Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Italy
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.Martignoni G.F.Roglia D.Bruschi A.Fattori M.Monga
Talks about:
test (3) disassembl (2) system (2) differenti (1) transpar (1) virtual (1) version (1) product (1) analysi (1) machin (1)
Person: Roberto Paleari
DBLP: Paleari:Roberto
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ASE-2010-FattoriPMM #analysis
- Dynamic and transparent analysis of commodity production systems (AF, RP, LM, MM), pp. 417–426.
- ISSTA-2010-MartignoniPRB #testing #virtual machine
- Testing system virtual machines (LM, RP, GFR, DB), pp. 171–182.
- ISSTA-2010-PaleariMRB #difference #testing
- N-version disassembly: differential testing of x86 disassemblers (RP, LM, GFR, DB), pp. 265–274.
- ISSTA-2009-MartignoniPRB #cpu #testing
- Testing CPU emulators (LM, RP, GFR, DB), pp. 261–272.