Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Denmark
1 × Japan
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
2 × Czech Republic
2 × France
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
4 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
R.Zach C.G.Fermüller A.Leitsch G.Moser ∅ H.Veith G.Reis T.Eiter O.Lahav A.Zamansky G.Salzer
Talks about:
proof (6) logic (6) cut (5) elimin (4) intuitionist (3) resolut (3) elementari (2) structur (2) system (2) prenex (2)
Person: Matthias Baaz
DBLP: Baaz:Matthias
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 17 papers:
- CSL-2015-BaazF #logic
- Elementary Elimination of Prenex Cuts in Disjunction-free Intuitionistic Logic (MB, CGF), pp. 94–109.
- LICS-2015-BaazLR #complexity #proving
- A Note on the Complexity of Classical and Intuitionistic Proofs (MB, AL, GR), pp. 657–666.
- KR-2014-BaazEV #logic
- Vienna Summer of Logic (MB, TE, HV).
- IJCAR-2012-BaazLZ #calculus #effectiveness #semantics
- Effective Finite-Valued Semantics for Labelled Calculi (MB, OL, AZ), pp. 52–66.
- CSL-2010-BaazF #logic
- A Resolution Mechanism for Prenex Gödel Logic (MB, CGF), pp. 67–79.
- CSL-2005-Baaz #reasoning
- Note on Formal Analogical Reasoning in the Juridical Context (MB), pp. 18–26.
- CADE-2002-Baaz #analysis #proving
- Proof Analysis by Resolution (MB), pp. 517–532.
- CSL-2002-BaazM #on the
- On Generalizations of Semi-terms of Particularly Simple Form (MB, GM), pp. 382–396.
- CSL-2001-BaazM #on the #theorem
- On a Generalisation of Herbrand’s Theorem (MB, GM), pp. 469–483.
- CSL-2000-BaazZ #fuzzy #logic #proving
- Hypersequent and the Proof Theory of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic (MB, RZ), pp. 187–201.
- CADE-1999-BaazLM
- System Description: CutRes 0.1: Cut Elimination by Resolution (MB, AL, GM), pp. 212–216.
- CSL-1998-BaazV #fuzzy #logic #quantifier
- Quantifier Elimination in Fuzzy Logic (MB, HV), pp. 399–414.
- CADE-1996-BaazFSZ #logic #towards
- MUltlog 1.0: Towards an Expert System for Many-Valued Logics (MB, CGF, GS, RZ), pp. 226–230.
- CSL-1996-BaazL #performance
- Fast Cut-Elimination by Projection (MB, AL), pp. 18–33.
- LICS-1994-BaazFL #proving
- A Non-Elementary Speed-Up in Proof Length by Structural Clause Form Transformation (MB, CGF, AL), pp. 213–219.
- CSL-1993-BaazZ #equivalence #proving #using
- Short Proofs of Tautologies Using the Schema of Equivalence (MB, RZ), pp. 33–35.
- CSL-1992-BaazZ #algorithm #proving
- Algorithmic Structuring of Cut-free Proofs (MB, RZ), pp. 29–42.