Tag #case study
3601 papers:
CC-2020-GorgovanCL #development #performance #tool support- Balancing performance and productivity for the development of dynamic binary instrumentation tools: a case study on Arm systems (CG, GC, ML), pp. 132–142.
CC-2020-ZhangHLBR #difference #privacy #profiling- A study of event frequency profiling with differential privacy (HZ, YH, SL, RB, AR), pp. 51–62.
ECSA-2019-PigazziniFM #architecture #industrial #migration #tool support- Tool Support for the Migration to Microservice Architecture: An Industrial Case Study (IP, FAF, AM), pp. 247–263.
ECSA-2019-PowerW #architecture- An Exploratory Study of Naturalistic Decision Making in Complex Software Architecture Environments (KP, RWB), pp. 55–70.
ICSA-2019-TianLB #architecture #developer #how #smell #stack overflow- How Developers Discuss Architecture Smells? An Exploratory Study on Stack Overflow (FT, PL0, MAB), pp. 91–100.
ICSA-2019-WohlrabPKH #agile #architecture #interface #on the- On Interfaces to Support Agile Architecting in Automotive: An Exploratory Case Study (RW, PP, EK, RH), pp. 161–170.
EDM-2019-LiangYZPG #concept #learning #partial order #strict- Active Learning of Strict Partial Orders: A Case Study on Concept Prerequisite Relations (CL0, JY, HZ0, BP, CLG).
EDM-2019-PigeauAP #predict- Success prediction in MOOCs: A case study (AP, OA, YP).
EDM-2019-TodaOSBIC #gamification- Planning Gamification Strategies based on User Characteristics and DM: A Gender-based Case Study (AMT, WO, LS0, IIB, SI, AIC).
ICSME-2019-SasAF #architecture #evolution #smell- Investigating Instability Architectural Smells Evolution: An Exploratory Case Study (DS, PA, FAF), pp. 557–567.
ICSME-2019-ZhiYDYFX #java- An Exploratory Study of Logging Configuration Practice in Java (CZ, JY, SD, MY, MF, TX), pp. 459–469.
ICSME-2019-ZimmermannA #debugging #open source- Impact of Switching Bug Trackers: A Case Study on a Medium-Sized Open Source Project (TZ, ACA), pp. 13–23.
MSR-2019-AhmadC #stack overflow- Impact of stack overflow code snippets on software cohesion: a preliminary study (MA, MÓC), pp. 250–254.
MSR-2019-BangashSCWHA #developer #machine learning #ml #stack overflow #what- What do developers know about machine learning: a study of ML discussions on StackOverflow (AAB, HS, SAC, AWW, AH, KA0), pp. 260–264.
MSR-2019-ChatterjeeDPAK #mining #re-engineering #tool support- Exploratory study of slack Q&A chats as a mining source for software engineering tools (PC, KD, LLP, VA, NAK), pp. 490–501.
MSR-2019-DietrichLD #identification #stack overflow- Man vs machine: a study into language identification of stack overflow code snippets (JD0, MLR, ED), pp. 205–209.
MSR-2019-MatosFR #api- Splitting APIs: an exploratory study of software unbundling (ASM, JBFF, LSR), pp. 360–370.
MSR-2019-Mondal0R #stack overflow- Can issues reported at stack overflow questions be reproduced?: an exploratory study (SM, MMR0, CKR), pp. 479–489.
SANER-2019-ChochlovEBIS #identification #industrial- Identifying Feature Clones: An Industrial Case Study (MC, ME, JB, DI, MS), pp. 544–548.
SANER-2019-IslamMR #comparative #debugging- A Comparative Study of Software Bugs in Micro-clones and Regular Code Clones (JFI, MM, CKR), pp. 73–83.
SANER-2019-VerhaegheEASDDD #industrial #migration #user interface #using- GUI Migration using MDE from GWT to Angular 6: An Industrial Case (BV, AE, NA, AS, LD, SD, MD), pp. 579–583.
SANER-2019-YukizawaTT #exclamation #proving #social- Please Help! A Preliminary Study on the Effect of Social Proof and Legitimization of Paltry Contributions in Donations to OSS (UY, MT, AT), pp. 609–613.
SANER-2019-ZampettiBCP #integration #overview- A Study on the Interplay between Pull Request Review and Continuous Integration Builds (FZ, GB, GC, MDP), pp. 38–48.
SANER-2019-Zhan0T #android #comparative #detection- A Comparative Study of Android Repackaged Apps Detection Techniques (XZ, TZ0, YT), pp. 321–331.
SANER-2019-ZhaoWMLLG #git #repository- Knowledge Graphing Git Repositories: A Preliminary Study (YZ, HW, LM0, YL, LL0, JG0), pp. 599–603.
SCAM-2019-BradleyG #c++ #exception #open source- A Study on the Effects of Exception Usage in Open-Source C++ Systems (KB, MG), pp. 1–11.
SCAM-2019-MondalRS #analysis #architecture #automation #natural language #using- An Exploratory Study on Automatic Architectural Change Analysis Using Natural Language Processing Techniques (AKM, BR, KAS), pp. 62–73.
SCAM-2019-ScocciaPPMK #android #open source- Permission Issues in Open-Source Android Apps: An Exploratory Study (GLS, AP, VP, IM, DEK), pp. 238–249.
SEFM-2019-BittnerTS #configuration management #constraints #encoding #satisfiability- SAT Encodings of the At-Most-k Constraint - A Case Study on Configuring University Courses (PMB, TT, IS), pp. 127–144.
SEFM-2019-FarrellBFDDYM #analysis #using #verification- Using Threat Analysis Techniques to Guide Formal Verification: A Case Study of Cooperative Awareness Messages (MF, MB, MF0, LAD, CD, HY, CM), pp. 471–490.
Haskell-2019-Devriese #approach #composition #haskell #morphism #polymorphism #taxonomy #verification- Modular effects in Haskell through effect polymorphism and explicit dictionary applications: a new approach and the μVeriFast verifier as a case study (DD), pp. 1–14.
Haskell-2019-MokhovLL #experience #source code #verification- Formal verification of spacecraft control programs (experience report) (AM, GL, JL), pp. 139–145.
- ICFP-2019-ChristiansenDDH #experience #haskell #industrial
- Dependently typed Haskell in industry (experience report) (DTC, ISD, RD, JH, TR), p. 16.
- ICFP-2019-FlattDDKMSTZ #experience
- Rebuilding racket on chez scheme (experience report) (MF, CD, RKD, AWK, GEM, SS, STH, JZ), p. 15.
- ICFP-2019-HameerP #automation #education #experience #functional #programming #using
- Teaching the art of functional programming using automated grading (experience report) (AH, BP), p. 15.
- ICFP-2019-YallopW #experience #named
- Lambda: the ultimate sublanguage (experience report) (JY, LW), p. 17.
AIIDE-2019-EgerM - A Study of AI Agent Commitment in One Night Ultimate Werewolf with Human Players (ME, CM), pp. 139–145.
AIIDE-2019-GaoKHT #learning #on the- On Hard Exploration for Reinforcement Learning: A Case Study in Pommerman (CG, BK, PHL, MET), pp. 24–30.
AIIDE-2019-Kreminski #experience #game studies- Creativity Support for Story Construction Play Experiences (MK), pp. 210–212.
AIIDE-2019-LiuCMOMMWF #experience #interactive- Playable Experiences at the 15th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (RL, CC, CM, SO, PM, KWM, TW, SF), pp. 234–238.
AIIDE-2019-Mori #evaluation #experience #interactive #standard- Standardizing the Evaluation of Digital Managers for Better Interactive Experiences (GM), pp. 221–223.
CHI-PLAY-2019-GielisVTA #detection #game studies- Age? It's in the Game: An Exploratory Study on Detection of Cognitive Aging through Card Games (KG, KV, JT, VVA), pp. 651–664.
CHI-PLAY-2019-GowlerI #experience #game studies- “Horror, guilt and shame” - Uncomfortable Experiences in Digital Games (CPRG, II), pp. 325–337.
CHI-PLAY-2019-WangLJRKM #comprehension #design #experience #towards- Towards Understanding the Design of Playful Gustosonic Experiences with Ice Cream (YW, ZL, RSJ, AR, RAK, F'M), pp. 239–251.
CoG-2019-FowlerNC #game studies #identification- Identifying Cognitive Load in a Computer Game: An exploratory study of young children (AF, KN, AC), pp. 1–6.
CoG-2019-NygrenD #concept #game studies #self #using- Using Simple Games to Evaluate Self-Organization Concepts: a Whack-a-mole Case Study (NN, JD), pp. 1–8.
DiGRA-2019-AdinolfT #difference #experience #game studies- Differences in Player Experiences of Need Satisfaction Across Four Games (SA, ST).
DiGRA-2019-KoskinenALP #experience- Middle-aged Players' Memorable Experiences with Pokémon GO (EK, KA, DL, JP).
DiGRA-2019-KurtzA #game studies- The “not so” Beautiful Game: a study on Brazilian players of the fantasy soccer game Cartola FC (GBK, JPCdA).
DiGRA-2019-MarianiC #experience #interactive- Character-driven Narrative Engine. Storytelling System for building interactive narrative experiences (IM, MC).
DiGRA-2019-NakamuraT #game studies #mobile- The Mobile Suit Gundam Franchise: a Case Study of Transmedia Storytelling Practices and the Role of Digital Games in Japan (AN, ST).
DiGRA-2019-Prax - Is this still participation? A case study of the disempowerment of player labourers (PP).
FDG-2019-FoffanoT #adaptation #experience #game studies #user interface- Changes of user experience in an adaptive game: a study of an AI manager (FF, DT), p. 8.
FDG-2019-Fowler #experience- Jamming with children: an experience report (AF), p. 6.
ICGJ-2019-FerrazG #game studies #gender- A Case Study About Gender Issues in a Game Jam (CF, KG), p. 8.
ICGJ-2019-Kultima #experience #game studies #named- Superjammers: Motivations and Experiences of Exceptional Game Jammers in Finland (AK), p. 7.
VS-Games-2019-FletcherHA #artificial reality #recognition- Virtual Reality Ear Training System: A study on Spatialised Audio in Interval Recognition (CF, VH, PA), pp. 1–4.
VS-Games-2019-HeydnDBWMN #comparative- The Golden Bullet: A Comparative Study for Target Acquisition, Pointing and Shooting (KAMH, MPD, MB, GW, SvM, AN), pp. 1–8.
VS-Games-2019-IsazaZKMG #artificial reality- Mono-Stereoscopic Camera in a Virtual Reality Environment: Case Study in Cybersickness (MI, JZ, KK, CM, RG), pp. 1–4.
VS-Games-2019-KivelaAVO #game studies #physics- Study on the Motivational and Physical Effects of Two VR Exergames (OK, PA, AV, TO), pp. 1–2.
CIKM-2019-BiTDMC #dependence #multi- A Study of Context Dependencies in Multi-page Product Search (KB, CHT, YD, VM, WBC), pp. 2333–2336.
CIKM-2019-YinRYZZZLZ #modelling #multi- Experimental Study of Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Models (JY, WR, MY, JZ, KZ, CZ, JL, QZ), pp. 2833–2839.
ECIR-p1-2019-BhattacharyaHRP #algorithm #comparative #summary- A Comparative Study of Summarization Algorithms Applied to Legal Case Judgments (PB, KH, SR, NP, KG, SG0), pp. 413–428.
ECIR-p1-2019-MalliaSS #query- An Experimental Study of Index Compression and DAAT Query Processing Methods (AM, MS, TS), pp. 353–368.
KDD-2019-LiuSPR #graph- Characterizing and Forecasting User Engagement with In-App Action Graph: A Case Study of Snapchat (YL, XS, LP, XR), pp. 2023–2031.
KDD-2019-SuhrBZGC #framework #platform- Two-Sided Fairness for Repeated Matchings in Two-Sided Markets: A Case Study of a Ride-Hailing Platform (TS, AJB, MZ, KPG, AC), pp. 3082–3092.
KDD-2019-XiaLGLCS #detection #mobile #network #privacy #social- Characterizing and Detecting Malicious Accounts in Privacy-Centric Mobile Social Networks: A Case Study (ZX, CL, NZG, QL0, YC0, DS), pp. 2012–2022.
MoDELS-2019-TorreSSBAG #experience #modelling #using- Using Models to Enable Compliance Checking Against the GDPR: An Experience Report (DT, GS, MS, LCB, YA, PG), pp. 1–11.
ECOOP-2019-KangTLMJ0 #experience #java #program transformation #semantics- Semantic Patches for Java Program Transformation (Experience Report) (HJK, FT, JL, GM, LJ, DL0), p. 27.
PLATEAU-2019-KambhatlaCOSAM #programming language #safety #usability- A Pilot Study of the Safety and Usability of the Obsidian Blockchain Programming Language (GK, MJC, RO, JS, JA, BAM), p. 11.
ASE-2019-ChenJML #experience #industrial #refactoring #web- An Industrial Experience Report on Performance-Aware Refactoring on a Database-Centric Web Application (BC, ZMJ, PM, ML), pp. 653–664.
ASE-2019-ChenSHWL #behaviour #experience #generative #testing #using- An Experience Report of Generating Load Tests Using Log-Recovered Workloads at Varying Granularities of User Behaviour (JC, WS, AEH, YW, JL), pp. 669–681.
ASE-2019-NejadgholiY #approximate #learning #library #testing- A Study of Oracle Approximations in Testing Deep Learning Libraries (MN, JY0), pp. 785–796.
ASE-2019-SungKKJK #automation #testing- Test Automation and Its Limitations: A Case Study (AS, SK, YK, YJ, JK), pp. 1208–1209.
ASE-2019-Wu0C #development #experience #safety- Better Development of Safety Critical Systems: Chinese High Speed Railway System Development Experience Report (ZW, JL0, XC), pp. 1216–1217.
ESEC-FSE-2019-Denkers #domain-specific language #industrial #using- A longitudinal field study on creation and use of domain-specific languages in industry (JD), pp. 1152–1155.
ESEC-FSE-2019-KulaRHDG #performance- Releasing fast and slow: an exploratory case study at ING (EK, AR, HH, AvD, GG), pp. 785–795.
ESEC-FSE-2019-LangP #c++ #framework #model checking- Model checking a C++ software framework: a case study (JL, ISWBP), pp. 1026–1036.
ESEC-FSE-2019-MaddilaBN #predict #scalability- Predicting pull request completion time: a case study on large scale cloud services (CSM, CB, NN), pp. 874–882.
ESEC-FSE-2019-Morales-Trujillo #evolution #experience- Evolving with patterns: a 31-month startup experience report (MEMT, GAGM), pp. 1037–1047.
ESEC-FSE-2019-RueckertBKSMF #architecture #experience #industrial- Architectural decision forces at work: experiences in an industrial consultancy setting (JR, AB, HK, TS, AM, CF), pp. 996–1005.
ESEC-FSE-2019-ZhouVK #performance #social #what- What the fork: a study of inefficient and efficient forking practices in social coding (SZ, BV, CK), pp. 350–361.
- ICSE-2019-Chattopadhyay0G #developer #how #process
- Latent patterns in activities: a field study of how developers manage context (SC, NN0, YRG, AAL, RP, AS), pp. 373–383.
- ICSE-2019-HellendoornPGB #code completion
- When code completion fails: a case study on real-world completions (VJH, SP, HCG, AB), pp. 960–970.
SLE-2019-CastegrenF #experience #monad #object-oriented- Developing a monadic type checker for an object-oriented language: an experience report (EC, KFR), pp. 184–196.
CASE-2019-MaggipintoSZM #fault #multi #predict #process #what- What are the Most Informative Data for Virtual Metrology? A use case on Multi-Stage Processes Fault Prediction (MM, GAS, FZ, SFM), pp. 1796–1801.
CASE-2019-ReisgenMOLS #image- Study on Workpiece and Welding Torch Height Control for Polydirectional WAAM by Means of Image Processing (UR, SM, LO, PL, RS), pp. 6–11.
CASE-2019-TanNAGL #data-driven #predict #scheduling- Data-Driven Surgical Duration Prediction Model for Surgery Scheduling: A Case-Study for a Practice-Feasible Model in a Public Hospital (KWT, FNHLN, BYA, JG, SSWL), pp. 275–280.
CC-2019-KubotaSK - To unify or not to unify: a case study on unified builds (in WebKit) (TK, YS, KK), pp. 42–52.
FASE-2019-BezirgiannisBJP #implementation #manycore #memory management- Implementing SOS with Active Objects: A Case Study of a Multicore Memory System (NB, FSdB, EBJ, KIP, SLTT), pp. 332–350.
ICST-2019-PiantadosiSO #open source #security- Fixing of Security Vulnerabilities in Open Source Projects: A Case Study of Apache HTTP Server and Apache Tomcat (VP, SS, RO), pp. 68–78.
TAP-2019-AichernigPSW #learning #predict #testing- Predicting and Testing Latencies with Deep Learning: An IoT Case Study (BKA, FP, RS, AW), pp. 93–111.
ECSA-2018-KerdoudiTS #architecture- Spotlighting Use Case Specific Architectures (MLK, CT, SS), pp. 236–244.
ECSA-2018-MartiniFBR #architecture #identification #scalability #smell- Identifying and Prioritizing Architectural Debt Through Architectural Smells: A Case Study in a Large Software Company (AM, FAF, AB, RR), pp. 320–335.
ECSA-2018-Plakidas0Z #architecture #evolution #industrial #migration #multi #platform- Software Migration and Architecture Evolution with Industrial Platforms: A Multi-case Study (KP, DS0, UZ), pp. 336–343.
ECSA-2018-PowerW #architecture #comprehension #industrial- Understanding Architecture Decisions in Context - An Industry Case Study of Architects' Decision-Making Context (KP, RWB), pp. 284–299.
ECSA-2018-WuCKMLCGLZ #architecture #experience #metric #multi- Software Architecture Measurement - Experiences from a Multinational Company (WW, YC, RK, RM, ZL, RC, YG, WL, JZ), pp. 303–319.
ICSA-2018-NaabRK #architecture #ecosystem #experience- Architecting a Software-Based Ecosystem for the Automotive Aftermarket: An Experience Report (MN, DR, JK), pp. 57–64.
JCDL-2018-DengTF #interactive #library #network #social- Interaction on An Academic Social Networking Sites: A Study of ResearchGate Q&A on Library and Information Science (SD, JT, SF), pp. 25–28.
EDM-2018-SheshadriGLBH #online #performance #predict #student- Predicting Student Performance Based on Online Study Habits: A Study of Blended Courses (AS, NG, CL, TB, SH).
