1681 papers:
CASE-2015-ChanW #optimisation #segmentation- Progressive segmentation for MRR-based feed-rate optimization in CNC machining (KCC, CCLW), pp. 691–696.
CASE-2015-ChenHLL #development #ontology #tool support- Development of a Hybrid-Cloud-based Wheel-Manufacturing Service with Ontology inference for machine tools (CCC, MHH, YCL, PYL), pp. 1440–1445.
CASE-2015-ChenTLY #multi #optimisation #parametricity- Multi-objective parameter optimization of multi-pass CNC machining (XC, YT, CL, QY), pp. 45–50.
CASE-2015-CheongSB #ad hoc #automation #optimisation- Ad-hoc automated teller machine failure forecast and field service optimization (MLFC, KPS, BCB), pp. 1427–1433.
CASE-2015-Ellery #3d #self- Notes on extraterrestrial applications of 3D-printing with regard to self-replicating machines (AE), pp. 930–935.
CASE-2015-FarhanPWL #algorithm #machine learning #predict #using- Predicting individual thermal comfort using machine learning algorithms (AAF, KRP, BW, PBL), pp. 708–713.
CASE-2015-FerreiraBGV #framework #using- Consolidation of the control system of a chemical polishing machine for superconducting RF cavities using the UNICOS-CPC framework (RF, SB, PG, HV), pp. 1471–1476.
CASE-2015-FrigerioSM #energy #programming #tool support- Dynamic programming for energy control of machine tools in manufacturing (NF, JGS, AM), pp. 39–44.
CASE-2015-HuangCZ #modelling- Interval model based human welder’s movement control in machine assisted manual GTAW torch operation (NH, SC, YZ), pp. 395–400.
CASE-2015-JiaZAX #analysis #performance- Performance analysis of Bernoulli serial production lines with switch-on/off machine control (ZJ, LZ, JA, GX), pp. 477–482.
CASE-2015-LinHWC #development #multitenancy #novel #tool support- Development of a novel cloud-based multi-tenant model creation scheme for machine tools (YCL, MHH, CFW, FTC), pp. 1448–1449.
CASE-2015-LiuZ #adaptation #human-computer #modelling #predict #process- Adaptive predictive ANFIS based human arm movement modeling and control in machine-human cooperative GTAW process (YL, YZ), pp. 1465–1470.
CASE-2015-LiYTC #architecture #fault- Extracting relevant features for diagnosing machine tool faults in cloud architecture (YYL, HCY, HT, FTC), pp. 1434–1439.
CASE-2015-MonchY #constraints #parallel #scheduling- Scheduling jobs on parallel machines with qualification constraints (LM, CY), pp. 657–658.
CASE-2015-NelaturiB0K #automation- Automatic spatial planning for machining operations (SN, GB, CF, TK), pp. 677–682.
CASE-2015-SrinivasanBSSR #automation #machine learning #modelling #network #using- Modelling time-varying delays in networked automation systems with heterogeneous networks using machine learning techniques (SS, FB, GS, BS, SR), pp. 362–368.
CASE-2015-SundarkumarRNG #api #detection #machine learning #modelling #topic- Malware detection via API calls, topic models and machine learning (GGS, VR, IN, VG), pp. 1212–1217.
CASE-2015-SustoM #approach #machine learning #multi #predict- Slow release drug dissolution profile prediction in pharmaceutical manufacturing: A multivariate and machine learning approach (GAS, SFM), pp. 1218–1223.
CASE-2015-TiengYC #precise #tool support- Total precision inspection of machine tools with virtual metrology (HT, HCY, FTC), pp. 1446–1447.
CASE-2015-ZhuLTL #energy- A comprehensive energy model for CNC machining (YZ, CL, YT, LL), pp. 27–32.
DAC-2015-VenkataramaniRL #classification #energy #machine learning- Scalable-effort classifiers for energy-efficient machine learning (SV, AR, JL, MS), p. 6.
DAC-2015-XieZPHLX #energy- Fixing the broken time machine: consistency-aware checkpointing for energy harvesting powered non-volatile processor (MX, MZ, CP, JH, YL, CJX), p. 6.
DATE-2015-KaneYHSS #architecture #interface #realtime- A neural machine interface architecture for real-time artificial lower limb control (JK, QY, RH, WS, MS), pp. 633–636.
DATE-2015-OhYM #android #compilation #virtual machine- Bytecode-to-C ahead-of-time compilation for Android Dalvik virtual machine (HSO, JHY, SMM), pp. 1048–1053.
DATE-2015-ZhuM #linear #machine learning #optimisation #programming #using- Optimizing dynamic trace signal selection using machine learning and linear programming (CSZ, SM), pp. 1289–1292.
DocEng-2015-Kaplan- The Venice Time Machine (FK), p. 73.
DocEng-2015-SilvaFLCOSR #automation #documentation #machine learning #summary- Automatic Text Document Summarization Based on Machine Learning (GPeS, RF, RDL, LdSC, HO, SJS, MR), pp. 191–194.
HT-2015-BurnapCS #analysis #classification #communication #twitter- Machine Classification and Analysis of Suicide-Related Communication on Twitter (PB, WC, JS), pp. 75–84.
SIGMOD-2015-HuangBTRTR #machine learning #scalability- Resource Elasticity for Large-Scale Machine Learning (BH, MB, YT, BR, ST, FRR), pp. 137–152.
SIGMOD-2015-PerezSBPRSL #graph #interactive #named- Ringo: Interactive Graph Analytics on Big-Memory Machines (YP, RS, AB, RP, MR, PS, JL), pp. 1105–1110.
SIGMOD-2015-ReABCJKR #database #machine learning #question- Machine Learning and Databases: The Sound of Things to Come or a Cacophony of Hype? (CR, DA, MB, MIC, MIJ, TK, RR), pp. 283–284.
VLDB-2015-DongT #roadmap- A Time Machine for Information: Looking Back to Look Forward (XLD, WCT), pp. 2044–2055.
VLDB-2015-KumarJYNP #machine learning #normalisation #optimisation- Demonstration of Santoku: Optimizing Machine Learning over Normalized Data (AK, MJ, BY, JFN, JMP), pp. 1864–1875.
ITiCSE-2015-QuinsonO #education #learning #programming- A Teaching System to Learn Programming: the Programmer’s Learning Machine (MQ, GO), pp. 260–265.
FASE-2015-KnappMRG #state machine #uml- An Institution for Simple UML State Machines (AK, TM, MR, MG), pp. 3–18.
PLDI-2015-DeligiannisDKLT #analysis #programming #state machine #testing- Asynchronous programming, analysis and testing with state machines (PD, AFD, JK, AL, PT), pp. 154–164.
PLDI-2015-SrinivasanR #semantics #synthesis- Synthesis of machine code from semantics (VS, TWR), pp. 596–607.
STOC-2015-BansalK- Minimizing Flow-Time on Unrelated Machines (NB, JK), pp. 851–860.
STOC-2015-KoppulaLW #bound #memory management #obfuscation #turing machine- Indistinguishability Obfuscation for Turing Machines with Unbounded Memory (VK, ABL, BW), pp. 419–428.
CIAA-2015-KushikY #automaton #finite #nondeterminism #sequence #state machine- Describing Homing and Distinguishing Sequences for Nondeterministic Finite State Machines via Synchronizing Automata (NK, NY), pp. 188–198.
LATA-2015-EremondiIM #bound- Insertion Operations on Deterministic Reversal-Bounded Counter Machines (JE, OHI, IM), pp. 200–211.
CHI-2015-AmershiCDLSS #analysis #machine learning #named #performance #tool support- ModelTracker: Redesigning Performance Analysis Tools for Machine Learning (SA, MC, SMD, BL, PYS, JS), pp. 337–346.
CHI-2015-DevendorfR #configuration management #hybrid- Being the Machine: Reconfiguring Agency and Control in Hybrid Fabrication (LD, KR), pp. 2477–2486.
CHI-2015-HaraI #lessons learnt- Effect of Machine Translation in Interlingual Conversation: Lessons from a Formative Study (KH, STI), pp. 3473–3482.
CHI-2015-KatanGF #development #interactive #interface #machine learning #people #using- Using Interactive Machine Learning to Support Interface Development Through Workshops with Disabled People (SK, MG, RF), pp. 251–254.
CHI-2015-LeeKMD #algorithm #data-driven- Working with Machines: The Impact of Algorithmic and Data-Driven Management on Human Workers (MKL, DK, EM, LD), pp. 1603–1612.
CHI-2015-MeutznerGK #difference- Constructing Secure Audio CAPTCHAs by Exploiting Differences between Humans and Machines (HM, SG, DK), pp. 2335–2338.
CHI-2015-ZhengFSDYG #maintenance- Eye-Wearable Technology for Machine Maintenance: Effects of Display Position and Hands-free Operation (XSZ, CF, PMdS, SD, TY, SG), pp. 2125–2134.
CSCW-2015-ChengB #classification #hybrid #machine learning #named- Flock: Hybrid Crowd-Machine Learning Classifiers (JC, MSB), pp. 600–611.
CSCW-2015-GaoXHYCF #collaboration #multi- Two is Better Than One: Improving Multilingual Collaboration by Giving Two Machine Translation Outputs (GG, BX, DCH, ZY, DC, SRF), pp. 852–863.
DHM-HM-2015-ChottikamponMMM #process- Improvement of Needle Bar in Textile Machine by Hitting Process (KC, SM, HM, RM, HN, HH), pp. 235–244.
DHM-HM-2015-NazinF #bibliography- Human Machine Epistemology Survey (RN, DF), pp. 345–356.
DUXU-DD-2015-Marcus #behaviour #mobile #persuasion- The Marriage Machine: Mobile Persuasion/Behavior Change (AM), pp. 513–523.
HCI-UC-2015-OhJK #approach #human-computer #simulation #using- Simulation of an Affordance-Based Human-Machine Cooperative Control Model Using an Agent-Based Simulation Approach (YgO, IJ, NK), pp. 226–237.
HIMI-IKC-2015-HaKKKLHKKKW #development- K-Culture Time Machine: Development of Creation and Provision Technology for Time-Space-Connected Cultural Contents (TH, YK, EK, KK, SL, SH, JIK, SK, JK, WW), pp. 428–435.
HIMI-IKD-2015-GregoryD #human-computer #information management #multi- Multisensory Information Processing for Enhanced Human-Machine Symbiosis (FDG, LD), pp. 354–365.
ECIR-2015-HuynhHR #analysis #learning #sentiment #strict- Learning Higher-Level Features with Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Sentiment Analysis (TH, YH, SMR), pp. 447–452.
ECIR-2015-YuZHSW #documentation #information retrieval- Document Boltzmann Machines for Information Retrieval (QY, PZ, YH, DS, JW), pp. 666–671.
ICML-2015-BlumH #contest #machine learning #reliability- The Ladder: A Reliable Leaderboard for Machine Learning Competitions (AB, MH), pp. 1006–1014.
ICML-2015-LeeY #category theory #predict #strict- Boosted Categorical Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Computational Prediction of Splice Junctions (TL, SY), pp. 2483–2492.
ICML-2015-LuoXZL #matrix- Support Matrix Machines (LL, YX, ZZ, WJL), pp. 938–947.
KDD-2015-Agarwal #machine learning #scalability #statistics #web- Scaling Machine Learning and Statistics for Web Applications (DA), p. 1621.
KDD-2015-AlthoffDMADZ #generative #knowledge base #named #timeline- TimeMachine: Timeline Generation for Knowledge-Base Entities (TA, XLD, KM, SA, VD, WZ), pp. 19–28.
KDD-2015-Athey #evaluation #machine learning #policy- Machine Learning and Causal Inference for Policy Evaluation (SA), pp. 5–6.
KDD-2015-Durrant-Whyte #machine learning- Data, Knowledge and Discovery: Machine Learning meets Natural Science (HDW), p. 7.
KDD-2015-Gomez-Rodriguez #machine learning #modelling #network #probability #problem #research #social- Diffusion in Social and Information Networks: Research Problems, Probabilistic Models and Machine Learning Methods (MGR, LS), pp. 2315–2316.
KDD-2015-LakkarajuASMBGA #framework #identification #machine learning #student- A Machine Learning Framework to Identify Students at Risk of Adverse Academic Outcomes (HL, EA, CS, DM, NB, RG, KLA), pp. 1909–1918.
KDD-2015-MarchXTYB #approximate #kernel #robust- Robust Treecode Approximation for Kernel Machines (WBM, BX, ST, CDY, GB), pp. 775–784.
KDD-2015-Pratt #machine learning #predict #protocol #proving- Proof Protocol for a Machine Learning Technique Making Longitudinal Predictions in Dynamic Contexts (KBP), pp. 2049–2058.
KDD-2015-Schleier-Smith #agile #architecture #machine learning #realtime- An Architecture for Agile Machine Learning in Real-Time Applications (JSS), pp. 2059–2068.
KDD-2015-SethiYRVR #classification #machine learning #scalability #using- Scalable Machine Learning Approaches for Neighborhood Classification Using Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery (MS, YY, AR, RRV, SR), pp. 2069–2078.
KDD-2015-ShashidharPA #machine learning- Spoken English Grading: Machine Learning with Crowd Intelligence (VS, NP, VA), pp. 2089–2097.
KDD-2015-XieDX #documentation #modelling #strict- Diversifying Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Document Modeling (PX, YD, EPX), pp. 1315–1324.
KDD-2015-XingHDKWLZXKY #big data #distributed #framework #machine learning #named- Petuum: A New Platform for Distributed Machine Learning on Big Data (EPX, QH, WD, JKK, JW, SL, XZ, PX, AK, YY), pp. 1335–1344.
MLDM-2015-CostaFK #multi #using- Classifying Grasslands and Cultivated Pastures in the Brazilian Cerrado Using Support Vector Machines, Multilayer Perceptrons and Autoencoders (WC, LMGF, TSK), pp. 187–198.
MLDM-2015-GovadaJMS #approach #hybrid #induction #learning #using- Hybrid Approach for Inductive Semi Supervised Learning Using Label Propagation and Support Vector Machine (AG, PJ, SM, SKS), pp. 199–213.
RecSys-2015-Geuens #behaviour #hybrid #recommendation- Factorization Machines for Hybrid Recommendation Systems Based on Behavioral, Product, and Customer Data (SG), pp. 379–382.
RecSys-2015-HuD #machine learning #recommendation #scalability- Scalable Recommender Systems: Where Machine Learning Meets Search (SYDH, JD), pp. 365–366.
SEKE-2015-SaputriL #analysis #machine learning #perspective- Are We Living in a Happy Country: An Analysis of National Happiness from Machine Learning Perspective (TRDS, SWL), pp. 174–177.
MoDELS-2015-DasD #state machine #uml- State machine antipatterns for UML-RT (TKD, JD), pp. 54–63.
MoDELS-2015-KhalilD #evolution #execution #incremental #state machine #symbolic computation- Incremental symbolic execution of evolving state machines (AK, JD), pp. 14–23.
MoDELS-2015-SandenRGBJVS #composition #design #modelling- Modular model-based supervisory controller design for wafer logistics in lithography machines (BvdS, MAR, MG, TB, JJ, JV, RRHS), pp. 416–425.
OOPSLA-2015-SrinivasanR #partial evaluation- Partial evaluation of machine code (VS, TWR), pp. 860–879.
OOPSLA-2015-UpadhyayaR #abstraction #concurrent #effectiveness #java #message passing #thread #virtual machine- Effectively mapping linguistic abstractions for message-passing concurrency to threads on the Java virtual machine (GU, HR), pp. 840–859.
POPL-2015-ChatterjeeIPG #algebra #algorithm #constant #performance #recursion #state machine- Faster Algorithms for Algebraic Path Properties in Recursive State Machines with Constant Treewidth (KC, RIJ, AP, PG), pp. 97–109.
POPL-2015-LangeTY #communication #visual notation- From Communicating Machines to Graphical Choreographies (JL, ET, NY), pp. 221–232.
SAC-2015-Buday #formal method- Formalising the SECD machine with nominal Isabelle (GB), pp. 1823–1824.
SAC-2015-BusseSDNH #data access #memory management #virtual machine- Partial coscheduling of virtual machines based on memory access patterns (AB, JHS, MD, POAN, HUH), pp. 2033–2038.
SAC-2015-CorcoglionitiRM #rdf #sorting #streaming #using- Processing billions of RDF triples on a single machine using streaming and sorting (FC, MR, MM, MA), pp. 368–375.
SAC-2015-FauconnierKR #approach #machine learning #recognition #taxonomy- A supervised machine learning approach for taxonomic relation recognition through non-linear enumerative structures (JPF, MK, BR), pp. 423–425.
SAC-2015-NascimentoPM #algorithm #machine learning #metaheuristic- A data quality-aware cloud service based on metaheuristic and machine learning provisioning algorithms (DCN, CESP, DGM), pp. 1696–1703.
ASPLOS-2015-ChisnallRWWVMRD #architecture #automaton #c- Beyond the PDP-11: Architectural Support for a Memory-Safe C Abstract Machine (DC, CR, RNMW, JW, MV, SWM, MR, BD, PGN), pp. 117–130.
ASPLOS-2015-Gidra0SSN #big data #garbage collection #named- NumaGiC: a Garbage Collector for Big Data on Big NUMA Machines (LG, GT, JS, MS, NN), pp. 661–673.
ASPLOS-2015-LiuCLZZTFZC #machine learning #named- PuDianNao: A Polyvalent Machine Learning Accelerator (DFL, TC, SL, JZ, SZ, OT, XF, XZ, YC), pp. 369–381.
HPCA-2015-WuGLJC #estimation #machine learning #performance #using- GPGPU performance and power estimation using machine learning (GYW, JLG, AL, NJ, DC), pp. 564–576.
HPDC-2015-LiTKC #named #parallel #thread #visual notation- Transit: A Visual Analytical Model for Multithreaded Machines (AL, YCT, AK, HC), pp. 101–106.
HPDC-2015-PokeH #named #network #replication #state machine- DARE: High-Performance State Machine Replication on RDMA Networks (MP, TH), pp. 107–118.
ISMM-2015-Kuszmaul #named #parallel #performance #thread- SuperMalloc: a super fast multithreaded malloc for 64-bit machines (BCK), pp. 41–55.
PPoPP-2015-AshariTBRCKS #kernel #machine learning #on the #optimisation- On optimizing machine learning workloads via kernel fusion (AA, ST, MB, BR, KC, JK, PS), pp. 173–182.
ICLP-2015-YangSZ #bottom-up #evaluation #logic programming #manycore #parallel #source code- Parallel Bottom-Up Evaluation of Logic Programs: DeALS on Shared-Memory Multicore Machines (MY, AS, CZ).
CASE-2014-ChenLHLTCC #development #framework #industrial- Development of Auto-scaling Cloud Manufacturing Framework for machine tool industry (CCC, YCL, MHH, CYL, YJT, MSC, FTC), pp. 893–898.
CASE-2014-CuiL #scheduling- Integrated production scheduling and periodic maintenances on a single machine with release dates (WWC, ZL), pp. 353–358.
CASE-2014-FrigerioM #energy #policy #probability- Energy saving policies for a machine tool with warm-up, stochastic arrivals and buffer information (NF, AM), pp. 646–651.
CASE-2014-JiaZAX #analysis- Analysis and improvement of batch-based production lines with Bernoulli machines (ZJ, LZ, JA, GX), pp. 13–18.
CASE-2014-KernWGBM #estimation #machine learning #using- COD and NH4-N estimation in the inflow of Wastewater Treatment Plants using Machine Learning Techniques (PK, CW, DG, MB, SFM), pp. 812–817.
CASE-2014-LeeMXW #architecture #in the cloud #virtual machine- Open architecture of virtual machine tool for cloud computing (RSL, KJM, PX, CMW), pp. 905–909.
CASE-2014-LiuLS #monitoring- A wavelet-based characteristic vector construction method for machining condition monitoring (CL, YL, WS), pp. 304–308.
CASE-2014-MeaclemSPGHMC- Sensor guided biped felling machine for steep terrain harvesting (CVM, LS, RP, SG, CEH, BJEM, XC), pp. 984–989.
CASE-2014-SustoWPZJOM #adaptation #flexibility #machine learning #maintenance #predict- An adaptive machine learning decision system for flexible predictive maintenance (GAS, JW, SP, MZ, ABJ, PGO, SFM), pp. 806–811.
CASE-2014-TiengYHC #approach #multi #optimisation #process- A multi-objective optimization approach for selecting key features of machining processes (HT, HCY, MHH, FTC), pp. 899–904.
CASE-2014-ZhaoLH #evaluation #exponential #multi #performance- Performance evaluation of multi-product manufacturing systems with asynchronous exponential machines (CZ, JL, NH), pp. 692–697.
DAC-2014-AlbalawiLL #algorithm #classification #design #fixpoint #implementation #machine learning #power management- Computer-Aided Design of Machine Learning Algorithm: Training Fixed-Point Classifier for On-Chip Low-Power Implementation (HA, YL, XL), p. 6.
DATE-2014-XuB #hybrid #question- Hybrid side-channel/machine-learning attacks on PUFs: A new threat? (XX, WB), pp. 1–6.
DRR-2014-MaXA #algorithm #machine learning #segmentation #video- A machine learning based lecture video segmentation and indexing algorithm (DM, BX, GA), p. ?–8.
SIGMOD-2014-CaiGLPVJ #algorithm #comparison #implementation #machine learning #scalability- A comparison of platforms for implementing and running very large scale machine learning algorithms (ZC, ZJG, SL, LLP, ZV, CMJ), pp. 1371–1382.
SIGMOD-2014-ChenGLMPVK #manycore #named #scalability- Palette: enabling scalable analytics for big-memory, multicore machines (FC, TG, JL, MM, JP, KV, MK), pp. 705–708.
VLDB-2014-BoehmTRSTBV #hybrid #machine learning #parallel #scalability- Hybrid Parallelization Strategies for Large-Scale Machine Learning in SystemML (MB, ST, BR, PS, YT, DB, SV), pp. 553–564.
VLDB-2014-SunRYD #classification #crowdsourcing #machine learning #named #scalability #using- Chimera: Large-Scale Classification using Machine Learning, Rules, and Crowdsourcing (CS, NR, FY, AD), pp. 1529–1540.
VLDB-2014-YunYHVD #algorithm #distributed #matrix #multi #named #probability- NOMAD: Nonlocking, stOchastic Multi-machine algorithm for Asynchronous and Decentralized matrix completion (HY, HFY, CJH, SVNV, ISD), pp. 975–986.
ITiCSE-2014-BerryK #game studies #learning #programming- The state of play: a notional machine for learning programming (MB, MK), pp. 21–26.
ICSME-2014-KhanIA #approach #behaviour #heuristic #state machine #uml- A Heuristic-Based Approach to Refactor Crosscutting Behaviors in UML State Machines (MUK, MZI, SA), pp. 557–560.
PEPM-J-2013-Garcia-PerezN14 #automaton #functional #hybrid #on the- On the syntactic and functional correspondence between hybrid (or layered) normalisers and abstract machines (ÁGP, PN), pp. 176–199.
PLDI-2014-TorlakB #lightweight #virtual machine- A lightweight symbolic virtual machine for solver-aided host languages (ET, RB), p. 54.
CIAA-2014-Osterholzer #automaton #context-free grammar- Pushdown Machines for Weighted Context-Free Tree Translation (JO), pp. 290–303.
ICALP-v2-2014-EmekLUW #finite #problem #state machine- Solving the ANTS Problem with Asynchronous Finite State Machines (YE, TL, JU, RW), pp. 471–482.
LATA-2014-Prusa #complexity- Weight-Reducing Hennie Machines and Their Descriptional Complexity (DP), pp. 553–564.
SEFM-2014-CasselHJS #finite #learning #state machine- Learning Extended Finite State Machines (SC, FH, BJ, BS), pp. 250–264.
SEFM-2014-RodriguezFHM #erlang #execution #state machine #uml #verification- Execution and Verification of UML State Machines with Erlang (RJR, LÅF, ÁHN, JM), pp. 284–289.
SEFM-2014-WangW #database- Translating Event-B Machines to Database Applications (QW, TW), pp. 265–270.
ICFP-2014-AccattoliBM #automaton- Distilling abstract machines (BA, PB, DM), pp. 363–376.
CHI-2014-KuleszaACFC #concept #evolution #machine learning- Structured labeling for facilitating concept evolution in machine learning (TK, SA, RC, DF, DXC), pp. 3075–3084.
CHI-2014-SimbelisLHSL #design #interactive #named- Metaphone: machine aesthetics meets interaction design (VS, AL, KH, JS, VL), pp. 1–10.
CHI-2014-XuGFC- Improving machine translation by showing two outputs (BX, GG, SRF, DC), pp. 3743–3746.
CHI-2014-ZhangGTR #interface- Non-intrusive tongue machine interface (QZ, SG, BT, RPNR), pp. 2555–2558.
CSCW-2014-GaoXCF #how #multi- How beliefs about the presence of machine translation impact multilingual collaborations (GG, BX, DC, SRF), pp. 1549–1560.
DHM-2014-Fass- Reclaiming Human Machine Nature (DF), pp. 588–599.
DUXU-DI-2014-GencerBZV #detection #machine learning #mobile- Detection of Churned and Retained Users with Machine Learning Methods for Mobile Applications (MG, GB, ÖZ, TV), pp. 234–245.
DUXU-DI-2014-Marcus #behaviour #mobile- The Happiness Machine: Mobile Behavior Change (AM), pp. 258–268.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-Abbas #behaviour #case study #challenge #implementation- Challenges in Implementation of TVM (Ticket Vending Machine) in Developing Countries for Mass Transport System: A Study of Human Behavior while Interacting with Ticket Vending Machine-TVM (MA), pp. 245–254.
DUXU-TMT-2014-FilippiB #analysis #aspect-oriented #functional #human-computer #interactive #nondeterminism- In-Depth Analysis of Non-deterministic Aspects of Human-Machine Interaction and Update of Dedicated Functional Mock-Ups (SF, DB), pp. 185–196.
HCI-AIMT-2014-CataniaPS #human-computer #interactive #internet- Introducing Consciousnet : Internet Content as an Environment for Human-Machine Interaction (VC, DP, MS), pp. 382–393.
HIMI-AS-2014-TerwilligerIVL #interface- Advancement and Application of Unmanned Aerial System Human-Machine-Interface (HMI) Technology (BAT, DCI, DAV, DL), pp. 273–283.
EDOC-2014-BorhaniLLLH #benchmark #metric #named #performance #virtual machine- WPress: An Application-Driven Performance Benchmark for Cloud-Based Virtual Machines (AHB, PL, BSL, XL, TH), pp. 101–109.
ICEIS-v1-2014-HaddadCSM #algorithm #heuristic #named #parallel #problem #scheduling- AIV: A Heuristic Algorithm based on Iterated Local Search and Variable Neighborhood Descent for Solving the Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Setup Times (MNH, LPC, MJFS, NM), pp. 376–383.
ICEIS-v1-2014-KannistoHPK #architecture #assessment #distributed #information management #mobile #performance #reasoning #rule-based- Distributed Knowledge Management Architecture and Rule Based Reasoning for Mobile Machine Operator Performance Assessment (PK, DH, LP, SK), pp. 440–449.
ICEIS-v1-2014-ShakirIB #machine learning #topic- Machine Learning Techniques for Topic Spotting (NS, EI, ISB), pp. 450–455.
CIKM-2014-AlabdulmohsinGZ #reverse engineering #robust- Adding Robustness to Support Vector Machines Against Adversarial Reverse Engineering (IMA, XG, XZ), pp. 231–240.
CIKM-2014-AwadallahZ #evaluation- Machine-Assisted Search Preference Evaluation (AHA, IZ), pp. 51–60.
CIKM-2014-Zhang0T #collaboration #framework #named #probability #query- MaC: A Probabilistic Framework for Query Answering with Machine-Crowd Collaboration (CJZ, LC, YT), pp. 11–20.
ECIR-2014-LoniSLH #collaboration- Cross-Domain Collaborative Filtering with Factorization Machines (BL, YS, ML, AH), pp. 656–661.
ICML-c1-2014-HsiehSD #divide and conquer #kernel- A Divide-and-Conquer Solver for Kernel Support Vector Machines (CJH, SS, ISD), pp. 566–574.
ICML-c2-2014-HuS #machine learning #multi #predict- Multi-period Trading Prediction Markets with Connections to Machine Learning (JH, AJS), pp. 1773–1781.
ICML-c2-2014-MittelmanKSL #strict- Structured Recurrent Temporal Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RM, BK, SS, HL), pp. 1647–1655.
ICML-c2-2014-TorkamaniL #on the #robust- On Robustness and Regularization of Structural Support Vector Machines (MT, DL), pp. 577–585.
ICPR-2014-AodhaSBTGJ #interactive #machine learning- Putting the Scientist in the Loop — Accelerating Scientific Progress with Interactive Machine Learning (OMA, VS, GJB, MT, MAG, KEJ), pp. 9–17.
ICPR-2014-BayramogluKEANKH #approach #detection #image #machine learning #using- Detection of Tumor Cell Spheroids from Co-cultures Using Phase Contrast Images and Machine Learning Approach (NB, MK, LE, MA, MN, JK, JH), pp. 3345–3350.
ICPR-2014-BlondelFU #multi #scalability- Large-Scale Multiclass Support Vector Machine Training via Euclidean Projection onto the Simplex (MB, AF, NU), pp. 1289–1294.
ICPR-2014-CaoHS #approach #classification #kernel #learning #multi- Optimization-Based Extreme Learning Machine with Multi-kernel Learning Approach for Classification (LlC, WbH, FS), pp. 3564–3569.
ICPR-2014-GavriilidisT #classification #kernel #random #using- Random Walk Kernel Applications to Classification Using Support Vector Machines (VG, AT), pp. 3898–3903.
ICPR-2014-LinCCLH #analysis #detection- Left-Luggage Detection from Finite-State-Machine Analysis in Static-Camera Videos (KL, SCC, CSC, DTL, YPH), pp. 4600–4605.
ICPR-2014-LiuGZL #novel #robust- A Novel Robust Modified Support Vector Machines (SL, JG, SZ, YL), pp. 3834–3838.
ICPR-2014-MarteauGR #gesture #kernel #performance #recognition- Down-sampling Coupled to Elastic Kernel Machines for Efficient Recognition of Isolated Gestures (PFM, SG, CR), pp. 363–368.
ICPR-2014-MontagnerjH #machine learning- A Machine Learning Based Method for Staff Removal (IdSM, RHJ, NSTH), pp. 3162–3167.
ICPR-2014-SjolundJAKN #segmentation- Skull Segmentation in MRI by a Support Vector Machine Combining Local and Global Features (JS, AEJ, MTA, HK, HN), pp. 3274–3279.
ICPR-2014-TanakaO #novel #strict- A Novel Inference of a Restricted Boltzmann Machine (MT, MO), pp. 1526–1531.
ICPR-2014-YamashitaTYYF #strict- To Be Bernoulli or to Be Gaussian, for a Restricted Boltzmann Machine (TY, MT, EY, YY, HF), pp. 1520–1525.
ICPR-2014-Yasuda #effectiveness- Effective Mean-Field Inference Method for Nonnegative Boltzmann Machines (MY), pp. 3600–3605.
ICPR-2014-ZhangLYQWTZ #detection #statistics- Sufficient Statistics Feature Mapping over Deep Boltzmann Machine for Detection (CZ, XL, JY, SQ, YW, CT, YZ), pp. 827–832.
KDD-2014-Mullainathan #machine learning #question #social- Bugbears or legitimate threats?: (social) scientists’ criticisms of machine learning? (SM), p. 4.
KDD-2014-Rudin #algorithm #machine learning- Algorithms for interpretable machine learning (CR), p. 1519.
KDD-2014-SrikantA #machine learning #programming #using- A system to grade computer programming skills using machine learning (SS, VA), pp. 1887–1896.
KDD-2014-ZhangZ #scalability- Large margin distribution machine (TZ, ZHZ), pp. 313–322.
KDD-2014-ZhaoLC #performance- Safe and efficient screening for sparse support vector machine (ZZ, JL, JC), pp. 542–551.
KDIR-2014-Bleiweiss #execution #machine learning #using- SoC Processor Discovery for Program Execution Matching Using Unsupervised Machine Learning (AB), pp. 192–201.
KMIS-2014-HisakaneOSK #multi- A Tutoring Rule Selection Method for Case-based e-Learning by Multi-class Support Vector Machine (DH, MO, MS, NK), pp. 119–125.
RecSys-2014-ChengXZKL- Gradient boosting factorization machines (CC, FX, TZ, IK, MRL), pp. 265–272.
RecSys-2014-LoniSLH #collaboration- “Free lunch” enhancement for collaborative filtering with factorization machines (BL, AS, ML, AH), pp. 281–284.
SEKE-2014-DagninoC #industrial- Industrial Analytics to Discover Knowledge from Instrumented Networked Machines (AD, DC), pp. 86–89.
SEKE-2014-SinghS #machine learning #requirements #using- Software Requirement Prioritization using Machine Learning (DS, AS), pp. 701–704.
SIGIR-2014-CormackG #bibliography #evaluation #protocol- Evaluation of machine-learning protocols for technology-assisted review in electronic discovery (GVC, MRG), pp. 153–162.
SIGIR-2014-NguyenKB #process #recommendation- Gaussian process factorization machines for context-aware recommendations (TVN, AK, LB), pp. 63–72.
AMT-2014-ZhangBBEHKW #code generation #concurrent #java #state machine #towards- Towards Verified Java Code Generation from Concurrent State Machines (DZ, DB, MvdB, LE, CH, RK, AW), pp. 64–69.
ECOOP-2014-LavoieDF #javascript #monitoring #performance #runtime #using #virtual machine- Portable and Efficient Run-time Monitoring of JavaScript Applications Using Virtual Machine Layering (EL, BD, MF), pp. 541–566.
OOPSLA-2014-AdamsEMOPSSY #virtual machine- The hiphop virtual machine (KA, JE, BM, GO, AP, BS, ES, OY), pp. 777–790.
PPDP-2014-CruzRG #design #implementation #linear #logic programming #parallel #source code #thread #virtual machine- Design and Implementation of a Multithreaded Virtual Machine for Executing Linear Logic Programs (FC, RR, SCG), pp. 43–54.
SAC-2014-AlabdulhafezE #case study #comparative #in the cloud #virtual machine- Experimenting on virtual machines co-residency in the cloud: a comparative study of available test beds (AA, PDE), pp. 363–365.
SAC-2014-KuoT #in the cloud #incremental #virtual machine- Delay-based incrementally mapping of virtual machines in cloud computing systems (CFK, HWT), pp. 1498–1503.
SAC-2014-SeelandMKK #classification- Extracting information from support vector machines for pattern-based classification (MS, AM, AK, SK), pp. 129–136.
SAC-2014-SuzakiYTOS #protocol #testing #virtual machine- Rollback mechanism of nested virtual machines for protocol fuzz testing (KS, TY, AT, YO, ES), pp. 1484–1491.
FSE-2014-Joseph #framework #interactive #machine learning- Software programmer management: a machine learning and human computer interaction framework for optimal task assignment (HRJ), pp. 826–828.
ICSE-2014-LeeJP #behaviour #detection #machine learning #memory management #modelling #using- Detecting memory leaks through introspective dynamic behavior modelling using machine learning (SL, CJ, SP), pp. 814–824.
