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2651 papers:

CASECASE-2015-ClevelandTDPKDB #automation #programming #recognition #segmentation #semantics
An automated system for semantic object labeling with soft object recognition and dynamic programming segmentation (JC, DT, PD, CJP, TK, KD, JB, VK), pp. 683–690.
HTHT-2015-AhlersM #challenge #collaboration #concept #network #semantics
Everything is Filed under “File”: Conceptual Challenges in Applying Semantic Search to Network Shares for Collaborative Work (DA, MM), pp. 327–328.
VLDBVLDB-2015-HeGC #corpus #named #semantics #using
SEMA-JOIN: Joining Semantically-Related Tables Using Big Table Corpora (YH, KG, XC), pp. 1358–1369.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2015-Kumar #problem #semantics
Solving Code-tracing Problems and its Effect on Code-writing Skills Pertaining to Program Semantics (ANK), pp. 314–319.
ESOPESOP-2015-BattyMNPS #concurrent #problem #programming language #semantics
The Problem of Programming Language Concurrency Semantics (MB, KM, KN, JPP, PS), pp. 283–307.
ESOPESOP-2015-LindleyM #semantics
A Semantics for Propositions as Sessions (SL, JGM), pp. 560–584.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2015-ClairambaultD #evaluation #game studies #normalisation #semantics
Game Semantics and Normalization by Evaluation (PC, PD), pp. 56–70.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2015-Jaber #game studies #semantics
Operational Nominal Game Semantics (GJ), pp. 264–278.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2015-KlinR #algebra #logic #semantics
Coalgebraic Trace Semantics via Forgetful Logics (BK, JR), pp. 151–166.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2015-Vakar #category theory #framework #linear #logic #semantics
A Categorical Semantics for Linear Logical Frameworks (MV), pp. 102–116.
TACASTACAS-2015-HansenWCNK #model checking #semantics #statistics
Semantic Importance Sampling for Statistical Model Checking (JPH, LW, SC, DdN, MHK), pp. 241–255.
PEPMPEPM-2015-KootH #analysis #exception #functional #higher-order #semantics #strict #type system
Type-based Exception Analysis for Non-strict Higher-order Functional Languages with Imprecise Exception Semantics (RK, JH), pp. 127–138.
PLDIPLDI-2015-ParkSR #javascript #named #semantics
KJS: a complete formal semantics of JavaScript (DP, AS, GR), pp. 346–356.
PLDIPLDI-2015-SrinivasanR #semantics #synthesis
Synthesis of machine code from semantics (VS, TWR), pp. 596–607.
CIAACIAA-2015-BerglundM #on the #parsing #regular expression #semantics
On the Semantics of Regular Expression Parsing in the Wild (MB, BvdM), pp. 292–304.
FMFM-2015-DiekmannHC #semantics #set
Semantics-Preserving Simplification of Real-World Firewall Rule Sets (CD, LH, GC), pp. 195–212.
FMFM-2015-SafilianMD #feature model #formal method #modelling #semantics
The Semantics of Cardinality-Based Feature Models via Formal Languages (AS, TSEM, ZD), pp. 453–469.
SEFMSEFM-2015-DawC #diagrams #process #semantics #uml
An Extensible Operational Semantics for UML Activity Diagrams (ZD, RC), pp. 360–368.
ICFPICFP-2015-DannerLR #functional #induction #semantics
Denotational cost semantics for functional languages with inductive types (ND, DRL, R), pp. 140–151.
CHICHI-2015-MiksikVLPNGHPIT #3d #interactive #recognition #scalability #semantics
The Semantic Paintbrush: Interactive 3D Mapping and Recognition in Large Outdoor Spaces (OM, VV, ML, RP, MN, SG, SLH, PP, SI, PHST), pp. 3317–3326.
CHICHI-2015-PerraultLBZG #memory management #physics #semantics
Physical Loci: Leveraging Spatial, Object and Semantic Memory for Command Selection (STP, EL, YPB, SZ, YG), pp. 299–308.
HCIDHM-EH-2015-MamessierDO #semantics
Semantically Integrated Human Factors Engineering (SM, DD, MO), pp. 284–294.
HCIDUXU-DD-2015-ChenXNWZS #behaviour #research #semantics
Semantic Research of Military Icons Based on Behavioral Experiments and Eye-Tracking Experiments (XJC, CX, YN, HW, JZ, JS), pp. 24–31.
HCIDUXU-DD-2015-Zhang #design #research #semantics
Research on the Correspondence Between Designer End Expressions of Product Semantics with the Cognition of User End (LZ), pp. 379–391.
HCIDUXU-IXD-2015-IslamI #comprehension #interface #ontology #semantics #set #web
Understanding the Semantics of Web Interface Signs: A Set of Ontological Principals (MNI, AKMNI), pp. 46–53.
HCIHIMI-IKC-2015-LiangG #approach #information management #ontology #safety #semantics #web
Improving Knowledge Management in Patient Safety Reporting: A Semantic Web Ontology Approach (CL, YG), pp. 118–128.
HCILCT-2015-DalipiYK #analysis #performance #semantics #using
Enhancing the Learner’s Performance Analysis Using SMEUS Semantic E-learning System and Business Intelligence Technologies (FD, SYY, ZK), pp. 208–217.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2015-FissaaGHN #composition #how #question #semantics
How Can Semantics and Context Awareness Enhance the Composition of Context-aware Services? (TF, HG, HH, MN), pp. 640–647.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2015-JaouachiKHHJ #image #ontology #rdf #semantics #using #web
Semantic Annotation of Images Extracted from the Web using RDF Patterns and a Domain Ontology (RTJ, MTK, NH, OH, MBJ), pp. 137–144.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2015-PereiraD #formal method #logic #semantics #uml #using
Systematic Mapping — Formalization of UML Semantics using Temporal Logic (VP, MED), pp. 486–493.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2015-SouzaVS #analysis #semantics
Semantically Enriching the Detrending Step of Time Series Analysis (LdS, MSMGV, MSS), pp. 475–481.
ECIRECIR-2015-BansalBV #analysis #semantics #towards
Towards Deep Semantic Analysis of Hashtags (PB, RB, VV), pp. 453–464.
ECIRECIR-2015-RuotsaloH #semantics
Exploiting Semantic Annotations for Domain-Specific Entity Search (TR, EH), pp. 358–369.
ICMLICML-2015-ChangYXY #detection #semantics #using
Complex Event Detection using Semantic Saliency and Nearly-Isotonic SVM (XC, YY, EPX, YY), pp. 1348–1357.
SEKESEKE-2015-Martoglia #information management #named #semantics
AMBIT: Semantic Engine Foundations for Knowledge Management in Context-dependent Applications (RM), pp. 146–151.
SEKESEKE-2015-RibeiroFVOVF #architecture #named #reuse #semantics
APRImora: A Semantic Architecture for Patterns Reuse (AAdAR, JLF, LFdMV, AdPO, RMMBV, EJdSF), pp. 465–470.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-BarzegarSFHD #multi #named #semantics
DINFRA: A One Stop Shop for Computing Multilingual Semantic Relatedness (SB, JES, AF, SH, BD), pp. 1027–1028.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-LiLLDY #image #semantics
Zero-shot Image Tagging by Hierarchical Semantic Embedding (XL, SL, WL, XD, GY), pp. 879–882.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-PanYLNM #scalability #semantics #visual notation
Semi-supervised Hashing with Semantic Confidence for Large Scale Visual Search (YP, TY, HL, CWN, TM), pp. 53–62.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-SalesFHD #named #semantics
Linse: A Distributional Semantics Entity Search Engine (JES, AF, SH, BD), pp. 1045–1046.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-XuWW #collaboration #personalisation #ranking #recommendation #semantics
Personalized Semantic Ranking for Collaborative Recommendation (SX, SW, LW), pp. 971–974.
MoDELSMoDELS-2015-MaozR #difference #framework #semantics
A framework for relating syntactic and semantic model differences (SM, JOR), pp. 24–33.
MoDELSMoDELS-2015-RagoMD #case study #identification #semantics
Identifying duplicate functionality in textual use cases by aligning semantic actions (SoSyM abstract) (AR, CM, JADP), p. 446.
OnwardOnward-2015-LiPPK #semantics
Slimming languages by reducing sugar: a case for semantics-altering transformations (JL, JP, JGP, SK), pp. 90–106.
GPCEGPCE-2015-El-SharkawyKS #analysis #semantics #tool support
Analysing the Kconfig semantics and its analysis tools (SES, AK, KS), pp. 45–54.
PPDPPPDP-2015-AngelisFPP #generative #semantics #verification
Semantics-based generation of verification conditions by program specialization (EDA, FF, AP, MP), pp. 91–102.
PPDPPPDP-2015-GallF #formal method #semantics
A refined operational semantics for ACT-R: investigating the relations between different ACT-R formalizations (DG, TWF), pp. 114–124.
PPDPPPDP-2015-Schmidt-Schauss #call-by #functional #semantics
Improvements in a functional core language with call-by-need operational semantics (MSS, DS), pp. 220–231.
PADLPADL-2015-BalducciniKS #semantics
Ontology-Driven Data Semantics Discovery for Cyber-Security (MB, SK, JS), pp. 1–16.
POPLPOPL-2015-BogdanasR #java #named #semantics
K-Java: A Complete Semantics of Java (DB, GR), pp. 445–456.
POPLPOPL-2015-PredaGLM #analysis #automaton #bytecode #semantics #similarity
Abstract Symbolic Automata: Mixed syntactic/semantic similarity analysis of executables (MDP, RG, AL, IM), pp. 329–341.
SACSAC-2015-CapelleMHFV #hybrid #recommendation #semantics
Bing-SF-IDF+: a hybrid semantics-driven news recommender (MC, MM, FH, FF, DV), pp. 732–739.
SACSAC-2015-ChengKWT #scalability #semantics #throughput #web
High throughput indexing for large-scale semantic web data (LC, SK, TEW, GT), pp. 416–422.
SACSAC-2015-IsraelHS #analysis #multi #semantics #summary
Semantic analysis for focused multi-document summarization (fMDS) of text (QI, HH, IYS), pp. 339–344.
SACSAC-2015-JuniorSM #approach #semantics
An approach for building lexical-semantic resources based on heterogeneous information sources (JGdAJ, US, LBM), pp. 402–408.
SACSAC-2015-KimHC #clustering #documentation #representation #semantics
Semantically enriching text representation model for document clustering (HjK, KjH, JyC), pp. 922–925.
SACSAC-2015-TakanoI #correctness #functional #lazy evaluation #semantics
Thunk recycling for lazy functional languages: operational semantics and correctness (YT, HI), pp. 2079–2086.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-ChengGMSSW #formal method #semantics
Semantic degrees for Industrie 4.0 engineering: deciding on the degree of semantic formalization to select appropriate technologies (CHC, TG, CM, JOS, MS, PW), pp. 1010–1013.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-NguyenNDKN #detection #execution #semantics #variability
Detecting semantic merge conflicts with variability-aware execution (HVN, MHN, SCD, CK, TNN), pp. 926–929.
CGOCGO-2015-CampanoniHWB #named #parallel #semantics
HELIX-UP: relaxing program semantics to unleash parallelization (SC, GHH, GYW, DMB), pp. 235–245.
LCTESLCTES-2015-ProcterHGBA #design #hardware #implementation #semantics #verification
Semantics Driven Hardware Design, Implementation, and Verification with ReWire (AMP, WLH, IG, MB, GA), p. 10.
PPoPPPPoPP-2015-AlSaberK #multi #performance #semantics
SemCache++: semantics-aware caching for efficient multi-GPU offloading (NA, MK), pp. 255–256.
PPoPPPPoPP-2015-Golan-GuetaRSY #automation #scalability #semantics
Automatic scalable atomicity via semantic locking (GGG, GR, MS, EY), pp. 31–41.
PPoPPPPoPP-2015-ZhangHCB #memory management #semantics #transaction
Low-overhead software transactional memory with progress guarantees and strong semantics (MZ, JH, MC, MDB), pp. 97–108.
SOSPSOSP-2015-MinKLSK #correctness #debugging #file system #semantics
Cross-checking semantic correctness: the case of finding file system bugs (CM, SK, BL, CS, TK), pp. 361–377.
CSLCSL-2015-BreuvartP #linear #logic #modelling #relational #semantics
Modelling Coeffects in the Relational Semantics of Linear Logic (FB, MP), pp. 567–581.
CSLCSL-2015-GrelloisM #higher-order #linear #logic #model checking #relational #semantics
Relational Semantics of Linear Logic and Higher-order Model Checking (CG, PAM), pp. 260–276.
CSLCSL-2015-KontinenMSV #semantics #theorem
A Van Benthem Theorem for Modal Team Semantics (JK, JSM, HS, HV), pp. 277–291.
ICLPICLP-2015-LeeMW #logic #markov #semantics
Markov Logic Style Weighted Rules under the Stable Model Semantics (JL, YM, YW).
ICLPICLP-J-2015-AguadoCPPV #equilibrium #logic #semantics
A denotational semantics for equilibrium logic (FA, PC, DP, GP, CV), pp. 620–634.
ICLPICLP-J-2015-DassevilleHJD #composition #framework #logic #semantics
Semantics of templates in a compositional framework for building logics (ID, MvdH, GJ, MD), pp. 681–695.
LICSLICS-2015-DisneyF #game studies #semantics
Game Semantics for Type Soundness (TD, CF), pp. 104–114.
LICSLICS-2015-TsukadaO #game studies #nondeterminism #semantics
Nondeterminism in Game Semantics via Sheaves (TT, CHLO), pp. 220–231.
RTARTA-2015-VerguNV #domain-specific language #named #semantics #specification
DynSem: A DSL for Dynamic Semantics Specification (VAV, PN, EV), pp. 365–378.
VMCAIVMCAI-2015-CortesiFPT #mobile #policy #privacy #semantics #verification
Datacentric Semantics for Verification of Privacy Policy Compliance by Mobile Applications (AC, PF, MP, OT), pp. 61–79.
WICSAWICSA-2014-BaroniMMW #architecture #modelling #semantics #wiki
Architecture Description Leveraging Model Driven Engineering and Semantic Wikis (AB, HM, IM, EW), pp. 251–254.
DATEDATE-2014-WangLS #named #parallel #semantics
p-OFTL: An object-based semantic-aware parallel flash translation layer (WW, YL, JS), pp. 1–6.
DocEngDocEng-2014-DavisonMM #named #privacy #semantics #similarity
P-GTM: privacy-preserving google tri-gram method for semantic text similarity (OD, AM, EEM), pp. 81–84.
PODSPODS-2014-ArenasGP #query #semantics #web
Expressive languages for querying the semantic web (MA, GG, AP), pp. 14–26.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2014-KalininCZ #data analysis #interactive #semantics #using
Interactive data exploration using semantic windows (AK, , SBZ), pp. 505–516.
VLDBVLDB-2014-0034R #named #semantics
X-LiSA: Cross-lingual Semantic Annotation (LZ, AR), pp. 1693–1696.
VLDBVLDB-2014-SuchanekP #semantics
Semantic Culturomics (vision paper) (FMS, NP), pp. 1215–1218.
VLDBVLDB-2014-ZhangHSLP #fine-grained #mining #named #semantics
Splitter: Mining Fine-Grained Sequential Patterns in Semantic Trajectories (CZ, JH, LS, JL, TFLP), pp. 769–780.
CSEETCSEET-2014-Opdahl #development #education #semantics
Teaching semantic technologies as part of a software development program (ALO), pp. 203–204.
ESOPESOP-2014-PercontiA #compilation #multi #semantics #using #verification
Verifying an Open Compiler Using Multi-language Semantics (JTP, AA), pp. 128–148.
ESOPESOP-2014-PoulsenM #semantics
Deriving Pretty-Big-Step Semantics from Small-Step Semantics (CBP, PDM), pp. 270–289.
FASEFASE-2014-CohenM #analysis #configuration management #semantics #specification
Semantically Configurable Analysis of Scenario-Based Specifications (BC, SM), pp. 185–199.
FASEFASE-2014-SvenningssonSSANH #semantics
An Expressive Semantics of Mocking (JS, HS, NS, TA, UN, JH), pp. 385–399.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2014-CarraroG #call-by #semantics
A Semantical and Operational Account of Call-by-Value Solvability (AC, GG), pp. 103–118.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2014-MurawskiT #exception #game studies #semantics
Game Semantics for Nominal Exceptions (ASM, NT), pp. 164–179.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2014-RotB #algebra #equation #semantics
Combining Bialgebraic Semantics and Equations (JR, MMB), pp. 381–395.
TACASTACAS-2014-HuangM #semantics #specification #synthesis
Symbolic Synthesis for Epistemic Specifications with Observational Semantics (XH, RvdM), pp. 455–469.
WRLAWRLA-2014-MossesV #component #named #semantics
FunKons: Component-Based Semantics in K (PDM, FV), pp. 213–229.
WRLAWRLA-2014-ZhangCO #framework #semantics #standard #𝕂
A Formal Semantics of the OSEK/VDX Standard in 𝕂 Framework and Its Applications (MZ, YC, KO), pp. 280–296.
SANERCSMR-WCRE-2014-SantosVA #analysis #clustering #semantics #using
Remodularization analysis using semantic clustering (GS, MTV, NA), pp. 224–233.
SCAMSCAM-2014-RaemaekersDV #case study #repository #semantics #version control
Semantic Versioning versus Breaking Changes: A Study of the Maven Repository (SR, AvD, JV), pp. 215–224.
PEPMPEPM-2014-LeatherJLS #semantics
Type-changing rewriting and semantics-preserving transformation (SL, JJ, AL, BS), pp. 109–120.
PEPMPEPM-2014-PayetS #android #process #semantics
An operational semantics for android activities (ÉP, FS), pp. 121–132.
PEPMPEPM-2014-WangN #bidirectional #revisited #semantics
Semantic bidirectionalization revisited (MW, SN), pp. 51–62.
FLOPSFLOPS-2014-DunduaFKM #constraints #logic programming #re-engineering #semantics
Constraint Logic Programming for Hedges: A Semantic Reconstruction (BD, MF, TK, MM), pp. 285–301.
FLOPSFLOPS-2014-KrienerK #prolog #revisited #semantics
Semantics for Prolog with Cut — Revisited (JK, AK), pp. 270–284.
FLOPSFLOPS-2014-Riesco #debugging #declarative #maude #semantics #using
Using Big-Step and Small-Step Semantics in Maude to Perform Declarative Debugging (AR), pp. 52–68.
LATALATA-2014-KlaudelKD #algebra #logic #semantics
Interval Temporal Logic Semantics of Box Algebra (HK, MK, ZD), pp. 441–452.
FMFM-2014-BaeOM #analysis #multi #semantics
Definition, Semantics, and Analysis of Multirate Synchronous AADL (KB, PCÖ, JM), pp. 94–109.
FMFM-2014-BowenR #interactive #modelling #semantics
A Simplified Z Semantics for Presentation Interaction Models (JB, SR), pp. 148–162.
FMFM-2014-PolikarpovaTFM #collaboration #flexibility #invariant #semantics
Flexible Invariants through Semantic Collaboration (NP, JT, CAF, BM), pp. 514–530.
FMFM-2014-Woodcock #semantics
Engineering UToPiA — Formal Semantics for CML (JW), pp. 22–41.
IFMIFM-2014-AsavoaeAR #interprocedural #semantics #slicing #towards
Towards a Formal Semantics-Based Technique for Interprocedural Slicing (IMA, MA, AR), pp. 291–306.
IFMIFM-2014-DrossopoulouN #how #policy #semantics
How to Break the Bank: Semantics of Capability Policies (SD, JN), pp. 18–35.
SEFMSEFM-2014-KeshishzadehM #consistency #domain-specific language #formal method #reasoning #semantics #testing
Formalizing DSL Semantics for Reasoning and Conformance Testing (SK, AJM), pp. 81–95.
SEFMSEFM-2014-MotaFDW #agile #model checking #prototype #semantics
Rapid Prototyping of a Semantically Well Founded Circus Model Checker (AM, AF, AD, JW), pp. 235–249.
ICFPICFP-2014-DownenA #composition #continuation #semantics
Compositional semantics for composable continuations: from abortive to delimited control (PD, ZMA), pp. 109–122.
ICFPICFP-2014-FredrikssonG #distributed #execution #semantics
Krivine nets: a semantic foundation for distributed execution (OF, DRG), pp. 349–361.
ICFPICFP-2014-MulliganOGRS #named #reuse #semantics
Lem: reusable engineering of real-world semantics (DPM, SO, KEG, TR, PS), pp. 175–188.
LISPILC-2014-Nunes-Harwitt14a #approach #code generation #evaluation #semantics
Eager Evaluation Isn’t Eager Enough A Transformation Based Approach to Semantics-Directed Code Generation (ANH), p. 79.
CHICHI-2014-CraggsSA #crowdsourcing #named #query #semantics #video #web
ThumbReels: query sensitive web video previews based on temporal, crowdsourced, semantic tagging (BC, MKS, JA), pp. 1217–1220.
CHICHI-2014-SetlurM #automation #encoding #generative #semantics #visualisation
Automatic generation of semantic icon encodings for visualizations (VS, JDM), pp. 541–550.
HCIDHM-2014-MeryS #refinement #semantics
The Semantics of Refinement Chart (DM, NKS), pp. 415–426.
HCIDHM-2014-SantosST #information management #ontology #semantics #using #web
Using Ontologies and Semantic Web Technology on a Clinical Pedigree Information System (JMS, BSS, LT), pp. 448–459.
HCIDUXU-DI-2014-CorreiaBMM #formal method #gesture #interface #metric #semantics
Syntactic/Semantic Formalizations and Metrics of Residential Applications Based on Gestural Interface (ACdCC, PLSB, LCdM, JNM), pp. 521–532.
HCIDUXU-TMT-2014-MacedoS #difference #evaluation #semantics #user interface
Building a Semantic Differential Scale as Tool for Assisting UX Evaluation with Home Appliances (VM, CMS), pp. 308–317.
HCIHCI-AS-2014-FerreiraB #analysis #elicitation #people #requirements #semantics
Eliciting Accessibility Requirements for People with Hearing Loss: A Semantic and Norm Analysis (MAMF, RB), pp. 277–288.
HCIHCI-AS-2014-KellerPBS #adaptation #mobile #semantics
An Adaptive Semantic Mobile Application for Individual Touristic Exploration (CK, RP, SB, TS), pp. 434–443.
HCIHIMI-DE-2014-AlghamdiT #image #mining #multimodal #retrieval #semantics #towards #using
Towards Semantic Image Retrieval Using Multimodal Fusion with Association Rules Mining (RAA, MT), pp. 407–418.
HCIHIMI-DE-2014-KhodaskarL #image #retrieval #semantics #using
Content Based Image Retrieval Using Quantitative Semantic Features (AK, SL), pp. 439–448.
HCISCSM-2014-AhnMHNHPM #analysis #network #representation #semantics #social #twitter
Social Network Representation and Dissemination of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): A Semantic Network Analysis of HIV Prevention Drug on Twitter (ZA, MM, JH, YN, CWH, MP, JM), pp. 160–169.
HILTHILT-2014-Larson #semantics #specification
Formal semantics for the PACEMAKER system specification (BRL), pp. 47–60.
CAiSECAiSE-2014-CarvalhoAG #domain-specific language #ontology #semantics #using
Using Reference Domain Ontologies to Define the Real-World Semantics of Domain-Specific Languages (VAdC, JPAA, GG), pp. 488–502.
CAiSECAiSE-2014-Reinhartz-BergerIW #ontology #product line #semantics #using #variability
Analyzing Variability of Software Product Lines Using Semantic and Ontological Considerations (IRB, NI, YW), pp. 150–164.
EDOCEDOC-2014-FrancescomarinoRGV #modelling #process #semantics
The Role of Semantic Annotations in Business Process Modelling (CDF, MR, CG, AV), pp. 181–189.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2014-BouzidCFP #approach #enterprise #retrieval #semantics
A Pattern-based Approach for Semantic Retrieval of Information Resources in Enterprises — Application Within STMicroelectronics (SB, CC, CSF, JP), pp. 193–200.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2014-FreireCSS #process #query #semantics
Preserving the Original Query Semantics in Routing Processes (CF, NC, DS, ACS), pp. 70–80.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2014-PfaffK #benchmark #distributed #integration #metric #ontology #semantics #towards
Semantic Integration of Semi-Structured Distributed Data in the Domain of IT Benchmarking — Towards a Domain Specific Ontology (MP, HK), pp. 320–324.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2014-SilvaLS #clustering #integration #maintenance #semantics
A Proposal to Maintain the Semantic Balance in Cluster-based Data Integration Systems (ERdS, BFL, ACS), pp. 90–98.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2014-FerreiraS #approach #enterprise #implementation #named #semantics #towards #web
e-swim: Enterprise Semantic Web Implementation Model — Towards a Systematic Approach to Implement the Semantic Web in Enterprises (RF, IS), pp. 653–658.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2014-GippMBPN #detection #semantics #similarity #using #visualisation
Web-based Demonstration of Semantic Similarity Detection Using Citation Pattern Visualization for a Cross Language Plagiarism Case (BG, NM, CB, JP, AN), pp. 677–683.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2014-MaretLL #ad hoc #community #semantics #web
A Semantic Web Model for Ad Hoc Context-aware Virtual Communities — Application to the Smart Place Scenario (PM, FL, DL), pp. 591–598.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2014-SilvaA14a #design pattern #semantics
Adding Semantic Relations among Design Patterns (MARS, JCA), pp. 46–56.
CIKMCIKM-2014-AnnesiCB #composition #kernel #semantics
Semantic Compositionality in Tree Kernels (PA, DC, RB), pp. 1029–1038.
CIKMCIKM-2014-KarlgrenBEIKN #semantics
Semantic Topology (JK, MB, AE, GI, EK, DN), pp. 1939–1942.
CIKMCIKM-2014-MengCS #analysis #approximate #keyword #query #semantics
Semantic Approximate Keyword Query Based on Keyword and Query Coupling Relationship Analysis (XM, LC, JS), pp. 529–538.
CIKMCIKM-2014-ShenHGDM #information retrieval #semantics
A Latent Semantic Model with Convolutional-Pooling Structure for Information Retrieval (YS, XH, JG, LD, GM), pp. 101–110.
CIKMCIKM-2014-VineZKSB #semantics #similarity
Medical Semantic Similarity with a Neural Language Model (LDV, GZ, BK, LS, PB), pp. 1819–1822.
CIKMCIKM-2014-WangSZS #performance #scalability #semantics #similarity
Sparse Semantic Hashing for Efficient Large Scale Similarity Search (QW, BS, ZZ, LS), pp. 1899–1902.
CIKMCIKM-2014-WuZYJL #distributed #named #rdf #semantics
SemStore: A Semantic-Preserving Distributed RDF Triple Store (BW, YZ, PY, HJ, LL), pp. 509–518.
ECIRECIR-2014-BueyGETIM #named #query #semantics
SQX-Lib: Developing a Semantic Query Expansion System in a Media Group (MGB, ALG, SE, RT, SI, EM), pp. 780–783.
ECIRECIR-2014-KapteinKVB #semantics #using #web
Needle Custom Search — Recall-Oriented Search on the Web Using Semantic Annotations (RK, GK, MAAHi'V, ELvdB), pp. 750–753.
ECIRECIR-2014-LiangRR #clustering #documentation #microblog #semantics
The Impact of Semantic Document Expansion on Cluster-Based Fusion for Microblog Search (SL, ZR, MdR), pp. 493–499.
ECIRECIR-2014-NarducciPS #named #retrieval #semantics
CroSeR: Cross-language Semantic Retrieval of Open Government Data (FN, MP, GS), pp. 793–797.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-LiG #classification #learning #representation #semantics
Latent Semantic Representation Learning for Scene Classification (XL, YG), pp. 532–540.
ICPRICPR-2014-Al-HalahRS #learning #metric #semantics #similarity #what
What to Transfer? High-Level Semantics in Transfer Metric Learning for Action Similarity (ZAH, LR, RS), pp. 2775–2780.
ICPRICPR-2014-ChenCF #approach #classification #hybrid #semantics
A Hybrid Holistic/Semantic Approach for Scene Classification (ZC, ZC, HF), pp. 2299–2304.
ICPRICPR-2014-HalsteadDSF #approach #database #people #semantics #video
Locating People in Video from Semantic Descriptions: A New Database and Approach (MH, SD, SS, CF), pp. 4501–4506.
ICPRICPR-2014-HaoXPSK #automation #semantics #topic #using
Automated Chinese Essay Scoring from Topic Perspective Using Regularized Latent Semantic Indexing (SH, YX, HP, KS, DK), pp. 3092–3097.
ICPRICPR-2014-LiuKFYG #semantics
Model Semantic Relations with Extended Attributes (YL, XK, HF, XY, YG), pp. 2549–2554.
ICPRICPR-2014-LuoJ #encoding #image #learning #retrieval #semantics
Learning Semantic Binary Codes by Encoding Attributes for Image Retrieval (JL, ZJ), pp. 279–284.
ICPRICPR-2014-RothermelHWB #generative #modelling #performance #robust #semantics #video
Fast and Robust Generation of Semantic Urban Terrain Models from UAV Video Streams (MR, NH, KW, DB), pp. 592–597.
ICPRICPR-2014-SantanaLH #geometry #identification #people #semantics
People Semantic Description and Re-identification from Point Cloud Geometry (MCS, JLN, DHS), pp. 4702–4707.
ICPRICPR-2014-SenletEE #locality #semantics #visual notation
Hierarchical Semantic Hashing: Visual Localization from Buildings on Maps (TS, TEG, AME), pp. 2990–2995.
ICPRICPR-2014-SiddiquiK #semantics
Semantic Urban Maps (JRS, SK), pp. 4050–4055.
ICPRICPR-2014-TegenWHOJMNA #image #segmentation #semantics #using
Image Segmentation and Labeling Using Free-Form Semantic Annotation (AT, RW, LH, MO, FJ, DM, PN, ), pp. 2281–2286.
ICPRICPR-2014-ZhuWYJ #learning #modelling #multi #recognition #semantics
Multiple-Facial Action Unit Recognition by Shared Feature Learning and Semantic Relation Modeling (YZ, SW, LY, QJ), pp. 1663–1668.
KDDKDD-2014-LeL #representation #semantics #visualisation
Semantic visualization for spherical representation (TMVL, HWL), pp. 1007–1016.
KDDKDD-2014-Melli #automation #parsing #semantics
Shallow semantic parsing of product offering titles (for better automatic hyperlink insertion) (GM), pp. 1670–1678.
KDIRKDIR-2014-FekiAA #adaptation #image #retrieval #semantics
Adaptive Semantic Construction for Diversity-based Image Retrieval (GF, ABA, CBA), pp. 444–449.
KDIRKDIR-2014-KudamaL #random #semantics #using
Semantic Annotation of UMLS using Conditional Random Fields (SK, RBL), pp. 335–341.
KDIRKDIR-2014-NagwanshiM #detection #semantics #sentiment #using
Sarcasm Detection using Sentiment and Semantic Features (PN, CEVM), pp. 418–424.
KDIRKDIR-2014-RodriguesFF #ontology #semantics
Semantic Relatedness with Variable Ontology Density (RR, JF, ALNF), pp. 554–559.
KDIRKDIR-2014-SaiaBC #modelling #recommendation #semantics
Semantic Coherence-based User Profile Modeling in the Recommender Systems Context (RS, LB, SC), pp. 154–161.
KDIRKDIR-2014-TisserantRP #classification #mining #semantics #statistics #twitter
Mining Tweet Data — Statistic and Semantic Information for Political Tweet Classification (GT, MR, VP), pp. 523–529.
KEODKEOD-2014-AliE #collaboration #recommendation #semantics
Semantic-based Collaborative Filtering for Enhancing Recommendation (GA, AE), pp. 176–185.
KEODKEOD-2014-Kraines #ontology #order #question #semantics #similarity
Can SKOS Ontologies Improve the Accuracy of Measuring Semantic Similarity of Purchase Orders? (SBK), pp. 248–255.
KEODKEOD-2014-MhimdiKG #ontology #semantics
Construction of Ontology for Semantic Annotation Resume (NM, WBAK, HHBG), pp. 223–229.
KEODKEOD-2014-Missikoff #semantics
Semantics of Innovation (MM), pp. 1–9.
KMISKMIS-2014-AngiusCMPS #classification #semantics #social #web
Classification and Indexing of Web Content Based on a Model of Semantic Social Bookmarking (AA, GC, DM, FEP, GS), pp. 313–318.
KMISKMIS-2014-WangABN #recommendation #semantics #towards
Towards a Recommender System from Semantic Traces for Decision Aid (NW, MHA, JPAB, EN), pp. 274–279.
KRKR-2014-AsuncionZZ #first-order #logic programming #semantics #source code
Logic Programs with Ordered Disjunction: First-Order Semantics and Expressiveness (VA, YZ, HZ).
KRKR-2014-BeekSH #semantics #set #web
Rough Set Semantics for Identity on the Web (WB, SS, FvH).
KRKR-2014-DeneckerV #induction #principle #revisited #semantics
The Well-Founded Semantics Is the Principle of Inductive Definition, Revisited (MD, JV).
KRKR-2014-GottlobHKL #logic #semantics
Stable Model Semantics for Guarded Existential Rules and Description Logics (GG, AH, CK, TL).
KRKR-2014-HarrisonLY #semantics
The Semantics of Gringo and Infinitary Propositional Formulas (AJH, VL, FY).
KRKR-2014-Lin14a #axiom #first-order #higher-order #induction #semantics
A First-Order Semantics for Golog and ConGolog under a Second-Order Induction Axiom for Situations (FL).
SEKESEKE-2014-CostaMM #detection #diagrams #equivalence #semantics #uml
Detecting Semantic Equivalence in UML Class Diagrams (VOC, RM, LM), pp. 318–323.
SEKESEKE-2014-JimenezCL #component #repository #semantics
Semantic-based Repository of Agent Components (MPJ, ADdC, CJPdL), pp. 330–333.
SEKESEKE-2014-SantosBSC #game studies #learning #programming #semantics #source code
A Semantic Analyzer for Simple Games Source Codes to Programming Learning (ECOdS, GBB, VHVdS, EC), pp. 522–527.
SEKESEKE-2014-WangKS #semantics
An Exploratory Search for Presentation Contents based on Slide Semantic Structure (YW, YK, KS), pp. 665–670.
SEKESEKE-2014-XuL14a #ontology #reasoning #semantics #using
Two-Level Smart Search Engine Using Ontology-Based Semantic Reasoning (HX, AL), pp. 648–652.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-BastBBH #semantics
Semantic full-text search with broccoli (HB, FB, BB, EH), pp. 1265–1266.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-Sebastian #clustering #predict #semantics #using
Cluster links prediction for literature based discovery using latent structure and semantic features (YS), p. 1275.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-ZhangKQH #detection #semantics #word
Continuous word embeddings for detecting local text reuses at the semantic level (QZ, JK, JQ, XH), pp. 797–806.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-ZhouDG #semantics #similarity
Latent semantic sparse hashing for cross-modal similarity search (JZ, GD, YG), pp. 415–424.
BXBX-2014-GrohneLV #bidirectional #dependent type #formal method #semantics
Formalizing Semantic Bidirectionalization with Dependent Types (HG, AL, JV), pp. 75–81.
MODELSMoDELS-2014-LangerMK #behaviour #difference #semantics #specification
Semantic Model Differencing Utilizing Behavioral Semantics Specifications (PL, TM, GK), pp. 116–132.
MODELSMoDELS-2014-TatibouetCGT #execution #formal method #modelling #semantics #uml
Formalizing Execution Semantics of UML Profiles with fUML Models (JT, AC, SG, FT), pp. 133–148.
MODELSMoDELS-2014-LangerMK #behaviour #difference #semantics #specification
Semantic Model Differencing Utilizing Behavioral Semantics Specifications (PL, TM, GK), pp. 116–132.
MODELSMoDELS-2014-TatibouetCGT #execution #formal method #modelling #semantics #uml
Formalizing Execution Semantics of UML Profiles with fUML Models (JT, AC, SG, FT), pp. 133–148.
ECOOPECOOP-2014-CrafaCSST #semantics
Semantics of (Resilient) X10 (SC, DC, VAS, AS, OT), pp. 670–696.
ECOOPECOOP-2014-FilarettiM #execution #php #semantics
An Executable Formal Semantics of PHP (DF, SM), pp. 567–592.
OnwardOnward-2014-SwierstraL #semantics #version control
The Semantics of Version Control (WS, AL), pp. 43–54.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2014-PartushY #correlation #difference #semantics
Abstract semantic differencing via speculative correlation (NP, EY), pp. 811–828.
PPDPPPDP-J-2012-Thielecke14 #on the #parsing #semantics
On the semantics of parsing actions (HT), pp. 52–76.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2014-AlvesDF #data access #metamodelling #semantics
Access Control and Obligations in the Category-Based Metamodel: A Rewrite-Based Semantics (SA, AD, MF), pp. 148–163.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2014-ChowdhuryLCKY #approximate #case study #logic programming #polynomial #semantics #source code
Polynomial Approximation to Well-Founded Semantics for Logic Programs with Generalized Atoms: Case Studies (MSC, FL, WC, AK, JHY), pp. 279–296.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2014-GallF #architecture #semantics
A Formal Semantics for the Cognitive Architecture ACT-R (DG, TWF), pp. 74–91.
POPLPOPL-2014-AndersonFGJKSW #named #network #semantics
NetkAT: semantic foundations for networks (CJA, NF, AG, JBJ, DK, CS, DW), pp. 113–126.
POPLPOPL-2014-Castagna0XILP #evaluation #polymorphism #semantics #syntax
Polymorphic functions with set-theoretic types: part 1: syntax, semantics, and evaluation (GC, KN, ZX, HI, SL, LP), pp. 5–18.
POPLPOPL-2014-Katsumata #monad #parametricity #semantics
Parametric effect monads and semantics of effect systems (SyK), pp. 633–646.
POPLPOPL-2014-Krebbers #axiom #c #nondeterminism #semantics #sequence
An operational and axiomatic semantics for non-determinism and sequence points in C (RK), pp. 101–112.
POPLPOPL-2014-MurawskiT #game studies #interface #java #semantics
Game semantics for interface middleweight Java (ASM, NT), pp. 517–528.
POPLPOPL-2014-PaganiSV #higher-order #quantum #semantics
Applying quantitative semantics to higher-order quantum computing (MP, PS, BV), pp. 647–658.
SACSAC-2014-KluschMKS #monitoring #named #semantics
ICM-Wind: semantics-empowered fluid condition monitoring of wind turbines (MK, APM, PK, AS), pp. 308–315.
SACSAC-2014-OliveiraMB #documentation #semantics #towards #xml
Towards semantic diff of XML documents (AO, LM, VB), pp. 833–838.
SACSAC-2014-PatrignaniC #low level #semantics
Fully abstract trace semantics for low-level isolation mechanisms (MP, DC), pp. 1562–1569.
FSEFSE-2014-FengADA #android #detection #named #semantics #static analysis
Apposcopy: semantics-based detection of Android malware through static analysis (YF, SA, ID, AA), pp. 576–587.
FSEFSE-2014-LuoMW0Z #comparison #detection #obfuscation #semantics #similarity
Semantics-based obfuscation-resilient binary code similarity comparison with applications to software plagiarism detection (LL, JM, DW, PL, SZ), pp. 389–400.
SPLCSPLC-2014-DieumegardTP #approach #data flow #library #product line #semantics #specification
A software product line approach for semantic specification of block libraries in dataflow languages (AD, AT, MP), pp. 217–226.
LCTESLCTES-2014-HenryAMM #encoding #execution #how #modulo theories #optimisation #semantics #worst-case
How to compute worst-case execution time by optimization modulo theory and a clever encoding of program semantics (JH, MA, DM, CM), pp. 43–52.
OSDIOSDI-2014-LeesatapornwongsaHJLG #debugging #model checking #named #performance #semantics
SAMC: Semantic-Aware Model Checking for Fast Discovery of Deep Bugs in Cloud Systems (TL, MH, PJ, JFL, HSG), pp. 399–414.
PPoPPPPoPP-2014-Golan-GuetaRSY #automation #semantics
Automatic semantic locking (GGG, GR, MS, EY), pp. 385–386.
ICLPICLP-J-2014-CharalambidisER #higher-order #logic programming #semantics
Minimum Model Semantics for Extensional Higher-order Logic Programming with Negation (AC, , PR), pp. 725–737.
ICLPICLP-J-2014-TachmazidisAF #big data #performance #semantics
Efficient Computation of the Well-Founded Semantics over Big Data (IT, GA, WF), pp. 445–459.
ISSTAISSTA-2014-AlkhalafAB #difference #semantics #validation
Semantic differential repair for input validation and sanitization (MA, AA, TB), pp. 225–236.
LICSLICS-CSL-2014-Perrinel #interactive #on the #semantics
On context semantics and interaction nets (MP), p. 10.
RTARTA-TLCA-2014-Schmidt-Schauss #analysis #concurrent #programming language #semantics
Concurrent Programming Languages and Methods for Semantic Analyses (Extended Abstract of Invited Talk) (MSS), pp. 21–30.
ECSAECSA-2013-CuestaMF #architecture #realtime #semantics #towards
Towards an Architecture for Managing Big Semantic Data in Real-Time (CEC, MAMP, JDF), pp. 45–53.
ASEASE-2013-RayKPR #consistency #detection #nondeterminism #semantics
Detecting and characterizing semantic inconsistencies in ported code (BR, MK, SP, NR), pp. 367–377.
DocEngDocEng-2013-Vion-Dury #documentation #integration #owl #semantics #using
Using RDFS/OWL to ease semantic integration of structured documents (JYVD), pp. 189–192.
HTHT-2013-AntunovicCTA #interactive #semantics #web
Discovering semantic associations from web search interactions (MA, GC, MT, HA), pp. 202–207.
HTHT-2013-DerczynskiMAB #microblog #semantics
Microblog-genre noise and impact on semantic annotation accuracy (LD, DM, NA, KB), pp. 21–30.
ICDARICDAR-2013-KrishnanJ #image #retrieval #semantics #word
Bringing Semantics in Word Image Retrieval (PK, CVJ), pp. 733–737.
PODSPODS-2013-BaezaRV #database #graph #semantics
Semantic acyclicity on graph databases (PBB, MR, MYV), pp. 237–248.
PODSPODS-2013-HernichKLG #datalog #ontology #reasoning #semantics
Well-founded semantics for extended datalog and ontological reasoning (AH, CK, TL, GG), pp. 225–236.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2013-LiuTZSLKM #comparison #multi #named #process #semantics
CTrace: semantic comparison of multi-granularity process traces (QL, KT, XZ, GS, XL, CK, RM), pp. 1121–1124.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2013-ZhangC #semantics #web
InfoGather+: semantic matching and annotation of numeric and time-varying attributes in web tables (MZ, KC), pp. 145–156.
VLDBVLDB-2013-BergamaschiGILV #data-driven #database #keyword #machine learning #named #relational #semantics
QUEST: A Keyword Search System for Relational Data based on Semantic and Machine Learning Techniques (SB, FG, MI, RTL, YV), pp. 1222–1225.
VLDBVLDB-2013-ChenOOB #named #semantics
ROSeAnn: Reconciling Opinions of Semantic Annotators (LC, SO, GO, MB), pp. 1238–1241.
VLDBVLDB-2013-ChenOOB13a #semantics
ggregating Semantic Annotators (LC, SO, GO, MB), pp. 1486–1497.
VLDBVLDB-2013-LeeL #clustering #graph #query #rdf #scalability #semantics
Scaling Queries over Big RDF Graphs with Semantic Hash Partitioning (KL, LL), pp. 1894–1905.
ESOPESOP-2013-Chargueraud #semantics
Pretty-Big-Step Semantics (AC), pp. 41–60.
ESOPESOP-2013-CollingbourneDKQ #analysis #gpu #kernel #semantics #verification
Interleaving and Lock-Step Semantics for Analysis and Verification of GPU Kernels (PC, AFD, JK, SQ), pp. 270–289.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2013-Abou-SalehP #semantics
Comodels and Effects in Mathematical Operational Semantics (FAS, DP), pp. 129–144.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2013-HaymanH #graph #modelling #rule-based #semantics
Pattern Graphs and Rule-Based Models: The Semantics of Kappa (JH, TH), pp. 1–16.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2013-MurawskiT #game studies #semantics
Deconstructing General References via Game Semantics (ASM, NT), pp. 241–256.
ICPCICPC-2013-Kamiya #clone detection #detection #named #semantics
Agec: An execution-semantic clone detection tool (TK), pp. 227–229.
ICSMEICSM-2013-PruijtKB #architecture #case study #comparative #composition #semantics #tool support
Architecture Compliance Checking of Semantically Rich Modular Architectures: A Comparative Study of Tool Support (LP, CK, SB), pp. 220–229.
ICSMEICSM-2013-VenkataramaniABM #analysis #repository #scalability #semantics
Latent Co-development Analysis Based Semantic Search for Large Code Repositories (RV, AMA, VDB, BM), pp. 372–375.
MSRMSR-2013-HowardGPV #automation #mining #semantics #word
Automatically mining software-based, semantically-similar words from comment-code mappings (MJH, SG, LLP, KVS), pp. 377–386.
PEPMPEPM-2013-Garcia-PerezN #functional #reduction #semantics
A syntactic and functional correspondence between reduction semantics and reduction-free full normalisers (ÁGP, PN), pp. 107–116.
PLDIPLDI-2013-BlackshearL #composition #framework #semantics #specification
Almost-correct specifications: a modular semantic framework for assigning confidence to warnings (SB, SKL), pp. 209–218.
PLDIPLDI-2013-RajaramNSE #implementation #performance #semantics
Fast RMWs for TSO: semantics and implementation (BR, VN, SS, ME), pp. 61–72.
SASSAS-2013-KimDS #documentation #html #parsing #semantics #validation
Static Validation of Dynamically Generated HTML Documents Based on Abstract Parsing and Semantic Processing (HK, KGD, DAS), pp. 194–214.
SASSAS-2013-PartushY #difference #semantics #source code
Abstract Semantic Differencing for Numerical Programs (NP, EY), pp. 238–258.
IFMIFM-2013-CastillosDJKT #composition #semantics
A Compositional Automata-Based Semantics for Property Patterns (KCC, FD, JJ, BK, ST), pp. 316–330.
IFMIFM-2013-Ciobaca #automation #semantics
From Small-Step Semantics to Big-Step Semantics, Automatically (SC), pp. 347–361.
IFMIFM-2013-LiuLACSWD #semantics #state machine #uml
A Formal Semantics for Complete UML State Machines with Communications (SL, YL, ÉA, CC, JS, BW, JSD), pp. 331–346.
IFLIFL-2013-VieraS #composition #semantics #syntax
First Class Syntax, Semantics, and Their Composition (MV, SDS), p. 73.
GT-VMTGT-VMT-2013-Corradini #concurrent #semantics
Invited Talk: On the Concurrent Semantics of Transformation Systems with Negative Application Conditions (AC).
GT-VMTGT-VMT-2013-ForsH #attribute grammar #editing #reuse #semantics #visual notation
Reusing Semantics in Visual Editors: A Case for Reference Attribute Grammars (NF, GH).
HCIHCI-AMTE-2013-BratMP #interactive #model checking #semantics
V&V of Lexical, Syntactic and Semantic Properties for Interactive Systems through Model Checking of Formal Description of Dialog (GB, CM, PAP), pp. 290–299.
HCIHCI-AMTE-2013-FleischmannSS #execution #modelling #process #semantics
Semantic Execution of Subject-Oriented Process Models (AF, WS, CS), pp. 330–339.
HCIHCI-III-2013-ZhaolaoZWFT #image #semantics
Semantic Annotation Method of Clothing Image (LZ, MZ, XW, YF, XT), pp. 289–298.
HCIHCI-UC-2013-KraftT #enterprise #resource management #semantics
Semantically Integrated Business Applications for Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (PK, RT), pp. 411–417.
HCIHCI-UC-2013-KuramochiOTHN #analysis #community #graph #network #semantics #twitter #using
Applying to Twitter Networks of a Community Extraction Method Using Intersection Graph and Semantic Analysis (TK, NO, KT, YH, SN), pp. 314–323.
HCIHIMI-D-2013-MaC #semantics
Semantically Structured VDL-Based Iconic Tags System (XM, JPC), pp. 465–474.
HCIOCSC-2013-LambropoulosTKM #community #framework #network #semantics
Composites Ideas in COMPOOL Immersion: A Semantics Engineering Innovation Network Community Platform (NL, PT, IK, IM), pp. 385–394.
HILTHILT-2013-CourtieuACZRBHG #coq #formal method #runtime #semantics #towards #using
Towards the formalization of SPARK 2014 semantics with explicit run-time checks using coq (PC, MVA, TC, ZZ, R, JB, JH, JG, TJ), pp. 21–22.
CAiSECAiSE-2013-AgtK #automation #modelling #network #scalability #semantics
Automated Construction of a Large Semantic Network of Related Terms for Domain-Specific Modeling (HA, RDK), pp. 610–625.
ICEISICEIS-J-2013-AhmadO13a #architecture #enterprise #ontology #semantics
Blueprint of a Semantic Business Process-Aware Enterprise Information Architecture: The EIAOnt Ontology (MA, MO), pp. 520–539.
ICEISICEIS-J-2013-AlvesSCCCWGBGC13a #named #semantics #tool support #traceability #web
Fairtrace: Applying Semantic Web Tools and Techniques to the Textile Traceability (BA, MS, FC, ALC, GC, DW, CG, BB, DG, PC), pp. 68–84.
ICEISICEIS-J-2013-GandonBCCFGTMSTV #challenge #semantics #social #web
Challenges in Bridging Social Semantics and Formal Semantics on the Web (FG, MB, EC, OC, CFZ, AG, NLT, IM, PS, AT, SV), pp. 3–15.
ICEISICEIS-J-2013-GiordanoTSAF13a #approach #architecture #case study #enterprise #ontology #semantics
Joining Data and Maps in the Government Enterprise Architecture by a Semantic Approach: Methodology, Ontology and Case Study (DG, AT, CS, SA, AF), pp. 506–519.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2013-AlvesSCCCWGBGC #named #semantics #traceability
Fairtrace — A Semantic-web Oriented Traceability Solution Applied to the Textile Traceability (BA, MS, FC, ALC, GC, DW, CG, BB, DG, PC), pp. 36–45.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2013-BentayebK #adaptation #analysis #constraints #semantics
Adapting OLAP Analysis to User’s Constraints through Semantic Hierarchies (FB, RK), pp. 193–200.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2013-Gandon #semantics #social
Semantic and Social (Intra)Webs (FG), p. VII.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2013-GiordanoTACF #database #distributed #framework #semantics
Integrating Distributed Data Bases in a Semantic Framework — The K-Metropolis Project (DG, AT, SA, AC, AF), pp. 322–328.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2013-BouassidaBA #design #named #semantics
P-UML — A Pattern Design Language with a Formal Semantics (NB, HBA, MA), pp. 197–205.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2013-ChamekhTB #evolution #ontology #semantics #web
Ontology Evolution in the Corporate Semantic Web (FC, GT, DB), pp. 182–189.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2013-JridiL #adaptation #semantics #standard #web
Adapting RosettaNet B2B Standard to Semantic Web Technologies (JEJ, GL), pp. 443–450.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2013-AhmadO #approach #architecture #enterprise #process #semantics
A New Approach to Semantically Derive Enterprise Information Architecture from Business Process Architecture (MA, MO), pp. 363–369.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2013-ChenHLSD #architecture #enterprise #semantics
Semantic Enterprise Architecture Management (WC, CH, ML, JS, PD), pp. 318–325.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2013-DiefenthalerB #analysis #architecture #enterprise #semantics #using #web
Gap Analysis in Enterprise Architecture using Semantic Web Technologies (PD, BB), pp. 211–220.
CIKMCIKM-2013-BastB #performance #semantics
An index for efficient semantic full-text search (HB, BB), pp. 369–378.
CIKMCIKM-2013-ShirakawaNHN #metric #probability #semantics #similarity #using #wiki
Probabilistic semantic similarity measurements for noisy short texts using Wikipedia entities (MS, KN, TH, SN), pp. 903–908.
CIKMCIKM-2013-ZhiltsovA #linked data #modelling #open data #semantics
Improving entity search over linked data by modeling latent semantics (NZ, EA), pp. 1253–1256.
ECIRECIR-2013-CarpinetoR #concept #graph #query #semantics
Semantic Search Log k-Anonymization with Generalized k-Cores of Query Concept Graph (CC, GR), pp. 110–121.
ECIRECIR-2013-Franco-SalvadorGR #detection #multi #network #semantics #using
Cross-Language Plagiarism Detection Using a Multilingual Semantic Network (MFS, PG, PR), pp. 710–713.
ECIRECIR-2013-HegdePH #network #online #semantics #social
Semantic Tagging of Places Based on User Interest Profiles from Online Social Networks (VH, JXP, MH), pp. 218–229.
ECIRECIR-2013-KontominasRTP #distributed #named #semantics #social
DS4: A Distributed Social and Semantic Search System (DK, PR, CT, EGMP), pp. 832–836.
ECIRECIR-2013-McParlaneMW #detection #recommendation #semantics
Detecting Friday Night Party Photos: Semantics for Tag Recommendation (PJM, YM, IW), pp. 756–759.
ECIRECIR-2013-PanchenkoRMNPRF #named #semantics #visualisation #word
Serelex: Search and Visualization of Semantically Related Words (AP, PR, OM, HN, AP, AR, CF), pp. 837–840.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-HwangGS #categorisation #semantics #visual notation
Analogy-preserving Semantic Embedding for Visual Object Categorization (SJH, KG, FS), pp. 639–647.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-AtrashAM #enterprise #learning #semantics
A Semantic Model for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to Support Organizational Learning (AA, MHA, CM), pp. 476–483.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-BerkaniN #collaboration #learning #recommendation #semantics
Semantic Collaborative Filtering for Learning Objects Recommendation (LB, ON), pp. 52–63.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-BoubekeurCD #information management #semantics
Semantic-based Knowledge Discovery in Biomedical Literature (FB, SC, YD), pp. 37–44.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-RaafatZR #database #named #semantics
Arabase — A Database Combining Different Arabic Resources with Lexical and Semantic Information (HMR, MAZ, MR), pp. 233–240.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-SaidiDZC #process #requirements #semantics #towards #unification #using
Towards Unification of Requirements Engineering Approaches using Semantics-based Process (IES, TD, NZ, PJC), pp. 443–450.
KEODKEOD-2013-AveiroP13a #approach #enterprise #implementation #ontology #semantics
Implementing Organizational Self Awareness — A Semantic Mediawiki based Enterprise Ontology Management Approach (DA, DP), pp. 453–461.
KEODKEOD-2013-ChabaneR #image #ontology #reasoning #retrieval #semantics
Semantic Gastroenterological Images Annotation and Retrieval — Reasoning with a Polyp Ontology (YC, CR), pp. 293–300.
KEODKEOD-2013-FiorelliPS #framework #semantics #web
A Comprehensive Framework for Semantic Annotation of Web Content (MF, MTP, AS), pp. 245–252.
KEODKEOD-2013-LabadieFR #personalisation #semantics
Personalized Semantic Resources — The SemComp Project Presentation and Preliminary Works (AL, SF, TR), pp. 164–169.
KEODKEOD-2013-RadlV #information management #semantics #web
Potential of Semantic Web Technologies to Support Knowledge Transfer in Forest Management (AR, HV), pp. 387–392.
KEODKEOD-2013-SouissiCG #approach #ontology #semantics
A Semantic-based Approach for Ontology Module Extraction (AS, WC, KG), pp. 222–229.
RecSysRecSys-2013-CodinaRC #modelling #semantics
Local context modeling with semantic pre-filtering (VC, FR, LC), pp. 363–366.
SEKESEKE-2013-Al-MsiedeenSHUVS #concept analysis #mining #object-oriented #semantics #source code #using
Mining Features from the Object-Oriented Source Code of a Collection of Software Variants Using Formal Concept Analysis and Latent Semantic Indexing (RAM, ADS, MH, CU, SV, HES), pp. 244–249.
SEKESEKE-2013-CostaJM #detection #modelling #semantics
Semantic Conflicts Detection in Model-driven Engineering (VOC, JMBOJ, LGPM), pp. 656–661.
SEKESEKE-2013-DiaoSYG #automation #semantics
A Semantic-based Semi-automated Role Mapping Mechanism (S) (LD, WS, ILY, JG), pp. 14–17.
SEKESEKE-2013-LosadaJ #documentation #identification #semantics
Processing rhetorical, morphosyntactic, and semantic features from corporate technical documents for identifying organizational domain knowledge (S) (BML, CMZJ), pp. 268–272.
SEKESEKE-2013-SantosBC #analysis #education #game studies #modelling #programming #semantics
A Knowledge Modeling System for Semantic Analysis of Games Applied to Programming Education (ECOdS, GBB, EWGC), pp. 668–673.
SEKESEKE-2013-SilvaBLDP #automation #generative #semantics #web #web service
Automatic Generation of Semantic Web Services (TPdS, TB, FL, FCD, PFP), pp. 662–667.
SEKESEKE-2013-SilvaD #approach #semantics
A context-aware approach on semantic trajectories (S) (CS, MARD), pp. 435–440.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-AnH #analysis #information retrieval #probability #semantics
Boosting novelty for biomedical information retrieval through probabilistic latent semantic analysis (XA, JXH), pp. 829–832.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-BabashzadehHD #information retrieval #semantics
Exploiting semantics for improving clinical information retrieval (AB, JH, MD), pp. 801–804.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-FafaliosT #named #realtime #semantics #web
X-ENS: semantic enrichment of web search results at real-time (PF, YT), pp. 1089–1090.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-FreitasFOC #approach #graph #linked data #natural language #open data #query #semantics
Answering natural language queries over linked data graphs: a distributional semantics approach (AF, FFdF, SO, EC), pp. 1107–1108.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-Molino #modelling #ranking #semantics
Semantic models for answer re-ranking in question answering (PM), p. 1146.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-Moschitti #kernel #learning #rank #semantics
Kernel-based learning to rank with syntactic and semantic structures (AM), p. 1128.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-SonKP #analysis #locality #recommendation #semantics
A location-based news article recommendation with explicit localized semantic analysis (JWS, AYK, SBP), pp. 293–302.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-WangZS #modelling #semantics #topic #using
Semantic hashing using tags and topic modeling (QW, DZ, LS), pp. 213–222.