ICPC-2018-TakahashiSHS #debugging #locality #smell #using- A preliminary study on using code smells to improve bug localization (AT, NSL, SH, MS), pp. 324–327.
ICSME-2018-AlmeidaKTFL #multi #technical debt- Aligning Technical Debt Prioritization with Business Objectives: A Multiple-Case Study (RRdA, UK, CT, DCF, AHGL), pp. 655–664.
ICSME-2018-DelplanqueEAA #database #evolution #industrial #relational- Relational Database Schema Evolution: An Industrial Case Study (JD, AE, NA, OA), pp. 635–644.
ICSME-2018-FraczD #assessment #automation #developer #game studies- Developers' Game: A Preliminary Study Concerning a Tool for Automated Developers Assessment (WF, JD), pp. 695–699.
ICSME-2018-JansenHT #detection #energy #evolution #network #predict #spreadsheet- Detecting and Predicting Evolution in Spreadsheets - A Case Study in an Energy Network Company (BJ, FH, ET), pp. 645–654.
ICSME-2018-KochharSCSN #comprehension #development #industrial- Understanding the Role of Reporting in Work Item Tracking Systems for Software Development: An Industrial Case Study (PSK, SS, TC, HS, MN), pp. 605–614.
ICSME-2018-KwonACSKS #api #evolution #experience #maintenance #platform- An Experience Report of the API Evolution and Maintenance for Software Platforms (HK, JA, SC, JS, PK, PS), pp. 587–590.
ICSME-2018-VassalloPG #refactoring- Continuous Refactoring in CI: A Preliminary Study on the Perceived Advantages and Barriers (CV, FP, HCG), pp. 564–568.
ICSME-2018-ZhangCGZXJX #git #how #multi- How do Multiple Pull Requests Change the Same Code: A Study of Competing Pull Requests in GitHub (XZ, YC, YG, WZ, XX, XJ, JX), pp. 228–239.
MSR-2018-AfzalG #debugging #ide #using- A study on the use of IDE features for debugging (AA, CLG), pp. 114–117.
MSR-2018-ArimaHK08 #commit #how #java #question #what- A study on inappropriately partitioned commits: how much and what kinds of IP commits in Java projects? (RA, YH, SK), pp. 336–340.
MSR-2018-LamotheS08 #android #api #automation #experience #migration #using- Exploring the use of automated API migrating techniques in practice: an experience report on Android (ML, WS), pp. 503–514.
MSR-2018-MajumderBBFM08 #learning #mining #performance #stack overflow- 500+ times faster than deep learning: a case study exploring faster methods for text mining stackoverflow (SM, NB, KB, WF0, TM), pp. 554–563.
MSR-2018-NayebiKCZR #mobile- Anatomy of functionality deletion: an exploratory study on mobile apps (MN, KK, PC, AZ, GR), pp. 243–253.
SANER-2018-NoeiSZHK #android #mobile #quality- A study of the relation of mobile device attributes with the user-perceived quality of Android apps (journal-first abstract) (EN, MDS, YZ0, AEH, IK), p. 469.
SCAM-2018-AntalHTFG #comparative #graph #javascript #research- [Research Paper] Static JavaScript Call Graphs: A Comparative Study (GA, PH, ZT, RF, TG), pp. 177–186.
FM-2018-BergerKAWR #c #experience #verification- Verifying Auto-generated C Code from Simulink - An Experience Report in the Automotive Domain (PB, JPK, EÁ, MTBW, TR), pp. 312–328.
SEFM-2018-SchellhornWTKW #proving- FastLane Is Opaque - a Case Study in Mechanized Proofs of Opacity (GS, MW, OT, JK, HW), pp. 105–120.
Haskell-2018-Gissurarson #experience- Suggesting valid hole fits for typed-holes (experience report) (MPG), pp. 179–185.
Haskell-2018-HanH #experience #manycore- A high-performance multicore IO manager based on libuv (experience report) (DH, TH), pp. 172–178.
- ICFP-2018-AlmeidaCM0P #assessment #automation #education #experience #functional #game studies #how #using
- Teaching how to program using automated assessment and functional glossy games (experience report) (JBA, AC, NM, HP0, JP), p. 17.
- ICFP-2018-BourRS #experience #ml #named
- Merlin: a language server for OCaml (experience report) (FB, TR, GS), p. 15.
- ICFP-2018-BreitnerSLRWW #exclamation #experience #haskell #set #verification
- Ready, set, verify! applying hs-to-coq to real-world Haskell code (experience report) (JB, ASZ, YL0, CR, JW, SW), p. 16.
AIIDE-2018-PackardO #learning #user study- A User Study on Learning from Human Demonstration (BP, SO), pp. 208–214.
AIIDE-2018-SamuelRSHRWSTMS #experience- Playable Experiences at AIIDE 2018 (BS, AAR, ES, SH, BDR, LW, TS, MT, JM, AS, AS, ETG, RF, SGW, KC), pp. 275–281.
CHI-PLAY-2018-BangayM #ranking- Meaningful Choice in Strategic Unit Selection: A Case Study of Unit Rankings in StarCraft II (SB, OFM), pp. 33–44.
CHI-PLAY-2018-ByrneMM #experience #game studies #using- AR Fighter: Using HMDs to create Vertigo Play Experiences (RB, JM, F'M), pp. 45–57.
CHI-PLAY-2018-MehtaKPM #comprehension #design #experience #named #towards- Arm-A-Dine: Towards Understanding the Design of Playful Embodied Eating Experiences (YDM, RAK, RP, F'M), pp. 299–313.
CHI-PLAY-2018-PorterBR #artificial reality #game studies #guidelines #migration- Guidelines on Successfully Porting Non-Immersive Games to Virtual Reality: A Case Study in Minecraft (JPI, MB, AR), pp. 405–415.
CHI-PLAY-2018-VellaPKPMJ #game studies #using- Using Applied Games to Engage mHealth Users: A Case Study of MindMax (KV, NP, MK, BP, JM, DJ0), pp. 511–522.
CHI-PLAY-2018-WilsonM #artificial reality #experience #game studies #interactive #rating #video- Violent Video Games in Virtual Reality: Re-Evaluating the Impact and Rating of Interactive Experiences (GAW, MM), pp. 535–548.
CIG-2018-PreussPVP #game studies #refinement- Integrated Balancing of an RTS Game: Case Study and Toolbox Refinement (MP, TP, VV, NP), pp. 1–8.
DiGRA-2018-SeulaAF #game studies #performance- Play to Win, Profit & Entertain: a Study of Double Performance as Athlete and Streamer (RS, MA, SF).
FDG-2018-BothenFN #analysis #artificial reality #comparative #game studies #interactive #mobile #user study- An analysis and comparative user study on interactions in mobile virtual reality games (SB, JAF, PN), p. 8.
FDG-2018-DecheringB #game studies #interactive- Moral engagement in interactive narrative games: an exploratory study on ethical agency in the walking dead and life is strange (AD, SB), p. 10.
FDG-2018-GualeniM #challenge #design #game studies #self- Self-transformative effects of designing videogames and the challenge of capturing them quantitatively: a case study (SG, MAGM), p. 4.
VS-Games-2018-Lim #protocol #using- Using Think-Aloud Protocol in Looking at the Framing of One's Character with a Case Study on Terraria (JSL), pp. 1–4.
VS-Games-2018-SiriarayaVDS #challenge #design- Learnings and Challenges in Designing Gamifications for Mental Healthcare: The Case Study of the Readysetgoals Application (PS, VV, MMMvD, RS), pp. 1–8.
CIKM-2018-YasserKE #ranking #web- Re-ranking Web Search Results for Better Fact-Checking: A Preliminary Study (KY, MK, TE), pp. 1783–1786.
ECIR-2018-BrazierH #behaviour #comparative- A Comparative Study of Native and Non-native Information Seeking Behaviours (DB, MH), pp. 237–248.
ECIR-2018-Nunzio #automation- A Study of an Automatic Stopping Strategy for Technologically Assisted Medical Reviews (GMDN), pp. 672–677.
ICML-2018-LeeKCL #game studies #learning- Deep Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Action Spaces: a Case Study in the Game of Simulated Curling (KL, SAK, JC, SWL), pp. 2943–2952.
KDD-2018-SafaviDK - Career Transitions and Trajectories: A Case Study in Computing (TS, MD, DK), pp. 675–684.
KDD-2018-YangZTWCH #contest #image #learning #recognition- Deep Learning for Practical Image Recognition: Case Study on Kaggle Competitions (XY, ZZ, SGT, LW, VC0, SCHH), pp. 923–931.
ECMFA-2018-MashkoorKBE #experience #modelling #re-engineering- Model-Driven Re-engineering of a Pressure Sensing System: An Experience Report (AM, FK, MB, AE), pp. 264–278.
MoDELS-2018-JolakHCS #challenge #development #modelling #multi #re-engineering- Model-Based Software Engineering: A Multiple-Case Study on Challenges and Development Efforts (RJ, THQ, MRVC, RRHS), pp. 213–223.
ASE-2018-HabibP18a #debugging #detection #how- How many of all bugs do we find? a study of static bug detectors (AH, MP), pp. 317–328.
ASE-2018-MoSCRKN #analysis #architecture #automation #experience- Experiences applying automated architecture analysis tool suites (RM, WS, YC, SR, RK, MN), pp. 779–789.
ASE-2018-MukelabaiNMBS #combinator #configuration management #explosion #industrial- Tackling combinatorial explosion: a study of industrial needs and practices for analyzing highly configurable systems (MM, DN, SM, TB, JPS), pp. 155–166.
ASE-2018-WangLYCZDX #android #empirical #generative #industrial #testing #tool support- An empirical study of Android test generation tools in industrial cases (WW, DL0, WY0, YC, ZZ, YD, TX0), pp. 738–748.
ESEC-FSE-2018-DebroyMB #agile #delivery #integration #pipes and filters- Building lean continuous integration and delivery pipelines by applying DevOps principles: a case study at Varidesk (VD, SM, LB), pp. 851–856.
ESEC-FSE-2018-MansoorSSBCF #experience #modelling #product line #testing- Modeling and testing a family of surgical robots: an experience report (NM, JAS, BS, HB, MBC, SF), pp. 785–790.
ESEC-FSE-2018-ValievVH #ecosystem #open source #process- Ecosystem-level determinants of sustained activity in open-source projects: a case study of the PyPI ecosystem (MV, BV, JDH), pp. 644–655.
ESEC-FSE-2018-XuDZG00 #how #spreadsheet- How are spreadsheet templates used in practice: a case study on Enron (LX, WD, JZ, CG, JW0, TH0), pp. 734–738.
- ICSE-2018-0001URRK #api #online #reliability #stack overflow
- Are code examples on an online Q&A forum reliable?: a study of API misuse on stack overflow (TZ0, GU, AR, HR, MK), pp. 886–896.
- ICSE-2018-Arcuri18a #automation #experience #generative #industrial #testing
- Journal first presentation of an experience report on applying software testing academic results in industry: we need usable automated test generation (AA), p. 1065.
- ICSE-2018-DanglotPBM #behaviour #correctness #runtime
- Correctness attraction: a study of stability of software behavior under runtime perturbation (BD, PP, BB, MM), p. 481.
- ICSE-2018-FreyRAPN #cyber-physical #game studies #security
- The good, the bad and the ugly: a study of security decisions in a cyber-physical systems game (SF, AR, PA, MPA, SAN), p. 496.
- ICSE-2018-GuoS #product line #re-engineering #search-based
- To preserve or not to preserve invalid solutions in search-based software engineering: a case study in software product lines (JG, KS0), pp. 1027–1038.
- ICSE-2018-HerboldTG #benchmark #comparative #fault #metric #predict
- A comparative study to benchmark cross-project defect prediction approaches (SH, AT, JG), p. 1063.
- ICSE-2018-McIntoshK #fault #predict
- Are fix-inducing changes a moving target?: a longitudinal case study of just-in-time defect prediction (SM, YK), p. 560.
- ICSE-2018-RehmanMNUT #architecture #industrial
- Roles and impacts of hands-on software architects in five industrial case studies (IR, MM, MN, AAU, MT), pp. 117–127.
- ICSE-2018-RibeiroMT #challenge #re-engineering
- Challenges and pitfalls on surveying evidence in the software engineering technical literature: an exploratory study with novices (TVR, JLM, GHT), p. 1194.
- ICSE-2018-ScavuzzoNA #challenge #data-driven #experience #migration
- Experiences and challenges in building a data intensive system for data migration (MS, EDN, DA), p. 93.
- ICSE-2018-Steinmacher0WG #open source
- Almost there: a study on quasi-contributors in open source software projects (IS, GP0, ISW, MAG), pp. 256–266.
- ICSE-2018-XiaBLXHL #comprehension #scalability
- Measuring program comprehension: a large-scale field study with professionals (XX0, LB, DL0, ZX, AEH, SL), p. 584.
- ICSE-2018-YangSLYC #debugging #how #performance #web
- How not to structure your database-backed web applications: a study of performance bugs in the wild (JY, PS, SL, CY, AC), pp. 800–810.
- ICSE-2018-ZhongM #reuse #towards
- Towards reusing hints from past fixes: an exploratory study on thousands of real samples (HZ, NM), p. 885.
SLE-2018-HarkesCV #domain-specific language #incremental #logic #migration- Migrating business logic to an incremental computing DSL: a case study (DCH, EvC, EV), pp. 83–96.
SLE-2018-Zaytsev #compilation #industrial #testing- An industrial case study in compiler testing (VZ), pp. 97–102.
CASE-2018-ChengZB #energy #game studies- Case Study of An Energy-Saving Game for Public Buildings (ZC, QZ, TB), pp. 684–689.
CASE-2018-RuppertSWP #architecture #comparative #distributed #flexibility- Comparative study of flexible and decentralized agent-based and service-oriented control architectures for production systems (SR, FS, TW, JP), pp. 316–321.
CASE-2018-WaschneckABK #scheduling- Case Study on Operator Compliance to Scheduling Decisions in Semiconductor Manufacturing (BW, TA, TB, AK), pp. 649–652.
CASE-2018-ZhangZG #multi #optimisation #problem- Multiobjective Optimization Approaches to Airline Crew Rostering Problems: A Case Study (ZZ, MZ, SG), pp. 750–755.
ICST-2018-DebroyBYE #automation #experience #industrial #lessons learnt #testing #web- Automating Web Application Testing from the Ground Up: Experiences and Lessons Learned in an Industrial Setting (VD, LB, MY, AE), pp. 354–362.
ICST-2018-WangPB #automation #constraints #generative #specification #testing- Automated Generation of Constraints from Use Case Specifications to Support System Testing (CW, FP, LCB), pp. 23–33.
TAP-2018-VorobyovKS #c #detection #experience #runtime #security #using #verification- Detection of Security Vulnerabilities in C Code Using Runtime Verification: An Experience Report (KV, NK, JS), pp. 139–156.
ECSA-2017-BuchgeherWWLWA #development #experience #industrial- Microservices in a Small Development Organization - An Industrial Experience Report (GB, MW, RW, JL, RW, MA), pp. 208–215.
ECSA-2017-HaselbockWB #design #modelling #requirements- Decision Models for Microservices: Design Areas, Stakeholders, Use Cases, and Requirements (SH, RW, GB), pp. 155–170.
ECSA-2017-YangLAEHP #architecture #industrial- Architectural Assumptions and Their Management in Industry - An Exploratory Study (CY0, PL0, PA, UE, RH, PP), pp. 191–207.
JCDL-2017-ColeAM #framework #named- Quill: A Framework for Constructing Negotiated Texts - With a Case Study on the US Constitutional Convention of 1787 (NC, AAR, GM), pp. 79–88.
JCDL-2017-SikdarMGM #energy #interactive #network #physics- Influence of Reviewer Interaction Network on Long-Term Citations: A Case Study of the Scientific Peer-Review System of the Journal of High Energy Physics (SS, MM, NG, AM0), pp. 179–188.
JCDL-2017-SinghNGBMG #behaviour #dataset #reuse- Citation Sentence Reuse Behavior of Scientists: A Case Study on Massive Bibliographic Text Dataset of Computer Science (MS0, AN, DG, NAB, AM0, PG), pp. 277–280.
CSEET-2017-BollinRSSS #experience #maturity #re-engineering #recommendation- Applying a Maturity Model during a Software Engineering Course - Experiences and Recommendations (AB, ER, CS, VS, RS), pp. 9–18.
CSEET-2017-DelgadoVAM #evolution #re-engineering- Evolving a Project-Based Software Engineering Course: A Case Study (DD, AV, JA, AM), pp. 77–86.
CSEET-2017-EddyWCMGSDS #delivery #integration #re-engineering- A Pilot Study on Introducing Continuous Integration and Delivery into Undergraduate Software Engineering Courses (BPE, NW, NAC, BM, VSG, KMS, AMD, NAS), pp. 47–56.
CSEET-2017-HeymSBSPHKS #component #contract #education #experience #multi #reasoning- Integrating Components, Contracts, and Reasoning in CS Curricula with RESOLVE: Experiences at Multiple Institutions (WDH, PAGS, PB, MS, KP, JEH, JK, NS), pp. 202–211.
CSEET-2017-JoL #detection #education #keyword #re-engineering #video #word- A Study of Keywords Based on the Word Frequency Effect Theory in Video Lectures of Software Engineering Education for Detecting Mind (JJ, HL), pp. 241–245.
CSEET-2017-LiebelBH #education #modelling #multi #re-engineering #tool support #uml- Model Driven Software Engineering in Education: A Multi-Case Study on Perception of Tools and UML (GL, OB, RH), pp. 124–133.
CSEET-2017-NyinkeuN #experience #game studies #re-engineering- Work and Play in Software Engineering Training: Experiences from the Silicon Mountain (NDN, HN), pp. 112–116.
CSEET-2017-PortelaVOS #experience #industrial #re-engineering #using- The Use of Industry Training Strategies in a Software Engineering Course: An Experience Report (CSP, AV, SRBO, MRdAS), pp. 29–36.
CSEET-2017-SimpsonS #experience #re-engineering- Experimenting with Realism in Software Engineering Team Projects: An Experience Report (RS, TS), pp. 87–96.
ICPC-2017-PalombaZOL #refactoring- An exploratory study on the relationship between changes and refactoring (FP, AZ, RO, ADL), pp. 176–185.
ICSME-2017-BlondeauEACCD #developer #scalability #testing #what- What are the Testing Habits of Developers? A Case Study in a Large IT Company (VB, AE, NA, SC, PC, SD), pp. 58–68.
