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Travelled to:
1 × Finland
1 × Ireland
1 × Japan
1 × Poland
1 × Slovenia
1 × South Africa
1 × Spain
1 × Taiwan
18 × USA
2 × China
2 × Czech Republic
2 × Hungary
2 × Switzerland
2 × The Netherlands
2 × United Kingdom
3 × France
3 × Germany
3 × Italy
5 × Canada
Collaborated with:
M.Eichberg K.Ostermann S.Erdweg T.Schäfer M.Monperrus G.Salvaneschi J.Lerch E.Bodden C.Bockisch A.Charfi K.J.Lieberherr A.Sewe B.Hermann M.Bruch G.Kiczales R.Mogk T.Dinkelaker S.Kloppenburg M.Reif R.Knöll S.Grewe J.Drechsler M.Haupt V.Gasiunas S.Amann M.Aly M.Martin S.Nadi W.Binder S.Proksch K.Klose V.Cepa A.P.Buchmann S.Herrmann R.Mitschke M.Akşit M.Arnold J.Späth O.Bracevac E.Kuci S.Kanthak L.Glanz A.Sarimbekov M.Köhler S.Henß M.Kimmig H.Müller J.Jonas D.H.Lorenz L.M.Seiter S.Krüger K.A.0001 D.Ansaloni P.Wittmann B.Schmeling M.Cilia L.Fiege G.Mühl J.U.Pipka T.Dittmar W.Boot Michael Raulf A.Pacak M.Krebs J.Sinschek H.Oueslati H.Yin M.Kahl D.Saha I.Aracic M.Merz B.Rank D.Germanus L.Mrokon T.Schuh D.Helm F.Kübler A.Bejleri L.Baumgärtner B.Freisleben Matthias Eichholz Eric Campbell N.Foster S.Arzt K.Ali T.Tolêdo M.Ribeiro C.Brabrand P.Borba Daniel Sokolowski P.Haller N.P.Ricci S.Z.Guyer Y.Zheng L.Marek A.Villazón P.Tuma Z.Qi F.Göpfert F.G.0001 C.Weinert D.Demmler R.Kamath
Talks about:
softwar (11) program (11) languag (8) model (8) type (7) java (7) toward (6) system (6) orient (6) code (6)

♀ Person: Mira Mezini

DBLP DBLP: Mezini:Mira

Facilitated 6 volumes:

ASE 2013PrCo
SLE 2012PrCo
ECOOP 2011Ed

Contributed to:

ESEC/FSE 20152015
OOPSLA 20152015
Onward! 20152015
FSE 20142014
OOPSLA 20142014
CSMR 20132013
EDOC 20132013
GPCE 20132013
ICPC 20132013
PLDI 20132013
CAiSE 20122012
ICSE 20122012
ISMM 20122012
TOOLS Europe 20122012
ASE 20112011
ICSE 20112011
OOPSLA 20112011
Onward! 20112011
SAC 20112011
SAC 20112013
TOOLS Europe 20112011
TOOLS Europe 20112012
CBSE 20102010
ECMFA 20102010
ECOOP 20102010
MSR 20102010
ESEC/FSE 20092009
OOPSLA 20092009
ICSE 20082008
OOPSLA 20072007
PADL 20072007
WCRE 20072007
ASE 20062006
CSMR 20062006
LDTA 20062006
OOPSLA 20062006
ECOOP 20052005
FASE 20052005
ICSE 20052005
ICSM 20052005
VISSOFT 20052005
FSE 20042004
GPCE 20042004
WCRE 20042004
Ada-Europe 20032003
GPCE 20032003
ECOOP 20022002
OOPSLA 20022002
OOPSLA 20012001
ICSE 20002000
OOPSLA 20002000
GCSE 19991999
TOOLS USA 19991999
OOPSLA 19981998
ECOOP 19971997
OOPSLA 19971997
ASE 20152015
ASE 20162016
FSE 20162016
ASE 20172017
ESEC/FSE 20172017
ASE 20182018
ECOOP 20172017
ECOOP 20182018
OOPSLA 20182018
ECOOP 20192019
OOPSLA 20192019
PPDP 20162016
PPDP 20182018

Wrote 79 papers:

