Travelled to:
2 × USA
3 × France
Collaborated with:
F.Benchikha L.Seinturier F.Bettou I.Labed N.Zarour P.Barril J.Brette
Talks about:
viewpoint (2) databas (2) system (2) object (2) mechan (2) inform (2) cooper (2) manag (2) architectur (1) multimedia (1)
Person: Mahmoud Boufaïda
DBLP: Boufa=iuml=da:Mahmoud
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ICEIS-v3-2013-BettouBL #adaptation #architecture #documentation #multi #quality
- An Adaptation Architecture of Multimedia Documents for Management of the Quality of Service (FB, MB, IL), pp. 105–110.
- ICEIS-v1-2005-BenchikhaB #database #object-oriented
- Extending Object Oriented Databases to Support the Viewpoint Mechanism (FB, MB), pp. 273–278.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-ZarourBS #using
- Using Information Technologies for Managing Cooperative Information Agent-Based Systems (NZ, MB, LS), pp. 430–440.
- SAC-2001-BenchikhaBS #database #integration
- Integration of the viewpoint mechanism in federated databases (FB, MB, LS), pp. 280–284.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-BarrilBB #authoring #object-oriented
- Class Cooperation in a Dedicated Object System: The Force Authoring Environment (PB, MB, JFB), pp. 115–123.