ICSME-2017-ChenS #performance- An Exploratory Study of Performance Regression Introducing Code Changes (JC, WS), pp. 341–352.
ICSME-2017-Sae-LimHS #developer #how #smell- How Do Developers Select and Prioritize Code Smells? A Preliminary Study (NSL, SH, MS), pp. 484–488.
ICSME-2017-WiemanALVD #experience #learning #scalability- An Experience Report on Applying Passive Learning in a Large-Scale Payment Company (RW, MFA, WL, SV, AvD), pp. 564–573.
MSR-2017-AlkadhiLGB #chat #development- Rationale in development chat messages: an exploratory study (RA, TL, EG, BB), pp. 436–446.
MSR-2017-CalciatiG #how- How do apps evolve in their permission requests?: a preliminary study (PC, AG), pp. 37–41.
MSR-2017-GaoJ #impact analysis #testing- An exploratory study on assessing the impact of environment variations on the results of load tests (RG, ZM(J), pp. 379–390.
MSR-2017-OliveiraOC #android #development #energy- A study on the energy consumption of Android app development approaches (WO, RO, FC), pp. 42–52.
MSR-2017-YamashitaAKG #evolution #industrial #multi #quality- Software evolution and quality data from controlled, multiple, industrial case studies (AY, SAA, FK, YGG), pp. 507–510.
SANER-2017-ChatterjeeNDAPK #documentation #what- What information about code snippets is available in different software-related documents? An exploratory study (PC, MAN, KD, VA, LLP, NAK), pp. 382–386.
SANER-2017-JezekL #memory management- Antipatterns causing memory bloat: A case study (KJ, RL), pp. 306–315.
SANER-2017-KulaGI0I #ecosystem #library #monitoring- An exploratory study on library aging by monitoring client usage in a software ecosystem (RGK, DMG, TI, AO0, KI), pp. 407–411.
SCAM-2017-SuzukiPGLL #functional #repository- An Exploratory Study of Functional Redundancy in Code Repositories (MS, ACdP, EG, CVL, OALL), pp. 31–40.
FSCD-2017-KaiserPS #coq #system f- Relating System F and Lambda2: A Case Study in Coq, Abella and Beluga (JK, BP, GS), p. 19.
- IFM-2017-BruschiPGLP #model checking #protocol #smt #verification
- Formal Verification of ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) Through SMT-Based Model Checking - A Case Study - (DB, ADP, SG, AL, EP), pp. 391–406.
- IFM-2017-FerreiraJMB #authentication #coq #linux #quality #using
- Certified Password Quality - A Case Study Using Coq and Linux Pluggable Authentication Modules (JFF, SAJ, AM, PJB), pp. 407–421.
Haskell-2017-SzamozvancevG #experience #music- Well-typed music does not sound wrong (experience report) (DS, MBG), pp. 99–104.
- ICFP-2017-AuerbachHMSS #compilation #coq #experience #prototype #query #using
- Prototyping a query compiler using Coq (experience report) (JSA, MH, LM, AS, JS), p. 15.
- ICFP-2017-BreitnerS #experience #game studies #simulation
- Lock-step simulation is child's play (experience report) (JB, CS), p. 15.
AIIDE-2017-Long #experience- Pre-Learning Experiences with Co-Creative Agents in Museums (DL), pp. 298–300.
AIIDE-2017-TreanorWRSOCSCV #experience- Playable Experiences at AIIDE 2017 (MT, NW, MR, AMS, PO, LC, LS, EC, NV, DFH, PM, AG, JD, BDR, SG, SH, LW, TS), p. 308–?.
CHI-PLAY-2017-GuckelsbergerSG #experience #predict- Predicting Player Experience without the Player.: An Exploratory Study (CG, CS, JG, PAC), pp. 305–315.
FDG-2017-DrenikowM #experience #interactive #named #visualisation- Vixen: interactive visualization of gameplay experiences (BD, PMB), p. 10.
FDG-2017-Fowler #game studies- Engaging young learners in making games: an exploratory study (AF), p. 5.
FDG-2017-Mawhorter #generative #performance #product line #representation #using- Efficiency, realism, and representation in generated content: a case study using family tree generation (PAM), p. 4.
VS-Games-2017-MullerPGLJ #learning- Learning mechanical engineering in a virtual workshop: A preliminary study on utilisability, utility and acceptability (NM, DP, MG, PL, JPJ), pp. 55–62.
VS-Games-2017-PistoljevicH #education #game studies #interactive #user study- An interactive E-book with an educational game for children with developmental disorders: A pilot user study (NP, VH), pp. 87–93.
VS-Games-2017-TsatsouVD #adaptation #experience #learning #modelling #multi- Modelling learning experiences in adaptive multi-agent learning environments (DT, NV, PD), pp. 193–200.
CIKM-2017-ChengHDL #architecture #in memory #manycore- A Study of Main-Memory Hash Joins on Many-core Processor: A Case with Intel Knights Landing Architecture (XC, BH, XD, CTL), pp. 657–666.
CIKM-2017-DasUMT #collaboration #parallel- Collaborative Filtering as a Case-Study for Model Parallelism on Bulk Synchronous Systems (AD, IU, XM, AT), pp. 969–977.
CIKM-2017-FanZYLZ #automation #detection #social #social media #twitter- Social Media for Opioid Addiction Epidemiology: Automatic Detection of Opioid Addicts from Twitter and Case Studies (YF, YZ, YY, XL, WZ), pp. 1259–1267.
CIKM-2017-WangSSZ - A Study of Feature Construction for Text-based Forecasting of Time Series Variables (YW, DS, SKKS, CZ), pp. 2347–2350.
ECIR-2017-BrazierH #behaviour- E-Government and the Digital Divide: A Study of English-as-a-Second-Language Users' Information Behaviour (DB, MH), pp. 266–277.
ECIR-2017-EwerthSPS #image #user study- “Are Machines Better Than Humans in Image Tagging?” - A User Study Adds to the Puzzle (RE, MS, LAPV, JS), pp. 186–198.
ICML-2017-NagamineM #comprehension #multi #recognition #representation #speech- Understanding the Representation and Computation of Multilayer Perceptrons: A Case Study in Speech Recognition (TN, NM), pp. 2564–2573.
ICML-2017-RitterBSB #bias #network- Cognitive Psychology for Deep Neural Networks: A Shape Bias Case Study (SR, DGTB, AS, MMB), pp. 2940–2949.
KDD-2017-DongJXC #network- Structural Diversity and Homophily: A Study Across More Than One Hundred Big Networks (YD, RAJ, JX, NVC), pp. 807–816.
ECMFA-2017-GomezMBCDGKLT #development #experience #modelling #on the #scalability- On the Opportunities of Scalable Modeling Technologies: An Experience Report on Wind Turbines Control Applications Development (AG, XM, GB, JC, CD, AG, DSK, JdL, ST), pp. 300–315.
MoDELS-2017-BertramMRRW #component #experience- Component and Connector Views in Practice: An Experience Report (VB, SM, JOR, BR, MvW), pp. 167–177.
MoDELS-2017-DurisicMST #co-evolution #metamodelling #modelling #semantics #syntax- Co-Evolution of Meta-Modeling Syntax and Informal Semantics in Domain-Specific Modeling Environments — A Case Study of AUTOSAR (DD, CM, MS, MT), pp. 189–198.
MoDELS-2017-EderZVKI #design #industrial- Bringing DSE to Life: Exploring the Design Space of an Industrial Automotive Use Case (JE, SZ, SV, MK, AI), pp. 270–280.
MoDELS-2017-RatiuPD #domain-specific language #education #experience #industrial #towards- Experiences with Teaching MPS in Industry: Towards Bringing Domain Specific Languages Closer to Practitioners (DR, VP, KD), pp. 83–92.
ECOOP-2017-DietrichPJBD #contract #java #source code- Contracts in the Wild: A Study of Java Programs (JD0, DJP, KJ, PB), p. 29.
Onward-2017-VeroyG #how #java #named- Garbology: a study of how Java objects die (RLV, SZG), pp. 168–179.
PPDP-2017-MeiklejohnEYBRB #evaluation #experience #programming #scalability- Practical evaluation of the Lasp programming model at large scale: an experience report (CSM, VE, JY, CB, PVR, AB), pp. 109–114.
ASE-2017-CandidoMd #open source #parallel #testing- Test suite parallelization in open-source projects: a study on its usage and impact (JC, LM, Md), pp. 838–848.
ASE-2017-LiewSCDZW #execution #float #programming #symbolic computation- Floating-point symbolic execution: a case study in n-version programming (DL, DS, CC, AFD, RZ, KW), pp. 601–612.
ASE-2017-MenariniYG #code review #overview #performance #semantics #user study- Semantics-assisted code review: an efficient toolchain and a user study (MM, YY, WGG), pp. 554–565.
ESEC-FSE-2017-AbdalkareemNWMS #developer #empirical #why- Why do developers use trivial packages? an empirical case study on npm (RA, ON, SW, SM, ES), pp. 385–395.
ESEC-FSE-2017-FuM #learning- Easy over hard: a case study on deep learning (WF0, TM), pp. 49–60.
ESEC-FSE-2017-LabuschagneIH #cost analysis #integration #java #testing #using- Measuring the cost of regression testing in practice: a study of Java projects using continuous integration (AL, LI, RH), pp. 821–830.
ESEC-FSE-2017-LamWLWZLYDX #android #industrial #question- Record and replay for Android: are we there yet in industrial cases? (WL, ZW, DL0, WW, HZ, HL, PY, YD, TX0), pp. 854–859.
ESEC-FSE-2017-MatinnejadNB #automation #hybrid #industrial #testing- Automated testing of hybrid Simulink/Stateflow controllers: industrial case studies (RM, SN, LCB), pp. 938–943.
ESEC-FSE-2017-Mujahid #android #detection #smarttech- Detecting wearable app permission mismatches: a case study on Android wear (SM), pp. 1065–1067.
- ICSE-2017-FaitelsonT #diagrams #refinement #uml
- UML diagram refinement (focusing on class- and use case diagrams) (DF, SST), pp. 735–745.
- ICSE-2017-KafaliJPWS #how #policy #security
- How good is a security policy against real breaches?: a HIPAA case study (ÖK, JJ, MP, LW, MPS), pp. 530–540.
- ICSE-2017-MaCZZX #correlation #debugging #developer #ecosystem #git #how #python
- How do developers fix cross-project correlated bugs?: a case study on the GitHub scientific python ecosystem (WM, LC0, XZ0, YZ, BX), pp. 381–392.
GPCE-2017-FenskeSS #how #maintenance #preprocessor- How preprocessor annotations (do not) affect maintainability: a case study on change-proneness (WF, SS, GS), pp. 77–90.
GPCE-2017-MartiniH #automation #experience #generative #learning- Automatic generation of virtual learning spaces driven by CaVaDSL: an experience report (RGM, PRH), pp. 233–245.
SLE-2017-AmorimSV - Deep priority conflicts in the wild: a pilot study (LEdSA, MJS, EV), pp. 55–66.
CASE-2017-ChenKLFG #algorithm #education #user study- An algorithm and user study for teaching bilateral manipulation via iterated best response demonstrations (CC, SK, ML, RF, KG), pp. 151–158.
CASE-2017-MengZRLT #power management #process- Study on the power consumption of different milling modes and number of inserts in face milling processes (LM, CZ, YR, ML, GT), pp. 1475–1480.
CASE-2017-WangCHZ #problem #scheduling- A study on attribute selection for job shop scheduling problem (ZW, ZC, RH, JZ), pp. 1032–1037.
CASE-2017-WangJL #cyber-physical #evaluation #performance- A study on performance evaluation and status-based decision for cyber-physical production systems (FW, FJ, YL), pp. 1000–1005.
CASE-2017-ZhongPPJ #analysis #health #modelling #process- Modeling and analysis of primary care to specialty care referral process: A case study at the university of florida health Jacksonville (XZ, AMP, LP, RJ), pp. 819–824.
ICST-2017-Al-NayeemOPRZ #evolution #validation- Information Needs for Validating Evolving Software Systems: An Exploratory Study at Google (AAN, KO, SP, CR, SZ), pp. 544–545.
ICST-2017-EnoiuSCP #automation #comparative #industrial #testing- A Comparative Study of Manual and Automated Testing for Industrial Control Software (EPE, DS, AC, PP), pp. 412–417.
ICST-2017-WangPB #automaton #requirements #testing- System Testing of Timing Requirements Based on Use Cases and Timed Automata (CW, FP, LCB), pp. 299–309.
TAP-2017-Reger0V #challenge #experience #proving #testing #theorem proving- Testing a Saturation-Based Theorem Prover: Experiences and Challenges (GR, MS0, AV), pp. 152–161.
QoSA-2016-LehrigB #as a service #modelling #performance #using- Using Performance Models for Planning the Redeployment to Infrastructure-as-a-Service Environments: A Case Study (SL, SB0), pp. 11–20.
WICSA-2016-FontanaRZRC #architecture #detection #experience- An Experience Report on Detecting and Repairing Software Architecture Erosion (FAF, RR, MZ, CR, RC), pp. 21–30.
WICSA-2016-MartiniB #agile #architecture #framework #multi #scalability- A Multiple Case Study of Continuous Architecting in Large Agile Companies: Current Gaps and the CAFFEA Framework (AM, JB), pp. 1–10.
WICSA-2016-SolimanGSR #architecture #community #developer #stack overflow- Architectural Knowledge for Technology Decisions in Developer Communities: An Exploratory Study with StackOverflow (MS, MG, ARS, MR), pp. 128–133.
JCDL-2016-HolzmannNA #web- The Dawn of Today's Popular Domains: A Study of the Archived German Web over 18 Years (HH, WN, AA), pp. 73–82.
CSEET-2016-DaunSWPT #experience #industrial #learning #requirements- Project-Based Learning with Examples from Industry in University Courses: An Experience Report from an Undergraduate Requirements Engineering Course (MD, AS, TW, KP, BT), pp. 184–193.
CSEET-2016-LetouzeSS #generative #learning #web- Generating Software Engineers by Developing Web Systems: A Project-Based Learning Case Study (PL, JIMdS, VMDS), pp. 194–203.
CSEET-2016-MeierKP #agile #collaboration #development #education #experience #scalability #student- Experience Report of Teaching Agile Collaboration and Values: Agile Software Development in Large Student Teams (AM0, MK, GP), pp. 76–80.
EDM-2016-BorgeR #automation #collaboration #experience #feedback #process #quality- Automated Feedback on the Quality of Collaborative Processes: An Experience Report (MB, CPR), pp. 573–574.
EDM-2016-GonzalezMRM #collaboration #predict- Meta-learning for predicting the best vote aggregation method: Case study in collaborative searching of LOs (AZG, VHM, CR, MEPM), pp. 656–657.
EDM-2016-NogaitoYK #automation #similarity #testing #using- Study on Automatic Scoring of Descriptive Type Tests using Text Similarity Calculations (IN, KY, HK), pp. 616–617.
EDM-2016-TomkinsRG #behaviour #performance #predict #student- Predicting Post-Test Performance from Student Behavior: A High School MOOC Case Study (ST, AR, LG), pp. 239–246.
ICPC-2016-SinghPSK #comprehension #technical debt- A case study of program comprehension effort and technical debt estimations (VS, LLP, WS, NAK), pp. 1–9.
ICPC-2016-SrinivasanYL #comprehension #diagrams #sequence chart- Case studies of optimized sequence diagram for program comprehension (MS, JY, YL), pp. 1–4.
ICSME-2016-ArmalyKM #automation #estimation #feature model #industrial- A Case Study of Automated Feature Location Techniques for Industrial Cost Estimation (AA, JK, CM), pp. 553–562.
ICSME-2016-DemuthKEM #automation #consistency #experience #impact analysis #tool support #traceability- Introducing Traceability and Consistency Checking for Change Impact Analysis across Engineering Tools in an Automation Solution Company: An Experience Report (AD, RK, AE, DM), pp. 529–538.
ICSME-2016-GovinAEDM #architecture #how #industrial- How Can We Help Software Rearchitecting Efforts? Study of an Industrial Case (BG, NA, AE, SD, AM), pp. 509–518.
ICSME-2016-Quante #interpreter- Use Cases of a Generic Model Interpreter in an Automotive Software Setting (JQ), pp. 539–542.
ICSME-2016-ShimagakiKMPU #commit #comparative #industrial #open source #why- Why are Commits Being Reverted?: A Comparative Study of Industrial and Open Source Projects (JS, YK, SM, DP, NU), pp. 301–311.
ICSME-2016-WahlerDS #maintenance #refactoring- Improving Code Maintainability: A Case Study on the Impact of Refactoring (MW, UD, WS), pp. 493–501.
ICSME-2016-XiaBLL #automation #debugging #fault #harmful #locality #scalability #user study #using- “Automated Debugging Considered Harmful” Considered Harmful: A User Study Revisiting the Usefulness of Spectra-Based Fault Localization Techniques with Professionals Using Real Bugs from Large Systems (XX0, LB, DL0, SL), pp. 267–278.
MSR-2016-AhmedBCHS #detection #effectiveness #experience #performance #tool support #web- Studying the effectiveness of application performance management (APM) tools for detecting performance regressions for web applications: an experience report (TMA, CPB, THC, AEH, WS), pp. 1–12.
MSR-2016-Hassan #education #experience #mining #repository #research- Raising MSR researchers: an experience report on teaching a graduate seminar course in mining software repositories (MSR) (AEH), pp. 121–125.
MSR-2016-Izquierdo-Cortazar #code review #experience #overview #process- Characterization of the Xen project code review process: an experience report (DIC, LK, JMGB, SD, NS), pp. 386–390.
MSR-2016-KabinnaBSH #library- Logging library migrations: a case study for the apache software foundation projects (SK, CPB, WS, AEH), pp. 154–164.
MSR-2016-RahmanQRA - Feature toggles: practitioner practices and a case study (MTR, LPQ, PCR, BA), pp. 201–211.
MSR-2016-ZagalskyTGSP #community #comparative #how #stack overflow- How the R community creates and curates knowledge: a comparative study of stack overflow and mailing lists (AZ, CGT, DMG, MADS, GPC), pp. 441–451.
SANER-2016-0029BKT16a #android #api #parametricity- Parameter Values of Android APIs: A Preliminary Study on 100, 000 Apps (LL0, TFB, JK, YLT), pp. 584–588.
