–136.
ICALP-v2-2011-SuenagaH #hybrid #modelling #programming- Programming with Infinitesimals: A While-Language for Hybrid System Modeling (KS, IH), pp. 392–403.
LATA-2011-AnselmoGM #classification #string- Classification of String Languages via Tiling Recognizable Picture Languages (MA, DG, MM), pp. 105–116.
LATA-2011-BerglundBH- Recognizing Shuffled Languages (MB, HB, JH), pp. 142–154.
LATA-2011-CaseJLOSS #automation #learning #pattern matching #subclass- Automatic Learning of Subclasses of Pattern Languages (JC, SJ, TDL, YSO, PS, FS), pp. 192–203.
LATA-2011-CharlierDHS #finite- Finite Orbits of Language Operations (EC, MD, TH, JS), pp. 204–215.
LATA-2011-ChatterjeeF- Finitary Languages (KC, NF), pp. 216–226.
LATA-2011-Gelderie #automaton #regular expression- Classifying Regular Languages via Cascade Products of Automata (MG), pp. 286–297.
SFM-2011-ClarkeDHJSSSW #behaviour #modelling #variability- Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variability with the HATS Abstract Behavioral Modeling Language (DC, ND, RH, EBJ, IS, JS, RS, PYHW), pp. 417–457.
CEFP-2011-Pali- Extending Little Languages into Big Systems (GP), pp. 499–516.
ICFP-2011-AhmedB #continuation #multi #semantics- An equivalence-preserving CPS translation via multi-language semantics (AA, MB), pp. 431–444.
ICFP-2011-ChyzakD #generative #ml #runtime #using #web- Using camlp4 for presenting dynamic mathematics on the web: DynaMoW, an OCaml language extension for the run-time generation of mathematical contents and their presentation on the web (FC, AD), pp. 259–265.
ICFP-2011-FisherFWZ #named #programming #tool support- Forest: a language and toolkit for programming with filestores (KF, NF, DW, KQZ), pp. 292–306.
ICFP-2011-FosterHFMRSW #named #network #programming language- Frenetic: a network programming language (NF, RH, MJF, CM, JR, AS, DW), pp. 279–291.
ICFP-2011-OhoriU #database #ml #programming language #standard- Making standard ML a practical database programming language (AO, KU), pp. 307–319.
ICFP-2011-UenoOO #functional #garbage collection #performance- An efficient non-moving garbage collector for functional languages (KU, AO, TO), pp. 196–208.
IFL-2011-PerssonAS #embedded #monad- Generic Monadic Constructs for Embedded Languages (AP, EA, JS), pp. 85–99.
IFL-2011-Thomsen #functional #logic #optimisation #using- Describing and Optimising Reversible Logic Using a Functional Language (MKT), pp. 148–163.
GT-VMT-2011-BottoniF #diagrams #specification #visual notation- A visual language for temporal specifications based on Spider diagrams (PB, AF).
GT-VMT-2011-BrugginkH #decidability #graph- Decidability and Expressiveness of Finitely Representable Recognizable Graph Languages (HJSB, MH).
CHI-2011-EdgeSCZL #learning #mobile #named- MicroMandarin: mobile language learning in context (DE, ES, KC, JZ, JAL), pp. 3169–3178.
CHI-2011-HailpernDHKDH #named #towards- ACES: promoting empathy towards aphasia through language distortion emulation software (JMH, MD, AH, KK, GD, JH), pp. 609–618.
CHI-2011-TrustyT #learning #web- Augmenting the web for second language vocabulary learning (AT, KNT), pp. 3179–3188.
CSCW-2011-HautasaariBII #collaboration #grid- Intercultural collaboration with the language grid toolbox (AMJH, NBA, RI, TI), pp. 579–580.
CSCW-2011-TangCDRSH #facebook #self- A tale of two languages: strategic self-disclosure via language selection on facebook (DT, TC, ND, AR, WCS, JTH), pp. 387–390.
DUXU-v1-2011-Hasan #multi #online #visual notation #word- Multi-language Online Word Processor for Learners and the Visually Impaired (SIH), pp. 256–260.
HCD-2011-KimKK #people- The Impact of Robots Language Form on People’s Perception of Robots (YK, SSK, MK), pp. 253–261.
HIMI-v2-2011-HosonoIMSNTY- Service Science Method to Create Pictograms Referring to Sign Languages (NH, HI, HM, MS, YN, YT, SY), pp. 123–130.
IDGD-2011-RinconBCPC #community #human-computer #interactive- Human-Computer Interaction as an Instrument for Strengthening Culture and Language of a Colombian Native Community (SRR, AB, GC, FP, TRC), pp. 556–565.
AdaEurope-2011-Burns #hardware #parallel #programming language #realtime- Programming Languages for Real-Time Applications Executing on Parallel Hardware (AB), pp. 193–195.
AdaEurope-2011-Hatton #evolution #natural language #on the- On the Evolution of Unnatural Language (LH), pp. 219–225.
AdaEurope-2011-Ploedereder #manycore #programming language- Programming Languages Meet Multicore (EP), pp. 189–192.
AdaEurope-2011-Taft #implementation #manycore #parallel #programming #specification- Multicore Programming in ParaSail — Parallel Specification and Implementation Language (STT), pp. 196–200.
SIGAda-2011-Rogers #safety- Language choice for safety critical applications (JSR), pp. 81–90.
SIGAda-2011-Taft #implementation #parallel #specification- Experimenting with parasail: parallel specification and implementation language (STT), pp. 11–12.
CAiSE-2011-FriedrichMP #generative #natural language #process- Process Model Generation from Natural Language Text (FF, JM, FP), pp. 482–496.
CAiSE-2011-SonnenbergHHMB #modelling- The REA-DSL: A Domain Specific Modeling Language for Business Models (CS, CH, BH, DM, AMB), pp. 252–266.
EDOC-2011-WoutersG #execution #modelling #named- xOWL: An Executable Modeling Language for Domain Experts (LW, MPG), pp. 215–224.
ICEIS-J-2011-AliPTD11a #query- Incorporating Data Concerns into Query Languages for Data Services (MIA, RP, HLT, SD), pp. 132–145.
ICEIS-J-2011-BajwaC #modelling #natural language #specification #uml- From Natural Language Software Specifications to UML Class Models (ISB, MAC), pp. 224–237.
ICEIS-v2-2011-BajwaNCA #interface #modelling #natural language- A Controlled Natural Language Interface to Class Models (ISB, MAN, AAC, SA), pp. 102–110.
CIKM-2011-BarbosaB #crawling #modelling- Focusing on novelty: a crawling strategy to build diverse language models (LB, SB), pp. 755–764.
CIKM-2011-KarimzadehganZ #documentation #modelling #query #retrieval- Improving retrieval accuracy of difficult queries through generalizing negative document language models (MK, CZ), pp. 27–36.
CIKM-2011-KumarLB #modelling- Supervised language modeling for temporal resolution of texts (AK, ML, JB), pp. 2069–2072.
CIKM-2011-LinTC #classification #independence #sentiment #using #word- Language-independent sentiment classification using three common words (ZL, ST, XC), pp. 1041–1046.
CIKM-2011-MagdyJ #performance #using- An efficient method for using machine translation technologies in cross-language patent search (WM, GJFJ), pp. 1925–1928.
CIKM-2011-MomtaziK #retrieval- Trained trigger language model for sentence retrieval in QA: bridging the vocabulary gap (SM, DK), pp. 2005–2008.
CIKM-2011-WangYZ #approach- A language model approach to capture commercial intent and information relevance for sponsored search (LW, MY, YZ), pp. 599–604.
CIKM-2011-YiA #query #web- Discovering missing click-through query language information for web search (XY, JA), pp. 153–162.
ECIR-2011-DuanZ #concurrent #modelling #retrieval #thread- Exploiting Thread Structures to Improve Smoothing of Language Models for Forum Post Retrieval (HD, CZ), pp. 350–361.
ECIR-2011-HerbertSG #information retrieval #query- Combining Query Translation Techniques to Improve Cross-Language Information Retrieval (BH, GS, IG), pp. 712–715.
ECIR-2011-ZhouH #comprehension #learning #natural language #random- Learning Conditional Random Fields from Unaligned Data for Natural Language Understanding (DZ, YH), pp. 283–288.
ICML-2011-SocherLNM #natural language #network #parsing #recursion- Parsing Natural Scenes and Natural Language with Recursive Neural Networks (RS, CCYL, AYN, CDM), pp. 129–136.
ICML-2011-SujeethLBRCWAOO #domain-specific language #machine learning #named #parallel- OptiML: An Implicitly Parallel Domain-Specific Language for Machine Learning (AKS, HL, KJB, TR, HC, MW, ARA, MO, KO), pp. 609–616.
KDD-2011-LinSM #adaptation #modelling #online #topic #twitter- Smoothing techniques for adaptive online language models: topic tracking in tweet streams (JL, RS, WM), pp. 422–429.
KDIR-2011-CamelinDHQL #comprehension #concept- Concept Discovery for Language Understanding in an Information-query Dialogue System (NC, BD, SH, DQ, FL), pp. 24–29.
KDIR-2011-CostantiniFP #analysis #framework #natural language #representation- A Framework for Structured Knowledge Extraction and Representation from Natural Language through Deep Sentence Analysis (SC, NF, AP), pp. 282–287.
KEOD-2011-BelouaerBM- Spatial Knowledge in Planning Language (LB, MB, AIM), pp. 71–80.
KEOD-2011-Kral #recognition- Features for Named Entity Recognition in Czech Language (PK), pp. 437–441.
KEOD-2011-SchmidtKL #automation #documentation #domain-specific language- Domain Specific Language in Technical Solution Documents — Discussion of Two Approaches to Improve the Semi-automated Annotation (HXS, AK, UL), pp. 159–166.
SEKE-2011-BarrosNHT #case study #natural language #specification- The ucsCNL: A Controlled Natural Language for Use Case Specifications (FAB, LN, EH, DT), pp. 250–253.
SEKE-2011-ZengHLCHLE #embedded #named- SC-xScript: An Embedded Script Language for Scientific Computation in Embedded Systems (RZ, YH, SL, PJC, XH, GWvdL, JLE), pp. 308–314.
SIGIR-2011-GengLWWS #assessment #feature model #quality #statistics #web- Statistical feature extraction for cross-language web content quality assessment (GG, XL, LMW, WW, SS), pp. 1129–1130.
SIGIR-2011-LevelingMJ- An investigation of decompounding for cross-language patent search (JL, WM, GJFJ), pp. 1169–1170.
SIGIR-2011-TsagkiasRW #geometry #modelling- Hypergeometric language models for republished article finding (MT, MdR, WW), pp. 485–494.
SIGIR-2011-WangHND #classification #information management #matrix #using #web- Cross-language web page classification via dual knowledge transfer using nonnegative matrix tri-factorization (HW, HH, FN, CHQD), pp. 933–942.
BX-2011-Foster #bidirectional- Languages for Bidirectional Transformations (NF), p. 49.
BX-2011-Glueck #programming language- Principles of Reversible Programming Languages (RG), p. 50.
BX-2011-Gogolla #metamodelling- Direction Neutral Language Transformation with Metamodels (MG), p. 57.
BX-2011-Greenyer #bidirectional #model transformation- Unified (Bidirectional) Transformation Language (JG), p. 58.
BX-2011-Yokoyama #programming language- A reversible programming language (TY), p. 65.
ECMFA-2011-PfeifferW- Taming the Confusion of Languages (RHP, AW), pp. 312–328.
ECMFA-2011-RumpeSVW #agile #development #domain-specific language- Agile Development with Domain Specific Languages (BR, MS, SV, IW), pp. 387–388.
ECMFA-2011-Tolvanen #domain-specific language #modelling- Creating Domain-Specific Modelling Languages That Work: Hands-On (JPT), pp. 393–394.
ICMT-2011-BergmannURV #emf #graph #modelling #query- A Graph Query Language for EMF Models (GB, ZU, IR, DV), pp. 167–182.
ICMT-2011-HornE #model transformation- The GReTL Transformation Language (TH, JE), pp. 183–197.
ICMT-2011-WimmerKKRSSKPLSW #comparison #inheritance #model transformation- A Comparison of Rule Inheritance in Model-to-Model Transformation Languages (MW, GK, AK, WR, JS, WS, DSK, RFP, ML, AS, DW), pp. 31–46.
ECOOP-2011-SteimannKP #constraints #eiffel #refactoring- A Refactoring Constraint Language and Its Application to Eiffel (FS, CK, JvP), pp. 255–280.
Onward-2011-Adamczyk #on the- On the language metaphor (PA), pp. 121–128.
Onward-2011-AnslowMM #evaluation #programming language #tool support #usability- Evaluation and usability of programming languages and tools: (PLATEAU) (CA, SM, ERMH), pp. 119–120.
Onward-2011-Derk #perspective #programming language #what- What makes a programming language popular?: an essay from a historical perspective (MD), pp. 163–166.
Onward-2011-MarceauFK #error message #fault #interactive- Mind your language: on novices’ interactions with error messages (GM, KF, SK), pp. 3–18.
Onward-2011-NevesGF #stack- Language support for asynchronous event handling in the invocation call stack (CRGdN, EMG, CTF), pp. 177–180.
Onward-2011-Orchard #design #programming language- The four Rs of programming language design (DAO), pp. 157–162.
OOPSLA-2011-AcarCR #parallel #scheduling- Oracle scheduling: controlling granularity in implicitly parallel languages (UAA, AC, MR), pp. 499–518.
OOPSLA-2011-AustinDF- Virtual values for language extension (THA, TD, CF), pp. 921–938.
OOPSLA-2011-ErdwegRKO #named- SugarJ: library-based syntactic language extensibility (SE, TR, CK, KO), pp. 391–406.
OOPSLA-2011-HarrisAIM #composition #named- AC: composable asynchronous IO for native languages (TH, MA, RI, RM), pp. 903–920.
OOPSLA-2011-KatsVV #development #testing- Integrated language definition testing: enabling test-driven language development (LCLK, RV, EV), pp. 139–154.
OOPSLA-2011-LorenzR #named #programming- Cedalion: a language for language oriented programming (DHL, BR), pp. 733–752.
OOPSLA-2011-VerwaestBLN #flexibility #lightweight- Flexible object layouts: enabling lightweight language extensions by intercepting slot access (TV, CB, ML, ON), pp. 959–972.
PLATEAU-2011-BarisicAGB #case study #domain-specific language #quality- Quality in use of domain-specific languages: a case study (AB, VA, MG, BB), pp. 65–72.
PLATEAU-2011-SadowskiK #case study #evaluation #heuristic #parallel #programming language- Heuristic evaluation of programming language features: two parallel programming case studies (CS, SK), pp. 9–14.
PLATEAU-2011-StefikSSS #comparison #empirical #perl #programming language #using- An empirical comparison of the accuracy rates of novices using the quorum, perl, and randomo programming languages (AS, SS, MS, KS), pp. 3–8.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-BockischSMA #bibliography #execution- An Overview of ALIA4J — An Execution Model for Advanced-Dispatching Languages (CB, AS, MM, MA), pp. 131–146.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-SchwarzLN #dependence #injection #named- Seuss: Better Class Responsibilities through Language-Based Dependency Injection (NS, ML, ON), pp. 276–289.
GPCE-J-2005-SiekL11 #in the large #programming- A language for generic programming in the large (JGS, AL), pp. 423–465.
GPCE-2011-ErdwegKRKOV #editing #library- Growing a language environment with editor libraries (SE, LCLK, TR, CK, KO, EV), pp. 167–176.
GPCE-2011-LindemanKV #domain-specific language- Declaratively defining domain-specific language debuggers (RTL, LCLK, EV), pp. 127–136.
LOPSTR-2011-Almendros-JimenezCGS #declarative #functional #xquery- A Declarative Embedding of XQuery in a Functional-Logic Language (JMAJ, RC, YGR, FSP), pp. 42–56.
LOPSTR-2011-FernandezKN #graph grammar- A Strategy Language for Graph Rewriting (MF, HK, ON), pp. 173–188.
LOPSTR-2011-Gallagher #analysis #logic programming #source code #using- Analysis of Logic Programs Using Regular Tree Languages — (Extended Abstract) (JPG), pp. 1–3.
LOPSTR-2011-Henglein #domain-specific language #implementation #symbolic computation- Dynamic Symbolic Computation for Domain-Specific Language Implementation (FH), pp. 4–24.
LOPSTR-2011-MoralesHH #composition #logic- Modular Extensions for Modular (Logic) Languages (JFM, MVH, RH), pp. 139–154.
PPDP-2011-SauthoffJG #declarative #programming- Bellman’s GAP: a declarative language for dynamic programming (GS, SJ, RG), pp. 29–40.
PADL-2011-CaballeroGS #functional #xpath- Integrating XPath with the Functional-Logic Language Toy (RC, YGR, FSP), pp. 145–159.
PADL-2011-HolkBWHCL #communication #declarative #named- Kanor — A Declarative Language for Explicit Communication (EH, WEB, JW, TH, AC, AL), pp. 190–204.
PADL-2011-Kaivola #execution #framework #functional #validation- Intel CoreTM i7 Processor Execution Engine Validation in a Functional Language Based Formal Framework (RK), p. 1.
PADL-2011-Mooney #learning- Learning Language from Its Perceptual Context (RJM), pp. 2–4.
POPL-2011-BocchinoHHAAWS #nondeterminism #parallel- Safe nondeterminism in a deterministic-by-default parallel language (RLBJ, SH, NH, SVA, VSA, AW, TS), pp. 535–548.
POPL-2011-GordonHHJS #concurrent #verification- Robin Milner 1934--2010: verification, languages, and concurrency (ADG, RH, JH, AJ, PS), pp. 473–474.
POPL-2011-MacLaurin #design #programming language #visual notation- The design of kodu: a tiny visual programming language for children on the Xbox 360 (MM), pp. 241–246.
RE-2011-DietschAWP #ambiguity #formal method #industrial #standard #visual notation- Disambiguation of industrial standards through formalization and graphical languages (DD, SFA, BW, AP), pp. 265–270.
SAC-2011-AcherCLF #domain-specific language #feature model #modelling- A domain-specific language for managing feature models (MA, PC, PL, RBF), pp. 1333–1340.
SAC-2011-CoupeyF #adaptation #component #framework #functional- A formal framework for a functional language with adaptable components (PC, CF), pp. 1297–1298.
SAC-2011-DinkelakerEM #embedded #incremental #syntax- Incremental concrete syntax for embedded languages (TD, ME, MM), pp. 1309–1316.
SAC-2011-HauptPH #approach #programming language #type system- Type harvesting: a practical approach to obtaining typing information in dynamic programming languages (MH, MP, RH), pp. 1282–1289.
SAC-2011-Norta #collaboration- A choreography language for eBusiness collaboration (AN), pp. 468–469.
SAC-2011-ShiC #authoring #data access #interface #natural language #policy- A controlled natural language interface for authoring access control policies (LLS, DWC), pp. 1524–1530.
ESEC-FSE-2011-GligoricBJ #mutation testing #named #testing- SMutant: a tool for type-sensitive mutation testing in a dynamic language (MG, SB, RJ), pp. 424–427.
GTTSE-2011-Blasband #compilation #legacy- Compilation of Legacy Languages in the 21st Century (DB), pp. 1–54.
GTTSE-2011-HeidenreichJKSW #modelling- Model-Based Language Engineering with EMFText (FH, JJ, SK, MS, CW), pp. 322–345.
GTTSE-2011-Voelter #composition #ide- Language and IDE Modularization and Composition with MPS (MV), pp. 383–430.
ICSE-2011-AldrichGHMNSSSTW #programming language- Permission-based programming languages (JA, RG, MH, MM, KN, DS, SS, JS, ÉT, RW), pp. 828–831.
ICSE-2011-AraujoBL #concurrent #contract #java #modelling #runtime- Enabling the runtime assertion checking of concurrent contracts for the Java modeling language (WA, LCB, YL), pp. 786–795.
ICSE-2011-BhattacharyaN #c #c++ #case study #development #maintenance #programming language- Assessing programming language impact on development and maintenance: a study on c and c++ (PB, IN), pp. 171–180.
ICSE-2011-BosS #domain-specific language #forensics- Bringing domain-specific languages to digital forensics (JvdB, TvdS), pp. 671–680.
LDTA-2011-JohnstoneSB #named- LDT: a language definition technique (AJ, ES, MvdB), p. 9.
SLE-2011-Czarnecki #design #modelling #variability- Designing Variability Modeling Languages (KC), p. 222.
SLE-2011-ErwigW #design #exclamation #process #semantics- Semantics First! — Rethinking the Language Design Process (ME, EW), pp. 243–262.
SLE-2011-KaminskiW #attribute grammar #functional #programming language- Integrating Attribute Grammar and Functional Programming Language Features (TK, EVW), pp. 263–282.
SLE-2011-SeibelHNG #black box #composition #execution #model transformation- A Dedicated Language for Context Composition and Execution of True Black-Box Model Transformations (AS, RH, SN, HG), pp. 19–39.
SLE-2011-StappersWRAN #case study #domain-specific language #formal method #industrial #using- Formalizing a Domain Specific Language Using SOS: An Industrial Case Study (FPMS, SW, MAR, SA, IN), pp. 223–242.
SLE-2011-TombelleVR #approach #modelling #reuse- Reusing Pattern Solutions in Modeling: A Generic Approach Based on a Role Language (CT, GV, ER), pp. 139–159.
SLE-2011-Wojciechowski #communication #concurrent #scripting language- Typed First-Class Communication Channels and Mobility for Concurrent Scripting Languages (PTW), pp. 378–387.
SPLC-2011-TolvanenK #domain-specific language #modelling #product line- Creating Domain-Specific Modeling Languages for Product Lines (JPT, SK), p. 358.
SPLC-2011-VolterV #domain-specific language #product line #using- Product Line Engineering Using Domain-Specific Languages (MV, EV), pp. 70–79.
ASPLOS-2011-EsmaeilzadehCXBM #hardware #performance #roadmap #scalability- Looking back on the language and hardware revolutions: measured power, performance, and scaling (HE, TC, XY, SMB, KSM), pp. 319–332.
ASPLOS-2011-HoangFJ #compilation- Exploring circuit timing-aware language and compilation (GH, RBF, RJ), pp. 345–356.
ASPLOS-2011-SchupbachBRP #approach #declarative- A declarative language approach to device configuration (AS, AB, TR, SP), pp. 119–132.
CC-2011-Axelsen #imperative #programming language- Clean Translation of an Imperative Reversible Programming Language (HBA), pp. 144–163.
CGO-2011-Altman #tool support- The language, optimizer, and tools mess (ERA).
CGO-2011-AnselWCOEA #algorithm #compilation- Language and compiler support for auto-tuning variable-accuracy algorithms (JA, YLW, CPC, MO, AE, SPA), pp. 85–96.
CGO-2011-NewburnSLMGTWDCWGLZ #array #compilation #embedded- Intel’s Array Building Blocks: A retargetable, dynamic compiler and embedded language (CJN, BS, ZL, MDM, AMG, SDT, ZGW, ZD, YC, GW, PG, ZL, DZ), pp. 224–235.
LCTES-2011-AlbertAGZ #analysis #parallel- Task-level analysis for a language with async/finish parallelism (EA, PA, SG, DZ), pp. 21–30.
LCTES-2011-BenvenisteBCP #compilation #hybrid- Divide and recycle: types and compilation for a hybrid synchronous language (AB, TB, BC, MP), pp. 61–70.
PPoPP-2011-CatanzaroGK #compilation #embedded #named #parallel- Copperhead: compiling an embedded data parallel language (BCC, MG, KK), pp. 47–56.
CADE-2011-Ranta #logic #what- Translating between Language and Logic: What Is Easy and What Is Difficult (AR), pp. 5–25.
CADE-2011-SchneiderS #automation #first-order #ontology #owl #proving #reasoning #theorem proving #using- Reasoning in the OWL 2 Full Ontology Language Using First-Order Automated Theorem Proving (MS, GS), pp. 461–475.
CAV-2011-KieferMOWW #automaton #equivalence #probability- Language Equivalence for Probabilistic Automata (SK, ASM, JO, BW, JW), pp. 526–540.
ICLP-2011-CasolaryL #programming #representation #set- Representing the Language of the Causal Calculator in Answer Set Programming (MC, JL), pp. 51–61.
ICLP-2011-Wilson #axiom #implementation- Implementation of Axiomatic Language (WWW), pp. 290–295.
ICLP-2011-ZomboriCS #functional #prolog #static typing #type checking- Static Type Checking for the Q Functional Language in Prolog (ZZ, JC, PS), pp. 62–72.
ICLP-J-2011-Haemmerle #concurrent #constraints #linear #logic- Observational equivalences for linear logic concurrent constraint languages (RH), pp. 469–485.
ICST-2011-AtkinsonBHS #framework #testing #towards- Towards a Language and Framework for Penurious Testing (CA, FB, OH, MS), pp. 31–39.
ICTSS-2011-EnderlinDGO #contract #named #php #specification #testing- Praspel: A Specification Language for Contract-Based Testing in PHP (IE, FD, AG, ABO), pp. 64–79.
LICS-2011-CarayolHS- Qualitative Tree Languages (AC, AH, OS), pp. 13–22.
LICS-2011-KufleitnerL #infinity #word- Languages of Dot-Depth One over Infinite Words (MK, AL), pp. 23–32.
RTA-2011-FalkeKS #analysis #c #compilation #source code #termination #using- Termination Analysis of C Programs Using Compiler Intermediate Languages (SF, DK, CS), pp. 41–50.
ECSA-2010-RuscioMMPP #architecture #framework #named- ByADL: An MDE Framework for Building Extensible Architecture Description Languages (DDR, IM, HM, PP, AP), pp. 527–531.
ASE-2010-AliHGH #specification #tool support #visual notation- End-user oriented critic specification for domain-specific visual language tools (NMA, JGH, JCG, JH), pp. 297–300.
ASE-2010-YangWRN #automation #coordination #detection #natural language #requirements- Automatic detection of nocuous coordination ambiguities in natural language requirements (HY, AW, ANDR, BN), pp. 53–62.
CASE-2010-LeeFBSSFS #behaviour #evaluation #framework #modelling- Product modeling framework and language for behavior evaluation (JHL, SJF, CB, HWS, RS, XF, RDS), pp. 136–143.
DAC-2010-GajskiAS #question #synthesis #what- What input-language is the best choice for high level synthesis (HLS)? (DG, TMA, SS), pp. 857–858.
DRR-2010-ChenMT #automation #performance #using #validation #word- Efficient automatic OCR word validation using word partial format derivation and language model (SC, DM, GRT), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2010-HuangDC #modelling #recognition #word- A word language model based contextual language processing on Chinese character recognition (CH, XD, YC), pp. 1–10.
HT-2010-GippB #approach #detection #identification #independence- Citation based plagiarism detection: a new approach to identify plagiarized work language independently (BG, JB), pp. 273–274.
HT-2010-LiuFZ #recommendation #social- Speak the same language with your friends: augmenting tag recommenders with social relations (KL, BF, WZ), pp. 45–50.
PODS-2010-BarceloHLW #query- Expressive languages for path queries over graph-structured data (PB, CAH, LL, PTW), pp. 3–14.
PODS-2010-DeutchKM #fixpoint #markov #on the #probability #query- On probabilistic fixpoint and Markov chain query languages (DD, CK, TM), pp. 215–226.
PODS-2010-GeladeIMN #approximate #xml- Simplifying XML schema: single-type approximations of regular tree languages (WG, TI, WM, FN), pp. 251–260.
SIGMOD-2010-ArmbrustTFFPLTT #named #performance #query- PIQL: a performance insightful query language (MA, ST, AF, MJF, DAP, NL, BT, JT), pp. 1207–1210.
SIGMOD-2010-CampbellKE #sql- Extreme scale with full SQL language support in microsoft SQL Azure (DGC, GK, NE), pp. 1021–1024.
SIGMOD-2010-PoundIW #flexibility #keyword #query- Expressive and flexible access to web-extracted data: a keyword-based structured query language (JP, IFI, GEW), pp. 423–434.
VLDB-2010-MozafariZZ #execution #query #regular expression #relational #sequence #word #xml- From Regular Expressions to Nested Words: Unifying Languages and Query Execution for Relational and XML Sequences (BM, KZ, CZ), pp. 150–161.
ITiCSE-2010-MarcosFM #modelling- Modeling with Plato: the unified modeling language in a cultural context (LdM, FF, JJM), pp. 249–253.
ESOP-2010-BaillotGM #functional #linear #logic- A PolyTime Functional Language from Light Linear Logic (PB, MG, VM), pp. 104–124.
ESOP-2010-SouleHGGAKW #calculus- A Universal Calculus for Stream Processing Languages (RS, MH, RG, BG, HA, VK, KLW), pp. 507–528.
FASE-2010-EsmaeilsabzaliD #modelling #semantics- Prescriptive Semantics for Big-Step Modelling Languages (SE, NAD), pp. 158–172.
TACAS-2010-LeinoR #design #encoding #logic #polymorphism #verification- A Polymorphic Intermediate Verification Language: Design and Logical Encoding (KRML, PR), pp. 312–327.
WRLA-2010-RiveraDV #behaviour #domain-specific language #on the #realtime #semantics #visual notation- On the Behavioral Semantics of Real-Time Domain Specific Visual Languages (JER, FD, AV), pp. 174–190.
WRLA-2010-SerbanutaR #named #programming language #semantics- K-Maude: A Rewriting Based Tool for Semantics of Programming Languages (TFS, GR), pp. 104–122.
ICPC-2010-AbebeT #concept #natural language #parsing- Natural Language Parsing of Program Element Names for Concept Extraction (SLA, PT), pp. 156–159.
ICPC-2010-LammelP #comprehension #domain-specific language- Vivisection of a Non-Executable, Domain-Specific Language — Understanding (the Usage of) the P3P Language (RL, EP), pp. 104–113.
ICSM-2010-HasanSBA #process- Analyzing natural-language artifacts of the software process (MH, ES, DB, MHA), pp. 1–5.
SCAM-2010-BrixtelFLBR #clone detection #detection #independence- Language-Independent Clone Detection Applied to Plagiarism Detection (RB, MF, BL, CB, RR), pp. 77–86.
SCAM-2010-KatsV #aspect-oriented #case study #encapsulation #framework #logic #programming #using- Encapsulating Software Platform Logic by Aspect-Oriented Programming: A Case Study in Using Aspects for Language Portability (LCLK, EV), pp. 147–156.
WCRE-2010-Boughanmi #analysis #multi- Multi-Language and Heterogeneously-licensed Software Analysis (FB), pp. 293–296.
PEPM-2010-Siek #metalanguage- General purpose languages should be metalanguages (JGS), pp. 3–4.
PLDI-2010-LeeWHGM #debugging #detection #interface #named- Jinn: synthesizing dynamic bug detectors for foreign language interfaces (BL, BW, MH, RG, KSM), pp. 36–49.
PLDI-2010-MarinoSMMN #concurrent #memory management #named #performance #programming language- DRFX: a simple and efficient memory model for concurrent programming languages (DM, AS, TDM, MM, SN), pp. 351–362.
PLDI-2010-TateCH #assembly #object-oriented- Inferable object-oriented typed assembly language (RT, JC, CH), pp. 424–435.
PLDI-2010-XiW- A context-free markup language for semi-structured text (QX, DW), pp. 221–232.
FLOPS-2010-RemyY- A Church-Style Intermediate Language for MLF (DR, BY), pp. 24–39.
AFL-J-2008-AfoninK10 #on the #regular expression- On the Structure of Finitely Generated Semigroups of Unary Regular Languages (SA, EK), pp. 689–704.
AFL-J-2008-KlimaP10a- Literally Idempotent Languages and their Varieties — Two Letter Case (OK, LP), pp. 761–780.
DLT-J-2008-Ada10 #communication #complexity #nondeterminism #on the #regular expression- On the Non-Deterministic Communication Complexity of Regular Languages (AA), pp. 479–493.
DLT-J-2008-BassinoGN10 #complexity #finite- The Average State Complexity of Rational Operations on Finite Languages (FB, LG, CN), pp. 495–516.
DLT-J-2008-GawrychowskiKRS10 #context-free grammar #polynomial- Finding the Growth Rate of a Regular or Context-Free Language in Polynomial Time (PG, DK, NR, JS), pp. 597–618.
DLT-J-2008-KlimaP10- Hierarchies of Piecewise Testable Languages (OK, LP), pp. 517–533.
CIAA-2010-ChamparnaudDJ #geometry- Regular Geometrical Languages and Tiling the Plane (JMC, JPD, HJ), pp. 69–78.
CIAA-2010-DiekertK #complexity #regular expression- Complexity Results and the Growths of Hairpin Completions of Regular Languages (Extended Abstract) (VD, SK), pp. 105–114.
CIAA-2010-Johnson #natural language #using- Uniformizing Rational Relations for Natural Language Applications Using Weighted Determinization (JHJ), pp. 173–180.
DLT-2010-Giammarresi #2d- A Brief Excursion Inside the Class of Tiling Recognizable Two-Dimensional Languages (DG), pp. 4–15.
DLT-2010-JiraskovaM #complexity #regular expression- Complexity in Union-Free Regular Languages (GJ, TM), pp. 255–266.
DLT-2010-LehtinenO #equation #on the- On Language Equations XXK = XXL and XM = N over a Unary Alphabet (TL, AO), pp. 291–302.
DLT-2010-MarinK #revisited- Regular Hedge Language Factorization Revisited (MM, TK), pp. 328–339.
DLT-2010-PribavkinaR #complexity #regular expression- State Complexity of Prefix, Suffix, Bifix and Infix Operators on Regular Languages (EVP, ER), pp. 376–386.
DLT-2010-Rigo #formal method- Numeration Systems: A Link between Number Theory and Formal Language Theory (MR), pp. 33–53.
ICALP-v2-2010-HabermehlMW #petri net- The Downward-Closure of Petri Net Languages (PH, RM, HW), pp. 466–477.
LATA-2010-Brzozowski #complexity- Complexity in Convex Languages (JAB), pp. 1–15.
LATA-2010-ChamparnaudDJ #geometry #regular expression- Geometricity of Binary Regular Languages (JMC, JPD, HJ), pp. 178–189.
LATA-2010-Clark #modelling- Three Learnable Models for the Description of Language (AC), pp. 16–31.
LATA-2010-HemmerlingSK #difference #equation #network #process #programming language #specification- A Programming Language Tailored to the Specification and Solution of Differential Equations Describing Processes on Networks (RH, KS, WK), pp. 297–308.
LATA-2010-Leupold #context-free grammar #word- Primitive Words Are Unavoidable for Context-Free Languages (PL), pp. 403–413.
LATA-2010-NagyO- CD-Systems of Stateless Deterministic R(1)-Automata Accept All Rational Trace Languages (BN, FO), pp. 463–474.
LATA-2010-VelardoD #comparison #order #petri net- Language-Based Comparison of Petri Nets with Black Tokens, Pure Names and Ordered Data (FRV, GD), pp. 524–535.
LATA-2010-YoshinakaKS #context-free grammar #multi- Chomsky-Schützenberger-Type Characterization of Multiple Context-Free Languages (RY, YK, HS), pp. 596–607.
IFM-2010-DiosMP #pointer- Certified Absence of Dangling Pointers in a Language with Explicit Deallocation (JdD, MM, RP), pp. 305–319.
ICFP-2010-BradyH #domain-specific language #implementation #partial evaluation #using- Scrapping your inefficient engine: using partial evaluation to improve domain-specific language implementation (EB, KH), pp. 297–308.
ICFP-2010-CrestaniS #case study #experience #programming language #student- Experience report: growing programming languages for beginning students (MC, MS), pp. 229–234.
ICFP-2010-Gordon #metalanguage #ml #named #question- ML: metalanguage or object language? (MJCG), pp. 1–2.
ICFP-2010-McCreightCT #compilation #framework #garbage collection- A certified framework for compiling and executing garbage-collected languages (AM, TC, APT), pp. 273–284.
ICFP-2010-StampoulisS #logic #named- VeriML: typed computation of logical terms inside a language with effects (AS, ZS), pp. 333–344.
ICFP-2010-Tobin-HochstadtF #logic- Logical types for untyped languages (STH, MF), pp. 117–128.
IFL-2010-AxelssonCSSEP #design #embedded #implementation- The Design and Implementation of Feldspar — An Embedded Language for Digital Signal Processing (EA, KC, MS, JS, DE, AP), pp. 121–136.
IFL-2010-BoeijinkHK #functional #lazy evaluation- Introducing the PilGRIM: A Processor for Executing Lazy Functional Languages (AB, PKFH, JK), pp. 54–71.
GT-VMT-2010-BlumeBK #graph #invariant- Recognizable Graph Languages for Checking Invariants (CB, HJSB, BK).
GT-VMT-2010-SyrianiV #model transformation- De-/Re-constructing Model Transformation Languages (ES, HV).
ICGT-2010-Blume #graph #verification- Recognizable Graph Languages for the Verification of Dynamic Systems (CB), pp. 384–387.
CHI-2010-CavenderOBL #collaboration #online- Asl-stem forum: enabling sign language to grow through online collaboration (AC, DSO, JPB, REL), pp. 2075–2078.
CHI-2010-MaFC #named- SoundNet: investigating a language composed of environmental sounds (XM, CF, PRC), pp. 1945–1954.
CHI-2010-Rantanen- Indexicality of language and the art of creating treasures (MR), pp. 301–304.
CHI-2010-TarkanSDGBWA #design #named #programming language- Toque: designing a cooking-based programming language for and with children (ST, VS, AD, EG, EMB, GW, ZA), pp. 2417–2426.
CSCW-2010-ScholandTP #analysis #network #social- Social language network analysis (AJS, YRT, JWP), pp. 23–26.
SOFTVIS-2010-RobertsonCL #memory management #named #visualisation- AllocRay: memory allocation visualization for unmanaged languages (GGR, TMC, BL), pp. 43–52.
EDOC-2010-BajwaBL #constraints #generative #natural language #ocl #specification- OCL Constraints Generation from Natural Language Specification (ISB, BB, MGL), pp. 204–213.
EDOC-2010-Gronmo #aspect-oriented #graph transformation #question- Can Graph Transformation Make Aspect Languages for BPEL Redundant? (RG), pp. 153–162.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-FariaGSMM #automation #natural language #ontology #using- Using Natural Language Processing for Automatic Extraction of Ontology Instances (CGdF, RG, IS, MM, DM), pp. 278–283.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-MajdoubiTG #modelling #representation #semantics- Thesaurus based Semantic Representation in Language Modeling for Medical Article Indexing (JM, MT, FG), pp. 65–74.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-BarczynskiFBS #adaptation #concept #information management #modelling #named #using- AdaptIE — Using Domain Language Concept to Enable Domain Experts in Modeling of Information Extraction Plans (WMB, FF, FB, DS), pp. 249–256.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-BaraoS #bibliography #perspective- The SNARE Language Overview (AB, ARdS), pp. 344–349.
ICEIS-J-2010-BorovskiyKZ10a #api #data access #enterprise #query- Business Object Query Language as Data Access API in ERP Systems (VB, WK, AZ), pp. 135–148.
CIKM-2010-ChubakR #natural language- Index structures for efficiently searching natural language text (PC, DR), pp. 689–698.
CIKM-2010-KerneQWDLM #metadata #named #representation #semantics- Meta-metadata: a metadata semantics language for collection representation applications (AK, YQ, AMW, SD, NL, AM), pp. 1129–1138.
CIKM-2010-KobdaniSBKH #natural language #re-engineering #relational- Relational feature engineering of natural language processing (HK, HS, AB, WK, GH), pp. 1705–1708.
CIKM-2010-LiuWMKC #information retrieval #natural language- Weighting common syntactic structures for natural language based information retrieval (CL, HW, SIM, EK, DC), pp. 1485–1488.
CIKM-2010-YangZ #analysis #multi- Language pyramid and multi-scale text analysis (SHY, HZ), pp. 639–648.
ECIR-2010-AlyDHS #concept #modelling #retrieval #using- Beyond Shot Retrieval: Searching for Broadcast News Items Using Language Models of Concepts (RA, ARD, DH, AFS), pp. 241–252.
ECIR-2010-AnderkaSP #bound #similarity #why- Cross-Language High Similarity Search: Why No Sub-linear Time Bound Can Be Expected (MA, BS, MP), pp. 640–644.
ECIR-2010-BerberichBAW #approach #modelling- A Language Modeling Approach for Temporal Information Needs (KB, SJB, OA, GW), pp. 13–25.
ECIR-2010-GottronL #comparison #identification- A Comparison of Language Identification Approaches on Short, Query-Style Texts (TG, NL), pp. 611–614.
ECIR-2010-KapteinHK #how #modelling #question- How Different Are Language Models andWord Clouds? (RK, DH, JK), pp. 556–568.
ECIR-2010-Lapata #image #information retrieval #multi #natural language- Image and Natural Language Processing for Multimedia Information Retrieval (ML), p. 12.
ECIR-2010-Shi #information retrieval #mining #web- Mining OOV Translations from Mixed-Language Web Pages for Cross Language Information Retrieval (LS), pp. 471–482.
ECIR-2010-SteinPT #web- Retrieving Customary Web Language to Assist Writers (BS, MP, MT), pp. 631–635.
ECIR-2010-TuHCLZ #approach #information retrieval #modelling #semantics- Wikipedia-Based Semantic Smoothing for the Language Modeling Approach to Information Retrieval (XT, TH, LC, JL, MZ), pp. 370–381.
ICML-2010-GerrishB #approach- A Language-based Approach to Measuring Scholarly Impact (SG, DMB), pp. 375–382.
ICPR-2010-AkceB #probability- A Probabilistic Language Model for Hand Drawings (AA, TB), pp. 109–112.
ICPR-2010-ChakrabortyG #recognition #speech- Role of Synthetically Generated Samples on Speech Recognition in a Resource-Scarce Language (RC, UG), pp. 1618–1621.
ICPR-2010-HuangT #recognition- A Vision-Based Taiwanese Sign Language Recognition (CLH, BLT), pp. 3683–3686.
ICPR-2010-LutfYL #identification #using- Offline Arabic Handwriting Identification Using Language Diacritics (ML, XY, HL), pp. 1912–1915.
ICPR-2010-MehtaSJBJ- Recognizing Sign Language from Brain Imaging (NAM, TS, MMJ, KOB, GAJ), pp. 3842–3845.
ICPR-2010-YangL10a #random #recognition #robust- Robust Sign Language Recognition with Hierarchical Conditional Random Fields (HDY, SWL), pp. 2202–2205.
ICPR-2010-ZafrullaBYPSH #education #game studies #verification- American Sign Language Phrase Verification in an Educational Game for Deaf Children (ZZ, HB, PY, PP, TS, HH), pp. 3846–3849.
ICPR-2010-ZhangSQ10a #automation #keyword- Automatic Pronunciation Transliteration for Chinese-English Mixed Language Keyword Spotting (SZ, ZS, YQ), pp. 1610–1613.
KEOD-2010-CasasCC #fibonacci #modelling #representation #specification #towards #using- Towards a Representation of Enviromental Models using Specification and Description Language — From the Fibonacci Model to a Wildfire Model (PFiC, MC, JC), pp. 343–346.
KEOD-2010-Ruiz-MartinezVMH #natural language #ontology- Populating Biomedical Ontologies from Natural Language Texts (JMRM, RVG, RMB, AGH), pp. 27–36.
KMIS-2010-ZyglarskiB #keyword #markov #natural language #network- Keywords Extraction — Selecting Keywords in Natural Language Texts with Markov Chains and Neural Networks (BZ, PB), pp. 315–321.
KR-2010-BienvenuLW #logic- From Preference Logics to Preference Languages, and Back (MB, JL, NW).
SEKE-2010-KhwajaU #execution #implementation #realtime #specification- Intertwining Implementation with the RealSpec Executable Real-Time Specification Language (AAK, JEU), pp. 649–652.
SEKE-2010-SubburajU #design #specification- Intelligent Software Agent Design Issues with Extensions to the Descartes Specification Language (VHS, JEU), pp. 668–671.
SEKE-2010-WangPACC #analysis #automation #process- An Automatic Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Technique for Processes Defined in the Little-JIL Process Definition Language (DW, JP, GSA, LAC, BC), pp. 765–770.
SIGIR-2010-AwadallahRW #classification- Language-model-based pro/con classification of political text (RA, MR, GW), pp. 747–748.
SIGIR-2010-Barron-Cedeno #detection #on the #reuse- On the mono- and cross-language detection of text reuse and plagiarism (ABC), p. 914.
SIGIR-2010-MomtaziK #information retrieval- Hierarchical pitman-yor language model for information retrieval (SM, DK), pp. 793–794.
SIGIR-2010-RothK #modelling #retrieval #using- Cross-language retrieval using link-based language models (BR, DK), pp. 773–774.
SIGIR-2010-WangLG #information retrieval #multi #web- Multi-style language model for web scale information retrieval (KW, XL, JG), pp. 467–474.
ECMFA-2010-Vallecillo #modelling #on the- On the Combination of Domain Specific Modeling Languages (AV), pp. 305–320.
ECMFA-2010-WalterPSE #domain model- Joint Language and Domain Engineering (TW, FSP, SS, JE), pp. 321–336.
MoDELS-v1-2010-GuerraLKPS #model transformation #named #product line- transML: A Family of Languages to Model Model Transformations (EG, JdL, DSK, RFP, OMdS), pp. 106–120.
MoDELS-v1-2010-MaderC #modelling #traceability #visual notation- A Visual Traceability Modeling Language (PM, JCH), pp. 226–240.
MoDELS-v2-2010-EsmaeilsabzaliDA #framework #modelling #requirements- A Common Framework for Synchronization in Requirements Modelling Languages (SE, NAD, JMA), pp. 198–212.
MoDELS-v2-2010-Voelter #development #embedded #projectional- Embedded Software Development with Projectional Language Workbenches (MV), pp. 32–46.
ECOOP-2010-HeideggerT #scripting language- Recency Types for Analyzing Scripting Languages (PH, PT), pp. 200–224.
ECOOP-2010-RenggliGN #tool support- Embedding Languages without Breaking Tools (LR, TG, ON), pp. 380–404.
OOPSLA-2010-AuerbachBCR #architecture #named- Lime: a Java-compatible and synthesizable language for heterogeneous architectures (JSA, DFB, PC, RMR), pp. 89–108.
OOPSLA-2010-ChafiDMRSHOO #parallel- Language virtualization for heterogeneous parallel computing (HC, ZD, AM, TR, AKS, PH, MO, KO), pp. 835–847.
OOPSLA-2010-DavisK #abstraction- Registration-based language abstractions (SD, GK), pp. 754–773.
OOPSLA-2010-KatsV #declarative #ide #specification #spoofax- The spoofax language workbench: rules for declarative specification of languages and IDEs (LCLK, EV), pp. 444–463.
OOPSLA-2010-ReichenbachISAG #garbage collection #what- What can the GC compute efficiently?: a language for heap assertions at GC time (CR, NI, YS, EA, SZG), pp. 256–269.
OOPSLA-2010-ServettoZ #composition #java #named- MetaFJig: a meta-circular composition language for Java-like classes (MS, EZ), pp. 464–483.
OOPSLA-2010-WegielK #type safety- Cross-language, type-safe, and transparent object sharing for co-located managed runtimes (MW, CK), pp. 223–240.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-ArnaudDDPBS #execution- Read-Only Execution for Dynamic Languages (JBA, MD, SD, DP, AB, MS), pp. 117–136.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-Xu #domain-specific language #embedded #generative #named- EriLex: An Embedded Domain Specific Language Generator (HX), pp. 192–212.
GPCE-J-2007-FrisbyKWA10 #algebra #combinator- Constructing language processors with algebra combinators (NF, GK, PW, PA), pp. 543–572.
GPCE-2010-AtkinsonFL- ABI compatibility through a customizable language (KA, MF, GL), pp. 147–156.
GPCE-2010-Erwig #research #variability- A language for software variation research (ME), pp. 3–12.
GPCE-2010-HoferO #component #composition #domain-specific language #scala- Modular domain-specific language components in scala (CH, KO), pp. 83–92.
GPCE-2010-Lammel- The hitchhiker’s guide to software languages (RL), pp. 1–2.
GPCE-2010-PorkolabS #domain-specific language #generative #integration #library #parsing- Domain-specific language integration with compile-time parser generator library (ZP, ÁS), pp. 137–146.
LOPSTR-2010-AlbertGRP #composition #generative #imperative #testing- Compositional CLP-Based Test Data Generation for Imperative Languages (EA, MGZ, JMR, GP), pp. 99–116.
PADL-2010-Costa #implementation #on the- On the Implementation of the CLP(BN) Language (VSC), pp. 234–248.
PADL-2010-GrumbachW #distributed #programming #rule-based- Netlog, a Rule-Based Language for Distributed Programming (SG, FW), pp. 88–103.
PADL-2010-WangG #approach #domain-specific language #implementation #protocol #stack- A Domain-Specific Language Approach to Protocol Stack Implementation (YW, VG), pp. 183–185.
POPL-2010-Chlipala #compilation #functional- A verified compiler for an impure functional language (AC), pp. 93–106.
POPL-2010-WrigstadNLOV #scripting language- Integrating typed and untyped code in a scripting language (TW, FZN, SL, JÖ, JV), pp. 377–388.
RE-2010-JuretaBEM #consistency #generative #modelling #named #nondeterminism #requirements #towards- Techne: Towards a New Generation of Requirements Modeling Languages with Goals, Preferences, and Inconsistency Handling (IJ, AB, NAE, JM), pp. 115–124.
RE-2010-SinhaPTN #analysis #automation #case study #natural language- Extending Automated Analysis of Natural Language Use Cases to Other Languages (AS, AMP, HT, TN), pp. 364–369.
RE-2010-YangRGWN #ambiguity #analysis #natural language #requirements- Extending Nocuous Ambiguity Analysis for Anaphora in Natural Language Requirements (HY, ANDR, VG, AW, BN), pp. 25–34.
REFSQ-2010-BruijnD #ambiguity #case study #natural language #requirements- Ambiguity in Natural Language Software Requirements: A Case Study (FdB, HLD), pp. 233–247.
SAC-2010-BucchiaroneGFT #experience #natural language #requirements #scalability #set #using- An experience in using a tool for evaluating a large set of natural language requirements (AB, SG, AF, GT), pp. 281–286.
SAC-2010-FahndrichBL #contract #embedded- Embedded contract languages (MF, MB, FL), pp. 2103–2110.
SAC-2010-ForgetBLP #architecture #design #embedded #multi #realtime- A real-time architecture design language for multi-rate embedded control systems (JF, FB, DL, CP), pp. 527–534.
SAC-2010-KrajcaV #functional #memory management #parallel #transaction- Software transactional memory for implicitly parallel functional language (PK, VV), pp. 2123–2130.
SAC-2010-LiuCXMBG #architecture #domain-specific language #question- Can domain-specific languages be implemented by service-oriented architecture? (SHL, AC, XX, MM, BRB, JG), pp. 2491–2492.
SAC-2010-MatteucciPS #named #natural language- CNL4DSA: a controlled natural language for data sharing agreements (IM, MP, MLS), pp. 616–620.
SAC-2010-MissenBC #detection #using- Using passage-based language model for opinion detection in blogs (MMSM, MB, GC), pp. 1821–1822.
SAC-2010-ReisS #constant #programming language- General constant expressions for system programming languages (GDR, BS), pp. 2131–2136.
SAC-2010-RytzO #design #object-oriented #polymorphism #scala- Named and default arguments for polymorphic object-oriented languages: a discussion on the design implemented in the Scala language (LR, MO), pp. 2090–2095.
FSE-2010-WuLWXLLGGZZ #data flow- Language-based replay via data flow cut (MW, FL, XW, ZX, HL, XL, ZG, HG, LZ, ZZ), pp. 197–206.
ICSE-2010-AschauerDP #evolution #industrial #interactive #modelling- A modeling language’s evolution driven by tight interaction between academia and industry (TA, GD, WP), pp. 49–58.
ICSE-2010-Badreddin #named #programming language- Umple: a model-oriented programming language (OBB), pp. 337–338.
ICSE-2010-Malavolta #architecture #generative- Providing support for creating next generation software architecture languages (IM), pp. 517–518.
ICSE-2010-WurschGRG #developer #natural language #query- Supporting developers with natural language queries (MW, GG, GR, HG), pp. 165–174.
ICSE-2010-ZhongTXZW #api #migration #mining- Mining API mapping for language migration (HZ, ST, TX, LZ, QW), pp. 195–204.
LDTA-2009-AndersenB10 #algebra- Syntactic Language Extension via an Algebra of Languages and Transformations (JA, CB), pp. 19–35.
LDTA-2009-ClarkT10 #formal method- Formalizing Homogeneous Language Embeddings (TC, LT), pp. 75–88.
LDTA-2009-EngelenB10 #modelling #visual notation- Integrating Textual and Graphical Modelling Languages (LE, MvdB), pp. 105–120.
LDTA-2009-KatsKV10 #composition #domain-specific language #editing #plugin- Domain-Specific Languages for Composable Editor Plugins (LCLK, KTK, EV), pp. 149–163.
LDTA-2010-Bagge #implementation- Language description for front end implementation (AHB), p. 9.
LDTA-2010-BrandMSH #case study #domain-specific language #experience- Formally specified type checkers for domain specific languages: experience report (MvdB, APvdM, AS, ATH), p. 12.
LDTA-2010-Giavitto #domain-specific language #simulation- A domain specific language for complex natural and artificial systems simulations (JLG), p. 1.
LDTA-2010-JansenPKA #functional #workflow- Embedding a web-based workflow management system in a functional language (JMJ, RP, PWMK, PA), p. 7.
LDTA-2010-KlintSV #domain-specific language #implementation #maintenance #on the #tool support- On the impact of DSL tools on the maintainability of language implementations (PK, TvdS, JJV), p. 10.
SLE-2010-AtkinsonKG #modelling- The Level-Agnostic Modeling Language (CA, BK, BG), pp. 266–275.
SLE-2010-BarrocaLAFS #model transformation #named- DSLTrans: A Turing Incomplete Transformation Language (BB, LL, VA, RF, VS), pp. 296–305.
SLE-2010-BraatzB #algebra #domain-specific language #graph transformation #modelling #rdf- Domain-Specific Modelling Languages with Algebraic Graph Transformations on RDF (BB, CB), pp. 82–101.
SLE-2010-CicchettiREP #bidirectional #model transformation #named- JTL: A Bidirectional and Change Propagating Transformation Language (AC, DDR, RE, AP), pp. 183–202.
SLE-2010-Erwig #research #variability- A Language for Software Variation Research (ME), p. 1.
SLE-2010-FavreGLP #analysis #empirical- Empirical Language Analysis in Software Linguistics (JMF, DG, RL, EP), pp. 316–326.
SLE-2010-HubauxBHMH #case study #feature model #industrial #modelling- Evaluating a Textual Feature Modelling Language: Four Industrial Case Studies (AH, QB, HH, RM, PH), pp. 337–356.
SLE-2010-ZaytsevL #documentation- A Unified Format for Language Documents (VZ, RL), pp. 206–225.
ASPLOS-2010-HarrisTCU #architecture #multi #runtime- Dynamic filtering: multi-purpose architecture support for language runtime systems (TH, ST, AC, OSÜ), pp. 39–52.
CC-2010-IuCZ #database #imperative #named #query- JReq: Database Queries in Imperative Languages (MYI, EC, WZ), pp. 84–103.
CGO-2010-WilliamsMG #scripting language- Dynamic interpretation for dynamic scripting languages (KW, JM, DG), pp. 278–287.
ISMM-2010-AlbertGG #garbage collection #memory management #parametricity #requirements- Parametric inference of memory requirements for garbage collected languages (EA, SG, MGZ), pp. 121–130.
ICLP-2010-Demeyer10 #concurrent #declarative #program analysis #programming- Program Analysis to Support Concurrent Programming in Declarative Languages (RD), pp. 248–254.
ICLP-2010-Martinez10 #concurrent #constraints #design #implementation #linear #logic programming #programming language- Design and Implementation of a Concurrent Logic Programming Language with Linear Logic Constraints (TM), pp. 277–280.
ICLP-J-2010-Gomez-ZamalloaAP #generative #imperative #object-oriented #testing- Test case generation for object-oriented imperative languages in CLP (MGZ, EA, GP), pp. 659–674.
ICST-2010-SinhaSP #automation #case study #named #natural language- Text2Test: Automated Inspection of Natural Language Use Cases (AS, SMSJ, AMP), pp. 155–164.
LICS-2010-CaliGLMP #datalog #information management #logic #product line #query #representation- Datalog+/-: A Family of Logical Knowledge Representation and Query Languages for New Applications (AC, GG, TL, BM, AP), pp. 228–242.
LICS-2010-Laird #game studies #polymorphism #programming language #semantics- Game Semantics for a Polymorphic Programming Language (JL), pp. 41–49.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-Weyns #multi #pattern matching- A pattern language for multi-agent systems (DW), pp. 191–200.
ASE-2009-BiermannEEH #eclipse #framework #generative #modelling #simulation- Generation of Simulation Views for Domain Specific Modeling Languages Based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EB, KE, CE, JH), pp. 625–629.
ASE-2009-DeeptimahantiB #automation #generative #modelling #natural language #requirements #uml- An Automated Tool for Generating UML Models from Natural Language Requirements (DKD, MAB), pp. 680–682.
ASE-2009-Wright #interactive #modelling #web- A Modelling Language for Interactive Web Applications (JMW), pp. 689–692.
ASE-2009-ZhongZXM #api #documentation #natural language #specification- Inferring Resource Specifications from Natural Language API Documentation (HZ, LZ, TX, HM), pp. 307–318.
DATE-2009-BraunesS #generative- Generating the trace qualification configuration for MCDS from a high level language (JB, RGS), pp. 1560–1563.
DocEng-2009-JoshiL #analysis #documentation #image #natural language #using #web- Web document text and images extraction using DOM analysis and natural language processing (PMJ, SL), pp. 218–221.
DocEng-2009-RijsselbergenKVMW- Movie script markup language (DVR, BVDK, MV, EM, RVdW), pp. 161–170.
DocEng-2009-SoaresMS #declarative #hypermedia #imperative- Relating declarative hypermedia objects and imperative objects through the NCL glue language (LFGS, MFM, FS), pp. 222–230.
ICDAR-2009-NakaiKI #documentation #image #realtime #retrieval #using #web- Real-Time Retrieval for Images of Documents in Various Languages Using a Web Camera (TN, KK, MI), pp. 146–150.
ICDAR-2009-WangJW #identification #performance- High Performance Chinese/English Mixed OCR with Character Level Language Identification (KW, JJ, QW), pp. 406–410.
ICDAR-2009-WangYL #recognition- Integrating Language Model in Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition (QFW, FY, CLL), pp. 1036–1040.
ICDAR-2009-WuthrichLFIBVS #documentation #integration #recognition- Language Model Integration for the Recognition of Handwritten Medieval Documents (MW, ML, AF, EI, HB, GV, MS), pp. 211–215.
SIGMOD-2009-BrodskyBCEW #abstraction #database #programming #query- A decisions query language (DQL): high-level abstraction for mathematical programming over databases (AB, MMB, MC, NEE, XSW), pp. 1059–1062.
SIGMOD-2009-IsardY #distributed #programming language #using- Distributed data-parallel computing using a high-level programming language (MI, YY), pp. 987–994.
ITiCSE-2009-Almeida-MartinezUV #education #named #visualisation- VAST: a visualization-based educational tool for language processors courses (FJAM, JUF, JÁVI), p. 342.
ITiCSE-2009-MiuraSK #concept #interactive #object-oriented #programming language- Anchor garden: an interactive workbenchfor basic data concept learningin object oriented programming languages (MM, TS, SK), pp. 141–145.
ESOP-2009-BuscemiM #distributed #process- Abstract Processes in Orchestration Languages (MGB, HCM), pp. 301–315.
ESOP-2009-Eber #contract #design #programming language #question #specification #tool support #what- The Financial Crisis, a Lack of Contract Specification Tools: What Can Finance Learn from Programming Language Design? (JME), pp. 205–206.
ESOP-2009-RajanTSL #composition #design #named #policy #verification #web #web service- Tisa: A Language Design and Modular Verification Technique for Temporal Policies in Web Services (HR, JT, SMS, GTL), pp. 333–347.
ESOP-2009-Reynolds #category theory #design #programming language #using- Using Category Theory to Design Programming Languages (JCR), pp. 62–63.
FoSSaCS-2009-AlurDMW #on the- On ω-Languages Defined by Mean-Payoff Conditions (RA, AD, OM, GW), pp. 333–347.
ICPC-J-2008-VidacsBG09 #c #c++ #preprocessor #slicing- Combining preprocessor slicing with C/C++ language slicing (LV, ÁB, TG), pp. 399–413.
CSMR-2009-LuciaDGR #behaviour #identification #parsing #visual notation- Behavioral Pattern Identification through Visual Language Parsing and Code Instrumentation (ADL, VD, CG, MR), pp. 99–108.
ICPC-2009-ForwardLB #analysis #comprehension- Improving program comprehension by enhancing program constructs: An analysis of the Umple language (AF, TCL, DB), pp. 311–312.
ICPC-2009-NilssonLHN #fact extraction #natural language #parsing #source code- Natural language parsing for fact extraction from source code (JN, WL, JH, JN), pp. 223–227.
ICSM-2009-YoshikawaHS #natural language #ontology #source code #traceability #using- Recovering traceability links between a simple natural language sentence and source code using domain ontologies (TY, SH, MS), pp. 551–554.
SCAM-2009-AlikacemS #framework #metric- A Metric Extraction Framework Based on a High-Level Description Language (EHA, HAS), pp. 159–167.
SCAM-2009-KlintSV #analysis #domain-specific language #named #rascal #source code- RASCAL: A Domain Specific Language for Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (PK, TvdS, JJV), pp. 168–177.
SCAM-2009-LammelZ #grammar recovery #java #specification- Recovering Grammar Relationships for the Java Language Specification (RL, VZ), pp. 178–186.
WCRE-1999-FerzundAW99a #debugging- Bug-Inducing Language Constructs (JF, SNA, FW), pp. 155–159.
PLDI-2009-AnselCWOZEA #algorithm #compilation #named- PetaBricks: a language and compiler for algorithmic choice (JA, CPC, YLW, MO, QZ, AE, SPA), pp. 38–49.
PLDI-2009-GalESAMHKHZORSRBCF- Trace-based just-in-time type specialization for dynamic languages (AG, BE, MS, DA, DM, MRH, BK, GH, BZ, JO, JR, EWS, RR, MB, MC, MF), pp. 465–478.
PLDI-2009-HammerAC #named #self- CEAL: a C-based language for self-adjusting computation (MAH, UAA, YC), pp. 25–37.
PLDI-2009-HooimeijerW #constraints #regular expression #set- A decision procedure for subset constraints over regular languages (PH, WW), pp. 188–198.
PLDI-2009-ZeeKR #imperative #proving #source code- An integrated proof language for imperative programs (KZ, VK, MCR), pp. 338–351.
CIAA-J-2008-ChamparnaudDJ09 #algorithm #geometry #performance #regular expression- An Efficient Algorithm to Test Whether a Binary and Prolongeable Regular Language is Geometrical (JMC, JPD, HJ), pp. 763–774.
CIAA-J-2008-DixonES09 #analysis- Analysis of Bit-Split Languages for Packet Scanning and Experiments with Wildcard Matching (RD, ÖE, TS), pp. 597–612.
CIAA-J-2008-Pighizzini09 #automaton- Deterministic Pushdown Automata and Unary Languages (GP), pp. 629–645.
CIAA-2009-VuilleminG #automaton #normalisation #regular expression- Compact Normal Form for Regular Languages as Xor Automata (JV, NG), pp. 24–33.
DLT-2009-BehleKR #quantifier #regular expression- Regular Languages Definable by Majority Quantifiers with Two Variables (CB, AK, SR), pp. 91–102.
DLT-2009-BertoniCR #context-free grammar #problem- The Inclusion Problem of Context-Free Languages: Some Tractable Cases (AB, CC, RR), pp. 103–112.
DLT-2009-BrzozowskiGS #formal method #theorem- Closures in Formal Languages and Kuratowski’s Theorem (JAB, EG, JS), pp. 125–144.
DLT-2009-Egecioglu #approximate #context-free grammar- Strongly Regular Grammars and Regular Approximation of Context-Free Languages (ÖE), pp. 207–220.
DLT-2009-Fazekas #regular expression- Powers of Regular Languages (SZF), pp. 221–227.
DLT-2009-JeandelT #logic- Subshifts, Languages and Logic (EJ, GT), pp. 288–299.
DLT-2009-Kanazawa #context-free grammar #multi- The Pumping Lemma for Well-Nested Multiple Context-Free Languages (MK), pp. 312–325.
DLT-2009-Shur #bound- Two-Sided Bounds for the Growth Rates of Power-Free Languages (AMS), pp. 466–477.
DLT-2009-Zetzsche #matrix #petri net- Erasing in Petri Net Languages and Matrix Grammars (GZ), pp. 490–501.
ICALP-v2-2009-BrancoP #equation #polynomial #regular expression- Equations Defining the Polynomial Closure of a Lattice of Regular Languages (MJJB, JÉP), pp. 115–126.
ICALP-v2-2009-PlaceS #decidability- A Decidable Characterization of Locally Testable Tree Languages (TP, LS), pp. 285–296.
LATA-2009-AbdullaDB #comparison #petri net- A Language-Based Comparison of Extensions of Petri Nets with and without Whole-Place Operations (PAA, GD, LVB), pp. 71–82.
LATA-2009-AfoninG #regular expression- Minimal Union-Free Decompositions of Regular Languages (SA, DG), pp. 83–92.
LATA-2009-Akama #commutative #learning- Commutative Regular Shuffle Closed Languages, Noetherian Property, and Learning Theory (YA), pp. 93–104.
LATA-2009-BonizzoniFMM- Picture Languages Generated by Assembling Tiles (PB, CF, ARSM, GM), pp. 224–235.
LATA-2009-BordihnHK #problem #subclass- Undecidability of Operation Problems for T0L Languages and Subclasses (HB, MH, MK), pp. 236–246.
LATA-2009-BrzozowskiSX #problem- Decision Problems for Convex Languages (JAB, JS, ZX), pp. 247–258.
LATA-2009-Courcelle #algorithm #graph #higher-order #logic #monad- Monadic Second-Order Logic for Graphs: Algorithmic and Language Theoretical Applications (BC), pp. 19–22.
LATA-2009-HanSY #complexity #regular expression- State Complexity of Combined Operations for Prefix-Free Regular Languages (YSH, KS, SY), pp. 398–409.
LATA-2009-NakamuraHT #predict- Prediction of Creole Emergence in Spatial Language Dynamics (MN, TH, ST), pp. 614–625.
LATA-2009-Onodera #locality #using- New Morphic Characterizations of Languages in Chomsky Hierarchy Using Insertion and Locality (KO), pp. 648–659.
LATA-2009-Strassburger #theorem- A Kleene Theorem for Forest Languages (LS), pp. 715–727.
FM-2009-SaidBS #refinement #state machine #tool support #uml- Language and Tool Support for Class and State Machine Refinement in UML-B (MYS, MJB, CFS), pp. 579–595.
CEFP-2009-FluetBFRRSX #functional #parallel #programming- Programming in Manticore, a Heterogenous Parallel Functional Language (MF, LB, NF, MR, JHR, AS, YX), pp. 94–145.
ICFP-2009-Pierce #education #programming language #proving #using- λ, the ultimate TA: using a proof assistant to teach programming language foundations (BCP), pp. 121–122.
ICFP-2009-Sampson #case study #experience #functional #haskell #lazy evaluation- Experience report: Haskell in the “real world”: writing a commercial application in a lazy functional language (CJS), pp. 185–190.
CHI-2009-HornSCJ #education #programming language #visual notation- Comparing the use of tangible and graphical programming languages for informal science education (MSH, ETS, RJC, RJKJ), pp. 975–984.
CHI-2009-LeshedPHCBLMG #behaviour #feedback #realtime #visualisation- Visualizing real-time language-based feedback on teamwork behavior in computer-mediated groups (GL, DP, JTH, DC, JPB, SL, PLM, GG), pp. 537–546.
HCD-2009-AnandBCD #case study #interface- Tailoring Interface for Spanish Language: A Case Study with CHICA System (VA, PGB, AEC, SMD), pp. 398–407.
HCI-NIMT-2009-PedroRBBA #domain-specific language #syntax #visual notation- Composing Visual Syntax for Domain Specific Languages (LP, MR, DB, BB, VA), pp. 889–898.