Hidden truths in dead software paths (ME, BH, MM, LG), pp. 474–484.
ESEC-FSE-2015-HermannREM #java #towards
Getting to know you: towards a capability model for Java (BH, MR, ME, MM), pp. 758–769.
OOPSLA-2015-ErdwegBKKM #incremental #type checking
A co-contextual formulation of type rules and its application to incremental type checking (SE, OB, EK, MK, MM), pp. 880–897.
Onward-2015-ArztNABEM #encryption #integration #towards
Towards secure integration of cryptographic software (SA, SN, KA, EB, SE, MM), pp. 1–13.
Onward-2015-GreweEWM #performance #proving #type system
Type systems for the masses: deriving soundness proofs and efficient checkers (SG, SE, PW, MM), pp. 137–150.
FSE-2014-LerchHBM #analysis #named #performance #scalability
FlowTwist: efficient context-sensitive inside-out taint analysis for large codebases (JL, BH, EB, MM), pp. 98–108.
FSE-2014-SalvaneschiAPM #comprehension #empirical #programming
An empirical study on program comprehension with reactive programming (GS, SA, SP, MM), pp. 564–575.
OOPSLA-2014-DrechslerSMM #algorithm #distributed #programming
Distributed REScala: an update algorithm for distributed reactive programming (JD, GS, RM, MM), pp. 361–376.
OOPSLA-2014-MitschkeEKMS #named
i3QL: language-integrated live data views (RM, SE, MK, MM, GS), pp. 417–432.
CSMR-2013-LerchM #debugging
Finding Duplicates of Your Yet Unwritten Bug Report (JL, MM), pp. 69–78.
EDOC-2013-AlyCEM #interface #multi #named
XPoints: Extension Interfaces for Multilayered Applications (MA, AC, SE, MM), pp. 237–246.
GPCE-2013-MartinME #reuse
Template constructors for reusable object initialization (MM, MM, SE), pp. 43–52.
ICPC-2013-AlyCM #comprehension #towards
Building extensions for applications: Towards the understanding of extension possibilities (MA, AC, MM), pp. 182–191.
PLDI-2013-BoddenTRBBM #named #product line
SPLLIFT: statically analyzing software product lines in minutes instead of years (EB, TT, MR, CB, PB, MM), pp. 355–364.
CAiSE-2012-SchmelingCMM #composition #non-functional #towards
Towards Conflict-Free Composition of Non-functional Concerns (BS, AC, MM, MM), pp. 80–94.
ICSE-2012-HenssMM #automation #development
Semi-automatically extracting FAQs to improve accessibility of software development knowledge (SH, MM, MM), pp. 793–803.
ISMM-2012-SeweMSABRG #behaviour #comparison #java #memory management #scala #source code
new Scala() instance of Java: a comparison of the memory behaviour of Java and Scala programs (AS, MM, AS, DA, WB, NPR, SZG), pp. 97–108.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-ZhengAMSBVTQM #bytecode #partial evaluation
Turbo DiSL: Partial Evaluation for High-Level Bytecode Instrumentation (YZ, DA, LM, AS, WB, AV, PT, ZQ, MM), pp. 353–368.
ASE-2011-KimmigMM #natural language #query #source code
Querying source code with natural language (MK, MM, MM), pp. 376–379.
ICSE-2011-BoddenSSOM #static analysis
Taming reflection: Aiding static analysis in the presence of reflection and custom class loaders (EB, AS, JS, HO, MM), pp. 241–250.
OOPSLA-2011-SeweMSB #analysis #benchmark #design #java #metric #scala #virtual machine
Da capo con scala: design and analysis of a scala benchmark suite for the java virtual machine (AS, MM, AS, WB), pp. 657–676.
Naturalistic types (RK, VG, MM), pp. 33–48.
SAC-2011-DinkelakerEM #embedded #incremental #syntax
Incremental concrete syntax for embedded languages (TD, ME, MM), pp. 1309–1316.
SAC-PL-J-2011-DinkelakerEM13 #compilation #embedded #incremental #syntax
Incremental concrete syntax for embedded languages with support for separate compilation (TD, ME, MM), pp. 615–632.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-BockischSMA #execution #overview