SANER-2016-AmannPNM #visual notation- A Study of Visual Studio Usage in Practice (SA, SP, SN, MM), pp. 124–134.
SANER-2016-FleckKMNPTW #experience #multi #reverse engineering #tool support- Experience Report on Building ASTM Based Tools for Multi-language Reverse Engineering (GF, WK, MM, LN, JP, RT, MW), pp. 683–687.
SANER-2016-GrimmerAPG #experience #lessons learnt #program analysis- Supporting Program Analysis for Non-Mainstream Languages: Experiences and Lessons Learned (AG, FA, HP, PG), pp. 460–469.
SANER-2016-KochharWL #multi #programming language #quality #scalability- A Large Scale Study of Multiple Programming Languages and Code Quality (PSK, DW, DL0), pp. 563–573.
SANER-2016-OliveiraTCX #android #development #energy #modelling #web- Native or Web? A Preliminary Study on the Energy Consumption of Android Development Models (WO, WT, FC, BHX), pp. 589–593.
SANER-2016-SpasojevicLN #smalltalk- A Case Study on Type Hints in Method Argument Names in Pharo Smalltalk Projects (BS, ML, ON), pp. 283–292.
SANER-2016-SwidanHK #performance #scalability #spreadsheet- Improving the Performance of a Large Scale Spreadsheet: A Case Study (AS, FH, RK), pp. 673–677.
SANER-2016-SzokeNFG #automation #design #experience #refactoring- Designing and Developing Automated Refactoring Transformations: An Experience Report (GS, CN0, RF, TG), pp. 693–697.
SCAM-2016-JimenezPT #kernel #linux #modelling #predict- Vulnerability Prediction Models: A Case Study on the Linux Kernel (MJ, MP, YLT), pp. 1–10.
SCAM-2016-PaulaGLSL #interface #repository- An Exploratory Study of Interface Redundancy in Code Repositories (ACdP, EG, CVL, HS, OALL), pp. 107–116.
FM-2016-HouSTLH #architecture #execution #formal method #set- An Executable Formalisation of the SPARCv8 Instruction Set Architecture: A Case Study for the LEON3 Processor (ZH, DS, AT, YL0, KCH), pp. 388–405.
- IFM-2016-SchutsHV #equivalence #experience #industrial #learning #legacy #refactoring #using
- Refactoring of Legacy Software Using Model Learning and Equivalence Checking: An Industrial Experience Report (MS, JH, FWV), pp. 311–325.
Haskell-2016-AugustssonA #algebra #experience #library #relational- Experience report: types for a relational algebra library (LA, MÅ), pp. 127–132.
Haskell-2016-Yamamoto #experience #haskell #performance- Experience report: developing high performance HTTP/2 server in Haskell (KY), pp. 74–79.
- ICFP-2016-Sergey #algorithm #experience #geometry #random testing #testing
- Experience report: growing and shrinking polygons for random testing of computational geometry algorithms (IS), pp. 193–199.
AIIDE-2016-ZookCBSGRRSSMW #experience- Playable Experiences at AIIDE 2016 (AEZ, MC0, EB, KS, MG, MR, JOR, BS, AS, MM, NWF), p. 251–?.
CHI-PLAY-2016-WallnerK #analysis #game studies #user study #visualisation- Visualizations for Retrospective Analysis of Battles in Team-based Combat Games: A User Study (GW, SK), pp. 22–32.
VS-Games-2016-CardonaCPBR #experience #game studies #process- Modulation of Physiological Responses and Activity Levels during Exergame Experiences (JEMC, MSC, TP, SBiB, ER), pp. 1–8.
VS-Games-2016-FerreiraGH #design #education #game studies #learning- Game Based Learning: A Case Study on Designing an Educational Game for Children in Developing Countries (SMF, CGV, RH), pp. 1–8.
CIKM-2016-Ekstrand-AbuegM #metric #realtime #summary- A Study of Realtime Summarization Metrics (MEA, RM, VP, FD0), pp. 2125–2130.
CIKM-2016-SikdarMGM #energy #physics- Anomalies in the Peer-review System: A Case Study of the Journal of High Energy Physics (SS, MM, NG, AM0), pp. 2245–2250.
CIKM-2016-SpirinKKMI #comparative #mobile- A Comparative Study of Query-biased and Non-redundant Snippets for Structured Search on Mobile Devices (NVS, ASK, KGK, VM, PAI), pp. 2389–2394.
CIKM-2016-ZhangDH #ambiguity #classification #online #using- Bayesian Non-Exhaustive Classification A Case Study: Online Name Disambiguation using Temporal Record Streams (BZ, MD, MAH), pp. 1341–1350.
ECIR-2016-FangMOH #metric #topic #twitter #user study- Topics in Tweets: A User Study of Topic Coherence Metrics for Twitter Data (AF, CM, IO, PH), pp. 492–504.
ECIR-2016-ZhangDW #category theory #learning #multi #predict- Deep Learning over Multi-field Categorical Data - - A Case Study on User Response Prediction (WZ0, TD, JW0), pp. 45–57.
ICPR-2016-AhujaIBD #verification- A preliminary study of CNNs for iris and periocular verification in the visible spectrum (KA, RI, FAB, KD), pp. 181–186.
ICPR-2016-ChatouxLF #comparative- Comparative study of descriptors with dense key points (HC, FL, CFM), pp. 1988–1993.
ICPR-2016-KesimanPBO #feature model #image #recognition- Study on feature extraction methods for character recognition of Balinese script on palm leaf manuscript images (MWAK, SP, JCB, JMO), pp. 4017–4022.
ICPR-2016-MartinROT #coordination- Preparatory coordination of head, eyes and hands: Experimental study at intersections (SM, AR, EOB, MMT), pp. 2783–2788.
ICPR-2016-OrtellsM #detection- Detection of duplicate identities in streams of biometric samples: A gait-based case study (JO, RAM), pp. 2983–2988.
ICPR-2016-TobiasDRMF #mobile #network #recognition- Convolutional Neural Networks for object recognition on mobile devices: A case study (LT, AD, FR0, GM, RF), pp. 3530–3535.
KDD-2016-LoFL #behaviour #comprehension- Understanding Behaviors that Lead to Purchasing: A Case Study of Pinterest (CL, DF, JL), pp. 531–540.
KDD-2016-MuthiahBKSSRZCL #experience #open source- EMBERS at 4 years: Experiences operating an Open Source Indicators Forecasting System (SM, PB, RPK, PS, NS, AR, LZ0, JC, CTL, AV, AM, KMS, GK, AD, JA, DKG, DM, NR), pp. 205–214.
KDD-2016-XieA #online- Improving the Sensitivity of Online Controlled Experiments: Case Studies at Netflix (HX, JA), pp. 645–654.
ECMFA-2016-HinkelDKG #experience #modelling- Experiences with Model-Driven Engineering in Neurorobotics (GH, OD, SK, HG), pp. 217–228.
ECMFA-2016-ScheidgenEM #api #library #metamodelling #metaprogramming #rest- Metamodeling vs Metaprogramming: A Case Study on Developing Client Libraries for REST APIs (MS, SE, FM), pp. 205–216.
MoDELS-2016-HeALL #technical debt- Technical debt in MDE: a case study on GMF/EMF-based projects (XH, PA, PL, ZL), pp. 162–172.
MoDELS-2016-KargRTL #experience #lessons learnt #modelling #re-engineering- Model-driven software engineering in the openETCS project: project experiences and lessons learned (SK, AR, MT, GL), pp. 238–248.
MoDELS-2016-ZhangYAL #analysis #mutation testing #towards- Towards mutation analysis for use cases (HZ, TY, SA, CL), pp. 363–373.
ECOOP-2016-BarrettBDT #composition #fine-grained- Fine-grained Language Composition: A Case Study (EB, CFB, LD, LT), p. 27.
ASE-2016-LegunsenHXRM #api #effectiveness #how #java #specification- How good are the specs? a study of the bug-finding effectiveness of existing Java API specifications (OL, WUH, XX, GR, DM), pp. 602–613.
FSE-2016-BusjaegerX #industrial #learning- Learning for test prioritization: an industrial case study (BB, TX), pp. 975–980.
FSE-2016-Hajri #development #product line #testing- Supporting change in product lines within the context of use case-driven development and testing (IH), pp. 1082–1084.
FSE-2016-HajriGBS #domain model #modelling #named #product line- PUMConf: a tool to configure product specific use case and domain models in a product line (IH, AG, LCB, TS), pp. 1008–1012.
FSE-2016-ZengLZXDLYX #android #automation #generative #industrial #question- Automated test input generation for Android: are we really there yet in an industrial case? (XZ, DL0, WZ, FX, YD, WL, WY0, TX0), pp. 987–992.
- ICSE-2016-RigbyZDM
- Quantifying and mitigating turnover-induced knowledge loss: case studies of chrome and a project at avaya (PCR, YCZ, SMD, AM), pp. 1006–1016.
- ICSE-2016-RizziED #on the #tool support
- On the techniques we create, the tools we build, and their misalignments: a study of KLEE (EFR, SGE, MBD), pp. 132–143.
- ICSE-2016-RubinR #challenge #performance
- The challenges of staying together while moving fast: an exploratory study (JR, MR), pp. 982–993.
- ICSE-2016-SantosSMM #formal method #re-engineering
- Building a theory of job rotation in software engineering from an instrumental case study (RESS, FQBdS, CVCdM, CVFM), pp. 971–981.
- ICSE-2016-SpinellisLK #c #evolution #operating system #programming
- The evolution of C programming practices: a study of the Unix operating system 1973-2015 (DS, PL, MK), pp. 748–759.
GPCE-2016-AdamKS #automation #code generation #embedded #experience- Automatic code generation in practice: experiences with embedded robot controllers (SA, MK, UPS), pp. 104–108.
SLE-2016-SeyboldDRHGT #emf #experience #modelling #runtime- Experiences of models@run-time with EMF and CDO (DS, JD, AR, CBH, FG, AT), pp. 46–56.
CASE-2016-ChengZWCJL #data mining #energy #fault #mining #using- Case studies of fault diagnosis and energy saving in buildings using data mining techniques (ZC, QZ, FW, ZC, YJ, YL), pp. 646–651.
CASE-2016-FodorVF #interactive #online- Interactive on-line trajectories for semi-automation: Case study of a forwarder crane (SF, CV0, LBF), pp. 928–933.
ICST-2016-GarousiH #experience #testing #topic- Selecting the Right Topics for Industry-Academia Collaborations in Software Testing: An Experience Report (VG, KH), pp. 213–222.
ECSA-2015-AbbasA #adaptation #architecture #product line #reasoning #self- Architectural Reasoning Support for Product-Lines of Self-adaptive Software Systems — A Case Study (NA, JA), pp. 20–36.
ECSA-2015-JagroepWSBVB #architecture #energy- An Energy Consumption Perspective on Software Architecture — A Case Study on Architectural Change (EJ, JMEMvdW, RS, LB, RvV, SB), pp. 239–247.
ECSA-2015-RostWNLS #agile #architecture #development #experience #industrial- Distilling Best Practices for Agile Development from Architecture Methodology — Experiences from Industrial Application (DR, BW, MN, TL, HS), pp. 259–267.
WICSA-2015-GroherW #architecture- A Study on Architectural Decision-Making in Context (IG, RW), pp. 11–20.
WICSA-2015-NaabBLHEMCK #architecture #design #ecosystem #experience #mobile #prototype #scalability #why- Why Data Needs more Attention in Architecture Design — Experiences from Prototyping a Large-Scale Mobile App Ecosystem (MN, SB, TL, SH, AE, DM, RC, FK), pp. 75–84.
WICSA-2015-PoortV #architecture #cost analysis #experience- Architecting in a Solution Costing Context: Early Experiences with Solution-Based Estimating (EP, EvdV), pp. 127–130.
HT-2015-WeningerJG #random- Random Voting Effects in Social-Digital Spaces: A Case Study of Reddit Post Submissions (TW, TJJ, MG), pp. 293–297.
TPDL-2015-FigueiraPAG #on the- On the Impact of Academic Factors on Scholar Popularity: A Cross-Area Study (PF, GP, JMA, MAG), pp. 139–152.
VLDB-2015-KimmettST #fuzzy #pipes and filters- Fuzzy Joins in MapReduce: An Experimental Study (BK, VS, AT), pp. 1514–1525.
EDM-2015-StrechtCSMA #algorithm #classification #comparative #modelling #performance #student- A Comparative Study of Regression and Classification Algorithms for Modelling Students' Academic Performance (PS, LC0, CS, JMM, RA), pp. 392–395.
ITiCSE-2015-Koppelman #web- Enriching a Course with Web Resources: a Case Study (HK), pp. 284–289.
ITiCSE-2015-MoralesF #authentication #student- Keystroke Biometrics for Student Authentication: A Case Study (AM, JFA), p. 337.
SIGITE-2015-HislopE #experience #open source #student- Practical Experiences for IT Students in Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software Projects (GWH, HJCE), p. 99.
SIGITE-2015-LinckeH #development #security- The Development of a Longitudinal Security Case Study (SJL, SRH), pp. 49–54.
ICSME-2015-CodobanRDB #developer #how #lens #why- Software history under the lens: A study on why and how developers examine it (MC, SSR, DD, BB), pp. 1–10.
ICSME-2015-KhadkaSKSHJDB #analysis #delivery #legacy #what- Does software modernization deliver what it aimed for? A post modernization analysis of five software modernization case studies (RK, PS, BK, AS, JH, SJ, EvD, MB), pp. 477–486.
ICSME-2015-MaigaHNSL #empirical #experience #scalability- An empirical study on the handling of crash reports in a large software company: An experience report (AM, AHL, MN, KKS, AL), pp. 342–351.
ICSME-2015-MondalRS #comparative- A comparative study on the bug-proneness of different types of code clones (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 91–100.
ICSME-2015-PawelkaJ #identifier #natural language- Is this code written in English? A study of the natural language of comments and identifiers in practice (TP, EJ), pp. 401–410.
ICSME-2015-SzokeNHFG #automation #industrial #maintenance #refactoring- Do automatic refactorings improve maintainability? An industrial case study (GS, CN, PH, RF, TG), pp. 429–438.
ICSME-2015-TianNLH #android #what- What are the characteristics of high-rated apps? A case study on free Android Applications (YT, MN, DL, AEH), pp. 301–310.
ICSME-2015-Vogel-HeuserFRF #automation #challenge #hardware #industrial #maintenance- Challenges for maintenance of PLC-software and its related hardware for automated production systems: Selected industrial Case Studies (BVH, JF, SR, SF, SU), pp. 362–371.
ICSME-2015-Yamashita #analysis #assessment #benchmark #experience #metric #quality #visualisation- Experiences from performing software quality evaluations via combining benchmark-based metrics analysis, software visualization, and expert assessment (AY), pp. 421–428.
MSR-2015-CamiloMN #debugging- Do Bugs Foreshadow Vulnerabilities? A Study of the Chromium Project (FC, AM, MN), pp. 269–279.
MSR-2015-DonadelliZR #fault #replication #using- Organizational Volatility and Post-release Defects: A Replication Case Study Using Data from Google Chrome (SMD, YCZ, PCR), pp. 391–395.
MSR-2015-JinYKCII #stack overflow- Quick Trigger on Stack Overflow: A Study of Gamification-Influenced Member Tendencies (YJ, XY, RGK, EC, KI, HI), pp. 434–437.
MSR-2015-KouroshfarMBXMC #architecture #evolution #quality- A Study on the Role of Software Architecture in the Evolution and Quality of Software (EK, MM, HB, LX, SM, YC), pp. 246–257.
SANER-2015-KulaGII #latency #library- Trusting a library: A study of the latency to adopt the latest Maven release (RGK, DMG, TI, KI), pp. 520–524.
SANER-2015-MoralesMK #code review #design #overview #quality- Do code review practices impact design quality? A case study of the Qt, VTK, and ITK projects (RM, SM, FK), pp. 171–180.
SANER-2015-TianL #comparative #debugging #effectiveness- A comparative study on the effectiveness of part-of-speech tagging techniques on bug reports (YT, DL), pp. 570–574.
FM-2015-LiuH #analysis #android #kernel #security- Case Study: Static Security Analysis of the Android Goldfish Kernel (TL, RH), pp. 589–592.
AIIDE-2015-CookERYTCCHB #experience- Playable Experiences at AIIDE 2015 (MC0, SE, JR, RMY, TT, DC, MC0, SPH, VB), p. 227–?.
CHI-PLAY-2015-BobergKHL #experience #named #towards- PLEXQ: Towards a Playful Experiences Questionnaire (MB, EK, JH, AL), pp. 381–391.
CHI-PLAY-2015-FordeMO #design #gamification- Informational vs. Controlling Gamification: A Study Design (SFF, EDM, KO), pp. 517–522.
CHI-PLAY-2015-RaffeTZLPM #design #experience #game studies #interactive- Player-Computer Interaction Features for Designing Digital Play Experiences across Six Degrees of Water Contact (WLR, MT, FZ, XL0, SJP, F'M), pp. 295–305.
CHI-PLAY-2015-TanLSDS #artificial reality #experience- Exploring Gameplay Experiences on the Oculus Rift (CTT, TWL, SS, CD, CS), pp. 253–263.
CIG-2015-ChangHH #algorithm #analysis #convergence #correctness #monte carlo- Convergence and correctness analysis of Monte-Carlo tree search algorithms: A case study of 2 by 4 Chinese dark chess (HJC, CWH, TsH), pp. 260–266.
CIG-2015-KawamuraKSI #game studies- A study on the curling robot will match with human result of one end game with one human (TK, RK, SS, KI), pp. 489–495.
CIG-2015-RaffeTZLM #adaptation #cyber-physical #experience #game studies- Enhancing theme park experiences through adaptive cyber-physical play (WLR, MT, FZ, XL0, F'M), pp. 503–510.
CIG-2015-SephtonCS - An experimental study of action selection mechanisms to create an entertaining opponent (NS, PIC, NHS), pp. 122–129.
DiGRA-2015-PaavilainenKKA #experience #game studies #network #social- Exploring Playful Experiences in Social Network Games (JP, EK, HK, KA).
FDG-2015-Lu #game studies #video #what- What kind of stories do children like in an active video game (AVG)? An exploratory study (AL).
VS-Games-2015-AlessiCCGPSCFG #3d #framework #representation- A Study on the Collective Perceived Representation of a Real Urban Area through the Usage of an Engaging Framework, Based on a 3D Virtual Environment and Openstreetmap Data (MA, SC, VC, EG, SP, DS, AC, LF, AAG), pp. 1–8.