SLE-2014-KaufmannKPSW #debugging #diagrams #satisfiability #sequence chart #state machine- A SAT-Based Debugging Tool for State Machines and Sequence Diagrams (PK, MK, AP, MS, MW), pp. 21–40.
ASPLOS-2014-ChenDSWWCT #named #ubiquitous- DianNao: a small-footprint high-throughput accelerator for ubiquitous machine-learning (TC, ZD, NS, JW, CW, YC, OT), pp. 269–284.
ASPLOS-2014-MytkowiczMS #finite #state machine- Data-parallel finite-state machines (TM, MM, WS), pp. 529–542.
ASPLOS-2014-ZhaoWS #finite #state machine- Challenging the “embarrassingly sequential”: parallelizing finite state machine-based computations through principled speculation (ZZ, BW, XS), pp. 543–558.
CC-2014-SrinivasanR #composition- Recovery of Class Hierarchies and Composition Relationships from Machine Code (VS, TWR), pp. 61–84.
HPCA-2014-LiuXGZC #concurrent #consistency #hardware #memory management #transaction #virtual machine- Concurrent and consistent virtual machine introspection with hardware transactional memory (YL, YX, HG, BZ, HC), pp. 416–427.
HPDC-2014-MuCWZ #network #replication #state machine- When paxos meets erasure code: reduce network and storage cost in state machine replication (SM, KC, YW, WZ), pp. 61–72.
LCTES-2014-LezuoPK #compilation #named #state machine- CASM: optimized compilation of abstract state machines (RL, PP, AK), pp. 13–22.
OSDI-2014-ChowMFPW #analysis #internet #performance #scalability- The Mystery Machine: End-to-end Performance Analysis of Large-scale Internet Services (MC, DM, JF, DP, TFW), pp. 217–231.
OSDI-2014-LiAPSAJLSS #distributed #machine learning #parametricity #scalability- Scaling Distributed Machine Learning with the Parameter Server (ML, DGA, JWP, AJS, AA, VJ, JL, EJS, BYS), pp. 583–598.
PPoPP-2014-RaoZ #performance #scheduling #towards #virtual machine- Towards fair and efficient SMP virtual machine scheduling (JR, XZ), pp. 273–286.
LICS-CSL-2014-KlinLOT #complexity #constraints #problem #turing machine- Turing machines with atoms, constraint satisfaction problems, and descriptive complexity (BK, SL, JO, ST), p. 10.
CASE-2013-ChaouiS13a #adaptation- Electrical sensorless adaptive control of permanent magnet synchronous machine drives (HC, PS), pp. 705–710.
CASE-2013-FrigerioM #energy #policy- Machine control policies for energy saving in manufacturing (NF, AM), pp. 651–656.
CASE-2013-HungLHHYC #development #industrial- Development of an advanced manufacturing cloud for machine tool industry based on AVM technology (MHH, YCL, HCH, MHH, HCY, FTC), pp. 189–194.
CASE-2013-JiaJL #algorithm #scheduling- A job-family-oriented algorithm for re-entrant batch processing machine scheduling (WJ, ZJ, YL), pp. 1022–1027.
CASE-2013-LiJJ #algorithm #heuristic- A heuristic algorithm for minimizing total absolute deviation from distinct due dates on a single machine (YL, ZJ, WJ), pp. 392–397.
CASE-2013-SharabianiDBCND #machine learning #predict- Machine learning based prediction of warfarin optimal dosing for African American patients (AS, HD, AB, LC, EN, KD), pp. 623–628.
CASE-2013-SustoSPPMB #fault #maintenance #predict- A predictive maintenance system for integral type faults based on support vector machines: An application to ion implantation (GAS, AS, SP, DP, SFM, AB), pp. 195–200.
CASE-2013-YiTLL #optimisation #parametricity- Optimization of CNC machine processing parameters for low carbon manufacturing (QY, YT, CL, PL), pp. 498–503.
CASE-2013-ZhaoL #analysis #exponential #multi- Analysis of multi-product manufacturing systems with homogeneous exponential machines (CZ, JL), pp. 386–391.
DAC-2013-YuLJC #classification #detection #feature model #using- Machine-learning-based hotspot detection using topological classification and critical feature extraction (YTY, GHL, IHRJ, CC), p. 6.
DATE-2013-DeOrioLBB #debugging #detection #machine learning- Machine learning-based anomaly detection for post-silicon bug diagnosis (AD, QL, MB, VB), pp. 491–496.
DATE-2013-KimRAL #energy #virtual machine- Correlation-aware virtual machine allocation for energy-efficient datacenters (JK, MR, DA, ML), pp. 1345–1350.
DATE-2013-ZhuDNZ #finite #implementation #robust #state machine- Robust and extensible task implementations of synchronous finite state machines (QZ, PD, MDN, HZ), pp. 1319–1324.
DocEng-2013-Esposito #documentation #machine learning- Symbolic machine learning methods for historical document processing (FE), pp. 1–2.
DRR-2013-SimistiraPKC #analysis #online- Structural analysis of online handwritten mathematical symbols based on support vector machines (FS, VP, VK, GC).
ICDAR-2013-SaidaniEB #identification #word- Identification of Machine-Printed and Handwritten Words in Arabic and Latin Scripts (AS, AKE, AB), pp. 798–802.
ICDAR-2013-TuarobBMG #automation #detection #documentation #machine learning #pseudo #using- Automatic Detection of Pseudocodes in Scholarly Documents Using Machine Learning (ST, SB, PM, CLG), pp. 738–742.
SIGMOD-2013-CondieMPW #big data #machine learning- Machine learning for big data (TC, PM, NP, MW), pp. 939–942.
VLDB-2013-BergamaschiGILV #data-driven #database #keyword #machine learning #named #relational #semantics- QUEST: A Keyword Search System for Relational Data based on Semantic and Machine Learning Techniques (SB, FG, MI, RTL, YV), pp. 1222–1225.
VLDB-2013-Rendle #relational #scalability- Scaling Factorization Machines to Relational Data (SR), pp. 337–348.
ICSM-2013-FontanaZMM #approach #detection #machine learning #smell #towards- Code Smell Detection: Towards a Machine Learning-Based Approach (FAF, MZ, AM, MM), pp. 396–399.
ICSM-2013-OsmanCP #algorithm #analysis #diagrams #machine learning- An Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Condensing Reverse Engineered Class Diagrams (MHO, MRVC, PvdP), pp. 140–149.
ICSM-2013-SemenenkoDS #image #machine learning #named #testing- Browserbite: Accurate Cross-Browser Testing via Machine Learning over Image Features (NS, MD, TS), pp. 528–531.
ICSM-2013-SorOTS #approach #detection #machine learning #memory management #statistics #using- Improving Statistical Approach for Memory Leak Detection Using Machine Learning (VS, PO, TT, SNS), pp. 544–547.
WCRE-2013-WalkinshawTD #finite #modelling #state machine- Inferring Extended Finite State Machine models from software executions (NW, RT, JD), pp. 301–310.
PLDI-2013-GuhaRF #network- Machine-verified network controllers (AG, MR, NF), pp. 483–494.
CIAA-2013-Crespi-ReghizziP #parallel- Deterministic Counter Machines and Parallel Matching Computations (SCR, PSP), pp. 280–291.
CIAA-2013-KushikY #finite #nondeterminism #on the #sequence #state machine- On the Length of Homing Sequences for Nondeterministic Finite State Machines (NK, NY), pp. 220–231.
DLT-2013-Freivalds #automaton #finite #turing machine- Ultrametric Finite Automata and Turing Machines (RF), pp. 1–11.
ICALP-v1-2013-0002BFGK- Minimizing Maximum (Weighted) Flow-Time on Related and Unrelated Machines (SA, KB, TF, NG, AK), pp. 13–24.
ICALP-v1-2013-MegowV #scheduling- Dual Techniques for Scheduling on a Machine with Varying Speed (NM, JV), pp. 745–756.
LATA-2013-ZakS #distance #turing machine- A Turing Machine Distance Hierarchy (SZ, JS), pp. 570–578.
IFM-2013-LiuLACSWD #semantics #state machine #uml- A Formal Semantics for Complete UML State Machines with Communications (SL, YL, ÉA, CC, JS, BW, JSD), pp. 331–346.
ICFP-2013-JohnsonLMH #automaton #optimisation- Optimizing abstract abstract machines (JIJ, NL, MM, DVH), pp. 443–454.
CHI-2013-GaoWCF #experience- Same translation but different experience: the effects of highlighting on machine-translated conversations (GG, HCW, DC, SRF), pp. 449–458.
CSCW-2013-WangFC #idea- Machine translation vs. common language: effects on idea exchange in cross-lingual groups (HCW, SRF, DC), pp. 935–944.
DHM-HB-2013-KuzMMS #human-computer #industrial #interactive #morphism #using- Using Anthropomorphism to Improve the Human-Machine Interaction in Industrial Environments (Part I) (SK, MPM, SM, CMS), pp. 76–85.
DHM-HB-2013-MayerKS #human-computer #industrial #interactive #morphism #using- Using Anthropomorphism to Improve the Human-Machine Interaction in Industrial Environments (Part II) (MPM, SK, CMS), pp. 93–100.
DHM-SET-2013-Fass #biology #design #human-computer #modelling- Putting in Perspective Human-Machine System Theory and Modeling: From Theoretical Biology to Artifacts Integrative Design and Organization — “Artem Augmented Human Project” (DF), pp. 316–325.
DUXU-CXC-2013-MarcusPL #design #learning #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Learning Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM, YP, NL), pp. 247–256.
DUXU-NTE-2013-MarcusA #design #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Driving Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM, SA), pp. 140–149.
DUXU-NTE-2013-ViciniBRS #behaviour- Well-Being on the Go: An IoT Vending Machine Service for the Promotion of Healthy Behaviors and Lifestyles (SV, SB, AR, AS), pp. 594–603.
DUXU-WM-2013-GencerBZV #framework #machine learning #mobile #using- A New Framework for Increasing User Engagement in Mobile Applications Using Machine Learning Techniques (MG, GB, ÖZ, TV), pp. 651–659.
DUXU-WM-2013-MarcusCNY #behaviour #design #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Innovation Machine: Mobile UX Design Combining Information and Persuasion Design to Change Behavior (AM, MC, CN, AY), pp. 67–76.
DUXU-WM-2013-MarcusSC #design #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Travel Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM, TKS, LC), pp. 696–705.
DUXU-WM-2013-SchneidermeierBW #design #guidelines- Design Guidelines for Coffee Vending Machines (TS, MB, CW), pp. 432–440.
HCI-AMTE-2013-JanderA #evaluation #framework #human-computer #interactive- Human-Machine Interaction Evaluation Framework (HJ, JA), pp. 221–230.
HCI-III-2013-StorzRMLE #analysis #detection #machine learning #visualisation #workflow- Annotate. Train. Evaluate. A Unified Tool for the Analysis and Visualization of Workflows in Machine Learning Applied to Object Detection (MS, MR, RM, HL, ME), pp. 196–205.
HCI-III-2013-ZhanZSY #image #multi #re-engineering #using #visual notation- Visual Image Reconstruction from fMRI Activation Using Multi-scale Support Vector Machine Decoders (YZ, JZ, SS, LY), pp. 491–497.
HCI-IMT-2013-TungGKM #human-computer #interactive #multimodal #using- Multi-party Human-Machine Interaction Using a Smart Multimodal Digital Signage (TT, RG, TK, TM), pp. 408–415.
HIMI-HSM-2013-CastronovoMM #interface #what- What, Where, and When? Intelligent Presentation Management for Automotive Human Machine Interfaces and Its Application (SC, AM, CAM), pp. 460–469.
CIKM-2013-Guestrin #machine learning #scalability #usability- Usability in machine learning at scale with graphlab (CG), pp. 5–6.
ECIR-2013-0001S #game studies #query #refinement- Comparing Crowd-Based, Game-Based, and Machine-Based Approaches in Initial Query and Query Refinement Tasks (CGH, PS), pp. 495–506.
ECIR-2013-NikoulinaC #adaptation #information retrieval #modelling #statistics- Domain Adaptation of Statistical Machine Translation Models with Monolingual Data for Cross Lingual Information Retrieval (VN, SC), pp. 768–771.
ICML-c1-2013-CotterSS #learning- Learning Optimally Sparse Support Vector Machines (AC, SSS, NS), pp. 266–274.
ICML-c1-2013-DoK- Convex formulations of radius-margin based Support Vector Machines (HD, AK), pp. 169–177.
ICML-c1-2013-MenonTGLK #framework #machine learning #programming- A Machine Learning Framework for Programming by Example (AKM, OT, SG, BWL, AK), pp. 187–195.
ICML-c2-2013-SohnZLL #learning- Learning and Selecting Features Jointly with Point-wise Gated Boltzmann Machines (KS, GZ, CL, HL), pp. 217–225.
ICML-c2-2013-TranPV #learning #multi- Thurstonian Boltzmann Machines: Learning from Multiple Inequalities (TT, DQP, SV), pp. 46–54.
ICML-c3-2013-Chatzis #infinity- Infinite Markov-Switching Maximum Entropy Discrimination Machines (SC), pp. 729–737.
ICML-c3-2013-GeorgievN #collaboration #framework #strict- A non-IID Framework for Collaborative Filtering with Restricted Boltzmann Machines (KG, PN), pp. 1148–1156.
ICML-c3-2013-GittensM #machine learning #scalability- Revisiting the Nystrom method for improved large-scale machine learning (AG, MWM), pp. 567–575.
ICML-c3-2013-OgawaITS- Infinitesimal Annealing for Training Semi-Supervised Support Vector Machines (KO, MI, IT, MS), pp. 897–905.
KDD-2013-RistanoskiLB- A time-dependent enhanced support vector machine for time series regression (GR, WL, JB), pp. 946–954.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-ChenYTH #behaviour #predict- The Disulfide Connectivity Prediction with Support Vector Machine and Behavior Knowledge Space (HYC, CBY, KTT, CYH), pp. 112–118.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-Lindner #constraints #parsing #random #using- Using Conditional Random Fields with Constraints to Train Support Vector Machines — Locating and Parsing Bibliographic References (SL), pp. 28–36.
MLDM-2013-GopalakrishnaOLL #algorithm #machine learning #metric- Relevance as a Metric for Evaluating Machine Learning Algorithms (AKG, TO, AL, JJL), pp. 195–208.
MLDM-2013-MinhAN #algorithm #feature model- DCA Based Algorithms for Feature Selection in Semi-supervised Support Vector Machines (LHM, LTHA, MCN), pp. 528–542.
MLDM-2013-OnoderaS #kernel- The Gapped Spectrum Kernel for Support Vector Machines (TO, TS), pp. 1–15.
MLDM-2013-PoziMD #estimation #predict- Density Ratio Estimation in Support Vector Machine for Better Generalization: Study on Direct Marketing Prediction (MSMP, AM, AD), pp. 275–280.
MLDM-2013-SouzaP #random #recognition #word- Sign Language Recognition with Support Vector Machines and Hidden Conditional Random Fields: Going from Fingerspelling to Natural Articulated Words (CRdS, EBP), pp. 84–98.
MLDM-2013-StambaughYB #feature model- Analytic Feature Selection for Support Vector Machines (CS, HY, FB), pp. 219–233.
SEKE-2013-CarrerasZO #machine learning- A Machine Learning Based File Archival Tool (S) (RC, DZ, JO), pp. 73–76.
ECOOP-2013-AnsaloniKZBBT #composition #java #program analysis #tool support #virtual machine- Enabling Modularity and Re-use in Dynamic Program Analysis Tools for the Java Virtual Machine (DA, SK, YZ, LB, WB, PT), pp. 352–377.
ECOOP-2013-GruberB #concurrent #manycore- Ownership-Based Isolation for Concurrent Actors on Multi-core Machines (OG, FB), pp. 281–301.
OOPSLA-2013-ClebschD #concurrent #garbage collection #manycore- Fully concurrent garbage collection of actors on many-core machines (SC, SD), pp. 553–570.
LOPSTR-2013-DanvyJ #automaton #reduction #semantics- From Outermost Reduction Semantics to Abstract Machine (OD, JJ), pp. 91–108.
PPDP-2013-Garcia-PerezNM #order #semantics- Deriving the full-reducing Krivine machine from the small-step operational semantics of normal order (ÁGP, PN, JJMN), pp. 85–96.
PPDP-2013-SimmonsZ #automaton #logic #semantics- A logical correspondence between natural semantics and abstract machines (RJS, IZ), pp. 109–119.
RE-2013-Gordon #requirements- The regulatory world and the machine: Harmonizing legal requirements and the systems they affect (DGG), pp. 381–384.
SAC-2013-AkritidisB #algorithm #classification #machine learning #research- A supervised machine learning classification algorithm for research articles (LA, PB), pp. 115–120.
SAC-2013-BerralGT #automation #machine learning- Empowering automatic data-center management with machine learning (JLB, RG, JT), pp. 170–172.
SAC-2013-MadeoLP #gesture #rest #segmentation #using- Gesture unit segmentation using support vector machines: segmenting gestures from rest positions (RCBM, CAML, SMP), pp. 46–52.
SAC-2013-WassmannVT #energy #estimation #virtual machine- Energy consumption estimation of virtual machines (IW, DV, DT), pp. 1151–1156.
ESEC-FSE-2013-LiuL0ZWD #model checking #named #self #state machine #uml- USMMC: a self-contained model checker for UML state machines (SL, YL, JS, MZ, BW, JSD), pp. 623–626.
ESEC-FSE-2013-NguyenNN #migration #statistics- Lexical statistical machine translation for language migration (ATN, TTN, TNN), pp. 651–654.
ICSE-2013-Jonsson #machine learning #performance #scalability #using- Increasing anomaly handling efficiency in large organizations using applied machine learning (LJ), pp. 1361–1364.
SLE-2013-KlintR #domain-specific language #game studies #named- Micro-Machinations — A DSL for Game Economies (PK, RvR), pp. 36–55.
CC-2013-MooreC #automation #generative #machine learning #policy #using- Automatic Generation of Program Affinity Policies Using Machine Learning (RWM, BRC), pp. 184–203.
CGO-2013-KulkarniCWS #automation #heuristic #machine learning #using- Automatic construction of inlining heuristics using machine learning (SK, JC, CW, DS), p. 12.
HPCA-2013-RaoWZX #manycore #optimisation #scheduling #virtual machine- Optimizing virtual machine scheduling in NUMA multicore systems (JR, KW, XZ, CZX), pp. 306–317.
HPDC-2013-Shaw #named #simulation- Anton: a special-purpose machine that achieves a hundred-fold speedup in biomolecular simulations (DES), pp. 129–130.
LCTES-2013-HuberPP #analysis #control flow #graph #using- Combined WCET analysis of bitcode and machine code using control-flow relation graphs (BH, DP, PPP), pp. 163–172.
ICST-2013-AliYB #empirical #quality #robust #state machine #testing- Assessing Quality and Effort of Applying Aspect State Machines for Robustness Testing: A Controlled Experiment (SA, TY, LCB), pp. 212–221.
ICTSS-2013-KushikEY #adaptation #finite #nondeterminism #state machine- Adaptive Homing and Distinguishing Experiments for Nondeterministic Finite State Machines (NK, KEF, NY), pp. 33–48.
LICS-2013-BojanczykKLT #turing machine- Turing Machines with Atoms (MB, BK, SL, ST), pp. 183–192.
LICS-2013-FredrikssonG #automaton #game studies #revisited #semantics- Abstract Machines for Game Semantics, Revisited (OF, DRG), pp. 560–569.
ASE-2012-MaigaABSGAA #anti #detection- Support vector machines for anti-pattern detection (AM, NA, NB, AS, YGG, GA, EA), pp. 278–281.
CASE-2012-HungLHYC #development #industrial #monitoring- Development of a cloud-computing-based equipment monitoring system for machine tool industry (MHH, YCL, TQH, HCY, FTC), pp. 962–967.
CASE-2012-LiLPZ #physics #simulation- Control system simulation for 360MN extrusion machine based on physical model (WL, WL, FP, QZ), pp. 243–249.
CASE-2012-ObeidDY #constraints #health #parallel #scheduling- Scheduling on parallel machines with time constraints and Equipment Health Factors (AO, SDP, CY), pp. 401–406.
CASE-2012-YanCLWC #scheduling- Optimization-based litho machine scheduling with load balancing and reticle expiration (BY, HYC, PBL, SW, JC), pp. 575–580.
CASE-2012-YaqubGK #fault #multi- Impact characterization of multiple-points-defect on machine fault diagnosis (MFY, IG, JK), pp. 479–484.
CASE-2012-ZhangWZX #fault #memory management #using- A dynamic memory model for mechanical fault diagnosis using one-class support vector machine (QZ, JW, JZ, GX), pp. 497–501.
DATE-2012-NataleZ #finite #implementation #state machine- Task implementation of synchronous finite state machines (MDN, HZ), pp. 206–211.
DRR-2012-CoetzerSS #collaboration #human-computer #performance #verification- Efficient cost-sensitive human-machine collaboration for offline signature verification (JC, JPS, RS).
SIGMOD-2012-LinK #machine learning #scalability #twitter- Large-scale machine learning at twitter (JL, AK), pp. 793–804.
VLDB-2012-LowGKBGH #distributed #framework #in the cloud #machine learning- Distributed GraphLab: A Framework for Machine Learning in the Cloud (YL, JG, AK, DB, CG, JMH), pp. 716–727.
ITiCSE-2012-SperlingL #machine learning #re-engineering #student- Integrating AI and machine learning in software engineering course for high school students (AS, DL), pp. 244–249.
ESOP-2012-Lochbihler #formal method #java #memory management- Java and the Java Memory Model — A Unified, Machine-Checked Formalisation (AL), pp. 497–517.
TACAS-2012-HeussnerGS #communication #framework #named #verification- McScM: A General Framework for the Verification of Communicating Machines (AH, TLG, GS), pp. 478–484.
ICPC-2012-Sajnani #approach #architecture #automation #machine learning- Automatic software architecture recovery: A machine learning approach (HS), pp. 265–268.
AFL-J-2011-IbarraS12 #bound #linear- Characterizations of Bounded semilinear Languages by One-Way and Two-Way Deterministic Machines (OHI, SS), pp. 1291–1306.
ICALP-v1-2012-Marchetti-SpaccamelaRSW #parallel- Assigning Sporadic Tasks to Unrelated Parallel Machines (AMS, CR, SvdS, AW), pp. 665–676.
ICALP-v2-2012-BojanczykL #independence- A Machine-Independent Characterization of Timed Languages (MB, SL), pp. 92–103.
LATA-2012-IbarraT #automaton #multi #turing machine- Weak Synchronization and Synchronizability of Multitape Pushdown Automata and Turing Machines (OHI, NQT), pp. 337–350.
IFM-2012-GarisPCR #alloy #protocol #specification #state machine #uml- Specifying UML Protocol State Machines in Alloy (AGG, ACRP, AC, DR), pp. 312–326.
SEFM-2012-LefticaruI #algorithm #approach #finite #generative #search-based #state machine #testing #using- An Improved Test Generation Approach from Extended Finite State Machines Using Genetic Algorithms (RL, FI), pp. 293–307.
CHI-2012-AmershiFW #interactive #machine learning #named #network #on-demand #social- Regroup: interactive machine learning for on-demand group creation in social networks (SA, JF, DSW), pp. 21–30.
CHI-2012-KehrHLD #self- A transformational product to improve self-control strength: the chocolate machine (FK, MH, ML, SD), pp. 689–694.
HILT-2012-Liskov #programming #turing machine- Keynote presentation: Programming the turing machine (BL), pp. 23–24.
CIKM-2012-WangQD #automation #clustering #documentation #using- Improving document clustering using automated machine translation (XW, BQ, ID), pp. 645–653.
CIKM-2012-ZhuZYGX #classification #parallel- Parallel proximal support vector machine for high-dimensional pattern classification (ZZ, XZ, YY, YFG, XX), pp. 2351–2354.
ICML-2012-BiggioNL- Poisoning Attacks against Support Vector Machines (BB, BN, PL), p. 190.
ICML-2012-DahlAL #strict #word- Training Restricted Boltzmann Machines on Word Observations (GED, RPA, HL), p. 152.
ICML-2012-StorkeyMG #machine learning- Isoelastic Agents and Wealth Updates in Machine Learning Markets (AJS, JM, KG), p. 133.
ICML-2012-Wagstaff #machine learning #matter- Machine Learning that Matters (KW), p. 240.
ICPR-2012-AryafarJS #automation #classification #using- Automatic musical genre classification using sparsity-eager support vector machines (KA, SJ, AS), pp. 1526–1529.
ICPR-2012-FefilatyevSKHGKDRB #reduction- Label-noise reduction with support vector machines (SF, MS, KK, LOH, DBG, RK, KD, AR, HB), pp. 3504–3508.
ICPR-2012-Gao12a #clustering #estimation #multi #using- Facial age estimation using Clustered Multi-task Support Vector Regression Machine (PXG), pp. 541–544.
ICPR-2012-JiSL #multi- Multitask multiclass privileged information support vector machines (YJ, SS, YL), pp. 2323–2326.
ICPR-2012-OrfanidisT #subclass- Exploiting subclass information in Support Vector Machines (GO, AT), pp. 1076–1079.
ICPR-2012-SeredinMTRW #multimodal #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Convex support and Relevance Vector Machines for selective multimodal pattern recognition (OS, VM, AT, NR, DW), pp. 1647–1650.
ICPR-2012-VuralA #machine learning #video- A machine learning system for human-in-the-loop video surveillance (UV, YSA), pp. 1092–1095.
ICPR-2012-YasudaKWT #estimation #strict- Composite likelihood estimation for restricted Boltzmann machines (MY, SK, YW, KT), pp. 2234–2237.
KDD-2012-BriggsFR- Rank-loss support instance machines for MIML instance annotation (FB, XZF, RR), pp. 534–542.
KDD-2012-Lin #case study #data mining #experience #machine learning #mining- Experiences and lessons in developing industry-strength machine learning and data mining software (CJL), p. 1176.
KDD-2012-MatsushimaVS #linear- Linear support vector machines via dual cached loops (SM, SVNV, AJS), pp. 177–185.
KDD-2012-ZhouKTX #machine learning- Adversarial support vector machine learning (YZ, MK, BMT, BX), pp. 1059–1067.
KDIR-2012-Dagnino #approach #grid #information management #machine learning #smarttech- Knowledge Discovery in the Smart Grid — A Machine Learning Approach (AD), pp. 366–369.
KEOD-2012-BachaZ- Machine Translation System on the Pair of Arabic / English (KB, MZ), pp. 347–351.
MLDM-2012-ChanguelL #independence #machine learning #metadata #problem- Content Independent Metadata Production as a Machine Learning Problem (SC, NL), pp. 306–320.
MLDM-2012-NguyenF #programming- A General Lp-norm Support Vector Machine via Mixed 0-1 Programming (HTN, KF), pp. 40–49.
MLDM-2012-PitelisT #learning- Discriminant Subspace Learning Based on Support Vectors Machines (NP, AT), pp. 198–212.
MLDM-2012-SinghCS #approach #hybrid #performance #recognition #using- A Hybrid Approach to Increase the Performance of Protein Folding Recognition Using Support Vector Machines (LS, GC, DS), pp. 660–668.
MLDM-2012-TabatabaeiAKK #classification #internet #machine learning- Machine Learning-Based Classification of Encrypted Internet Traffic (TST, MA, FK, MK), pp. 578–592.
MLDM-2012-ToussaintB #comparison #empirical #learning- Proximity-Graph Instance-Based Learning, Support Vector Machines, and High Dimensionality: An Empirical Comparison (GTT, CB), pp. 222–236.
SEKE-2012-BritoOMNBGM #case study #composition #implementation #social #web- Implementing Web Applications as Social Machines Composition: A Case Study (KdSB, LEAO, PFM, LMN, VAdAB, VCG, SRdLM), pp. 311–314.
SEKE-2012-DagninoSR #fault #machine learning #using- Forecasting Fault Events in Power Distribution Grids Using Machine Learning (AD, KS, LR), pp. 458–463.
SEKE-2012-HaoWZ #classification #empirical #machine learning- An Empirical Study of Execution-Data Classification Based on Machine Learning (DH, XW, LZ), pp. 283–288.
SIGIR-2012-LiX #machine learning #web- Beyond bag-of-words: machine learning for query-document matching in web search (HL, JX), p. 1177.
SIGIR-2012-OzertemCDV #framework #machine learning #query #ranking- Learning to suggest: a machine learning framework for ranking query suggestions (UO, OC, PD, EV), pp. 25–34.
ECMFA-2012-BriandLL #data flow #diagrams #integration #sequence #state machine #testing #uml- Combining UML Sequence and State Machine Diagrams for Data-Flow Based Integration Testing (LCB, YL, YL), pp. 74–89.
ECMFA-2012-HamannHG #monitoring #ocl #protocol #runtime #state machine- OCL-Based Runtime Monitoring of Applications with Protocol State Machines (LH, OH, MG), pp. 384–399.
ECMFA-2012-YueA #case study #industrial #non-functional #requirements #state machine #testing- Bridging the Gap between Requirements and Aspect State Machines to Support Non-functional Testing: Industrial Case Studies (TY, SA), pp. 133–145.
ECMFA-2012-Zhang #aspect-oriented #modelling #state machine #uml- Aspect-Oriented Modeling of Mutual Exclusion in UML State Machines (GZ), pp. 162–177.
ICMT-2012-Kosiuczenko #state machine- The Impact of Class Model Redesign on State Machines (PK), pp. 264–279.
ICMT-2012-WagelaarIRP #co-evolution #emf #semantics #virtual machine- Translational Semantics of a Co-evolution Specific Language with the EMF Transformation Virtual Machine (DW, LI, DDR, AP), pp. 192–207.
OOPSLA-2012-KulkarniC #compilation #machine learning #optimisation #problem #using- Mitigating the compiler optimization phase-ordering problem using machine learning (SK, JC), pp. 147–162.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-MarrD #abstraction #concurrent #identification #implementation #multi #virtual machine- Identifying a Unifying Mechanism for the Implementation of Concurrency Abstractions on Multi-language Virtual Machines (SM, TD), pp. 171–186.
SAC-2012-CatanoWRRY #ml #specification- Translating B machines to JML specifications (NC, TW, CR, VR, DY), pp. 1271–1277.
SAC-2012-MenorPB #kernel #predict #probability #using- Probabilistic prediction of protein phosphorylation sites using kernel machines (MM, GP, KB), pp. 1393–1398.
SAC-2012-SarroMFG #algorithm #analysis #fault #predict #search-based- A further analysis on the use of Genetic Algorithm to configure Support Vector Machines for inter-release fault prediction (FS, SDM, FF, CG), pp. 1215–1220.
SAC-2012-ScandurraAYD #case study #functional #modelling #requirements #state machine #validation- Functional requirements validation by transforming use case models into Abstract State Machines (PS, AA, TY, MD), pp. 1063–1068.
SAC-2012-ZurowskaD #execution #state machine #symbolic computation #uml- Symbolic execution of UML-RT State Machines (KZ, JD), pp. 1292–1299.
ICSE-2012-Chioasca #automation #machine learning #model transformation #requirements #using- Using machine learning to enhance automated requirements model transformation (EVC), pp. 1487–1490.
HPDC-2012-XuGRKKX #cpu #named #scheduling #slicing #virtual machine- vSlicer: latency-aware virtual machine scheduling via differentiated-frequency CPU slicing (CX, SG, PNR, AK, RRK, DX), pp. 3–14.
OSDI-2012-DunnLJKSXSW #privacy- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Machine: Protecting Privacy with Ephemeral Channels (AMD, MZL, SJ, SK, MS, YX, VS, EW), pp. 61–75.
ICLP-2012-BlockeelBBCP #data mining #machine learning #mining #modelling #problem- Modeling Machine Learning and Data Mining Problems with FO(·) (HB, BB, MB, BdC, SDP, MD, AL, JR, SV), pp. 14–25.
ICLP-2012-MarateaPR #machine learning- Applying Machine Learning Techniques to ASP Solving (MM, LP, FR), pp. 37–48.
ICST-2012-DurelliOD #mutation testing #testing #towards #virtual machine- Toward Harnessing High-Level Language Virtual Machines for Further Speeding Up Weak Mutation Testing (VHSD, JO, MED), pp. 681–690.
ICST-2012-EndoS #comparison #finite #generative #state machine #testing- Experimental Comparison of Test Case Generation Methods for Finite State Machines (ATE, AdSS), pp. 549–558.
ICST-2012-JagannathKLM #independence #metric- Evaluating Machine-Independent Metrics for State-Space Exploration (VJ, MK, YL, DM), pp. 320–329.
ICST-2012-PetrenkoSY #finite #generative #nondeterminism #sequence #state machine- Generating Checking Sequences for Nondeterministic Finite State Machines (AP, AdSS, NY), pp. 310–319.
ICTSS-2012-StrugS #approach #machine learning #mutation testing #testing- Machine Learning Approach in Mutation Testing (JS, BS), pp. 200–214.
ICTSS-2012-Vaandrager #finite #learning #state machine- Active Learning of Extended Finite State Machines (FWV), pp. 5–7.
SMT-2012-AzizWD #estimation #machine learning #problem #smt- A Machine Learning Technique for Hardness Estimation of QFBV SMT Problems (MAA, AGW, NMD), pp. 57–66.
ASE-2011-ChenHX #approach #evaluation #machine learning #process- Software process evaluation: A machine learning approach (NC, SCHH, XX), pp. 333–342.
CASE-2011-ChenZAB #energy #feedback- Feedback control of machine startup for energy-efficient manufacturing in Bernoulli serial lines (GC, LZ, JA, SB), pp. 666–671.
CASE-2011-SernaCBRC #case study #design #framework- Control software design for a cutting glass machine tool based on the COSME platform. Case study (FS, CC, AB, JMR, JMC), pp. 501–506.
CASE-2011-YanCLWC #multi #scheduling- Optimization-based litho machine scheduling with multiple reticles and setups (BY, HYC, PBL, SW, JC), pp. 114–119.
DAC-2011-AuerbachBCRS #hardware #object-oriented- Virtualization of heterogeneous machines hardware description in a synthesizable object-oriented language (JSA, DFB, PC, RMR, SS), pp. 890–894.
DAC-2011-GeQ #machine learning #multi #using- Dynamic thermal management for multimedia applications using machine learning (YG, QQ), pp. 95–100.
DATE-2011-SinhaP #representation #state machine #synthesis- Abstract state machines as an intermediate representation for high-level synthesis (RS, HDP), pp. 1406–1411.
DRR-2011-KimLT #automation #identification #using- Automated identification of biomedical article type using support Vector machines (ICK, DXL, GRT), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2011-KumarPCADN- Shape codebook based handwritten and machine printed text zone extraction (JK, RP, HC, WAA, DSD, PN), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-KumarD #image #performance #using- Fast Rule-Line Removal Using Integral Images and Support Vector Machines (JK, DSD), pp. 584–588.
ICDAR-2011-LinGC #component #documentation- Classifying Textual Components of Bilingual Documents with Decision-Tree Support Vector Machines (XRL, CYG, FC), pp. 498–502.
ICDAR-2011-MandalRP #documentation #random #segmentation #using- Signature Segmentation from Machine Printed Documents Using Conditional Random Field (RM, PPR, UP), pp. 1170–1174.
ICDAR-2011-PinsonB #component #using- Connected Component Level Discrimination of Handwritten and Machine-Printed Text Using Eigenfaces (SJP, WAB), pp. 1394–1398.