An Overview of ALIA4J — An Execution Model for Advanced-Dispatching Languages (CB, AS, MM, MA), pp. 131–146.
An In-Depth Look at ALIA4J (CB, AS, HY, MM, MA), pp. 1–28.
CBSE-2010-EichbergKMM #component #composition #feature model #modelling #using
Component Composition Using Feature Models (ME, KK, RM, MM), pp. 200–215.
ECMFA-2010-CharfiMM #aspect-oriented #modelling #process
Aspect-Oriented Business Process Modeling with AO4BPMN (AC, HM, MM), pp. 48–61.
ECMFA-2010-EichbergMKM #execution #modelling
Model-Driven Engineering of Machine Executable Code (ME, MM, SK, MM), pp. 104–115.
ECOOP-2010-MonperrusBM #detection #object-oriented
Detecting Missing Method Calls in Object-Oriented Software (MM, MB, MM), pp. 2–25.
MSR-2010-BruchMM #framework #mining #reuse #subclass
Mining subclassing directives to improve framework reuse (MB, MM, MM), pp. 141–150.
ESEC-FSE-2009-BruchMM #code completion #learning
Learning from examples to improve code completion systems (MB, MM, MM), pp. 213–222.
OOPSLA-2009-KnollM #named #pattern matching
pi: a pattern language (RK, MM), pp. 503–522.
ICSE-2008-EichbergKKM #dependence
Defining and continuous checking of structural program dependencies (ME, SK, KK, MM), pp. 391–400.
ICSE-2008-SchaferJM #framework #mining
Mining framework usage changes from instantiation code (TS, JJ, MM), pp. 471–480.
Dependent classes (VG, MM, KO), pp. 133–152.
PADL-2007-EichbergKSMO #analysis #automation #prolog
Automatic Incrementalization of Prolog Based Static Analyses (ME, MK, DS, MM, KO), pp. 109–123.
WCRE-2007-SchaferAMMO #clustering #framework #generative
Clustering for Generating Framework Top-Level Views (TS, IA, MM, MM, KO), pp. 239–248.
ASE-2006-EichbergMKOR #analysis #scheduling #set
Integrating and Scheduling an Open Set of Static Analyses (ME, MM, SK, KO, BR), pp. 113–122.
CSMR-2006-EichbergGMMS #framework #named
QScope: an Open, Extensible Framework for Measuring Software Projects (ME, DG, MM, LM, TS), pp. 113–122.
LDTA-2006-EichbergKKMS #analysis #incremental
Incremental Confined Types Analysis (ME, SK, SK, MM, TS), pp. 81–96.
OOPSLA-2006-BockischADM #adaptation #virtual machine
Adapting virtual machine techniques for seamless aspect support (CB, MA, TD, MM), pp. 109–124.
OOPSLA-2006-BockischKHAM #control flow #performance #quantifier
Efficient control flow quantification (CB, SK, MH, MA, MM), pp. 125–138.
Separation of Concerns with Procedures, Annotations, Advice and Pointcuts (GK, MM), pp. 195–213.
ECOOP-2005-OstermannMB #composition
Expressive Pointcuts for Increased Modularity (KO, MM, CB), pp. 214–240.
FASE-2005-EichbergSM #using
Using Annotations to Check Structural Properties of Classes (ME, TS, MM), pp. 237–252.
ICSE-2005-KiczalesM #aspect-oriented #composition #programming #reasoning
Aspect-oriented programming and modular reasoning (GK, MM), pp. 49–58.
ICSM-2005-EichbergHMS #comprehension
Comprehensive Software Understanding with SEXTANT (ME, MH, MM, TS), pp. 315–324.
VISSOFT-2005-SchaferM #flexibility #tool support #towards #visualisation
Towards More Flexibility in Software Visualization Tools (TS, MM), pp. 64–69.
FSE-2004-MeziniO #aspect-oriented #feature model #programming #variability
Variability management with feature-oriented programming and aspects (MM, KO), pp. 127–136.
GPCE-2004-CepaM #dependence #dot-net
Declaring and Enforcing Dependencies Between .NET Custom Attributes (VC, MM), pp. 283–297.
WCRE-2004-EichbergMOS #development #kernel #named
XIRC: A Kernel for Cross-Artifact Information Engineering in Software Development Environments (ME, MM, KO, TS), pp. 182–191.
AdaEurope-2003-MeziniO #modelling
Modules for Crosscutting Models (MM, KO), pp. 24–44.
GPCE-2003-CiliaHMB #aspect-oriented #convergence #database #middleware #towards
