Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Poland
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
W.Li S.Winkel R.Sampson Y.Wu M.J.Serrano J.Fang S.Ghosh A.Kanhere D.Kulkarni C.Lim J.Ng
Talks about:
product (2) compil (2) irregular (1) implement (1) prefetch (1) softwar (1) pipelin (1) stride (1) profil (1) latenc (1)
Person: Rakesh Krishnaiyer
DBLP: Krishnaiyer:Rakesh
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CGO-2008-WinkelKS #compilation #pipes and filters
- Latency-tolerant software pipelining in a production compiler (SW, RK, RS), pp. 104–113.
- CC-2003-GhoshKKKLLN #compilation #design #experience #implementation #optimisation
- Integrating High-Level Optimizations in a Production Compiler: Design and Implementation Experience (SG, AK, RK, DK, WL, CCL, JN), pp. 303–319.
- CC-2002-WuSKLF
- Value-Profile Guided Stride Prefetching for Irregular Code (YW, MJS, RK, WL, JF), pp. 307–324.