SKYSKY-2013-SuarezMFM #automation #generative #natural language #semantics #using
Automatic Generation of Semantic Patterns using Techniques of Natural Language Processing (PS, VM, AF, JLM), pp. 34–44.
MODELSMoDELS-2013-HamannG #concept #metamodelling #semantics #uml
Endogenous Metamodeling Semantics for Structural UML 2 Concepts (LH, MG), pp. 488–504.
MODELSMoDELS-2013-IordanovAAHU #modelling #semantics #web
The Semantic Web as a Software Modeling Tool: An Application to Citizen Relationship Management (BI, AA, SA, TH, PU), pp. 589–603.
MODELSMoDELS-2013-SimkoLLNS #component #composition #cyber-physical #integration #semantics #specification
Specification of Cyber-Physical Components with Formal Semantics — Integration and Composition (GS, DL, TL, SN, JS), pp. 471–487.
MODELSMoDELS-2013-HamannG #concept #metamodelling #semantics #uml
Endogenous Metamodeling Semantics for Structural UML 2 Concepts (LH, MG), pp. 488–504.
MODELSMoDELS-2013-IordanovAAHU #modelling #semantics #web
The Semantic Web as a Software Modeling Tool: An Application to Citizen Relationship Management (BI, AA, SA, TH, PU), pp. 589–603.
MODELSMoDELS-2013-SimkoLLNS #component #composition #cyber-physical #integration #semantics #specification
Specification of Cyber-Physical Components with Formal Semantics — Integration and Composition (GS, DL, TL, SN, JS), pp. 471–487.
ECOOPECOOP-2013-SummersD #abstraction #recursion #semantics
A Formal Semantics for Isorecursive and Equirecursive State Abstractions (AJS, SD), pp. 129–153.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2013-DanvyJ #automaton #reduction #semantics
From Outermost Reduction Semantics to Abstract Machine (OD, JJ), pp. 91–108.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2013-FakhrySA #implementation #semantics #text-to-text #towards
Towards the Implementation of a Source-to-Source Transformation Tool for CHR Operational Semantics (GF, NS, SA), pp. 145–163.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2013-PoulsenM #composition #generative #semantics
Generating Specialized Interpreters for Modular Structural Operational Semantics (CBP, PDM), pp. 220–236.
PPDPPPDP-2013-ChristiansenHRS #encapsulation #functional #logic programming #semantics #source code
A semantics for weakly encapsulated search in functional logic programs (JC, MH, FR, DS), pp. 49–60.
PPDPPPDP-2013-Garcia-PerezNM #order #semantics
Deriving the full-reducing Krivine machine from the small-step operational semantics of normal order (ÁGP, PN, JJMN), pp. 85–96.
PPDPPPDP-2013-KrienerKB #coq #prolog #proving #semantics
Proofs you can believe in: proving equivalences between Prolog semantics in Coq (JK, AK, SB), pp. 37–48.
PPDPPPDP-2013-SimmonsZ #automaton #logic #semantics
A logical correspondence between natural semantics and abstract machines (RJS, IZ), pp. 109–119.
QAPLQAPL-2013-GazeauMP #difference #privacy #semantics
Preserving differential privacy under finite-precision semantics (IG, DM, CP), pp. 1–18.
POPLPOPL-2013-BenzakenCNS #semantics
Static and dynamic semantics of NoSQL languages (VB, GC, KN, JS), pp. 101–114.
POPLPOPL-2013-Tate #semantics
The sequential semantics of producer effect systems (RT), pp. 15–26.
POPLPOPL-2013-VytiniotisJCR #haskell #logic #named #semantics
HALO: haskell to logic through denotational semantics (DV, SLPJ, KC, DR), pp. 431–442.
SACSAC-PL-J-2010-RodriguesNPM13 #semantics
Preserving the original MPI semantics in a virtualized processor environment (ERR, POAN, JP, CLM), pp. 412–421.
SACSAC-PL-J-2011-ViroliBU13 #semantics
Operational semantics of proto (MV, JB, KU), pp. 633–656.
SACSAC-2013-AlnusairZY #automation #design #recognition #semantics #using
Automatic recognition of design motifs using semantic conditions (AA, TZ, GY), pp. 1062–1067.
SACSAC-2013-CapelleHHF #recommendation #semantics #using
Semantic news recommendation using wordnet and bing similarities (MC, FH, AH, FF), pp. 296–302.
SACSAC-2013-CeccarelliGLNP #query #recommendation #semantics
When entities meet query recommender systems: semantic search shortcuts (DC, SG, CL, FMN, RP), pp. 933–938.
SACSAC-2013-ChanHN #layout #semantics #using #wiki #word
Computing semantic relatedness using word frequency and layout information of Wikipedia (PC, YH, SN), pp. 282–287.
SACSAC-2013-HahnMPM #composition #semantics #web #web service
Formal semantics and expressiveness of a web service composition language (MGH, RM, AP, MAM), pp. 1667–1673.
SACSAC-2013-HoelzR #framework #semantics
A framework for semantic annotation of digital evidence (BWPH, CGR), pp. 1966–1971.
SACSAC-2013-LarizgoitiaTBLM #semantics
Environmental service discovery based on semantically annotated OGC service descriptions (IL, IT, AB, AL, PM), pp. 303–310.
SACSAC-2013-LeclercqS #information management #semantics
Enhancing scientific information systems with semantic annotations (EL, MS), pp. 319–324.
SACSAC-2013-LommatzschKA #hybrid #learning #modelling #recommendation #semantics
Learning hybrid recommender models for heterogeneous semantic data (AL, BK, SA), pp. 275–276.
SACSAC-2013-MinerviniFdE #predict #rank #semantics
Rank prediction for semantically annotated resources (PM, NF, Cd, FE), pp. 333–338.
SACSAC-2013-StevensonYDPMV #network #reasoning #resource management #self #semantics
Combining self-organisation, context-awareness and semantic reasoning: the case of resource discovery in opportunistic networks (GS, JY, SD, DP, SM, MV), pp. 1369–1376.
SACSAC-2013-ZiftciK #requirements #semantics #testing #traceability
Test intents: enhancing the semantics of requirements traceability links in test cases (CZ, IK), pp. 1272–1277.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2013-NguyenNNN #semantics #source code #statistics
A statistical semantic language model for source code (TTN, ATN, HAN, TNN), pp. 532–542.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2013-Tikhonova #domain-specific language #framework #semantics
A framework for defining the dynamic semantics of DSLs (UT), pp. 735–738.
ICSEICSE-2013-GauthierM #case study #data access #fault #modelling #php #semantics #smell
Semantic smells and errors in access control models: a case study in PHP (FG, EM), pp. 1169–1172.
ICSEICSE-2013-NguyenQRC #analysis #named #program repair #semantics
SemFix: program repair via semantic analysis (HDTN, DQ, AR, SC), pp. 772–781.
ICSEICSE-2013-Zhang #semantics
Practical semantic test simplification (SZ), pp. 1173–1176.
HPCAHPCA-2013-NereHLT #behaviour #biology #semantic gap
Bridging the semantic gap: Emulating biological neuronal behaviors with simple digital neurons (AN, AH, MHL, GT), pp. 472–483.
CADECADE-2013-BeckertB #logic #semantics
Dynamic Logic with Trace Semantics (BB, DB), pp. 315–329.
CAVCAV-2013-CernyHRRT #concurrent #performance #semantics #synthesis
Efficient Synthesis for Concurrency by Semantics-Preserving Transformations (PC, TAH, AR, LR, TT), pp. 951–967.
CSLCSL-2013-FortierS #proving #semantics
Cuts for circular proofs: semantics and cut-elimination (JF, LS), pp. 248–262.
CSLCSL-2013-GianantonioL #game studies #semantics
Innocent Game Semantics via Intersection Type Assignment Systems (PDG, ML), pp. 231–247.
CSLCSL-2013-Leivant #induction #semantics #type system
Global semantic typing for inductive and coinductive computing (DL), pp. 469–483.
CSLCSL-2013-Nishimura #game studies #parallel #semantics
A Fully Abstract Game Semantics for Parallelism with Non-Blocking Synchronization on Shared Variables (SN), pp. 578–596.
CSLCSL-2013-WangB #decidability #equation #semantics #type system
Semantics of Intensional Type Theory extended with Decidable Equational Theories (QW, BB), pp. 653–667.
ICLPICLP-J-2013-AzizCS #bound #semantics
Stable model semantics for founded bounds (RAA, GC, PJS), pp. 517–532.
ICLPICLP-J-2013-BartholomewL #on the #semantics
On the stable model semantics for intensional functions (MB, JL), pp. 863–876.
LICSLICS-2013-CristescuKV #calculus #composition #semantics
A Compositional Semantics for the Reversible p-Calculus (IC, JK, DV), pp. 388–397.
LICSLICS-2013-FioreH #algebra #equation #logic #multi #polymorphism #semantics #syntax
Multiversal Polymorphic Algebraic Theories: Syntax, Semantics, Translations, and Equational Logic (MPF, MH), pp. 520–529.
LICSLICS-2013-FredrikssonG #automaton #game studies #revisited #semantics
Abstract Machines for Game Semantics, Revisited (OF, DRG), pp. 560–569.
LICSLICS-2013-JungR #logic #semantics
Kripke Semantics for Modal Bilattice Logic (AJ, UR), pp. 438–447.
TLCATLCA-2013-BerardiT #backtracking #game studies #logic #semantics #subclass
Games with Sequential Backtracking and Complete Game Semantics for Subclassical Logics (SB, MT), pp. 61–76.
CBSECBSE-2012-AboudCGA #component #modelling #semantics
Semantic mappings between service, component and agent models (NAA, EC, EG, PA), pp. 29–34.
WICSA-ECSAWICSA-ECSA-2012-SuYZ #analysis #architecture #component #semantics
Semantic Analysis of Component-aspect Dynamism for Connector-based Architecture Styles (GS, MY, CZ), pp. 151–160.
ASEASE-2012-AndersenNLLK #semantics
Semantic patch inference (JA, ACN, DL, JLL, SCK), pp. 382–385.
DACDAC-2012-GhosalLRTPWTA #analysis #data access #data flow #semantics
Static dataflow with access patterns: semantics and analysis (AG, RL, KR, ST, AP, GW, TNT, HAA), pp. 656–663.
DocEngDocEng-2012-PeroniSV #documentation #lens #semantics #using
Faceted documents: describing document characteristics using semantic lenses (SP, DS, FV), pp. 191–194.
HTHT-2012-AbelHHST #semantics #social #web
Semantics + filtering + search = twitcident. exploring information in social web streams (FA, CH, GJH, RS, KT), pp. 285–294.
HTHT-2012-KhabiriCK #predict #realtime #semantics #web
Predicting semantic annotations on the real-time web (EK, JC, KYK), pp. 219–228.
HTHT-2012-OKeeffeOCLW #adaptation #corpus #hypermedia #modelling #semantics #web
Linked open corpus models, leveraging the semantic web for adaptive hypermedia (IO, AO, PC, SL, VW), pp. 321–322.
PODSPODS-2012-LetelierPPS #optimisation #query #semantics #static analysis #web
Static analysis and optimization of semantic web queries (AL, JP, RP, SS), pp. 89–100.
VLDBVLDB-2012-SinghG #learning #semantics #string
Learning Semantic String Transformations from Examples (RS, SG), pp. 740–751.
WRLAWRLA-J-2010-KatelmanKM12 #semantics #set
Rewriting semantics of production rule sets (MK, SK, JM), pp. 929–956.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2012-CrafaVY #parallel #semantics #π-calculus
Event Structure Semantics of Parallel Extrusion in the π-Calculus (SC, DV, NY), pp. 225–239.
CSMRCSMR-2012-IslamMSS #multi #semantics #testing
A Multi-Objective Technique to Prioritize Test Cases Based on Latent Semantic Indexing (MMI, AM, AS, GS), pp. 21–30.
ICPCICPC-2012-KeivanlooRR #clone detection #detection #named #semantics
SeByte: A semantic clone detection tool for intermediate languages (IK, CKR, JR), pp. 247–249.
ICPCICPC-2012-MahmoudNX #approach #semantics #traceability
A semantic relatedness approach for traceability link recovery (AM, NN, SX), pp. 183–192.
ICSMEICSM-2012-Al-KofahiNNNN #detection #semantics
Detecting semantic changes in Makefile build code (JMAK, HVN, ATN, TTN, TNN), pp. 150–159.
ICSMEICSM-2012-IslamMSKS #algorithm #named #search-based #semantics #sorting #testing
MOTCP: A tool for the prioritization of test cases based on a sorting genetic algorithm and Latent Semantic Indexing (MMI, AM, AS, FBK, GS), pp. 654–657.
ICSMEICSM-2012-KehrerKOS #comprehension #difference #evolution #semantics
Understanding model evolution through semantically lifting model differences with SiLift (TK, UK, MO, TS), pp. 638–641.
ICSMEICSM-2012-OuniKSH #refactoring #search-based #semantics #towards
Search-based refactoring: Towards semantics preservation (AO, MK, HAS, MSH), pp. 347–356.
ICSMEICSM-2012-WangLJ #collaboration #semantics #taxonomy
Inferring semantically related software terms and their taxonomy by leveraging collaborative tagging (SW, DL, LJ), pp. 604–607.
MSRMSR-2012-YangT #semantics #word
Inferring semantically related words from software context (JY, LT), pp. 161–170.
WCREWCRE-2012-MisraAKST #clustering #semantics
Software Clustering: Unifying Syntactic and Semantic Features (JM, KMA, VSK, SS, GT), pp. 113–122.
SASSAS-2012-Krishnamurthi #analysis #javascript #semantics #web
Semantics and Analyses for JavaScript and the Web (SK), p. 4.
FLOPSFLOPS-2012-AriolaDHNS #calculus #call-by #semantics
Classical Call-by-Need Sequent Calculi: The Unity of Semantic Artifacts (ZMA, PD, HH, KN, AS), pp. 32–46.
DLTDLT-2012-BuchseMV #semantics
Unidirectional Derivation Semantics for Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammars (MB, AM, HV), pp. 368–379.
ICALPICALP-v2-2012-OngT #game studies #recursion #semantics
Two-Level Game Semantics, Intersection Types, and Recursion Schemes (CHLO, TT), pp. 325–336.
ICALPICALP-v2-2012-RosuS #axiom #formal method #semantics #towards
Towards a Unified Theory of Operational and Axiomatic Semantics (GR, AS), pp. 351–363.
FMFM-2012-LazarASEMLR #semantics
Executing Formal Semantics with the K Tool (DL, AA, TFS, CE, RM, DL, GR), pp. 267–271.
IFMIFM-2012-BrescianiB #semantics
A UTP Semantics of pGCL as a Homogeneous Relation (RB, AB), pp. 191–205.
SEFMSEFM-2012-CiobanuKS #semantics
A Timed Mobility Semantics Based on Rewriting Strategies (GC, MK, LJS), pp. 141–155.
ICFPICFP-2012-Danielsson #monad #semantics #using
Operational semantics using the partiality monad (NAD), pp. 127–138.
ICGTICGT-2012-SerbanutaR #concurrent #framework #graph transformation #semantics #𝕂
A Truly Concurrent Semantics for the 𝕂 Framework Based on Graph Transformations (TFS, GR), pp. 294–310.
CHICHI-2012-EndertFN #interactive #semantics #visual notation
Semantic interaction for visual text analytics (AE, PF, CN), pp. 473–482.
CHICHI-2012-SeitlingerL #re-engineering #semantics #social
Implicit imitation in social tagging: familiarity and semantic reconstruction (PS, TL), pp. 1631–1640.
CAiSECAiSE-2012-KopkeE #logic #semantics
Logical Invalidations of Semantic Annotations (JK, JE), pp. 144–159.
CAiSECAiSE-2012-LyIMR #data transformation #mining #process #semantics
Data Transformation and Semantic Log Purging for Process Mining (LTL, CI, JM, SRM), pp. 238–253.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2012-KosorusBK #query #semantics #similarity #taxonomy #using
Semantic Similarity between Queries in QA System using a Domain-specific Taxonomy (HK, AB, JK), pp. 241–246.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2012-BoudabousSB #ontology #semantics #towards
Towards an Arabic Ontology — Defining Morpho-lexical Patterns for Semantic Relation Extraction (MMB, FS, LHB), pp. 342–348.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2012-LukaszewskiJL #data mining #mining #ontology #semantics #using
Attribute Value Ontology — Using Semantics in Data Mining (TL, JJ, AL), pp. 329–334.
CIKMCIKM-2012-BannourH #image #semantics #using
Hierarchical image annotation using semantic hierarchies (HB, CH), pp. 2431–2434.
CIKMCIKM-2012-BertinSPR #database #lifecycle #named #semantics
CarbonDB: a semantic life cycle inventory database (BB, VMS, JMP, ER), pp. 2683–2685.
CIKMCIKM-2012-ChenHZAHP #category theory #modelling #semantics #visual notation
Modeling semantic relations between visual attributes and object categories via dirichlet forest prior (XC, XH, ZZ, YA, TH, EKP), pp. 1263–1272.
CIKMCIKM-2012-ChenPZ #semantics
A co-training based method for chinese patent semantic annotation (XC, ZP, CZ), pp. 2379–2382.
CIKMCIKM-2012-CuiMWGL #image #keyword #semantics
Semantically coherent image annotation with a learning-based keyword propagation strategy (CC, JM, SW, SG, TL), pp. 2423–2426.
CIKMCIKM-2012-LiHTH #correlation #information management #semantics #topic #word
Incorporating word correlation into tag-topic model for semantic knowledge acquisition (FL, TH, XT, XH), pp. 1622–1626.
CIKMCIKM-2012-LiuW #analysis #on the #semantics
On the connections between explicit semantic analysis and latent semantic analysis (CL, YMW), pp. 1804–1808.
CIKMCIKM-2012-LuZZX #image #learning #scalability #semantics #set
Semantic context learning with large-scale weakly-labeled image set (YL, WZ, KZ, XX), pp. 1859–1863.
CIKMCIKM-2012-LvCC #semantics
Discovering personally semantic places from GPS trajectories (ML, LC, GC), pp. 1552–1556.
CIKMCIKM-2012-MoroN #named #network #semantics
WiSeNet: building a wikipedia-based semantic network with ontologized relations (AM, RN), pp. 1672–1676.
CIKMCIKM-2012-SymondsBST #encoding #semantics
A tensor encoding model for semantic processing (MS, PDB, LS, IT), pp. 2267–2270.
CIKMCIKM-2012-TsatsaronisVN #documentation #named #semantics #using
SemaFor: semantic document indexing using semantic forests (GT, IV, KN), pp. 1692–1696.
CIKMCIKM-2012-ZhengWLS #database #ontology #query #semantics
Enabling ontology based semantic queries in biomedical database systems (SZ, FW, JJL, JHS), pp. 2651–2654.
ECIRECIR-2012-NeumayerBN12a #effectiveness #semantics
When Simple is (more than) Good Enough: Effective Semantic Search with (almost) no Semantics (RN, KB, KN), pp. 540–543.
ICPRICPR-2012-FengB #concept #detection #image #semantics
Utilizing co-occurrence patterns for semantic concept detection in images (LF, BB), pp. 2918–2921.
ICPRICPR-2012-FreytagFRD #kernel #performance #process #segmentation #semantics
Efficient semantic segmentation with Gaussian processes and histogram intersection kernels (AF, BF, ER, JD), pp. 3313–3316.
ICPRICPR-2012-LiuXAL #semantics
Semantic superpixel based vehicle tracking (LL, JX, HA, SL), pp. 2222–2225.
ICPRICPR-2012-MengQYMCM #process #recognition #semantics
Activity recognition based on semantic spatial relation (LM, LQ, PY, JM, XC, DNM), pp. 609–612.
ICPRICPR-2012-TangW #detection #semantics
Semantic Hough Transform based object detection with Partial Least Squares (JT, HW), pp. 3652–3655.
ICPRICPR-2012-VaradarajanV #semantics #using #visual notation
Semantic saliency using k-TR theory of visual perception (KMV, MV), pp. 3676–3679.
ICPRICPR-2012-ZenRSRS #categorisation #functional #semantics
Enhanced semantic descriptors for functional scene categorization (GZ, NR, JS, ER, NS), pp. 1985–1988.
ICPRICPR-2012-ZhangZHHT #detection #mining #semantics
Semantic windows mining in sliding window based object detection (JZ, XZ, YH, KH, TT), pp. 3264–3267.
ICPRICPR-2012-ZhengQ #categorisation #semantics
Non-negative Sparse Semantic Coding for text categorization (WZ, YQ), pp. 409–412.
ICPRICPR-2012-ZouKR #image #segmentation #semantics #using
Semantic image segmentation using region bank (WZ, KK, JR), pp. 922–925.
KDDKDD-2012-Ma #information management #semantics
Semantic search and a new moore’s law effect in knowledge engineering (WYM), p. 586.
KDDKDD-2012-OhKPY #network #realtime #semantics
PubMed search and exploration with real-time semantic network construction (JO, TK, SP, HY), pp. 1572–1575.
KDDKDD-2012-ShiZKYLW #named #network #recommendation #semantics
HeteRecom: a semantic-based recommendation systemin heterogeneous networks (CS, CZ, XK, PSY, GL, BW), pp. 1552–1555.
KDDKDD-2012-YuSZH #network #semantics
Query-driven discovery of semantically similar substructures in heterogeneous networks (XY, YS, PZ, JH), pp. 1500–1503.
KDIRKDIR-2012-AlkouzA #approach #network #semantics #social
An Interests Discovery Approach in Social Networks based on a Semantically Enriched Bayesian Network Model (AA, SA), pp. 300–305.
KDIRKDIR-2012-Ananiadou #semantics
Extracting Semantically Enriched Events from the Literature (SA).
KDIRKDIR-2012-HavaSK #classification #documentation #network #semantics
Contextual Latent Semantic Networks used for Document Classification (OH, MS, PK), pp. 425–430.
KDIRKDIR-2012-MedinaFRF #semantics #using #wiki
Measuring Entity Semantic Relatedness using Wikipedia (LASM, ALNF, RR, JF), pp. 431–437.
KDIRKDIR-2012-MiaoLWZ #infinity #modelling #process #semantics #topic #wiki
Infinite Topic Modelling for Trend Tracking — Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Approaches with Wikipedia Semantic based Method (YM, CL, HW, LZ), pp. 35–44.
KEODKEOD-2012-TarakciC #fuzzy #modelling #named #semantics #ubiquitous
UCASFUM: A Ubiquitous Context-aware Semantic Fuzzy User Modeling System (HT, NKC), pp. 278–283.
KEODKEOD-2012-WandeltM #ontology #semantics #summary #towards
Towards Semantic Summaries over Ontologies (SW, RM), pp. 196–201.
KMISKMIS-2012-EmmeneggerLT #semantics
Improving Supply-Chain-Management based on Semantically Enriched Risk Descriptions (SE, EL, BT), pp. 70–80.
KMISKMIS-2012-ThonssenL #approach #contract #semantics
Semantically Enriched Obligation Management — An Approach for Improving the Handling of Obligations Represented in Contracts (BT, JL), pp. 40–48.
KRKR-2012-GrauJKZ #constraints #evolution #ontology #semantics
Ontology Evolution Under Semantic Constraints (BCG, EJR, EK, DZ).
KRKR-2012-SlotaL #equivalence #modelling #robust #semantics #source code
Robust Equivalence Models for Semantic Updates of Answer-Set Programs (MS, JL).
KRKR-2012-TosattoBTV #proving #semantics
Abstract Normative Systems: Semantics and Proof Theory (SCT, GB, LWNvdT, SV).
KRKR-2012-VlaeminckVBD #complexity #logic #order #semantics
Ordered Epistemic Logic: Semantics, Complexity and Applications (HV, JV, MB, MD).
RecSysRecSys-2012-Heitmann #framework #graph #multi #personalisation #semantics
An open framework for multi-source, cross-domain personalisation with semantic interest graphs (BH), pp. 313–316.
RecSysRecSys-2012-ZhangTSWY #approach #image #recommendation #semantics
A semantic approach to recommending text advertisements for images (WZ, LT, XS, HW, YY), pp. 179–186.
SEKESEKE-2012-ChavesDMNF #interface #semantics
Semantic Interfaces Discovery Server (LMC, JRVD, BdAM, JCCN, PPMF), pp. 80–87.
SEKESEKE-2012-DuttaUA #analysis #approach #automation #semantics #verification
Requirement Analysis and Automated Verification: A Semantic Approach (AD, PDU, SA), pp. 51–54.
SEKESEKE-2012-FarfelederMK #elicitation #locality #requirements #semantics #using
Using Semantic Relatedness and Locality for Requirements Elicitation Guidance (SF, TM, AK), pp. 19–24.
SEKESEKE-2012-GayedLB #forensics #semantics #towards #web
Computer Forensics: Toward the Construction of Electronic Chain of Custody on the Semantic Web (TFG, HL, MB), pp. 406–411.
SEKESEKE-2012-JlaielA #approach #novel #process #reuse #semantics #towards
Towards a Novel Semantic Approach for Process Patterns’ Capitalization and Reuse (NJ, MBA), pp. 505–510.
SEKESEKE-2012-RadulovicG #network #process #recommendation #semantics
Semantic Technology Recommendation Based on the Analytic Network Process (FR, RGC), pp. 611–616.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-HechtCQSRGD #semantics
Explanatory semantic relatedness and explicit spatialization for exploratory search (BH, SC, MQ, JS, MR, DG, DD), pp. 415–424.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-ZhangXCHDALC #identification #information management #semantics #sentiment #syntax
Sentiment identification by incorporating syntax, semantics and context information (KZ, YX, YC, DH, DD, AA, WkL, ANC), pp. 1143–1144.
ICMTICMT-2012-WagelaarIRP #co-evolution #emf #semantics #virtual machine
Translational Semantics of a Co-evolution Specific Language with the EMF Transformation Virtual Machine (DW, LI, DDR, AP), pp. 192–207.
MODELSMoDELS-2012-MaozS #semantics #synthesis
Assume-Guarantee Scenarios: Semantics and Synthesis (SM, YS), pp. 335–351.
MODELSMoDELS-2012-MaozS #semantics #synthesis
Assume-Guarantee Scenarios: Semantics and Synthesis (SM, YS), pp. 335–351.
ECOOPECOOP-2012-Ancona #induction #object-oriented #semantics
Soundness of Object-Oriented Languages with Coinductive Big-Step Semantics (DA), pp. 459–483.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2012-MishneSY #code search #semantics #source code
Typestate-based semantic code search over partial programs (AM, SS, EY), pp. 997–1016.
GPCEGPCE-2012-AxelsenK #java #performance #semantics #text-to-text
Package templates: a definition by semantics-preserving source-to-source transformations to efficient Java code (EWA, SK), pp. 50–59.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2012-DandoisV #logic programming #semantics #source code
Semantic Code Clones in Logic Programs (CD, WV), pp. 35–50.
PPDPPPDP-2012-Thielecke #continuation #functional #parsing #recursion #semantics
Functional semantics of parsing actions, and left recursion elimination as continuation passing (HT), pp. 91–102.
PADLPADL-2012-BromanN #equation #modelling #object-oriented #semantics
Node-Based Connection Semantics for Equation-Based Object-Oriented Modeling Languages (DB, HN), pp. 258–272.
POPLPOPL-2012-EllisonR #c #execution #semantics
An executable formal semantics of C with applications (CE, GR), pp. 533–544.
POPLPOPL-2012-RamananandroRL #c++ #resource management #semantics
A mechanized semantics for C++ object construction and destruction, with applications to resource management (TR, GDR, XL), pp. 521–532.
REFSQREFSQ-2012-DaramolaMSB #perspective #reasoning #requirements #research #semantics #using
Managing Implicit Requirements Using Semantic Case-Based Reasoning Research Preview (OD, TM, GS, SB), pp. 172–178.
REFSQREFSQ-2012-GenonCTHM #semantics #syntax #towards #visual notation
Towards a More Semantically Transparent i* Visual Syntax (NG, PC, HT, PH, DLM), pp. 140–146.
SACSAC-2012-BarabucciPPV #approach #semantics
Embedding semantic annotations within texts: the FRETTA approach (GB, SP, FP, FV), pp. 658–663.
SACSAC-2012-BelohlavekV #database #semantics #similarity
Attribute implications in similarity-based databases: semantic entailment and nonredundant bases (RB, VV), pp. 840–846.
SACSAC-2012-BrylTGS #novel #semantics #web
A novel Framenet-based resource for the semantic web (VB, ST, CG, LS), pp. 360–365.
SACSAC-2012-CalhauF #configuration management #integration #ontology #semantics
A Configuration Management task ontology for semantic integration (RFC, RdAF), pp. 348–353.
SACSAC-2012-ChunM #health #integration #semantics #social #using #web
Social health data integration using semantic Web (SAC, BM), pp. 392–397.
SACSAC-2012-FanS #automation #collaboration #dependence #programming #realtime #semantics
Dependency-based automatic locking for semantic conflict prevention in real-time collaborative programming (HF, CS), pp. 737–742.
SACSAC-2012-FreitasCO #approach #linked data #open data #semantics #web
A distributional approach for terminological semantic search on the Linked Data Web (AF, EC, SO), pp. 384–391.
SACSAC-2012-GuidaraCF #approach #semantics
Intention based semantic approach for service sourcing (IG, TC, KF), pp. 401–402.
SACSAC-2012-MirizziNSR #recommendation #semantics #web
Web 3.0 in action: Vector Space Model for semantic (movie) Recommendations (RM, TDN, EDS, AR), pp. 403–405.
SACSAC-2012-ViroliPMS #coordination #ecosystem #modelling #pervasive #semantics
Pervasive ecosystems: a coordination model based on semantic chemistry (MV, DP, SM, GS), pp. 295–302.
FSEFSE-2012-DiGiuseppeJ #automation #fault #semantics
Semantic fault diagnosis: automatic natural-language fault descriptions (ND, JAJ), p. 23.
FSEFSE-2012-StoleeE #semantics #smt #towards
Toward semantic search via SMT solver (KTS, SGE), p. 25.
ICSEICSE-2012-Bavota #refactoring #semantics #using
Using structural and semantic information to support software refactoring (GB), pp. 1479–1482.
ICSEICSE-2012-Stolee #lightweight #semantics #source code #specification
Finding suitable programs: Semantic search with incomplete and lightweight specifications (KTS), pp. 1571–1574.
LCTESLCTES-2012-BouissouC #semantics #simulation
An operational semantics for Simulink’s simulation engine (OB, AC), pp. 129–138.
CAVCAV-2012-LahiriHKR #imperative #named #semantics #source code
SYMDIFF: A Language-Agnostic Semantic Diff Tool for Imperative Programs (SKL, CH, MK, HR), pp. 712–717.
ICLPICLP-2012-DeneckerLTV #programming #semantics #set
A Tarskian Informal Semantics for Answer Set Programming (MD, YL, MT, JV), pp. 277–289.
ICLPICLP-2012-OetschPT #constraints #semantics #source code
An FLP-Style Answer-Set Semantics for Abstract-Constraint Programs with Disjunctions (JO, JP, HT), pp. 222–234.
ICLPICLP-2012-VirsedaMT #concurrent #constraints #functional #logic programming #semantics
A Concurrent Operational Semantics for Constraint Functional Logic Programming (RdVV, FPM, MMGT), pp. 154–163.
ICLPICLP-2012-YouMB #semantics #source code
Reconciling Well-Founded Semantics of DL-Programs and Aggregate Programs (JHY, JM, YB), pp. 235–246.
ICLPICLP-J-2012-AlvianoFLM #complexity #datalog #decidability #quantifier #semantics
Disjunctive datalog with existential quantifiers: Semantics, decidability, and complexity issues (MA, WF, NL, MM), pp. 701–718.
ICLPICLP-J-2012-Martin #logic programming #semantics #source code
Contextual hypotheses and semantics of logic programs (EM), pp. 843–887.
ICSTICST-2012-AichernigJ #constraints #modelling #mutation testing #semantics #testing #towards
Towards Symbolic Model-Based Mutation Testing: Pitfalls in Expressing Semantics as Constraints (BKA, EJ), pp. 752–757.
ICSTICST-2012-DanH #analysis #comparison #float #mutation testing #semantics
Semantic Mutation Analysis of Floating-Point Comparison (HD, RMH), pp. 290–299.
ICSTICST-2012-DanH12a #c #mutation testing #named #semantics #testing #tool support
SMT-C: A Semantic Mutation Testing Tools for C (HD, RMH), pp. 654–663.
ICSTICST-2012-PatrickOC #evaluation #named #semantics
MESSI: Mutant Evaluation by Static Semantic Interpretation (MP, MO, JAC), pp. 711–719.
IJCARIJCAR-2012-BaazLZ #calculus #effectiveness #semantics
Effective Finite-Valued Semantics for Labelled Calculi (MB, OL, AZ), pp. 52–66.
LICSLICS-2012-Atkey #parsing #semantics
The Semantics of Parsing with Semantic Actions (RA), pp. 75–84.
LICSLICS-2012-Hoshino #call-by #combinator #semantics
Step Indexed Realizability Semantics for a Call-by-Value Language Based on Basic Combinatorial Objects (NH), pp. 385–394.
LICSLICS-2012-Mellies #diagrams #game studies #semantics #string
Game Semantics in String Diagrams (PAM), pp. 481–490.
LICSLICS-2012-Vicary #protocol #quantum #semantics
Higher Semantics of Quantum Protocols (JV), pp. 606–615.
RTARTA-2012-CousineauH #proving #semantics
A Semantic Proof that Reducibility Candidates entail Cut Elimination (DC, OH), pp. 133–148.
RTARTA-2012-Terui #complexity #evaluation #semantics #λ-calculus
Semantic Evaluation, Intersection Types and Complexity of Simply Typed λ Calculus (KT), pp. 323–338.
VMCAIVMCAI-2012-Nipkow #education #proving #semantics
Teaching Semantics with a Proof Assistant: No More LSD Trip Proofs (TN), pp. 24–38.
WICSAWICSA-2011-BoerV #architecture #case study #experience #information management #semantics #wiki
Experiences with Semantic Wikis for Architectural Knowledge Management (RCdB, HvV), pp. 32–41.
ASEASE-2011-KehrerKT #approach #difference #rule-based #semantics #version control
A rule-based approach to the semantic lifting of model differences in the context of model versioning (TK, UK, GT), pp. 163–172.
ASEASE-2011-Witten #documentation #how #representation #semantics #wiki
Wikipedia and how to use it for semantic document representation (IHW), p. 1.
CASECASE-2011-ProvostRF #semantics #specification
A formal semantics for Grafcet specifications (JP, JMR, JMF), pp. 488–494.
DocEngDocEng-2011-QuKWH #case study #metadata #semantics
Interoperable metadata semantics with meta-metadata: a use case integrating search engines (YQ, AK, AMW, AH), pp. 171–174.
HTHT-2011-ChiabrandoLLPD #ontology #semantics #similarity
Semantic similarity in heterogeneous ontologies (EC, SL, IL, CP, DTD), pp. 153–160.
HTHT-2011-SteichenOW #personalisation #semantics #social
Personalisation in the wild: providing personalisation across semantic, social and open-web resources (BS, AO, VW), pp. 73–82.
ICDARICDAR-2011-CoustatyBBL #algorithm #image #ontology #semantic gap #using
Using Ontologies to Reduce the Semantic Gap between Historians and Image Processing Algorithms (MC, AB, KB, GL), pp. 156–160.
ICDARICDAR-2011-EmilieBA #constraints #network #physics #recognition #semantics
Use of Semantic and Physical Constraints in Bayesian Networks for Form Recognition (EP, YB, AB), pp. 946–950.
ICDARICDAR-2011-ForcherADGR #semantics #towards
Semantic Logging: Towards Explanation-Aware DAS (BF, SA, AD, MG, TRB), pp. 1140–1144.
PODSPODS-2011-ArenasP #query #semantics #web
Querying semantic web data with SPARQL (MA, JP), pp. 305–316.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2011-RoyC #database #performance #semantics
Location-aware type ahead search on spatial databases: semantics and efficiency (SBR, KC), pp. 361–372.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2011-SolimanIMT #metric #nondeterminism #ranking #semantics
Ranking with uncertain scoring functions: semantics and sensitivity measures (MAS, IFI, DM, MT), pp. 805–816.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2011-StoyanovichLMR #named #ranking #semantics #visualisation
SkylineSearch: semantic ranking and result visualization for pubmed (JS, ML, WM, KAR), pp. 1247–1250.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2011-WangWW #semantics
Finding semantics in time series (PW, HW, WW), pp. 385–396.
VLDBVLDB-2011-VenetisHMPSWMW #semantics #web
Recovering Semantics of Tables on the Web (PV, AYH, JM, MP, WS, FW, GM, CW), pp. 528–538.
VLDBVLDB-2012-GoasdoueKLM11 #database #semantics #web
View Selection in Semantic Web Databases (FG, KK, JL, IM), pp. 97–108.
CSEETCSEET-2011-Virseda #education #learning #re-engineering #semantics
A learning methodology based on semantic tableaux for software engineering education (RdVV), pp. 401–405.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-KleinKT #analysis #assessment #automation #semantics #using
Automated assessment of short free-text responses in computer science using latent semantic analysis (RK, AK, MT), pp. 158–162.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-VirsedaM #debugging #education #semantics #source code #verification
An innovative teaching tool based on semantic tableaux for verification and debugging of programs (RdVV, FPM), p. 352.
ESOPESOP-2011-BorgstromGGMG #machine learning #semantics
Measure Transformer Semantics for Bayesian Machine Learning (JB, ADG, MG, JM, JVG), pp. 77–96.
ESOPESOP-2011-BurckhardtL #concurrent #semantics
Semantics of Concurrent Revisions (SB, DL), pp. 116–135.
ESOPESOP-2011-MurawskiT #algorithm #game studies #semantics
Algorithmic Nominal Game Semantics (ASM, NT), pp. 419–438.
FASEFASE-2011-EsmaeilsabzaliD #modelling #quality #semantics
Semantic Quality Attributes for Big-Step Modelling Languages (SE, NAD), pp. 65–80.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2011-Clairambault #estimation #game studies #interactive #semantics
Estimation of the Length of Interactions in Arena Game Semantics (PC), pp. 335–349.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2011-GhicaM #abstraction #game studies #semantics
Synchronous Game Semantics via Round Abstraction (DRG, MNM), pp. 350–364.
MSRMSR-2011-LiZ #re-engineering #semantics #using #web
Integrating software engineering data using semantic web technologies (YFL, HZ), pp. 211–214.
PEPMPEPM-2011-Chitil #lazy evaluation #semantics
A semantics for lazy assertions (OC), pp. 141–150.
PEPMPEPM-2011-DanvyJZ #semantics
A walk in the semantic park (OD, JJ, IZ), pp. 1–12.
PLDIPLDI-2011-KimR #commutative #data type #linked data #open data #semantics #verification
Verification of semantic commutativity conditions and inverse operations on linked data structures (DK, MCR), pp. 528–541.
ICALPICALP-v2-2011-DengH #automaton #markov #on the #semantics
On the Semantics of Markov Automata (YD, MH), pp. 307–318.
IFMIFM-J-2009-ColvinH11 #behaviour #csp #semantics #specification #using
A semantics for Behavior Trees using CSP with specification commands (RC, IJH), pp. 891–914.
FMFM-2011-Sztipanovits #integration #perspective #physics #semantics
Model Integration and Cyber Physical Systems: A Semantics Perspective (JS), p. 1.
SEFMSEFM-2011-BlechB #coq #semantics #verification
Verification of PLC Properties Based on Formal Semantics in Coq (JOB, SOB), pp. 58–73.
ICFPICFP-2011-AhmedB #continuation #multi #semantics
An equivalence-preserving CPS translation via multi-language semantics (AA, MB), pp. 431–444.
ICFPICFP-2011-GaboardiPP #exclamation #semantics
Linearity and PCF: a semantic insight! (MG, LP, MP), pp. 372–384.
ICFPICFP-2011-GesbertGL #logic #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism #semantics #type system
Parametric polymorphism and semantic subtyping: the logical connection (NG, PG, NL), pp. 107–116.
ICFPICFP-2011-KrishnaswamiB #semantics #user interface #visual notation
A semantic model for graphical user interfaces (NRK, NB), pp. 45–57.
GCMGCM-2010-GolasBEE11 #graph transformation #interpreter #semantics #visual notation
A Visual Interpreter Semantics for Statecharts Based on Amalgamated Graph Transformation (UG, EB, HE, CE).
AGTIVEAGTIVE-2011-RossiniLGRL #graph transformation #metamodelling #semantics
A Graph Transformation-Based Semantics for Deep Metamodelling (AR, JdL, EG, AR, YL), pp. 19–34.
HCIHCD-2011-BurkhardtNBSK #named #semantics #using
SemaZoom: Semantics Exploration by Using a Layer-Based Focus and Context Metaphor (DB, KN, MB, CS, AK), pp. 491–499.
HCIHCD-2011-Lin #communication #design #research #semantics
Research in the Use of Product Semantics to Communicate Product Design Information (CHL), pp. 556–565.
HCIHCD-2011-WangY #semantics
Semantic-Conditioned Peripheral Vision Acuity Fading Awareness (PVAFA) (MCW, MY), pp. 340–347.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-StabNBBK #semantics
Interacting with Semantics and Time (CS, KN, MB, DB, AK), pp. 520–529.
HCIHIMI-v1-2011-NazemiBFBK #adaptation #semantics #visualisation
Interacting with Semantics: A User-Centered Visualization Adaptation Based on Semantics Data (KN, MB, JF, DB, AK), pp. 239–248.
HCIHIMI-v1-2011-PlumbaumSKA #approach #semantics #user interface
My Personal User Interface: A Semantic User-Centric Approach to Manage and Share User Information (TP, KS, MK, SA), pp. 585–593.
HCIOCSC-2011-AliprandiRMTM #dataset #rdf #semantics #web #wiki
Extracting Events from Wikipedia as RDF Triples Linked to Widespread Semantic Web Datasets (CA, FR, AM, MT, SM), pp. 90–99.
HCIOCSC-2011-ReisBB #network #personalisation #semantics #social
Beyond the Social Search: Personalizing the Semantic Search in Social Networks (JCdR, RB, MCCB), pp. 345–354.
HCIOCSC-2011-WuLL #case study #navigation #semantics #wiki
An Exploratory Study of Navigating Wikipedia Semantically: Model and Application (ICW, YSL, CHL), pp. 140–149.
CAiSECAiSE-2011-MoserWHB #analysis #automation #categorisation #empirical #requirements #semantics
Requirements Management with Semantic Technology: An Empirical Study on Automated Requirements Categorization and Conflict Analysis (TM, DW, MH, SB), pp. 3–17.
CAiSECAiSE-2011-SmirnovRW #abstraction #approach #process #semantics
A Semantic Approach for Business Process Model Abstraction (SS, HAR, MW), pp. 497–511.
EDOCEDOC-2011-AzevedoASQG #motivation #ontology #semantics
An Ontology-Based Semantics for the Motivation Extension to ArchiMate (CLBA, JPAA, MvS, DACQ, GG), pp. 25–34.
ICEISICEIS-J-2011-LezocheAP #concept #information management #model transformation #semantics
Formal Fact-Oriented Model Transformations for Cooperative Information Systems Semantic Conceptualisation (ML, AA, HP), pp. 117–131.
ICEISICEIS-J-2011-MeisenMSJ11a #adaptation #integration #semantic gap #simulation
Adaptive Information Integration: Bridging the Semantic Gap between Numerical Simulations (TM, PM, DS, SJ), pp. 51–65.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2011-BakshevSMVC #semantics #visualisation
Trajectory Semantic Visualization (SB, LS, JAFdM, CAV, MAC), pp. 326–332.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2011-BorovskiySZK #api #enterprise #in memory #semantics
Semantically Rich API for In-database Data Manipulation in Main-memory ERP Systems (VB, CS, AZ, WK), pp. 253–260.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2011-MakkiAGJ #evaluation #performance #query #semantics
Performance Evaluation of Query Trimming Strategies in Semantic Caching Environment (SKM, SA, YG, MSJ), pp. 169–176.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2011-MarinAV #automation #java #named #ontology #semantics
Jar2Ontology — A Tool for Automatic Extraction of Semantic Information from Java Object Code (NM, CSÁ, MAV), pp. 267–276.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2011-VaneaP #metadata #multi #ontology #semantics #using
Semantically Enhancing Multimedia Data Warehouses — Using Ontologies as Part of the Metadata (AV, RP), pp. 163–168.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2011-ZdravkovicTP #network #ontology #semantics
Local Ontologies for Semantic Interoperability in Supply Chain Networks (MZ, MT, HP), pp. 22–31.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2011-AbramowiczBDFK #interface #semantics #web
Web Interface for Semantically Enabled Experts Finding System (WA, EB, JD, AF, MK), pp. 291–296.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2011-SongZC #architecture #enterprise #information management #semantics #web
An Architecture for Interoperability of Enterprise Information Systems based on SOA and Semantic Web Technologies (FS, GZ, DC), pp. 431–437.
CIKMCIKM-2011-AumullerR #named #semantics
PDFMeat: managing publications on the semantic desktop (DA, ER), pp. 2565–2568.
CIKMCIKM-2011-Bradford #implementation #scalability #semantics
Implementation techniques for large-scale latent semantic indexing applications (RBB), pp. 339–344.
CIKMCIKM-2011-CaiZLZ #classification #scalability #semantics #wiki
Large-scale question classification in cQA by leveraging Wikipedia semantic knowledge (LC, GZ, KL, JZ), pp. 1321–1330.
CIKMCIKM-2011-CleuziouBLD #automation #framework #semantics
A pretopological framework for the automatic construction of lexical-semantic structures from texts (GC, DB, VL, GD), pp. 2453–2456.
CIKMCIKM-2011-CroceMB #dependence #kernel #semantics
Semantic convolution kernels over dependency trees: smoothed partial tree kernel (DC, AM, RB), pp. 2013–2016.
CIKMCIKM-2011-DadzieUZW #ide #information management #semantics
An integrated environment for semantic knowledge work (ASD, VSU, ZZ, PW), pp. 2529–2532.
CIKMCIKM-2011-GottronAS #analysis #semantics
Insights into explicit semantic analysis (TG, MA, BS), pp. 1961–1964.
CIKMCIKM-2011-HuTL #microblog #semantics #using
Enhancing accessibility of microblogging messages using semantic knowledge (XH, LT, HL), pp. 2465–2468.
CIKMCIKM-2011-LiCBZH #clustering #semantics
Facilitating pattern discovery for relation extraction with semantic-signature-based clustering (YL, VC, SB, HZ, HH), pp. 1415–1424.
CIKMCIKM-2011-NavigliFSLA #ambiguity #categorisation #learning #modelling #semantics #word
Two birds with one stone: learning semantic models for text categorization and word sense disambiguation (RN, SF, AS, OLdL, EA), pp. 2317–2320.
CIKMCIKM-2011-RiveroHRC #benchmark #metric #on the #ontology #semantics
On benchmarking data translation systems for semantic-web ontologies (CRR, IH, DR, RC), pp. 1613–1618.
CIKMCIKM-2011-VirgilioOTT #flexibility #information management #semantics
Semantic data markets: a flexible environment for knowledge management (RDV, GO, LT, RT), pp. 1559–1564.
ECIRECIR-2011-DinhT #information retrieval #semantics
Combining Global and Local Semantic Contexts for Improving Biomedical Information Retrieval (DD, LT), pp. 375–386.
ECIRECIR-2011-KoolenK #effectiveness #question #retrieval #semantics
Are Semantically Related Links More Effective for Retrieval? (MK, JK), pp. 92–103.
ECIRECIR-2011-Rehurek #analysis #semantics
Subspace Tracking for Latent Semantic Analysis (RR), pp. 289–300.
ECIRECIR-2011-RusinolAKTL #image #interactive #retrieval #semantics #visual notation
Interactive Trademark Image Retrieval by Fusing Semantic and Visual Content (MR, DA, DK, RT, JL), pp. 314–325.
KDDKDD-2011-LeeOYK #privacy #semantics #using
Protecting location privacy using location semantics (BL, JO, HY, JK), pp. 1289–1297.
KDDKDD-2011-MukerjeePG #algorithm #framework #linear #mining #semantics #sql
Linear scale semantic mining algorithms in microsoft SQL server’s semantic platform (KM, TP, SG), pp. 213–221.
KDDKDD-2011-YeSLYJ #network #on the #semantics #social
On the semantic annotation of places in location-based social networks (MY, DS, WCL, PY, KJ), pp. 520–528.
KDIRKDIR-2011-ArmanoGV #concept #semantics #using
Semantic Enrichment of Contextual Advertising by using Concepts (GA, AG, EV), pp. 232–237.
KDIRKDIR-2011-DeruyverH #approach #consistency #graph #image #information management #semantics
Semantic Graphs and Arc Consistency Checking — The Renewal of an Old Approach for Information Extraction from Images (AD, YH), pp. 515–522.
KDIRKDIR-2011-JeongY #approach #proximity #semantics #summary
An Approach for Combining Semantic Information and Proximity Information for Text Summarization (HJ, YY), pp. 427–432.
KDIRKDIR-2011-KharratJG #multi #semantics
Semantic Relationships between Multimedia Resources (MK, AJ, FG), pp. 342–347.
KDIRKDIR-2011-MukerjeePG #database #documentation #mining #relational #semantics
Semantic Mining of Documents in a Relational Database (KM, TP, SG), pp. 146–158.
KDIRKDIR-2011-Osuna-OntiverosLS #approach #clustering #documentation #semantics
A Semantic Clustering Approach for Indexing Documents (DOO, ILA, VSS), pp. 288–293.
KEODKEOD-2011-AarnioSK #industrial #lightweight #semantics
A Lightweight Element Matching Method for Industrial Terminology Harmonization — Exploiting Minimal Semantics based on Naming Conventions (PA, SS, KK), pp. 390–395.
KEODKEOD-2011-AbbesZN #learning #ontology #semantics
Evaluating Semantic Classes Used for Ontology Building and Learning from Texts (SBA, HZ, AN), pp. 445–448.
KEODKEOD-2011-BeheNGK #3d #multi #semantics
Semantic Management of Intelligent Multi-agents Systems in a 3D Environment (FB, CN, SG, AK), pp. 91–98.
KEODKEOD-2011-FukumotoS #classification #clustering #graph #semantics #word
Semantic Classification of Unknown Words based on Graph-based Semi-supervised Clustering (FF, YS), pp. 37–46.
KEODKEOD-2011-GaignardMWG #concept #parametricity #runtime #semantics
Characterizing Semantic Service Parameters with Role Concepts to Infer Domain-specific Knowledge at Runtime (AG, JM, BW, BG), pp. 59–70.
KEODKEOD-2011-HmidaCBN #3d #approach #detection #ontology #semantics
From 3D Point Clouds to Semantic Objects — An Ontology-based Detection Approach (HBH, CC, FB, CN), pp. 255–260.
KEODKEOD-2011-LimYSH #metric #modelling #robust #semantics
Robust Semantic World Modeling by Beta Measurement Likelihood in a Dynamic Indoor Environment (GHL, CY, IHS, SWH), pp. 311–316.
KEODKEOD-2011-LunesuPC #approach #semantics
Approach to Manage Semantic Informations from UGC (MIL, FEP, GC), pp. 470–473.
KEODKEOD-2011-ModicaT #semantics
A Semantic Model to Support Advanced Supply-demand Matchmaking in Future Cloud Resources Market (GDM, OT), pp. 429–432.
KEODKEOD-2011-PileggiFT #ecosystem #network #semantics
Enabling Semantic Ecosystems among Heterogeneous Cognitive Networks (SFP, CFL, VT), pp. 487–492.
KEODKEOD-2011-PinchukINDBP #analysis #distributed #semantics #visual notation
Augmenting Semantics to Distributed Agents Logs — Enabling Graphical After Action Analysis of Federated Agents Logs (RP, SI, TN, TD, CB, GP), pp. 232–241.
KEODKEOD-2011-TissaouiAHL #evolution #named #ontology #semantics
EvOnto — Joint Evolution of Ontologies and Semantic Annotations (AT, NAG, NH, PL), pp. 226–231.
KEODKEOD-2011-TutcherRE #development #maintenance #monitoring #multi #semantics
Integrating Railway Maintenance Data — Development of a Semantic Data Model to Support Condition Monitoring Data from Multiple Sources (JT, CR, JME), pp. 442–444.
KEODKEOD-2011-YanZR #design #distance #semantics
An Application of Semantic Distance between Short Texts to Inventive Design (WY, CZM, FR), pp. 261–266.
KEODKEOD-2011-Ylisaukko-ojaHKSV #interface #semantics
Semantic Interface for Resource Constrained Wireless Sensors (AYo, PH, JK, JPS, EV), pp. 505–511.
KMISKMIS-2011-AndreasikCU #correctness #health #semantics #web
A Semantic Web Technologies-based System for Controlling the Correctness of Medical Procedures in Polish National Health Fund (JA, AC, SU), pp. 331–336.
KMISKMIS-2011-BerkaniCN #community #online #semantics
Semantics and Knowledge Capitalization in Online Communities of Practice of e-Learning (LB, AC, ON), pp. 96–104.
KMISKMIS-2011-GesquiereMN #approach #multi #semantics
Interoperability between GIS and BIM — A Semantic-based Multi-representation Approach (GG, CM, CN), pp. 359–362.
KMISKMIS-2011-KrainesG #research #semantics #similarity
Calculating Semantic Similarity between Computer-understandable Descriptors of Scientific Research (SBK, WG), pp. 146–151.
KMISKMIS-2011-MeloRN #semantics #web
Cooperative Question Answering for the Semantic Web (DM, IPR, VBN), pp. 258–263.
KMISKMIS-2011-MendesR11a #development #ontology #semantics
The BRIDG Model as the Most Authoritative Resource in Shared Semantics for Ontologies Development in Healthcare Practice (DM, IPR), pp. 379–383.
MLDMMLDM-2011-PiatkowskaMNP #analysis #image #multi #semantics #using
A Decision Support System Based on the Semantic Analysis of Melanoma Images Using Multi-elitist PSO and SVM (WP, JM, LN, KP), pp. 362–374.
SEKESEKE-2011-GrabnerMBG #aspect-oriented #documentation #legacy #semantics
Exploiting semantic aspects to evolve a text-based search on a legacy document management system (JG, AM, MB, TG), pp. 392–397.
SEKESEKE-2011-LiuWBZ #semantics #similarity
A WordNet-based Semantic Similarity Measure Enhanced by Internet-based Knowledge (GL, RW, JB, HMZ), pp. 175–178.
SEKESEKE-2011-MachadoAF #evolution #requirements #semantics #using
Using Semantic Annotations for Supporting Requirements Evolution (BNM, LdOA, RdAF), pp. 185–190.
SEKESEKE-2011-Martoglia #development #semantics
Facilitate IT-Providing SMEs in Software Development: a Semantic Helper for Filtering and Searching Knowledge (RM), pp. 130–136.
SEKESEKE-2011-MokarizadehKM #automation #evaluation #semantics #web #web service
Evaluation of Semi-Automatic Acquisition of Semantic Descriptions of Web Services(S) (SM, PK, MM), pp. 353–356.
SEKESEKE-2011-MoserWHB #analysis #automation #detection #empirical #requirements #semantics
Automating the Detection of Complex Semantic Conflicts between Software Requirements (An empirical study on requirements conflict analysis with semantic technology) (TM, DW, MH, SB), pp. 729–735.
SEKESEKE-2011-RadulovicG #modelling #quality #semantics
Extending Software Quality Models — A Sample In The Domain of Semantic Technologies (FR, RGC), pp. 25–30.
SEKESEKE-2011-SBPT #image #retrieval #semantics
A Model for Knowledge Retrieval based on Semantic Images(S) (HAMS, FDB, RCSP, JLT), pp. 369–372.
SEKESEKE-2011-SunWG #design #network #semantics
Semantic Enabled Sensor Network Design (JS, HHW, HG), pp. 179–184.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-GaoTY #modelling #semantics #web
Clickthrough-based latent semantic models for web search (JG, KT, WtY), pp. 675–684.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-Jiang #graph #query #semantics
Query expansion based on a semantic graph model (XJ), pp. 1315–1316.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-LiDS #concept #recommendation #semantics #using
Semantic tag recommendation using concept model (CL, AD, AS), pp. 1159–1160.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-MoshfeghiPJ #collaboration #semantics #using
Handling data sparsity in collaborative filtering using emotion and semantic based features (YM, BP, JMJ), pp. 625–634.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-SunDLC #network #query #semantics #social #visualisation
Visualizing and querying semantic social networks (AS, AD, EPL, KC), pp. 1271–1272.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-WangA #analysis #semantics
Temporal latent semantic analysis for collaboratively generated content: preliminary results (YW, EA), pp. 1145–1146.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-WangXLC #semantics
Regularized latent semantic indexing (QW, JX, HL, NC), pp. 685–694.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-WeiHL #analysis #framework #recommendation #semantics
A unified framework for recommendations based on quaternary semantic analysis (WC, WH, MLL), pp. 1023–1032.
ICMTICMT-J-2010-TroyaV11 #atl #logic #semantics
A Rewriting Logic Semantics for ATL (JT, AV), pp. 108–136.
ECMFAECMFA-2011-CombemaleGR #domain-specific language #semantics
A Generic Tool for Tracing Executions Back to a DSML’s Operational Semantics (BC, LG, VR), pp. 35–51.
