Travelled to:
1 × Germany
Collaborated with:
V.Tornberg H.Kirvesoja J.Sinisammal A.Oikarinen M.Koutonen U.Hiltunen
Talks about:
videophon (3) care (2) use (2) telemedicin (1) videophoni (1) implement (1) customis (1) criteria (1) communic (1) approach (1)
Person: Seppo Väyrynen
DBLP: V=auml=yrynen:Seppo
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- HCI-CCAD-1999-KirvesojaOVTKH #health #implementation
- Implementation criteria for a videophone system used in telemedicine — a case in Finnish health care (HK, AO, SV, VT, MK, UH), pp. 271–275.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-KirvesojaSVT #case study #experience
- Field experiences of providing home care and related services over a videophone (HK, JS, SV, VT), pp. 266–270.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-TornbergV #concurrent #process #using
- Concurrent engineering activities using videophone communications (VT, SV), pp. 256–260.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-VayrynenTK #approach #development
- Ergonomic approach to customised development of videophony applications (SV, VT, HK), pp. 261–265.