HCI-NIMT-2009-TamadaOU #c #education- Robot Helps Teachers for Education of the C Language Beginners (HT, AO, HU), pp. 377–384.
HCI-VAD-2009-KashiwagiXSKO #learning #physics #process- A Language Learning System Utilizing RFID Technology for Total Physical Response Activities (HK, YX, YS, MK, KO), pp. 119–128.
HIMI-II-2009-YangL #empirical #web- An Empirical Study the Effects of Language Factors on Web Site Use Intention (HJY, YLL), pp. 94–102.
IDGD-2009-BoseS #hypermedia- The Use of Hypertext as a Vocabulary Acquisition Strategy for English as Second Language Learners (DB, DS), pp. 147–155.
IDGD-2009-PetriePS #locality #navigation- Internationalization and Localization of Websites: Navigation in English Language and Chinese Language Sites (HP, CP, WS), pp. 293–300.
AdaEurope-2009-ZoviV #programming language #requirements- Requirements on the Target Programming Language for High-Integrity MDE (AZ, TV), pp. 1–15.
SIGAda-2009-Brosgol #c# #dot-net #framework- An introduction to the C# language and .NET infrastructure (BB), pp. 3–4.
SIGAda-2009-Jennings #named #re-engineering #tool support- SPARK: the libre language and toolset for high-assurance software engineering (TJ), pp. 9–10.
SIGAda-2009-Ochem #ada #multi #programming- Multi-language programming with Ada (QO), pp. 19–20.
SIGAda-2009-TardieuP #ada #programming language- Complementing Ada with other programming languages (ST, AP), pp. 105–114.
CAiSE-2009-GiachettiMP #automation #domain-specific language #generative #modelling #uml #using- Using UML as a Domain-Specific Modeling Language: A Proposal for Automatic Generation of UML Profiles (GG, BM, OP), pp. 110–124.
EDOC-2009-GovernatoriI #modelling #network #policy #reasoning #social- Modelling and Reasoning Languages for Social Networks Policies (GG, RI), pp. 193–200.
EDOC-2009-MilanovicG #modelling #process #towards- Towards a Language for Rule-Enhanced Business Process Modeling (MM, DG), pp. 64–73.
EDOC-2009-QuartelEJS #architecture #enterprise #modelling #requirements- A Goal-Oriented Requirements Modelling Language for Enterprise Architecture (DACQ, WE, HJ, MvS), pp. 3–13.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-AmiratO #architecture #first-order #metamodelling #named- C3: A Metamodel for Architecture Description Language based on First-order Connector Types (AA, MO), pp. 76–81.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-NunesAAS #domain-specific language #framework- A Domain Specific Language for the I* Framework (CN, JA, VA, CTLLS), pp. 158–163.
CIKM-2009-CaoCCJZ #categorisation #modelling #retrieval- The use of categorization information in language models for question retrieval (XC, GC, BC, CSJ, CZ), pp. 265–274.
CIKM-2009-DriesNR #network #query- A query language for analyzing networks (AD, SN, LDR), pp. 485–494.
CIKM-2009-ElbassuoniRSSW #query #ranking- Language-model-based ranking for queries on RDF-graphs (SE, MR, RS, MS, GW), pp. 977–986.
CIKM-2009-HuangSN #documentation #graph #word- Smoothing document language model with local word graph (YH, LS, JYN), pp. 1943–1946.
CIKM-2009-LvZ09a #case study #comparative #feedback #modelling #pseudo #query- A comparative study of methods for estimating query language models with pseudo feedback (YL, CZ), pp. 1895–1898.
CIKM-2009-MomtaziK #approach #clustering #modelling #retrieval #word- A word clustering approach for language model-based sentence retrieval in question answering systems (SM, DK), pp. 1911–1914.
CIKM-2009-PuH #clustering #feedback #pseudo #semantics #using- Pseudo relevance feedback using semantic clustering in relevance language model (QP, DH), pp. 1931–1934.
CIKM-2009-Shi #adaptation #information retrieval #mining #web- Adaptive web mining of bilingual lexicons for cross language information retrieval (LS), pp. 1561–1564.
ECIR-2009-MaisonnasseGC #concept #modelling- Model Fusion in Conceptual Language Modeling (LM, ÉG, JPC), pp. 240–251.
ECIR-2009-UdupaSBB #information retrieval #mining #query #quote- “They Are Out There, If You Know Where to Look”: Mining Transliterations of OOV Query Terms for Cross-Language Information Retrieval (RU, KS, AB, AB), pp. 437–448.
ICML-2009-MartinsSX #approximate #natural language #parsing- Polyhedral outer approximations with application to natural language parsing (AFTM, NAS, EPX), pp. 713–720.
ICML-2009-Smith #natural language #predict #summary #tutorial- Tutorial summary: Structured prediction for natural language processing (NAS), p. 20.
KDIR-2009-EnguixDJ #mining #natural language- DNA and Natural Languages — Text Mining (GBE, VD, MDJL), pp. 140–145.
KDIR-2009-GoyalBM #query #using- Entailment of Causal Queries in Narratives using Action Language (PG, LB, TMM), pp. 112–118.
KDIR-2009-NettletonMM #case study #evaluation #image #internet- User Study of the Assignment of Objective and Subjective Type Tags to Images in Internet — Evaluation for Native and non Native English Language Taggers (DFN, MCM, BML), pp. 99–104.
KDIR-2009-SchmidtGG #information management- Language Technology for Information Systems (PS, MG, GG), pp. 259–262.
MLDM-2009-MendesA #approach #mining #natural language- Pattern Mining with Natural Language Processing: An Exploratory Approach (ACM, CA), pp. 266–279.
SEKE-2009-Al-SharifJ09a #debugging- Language Support for Event-based Debugging (ZAS, CLJ), pp. 392–399.
SEKE-2009-CachiaM #development #lifecycle #modelling- A Language for Modeling Software Development Life Cycles (EC, MM), pp. 499–504.
SEKE-2009-KornerB #natural language #ontology #specification- Improving Natural Language Specifications with Ontologies (SJK, TB), pp. 552–557.
SEKE-2009-SarkarCCB #concept #graph #multi #specification- Object Specification Language for Graph Based Conceptual level Multidimensional Data Model (AS, SC, NC, SB), pp. 694–607.
SEKE-2009-TorresGP #java #modelling #persistent- MD-JPA Profile: A Model Driven Language for Java Persistence (AT, RdMG, MSP), pp. 727–732.
SIGIR-2009-LvZ #information retrieval #modelling- Positional language models for information retrieval (YL, CZ), pp. 299–306.
SIGIR-2009-McCarley- Cross language name matching (JSM), pp. 660–661.
SIGIR-2009-McNameeNM- Addressing morphological variation in alphabetic languages (PM, CKN, JM), pp. 75–82.
SIGIR-2009-ParaparLB #documentation #modelling- Compression-based document length prior for language models (JP, DEL, AB), pp. 652–653.
SIGIR-2009-Schanda #detection- Novelty detection across different source types and languages (JS), p. 854.
SIGIR-2009-ShaparenkoJ #documentation #identification #modelling- Identifying the original contribution of a document via language modeling (BS, TJ), pp. 696–697.
SIGIR-2009-ZhaoY #information retrieval #proximity- A proximity language model for information retrieval (JZ, YY), pp. 291–298.
ECMDA-FA-2009-ChenM #consistency #guidelines #uml- A Language-Theoretic View on Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML (ZC, GM), pp. 66–81.
ECMDA-FA-2009-GronmoMO #comparison #model transformation- Comparison of Three Model Transformation Languages (RG, BMP, GKO), pp. 2–17.
ECMDA-FA-2009-IzquierdoM #domain-specific language #legacy #modelling- A Domain Specific Language for Extracting Models in Software Modernization (JLCI, JGM), pp. 82–97.
ECMDA-FA-2009-Kolovos #comparison #modelling- Establishing Correspondences between Models with the Epsilon Comparison Language (DSK), pp. 146–157.
ICMT-2009-CuadradoJMB #navigation- Experiments with a High-Level Navigation Language (JSC, FJ, JGM, JB), pp. 229–238.
ICMT-2009-Garcia-MagarinoGF #algorithm #generative #model transformation- Model Transformation By-Example: An Algorithm for Generating Many-to-Many Transformation Rules in Several Model Transformation Languages (IGM, JJGS, RFF), pp. 52–66.
MoDELS-2009-CengarleGR #modelling #variability- Variability within Modeling Language Definitions (MVC, HG, BR), pp. 670–684.
MoDELS-2009-Chimiak-Opoka #constraints #ocl- OCLLib, OCLUnit, OCLDoc: Pragmatic Extensions for the Object Constraint Language (JCO), pp. 665–669.
MoDELS-2009-EsfahaniMSGM #composition #modelling- A Modeling Language for Activity-Oriented Composition of Service-Oriented Software Systems (NE, SM, JPS, HG, DAM), pp. 591–605.
MoDELS-2009-FleureyS #adaptation #execution #modelling #simulation #specification- A Domain Specific Modeling Language Supporting Specification, Simulation and Execution of Dynamic Adaptive Systems (FF, AS), pp. 606–621.
MoDELS-2009-GerthKE #independence #modelling #process- Language-Independent Change Management of Process Models (CG, JMK, GE), pp. 152–166.
MoDELS-2009-HermansPD #case study #domain-specific language- Domain-Specific Languages in Practice: A User Study on the Success Factors (FH, MP, AvD), pp. 423–437.
MoDELS-2009-JohannesZFCKP #composition- Abstracting Complex Languages through Transformation and Composition (JJ, SZ, MAF, AC, DSK, RFP), pp. 546–550.
MoDELS-2009-KleinerAB #parsing- Parsing SBVR-Based Controlled Languages (MK, PA, JB), pp. 122–136.
MoDELS-2009-MilanovicGWH #modelling #process- Rule-Enhanced Business Process Modeling Language for Service Choreographies (MM, DG, GW, MH), pp. 337–341.
MoDELS-2009-MoiseevHS #approach #generative #implementation #ocl- Generating Assertion Code from OCL: A Transformational Approach Based on Similarities of Implementation Languages (RM, SH, MS), pp. 650–664.
MoDELS-2009-ShtelmaCM #domain-specific language #execution #integration #message passing- Executable Domain Specific Language for Message-Based System Integration (MS, MC, NM), pp. 622–626.
MoDELS-2009-WalterPS #domain-specific language #framework #named #ontology- OntoDSL: An Ontology-Based Framework for Domain-Specific Languages (TW, FSP, SS), pp. 408–422.
MoDELS-2009-WienandsG #domain-specific language #industrial #visual notation- Anatomy of a Visual Domain-Specific Language Project in an Industrial Context (CW, MG), pp. 453–467.
MoDELS-2009-CengarleGR #modelling #variability- Variability within Modeling Language Definitions (MVC, HG, BR), pp. 670–684.
MoDELS-2009-Chimiak-Opoka #constraints #ocl- OCLLib, OCLUnit, OCLDoc: Pragmatic Extensions for the Object Constraint Language (JCO), pp. 665–669.
MoDELS-2009-EsfahaniMSGM #composition #modelling- A Modeling Language for Activity-Oriented Composition of Service-Oriented Software Systems (NE, SM, JPS, HG, DAM), pp. 591–605.
MoDELS-2009-FleureyS #adaptation #execution #modelling #simulation #specification- A Domain Specific Modeling Language Supporting Specification, Simulation and Execution of Dynamic Adaptive Systems (FF, AS), pp. 606–621.
MoDELS-2009-GerthKE #independence #modelling #process- Language-Independent Change Management of Process Models (CG, JMK, GE), pp. 152–166.
MoDELS-2009-HermansPD #case study #domain-specific language- Domain-Specific Languages in Practice: A User Study on the Success Factors (FH, MP, AvD), pp. 423–437.
MoDELS-2009-JohannesZFCKP #composition- Abstracting Complex Languages through Transformation and Composition (JJ, SZ, MAF, AC, DSK, RFP), pp. 546–550.
MoDELS-2009-KleinerAB #parsing- Parsing SBVR-Based Controlled Languages (MK, PA, JB), pp. 122–136.
MoDELS-2009-MilanovicGWH #modelling #process- Rule-Enhanced Business Process Modeling Language for Service Choreographies (MM, DG, GW, MH), pp. 337–341.
MoDELS-2009-MoiseevHS #approach #generative #implementation #ocl- Generating Assertion Code from OCL: A Transformational Approach Based on Similarities of Implementation Languages (RM, SH, MS), pp. 650–664.
MoDELS-2009-ShtelmaCM #domain-specific language #execution #integration #message passing- Executable Domain Specific Language for Message-Based System Integration (MS, MC, NM), pp. 622–626.
MoDELS-2009-WalterPS #domain-specific language #framework #named #ontology- OntoDSL: An Ontology-Based Framework for Domain-Specific Languages (TW, FSP, SS), pp. 408–422.
MoDELS-2009-WienandsG #domain-specific language #industrial #visual notation- Anatomy of a Visual Domain-Specific Language Project in an Industrial Context (CW, MG), pp. 453–467.
ECOOP-2009-AnconaL #induction #object-oriented #type system- Coinductive Type Systems for Object-Oriented Languages (DA, GL), pp. 2–26.
OOPSLA-2009-BaniassadM- An exploration of program as language (ELAB, CGM), pp. 547–556.
OOPSLA-2009-CharlesFSDV #eclipse #ide- Accelerating the creation of customized, language-Specific IDEs in Eclipse (PC, RMF, SMSJ, ED, JJV), pp. 191–206.
OOPSLA-2009-FurrAF #scripting language #static typing #type system- Profile-guided static typing for dynamic scripting languages (MF, Jh(A, JSF), pp. 283–300.
OOPSLA-2009-KatsJNV #agile #composition #fault #feedback #parsing- Providing rapid feedback in generated modular language environments: adding error recovery to scannerless generalized-LR parsing (LCLK, MdJ, ENN, EV), pp. 445–464.
OOPSLA-2009-KnollM #named #pattern matching- pi: a pattern language (RK, MM), pp. 503–522.
OOPSLA-2009-MeyerovichGBCGBK #ajax #named #programming language- Flapjax: a programming language for Ajax applications (LAM, AG, JPB, GHC, MG, AB, SK), pp. 1–20.
OOPSLA-2009-OverbeyJ #programming language #refactoring #tool support- Regrowing a language: refactoring tools allow programming languages to evolve (JLO, REJ), pp. 493–502.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-BebenitaCGF #compilation #object-oriented- Stream-Based Dynamic Compilation for Object-Oriented Languages (MB, MC, AG, MF), pp. 77–95.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-HovsepyanBBJ #domain-specific language #modelling #specification- Specifying and Composing Concerns Expressed in Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (AH, SVB, YB, WJ), pp. 116–135.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-KastnerATKB #approach #correctness #independence #product line- Guaranteeing Syntactic Correctness for All Product Line Variants: A Language-Independent Approach (CK, SA, ST, MK, DSB), pp. 175–194.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-KloseO #aspect-oriented #classification #framework #monitoring #runtime- A Classification Framework for Pointcut Languages in Runtime Monitoring (KK, KO), pp. 289–307.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-RutleRLW #diagrams #formal method #modelling- A Diagrammatic Formalisation of MOF-Based Modelling Languages (AR, AR, YL, UW), pp. 37–56.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-SadilekW #grammarware #semantics #using- Using Grammarware Languages to Define Operational Semantics of Modelled Languages (DAS, GW), pp. 348–356.
GPCE-2009-HeidenreichJSWB #generative- Generating safe template languages (FH, JJ, MS, CW, MB), pp. 99–108.
GPCE-2009-KongCY #parsing- Abstract parsing for two-staged languages with concatenation (SK, WC, KY), pp. 109–116.
GPCE-2009-LiuGS #framework #invariant- A language and framework for invariant-driven transformations (YAL, MG, SDS), pp. 55–64.
PPDP-2009-Tarau #data transformation #declarative #embedded #model transformation- An embedded declarative data transformation language (PT), pp. 171–182.
PPDP-2009-ZhuDFJMPW #ad hoc #distributed- Language support for processing distributed ad hoc data (KQZ, DSD, KF, LJ, YM, VSP, DW), pp. 243–254.
POPL-2009-Harris #memory management #transaction- Language constructs for transactional memory (TH), p. 1.
POPL-2009-JonssonN #call-by #higher-order #supercompilation- Positive supercompilation for a higher order call-by-value language (PAJ, JN), pp. 277–288.
POPL-2009-TozawaTOM #php- Copy-on-write in the PHP language (AT, MT, TO, YM), pp. 200–212.
RE-2009-EsmaeilsabzaliDAN #modelling #semantics- Semantic Criteria for Choosing a Language for Big-Step Models (SE, NAD, JMA, JN), pp. 181–190.
RE-2009-GhanavatiAP #analysis #evaluation- Compliance Analysis Based on a Goal-oriented Requirement Language Evaluation Methodology (SG, DA, LP), pp. 133–142.
RE-2009-Weber-JahnkeO #fault #natural language #requirements- Finding Defects in Natural Language Confidentiality Requirements (JHWJ, AO), pp. 213–222.
SAC-2009-AmoR #named #query- CPref-SQL: a query language supporting conditional preferences (SdA, MRR), pp. 1573–1577.
SAC-2009-BiggarVG #compilation #scripting language- A practical solution for scripting language compilers (PB, EdV, DG), pp. 1916–1923.
SAC-2009-GroppeNL #java #named #query #rdf #satisfiability #semantics #type safety #web- SWOBE — embedding the semantic web languages RDF, SPARQL and SPARUL into java for guaranteeing type safety, for checking the satisfiability of queries and for the determination of query result types (SG, JN, VL), pp. 1239–1246.
SAC-2009-KumarPV- A light-weight summarizer based on language model with relative entropy (CK, PP, VV), pp. 1752–1753.
SAC-2009-Mogensen #game studies #specification- Troll, a language for specifying dice-rolls (TÆM), pp. 1910–1915.
SAC-2009-SchippersHH #implementation- An implementation substrate for languages composing modularized crosscutting concerns (HS, MH, RH), pp. 1944–1951.
SAC-2009-SoaresRCB #declarative #xml- Variable handling in time-based XML declarative languages (LFGS, RFR, RC, SDJB), pp. 1821–1828.
GTTSE-2009-GjosaeterP #compilation #education #metamodelling- Teaching Computer Language Handling — From Compiler Theory to Meta-modelling (TG, AP), pp. 446–460.
GTTSE-2009-JezequelBF #modelling- Model Driven Language Engineering with Kermeta (JMJ, OB, FF), pp. 201–221.
GTTSE-2009-Selic #design #modelling #perspective #re-engineering #theory and practice- The Theory and Practice of Modeling Language Design for Model-Based Software Engineering — A Personal Perspective (BS), pp. 290–321.
GTTSE-2009-Sloane #kiama #lightweight- Lightweight Language Processing in Kiama (AMS), pp. 408–425.
GTTSE-2009-Zaytsev #convergence #framework- Language Convergence Infrastructure (VZ), pp. 481–497.
ICSE-2009-ApelKL #automation #composition #independence #named- FEATUREHOUSE: Language-independent, automated software composition (SA, CK, CL), pp. 221–231.
SLE-2009-AlferezSMGKAA #composition #multi #product line #requirements- Multi-view Composition Language for Software Product Line Requirements (MA, JPS, AMDM, AG, UK, JA, VA), pp. 103–122.
SLE-2009-Bagge- Yet Another Language Extension Scheme (AHB), pp. 123–132.
SLE-2009-HemelV #domain-specific language #framework #independence #named- PIL: A Platform Independent Language for Retargetable DSLs (ZH, EV), pp. 224–243.
SLE-2009-HerrmannsdoerferRW #evolution- Language Evolution in Practice: The History of GMF (MH, DR, GW), pp. 3–22.
SLE-2009-IrazabalP #data type #model transformation #modelling- Model Transformation Languages Relying on Models as ADTs (JI, CP), pp. 133–143.
SLE-2009-KalninaKCS #synthesis #visual notation- Graphical Template Language for Transformation Synthesis (EK, AK, EC, AS), pp. 244–253.
SLE-2009-LairdB #domain-specific language #evolution #towards- Towards Dynamic Evolution of Domain Specific Languages (PL, SB), pp. 144–153.
SLE-2009-RenggliDN- Language Boxes (LR, MD, ON), pp. 274–293.
SLE-2009-SpiewakZ #database #named #query #scala- ScalaQL: Language-Integrated Database Queries for Scala (DS, TZ), pp. 154–163.
SLE-2009-WendeTZ #approach #composition #towards- A Role-Based Approach towards Modular Language Engineering (CW, NT, SZ), pp. 254–273.
SLE-2009-ZschalerKDPR #metamodelling- Domain-Specific Metamodelling Languages for Software Language Engineering (SZ, DSK, ND, RFP, AR), pp. 334–353.
SLE-2009-ZschalerSSARFMAK #product line #variability- VML* — A Family of Languages for Variability Management in Software Product Lines (SZ, PS, JPS, MA, AR, LF, AMDM, JA, UK), pp. 82–102.
SPLC-2009-Voelter #domain-specific language #product line #using- Using domain specific languages for product line engineering (MV), p. 329.
SPLC-2009-WestonCR #composition #feature model #framework #modelling #natural language #requirements #semantics- A framework for constructing semantically composable feature models from natural language requirements (NW, RC, AR), pp. 211–220.
HPDC-2009-ZimaHCC- Model-guided autotuning of high-productivity languages for petascale computing (HPZ, MWH, CC, JC), pp. 151–166.
ISMM-2009-AlbertGG #analysis #garbage collection- Live heap space analysis for languages with garbage collection (EA, SG, MGZ), pp. 129–138.
CSL-2009-Bojanczyk #algebra- Algebra for Tree Languages (MB), p. 1.
CSL-2009-GheerbrantC #linear- Craig Interpolation for Linear Temporal Languages (AG, BtC), pp. 287–301.
ICLP-2009-Ashley-RollmanLGPC #independence #scalability- A Language for Large Ensembles of Independently Executing Nodes (MPAR, PL, SCG, PP, JC), pp. 265–280.
ICLP-2009-BottalicoB #biology #constraints- Constraint Based Languages for Biological Reactions (MB, SB), pp. 561–562.
ICLP-2009-CampliB #concurrent #constraints- Capturing Fair Computations on Concurrent Constraint Language (PC, SB), pp. 559–560.
ICLP-2009-Inclezan #composition- Modular Action Language ALM (DI), pp. 542–543.
ICLP-2009-Paolucci #natural language #research #summary #tool support- Research Summary: Intelligent Natural Language Processing Techniques and Tools (AP), pp. 536–537.
ICLP-2009-Todorova #natural language #prolog #using- Answering Questions from Natural Language Using A-Prolog (YT), pp. 544–546.
LICS-2009-ChatterjeeDH- Expressiveness and Closure Properties for Quantitative Languages (KC, LD, TAH), pp. 199–208.
ECSA-2008-BernardoB #algebra #architecture #process- Non-synchronous Communications in Process Algebraic Architectural Description Languages (MB, EB), pp. 3–18.
ECSA-2008-MohammadA #architecture #component #named- TADL — An Architecture Description Language for Trustworthy Component-Based Systems (MM, VSA), pp. 290–297.
ECSA-2008-TerraV #architecture #constraints #dependence #towards- Towards a Dependency Constraint Language to Manage Software Architectures (RT, MTdOV), pp. 256–263.
WICSA-2008-ZimmermannZGL #architecture #design #modelling #pattern matching #reuse- Combining Pattern Languages and Reusable Architectural Decision Models into a Comprehensive and Comprehensible Design Method (OZ, UZ, TG, FL), pp. 157–166.
ASE-2008-KollmannG #specification #static analysis #student- A Specification Language for Static Analysis of Student Exercises (CK, MG), pp. 355–358.
ASE-2008-MalavoltaMP #architecture #framework #named #tool support- DUALLY: A framework for Architectural Languages and Tools Interoperability (IM, HM, PP), pp. 483–484.
ASE-2008-UbayashiONYT #named #uml- AspectM: UML-Based Extensible AOM Language (NU, GO, KN, JY, TT), pp. 501–502.
DATE-2008-SteinhorstH #model checking #specification #using- Model Checking of Analog Systems using an Analog Specification Language (SS, LH), pp. 324–329.
DocEng-2008-BlouinBL #named- Malan: a mapping language for the data manipulation (AB, OB, SL), pp. 66–75.
SIGMOD-2008-AlbrightDGGLKSSW #data-driven #game studies #named #scalability- SGL: a scalable language for data-driven games (RA, AJD, JG, NG, HL, RK, GS, BS, WMW), pp. 1217–1222.
SIGMOD-2008-HeS #data access #database #graph #named #query- Graphs-at-a-time: query language and access methods for graph databases (HH, AKS), pp. 405–418.
SIGMOD-2008-OlstonRSKT- Pig latin: a not-so-foreign language for data processing (CO, BR, US, RK, AT), pp. 1099–1110.
VLDB-2008-BaykanHW #identification #web- Web page language identification based on URLs (EB, MRH, IW), pp. 176–187.
VLDB-2008-TerwilligerMB #query #sql #xml- Language-integrated querying of XML data in SQL server (JFT, SM, PAB), pp. 1396–1399.
ITiCSE-2008-BarchinoMG #assessment- An interoperable assessment language proposal (RB, LdM, JMG), p. 357.
ITiCSE-2008-SandersL #programming language #python #student- Students’ perceptions of python as a first programming language at wits (IDS, SL), p. 365.
ITiCSE-2008-SierraCF #learning- An environment for supporting active learning in courses on language processing (JLS, AMFPC, AFV), pp. 128–132.
ESOP-2008-Cheney #query #regular expression #type system #xml- Regular Expression Subtyping for XML Query and Update Languages (JC), pp. 32–47.
FASE-2008-CamaraSC #composition #interpreter #named- Clint: A Composition Language Interpreter (Tool Paper) (JC, GS, CC), pp. 423–427.
FASE-2008-DaviesBM #distributed #optimisation- Language-Based Optimisation of Sensor-Driven Distributed Computing Applications (JJD, ARB, AM), pp. 407–422.
FASE-2008-EhrigEEP #consistency #integration #modelling #visual notation- Consistent Integration of Models Based on Views of Visual Languages (HE, KE, CE, UP), pp. 62–76.
FoSSaCS-2008-BarrasB #calculus #dependent type #programming language- The Implicit Calculus of Constructions as a Programming Language with Dependent Types (BB, BB), pp. 365–379.
TACAS-2008-FarzanCCTW #automation #composition #regular expression #verification- Extending Automated Compositional Verification to the Full Class of ω-Regular Languages (AF, YFC, EMC, YKT, BYW), pp. 2–17.
TACAS-2008-LiS- Trusted Source Translation of a Total Function Language (GL, KS), pp. 471–485.
CSMR-2008-LajiosSV #metric- Supporting Language Conversion by Metric Based Reports (GL, DS, FV), pp. 314–316.
ICPC-2008-VidacsJBG #c #c++ #preprocessor #slicing- Combining Preprocessor Slicing with C/C++ Language Slicing (LV, JJ, ÁB, TG), pp. 163–171.
WCRE-2008-GeestVDV #domain-specific language #generative- Generating Version Convertors for Domain-Specific Languages (GdG, SV, AvD, EV), pp. 197–201.
WCRE-2008-Muliawan #higher-order #model transformation #using- Extending a Model Transformation Language Using Higher Order Transformations (OM), pp. 315–318.
WCRE-2008-Vermolen #evolution- Software Language Evolution (SV), pp. 323–326.
PEPM-2008-GillenwaterMSZTGO #hardware #static typing #using- Synthesizable high level hardware descriptions: using statically typed two-level languages to guarantee verilog synthesizability (JG, GM, CS, AYZ, WT, JG, JO), pp. 41–50.
PEPM-2008-HageH #lazy evaluation- Heap recycling for lazy languages (JH, SH), pp. 189–197.
PEPM-2008-JancuraP #framework #ide #integration #programming language- Generic framework for integration of programming languages into netbeans ide (JJ, DP), pp. 123–124.
SAS-2008-BalakrishnanSIWG #analysis #detection #named #refinement- SLR: Path-Sensitive Analysis through Infeasible-Path Detection and Syntactic Language Refinement (GB, SS, FI, OW, AG), pp. 238–254.
SAS-2008-KiddLR #reduction- Language Strength Reduction (NK, AL, TWR), pp. 283–298.
FLOPS-2008-NievaSS #constraints #database #deduction #formal method- Formalizing a Constraint Deductive Database Language Based on Hereditary Harrop Formulas with Negation (SN, JSH, FSP), pp. 289–304.
DLT-J-2007-HanS08 #complexity #finite- State Complexity of Union and Intersection of Finite Languages (YSH, KS), pp. 581–595.
DLT-J-2007-Jez08 #boolean grammar- Conjunctive Grammars Generate Non-Regular Unary Languages (AJ), pp. 597–615.
DLT-J-2007-Ravikumar08 #ambiguity #context-free grammar- The Benford-Newcomb Distribution and Unambiguous Context-Free Languages (BR), pp. 717–727.
DLT-J-2007-Selivanov08- Fine Hierarchy of Regular Aperiodic ω-Languages (VLS), pp. 649–675.
AFL-2008-AfoninK #regular expression- Semigroups of regular languages over a one letter alphabet are rational (SA, EK), pp. 61–73.
AFL-2008-AngB- Continuous Languages (TA, JAB), pp. 74–85.
AFL-2008-DassowT- Subregularly Tree Controlled Grammars and Languages (JD, BT), pp. 158–169.
AFL-2008-GazdagN #theorem- A Kleene Theorem for Binoid Languages (ZG, ZLN), pp. 170–182.
AFL-2008-KlimaP- Literally idempotent languages and their varieties — two letter case (OK, LP), pp. 220–231.
AFL-2008-Szathmary #natural language- In silico Evolutionary Developmental Neurobiology and the Origin of Natural Language (Abstract) (ES), p. 353.
CIAA-2008-ChamparnaudDJ #automaton #geometry #regular expression #testing- Testing Whether a Binary and Prolongeable Regular Language LIs Geometrical or Not on the Minimal Deterministic Automaton of Pref(L) (JMC, JPD, HJ), pp. 68–77.
CIAA-2008-DixonES #analysis- Automata-Theoretic Analysis of Bit-Split Languages for Packet Scanning (RD, ÖE, TS), pp. 141–150.
CIAA-2008-DolzhenkoJ #2d #complexity #on the #transducer- On Complexity of Two Dimensional Languages Generated by Transducers (ED, NJ), pp. 181–190.
CIAA-2008-GarciaPAR #automaton #finite #learning #nondeterminism #regular expression #using- Learning Regular Languages Using Nondeterministic Finite Automata (PG, MVdP, GIA, JR), pp. 92–101.
CIAA-2008-Pighizzini #automaton- Deterministic Pushdown Automata and Unary Languages (GP), pp. 232–241.
CIAA-2008-Salomaa- Language Decompositions, Primality, and Trajectory-Based Operations (KS), pp. 17–22.
DLT-2008-Ada #communication #complexity #nondeterminism #on the #regular expression- On the Non-deterministic Communication Complexity of Regular Languages (AA), pp. 96–107.
DLT-2008-DAlessandroV #formal method- Well Quasi-orders in Formal Language Theory (FD, SV), pp. 84–95.
DLT-2008-GawrychowskiKRS #context-free grammar #polynomial- Finding the Growth Rate of a Regular of Context-Free Language in Polynomial Time (PG, DK, NR, JS), pp. 339–358.
DLT-2008-GeffertMP #automaton #regular expression #representation- More Concise Representation of Regular Languages by Automata and Regular Expressions (VG, CM, BP), pp. 359–370.
DLT-2008-Jiraskova #complexity #on the #regular expression- On the State Complexity of Complements, Stars, and Reversals of Regular Languages (GJ), pp. 431–442.
DLT-2008-KlimaP- Hierarchies of Piecewise Testable Languages (OK, LP), pp. 479–490.
DLT-2008-SelivanovW #complexity- Complexity of Topological Properties of Regular ω-Languages (VLS, KWW), pp. 529–542.
ICALP-A-2008-Courcelle #aspect-oriented #graph #higher-order #logic #monad- Graph Structure and Monadic Second-Order Logic: Language Theoretical Aspects (BC), pp. 1–13.
ICALP-B-2008-BojanczykS #first-order #logic #quantifier- Tree Languages Defined in First-Order Logic with One Quantifier Alternation (MB, LS), pp. 233–245.
ICALP-B-2008-GehrkeGP #equation #regular expression- Duality and Equational Theory of Regular Languages (MG, SG, JÉP), pp. 246–257.
ICALP-B-2008-YokoyamaAG #theorem- Reversible Flowchart Languages and the Structured Reversible Program Theorem (TY, HBA, RG), pp. 258–270.
LATA-2008-Crespi-ReghizziP #set- Consensual Definition of Languages by Regular Sets (SCR, PSP), pp. 196–208.
LATA-2008-Domaratzki #formal method #tool support- Formal Language Tools for Template-Guided DNA Recombination (MD), pp. 3–5.
LATA-2008-KlimaP #morphism- Literal Varieties of Languages Induced by Homomorphisms onto Nilpotent Groups (OK, LP), pp. 299–310.
LATA-2008-Klunder #automaton #finite #using- Characterization of Star-Connected Languages Using Finite Automata (BK), pp. 311–320.
LATA-2008-OttoP #2d #taxonomy- A Two-Dimensional Taxonomy of Proper Languages of Lexicalized FRR-Automata (FO, MP), pp. 409–420.
LATA-2008-SalomaaSY- Length Codes, Products of Languages and Primality (AS, KS, SY), pp. 476–486.
FM-2008-KuritaCN #development #mobile #specification- Application of a Formal Specification Language in the Development of the “Mobile FeliCa” IC Chip Firmware for Embedding in Mobile Phone (TK, MC, YN), pp. 425–429.
FM-2008-MateescuT #concurrent #model checking- A Model Checking Language for Concurrent Value-Passing Systems (RM, DT), pp. 148–164.
SEFM-2008-DjokoDF #aspect-oriented- Specialized Aspect Languages Preserving Classes of Properties (SDD, RD, PF), pp. 227–236.
SFM-2008-DemattePR #tutorial- The BlenX Language: A Tutorial (LD, CP, AR), pp. 313–365.
ICFP-2008-Danvy #programming language- Defunctionalized interpreters for programming languages (OD), pp. 131–142.
ICFP-2008-FluetRR #framework #parallel #scheduling- A scheduling framework for general-purpose parallel languages (MF, MR, JHR), pp. 241–252.
ICFP-2008-JiaVMZZSZ #named #programming language- AURA: a programming language for authorization and audit (LJ, JAV, KM, JZ, LZ, JS, SZ), pp. 27–38.
IFL-2008-GiorgidzeN #functional #haskell #hybrid #modelling- Embedding a Functional Hybrid Modelling Language in Haskell (GG, HN), pp. 138–155.
IFL-2008-SvenssonSC #embedded #named #parallel #programming- Obsidian: A Domain Specific Embedded Language for Parallel Programming of Graphics Processors (JS, MS, KC), pp. 156–173.
IFL-2008-WangG #ad hoc #haskell #library- A Library for Processing Ad hoc Data in Haskell — Embedding a Data Description Language (YW, VG), pp. 174–191.
GT-VMT-2006-GuerraDL08 #domain-specific language #metric #specification #visual notation- Visual Specification of Metrics for Domain Specific Visual Languages (EG, PD, JdL), pp. 99–110.
GT-VMT-2006-RensinkN08 #graph transformation #qvt #semantics- Graph Transformation Semantics for a QVT Language (AR, RN), pp. 51–62.
GT-VMT-2006-XuLW08 #reasoning #visual notation- BPSL Modeler — Visual Notation Language for Intuitive Business Property Reasoning (KX, YL, CW), pp. 211–220.
GT-VMT-2008-HassanMS #design #implementation #interactive #programming language- Interaction nets: programming language design and implementation (AH, IM, SS).
GT-VMT-2008-Weinell #graph #query #reduction- Extending Graph Query Languages by Reduction (EW).
ICGT-2008-BrugginkK #graph #on the- On the Recognizability of Arrow and Graph Languages (HJSB, BK), pp. 336–350.
ICGT-2008-Weinell #graph- Transformation-Based Operationalization of Graph Languages (EW), pp. 520–522.
CSCW-2008-GillFGO- The language of emotion in short blog texts (AJG, RMF, DG, JO), pp. 299–302.
SOFTVIS-2008-Almeida-MartinezUV #abstract syntax tree #named #syntax #visualisation- VAST: visualization of abstract syntax trees within language processors courses (FJAM, JUF, JÁVI), pp. 209–210.
SIGAda-2008-Brosgol #assessment #named #safety- MP1: languages for safety-critical software: issues and assessment (BMB), pp. 7–8.
SIGAda-2008-CicaleseWSBFGRS #architecture #distributed #multi #scalability- A distributed, multi-language architecture for large unmanned ground vehicles (CDTC, RMW, JS, RHB, KF, RG, KR, DS), pp. 133–138.
SIGAda-2008-Doran #ada #development #embedded #named #programming language #realtime- Anima: a Ada derived programming language for real-time embedded software development (SD), pp. 121–132.
SIGAda-2008-SwardW #architecture #enterprise #multi #using- A multi-language service-oriented architecture using an enterprise service bus (RES, KJW), pp. 85–90.
CAiSE-2008-MuehlenR #how #modelling #process- How Much Language Is Enough? Theoretical and Practical Use of the Business Process Modeling Notation (MzM, JR), pp. 465–479.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-Favre- From Stone Age to Information Age: (Software) Languages through the Ages (JMF), p. 21.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-KaranikolasSNY #concept #database #enterprise #information management- Conceptual Universal Database Language (CUDL) and Enterprise Medical Information Systems (NK, CS, MN, EJY), pp. 362–367.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-PapastefanatosVSAPV #automation #database #evolution- Language Extensions for the Automation of Database Schema Evolution (GP, PV, AS, KA, FP, YV), pp. 74–81.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-Perez-MarinPM #automation #concept #interactive #modelling #natural language- Natural Language Interaction Based on Automatically Generated Conceptual Models (DRPM, IPN, PRM), pp. 5–12.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-AmiratO #architecture #modelling #reasoning #representation- Representation and Reasoning Models for C3 Architecture Description Language (AA, MO), pp. 207–212.
CIKM-2008-BordognaCPR #clustering #documentation #web- A language for manipulating clustered web documents results (GB, AC, GP, SR), pp. 23–32.
CIKM-2008-Domingos #information management #logic #markov- Markov logic: a unifying language for knowledge and information management (PMD), p. 519.
CIKM-2008-HeW #feedback #information retrieval- Translation enhancement: a new relevance feedback method for cross-language information retrieval (DH, DW), pp. 729–738.
CIKM-2008-LinZ #novel #statistics- A novel statistical chinese language model and its application in pinyin-to-character conversion (BL, JZ), pp. 1433–1434.
CIKM-2008-MahouiTSC #identification #modelling #predict #using- Identification of gene function using prediction by partial matching (PPM) language models (MM, WJT, AKTS, SC), pp. 779–786.
CIKM-2008-NurmiLBFKP #natural language #retrieval- Natural language retrieval of grocery products (PN, EL, WLB, PF, JK, PP), pp. 1413–1414.
CIKM-2008-RogatiYC #corpus #information retrieval #optimisation- Corpus microsurgery: criteria optimization for medical cross-language ir (MR, YY, JGC), pp. 1365–1366.
CIKM-2008-ThomoV #automaton #integration #xml- Rewriting of visibly pushdown languages for xml data integration (AT, SV), pp. 521–530.
ECIR-2008-BenderskyK #documentation #modelling #retrieval- Utilizing Passage-Based Language Models for Document Retrieval (MB, OK), pp. 162–174.
ECIR-2008-BlancoB #documentation #modelling #probability- Probabilistic Document Length Priors for Language Models (RB, AB), pp. 394–405.
ECIR-2008-KneesPSSS #approach #music #natural language- A Document-Centered Approach to a Natural Language Music Search Engine (PK, TP, MS, DS, KS), pp. 627–631.
ECIR-2008-MarlowCRA #multi #web- Exploring the Effects of Language Skills on Multilingual Web Search (JM, PDC, JMCR, JA), pp. 126–137.
ECIR-2008-NaKL #documentation #modelling #multi #normalisation #topic- Improving Term Frequency Normalization for Multi-topical Documents and Application to Language Modeling Approaches (SHN, ISK, JHL), pp. 382–393.
ECIR-2008-OfoghiYM #identification #natural language #semantics- The Impact of Semantic Class Identification and Semantic Role Labeling on Natural Language Answer Extraction (BO, JY, LM), pp. 430–437.
ECIR-2008-SongHRB #composition #mining #modelling #multi #query #using- Facilitating Query Decomposition in Query Language Modeling by Association Rule Mining Using Multiple Sliding Windows (DS, QH, SMR, PB), pp. 334–345.
ECIR-2008-WiegandK #classification #modelling #optimisation- Optimizing Language Models for Polarity Classification (MW, DK), pp. 612–616.
ICML-2008-ChenM #learning- Learning to sportscast: a test of grounded language acquisition (DLC, RJM), pp. 128–135.
ICML-2008-CollobertW #architecture #learning #multi #natural language #network- A unified architecture for natural language processing: deep neural networks with multitask learning (RC, JW), pp. 160–167.
ICPR-2008-AgrisBK #adaptation #agile #approach #recognition #using- Rapid signer adaptation for continuous sign language recognition using a combined approach of eigenvoices, MLLR, and MAP (UvA, CB, KFK), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MatsuoSS #automation #generative #recognition- Automatic generation of HMM topology for sign language recognition (TM, YS, NS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SaitohMK #analysis #performance- Analysis of efficient lip reading method for various languages (TS, KM, RK), pp. 1–4.
SEKE-2008-EzenwoyeS #approach #reliability #web #web service- A Language-based Approach to Addressing Reliability in Composite Web Services (OE, SMS), pp. 649–654.
SEKE-2008-IlievaB #diagrams #generative #natural language #representation #requirements #uml #visual notation- Representing Textual Requirements as Graphical Natural Language for UML Diagram Generation (MI, HB), pp. 478–483.
SEKE-2008-JinB #database #fuzzy #relational- A Fuzzy Trigger Language for Relational Database Systems (YJ, TB), pp. 367–370.
SEKE-2008-KhwajaU #execution #modelling #named #specification- RealSpec: an Executable Specification Language for Modeling Resources (AAK, JEU), pp. 97–102.
SEKE-2008-KraftBS #clone detection #detection- Cross-language Clone Detection (NAK, BWB, RKS), pp. 54–59.
SEKE-2008-PatroneR #bound #logic #programming language- Sharing Application Logic Across Programming Language Boundaries (DSP, BR), pp. 227–231.
SEKE-2008-QayyumO #architecture #dot-net- .NET Extensions to the p-architecture Description Languages (ZQ, FO), pp. 244–249.
SIGIR-2008-BanchsK #information retrieval- Exploiting MDS Projections for Cross-language IR (REB, AK), pp. 863–864.
SIGIR-2008-Diaz08a #feedback #modelling- Improving relevance feedback in language modeling with score regularization (FDD), pp. 807–808.
SIGIR-2008-FortunaRPGM- Cross-lingual search over 22 european languages (BF, JR, BP, MG, DM), p. 883.
SIGIR-2008-KapteinLHK #modelling #using #web- Using parsimonious language models on web data (RK, RL, DH, JK), pp. 763–764.
SIGIR-2008-Kurland #approach #clustering #documentation #ranking- The opposite of smoothing: a language model approach to ranking query-specific document clusters (OK), pp. 171–178.
SIGIR-2008-MeiZZ #framework #graph #modelling #optimisation- A general optimization framework for smoothing language models on graph structures (QM, DZ, CZ), pp. 611–618.
SIGIR-2008-Murray #library #modelling #process- Extending language modeling techniques to models of search and browsing activity in a digital library (GCM), p. 900.
SIGIR-2008-NaKKL #information retrieval #proximity- Exploiting proximity feature in bigram language model for information retrieval (SHN, JK, ISK, JHL), pp. 821–822.
SIGIR-2008-Trieschnigg #information retrieval- Biomedical cross-language information retrieval (DT), p. 897.
SIGIR-2008-TrieschniggMRK #concept #modelling #using- Measuring concept relatedness using language models (DT, EM, MdR, WK), pp. 823–824.
SIGIR-2008-WuH #interactive #named- Ice-tea: an interactive cross-language search engine with translation enhancement (DW, DH), p. 882.
BX-2008-Axelsen- Languages Short Talk 2 (HBA), p. 2.
BX-2008-Axelsen1- Reversible Flowchart Languages (HA), p. 36.
BX-2008-Cunha- Languages and Applications Short Talk 6 (JC), p. 13.
BX-2008-Czarnecki1 #bidirectional #modelling- Bidirectional Transformations for Framework-Specific Modeling Languages (KC), p. 45.
BX-2008-Fisher- Languages and Applications Short Talk 5 (KF), p. 12.
BX-2008-Foster- Languages Short Talk 7 (NF), p. 7.
BX-2008-Glueck- Languages Short Talk 1 (RG), p. 1.
BX-2008-Glueck1 #programming language #tutorial- Reversible Programming Languages (tutorial) (RG), p. 35.
BX-2008-Hu- Languages Short Talk 6 (ZH), p. 6.
BX-2008-Kato- Languages and Applications Short Talk 7 (HK), p. 14.
BX-2008-Laemmel- Languages and Applications Short Talk 3 (RL), p. 10.
BX-2008-Lutterkort- Languages and Applications Short Talk 4 (DL), p. 11.
BX-2008-Matsuda- Languages Short Talk 3 (KM), p. 3.
BX-2008-Mu- Languages and Applications Short Talk 1 (SCM), p. 8.
BX-2008-Nakano- Languages Short Talk 4 (KN), p. 4.
BX-2008-Voigtlaender- Languages and Applications Short Talk 2 (JV), p. 9.
BX-2008-Wang- Languages Short Talk 5 (MW), p. 5.
ECMDA-FA-2008-GronmoSMK #aspect-oriented #interactive #semantics- A Semantics-Based Aspect Language for Interactions with the Arbitrary Events Symbol (RG, FS, BMP, SK), pp. 262–277.
ECMDA-FA-2008-RosePKP #generative- The Epsilon Generation Language (LMR, RFP, DSK, FP), pp. 1–16.
ECMDA-FA-2008-SadilekW #domain-specific language #modelling #prototype #visual notation- Prototyping Visual Interpreters and Debuggers for Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (DAS, GW), pp. 63–78.
ICMT-2008-KolovosPP #model transformation- The Epsilon Transformation Language (DSK, RFP, FP), pp. 46–60.
ICMT-2008-Kurtev #model transformation- Application of Reflection in Model Transformation Languages (IK), pp. 199–213.
ICMT-2008-Wagelaar #composition #model transformation #rule-based- Composition Techniques for Rule-Based Model Transformation Languages (DW), pp. 152–167.
MoDELS-2008-HemelVV #modelling #named #object-oriented #web #workflow- WebWorkFlow: An Object-Oriented Workflow Modeling Language for Web Applications (ZH, RV, EV), pp. 113–127.
MoDELS-2008-KelsenM #approach #lightweight #modelling #semantics- A Lightweight Approach for Defining the Formal Semantics of a Modeling Language (PK, QM), pp. 690–704.
MoDELS-2008-VermolenV #co-evolution #evolution- Heterogeneous Coupled Evolution of Software Languages (SV, EV), pp. 630–644.
MoDELS-2008-ZamaniKB #enterprise #pattern matching #verification- A Pattern Language Verifier for Web-Based Enterprise Applications (BZ, SK, GB), pp. 553–567.
MoDELS-2008-HemelVV #modelling #named #object-oriented #web #workflow- WebWorkFlow: An Object-Oriented Workflow Modeling Language for Web Applications (ZH, RV, EV), pp. 113–127.
MoDELS-2008-KelsenM #approach #lightweight #modelling #semantics- A Lightweight Approach for Defining the Formal Semantics of a Modeling Language (PK, QM), pp. 690–704.
MoDELS-2008-VermolenV #co-evolution #evolution- Heterogeneous Coupled Evolution of Software Languages (SV, EV), pp. 630–644.
MoDELS-2008-ZamaniKB #enterprise #pattern matching #verification- A Pattern Language Verifier for Web-Based Enterprise Applications (BZ, SK, GB), pp. 553–567.
ECOOP-2008-DemskyD #named #robust- Bristlecone: A Language for Robust Software Systems (BD, AD), pp. 490–515.
ECOOP-2008-Gray #inheritance- Safe Cross-Language Inheritance (KEG), pp. 52–75.
ECOOP-2008-HavingaBA #aspect-oriented #prototype- Prototyping and Composing Aspect Languages (WH, LB, MA), pp. 180–206.
ECOOP-2008-RajanL #named #quantifier- Ptolemy: A Language with Quantified, Typed Events (HR, GTL), pp. 155–179.
OOPSLA-2008-NystromSPG #object-oriented- Constrained types for object-oriented languages (NN, VAS, JP, CG), pp. 457–474.
OOPSLA-2008-SimpkinsBIM #adaptation #learning #programming language #towards- Towards adaptive programming: integrating reinforcement learning into a programming language (CS, SB, CLIJ, MM), pp. 603–614.
OOPSLA-2008-WillisPN #java #query- Caching and incrementalisation in the java query language (DW, DJP, JN), pp. 1–18.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-BettiniBV #composition #java- Object Incompleteness and Dynamic Composition in Java-Like Languages (LB, VB, BV), pp. 198–217.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-KrahnRV #composition #development #domain-specific language #named- MontiCore: Modular Development of Textual Domain Specific Languages (HK, BR, SV), pp. 297–315.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-NielsenE #composition #optimisation #static typing- Optimizing Dynamic Class Composition in a Statically Typed Language (ABN, EE), pp. 161–177.
GPCE-2008-Batory #modelling #using- Using modern mathematics as an FOSD modeling language (DSB), pp. 35–44.
GPCE-2008-MercadalPCL #coordination #domain-specific language #named- Pantaxou: a domain-specific language for developing safe coordination services (JM, NP, CC, JLL), pp. 149–160.
PPDP-2008-MeraLCH #automaton #estimation #execution #towards- Towards execution time estimation in abstract machine-based languages (EM, PLG, MC, MVH), pp. 174–184.
PPDP-2008-PaoliniP #linear #programming language #semantics- Semantically linear programming languages (LP, MP), pp. 97–107.
SAC-2008-BaveraB #analysis #bytecode #data flow #policy #type system- Type-based information flow analysis for bytecode languages with variable object field policies (FB, EB), pp. 347–351.
SAC-2008-BeckerRHST #xml- A generic XML language for characterising objects to support digital preservation (CB, AR, VH, JS, MT), pp. 402–406.
SAC-2008-EinseleIH #independence #recognition #word- A language-independent, open-vocabulary system based on HMMs for recognition of ultra low resolution words (FE, RI, JH), pp. 429–433.
SAC-2008-GomezKV- Aggregation languages for moving object and places of interest (LIG, BK, AAV), pp. 857–862.
SAC-2008-Mevius #modelling #novel #process- A novel modeling language for tool-based business process engineering (MvM), pp. 590–591.
SAC-2008-RebeloSLFC #aspectj #contract #implementation #java #modelling- Implementing Java modeling language contracts with AspectJ (HR, SS, RMFL, LF, MC), pp. 228–233.
SAC-2008-RossiT #execution #modelling #named #process- EPML: an executable process modeling language for process-aware applications (DR, ET), pp. 132–133.
SAC-2008-TeleckenML #specification #visual notation- Applying markup language resources in the specification of visual alphabets and visual sentences (TLT, EVM, JVdL), pp. 222–227.
FSE-2008-OsterweilCEPWBH #dataset #experience #process #using #workflow- Experience in using a process language to define scientific workflow and generate dataset provenance (LJO, LAC, AME, RMP, AEW, ERB, JLH), pp. 319–329.
ICSE-2008-ReichertKSMH #analysis #network #protocol- A language for advanced protocol analysis in automotive networks (TR, EK, WS, AM, DH), pp. 593–602.
ICSE-2008-WangZXAS #approach #debugging #detection #execution #natural language #using- An approach to detecting duplicate bug reports using natural language and execution information (XW, LZ, TX, JA, JS), pp. 461–470.
ATEM-J-2006-FavreGLW #named- Editorial — Software language engineering (JMF, DG, RL, AW), pp. 161–164.
ATEM-J-2006-HeymansSTBMC #diagrams #feature model- Evaluating formal properties of feature diagram languages (PH, PYS, JCT, YB, RM, AC), pp. 281–302.
ATEM-J-2006-LohmannRW #aspect-oriented #prolog- Aspect-oriented prolog in a language processing context (WL, GR, GW), pp. 241–259.
LDTA-2007-HameyG08 #domain-specific language #experience #implementation #stratego #using- Implementing a Domain-Specific Language Using Stratego/XT: An Experience Paper (LGCH, SG), pp. 37–51.
LDTA-2007-KallebergV08 #compilation #model transformation- Fusing a Transformation Language with an Open Compiler (KTK, EV), pp. 21–36.
LDTA-2007-KlintKV08 #ide #parametricity- Language Parametric Module Management for IDEs (PK, ATK, JJV), pp. 3–19.
SLE-2008-BastenK #fact extraction #named #parametricity #source code- DeFacto: Language-Parametric Fact Extraction from Source Code (BB, PK), pp. 265–284.
SLE-2008-Brand #modelling- Model-Driven Engineering Meets Generic Language Technology (MvdB), pp. 8–15.
SLE-2008-FritzscheJAMGSBK #automation #embedded #model transformation #modelling- Systematic Usage of Embedded Modelling Languages in Automated Model Transformation Chains (MF, JJ, UA, SM, WG, ITAS, TJB, PK), pp. 134–150.
SLE-2008-GjosaeterIP #case study #named- Sudoku — A Language Description Case Study (TG, IFI, AP), pp. 305–321.
SLE-2008-GorpKJ #higher-order #integration #model transformation- Transformation Language Integration Based on Profiles and Higher Order Transformations (PVG, AK, DJ), pp. 208–226.
SLE-2008-HageK #analysis #library #named- Neon: A Library for Language Usage Analysis (JH, PvK), pp. 35–53.
SLE-2008-Kleppe- The Field of Software Language Engineering (AK), pp. 1–7.
SLE-2008-RiveraGLV #behaviour #maude #modelling #rule-based #semantics #visual notation- Analyzing Rule-Based Behavioral Semantics of Visual Modeling Languages with Maude (JER, EG, JdL, AV), pp. 54–73.
SLE-2008-SanchezLFG #process #product line #specification- Engineering Languages for Specifying Product-Derivation Processes in Software Product Lines (PS, NL, LF, AG), pp. 188–207.
SPLC-2008-HaugenMOOS #domain-specific language #standard #variability- Adding Standardized Variability to Domain Specific Languages (ØH, BMP, JO, GKO, AS), pp. 139–148.
SPLC-2008-SantosKL #automation #domain-specific language #generative #modelling- Automated Domain-Specific Modeling Languages for Generating Framework-Based Applications (ALS, KK, AL), pp. 149–158.
ASPLOS-2008-DeviettiBMZ #architecture #bound #c #named #programming language #safety- Hardbound: architectural support for spatial safety of the C programming language (JD, CB, MMKM, SZ), pp. 103–114.
ASPLOS-2008-JoaoMKAP #object-oriented #performance- Improving the performance of object-oriented languages with dynamic predication of indirect jumps (JAJ, OM, HK, RA, YNP), pp. 80–90.
CGO-2008-MurphyMSSA #type safety- Fault-safe code motion for type-safe languages (BRM, VM, FTS, TS, ARAT), pp. 144–154.
LCTES-2008-BiernackiCHP #code generation #composition #data flow- Clock-directed modular code generation for synchronous data-flow languages (DB, JLC, GH, MP), pp. 121–130.
LCTES-2008-CohenK #named #regular expression- EventScript: an event-processing language based on regular expressions with actions (NHC, KTK), pp. 111–120.
OSDI-2008-YuIFBEGC #distributed #named #using- DryadLINQ: A System for General-Purpose Distributed Data-Parallel Computing Using a High-Level Language (YY, MI, DF, MB, ÚE, PKG, JC), pp. 1–14.
PPoPP-2008-GregorL #c# #design #framework #implementation- Design and implementation of a high-performance MPI for C# and the common language infrastructure (DG, AL), pp. 133–142.
CSL-2008-ChatterjeeDH- Quantitative Languages (KC, LD, TAH), pp. 385–400.
CSL-2008-ColcombetL #calculus #problem #μ-calculus- The Nesting-Depth of Disjunctive μ-Calculus for Tree Languages and the Limitedness Problem (TC, CL), pp. 416–430.
CSL-2008-Place #logic- Characterization of Logics over Ranked Tree Languages (TP), pp. 401–415.
ICLP-2008-BuccafurriCL #logic #reasoning #semantics #social- A Logic Language with Stable Model Semantics for Social Reasoning (FB, GC, RL), pp. 718–723.
ICLP-2008-CiprianoDM #compilation #declarative #modelling- Compiling and Executing Declarative Modeling Languages to Gecode (RC, AD, JM), pp. 744–748.
ICLP-2008-PiancastelliO #logic #multi #web- A Multi-theory Logic Language for the World Wide Web (GP, AO), pp. 769–773.
IJCAR-2008-BenzmullerRS #higher-order #logic #named- THF0 — The Core of the TPTP Language for Higher-Order Logic (CB, FR, GS), pp. 491–506.
LICS-2008-BojanczykSS- Piecewise Testable Tree Languages (MB, LS, HS), pp. 442–451.
RTA-2008-JacquemardR- Closure of Hedge-Automata Languages by Hedge Rewriting (FJ, MR), pp. 157–171.
VMCAI-2008-JonesH- CTL as an Intermediate Language (NDJ, RRH), p. 4.
VMCAI-2008-Pistoia #program analysis #programming language #security- Program Analysis and Programming Languages for Security (MP), p. 7.
WICSA-2007-OliveiraW #approach #architecture #modelling- A Model-Driven Approach to Extract Views from an Architecture Description Language (CO, MW), p. 7.
ASE-2007-Alexander #design #named- Rosetta: language support for system-level design (PA), p. 577.
ASE-2007-CharlesFS #eclipse #framework #ide #named- IMP: a meta-tooling platform for creating language-specific ides in eclipse (PC, RMF, SMSJ), pp. 485–488.
ASE-2007-HoskingG #domain-specific language #implementation #tool support #visual notation- Meta tools for implementing domain specific visual languages (JGH, JCG), p. 576.
ASE-2007-Leavens #java #ml #modelling #tutorial- Tutorial on JML, the java modeling language (GTL), p. 573.
DAC-2007-BhattacharyaRS #process- Language Extensions to SystemC: Process Control Constructs (BB, JR, SS), pp. 35–38.
DAC-2007-GoldgeisserCD #hardware #modelling- Modeling Safe Operating Area in Hardware Description Languages (LBG, EC, ZD), pp. 377–382.
DATE-2007-EckerESSVH #abstraction #interactive #performance #representation #simulation- Interactive presentation: Impact of description language, abstraction layer, and value representation on simulation performance (WE, VE, LS, TS, MV, MH), pp. 767–772.
DocEng-2007-PuginI #semantics- Combination of transformation and schema languages described by a complete formal semantics (CP, RI), pp. 222–224.
DocEng-2007-ThompsonKS #declarative #xml- Declarative extensions of XML languages (SJT, PRK, PS), pp. 89–91.
HT-2007-ZhouGTB #automation #generative #hypermedia #modelling #named- LLAMA: automatic hypertext generation utilizing language models (DZ, JG, MT, TJB), pp. 77–80.
ICDAR-2007-Furmaniak #segmentation #using- Unsupervised Newspaper Segmentation Using Language Context (RF), pp. 1263–1267.
ICDAR-2007-HiranoOOY #analysis #documentation #information management #layout- Text and Layout Information Extraction from Document Files of Various Formats Based on the Analysis of Page Description Language (TH, YO, YO, FY), pp. 262–266.
ICDAR-2007-LuLT #categorisation #identification- Identification of Latin-Based Languages through Character Stroke Categorization (SJL, LL, CLT), pp. 352–356.
ICDAR-2007-NamboodiriNJ #on the #using- On Using Classical Poetry Structure for Indian Language Post-Processing (AMN, PJN, CVJ), pp. 1238–1242.
ICDAR-2007-ProchassonVM #modelling- Language Models for Handwritten Short Message Services (EP, CVG, EM), pp. 83–87.
ICDAR-2007-YoshidaN #approach #documentation #modelling #parsing #web- Web Document Parsing: A New Approach to Modeling Layout-Language Relations (MY, HN), pp. 203–207.
ICDAR-2007-ZiaratbanFF #feature model #recognition #using- Language-Based Feature Extraction Using Template-Matching In Farsi/Arabic Handwritten Numeral Recognition (MZ, KF, FF), pp. 297–301.
PODS-2007-BadiaV #query- Non-linear prefixes in query languages (AB, SV), pp. 185–194.
SIGMOD-2007-HeWCLR #automation #named #tool support- BIwTL: a business information warehouse toolkit and language for warehousing simplification and automation (BH, RW, YC, AL, JR), pp. 1041–1052.
SIGMOD-2007-LiCYSJ #adaptation #interface #named #natural language #query #xml- DaNaLIX: a domain-adaptive natural language interface for querying XML (YL, IC, HY, SPS, HVJ), pp. 1165–1168.
VLDB-2007-AntovaKO #query- Query language support for incomplete information in the MayBMS system (LA, CK, DO), pp. 1422–1425.
ITiCSE-2007-Albin-Clark #implementation #multi #named #pseudo- MaBL: a tool for mapping pseudocode to multiple implementation languages (AAC), p. 315.
ITiCSE-2007-RodgerLR #automaton #formal method #interactive- Increasing interaction and support in the formal languages and automata theory course (SHR, JL, SR), pp. 58–62.
WRLA-J-2004-CervesatoS07 #dependent type #logic #representation #specification- Representing the MSR cryptoprotocol specification language in an extension of rewriting logic with dependent types (IC, MOS), pp. 3–35.
WRLA-2006-FarzanM07 #partial order #programming language #reduction #semantics- Partial Order Reduction for Rewriting Semantics of Programming Languages (AF, JM), pp. 61–78.
WRLA-2006-HillsSR07 #framework #generative #performance- A Rewrite Framework for Language Definitions and for Generation of Efficient Interpreters (MH, TS, GR), pp. 215–231.
ESOP-2007-BuscemiM #constraints #named #specification- CC-Pi: A Constraint-Based Language for Specifying Service Level Agreements (MGB, UM), pp. 18–32.
ESOP-2007-EnnalsG #multi- Multi-language Synchronization (RE, DG), pp. 475–489.
ESOP-2007-HaackPSS #java- Immutable Objects for a Java-Like Language (CH, EP, JS, AS), pp. 347–362.
ESOP-2007-MantelR #classification #security #what- Controlling the What and Where of Declassification in Language-Based Security (HM, AR), pp. 141–156.
ESOP-2007-Pitts #equivalence #higher-order- Techniques for Contextual Equivalence in Higher-Order, Typed Languages (AMP), p. 1.
FASE-2007-BurdyHP #behaviour #bytecode #design #interface #java #specification- Preliminary Design of BML: A Behavioral Interface Specification Language for Java Bytecode (LB, MH, MP), pp. 215–229.
FASE-2007-GaoHW #flexibility #modelling- Flexible and Extensible Notations for Modeling Languages (JG, MPEH, EVW), pp. 102–116.
FoSSaCS-2007-TozawaM #complexity #context-free grammar- Complexity Results on Balanced Context-Free Languages (AT, YM), pp. 346–360.
PASTE-2007-PollockVSHFM #natural language #program analysis- Introducing natural language program analysis (LLP, KVS, DCS, EH, ZPF, KM), pp. 15–16.
PASTE-2007-ShepherdPV #case study #natural language #program analysis #reverse engineering- Case study: supplementing program analysis with natural language analysis to improve a reverse engineering task (DCS, LLP, KVS), pp. 49–54.
WCRE-2007-DuffyM #approach #automation #c++ #grammar recovery- An Automated Approach to Grammar Recovery for a Dialect of the C++ Language (EBD, BAM), pp. 11–20.
PEPM-2007-EllnerT #semantics #visual notation- The semantics of graphical languages (SE, WT), pp. 122–133.
PEPM-2007-FischerMM #named #programming- Tasks: language support for event-driven programming (JF, RM, TDM), pp. 134–143.
PEPM-2007-YokoyamaG #programming language #self- A reversible programming language and its invertible self-interpreter (TY, RG), pp. 144–153.
PLDI-2007-Chlipala #assembly #compilation #λ-calculus- A certified type-preserving compiler from λ calculus to assembly language (AC), pp. 54–65.
PLDI-2007-KillianABJV #distributed #named- Mace: language support for building distributed systems (CEK, JWA, RB, RJ, AV), pp. 179–188.
PLDI-2007-PerryMRLAW #assembly #fault tolerance- Fault-tolerant typed assembly language (FP, LWM, GAR, JL, DIA, DW), pp. 42–53.
SAS-2007-ChenWWKC #aspect-oriented #compilation #functional- A Compilation Model for Aspect-Oriented Polymorphically Typed Functional Languages (KC, SCW, MW, SCK, CHC), pp. 34–51.
SAS-2007-GallJ #automaton #infinity #representation #verification- Lattice Automata: A Representation for Languages on Infinite Alphabets, and Some Applications to Verification (TLG, BJ), pp. 52–68.
SAS-2007-Mycroft #analysis #design #evolution #hardware #motivation #programming language- Programming Language Design and Analysis Motivated by Hardware Evolution (AM), pp. 18–33.
CIAA-J-2006-Glockler07 #automaton- Forgetting Automata and Unary Languages (JG), pp. 813–827.
CIAA-2007-AckermanS #performance #regular expression- Efficient Enumeration of Regular Languages (MA, JS), pp. 226–242.
CIAA-2007-AnselmoGM #2d #automaton- Tiling Automaton: A Computational Model for Recognizable Two-Dimensional Languages (MA, DG, MM), pp. 290–302.
CIAA-2007-CaucalCFR #context-free grammar #performance #throughput- Efficient Computation of Throughput Values of Context-Free Languages (DC, JC, WF, WR), pp. 203–213.
CIAA-2007-Klunder #automaton #finite- Finite Automata Accepting Star-Connected Languages (BK), pp. 312–313.
CIAA-2007-MrazPO #context-free grammar #nondeterminism- A Measure for the Degree of Nondeterminism of Context-Free Languages (FM, MP, FO), pp. 192–202.
DLT-2007-AnselmoGM #2d #nondeterminism- From Determinism to Non-determinism in Recognizable Two-Dimensional Languages (MA, DG, MM), pp. 36–47.
DLT-2007-Frid- Commutation of Binary Factorial Languages (AEF), pp. 193–204.
DLT-2007-HanS #complexity #finite- State Complexity of Union and Intersection of Finite Languages (YSH, KS), pp. 217–228.
DLT-2007-Henzinger- Quantitative Generalizations of Languages (TAH), pp. 20–22.
DLT-2007-Jez #boolean grammar- Conjunctive Grammars Can Generate Non-regular Unary Languages (AJ), pp. 242–253.
DLT-2007-JuliaD- Reduced Languages as ω-Generators (SJ, TVD), pp. 266–277.
DLT-2007-Kunc #equation #question #what- What Do We Know About Language Equations? (MK), pp. 23–27.
DLT-2007-MalcherP #bound #complexity #context-free grammar- Descriptional Complexity of Bounded Context-Free Languages (AM, GP), pp. 312–323.
DLT-2007-OchmanskiS- A Star Operation for Star-Free Trace Languages (EO, KS), pp. 337–345.
DLT-2007-Selivanov- Fine Hierarchy of Regular Aperiodic ω-Languages (VLS), pp. 399–410.
ICALP-2007-ArenasBL #automaton #fixpoint #regular expression #word- Regular Languages of Nested Words: Fixed Points, Automata, and Synchronization (MA, PB, LL), pp. 888–900.
ICALP-2007-BodirskyCKO #constraints- Maximal Infinite-Valued Constraint Languages (MB, HC, JK, TvO), pp. 546–557.
LATA-2007-BlanpainCD #geometry- Geometrical Languages (BB, JMC, JPD), pp. 127–138.
LATA-2007-BorchertR- Deterministically and Sudoku-Deterministically Recognizable Picture Languages (BB, KR), pp. 175–186.
LATA-2007-GruberH #automaton #complexity #finite #nondeterminism- Computational Complexity of NFA Minimization for Finite and Unary Languages (HG, MH), pp. 261–272.