ECMFAECMFA-2011-SvendsenHM #semantics #variability
Analyzing Variability: Capturing Semantic Ripple Effects (AS, ØH, BMP), pp. 253–269.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-Al-BatranSH #clone detection #detection #development #embedded #modelling #semantics
Semantic Clone Detection for Model-Based Development of Embedded Systems (BAB, BS, BH), pp. 258–272.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-FahrenbergLW #difference #exclamation #semantics
Vision Paper: Make a Difference! (Semantically) (UF, AL, AW), pp. 490–500.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-MaozRR #analysis #configuration management #consistency #diagrams #semantics
Semantically Configurable Consistency Analysis for Class and Object Diagrams (SM, JOR, BR), pp. 153–167.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-WagelaarTCJ #composition #model transformation #rule-based #semantics #towards
Towards a General Composition Semantics for Rule-Based Model Transformation (DW, MT, JC, FJ), pp. 623–637.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-Al-BatranSH #clone detection #detection #development #embedded #modelling #semantics
Semantic Clone Detection for Model-Based Development of Embedded Systems (BAB, BS, BH), pp. 258–272.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-FahrenbergLW #difference #exclamation #semantics
Vision Paper: Make a Difference! (Semantically) (UF, AL, AW), pp. 490–500.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-MaozRR #analysis #configuration management #consistency #diagrams #semantics
Semantically Configurable Consistency Analysis for Class and Object Diagrams (SM, JOR, BR), pp. 153–167.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-WagelaarTCJ #composition #model transformation #rule-based #semantics #towards
Towards a General Composition Semantics for Rule-Based Model Transformation (DW, MT, JC, FJ), pp. 623–637.
ECOOPECOOP-2011-MaozRR #diagrams #difference #named #semantics
CDDiff: Semantic Differencing for Class Diagrams (SM, JOR, BR), pp. 230–254.
GPCEGPCE-2011-Danvy #semantics
Pragmatics for formal semantics (OD), pp. 93–94.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2011-Moura #semantics
Meta-predicate Semantics (PM), pp. 155–172.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2011-StroderESGF #analysis #complexity #linear #prolog #semantics #termination
A Linear Operational Semantics for Termination and Complexity Analysis of ISO Prolog (TS, FE, PSK, JG, CF), pp. 237–252.
PPDPPPDP-2011-SabelS #concurrent #haskell #semantics
A contextual semantics for concurrent Haskell with futures (DS, MSS), pp. 101–112.
PPDPPPDP-2011-VirsedaM #composition #constraints #declarative #higher-order #programming #semantics
A modular semantics for higher-order declarative programming with constraints (RdVV, FPM), pp. 41–52.
SACSAC-2011-BackP #invariant #proving #semantics #source code
Semantics and proof rules of invariant based programs (RJB, VP), pp. 1658–1665.
SACSAC-2011-DattoloEM #approach #semantics
An integrated approach to discover tag semantics (AD, DE, LM), pp. 814–820.
SACSAC-2011-GroppeG #database #query #scalability #semantics #web
Parallelizing join computations of SPARQL queries for large semantic web databases (JG, SG), pp. 1681–1686.
SACSAC-2011-HuangH #detection #markov #multi #semantics
Semantic event detection in baseball videos based on a multi-output hidden Markov model (YFH, JJH), pp. 929–936.
SACSAC-2011-MichauxBSS #approach #collaboration #semantics
A semantically rich approach for collaborative model edition (JM, XB, MS, PS), pp. 1470–1475.
SACSAC-2011-RyengHN #distributed #semantics
Site-autonomous distributed semantic caching (NHR, JOH, KN), pp. 1015–1021.
SACSAC-2011-VandicDHF #approach #clustering #semantics
A semantic clustering-based approach for searching and browsing tag spaces (DV, JWvD, FH, FF), pp. 1693–1699.
SACSAC-2011-ViroliBC #semantics
Core operational semantics of Proto (MV, JB, MC), pp. 1325–1332.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2011-MaozRR #diagrams #difference #named #process #semantics
ADDiff: semantic differencing for activity diagrams (SM, JOR, BR), pp. 179–189.
LDTALDTA-2011-JimM #semantics
Delayed semantic actions in Yakker (TJ, YM), p. 8.
LDTALDTA-2011-SoderbergH #editing #jastadd #semantics #tool support #using
Building semantic editors using JastAdd: tool demonstration (ES, GH), p. 11.
SLESLE-2011-ErwigW #design #exclamation #process #semantics
Semantics First! — Rethinking the Language Design Process (ME, EW), pp. 243–262.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2011-BurnimNS #parallel #semantics #source code #specification #thread
Specifying and checking semantic atomicity for multithreaded programs (JB, GCN, KS), pp. 79–90.
CCCC-2011-LameedH #array #compilation #jit #matlab #semantics #staged
Staged Static Techniques to Efficiently Implement Array Copy Semantics in a MATLAB JIT Compiler (NL, LJH), pp. 22–41.
CSLCSL-2011-BeauxisM #network #semantics #standard
A Non-Standard Semantics for Kahn Networks in Continuous Time (RB, SM), pp. 35–50.
CSLCSL-2011-Czajka #approach #combinator #logic #semantics
A Semantic Approach to Illative Combinatory Logic (LC0), pp. 174–188.
CSLCSL-2011-LoschP #semantics
Relating Two Semantics of Locally Scoped Names (SL, AMP), pp. 396–411.
CSLCSL-2011-MoreNS #axiom #concurrent #independence #semantics
Concurrency Semantics for the Geiger-Paz-Pearl Axioms of Independence (SMM, PN, BS), pp. 443–457.
CSLCSL-2011-Vardi #branch #linear #perspective #semantics
Branching vs. Linear Time: Semantical Perspective (MYV), p. 3.
ICLPICLP-J-2011-Haemmerle11a #constraints #induction #semantics
(Co-)Inductive semantics for Constraint Handling Rules (RH), pp. 593–609.
ICLPICLP-J-2011-Porto #composition #prolog #semantics
A structured alternative to Prolog with simple compositional semantics (AP), pp. 611–627.
LICSLICS-2011-ChurchillLM #game studies #imperative #proving #semantics #source code
Imperative Programs as Proofs via Game Semantics (MC, JL, GM), pp. 65–74.
LICSLICS-2011-HasuoH #geometry #higher-order #interactive #quantum #semantics
Semantics of Higher-Order Quantum Computation via Geometry of Interaction (IH, NH), pp. 237–246.
LICSLICS-2011-KrishnaswamiB #semantics #source code
Ultrametric Semantics of Reactive Programs (NRK, NB), pp. 257–266.
LICSLICS-2011-MurawskiT #game studies #semantics
Game Semantics for Good General References (ASM, NT), pp. 75–84.
LICSLICS-2011-Panangaden #semantics
The Meaning of Semantics (PP), pp. 4–5.
RTARTA-2011-SternagelT #composition #semantics
Modular and Certified Semantic Labeling and Unlabeling (CS, RT), pp. 329–344.
TLCATLCA-2011-BourreauS #game studies #semantics #λ-calculus
Game Semantics and Uniqueness of Type Inhabitance in the Simply-Typed λ-Calculus (PB, SS), pp. 61–75.
TLCATLCA-2011-RoweB #approximate #object-oriented #programming #semantics
Approximation Semantics and Expressive Predicate Assignment for Object-Oriented Programming — (Extended Abstract) (RNSR, SvB), pp. 229–244.
CBSECBSE-2010-SuryadevaraKSP #embedded #modelling #semantic gap
Bridging the Semantic Gap between Abstract Models of Embedded Systems (JS, EYK, CCS, PP), pp. 55–73.
DATEDATE-2010-FerroP #modelling #semantics #transaction #verification
Formal semantics for PSL modeling layer and application to the verification of transactional models (LF, LP), pp. 1207–1212.
DocEngDocEng-2010-AutexierM #documentation #impact analysis #semantics
Semantics-based change impact analysis for heterogeneous collections of documents (SA, NM), pp. 97–106.
DocEngDocEng-2010-CahierMZ #documentation #hybrid #modelling #semantics #web
Document and item-based modeling: a hybrid method for a socio-semantic web (JPC, XM, LZ), pp. 243–246.
DocEngDocEng-2010-GuoH #documentation #semantics
Semantics-enriched document exchange (JG, MSH), pp. 239–242.
DocEngDocEng-2010-Skaf-MolliCM #distributed #documentation #framework #named #semantics #wiki
DSMW: a distributed infrastructure for the cooperative edition of semantic wiki documents (HSM, GC, PM), pp. 185–186.
HTHT-2010-HallerA #approach #information management #named #semantics #user interface
iMapping: a zooming user interface approach for personal and semantic knowledge management (HH, AA), pp. 119–128.
PODSPODS-2010-MeierSWL #optimisation #query #semantics
Semantic query optimization in the presence of types (MM, MS, FW, GL), pp. 111–122.
VLDBVLDB-2010-BergamaschiDGOLV #integration #keyword #named #semantics
Keymantic: Semantic Keyword-based Searching in Data Integration Systems (SB, ED, FG, MO, RTL, YV), pp. 1637–1640.
VLDBVLDB-2010-BotanDDHMT #analysis #execution #named #semantics
SECRET: A Model for Analysis of the Execution Semantics of Stream Processing Systems (IB, RD, ND, LMH, RJM, NT), pp. 232–243.
VLDBVLDB-2010-CaoCJ10a #mining #semantics
Mining Significant Semantic Locations From GPS Data (XC, GC, CSJ), pp. 1009–1020.
VLDBVLDB-2010-GolabKKS #quality #semantics #using
Data Auditor: Exploring Data Quality and Semantics using Pattern Tableaux (LG, HJK, FK, DS), pp. 1641–1644.
ESOPESOP-2010-AskarovM #classification #framework #semantics
A Semantic Framework for Declassification and Endorsement (AA, AM), pp. 64–84.
ESOPESOP-2010-JagadeesanPR #generative #memory management #modelling #semantics
Generative Operational Semantics for Relaxed Memory Models (RJ, CP, JR), pp. 307–326.
ESOPESOP-2010-NakataU #hoare #induction #logic #semantics
A Hoare Logic for the Coinductive Trace-Based Big-Step Semantics of While (KN, TU), pp. 488–506.
FASEFASE-2010-EsmaeilsabzaliD #modelling #semantics
Prescriptive Semantics for Big-Step Modelling Languages (SE, NAD), pp. 158–172.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2010-MiliusMS #recursion #semantics
CIA Structures and the Semantics of Recursion (SM, LSM, DS), pp. 312–327.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2010-SchwinghammerYBPR #semantics
A Semantic Foundation for Hidden State (JS, HY, LB, FP, BR), pp. 2–17.
TACASTACAS-2010-MalinowskiN #automaton #bound #model checking #partial order #satisfiability #semantics
SAT Based Bounded Model Checking with Partial Order Semantics for Timed Automata (JM, PN), pp. 405–419.
WRLAWRLA-2010-AsavoaeA #abstraction #framework #semantics #𝕂
Collecting Semantics under Predicate Abstraction in the 𝕂 Framework (IMA, MA), pp. 123–139.
WRLAWRLA-2010-KatelmanKM #analysis #concurrent #semantics
Concurrent Rewriting Semantics and Analysis of Asynchronous Digital Circuits (MK, SK, JM), pp. 140–156.
WRLAWRLA-2010-RiveraDV #behaviour #domain-specific language #on the #realtime #semantics #visual notation
On the Behavioral Semantics of Real-Time Domain Specific Visual Languages (JER, FD, AV), pp. 174–190.
WRLAWRLA-2010-SerbanutaR #named #programming language #semantics
K-Maude: A Rewriting Based Tool for Semantics of Programming Languages (TFS, GR), pp. 104–122.
WRLAWRLA-2010-Velardo #concurrent #framework #multi #semantics
Multiset Rewriting: A Semantic Framework for Concurrency with Name Binding (FRV), pp. 191–207.
ICSMEICSM-2010-KeivanlooRSR #code search #framework #named #scalability #semantics #source code
SE-CodeSearch: A scalable Semantic Web-based source code search infrastructure (IK, LR, PS, JR), pp. 1–5.
WCREWCRE-2010-BavotaLMO #metric #semantics
Software Re-Modularization Based on Structural and Semantic Metrics (GB, ADL, AM, RO), pp. 195–204.
SASSAS-2010-GawlitzaS #polynomial #semantics
Computing Relaxed Abstract Semantics w.r.t. Quadratic Zones Precisely (TMG, HS), pp. 271–286.
ICALPICALP-v2-2010-Laird #call-by #game studies #morphism #polymorphism #semantics
Game Semantics for Call-by-Value Polymorphism (JL), pp. 187–198.
IFMIFM-2010-HulsbuschKRSSW #comparison #model transformation #semantics
Showing Full Semantics Preservation in Model Transformation — A Comparison of Techniques (MH, BK, AR, MS, CS, HW), pp. 183–198.
SEFMSEFM-2010-ScannielloRT #architecture #empirical #evaluation #semantics #using
Architecture Recovery Using Latent Semantic Indexing and K-Means: An Empirical Evaluation (GS, MR, GT), pp. 103–112.
SFMSFM-2010-PierroHW #probability #program analysis #semantics
Probabilistic Semantics and Program Analysis (ADP, CH, HW), pp. 1–42.
ICFPICFP-2010-BiermanGHL #semantics #smt #type system
Semantic subtyping with an SMT solver (GMB, ADG, CH, DEL), pp. 105–116.
ICFPICFP-2010-VoigtlanderHMW #bidirectional #semantics
Combining syntactic and semantic bidirectionalization (JV, ZH, KM, MW), pp. 181–192.
IFLIFL-2010-SieczkowskiBB #automation #automaton #coq #formal method #reduction #semantics
Automating Derivations of Abstract Machines from Reduction Semantics: — A Generic Formalization of Refocusing in Coq (FS, MB, DB), pp. 72–88.
ICGTICGT-2010-GadducciLV #calculus #higher-order #semantics #μ-calculus
Counterpart Semantics for a Second-Order μ-Calculus (FG, ALL, AV), pp. 282–297.
ICGTICGT-2010-Monreale #automaton #calculus #encoding #lts #process #semantics #visual notation
LTS Semantics for Process Calculi from Their Graphical Encodings (GVM), pp. 403–406.
CAiSECAiSE-2010-CastanoFM #semantics #using #variability #web
Dealing with Matching Variability of Semantic Web Data Using Contexts (SC, AF, SM), pp. 194–208.
CAiSECAiSE-2010-LagunaMC #case study #modelling #on the #question #semantics
On the Semantics of the Extend Relationship in Use Case Models: Open-Closed Principle or Clairvoyance? (MAL, JMM, YC), pp. 409–423.
CAiSECAiSE-2010-MrabetBPT #documentation #semantics
Supporting Semantic Search on Heterogeneous Semi-structured Documents (YM, NB, NP, MT), pp. 224–229.
EDOCEDOC-2010-CalhauF #approach #integration #ontology #semantics
An Ontology-Based Approach for Semantic Integration (RFC, RdAF), pp. 111–120.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2010-MajdoubiTG #modelling #representation #semantics
Thesaurus based Semantic Representation in Language Modeling for Medical Article Indexing (JM, MT, FG), pp. 65–74.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2010-MianiYSF #algorithm #optimisation #process #semantics
NARFO* Algorithm — Optimizing the Process of Obtaining Non-redundant and Generalized Semantic Association Rules (RGM, CAY, MTPS, VRTF), pp. 320–325.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2010-GasparSBC #modelling #named #semantics #workflow
SW-Ontology — A Proposal for Semantic Modeling of a Scientific Workflow Management System (WG, LMdS, RMMB, FC), pp. 115–120.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2010-MonticoloGHK #collaboration #evaluation #semantics #wiki
Collaborative Knowledge Evaluation with a Semantic Wiki — WikiDesign (DM, SG, VH, AK), pp. 133–141.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS-2010-EliceguiVM #data mining #mining #semantics
Combining Semantic Technologies and Data Mining to Endow BSS/OSS Systems with Intelligence — Particularization to an International Telecom Company Tariff System (JME, GTdV, MdFM), pp. 350–355.
ICEISICEIS-J-2010-MausSHD #named #semantics
CONTASK: Context-Sensitive Task Assistance in the Semantic Desktop (HM, SS, JH, AD), pp. 177–192.
CIKMCIKM-2010-BilottiECN #constraints #learning #rank #semantics
Rank learning for factoid question answering with linguistic and semantic constraints (MWB, JLE, JGC, EN), pp. 459–468.
CIKMCIKM-2010-Grefenstette #semantics
Use of semantics in real life applications (GG), pp. 5–6.
CIKMCIKM-2010-HanZ #semantics #topic #web #wiki
Topic-driven web search result organization by leveraging wikipedia semantic knowledge (XH, JZ), pp. 1749–1752.
CIKMCIKM-2010-KerneQWDLM #metadata #named #representation #semantics
Meta-metadata: a metadata semantics language for collection representation applications (AK, YQ, AMW, SD, NL, AM), pp. 1129–1138.
CIKMCIKM-2010-KimBSC #representation #semantics
Building a semantic representation for personal information (JK, AB, DAS, WBC), pp. 1741–1744.
CIKMCIKM-2010-KimKLB #interpreter #performance #semantics
Efficient wikipedia-based semantic interpreter by exploiting top-k processing (JWK, AK, DL, SB), pp. 1813–1816.
CIKMCIKM-2010-LiLY #named #query #semantics #using
EntityEngine: answering entity-relationship queries using shallow semantics (XL, CL, CY), pp. 1925–1926.
CIKMCIKM-2010-LuWG #multi #nondeterminism #semantics
Multi-information fusion for uncertain semantic representations of videos (BL, GW, XG), pp. 1609–1612.
CIKMCIKM-2010-MirizziRNS #generative #online #retrieval #semantics
Semantic tags generation and retrieval for online advertising (RM, AR, TDN, EDS), pp. 1089–1098.
CIKMCIKM-2010-PobleteBMB #graph #image #query #retrieval #semantic gap #using #web
Visual-semantic graphs: using queries to reduce the semantic gap in web image retrieval (BP, BB, MM, JMB), pp. 1553–1556.
CIKMCIKM-2010-SzumlanskiG #automation #concept #network #semantics
Automatically acquiring a semantic network of related concepts (SRS, FG), pp. 19–28.
CIKMCIKM-2010-VirgilioB #approach #flexibility #metamodelling #semantics #web #web service
A metamodel approach to flexible semantic web service discovery (RDV, DB), pp. 1309–1312.
ECIRECIR-2010-MullerG #semantics
Semantically Enhanced Term Frequency (CM, IG), pp. 598–601.
ECIRECIR-2010-TuHCLZ #approach #information retrieval #modelling #semantics
Wikipedia-Based Semantic Smoothing for the Language Modeling Approach to Information Retrieval (XT, TH, LC, JL, MZ), pp. 370–381.
ICMLICML-2010-BordesUW #ambiguity #learning #ranking #semantics
Label Ranking under Ambiguous Supervision for Learning Semantic Correspondences (AB, NU, JW), pp. 103–110.
ICPRICPR-2010-HanCR10a #concept #interactive #learning #recognition #semantics
Semi-supervised and Interactive Semantic Concept Learning for Scene Recognition (XHH, YWC, XR), pp. 3045–3048.
ICPRICPR-2010-JoshiWL #semantics #using
Suggesting Songs for Media Creation Using Semantics (DJ, MDW, JL), pp. 3208–3211.
ICPRICPR-2010-LiuA #learning #semantics #using
Learning Scene Semantics Using Fiedler Embedding (JL, SA), pp. 3627–3630.
ICPRICPR-2010-PapadopoulosMKS #analysis #approach #image #learning #semantics #statistics
A Statistical Learning Approach to Spatial Context Exploitation for Semantic Image Analysis (GTP, VM, IK, MGS), pp. 3138–3142.
ICPRICPR-2010-PassinoPI #image #segmentation #semantics
Pyramidal Model for Image Semantic Segmentation (GP, IP, EI), pp. 1554–1557.
ICPRICPR-2010-PullaKJ #image #performance #retrieval #semantics
Efficient Semantic Indexing for Image Retrieval (CP, PSK, CVJ), pp. 3276–3279.
KDDKDD-2010-ReichartzKP #dependence #kernel #semantics
Semantic relation extraction with kernels over typed dependency trees (FR, HK, GP), pp. 773–782.
KDDKDD-2010-ZouGL #database #graph #nondeterminism #probability #semantics
Discovering frequent subgraphs over uncertain graph databases under probabilistic semantics (ZZ, HG, JL), pp. 633–642.
KDIRKDIR-2010-AfoninG #semantics #similarity
Calculating Semantic Similarity between Facts (SA, DG), pp. 514–517.
KDIRKDIR-2010-Elloumi-ChaabeneMZMS #ontology #semantics
Evolutive Content-based Search System — Semantic Search System based on Case-based-Reasoning and Ontology Enrichment (MEC, NBM, HBZ, AM, DS), pp. 24–34.
KDIRKDIR-2010-HelouA #metric #multi #semantics #using
Semantic Measures based on Wordnet using Multiple Information Sources (MAH, AA), pp. 500–503.
KDIRKDIR-2010-KleizaKT #approach #documentation #identification #query #semantics #similarity #visualisation #word
Semantic Identification and Visualization of Significant Words within Documents — Approach to Visualize Relevant Words within Documents to a Search Query by Word Similarity Computation (KK, PK, KDT), pp. 481–486.
KDIRKDIR-2010-Rauch #data mining #logic #mining #semantics #web
Logic of Discovery, Data Mining and Semantic Web — Position Paper (JR), pp. 342–351.
KDIRKDIR-2010-Studer #lightweight #modelling #process #semantics #using #web
Process-oriented Semantic Web Search — Using Lightweight Semantic Models for Supporting the Search Process (RS), p. 7.
KEODKEOD-2010-BelaidAJR #modelling #semantics #towards #workflow
Toward a Semantic Management of Geological Modeling Workflows (NB, YAA, SJ, JFR), pp. 282–287.
KEODKEOD-2010-Brunsmann #collaboration #design #ontology #semantics #social
The Design of a Social Semantic Search Engine — Preserving Archived Collaborative Engineering Knowledge with Ontology Matching (JB), pp. 200–205.
KEODKEOD-2010-FormicaMPT #enterprise #semantics
Semantic Search for Enterprises Competencies Management (AF, MM, EP, FT), pp. 183–192.
KEODKEOD-2010-JohnF #clustering #personalisation #semantics #web
The Effect of Semantic Clustering on Web Search Personalization (JDG, FO), pp. 60–69.
KEODKEOD-2010-KermanidisA #game studies #representation #semantics
LSA-based Semantic Representation of Action Games (KLK, KA), pp. 218–223.
KEODKEOD-2010-LeraJP #algorithm #ambiguity #concept #ontology #semantics
Unsupervised Algorithm for the Concept Disambiguation in Ontologies — Semantic Rules and Voting System to Determine Suitable Senses (IL, CJ, RP), pp. 388–391.
KEODKEOD-2010-LimaFC #approach #collaboration #information management #semantics
A Knowledge Engineering Approach Supporting Collaborative Working Environments based on Semantic Services (CL, PF, RC), pp. 123–132.
KEODKEOD-2010-RedavidEI #case study #comparative #distributed #framework #perspective #semantics #web #web service
A Comparative Study on Semantic Web Services Frameworks from the Dynamic Orchestration Perspective (DR, FE, LI), pp. 355–359.
KEODKEOD-2010-ValienteRV #modelling #owl #semantics #using
Defining the Semantics of It Service Management Models using OWL and SWRL (MCV, DR, CVC), pp. 378–381.
KEODKEOD-2010-YunSNYKK #framework #semantics #using #web #workflow
Improving the Workflow of Semantic Web Portals using M/R in Cloud Platform (SY, MS, HN, SKY, HK, HGK), pp. 485–488.
KMISKMIS-2010-AlvaroCPCCGC #information management #microblog #named #semantics
miKrow — An Intra-enterprise Semantic Microblogging Tool as a Micro-knowledge Management Solution (, CC, VP, MC, FC, JMGP, JC), pp. 36–43.
KMISKMIS-2010-BrockV #analysis #data flow #semantics #using
A Method for Interoperability between Structured Data Sources using Semantic Analysis (DLB, JV), pp. 234–239.
KMISKMIS-2010-DjordjevicGF #enterprise #semantics #wiki
Process-centric Enterprise Workspace based on Semantic Wiki (DD, RG, DF), pp. 224–233.
KMISKMIS-2010-FersiniMTAC #generative #machine learning #semantics
Semantics and Machine Learning for Building the Next Generation of Judicial Court Management Systems (EF, EM, DT, FA, MC), pp. 51–60.
KMISKMIS-2010-KrainesG #ontology #reuse #semantics
Supporting Reuse of Knowledge of Failures through Ontology-based Semantic Search (SBK, WG), pp. 164–169.
KMISKMIS-2010-ScerriGH #collaboration #semantics
Supporting Digital Collaborative Work through Semantic Technology (SS, GG, SH), pp. 92–101.
KMISKMIS-2010-SonntagR #multimodal #process #semantics #towards
Towards a Process of Building Semantic Multimodal Dialogue Demonstrators (DS, NR), pp. 322–331.
KRKR-2010-Kern-IsbernerT #novel #probability #relational #semantics
Novel Semantical Approaches to Relational Probabilistic Conditionals (GKI, MT).
KRKR-2010-Poole #logic #semantics #towards
Towards a Logic of Feature-Based Semantic Science Theories (DP).
KRKR-2010-QiZ #semantics
Preferential Semantics for Plausible Subsumption in Possibility Theory (GQ, ZZ).
KRKR-2010-Shapiro #logic #semantics #syntax
Set-Oriented Logical Connectives: Syntax and Semantics (SCS).
KRKR-2010-XiaoLMQ #consistency #metric #multi #nondeterminism #satisfiability #semantics
Computing Inconsistency Measurements under Multi-Valued Semantics by Partial Max-SAT Solvers (GX, ZL, YM, GQ).
KRKR-2010-ZhangZ #bound #on the #semantics #set #source code
On the Progression Semantics and Boundedness of Answer Set Programs (YZ, YZ).
RecSysRecSys-2010-JancsaryNT #personalisation #semantics #towards
Towards context-aware personalization and a broad perspective on the semantics of news articles (JJ, FN, HT), pp. 289–292.
RecSysRecSys-2010-MoldvayBFS #clustering #graph #named #recommendation #semantics #social
Tagmantic: a social recommender service based on semantic tag graphs and tag clusters (JM, IB, AF, MS), pp. 345–346.
SEKESEKE-2010-KhounSiavashB #metric #ontology #semantics #using
Using the whole structure of ontology for semantic relatedness measurement (EK, ABD), pp. 79–83.
SEKESEKE-2010-LiLK #component #ontology #precise #semantics
Achieve Semantic-based Precise Component Selection via an Ontology Model Interlinking Application Domain and MVICS (CL, XL, JBK), pp. 692–697.
SEKESEKE-2010-NesicGJ #architecture #documentation #integration #semantics
Semantic Document Architecture for Desktop Data Integration and Management (SN, DG, MJ), pp. 73–78.
SEKESEKE-2010-SilvaBC #composition #framework #named #semantics #workflow
Composer-Science: A Semantic Service Based framework for Workflow Composition in e-Science Projects (LMdS, RMMB, FC), pp. 84–87.
SEKESEKE-2010-ThovexT #analysis #approach #modelling #multi #network #semantics #social
Dynamic and semantic social networks analysis: a new model based on a multidisciplinary approach (CT, FT), pp. 548–552.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-CaputoBS #approach #ranking #semantics
From fusion to re-ranking: a semantic approach (AC, PB, GS), pp. 815–816.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-HerdagdelenCMHHRA #modelling #query #semantics
Generalized syntactic and semantic models of query reformulation (AH, MC, DM, MH, KBH, SR, EA), pp. 283–290.
ICMTICMT-2010-TroyaV #atl #logic #semantics #towards
Towards a Rewriting Logic Semantics for ATL (JT, AV), pp. 230–244.
MODELSMoDELS-v1-2010-GronnigerRR #diagrams #process #semantics #towards
Towards a Semantics of Activity Diagrams with Semantic Variation Points (HG, DR, BR), pp. 331–345.
MODELSMoDELS-v1-2010-RahimW #code generation #consistency #semantics #state machine #verification
Verifying Semantic Conformance of State Machine-to-Java Code Generators (LAR, JW), pp. 166–180.
PPDPPPDP-2010-Martinez #concurrent #constraints #linear #programming #semantics
Semantics-preserving translations between linear concurrent constraint programming and constraint handling rules (TM), pp. 57–66.
POPLPOPL-2010-JimMW #algorithm #semantics
Semantics and algorithms for data-dependent grammars (TJ, YM, DW), pp. 417–430.
SACSAC-2010-Banach #semantics
A deidealisation semantics for KAOS (RB), pp. 267–274.
SACSAC-2010-BilascoABDLMMPRYZ #multi #semantics
Semantics for intelligent delivery of multimedia content (IMB, SA, PB, CD, JL, JM, EMG, DP, MR, MY, JZ), pp. 1366–1372.
SACSAC-2010-Bollen #declarative #enterprise #modelling #semantics
Fact-oriented declarative semantic enterprise modeling (PB), pp. 167–168.
SACSAC-2010-dAmatoEFFGL #induction #reasoning #semantics #web
Inductive reasoning and semantic web search (Cd, FE, NF, BF, GG, TL), pp. 1446–1447.
SACSAC-2010-GroppeG #database #scalability #semantics #sorting #web
External sorting for index construction of large semantic web databases (SG, JG), pp. 1373–1380.
SACSAC-2010-HuangT #detection #semantics #specification
Semantic scene detection system for baseball videos based on the MPEG-7 specification (YFH, LHT), pp. 941–947.
SACSAC-2010-IbanezVEB #process #semantics
Semantically enabled business process discovery (MJI, GV, JE, SB), pp. 1396–1403.
SACSAC-2010-IqbalOS #semantics
Semantic content distribution with aggregated profiles (AAI, MO, AS), pp. 1359–1365.
SACSAC-2010-LopesVCTL #assessment #personalisation #semantics #web
The semantics of personalised web accessibility assessment (RL, KV, LC, DT, SDL), pp. 1440–1441.
SACSAC-2010-MustaphaZAG #composition #ontology #semantics #using
Enhancing semantic search using case-based modular ontology (NBM, HBZ, MAA, HHBG), pp. 1438–1439.
SACSAC-2010-NardiniVP #coordination #semantics #tuple
Coordination in open and dynamic environments with TuCSoN semantic tuple centres (EN, MV, EP), pp. 2037–2044.
SACSAC-2010-NetoGBPM #automation #documentation #fault #image #semantics
An automatic linking service of document images reducing the effects of OCR errors with latent semantics (RBN, JACG, AB, JP, AAM), pp. 13–17.
SACSAC-2010-SantosAG #ontology #semantics
An ontology-based semantic foundation for ARIS EPCs (PSSJ, JPAA, GG), pp. 124–130.
SACSAC-2010-SantosM #composition #documentation #hypermedia #reuse #semantics
XTemplate 3.0: adding semantics to hypermedia compositions and providing document structure reuse (JAFdS, DCMS), pp. 1892–1897.
SACSAC-2010-SchoutenRBFLH #approach #personalisation #semantics
A semantic web-based approach for personalizing news (KS, PR, JB, FF, LL, FH), pp. 854–861.
SACSAC-2010-WeiC #adaptation #mobile #semantics #towards
Towards semantic-based adaptation decisions for context-aware mobile computing (EJYW, ATSC), pp. 563–567.
LDTALDTA-2009-RiescoR10 #implementation #maude #semantics
A Natural Implementation of Plural Semantics in Maude (AR, JRH), pp. 165–175.
LDTALDTA-2010-CortesiH #dependence #graph #semantics #slicing
Dependence condition graph for semantics-based abstract program slicing (AC, RH), p. 4.
SLESLE-2010-Bernstein #question #re-engineering #semantics #web
Software Engineering and the Semantic Web: A Match Made in Heaven or in Hell? (AB), pp. 203–205.
SLESLE-2010-BurgerKWA #attribute grammar #metamodelling #semantics
Reference Attribute Grammars for Metamodel Semantics (CB, SK, CW, UA), pp. 22–41.
SLESLE-2010-HostO #canonical #identification #implementation #java #semantics #using
Canonical Method Names for Java — Using Implementation Semantics to Identify Synonymous Verbs (EWH, BMØ), pp. 226–245.
SPLCSPLC-2010-HeuerBKLP #diagrams #process #semantics #syntax #variability
Formal Definition of Syntax and Semantics for Documenting Variability in Activity Diagrams (AH, CJB, SK, KL, KP), pp. 62–76.
HPDCHPDC-2010-UrbaniMB #pipes and filters #semantics #web
Massive Semantic Web data compression with MapReduce (JU, JM, HEB), pp. 795–802.
ICLPICLP-2010-Janhunen10 #constraints #revisited #semantics #source code
Sampler Programs: The Stable Model Semantics of Abstract Constraint Programs Revisited (TJ), pp. 94–103.
ICLPICLP-2010-PereiraP10 #logic programming #semantics #source code
Tight Semantics for Logic Programs (LMP, AMP), pp. 134–143.
ICLPICLP-J-2010-Delgrande #approach #logic programming #semantics #set #source code
A program-level approach to revising logic programs under the answer set semantics (JPD), pp. 565–580.
ICLPICLP-J-2010-Rodriguez-ArtalejoR #declarative #proximity #semantics
A declarative semantics for CLP with qualification and proximity (MRA, CARD), pp. 627–642.
LICSLICS-2010-DanosFFHK #automation #difference #modelling #reduction #rule-based #semantics
Abstracting the Differential Semantics of Rule-Based Models: Exact and Automated Model Reduction (VD, JF, WF, RH, JK), pp. 362–381.
LICSLICS-2010-Laird #game studies #polymorphism #programming language #semantics
Game Semantics for a Polymorphic Programming Language (JL), pp. 41–49.
LICSLICS-2010-Larchey-WendlingG #semantics
The Undecidability of Boolean BI through Phase Semantics (DLW, DG), pp. 140–149.
RTARTA-2010-HillsR #approach #composition #logic #program analysis #semantics
A Rewriting Logic Semantics Approach to Modular Program Analysis (MH, GR), pp. 151–160.
ASEASE-2009-BalasubramanianJ #semantics
Lost in Translation: Forgetful Semantic Anchoring (DB, EKJ), pp. 645–649.
ASEASE-2009-Jokhio #semantics #testing #web #web service
Goal-Based Testing of Semantic Web Services (MSJ), pp. 707–711.
DATEDATE-2009-YangHMP #behaviour #semantics #towards
Towards a formal semantics for the AADL behavior annex (ZY, KH, DM, LP), pp. 1166–1171.
HTHT-2009-CenaFL #semantics #social #web
Web 3.0: merging semantic web with social web (FC, RF, PL), pp. 385–386.
HTHT-2009-LesmoMR #semantics
Extracting semantic annotations from legal texts (LL, AM, DPR), pp. 167–172.
PODSPODS-2009-DeHaan #equivalence #query #semantics
Equivalence of nested queries with mixed semantics (DD), pp. 207–216.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2009-WangPXCSFLYTHS #named #semantics #web
Hermes: a travel through semantics on the data web (HW, TP, KX, JC, XS, LF, QL, YY, TT, PH, RS), pp. 1135–1138.
VLDBVLDB-2009-Amer-YahiaRCDY #performance #recommendation #semantics
Group Recommendation: Semantics and Efficiency (SAY, SBR, AC, GD, CY), pp. 754–765.
VLDBVLDB-2009-WangSCMKZPY #data transformation #named #semantics #using #web
SMDM: Enhancing Enterprise-Wide Master Data Management Using Semantic Web Technologies (XW, XS, FC, LM, NK, KZ, YP, YY), pp. 1594–1597.
WRLAWRLA-2008-Hills09 #logic #memory management #semantics
Memory Representations in Rewriting Logic Semantics Definitions (MH0), pp. 155–172.
WRLAWRLA-2008-Marti-OlietMV09 #maude #semantics
A Rewriting Semantics for Maude Strategies (NMO, JM, AV), pp. 227–247.
FASEFASE-2009-BoronatHM #logic #model transformation #semantics #verification
Rewriting Logic Semantics and Verification of Model Transformations (AB, RH, JM), pp. 18–33.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2009-BirkedalST #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism #recursion #semantics
Realizability Semantics of Parametric Polymorphism, General References, and Recursive Types (LB, KS, JT), pp. 456–470.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2009-BonchiGM #mobile #semantics
Reactive Systems, Barbed Semantics, and the Mobile Ambients (FB, FG, GVM), pp. 272–287.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2009-Clairambault #fixpoint #game studies #semantics
Least and Greatest Fixpoints in Game Semantics (PC), pp. 16–31.
TACASTACAS-2009-BakewellG #abstraction #composition #game studies #semantics
Compositional Predicate Abstraction from Game Semantics (AB, DRG), pp. 62–76.
TACASTACAS-2009-KahlonSG #concurrent #reduction #semantics #source code #thread
Semantic Reduction of Thread Interleavings in Concurrent Programs (VK, SS, AG), pp. 124–138.
ICSMEICSM-2009-Reiss #code search #semantics
Semantics-based code search demonstration proposal (SPR), pp. 385–386.
WCREWCRE-1999-YangPZ99a #concept analysis #data access #feature model #multi #semantics #using
Domain Feature Model Recovery from Multiple Applications Using Data Access Semantics and Formal Concept Analysis (YY, XP, WZ), pp. 215–224.
PLDIPLDI-2009-HoffmanEJ #analysis #semantics
Semantics-aware trace analysis (KJH, PE, SJ), pp. 453–464.
LATALATA-2009-Llull-ChavarriaV #complexity #semantics #word
An Application of Generalized Complexity Spaces to Denotational Semantics via the Domain of Words (JLC, OV), pp. 530–541.
FMFM-2009-GancarskiB #semantics
The Denotational Semantics of slotted-Circus (PG, AB), pp. 451–466.
FMFM-2009-GiannakopoulosDFK #alloy #semantics #towards
Towards an Operational Semantics for Alloy (TG, DJD, KF, SK), pp. 483–498.
FMFM-2009-ReevesS #fault #robust #semantics
A Robust Semantics Hides Fewer Errors (SR, DS), pp. 499–515.
FMFM-2009-VakkalankaVGK #execution #semantics #theory and practice
Reduced Execution Semantics of MPI: From Theory to Practice (SSV, AV, GG, RMK), pp. 724–740.
CEFPCEFP-2009-KoopmanPA #consistency #effectiveness #semantics
An Effective Methodology for Defining Consistent Semantics of Complex Systems (PWMK, RP, PA), pp. 224–267.
CHICHI-2009-CosleyBLANASG #navigation #semantics #social
A tag in the hand: supporting semantic, social, and spatial navigation in museums (DC, JB, SL, BA, SN, PA, CS, GG), pp. 1953–1962.
CHICHI-2009-SchrammelLT #clustering #empirical #evaluation #semantics
Semantically structured tag clouds: an empirical evaluation of clustered presentation approaches (JS, ML, MT), pp. 2037–2040.
HCIHIMI-DIE-2009-VandrommeDPC #graph #interactive #semantics
An Interactive System Based on Semantic Graphs (JV, SD, PP, CC), pp. 638–647.
HCIHIMI-II-2009-JungLSY #framework #reliability #semantics #web #web service
Auto-complete for Improving Reliability on Semantic Web Service Framework (HJ, ML, WKS, BJY), pp. 36–44.
HCIHIMI-II-2009-NordinNZ #community #design #network #process #semantics #visualisation
Batik KR Semantic Network: Visualizations of Creative Process and Design Knowledge for the Malaysian Batik Designers’ Community (AN, NLMN, AZ), pp. 334–341.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2009-KaiserP #java #multi #semantics #thread
Weak Fairness Semantic Drawbacks in Java Multithreading (CK, JFPP), pp. 90–104.
AdaSIGAda-2009-RosenT #ada #semantics
The new semantic model in ASIS for Ada 2005 (JPR, STT), pp. 127–132.
CAiSECAiSE-2009-PlanasCG #action semantics #behaviour #modelling #semantics #specification #uml #verification
Verifying Action Semantics Specifications in UML Behavioral Models (EP, JC, CG), pp. 125–140.
EDOCEDOC-2009-HingeGK #modelling #process #semantics
Process SEER: A Tool for Semantic Effect Annotation of Business Process Models (KH, AKG, GK), pp. 54–63.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2009-OroR #process #semantics #towards
Towards a Semantic System for Managing Clinical Processes (EO, MR), pp. 180–187.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2009-SpradoG #semantics
Semantic Argumentation in Dynamic Environments (JS, BG), pp. 236–241.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2009-TinelliCRNSD #semantics #sql #standard
I.M.P.A.K.T.: An Innovative Semantic-based Skill Management System Exploiting Standard SQL (ET, AC, MR, TDN, EDS, FMD), pp. 224–229.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2009-DunkelFOO #architecture #injection #semantics
Injecting Semantics into Event-driven Architectures (JD, AF, RO, SO), pp. 70–75.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2009-GustienePH #analysis #design #framework #integration #semantics #using
Semantic Framework for Information Integration — Using Service-oriented Analysis and Design (PG, IP, HH), pp. 64–69.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2009-KudagbaBB #query #semantics #xml
An User-centric and Semantic-driven Query Rewriting over Proteomics XML Sources (KK, OEB, HB), pp. 123–130.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2009-MartinsS #approach #evolution #ontology #semantics
A User-driven and a Semantic-based Ontology Mapping Evolution Approach (HM, NS), pp. 214–221.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2009-MoserMBM #approach #integration #modelling #performance #requirements #semantics #using
Efficient System Integration using Semantic Requirements and Capability Models — An Approach for Integrating Heterogeneous Business Services (TM, RM, SB, AM), pp. 56–63.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS-2009-PereiraSS #approach #concept #process #scalability #semantics
A Socio-semantic Approach to the Conceptualisation of Domains, Processes and Tasks in Large Projects (CP, CS, ALS), pp. 237–242.
ICEISICEIS-J-2009-BittencourtBCPVDL #modelling #semantics #web
Modeling JADE Agents from GAIA Methodology under the Perspective of Semantic Web (IIB, PB, EdBC, JPP, DV, DD, HPLL), pp. 780–789.
ICEISICEIS-J-2009-GadK #clustering #performance #semantics #similarity #using
Enhancing Text Clustering Performance Using Semantic Similarity (WKG, MSK), pp. 325–335.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2009-ClariziaCSN #probability #semantics #web
Semantic Indexing of Web Pages Via Probabilistic Methods — In Search of Semantics Project (FC, FC, MDS, PN), pp. 134–140.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2009-DangHHT #personalisation #process #semantics #workflow
Personalized Medical Workflow through Semantic Business Process Management (JD, AH, KH, CT), pp. 122–127.
CIKMCIKM-2009-BaiWGCSQCW #semantics
Supervised semantic indexing (BB, JW, DG, RC, KS, YQ, OC, KQW), pp. 187–196.
CIKMCIKM-2009-GroppeGSL #database #named #semantics #web
LuposDate: a semantic web database system (JG, SG, AS, VL), pp. 2083–2084.
CIKMCIKM-2009-GuoZGZS #categorisation #multi #semantics
Product feature categorization with multilevel latent semantic association (HG, HZ, ZG, XZ, ZS), pp. 1087–1096.
CIKMCIKM-2009-HanZ #ambiguity #semantics #wiki
Named entity disambiguation by leveraging wikipedia semantic knowledge (XH, JZ), pp. 215–224.
CIKMCIKM-2009-HassanzadehKLMW #framework #relational #semantics
A framework for semantic link discovery over relational data (OH, AK, LL, RJM, MW), pp. 1027–1036.
CIKMCIKM-2009-HuSZC #clustering #semantics #using
Exploiting internal and external semantics for the clustering of short texts using world knowledge (XH, NS, CZ, TSC), pp. 919–928.
CIKMCIKM-2009-LimWW #challenge #database #problem #query #semantics
Semantic queries in databases: problems and challenges (LL, HW, MW), pp. 1505–1508.
CIKMCIKM-2009-MabroukehE #mining #ontology #predict #semantics #using #web
Using domain ontology for semantic web usage mining and next page prediction (NRM, CIE), pp. 1677–1680.
CIKMCIKM-2009-ParkR #analysis #information retrieval #kernel #semantics #using
Kernel latent semantic analysis using an information retrieval based kernel (LAFP, KR), pp. 1721–1724.
CIKMCIKM-2009-PuH #clustering #feedback #pseudo #semantics #using
Pseudo relevance feedback using semantic clustering in relevance language model (QP, DH), pp. 1931–1934.
CIKMCIKM-2009-ShiWY #framework #named #recommendation #semantics
Msuggest: a semantic recommender framework for traditional chinese medicine book search engine (SS, BW, YY), pp. 533–542.
CIKMCIKM-2009-WangHLS #comprehension #learning #query #semantics #web
Semi-supervised learning of semantic classes for query understanding: from the web and for the web (YYW, RH, XL, JS), pp. 37–46.
CIKMCIKM-2009-ZhangMCM #fuzzy #learning #ontology #semantics #uml #web
Fuzzy semantic web ontology learning from fuzzy UML model (FZ, ZMM, JC, XM), pp. 1007–1016.
ECIRECIR-2009-BaiWCG #semantics
Supervised Semantic Indexing (BB, JW, RC, DG), pp. 761–765.
ECIRECIR-2009-LarsonTHR #fault #recognition #semantics #speech
Investigating the Global Semantic Impact of Speech Recognition Error on Spoken Content Collections (ML, MT, JH, MdR), pp. 755–760.
ECIRECIR-2009-MissenB #detection #semantics #using
Using WordNet’s Semantic Relations for Opinion Detection in Blogs (MMSM, MB), pp. 729–733.
ECIRECIR-2009-MoshfeghiAPJ #collaboration #predict #rating #recommendation #semantics
Movie Recommender: Semantically Enriched Unified Relevance Model for Rating Prediction in Collaborative Filtering (YM, DA, BP, JMJ), pp. 54–65.
ICMLICML-2009-LiuPZ #coordination #multi #semantics
Blockwise coordinate descent procedures for the multi-task lasso, with applications to neural semantic basis discovery (HL, MP, JZ), pp. 649–656.
KDDKDD-2009-GuoZGZS #semantics #standard
Address standardization with latent semantic association (HG, HZ, ZG, XZ, ZS), pp. 1155–1164.
KDIRKDIR-2009-Dengel #information management #semantics
The Semantic Desktop as a Means for Personal Information Management (AD), p. 5.
KDIRKDIR-2009-FatemiPRS #concept #mining #retrieval #semantics #using #video
Using Association Rule Mining to Enrich Semantic Concepts for Video Retrieval (NF, FP, LER, AFS), pp. 119–126.
KDIRKDIR-2009-KimRM #retrieval #semantics #using
A Patent Retrieval Method using Semantic Annotations (YK, JR, SHM), pp. 211–218.
KDIRKDIR-2009-KulkarniC #concept #semantics #using #word
Computation of the Semantic Relatedness between Words using Concept Clouds (SK, DC), pp. 183–188.
KDIRKDIR-2009-SciarroneS #multi #ontology #reuse #semantics
Ontological Warehousing on Semantically Indexed Data — Reusing Semantic Search Engine Ontologies to Develop Multidimensional Schemas (FS, PS), pp. 315–318.
KEODKEOD-2009-AndreasenBLZJMTNS #information management #named #ontology #semantics
SIABO — Semantic Information Access through Biomedical Ontologies (TA, HB, TL, SZ, PAJ, BNM, HET, JFN, BAS), pp. 171–176.
KEODKEOD-2009-Dengel #information management #semantics
The Semantic Desktop as a Means for Personal Information Management (AD), p. 5.
KEODKEOD-2009-Essert-VillardBS #approach #multi #semantics #towards
Multi-semantic Approach Towards a Generic Formal Solver of Tool Placement for Percutaneous Surgery (CEV, CB, PS), pp. 443–446.
KEODKEOD-2009-FreddoT #evolution #folksonomy #learning #ontology #semantics #social #web
Integrating Social Web with Semantic Web — Ontology Learning and Ontology Evolution from Folksonomies (ARF, CAT), pp. 247–253.
KEODKEOD-2009-GargSSMD #keyword #semantics
Aragog Semantic Search Engine — Beyond the Limits of Keyword Search (MG, JS, JS, HM, SKD), pp. 21–27.
KEODKEOD-2009-GoczylaWW #approach #knowledge base #named #semantics
S-modules — Approach to Capture Semantics of Modularized DL Knowledge Bases (KG, AW, WW), pp. 117–122.
KEODKEOD-2009-Grimm #formal method #ontology #research #semantics #web
A Unifying Formal Ontology Model — A Simple Formal Model for Unifying the Presentation of Ontologies in Semantic Web Research (SG), pp. 327–335.
KEODKEOD-2009-KoppensteinerMLLV #enterprise #framework #semantics
Ontology-oriented Framework for Virtual Enterprises — Accomplished within the Project: Future Network-based Semantic Technologies ((FUNSET-Science) (GK, MM, WL, EL, LV), pp. 300–307.
KEODKEOD-2009-MoulinL #approach #distributed #ontology #semantics
Ontologies based Approach for Semantic Indexing in Distributed Environments (CM, CL), pp. 420–423.
KEODKEOD-2009-SantipantakisV #collaboration #evolution #ontology #semantics
Semantics based Reconciliaton for Collaborative Ontology Evolution (GMS, GAV), pp. 153–158.
KEODKEOD-2009-Szymanski #architecture #editing #named #semantics
Wordventure — Cooperative Wordnet Editor — Architecture for Lexical Semantic Acquisition (JS), pp. 28–33.
KMISKMIS-2009-Dengel #information management #semantics
The Semantic Desktop as a Means for Personal Information Management (AD), p. 5.
KMISKMIS-2009-DochevA #learning #semantics #towards #web
Towards Semantic Web Enhanced Learning (DD, GA), pp. 212–217.
KMISKMIS-2009-KoutsomitropoulosSAP #information management #perspective #repository #semantics #web
Knowledge Management and Acquisition in Digital Repositories — A Semantic Web Perspective (DAK, GDS, ADA, TSP), pp. 117–122.
KMISKMIS-2009-Rios-AlvaradoMR #distributed #semantics #web
Distributed Allocation of a Corporate Semantic Web (ABRA, RMJ, RCMR), pp. 173–179.
KMISKMIS-2009-SonntagM #image #information management #problem #query #repository #semantics
Unifying Semantic Annotation and Querying in Biomedical Image Repositories — One Solution for Two Problems of Medical Knowledge Engineering (DS, MM), pp. 89–94.
MLDMMLDM-2009-GadK #clustering #semantics #similarity #using
New Semantic Similarity Based Model for Text Clustering Using Extended Gloss Overlaps (WKG, MSK), pp. 663–677.
MLDMMLDM-2009-GoncalvesQ #classification #kernel #semantics #using
Using Graph-Kernels to Represent Semantic Information in Text Classification (TG, PQ), pp. 632–646.
MLDMMLDM-2009-NikolopoulosPKP #comprehension #framework #image #probability #semantics
An Evidence-Driven Probabilistic Inference Framework for Semantic Image Understanding (SN, GTP, IK, IP), pp. 525–539.
RecSysRecSys-2009-TsatsouMKD #analysis #framework #personalisation #recommendation #semantics
A semantic framework for personalized ad recommendation based on advanced textual analysis (DT, FM, IK, PCD), pp. 217–220.
SEKESEKE-2009-BifflSM #automation #ontology #semantic gap
Bridging Semantic Gaps Between Stakeholders in the Production Automation Domain with Ontology Areas (SB, WDS, TM), pp. 233–239.
SEKESEKE-2009-DAgostiniF #semantics
Capturing Users’ Preferences and Intentions in a Semantic Search System (CSD, RF), pp. 587–591.
SEKESEKE-2009-FarZYA #concept #documentation #learning #semantics #using
Realization of Semantic Search Using Concept Learning and Document Annotation Agents (BHF, CZ, Z(Y, MA), pp. 164–169.
SEKESEKE-2009-JuanI #library #music #semantics #web
Improving Searchability of a Music Digital Library with Semantic Web Technologies (PdJ, CAI), pp. 246–251.
SEKESEKE-2009-LudwigTA #analysis #concept #database #deduction #performance #reasoning #semantics #web
Performance Analysis of a Deductive Database with a Semantic Web Reasoning Engine: ConceptBase and Racer (SAL, CT, KA), pp. 688–693.
SEKESEKE-2009-MajdoubiTG #ontology #semantics
Ontology-based Semantic Annotations of Medical Articles (JM, MT, FG), pp. 258–261.
SEKESEKE-2009-ManicaRTDB #information management #ontology #representation #semantics #towards
Toward Developing Knowledge Representation in Emergency Medical Assistance through a Ontology-based Semantic Cache Model (HM, CCdR, JLT, MARD, MAB), pp. 592–596.
SEKESEKE-2009-MoserMSB #constraints #framework #semantics
Semantic Service Matchmaking in the ATM Domain Considering Infrastructure Capability Constraints (TM, RM, WDS, SB), pp. 222–227.
SIGIRSIGIR-2009-Aly #modelling #nondeterminism #retrieval #semantics #video
Modeling uncertainty in video retrieval: a retrieval model for uncertain semantic representations of videos (RA), p. 846.
SIGIRSIGIR-2009-LinYCWW #approach #modelling #semantics #thread
Simultaneously modeling semantics and structure of threaded discussions: a sparse coding approach and its applications (CL, JMY, RC, XJW, WW, LZ), pp. 131–138.
SIGIRSIGIR-2009-Peng #analysis #equivalence #probability #semantics
Equivalence between nonnegative tensor factorization and tensorial probabilistic latent semantic analysis (WP), pp. 668–669.
SIGIRSIGIR-2009-TurnbullBLY #music #semantics #social
Combining audio content and social context for semantic music discovery (DT, LB, GRGL, MY), pp. 387–394.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-LeungMLLSTL #ontology #scalability #semantics #using
Scalable Semantic Annotation Using Lattice-Based Ontologies (MKL, TM, EAL, EL, CPS, ST, BL), pp. 393–407.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-Maoz #modelling #polymorphism #semantics #specification
Polymorphic Scenario-Based Specification Models: Semantics and Applications (SM), pp. 499–513.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-SoltenbornE #semantics #specification #testing #towards
Towards Test-Driven Semantics Specification (CS, GE), pp. 378–392.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-LeungMLLSTL #ontology #scalability #semantics #using
Scalable Semantic Annotation Using Lattice-Based Ontologies (MKL, TM, EAL, EL, CPS, ST, BL), pp. 393–407.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-Maoz #modelling #polymorphism #semantics #specification
Polymorphic Scenario-Based Specification Models: Semantics and Applications (SM), pp. 499–513.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-SoltenbornE #semantics #specification #testing #towards
Towards Test-Driven Semantics Specification (CS, GE), pp. 378–392.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2009-DincklageD #optimisation #semantics #source code
Optimizing programs with intended semantics (DvD, AD), pp. 409–424.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2009-BoronatM #algebra #metamodelling #ocl #semantics #specification
Algebraic Semantics of OCL-Constrained Metamodel Specifications (AB, JM), pp. 96–115.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2009-SadilekW #grammarware #semantics #using
Using Grammarware Languages to Define Operational Semantics of Modelled Languages (DAS, GW), pp. 348–356.
PPDPPPDP-2009-Aranda-LopezNSS #constraints #database #deduction #fixpoint #implementation #semantics
Implementing a fixed point semantics for a constraint deductive database based on hereditary harrop formulas (GAL, SN, FSP, JSH), pp. 117–128.
PPDPPPDP-2009-BentonKBH #higher-order #program transformation #relational #semantics
Relational semantics for effect-based program transformations: higher-order store (NB, AK, LB, MH), pp. 301–312.
PPDPPPDP-2009-IranzoR #declarative #prolog #semantics
A declarative semantics for Bousi~Prolog (PJI, CRM), pp. 149–160.
PADLPADL-2009-NavarroR #declarative #network #semantics
Operational Semantics for Declarative Networking (JANP, AR), pp. 76–90.
POPLPOPL-2009-GuerraouiK #memory management #semantics #transaction
The semantics of progress in lock-based transactional memory (RG, MK), pp. 404–415.
POPLPOPL-2009-Ley-WildAF #self #semantics
A cost semantics for self-adjusting computation (RLW, UAA, MF), pp. 186–199.
POPLPOPL-2009-SarkarSNORBMA #multi #semantics
The semantics of x86-CC multiprocessor machine code (SS, PS, FZN, SO, TR, TB, MOM, JA), pp. 379–391.
RERE-2009-EsmaeilsabzaliDAN #modelling #semantics
Semantic Criteria for Choosing a Language for Big-Step Models (SE, NAD, JMA, JN), pp. 181–190.
RERE-2009-MussbacherWA #aspect-oriented #detection #interactive #semantics
Semantic-Based Interaction Detection in Aspect-Oriented Scenarios (GM, JW, DA), pp. 203–212.
SACSAC-2009-CaladoBB #approach #automation #composition #metric #semantics #similarity #web #web service
An approach for semantic web services automatic discovery and composition with similarity metrics (IC, HB, IIB), pp. 694–695.
SACSAC-2009-DecreusP #modelling #process #semantics
Mapping semantically enriched Formal Tropos to business process models (KD, GP), pp. 371–376.
SACSAC-2009-FodehPT #clustering #documentation #semantics #statistics
Combining statistics and semantics via ensemble model for document clustering (SJF, WFP, PNT), pp. 1446–1450.
SACSAC-2009-GroppeNL #java #named #query #rdf #satisfiability #semantics #type safety #web
SWOBE — embedding the semantic web languages RDF, SPARQL and SPARUL into java for guaranteeing type safety, for checking the satisfiability of queries and for the determination of query result types (SG, JN, VL), pp. 1239–1246.