ICDAR-2011-WakaharaK #clustering #image #string #using- Binarization of Color Character Strings in Scene Images Using K-Means Clustering and Support Vector Machines (TW, KK), pp. 274–278.
SIGMOD-2011-YuKKHH- Exact indexing for support vector machines (HY, IK, YK, SwH, WSH), pp. 709–720.
ITiCSE-2011-Goldweber #learning #process #turing machine- Two kinesthetic learning activities: turing machines and basic computer organization (MG), p. 335.
ESOP-2011-BorgstromGGMG #machine learning #semantics- Measure Transformer Semantics for Bayesian Machine Learning (JB, ADG, MG, JM, JVG), pp. 77–96.
WCRE-2011-Mintchev #integration #legacy #program transformation- Renovation by Machine-Assisted Program Transformation in Production Reporting and Integration (SM), pp. 406–410.
SAS-2011-NoriR #machine learning #program analysis- Program Analysis and Machine Learning: A Win-Win Deal (AVN, SKR), pp. 2–3.
STOC-2011-Svensson- Santa Claus schedules jobs on unrelated machines (OS), pp. 617–626.
DLT-J-2009-Petersen11 #bound #simulation- Simulations by Time-Bounded Counter Machines (HP), pp. 395–409.
AFL-2011-IbarraS #bound #linear- Characterizations of Bounded Semilinear Languages by One-Way and Two-way Deterministic Machines (OHI, SS), pp. 211–224.
CIAA-2011-KushikEY #adaptation #finite #nondeterminism #state machine- Preset and Adaptive Homing Experiments for Nondeterministic Finite State Machines (NK, KEF, NY), pp. 215–224.
ICALP-v1-2011-ChanLLLT #energy #multi- Sleep Management on Multiple Machines for Energy and Flow Time (SHC, TWL, LKL, CML, HFT), pp. 219–231.
ICALP-v2-2011-SalvatiW #higher-order- Krivine Machines and Higher-Order Schemes (SS, IW), pp. 162–173.
LATA-2011-AxelsenG #performance #turing machine- A Simple and Efficient Universal Reversible Turing Machine (HBA, RG), pp. 117–128.
SEFM-2011-CrespoK #framework #logic #relational- A Machine-Checked Framework for Relational Separation Logic (JMC, CK), pp. 122–137.
SFM-2011-Moschitti #automation #kernel #learning #modelling- Kernel-Based Machines for Abstract and Easy Modeling of Automatic Learning (AM), pp. 458–503.
IFL-2011-KoopmanAP #logic #modelling #state machine #testing- Model Based Testing with Logical Properties versus State Machines (PWMK, PA, RP), pp. 116–133.
AGTIVE-2011-StroblM #diagrams #editing #generative #graph transformation #state machine- Generating Graph Transformation Rules from AML/GT State Machine Diagrams for Building Animated Model Editors (TS, MM), pp. 65–80.
CHI-2011-ChauKHF #interactive #machine learning #named #network #scalability- Apolo: making sense of large network data by combining rich user interaction and machine learning (DHC, AK, JIH, CF), pp. 167–176.
DUXU-v2-2011-Marcus #design #health #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Health Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM), pp. 598–607.
DUXU-v2-2011-ObermeierBSV #aspect-oriented #automation #evaluation #modelling #object-oriented #programming #usability- Fundamental Aspects Concerning the Usability Evaluation of Model-Driven Object Oriented Programming Approaches in Machine and Plant Automation (MO, SB, KS, BVH), pp. 497–506.
HCI-ITE-2011-MetzeBP #bibliography #interactive- A Review of Personality in Voice-Based Man Machine Interaction (FM, AWB, TP), pp. 358–367.
HCI-MIIE-2011-KarthikP #adaptation #approach #classification #email #machine learning- Adaptive Machine Learning Approach for Emotional Email Classification (KK, RP), pp. 552–558.
HCI-MIIE-2011-OehlSTHP #approach #detection #human-computer #interactive- Improving Human-Machine Interaction — A Non Invasive Approach to Detect Emotions in Car Drivers (MO, FWS, TKT, RH, HRP), pp. 577–585.
HIMI-v1-2011-TewsOSHF #human-computer #interactive- Emotional Human-Machine Interaction: Cues from Facial Expressions (TKT, MO, FWS, RH, HF), pp. 641–650.
OCSC-2011-PujariK #approach #machine learning #predict #recommendation- A Supervised Machine Learning Link Prediction Approach for Tag Recommendation (MP, RK), pp. 336–344.
ICEIS-J-2011-Li11f #analysis #approach #case study #machine learning #type system #using- A Study on Noisy Typing Stream Analysis Using Machine Learning Approach (JL0), pp. 149–161.
ICEIS-v2-2011-LiangZL- Stock Market Forecasting based on Wavelet and Least Squares Support Vector Machine (XL, HZ, XL), pp. 46–53.
ICEIS-v2-2011-ZhuL- Mutual Interdependence of Stock Markets based on Support Vector Machine (MZ, JL), pp. 218–221.
CIKM-2011-MagdyJ #performance #using- An efficient method for using machine translation technologies in cross-language patent search (WM, GJFJ), pp. 1925–1928.
CIKM-2011-QianHCZN #ambiguity #machine learning- Combining machine learning and human judgment in author disambiguation (YnQ, YH, JC, QZ, ZN), pp. 1241–1246.
CIKM-2011-ZhangYCT #detection- A machine-learned proactive moderation system for auction fraud detection (LZ, JY, WC, BLT), pp. 2501–2504.
CIKM-2011-ZhouH #framework #markov #novel- A novel framework of training hidden markov support vector machines from lightly-annotated data (DZ, YH), pp. 2025–2028.
ECIR-2011-LeonardLZTCD #data fusion #information retrieval #machine learning #metric- Applying Machine Learning Diversity Metrics to Data Fusion in Information Retrieval (DL, DL, LZ, FT, RWC, JD), pp. 695–698.
ICML-2011-ChoRI #adaptation #learning #strict- Enhanced Gradient and Adaptive Learning Rate for Training Restricted Boltzmann Machines (KC, TR, AI), pp. 105–112.
ICML-2011-FrancZS #modelling #probability- Support Vector Machines as Probabilistic Models (VF, AZ, BS), pp. 665–672.
ICML-2011-KarasuyamaT #algorithm- Suboptimal Solution Path Algorithm for Support Vector Machine (MK, IT), pp. 473–480.
ICML-2011-LadickyT #linear- Locally Linear Support Vector Machines (LL, PHST), pp. 985–992.
ICML-2011-SujeethLBRCWAOO #domain-specific language #machine learning #named #parallel- OptiML: An Implicitly Parallel Domain-Specific Language for Machine Learning (AKS, HL, KJB, TR, HC, MW, ARA, MO, KO), pp. 609–616.
ICML-2011-ZhuCX #infinity #kernel #process- Infinite SVM: a Dirichlet Process Mixture of Large-margin Kernel Machines (JZ, NC, EPX), pp. 617–624.
KDD-2011-ChauKHF #graph #interactive #machine learning #named #scalability #visualisation- Apolo: interactive large graph sensemaking by combining machine learning and visualization (DHC, AK, JIH, CF), pp. 739–742.
KDD-2011-GhotingKPK #algorithm #data mining #implementation #machine learning #mining #named #parallel #pipes and filters #tool support- NIMBLE: a toolkit for the implementation of parallel data mining and machine learning algorithms on mapreduce (AG, PK, EPDP, RK), pp. 334–342.
KDD-2011-VijayaraghavanK #data mining #machine learning #mining #online- Applications of data mining and machine learning in online customer care (RV, PVK), p. 779.
KDD-2011-WangDCV #adaptation #classification #multi #scalability- Trading representability for scalability: adaptive multi-hyperplane machine for nonlinear classification (ZW, ND, KC, SV), pp. 24–32.
KDIR-2011-ReuterC #identification #learning #similarity #using- Learning Similarity Functions for Event Identification using Support Vector Machines (TR, PC), pp. 208–215.
MLDM-2011-Benbrahim #fuzzy- Fuzzy Semi-supervised Support Vector Machines (HB), pp. 127–139.
MLDM-2011-TalbertHT #data mining #framework #machine learning #mining- A Machine Learning and Data Mining Framework to Enable Evolutionary Improvement in Trauma Triage (DAT, MH, ST), pp. 348–361.
RecSys-2011-PaparrizosCG #recommendation- Machine learned job recommendation (IKP, BBC, AG), pp. 325–328.
SEKE-2011-NoorianBD #classification #framework #machine learning #testing #towards- Machine Learning-based Software Testing: Towards a Classification Framework (MN, EB, WD), pp. 225–229.
SEKE-2011-WangKN #empirical #metric #using- An Empirical Study of Software Metrics Selection Using Support Vector Machine (HW, TMK, AN), pp. 83–88.
SIGIR-2011-LinLJY #approach #machine learning #query #social- Social annotation in query expansion: a machine learning approach (YL, HL, SJ, ZY), pp. 405–414.
SIGIR-2011-RendleGFS #performance #recommendation- Fast context-aware recommendations with factorization machines (SR, ZG, CF, LST), pp. 635–644.
SIGIR-2011-ShiYGN #machine learning #network #recommendation #scalability #social- A large scale machine learning system for recommending heterogeneous content in social networks (YS, DY, AG, SN), pp. 1337–1338.
SIGIR-2011-SiJ #information retrieval #machine learning- Machine learning for information retrieval (LS, RJ), pp. 1293–1294.
ICMT-J-2010-GronmoM11 #diagrams #graph transformation #sequence chart #state machine #uml- From UML 2 Sequence Diagrams to State Machines by Graph Transformation (RG, BMP), pp. 182–203.
ECMFA-2011-EllnerADJKP #distributed #execution #modelling #process- A FUML-Based Distributed Execution Machine for Enacting Software Process Models (RE, SAH, JD, MJ, DK, MP), pp. 19–34.
ECMFA-2011-YueAB #automation #case study #state machine #testing #uml- Automated Transition from Use Cases to UML State Machines to Support State-Based Testing (TY, SA, LCB), pp. 115–131.
MoDELS-2011-FabryZG #case study #design #experience #interactive- Expressing Aspectual Interactions in Design: Experiences in the Slot Machine Domain (JF, AZ, SEG), pp. 93–107.
MoDELS-2011-FabryZG #case study #design #experience #interactive- Expressing Aspectual Interactions in Design: Experiences in the Slot Machine Domain (JF, AZ, SEG), pp. 93–107.
OOPSLA-2011-HammerNCA #self #stack- Self-adjusting stack machines (MAH, GN, YC, UAA), pp. 753–772.
OOPSLA-2011-Kulkarni #compilation #jit #policy- JIT compilation policy for modern machines (PAK), pp. 773–788.
OOPSLA-2011-SeweMSB #analysis #benchmark #design #java #metric #scala #virtual machine- Da capo con scala: design and analysis of a scala benchmark suite for the java virtual machine (AS, MM, AS, WB), pp. 657–676.
POPL-2011-RamseyD #composition #dependent type #independence #low level #type system #using- Resourceable, retargetable, modular instruction selection using a machine-independent, type-based tiling of low-level intermediate code (NR, JD), pp. 575–586.
SAC-2011-KimDB #dependence #diagrams #identification #state machine #uml- Identifying properties of UML state machine diagrams that affect data and control dependence (HK, VD, DHB), pp. 1464–1469.
SAC-2011-NakajimaLYZGXYDQCG #hybrid #optimisation #using #virtual machine- Optimizing virtual machines using hybrid virtualization (JN, QL, SY, MZ, SG, MX, PY, YD, ZQ, KC, HG), pp. 573–578.
SAC-2011-OsborneGCAZ #classification- Machine classification of melanoma and nevi from skin lesions (JDO, SG, WbC, AA, CZ), pp. 100–105.
SAC-2011-ShanCW #virtual machine- Virtualizing system and ordinary services in Windows-based OS-level virtual machines (ZS, TcC, XW), pp. 579–583.
ESEC-FSE-2011-Hall #generative #state machine- Search based hierarchy generation for reverse engineered state machines (MH), pp. 392–395.
ESEC-FSE-2011-LumpeMG #logic #named #specification- PSPWizard: machine-assisted definition of temporal logical properties with specification patterns (ML, IM, LG), pp. 468–471.
LDTA-2011-SergeyC #automaton #recursion #type checking- From type checking by recursive descent to type checking with an abstract machine (IS, DC), p. 2.
CGO-2011-LiuZDK #manycore #scheduling- On-chip cache hierarchy-aware tile scheduling for multicore machines (JL, YZ, WD, MTK), pp. 161–170.
CGO-2011-SanchezASPS #compilation #using- Using machines to learn method-specific compilation strategies (RNS, JNA, DS, MP, MGS), pp. 257–266.
CGO-2011-WuHBW #energy #manycore #virtual machine- A HW/SW co-designed heterogeneous multi-core virtual machine for energy-efficient general purpose computing (YW, SH, EB, CW), pp. 236–245.
HPDC-2011-Al-KiswanySSR #named #virtual machine- VMFlock: virtual machine co-migration for the cloud (SAK, DS, PS, MR), pp. 159–170.
HPDC-2011-DeshpandeWG #migration #virtual machine- Live gang migration of virtual machines (UD, XW, KG), pp. 135–146.
HPDC-2011-LiuXJGL #energy #migration #modelling #performance #virtual machine- Performance and energy modeling for live migration of virtual machines (HL, CZX, HJ, JG, XL), pp. 171–182.
HPDC-2011-WengLYL #adaptation #scheduling #virtual machine- Dynamic adaptive scheduling for virtual machines (CW, QL, LY, ML), pp. 239–250.
SOSP-2011-ZhangCCZ #multitenancy #named #virtual machine- CloudVisor: retrofitting protection of virtual machines in multi-tenant cloud with nested virtualization (FZ, JC, HC, BZ), pp. 203–216.
ICST-2011-Bogdanov #generative #testing- Test Generation for X-machines with Non-terminal States and Priorities of Operations (KB), pp. 130–139.
ASE-2010-BalzSG #maintenance #modelling #state machine #tool support- Tool support for continuous maintenance of state machine models in program code (MB, MS, MG), pp. 175–176.
ASE-2010-HalleEBB #fault #model checking #navigation #runtime #state machine #web- Eliminating navigation errors in web applications via model checking and runtime enforcement of navigation state machines (SH, TE, CB, TB), pp. 235–244.
CASE-2010-ParkSR #automation #classification #database- Image-based automated chemical database annotation with ensemble of machine-vision classifiers (JP, KS, GRR), pp. 168–173.
DATE-2010-AyoubSR #multi #named #scheduling- GentleCool: Cooling aware proactive workload scheduling in multi-machine systems (RZA, SS, TSR), pp. 295–298.
DATE-2010-HuangSM #fault #machine learning- Fault diagnosis of analog circuits based on machine learning (KH, HGDS, SM), pp. 1761–1766.
DocEng-2010-Bagley #compilation #lessons learnt- Lessons from the dragon: compiling PDF to machine code (SRB), pp. 65–68.
ITiCSE-2010-HauptHPGMBHKK #education #product line #research #virtual machine- The SOM family: virtual machines for teaching and research (MH, RH, TP, GG, SM, AB, AH, MK, RK), pp. 18–22.
FoSSaCS-2010-DemriS #decidability #ltl #model checking- When Model-Checking Freeze LTL over Counter Machines Becomes Decidable (SD, AS), pp. 176–190.
ICSM-2010-PradelBG #evaluation #finite #framework #specification #state machine- A framework for the evaluation of specification miners based on finite state machines (MP, PB, TRG), pp. 1–10.
STOC-2010-Svensson #precedence #scheduling- Conditional hardness of precedence constrained scheduling on identical machines (OS), pp. 745–754.
DLT-2010-Ibarra #on the #problem- On Decision Problems for Simple and Parameterized Machines (OHI), p. 31.
ICFP-2010-HornM #automaton- Abstracting abstract machines (DVH, MM), pp. 51–62.
IFL-2010-SieczkowskiBB #automation #automaton #coq #formal method #reduction #semantics- Automating Derivations of Abstract Machines from Reduction Semantics: — A Generic Formalization of Refocusing in Coq (FS, MB, DB), pp. 72–88.
GT-VMT-2010-HassanMS #automaton #interactive #lightweight- A lightweight abstract machine for interaction nets (AH, IM, SS).
CHI-2010-KapoorLTH #classification #interactive #optimisation- Interactive optimization for steering machine classification (AK, BL, DST, EH), pp. 1343–1352.
ECIR-2010-KnothCSZ #multi #named #retrieval- EUROGENE: Multilingual Retrieval and Machine Translation Applied to Human Genetics (PK, TDC, ES, ZZ), pp. 670–671.
ICML-2010-Apte #machine learning #optimisation- The Role of Machine Learning in Business Optimization (CA), pp. 1–2.
ICML-2010-LongS #approximate #simulation #strict- Restricted Boltzmann Machines are Hard to Approximately Evaluate or Simulate (PML, RAS), pp. 703–710.
ICML-2010-NairH #linear #strict- Rectified Linear Units Improve Restricted Boltzmann Machines (VN, GEH), pp. 807–814.
ICML-2010-Raphael #machine learning #music- Music Plus One and Machine Learning (CR), pp. 21–28.
ICML-2010-Salakhutdinov #adaptation #learning #using- Learning Deep Boltzmann Machines using Adaptive MCMC (RS), pp. 943–950.
ICML-2010-ShoebG #detection #machine learning- Application of Machine Learning To Epileptic Seizure Detection (AHS, JVG), pp. 975–982.
ICPR-2010-CadavidA #automation #detection #modelling #using #visual notation- Exploiting Visual Quasi-periodicity for Automated Chewing Event Detection Using Active Appearance Models and Support Vector Machines (SC, MAM), pp. 1714–1717.
ICPR-2010-Casarrubias-VargasPB #machine learning #navigation #visual notation- EKF-SLAM and Machine Learning Techniques for Visual Robot Navigation (HCV, APB, EBC), pp. 396–399.
ICPR-2010-GongLTPLLTZ #automation #framework #image #statistics- Automatic Pathology Annotation on Medical Images: A Statistical Machine Translation Framework (TG, SL, CLT, BCP, CCTL, CKL, QT, ZZ), pp. 2504–2507.
ICPR-2010-HeG #classification- Rare Class Classification by Support Vector Machine (HH, AG), pp. 548–551.
ICPR-2010-KappSM #adaptation #incremental #learning- Adaptive Incremental Learning with an Ensemble of Support Vector Machines (MNK, RS, PM), pp. 4048–4051.
ICPR-2010-KitaW #clustering #image #using- Binarization of Color Characters in Scene Images Using k-means Clustering and Support Vector Machines (KK, TW), pp. 3183–3186.
ICPR-2010-KotsiaP #multi- Multiplicative Update Rules for Multilinear Support Tensor Machines (IK, IP), pp. 33–36.
ICPR-2010-LiPBT #2d #recognition- Improved Facial Expression Recognition with Trainable 2-D Filters and Support Vector Machines (PL, SLP, AB, FHCT), pp. 3732–3735.
ICPR-2010-LiS #kernel #multi- Nonlinear Combination of Multiple Kernels for Support Vector Machines (JL, SS), pp. 2889–2892.
ICPR-2010-MoonQ #effectiveness #reduction- Effective Dimensionality Reduction Based on Support Vector Machine (SM, HQ), pp. 173–176.
ICPR-2010-NikitidisNP #incremental #multi- Incremental Training of Multiclass Support Vector Machines (SN, NN, IP), pp. 4267–4270.
ICPR-2010-OzcanG #detection #fuzzy- Fuzzy Support Vector Machines for ECG Arrhythmia Detection (NOO, FSG), pp. 2973–2976.
ICPR-2010-SagheerHNS #recognition #using #word- Holistic Urdu Handwritten Word Recognition Using Support Vector Machine (MWS, CLH, NN, CYS), pp. 1900–1903.
ICPR-2010-ShamiliBA #detection #distributed #machine learning #mobile #using- Malware Detection on Mobile Devices Using Distributed Machine Learning (ASS, CB, TA), pp. 4348–4351.
ICPR-2010-ZhangZZZ #classification #kernel #metric #using- Time Series Classification Using Support Vector Machine with Gaussian Elastic Metric Kernel (DZ, WZ, DZ, HZ), pp. 29–32.
KDD-2010-KhoslaCLCHL #approach #machine learning #predict- An integrated machine learning approach to stroke prediction (AK, YC, CCYL, HKC, JH, HL), pp. 183–192.
KDD-2010-LinC #outsourcing #privacy #random- Privacy-preserving outsourcing support vector machines with random transformation (KPL, MSC), pp. 363–372.
KDIR-2010-CarulloB #analysis #machine learning #mining #web- Machine Learning and Link Analysis for Web Content Mining (MC, EB), pp. 156–161.
KDIR-2010-ParviainenRML #approximate #infinity #learning #network- Interpreting Extreme Learning Machine as an Approximation to an Infinite Neural Network (EP, JR, YM, AL), pp. 65–73.
KMIS-2010-FersiniMTAC #generative #machine learning #semantics- Semantics and Machine Learning for Building the Next Generation of Judicial Court Management Systems (EF, EM, DT, FA, MC), pp. 51–60.
RecSys-2010-BenchettaraKR #approach #collaboration #machine learning #predict #recommendation- A supervised machine learning link prediction approach for academic collaboration recommendation (NB, RK, CR), pp. 253–256.
SEKE-2010-KhoshgoftaarG #machine learning #metric #novel #re-engineering #using- Software Engineering with Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning A Novel Software Metric Selection Technique Using the Area Under ROC Curves (TMK, KG), pp. 203–208.
SIGIR-2010-LeeCW #machine learning #social- Uncovering social spammers: social honeypots + machine learning (KL, JC, SW), pp. 435–442.
SIGIR-2010-ZwolPMS #ranking- Machine learned ranking of entity facets (RvZ, LGP, MM, BS), pp. 879–880.
ECMFA-2010-EichbergMKM #execution #modelling- Model-Driven Engineering of Machine Executable Code (ME, MM, SK, MM), pp. 104–115.
ICMT-2010-GronmoM #diagrams #graph transformation #sequence chart #state machine- From Sequence Diagrams to State Machines by Graph Transformation (RG, BMP), pp. 93–107.
MoDELS-v1-2010-RahimW #code generation #consistency #semantics #state machine #verification- Verifying Semantic Conformance of State Machine-to-Java Code Generators (LAR, JW), pp. 166–180.
PPDP-2010-AsaiK #continuation #functional #virtual machine- Functional derivation of a virtual machine for delimited continuations (KA, AK), pp. 87–98.
POPL-2010-DiasR #automation #declarative #generative #using- Automatically generating instruction selectors using declarative machine descriptions (JD, NR), pp. 403–416.
SAC-2010-BaiXL #virtual machine- Task-aware based co-scheduling for virtual machine system (YB, CX, ZL), pp. 181–188.
SAC-2010-ChandaFP #classification #documentation- Structural handwritten and machine print classification for sparse content and arbitrary oriented document fragments (SC, KF, UP), pp. 18–22.
SAC-2010-LiuHLW #consistency #migration #network #virtual machine- Network state consistency of virtual machine in live migration (XL, JH, QL, TW), pp. 727–728.
SAC-2010-MadeoPBDB #implementation #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- A committee machine implementing the pattern recognition module for fingerspelling applications (RCBM, SMP, HHB, DBD, CB), pp. 954–958.
SAC-2010-OkamuraO #virtual machine- Load-based covert channels between Xen virtual machines (KO, YO), pp. 173–180.
SAC-2010-VogelsJP #generative #performance #proving #verification- A machine-checked soundness proof for an efficient verification condition generator (FV, BJ, FP), pp. 2517–2522.
SAC-2010-ZambranoFJS #case study #experience #interactive #requirements- Expressing aspectual interactions in requirements engineering: experiences in the slot machine domain (AZ, JF, GJ, SEG), pp. 2161–2168.
ICSE-2010-Cleland-HuangCGE #approach #machine learning #requirements- A machine learning approach for tracing regulatory codes to product specific requirements (JCH, AC, MG, JE), pp. 155–164.
HPDC-2010-HerzfeldOS #virtual machine- Pools of virtual boxes: building campus grids with virtual machines (DJH, LEO, CAS), pp. 667–675.
HPDC-2010-HuLZHX #clustering #manycore #scheduling #virtual machine- I/O scheduling model of virtual machine based on multi-core dynamic partitioning (YH, XL, JZ, JH, LX), pp. 142–154.
OSDI-2010-HaeberlenARD #virtual machine- Accountable Virtual Machines (AH, PA, RR, PD), pp. 119–134.
PPoPP-2010-PerarnauH #cpu #generative #named- KRASH: reproducible CPU load generation on many cores machines (SP, GH), pp. 327–328.
PPoPP-2010-ZhaiCZ #named #parallel #performance #predict #scalability #using- PHANTOM: predicting performance of parallel applications on large-scale parallel machines using a single node (JZ, WC, WZ), pp. 305–314.
CAV-2010-RepsLTBL #verification- There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom: Analyzing and Verifying Machine Code (TWR, JL, AVT, GB, AL), pp. 41–56.
CAV-2010-ThakurLLBDEAR #generative #proving- Directed Proof Generation for Machine Code (AVT, JL, AL, AB, ED, ME, TA, TWR), pp. 288–305.
ICLP-2010-Alqaddoumi10 #functional #logic programming #parallel #towards #virtual machine- Towards a Parallel Virtual Machine for Functional Logic Programming (AA), pp. 222–225.
ICST-2010-Irfan #state machine #testing- State Machine Inference in Testing Context with Long Counterexamples (MNI), pp. 508–511.
ICST-2010-SilvaJA #cost analysis #execution #machine learning #symmetry #testing- Machine Learning Methods and Asymmetric Cost Function to Estimate Execution Effort of Software Testing (DGeS, MJ, BTdA), pp. 275–284.
ICST-2010-Weissleder #state machine #test coverage #uml- Simulated Satisfaction of Coverage Criteria on UML State Machines (SW), pp. 117–126.
ISSTA-2010-MartignoniPRB #testing #virtual machine- Testing system virtual machines (LM, RP, GFR, DB), pp. 171–182.
QoSA-2009-BjornanderGL #architecture #simulation #specification #state machine- Timed Simulation of Extended AADL-Based Architecture Specifications with Timed Abstract State Machines (SB, LG, KL), pp. 101–115.
CASE-2009-BalajiGK #case study #using- Selection of a machine tool for FMS using ELECTRE III — a case study (CMB, AG, RK), pp. 171–176.
CASE-2009-LiQW #parallel #scheduling- ACO-based scheduling of parallel batch processing machines to minimize the total weighted tardiness (LL, FQ, QW), pp. 280–285.
CASE-2009-YungPY #flexibility #multi #scheduling- Multi-objective ACO for integrated scheduling of machines and material handling equipment in flexible manufacturing systems (TWY, SGP, MY), pp. 304–309.
DATE-2009-StratigopoulosMM #set- Enrichment of limited training sets in machine-learning-based analog/RF test (HGDS, SM, YM), pp. 1668–1673.
DATE-2009-WangW #machine learning- Machine learning-based volume diagnosis (SW, WW), pp. 902–905.
DocEng-2009-BattleB #behaviour #concurrent #documentation #modelling #state machine- Modelling composite document behaviour with concurrent hierarchical state machines (SB, HB), pp. 25–28.
ICDAR-2009-AhmadVK #markov #recognition #using #word- Lexicon-Based Word Recognition Using Support Vector Machine and Hidden Markov Model (ARA, CVG, MK), pp. 161–165.
ICDAR-2009-GarainH #authentication #documentation #security- Machine Authentication of Security Documents (UG, BH), pp. 718–722.
ICDAR-2009-PengSGSB #documentation #identification #markov #random- Markov Random Field Based Text Identification from Annotated Machine Printed Documents (XP, SS, VG, RS, KB), pp. 431–435.
ITiCSE-2009-NorvellB #education #plugin- Rich content plug-ins for the teaching machine (TSN, MBL), p. 348.
ITiCSE-2009-Schocken #abstraction #implementation #virtual machine- Virtual machines: abstraction and implementation (SS), pp. 203–207.
FASE-2009-AndroutsopoulosCHLT #dependence #finite #state machine- Control Dependence for Extended Finite State Machines (KA, DC, MH, ZL, LT), pp. 216–230.
PLDI-2009-TournavitisWFO #approach #detection #parallel #towards- Towards a holistic approach to auto-parallelization: integrating profile-driven parallelism detection and machine-learning based mapping (GT, ZW, BF, MFPO), pp. 177–187.
DLT-2009-Petersen #bound #simulation- Simulations by Time-Bounded Counter Machines (HP), pp. 410–418.
FM-2009-SaidBS #refinement #state machine #tool support #uml- Language and Tool Support for Class and State Machine Refinement in UML-B (MYS, MJB, CFS), pp. 579–595.
FM-2009-ShahbazG #automaton- Inferring Mealy Machines (MS, RG), pp. 207–222.
SEFM-2009-SubramaniamGP #finite #impact analysis #state machine #testing #using- Using Change Impact Analysis to Select Tests for Extended Finite State Machines (MS, BG, ZP), pp. 93–102.
CHI-2009-TalbotLKT #classification #interactive #machine learning #multi #named #visualisation- EnsembleMatrix: interactive visualization to support machine learning with multiple classifiers (JT, BL, AK, DST), pp. 1283–1292.
CHI-2009-Taylor- Machine intelligence (AST), pp. 2109–2118.
CHI-2009-YamashitaIKI #multi #using- Difficulties in establishing common ground in multiparty groups using machine translation (NY, RI, HK, TI), pp. 679–688.
HCD-2009-YousefiSH #design #mobile- Human Centered Design of Mobile Machines by a Virtual Environment (HY, AMS, HH), pp. 1099–1108.
HCI-NIMT-2009-GastBRRWMR #analysis #gesture #human-computer #interactive- Did I Get It Right: Head Gestures Analysis for Human-Machine Interactions (JG, AB, TR, GR, FW, CM, BR), pp. 170–177.
HCI-NIMT-2009-RehrlBGRW #human-computer #interface #named #novel- cfHMI: A Novel Contact-Free Human-Machine Interface (TR, AB, JG, GR, FW), pp. 246–254.
HCI-NIMT-2009-SanchezFFP #development #interface #using- Development of Symbiotic Brain-Machine Interfaces Using a Neurophysiology Cyberworkstation (JCS, RJOF, JABF, JCP), pp. 606–615.
HCI-NT-2009-MiyazakiSY #behaviour #distributed #java #runtime #using #virtual machine- Investigating the Run Time Behavior of Distributed Applications by Using Tiny Java Virtual Machines with Wireless Communications (TM, TS, FY), pp. 882–889.
HCI-VAD-2009-BaldirisFMG #adaptation #machine learning- Adaptation Decisions and Profiles Exchange among Open Learning Management Systems Based on Agent Negotiations and Machine Learning Techniques (SB, RF, CM, SG), pp. 12–20.
HCI-VAD-2009-Yarlikas #analysis #automation- A New Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) Proposal through the Analysis of ATMs of Three Banks (SY), pp. 641–650.
HIMI-DIE-2009-KawashimoSDAT- A Skill Transfer Method for Manual Machine Tool Operation Utilizing Cutting Sound (TK, NS, DD, MA, TT), pp. 77–86.
HIMI-DIE-2009-LeuchterM #human-computer #interface- Distribution of Human-Machine Interfaces in System-of-Systems Engineering (SL, DM), pp. 271–278.
HIMI-II-2009-AyodeleZK #approach #email #machine learning #predict- Email Reply Prediction: A Machine Learning Approach (TA, SZ, RK), pp. 114–123.
HIMI-II-2009-NakataniSSN #case study #design #guidelines #interface- A Study of Auditory Warning Signals for the Design Guidelines of Man-Machine Interfaces (MN, DS, NS, SN), pp. 826–834.
AdaEurope-2009-SaezTGC #ada #implementation #state machine #uml- Implementing Reactive Systems with UML State Machines and Ada 2005 (SS, ST, VLG, AC), pp. 149–163.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-Mao #machine learning #online- Machine Learning in Online Advertising (JM), p. 27.
CIKM-2009-LiuH #evaluation #incremental #query- Incremental query evaluation for support vector machines (DL, KAH), pp. 1815–1818.
CIKM-2009-SvoreB #approach #machine learning #retrieval- A machine learning approach for improved BM25 retrieval (KMS, CJCB), pp. 1811–1814.
ICML-2009-BennettBC #information retrieval #machine learning #summary #tutorial- Tutorial summary: Machine learning in IR: recent successes and new opportunities (PNB, MB, KCT), p. 17.
ICML-2009-BeygelzimerLZ #machine learning #reduction #summary #tutorial- Tutorial summary: Reductions in machine learning (AB, JL, BZ), p. 12.
ICML-2009-SunJY #machine learning #problem- A least squares formulation for a class of generalized eigenvalue problems in machine learning (LS, SJ, JY), pp. 977–984.
ICML-2009-TaylorH #modelling #strict- Factored conditional restricted Boltzmann Machines for modeling motion style (GWT, GEH), pp. 1025–1032.
ICML-2009-ZhangKP #learning #prototype #scalability- Prototype vector machine for large scale semi-supervised learning (KZ, JTK, BP), pp. 1233–1240.
KDD-2009-JinHS #machine learning #mining #named #novel #web- OpinionMiner: a novel machine learning system for web opinion mining and extraction (WJ, HHH, RKS), pp. 1195–1204.
KEOD-2009-KoitRO #human-computer #information management #interactive #representation- Knowledge Representation for Human-machine Interaction (MK, TR, HÕ), pp. 396–399.
KMIS-2009-VinandPPV #design- Managing Engineering Knowledge in Special Machine Design Companies (PEV, FP, GP, FV), pp. 123–128.
MLDM-2009-BarakatB- The Effect of Domain Knowledge on Rule Extraction from Support Vector Machines (NHB, APB), pp. 311–321.
MLDM-2009-FersiniMAA #approach #multi #recognition- Audio-Based Emotion Recognition in Judicial Domain: A Multilayer Support Vector Machines Approach (EF, EM, GA, FA), pp. 594–602.
MLDM-2009-SegataB #dataset #performance #scalability- Fast Local Support Vector Machines for Large Datasets (NS, EB), pp. 295–310.
MLDM-2009-SeredinKM #machine learning #order #set- Selection of Subsets of Ordered Features in Machine Learning (OS, AK, VM), pp. 16–28.
SEKE-2009-AhsanFW #debugging #estimation #machine learning #using- Program File Bug Fix Effort Estimation Using Machine Learning Methods for OSS (SNA, JF, FW), pp. 129–134.
SEKE-2009-AxelssonBFSK #bibliography #code review #detection #fault #interactive #machine learning #visualisation- Detecting Defects with an Interactive Code Review Tool Based on Visualisation and Machine Learning (SA, DB, RF, DS, DK), pp. 412–417.
SEKE-2009-LounisAS #approach #impact analysis #maintenance #predict- Predicting Maintainability expressed as Change Impact: A Machine-learning-based Approach (HL, MKA, HAS), pp. 122–128.
SEKE-2009-SloanKV- An Extendible Translation of BPEL to a Machine-verifiable Model (JCS, TMK, AV), pp. 344–349.
SIGIR-2009-FujiiUYU #retrieval- Evaluating effects of machine translation accuracy on cross-lingual patent retrieval (AF, MU, MY, TU), pp. 674–675.