LATA-2007-HanW #regular expression- Generalizations of One-Deterministic Regular Languages (YSH, DW), pp. 273–284.
LATA-2007-KutribM #automaton #performance #recognition #using- Fast Reversible Language Recognition Using Cellular Automata (MK, AM), pp. 331–342.
LATA-2007-KutribR #automaton #regular expression- Succinct Description of Regular Languages by Weak Restarting Automata (MK, JR), pp. 343–354.
LATA-2007-Nemeth #approach #comparative #on the- On the Regularity of Binoid Languages: A Comparative Approach (ZLN), pp. 449–460.
LATA-2007-Povarov #complexity #regular expression- Descriptive Complexity of the Hamming Neighborhood of a Regular Language (GP), pp. 509–520.
LATA-2007-StawikowskaO #on the- On Star-Free Trace Languages and their Lexicographic Representations (KS, EO), pp. 541–552.
LATA-2007-Stiebe #matrix- Slender Siromoney Matrix Languages (RS), pp. 553–564.
ICFP-2007-FredlundS #distributed #functional #model checking #named #programming language- McErlang: a model checker for a distributed functional programming language (LÅF, HS), pp. 125–136.
ICFP-2007-NystromTK #distributed- Evaluating high-level distributed language constructs (JHN, PWT, DJK), pp. 203–212.
ICFP-2007-Park #higher-order #type safety- Type-safe higher-order channels in ML-like languages (SP), pp. 191–202.
ICFP-2007-SymeNM #lightweight #pattern matching- Extensible pattern matching via a lightweight language extension (DS, GN, JM), pp. 29–40.
ILC-2007-MehnertB #domain-specific language- A domain-specific language for manipulation of binary data in Dylan (HM, AB), p. 22.
ILC-2007-RepenningI #lisp- X-expressions in XMLisp: S-expressions and extensible markup language unite (AR, AI), p. 23.
AGTIVE-2007-AndresLG #domain-specific language #visual notation- Domain Specific Languages with Graphical and Textual Views (FPA, JdL, EG), pp. 82–97.
AGTIVE-2007-FussT #algorithm #graph transformation #model transformation #simulation- Simulating Set-Valued Transformations with Algorithmic Graph Transformation Languages (CF, VET), pp. 442–455.
AGTIVE-2007-KniemeyerK #framework #modelling #programming language- The Modelling Platform GroIMP and the Programming Language XL (OK, WK), pp. 570–572.
AGTIVE-2007-Kurtev #model transformation #qvt #standard #state of the art- State of the Art of QVT: A Model Transformation Language Standard (IK), pp. 377–393.
AGTIVE-2007-RangerW #graph grammar- The Graph Rewriting Language and Environment PROGRES (UR, EW), pp. 575–576.
GT-VMT-2007-BalasubramanianNNSTK #graph transformation #model transformation- A Subgraph Operator for Graph Transformation Languages (DB, AN, SN, FS, RT, GK).
GT-VMT-2007-LindqvistLP #query- A Query Language With the Star Operator (JL, TL, IP).
GT-VMT-2007-WorzbergerHH #graph #tool support #workflow- Evaluating Workflow Definition Language Revisions with Graph-Based Tools (RW, MH, FWH).
CHI-2007-KamRDTC #design #framework #learning #locality- Localized iterative design for language learning in underdeveloped regions: the PACE framework (MK, DR, VD, AT, JFC), pp. 1097–1106.
HCI-AS-2007-CorradiniBH #2d #game studies #interface #natural language- A Natural Language Interface for a 2D Networked Game (AC, AB, TH), pp. 225–234.
HCI-IDU-2007-MartinR #design #human-computer #pattern matching- Structurally Supported Design of HCI Pattern Languages (CM, AR), pp. 1159–1167.
HCI-IPT-2007-ThuU #multi- Positional Mapping Multi-tap for Myanmar Language (YKT, YU), pp. 486–495.
HCI-IPT-2007-WissmannB #tool support #visualisation- Bilingual Mapping Visualizations as Tools for Chinese Language Acquisition (JW, GSB), pp. 171–180.
HCI-MIE-2007-DerakhshiK #bound #fuzzy #network #predict #sequence #using #word- Using Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Networks for Predicting Word Boundaries in a Phoneme Sequence in Persian Language (MRFD, MRK), pp. 50–59.
HCI-MIE-2007-Marcus #communication #mobile #user interface- m-LoCoS UI: A Universal Visible Language for Global Mobile Communication (AM), pp. 144–153.
HCI-MIE-2007-SunCSC #algorithm #gesture #integration #interface #natural language- An Input-Parsing Algorithm Supporting Integration of Deictic Gesture in Natural Language Interface (YS, FC, Y(S, VC), pp. 206–215.
HCI-MIE-2007-ZhongCZL #adaptation #identification #incremental #online- Confidence Measure Based Incremental Adaptation for Online Language Identification (SZ, YC, CZ, JL), pp. 535–543.
HIMI-IIE-2007-LaukaitisVG #architecture #information retrieval #natural language- Natural Language Based Heavy Personal Assistant Architecture for Information Retrieval and Presentation (AL, OV, VG), pp. 54–63.
HIMI-IIE-2007-TsengLH #learning #mobile- A Mobile Environment for Chinese Language Learning (CCT, CHL, WLH), pp. 485–489.
SIGAda-2007-Brosgol #assessment #named #safety- SA2: languages for safety-critical software: issues and assessment (BMB), p. 2.
EDOC-2007-MilanovicKGGWDH #integration #process #using- Business Process Integration by Using General Rule Markup Language (MM, NK, DG, AG, GW, VD, MH), pp. 353–364.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-AlevizosKPSB #fuzzy #information retrieval #multi- Fuzzy Interval Number (FIN) Techniques for Multilingual and Cross Language Information Retrieval (TA, VGK, SEP, CS, PB), pp. 348–355.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-OHaganSS #collaboration #composition #named #process- EVIE — An event brokering language for the composition of collaborative business processes (TO, SWS, WS), pp. 372–377.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-Egyhazy #architecture #comparison #design #security- Comparison of Five Architecture Description Languages on Design Focus, Security and Style (CJE), pp. 270–277.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-LiHG #modelling #named #process #visual notation- EML: A Tree Overlay-Based Visual Language for Business Process Modelling (RLL, JGH, JCG), pp. 131–137.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-Rodriguez #collaboration #coordination #education #learning #modelling #process- A Modeling Language for Collaborative Learning Educational Units — Supporting the Coordination of Collaborative Activities (MCR), pp. 334–339.
CIKM-2007-BacheBC #modelling #probability- Language models, probability of relevance and relevance likelihood (RB, MB, FC), pp. 853–856.
CIKM-2007-CaoGNB #markov #modelling #query- Extending query translation to cross-language query expansion with markov chain models (GC, JG, JYN, JB), pp. 351–360.
CIKM-2007-CombiMP #query #sql- The t4sql temporal query language (CC, AM, GP), pp. 193–202.
CIKM-2007-XuBCY #information retrieval #social #using- Using social annotations to improve language model for information retrieval (SX, SB, YC, YY), pp. 1003–1006.
ECIR-2007-BoyerB #natural language #web- Natural Language Processing for Usage Based Indexing of Web Resources (AB, AB), pp. 517–524.
ECIR-2007-CrivellariNF #how #information retrieval- How to Compare Bilingual to Monolingual Cross-Language Information Retrieval (FC, GMDN, NF), pp. 533–540.
ECIR-2007-KongL #documentation #modelling #multi #network #xml- Combining Multiple Sources of Evidence in XML Multimedia Documents: An Inference Network Incorporating Element Language Models (ZK, ML), pp. 716–719.
ECIR-2007-MerkelK #classification #modelling #query- Language Model Based Query Classification (AM, DK), pp. 720–723.
ECIR-2007-WeiC #ad hoc #framework #modelling #performance #retrieval- Modeling Term Associations for Ad-Hoc Retrieval Performance Within Language Modeling Framework (XW, WBC), pp. 52–63.
ICML-2007-MnihH #modelling #statistics #visual notation- Three new graphical models for statistical language modelling (AM, GEH), pp. 641–648.
KDD-2007-ChewBKA #information retrieval #using- Cross-language information retrieval using PARAFAC2 (PAC, BWB, TGK, AA), pp. 143–152.
SEKE-2007-FeijoFMGH #concept #modelling #named #query #xml- CXPath: a Query Language for Conceptual Models of Integrated XML Data (DdVF, CNF, ÁFM, RdMG, CAH), p. 592–?.
SEKE-2007-Ilieva #information management #natural language #representation #visual notation- Graphical Notation for Natural Language and Knowledge Representation (MI), pp. 361–367.
SEKE-2007-LeitaoTB #named #natural language #specification #testing- NLForSpec: Translating Natural Language Descriptions into Formal Test Case Specifications (DL, DT, FdAB), pp. 129–134.
SEKE-2007-RushtonT #reasoning #source code- A Language Facilitating Informal Reasoning about Programs (JNR, DT), p. 396–?.
SEKE-2007-TeekayuphunS #approach #hybrid #natural language #query- A Hybrid Approach for Natural Language Query Translation (PT, OS), pp. 368–373.
SEKE-2007-ZaitM #named #ontology #web- OWLed: Extending Knowledge for Web Ontology Language (HZ, AM), pp. 598–603.
SIGIR-2007-AzzopardiRB #analysis #query #topic #using- Building simulated queries for known-item topics: an analysis using six european languages (LA, MdR, KB), pp. 455–462.
SIGIR-2007-GaoNNZHWH #query #using- Cross-lingual query suggestion using query logs of different languages (WG, CN, JYN, MZ, JH, KFW, HWH), pp. 463–470.
SIGIR-2007-Jones #natural language- Natural language and the information layer (KSJ), pp. 3–6.
SIGIR-2007-MaisonnasseGC #dependence #information retrieval- Revisiting the dependence language model for information retrieval (LM, ÉG, JPC), pp. 695–696.
SIGIR-2007-Metzler #modelling #parametricity #using- Using gradient descent to optimize language modeling smoothing parameters (DM), pp. 687–688.
SIGIR-2007-TanVFZ #feedback #information retrieval #modelling- Term feedback for information retrieval with language models (BT, AV, HF, CZ), pp. 263–270.
SIGIR-2007-WinaverKD #framework #modelling #query #robust #towards- Towards robust query expansion: model selection in the language modeling framework (MW, OK, CD), pp. 729–730.
SIGIR-2007-ZhangX #estimation #modelling #performance- Fast exact maximum likelihood estimation for mixture of language models (YZ, WX), pp. 865–866.
ECMDA-FA-2007-Kleppe #generative #ide #metamodelling #towards- Towards the Generation of a Text-Based IDE from a Language Metamodel (AK), pp. 114–129.
ECMDA-FA-2007-Warmer #domain-specific language #modelling #using- A Model Driven Software Factory Using Domain Specific Languages (JW), pp. 194–203.
MoDELS-2007-HessellundCW #development #domain-specific language #multi- Guided Development with Multiple Domain-Specific Languages (AH, KC, AW), pp. 46–60.
MoDELS-2007-KrahnRV #syntax- Integrated Definition of Abstract and Concrete Syntax for Textual Languages (HK, BR, SV), pp. 286–300.
MoDELS-2007-WhittleMAJER #composition #diagrams #uml- An Expressive Aspect Composition Language for UML State Diagrams (JW, AMDM, JA, PKJ, AME, RR), pp. 514–528.
MoDELS-2007-XuL #interactive #monitoring #visual notation- Formally Defining a Graphical Language for Monitoring and Checking Object Interactions (KX, DL), pp. 620–634.
MoDELS-2007-HessellundCW #development #domain-specific language #multi- Guided Development with Multiple Domain-Specific Languages (AH, KC, AW), pp. 46–60.
MoDELS-2007-KrahnRV #syntax- Integrated Definition of Abstract and Concrete Syntax for Textual Languages (HK, BR, SV), pp. 286–300.
MoDELS-2007-WhittleMAJER #composition #diagrams #uml- An Expressive Aspect Composition Language for UML State Diagrams (JW, AMDM, JA, PKJ, AME, RR), pp. 514–528.
MoDELS-2007-XuL #interactive #monitoring #visual notation- Formally Defining a Graphical Language for Monitoring and Checking Object Interactions (KX, DL), pp. 620–634.
ECOOP-2007-LinB #data flow #domain-specific language #named- DirectFlow: A Domain-Specific Language for Information-Flow Systems (CKL, APB), pp. 299–322.
ECOOP-2007-WykKBS #attribute grammar #grammarware #java- Attribute Grammar-Based Language Extensions for Java (EVW, LK, DB, AS), pp. 575–599.
OOPSLA-2007-LeffR #domain-specific language #named #relational #visual notation- Webrb: evaluating a visual domain-specific language for building relational web-applications (AL, JTR), pp. 281–300.
OOPSLA-2007-McDirmid #live programming #programming language- Living it up with a live programming language (SM), pp. 623–638.
OOPSLA-2007-Meijer #programming language- Confessions of a used programming language salesman (EM), pp. 677–694.
OOPSLA-2007-TanM #analysis #c #java #named- Ilea: inter-language analysis across java and c (GT, GM), pp. 39–56.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-HenrikssonJZA #composition #named #reuse- Reuseware — Adding Modularity to Your Language of Choice (JH, JJ, SZ, UA), pp. 127–146.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-KolovosPPR #in the small- Update Transformations in the Small with the Epsilon Wizard Language (DSK, RFP, FP, LMR), pp. 53–69.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-LeitnerEOC #programming language- Reflecting on an Existing Programming Language (AL, PTE, MO, IC), pp. 319–339.
GPCE-2007-LienhardtSS #component #kernel #named #programming- Oz/K: a kernel language for component-based open programming (ML, AS, JBS), pp. 43–52.
GPCE-2007-WeaverKFA #algebra #combinator- Constructing language processors with algebra combinators (PW, GK, NF, PA), pp. 155–164.
GPCE-2007-WykS #parsing- Context-aware scanning for parsing extensible languages (EVW, AS), pp. 63–72.
LOPSTR-2007-FerrariFMO #generative #modelling #object-oriented- Snapshot Generation in a Constructive Object-Oriented Modeling Language (MF, CF, AM, MO), pp. 169–184.
PPDP-2007-EncinaLRH #functional #lazy evaluation #parallel- Observing intermediate structures in a parallel lazy functional language (AdlE, LL, FR, MHH), pp. 109–120.
PADL-2007-Bond #declarative #modelling- BAD, a Declarative Logic-Based Language for Brain Modeling (AHB), pp. 200–214.
POPL-2007-Chen #compilation #inheritance #multi- A typed intermediate language for compiling multiple inheritance (JC), pp. 25–30.
POPL-2007-JumpM #detection #garbage collection #memory management #named- Cork: dynamic memory leak detection for garbage-collected languages (MJ, KSM), pp. 31–38.
POPL-2007-MandelbaumFWFG #functional #ml #named- PADS/ML: a functional data description language (YM, KF, DW, MFF, AG), pp. 77–83.
POPL-2007-MatthewsF #multi #semantics #source code- Operational semantics for multi-language programs (JM, RBF), pp. 3–10.
POPL-2007-Murthy #design #enterprise #programming language #λ-calculus- Advanced programming language design in enterprise software: a λ-calculus theorist wanders into a datacenter (CM), pp. 263–264.
REFSQ-2007-LaukaitisV #development #information management #natural language- Integrating All Stages of Information Systems Development by Means of Natural Language Processing (AL, OV), pp. 218–231.
REFSQ-2007-MatuleviciusH #empirical #modelling- Comparing Goal Modelling Languages: An Experiment (RM, PH), pp. 18–32.
SAC-MT-J-2006-JouaultK07 #model transformation #on the- On the interoperability of model-to-model transformation languages (FJ, IK), pp. 114–137.
SAC-MT-J-2006-KurtevBJ07 #atl #composition #model transformation #rule-based- Rule-based modularization in model transformation languages illustrated with ATL (IK, KvdB, FJ), pp. 138–154.
SAC-MT-J-2006-VarroB07 #framework #model transformation- The model transformation language of the VIATRA2 framework (DV, AB), pp. 214–234.
SAC-OOPS-J-2006-LagorioZ07 #java #named- Just: Safe Unknown Types in Java-like Languages (GL, EZ), pp. 69–98.
SAC-2007-CuadradoM #model transformation- A phasing mechanism for model transformation languages (JSC, JGM), pp. 1020–1024.
SAC-2007-SchusterS #documentation #estimation #natural language #query #random #web- NL sampler: random sampling of web documents based on natural language with query hit estimation (DS, AS), pp. 812–818.
GTTSE-2007-Visser #case study #domain-specific language #named- WebDSL: A Case Study in Domain-Specific Language Engineering (EV), pp. 291–373.
GTTSE-2007-Wachsmuth #domain-specific language #modelling #semantics- Modelling the Operational Semantics of Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (GW), pp. 506–520.
GTTSE-2007-WykM #analysis #composition #java- Adding Dimension Analysis to Java as a Composable Language Extension (EVW, YM), pp. 442–456.
ICSE-2007-GrundyH #diagrams #sketching #visual notation- Supporting Generic Sketching-Based Input of Diagrams in a Domain-Specific Visual Language Meta-Tool (JCG, JGH), pp. 282–291.
ICSE-2007-KarailaS #case study #experience #industrial #metaprogramming #visual notation- Applying Template Meta-Programming Techniques for a Domain-Specific Visual Language — An Industrial Experience Report (MK, TS), pp. 571–580.
ICSE-2007-KojarskiL #aspect-oriented #feature model #framework #identification #interactive #multi- Identifying Feature Interactions in Multi-Language Aspect-Oriented Frameworks (SK, DHL), pp. 147–157.
ICSE-2007-RunesonAN #detection #fault #natural language #using- Detection of Duplicate Defect Reports Using Natural Language Processing (PR, MA, ON), pp. 499–510.
LDTA-J-2003-Wyk #aspect-oriented #composition #implementation #programming- Implementing aspect-oriented programming constructs as modular language extensions (EVW), pp. 38–61.
ATEM-2007-FavreGLW- 4th International Workshop on Language Engineering (ATEM 2007) (JMF, DG, RL, AW), pp. 28–33.
CGO-2007-WangCWSA #code generation #memory management #optimisation #transaction- Code Generation and Optimization for Transactional Memory Constructs in an Unmanaged Language (CW, WYC, YW, BS, ARAT), pp. 34–48.
LCTES-2007-PermandlaRB #java #type system #virtual machine- A type system for preventing data races and deadlocks in the java virtual machine language: 1 (PP, MR, CB), p. 10.
ICLP-2007-BaralDT #information management #natural language #prolog #set #towards- Towards Overcoming the Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck in Answer Set Prolog Applications: Embracing Natural Language Inputs (CB, JD, LT), pp. 1–21.
ICLP-2007-DovierFP #constraints #multi- Multivalued Action Languages with Constraints in CLP(FD) (AD, AF, EP), pp. 255–270.
ICLP-2007-Hanus #declarative #multi- Multi-paradigm Declarative Languages (MH), pp. 45–75.
ICLP-2007-KoninckSD #algorithm #logic- The Correspondence Between the Logical Algorithms Language and CHR (LDK, TS, BD), pp. 209–223.
ICLP-2007-West #animation #logic programming #programming language #specification- The Use of a Logic Programming Language in the Animation of Z Specifications (MMW), pp. 451–452.
LICS-2007-SangiorgiKS #bisimulation #higher-order- Environmental Bisimulations for Higher-Order Languages (DS, NK, ES), pp. 293–302.
LICS-2007-TorreMP #context-sensitive grammar #robust- A Robust Class of Context-Sensitive Languages (SLT, PM, GP), pp. 161–170.
RTA-2007-HillsR #analysis #logic #named #prototype- KOOL: An Application of Rewriting Logic to Language Prototyping and Analysis (MH, GR), pp. 246–256.
TLCA-2007-LiptonN #constraints #higher-order #logic programming #programming language #semantics- Higher-Order Logic Programming Languages with Constraints: A Semantics (JL, SN), pp. 272–289.
VMCAI-2007-KlaedtkeRS #abstraction #hybrid #refinement #verification- Language-Based Abstraction Refinement for Hybrid System Verification (FK, SR, ZS), pp. 151–166.
CBSE-2006-Lumpe #abstraction #component #framework #modelling #named #reasoning- GLoo: A Framework for Modeling and Reasoning About Component-Oriented Language Abstractions (ML), pp. 17–32.
CBSE-2006-PerezACR #architecture #aspect-oriented #design- Designing Software Architectures with an Aspect-Oriented Architecture Description Language (JP, NA, JÁC, IR), pp. 123–138.
ASE-2006-Antkiewicz #modelling #using- Round-Trip Engineering of Framework-Based Software using Framework-Specific Modeling Languages (MA), pp. 323–326.
ASE-2006-GrundyHZL #editing #generative #specification #visual notation- Generating Domain-Specific Visual Language Editors from High-level Tool Specifications (JCG, JGH, NZ, NL), pp. 25–36.
ASE-2006-PaarT #data type #owl #programming language #xml- Programming Language Inherent Support for Constrained XML Schema Definition Data Types and OWL DL (AP, WFT), pp. 281–284.
PODS-2006-BohannonPV #lens #relational- Relational lenses: a language for updatable views (AB, BCP, JAV), pp. 338–347.
SIGMOD-2006-Hanrahan #analysis #named #query #visualisation- VizQL: a language for query, analysis and visualization (PH), p. 721.
SIGMOD-2006-LooCGGHMRRS #declarative #execution #network #optimisation- Declarative networking: language, execution and optimization (BTL, TC, MNG, DEG, JMH, PM, RR, TR, IS), pp. 97–108.
ITiCSE-2006-AdamsBBELS #education #programming language- Approaches to teaching the programming languages course: a potpourri (ESA, DB, JB, JE, PBL, DS), pp. 299–300.
ITiCSE-2006-Gal-EzerT #algebra #how #question #regular expression- Algebraic characterization of regular languages: how to cope with all these equivalences? (JGE, MBT), p. 325.
ITiCSE-2006-HielscherW #automaton #education #formal method #learning #named- AtoCC: learning environment for teaching theory of automata and formal languages (MH, CW), p. 306.
ITiCSE-2006-Rodger #automaton #formal method #learning- Learning automata and formal languages interactively with JFLAP (SHR), p. 360.
ESOP-2006-CarpinetiL #contract #web #web service- A Basic Contract Language for Web Services (SC, CL), pp. 197–213.
ESOP-2006-CooperK #call-by #data flow- Embedding Dynamic Dataflow in a Call-by-Value Language (GHC, SK), pp. 294–308.
ESOP-2006-Fruja #dot-net #runtime #type safety- Type Safety of Generics for the .NET Common Language Runtime (NGF), pp. 325–341.
ESOP-2006-YuI #assembly- A Typed Assembly Language for Confidentiality (DY, NI), pp. 162–179.
FASE-2006-CooneyDR #implementation #named #programming language- GPSL: A Programming Language for Service Implementation (DC, MD, PR), pp. 3–17.
CSMR-2006-BrandKVV #framework #independence #pretty-printing- A Language Independent Framework for Context-sensitive Formatting (MvdB, ATK, JJV, NPV), pp. 103–112.
CSMR-2006-CostagliolaLDGR #case study #design pattern #visual notation- Case Studies of Visual Language Based Design Patterns Recovery (GC, ADL, VD, CG, MR), pp. 165–174.
ICPC-2006-MoiseWHH #reverse engineering #scripting language- Reverse Engineering Scripting Language Extensions (DLM, KW, HJH, DH), pp. 295–306.
ICSM-2006-KontogiannisLW #comprehension #maintenance #multi #scalability- Comprehension and Maintenance of Large-Scale Multi-Language Software Applications (KK, PKL, KW), pp. 497–500.
MSR-2006-KimZKHMGPWZ #mining #named #repository- TA-RE: an exchange language for mining software repositories (SK, TZ, MK, AEH, AM, TG, MP, EJWJ, AZ), pp. 22–25.
SCAM-2006-StreinKL #program analysis #refactoring- Cross-Language Program Analysis and Refactoring (DS, HK, WL), pp. 207–216.
SCAM-2006-WykKBJSR #c #compilation #composition #framework #java #tool support- Tool Demonstration: Silver Extensible Compiler Frameworks and Modular Language Extensions for Java and C (EVW, LK, DB, EJ, AS, PR), p. 161.
WCRE-2006-Ribic #concept #decompiler #embedded #equivalence #execution #implementation #programming language- Concept and implementation of the programming language and translator, for embedded systems, based on machine code decompilation and equivalence between source and executable code (SR), pp. 307–308.
PEPM-2006-IwamaIK #analysis #exception #functional #resource management- Resource usage analysis for a functional language with exceptions (FI, AI, NK), pp. 38–47.
PEPM-2006-WangCK #aspect-oriented #functional #higher-order #weaving- Type-directed weaving of aspects for higher-order functional languages (MW, KC, SCK), pp. 78–87.
PLDI-2006-BergerZ #memory management #named #probability #safety- DieHard: probabilistic memory safety for unsafe languages (EDB, BGZ), pp. 158–168.
PLDI-2006-CarlstromMCCMKO #programming language #transaction- The Atomos transactional programming language (BDC, AM, HC, JC, CCM, CEK, KO), pp. 1–13.
PLDI-2006-DhurjatiKA #alias #analysis #named- SAFECode: enforcing alias analysis for weakly typed languages (DD, SK, VSA), pp. 144–157.
FLOPS-2006-IgnatoffCK #adaptation #framework #functional #object-oriented- Crossing State Lines: Adapting Object-Oriented Frameworks to Functional Reactive Languages (DI, GHC, SK), pp. 259–276.
FLOPS-2006-Roy #convergence #design- Convergence in Language Design: A Case of Lightning Striking Four Times in the Same Place (PVR), pp. 2–12.
DLT-J-2005-AfoninH06 #problem #regular expression #set- Membership and Finiteness Problems for Rational Sets of Regular Languages (SA, EH), pp. 493–506.
DLT-J-2005-BesC06 #linear #order #theorem #word- A Kleene Theorem for Languages of Words Indexed by Linear Orderings (AB, OC), pp. 519–542.
DLT-J-2005-Pribavkina06 #on the #word- On some Properties of the Language of 2-collapsing Words (EVP), pp. 665–676.
CIAA-2006-Glockler #automaton- Forgetting Automata and Unary Languages (JG), pp. 186–197.
CIAA-2006-PargaGR #algorithm #product line #regular expression- A Family of Algorithms for Non Deterministic Regular Languages Inference (MVdP, PG, JR), pp. 265–274.
CIAA-2006-Thurston #automaton #parsing #regular expression- Parsing Computer Languages with an Automaton Compiled from a Single Regular Expression (ADT), pp. 285–286.
DLT-2006-BertoniCP #context-free grammar #xml- Context-Free Grammars and XML Languages (AB, CC, BP), pp. 108–119.
DLT-2006-BonizzoniM #reflexive- A Decision Procedure for Reflexive Regular Splicing Languages (PB, GM), pp. 315–326.
DLT-2006-DediuKKN #approach #generative #graph grammar- Contextual Hypergraph Grammars — A New Approach to the Generation of Hypergraph Languages (AHD, RKH, HJK, BN), pp. 327–338.
DLT-2006-GurevichW #question #state machine- Can Abstract State Machines Be Useful in Language Theory? (YG, CW), pp. 14–19.
DLT-2006-HanSW #regular expression- Prime Decompositions of Regular Languages (YSH, KS, DW), pp. 145–155.
DLT-2006-ItoLS #bound- Closure of Language Classes Under Bounded Duplication (MI, PL, KST), pp. 238–247.
DLT-2006-Jurdzinski #context-sensitive grammar- The Boolean Closure of Growing Context-Sensitive Languages (TJ), pp. 248–259.
DLT-2006-MenzelPS #graph- Some Examples of Semi-rational DAG Languages (JRM, LP, MS), pp. 351–362.
DLT-2006-OkhotinY #equation- Language Equations with Complementation (AO, OY), pp. 420–432.
DLT-2006-Paun- Languages in Membrane Computing: Some Details for Spiking Neural P Systems (GP), pp. 20–35.
DLT-2006-Shur #combinator #complexity- Factorial Languages of Low Combinatorial Complexity (AMS), pp. 397–407.
ICALP-v2-2006-Murlak- The Wadge Hierarchy of Deterministic Tree Languages (FM), pp. 408–419.
FM-2006-AmalioSP- A Formal Template Language Enabling Metaproof (NA, SS, FP), pp. 252–267.
ICFP-2006-DenielouL #abstraction #distributed #type system- Abstraction preservation and subtyping in distributed languages (PMD, JJL), pp. 286–297.
ICFP-2006-KawanakaH #bidirectional #model transformation #named #xml- biXid: a bidirectional transformation language for XML (SK, HH), pp. 201–214.
IFL-2006-BonenfantFHH #execution #functional #worst-case- Worst-Case Execution Times for a Purely Functional Language (AB, CF, KH, RH), pp. 235–252.
IFL-2006-Hidalgo-HerreroOR #evaluation #functional #parallel- Comparing Alternative Evaluation Strategies for Stream-Based Parallel Functional Languages (MHH, YOM, FR), pp. 55–72.
CHI-2006-Adar #graph #interface #named- GUESS: a language and interface for graph exploration (EA), pp. 791–800.
CHI-2006-HamzahTIH #effectiveness- Effectiveness of annotating by hand for non-alphabetical languages (MDH, ST, MI, TH), pp. 841–850.
CHI-2006-PearsonHBPN #adaptation #behaviour #how #human-computer #word- Adaptive language behavior in HCI: how expectations and beliefs about a system affect users’ word choice (JP, JH, HPB, MJP, CN), pp. 1177–1180.
SOFTVIS-2006-GauvinB #automation #data flow #layout #programming language #visual notation- Transparency, holophrasting, and automatic layout applied to control structures for visual dataflow programming languages (SG, OB), pp. 67–75.
SOFTVIS-2006-KaravirtaKM #algorithm #animation #taxonomy- Taxonomy of algorithm animation languages (VK, AK, LM), pp. 77–85.
EDOC-2006-BendraouGB #abstraction #execution #modelling #named #process #uml- UML4SPM: An Executable Software Process Modeling Language Providing High-Level Abstractions (RB, MPG, XB), pp. 297–306.
EDOC-2006-Zhang #collaboration- Extended Collaboration Description Language (X-CODL) (JZ), pp. 56–66.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-MarinagiAKS #fuzzy #information retrieval- Fuzzy Interval Number (FIN) Techniques for Cross Language Information Retrieval (CM, TA, VGK, CS), pp. 249–256.
ICEIS-HCI-2006-ElarissKH #evaluation #information management #query #visual notation- An Evaluation of a Visual Query Language for Information Systems (HEE, SK, RAH), pp. 51–58.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-ReiterKRSS #framework #generative #model transformation- A Generator Framework for Domain-Specific Model Transformation Languages (TR, EK, WR, WS, MS), pp. 27–35.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-ShishkovDL- Bridging the Language-Action Perspective and Organizational Semiotics in SDBC (BS, JLGD, KL), pp. 52–60.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-SoeiroBM #composition #specification #xml- An XML-Based Language for Specification and Composition of Aspectual Concerns (ES, ISB, AMDM), pp. 410–419.
CIKM-2006-BaiTWLZ #data type- A data stream language and system designed for power and extensibility (YB, HT, HW, CL, CZ), pp. 337–346.
CIKM-2006-KadriN #estimation #information retrieval #query- Improving query translation with confidence estimation for cross language information retrieval (YK, JYN), pp. 818–819.
CIKM-2006-LeuskiL #modelling- Tracking dragon-hunters with language models (AL, VL), pp. 698–707.
CIKM-2006-ShiN #adaptation #corpus #information retrieval #parallel- Filtering or adapting: two strategies to exploit noisy parallel corpora for cross-language information retrieval (LS, JYN), pp. 814–815.
ECIR-2006-AzzopardiL #multi #performance- An Efficient Computation of the Multiple-Bernoulli Language Model (LA, DEL), pp. 480–483.
ECIR-2006-KoolenAKR #approach #documentation #retrieval- A Cross-Language Approach to Historic Document Retrieval (MK, FA, JK, MdR), pp. 407–419.
ECIR-2006-ZhouZH #approach #concept #information retrieval #modelling #using- Using Concept-Based Indexing to Improve Language Modeling Approach to Genomic IR (XZ, XZ, XH), pp. 444–455.
ICPR-v1-2006-AwadHS #recognition #segmentation- A Unified System for Segmentation and Tracking of Face and Hands in Sign Language Recognition (GA, JH, AS), pp. 239–242.
ICPR-v1-2006-WangCWG #invariant #recognition #verification- A Verification Method for Viewpoint Invariant Sign Language Recognition (QW, XC, CW, WG), pp. 456–459.
ICPR-v2-2006-YangS #detection #random #using- Detecting Coarticulation in Sign Language using Conditional Random Fields (RY, SS), pp. 108–112.
ICPR-v3-2006-GarainDBP #image #summary- Summarization of JBIG2 Compressed Indian Language Textual Images (UG, AKD, UB, SKP), pp. 344–347.
ICPR-v3-2006-YaoYLJ #algorithm #realtime #recognition #scalability- Real Time Large Vocabulary Continuous Sign Language Recognition Based on OP/Viterbi Algorithm (GY, HY, XL, FJ), pp. 312–315.
ICPR-v4-2006-WangAC #identification #multi #recognition #using- Multi-lingual Phoneme Recognition and Language Identification Using Phonotactic Information (LW, EA, EHCC), pp. 245–248.
ICPR-v4-2006-YinAC #identification- Combining Cepstral and Prosodic Features in Language Identification (BY, EA, FC), pp. 254–257.
KR-2006-WachterH #graph #representation- Propositional DAGs: A New Graph-Based Language for Representing Boolean Functions (MW, RH), pp. 277–285.
SEKE-2006-BuchwalderP #implementation #modelling #named #web- WebLang: A Language for Modeling and Implementing Web Applications (OB, CP), pp. 584–590.
SEKE-2006-ChenLC #programming language- Supporting Connector in Programming Language (BC, ZL, HC), pp. 369–374.
SEKE-2006-JavedMSB #context-free grammar #domain-specific language #incremental- Incrementally Inferring Context-Free Grammars for Domain-Specific Languages (FJ, MM, APS, BRB), pp. 363–368.
SEKE-2006-ShanZ #consistency #constraints #modelling #specification- Specifying Consistency Constraints for Modelling Languages (LS, HZ), pp. 578–583.
SIGIR-2006-KurlandL #clustering #exclamation #modelling- Respect my authority!: HITS without hyperlinks, utilizing cluster-based language models (OK, LL), pp. 83–90.
SIGIR-2006-MurrayLC #behaviour #modelling #predict #query- Action modeling: language models that predict query behavior (GCM, JJL, AC), pp. 681–682.
SIGIR-2006-SmuckerA06a #documentation #modelling #retrieval- Lightening the load of document smoothing for better language modeling retrieval (MDS, JA), pp. 699–700.
SIGIR-2006-WangO #bidirectional #information retrieval- Combining bidirectional translation and synonymy for cross-language information retrieval (JW, DWO), pp. 202–209.
SIGIR-2006-ZhouHZLS #approach #information retrieval #modelling #semantics- Context-sensitive semantic smoothing for the language modeling approach to genomic IR (XZ, XH, XZ, XL, IYS), pp. 170–177.
ECMDA-FA-2006-BraheO #modelling #process #uml- Business Process Modeling: Defining Domain Specific Modeling Languages by Use of UML Profiles (SB, KØ), pp. 241–255.
ECMDA-FA-2006-CuadradoMT #model transformation #named- RubyTL: A Practical, Extensible Transformation Language (JSC, JGM, MMT), pp. 158–172.
ECMDA-FA-2006-EngelPK #model merging #using- Using a Model Merging Language for Reconciling Model Versions (KDE, RFP, DSK), pp. 143–157.
ECMDA-FA-2006-KolovosPP- The Epsilon Object Language (EOL) (DSK, RFP, FP), pp. 128–142.
ECMDA-FA-2006-MesingCL #aspect-oriented #constraints #named- Limes: An Aspect-Oriented Constraint Checking Language (BM, CC, WL), pp. 299–315.
MoDELS-2006-AlanenLP #diagrams #modelling- A Mapping Language from Models to DI Diagrams (MA, TL, IP), pp. 454–468.
MoDELS-2006-AntkiewiczC #modelling- Framework-Specific Modeling Languages with Round-Trip Engineering (MA, KC), pp. 692–706.
MoDELS-2006-Baar #modelling #syntax #visual notation- Correctly Defined Concrete Syntax for Visual Modeling Languages (TB), pp. 111–125.
MoDELS-2006-CuadradoM #empirical #model transformation- A Plugin-Based Language to Experiment with Model Transformation (JSC, JGM), pp. 336–350.
MoDELS-2006-DucasseG #execution #metalanguage #smalltalk #using- Using Smalltalk as a Reflective Executable Meta-language (SD, TG), pp. 604–618.
MoDELS-2006-KappelKKKRRSW #integration #metamodelling #modelling #ontology #semantics- Lifting Metamodels to Ontologies: A Step to the Semantic Integration of Modeling Languages (GK, EK, HK, GK, TR, WR, WS, MW), pp. 528–542.
MoDELS-2006-KolovosPP #modelling- Merging Models with the Epsilon Merging Language (EML) (DSK, RFP, FP), pp. 215–229.
MoDELS-2006-AlanenLP #diagrams #modelling- A Mapping Language from Models to DI Diagrams (MA, TL, IP), pp. 454–468.
MoDELS-2006-AntkiewiczC #modelling- Framework-Specific Modeling Languages with Round-Trip Engineering (MA, KC), pp. 692–706.
MoDELS-2006-Baar #modelling #syntax #visual notation- Correctly Defined Concrete Syntax for Visual Modeling Languages (TB), pp. 111–125.
MoDELS-2006-CuadradoM #empirical #model transformation- A Plugin-Based Language to Experiment with Model Transformation (JSC, JGM), pp. 336–350.
MoDELS-2006-DucasseG #execution #metalanguage #smalltalk #using- Using Smalltalk as a Reflective Executable Meta-language (SD, TG), pp. 604–618.
MoDELS-2006-KappelKKKRRSW #integration #metamodelling #modelling #ontology #semantics- Lifting Metamodels to Ontologies: A Step to the Semantic Integration of Modeling Languages (GK, EK, HK, GK, TR, WR, WS, MW), pp. 528–542.
MoDELS-2006-KolovosPP #modelling- Merging Models with the Epsilon Merging Language (EML) (DSK, RFP, FP), pp. 215–229.
ECOOP-2006-ChinM #interactive #named- Responders: Language Support for Interactive Applications (BC, TDM), pp. 255–278.
ECOOP-2006-Dezani-CiancagliniMYD #object-oriented- Session Types for Object-Oriented Languages (MDC, DM, NY, SD), pp. 328–352.
OOPSLA-2006-CohenGM #java #named #tool support- JTL: the Java tools language (TC, JYG, IM), pp. 89–108.
QAPL-2005-AghaMS06 #named #object-oriented #probability #specification- PMaude: Rewrite-based Specification Language for Probabilistic Object Systems (GAA, JM, KS), pp. 213–239.
GPCE-2006-BarronC #domain-specific language #named #pervasive- YABS: a domain-specific language for pervasive computing based on stigmergy (PB, VC), pp. 285–294.
GPCE-2006-LeavensABBCFHJMJSSS #roadmap #verification- Roadmap for enhanced languages and methods to aid verification (GTL, JRA, DSB, MJB, AC, KF, ECRH, CBJ, DM, SLPJ, MS, DRS, AS), pp. 221–236.
GPCE-2006-Riehl #tool support- Assimilating MetaBorg: : embedding language tools in languages (JR), pp. 21–28.
GPCE-2006-VieraP #analysis #multi- A multi-stage language with intensional analysis (MV, AP), pp. 11–20.
PPDP-2006-Volanschi #compilation #confluence #named- Condate: a proto-language at the confluence between checking and compiling (ENV), pp. 225–236.
PADL-2006-Volder #declarative #named- JQuery: A Generic Code Browser with a Declarative Configuration Language (KDV), pp. 88–102.
POPL-2006-Dam #decidability #proving- Decidability and proof systems for language-based noninterference relations (MD), pp. 67–78.
POPL-2006-FisherMW- The next 700 data description languages (KF, YM, DW), pp. 2–15.
POPL-2006-KimYC #multi #polymorphism #type system- A polymorphic modal type system for lisp-like multi-staged languages (ISK, KY, CC), pp. 257–268.
POPL-2006-Odersky #component #empirical #question #scala- The Scala experiment: can we provide better language support for component systems? (MO), pp. 166–167.
POPL-2006-Sweeney #developer #game studies #perspective #programming language- The next mainstream programming language: a game developer’s perspective (TS), p. 269.
POPL-2006-VaziriTD #constraints #object-oriented- Associating synchronization constraints with data in an object-oriented language (MV, FT, JD), pp. 334–345.
RE-2006-ChantreeNRW #identification #natural language #requirements- Identifying Nocuous Ambiguities in Natural Language Requirements (FC, BN, ANDR, AW), pp. 56–65.
RE-2006-Wasson #case study #requirements- A Case Study in Systematic Improvement of Language for Requirements (KSW), pp. 6–15.
SAC-2006-ArtemenkoMSW #documentation #evaluation #identification #multi- Evaluation of a language identification system for mono- and multilingual text documents (OA, TM, MS, CWH), pp. 859–860.
SAC-2006-BaldoniBT #java #named #object-oriented #programming language- powerJava: ontologically founded roles in object oriented programming languages (MB, GB, LWNvdT), pp. 1414–1418.
SAC-2006-BaloghV #framework #model transformation- Advanced model transformation language constructs in the VIATRA2 framework (AB, DV), pp. 1280–1287.
SAC-2006-ColomboPR #architecture #formal method #modelling #realtime #uml- A UML 2-compatible language and tool for formal modeling real-time system architectures (PC, MP, MR), pp. 1785–1790.
SAC-2006-DelavalR #domain-specific language #generative #synthesis- A domain-specific language for task handlers generation, applying discrete controller synthesis (GD, ÉR), pp. 901–905.
SAC-2006-FabryD #aspect-oriented #kernel #named #transaction- KALA: Kernel Aspect language for advanced transactions (JF, TD), pp. 1615–1620.
SAC-2006-GiegerichS #challenge #compilation #domain-specific language #programming- Challenges in the compilation of a domain specific language for dynamic programming (RG, PS), pp. 1603–1609.
SAC-2006-KurtevBJ #atl #composition #evaluation #model transformation #rule-based- Evaluation of rule-based modularization in model transformation languages illustrated with ATL (IK, KvdB, FJ), pp. 1202–1209.
SAC-2006-LagorioZ #java- Introducing safe unknown types in Java-like languages (GL, EZ), pp. 1429–1434.
SAC-2006-LejdforsO #embedded #generative #gpu #implementation- Implementing an embedded GPU language by combining translation and generation (CL, LO), pp. 1610–1614.
SAC-2006-ListK #concept #evaluation #modelling #process- An evaluation of conceptual business process modelling languages (BL, BK), pp. 1532–1539.
SAC-2006-Savoy- Light stemming approaches for the French, Portuguese, German and Hungarian languages (JS), pp. 1031–1035.
SAC-2006-Tratt #model transformation- The MT model transformation language (LT), pp. 1296–1303.
SAC-2006-Wang #case study #domain-specific language #modelling- Modeling and analyzing applications with domain-specific languages by reflective rewriting: a case study (BYW), pp. 1773–1778.
ICSE-2006-Dong #modelling #semantics #specification #web- From semantic web to expressive software specifications: a modeling languages spectrum (JSD), pp. 1063–1064.
ICSE-2006-HuangS #aspectj- Easy language extension with meta-aspectJ (SSH, YS), pp. 865–868.
ICSE-2006-Liu #integration #specification #visual notation- Visual languages for event integration specification (NL), pp. 969–972.
ICSE-2006-VerbaereEM #named #refactoring #scripting language- JunGL: a scripting language for refactoring (MV, RE, OdM), pp. 172–181.
LDTA-J-2004-BegelG #algorithm #ambiguity #named #programming language- XGLR — an algorithm for ambiguity in programming languages (AB, SLG), pp. 211–227.
LDTA-J-2004-Cordy #model transformation #txl- The TXL source transformation language (JRC), pp. 190–210.
LDTA-2006-JuergensP #tool support- The Language Evolver Lever — Tool Demonstration — (EJ, MP), pp. 55–60.
LDTA-2006-SierraF #agile #attribute grammar #framework #prolog #prototype- A Prolog Framework for the Rapid Prototyping of Language Processors with Attribute Grammars (JLS, AFV), pp. 19–36.
LDTA-2006-ZengME #data flow #domain-specific language #generative- A Domain-Specific Language for Generating Dataflow Analyzers (JZ, CM, SAE), pp. 103–119.
CC-2006-Necula #dependent type #low level #type system #using- Using Dependent Types to Port Type Systems to Low-Level Languages (GCN), p. 1.
ISMM-2006-Corry #java #stack- Optimistic stack allocation for java-like languages (EC), pp. 162–173.
OSDI-2006-ZhouCABEHNB #named #using- SafeDrive: Safe and Recoverable Extensions Using Language-Based Techniques (FZ, JC, ZRA, IB, RE, MH, GCN, EAB), pp. 45–60.
CAV-2006-AlurCM- Languages of Nested Trees (RA, SC, PM), pp. 329–342.
CSL-2006-Srba #automaton #bisimulation #equivalence #simulation- Visibly Pushdown Automata: From Language Equivalence to Simulation and Bisimulation (JS), pp. 89–103.
ICLP-2006-GrellSS #biology #modelling #network #programming #set- Modelling Biological Networks by Action Languages Via Answer Set Programming (SG, TS, JS), pp. 285–299.
ICLP-2006-OrtizV #combinator #logic #natural language #using- Natural Language Processing Using Lexical and Logical Combinators (JFO, JV), pp. 444–446.
ICLP-2006-Phan #logic programming #memory management #programming language- Static Memory Management for Logic Programming Languages (QP), pp. 465–466.
ICLP-2006-QuintanoR #database #framework #logic programming #natural language #query #using- Using a Logic Programming Framework to Control Database Query Dialogues in Natural Language (LQ, IPR), pp. 406–420.
ICLP-2006-SilvaC #compilation #design #implementation #logic programming #optimisation #programming language- The Design and Implementation of the YAP Compiler: An Optimizing Compiler for Logic Programming Languages (AFdS, VSC), pp. 461–462.
ICLP-2006-UedaKHM #declarative- LMNtal as a Unifying Declarative Language: Live Demonstration (KU, NK, KH, KM), pp. 457–458.
IJCAR-2006-GelderS #automation #generative #higher-order #logic #parsing- Extending the TPTP Language to Higher-Order Logic with Automated Parser Generation (AVG, GS), pp. 156–161.
IJCAR-2006-SutcliffeSCG #finite #using- Using the TPTP Language for Writing Derivations and Finite Interpretations (GS, SS, KC, AVG), pp. 67–81.
ISSTA-2006-ZhangKPWJMZ #analysis- The case for analysis preserving language transformation (XZ, LK, MP, SW, TJ, GM, LZ), pp. 191–202.
RTA-2006-GieslSST #analysis #automation #haskell #programming language #term rewriting #termination- Automated Termination Analysis for Haskell: From Term Rewriting to Programming Languages (JG, SS, PSK, RT), pp. 297–312.
TestCom-2006-RosiereJP #testing- LaTe, a Non-fully Deterministic Testing Language (EdR, CJ, BP), pp. 71–86.
WICSA-2005-WoodsH #architecture- Architecture Description Languages in Practice Session Report (EW, RH), pp. 243–246.
ASE-2005-LiuGH #visual notation #web #web service- A visual language and environment for composing web services (NL, JCG, JGH), pp. 321–324.
ASE-2005-WuG #automation #domain-specific language #generative #testing #tool support- Automated generation of testing tools for domain-specific languages (HW, JG), pp. 436–439.
DATE-2005-CheongL #embedded #named- galsC: A Language for Event-Driven Embedded Systems (EC, JL), pp. 1050–1055.
DATE-2005-Edwards #challenge #hardware #synthesis- The Challenges of Hardware Synthesis from C-Like Languages (SAE), pp. 66–67.
DATE-2005-MishchenkoBJVY #equation #performance #using- Efficient Solution of Language Equations Using Partitioned Representations (AM, RKB, JHRJ, TV, NY), pp. 418–423.
HT-2005-Hauber #hypermedia #navigation #towards- Towards a hypertext navigation language (RH), pp. 280–281.
ICDAR-2005-BertolamiB #integration #multi #recognition- Multiple Handwritten Text Line Recognition Systems Derived from Specific Integration of a Language Model (RB, HB), pp. 521–527.
ICDAR-2005-CostagliolaDR #diagrams #sketching- Sketch Grammars: A Formalism for Describing and Recognizing Diagrammatic Sketch Languages (GC, VD, MR), pp. 1226–1231.
ICDAR-2005-GarainD #approach #documentation- An Approach for Stemming in Symbolically Compressed Indian Language Imaged Documents (UG, AKD), pp. 1080–1084.
ICDAR-2005-KeyesSW #modelling #recognition #statistics #using #visual notation- Graphical Object Recognition using Statistical Language Models (LK, AO, ACW), pp. 1095–1099.
ICDAR-2005-LiuCL #identification #image #machine learning #using- Language Identification of Character Images Using Machine Learning Techniques (YHL, FC, CCL), pp. 630–634.
ICDAR-2005-QuiniouAC #modelling #online #recognition #statistics- Statistical Language Models for On-line Handwritten Sentence Recognition (SQ, ÉA, SC), pp. 516–520.
ICDAR-2005-SternbyF #adaptation #graph #independence #online #recognition- The Recognition Graph — Language Independent Adaptable On-line Cursive Script Recognition (JS, CF), pp. 14–18.
ICDAR-2005-ZanibbiBC05a #recognition- The Recognition Strategy Language (RZ, DB, JRC), pp. 565–569.
PODS-2005-Koch #complexity #functional #on the #query #recursion #xquery- On the complexity of nonrecursive XQuery and functional query languages on complex values (CK), pp. 84–97.
SIGMOD-2005-BragaCCR #learning #named #query #visual notation #xml- XQBE: a visual environment for learning XML query languages (DB, AC, SC, AR), pp. 903–905.
SIGMOD-2005-LiYJ #interactive #interface #named #natural language #query #xml- NaLIX: an interactive natural language interface for querying XML (YL, HY, HVJ), pp. 900–902.
VLDB-2005-MeierWAS #classification #fuzzy #query #using- Using a Fuzzy Classification Query Language for Customer Relationship Management (AM, NW, MA, MS), pp. 1089–1096.
ITiCSE-2005-GellerS #c# #dot-net- Traditional and more “exotic” .NET languages: VB .NET, J#, C# and SML .NET (VG, CS), p. 406.
ITiCSE-2005-HoodH #concept #education #programming #using- Teaching programming and language concepts using LEGOs (CSH, DJH), pp. 19–23.
ITiCSE-2005-Kumar05a #programming language- Projects in the programming languages course (ANK), p. 395.
ITiCSE-2005-Velazquez-Iturbide #programming language- A programming languages course for freshmen (JÁVI), pp. 271–275.
ITiCSE-2005-WermelingerD #automaton #formal method #prolog #tool support- A prolog toolkit for formal languages and automata (MW, AMD), pp. 330–334.
WRLA-2004-CervesatoS05 #dependent type #logic #representation #specification- Representing the MSR Cryptoprotocol Specification Language in an Extension of Rewriting Logic with Dependent Types (IC, MOS), pp. 183–207.
WRLA-2004-Marti-OlietMV05 #maude #towards- Towards a Strategy Language for Maude (NMO, JM, AV), pp. 417–441.
ESOP-2005-JeffreyR #java #semantics- Java Jr: Fully Abstract Trace Semantics for a Core Java Language (AJ, JR), pp. 423–438.
ESOP-2005-TseZ #classification #design- A Design for a Security-Typed Language with Certificate-Based Declassification (ST, SZ), pp. 279–294.
ESOP-2005-TsuikiS #functional- Streams with a Bottom in Functional Languages (HT, KS), pp. 201–216.
FoSSaCS-2005-AehligMO #safety #strict #string- Safety Is not a Restriction at Level 2 for String Languages (KA, JGdM, CHLO), pp. 490–504.
FoSSaCS-2005-FocardiRS #calculus #process #security- Bridging Language-Based and Process Calculi Security (RF, SR, AS), pp. 299–315.
TACAS-2005-VardhanSVA #using #verification- Using Language Inference to Verify ω-Regular Properties (AV, KS, MV, GA), pp. 45–60.
CSMR-2005-Al-EkramK #analysis #framework #representation #xml- An XML-Based Framework for Language Neutral Program Representation and Generic Analysis (RAE, KK), pp. 42–51.
CSMR-2005-CostagliolaLDGR #design pattern #parsing #visual notation- Design Pattern Recovery by Visual Language Parsing (GC, ADL, VD, CG, MR), pp. 102–111.
MSR-2005-HindleG #formal method #named #query #repository- SCQL: a formal model and a query language for source control repositories (AH, DMG), pp. 6–10.
PASTE-2005-PrivatD #compilation #object-oriented #performance #static analysis- Link-time static analysis for efficient separate compilation of object-oriented languages (JP, RD), pp. 20–27.
SCAM-2005-BermudoKH #assembly #control flow #graph #re-engineering #source code- Control Flow Graph Reconstruction for Assembly Language Programs with Delayed Instructions (NB, AK, RNH), pp. 107–118.
WCRE-2005-CaretteC #assembly #legacy- Symbolic Interpretation of Legacy Assembly Language (JC, PKC), pp. 23–32.
WCRE-2005-MoiseW #dependence #representation- Extracting and Representing Cross-Language Dependencies in Diverse Software Systems (DLM, KW), pp. 209–218.
WCRE-2005-SpoonS #higher-order #navigation #scalability #semantics- Semantic Navigation of Large Code Bases in Higher-Order, Dynamically Typed Languages (SAS, OS), pp. 219–228.
PLDI-2005-FisherG #ad hoc #domain-specific language #named- PADS: a domain-specific language for processing ad hoc data (KF, RG), pp. 295–304.
PLDI-2005-KrishnaswamiA #encapsulation #higher-order- Permission-based ownership: encapsulating state in higher-order typed languages (NRK, JA), pp. 96–106.
PLDI-2005-SiekL #programming- Essential language support for generic programming (JGS, AL), pp. 73–84.
STOC-2005-BojanczykC #automaton #regular expression- Tree-walking automata do not recognize all regular languages (MB, TC), pp. 234–243.
CIAA-J-2004-BordihnHK05 #context-free grammar #problem #subclass- Unsolvability levels of operation problems for subclasses of context-free languages (HB, MH, MK), pp. 423–440.
CIAA-J-2004-Yli-Jyra05 #approximate #dependence #regular expression- Approximating dependency grammars through intersection of star-free regular languages (AYJ), pp. 565–579.
DLT-J-2004-DassowH05 #problem #product line- Language families defined by a ciliate bio-operation: hierarchies and decision problems (JD, MH), pp. 645–662.
DLT-J-2004-Staiger05 #infinity- Infinite Iterated Function Systems in Cantor Space and the Hausdorff Measure of ω-Power Languages (LS), pp. 787–802.
CIAA-2005-Freivalds #automaton #finite #quantum- Languages Recognizable by Quantum Finite Automata (RF), pp. 1–14.
CIAA-2005-Sakarovitch #automaton- The Language, the Expression, and the (Small) Automaton (JS), pp. 15–30.
DLT-2005-AfoninH #problem #regular expression #set- Membership and Finiteness Problems for Rational Sets of Regular Languages (SA, EH), pp. 88–99.
DLT-2005-BesC #linear #order #theorem #word- A Kleene Theorem for Languages of Words Indexed by Linear Orderings (AB, OC), pp. 158–167.
DLT-2005-EpifanioGM #approximate- Languages with Mismatches and an Application to Approximate Indexing (CE, AG, FM), pp. 224–235.
DLT-2005-GruberHKK #automaton #on the- On Timed Automata with Discrete Time — Structural and Language Theoretical Characterization (HG, MH, AK, BK), pp. 272–283.
DLT-2005-KariKST #on the #word- On Hairpin-Free Words and Languages (LK, SK, PS, GT), pp. 296–307.
DLT-2005-Kortelainen #generative #polynomial #recursion- Polynomial Generators of Recursively Enumerable Languages (JK), pp. 320–326.
DLT-2005-Kunc #on the #set- On Language Inequalities XK subset of LX (MK), pp. 327–337.
DLT-2005-Massazza #ambiguity #problem- The Inclusion Problem for Unambiguous Rational Trace Languages (PM), pp. 350–361.
DLT-2005-Pribavkina #on the #word- On Some Properties of the Language of 2-Collapsing Words (EVP), pp. 374–384.
DLT-2005-Straubing #regular expression- Inexpressibility Results for Regular Languages in Nonregular Settings (HS), pp. 69–77.
ICALP-2005-AlurKMV #automaton- Congruences for Visibly Pushdown Languages (RA, VK, PM, MV), pp. 1102–1114.
ICALP-2005-BeaudryLT #regular expression- Groupoids That Recognize Only Regular Languages (MB, FL, DT), pp. 421–433.
FM-2005-KimBC #approach #formal method #modelling #towards- An MDA Approach Towards Integrating Formal and Informal Modeling Languages (SKK, DB, DAC), pp. 448–464.
IFM-2005-BodeveixFLM #domain-specific language #formal method- Formal Methods Meet Domain Specific Languages (JPB, MF, JLL, GM), pp. 187–206.
ICFP-2005-DantasWWW #aspect-oriented #functional #named #polymorphism #programming language- PolyAML: a polymorphic aspect-oriented functional programming language (DSD, DW, GW, SW), pp. 306–319.
ICFP-2005-Harper #programming language- Mechanizing the meta-theory of programming languages (RH), p. 240.
ICFP-2005-MasuharaTY #aspect-oriented #functional #ml- Aspectual Caml: an aspect-oriented functional language (HM, HT, AY), pp. 320–330.
ICFP-2005-RamseyFG- An expressive language of signatures (NR, KF, PG), pp. 27–40.
ICFP-2005-SewellLWNAHV #design #distributed #named #programming language- Acute: high-level programming language design for distributed computation (PS, JJL, KW, FZN, MAW, PH, VV), pp. 15–26.
ICFP-2005-WestbrookSW #approach #imperative #programming- A language-based approach to functionally correct imperative programming (EMW, AS, IW), pp. 268–279.
CHI-2005-TeeMFMMPF #visual notation- A visual recipe book for persons with language impairments (KT, KM, LF, EM, JM, BP, SF), pp. 501–510.
EDOC-2005-GovernatoriM #contract #domain-specific language- Dealing with contract violations: formalism and domain specific language (GG, ZM), pp. 46–57.
ICEIS-v1-2005-RisheACVGHW #database #semantics #xml- XML-Based Semantic Database Definition Language (NR, MA, MC, DV, SG, DH, OW), pp. 197–202.
ICEIS-v2-2005-Celikel #approach #encryption #identification- A Cryptographic Approach to Language Identification: PPM (EC), pp. 213–219.
ICEIS-v2-2005-LinhalisM #component #execution #imperative #natural language- Execution of Imperative Natural Language Requisitions Based on UNL Interlingua and Software Components (FL, DdAM), pp. 254–259.
ICEIS-v2-2005-Roubtsova #specification #workflow- A Property Specification Language for Workflow Diagnostics (EER), pp. 297–302.
CIKM-2005-BaiSBNC #information retrieval #modelling #query #using- Query expansion using term relationships in language models for information retrieval (JB, DS, PB, JYN, GC), pp. 688–695.
CIKM-2005-Kamps #modelling- Web-centric language models (JK), pp. 307–308.
CIKM-2005-LiuLYMFG #database #intranet #natural language #query- Database selection in intranet mediators for natural language queries (FL, SL, CTY, WM, OF, DAG), pp. 229–230.
CIKM-2005-MasonL #complexity #named #query #relational #sql- INFER: a relational query language without the complexity of SQL (TM, RL), pp. 241–242.
CIKM-2005-PuM #equation #functional #query #specification- Typed functional query languages with equational specifications (KQP, AOM), pp. 233–234.
CIKM-2005-TaoWMZ #documentation #estimation- Accurate language model estimation with document expansion (TT, XW, QM, CZ), pp. 273–274.
ICML-2005-WangWGSC #markov #modelling #random #semantics- Exploiting syntactic, semantic and lexical regularities in language modeling via directed Markov random fields (SW, SW, RG, DS, LC), pp. 948–955.
KDD-2005-KoppelSZ #fault #mining- Determining an author’s native language by mining a text for errors (MK, JS, KZ), pp. 624–628.
KDD-2005-TaoZ #corpus #integration #mining- Mining comparable bilingual text corpora for cross-language information integration (TT, CZ), pp. 691–696.
SEKE-2005-AyalaCCGHSFMQ #analysis #comparative #modelling- A Comparative Analysis of i*-Based Agent-Oriented Modeling Languages (CPA, CC, JPC, GG, MH, GS, XF, EM, CQ), pp. 43–50.
SEKE-2005-ChangL #compilation #data-driven- Compiler Techniques for Data Driven Languages with Superlinear Speed-up (LHC, ELL), pp. 543–549.
SEKE-2005-MhiriMG #information management #named #ontology #specification #towards- UMLOnto: Towards a Language for the Specification of Information Systems’ Ontologies (MBAM, AM, FG), pp. 743–746.
SIGIR-2005-AzzopardiGC #probability- Probabilistic hyperspace analogue to language (LA, MG, MC), pp. 575–576.
SIGIR-2005-BrisaboaFNP #adaptation #natural language- Efficiently decodable and searchable natural language adaptive compression (NRB, AF, GN, JRP), pp. 234–241.
SIGIR-2005-GaoNB #modelling #word- Integrating word relationships into language models (GC, JYN, JB), pp. 298–305.
SIGIR-2005-Grivolla #approach #automation #documentation #natural language #query #retrieval #using- Using Oracle for natural language document retrieval an automatic query reformulation approach (JG), pp. 605–606.
SIGIR-2005-HoenkampD #semantics- Evaluating semantic indexing techniques through cross-language fingerprinting (EH, SvD), pp. 609–610.
SIGIR-2005-KurlandL #modelling #rank #ranking #using- PageRank without hyperlinks: structural re-ranking using links induced by language models (OK, LL), pp. 306–313.
SIGIR-2005-KurlandLD #clustering #modelling #pseudo #using- Better than the real thing?: iterative pseudo-query processing using cluster-based language models (OK, LL, CD), pp. 19–26.
SIGIR-2005-Leidner #natural language- A wireless natural language search engine (JLL), p. 677.
SIGIR-2005-LiuJC #information retrieval- A maximum coherence model for dictionary-based cross-language information retrieval (YL, RJ, JYC), pp. 536–543.
SIGIR-2005-MarkoSMH #information retrieval- Bootstrapping dictionaries for cross-language information retrieval (KGM, SS, OM, UH), pp. 528–535.
SIGIR-2005-MonzD #ambiguity #information retrieval- Iterative translation disambiguation for cross-language information retrieval (CM, BJD), pp. 520–527.
SIGIR-2005-OlssonOH #classification- Cross-language text classification (JSO, DWO, JH), pp. 645–646.
ECMDA-FA-2005-ChanP #approach #contract #design #metamodelling- Designing a Domain-Specific Contract Language: A Metamodelling Approach (ZEC, RFP), pp. 175–189.
ECMDA-FA-2005-ChiversP #bidirectional #named- XRound: Bidirectional Transformations and Unifications Via a Reversible Template Language (HC, RFP), pp. 205–219.
ECMDA-FA-2005-Kleppe #towards- Towards General Purpose, High Level, Software Languages (AK), pp. 220–238.
MoDELS-2005-EstublierVI #domain-specific language #re-engineering- Composing Domain-Specific Languages for Wide-Scope Software Engineering Applications (JE, GV, ADI), pp. 69–83.
MoDELS-2005-GuizzardiPS #approach #modelling #ontology- An Ontology-Based Approach for Evaluating the Domain Appropriateness and Comprehensibility Appropriateness of Modeling Languages (GG, LFP, MvS), pp. 691–705.
MoDELS-2005-MullerFJ #execution #metalanguage #object-oriented #weaving- Weaving Executability into Object-Oriented Meta-languages (PAM, FF, JMJ), pp. 264–278.
MoDELS-2005-VokacG #case study #challenge #domain-specific language #experience #multi #tool support #using- Using a Domain-Specific Language and Custom Tools to Model a Multi-tier Service-Oriented Application — Experiences and Challenges (MV, JMG), pp. 492–506.
MoDELS-2005-EstublierVI #domain-specific language #re-engineering- Composing Domain-Specific Languages for Wide-Scope Software Engineering Applications (JE, GV, ADI), pp. 69–83.
MoDELS-2005-GuizzardiPS #approach #modelling #ontology- An Ontology-Based Approach for Evaluating the Domain Appropriateness and Comprehensibility Appropriateness of Modeling Languages (GG, LFP, MvS), pp. 691–705.
MoDELS-2005-MullerFJ #execution #metalanguage #object-oriented #weaving- Weaving Executability into Object-Oriented Meta-languages (PAM, FF, JMJ), pp. 264–278.
MoDELS-2005-VokacG #case study #challenge #domain-specific language #experience #multi #tool support #using- Using a Domain-Specific Language and Custom Tools to Model a Multi-tier Service-Oriented Application — Experiences and Challenges (MV, JMG), pp. 492–506.
ECOOP-2005-BiermanW #object-oriented- First-Class Relationships in an Object-Oriented Language (GMB, AW), pp. 262–286.
ECOOP-2005-FooteJN #multi #performance- Efficient Multimethods in a Single Dispatch Language (BF, REJ, JN), pp. 337–361.
ECOOP-2005-SmithD #java #named- Chai: Traits for Java-Like Languages (CS, SD), pp. 453–478.
OOPSLA-2005-MartinLL #fault #query #security #using- Finding application errors and security flaws using PQL: a program query language (MCM, VBL, MSL), pp. 365–383.
QAPL-2004-ClarkHM05 #quantifier- Quantified Interference for a While Language (DC, SH, PM), pp. 149–166.
GPCE-2005-AliasB #domain-specific language #on the #re-engineering- On Domain-Specific Languages Reengineering (CA, DB), pp. 63–77.
GPCE-2005-LawallDMM #composition #domain-specific language- Bossa Nova: Introducing Modularity into the Bossa Domain-Specific Language (JLL, HD, GM, AFLM), pp. 78–93.
GPCE-2005-MossM #code generation #domain-specific language #performance- Efficient Code Generation for a Domain Specific Language (AM, HLM), pp. 47–62.
GPCE-2005-SiekL #library #requirements #scalability- Language Requirements for Large-Scale Generic Libraries (JGS, AL), pp. 405–421.
GPCE-2005-TanterN #aspect-oriented #kernel #multi- A Versatile Kernel for Multi-language AOP (ÉT, JN), pp. 173–188.
LOPSTR-2005-SimonMG #design #implementation #realtime- Design and Implementation of AT: A Real-Time Action Description Language (LS, AM, GG), pp. 44–60.
PPDP-2005-LunaPS #compilation #experience #functional- Efficiently compiling a functional language on AMD64: the HiPE experience (DL, MP, KFS), pp. 176–186.
POPL-2005-AnconaDDZ #bytecode #compilation #composition #java #polymorphism- Polymorphic bytecode: compositional compilation for Java-like languages (DA, FD, SD, EZ), pp. 26–37.
POPL-2005-BruniMM #composition- Theoretical foundations for compensations in flow composition languages (RB, HCM, UM), pp. 209–220.
POPL-2005-ChenT #object-oriented- A simple typed intermediate language for object-oriented languages (JC, DT), pp. 38–49.
POPL-2005-ParkPT #probability- A probabilistic language based upon sampling functions (SP, FP, ST), pp. 171–182.
RE-2005-BoydZF #empirical #natural language- Measuring the Expressiveness of a Constrained Natural Language: An Empirical Study (SB, DZ, AF), pp. 339–352.
RE-2005-GeorgiadesAP #natural language #requirements #semantics #syntax- A Requirements Engineering Methodology Based On Natural Language Syntax and Semantics (MGG, ASA, CSP), pp. 473–474.
SAC-2005-BravettiGLZ #e-commerce #formal method- Supporting e-commerce systems formalization with choreography languages (MB, CG, RL, GZ), pp. 831–835.
SAC-2005-BryP #paradigm #web- Reactivity on the web: paradigms and applications of the language XChange (FB, PLP), pp. 1645–1649.
