Travelled to:
1 × Sweden
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
M.Odersky V.Danos T.Heindel R.Honorato-Zimmer M.Jonnalagedda T.Coppey T.Rompf V.Jovanovic A.Shaikhha V.Nikolaev C.Koch Olivier Blanvillain Fengyun Liu A.Biboudis H.Miller
Talks about:
simplicit (1) implicit (1) function (1) pushout (1) process (1) foundat (1) conceal (1) sesqui (1) rewrit (1) revers (1)
Person: Sandro Stucki
DBLP: Stucki:Sandro
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- GPCE-2014-JovanovicSSNKO #domain-specific language #named
- Yin-yang: concealing the deep embedding of DSLs (VJ, AS, SS, VN, CK, MO), pp. 73–82.
- ICGT-2014-DanosHHS #category theory
- Reversible Sesqui-Pushout Rewriting (VD, TH, RHZ, SS), pp. 161–176.
- OOPSLA-2014-JonnalageddaCSRO #combinator #parsing #performance #staged
- Staged parser combinators for efficient data processing (MJ, TC, SS, TR, MO), pp. 637–653.
- POPL-2018-OderskyBLBMS #named
- Simplicitly: foundations and applications of implicit function types (MO, OB, FL, AB, HM, SS), p. 29.