MoDELS-2009-DawV #modelling #process #state machine #uml- Deterministic UML Models for Interconnected Activities and State Machines (ZD, MV), pp. 556–570.
MoDELS-2009-Weissleder #industrial #modelling #state machine #testing #uml- Influencing Factors in Model-Based Testing with UML State Machines: Report on an Industrial Cooperation (SW), pp. 211–225.
MoDELS-2009-DawV #modelling #process #state machine #uml- Deterministic UML Models for Interconnected Activities and State Machines (ZD, MV), pp. 556–570.
MoDELS-2009-Weissleder #industrial #modelling #state machine #testing #uml- Influencing Factors in Model-Based Testing with UML State Machines: Report on an Industrial Cooperation (SW), pp. 211–225.
POPL-2009-SarkarSNORBMA #multi #semantics- The semantics of x86-CC multiprocessor machine code (SS, PS, FZN, SO, TR, TB, MOM, JA), pp. 379–391.
SAC-2009-AneddaGM #approach #virtual machine- A general service oriented approach for managing virtual machines allocation (PA, MG, SM), pp. 2154–2161.
SAC-2009-ChoppyR #state machine #uml- A method for developing UML state machines (CC, GR), pp. 382–388.
SAC-2009-EirakuSPKK #network #performance #virtual machine- Fast networking with socket-outsourcing in hosted virtual machine environments (HE, YS, CP, YK, KK), pp. 310–317.
SAC-2009-LombardiP #kernel #linux #named #security #virtual machine- KvmSec: a security extension for Linux kernel virtual machines (FL, RDP), pp. 2029–2034.
SAC-2009-OyamaKI #haskell #monitoring #named #virtual machine- Kenro: a virtual machine monitor mostly described in Haskell (YO, YK, HI), pp. 1940–1941.
SAC-2009-WangCH #learning #multi #music #retrieval- Music retrieval based on a multi-samples selection strategy for support vector machine active learning (TW, GC, PH), pp. 1750–1751.
ESEC-FSE-2009-DelawareCB #composition- Fitting the pieces together: a machine-checked model of safe composition (BD, WRC, DSB), pp. 243–252.
CGO-2009-LeatherBO #automation #compilation #generative #machine learning #optimisation- Automatic Feature Generation for Machine Learning Based Optimizing Compilation (HL, EVB, MFPO), pp. 81–91.
CGO-2009-MaoS #evolution #learning #predict #virtual machine- Cross-Input Learning and Discriminative Prediction in Evolvable Virtual Machines (FM, XS), pp. 92–101.
HPDC-2009-IbrahimJCCWQ #implementation #named #pipes and filters #towards #virtual machine- CLOUDLET: towards mapreduce implementation on virtual machines (SI, HJ, BC, HC, SW, LQ), pp. 65–66.
HPDC-2009-LiuJLHY #migration #virtual machine- Live migration of virtual machine based on full system trace and replay (HL, HJ, XL, LH, CY), pp. 101–110.
HPDC-2009-WangLL #memory management #performance #transaction- Investigating transactional memory performance on ccNUMA machines (RW, KL, XL), pp. 67–68.
PPoPP-2009-WangO #approach #machine learning #parallel- Mapping parallelism to multi-cores: a machine learning based approach (ZW, MFPO), pp. 75–84.
ICST-2009-BandyopadhyayG #generative #modelling #sequence #state machine #uml #using- Test Input Generation Using UML Sequence and State Machines Models (AB, SG), pp. 121–130.
ICST-2009-KalajiHS #finite #generative #state machine #testing- Generating Feasible Transition Paths for Testing from an Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) (ASK, RMH, SS), pp. 230–239.
MBT-2009-DadeauT #animation #named #testing- jSynoPSys — A Scenario-Based Testing Tool based on the Symbolic Animation of B Machines (FD, RT), pp. 117–132.
SAT-2009-HaimW #machine learning #using- Restart Strategy Selection Using Machine Learning Techniques (SH, TW), pp. 312–325.
TestCom-FATES-2009-El-FakihYF #fault #finite #state machine #testing- Testing Timed Finite State Machines with Guaranteed Fault Coverage (KEF, NY, HF), pp. 66–80.
CASE-2008-ArnaoutMR #algorithm #optimisation #parallel #problem #scheduling- Ant colony optimization algorithm to parallel machine scheduling problem with setups (JPA, RM, GR), pp. 578–582.
CASE-2008-BillerMMZ #modelling #reliability- Closed production lines with arbitrary models of machine reliability (SB, SPM, SMM, LZ), pp. 466–471.
CASE-2008-FerrariniBV #approach #automation #case study #fault- A pragmatic approach to fault diagnosis in hydraulic circuits for automated machining: A case study (LF, RB, CV), pp. 29–34.
CASE-2008-LiQ #scheduling- ACO-based scheduling for a single Batch Processing Machine in semiconductor manufacturing (LL, FQ), pp. 85–90.
CASE-2008-Monch #heuristic #parallel- Heuristics to minimize total weighted tardiness of jobs on unrelated parallel machines (LM), pp. 572–577.
CASE-2008-SunWHRW #case study #effectiveness #identification #monitoring #set- Identification of feature set for effective tool condition monitoring — a case study in titanium machining (JS, YSW, GSH, MR, ZW), pp. 273–278.
CASE-2008-TanakaF #algorithm #performance #scheduling- An efficient exact algorithm for general single-machine scheduling with machine idle time (ST, SF), pp. 371–376.
CASE-2008-Wang #approach #modelling- A model-driven approach for remote machine control (LW), pp. 644–649.
CASE-2008-WeiP #implementation #industrial #learning- An implementation of iterative learning control in industrial production machines (DW, RP), pp. 472–477.
DAC-2008-DongLY #manycore #named #parallel #simulation- WavePipe: parallel transient simulation of analog and digital circuits on multi-core shared-memory machines (WD, PL, XY), pp. 238–243.
DAC-2008-OzisikyilmazMC #design #machine learning #performance #using- Efficient system design space exploration using machine learning techniques (BÖ, GM, ANC), pp. 966–969.
DATE-2008-KangK #design #framework #machine learning #manycore #named #optimisation #performance- Magellan: A Search and Machine Learning-based Framework for Fast Multi-core Design Space Exploration and Optimization (SK, RK), pp. 1432–1437.
DRR-2008-ZouLT #html #online #using- Extracting a sparsely located named entity from online HTML medical articles using support vector machine (JZ, DXL, GRT), p. 68150.
SIGMOD-2008-SororMASKK #automation #database #virtual machine- Automatic virtual machine configuration for database workloads (AAS, UFM, AA, KS, PK, SK), pp. 953–966.
ITiCSE-2008-Boyle- Neither rocket science nor washing machine science, but computer science (RDB), pp. 5–6.
ITiCSE-2008-Garcia-OsorioMJG #automaton #education #turing machine- Teaching push-down automata and turing machines (CGO, IMS, JJV, NGP), p. 316.
FASE-2008-BergJR #similarity #state machine #testing #using- Regular Inference for State Machines Using Domains with Equality Tests (TB, BJ, HR), pp. 317–331.
FoSSaCS-2008-BonsangueRS #algebra #automaton #logic #synthesis- Coalgebraic Logic and Synthesis of Mealy Machines (MMB, JJMMR, AS), pp. 231–245.
FoSSaCS-2008-BouyerMR #analysis #automaton #robust- Robust Analysis of Timed Automata via Channel Machines (PB, NM, PAR), pp. 157–171.
WCRE-2008-AmalfitanoFT #finite #internet #reverse engineering #state machine- Reverse Engineering Finite State Machines from Rich Internet Applications (DA, ARF, PT), pp. 69–73.
CIAA-2008-HempelK #persistent #turing machine- Persistent Computations of Turing Machines (HH, MK), pp. 171–180.
CIAA-2008-Razet #finite- Finite Eilenberg Machines (BR), pp. 242–251.
LATA-2008-Petersen #sorting #turing machine- Sorting and Element Distinctness on One-Way Turing Machines (HP), pp. 433–439.
SEFM-2008-GuoS #finite #impact analysis #proving #state machine #theorem proving #using- Formal Change Impact Analyses of Extended Finite State Machines Using a Theorem Prover (BG, MS), pp. 335–344.
SEFM-2008-MerayoHN- Extending Stream X-Machines to Specify and Test Systems with Timeouts (MGM, RMH, MN), pp. 201–210.
GT-VMT-2006-ManningP08 #automaton- The York Abstract Machine (GM, DP), pp. 231–240.
ICGT-2008-Striewe #graph grammar #implementation #state machine #using- Using a Triple Graph Grammar for State Machine Implementations (MS), pp. 514–516.
CHI-2008-EverettGBWDST #performance- Electronic voting machines versus traditional methods: improved preference, similar performance (SPE, KKG, MDB, DSW, KD, DS, TT), pp. 883–892.
CHI-2008-PatelFLH #development #machine learning #statistics- Investigating statistical machine learning as a tool for software development (KP, JF, JAL, BLH), pp. 667–676.
AdaEurope-2008-AlonsoVPA #ada #modelling #state machine #thread #visual notation- StateML+s: From Graphical State Machine Models to Thread-Safe Ada Code (DA, CVC, JAP, BÁ), pp. 158–170.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-MahdaviSP #approach #automation #using- Machine Grouping in Cellular Manufacturing System Using Tandem Automated Guided vehicle with ACO Based Six Sigma Approach (IM, BS, MMP), pp. 261–267.
ICEIS-ISAS1-2008-LanoC #behaviour #refinement #semantics #state machine- Semantics and Refinement of Behavior State Machines (KL, DC), pp. 42–49.
ICML-2008-CatanzaroSK #classification #performance- Fast support vector machine training and classification on graphics processors (BCC, NS, KK), pp. 104–111.
ICML-2008-FrancLM #fault- Stopping conditions for exact computation of leave-one-out error in support vector machines (VF, PL, KRM), pp. 328–335.
ICML-2008-FrancS #algorithm- Optimized cutting plane algorithm for support vector machines (VF, SS), pp. 320–327.
ICML-2008-LarochelleB #classification #strict #using- Classification using discriminative restricted Boltzmann machines (HL, YB), pp. 536–543.
ICML-2008-TakedaS- nu-support vector machine as conditional value-at-risk minimization (AT, MS), pp. 1056–1063.
ICML-2008-Tieleman #approximate #strict #using- Training restricted Boltzmann machines using approximations to the likelihood gradient (TT), pp. 1064–1071.
ICPR-2008-ChangFLI #clustering #detection #kernel #multi- Clustered Microcalcification detection based on a Multiple Kernel Support Vector Machine with Grouped Features (GF-SVM) (TTC, JF, HWL, HHSI), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-FerilliBBE #comprehension #documentation #incremental #layout #machine learning- Incremental machine learning techniques for document layout understanding (SF, MB, TMAB, FE), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HulkkonenH #detection #monitoring- A minimum description length principle based method for signal change detection in machine condition monitoring (JJH, JVH), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KaratzasRAF #robust #segmentation- Segmentation robust to the vignette effect for machine vision systems (DK, MR, JA, MF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-NaturelO #approach #detection #statistics- Detecting queues at vending machines: A statistical layered approach (XN, JMO), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-PorroHTNDB #evaluation #performance- Performance evaluation of relevance vector machines as a nonlinear regression method in real-world chemical spectroscopic data (DP, NHG, ITB, ON, AD, RJB), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-Christen #automation #classification #nearest neighbour #using- Automatic record linkage using seeded nearest neighbour and support vector machine classification (PC), pp. 151–159.
KDD-2008-WuLCC #learning #symmetry- Asymmetric support vector machines: low false-positive learning under the user tolerance (SHW, KPL, CMC, MSC), pp. 749–757.
RecSys-2008-GunawardanaM #recommendation- Tied boltzmann machines for cold start recommendations (AG, CM), pp. 19–26.
SEKE-2008-MurphyKHW #machine learning #testing- Properties of Machine Learning Applications for Use in Metamorphic Testing (CM, GEK, LH, LW), pp. 867–872.
SEKE-2008-Zhang #machine learning #re-engineering #research- Machine Learning and Value-based Software Engineering: a Research Agenda (DZ), pp. 285–290.
SEKE-2008-ZhouZ #distributed #programming #virtual machine- A Virtual Machine for Distributed Agent-oriented Programming (BZ, HZ), pp. 729–734.
SIGIR-2008-ZhangL #learning #multi- Learning with support vector machines for query-by-multiple-examples (DZ, WSL), pp. 835–836.
ECMDA-FA-2008-Barbier #runtime #state machine #uml- Supporting the UML State Machine Diagramsat Runtime (FB), pp. 338–348.
ICMT-2008-AmstelBPV #algebra #modelling #process #question #semantic gap #state machine #uml- Transforming Process Algebra Models into UML State Machines: Bridging a Semantic Gap? (MvA, MvdB, ZP, TV), pp. 61–75.
MoDELS-2008-McIntoshHS #3d #diagrams #named #state machine #uml- X3D-UML: 3D UML State Machine Diagrams (PM, MH, RGvS), pp. 264–279.
MoDELS-2008-McIntoshHS #3d #diagrams #named #state machine #uml- X3D-UML: 3D UML State Machine Diagrams (PM, MH, RGvS), pp. 264–279.
ECOOP-2008-ChinM #interactive #state machine- An Extensible State Machine Pattern for Interactive Applications (BC, TDM), pp. 566–591.
OOPSLA-2008-ProkopskiV #performance #virtual machine- Analyzing the performance of code-copying virtual machines (GBP, CV), pp. 403–422.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-PhinkY #aspect-oriented #virtual machine- Virtual Machine Support for Stateful Aspects (YP, AY), pp. 80–99.
PPDP-2008-MeraLCH #automaton #estimation #execution #towards- Towards execution time estimation in abstract machine-based languages (EM, PLG, MC, MVH), pp. 174–184.
PPDP-2008-MoralesCH #automaton #generative #using- Comparing tag scheme variations using an abstract machine generator (JFM, MC, MVH), pp. 32–43.
QAPL-2008-LambertP #bytecode #framework #independence #java #virtual machine- Platform Independent Timing of Java Virtual Machine Bytecode Instructions (JML, JFP), pp. 97–113.
POPL-2008-Chaudhuri #algorithm #recursion #state machine- Subcubic algorithms for recursive state machines (SC), pp. 159–169.
SAC-2008-LiQWLW #consistency #diagrams #interactive #java #runtime #source code #state machine #uml #verification- UML state machine diagram driven runtime verification of Java programs for message interaction consistency (XL, XQ, LW, BL, WEW), pp. 384–389.
SAC-2008-MengleG #algorithm #ambiguity #classification #feature model #using- Using ambiguity measure feature selection algorithm for support vector machine classifier (SSRM, NG), pp. 916–920.
SAC-2008-OnoueOY #virtual machine- Control of system calls from outside of virtual machines (KO, YO, AY), pp. 2116–1221.
SAC-2008-SuKZG #classification #collaboration #machine learning #using- Imputation-boosted collaborative filtering using machine learning classifiers (XS, TMK, XZ, RG), pp. 949–950.
CC-2008-LimR #bytecode #generative- A System for Generating Static Analyzers for Machine Instructions (JL, TWR), pp. 36–52.
CC-2008-ProkopskiV #safety #virtual machine- Compiler-Guaranteed Safety in Code-Copying Virtual Machines (GBP, CV), pp. 163–177.
CGO-2008-WimmerM #array #automation #java #virtual machine- Automatic array inlining in java virtual machines (CW, HM), pp. 14–23.
CGO-2008-ZhuangKSC #analysis #difference #framework #named #performance #virtual machine- Perfdiff: a framework for performance difference analysis in a virtual machine environment (XZ, SK, MJS, JDC), pp. 4–13.
HPCA-2008-KuskinYGBDDS #flexibility #simulation- Incorporating flexibility in Anton, a specialized machine for molecular dynamics simulation (JK, CY, JPG, BB, MMD, ROD, DES), pp. 343–354.
HPCA-2008-LarsonSDDYGSKS #interactive #simulation- High-throughput pairwise point interactions in Anton, a specialized machine for molecular dynamics simulation (RHL, JKS, ROD, MMD, CY, JPG, YS, JLK, DES), pp. 331–342.
HPDC-2008-NathujiS #virtual machine- Vpm tokens: virtual machine-aware power budgeting in datacenters (RN, KS), pp. 119–128.
HPDC-2008-SotomayorKF #execution #using #virtual machine- Combining batch execution and leasing using virtual machines (BS, KK, ITF), pp. 87–96.
OSDI-2008-GuptaLVSSVVV #difference #memory management #virtual machine- Difference Engine: Harnessing Memory Redundancy in Virtual Machines (DG, SL, MV, SS, ACS, GV, GMV, AV), pp. 309–322.
OSDI-2008-MaoJM #named #performance #state machine- Mencius: Building Efficient Replicated State Machine for WANs (YM, FPJ, KM), pp. 369–384.
PPoPP-2008-NurmiWB #parallel #probability- Probabilistic advanced reservations for batch-scheduled parallel machines (DN, RW, JB), pp. 289–290.
ICST-2008-El-FakihKPY #fault #finite #state machine- Extended Finite State Machine Based Test Derivation Driven by User Defined Faults (KEF, AK, SP, NY), pp. 308–317.
ICST-2008-LefticaruI #functional #search-based #state machine #testing- Functional Search-based Testing from State Machines (RL, FI), pp. 525–528.
IJCAR-2008-BartheGP #java #proving #virtual machine- Preservation of Proof Obligations from Java to the Java Virtual Machine (GB, BG, MP), pp. 83–99.
IJCAR-2008-UrbanSPV #automation #reasoning #semantics- MaLARea SG1- Machine Learner for Automated Reasoning with Semantic Guidance (JU, GS, PP, JV), pp. 441–456.
TestCom-FATES-2008-SimaoP #finite #generative #sequence #state machine- Generating Checking Sequences for Partial Reduced Finite State Machines (AdSS, AP), pp. 153–168.
CASE-2007-DingAS #modelling #probability- Stochastic Modeling for Serial-Batching Workstations with Heterogeneous Machines (SD, RAT, JGS), pp. 77–81.
CASE-2007-DingSA #modelling #probability- Stochastic Modeling for Serial-Batching Workstations with Heterogeneous Machines (SD, JGS, RAT), p. 91–?.
CASE-2007-GuoZW #automation #design #diagrams #flexibility #named #state machine- DiagramDraw: A State Machine Diagram Designer for Flexible Automation (WG, MZ, DW), pp. 352–356.
CASE-2007-KirkpatrickC- DC Machine Control with Time Delay and a PID Controller (KPK, GMC), pp. 783–787.
CASE-2007-MarefatP #automation #modelling #process #retrieval #reuse #similarity- Similarity-Based Retrieval of CAD Solid Models for Automated Reuse of Machining Process Plans (MMM, CP), pp. 312–317.
CASE-2007-XiongX #fault #multi #on the- On the Error Elimination for Multi-Axis CNC Machining (CX, YLX), pp. 412–417.
CASE-2007-YangZL #identification #modelling #performance- Modeling and Identification for High-Speed Milling Machines (JY, DZ, ZL), pp. 346–351.
CASE-2007-YogeswaranPT #algorithm #heuristic #hybrid #problem #search-based #using- An hybrid heuristic using genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm to solve machine loading problem in FMS (MY, SGP, MKT), pp. 182–187.
DAC-2007-EdwardsL #precise- The Case for the Precision Timed (PRET) Machine (SAE, EAL), pp. 264–265.
DAC-2007-PiyachonL #pattern matching #performance #state machine- Compact State Machines for High Performance Pattern Matching (PP, YL), pp. 493–496.
DRR-2007-KimLT #documentation #identification #online #using- Identification of comment-on sentences in online biomedical documents using support vector machines (ICK, DXL, GRT).
ICDAR-2007-GarainPPH- Machine Dating of Handwritten Manuscripts (UG, SKP, TP, LH), pp. 759–763.
ICDAR-2007-KeshariW #hybrid #recognition #using- Hybrid Mathematical Symbol Recognition Using Support Vector Machines (BK, SMW), pp. 859–863.
ICDAR-2007-MakridisNG #documentation #performance #segmentation #word- An Efficient Word Segmentation Technique for Historical and Degraded Machine-Printed Documents (MM, NAN, BG), pp. 178–182.
ICDAR-2007-NguyenBML #classification #using #verification- Off-line Signature Verification Using Enhanced Modified Direction Features in Conjunction with Neural Classifiers and Support Vector Machines (VN, MB, VM, GL), pp. 734–738.
PODS-2007-Schweikardt #bound #modelling #query- Machine models and lower bounds for query processing (NS), pp. 41–52.
SIGMOD-2007-ShivamDGIGYBC #automation #database #on-demand #virtual machine- Automated and on-demand provisioning of virtual machines for database applications (PS, AD, PG, DEI, LEG, ARY, SB, JSC), pp. 1079–1081.
FASE-2007-HennickerK #state machine #synthesis- Activity-Driven Synthesis of State Machines (RH, AK), pp. 87–101.
TACAS-2007-MyreenG #hoare #logic- Hoare Logic for Realistically Modelled Machine Code (MOM, MJCG), pp. 568–582.
ICSM-2007-Salahuddin #testing #using- Analysing the Impact of Change on Test Sets Using X-Machines (SS), pp. 511–512.
WCRE-2007-WalkinshawBHS #grammar inference #interactive #reverse engineering #state machine- Reverse Engineering State Machines by Interactive Grammar Inference (NW, KB, MH, SS), pp. 209–218.
ICALP-2007-ChristodoulouKK #design #scheduling- Mechanism Design for Fractional Scheduling on Unrelated Machines (GC, EK, AK), pp. 40–52.
ICALP-2007-FiatKLO- Strong Price of Anarchy for Machine Load Balancing (AF, HK, ML, SO), pp. 583–594.
ICALP-2007-TorreP #complexity #model checking #on the #recursion #state machine- On the Complexity of LtlModel-Checking of Recursive State Machines (SLT, GP), pp. 937–948.
LATA-2007-TorreNPP #state machine #verification- Verification of Succinct Hierarchical State Machines (SLT, MN, MP, GP), pp. 485–496.
SEFM-2007-MerayoN #consistency #probability #testing- Testing conformance on Stochastic Stream X-Machines (MGM, MN), pp. 227–236.
CEFP-2007-Kluge #λ-calculus- Abstract λ-Calculus Machines (WEK), pp. 112–157.
GT-VMT-2007-KraemerH #collaboration #execution #specification #state machine- Transforming Collaborative Service Specifications into Efficiently Executable State Machines (FAK, PH).
CHI-2007-ByrneGE #usability- Usability of voting systems: baseline data for paper, punch cards, and lever machines (MDB, KKG, SPE), pp. 171–180.
DHM-2007-JonesLBA #comparison #recognition- Comparison of Human and Machine Recognition of Everyday Human Actions (TDJ, SWL, DB, AA), pp. 120–129.
HIMI-IIE-2007-SchmidtRWMF #development #human-computer #interface #video- Development of an Augmented Vision Video Panorama Human-Machine Interface for Remote Airport Tower Operation (MS, MR, BW, CM, NF), pp. 1119–1128.
HIMI-IIE-2007-WuXLX #documentation- TDARS, a Fusion Based AR System for Machine Readable Travel Documents (YW, LX, CL, ZX), pp. 1129–1138.
HIMI-MTT-2007-CornsML #approach #development #machine learning #optimisation #using- Development of an Approach for Optimizing the Accuracy of Classifying Claims Narratives Using a Machine Learning Tool (TEXTMINER[4]) (HLC, HRM, MRL), pp. 411–416.
HIMI-MTT-2007-ItoT- The Importance of Human Stance in Reading Machine’s Mind (Intention) (AI, KT), pp. 795–803.
HIMI-MTT-2007-MullerKDCB #human-computer #machine learning- Machine Learning and Applications for Brain-Computer Interfacing (KRM, MK, GD, GC, BB), pp. 705–714.
HIMI-MTT-2007-ParlitzBRH #implementation- Intuitive Human-Machine-Interaction and Implementation on a Household Robot Companion (CP, WB, UR, MH), pp. 922–929.
OCSC-2007-Dobson #design #towards- Toward Machine Therapy: Parapraxis of Machine Design and Use (KD), pp. 315–323.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-LiuCM #recognition #using- Named Entity Recognition in Biomedical Literature Using Two-Layer Support Vector Machines (FL, YC, BM), pp. 39–48.
ICEIS-J-2007-LiuCM07a #comparison #random #recognition- Named Entity Recognition in Biomedical Literature: A Comparison of Support Vector Machines and Conditional Random Fields (FL, YC, BM), pp. 137–147.
CIKM-2007-LiMGDBM #predict #process #using- Predicting individual priorities of shared activities using support vector machines (LL, MJM, WG, CD, BB, DRM), pp. 515–524.
ECIR-2007-MoreauCS #automation #machine learning #query #using- Automatic Morphological Query Expansion Using Analogy-Based Machine Learning (FM, VC, PS), pp. 222–233.
ICML-2007-AsharafMS #multi- Multiclass core vector machine (SA, MNM, SKS), pp. 41–48.
ICML-2007-BordesBGW #multi- Solving multiclass support vector machines with LaRank (AB, LB, PG, JW), pp. 89–96.
ICML-2007-DaiY #kernel- Kernel selection forl semi-supervised kernel machines (GD, DYY), pp. 185–192.
ICML-2007-LiCFX #clustering- Support cluster machine (BL, MC, JF, XX), pp. 505–512.
ICML-2007-SalakhutdinovMH #collaboration #strict- Restricted Boltzmann machines for collaborative filtering (RS, AM, GEH), pp. 791–798.
ICML-2007-TsangKK- Simpler core vector machines with enclosing balls (IWT, AK, JTK), pp. 911–918.
ICML-2007-WangYL #algorithm #kernel- A kernel path algorithm for support vector machines (GW, DYY, FHL), pp. 951–958.
ICML-2007-WangZZ #array #classification #hybrid- Hybrid huberized support vector machines for microarray classification (LW, JZ, HZ), pp. 983–990.
ICML-2007-WipfN #using- Beamforming using the relevance vector machine (DPW, SSN), pp. 1023–1030.
ICML-2007-ZienBS- Transductive support vector machines for structured variables (AZ, UB, TS), pp. 1183–1190.
KDD-2007-ChaovalitwongseFS #classification #process- Support feature machine for classification of abnormal brain activity (WAC, YJF, RCS), pp. 113–122.
KDD-2007-RaoBFSON #detection #machine learning #named- LungCAD: a clinically approved, machine learning system for lung cancer detection (RBR, JB, GF, MS, NO, DPN), pp. 1033–1037.
KDD-2007-YanL #machine learning- Machine learning for stock selection (RJY, CXL), pp. 1038–1042.
MLDM-2007-ChengCJY #feature model- Nonlinear Feature Selection by Relevance Feature Vector Machine (HC, HC, GJ, KY), pp. 144–159.
MLDM-2007-ChristiansenD #approach #case study #evaluation #generative #machine learning #testing- A Machine Learning Approach to Test Data Generation: A Case Study in Evaluation of Gene Finders (HC, CMD), pp. 742–755.
MLDM-2007-MartinsSSPG #classification #image #using- Classification of Breast Masses in Mammogram Images Using Ripley’s K Function and Support Vector Machine (LdOM, ECdS, ACS, ACdP, MG), pp. 784–794.
MLDM-2007-SadoddinG #case study #comparative #data mining #detection #machine learning #mining- A Comparative Study of Unsupervised Machine Learning and Data Mining Techniques for Intrusion Detection (RS, AAG), pp. 404–418.
MLDM-2007-SunV #using- Data Selection Using SASH Trees for Support Vector Machines (CS, RV), pp. 286–295.
MLDM-2007-ValinciusVBG #evolution- Evolving Committees of Support Vector Machines (DV, AV, MB, AG), pp. 263–275.
MLDM-2007-VanderlooyMS #empirical #evaluation #learning- Off-Line Learning with Transductive Confidence Machines: An Empirical Evaluation (SV, LvdM, IGSK), pp. 310–323.
MLDM-2007-WuW #graph #kernel #parametricity- Choosing the Kernel Parameters for the Directed Acyclic Graph Support Vector Machines (KPW, SDW), pp. 276–285.
SEKE-2007-MurphyKA #approach #machine learning #testing- An Approach to Software Testing of Machine Learning Applications (CM, GEK, MA), p. 167–?.
SEKE-2007-XuXW #automation #code generation #protocol #state machine #uml- Automated Test Code Generation from UML Protocol State Machines (DX, WX, WEW), pp. 99–104.
SIGIR-2007-BerberichBNW- A time machine for text search (KB, SJB, TN, GW), pp. 519–526.
SIGIR-2007-KumaranK #framework- A generic framework for machine transliteration (AK, TK), pp. 721–722.
SIGIR-2007-KumaranK07a #named- Babel: a machine transliteration workbench (AK, TK), p. 899.
SIGIR-2007-RaghavanA #algorithm #feedback #interactive- An interactive algorithm for asking and incorporating feature feedback into support vector machines (HR, JA), pp. 79–86.
SIGIR-2007-ShahKF #algorithm #case study #feedback- Making mind and machine meet: a study of combining cognitive and algorithmic relevance feedback (CS, DK, XF), pp. 877–878.
ECMDA-FA-2007-ScheidgenF #semantics #specification- Human Comprehensible and Machine Processable Specifications of Operational Semantics (MS, JF), pp. 157–171.
MoDELS-2007-ZhangHK #aspect-oriented #state machine #uml- Enhancing UML State Machines with Aspects (GZ, MMH, AK), pp. 529–543.
MoDELS-2007-ZhangHK #aspect-oriented #state machine #uml- Enhancing UML State Machines with Aspects (GZ, MMH, AK), pp. 529–543.
ECOOP-2007-HauptS #aspect-oriented #programming- A Machine Model for Aspect-Oriented Programming (MH, HS), pp. 501–524.
ECOOP-2007-VenstermansEB #java #pointer #virtual machine- Object-Relative Addressing: Compressed Pointers in 64-Bit Java Virtual Machines (KV, LE, KDB), pp. 79–100.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-LanoC #semantics #state machine- Direct Semantics of Extended State Machines (KL, DC), pp. 35–51.
SAC-2007-KinebuchiKN #kernel- Constructing machine emulator on portable microkernel (YK, HK, TN), pp. 1197–1198.
SAC-2007-YingboJJ #approach #machine learning #workflow- A machine learning approach to semi-automating workflow staff assignment (YL, JW, JS), pp. 340–345.
GTTSE-2007-JuhaszSP #c++ #finite #implementation #library #state machine- Implementation of a Finite State Machine with Active Libraries in C++ (ZJ, ÁS, ZP), pp. 474–488.
HPCA-2007-ShaferCMRCZW #concurrent #monitoring #network #virtual machine- Concurrent Direct Network Access for Virtual Machine Monitors (JS, DC, AM, SR, ALC, WZ, PW), pp. 306–317.
HPDC-2007-LangeD #network #virtual machine- Transparent network services via a virtual traffic layer for virtual machines (JRL, PAD), pp. 23–32.
LCTES-2007-AbouGhazalehFRXLCMM #cpu #machine learning #scalability #using- Integrated CPU and l2 cache voltage scaling using machine learning (NA, APF, CR, RX, FL, BRC, DM, RGM), pp. 41–50.
LCTES-2007-PermandlaRB #java #type system #virtual machine- A type system for preventing data races and deadlocks in the java virtual machine language: 1 (PP, MR, CB), p. 10.
AMOST-2007-FarooqIMN #approach #state machine #testing- An approach for selective state machine based regression testing (QuaF, MZZI, ZIM, AN), pp. 44–52.
ICLP-2007-Zhou #prolog- A Register-Free Abstract Prolog Machine with Jumbo Instructions (NFZ), pp. 455–457.
MBT-2007-OuimetL #automation #consistency #satisfiability #specification #state machine #using #verification- Automated Verification of Completeness and Consistency of Abstract State Machine Specifications using a SAT Solver (MO, KL), pp. 85–97.
TestCom-FATES-2007-PapSKN #algorithm #bound #finite #generative #incremental #state machine #testing- A Bounded Incremental Test Generation Algorithm for Finite State Machines (ZP, MS, GK, GÁN), pp. 244–259.
TestCom-FATES-2007-ShabaldinaEY #finite #nondeterminism #state machine #testing- Testing Nondeterministic Finite State Machines with Respect to the Separability Relation (NS, KEF, NY), pp. 305–318.
CASE-2006-XuL #3d #architecture #optimisation #parallel- Accuracy-Based Architecture Optimization of a 3-DOF Parallel Kinematic Machine (QX, YL), pp. 63–68.
CASE-2006-YanFLLZZTY #automation- A new automatic cooking machine for Chinese dishes (WXY, ZF, YHL, RQL, YZZ, XYZ, JHT, PY), pp. 534–539.
DATE-2006-AlmukhaizimM #concurrent #detection #fault- Berger code-based concurrent error detection in asynchronous burst-mode machines (SA, YM), pp. 71–72.
DATE-DF-2006-HabibiMT #finite #generative #state machine- Generating finite state machines from SystemC (AH, HM, ST), pp. 76–81.
ITiCSE-2006-RussellMN #education #machine learning- Teaching AI through machine learning projects (IR, ZM, TWN), p. 323.
FASE-2006-BergJR #parametricity #state machine- Regular Inference for State Machines with Parameters (TB, BJ, HR), pp. 107–121.
FoSSaCS-2006-OuaknineW #logic #metric #on the #turing machine- On Metric Temporal Logic and Faulty Turing Machines (JO, JW), pp. 217–230.
WCRE-2006-Ribic #concept #decompiler #embedded #equivalence #execution #implementation #programming language- Concept and implementation of the programming language and translator, for embedded systems, based on machine code decompilation and equivalence between source and executable code (SR), pp. 307–308.
PLDI-2006-BartonCAZFCA #memory management #programming #scalability- Shared memory programming for large scale machines (CB, CC, GA, YZ, MF, SC, JNA), pp. 108–117.
STOC-2006-GargK- Minimizing average flow time on related machines (NG, AK), pp. 730–738.
DLT-2006-GurevichW #question #state machine- Can Abstract State Machines Be Useful in Language Theory? (YG, CW), pp. 14–19.
ICALP-v1-2006-GargK #algorithm- Better Algorithms for Minimizing Average Flow-Time on Related Machines (NG, AK), pp. 181–190.
FM-2006-SchellhornGHR #challenge #proving- The Mondex Challenge: Machine Checked Proofs for an Electronic Purse (GS, HG, DH, WR), pp. 16–31.
CHI-2006-PlouznikoffPRD #human-computer #interactive #interface #smarttech- Enhancing human-machine interactions: virtual interface alteration through wearable computers (AP, NP, JMR, MD), pp. 373–376.
CSCW-2006-YamashitaI #collaboration- Effects of machine translation on collaborative work (NY, TI), pp. 515–524.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-ShrLC #approach #constraints #scheduling- A Load Balancing Scheduling Approach for Dedicated Machine Constraint (AMDS, AL, PPC), pp. 170–175.
CIKM-2006-LuPLA #feature model #identification #machine learning #query- Coupling feature selection and machine learning methods for navigational query identification (YL, FP, XL, NA), pp. 682–689.
ECIR-2006-VittautG #information retrieval #machine learning #ranking- Machine Learning Ranking for Structured Information Retrieval (JNV, PG), pp. 338–349.
ICML-2006-LeSG #knowledge-based- Simpler knowledge-based support vector machines (QVL, AJS, TG), pp. 521–528.