SAC-2005-MandlW #effectiveness #evaluation #information retrieval- The effect of named entities on effectiveness in cross-language information retrieval evaluation (TM, CWH), pp. 1059–1064.
SAC-2005-MartinsS #identification #web- Language identification in web pages (BM, MJS), pp. 764–768.
SAC-2005-RekhisB #automation #forensics #verification- A formal logic-based language and an automated verification tool for computer forensic investigation (SR, NB), pp. 287–291.
SAC-2005-WangG #approach #domain-specific language #framework #implementation #prototype #semantics- Rapidly prototyping implementation infrastructure of domain specific languages: a semantics-based approach (QW, GG), pp. 1419–1426.
SAC-2005-WuGRM #debugging #domain-specific language #weaving- Weaving a debugging aspect into domain-specific language grammars (HW, JGG, SR, MM), pp. 1370–1374.
GTTSE-2005-BravenboerGV #domain-specific language #stratego #using- MetaBorg in Action: Examples of Domain-Specific Language Embedding and Assimilation Using Stratego/XT (MB, RdG, EV), pp. 297–311.
ICSE-2005-RajanS #design #named #object-oriented- Classpects: unifying aspect- and object-oriented language design (HR, KJS), pp. 59–68.
ATEM-2004-KarailaS05 #case study #industrial #metadata #on the #reuse #reverse engineering #visual notation- On the Role of Metadata in Visual Language Reuse and Reverse Engineering — An Industrial Case (MK, TS), pp. 29–41.
ATEM-2004-Lammel05c #tool support- The Amsterdam Toolkit for Language Archaeology (RL), pp. 43–55.
LDTA-2005-CrepinsekMBJS #context-free grammar #domain-specific language- Inferring Context-Free Grammars for Domain-Specific Languages (MC, MM, BRB, FJ, APS), pp. 99–116.
LDTA-2005-GrigorenkoST #named #visual notation- COCOVILA — Compiler-Compiler for Visual Languages (PG, AS, ET), pp. 137–142.
LDTA-2005-SloaneW #eclipse #education #eli #programming language #using- Eclipse Support for Using Eli and Teaching Programming Languages (AMS, WMW), pp. 189–194.
LDTA-2005-Watt #design #programming #scripting language- The Design of Monty: a Programming/Scripting Language (DAW), pp. 5–28.
SPLC-2005-TolvanenK #case study #domain-specific language #experience #modelling- Defining Domain-Specific Modeling Languages to Automate Product Derivation: Collected Experiences (JPT, SK), pp. 198–209.
CC-2005-RyuR #debugging #multi #programming- Source-Level Debugging for Multiple Languages with Modest Programming Effort (SR, NR), pp. 10–26.
HPDC-2005-ShasharinaVSV #distributed #interactive #named- GRIDL: high-performance and distributed interactive data language (SGS, OV, PS, SV), pp. 291–292.
PPoPP-2005-CoarfaDMCEMYC #c #evaluation #fortran #parallel- An evaluation of global address space languages: co-array fortran and unified parallel C (CC, YD, JMMC, FC, TAEG, AM, YY, DGCM), pp. 36–47.
PPoPP-2005-Yelick- Language innovations for HPCS (KAY), p. 119.
CAV-2005-dAmorimR #monitoring #performance- Efficient Monitoring of ω-Languages (Md, GR), pp. 364–378.
CAV-2005-Yavuz-KahveciBB #verification- Action Language Verifier, Extended (TYK, CB, TB), pp. 413–417.
CSL-2005-Murlak #on the- On Deciding Topological Classes of Deterministic Tree Languages (FM), pp. 428–441.
ICLP-2005-BortolussiW #concurrent #constraints #distributed #probability #programming language- A Distributed and Probabilistic Concurrent Constraint Programming Language (LB, HW), pp. 143–158.
ICLP-2005-ChristiansenD #abduction #logic programming #named #programming language #prolog- HYPROLOG: A New Logic Programming Language with Assumptions and Abduction (HC, VD), pp. 159–173.
ICLP-2005-Horrocks #logic #named #ontology #owl- OWL: A Description Logic Based Ontology Language (IH), pp. 1–4.
ICLP-2005-Nogueira #information management #programming language- A Temporal Programming Language for Heterogeneous Information Systems (VN), pp. 444–445.
ICLP-2005-Wielemaker #implementation #prolog #query #semantics #web- An Optimised Semantic Web Query Language Implementation in Prolog (JW), pp. 128–142.
LICS-2005-AltenkirchG #functional #programming language #quantum- A Functional Quantum Programming Language (TA, JG), pp. 249–258.
LICS-2005-BaierG #automaton #probability #regular expression- Recognizing ω-regular Languages with Probabilistic Automata (CB, MG), pp. 137–146.
LICS-2005-EscardoK #programming language- Operational Domain Theory and Topology of a Sequential Programming Language (MHE, WKH), pp. 427–436.
LICS-2005-JiaSWG #compilation #stack- Certifying Compilation for a Language with Stack Allocation (LJ, FS, DW, NG), pp. 407–416.
TestCom-2005-PuderW #functional #middleware #testing- Cross-Language Functional Testing for Middleware (AP, LW), pp. 56–68.
TLCA-2005-MorrisettAF #linear #named- L3: A Linear Language with Locations (GM, AJA, MF), pp. 293–307.
ASE-2004-MarceauCKR #data flow #debugging- Dataflow Language for Scriptable Debugging (GM, GHC, SK, SPR), pp. 218–227.
DAC-2004-BehmLLRV #experience #generative #industrial #testing #verification- Industrial experience with test generation languages for processor verification (MLB, JML, YL, MR, MV), pp. 36–40.
DAC-2004-KulkarniBS #domain-specific language #framework- Mapping a domain specific language to a platform FPGA (CK, GJB, GS), pp. 924–927.
DATE-v2-2004-Singh #co-evolution #design- A Demonstration of Co-Design and Co-Verification in a Synchronous Language (SS), pp. 1394–1395.
DocEng-2004-SilvaRSM #composition #concept #xml- NCL 2.0: integrating new concepts to XML modular languages (HVOS, RFR, LFGS, DCMS), pp. 188–197.
DocEng-2004-TroncyC- A reduced yet extensible audio-visual description language (RT, JC), pp. 87–89.
HT-2004-StottsF #classification #hypermedia- Language-theoretic classification of hypermedia paths (PDS, RF), pp. 40–41.
VLDB-2004-LawWZ #data type #database #modelling #query #sequence- Query Languages and Data Models for Database Sequences and Data Streams (YNL, HW, CZ), pp. 492–503.
ITiCSE-2004-ChesnevarGM #automaton #formal method #learning- Didactic strategies for promoting significant learning in formal languages and automata theory (CIC, MPG, AGM), pp. 7–11.
ESOP-2004-EspanaE #functional #logic #semantics- A Memoizing Semantics for Functional Logic Languages (SE, VE), pp. 109–123.
FASE-2004-BardohlELT #aspect-oriented #graph transformation #metamodelling #performance #visual notation- Integrating Meta-modelling Aspects with Graph Transformation for Efficient Visual Language Definition and Model Manipulation (RB, HE, JdL, GT), pp. 214–228.
FoSSaCS-2004-BaillotM #polynomial #λ-calculus- Soft λ-Calculus: A Language for Polynomial Time Computation (PB, VM), pp. 27–41.
FoSSaCS-2004-HennessyRY #mobile #named- safeDpi: A Language for Controlling Mobile Code (MH, JR, NY), pp. 241–256.
FoSSaCS-2004-MalerP #on the- On Recognizable Timed Languages (OM, AP), pp. 348–362.
CSMR-2004-Martin #automation #generative #program transformation #source code- Automated Source Code Transformations on Fourth Generation Languages (JM), pp. 214–222.
ICSM-2004-BriandLYP #constraints #development #empirical #ocl #uml- A Controlled Experiment on the Impact of the Object Constraint Language in UML-Based Development (LCB, YL, HDY, MDP), pp. 380–389.
PEPM-2004-BeyerCHJM #query #verification- Invited talk: the blast query language for software verification (DB, AC, TAH, RJ, RM), pp. 201–202.
PEPM-2004-LawallMD #design #implementation #process #scheduling- Invited application paper: language design for implementing process scheduling hierarchies (JLL, GM, HD), pp. 80–91.
PLDI-2004-ChinCQR #object-oriented- Region inference for an object-oriented language (WNC, FC, SQ, MCR), pp. 243–254.
PLDI-2004-VachharajaniVA #component #modelling #reuse #specification- The liberty structural specification language: a high-level modeling language for component reuse (MV, NV, DIA), pp. 195–206.
SAS-2004-BeyerCHJM #query #verification- The Blast Query Language for Software Verification. (DB, AC, TAH, RJ, RM), pp. 2–18.
SAS-2004-SunBN #composition #constraints #data flow #object-oriented- Modular and Constraint-Based Information Flow Inference for an Object-Oriented Language (QS, AB, DAN), pp. 84–99.
STOC-2004-AlurM #automaton- Visibly pushdown languages (RA, PM), pp. 202–211.
FLOPS-2004-CaballeroR #debugging #declarative #functional #named- DDT: a Declarative Debugging Tool for Functional-Logic Languages (RC, MRA), pp. 70–84.
FLOPS-2004-Selinger #bibliography #programming language #quantum- A Brief Survey of Quantum Programming Languages (PS), pp. 1–6.
CIAA-2004-BordihnHK #context-free grammar #linear #problem- Some Non-semi-decidability Problems for Linear and Deterministic Context-Free Languages (HB, MH, MK), pp. 68–79.
CIAA-2004-DelgadoM #approximate #regular expression- Approximation to the Smallest Regular Expression for a Given Regular Language (MD, JM), pp. 312–314.
CIAA-2004-JirasekJS #complexity #regular expression- State Complexity of Concatenation and Complementation of Regular Languages (JJ, GJ, AS), pp. 178–189.
CIAA-2004-LeeS #regular expression- Enumerating Regular Expressions and Their Languages (JL, JS), pp. 2–22.
CIAA-2004-Yli-Jyra #approximate #dependence #regular expression- Approximating Dependency Grammars Through Intersection of Regular Languages (AYJ), pp. 281–292.
DLT-2004-AnselmoGM #2d #regular expression- Regular Expressions for Two-Dimensional Languages Over One-Letter Alphabet (MA, DG, MM), pp. 63–75.
DLT-2004-BordihnHK #automaton #geometry- Input Reversals and Iterated Pushdown Automata: A New Characterization of Khabbaz Geometric Hierarchy of Languages (HB, MH, MK), pp. 102–113.
DLT-2004-Dassow #product line- A Ciliate Bio-operation and Language Families (JD), pp. 151–162.
DLT-2004-KutribMW #context-free grammar #linear- The Boolean Closure of Linear Context-Free Languages (MK, AM, DW), pp. 284–295.
DLT-2004-Reidenbach #equivalence #on the #pattern matching #problem- On the Equivalence Problem for E-pattern Languages over Small Alphabets (DR), pp. 368–380.
DLT-2004-Staiger #on the- On the Hausdorff Measure of ω-Power Languages (LS), pp. 393–405.
DLT-2004-Truthe- A Method for Deciding the Finiteness of Deterministic Tabled Picture Languages (BT), pp. 406–417.
ICALP-2004-Kunc- Regular Solutions of Language Inequalities and Well Quasi-orders (MK), pp. 870–881.
ICALP-2004-MagniezR #testing- Property Testing of Regular Tree Languages (FM, MdR), pp. 932–944.
IFM-2004-Bujorianu #integration #specification #using- Integration of Specification Languages Using Viewpoints (MCB), pp. 421–440.
IFM-2004-DongQS #generative #specification- Generating MSCs from an Integrated Formal Specification Language (JSD, SQ, JS), pp. 168–186.
IFM-2004-Melham #functional #model checking #proving #theorem proving- Integrating Model Checking and Theorem Proving in a Reflective Functional Language (TFM), pp. 36–39.
IFM-2004-PickinJ #diagrams #sequence chart #uml #using- Using UML Sequence Diagrams as the Basis for a Formal Test Description Language (SP, JMJ), pp. 481–500.
SEFM-2004-NaiyongJ #co-evolution #design #hardware #modelling #specification- Resource Models and Pre-Compiler Specification for Hardware/Software Co-Design Language (NJ, JH), pp. 132–141.
SFM-2004-CacciagranoC- Expressiveness of Timed Events and Timed Languages (DC, FC), pp. 98–131.
ICFP-2004-HermanM #embedded #partial evaluation #static analysis- Improving the static analysis of embedded languages via partial evaluation (DH, PM), pp. 16–27.
ICFP-2004-MarlowJ #higher-order #performance- Making a fast curry: push/enter vs. eval/apply for higher-order languages (SM, SLPJ), pp. 4–15.
ICFP-2004-TolmachAN #functional #implementation #logic #multi #thread #using- Implementing functional logic languages using multiple threads and stores (APT, SA, MN), pp. 90–102.
ICGT-2004-ClarkESW #design #metamodelling #model transformation- Transformation Language Design: A Metamodelling Foundation (TC, AE, PS, JSW), pp. 13–21.
CSCW-2004-GergleKF #visual notation- Action as language in a shared visual space (DG, REK, SRF), pp. 487–496.
AdaEurope-2004-Nadrchal #on the fly #realtime #requirements- Event Language for Real-Time On-the-Fly Control According to the Initial Requirements (SPN), pp. 120–131.
ICEIS-v1-2004-BouchouCAJL #mining #named #xml- XRM: An XML-Based Language for Rule Mining Systems (BB, AC, MHFA, TYJ, DL), pp. 441–446.
ICEIS-v3-2004-BragaMG #development #pattern matching #using- System Development Using a Pattern Language-Based Tool (RTVB, PCM, FSRG), pp. 155–162.
ICEIS-v3-2004-ClarkeWD #effectiveness #representation #xml- Effective XML Representation for Spoken Language in Organisations (RJC, PCW, DD), pp. 486–494.
ICEIS-v4-2004-VoG #information management #programming language- Agent Programming Language with Incomplete Knowledge — Agentspeak(I) (DV, AG), pp. 356–363.
ECIR-2004-CloughS #feedback #image #retrieval- Relevance Feedback for Cross Language Image Retrieval (PDC, MS), pp. 238–252.
ECIR-2004-CloughS04a #ambiguity #information retrieval #using #word- Cross-Language Information Retrieval Using EuroWordNet and Word Sense Disambiguation (PDC, MS), pp. 327–337.
ECIR-2004-SandersonCPL #image #retrieval- Measuring a Cross Language Image Retrieval System (MS, PDC, CP, WTL), pp. 353–363.
ICPR-v1-2004-ListF #named #xml- CVML — An XML-based Computer Vision Markup Language (TL, RBF), pp. 789–792.
ICPR-v2-2004-GutierrezRA #identification- Weighted Loss Functions to Make Risk-based Language Identification Fused Decisions (JG, JLR, RAO), pp. 863–866.
ICPR-v2-2004-LiT #modelling #recognition #set- Influence of Language Models and Candidate Set Size on Contextual Post-processing for Chinese Script Recognition (YL, CLT), pp. 537–540.
ICPR-v2-2004-ZimmermannB #integration #optimisation #recognition #statistics- Optimizing the Integration of a Statistical Language Model in HMM based O.ine Handwritten Text Recognition (MZ, HB), pp. 541–544.
ICPR-v4-2004-FangGGC #approach #automation #novel- A Novel Approach to Automatically Extracting Basic Units from Chinese Sign Language (GF, XG, WG, YC), pp. 454–457.
KR-2004-Coste-MarquisLLM #representation- Expressive Power and Succinctness of Propositional Languages for Preference Representation (SCM, JL, PL, PM), pp. 203–212.
SEKE-2004-Flake #concept #constraints #ocl- Enhancing the Message Concept of the Object Constraint Language (SF), pp. 161–166.
SEKE-2004-Hobbs #design pattern #specification #using- Using A Scenario Specification Language to Add Context to Design Patterns (RLH), pp. 330–335.
SEKE-2004-LiW #education- An Intensional Tool Applied to French Language Educational Software (H(L, WWW), pp. 62–67.
SIGIR-2004-AzzopardiGR #documentation #modelling- User biased document language modelling (LA, MG, CJvR), pp. 542–543.
SIGIR-2004-ChengTCWLC #corpus #information retrieval #query #web- Translating unknown queries with web corpora for cross-language information retrieval (PJC, JWT, RCC, JHW, WHL, LFC), pp. 146–153.
SIGIR-2004-Collins-ThompsonC #bibliography #information retrieval- Information retrieval for language tutoring: an overview of the REAP project (KCT, JC), pp. 544–545.
SIGIR-2004-CrestanL #natural language- Natural language processing for browse help (EC, CdL), pp. 488–489.
SIGIR-2004-GaoNWC #dependence #information retrieval- Dependence language model for information retrieval (JG, JYN, GW, GC), pp. 170–177.
SIGIR-2004-HiemstraRZ #information retrieval #modelling- Parsimonious language models for information retrieval (DH, SER, HZ), pp. 178–185.
SIGIR-2004-KurlandL #ad hoc #corpus #information retrieval #modelling- Corpus structure, language models, and ad hoc information retrieval (OK, LL), pp. 194–201.
SIGIR-2004-LarkeyFCL #modelling #multi #topic- Language-specific models in multilingual topic tracking (LSL, FF, MEC, VL), pp. 402–409.
SIGIR-2004-LiuC #clustering #modelling #retrieval #using- Cluster-based retrieval using language models (XL, WBC), pp. 186–193.
SIGIR-2004-Martin #natural language #reliability #verification #web- Reliability and verification of natural language text on the world wide web (abstract only) (MJM), p. 603.
SIGIR-2004-MetzlerLC #modelling #multi- Formal multiple-bernoulli models for language modeling (DM, VL, WBC), pp. 540–541.
SIGIR-2004-ZhangV #automation #information retrieval #using #web- Using the web for automated translation extraction in cross-language information retrieval (YZ, PV), pp. 162–169.
UML-2004-AbieAKMR #security #uml- Integrating a Security Requirement Language with UML (HA, DBA, TK, SM, TR), pp. 350–364.
TOOLS-USA-2003-RibetAZC04 #consistency #eiffel- Conformance of agents in the Eiffel language (PR, CA, OZ, DC), pp. 125–143.
OOPSLA-2004-BirkaE #type system- A practical type system and language for reference immutability (AB, MDE), pp. 35–49.
OOPSLA-2004-BrachaU #design #named #object-oriented #programming language- Mirrors: design principles for meta-level facilities of object-oriented programming languages (GB, DU), pp. 331–344.
OOPSLA-2004-BravenboerV #domain-specific language #strict #syntax- Concrete syntax for objects: domain-specific language embedding and assimilation without restrictions (MB, EV), pp. 365–383.
OOPSLA-2004-FactorSS #approach #library #object-oriented #standard- Instrumentation of standard libraries in object-oriented languages: the twin class hierarchy approach (MF, AS, KS), pp. 288–300.
OOPSLA-2004-ScharliBD #encapsulation #object-oriented- Object-oriented encapsulation for dynamically typed languages (NS, APB, SD), pp. 130–149.
GPCE-2004-DouenceT #aspect-oriented #control flow- A Pointcut Language for Control-Flow (RD, LT), pp. 95–114.
GPCE-2004-JacksonC #aspect-oriented #programming- SourceWeave.NET: Cross-Language Aspect-Oriented Programming (AJ, SC), pp. 115–135.
GPCE-2004-Mosses #composition- Modular Language Descriptions (PDM), p. 489.
GPCE-2004-NeverovR #multi #named #object-oriented #programming language- Metaphor: A Multi-stage, Object-Oriented Programming Language (GN, PR), pp. 168–185.
GPCE-2004-PadovaniCZ #approach #documentation #generative #implementation- A Generative Approach to the Implementation of Language Bindings for the Document Object Model (LP, CSC, SZ), pp. 469–487.
GPCE-2004-PasalicL #metaprogramming- Meta-programming with Typed Object-Language Representations (EP, NL), pp. 136–167.
LOPSTR-2004-BossiPR #imperative #security- Unwinding Conditions for Security in Imperative Languages (AB, CP, SR), pp. 85–100.
PPDP-2004-BeyerCHJM #query #verification- Invited talk: the blast query language for software verification (DB, AC, TAH, RJ, RM), pp. 1–2.
PPDP-2004-DoughertyGL #normalisation- Characterizing strong normalization in a language with control operators (DJD, SG, PL), pp. 155–166.
PPDP-2004-GrecoGSS #datalog #logic programming #multi #programming language #reasoning- Event choice datalog: a logic programming language for reasoning in multiple dimensions (GG, AG, DS, FS), pp. 238–249.
PPDP-2004-KrsticM #semantics- Semantics of the reFLect language (SK, JM), pp. 32–42.
PADL-2004-Fall #declarative #nondeterminism- Supporting Decisions in Complex, Uncertain Domains with Declarative Languages (AF), pp. 16–22.
POPL-2004-AnconaZ #java- Principal typings for Java-like languages (DA, EZ), pp. 306–317.
POPL-2004-YuKS #dot-net #formal method #runtime- Formalization of generics for the .NET common language runtime (DY, AK, DS), pp. 39–51.
SAC-J-2003-ShinjoKP04 #imperative #interface #performance- Efficient mediators with closures for handling dynamic interfaces in an imperative language (YS, TK, CP), pp. 351–357.
SAC-2004-BergholzC #interface #learning #query #web- Learning query languages of Web interfaces (AB, BC), pp. 1114–1121.
SAC-2004-Bracha #programming language #towards- Keynote address: towards secure systems programming languages (GB), pp. 1–2.
SAC-2004-Hamie #constraints #java #modelling #ocl- Translating the Object Constraint Language into the Java Modelling Language (AH), pp. 1531–1535.
SAC-2004-HatalaREW #communication #implementation #learning #network #repository- The eduSource Communication Language: implementing open network for learning repositories and services (MH, GR, TE, JW), pp. 957–962.
SAC-2004-Jorgensen #component #incremental #independence #integration #java- Language support for incremental integration of independently developed components in Java (BNJ), pp. 1316–1322.
SAC-2004-KampsR #effectiveness #information retrieval- The effectiveness of combining information retrieval strategies for European languages (JK, MdR), pp. 1073–1077.
SAC-2004-LinsG #automation #identification- Automatic language identification of written texts (RDL, PG), pp. 1128–1133.
SAC-2004-OssowskiM #coordination #modelling- Editoral message: special track on coordination models, languages and applications (SO, RM), pp. 447–448.
SAC-2004-PouliquenSIG #recognition #visualisation- Geographical information recognition and visualization in texts written in various languages (BP, RS, CI, TDG), pp. 1051–1058.
SAC-2004-TorgersenHEABG #java #programming language- Adding wildcards to the Java programming language (MT, CPH, EE, PvdA, GB, NMG), pp. 1289–1296.
SAC-2004-ZumpanoGTV #on the #optimisation #power of #problem #semantics- On the semantics and expressive power of Datalog-like languages for NP search and optimization problems (EZ, SG, IT, PV), pp. 692–697.
SAC-PL-J-2004-FagorziZ #case study #encoding #multi- A Case-Study in Encoding Configuration Languages: Multiple Class Loaders (SF, EZ), pp. 31–54.
SAC-PL-J-2004-TorgersenEHABG #java #programming language- Adding Wildcards to the Java Programming Language (MT, EE, CPH, PvdA, GB, NMG), pp. 97–116.
LDTA-2004-BegelG #ambiguity #analysis #tool support- Language Analysis and Tools for Ambiguous Input Streams (AB, SLG), pp. 75–96.
LDTA-2004-Cordy #named #programming language #tool support #txl- TXL — A Language for Programming Language Tools and Applications (JRC), pp. 3–31.
SPLC-2004-Gomaa #design #modelling #product line #uml- Designing Software Product Lines with the Unified Modeling Language (UML) (HG), p. 317.
SPLC-2004-Greenfield04a #domain-specific language #framework #tool support #using- Using Domain-Specific Languages, Patterns, Frameworks, and Tools to Assemble Applications (JG), p. 324.
ISMM-2004-SagonasW #concurrent #garbage collection #incremental- Message analysis-guided allocation and low-pause incremental garbage collection in a concurrent language (KFS, JW), pp. 1–12.
LCTES-2004-ConwayE #domain-specific language #named- NDL: a domain-specific language for device drivers (CLC, SAE), pp. 30–36.
LCTES-2004-QinRM #architecture #concurrent #development #modelling #synthesis #tool support- A formal concurrency model based architecture description language for synthesis of software development tools (WQ, SR, SM), pp. 47–56.
ICLP-2004-BryPS #evolution #logic programming #programming language #query #web- Xcerpt and XChange — Logic Programming Languages for Querying and Evolution on the Web (FB, PLP, SS), pp. 450–451.
ICLP-2004-CheneyU #logic programming #named #programming language #prolog- αProlog: A Logic Programming Language with Names, Binding and α-Equivalence (JC, CU), pp. 269–283.
IJCAR-2004-MeseguerR #analysis #formal method #logic #semantics #specification #tool support- Rewriting Logic Semantics: From Language Specifications to Formal Analysis Tools (JM, GR), pp. 1–44.
LICS-2004-Marcial-RomeroE #semantics- Semantics of a Sequential Language for Exact Real-Number Computation (JRMR, MHE), pp. 426–435.
LICS-2004-OuaknineW #automaton #decidability #on the #problem- On the Language Inclusion Problem for Timed Automata: Closing a Decidability Gap (JO, JW), pp. 54–63.
VMCAI-2004-TanASW #assembly #semantics- Construction of a Semantic Model for a Typed Assembly Language (GT, AWA, KNS, DW), pp. 30–43.
DATE-2003-AraS #component #transaction #verification- A Proposal for Transaction-Level Verification with Component Wrapper Language (KA, KS), pp. 20082–20087.
DATE-2003-Castro-LopezFMR #behaviour #hardware #modelling #simulation #using- Behavioural Modelling and Simulation of SigmaDelta Modulators Using Hardware Description Languages (RCL, FVF, FM, ÁRV), pp. 10168–10175.
DATE-2003-DoucetSG #framework- Introspection in System-Level Language Frameworks: Meta-Level vs. Integrated (FD, SKS, RKG), pp. 10382–10387.
DATE-2003-YevtushenkoVBPS #equation- Equisolvability of Series vs. Controller’s Topology in Synchronous Language Equations (NY, TV, RKB, AP, ALSV), pp. 11154–11155.
DocEng-2003-GarainDMC #pattern matching- Compression of scan-digitized Indian language printed text: a soft pattern matching technique (UG, SD, AM, BBC), pp. 185–192.
DRR-2003-YanikogluK #recognition- Turkish handwritten text recognition: a case of agglutinative languages (BAY, AK), pp. 227–233.
ICDAR-2003-AlamHKRTW #approach #natural language #summary #web- Web Page Summarization for Handheld Devices: A Natural Language Approach (HA, RH, AK, AFRR, YT, CW), pp. 1153–1157.
ICDAR-2003-ChaudhurySVH #documentation #image #interactive- Devising Interactive Access Techniques for Indian Language Document Images (SC, GS, AV, GH), pp. 885–889.
ICDAR-2003-FernandoKH #database #recognition #research- A Database for Handwriting Recognition Research in Sinhala Language (HCF, NDK, SH), pp. 1262–1264.
ICDAR-2003-KorkmazKAA- A Character Recognizer for Turkish Language (SUK, GK, YA, VA), pp. 1238–1241.
SIGMOD-2003-Chamberlin #named #query #xml #xquery- XQuery: A Query Language for XML (DDC), p. 682.
VLDB-2003-LernerS #named #optimisation #order #query- AQuery: Query Language for Ordered Data, Optimization Techniques, and Experiments (AL, DS), pp. 345–356.
ITiCSE-2003-Yehezkel #execution- Making program execution comprehensible one level above the machine language (CY), pp. 124–128.
ESOP-2003-GorrieriLM #analysis #encryption #protocol #realtime- A Simple Language for Real-Time Cryptographic Protocol Analysis (RG, EL, FM), pp. 114–128.
ESOP-2003-HaackW #fault #higher-order #slicing- Type Error Slicing in Implicitly Typed Higher-Order Languages (CH, JBW), pp. 284–301.
ESOP-2003-Leroy #perspective #programming language #security #static analysis- Computer Security from a Programming Language and Static Analysis Perspective (XL), pp. 1–9.
FASE-2003-SoraVB #component #composition- A Description Language For Composable Components (IS, PV, YB), pp. 22–36.
FASE-2003-ZhaoR #aspectj #behaviour #interface #named #specification- Pipa: A Behavioral Interface Specification Language for AspectJ (JZ, MCR), pp. 150–165.
FoSSaCS-2003-DunfieldP #call-by- Type Assignment for Intersections and Unions in Call-by-Value Languages (JD, FP), pp. 250–266.
IWPC-2003-LinosCBO #comprehension #dependence #multi- A Tool For Understanding Multi-Language Program Dependencies (PKL, ZHC, SB, BO), pp. 64–73.
WCRE-2003-Latendresse #generative #lightweight #named #regular expression #robust #semiparsing- RegReg: a Lightweight Generator of Robust Parsers for Irregular Languages (ML), pp. 206–215.
PLDI-2003-GayLBWBC #approach #embedded- The nesC language: A holistic approach to networked embedded systems (DG, PL, JRvB, MW, EAB, DEC), pp. 1–11.
SAS-2003-CarlssonSW #analysis #concurrent- Message Analysis for Concurrent Languages (RC, KFS, JW), pp. 73–90.
SAS-2003-Logozzo #analysis #composition #object-oriented- Class-Level Modular Analysis for Object Oriented Languages (FL), pp. 37–54.
CIAA-2003-BravoN #parsing- Building Context-Sensitive Parsers from CF Grammars with Regular Control Language (CB, JJN), pp. 306–308.
CIAA-2003-Castano #lr #parsing- LR Parsing for Global Index Languages (GILs) (JMC), pp. 269–281.
CIAA-2003-TammU #automaton #regular expression- Bideterministic Automata and Minimal Representations of Regular Languages (HT, EU), pp. 61–71.
CIAA-2003-Zijl #regular expression- Succinct Descriptions of Regular Languages with Binary +-NFAs (LvZ), pp. 72–82.
DLT-2003-AnselmoM #formal method #perspective #problem- Covering Problems from a Formal Language Point of View (MA, MM), pp. 122–133.
DLT-2003-BonizzoniFMZ #finite #reflexive #regular expression- Regular Languages Generated by Reflexive Finite Splicing Systems (PB, CdF, GM, RZ), pp. 134–145.
DLT-2003-DAlessandroV #on the- On Well Quasi-orders on Languages (FD, SV), pp. 230–241.
DLT-2003-DrewesH #education #learning- Learning a Regular Tree Language from a Teacher (FD, JH), pp. 279–291.
DLT-2003-Giammarresi #bound #set- Computing Languages by (Bounded) Local Sets (DG), pp. 304–315.
DLT-2003-Plandowski #product line #scalability #testing- Test Sets for Large Families of Languages (WP), pp. 75–94.
ICALP-2003-DenisE #automaton #probability- Residual Languages and Probabilistic Automata (FD, YE), pp. 452–463.
ICALP-2003-Okhotin #equation #problem- Decision Problems for Language Equations with Boolean Operations (AO), pp. 239–251.
FME-2003-Chalin #effectiveness #ml- Improving JML: For a Safer and More Effective Language (PC), pp. 440–461.
SEFM-2003-BouassidaBGH #design #formal method #framework- Formalizing the Framework Design Language F-UML (NB, HBA, FG, ABH), pp. 164–172.
ICFP-2003-BenzakenCF #named #xml- CDuce: an XML-centric general-purpose language (VB, GC, AF), pp. 51–63.
ICFP-2003-Mairson #analysis #game studies #semantics- From Hilbert space to Dilbert space: context semantics as a language for games and flow analysis (HGM), p. 125.
IFL-2003-PangC #haskell #object-oriented- Interfacing Haskell with Object-Oriented Languages (ATHP, MMTC), pp. 20–35.
IFL-2003-SeguraP #analysis #correctness #nondeterminism- Correctness of Non-determinism Analyses in a Parallel-Functional Language (CS, RP), pp. 69–85.
AGTIVE-2003-DepkeHH #design #graph transformation #modelling- Design of an Agent-Oriented Modeling Language Based on Graph Transformation (RD, JHH, RH), pp. 106–119.
CAiSE-2003-KovseM #sql- Introducing Custom Language Extensions to SQL: 1999 (JK, WM), pp. 193–208.
CAiSE-2003-Olive #concept #modelling #object-oriented- Derivation Rules in Object-Oriented Conceptual Modeling Languages (AO), pp. 404–420.
CAiSE-2003-TosicPPEM #web #web service- Management Applications of the Web Service Offerings Language (WSOL) (VT, BP, KP, BE, WM), pp. 468–484.
EDOC-2003-DijkmanQPS #approach #modelling- An Approach to Relate Viewpoints and Modeling Languages (RMD, DACQ, LFP, MvS), pp. 14–27.
EDOC-2003-JonkersBABBBDGSHIJLLPSTZ #architecture #enterprise #towards- Towards a Language for Coherent Enterprise Architecture Descriptions (HJ, RvB, FA, FSdB, MMB, HB, HWLtD, LG, JGS, SH, MEI, WJ, MML, DvL, EP, AS, LWNvdT, GVvZ), pp. 28–39.
EDOC-2003-NealCLMGK #contract #identification #monitoring #requirements- Identifying requirements for Business Contract Language: a Monitoring Perspectiv (SWN, JBC, PFL, ZM, SG, SK), pp. 50–61.
ICEIS-v2-2003-Zarri #information management #representation #semantics #using #web- Semantic Annotations and Semantic Web Using NKRL (Narrative Knowledge Representation Language) (GPZ), pp. 387–394.
ICEIS-v3-2003-AllouiMO #approach #architecture #generative #modelling #using- Modelling and Generating Business-To-Business Applications Using an Architecture Description Language — Based Approach (IA, KM, FO), pp. 201–210.
ICEIS-v3-2003-ArbaouiHOTV #difference #enterprise #process- Languages and Mechanisms for Software Processes and Manufacturing Enterprise Processes: Similarities and Differences (SA, AH, FO, FT, HV), pp. 474–482.
ICEIS-v3-2003-BarjisG #requirements- Requirements Engineering Versus Language/Action Perspective: Different Facets and Possible Contribution (JB, TG), pp. 14–22.
ICEIS-v3-2003-FaulknerK #architecture #information management #towards- Towards an Agent Architectural Description Language for Information Systems (SF, MK), pp. 59–66.
ICEIS-v3-2003-NassarCCEK #modelling #towards- Towards a View Based Unified Modeling Language (MN, BC, XC, SE, AK), pp. 257–265.
ICEIS-v3-2003-WohedPDH #analysis #modelling- Pattern Based Analysis of Eai Languages — The Case of the Business Modeling Language (PW, EP, MD, AHMtH), pp. 174–184.
CIKM-2003-AbdulJaleelL #information retrieval #statistics- Statistical transliteration for english-arabic cross language information retrieval (NAJ, LSL), pp. 139–146.
CIKM-2003-BallesterosS #retrieval- Addressing the lack of direct translation resources for cross-language retrieval (LB, MS), pp. 147–152.
CIKM-2003-LiC #modelling- Time-based language models (XL, WBC), pp. 469–475.
CIKM-2003-NallapatiCA #feedback #modelling #query #statistics- Relevant query feedback in statistical language modeling (RN, WBC, JA), pp. 560–563.
CIKM-2003-SrikanthS #approach #information retrieval #modelling #query- Exploiting syntactic structure of queries in a language modeling approach to IR (MS, RKS), pp. 476–483.
ECIR-2003-PengS #classification #modelling #n-gram #naive bayes- Combining Naive Bayes and n-Gram Language Models for Text Classification (FP, DS), pp. 335–350.
SEKE-2003-FlakeM #constraints #ocl #semantics- Semantics of State-Oriented Expressions in the Object Constraint Language (SF, WM), pp. 142–149.
SEKE-2003-TongrungrojanaL #modelling #web- WebML+: a Web modeling language for forming a bridge between business modeling and information modeling (RT, DBL), pp. 17–24.
SIGIR-2003-AllanK #framework #modelling- Stemming in the language modeling framework (JA, GK), pp. 455–456.
SIGIR-2003-AzzopardiGR #information retrieval #metric- Investigating the relationship between language model perplexity and IR precision-recall measures (LA, MG, KvR), pp. 369–370.
SIGIR-2003-BruzaS #comparison #dependence #modelling #probability #using- A comparison of various approaches for using probabilistic dependencies in language modeling (PB, DS), pp. 419–420.
SIGIR-2003-SadatYU #automation #corpus #information retrieval- Enhancing cross-language information retrieval by an automatic acquisition of bilingual terminology from comparable corpora (FS, MY, SU), pp. 397–398.
SIGIR-2003-SrikanthS #dependence #documentation #modelling #query #retrieval- Incorporating query term dependencies in language models for document retrieval (MS, RKS), pp. 405–406.
SIGIR-2003-VirgaK- Transliteration of proper names in cross-language applications (PV, SK), pp. 365–366.
SIGIR-2003-ZaragozaHT #ad hoc #information retrieval- Bayesian extension to the language model for ad hoc information retrieval (HZ, DH, MET), pp. 4–9.
UML-2003-SchmidtV #model checking #modelling #named #visual notation- CheckVML: A Tool for Model Checking Visual Modeling Languages (ÁS, DV), pp. 92–95.
ECOOP-2003-AldrichSCN #abstraction- Language Support for Connector Abstractions (JA, VS, CC, DN), pp. 74–102.
OOPSLA-2003-FahndrichL #object-oriented- Declaring and checking non-null types in an object-oriented language (MF, KRML), pp. 302–312.
OOPSLA-2003-GarciaJLSW #case study #comparative #programming- A comparative study of language support for generic programming (RG, JJ, AL, JGS, JW), pp. 115–134.
OOPSLA-2003-HarrisF #lightweight #transaction- Language support for lightweight transactions (TLH, KF), pp. 388–402.
OOPSLA-2003-LaffertyC #aspect-oriented #independence #programming- Language-independent aspect-oriented programming (DL, VC), pp. 1–12.
GPCE-2003-CalcagnoTHL #abstract syntax tree #implementation #multi #using- Implementing Multi-stage Languages Using ASTs, Gensym, and Reflection (CC, WT, LH, XL), pp. 57–76.
GPCE-2003-HammondM #domain-specific language #embedded #named #realtime- Hume: A Domain-Specific Language for Real-Time Embedded Systems (KH, GM), pp. 37–56.
GPCE-2003-Kastner #analysis #hardware #named #optimisation- TDL: A Hardware Description Language for Retargetable Postpass Optimizations and Analyses (DK), pp. 18–36.
GPCE-2003-PintoFT #architecture #component #development #named- DAOP-ADL: An Architecture Description Language for Dynamic Component and Aspect-Based Development (MP, LF, JMT), pp. 118–137.
GPCE-2003-ZiaeiA #coordination #distributed #named #petri net- SynchNet: A Petri Net Based Coordination Language for Distributed Objects (RZ, GA), pp. 324–343.
LOPSTR-2003-FlenerPA #combinator #modelling #problem #relational- Introducing esra, a Relational Language for Modelling Combinatorial Problems (PF, JP, MÅ), pp. 214–232.
PPDP-2003-FissoreGK #rule-based #termination- Simplification and termination of strategies in rule-based languages (OF, IG, HK), pp. 124–135.
PPDP-2003-HirschowitzLW #call-by #compilation #functional #recursion- Compilation of extended recursion in call-by-value functional languages (TH, XL, JBW), pp. 160–171.
PADL-2003-ClareK #data mining #functional #lazy evaluation #mining- Data Mining the Yeast Genome in a Lazy Functional Language (AC, RDK), pp. 19–36.
PADL-2003-Davila #named- ACTILOG: An Agent Activation Language (JAD), pp. 194–207.
PADL-2003-ErdemLNR #programming #set #using- Reconstructing the Evolutionary History of Indo-European Languages Using Answer Set Programming (EE, VL, LN, DR), pp. 160–176.
PADL-2003-FernandezHS #combinator #constraints #functional #logic #problem- Solving Combinatorial Problems with a Constraint Functional Logic Language (AJF, MTHG, FSP), pp. 320–338.
PADL-2003-KiselyovK #named #xml- SXSLT: Manipulation Language for XML (OK, SK), pp. 256–272.
PADL-2003-LiM #constraints #datalog #trust- DATALOG with Constraints: A Foundation for Trust Management Languages (NL, JCM), pp. 58–73.
PADL-2003-Mogensen #specification- Roll : A Language for Specifying Die-Rolls (TÆM), pp. 145–159.
PADL-2003-Page #biology #database #declarative #mining- The Role of Declarative Languages in Mining Biological Databases (CDPJ), p. 1.
POPL-2003-Crary #assembly #towards- Toward a foundational typed assembly language (KC), pp. 198–212.
POPL-2003-ZibinG #algorithm #incremental- Incremental algorithms for dispatching in dynamically typed languages (YZ, JYG), pp. 126–138.
SAC-2003-FinkO #architecture #coordination #framework- An Extensible Architecture-based Framework for Coordination Languages (TF, KO), pp. 402–406.
SAC-2003-Huntbach #concurrent #programming language- Features of the Concurrent Programming Language Aldwych (MMH), pp. 1048–1054.
SAC-2003-Meo #data mining #mining #optimisation- Optimization of a Language for Data Mining (RM), pp. 437–444.
SAC-2003-ShapiroT #natural language #query #web- Constructing Web Search Queries from the User’s Information Need Expressed in a Natural Language (JS, IT), pp. 1157–1162.
ICSE-2003-JarzabekBZZ #named #xml- XVCL: XML-based Variant Configuration Language (SJ, PB, HZ, WZ), pp. 810–811.
LDTA-J-2001-DohM #programming language #semantics- Composing programming languages by combining action-semantics modules (KGD, PDM), pp. 3–36.
LDTA-2003-CostagliolaDFG #analysis #development #visual notation- Exploiting XPG for Visual Languages: Definition, Analysis and Development (GC, VD, FF, CG), pp. 612–627.
LDTA-2003-Hufflen #bibliography- Mixing Two Bibliography Style Languages (JMH), pp. 628–642.
LDTA-2003-Wyk #aspect-oriented #composition- Aspects as Modular Language Extensions (EVW), pp. 555–574.
CC-2003-MoreauRV #compilation #multi #pattern matching- A Pattern Matching Compiler for Multiple Target Languages (PEM, CR, MV), pp. 61–76.
CC-2003-Ryder #analysis #object-oriented #precise #programming language- Dimensions of Precision in Reference Analysis of Object-Oriented Programming Languages (BGR), pp. 126–137.
CSL-2003-GroheS #finite #monad #query- Comparing the Succinctness of Monadic Query Languages over Finite Trees (MG, NS), pp. 226–240.
ICLP-2003-UedaK- The Language Model LMNtal (KU, NK), pp. 517–518.
LICS-2003-LibkinN #logic #query- Logical Definability and Query Languages over Unranked Trees (LL, FN), pp. 178–187.
LICS-2003-Murawski #equivalence #on the- On Program Equivalence in Languages with Ground-Type References (ASM), p. 108–?.
LICS-2003-Pierce #generative #programming language- Types and Programming Languages: The Next Generation (BCP), p. 32–?.
RTA-2003-OhsakiST- Recognizing Boolean Closed A-Tree Languages with Membership Conditional Rewriting Mechanism (HO, HS, TT), pp. 483–498.
RTA-2003-RouV #incremental #regular expression #testing- Testing Extended Regular Language Membership Incrementally by Rewriting (GR, MV), pp. 499–514.
WICSA-2002-CuestaFBB #architecture- Introducing Reflection in Architecture Description Languages (CECQ, PdlF, MBS, MEBG), pp. 143–156.
DATE-2002-BjorklundL #kernel #towards- Towards a Kernel Language for Heterogeneous Computing (DB, JL), p. 1136.
DATE-2002-BruschiCFS #design #fault #simulation- Error Simulation Based on the SystemC Design Description Language (FB, MC, FF, DS), p. 1135.
DATE-2002-LogothetisS #generative #modelling #realtime- Extending Synchronous Languages for Generating Abstract Real-Time Models (GL, KS), pp. 795–802.
DATE-2002-PaskoVS #c++ #design- Techniques to Evolve a C++ Based System Design Language (RP, SV, PS), pp. 302–309.
DocEng-2002-BesR #multi #pretty-printing #process- A presentation language for controlling the formatting process in multimedia presentations (FB, CR), pp. 2–9.
DocEng-2002-Vion-DuryLP #modelling #xml- Experimenting with the circus language for XML modeling and transformation (JYVD, VL, EP), pp. 82–87.
PODS-2002-GottlobK #datalog #information management #monad #power of #web- Monadic Datalog and the Expressive Power of Languages for Web Information Extraction (GG, CK), pp. 17–28.
VLDB-2002-DaynesC #flexibility #lightweight- Lightweight Flexible Isolation for Language-based Extensible Systems (LD, GC), pp. 718–729.
ITiCSE-2002-ShahK #parametricity #programming language- A tutoring system for parameter passing in programming languages (HS, ANK), pp. 170–174.
ESOP-2002-Grossman #imperative- Existential Types for Imperative Languages (DG), pp. 21–35.
ESOP-2002-McGuireKH #programming language- Programming Languages for Compressing Graphics (MM, SK, JFH), pp. 68–82.
FASE-2002-ClarkEK #approach #metamodelling #modelling #precise- Engineering Modelling Languages: A Precise Meta-Modelling Approach (TC, AE, SK), pp. 159–173.
FoSSaCS-2002-BolligLN- Generalised Regular MSC Languages (BB, ML, TN), pp. 52–66.
TACAS-2002-ArmoniFFGGKLMSTVZ #logic- The ForSpec Temporal Logic: A New Temporal Property-Specification Language (RA, LF, AF, RG, BG, TK, AL, SMH, ES, AT, MYV, YZ), pp. 296–211.
WRLA-2002-StehrT #maude #network #programming language #specification- Plan in Maude: Specifying an Active Network Programming Language (MOS, CLT), pp. 240–260.
CSMR-2002-BoulychevKT #on the #re-engineering- On Project-Specific Languages and Their Application in Reengineering (DYB, DVK, AAT), pp. 177–185.
CSMR-2002-Leitao #lisp #pattern matching #refactoring #source code- A Formal Pattern Language for Refactoring of Lisp Programs (APTdMCL), pp. 186–192.
ICSM-2002-HuntT- Extensible Language-Aware Merging (JJH, WFT), pp. 511–520.
SCAM-2002-BunusF #combinator #declarative #equation #graph transformation #semantics- Semantics Guided Filtering of Combinatorial Graph Transformations in Declarative Equation-Based Languages (PB, PF), pp. 163–172.
SCAM-2002-HarmerW #metric #object-oriented #programming language- An Extensible Metrics Extraction Environment for Object-Oriented Programming Languages (TJH, FGW), pp. 26–35.
SCAM-2002-RamseyA #framework #using- A Simple Mathematically Based Framework for Rule Extraction Using Wide Spectrum Language (FVR, JJA), p. 44–?.
PEPM-2002-BrabrandS #metaprogramming #syntax- Growing languages with metamorphic syntax macros (CB, MIS), pp. 31–40.
PEPM-2002-GomezL #analysis #automation #bound #higher-order- Automatic time-bound analysis for a higher-order language (GG, YAL), pp. 75–86.
PEPM-2002-MeurLC #partial evaluation #programming language #towards- Towards bridging the gap between programming languages and partial evaluation (AFLM, JLL, CC), pp. 9–18.
PLDI-2002-HallemCXE #analysis- A System and Language for Building System-Specific, Static Analyses (SH, BC, YX, DRE), pp. 69–82.
SAS-2002-SabelfeldM #communication #concurrent- Securing Communication in a Concurrent Language (AS, HM), pp. 376–394.
SAS-2002-WhaleyL #analysis #performance #points-to #strict- An Efficient Inclusion-Based Points-To Analysis for Strictly-Typed Languages (JW, MSL), pp. 180–195.
CIAA-J-2000-Bruggemann-KleinW02 #automaton #nondeterminism- The Regularity of Two-Way Nondeterministic Tree Automata Languages (ABK, DW), pp. 67–81.
CIAA-J-2000-CampeanuPY02 #algorithm #automaton #finite #performance- An Efficient Algorithm for Constructing Minimal Cover Automata for Finite Languages (CC, AP, SY), pp. 83–97.
CIAA-J-2000-PighizziniS02 #complexity- Unary Language Operations, State Complexity and Jacobsthal’s Function (GP, JS), pp. 145–159.
CIAA-2002-Korner #automaton #finite #on the- On Minimizing Cover Automata for Finite Languages in O(n log n) Time (HK), pp. 117–127.
CIAA-2002-Okhotin #linear #performance #recognition- Efficient Automaton-Based Recognition for Linear Conjunctive Languages (AO), pp. 169–181.
CIAA-2002-Polak #equation- Syntactic Semiring and Language Equations (LP), pp. 182–193.
DLT-2002-Domaratzki #automaton #bound #finite- Improved Bounds on the Number of Automata Accepting Finite Languages (MD), pp. 209–219.
DLT-2002-HolzerK #complexity #nondeterminism- Unary Language Operations and Their Nondeterministic State Complexity (MH, MK), pp. 162–172.
DLT-2002-HorvathLL #regular expression- Roots and Powers of Regular Languages (SH, PL, GL), pp. 220–230.
DLT-2002-Okhotin #automaton #linear #representation- Automaton Representation of Linear Conjunctive Languages (AO), pp. 393–404.
ICALP-2002-Bala #regular expression- Intersection of Regular Languages and Star Hierarchy (SB), pp. 159–169.
ICALP-2002-JurdzinskiL- Church-Rosser Languages vs. UCFL (TJ, KL), pp. 147–158.
ICALP-2002-Lombardy #automaton #on the- On the Construction of Reversible Automata for Reversible Languages (SL), pp. 170–182.
FME-2002-MarinovK #named #relational- VAlloy — Virtual Functions Meet a Relational Language (DM, SK), pp. 234–251.
FME-2002-UmeduTYNHT #mobile #multi- A Language for Describing Wireless Mobile Applications with Dynamic Establishment of Multi-way Synchronization Channels (TU, YT, KY, AN, TH, KT), pp. 607–624.
AFP-2002-FournetFMS02 #concurrent #distributed #mobile #named #programming- JoCaml: A Language for Concurrent Distributed and Mobile Programming (CF, FLF, LM, AS), pp. 129–158.
AFP-2002-Wadler02 #functional #named #query #xml #xquery- XQuery: A Typed Functional Language for Querying XML (PW), pp. 188–212.
ICFP-2002-GlynnSSS #analysis #exception #strict- Exception analysis for non-strict languages (KG, PJS, MS, HS), pp. 98–109.
ICFP-2002-Myers #functional #programming language #towards- Towards more natural functional programming languages (BAM), p. 1.
ICFP-2002-PasalicTS #staged- Tagless staged interpreters for typed languages (EP, WT, TS), pp. 218–229.
IFL-2002-LindahlS #compilation #float- Unboxed Compilation of Floating Point Arithmetic in a Dynamically Typed Language Environment (TL, KFS), pp. 134–149.
IFL-2002-VervoortP #functional #lazy evaluation- Lazy Dynamic Input/Output in the Lazy Functional Language Clean (MV, MJP), pp. 101–117.
ICGT-2002-Klempien-Hinrichs- Hyperedge Substitution in Basic Atom-Replacement Languages (RKH), pp. 192–206.
CHI-2002-LinTL #design #interactive #scalability #sketching #visual notation- A visual language for sketching large and complex interactive designs (JL, MT, JAL), pp. 307–314.
CHI-2002-SuhmBMFGGP #case study #comparative #natural language #speech- A comparative study of speech in the call center: natural language call routing vs. touch-tone menus (BS, JB, DM, BF, DG, KG, PP), pp. 283–290.
CSCW-2002-DavisSL #standard- Generalizing operational transformation to the standard general markup language (AHD, CS, JL), pp. 58–67.
VISSOFT-2002-Sajaniemi #comprehension #editing #independence #multi- View Definitions for Language-Independent Multiple-View Program Comprehension and Editing (JS), pp. 3–12.
Ada-2002-Thom #ada #exclamation #integration #modelling #programming language #standard #uml #using- Conformity! A Practical Integration of Standards — A Case for using the Unified Modelling Language (UML) with the Ada Programming Language (FT), pp. 29–36.
AdaEurope-2002-Lamm #ada #contract #design- Adding Design by Contract to the Ada Language (EL), pp. 205–218.
AdaEurope-2002-WardA #ada #compilation #hardware- Language Issues of Compiling Ada to Hardware (MW, NCA), pp. 88–99.
CAiSE-2002-SoderstromAJPW #framework #modelling #process #towards- Towards a Framework for Comparing Process Modelling Languages (ES, BA, PJ, EP, BW), pp. 600–611.
CAiSE-2002-SuI #case study #comparative #ontology #tool support- A Comparative Study of Ontology Languages and Tools (XS, LI), pp. 761–765.
ICEIS-2002-CarrascoMG #data mining #flexibility #mining #named #query- FSQL: A Flexible Query Language for Data Mining (RAC, MAVM, JG), pp. 50–56.
ICEIS-2002-EstebanGJ #enterprise #information management #information retrieval #modelling #multi- Improving Access to Multilingual Enterprise Information Systems with User Modelling Context Enriched Cross-Language IR (ADE, PG, AGJ), pp. 482–487.
ICEIS-2002-FilhoL #uml- A Proposal for the Incorporation of the Features Model into the UML Language (IMF, TCdO, CJPdL), pp. 594–601.
ICEIS-2002-GnasaW #information management #interface #natural language- Natural Language Interface to Knowledge Management Systems (MG, JW), pp. 494–499.
ICEIS-2002-LarreTMT #integration #using- Data Integration Using the MONIL Language (ML, JTJ, EFM, ST), pp. 115–120.
ICEIS-2002-Veryha #classification #database #fuzzy #implementation #query #relational #using- Implementation of Fuzzy Classification Query Language in Relational Databases Using Stored Procedures (YV), pp. 195–202.
CIKM-2002-LiuC #modelling #retrieval- Passage retrieval based on language models (XL, WBC), pp. 375–382.
CIKM-2002-NallapatiA #dependence #modelling #using- Capturing term dependencies using a language model based on sentence trees (RN, JA), pp. 383–390.
CIKM-2002-SiJCO #framework #modelling- A language modeling framework for resource selection and results merging (LS, RJ, JPC, PO), pp. 391–397.
ECIR-2002-OardE #retrieval- Translation-Based Indexing for Cross-Language Retrieval (DWO, FE), pp. 324–333.
ICPR-v1-2002-ErdemS #automation #communication #detection #gesture- Automatic Detection of Relevant Head Gestures in American Sign Language Communication (UME, SS), p. 460–?.
ICPR-v1-2002-YuanGYW #modelling #recognition- Recognition of Strong and Weak Connection Models in Continuous Sign Language (QY, WG, HY, CW), pp. 75–78.
SEKE-2002-CostagliolaDFG #modelling #using #visual notation- Using extended positional grammars to develop visual modeling languages (GC, VD, FF, CG), pp. 201–208.
SIGIR-2002-FedericoB #information retrieval #query #statistics #using- Statistical cross-language information retrieval using n-best query translations (MF, NB), pp. 167–174.
SIGIR-2002-HansenPKBS #design #information retrieval #interface- User-centered interface design for cross-language information retrieval (PH, DP, JK, MB, MS), pp. 383–384.
SIGIR-2002-Hiemstra #approach #information retrieval #modelling #query- Term-specific smoothing for the language modeling approach to information retrieval: the importance of a query term (DH), pp. 35–41.
SIGIR-2002-JinHZ #information retrieval- Title language model for information retrieval (RJ, AGH, CZ), pp. 42–48.
SIGIR-2002-JinSHC #information retrieval #using- Language model for IR using collection information (RJ, LS, AGH, JPC), pp. 419–420.
SIGIR-2002-KeskustaloHA #framework #query- UTACLIR -: general query translation framework for several language pairs (HK, TH, EA), p. 448.
SIGIR-2002-Koskenniemi #information retrieval #natural language #question- Is natural language an inconvenience or an opportunity for IR? (KK), p. 315.
SIGIR-2002-McNameeM #query- Comparing cross-language query expansion techniques by degrading translation resources (PM, JM), pp. 159–166.
SIGIR-2002-SrikanthS #documentation #modelling #retrieval- Biterm language models for document retrieval (MS, RKS), pp. 425–426.
SIGIR-2002-ZhaiL #information retrieval #modelling- Two-stage language models for information retrieval (CZ, JDL), pp. 49–56.
UML-2002-LodderstedtBD #modelling #named #security #uml- SecureUML: A UML-Based Modeling Language for Model-Driven Security (TL, DAB, JD), pp. 426–441.
UML-2002-NaumenkoW #metamodelling #modelling- A Metamodel for the Unified Modeling Language (AN, AW), pp. 2–17.
UML-2002-Whittle #automation #modelling #uml- Transformations and Software Modeling Languages: Automating Transformations in UML (JW), pp. 227–242.
OOPSLA-2002-Dmitriev #java #programming language- Language-specific make technology for the Java programming language (MD), pp. 373–385.
OOPSLA-2002-KhurshidMJ- An analyzable annotation language (SK, DM, DJ), pp. 231–245.
TOOLS-USA-2002-Plosch #evaluation #java #programming language- Evaluation of Assertion Support for the Java Programming Language (RP), pp. 5–17.
GPCE-2002-Back #named #scripting language #specification- DataScript — A Specification and Scripting Language for Binary Data (GB), pp. 66–77.
GPCE-2002-BrichauMV #composition #logic #metaprogramming- Building Composable Aspect-Specific Languages with Logic Metaprogramming (JB, KM, KDV), pp. 110–127.
PPDP-2002-DrapeMS #dot-net #logic programming #using- Transforming the .NET intermediate language using path logic programming (SD, OdM, GS), pp. 133–144.
PPDP-2002-NielsenPV #concurrent #constraints #on the #power of #programming language- On the expressive power of temporal concurrent constraint programming languages (MN, CP, FDV), pp. 156–167.
PPDP-2002-PembeciNH #domain-specific language #functional #integration- Functional reactive robotics: an exercise in principled integration of domain-specific languages (IP, HN, GDH), pp. 168–179.
PADL-2002-BunusF #debugging #declarative #equation #modelling- A Debugging Scheme for Declarative Equation Based Modeling Languages (PB, PF), pp. 280–298.
PADL-2002-Meadows #analysis #declarative #using- Using a Declarative Language to Build an Experimental Analysis Tool (CM), pp. 1–2.
PADL-2002-ShenSNS #eclipse #interface #programming language- A High-Level Generic Interface to External Programming Languages for ECLiPSe (KS, JS, SN, JS), pp. 262–279.
SAC-2002-AvdicausevicMLZ #aspect-oriented- Experimental aspect-oriented language — AspectCOOL (EA, MM, ML, VZ), pp. 943–947.
SAC-2002-BettiniLP #framework- An infrastructure language for open nets (LB, ML, RP), pp. 373–377.
SAC-2002-JoA #programming language- The Agent-based Programming Language: APL (CHJ, AJA), pp. 27–31.
SAC-2002-LeeB #automation #documentation #object-oriented #requirements #specification- Automated conversion from requirements documentation to an object-oriented formal specification language (BSL, BRB), pp. 932–936.
SAC-2002-TolksdorfK #distributed #object-oriented #programming- Programming distributed systems with the delegation-based object-oriented language dSelf (RT, KK), pp. 927–931.
ICSE-2002-CysneirosL #elicitation #modelling #non-functional #requirements- Non-functional requirements: from elicitation to modelling languages (LMC, JCSdPL), pp. 699–700.
ICSE-2002-DashofyHT #agile #architecture #development #framework #xml- An infrastructure for the rapid development of XML-based architecture description languages (EMD, AvdH, RNT), pp. 266–276.
ICSE-2002-ZimmermanLL #readability #requirements #specification- Investigating the readability of state-based formal requirements specification languages (MKZ, KL, NGL), pp. 33–43.
LDTA-2002-Consel #domain-specific language #how #what #why- Domain-Specific Languages: What, Why, How (CC), p. 1.
LDTA-2002-HenriquesPMLAZ #automation #generative #tool support- Automatic Generation of Language-based Tools (PRH, MJVP, MM, ML, EA, VZ), pp. 77–96.
LDTA-2002-KastensS #generative #named #visual notation- VL-Eli: A Generator for Visual Languages — System Demonstration (UK, CS), pp. 139–143.
ASPLOS-2002-Estrin #architecture #challenge #network #research- Keynote address: Sensor network research: emerging challenges for architecture, systems, and languages (DE), pp. 1–4.
ASPLOS-2002-KohlerMC #composition #optimisation #programming language- Programming language optimizations for modular router configurations (EK, RM, BC), pp. 251–263.
CC-2002-MernikLAZ #development #interactive #named #programming language- LISA: An Interactive Environment for Programming Language Development (MM, ML, EA, VZ), pp. 1–4.
CC-2002-NeculaMRW #analysis #c #named #source code #tool support- CIL: Intermediate Language and Tools for Analysis and Transformation of C Programs (GCN, SM, SPR, WW), pp. 213–228.
CC-2002-ThiesKA #named #streaming- StreamIt: A Language for Streaming Applications (WT, MK, SPA), pp. 179–196.
CC-2002-WykMBK #attribute grammar #composition #design- Forwarding in Attribute Grammars for Modular Language Design (EVW, OdM, KB, PK), pp. 128–142.
ISMM-2002-JohanssonSW #architecture #concurrent #message passing #using- Heap architectures for concurrent languages using message passing (EJ, KFS, JW), pp. 195–206.
ICLP-2002-BryS #declarative #model transformation #query #semistructured data #simulation #towards #unification #xml- Towards a Declarative Query and Transformation Language for XML and Semistructured Data: Simulation Unification (FB, SS), pp. 255–270.
LICS-2002-BenediktL #algebra #automaton #logic #query- Tree Extension Algebras: Logics, Automata, and Query Languages (MB, LL), p. 203–?.
LICS-2002-NygaardW #process- Linearity in Process Languages (MN, GW), p. 433–?.
RTA-2002-LeclandR #implementation #named- TTSLI: An Implementation of Tree-Tuple Synchronized Languages (BL, PR), pp. 376–379.
RTA-2002-OhsakiT #decidability #equation- Decidability and Closure Properties of Equational Tree Languages (HO, TT), pp. 114–128.
WICSA-2001-DashofyHT #architecture #xml- A Highly-Extensible, XML-Based Architecture Description Language (EMD, AvdH, RNT), pp. 103–112.
ASE-2001-BultanY #verification- Action Language Verifier (TB, TYK), pp. 382–386.
DATE-2001-HoffmannNPBM #development #generative #quality #tool support #using- Generating production quality software development tools using a machine description language (AH, AN, SP, GB, HM), pp. 674–678.
DATE-2001-TerechkoPE #architecture #clustering #named- PRMDL: a machine description language for clustered VLIW architectures (AT, EJDP, JTJvE), p. 821.
DocEng-2001-Muchaluat-SaadeS #architecture #authoring #convergence #hypermedia #towards- Towards the convergence between hypermedia authoring languages and architecture description languages (DCMS, LFGS), pp. 48–57.
ICDAR-2001-ElgammalI01a #documentation #hybrid #identification #image- Techniques for Language Identification for Hybrid Arabic-English Document Images (AME, MAI), pp. 1100–1104.
ICDAR-2001-Hurst #layout #using- Layout and Language: Exploring Text Block Discovery in Tables Using Linguistic Resources (MH), pp. 523–527.
ICDAR-2001-MartiB01a #modelling #on the #recognition- On the Influence of Vocabulary Size and Language Models in Unconstrained Handwritten Text Recognition (UVM, HB), pp. 260–265.
ICDAR-2001-PitrelliR #modelling #recognition- Creating Word-Level Language Models for Handwriting Recognition (JFP, AR), pp. 721–725.
PODS-2001-BenediktLSS #query #string- String Operations in Query Languages (MB, LL, TS, LS).
VLDB-2001-GalhardasFSSS #algorithm #declarative- Declarative Data Cleaning: Language, Model, and Algorithms (HG, DF, DS, ES, CAS), pp. 371–380.
VLDB-2001-SadriZZA #data mining #mining #query- A Sequential Pattern Query Language for Supporting Instant Data Mining for e-Services (RS, CZ, AMZ, JA), pp. 653–656.
FASE-J-1998-BradleyHKR01 #design #realtime- A formal design language for real-time systems with data (SB, WH, DK, AR), pp. 3–29.
ESOP-2001-Backhouse- Fusion on Languages (RCB), pp. 107–121.
ESOP-2001-CardelliG #logic #query- A Query Language Based on the Ambient Logic (LC, GG), pp. 1–22.
ESOP-2001-CuoqP #composition- Modular Causality in a Synchronous Stream Language (PC, MP), pp. 237–251.
ESOP-2001-GraunkeKHF #programming language #web- Programming the Web with High-Level Programming Languages (PTG, SK, SVDH, MF), pp. 122–136.
FASE-2001-ClarkEK #calculus #metamodelling #semantics #uml- The Metamodelling Language Calculus: Foundation Semantics for UML (TC, AE, SK), pp. 17–31.
FASE-2001-JacobsP #java #logic #ml #modelling- A Logic for the Java Modeling Language JML (BJ, EP), pp. 284–299.
FASE-2001-Stevens #case study #modelling #on the- On Use Cases and Their Relationships in the Unified Modelling Language (PS), pp. 140–155.
FoSSaCS-2001-BusiGZ #coordination- Temporary Data in Shared Dataspace Coordination Languages (NB, RG, GZ), pp. 121–136.
FoSSaCS-2001-GourantonRS- Synchronized Tree Languages Revisited and New Applications (VG, PR, HS), pp. 214–229.
FoSSaCS-2001-HabelP #graph transformation #programming language- Computational Completeness of Programming Languages Based on Graph Transformation (AH, DP), pp. 230–245.
FoSSaCS-2001-Morin #on the #sequence chart #traceability- On Regular Message Sequence Chart Languages and Relationships to Mazurkiewicz Trace Theory (RM), pp. 332–346.
FoSSaCS-2001-Tini #axiom #semantics- An Axiomatic Semantics for the Synchronous Language Gentzen (ST), pp. 394–409.
TACAS-2001-Finkbeiner #nondeterminism- Language Containment Checking with Nondeterministic BDDs (BF), pp. 24–38.
TACAS-2001-MycroftS #co-evolution #design #functional #hardware #using- Hardware/Software Co-Design Using Functional Languages (AM, RS), pp. 236–251.
CSMR-2001-GoedickeZ #design pattern #documentation #migration #pattern matching- Piecemeal Migrating of a Document Archive System with an Architectural Pattern Language (MG, UZ), pp. 180–183.
ICSM-2001-JongeM #effectiveness #maintenance #tool support- Cost-Effective Maintenance Tools for Proprietary Languages (MdJ, RM), pp. 240–249.
ICSM-2001-Terekhov #automation #case study- Automating Language Conversion: A Case Study (AAT), pp. 654–658.
SCAM-2001-DeruelleMBB #analysis #distributed #multi- Analysis and Manipulation of Distributed Multi-Language Software Code (LD, NM, MB, HB), pp. 45–56.
SCAM-2001-Vanter #source code #tool support- Preserving the Documentary Structure of Source Code in Language-Based Transformation Tools (MvdV), pp. 133–143.
WCRE-2001-KullbachR #approach #comprehension #named- Folding: An Approach to Enable Program Understanding of Preprocessed Languages (BK, VR), pp. 3–12.
PLDI-2001-GayA- Language Support for Regions (DG, AA), pp. 70–80.
PLDI-2001-KennedyS #design #dot-net #implementation #runtime- Design and Implementation of Generics for the .NET Common Language Runtime (AK, DS), pp. 1–12.
PLDI-2001-KumarMYL #named #programmable- ESP: A Language for Programmable Devices (SK, YM, XY, KL), pp. 309–320.
PLDI-2001-SchnarrHL #compilation #named- Facile: A Language and Compiler for High-Performance Processor Simulators (ES, MDH, JRL), pp. 321–331.
PLDI-2001-XiongJJP #algorithm #compilation #named- SPL: A Language and Compiler for DSP Algorithms (JX, JRJ, RWJ, DAP), pp. 298–308.
SAS-2001-BagnaraGHZ #analysis #constraints- Finite-Tree Analysis for Constraint Logic-Based Languages (RB, RG, PMH, EZ), pp. 165–184.