SACSAC-2009-LindvallFKCJ #network #semantics #using
Searching for relevant software change artifacts using semantic networks (ML, RLF, GK, ZC, VPJ), pp. 496–500.
SACSAC-2009-LopesVCTL #assessment #semantics #towards
Towards the universal semantic assessment of accessibility (RL, KV, LC, DT, SDL), pp. 147–151.
SACSAC-2009-MurthK #coordination #knowledge-based #reliability #semantics
Knowledge-based coordination with a reliable semantic subscription mechanism (MM, EK), pp. 1374–1380.
SACSAC-2009-PrazeresTMP #mvc #semantics #uml #web #web service
Semantic web services: from OWL-S via UML to MVC applications (CVSP, CACT, EVM, MdGCP), pp. 675–680.
SACSAC-2009-SinnigCK #automaton #case study #lts #modelling #semantics
LTS semantics for use case models (DS, PC, FK), pp. 365–370.
SACSAC-2009-TartirMA #named #semantics
SemanticQA: web-based ontology-driven question answering (ST, BM, IBA), pp. 1275–1276.
SACSAC-2009-ThirunarayanP #network #semantics
Semantic information and sensor networks (KT, JP), pp. 1273–1274.
SACSAC-2009-ZaidKT #feature model #modelling #semantics #web
Applying semantic web technology to feature modeling (LAZ, FK, ODT), pp. 1252–1256.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2009-ShaoKP #named #parallel #semantics
SCA: a semantic conflict analyzer for parallel changes (DS, SK, DEP), pp. 291–292.
ICSEICSE-2009-Reiss #code search #semantics
Semantics-based code search (SPR), pp. 243–253.
LDTALDTA-2008-DemailleDPS09 #ambiguity #comparison #semantics
Semantics Driven Disambiguation: A Comparison of Different Approaches (AD, RD, NP, BS), pp. 101–116.
SPLCSPLC-2009-WestonCR #composition #feature model #framework #modelling #natural language #requirements #semantics
A framework for constructing semantically composable feature models from natural language requirements (NW, RC, AR), pp. 211–220.
CSLCSL-2009-BlanquiR #on the #semantics #termination
On the Relation between Sized-Types Based Termination and Semantic Labelling (FB, CR), pp. 147–162.
CSLCSL-2009-GaboardiP #bound #semantics #using
Upper Bounds on Stream I/O Using Semantic Interpretations (MG, RP), pp. 271–286.
ICLPICLP-2009-DelgrandeSTW #logic programming #semantics #set #source code
Merging Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics (JPD, TS, HT, SW), pp. 160–174.
ICLPICLP-2009-HolldoblerR #logic programming #semantics #source code
Logic Programs under Three-Valued Lukasiewicz Semantics (SH, CDPKR), pp. 464–478.
ICLPICLP-2009-Truszczynski #logic programming #satisfiability #semantics #source code
Reducts of Propositional Theories, Satisfiability Relations, and Generalizations of Semantics of Logic Programs (MT), pp. 175–189.
ISSTAISSTA-2009-GorgZ #aspectj #difference #identification #semantics #source code
Identifying semantic differences in AspectJ programs (MTG, JZ), pp. 25–36.
LICSLICS-2009-Ghica #game studies #hardware #program analysis #semantics #synthesis
Applications of Game Semantics: From Program Analysis to Hardware Synthesis (DRG), pp. 17–26.
LICSLICS-2009-GhicaB #approximate #named #semantics
Clipping: A Semantics-Directed Syntactic Approximation (DRG, AB), pp. 189–198.
LICSLICS-2009-NainV #semantics
Trace Semantics is Fully Abstract (SN, MYV), pp. 59–68.
LICSLICS-2009-PfenningS #logic programming #order #semantics
Substructural Operational Semantics as Ordered Logic Programming (FP, RJS), pp. 101–110.
RTARTA-2009-Lopez-FraguasRS #semantics
A Fully Abstract Semantics for Constructor Systems (FJLF, JRH, JSH), pp. 320–334.
TLCATLCA-2009-AwodeyR #semantics #type system
Kripke Semantics for Martin-Löf’s Extensional Type Theory (SA, FR), pp. 249–263.
TLCATLCA-2009-Hamana #algebra #semantics
Initial Algebra Semantics for Cyclic Sharing Structures (MH), pp. 127–141.
TLCATLCA-2009-StengerV #fault #haskell #parametricity #semantics
Parametricity for Haskell with Imprecise Error Semantics (FS, JV), pp. 294–308.
ECSAECSA-2008-FankamJBA #approach #architecture #database #ontology #semantics
Extending the ANSI/SPARC Architecture Database with Explicit Data Semantics: An Ontology-Based Approach (CF, SJ, LB, YAA), pp. 318–321.
ASEASE-2008-JiangNCJC #automation #evolution #incremental #semantics #traceability
Incremental Latent Semantic Indexing for Automatic Traceability Link Evolution Management (HJ, TNN, IXC, HJ, CKC), pp. 59–68.
DATEDATE-2008-GailliardBSV #component #corba #protocol #semantics
Mapping Semantics of CORBA IDL and GIOP to Open Core Protocol for Portability and Interoperability of SDR Waveform Components (GG, HB, MS, FV), pp. 330–335.
DATEDATE-2008-GheorgheBNB #modelling #semantics #validation
Semantics for Model-Based Validation of Continuous/Discrete Systems (LG, FB, GN, HB), pp. 498–503.
DocEngDocEng-2008-Al-SaffarH #graph #semantics
Semantic impact graphs for information valuation (SAS, GLH), pp. 209–212.
DRRDRR-2008-FumeI #analysis #categorisation #clustering #documentation #modelling #semantics
Model-based document categorization employing semantic pattern analysis and local structure clustering (KF, YI), p. 68150.
HTHT-2008-MarkinesRM #assembly #network #performance #semantics #social
Efficient assembly of social semantic networks (BM, HR, FM), pp. 149–156.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2008-MaWLCPY #data transformation #effectiveness #performance #semantics #web
Effective and efficient semantic web data management over DB2 (LM, CW, JL, FC, YP, YY), pp. 1183–1194.
VLDBVLDB-2008-WeissKB #data transformation #named #semantics #web
Hexastore: sextuple indexing for semantic web data management (CW, PK, AB), pp. 1008–1019.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2008-Diaz-AgudoJR #approach #education #how #semantics #web
How to teach semantic web?: a project-based approach (BDA, GJD, JARG), pp. 98–102.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2008-PatersonHC #education #semantics
Drawing the line: teaching the semantics of binary class associations (JHP, JH, KFC), p. 362.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2008-ReppLM #automation #semantics
Question answering from lecture videos based on an automatic semantic annotation (SR, SL, CM), pp. 17–21.
ESOPESOP-2008-BouissouM #hybrid #semantics
A Hybrid Denotational Semantics for Hybrid Systems (OB, MM), pp. 63–77.
ESOPESOP-2008-HoborAN #concurrent #logic #semantics
Oracle Semantics for Concurrent Separation Logic (AH, AWA, FZN), pp. 353–367.
ESOPESOP-2008-HuntS #semantics
Just Forget It — The Semantics and Enforcement of Information Erasure (SH, DS), pp. 239–253.
ESOPESOP-2008-Ong #approach #higher-order #semantics #verification
Verification of Higher-Order Computation: A Game-Semantic Approach (CHLO), pp. 299–306.
ESOPESOP-2008-Owens #semantics
A Sound Semantics for OCamllight (SO), pp. 1–15.
FASEFASE-2008-BoronatM #algebra #semantics
An Algebraic Semantics for MOF (AB, JM), pp. 377–391.
FASEFASE-2008-MellitiPM #adaptation #automation #behaviour #composition #distributed #semantics
Distributed Behavioural Adaptation for the Automatic Composition of Semantic Services (TM, PP, SBM), pp. 146–162.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2008-BonchiM #revisited #semantics
Symbolic Semantics Revisited (FB, UM), pp. 395–412.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2008-KlinS #calculus #probability #process #semantics
Structural Operational Semantics for Stochastic Process Calculi (BK, VS), pp. 428–442.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2008-PattinsonS #algebra #finite #logic #modelling #rank #semantics
Beyond Rank 1: Algebraic Semantics and Finite Models for Coalgebraic Logics (DP, LS), pp. 66–80.
CSMRCSMR-2008-SpekKL #architecture #concept #semantics #towards #using
Towards Recovering Architectural Concepts Using Latent Semantic Indexing (PvdS, SK, PvdL), pp. 253–257.
ICPCICPC-2008-Parr #embedded #reuse #semantics
The Reuse of Grammars with Embedded Semantic Actions (TP), pp. 5–10.
ICPCICPC-2008-RillingWGP #maintenance #semantics
Semantic Technologies in System Maintenance (STSM 2008) (JR, RW, DG, JZP), pp. 279–282.
ICPCICPC-2008-SridharaHPV #case study #comparative #identification #semantics #similarity #tool support #word
Identifying Word Relations in Software: A Comparative Study of Semantic Similarity Tools (GS, EH, LLP, KVS), pp. 123–132.
ICSMEICSM-2008-LuciaOV #metric #semantics #using
Using structural and semantic metrics to improve class cohesion (ADL, RO, LV), pp. 27–36.
SCAMSCAM-2008-Zanardini #semantics #slicing
The Semantics of Abstract Program Slicing (DZ), pp. 89–98.
PEPMPEPM-2008-MastroeniZ #dependence #semantics #slicing #syntax
Data dependencies and program slicing: from syntax to abstract semantics (IM, DZ), pp. 125–134.
STOCSTOC-2008-JubaS #communication #semantics
Universal semantic communication I (BJ, MS), pp. 123–132.
FLOPSFLOPS-2008-AlvezL #semantics
A Generalization of the Folding Rule for the Clark-Kunen Semantics (, PL), pp. 180–194.
FLOPSFLOPS-2008-Voigtlander #semantics
Semantics and Pragmatics of New Shortcut Fusion Rules (JV), pp. 163–179.
ICALPICALP-B-2008-Katsumata #attribute grammar #category theory #semantics
Attribute Grammars and Categorical Semantics (SyK), pp. 271–282.
FMFM-2008-PonsiniS #modelling #semantics
A Schedulerless Semantics of TLM Models Written in SystemC Via Translation into LOTOS (OP, WS), pp. 278–293.
SEFMSEFM-2008-SilvaSL #object-oriented #semantics
Laws of Object-Orientation with Reference Semantics (LS, AS, ZL), pp. 217–226.
ICFPICFP-2008-Chlipala #higher-order #parametricity #semantics #syntax
Parametric higher-order abstract syntax for mechanized semantics (AC), pp. 143–156.
IFLIFL-2008-KoopmanPA #execution #semantics
An Executable and Testable Semantics for iTasks (PWMK, RP, PA), pp. 212–232.
IFLIFL-2008-ShkaravskaET #functional #semantics #source code
Collected Size Semantics for Functional Programs over Lists (OS, MCJDvE, AT), pp. 118–137.
GT-VMTGT-VMT-2006-RensinkN08 #graph transformation #qvt #semantics
Graph Transformation Semantics for a QVT Language (AR, RN), pp. 51–62.
GT-VMTGT-VMT-2008-RensinkK #diagrams #graph #on the #semantics #uml
On a Graph-Based Semantics for UML Class and Object Diagrams (AR, AK).
ICGTICGT-2008-Bonchi #semantics
Abstract Semantics by Observable Contexts (FB), pp. 478–480.
ICGTICGT-2008-EhrigE #correctness #graph #model transformation #semantics #using
Semantical Correctness and Completeness of Model Transformations Using Graph and Rule Transformation (HE, CE), pp. 194–210.
ICGTICGT-2008-YuH #graph transformation #query #semantics #web
Graph Transformation for the Semantic Web: Queries and Inference Rules (HY, YH), pp. 511–513.
CHICHI-2008-KatsanosTA #analysis #architecture #design #named #semantics #using #web
AutoCardSorter: designing the information architecture of a web site using latent semantic analysis (CK, NKT, NMA), pp. 875–878.
CHICHI-2008-MiaskiewiczSK #analysis #identification #semantics
A latent semantic analysis methodology for the identification and creation of personas (TM, TS, KAK), pp. 1501–1510.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2008-FrischDB #diagrams #semantics #towards #uml
Towards seamless semantic zooming techniques for UML diagrams (MF, RD, TB), pp. 207–208.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2008-SavidisPZ #3d #agile #design #encoding #semantics #visual notation
Rapid visual design with semantics encoding through 3d CRC cards (AS, PP, GZ), pp. 193–196.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2008-HamidN #ada #semantics
Operational Semantics of Ada Ravenscar (IH, EN), pp. 44–58.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2008-NarayananK #approach #automation #multi #semantics
A Systematic Approach to Automatically Generate Multiple Semantically Equivalent Program Versions (SHKN, MTK), pp. 185–198.
CAiSECAiSE-2008-BaresiMP #flexibility #framework #semantics #web #web service
A Flexible and Semantic-Aware Publication Infrastructure for Web Services (LB, MM, PP), pp. 435–449.
CAiSECAiSE-2008-SofferKW #modelling #ontology #petri net #process #semantics
Assigning Ontology-Based Semantics to Process Models: The Case of Petri Nets (PS, MK, YW), pp. 16–31.
EDOCEDOC-2008-AlmeidaG #concept #enterprise #modelling #semantics
A Semantic Foundation for Role-Related Concepts in Enterprise Modelling (JPAA, GG), pp. 31–40.
EDOCEDOC-2008-AwadPW #modelling #process #query #semantics
Semantic Querying of Business Process Models (AA, AP, MW), pp. 85–94.
EDOCEDOC-2008-MarkovicK #modelling #process #semantics
Linking Business Goals to Process Models in Semantic Business Process Modeling (IM, MK), pp. 332–338.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2008-BoglSPW #modelling #semantics
Semantic Annotation of EPC Models in Engineering Domains by Employing Semantic Patterns (AB, MS, GP, NW), pp. 106–115.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2008-SaccolNEG #approach #ontology #semantics
An Ontology-Based Approach for Semantic Interoperability in P2P Systems (DdBS, RPN, NE, RdMG), pp. 310–316.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2008-WiesnerMM #design #integration #process #semantics
Semantic Data Integration for Process Engineering Design Data (AW, JM, WM), pp. 190–195.
ICEISICEIS-HCI-2008-AngioniDDT #3d #navigation #semantics #user interface
A 3D User Interface for the Semantic Navigation of WWW Information (MA, RD, MD, FT), pp. 256–261.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS1-2008-LanoC #behaviour #refinement #semantics #state machine
Semantics and Refinement of Behavior State Machines (KL, DC), pp. 42–49.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS2-2008-FranciscoMMMP #modelling #process #semantics
Methodological Extensions for Semantic Business Process Modeling (DdFM, IM, JM, HM, NP), pp. 410–415.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS2-2008-SantosBBR #analysis #architecture #modelling #semantics
A Model Driven Architecture Tool Based on Semantic Analysis Method (TMdS, RB, MCCB, MAR), pp. 305–310.
ICEISICEIS-J-2008-Bachlechner08a #adaptation #architecture #industrial #integration #semantics #web #web service
Adapting Integration Architectures Based on Semantic Web Services to Industrial Needs (DB), pp. 280–293.
ICEISICEIS-J-2008-BoglSPW08a #automation #identification #modelling #semantics
Semantic Annotation of EPC Models in Engineering Domains to Facilitate an Automated Identification of Common Modelling Practices (AB, MS, GP, NW), pp. 155–171.
ICEISICEIS-J-2008-BrissonC08a #data mining #how #mining #process #question #semantics
How to Semantically Enhance a Data Mining Process? (LB, MC), pp. 103–116.
ICEISICEIS-J-2008-DroopFGGLPSSSSZ08a #rdf #semantics #web #xml #xpath
Bringing the XML and Semantic Web Worlds Closer: Transforming XML into RDF and Embedding XPath into SPARQL (MD, MF, JG, SG, VL, JP, FS, MS, FS, HS, SZ), pp. 31–45.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2008-Bachlechner #analysis #architecture #integration #semantics #web #web service
Integration Architectures Based on Semantic Web Services: Fad or Model for the Future? — Findings of a Comprehensive SWOT Analysis (DB), pp. 45–52.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2008-BaguesBBGI #communication #protocol #semantics
Use of Semantic Technology to Describe and Reason about Communication Protocols (MIB, IB, JB, AG, AI), pp. 67–72.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2008-CanalesP #architecture #learning #semantics #web
Learning Technology System Architecture Based on Agents and Semantic Web (ACC, RPV), pp. 127–132.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2008-DAgostiniFDG #semantics #using
Contextual Semantic Search — Capturing, using the User’s Context to Direct Semantic Search (CSD, RF, MARD, FAOG), pp. 154–159.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2008-SantosM #approach #semantics #web
Transparency in Citizen-Centric Services — A Traceability-based Approach on the Semantic Web (IJGdS, ERMM), pp. 184–189.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2008-StellerKCNL #approach #pervasive #reasoning #semantics #using
A Weighted Approach for Optimised Reasoning for Pervasive Service Discovery Using Semantics and Context (LS, SK, SC, JN, SWL), pp. 113–118.
CIKMCIKM-2008-Bradford #empirical #scalability #semantics
An empirical study of required dimensionality for large-scale latent semantic indexing applications (RBB), pp. 153–162.
CIKMCIKM-2008-MaYKL #learning #query #semantics
Learning latent semantic relations from clickthrough data for query suggestion (HM, HY, IK, MRL), pp. 709–718.
CIKMCIKM-2008-Moschitti #categorisation #kernel #relational #semantics #syntax
Kernel methods, syntax and semantics for relational text categorization (AM), pp. 253–262.
CIKMCIKM-2008-ParikhS #behaviour #query #semantics
Inferring semantic query relations from collective user behavior (NP, NS), pp. 349–358.
CIKMCIKM-2008-QuMG #network #semantics #using
Using tag semantic network for keyphrase extraction in blogs (LQ, CM, IG), pp. 1381–1382.
CIKMCIKM-2008-ShiLW #multi #semantics
Pattern-based semantic class discovery with multi-membership support (SS, XL, JRW), pp. 1453–1454.
CIKMCIKM-2008-WangLCLO #network #semantics
Speed up semantic search in p2p networks (QW, RL, LC, JL, MTÖ), pp. 1341–1342.
ECIRECIR-2008-AlonsoZ #information retrieval #semantics
Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval (OA, HZ), p. 712.
ECIRECIR-2008-FishbeinE08a #classification #modelling #semantics
Methods for Augmenting Semantic Models with Structural Information for Text Classification (JMF, CE), pp. 575–579.
ECIRECIR-2008-OfoghiYM #identification #natural language #semantics
The Impact of Semantic Class Identification and Semantic Role Labeling on Natural Language Answer Extraction (BO, JY, LM), pp. 430–437.
ECIRECIR-2008-StathopoulosUJ #automation #graph #image #multi #semantics
Semantic Relationships in Multi-modal Graphs for Automatic Image Annotation (VS, JU, JMJ), pp. 490–497.
ICPRICPR-2008-BarratT #effectiveness #image #network #retrieval #semantics #using #visual notation
Visual features with semantic combination using Bayesian network for a more effective image retrieval (SB, ST), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-MaL08a #approach #concept #detection #optimisation #performance #semantics
An efficient gradient computation approach to discriminative fusion optimization in semantic concept detection (CM, CHL), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-TeynorB08a #semantics #visual notation
Semantic grouping of visual features (AT, HB), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-WangC #classification #semantics #using
Film shot classification using directing semantics (HLW, LFC), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-WangI #classification #image #markov #modelling #multi #semantics
Combining multiple spatial hidden Markov models in image semantic classification and annotation (LW, HHSI), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-XuZW #detection #feature model #semantics
Semantic feature extraction for accurate eye corner detection (CX, YZ, ZW), pp. 1–4.
KDDKDD-2008-IwataYU #documentation #probability #semantics #topic #visualisation
Probabilistic latent semantic visualization: topic model for visualizing documents (TI, TY, NU), pp. 363–371.
KDDKDD-2008-SatoYN #graph #information management #parametricity #semantics #using #word
Knowledge discovery of semantic relationships between words using nonparametric bayesian graph model (IS, MY, HN), pp. 587–595.
KDDKDD-2008-WangD #classification #kernel #semantics #using #wiki
Building semantic kernels for text classification using wikipedia (PW, CD), pp. 713–721.
KRKR-2008-AnalytiAD #composition #framework #semantics #web
A Principled Framework for Modular Web Rule Bases and Its Semantics (AA, GA, CVD), pp. 390–400.
KRKR-2008-BritzHM #semantics
Semantic Preferential Subsumption (KB, JH, TAM), pp. 476–484.
KRKR-2008-DelgrandeSTW #logic programming #semantics #set #source code
Belief Revision of Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics (JPD, TS, HT, SW), pp. 411–421.
RecSysRecSys-2008-DegemmisLSB #recommendation #semantics
Integrating tags in a semantic content-based recommender (MD, PL, GS, PB), pp. 163–170.
RecSysRecSys-2008-WuWC #analysis #automation #incremental #probability #recommendation #semantics
Incremental probabilistic latent semantic analysis for automatic question recommendation (HW, YW, XC), pp. 99–106.
SEKESEKE-2008-DrumondGS #analysis #information management #semantics #similarity #web
A Similarity Analysis Model for Semantic Web Information Filtering Applications (LD, RG, FS), pp. 638–642.
SEKESEKE-2008-GolmohammadiRP #bibliography #semantics #web
Fuzziness in the Semantic Web: Survey and Future Directions (SKG, MR, WP), pp. 643–648.
SEKESEKE-2008-MarquesMNF #approach #interface #ontology #semantics #using #web #web service
Active Ontologies — an Approach for Using Ontologies as Semantic Web Services Interfaces (TCM, MGM, JCCN, PPMF), pp. 847–852.
SEKESEKE-2008-ScheithauerWT #documentation #execution #process #semantic gap
Bridging the Semantic Gap Between Process Documentation and Process Execution (GS, GW, CT), pp. 549–554.
SEKESEKE-2008-TekbacakTD #approach #certification #data access #security #semantics #using
A Semantic Based Certification and Access Control Approach Using Security Patterns on SEAGENT (FT, TT, OD), pp. 741–744.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-HuFCZLYC #clustering #semantics #wiki
Enhancing text clustering by leveraging Wikipedia semantics (JH, LF, YC, HJZ, HL, QY, ZC), pp. 179–186.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-PanTLL #classification #kernel #semantics
Question classification with semantic tree kernel (YP, YT, LL, YL), pp. 837–838.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-QuanCLX #adaptation #scalability #semantics
Adaptive label-driven scaling for latent semantic indexing (XQ, EC, QL, HX), pp. 827–828.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-ValletZ #approach #query #semantics
Inferring the most important types of a query: a semantic approach (DV, HZ), pp. 857–858.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-WangLZD #analysis #matrix #multi #semantics #summary #symmetry
Multi-document summarization via sentence-level semantic analysis and symmetric matrix factorization (DW, TL, SZ, CHQD), pp. 307–314.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-WangZZ #image #learning #retrieval #semantic gap #web
Learning to reduce the semantic gap in web image retrieval and annotation (CW, LZ, HJZ), pp. 355–362.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-XuDW #dependence #semantics
Utilizing phrase based semantic information for term dependency (YX, FD, BW), pp. 855–856.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-XuZL #analysis #image #named #novel #semantics #web
WISA: a novel web image semantic analysis system (HX, XZ, LL), pp. 777–778.
BXBX-2008-Diskin1 #algebra #semantics
Algebraic Semantics for Model Translation (ZD), p. 34.
ECMFAECMDA-FA-2008-GronmoSMK #aspect-oriented #interactive #semantics
A Semantics-Based Aspect Language for Interactions with the Arbitrary Events Symbol (RG, FS, BMP, SK), pp. 262–277.
ECMFAECMDA-FA-2008-OldevikH #aspect-oriented #diagrams #semantics #sequence chart
Semantics Preservation of Sequence Diagram Aspects (JO, ØH), pp. 215–230.
ECMFAECMDA-FA-2008-WaheedIM #action semantics #analysis #data flow #execution #modelling #semantics #uml
Data Flow Analysis of UML Action Semantics for Executable Models (TW, MZZI, ZIM), pp. 79–93.
ICMTICMT-2008-AmstelBPV #algebra #modelling #process #question #semantic gap #state machine #uml
Transforming Process Algebra Models into UML State Machines: Bridging a Semantic Gap? (MvA, MvdB, ZP, TV), pp. 61–75.
ICMTICMT-2008-GronmoSMK #diagrams #semantics #sequence chart #uml #weaving
Semantics-Based Weaving of UML Sequence Diagrams (RG, FS, BMP, SK), pp. 122–136.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-BiermannET #emf #graph transformation #model transformation #precise #semantics
Precise Semantics of EMF Model Transformations by Graph Transformation (EB, CE, GT), pp. 53–67.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-Gessenharter #code generation #java #semantics #uml
Mapping the UML2 Semantics of Associations to a Java Code Generation Model (DG), pp. 813–827.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-JanotaKW #constraints #interactive #semantics #syntax
Model Construction with External Constraints: An Interactive Journey from Semantics to Syntax (MJ, VK, AW), pp. 431–445.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-KelsenM #approach #lightweight #modelling #semantics
A Lightweight Approach for Defining the Formal Semantics of a Modeling Language (PK, QM), pp. 690–704.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-ProutADS #code generation #configuration management #semantics
Semantically Configurable Code Generation (AP, JMA, NAD, PS), pp. 705–720.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-BiermannET #emf #graph transformation #model transformation #precise #semantics
Precise Semantics of EMF Model Transformations by Graph Transformation (EB, CE, GT), pp. 53–67.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-Gessenharter #code generation #java #semantics #uml
Mapping the UML2 Semantics of Associations to a Java Code Generation Model (DG), pp. 813–827.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-JanotaKW #constraints #interactive #semantics #syntax
Model Construction with External Constraints: An Interactive Journey from Semantics to Syntax (MJ, VK, AW), pp. 431–445.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-KelsenM #approach #lightweight #modelling #semantics
A Lightweight Approach for Defining the Formal Semantics of a Modeling Language (PK, QM), pp. 690–704.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-ProutADS #code generation #configuration management #semantics
Semantically Configurable Code Generation (AP, JMA, NAD, PS), pp. 705–720.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2008-SchippersJHH #semantics
Delegation-based semantics for modularizing crosscutting concerns (HS, DJ, MH, RH), pp. 525–542.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2008-DiskinED #modelling #semantics
Engineering Associations: From Models to Code and Back through Semantics (ZD, SME, JD), pp. 336–355.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2008-LeueSW #runtime #scheduling #semantics #uml
An AsmL Semantics for Dynamic Structures and Run Time Schedulability in UML-RT (SL, AS, WW), pp. 238–257.
GPCEGPCE-2008-GottschlingL #c++ #compilation #concept #library #performance #reuse #robust #semantics #using
Integrating semantics and compilation: using c++ concepts to develop robust and efficient reusable libraries (PG, AL), pp. 67–76.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2008-Seki #on the #semantics #set
On Negative Unfolding in the Answer Set Semantics (HS), pp. 168–184.
PPDPPPDP-2008-BertotK #coq #fixpoint #recursion #semantics
Fixed point semantics and partial recursion in Coq (YB, VK), pp. 89–96.
PPDPPPDP-2008-PaoliniP #linear #programming language #semantics
Semantically linear programming languages (LP, MP), pp. 97–107.
POPLPOPL-2008-AbadiBHI #automation #memory management #semantics #transaction
Semantics of transactional memory and automatic mutual exclusion (MA, AB, TH, MI), pp. 63–74.
POPLPOPL-2008-MooreG #semantics #transaction
High-level small-step operational semantics for transactions (KFM, DG), pp. 51–62.
RERE-2008-WestonCR #approach #aspect-oriented #composition #formal method #requirements #semantics
A Formal Approach to Semantic Composition of Aspect-Oriented Requirements (NW, RC, AR), pp. 173–182.
SACSAC-2008-Al-MansariHU #on the #semantics
On to formal semantics for path expression pointcuts (MAM, SH, RU), pp. 271–275.
SACSAC-2008-AveiroMT #modelling #semantics #wiki
Organizational modeling with a semantic wiki (DA, JM, JMT), pp. 592–593.
SACSAC-2008-BodorikJW #consistency #privacy #semantics
Consistent privacy preferences (CPP): model, semantics, and properties (PB, DNJ, MXW), pp. 2368–2375.
SACSAC-2008-BorsjeLF #named #semantics
Hermes: a semantic web-based news decision support system (JB, LL, FF), pp. 2415–2420.
SACSAC-2008-CorreaL #documentation #hybrid #semantics
Semantic mapping and K-means applied to hybrid SOM-based document organization system construction (RFC, TBL), pp. 1112–1116.
SACSAC-2008-DuraoVAM #code search #semantics #source code
Applying a semantic layer in a source code search tool (FAD, TAV, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 1151–1157.
SACSAC-2008-FernandesFGM #generative #semantics #towards #web #web service
Towards the generation of explanations for semantic web services in OWL-S (CGF, VF, AG, DLM), pp. 2350–2351.
SACSAC-2008-GarciaT #security #semantics #using #web #web service
Web service security management using semantic web techniques (DZGG, MBFdT), pp. 2256–2260.
SACSAC-2008-IacobAI #composition #semantics
Optimized dynamic semantic composition of services (SMI, JPAA, MEI), pp. 2286–2292.
SACSAC-2008-KeeneyJRLO #clustering #knowledge-based #semantics
Knowledge-based semantic clustering (JK, DJ, DR, DL, DO), pp. 460–467.
SACSAC-2008-KeyvanpourA #approach #image #interactive #retrieval #semantics #using
A new approach for interactive semantic image retrieval using the high level semantics (MK, SA), pp. 1175–1179.
SACSAC-2008-LecueDL #composition #independence #semantics #towards #web #web service
Towards the composition of stateful and independent semantic web services (FL, AD, AL), pp. 2279–2285.
SACSAC-2008-LobatoBNTP #middleware #semantics
Exploiting semantic information on a message exchanging middleware (DCL, MQB, RBN, CACT, MdGCP), pp. 514–515.
SACSAC-2008-LuZS #semantics #towards
Towards trace semantics for WS-CDL with alignments (YL, LZ, JS), pp. 95–99.
SACSAC-2008-NecaskyP #concept #design #semantics #using #web #web service
Designing semantic web services using conceptual model (MN, JP), pp. 2243–2247.
SACSAC-2008-OlarteV #concurrent #constraints #security #semantics
Universal concurrent constraint programing: symbolic semantics and applications to security (CO, FDV), pp. 145–150.
SACSAC-2008-Papadopoulos #analysis #retrieval #semantics
Trajectory retrieval with latent semantic analysis (ANP), pp. 1089–1094.
SACSAC-2008-ShiYLZ #composition #semantics #verification #web #web service
Path-based verification for composition of semantic web services (YS, JY, ZJL, JZ), pp. 2392–2396.
SACSAC-2008-TanWWC #detection #problem #semantics #using
Using unlabeled data to handle domain-transfer problem of semantic detection (ST, YW, GW, XC), pp. 896–903.
SACSAC-2008-TierneyJ #ontology #semantics #using
C-SAW---contextual semantic alignment of ontologies: using negative semantic reinforcement (BT, MJ), pp. 2346–2347.
SACSAC-2008-TondelloS #modelling #ontology #semantics
The QoS-MO ontology for semantic QoS modeling (GFT, FS), pp. 2336–2340.
SACSAC-2008-WangHVZ #concept #multi #ontology #semantics #web #web service
Semantic web services selection improved by application ontology with multiple concept relations (XW, MH, TV, MZ), pp. 2237–2242.
SACSAC-2008-ZhouZCZ #concept #ontology #semantics
A method for semantics-based conceptual expansion of ontology (LZ, DZ, XC, CZ), pp. 1583–1587.
ICSEICSE-2008-Bienk #semantics #syntax
Asam odx: syntax as semantics (SB), pp. 583–592.
ICSEICSE-2008-GabelJS #detection #scalability #semantics
Scalable detection of semantic clones (MG, LJ, ZS), pp. 321–330.
ICSEICSE-2008-LuciaOT #semantics #traceability
Adams re-trace: traceability link recovery via latent semantic indexing (ADL, RO, GT), pp. 839–842.
ATEMATEM-J-2006-ZhangWRH #approach #ontology #semantics #traceability
Ontological approach for the semantic recovery of traceability links between software artefacts (YZ, RW, JR, VH), pp. 185–203.
SLESLE-2008-RiveraGLV #behaviour #maude #modelling #rule-based #semantics #visual notation
Analyzing Rule-Based Behavioral Semantics of Visual Modeling Languages with Maude (JER, EG, JdL, AV), pp. 54–73.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2008-BallapuramSL #behaviour #multi #semantics
Exploiting access semantics and program behavior to reduce snoop power in chip multiprocessors (CSB, AS, HHSL), pp. 60–69.
HPDCHPDC-2008-BalajiFL #distributed #framework #semantics
Semantic-based distributed i/o with the paramedic framework (PB, WcF, HL), pp. 175–184.
PPoPPPPoPP-2008-BalajiFALKTM #distributed #semantics
Semantics-based distributed I/O for mpiBLAST (PB, WcF, JSA, HL, RK, RT, XM), pp. 293–294.
SMTSMT-2007-ConchonCKL08 #congruence #semantics
CC(X): Semantic Combination of Congruence Closure with Solvable Theories (SC, EC, JK, SL), pp. 51–69.
CSLCSL-2008-HermantL #approach #axiom #semantics
A Constructive Semantic Approach to Cut Elimination in Type Theories with Axioms (OH, JL), pp. 169–183.
CSLCSL-2008-LagoL #game studies #linear #logic #semantics
Quantitative Game Semantics for Linear Logic (UDL, OL), pp. 230–245.
CSLCSL-2008-Tranquilli #correctness #linear #logic #multi #semantics
A Characterization of Hypercoherent Semantic Correctness in Multiplicative Additive Linear Logic (PT), pp. 246–261.
ICLPICLP-2008-BuccafurriCL #logic #reasoning #semantics #social
A Logic Language with Stable Model Semantics for Social Reasoning (FB, GC, RL), pp. 718–723.
ICLPICLP-2008-CaropreseT #constraints #declarative #semantics
Declarative Semantics for Active Integrity Constraints (LC, MT), pp. 269–283.
ICLPICLP-2008-LiuY #representation #semantics #source code
Lparse Programs Revisited: Semantics and Representation of Aggregates (GL, JHY), pp. 347–361.
ICLPICLP-2008-OetschT #semantics
Program Correspondence under the Answer-Set Semantics: The Non-ground Case (JO, HT), pp. 591–605.
ICLPICLP-2008-Riguzzi #logic programming #semantics #source code
Inference with Logic Programs with Annotated Disjunctions under the Well Founded Semantics (FR), pp. 667–671.
IJCARIJCAR-2008-UrbanSPV #automation #reasoning #semantics
MaLARea SG1- Machine Learner for Automated Reasoning with Semantic Guidance (JU, GS, PP, JV), pp. 441–456.
LICSLICS-2008-Murawski #game studies #nondeterminism #reachability #semantics #source code
Reachability Games and Game Semantics: Comparing Nondeterministic Programs (ASM), pp. 353–363.
LICSLICS-2008-Staton #category theory #logic #semantics
General Structural Operational Semantics through Categorical Logic (SS), pp. 166–177.
MBTMBT-2008-PonsG #approach #lightweight #semantics #validation
A Lightweight Approach for the Semantic Validation of Model Refinements (CP, DG), pp. 43–61.
RTARTA-2008-FalkeK #data type #dependence #semantics
Dependency Pairs for Rewriting with Built-In Numbers and Semantic Data Structures (SF, DK), pp. 94–109.
VMCAIVMCAI-2008-Cousot #abstract interpretation #semantics
Abstract Interpretation of Non-monotone Bi-inductive Semantic Definitions (RC), pp. 1–3.
CASECASE-2007-YangCZN #framework #semantics #web
A semantic web based framework for bio cell manipulation (RY, JC, LZ, GN), pp. 812–817.
DATEDATE-2007-ChenSN #behaviour #composition #semantics #specification
Compositional specification of behavioral semantics (KC, JS, SN), pp. 906–911.
DATEDATE-2007-WagnerB #semantics #trust
Engineering trust with semantic guardians (IW, VB), pp. 743–748.
DocEngDocEng-2007-GrozaSH07a #approach #documentation #generative #named #semantics
SALT: a semantic approach for generating document representations (TG, AS, SH), pp. 171–173.
DocEngDocEng-2007-PuginI #semantics
Combination of transformation and schema languages described by a complete formal semantics (CP, RI), pp. 222–224.
DocEngDocEng-2007-TriebseesB #automation #documentation #embedded #migration #query #semantics #towards
Towards automatic document migration: semantic preservation of embedded queries (TT, UMB), pp. 209–218.
DRRDRR-2007-GormishBBFS #documentation #representation #semantics
Pixel and semantic capabilities from an image-object based document representation (MJG, KB, MPB, GF, ELS).
HTHT-2007-CasteleynWH #adaptation #approach #aspect-oriented #semantics #web
A semantics-based aspect-oriented approach to adaptation in web engineering (SC, WVW, GJH), pp. 189–198.
HTHT-2007-GuerreroCPMM #approach #automation #clustering #semantics
Clustering as an approach to support the automatic definition of semantic hyperlinks (JACG, AAC, MdGCP, EVM, AAM), pp. 81–84.
HTHT-2007-LaniadoEC #folksonomy #navigation #semantics
A semantic tool to support navigation in a folksonomy (DL, DE, MC), pp. 153–154.
HTHT-2007-SahHGR #named #personalisation #semantics
Semport: a personalized semantic portal (MS, WH, NG, DDR), pp. 31–32.
HTHT-2007-schraefel #question #semantics #web #what #why
What is an analogue for the semantic web and why is having one important? (MMCS), pp. 123–132.
HTHT-2007-WongCWS #industrial #scalability #semantics #web
Lesson learnt from a large-scale industrial semantic web application (SCW, RMC, GBW, NRS), pp. 21–30.
ICDARICDAR-2007-BanerjeeHC #concept #database #documentation #image #query #semantics #word
Word image based latent semantic indexing for conceptual querying in document image databases (SB, GH, SC), pp. 1208–1212.
VLDBVLDB-2007-AbadiMMH #clustering #data transformation #scalability #semantics #using #web
Scalable Semantic Web Data Management Using Vertical Partitioning (DJA, AM, SM, KJH), pp. 411–422.
VLDBVLDB-2007-BleiholderDN #data fusion #named #semantics
FuSem — Exploring Different Semantics of Data Fusion (JB, KD, FN), pp. 1350–1353.
VLDBVLDB-2007-LiuWC #keyword #named #semantics #using #xml
XSeek: A Semantic XML Search Engine Using Keywords (ZL, JW, YC), pp. 1330–1333.
VLDBVLDB-2007-RomanK #behaviour #concurrent #logic #reasoning #semantics #transaction #web #web service
Reasoning about the Behavior of Semantic Web Services with Concurrent Transaction Logic (DR, MK), pp. 627–638.
WRLAWRLA-J-2004-OlveczkyM07 #maude #realtime #semantics
Semantics and pragmatics of Real-Time Maude (PCÖ, JM), pp. 161–196.
WRLAWRLA-2006-FarzanM07 #partial order #programming language #reduction #semantics
Partial Order Reduction for Rewriting Semantics of Programming Languages (AF, JM), pp. 61–78.
WRLAWRLA-2006-KatelmanM07 #analysis #co-evolution #design #hardware #semantics
A Rewriting Semantics for ABEL with Applications to Hardware/Software Co-Design and Analysis (MK, JM), pp. 47–60.
WRLAWRLA-2006-SasseM07 #algebra #hoare #java #logic #semantics #verification
Java+ITP: A Verification Tool Based on Hoare Logic and Algebraic Semantics (RS, JM), pp. 29–46.
ESOPESOP-2007-AcarBD #consistency #self #semantics
A Consistent Semantics of Self-adjusting Computation (UAA, MB, JD), pp. 458–474.
ESOPESOP-2007-KuanMF #semantics #type inference
A Rewriting Semantics for Type Inference (GK, DM, RBF), pp. 426–440.
FASEFASE-2007-GrammesG #semantics #tool support
SDL Profiles — Formal Semantics and Tool Support (RG, RG), pp. 200–214.
FASEFASE-2007-RobbesLL #approach #evolution #semantics
An Approach to Software Evolution Based on Semantic Change (RR, ML, ML), pp. 27–41.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2007-RathkeSS #semantics
Semantic Barbs and Biorthogonality (JR, VS, PS), pp. 302–316.
WCREWCRE-J-2005-KuhnDG07 #clustering #identification #semantics #source code #topic
Semantic clustering: Identifying topics in source code (AK, SD, TG), pp. 230–243.
ICSMEICSM-2007-ShaoKP #detection #empirical #evaluation #parallel #semantics
Evaluation of Semantic Interference Detection in Parallel Changes: an Exploratory Experiment (DS, SK, DEP), pp. 74–83.
PEPMPEPM-2007-EllnerT #semantics #visual notation
The semantics of graphical languages (SE, WT), pp. 122–133.
PLDIPLDI-2007-DilligDA #consistency #detection #fault #nondeterminism #semantics #using
Static error detection using semantic inconsistency inference (ID, TD, AA), pp. 435–445.
PLDIPLDI-2007-ScherpelzLC #automation #semantics
Automatic inference of optimizer flow functions from semantic meanings (ERS, SL, CC), pp. 135–145.
SASSAS-2007-Martel #semantics
Semantics-Based Transformation of Arithmetic Expressions (MM), pp. 298–314.
ICALPICALP-2007-Laird #semantics
A Fully Abstract Trace Semantics for General References (JL), pp. 667–679.
IFMIFM-2007-Jifeng #semantics #web #web service
UTP Semantics for Web Services (JH), pp. 353–372.
IFMIFM-2007-SinnigCK #case study #modelling #semantics
Common Semantics for Use Cases and Task Models (DS, PC, FK), pp. 579–598.
SEFMSEFM-2007-DanHC #diagrams #semantics #sequence chart #thread
A Thread-tag Based Semantics for Sequence Diagrams (HD, RMH, SC), pp. 173–182.
SEFMSEFM-2007-ZhuHLB #algebra #approach #semantics #web #web service
Algebraic Approach to Linking the Semantics of Web Services (HZ, JH, JL, JPB), pp. 315–328.
CHICHI-2007-WangJHDZ #clustering #image #named #semantics #web
IGroup: presenting web image search results in semantic clusters (SW, FJ, JH, QD, LZ), pp. 587–596.
HCIHCI-AS-2007-NguyenS #communication #semantics
ICT-Mediated Synchronous Communication in Creative Teamwork: From Cognitive Dust to Semantics (VN, PAS), pp. 692–701.
HCIHCI-MIE-2007-Alexandris #human-computer #quote #semantics #using
“Show and Tell”: Using Semantically Processable Prosodic Markers for Spatial Expressions in an HCI System for Consumer Complaints (CA), pp. 13–22.
HCIHCI-MIE-2007-ChoIITM #retrieval #semantics
Pictogram Retrieval Based on Collective Semantics (HC, TI, RI, TT, YM), pp. 31–39.
HCIHCI-MIE-2007-HanYYJ #analysis #automation #image #mobile #semantics #using
Automatic Mobile Content Conversion Using Semantic Image Analysis (EH, JY, HY, KJ), pp. 298–307.
HCIHCI-MIE-2007-NodaITF #adaptation #semantics #web
An Adaptive Web Browsing Method for Various Terminals: A Semantic Over-Viewing Method (HN, TI, YT, SF), pp. 440–448.
HCIHIMI-IIE-2007-KrachinaRT #ontology #perspective #policy #privacy #semantics
Reconciling Privacy Policies and Regulations: Ontological Semantics Perspective (OK, VR, KET), pp. 730–739.
HCIHIMI-IIE-2007-Sonntag #design #implementation #interactive #interface #mobile #multimodal #semantics #web
Interaction Design and Implementation for Multimodal Mobile Semantic Web Interfaces (DS), pp. 645–654.
HCIHIMI-MTT-2007-NgomoS #semantics
Involving the User in Semantic Search (ACNN, FS), pp. 507–516.
CAiSECAiSE-2007-LinS #modelling #process #semantics
Goal Annotation of Process Models for Semantic Enrichment of Process Knowledge (YL, AS), pp. 355–369.
EDOCEDOC-2007-ComerioPMP #semantics #web #web service
NFP-aware Semantic Web Services Selection (MC, FDP, AM, MP), pp. 484–494.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2007-Cebulla #coordination #reasoning #semantics #specification #towards
Reactive Commonsense Reasoning — Towards Semantic Coordination with High-Level Specifications (MC), pp. 113–118.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2007-ShethG #execution #middleware #non-functional #process #semantics #workflow
The 4×4 semantic model — exploiting data, functional, non-functional and execution semantics across business process, workflow, partner services and middleware services tiers (APS, KG), pp. 1–4.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2007-CairesC #architecture #semantics #using #web
Using semantic web and service oriented technologies to build loosely coupled systems: SWOAT — a service and semantic web oriented architecture technology (BC, JC), pp. 226–232.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2007-NemoBRK #composition #distributed #semantics #towards
Semantic orchestration merging — towards composition of overlapping orchestrations (CN, MBF, MR, GK), pp. 378–383.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2007-ShethG #execution #middleware #non-functional #process #semantics #workflow
The 4×4 semantic model — exploiting data, functional, non-functional and execution semantics across business process, workflow, partner services and middleware services tiers (APS, KG), pp. 1–4.
ICEISICEIS-EIS-2007-LeutgebUWF #adaptation #process #semantics
Adaptive Processes in E-Government — A Field Report about Semantic-Based Approaches from the EU-Project “FIT” (AL, WU, RW, HGF), pp. 264–269.
ICEISICEIS-EIS-2007-MoralesTA #behaviour #consistency #modelling #semantics #uml
Checking Behavioural Consistency of UML-RT Models through Trace-Based Semantics (LEMM, MICT, KBA), pp. 205–211.
ICEISICEIS-EIS-2007-ShethG #execution #middleware #non-functional #process #semantics #workflow
The 4×4 semantic model — exploiting data, functional, non-functional and execution semantics across business process, workflow, partner services and middleware services tiers (APS, KG), pp. 1–4.
ICEISICEIS-HCI-2007-ShethG #execution #middleware #non-functional #process #semantics #workflow
The 4×4 semantic model — exploiting data, functional, non-functional and execution semantics across business process, workflow, partner services and middleware services tiers (APS, KG), pp. 1–4.
ICEISICEIS-J-2007-ShethG07a #execution #middleware #non-functional #process #semantics #workflow
The 4 x 4 Semantic Model: Exploiting Data, Functional, Non-functional and Execution Semantics Across Business Process, Workflow, Partner Services and Middleware Services Tiers (APS, KG), pp. 16–26.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2007-AngioniDDVLMPPPSST #collaboration #semantics
A Collaborative, Semantic and Context Aware Search Engine (MA, RD, MD, EDV, CL, IM, GP, AP, AP, RS, AS, FT), pp. 213–218.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2007-Maximilien #approach #challenge #problem #ruby #semantics #using #web #web service
A Partial Solution to the Semantic Web Services Challenge Problem Using Swashup — The Ruby on Rails Services Mashup Approach (EMM), pp. 438–446.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2007-RezguiN #categorisation #composition #ontology #semantics #using
Ontology-Based Dynamic Service Composition Using Semantic Relatedness and Categorization Techniques (YR, SN), pp. 113–120.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2007-ShethG #execution #middleware #non-functional #process #semantics #workflow
The 4×4 semantic model — exploiting data, functional, non-functional and execution semantics across business process, workflow, partner services and middleware services tiers (APS, KG), pp. 1–4.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2007-WuGRSM #automation #composition #process #semantics #using #web #web service
Automatic Composition of Semantic Web Services Using Process Mediation (ZW, KG, AR, APS, JAM), pp. 453–462.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2007-ZarembaVMBCCVFT #challenge #comparison #semantics #towards #web #web service
Towards Semantic Interoperabilty — In-depth Comparison of Two Approaches to Solving Semantic Web Service Challenge Mediation Tasks (MZ, TV, MM, MB, SC, DC, EDV, FMF, CT), pp. 413–421.
CIKMCIKM-2007-BloehdornM #kernel #semantics
Structure and semantics for expressive text kernels (SB, AM), pp. 861–864.
CIKMCIKM-2007-Chu-CarrollP #case study #information management #performance #semantics
An experimental study of the impact of information extraction accuracy on semantic search performance (JCC, JMP), pp. 505–514.
CIKMCIKM-2007-FanizzidE #clustering #concept #induction #knowledge base #metric #random #semantics
Randomized metric induction and evolutionary conceptual clustering for semantic knowledge bases (NF, Cd, FE), pp. 51–60.
CIKMCIKM-2007-LvC #concept #information retrieval #named #peer-to-peer #semantics
CTO: concept tree based semantic overlay for pure peer-to-peer information retrieval (JL, XC), pp. 931–934.
CIKMCIKM-2007-PhamMLC #image #retrieval #semantics
Latent semantic fusion model for image retrieval and annotation (TTP, NM, JHL, JPC), pp. 439–444.
CIKMCIKM-2007-PriceNDV #component #documentation #retrieval #semantics
Semantic components enhance retrieval of domain-specific documents (SP, MLN, LMLD, PV), pp. 429–438.
CIKMCIKM-2007-RoussinovT #online #semantics #verification
Semantic verification in an online fact seeking environment (DR, OT), pp. 71–78.
ECIRECIR-2007-AyacheQG #classification #multi #semantics
Classifier Fusion for SVM-Based Multimedia Semantic Indexing (SA, GQ, JG), pp. 494–504.
ECIRECIR-2007-BloehdornM #classification #kernel #semantics
Combined Syntactic and Semantic Kernels for Text Classification (SB, AM), pp. 307–318.
ECIRECIR-2007-ZwolL #effectiveness #retrieval #semantics #xml
Effective Use of Semantic Structure in XML Retrieval (RvZ, TvL), pp. 621–628.
KDDKDD-2007-Baeza-YatesT #query #semantics
Extracting semantic relations from query logs (RABY, AT), pp. 76–85.
KDDKDD-2007-YuanWY #semantics #visual notation
From frequent itemsets to semantically meaningful visual patterns (JY, YW, MY), pp. 864–873.
SEKESEKE-2007-HappelS #architecture #information management #named #semantics #wiki
Ontobrowse: A Semantic Wiki for Sharing Knowledge about Software Architectures (HJH, SS), p. 506–?.
SEKESEKE-2007-IlhanAB #named #semantics
SAM: Semantic Advanced Matchmaker (ESI, GBA, ABB), pp. 698–703.
SEKESEKE-2007-RalhaAM #architecture #grid #semantics
A Four-layered Semantic Grid Architecture (CGR, JNCA, ACMAdM), p. 724–?.
SEKESEKE-2007-SabucedoA #semantics
Semantic Support to Reformulate Public Services in Terms of Life Events (LÁS, LEAR), pp. 632–636.
SEKESEKE-2007-SantosH #algorithm #detection #semantics #xml
A Semantical Change Detection Algorithm for XML (RCS, CSH), pp. 438–443.
SEKESEKE-2007-SayedHZ #distance #semantics
A Context-Dependent Semantic Distance Measure (AES, HH, DAZ), pp. 432–437.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-BroderFJR #approach #semantics
A semantic approach to contextual advertising (AZB, MF, VJ, LR), pp. 559–566.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-Efron #semantics
Model-averaged latent semantic indexing (ME), pp. 755–756.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-RattenburyGN #automation #semantics #towards
Towards automatic extraction of event and place semantics from flickr tags (TR, NG, MN), pp. 103–110.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-TurnbullBTL #semantics #set #towards #using
Towards musical query-by-semantic-description using the CAL500 data set (DT, LB, DAT, GRGL), pp. 439–446.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-ZhangL #classification #semantics
Semantic text classification of disease reporting (YZ, BL), pp. 747–748.
ECMFAECMDA-FA-2007-CuccuruMTG #metamodelling #semantics
Templatable Metamodels for Semantic Variation Points (AC, CM, FT, SG), pp. 68–82.
ECMFAECMDA-FA-2007-HerrmannKRSV #algebra #composition #semantics
An Algebraic View on the Semantics of Model Composition (CH, HK, BR, MS, SV), pp. 99–113.
ECMFAECMDA-FA-2007-ScheidgenF #semantics #specification
Human Comprehensible and Machine Processable Specifications of Operational Semantics (MS, JF), pp. 157–171.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-CuccuruMTG #semantics #uml
Enhancing UML Extensions with Operational Semantics (AC, CM, FT, SG), pp. 271–285.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-Stevens #bidirectional #model transformation #qvt #semantics
Bidirectional Model Transformations in QVT: Semantic Issues and Open Questions (PS), pp. 1–15.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-WeilMNDB #analysis #automation #design #modelling #semantics
Automated Semantic Analysis of Design Models (FW, BEM, DN, PD, AvdB), pp. 166–180.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-CuccuruMTG #semantics #uml
Enhancing UML Extensions with Operational Semantics (AC, CM, FT, SG), pp. 271–285.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-Stevens #bidirectional #model transformation #qvt #semantics
Bidirectional Model Transformations in QVT: Semantic Issues and Open Questions (PS), pp. 1–15.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-WeilMNDB #analysis #automation #design #modelling #semantics
Automated Semantic Analysis of Design Models (FW, BEM, DN, PD, AvdB), pp. 166–180.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2007-StrniaaSP #design #java #semantics
The java module system: core design and semantic definition (RS, PS, MJP), pp. 499–514.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2007-LanoC #semantics #state machine
Direct Semantics of Extended State Machines (KL, DC), pp. 35–51.
PPDPPPDP-2007-AlTurkiM #realtime #semantics
Real-time rewriting semantics of orc (MA, JM), pp. 131–142.
PPDPPPDP-2007-BentonKBH #program transformation #relational #semantics
Relational semantics for effect-based program transformations with dynamic allocation (NB, AK, LB, MH), pp. 87–96.
PPDPPPDP-2007-BentonZ #compilation #formal method #semantics #verification
Formalizing and verifying semantic type soundness of a simple compiler (NB, UZ), pp. 1–12.
PPDPPPDP-2007-Hamana #data type #higher-order #induction #semantics #type system
Higher-order semantic labelling for inductive datatype systems (MH), pp. 97–108.
PPDPPPDP-2007-Lopez-FraguasRS #semantics
A simple rewrite notion for call-time choice semantics (FJLF, JRH, JSH), pp. 197–208.
POPLPOPL-2007-AvgustinovHOMSTV #aspectj #semantics
Semantics of static pointcuts in aspectJ (PA, EH, NO, OdM, DS, JT, MV), pp. 11–23.
POPLPOPL-2007-MatthewsF #multi #semantics #source code
Operational semantics for multi-language programs (JM, RBF), pp. 3–10.
POPLPOPL-2007-PredaCJD #approach #detection #semantics
A semantics-based approach to malware detection (MDP, MC, SJ, SKD), pp. 377–388.
SACSAC-2007-AchananuparpHNJ #modelling #semantics
Semantically enhanced user modeling (PA, HH, ON, RJ), pp. 1335–1339.
SACSAC-2007-Al-MubaidN #concept #distance #framework #semantics
Semantic distance of concepts within a unified framework in the biomedical domain (HAM, HAN), pp. 142–143.
SACSAC-2007-AnGWC #automation #data flow #semantics #web
Semantic deep web: automatic attribute extraction from the deep web data sources (YJA, JG, YTW, SAC), pp. 1667–1672.
SACSAC-2007-CleenewerckK #domain-specific language #semantics
Separation of concerns in translational semantics for DSLs in model engineering (TC, IK), pp. 985–992.
SACSAC-2007-DinakarpandianTL #modelling #semantics #web
Modeling biomedical assertions in the semantic web (DD, TT, YL), pp. 1357–1361.
SACSAC-2007-HuangW #petri net #semantics #web #web service
A petri net semantics for web service choreography (YH, HW), pp. 1689–1690.
SACSAC-2007-KoschmiderO #detection #how #process #question #semantics
How to detect semantic business process model variants? (AK, AO), pp. 1263–1264.
SACSAC-2007-NixonAT #semantics #towards #tuple #web
Towards Semantic tuplespace computing: the Semantic web spaces system (LJBN, OA, RT), pp. 360–365.
SACSAC-2007-SchumacherPCSF #semantics #web #web service
Federated directories of Semantic web services (MS, TVP, IC, AdOeS, BF), pp. 368–369.
SACSAC-2007-WahL #named #semantics
IS_SDM: an in-network semantic sensor data model (CKW, QL), pp. 959–960.
SACSAC-2007-YuSZX #graph #named #semantics #web #web service
SNet: skip graph based semantic web services discovery (JY, HS, GZ, KX), pp. 1393–1397.
GTTSEGTTSE-2007-Wachsmuth #domain-specific language #modelling #semantics
Modelling the Operational Semantics of Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (GW), pp. 506–520.
ICSEICSE-2007-Chalin #compilation #evolution #semantics #verification
A Sound Assertion Semantics for the Dependable Systems Evolution Verifying Compiler (PC), pp. 23–33.
SOSPSOSP-2007-LuPHMJLPZ #automation #concurrent #correlation #debugging #detection #multi #named #semantics
MUVI: automatically inferring multi-variable access correlations and detecting related semantic and concurrency bugs (SL, SP, CH, XM, WJ, ZL, RAP, YZ), pp. 103–116.
CADECADE-2007-SutcliffeP #axiom #named #semantics
SRASS — A Semantic Relevance Axiom Selection System (GS, YP), pp. 295–310.
ICLPICLP-2007-CaliL #logic programming #probability #semantics #source code #web
Tightly Integrated Probabilistic Description Logic Programs for the Semantic Web (AC, TL), pp. 428–429.
ICLPICLP-2007-Eiter #programming #semantics #set #web
Answer Set Programming for the Semantic Web (TE), pp. 23–26.