ICML-2006-PereiraG #composition- The support vector decomposition machine (FP, GJG), pp. 689–696.
ICML-2006-SindhwaniKC #kernel- Deterministic annealing for semi-supervised kernel machines (VS, SSK, OC), pp. 841–848.
ICML-2006-TangM #multi- Multiclass reduced-set support vector machines (BT, DM), pp. 921–928.
ICPR-v1-2006-AsharafM #clustering #scalability #using- Scalable non-linear Support Vector Machine using hierarchical clustering (SA, MNM), pp. 908–911.
ICPR-v1-2006-BhattacharyaRD #clustering #fuzzy #image #representation #retrieval #semantics #using- Image Representation and Retrieval Using Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy C-means Clustering Based Semantical Spaces (PB, MMR, BCD), pp. 929–935.
ICPR-v1-2006-GayuboGFMP #detection #fault #online #process- On-line machine vision system for detect split defects in sheet-metal forming processes (FG, JLG, EdlFL, FMT, JRP), pp. 723–726.
ICPR-v1-2006-Lampert #machine learning #video- Machine Learning for Video Compression: Macroblock Mode Decision (CHL), pp. 936–940.
ICPR-v1-2006-LiCF #hybrid #kernel #set- Hybrid Kernel Machine Ensemble for Imbalanced Data Sets (PL, KLC, WF), pp. 1108–1111.
ICPR-v1-2006-LiHS #approach #bound #image #machine learning- A Machine Learning Approach for Locating Boundaries of Liver Tumors in CT Images (YL, SH, KS), pp. 400–403.
ICPR-v1-2006-QinL #algorithm- An Improved Semi-Supervised Support Vector Machine Based Translation Algorithm for BCI Systems (JQ, YL), pp. 1240–1243.
ICPR-v2-2006-BarakatB #using- Rule Extraction from Support Vector Machines: Measuring the Explanation Capability Using the Area under the ROC Curve (NHB, APB), pp. 812–815.
ICPR-v2-2006-BhattacharyaRD06a #clustering #fuzzy #image #representation #retrieval #semantics #using- Image Representation and Retrieval Using Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy C-means Clustering Based Semantical Spaces (PB, MMR, BCD), pp. 1162–1168.
ICPR-v2-2006-CamastraSV #algorithm #benchmark #challenge #machine learning #metric #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Offline Cursive Character Challenge: a New Benchmark for Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition Algorithms. (FC, MS, AV), pp. 913–916.
ICPR-v2-2006-ChenB06a #kernel- Function Dot Product Kernels for Support Vector Machine (GC, PB), pp. 614–617.
ICPR-v2-2006-ChiangK #classification #using- Classification of Line and Character Pixels on Raster Maps Using Discrete Cosine Transformation Coefficients and Support Vector Machine (YYC, CAK), pp. 1034–1037.
ICPR-v2-2006-LiangZ #feature model #linear- Feature selection for linear support vector machines (ZL, TZ), pp. 606–609.
ICPR-v2-2006-YeSLC #kernel #orthogonal- Support vector machine with orthogonal Chebyshev kernel (NY, RS, YL, LC), pp. 752–755.
ICPR-v2-2006-Zheng #recognition #using- Machine Printed Arabic Character Recognition Using S-GCM (LZ), pp. 893–896.
ICPR-v2-2006-ZouL #learning #performance #sequence- The Generalization Performance of Learning Machine Based on Phi-mixing Sequence (BZ, LL), pp. 548–551.
ICPR-v3-2006-ArreolaFB #classification #linear #performance #using- Fast Support Vector Machine Classification using linear SVMs (KZA, JF, HB), pp. 366–369.
ICPR-v3-2006-LiuZ- Minimum Enclosing and Maximum Excluding Machine for Pattern Description and Discrimination (YL, YFZ), pp. 129–132.
ICPR-v4-2006-KropotovPVV #kernel #on the #principle #using- On Kernel Selection in Relevance Vector Machines Using Stability Principle (DK, NP, OV, DV), pp. 233–236.
ICPR-v4-2006-KrugerSKAW #recognition #speech- Mixture of Support Vector Machines for HMM based Speech Recognition (SEK, MS, MK, EA, AW), pp. 326–329.
ICPR-v4-2006-WangWLJK #analysis #classification #component #independence #using- Content-Based Audio Classification Using Support Vector Machines and Independent Component Analysis (JCW, JFW, CBL, KTJ, WHK), pp. 157–160.
KDD-2006-HoiLC #classification #kernel #learning- Learning the unified kernel machines for classification (SCHH, MRL, EYC), pp. 187–196.
KDD-2006-LaurLM #encryption- Cryptographically private support vector machines (SL, HL, TM), pp. 618–624.
KDD-2006-PalatinLSW #grid #mining- Mining for misconfigured machines in grid systems (NP, AL, AS, RW), pp. 687–692.
KDD-2006-WuCCH #approximate #incremental #matrix- Incremental approximate matrix factorization for speeding up support vector machines (GW, EYC, YKC, CJH), pp. 760–766.
MoDELS-2006-TaleghaniA #semantics #uml- Semantic Variations Among UML StateMachines (AT, JMA), pp. 245–259.
MoDELS-2006-TaleghaniA #semantics #uml- Semantic Variations Among UML StateMachines (AT, JMA), pp. 245–259.
OOPSLA-2006-BockischADM #adaptation #virtual machine- Adapting virtual machine techniques for seamless aspect support (CB, MA, TD, MM), pp. 109–124.
QAPL-2005-WolfBM06 #markov- Trace Machines for Observing Continuous-Time Markov Chains (VW, CB, MEMC), pp. 259–277.
LOPSTR-2006-MoralesCH #automaton #optimisation #prolog #towards- Towards Description and Optimization of Abstract Machines in an Extension of Prolog (JFM, MC, MVH), pp. 77–93.
PADL-2006-GouraudG #functional #java #testing #using #virtual machine- Using CHRs to Generate Functional Test Cases for the Java Card Virtual Machine (SDG, AG), pp. 1–15.
RE-2006-WhittleJ #case study #generative #state machine- Generating Hierarchical State Machines from Use Case Charts (JW, PKJ), pp. 16–25.
SAC-2006-FekihAM #diagrams #specification #state machine #uml- Transformation of B specifications into UML class diagrams and state machines (HF, LJBA, SM), pp. 1840–1844.
SAC-2006-SasitornC #java #performance #virtual machine- Efficient first-class generics on stock Java virtual machines (JS, RC), pp. 1621–1628.
FSE-2006-DamasLL #state machine #synthesis- Scenarios, goals, and state machines: a win-win partnership for model synthesis (CD, BL, AvL), pp. 197–207.
ICSE-2006-XieMY #automation #state machine- Automatic extraction of abstract-object-state machines from unit-test executions (TX, EM, HY), pp. 835–838.
ASPLOS-2006-CrandallWOSWC #detection #virtual machine- Temporal search: detecting hidden malware timebombs with virtual machines (JRC, GW, DASdO, ZS, SFW, FTC), pp. 25–36.
ASPLOS-2006-JonesAA #monitoring #named #virtual machine- Geiger: monitoring the buffer cache in a virtual machine environment (STJ, ACAD, RHAD), pp. 14–24.
CC-2006-DiasR #assembly #declarative #using- Converting Intermediate Code to Assembly Code Using Declarative Machine Descriptions (JD, NR), pp. 217–231.
CGO-2006-AgakovBCFFOTTW #machine learning #optimisation #using- Using Machine Learning to Focus Iterative Optimization (FVA, EVB, JC, BF, GF, MFPO, JT, MT, CKIW), pp. 295–305.
HPDC-2006-BaiardiRMV #monitoring #policy #virtual machine- Policy Driven Virtual Machine Monitor for Protected Grids (FB, LR, PM, AV), pp. 313–316.
HPDC-2006-GoscinskiA #named #performance #virtual machine- Motor: A Virtual Machine for High Performance Computing (WG, DA), pp. 171–182.
ISMM-2006-SomanDK #garbage collection #multi #virtual machine- Task-aware garbage collection in a multi-tasking virtual machine (SS, LD, CK), pp. 64–73.
LCTES-2006-ProchnowTH #state machine- Synthesizing safe state machines from Esterel (SP, CT, RvH), pp. 113–124.
PPoPP-2006-BrevikNW #bound #parallel #predict- Predicting bounds on queuing delay for batch-scheduled parallel machines (JB, DN, RW), pp. 110–118.
TestCom-2006-Ipate #bound #finite #nondeterminism #sequence #state machine #testing- Bounded Sequence Testing from Non-deterministic Finite State Machines (FI), pp. 55–70.
TestCom-2006-KeumKKBC #finite #generative #state machine #testing #using #web #web service- Generating Test Cases for Web Services Using Extended Finite State Machine (CK, SK, IYK, JB, YIC), pp. 103–117.
VMCAI-2006-BozzelliTP #communication #recursion #state machine #verification- Verification of Well-Formed Communicating Recursive State Machines (LB, SLT, AP), pp. 412–426.
WICSA-2005-GraafWD #architecture #migration- Migration of Supervisory Machine Control Architectures (BG, SW, AvD), pp. 261–262.
CASE-2005-GuschinskayaDGL #approach #heuristic #optimisation- A combined heuristic approach for optimization of a class of machining lines (OG, AD, NG, GL), pp. 154–159.
CASE-2005-LiuHL #flexibility #scheduling #using- Dynamic scheduling of flexible manufacturing system using support vector machines (YHL, HPH, YSL), pp. 387–392.
CASE-2005-PanSY #approach #optimisation #problem- A new optimization approach to the general single machine earliness-tardiness problem (YP, LS, HY), pp. 43–48.
CASE-2005-TsinarakisTV #hybrid #multi #petri net- Studying multi-assembly machine production systems with hybrid timed Petri nets (GJT, NT, KPV), pp. 327–332.
DAC-2005-ChenK #embedded #java #reliability #virtual machine- Improving java virtual machine reliability for memory-constrained embedded systems (GC, MTK), pp. 690–695.
DATE-2005-Takeuchi #debugging #lightweight #monitoring #using #virtual machine- OS Debugging Method Using a Lightweight Virtual Machine Monitor (TT), pp. 1058–1059.
DRR-2005-NamaneAGSMB #network #recognition- Sequential neural network combination for degraded machine-printed character recognition (AN, MA, AG, EHS, PM, MB), pp. 101–110.
DRR-2005-WangDJH #recognition #statistics- New statistical method for machine-printed Arabic character recognition (HW, XD, JJ, MH), pp. 127–135.
ICDAR-2005-JoshiSRDM #online #recognition- Machine Recognition of Online Handwritten Devanagari Characters (NJ, GS, AGR, VD, SM), pp. 1156–1160.
ICDAR-2005-LeiG #classification #sequence- Similarity-driven Sequence Classification Based on Support Vector Machines (HL, VG), pp. 252–261.
ICDAR-2005-LiuCL #identification #image #machine learning #using- Language Identification of Character Images Using Machine Learning Techniques (YHL, FC, CCL), pp. 630–634.
ICDAR-2005-SteinkrauSB #algorithm #machine learning #using- Using GPUs for Machine Learning Algorithms (DS, PYS, IB), pp. 1115–1119.
ICDAR-2005-WangC #classification #using- A Hierarchical Classifier Using New Support Vector Machine (YCFW, DC), pp. 851–855.
VLDB-2005-MilenovaYC #database- SVM in Oracle Database 10g: Removing the Barriers to Widespread Adoption of Support Vector Machines (BLM, JY, MMC), pp. 1152–1163.
TACAS-2005-AlurCEM #detection #on the fly #reachability #recursion #state machine- On-the-Fly Reachability and Cycle Detection for Recursive State Machines (RA, SC, KE, PM), pp. 61–76.
TACAS-2005-EtessamiY #algorithm #probability #recursion #state machine #verification- Algorithmic Verification of Recursive Probabilistic State Machines (KE, MY), pp. 253–270.
ICSM-2005-FerencBFL #design pattern #machine learning #mining- Design Pattern Mining Enhanced by Machine Learning (RF, ÁB, LJF, JL), pp. 295–304.
STOC-2005-AzarE #parallel #programming #scheduling- Convex programming for scheduling unrelated parallel machines (YA, AE), pp. 331–337.
ICALP-2005-AbdullaDOW #automaton #complexity #decidability- Decidability and Complexity Results for Timed Automata via Channel Machines (PAA, JD, JO, JW), pp. 1089–1101.
ICALP-2005-AsarinC #turing machine- Noisy Turing Machines (EA, PC), pp. 1031–1042.
ICALP-2005-DiehlM #bound #polynomial #random- Time-Space Lower Bounds for the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy on Randomized Machines (SD, DvM), pp. 982–993.
ICALP-2005-GairingMW #algorithm #approximate #combinator #parallel #performance #scheduling- A Faster Combinatorial Approximation Algorithm for Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines (MG, BM, AW), pp. 828–839.
IFM-2005-SenguptaC #framework #state machine- An Integrated Framework for Scenarios and State Machines (BS, RC), pp. 366–385.
EDOC-2005-VitolinsK #diagrams #modelling #process #semantics #uml #virtual machine- Semantics of UML 2.0 Activity Diagram for Business Modeling by Means of Virtual Machine (VV, AK), pp. 181–194.
ICEIS-v2-2005-KianmehrZNOA #approach #data mining #mining #network- Combining Neural Network and Support Vector Machine into Integrated Approach for Biodata Mining (KK, HZ, KN, TÖ, RA), pp. 182–187.
ICEIS-v2-2005-MashechkinPR #anti #approach #enterprise #machine learning- Enterprise Anti-Spam Solution Based on Machine Learning Approach (IM, MP, AR), pp. 188–193.
ICEIS-v5-2005-DixitM #classification #documentation #using- Electronic Document Classification Using Support Vector Machine — An Application for E-Learning (SD, LKM), pp. 191–198.
CIKM-2005-CarinoJLWY #machine learning #mining #web- Mining officially unrecognized side effects of drugs by combining web search and machine learning (CC, YJ, BL, PMW, CTY), pp. 365–372.
CIKM-2005-NottelmannS #information retrieval #machine learning #probability- Information retrieval and machine learning for probabilistic schema matching (HN, US), pp. 295–296.
ICML-2005-FinleyJ #clustering- Supervised clustering with support vector machines (TF, TJ), pp. 217–224.
ICML-2005-IresonCCFKL #information management #machine learning- Evaluating machine learning for information extraction (NI, FC, MEC, DF, NK, AL), pp. 345–352.
ICML-2005-NguyenH #performance- An efficient method for simplifying support vector machines (DN, TBH), pp. 617–624.
ICML-2005-RasmussenQ- Healing the relevance vector machine through augmentation (CER, JQC), pp. 689–696.
ICML-2005-ScholkopfSB #machine learning #problem- Object correspondence as a machine learning problem (BS, FS, VB), pp. 776–783.
KDD-2005-FungSR #linear- Rule extraction from linear support vector machines (GF, SS, RBR), pp. 32–40.
KDD-2005-JakulinMDBZ #visualisation- Nomograms for visualizing support vector machines (AJ, MM, JD, IB, BZ), pp. 108–117.
MLDM-2005-KarrasMGO #mining- Improved MRI Mining by Integrating Support Vector Machine Priors in the Bayesian Restoration (DAK, BGM, DGD, DvO), pp. 325–333.
MLDM-2005-LaiST #image #recognition- Support Vector Machine Experiments for Road Recognition in High Resolution Images (JYL, AS, JT), pp. 426–436.
OOPSLA-2005-ArnoldWR #performance #repository #using #virtual machine- Improving virtual machine performance using a cross-run profile repository (MA, AW, VTR), pp. 297–311.
LOPSTR-2005-Fages #automaton #constraints #logic- Temporal Logic Constraints in the Biochemical Abstract Machine BIOCHAM (FF), pp. 1–5.
PADL-2005-Ramsey #compilation #declarative- Building the World from First Principles: Declarative Machine Descriptions and Compiler Construction (NR), pp. 1–4.
RE-2005-AvesaniBPS #machine learning #requirements #scalability- Facing Scalability Issues in Requirements Prioritization with Machine Learning Techniques (PA, CB, AP, AS), pp. 297–306.
SAC-2005-DebbabiMT #compilation #embedded #java #virtual machine- Armed E-Bunny: a selective dynamic compiler for embedded Java virtual machine targeting ARM processors (MD, AM, NT), pp. 874–878.
SAC-2005-Emir #compilation- Compiling regular patterns to sequential machines (BE), pp. 1385–1389.
ICSE-2005-Fox #dependence #machine learning #statistics- Addressing software dependability with statistical and machine learning techniques (AF), p. 8.
CGO-2005-ArnoldG #graph #virtual machine- Collecting and Exploiting High-Accuracy Call Graph Profiles in Virtual Machines (MA, DG), pp. 51–62.
CGO-2005-BerndlVZB #flexibility #performance #thread #virtual machine- Context Threading: A Flexible and Efficient Dispatch Technique for Virtual Machine Interpreters (MB, BV, MZ, ADB), pp. 15–26.
CGO-2005-Hind #architecture #machine learning #virtual machine- Virtual Machine Learning: Thinking like a Computer Architect (MH), p. 11.
COCV-J-2005-SalcianuA #analysis #correctness #data flow #proving- Machine-Checkable Correctness Proofs for Intra-procedural Dataflow Analyses (AS, KA), pp. 53–68.
HPDC-2005-AgrawalGBF #grid #network #towards #virtual machine- Towards P2P-routed IF overlay networks for grid virtual machines (AA, AG, POB, RJOF), pp. 293–294.
LCTES-2005-Oi #design #hardware #java #on the #virtual machine- On the design of the local variable cache in a hardware translation-based java virtual machine (HO), pp. 87–94.
ICLP-2005-MoralesCPH #automaton #generative #implementation #performance- A Generator of Efficient Abstract Machine Implementations and Its Application to Emulator Minimization (JFM, MC, GP, MVH), pp. 21–36.
DATE-v1-2004-KielyG #modelling #performance #using- Performance Modeling of Analog Integrated Circuits Using Least-Squares Support Vector Machines (TK, GGEG), pp. 448–453.
DATE-v2-2004-TiwariT #embedded #finite #memory management #state machine- Saving Power by Mapping Finite-State Machines into Embedded Memory Blocks in FPGAs (AT, KAT), pp. 916–921.
ESOP-2004-PhillipsYE #automaton #calculus #distributed- A Distributed Abstract Machine for Boxed Ambient Calculi (AP, NY, SE), pp. 155–170.
TACAS-2004-BeauquierCP #automation #first-order #logic #parametricity #protocol #state machine #verification- Automatic Parametric Verification of a Root Contention Protocol Based on Abstract State Machines and First Order Timed Logic (DB, TC, EP), pp. 372–387.
STOC-2004-ChuzhoyN #scheduling- New hardness results for congestion minimization and machine scheduling (JC, JN), pp. 28–34.
CIAA-2004-DebskiF #state machine- Concatenation State Machines and Simple Functions (WD, WF), pp. 113–124.
ICALP-2004-DurandMUV #turing machine- Ecological Turing Machines (BD, AAM, MU, NKV), pp. 457–468.
IFL-2004-AntoyHLT #functional #logic #virtual machine- A Virtual Machine for Functional Logic Computations (SA, MH, JL, APT), pp. 108–125.
IFL-2004-Danvy- A Rational Deconstruction of Landin’s SECD Machine (OD), pp. 52–71.
IFL-2004-Trancon-y-Widemann #evaluation #recursion #strict #virtual machine- V->M: A Virtual Machine for Strict Evaluation of (Co)Recursive Functions (BTyW), pp. 90–107.
ICEIS-v3-2004-McNeileS #behaviour #mixin #modelling #state machine- Mixin Based Behaviour Modelling — An Example Based on Composed State Machines (ATM, NS), pp. 179–183.
CIKM-2004-CaiH #categorisation #documentation- Hierarchical document categorization with support vector machines (LC, TH), pp. 78–87.
ICML-2004-DSouzaVS- The Bayesian backfitting relevance vector machine (AD, SV, SS).
ICML-2004-JinL #induction #robust- Robust feature induction for support vector machines (RJ, HL).
ICML-2004-LawrenceP #learning- Learning to learn with the informative vector machine (NDL, JCP).
ICML-2004-TsochantaridisHJA #machine learning- Support vector machine learning for interdependent and structured output spaces (IT, TH, TJ, YA).
ICML-2004-VuralD #multi- A hierarchical method for multi-class support vector machines (VV, JGD).
ICPR-v1-2004-Chen #kernel #robust- M-Estimator based Robust Kernels for Support Vector Machines (JHC), pp. 168–171.
ICPR-v1-2004-GokcenJD #bound #learning- Comparing Optimal Bounding Ellipsoid and Support Vector Machine Active Learning (IG, DJ, JRD), pp. 172–175.
ICPR-v1-2004-Horikawa #classification #comparison #invariant #kernel- Comparison of Support Vector Machines with Autocorrelation Kernels for Invariant Texture Classification (YH), pp. 660–663.
ICPR-v1-2004-JiaZLA- A Miniature Stereo Vision Machine (MSVM-III) for Dense Disparity Mapping (YJ, XZ, ML, LA), pp. 728–731.
ICPR-v1-2004-KavallieratouS #using- Discrimination of Machine-Printed from Handwritten Text Using Simple Structural Characteristics (EK, ES), pp. 437–440.
ICPR-v2-2004-BanerjeeKM #detection #using- Corner Detection Using Support Vector Machines (MB, MKK, PM), pp. 819–822.
ICPR-v2-2004-ShihL #analysis #detection #using #video- Face Detection Using Discriminating Feature Analysis and Support Vector Machine in Video (PS, CL), pp. 407–410.
ICPR-v2-2004-Sidenbladh #detection- Detecting Human Motion with Support Vector Machines (HS), pp. 188–191.
ICPR-v3-2004-CuiG #recognition- Support Vector Machines for Face Recognition with Two-layer Generated Virtual Data (GC, WG), pp. 570–573.
ICPR-v3-2004-DavidL #search-based #using- Signal Discrimination Using a Support Vector Machine for Genetic Syndrome Diagnosis (AD, BL), pp. 490–493.
ICPR-v3-2004-HoiL #feedback- Group-based Relevance Feedback with Support Vector Machine Ensembles (SCHH, MRL), pp. 874–877.
ICPR-v3-2004-Hotta #kernel #recognition #robust- Support Vector Machine with Local Summation Kernel for Robust Face Recognition (KH), pp. 482–485.
ICPR-v3-2004-JainH #classification #component #gender #independence- Integrating Independent Components and Support Vector Machines for Gender Classification (AJ, JH), pp. 558–561.
ICPR-v3-2004-SakoM #automation #towards- Image-Recognition Technologies towards Advanced Automated Teller Machines (HS, TM), pp. 282–285.
ICPR-v4-2004-ImbaultL #approach #optimisation #parametricity #probability- A Stochastic Optimization Approach for Parameter Tuning of Support Vector Machines (FI, KL), pp. 597–600.
ICPR-v4-2004-Martin-HerreroFA #assurance #quality #realtime- A SOFM Improves a Real Time Quality Assurance Machine Vision System (JMH, MFA, JLAC), pp. 301–304.
ICPR-v4-2004-ZhaiRS #detection #finite #state machine #using- Conversation Detection in Feature Films Using Finite State Machines (YZ, ZR, MS), pp. 458–461.
KDD-2004-Muslea #machine learning #online #query- Machine learning for online query relaxation (IM), pp. 246–255.
KDD-2004-TruongLB #dataset #learning #random #using- Learning a complex metabolomic dataset using random forests and support vector machines (YT, XL, CB), pp. 835–840.
KDD-2004-WuS #information management- Incorporating prior knowledge with weighted margin support vector machines (XW, RKS), pp. 326–333.
SEKE-2004-AvesaniBPS #approach #machine learning #process #requirements- Supporting the Requirements Prioritization Process. A Machine Learning approach (PA, CB, AP, AS), pp. 306–311.
SIGIR-2004-GreevyS #using- Classifying racist texts using a support vector machine (EG, AFS), pp. 468–469.
SIGIR-2004-WuMMTWLLB #topic- Human versus machine in the topic distillation task (MW, GM, AM, MC(T, RW, YL, HJL, NJB), pp. 385–392.
SIGIR-2004-ZhangPZ #machine learning #recognition #using- Focused named entity recognition using machine learning (LZ, YP, TZ), pp. 281–288.
LOPSTR-2004-Ager #automaton #semantics- From Natural Semantics to Abstract Machines (MSA), pp. 245–261.
SAC-J-2003-BorgerCR04 #formal method #on the #state machine #uml #using- On formalizing UML state machines using ASM (EB, AC, ER), pp. 287–292.
SAC-2004-DemetrescuF #debugging #virtual machine- A portable virtual machine for program debugging and directing (CD, IF), pp. 1524–1530.
SAC-2004-KomuraNTAI #multi #visualisation- Multidimensional support vector machines for visualization of gene expression data (DK, HN, ST, HA, SI), pp. 175–179.
SAC-2004-LiKSW #named #virtual machine #xml- XVM: XML Virtual Machine (QL, MYK, ES, SW), pp. 1732–1733.
ICSE-2004-BrunE #fault #machine learning- Finding Latent Code Errors via Machine Learning over Program Executions (YB, MDE), pp. 480–490.
ASPLOS-2004-LowellSS #maintenance #online #virtual machine- Devirtualizable virtual machines enabling general, single-node, online maintenance (DEL, YS, EJS), pp. 211–223.
HPDC-2004-ZhaoZF #distributed #file system #grid #virtual machine- Distributed File System Support for Virtual Machines in Grid Computing (MZ, JZ, RJOF), pp. 202–211.
OSDI-2004-LevasseurUSG #dependence #reuse #virtual machine- Unmodified Device Driver Reuse and Improved System Dependability via Virtual Machines (JL, VU, JS, SG), pp. 17–30.
CAV-2004-RayH #deduction #first-order #pipes and filters #quantifier #using #verification- Deductive Verification of Pipelined Machines Using First-Order Quantification (SR, WAHJ), pp. 31–43.
IJCAR-2004-BartheCT #formal method #random- A Machine-Checked Formalization of the Generic Model and the Random Oracle Model (GB, JC, ST), pp. 385–399.
DAC-2003-BernardinisJS #performance #representation- Support vector machines for analog circuit performance representation (FDB, MIJ, ALSV), pp. 964–969.
DATE-2003-KrausP #flexibility #named #synthesis- XBM2PLA: A Flexible Synthesis Tool for Extended Burst Mode Machines (OK, MP), pp. 11092–11093.
DATE-2003-LeeHH #composition #design #finite #power management #state machine- Decomposition of Extended Finite State Machine for Low Power Design (ML, TH, SYH), pp. 11152–11153.
DATE-2003-PillaiJ #clustering #scheduling- Compiler-Directed ILP Extraction for Clustered VLIW/EPIC Machines: Predication, Speculation and Modulo Scheduling (SP, MFJ), pp. 10422–10427.
DRR-2003-RahmanTA #heuristic #hybrid #web- Exploring a hybrid of support vector machines (SVMs) and a heuristic-based system in classifying web pages (AFRR, YT, HA), pp. 120–127.
DRR-2003-RossetZH- Boosting and support vector machines as optimal separators (SR, JZ, TH), pp. 1–7.
ICDAR-2003-GarainC #comprehension #on the #online- On Machine Understanding of Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions (UG, BBC), pp. 349–353.
ICDAR-2003-MalerbaEACB #approach #documentation #layout #machine learning- Correcting the Document Layout: A Machine Learning Approach (DM, FE, OA, MC, MB), p. 97–?.
ITiCSE-2003-GeorgiopoulosCWDGGKM #case study #experience #machine learning- CRCD in machine learning at the University of Central Florida preliminary experiences (MG, JC, ASW, RFD, EG, AJG, MKK, MM), p. 249.
ITiCSE-2003-Yehezkel #execution- Making program execution comprehensible one level above the machine language (CY), pp. 124–128.
ICSM-2003-KojuTD #testing #virtual machine- Regression Test Selection based on Intermediate Code for Virtual Machines (TK, ST, ND), p. 420–?.
PLDI-2003-ErtlG #branch #optimisation #predict #virtual machine- Optimizing indirect branch prediction accuracy in virtual machine interpreters (MAE, DG), pp. 278–288.
PLDI-2003-StephensonAMO #compilation #heuristic #machine learning #optimisation- Meta optimization: improving compiler heuristics with machine learning (MS, SPA, MCM, UMO), pp. 77–90.
CIAA-2003-KellyC #finite #state machine- Computational Linguistic Motivations for a Finite-State Machine Hierarchy (RK, JCB), pp. 301–303.
ICALP-2003-HromkovicS #automaton #comparison #multi- Pushdown Automata and Multicounter Machines, a Comparison of Computation Modes (JH, GS), pp. 66–80.
ICALP-2003-TorreNPP #recursion #state machine- Hierarchical and Recursive State Machines with Context-Dependent Properties (SLT, MN, MP, GP), pp. 776–789.
FME-2003-KuhnO #state machine- Interacting State Machines for Mobility (TAK, DvO), pp. 698–718.
FME-2003-TengT #specification- Composing Temporal-Logic Specifications with Machine Assistance (JWT, YKT), pp. 719–738.
ICEIS-v2-2003-Abdel-WahaabBHH #3d #invariant #network #recognition #using- Three-Dimensional Object Recognition Using Support Vector Machine Neural Network Based on Moment Invariant Features (MSAW, SFB, ASH, DMH), pp. 583–588.
ICEIS-v2-2003-DoP #algorithm #dataset #mining #scalability- Mining Very Large Datasets with Support Vector Machine Algorithms (TND, FP), pp. 140–147.
ICEIS-v2-2003-VongLW #adaptation #design #information management- Knowledge Acquisition Through Case-Based Adaptation for Hydraulic Power Machine Design (CMV, YPL, PKW), pp. 571–574.
ICEIS-v3-2003-DooKK #authentication- Trusted Authentication Between User and Machine (SD, JK, EK), pp. 577–581.
CIKM-2003-MayfieldMPP #using- Lattice-based tagging using support vector machines (JM, PM, CDP, CP), pp. 303–308.
CIKM-2003-ShanahanR #classification- Boosting support vector machines for text classification through parameter-free threshold relaxation (JGS, NR), pp. 247–254.
ECIR-2003-ShiEMSLLKO #approach #machine learning- A Machine Learning Approach for the Curation of Biomedical Literature (MS, DSE, RM, LS, JYKL, HTL, SSK, CJO), pp. 597–604.
ECIR-2003-XuYTXW #classification #using- Representative Sampling for Text Classification Using Support Vector Machines (ZX, KY, VT, XX, JW), pp. 393–407.
ICML-2003-AltunTH #markov- Hidden Markov Support Vector Machines (YA, IT, TH), pp. 3–10.
ICML-2003-Brinker #learning- Incorporating Diversity in Active Learning with Support Vector Machines (KB), pp. 59–66.
ICML-2003-DeCosteM #approximate #classification #incremental #kernel #performance- Fast Query-Optimized Kernel Machine Classification Via Incremental Approximate Nearest Support Vectors (DD, DM), pp. 115–122.
ICML-2003-Flach #comprehension #geometry #machine learning #metric- The Geometry of ROC Space: Understanding Machine Learning Metrics through ROC Isometrics (PAF), pp. 194–201.
ICML-2003-MarchandSSS #set- The Set Covering Machine with Data-Dependent Half-Spaces (MM, MS, JST, MS), pp. 520–527.
ICML-2003-OngS #kernel #machine learning- Machine Learning with Hyperkernels (CSO, AJS), pp. 568–575.
ICML-2003-ValentiniD #bias- Low Bias Bagged Support Vector Machines (GV, TGD), pp. 752–759.
ICML-2003-WuS #optimisation- New í-Support Vector Machines and their Sequential Minimal Optimization (XW, RKS), pp. 824–831.
KDD-2003-FradkinM #machine learning #random- Experiments with random projections for machine learning (DF, DM), pp. 517–522.
MLDM-2003-Bunke #data mining #graph #machine learning #mining #tool support- Graph-Based Tools for Data Mining and Machine Learning (HB), pp. 7–19.
MLDM-2003-DongKS #optimisation #parallel #performance- A Fast Parallel Optimization for Training Support Vector Machine (JxD, AK, CYS), pp. 96–105.
MLDM-2003-PiwowarskiG #documentation #information retrieval #machine learning- A Machine Learning Model for Information Retrieval with Structured Documents (BP, PG), pp. 425–438.
MLDM-2003-Tortorella- A ROC-Based Reject Rule for Support Vector Machines (FT), pp. 106–120.
SEKE-2003-SpanoudakisGZ #approach #machine learning #requirements #traceability- Revising Rules to Capture Requirements Traceability Relations: A Machine Learning Approach (GS, ASdG, AZ), pp. 570–577.
SIGIR-2003-ZhangL #classification #using- Question classification using support vector machines (DZ, WSL), pp. 26–32.
OOPSLA-2003-EeckhoutGB #architecture #how #java #source code #virtual machine- How java programs interact with virtual machines at the microarchitectural level (LE, AG, KDB), pp. 169–186.
GPCE-2003-Danvy #compilation #virtual machine- A Journey from Interpreters to Compilers and Virtual Machines (OD), p. 117.
PPDP-2003-AgerBDM #automaton #functional- A functional correspondence between evaluators and abstract machines (MSA, DB, OD, JM), pp. 8–19.
PPDP-2003-EncinaP- Formally deriving an STG machine (AdlE, RP), pp. 102–112.
SAC-2003-BorgerRC #concurrent #modelling #state machine #uml- Modeling the Meaning of Transitions from and to Concurrent States in UML State Machines (EB, ER, AC), pp. 1086–1091.
LCTES-2003-ShaylorSB #architecture #java #virtual machine- A java virtual machine architecture for very small devices (NS, DNS, WRB), pp. 34–41.
PPoPP-2003-Puppin #adaptation #convergence #machine learning #scheduling #using- Adapting convergent scheduling using machine learning (DP), p. 1.
SOSP-2003-GarfinkelPCRB #framework #named #virtual machine- Terra: a virtual machine-based platform for trusted computing (TG, BP, JC, MR, DB), pp. 193–206.
CAV-2003-XieDIP #problem #verification- Dense Counter Machines and Verification Problems (GX, ZD, OHI, PSP), pp. 93–105.
CSL-2003-ChenF- Machine Characterization of the Classes of the W-Hierarchy (YC, JF), pp. 114–127.
TestCom-2003-El-FakihPYB #fault #finite #state machine- Fault Diagnosis in Extended Finite State Machines (KEF, SP, NY, GvB), pp. 197–210.
DATE-2002-GorenF #finite #heuristic #named #reduction #state machine- CHESMIN: A Heuristic for State Reduction in Incompletely Specified Finite State Machines (SG, FJF), pp. 248–254.
DATE-2002-PaulT #approach #modelling #virtual machine- A Layered, Codesign Virtual Machine Approach to Modeling Computer Systems (JMP, DET), pp. 522–528.
DATE-2002-TeichK #configuration management #finite #implementation #self #state machine- (Self-)reconfigurable Finite State Machines: Theory and Implementation (JT, MK), pp. 559–566.
VLDB-2002-MahnkeMS- Extending an ORDBMS: The StateMachine Module (WM, CM, HPS), pp. 1079–1082.
PLDI-2002-HenzingerK #embedded #predict #realtime- The Embedded Machine: Predictable, Portable Real-Time Code (TAH, CMK), pp. 315–326.
