Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × Czech Republic
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.Bulej D.Ansaloni Y.Zheng W.Binder V.Babka J.Kleindienst F.Plasil S.Kell L.Marek A.Sewe A.Sarimbekov A.Villazón Z.Qi M.Mezini
Talks about:
program (2) analysi (2) dynam (2) java (2) instrument (1) comprehens (1) implement (1) platform (1) virtual (1) softwar (1)
Person: Petr Tuma
DBLP: Tuma:Petr
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ECOOP-2013-AnsaloniKZBBT #composition #java #program analysis #tool support #virtual machine
- Enabling Modularity and Re-use in Dynamic Program Analysis Tools for the Java Virtual Machine (DA, SK, YZ, LB, WB, PT), pp. 352–377.
- GPCE-2013-MarekKZBBTASS #framework #java #named #platform #program analysis #robust
- ShadowVM: robust and comprehensive dynamic program analysis for the java platform (LM, SK, YZ, LB, WB, PT, DA, AS, AS), pp. 105–114.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-ZhengAMSBVTQM #bytecode #partial evaluation
- Turbo DiSL: Partial Evaluation for High-Level Bytecode Instrumentation (YZ, DA, LM, AS, WB, AV, PT, ZQ, MM), pp. 353–368.
- QoSA-2010-BabkaTB #modelling #performance #predict #random #validation
- Validating Model-Driven Performance Predictions on Random Software Systems (VB, PT, LB), pp. 3–19.
- OOPSLA-1996-KleindienstPT #corba #implementation #lessons learnt #persistent
- Lessons Learned from Implementing the CORBA Persistent Object Service (JK, FP, PT), pp. 150–167.