Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × India
1 × Ireland
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Guerraoui A.Dragojevic J.Barreto P.Ferreira
Talks about:
transact (5) memori (5) progress (1) parallel (1) stretch (1) leverag (1) glimmer (1) correct (1) theori (1) semant (1)
Person: Michal Kapalka
DBLP: Kapalka:Michal
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- PPoPP-2010-BarretoDFGK #memory management #parallel #transaction
- Leveraging parallel nesting in transactional memory (JB, AD, PF, RG, MK), pp. 91–100.
- CAV-2009-GuerraouiK #memory management #transaction
- Transactional Memory: Glimmer of a Theory (RG, MK), pp. 1–15.
- PLDI-2009-DragojevicGK #memory management #transaction
- Stretching transactional memory (AD, RG, MK), pp. 155–165.
- POPL-2009-GuerraouiK #memory management #semantics #transaction
- The semantics of progress in lock-based transactional memory (RG, MK), pp. 404–415.
- PPoPP-2008-GuerraouiK #correctness #memory management #on the #transaction
- On the correctness of transactional memory (RG, MK), pp. 175–184.