ICLPICLP-2007-GrecoM #consistency #database #query #semantics
Querying and Repairing Inconsistent Databases Under Three-Valued Semantics (SG, CM), pp. 149–164.
ICLPICLP-2007-NeedhamV #game studies #semantics
A Games Semantics of ASP (JN, MDV), pp. 460–461.
LICSLICS-2007-Klin #algebra #logic #semantics
Bialgebraic Operational Semantics and Modal Logic (BK), pp. 336–345.
LICSLICS-2007-MelliesT #game studies #semantics
Resource modalities in game semantics (PAM, NT), pp. 389–398.
TLCATLCA-2007-Berardi #game studies #semantics
Semantics for Intuitionistic Arithmetic Based on Tarski Games with Retractable Moves (SB), pp. 23–38.
TLCATLCA-2007-JohannG #algebra #exclamation #semantics
Initial Algebra Semantics Is Enough! (PJ, NG), pp. 207–222.
TLCATLCA-2007-LiptonN #constraints #higher-order #logic programming #programming language #semantics
Higher-Order Logic Programming Languages with Constraints: A Semantics (JL, SN), pp. 272–289.
CASECASE-2006-AlenljungL #graph #semantics
Semantics of Sensor Activation Graphs (TA, BL), pp. 419–424.
DATEDATE-2006-SchaumontSV #design #hardware #semantics
Design with race-free hardware semantics (PS, SKS, IV), pp. 571–576.
HTHT-2006-Al-KhalifaD #evolution #metadata #semantics #standard
The evolution of metadata from standards to semantics in E-learning applications (HSAK, HCD), pp. 69–72.
PODSPODS-2006-Cohen #equivalence #query #semantics #set
Equivalence of queries combining set and bag-set semantics (SC), pp. 70–79.
PODSPODS-2006-GyssensPGF #documentation #navigation #semantics #xpath
Structural characterizations of the semantics of XPath as navigation tool on a document (MG, JP, DVG, GHLF), pp. 318–327.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2006-KandoganKRVZ #approach #database #information retrieval #semantics
Avatar semantic search: a database approach to information retrieval (EK, RK, SR, SV, HZ), pp. 790–792.
VLDBVLDB-2006-ChenLSDC #database #image #named #query #scalability #semantic gap
HISA: A Query System Bridging The Semantic Gap For Large Image Databases (GC, XL, LS, JD, CC), pp. 1187–1190.
VLDBVLDB-2006-WangSLWYDRM #named #optimisation #query #runtime #semantics #xml
R-SOX: Runtime Semantic Query Optimization over XML Streams (SW, HS, ML, MW, SY, DD, EAR, MM), pp. 1207–1210.
VLDBVLDB-2006-YinHY #clustering #named #performance #semantics
LinkClus: Efficient Clustering via Heterogeneous Semantic Links (XY, JH, PSY), pp. 427–438.
VLDBVLDB-2006-YuanBWMH #integration #semantics
A Semantic Information Integration Tool Suite (JY, AB, CW, MOM, AH), pp. 1171–1174.
ESOPESOP-2006-Leroy #induction #semantics
Coinductive Big-Step Operational Semantics (XL), pp. 54–68.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2006-EdalatP #automaton #hybrid #semantics
Denotational Semantics of Hybrid Automata (AE, DP), pp. 231–245.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2006-LuttgenV #process #semantics
Conjunction on Processes: Full-Abstraction Via Ready-Tree Semantics (GL, WV), pp. 261–276.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2006-PopescuSR #approach #semantics
A Semantic Approach to Interpolation (AP, TS, GR), pp. 307–321.
CSMRCSMR-2006-CugnoNSDT #automation #composition #semantics #tool support
Semantic-Based Toolkit for Automated Building Block Composition in SAP R/3 (FdC, TDN, EDS, FMD, ET), pp. 343–346.
CSMRCSMR-2006-IvkovicK #architecture #framework #model transformation #refactoring #semantics #using
A Framework for Software Architecture Refactoring using Model Transformations and Semantic Annotations (II, KK), pp. 135–144.
ICPCICPC-2006-PoshyvanykMRGA #identification #probability #ranking #semantics
Combining Probabilistic Ranking and Latent Semantic Indexing for Feature Identification (DP, AM, VR, YGG, GA), pp. 137–148.
ICSMEICSM-2006-HouH #c++ #semantics
Source-Level Linkage: Adding Semantic Information to C++ Fact-bases (DH, HJH), pp. 448–457.
SCAMSCAM-2006-FaganHU #data transformation #modelling #representation #semantics
Data Representation Alternatives in Semantically Augmented Numerical Models (MWF, LH, JU), pp. 85–94.
SCAMSCAM-2006-JacobsL #c #metaprogramming #semantics
SMART C: A Semantic Macro Replacement Translator for C (MJ, ECL), pp. 95–106.
DLTDLT-2006-KountouriotisNR #boolean grammar #semantics
Well-Founded Semantics for Boolean Grammars (VK, CN, PR), pp. 203–214.
FMFM-2006-LundS #diagrams #semantics #sequence chart #uml
A Fully General Operational Semantics for UML 2.0 Sequence Diagrams with Potential and Mandatory Choice (MSL, KS), pp. 380–395.
ICGTICGT-2006-HolscherKK #semantics
Autonomous Units and Their Semantics — The Sequential Case (KH, HJK, SK), pp. 245–259.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2006-Pietriga #graph #semantics #visualisation #web
Semantic web data visualization with graph style sheets (EP), pp. 177–178.
CAiSECAiSE-2006-LinSHKS #framework #modelling #process #semantics
Semantic Annotation Framework to Manage Semantic Heterogeneity of Process Models (YL, DS, SH, JK, AS), pp. 433–446.
EDOCEDOC-2006-BarrettP #automation #composition #modelling #semantics #using #web #web service
Semi-Automatic Distribution Pattern Modeling of Web Service Compositions using Semantics (RB, CP), pp. 417–422.
EDOCEDOC-2006-KuropkaBW #enterprise #framework #motivation #semantics
Semantic Enterprise Services Platform: Motivation, Potential, Functionality and Application Scenarios (DK, AB, MW), pp. 253–264.
EDOCEDOC-2006-ShafiqDF #multi #semantics #towards #web #web service
Bridging Multi Agent Systems and Web Services: towards interoperability between Software Agents and Semantic Web Services (MOS, YD, DF), pp. 85–96.
EDOCEDOC-2006-YanZY #contract #modelling #ontology #owl #semantics #using
Ontology Modeling for Contract: Using OWL to Express Semantic Relations (YY, JZ, MY), pp. 409–412.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2006-RuffoloM #approach #information management #semantics
A Logic-Based Approach to Semantic Information Extraction (MR, MM), pp. 115–123.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2006-SoaresSS #community #semantics
Selecting and Structuring Semantic Resources to Support SMEs Knowledge Communities (ALS, MMdS, DS), pp. 270–277.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2006-GardarinDY #semantics #web
P2P Semantic Mediation of Web Sources (GG, FD, LY), pp. 7–15.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2006-RinderleBR #framework #process #semantics
A Framework for Semantic Recovery Strategies in Case of Process Activity Failures (SR, SB, MR), pp. 136–143.
ICEISICEIS-HCI-2006-EspirituST #automation #named #semantics #topic #visualisation #wiki
ENWIC: Visualizing Wiki Semantics as Topic Maps — An Automated Topic Discovery and Visualization Tool (CE, ES, TT), pp. 35–42.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS-2006-BarresiRML #integration #semantics
Methodology to Support Semantic Resources Integration in the Construction Sector (SB, YR, FM, CL), pp. 94–101.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS-2006-BrockmansEKOS #process #semantics
Semantic Alignment of Business Processes (SB, ME, AK, AO, RS), pp. 191–196.
ICEISICEIS-J-2006-BarresiRLM #integration #semantics
Semantic Resources Integration and Interoperability in the Construction Domain (SB, YR, CL, FM), pp. 336–347.
ICEISICEIS-J-2006-GardarinDY06a #semantics #web
P2P Semantic Mediation of Web Sources (GG, FD, LY), pp. 3–16.
ICEISICEIS-J-2006-HaddadMR06a #semantics #synthesis
A Formal Semantics and a Client Synthesis for a BPEL Service (SH, PM, SR), pp. 388–401.
ICEISICEIS-J-2006-KoutsomitropoulosMKP06a #framework #logic #reasoning #semantics #web
Establishing the Semantic Web Reasoning Infrastructure on Description Logic Inference Engines (DAK, DPM, ANK, TSP), pp. 351–362.
ICEISICEIS-J-2006-RuffoloM06a #documentation #information management #named #semantics #web
HiLeX: A System for Semantic Information Extraction from Web Documents (MR, MM), pp. 194–209.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2006-HaddadMR #semantics #synthesis #web #web service
Client Synthesis for Web Services by Way of a Timed Semantics (SH, PM, SR), pp. 19–26.
CIKMCIKM-2006-Girju #semantics
Out-of-context noun phrase semantic interpretation with cross-linguistic evidence (RG), pp. 268–276.
CIKMCIKM-2006-OjewoleZH #approximate #data type #semantics
Window join approximation over data streams with importance semantics (AO, QZ, WCH), pp. 112–121.
CIKMCIKM-2006-RanganathanL #database #information retrieval #query #relational #semantics #using
Information retrieval from relational databases using semantic queries (AR, ZL), pp. 820–821.
CIKMCIKM-2006-VardeRRBMS #clustering #design #semantics
Designing semantics-preserving cluster representatives for scientific input conditions (ASV, EAR, CR, DCB, MM, RDSJ), pp. 708–717.
CIKMCIKM-2006-ZieglerSL #automation #proximity #semantics #taxonomy #using
Automatic computation of semantic proximity using taxonomic knowledge (CNZ, KS, GL), pp. 465–474.
ECIRECIR-2006-ChakrabortiLWW #named #semantics
Sprinkling: Supervised Latent Semantic Indexing (SC, RL, NW, SNKW), pp. 510–514.
ECIRECIR-2006-HoenkampD #semantics
A Fingerprinting Technique for Evaluating Semantics Based Indexing (EH, SvD), pp. 397–406.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-BhattacharyaRD #clustering #fuzzy #image #representation #retrieval #semantics #using
Image Representation and Retrieval Using Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy C-means Clustering Based Semantical Spaces (PB, MMR, BCD), pp. 929–935.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-MillerW #analysis #semantics #word
Word Completion with Latent Semantic Analysis (TM, EW), pp. 1252–1255.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-QiDZ #analysis #case study #image #semantics
Semantic Analysis on Medical Images: A Case Study (DQ, ERED, RZ), pp. 1260–1263.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-RyooA #comprehension #process #recursion #semantics
Semantic Understanding of Continued and Recursive Human Activities (MSR, JKA), pp. 379–382.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-BhattacharyaRD06a #clustering #fuzzy #image #representation #retrieval #semantics #using
Image Representation and Retrieval Using Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy C-means Clustering Based Semantical Spaces (PB, MMR, BCD), pp. 1162–1168.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-YuC #image #segmentation #semantics #using
Joint Image Segmentation and Interpretation Using Iterative Semantic Region Growing on SAR Sea Ice Imagery (QY, DAC), pp. 223–226.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-YuI #approach #named #semantics
Spatial-HMM: A new approach for Semantic Annotation of Histological (FY, HHSI), pp. 663–666.
KDDKDD-2006-MeiXCHZ #analysis #generative #semantics
Generating semantic annotations for frequent patterns with context analysis (QM, DX, HC, JH, CZ), pp. 337–346.
KDDKDD-2006-TangZL #classification #data-driven #semantics #taxonomy
Acclimatizing taxonomic semantics for hierarchical content classification from semantics to data-driven taxonomy (LT, JZ, HL), pp. 384–393.
KDDKDD-2006-YooHS #clustering #graph #integration #refinement #representation #semantics
Integration of semantic-based bipartite graph representation and mutual refinement strategy for biomedical literature clustering (IY, XH, IYS), pp. 791–796.
KRKR-2006-AgotnesA #logic #semantics
Semantics for Dynamic Syntactic Epistemic Logics (, NA), pp. 411–419.
KRKR-2006-CabalarOP #logic #semantics
Logical Foundations of Well-Founded Semantics (PC, SPO, DP), pp. 25–35.
KRKR-2006-Jauregui #imperative #logic #semantics
Semantical Considerations for a Logic of Actions: An Imperative Manifesto (VJ), pp. 371–376.
KRKR-2006-ThielscherW #calculus #semantics
The Features-and-Fluents Semantics for the Fluent Calculus (MT, TW), pp. 362–370.
KRKR-2006-ZamanskyA #first-order #logic #nondeterminism #semantics
Non-Deterministic Semantics for First-Order Paraconsistent Logics (AZ, AA), pp. 431–439.
SEKESEKE-2006-MrissaGBM #composition #semantics #towards #web #web service
Towards Context-based Mediation for Semantic Web Services Composition (MM, CG, DB, ZM), pp. 714–719.
SEKESEKE-2006-PaoliL #collaboration #semantics
Enhancing Semantic Interoperability in Collaborative Systems (FDP, ML), pp. 29–34.
SEKESEKE-2006-ZhaoGQC #abstraction #constraints #prolog #semantics
A Constraint-based Correct Call Pattern Semantics for Prolog as an Abstraction of Decorated Tree Semantics (LZ, TG, JQ, GC), pp. 359–362.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-Chu-CarrollPCFD #approach #information retrieval #semantics #xml
Semantic search via XML fragments: a high-precision approach to IR (JCC, JMP, KC, DAF, PAD), pp. 445–452.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-FangZ #axiom #information retrieval #semantics
Semantic term matching in axiomatic approaches to information retrieval (HF, CZ), pp. 115–122.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-Mu #matter #question #retrieval #semantics #video #visual notation
Content-based video retrieval: does video’s semantic visual feature matter? (XM), pp. 679–680.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-Mu06a #retrieval #semantics #video #visual notation
Supporting semantic visual feature browsing in contentbased video retrieval (XM), p. 734.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-WangSCZ #analysis #multi #semantics
Latent semantic analysis for multiple-type interrelated data objects (XW, JTS, ZC, CZ), pp. 236–243.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-ZhouHZLS #approach #information retrieval #modelling #semantics
Context-sensitive semantic smoothing for the language modeling approach to genomic IR (XZ, XH, XZ, XL, IYS), pp. 170–177.
ECMFAECMDA-FA-2006-OKeefe #consistency #logic #semantics #uml
Dynamic Logic Semantics for UML Consistency (GO), pp. 113–127.
MODELSMoDELS-2006-Beeck #semantics #uml
A Formal Semantics of UML-RT (MvdB), pp. 768–782.
MODELSMoDELS-2006-BruckerDW #analysis #model transformation #semantics
A Model Transformation Semantics and Analysis Methodology for SecureUML (ADB, JD, BW), pp. 306–320.
MODELSMoDELS-2006-DiskinD #semantics #towards #uml
Mappings, Maps and Tables: Towards Formal Semantics for Associations in UML2 (ZD, JD), pp. 230–244.
MODELSMoDELS-2006-KappelKKKRRSW #integration #metamodelling #modelling #ontology #semantics
Lifting Metamodels to Ontologies: A Step to the Semantic Integration of Modeling Languages (GK, EK, HK, GK, TR, WR, WS, MW), pp. 528–542.
MODELSMoDELS-2006-MarkovicB #ocl #qvt #semantics
An OCL Semantics Specified with QVT (SM, TB), pp. 661–675.
MODELSMoDELS-2006-TaleghaniA #semantics #uml
Semantic Variations Among UML StateMachines (AT, JMA), pp. 245–259.
MODELSMoDELS-2006-Beeck #semantics #uml
A Formal Semantics of UML-RT (MvdB), pp. 768–782.
MODELSMoDELS-2006-BruckerDW #analysis #model transformation #semantics
A Model Transformation Semantics and Analysis Methodology for SecureUML (ADB, JD, BW), pp. 306–320.
MODELSMoDELS-2006-DiskinD #semantics #towards #uml
Mappings, Maps and Tables: Towards Formal Semantics for Associations in UML2 (ZD, JD), pp. 230–244.
MODELSMoDELS-2006-KappelKKKRRSW #integration #metamodelling #modelling #ontology #semantics
Lifting Metamodels to Ontologies: A Step to the Semantic Integration of Modeling Languages (GK, EK, HK, GK, TR, WR, WS, MW), pp. 528–542.
MODELSMoDELS-2006-MarkovicB #ocl #qvt #semantics
An OCL Semantics Specified with QVT (SM, TB), pp. 661–675.
MODELSMoDELS-2006-TaleghaniA #semantics #uml
Semantic Variations Among UML StateMachines (AT, JMA), pp. 245–259.
ECOOPECOOP-2006-SiekT #analysis #c++ #semantics
A Semantic Analysis of C++ Templates (JGS, WT), pp. 304–327.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2006-KitMB #analysis #requirements #semantics #using
Isolating and relating concerns in requirements using latent semantic analysis (LKK, CKM, ELAB), pp. 383–396.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2006-WasserrabNST #c++ #inheritance #multi #semantics #type safety
An operational semantics and type safety prooffor multiple inheritance in C++ (DW, TN, GS, FT), pp. 345–362.
GPCEGPCE-2006-Prehofer #composition #multi #reasoning #semantics
Semantic reasoning about feature composition via multiple aspect-weavings (CP), pp. 237–242.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2006-Marchiori #how #semantics #web
How to Talk to a Human: The Semantic Web and the Clash of the Titans (MM), pp. 1–14.
QAPLQAPL-2006-WolfBM06a #nondeterminism #probability #semantics
Trace Semantics for Stochastic Systems with Nondeterminism (VW, CB, MEMC), pp. 187–204.
RERE-2006-SchobbensHT #bibliography #diagrams #feature model #semantics
Feature Diagrams: A Survey and a Formal Semantics (PYS, PH, JCT), pp. 136–145.
SACSAC-2006-CaceresFOV #architecture #coordination #peer-to-peer #semantics
An abstract architecture for semantic service coordination in agent-based intelligent peer-to-peer environments (CC, AF, SO, MV), pp. 447–448.
SACSAC-2006-Gutierrez-NolascoVT #interactive #protocol #semantics
A semantic model for safe protocol interaction (SGN, NV, CLT), pp. 1599–1600.
SACSAC-2006-JinNCY #information retrieval #performance #query #semantics
Efficient query routing for information retrieval in semantic overlays (HJ, XN, HC, ZY), pp. 1669–1673.
SACSAC-2006-LiV #community #grid #resource management #semantics
Grid resource discovery based on semantic P2P communities (JL, STV), pp. 754–758.
SACSAC-2006-NoiaSCTD #framework #image #retrieval #semantics
A framework for content-based image retrieval fully exploiting the semantics of annotation (TDN, EDS, FdC, ET, FMD), pp. 1709–1710.
SACSAC-2006-NorguetZS #analysis #semantics #web
Semantic analysis of web site audience (JPN, EZ, RS), pp. 525–529.
SACSAC-2006-PaigeKP #action semantics #semantics
An action semantics for MOF 2.0 (RFP, DSK, FP), pp. 1304–1305.
SACSAC-2006-TolksdorfBN #coordination #semantics #web
A coordination model for the semantic web (RT, EPB, LJBN), pp. 419–423.
SACSAC-2006-YanJHP #information retrieval #semantics
Semantic-based information retrieval of biomedical data (PY, YJ, ARH, TEP), pp. 1700–1704.
SACSAC-2006-YoussefAA #mobile #privacy #semantics
Semantically enhanced enforcement of mobile consumer’s privacy preferences (MY, NRA, VA), pp. 1172–1176.
ICSEICSE-2006-Dong #modelling #semantics #specification #web
From semantic web to expressive software specifications: a modeling languages spectrum (JSD), pp. 1063–1064.
ICSEICSE-2006-RamalingamKFS #modelling #object-oriented #reverse engineering #semantics
Semantics-based reverse engineering of object-oriented data models (GR, RK, JF, SS), pp. 192–201.
ISMMISMM-2006-DonnellyHK #semantics
Formal semantics of weak references (KD, JJH, AJK), pp. 126–137.
CSLCSL-2006-Aehlig #automaton #finite #infinity #semantics
A Finite Semantics of Simply-Typed λ Terms for Infinite Runs of Automata (KA), pp. 104–118.
CSLCSL-2006-Ong #approach #infinity #semantics #verification
Some Results on a Game-Semantic Approach to Verifying Finitely-Presentable Infinite Structures (Extended Abstract) (CHLO), pp. 31–40.
ICLPICLP-2006-Aguilar-Solis #approach #constraints #learning #parsing #semantics
Learning Semantic Parsers: A Constraint Handling Rule Approach (DAS), pp. 447–448.
ICLPICLP-2006-Brain #declarative #problem #semantics #set #using
Declarative Problem Solving Using Answer Set Semantics (MB), pp. 459–460.
ICLPICLP-2006-CabalarOPV #equilibrium #logic #semantics #using
Analysing and Extending Well-Founded and Partial Stable Semantics Using Partial Equilibrium Logic (PC, SPO, DP, AV), pp. 346–360.
ICLPICLP-2006-CaropreseGSZ #declarative #maintenance #semantics
Declarative Semantics of Production Rules for Integrity Maintenance (LC, SG, CS, EZ), pp. 26–40.
ICLPICLP-2006-Cheney #logic programming #semantics #source code
The Semantics of Nominal Logic Programs (JC), pp. 361–375.
ICLPICLP-2006-DahlG #semantics
Semantic Property Grammars for Knowledge Extraction from Biomedical Text (VD, BG), pp. 442–443.
ICLPICLP-2006-Emden #composition #logic #semantics
Compositional Semantics for the Procedural Interpretation of Logic (MHvE), pp. 315–329.
ICLPICLP-2006-PontelliS #logic programming #semantics #set #source code
Justifications for Logic Programs Under Answer Set Semantics (EP, TCS), pp. 196–210.
ICLPICLP-2006-Welty #semantics #web
Semantic Web: The Story of the RIFt so Far (CAW), p. 2.
ICLPICLP-2006-WittocxVMDB #semantics
Predicate Introduction Under Stable and Well-Founded Semantics (JW, JV, MM, MD, MB), pp. 242–256.
IJCARIJCAR-2006-ConstableM #proving #semantics #source code
Extracting Programs from Constructive HOL Proofs Via IZF Set-Theoretic Semantics (RLC, WM), pp. 162–176.
IJCARIJCAR-2006-Miller #reasoning #representation #semantics
Representing and Reasoning with Operational Semantics (DM), pp. 4–20.
IJCARIJCAR-2006-ZimmerA #reasoning #semantics #web
The MathServe System for Semantic Web Reasoning Services (JZ, SA), pp. 140–144.
LICSLICS-2006-BonchiKM #semantics
Saturated Semantics for Reactive Systems (FB, BK, UM), pp. 69–80.
LICSLICS-2006-FioreS #calculus #congruence #process #semantics
A Congruence Rule Format for Name-Passing Process Calculi from Mathematical Structural Operational Semantics (MPF, SS), pp. 49–58.
LICSLICS-2006-Lago #complexity #linear #logic #semantics
Context Semantics, Linear Logic and Computational Complexity (UDL), pp. 169–178.
LICSLICS-2006-LaurentF #bound #clique #complexity #semantics
Obsessional Cliques: A Semantic Characterization of Bounded Time Complexity (OL, LTdF), pp. 179–188.
VMCAIVMCAI-2006-LogozzoC #abstract interpretation #refactoring #semantics
Semantic Hierarchy Refactoring by Abstract Interpretation (FL, AC), pp. 313–331.
ASEASE-2005-ShankarASX #realtime #reasoning #semantics
Reasoning about real-time statecharts in the presence of semantic variations (SS, SA, VS, XX), pp. 243–252.
DATEDATE-2005-CengHLAMB #c #compilation #modelling #semantics
C Compiler Retargeting Based on Instruction Semantics Models (JC, MH, RL, GA, HM, GB), pp. 1150–1155.
DATEDATE-2005-ZhaoG #semantics
Defining an Enhanced RTL Semantics (SZ, DDG), pp. 548–553.
DocEngDocEng-2005-KerneKSM #clustering #generative #hypermedia #semantics
Generative semantic clustering in spatial hypertext (AK, EK, VS, JMM), pp. 84–93.
DocEngDocEng-2005-Miles-BoardWCWH #semantics #web
Bringing the semantic web to the office desktop (TMB, AW, LC, GW, WH), pp. 229–230.
DocEngDocEng-2005-WhitingCCGHST #documentation #parsing #semantics #web
Enabling massive scale document transformation for the semantic web: the universal parsing agent™ (MAW, WC, NC, AG, RH, RS, ST), pp. 23–25.
HTHT-2005-BhagwatP #file system #semantics #using
Searching a file system using inferred semantic links (DB, NP), pp. 85–87.
HTHT-2005-ManeewatthanaWH #adaptation #semantics #web
Adaptive personal information environment based on the semantic web (TM, GW, WH), pp. 214–216.
HTHT-2005-MillardGMW #semantic gap
Mind the semantic gap (DEM, NG, DTM, MJW), pp. 54–62.
HTHT-2005-PandisKT #hypermedia #semantics
Semantically annotated hypermedia services (IP, NK, TT), pp. 245–247.
HTHT-2005-RutledgeAHV #semantics
Generalized semantics-to-document derivation (LR, MA, LH, MV), pp. 284–285.
HTHT-2005-RutledgeO #semantics #web
Cruising the semantic web with noadster (LR, JvO), pp. 290–291.
HTHT-2005-SalampasisKM #people #semantics
Semantically enhanced browsing for blind people in the WWW (MS, CK, AM), pp. 32–34.
HTHT-2005-SchraefelSORHW #evolution #framework #semantics #web
The evolving mSpace platform: leveraging the semantic web on the trail of the memex (MMCS, DAS, AO, AR, CH, MW), pp. 174–183.
ICDARICDAR-2005-AntonacopoulosK #documentation #semantics
Semantics-Based Content Extraction in Typewritten Historical Documents (AA, DK), pp. 48–53.
ICDARICDAR-2005-FengHG #approach #learning #semantics #web
A Learning Approach to Discovering Web Page Semantic Structures (JF, PH, MG), pp. 1055–1059.
ICDARICDAR-2005-SextonS #analysis #matrix #semantics
Semantic Analysis of Matrix Structures (APS, VS), pp. 1141–1145.
ICDARICDAR-2005-TakiguchiOM #comprehension #layout #recognition #semantics
A Fundamental Study of Output Translation from Layout Recognition and Semantic Understanding System for Mathematical Formulae (YT, MO, YM), pp. 745–749.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2005-LiMTPT #data type #evaluation #semantics
Semantics and Evaluation Techniques for Window Aggregates in Data Streams (JL, DM, KT, VP, PAT), pp. 311–322.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2005-MorishimaOTI #named #semantics #xml
SMART: a tool for semantic-driven creation of complex XML mappings (AM, TO, JT, KI), pp. 909–911.
VLDBVLDB-2005-AbererC #network #semantics
Semantic Overlay Networks (KA, PCM), p. 1367.
VLDBVLDB-2005-BerardiCGHM #automation #composition #semantics #web #web service
Automatic Composition of Transition-based Semantic Web Services with Messaging (DB, DC, GDG, RH, MM), pp. 613–624.
VLDBVLDB-2005-PeiJET #approach #semantics
Catching the Best Views of Skyline: A Semantic Approach Based on Decisive Subspaces (JP, WJ, ME, YT), pp. 253–264.
VLDBVLDB-2005-SuRM #optimisation #query #semantics #xml #xquery
Semantic Query Optimization for XQuery over XML Streams (HS, EAR, MM), pp. 277–288.
VLDBVLDB-2005-YuP #adaptation #semantics
Semantic Adaptation of Schema Mappings when Schemas Evolve (CY, LP), pp. 1006–1017.
WRLAWRLA-2004-BragaM05 #composition #semantics
Modular Rewriting Semantics in Practice (CB, JM), pp. 393–416.
ESOPESOP-2005-JeffreyR #java #semantics
Java Jr: Fully Abstract Trace Semantics for a Core Java Language (AJ, JR), pp. 423–438.
ESOPESOP-2005-ReusS #logic #semantics
Denotational Semantics for Abadi and Leino’s Logic of Objects (BR, JS), pp. 263–278.
CSMRCSMR-2005-WardZH #abstraction #refinement #semantics #slicing
Conditioned Semantic Slicing via Abstraction and Refinement in FermaT (MPW, HZ, TH), pp. 178–187.
ICSMEICSM-2005-GreevyDG #analysis #evolution #semantics
Analyzing Feature Traces to Incorporate the Semantics of Change in Software Evolution Analysis (OG, SD, TG), pp. 347–356.
WCREWCRE-2005-KuhnDG #clustering #reverse engineering #semantics
Enriching Reverse Engineering with Semantic Clustering (AK, SD, TG), pp. 133–142.
WCREWCRE-2005-SpoonS #higher-order #navigation #scalability #semantics
Semantic Navigation of Large Code Bases in Higher-Order, Dynamically Typed Languages (SAS, OS), pp. 219–228.
PLDIPLDI-2005-ChinMM #semantics
Semantic type qualifiers (BC, SM, TDM), pp. 85–95.
SASSAS-2005-Abramsky #algorithm #game studies #semantics #static analysis
Algorithmic Game Semantics and Static Analysis (SA), p. 1.
SASSAS-2005-DimovskiGL #approach #game studies #refinement #semantics
Data-Abstraction Refinement: A Game Semantic Approach (AD, DRG, RL), pp. 102–117.
STOCSTOC-2005-FortnowST #semantics
Hierarchies for semantic classes (LF, RS, LT), pp. 348–355.
ICALPICALP-2005-CastagnaF #semantics #type system
A Gentle Introduction to Semantic Subtyping (GC, AF), pp. 30–34.
ICALPICALP-2005-DattaDMST #logic #polynomial #probability #protocol #security #semantics
Probabilistic Polynomial-Time Semantics for a Protocol Security Logic (AD, AD, JCM, VS, MT), pp. 16–29.
ICALPICALP-2005-FokkinkN #finite #semantics
A Finite Basis for Failure Semantics (WF, SN), pp. 755–765.
ICALPICALP-2005-MousaviR #orthogonal #semantics
Orthogonal Extensions in Structural Operational Semantics (MRM, MAR), pp. 1214–1225.
ICALPICALP-2005-PredaG #abstract interpretation #obfuscation #semantics
Semantic-Based Code Obfuscation by Abstract Interpretation (MDP, RG), pp. 1325–1336.
FMFM-2005-QiuWPZ #fault #semantics
Semantics of BPEL4WS-Like Fault and Compensation Handling (ZQ, SW, GP, XZ), pp. 350–365.
FMFM-2005-WoodcockCF #model checking #semantics
Operational Semantics for Model Checking Circus (JW, AC, LF), pp. 237–252.
IFMIFM-2005-BarradasB #fixpoint #semantics
A Fixpoint Semantics of Event Systems With and Without Fairness Assumptions (HRB, DB), pp. 327–346.
SEFMSEFM-2005-SunW #process #realtime #refinement #semantics
Operational Semantics for Real-Time Processes with Action Refinement (XS, JW), pp. 54–63.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2005-LunguKGL #clustering #interactive #semantics
Interactive Exploration of Semantic Clusters (ML, AK, TG, ML), pp. 95–100.
CAiSECAiSE-2005-PlessersTC #evolution #modelling #semantics
Event-Based Modeling of Evolution for Semantic-Driven Systems (PP, ODT, SC), pp. 63–76.
CAiSECAiSE-2005-Ram #biology #data flow #semantics #towards
Toward Semantic Interoperability of Heterogeneous Biological Data Sources (SR), p. 32.
EDOCEDOC-2005-IzzaVB #enterprise #integration #ontology #scalability #semantics
Ontology Urbanization for Semantic Integration: Dealing with Semantics within Large and Dynamic Enterprises (SI, LV, PB), pp. 83–94.
EDOCEDOC-2005-VitolinsK #diagrams #modelling #process #semantics #uml #virtual machine
Semantics of UML 2.0 Activity Diagram for Business Modeling by Means of Virtual Machine (VV, AK), pp. 181–194.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2005-ChenMG #query #semantics #web
Semantic Query Transformation for Integrating Web Information Sources (MC, RM, RG), pp. 176–181.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2005-ManicaCD #architecture #semantics
An Architecture for Location-Dependent Semantic Cache Management (HM, MSdC, MARD), pp. 320–325.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2005-PequenoA #semantics #using
Using Correspondence Assertions to Specify the Semantics of Views in an Object-Relational Data Warehouse (VMP, JNA), pp. 219–225.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2005-RisheACVGHW #database #semantics #xml
XML-Based Semantic Database Definition Language (NR, MA, MC, DV, SG, DH, OW), pp. 197–202.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2005-RisheBCVGSW #encoding #semantics
Object ID Distribution and Encoding in the Semantic Binary Engine (NR, AB, MC, DV, SG, SS, OW), pp. 279–284.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2005-BrunsDO #semantics #web
Advisory Agents in the Semantic Web (RB, JD, SO), pp. 90–96.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2005-DavulcuNR #semantic gap
Boosting Item Findability: Bridging the Semantic Gap between Search Phrases and Item Information (HD, HVN, VR), pp. 48–55.
CIKMCIKM-2005-CohenKKS #keyword #semantics #xml
Interconnection semantics for keyword search in XML (SC, YK, BK, YS), pp. 389–396.
CIKMCIKM-2005-CoutoSC #correlation #ontology #product line #semantics #similarity
Semantic similarity over the gene ontology: family correlation and selecting disjunctive ancestors (FMC, MJS, PC), pp. 343–344.
CIKMCIKM-2005-EsuliS #classification #semantics
Determining the semantic orientation of terms through gloss classification (AE, FS), pp. 617–624.
CIKMCIKM-2005-HuYSZS #mining #semantics
Mining undiscovered public knowledge from complementary and non-interactive biomedical literature through semantic pruning (XH, IY, MS, YZ, IYS), pp. 249–250.
CIKMCIKM-2005-MandreoliMR #ambiguity #semantics
Versatile structural disambiguation for semantic-aware applications (FM, RM, ER), pp. 209–216.
CIKMCIKM-2005-RoussinovFN #semantics #verification
Semantic verification for fact seeking engines (DR, WF, FADN), pp. 323–324.
CIKMCIKM-2005-TheodoratosDKG #data flow #query #semantics #using
Semantic querying of tree-structured data sources using partially specified tree patterns (DT, TD, AK, NHG), pp. 712–719.
CIKMCIKM-2005-WangNZ #classification #semantics
A latent semantic classification model (MWW, JYN, XQZ), pp. 261–262.
CIKMCIKM-2005-WanP #distance #documentation #semantics #similarity
The earth mover’s distance as a semantic measure for document similarity (XW, YP), pp. 301–302.
ECIRECIR-2005-Belkhatir #automation #image #retrieval #semantics #visual notation
Combining Visual Semantics and Texture Characterizations for Precision-Oriented Automatic Image Retrieval (MB), pp. 457–474.
ICMLICML-2005-WangWGSC #markov #modelling #random #semantics
Exploiting syntactic, semantic and lexical regularities in language modeling via directed Markov random fields (SW, SW, RG, DS, LC), pp. 948–955.
KDDKDD-2005-DasguptaKRT #semantics
Variable latent semantic indexing (AD, RK, PR, AT), pp. 13–21.
KDDKDD-2005-FanLH #image #learning #mining #semantics #statistics
Mining images on semantics via statistical learning (JF, HL, MSH), pp. 22–31.
KDDKDD-2005-KawamaeT #collaboration #information retrieval #semantics
Information retrieval based on collaborative filtering with latent interest semantic map (NK, KT), pp. 618–623.
KDDKDD-2005-MorinagaAISA #dependence #mining #semantics
Key semantics extraction by dependency tree mining (SM, HA, TI, YS, SA), pp. 666–671.
MLDMMLDM-2005-HamanoS #analysis #semantics
Semantic Analysis of Association Rules via Item Response Theory (SH, MS), pp. 641–650.
SEKESEKE-2005-FalboRM #ontology #re-engineering #semantics #using
Using Ontologies to Add Semantics to a Software Engineering Environment (RdAF, FBR, RDM), pp. 151–156.
SIGIRSIGIR-2005-CarneiroV #database #image #retrieval #semantics
A database centric view of semantic image annotation and retrieval (GC, NV), pp. 559–566.
SIGIRSIGIR-2005-HoenkampD #semantics
Evaluating semantic indexing techniques through cross-language fingerprinting (EH, SvD), pp. 609–610.
SIGIRSIGIR-2005-JeonCL #semantics
Finding semantically similar questions based on their answers (JJ, WBC, JHL), pp. 617–618.
SIGIRSIGIR-2005-MaL #automation #classification #documentation #paradigm #semantics
A phonotactic-semantic paradigm for automatic spoken document classification (BM, HL), pp. 369–376.
SIGIRSIGIR-2005-YuYT #multi #semantics
Multi-label informed latent semantic indexing (KY, SY, VT), pp. 258–265.
ECMFAECMDA-FA-2005-0003SAJ #model transformation #semantics
Semantic Anchoring with Model Transformations (KC, JS, SA, EKJ), pp. 115–129.
MODELSMoDELS-2005-ChauvelJ #code generation #modelling #semantics #uml
Code Generation from UML Models with Semantic Variation Points (FC, JMJ), pp. 54–68.
MODELSMoDELS-2005-ChauvelJ #code generation #modelling #semantics #uml
Code Generation from UML Models with Semantic Variation Points (FC, JMJ), pp. 54–68.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2005-PasarellaOPN #embedded #logic programming #semantics #source code
A Transformational Semantics of Static Embedded Implications of Normal Logic Programs (EP, FO, EP, MN), pp. 133–146.
PPDPPPDP-2005-CastagnaF #semantics #type system
A gentle introduction to semantic subtyping (GC, AF), pp. 198–199.
PPDPPPDP-2005-DelzannoGM #composition #semantics
A compositional semantics for CHR (GD, MG, MCM), pp. 209–217.
PADLPADL-2005-WangGL #code generation #continuation #logic #semantics #towards
Towards Provably Correct Code Generation via Horn Logical Continuation Semantics (QW, GG, ML), pp. 98–112.
POPLPOPL-2005-RinetzkyBRSW #abstraction #semantics
A semantics for procedure local heaps and its abstractions (NR, JB, TWR, SS, RW), pp. 296–309.
RERE-2005-BreauxA #semantics
Analyzing Goal Semantics for Rights, Permissions, and Obligations (TDB, AIA), pp. 177–188.
RERE-2005-GeorgiadesAP #natural language #requirements #semantics #syntax
A Requirements Engineering Methodology Based On Natural Language Syntax and Semantics (MGG, ASA, CSP), pp. 473–474.
RERE-2005-HassineRD #case study #semantics
An ASM Operational Semantics for Use Case Maps (JH, JR, RD), pp. 467–468.
SACSAC-2005-BazizBAC #documentation #information retrieval #representation #semantics
Semantic cores for representing documents in IR (MB, MB, NAG, CC), pp. 1011–1017.
SACSAC-2005-ColucciNSDPC #approach #composition #knowledge base #semantics
Knowledge based approach to semantic composition of teams in an organization (SC, TDN, EDS, FMD, GP, SC), pp. 1314–1319.
SACSAC-2005-JanejaA #detection #linear #named #semantics #statistics
LS3: a Linear Semantic Scan Statistic technique for detecting anomalous windows (VPJ, VA), pp. 493–497.
SACSAC-2005-ReeveH #bibliography #semantics
Survey of semantic annotation platforms (LHR, HH), pp. 1634–1638.
SACSAC-2005-SerranoO #framework #interactive #protocol #recursion #semantics #specification
A semantic framework for the recursive specification of interaction protocols (JMS, SO), pp. 451–456.
SACSAC-2005-SunZ #approach #semantics
An approach to acquire semantic relationships between terms (XS, QZ), pp. 1630–1633.
SACSAC-2005-TarauMF #documentation #rank #semantics
Semantic document engineering with WordNet and PageRank (PT, RM, EF), pp. 782–786.
SACSAC-2005-WangG #approach #domain-specific language #framework #implementation #prototype #semantics
Rapidly prototyping implementation infrastructure of domain specific languages: a semantics-based approach (QW, GG), pp. 1419–1426.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2005-BakerBJKTMB #detection #diagrams #semantics #sequence chart #uml
Detecting and resolving semantic pathologies in UML sequence diagrams (PB, PB, CJ, DJK, RT, BM, SB), pp. 50–59.
CSLCSL-2005-Katsumata #logic #metalanguage #semantics
A Semantic Formulation of TT-Lifting and Logical Predicates for Computational Metalanguage (SyK), pp. 87–102.
ICLPICLP-2005-AlcantaraDP #semantics
A Well-Founded Semantics with Disjunction (JA, CVD, LMP), pp. 341–355.
ICLPICLP-2005-DuanYK #logic programming #semantics #source code
Semantics of Framed Temporal Logic Programs (ZD, XY, MK), pp. 356–370.
ICLPICLP-2005-NomikosRW #equivalence #semantics
A Sufficient Condition for Strong Equivalence Under the Well-Founded Semantics (CN, PR, WWW), pp. 414–415.
ICLPICLP-2005-Santos #concurrent #logic #semantics #transaction #using
Denotational Semantics Using Horn Concurrent Transaction Logic (MVS), pp. 431–432.
ICLPICLP-2005-Schindlauer #logic programming #semantics #source code #web
Nonmonotonic Logic Programs for the Semantic Web (RS), pp. 446–447.
ICLPICLP-2005-Wielemaker #implementation #prolog #query #semantics #web
An Optimised Semantic Web Query Language Implementation in Prolog (JW), pp. 128–142.
LICSLICS-2005-BirkedalTY #higher-order #semantics #type system
Semantics of Separation-Logic Typing and Higher-Order Frame Rules (LB, NTS, HY), pp. 260–269.
LICSLICS-2005-CastagnaNV #calculus #semantics #type system
Semantic Subtyping for the p-Calculus (GC, RDN, DV), pp. 92–101.
LICSLICS-2005-GodefroidH #logic #model checking #semantics
Model Checking Vs. Generalized Model Checking: Semantic Minimizations for Temporal Logics (PG, MH), pp. 158–167.
RTARTA-2005-Felty #approach #semantics #tutorial
A Tutorial Example of the Semantic Approach to Foundational Proof-Carrying Code (APF), pp. 394–406.
RTARTA-2005-Meseguer #locality #semantics
Localized Fairness: A Rewriting Semantics (JM), pp. 250–263.
RTARTA-2005-Simpson #linear #reduction #semantics #λ-calculus
Reduction in a Linear λ-Calculus with Applications to Operational Semantics (AKS), pp. 219–234.
TLCATLCA-2005-BentonL #reasoning #relational #semantics
Relational Reasoning in a Nominal Semantics for Storage (NB, BL), pp. 86–101.
TLCATLCA-2005-Felty #approach #semantics #tutorial
A Tutorial Example of the Semantic Approach to Foundational Proof-Carrying Code: Abstract (APF), p. 10.
TLCATLCA-2005-Hermant #calculus #semantics
Semantic Cut Elimination in the Intuitionistic Sequent Calculus (OH), pp. 221–233.
VMCAIVMCAI-2005-Martel #bibliography #semantics #source code #validation
An Overview of Semantics for the Validation of Numerical Programs (MM), pp. 59–77.
ASEASE-2004-LuADN #semantics
Mapping Template Semantics to SMV (YL, JMA, NAD, JN), pp. 320–325.
PODSPODS-2004-GutierrezHM #database #semantics #web
Foundations of Semantic Web Databases (CG, CAH, AOM), pp. 95–106.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2004-BowmanS #optimisation #query #semantics #using
Optimization of Query Streams Using Semantic Prefetching (ITB, KS), pp. 179–190.
VLDBVLDB-2004-DasCES #ontology #semantics
Supporting Ontology-Based Semantic matching in RDBMS (SD, EIC, GE, JS), pp. 1054–1065.
VLDBVLDB-2004-HalaschekAAS #ranking #rdf #scalability #semantics
Discovering and Ranking Semantic Associations over a Large RDF Metabase (CHW, BAM, IBA, APS), pp. 1317–1320.
VLDBVLDB-2004-Halevy #semantics #statistics
Structures, Semantics and Statistics (AYH), pp. 4–6.
VLDBVLDB-2004-SuRM #algebra #optimisation #query #semantics #xml #xquery
Semantic Query Optimization in an Automata-Algebra Combined XQuery Engine over XML Streams (HS, EAR, MM), pp. 1293–1296.
VLDBVLDB-2004-XuCOTH #analysis #mining #semantics
Semantic Mining and Analysis of Gene Expression Data (XX, GC, BCO, KLT, AKHT), pp. 1261–1264.
ESOPESOP-2004-EspanaE #functional #logic #semantics
A Memoizing Semantics for Functional Logic Languages (SE, VE), pp. 109–123.
ESOPESOP-2004-Ghica #analysis #approach #logic #semantics #specification
Semantical Analysis of Specification Logic, 3: An Operational Approach (DRG), pp. 264–278.
ESOPESOP-2004-HirschowitzLW #call-by #mixin #reduction #semantics
Call-by-Value Mixin Modules: Reduction Semantics, Side Effects, Types (TH, XL, JBW), pp. 64–78.
ESOPESOP-2004-VitekJWH #design #framework #semantics #transaction
A Semantic Framework for Designer Transactions (JV, SJ, AW, ALH), pp. 249–263.
FASEFASE-2004-HamonR #semantics
An Operational Semantics for Stateflow (GH, JMR), pp. 229–243.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2004-GhicaM #concurrent #fine-grained #semantics
Angelic Semantics of Fine-Grained Concurrency (DRG, ASM), pp. 211–225.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2004-Laird #game studies #semantics
A Game Semantics of Local Names and Good Variables (JL), pp. 289–303.
TACASTACAS-2004-AbramskyGMO #composition #game studies #modelling #semantics #verification
Applying Game Semantics to Compositional Software Modeling and Verification (SA, DRG, ASM, CHLO), pp. 421–435.
TACASTACAS-2004-LugiezNZ #approach #automaton #explosion #partial order #problem #semantics
A Partial Order Semantics Approach to the Clock Explosion Problem of Timed Automata (DL, PN, SZ), pp. 296–311.
ICSMEICSM-2004-Marcus #program analysis #semantics
Semantic Driven Program Analysis (AM), pp. 469–473.
ICSMEICSM-2004-RaghavanRLPA #difference #named #scalability #semantics
Dex: A Semantic-Graph Differencing Tool for Studying Changes in Large Code Bases (SR, RR, DL, AP, VA), pp. 188–197.
SASSAS-2004-Colon #algebra #approximate #imperative #relational #semantics #source code
Approximating the Algebraic Relational Semantics of Imperative Programs (MC), pp. 296–311.
FLOPSFLOPS-2004-Hasegawa #call-by #continuation #linear #semantics
Semantics of Linear Continuation-Passing in Call-by-Name (MH), pp. 229–243.
DLTDLT-2004-Domaratzki #semantics
Semantic Shuffle on and Deletion Along Trajectories (MD), pp. 163–174.
IFMIFM-2004-VilasARGD #imperative #incremental #logic #modelling #semantics #specification
A Many-Valued Logic with Imperative Semantics for Incremental Specification of Timed Models (AFV, JJPA, RPDR, AGS, JGD), pp. 382–401.
SEFMSEFM-2004-MengNB #algebra #on the #perspective #refinement #semantics #uml
On Semantics and Refinement of UML Statecharts: A Coalgebraic View (SM, ZN, LSB), pp. 164–173.
SFMSFM-2004-Selic #on the #semantics #standard #uml
On the Semantic Foundations of Standard UML 2.0 (BS), pp. 181–199.
CHICHI-2004-BlanchGB #adaptation #semantics
Semantic pointing: improving target acquisition with control-display ratio adaptation (RB, YG, MBL), pp. 519–526.
CHICHI-2004-WhittakerA #editing #semantics #speech
Semantic speech editing (SW, BA), pp. 527–534.
CAiSECAiSE-2004-TsinarakiPC #integration #ontology #owl #semantics
Integration of OWL Ontologies in MPEG-7 and TV-Anytime Compliant Semantic Indexing (CT, PP, SC), pp. 398–413.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2004-BaiHM #query #semantics #using
Improving View Selection in Query Rewriting Using Domain Semantics (QB, JH, MFM), pp. 177–183.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2004-Bruijn #data flow #integration #semantics
Semantic Integration of Disparate Data Sources in the Cog Project (JdB), pp. 9–14.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2004-DelgadoM #architecture #concept #database #integration #semantics #semistructured data #towards
Towards Conceptual Mediation: A Semantic Architecture For Dynamic Integration of Heterogeneous Databases (IND, JFAM), pp. 169–176.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2004-Rizopoulos #automation #semantics
Automatic Discovery of Semantic Relationships Between Schema Elements (NR), pp. 3–8.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2004-BonacinBL #analysis #design #diagrams #ontology #semantics
From Ontology Charts to Class Diagrams: Semantic Analysis Aiding Systems Design (RB, MCCB, KL), pp. 389–395.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2004-DunkelBO #semantics #web
Semantic E-Learning Agents — Supporting Elearning by Semantic Web and Agents Technologies (JD, RB, SO), pp. 271–278.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2004-EllisHK #assessment #framework #semantics #towards #web
Towards an Information Assessment Framework for Use with the Semantic Web (HJCE, GWH, TK), pp. 447–450.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2004-LeDG #multi #on the #ontology #problem #semantics #web
On Ontology Matching Problems — for Building a Corporate Semantic Web in a Multi-Communities Organization (BTL, RDK, FG), pp. 236–243.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2004-PokraevZBE #automation #semantics
Semantic Support for Automated Negotiation with Alliances (SP, ZZ, RB, PvE), pp. 244–249.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2004-RibeiroL #abstraction #multi #semantics #web
Multi-Agent Systems and the Semantic Web — The Semanticcore Agent-Based Abstraction Layer (MR, CJPdL), pp. 263–270.
ICEISICEIS-v5-2004-Aldana-MontesDR #integration #library #semantics
Semantic Integration of Digital Libraries (JFAM, IND, MdMRG), pp. 313–318.
CIKMCIKM-2004-DingFJPCPRDS #metadata #named #semantics #web
Swoogle: a search and metadata engine for the semantic web (LD, TWF, AJ, RP, RSC, YP, PR, VD, JS), pp. 652–659.
CIKMCIKM-2004-Hayes #semantics #web
The semantic web: managing knowledge for planet earth (PJH), p. 416.
CIKMCIKM-2004-KumaranH #multi #on the #relational #semantics
On semantic matching of multilingual attributes in relational systems (AK, JRH), pp. 230–231.
ICPRICPR-v1-2004-LiHS #feature model #image #programming #retrieval #search-based #semantics #using
Semantic Feature Extraction Using Genetic Programming in Image Retrieval (QL, HH, ZS), pp. 648–651.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-KherfiBZ #effectiveness #image #retrieval #semantics #visual notation
Combining Visual Features with Semantics for a More Effective Image Retrieval (MLK, DB, DZ), pp. 961–964.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-BertiniBCP #adaptation #semantics #video
Object-Based and Event-Based Semantic Video Adaptation (MB, ADB, RC, AP), pp. 987–990.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-ChanHSP #detection #semantics #using #video
Detecting Rare Events in Video Using Semantic Primitives with HMM (MTC, AH, JS, MP), pp. 150–154.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-ParkA #interactive #semantics
Event Semantics in Two-person Interactions (SP, JKA), pp. 227–230.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-ZengG #segmentation #semantics
Semantic Object Segmentation by a Spatio-Temporal MRF Model (WZ, WG), pp. 775–778.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-ZhangKZ #graph #image #retrieval #semantics
Region Based a-Semantics Graph Driven Image Retrieval (RZ, SK, Z(Z), pp. 909–912.
KDDKDD-2004-JinZM #analysis #mining #probability #semantics #web
Web usage mining based on probabilistic latent semantic analysis (XJ, YZ, BM), pp. 197–205.
KDDKDD-2004-NatsevNS #mining #multi #representation #semantics
Semantic representation: search and mining of multimedia content (AN, MRN, JRS), pp. 641–646.
KRKR-2004-BesnardD #semantics
Characterization of Semantics for Argument Systems (PB, SD), pp. 183–193.
KRKR-2004-EiterLST #logic #programming #semantics #set #web
Combining Answer Set Programming with Description Logics for the Semantic Web (TE, TL, RS, HT), pp. 141–151.
KRKR-2004-PeppasCF #distance #semantics
Distance Semantics for Relevance-Sensitive Belief Revision (PP, SC, NYF), pp. 319–328.
KRKR-2004-Woods #semantics
Meaning and Links: A Semantic Odyssey (WAW), pp. 740–742.
KRKR-2004-ZhouC #semantics
Partial Implication Semantics for Desirable Propositions (YZ, XC), pp. 606–612.
SIGIRSIGIR-2004-ChapmanDC #named #semantics #web
Armadillo: harvesting information for the semantic web (SC, AD, FC), p. 598.
SIGIRSIGIR-2004-FanL #classification #semantics #video
Semantic video classification by integrating unlabeled samples for classifier training (JF, HL), pp. 592–593.
SIGIRSIGIR-2004-KokiopoulouS #information retrieval #polynomial #semantics
Polynomial filtering in latent semantic indexing for information retrieval (EK, YS), pp. 104–111.
SIGIRSIGIR-2004-TangDX #on the #peer-to-peer #scalability #semantics
On scaling latent semantic indexing for large peer-to-peer systems (CT, SD, ZX), pp. 112–121.
UMLUML-2004-FlakeM #ocl #semantics
An ASM Definition of the Dynamic OCL 2.0 Semantics (SF, WM), pp. 226–240.
ECOOPECOOP-2004-FindlerFF #contract #semantics #type system
Semantic Casts: Contracts and Structural Subtyping in a Nominal World (RBF, MF, MF), pp. 364–388.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2004-Ager #automaton #semantics
From Natural Semantics to Abstract Machines (MSA), pp. 245–261.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2004-Vanhoof #logic programming #semantics #source code
Searching Semantically Equivalent Code Fragments in Logic Programs (WV), pp. 1–18.
LOPSTRPDCL-2004-BossiCER #declarative #logic programming #semantics #source code
Declarative Semantics of Input Consuming Logic Programs (AB, NC, SE, SR), pp. 90–114.
LOPSTRPDCL-2004-Brogi #composition #logic programming #on the #semantics
On the Semantics of Logic Program Composition (AB), pp. 115–151.
PPDPPPDP-2004-BrasselHHV #declarative #multi #semantics #source code
A semantics for tracing declarative multi-paradigm programs (BB, MH, FH, GV), pp. 179–190.
PPDPPPDP-2004-KrsticM #semantics
Semantics of the reFLect language (SK, JM), pp. 32–42.
POPLPOPL-2004-BhargavanFG #authentication #semantics #web #web service
A semantics for web services authentication (KB, CF, ADG), pp. 198–209.
POPLPOPL-2004-VouillonM #fresh look #semantics
Semantic types: a fresh look at the ideal model for types (JV, PAM), pp. 52–63.
SACSAC-2004-BoninoCFF #framework #multi #semantics
Multilingual semantic elaboration in the DOSE platform (DB, FC, LF, AF), pp. 1642–1646.
SACSAC-2004-CarswellGN #dataset #multi #semantics #transaction
Wireless spatio-semantic transactions on multimedia datasets (JDC, KG, MN), pp. 1201–1205.
SACSAC-2004-Logozzo #approximate #constraints #semantics
Approximating module semantics with constraints (FL), pp. 1490–1495.
SACSAC-2004-Mosses #semantics
Exploiting labels in Structural Operational Semantics (PDM), pp. 1476–1481.
SACSAC-2004-SuHB #semantics
Semantic enrichment for improving systems interoperability (XS, SH, TB), pp. 1634–1641.
SACSAC-2004-ZumpanoGTV #on the #optimisation #power of #problem #semantics
On the semantics and expressive power of Datalog-like languages for NP search and optimization problems (EZ, SG, IT, PV), pp. 692–697.
FSEFSE-2004-PanWZXY #repository #reuse #semantics
Relevancy based semantic interoperation of reuse repositories (YP, LW, LZ, BX, FY), pp. 211–220.
ICSEICSE-2004-Dong #modelling #semantics #web
Software Modeling Techniques and the Semantic Web (JSD), pp. 724–725.
ICSEICSE-2004-Zschaler #component #concept #non-functional #research #semantics #specification
Research Abstract: Semantic Concepts for the Specification of Non-Functional Properties of Component-Based Software (SZ), pp. 51–53.
LDTALDTA-2004-LohmannRS #attribute grammar #migration #recursion #semantics
Semantics-preserving Migration of Semantic Rules During Left Recursion Removal in Attribute Grammars (WL, GR, MS), pp. 133–148.
ICLPICLP-2004-DekhtyarD #logic programming #probability #semantics #source code
Possible Worlds Semantics for Probabilistic Logic Programs (AD, MID), pp. 137–148.
ICLPICLP-2004-DuckSBH #constraints #semantics
The Refined Operational Semantics of Constraint Handling Rules (GJD, PJS, MJGdlB, CH), pp. 90–104.
ICLPICLP-2004-KundajiS #calculus #development #refinement #semantics
Development of Semantic Debuggers Based on Refinement Calculus (RNK, RKS), pp. 460–461.
ICLPICLP-2004-Pearce #logic programming #semantics #set #source code
Simplifying Logic Programs Under Answer Set Semantics (DP), pp. 210–224.
IJCARIJCAR-2004-MeseguerR #analysis #formal method #logic #semantics #specification #tool support
Rewriting Logic Semantics: From Language Specifications to Formal Analysis Tools (JM, GR), pp. 1–44.
IJCARIJCAR-2004-Tammet #semantics #web
Chain Resolution for the Semantic Web (TT), pp. 307–320.
LICSLICS-2004-AbramskyC #category theory #protocol #quantum #semantics
A Categorical Semantics of Quantum Protocols (SA, BC), pp. 415–425.