SAS-2001-Myers #distributed- Security-Typed Languages and Distributed Computation (ACM), pp. 437–438.
SAS-2001-Schneider #security #what #why- Language-Based Security: What’s Needed and Why (FBS), p. 374.
STOC-2001-BulatovKJ #complexity #constraints- The complexity of maximal constraint languages (AAB, AAK, PJ), pp. 667–674.
FLOPS-2001-AlbertHV #declarative #multi- A Practical Partial Evaluator for a Multi-Paradigm Declarative Language (EA, MH, GV), pp. 326–342.
FLOPS-2001-DanvyR #haskell #syntax- A Simple Take on Typed Abstract Syntax in Haskell-like Languages (OD, MR), pp. 343–358.
FLOPS-2001-LeachN #constraints #higher-order #logic programming #programming language- A Higher-Order Logic Programming Language with Constraints (JL, SN), pp. 108–122.
CIAA-2001-AlegriaAEEU #finite #natural language #using- Using Finite State Technology in Natural Language Processing of Basque (IA, MJA, NE, AE, RU), pp. 1–12.
CIAA-2001-DaciukN #automaton #finite #modelling #representation- Finite Automata for Compact Representation of Language Models in NLP (JD, GvN), pp. 65–73.
DLT-2001-BeaudryHNO #on the #product line- On the Relationship between the McNaughton Families of Languages and the Chomsky Hierarchy (MB, MH, GN, FO), pp. 340–348.
DLT-2001-Cachat #power of- The Power of One-Letter Rational Languages (TC), pp. 145–154.
DLT-2001-DomaratzkiSY #formal method- Minimal Covers of Formal Languages (MD, JS, SY), pp. 319–329.
DLT-2001-EngelfrietM #string #transducer- Hierarchies of String Languages Generated by Deterministic Tree Transducers (JE, SM), pp. 228–238.
DLT-2001-Esik #equation #fixpoint- The Equational Theory of Fixed Points with Applications to Generalized Language Theory (ZÉ), pp. 21–36.
DLT-2001-ItoK #petri net- Some Petri Net Languages and Codes (MI, YK), pp. 69–80.
DLT-2001-Lischke #complexity- The Root of a Language and Its Complexity (GL), pp. 272–280.
DLT-2001-NiemannW #context-sensitive grammar- The Growing Context-Sensitive Languages Are the Acyclic Context-Sensitive Languages (GN, JRW), pp. 197–205.
DLT-2001-NiemannW01a #regular expression- Some Regular Languages That Are Church-Rosser Congruential (GN, JW), pp. 330–339.
DLT-2001-Staiger- The Entropy of Lukasiewicz-Languages (LS), pp. 155–165.
ICALP-2001-AbdullaBB #effectiveness #queue- Effective Lossy Queue Languages (PAA, LB, AB), pp. 639–651.
ICALP-2001-Bouajjani #infinity #term rewriting #verification- Languages, Rewriting Systems, and Verification of Infinite-State Systems (AB), pp. 24–39.
ICALP-2001-HarjuIKS #morphism- Decision Questions Concerning Semilinearity, Morphisms, and Commutation of Languages (TH, OHI, JK, AS), pp. 579–590.
FME-2001-Pahl #component #contract #modelling #uml- Components, Contracts, and Connectors for the Unified Modelling Language UML (CP), pp. 259–277.
ICFP-2001-XiH #assembly- A Dependently Typed Assembly Language (HX, RH), pp. 169–180.
SVIS-2001-HundhausenD #algorithm #visualisation- A Language and System for Constructing and Presenting Low Fidelity Algorithm Visualizations (CDH, SAD), pp. 227–240.
SVIS-2001-WinterKR #bibliography #graph- An Overview of the GXL Graph Exchange Language (AW, BK, VR), pp. 324–336.
AdaEurope-2001-Lamm #component #library- Component Libraries and Language Features (EL), pp. 215–228.
AdaEurope-2001-Tokar #ada #runtime- New Developments in Ada 95 Run-Time Profile Definitions and Language Refinements (JLT), pp. 160–166.
SIGAda-2001-Amey- A language for systems not just software (PA), pp. 3–11.
SIGAda-2001-Dewar #ada #development- Keynote address: future development of the Ada language (RD), pp. 1–2.
CAiSE-2001-BrinkkemperSH #development- A Method Engineering Language for the Description of Systems Development Methods (SB, MS, FH), pp. 473–476.
EDOC-2001-TanakaNKN #enterprise #information management- Applying ODP Enterprise Viewpoint Language to Hospital Information System (AT, YN, YK, KN), pp. 188–192.
ICEIS-v1-2001-AllouiO #architecture #component #distributed #process #using- Supporting Decentralised Software-Intensive Processes Using ZETA Component-Based Architecture Description Language (IA, FO), pp. 207–215.
ICEIS-v2-2001-MannarinoLH #coordination #enterprise #modelling #named- Coordinated: A Language for Enterprise Modeling (GSM, HPL, GPH), pp. 627–632.
CIKM-2001-AljlaylF #effectiveness #information retrieval- Effective Arabic-English Cross-Language Information Retrieval via Machine-Readable Dictionaries and Machine Translation (MA, OF), pp. 295–302.
CIKM-2001-ConradD #automation #recognition- Automatic Recognition of Distinguishing Negative Indirect History Language in Judicial Opinions (JGC, DPD), pp. 287–294.
CIKM-2001-GhaniJM #corpus #mining #web- Mining the Web to Create Minority Language Corpora (RG, RJ, DM), pp. 279–286.
CIKM-2001-RadevQZBZFP #mining #natural language #web- Mining the Web for Answers to Natural Language Questions (DRR, HQ, ZZ, SBG, ZZ, WF, JMP), pp. 143–150.
CIKM-2001-ZhaiL #approach #feedback #information retrieval #modelling- Model-based Feedback in the Language Modeling Approach to Information Retrieval (CZ, JDL), pp. 403–410.
KDD-2001-LinP #induction #natural language #semantics- Induction of semantic classes from natural language text (DL, PP), pp. 317–322.
SEKE-2001-CarpaniR #concept #constraints #multi- An Integrity Constraints Language for a Conceptual Multidimensional Data Model (FC, RR), pp. 220–227.
SEKE-2001-GomezAG #specification #testing- Testing an Event Specification Language (RG, JCA, AG), pp. 341–345.
SIGIR-2001-FuhrG #documentation #information retrieval #named #query #xml- XIRQL: A Query Language for Information Retrieval in XML Documents (NF, KG), pp. 172–180.
SIGIR-2001-GaoXZHNZ #information retrieval #modelling #query #statistics #using- Improving Query Translation for Cross-Language Information Retrieval Using Statistical Models (JG, EX, MZ, CH, JYN, JZ), pp. 96–104.
SIGIR-2001-GhaniJM #automation #corpus #generative #query #web- Automatic Web Search Query Generation to Create Minority Language Corpora (RG, RJ, DM), pp. 432–433.
SIGIR-2001-GollinsS #information retrieval- Improving Cross Language Information Retrieval with Triangulated Translation (TG, MS), pp. 90–95.
SIGIR-2001-LaffertyZ #documentation #information retrieval #modelling #query- Document Language Models, Query Models, and Risk Minimization for Information Retrieval (JDL, CZ), pp. 111–119.
SIGIR-2001-LavrenkoC #modelling- Relevance-Based Language Models (VL, WBC), pp. 120–127.
SIGIR-2001-ZhaiL #ad hoc #case study #information retrieval #modelling- A Study of Smoothing Methods for Language Models Applied to Ad Hoc Information Retrieval (CZ, JDL), pp. 334–342.
UML-2001-DemuthHL #database #ocl #specification- OCL as a Specification Language for Business Rules in Database Applications (BD, HH, SL), pp. 104–117.
UML-2001-DumasH #diagrams #process #specification #uml #workflow- UML Activity Diagrams as a Workflow Specification Language (MD, AHMtH), pp. 76–90.
UML-2001-LatronicoK #diagrams #embedded #formal method #representation #sequence chart- Representing Embedded System Sequence Diagrams as a Formal Language (EL, PK), pp. 302–316.
UML-2001-Stevens #modelling #on the- On Associations in the Unified Modelling Language (PS), pp. 361–375.
ECOOP-2001-AnconaZ #java- True Modules for Java-like Languages (DA, EZ), pp. 354–380.
ECOOP-2001-Simonyi- Language, Objects, and Intentionality (CS), p. 1.
OOPSLA-2001-FindlerF #contract #object-oriented- Contract Soundness for Object-Oriented Languages (RBF, MF), pp. 1–15.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-HollanderMN- The e Language: A Fresh Separation of Concerns (YH, MM, AN), pp. 41–50.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-ThorupT #object-oriented #programming language- Genericity in Object-Oriented Programming Languages (KKT, MT), pp. 180–181.
TOOLS-USA-2001-AlagarP #formal method #named #specification #transaction- BTOZ: A Formal Specification Language for Formalizing Business Transactions (VSA, KP), pp. 240–252.
TOOLS-USA-2001-ArnoutS #contract #design #dot-net #eiffel- The .NET Contract Wizard: Adding Design by Contract to Languages Other than Eiffel (KA, RS), pp. 14–23.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Arsanjani #approach #architecture #component #design #enterprise- A Domain-Language Approach to Designing Dynamic Enterprise Component-Based Architectures to Support Business Services (AA), pp. 130–142.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Arsanjani01c #adaptation #design #pattern matching #scalability- Rule Pattern Language 2001: A Pattern Language for Adaptive Manners and Scalable Business Rule Design and Construction (AA), pp. 370–376.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Breuel #code generation #implementation #java #using- Implementing Dynamic Language Features in Java Using Dynamic Code Generation (TMB), pp. 143–152.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Liu #logic programming #named #object-oriented #programming language- Pluto: An Object-Oriented Logic Programming Language (ML), pp. 153–163.
TOOLS-USA-2001-MichaelOR- Natural-Language Processing Support for Developing Policy-Governed Software Systems (JBM, VLO, NCR), pp. 263–275.
GCSE-2001-HanenbergBU #aspect-oriented- An Object Model for General-Purpose Aspect Languages (SH, BB, RU), pp. 80–91.
LOPSTR-2001-AlbertV #declarative #multi #profiling- Symbolic Profiling for Multi-paradigm Declarative Languages (EA, GV), pp. 148–167.
LOPSTR-2001-Shankar #functional #static analysis- Static Analysis for Safe Destructive Updates in a Functional Language (NS), pp. 1–24.
QAPL-2001-BrogiPW #comparison #linear- Linear Embedding for a Quantitative Comparison of Language Expressiveness (AB, ADP, HW), pp. 207–237.
SAIG-2001-HarrisonS #adaptation #staged- Dynamically Adaptable Software with Metacomputations in a Staged Language (WLH, TS), pp. 163–182.
PADL-2001-BaldoniBCP #logic #programming #using #web- Programming Goal-Driven Web Sites Using an Agent Logic Language (MB, CB, AC, VP), pp. 60–75.
PADL-2001-Leuschel #csp #design #implementation #prolog #specification- Design and Implementation of the High-Level Specification Language CSP(LP) in Prolog (ML), pp. 14–28.
PADL-2001-PetersonHRH #declarative #named #visual notation- FVision: A Declarative Language for Visual Tracking (JP, PH, AR, GDH), pp. 304–321.
POPL-2001-GordonS #multi #type system- Typing a multi-language intermediate code (ADG, DS), pp. 248–260.
POPL-2001-IshtiaqO #data type- BI as an Assertion Language for Mutable Data Structures (SSI, PWO), pp. 14–26.
POPL-2001-Mitchell #programming language #security- Programming language methods in computer security (JCM), pp. 1–3.
SAC-2001-MernikNAZ #implementation- Designa and implementation of simple object description language (MM, UN, EA, VZ), pp. 590–595.
SAC-2001-Omicini #coordination #modelling- Coordination models, languages applications track chair messages (AO), pp. 105–106.
SAC-2001-RajeC #design pattern #named #specification- eLeLePUS — a language for specification of software design patterns (RRR, SC), pp. 600–604.
SAC-2001-VuongSD #distributed #policy #security #using #xml- Managing security policies in a distributed environment using eXtensible markup language (XML) (NNV, GS, YD), pp. 405–411.
ESEC-FSE-2001-WermelingerLF #architecture #graph- A graph based architectural (Re)configuration language (MW, AL, JLF), pp. 21–32.
ICSE-2001-McUmberC #formal method #framework #uml- A General Framework for Formalizing UML with Formal Languages (WEM, BHCC), pp. 433–442.
LDTA-2001-BrandDHJJKKMOSVVV #asf+sdf #component #development #ide- The Asf+Sdf Meta-Environment: a Component-Based Language Development Environment (MvdB, AvD, JH, HAdJ, MdJ, TK, PK, LM, PAO, JS, JJV, EV, JV), pp. 3–8.
LDTA-2001-DohM #programming language #semantics- Composing Programming Languages by Combining Action-Semantics Modules (KGD, PDM), pp. 87–109.
LDTA-2001-GayoDLR #composition #monad #named #prototype #semantics #using- LPS: A Language Prototyping System Using Modular Monadic Semantics (JELG, MCLD, JMCL, ACdR), pp. 110–131.
LDTA-2001-Klint #collaboration #development #interactive #tool support- Collaborative Development of Interactive Language Processing Tools (PK), pp. 1–2.
LDTA-2001-LammelR #prolog- Prological Language Processing (RL, GR), pp. 132–156.
CC-2001-BrandDHJJKKMOSVVV #asf+sdf #component #development #ide- The ASF+SDF Meta-environment: A Component-Based Language Development Environment (MvdB, AvD, JH, HAdJ, MdJ, TK, PK, LM, PAO, JS, JJV, EV, JV), pp. 365–370.
LCTES-OM-2001-AdveLE #adaptation #compilation #distributed- Language and Compiler Support for Adaptive Distributed Applications (VSA, VVL, BE), pp. 238–246.
LCTES-OM-2001-MerillonM #embedded #framework #hardware- Dealing with Hardware in Embedded Software: A General Framework Based on the Devil Language (FM, GM), pp. 121–127.
LCTES-OM-2001-UnnikrishnanSL #analysis #automation #garbage collection #memory management- Automatic Accurate Live Memory Analysis for Garbage-Collected Languages (LU, SDS, YAL), pp. 102–111.
PPoPP-2001-WiseFGA #matrix- Language support for Morton-order matrices (DSW, JDF, YG, GAA), pp. 24–33.
ICLP-2001-Clergerie #natural language #parsing- Natural Language Tabular Parsing (EVdlC), p. 8.
RTA-2001-Visser #named #program transformation #stratego- Stratego: A Language for Program Transformation Based on Rewriting Strategies (EV), pp. 357–362.
RTA-2001-Woinowski #normalisation- A Normal Form for Church-Rosser Language Systems (JRW), pp. 322–337.
ASE-2000-ChaudetO #algebra #architecture #evolution #named #process- pi-SPACE: A Formal Architecture Description Language Based on Process Algebra for Evolving Software Systems (CC, FO), pp. 245–248.
DAC-2000-HutchingsN #design #programming language #using- Using general-purpose programming languages for FPGA design (BLH, BEN), pp. 561–566.
DATE-2000-ItoCJ #design #java- System Design Based on Single Language and Single-Chip Java ASIP Microcontroller (SAI, LC, RPJ), pp. 703–707.
DATE-2000-PeesHM #using- Retargeting of Compiled Simulators for Digital Signal Processors Using a Machine Description Language (SP, AH, HM), pp. 669–673.
PODS-2000-DantsinV #complexity #query- Expressive Power and Data Complexity of Query Languages for Trees and Lists (ED, AV), pp. 157–165.
PODS-2000-Kreutzer #constraints #database #fixpoint #linear #query- Fixed-Point Query Languages for Linear Constraint Databases (SK), pp. 116–125.
PODS-2000-NevenS #pattern matching #performance- Expressive and Efficient Pattern Languages for Tree-Structured Data (FN, TS), pp. 145–156.
SIGMOD-2000-ChristophidesCS #integration #on the #performance #query #xml- On Wrapping Query Languages and Efficient XML Integration (VC, SC, JS), pp. 141–152.
ITiCSE-2000-Raner #education #object-oriented #visualisation- Teaching object-orientation with the Object Visualization and Annotation Language (OVAL) (MR), pp. 45–48.
ESOP-2000-BusiZ #coordination #data-driven #on the- On the Expressiveness of Event Notification in Data-Driven Coordination Languages (NB, GZ), pp. 41–55.
ESOP-2000-CejtinJW- Flow-Directed Closure Conversion for Typed Languages (HC, SJ, SW), pp. 56–71.
ESOP-2000-LawallM #continuation- Sharing Continuations: Proofnets for Languages with Explicit Control (JLL, HGM), pp. 245–259.
FASE-2000-AnlauffKPS #component #composition #domain-specific language #using- Using Domain-Specific Languages for the Realization of Component Composition (MA, PWK, AP, AS), pp. 112–126.
FoSSaCS-2000-HussonM #on the- On Recognizable Stable Trace Languages (JFH, RM), pp. 177–191.
TACAS-2000-CastilloW #model checking- Model Checking Support for the ASM High-Level Language (GDC, KW), pp. 331–346.
TACAS-2000-NiemannB #editing #specification #visual notation- Tool-Based Specification of Visual Languages and Graphic Editors (MN, RB), pp. 456–470.
CSMR-2000-HenryB #metric #multi- Metrics for Multimedia Languages (SMH, RPBJ), pp. 75–82.
CSMR-2000-JohnstoneSW #assembly #challenge #compilation #control flow #what- What Assembly Language Programmers Get Up To: Control Flow Challenges in Reverse Compilation (AJ, ES, TW), pp. 83–92.
CSMR-2000-SellinkV #assessment #development #re-engineering- Development, Assessment, and Reengineering of Language Descriptions (MPAS, CV), pp. 151–160.
PLDI-2000-RamseyJ #exception #implementation #multi- A single intermediate language that supports multiple implementations of exceptions (NR, SLPJ), pp. 285–298.
SAS-2000-FinkKS #analysis #array- Unified Analysis of Array and Object References in Strongly Typed Languages (SJF, KK, VS), pp. 155–174.
CIAA-2000-Karttunen #finite #natural language #transducer- Applications of Finite-State Transducers in Natural Language Processing (LK), pp. 34–46.
CIAA-2000-PaunSY #algorithm #automaton #finite- An O(n2) Algorithm for Constructing Minimal Cover Automata for Finite Languages (AP, NS, SY), pp. 243–251.
CIAA-2000-Pighizzini #complexity- Unary Language Concatenation and Its State Complexity (GP), pp. 252–262.
ICALP-2000-GhicaM #algol #reasoning #regular expression #using- Reasoning about Idealized ALGOL Using Regular Languages (DRG, GM), pp. 103–115.
ICALP-2000-HenriksenMKT #graph #on the #sequence- On Message Sequence Graphs and Finitely Generated Regular MSC Languages (JGH, MM, KNK, PST), pp. 675–686.
ICALP-2000-Kuske #infinity #logic- Infinite Series-Parallel Posets: Logic and Languages (DK), pp. 648–662.
ICALP-2000-MycroftS #functional #parallel- A Statically Allocated Parallel Functional Language (AM, RS), pp. 37–48.
ICALP-2000-Urbanski #automaton #on the- On Deciding if Deterministic Rabin Language Is in Büchi Class (TFU), pp. 663–674.
WLC-2000-Carton #word- R-Trivial Languages of Words on Countable Ordinals (OC), pp. 88–102.
WLC-2000-Dassow #difference #generative #on the- On the Differentiation Function of some Language Generating Devices (JD), pp. 151–161.
WLC-2000-DomosiI #context-sensitive grammar #parsing #problem- A Parsing Problem for Context-Sensitive Languages (PD, MI), pp. 183–184.
WLC-2000-DomosiK #context-free grammar- An Improvement of Iteration Lemmata for Context-free Languages (PD, MK), pp. 185–191.
WLC-2000-KelarevT #combinator #monad- A Combinatorial Property of Languages and Monoids (AVK, PGT), pp. 228–239.
WLC-2000-Konstantinidis #detection- Error-Detecting Properties of Languages (SK), pp. 240–252.
WLC-2000-LombardyS #on the- On the Star Height of Rational Languages: A New Presentation for Two Old Results (SL, JS), pp. 266–285.
IFM-2000-Bowen #animation #hardware #logic programming #semantics #specification- Combining Operational Semantics, Logic Programming and Literate Programming in the Specification and Animation of the Verilog Hardware Description Language (JPB), pp. 277–296.
IFM-2000-ButlerF #process- A Process Compensation Language (MJB, CF), pp. 61–76.
ICFP-2000-Faxen #evaluation #functional #lazy evaluation- Cheap eagerness: speculative evaluation in a lazy functional language (KFF), pp. 150–161.
ICFP-2000-Sage #declarative #haskell #named #user interface- FranTk — a declarative GUI language for Haskell (MS), pp. 106–117.
IFL-2000-Hammond #behaviour #bound #concurrent- The Dynamic Properties of Hume: A Functionally-Based Concurrent Language with Bounded Time and Space Behaviour (KH), pp. 122–139.
IFL-2000-HanusHN #declarative #multi #named #object-oriented- ObjectCurry: An Object-Oriented Extension of the Declarative Multi-Paradigm Language Curry (MH, FH, PN), pp. 89–106.
IFL-2000-PenaS #analysis #nondeterminism- Non-determinism Analysis in a Parallel-Functional Language (RP, CS), pp. 1–18.
AdaEurope-2000-SoundarajanF #exception #object-oriented #reasoning #using- Exceptions in OO Languages: Using Them and Reasoning about Them (NS, SF), pp. 238–251.
EDOC-2000-ImajoMSIYTU #cobol #scripting language- COBOL Script: A Business-Oriented Scripting Language (TI, TM, SS, TI, DY, YT, SU), p. 231–?.
CIKM-2000-Elworthy #database #image #natural language #retrieval #using- Retrieval from Captioned Image Databases Using Natural Language Processing (DE), pp. 430–437.
CIKM-2000-GhaniJ #database #learning #multi- Learning a Monolingual Language Model from a Multilingual Text Database (RG, RJ), pp. 187–193.
CIKM-2000-LavrenkoSLOJA #modelling #recommendation- Language Models for Financial News Recommendation (VL, MDS, DL, PO, DJ, JA), pp. 389–396.
ICML-2000-BoschZ #in memory #learning #multi- Unpacking Multi-valued Symbolic Features and Classes in Memory-Based Language Learning (AvdB, JZ), pp. 1055–1062.
ICML-2000-Collins #natural language #parsing #ranking- Discriminative Reranking for Natural Language Parsing (MC), pp. 175–182.
ICML-2000-HallH #information retrieval #learning #multi #natural language- Learning Curved Multinomial Subfamilies for Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval (KBH, TH), pp. 351–358.
ICML-2000-WalkerWL #comprehension #fault #identification #natural language #using- Using Natural Language Processing and discourse Features to Identify Understanding Errors (MAW, JHW, IL), pp. 1111–1118.
ICPR-v2-2000-BauerHK #recognition #statistics #using- Video-Based Continuous Sign Language Recognition Using Statistical Methods (BB, HH, KFK), pp. 2463–2466.
ICPR-v2-2000-Fernau #n-gram- k-gram Extensions of Terminal Distinguishable Languages (HF), pp. 2125–2128.
ICPR-v4-2000-ImagawaMTALI #recognition- Recognition of Local Features for Camera-Based Sign Language Recognition System (KI, HM, RiT, DA, SL, SI), pp. 4849–4853.
ICPR-v4-2000-KojimaITF #behaviour #generative #image #natural language #video- Generating Natural Language Description of Human Behavior from Video Images (AK, MI, TT, KF), pp. 4728–4731.
KDD-2000-CortesFPR #data type #named- Hancock: a language for extracting signatures from data streams (CC, KF, DP, AR), pp. 9–17.
KR-2000-BaralMS #problem #using- Formulating diagnostic problem solving using an action language with narratives and sensing (CB, SAM, TCS), pp. 311–322.
KR-2000-Giunchiglia #concurrent #constraints #nondeterminism #satisfiability- Planning as Satisfiability with Expressive Action Languages: Concurrency, Constraints and Nondeterminism (EG), pp. 657–666.
KR-2000-Jamil #inheritance #logic #parametricity- A Logic Based Language for Parametric Inheritance (HMJ), pp. 611–622.
KR-2000-MartinG #concept #learning #policy #using- Learning Generalized Policies in Planning Using Concept Languages (MM, HG), pp. 667–677.
SIGIR-2000-SpererO #information retrieval- Structured translation for cross-language information retrieval (RS, DWO), pp. 120–127.
UML-2000-Knapmann #constraints- Business-oriented Constraint Language (JK), pp. 47–61.
UML-2000-SilvaP #interactive #modelling #named- UMLi: The Unified Modeling Language for Interactive Applications (PPdS, NWP), pp. 117–132.
ECOOP-2000-Duggan #approach #domain-specific language #mixin #programming language #reuse #semantics- A Mixin-Based, Semantics-Based Approach to Reusing Domain-Specific Programming Languages (DD), pp. 179–200.
ECOOP-2000-FontouraPR #framework #modelling #named #object-oriented #uml- UML-F: A Modeling Language for Object-Oriented Frameworks (MF, WP, BR), pp. 63–82.
ECOOP-2000-Madsen #programming language #towards- Towards a Unified Programming Language (OLM), pp. 1–26.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-Graham #case study #generative #requirements- Requirements Engineering: Use Cases Are from Mars, Generative Languages are from Venus (IMG), p. 4.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-KleppeW00a #constraints #ocl- An Introduction to the Object Constraint Language (OCL) (AK, JW), p. 456.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-JacobsenK #interface #modelling- Modeling Interface Definition Language Extensions (HAJ, BJK), pp. 242–252.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Adolph #case study #pattern matching- The Use Case Pattern Language (SA), pp. 459–460.
TOOLS-USA-2000-VaziriJ #constraints #ocl #uml- Some Shortcomings of OCL, the Object Constraint Language of UML (MV, DJ), pp. 555–562.
TOOLS-USA-2000-ViegaRB #automation- Automating Delegation in Class-Based Languages (JV, PR, RB), p. 171–?.
GCSE-2000-Veldhuizen #java- Just When You Thought Your Little Language Was Safe: “Expression Templates” in Java (TLV), pp. 188–202.
LOPSTR-2000-Wilson #specification- A minimal specification language (WWW).
LOPSTR-J-2000-AlbertAV #effectiveness #functional #logic #partial evaluation- Measuring the Effectiveness of Partial Evaluation in Functional Logic Languages (EA, SA, GV), pp. 103–124.
SAIG-2000-CalcagnoM #imperative #multi- Multi-Stage Imperative Languages: A Conservative Extension Result (CC, EM), pp. 92–107.
SAIG-2000-ElliottFM #compilation #embedded- Compiling Embedded Languages (CE, SF, OdM), pp. 9–27.
SAIG-2000-Kieburtz #domain-specific language #implementation- Implementing Closed Domain-Specific Languages (RBK), pp. 1–2.
SAIG-2000-Makholm #on the- On Jones-Optimal Specialization for Strongly Typed Languages (HM), pp. 129–148.
POPL-2000-ChambersHV #design pattern #tool support- A Debate on Language and Tool Support for Design Patterns (CC, BH, JMV), pp. 277–289.
ICRE-2000-GervasiN #case study #lightweight #natural language #requirements #validation- Lightweight Validation of Natural Language Requirements: A Case Study (VG, BN), pp. 140–149.
SAC-2000-BarbosaC #coordination- A Coordination Language for Collective Agent Based Systems: GroupLog (FB, JCC), pp. 189–195.
SAC-2000-BusiZ #coordination #data-driven #order- Event Notification in Data-driven Coordination Languages: Comparing the Ordered and Unordered Interpretations (NB, GZ), pp. 233–239.
SAC-2000-DoyonD #bytecode #java #verification- Verifying Object Initialization in the Java Bytecode Language (SD, MD), pp. 821–830.
SAC-2000-HarrisonN #named #object-oriented #persistent- POOL: A Persistent Object-Oriented Language (CJH, MN), pp. 764–766.
SAC-2000-MillerS #concurrent #csp #process- Eclectic CSP: A Language of Concurrent Processes (QM, BS), pp. 840–842.
SAC-2000-OchKO #data flow #semistructured data #using- Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources Using the COIL Mediator Definition Language (CO, RK, RO), pp. 991–1000.
SAC-2000-PowerM #approach #c++ #modelling #problem #programming language- An Approach for Modeling the Name Lookup Problem in the C++ Programming Language (JFP, BAM), pp. 792–796.
SAC-2000-TrujilloPG #database #multi #object-oriented #specification- The GOLD Definition Language (GDL): An Object Oriented Formal Specification Language for Multidimensional Databases (JT, MP, JG), pp. 346–350.
SAC-2000-Wyk #domain-specific language- Domain Specific Meta Languages (EVW), pp. 799–803.
ICSE-2000-Bultan #model checking #specification- Action Language: a specification language for model checking reactive systems (TB), pp. 335–344.
ICSE-2000-CassLSMWO #interpreter #named #process- Little-JIL/Juliette: a process definition language and interpreter (AGC, BSL, SMSJ, EKM, AEW, LJO), pp. 754–757.
CADE-2000-Pulman #automation #comprehension #deduction #named #natural language #tutorial- Tutorial: Automated Deduction and Natural Language Understanding (SGP), pp. 509–510.
CL-2000-BonchiGP #database #logic #on the #verification- On Verification in Logic Database Languages (FB, FG, DP), pp. 957–971.
CL-2000-Liang #generative #logic programming #parsing #programming language- A Deterministic Shift-Reduce Parser Generator for a Logic Programming Language (CL), pp. 1315–1329.
CL-2000-MancarellaNRT #analysis #declarative #named- MuTACLP: A Language for Declarative GIS Analysis (PM, GN, AR, FT), pp. 1002–1016.
TestCom-2000-GrabowskiWWH #design #on the #testing- On the Design of the New Testing Language TTCN-3 (JG, AW, CW, DH), pp. 161–176.
ASE-1999-FuchsST #first-order #logic #natural language- Controlled Natural Language Can Replace First-Order Logic (NEF, US, ST), pp. 295–298.
ASE-1999-Wile #architecture #metalanguage #named- AML: An Architecture Meta-Language (DSW), pp. 183–190.
DAC-1999-PeesHZM #architecture #modelling #named #programmable- LISA — Machine Description Language for Cycle-Accurate Models of Programmable DSP Architectures (SP, AH, VZ, HM), pp. 933–938.
DATE-1999-HalambiGGKDN #architecture #compilation #named- EXPRESSION: A Language for Architecture Exploration through Compiler/Simulator Retargetability (AH, PG, VG, AK, NDD, AN), pp. 485–490.
DATE-1999-JerrayaE #design #multi- Multi-Language System Design (AAJ, RE), p. 696–?.
DATE-1999-MartinolleDCF #user interface- Interoperability of Verilog/VHDL Procedural Language Interfaces to Build a Mixed Language GUI (FM, CD, DC, MF), pp. 788–789.
DATE-1999-ZhuG #design #named- OpenJ: An Extensible System Level Design Language (JZ, DG), pp. 480–484.
ICDAR-1999-ChaudhuryS #identification- Trainable Script Identification Strategies for Indian Languages (SC, RS), pp. 657–660.
ICDAR-1999-XiLT #novel- A Novel Method for Discriminating between Oriental and European Languages by Fractal Features (DX, SWL, YYT), pp. 345–348.
SIGMOD-1999-CallanCD #automation #database #modelling- Automatic Discovery of Language Models for Text Databases (JPC, MEC, AD), pp. 479–490.
SIGMOD-1999-Greer- Daytona And The Fourth-Generation Language Cymbal (RG), pp. 525–526.
VLDB-1999-HoskingC #design #implementation #named #orthogonal #performance #persistent #programming language- PM3: An Orthogonal Persistent Systems Programming Language — Design, Implementation, Performance (ALH, JC), pp. 587–598.
ITiCSE-1999-KoffmanW #java #using- CS1 using Java language features gently (EBK, UW), pp. 40–43.
ESOP-1999-KrishnamurthiEF- Expressing Structural Properties as Language Constructs (SK, YDE, MF), pp. 258–272.
ESOP-1999-TrifonovS- Safe and Principled Language Interoperation (VT, ZS), pp. 128–146.
FoSSaCS-1999-BorealeNP #formal method #testing- A Theory of “May” Testing for Asynchronous Languages (MB, RDN, RP), pp. 165–179.
FoSSaCS-1999-Maneth #metaprogramming #string #transducer- String Languages Generated by Total Deterministic Macro Tree Transducers (SM), pp. 258–272.
ICSM-1999-DucasseRD #approach #detection #independence- A Language Independent Approach for Detecting Duplicated Code (SD, MR, SD), pp. 109–118.
WCRE-1999-CaprileT #identifier- Nomen Est Omen: Analyzing the Language of Function Identifiers (BC, PT), pp. 112–122.
PEPM-1999-ChinGK #effectiveness #lazy evaluation #multi #optimisation #traversal- Effective Optimization of Multiple Traversals in Lazy Languages (WNC, AHG, SCK), pp. 119–130.
SAS-1999-BessonJT #analysis- Polyhedral Analysis for Synchronous Languages (FB, TPJ, JPT), pp. 51–68.
FLOPS-1999-HanusL #functional #logic #program analysis #semantics- A Semantics for Program Analysis in Narrowing-Based Functional Logic Languages (MH, SL), pp. 353–368.
FLOPS-1999-Lux #encapsulation #functional #implementation #lazy evaluation #logic- Implementing Encapsulated Search for a Lazy Functional Logic Language (WL), pp. 100–113.
DLT-1999-AndreiK #bidirectional #linear #parsing- Bidirectional parsing for linear languages (SA, MK), pp. 257–269.
DLT-1999-Anselmo #problem- A non-ambiguous language factorization problem (MA), pp. 141–152.
DLT-1999-BuchholzKK #automaton #on the- On tally languages and generalized interacting automata (TB, AK, MK), pp. 316–325.
DLT-1999-DrewesKK- Table-driven and context-sensitive collage languages (FD, RKH, HJK), pp. 326–337.
DLT-1999-Holzer #on the- On fixed and general membership for external and internal contextual languages (MH), pp. 351–361.
DLT-1999-KvetonK- Functions preserving classes of languages (PK, VK), pp. 81–102.
DLT-1999-NiemannO #automaton- Restarting automata, Church-Rosser languages, and representations of r.e. languages (GN, FO), pp. 103–114.
DLT-1999-RuizG- Right and left strongly locally testable semigroups and languages (JR, PG), pp. 232–241.
DLT-1999-SalomaaY #composition #finite #on the- On the decomposition of finite languages (AS, SY), pp. 22–31.
DLT-1999-Stiebe #matrix- Slender matrix languages (RS), pp. 375–385.
ICALP-1999-CraryM #low level #programming language- Type Structure for Low-Level Programming Languages (KC, JGM), pp. 40–54.
ICALP-1999-FlescaG #graph #order #query #regular expression- Partially Ordered Regular Languages for Graph Queries (SF, SG), pp. 321–330.
WIA-1999-AmilhastreJV #finite #heuristic- FA Minimisation Heuristics for a Class of Finite Languages (JA, PJ, MCV), pp. 1–12.
WIA-1999-CampeanuCSY #complexity #finite- State Complexity of Basic Operations on Finite Languages (CC, KCI, KS, SY), pp. 60–70.
WIA-1999-NoordG #compilation #finite #natural language #regular expression- An Extendible Regular Expression Compiler for Finite-State Approaches in Natural Language Processing (GvN, DG), pp. 122–139.
FM-v1-1999-EertinkJLTV #design #process- A Business Process Design Language (HE, WJ, POL, WBT, CAV), pp. 76–95.
FM-v2-1999-CavalcantiN #object-oriented #refinement #semantics- A Weakest Precondition Semantics for an Object-Oriented Language of Refinement (AC, DAN), pp. 1439–1459.
ICFP-1999-FlattFKF #lisp #operating system #programming language- Programming Languages as Operating Systems (or Revenge of the Son of the Lisp Machine) (MF, RBF, SK, MF), pp. 138–147.
ICFP-1999-LaunchburyLC #architecture #design #haskell #on the- On Embedding a Microarchitectural Design Language within Haskell (JL, JRL, BC), pp. 60–69.
ICFP-1999-LeagueST #java #representation- Representing Java Classes in a Typed Intermediate Language (CL, ZS, VT), pp. 183–196.
ICFP-1999-Nilsson #debugging #functional #lazy evaluation- Tracing Piece by Piece: Affordable Debugging for Lazy Functional Languages (HN), pp. 36–47.
ICFP-1999-ZdancewicGM #programming language #proving- Principals in Programming Languages: A Syntactic Proof Technique (SZ, DG, JGM), pp. 197–207.
IFL-1999-DidrichGSTT #functional #programming language- Reflections in Opal — Meta Information in a Functional Programming Language (KD, WG, FS, TT, BTyW), pp. 149–164.
IFL-1999-Groningen #functional #lazy evaluation #multi #optimisation #recursion #tuple- Optimising Recursive Functions Yielding Multiple Results in Tuples in a Lazy Functional Language (JHGvG), pp. 59–76.
AGTIVE-1999-BardohlNS #development #named #visual notation- GenGEd: A Development Environment for Visual Languages (RB, MN, MS), pp. 233–240.
AGTIVE-1999-Blostein #semantics #syntax #visual notation- Defining the Syntax and Semantics of Natural Visual Languages (DB), pp. 225–232.
AGTIVE-1999-Levialdi #question #visual notation- Visual Languages: Where Do We Stand? (SL), pp. 145–164.
AGTIVE-1999-PlasmeijerE #functional #graph grammar #mobile- Term Graph Rewriting and Mobile Expressions in Functional Languages (MJP, MCJDvE), pp. 1–13.
AGTIVE-1999-PrusinkiewiczHM #modelling- An L-System-Based Plant Modeling Language (PP, JH, RM), pp. 395–410.
AGTIVE-1999-RodgersV99a #graph grammar #programming language- A Demonstration of the Grrr Graph Rewriting Programming Language (PJR, NV), pp. 473–480.
CHI-1999-BruckmanE #analysis #fault #programming language- Should we Leverage Natural-Language Knowledge? An Analysis of User Errors in a Natural-Language-Style Programming Language (AB, EE), pp. 207–214.
HCI-CCAD-1999-FujishigeJK #automaton #finite #recognition #using #word- Recognition of Japanese sign language words using finite automata (EF, KJ, TK), pp. 167–171.
HCI-EI-1999-KawanoK #animation #comprehension- The Effects of Facial Expression on Understanding Japanese Sign Language Animation (SK, TK), pp. 783–787.
HCI-EI-1999-LuSUI- A New Method to Synthesize Japanese Sign Language Based on Intuitive Motion Primitives (SL, HS, TU, SI), pp. 441–445.
HCI-EI-1999-MosconiP99a #testing #usability #visual notation- Testing the Usability of Visual Languages: A Web-Based Methodology (MM, MP), pp. 1053–1057.
AdaEurope-1999-Korochkin #ada #education- Ada 95 as a Foundation Language in Computer Engeneering Education in Ukraine (AK), pp. 181–186.
AdaEurope-1999-Mermet #design #specification #standard- System on Chip Specification and Design Languages Standardization (JM), pp. 371–384.
AdaEurope-1999-MillanLM #ada #adaptation #java #persistent #using- An Adaptation of our Ada95/O2 Binding to Provide Persistence to the Java Language: Sharing and Handling of Data between Heterogenous Applications using Persistence (TM, ML, FM), pp. 320–331.
AdaEurope-1999-Tuosto #ada #coordination #implementation #network- An Ada95 Implementation of a Network Coordination Language with Code Mobility (ET), pp. 199–210.
SIGAda-1999-Tonndorf #ada #programming language #question- Ada conformity assessments: a model for other programming languages? (MT), pp. 89–99.
EDOC-1999-AagedalM #enterprise #perspective #uml- ODP enterprise language: UML perspective (JØA, ZM), pp. 60–71.
EDOC-1999-BlancGD #concept #enterprise #uml #using- Using the UML language to express the ODP enterprise concepts (XB, MPG, RLD), pp. 50–59.
ICEIS-1999-AbeysingheH #modelling #natural language #process- Process Modelling with Natural Language Input (GA, CRH), p. 762.
ICEIS-1999-Falsarella #corba #execution #framework #implementation #multi #using- Multi Language and Multi Platform Suport for Agent Execution Using CORBA Platform-An Implementation (OMF), p. 772.
ICEIS-1999-Goossens #ambiguity #approach #modelling #object-oriented- An Aggregation Based Approach to Reconcile Expressiveness and Unambiguity in Object Oriented Modelling Languages (LG), pp. 427–434.
ICEIS-1999-SchumacherCHK #automation #coordination #simulation- The STL++ Coordination Language: Application to Simulating the Automation of a Trading System (MS, FC, SS, BH, OK), pp. 292–299.
CIKM-1999-LeeB #multi #named #query #semantics- SemQL: A Semantic Query Language for Multidatabase Systems (JOL, DKB), pp. 259–266.
CIKM-1999-SongC #information retrieval- A General Language Model for Information Retrieval (FS, WBC), pp. 316–321.
ICML-1999-Bosch #abstraction #in memory #learning- Instance-Family Abstraction in Memory-Based Language Learning (AvdB), pp. 39–48.
ICML-1999-ThompsonCM #information management #learning #natural language #parsing- Active Learning for Natural Language Parsing and Information Extraction (CAT, MEC, RJM), pp. 406–414.
SIGIR-1999-JonesSCKS #comparison #information retrieval #query- A Comparison of Query Translation Methods for English-Japanese Cross-Language Information Retrieval (poster abstract) (GJFJ, TS, NC, AK, KS), pp. 269–270.
SIGIR-1999-NieSID #automation #information retrieval #mining #parallel #web- Cross-Language Information Retrieval Based on Parallel Texts and Automatic Mining of Parallel Texts from the Web (JYN, MS, PI, RD), pp. 74–81.
SIGIR-1999-SongC #information retrieval- A General Language Model for Information Retrieval (poster abstract) (FS, WBC), pp. 279–280.
SIGIR-1999-XuC #clustering #distributed #modelling #retrieval- Cluster-Based Language Models for Distributed Retrieval (JX, WBC), pp. 254–261.
UML-1999-BernerGJ #classification #modelling #object-oriented- A Classification of Stereotypes for Object-Oriented Modeling Languages (SB, MG, SJ), pp. 249–264.
UML-1999-KentH #constraints #visual notation- Mixing Visual and Textual Constraint Languages (SK, JH), pp. 384–398.
UML-1999-Overgaard #approach #formal method #modelling- A Formal Approach to Collaborations in the Unified Modeling Language (GÖ), pp. 99–115.
UML-1999-PaigeO #comparison #modelling- A Comparison of the Business Object Notation and the Unified Modelling Language (RFP, JSO), pp. 67–82.
UML-1999-Sourrouille #behaviour #implementation #inheritance #object-oriented #uml- UML Behavior: Inheritance and Implementation in Current Object-Oriented Languages (JLS), pp. 457–472.
OOPSLA-1999-Blanchet #analysis #java #object-oriented- Escape Analysis for Object-Oriented Languages: Application to Java (BB), pp. 20–34.
OOPSLA-1999-FreundM #bytecode #framework #java #verification- A Formal Framework for the Java Bytecode Language and Verifier (SNF, JCM), pp. 147–166.
OOPSLA-1999-LipkindPK #distributed #parallel- Object Views: Language Support for Intelligent Object Caching in Parallel and Distributed Computations (IL, IP, VK), pp. 447–460.
OOPSLA-1999-OvlingerW #recursion #specification #traversal- A Language for Specifying Recursive Traversals of Object Structures (JO, MW), pp. 70–81.
OOPSLA-1999-RinatMS #morphism #object-oriented #polymorphism- Correspondence Polymorphism for Object-Oriented Languages (RR, MM, SFS), pp. 167–186.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-AmanoW #adaptation #object-oriented- LEAD++: An Object-Oriented Language Based on a Reflective Model for Dynamic Software Adaptation (NA, TW), pp. 41–50.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-Jin #query- Translating Object Query Language (BJ), pp. 380–385.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-LuDD #approach #evolution #object-oriented #using- A Equivalent Object-Oriented Schema Evolution Approach Using the Path-Independence Language (JL, CD, WD), pp. 212–217.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Coplien #pattern matching- The Death of Patterns and the Last Pattern Language (JC), p. 3.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-CzajkowskiE #internet- Internet Servers, Safe-Language Extensions, and Structured Resource Control (GC, TvE), pp. 295–304.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Madsen #integration #object-oriented #state machine #towards- Towards Integration of State Machines and Object-Oriented Languages (OLM), pp. 261–274.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Osterbye- Associations as a Language Construct (KØ), pp. 224–235.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-RamosP #information management #object-oriented #physics #representation #simulation- Needs of Object-Oriented Languages for Physics Knowledge Representation in the Simulation Field (JJR, MAP), pp. 162–171.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-PriceSR #modelling- Extending the Unified Modeling Language to Support Spatiotemporal Applications (RP, BS, KR), p. 163–?.
TOOLS-USA-1999-ColletR #constraints #ocl #performance #towards- Towards Efficient Support for Executing the Object Constraint Language (PC, RR), p. 399–?.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Dedene #case study #education #eiffel #experience #programming language #student- Experiences Teaching Eiffel as a First Programming Language to Economy Students (GD), pp. 584–592.
TOOLS-USA-1999-FrankBBHY #adaptation #generative #modelling #process #quality- High level Modelling Languages, Adaptable Process Models and Software Generation: Drivers for Quality and Productivity (UF, DSB, JB, BHS, HY), pp. 563–570.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Joyner #c++ #comparison #eiffel #java- Java, Eiffel and C++: The Language Comparison (IJ), p. 441.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Riehle- The Great Language Debate (RR), p. 571.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Taft #design #programming language #quality- Programming Language Design and Software Quality (STT), p. 5.
GCSE-1999-DobsonNWTF #framework #named- Vanilla: An Open Language Framework (SAD, PN, VPW, ST, JF), pp. 91–104.
PPDP-1999-Davila #abduction #logic programming #named #programming language- OPENLOG: A Logic Programming Language Based on Abduction (JAD), pp. 278–293.
PPDP-1999-Hanus #declarative #distributed #multi #programming- Distributed Programming in a Multi-Paradigm Declarative Language (MH), pp. 188–205.
PPDP-1999-JonesRR #assembly #garbage collection #named- C--: A Portable Assembly Language that Supports Garbage Collection (SLPJ, NR, FR), pp. 1–28.
PADL-1999-CadoliPSV #execution #named #problem #specification- NP-SPEC: An Executable Specification Language for Solving All Problems in NP (MC, LP, AS, DV), pp. 16–30.
PADL-1999-HakliNTU #declarative #implementation #query #string- Implementing a Declarative String Query Language with String Restructuring (RH, MN, HT, EU), pp. 179–195.
PADL-1999-SiddabathuniDU #deduction #object-oriented- An AQUA-Based Intermediate Language for Evaluating an Active Deductive Object-Oriented Language (BS, SWD, SDU), pp. 164–178.
PADL-1999-SoininenN #declarative- Developing a Declarative Rule Language for Applications in Product Configuration (TS, IN), pp. 305–319.
POPL-1999-GlewM #assembly #composition #type safety- Type-Safe Linking and Modular Assembly Language (NG, JGM), pp. 250–261.
SAC-1999-ArcelliF #flexibility #logic programming #named #programming language #retrieval- Likelog: A Logic Programming Language for Flexible Data Retrieval (FAF, FF), pp. 260–267.
SAC-1999-LeavensWB #data flow #diagrams #semantics #specification- Formal Semantics for SA Style Data Flow Diagram Specification Languages (GTL, TW, ALB), pp. 526–532.
SAC-1999-Papadopoulos #coordination #modelling- Special Track on Coordination Models, Languages and Applications (GAP), pp. 132–133.
SAC-1999-RauberR #coordination #parallel #source code- A Coordination Language for Mixed Task and and Data Parallel Programs (TR, GR), pp. 146–155.
ESEC-FSE-1999-GrimaudLV #named #smarttech- FACADE: A Typed Intermediate Language Dedicated to Smart Cards (GG, JLL, JJV), pp. 476–493.
ESEC-FSE-1999-LevesonHR #design #lessons learnt #process #specification- Designing Specification Languages for Process Control Systems: Lessons Learned and Steps to the Future (NGL, MPEH, JDR), pp. 127–145.
ESEC-FSE-1999-WarboysBGKMMM #collaboration #composition #generative #process- Collaboration and Composition: Issues for a Second Generation Process Language (BW, DB, RMG, GNCK, KM, RM, DSM), pp. 75–90.
ICSE-1999-MedvidovicRT #architecture #development #evolution- A Language and Environment for Architecture-Based Software Development and Evolution (NM, DSR, RNT), pp. 44–53.
CC-1999-AnlauffKP #design #prototype #tool support- Tool Support for Language Design and Prototyping with Montages (MA, PWK, AP), pp. 296–299.
CC-1999-TourweM #object-oriented #optimisation- Optimizing Object-Oriented Languages Through Architechtural Transformations (TT, WDM), pp. 244–258.
CADE-1999-Nipkow #programming language #proving #theorem proving- Invited Talk: Embedding Programming Languages in Theorem Provers (Abstract) (TN), p. 398.
CAV-1999-Etessami #automaton #invariant #logic- Stutter-Invariant Languages, ω-Automata, and Temporal Logic (KE), pp. 236–248.
CSL-1999-GastinM #concurrent #parallel #programming language #semantics- A Truly Concurrent Semantics for a Simple Parallel Programming Language (PG, MWM), pp. 515–529.
CSL-1999-KinoshitaP #call-by #programming language- Data-Refinement for Call-By-Value Programming Languages (YK, JP), pp. 562–576.
ICLP-1999-HirataY #concurrent #declarative #logic- Declarative Priority in a Concurrent Logic Language ON (KH, KY), pp. 215–229.
ICLP-1999-KangT #linear #logic programming #programming language #static analysis- A Static Analysis for Classical Linear Logic Programming Language (KSK, NT), p. 610.
ICLP-1999-OsorioJN #declarative #functional #query- Declarative Pruning in a Functional Query Language (MO, BJ, JCN), pp. 588–604.
RTA-1999-HofbauerH #testing- Test Sets for the Universal and Existential Closure of Regular Tree Languages (DH, MH), pp. 205–219.
RTA-1999-Otto #formal method #on the- On the Connections between Rewriting and Formal Language Theory (FO), pp. 332–355.
RTA-1999-SaubionS #implementation #on the- On Implementation of Tree Synchronized Languages (FS, IS), pp. 382–396.
TLCA-1999-Andreoli #coordination- The Coordination Language Facility and Applications (JMA), pp. 1–5.
ASE-1998-SellinkV #assessment #development #re-engineering- Development, Assessment, and Reengineering of Language Descriptions (MPAS, CV), pp. 314–317.
DATE-1998-CalvezHMP #generative #multi #programmable- A Programmable Multi-Language Generator for CoDesign (JPC, DH, FM, OP), pp. 927–928.
HT-1998-Dyke #generative #hypermedia #visual notation- Generating Hypertext Explanations for Visual Languages (NWVD), pp. 301–302.
PODS-1998-NevenB #attribute grammar #documentation #query- Expressiveness of Structured Document Query Languages Based on Attribute Grammars (FN, JVdB), pp. 11–17.
PODS-1998-NevenBGV #database #query- Typed Query Languages for Databases Containing Queries (FN, JVdB, DVG, GV), pp. 189–196.
PODS-1998-VandeurzenGG #database #linear #query- An Expressive Language for Linear Spatial Database Queries (LV, MG, DVG), pp. 109–118.
VLDB-1998-DarEGP #database #using- DTL’s DataSpot: Database Exploration Using Plain Language (SD, GE, SG, EP), pp. 645–649.
VLDB-1998-GingrasL #multi #named- nD-SQL: A Multi-Dimensional Language for Interoperability and OLAP (FG, LVSL), pp. 134–145.
ITiCSE-1998-Scoy #programming language #using- Using the BURKS 2 CD-ROM in a principles of programming languages course (FLVS), pp. 239–242.
ITiCSE-1998-WardS #javascript #multi #programming language #student- JavaScript as a first programming language for multimedia students (RW, MS), pp. 249–253.
ESOP-1998-HenselHJT #logic #modelling #object-oriented #tool support- Reasonong about Classess in Object-Oriented Languages: Logical Models and Tools (UH, MH, BJ, HT), pp. 105–121.
ESOP-1998-HondaVK #programming- Language Primitives and Type Discipline for Structured Communication-Based Programming (KH, VTV, MK), pp. 122–138.
FASE-1998-BradleyHKR #modelling #specification- Integrating AORTA with Model-Based Data Specification Languages (SB, WH, DK, AR), pp. 54–70.
FASE-1998-Dubois #formal method #named #requirements #tool support- ALBERT: A Formal Language and Its Supporting Tools for Requirements Engineering (ED), pp. 322–325.
FASE-1998-KahrsS #design #specification- Reflections on the Design of a Specification language (SK, DS), pp. 154–170.
FASE-1998-Lechner #concept #concurrent #object-oriented #reuse- Constructs, Concepts and Criteria for Reuse in Concurrent Object-Oriented languages (UL), pp. 171–187.
FoSSaCS-1998-Matz #on the- On Piecewise Testable, Starfree, and Recognizable Picture Languages (OM), pp. 203–210.
FoSSaCS-1998-Moggi #category theory- Functor Categories and Two-Level Languages (EM), pp. 211–225.
FoSSaCS-1998-NiemannO #context-sensitive grammar- The Church-Rosser Languages Are the Deterministic Variants of the Growing Context-Sensitive Languages (GN, FO), pp. 243–257.
WRLA-1998-VisserB- A core language for rewriting (EV, ZEAB), pp. 422–441.
CSMR-1998-Marchesi #metric #modelling #object-oriented- OOA Metrics for the Unified Modeling Language (MM), pp. 67–73.
ICSM-1998-CifuentesSF #assembly- Assembly to High-Level Language Translation (CC, DS, AF), pp. 228–237.
ICSM-1998-HallHW #deployment- Evaluating Software Deployment Languages and Schema (RSH, DH, ALW), p. 177–?.
IWPC-1998-Kamp #approach #comprehension #multi #repository #tool support- Managing a Multi-File, Multi-Language Software Repository for Program Comprehension Tools 3/4 A Generic Approach (MK), pp. 64–71.
WCRE-1998-KullbachWDE #comprehension #multi- Program Comprehension in Multi-Language Systems (BK, AW, PD, JE), pp. 135–143.
PLDI-1998-FlattF #named- Units: Cool Modules for HOT Languages (MF, MF), pp. 236–248.
PLDI-1998-FrigoLR #implementation #parallel #thread- The Implementation of the Cilk-5 Multithreaded Language (MF, CEL, KHR), pp. 212–223.
PLDI-1998-LewisLS #array #evaluation #implementation- The Implementation and Evaluation of Fusion and Contraction in Array Languages (ECL, CL, LS), pp. 50–59.
SAS-1998-Volpe #alias #first-order #logic programming #source code- A First-Order Language for Expressing Aliasing and Type Properties of Logic Programs (PV), pp. 184–199.
FLOPS-1998-AbramovG #approach #programming language #semantics #standard- Semantics Modifiers: An Approach to Non-Standard Semantics of Programming Languages (SMA, RG), pp. 247–270.
ICALP-1998-Abadi- Protection in Programming-Language Translations (MA), pp. 868–883.
ICALP-1998-BorchertKS #first-order #on the- On Existentially First-Order Definable Languages and Their Relation to NP (BB, DK, FS), pp. 17–28.
ICALP-1998-HenzingerRS #realtime- The Regular Real-Time Languages (TAH, JFR, PYS), pp. 580–591.
ICALP-1998-PnueliSS #validation- Translation Validation for Synchronous Languages (AP, OS, MS), pp. 235–246.
WIA-1998-Blum #on the #parsing- On Parsing LL-Languages (NB), pp. 13–21.
WIA-1998-CampeanuSY #finite- Minimal Cover-Automata for Finite Languages (CC, NS, SY), pp. 43–56.
WIA-1998-Goeman #linear #lr #on the #parsing #string- On Parsing and Condensing Substrings of LR Languages in Linear Time (HG), pp. 22–42.
FM-1998-KutterST #design #domain-specific language #lifecycle- Integrating Domain Specific Language Design in the Software Life Cycle (PWK, DS, LT), pp. 196–212.
AFP-1998-Augustsson98 #dependent type #named- Cayenne — A Language with Dependent Types (LA), pp. 240–267.
AFP-1998-Sheard98 #ml #programming language #staged #using- Using MetaML: A Staged Programming Language (TS), pp. 207–239.
AFP-1998-SwierstraAS98 #combinator #design #implementation- Designing and Implementing Combinator Languages (SDS, PRAA, JS), pp. 150–206.
ICFP-1998-Augustsson #dependent type #named- Cayenne — a Language with Dependent Types (LA), pp. 239–250.
ICFP-1998-Erlich #design pattern #implementation- Implementing Design Patterns as Language Constructs (YDE), p. 348.
ICFP-1998-FinneLMJ #haskell #interface #named- H/Direct: A Binary Foreign Language Interface for Haskell (SF, DL, EM, SLPJ), pp. 153–162.
ICFP-1998-Haiming #context-free grammar #recursion- Combining CFG and Recursive Functions to Get a New Language (HC), p. 351.
ICFP-1998-HicksKMGN #named #network- PLAN: A Packet Language for Active Networks (MWH, PK, JTM, CAG, SN), pp. 86–93.
ICFP-1998-Kiselyov98b- A Delegation Language to Request Weather Products and a Scheme of Its Interpretation (OK), p. 343.
ICFP-1998-Nordlander #polymorphism #type system- Pragmatic Subtyping in Polymorphic Languages (JN), pp. 216–227.
ICFP-1998-ShaoLM #implementation- Implementing Typed Intermediate Languages (ZS, CL, SM), pp. 313–323.
ICFP-1998-Yang #encoding- Encoding Types in ML-Like Languages (ZY), pp. 289–300.
IFL-1998-Assmann #coordination #implementation #performance #process- Performance Results for an Implementation of the Process Coordination Language K2 (CA), pp. 1–19.
IFL-1998-HallBTK #functional #parallel #semantics #strict #towards- Towards an Operational Semantics for a Parallel Non-Strict Functional Language (JGH, CABF, PWT, DJK), pp. 54–71.
TAGT-1998-BardohlE #concept #editing #visual notation- Conceptual Model of the Graphical Editor GENGED for the Visual Definition of Visual Languages (RB, HE), pp. 252–266.
TAGT-1998-EngelfrietM #graph grammar- Tree Languages Generated be Context-Free Graph Grammars (JE, SM), pp. 15–29.
TAGT-1998-FischerNTZ #diagrams #graph grammar #java #modelling- Story Diagrams: A New Graph Rewrite Language Based on the Unified Modeling Language and Java (TF, JN, LT, AZ), pp. 296–309.
TAGT-1998-MunchSW #constraints #multi- Integrity Constraints in the Multi-paradigm Language PROGRES (MM, AS, AJW), pp. 338–351.
CHI-1998-WalkerFFMH #email #interface #what- What can I say? Evaluating a Spoken Language Interface to Email (MAW, JF, GDF, CM, DH), pp. 582–589.
ICML-1998-LittmanJK #corpus #independence #learning #representation- Learning a Language-Independent Representation for Terms from a Partially Aligned Corpus (MLL, FJ, GAK), pp. 314–322.
SIGIR-1998-BallesterosC #ambiguity #retrieval- Resolving Ambiguity for Cross-Language Retrieval (LB, WBC), pp. 64–71.
SIGIR-1998-EichmannRS #information retrieval- Cross-Language Information Retrieval with the UMLS Metathesaurus (DE, MER, PS), pp. 72–80.
SIGIR-1998-Pirkola #information retrieval #query #taxonomy- The Effects of Query Structure and Dictionary Setups in Dictionary-Based Cross-Language Information Retrieval (AP), pp. 55–63.
SIGIR-1998-PonteC #approach #information retrieval #modelling- A Language Modeling Approach to Information Retrieval (JMP, WBC), pp. 275–281.
UML-1998-HamieCHKM #constraints #ocl- Reflections on the Object Constraint Language (AH, FC, JH, SK, RM), pp. 162–172.
UML-1998-JezequelGP #distributed #modelling #validation- Validating Distributed Software Modeled with the Unified Modeling Language (JMJ, ALG, FP), pp. 365–377.
UML-1998-KleppeWC #constraints #metamodelling #ocl #uml- Informal Formality? The Object Constraint Language and Its Application in the UML Metamodel (AK, JW, SC), pp. 148–161.
UML-1998-MellorTAL #execution #precise #semantics #uml- An Action Language for UML: Proposal for a Precise Execution Semantics (SJM, SRT, RA, PL), pp. 307–318.
ECOOP-1998-FritzsonE #modelling #named #object-oriented #simulation- Modelica — A Unified Object-Oriented Language for System Modelling and Simulation (PF, VE), pp. 67–90.
ECOOP-1998-Guimaraes #static typing- Reflection for Statically Typed Languages (JdOG), pp. 440–461.
ECOOP-1998-MasuharaY #concurrent #design #partial evaluation- Design and Partial Evaluation of Meta-Objects for a Concurrent Reflective Language (HM, AY), pp. 418–439.
OOPSLA-1998-BrachaOSW #java #programming language- Making the Future Safe for the Past: Adding Genericity to the Java Programming Language (GB, MO, DS, PW), pp. 183–200.
OOPSLA-1998-CartwrightS #java #programming language #runtime- Compatible Genericity with Run-Time Types for the Java Programming Language (RC, GLSJ), pp. 201–215.
OOPSLA-1998-FreundM #bytecode #java #type system- A Type System for Object Initialization in the Java Bytecode Language (SNF, JCM), pp. 310–327.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-LuJLFCXW #domain model #modelling #named- OSNET — A Language for Domain Modeling (RL, ZJ, LL, GF, GC, XX, SW), p. 83–?.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-NgHS #multi #paradigm- A Multiparadigm Language for Developing Agent-oriented Applications (KWN, LH, YS), p. 18–?.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-Chiba #metaprogramming #object-oriented- Macro Processing in Object-Oriented Languages (SC), pp. 113–126.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-Noble #design #object-oriented #pattern matching #towards- Towards a Pattern Language for Object Oriented Design (JN), pp. 2–13.
TOOLS-USA-1998-Joyner #c++ #comparison #eiffel #java #object-oriented- OO Language Comparison: Java, Eiffel and C++ (IJ), p. 405.
TOOLS-USA-1998-Mitchell #analysis #constraints #contract #ocl #uml- Analysis by Contract: An Introduction to UML’s Object Constraint Language (OCL) (RM), p. 448–?.
TOOLS-USA-1998-Watkins #contract #interface #programming #using- Using Interface Definition Languages to Support Path Expressions and Programming by Contract (DW), p. 308–?.
ALP-PLILP-1998-Arenas-SanchezLR #constraints #functional #lazy evaluation #logic #multi- Embedding Multiset Constraints into a Lazy Functional Logic Language (PAS, FJLF, MRA), pp. 429–444.
ALP-PLILP-1998-ConselM #architecture #development #using- Architecture Software Using: A Methodology for Language Development (CC, RM), pp. 170–194.
ALP-PLILP-1998-Pitts #higher-order #semantics- Operational Versus Denotational Methods in the Semantics of Higher Order Languages (AMP), pp. 282–283.
ALP-PLILP-1998-PontelliRG #complexity #object-oriented- The Complexity of Late-Binding in Dynamic Object-Oriented Languages (EP, DR, GG), pp. 213–229.
LOPSTR-1998-FuchsSS #logic #specification- Attempto Controlled English — Not Just Another Logic Specification Language (NEF, US, RS), pp. 1–20.
POPL-1998-JagannathanTWW #alias #analysis #higher-order- Single and Loving It: Must-Alias Analysis for Higher-Order Languages (SJ, PT, SW, AKW), pp. 329–341.
POPL-1998-JonesSLT #haskell #ml- Bridging the Gulf: A Common Intermediate Language for ML and Haskell (SLPJ, MS, JL, APT), pp. 49–61.
POPL-1998-MorrisettWCG #assembly #system f- From System F to Typed Assembly Language (JGM, DW, KC, NG), pp. 85–97.
POPL-1998-RielyH #distributed #mobile #process- A Typed Language for Distributed Mobile Processes (Extended Abstract) (JR, MH), pp. 378–390.
POPL-1998-SmithV #concurrent #data flow #imperative #multi #thread- Secure Information Flow in a Multi-Threaded Imperative Language (GS, DMV), pp. 355–364.
REFSQ-1998-FabbriniFGGR #natural language #on the #quality #requirements- On Linguistic Quality of Natural Language Requirements (FF, MF, VG, SG, SR), pp. 57–62.
SAC-1998-BeschHW #design #interface #modelling #parallel- Parallel scientific computing in PROMOTER: on the interface between appliction modelling and language design (MB, GH, MW), pp. 677–683.
SAC-1998-ChanVSGA #specification #workflow- A specification language for the WIDE workflow model (DKCC, JV, GS, PWPJG, PMGA), pp. 197–199.
SAC-1998-DentiNO #coordination #on the #power of #programming- On the expressive power of a language for programming coordination media (ED, AN, AO), pp. 169–177.
SAC-1998-PapadopoulosA #coordination #information management #modelling #process #using- Modelling activities in information systems using the coordination language MANIFOLD (GAP, FA), pp. 185–193.
FSE-1998-Jackson #analysis #design- An Intermedicate Design Language and Its Analysis (DJ), pp. 121–130.
ICSE-1998-RobbinsMR #architecture #design #standard- Integrating Architecture Description Languages with a Standard Design Method (JER, NM, DFR), pp. 209–218.
CC-1998-Burnett #challenge #programming language #research #visual notation- Challenges and Oppurtunities Visual Programming Languages Bring to Programming Language Research (MMB), p. 188.
CC-1998-KuiperS #generative #incremental #named #tool support- Lrc — A Generator for Incremental Language-Oriented Tools (MFK, JS), pp. 298–301.
CC-1998-LapkowskiH #multi #pointer- Extended SSA Numbering: Introducing SSA Properties to Language with Multi-level Pointers (CL, LJH), pp. 128–143.
ISMM-1998-WallaceR #functional #lazy evaluation- The Bits Between The Lambdas: Binary Data in a Lazy Functional Language (MW, CR), pp. 107–117.
LCTES-1998-LiuG #analysis #automation #bound- Automatic Accurate Time-Bound Analysis for High-Level Languages (YAL, GG), pp. 31–40.
JICSLP-1998-DovierPRP #finite #on the #representation #set- On the Representation and Management of Finite Sets in CLP Languages (AD, CP, GR, EP), pp. 40–54.
JICSLP-1998-HodasWTK #implementation #linear #logic programming #performance #programming language- Efficient Implementation of a Linear Logic Programming Language (JSH, KMW, NT, KSK), pp. 145–159.
JICSLP-1998-Zhou #algorithm #compilation #constraints- A High-Level Intermediate Language and the Algorithms for Compiling Finite-Domain Constraints (NFZ), pp. 70–84.
LICS-1998-Bernstein #congruence #higher-order #semantics #theorem- A Congruence Theorem for Structured Operational Semantics of Higher-Order Languages (KLB), pp. 153–164.
ASE-1997-AmbriolaG #natural language #requirements- Processing Natural Language Requirements (VA, VG), pp. 36–45.
ASE-1997-PunshonTSF #case study #natural language #specification- From Formal Specifications to Natural Language: A Case Study (JMP, JPT, PGS, PSF), pp. 309–310.
DAC-1997-HadjiyiannisHD #named #set- ISDL: An Instruction Set Description Language for Retargetability (GH, SH, SD), pp. 299–302.
EDTC-1997-RomanowiczLLRABMP #hardware #modelling #simulation #transducer #using- Modeling and simulation of electromechanical transducers in microsystems using an analog hardware description language (BR, ML, PL, PR, HPA, AB, VM, FP), pp. 119–123.
ICDAR-1997-ChaudhuriP- An OCR System to Read Two Indian Language Scripts: Bangla and Devnagari (Hindi) (BBC, UP), pp. 1011–1015.
ICDAR-1997-CracknellDD #approach #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented form Description Language and Approach to Handwritten Form Processing (CC, ACD, LD), p. 180–?.
ICDAR-1997-HurstD #layout- Layout and Language: Preliminary Investigations in Recognizing the Structure of Tables (MH, SD), pp. 1043–1047.