VS-Games-2015-VourvopoulosLC #experience #game studies #human-computer #interface- The Effect of Prior Gaming Experience in Motor Imagery Training for Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Pilot Study (AV, FL, MCC), pp. 1–8.
CHI-2015-AlmuhimediSSAAG #exclamation #mobile #privacy- Your Location has been Shared 5, 398 Times!: A Field Study on Mobile App Privacy Nudging (HA, FS, NMS, IA, AA, JG, LFC, YA), pp. 787–796.
CHI-2015-BachynskyiPOSW #comparative #performance #simulation #using- Performance and Ergonomics of Touch Surfaces: A Comparative Study using Biomechanical Simulation (MB, GP, AO, JS, TW), pp. 1817–1826.
CHI-2015-ChilanaKW #design #human-computer #research- From User-Centered to Adoption-Centered Design: A Case Study of an HCI Research Innovation Becoming a Product (PKC, AJK, JOW), pp. 1749–1758.
CHI-2015-DerbovenMS #analysis #design #multimodal- Multimodal Analysis in Participatory Design with Children: A Primary School Case Study (JD, MVM, KS), pp. 2825–2828.
CHI-2015-HookCMADW #design #documentation #experience- Making the Invisible Visible: Design to Support the Documentation of Participatory Arts Experiences (JH, RC, JCM, KA, JD, PCW), pp. 2583–2592.
CHI-2015-HossainJBCKSTCO #biology #education #interactive #online- Interactive Cloud Experimentation for Biology: An Online Education Case Study (ZH, XJ, EWB, AMC, SK, JDS, CYT, SC, NDO, PB, IHRK), pp. 3681–3690.
CHI-2015-JohnsonNW #all about #experience #game studies #video- All about that Base: Differing Player Experiences in Video Game Genres and the Unique Case of MOBA Games (DJ, LEN, PW), pp. 2265–2274.
CHI-2015-KawaguchiKS #image- Study on Gaze Direction Perception of Face Image Displayed on Rotatable Flat Display (IK, HK, YS), pp. 1729–1737.
CHI-2015-Odom #comprehension #experience #interactive- Understanding Long-Term Interactions with a Slow Technology: an Investigation of Experiences with FutureMe (WO), pp. 575–584.
CHI-2015-RoumenPZ #comparative #interactive #named #smarttech- NotiRing: A Comparative Study of Notification Channels for Wearable Interactive Rings (TR, STP, SZ), pp. 2497–2500.
CHI-2015-SimeoneVG #artificial reality #design #experience #physics #using- Substitutional Reality: Using the Physical Environment to Design Virtual Reality Experiences (ALS, EV, HG), pp. 3307–3316.
CHI-2015-TinatiKSLSS #data analysis #design #framework #multi #platform- Designing for Citizen Data Analysis: A Cross-Sectional Case Study of a Multi-Domain Citizen Science Platform (RT, MVK, EPBS, MLR, RJS, NS), pp. 4069–4078.
CHI-2015-VissersG #experience #functional #named #physics #prototype #user interface- TUIkit: Evaluating Physical and Functional Experiences of Tangible User Interface Prototypes (JV, DG), pp. 1267–1276.
CSCW-2015-LundgrenFRT #design #experience #interactive #mobile- Designing Mobile Experiences for Collocated Interaction (SL, JEF, SR, OT), pp. 496–507.
CSCW-2015-MemarovicSSKNY #community- Capture the Moment: “In the Wild” Longitudinal Case Study of Situated Snapshots Captured Through an Urban Screen in a Community Setting (NM, AFgS, HS, EK, SN, LY), pp. 242–253.
CSCW-2015-ParkKLYJC #facebook #network #social- Manifestation of Depression and Loneliness on Social Networks: A Case Study of Young Adults on Facebook (SP, IK, SWL, JY, BJ, MC), pp. 557–570.
CSCW-2015-SunLDLG - Reliving the Past & Making a Harmonious Society Today: A Study of Elderly Electronic Hackers in China (YS, SL, XD, TL, NG), pp. 44–55.
DHM-EH-2015-HuZ #design #women- Study on the Body Shape of Middle-Aged and Old Women for Garment Design (XH, YZ), pp. 53–61.
DHM-EH-2015-YangCFHZC - Experimental Study on Grip Ergonomics of Manual Handling (AY, GC, WyF, HH, XZ, CKC), pp. 92–99.
DHM-HM-2015-EndoKSOTGH - Study on Method of Observing Maki-e Crafts Work in Urushi Craftspeople (AE, NK, YS, IO, YT, AG, HH), pp. 35–45.
DHM-HM-2015-KanoAKH #design #information management- A Study of the Tacit Knowledge on the Design of Kimono Patterns from Japanese Painting (MK, HA, NK, HH), pp. 307–315.
DHM-HM-2015-NishimuraK #learning- A Study on Learning Effects of Marking with Highlighter Pen (HN, NK), pp. 357–367.
DHM-HM-2015-WangHM - A Study on Characteristic of Calligraphy Characters Part 1 Analytical Method with Computer Technology (ZW, IH, ZM), pp. 419–428.
DHM-HM-2015-WangHM15a - A Study on Characteristic of Calligraphy Characters Part 3 Case of the Writing Paper with Calligraphy Letter Works (ZW, RH, ZM), pp. 437–444.
DHM-HM-2015-WangLYHM - A Study on Characteristic of Calligraphy Characters Part 2 Case of One Character of Calligraphy Letter “Kanji” and “Hiragana” (ZW, ML, KY, RH, ZM), pp. 429–436.
DUXU-DD-2015-JacksonAFGM #streaming #user study- A User Study of Netflix Streaming (FJ, RA, YF, JEG, JM), pp. 481–489.
DUXU-DD-2015-MartinsMS #fault- A Study of the Fault Tree Human in Aviation (ETM, ITM, MMS), pp. 524–534.
DUXU-DD-2015-PazPP #heuristic #usability- Experimental Case Study of New Usability Heuristics (FP, FAP, JAPS), pp. 212–223.
DUXU-DD-2015-RossBOAA #experience #feedback- A Feasibility Study of the Effect of Phone-Based Feedback of Other Commuters’ Subjective Experiences on Driver Intentions to Change (TR, AB, LO, BA, VAS), pp. 548–558.
DUXU-IXD-2015-CaiLLH #experience #research #speech #user interface- User Experience Research on the Rehabilitation System of Speech-Impaired Children — A Case Study on Speech Training Product (WC, JL, QL, TH), pp. 562–574.
DUXU-IXD-2015-GoncalvesQ #automation #behaviour #interactive- Drivers and Automation: A Study About Cultural and Behavioral Influence in the Interaction with Driver Assistants (RCG, MQ), pp. 462–472.
DUXU-IXD-2015-IwamotoKM #analysis #using- A Study of Conversation Support System Between the Elderly Person and Young Adults by Using Facial Expression Analysis (MI, NK, KM), pp. 616–627.
DUXU-IXD-2015-KarbayR #user study- The Turkish Central Doctor Rendezvous System Under Spotlight: A User Study with Turkish Senior Users (EBK, KR), pp. 628–637.
DUXU-IXD-2015-LeeLK #navigation- A Study on a Split-View Navigation System (JSL, HL, SWK), pp. 485–495.
DUXU-IXD-2015-RibeiroM #community #design #education #health- Origins and Perspectives on Designing Virtual Communities of Practice for Permanent Education: A Case Study in the Collective Health Sector (CER, CRM), pp. 94–103.
DUXU-IXD-2015-SoutoCAS #design- Designing Apps for Tourists: A Case Study (VTS, CC, MGA, LS), pp. 425–436.
DUXU-IXD-2015-YuanYMD #education- Evaluating an Education Department Portal: A Case Study (XY, HY, KM, KD), pp. 240–247.
DUXU-UI-2015-AyanogluBTD #artificial reality #using- Effects of Packages’ Color as a Cue for Hazard-Related Perceptions: A Study Using Virtual Reality (HA, RB, JT, ED), pp. 3–13.
DUXU-UI-2015-ChngC #3d #interactive #multi #user study- User Study on 3D Multitouch Interaction (3DMi) and Gaze on Surface Computing (EC, NC), pp. 425–433.
DUXU-UI-2015-DuWDXJ #metric #using- Study on Operating Clearance Measurement of Some Connectors by Using Motion Capture (HD, LW, LD, YX, CJ), pp. 45–53.
DUXU-UI-2015-HsiehC - A Study on Shopping Websites Payeasy for Female Consumers in Taiwan (HCLH, NCC), pp. 206–213.
DUXU-UI-2015-LeeKK #analysis #experience #user interface- A Study Customer Journey Map for User Experience Analysis of Information and Communications Technology Service (JHL, MJK, SWK), pp. 66–74.
DUXU-UI-2015-MedolaLBSFP #experience #problem- Experiences, Problems and Solutions in Computer Usage by Subjects with Tetraplegia (FOM, JL, CGB, AS, AEF, LCP), pp. 131–137.
DUXU-UI-2015-ZhuSK #design #smarttech- A Field Study on Basic Usage Patterns of Traditional Watch and Smart Phone for Designing Smart Watch (ZZ, HS, SWK), pp. 597–608.
HCI-DE-2015-Chae - A Study on the Relationships Between Drivers’ Emotions and Brain Signals (SC), pp. 468–476.
HCI-DE-2015-SantosFD #evaluation #heuristic #set #using #visualisation- Heuristic Evaluation in Information Visualization Using Three Sets of Heuristics: An Exploratory Study (BSS, BQF, PD), pp. 259–270.
HCI-IT-2015-FioriniLEMMBCD #interactive #interface #network #social- Enhancing Human Robot Interaction Through Social Network Interfaces: A Case Study (LF, RL, RE, AM, AM, MB, FC, PD), pp. 729–740.
HCI-IT-2015-HuhJIKKP #comparison #interactive- Preliminary Study to Determine a “User-Friendly” Bending Method: Comparison Between Bending and Touch Interaction (BH, HJ, SI, HSK, GK, JP), pp. 175–183.
HCI-IT-2015-JeongS #how #smarttech #user interface #what- It’s not What It Speaks, but It’s How It Speaks: A Study into Smartphone Voice-User Interfaces (VUI) (JJ, DHS), pp. 284–291.
HCI-IT-2015-TadayonMGRZLGP #interactive #learning- Interactive Motor Learning with the Autonomous Training Assistant: A Case Study (RT, TLM, MG, PMRF, JZ, ML, MG, SP), pp. 495–506.
HCI-IT-2015-TokdemirACMB #design #interactive #interface #multimodal #navigation #representation #ubiquitous- Multimodal Interaction Flow Representation for Ubiquitous Environments — MIF: A Case Study in Surgical Navigation Interface Design (GT, GA, NEÇ, HHM, AOB), pp. 797–805.
HCI-UC-2015-ChagasMFC #challenge #community #experience #human-computer #optimisation #user interface- Prospecting HCI Challenges for Extreme Poverty Communities: Redefining and Optimizing User Experiences with Technology (DAC, CLBM, EF, CRMdC), pp. 281–290.
HCI-UC-2015-ClarkSDJD #contest #convergence #experience #student- The Convergence Innovation Competition: Helping Students Create Innovative Products and Experiences via Technical and Business Mentorship (RJC, MS, BD, SJ, CD), pp. 144–153.
HCI-UC-2015-HossainS #in the cloud #multitenancy- Cloud Computing: A Multi-tenant Case Study (AH, FS), pp. 178–189.
HIMI-IKD-2015-ChangH15a - A Study of the Feature of the Lovely Product Forms (WcC, CAH), pp. 571–581.
HIMI-IKD-2015-ChouSW #quality #using- Improving Service Quality by Prioritizing Service Attributes Using SERVQUAL and Kano Model — A Case Study of Nursing Home in Taiwan (CMC, CS, SKW), pp. 513–525.
HIMI-IKD-2015-FastrezJ #information management #social- Managing References by Filing and Tagging — An Exploratory Study of Personal Information Management by Social Scientists (PF, JJ), pp. 291–300.
HIMI-IKD-2015-HallettASRDJV #comparative #design #usability #web- The Usability of Magnification Methods: A Comparative Study Between Screen Magnifiers and Responsive Web Design (ECH, BA, JS, ZR, WD, TJ, KPLV), pp. 181–189.
LCT-2015-HiramatsuIISS #communication #mobile #using- A Study to Activate Communication by Using SNS on Mobile Phone — An Essay Lesson at the Elementary School (YH, AI, KI, FS, FS), pp. 492–502.
LCT-2015-LorenzBK - Impacting the Digital Divide on a Global Scale — Six Case Studies from Three Continents (BL, SIB, KK), pp. 687–696.
LCT-2015-OnoOIY #communication- Voice-Based Computer Mediated Communication for Individual Practice to Increase Speaking Proficiency: Construction and Pilot Study (YO, AO, MI, MY), pp. 115–123.
ICEIS-v1-2015-SabelnikovaCT #approach #outsourcing- Analysing Business-IT Alignment in the IT Outsourcing Context — A Case Study Approach (ES, CMC, JJMT), pp. 5–16.
ICEIS-v1-2015-ShamsuzzohaEAH #network- Tracking and Tracing of Global Supply Chain Network — Case Study from a Finnish Company (AS, ME, RAT, PTH), pp. 46–53.
ICEIS-v2-2015-CanutMOPS #algorithm #comparative #empirical #profiling- A Comparative Study of Two Egocentric-based User Profiling Algorithms — Experiment in Delicious (CMFC, MM, SOa, AP, FS), pp. 632–639.
ICEIS-v2-2015-CuencaBBT #concept #development #framework #multi- Conceptual Interoperability Barriers Framework (CIBF) — A Case Study of Multi-organizational Software Development (LC, AB, ÁOB, JJMT), pp. 521–531.
ICEIS-v2-2015-FariasNOCM #commit #email #mining #repository- Analyzing Distributions of Emails and Commits from OSS Contributors through Mining Software Repositories — An Exploratory Study (MAdFF, RLN, PO, MCJ, MGM), pp. 303–310.
ICEIS-v2-2015-NetoKCBM #android #architecture #design- Unveiling the Architecture and Design of Android Applications — An Exploratory Study (ECN, UK, RC, RB, LM), pp. 201–211.
ICEIS-v2-2015-SarsharNR #comparison #smarttech- A Study on the Usage of Smartphone Apps in Fire Scenarios — Comparison between GDACSmobile and SmartRescue Apps (PS, VN, JR), pp. 469–474.
ICEIS-v2-2015-TrinkenreichS #maturity #metric #modelling- Metrics to Support It Service Maturity Models — A Case Study (BT, GS), pp. 395–403.
ICEIS-v3-2015-GhezziCRB #agile #approach #comparative #design #mobile #performance- A Comparative Study on the Impact of Business Model Design & Lean Startup Approach versus Traditional Business Plan on Mobile Startups Performance (AG, AC, AR, RB), pp. 196–203.
ICEIS-v3-2015-KhiderB #comparative #process #social- Social Business Process Management Approaches — A Comparative Study (HK, AB), pp. 340–345.
ICEIS-v3-2015-LopesMBC #design #human-computer #interactive #modelling- Evaluating HCI Design with Interaction Modeling and Mockups — A Case Study (AL, ABM, SDJB, TC), pp. 79–87.
ICEIS-v3-2015-MejriG #comparative #evaluation #flexibility #paradigm- Evaluation of Paradigms Enabling Flexibility — BPMSs Comparative Study (AM, SAG), pp. 291–298.
ICEIS-v3-2015-NicastroPAMBT #approach #guidelines #interface #mobile- A Semiotic-informed Approach to Interface Guidelines for Mobile Applications — A Case Study on Phenology Data Acquisition (FN, RP, BA, LPCM, CB, RdST), pp. 34–43.
ICEIS-v3-2015-PonsardM #architecture #enterprise #lessons learnt- Driving the Adoption of Enterprise Architecture Inside Small Companies — Lessons Learnt from a Long Term Case Study (CP, AM), pp. 334–339.
ICEIS-v3-2015-RiveroC #evaluation #experience #user interface #using- Using a Study to Assess User eXperience Evaluation Methods from the Point of View of Users (LR, TC), pp. 88–95.
ICEIS-v3-2015-ValentimCM #analysis #specification- Evaluating an Inspection Technique for Use Case Specifications — Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis (NMCV, TC, JCM), pp. 13–24.
CIKM-2015-KholghiSZN #information management #learning #query- External Knowledge and Query Strategies in Active Learning: a Study in Clinical Information Extraction (MK, LS, GZ, ANN), pp. 143–152.
CIKM-2015-KhudaBukhshBW #classification #detection #effectiveness #query #self- Building Effective Query Classifiers: A Case Study in Self-harm Intent Detection (ARK, PNB, RWW), pp. 1735–1738.
CIKM-2015-Lv #heuristic #information retrieval #query- A Study of Query Length Heuristics in Information Retrieval (YL), pp. 1747–1750.
CIKM-2015-SinghPK0MG #dataset #predict- The Role Of Citation Context In Predicting Long-Term Citation Profiles: An Experimental Study Based On A Massive Bibliographic Text Dataset (MS0, VP, SK, TC0, AM0, PG), pp. 1271–1280.
ECIR-2015-ValcarcePB #modelling #recommendation- A Study of Smoothing Methods for Relevance-Based Language Modelling of Recommender Systems (DV, JP, AB), pp. 346–351.
KDD-2015-John #big data #how- How Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Created Rocket Fuel: A Case Study (GJ), p. 1629.
RecSys-2015-EkstrandKHK #algorithm #recommendation- Letting Users Choose Recommender Algorithms: An Experimental Study (MDE, DK, FMH, JAK), pp. 11–18.
RecSys-2015-KowaldL #algorithm #comparative #folksonomy #recommendation- Evaluating Tag Recommender Algorithms in Real-World Folksonomies: A Comparative Study (DK, EL), pp. 265–268.
RecSys-2015-LarrainTPGN #collaboration #social- Good Times Bad Times: A Study on Recency Effects in Collaborative Filtering for Social Tagging (SL, CT, DP, EGG, KN), pp. 269–272.
RecSys-2015-ValcarcePB #modelling #recommendation- A Study of Priors for Relevance-Based Language Modelling of Recommender Systems (DV, JP, AB), pp. 237–240.
SEKE-2015-LaserRDOZ #architecture #evolution #experience #product line- Architectural Evolution of a Software Product Line: an experience report (ML, EMR, ARPD, FMdO, AFZ), pp. 217–222.