LICSLICS-2004-Marcial-RomeroE #semantics
Semantics of a Sequential Language for Exact Real-Number Computation (JRMR, MHE), pp. 426–435.
VMCAIVMCAI-2004-TanASW #assembly #semantics
Construction of a Semantic Model for a Typed Assembly Language (GT, AWA, KNS, DW), pp. 30–43.
DATEDATE-2003-Salem #semantics
Formal Semantics of Synchronous SystemC (AS), pp. 10376–10381.
DocEngDocEng-2003-BayerlLGWN #analysis #documentation #semantics
Methods for the semantic analysis of document markup (PSB, HL, DG, AW, DN), pp. 161–170.
DocEngDocEng-2003-BrunDFLP #authoring #concurrent #documentation #protocol #semantics
Semantically-based text authoring and the concurrent documentation of experimental protocols (CB, MD, EF, SL, SP), pp. 193–202.
DRRDRR-2003-YangL #image #mining #retrieval #semantics
Semantics-based image retrieval by text mining on environmental texts (HCY, CHL), pp. 266–277.
HTHT-2003-MarshallS #question #semantics #web
Which semantic web? (CCM, FMSI), pp. 57–66.
HTHT-2003-RutledgeABPDV #generative #hypermedia #semantics
Finding the story: broader applicability of semantics and discourse for hypermedia generation (LR, MA, RB, SP, WvD, MV), pp. 67–76.
ICDARICDAR-2003-FeldbachT #documentation #segmentation #semantics #word
Word Segmentation of Handwritten Dates in Historical Documents by Combining Semantic A-Priori-Knowledge with Local Features (MF, KDT), pp. 333–337.
ICDARICDAR-2003-MukherjeeYTR #automation #documentation #html #semantics
Automatic Discovery of Semantic Structures in HTML Documents (SM, GY, WT, IVR), pp. 245–249.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2003-Bierman #analysis #query #semantics
Formal semantics and analysis of object queries (GMB), pp. 407–418.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2003-GuptaLM #named #problem #semantics
BIRN-M: A Semantic Mediator for Solving Real-World Neuroscience Problems (AG, BL, MEM), p. 678.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2003-KementsietsidisAM #algorithm #peer-to-peer #semantics
Mapping Data in Peer-to-Peer Systems: Semantics and Algorithmic Issues (AK, MA, RJM), pp. 325–336.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2003-LakshmananPZ #named #performance #semantics #summary
QC-Trees: An Efficient Summary Structure for Semantic OLAP (LVSL, JP, YZ), pp. 64–75.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2003-LakshmananPZ03a #named #semantics #summary
SOCQET: Semantic OLAP with Compressed Cube and Summarization (LVSL, JP, YZ), p. 658.
VLDBVLDB-2003-CohenMKS #named #semantics #xml
XSEarch: A Semantic Search Engine for XML (SC, JM, YK, YS), pp. 45–56.
VLDBVLDB-2003-DeckerK #semantics #web
The Semantic Web: Semantics for Data on the Web (SD, VK), p. 1148.
VLDBVLDB-2003-LakshmananPZ #semantics #summary
Efficacious Data Cube Exploration by Semantic Summarization and Compression (LVSL, JP, YZ), pp. 1125–1128.
VLDBVLDB-2003-PetrovicBJ #named #semantics
S-ToPSS: Semantic Toronto Publish/Subscribe System (MP, IB, HAJ), pp. 1101–1104.
ESOPESOP-2003-ClementsF #recursion #semantics #stack
A Tail-Recursive Semantics for Stack Inspections (JC, MF), pp. 22–37.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2003-AbramskyJ #game studies #morphism #polymorphism #semantics
A Game Semantics for Generic Polymorphism (SA, RJ), pp. 1–22.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2003-Laird #continuation #game studies #semantics
A Game Semantics of Linearly Used Continuations (JL), pp. 313–327.
SCAMSCAM-2003-Favre #semantics
CPP Denotational Semantics (JMF), p. 22–?.
SCAMSCAM-2003-Ward #case study #semantics #slicing
Slicing the SCAM Mug: A Case Study in Semantic Slicing (MPW), pp. 88–97.
PEPMPEPM-2003-BozgaIL #alias #logic #semantics
Storeless semantics and alias logic (MB, RI, YL), pp. 55–65.
FMFME-2003-AtiyaKW #semantics
A Circus Semantics for Ravenscar Protected Objects (DAA, SK, JW), pp. 617–635.
FMFME-2003-DongSW #alloy #reasoning #semantics #web
Checking and Reasoning about Semantic Web through Alloy (JSD, JS, HHW), pp. 796–813.
FMFME-2003-QinDC #programming #semantics
A Semantic Foundation for TCOZ in Unifying Theories of Programming (SQ, JSD, WNC), pp. 321–340.
SEFMSEFM-2003-GoldsonR #semantics
Semantic Properties of μ-Charts (DG, GR), pp. 148–155.
SEFMSEFM-2003-WatsonF #assembly #modelling #semantics #source code
A Partial-Correctness Semantics for Modelling Assembler Programs (GW, CJF), pp. 82–90.
ICFPICFP-2003-Mairson #analysis #game studies #semantics
From Hilbert space to Dilbert space: context semantics as a language for games and flow analysis (HGM), p. 125.
AGTIVEAGTIVE-2003-Rising #graph grammar #graph transformation #multi #semantics
MPEG-7 Semantic Descriptions: Graph Transformations, Graph Grammars, and the Description of Multimedia (Invited Talk) (HKR), pp. 369–382.
CAiSECAiSE-2003-CaliCGLNV #integration #named #semantics
IBIS: Semantic Data Integration at Work (AC, DC, GDG, ML, PN, FV), pp. 79–94.
CAiSECAiSE-2003-NorrieS #semantics
Issues of Information Semantics and Granularity in Cross-Media Publishing (MCN, BS), pp. 421–436.
CAiSECAiSE-2003-Sycara #semantics #web #web service
Autonomous Semantic Web Services (KPS), pp. 2–3.
CAiSECAiSE-2003-TsinarakiFC #framework #metadata #semantics
An Ontology-Driven Framework for the Management of Semantic Metadata Describing Audiovisual Information (CT, EF, SC), pp. 340–356.
CAiSECAiSE-2003-VdovjakBH #design #information management #multi #semantics #web
Designing a Federated Multimedia Information System on the Semantic Web (RV, PB, GJH), pp. 357–373.
EDOCEDOC-2003-TrastourPC #integration #semantics #using #web
Using Semantic Web Technology to Enhance Current Business-to-Business Integration Approaches (DT, CP, DC), pp. 222–231.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2003-JouanotCY #distance #integration #semantics
A Solution for Contextual Integration Based on the Calculation of a Semantic Distance (FJ, NC, KY), pp. 483–486.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2003-MorochoSP #database #named #ontology #semantics
Ontologies: Solving Semantic Heterogeneity in a Federated Spatial Database System (VM, FS, LPV), pp. 347–352.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2003-WuCX #grid #knowledge base #semantics #web
Knowledge Base Grid: Relize Global Knowledge Sharing By Combining Grid and Semantic Web (ZW, HC, JX), pp. 258–265.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2003-Zarri #information management #representation #semantics #using #web
Semantic Annotations and Semantic Web Using NKRL (Narrative Knowledge Representation Language) (GPZ), pp. 387–394.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2003-LiTZ #distributed #framework #semantics
A Semantic Framework for Distributed Applications (BL, WTT, LJZ), pp. 34–41.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2003-ZhaoS #internet #semantics #web
Potential Advantages of Semantic Web for Internet Commerce (YZ, KS), pp. 151–160.
CIKMCIKM-2003-LeeGO #evaluation #multi #network #retrieval #semantics
An evaluation of the incorporation of a semantic network into a multidimensional retrieval engine (JL, DAG, RO), pp. 572–575.
CIKMCIKM-2003-Obrst #ontology #semantics
Ontologies for semantically interoperable systems (LO), pp. 366–369.
CIKMCIKM-2003-ParkhomenkoLP #peer-to-peer #profiling #semantics #web
Ontology-driven peer profiling in peer-to-peer enabled semantic web (OP, YL, EKP), pp. 564–567.
KDDKDD-2003-CasaliCL #semantics #using
Extracting semantics from data cubes using cube transversals and closures (AC, RC, LL), pp. 69–78.
KDDKDD-2003-EirinakiVV #named #personalisation #process #semantics #taxonomy #using #web
SEWeP: using site semantics and a taxonomy to enhance the Web personalization process (ME, MV, IV), pp. 99–108.
SEKESEKE-2003-FlakeM #constraints #ocl #semantics
Semantics of State-Oriented Expressions in the Object Constraint Language (SF, WM), pp. 142–149.
SIGIRSIGIR-2003-Dupret #analysis #concept #orthogonal #semantics
Latent concepts and the number orthogonal factors in latent semantic analysis (GD), pp. 221–226.
SIGIRSIGIR-2003-Hofmann #analysis #collaboration #probability #semantics
Collaborative filtering via gaussian probabilistic latent semantic analysis (TH), pp. 259–266.
UMLUML-2003-HaugenS #interactive #named #refinement #semantics
STAIRS — Steps to Analyze Interactions with Refinement Semantics (ØH, KS), pp. 388–402.
UMLUML-2003-ShankarA #realtime #semantics #uml
Formal Semantics of UML with Real-Time Constructs (SS, SA), pp. 60–75.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2003-WangG #continuation #horn clause #semantics
Continuation Semantics as Horn Clauses (QW, GG), pp. 176–177.
PPDPPPDP-2003-MiculanS #framework #semantics
A framework for typed HOAS and semantics (MM, IS), pp. 184–194.
SACSAC-2003-Gee #semantics #using
Using Latent Semantic Indexing to Filter Spam (KRG), pp. 460–464.
SACSAC-2003-NoiaSDM #semantics
Semantic Matchmaking in a P-2-P Electronic Marketplace (TDN, EDS, FMD, MM), pp. 582–586.
SACSAC-2003-Viroli #consistency #coordination #framework #semantics
Comparing Semantic Frameworks for Coordination: On the Conformance Issue for Coordination Media (MV), pp. 394–401.
ICSEICSE-2003-MarcusM #semantics #traceability #using
Recovering Documentation-to-Source-Code Traceability Links using Latent Semantic Indexing (AM, JIM), pp. 125–137.
LDTALDTA-J-2001-DohM #programming language #semantics
Composing programming languages by combining action-semantics modules (KGD, PDM), pp. 3–36.
LDTALDTA-2003-BrandKMV #ambiguity #generalised parsing #parsing #semantics #term rewriting
Generalized Parsing and Term Rewriting: Semantics Driven Disambiguation (MvdB, SK, LM, JJV), pp. 575–591.
CSLCSL-2003-Reus #composition #logic #semantics
Modular Semantics and Logics of Classes (BR), pp. 456–469.
CSLCSL-2003-Vermeulen #first-order #logic #semantics
More Computation Power for a Denotational Semantics for First Order Logic (KFMV), pp. 530–543.
ICLPICLP-2003-EiterF #equivalence #logic programming #semantics #source code
Uniform Equivalence of Logic Programs under the Stable Model Semantics (TE, MF), pp. 224–238.
ICLPICLP-2003-JungKCMK #ontology #semantics #web
Adding the Temporal Relations in Semantic Web Ontologies (KJ, HK, JC, YJM, PK), pp. 487–488.
ICLPICLP-2003-MoonMHK #ambiguity #integration #network #semantics #word
Integration of Semantic Networks for Corpus-Based Word Sense Disambiguation (YJM, KM, YH, PK), pp. 492–493.
ICLPICLP-2003-Smaus #equation #first-order #question #semantics
Is There an Optimal Generic Semantics for First-Order Equations? (JGS), pp. 438–450.
RTARTA-2003-BorrallerasR #order #semantics
Monotonic AC-Compatible Semantic Path Orderings (CB, AR), pp. 279–295.
RTARTA-2003-KhasidashviliG #partial order #semantics #term rewriting
Stable Computational Semantics of Conflict-Free Rewrite Systems (Partial Orders with Duplication) (ZK, JRWG), pp. 467–482.
TLCATLCA-2003-LazicN #independence #on the #semantics
On a Semantic Definition of Data Independence (RL, DN), pp. 226–240.
TLCATLCA-2003-Montelatici #fixpoint #proving #semantics
Polarized Proof Nets with Cycles and Fixpoints Semantics (RM), pp. 256–270.
ASEASE-2002-Straeten #co-evolution #development #object-oriented #semantics
Semantic Links and Co-Evolution in Object-Oriented Software Development (RVDS), p. 317.
DocEngDocEng-2002-FurutaN #community #documentation #programmable #semantics #web
Applying caT’s programmable browsing semantics to specify world-wide web documents that reflect place, time, reader, and community (RF, JCN), pp. 10–17.
DocEngDocEng-2002-RenearDS #semantics #towards #xml
Towards a semantics for XML markup (AR, DD, CMSM), pp. 119–126.
HTHT-2002-FurutaN #programmable #semantics #web
Applying programmable browsing semantics within the context of the World-Wide Web (RF, JCN), pp. 23–24.
HTHT-2002-MacedoPC #framework #semantics
An infrastructure for open latent semantic linking (AAM, MdGCP, JACG), pp. 107–116.
HTHT-2002-ShipmanMMHA #hypermedia #semantics
Semantics happen: knowledge building in spatial hypertext (FMSI, JMM, PM, HwH, RA), pp. 25–34.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2002-ChenRW #named #query #semantics #xml
XCache: a semantic caching system for XML queries (LC, EAR, SW), p. 618.
VLDBVLDB-2002-LakshmananPH #how #semantics
Quotient Cube: How to Summarize the Semantics of a Data Cube (LVSL, JP, JH), pp. 778–789.
ESOPESOP-2002-Martel #approach #fault #finite #precise #semantics
Propagation of Roundoff Errors in Finite Precision Computations: A Semantics Approach (MM), pp. 194–208.
ESOPESOP-2002-WansbroughNSS #semantics #thread
Timing UDP: Mechanized Semantics for Sockets, Threads, and Failures (KW, MN, PS, AS), pp. 278–294.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2002-Courcelle #higher-order #monad #semantics
Semantical Evaluations as Monadic Second-Order Compatible Structure Transformations (BC), pp. 1–4.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2002-Kurz #logic #semantics
Logics Admitting Final Semantics (AK), pp. 238–249.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2002-Santocanale #calculus #category theory #proving #semantics
A Calculus of Circular Proofs and Its Categorical Semantics (LS), pp. 357–371.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2002-YangO #reasoning #semantics
A Semantic Basis for Local Reasoning (HY, PWO), pp. 402–416.
TACASTACAS-2002-Backhouse #attribute grammar #functional #semantics
A Functional Semantics of Attribute Grammars (KB), pp. 142–157.
WRLAWRLA-2002-ThatiSM #execution #maude #semantics #specification #testing #π-calculus
An Executable Specification of Asynchronous π-Calculus Semantics and May Testing in Maude 2.0 (PT, KS, NMO), pp. 261–281.
SCAMSCAM-J-2001-SchuppGML02 #behaviour #library #semantics
Semantic and behavioral library transformations (SS, DG, DRM, SML), pp. 797–810.
IWPCIWPC-2002-Binkley #comprehension #difference #empirical #semantics
An Empirical Study of the Effect of Semantic Differences on Programmer Comprehension (DB), pp. 97–106.
SCAMSCAM-2002-BunusF #combinator #declarative #equation #graph transformation #semantics
Semantics Guided Filtering of Combinatorial Graph Transformations in Declarative Equation-Based Languages (PB, PF), pp. 163–172.
SCAMSCAM-2002-ZhangMHH #semantics
Mechanized Operational Semantics of WSL (XZ, MM, MH, LH), pp. 73–82.
WCREWCRE-2002-BullTMG #abstraction #regular expression #relational #semantics
Semantic Grep: Regular Expressions + Relational Abstraction (RIB, AT, AJM, MWG), pp. 267–276.
PEPMPEPM-2002-GiacobazziM #composition #semantics
Compositionality in the puzzle of semantics (RG, IM), pp. 87–97.
SASSAS-2002-Masse #abstract interpretation #semantics
Semantics for Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analyzes of Temporal Properties (DM), pp. 428–443.
FLOPSFLOPS-2002-LoyerS #logic programming #nondeterminism #semantics #source code
The Well-Founded Semantics in Normal Logic Programs with Uncertainty (YL, US), pp. 152–166.
ICALPICALP-2002-HermenegildoPBL #approximate #debugging #semantics #specification #using #validation
Program Debugging and Validation Using Semantic Approximations and Partial Specifications (MVH, GP, FB, PLG), pp. 69–72.
ICALPICALP-2002-Pitts #semantics #syntax
Equivariant Syntax and Semantics (AMP), pp. 32–36.
FMFME-2002-DongSW #semantics #web
Semantic Web for Extending and Linking Formalisms (JSD, JS, HHW), pp. 587–606.
IFMIFM-2002-KuskeGKK #diagrams #graph transformation #semantics #uml
An Integrated Semantics for UML Class, Object and State Diagrams Based on Graph Transformation (SK, MG, RK, HJK), pp. 11–28.
ICGTICGT-2002-ReisRASN #execution #graph transformation #process #semantics #using
Using Graph Transformation as the Semantical Model for Software Process Execution in the APSEE Environment (CALR, RQR, MMdA, HS, DJN), pp. 254–269.
ICGTICGT-2002-Varro #semantics #uml
A Formal Semantics of UML Statecharts by Model Transition Systems (DV), pp. 378–392.
CAiSECAiSE-2002-ArjonaCRT #semantics #web
A Practical Agent-Based Method to Extract Semantic Information from the Web (JLA, RC, ARC, MT), pp. 697–700.
CAiSECAiSE-2002-BrasethvikG #approach #concept #documentation #modelling #retrieval #semantics
A Conceptual Modeling Approach to Semantic Document Retrieval (TB, JAG), pp. 167–182.
CAiSECAiSE-2002-PapadopoulosP #community #recommendation #semantics
The Role of Semantic Relevance in Dynamic User Community Management and the Formulation of Recommendations (NP, DP), pp. 200–215.
CAiSECAiSE-2002-VdovjakH #design #semantics
Providing the Semantic Layer for WIS Design (RV, GJH), pp. 584–599.
ICEISICEIS-2002-BarjisC #analysis #database #design #modelling #semantics #using
Data Modeling for the Purpose of Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Model and Semantic Analysis (JB, SC), pp. 235–243.
ICEISICEIS-2002-DahchourP #semantics
The Semantics of Reifying n-ary Relationships as Classes (MD, AP), pp. 580–586.
ICEISICEIS-2002-Hu #integration #ontology #semantics #xml
Semantic Augmentation through Ontology for XML Integration Server (ZH), pp. 627–634.
ICEISICEIS-2002-SalterL #analysis #semantics #using
Using Semantic Analysis and Norm Analysis to Model Organisations (AS, KL), pp. 847–850.
CIKMCIKM-2002-AvantBBFSW #security #semantics
Semantic technology applications for homeland security (DA, MB, CB, MF, APS, YSW), pp. 611–613.
CIKMCIKM-2002-BrantsCT #analysis #documentation #probability #segmentation #semantics #topic
Topic-based document segmentation with probabilistic latent semantic analysis (TB, FC, IT), pp. 211–218.
CIKMCIKM-2002-LeeMCC #constraints #relational #semantics #using #xml
NeT & CoT: translating relational schemas to XML schemas using semantic constraints (DL, MM, FC, WWC), pp. 282–291.
CIKMCIKM-2002-ShahFJ #information retrieval #semantics #web
Information retrieval on the semantic web (US, TWF, AJ), pp. 461–468.
CIKMCIKM-2002-SharafC #semantics #summary
Semantic-based delivery of OLAP summary tables in wireless environments (MAS, PKC), pp. 84–92.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-LiuB #concept #learning #semantics #video #visual notation
Learning Semantic Visual Concepts from Video (JL, BB), pp. 1061–1064.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-MiyauchiHBK #analysis #collaboration #detection #multi #semantics #video
Collaborative Multimedia Analysis for Detecting Semantical Events from Broadcasted Sports Video (SM, AH, NB, TK), pp. 1009–1012.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-OjalaAM #category theory #empirical #evaluation #image #retrieval #semantics
Empirical Evaluation of MPEG-7 XM Color Descriptors in Content-Based Retrieval of Semantic Image Categories (TO, MA, EM), pp. 1021–1024.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-VisserSL #detection #people #retrieval #semantics #video
Detecting Automobiles and People for Semantic Video Retrieval (RV, NS, MSL), pp. 733–736.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-CheungI #retrieval #semantics
Semantic Retrieval by Spatial Relationships (KKTC, HHSI), pp. 16–19.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-LouLTH #process #semantics
Semantic Interpretation of Object Activities in a Surveillance System (JL, QL, TT, WH), pp. 777–780.
ICPRICPR-v4-2002-Heisterkamp #database #feedback #image #semantics
Building a Latent Semantic Index of an Image Database from Patterns of Relevance Feedback (DRH), pp. 134–137.
KRKR-2002-GiacomoLLS #implementation #on the #semantics
On the Semantics of Deliberation in IndiGolog: From Theory to Implementation (GDG, YL, HJL, SS), pp. 603–614.
KRKR-2002-Hendler #question #semantics #web
The Semantic Web: KR’s Worst Nightmare? (JAH), p. 630.
KRKR-2002-McIlraithS #adaptation #composition #semantics #web #web service
Adapting Golog for Composition of Semantic Web Services (SAM, TCS), pp. 482–496.
SEKESEKE-2002-FalboGNBRM #re-engineering #semantics #towards
Towards semantic software engineering environments (RdAF, GG, ACCN, GB, FFR, PGM), pp. 477–478.
UMLUML-2002-SteimannK #reduction #semantics #uml
A Radical Reduction of UML’s Core Semantics (FS, TK), pp. 34–48.
UMLUML-2002-VarroP #framework #metamodelling #modelling #precise #semantics #uml #visual notation
Metamodeling Mathematics: A Precise and Visual Framework for Describing Semantics Domains of UML Models (DV, AP), pp. 18–33.
ECOOPECOOP-2002-MeseguerT #distributed #modelling #semantics
Semantic Models for Distributed Object Reflection (JM, CLT), pp. 1–36.
ECOOPECOOP-2002-SneltingT #composition #semantics
Semantics-Based Composition of Class Hierarchies (GS, FT), pp. 562–584.
GPCEGPCE-2002-TanterSNP #bytecode #java #semantics
Altering Java Semantics via Bytecode Manipulation (ÉT, MSD, JN, JMP), pp. 283–298.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2002-VanhoofTB #fixpoint #logic programming #semantics #source code
A Fixed Point Semantics for Logic Programs Extended with Cuts (WV, RT, MB), pp. 238–257.
PPDPPPDP-2002-Fiore #analysis #evaluation #normalisation #semantics #λ-calculus
Semantic analysis of normalisation by evaluation for typed λ calculus (MPF), pp. 26–37.
PADLPADL-2002-GuptaGKPIRMDENZ #logic programming #question #semantics
Semantics-Based Filtering: Logic Programming’s Killer App? (GG, HFG, AIK, EP, JRI, DR, BM, ND, OEK, MN, XZ), pp. 82–100.
SACSAC-2002-FerriPR #correctness #database #query #semantics
The syntactic and semantic correctness of pictorial configurations to query geographic databases by PQL (FF, EP, MR), pp. 432–437.
SACSAC-2002-Jurjens #message passing #semantics #uml
A UML statecharts semantics with message-passing (JJ), pp. 1009–1013.
SACSAC-2002-StojanovicSV #data-driven #migration #semantics #web
Migrating data-intensive web sites into the Semantic Web (LS, NS, RV), pp. 1100–1107.
FSEFSE-2002-NiuAD #composition #modelling #semantics
Composable semantics for model-based notations (JN, JMA, NAD), pp. 149–158.
ICSEICSE-2002-Raz #detection #research #semantics #specification
Research abstract for semantic detection in dynamic data feeds with incomplete specifications (OR), pp. 733–734.
ICSEICSE-2002-RazKS #data flow #detection #online #semantics
Semantic anomaly detection in online data sources (OR, PK, MS), pp. 302–312.
ICSEICSE-2002-RoychoudhuryM #java #parallel #semantics #specification #thread #verification
Specifying multithreaded Java semantics for program verification (AR, TM), pp. 489–499.
LDTALDTA-2002-Mosses #action semantics #asf+sdf #semantics
Action Semantics and ASF+SDF: System Demonstration (PDM), pp. 2–8.
LDTALDTA-2002-ParigotCDFPFHA #framework #generative #semantics #xml
Aspect and XML-oriented Semantic Framework Generator: SmartTools (DP, CC, PD, AF, CP, JF, CH, IA), pp. 97–116.
CCCC-2002-GschwindA #compilation #exception #precise #semantics
Precise Exception Semantics in Dynamic Compilation (MG, ERA), pp. 95–110.
HPDCHPDC-2002-Schulz #clustering #parallel #performance #semantics #using
Using Semantic Information to Guide Efficient Parallel I/O on Clusters (MS), pp. 135–142.
OSDIOSDI-2002-WeisselBB #energy #novel #semantics
Cooperative I/O: A Novel I/O Semantics for Energy-Aware Applications (AW, BB, FB), pp. 117–129.
CSLCSL-2002-Levy #call-by #semantics
Possible World Semantics for General Storage in Call-By-Value (PBL), pp. 232–246.
CSLCSL-2002-MairsonR #semantics
Proofnets and Context Semantics for the Additives (HGM, XR), pp. 151–166.
CSLCSL-2002-MoshierJ #logic #semantics
A Logic for Probabilities in Semantics (MAM, AJ), pp. 216–231.
ICLPICLP-2002-Cabalar #semantics
A Rewriting Method for Well-Founded Semantics with Explicit Negation (PC), pp. 378–392.
ICLPICLP-2002-Decker #challenge #database #logic #semantics #web
Logic Databases on the Semantic Web: Challenges and Opportunities (SD), pp. 20–21.
ICLPICLP-2002-JamilD #database #deduction #multi #semantics
A Model Theoretic Semantics for Multi-level Secure Deductive Databases (HMJ, GD), pp. 130–147.
LICSLICS-2002-AhmedAV #semantics
A Stratified Semantics of General References A Stratified Semantics of General References (AJA, AWA, RV), p. 75–?.
LICSLICS-2002-FrischCB #semantics #type system
Semantic Subtyping (AF, GC, VB), pp. 137–146.
LICSLICS-2002-JeffreyR #concurrent #semantics #testing
A Fully Abstract May Testing Semantics for Concurrent Objects (AJ, JR), pp. 101–112.
LICSLICS-2002-RepsLS #semantics
Semantic Minimization of 3-Valued Propositional Formulae (TWR, AL, SS), p. 40–?.
LICSLICS-2002-ReusS #calculus #logic #semantics
Semantics and Logic of Object Calculi (BR, TS), p. 113–?.
DATEDATE-2001-RufHGKRM #semantics #simulation
The simulation semantics of systemC (JR, DWH, JG, TK, WR, WM), pp. 64–70.
DocEngDocEng-2001-MacedoPG #repository #semantics
Latent semantic linking over homogeneous repositories (AAM, MdGCP, JACG), pp. 144–151.
HTHT-2001-DespeyrouxT #semantics #web
Web sites and semantics (TD, BT), pp. 239–240.
HTHT-2001-Hall01a #question #semantics #web
The semantic web: who needs it? (WH), p. 5.
HTHT-2001-Miles-BoardKCH #hypermedia #semantics #web
Hypertext in the semantic web (TMB, SK, LC, WH), p. 237.
VLDBVLDB-2001-Sondag #semantics #web
The Semantic Web Paving the Way to the Knowledge Society (PPS), p. 16.
ESOPESOP-2001-BartheDJSS #execution #framework #semantics
A Formal Executable Semantics of the JavaCard Platform (GB, GD, LJ, BPS, SMdS), pp. 302–319.
ESOPESOP-2001-BossiERS #logic programming #scheduling #semantics #source code #termination
Semantics and Termination of Simply-Moded Logic Programs with Dynamic Scheduling (AB, SE, SR, JGS), pp. 402–416.
ESOPESOP-2001-Boudol #recursion #revisited #semantics
The Recursive Record Semantics of Objects Revisited (GB), pp. 269–283.
ESOPESOP-2001-Laud #data flow #program analysis #semantics
Semantics and Program Analysis of Computationally Secure Information Flow (PL), pp. 77–91.
FASEFASE-2001-ClarkEK #calculus #metamodelling #semantics #uml
The Metamodelling Language Calculus: Foundation Semantics for UML (TC, AE, SK), pp. 17–31.
FASEFASE-2001-EshuisW #diagrams #execution #process #realtime #semantics #uml
A Real-Time Execution Semantics for UML Activity Diagrams (RE, RW), pp. 76–90.
FASEFASE-2001-ReggioCA #approach #multi #semantics #towards #uml
Towards a Rigorous Semantics of UML Supporting Its Multiview Approach (GR, MC, EA), pp. 171–186.
FASEFASE-2001-SchroderMTKH #architecture #semantics #specification
Semantics of Architectural Specifications in CASL (LS, TM, AT, BK, PH), pp. 253–268.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2001-Tini #axiom #semantics
An Axiomatic Semantics for the Synchronous Language Gentzen (ST), pp. 394–409.
ICSMEICSM-2001-BinkleyCRS #difference #empirical #implementation #semantics
An Implementation of and Experiment with Semantic Differencing (DB, RC, LRR, CS), pp. 82–91.
ICSMEICSM-2001-ChungS #architecture #case study #embedded #evolution #semantics
Architecture-Based Semantic Evolution: A Study of Remotely Controlled Embedded Systems (LC, NS), pp. 663–666.
IWPCIWPC-2001-Stewart #analysis #automation #semantics
Automated Analysis of Scientific and Engineering Semantics (MEMS), pp. 113–114.
SASSAS-2001-Spoto #analysis #composition #semantics
Watchpoint Semantics: A Tool for Compositional and Focussed Static Analyses (FS), pp. 127–145.
FLOPSFLOPS-J1-1998-BorovanskyKKR01 #functional #semantics
Rewriting with Strategies in ELAN: A Functional Semantics (PB, CK, HK, CR), pp. 69–95.
FLOPSFLOPS-J2-1998-AbramovG01 #semantics #standard
From Standard to Non-Standard Semantics by Semantics Modifiers (SMA, RG), pp. 171–211.
FLOPSFLOPS-2001-BozzanoDM #bottom-up #effectiveness #first-order #linear #logic programming #semantics #source code
An Effective Bottom-Up Semantics for First-Order Linear Logic Programs (MB, GD, MM), pp. 138–152.
ICALPICALP-2001-Grosse-Rhode #modelling #object-oriented #semantics
Integrating Semantics for Object-Oriented System Models (MGR), pp. 40–60.
CAiSECAiSE-2001-McBrienP #approach #data flow #semantics #xml
A Semantic Approach to Integrating XML and Structured Data Sources (PM, AP), pp. 330–345.
CAiSECAiSE-2001-SunyePHGJ #action semantics #execution #modelling #semantics #uml #using
Using UML Action Semantics for Executable Modeling and Beyond (GS, FP, WMH, ALG, JMJ), pp. 433–447.
CIKMCIKM-2001-FordREMKJG #semantics
Tempus Fugit: A System for Making Semantic Connections (DAF, JR, SE, JM, JHK, JJ, MG), pp. 520–522.
ICMLICML-2001-CristianiniSL #kernel #semantics
Latent Semantic Kernels (NC, JST, HL), pp. 66–73.
KDDKDD-2001-LinP #induction #natural language #semantics
Induction of semantic classes from natural language text (DL, PP), pp. 317–322.
SIGIRSIGIR-2001-GongL #analysis #semantics #summary #using
Generic Text Summarization Using Relevance Measure and Latent Semantic Analysis (YG, XL), pp. 19–25.
SIGIRSIGIR-2001-Hoenkamp #performance #semantics
Unitary Operators for Fast Latent Semantic Indexing (FLSI) (EH), pp. 400–401.
SIGIRSIGIR-2001-StokesC #classification #detection #documentation #semantics
Combining Semantic and Syntactic Document Classifiers to Improve First Story Detection (NS, JC), pp. 424–425.
UMLUML-2001-AlvarezCES #action semantics #semantics
An Action Semantics for MML (JMÁ, TC, AE, PS), pp. 2–18.
UMLUML-2001-BaclawskiKKHSHLA #ontology #semantics #uml #web
Extending UML to Support Ontology Engineering for the Semantic Web (KB, MMK, PAK, LH, JES, WSHI, JL, MLA), pp. 342–360.
UMLUML-2001-CengarleK #ocl #semantics
A Formal Semantics for OCL 1.4 (MVC, AK), pp. 118–133.
UMLUML-2001-GenovaLM #multi #semantics #uml
Semantics of the Minimum Multiplicity in Ternary Associations in UML (GG, JL, PM), pp. 329–341.
UMLUML-2001-Kuske #graph transformation #semantics #state machine #uml
A Formal Semantics of UML State Machines Based on Structured Graph Transformation (SK), pp. 241–256.
PPDPPPDP-2001-BoerGM #semantics
A Denotational Semantics for Timed Linda (FSdB, MG, MCM), pp. 28–36.
GPCESAIG-2001-Wand #aspect-oriented #programming #semantics
A Semantics for Advice and Dynamic Join Points in Aspect-Oriented Programming (MW), pp. 45–46.
POPLPOPL-2001-Calcagno #calculus #correctness #safety #semantics
Stratified operational semantics for safety and correctness of the region calculus (CC), pp. 155–165.
SACSAC-2001-LeeLS #adaptation #mobile #semantics
Adaptive semantic data broadcast in a mobile environment (KCKL, HVL, AS), pp. 393–400.
SACSAC-2001-WahlsL #algorithm #concurrent #constraints #modelling #semantics #source code #specification
Formal semantics of an algorithm for translating model-based specifications to concurrent constraint programs (TW, GTL), pp. 567–575.
ICSEICSE-2001-MaleticM #comprehension #semantics #using
Supporting Program Comprehension Using Semantic and Structural Information (JIM, AM), pp. 103–112.
LDTALDTA-2001-DohM #programming language #semantics
Composing Programming Languages by Combining Action-Semantics Modules (KGD, PDM), pp. 87–109.
LDTALDTA-2001-GayoDLR #composition #monad #named #prototype #semantics #using
LPS: A Language Prototyping System Using Modular Monadic Semantics (JELG, MCLD, JMCL, ACdR), pp. 110–131.
LDTALDTA-2001-MenezesMCLR #action semantics #development #ide #semantics
An Action Semantics Integrated Development Environment (LCdSM, HPdM, WC, FL, LR), pp. 157–160.
CSLCSL-2001-AlechinaMPR #category theory #logic #semantics
Categorical and Kripke Semantics for Constructive S4 Modal Logic (NA, MM, VdP, ER), pp. 292–307.
CSLCSL-2001-KorovinaK #higher-order #semantics
Semantic Characterisations of Second-Order Computability over the Real Numbers (MVK, OVK), pp. 160–172.
ICLPICLP-2001-Cousot #abstract interpretation #design #program transformation #semantics
Design of Syntactic Program Transformations by Abstract Interpretation of Semantic Transformations (PC), pp. 4–5.
ICLPICLP-2001-DeneckerPB #logic programming #semantics #source code
Ultimate Well-Founded and Stable Semantics for Logic Programs with Aggregates (MD, NP, MB), pp. 212–226.
ICLPICLP-2001-LoncT #complexity #logic programming #parametricity #semantics #source code
Fixed-Parameter Complexity of Semantics for Logic Programs (ZL, MT), pp. 197–211.
ICLPICLP-2001-OrejasPP #embedded #logic programming #semantics #source code
Semantics of Normal Logic Programs with Embedded Implications (FO, EP, EP), pp. 255–268.
IJCARIJCAR-2001-AngerKL #logic programming #reasoning #semantics #set #source code
NoMoRe : A System for Non-monotonic Reasoning with Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics (CA, KK, TL), pp. 325–330.
IJCARIJCAR-2001-Wang #semantics #top-down
A Top-Down Procedure for Disjunctive Well-Founded Semantics (KW), pp. 305–317.
LICSLICS-2001-FioreT #semantics
Semantics of Name and Value Passing (MPF, DT), pp. 93–104.
LICSLICS-2001-Ganzinger #concept #decidability #problem #semantics #word
Relating Semantic and Proof-Theoretic Concepts for Polynominal Time Decidability of Uniform Word Problems (HG), pp. 81–90.
LICSLICS-2001-Laird #exception #game studies #semantics
A Fully Abstract Game Semantics of Local Exceptions (JL), pp. 105–114.
LICSLICS-2001-Salibra #semantics #λ-calculus
A Continuum of Theories of λ Calculus without Semantics (AS), pp. 334–343.
RTARTA-2001-Lucas #semantics #term rewriting
Transfinite Rewriting Semantics for Term Rewriting Systems (SL), pp. 216–230.
TLCATLCA-2001-Gianantonio #game studies #lazy evaluation #semantics #λ-calculus
Game Semantics for the Pure Lazy λ-calculus (PDG), pp. 106–120.
TLCATLCA-2001-Selinger #category theory #semantics
Categorical Semantics of Control (PS), pp. 6–7.
ASEASE-2000-Egyed #abstraction #diagrams #semantics
Semantic Abstraction Rules for Class Diagrams (AE), pp. 301–304.
PODSPODS-2000-LechtenborgerV #on the #semantics #transaction
On Herbrand Semantics and Conflict Serializability of Read-Write Transactions (JL, GV), pp. 187–194.
VLDBVLDB-2000-RisheYACLMVSV #database #interface #query #semantics
Semantic Access: Semantic Interface for Querying Databases (NR, JY, RA, SCC, XL, XM, AV, AS, DV), pp. 591–594.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2000-YangR #calculus #on the #refinement #semantics
On the Semantics of Refinement Calculi (HY, USR), pp. 359–374.
TACASTACAS-2000-Mossakowski #named #semantics #tool support
CASL: From Semantics to Tools (TM), pp. 93–108.
WRLAWRLA-2000-DenkerMT #composition #distributed #semantics
Rewriting Semantics of Meta-Objects and Composable Distributed Services (GD, JM, CLT), pp. 405–425.
PEPMPEPM-2000-Taha #formal method #ml #multi #reduction #semantics
A Sound Reduction Semantics for Untyped CBN Multi-stage Computation. Or, the Theory of MetaML is Non-trivial (Extended Abstract) (WT), pp. 34–43.
SASSAS-2000-AmatoL #abstract interpretation #calculus #semantics
Abstract Interpretation Based Semantics of Sequent Calculi (GA, GL), pp. 38–57.
SASSAS-2000-Monniaux #abstract interpretation #probability #semantics
Abstract Interpretation of Probabilistic Semantics (DM), pp. 322–339.
SASSAS-2000-Scozzari #abstract domain #analysis #semantics
Abstract Domains for Sharing Analysis by Optimal Semantics (FS), pp. 397–412.
ICALPICALP-2000-Abramsky #game studies #semantics
Game Semantics: Achievements and Prospects (SA), p. 1.
ICALPICALP-2000-LuttgenM #modelling #semantics
Fully-Abstract Statecharts Semantics via Intuitionistic Kripke Models (GL, MM), pp. 163–174.
IFMIFM-2000-Bowen #animation #hardware #logic programming #semantics #specification
Combining Operational Semantics, Logic Programming and Literate Programming in the Specification and Animation of the Verilog Hardware Description Language (JPB), pp. 277–296.
IFMIFM-2000-KlaudelP #composition #concurrent #petri net #semantics
A Concurrent and Compositional Petri Net Semantics of Preemption (HK, FP), pp. 318–337.
ICFPICFP-2000-Baker-FinchKT #evaluation #lazy evaluation #parallel #semantics
An operational semantics for parallel lazy evaluation (CABF, DJK, PWT), pp. 162–173.
IFLIFL-2000-ODonnell #functional #programming #semantics
The Collective Semantics in Functional SPMD Programming (JO), pp. 249–266.
CHICHI-2000-TaylorR #communication #consistency #semantics #using
Gaze communication using semantically consistent spaces (MJT, SMR), pp. 400–407.
CIKMCIKM-2000-WangWWSHS #information management #internet #query #semantics
Semantic Search on Internet Tabular Information Extraction for Answering Queries (HLW, SHW, ICW, CLS, WLH, WKS), pp. 243–249.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-TangXM #contest #parametricity #segmentation #semantics
Semantically Homogeneous Segmentation with Nonparametric Region Competition (MT, JX, SM), pp. 1648–1651.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-NaphadeH #framework #probability #semantics #using #video
Semantic Video Indexing Using a Probabilistic Framework (MRN, TSH), pp. 3083–3088.
KRKR-2000-CiocoiuN #ontology #semantics
Ontology-Based Semantics (MC, DSN), pp. 539–546.
KRKR-2000-DeneckerMT #logic #semantics
Uniform semantic treatment of default and autoepistemic logic (MD, VWM, MT), pp. 74–84.
KRKR-2000-JanhunenNSY #semantics
Unfolding Partiality and Disjunctions in Stable Model Semantics (TJ, IN, PS, JHY), pp. 411–422.
SIGIRSIGIR-2000-Ando #metric #precise #scalability #semantics #similarity
Latent semantic-space: iterative scaling improves precision of inter-document similarity measurement (RKA), pp. 216–223.
SIGIRSIGIR-2000-AsadovS #documentation #learning #navigation #semantics
Semantic Explorer — navigation in documents collections, Proxima Daily — learning personal newspaper (VA, SS), p. 388.
SIGIRSIGIR-2000-BaekLR #query #semantics
Latent semantic indexing model for boolean query formulation (DHB, HSL, HCR), pp. 310–312.
SIGIRSIGIR-2000-StokesHC #detection #online #semantics
Lexical semantic relatedness and online new event detection (NS, PH, JC), pp. 324–325.
UMLUML-2000-EngelsHHS #approach #behaviour #diagrams #metamodelling #modelling #semantics #uml #visual notation
Dynamic Meta Modeling: A Graphical Approach to the Operational Semantics of Behavioral Diagrams in UML (GE, JHH, RH, SS), pp. 323–337.
UMLUML-2000-Kwon #model checking #semantics #uml
Rewrite rules and Operational Semantics for Model Checking UML Statecharts (GK), pp. 528–540.
ECOOPECOOP-2000-Duggan #approach #domain-specific language #mixin #programming language #reuse #semantics
A Mixin-Based, Semantics-Based Approach to Reusing Domain-Specific Programming Languages (DD), pp. 179–200.
TOOLSTOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-LuiGAO #component #framework #semantics #streaming
Component Based Application Framework for Systems Utilising the Streaming Data Passing Semantic (AKL, MWG, TAA, MJO), pp. 328–339.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-2000-EtzkornD #design #metric #object-oriented #semantics #towards
Towards a Semantic Metrics Suite for Object-Oriented Design (LHE, HSD), p. 71–?.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-2000-Kilov00b #semantics #specification
Semantics of (Business) Specifications: Relating Business Needs to IT (HK), pp. 541–542.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-2000-McDavid #framework #semantics #using
A Framework for Discovering, Organizing, and Using Business Semantics (DM), pp. 549–554.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2000-JahierDR #continuation #modelling #prolog #semantics #specification
Specifying Prolog trace models with a continuation semantics (EJ, MD, OR).
LOPSTRLOPSTR-J-2000-JahierDR #continuation #modelling #prolog #semantics #specification
Specifying Prolog Trace Models with a Continuation Semantics (EJ, MD, OR), pp. 165–182.
PPDPPPDP-2000-BozzanoDM #bottom-up #linear #logic programming #semantics #source code
A bottom-up semantics for linear logic programs (MB, GD, MM), pp. 92–102.
PPDPPPDP-2000-CalcagnoIO #alias #analysis #hoare #logic #pointer #semantics
Semantic analysis of pointer aliasing, allocation and disposal in Hoare logic351292 (CC, SSI, PWO), pp. 190–201.
PPDPPPDP-2000-GiacobazziM #semantics #symmetry
A characterization of symmetric semantics by domain complementation (RG, IM), pp. 115–126.
PPDPPPDP-2000-Rocca #semantics
Operational semantics and extensionality (SRDR), pp. 24–31.
POPLPOPL-2000-AppelF #semantics
A Semantic Model of Types and Machine Instuctions for Proof-Carrying Code (AWA, APF), pp. 243–253.
POPLPOPL-2000-KomondoorH #semantics
Semantics-Preserving Procedure Extraction (RK, SH), pp. 155–169.
SACSAC-2000-BaldwinMP #analysis #feature model #semantics
Semantic Discrimination Analysis for Feature Selection (JFB, TPM, CP), pp. 519–523.
SACSAC-2000-BlooHJ #architecture #aspect-oriented #distributed #embedded #semantics
Semantical Aspects of an Architecture for Distributed Embedded Systems (RB, JH, EDdJ), pp. 149–155.
SACSAC-2000-CavarraRZ #formal method #parallel #semantics
A Formal Model for the Parallel Semantics of P3L (AC, ER, AZ), pp. 804–812.
SACSAC-2000-OgataF #evaluation #on-demand #semantics
Operational Semantics of Rewriting with the On-demand Evaluation Strategy (KO, KF), pp. 756–764.
FSEFSE-2000-LuttgenBC #approach #composition #semantics
A compositional approach to statecharts semantics (GL, MvdB, RC), pp. 120–129.
CADECADE-2000-BorrallerasFR #order #semantics
Complete Monotonic Semantic Path Orderings (CB, MF, AR), pp. 346–364.
CADECADE-2000-BrownS #semantics
System Description: PTTP+GLiDes: Semantically Guided PTTP (MB, GS), pp. 411–416.
CADECADE-2000-MichaelA #bytecode #higher-order #logic #semantics #syntax
Machine Instruction Syntax and Semantics in Higher Order Logic (NGM, AWA), pp. 7–24.
ICLPCL-2000-Apt #first-order #logic #semantics
A Denotational Semantics for First-Order Logic (KRA), pp. 53–69.
ICLPCL-2000-BossiER #logic programming #semantics #source code
Semantics of Input-Consuming Logic Programs (AB, SE, SR), pp. 194–208.
ICLPCL-2000-BroersenWM #logic #semantics
A Semantics for Persistency in Propositional Dynamic Logic (JMB, RW, JJCM), pp. 912–925.
ICLPCL-2000-FranconiGM #approach #database #evolution #object-oriented #semantics #version control
A Semantic Approach for Schema Evolution and Versioning in Object-Oriented Databases (EF, FG, FM), pp. 1048–1062.
ICLPCL-2000-LauO #logic programming #semantics #source code
Isoinitial Semantics for Logic Programs (KKL, MO), pp. 223–238.
ICLPCL-2000-LoncT #on the #problem #semantics
On the Problem of Computing the Well-Founded Semantics (ZL, MT), pp. 673–687.
ICLPCL-2000-Maher #logic #semantics
A Denotational Semantics of Defeasible Logic (MJM), pp. 209–222.
ICLPCL-2000-Pallotta #composition #logic #logic programming #semantics #source code
A Meta-logical Semantics for Features and Fluents Based on Compositional Operators over Normal Logic Programs (VP), pp. 777–791.
CSLCSL-2000-OhsakiMG #equation #semantics #termination
Equational Termination by Semantic Labelling (HO, AM, JG), pp. 457–471.
LICSLICS-2000-Chroboczek #game studies #semantics #type system
Game Semantics and Subtyping (JC), pp. 192–203.
LICSLICS-2000-DanosH #game studies #probability #semantics
Probabilistic Game Semantics (VD, RH), pp. 204–213.
ASEASE-1999-MaleticV #analysis #automation #clustering #semantics
Automatic Software Clustering via Latent Semantic Analysis (JIM, NV), pp. 251–254.
DATEDATE-1999-BreuerMBFLK #reasoning #semantics #using
Reasoning about VHDL and VHDL-AMS using Denotational Semantics (PTB, NMM, JPB, RBF, MMLP, CDK), pp. 346–352.
DATEDATE-1999-Sasaki #semantics #simulation #state machine
A Formal Semantics for Verilog-VHDL Simulation Interoperability by Abstact State Machine (HS), p. 353–?.
HTHT-1999-Mehler #aspect-oriented #hypermedia #semantics
Aspects of Text Semantics in Hypertext (AM), pp. 25–26.
VLDBVLDB-1999-Blum #automation #database #query #relational #semantics
Microsoft English Query 7.5: Automatic Extraction of Semantics from Relational Databases and OLAP Cubes (AB), pp. 247–248.
VLDBVLDB-1999-ChengGKLLQS #database #implementation #optimisation #query #semantics
Implementation of Two Semantic Query Optimization Techniques in DB2 Universal Database (QC, JG, FK, TYCL, LL, XQ, KBS), pp. 687–698.
VLDBVLDB-1999-JagadishMN #semantics
Semantic Compression and Pattern Extraction with Fascicles (HVJ, JM, RTN), pp. 186–198.
FASEFASE-1999-NottegarPD #evaluation #performance #semantics
Semantic-Driven Performance Evaluation (Extended Abstract) (CN, CP, PD), pp. 204–218.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-1999-BaldranCM #graph grammar #semantics
Unfolding and Event Structure Semantics for Graph Grammars (PB, AC, UM), pp. 73–89.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-1999-RocklS #algol #concurrent #process #semantics #π-calculus
A π-calculus Process Semantics of Concurrent Idealised ALGOL (CR, DS), pp. 306–321.
TACASTACAS-1999-Heljanko #concurrent #logic programming #petri net #problem #reachability #semantics #source code #using
Using Logic Programs with Stable Model Semantics to Solve Deadlock and Reachability Problems for 1-Safe Petri Nets (KH), pp. 240–254.
ICSMEICSM-1999-WoodsCK #architecture #re-engineering #semantics
A Semantic Foundation for Architectural Reengineering and Interchange (SW, SJC, RK), p. 391–?.
PLDIPLDI-1999-JonesRHHM #exception #semantics
A Semantics for Imprecise Exceptions (SLPJ, AR, FH, CARH, SM), pp. 25–36.
SASSAS-1999-CorrensonDPR #equation #semantics
Equational Semantics (LC, ÉD, DP, GR), pp. 264–283.
FLOPSFLOPS-1999-Gonzalez-MorenoHR #functional #logic programming #semantics
Semantics and Types in Functional Logic Programming (JCGM, MTHG, MRA), pp. 1–20.
FLOPSFLOPS-1999-HanusL #functional #logic #program analysis #semantics
A Semantics for Program Analysis in Narrowing-Based Functional Logic Languages (MH, SL), pp. 353–368.
FMFM-v1-1999-Pavlovic #first-order #parametricity #semantics #specification
Semantics of First Order Parametric Specifications (DP), pp. 155–172.
FMFM-v2-1999-BoerHR #approach #concurrent #paradigm #semantics
Formal Justification of the Rely-Guarantee Paradigm for Shared-Variable Concurrency: A Semantic Approach (FSdB, UH, WPdR), pp. 1245–1265.
FMFM-v2-1999-CavalcantiN #object-oriented #refinement #semantics
A Weakest Precondition Semantics for an Object-Oriented Language of Refinement (AC, DAN), pp. 1439–1459.
FMFM-v2-1999-HehnerG #refinement #semantics
Refinement Semantics and Loop Rules (ECRH, AMG), pp. 1497–1510.
FMFM-v2-1999-YongG #semantics
An Operational Semantics for Timed RAISE (XY, CG), pp. 1008–1027.
IFMIFM-1999-DongL #semantics
An Object Semantic Model of SOFL (JSD, SL), pp. 189–208.
IFMIFM-1999-MahonyD #bibliography #semantics
Overview of the Semantics of TCOZ (BPM, JSD), pp. 66–85.
AGTIVEAGTIVE-1999-Blostein #semantics #syntax #visual notation
Defining the Syntax and Semantics of Natural Visual Languages (DB), pp. 225–232.
AGTIVEAGTIVE-1999-Minas #diagrams #semantics
Creating Semantic Representations of Diagrams (MM), pp. 209–224.
CHICHI-1999-Soto #analysis #learning #quality #semantics
Learning and Performing by Exploration: Label Quality Measured by Latent Semantic Analysis (RS), pp. 418–425.
ICEISICEIS-1999-Serrano #constraints #semantics #specification
Marta Jacinto, João Paulo Cunha: Specifying Semantic Constraints for a Healthcare Scheduler (JAVS), pp. 517–524.
ICEISICEIS-1999-ZarriE #approach #implementation #metadata #semantics #web
A Semantic Approach for Implementing Metadata on the World Wide Web (GPZ), pp. 740–747.
CIKMCIKM-1999-ChangS #distributed #performance #semantics
Performance and Implications of Semantic Indexing in a Distributed Environment (CTKC, BRS), pp. 391–398.
CIKMCIKM-1999-LeeB #multi #named #query #semantics
SemQL: A Semantic Query Language for Multidatabase Systems (JOL, DKB), pp. 259–266.
CIKMCIKM-1999-LeeC #query #semantics #web
Semantic Caching via Query Matching for Web Sources (DL, WWC), pp. 77–85.
SIGIRSIGIR-1999-Ding #probability #semantics #similarity
A Similarity-based Probability Model for Latent Semantic Indexing (CHQD), pp. 58–65.
SIGIRSIGIR-1999-Hofmann #probability #semantics
Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing (TH), pp. 50–57.
UMLUML-1999-EvansK #approach #metamodelling #semantics #uml
Core Meta-Modelling Semantics of UML: The pUML Approach (AE, SK), pp. 140–155.
UMLUML-1999-Knapp #interactive #semantics #uml
A Formal Semantics for UML Interactions (AK), pp. 116–130.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1999-Madsen #analysis #semantics
Semantic Analysis of Virtual Classes and Tested Classes (OLM), pp. 114–131.
PPDPPPDP-1999-Filinski #partial evaluation #semantics
A Semantic Account of Type-Directed Partial Evaluation (AF), pp. 378–395.
PPDPPPDP-1999-LuC #semantics
An Operational Semantics of Starlog (LL, JGC), pp. 294–310.
SACSAC-1999-LeavensWB #data flow #diagrams #semantics #specification
Formal Semantics for SA Style Data Flow Diagram Specification Languages (GTL, TW, ALB), pp. 526–532.
SACSAC-1999-Omicini #coordination #modelling #on the #semantics
On the Semantics of Tuple-Based Coordination Models (AO), pp. 175–182.
ICSEICSE-1999-Perry #evolution #semantics
Software Evolution and “light” Semantics (Extended Abstract) (DEP), pp. 587–590.
CCCC-1999-KnoopRS #semantics
Expansion-Based Removal of Semantic Partial Redundancies (JK, OR, BS), pp. 91–106.
CSLCSL-1999-GastinM #concurrent #parallel #programming language #semantics
A Truly Concurrent Semantics for a Simple Parallel Programming Language (PG, MWM), pp. 515–529.
CSLCSL-1999-Mosses #logic #semantics #specification
Logical Specification of Operational Semantics (PDM), pp. 32–49.
ICLPICLP-1999-OrejasP #semantics #source code
Semantic Definitions for Normal Open Programs (FO, EP), pp. 200–214.
ICLPICLP-1999-ZukowskiF #semantics
Well-founded Semantics by Transformation: The Non-ground Case (UZ, BF), pp. 456–470.
LICSLICS-1999-HarmerM #finite #game studies #nondeterminism #semantics
A Fully Abstract Game Semantics for Finite Nondeterminism (RH, GM), pp. 422–430.
LICSLICS-1999-Hofmann #analysis #higher-order #semantics #syntax
Semantical Analysis of Higher-Order Abstract Syntax (MH0), pp. 204–213.
TLCATLCA-1999-BarreiroE #revisited #semantics
Quantitative Semantics Revisited (NB, TE), pp. 40–53.
TLCATLCA-1999-GianantonioFH #game studies #semantics #λ-calculus
Game Semantics for Untyped λβη-Calculus (PDG, GF, FH), pp. 114–128.
TLCATLCA-1999-Goguen #framework #logic #semantics
Soundness of the Logical Framework for Its Typed Operational Semantics (HG), pp. 177–197.
DATEDATE-1998-Nicoli #behaviour #semantics #set
Denotational Semantics of a Behavioral Subset of VHDL (FN), pp. 975–976.
HTHT-1998-BullockG #hypermedia #logic #named #semantics
TourisT: The Application of a Description Logic Based Semantic Hypermedia System for Tourism (JCB, CAG), pp. 132–141.
HTHT-1998-ChenC #approach #hypermedia #semantics
From Latent Semantics to Spatial Hypertext — An Integrated Approach (CC, MC), pp. 77–86.
PODSPODS-1998-PapadimitriouRTV #analysis #probability #semantics
Latent Semantic Indexing: A Probabilistic Analysis (CHP, PR, HT, SV), pp. 159–168.
VLDBVLDB-1998-CherniackZ #query #semantics
Inferring Function Semantics to Optimize Queries (MC, SBZ), pp. 239–250.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-1998-BaldanCM #semantics #symmetry
An Event Structure Semantics for P/T Contextual Nets: Asymmetric Event Structures (PB, AC, UM), pp. 63–80.
WRLAWRLA-1998-CarabettaDG #logic #semantics
CCS semantics via proved transition systems and rewriting logic (GC, PD, FG), pp. 369–387.
WRLAWRLA-1998-Mosses #composition #logic #semantics
Semantics, modularity, and rewriting logic (PDM), pp. 404–421.
WRLAWRLA-1998-StegglesK #case study #logic #protocol #semantics
A timed rewriting logic semantics for SDL: A case study of alternating bit protocol (LJS, PK), pp. 83–104.
IWPCIWPC-1998-CifuentesS #bytecode #semantics #specification
Specifying the Semantics of Machine Instructions (CC, SS), pp. 126–133.
SASSAS-1998-BodeiDP #abstract interpretation #concurrent #semantics
Constructing Specific SOS Semantics for Concurrency via Abstract Interpretation (CB, PD, CP), pp. 168–183.
SASSAS-1998-Gouranton #case study #semantics #slicing
Deriving Analysers by Folding/Unfolding of Natural Semantics and a Case Study: Slicing (VG), pp. 115–133.