ICDAR-1997-NobileBSK #documentation #identification #online #using #word- Language identification of on-line documents using word shapes (NN, SB, CYS, SK), pp. 258–262.
PODS-1997-BenediktL #database #relational- Languages for Relational Databases over Interpreted Structures (MB, LL), pp. 87–98.
PODS-1997-GyssensBG #geometry #query- Complete Geometrical Query Languages (MG, JVdB, DVG), pp. 62–67.
SIGMOD-1997-GingrasLSPS #multi- Languages for Multi-database Interoperability (FG, LVSL, INS, DP, NS), pp. 536–538.
VLDB-1997-ChavdaW #query #towards #visual notation- Towards an ODMG-Compliant Visual Object Query Language (MC, PTW), pp. 456–465.
VLDB-1997-MaratheS #array- A Language for Manipulating Arrays (APM, KS), pp. 46–55.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-Jimenez-PerisP #detection #independence- A language-independent plagiarism detection system (poster) (RJP, MPM), p. 149.
TACAS-1997-Boulton #reasoning- A Tool to Support Formal Reasoning about Computer Languages (RJB), pp. 81–95.
PEPM-1997-HornofN #analysis #imperative- Accurate Binding-Time Analysis For Imperative Languages: Flow, Context, and Return Sensitivity (LH, JN), pp. 63–73.
PEPM-1997-MelskiR #constraints #context-free grammar #reachability #set- Interconveritibility of Set Constraints and Context-Free Language Reachability (DM, TWR), pp. 74–89.
PEPM-1997-Sheard #online #polymorphism- A Type-directed, On-line, Partial Evaluator for a Polymorphic Language (TS), pp. 22–35.
PLDI-1997-TauraY #approach #compilation #effectiveness #implementation #multi #performance #thread- Fine-grain Multithreading with Minimal Compiler Support — A Cost Effective Approach to Implementing Efficient Multithreading Languages (KT, AY), pp. 320–333.
PLDI-1997-WagnerG #analysis #incremental #programming language- Incremental Analysis of real Programming Languages (TAW, SLG), pp. 31–43.
SAS-1997-IgarashiK #analysis #communication #concurrent #programming language #type system- Type-Based Analysis of Communication for Concurrent Programming Languages (AI, NK), pp. 187–201.
SAS-1997-JagannathanWW #analysis- Type-Directed Flow Analysis for Typed Intermediate Languages (SJ, SW, AKW), pp. 232–249.
SAS-1997-PanitzS #automation #functional #higher-order #named #proving #source code #strict #termination- TEA: Automatically Proving Termination of Programs in a Non-strict Higher-Order Functional Language (SEP, MSS), pp. 345–360.
DLT-1997-Dassow- Some Remarks on Extended Reular Languages (JD), pp. 477–488.
DLT-1997-DassowMP #context-free grammar- Point mutations in context-free languages (JD, VM, GP), pp. 429–446.
DLT-1997-DavidES #learning #string- Learning String Adjunct and Tree Adjunct Languages (NGD, JDE, KGS), pp. 411–427.
DLT-1997-IkedaA #complexity #on the- On the Complexity of Languages Definable by Hereditary Elementary Formal Systems (DI, HA), pp. 223–235.
DLT-1997-Julia- A characteristic language for rational ω-power (SJ), pp. 299–308.
DLT-1997-Kuich #automaton #named- Semirings: A basis for a mathematical automata and language theory (WK), pp. 49–60.
DLT-1997-MateescuSY #context-free grammar #decidability- Decidability of fairness for context-free languages (AM, KS, SY), pp. 351–364.
DLT-1997-Moshkov #complexity #nondeterminism #recognition #regular expression #word- Complexity of Deterministic and Nondeterministic Decision Trees for Regular Language Word Recognition (MM), pp. 343–349.
DLT-1997-Zhiltsova #context-free grammar #probability- An Optimal Coding for Stochastic Context-Free Languages with Unique Derivation (LPZ), pp. 539–550.
ICALP-1997-BeaudryLT #finite- Finite Loops Recognize Exactly the Regular Open Languages (MB, FL, DT), pp. 110–120.
ICALP-1997-KarhumakiPM #equation #word- The Expressibility of Languages and Relations by Word Equations (JK, WP, FM), pp. 98–109.
WIA-1997-Caron #automaton #named #regular expression- LANGAGE: A Maple Package for Automaton Characterization of Regular Languages (PC), pp. 46–55.
WIA-1997-KirazE #automaton #implementation #multi #prolog #speech- Multi-tape Automata for Speech and Language Systems: A Prolog Implementation (GAK, EGE), pp. 87–103.
WIA-1997-Ponty #performance #regular expression- An Efficient Null-Free Procedure for Deciding Regular Language Membership (JLP), pp. 159–170.
WIA-1997-SalomaaWY #implementation #performance #regular expression #using- Efficient Implementation of Regular Languages Using R-AFA (KS, XW, SY), pp. 176–184.
FME-1997-AndersonT #diagrams #programmable #programming language- Diagrams and Programming Languages for Programmable Controllers (SA, KT), pp. 1–19.
ICFP-1997-AertsV #functional #user interface- A GUI on Top of a Functional Language (KA, KDV), p. 308.
ICFP-1997-DussartHT #imperative- Type Specialization for Imperative Languages (DD, JH, PT), pp. 204–216.
ICFP-1997-Wailly #data flow #functional #named #parallel- λ-Flow: A Parallel Functional Synchronous Dataflow Language (GdW), p. 322.
IFL-1997-Chitil #functional #lazy evaluation- Common Subexpressions Are Uncommon in Lazy Functional Languages (OC), pp. 53–71.
IFL-1997-DidrichGMP #algebra #in the large #programming- Programming in the Large: The Algebraic-Functional Language Opal 2α (KD, WG, CM, PP), pp. 322–337.
IFL-1997-JonesNO #assembly #named- C-: A Portable Assembly Language (SLPJ, TN, DO), pp. 1–19.
HCI-CC-1997-KameiMSH #integration- Creating a Source and Target Language Mixed Stage for Integration of Human Knowledge into Machine Translation (SiK, KM, KS, KH), pp. 825–828.
HCI-CC-1997-SavidisS97a #complexity #declarative #framework #specification- Agent Classes for Managing Dialogue Control Specification Complexity: A Declarative Language Framework (AS, CS), pp. 461–464.
HCI-SEC-1997-HigashinoK #video- A Hierarchical Browsing System for Sign Language Video (SH, HK), pp. 287–290.
HCI-SEC-1997-LuII- An Active Gazing-Line System for Improving Sign-Language Conversation (SL, KI, SI), pp. 283–286.
HCI-SEC-1997-MurphyKG #interface #learning- Enhancing the Interface to Provide Intelligent Computer Aided Language Learning (MM, AK, AG), pp. 149–152.
HCI-SEC-1997-Ntuen #formal method- A Formal Method for Deriving Command Production Language from Human Intents (CAN), pp. 257–260.
HCI-SEC-1997-TakedaI #named- ALAWAI: Agent Languages and AgentWare for Agent Invention (KT, MI), pp. 667–670.
AdaEurope-1997-CoolingDC #development #education #programming language- Computer Aided Teaching of Programming Languages: An Ada-specific Development (JEC, ND, JC), pp. 35–45.
EDOC-1997-VolmanJSWM #enterprise #modelling #process- Tele-Education Process Modelling Supported by The ODP Enterprise Viewpoint Language (CV, VJ, MvS, IW, EM), pp. 2–12.
KDD-1997-HahnS #information management #natural language- Deep Knowledge Discovery from Natural Language Texts (UH, KS), pp. 175–178.
SIGIR-1997-BallesterosC #information retrieval #query- Phrasal Translation and Query Expansion Techniques for Cross-language Information Retrieval (LB, WBC), pp. 84–91.
SIGIR-1997-DavisO #implementation #named #retrieval #scalability- QUILT: Implementing a Large-scale Cross-language Text Retrieval System (MWD, WCO), pp. 92–98.
SIGIR-1997-KlavansTJ #automation #effectiveness #multi #natural language #semiparsing #speech- Effective Use of Natural Language Processing Techniques for Automatic Conflation of Multi-Word Terms: The Role of Derivational Morphology, Part of Speech Tagging, and Shallow Parsing (ET, JK, CJ), pp. 148–155.
SIGIR-1997-SheridanWS #performance #retrieval #speech- Cross Language Speech Retrieval: Establishing a Baseline Performance (PS, MW, PS), pp. 99–108.
UML-1997-Frank #modelling #object-oriented #open science #research #state of the art- Object-Oriented Modeling Languages: State of the Art and Open Research Questions (UF), pp. 14–31.
UML-1997-Prasse #comparison #evaluation #modelling #object-oriented #uml- Evaluation of Object-Oriented Modelling Languages: A Comparison Between OML and UML (MP), pp. 58–75.
UML-1997-SeemannG #design #named #object-oriented #programming language- UMLscript: A Programming Language for Object-Oriented Design (JS, JWvG), pp. 160–169.
ECOOP-1997-BenzakenS #constraints #database #object-oriented #programming language- Static Integrity Constraint Management in Object-Oriented Database Programming Languages via Predicate Transformers (VB, XS), pp. 60–84.
ECOOP-1997-BreuHHKPRT #formal method #modelling #towards- Towards a Formalization of the Unified Modeling Language (RB, UH, CH, CK, BP, BR, VT), pp. 344–366.
ECOOP-1997-BrucePF #object-oriented #type system- Subtyping Is Not a Good “Match” for Object-Oriented Languages (KBB, LP, AF), pp. 104–127.
ECOOP-1997-HolstS #framework #inheritance #object-oriented- A General Framework for Inheritance Management and Method Dispatch in Object-Oriented Languages (WH, DS), pp. 276–301.
OOPSLA-1997-AgesenFM #java- Adding Type Parameterization to the Java Language (OA, SNF, JCM), pp. 49–65.
OOPSLA-1997-GroveDDC #graph #object-oriented- Call Graph Construction in Object-Oriented Languages (DG, GD, JD, CC), pp. 108–124.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-Coplien97a #c++ #programming #using- Advanced C++ Programming Styles: Using C++ as a Higher-Level Language (JC), pp. 418–419.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-Diehl #modelling #object-oriented- VRML++: A Language for Object-Oriented Virtual-Reality Models (SD), pp. 141–150.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-WuCMY #component #named #object-oriented- JBCDL: An Object-Oriented Component Description Language (QW, JC, HM, FY), pp. 198–205.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-CasadeiA #implementation- A Language for Implementing Computational Mechanics Applications (FC, JA), pp. 52–67.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-Gil #object-oriented- Extendability vs. Substitutability in OO Languages (JYG), p. 368.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-Holmes #concurrent #java #library #programming- Concurrent Programming in Java: Language and Libraries (DH), p. 371.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-Thomas #modelling- Introduction to the Unified Modeling Language (RT), p. 354.
TOOLS-USA-1997-GolubskiP #named #object-oriented- SOLAT — A Simple Object-Oriented Language Analyzing Tool (WG, BP), p. 99–?.
TOOLS-USA-1997-HolstS #incremental #object-oriented- Incremental Table-Based Method Dispatch for Reflective Object-Oriented Languages (WH, DS), p. 63–?.
TOOLS-USA-1997-Normark #design #modelling #object-oriented #towards- Towards an Abstract Language for Dynamic Modeling in Object-Oriented Design (KN), pp. 120–131.
TOOLS-USA-1997-Rossum #python- A Tour of the Python Language (GvR), p. 370.
TOOLS-USA-1997-Schmidt97a- Dynamically Extensible Objects in a Class-Based Language (RWS), pp. 294–307.
TOOLS-USA-1997-Winroth #c++ #interface #library #scripting language- A Scripting Language Interface to C++ Libraries (HW), pp. 247–259.
ALP-1997-SuzukiNI #calculus #functional #higher-order #lazy evaluation #logic- Higher-Order Lazy Narrowing Calculus: A Computation Model for a Higher-Order Functional Logic Language (TS, KN, TI), pp. 99–113.
PLILP-1997-Fujinami #automation #code generation #object-oriented #runtime- Automatic Run-Time Code Generation in Object-Oriented Languages (NF), pp. 423–424.
POPL-1997-Godefroid #model checking #programming language #using- Model Checking for Programming Languages using Verisoft (PG), pp. 174–186.
POPL-1997-JanssonJ #named #programming language- Polyp — A Polytypic Programming Language (PJ, JJ), pp. 470–482.
POPL-1997-Sands #functional #proving- From SOS Rules to Proof Principles: An Operational Metatheory for Functional Languages (DS), pp. 428–441.
RE-1997-BoisDZ #on the #problem- On the Use of a Formal R. E. Language — The Generalized Railroad Crossing Problem (PDB, ED, JMZ), p. 128–?.
ESEC-FSE-1997-MedvidovicT #architecture #framework- A Framework for Classifying and Comparing Architecture Description Languages (NM, RNT), pp. 60–76.
ESEC-FSE-1997-SuttonO #design #process- The Design of a Next-Generation Process Language (SMSJ, LJO), pp. 142–158.
ICSE-1997-Waldo #java #named #re-engineering #tutorial- Java: A Language for Software Engineering (Tutorial) (JW), p. 630.
ASF+SDF-1997-BorovanskyKK #logic #specification- Rewriting as a unified specification tool for logic and control: the ELAN language (PB, CK, HK), p. 3.
PPoPP-1997-TauraY #effectiveness #garbage collection #parallel #programming language #scalability- An Effective Garbage Collection Strategy for Parallel Programming Languages on Large Scale Distributed-Memory Machines (KT, AY), pp. 264–275.
SOSP-1997-FordBBLLS #kernel #research- The Flux OSKit: A Substrate for Kernel and Language Research (BF, GB, GB, JL, AL, OS), pp. 38–51.
CADE-1997-WolfS #named #natural language #proving- ILF-SETHEO: Processing Model Elimination Proofs for Natural Language Output (AW, JS), pp. 61–64.
CAV-1997-Fisler #decidability #diagrams #regular expression- Containing of Regular Languages in Non-Regular Timing Diagram Languages is Decidable (KF), pp. 155–166.
CAV-1997-KestenMMPS #model checking- Symbolic Model Checking with Rich ssertional Languages (YK, OM, MM, AP, ES), pp. 424–435.
CSL-1997-AyariBP #named #specification- LISA: A Specification Language Based on WS2S (AA, DAB, AP), pp. 18–34.
CSL-1997-HartonasH #concurrent #functional #higher-order- Full Abstractness for a Functional/Concurrent Language with Higher-Order Value-Passing (Extended Abstract) (CH, MH), pp. 239–254.
ICLP-1997-AntoyEH #evaluation #functional #logic #parallel- Parallel Evaluation Strategies for Functional Logic Languages (SA, RE, MH), pp. 138–152.
ICLP-1997-BruynoogheJK #analysis #logic programming #programming language- Live-Structure Analysis for Logic Programming Languages with Declarations (MB, GJ, AK), pp. 33–47.
ICLP-1997-DahlTL #natural language- Assumption Grammars for Processing Natural Language (VD, PT, RL), pp. 256–270.
ICLP-1997-KagedalD #approach #array #reuse- A Practical Approach to Structure Reuse of Arrays in Single Assignment Languages (AK, SKD), pp. 18–32.
ICLP-1997-MullerW #concurrent #constraints- Connecting Propagators with a Concurrent Constraint Language (TM, JW), p. 412.
ILPS-1997-Dahl #logic programming #natural language- Logic Programming for Processing Natural Language (Abstract) (VD), pp. 41–42.
ILPS-1997-Davila #logic #named- OPENLOG: A Logic Language to Program Reactive and Rational Agents (JAD), p. 406.
ILPS-1997-MullerW #concurrent #constraints- Extending a Concurrent Constraint Language by Propagators (TM, JW), pp. 149–163.
LICS-1997-Laird #abstraction #functional- Full Abstraction for Functional Languages with Control (JL), pp. 58–67.
RTA-1997-Ringeissen #algorithm #programming language #prototype #rule-based #unification- Prototyping Combination of Unification Algorithms with the ELAN Rule-Based Programming Language (CR), pp. 323–326.
TLCA-1997-BelleM #analysis- Typed Intermediate Languages for Shape Analysis (GB, EM), pp. 11–29.
TLCA-1997-BerardiB #data type #functional- Minimum Information Code in a Pure Functional Language with Data Types (SB, LB), pp. 30–45.
DAC-1996-SuttonD #design #process- A Description Language for Design Process Management (PRS, SWD), pp. 175–180.
PODS-1996-BenediktDLW #constraints #power of #query #relational- Relational Expressive Power of Constraint Query Languages (MB, GD, LL, LW), pp. 5–16.
PODS-1996-Toman #database #query- Point vs. Interval-based Query Languages for Temporal Databases (DT), pp. 58–67.
SIGMOD-1996-BunemanDHS #optimisation #query #semistructured data- A Query Language and Optimization Techniques for Unstructured Data (PB, SBD, GGH, DS), pp. 505–516.
SIGMOD-1996-CherniackZ #algebra #rule-based- Rule Languages and Internal Algebras for Rule-Based Optimizers (MC, SBZ), pp. 401–412.
SIGMOD-1996-LibkinMW #array #design #implementation #multi #optimisation #query- A Query Language for Multidimensional Arrays: Design, Implementation, and Optimization Techniques (LL, RM, LW), pp. 228–239.
VLDB-1996-LakshmananSS #multi #named #relational- SchemaSQL — A Language for Interoperability in Relational Multi-Database Systems (LVSL, FS, INS), pp. 239–250.
VLDB-1996-Suciu #composition #maintenance #query #semistructured data- Query Decomposition and View Maintenance for Query Languages for Unstructured Data (DS), pp. 227–238.
VLDB-1996-Suciu96a #analysis #implementation #parallel #query- Implementation and Analysis of a Parallel Collection Query Language (DS), pp. 366–377.
ITiCSE-1996-LeesC #learning #natural language #operating system- Applying natural language technology to the learning of operating systems functions (BL, JC), pp. 11–13.
ESOP-1996-Bechet #encoding #partial evaluation #using- Removing Value Encoding Using Alternative Values in Partial Evaluation of Strongly-Typed Languages (DB), pp. 77–91.
ESOP-1996-MaraninchiH #composition #nondeterminism #semantics- Compositional Semantics of Non-Deterministic Synchronous Languages (FM, NH), pp. 235–249.
ESOP-1996-Rose #functional #linear- Linear Time Hierarchies for a Functional Language Machine Model (ER), pp. 311–325.
ESOP-1996-ThuneA #towards- Towards an Expressive Language for PDE Solvers (MT, KÅ), pp. 373–386.
TACAS-1996-CuellarBH #agile #prototype #specification- Rapid Prototyping for an Assertional Specification language (JC, DB, MH), pp. 402–406.
TACAS-1996-Rauzy #analysis #constraints #reduction #specification #using- Using the Constraint Language Toupie for “Software Cost Reduction” Specification Analysis (Abstract) (AR), p. 417.
WPC-1996-Bull #comprehension #domain-specific language #safety #using- Comprehension of Safety-Critical Systems Using Domain-Specific Languages (TB), pp. 108–122.
PLDI-1996-Adl-TabatabaiLLW #independence #mobile #performance #source code- Efficient and Language-Independent Mobile Programs (ARAT, GL, SL, RW), pp. 127–136.
PLDI-1996-ChandraRL #memory management #named #protocol- Teapot: Language Support for Writing Memory Coherence Protocols (SC, BR, JRL), pp. 237–248.
SAS-1996-AndersenH #analysis #functional #higher-order #partial evaluation #termination- Termination Analysis for Offline Partial Evaluation of a Higher Order Functional Language (PHA, CKH), pp. 67–82.
WIA-1996-Rodger #formal method #programming #tool support- Integrating Hands-on Work into the Formal Languages Course via Tools and Programming (SHR), pp. 132–148.
WIA-1996-SalomaaY #automaton #finite #nondeterminism- NFA to DFA Transformation for Finite Languages (KS, SY), pp. 149–158.
FME-1996-ChalinGR #identification #interface #specification- Identification of and Solutions to Shortcomings of LCL, a Larch/C Interface Specification Language (PC, PG, TR), pp. 385–404.
ICFP-1996-FlanaganN #design #functional #implementation #named #parallel- pHluid: The Design of a Parallel Functional Language Implementation on Workstations (CF, RSN), pp. 169–179.
IFL-1996-BoquistJ #functional #lazy evaluation #optimisation- The GRIN Project: A Highly Optimising Back End for Lazy Functional Languages (UB, TJ), pp. 58–84.
IFL-1996-BraineC #functional #object-oriented- Introducing CLOVER: An Object-Oriented Functional Language (LB, CC), pp. 1–20.
IFL-1996-Scholz #array #functional #on the #programming- On Programming Scientific Applications in SAC — A Functional Language Extended by a Subsystem for High-Level Array Operations (SBS), pp. 85–104.
IFL-1996-Serrarens #algorithm #functional #implementation- Implementing the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm in a Functional Language (PRS), pp. 125–140.
CSCW-1996-CortesM #collaboration #named #programming language- DCWPL: A Programming Language for Describing Collaborative Work (MC, PM), pp. 21–29.
CSCW-1996-Wyner #coordination #design #distributed- The Language of Coordination: A Method for the Distributed Design of Complex Organizations (doctoral colloquium) (GMW), p. 446.
AdaEurope-1996-BurnsW #ada #concurrent #effectiveness #programming language- Ada 95: An Effective Concurrent Programming Language (AB, AJW), pp. 58–77.
TRI-Ada-1996-KermarrecNP96a #ada #distributed #named- GNATDIST: A Configuration Language for Distributed Ada 95 Applications (YK, LN, LP), pp. 63–72.
TRI-Ada-1996-NeedhamDGPZME #ada #design #eiffel #independence #inheritance #modelling #named #object-oriented- ADAM: A Language-Independent, Object-Oriented, Design Environment for Modeling Inheritance and Relationship Variants in Ada 95, C++, and Eiffel (DMN, SAD, KEG, TJP, PZ, MM, HJCE), pp. 99–113.
CAiSE-1996-GalES #execution #named- TALE: A Temporal Active Language and Execution Model (AG, OE, AS), pp. 60–81.
CIKM-1996-AndrewsLSS #database #implementation #on the #programming language- On Implementing SchemaLog — A Database Programming Language (AA, NS, LVSL, INS), pp. 309–316.
ICML-1996-Bostrom #induction #logic programming #regular expression #source code- Theory-Guideed Induction of Logic Programs by Inference of Regular Languages (HB), pp. 46–53.
ICPR-1996-AlquezarS #context-sensitive grammar #learning #regular expression- Learning of context-sensitive languages described by augmented regular expressions (RA, AS), pp. 745–749.
ICPR-1996-ChaudhuriP #detection #fault- OCR error detection and correction of an inflectional Indian language script (BBC, UP), pp. 245–249.
ICPR-1996-ErenshteynLFMS #approach #comprehension #gesture #recognition- Recognition approach to gesture language understanding (RE, PL, RAF, LM, GS), pp. 431–435.
ICPR-1996-Lemaire #nondeterminism #recognition- Use of a priori descriptions in a high-level language and management of the uncertainty in a scene recognition system (JL), pp. 560–564.
ICPR-1996-SainzS #context-sensitive grammar #learning #modelling #using- Learning bidimensional context-dependent models using a context-sensitive language (MS, AS), pp. 565–569.
ICPR-1996-SchwartzLMRZ #independence #recognition #speech #using- Language-independent OCR using a continuous speech recognition system (RMS, CL, JM, CR, YZ), pp. 99–103.
KDD-1996-ImielinskiVA #database #interface #mining #named #programming #query- DataMine: Application Programming Interface and Query Language for Database Mining (TI, AV, AA), pp. 256–262.
SEKE-1996-AdamsW #generative #information management #interface #natural language #representation- Generating Natural Language Interfaces for Terminological Knowledge Representation Systems (RA, HW), pp. 585–594.
SEKE-1996-ChangM #design #visual notation- Customized Visual Language Design (SKC, PM), pp. 553–562.
SEKE-1996-Hurley #identification #requirements #specification- Identifying Language Requirements for Specifying Industrial-Strength Software Agents (WDH), pp. 238–245.
SEKE-1996-KarallB #case study #independence #re-engineering #visualisation- Case Study: EasyCODE — A Language Independent Visualization Tool for Reengineering (OK, SB), pp. 353–360.
SEKE-1996-Zadrozny #complexity #natural language- Natural Language Processing: Structure and Complexity (WZ), pp. 595–602.
SEKE-1996-ZhangZ #evolution #visual notation- Developing Visual Languages Through an Evolving Method (KZ, DQZ), pp. 514–521.
SIGIR-1996-HullG #approach #information retrieval #multi #query- Querying Across Languages: A Dictionary-Based Approach to Multilingual Information Retrieval (DAH, GG), pp. 49–57.
OOPSLA-1996-DeanDGLC #compilation #named #object-oriented #optimisation- Vortex: An Optimizing Compiler for Object-Oriented Languages (JD, GD, DG, VL, CC), pp. 83–100.
OOPSLA-1996-DurhamJ #framework #programming language #runtime #visual notation- A Framework for Run-Time Systems and its Visual Programming Language (AMD, REJ), pp. 406–420.
OOPSLA-1996-NishimuraOT #equation #object-oriented #query- An Equational Object-Oriented Data Model and its Data-Parallel Query Language (SN, AO, KT), pp. 1–17.
ALP-1996-BandaHM #independence #logic- Independence in Dynamically Scheduled Logic Languages (MJGdlB, MVH, KM), pp. 47–61.
ALP-1996-Caires #logic #process #specification- A Language for the Logical Specification of Processes and Relations (LC), pp. 150–164.
ALP-1996-Nazareth96a #polymorphism #semantics #specification- The Semantic Treatment of Polymorphic Specification Languages (DN), pp. 330–344.
PLILP-1996-GehrkeH #execution #named #specification- ProFun — A Language for Executable Specifications (TG, MH), pp. 304–318.
PLILP-1996-Liu #database #deduction #programming language- The LOL Deductive Database Programming Language (Extended Abstract) (ML), pp. 454–468.
POPL-1996-Ashley #analysis #flexibility #higher-order- A Practical and Flexible Flow Analysis for Higher-Order Languages (JMA), pp. 184–194.
POPL-1996-EnglerHK #code generation #independence #performance- ‘C: A Language for High-Level, Efficient, and Machine-Independent Dynamic Code Generation (DRE, WCH, MFK), pp. 131–144.
POPL-1996-GovindarajanJM #constraints #logic #optimisation- Optimization and Relaxation in Constraint Logic Languages (KG, BJ, SM), pp. 91–103.
POPL-1996-SagivRW #problem- Solving Shape-Analysis Problems in Languages with Destructive Updating (SS, TWR, RW), pp. 16–31.
ICRE-1996-Hill #requirements- Parasitic Languages for Requirements (MH), pp. 69–75.
ICRE-1996-OsborneM #natural language #requirements #specification- Processing Natural Language Software Requirement Specifications (MO, CKM), pp. 229–237.
SAC-1996-Jo #concurrent #empirical #object-oriented #programming language- An experiment on a concurrent object-oriented programming language (CHJ), pp. 98–104.
SAC-1996-LeeL #concurrent #constraints #incremental #query- Incremental querying in the concurrent CLP language IFD-Constraint Pandora (JHML, HfL), pp. 387–392.
SAC-1996-WaillyB #data flow #functional #implementation #parallel #semantics #specification- Specification of a functional synchronous dataflow language for parallel implementations with the denotational semantics (GdW, FB), pp. 414–419.
CC-1996-LiK #performance #reuse- Efficient Storage Reuse of Aggregates in Single Assignment Languages (ZL, CCK), pp. 238–252.
CC-1996-VitekH #object-oriented- Compact Dispatch Tables for Dynamically Typed Object Oriented Languages (JV, RNH), pp. 309–325.
HPDC-1996-BotorogK #algorithm #distributed #imperative #named #performance #programming- Skil: An Imperative Language with Algorithmic Skeletons for Efficient Distributed Programming (GHB, HK), pp. 243–252.
CAV-1996-NelkenF #automation #natural language #specification- Automatic Translation of Natural Language System Specifications (RN, NF), pp. 360–371.
CSL-1996-EekelenSP #functional #graph grammar #programming language #semantics- Graph Rewriting Semantics for Functional Programming Languages (MCJDvE, SS, MJP), pp. 106–128.
JICSLP-1996-TamuraK #compilation #linear #logic programming #programming language #resource management- Resource Management Method for a Compiler System of a Linear Logic Programming Language (Poster Abstract) (NT, YK), p. 545.
LICS-1996-BenediktL #constraints #on the #query- On the Structure of Queries in Constraint Query Languages (MB, LL), pp. 25–34.
RTA-1996-WaltersK #automaton #equation #named- EPIC: An Equational Language -Abstract Machine Supporting Tools- (HRW, JFTK), pp. 424–427.
ICDAR-v1-1995-LeeT #clustering #modelling #recognition #semantics #word- A language model based on semantically clustered words in a Chinese character recognition system (HJL, CHT), pp. 450–453.
ICDAR-v1-1995-LefevreR #documentation #layout #named- ODIL: an SGML description language of the layout structure of documents (PL, FR), pp. 480–488.
ICDAR-v1-1995-SimonPJ #automation #documentation #generative #image- (Chem)DeT/sub E/X automatic generation of a markup language description of (chemical) documents from bitmap images (AS, JCP, APJ), pp. 458–461.
ICDAR-v2-1995-AzoklyI #documentation #layout #segmentation- A language for document generic layout description and its use for segmentation into regions (AA, RI), pp. 1123–1126.
ICDAR-v2-1995-Zarri #approach #documentation #information management #knowledge-based #representation- The “Narrative Knowledge Representation Language”, a knowledge-based approach for representing the “meaning” of textual documents (GPZ), pp. 545–548.
PODS-1995-Kanellakis #constraints #database #programming #tutorial- Constraint Programming and Database Languages: A Tutorial (PCK), pp. 46–53.
SIGMOD-1995-BrodskyK #constraints #query- The LyriC Language: Querying Constraint Objects (AB, YK), pp. 35–46.
SIGMOD-1995-FegarasM #calculus #effectiveness #query #towards- Towards an Effective Calculus for Object Query Languages (LF, DM), pp. 47–58.
SIGMOD-1995-GardarinMP #execution #functional #named #query- OFL: A Functional Execution Model for Object Query Languages (GG, FM, PP), pp. 59–70.
VLDB-1995-SubietaKL #object-oriented #query- Procedures in Object-Oriented Query Languages (KS, YK, JL), pp. 182–193.
FPLE-1995-JacquotG #requirements- Requirements for an Ideal First Language (JPJ, JG), pp. 51–63.
FPLE-1995-Keravnou #functional #programming- Introducing Computer Science Undergraduates to Principles of Programming Through a Functional Language (ETK), pp. 15–34.
WCRE-1995-YehHR #data type- Recovering Abstract Data Types and Object Instances from a Conventional Procedural Language (ASY, DRH, HBR), pp. 227–236.
PEPM-1995-Cridlig #analysis #concurrent #model checking #semantics #using- Semantic Analysis of Shared-Memory Concurrent Languages using Abstract Model-Checking (RC), pp. 214–225.
PEPM-1995-MalmkjaerO #higher-order- Polyvariant Specialisation for Higher-Order, Block-Structured Languages (KM, PØ), pp. 66–76.
PLDI-1995-AikenFL #analysis #higher-order #memory management- Better Static Memory Management: Improving Region-Based Analysis of Higher-Order Languages (AA, MF, RL), pp. 174–185.
PLDI-1995-AmagbegnonBG #data flow #implementation- Implementation of the Data-Flow Synchronous Language SIGNAL (PA, LB, PLG), pp. 163–173.
PLDI-1995-DeanCG #object-oriented- Selective Specialization for Object-Oriented Languages (JD, CC, DG), pp. 93–102.
SAS-1995-Coorg #clustering #code generation #concurrent #functional #multi #strict #thread- Partitioning Non-strict Functional Languages for Multi-threaded Code Generation (SRC), pp. 82–99.
SAS-1995-Hannan #analysis #functional #stack #type system- A Type-based Analysis for Stack Allocation in Functional Languages (JH), pp. 172–188.
SAS-1995-KobayashiNY #communication #concurrent #programming language #static analysis- Static Analysis of Communication for Asynchronous Concurrent Programming Languages (NK, MN, AY), pp. 225–242.
SAS-1995-SerranoW #compilation #functional #named #optimisation #strict- Bigloo: A Portable and Optimizing Compiler for Strict Functional Languages (MS, PW), pp. 366–381.
SAS-1995-Tofte #functional #higher-order- Region Inference for Higher-Order Functional Languages (MT), pp. 19–20.
DLT-1995-Asveld #context-free grammar #parsing #recognition #robust #towards- Towards Robustness in Parsing — Fuzzifying Context-Free Language Recognition (PRJA), pp. 443–453.
DLT-1995-CalbrixN- Prefix and Period Languages of Rational ω-Languages (HC, MN), pp. 341–349.
DLT-1995-Cases #automaton #self- From Synonymy to Self-Modifying Automata: Q-Diam Language (BC), pp. 454–459.
DLT-1995-DrosteK #composition #quantifier- Trace Languages Definable with Modular Quantifiers (MD, DK), pp. 386–395.
DLT-1995-Georgescu #complexity #context-free grammar #metric #orthogonal- The Orthogonality of Some Complexity Measures of Context-Free Languages (GG), pp. 73–78.
DLT-1995-Giammarresi #2d #bibliography #finite- Finite State Recognizability for Two-Dimensional Languages: A Brief Survey (DG), pp. 299–308.
DLT-1995-Hromkovic #communication #complexity #generative #on the- On the Communication Complexity of Distributive Language Generation (JH), pp. 237–246.
DLT-1995-Ito #linear- Height Functions and Linear Languages (MI), pp. 98–101.
DLT-1995-JancarMPPV #automaton #context-free grammar- Restarting Automata, Marcus Grammars and Context-Free Languages (PJ, FM, MP, MP, JV), pp. 102–111.
DLT-1995-Jedrzejowicz #decidability #problem- An Undecidable Problem for Shuffle Languages (JJ), pp. 112–118.
DLT-1995-KudlekM #algebra #distributed- Rational and Algebraic Languages with Distributed Catenation (MK, AM), pp. 129–138.
DLT-1995-KutribR #automaton #realtime- Real-Time One-Way Pushdown Cellular Automata Languages (MK, JR), pp. 420–429.
DLT-1995-Mihalache #communication #parallel- Szilard Languages Associated to Parallel Communicating Grammar Systems (VM), pp. 247–256.
DLT-1995-Nitsche #linear #logic #semantics- A Finitary-Language Semantics for Propositional Linear Temporal Logic (UN), pp. 482–489.
DLT-1995-SalomaaY #context-free grammar #nondeterminism- Nondeterminism Degrees for Context-Free Languages (KS, SY), pp. 154–165.
DLT-1995-Satta #problem- The Membership Problem for Unordered Vector Languages (GS), pp. 267–275.
DLT-1995-SimaW- Neural Language Acceptors (JS, JW), pp. 430–439.
DLT-1995-TipleaE #normalisation #petri net- Hierarchies of Petri Net Languages and a Super-Normal Form (FLT, CE), pp. 396–405.
ICALP-1995-LopezN- Generalized Sturmian Languages (LML, PN), pp. 336–347.
ICALP-1995-Vogler #equivalence- The Limit of Split_n-Language Equivalence (WV), pp. 636–647.
FPCA-1995-AdityaAS #semantics #strict- Semantics of Barriers in a Non-Strict, Implicitly-Parallel Language (SA, A, JES), pp. 204–215.
FPCA-1995-BlellochG #functional #parallel- Parallelism in Sequential Functional Languages (GEB, JG), pp. 226–237.
FPCA-1995-Boquist #functional #interprocedural #lazy evaluation- Interprocedural Register Allocation for Lazy Functional Languages (UB), pp. 270–281.
FPCA-1995-CousotC #abstract interpretation #constraints #formal method #program analysis- Formal Language, Grammar and Set-Constraint-Based Program Analysis by Abstract Interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 170–181.
FPCA-1995-GunterRR #exception- A Generalization of Exceptions and Control in ML-like Languages (CAG, DR, JGR), pp. 12–23.
FPCA-1995-SharpR #specification #using- Using a Language of Functions and Relations for VLSI Specification (RS, OR), pp. 45–54.
FPCA-1995-Wand #compilation #correctness #parallel- Compiler Correctness for Parallel Languages (MW), pp. 120–134.
CHI-1995-MittalM #generative #interactive #natural language- Dynamic Generation of Follow Up Question Menus: Facilitating Interactive Natural Language Dialogues (VOM, JDM), pp. 90–97.
AdaEurope-1995-TaurisanoW #ada- Ada in Mixed Language Applications (GT, IW), pp. 58–70.
CIKM-1995-CorrelM #concurrent #on the- On Isolation, Concurrency, and the Venus Rule Language (SC, DPM), pp. 281–289.
CIKM-1995-Tammet #using- Using Resolution for Extending KL-ONE-type Languages (TT), pp. 326–332.
CIKM-1995-Wang #algebra #database #multi #query- Algebraic Query Languages on Temporal Databases with Multiple Time Granularities (XSW), pp. 304–311.
ICML-1995-YamazakiPM #ambiguity #learning #natural language- Learning Hierarchies from Ambiguous Natural Language Data (TY, MJP, CJM), pp. 575–583.
KDD-1995-Siebes #induction #query- Data Surveying: Foundations of an Inductive Query Language (AS), pp. 269–274.
SEKE-1995-Ait-AmeurBGPP #metaprogramming #specification- Formal Specification and Metaprogramming in the EXPRESS Language (YAA, FB, PG, GP, JCP), pp. 181–188.
SEKE-1995-Auguston #compilation #programming language- Programming language RIGAL as a compiler writing tool (MA), p. 500.
SEKE-1995-ChauC #semantics #syntax #visual notation- Visual Language Syntax and Semantics for Complex Reactive System (HLC, KFC), pp. 252–259.
SEKE-1995-FarCK #design #reuse #specification #using- Software Creation: Using Specification and Description Language (SDL) for Capturing and Reusing Human Experts’ Knowledge in Software Design (BHF, HC, ZK), pp. 189–196.
SEKE-1995-Jent #execution #named #specification- DODAN/2: An Executable Specification Language for OS/2 (SAJ), pp. 464–469.
SEKE-1995-Junkermann #design #process- A Dedicated Process Design Language based on EER-models, Statecharts and Tables (GJ), pp. 487–496.
SEKE-1995-Kazimierczak #automation #information management #natural language #programming #representation- Knowledge Representation on the Level of Natural Language for Purposes of Automatic Programming (JK), pp. 140–143.
SEKE-1995-Miur #optimisation #query #visual notation- Optimizing Complex Objects Queries in A Visual Data Manipulation Language (TM), pp. 153–157.
SEKE-1995-PanY #database #named #object-oriented #query- EQL: A Learn-Easy and Use-Easy Query Language for Object-Oriented Databases (WWP, WPY), pp. 366–373.
SIGIR-1995-Chien #natural language #performance- Fast and Quasi-Natural Language Search for Gigabits of Chinese Texts (LFC), pp. 112–120.
SIGIR-1995-NavarroB #query- A Language for Queries on Structure and Contents of Textual (GN, RABY), pp. 93–101.
ECOOP-1995-BruceSG #named #object-oriented #polymorphism #type safety- PolyTOIL: A Type-Safe Polymorphic Object-Oriented Language (KBB, AS, RvG), pp. 27–51.
ECOOP-1995-HolzleU #hardware #object-oriented #question- Do Object-Oriented Languages Need Special Hardware Support? (UH, DU), pp. 283–302.
OOPSLA-1995-AgesenH #comparison #feedback #object-oriented #optimisation #type inference- Type Feedback vs. Concrete Type Inference: A Comparison of Optimization Techniques for Object-Oriented Languages (OA, UH), pp. 91–107.
OOPSLA-1995-Malenfant #on the #programming language #semantics- On the Semantic Diversity of Delegation-Based Programming Languages (JM), pp. 215–230.
OOPSLA-1995-MasuharaMAY #compilation #concurrent #object-oriented #partial evaluation #using- Compiling Away the Meta-Level in Object-Oriented Concurrent Reflective Languages Using Partial Evaluation (HM, SM, KA, AY), pp. 300–315.
OOPSLA-1995-Smith #experience #prototype #user interface #using- Using a Prototype-based Language for User Interface: The Newton Project’s Experience (WRS), pp. 61–72.
LOPSTR-1995-GallardoT #abstract interpretation #cost analysis #framework #logic- Studying the Cost of Logic Languages in an Abstract Interpretation Framework for Granularity Analysis (MdMG, JMT), pp. 91–105.
PLILP-1995-DouenceF #functional #implementation #taxonomy #towards- Towards a Taxonomy of Functional Languages Implementations (RD, PF), pp. 27–44.
PLILP-1995-HansSW #functional #implementation #logic- An Expression-Or-Parallel Implementation for a Functional Logic Language (WH, FS, SW), pp. 457–458.
PLILP-1995-Marriott #constraints #multi #parsing #visual notation- Parsing Visual Languages with Constraint Multiset Grammars (KM), pp. 24–25.
POPL-1995-Bloom #semantics #specification- Structured Operational Semantics as a Specification Language (BB), pp. 107–117.
POPL-1995-Cardelli #distributed- A Language with Distributed Scope (LC), pp. 286–297.
POPL-1995-JagannathanW #analysis #higher-order- A Unified Treatment of Flow Analysis in Higher-Order Languages (SJ, SW), pp. 393–407.
POPL-1995-PlevyakZC #concurrent #object-oriented #performance- Obtaining Sequential Efficiency for Concurrent Object-Oriented Languages (JP, XZ, AAC), pp. 311–321.
POPL-1995-RieckeV- Isolating Side Effects in Sequential Languages (JGR, RV), pp. 1–12.
POPL-1995-SansomJ #functional #higher-order #profiling #strict- Time and Space Profiling for Non-Strict Higher-Order Functional Languages (PMS, SLPJ), pp. 355–366.
SAC-1995-BoscLP #flexibility #quantifier #query #relational- Quantified statements in a flexible relational query language (PB, LL, OP), pp. 488–492.
SAC-1995-Huntbach #concurrent #object-oriented- The concurrent object-oriented language braid (MMH), pp. 140–146.
SAC-1995-Huntbach95a #concurrent #logic- Search in concurrent logic languages (MMH), pp. 164–170.
SAC-1995-LeeA #thread- Object linkage mechanism for threaded interpretive languages (YML, DJA), pp. 374–378.
SAC-1995-Scholz #concurrent #data type #functional #programming language- Turning a functional data type into a concurrent programming language (ES), pp. 135–139.
SAC-1995-Serrano #analysis #compilation #control flow #functional #paradigm- Control flow analysis: a functional languages compilation paradigm (MS), pp. 118–122.
ESEC-1995-Jarzabek #named #specification- PQL: A Language for Specifying Abstract Program Views (SJ), pp. 324–342.
IWMM-1995-Hamilton #functional #garbage collection #lazy evaluation- Compile-Time Garbage Collection for Lazy Functional Languages (GWH), pp. 119–144.
IWMM-1995-Rojemo #functional #garbage collection #lazy evaluation- Generational Garbage Collection without Temporary Space Leaks for Lazy Functional Languages (NR), pp. 145–162.
IWMM-1995-Virding #concurrent #erlang #garbage collection #realtime- A Garbage Collector for the Concurrent Real-Time Language Erlang (RV), pp. 343–354.
LCT-RTS-1995-ChungD #realtime- Language Constructs and Transformation for Hard Real-time Systems (TMC, HGD), pp. 41–49.
LCT-RTS-1995-RenA #distributed #named #realtime #specification- RTsynchronizer: Language Support for Real-Time Specifications in Distributed Systems (SR, GA), pp. 50–59.
ICLP-1995-Brand #algorithm #graph- A Decision Graph Algorithm for CCP Languages (PB), pp. 433–447.
ICLP-1995-GregoryR #concurrent #declarative #named #programming language- Tempo: A Declarative Concurrent Programming Language (SG, RR), pp. 515–529.
ICLP-1995-NilssonTW #deduction #distributed #memory management #named #query #realtime- Amnesia — A Distributed Real-Time Primary Memory DBMS with a Deductive Query Language (HN, TT, CW), p. 821.
ICLP-1995-SahlinS #concurrent #constraints- An Analyzer for a Concurrent Constraint Language (DS, TS), p. 828.
ILPS-1995-BigotD #approach- A Simple Approach to Supporting Untagged Objects in Dynamically Typed Languages (PAB, SKD), pp. 257–271.
ILPS-1995-GovindarajanJM #constraints #logic- Relaxation in Constraint Logic Languages (KG, BJ, SM), p. 637.
ILPS-1995-TseWL #concurrent #logic programming #object-oriented #programming language #prolog- P&P: A Combined Parlog and Prolog Concurrent Object-Oriented Logic Programming Language (MlT, WhW, HfL), p. 640.
ILPS-1995-WinikoffH #implementation #linear #logic programming #programming language- Implementing the Linear Logic Programming Language Lygon (MW, JH), pp. 66–80.
LICS-1995-Jeffrey #concurrent #functional #monad #semantics- A Fully Abstract Semantics for a Concurrent Functional Language with Monadic Types (AJ), pp. 255–264.
DAC-1994-LeviaMR #analysis #design- Lessons in Language Design: Cost/Benefit analysis of VHDL Features (OL, SM, JR), pp. 447–453.
KBSE-1994-KotikM #assurance #quality- Application of REFINE Language ToolsTM to Software Quality Assurance (GK, LM), p. 4.
KBSE-1994-LoiaQ #logic programming #object-oriented #paradigm- Integrating Object-Oriented Paradigms and Logic Programming: The OPLA Language (VL, MQ), pp. 158–164.
PODS-1994-ColbyRSG #query- A Query Language for List-Based Complex Objects (LSC, ELR, LVS, DVG), pp. 179–189.
PODS-1994-HillebrandK #database #functional #order #query #λ-calculus- Functional Database Query Languages as Typed Lambda Calculi of Fixed Order (GGH, PCK), pp. 222–231.
PODS-1994-LibkinW #set- New Techniques for Studying Set Languages, Bag Languages and Aggregate Functions (LL, LW), pp. 155–166.
PODS-1994-SuciuT #query- A Query Language for NC (DS, VT), pp. 167–178.
PODS-1994-Tannen #named #tutorial- Tutorial: Languages for Collection Types (VT), pp. 150–154.
SIGMOD-1994-FlokstraKS #database #design #specification- The IMPRESS DDT: A Database Design Toolbox Based on a Formal Specification Language (JF, MvK, JS), p. 506.
SIGMOD-1994-KuhnTS #multi- A Language Based Multidatabase System (EK, TT, KS), p. 509.
VLDB-1994-BarjaPFWD #database #deduction #effectiveness #integration #object-oriented- An Effective Deductive Object-Oriented Database Through Language Integration (MLB, NWP, AAAF, MHW, AD), pp. 463–474.
VLDB-1994-PoulovassilisS #algebra #database #optimisation #programming language #query- Investigation of Algebraic Query Optimisation Techniques for Database Programming Languages (AP, CS), pp. 415–426.
ESOP-J-1992-Larcheveque94 #interprocedural #object-oriented- Interprocedural Type Propagation for Object-Oriented Languages (JML), pp. 257–282.
ESOP-1994-MuckS #continuation #functional #logic #semantics- A Tiny Constrain Functional Logic Language and Its Continuation Semantics (AM, TS), pp. 439–453.
ICSM-1994-PaulP #algebra #query #source code #using- Querying Source Code Using an Algebraic Query Language (SP, AP), pp. 127–136.
PEPM-1994-DeanCG #identification #object-oriented- Identifying Profitable Specialization in Object-Oriented Languages (JD, CC, DG), pp. 85–96.
ICALP-1994-Droste #concurrent #monad #theorem- A KLeene Theorem for Recognizable Languages over Concurrency Monoids (MD), pp. 388–399.
ICALP-1994-FernauS #ambiguity #geometry- Valuations and Unambiguity of Languages, with Applications to Fractal Geometry (HF, LS), pp. 11–22.
ICALP-1994-HotzP #analysis #context-free grammar #performance- Fast Uniform Analysis of Coupled-Context-Free Languages (GH, GP), pp. 412–423.
ICALP-1994-KanellakisHM #analysis #re-engineering- An Analysis of the Core-ML Language: Expressive Power and Type Reconstruction (PCK, GGH, HGM), pp. 83–105.
ICALP-1994-Pin #polynomial #set- Polynomial Closure of Group Languages and Open Sets of the Hall Topology (JÉP), pp. 424–435.
LFP-1994-AdityaFH #garbage collection #re-engineering #runtime #using- Garbage Collection for Strongly-Typed Languages Using Run-Time Type Reconstruction (SA, CHF, JEH), pp. 12–23.
LFP-1994-JagannathanW #parallel- Analyzing Stores and References in a Parallel Symbolic Language (SJ, SW), pp. 294–305.
LFP-1994-SastryC #functional #parallel #strict- Parallel Destructive Updating in Strict Functional Languages (AVSS, WDC), pp. 263–272.
TAGT-1994-BrandenburgS #automaton #graph #linear- Graph Automata for Linear Graph Languages (FJB, KS), pp. 336–350.
CHI-1994-Oviatt94a #interface- Interface techniques for minimizing disfluent input to spoken language systems (SLO), pp. 205–210.
CHI-1994-SparksMB94a #approach #object-oriented- An object-oriented approach to dialogue management in spoken language systems (RS, LM, HB), pp. 211–217.
CSCW-1994-MichelisG- Situating Conversations Within the Language/Action Perspective: The Milan Conversation Model (GDM, MAG), pp. 89–100.
TRI-Ada-1994-Moody #architecture #execution #multi #process- The STARS Process Engine: Language and Architecture to Support Process Capture and Multi-User Execution (SAM), pp. 4–15.
TRI-Ada-1994-RybinK #ada #programming language- Ada-Based Programming Language Course in Moscow State University (SR, VSK), pp. 194–202.
CIKM-1994-ChengG #database #pattern matching- A Pattern Matching Language for Spatio-Temporal Databases (TSC, SKG), pp. 288–295.
CIKM-1994-FininFMM #communication- KQML As An Agent Communication Language (TWF, RF, DPM, RM), pp. 456–463.
CIKM-1994-LabrouF #approach #communication #semantics- A Semantics Approach for KQML — A General Purpose Communication Language for Software Agents (YL, TWF), pp. 447–455.
ICML-1994-Pereira #bias #machine learning #natural language #problem- Frequencies vs. Biases: Machine Learning Problems in Natural Language Processing — Abstract (FCNP), p. 380.
KR-1994-BaalenF #representation- The Role of Reversible Grammars in Translating Between Representation Languages (JVB, RF), pp. 562–571.
KR-1994-CadoliEG #logic #query- Default Logic as a Query Language (MC, TE, GG), pp. 99–108.
KR-1994-Eugenio #natural language #representation- Action Representation for Interpreting Purpose Clauses in Natural Language Instructions (BDE), pp. 158–169.
KR-1994-Schubert #information management #natural language #reasoning #representation- Exploiting Natural Language for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (Abstract) (LKS), pp. 650–651.
SEKE-1994-Auguston #automation #debugging- A language for debugging automation (MA), pp. 108–115.
SEKE-1994-CookeDGK #concurrent #linear #logic programming #source code- Bag languages, concurrency, Horn logic programs, and linear logic (DEC, RD, AQG, VK), pp. 289–297.
SEKE-1994-KrogstieS- Extending a temporal rule language with deontic operators (JK, GS), pp. 314–321.
SEKE-1994-Landes #design #knowledge-based #named- DesignKARL — A language for the design of knowledge-based systems (DL), pp. 78–85.
SIGIR-1994-ApteDW #automation #categorisation #independence #learning #modelling #towards- Towards Language Independent Automated Learning of Text Categorisation Models (CA, FD, SMW), pp. 23–30.
SIGIR-1994-Turtle #comparison #evaluation #natural language #performance #query #retrieval- Natural Language vs. Boolean Query Evaluation: A Comparison of Retrieval Performance (HRT), pp. 212–220.
ECOOP-1994-BriggsW #analysis #design #object-oriented #specification- A Specification Language for Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (TLB, JW), pp. 365–385.
ECOOP-1994-VitekH #message passing #performance- Taming Message Passing: Efficient Method Look-Up for Dynamically Typed Languages (JV, RNH), pp. 432–449.
OOPSLA-1994-LopezFB #constraints #imperative #implementation #programming language #virtual machine- Implementing Constraint Imperative Programming Languages: The Kaleidospace’93 Virtual Machine (GL, BNFB, AB), pp. 259–271.
OOPSLA-1994-PlevyakC #object-oriented #precise #type inference- Precise Concrete Type Inference for Object-Oriented Languages (JP, AAC), pp. 324–340.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Wiener #comparison- Comparison of O-O languages (RW), p. 507.
LOPSTR-1994-BarklundBD #logic programming #multi #programming language- A Basis for a Multi-Level Meta-Logic Programming Language (JB, KB, PD), pp. 262–275.
LOPSTR-1994-BrogiC #logic programming #metalanguage #source code- Gödel as a Meta-Language for Composing Logic Programs (AB, SC), pp. 377–394.
PLILP-1994-BugliesiJ #encapsulation #logic #object-oriented- A Logic for Encapsulation in Object Oriented Languages (MB, HMJ), pp. 215–229.
PLILP-1994-HundehegeLX #hybrid #memory management #optimisation #program transformation #runtime #semantics- Semantic-Based Static Program Transformations for Memory Space and Run Time Optimization in Hybrid Languages (JBH, WML, UX), pp. 453–454.
PLILP-1994-MaraistS #functional #graph #reduction- A Graph Reduction Technique with Sharing across Narrowings for Functional-Logic Languages (JM, FSKS), pp. 355–369.
PLILP-1994-Pettersson #implementation #named #semantics- RML — A New Language and Implementation for Natural Semantics (MP), pp. 117–131.
PLILP-1994-Serrano #analysis #compilation #control flow #functional #higher-order #using- Using Higher-Order Control Flow Analysis When Compiling Functional Languages (MS), pp. 447–448.
POPL-1994-BosschereDGK #interprocedural #optimisation- Call Forwarding: A Simple Interprocedural Optimization Technique for Dynamically Typed Languages (KDB, SKD, DG, SK), pp. 409–420.
POPL-1994-KatiyarLM #prototype #type system- A Type System for Prototyping Languages (DK, DCL, JCM), pp. 138–150.
ICRE-1994-BucciCNT #object-oriented #specification- An object-oriented dual language for specifying reactive systems (GB, MC, PN, MT), pp. 6–15.
ICRE-1994-GoldinB #abstraction #design #elicitation #evaluation #natural language #prototype #requirements- AbstFinder, a prototype abstraction finder for natural language text for use in requirements elicitation: design, methodology, and evaluation (LG, DMB), pp. 84–93.
ICRE-1994-SalekSTP #bibliography #natural language #specification- The REVIEW system: from formal specifications to natural language (AS, PGS, JPT, JMP), pp. 220–229.
SAC-1994-BordognaP #fuzzy #query- A fuzzy query language with a linguistic hierarchical aggregator (GB, GP), pp. 184–187.
SAC-1994-GhazalO #constraints #query #source code #termination- Termination of programs in constraint query languages (AG, AMO), pp. 266–270.
SAC-1994-StamatopoulosMH #development #parallel- Extending a parallel CLP language to support the development of multi-agent systems (PS, DM, CH), pp. 410–414.
FSE-1994-LevyS #approach #independence #specification- A Language-Independent Approach to Specification Construction (NL, GS), pp. 76–86.
ICSE-1994-GreenspanMB #modelling #on the #requirements #revisited- On Formal Requirements Modeling Languages: RML Revisited (SJG, JM, AB), pp. 135–147.
ASPLOS-1994-LarusRV #implementation #memory management #named #parallel- LCM: Memory System Support for Parallel Language Implementation (JRL, BR, GV), pp. 208–218.
CC-1994-FranzleM #code generation #programming language #realtime #towards- Towards Provably Correct Code Generation for a Hard Real-Time Programming Language (MF, MMO), pp. 294–308.
CC-1994-Poetzsch-Heffter #formal method #performance #specification- Developing Efficient Interpreters Based on Formal Language Specifications (APH), pp. 233–247.
CC-1994-RingstromFP #compilation #generative #parallel #performance #specification- Generating an Efficient Compiler for a Data Parallel Language from a Denotational Specification (JR, PF, MP), pp. 248–262.
CADE-1994-Pfenning #deduction #metalanguage #named- Elf: A Meta-Language for Deductive Systems (System Descrition) (FP), pp. 811–815.
CAV-1994-HojatiMB #graph #using- Improving Language Containment Using Fairness Graphs (RH, RBMT, RKB), pp. 391–403.
ICLP-1994-Christiansen #performance- Efficient and Complete Demo Predicates for Definite Clause Languages (HC), pp. 735–736.
ICLP-1994-Guglielmi #concurrent #generative #logic programming #programming language- Concurrency and Plan Generation in a Logic Programming Language with a Sequential Operator (AG), pp. 240–254.
ICLP-1994-Janson #implementation- Implementation of Andorra-based Languages (SJ), pp. 9–10.
ICLP-1994-KumonH #concurrent #logic- A New Transformation based on Process-Message Duality for Concurrent Logic Languages (KK, KH), pp. 684–698.
ICLP-1994-McCainT #independence #logic programming #source code- Language Independence and Language Tolerance in Logic Programs (NM, HT), pp. 38–57.
ICLP-1994-Moreno-Navarro- Default Rules: An Extension of Constructive Negation for Narrowing-based Languages (JJMN), pp. 535–549.
ILPS-1994-Brisset #logic programming #polymorphism #programming language #type checking- Avoiding Dynamic Type Checking in a Polymorphic Logic Programming Language (PB), p. 674.
ILPS-1994-CarlsonHJ #concurrent #programming- AKL(FD) — A Concurrent Language for FD Programming (BC, SH, SJ), pp. 521–535.
ILPS-1994-Lloyd #functional #logic programming #programming language- Combining Functional and Logic Programming Languages (JWL), pp. 43–57.
LICS-1994-Pentus #calculus- Language Completeness of the Lambek Calculus (MP), pp. 487–496.
DAC-1993-HojatiSBK #approach #model checking- A Unified Approach to Language Containment and Fair CTL Model Checking (RH, TRS, RKB, RPK), pp. 475–481.
KBSE-1993-MacMillanFLLS #architecture #natural language #reuse #tool support- A Common Architecture to Encourage Reuse of Natural Language/Text Processing Tools (TRM, MF, SL, EPL, LJS), p. 20.
HT-1993-AkscynM #design #experience #hypermedia- Design of Hypermedia Script Languages: The KMS Experience (RMA, DLM), pp. 268–269.
ICDAR-1993-IttnerB #analysis #layout- Language-free layout analysis (DJI, HSB), pp. 336–340.
ICDAR-1993-LeeTC #markov #recognition- A Markov language model in Chinese text recognition (HJL, CHT, CHCC), pp. 72–75.
ICDAR-1993-NakamuraFN #comprehension #diagrams #natural language- Diagram understanding utilizing natural language text (YN, RF, MN), pp. 614–618.
ICDAR-1993-NakayamaS #image- European language determination from image (TN, ALS), pp. 159–162.
ICDAR-1993-YuTS #approach #architecture #documentation- Document architecture language (DAL) approach to document processing (CLY, YYT, CYS), pp. 103–106.
PODS-1993-LibkinW #query #semantics- Semantic Representations and Query Languages for Or-sets (LL, LW), pp. 37–48.
PODS-1993-Wong #normalisation #query- Normal Forms and Conservative Properties for Query Languages over Collection Types (LW), pp. 26–36.
SIGMOD-1993-KupperSR #database #interface #named #natural language #relational- NAUDA — A Cooperative, Natural Language Interface to Relational Databases (DK, MS, DFR), pp. 529–533.
VLDB-1993-BernsteinGW #named #transaction- STDL — A Portable Language for Transaction Processing (PAB, POG, TW), pp. 218–229.
VLDB-1993-GhandeharizadehHJCELLTZ #database #execution #implementation #modelling #on the #specification- On Implementing a Language for Specifying Active Database Execution Models (SG, RH, DJ, JC, MEM, SHL, JL, CT, GZ), pp. 441–454.
VLDB-1993-HoskingBM #comparative #evaluation #performance #persistent #programming language- Update Logging for Persistent Programming Languages: A Comparative Performance Evaluation (ALH, EWB, JEBM), pp. 429–440.
VLDB-1993-PoulovassilisS #approach #database #functional #logic- A Domain-theoretic Approach to Integrating Functional and Logic Database Languages (AP, CS), pp. 416–428.
VLDB-1993-SrivastavaRSS #database #logic #object-oriented- Coral++: Adding Object-Orientation to a Logic Database Language (DS, RR, PS, SS), pp. 158–170.
CSM-1993-RugaberD #cobol #generative #source code- The Transition of Application Programs From COBOL to a Fourth Generation Language (SR, SD), pp. 61–70.
PEPM-1993-Consel #analysis- Polyvariant Binding-Time Analysis For Applicative Languages (CC), pp. 66–77.
PEPM-1993-Consel93a #higher-order #partial evaluation- A Tour of Schism: A Partial Evaluation System For Higher-Order Applicative Languages (CC), pp. 145–154.
PLDI-1993-Bourdoncle #debugging #higher-order #imperative- Abstract Debugging of Higher-Order Imperative Languages (FB), pp. 46–55.
WSA-1993-CridligG #analysis #semantics- Semantics and Analysis of Linda-Based Languages (RC, EG), pp. 72–86.
WSA-1993-MaffeisG #architecture #dependence- Combining Dependability with Architectural Adatability by Means of the SIGNAL Language (OM, PLG), pp. 99–110.
DLT-1993-AtanasiuM #word- Substitution on Words and Languages (AA, VM), pp. 51–59.
DLT-1993-BreveglieriCCC #parallel- Fair First Languages and Parallel Programme Schemes (LB, AC, CC, SCR), pp. 389–418.
DLT-1993-DammHLR #complexity- Deterministic OL Languages are of Very Low Complexity: DOL is in AC0 (CD, MH, KJL, PR), pp. 305–313.
DLT-1993-Fernau #parallel #strict- Remarks on Adult Languages of Propagating Systems with Restricted Parallelism (HF), pp. 90–101.
DLT-1993-Georgescu #context-free grammar #on the- On the Index of Pure Context-free Grammars and Languages (GG), pp. 60–69.
DLT-1993-Gimmarresi #2d- Two-Dimensional Languages and Recognizable Functions (DG), pp. 290–301.
DLT-1993-JurvanenPT- Tree Languages Recognizable by Regular Frontier Check (EJ, AP, WT), pp. 3–17.
DLT-1993-MerzenichS #formal method- Fractals, Dimension, and Formal Languages (WM, LS), pp. 262–277.
DLT-1993-Pardubska #communication #generative #on the #power of- On the Power of Communication Structure for Distributive Generation of Languages (DP), pp. 419–429.
DLT-1993-Raz #context-free grammar #equivalence #multi- Deciding Multiplicity Equivalence for Certain Context-free Languages (DR), pp. 18–29.
DLT-1993-Vaida #programming language- Iteration Conditions of W. Ogden’s Type and Applications to Programming Languages (II) (DV), pp. 44–50.
ICALP-1993-BaligaC #named- Learnability: Admissible, Co-finite, and Hypersimple Languages (GB, JC), pp. 289–300.
ICALP-1993-JiangSSY #decidability #pattern matching- Inclusion is Undecidable for Pattern Languages (TJ, AS, KS, SY), pp. 301–312.
ICALP-1993-KannegantiC #higher-order #programming language #question #what- What is a Universal Higher-Order Programming Language? (RK, RC), pp. 682–695.
ICALP-1993-MignosiS- If a D0L Language is k-Power Free then it is Circular (FM, PS), pp. 507–518.
ICALP-1993-Simon- The Product of Rational Languages (IS), pp. 430–444.
ICALP-1993-Wilke #algebra #testing- Algebras for Classifying Regular Tree Languages and an Application to Frontier Testability (TW), pp. 347–358.
FME-1993-KalinichenkoNZ #composition #development #query #semantics #synthesis- Application of Composition Development Method for definition of SYNTHESIS information resource query language semantics (LAK, NSN, VZ), pp. 428–441.
FPCA-1993-AdityaC #polymorphism #re-engineering- Compiler-directed Type Reconstruction for Polymorphic Languages (SA, AC), pp. 74–82.
FPCA-1993-CarlssonH #functional #lazy evaluation #named #user interface #visual notation- FUDGETS: A Graphical User Interface in a Lazy Functional Language (MC, TH), pp. 321–330.
FPCA-1993-Gordon #functional #lazy evaluation #semantics- An Operational Semantics for I/O in a Lazy Functional Language (ADG), pp. 136–145.
FPCA-1993-HammarlundL #functional #on the #parallel #programming language- On the Relation between Functional and Data Parallel Programming Languages (PH, BL), pp. 210–222.
FPCA-1993-HartelL #benchmark #functional #implementation #lazy evaluation #metric- Benchmarking Implementations of Lazy Functional Languages (PHH, KL), pp. 341–349.
FPCA-1993-KozatoO #benchmark #functional #image #lazy evaluation #metric #source code- Benchmarking Real-Life Image Processing Programs in Lazy Functional Languages (YK, GPO), pp. 18–30.
FPCA-1993-Liu #evaluation #functional #lazy evaluation #logic #nondeterminism #towards- Towards Lazy Evaluation, Sharing and Non-determinism in Resolution Based Functional Logic Languages (FL), pp. 201–209.
FPCA-1993-MoreauR #evaluation #functional #parallel- Sound Rules for Parallel Evaluation of a Functional Language with callcc (LM, DR), pp. 125–135.
FPCA-1993-PageM #experience #functional #scalability- Experience with a Large Scientific Application in a Functional Language (RLP, BDM), pp. 3–11.
FPCA-1993-SastryCA #analysis #functional #strict- Order-of-evaluation Analysis for Destructive Updates in Strict Functional Languages with Flat Aggregates (AVSS, WDC, ZMA), pp. 266–275.
HCI-SHI-1993-BenaliaDM #parallel #programming language #visual notation- HelpDraw Graphical Environment: A Step Beyond Data Parallel Programming Languages (ADB, JLD, PM), pp. 591–596.
HCI-SHI-1993-Chau #interface #natural language #network- Natural Language Interfaces for Integrated Network Management (RC), pp. 368–372.
HCI-SHI-1993-DillonND #experience #interactive #performance- Spoken Language Interaction: Effects of Vocabulary Size and Experience on User Efficiency and Acceptability (TWD, AFN, MJD), pp. 140–145.
HCI-SHI-1993-GodbertPS #concept #constraints #interface #natural language #specification #using- Natural Language Interfaces: Specifying and Using Conceptual Constraints (EG, RP, PS), pp. 385–390.
HCI-SHI-1993-KurokawaMW #bidirectional #communication #people- Bidirectional Translation between Sign Language and Japanese for Communication with Deaf-Mute People (TK, TM, SW), pp. 1109–1114.
HCI-SHI-1993-LeclercM #learning #natural language- Natural Language as Object and Medium in Computer-Based Learning (SL, SdM), pp. 373–378.
HCI-SHI-1993-MittalP #generative #natural language- Intelligent Help Facilities: Generating Natural Language Descriptions with Examples (VOM, CP), pp. 379–384.
HCI-SHI-1993-ScholtzC #development #programming language- The Development of a Plan Based Tutor to Aid in Transfer between Programming Languages (JS, AC), pp. 519–524.
HCI-SHI-1993-StaesT #query #recursion #visual notation- OOQBE*: An Intuitive Graphical Query Language with Recursion (FS, LT), pp. 603–608.
HCI-SHI-1993-TrabelsiKN #database #generative #heuristic #interface #natural language #query- Heuristics for Generating Informative Responses to Failing User’s Queries in Natural Language Database Interfaces (ZT, YK, HN), pp. 362–367.
INTERCHI-1993-FrishbergCDWS #interface- Sign language interfaces (NJF, SC, LD, SW, RS), pp. 194–197.
TRI-Ada-1993-LeifSBKLD #ada #development- The Development of Software in the Ada Language for a Mid-Range Hematology Analyzer (RCL, JS, IB, MK, SBL, TD), pp. 340–346.
CIKM-1993-MontesiB #constraints #query #transaction- Queries, Constraints, Updates and Transactions Within a Logic-Based Language (DM, EB), pp. 500–506.
CIKM-1993-PetersLOS #behaviour #query- An Extensible Query Model and Its Languages for a Uniform Behavioral Object Management System (RJP, AL, MTÖ, DS), pp. 403–412.
