Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Finland
1 × Spain
2 × France
Collaborated with:
A.Restivo G.Castiglione L.Q.Zamboni S.Bonomo S.Mantaci G.Rosone C.Nicaud F.Mignosi
Talks about:
algorithm (4) automata (4) suffix (3) word (3) hopcroft (2) conjug (2) nondeterminist (1) brzozowski (1) forbidden (1) sturmian (1)
Person: Marinella Sciortino
DBLP: Sciortino:Marinella
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- DLT-2013-BonomoMRRS #word
- Suffixes, Conjugates and Lyndon Words (SB, SM, AR, GR, MS), pp. 131–142.
- DLT-J-2013-BonomoMRRS14 #multi #sorting #word
- Sorting conjugates and Suffixes of Words in a Multiset (SB, SM, AR, GR, MS), p. 1161–?.
- CIAA-2011-CastiglioneRS #algorithm #automaton #nondeterminism
- Nondeterministic Moore Automata and Brzozowski’s Algorithm (GC, AR, MS), pp. 88–99.
- CIAA-2010-CastiglioneNS #algorithm #automaton #product line
- A Challenging Family of Automata for Classical Minimization Algorithms (GC, CN, MS), pp. 251–260.
- CIAA-2009-CastiglioneRS #algorithm #on the
- On Extremal Cases of Hopcroft’s Algorithm (GC, AR, MS), pp. 14–23.
- LATA-2008-CastiglioneRS #algorithm #automaton
- Hopcroft’s Algorithm and Cyclic Automata (GC, AR, MS), pp. 172–183.
- DLT-2007-SciortinoZ #automaton #standard #word
- Suffix Automata and Standard Sturmian Words (MS, LQZ), pp. 382–398.
- DLT-2001-MignosiRS #assembly
- Forbidden Factors and Fragment Assembly (FM, AR, MS), pp. 349–358.