SEKE-2015-MagalhaesMA #design #experience #metamodelling #model transformation #towards- Towards a Metamodel Design Methodology: Experiences from a model transformation metamodel design (APM, RSPM, AMSA), pp. 625–630.
SEKE-2015-QinMDJ #modelling #safety- Study on the Accident-causing Model Based on Safety Region and Applications in China Railway Transportation System (YQ, HM, MD, LJ), pp. 528–535.
SEKE-2015-SaharAA #approach #detection #image #modelling #prototype- A Case Study Approach: Iterative Prototyping Model Based Detection of Macular Edema in Retinal OCT Images (SS, SA, MUA), pp. 266–271.
SEKE-2015-WuCZX15a #comparative #object-oriented #programming language- A metrics-based comparative study on object-oriented programming languages (DW, LC, YZ, BX), pp. 272–277.
SIGIR-2015-GuyLDB #enterprise #recommendation #social- Islands in the Stream: A Study of Item Recommendation within an Enterprise Social Stream (IG, RL, TD, EB), pp. 665–674.
SIGIR-2015-KellyA #behaviour #experience #how #user interface- How many results per page?: A Study of SERP Size, Search Behavior and User Experience (DK, LA), pp. 183–192.
AMT-2015-SelimCDLO #debugging #experience #model transformation #verification- Finding and Fixing Bugs in Model Transformations with Formal Verification: An Experience Report (GMKS, JRC, JD, LL, BJO), pp. 26–35.
ICMT-2015-FamelisLSSSCCDV #migration #product line- Migrating Automotive Product Lines: A Case Study (MF, LL, GMKS, ADS, RS, MC, JRC, JD, HV, SR), pp. 82–97.
MoDELS-2015-HajriGBS #approach #embedded #industrial #lessons learnt #modelling #product line- Applying product line Use case modeling in an industrial automotive embedded system: Lessons learned and a refined approach (IH, AG, LCB, TS), pp. 338–347.
MoDELS-2015-LettnerEGP #experience #feature model #industrial #lessons learnt #modelling #scalability- Feature modeling of two large-scale industrial software systems: Experiences and lessons learned (DL, KE, PG, HP), pp. 386–395.
MoDELS-2015-NguyenGA #requirements- Integrating goal-oriented and use case-based requirements engineering: The missing link (THN, JCG, MA), pp. 328–337.
MoDELS-2015-SunkleKK #modelling- Model-driven regulatory compliance: A case study of “Know Your Customer” regulations (SS, DK, VK), pp. 436–445.
MoDELS-2015-ValentimROCM #empirical #specification #usability- A controlled experiment with Usability Inspection Techniques applied to Use Case Specifications: comparing the MIT 1 and the UCE techniques (NMCV, JR, ACO, TC, SM), pp. 206–215.
MoDELS-2015-VallejoKMB #reuse #symmetry- Improving reuse by means of asymmetrical model migrations: An application to the Orcc case study (PV, MK, KJMM, JPB), pp. 358–367.
SPLC-2015-ChavarriagaRNCJ #configuration management #experience #feature model #modelling #multi #using- Using multiple feature models to specify configuration options for electrical transformers: an experience report (JC, CR, CN, RC, VJ), pp. 216–224.
SPLC-2015-ValeAFG #comparative #metric #product line- Defining metric thresholds for software product lines: a comparative study (GV, DA, EF, AFG), pp. 176–185.
SPLC-2015-YueAS #analysis #cyber-physical #experience #product line- Cyber-physical system product line engineering: comprehensive domain analysis and experience report (TY, SA, BS), pp. 338–347.
OOPSLA-2015-VoelterDKE #c #embedded #using- Using C language extensions for developing embedded software: a case study (MV, AvD, BK, SE), pp. 655–674.
PLATEAU-2015-CuencaBLC #domain-specific language #execution #interactive #multimodal #performance #programming #user study- A user study for comparing the programming efficiency of modifying executable multimodal interaction descriptions: a domain-specific language versus equivalent event-callback code (FC, JVdB0, KL, KC), pp. 31–38.
PLATEAU-2015-PintoTC #concurrent #programming- A study on the most popular questions about concurrent programming (GP0, WT, FC), pp. 39–46.
POPL-2015-Chlipala15a #composition #interface #network #parallel #thread #verification #web- From Network Interface to Multithreaded Web Applications: A Case Study in Modular Program Verification (AC), pp. 609–622.
SAS-2015-CastelnuovoNRSY #analysis #bottom-up #composition #top-down- Modularity in Lattices: A Case Study on the Correspondence Between Top-Down and Bottom-Up Analysis (GC, MN, NR, MS, HY), pp. 252–274.
REFSQ-2015-Berntsson-Svensson #elicitation #evaluation #quality #requirements- A Case Study Evaluation of the Guideline-Supported QUPER Model for Elicitation of Quality Requirements (RBS, BR), pp. 230–246.
REFSQ-2015-HiisilaKK #challenge #outsourcing #process #requirements- Challenges of the Customer Organization’s Requirements Engineering Process in the Outsourced Environment — A Case Study (HH, MK, SK), pp. 214–229.
REFSQ-2015-LiHT #formal method #performance #requirements #towards- Towards More Efficient Requirements Formalization: A Study (WL, JHH, MT), pp. 181–197.
REFSQ-2015-OliinykPSBS #evaluation #feature model #industrial #metric #modelling- Metrics for the Evaluation of Feature Models in an Industrial Context: A Case Study at Opel (OO, KP, MS, MB, SS), pp. 33–48.
ASE-2015-Iosif-LazarADSS #design #experience #legacy #validation- Experiences from Designing and Validating a Software Modernization Transformation (E) (AFIL, ASAS, ASD, JES, KS, AW), pp. 597–607.
ASE-2015-VierhauserRGE #approach #experience #lessons learnt #monitoring- Developing a DSL-Based Approach for Event-Based Monitoring of Systems of Systems: Experiences and Lessons Learned (E) (MV, RR, PG, AE), pp. 715–725.
ASE-2015-WolflSAKKW #experience #generative- Generating Qualifiable Avionics Software: An Experience Report (E) (AW, NS, SA, HK, JK, GWU), pp. 726–736.
ESEC-FSE-2015-MahallySB #development- Barriers and enablers for shortening software development lead-time in mechatronics organizations: a case study (MMM, MS, JB), pp. 1006–1009.
ESEC-FSE-2015-NguyenGA #modelling #rule-based- Rule-based extraction of goal-use case models from text (THN, JCG, MA), pp. 591–601.
ESEC-FSE-2015-SadowskiSE #developer #how- How developers search for code: a case study (CS, KTS, SGE), pp. 191–201.
ESEC-FSE-2015-WangPGBI #automation #named #specification #testing #tool support- UMTG: a toolset to automatically generate system test cases from use case specifications (CW, FP, AG, LCB, MZZI), pp. 942–945.
GTTSE-2015-SchultzBSNHW #configuration management #domain-specific language #programming #self- DSLs in Robotics: A Case Study in Programming Self-reconfigurable Robots (UPS, MB, KS, AN, NH, SW), pp. 98–123.
ICSE-v1-2015-LaTozaCJZH #contest #design- Borrowing from the Crowd: A Study of Recombination in Software Design Competitions (TDL, MC, LJ, MZ, AvdH), pp. 551–562.
ICSE-v1-2015-LavalleeR #developer #quality #why- Why Good Developers Write Bad Code: An Observational Case Study of the Impacts of Organizational Factors on Software Quality (ML, PNR), pp. 677–687.
ICSE-v1-2015-NanzF #comparative #programming language- A Comparative Study of Programming Languages in Rosetta Code (SN, CAF), pp. 778–788.
ICSE-v2-2015-AndersonSD #industrial #predict- Striving for Failure: An Industrial Case Study about Test Failure Prediction (JA, SS, HD), pp. 49–58.
ICSE-v2-2015-AugustineFQSSBF #navigation- A Field Study on Fostering Structural Navigation with Prodet (VA, PF, XQ, DCS, WS, CB, TF), pp. 229–238.
ICSE-v2-2015-FooJAHZF #automation #detection #industrial #performance- An Industrial Case Study on the Automated Detection of Performance Regressions in Heterogeneous Environments (KCF, ZMJ, BA, AEH, YZ, PF), pp. 159–168.
ICSE-v2-2015-Jazayeri #experience #learning #programming- Combining Mastery Learning with Project-Based Learning in a First Programming Course: An Experience Report (MJ), pp. 315–318.
ICSE-v2-2015-KazmanCMFXHFS #architecture #technical debt- A Case Study in Locating the Architectural Roots of Technical Debt (RK, YC, RM, QF, LX, SH, VF, AS), pp. 179–188.
ICSE-v2-2015-KoppeEH #collaboration #student- Improving Student Group Work with Collaboration Patterns: A Case Study (CK, MCJDvE, SH), pp. 303–306.
ICSE-v2-2015-LindvallGAW #experience #modelling #testing- Metamorphic Model-Based Testing Applied on NASA DAT — An Experience Report (ML, DG, RA, REW), pp. 129–138.
ICSE-v2-2015-MaplesdenRTHG #analysis #industrial #performance #using- Performance Analysis Using Subsuming Methods: An Industrial Case Study (DM, KvR, EDT, JGH, JCG), pp. 149–158.
ICSE-v2-2015-ParkHKLC #nondeterminism #testing- Systematic Testing of Reactive Software with Non-Deterministic Events: A Case Study on LG Electric Oven (YP, SH, MK, DL, JC), pp. 29–38.
ICSE-v2-2015-RupakhetiC #architecture #education #experience #student- Teaching Software Architecture to Undergraduate Students: An Experience Report (CRR, SVC), pp. 445–454.
ICSE-v2-2015-SchroederH0HLM #architecture #design #evaluation #industrial #multi #product line #self- Design and Evaluation of a Customizable Multi-Domain Reference Architecture on Top of Product Lines of Self-Driving Heavy Vehicles — An Industrial Case Study (JS, DH, CB, CJH, LL, AM), pp. 189–198.
ICSE-v2-2015-SimpsonMCFMR #delivery #education #experience #security- Experiences in Developing and Delivering a Programme of Part-Time Education in Software and Systems Security (ACS, AM, CJFC, IF, IM, KBR), pp. 435–444.
ICSE-v2-2015-Vendome #git #scalability- A Large Scale Study of License Usage on GitHub (CV), pp. 772–774.
SAC-2015-AlvesMM #detection #fault #impact analysis #refactoring #test coverage- Test coverage and impact analysis for detecting refactoring faults: a study on the extract method refactoring (ELGA, TM, PDdLM), pp. 1534–1540.
SAC-2015-BerardiEF015a #design #industrial- Classifying websites by industry sector: a study in feature design (GB, AE, TF, FS), pp. 1053–1059.
SAC-2015-CalvagnaFT #combinator #consistency #effectiveness #random #testing- Random versus combinatorial effectiveness in software conformance testing: a case study (AC, AF, ET), pp. 1797–1802.
SAC-2015-JuniorL #named #reuse #specification- M-4REuse: reusing use cases specifications (MMCJ, ML), pp. 1390–1396.
SAC-2015-MaltaPSBF #analysis #distance #information management #overview- A survey analysis on goal orientation changes in an information systems distance course: a Brazilian case study (CAM, ROAP, APdS, IIB, AQdOF), pp. 227–232.
SAC-2015-MeftehBB #approach #diagrams #evaluation #feature model #implementation #modelling #uml- Implementation and evaluation of an approach for extracting feature models from documented UML use case diagrams (MM, NB, HBA), pp. 1602–1609.
SAC-2015-PedroLPVI #gamification #learning #women- Does gamification work for boys and girls?: An exploratory study with a virtual learning environment (LZP, AMZL, BGP, JV, SI), pp. 214–219.
SAC-2015-TizzeiABC #architecture #product line #tool support #using- Architecting cloud tools using software product line techniques: an exploratory study (LPT, LGA, MdB, RFGC), pp. 1441–1448.
CASE-2015-FeldmannHKWKQLK #comparison #consistency #design #nondeterminism #using- A comparison of inconsistency management approaches using a mechatronic manufacturing system design case study (SF, SJIH, KK, TW, DK, AQ, UL, HK, CJJP, BVH), pp. 158–165.
CASE-2015-MoalDC #monitoring #on the #overview #process- On the feasibility of a monitoring system for the friction stir welding process: Literature review and experimental study (GLM, FD, DC), pp. 1576–1583.
CASE-2015-RanatungaCLP #adaptation- Neuroadaptive control for safe robots in human environments: A case study (IR, SC, FLL, DOP), pp. 322–327.
CASE-2015-SikstromCL #feedback #modelling- Model based feedback control of gas tungsten arc welding — An experimental study (FS, AKC, BL), pp. 411–416.
DATE-2015-BarraganL #feature model #using- Feature selection for alternate test using wrappers: application to an RF LNA case study (MJB, GL), pp. 1229–1232.
DATE-2015-DubenSPYAEPP #big data #energy #performance- Opportunities for energy efficient computing: a study of inexact general purpose processors for high-performance and big-data applications (PDD, JS, P, SY, JA, CCE, KVP, TNP), pp. 764–769.
DATE-2015-KadryKMNSPPJS #comparative #generative #simulation #testing- Comparative study of test generation methods for simulation accelerators (WK, DK, AM, AN, VS, JSP, SBP, WJ, JCS), pp. 321–324.
DATE-2015-LeleMB #data flow- FP-scheduling for mode-controlled dataflow: a case study (AL, OM, KvB), pp. 1257–1260.
DATE-2015-ShutoYS #architecture #comparative #using- Comparative study of power-gating architectures for nonvolatile FinFET-SRAM using spintronics-based retention technology (YS, SY, SS), pp. 866–871.
DATE-2015-WartelKGBSTQLMB #analysis #hardware #platform- Timing analysis of an avionics case study on complex hardware/software platforms (FW, LK, AG, AB, ZRS, BT, EQ, CL, EM, IB, JA, LCG, TV, FJC), pp. 397–402.
PDP-2015-HernandezCBTA #experience #simulation #using- Experiences of Using Cassandra for Molecular Dynamics Simulations (RH, CC, YB, JT, EA), pp. 288–295.
PDP-2015-Morancho #algorithm #implementation- A Vector Implementation of Gaussian Elimination over GF(2): Exploring the Design-Space of Strassen’s Algorithm as a Case Study (EM), pp. 111–118.
PPoPP-2015-ThebaultPD #3d #assembly #implementation #matrix #performance #scalability- Scalable and efficient implementation of 3d unstructured meshes computation: a case study on matrix assembly (LT, EP, QD), pp. 120–129.
ICLP-2015-SchullerW #programming #set- Answer Set Application Programming: a Case Study on Tetris (PS, AW), pp. 73–86.
ICST-2015-AlegrothBB #empirical #industrial #on the- On the Industrial Applicability of TextTest: An Empirical Case Study (EA, GB, EB), pp. 1–10.
ICST-2015-MohacsiFB #modelling #performance #testing- A Case Study on the Efficiency of Model-Based Testing at the European Space Agency (SM, MF, AB), pp. 1–2.
ISSTA-2015-DahseH #empirical #experience #php #security- Experience report: an empirical study of PHP security mechanism usage (JD, TH), pp. 60–70.
ISSTA-2015-WangPGBI #automation #generative #specification #testing- Automatic generation of system test cases from use case specifications (CW, FP, AG, LCB, MZZI), pp. 385–396.
ISSTA-2015-WangZT #execution #experience #how #symbolic computation #testing- Experience report: how is dynamic symbolic execution different from manual testing? a study on KLEE (XW, LZ, PT), pp. 199–210.
TAP-2015-BloemHRS #automation #generative #implementation #testing- Case Study: Automatic Test Case Generation for a Secure Cache Implementation (RB, DMH, FR, RS), pp. 58–75.
TAP-2015-GogollaHHS #consistency #experience #ocl #uml- Checking UML and OCL Model Consistency: An Experience Report on a Middle-Sized Case Study (MG, LH, FH, MS), pp. 129–136.
TAP-2015-MoreiraHDMNM #code generation #testing #tool support #using #verification- Verifying Code Generation Tools for the B-Method Using Tests: A Case Study (AMM, CH, DD, ECBdM, JBSN, VdMJ), pp. 76–91.
QoSA-2014-GooijerH #experience #industrial #manycore #memory management #modelling #realtime- Experiences with modeling memory contention for multi-core industrial real-time systems (TdG, KEH), pp. 43–52.
QoSA-2014-RaatikainenSM #approach #architecture #evaluation #experience #lightweight #maturity- Architecture management and evaluation in mature products: experiences from a lightweight approach (MR, JS, TM), pp. 73–82.
WICSA-2014-BiancoMKR #bound #ecosystem #framework #platform- The Role of Platform Boundary Resources in Software Ecosystems: A Case Study (VdB, VM, MK, MR), pp. 11–20.
WICSA-2014-RekhaM #architecture- A Study on Group Decision-Making in Software Architecture (VSR, HM), pp. 185–194.
WICSA-2014-WeitzelRS #architecture #development #experience #research- Sustaining Agility through Architecture: Experiences from a Joint Research and Development Laboratory (BW, DR, MS), pp. 53–56.
HT-2014-LiaoJLH #online- A study of age gaps between online friends (LL, JJ, EPL, HH), pp. 98–106.
HT-2014-NagulendraV #comprehension #interactive #user study #visualisation- Understanding and controlling the filter bubble through interactive visualization: a user study (SN, JV), pp. 107–115.
JCDL-2014-GoncalvesFAG #community #research- Characterizing scholar popularity: A case study in the Computer Science research community (GDG, FF, JMA, MAG), pp. 57–66.
JCDL-2014-TrullemansS #information management- From user needs to opportunities in personal information management: A case study on organisational strategies in cross-media information spaces (ST, BS), pp. 87–96.
VLDB-2014-ZhangR #in memory #named #statistics- DimmWitted: A Study of Main-Memory Statistical Analytics (CZ, CR), pp. 1283–1294.
CSEET-2014-DaunSTWP #industrial #motivation #requirements #student- Industrial case studies in graduate requirements engineering courses: The impact on student motivation (MD, AS, BT, TW, KP), pp. 3–12.
CSEET-2014-HannaJJSA #re-engineering- Enhancing the software engineering curriculums: A case study of the Jordanian Universities (SH, HJ, FAJ, TAS, AA), pp. 84–93.
CSEET-2014-RongZS #education #experience #matter #process- Where does experience matter in software process education? An experience report (GR, HZ, DS), pp. 129–138.