CIKM-1993-Saraiya #query- Projection-Propagation in Complex-Object Query Languages (YPS), pp. 413–422.
ICML-1993-HuffmanL #interactive #learning #natural language- Learning Procedures from Interactive Natural Language Instructions (SBH, JEL), pp. 143–150.
SEKE-1993-ChanW #database #named #object-oriented- DARET: A Logic-Based Language in Object-Oriented Databases (TWC, WCW), pp. 28–35.
SEKE-1993-Cooke93a #multi #order #programming language- A High Level Programming Language Based Upon Ordered Multisets (DEC), pp. 117–124.
SEKE-1993-Eberbach #algorithm #calculus #design #self #specification- The Design and Specification of SEMAL — A Cost Language Based on the Calculus of Self-Modifiable Algorithms (EE), pp. 166–173.
SEKE-1993-LuciaNTT #development- The Tool Development Language TDL for the Software Development Environment WSDW (ADL, MN, GT, MT), pp. 421–428.
SEKE-1993-MacMillanFLLS #architecture #natural language #reuse #tool support- A Common Architecture To Encourage Reuse Of Natural Language/Text Processing Tools (TRM, MLF, SJL, EPL, LJS), pp. 266–270.
SEKE-1993-Ohnishi #requirements #specification #visual notation- Visual Software Requirements Specification Language: VRDL (AO), pp. 219–221.
SEKE-1993-PirriP #datalog #deduction #design #taxonomy #using- Using Datalog as a Language for Data Dictionary Design: A Deductive Support (FP, CP), pp. 304–308.
SEKE-1993-ReynoldsM #metric #process #programming language #refinement- The Use of Refinement Metrics to Assess Programming Language Support for the Stepwise Refinement Process (RGR, JIM), pp. 150–157.
SEKE-1993-StaryF #design #how #semantics #specification- How Semantical Design Languages Help to Preserve Specification/Design-Consistency (CS, RF), pp. 462–471.
SEKE-1993-ZhangZX #parallel- A Knowledge Processing Language and Its Parallel Inference System (CZ, QZ, JX), pp. 199–206.
ECOOP-1993-CaseauP #higher-order #object-oriented- Attaching Second-Order Types to Methods in an Object-Oriented Language (YC, LP), pp. 142–160.
ECOOP-1993-ChibaM #architecture #design #distributed- Designing an Extensible Distributed Language with a Meta-Level Architecture (SC, TM), pp. 482–501.
ECOOP-1993-FrolundA #coordination #framework #multi- A Language Framework for Multi-Object Coordination (SF, GA), pp. 346–360.
ECOOP-1993-Holzle #component #object-oriented- Integrating Independently-Developed Components in Object-Oriented Languages (UH), pp. 36–56.
OOPSLA-1993-BruceCMGDM #decidability #object-oriented #type checking- Safe and Decidable Type Checking in an Object-Oriented Language (KBB, JC, TPM, RvG, AD, RM), pp. 29–46.
OOPSLA-1993-HoskingM #evaluation #fault #performance #persistent #programming language- Object Fault Handling for Persistent Programming Languages: A Performance Evaluation (ALH, JEBM), pp. 288–303.
OOPSLA-1993-MatsuokaTY #concurrent #encapsulation #object-oriented #performance- Highly Efficient and Encapsulated Re-use of Synchronization Code in Concurrent Object-Oriented Languages (SM, KT, AY), pp. 109–126.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-Madsen #bibliography #object-oriented- Review of Object-Oriented Languages (OLM), p. 293.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Parekh #architecture #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Languages in the i960® Extended Architecture (PP), pp. 83–95.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Schmidt #object-oriented #programming- Object-Oriented Programming: The Language Landscape (HS), p. 331.
TOOLS-USA-1993-CaromelR #concurrent #reuse- Object-Based Concurrency: Ten Language Features to Achieve Reuse (DC, MR), pp. 205–213.
TOOLS-USA-1993-ParrottW #approach #development #object-oriented- Media Language: An Object-Oriented Approach to Generic Application Development (CP, PW), pp. 173–191.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Wiener #eiffel #object-oriented #smalltalk- Comparing OOP Languages — A Critical Look at C++, Smalltalk, and Eiffel (RW), p. 526.
LOPSTR-1993-Gurr #logic programming #programming language #representation- Specialising the Ground Representation in the Logic Programming Language Gödel (CAG), pp. 124–140.
PLILP-1993-BugliesiN #implementation #named- SelfLog: Language and Implementation (MB, GN), pp. 412–413.
PLILP-1993-DarlingtonGK #functional #linear #logic #perspective #programming language- Functional Programming Languages with Logical Variables: A Linear Logic View (JD, YG, MK), pp. 201–219.
PLILP-1993-DovierP #implementation #logic #set- A WAM-Based Implementation of a Logical Language with Sets (AD, EP), pp. 275–290.
PLILP-1993-Kastens #execution #implementation #specification- Executable Specifications for Language Implementation (UK), pp. 1–11.
PLILP-1993-Poetzsch-Heffter #programming language #prototype #specification #using- Programming Language Specification and Prototyping Using the MAX System (APH), pp. 137–150.
POPL-1993-Bruce #object-oriented #programming language #static typing #type checking- Safe Type Checking in a Statically-Typed Object-Oriented Programming Language (KBB), pp. 285–298.
POPL-1993-OhoriK #communication #polymorphism #semantics- Semantics for Communication Primitives in an Polymorphic Language (AO, KK), pp. 99–112.
POPL-1993-ReickeS #algebra #reasoning- Algebraic Reasoning and Completeness in Typed Languages (JGR, RS), pp. 185–195.
RE-1993-IshiharaSK #dependence #natural language #specification #using- A translation method from natural language specifications into formal specifications using contextual dependencies (YI, HS, TK), pp. 232–239.
RE-1993-Ryan93a #natural language #requirements- The role of natural language in requirements engineering (KR), pp. 240–242.
SAC-1993-AlGhamdiU #programming language- Comparing and Assessing Programming Languages: Basis for a Qualitative Methodology (JA, JEU), pp. 222–229.
SAC-1993-AthertonL #comprehension #natural language #probability- A Probabilistic Model for Natural Language Understanding (MA, DAL), pp. 586–592.
SAC-1993-HarrisonG #functional #programming- Dynamic Programming in a Pure Functional Language (RH, CAG), pp. 179–186.
SAC-1993-KountanisS #concept #graph #learning- Graphs as a Language to Describe Learning System Concepts (DIK, ES), pp. 469–475.
SAC-1993-StansiferW #object-oriented #reuse- Method Reuse in Typed Object-Oriented Languages (RS, DW), pp. 63–70.
ESEC-1993-PaoliT #design- Language Constructs for Cooperative Systems Design (FDP, FT), pp. 329–343.
ICSE-1993-GarlanS #programming language- Adding Implicit Invocation to Rraditional Programming Languages (DG, CS), pp. 447–455.
ICSE-1993-KaiserPB #modelling #process- A Bi-Level Language for Software Process Modeling (GEK, SSP, IBS), pp. 132–143.
ICSE-1993-KleynB #graph #programming #specification- A High Level Language for Specifying Graph Based Languages and Their Programming Environments (MFK, JCB), pp. 324–335.
PPoPP-1993-BlellochCHSZ #implementation- Implementation of a Portable Nested Data-Parallel Language (GEB, SC, JCH, JS, MZ), pp. 102–111.
PPoPP-1993-HuelsbergenL #concurrent #garbage collection- A Concurrent Copying Garbage Collector for Languages that Distinguish (Im)mutable Data (LH, JRL), pp. 73–82.
PPoPP-1993-RaoW #equation- An Equational Language for Data-Parallelism (PR, CW), pp. 112–118.
PPoPP-1993-TauraMY #concurrent #implementation #multi #object-oriented #performance- An Efficient Implementation Scheme of Concurrent Object-Oriented Languages on Stock Multicomputers (KT, SM, AY), pp. 218–228.
SOSP-1993-HoskingM #memory management #object-oriented- Protection Traps and Alternatives for Memory Management of an Object-Oriented Language (ALH, JEBM), pp. 106–119.
CAV-1993-BalarinS #approach- An Iterative Approach to Language Containment (FB, ALSV), pp. 29–40.
CAV-1993-HojatiBK #debugging #design #using- BDD-Based Debugging Of Design Using Language Containment and Fair CTL (RH, RKB, RPK), pp. 41–58.
CSL-1993-GurevichH #c #programming language #semantics- ERRATA to “The Semantics of the C Programming Language” (YG, JKH), pp. 334–336.
ICLP-1993-BackerB #constraints #linear- A CLP Language Handling Disjunctions of Linear Constraints (BDB, HB), pp. 550–563.
ICLP-1993-BevemyrLM #implementation #prolog- Reform Prolog: The Language and Its Implementation (JB, TL, HM), pp. 283–298.
ICLP-1993-Debray #on the- On Copy Avoidance in Single Assignment Languages (SKD), pp. 393–407.
ILPS-1993-ChanS #prolog- A Prolog-Based Definition of an Entity Relationship Language (HCC, KS), p. 650.
ILPS-1993-Hui-Bon-Hoa #constraints- An Intuitionistic Resolution Method for a Language Dealing with Scope Constraints (AHBH), p. 667.
ILPS-1993-MorenoPM #logic programming #natural language- The Incorporation of Logic Formalisms to Natural Language Through Logic Programming (LM, MP, AM), p. 671.
ILPS-1993-Pimentel #concurrent #logic #object-oriented- L2||O2: A Concurrent Object-oriented Logic Language (EP), p. 665.
ILPS-1993-PostGK #parsing- Deterministic Parsing of Languages with Dynamic Operators (KP, AVG, JK), pp. 456–472.
ILPS-1993-TakahashiS #functional #prolog- Prolog Interpretation of A Functional-Logic Language (ST, FSKS), p. 672.
RTA-1993-GuiO #algebra #higher-order #named #specification- LAMBDALG: Higher Order Algebraic Specification Language (YG, MO), pp. 462–466.
HT-ECHT-1992-AmannS #graph #named #query- Gram: A Graph Data Model and Query Language (BA, MS), pp. 201–211.
PODS-1992-Beeri #challenge #modelling- New Data Models and Languages — the Challenge (CB), pp. 1–15.
SIGMOD-1992-Cruz #database #named #object-oriented #visual notation- DOODLE: A Visual Language for Object-Oriented Databases (IFC), pp. 71–80.
SIGMOD-1992-LieuwenD #approach #database #optimisation #programming language- A Transformation-Based Approach to Optimizing Loops in Database Programming Languages (DFL, DJD), pp. 91–100.
VLDB-1992-ChuITB #image #object-oriented #query- A Temporal Evolutionary Object-Oriented Data Model and Its Query Language for Medical Image Management (WWC, ITI, RKT, CMB), pp. 53–64.
VLDB-1992-KramerLS #rule-based- Updates in a Rule-Based Language for Objects (MK, GL, GS), pp. 251–262.
ESOP-1992-Gnaedig #proving #specification #theorem proving- ELIOS-OBJ Theorem Proving in a Specification Language (IG), pp. 182–199.
ESOP-1992-Larcheveque #interprocedural #object-oriented- Interprocedural Type Propagation for Object-Oriented Languages (JML), pp. 321–340.
ESOP-1992-Tarlecki #specification- Modules for an Model-Oriented Specification Language: A Proposal for MetaSoft (AT), pp. 451–472.
PEPM-1992-HarnettM #compilation #object-oriented #performance #towards- Towards Efficient Compilation of a Dynamic Object-Oriented Language (SH, MM), pp. 82–89.
PLDI-1992-DiwanMH #compilation #garbage collection #static typing- Compiler Support for Garbage Collection in a Statically Typed Language (AD, JEBM, RLH), pp. 273–282.
PLDI-1992-JagannathanP #concurrent- A Customizable Substrate for Concurrent Languages (SJ, JP), pp. 55–67.
WSA-1992-AmatoGM #analysis #concurrent #database #functional #programming language #transaction- Analysis of Concurrent Transactions in a Functional Database Programming Language (GA, FG, GM), pp. 174–184.
WSA-1992-ParkG #analysis #lazy evaluation- Order-of-Demand Analysis for Lazy Languages (YGP, BG), pp. 91–101.
ICALP-1992-BuntrockL #context-sensitive grammar #on the- On Growing Context-Sensitive Languages (GB, KL), pp. 77–88.
ICALP-1992-KarhumakiPR #context-free grammar #polynomial #testing- Polynomial Size Test Sets for Context-Free Languages (JK, WP, WR), pp. 53–64.
ICALP-1992-Olderog #communication #interface- Interfaces between Languages for Communicating Systems (ERO), pp. 641–655.
ICALP-1992-PeladeauP #on the- On Reverse and General Definite Tree Languages (Extended Abstract) (PP, AP), pp. 150–161.
LFP-1992-ChirimarGR #invariant #linear #logic #memory management #proving- Proving Memory Management Invariants for a Language Based on Linear Logic (JC, CAG, JGR), pp. 139–150.
LFP-1992-KaserPRRS #experience #implementation #lazy evaluation #parallel #performance- Fast Parallel Implementation of Lazy Languages — The EQUALS Experience (OK, SP, CRR, IVR, RCS), pp. 335–344.
LFP-1992-RoseM #c- Integrating the Scheme and C Languages (JRR, HM), pp. 247–259.
LFP-1992-WangH #analysis #recursion- Analysis of Recursive Types in Lisp-Like Languages (EW, PNH), pp. 216–225.
CHI-1992-RadlinskiM #cobol- Grace meets the “real world”: tutoring COBOL as a second language (BR, JM), pp. 343–350.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-GoodmanM #ada- Ada as an Introductory Language (DRG, RAM), pp. 122–125.
CAiSE-1992-CasanovaHF #concept #declarative #modelling- A Declarative Conceptual Modelling Language: Description and Example Applications (MAC, ASH, ALF), pp. 589–611.
CAiSE-1992-Dalianis #concept #generative #natural language #validation- A Method for Validating a Conceptual Model by Natural Language Discourse Generation (HD), pp. 425–444.
CAiSE-1992-LopezHB #named #object-oriented #specification- OASIS: An Object-Oriented Specification Language (OP, FH, SB), pp. 348–363.
CAiSE-1992-RollandP #approach #natural language #requirements- A Natural Language Approach for Requirements Engineering (CR, CP), pp. 257–277.
CAiSE-1992-ZicariCCGPRL #database #object-oriented- The SOL Object-Oriented Database Language (RZ, FC, CC, AG, AP, AR, GL), pp. 105–127.
KR-1992-CadoliS #approximate #concept- Approximation in Concept Description Languages (MC, MS), pp. 330–341.
KR-1992-DoniniLNSN #concept- Adding Epistemic Operators to Concept Languages (FMD, ML, DN, AS, WN), pp. 342–353.
KR-1992-Hanschke #concept #interactive #specification- Specifying Role Interaction in Concept Languages (PH), pp. 318–329.
KR-1992-Iwanska #natural language #representation #semantics- A General Semantic Model of Negation in Natural Language: Representation and Inference (LI), pp. 357–368.
ML-1992-LiuS #natural language- Augmenting and Efficiently Utilizing Domain Theory in Explanation-Based Natural Language Acquisition (RLL, VWS), pp. 282–289.
SEKE-1992-ArmeniseBGM #assessment #bibliography #process #representation- Software Processes Representation Languages: Survey and Assessment (PA, SB, CG, AM), pp. 455–462.
SEKE-1992-TakedaCM #named #re-engineering- MERA: Meta Language for Software Engineering (KT, DNC, IM), pp. 495–502.
SIGIR-1992-BlossevilleHMP #analysis #automation #classification #documentation #natural language #statistics- Automatic Document Classification: Natural Language Processing, Statistical Analysis, and Expert System Techniques used together (MJB, GH, MGM, NP), pp. 51–58.
ECOOP-1992-AksitBV #approach #integration #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Language-Database Integration Model: The Composition-Filters Approach (MA, LB, SV), pp. 372–395.
ECOOP-1992-Freeman-BensonB #constraints #object-oriented- Integrating Constraints with an Object-Oriented Language (BNFB, AB), pp. 268–286.
ECOOP-1992-Frolund #concurrent #constraints #inheritance #object-oriented #programming language- Inheritance of Synchronization Constraints in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming Languages (SF), pp. 185–196.
ECOOP-1992-LanoH #object-oriented #reasoning #refinement #specification- Reasoning and Refinement in Object-Oriented Specification Languages (KL, HPH), pp. 78–97.
OOPSLA-1992-DonyMC #prototype #taxonomy #validation- Prototype-Based Languages: From a New Taxonomy to Constructive Proposals and Their Validation (CD, JM, PC), pp. 201–217.
OOPSLA-1992-MasuharaMWY #concurrent #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Concurrent Reflective Languages can be Implemented Efficiently (HM, SM, TW, AY), pp. 127–144.
OOPSLA-1992-TakashioT #distributed #named #object-oriented #programming language #realtime- DROL: An Object-Oriented Programming Language for Distributed Real-Time Systems (KT, MT), pp. 276–294.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-DurrK #design #object-oriented #specification- VDM++, A Formal Specification Language for OO Designs (ED, JvK), pp. 63–77.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-Ege #bibliography #object-oriented #programming language- Overview of Object-Oriented Programming Languages (RKE), p. 427.
TOOLS-USA-1992-BorningF #constraints- Constraint-Based Languages and Systems (AB, BNFB), p. 266.
TOOLS-USA-1992-Deutsch #challenge #named- Keynote: Objects: Challenges Beyond Languages and Applications (LPD), p. 7.
TOOLS-USA-1992-Ege92a #object-oriented #programming language- Object-Oriented Programming Languages (RKE), p. 260.
TOOLS-USA-1992-GrapeW #automation #development #evolution #generative #syntax- Automating the Development of Syntax Tree Generators for an Evolving Language (PG, KW), pp. 185–195.
TOOLS-USA-1992-Odberg #database #object-oriented #query #what- What “What” is and isn’t: On Query Languages for Object-Oriented Databases, or: Closing the Gap — Again (EO), pp. 13–24.
TOOLS-USA-1992-Szafron #named #object-oriented #specification- SPECTalk: an Object-Oriented Data Specification Language (DS), pp. 123–137.
ALP-1992-Hardin- Eta-conversion for the Languages of Explicit Substitutions (TH), pp. 306–321.
PLILP-1992-Hanus #functional #logic programming #source code #using- Improving Control of Logic Programs by Using Functional Logic Languages (MH), pp. 1–23.
PLILP-1992-Hoa #bottom-up #higher-order #interpreter #logic programming #programming language- A Bottom-Up Interpreter for a Higher-Order Logic Programming Language (AHBH), pp. 326–340.
PLILP-1992-NilssonF #algorithm #debugging #functional #lazy evaluation- Algorithmic Debugging for Lazy Functional Languages (HN, PF), pp. 385–399.
PLILP-1992-Reus #algebra #higher-order #implementation #specification- Implementing Higher-Order Functions in an Algebraic Specification Language with Narrowing (BR), pp. 483–484.
PLILP-1992-Thiemann #bottom-up #evaluation #functional #named #source code #tool support- LaToKi: A Language Toolkit for Bottom-Up Evaluation of Functional Programs (PT), pp. 481–482.
POPL-1992-BatesL #linear #lr #string- Recognizing Substrings of LR(k) Languages in Linear Time (JB, AL), pp. 235–245.
POPL-1992-JagadeesanP #functional #higher-order #logic #semantics- Abstract Semantics for a Higher-Order Functional Language with Logic Variables (RJ, KP), pp. 355–366.
POPL-1992-Jorgensen #compilation #generative #lazy evaluation #partial evaluation- Generating a Compiler for a Lazy Language by Partial Evaluation (JJ), pp. 258–268.
POPL-1992-NirkheP #imperative #partial evaluation #programming language #realtime- Partial Evaluation of High-Level Imperative Programming Languages, with Applications in Hard Real-Time Systems (VN, WP), pp. 269–280.
ICSE-1992-Devanbu #independence #named- GENOA: A Customizable Language- and Front-End Independent Code Analyzer (PTD), pp. 307–317.
CC-1992-LangendoenH #code generation #functional #lazy evaluation #named- FCG: A Code Generator for Lazy Functional Languages (KL, PHH), pp. 278–296.
CC-1992-Riedewald #development- The LDL — Language Development Laboratory (GR), pp. 88–94.
CC-1992-SudholtS #analysis #data flow #interprocedural #object-oriented #on the- On Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis for Object Oriented Languages (MS, CS), pp. 156–162.
IWMM-1992-BekkersRU #logic programming #memory management #programming language- Dynamic Memory Management for Sequential Logic Programming Languages (YB, OR, LU), pp. 82–102.
IWMM-1992-Chailloux #ambiguity #garbage collection #static typing- A Conservative Garbage Collector with Ambiguous Roots for Static Typechecking Languages (EC), pp. 218–229.
CAV-1992-HojatiTKB #performance #regular expression- Efficient ω-Regular Language Containment (RH, HJT, RPK, RKB), pp. 396–409.
CSL-1992-GurevichH #c #programming language #semantics- The Semantics of the C Programming Language (YG, JKH), pp. 274–308.
CSL-1992-HonsellMST #formal method #functional- A Theory of Classes for a Functional Language with Effects (FH, IAM, SFS, CLT), pp. 309–326.
JICSLP-1992-AbreuPC #execution #product line- Improving Backward Execution in the Andorra Family of Languages (SA, LMP, PC), pp. 384–398.
JICSLP-1992-Hodas #dependence #logic programming #programming language #semiparsing #specification- Specifying Filler-Gap Dependency Parsers in a Linear-Logic Programming Language (JSH), pp. 622–636.
JICSLP-1992-KuchenLMR #constraints #functional #implementation #lazy evaluation #logic- Implementing a Lazy Functional Logic Language with Disequality Constraints (HK, FJLF, JJMN, MRA), pp. 207–221.
PODS-1991-GrumbachV #database #query- Tractable Query Languages for Complex Object Databases (SG, VV), pp. 315–327.
PODS-1991-ImmermanPS #finite #product line #set- The Expressiveness of a Family of Finite Set Languages (NI, SP, DWS), pp. 37–52.
PODS-1991-Vadaparty #on the #power of #rule-based #set- On the Power of Rule-Based Languages with Sets (KVV), pp. 26–36.
SIGMOD-1991-Annevelink #approach #database #functional #programming language- Database Programming Languages: A Functional Approach (JA), pp. 318–327.
SIGMOD-1991-KrishnamurthyLK #database- Language Features for Interoperability of Databases with Schematic Discrepancies (RK, WL, WK), pp. 40–49.
SIGMOD-1991-LouO #deduction #inheritance #named #object-oriented- LLO: An Object-Oriented Deductive Language with Methods and Method Inheritance (YL, ZMÖ), pp. 198–207.
SIGMOD-1991-Sheng #database #deduction #nondeterminism- A Non-deterministic Deductive Database Language (YHS), pp. 188–197.
SIGMOD-1991-ShyyS #database #knowledge base #named #programming language- K: A High-Level Knowledge Base Programming Language for Advanced Database Applications (YMS, SYWS), pp. 338–347.
VLDB-1991-Kent #database #object-oriented #problem #programming language- Solving Domain Mismatch and Schema Mismatch Problems with an Object-Oriented Database Programming Language (WK), pp. 147–160.
ESOP-J-1990-Felleisen91 #on the #power of #programming language- On the Expressive Power of Programming Languages (MF), pp. 35–75.
PEPM-1991-HickeyS #partial evaluation #towards- Toward the Partial Evaluation of CLP Languages (TJH, DAS), pp. 43–51.
PEPM-1991-Klimov #functional- Dynamic Specialization in Extended Functional Language with Monotone Objects (AVK), pp. 199–210.
PEPM-1991-Meyer #imperative #partial evaluation- Techniques for Partial Evaluation of Imperative Languages (UM), pp. 94–105.
PEPM-1991-NielBV #functional #polymorphism- Program Bifurcation for a Polymorphic Typed Functional Language (ADN, EB, KDV), pp. 142–153.
PEPM-1991-Smith #constraints #logic programming #partial evaluation #pattern matching #programming language- Partial Evaluation of Pattern Matching in Constraint Logic Programming Languages (DAS), pp. 62–71.
PEPM-1991-Takano #functional #lazy evaluation- Generalized Partial Computation for a Lazy Functional Language (AT), pp. 1–11.
PLDI-1991-Goldberg #garbage collection #programming language- Tag-Free Garbage Collection for Strongly Typed Programming Languages (BG), pp. 165–176.
PLDI-1991-Reppy #concurrent #higher-order #named- CML: A Higher-Order Concurrent Language (JHR), pp. 293–305.
STOC-1991-Shapiro #category theory #concurrent- Separating Concurrent Languages with Categories of Language Embeddings (Extended Abstract) (EYS), pp. 198–208.
WSA-1991-Breuer #analysis #learning #synthesis- An Analysis/Synthesis Language with Learning Strategies (PTB), pp. 202–209.
WSA-1991-DurandSS #equation #partial evaluation #source code- Partial Evaluation of an Intermediate Language for Equational Programs (ID, DS, RS), pp. 98–106.
WSA-1991-NielBV #functional #partial evaluation #problem #representation- Partial Evaluation of Polymorphically Typed Functional Languages: the Representation Problem (ADN, EB, KDV), pp. 90–97.
ICALP-1991-GastinPZ #infinity #theorem- A Kleene Theorem for Infinite Trace Languages (PG, AP, WZ), pp. 254–266.
ICALP-1991-Hashiguchi #algorithm #generative #regular expression- Algorithms for Determining the Smallest Number of Nonterminals (States) Sufficient for Generating (Accepting) a Regular Language (KH), pp. 641–648.
ICALP-1991-KanepsF #automaton #probability #regular expression- Running Time to Recognize Nonregular Languages by 2-Way Probabilistic Automata (JK, RF), pp. 174–185.
ICALP-1991-Wilke #theorem- An Eilenberg Theorem for Infinity-Languages (TW), pp. 588–599.
VDME-1991-1-KinnaesV #debugging #metalanguage- A Debugger for a Meta-IV-like Meta-Language (DK, KDV), pp. 597–603.
VDME-1991-1-McParlandK #programming language #specification- A Specification of a Complex Programming Language Statement (PM, PK), pp. 658–667.
VDME-1991-2-GuttagH #interface #tutorial- A Tutorial on LARCH and LCL, A LARCH/C Interface Language (JVG, JJH), pp. 1–78.
FPCA-1991-BarthNA #functional #named #parallel #strict- M-Structures: Extending a Parallel, Non-strict, Functional Language with State (PSB, RSN, A), pp. 538–568.
FPCA-1991-JonesL #functional #strict- Unboxed Values as First Class Citizens in a Non-Strict Functional Language (SLPJ, JL), pp. 636–666.
FPCA-1991-LeungM #lazy evaluation #reasoning- Reasoning about Simple and Exhaustive Demand in Highter-Order Lazy Languages (AL, PM), pp. 328–351.
FPCA-1991-SchauserCE #parallel #thread- Compiler-Controlled Multithreading for Lenient Parallel Languages (KES, DEC, TvE), pp. 50–72.
FPCA-1991-SmetsersNGP #functional #generative #lazy evaluation #performance- Generating Efficient Code for Lazy Functional Languages (SS, EN, JHGvG, MJP), pp. 592–617.
FPCA-1991-SwarupRI- Assignments for Applicative Languages (VS, USR, EI), pp. 192–214.
CHI-1991-HelmMO #parsing #visual notation- Building visual language parsers (RH, KM, MO), pp. 105–112.
CHI-1991-LunatiR #interface- Spoken language interfaces: the OM system (JML, AIR), pp. 453–454.
AdaEurope-1991-ColombiniTP #ada #realtime- Ada as High Level Language for Real-Time Systems Exploiting RDBMS Techniques (CC, AdT, RP), pp. 384–393.
AdaEurope-1991-CurtisS #ada #modelling #using- Modelling the Temporal Summation of Neural Membranes Using the Ada Language (MCC, VJDS), pp. 2–19.
CAiSE-1991-McBrienNPSSTTW #policy #specification- A Rule Language to Capture and Model Business Policy Specifications (PM, MN, DP, AHS, US, BT, GT, RW), pp. 307–318.
CAiSE-1991-Oelmann #object-oriented #representation #specification- Representing a System Specification with a Temporal Dimension in an Object-Oriented Language (AO), pp. 540–560.
KR-1991-DoniniLNN #complexity #concept- The Complexity of Concept Languages (FMD, ML, DN, WN), pp. 151–162.
KR-1991-HollunderB #concept #strict- Qualifying Number Restrictions in Concept Languages (BH, FB), pp. 335–346.
ML-1991-NichollW #modelling #order- Computer Modelling of Acquisition Orders in Child Language (SN, DCW), pp. 100–104.
SIGIR-1991-Cleverdon #testing- The Significance of the Cranfield Tests on Index Languages (CWC), pp. 3–12.
ECOOP-1991-Barbedette #object-oriented #persistent- Schema Modifications in the LISPO2 Persistent Object-Oriented Language (GB), pp. 77–96.
ECOOP-1991-HolzleCU #dynamic typing #object-oriented #optimisation #polymorphism- Optimizing Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Languages With Polymorphic Inline Caches (UH, CC, DU), pp. 21–38.
ECOOP-1991-Lacourte #distributed #exception #object-oriented- Exceptions in Guide, an Object-Oriented Language for Distributed Applications (SL), pp. 268–287.
ECOOP-1991-MorzentiP #composition #logic #object-oriented #specification- An Object-Oriented Logic Language for Modular System Specification (AM, PSP), pp. 39–58.
ECOOP-1991-MugridgeHH #multi #programming language #static typing- Multi-Methods in a Statically-Typed Programming Language (WBM, JH, JGH), pp. 307–324.
OOPSLA-1991-ChambersU #object-oriented- Making Pure Object-Oriented Languages Practical (CC, DU), pp. 1–15.
OOPSLA-1991-HansonHR #case study #database #experience #implementation #object-oriented #persistent #programming language #tool support #using- Experiences in DBMS Implementation Using an Object-Oriented Persistent Programming Language and a Database Toolkit (ENH, TMH, MAR), pp. 314–328.
OOPSLA-1991-Hogg #alias #named #object-oriented- Islands: Aliasing Protection in Object-Oriented Languages (JH), pp. 271–285.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Caseau- An O-O Language for Advanced Applications (YC), pp. 153–166.
TOOLS-USA-1991-DukeKRS #specification- Associated Paper: The Object-Z Specification Language (RD, PK, GAR, GS), pp. 465–484.
TOOLS-USA-1991-GrundyHH #programming #visual notation- A Visual Programming Environment for O-O Languages (JCG, JGH, JH), pp. 129–138.
TOOLS-USA-1991-LeaW #approach #distributed #object-oriented- Supporting Object-Oriented Languages in a Distributed Environment: The COOL Approach (RL, JW), pp. 37–48.
TOOLS-USA-1991-LescaudronBB #concurrent #experience #object-oriented #programming #prototype- Associated Paper: Prototyping Programming Environments for Object-Oriented Concurrent Languages: a Smalltalk-Based Experience (LL, JPB, MB), pp. 449–462.
TOOLS-USA-1991-NagvarSK #approach #semantics #towards- An O-O Approach Toward Semantic Interpretation of Indian Languages (PN, VS, GK), pp. 181–194.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Omohundro #library- The Sather Language and Libraries (SMO), pp. 439–440.
LOPSTR-1991-Huntbach #automation #concurrent #logic- Automated Translation of Occam to a Concurrent Logic Language (MMH), pp. 254–275.
PLILP-1991-Aasa #implementation #programming language #specification- Precedences in Specifications and Implementations of Programming Languages (AA), pp. 183–194.
PLILP-1991-Ferenczi #composition #concept #distributed #prolog- Concepts for a Modular and Distributed Prolog Language (SF), pp. 159–170.
PLILP-1991-LoogenW #detection #functional- Dynamic Detection of Determinism in Functional Languages (RL, SW), pp. 335–346.
POPL-1991-AikenM #static typing #type inference- Static Type Inference in a Dynamically Typed Language (AA, BRM), pp. 279–290.
POPL-1991-Riecke #functional- Fully Abstract Translations between Functional Languages (JGR), pp. 245–254.
ESEC-1991-GhezziK #named #realtime #specification- ASTRAL: An Assertion Language for Specifying Realtime Systems (CG, RAK), pp. 122–146.
CAV-1991-DillHW #simulation #using- Checking for Language Inclusion Using Simulation Preorders (DLD, AJH, HWT), pp. 255–265.
CAV-1991-FeigenbaumKL #complexity- Complexity Results for POMSET Languages (JF, JAK, CL), pp. 343–353.
ICLP-1991-Bottcher #logic programming #on the #programming language #transaction- On Transactions in Logic Programming Languages (SB), p. 889.
ICLP-1991-ChabrierPL #constraints #logic programming #programming language- Applications of Constraints Logic Programming Languages (JJC, CP, BL), p. 944.
ICLP-1991-DovierOPR #finite #logic programming #programming language #set- {log}: A Logic Programming Language with Finite Sets (AD, EGO, EP, GR), pp. 111–124.
ICLP-1991-KorslootT #compilation #concurrent #logic programming #programming language- Compilation Techniques for Nondeterminate Flat Concurrent Logic Programming Languages (MK, ET), pp. 457–471.
ICLP-1991-MigaultRC #prolog- Prolog as a Host Language (BM, FR, LC), p. 890.
ICLP-1991-Saint-Dizier #logic programming- Logic Programming for Language Processing (PSD), p. 947.
ISLP-1991-BackerB #backtracking- Intelligent Backtracking for CLP Languages: An Application to CLP(R) (BDB, HB), pp. 405–419.
ISLP-1991-HidakaKTT #clustering #commit #execution- A Static Load Partitioning Method based on Execution Profile for Committed Choice Languages (YH, HK, JT, HT), pp. 470–484.
ISLP-1991-JansonH #kernel #paradigm #programming- Programming Paradigms of the Andorra Kernel Language (SJ, SH), pp. 167–183.
IWPTS-1991-SatoTKM #communication #generative #parametricity #specification #testing #tool support- Parameter Specification Language and Test Data Generation Tools for Communication Software Testing (FS, HT, KK, TM), pp. 207–218.
LICS-1991-AlessiB #semantics #towards- Towards a Semantics for the QUEST Language (FA, FB), pp. 12–21.
LICS-1991-AvronH #database #first-order #on the #query- On First Order Database Query Languages (AA, YH), pp. 226–231.
LICS-1991-JouannaudO #algebra #execution #higher-order #specification- A Computation Model for Executable Higher-Order Algebraic Specification Languages (JPJ, MO), pp. 350–361.
RTA-1991-Brandenburg #bound #confluence #equivalence #graph grammar- The Equivalence of Boundary and Confluent Graph Grammars on Graph Languages of Bounded Degree (FJB), pp. 312–322.
RTA-1991-Kucherov #on the #term rewriting- On Relationship Between Term Rewriting Systems and Regular Tree Languages (GK), pp. 299–311.
TAV-1991-HorgnaL #c #data flow- Data Flow Coverage and the C Language (JRH, SL), pp. 87–97.
TAV-1991-OstrandW #analysis #data flow #pointer #test coverage #testing- Data Flow-Based Test Adequacy Analysis for Languages with Pointers (TJO, EJW), pp. 74–86.
DAC-1990-Barnes #named- SKILL: A CAD System Extension Language (TJB), pp. 266–271.
DAC-1990-IshiuraYY #behaviour #design #hardware #named #semantics- NES: The Behavioral Model for the Formal Semantics of a Hardware Design Language UDL/I (NI, HY, SY), pp. 8–13.
ECHT-1990-BeeriK #hypermedia #logic #query- A Logical Query Language for Hypertext Systems (CB, YK), pp. 67–80.
ECHT-1990-StottsF #composition #hypermedia #scripting language- Hierarchy, Composition, Scripting Languages, and Translators for Structured Hypertext (PDS, RF), pp. 180–193.
PODS-1990-AbiteboulSV #nondeterminism- Non-Deterministic Languages to Express Deterministic Transformations (SA, ES, VV), pp. 218–229.
PODS-1990-KanellakisKR #constraints #query- Constraint Query Languages (PCK, GMK, PZR), pp. 299–313.
SIGMOD-1990-BlumS #query- The INA: A Simple Query Language with Only Attribute Names (BIB, RDS), p. 390.
SIGMOD-1990-Sheng #database #deduction #named #power of- IDLOG: Extending the Expressive Power of Deductive Database Languages (YHS), pp. 54–63.
VLDB-1990-AoshimaIMSY #database #programming language- The C-based Database Programming Language Jasmine/C (MA, YI, AM, FS, YY), pp. 539–551.
VLDB-1990-CatarciDL #concept #modelling #statistics- Concept Description Language for Statistical Data Modeling (TC, GD, ML), pp. 722–729.
VLDB-1990-SudkampL #database- Elimination of View and Redundant Variables in a SQL-like Database Language for Extended NF2 Structures (NS, VL), pp. 302–313.
ESOP-1990-BarendregtH #programming language #λ-calculus- Types in λ Calculi and Programming Languages (HB, KH), pp. 1–35.
ESOP-1990-Bertot #implementation #interpreter #parallel- Implementation of an Interpreter for a Parallel Language in Centaur (YB), pp. 57–69.
ESOP-1990-Felleisen #on the #power of #programming language- On the Expressive Power of Programming Languages (MF), pp. 134–151.
ESOP-1990-Sands #analysis #complexity #higher-order #lazy evaluation- Complexity Analysis for a Lazy Higher-Order Language (DS), pp. 361–376.
PLDI-1990-BallanceMO #dependence #imperative #representation #web- The Program Dependence Web: A Representation Supporting Control, Data, and Demand-Driven Interpretation of Imperative Languages (RAB, ABM, KJO), pp. 257–271.
ICALP-1990-Boer #object-oriented #parallel #proving- A Proof System for the Parallel Object-Oriented Language POOL (FSdB), pp. 572–585.
ICALP-1990-JainS #learning- Language Learning by a “Team” (Extended Abstract) (SJ, AS), pp. 153–166.
VDME-1990-BednarczykBP90a #semantics #towards- Towards the Semantics of the Definitional Language of MetaSoft (MAB, AMB, WP), pp. 471–503.
LFP-1990-Consel #analysis #functional #higher-order- Binding Time Analysis for High Order Untyped Functional Languages (CC), pp. 264–272.
LFP-1990-GiorgiM #functional #implementation #parallel #programming language- Continuation-Based Parallel Implementation of Functional Programming Languages (JFG, DLM), pp. 209–217.
LFP-1990-Hanson #performance #recursion #stack- Efficient Stack Allocation for Tail-Recursive Languages (CH), pp. 106–118.
LFP-1990-WalinskyB #compilation #functional #parallel #programming language- A Functional Programming Language Compiler for Massively Parallel Computers (CW, DB), pp. 131–138.
GG-1990-Chytil- Cycle Chain Code Picture Languages (FJB, MC), pp. 157–173.
GG-1990-Engelfriet #graph #higher-order #logic #monad- A Characterization of Context-Free NCE Graph Languages by Monadic Second-Order Logic on Trees (JE), pp. 311–327.
GG-1990-GlauertKS #graph grammar #named- Dactl: An Experimental Graph Rewriting Language (JRWG, RK, MRS), pp. 378–395.
GG-1990-KaplanLG #concurrent #specification- Specifying Concurrent Languages and Systems with ???-Grammars (SMK, JPL, SKG), pp. 475–489.
GG-1990-Lichtblau #polynomial- Recognizing Rooted Context-free Flowgraph Languages in Polynomial Time (UL), pp. 538–548.
GG-1990-Schurr90b #graph grammar #named- PROGRESS: A VHL-Language Based on Graph Grammars (AS), pp. 641–659.
GG-1990-Vogler #graph #polynomial- Recognizing Edge Replacement Graph Languages in Cubic Time (WV), pp. 676–687.
CAiSE-1990-DunnO #concept #interpreter #natural language- A Natural Language Interpreter for Construction of Conceptual Schemas (LD, MEO), pp. 175–194.
ML-1990-LytinenM #comparison #learning- A Comparison of Learning Techniques in Second Language Learning (SLL, CEM), pp. 377–383.
SEKE-1990-BairdS #aspect-oriented #programming language- Theoretical Aspects of the Universal Programming Language Genotype (JCB, SKS), pp. 135–140.
SEKE-1990-BerztissL #implementation #prototype- The Prototyping Language SF and its Implementation (ATB, CTL), pp. 51–57.
SEKE-1990-Maim #named #representation- CRL: Common Representation Language (EM), pp. 209–215.
SEKE-1990-WangYT #information management #named #representation- CKRL: A Connectionist Knowledge Representation Language (JW, YY, JT), pp. 166–170.
SIGIR-1990-AnickBFHAR #information retrieval #interface #natural language #query- A Direct Manipulation Interface for Boolean Information Retrieval via Natural Language Query (PGA, JDB, RAF, DRH, BA, JMR), pp. 135–150.
OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-AmericaL #inheritance #object-oriented #parallel #type system- A Parallel Object-Oriented Language with Inheritance and Subtyping (PA, FvdL), pp. 161–168.
OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-IshikawaTM #constraints #design #object-oriented #realtime- Object-Oriented Real-Time Language Design: Constructs for Timing Constraints (YI, HT, CWM), pp. 289–298.
OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-MadsenMM #object-oriented #revisited #type system- Strong Typing of Object-Oriented Languages Revisited (OLM, BM, BMP), pp. 140–150.
ALP-1990-BronsardR #axiom #functional #logic- Axiomatization of a Functional Logic Language (FB, USR), pp. 101–116.
PLILP-1990-Bourdoncle #abstract interpretation #alias #interprocedural- Interprocedural Abstract Interpretation of Block Structured Languages with Nested Procedures, Aliasing and Recursivity (FB), pp. 307–323.
PLILP-1990-Ferdinand #functional #model transformation #pattern matching #using- Pattern Matching in a Functional Transformation Language using Treeparsing (CF), pp. 358–371.
PLILP-1990-Leroy #data transformation #performance #polymorphism #representation- Efficient Data Representation in Polymorphic Languages (XL), pp. 255–276.
WAGA-1990-AlexinGHF #attribute grammar #comprehension #interface #natural language #specification- Attribute Grammar Specification for a Natural Language Understanding Interface (ZA, TG, TH, KF), pp. 313–326.
WAGA-1990-JourdanBP #attribute grammar #design #evaluation #implementation- The OLGA Attribute Grammar Description Language: Design, Implementation and Evaluation (MJ, CLB, DP), pp. 222–237.
WAGA-1990-Levison #attribute grammar #generative #natural language- Gregory Lessard: Application of Attribute Grammars to Natural Language Sentence Generation (ML), pp. 298–312.
WAGA-1990-PittC #natural language #semantics- Attributed Translation and the Semantics of Natural Language (JVP, JC), pp. 284–297.
WAGA-1990-Wilhelm #attribute grammar #functional- Tree Tranformations, Functional Languages, and Attribute Grammars (RW), pp. 116–129.
CC-1990-HorvathAGF #comprehension #interface #multi #natural language #towards- Towards a Multilingual Natural Language Understanding Interface (Extended Abstract) (TH, ZA, TG, KF), pp. 217–218.
CC-1990-ShahmehriF #algorithm #debugging #imperative- Algorithmic Debugging for Imperative Languages with Side-Effects (Abstract) (NS, PF), pp. 226–227.
PPoPP-1990-AmbriolaCD #design #distributed #implementation #logic #parallel #prolog- Design and Distributed Implementation of the Parallel Logic Language Shared Prolog (VA, PC, MD), pp. 40–49.
PPoPP-1990-ChangE #functional #implementation #predict- An Implementation of a Barotropic Numerical Weather Prediction Model in the Functional Language SISAL (PSC, GKE), pp. 109–117.
PPoPP-1990-TickI #logic programming #parallel #programming language- Programming Techniques for Efficiently Exploiting Parallelism in Logic Programming Languages (ET, NI), pp. 31–39.
CADE-1990-FeltyM #encoding #logic programming #programming language #λ-calculus- Encoding a Dependent-Type Lambda-Calculus in a Logic Programming Language (APF, DM), pp. 221–235.
CADE-1990-MullerBNNS #concept #reasoning #representation #tutorial- Tutorial on Reasoning and Representation with Concept Languages (JM, FB, BN, WN, GS), p. 681.
CAV-1990-NakamuraKFT #logic #using #verification- A Data Path Verifier for Register Transfer Level Using Temporal Logic Language Tokio (HN, YK, MF, HT), pp. 76–85.
CSL-1990-BorgerS #prolog #semantics- A Formal Operational Semantics for Languages of Type Prolog III (EB, PHS), pp. 67–79.
CSL-1990-Vollmer #revisited- The Gap-Language-Technique Revisited (HV), pp. 389–399.
LICS-1990-DrosteG #formal method #programming language #semantics- Universal Domains in the Theory of Denotational Semantics of Programming Languages (MD, RG), pp. 19–34.
NACLP-1990-BoerP #comparison #concurrent #logic programming- Concurrent Logic Programming: Asynchronism and Language Comparison (FSdB, CP), pp. 175–194.
NACLP-1990-CodognetCC #abstract interpretation #concurrent #logic- Abstract Interpretation for Concurrent Logic Languages (CC, PC, MMC), pp. 215–232.
NACLP-1990-CoxMT #complexity #constraints #logic programming #programming language- Computational Complexity and Constraint Logic Programming Languages (JC, KM, CT), pp. 401–415.
NACLP-1990-JacquetM #comparative #logic programming #parallel #programming language #semantics- Comparative Semantics for a Parallel Contextual Logic Programming Language (JMJ, LM), pp. 195–214.
NACLP-1990-OzawaHH #garbage collection #generative #logic #parallel- Generation Type Garbage Collection for Parallel Logic Languages (TO, AH, AH), pp. 291–305.
NACLP-1990-Pereira #analysis #prolog- Prolog and Natural-Language Analysis: Into the Third Decade (FCNP), pp. 813–832.
NACLP-1990-SmithH #partial evaluation- Partial Evaluation of a CLP Language (DAS, TJH), pp. 119–138.
DAC-1989-Karatsu #design #standard- VLSI Design Language Standardization Effort in Japan (OK), pp. 50–55.
DAC-1989-Norrod #algorithm #automation #generative #hardware #testing- An Automatic Test Generation Algorithm for Hardware Description Languages (FEN), pp. 429–434.
DAC-1989-YasuuraI #design #hardware #semantics #standard- Semantics of a Hardware Design Language for Japanese Standardization (HY, NI), pp. 836–839.
HT-1989-EvensonRW #design #hypermedia #representation #towards- Towards a Design Language for Representing Hypermedia Cues (SE, JR, WW), pp. 83–92.
SIGMOD-1989-AbiteboulK #query- Object Identity as a Query Language Primitive (SA, PCK), pp. 159–173.
SIGMOD-1989-AgrawalG #database- ODE (Object Database and Environment): The Language and the Data Model (RA, NHG), pp. 36–45.
SIGMOD-1989-KiferL #higher-order #inheritance #named #reasoning- F-Logic: A Higher-Order language for Reasoning about Objects, Inheritance, and Scheme (MK, GL), pp. 134–146.
SIGMOD-1989-OhoriBT #database #polymorphism #programming #static typing #type inference- Database Programming in Machiavelli — a Polymorphic Language with Static Type Inference (AO, PB, VT), pp. 46–57.
VLDB-1989-AlashqurSL #database #named #object-oriented #query- OQL: A Query Language for Manipulating Object-oriented Databases (AMA, SYWS, HL), pp. 433–442.
VLDB-1989-Creasy #concept #named- ENIAM: A More Complete Conceptual Schema Language (PNC), pp. 107–114.
VLDB-1989-KuntzM #query #visual notation- Pasta-3’s Graphical Query Language: Direct Manipulation, Cooperative Queries, Full Expressive Power (MK, RM), pp. 97–105.
VLDB-1989-LecluseR #database #programming language- The O2 Database Programming Language (CL, PR), pp. 411–422.
PLDI-1989-ChambersU #compilation #dynamic typing #named #object-oriented #optimisation #programming language- Customization: Optimizing Compiler Technology for SELF, A Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Programming Language (CC, DU), pp. 146–160.
PLDI-1989-Fraser #code generation- A Language for Writing Code Generators (CWF), pp. 238–245.
PLDI-1989-SalomonC #parsing #programming language- Scannerless NSLR(1) Parsing of Programming Languages (DJS, GVC), pp. 170–178.
Best-of-PLDI-1989-ChambersU89a #compilation #dynamic typing #object-oriented #optimisation #programming language- A retrospective on: “customization: optimizing compiler technology for self, a dynamically-typed object-oriented programming language” (with retrospective) (CC, DU), pp. 295–312.
ICALP-1989-CulikH- Dominoes and the Regularity of DNS Splicing Languages (KCI, TH), pp. 222–233.
ICALP-1989-LiV89a #approach #complexity #formal method- A New Approach to Formal Language Theory by Kolmogorov Complexity (Preliminary Version) (ML, PMBV), pp. 506–520.
FPCA-1989-AriolaA #named #parallel- P-TAC: A Parallel Intermediate Language (ZMA, A), pp. 230–242.
FPCA-1989-Mauny #embedded #functional #parsing- Parsers and Printers as Stream Destructors and Constructors Embedded in Functional Languages (MM), pp. 360–370.
FPCA-1989-Mogensen #specification- Separating Binding Times in Language Specifications (TÆM), pp. 14–25.
FPCA-1989-Traub #approach #clustering #compilation #functional #strict- Compilation as Partitioning: A New Approach to Compiling Non-Strict Functional Languages (KRT), pp. 75–88.
CHI-1989-CohenDMPSGST #natural language- Synergistic use of direct manipulation and natural language (PRC, MD, DBM, FCNP, JWS, RAGJ, JLS, SWT), pp. 227–233.
CHI-1989-Olsen #programming language #user interface- A programming language basis for user interface (DROJ), pp. 171–176.
CHI-1989-WhalenP #hypermedia #information management #natural language- Conversational hypertext: information access through natural language dialogues with computers (TW, ASP), pp. 289–292.
ML-1989-Kokar #concept #embedded- Concept Discovery Through Utilization of Invariance Embedded in the Description Language (MMK), pp. 478–479.
ML-1989-RasZ #concept #learning- Imprecise Concept Learning within a Growing Language (ZWR, MZ), pp. 314–319.
SEKE-1989-WangS #database #query- A Form-based Pictorial Query Language For Pictorial Database (JW, QYS), pp. 152–157.
SIGIR-1989-Amsler #development #knowledge base #natural language #research #towards- Research Toward the Development of a Lexical Knowledge Base for Natural Language Processing (RAA), pp. 242–249.
ECOOP-1989-Briot #design #in the small #named- Actalk: A Testbed for Classifying and Designing Actor Languages in the Smalltalk-80 Environment (JPB), pp. 109–129.
ECOOP-1989-KafuraL #concurrent #inheritance #object-oriented- Inheritance in Actor Based Concurrent Object-Oriented Languages (DGK, KHL), pp. 131–145.
ECOOP-1989-Yelland #object-oriented #semantics #towards- First Steps Towards Fully Abstract Semantics for Object-Oriented Languages (PMY), pp. 347–364.
OOPSLA-1989-BlockC- An Extended Frame Language (FPB, NCC), pp. 151–157.
OOPSLA-1989-BosL #named #parallel #protocol- PROCOL — A Parallel Object Language with Protocols (JvdB, CL), pp. 95–102.
OOPSLA-1989-ChambersUL #dynamic typing #implementation #object-oriented #performance #prototype- An Efficient Implementation of SELF — a Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Language Based on Prototypes (CC, DU, EL), pp. 49–70.
OOPSLA-1989-ConnorDMB #inheritance #multi- An Object Addressing Mechanism for Statically Types Languages with Multiple Inheritance (RCHC, AD, RM, ALB), pp. 279–285.
OOPSLA-1989-DixonMSV #inheritance #multi #performance- A Fast Method Dispatcher for Compiled Languages with Multiple Inheritance (RD, TM, PS, MV), pp. 211–214.
OOPSLA-1989-Ferber #object-oriented- Computational Reflection in Class-Based Object-Oriented Languages (JF), pp. 317–326.
OOPSLA-1989-ShahRHB #modelling #named- DSM: An Object-Relationship Modeling Language (AVS, JER, JHH, REB), pp. 191–202.
POPL-1989-AbadiCPP #dynamic typing #static typing #type system- Dynamic Typing in a Statically-Typed Language (MA, LC, BCP, GDP), pp. 213–227.
POPL-1989-GopinathH #functional- Copy Elimination in Functional Languages (KG, JLH), pp. 303–314.
ESEC-1989-Gottler #graph grammar #implementation #paradigm #visual notation- Graph Grammars, a new Paradigm for Implementing Visual Languages (HG), pp. 336–350.
ESEC-1989-Shutt #development #program analysis #specification #tool support #using- A Rigorous Development Strategy Using the OBJ Specification Language and the MALPAS Program Analysis Tools (RNS), pp. 260–291.
ICSE-1989-JadoulDP #agile #algebra #data type #prototype #specification- An Algebraic Data Type Specification Language and Its Rapid Prototyping Environment (LJ, LD, WVP), pp. 74–84.
ICSE-1989-SaekiHE #development #natural language #process #specification- Software Development Process from Natural Language Specification (MS, HH, HE), pp. 64–73.
ICSE-1989-TichyAH #named #natural language- NLH/E: A Natural Language Help System (WFT, RA, LH), pp. 364–374.
LICS-1989-AbiteboulV #first-order #fixpoint #logic- Fixpoint Extensions of First-Order Logic and Datalog-Like Languages (SA, VV), pp. 71–79.
LICS-1989-JagadeesanPP #functional #logic #semantics- A Fully Abstract Semantics for a Functional Language with Logic Variables (RJ, PP, KP), pp. 294–303.
LICS-1989-Pfenning #logic #metaprogramming #named- Elf: A Language for Logic Definition and Verified Metaprogramming (FP), pp. 313–322.
NACLP-1989-MaherS #constraints #logic programming #programming language #query- Expanding Query Power in Constraint Logic Programming Languages (MJM, PJS), pp. 20–36.
NACLP-1989-Nystrom #concurrent #execution #logic- Variable-Free Execution of Concurrent Logic Languages (SON), pp. 536–552.
NACLP-1989-Roy #prolog #unification- An Intermediate Language to Support Prolog’s Unification (PVR), pp. 1148–1164.
RTA-1989-Gottler #graph grammar #implementation #visual notation- Graph Grammars, A New Paradigma for Implementing Visual Languages (HG), pp. 152–166.
DAC-1988-DrongowskiBRIW #design #hardware #visual notation- A Graphical Hardware Design Language (PJD, JRB, RR, SI, THW), pp. 108–114.
PODS-1988-AbiteboulV #database #declarative- Procedural and Declarative Database Update Languages (SA, VV), pp. 240–250.
PODS-1988-Kuper #logic programming #on the #power of #programming language #set- On the Expressive Power of Logic Programming Languages with Sets (GMK), pp. 10–14.
SIGMOD-1988-CareyDV #query- A Data Model and Query Language for EXODUS (MJC, DJD, SLV), pp. 413–423.
SIGMOD-1988-CarusoS #database #object-oriented- Meta-Functions and Contexts in an Object-Oriented Database Language (MC, ES), pp. 56–65.
SIGMOD-1988-DelcambreE #interpreter #relational #self- A Self-Controlling Interpreter for the Relational Production Language (LMLD, JNE), pp. 396–403.
VLDB-1988-EgenhoferF #query #towards #user interface- Towards a Spatial Query Language: User Interface Considerations (MJE, AUF), pp. 124–133.
VLDB-1988-KrishnamurthyN #horn clause #towards- Towards a Real Horn Clause Language (RK, SAN), pp. 252–263.
VLDB-1988-LingatCR #agile #prototype- Rapid Application Prototyping the PROQUEL Language (JYL, PC, CR), pp. 206–217.
ESOP-1988-BahlkeS #formal method #interactive #programming- The PSG System: From Formal Language Definitions to Interactive Programming Environments (RB, GS), pp. 374–375.
ESOP-1988-BertDEDDSW #functional #logic #named #programming language- LPG: A Generic, Logic and Functional Programming Language (DB, PD, RE, OD, DD, PYS, FW), pp. 376–377.
ESOP-1988-BretzE #exception #functional- An Exception Handling Construct for Functional Languages (MB, JE), pp. 160–174.
ESOP-1988-Heckmann #functional #specification- A Functional Language for the Specification of Complex Tree Transformations (RH), pp. 175–190.
ESOP-1988-Heckmann88a #functional #specification- A Functional Language for the Specification of Complex Tree Transformations (System Exhibition) (RH), p. 380.
ESOP-1988-Kaes #parametricity #polymorphism #programming language- Parametric Overloading in Polymorphic Programming Languages (SK), pp. 131–144.
ESOP-1988-WeemeeuwBH #architecture #data flow #implementation #logic programming #on the #programming language- On Implementing Logic Programming Languages on a Dataflow Architecture (PW, MB, MDH), pp. 359–372.
PLDI-1988-BallanceBG #abstraction #analysis #editing #incremental #syntax- Grammatical Abstraction and Incremental Syntax Analysis in a Language-Based Editor (RAB, JB, SLG), pp. 185–198.
PLDI-1988-PlebanL #automation #compilation #imperative #programming language- An Automatically Generated, Realistic Compiler for an Imperative Programming Language (UFP, PL), pp. 222–232.
PLDI-1988-YellinS #incremental #named- INC: A Language for Incremental Computations (DMY, RES), pp. 115–124.
ICALP-1988-BerstelR- Zeta Functions of Recognizable Languages (JB, CR), pp. 93–104.
ICALP-1988-FlajoletGT #probability #random- Random Allocations and Probabilistic Languages (PF, DG, LT), pp. 239–253.
ICALP-1988-LengauerW #analysis #graph #performance- Efficient Analysis of Graph Properties on Context-free Graph Languages (Extended Abstract) (TL, EW), pp. 379–393.
ICALP-1988-StraubingTT #quantifier #regular expression- regular Languages Defined with Generalized Quantifiers (HS, DT, WT), pp. 561–575.
ICALP-1988-Turakainen #decidability #equivalence- The Equivalence of DGSM Replications on Q-Rational Languages is Decidable (PT), pp. 654–666.
VDME-1988-Bear #specification- Structuring for the VDM Specification Language (SB), pp. 2–25.
VDME-1988-JagerGK #functional #named- SAMPLE — A Functional Language (MJ, MG, SK), pp. 202–217.
VDME-1988-JiangX #abstraction #execution #named #specification- NUSL: An Executable Specification Language Based on Data Abstraction (XJ, YX), pp. 124–138.
VDME-1988-Middelburg #specification- The VIP VDM Specification Language (KM), pp. 187–201.
VDME-1988-NielsenHWG #tool support- The RAISE Language, Method and Tools (MN, KH, KRW, CG), pp. 376–405.
VDME-1988-ONeill #ada #development- VDM Development with ADA as the Target Language (DO), pp. 116–123.
LFP-1988-AasaPS #functional #syntax- Concrete Syntax for Data Objects in Functional Languages (AA, KP, DS), pp. 96–105.
LFP-1988-GharachorlooSH #approach #performance- A Simple and Efficient Implmentation Approach for Single Assignment Languages (KG, VS, JLH), pp. 259–268.
LFP-1988-Lamping #programming language- A Unified System of Parameterization for Programming Languages (JL), pp. 316–326.
LFP-1988-OhoriB #database #programming language #type inference- Type Inference in a Database Programming Language (AO, PB), pp. 174–183.
LFP-1988-Reddy #object-oriented #semantics- Objects as Closures: Abstract Semantics of Object-Oriented Languages (USR), pp. 289–297.
ML-1988-Kelly- Theory Discovery and the Hypothesis Language (KTK), pp. 325–338.
SIGIR-1988-JacobsR #information retrieval #natural language- Natural Language Techniques for Intelligent Information Retrieval (PSJ, LFR), pp. 85–99.
SIGIR-1988-Veronis #fault #interface #natural language- Correction of Phonographic Errors in Natural Language Interfaces (JV), pp. 101–115.
ECOOP-1988-BuhrZ #object-oriented- Nesting in an Object-Oriented Language is NOT for the Birds (PAB, CRZ), pp. 128–145.
ECOOP-1988-ClericiO #algebra #inheritance #named #specification- GSBL: An Algebraic Specification Language Based on Inheritance (SC, FO), pp. 78–92.
ECOOP-1988-DoiKH #concurrent #implementation #kernel #object-oriented #operating system #using- An Implementation of an Operating System Kernel Using Concurrent Object-Oriented Language ABCL/c+ (ND, YK, KH), pp. 250–266.
ECOOP-1988-Dony #exception #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Exception Handling System for an Object-Oriented Language (CD), pp. 146–161.
ECOOP-1988-KnudsenM #education #object-oriented #programming language- Teaching Object-Oriented Programming Is More than Teaching Object-Oriented Programming Languages (JLK, OLM), pp. 21–40.
ECOOP-1988-LaenensV #bibliography #database #object-oriented #programming language- An Overview of OOPS+, An Object-Oriented Database Programming Language (EL, DV), pp. 350–373.
OOPSLA-1988-MatsuokaK #communication #distributed #object-oriented #tuple #using- Using Tuple Space Communication in Distributed Object-Oriented Languages (SM, SK), pp. 276–284.
OOPSLA-1988-Shibayama #approach #concurrent #distributed #how #implementation- How To Invent Distributed Implementation Schemes of an Object-Based Concurrent Language: A Transformational Approach (ES), pp. 297–305.
OOPSLA-1988-WatanabeY #concurrent #object-oriented- Reflection in an Object-Oriented Concurrent Language (TW, AY), pp. 306–315.
ALP-1988-Giovannetti #programming language- Narrowing and Resolution in Logic-Functional programming Languages (Abstract) (EG), p. 30.
ALP-1988-Moreno-NavarroR #functional #logic programming #named #programming language- BABEL: A Functional and Logic Programming Language based on Constructor Discipline and Narrowing (JJMN, MRA), pp. 223–232.
ALP-1988-Schnoebelen #compilation #functional #pattern matching- Refined Compilation of Pattern-Matching for Functional Languages (PS), pp. 233–243.
ALP-1988-You #equation- Solving Equations in an Equational Language (JHY), pp. 245–254.
PLILP-1988-Dang #definite clause grammar #interactive #specification #using- Formal Specification of Interactive Languages Using Definite Clause Grammars (WD), pp. 283–291.
POPL-1988-JohnsonD #continuation- Stores and Partial Continuations as First-Class Objects in a Language and its Environment (GFJ, DD), pp. 158–168.
ICSE-1988-Roman #concurrent #scalability #visualisation- Language and Visualization Support for Large-Scale Concurrency (GCR), pp. 296–308.
CCHSC-1988-Koskimies #aspect-oriented #implementation #re-engineering- Software Engineering Aspects in Language Implementation (KK), pp. 39–51.
CCHSC-1988-LippsMW #bibliography #case study #experience #named #program transformation #specification- OPTRAN — A Language/System for the Specification of Program Transformations: System Overview and Experiences (PL, UM, RW), pp. 52–65.
CCHSC-1988-Mughal #generative #incremental #programming #thread- Generation of Incremental Indirect Threaded Code for Language-Based Programming Environments (KAM), pp. 230–242.
PPEALS-1988-LeeSF #implementation #multi #on the- On the Implementation of Applicative Languages on Shared-Memory, MIMD Multiprocessors (CCL, SKS, JF), pp. 188–197.
CADE-1988-FeltyGHMNS #logic programming #named #programming language #prolog #λ-calculus- Lambda-Prolog: An Extended Logic Programming Language (APF, ELG, JH, DM, GN, AS), pp. 754–755.
CADE-1988-FeltyM #higher-order #logic programming #programming language #proving #specification #theorem proving- Specifying Theorem Provers in a Higher-Order Logic Programming Language (APF, DM), pp. 61–80.
CADE-1988-Simon #natural language #proving- Checking Natural Language Proofs (DS), pp. 141–150.
CADE-1988-WakayamaP- Case Inference in Resolution-Based Languages (TW, THP), pp. 313–322.
CSL-1988-BeierleDPRSS #information management #representation- The Knowledge Representation Language LLILOG (CB, JD, UP, CRR, PHS, RS), pp. 14–51.
CSL-1988-SchonfeldS #integration- Integration of Descriptive and Procedural Language Constructs (WS, WS), pp. 344–356.
JICSCP-1988-FalaschiLMP88 #declarative #logic #semantics- A New Declarative Semantics for Logic Languages (MF, GL, MM, CP), pp. 993–1005.
JICSCP-1988-HirschmanHS88 #case study #natural language- OR-Parallel Speed-Up in Natural Language Processing: A Case Study (LH, WCH, RCS), pp. 263–279.
JICSCP-1988-TrehanW88 #commit #logic #nondeterminism #parallel #parsing- A Parallel Chart Parser for the Committed Choice Non-Deterministic Logic Languages (RT, PFW), pp. 212–232.
JICSCP-1988-Zaniolo88 #data-driven #design #implementation #logic- Design and Implementation of a Logic Based Language for Data Intensive Applications (CZ), pp. 1666–1687.
DAC-1987-Brei #metalanguage #named #representation- Needed: A Meta-Language for Evaluating the Expressiveness of EDIF, IGES, VHDL and Other Representation Mechanisms (MLB), p. 565.
DAC-1987-GranackiP #interface #named #natural language #specification- PHRAN-SPAN: A Natural Language Interface for System Specifications (JJGJ, ACP), pp. 416–422.
PODS-1987-AbiteboulV #database #specification- A Transcation Language Complete for Database Update and Specification (SA, VV), pp. 260–268.
PODS-1987-BeeriNRST #database #logic #set- Sets and Negation in a Logic Database Language (LDL1) (CB, SAN, RR, OS, ST), pp. 21–37.
SIGMOD-1987-CruzMW #query #recursion #visual notation- A Graphical Query Language Supporting Recursion (IFC, AOM, PTW), pp. 323–330.
VLDB-1987-BancilhonBKV #database- FAD, a Powerful and Simple Database Language (FB, TB, SK, PV), pp. 97–105.
VLDB-1987-ChristensenZ #comparison #database #embedded #self- A Comparison of Self-Contained and Embedded Database Languages (AC, TUZ), pp. 209–216.
VLDB-1987-HowellsFG #query #relational #text-to-text- A Source-to-Source Meta-Translation System for Relational Query Languages (DIH, NJF, WAG), pp. 227–234.
PLDI-1987-BahlkeMS #debugging #generative- A generator for language-specific debugging systems (RB, BM, GS), pp. 92–101.
PLDI-1987-DavidsonG #c #interpreter #named #programming language- Cint: a RISC interpreter for the C programming language (JWD, JVG), pp. 189–198.
PLDI-1987-HarrES #documentation- Interpreting ABF — a language for document construction (HH, MWE, JS), pp. 205–213.
PLDI-1987-KearnsF #concurrent #named- CCAL: An interpreted language for experimentation in concurrent control (PK, CC, MF), pp. 283–291.
PLDI-1987-KoskimiesP #approach #named #object-oriented #tool support- TOOLS: a unifying approach to object-oriented language interpretation (KK, JP), pp. 153–164.
PLDI-1987-OBagyG #interpreter #programming language #recursion- A recursive interpreter for the Icon programming language (JO, REG), pp. 138–149.
PLDI-1987-ShebsK #automation #data type #design #implementation- Automatic design and implementation of language data types (SS, RRK), pp. 26–37.
PLDI-1987-SkedzielewskiYO #debugging #interactive #interpreter #named- DI: an interactive debugging interpreter for applicative languages (SKS, RKY, RRO), pp. 102–112.
ICALP-1987-AalbersbergH #problem- Decision Problems for Regular Trace Languages (IJA, HJH), pp. 250–259.
ICALP-1987-Karhumaki #formal method #on the #roadmap- On Recent Trends in Formal Language Theory (JK), pp. 136–162.
ICALP-1987-Pin #automaton #finite #on the- On the Language Accepted by Finite Reversible Automata (JÉP), pp. 237–249.
FPCA-1987-BrusELP #functional #graph #named- CLEAN: A language for functional graph writing (THB, MCJDvE, MOvL, MJP), pp. 364–384.
FPCA-1987-Burn #evaluation #functional #parallel- Evaluation transformers — a model for the parallel evaluation of functional languages (extended abstract) (GLB), pp. 446–470.
FPCA-1987-DarlingtonW #behaviour #functional- Controlling the behaviour of functional language systems (JD, RLW), pp. 278–300.
FPCA-1987-GautierG #declarative #named #programming #realtime- SIGNAL: A declarative language for synchronous programming of real-time systems (TG, PLG), pp. 257–277.
