Collaborated with:
D.Castelli L.Candela M.Simi C.Meghini M.Assante L.Lelii F.Simeoni P.Manghi F.D.Faveri D.Lievens M.Artini M.Mikulicic A.Andreoni M.B.Baldacci S.Biagioni C.Carlesi C.Peters L.Frosini A.Manzi G.Kakaletris M.Sibeko G.Papanikos P.Polydoras Y.E.Ioannidis D.Aarvaag F.Crestani
Talks about:
librari (8) digit (8) infrastructur (4) servic (4) opendlib (3) virtual (3) system (3) approach (2) grid (2) multidimension (1)
Person: Pasquale Pagano
DBLP: Pagano:Pasquale
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- TPDL-2011-AssantePCFL #approach #research #user interface
- An Approach to Virtual Research Environment User Interfaces Dynamic Construction (MA, PP, LC, FDF, LL), pp. 101–109.
- ECDL-2009-SimeoniCLPS #adaptation #approach #functional #library
- Functional Adaptivity for Digital Library Services in e-Infrastructures: The gCube Approach (FS, LC, DL, PP, MS), pp. 51–62.
- ECDL-2008-ArtiniCCMMP #framework #library #repository
- Sustainable Digital Library Systems over the DRIVER Repository Infrastructure (MA, LC, DC, PM, MM, PP), pp. 227–231.
- ECDL-2008-AssanteCCFLMMPS #generative #library
- An Extensible Virtual Digital Libraries Generator (MA, LC, DC, LF, LL, PM, AM, PP, MS), pp. 122–134.
- ECDL-2007-SimeoniCKSPPPIAC #distributed #framework #retrieval
- A Grid-Based Infrastructure for Distributed Retrieval (FS, LC, GK, MS, PP, GP, PP, YEI, DA, FC), pp. 161–173.
- ECDL-2006-CandelaCPS #framework #grid #named
- OpenDLibG: Extending OpenDLib by Exploiting a gLite Grid Infrastructure (LC, DC, PP, MS), pp. 1–13.
- ECDL-2004-CandelaCP
- Enhancing the OpenDLib Search Service (LC, DC, PP), pp. 353–365.
- ECDL-2003-CandelaCP #library #scalability
- A Service for Supporting Virtual Views of Large Heterogeneous Digital Libraries (LC, DC, PP), pp. 362–373.
- ECDL-2002-CastelliMP #library #multi #query
- Foundations of a Multidimensional Query Language for Digital Libraries (DC, CM, PP), pp. 251–265.
- ECDL-2002-CastelliP #library #named
- OpenDLib: A Digital Library Service System (DC, PP), pp. 292–308.
- ECDL-1999-AndreoniBBCCPP #library
- Developing a European Technical Reference Digital Library (AA, MBB, SB, CC, DC, PP, CP), pp. 343–362.
- JCDL-2003-CastelliP #library
- A System for Building Expandable Digital Libraries (DC, PP), pp. 335–345.