SASSAS-1998-Levi #model checking #semantics
A Symbolic Semantics for Abstract Model Checking (FL), pp. 134–151.
FLOPSFLOPS-1998-AbramovG #approach #programming language #semantics #standard
Semantics Modifiers: An Approach to Non-Standard Semantics of Programming Languages (SMA, RG), pp. 247–270.
FLOPSFLOPS-1998-BorovanskyKK #functional #semantics
A Functional View of Rewriting and Strategies for a Semantics of ELAN (PB, CK, HK), pp. 143–166.
FLOPSFLOPS-1998-IshikawaWFMN #on the #semantics
On the Semantics of GAEA (HI, TW, KF, JM, HN), pp. 123–142.
ICALPICALP-1998-BaierKL #concurrent #metric #realtime #semantics
Metric Semantics for True Concurrent Real Time (CB, JPK, DL), pp. 568–579.
ICALPICALP-1998-PowerR #approach #composition #semantics
A Modular Approach to Denotational Semantics (JP, GR), pp. 351–362.
CIAAWIA-1998-Velinov #graph #implementation #on the #semantics #syntax
On the Syntax, Semantics, and Implementation of a Graph-Based Computational Environment (YV), pp. 199–212.
ICFPICFP-1998-CraryWM #morphism #polymorphism #semantics
Intensional Polymorphism in Type-Erasure Semantics (KC, SW, JGM), pp. 301–312.
ICFPICFP-1998-Hutton #semantics
Fold and Unfold for Program Semantics (GH), pp. 280–288.
IFLIFL-1998-HallBTK #functional #parallel #semantics #strict #towards
Towards an Operational Semantics for a Parallel Non-Strict Functional Language (JGH, CABF, PWT, DJK), pp. 54–71.
CIKMCIKM-1998-ChunC #database #deduction #semantics
Providing Semantics for Indefinite Deductive Databases (SC, JC), pp. 441–448.
KRKR-1998-Bennett #concept #knowledge base #semantics
Modal Semantics for Knowledge Bases Dealing with Vague Concepts (BB), pp. 234–244.
KRKR-1998-BrassDNP #comparison #implementation #semantics
A Comparison of the Static and the Disjunctive Well-Founded Semantics and its Implementation (SB, JD, IN, TCP), pp. 74–85.
KRKR-1998-BuccafurriLR #logic #order #semantics
Disjunctive Ordered Logic: Semantics and Expressiveness (FB, NL, PR), pp. 418–431.
KRKR-1998-CheinMS #graph #information management #representation #semantics
Nested Graphs: A Graph-based Knowledge Representation Model with FOL Semantics (MC, MLM, GS), pp. 524–535.
KRKR-1998-GiunchigliaG #locality #modelling #reasoning #semantics
Local Models Semantics, or Contextual Reasoning = Locality + Compatibility (FG, CG), pp. 282–291.
KRKR-1998-Kusters #automaton #finite #semantics #using
Characterizing the Semantics of Terminological Cycles in ALN Using Finite Automata (RK), pp. 499–511.
SIGIRSIGIR-1998-LinSCHKH #approach #classification #documentation #internet #mining #semantics
Extracting Classification Knowledge of Internet Documents with Mining Term Associations: A Semantic Approach (SHL, CSS, MCC, JMH, MTK, YMH), pp. 241–249.
UMLUML-1998-LanoB #modelling #semantics #uml
Semantics and Transformations for UML Models (KL, JB), pp. 107–119.
UMLUML-1998-MellorTAL #execution #precise #semantics #uml
An Action Language for UML: Proposal for a Precise Execution Semantics (SJM, SRT, RA, PL), pp. 307–318.
TOOLSTOOLS-ASIA-1998-NiZ #automation #constraints #dynamic analysis #java #semantics
An Automatically Dynamic Checking Tool for Java Beans Semantic Constraints (BN, ZZ), pp. 164–172.
PPDPALP-PLILP-1998-CosmoLN #game studies #logic programming #semantics
A Game Semantics Foundation for Logic Programming (Extended Abstract) (RDC, JVL, SN), pp. 355–373.
PPDPALP-PLILP-1998-Pitts #higher-order #semantics
Operational Versus Denotational Methods in the Semantics of Higher Order Languages (AMP), pp. 282–283.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1998-BaldanCLP #declarative #semantics #towards
A Step Towards a Methodology for Mercury Program Construction: A Declarative Semantics for Mercury (DB, BLC, CL, IP), pp. 21–40.
SACSAC-1998-BonsangueKBJ #architecture #distributed #semantics
A software architecture for distributed control systems and its transition system semantics (MMB, JNK, MB, EDdJ), pp. 159–168.
SACSAC-1998-ChunLC #semantics
Succinct model semantics: a simple model for inclusive interpretations (SC, HL, JC), pp. 39–44.
CADECADE-1998-Ohlbach #framework #reasoning #semantics
Combining Hilbert Style and Semantic Reasoning in a Resolution Framework (HJO), pp. 205–219.
CSLCSL-1998-GiannottiMNP #database #effectiveness #logic #nondeterminism #on the #semantics
On the Effective Semantics of Nondeterministic, Nonmonotonic, Temporal Logic Databases (FG, GM, MN, DP), pp. 58–72.
CSLCSL-1998-Lukasiewicz #first-order #logic #probability #semantics
Many-Valued First-Order Logics with Probabilistic Semantics (TL), pp. 415–429.
ICLPJICSLP-1998-YouYG #semantics
Regular Extension Semantics and Disjunctive Eshghi Kowalski Procedure (JHY, LYY, RG), pp. 175–189.
LICSLICS-1998-AbramskyHM #game studies #semantics
A Fully Abstract Game Semantics for General References (SA, KH, GM), pp. 334–344.
LICSLICS-1998-Bernstein #congruence #higher-order #semantics #theorem
A Congruence Theorem for Structured Operational Semantics of Higher-Order Languages (KLB), pp. 153–164.
LICSLICS-1998-FagesRS #concurrent #constraints #semantics #source code #verification
Phase Semantics and Verification of Concurrent Constraint Programs (FF, PR, SS), pp. 141–152.
LICSLICS-1998-Voronkov #automation #reasoning #semantics #theorem
Herbrand’s Theorem, Automated Reasoning and Semantics Tableaux (AV), pp. 252–263.
ASEASE-1997-FranceEG #automation #object-oriented #semantics #tool support #towards
Towards Semantic-Based Object-Oriented CASE Tools (RBF, MPE, ESG), pp. 295–296.
HTHT-1997-CunliffeTT #hypermedia #navigation #semantics
Query-based Navigation in Semantically Indexed Hypermedia (DC, CT, DT), pp. 87–95.
ICDARICDAR-1997-DuDLA #documentation #evaluation #lazy evaluation #recognition #semantics #using
Generalized Contextual Recognition of Hand-Printed Documents Using Semantic Trees with Lazy Evaluation (LD, ACD, SML, BAB), pp. 238–242.
ICDARICDAR-1997-EspositoMSAG #library #machine learning #semantics
Information Capture and Semantic Indexing of Digital Libraries through Machine Learning Techniques (FE, DM, GS, CDA, GdG), pp. 722–727.
ICDARICDAR-1997-MatchingW #documentation #information management #semantics
Supporting Information Extraction from Printed Documents by Lexico-Semantic (CW), pp. 732–735.
ICDARICDAR-1997-OgierMLL #analysis #image #reliability #semantics
An Image Interpretation Device cannot be Reliable without any Semantic Coherency Analysis of the Interpretated Objects — Application to French Cadastral Maps (JMO, RM, JL, YL), pp. 532–535.
PODSPODS-1997-Hull #database #perspective #semantics
Managing Semantic Heterogeneity in Databases: A Theoretical Perspective (RH), pp. 51–61.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1997-BohrerBBCFHKKMNRRSUUW #experience #integration #named #semantics
InfoSleuth: Semantic Integration of Information in Open and Dynamic Environments (Experience Paper) (RJBJ, WB, RSB, AC, JF, AH, VK, TK, GM, MHN, MR, MR, RS, CU, AU, DW), pp. 195–206.
SASSAS-1997-Cousot #abstract interpretation #semantics #static analysis
Abstract Interpretation Based Static Analysis Parameterized by Semantics (PC), pp. 388–394.
SASSAS-1997-EmelianovB #semantics
Semantic Analyzer of Modula-Programs (PGE, DEB), pp. 361–363.
DLTDLT-1997-Raeva #ambiguity #logic #semantics
Semantic Interpretation of Ambiguous Statements, Represented in a Logical Form (IR), pp. 529–537.
ICALPICALP-1997-BuccafurriGS #power of #semantics
The Expressive Power of Unique Total Stable Model Semantics (FB, SG, DS), pp. 849–859.
ICALPICALP-1997-MasonT #semantics
A Semantically Sound Actor Tranlsation (IAM, CLT), pp. 369–378.
FMFME-1997-FleischhackT #realtime #semantics
An M-Net Semantics for a Real-Time Extension of μSDL (HF, JT), pp. 162–181.
FMFME-1997-PetersohnU #implementation #semantics
A Timed Semantics for the STATEMATE Implementation of Statecharts (CP, LU), pp. 553–572.
FMFME-1997-Smith #concurrent #csp #integration #semantics #specification
A Semantic Integration of Object-Z and CSP for the Specification of Concurrent Systems (GS), pp. 62–81.
ICFPICFP-1997-SabelfeldS #analysis #functional #problem #semantics #source code
Simple Semantic Analysis Problems for Functional Programs (VKS, AS), p. 319.
HCIHCI-CC-1997-Pejtersen #approach #communication #information retrieval #network #semantics
A Cognitive Engineering Approach to Cross Disciplinary Exploration of Work Domains and Semantic Information Retrieval in Communication Networks (AMP), pp. 69–72.
HCIHCI-SEC-1997-KnizhnikHMG #design #interface #navigation #semantics #web
Semantic Stimulus Structure in World Wide Web Interface Design for Navigation by Novice Users (SZK, PEVH, MM, GG), pp. 823–826.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1997-Yeung #ada #semantics #tool support
Semantics-Based Support Tools for High Integrity Ada Software (WLY), pp. 100–111.
CAiSECAiSE-1997-JajodiaRA #composition #implementation #semantics #transaction
Implementing Semantic-Based Decomposition of Transactions (SJ, IR, PA), pp. 75–88.
CAiSECAiSE-1997-TombrosGD #component #execution #semantics #workflow
Semantics of Reactive Components in Event-Driven Workflow Execution (DT, AG, KRD), pp. 409–422.
SIGIRSIGIR-1997-AslandoganTYZR #image #retrieval #semantics #using
Using Semantic Contents and WordNet in Image Retrieval (YAA, CT, CTY, JZ, NR), pp. 286–295.
SIGIRSIGIR-1997-ChenHSS #categorisation #semantics
Semantic Search and Semantic Categorization (Abstract) (HC, AH, RRS, BRS), p. 335.
UMLUML-1997-Kern-BauschJ #concept #semantics #uml
From a Semantically Irreducible Formulated Conceptual Schema to an UML Model (LKB, MJ), pp. 32–44.
TOOLSTOOLS-ASIA-1997-Jin #composition #inheritance #object-oriented #paradigm #semantics
An Order-Based Composition Semantics for the Inheritance in Logic-Based Object-Oriented Paradigm (ZJ), pp. 110–120.
TOOLSTOOLS-ASIA-1997-Zamulin #algebra #modelling #object-oriented #semantics
Algebraic Semantics of Object-Oriented Data Models (AVZ), pp. 43–52.
PPDPALP-1997-CairesM #proving #semantics
Proof Net Semantics of Proof Search Computation (LC, LM), pp. 194–208.
PPDPALP-1997-CodishT #analysis #constraints #logic programming #semantics #source code #termination #using
A Semantic Basis for Termination Analysis of Logic Programs and Its Realization Using Symbolic Norm Constraints (MC, CT), pp. 31–45.
PPDPPLILP-1997-GiavittoVM #compilation #recursion #semantics
Semantics and Compilation of Recursive Sequential Streams in 8½ (JLG, DDV, OM), pp. 207–223.
POPLPOPL-1997-NielsonN #analysis #control flow #semantics
Infinitary Control Flow Analysis: a Collecting Semantics for Closure Analysis (HRN, FN), pp. 332–345.
POPLPOPL-1997-WandS #semantics #using
Denotational Semantics Using an Operationally-Based Term Model (MW, GTS), pp. 386–399.
ICSEICSE-1997-PezzeY #analysis #modelling #multi #semantics #tool support #using
Constructing Multi-Formalism State-Space Analysis Tools: Using Rules to Specify Dynamic Semantics of Models (MP, MY), pp. 239–249.
CSLCSL-1997-HeckmannH #semantics
A Duality Theory for Quantitative Semantics (RH, MH), pp. 255–274.
ICLPICLP-1997-ZukowskiF #bottom-up #difference #semantics
Differential Bottom-Up Computation of the Well-Founded Semantics (UZ, BF, SB), p. 421.
ICLPILPS-1997-DixO #on the #semantics
On Well-Behaved Semantics Suitable for Aggregation (JD, MO), p. 405.
ICLPILPS-1997-TodoranHV #commit #comparative #logic programming #metric #semantics
Comparative Metric Semantics for Commit in OR-Parallel Logic Programming (ET, JdH, EPdV), pp. 101–115.
LICSLICS-1997-PottsEE #semantics
Semantics of Exact Real Arithmetic (PJP, AE, MHE), pp. 248–257.
LICSLICS-1997-TuriP #semantics #towards
Towards a Mathematical Operational Semantics (DT, GDP), pp. 280–291.
TLCATLCA-1997-Lenisa #induction #semantics #λ-calculus
Semantic Techniques for Deriving Coinductive Characterizations of Observational Equivalences for λ-calculi (ML), pp. 248–266.
VLDBVLDB-1996-DarFJST #semantics
Semantic Data Caching and Replacement (SD, MJF, BÞJ, DS, MT), pp. 330–341.
ESOPESOP-1996-BarbutiM #logic #multi #prolog #semantics
A Multiple-Valued Logical Semantics for Prolog (RB, PM), pp. 62–76.
ESOPESOP-1996-Jones #problem #semantics
Some Practical Problems and Their Influence on Semantics (CBJ), pp. 1–17.
ESOPESOP-1996-LiangH #compilation #composition #semantics
Modular Denotational Semantics for Compiler Construction (SL, PH), pp. 219–234.
ESOPESOP-1996-MaraninchiH #composition #nondeterminism #semantics
Compositional Semantics of Non-Deterministic Synchronous Languages (FM, NH), pp. 235–249.
WRLARWLW-1996-Marti-OlietM #framework #logic #semantics
Rewriting logic as a logical and semantic framework (NMO, JM), pp. 190–225.
SASSAS-1996-BorgiaDPLT #comprehension #mobile #semantics
Understanding Mobile Agents via a Non-Interleaving Semantics for Facile (RB, PD, CP, LL, BT), pp. 98–112.
SASSAS-1996-Nielson #perspective #program analysis #semantics
Semantics-Directed Program Analysis: A Tool-Maker’s Perspective (FN), pp. 2–21.
ICFPICFP-1996-Moreau #semantics
The Semantics of Scheme with Future (LM), pp. 146–156.
CSCWCSCW-1996-Dourish #collaboration #consistency #semantics #tool support
Consistency Guarantees: Exploiting Application Semantics for Consistency Management in a Collaboration Toolkit (PD), pp. 268–277.
CAiSECAiSE-1996-Motschnig-PitrikM #abstraction #semantics
Semantics, Features, and Applications of the Viewpoint Abstraction (RMP, JM), pp. 514–539.
KDDAKDDM-1996-HsuK #induction #learning #optimisation #query #semantics #using
Using Inductive Learning To Generate Rules for Semantic Query Optimization (CNH, CAK), pp. 425–445.
CIKMCIKM-1996-SyuLD #information retrieval #network #semantics
Incorporating Latent Semantic Indexing into a Neural Network Model for Information Retrieval (IS, SDL, ND), pp. 145–153.
KRKR-1996-Lemon #logic #semantics
Semantical Foundations of Spatial Logics (OL), pp. 212–219.
KRKR-1996-Morgenstern #network #semantics
Inheriting Well-formed Formulae in a Formula-Agumented Semantic Network (LM), pp. 268–279.
SEKESEKE-1996-YoonH #framework #object-oriented #optimisation #query #semantics
Finding Interesting Knowledge in Object-Oriented Frameworks for Semantic Query Optimization (SCY, LJH), pp. 108–115.
SIGIRSIGIR-1996-SmeatonQ #image #retrieval #semantics #using #word
Experiments on Using Semantic Distances Between Words in Image Caption Retrieval (AFS, IQ), pp. 174–180.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1996-AttaliCEL #object-oriented #parallel #programming #semantics #visualisation
Semantic-Based Visualization for Parallel Object-Oriented Programming (IA, DC, SOE, SL), pp. 421–456.
PPDPALP-1996-Almendros-JimenezGG #algebra #functional #logic programming #order #polymorphism #semantics
Algebraic Semantics for Functional Logic Programming with Polymorphic Order-Sorted Types (JMAJ, AGF, AGL), pp. 299–313.
PPDPALP-1996-FagesG #constraints #logic programming #semantics #source code
A Hierarchy of Semantics for Normal Constraint Logic Programs (FF, RG), pp. 77–91.
PPDPALP-1996-GiacobazziR #logic programming #semantics
Complementing Logic Program Semantics (RG, FR), pp. 238–253.
PPDPALP-1996-Nazareth96a #polymorphism #semantics #specification
The Semantic Treatment of Polymorphic Specification Languages (DN), pp. 330–344.
PPDPPLILP-1996-DanvyV #case study #compilation #partial evaluation #semantics
Semantics-Based Compiling: A Case Study in Type-Directed Partial Evaluation (OD, RV), pp. 182–197.
PPDPPLILP-1996-Ruggieri #decidability #logic programming #semantics #testing
Decidability of Logic Program Semantics and Applications to Testing (SR), pp. 347–362.
SACSAC-1996-WaillyB #data flow #functional #implementation #parallel #semantics #specification
Specification of a functional synchronous dataflow language for parallel implementations with the denotational semantics (GdW, FB), pp. 414–419.
CCCC-1996-Pettersson #compilation #semantics
A Compiler for Natural Semantics (MP), pp. 177–191.
CADECADE-1996-Fernmuller #semantics
Semantic Trees Revisited: Some New Completeness Results (CGF), pp. 568–582.
CADECADE-1996-SnyderS #semantics #theory and practice
Rewrite Semantics for Production Rule Systems: Theory and Applications (WS, JGS), pp. 508–522.
CADECADE-1996-Tour #semantics #symmetry
Ground Resolution with Group Computations on Semantic Symmetries (TBdlT), pp. 478–492.
CSLCSL-1996-EekelenSP #functional #graph grammar #programming language #semantics
Graph Rewriting Semantics for Functional Programming Languages (MCJDvE, SS, MJP), pp. 106–128.
CSLCSL-1996-Ingolfsdottir #semantics
Weak Semantics Based on Lighted Button Pressing Experiments (AI), pp. 226–243.
ISSTAISSTA-1996-AtleeB #requirements #semantics
A Logic-Model Semantics for SCR Software Requirements (JMA, MAB), pp. 280–292.
ISSTAISSTA-1996-OffuttH #fault #semantics
A Semantic Model of Program Faults (AJO, JHH), pp. 195–200.
ICLPJICSLP-1996-Bry #composition #database #deduction #logic programming #semantics #source code
A Compositional Semantics for Logic Programs and Deductive Databases (FB), pp. 453–467.
ICLPJICSLP-1996-CostantiniLM #semantics
Asserting Lemmas in the Stable Model Semantics (SC, GAL, GM), pp. 438–452.
ICLPJICSLP-1996-EtalleT #composition #semantics #source code
A Compositional Semantics for Normal Open Programs (SE, FT), pp. 468–482.
ICLPJICSLP-1996-NiemelaS #implementation #performance #semantics
Efficient Implementation of the Well-founded and Stable Model Semantics (IN, PS), pp. 289–303.
ICLPJICSLP-1996-SagonasSW #automaton #semantics
An Abstract Machine for Computing the Well-Founded Semantics (KFS, TS, DSW), pp. 274–288.
ICLPJICSLP-1996-Thielscher #logic programming #proving #semantics #source code
A Nonmonotonic Disputation-Based Semantics and Proof Procedure for Logic Programs (MT), pp. 483–497.
LICSLICS-1996-DanosHR #automaton #game studies #semantics
Game Semantics & Abstract Machines (VD, HH, LR), pp. 394–405.
LICSLICS-1996-Ong #category theory #proving #semantics
A Semantic View of Classical Proofs: Type-Theoretic, Categorical, and Denotational Characterizations (Preliminary Extended Abstract) (CHLO), pp. 230–241.
LICSLICS-1996-Pradhan #logic programming #semantics #source code
Semantics of Normal Logic Programs and Contested Information (SP), pp. 406–415.
RTARTA-1996-SakaiT #semantics #term rewriting
Semantics and Strong Sequentiality of Priority Term Rewriting Systems (MS, YT), pp. 377–391.
ASEKBSE-1995-PenixBA #classification #component #retrieval #reuse #semantics #using
Classification and Retrieval of Reusable Components Using Semantic Features (JP, PB, PA), pp. 131–138.
ICDARICDAR-v1-1995-LeeT #clustering #modelling #recognition #semantics #word
A language model based on semantically clustered words in a Chinese character recognition system (HJL, CHT), pp. 450–453.
PODSPODS-1995-LevyS #datalog #optimisation #query #semantics #source code
Semantic Query Optimization in Datalog Programs (AYL, YS), pp. 163–173.
PODSPODS-1995-PicouetV #database #semantics
Semantics and Expressiveness Issues in Active Databases (PP, VV), pp. 126–138.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1995-BettiniWBJ #database #evaluation #query #semantics
Semantic Assumptions and Query Evaluation in Temporal Databases (CB, XSW, EB, SJ), pp. 257–268.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1995-LiC #database #integration #named #prototype #semantics #semistructured data
Semint: A System Prototype for Semantic Integration in Heterogeneous Databases (WSL, CC), p. 484.
VLDBVLDB-1995-AmmannJR #formal method #semantics #transaction #using
Using Formal Methods to Reason about Semantics-Based Decompositions of Transactions (PA, SJ, IR), pp. 218–227.
VLDBVLDB-1995-Madnick #database #scalability #semantics
From VLDB to VMLDB (Very MANY Large Data Bases): Dealing with Large-Scale Semantic Heterogenity (SEM), pp. 11–16.
ESOPESOP-J-1994-Jay95 #semantics
A Semantics for Shape (CBJ), pp. 251–283.
ICSMEICSM-1995-Binkley #cost analysis #semantics #testing
Reducing the cost of regression testing by semantics guided test case selection (DB), p. 251–?.
WCREWCRE-1995-GannodC #reverse engineering #semantics
Strongest Postcondition Semantics as the Formal Basis for Reverse Engineering (GCG, BHCC).
PEPMPEPM-1995-Cridlig #analysis #concurrent #model checking #semantics #using
Semantic Analysis of Shared-Memory Concurrent Languages using Abstract Model-Checking (RC), pp. 214–225.
PEPMPEPM-1995-DasRH #analysis #imperative #semantics #source code
Semantic Foundations of Binding Time Analysis for Imperative Programs (MD, TWR, PVH), pp. 100–110.
PEPMPEPM-1995-Deutsch #abstract interpretation #data type #induction #modelling #pointer #semantics
Semantic models and abstract interpretation techniques for inductive data structures and pointers (AD), pp. 226–229.
SASSAS-1995-Schmidt #abstract interpretation #semantics
Natural-Semantics-Based Abstract Interpretation (Preliminary Version) (DAS), pp. 1–18.
DLTDLT-1995-Nitsche #linear #logic #semantics
A Finitary-Language Semantics for Propositional Linear Temporal Logic (UN), pp. 482–489.
FPCAFPCA-1995-AdityaAS #semantics #strict
Semantics of Barriers in a Non-Strict, Implicitly-Parallel Language (SA, A, JES), pp. 204–215.
CIKMCIKM-1995-AlagarSS #nondeterminism #relational #semantics
Semantics of an Extended Relational Model for Managing Uncertain Information (VSA, FS, JNS), pp. 234–240.
CIKMCIKM-1995-DashH #knowledge base #matrix #multi #semantics
The Semantic Matrix Model (SMM): A Knowledge Based Solution to Semantic Homogeneity in Multidatabases (KID, ARH), pp. 122–128.
CIKMCIKM-1995-PapazoglouR #approach #metamodelling #semantics
A Semantic Meta-Modeling Approach to Schema Transformation (MPP, NR), pp. 113–121.
CIKMCIKM-1995-YoonSP #approach #database #deduction #object-oriented #query #semantics #using
Semantic Query Processing in Object-Oriented Databases Using Deductive Approach (SCY, IYS, EKP), pp. 150–157.
ICMLICML-1995-BrunkP #bias #semantics
A Lexical Based Semantic Bias for Theory Revision (CB, MJP), pp. 81–89.
SEKESEKE-1995-ChauC #semantics #syntax #visual notation
Visual Language Syntax and Semantics for Complex Reactive System (HLC, KFC), pp. 252–259.
SEKESEKE-1995-Pons #object-oriented #semantics
Formal Semantics for Object Oriented Systems (CP), pp. 87–94.
SEKESEKE-1995-YoonK #database #deduction #object-oriented #query #semantics
Semantic Query Processing in Deductive Object-Oriented Databases (SCY, CSK), pp. 358–365.
SIGIRSIGIR-1995-ChakravarthyH #internet #named #semantics #using
Netserf: Using Semantic Knowledge to Find Internet Information Archives (ASC, KBH), pp. 4–11.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1995-Malenfant #on the #programming language #semantics
On the Semantic Diversity of Delegation-Based Programming Languages (JM), pp. 215–230.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1995-RossieF #algebra #semantics
An Algebraic Semantics of Subobjects (JGRJ, DPF), pp. 187–199.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1995-ArtsZ #logic programming #semantics #source code #termination #unification #using
Termination of Logic Programs Using Semantic Unification (TA, HZ), pp. 219–233.
PPDPPLILP-1995-ButowGOT #semantics
A New Strategy for Semantic Matching (BB, RG, EO, ST), pp. 81–96.
PPDPPLILP-1995-ColussiMM #constraints #data flow #logic programming #semantics #source code
A Dataflow Semantics for Constraint Logic Programs (LC, EM, MM), pp. 431–448.
PPDPPLILP-1995-HengleinS #partial evaluation #semantics
A Semantic Model of Binding Times for Safe Partial Evaluation (FH, DS), pp. 299–320.
POPLPOPL-1995-Bloom #semantics #specification
Structured Operational Semantics as a Specification Language (BB), pp. 107–117.
POPLPOPL-1995-FlanaganF #optimisation #semantics
The Semantics of Future and Its Use in Program Optimizations (CF, MF), pp. 209–220.
ESECESEC-1995-GaskellP #ambiguity #analysis #execution #semantics
A Structured Analysis Formalism with Execution Semantics to Allow Unambiguous Model Interpretation (CG, RP), pp. 235–253.
ICSEICSE-1995-Janicki #semantics #towards
Towards a Formal Semantics of Parnas Tables (RJ), pp. 231–240.
CAVCAV-1995-CousotC #composition #constraints #equation #fixpoint #game studies #induction #rule-based #semantics
Compositional and Inductive Semantic Definitions in Fixpoint, Equational, Constraint, Closure-condition, Rule-based and Game-Theoretic Form (PC, RC), pp. 293–308.
ICLPICLP-1995-BarklundDCL #semantics
Semantical Properties of SLD-Resolution with Reflection (JB, PD, SC, GAL), p. 830.
ICLPICLP-1995-BrassD #bottom-up #evaluation #semantics
Disjunctive Semantics based upon Partial and Bottom-Up Evaluation (SB, JD), pp. 199–213.
ICLPICLP-1995-PodelskiS #constraints #logic programming #semantics #source code
Operational Semantics of Constraint Logic Programs with Coroutining (AP, GS), pp. 449–463.
ICLPICLP-1995-Sato #learning #logic programming #semantics #source code #statistics
A Statistical Learning Method for Logic Programs with Distribution Semantics (TS), pp. 715–729.
ICLPILPS-1995-Andrews #prolog #semantics
A Paralogical Semantics for the Prolog Cut (JHA), pp. 591–605.
ICLPILPS-1995-BarklundDCL #encoding #logic programming #semantics
Semantical Properties of Encodings in Logic Programming (JB, PD, SC, GAL), pp. 288–302.
ICLPILPS-1995-Dershowitz #semantics
Goal Solving as Operational Semantics (ND), pp. 3–17.
ICLPILPS-1995-GiacobazziR #abstract interpretation #dependence #functional #semantics
Functional Dependencies and Moore-Set Completions of Abstract Interpretations and Semantics (RG, FR), pp. 321–335.
ICLPILPS-1995-JamilL #behaviour #declarative #inheritance #semantics
A Declarative Semantics for Behavioral Inheritance and Conflict Resolution (HMJ, LVSL), pp. 130–144.
ICLPILPS-1995-MalfonF #approach #semantics #source code
Type Correct programs: A semantic approach (BM, GF), pp. 576–590.
LICSLICS-1995-Gordon #challenge #semantics
The Semantic Challenge of Verilog HDL (MJCG), pp. 136–145.
LICSLICS-1995-Jeffrey #concurrent #functional #monad #semantics
A Fully Abstract Semantics for a Concurrent Functional Language with Monadic Types (AJ), pp. 255–264.
LICSLICS-1995-KfouryW #normalisation #proving #reduction #semantics #λ-calculus
New Notions of Reduction and Non-Semantic Proofs of β-Strong Normalization in Typed λ-Calculi (AJK, JBW), pp. 311–321.
LICSLICS-1995-Lamarche #game studies #linear #logic #semantics
Games Semantics for Full Propositional Linear Logic (FL), pp. 464–473.
RTARTA-1995-Boulton #higher-order #semantics #strict
A Restricted Form on Higher-Order Rewriting Applied to an HDL Semantics (RJB), pp. 309–323.
TLCATLCA-1995-Goguen #semantics
Typed Operational Semantics (HG), pp. 186–200.
TLCATLCA-1995-HonsellL #semantics #λ-calculus
Final Semantics for untyped λ-calculus (FH, ML), pp. 249–265.
TLCATLCA-1995-PravatoRR #call-by #category theory #semantics #λ-calculus
Categorical semantics of the call-by-value λ-calculus (AP, SRDR, LR), pp. 381–396.
DATEEDAC-1994-BreuerFK #semantics
Clean formal semantics for VHDL (PTB, LSF, CDK), pp. 641–647.
VLDBVLDB-1994-ChakravarthyKAK #database #detection #semantics
Composite Events for Active Databases: Semantics, Contexts and Detection (SC, VK, EA, SKK), pp. 606–617.
VLDBVLDB-1994-LiC #database #integration #network #semantics #semistructured data #using
Semantic Integration in Heterogeneous Databases Using Neural Networks (WSL, CC), pp. 1–12.
ESOPESOP-1994-BerthomieuS #behaviour #framework #ml #programming #semantics #syntax
Programming with Behaviors in an ML Framework — The Syntax and Semantics of LCS (BB, TLS), pp. 89–104.
ESOPESOP-1994-BidoitHW #behaviour #semantics
Characterizing Behavioural Semantics and Abstractor Semantics (MB, RH, MW), pp. 105–119.
ESOPESOP-1994-MacQueenT #higher-order #semantics
A Semantics for Higher-Order Functors (DBM, MT), pp. 409–423.
ESOPESOP-1994-MuckS #continuation #functional #logic #semantics
A Tiny Constrain Functional Logic Language and Its Continuation Semantics (AM, TS), pp. 439–453.
ESOPESOP-1994-PierroP #constraints #logic #logic programming #semantics
A Logical Denotational Semantics for Constraint Logic Programming (ADP, CP), pp. 195–210.
ICSMEICSM-1994-JacksonL #semantics
Semantic Diff: A Tool for Summarizing the Effects of Modifications (DJ, DAL), pp. 243–252.
FMFME-1994-FencottGLOP #algebra #formal method #modelling #process #semantics #using
Formalising the Semantics of Ward/Mellor SA/RT Essential Models using a Process Algebra (PCF, AG, MAL, SJO, SP), pp. 681–702.
FMFME-1994-MossesM #action semantics #concurrent #ml #semantics
An Action Semantics for ML Concurrency Primitives (PDM, MM), pp. 461–479.
FMFME-1994-Mukherjee #semantics
A Semantics for NewSpeak in VDM-SL (PM), pp. 480–501.
FMFME-1994-OHalloran #evaluation #semantics
Evaluation Semantics in Z (CO), pp. 502–518.
LISPLFP-1994-JacobsS #lisp #persistent #semantics #syntax
Syntax and Semantics of a Persistent Common Lisp (JHJ, MRS), pp. 103–112.
LISPLFP-1994-Thatte #revisited #semantics
Semantics of Type Classes Revisited (SRT), pp. 208–219.
ICGTTAGT-1994-CorradiniELMR #graph grammar #parallel #semantics
An Event Structure Semantics for Graph Grammars with Parallel Productions (AC, HE, ML, UM, FR), pp. 240–256.
ICGTTAGT-1994-EhrigE #aspect-oriented #concept #graph transformation #semantics
Pragmatic and Semantic Aspects of a Module Concept for Graph Transformation Systems (HE, GE), pp. 137–154.
ICGTTAGT-1994-Maggiolo-SchettiniP #framework #graph grammar #semantics
A Graph Rewriting Framework for Statecharts Semantics (AMS, AP), pp. 107–121.
CAiSECAiSE-1994-Song #semantics
Capturing Semantics by Object Relativity (WWS), pp. 119–134.
CIKMCIKM-1994-Ambrosio #concept #reuse #semantics
Introducing Semantics in Conceptual Schema Reuse (APA), pp. 50–56.
CIKMCIKM-1994-KashyapS #semantics
Semantics-Based Information Brokering (VK, APS), pp. 363–370.
CIKMCIKM-1994-LabrouF #approach #communication #semantics
A Semantics Approach for KQML — A General Purpose Communication Language for Software Agents (YL, TWF), pp. 447–455.
CIKMCIKM-1994-LehmannC #integration #prototype #reliability #semantics #using
The EGG/YOLK Reliability Hierarchy : Semantic Data Integration Using Sorts with Prototypes (FL, AGC), pp. 272–279.
CIKMCIKM-1994-RezendeH #abstraction #semantics #using
A Lock Method for KBMSs Using Abstraction Relationships’ Semantics (FdFR, TH), pp. 112–121.
CIKMCIKM-1994-VidalW #integration #semantics
Preserving Update Semantics in Schema Integration (VMPV, MW), pp. 263–271.
ICMLICML-1994-HsuK #optimisation #query #semantics
Rule Introduction for Semantic Query Optimization (CNH, CAK), pp. 112–120.
KDDKDD-1994-AnandBH #architecture #database #mining #optimisation #preprocessor #query #semantics
Database Mining in the Architecture of a Semantic Preprocessor for State Aware Query Optimization (SSA, DAB, JGH), pp. 287–298.
KDDKDD-1994-ChiangBS #database #information management #relational #semantics
Extracting Domain Semantics for Knowledge Discovery in Relational Databases (RHLC, TMB, VCS), pp. 299–310.
KDDKDD-1994-HsuK #induction #optimisation #query #semantics
Rule Induction for Semantic Query Optimization (CNH, CAK), pp. 311–322.
SEKESEKE-1994-GuoSRD #database #optimisation #query #reduction #semantics
Semantic query optimization by class reference reduction in object- oriented databases (SG, WS, NR, YD), pp. 306–313.
SIGIRSIGIR-1994-Hull #problem #retrieval #semantics #using
Improving Text Retrieval for the Routing Problem using Latent Semantic Indexing (DAH), pp. 282–291.
SIGIRSIGIR-1994-Ingwersen #information retrieval #interactive #semantics
Polyrepresentation of Information Needs and Semantic Entities: Elements of a Cognitive Theory for Information Retrieval Interaction (PI), pp. 101–110.
SIGIRSIGIR-1994-Voorhees #query #semantics #using
Query Expansion Using Lexical-Semantic Relations (EMV), pp. 61–69.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1994-ResendeAA #database #object-oriented #semantics
Semantic Locking in Object-Oriented Database Systems (RFR, DA, AEA), pp. 388–402.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-1994-VelhoC #named #semantics
Attribute: A Semantic and Seamless Construct (AVV, RC), pp. 103–116.
PPDPALP-1994-BuenoHMR #concurrent #semantics #source code
From Eventual to Atomic Locally Atomic CC Programs: A Concurrent Semantics (FB, MVH, UM, FR), pp. 114–132.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1994-BossiE #semantics #source code
More on Unfold/Fold Transformations of Normal Programs: Preservation of Fitting’s Semantics (AB, SE), pp. 311–331.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1994-HoekMT #semantics
Formal Semantics of Temporal Epistemic Reflection (WvdH, JJCM, JT), pp. 332–352.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1994-Treur #architecture #reasoning #semantics
Temporal Semantics of Meta-Level Architectures for Dynamic Control of Reasoning (JT), pp. 353–376.
PPDPPLILP-1994-HundehegeLX #hybrid #memory management #optimisation #program transformation #runtime #semantics
Semantic-Based Static Program Transformations for Memory Space and Run Time Optimization in Hybrid Languages (JBH, WML, UX), pp. 453–454.
PPDPPLILP-1994-Pettersson #implementation #named #semantics
RML — A New Language and Implementation for Natural Semantics (MP), pp. 117–131.
SACSAC-1994-GaryE #flexibility #semantics
A flexible marker-passer for semantically weak search (KG, JJED), pp. 313–317.
CCCC-1994-ParrQ #ll #semantics
Adding Semantic and Syntactic Predicates To LL(k): pred-LL(k) (TJP, RWQ), pp. 263–277.
CADECADE-1994-ChuP #first-order #proving #semantics #theorem proving #using
Semantically Guided First-Order Theorem Proving using Hyper-Linking (HC, DAP), pp. 192–206.
CADECADE-1994-KlingenbeckH #semantics #strict
Semantic Tableaux with Ordering Restrictions (SK, RH), pp. 708–722.
CADECADE-1994-SlaneyLM #named #semantics
SCOTT: Semantically Constrained Otter System Description (JKS, ELL, WM), pp. 764–768.
CAVCAV-1994-SimoneR #composition #reduction #semantics #verification
Compositional Semantics of ESTEREL and Verification by Compositional Reductions (RdS, AR), pp. 441–454.
ICLPICLP-1994-BossiFM #bottom-up #semantics
A Bottom-up Semantics for Constructive Negation (AB, MF, MCM), pp. 520–534.
ICLPICLP-1994-DixM #approach #axiom #semantics #source code
An Axiomatic Approach to Semantics of Disjunctive Programs (JD, MM), pp. 303–320.
ICLPICLP-1994-Jiang #logic #logic programming #semantics
Ambivalent Logic as the Semantic Basis of Metalogic Programming (YJ), pp. 387–401.
ICLPICLP-1994-KakasMD #logic programming #semantics #source code
The Acceptability Semantics for Logic Programs (ACK, PM, PMD), pp. 504–519.
ICLPILPS-1994-Malfon #logic programming #semantics #source code #validation
Characterization of Some Semantics for Logic Programs with Negation and Applications to Program Validation (BM), pp. 91–105.
ICLPILPS-1994-YouC #semantics
Tractable Argumentation Semantics via Iterative Belief Revision (JHY, RC), pp. 239–253.
ISSTAISSTA-1994-MurrillM #approach #fault #semantics #using
An Experimental Approach to Analyzing Software Semantics Using Error Flow Information (Abstract) (BWM, LJM), p. 200.
LICSLICS-1994-AbadiC #semantics
A Semantics of Object Types (MA, LC), pp. 332–341.
LICSLICS-1994-BrogiT #algebra #logic #semantics #source code
Semantics of Meta-Logic in an Algebra of Programs (AB, FT), pp. 262–270.
LICSLICS-1994-Jeffrey #concurrent #graph #reduction #semantics
A Fully Abstract Semantics for Concurrent Graph Reduction (AJ), pp. 82–91.
LICSLICS-1994-Moggi #evaluation #logic #semantics
A General Semantics for Evaluation Logic (EM), pp. 353–362.
LICSLICS-1994-Stark #declarative #prolog #semantics
The Declarative Semantics of the Prolog Selection Rule (RFS), pp. 252–261.
ICDARICDAR-1993-KonnoH #algorithm #probability #semantics
Postprocessing algorithm based on the probabilistic and semantic method for Japanese OCR (AK, YH), pp. 646–649.
ICDARICDAR-1993-RoseE #analysis #recognition #scalability #semantics
Semantic analysis for large vocabulary cursive script recognition (TGR, LJE), pp. 236–239.
PODSPODS-1993-ChenW #evaluation #query #semantics
Query Evaluation under the Well Founded Semantics (WC, DSW), pp. 168–179.
PODSPODS-1993-EiterG #aspect-oriented #complexity #database #semantics
Complexity Aspects of Various Semantics for Disjunctive Databases (TE, GG), pp. 158–167.
PODSPODS-1993-LibkinW #query #semantics
Semantic Representations and Query Languages for Or-sets (LL, LW), pp. 37–48.
PODSPODS-1993-Revesz #on the #semantics
On the Semantics of Theory Change: Arbitration between Old and New Information (PZR), pp. 71–82.
PODSPODS-1993-WongA #approach #concurrent #semantics
Context-Based Synchronisation: An Approach beyond Semantics for Concurrency Control (MHW, DA), pp. 276–287.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1993-MeseguerQ #database #logic #object-oriented #semantics
A Logical Semantics for Object-Oriented Databases (JM, XQ), pp. 89–98.
VLDBVLDB-1993-CeriW #persistent #semantics
Managing Semantic Heterogeneity with Production Rules and Persistent Queues (SC, JW), pp. 108–119.
PEPMPEPM-1993-Hannan #semantics
Searching For Semantics (JH), pp. 1–12.
SASWSA-1993-CridligG #analysis #semantics
Semantics and Analysis of Linda-Based Languages (RC, EG), pp. 72–86.
FMFME-1993-KalinichenkoNZ #composition #development #query #semantics #synthesis
Application of Composition Development Method for definition of SYNTHESIS information resource query language semantics (LAK, NSN, VZ), pp. 428–441.
FPCAFPCA-1993-Gordon #functional #lazy evaluation #semantics
An Operational Semantics for I/O in a Lazy Functional Language (ADG), pp. 136–145.
FPCAFPCA-1993-PurushothamanS #semantics
From Operational Definitions to Abstract Semantics (SP, JS), pp. 276–288.
HCIHCI-SHI-1993-ZhanBR #design #layout #semantics
Screen Layout and Semantic Structure in Iconic Menu Design (PZ, RRB, MWR), pp. 146–151.
AdaTRI-Ada-1993-White #ada #interface #semantics #specification #using
A Universal Delogger Using the Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) (MW), pp. 347–353.
CAiSECAiSE-1993-Motschnig-Pitrik #modelling #semantics
The Semantics of Parts Versus Aggregates in Data/Knowledge Modelling (RMP), pp. 352–373.
CIKMCIKM-1993-PissinouM #database #representation #semantics
Separating Semantics from Representation in a Temporal Object Database Domain (NP, KM), pp. 295–304.
CIKMCIKM-1993-Shum #approach #semantics
Quick and Incomplete Responses: The Semantic Approach (CDS), pp. 39–48.
CIKMCIKM-1993-Sussna #ambiguity #for free #network #semantics #using #word
Word Sense Disambiguation for Free-text Indexing Using a Massive Semantic Network (MS), pp. 67–74.
SEKESEKE-1993-LaleauF #concept #modelling #semantics
Modeling Semantic Data Concepts with VDM (RL, PF), pp. 228–230.
SEKESEKE-1993-LeungL #semantics #specification
Structured Specifications, Semantics, and System Semantics (PHKRL, HL), pp. 324–326.
SEKESEKE-1993-StaryF #design #how #semantics #specification
How Semantical Design Languages Help to Preserve Specification/Design-Consistency (CS, RF), pp. 462–471.
POPLPOPL-1993-Launchbury #evaluation #lazy evaluation #semantics
A Natural Semantics for Lazy Evaluation (JL), pp. 144–154.
POPLPOPL-1993-OhoriK #communication #polymorphism #semantics
Semantics for Communication Primitives in an Polymorphic Language (AO, KK), pp. 99–112.
REICRE-1993-FenselAS #analysis #semantics
Giving Structured Analysis Techniques a Formal and Operational Semantics with KARL (DF, JA, RS), pp. 267–286.
CSLCSL-1993-Blass #game studies #question #semantics
Is Game Semantics Necessary? (AB), pp. 66–77.
CSLCSL-1993-Coquand #analysis #semantics
From Semantics to Rules: A Machine Assisted Analysis (CC), pp. 91–105.
CSLCSL-1993-GurevichH #c #programming language #semantics
ERRATA to “The Semantics of the C Programming Language” (YG, JKH), pp. 334–336.
ICLPICLP-1993-BosschereJ #implementation #multi #named #prolog #semantics
Multi-Prolog: Definition, Operational Semantics and Implementation (KDB, JMJ), pp. 299–313.
ICLPICLP-1993-BossiBF #fixpoint #prolog #semantics
A New Fixpoint Semantics for Prolog (AB, MB, MF), pp. 374–389.
ICLPICLP-1993-Dung93a #logic programming #semantics
An Argumentation Semantics for Logic Programming with Explicit Negation (PMD), pp. 616–630.
ICLPICLP-1993-GiordanoMS #semantics
A Semantics for Eshghi and Kowalski’s Procedure (LG, AM, MLS), pp. 586–600.
ICLPICLP-1993-Ng #consistency #database #empirical #semantics
Semantics and Consistency of Empirical Databases (RTN), pp. 812–826.
ICLPICLP-1993-PereiraA #reasoning #semantics
Optative Reasoning with Scenario Semantics (LMP, JJA), pp. 601–615.
ICLPILPS-1993-Andrews #logic #prolog #semantics
A Logical Semantics for Depth-First Prolog with Ground Negation (JHA), pp. 220–234.
ICLPILPS-1993-Aparicio #semantics #set
Assumption Set Semantics (JNA), p. 639.
ICLPILPS-1993-BolD #semantics
Tabulated Resolution for Well Founded Semantics (RNB, LD), pp. 199–219.
ICLPILPS-1993-Fitting #logic programming #metric #semantics #source code
Metric Methods in the Semantics of Logic Programs (MF), pp. 69–71.
ICLPILPS-1993-MartelliMP #fixpoint #semantics
Fixpoint Semantics of L-λ (MM, AM, CP), p. 666.
ICLPILPS-1993-McDonaldXEF #logic #on the #semantics
On the Denotational and Logical Semantics of CLP-Modules (BM, JX, ME, EF), p. 658.
ICLPILPS-1993-NystromJ #concurrent #constraints #fixpoint #programming #semantics
Indeterminate Concurrent Constraint Programming: A Fixpoint Semantics for Non-Terminating Computations (SON, BJ), pp. 335–352.
ICLPILPS-1993-SudarshanSRB #semantics
Extending the Well-Founded and Valid Semantics for Aggregation (SS, DS, RR, CB), pp. 590–608.
RTARTA-1993-Werner #approach #order #semantics
A Semantic Approach to Order-Sorted Rewriting (AW), pp. 47–61.
TLCATLCA-1993-CastagnaGL #calculus #semantics
A Semantics for λ&-early: A Calculus with Overloading and Early Binding (GC, GG, GL), pp. 107–123.
TLCATLCA-1993-Jacobs #semantics #λ-calculus
Semantics of λ-I and of other substructure λ calculi (BJ0), pp. 195–208.
PODSPODS-1992-BeeriRSS #logic programming #semantics #source code
The Valid Model Semantics for Logic Programs (CB, RR, DS, SS), pp. 91–104.
PODSPODS-1992-Gelder #semantics
The Well-Founded Semantics of Aggregation (AVG), pp. 127–138.
PODSPODS-1992-PapadimitriouY #semantics
Tie-Breaking Semantics and Structural Totality (CHP, MY), pp. 16–22.
VLDBVLDB-1992-RusinkiewiczS #multi #semantics
Multidatabase Applications: Semantic and System Issues (MR, APS), p. 545.
ESOPESOP-1992-DohS #action semantics #semantics #type system
Extraction of Strong Typing Laws from Action Semantics Definitions (KGD, DAS), pp. 151–166.
ESOPESOP-1992-Krishnan #multi #semantics
A Semantics for Multiprocessor Systems (PK), pp. 307–320.
ESOPESOP-1992-PurushothamanS #evaluation #lazy evaluation #semantics
An Adequate Operational Semantics for Sharing in Lazy Evaluation (SP, JS), pp. 435–450.
PEPMPEPM-1992-DehboneiJ #analysis #evaluation #interprocedural #semantics #symbolic computation
Semantical Interprocedural Analysis by Partial Symbolic Evaluation (BD, PJ), pp. 14–20.
PEPMPEPM-1992-Field #imperative #program analysis #semantics #source code
A Simple Rewriting Semantics for Realistic Imperative Programs and its Application to Program Analysis (JF), pp. 98–107.
SASWSA-1992-CorsiniMR #calculus #finite #prolog #semantics #μ-calculus
The μ-Calculus over Finite Domains as an Abstract Semantics of Prolog (MMC, KM, AR), pp. 51–59.
ICALPICALP-1992-HoogersKT #petri net #semantics
A Trace Semantics for Petri Nets (Extended Abstract) (PWH, HCMK, PST), pp. 595–604.
ICALPICALP-1992-LaenensVZ #logic programming #semantics
Logic Programming Semantics Made Easy (EL, DV, CZ), pp. 499–508.
ICALPICALP-1992-PhoaF #ml #semantics
A Proposed Categorial Semantics for Pure ML (WP, MPF), pp. 533–544.
AdaTRI-Ada-C-1992-BlakeB #ada #case study #experience #interface #perspective #semantics #specification
Experiences with The Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS): Developing a Tool with a View (SJB, JBB), pp. 458–468.
CAiSECAiSE-1992-FonkamG #approach #database #elicitation #relational #semantics
An Approach to Eliciting the Semantics of Relational Databases (MMF, WAG), pp. 463–480.
KRKR-1992-Dix #framework #logic programming #representation #semantics #source code
A Framework for Representing and Characterizing Semantics of Logic Programs (JD), pp. 591–602.
KRKR-1992-Grove #communication #semantics
Semantics for Knowledge and Communication (AJG), pp. 213–224.
KRKR-1992-Iwanska #natural language #representation #semantics
A General Semantic Model of Negation in Natural Language: Representation and Inference (LI), pp. 357–368.
KRKR-1992-NejdlB #query #semantics
Asking About Possibilities — Revision and Update Semantics for Subjunctive Queries (WN, MB), pp. 697–708.
KRKR-1992-QuantzR #logic #semantics
A Preference Semantics for Defaults in Terminological Logics (JQ, VR), pp. 294–305.
SEKESEKE-1992-ShimuraLM #logic programming #petri net #semantics #source code
A Petri Net Semantics for Logic Programs with Negation (TS, JL, TM), pp. 292–299.
SIGIRSIGIR-1992-BartellCB #multi #scalability #semantics
Latent Semantic Indexing is an Optimal Special Case of Multidimensional Scaling (BTB, GWC, RKB), pp. 161–167.
SIGIRSIGIR-1992-Nie #information retrieval #logic #probability #semantics #towards
Towards a Probabilistic Modal Logic for Semantic-based Information Retrieval (JYN), pp. 140–151.
PPDPALP-1992-AravindanD #deduction #logic programming #semantics #source code
Partial Deduction of Logic Programs wrt Well-Founded Semantics (CA, PMD), pp. 384–402.
PPDPALP-1992-BarbutiCGM #prolog #semantics
Oracle Semantics for Prolog (RB, MC, RG, MJM), pp. 100–114.
PPDPALP-1992-GabbrielliM #fixpoint #semantics
Fixpoint Semantics for Partial Computed Answer Substitutions and Call Patterns (MG, MCM), pp. 84–99.
PPDPALP-1992-Lysne #algebra #consistency #proving #semantics
Proof by Consistency in Constructive Systems with Final Algebra Semantics (OL), pp. 276–290.
PPDPPLILP-1992-AttaliCG #evaluation #incremental #semantics #specification
Incremental Evaluation of Natural Semantics Specification (IA, JC, SG), pp. 87–99.
PPDPPLILP-1992-Moura #action semantics #implementation #semantics
An Implementation of Action Semantics (Summaray) (HM), pp. 477–478.
POPLPOPL-1992-BerryMT #concurrent #ml #semantics
A Semantics for ML Concurrency Primitives (DB, RM, DNT), pp. 119–129.
POPLPOPL-1992-CousotC #abstract interpretation #induction #semantics
Inductive Definitions, Semantics and Abstract Interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 83–94.
POPLPOPL-1992-JagadeesanP #functional #higher-order #logic #semantics
Abstract Semantics for a Higher-Order Functional Language with Logic Variables (RJ, KP), pp. 355–366.
POPLPOPL-1992-RinardL #semantics
Semantic Foundations of Jade (MCR, MSL), pp. 105–118.
CCCC-1992-BrownMW #action semantics #compilation #generative #named #semantics
Actress: An Action Semantics Directed Compiler Generator (DFB, HM, DAW), pp. 95–109.
CADECADE-1992-BeckertH #semantics #similarity
An Improved Method for Adding Equality to Free Variable Semantic Tableaux (BB, RH), pp. 507–521.
CADECADE-1992-CaferraD #logic #proving #semantics
Semantic Entailment in Non Classical Logics Based on Proofs Found in Classical Logic (RC, SD), pp. 385–399.
CADECADE-1992-Sutcliffe92a #deduction #linear #semantics
The Semantically Guided Linear Deduction System (GS), pp. 677–680.
CSLCSL-1992-Fernando #comparative #semantics
Comparative Transition System Semantics (TF), pp. 149–166.
CSLCSL-1992-Gonzalez-MorenoHR #functional #logic programming #on the #semantics
On the Completeness of Narrowing as the Operational Semantics of Functional Logic Programming (JCGM, MTHG, MRA), pp. 216–230.
CSLCSL-1992-GurevichH #c #programming language #semantics
The Semantics of the C Programming Language (YG, JKH), pp. 274–308.
ICTSSIWPTS-1992-WalterP #concurrent #semantics
An Operational Semantics for Concurrent TTCN (TW, BP), pp. 131–143.
ICLPJICSLP-1992-AlferesP #logic programming #on the #semantics
On Logic Program Semantics with Two Kinds of Negation (JJA, LMP), pp. 574–588.
ICLPJICSLP-1992-Bonatti #framework #logic #logic programming #semantics #source code
Autoepistemic Logics as a Unifying Framework for the Semantics of Logic Programs (PAB), pp. 417–430.
ICLPJICSLP-1992-ChenW #approach #semantics
A Goal-Oriented Approach to Computing Well Founded Semantics (WC, DSW), pp. 589–603.
ICLPJICSLP-1992-Dix #logic programming #semantics #source code
Classifying Semantics of Disjunctive Logic Programs (JD), pp. 798–812.
ICLPJICSLP-1992-Fitting #logic programming #semantics
Many-Valued Semantics for Logic Programming (MF), pp. 23–24.
ICLPJICSLP-1992-MartensS #metaprogramming #semantics
A Perfect Herbrand Semantics for Untyped Vanilla Meta-Programming (BM, DDS), pp. 511–525.
ICLPJICSLP-1992-Pearl #database #empirical #semantics
Empirical Semantics for Defeasible Databases (JP), pp. 18–20.
LICSLICS-1992-Schwarz #logic #semantics
Minimal Model Semantics for Nonmonotonic Modal Logics (GS), pp. 34–43.
PODSPODS-1991-LakshmananH #database #deduction #framework #optimisation #query #semantics
Structural Query Optimization — A uniform Framework for Semantic Query Optimization in Deductive Databases (LVSL, HJH), pp. 102–114.
PODSPODS-1991-Roy #clustering #complexity #independence #query #relational #semantics
Semantic Complexity of Classes of Relational Queries and Query Independent Data Partitioning (SR), pp. 259–267.
VLDBVLDB-1991-BouzeghoubM #database #modelling #object-oriented #semantics
Semantic Modeling of Object Oriented Databases (MB, EM), pp. 3–14.
VLDBVLDB-1991-DenninghoffV #parallel #power of #semantics
The Power of Methods With Parallel Semantics (KD, VV), pp. 221–232.
VLDBVLDB-1991-GuptaWJ #query #semantics
Semantic Queries with Pictures: The VIMSYS Model (AG, TEW, RJ), pp. 69–79.
VLDBVLDB-1991-SiegelM #approach #metadata #semantics
A Metadata Approach to Resolving Semantic Conflicts (MS, SEM), pp. 133–145.
PEPMPEPM-1991-Muller #equation #logic #named #semantics
M-LISP: Its Natural Semantics and Equational Logic (Extended Abstract) (RM), pp. 234–242.
PEPMPEPM-1991-ProiettiP #prolog #semantics
Semantics Preserving Transformation Rules for Prolog (MP, AP), pp. 274–284.
PEPMPEPM-1991-Shivers #analysis #control flow #semantics
The Semantics of Scheme Control-Flow Analysis (OS), pp. 190–198.
PLDIPLDI-1991-KishonHC #execution #framework #implementation #monitoring #reasoning #semantics #specification
Monitoring Semantics: A Formal Framework for Specifying, Implementing, and Reasoning about Execution Monitors (AK, PH, CC), pp. 338–352.
PLDIPLDI-1991-Venkatesh #approach #semantics #slicing
The Semantic Approach to Program Slicing (GAV), pp. 107–119.
SASWSA-1991-DenisD #fixpoint #logic programming #semantics #source code
Unfolding, Procedural and Fixpoint Semantics of Logic Programs (FD, JPD), pp. 157–164.