STOC-2002-BrodalLMTT #pointer- Optimal finger search trees in the pointer machine (GSB, GL, CM, AKT, KT), pp. 583–591.
STOC-2002-Kontogiannis #algorithm #bound #online #scheduling- Lower bounds & competitive algorithms for online scheduling of unit-size tasks to related machines (SCK), pp. 124–133.
CIAA-J-2000-Ibarra02 #multi #verification- Verification in Queue-Connected Multicounter Machines (OHI), pp. 115–127.
DLT-2002-SasakiIIW #2d #bound #probability #turing machine- A Space Lower Bound of Two-Dimensional Probabilistic Turing Machines (YS, KI, AI, YW), pp. 185–196.
IFL-2002-EllmenreichL #named #parallel #programming #refinement- PolyAPM: Parallel Programming via Stepwise Refinement with Abstract Parallel Machines (NE, CL), pp. 118–133.
CAiSE-2002-BerlinM #database #feature model #machine learning #using- Database Schema Matching Using Machine Learning with Feature Selection (JB, AM), pp. 452–466.
CAiSE-2002-MohanCS #approach #development #process #state machine- A State Machine Based Approach for a Process Driven Development of Web-Applications (RM, MAC, JS), pp. 52–66.
ICML-2002-DeCoste #classification #distance #geometry #kernel #performance- Anytime Interval-Valued Outputs for Kernel Machines: Fast Support Vector Machine Classification via Distance Geometry (DD), pp. 99–106.
ICML-2002-Zhang #behaviour #consistency #statistics- Statistical Behavior and Consistency of Support Vector Machines, Boosting, and Beyond (TZ0), pp. 690–700.
ICPR-v1-2002-AiYX #approach #detection- A Subspace Approach to Face Detection with Support Vector Machines (HA, LY, GX), pp. 45–48.
ICPR-v1-2002-MaD #detection- Face Detection Based on Hierarchical Support Vector Machines (YM, XD), pp. 222–225.
ICPR-v1-2002-TerrillonPNY #detection #human-computer #image #interactive #recognition #robust- Robust Face Detection and Hand Posture Recognition in Color Images for Human-Machine Interaction (JCT, AP, YN, KY), pp. 204–209.
ICPR-v2-2002-AnconaCSD #complexity #detection #image #parametricity #runtime- Object Detection in Images: Run-Time Complexity and Parameter Selection of Support Vector Machines (NA, GC, ES, AD), pp. 426–429.
ICPR-v2-2002-FrancH #multi- Multi-Class Support Vector Machine (VF, VH), pp. 236–239.
ICPR-v2-2002-HaasdonkK #distance #kernel- Tangent Distance Kernels for Support Vector Machines (BH, DK), pp. 864–868.
ICPR-v2-2002-KimPJKB #classification #using- Pattern Classification Using Support Vector Machine Ensemble (HCK, SP, HMJ, DK, SYB), pp. 160–163.
ICPR-v2-2002-Maloof #analysis #machine learning #on the #statistics #testing- On Machine Learning, ROC Analysis, and Statistical Tests of Significance (MAM), pp. 204–207.
ICPR-v2-2002-PereraGSPM #identification #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Machine Olfaction: Pattern Recognition for the Identification of Aromas (AP, AGB, TS, TP, SM), pp. 410–413.
ICPR-v2-2002-XiaoAX #optimisation #set- Pair-Wise Sequential Reduced Set for Optimization of Support Vector Machines (XX, HA, GX), pp. 860–863.
ICPR-v3-2002-MaragoudakisKF #independence #performance #segmentation- Incorporating Conditional Independence Assumption with Support Vector Machines to Enhance Handwritten Character Segmentation Performance (MM, EK, NF), pp. 911–914.
ICPR-v4-2002-XiL #detection #feature model #using- Face Detection and Facial Feature Extraction Using Support Vector Machines (DX, SWL), pp. 209–212.
KDD-2002-Agarwal- Shrinkage estimator generalizations of Proximal Support Vector Machines (DKA), pp. 173–182.
KDD-2002-GodboleSC #multi #scalability #using- Scaling multi-class support vector machines using inter-class confusion (SG, SS, SC), pp. 513–518.
SEKE-2002-LeeKC #finite #interactive #sequence chart #state machine #testing- Construction of global finite state machine for testing task interactions written in message sequence charts (NHL, THK, SDC), pp. 369–376.
SIGIR-2002-MayfieldM #online- Converting on-line bilingual dictionaries from human-readable to machine-readable form (JM, PM), pp. 405–406.
ECOOP-2002-CzajkowskiDN #virtual machine- Code Sharing among Virtual Machines (GC, LD, NN), pp. 155–177.
ICSE-2002-UchitelSZ #algorithm #modelling #state machine #tool support- Scenarios and state machines: models, algorithms, and tools (SU, TS, AZ), pp. 659–660.
ASPLOS-2002-LevisC #named #network #virtual machine- Maté: a tiny virtual machine for sensor networks (PL, DEC), pp. 85–95.
HPCA-2002-GurumurthiSIVKLJ #approach #estimation #simulation #using- Using Complete Machine Simulation for Software Power Estimation: The SoftWatt Approach (SG, AS, MJI, NV, MTK, TL, LKJ), pp. 141–150.
OSDI-2002-DunlapKCBC #analysis #named- ReVirt: Enabling Intrusion Analysis Through Virtual-Machine Logging and Replay (GWD, STK, SC, MAB, PMC), pp. 211–224.
CAV-2002-ClarkeGKS #abstraction #machine learning #satisfiability #using- SAT Based Abstraction-Refinement Using ILP and Machine Learning Techniques (EMC, AG, JHK, OS), pp. 265–279.
ISSTA-2002-FriedmanHNS #state machine #testing- Projected state machine coverage for software testing (GF, AH, KN, TS), pp. 134–143.
ISSTA-2002-GrieskampGSV #finite #generative #state machine- Generating finite state machines from abstract state machines (WG, YG, WS, MV), pp. 112–122.
TestCom-2002-SerdarT #approach #finite #generative #sequence #state machine- A New Approach To Checking Sequence Generation for Finite State Machines (BS, KCT), p. 391–?.
VMCAI-2002-BartheDJS #virtual machine- A Formal Correspondence between Offensive and Defensive JavaCard Virtual Machines (GB, GD, LJ, SMdS), pp. 32–45.
ASE-2001-GrosuLSSY #automation #concurrent #re-engineering #using- Automated Software Engineering Using Concurrent Class Machines (RG, YAL, SAS, SDS, JY), p. 297–?.
ASE-2001-ShenCH #state machine #tool support #uml #validation- A UML Validation Toolset Based on Abstract State Machines (WS, KJC, JH), pp. 315–318.
DATE-2001-HoffmannNPBM #development #generative #quality #tool support #using- Generating production quality software development tools using a machine description language (AH, AN, SP, GB, HM), pp. 674–678.
DATE-2001-Narita #game studies #multi- SH-4 RISC microprocessor for multimedia, game machine (SN), pp. 699–701.
DATE-2001-TerechkoPE #architecture #clustering #named- PRMDL: a machine description language for clustered VLIW architectures (AT, EJDP, JTJvE), p. 821.
ICDAR-2001-AyatCRS #image #kernel #named #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- KMOD — A New Support Vector Machine Kernel with Moderate Decreasing for Pattern Recognition. Application to Digit Image Recognition (NEA, MC, LR, CYS), p. 1215–?.
ICDAR-2001-GuoM #markov #modelling #using- Separating Handwritten Material from Machine Printed Text Using Hidden Markov Models (JKG, MYM), pp. 439–443.
ICDAR-2001-KogaMSF #2d #bottom-up #parsing #recognition #segmentation- A Recognition Method of Machine-Printed Monetary Amounts Based on the Two-Dimensional Segmentation and the Bottom-up Parsing (MK, RM, HS, HF), pp. 968–971.
ICDAR-2001-NatteeN #classification #comprehension #documentation #geometry #machine learning #online #using- Geometric Method for Document Understanding and Classification Using On-line Machine Learning (CN, MN), pp. 602–606.
ESOP-2001-XuRM #type system- Typestate Checking of Machine Code (ZX, TWR, BPM), pp. 335–351.
FASE-2001-BordeleauC #design #on the #state machine- On the Importance of Inter-scenario Relationships in Hierarchical State Machine Design (FB, JPC), pp. 156–170.
TACAS-2001-Castillo #analysis #modelling #state machine #tool support #validation- The ASM Workbench — A Tool Environment for Computer-Aided Analysis and Validation of Abstract State Machine Models Tool Demonstration (GDC), pp. 578–581.
PASTE-2001-MaessenSG #java #program analysis #safety #virtual machine- Program analysis for safety guarantees in a Java virtual machine written in Java (JWM, VS, DG), pp. 62–65.
PLDI-2001-AppelG- Optimal Spilling for CISC Machines with Few Registers (AWA, LG), pp. 243–253.
STOC-2001-BecchettiL #parallel #scheduling- Non-clairvoyant scheduling to minimize the average flow time on single and parallel machines (LB, SL), pp. 94–103.
FLOPS-2001-ChoiLH #compilation #functional #java #lazy evaluation #source code #virtual machine- Compiling Lazy Functional Programs Based on the Spineless Tagless G-Machine for the Java Virtual Machine (KC, HiL, TH), pp. 92–107.
FLOPS-2001-Hortala-GonzalezU #automaton #calculus #lazy evaluation- An Abstract Machine Based System for a Lazy Narrowing Calculus (MTHG, EU), pp. 216–232.
DLT-2001-KudlekR #turing machine- A Universal Turing Machine with 3 States and 9 Symbols (MK, YR), pp. 311–318.
ICALP-2001-BenediktGR #model checking #state machine #strict- Model Checking of Unrestricted Hierarchical State Machines (MB, PG, TWR), pp. 652–666.
ICALP-2001-ChekuriK- A PTAS for Minimizing Weighted Completion Time on Uniformly Related Machines (CC, SK), pp. 848–861.
ICALP-2001-SangiorgiV #automaton #distributed- A Distributed Abstract Machine for Safe Ambients (DS, AV), pp. 408–420.
IFL-2001-EncinaP #correctness #proving- Proving the Correctness of the STG Machine (AdlE, RP), pp. 88–104.
AdaEurope-2001-Sanden #concurrent #design pattern #process #state machine- A Design Pattern for State Machines and Concurrent Activities (BS), pp. 203–214.
ICEIS-v1-2001-DiazTO #machine learning #using- A Knowledge-Acquisition Methodology for a Blast Furnace Expert System Using Machine Learning Techniques (ED, JT, FO), pp. 336–339.
ICEIS-v1-2001-SierraRLG #analysis #image #machine learning #mobile #order #recognition- Machine Learning Approaches for Image Analysis: Recognition of Hand Orders by a Mobile Robot (BS, IR, EL, UG), pp. 330–335.
CIKM-2001-AljlaylF #effectiveness #information retrieval- Effective Arabic-English Cross-Language Information Retrieval via Machine-Readable Dictionaries and Machine Translation (MA, OF), pp. 295–302.
ICML-2001-DomingosH #algorithm #clustering #machine learning #scalability- A General Method for Scaling Up Machine Learning Algorithms and its Application to Clustering (PMD, GH), pp. 106–113.
ICML-2001-DruckerSG #feedback #using- Relevance Feedback using Support Vector Machines (HD, BS, DCG), pp. 122–129.
ICML-2001-GartnerF #classification #named- WBCsvm: Weighted Bayesian Classification based on Support Vector Machines (TG, PAF), pp. 154–161.
ICML-2001-MarchandS #learning #set- Learning with the Set Covering Machine (MM, JST), pp. 345–352.
ICML-2001-NouretdinovMV- Ridge Regression Confidence Machine (IN, TM, VV), pp. 385–392.
KDD-2001-Agrarwal #modelling #predict- Applications of generalized support vector machines to predictive modeling (NA), p. 6.
KDD-2001-CarageaCH #classification #using- Gaining insights into support vector machine pattern classifiers using projection-based tour methods (DC, DC, VH), pp. 251–256.
KDD-2001-FungM #classification- Proximal support vector machine classifiers (GF, OLM), pp. 77–86.
SIGIR-2001-Joachims #classification #learning #statistics- A Statistical Learning Model of Text Classification for Support Vector Machines (TJ), pp. 128–136.
UML-2001-Kuske #graph transformation #semantics #state machine #uml- A Formal Semantics of UML State Machines Based on Structured Graph Transformation (SK), pp. 241–256.
OOPSLA-2001-CzajkowskiD #evolution #multi #virtual machine- Multitasking without Compromise: A Virtual Machine Evolution (GC, LD), pp. 125–138.
OOPSLA-2001-RiehleFBO #architecture #uml #virtual machine- The Architecture of a UML Virtual Machine (DR, SF, DBL, NO), pp. 327–341.
PPDP-2001-NassenCS #prolog #virtual machine- Instruction Merging and Specialization in the SICStus Prolog Virtual Machine (HN, MC, KFS), pp. 49–60.
SAC-2001-Jeng #framework #towards- Towards a universal service-computing platform via virtual service machine (JJJ), pp. 663–667.
CAV-2001-AlurEY #analysis #recursion #state machine- Analysis of Recursive State Machines (RA, KE, MY), pp. 207–220.
CAV-2001-Moore #execution #modelling #state machine #symbolic computation- Rewriting for Symbolic Execution of State Machine Models (JSM), pp. 411–422.
CSL-2001-StarkN #logic #state machine- A Logic for Abstract State Machines (RFS, SN), pp. 217–231.
LICS-2001-AsarinB #hybrid #turing machine- Perturbed Turing Machines and Hybrid Systems (EA, AB), pp. 269–278.
LICS-2001-Gurevich #state machine- Logician in the Land of OS: Abstract State Machines in Microsoft (YG), pp. 129–136.
TLCA-2001-Laurent #geometry #interactive- A Token Machine for Full Geometry of Interaction (OL), pp. 283–297.
DAC-2000-HettSB #distance #finite #state machine #traversal- Distance driven finite state machine traversal (AH, CS, BB), pp. 39–42.
DAC-2000-PaulPT #hardware #modelling #virtual machine- A codesign virtual machine for hierarchical, balanced hardware/software system modeling (JMP, SNP, DET), pp. 390–395.
DATE-2000-Maurer #logic #network #simulation #state machine #using- Logic Simulation Using Networks of State Machines (PMM), pp. 674–678.
DATE-2000-PeesHM #using- Retargeting of Compiled Simulators for Digital Signal Processors Using a Machine Description Language (SP, AH, HM), pp. 669–673.
ESOP-2000-Muller-OlmW #finite #on the- On the Translation of Procedures to Finite Machines (MMO, AW), pp. 290–304.
FASE-2000-ReggioACH #approach #formal method #lightweight #state machine #uml- Analysing UML Active Classes and Associated State Machines — A Lightweight Formal Approach (GR, EA, CC, HH), pp. 127–146.
FoSSaCS-2000-Pinto #automaton #concurrent #interactive- Sequential and Concurrent Abstract Machines for Interaction Nets (JSP), pp. 267–282.
PLDI-2000-XuMR #safety- Safety checking of machine code (ZX, BPM, TWR), pp. 70–82.
CHI-2000-SchianoERS #interface- Face to interface: facial affect in (hu)man and machine (DJS, SME, KR, KS), pp. 193–200.
ICEIS-2000-Stamper #requirements #social- Information Requirements are Human, Computers only Machines: Measur’s Rigorous Methods Based on Social Norms (RKS), p. XXVII-XXX.
ICML-2000-EvgeniouPPP #bound #kernel #performance- Bounds on the Generalization Performance of Kernel Machine Ensembles (TE, LPB, MP, TP), pp. 271–278.
ICML-2000-Hall #feature model #machine learning- Correlation-based Feature Selection for Discrete and Numeric Class Machine Learning (MAH), pp. 359–366.
ICML-2000-KlinkenbergJ #concept #detection- Detecting Concept Drift with Support Vector Machines (RK, TJ), pp. 487–494.
ICML-2000-KomarekM #adaptation #machine learning #performance #scalability #set- A Dynamic Adaptation of AD-trees for Efficient Machine Learning on Large Data Sets (PK, AWM), pp. 495–502.
ICML-2000-Langley #machine learning- Crafting Papers on Machine Learning (PL), pp. 1207–1216.
ICML-2000-MollPB #machine learning #problem- Machine Learning for Subproblem Selection (RM, TJP, AGB), pp. 615–622.
ICML-2000-RychetskySG- Direct Bayes Point Machines (MR, JST, MG), pp. 815–822.
ICML-2000-SchohnC #learning #less is more- Less is More: Active Learning with Support Vector Machines (GS, DC), pp. 839–846.
ICML-2000-SmolaS #approximate #machine learning #matrix- Sparse Greedy Matrix Approximation for Machine Learning (AJS, BS), pp. 911–918.
ICML-2000-TongK #classification #learning- Support Vector Machine Active Learning with Application sto Text Classification (ST, DK), pp. 999–1006.
ICPR-v1-2000-AleixosBMN #assessment #quality #realtime #using- Assessment of Citrus Fruit Quality Using a Real-Time Machine Vision System (NA, JB, EM, FN), pp. 1482–1485.
ICPR-v1-2000-YangM #classification #gender #visual notation- Support Vector Machines for Visual Gender Classification (MHY, BM), pp. 5115–5118.
ICPR-v2-2000-Baram #pattern matching #pattern recognition #random #recognition- Random Embedding Machines for Low-Complexity Pattern Recognition (YB), pp. 2748–2754.
ICPR-v2-2000-HermesB #feature model- Feature Selection for Support Vector Machines (LH, JMB), pp. 2712–2715.
ICPR-v2-2000-KimHL #retrieval- Retrieval of the Top N Matches with Support Vector Machines (JJK, BWH, SWL), pp. 2716–2719.
ICPR-v2-2000-MitraMP #database #incremental #learning #scalability- Data Condensation in Large Databases by Incremental Learning with Support Vector Machines (PM, CAM, SKP), pp. 2708–2711.
ICPR-v2-2000-PavlovMD #algorithm #using- Scaling-Up Support Vector Machines Using Boosting Algorithm (DP, JM, BD), pp. 2219–2222.
ICPR-v2-2000-SkurichinaYD #subclass- The Role of Subclasses in Machine Diagnostics (MS, AY, RPWD), pp. 2668–2671.
ICPR-v2-2000-ZhaoLX #recognition- Support Vector Machine and its Application in Handwritten Numeral Recognition (BZ, YL, SX), pp. 2720–2723.
ICPR-v3-2000-HongHT #finite #gesture #performance #recognition #state machine- Constructing Finite State Machines for Fast Gesture Recognition (PH, TSH, MT), pp. 3695–3698.
ICPR-v4-2000-DergancP- A Machine Vision System for Inspecting Bearings (JD, FP), pp. 4752–4755.
ICPR-v4-2000-NakajimaIPP #correlation #detection #invariant #recognition- Object Recognition and Detection by a Combination of Support Vector Machine and Rotation Invariant Phase Only Correlation (CN, NI, MP, TP), pp. 4787–4790.
ICPR-v4-2000-TerrillonSSFA #detection #invariant- Invariant Face Detection with Support Vector Machines (JCT, MNS, MS, HF, SA), pp. 4210–4217.
KDD-2000-DeCosteW- Alpha seeding for support vector machines (DD, KW), pp. 345–349.
KDD-2000-FungM #classification- Data selection for support vector machine classifiers (GF, OLM), pp. 64–70.
KDD-2000-PavlovCS #scalability #towards #using- Towards scalable support vector machines using squashing (DP, DC, PS), pp. 295–299.
KDD-2000-Tresp- The generalized Bayesian committee machine (VT), pp. 130–139.
SIGIR-2000-ChuangY #approach #machine learning #summary- Extracting sentence segments for text summarization: a machine learning approach (WTC, JY), pp. 152–159.
SIGIR-2000-PetasisCVPKS #adaptation #automation #machine learning #probability- Automatic adaptation of proper noun dictionaries through cooperation of machine learning and probabilistic methods (GP, AC, PV, GP, VK, CDS), pp. 128–135.
UML-2000-Padawitz #constraints #diagrams #how #proving #state machine #theorem proving #uml- Swinging UML: How to Make Class Diagrams and State Machines Amenable to Constraint Solving and Proving (PP), pp. 162–177.
OOPSLA-2000-Czajkowski #java #virtual machine- Application isolation in the JavaTM Virtual Machine (GC), pp. 354–366.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-NewmarchSM #enterprise #using #web- Using the Web and Jini to link Vending Machines and Enterprise Systems (JN, KS, CM), pp. 260–264.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-ZhengZYW #compilation #concurrent #design #hybrid #java #virtual machine- A Java Virtual Machine Design Based on Hybrid Concurrent Compilation Model (WZ, FZ, BY, YW), pp. 18–23.
PPDP-2000-Li #memory management #performance #prolog #stack- Efficient memory management in a merged heap/stack prolog machine (XL), pp. 245–256.
POPL-2000-AlurG #composition #refinement- Modular Refinement of Hierarchic Reactive Machines (RA, RG), pp. 390–402.
POPL-2000-AppelF #semantics- A Semantic Model of Types and Machine Instuctions for Proof-Carrying Code (AWA, APF), pp. 243–253.
SAC-2000-DenehyJ #c++ #java #parallel #virtual machine- Parallel C++ for the Java Virtual Machine (TED, CHJ), pp. 843–848.
CC-2000-HoogerbruggeA #java #pipes and filters #virtual machine- Pipelined Java Virtual Machine Interpreters (JH, LA), pp. 35–49.
CADE-2000-Meier #proving- System Description: TRAMP: Transformation of Machine-Found Proofs into ND-Proofs at the Assertion Level (AM), pp. 460–464.
CADE-2000-MichaelA #bytecode #higher-order #logic #semantics #syntax- Machine Instruction Syntax and Semantics in Higher Order Logic (NGM, AWA), pp. 7–24.
CAV-2000-AlurGM #analysis #performance #reachability- Efficient Reachability Analysis of Hierarchical Reactive Machines (RA, RG, MM), pp. 280–295.
CSL-2000-BlassG- Background, Reserve, and Gandy Machines (AB, YG), pp. 1–17.
CSL-2000-Schulte #state machine- Translating Theory into Practice — Abstract State Machines within Microsoft (WS), p. 71.
RTA-2000-Moreau #compilation- REM (Reduce Elan Machine): Core of the New ELAN Compiler (PEM), pp. 265–269.
DAC-1999-PeesHZM #architecture #modelling #named #programmable- LISA — Machine Description Language for Cycle-Accurate Models of Programmable DSP Architectures (SP, AH, VZ, HM), pp. 933–938.
DAC-1999-ZhuL #compilation #configuration management #hardware- Hardware Compilation for FPGA-Based Configurable Computing Machines (XZ, BL), pp. 697–702.
DATE-1999-HongB #analysis #finite #reachability #scalability #state machine #using- Symbolic Reachability Analysis of Large Finite State Machines Using Don’t Cares (YH, PAB), p. 13–?.
DATE-1999-Sasaki #semantics #simulation #state machine- A Formal Semantics for Verilog-VHDL Simulation Interoperability by Abstact State Machine (HS), p. 353–?.
ICDAR-1999-PalC99a #automation- Automatic Separation of Machine-Printed and Hand-Written Text Lines (UP, BBC), pp. 645–648.
PLDI-1999-LeungG- Static Single Assignment Form for machine Code (AL, LG), pp. 204–214.
STOC-1999-Bar-NoyGNS #approximate #multi #realtime #scheduling #throughput- Approximating the Throughput of Multiple Machines Under Real-Time Scheduling (ABN, SG, JN, BS), pp. 622–631.
STOC-1999-JansenP #approximate #parallel #scheduling- Improved Approximation Schemes for Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines (KJ, LP), pp. 408–417.
STOC-1999-SkutellaW #parallel- A PTAS for Minimizing the Weighted Sum of Job Completion Times on Parallel Machines (MS, GJW), pp. 400–407.
FLOPS-1999-Ohori #automaton #logic #morphism- The Logical Abstract Machine: A Curry-Howard Isomorphism for Machine Code (AO), pp. 300–318.
ICALP-1999-AlurKY #communication #state machine- Communicating Hierarchical State Machines (RA, SK, MY), pp. 169–178.
ICALP-1999-Woeginger- An FPTAS for Agreeably Weighted Variance on a Single Machine (GJW), pp. 707–716.
FM-v1-1999-Dunne #specification- The Safe Machine: A New Specification Construct for B (SD), pp. 472–489.
FM-v2-1999-GradelS #state machine- Logspace Reducibility via Abstract State Machines (EG, MS), pp. 1738–1757.
IFM-1999-Mery #automaton #requirements- Requirements for a Temporal B — Assigning Temporal Meaning to Abstract Machines... and to Abstract Systems (DM), pp. 395–414.
ICFP-1999-FlattFKF #lisp #operating system #programming language- Programming Languages as Operating Systems (or Revenge of the Son of the Lisp Machine) (MF, RBF, SK, MF), pp. 138–147.
IFL-1999-Kluge- A Reversible SE(M)CD Machine (WEK), pp. 95–113.
HCI-CCAD-1999-FurutaOK #human-computer #interface- Intelligent plant human-machine interface based on intent inferencing (KF, YO, SK), pp. 1192–1196.
HCI-EI-1999-Adam #human-computer #interface #specification- Specifications of Human-Machine Interfaces for Helping Cooperation in Human Organizations (EA), pp. 311–315.
HCI-EI-1999-KohzukiNTUHT #eye tracking #interactive #using- Man-Machine Interaction Using Eye Movement (KK, TN, AT, MU, SH, KT), pp. 407–411.
HCI-EI-1999-WellensM #research #revisited #social- The Social Psychology of Intelligent Machines: A Research Agenda Revisited (ARW, MDM), pp. 696–700.
AdaEurope-1999-ShenCB #ada #implementation #kernel #linux #multi- A “Bare-Machine” Implementation of Ada Multi-tasking Beneath the Linux Kernel (HS, AC, TPB), pp. 287–297.
ICEIS-1999-CarvalhoPJ #java #logic programming #prolog #virtual machine- NETPROLOG-A Logic Programming System for the Java Virtual Machine (CLdC, ECP, RMdSJ), pp. 591–598.
ICML-1999-Joachims #classification #using- Transductive Inference for Text Classification using Support Vector Machines (TJ), pp. 200–209.
ICML-1999-VovkGS #algorithm- Machine-Learning Applications of Algorithmic Randomness (VV, AG, CS), pp. 444–453.
KDD-1999-SyedLS99a #concept #incremental #learning- Handling Concept Drifts in Incremental Learning with Support Vector Machines (NAS, HL, KKS), pp. 317–321.
SIGIR-1999-FranzM #information retrieval- Machine Translation and Monolingual Information Retrieval (poster abstract) (MF, JSM), pp. 295–296.
UML-1999-PaltorL #formal method #model checking #state machine #uml- Formalising UML State Machines for Model Checking (IP, JL), pp. 430–445.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Madsen #integration #object-oriented #state machine #towards- Towards Integration of State Machines and Object-Oriented Languages (OLM), pp. 261–274.
PPDP-1999-LopesSV #calculus #process #virtual machine- A Virtual Machine for a Process Calculus (LMBL, FMAS, VTV), pp. 244–260.
POPL-1999-Yelland #composition #java #virtual machine- A Compositional Account of the Java Virtual Machine (PMY), pp. 57–69.
SAC-1999-Lee #multi #scheduling- Artificial Intelligence Search Methods for Multi-Machine Two-Stage Scheduling (IL), pp. 31–35.
HPDC-1999-WoodwardA #distributed #grid #programming- Portable Petaflop/s Programming: Applying Distributed Computing Methodology to the Grid within a Single Machine Room (PRW, SEA), pp. 70–83.
PPoPP-1999-TangSY #execution #memory management #multi #runtime #thread- Compile/Run-Time Support for Threaded MPI Execution on Multiprogrammed Shared Memory Machines (HT, KS, TY), pp. 107–118.
SOSP-1999-SirerGGB #design #distributed #implementation #virtual machine- Design and implementation of a distributed virtual machine for networked computers (EGS, RG, AJG, BNB), pp. 202–216.
CADE-1999-NadathurM #automaton #compilation #implementation #prolog #λ-calculus- System Description: Teyjus — A Compiler and Abstract Machine Based Implementation of lambda-Prolog (GN, DJM), pp. 287–291.
CAV-1999-Spielmann #automation #state machine #verification- Automatic Verification of Abstract State Machines (MS), pp. 431–442.
ICLP-1999-GuptaP #distributed #memory management #named- Stack-splitting: Or-/And-parallelism on Distributed Memory Machines (GG, EP), pp. 290–304.
IWTCS-1999-YevtushenkoCA #embedded #finite #nondeterminism #state machine #testing- Test Suite Minimization for Embedded Nondeterministic Finite State Machines (NY, ARC, RA), pp. 237–250.
TLCA-1999-MikamiA #automaton #case study #linear- A Study of Abramsky’s Linear Chemical Abstract Machine (SM, YA), pp. 243–257.
ASE-1998-MaoSL #case study #machine learning #reuse #using #verification- Reusability Hypothesis Verification using Machine Learning Techniques: A Case Study (YM, HAS, HL), pp. 84–93.
DAC-1998-BauerBKV #configuration management #logic #performance #simulation- A Reconfigurable Logic Machine for Fast Event-Driven Simulation (JB, MB, IK, PV), pp. 668–671.
DAC-1998-MonteiroO #composition #finite #power management #state machine- Finite State Machine Decomposition For Low Power (JCM, ALO), pp. 758–763.
CSMR-1998-OhtaMI #on the #source code #verification- On Constructing a Tool to Verify Programs for Processors Built in Machines (TO, NM, YI), pp. 52–59.
IWPC-1998-CifuentesS #bytecode #semantics #specification- Specifying the Semantics of Machine Instructions (CC, SS), pp. 126–133.
PLDI-1998-AgesenDM #garbage collection #java #liveness #virtual machine- Garbage Collection and Local Variable Type-Precision and Liveness in Java Virtual Machines (OA, DD, JEBM), pp. 269–279.
SAS-1998-HagiyaT #analysis #data flow #java #on the #virtual machine- On a New Method for Dataflow Analysis of Java Virtual Machine Subroutines (MH, AT), pp. 17–32.
STOC-1998-BuchsbaumKRW #algorithm #linear #verification- Linear-Time Pointer-Machine Algorithms for Least Common Ancestors, MST Verification, and Dominators (ALB, HK, AR, JW), pp. 279–288.
ICALP-1998-PetersenR #performance #queue #simulation- Efficient Simulations by Queue Machines (HP, JMR), pp. 884–895.
FM-1998-Borger #analysis #design #state machine #using- High Level System Design and Analysis Using Abstract State Machines (EB), pp. 1–43.
FM-1998-Castillo #architecture #state machine #tool support #towards- Towards Comprehensive Tool Support for Abstract State Machines: The ASM Workbench Tool Environment and Architecture (GDC), pp. 311–325.
ICFP-1998-Ennals #finite #nondeterminism #reasoning- Controlled Temporal Non-Determinism for Reasoning with a Machine of Finite Speed (RE), p. 339.
ICFP-1998-Mountjoy- The Spineless Tagless G-machine, naturally (JM), pp. 163–173.
IFL-1998-Reid #implementation- Putting the Spine Back in the Spineless Tagless G-Machine: An Implementation of Resumable Black-Holes (AR), pp. 186–199.
CHI-1998-WolfZ #case study #evolution- Evolution of the Conversation Machine: A Case Study of Bringing Advanced Technology to the Marketplace (CGW, WZ), pp. 488–495.
AdaEurope-1998-MilletB #java #migration #runtime #virtual machine- Porting the GNAT Tasking Runtime System to the Java Virtual Machine (LM, TB), pp. 19–28.
ICML-1998-BradleyM #feature model- Feature Selection via Concave Minimization and Support Vector Machines (PSB, OLM), pp. 82–90.
ICML-1998-FriessCC #algorithm #kernel #learning #performance- The Kernel-Adatron Algorithm: A Fast and Simple Learning Procedure for Support Vector Machines (TTF, NC, CC), pp. 188–196.
ICML-1998-LiquiereS #graph #machine learning- Structural Machine Learning with Galois Lattice and Graphs (ML, JS), pp. 305–313.
ICML-1998-PrecupU #approximate #classification #using- Classification Using Phi-Machines and Constructive Function Approximation (DP, PEU), pp. 439–444.
ICPR-1998-HuangSW #using- Face pose discrimination using support vector machines (SVM) (JH, XS, HW), pp. 154–156.
ICPR-1998-YouBH #image #parallel #realtime #recognition #virtual machine- Real-time object recognition: hierarchical image matching in a parallel virtual machine environment (JY, PB, SH), pp. 275–277.
OOPSLA-1998-LiangB #java #virtual machine- Dynamics Class Loading in the Java Virtual Machine (SL, GB), pp. 36–44.
TOOLS-USA-1998-Li #java #virtual machine- Java Virtual Machine — Present and Near Future (QL), p. 480.
ALP-PLILP-1998-Wakeling #compilation #functional #haskell #java #lazy evaluation #mobile #source code #virtual machine- Mobile Haskell: Compiling Lazy Functional Programs for the Java Virtual Machine (DW), pp. 335–352.
FSE-1998-AlurY #model checking #state machine- Model Checking of Hierarchical State Machines (RA, MY), pp. 175–188.
ICSE-1998-AlmeidaLM #modelling- An Investigation on the Use of Machine Learned Models for Estimating Correction Costs (MAdA, HL, WLM), pp. 473–476.
ASPLOS-1998-LeeBFSBSA #parallel #scheduling- Space-Time Scheduling of Instruction-Level Parallelism on a Raw Machine (WL, RB, MF, DS, JB, VS, SPA), pp. 46–57.
HPCA-1998-AbramsonLPR #problem- FPGA Based Custom Computing Machines for Irregular Problems (DA, PL, AP, MR), pp. 324–333.
HPDC-1998-RosuS #communication #coordination #distributed- Sender Coordination in the Distributed Virtual Communication Machine (MCR, KS), pp. 322–329.
LCTES-1998-RamseyD #embedded #tool support- Machine Descriptions to Build Tools for Embedded Systems (NR, JWD), pp. 176–192.
CAV-1998-Wilding #policy #proving #realtime #scheduling- A Machine-Checked Proof of the Optimality of a Real-Time Scheduling Policy (MW), pp. 369–378.
IWTCS-1998-Boroday #finite #nondeterminism #state machine #testing- Distinguishing Tests for Nondeterministic Finite State Machines (SB), pp. 101–108.
DAC-1997-MarculescuMP #analysis #finite #probability #sequence #state machine- Sequence Compaction for Probabilistic Analysis of Finite-State Machines (DM, RM, MP), pp. 12–15.
EDTC-1997-PomeranzR97a #finite #on the #state machine #testing- On the use of reset to increase the testability of interconnected finite-state machines (IP, SMR), pp. 554–559.
EDTC-1997-ShojiHSKN #behaviour #simulation- Acceleration of behavioral simulation on simulation specific machines (MS, FH, SS, SK, HN), pp. 373–377.
ICDAR-1997-AminKS #machine learning #recognition- Hand Printed Chinese Character Recognition via Machine Learning (AA, SGK, CS), pp. 190–194.
ICDAR-1997-EspositoMSAG #library #machine learning #semantics- Information Capture and Semantic Indexing of Digital Libraries through Machine Learning Techniques (FE, DM, GS, CDA, GdG), pp. 722–727.