EDM-2014-CarballoA #composition #education #recommendation- Singular Value Decomposition in Education: a case study on recommending courses (FC, CA), pp. 417–418.
EDM-2014-PaquetteCBO #detection #game studies #process #re-engineering- Reengineering the Feature Distillation Process: A case study in detection of Gaming the System (LP, AMJBdC, RSB, JO), pp. 284–287.
ITiCSE-2014-Marcos-Abed #effectiveness #learning #programming- Learning computer programming: a study of the effectiveness of a COAC# (JMA), p. 333.
ITiCSE-2014-PriorCL #experience #learning- Things coming together: learning experiences in a software studio (JP, AC, JL), pp. 129–134.
ITiCSE-2014-RomeroTPKCAL #interactive #scalability- Augmenting PBL with large public presentations: a case study in interactive graphics pedagogy (MR, BT, CP, FK, JC, JA, NL), pp. 15–20.
ITiCSE-2014-Tirronen #concept #type system- Study on difficulties and misconceptions with modern type systems (VT), pp. 303–308.
ITiCSE-2014-UstekOWC #collaboration #development #student- Course development through student-faculty collaboration: a case study (DU, EO, HMW, DC), pp. 189–194.
SIGITE-2014-RutherfoordPZY #challenge #experience #mobile- The experiences and challenges in setting up a mobile computing track (BR, JAP, JZ, MY), pp. 161–162.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-AmalfitanoFMTMFS #architecture #industrial #legacy #migration #mvc #web- Migrating legacy spreadsheets-based systems to Web MVC architecture: An industrial case study (DA, ARF, VM, PT, GDM, FF, SS), pp. 387–390.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-AntinyanSMOWWHH #agile #development #experience #identification #industrial #risk management- Identifying risky areas of software code in Agile/Lean software development: An industrial experience report (VA, MS, WM, PÖ, EW, JW, AH, JH), pp. 154–163.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-DamevskiSP #code search- A case study of paired interleaving for evaluating code search techniques (KD, DCS, LLP), pp. 54–63.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-HillRFM #code search #query #refinement #user study- NL-based query refinement and contextualized code search results: A user study (EH, MRV, JAF, GM), pp. 34–43.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-QuanteTS #c #towards- Towards recovering and exploiting domain knowledge from C code: A case study on automotive software (JQ, MT, JS), pp. 383–386.
ICPC-2014-VasquezBPOP #android #api #how #stack overflow- How do API changes trigger stack overflow discussions? a study on the Android SDK (MLV, GB, MDP, RO, DP), pp. 83–94.
ICSME-2014-CachoBAPGCSCFG #behaviour #c# #exception #how #java- How Does Exception Handling Behavior Evolve? An Exploratory Study in Java and C# Applications (NC, EAB, JA, FP, AFG, TC, ES, AC, TF, IG), pp. 31–40.
ICSME-2014-HabringerMP #experience #legacy #reverse engineering #sql- Reverse Engineering PL/SQL Legacy Code: An Experience Report (MH, MM, JP), pp. 553–556.
ICSME-2014-KashiwaYKO #debugging- A Pilot Study of Diversity in High Impact Bugs (YK, HY, YK, MO), pp. 536–540.
ICSME-2014-PalombaBPOL #developer #smell- Do They Really Smell Bad? A Study on Developers’ Perception of Bad Code Smells (FP, GB, MDP, RO, ADL), pp. 101–110.
ICSME-2014-PotdarS #self #technical debt- An Exploratory Study on Self-Admitted Technical Debt (AP, ES), pp. 91–100.
MSR-2014-McIntoshKAH #code review #overview #quality- The impact of code review coverage and code review participation on software quality: a case study of the qt, VTK, and ITK projects (SM, YK, BA, AEH), pp. 192–201.
MSR-2014-NguyenNHNF #automation #identification #industrial #performance- An industrial case study of automatically identifying performance regression-causes (THDN, MN, AEH, MNN, PF), pp. 232–241.
MSR-2014-PadhyeMS #community #git #open source- A study of external community contribution to open-source projects on GitHub (RP, SM, VSS), pp. 332–335.
MSR-2014-RoblesGCCI #development #mining #open source #repository- Estimating development effort in Free/Open source software projects by mining software repositories: a case study of OpenStack (GR, JMGB, CC, AC, DIC), pp. 222–231.
SCAM-2014-RaemaekersDV #repository #semantics #version control- Semantic Versioning versus Breaking Changes: A Study of the Maven Repository (SR, AvD, JV), pp. 215–224.
SCAM-2014-SajnaniSL #comparative #debugging #java- A Comparative Study of Bug Patterns in Java Cloned and Non-cloned Code (HS, VS, CVL), pp. 21–30.
ICALP-v2-2014-KosowskiP #difference- Does Adding More Agents Make a Difference? A Case Study of Cover Time for the Rotor-Router (AK, DP), pp. 544–555.
FM-2014-GunadiT #android #logic #metric #monitoring #operating system #performance #runtime- Efficient Runtime Monitoring with Metric Temporal Logic: A Case Study in the Android Operating System (HG, AT), pp. 296–311.
FM-2014-RoySS #experience #industrial #process- Diagnosing Industrial Business Processes: Early Experiences (SR, ASMS, SS), pp. 703–717.
Haskell-2014-BlanchetteHNNT #experience #haskell- Experience report: the next 1100 Haskell programmers (JCB, LH, TN, LN, DT), pp. 25–30.
Haskell-2014-MuranushiE #experience #haskell #polymorphism #research- Experience report: type-checking polymorphic units for astrophysics research in Haskell (TM, RAE), pp. 31–38.
AIIDE-2014-SturtevantOZCWSYWERBL #experience- Playable Experiences at AIIDE 2014 (NRS, JO, RZ, MC0, SGW, CS, RMY, PW, S(E, ARS, VB, KL).
CHI-PLAY-2014-DoorenSGHV #design #evaluation #game studies #persuasion- PLEX as input and evaluation tool in persuasive game design: pilot study (MMMvD, RS, RHMG, VMH, VTV), pp. 449–450.
CHI-PLAY-2014-FattoDGMMRTWZ - Gamified children universities: an exploratory study (VDF, GD, RG, AM, MM, SR, ST, XW0, FZ), pp. 409–410.
CHI-PLAY-2014-MoserCT #experience- Around the world in 8 workshops: investigating anticipated player experiences of children (CM, YC, MT), pp. 207–216.
DiGRA-2014-Huh #game studies #what- What makes young children active game players; ethnographic case study (YJH).
FDG-2014-MichelsenB #artificial reality #experience- The Rooms - Creating immersive experiences through projected augmented reality (JM, SB).
FDG-2014-NickelPBWBWPBT #challenge #game studies #physics- Balancing physical and cognitive challenge: A study of players' psychological responses to exergame play (AN, JP, TB, EW, MB, ZW, MP, NB, BT).
FDG-2014-RodenL #android #development #education #experience #game studies- Experiences teaching a course in Android game development (TER, RL).
VS-Games-2014-PereiraPP #exclamation #social- Disaster Prevention Social Awareness: The Stop Disasters! Case Study (GDGP, RP, AP), pp. 1–8.
VS-Games-2014-SammutSA #gamification #project management- Gamification of Project Management within a Corporate Environment: An Exploratory Study (RS, DS, NA), pp. 1–2.
GT-VMT-2014-BrennerGHLST #realtime #sequence #testing #validation- ScenarioTools Real-Time Play-Out for Test Sequence Validation in an Automotive Case Study (CB, JG, JH, GL, GS, MT).
CHI-2014-AlperRH #diagrams #visual notation- Structuring the space: a study on enriching node-link diagrams with visual references (BA, NHR, TH), pp. 1825–1834.
CHI-2014-BalestriniBMZR #community #comprehension- Understanding sustained community engagement: a case study in heritage preservation in rural argentina (MB, JB, PM, AZ, YR), pp. 2675–2684.
CHI-2014-FigueiredoABG #social #social media- Does content determine information popularity in social media?: a case study of youtube videos’ content and their popularity (FF, JMA, FB, KPG), pp. 979–982.
CHI-2014-FritzHMZ #persuasion #process #using- Persuasive technology in the real world: a study of long-term use of activity sensing devices for fitness (TF, EMH, GCM, TZ), pp. 487–496.
CHI-2014-GossenHN #comparative #web- A comparative study about children’s and adults’ perception of targeted web search engines (TG, JH, AN), pp. 1821–1824.
CHI-2014-HazzardBB #experience- Walk this way: musically guided walking experiences (AH, SB, GEB), pp. 605–614.
CHI-2014-KriglsteinWP #user study #visualisation- A user study of different gameplay visualizations (SK, GW, MP), pp. 361–370.
CHI-2014-LeeLKLKYYGCS #smarttech #student- Hooked on smartphones: an exploratory study on smartphone overuse among college students (UL, JL, MK, CL, YK, SY, KY, GG, KMC, JS), pp. 2327–2336.
CHI-2014-MullerET #named- Communiplay: a field study of a public display mediaspace (JM, DE, KT), pp. 1415–1424.
CHI-2014-NielsenH #using- Personas is applicable: a study on the use of personas in Denmark (LN, KSH), pp. 1665–1674.
CHI-2014-ObristCSPVS #design #experience #framework- Temporal, affective, and embodied characteristics of taste experiences: a framework for design (MO, RC, SS, BPF, CV, CS), pp. 2853–2862.
CHI-2014-ObristTH #experience #smell- Opportunities for odor: experiences with smell and implications for technology (MO, ANT, KH), pp. 2843–2852.
CHI-2014-OdomSBKRSFZ #design- Designing for slowness, anticipation and re-visitation: a long term field study of the photobox (WO, AS, RB, DSK, TR, MS, JF, JZ), pp. 1961–1970.
CHI-2014-ShayIRC #experience #quote #why- “My religious aunt asked why i was trying to sell her viagra”: experiences with account hijacking (RS, II, RWR, SC), pp. 2657–2666.
CHI-2014-SiriarayaA #experience #people- Recreating living experiences from past memories through virtual worlds for people with dementia (PS, CSA), pp. 3977–3986.
CHI-2014-SunDLLG #using- Being senior and ICT: a study of seniors using ICT in China (YS, XD, SL, TL, NG), pp. 3933–3942.
CHI-2014-TanLS #experience #game studies #video- Combining think-aloud and physiological data to understand video game experiences (CTT, TWL, SS), pp. 381–390.
CHI-2014-VanieaRW #experience #how #security- Betrayed by updates: how negative experiences affect future security (KV, EJR, RW), pp. 2671–2674.
CSCW-2014-GanglbauerFSG #community #network #social- Think globally, act locally: a case study of a free food sharing community and social networking (EG, GF, ÖS, FG), pp. 911–921.
CSCW-2014-KellyP #collaboration #web- Collaborative web search in context: a study of tool use in everyday tasks (RK, SJP), pp. 807–819.
CSCW-2014-MurphyRX #collaboration #privacy- Privacy practices in collaborative environments: a study of emergency department staff (ARM, MCR, HX), pp. 269–282.
CSCW-2014-TausczikKK #collaboration #problem- Collaborative problem solving: a study of MathOverflow (YRT, AK, REK), pp. 355–367.
CSCW-2014-TeodoroONML #experience #mobile #on-demand- The motivations and experiences of the on-demand mobile workforce (RT, PÖ, MN, WM, JL), pp. 236–247.
DHM-2014-KarlovicPMSRRS #analysis #comparison- Analysis and Comparison of Ergonomics in Laparoscopic and Open Surgery — A Pilot Study (KK, SP, TM, KDS, RR, MAR, BS), pp. 273–281.
DHM-2014-Li0ZHZ #evaluation- Study on the Evaluation of Automotive Seat Comfort during Prolonged Simulated Driving (XL, LD, QXZ, HH, CZ), pp. 101–111.
DHM-2014-Luo #artificial reality #metric #re-engineering #using- Study on Three Dimensions Body Reconstruction and Measurement by Using Kinect (QL), pp. 35–42.
DHM-2014-TakaiYGWI #comparative- Comparative Study on the Feature of Kitchen Knife Sharpening Skill between Expert and Non-Expert (YT, MY, AG, ZW, AI), pp. 292–300.
DUXU-DI-2014-AsciR #comparative #mobile #user interface #user study- Left vs. Right-Handed UX: A Comparative User Study on a Mobile Application with Left and Right-Handed Users (SA, KR), pp. 173–183.
DUXU-DI-2014-BillestrupS - E-government and the Digital Agenda for Europe — A Study of the User Involvement in the Digitalisation of Citizen Services in Denmark (JB, JS), pp. 71–80.
DUXU-DI-2014-CambaCJ #3d #comparative #modelling #visual notation- Management of Visual Clutter in Annotated 3D CAD Models: A Comparative Study (JC, MC, MDJ), pp. 405–416.
DUXU-DI-2014-ChoiCSLY #crowdsourcing #design- A Study about Designing Reward for Gamified Crowdsourcing System (JC, HC, WS, JL, JY), pp. 678–687.
DUXU-DI-2014-EstupinanRNFD #artificial reality- Can Virtual Reality Increase Emotional Responses (Arousal and Valence)? A Pilot Study (SE, FR, PN, CF, ED), pp. 541–549.
DUXU-DI-2014-GotsisLRHPFTJ #artificial reality #design #game studies #named #video- Skyfarer: Design Case Study of a Mixed Reality Rehabilitation Video Game (MG, VL, PR, LLH, ICP, FF, DT, MJM), pp. 699–710.
DUXU-DI-2014-KhashmanM - A Study of Cultural Reflection in Egyptian Government Websites (NK, EM), pp. 139–147.
DUXU-DI-2014-PaulinBA #experience #user interface- The Study of the Relations between the BrainHex Player Profiles, MBTI Psychological Types and Emotions as Means to Enhance User Experience (REP, ALB, MMA), pp. 732–741.
DUXU-DI-2014-ShafiqICRAAR #analysis #learning #smarttech #usability #user satisfaction #what- To What Extent System Usability Effects User Satisfaction: A Case Study of Smart Phone Features Analysis for Learning of Novice (MS, MI, JGC, ZR, MA, WA, SR), pp. 346–357.
DUXU-DP-2014-GomezH #design #experience #roadmap #smarttech- Beyond Wearables: Experiences and Trends in Design of Portable Medical Devices (RG, AH), pp. 261–272.
DUXU-DP-2014-MieslerGHW #experience #on-demand #user interface- User Experience of Video-on-Demand Applications for smart TVs: A Case Study (LM, BG, FH, AW), pp. 412–422.
DUXU-DP-2014-OnalMMO #challenge #experience #user interface- Enabling Better User Experiences across Domains: Challenges and Opportunities Facing a Human Factors Professional (EO, SM, CM, OO), pp. 81–89.
DUXU-DP-2014-YantacOC #design #education #interactive- A Challenging Design Case Study for Interactive Media Design Education: Interactive Media for Individuals with Autism (AEY, SEO, AÜÇ), pp. 185–196.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-Abbas #behaviour #challenge #implementation- Challenges in Implementation of TVM (Ticket Vending Machine) in Developing Countries for Mass Transport System: A Study of Human Behavior while Interacting with Ticket Vending Machine-TVM (MA), pp. 245–254.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-Cossio #experience- Transforming Data into Information Experiences (MGdC), pp. 411–422.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-HungS #design #visual notation- Visual Design in Healthcare for Low-Literate Users — A Case Study of Healthcare Leaflets for New Immigrants in Taiwan (YLH, CS), pp. 44–55.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-MartinsM - Wayfinding in Hospital: A Case Study (LBM, HFVdM), pp. 72–82.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-ThalenV #design- Virtual Personas: A Case Study on Truck Cabin Design (JPT, MCvdV), pp. 357–368.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-VilarDRNV #artificial reality #using- A Pilot Study Using Virtual Reality to Investigate the Effects of Emergency Egress Signs Competing with Environmental Variables on Route Choices (EV, ED, FR, PN, EV), pp. 369–377.
DUXU-TMT-2014-BansemirHLWG #effectiveness #experience #interactive #prototype #visualisation- Experience Report: The Effectiveness of Paper Prototyping for Interactive Visualizations (BB, FH, BL, JW, RG), pp. 3–13.
DUXU-TMT-2014-BrangierD #heuristic #persuasion- Heuristic Inspection to Assess Persuasiveness: A Case Study of a Mathematics E-learning Program (EB, MCD), pp. 425–436.
DUXU-TMT-2014-NetoC #interface #multimodal #usability- Evaluating the Usability on Multimodal Interfaces: A Case Study on Tablets Applications (EVN, FFCC), pp. 484–495.
HCI-AIMT-2014-BoulabiarCP #2d #3d #gesture #interactive- The Study of the Full Cycle of Gesture Interaction, The Continuum between 2D and 3D (MIB, GC, FP), pp. 24–35.
HCI-AIMT-2014-FleischmannSS #comparative #interactive #modelling #process- Tangible or Not Tangible — A Comparative Study of Interaction Types for Process Modeling Support (AF, WS, CS), pp. 544–555.
HCI-AIMT-2014-NovickG - Building Rapport between Human and ECA: A Pilot Study (DGN, IG), pp. 472–480.
HCI-AIMT-2014-SantosCMJ #behaviour #interactive- Behavioral Persona for Human-Robot Interaction: A Study Based on Pet Robot (TFdS, DGdC, AAM, PTAJ), pp. 687–696.
HCI-AIMT-2014-VaidyanathanR #comparative #gesture #interactive #using- “Will Use It, Because I Want to Look Cool” A Comparative Study of Simple Computer Interactions Using Touchscreen and In-Air Hand Gestures (VV, DR), pp. 170–181.
HCI-AS-2014-ChiabrandoFLOPD #experience #named- TellEat: Sharing Experiences on the Move (EC, RF, SL, FO, CP, DTD), pp. 377–388.
HCI-AS-2014-GheitasyANR #collaboration #design #online #social- Designing for Online Collaborative Consumption: A Study of Sociotechnical Gaps and Social Capital (AG, JLAN, BAN, DR), pp. 683–692.
HCI-AS-2014-JeonCY #mobile- Developing a Location-Aware Mobile Guide System for GLAMs Based on TAPIR Sound Tag: A Case Study of the Lee Ungno Museum (JJ, GC, WSY), pp. 425–433.
HCI-AS-2014-NakanoTA #experience #html #induction #set #user interface- A Preliminary Study of Relation Induction between HTML Tag Set and User Experience (AN, AT, MA), pp. 49–56.