The Convergence of AOP and Active Databases: Towards Reactive Middleware (MC, MH, MM, APB), pp. 169–188.
Engineering Event-Based Systems with Scopes (LF, MM, GM, APB), pp. 309–333.
OOPSLA-2002-MeziniO #component #independence #on-demand
Integrating independent components with on-demand remodularization (MM, KO), pp. 52–67.
OOPSLA-2001-OstermannM #composition #object-oriented
Object-Oriented Composition Untangled (KO, MM), pp. 283–299.
ICSE-2000-LieberherrLM #composition #object-oriented #reuse
Building modular object-oriented systems with reusable collaborations (KJL, DHL, MM), p. 821.
OOPSLA-2000-HerrmannM #case study #multi #named #re-engineering
PIROL: a case study for multidimensional separation of concerns in software engineering environments (SH, MM), pp. 188–207.
GCSE-1999-SeiterML #component
Dynamic Component Gluing (LMS, MM, KJL), pp. 134–164.
TOOLS-USA-1999-MeziniPDB #detection #evolution #java
Detecting Evolution Incompatibilities by Analyzing Java Binaries (MM, JUP, TD, WB), pp. 126–135.
OOPSLA-1998-MeziniL #adaptation #component #development
Adaptive Plug-and-Play Components for Evolutionary Software Development (MM, KJL), pp. 97–116.
ECOOP-1997-Mezini #evolution
Dynamic Object Evolution without Name Collisions (MM), pp. 190–219.
OOPSLA-1997-Mezini #consistency #evolution #library #maintenance
Maintaining the Consistency of Class Libraries During Their Evolution (MM), pp. 1–21.
ASE-2015-LerchSBM #abstraction #analysis #bound #data flow #scalability
Access-Path Abstraction: Scaling Field-Sensitive Data-Flow Analysis with Unbounded Access Paths (T) (JL, JS, EB, MM), pp. 619–629.
ASE-2016-ProkschANM #recommendation
Evaluating the evaluations of code recommender systems: a reality check (SP, SA, SN, MM), pp. 111–121.
FSE-2016-ReifEHLM #graph #java #library
Call graph construction for Java libraries (MR, ME, BH, JL, MM), pp. 474–486.
ASE-2017-KrugerNRAMBGGWD #developer #encryption #named #using
CogniCrypt: supporting developers in using cryptography (SK, SN, MR, KA0, MM, EB, FG, FG0, CW, DD, RK), pp. 931–936.
ESEC-FSE-2017-GlanzAERHLM #named #obfuscation
CodeMatch: obfuscation won't conceal your repackaged app (LG, SA, ME, MR, BH, JL, MM), pp. 638–648.
ASE-2018-HelmKERM #analysis #framework
A unified lattice model and framework for purity analyses (DH, FK, ME, MR, MM), pp. 340–350.
ECOOP-2017-KuciEBBM #java
A Co-contextual Type Checker for Featherweight Java (EK, SE, OB, AB, MM), p. 26.
ECOOP-2018-KrugerS0BM #api #approach #encryption #named #validation
CrySL: An Extensible Approach to Validating the Correct Usage of Cryptographic APIs (SK, JS, KA0, EB, MM), p. 27.
ECOOP-2018-MogkBSFM #distributed #fault tolerance #programming
Fault-tolerant Distributed Reactive Programming (RM, LB, GS, BF, MM), p. 26.
OOPSLA-2018-DrechslerMSM #programming #thread
Thread-safe reactive programming (JD, RM, GS, MM), p. 30.
ECOOP-2019-EichholzCFSM #how #programming #type safety
How to Avoid Making a Billion-Dollar Mistake: Type-Safe Data Plane Programming with SafeP4 (ME, EC, NF, GS, MM), p. 28.
OOPSLA-2019-MogkDSM #distributed #fault tolerance #interactive #programming
A fault-tolerant programming model for distributed interactive applications (RM, JD, GS, MM), p. 29.
OOPSLA-2019-SalvaneschiKSHE #distributed #privacy #query
Language-integrated privacy-aware distributed queries (GS, MK, DS, PH, SE, MM), p. 30.
PPDP-2016-GreweERM #compilation #first-order #logic #specification
Exploration of language specifications by compilation to first-order logic (SG, SE, MR, MM), pp. 104–117.
PPDP-2018-GreweEPM #automation #framework #proving #theorem proving
System Description: An Infrastructure for Combining Domain Knowledge with Automated Theorem Provers (SG, SE, AP, MM), p. 10.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.