ICDAR-1997-KimuraKMS #recognition #word- Machine and Human Recognition of Segmented Characters from Handwritten Words (FK, NK, YM, MS), p. 866–?.
ICDAR-1997-WolfNS #image #performance- Fast Address Block Location on Handwritten and Machine Printed Mail--piece Images (MW, HN, WS), pp. 753–757.
ICDAR-1997-YoungB #constraints #readability- Constraints on handwriting Korean characters to improve the machine readability (CBY, SYB), pp. 195–199.
PODS-1997-GunopulosKMT #data mining #machine learning #mining- Data mining, Hypergraph Transversals, and Machine Learning (DG, RK, HM, HT), pp. 209–216.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-DagdilelisS #programming #using- Using Emil Post’s machine for an introduction to formal programming (poster) (VD, MS), p. 147.
WPC-1997-KloschWTs #component #comprehension #state machine- Facilitating Program Comprehension via Generic Components for State Machines (RK, JW, GT, HCG), pp. 118–127.
STOC-1997-LeonardiR #approximate #parallel- Approximating Total Flow Time on Parallel Machines (SL, DR), pp. 110–119.
WIA-1997-GarzonGRMDFS #finite #implementation #state machine- In Vitro Implementation of Finite-State Machines (MHG, YG, JAR, RCM, RJD, DRF, SESJ), pp. 56–74.
WIA-1997-Velinov #education- Teaching Theory of Computation with Tape Machines (YV), pp. 213–227.
IFL-1997-BreitingerKLOP #automaton #distributed #named- DREAM: The DistRibuted Eden Abstract Machine (SB, UK, RL, YOM, RP), pp. 250–269.
IFL-1997-HolyerS- The Brisk Machine: A Simplified STG Machine (IH, ES), pp. 20–38.
IFL-1997-Wakeling #compilation #haskell #java #virtual machine- A Haskell to Java Virtual Machine Code Compiler (DW), pp. 39–52.
HCI-CC-1997-KameiMSH #integration- Creating a Source and Target Language Mixed Stage for Integration of Human Knowledge into Machine Translation (SiK, KM, KS, KH), pp. 825–828.
HCI-SEC-1997-Balint #human-computer- Machine Intelligence in HCI Revisited: From Intelligent Agents to Intelligent Systems (LB), pp. 51–54.
HCI-SEC-1997-Bannon97a #communication #human-computer #interactive #problem- Problems in Human-Machine Interaction and Communication (LJB), pp. 47–50.
HCI-SEC-1997-Eggleston #adaptation #approach #human-computer #interface- Adaptive Interfaces as an Approach to Human-Machine Cooperation (RGE), pp. 495–500.
HCI-SEC-1997-Geddes #framework #human-computer- Associate Systems: A Framework for Human-Machine Cooperation (NDG), pp. 237–242.
HCI-SEC-1997-JonesD #animation #interface #named #realtime- MARTI: Man-Machine Animation Real-Time Interface: The Illusion of Life (CMJ, SSD), pp. 841–844.
HCI-SEC-1997-LawsonRGGM #challenge #human-computer #interface #using- The Human-Machine Interface Challenges of Using Virtual Environment (VE) Displays Aboard Centrifuge Devices (BDL, AHR, FEG, JDG, AMM), pp. 945–948.
HCI-SEC-1997-LowryHK #bias #evolution #heuristic #human-computer #interface #robust- Heuristics and Biases in the Evolution of a Robust Human-Machine Interface Methodology (JCL, PEVH, SZK), pp. 323–326.
HCI-SEC-1997-Moustakis #human-computer #machine learning #people #question- Do People in HCI Use Machine Learning? (VM), pp. 95–98.
HCI-SEC-1997-Nguifo #interactive #machine learning- An Interactive Environment for Dynamic Control of Machine Learning Systems (EMN), pp. 31–34.
HCI-SEC-1997-Pohl #machine learning #modelling #named- LaboUr — Machine Learning for User Modeling (WP), pp. 27–30.
HCI-SEC-1997-Stary97a #interactive #modelling #question #specification- The Role of Interaction Modeling in Future Cognitive Ergonomics: Do Interaction Models Lead to Formal Specification of Involved Machine Intelligence? (CS), pp. 91–94.
TRI-Ada-1997-ComarDG #java #virtual machine- Targeting GNAT to the Java Virtual Machine (CC, GD, FG), pp. 149–161.
EDOC-1997-Tyndale-BiscoeW #how- Machine responsibility — how to deal with it (STB, BW), pp. 48–56.
ICML-1997-ZupanBBD #composition #machine learning- Machine Learning by Function Decomposition (BZ, MB, IB, JD), pp. 421–429.
KDD-1997-BergstenSS #analysis #data mining #machine learning #mining- Applying Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques to Submarine Intelligence Analysis (UB, JS, PS), pp. 127–130.
KDD-1997-Drucker #classification #performance- Fast Committee Machines for Regression and Classification (HD), pp. 159–162.
KDD-1997-KramerPH #machine learning #mining- Mining for Causes of Cancer: Machine Learning Experiments at Various Levels of Detail (SK, BP, CH), pp. 223–226.
KDD-1997-ZupanBBC #approach #composition #data mining #dataset #mining- A Dataset Decomposition Approach to Data Mining and Machine Discovery (BZ, MB, IB, BC), pp. 299–302.
SAC-1997-Mao #constraints #order #parallel #problem #scheduling- A parallel multi-operation scheduling problem with machine order constraints (WM), pp. 473–477.
SAC-1997-Vakhania #parallel- Sequencing jobs with readiness times and tails on parallel machines (NV), pp. 438–446.
ESEC-FSE-1997-HeimdahlW #reduction #slicing #state machine- Reduction and Slicing of Hierarchical State Machines (MPEH, MWW), pp. 450–467.
HPCA-1997-FalsafiW #communication #parallel #scheduling- Scheduling Communication on a SMP Node Parallel Machine (BF, DAW), pp. 128–138.
PPoPP-1997-TauraY #effectiveness #garbage collection #parallel #programming language #scalability- An Effective Garbage Collection Strategy for Parallel Programming Languages on Large Scale Distributed-Memory Machines (KT, AY), pp. 264–275.
CADE-1997-EastaughffeOC #formal method #proving #state machine #visual notation- Proof Tactics for a Theory of State Machines in a Graphical Environment (KAE, MAO, AC), pp. 366–379.
CADE-1997-OheimbG #algebra #named #proving- RALL: Machine-Supported Proofs for Relation Algebra (DvO, TFG), pp. 380–394.
RTA-1997-OgataOF #automaton #named #order #term rewriting- TRAM: An Abstract Machine for Order-Sorted Conditioned Term Rewriting Systems (KO, KO, KF), pp. 335–338.
DAC-1996-HiguchiM #algorithm #finite #performance #reduction #state machine- A Fast State Reduction Algorithm for Incompletely Specified Finite State Machines (HH, YM), pp. 463–466.
DAC-1996-MarculescuMP #generative #probability #sequence #synthesis- Stochastic Sequential Machine Synthesis Targeting Constrained Sequence Generation (DM, RM, MP), pp. 696–701.
ESOP-1996-Rose #functional #linear- Linear Time Hierarchies for a Functional Language Machine Model (ER), pp. 311–325.
PLDI-1996-EichenbergerD #constraints #multi #pipes and filters #scheduling- A Reduced Multipipeline Machine Description that Preserves Scheduling Constraints (AEE, ESD), pp. 12–22.
PLDI-1996-Ramsey #bytecode- Relocating Machine Instructions by Currying (NR), pp. 226–236.
STOC-1996-KellererTW- Approximability and Nonapproximability Results for Minimizing Total Flow Time on a Single Machine (HK, TT, GJW), pp. 418–426.
TRI-Ada-1996-Sanden #state machine- The State-Machine Pattern (BS), pp. 135–142.
ICML-1996-Mannila #data mining #machine learning #mining- Data Mining and Machine Learning (Abstract) (HM), p. 555.
ICML-1996-Saerens #fault #learning- Non Mean Square Error Criteria for the Training of Learning Machines (MS), pp. 427–434.
ICPR-1996-BerndtsonN #automation- Automatic observation of the dry line in paper machine (JB, AJN), pp. 308–312.
ICPR-1996-ChiangY #recognition- A method for improving the machine recognition of confusing Chinese characters (CCC, SSY), pp. 79–83.
ICPR-1996-Cinque #parallel- A parallel partial-sums computation on a pyramid machine (LC), pp. 616–619.
ICPR-1996-DemsarS #image #machine learning #using- Using machine learning for content-based image retrieving (JD, FS), pp. 138–142.
ICPR-1996-LuT- Machine vision inspection of VF display boards (YL, AT), pp. 839–843.
KDD-1996-FawcettP #data mining #effectiveness #machine learning #mining #profiling- Combining Data Mining and Machine Learning for Effective User Profiling (TF, FJP), pp. 8–13.
KDD-1996-LakshminarayanHGS #machine learning #using- Imputation of Missing Data Using Machine Learning Techniques (KL, SAH, RPG, TS), pp. 140–145.
POPL-1996-BirkedalTV #representation- From Region Inference to von Neumann Machines via Region Representation Inference (LB, MT, MV), pp. 171–183.
POPL-1996-EnglerHK #code generation #independence #performance- ‘C: A Language for High-Level, Efficient, and Machine-Independent Dynamic Code Generation (DRE, WCH, MFK), pp. 131–144.
POPL-1996-HooverZ #compilation #generative #optimisation- Generating Machine Specific Optimizing Compilers (RH, FKZ), pp. 219–229.
ICSE-1996-Smith #development- Machine Support for Software Development (Abstract) (DRS), pp. 167–168.
ASPLOS-1996-KrishnamurthySSWCY #architecture #communication #evaluation #parallel #scalability- Evaluation of Architectural Support for Global Address-Based Communication in Large-Scale Parallel Machines (AK, KES, CJS, RYW, DEC, KAY), pp. 37–48.
HPDC-1996-FoxF #distributed #evolution #performance #towards #virtual machine #web- Towards Web/Java-Based High Performance Distributed Computing-an Evolving Virtual Machine (GF, WF), pp. 308–317.
CADE-1996-HuangF #proving- Presenting Machine-Found Proofs (XH, AF), pp. 221–225.
CADE-1996-SagonasSW #automaton #source code- An Abstract Machine for Fixed-Order Dynamically Stratified Programs (KFS, TS, DSW), pp. 328–342.
JICSLP-1996-SagonasSW #automaton #semantics- An Abstract Machine for Computing the Well-Founded Semantics (KFS, TS, DSW), pp. 274–288.
LICS-1996-DanosHR #automaton #game studies #semantics- Game Semantics & Abstract Machines (VD, HH, LR), pp. 394–405.
RTA-1996-WaltersK #automaton #equation #named- EPIC: An Equational Language -Abstract Machine Supporting Tools- (HRW, JFTK), pp. 424–427.
ICDAR-v1-1995-ZhaoS #algorithm #image #multi #recognition #word- A word recognition algorithm for machine-printed word images of multiple fonts and varying qualities (SXZ, SNS), pp. 351–354.
ICDAR-v2-1995-DengelD #approach #classification #clustering #documentation #machine learning- Clustering and classification of document structure-a machine learning approach (AD, FD), pp. 587–591.
ICDAR-v2-1995-KuhnkeSK- A system for machine-written and hand-written character distinction (KK, LS, ZMKV), pp. 811–814.
ICDAR-v2-1995-ZiinoAS #machine learning #recognition #using- Recognition of hand printed Latin characters using machine learning (DZ, AA, CS), pp. 1098–1102.
PLDI-1995-CierniakL #distributed #memory management- Unifying Data and Control Transformations for Distributed Shared Memory Machines (MC, WL), pp. 205–217.
PLDI-1995-LarusS #editing #execution #independence #named- EEL: Machine-Independent Executable Editing (JRL, ES), pp. 291–300.
STOC-1995-AlurCY #nondeterminism #probability #testing- Distinguishing tests for nondeterministic and probabilistic machines (RA, CC, MY), pp. 363–372.
STOC-1995-CuckerKKLW #on the #turing machine- On real Turing machines that toss coins (FC, MK, PK, TL, KW), pp. 335–342.
DLT-1995-Banik #turing machine- Colonies as Systems of Turing Machines Without States (IB), pp. 189–198.
DLT-1995-Weber #automaton #transducer- Transforming a Single-Valued Transducer Into a Mealy Machine (AW), pp. 176–185.
ICALP-1995-Ben-AmramG #algebra #bound #random- Lower Bounds on Algebraic Random Access Machines (Extended Abstract) (AMBA, ZG), pp. 360–371.
ICML-1995-Croft #information retrieval #machine learning- Machine Learning and Information Retrieval (Abstract) (WBC), p. 587.
ICML-1995-SquiresS #automation #machine learning #recognition- Automatic Speaker Recognition: An Application of Machine Learning (BS, CS), pp. 515–521.
KDD-1995-ChanS #machine learning #scalability- Learning Arbiter and Combiner Trees from Partitioned Data for Scaling Machine Learning (PKC, SJS), pp. 39–44.
KDD-1995-CortesJC #learning #quality- Limits on Learning Machine Accuracy Imposed by Data Quality (CC, LDJ, WPC), pp. 57–62.
OOPSLA-1995-SaneC #composition #object-oriented #state machine #subclass- Object-Oriented State Machines: Subclassing, Composition, Delegation and Genericity (AS, RHC), pp. 17–32.
PLILP-1995-MehlSS #automaton- An Abstract Machine for Oz (MM, RS, CS), pp. 151–168.
POPL-1995-Mackie #geometry #interactive- The Geometry of Interaction Machine (IM), pp. 198–208.
SAC-1995-BaudinoCMS #set- Processing sets on a SIMD machine (AB, GC, GM, GS), pp. 593–598.
SAC-1995-StearnsC #concept #machine learning #rule-based- Rule-based machine learning of spatial data concepts (SS, DCSC), pp. 242–247.
ICSE-1995-Jackson- The World and the Machine (MJ), pp. 283–292.
ASF+SDF-1995-Heering #algebra #imperative #source code- An Algebraic Machine for Imperative Programs (JH), pp. 27–28.
PPoPP-1995-MukherjeeSHLRS #performance- Efficient Support for Irregular Applications on Distributed-Memory Machines (SSM, SDS, MDH, JRL, AR, JHS), pp. 68–79.
CAV-1995-AzizBBDS #finite #state machine- Supervisory Control of Finite State Machines (AA, FB, RKB, MDD, AS), pp. 279–292.
ICLP-1995-KrallB #automaton #compilation #incremental #prolog- Incremental Global Compilation of Prolog with the Vienna Abstract Machine (AK, TB), pp. 333–347.
ILPS-1995-JanssensBD #abstract interpretation #automaton #constraints #logic programming #source code- A Blueprint for an Abstract Machine for Abstract Interpretation of (Constraint) Logic Programs (GJ, MB, VD), pp. 336–350.
DAC-1994-AzizTB #finite #state machine- BDD Variable Ordering for Interacting Finite State Machines (AA, ST, RKB), pp. 283–288.
DAC-1994-DagaB #composition #interface #state machine- The Minimization and Decomposition of Interface State Machines (AJD, WPB), pp. 120–125.
DAC-1994-HachtelMPS #analysis #finite #probability #scalability #state machine- Probabilistic Analysis of Large Finite State Machines (GDH, EM, AP, FS), pp. 270–275.
DAC-1994-LamBS #finite #state machine- Exact Minimum Cycle Times for Finite State Machines (WKCL, RKB, ALSV), pp. 100–105.
EDAC-1994-Damiani #finite #nondeterminism #state machine- Nondeterministic finite-state machines and sequential don’t cares (MD), pp. 192–198.
EDAC-1994-HachtelMPS #algorithm #finite #state machine- Symbolic Algorithms to Calculate Steady-State Probabilities of a Finite State Machine (GDH, EM, AP, FS), pp. 214–218.
EDAC-1994-Wang #synthesis #testing- Synthesis of Sequential Machines with Reduced Testing Cost (SJW), pp. 302–306.
KBSE-1994-MintonW #machine learning #source code #using- Using Machine Learning to Synthesize Search Programs (SM, SRW), pp. 31–38.
SIGMOD-1994-BryanMCLG #data transformation #database #parallel- The MEDUSA Project: Autonomous Data Management in a Shared-Nothing Parallel Database Machine (GMB, WEM, BJC, KWL, JG), p. 507.
SIGMOD-1994-NybergBCGL #named- AlphaSort: A RISC Machine Sort (CN, TB, ZC, JG, DBL), pp. 233–242.
ESOP-1994-Moreau #automaton #continuation #evaluation #functional #parallel #source code- The PCKS-Machine: An Abstract Machine for Sound Evaluation of Parallel Functional Programs with First-Class Continuations (LM), pp. 424–438.
STOC-1994-Miltersen #bound #problem #random- Lower bounds for union-split-find related problems on random access machines (PBM), pp. 625–634.
FME-1994-RitchieBH #automaton #case study #experience #using- Experiences in Using the Abstract Machine Notation in a GKS Case Study (BR, JB, HPH), pp. 93–104.
ICML-1994-DruckerCJCV #algorithm #machine learning- Boosting and Other Machine Learning Algorithms (HD, CC, LDJ, YL, VV), pp. 53–61.
ICML-1994-Pereira #bias #machine learning #natural language #problem- Frequencies vs. Biases: Machine Learning Problems in Natural Language Processing — Abstract (FCNP), p. 380.
KDD-1994-AronisP #induction #machine learning #relational- Efficiently Constructing Relational Features from Background Knowledge for Inductive Machine Learning (JMA, FJP), pp. 347–358.
KDD-1994-Kiselev #functional #named #source code- PolyAnalyst — A Machine Discovery System Inferring Functional Programs (MVK), pp. 237–250.
KDD-1994-KlosgenZ- Machine Discovery Terminology (WK, JMZ), p. 463–?.
KDD-1994-SasisekharanSW #machine learning #maintenance #network #using- Proactive Network Maintenance Using Machine Learning (RS, VS, SMW), pp. 453–462.
OOPSLA-1994-LopezFB #constraints #imperative #implementation #programming language #virtual machine- Implementing Constraint Imperative Programming Languages: The Kaleidospace’93 Virtual Machine (GL, BNFB, AB), pp. 259–271.
HPDC-1994-Benslimane #bound #communication #finite #state machine- Deciding Boundedness for Systems of Two Communicating Finite State Machines (AB), pp. 262–269.
HPDC-1994-BornsteinS #performance- Data Reshuffling in Support of Fast I/O for Distributed-Memory Machines (CFB, PS), pp. 227–235.
ILPS-1994-JourdanFRD #concurrent #constraints #modelling #parallel #programming #scheduling #using- Data Alignment and Task Scheduling On Parallel Machines Using Concurrent Constraint Model-based Programming (JJ, FF, DR, AD), p. 678.
ILPS-1994-SwiftW94a #automaton #source code- An Abstract Machine for SLG Resolution: Definite Programs (TS, DSW), pp. 633–652.
LICS-1994-AbiteboulPV #power of #relational- The Power of Reflective Relational Machines (SA, CHP, VV), pp. 230–240.
DAC-1993-ChengK #automation #finite #functional #generative #state machine #testing #using- Automatic Functional Test Generation Using the Extended Finite State Machine Model (KTC, ASK), pp. 86–91.
DAC-1993-ChuML #finite #performance #state machine- An Efficient Critical Race-Free State Assignment Technique for Asynchronous Finite State Machines (TAC, NM, CKCL), pp. 2–6.
DAC-1993-RhoSP #finite #sequence #state machine- Minimum Length Synchronizing Sequences of Finite State Machine (JKR, FS, CP), pp. 463–468.
ICDAR-1993-LeeDKA #case study #functional- A study on a method of dividing machine-parts into functional groups for technical illustrations (IL, SD, TK, NA), pp. 886–889.
ICDAR-1993-Wang #analysis #comprehension #documentation #visualisation- Machine visualization, understanding and interpretation of polyhedral line-drawings in document analysis (PSPW), pp. 882–885.
PLDI-1993-AmarasingheL #code generation #communication #distributed #memory management #optimisation- Communication Optimization and Code Generation for Distributed Memory Machines (SPA, MSL), pp. 126–138.
PLDI-1993-AndersonL #locality #optimisation #parallel #scalability- Global Optimizations for Parallelism and Locality on Scalable Parallel Machines (JAMA, MSL), pp. 112–125.
STOC-1993-AspnesAFPW #online #scheduling- On-line load balancing with applications to machine scheduling and virtual circuit routing (JA, YA, AF, SAP, OW), pp. 623–631.
DLT-1993-HromkovicRS #nondeterminism- Deterministic Versus Nondeterministic Space in Terms of Synchronized Alternating Machines (JH, BR, AS), pp. 314–325.
ICALP-1993-CohenF #finite #state machine- Products of Finite State Machines with Full Coverage (DMC, MLF), pp. 469–477.
ICALP-1993-IbarraJTW #decidability- New Decidability Results Concerning Two-way Counter Machines and Applications (OHI, TJ, NQT, HW), pp. 313–324.
ICALP-1993-Yamamoto #bound #nondeterminism #trade-off #turing machine- Reversal-Space Trade-offs For Simultaneous Resource-Bounded Nondeterministic Turing Machines (HY), pp. 203–214.
FME-1993-DoumencM #automaton #execution #parallel- The Parallel Abstract Machine: A Common Execution Model for FDTs (GD, JFM), pp. 285–293.
FPCA-1993-ChuangG #functional #multi #programming #realtime- Real-Time Deques, Multihead Thring Machines, and Purely Functional Programming (TRC, BG), pp. 289–298.
FPCA-1993-FinneB #evaluation #reduction- Assessing the Evaluation Transformer Model of Reduction on the Spineless G-machine (SF, GLB), pp. 331–340.
HCI-ACS-1993-ArnetzB #interface #named- Techno-Stress: Psycho-physiological Consequences of Poor Man-Machine Interface (BBA, MB), pp. 891–896.
HCI-ACS-1993-NtuenPK #architecture #human-computer #interface #mining- A Blackboard Architecture for Human-Machine Interface in a Mining Teleoperation (CAN, EHP, SMK), pp. 50–55.
HCI-ACS-1993-OnoYA #interactive- A Model of Expressive Machine and Its Application to Human-Robot Interaction (CO, YY, YA), pp. 225–230.
HCI-ACS-1993-VaananenH #case study #communication #guidelines #multi #testing #usability- Testing Acceptance and Usability of Multimedia in Man-Machine Communication: A Case Study and Guidelines (KV, DH), pp. 450–455.
HCI-ACS-1993-YufikS #complexity #framework #human-computer #interface- A Framework for Measuring Cognitive Complexity of the Human-Machine Interface (YMY, TBS), pp. 587–592.
HCI-SHI-1993-MorishimaH #animation #communication #human-computer #synthesis- Facial Animation Synthesis for Human-Machine Communication System (SM, HH), pp. 1085–1090.
HCI-SHI-1993-Watanabe #feedback #speech- Voice-Responsive Eye-Blinking Feedback for Improved Human-to-Machine Speech Input (TW), pp. 1091–1096.
INTERCHI-1993-CowleyJ- Talking to machines (abstract) (CKC, DMJ), p. 522.
INTERCHI-1993-QuekP #human-computer- Human-machine perceptual cooperation (FKHQ, MCP), pp. 123–130.
ICML-1993-FayyadWD #automation #machine learning #named #scalability- SKICAT: A Machine Learning System for Automated Cataloging of Large Scale Sky Surveys (UMF, NW, SGD), pp. 112–119.
SEKE-1993-DingK #behaviour #specification #state machine- Attributed State Machines For Behavior Specification of Reactive Systems (SD, TK), pp. 695–702.
SEKE-1993-EspositoMS #information management #machine learning #refinement- Machine Learning Techniques for Knowledge Acquisition and Refinement (FE, DM, GS), pp. 319–323.
SEKE-1993-WillisP #machine learning #program transformation #reuse- Machine Learning for Program Transformations in Software Reuse (CPW, DJP), pp. 275–277.
HPDC-1993-LeeRN #distributed #parallel- A Fully Distributed Parallel Ray Tracing Scheme on the Delta Touchstone Machine (TYL, CSR, JBN), pp. 129–134.
PPoPP-1993-YeungA #experience- Experience with Fine-Grain Synchronization in MIMD Machines for Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (DY, AA), pp. 187–197.
CAV-1993-Krishnakumar #composition #finite #reachability #state machine- Reachability and Recurrence in Extended Finite State Machines: Modular Vector Addition Systems (ASK), pp. 110–122.
CSL-1993-Coquand #analysis #semantics- From Semantics to Rules: A Machine Assisted Analysis (CC), pp. 91–105.
IWPTS-1993-LuoDBVG #distributed #finite #generative #sequence #state machine #testing- Generating Synchronizable Test Sequences Based on Finite State Machine with Distributed Ports (GL, RD, GvB, PV, AG), pp. 139–153.
IWPTS-1993-PetrenkoYLD #consistency #nondeterminism #protocol #state machine #testing- Nondeterministic State Machines in Protocol Conformance Testing (AP, NY, AL, AD), pp. 363–378.
DAC-1992-CabodiCCGPR #traversal- A New Model for Improving symbolic Product Machine Traversal (GC, PC, FC, SG, PP, MSR), pp. 614–619.
DAC-1992-ChakradharKA #fault tolerance #finite #state machine #synthesis- Finite State Machine Synthesis with Fault Tolerant Test Function (STC, SK, VDA), pp. 562–567.
DAC-1992-Hirose #evaluation #logic #performance #simulation- Performance Evaluation of an Event-Driven Logic Simulation Machine (FH), pp. 428–431.
SIGMOD-1992-Ley #retrieval- The Term Retrieval Machine (ML), pp. 154–163.
VLDB-1992-LeungM #database #multi #optimisation #query- Temporal Query Processing and Optimization in Multiprocessor Database Machines (TYCL, RRM), pp. 383–394.
PLDI-1992-ChenC #compilation #parallel #prototype- Prototyping Fortran-90 Compilers for Massively Parallel Machines (MCC, JRC), pp. 94–105.
PLDI-1992-JaffarMSY #automaton- An Abstract Machine for CLP(R) (JJ, SM, PJS, RHCY), pp. 128–139.
STOC-1992-KarpLH #distributed #memory management #performance #simulation- Efficient PRAM Simulation on a Distributed Memory Machine (RMK, ML, FMadH), pp. 318–326.
STOC-1992-Leighton #parallel- Methods for Message Routing in Parallel Machines (FTL), pp. 77–96.
WSA-1992-Saint-James #compilation #industrial #partial evaluation- Partial Evaluation in an Industrial Context: Compiling for Endomorphic Machines (ESJ), pp. 102–108.
ICALP-1992-ChazelleR #bound #complexity #pointer- Lower Bounds on the Complexity of Simplex Range Reporting on a Pointer Machine (BC, BR), pp. 439–449.
CHI-1992-JohnV #analysis #interactive- A GOMS Analysis of a Graphic Machine-Paced, Highly Interactive Task (BEJ, AHV), pp. 251–258.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-Cherry #ada #behaviour- Stimulus Response Machines: An Ada-based Graphic Formalism for Describing Class and Object Behavior (GWC), pp. 321–332.
CAiSE-1992-FouqueV #analysis #approach #machine learning- Building a Tool for Software Code Analysis: A Machine Learning Approach (GF, CV), pp. 278–289.
CAiSE-1992-LeoneMRR #query- The Basic Query Machine of the KIWIS System (NL, AM, GR, PR), pp. 632–650.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-CapobianchiGLR #case study #parallel- Active Objects on Parallel Machines: a Case Study (RC, RG, AL, PR), pp. 207–216.
PLILP-1992-Hans #automaton- A Complete Indexing Scheme for WAM-based Abstract Machines (WH), pp. 232–244.
PLILP-1992-Muck #automaton #functional #logic programming #named #source code- CAMEL: An Extension of the Categorial Abstract Machine to Compile Functional/Logic Programs (AM), pp. 341–354.
HPDC-1992-Oberbrunner #network #parallel #visualisation- Parallel Networking and Visualization on the Connection Machine CM-5 (GO), pp. 78–84.
CADE-1992-BoyerY #automation #correctness #proving #source code- Automated Correctness Proofs of Machine Code Programs for a Commercial Microprocessor (RSB, YY), pp. 416–430.
CAV-1992-HiguchiSSFK #communication #finite #invariant #state machine #verification- A Verification Procedure via Invariant for Extended Communicating Finite-State Machines (MH, OS, HS, MF, TK), pp. 384–395.
CSL-1992-Aanderaa #turing machine- A Universal Turing Machine (SA), pp. 1–4.
CSL-1992-Stewart #bound #logic #polynomial #query- Logical Characterization of Bounded Query Classes II: Polynomial-Time Oracle Machines (IAS), pp. 410–424.
IWPTS-1992-GhedamsiDB #fault #finite #nondeterminism #state machine #testing- Diagnostic Tests for Single Transition Faults in Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines (AG, RD, GvB), pp. 105–116.
IWPTS-1992-Kloosterman #finite #nondeterminism #state machine- Test Derivation from Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines (HK), pp. 297–308.
DAC-1991-EschermannW #approach #finite #self #state machine #synthesis- A Unified Approach for the Synthesis of Self-Testable Finite State Machines (BE, HJW), pp. 372–377.
DAC-1991-LaddB #finite #multi #state machine #synthesis- Synthesis of Multiple-Input Change Asynchronous Finite state Machines (ML, WPB), pp. 309–314.
DAC-1991-PomeranzR #fault #on the #using- On Achieving a Complete Fault Coverage for Sequential Machines Using the Transition Fault Model (IP, SMR), pp. 341–346.
KBSE-1991-HarandiL #design #machine learning #perspective- Acquiring Software Design Schemas: A Machine Learning Perspective (MTH, HYL), pp. 188–197.
PEPM-1991-Hannan #automaton #staging- Staging Transformations for Abstract Machines (JH), pp. 130–141.
PLDI-1991-BernsteinR #scheduling- Global Instruction Scheduling for Superscalar Machines (DB, MR), pp. 241–255.
PLDI-1991-BromleyHMS #compilation #fortran- Fortran at Ten Gigaflops: The Connection Machine Convolution Compiler (MB, SH, TSM, GLSJ), pp. 145–156.
STOC-1991-YannakakisL #finite #state machine #testing- Testing Finite State Machines (Extended Abstract) (MY, DL), pp. 476–485.
FPCA-1991-Hannan #automaton- Making Abstract Machines Less Abstract (JH), pp. 618–635.
ML-1991-ChienWDDFGL #automation #machine learning- Machine Learning in Engineering Automation (SAC, BLW, TGD, RJD, BF, JG, SCYL), pp. 577–580.
ML-1991-ORorkeMABC #evaluation #machine learning- Machine Learning for Nondestructive Evaluation (PO, SM, MA, WB, DCSC), pp. 620–624.
ML-1991-Thompson #approach #information retrieval #machine learning- Machine Learning in the Combination of Expert Opinion Approach to IR (PT), pp. 270–274.
ICSE-1991-RustonMC #design- Designing Software for Use by Humans, not Machines (LR, MJM, KDC), pp. 104–113.
ASPLOS-1991-CullerSSEW #automaton #hardware #parallel #thread- Fine-Grain Parallelism with Minimal Hardware Support: A Compiler-Controlled Threaded Abstract Machine (DEC, AS, KES, TvE, JW), pp. 164–175.
PPoPP-1991-JuC #parallel- Exploitation of APL Data Parallelism on a Shared-memory MIMD Machine (DCJ, WMC), pp. 61–72.
CAV-1991-GabrielianI #realtime #specification #verification- Verifying Properties of HMS Machine Specifications of Real-Time Systems (AG, RI), pp. 421–431.
CAV-1991-HiraishiHOY #logic #model checking #verification- Vectorized Symbolic Model Checking of Computation Tree Logic for Sequential Machine Verification (HH, KH, HO, SY), pp. 214–224.
CAV-1991-LangevinC #state machine- Comparing Generic State Machines (ML, EC), pp. 466–476.
CAV-1991-MaoM #automation #equivalence #finite #proving #state machine- An Automated Proof Technique for Finite-State Machine Equivalence (WM, GJM), pp. 233–243.
CSL-1991-Dahlhaus #first-order #how #memory management #modelling- How to Implement First Order Formulas in Local Memory Machine Models (ED), pp. 68–78.
ICLP-1991-Ait-Kaci #automaton- Warren’s Abstract Machine (HAK), p. 939.
ICLP-1991-HarsatG #named- CARMEL-4: The Unify-Spawn Machine for FCP (AH, RG), pp. 840–854.
ICLP-1991-Mudambi- Performances of Aurora on NUMA Machines (SM), pp. 793–806.
ICLP-1991-WatanabeK #layout #parallel #problem- Co-operative Hierarchical Layout Problem Solver on Parallel Inference Machine (TW, KK), p. 892.
ISLP-1991-BeierleMS #automaton #order #polymorphism- Extending the Warren Abstract Machine to Polymorphic Order-Sorted Resolution (CB, GM, HS), pp. 272–286.
IWPTS-1991-FujiwaraB #fault #nondeterminism #state machine #testing- Testing Non-Deterministic State Machines with Fault Coverage (SF, GvB), pp. 267–280.
IWPTS-1991-Petrenko #protocol- Checking Experiments with Protocol Machines (AP), pp. 83–94.
DAC-1990-AsharDN #approach #composition- A Unified Approach to the Decomposition and Re-Decomposition of Sequential Machines (PA, SD, ARN), pp. 601–606.
DAC-1990-Wolf #automaton #behaviour #network #synthesis- The FSM Network Model for Behavioral Synthesis of Control-Dominated Machines (WW), pp. 692–697.
VLDB-1990-GhandeharizadehD #clustering #database #multi- Hybrid-Range Partitioning Strategy: A New Declustering Strategy for Multiprocessor Database Machines (SG, DJD), pp. 481–492.
VLDB-1990-SchneiderD #database #multi #query #trade-off- Tradeoffs in Processing Complex Join Queries via Hashing in Multiprocessor Database Machines (DAS, DJD), pp. 469–480.
STOC-1990-Poutre #bound #pointer #problem- Lower Bounds for the Union-Find and the Split-Find Problem on Pointer Machines (JALP), pp. 34–44.
LFP-1990-Cregut #automaton #normalisation- An Abstract Machine for λ-Terms Normalization (PC), pp. 333–340.
LFP-1990-FeeleyM #compilation #parallel #performance #virtual machine- A Parallel Virtual Machine for Efficient Scheme Compilation (MF, JSM), pp. 119–130.
LFP-1990-HannanM #automaton #semantics- From Operational Semantics to Abstract Machines: Preliminary Results (JH, DM), pp. 323–332.
ML-1990-Holder #machine learning #problem- The General Utility Problem in Machine Learning (LBH), pp. 402–410.
SEKE-1990-Mazurov #learning #parallel #process- Parallel Processes of Decision Making and Multivalued Interpretation of Contradictory Data by Learning Neuron Machines (VDM), p. 165.
SIGIR-1990-HalinCK #image #machine learning #retrieval- Machine Learning and Vectorial Matching for an Image Retrieval Model: EXPRIM and the System RIVAGE (GH, MC, PK), pp. 99–114.
ALP-1990-DershowitzL #concurrent- An Abstract Concurrent Machine for Rewriting (ND, NL), pp. 318–331.