FPCA-1987-GrossS #array- Mapping a single-assignment language onto the Warp systolic array (TRG, AS), pp. 347–363.
HCI-CE-1987-Gonzalez-SustaetaM #database #natural language #paradigm #query #semantics- A Semantic Paradigm to Solve Natural Language Database Queries (JGS, CM), pp. 113–120.
HCI-CE-1987-Raskin #human-computer #interactive- The Role of Nature Language Processing in Human-Computer Interaction (VR), pp. 121–128.
SIGIR-1987-CroftL #approach #documentation #natural language #retrieval- An Approach to Natural Language Processing for Document Retrieval (WBC, DDL), pp. 26–32.
ECOOP-1987-America #inheritance #object-oriented #parallel #type system- Inheritance and Subtyping in a Parallel Object-Oriented Language (PA), pp. 234–242.
ECOOP-1987-BlakeC #implementation #object-oriented #on the #smalltalk- On Including Part Hierarchies in Object-Oriented Languages with an Implementation in Smalltalk (EHB, SC), pp. 41–50.
ECOOP-1987-BorningO #empirical #motivation #named- Deltatalk: An Empirically and Aesthetically Motivated Simplification of the Smalltalk-80 Language (AB, TO), pp. 1–10.
ECOOP-1987-HalbertO #inheritance #object-oriented #using- Using Types and Inheritance in Object-Oriented Languages (DCH, PDO), pp. 20–31.
ECOOP-1987-HurC #bibliography #object-oriented #parallel- Overview of a Parallel Object-Oriented Language CLIX (JHH, KC), pp. 265–273.
ECOOP-1987-MossK #concurrent #owl- Concurrency Features for the Trellis/Owl Language (JEBM, WHK), pp. 171–180.
OOPSLA-1987-AndrewsH #database #development #object-oriented- Combining Language and Database Advances in an Object-Oriented Development Environment (TA, CH), pp. 430–440.
OOPSLA-1987-BloomZ #database #design #object-oriented #programming language- Issues in the Design of Object-Oriented Database Programming Languages (TB, SBZ), pp. 441–451.
OOPSLA-1987-Rumbaugh #object-oriented #semantics- Relations as Semantic Constructs in an Object-Oriented Language (JER), pp. 466–481.
OOPSLA-1987-Wegner #design- Dimensions of Object-Based Language Design (PW), pp. 168–182.
POPL-1987-AptFK #distributed #programming- Appraising Fairness in Languages for Distributed Programming (KRA, NF, SK), pp. 189–198.
POPL-1987-CaiP #design #performance- Binding Performance at Language Design Time (JC, RP), pp. 85–97.
POPL-1987-CaspiPHP #declarative #named #programming- Lustre: A Declarative Language for Programming Synchronous Systems (PC, DP, NH, JP), pp. 178–188.
POPL-1987-CheritonW #multi #programming language- Extensions for Multi-Module Records in Conventional Programming Languages (DRC, MEW), pp. 296–306.
POPL-1987-FelleisenF #calculus #higher-order- A Calculus for Assignments in Higher-Order Languages (MF, DPF), pp. 314–325.
POPL-1987-HuizingGR #abstraction #realtime #semantics- Full Abstraction of a Real-Time Denotational Semantics for an Occam-like Language (CH, RG, WPdR), pp. 223–237.
POPL-1987-Saraswat #concurrent #logic programming #programming language #semantics- The Concurrent Logic Programming Language CP: Definition and Operational Semantics (VAS), pp. 49–62.
ESEC-1987-Christ-NeumannS #named #object-oriented #specification- ASDL — An Object-Oriented Specification Language for Syntax-Directed Environments (MLCN, HWS), pp. 71–79.
ICSE-1987-Kramer #data type #distributed #named #petri net #specification- SEGRAS — A Formal and Semigraphical Language Combining Petri Nets and Abstract Data Types for the Specification of Distributed Systems (BJK), pp. 116–125.
ASPLOS-1987-DitzelM #c #design #programming language #trade-off- Design Tradeoffs to Support the C Programming Language in the CRISP Microprocessor (DRD, HRM), pp. 158–163.
ASPLOS-1987-HayesFWZ #architecture #execution #programming language- An Architecture for the Direct Execution of the Forth Programming Language (JRH, MEF, RLW, TZ), pp. 42–49.
ASPLOS-1987-WallP #experience #using- The Mahler Experience: Using and Intermediate Language as the Machine Description (DWW, MLP), pp. 100–104.
ASPLOS-1987-Wirth #architecture #hardware #programming language- Hardware Architectures for Programming Languages and Programming Languages for Hardware Architectures (NW), pp. 2–8.
CSL-1987-Dahlhaus #approach #parallel #programming- Is SETL a Suitable Language for Parallel Programming — A Theoretical Approach (ED), pp. 56–63.
CSL-1987-Leiss #object-oriented #on the #programming language #type inference- On Type Inference for Object-Oriented Programming Languages (HL), pp. 151–172.
ICLP-1987-Ebcioglu87 #logic programming #music #performance #programming language- An Efficient Logic Programming Language and Its Application to Music (KE), pp. 513–532.
ICLP-1987-LeviP87 #approach #declarative #logic #semantics- An Approach to the Declarative Semantics of Synchronization in Logic Languages (GL, CP), pp. 877–893.
ICLP-1987-OhkiTF87 #logic programming #object-oriented #parallel #programming language- An Object-Oriented Programming Language Based on the Parallel Logic Programming Language KL1 (MO, AT, KF), pp. 894–909.
ICLP-1987-SaccaZ87 #implementation #logic #query #recursion- Implementation of Recursive Queries for a Data Language Based on Pure Horn Logic (DS, CZ), pp. 104–135.
ICLP-1987-Sato87 #concurrent #logic #named- Quty: A Concurrent Language Based on Logic and Function (MS), pp. 1034–1056.
ICLP-1987-Tamaki87 #compilation #prolog- Stream-Based Compilation of Ground I/O PROLOG into Committed-Choice Languages (HT), pp. 376–393.
LICS-1987-Goerdt #hoare #imperative #logic- Hoare Logic for λ-Terms as Basis of Hoare Logic for Imperative Languages (AG), pp. 293–299.
LICS-1987-Reynolds #algol- Conjunctive Types and Algol-like Languages (JCR), p. 119.
RTA-1987-Benois #algorithm #automaton #complexity #regular expression #term rewriting- Descendants of Regular Language in a Class of Rewriting Systems: Algorithm and Complexity of an Automata Construction (MB), pp. 121–132.
SLP-1987-BushCMD87 #experience #hardware #prolog #specification- Experience with Prolog as a Hardware Specification Language (WRB, GC, PCM, AMD), pp. 490–498.
SLP-1987-Drabent87 #logic programming #question #source code- Do Logic Programs Resemble Programs in Conventional Languages? (WD), pp. 289–396.
SLP-1987-LeviPBGM87 #logic #semantics- A Complete Semantic Characterization of K-Leaf: A Logic Language with Partial Functions (GL, CP, PGB, EG, CM), pp. 318–327.
SLP-1987-ShinNHM87 #canonical #functional #logic #unification- A Functional Logic Language Based on Canonical Unification (DWS, JHN, SH, SM), pp. 328–334.
DAC-1986-IvieL #named #simulation- STL — a high level language for simulation and test (JI, KWLL), pp. 517–523.
DAC-1986-NgTR- A language for describing rectilinear Steiner tree configurations (APCN, CDT, PR), pp. 659–662.
DAC-1986-Shahdad #bibliography- An overview of VHDL language and technology (MS), pp. 320–326.
DAC-1986-Solworth #compilation #named- GENERIC: a silicon compiler support language (JAS), pp. 524–530.
SIGMOD-1986-BunemanA #database #inheritance #persistent #programming language- Inheritance and Persistence in Database Programming Languages (PB, MPA), pp. 4–15.
SIGMOD-1986-FrassonE- Principles of an Icons-Based Command Language (CF, MEr), pp. 144–152.
VLDB-1986-JunetFL #database #named #query #semantics- ECRINS/86: An Extended Entity-Relationship Data Base Management System and its Semantic Query Language (MJ, GF, ML), pp. 259–266.
VLDB-1986-LowdenR #natural language #query #relational- The REMIT System for Paraphrasing Relational Query Expressions into Natural Language (BGTL, ANDR), pp. 365–371.
VLDB-1986-PistorA #design #interface- Designing A Generalized NF2 Model with an SQL-Type Language Interface (PP, FA), pp. 278–285.
VLDB-1986-TsurZ #named- LDL: A Logic-Based Data Language (ST, CZ), pp. 33–41.
ESOP-1986-BertE #design #functional #implementation #logic #programming language- Design and Implementation of a Generic, Logic and Functional Programming Language (DB, RE), pp. 119–132.
ESOP-1986-DahlhausM #programming language- The Choice of Programming Primitives for SETL-Like Programming Languages (ED, JAM), pp. 160–172.
ESOP-1986-GlaserH #implementation- Another Implementation Technique for Applicative Languages (HG, SH), pp. 70–81.
ESOP-1986-Nielson #code generation #correctness #metalanguage- Correctness of Code Generation from a Two-Level Meta-Language (FN), pp. 30–40.
ESOP-1986-NielsonN #aspect-oriented #metalanguage- Pragmatic Aspects of Two-Level Denotational Meta-Languages (HRN, FN), pp. 133–143.
STOC-1986-Barrington #bound #branch #source code- Bounded-Width Polynomial-Size Branching Programs Recognize Exactly Those Languages in NC¹ (DAMB), pp. 1–5.
ICALP-1986-Brandenburg #product line- Intersections of Some Families of Languages (FJB), pp. 60–68.
ICALP-1986-DymondR #context-free grammar #memory management #parallel #recognition- Parallel RAMs with Owned Global Memory and Deterministic Context-Free Language Recognition (Extended Abstract) (PWD, WLR), pp. 95–104.
ICALP-1986-HartmanisH #complexity- Complexity Classes Without Machines: On Complete Languages for UP (JH, LAH), pp. 123–135.
ICALP-1986-Hromkovic #modelling #parallel #recognition #trade-off- Tradeoffs for Language Recognition on Parallel Computing Models (JH), pp. 157–166.
ICALP-1986-Stirling #composition #concurrent #correctness #logic- A Compositional Reformulation of Owicki-Gries’s Partial Correctness Logic for a Concurrent While Language (CS), pp. 407–415.
ICALP-1986-Straubing- Semigroups and Languages of Dot-Depth 2 (HS), pp. 416–423.
LFP-1986-ClementDDK- A Simple Applicative Language: Mini-ML (DC, JD, TD, GK), pp. 13–27.
LFP-1986-FairbairnW #code generation #functional- Code Generation Techniques for Functional Languages (JF, SW), pp. 94–104.
LFP-1986-Knight #architecture #functional- An Architecture for Mostly Functional Languages (TFK), pp. 105–112.
LFP-1986-MaunyS #automaton #category theory #functional #implementation- Implementing Functional Languages in the Categorical Abstract Machine (MM, AS), pp. 266–278.
LFP-1986-NielsonN #compilation #functional #semantics- Semantics Directed Compiling for Functional Languages (HRN, FN), pp. 249–257.
LFP-1986-Thatte #equation #programming language #semantics #towards- Towards a Semantic Theory for Equational Programming Languages (SRT), pp. 332–342.
GG-1986-AalbersbergER #complexity #strict- Restricting the complexity of regular DNLC languages (IJA, JE, GR), pp. 147–166.
GG-1986-Siromoney #array #roadmap- Advances in array languages (RS), pp. 549–563.
CSCW-1986-Winograd #design- A language/action perspective on the design of cooperative work (TW), pp. 203–220.
CRAI-1986-AstesianoR #approach #programming language #semantics #tutorial- The SMoLCS Approach to the Formal Semantics of Programming Languages — A Tutorial Introduction (EA, GR), pp. 81–116.
CRAI-1986-LuckhamHMBH #ada #distributed #specification- Task Sequencing Languages for Specifying Distributed Ada Systems (DCL, DPH, SM, DLB, MAH), pp. 249–305.
CRAI-1986-Mitchell #ada #multi #programming- Engineering VAX Ada for a Multi-Language Programming Environment (CZM), pp. 30–47.
SIGIR-1986-BoscCR #named #natural language #user interface- CALIN — A User Interface Based on a Simple Natural Language (PB, MC, SR), pp. 114–122.
SIGIR-1986-Doszkocs #information retrieval #natural language #online #problem- IR, NLP, AI and UFOS: Or IR-Relevance, Natural Language Problems, Artful Intelligence and User-Friendly Online Systems (TED), pp. 49–57.
OOPSLA-1986-FukunagaH #experience #object-oriented #prolog- An Experience with a Prolog-based Object-Oriented Language (KF, SH), pp. 224–231.
OOPSLA-1986-IshikawaT #concurrent #implementation #information management #object-oriented #representation- A Concurrent Object-Oriented Knowledge Representation Language Orient84/K: Its Features and Implementation (YI, MT), pp. 232–241.
OOPSLA-1986-Jacobson #realtime #scalability- Language Support for Changeable Large Real Time Systems (IJ), pp. 377–384.
OOPSLA-1986-JonesR #distributed #kernel #object-oriented- Mach and Matchmaker: Kernel and Language Support for Object-Oriented Distributed Systems (MBJ, RFR), pp. 67–77.
OOPSLA-1986-Kaehler #memory management #object-oriented- Virtual Memory on a Narrow Machine for an Object-Oriented Language (TK), pp. 87–106.
OOPSLA-1986-KahnTMB #concurrent #logic programming #programming language- Objects in Concurrent Logic Programming Languages (KMK, EDT, MSM, DGB), pp. 242–257.
OOPSLA-1986-Snyder #encapsulation #inheritance #object-oriented #programming language- Encapsulation and Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming Languages (AS), pp. 38–45.
POPL-1986-AmericaBKR #object-oriented #parallel #semantics- Operational Semantics of a Parallel Object-Oriented Language (PA, JdB, JNK, JJMMR), pp. 194–208.
POPL-1986-Chen #compilation #parallel- A Parallel Language and its Compilation to Multiprocessor Machines or VLSI (MCC), pp. 131–139.
POPL-1986-CytronLZ- Code Motion of Control Structures in High-Level Languages (RC, AL, FKZ), pp. 70–85.
POPL-1986-LiskovHG #communication #distributed #process- Limitations of Synchronous Communication with Static Process Structure in Languages for Distributed Computing (BL, MH, LG), pp. 150–159.
POPL-1986-RepsMT #editing- Remote Attribute Updating for Language-Based Editors (TWR, CM, TT), pp. 1–13.
ICLP-1986-Beckman86 #concurrent #logic programming #programming language #semantics #towards- Towards a Formal Semantics for Concurrent Logic Programming Languages (LB), pp. 335–349.
ICLP-1986-FujitaKTM86 #compilation #logic programming #named #programming language #prolog- Tokio: Logic Programming Language Based on Temporal Logic and its Compilation to Prolog (MF, SK, HT, TMO), pp. 695–709.
ICLP-1986-Levy86a #execution #memory management- Shared Memory Execution of Committed-choice Languages (JL), pp. 298–312.
ICLP-1986-MartelliR86 #logic programming #on the #semantics- On the Semantics of Logic Programing Languages (AM, GR), pp. 327–334.
ICLP-1986-Matsumoto86 #analysis #natural language #parallel #parsing- A Parallel Parsing System for Natural Language Analysis (YM), pp. 396–409.
ICLP-1986-TakeuchiF86 #logic programming #parallel #programming language- Parallel Logic Programming Languages (AT, KF), pp. 242–254.
ICLP-1986-YangA86 #logic #named #parallel #prolog- P-Prolog: A Parallel Logic Language Based on Exclusive Relation (RY, HA), pp. 255–269.
LICS-1986-GermanCH #axiom- True Relative Completeness of an Axiom System for the Language L4 (Abridged) (SMG, EMC, JYH), pp. 11–25.
SLP-1986-BekkersCRU86 #garbage collection #implementation #logic programming #memory management #named #programming language #realtime- MALI: A Memory with a Real-time Garbage Collector for Implementing Logic Programming Languages (YB, BC, OR, LU), pp. 258–264.
SLP-1986-BoscoG86 #deduction #named- IDEAL: An Ideal Deductive Applicative Language (PGB, EG), pp. 89–94.
SLP-1986-Crammond86 #execution #nondeterminism- An Execution Model for Committed-Choice Non-Deterministic Languages (JAC), pp. 148–158.
DAC-1985-BlackmanFR #compilation- The Silc silicon compiler: language and features (TB, JRF, CR), pp. 232–237.
DAC-1985-Cory #layout #named- Layla: a VLSI layout language (WEC), pp. 245–251.
DAC-1985-GranackiKP #automation #bibliography #design #interface #natural language- The ADAM advanced design automation system: overview, planner and natural language interface (JJG, DK, ACP), pp. 727–730.
DAC-1985-Mata #named #specification- ALLENDE: a procedural language for the hierarchical specification of VLSI layouts (JMdM), pp. 183–189.
DAC-1985-MeshkinpourE #design #functional- A functional language for description and design of digital systems: sequential constructs (FM, MDE), pp. 238–244.
DAC-1985-SamadD #interface #natural language #towards- Towards a natural language interface for CAD (TS, SWD), pp. 2–8.
PODS-1985-GadiaV #database #query- A Query Language for a Homogeneous Temporal Database (SKG, JHV), pp. 51–56.
SIGMOD-1985-OzsoyogluOM #physics #summary- A Language and a Physical Organization Technique for Summary Tables (GÖ, ZMÖ, FM), pp. 3–16.
SIGMOD-1985-SellisS #database #optimisation #query- Optimization of Extended Database Query Languages (TKS, LDS), pp. 424–436.
SIGMOD-1985-Ullman #database #implementation #logic #query- Implementation of Logical Query Languages for Databases (Abstract) (JDU), p. 444.
SIGMOD-1985-VossenB #aspect-oriented #database #relational #retrieval #user interface- A High-Level User Interface for Update and Retrieval in Relational Databases — Language Aspects (GV, VB), pp. 343–353.
VLDB-1985-KlausnerG #multi #named #semantics- Multirelations — Semantice and Languages (AK, NG), pp. 251–258.
STOC-1985-BakkerMOZ #concurrent #semantics- Transition Systems, Infinitary Languages and the Semantics of Uniform Concurrency (JWdB, JJCM, ERO, JIZ), pp. 252–262.
STOC-1985-BruceL #equation #modelling #morphism- Provable Isomorphisms and Domain Equations in Models of Typed Languages (Preliminary Version) (KBB, GL), pp. 263–272.
ICALP-1985-Chrobak #automaton #multi- Hierarchies of One-Way Multihead Automata Languages (MC), pp. 101–110.
ICALP-1985-Kortelainen #commutative #regular expression- Every Commutative Quasirational Language is Regular (JK), pp. 348–355.
FPCA-1985-ODonnell85 #architecture- An Architecture that Efficiently Updates Associative Aggregates in Applicative Programing Languages (JTO), pp. 164–189.
FPCA-1985-Turner85 #functional #named #polymorphism #strict- Miranda: A Non-Strict Functional language with Polymorphic Types (DAT), pp. 1–16.
FPCA-1985-Wadler85 #backtracking #exception #functional #how #lazy evaluation #pattern matching- How to Replace Failure by a List of Successes: A method for exception handling, backtracking, and pattern matching in lazy functional languages (PW), pp. 113–128.
FPCA-1985-Young85 #architecture #composition #functional- A Functional Language and Modular Architecture for Scientific Computing (MFY), pp. 305–318.
SIGIR-1985-ChouekaKP #performance- Efficient Variants of Huffman Codes in High Level Languages (YC, STK, YP), pp. 122–130.
SIGIR-1985-Williamson #named- ANNOD — A Navigator of Natural-language Organized (Textual) Data (REW), pp. 252–266.
POPL-1985-FraserH #low level- High-Level Language Facilities for Low-Level Services (CWF, DRH), pp. 217–224.
POPL-1985-JohnsonF #editing #evaluation #incremental #metalanguage- A Meta-Language and System for Nonlocal Incremental Attribute Evaluation in Language-Based Editors (GFJ, CNF), pp. 141–151.
POPL-1985-JonesRT #distributed #interface #named #specification- Matchmaker: An Interface Specification Language for Distributed Processing (MBJ, RFR, MRT), pp. 225–235.
ICSE-1985-FrancescoLV #concurrent #debugging #interactive- An Interactive Debugger for a Concurrent Language (NDF, DL, GV), pp. 320–329.
SLP-1985-Fribourg85 #interpreter #logic programming #named #programming language- SLOG: A Logic Programming Language Interpreter Based on Clausal Superposition and Rewriting (LF), pp. 172–184.
SLP-1985-Reddy85 #functional #semantics- Narrowing as the Operational Semantics of Functional Languages (USR), pp. 138–151.
DAC-1984-Dewey #hardware- The VHSIC hardware description language (VHDL) program (AD), pp. 556–557.
DAC-1984-EvansBD #algorithm #design #named #synthesis- ADL: An algorithmic design language for integrated circuit synthesis (WHE, JCB, NHD), pp. 66–72.
DAC-1984-Lieberherr #hardware #standard #towards- Towards a standard hardware description language (KJL), pp. 265–272.
DAC-1984-OdawaraST #functional- A symbolic functional description language (GO, JS, MT), pp. 73–80.
DAC-1984-PowellE #interpreter- The icewater language and interpreter (PADP, MIE), pp. 98–102.
DAC-1984-Roach- The rectangle placement language (JAR), pp. 405–411.
DAC-1984-SlutzOW- Block description language (BDL): A structural description language (ES, GO, JW), pp. 81–85.
DAC-1984-VeigaL #hardware #multi #named- HARPA: A hierarchical multi-level hardware description language (PV, ML), pp. 59–65.
PODS-1984-Salveter #database #natural language- A Transportable Natural Language Database Update System (SCS), pp. 239–247.
PODS-1984-Snodgrass #query- The Temporal Query Language TQuel (RTS), pp. 204–213.
VLDB-1984-LamersdorfMS #modelling- Language Support for Office Modelling (WL, GM, JWS), pp. 280–288.
SCC-1984-Koskimies #analysis #semantics #specification- A specification language for one-pass semantic analysis (KK), pp. 179–189.
SCC-1984-SchmidtV #automation #compilation #multi- A multi-language compiler system with automatically generated codegenerators (US, RV), pp. 202–212.
ICALP-1984-Ferment #matrix #product line- Principality Results About Some Matrix Languages Families (DF), pp. 151–161.
ICALP-1984-Fribourg #equation #programming language- Oriented Equational Clauses as a Programming Language (LF), pp. 162–173.
ICALP-1984-MargolisP- Languages and Inverse Semigroups (SWM, JÉP), pp. 337–346.
ICALP-1984-Reisig #partial order #semantics- Partial Order Semantics versus Interleaving Semantics for CSP-like Languages and its Impact on Fairness (WR), pp. 403–413.
ICALP-1984-RestivoR #formal method #permutation- Cancellation, Pumping and Permutation in Formal Languages (AR, CR), pp. 414–422.
LFP-1984-Cardelli #compilation #functional- Compiling a Functional Language (LC), pp. 208–217.
LFP-1984-Dannenberg #functional #named #realtime- Arctic: A Functional Language for Real-Time Control (RBD), pp. 96–103.
LFP-1984-Griswold #evaluation #programming language- Expression Evaluation in the ICON Programming Language (REG), pp. 177–183.
LFP-1984-Katayama #approach #functional #programming language #type checking #type inference- Type Inference and Type Checking for Functional Programming Languages: A Reduced Computation Approach (TK), pp. 263–272.
LFP-1984-MalachiMW #named #programming language- TABLOG: The Deductive-Tableau Programming Language (YM, ZM, RJW), pp. 323–330.
LFP-1984-RivieresS #implementation- The Implementation of Procedurally Reflective Languages (JdR, BCS), pp. 331–347.
LFP-1984-Sheeran #design- muFP, A Language for VLSI Design (MS), pp. 104–112.
POPL-1984-Bandes #programming language- Constraining-Unification and the Programming Language Unicorn (RGB), pp. 106–110.
POPL-1984-Halpern #algol #axiom #hoare- A Good Hoare Axiom System for an Algol-like Language (JYH), pp. 262–271.
POPL-1984-HudakK #combinator #compilation #functional- A Combinator-Based Compiler for a Functional Language (PH, DAK), pp. 122–132.
POPL-1984-Murtagh #algol #memory management- A Less Dynamic Memory Allocation Scheme for Algol-like Languages (TPM), pp. 283–289.
POPL-1984-SuzukiT #object-oriented #performance- Creating Efficient Systems for Object-Oriented Languages (NS, MT), pp. 290–296.
ILPC-1984-CrammondM84 #architecture #logic #parallel- An Architecture for Parallel Logic Languages (JAC, CDFM), pp. 183–194.
ILPC-1984-Miklos84 #case study #comparison #logic programming #programming language- A Comparison of two Logic Programming Languages: A Case Study (MS), pp. 41–51.
SLP-1984-PortoF84 #approach #logic programming #natural language #semantics- Natural Language Semantics: A Logic Programming Approach (AP, MF), pp. 228–232.
SLP-1984-Tamaki84 #logic programming #programming language #semantics- Semantics of a Logic Programming Language with a Reducibility Predicate (HT), pp. 259–264.
DAC-1983-Hahn #design #multi- Computer Design Language — Version Munich (CDLM) a modern multi-level language (WH), pp. 4–11.
DAC-1983-LieberherrK #hardware #named- Zeus: A hardware description language for VLSI (KJL, SEK), pp. 17–23.
DAC-1983-RobinsonD #hardware- Programmimg languages for hardware description (PR, JD), pp. 12–16.
PODS-1983-Kintala #attribute grammar #query- Attributed Grammars for Query Language Translations (CMRK), pp. 137–148.
SIGMOD-1983-Zaniolo #database- The Database Language GEM (CZ), pp. 207–218.
VLDB-1983-GolshaniMS #algebra #database #query #specification- A Modal System of Algebras for Database Specification and Query/Update Language Support (FG, TSEM, MRS), pp. 331–339.
VLDB-1983-ThompsonRTS #database #interface #natural language- Building Usable Menu-Based Natural Language Interfaces To Databases (CWT, KMR, HRT, RMS), pp. 43–55.
STOC-1983-Immerman #complexity- Languages Which Capture Complexity Classes (Preliminary Report) (NI), pp. 347–354.
ICALP-1983-DelestV #algebra- Algebraic Languages and Polyominoes Enumeration (MPD, GV), pp. 173–181.
ICALP-1983-Gabarro #complexity- Initial Index: A New Complexity Function for Languages (JG), pp. 226–236.
ICALP-1983-Moller #algebra #data-driven #evaluation #functional #lazy evaluation #semantics- An Algebraic Semantics for Busy (Data-Driven) and Lazy (Demand-Driven) Evaluation and its Application to a Functional Language (BM), pp. 513–526.
ICALP-1983-RestM #complexity #finite #on the- On the Group Complexity of a Finite Language (EBLR, SWM), pp. 433–444.
Ada-1983-Persch #compilation- The Use of Diana in Compilers, Language Transformers, Formatters and Debuggers (GP), pp. 76–87.
Ada-1983-PerschD- The Intermediate Language Diana (GP, MD), pp. 23–34.
SIGIR-1983-BatesB #information retrieval #interface #natural language #using- Information Retrieval Using a Transportable Natural Language Interface (MB, RJB), pp. 81–86.
SIGIR-1983-Kukich #automation #database #generative #knowledge-based #natural language- Knowledge-Based Report Generations: A Technique for Automatically Generating Natural Language Reports from Databases (KK), pp. 246–250.
SIGIR-1983-Sopena #information management #natural language- Natural Language Grammars for an Information System (LDS), pp. 75–80.
POPL-1983-KristensenMMN #abstraction #programming language- Abstraction Mechanisms in the BETA Programming Language (BBK, OLM, BMP, KN), pp. 285–298.
POPL-1983-LampsonS #polymorphism- Practical Use of a Polymorphic Applicative Language (BWL, EES), pp. 237–255.
POPL-1983-MannaP #how #proving- How to Cook a Temporal Proof System for Your Pet Language (ZM, AP), pp. 141–154.
POPL-1983-Pratt #data flow #design #paradigm #programming- Five Paradigm Shifts in Language Design and their Realization in Viron, a Dataflow Programming Environment (VRP), pp. 1–9.
DAC-1982-DesMaraisSW #functional #modelling #simulation- A functional level modelling language for digital simulation (PJD, ESYS, PSW), pp. 315–320.
DAC-1982-LiptonNSVV #named- ALI: A procedural language to describe VLSI layouts (RJL, SCN, RS, JV, GV), pp. 467–474.
DAC-1982-MaisselO #approach #design #documentation #hardware #interactive #simulation #synthesis- Interactive design language: A unified approach to hardware simulation, synthesis and documentation (LIM, DLO), pp. 193–201.
DAC-1982-Sparr #database- A language for a scientific and engineering database system (TMS), pp. 865–871.
DAC-1982-TraceyK #hardware- A hardware description language for processor based digital systems (JHT, KSK), pp. 330–337.
SIGMOD-1982-DintelmanM #implementation #query- An Implementation of a Query Language Supporting Path Expressions (SMD, ATM), pp. 87–93.
SIGMOD-1982-Longstaff #named #query- ERQ: Controlled Inference and Instruction Techniques for DBMS Query Languages (JL), pp. 111–117.
SIGMOD-1982-MaierRSSW #independence #logic #query #relational #towards- Toward Logical Data Independence: A Relational Query Language Without Relations (DM, DR, SCS, JS, DSW), pp. 51–60.
SIGMOD-1982-ManolaP #database #named #query- CQLF — A Query Language for CODASYL-Type Databases (FM, AP), pp. 94–103.
SIGMOD-1982-SchlageterRPU #network #query- The Network Query Language NOAH (GS, MR, UP, RU), pp. 104–110.
VLDB-1982-GangopadhyayDB #approach #network #object-oriented #semantics- Semantics of Network Data Manipulation Languages: An Object-Oriented Approach (DG, UD, JCB), pp. 357–369.
VLDB-1982-LochovskyT #database #interactive #query- An Interactive Query Language for External Data Bases (FHL, DT), pp. 11–21.
SCC-1982-Bird #code generation #generative #implementation #specification- An Implementation of a Code Generator Specification Language for Table Driven Code Generators (PLB), pp. 44–55.
SCC-1982-Turba #execution- A Facility for the Downward Execution of a High-Level Language (TNT), pp. 127–133.
STOC-1982-Vardi #complexity #query #relational- The Complexity of Relational Query Languages (Extended Abstract) (MYV), pp. 137–146.
ICALP-1982-BerklingF #functional #programming language #λ-calculus- A Modification of the λ-Calculus as a Base for Functional Programming Languages (KJB, EF), pp. 35–47.
ICALP-1982-BertoniMS #equivalence #problem- Equivalence and Membership Problems for Regular Trace Languages (AB, GM, NS), pp. 61–71.
ICALP-1982-CaseL #identification #induction- Machine Inductive Inference and Language Identification (JC, CL), pp. 107–115.
ICALP-1982-EhrenfeuchtHR #context-free grammar- Conditions Enforcing Regularity of Context-Free Languages (AE, DH, GR), pp. 187–191.
ICALP-1982-EhrenfeuchtR #morphism- Repetitions in Homomorphisms and Languages (AE, GR), pp. 192–211.
ICALP-1982-HarelK #induction #programming language #set- A Programming Language for the Inductive Sets, and Applications (DH, DK), pp. 313–329.
ICALP-1982-KrevnerY #precedence #theorem- An Iteration Theorem for Simple Precedence Languages (Extended Abstract) (YK, AY), pp. 360–368.
ICALP-1982-Winskel #semantics- Event Structure Semantics for CCS and Related Languages (GW), pp. 561–576.
LFP-1982-EggertS #logic programming #programming language- Logic Enhancement: A Metho for Extending Logic Programming Languages (PRE, DVS), pp. 74–80.
LFP-1982-Hughes #combinator #implementation- Super Combinators: A New Implementation Method for Applicative Languages (RJMH), pp. 1–10.
LFP-1982-MacQueenS #semantics- A Semantic Model of Types for Applicative Languages (DBM, RS), pp. 243–252.
LFP-1982-Moss #how #prolog #using- How to Define a Language Using PROLOG (CDSM), pp. 67–73.
GG-1982-HabelK #on the- On context-free gragh languages generated by edge replacement (AH, HJK), pp. 143–158.
GG-1982-JanssensR #generative #graph- Hypergraph systems generating graph languages (DJ, GR), pp. 172–185.
GG-1982-MaurerRW- Chain code picture languages (HAM, GR, EW), pp. 232–244.
GG-1982-Messerschmidt #automation #graph #natural language- Graph transductions in the field of automatic translation of natural languages (JM), pp. 255–266.
GG-1982-Schnitzler #graph #morphism #problem- The isomorphism problem is polynomially solvable for certain graph languages (MS), pp. 369–379.
SIGIR-1982-Doszkocs #information management #natural language #research- From Research to Application: The Cite Natural Language Information System (TED), pp. 251–262.
POPL-1982-Cooper #database #on the #power of #query #relational- On the Expressive Power of Query Languages for Relational Databases (ECC), pp. 361–365.
POPL-1982-GansnerHKMS #correctness #query #semantics- Semantics and Correctness of a Query Language Translation (EG, JRH, CMRK, DJM, PS), pp. 289–298.
POPL-1982-JohnsonF #editing- Non-Syntactic Attribute Flow in Language Based Editors (GFJ, CNF), pp. 185–195.
POPL-1982-Komorowski #data type #implementation #partial evaluation #prolog- Partial Evaluation as a Means for Inferencing Data Structures in an Applicative Language: A Theory and Implementation in the Case of Prolog (HJK), pp. 255–267.
POPL-1982-Sandberg #flexibility #named #syntax- Lithe: A Language Combining a Flexible Syntax, Classes (DS), pp. 142–145.
POPL-1982-Voda #named #operating system #programming language- Maple: a Programming Language, Operating System (PJV), pp. 157–168.
ICSE-1982-BabichWW #ada #design #tool support- Design Considerations in Language Processing Tools for Ada (WAB, LW, MW), pp. 40–47.
ICSE-1982-MuraiSDMF #specification- Requirement Specification Description System in Japanese Language — JISDOS (JM, NS, ND, MM, TF), pp. 127–136.
ICSE-1982-RudmikCC #consistency #design #embedded- Consistency Checking within Embedded Design Languages (AR, BEC, HC), pp. 236–245.
ICSE-1982-ShiratoriGN #communication #design #protocol- A New Design Language for Communication Protocols and a Systematic Design Method of Communication Systems (NS, JG, SN), pp. 403–413.
ASPLOS-1982-BerenbaumCL #operating system- The Operating System and Language Support Features of the BELLMAC-32 Microprocessor (ADB, MWC, PML), pp. 30–38.
ILPC-1982-ChakravarthyMT82 #database #logic #relational- Interfacing Predicate Logic Languages and Relational Databases (USC, JM, DT), pp. 91–98.
ILPC-1982-Ennals82 #education #logic- Teaching Logic as a Computer Language in Schools (RE), pp. 99–104.
ILPC-1982-Eshghi82 #fault #logic #metalanguage #programming- Application of Meta-language Programming to Fault Finding in Logic Circuits (KE), pp. 240–246.
ILPC-1982-MaluszynskiN82 #comparison #logic programming #programming language #prolog- A Comparison of the Logic Programming Language Prolog with Two-levels Grammars (JM, JFN), pp. 193–199.
ILPC-1982-Nakashima82 #named #prolog- Prolog/KR — Language Features (HN), pp. 65–70.
ILPC-1982-Pasero82 #natural language- A Dialogue in Natural Language (RP), pp. 231–239.
ILPC-1982-PereiraSO82 #evaluation #named #natural language- ORBI — An Expert System for Environmental Resource Evaluation through Natural Language (LMP, PS, EO), pp. 200–209.
ILPC-1982-Pique82 #natural language #on the #representation #semantics- On a Semantic Representation of Natural Language Sentences (JFP), pp. 215–223.
ILPC-1982-Porto82 #logic #named #programming- Epilog: A Language for Extended Programming in Logic (AP), pp. 31–37.
DAC-1981-GoatesP #array #design #layout #lisp #logic #modelling #named- ABLE: A LISP-based layout modeling language with user-definable procedural models for storage/logic array design (GBG, SSP), pp. 322–329.
DAC-1981-HoltS #design #specification- BOLT-a block oriented design specification language (DH, SS), pp. 276–279.
DAC-1981-Lambert #design #physics- Graphics language / one — IBM Corporate-Wide physical design data format (DRL), pp. 713–719.
DAC-1981-Trimberger #interactive #layout- Combining graphics and a layout language in a single interactive system (ST), pp. 234–239.
SIGMOD-1981-LuoY #information management- Form Operation By Example: A Language For Office Information Processing (DL, SBY), pp. 212–223.
VLDB-1981-BorgidaW #modelling #proving #semantics- Data Models and Data Manipulation Languages: Complementary Semantics and Proof Theory (AB, HKTW), pp. 260–271.
STOC-1981-Leivant #complexity #independence #parametricity #polymorphism #programming language #theorem- The Complexity of Parameter Passing in Polymorphic Procedures (or: Programming Language Theorems Independent of Very Strong Theories) (DL), pp. 38–45.
STOC-1981-Orlin #complexity #optimisation #problem- The Complexity of Dynamic Languages and Dynamic Optimization Problems (JBO), pp. 218–227.
ICALP-1981-BlattnerL #bound- Parikh-Bounded Languages (MB, ML), pp. 316–323.
ICALP-1981-Istrail #product line- Chomsky-Schützenberger Representations for Families of Languages and Grammatical Types (SI), pp. 333–347.
ICALP-1981-Reutenauer #regular expression- A New Characterization of the Regular Languages (CR), pp. 177–183.
PS-1981-EhrigKTWW #algebra #parametricity #specification- Parameter Passing in Algebraic Specification Languages (HE, HJK, JWT, EGW, JBW), pp. 322–369.
PS-1981-KapurMS #named- Tecton: A Language for Manipulating Generic Objects (DK, DRM, AAS), pp. 402–414.
PS-1981-Sorensen #specification- A Specification Language (IHS), pp. 381–401.
POPL-1981-Chandra #database #programming- Programming Primitives for Database Languages (AKC), pp. 50–62.
POPL-1981-Condry- Paging as a “Language Processing” Task (MWC), pp. 63–76.
POPL-1981-HalpernM #axiom #programming language- Axiomatic Definitions of Programming Languages, II (JYH, ARM), pp. 139–148.
ICSE-1981-CashinJKL #composition #experience- Experience with a Modular Typed Language: PROTEL (PMC, MLJ, RFK, DML), pp. 136–143.
ICSE-1981-Lewis- Beyond ALBE/P: Language Neutral Form (JWL), pp. 422–429.
ICSE-1981-MyersO #fortran- BIGMAC II: A FORTRAN Language Augmentation Tool (EWM, LJO), pp. 410–421.
SIGMOD-1980-AllchinKW #independence #named- FLASH: A Language-Independent, Portable File Access System (JEA, AMK, GW), pp. 151–156.
SIGMOD-1980-HammerB #data-driven #named #programming language- DIAL: A Programming Language for Data Intensive Applications (MH, BB), pp. 75–92.
VLDB-1980-Date #database- An Introduction to the Unified Database Language (UDL) (CJD), pp. 15–32.
VLDB-1980-Demolombe #calculus #estimation #query #tuple- Estimation of the Number of Tuples Satisfying a Query Expressed in Predicate Calculus Language (RD), pp. 55–63.
ICALP-1980-AlbertC #context-free grammar #equivalence #morphism #testing- Test Sets for Homomorphism Equivalence on Context Free Languages (JA, KCI), pp. 12–18.
ICALP-1980-AlbertW- Languages with Homomorphic Replacements (JA, LMW), pp. 19–29.
ICALP-1980-AstesianoC- Languages with Reducing Reflective Types (EA, GC), pp. 38–50.
ICALP-1980-EhrenfeuchtR- DOS Systems and Languages (AE, GR), pp. 134–141.
ICALP-1980-EhrigKTWW #algebra #data type #specification- Parameterized Data Types in Algebraic Specification Languages (Short Version) (HE, HJK, JWT, EGW, JBW), pp. 157–168.
ICALP-1980-LangmaackO #hoare #programming language- Present-Day Hoare-Like Systems for Programming Languages with Procedures: Power, Limits and most Likely Expressions (HL, ERO), pp. 363–373.
LISP-1980-BurstallMS #named- HOPE: An Experimental Applicative Language (RMB, DBM, DS), pp. 136–143.
LISP-1980-EmanuelsonH #compilation #embedded #lisp #on the- On Compiling Embedded Languages in LISP (PE, AH), pp. 208–215.
LISP-1980-Print #parallel- Explicit Parallelism in LISP-like Languages (GP), pp. 13–18.
TFDA-1980-Bjorner #metalanguage- Reference Manual for the Meta-Language (DB), pp. 607–623.
SIGIR-1980-Hirschman- Retrieving Time Information From Natural-Language Texts (LH), pp. 154–171.
SIGIR-1980-MazlackF #database #query- Establishing a Basis for Mapping Natural-Language Statements Onto a Database Query Language (LJM, RAF), pp. 192–202.
POPL-1980-DemersD80a #design #principle- “Type-Completeness” as a Language Design Principle (AJD, JED), pp. 234–244.
POPL-1980-Klint #bibliography #programming language- An Overview of the Summer Programming Language (PK), pp. 47–55.
POPL-1980-MeyerH #assessment #axiom #programming language- Axiomatic Definitions of Programming Languages: A Theoretical Assessment (ARM, JYH), pp. 203–212.
POPL-1980-MorrisSW #experience #string- Experience with an Applicative String Processing Language (JHMJ, ES, PW), pp. 32–46.
POPL-1980-Sethi #case study #programming language #semantics #specification- A Case Study in Specifying the Semantics of a Programming Language (RS), pp. 117–130.
SDCG-1980-DeRemerJ #compilation- Tree-affix dendrogrammars for languages and compilers (FD, RJ), pp. 300–319.
DAC-1979-Ayres #specification- IC specification language (RA), pp. 307–309.
DAC-1979-Chu #concept #design- Concepts of a microcomputer design language (YC), pp. 45–52.
DAC-1979-Cleemput #hardware- Computer hardware description languages and their applications (WMvC), pp. 554–560.
SIGMOD-1979-BunemanF #functional #named #query- FQL — A Functional Query Language (PB, REF), pp. 52–58.
SIGMOD-1979-Shipman #functional- The Functional Data Model and the Data Language DAPLEX (Abstract) (DWS), p. 59.
VLDB-1979-Dahl #database #deduction #design #logic #natural language- Logical Design of Deductive Natural Language Consultable Data Bases (VD), pp. 24–31.
VLDB-1979-Demolombe #calculus #semantics- Semantic Checking of Questions Expressed in Predicate Calculus Language (RD), pp. 444–450.
VLDB-1979-Pirotte #design #relational- Fundamental and Secondary Issues in the Design of Non-Procedural Relational Languages (AP), pp. 239–250.
VLDB-1979-Sandewall- A Description Language and Pilot-System Executive for Information-Transport Systems (ES), pp. 101–110.
SCC-1979-DoneganNF #code generation- A code generator generator language (MKD, REN, SF), pp. 58–64.
SCC-1979-Frailey #independence #optimisation- An intermediate language for source and target independent code optimization (DJF), pp. 188–200.
SCC-1979-GrahamJR- Hashed symbol tables for languages with explicit scope control (SLG, WNJ, OR), pp. 50–57.
SCC-1979-LeBlancF #compilation #implementation #on the- On implementing separate compilation in block-structured languages (RJL, CNF), pp. 139–143.
SCC-1979-Nelson #comparison #pascal- A comparison of PASCAL intermediate languages (PAN), pp. 208–213.
STOC-1979-ODonnell #independence #programming language #theorem- A Programming Language Theorem Which Is Independent of Peano Arithmetic (MO), pp. 176–188.
ICALP-1979-Chottin #strict #term rewriting- Strict Deterministic Languages and Controlled Rewriting Systems (LC), pp. 104–117.
ICALP-1979-Culik #on the #product line- On the Homomorphic Characterizations of Families of Languages (KCI), pp. 161–170.
ICALP-1979-FichB- A Characterization of a Dot-Depth Two Analogue of Generalized Definite Languages (FEF, JAB), pp. 230–244.
ICALP-1979-Hartmanis #on the- On the Succintness of Different Representations of Languages (JH), pp. 282–288.
ICALP-1979-Istrail #fixpoint #monad #recursion #semantics #source code #theorem- A Fixed-Point Theorem for Recursive-Enumerable Languages and Some Considerations About Fixed-Point Semantics of Monadic Programs (SI), pp. 289–303.
ICALP-1979-Rozenberg #approach #formal method #parallel- A Systematic Approach to Formal Language Theory Through Parallel Rewriting (GR), pp. 471–478.
ICALP-1979-Ruzzo #complexity #context-free grammar #on the #parsing #recognition- On the Complexity of General Context-Free Language Parsing and Recognition (Extended Abstract) (WLR), pp. 489–497.
ICALP-1979-Selman #behaviour #polynomial #set- P-Selective Sets, Tally Languages, and the Behavior of Polynomial Time Reducibilities on NP (ALS), pp. 546–555.
ICALP-1979-Therien- Languages of Nilpotent and Solvable Groups (Extended Abstract) (DT), pp. 616–632.
ICALP-1979-Wegner #approach #decidability #two-level grammar- Bracketed Two-Level Grammars — A Decidable and Practical Approach to Language Definitions (LMW), pp. 668–682.
POPL-1979-AhoU #retrieval- The Universality of Data Retrieval Languages (AVA, JDU), pp. 110–120.
POPL-1979-CasanovaB #logic #relational- The Logic of a Relational Data Manipulation Language (MAC, PAB), pp. 101–109.
POPL-1979-Fong #automation #source code- Automatic Improvement of Programs in Very High Level Languages (ACF), pp. 21–28.
POPL-1979-GreifM #programming language #semantics #specification- Specifying Programming Language Semantics (IG, ARM), pp. 180–189.
ICSE-1979-BanatreB #process- Language Features for Description of Cooperating Processes (JPB, MB), pp. 308–314.
DAC-1978-Kleine #automation #design #documentation #process- Automating the software design process by means of software design and documentation language (HK), pp. 371–379.
SIGMOD-1978-Morgan #interface #natural language- Natural Language Interfaces (HLM), p. 1.
SIGMOD-1978-MylopoulosBW #design #interactive- A Language Facility for Designing Interactive Database-Intensive Applications (Abstract) (JM, PAB, HKTW), p. 17.
VLDB-1978-Atkinson #database #programming language- Programming Languages and Databases (MPA), pp. 408–419.
VLDB-1978-Manola #database #framework #on the- On Relating the CODASYL Database Languages and the ANSI/SPARC Framework (FM), p. 132.
VLDB-1978-Raben #database #natural language- Natural Language Data Bases (JR), p. 144.
ICALP-1978-AlbertMR #generative- Simple EOL Forms under Uniform Interpretation Generating CF Languages (JA, HAM, GR), pp. 1–14.
ICALP-1978-Berman #complexity- Relationship Between Density and Deterministic Complexity of NP-Complete Languages (PB), pp. 63–71.
VDM-1978-Bjorner #metalanguage #programming #tutorial- Programming in the META-Language: A Tutorial (DB), pp. 24–217.
VDM-1978-Bjorner78a #abstraction #operating system #pl-i #specification #tutorial- Software Abstraction Principles: Tutorial Examples of: An Operating System Command Language Specification, and a PL/I-like On-Condition Language Definition (DB), pp. 337–374.
VDM-1978-Jones #metalanguage- The META-Language: A Reference Manual (CBJ), pp. 218–277.
VDM-1978-Lucas #formal method #on the #programming language- On the Formalization of Programming Languages: Early History and Main Approaches (PL), pp. 1–23.
GG-1978-Kreowski #graph- A Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Graph Languages (HJK), pp. 270–283.
GG-1978-Pratt #graph #programming language #semantics #using- Definition of Programming Language Semantics Using Grammars for Hierarchical Graphs (TWP), pp. 389–400.
SIGIR-1978-BaxterJ #database #query #relational- A Block Structured Query Language for Accessing a Relational Data Base (AQB, RRJ), pp. 109–130.
POPL-1978-JoshiLY #constraints #programming language #semantics #syntax- Local Constraints in the Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages (AKJ, LSL, KY), pp. 255–264.
ICSE-1978-Fisher #design #higher-order #interactive #requirements- The Interaction Between the Preliminary Designs and the Technical Requirements for the DoD Common High Order Language (DAF), pp. 82–83.
DAC-1977-Cleemput- An hierarchical language for the structural description of digital systems (WMvC), pp. 377–385.
DAC-1977-EvangelistiGO #design- Designing with LCD: language for computer design (CJE, GG, HO), pp. 369–376.
DAC-1977-JaffeY #automation #diagrams #using- Automating analog circuit diagrams using a list processing language (RCJ, JPY), pp. 391–395.
DAC-1977-PedroG #algorithm #automation #design #named #set- DOCIL: An automatic system for printed circuit board (PCB) designing. A board description language and an algorithm to connect a set of points (TdP, RG), pp. 174–181.
SIGMOD-1977-Scheuermann #concept #database #simulation- Concepts of a Data Base Simulation Language (PS), pp. 144–156.
SIGMOD-1977-Schmidt- Some High-level Language Constructs for Data of Type Relation (Abstract) (JWS), p. 9.
SIGMOD-1977-Swartwout #database #network #specification- An Access Path Specification Language for Restructuring Network Databases (DES), pp. 88–101.
VLDB-1977-AntonacciDST #implementation #problem #query #relational- Structure and Implementation of a Relational Query Language for the Problem Solver (FA, PD, VNS, AT), pp. 351–358.
VLDB-1977-Harris #database #natural language #query- User-Oriented Data Base Query with the ROBOT Natural Language Query System (LRH), pp. 303–312.
VLDB-1977-HendrixSSS #interface #natural language- Developing a Natural Language Interface to Complex Data (GGH, EDS, DS, JS), p. 292.
VLDB-1977-KambayashiTY #relational- A Relational Data Language with Simplified Binary Relation Handling Capability (YK, KT, SY), pp. 338–350.
VLDB-1977-LacroixP #relational- Domain-Oriented Relational Languages (ML, AP), pp. 370–378.
VLDB-1977-StonebrakerR #programming language- Observations on Data Manipulation Languages and Their Embedding in General Purpose Programming Languages (MS, LAR), pp. 128–143.
STOC-1977-Beatty #ll #theorem- Iteration Theorems for LL(k) Languages (JCB), pp. 122–131.
ICALP-1977-Brandenburg #bound #context-sensitive grammar- The Contextsensitivity Bounds of Contextsensitive Grammars and Languages (FJB), pp. 120–134.
ICALP-1977-Damm- Languages Defined by Higher Type Program Schemes (WD), pp. 164–179.
ICALP-1977-DikovskyM #ambiguity #context-free grammar #on the- On Three Types of Unambiguity of Context-Free Languages (AJD, LSM), pp. 193–205.
ICALP-1977-HopnerO- Renaming and Erasing in Szilard Languages (MH, MO), pp. 244–257.
ICALP-1977-Monien- About the Derivation Languages of Grammars and Machines (BM), pp. 337–351.
ICALP-1977-Streinu #finite #ll- LL(k) Languages are Closed Under Union with Finite Languages (IS), pp. 504–508.
ICALP-1977-Sudborough #complexity- The Time and Tape Complexity of Developmental Languages (IHS), pp. 509–523.
POPL-1977-CherniavskyK #consistency #hoare #programming language #semantics- A Complete and Consistent Hoare Semantics for a Simple Programming Language (JCC, SNK), pp. 1–9.
POPL-1977-Clarke #axiom #hoare #programming language- Programming Language Constructs for Which it is Impossible to Obtain “Good” Hoare-Like Axiom Systems (EMC), pp. 10–20.
POPL-1977-Fong- Generalized Common Subexpressions in Very High Level Languages (ACF), pp. 48–57.
DAC-1976-AkbenH- A language for selective distortion of spatial structures (FA, SGH), pp. 141–150.
DAC-1976-Hubbard #design- Language extensibility and program design (RDHJ), pp. 371–376.
SIGMOD-1976-Date #architecture #database- An Architecture for High-Level Language Database Extensions (CJD), pp. 101–122.
SIGMOD-1976-DeheneffeH #database #named #network- NUL: A Navigational User’s Language for a Network Structured Data Base (CD, HH), pp. 135–142.
SIGMOD-1976-Tsichritzis #named- LSL: A Link and Selector Language (DT), pp. 123–133.
VLDB-1976-Bekke #data type #relational- A Data Manipulation Language for Relational Data Structures (JHtB), pp. 159–168.
VLDB-1976-HartsonH #database #semantics- A Semantic Model for Data Base Protection Languages (HRH, DKH), pp. 27–42.
STOC-1976-GrahamHR #context-free grammar #on the #polynomial #recognition- On Line Context Free Language Recognition in Less than Cubic Time (Extended Abstract) (SLG, MAH, WLR), pp. 112–120.
STOC-1976-Sudborough #automaton #context-free grammar #multi #on the #power of- On Deterministic Context-Free Languages, Multihead Automata, and the Power of an Auxiliary Pushdown Store (IHS), pp. 141–148.
ICALP-1976-Linna #context-free grammar #on the- On ω-sets Associated with Context-Free Languages (ML), pp. 1–19.
ICALP-1976-Soisalon-SoininenU #ll- A Characterization of LL(k) Languages (ESS, EU), pp. 20–30.
DIPL-1976-AndrewsM #parallel- Language features for parallel processing and resource control (GRA, JRM), pp. 243–287.
DIPL-1976-Cheatham #design #programming language- Programming language design issues (TECJ), pp. 399–435.
DIPL-1976-Dennis #concurrent #design- A language design for structured concurrency (JBD), pp. 231–242.
DIPL-1976-DreisbachW #realtime #requirements- Requirements for real-time languages (TAD, LW), pp. 298–312.
DIPL-1976-FischerL #data access #runtime- Run-time checking of data access in Pascal-like languages (CNF, RJL), pp. 215–230.
DIPL-1976-Fisher #programming language- The Common Programming Language Effort of the Department of Defense (DF), pp. 1–6.
DIPL-1976-IchbiahF #compilation #implementation- Language definition and compilation in LIS and its implementation (JI, GF), pp. 288–297.
DIPL-1976-London #design #verification- Remarks on the impact of program verification on language design (RLL), pp. 313–320.
DIPL-1976-RichardL #design- A reminder for language designers (FR, HFL), pp. 345–389.
POPL-1976-FongU #induction- Induction Variables in Very High Level Languages (ACF, JDU), pp. 104–112.
POPL-1976-JonesM #design #optimisation #programming language #towards- Binding Time Optimization in Programming Languages: Some Thoughts Toward the Design of an Ideal Language (NDJ, SSM), pp. 77–94.
ICSE-1976-Chow- A Generalized Assertion Language (TSC), pp. 392–399.
ICSE-1976-Chu #design- Introducing a Software Design Language (YC), pp. 297–304.
ICSE-1976-Feldman #case study #programming language- New Languages from Old: The Extension of Programming Languages by Embedding, with a Case Study (MBF), pp. 237–242.
ICSE-1976-JonesL #data access- A Language Extension for Controlling Access to Shared Data (Abstract) (AKJ, BL), p. 235.
ICSE-1976-KerschbergOP #query #relational- A Synthetic English Query Language for a Relational Accociative Processor (LK, EAO, JESP), pp. 505–519.
ICSE-1976-Mashey #programming language #using- Using a Command Language as a High-Level Programming Language (JRM), pp. 169–176.
ICSE-1976-Wexelblat #design #how #programming- Maxims for Malfeasant Designers, or How to Design Languages to Make Programming as Difficult as Possible (RLW), pp. 331–336.
DAC-1975-ThompsonB #interface #specification- A module interface specification language (EWT, RFB), pp. 42–49.
SIGMOD-1975-AstrahanC #implementation #query- Implementation of a Structured English Query Language (Abstract) (MMA, DDC), p. 54.
SIGMOD-1975-Schneider #named #network #specification- DSCL — A Data Specification and Conversion Language for Networks (GMS), pp. 139–148.
SIGMOD-1975-ShuHL #named- CONVERT: A High Level Translation Definition Language for Data Conversion (Abstract) (NCS, BCH, VYL), p. 111.
VLDB-1975-Hill #named- Datalanguage: The Access Language on the Datacomputer (JMH), pp. 591–592.
STOC-1975-EgliC #concept #programming language #semantics- Computability Concepts for Programming Language Semantics (HE, RLC), pp. 98–106.
STOC-1975-EhrenfeuchtR #formal method #on the #predict- On (Un)predictability of Formal Languages (Extended Abstract) (AE, GR), pp. 117–120.
STOC-1975-EhrenfeuchtR75a #combinator #interactive #on the- On the (Combinatorial) Structure of L Languages without Interactions (AE, GR), pp. 137–144.
STOC-1975-Perrault #theorem #transducer- Intercalation Theorems for Tree Transducer Languages (CRP), pp. 126–136.
STOC-1975-Skyum #on the #parallel- On Decomposing Languages Defined by Parallel Devices (SS), pp. 121–125.
STOC-1975-Wotschke #polynomial #problem #recognition- Degree-Languages, Polynomial Time Recognition, and the LBA Problem (DW), pp. 145–152.
POPL-1975-CookO #data type- An Assertion Language for Data Structures (SAC, DCO), pp. 160–166.
POPL-1975-Ligler #approach #design- A Mathematical Approach to Language Design (GTL), pp. 41–53.
POPL-1975-Naur #natural language #programming language- Programming Languages, Natural Languages, and Mathematics (PN), pp. 137–148.
POPL-1975-Schwartz #automation #data type- Automatic Data Structure Choice in a Language of Very High Level (JTS), pp. 36–40.
SIGFIDET-1974-ChamberlinB #named #query- SEQUEL: A Structured English Query Language (DDC, RFB), pp. 249–264.
SIGFIDET-1974-Lucking #database #development- Data Base Languages, in Particular DDL, Development at CODASYL (JRL), pp. 35–50.
SIGFIDET-1974-MertenF #approach- A Data Description Language Approach to File Translation (AGM, JPF), pp. 191–205.
SIGFIDET-1974-RamirezRP #automation #generative #source code #using- Automatic Generation of Data Conversion Programs Using A Data Description Language (JAR, NAR, NSP), pp. 207–225.
STOC-1974-BookNP #bound #context-free grammar #linear #multi- Intersections of Linear Context-Free Languages and Reversal-Bounded Multipushdown Machines (Extended Abstract) (RVB, MN, MP), pp. 290–296.
STOC-1974-CookS #polynomial #requirements- Storage Requirements for Deterministic Polynomial Time Recognizable Languages (SAC, RS), pp. 33–39.
STOC-1974-CourcelleV #axiom #recursion #semantics- Semantics and Axiomatics of a Simple Recursive Language (BC, JV), pp. 13–26.
STOC-1974-HuntR #context-free grammar- Computational Parallels between the Regular and Context-Free Languages (HBHI, DJR), pp. 64–74.
ICALP-1974-Blattner #context-free grammar #set- Transductions of Context-Free Languages into Sets of Sentential Forms (MB), pp. 511–522.
ICALP-1974-EhrenfeuchtR #morphism #term rewriting #trade-off- Trade-off between the Use of Nonterminals, Codings and Homomorphisms in Defining Languages for Some Classes of Rewriting Systems (AE, GR), pp. 473–480.
ICALP-1974-Leeuwen #formal method #theorem- A Generalisation of Parikh’s Theorem in Formal Language Theory (JvL), pp. 17–26.
ICALP-1974-PaciniMT #graph #recursion #representation- Graph Representation and Computation Rules for Typeless Recursive Languages (GP, CM, FT), pp. 157–169.
ICALP-1974-ShamirB- Checking Stacks and Context-Free Programmed Grammars Accept p-complete Languages (ES, CB), pp. 27–33.
DAC-1973-Mitchell #standard- A standard test language — GOAL (Ground Operations Aerospace Language) (TRM), pp. 87–96.
DAC-1973-PerskyG #named- GRAFOS — A symbolic routing language (GP, HKG), pp. 173–181.
STOC-1973-Greibach #context-free grammar #polynomial- Jump PDA’s, Deterministic Context-Free Languages Principal AFDLs and Polynomial Time Recognition-Extended Abstract (SAG), pp. 20–28.
STOC-1973-Hunt #complexity #on the- On the Time and Tape Complexity of Languages I (HBHI), pp. 10–19.
STOC-1973-Vuillemin #implementation #programming language #recursion- Correct and Optimal Implementations of Recursion in a Simple Programming Language (JV), pp. 224–239.
STOC-1973-Wagner #algebra #programming language- From Algebras to Programming Languages (EGW), pp. 214–223.
SIGIR-1973-Claybrook #implementation #named #retrieval- FOL: A Language for Implementing File Organizations for Information Storage and Retrieval Systems (BGC), pp. 101–112.
SIGIR-1973-Crouch #evaluation #implementation #retrieval- An Evaluation of Languages for the Implementation of Information Storage and Retrieval Systems (CJC), pp. 113–117.
SIGIR-1973-MartinG #design #information retrieval #interactive- Language Decisions Made While Designing an Interactive Information Retrieval System (THM, RLG), pp. 86–100.
SIGIR-1973-Waksman #information retrieval #query- Information Retrieval and the Query Language (AW), pp. 61–70.
POPL-1973-Backus #programming language #semantics- Programming Language Semantics and Closed Applicative Languages (JWB), pp. 71–86.
SIGFIDET-1972-Raichelson #concept #information management- A Concept Paper on “Host” vs. “Own” Data Manipulation Languages in Military Information Systems (ER), pp. 67–75.
SIGFIDET-1972-Smith #using- A Method for Data Translation Using the Stored Data Definition and Translation Task Group Languages (DCPS), pp. 107–124.
STOC-1972-Hamlet #independence #problem #programming language- A Patent Problem for Abstract Programming Languages: Machine-Independent Computations (RGH), pp. 193–197.
STOC-1972-LindenmayerR- Developmental Systems and Languages (AL, GR), pp. 214–221.
ICALP-1972-AguzziPS #algorithm #approach #programming language #semantics- An Algorithmic Approach to the Semantics of Programming Languages (GA, RP, RS), pp. 147–166.
ICALP-1972-Baker #context-free grammar #context-sensitive grammar #generative- Context-Sensitive Grammars Generating Context-Free Languages (BSB), pp. 501–506.
ICALP-1972-Bertoni #approximate #complexity #probability #problem- Complexity Problems Related to the Approximation of Probabilistic Languages and Events by Deterministic Machines (AB), pp. 507–516.
ICALP-1972-Book #complexity #formal method- Complexity Classes of Formal Languages (Extended Abstract) (RVB), pp. 517–520.
ICALP-1972-Kuroda #on the #similarity- On Structural Similarity of Phrase-Structure Languages (SYK), pp. 467–474.
ICALP-1972-Linna #finite #regular expression- Finite Power Property of Regular Languages (ML), pp. 87–98.
ICALP-1972-Thierrin- Convex Languages (GT), pp. 481–492.
ICALP-1972-Turner #approach #complexity #infinity- An Infinite Hierarchy of Term Languages — An Approach to Mathematical Complexity (RT), pp. 593–608.
ICALP-1972-WeissMS #algebra #context-free grammar #parsing- Algebraic Parsing Techniques for Context-Free Languages (SFW, GM, DFS), pp. 493–498.
ICALP-1972-Zalcstein- Syntactic Semigroups of Some Classes of Star-Free Languages (YZ), pp. 135–144.
DAC-1971-BarayS #design #modelling- A digital system modeling philosophy and design language (MB, SYHS), pp. 1–22.
DAC-1971-BaraySC #design- The structure and operation of a design language compatible simulator (MB, SYHS, RLC), pp. 23–34.
DAC-1971-SuBC #modelling- A system modeling language translator (SYHS, MB, RLC), pp. 35–49.
STOC-1971-Boasson #theorem- An Iteration Theorem for One-Counter Languages (LB), pp. 116–120.
STOC-1971-GinsburgG #recursion- Intersection-Closed full AFL and the Recursively Enumerable Languages (SG, JG), pp. 121–131.
STOC-1971-Stanat #formal method- Formal Languages and Power Series (DFS), pp. 1–11.
STOC-1971-Wagner #algebra #recursion- An Algebraic Theory of Recursive Definitions and Recursive Languages (EGW), pp. 12–23.
SIGIR-1971-KelloggBDF #data transformation #natural language- The Converse Natural Language Data Management System: Current Status and Plans (CK, JDB, TD, KF), pp. 33–46.
SIGIR-1971-PacakP #automation #semantics- The Function of Semantics in Automated Language Processing (MP, AWP), pp. 5–18.
SOSP-1971-Alsberg #operating system- Extensible Data Features in the Operating System Language OSL/2 (PA), pp. 31–34.
SIGFIDET-1970-CODASYL #named- CODASYL: Task Group of Codasyl System Committee: Storage Structure Definition Language (SSDL), pp. 313–314.
SIGFIDET-1970-CODASYL70a #design #named- CODASYL: Storage Structure Definition Language Task Group: Design Objectives for a Storage Structure Definition Language (SSDL), pp. 329–337.
SIGFIDET-1970-EllisN- A Data Description Language for Hierarchical Data Files (MEE, KHN), pp. 87–106.
SIGFIDET-1970-Fry70a #summary- Storage Structure Definition Language (pre-discussion summary) (JPF), p. 279.
SIGFIDET-1970-McGee #development- Informal Definitions for the Development of a Storage Structure Definition Language (WCM), pp. 338–353.
SIGFIDET-1970-SibleyT- Preliminary Discussion of a General Data to Storage Structure Mapping Language (EHS, RWT), pp. 368–380.
STOC-1970-Cook #recognition- Path Systems and Language Recognition (SAC), pp. 70–72.
STOC-1970-Lewis70a #product line- Closure of Families of Languages under Substitution Operators (DJL), pp. 100–108.
STOC-1970-Lindstrom #design #incremental #parsing- The Design of Parsers for Incremental Language Processors (GL), pp. 81–91.
STOC-1970-Morris #precedence- A Result on the Relationship between Simple Precedence Languages and Reducing Transition Languages (JBM), pp. 73–80.
STOC-1970-Nivat #on the #product line- On Some Families of Languages Related to the Dyck Language (MN), pp. 221–225.
STOC-1970-Rounds #proving #theorem- Tree-Oriented Proofs of Some Theorems on Context-Free and Indexed Languages (WCR), pp. 109–116.
STOC-1970-Ullian #product line #theorem- Three Theorems on Abstract Families of Languages (JSU), pp. 226–230.
DAC-1969-Srinivasan #design- A discussion of CDLI, a computer description language and associated design aid systems (CVS), p. 383.
STOC-1969-Blum69a #compilation #formal method #programming language #semantics #towards- Towards a Theory of Semantics and Compilers for Programming Languages (EKB), pp. 217–227.
STOC-1969-BookG #realtime- Quasi-Realtime Languages (Extended Abstract) (RVB, SAG), pp. 15–18.
STOC-1969-Chandler #product line- Abstract Families of Deterministic Languages (WJC), pp. 21–30.
STOC-1969-Fischer #precedence- Some Properties of Precedence Languages (MJF), pp. 181–190.
STOC-1969-Ogden #stack #theorem- Intercalation Theorems for Stack Languages (WFO), pp. 31–42.
STOC-1969-PetersR #analysis #context-free grammar #revisited- Context-Sensitive Immediate Constituent Analysis — Context-Free Languages Revisited (PSPJ, RWR), pp. 1–8.
STOC-1969-Shepard #algebra- Languages in General Algebras (CDS), pp. 155–163.
STOC-1969-Ullian #algorithm #ambiguity #context-free grammar #problem- The Inherent Ambiguity Partial Algorithm Problem for Context Free Languages (JSU), pp. 19–20.
STOC-1969-Zeiger #formal method #modelling #programming language- Formal Models for Some Features of Programming Languages (HPZ), pp. 211–215.
DAC-1968-Darringer- A language for the description of digital computer processors (JAD).
DAC-1967-Weindlin #automation #design #programming language #question- Is there a “Best” Programming Language For Design Automation? (MW).
SHARE-1965-SmithH #design #named- Autodraft: A language and processor for design and drafting (ODS, HRH).
SHARE-1964-RossF #visual notation- Verbal and graphical language for the AED system: A progress report (DTR, CGF).