ICALPICALP-1991-BouajjaniFGRS #branch #safety #semantics
Safety for Branching Time Semantics (AB, JCF, SG, CR, JS), pp. 76–92.
ICALPICALP-1991-GabbrielliL #logic programming #on the #semantics #source code
On the Semantics of Logic Programs (MG, GL), pp. 1–19.
FMVDME-1991-1-Benveniste #approach #semantics
Writing Operational Semantics in Z: A Sructural Approach (MVB), pp. 164–188.
FMVDME-1991-1-BruunHD #approach #semantics
An Approach to the Static Semantics of VDM-SL (HB, BSH, FMD), pp. 220–253.
CAiSECAiSE-1991-AdreitB #editing #named #semantics #visual notation
EcrinsDesign: A Graphical Editor for Semantic Structures (FA, MB), pp. 264–283.
KRKR-1991-GabbayLV #logic programming #order #semantics #source code
Credulous vs. Sceptical Semantics for Ordered Logic Programs (DMG, EL, DV), pp. 208–217.
KRKR-1991-Schaub #perspective #semantics
Assertional Default Theories: A Semantical View (TS), pp. 496–506.
SIGIRSIGIR-1991-LinSM #information retrieval #self #semantics
A Self-Organizing Semantic Map for Information Retrieval (XL, DS, GM), pp. 262–269.
SIGIRSIGIR-1991-WendlandtD #analysis #documentation #retrieval #semantics
Incorporating a Semantic Analysis into a Document Retrieval Strategy (EBW, JRD), pp. 270–279.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1991-SimmelG #data access #semantics #transaction
The Kala Basket: A Semantic Primitive Unifying Object Transactions, Access Control, Versions, and Configurations (SSS, IG), pp. 230–246.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1991-NagvarSK #approach #semantics #towards
An O-O Approach Toward Semantic Interpretation of Indian Languages (PN, VS, GK), pp. 181–194.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1991-Ross #partial evaluation #prolog #semantics #source code
Semantics-based Partial Evaluation of Prolog Programs (BJR), pp. 221–237.
PPDPPLILP-1991-Boye #logic programming #named #semantics #source code
S-SLD-resolution — An Operational Semantics for Logic Programs with External Procedures (JB), pp. 383–393.
PPDPPLILP-1991-ConselK #compilation #generative #prolog #semantics
Semantics-Directed Generation of a Prolog Compiler (CC, SCK), pp. 135–146.
PPDPPLILP-1991-HentenryckD #constraints #finite #logic programming #semantics
Operational Semantics of Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains (PVH, YD), pp. 395–406.
POPLPOPL-1991-ConselD #semantics
Static and Dynamic Semantics Processing (CC, OD), pp. 14–24.
POPLPOPL-1991-SaraswatRP #concurrent #constraints #programming #semantics
Semantic Foundations of Concurrent Constraint Programming (VAS, MCR, PP), pp. 333–352.
SOSPSOSP-1991-GiffordJSO #file system #semantics
Semantic File Systems (DKG, PJ, MAS, JO), pp. 16–25.
CAVCAV-1991-FrancescoI #process #semantics
A Semantic Driven Method to Check the Finiteness of CCS Processes (NDF, PI), pp. 266–276.
CSLCSL-1991-Gonzalez-MorenoHR #declarative #functional #programming #semantics
Denotational Versus Declarative Semantics for Functional Programming (JCGM, MTHG, MRA), pp. 134–148.
CSLCSL-1991-Lavalette #composition #logic #semantics
Logical Semantics of Modularisation (GRRdL), pp. 306–315.
CSLCSL-1991-Pinchinat #comparative #concurrent #process #semantics
Ordinal Processes in Comparative Concurrency Semantics (SP), pp. 293–305.
ICLPICLP-1991-BachmairG #logic programming #semantics #similarity #source code
Perfect Model Semantics for Logic Programs with Equality (LB, HG), pp. 645–659.
ICLPICLP-1991-ColussiM #axiom #correctness #logic programming #proving #semantics #source code #using
Proving Correctness of Logic Programs Using Axiomatic Semantics (LC, EM), pp. 629–642.
ICLPICLP-1991-HuY #logic programming #semantics #source code
Extended Well-Founded Model Semantics for General Logic Programs (YH, LYY), pp. 412–425.
ICLPICLP-1991-Levi #logic programming #on the #semantics #source code
On the Semantics of Logic Programs (GL), p. 945.
ICLPICLP-1991-NgS #database #deduction #framework #semantics
A Semantical Framework for Supporting Subjective and Conditional Probabilities in Deductive Databases (RTN, VSS), pp. 565–580.
ICLPICLP-1991-PereiraAA #reasoning #semantics
Nonmonotonic Reasoning with Well Founded Semantics (LMP, JNA, JJA), pp. 475–489.
ICLPICLP-1991-RossS #algebra #prolog #semantics #termination
An Algebraic Semantics of Prolog Program Termination (BJR, AS), pp. 316–330.
ICLPISLP-1991-Fitting #semantics
Well-Founded Semantics, Generalized (MF), pp. 71–84.
ICLPISLP-1991-KempS #logic programming #semantics #source code
Semantics of Logic Programs with Aggregates (DBK, PJS), pp. 387–401.
ICLPISLP-1991-LakshmanR #prolog #re-engineering #semantics #type system
Typed Prolog: A Semantic Reconstruction of the Mycroft-O’Keefe Type System (TLL, USR), pp. 202–217.
ICLPISLP-1991-NgS #semantics
Relating Dempster-Shafer Theory to Stable Semantics (RTN, VSS), pp. 551–565.
LICSLICS-1991-AlessiB #semantics #towards
Towards a Semantics for the QUEST Language (FA, FB), pp. 12–21.
LICSLICS-1991-HungZ #logic #pointer #semantics
Semantics of Pointers, Referencing and Dereferencing with Intensional Logic (HKH, JIZ), pp. 127–136.
LICSLICS-1991-LafontS #game studies #linear #logic #semantics
Games Semantics for Linear Logic (YL, TS), pp. 43–50.
LICSLICS-1991-Murthy #evaluation #proving #semantics
An Evaluation Semantics for Classical Proofs (CRM), pp. 96–107.
DACDAC-1990-IshiuraYY #behaviour #design #hardware #named #semantics
NES: The Behavioral Model for the Formal Semantics of a Hardware Design Language UDL/I (NI, HY, SY), pp. 8–13.
PODSPODS-1990-Schlipf #logic programming #semantics
The Expressive Powers of the Logic Programming Semantics (JSS), pp. 196–204.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1990-BadrinathR #concurrent #evaluation #multi #performance #protocol #semantics
Performance Evaluation of Semantics-based Multilevel Concurrency Control Protocols (BRB, KR), pp. 163–172.
ESOPESOP-1990-EvenS #action semantics #semantics #type inference
Type Inference for Action Semantics (SE, DAS), pp. 118–133.
PLDIPLDI-1990-Horwitz #difference #identification #semantics
Identifying the Semantic and Textual Differences Between Two Versions of a Program (SH), pp. 234–245.
ICALPICALP-1990-LarsenX #composition #semantics
Compositionality Through an Operational Semantics of Contexts (KGL, LX), pp. 526–539.
ICALPICALP-1990-PrasadGM #algebra #concurrent #functional #integration #programming #semantics #symmetry
Operational and Algebraic Semantics for Facile: A Symmetric Integration of Concurrent and Functional Programming (SP, AG, PM), pp. 765–778.
FMVDME-1990-BednarczykBP90a #semantics #towards
Towards the Semantics of the Definitional Language of MetaSoft (MAB, AMB, WP), pp. 471–503.
FMVDME-1990-DiepenH #algebra #relational #semantics
A Formal Semantics for Z and the Link between Z and the Relational Algebra (MJvD, KMvH), pp. 526–551.
FMVDME-1990-DukeD #semantics #towards
Towards a Semantics for Object-Z (DJD, RD), pp. 244–261.
LISPLFP-1990-CardelliL #semantics
A Semantic Basis for Quest (LC, GL), pp. 30–43.
LISPLFP-1990-HannanM #automaton #semantics
From Operational Semantics to Abstract Machines: Preliminary Results (JH, DM), pp. 323–332.
LISPLFP-1990-HowardM #axiom #semantics
Operational and Axiomatic Semantics of PCF (BTH, JCM), pp. 298–306.
CHICHI-1990-HowesP #analysis #learning #semantics
Semantic analysis during exploratory learning (AH, SJP), pp. 399–406.
CHICHI-1990-Hudson #adaptation #feedback #semantics
Adaptive semantic snaping — a technique for semantic feedback at the lexical level (SEH), pp. 65–70.
PPDPALP-1990-GabbrielliL #concurrent #constraints #fixpoint #logic programming #semantics #source code
Unfolding and Fixpoint Semantics of Concurrent Constraint Logic Programs (MG, GL), pp. 204–216.
PPDPPLILP-1990-Nilsson #approximate #logic programming #semantics #source code
Systematic Semantic Approximations of Logic Programs (UN), pp. 293–306.
WAGAWAGA-1990-PittC #natural language #semantics
Attributed Translation and the Semantics of Natural Language (JVP, JC), pp. 284–297.
CCCC-1990-Pettersson #continuation #generative #performance #semantics
Generating Efficient Code from Continuation Semantics (MP), pp. 165–178.
CADECADE-1990-BaralLM #logic programming #semantics #source code
Generalized Well-founded Semantics for Logic Programs (Extended Abstract) (CB, JL, JM), pp. 102–116.
CADECADE-1990-NieP #proving #semantics
A Complete Semantic Back Chaining Proof System (XN, DAP), pp. 16–27.
CAVCAV-1990-ProbstL #explosion #partial order #problem #semantics #using
Using Partial-Order Semantics to Avoid the State Explosion Problem in Asynchronous Systems (DKP, HFL), pp. 146–155.
ICLPCLP-1990-Fages90 #fixpoint #logic programming #semantics #source code
A New Fixpoint Semantics for General Logic Programs Compared with the Well-Founded and the Stable Model Semantics (FF), pp. 441–458.
ICLPCLP-1990-Gaifman90 #logic programming #semantics #source code
Semantics of Logic Programs (HG), pp. 779–782.
ICLPCLP-1990-Przymusinski90 #semantics #source code
Extended Stable Semantics for Normal and Disjunctive Programs (TCP), pp. 459–477.
CSLCSL-1990-BorgerS #prolog #semantics
A Formal Operational Semantics for Languages of Type Prolog III (EB, PHS), pp. 67–79.
LICSLICS-1990-AllenCHA #proving #semantics
The Semantics of Reflected Proof (SFA, RLC, DJH, WEA), pp. 95–105.
LICSLICS-1990-Cerrito #linear #logic programming #semantics #source code
A Linear Semantics for Allowed Logic Programs (SC), pp. 219–227.
LICSLICS-1990-DrosteG #formal method #programming language #semantics
Universal Domains in the Theory of Denotational Semantics of Programming Languages (MD, RG), pp. 19–34.
ICLPNACLP-1990-BonacinaH #semantics #source code
Operational and Denotational Semantics of Rewrite Programs (MPB, JH), pp. 449–464.
ICLPNACLP-1990-CorradiniM #algebra #logic programming #semantics #source code
An Algebraic Semantics of Logic Programs as Structured Transition Systems (AC, UM), pp. 788–812.
ICLPNACLP-1990-JacquetM #comparative #logic programming #parallel #programming language #semantics
Comparative Semantics for a Parallel Contextual Logic Programming Language (JMJ, LM), pp. 195–214.
ICLPNACLP-1990-Przymusinski #database #deduction #logic programming #semantics #source code
Stationary Semantics for Disjunctive Logic Programs and Deductive Databases (TCP), pp. 40–59.
DACDAC-1989-YasuuraI #design #hardware #semantics #standard
Semantics of a Hardware Design Language for Japanese Standardization (HY, NI), pp. 836–839.
HTHT-1989-FurutaS #programmable #semantics
Programmable Browsing Semantics in Trellis (RF, PDS), pp. 27–42.
PODSPODS-1989-Ross #logic programming #semantics #source code
A Procedural Semantics for Well Founded Negation in Logic Programs (KAR), pp. 22–33.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1989-ChangK #clustering #effectiveness #inheritance #object-oriented #semantics
Exploiting Inheritance and Structure Semantics for Effective Clustering and Buffering in an Object-Oriented DBMS (EEC, RHK), pp. 348–357.
VLDBVLDB-1989-ChenL #database #semantics
Derived Data Update in Semantic Databases (IMAC, DM), pp. 225–235.
PLDIPLDI-1989-CartwrightF #dependence #semantics
The Semantics of Program Dependence (RC, MF), pp. 13–27.
ICALPICALP-1989-Cardone #bound #quantifier #recursion #relational #semantics
Relational Semantics for Recursive Types and Bounded Quantification (FC), pp. 164–178.
ICALPICALP-1989-GrooteV #bisimulation #congruence #semantics
Structural Operational Semantics and Bisimulation as a Congruence (Extended Abstract) (JFG, FWV), pp. 423–438.
FPCAFPCA-1989-Burton #behaviour #parallel #semantics #source code
Indeterminate Behavior with Determinate Semantics in Parallel Programs (FWB), pp. 340–346.
FPCAFPCA-1989-Ohori #ml #morphism #polymorphism #semantics
A Simple Semantics for ML Polymorphism (AO), pp. 281–292.
CAiSECAiSE-1989-Bouzeghoub #database #design #relational #semantics
An Expert System for Semantic and Relational Database Design (MB).
KRKR-1989-Pearl #bibliography #probability #reasoning #semantics
Probabilistic Semantics for Nonmonotonic Reasoning: A Survey (JP), pp. 505–516.
SEKESEKE-1989-ChenTY #optimisation #prolog #query #semantics
Semantic Query Optimization and Prolog (JTC, CRT, WPY), pp. 146–151.
ECOOPECOOP-1989-Yelland #object-oriented #semantics #towards
First Steps Towards Fully Abstract Semantics for Object-Oriented Languages (PMY), pp. 347–364.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1989-CookP #correctness #inheritance #semantics
A Denotational Semantics of Inheritance and its Correctness (WRC, JP), pp. 433–443.
POPLPOPL-1989-GaifmanS #composition #logic programming #semantics #source code
Fully Abstract Compositional Semantics for Logic Programs (HG, EYS), pp. 134–142.
POPLPOPL-1989-Selke #dependence #graph #semantics
A Rewriting Semantics for Program Dependence Graphs (RPS), pp. 12–24.
CSLCSL-1989-Borger #logic #prolog #semantics
A Logical Operational Semantics of Full Prolog. Part I: Selection Core and Control (EB), pp. 36–64.
CSLCSL-1989-GurevichM #algebra #semantics
Algebraic Operational Semantics and Occam (YG, LSM), pp. 176–192.
CSLCSL-1989-PrieseN #metric #semantics #using
Semantic for Abstract Fairness using Metric Spaces (LP, DN), pp. 355–368.
CSLCSL-1989-Vogler #database #deduction #semantics
The Semantics of Disjunctive Deductive Databases (HV), pp. 409–421.
LICSLICS-1989-GaifmanS #logic programming #proving #semantics #source code
Proof Theory and Semantics of Logic Programs (HG, EYS), pp. 50–62.
LICSLICS-1989-JagadeesanPP #functional #logic #semantics
A Fully Abstract Semantics for a Functional Language with Logic Variables (RJ, PP, KP), pp. 294–303.
ICLPNACLP-1989-ChenKW #first-order #higher-order #logic programming #named #semantics
HiLog: A First-Order Semantics for Higher-Order Logic Programming Constructs (WC, MK, DSW), pp. 1090–1114.
ICLPNACLP-1989-DungK89a #approach #declarative #fixpoint #logic programming #semantics #source code
A Fixpoint Approach to Declarative Semantics of Logic Programs (PMD, KK), pp. 604–625.
ICLPNACLP-1989-GaifmanMS #behaviour #concurrent #constraints #logic programming #semantics #source code
Reactive Behaviour Semantics for Concurrent Constraint Logic Programs (HG, MJM, EYS), pp. 553–569.
ICLPNACLP-1989-MarekT #logic programming #semantics #source code
Stable Semantics for Logic Programs and Default Theories (VWM, MT), pp. 243–256.
ICLPNACLP-1989-RajasekarM #semantics #source code
A Stratification Semantics for General Disjunctive Programs (AR, JM), pp. 573–586.
ICLPNACLP-1989-SataluriF #logic programming #semantics #source code #specification #using
Semantic Specification Using Logic Programs (SRS, ACF), pp. 772–791.
RTARTA-1989-Mohan #confluence #semantics
Priority Rewriting: Semantics, Confluence, and Conditional (CKM), pp. 278–291.
RTARTA-1989-NaoiI #algebra #complexity #semantics #term rewriting
Algebraic Semantics and Complexity of Term Rewriting Systems (TN, YI), pp. 311–325.
ISSTATAV-1989-Moriconi #approach #configuration management #semantics
A Practical Approach to Semantic Configuration Management (MM), pp. 103–113.
PODSPODS-1988-BunemanDW #approximate #query #semantics
A Semantics for Complex Objects and Approximate Queries (PB, SBD, AW), pp. 305–314.
PODSPODS-1988-GelderRS #logic programming #semantics #set #source code
Unfounded Sets and Well-Founded Semantics for General Logic Programs (AVG, KAR, JSS), pp. 221–230.
PODSPODS-1988-Winslett #comparison #framework #semantics
A Framework for Comparison of Update Semantics (MW), pp. 315–324.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1988-JagannathanGFTT #database #named #semantics
SIM: A Database System Based on the Semantic Data Model (DJ, RLG, BLF, JPT, DMT), pp. 46–55.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1988-KumarS #semantics #transaction
Semantics Based Transaction Management Techniques for Replicated Data (AK, MS), pp. 117–125.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1988-LaurentS #database #relational #semantics
Partition Semantics for Incomplete Information in Relational Databases (DL, NS), pp. 66–73.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1988-RoeslerB #concurrent #distributed #modelling #object-oriented #semantics
Deadlock Resolution and Semantic Lock Models in Object-Oriented Distributed Systems (MR, WAB), pp. 361–370.
VLDBVLDB-1988-Rougemont #algorithm #fixpoint #representation #scalability #semantics
Fixed-point semantics and the representation of algorithms on large data (MdR), pp. 264–272.
VLDBVLDB-1988-ShekarSD #execution #formal method #optimisation #query #semantics #trade-off
A Formal Model of Trade-off between Optimization and Execution Costs in Semantic Query Optimization (SS, JS, SD), pp. 457–467.
ESOPESOP-1988-GoughB #semantics #verification
A Semantics Driven Temporal Verification System (GG, HB), pp. 21–33.
ESOPESOP-1988-RepsH #integration #semantics
Semantics-Based Program Integration (TWR, SH), pp. 1–20.
PLDIPLDI-1988-SeshadriWJWYS #analysis #compilation #concurrent #semantics
Semantic Analysis in a Concurrent Compiler (VS, DBW, MDJ, SW, CPY, IS), pp. 233–240.
ICALPICALP-1988-KirchnerKM #semantics
Operational Semantics of OBJ-3 (Extended Abstract) (CK, HK, JM), pp. 287–301.
ICALPICALP-1988-KokR #concurrent #semantics
Contractions in Comparing Concurrent Semantics (JNK, JJMMR), pp. 317–332.
ICALPICALP-1988-Weijland #logic programming #semantics #source code
Semantics for Logic Programs without Occur Check (WPW), pp. 710–726.
LISPLFP-1988-FelleisenWFD #continuation #semantics
Abstract Continuations: A Mathematical Semantics for Handling Full Jumps (MF, MW, DPF, BFD), pp. 52–62.
LISPLFP-1988-Reddy #object-oriented #semantics
Objects as Closures: Abstract Semantics of Object-Oriented Languages (USR), pp. 289–297.
SIGIRSIGIR-1988-FurnasDDLHSL #composition #information retrieval #semantics #using
Information Retrieval using a Singular Value Decomposition Model of Latent Semantic Structure (GWF, SCD, STD, TKL, RAH, LAS, KEL), pp. 465–480.
PPDPALP-1988-Goltz #functional #modelling #semantics #unification
Functional Data Term Models and Semantic Unification (HJG), pp. 158–167.
PPDPALP-1988-Pasztor #logic #recursion #semantics #source code #standard
Nonstandard Logics of Recursive Programs and Denotational Semantics (AP), pp. 255–278.
PPDPPLILP-1988-Henriques #generative #prolog #semantics
A Semantic Evaluator Generating System in Prolog (PRH), pp. 201–218.
POPLPOPL-1988-MeyerS #semantics #towards
Towards Fully Abstract Semantics for Local Variables (ARM, KS), pp. 191–203.
POPLPOPL-1988-MontenyohlW #analysis #continuation #semantics
Correct Flow Analysis in Continuation Semantics (MM, MW), pp. 204–218.
CSLCSL-1988-SudkampK #constraints #semantics
Enforcement of Integrity Constraints in a Semantic Data Model (NS, PK), pp. 313–328.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-AttilaF88 #evaluation #execution #semantics #source code
Unification-Free Execution of TYPOL Programs by Semantic Attribute Evaluation (IA, PFZ), pp. 160–177.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-BatarekhS88 #logic programming #semantics #source code
Semantical Equivalences of (Non-Classical) Logic Programs (AB, VSS), pp. 960–977.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-FalaschiLMP88 #declarative #logic #semantics
A New Declarative Semantics for Logic Languages (MF, GL, MM, CP), pp. 993–1005.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-FittingB88 #logic programming #semantics
Stratified and Three-valued Logic Programming Semantics (MF, MBJ), pp. 1054–1069.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-GelfondL88 #logic programming #semantics
The Stable Model Semantics for Logic Programming (MG, VL), pp. 1070–1080.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-Hemmendinger88 #compilation #semantics
A Compiler and Semantic Analyzer Based on Categorial Grammar (DH), pp. 1474–1489.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-Levi88 #fixpoint #modelling #semantics
Models, Unfolding Rules and Fixpoint Semantics (GL), pp. 1649–1665.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-PrzymusinskaP88 #logic programming #semantics #source code
Weakly Perfect Model Semantics for Logic Programs (HP, TCP), pp. 1106–1120.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-Przymusinski88 #semantics
Perfect Model Semantics (TCP), pp. 1081–1096.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-RaatzG88 #logic programming #relational #semantics
A Relational Semantics for Logic Programming (SR, JHG), pp. 1024–1035.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-Subrahmanian88 #semantics #set
Intuitive Semantics for Quantitative Rule Sets (VSS), pp. 1036–1053.
LICSLICS-1988-Baudinet #approach #prolog #proving #semantics #source code #termination
Proving Termination Properties of Prolog Programs: A Semantic Approach (MB), pp. 336–347.
LICSLICS-1988-DeganoNM #concurrent #consistency #on the #semantics
On the Consistency of “Truly Concurrent” Operational and Denotational Semantics (Extended Abstract) (PD, RDN, UM), pp. 133–141.
LICSLICS-1988-Ehrhard #category theory #semantics
A Categorical Semantics of Constructions (TE), pp. 264–273.
LICSLICS-1988-FreydGSS #parametricity #polymorphism #semantics #λ-calculus
Semantic Parametricity in Polymorphic λ Calculus (PJF, JYG, AS, PJS), pp. 274–279.
LICSLICS-1988-GerthCLS #concurrent #prolog #semantics
Fully Abstract Denotational Semantics for Flat Concurrent Prolog (RG, MC, YL, EYS), pp. 320–335.
LICSLICS-1988-Meyer #paradigm #semantics
Semantical Paradigms: Notes for an Invited Lecture, with Two Appendices by Stavros S. Cosmadakis (ARM), pp. 236–253.
HTHT-1987-Collier #hypermedia #named #semantics
Thoth-II: Hypertext with Explicit Semantics (GHC), pp. 269–289.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1987-BanerjeeKKK #database #evolution #implementation #object-oriented #semantics
Semantics and Implementation of Schema Evolution in Object-Oriented Databases (JB, WK, HJK, HFK), pp. 311–322.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1987-LyngbaekV #database #relational #semantics
Mapping a Semantic Database Model to the Relational Model (PL, VV), pp. 132–142.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1987-NixonCLBMS #case study #compilation #experience #implementation #semantics
Implementation of a Compiler for a Semantic Data Model: Experiences with Taxis (BAN, LC, DL, AB, JM, MS), pp. 118–131.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1987-ShenoyO #optimisation #query #semantics
A System for Semantic Query Optimization (STS, ZMÖ), pp. 181–195.
VLDBVLDB-1987-SiebesK #axiom #database #design #semantics #using
Using Design Axioms and Topology to Model Database Semantics (AS, MLK), pp. 51–59.
ICALPICALP-1987-GrafS #process #semantics
Readiness Semantics for Regular Processes with Silent Actions (SG, JS), pp. 115–125.
ICALPICALP-1987-ShyamasundarNP #network #nondeterminism #semantics
Semantics for Nondeterministic Asynchronous Broadcast Networks (RKS, KTN, TP), pp. 72–83.
FMVDME-1987-Jones87b #data flow #semantics #using
A Formal Semantics for a DataFlow Machine — Using VDM (KDJ), pp. 331–355.
FPCAFPCA-1987-Lester #representation #semantics #stack
The G-machine as a representation of stack semantics (DRL), pp. 46–59.
HCIHCI-CE-1987-Gonzalez-SustaetaM #database #natural language #paradigm #query #semantics
A Semantic Paradigm to Solve Natural Language Database Queries (JGS, CM), pp. 113–120.
SIGIRSIGIR-1987-KrawczakSS #database #named #semantics
EP-X: A Demonstration of Semantically-Based Search of Bibliographic Databases (DAK, PJS, SJS), pp. 263–271.
ECOOPECOOP-1987-Wolczko #semantics
Semantics of Smalltalk-80 (MW), pp. 108–120.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1987-Rumbaugh #object-oriented #semantics
Relations as Semantic Constructs in an Object-Oriented Language (JER), pp. 466–481.
POPLPOPL-1987-HuizingGR #abstraction #realtime #semantics
Full Abstraction of a Real-Time Denotational Semantics for an Occam-like Language (CH, RG, WPdR), pp. 223–237.
POPLPOPL-1987-Jouvelot #abstract interpretation #parallel #semantics
Semantic Parallelization: A Practical Exercise in Abstract Interpretation (PJ), pp. 39–48.
POPLPOPL-1987-LeeP #compilation #generative #semantics
A Realistic Compiler Generator Based on High-Level Semantics (PL, UFP), pp. 284–295.
POPLPOPL-1987-Oles #concurrent #semantics
Semantics for Concurrency without Powerdomains (FJO), pp. 211–222.
POPLPOPL-1987-Saraswat #concurrent #logic programming #programming language #semantics
The Concurrent Logic Programming Language CP: Definition and Operational Semantics (VAS), pp. 49–62.
POPLPOPL-1987-Stark #concurrent #network #process #semantics
Concurrent Transition System Semantics of Process Networks (EWS), pp. 199–210.
CSLCSL-1987-GurevichM #algebra #semantics
Algebraic Operational Semantics and Modula-2 (YG, JMM), pp. 81–101.
ICLPICLP-1987-LeviP87 #approach #declarative #logic #semantics
An Approach to the Declarative Semantics of Synchronization in Logic Languages (GL, CP), pp. 877–893.
ICLPICLP-1987-LindholmO87 #implementation #performance #prolog #semantics
Efficient Implementation of a Defensible Semantics for Dynamic PROLOG Code (TGL, RAO), pp. 21–39.
ICLPICLP-1987-Maher87 #logic #semantics #source code
Logic Semantics for a Class of Committed-Choice Programs (MJM), pp. 858–876.
LICSLICS-1987-FreydS #aspect-oriented #polymorphism #semantics #λ-calculus
Some Semantic Aspects of Polymorphic λ Calculus (PJF, AS), pp. 315–319.
LICSLICS-1987-HarelPSS #on the #semantics
On the Formal Semantics of Statecharts (Extended Abstract) (DH, AP, JPS, RS), pp. 54–64.
LICSLICS-1987-Shoham #approach #logic #semantics
A Semantical Approach to Nonmonotic Logics (YS), pp. 275–279.
ICLPSLP-1987-LeviPBGM87 #logic #semantics
A Complete Semantic Characterization of K-Leaf: A Logic Language with Partial Functions (GL, CP, PGB, EG, CM), pp. 318–327.
ICLPSLP-1987-Saraswat87 #haskell #named #problem #semantics
GHC: Operational Semantics, Problems, and Relationships with CP(|, |) (VAS), pp. 347–358.
ICLPSLP-1987-Subrahmanian87 #logic programming #on the #semantics #source code
On the Semantics of Quantitative Logic Programs (VSS), pp. 173–182.
ICLPSLP-1987-Winsborough87 #parallel #semantics
Semantically Transparent Selective Reset for AND Parallel Interpreters Based on the Origin of Failures (WHW), pp. 134–152.
DACDAC-1986-RieuN #database #semantics
Semantics of CAD objects for generalized databases (DR, GTN), pp. 34–40.
VLDBVLDB-1986-JunetFL #database #named #query #semantics
ECRINS/86: An Extended Entity-Relationship Data Base Management System and its Semantic Query Language (MJ, GF, ML), pp. 259–266.
ESOPESOP-1986-BernotBC #algebra #exception #semantics
Algebraic Semantics of Exception Handling (GB, MB, CC), pp. 173–186.
ESOPESOP-1986-DamJ #compilation #generative #relational #semantics
Compiler Generation from Relational Semantics (MD, FJ), pp. 1–29.
ESOPESOP-1986-Jouvelot #detection #parallel #reduction #semantics
Parallelization by Semantic Detection of Reductions (PJ), pp. 223–236.
ESOPESOP-1986-Kok #nondeterminism #semantics
Denotational Semantics of Nets with Nondeterminism (JNK), pp. 237–249.
ESOPESOP-1986-Naftalin #empirical #semantics
An Experiment in Practical Semantics (MN), pp. 144–159.
LISPLFP-1986-Hudak #abstraction #semantics #summary
A Semantic Model of Reference Counting and its Abstraction (Detailed Summary) (PH), pp. 351–363.
LISPLFP-1986-JayaramanS #equation #functional #logic programming #reduction #semantics #set
Equations, Sets, and Reduction Semantics for Functional and Logic Programming (BJ, FSKS), pp. 320–331.
LISPLFP-1986-LeeP #implementation #lisp #on the #semantics
On the Use of LISP in Implementing Denotational Semantics (PL, UFP), pp. 233–248.
LISPLFP-1986-Mitchell #approach #polymorphism #reduction #semantics #summary
A Type-Inference Approach to Reduction Properties and Semantics of Polymorphic Expressions (Summary) (JCM), pp. 308–319.
LISPLFP-1986-NielsonN #compilation #functional #semantics
Semantics Directed Compiling for Functional Languages (HRN, FN), pp. 249–257.
LISPLFP-1986-Thatte #equation #programming language #semantics #towards
Towards a Semantic Theory for Equational Programming Languages (SRT), pp. 332–342.
AdaCRAI-1986-AstesianoR #approach #programming language #semantics #tutorial
The SMoLCS Approach to the Formal Semantics of Programming Languages — A Tutorial Introduction (EA, GR), pp. 81–116.
POPLPOPL-1986-AmericaBKR #object-oriented #parallel #semantics
Operational Semantics of a Parallel Object-Oriented Language (PA, JdB, JNK, JJMMR), pp. 194–208.
POPLPOPL-1986-SneltingH #algebra #analysis #incremental #semantics #unification
Unification in Many-Sorted Algebras as a Device for Incremental Semantic Analysis (GS, WH), pp. 229–235.
CADECADE-1986-MurrayR #graph #semantics
Theory Links in Semantic Graphs (NVM, ER), pp. 353–364.
ICLPICLP-1986-Beckman86 #concurrent #logic programming #programming language #semantics #towards
Towards a Formal Semantics for Concurrent Logic Programming Languages (LB), pp. 335–349.
ICLPICLP-1986-JaffarLM86 #logic programming #roadmap #semantics
Invited Talk: Some Issues and Trends in the Semantics of Logic Programming (JJ, JLL, MJM), pp. 223–241.
ICLPICLP-1986-JaffarS86 #equation #logic programming #semantics
Logic Program Semantics for Programming with Equations (JJ, PJS), pp. 313–326.
ICLPICLP-1986-MartelliR86 #logic programming #on the #semantics
On the Semantics of Logic Programing Languages (AM, GR), pp. 327–334.
LICSLICS-1986-Brookes #concurrent #correctness #csp #proving #semantics
A Semantically Based Proof System for Partial Correctness and Deadlock in CSP (SDB), pp. 58–65.
LICSLICS-1986-Despeyroux #proving #semantics
Proof of Translation in Natural Semantics (JD), pp. 193–205.
LICSLICS-1986-Girard #semantics
Quantitative and Qualitative Semantics (Abstract of Invited Lecture) (JYG), p. 258.
LICSLICS-1986-MakowskyS #equivalence #higher-order #on the #semantics #standard #verification
On the Equivalence of Weak Second Order and Nonstandard Time Semantics For Various Program Verification Systems (JAM, IS), pp. 293–300.
LICSLICS-1986-Meyer #hoare #logic #semantics
Floyd-Hoare Logic Defines Semantics: Preliminary Version (ARM), pp. 44–48.
LICSLICS-1986-Plaisted #nondeterminism #recursion #semantics #source code #using
The Denotional Semantics of Nondeterministic Recursive Programs using Coherent Relations (DAP), pp. 163–174.
PODSPODS-1985-AusielloDM #concept #graph #modelling #semantics
Chordality Properties on Graphs and Minimal Conceptual Connections in Semantic Data Models (GA, AD, MM), pp. 164–170.
PODSPODS-1985-CosmadakisKS #semantics
Partition Semantics for Relations (SSC, PCK, NS), pp. 261–275.
PODSPODS-1985-GoodmanS #concurrent #semantics
Semantically-based Concurrency Control for Search Structures (NG, DS), pp. 8–19.
PODSPODS-1985-TuzhilinS #approach #concurrent #correctness #semantics #transaction
A Semantic Approach to Correctness of Concurrent Transaction Executions (AT, PGS), pp. 85–95.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1985-GoldmanGKZ #information management #interface #named #semantics
ISIS: Interface for a Semantic Information System (KJG, SAG, PCK, SBZ), pp. 328–342.
VLDBVLDB-1985-AbiteboulG #database #semantics #semistructured data
Update Semantics for Incomplete Databases (SA, GG), pp. 1–12.
VLDBVLDB-1985-Gregor #named #relational #semantics
ARIEL — A Semantic Front-End to Relational DBMSs (RMM), pp. 305–315.
VLDBVLDB-1985-Kiessling #correlation #on the #performance #query #semantics
On Semantic Reefs and Efficient Processing of Correlation Queries with Aggregates (WK), pp. 241–250.
STOCSTOC-1985-BakkerMOZ #concurrent #semantics
Transition Systems, Infinitary Languages and the Semantics of Uniform Concurrency (JWdB, JJCM, ERO, JIZ), pp. 252–262.
STOCSTOC-1985-FaginV #logic #semantics
An Internal Semantics for Modal Logic: Preliminary Report (RF, MYV), pp. 305–315.
ICALPICALP-1985-BakkerMO #concurrent #finite #infinity #semantics
Infinite Streams and Finite Observations in the Semantics of Uniform Concurrency (JWdB, JJCM, ERO), pp. 149–157.
ICALPICALP-1985-GoguenJM #algebra #order #semantics
Operational Semantics for Order-Sorted Algebra (JAG, JPJ, JM), pp. 221–231.
ICALPICALP-1985-Pnueli #branch #linear #logic #semantics
Linear and Branching Structures in the Semantics and Logics of Reactive Systems (AP), pp. 15–32.
SIGIRSIGIR-1985-Rijsbergen #semantics
Formal Semantics for Text and Data (CJvR), p. 9.
POPLPOPL-1985-Appel #code generation #semantics
Semantics-Directed Code Generation (AWA), pp. 315–324.
POPLPOPL-1985-HalpernWWW #semantics
Denotational Semantics and Rewrite Rules for FP (JYH, JHW, ELW, TCW), pp. 108–120.
POPLPOPL-1985-Wand #semantics
Embedding Type Structure in Semantics (MW), pp. 1–6.
ICLPSLP-1985-LeviP85 #declarative #logic #semantics
The Declarative Semantics of Logical Read-Only Variables (GL, CP), pp. 128–137.
ICLPSLP-1985-Reddy85 #functional #semantics
Narrowing as the Operational Semantics of Functional Languages (USR), pp. 138–151.
PODSPODS-1984-AbiteboulH #database #named #semantics
IFO: A Formal Semantic Database Model (SA, RH), pp. 119–132.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1984-ShepherdK #database #knowledge base #named #semantics #specification
PRISM: A Knowledge Based System for Semantic Integrity Specification and Enforcement in Database Systems (AS, LK), pp. 307–315.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1984-TsurZ #implementation #relational #semantics
An Implementation of GEM — Supporting a Semantic Data Model on a Relational Back-End (ST, CZ), pp. 286–295.
VLDBVLDB-1984-EhrichLG #constraints #database #semantics #specification
Specification, Semantics, and Enforcement of Dynamic Database Constraints (HDE, UWL, MG), pp. 301–308.
VLDBVLDB-1984-KingM #information management #interface #named #semantics
Ski: A Semantics-Knowledgeable Interface (RK, SM), pp. 30–33.
PLDISCC-1984-Koskimies #analysis #semantics #specification
A specification language for one-pass semantic analysis (KK), pp. 179–189.
PLDISCC-1984-Pleban #compilation #prototype #semantics #using
Compiler prototyping using formal semantics (UFP), pp. 94–105.
PLDISCC-1984-Wand #prototype #semantics
A semantic prototyping system (MW), pp. 213–221.
ICALPICALP-1984-Reisig #partial order #semantics
Partial Order Semantics versus Interleaving Semantics for CSP-like Languages and its Impact on Fairness (WR), pp. 403–413.
LISPLFP-1984-Clinger #compilation #semantics
The Scheme 311 Compiler: An Exercise in Denotational Semantics (WDC), p. 356–?.
SIGIRSIGIR-1984-AzmoodehLS #semantics
The Semantic Binary Relationship Model of Information (MKA, SHL, MS), pp. 133–151.
SIGIRSIGIR-1984-Tague #retrieval #semantics
A Semantic Model and Schema Notation for Bibliographic Retrieval Systems (JT), pp. 71–93.
POPLPOPL-1984-HalpernMT #question #semantics #what
The Semantics of Local Storage, or What Makes the Free-List Free? (JYH, ARM, BAT), pp. 245–257.
POPLPOPL-1984-Smith #lisp #semantics
Reflection and Semantics in Lisp (BCS), pp. 23–35.
POPLPOPL-1984-Wand #morphism #polymorphism #semantics
A Types-as-Sets Semantics for Milner-Style Polymorphism (MW), pp. 158–164.
ICSEICSE-1984-Ramamritham #ada #semantics
Resource Controller Tasks in Ada: Their Structure and Semantics (KR), pp. 67–77.
ICLPILPC-1984-McCord84 #semantics
Semantic Interpretation for the Epistle System (MCM), pp. 65–76.
ICLPSLP-1984-JonesM84 #development #prolog #semantics
Stepwise Development of Operational and Denotational Semantics for Prolog (NDJ, AM), pp. 281–288.
ICLPSLP-1984-PortoF84 #approach #logic programming #natural language #semantics
Natural Language Semantics: A Logic Programming Approach (AP, MF), pp. 228–232.
ICLPSLP-1984-Tamaki84 #logic programming #programming language #semantics
Semantics of a Logic Programming Language with a Reducibility Predicate (HT), pp. 259–264.
PODSPODS-1983-FaginUV #database #on the #semantics
On the Semantics of Updates in Databases (RF, JDU, MYV), pp. 352–365.
VLDBVLDB-1983-ChanDFR #database #distributed #semantics
Supporting a Semantic Data Model in a Distributed Database System (AC, UD, SF, DRR), pp. 354–363.
VLDBVLDB-1983-Verroust #database #semantics
Characterization of Well-Behaved Database Schemata and Their Update Semantics (AV), pp. 312–321.
ICALPICALP-1983-Abramsky #multi #on the #semantics
On Semantic Foundations for Applicative Multiprogramming (SA), pp. 1–14.
ICALPICALP-1983-BakkerBKM #branch #linear #recursion #semantics
Linear Time and Branching Time Semantics for Recursion with Merge (JWdB, JAB, JWK, JJCM), pp. 39–51.
ICALPICALP-1983-BakkerZ #ada #process #semantics
Processes and a Fair Semantics for the Ada Rendez-Vous (JWdB, JIZ), pp. 52–66.
ICALPICALP-1983-DarondeauK #on the #parallel #semantics
On the Observational Semantics of Fair Parallelism (PD, LK), pp. 147–159.
ICALPICALP-1983-Ganzinger #compilation #composition #data type #semantics
Modular Compiler Descriptions Based on Abstract Semantic Data Types (Extended Abstract) (HG), pp. 237–249.
ICALPICALP-1983-HalpernMM #hardware #semantics
A Hardware Semantics Based on Temporal Intervals (JYH, ZM, BCM), pp. 278–291.
ICALPICALP-1983-Moller #algebra #data-driven #evaluation #functional #lazy evaluation #semantics
An Algebraic Semantics for Busy (Data-Driven) and Lazy (Demand-Driven) Evaluation and its Application to a Functional Language (BM), pp. 513–526.
ICALPICALP-1983-OlderogH #communication #process #semantics
Specification-Oriented Semantics for Communicating Processes (ERO, CARH), pp. 561–572.
POPLPOPL-1983-Leivant83a #data type #polymorphism #semantics
Structural Semantics for Polymorphic Data Types (DL), pp. 155–166.
DACDAC-1982-MuellerV #automation #semantics
Formal semantics for the automated derivation of micro-code (RAM, JV), pp. 815–824.
VLDBVLDB-1982-ChanDFLNR #semantics
Storage and Access Structures to Support a Semantic Data Model (AC, SD, SF, WTKL, AN, DRR), pp. 122–130.
VLDBVLDB-1982-GangopadhyayDB #approach #network #object-oriented #semantics
Semantics of Network Data Manipulation Languages: An Object-Oriented Approach (DG, UD, JCB), pp. 357–369.
VLDBVLDB-1982-Lafue #dependence #semantics
Semantic Integrity Dependencies and Delayed Integrity Checking (GMEL), pp. 292–299.
VLDBVLDB-1982-LouisP #calculus #relational #semantics
A Denotational Definition of the Semantics of DRC, A Domain Relational Calculus (GL, AP), pp. 348–356.
PLDISCC-1982-BodwinBKLP #compilation #experience #generative #semantics
Experience with an Experimental Compiler Generator Based on Denotational Semantics (JB, LB, KK, DL, UFP), pp. 216–229.
PLDISCC-1982-GanzingerGMW #compilation #generative #semantics
A Truly Generative Semantics-Directed Compiler Generator (HG, RG, UM, RW), pp. 172–184.
PLDISCC-1982-JohnsonR #fault #semantics
Semantic Errors — Diagnosis and Repair (CWJ, CR), pp. 88–97.
PLDISCC-1982-PrattM #experience #semantics
Experience with the Normal Semantic Definition of HAL/S (TWP, GDM), pp. 327–333.
PLDISCC-1982-Raskovsky #code generation #semantics #specification
Denotational Semantics as a Specification of Code Generators (MRR), pp. 230–244.
PLDISCC-1982-Sethi #aspect-oriented #compilation #control flow #semantics #summary
Control Flow Aspects of Semantics Directed Compiling (Summary) (RS), pp. 245–260.
STOCSTOC-1982-DeBakkerZ #concurrent #semantics
Denotational Semantics of Concurrency (JWdB, JIZ), pp. 153–158.
ICALPICALP-1982-Faustini #data flow #semantics
An Operational Semantics for Pure Dataflow (AAF), pp. 212–224.
ICALPICALP-1982-Niwinski #algebra #fixpoint #semantics
Fixed-Point Semantics for Algebraic (Tree) Grammars (Extended Abstract) (DN), pp. 384–396.
ICALPICALP-1982-Schmeck #algebra #recursion #semantics
Algebraic Semantics of Recursive Flowchart Schemes (HS), pp. 489–501.
ICALPICALP-1982-Scott #semantics
Domains for Denotational Semantics (DSS), pp. 577–613.
ICALPICALP-1982-Tennent #semantics
Semantics of Interference Control (RDT), pp. 532–545.
ICALPICALP-1982-Winskel #semantics
Event Structure Semantics for CCS and Related Languages (GW), pp. 561–576.
LISPLFP-1982-CartwrightD #evaluation #lazy evaluation #semantics
The Semantics of Lazy (and Industrious) Evaluation (RC, JED), p. 253–?.
LISPLFP-1982-MacQueenS #semantics
A Semantic Model of Types for Applicative Languages (DBM, RS), pp. 243–252.
ICGTGG-1982-Pratt #semantics #specification #using
Formal specification of software using H-graph semantics (TWP), pp. 314–332.
POPLPOPL-1982-GansnerHKMS #correctness #query #semantics
Semantics and Correctness of a Query Language Translation (EG, JRH, CMRK, DJM, PS), pp. 289–298.
POPLPOPL-1982-Henson #generative #interpreter #semantics
Completion Semantics, Interpreter Generation (MCH, RT), pp. 242–254.
POPLPOPL-1982-Paulson #compilation #generative #semantics
A Semantics-Directed Compiler Generator (LCP), pp. 224–233.
POPLPOPL-1982-Reps #analysis #editing #incremental #semantics
Optimal-Time Incremental Semantic Analysis for Syntax-Directed Editors (TWR), pp. 169–176.
POPLPOPL-1982-Wand #architecture #semantics
Semantics-Directed Machine Architecture (MW), pp. 234–241.
ICLPILPC-1982-Pique82 #natural language #on the #representation #semantics
On a Semantic Representation of Natural Language Sentences (JFP), pp. 215–223.
ICLPILPC-1982-Sato82 #prolog #semantics #source code
Negation and Semantics of Prolog Programs (TS), pp. 169–174.
VLDBVLDB-1981-BorgidaW #modelling #proving #semantics
Data Models and Data Manipulation Languages: Complementary Semantics and Proof Theory (AB, HKTW), pp. 260–271.
VLDBVLDB-1981-Brodie #behaviour #database #modelling #on the #semantics
On Modelling Behavioural Semantics of Databases (MLB), pp. 32–42.
VLDBVLDB-1981-King #database #named #optimisation #query #relational #semantics
QUIST: A System for Semantic Query Optimization in Relational Databases (JJK), pp. 510–517.
VLDBVLDB-1981-LienST #database #named #semantics
DSIS — A Database System with Interrelational Semantics (YEL, JES, ST), pp. 465–477.
SIGIRSIGIR-1981-Shoval #concept #network #retrieval #semantics
Expert/Consultation System for a Retrieval Data-Base with Semantic Network of Concepts (PS), pp. 145–149.
POPLPOPL-1981-Polak #semantics #verification
Program Verification Based on Denotational Semantics (WP), pp. 149–158.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1980-Burger #database #semantics
Semantic Database Mapping in EUFID (JFB), pp. 67–74.
VLDBVLDB-1980-BernsteinBC #maintenance #performance #semantics #using
Fast Maintenance of Semantic Integrity Assertions Using Redundant Aggregate Data (PAB, BTB, EMC), pp. 126–136.
VLDBVLDB-1980-Wilson #concept #semantics
A Conceptual Model for Semantic Integrity Checking (GAW), pp. 111–125.
VLDBVLDB-1980-WilsonH #semantics
Semantics vs. Graphics — To Show or not to Show (GAW, CFH), pp. 183–197.
ICALPICALP-1980-Back #bound #nondeterminism #semantics
Semantics of Unbounded Nondeterminism (RJB), pp. 51–63.
ICALPICALP-1980-CousotC #analysis #communication #csp #process #semantics
Semantic Analysis of Communicating Sequential Processes (Shortened Version) (PC, RC), pp. 119–133.
ICALPICALP-1980-EhrigKP #algebra #concept #correctness #data type #implementation #semantics #syntax
Algebraic Implementation of Abstract Data Types: Concept, Syntax, Semantics and Correctness (HE, HJK, PP), pp. 142–156.
ICALPICALP-1980-HornungR #algebra #data type #semantics
Terminal Algebra Semantics and Retractions for Abstract Data Types (GH, PR), pp. 310–323.
ICALPICALP-1980-Majster-Cederbaum #algebra #axiom #fixpoint #named #semantics
Semantics: Algebras, Fixed Points, Axioms (MEMC), pp. 394–408.
LISPLISP-1980-MuchnickP #comparison #lisp #semantics
A Semantic Comparison of LISP and Scheme (SSM, UFP), pp. 56–64.
AdaTFDA-1980-BundgaardS #ada #semantics
A Denotational (Static) Semantics Method for Defining Ada Context Conditions (JB, LS), pp. 21–212.
AdaTFDA-1980-Pedersen #ada #semantics
A Formal Semantics Definition of Sequential Ada (JSP), pp. 213–308.
POPLPOPL-1980-Sethi #case study #programming language #semantics #specification
A Case Study in Specifying the Semantics of a Programming Language (RS), pp. 117–130.
CCSDCG-1980-Ganzinger #attribute grammar #semantics
Transforming denotational semantics into practical attribute grammars (HG), pp. 1–69.
CCSDCG-1980-JonesS #compilation #generative #semantics
Compiler generation from denotational semantics (NDJ, DAS), pp. 70–93.
CCSDCG-1980-Madsen #attribute grammar #on the #semantics
On defining semantics by means of extended attribute grammars (OLM), pp. 259–299.
CCSDCG-1980-RaskovskyC #implementation #semantics #standard
From standard to implementation denotational semantics (MRR, PAC), pp. 94–139.
CCSDCG-1980-Turchin #automation #compilation #semantics
Semantic definitions in REFAL and the automatic production of compilers (VFT), pp. 441–474.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1979-BadalP #analysis #performance #semantics #validation
Cost and Performance Analysis of Semantic Integrity Validation Methods (DZB, GJP), pp. 109–115.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1979-Sciore #database #relational #semantics #specification
Improving Semantic Specification in a Relational Database (ES), pp. 170–178.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1979-Vassiliou #approach #database #null #semantics
Null Values in Data Base Management: A Denotational Semantics Approach (YV), pp. 162–169.
VLDBVLDB-1979-Demolombe #calculus #semantics
Semantic Checking of Questions Expressed in Predicate Calculus Language (RD), pp. 444–450.
VLDBVLDB-1979-Santos #semantics
The Quest for Comprehensive Semantic Formalisms (CSdS), pp. 83–84.
PLDISCC-1979-CordyHW #approach #diagrams #semantics
Semantic charts: A diagrammatic approach to semantic processing (JRC, RCH, DBW), pp. 39–49.
STOCSTOC-1979-Berman #axiom #semantics
A Completeness Technique for D-Axiomatizable Semantics (FB), pp. 160–166.
ICALPICALP-1979-CoppoDS #functional #semantics #λ-calculus
Functional Characterization of Some Semantic Equalities inside λ-Calculus (MC, MDC, PS), pp. 133–146.
ICALPICALP-1979-Istrail #fixpoint #monad #recursion #semantics #source code #theorem
A Fixed-Point Theorem for Recursive-Enumerable Languages and Some Considerations About Fixed-Point Semantics of Monadic Programs (SI), pp. 289–303.
ICALPICALP-1979-SethiT #call-by #continuation #semantics
Constructing Call-by-Value Continuation Semantics (RS, AT), pp. 556–570.
ICALPICALP-1979-ShieldsL #concurrent #semantics
A Formal Semantics for Concurrent Systems (MWS, PEL), pp. 571–584.
POPLPOPL-1979-GreifM #programming language #semantics #specification
Specifying Programming Language Semantics (IG, ARM), pp. 180–189.
ICSEICSE-1979-Horejs #finite #semantics #testing
Finite Semantics for Program Testing (JH), pp. 433–441.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1978-HammerM #database #modelling #semantics
The Semantic Data Model: A Modelling Mechanism for Data Base Applications (MH, DM), pp. 26–36.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1978-LeeG #semantics
Extended Semantics for Generalization Hierarchies (RML, RG), pp. 18–25.
VLDBVLDB-1978-Sharman #metamodelling #question #semantics #what
What is a “Good” Semantic or Meta Model? (GS), p. 138.
STOCSTOC-1978-RaoultV #equivalence #recursion #semantics #source code
Operational and Semantic Equivalence between Recursive Programs (JCR, JV), pp. 75–85.
ICALPICALP-1978-Gallier #correctness #nondeterminism #recursion #semantics #source code
Semantics and Correctness of Nondeterministic Flowchart Programs with Recursive Procedures (JHG), pp. 251–267.
FMVDM-1978-Jones78a #continuation #goto #semantics
Denotational Semantics of GOTO: An Exit Formulation and Its Relation to Continuations (CBJ), pp. 278–304.
ICGTGG-1978-ArbibM #algebra #monad #recursion #semantics
Partially-Additive Monoids, Graph-Growing, and the Algebraic Semantics of Recursive Calls (MAA, EGM), pp. 127–138.
ICGTGG-1978-Padawitz #graph grammar #semantics
Graph Grammars and Operational Semantics (PP), pp. 350–366.
ICGTGG-1978-Pratt #graph #programming language #semantics #using
Definition of Programming Language Semantics Using Grammars for Hierarchical Graphs (TWP), pp. 389–400.
POPLPOPL-1978-JoshiLY #constraints #programming language #semantics #syntax
Local Constraints in the Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages (AKJ, LSL, KY), pp. 255–264.
POPLPOPL-1978-Kosinki #data flow #semantics #source code
A Straightforward Denotational Semantics for Non-Determinant Data Flow Programs (PRK), pp. 214–221.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1977-SuL #database #program analysis #semantics
A Methodology of Application Program Analysis and Conversion Based on Database Semantics (SYWS, BJL), pp. 75–87.
VLDBVLDB-1977-Lipski #database #on the #semantics
On Semantic Issues Connected with Incomplete Information Data Bases (Abstract) (WLJ), p. 491.
ICALPICALP-1977-AptB #pascal #proving #semantics
Semantics and Proof Theory of Pascal Procedures (KRA, JWdB), pp. 30–44.
POPLPOPL-1977-CherniavskyK #consistency #hoare #programming language #semantics
A Complete and Consistent Hoare Semantics for a Simple Programming Language (JCC, SNK), pp. 1–9.
POPLPOPL-1977-Lang #call-by #evaluation #semantics
Threshold Evaluation and the Semantics of Call by Value, Assignment and Generic Procedures (BL), pp. 227–237.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1976-Minsky #semantics
Files with Semantics (NHM), pp. 65–73.
VLDBVLDB-1976-HartsonH #database #semantics
A Semantic Model for Data Base Protection Languages (HRH, DKH), pp. 27–42.
ICALPICALP-1976-Bakker #nondeterminism #recursion #semantics #source code #termination
Semantics and Termination of Nondeterministic Recursive Programs (JWdB), pp. 435–477.
ICALPICALP-1976-Guessarian #equivalence #semantics
Semantic Equivalence of Program Schemes and its Syntactic Characterization (IG), pp. 189–200.
ICALPICALP-1976-HennessyA #nondeterminism #semantics
The Semantics of Nondeterminism (MH, EAA), pp. 478–493.
POPLPOPL-1976-Kosinski #data flow #programming #semantics
Mathematical Semantics and Data Flow Programming (PRK), pp. 175–184.
ICSEICSE-1976-HammerM #database #framework #semantics
A Framework for Data Base Semantic Integrity (MH, DM), pp. 498–504.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1975-SchmidS #on the #relational #semantics
On the Semantics of the Relational Data Model (HAS, JRS), pp. 211–223.
VLDBVLDB-1975-HammerM #database #relational #semantics
Semantic Integrity in a Relational Data Base System (MH, DM), pp. 25–47.
VLDBVLDB-1975-RoussopoulosM #database #network #semantics #using
Using Semantic Networks for Database Management (NR, JM), pp. 144–172.
STOCSTOC-1975-EgliC #concept #programming language #semantics
Computability Concepts for Programming Language Semantics (HE, RLC), pp. 98–106.
POPLPOPL-1975-Cohen #parallel #scheduling #semantics
A Semantic Model for Parallel Systems with Scheduling (ESC), pp. 87–94.
POPLPOPL-1975-GreifH #semantics
Actor Semantics of Planner-73 (IG, CH), pp. 67–77.
STOCSTOC-1974-CourcelleV #axiom #recursion #semantics
Semantics and Axiomatics of a Simple Recursive Language (BC, JV), pp. 13–26.
ICALPICALP-1974-Ausiello #complexity #recursion #semantics #source code
Relations between Semantics and Complexity of Recursive Programs (GA), pp. 129–140.
ICALPICALP-1974-MichelisS #diagrams #semantics
Semantic Characterization of Flow Diagrams and Their Decomposability (GDM, CS), pp. 81–96.
ICALPICALP-1974-Reynolds #continuation #on the #semantics
On the Relation between Direct and Continuation Semantics (JCR), pp. 141–156.
POPLPOPL-1973-Backus #programming language #semantics
Programming Language Semantics and Closed Applicative Languages (JWB), pp. 71–86.
POPLPOPL-1973-Tennent #semantics
Mathematical Semantics of Snobol 4 (RDT), pp. 95–107.
ICALPICALP-1972-AguzziPS #algorithm #approach #programming language #semantics
An Algorithmic Approach to the Semantics of Programming Languages (GA, RP, RS), pp. 147–166.
SIGIRSIGIR-1971-PacakP #automation #semantics
The Function of Semantics in Automated Language Processing (MP, AWP), pp. 5–18.
SIGIRSIGIR-1971-Su #semantics
Managing Semantic Data in an Associative Net (SYWS), pp. 105–116.
STOCSTOC-1969-Blum69a #compilation #formal method #programming language #semantics #towards
Towards a Theory of Semantics and Compilers for Programming Languages (EKB), pp. 217–227.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.