ALP-1990-Moreno-NavarroKLR #graph #lazy evaluation- Lazy Narrowing in a Graph Machine (JJMN, HK, RL, MRA), pp. 298–317.
PLILP-1990-KrallN #automaton- The Vienna Abstract Machine (AK, UN), pp. 121–135.
POPL-1990-BerryB #automaton- The Chemical Abstract Machine (GB, GB), pp. 81–94.
POPL-1990-PalemS #scheduling- Scheduling Time-Critical Instructions on RISC Machines (KVP, BBS), pp. 270–280.
CAV-1990-CoudertMB #diagrams #verification- Verifying Temporal Properties of Sequential Machines Without Building their State Diagrams (OC, JCM, CB), pp. 23–32.
CAV-1990-MorrisH #execution #symbolic computation #verification- Program Verification by Symbolic Execution of Hyperfinite Ideal Machines (JMM, MH), pp. 322–332.
CAV-1990-PengP #approach #communication #concurrent #detection #finite #network #problem #state machine- A Unified Approach to the Deadlock Detection Problem in Networks of Communicating Finite State Machines (WP, SP), pp. 243–252.
CLP-1990-ZhouTU90 #automaton #prolog- A Matching Tree Oriented Abstract Machine for Prolog (NFZ, TT, KU), pp. 159–173.
NACLP-1990-AlkalajLS #automaton #development- FCP Sequential Abstract Machine Characteristics for the Systems Development Workload (LA, TL, EYS), pp. 321–339.
DAC-1989-ChungC #parallel #simulation #using- Data Parallel Simulation Using Time-Warp on the Connection Machine (MJC, YC), pp. 98–103.
DAC-1989-Devadas89a #composition- General Decomposition of Sequential Machines: Relationships to State Assignment (SD), pp. 314–320.
DAC-1989-GangulyP- Compaction of a Routed Channel on the Connection Machine (SG, VP), pp. 779–782.
DAC-1989-NarayananP #algorithm #fault #parallel #simulation- A Massively Parallel Algorithm for Fault Simulation on the Connection Machine (VN, VP), pp. 734–737.
DAC-1989-Paulin #clustering #finite #state machine- Horizontal Partitioning of PLA-based Finite State Machines (PGP), pp. 333–338.
DAC-1989-VillaS #finite #implementation #logic #named #state machine- NOVA: State Assignment of Finite State Machines for Optimal Two-level Logic Implementations (TV, ALSV), pp. 327–332.
SIGMOD-1989-CareyL #concurrent #database #distributed #parallel #performance- Parallelism and Concurrency Control Performance in Distributed Database Machines (MJC, ML), pp. 122–133.
VLDB-1989-LorieY #algorithm #communication #database #parallel #sorting- A Low Communication Sort Algorithm for a Parallel Database Machine (RAL, HCY), pp. 125–134.
PLDI-1989-GrossZZ #compilation #parallel- Parallel Compilation for a Parallel Machine (TRG, AZ, MZ), pp. 91–100.
STOC-1989-Boppana #parallel- Optimal Separations Between Concurrent-Write Parallel Machines (RBB), pp. 320–326.
FPCA-1989-Argo- Improving the Three Instruction Machine (GA), pp. 100–115.
FPCA-1989-AugustssonJ #graph #parallel #reduction- Parallel Graph Reduction with the -Machine (LA, TJ), pp. 202–213.
FPCA-1989-George #automaton #graph #parallel #reduction- An Abstract Machine for Parallel Graph Reduction (LG), pp. 214–229.
FPCA-1989-JonesS- The Spineless Tagless G-Machine (SLPJ, JS), pp. 184–201.
CHI-1989-Olson- Cognitive science and machine intelligence laboratory, University of Michigan (GMO), pp. 151–152.
ML-1989-MuggletonBMM #comparison #machine learning- An Experimental Comparison of Human and Machine Learning Formalisms (SM, MB, JHM, DM), pp. 113–118.
ML-1989-Subramanian #machine learning- Representational Issues in Machine Learning (DS), pp. 426–429.
ML-1989-VanLehn #problem #what- Discovering Problem Solving Strategies: What Humans Do and Machines Don’t (Yet) (KV), pp. 215–217.
SIGIR-1989-KrovetzC #ambiguity #using #word- Word Sense Disambiguation Using Machine-Readable Dictionaries (RK, WBC), pp. 127–136.
ESEC-1989-Armenise #development #framework #process- Software Process Machines: A Framework for Future Software Development Environments (PA), pp. 118–139.
ASPLOS-1989-Delgado-RannauroR- A Message Driven Or-Parallel Machine (SADR, TJR), pp. 217–228.
ASPLOS-1989-JouppiW #parallel- Available Instruction-Level Parallelism for Superscalar and Superpipelined Machines (NPJ, DWW), pp. 272–282.
NACLP-1989-KonogayaHAY #evaluation #performance- Performance Evaluation of a Sequential Inference Machine CHI (AK, SH, AA, MY), pp. 1165–1179.
NACLP-1989-MarkovitchS #approach #automation #machine learning- Automatic Ordering of Subgoals — A Machine Learning Approach (SM, PDS), pp. 224–240.
RTA-1989-Dauchet #linear #simulation #turing machine- Simulation of Turing Machines by a Left-Linear Rewrite Rule (MD), pp. 109–120.
RTA-1989-Strandh #equation #performance #source code- Classes of Equational Programs that Compile into Efficient Machine Code (RS), pp. 449–461.
DAC-1988-CarlsonR #verification- Mask Verification on the Connection Machine (ECC, RAR), pp. 134–140.
DAC-1988-OdawaraTHOHO #compilation #interface- A Human Machine Interface for Silicon Compilation (GO, MT, KH, OO, TH, MO), pp. 115–120.
DAC-1988-SouleB #logic #parallel #simulation- Parallel Logic Simulation on General Purpose Machines (LS, TB), pp. 166–171.
SIGMOD-1988-DeWittGS #analysis #database #performance- A Performance Analysis of the Gamma Database Machine (DJD, SG, DAS), pp. 350–360.
PLDI-1988-Lam #effectiveness #pipes and filters #scheduling- Software Pipelining: An Effective Scheduling Technique for VLIW Machines (MSL), pp. 318–328.
Best-of-PLDI-1988-Lam88a #effectiveness #pipes and filters #scheduling- Software pipelining: an effective scheduling technique for VLIW machines (with retrospective) (MSL), pp. 244–256.
ICALP-1988-DietzfelbingerM #complexity #matrix #turing machine- The Complexity of Matrix Transposition on One-Tape Off-Line Turing Machines with Output Tape (MD, WM), pp. 188–200.
LFP-1988-BurnJR- The Spineless G-Machine (GLB, SLPJ, JDR), pp. 244–258.
ML-1988-MuggletonB #first-order- Machine Invention of First Order Predicates by Inverting Resolution (SM, WLB), pp. 339–352.
ML-1988-RoseL #approach- A Hill-Climbing Approach to Machine Discovery (DR, PL), pp. 367–373.
SIGIR-1988-BrajnikGT #concept #information retrieval #interactive- IR-NLI II: Applying Man-Machine Interaction and Artificial Intelligence Concepts to Information Retrieval (GB, GG, CT), pp. 387–399.
SIGIR-1988-Gonzalez-RubioC #database #deduction #parallel #relational- A Parallel Multiprocessor Machine Dedicated to Relational and Deductive Databases (RGR, MC), pp. 417–431.
CCHSC-1988-Kroha #code generation- Code Generation for a RISC Machine (PK), pp. 204–214.
PPEALS-1988-AlbertKLS #array #compilation #fortran- Compiling Fortran 8x Array Features for the Connection Machine Computer System (EA, KK, JDL, GLSJ), pp. 42–56.
CADE-1988-ButlerLO #automaton #compilation #performance #program transformation #prolog- Notes on Prolog Program Transformations, Prolog Style, and Efficient Compilation to The Warren Abstract Machine (RB, RL, RO), pp. 323–332.
JICSCP-1988-Ali88 #execution #prolog- OR-Parallel Execution of Prolog on BC-Machine (KAMA), pp. 1531–1545.
JICSCP-1988-BiswasSY88 #automaton #logic programming #parallel #scalability #source code #strict- A Scalable Abstract Machine Model to Support Limited-OR (LOR) / Restricted-AND Parallelism (RAP) in Logic Programs (PB, SCS, DYYY), pp. 1160–1179.
JICSCP-1988-BrayshawE88 #abstraction #prolog- Adding Data and Procedure Abstraction to the Transparent Prolog Machine TPM (MB, ME), pp. 532–547.
JICSCP-1988-GotoKNC88 #garbage collection #incremental #lazy evaluation #parallel- Lazy Reference Counting: An Incremental Garbage Collection Method for Parallel Inference Machines (AG, YK, TN, TC), pp. 1241–1256.
DAC-1987-DevadasMN #abstraction #on the #verification- On the Verification of Sequential Machines at Differing Levels of Abstraction (SD, HKTM, ARN), pp. 271–276.
DAC-1987-Kingsley #compilation #implementation #state machine- The Implementation of a State Machine Compiler (CK), pp. 580–583.
DAC-1987-WebberS #simulation- Circuit Simulation on the Connection Machine (DMW, ALSV), pp. 108–113.
HT-1987-CampbellG #automaton #hypermedia #named- HAM: A General-Purpose Hypertext Abstract Machine (BC, JMG), pp. 21–32.
STOC-1987-MaassSS #turing machine- Two Tapes Are Better than One for Off-Line Turing Machines (WM, GS, ES), pp. 94–100.
ICALP-1987-PittS #learning #probability- Probability and Plurality for Aggregations of Learning Machines (LP, CHS), pp. 1–10.
VDME-1987-Jones87b #data flow #semantics #using- A Formal Semantics for a DataFlow Machine — Using VDM (KDJ), pp. 331–355.
FPCA-1987-FairbairnW #automaton #combinator #lazy evaluation #named- TIM: A simple, lazy abstract machine to execute supercombinatorics (JF, SW), pp. 34–45.
FPCA-1987-Lester #representation #semantics #stack- The G-machine as a representation of stack semantics (DRL), pp. 46–59.
FPCA-1987-RuggieroS #data flow #parallel- Control of parallelism in the Manchester Dataflow Machine (CAR, JS), pp. 1–15.
FPCA-1987-WatsonW #functional #source code- Evaluating functional programs on the FLAGSHIP machine (PW, IW), pp. 80–97.
ESEC-1987-CurrieFC #automaton #named- Ten15: An Abstract Machine for Portable Environments (IFC, JMF, PWC), pp. 138–148.
ASPLOS-1987-RashidTYGBBBC #architecture #independence #memory management #multi- Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Architectures (RFR, AT, MY, DBG, RVB, DLB, WJB, JC), pp. 31–39.
ASPLOS-1987-TakiNNI #architecture #evaluation #performance- Performance and Architectural Evaluation of the PSI Machine (KT, KN, HN, MI), pp. 128–135.
ASPLOS-1987-WallP #experience #using- The Mahler Experience: Using and Intermediate Language as the Machine Description (DWW, MLP), pp. 100–104.
CSL-1987-Schonfeld #logic- Interfacing a Logic Machine (WS), pp. 263–272.
SLP-1987-KimuraC87 #set- An Abstract KL1 Machine and Its Instruction Set (YK, TC), pp. 468–477.
SLP-1987-NakashimaN87 #architecture #hardware- Hardware Architecture of the Sequential Inference Machine: PSI-II (HN, KN), pp. 104–113.
SLP-1987-TouatiD87 #automaton #empirical- An Empirical Study of the Warren Abstract Machine (HJT, AMD), pp. 114–124.
DAC-1986-Frank #parallel #simulation- Exploiting parallelism in a switch-level simulation machine (EHF), pp. 20–26.
VLDB-1986-DeWittGGHKM #data flow #database #named #performance- GAMMA — A High Performance Dataflow Database Machine (DJD, RHG, GG, MLH, KBK, MM), pp. 228–237.
VLDB-1986-FushimiKT #bibliography #database #parallel #relational- An Overview of The System Software of A Parallel Relational Database Machine GRACE (SF, MK, HT), pp. 209–219.
VLDB-1986-Menon #algorithm #case study #database #multi #sorting- A Study of Sort Algorithms for Multiprocessor Database Machines (JM0), pp. 197–206.
ESOP-1986-Bellot #combinator #functional #named #programming #reduction- GRAAL: A Functional Programming System with Uncurryfied Combinators and its Reduction Machine (PB), pp. 82–98.
STOC-1986-Beame #parallel #power of- Limits on the Power of Concurrent-Write Parallel Machines (PB), pp. 169–176.
STOC-1986-GalilKS #graph #nondeterminism #on the #simulation #turing machine- On Nontrivial Separators for k-Page Graphs and Simulations by Nondeterministic One-Tape Turing Machines (ZG, RK, ES), pp. 39–49.
ICALP-1986-HartmanisH #complexity- Complexity Classes Without Machines: On Complete Languages for UP (JH, LAH), pp. 123–135.
LFP-1986-MaunyS #automaton #category theory #functional #implementation- Implementing Functional Languages in the Categorical Abstract Machine (MM, AS), pp. 266–278.
LFP-1986-SteeleH #fine-grained #lisp #parallel- Connection Machine LISP: Fine-Grained Parallel Symbolic Processing (GLSJ, WDH), pp. 279–297.
SIGIR-1986-WongZ #approach #information retrieval #machine learning- A Machine Learning Approach to Information Retrieval (SKMW, WZ), pp. 228–233.
OOPSLA-1986-Kaehler #memory management #object-oriented- Virtual Memory on a Narrow Machine for an Object-Oriented Language (TK), pp. 87–106.
POPL-1986-Chen #compilation #parallel- A Parallel Language and its Compilation to Multiprocessor Machines or VLSI (MCC), pp. 131–139.
CADE-1986-Bayerl #parallel- Highly Parallel Inference Machine (MB), pp. 668–669.
CADE-1986-Gibert #combinator #functional #programming- The J-Machine: Functional Programming with Combinators (JG), pp. 683–684.
ICLP-1986-Hermenegildo86 #automaton #execution #logic programming #source code #strict- An Abstract Machine for Restricted AND-Parallel Execution of Logic Programs (MVH), pp. 25–39.
ICLP-1986-Kursawe86 #how #prolog- How to Invent a Prolog Machine (PK), pp. 134–148.
ICLP-1986-Levy86 #automaton #haskell #set- A GHC Abstract Machine and Instruction Set (JL), pp. 157–171.
ICLP-1986-McCord86 #design #prolog- Design of a Prolog-Based Machine Translation System (MCM), pp. 350–374.
SLP-1986-Debray86 #prolog- Register Allocation in a Prolog Machine (SKD), pp. 267–275.
DAC-1985-ZaraRNS #automaton #data type #functional #modelling- An abstract machine data structure for non-procedural functional models (RVZ, KR, GN, HS), pp. 753–756.
SIGMOD-1985-AgrawalD #architecture #database #multi- Recovery Architectures for Multiprocessor Database Machines (RA, DJD), pp. 131–145.
VLDB-1985-BoralR #database- Database Machine Morphology (HB, SR), pp. 59–71.
VLDB-1985-OzkarahanO #clustering #database #order- Dynamic and Order Preserving Data Partitioning for Database Machines (EAO, AMO), pp. 358–368.
FPCA-1985-AbramskyS85 #named #programming #virtual machine- Secd-m: a Virtual Machine for Applicative Programming (SA, RS), pp. 81–98.
FPCA-1985-Brownbridge85 #combinator- Cyclic Reference Counting for Combinator Machines (DRB), pp. 273–288.
FPCA-1985-BushG85 #execution #parallel #recursion #source code- Transforming Recursive Programs for Execution on Parallel Machines (VJB, JRG), pp. 350–367.
FPCA-1985-CousineauCM85 #automaton #category theory- The Categorical Abstract Machine (GC, PLC, MM), pp. 50–64.
FPCA-1985-Kieburtz85 #performance- The G-Machine: A Fast, Graph-Reduction Evaluator (RBK), pp. 400–413.
FPCA-1985-Plaisted85 #architecture #data flow #performance- An Architecture for fast Data Movement in the FFP Machine (DAP), pp. 147–163.
ICSE-1985-BarthGB #architecture #data flow #realtime- The Stream Machine: A Data Flow Architecture for Real-Time Applications (PB, SBG, DRB), pp. 103–110.
SLP-1985-Carlsson85 #lisp #prolog- A Microcoded Unifier for Lisp Machine Prolog (MC), pp. 162–171.
DAC-1984-SabetySM #automation #generative #parallel- The semi-automatic generation of processing element control paths for highly parallel machines (TS, DES, BM), pp. 441–446.
SIGMOD-1984-FishmanLW #bibliography #database- Overview of the Jasmin Database Machine (DHF, MYL, WKW), pp. 234–239.
SCC-1984-FisherERN #compilation #parallel- Parallel processing: a smart compiler and a dumb machine (JAF, JRE, JCR, AN), pp. 37–47.
STOC-1984-Maass #bound #nondeterminism #polynomial #turing machine- Quadratic Lower Bounds for Deterministic and Nondeterministic One-Tape Turing Machines (Extended Abstract) (WM), pp. 401–408.
Best-of-PLDI-1984-FisherERN #compilation #parallel- Parallel processing: a smart compiler and a dumb machine (with retrospective) (JAF, JRE, JCR, AN), pp. 112–124.
ICALP-1984-GoudaR #communication #finite #state machine- Communicating Finite State Machines with Priority Channels (MGG, LER), pp. 209–221.
LFP-1984-OkunoTOHW #lisp #named- TAO: Afst Interpreter-Centered Lisp System on Lisp Machine ELIS (HGO, IT, NO, YH, KW), pp. 140–149.
LFP-1984-StefanPBB #lisp #named- DIALISP — A Lisp Machine (GS, AP, VB, AB), pp. 123–128.
ILPC-1984-BekkersCRU84 #interpreter #memory management #prolog- A Memory Management Machine for Prolog Interpreter (YB, BC, OR, LU), pp. 343–353.
ILPC-1984-KaleW84 #architecture #prolog- A Class of Architectures for a Prolog Machine (LVK, DSW), pp. 171–182.
ILPC-1984-SabbatelDIN84 #database #prolog #unification- Unification for a Prolog Data Base Machine (GBS, WD, JCI, GTN), pp. 207–217.
SLP-1984-CiepielewskiH84 #process- Control of Activities in the Or-Parallel Token Machine (AC, SH), pp. 49–57.
SLP-1984-Smith84 #logic programming- Logic Programming on an FFP Machine (BS), pp. 177–186.
SLP-1984-TamuraK84 #implementation #parallel #prolog- Implementing Parallel Prolog on a Multiprocessor Machine (NT, YK), pp. 42–48.
DAC-1983-BarzilaiHSTW #logic #simulation #using- Simulating pass transistor circuits using logic simulation machines (ZB, LMH, GMS, DTT, LSW), pp. 157–163.
DAC-1983-IosupoviczKB- A module interchange placement machine (AI, CK, MAB), pp. 171–174.
STOC-1983-DymondT #parallel- Speedups of Deterministic Machines by Synchronous Parallel Machines (PWD, MT), pp. 336–343.
ICALP-1983-Orponen #complexity- Complexity Classes of Alternating Machines with Oracles (PO), pp. 573–584.
SOSP-1983-RichardsonN- The TRIPOS Filing Machine, a Front End to a File Server (MFR, RMN), pp. 120–128.
DAC-1982-AbramoviciLM #logic #simulation- A logic simulation machine (MA, YHL, PRM), pp. 65–73.
DAC-1982-NairHLV- Global wiring on a wire routing machine (RN, SJH, SL, RV), pp. 224–231.
SIGMOD-1982-Missikoff #database #relational- A Domain Based Internal Schema for Relational Database Machines (MM), pp. 215–224.
SCC-1982-Moor #compilation #parallel- An Applicative Compiler for a Parallel Machine (IWM), pp. 284–293.
STOC-1982-BhattL #how- How to Assemble Tree Machines (Extended Abstract) (SNB, CEL), pp. 77–84.
STOC-1982-DurisG #nondeterminism- Two Tapes are Better than One for Nondeterministic Machines (PD, ZG), pp. 1–7.
STOC-1982-InoueTT #2d #turing machine- Two-Dimensional Alternating Turing Machines (KI, IT, HT), pp. 37–46.
STOC-1982-Vitanyi #multi #realtime #simulation #turing machine- Real-Time Simulation of Multicounters by Oblivious One-Tape Turing Machines (PMBV), pp. 27–36.
ICALP-1982-CaseL #identification #induction- Machine Inductive Inference and Language Identification (JC, CL), pp. 107–115.
ICALP-1982-DurisG #automaton #bound #on the- On Reversal-Bounded Counter Machines and on Pushdown Automata with a Bound on the Size of the Pushdown Store (PD, ZG), pp. 166–175.
ICALP-1982-Vitanyi #multi #performance #simulation- Efficient Simulations of Multicounter Machines (PMBV), pp. 546–560.
LFP-1982-Georgeff #functional #implementation #stack- A Scheme for Implementing Functional Values on a Stack Machine (MPG), pp. 188–195.
LFP-1982-GotoSIIIHSSP #design #lisp- Design of a Lisp Machine — FLATS (EG, TS, NI, TI, MI, KH, MS, KS, BP), pp. 208–215.
LFP-1982-Mago- Data Sharing in an FFP Machine (GM), pp. 201–207.
LFP-1982-MuchnickJ #combinator #evaluation- A Fixed-Program Machine for Combinator Expression Evaluation (SSM, NDJ), pp. 11–20.
SIGIR-1982-Smith #information retrieval #perspective- Machine Intelligence vs. Machine-Aided Intelligence in Information Retrieval: A Historical Perspective (LCS), pp. 263–274.
POPL-1982-Giegerich #automation #generative- Automatic Generation of Machine Specific Code Optimizers (RG), pp. 75–81.
POPL-1982-Wand #architecture #semantics- Semantics-Directed Machine Architecture (MW), pp. 234–241.
ICSE-1982-Bauer #reasoning #specification- From Specifications to Machine Code: Program Construction through Formal Reasoning (FLB), pp. 84–93.
ASPLOS-1982-DitzelM #c #for free #stack- Register Allocation for Free: The C Machine Stack Cache (DRD, HRM), pp. 48–56.
ASPLOS-1982-KamibayashiONA #named #operating system- Heart: An Operating System Nucleus Machine Implemented by Firmware (NK, HO, KN, HA), pp. 195–204.
CADE-1982-LuskMO #architecture #kernel #logic- Logic Machine Architecture: Kernel Funtions (ELL, WM, RAO), pp. 70–84.
CADE-1982-LuskMO82a #architecture #logic- Logic Machine Architecture: Inference Mechanisms (ELL, WM, RAO), pp. 85–108.
ILPC-1982-PerceboisS82 #prolog- A Lisp-machine to Implement Prolog (CP, JPS), pp. 45–51.
ILPC-1982-PereiraP82 #implementation #prolog #scalability- A Prolog Implementation of a Large System on a Small Machine (LMP, AP), pp. 225–229.
DAC-1981-Brown #state machine- A State-Machine Synthesizer — SMS (DWB), pp. 301–305.
SIGMOD-1981-Hawthorn #database #design- The Effect of Target Applications on the Design of Database Machines (PBH), pp. 188–197.
SIGMOD-1981-McCord #database #distributed- Sizing and Data Distribution for a Distributed Database Machine (RM), pp. 198–204.
VLDB-1981-DeWittH #architecture #database #evaluation #performance- A Performance Evaluation of Data Base Machine Architectures (Invited Paper) (DJD, PBH), pp. 199–214.
VLDB-1981-Su #database #evaluation- Data Base Machines: System Evaluation and Conversion Issues (SYWS), p. 284.
STOC-1981-BertoniMS #polynomial #random- A Characterization of the Class of Functions Computable in Polynomial Time on Random Access Machines (AB, GM, NS), pp. 168–176.
STOC-1981-Chan #complexity- Reversal Complexity of Counter Machines (ThC), pp. 146–157.
STOC-1981-DurisG #automaton- Fooling a Two-Way Automaton or One Pushdown Store Is Better Than One Counter for Two Way Machines (Preliminary Version) (PD, ZG), pp. 177–188.
STOC-1981-Simon #bound #complexity #probability #turing machine- Space-Bounded Probabilistic Turing Machine Complexity Classes Are Closed under Complement (Preliminary Version) (JS), pp. 158–167.
ICALP-1981-GurariI #complexity #multi #problem- The Complexity of Decision Problems for Finite-Turn Multicounter Machines (EMG, OHI), pp. 495–505.
DAC-1980-MacdonaldPP #composition #documentation- Technical documentation by “MAGIC” (Machine Aided Graphics for Illustration and Composition (JBM, MKP, MJP), pp. 440–445.
SIGMOD-1980-BancilhonS #database #design #on the #relational- On Designing an I/O Processor for a Relational Data Base Machine (FB, MS), p. 93–?.
SIGMOD-1980-BoralD #data flow #database #design- Design Considerations for Data-flow Database Machines (HB, DJD), pp. 94–104.
SIGMOD-1980-DogacO #database #implementation- A Generalized DBMS Implementation on a Database Machine (AD, EAO), pp. 133–143.
VLDB-1980-Hawthorn #database- Database Machines (PBH), pp. 393–395.
ICALP-1980-Vitanyi #on the #power of #realtime #specification- On the Power of Real-Time Machines Under Varying Specifications (Extended Abstract) (PMBV), pp. 658–671.
LISP-1980-ClarkeGMN #named #reduction- SKIM — The S, K, I Reduction Machine (TJWC, PG, CM, ACN), pp. 128–135.
LISP-1980-MasinterD #compilation #lisp #optimisation- Local Optimization in a Compiler for Stack-based LISP Machines (LM, LPD), pp. 223–230.
TFDA-1980-Dommergaard #ada #design #virtual machine- The Design of a Virtual Machine for Ada (OD), pp. 435–606.
SIGIR-1980-Mukhopadhyay #architecture #information retrieval- A Backend Machine Architecture for Information Retrieval (AM), pp. 296–309.
SOSP-J-1979-CanonFHHMR80 #evaluation #performance #virtual machine- A Virtual Machine Emulator for Performance Evaluation (MDC, DHF, JHH, TDH, MFM, JRR), pp. 71–80.
SDCG-1980-Schmidt #λ-calculus- State transition machines for λ calculus expressions (DAS), pp. 415–440.
DAC-1979-CarterJB #design #simulation- Symbolic simulation for correct machine design (WCC, WHJJ, DB), pp. 280–286.
SCC-1979-CattellNL #code generation #compilation #independence- Code generation in a machine-independent compiler (RGGC, JMN, BWL), pp. 65–75.
SCC-1979-PerkinsS #independence #optimisation #pascal- Machine-independent PASCAL code optimization (DRP, RLS), pp. 201–207.
SCC-1979-Sites #independence- Machine-independent register allocation (RLS), pp. 221–225.
STOC-1979-GurariI #complexity #equivalence #linear #problem #set #source code- The Complexity of the Equivalence Problem for Counter Machines, Semilinear Sets, and Simple Programs (EMG, OHI), pp. 142–152.
Best-of-PLDI-1979-CattellNL #code generation #compilation #independence- Code generation in a machine-independent compiler (with retrospective) (RGGC, JMN, BWL), pp. 1–13.
ICALP-1979-BraunmuhlH- Supercounter Machines (BvB, EH), pp. 58–72.
ICALP-1979-MonienS #nondeterminism #on the #turing machine- On Eliminating Nondeterminism From Turing Machines Which Use Less Than Logarithmic Worktape Space (BM, IHS), pp. 431–445.
ICALP-1979-Schonhage #on the #power of #random- On the Power of Random Access Machines (AS), pp. 520–529.
POPL-1979-Fraser #independence- A Compact, Machine-Independent Peephole Optimizer (CWF), pp. 1–6.
SOSP-1979-CanonFHHMR #evaluation #performance #summary #virtual machine- A Virtual Machine Emulator for Performance Evaluation (Summary) (MDC, DHF, JHH, TDH, MFM, JRR), p. 1.
SOSP-1979-LampsonS #operating system- An Open Operating System for a Single-User Machine (BWL, RFS), pp. 98–105.
SIGMOD-1978-Su #database- Database Machines (SYWS), pp. 157–158.
VLDB-1978-AdibaCE #database #distributed #logic #relational #using- A Distributed Data Base System Using Logical Relational Machines (MEA, JYC, CE), pp. 450–461.
VLDB-1978-BanerjeeH #database #performance #relational- Performance Study of a Database Machine in Supporting Relational Databases (JB, DKH), pp. 319–329.
STOC-1978-EngelfrietRS #transducer- Tree Transducers, L Systems and Two-Way Machines (Extended Abstract) (JE, GR, GS), pp. 66–74.
STOC-1978-FortuneW #parallel #random- Parallelism in Random Access Machines (SF, JW), pp. 114–118.
STOC-1978-Goldschlager #approach #modelling #parallel- A Unified Approach to Models of Synchronous Parallel Machines (LMG), pp. 89–94.
ICALP-1978-Biskup #metric #turing machine- Path Measures of Turing Machine Computations (Preliminary Report) (JB), pp. 90–104.
ICALP-1978-BookGW- Comparisons and Reset Machines (Preliminary Report) (RVB, SAG, CW), pp. 113–124.
ICSE-1978-Thalmann #automaton #design #evolution- Evolution in the Design of Abstract Machines for Software Portability (DT), pp. 333–340.
DAC-1977-Smith #architecture #education- THE SITE MACHINE Computer-aided instruction in architectural education (EFS), pp. 266–274.
VLDB-1977-HsiaoM #architecture #database #evolution- Database Machine Architecture in the Context of Information Technology Evolution (DKH, SEM), pp. 63–84.
STOC-1977-PrabhalaS #comparison #set #stack- A Comparison of Instruction Sets for Stack Machines (BP, RS), pp. 132–142.
STOC-1977-Tarjan #maintenance #set- Reference Machines Require Non-linear Time to Maintain Disjoint Sets (RET), pp. 18–29.
ICALP-1977-BookY #bound #on the #power of- On the Computational Power of Reversal-Bounded Machines (RVB, CKY), pp. 111–119.
ICALP-1977-Monien- About the Derivation Languages of Grammars and Machines (BM), pp. 337–351.
ICALP-1977-SavitchV #linear #multi #simulation #turing machine- Linear Time Simulation of Multihead Turing Machines with Head-to-Head Jumps (WJS, PMBV), pp. 453–464.
POPL-1977-AhoJU #code generation #multi- Code Generation for Machines with Multiregister Operations (AVA, SCJ, JDU), pp. 21–28.
ICALP-1976-GillS #metric #turing machine- Ink, Dirty-Tape Turing Machines, and Quasicomplexity Measures (JG, IS), pp. 285–306.
DAC-1975-ChienSTR #design #layout- A computer-aided minimum cost transfer machine layout design (TTC, SS, WAT, PR), pp. 202–209.
POPL-1975-HallHT #algebra- An Algebra of Relations for Machine Computation (PAVH, PH, ST), pp. 225–232.
SOSP-1975-BagleyFHW #virtual machine- Sharing Data and Services in a Virtual Machine System (JDB, ERF, SCH, VW), pp. 82–88.
SOSP-1975-BelpaireN #architecture #recursion #virtual machine- Formal Properties of Recursive Virtual Machine Architectures (GB, NTH), pp. 89–96.
SOSP-1975-PopekK #architecture #case study #virtual machine- The PDP-11 Virtual Machine Architecture: A Case Study (GJP, CSK), pp. 97–105.
DAC-1974-HananMS #approach #clustering #interactive #logic #problem- An interactive man-machine approach to the computer logic partitioning problem (MH, AM, PKWS), pp. 70–81.
STOC-1974-BookNP #bound #context-free grammar #linear #multi- Intersections of Linear Context-Free Languages and Reversal-Bounded Multipushdown Machines (Extended Abstract) (RVB, MN, MP), pp. 290–296.
STOC-1974-Gill #complexity #probability #turing machine- Computational Complexity of Probabilistic Turing Machines (JTGI), pp. 91–95.
STOC-1974-PrattRS #power of- A Characterization of the Power of Vector Machines (VRP, MOR, LJS), pp. 122–134.
ICALP-1974-Weicker #memory management #turing machine- Turing Machines with Associative Memory Access (RW), pp. 458–472.
DAC-1973-Bernstein #fortran #independence #programming- Programming for FORTRAN compatibility and machine independence (SB), pp. 68–78.
DAC-1972-McClure #fault #logic #simulation- Fault simulation of digital logic utilizing a small host machine (RMM), pp. 104–110.
DAC-1972-SinkeyG #design #generative #interactive- The Interactive Computer Graphics System for Machined Part Design and NC Tape Generation (LOS, JZG), pp. 305–316.
STOC-1972-CookR #bound #random- Time-Bounded Random Access Machines (SAC, RAR), pp. 73–80.
STOC-1972-Hamlet #independence #problem #programming language- A Patent Problem for Abstract Programming Languages: Machine-Independent Computations (RGH), pp. 193–197.
STOC-1972-JonesS #first-order #similarity #turing machine- Turing Machines and the Spectra of First-Order Formulas with Equality (NDJ, ALS), pp. 157–167.
STOC-1972-WarkentinF- Predecessor Machines and Regressing Functions (JCW, PCF), pp. 81–87.
ICALP-1972-Bertoni #approximate #complexity #probability #problem- Complexity Problems Related to the Approximation of Probabilistic Languages and Events by Deterministic Machines (AB), pp. 507–516.
ICALP-1972-Monien #automaton #bound #turing machine- Relationship between Pushdown Automata and Tape-Bounded Turing Machines (BM), pp. 575–583.
STOC-1971-Santos #algebra #probability- Algebraic Structure Theory of Stochastic Machines (ESS), pp. 219–243.
DAC-1970-Farlow #design- Machine aids to the design of ceramic substrates containing integrated circuit chips (CWF), pp. 274–285.
DAC-1970-KrolakFM #approach #problem #towards- A man-machine approach toward solving the traveling salesman problem (PDK, WF, GM), pp. 250–264.
STOC-1970-McGowan #correctness- The Correctness of a Modified SECD Machine (CLM), pp. 149–157.
DAC-1969-Bennington #design #interactive- Man-machine interaction in the design of rotating electrical machines (BJB), pp. 45–59.
STOC-1969-AmorosoLY #array #formal method #framework- A Unifying Framework for the Theory of Iterative Arrays of Machines (SA, EL, HY), pp. 259–269.
STOC-1969-Cole #automaton #realtime- Pushdown Store Machines and Real-Time Computation (SNC), pp. 233–245.
STOC-1969-Cook #automaton- Variations on Pushdown Machines (Detailed Abstract) (SAC), pp. 229–231.
STOC-1969-Savitch #nondeterminism #simulation #turing machine- Deterministic Simulation of Non-Deterministic Turing Machines (Detailed Abstract) (WJS), pp. 247–248.
SOSP-1969-PooleW #independence- Machine independent software (PCP, WMW), pp. 19–24.
DAC-1967-Barkocy #design- Designing application versatility into a software package for numerically controlled drafting machines (ARB).
SHARE-1966-Lerman #named- MADS — a machine aided drafting system (HNL).
SHARE-1964-Sutherland #communication #sketching #visual notation- Sketch pad a man-machine graphical communication system (IES).
LISP-1963-Yates #analysis #compilation #lisp #source code #word- LISP. Group Analysis programs. Λ LISP Compiler for a variable word machine (Gamma 30 Scientific) (RY), p. 15.