HCI-AS-2014-NiedoberHMKSCJL #automation #trust- Influence of Cultural, Organizational and Automation Factors on Human-Automation Trust: A Case Study of Auto-GCAS Engineers and Developmental History (DJN, NTH, GM, KK, MS, AC, WJ, JBL), pp. 473–484.
HCI-AS-2014-ParkKL #smarttech- A Study of Emoticon Use in Instant Messaging from Smartphone (TWP, SJK, GL), pp. 155–165.
HCI-AS-2014-ScheckenbachZABCM #enterprise- Issues of ERP Upgrade in Public Sectors: A Case Study (TS, FZ, EA, JB, KC, SM), pp. 754–763.
HCI-AS-2014-ZiesemerBMOS #difference #gender #matter #user study- Do Gender and Age Matter? A User Study on Differences in Photo Collection Management (AdCAZ, FBB, IHM, JBSdO, MSS), pp. 199–207.
HCI-TMT-2014-BorumBF #tool support- The Resilience of Analog Tools in Creative Work Practices: A Case Study of LEGO Future Lab’s Team in Billund (NB, EPB, SRFM), pp. 23–34.
HCI-TMT-2014-BuchdidB #human-computer #word- Is There HCI in IDTV? — An Exploratory Study on Their Words (SBB, MCCB), pp. 47–57.
HCI-TMT-2014-LizanoSS #agile #testing #usability- Integrating Usability Evaluations into Scrum: A Case Study Based on Remote Synchronous User Testing (FL, MMS, JS), pp. 500–509.
HCI-TMT-2014-TombergL #design #education #modelling- Teaching Design for All Through Empathic Modeling: A Case Study in Tallinn University (VT, ML), pp. 259–269.
HIMI-AS-2014-KangSCL #eye tracking- A Study of Drivers’ Blind Spot in Used of Eye Tracking (YYK, YCS, CCC, CLL), pp. 253–260.
HIMI-AS-2014-LinLLL #design #functional #interface #navigation- A Study on the Interface Design of a Functional Menu and Icons for In-Vehicle Navigation Systems (MCL, YHL, CCL, JYL), pp. 261–272.
HIMI-AS-2014-MatsuiHKA #behaviour #education #learning- A Study on Exploration of Relationships between Behaviors and Mental States of Learners for Value Co-creative Education and Learning Environment (TM, YH, KK, TA), pp. 69–79.
HIMI-AS-2014-OshimaHYMN #effectiveness #women- The Effectiveness of Assistance Dogs Mounting ICT Devices: A Case Study of a Healthy Woman and Her Dog (CO, CH, KY, KM, KN), pp. 467–478.
HIMI-AS-2014-PandeyS #data-driven #enterprise #user interface- Data Driven Enterprise UX: A Case Study of Enterprise Management Systems (SP, SS), pp. 205–216.
HIMI-DE-2014-ChangT - A Study of the Factors Affecting Product Values and Preferences-Using Vacuum Cleaner as an Example (WcC, HyT), pp. 561–571.
HIMI-DE-2014-JacquesF #information management #student- Personal Information Management Competences: A Case Study of Future College Students (JJ, PF), pp. 320–331.
HIMI-DE-2014-JingLCYH #design #framework #parametricity #representation- Design Knowledge Framework Based on Parametric Representation — A Case Study of Cockpit Form Style Design (JJ, QL, WC, YY, TH), pp. 332–341.
HIMI-DE-2014-Kobayashi14a - Study on Perception of Vibration Rhythms (DK), pp. 208–216.
LCT-NLE-2014-BrayshawGNWB #analysis #evaluation #heuristic- Investigating Heuristic Evaluation as a Methodology for Evaluating Pedagogical Software: An Analysis Employing Three Case Studies (MB, NG, JTN, LW, AB), pp. 25–35.
LCT-NLE-2014-ElciD #approach #education #experience #research #social #social media- A Narrative Research Approach: The Experiences of Social Media Support in Higher Education (AE, BÇD), pp. 36–42.
LCT-NLE-2014-MeskeSVRO #education- Cloud Storage Services in Higher Education — Results of a Preliminary Study in the Context of the Sync&Share-Project in Germany (CM, SS, RV, DR, AÖ), pp. 161–171.
LCT-NLE-2014-VasiliouIZ #experience #learning #multimodal #student- Measuring Students’ Flow Experience in a Multimodal Learning Environment: A Case Study (CV, AI, PZ), pp. 346–357.
LCT-TRE-2014-Castro #collaboration #learning #named- Mosca — A Case Study on Collaborative Work — Combining Dimensions while Learning (SC), pp. 388–396.
LCT-TRE-2014-LambropoulosB #evolution #experience #reasoning #weaving- Weaving User Immersive Experiences: Scientific Curiosity and Reasoning with Bodily Feelings Mapping and Evolution (NL, TB), pp. 62–71.
SCSM-2014-BoheemenH #experience #interactive #social #user interface- Influence of Interactivity on Social Connectedness — A Study on User Experience in an Interactive Public (TvB, JH), pp. 59–66.
SCSM-2014-PapachristosKKIFA #deployment #enterprise #social #social media #tool support- Deployment, Usage and Impact of Social Media Tools in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Case Study (EP, CK, NK, II, CF, NMA), pp. 79–90.
SCSM-2014-PieperP #empirical #online #social #social media- E-Democracy and Public Online Budgeting — An Empirical Case Study of Deliberation in Social Media (AKP, MP), pp. 373–384.
CAiSE-2014-BurnayJF #elicitation #requirements #topic- An Exploratory Study of Topic Importance in Requirements Elicitation Interviews (CB, IJ, SF), pp. 180–195.
ICEIS-v1-2014-CaetanoLC #approach #data-driven #predict- A Data-driven Approach to Predict Hospital Length of Stay — A Portuguese Case Study (NC, RMSL, PC), pp. 407–414.
ICEIS-v1-2014-FaheemK #algorithm #architecture #framework #multi #problem- A Multiagent-based Framework for Solving Computationally Intensive Problems on Heterogeneous Architectures — Bioinformatics Algorithms as a Case Study (HMF, BKR), pp. 526–533.
ICEIS-v1-2014-SilvaA #mining #multi- Multi-dimensional Pattern Mining — A Case Study in Healthcare (AS, CA), pp. 273–280.
ICEIS-v1-2014-SilveiraCC #problem- A Problem-solving Agent to Test Rational Agents — A Case Study with Reactive Agents (FRdVS, GALdC, MIC), pp. 505–513.
ICEIS-v1-2014-SkoumpopoulouW #implementation- The Organisational Impact of Implementing Integrated IS in HE Institutions — A Case Study from a UK University (DS, TSW), pp. 119–127.
ICEIS-v1-2014-TimoteoVF #analysis #dataset #network #project management- Evaluating Artificial Neural Networks and Traditional Approaches for Risk Analysis in Software Project Management — A Case Study with PERIL Dataset (CT, MV, SF), pp. 472–479.
ICEIS-v2-2014-BassoPRF #agile #information management #modelling #web- Study on Combining Model-driven Engineering and Scrum to Produce Web Information Systems (FPB, RMP, FRF, RZF), pp. 137–144.
ICEIS-v2-2014-BelgamoHZRF #abstraction #visualisation- Code Inspection Supported by Stepwise Abstraction and Visualization — An Experimental Study (AB, EMH, AZ, RSR, SF), pp. 39–48.
ICEIS-v3-2014-AzevedoF #education #learning #process #student- The Response Systems in the Student’s Learning/Teaching Process — A Case Study in a Portuguese School (PA, MJF), pp. 79–86.
ICEIS-v3-2014-GoncalvesSC #diagrams #metric #process #using- Using Activity Diagrams and DEMO to Capture Relevant Measures in an Organizational Control — A Case Study on Remote Assistance Service (AG, PS, AC), pp. 303–310.
ICEIS-v3-2014-PosadaB #word- A Study on the Last 11 Years of ICEIS Conference — As Revealed by Its Words (JEGP, MCCB), pp. 100–111.
ICEIS-v3-2014-RibeiroS #evaluation #usability #using- A Study on the Use of Personas as a Usability Evaluation Method (TR, PdS), pp. 168–175.
ICEIS-v3-2014-SilvaGS #gesture #interactive #process- Gesture Vocabulary for Natural Interaction with Virtual Museums — Case Study: A Process Created and Tested Within a Bilingual Deaf Children School (LRdS, LSG, LS), pp. 5–13.
CIKM-2014-OchiaiKT #user study- Re-call and Re-cognition in Episode Re-retrieval: A User Study on News Re-finding a Fortnight Later (SO, MPK, KT), pp. 579–588.
CIKM-2014-ShaoKTG #complexity #distance #navigation #network #query- Travel distance versus navigation complexity: a study on different spatial queries on road networks (JS, LK, ET, LG), pp. 1791–1794.
CIKM-2014-WalkSS #collaboration- Sequential Action Patterns in Collaborative Ontology-Engineering Projects: A Case-Study in the Biomedical Domain (SW, PS, MS), pp. 1349–1358.
ECIR-2014-HuH #crowdsourcing #information retrieval- Bringing Information Retrieval into Crowdsourcing: A Case Study (QH, XH), pp. 631–637.
ECIR-2014-KapteinBL #twitter- Analyzing Discussions on Twitter: Case Study on HPV Vaccinations (RK, EB, DL), pp. 474–480.
ECIR-2014-LefortierSRR #using #video #web- Blending Vertical and Web Results — A Case Study Using Video Intent (DL, PS, FR, MdR), pp. 184–196.
ECIR-2014-SchuthSWR #optimisation #using- Optimizing Base Rankers Using Clicks — A Case Study Using BM25 (AS, FS, SW, MdR), pp. 75–87.
ECIR-2014-YangPSS #e-commerce #query #scalability #using- A Study of Query Term Deletion Using Large-Scale E-commerce Search Logs (BY, NP, GS, NS), pp. 235–246.
ICML-c2-2014-GleichM #algorithm #approximate- Anti-differentiating approximation algorithms: A case study with min-cuts, spectral, and flow (DG, MWM), pp. 1018–1025.
ICPR-2014-CadoniLG #comparative #multimodal #recognition- Iconic Methods for Multimodal Face Recognition: A Comparative Study (MC, AL, EG), pp. 4612–4617.
ICPR-2014-CetinaMB #comparative #segmentation- A Comparative Study of Feature Descriptors for Mitochondria and Synapse Segmentation (KC, PMN, LB), pp. 3215–3220.
ICPR-2014-DuHZWD #classification #design #network #online #recognition #using- A Study of Designing Compact Classifiers Using Deep Neural Networks for Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (JD, JSH, BZ, SW, LRD), pp. 2950–2955.
ICPR-2014-IslamCK #forensics #geometry- A Preliminary Study of Lower Leg Geometry as a Soft Biometric Trait for Forensic Investigation (MRI, FKSC, AWKK), pp. 427–431.
ICPR-2014-ShivramRG #comparative #identification #modelling #online- Data Sufficiency for Online Writer Identification: A Comparative Study of Writer-Style Space vs. Feature Space Models (AS, CR, VG), pp. 3121–3125.
ICPR-2014-SousaSB #classification #set- Time Series Transductive Classification on Imbalanced Data Sets: An Experimental Study (CARdS, VMAdS, GEAPAB), pp. 3780–3785.
ICPR-2014-YinYPH #classification #learning- Shallow Classification or Deep Learning: An Experimental Study (XCY, CY, WYP, HWH), pp. 1904–1909.
KDD-2014-AcsC #privacy- A case study: privacy preserving release of spatio-temporal density in paris (GÁ, CC), pp. 1679–1688.
KDD-2014-PoaloH #modelling #predict- Predictive modeling in practice: a case study from sprint (TDP, JH), p. 1517.
KDIR-2014-AlHuwaishelAB #algorithm #database- Finding the Frequent Pattern in a Database — A Study on the Apriori Algorithm (NA, MA, GB), pp. 388–396.
KDIR-2014-HafethAC #analysis #classification- Text Analysis of User-Generated Contents for Health-care Applications — Case Study on Smoking Status Classification (DAH, AA, DC), pp. 242–249.
KEOD-2014-PintoA #axiom #validation- An e-Government Project Case Study — Interview based DEMO Axioms’ Benefits Validation (DP, DA), pp. 138–149.
KMIS-2014-Bures #aspect-oriented #difference #xml- Technical Aspects of XML Format — Case Study — Differences between Saving Data into Element and Attribute (OB), pp. 354–359.
KMIS-2014-Grim-Yefsah #information management #process #requirements #using- A First Step in Improving the Requirements Engineering Process by Using the Knowledge Management Perspective — Case Study from French Public Institute (MGY), pp. 280–288.
KMIS-2014-KimK #contract #information management- A Study on the Improvement of Contract Information Management in Korea’s Public Construction Technology Service (NK, SJK), pp. 387–392.
KMIS-2014-Mustonen-Ollila #information management #problem- Knowledge Management Problems in Healthcare — A Case Study based on the Grounded Theory (EMO, HN, AV), pp. 15–26.
KMIS-2014-NyerwanireMVH #experience #information management #problem- Knowledge Management Problems in Hospital Work — A Case Study on Experiences in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department (HN, EMO, AV, JH), pp. 261–267.
KMIS-2014-SaijoWAOMK #evaluation- Knowledge Creation in Technology Evaluation of 4-Wheel Electric Power Assisted Bicycle for Frail Elderly Persons — A Case Study of a Salutogenic Device in Healthcare Facilities in Japan (MS, MW, SA, NO, SM, SK), pp. 87–97.
KMIS-2014-TeixeiraAOPS #quality- Business Intelligence to Improve the Quality of Local Government Services — Case-study in a Local Government Town Hall (RT, FA, BCdSO, FP, MFS), pp. 153–160.
MLDM-2014-NeumannHRL #experience #learning- A Robot Waiter Learning from Experiences (BN, LH, PR, JL), pp. 285–299.
SEKE-2014-FariasONCM #behaviour- Recovering Valuable Information Behaviour from OSS Contributors: An Exploratory Study (MAdFF, PO, RLN, MCJ, MGM), pp. 474–477.
SEKE-2014-GayedLB #forensics #lightweight #ontology #process #using- Creating Proprietary Terms Using Lightweight Ontology: A Case Study on Acquisition Phase in a Cyber Forensic Process (TFG, HL, MB), pp. 76–81.
SEKE-2014-JaliGH #behaviour #generative #ontology- Behavioral Model Generation from Use Cases Based on Ontology Mapping and GRASP Patterns (NJ, DG, PH), pp. 324–329.
SEKE-2014-NguyenC #coordination #requirements #verification- Formal Verification of Coordination Systems’ Requirements — A Case Study on the European Train Control System (HNN, ARC), pp. 393–396.
SIGIR-2014-WangariZA #interface #multimodal- Discovering real-world use cases for a multimodal math search interface (KDVW, RZ, AA), pp. 947–950.
SKY-2014-OsetinskyY #abstraction #effectiveness #legacy #using- Working More Effectively with Legacy Code Using Domain Knowledge and Abstractions: A Case Study (IO, RY), pp. 63–70.
BX-2014-BeineHWC #bidirectional #database #evolution #scalability- Bidirectional Transformations in Database Evolution: A Case Study “At Scale” (MB, NH, JHW, AC), pp. 100–107.
ECMFA-2014-Ritter #experience #integration #modelling #process- Experiences with Business Process Model and Notation for Modeling Integration Patterns (DR), pp. 254–266.
ICMT-2014-BlouinPDSD #experience #graph grammar #modelling- Synchronization of Models of Rich Languages with Triple Graph Grammars: An Experience Report (DB, AP, PD, FS, JPD), pp. 106–121.
MoDELS-2014-AndolfatoKSSZC #experience #modelling- Experiences in Applying Model Driven Engineering to the Telescope and Instrument Control System Domain (LA, RK, MS, HS, MZ, GC), pp. 403–419.
MoDELS-2014-EliassonHL0 #agile #industrial #modelling- Agile Model-Driven Engineering in Mechatronic Systems — An Industrial Case Study (UE, RH, JL, CB), pp. 433–449.
MoDELS-2014-RabiserVGDSL #experience #lessons learnt #modelling #multi- Supporting Multiplicity and Hierarchy in Model-Based Configuration: Experiences and Lessons Learned (RR, MV, PG, DD, HS, ML), pp. 320–336.
MoDELS-2014-SoltanaFASB #approach #modelling #uml #using- Using UML for Modeling Procedural Legal Rules: Approach and a Study of Luxembourg’s Tax Law (GS, EF, MA, MS, LCB), pp. 450–466.
SPLC-2014-BergerSOHLW #experience #modelling #variability- To connect or not to connect: experiences from modeling topological variability (TB, SS, OØ, ØH, BL, AW), pp. 330–339.
SPLC-2014-DomisSGAK #analysis #experience #industrial #reuse- Customizing domain analysis for assessing the reuse potential of industrial software systems: experience report (DD, SS, TG, MA, HK), pp. 310–319.
SPLC-2014-HellebrandS0ZSS #industrial #modelling #variability- Coevolution of variability models and code: an industrial case study (RH, AS, MB, BZ, KS, JS), pp. 274–283.
SPLC-2014-KodamaSTKT #experience- Experiences with commonality control procedures to develop clinical instrument system (RK, JS, YT, SK, ST), pp. 254–263.
SPLC-2014-Lantz #agile #development #modelling #using- Using models to scale agile mechatronics development in cars: case studies at Volvo car group (JL), p. 20.
SPLC-2014-WangBAGPL #industrial #multi #product line #testing- Multi-objective test prioritization in software product line testing: an industrial case study (SW, DB, SA, AG, DP, ML), pp. 32–41.
SPLC-2014-YuZZJ #automation #feature model #named- TDL: a transformation description language from feature model to use case for automated use case derivation (WY, WZ, HZ, ZJ), pp. 187–196.
LOPSTR-2014-ChowdhuryLCKY #approximate #logic programming #polynomial #semantics #source code- Polynomial Approximation to Well-Founded Semantics for Logic Programs with Generalized Atoms: Case Studies (MSC, FL, WC, AK, JHY), pp. 279–296.
LOPSTR-2014-PreiningOF #liveness #specification- Liveness Properties in CafeOBJ — A Case Study for Meta-Level Specifications (NP, KO, KF), pp. 182–198.
PEPM-2014-Scholz #compilation #experience #partial evaluation- Partial evaluation as universal compiler tool: experiences from the SAC Eco system (SBS), pp. 95–96.
RE-2014-AdedjoumaSB #approach #automation #detection- Automated detection and resolution of legal cross references: Approach and a study of Luxembourg’s legislation (MA, MS, LCB), pp. 63–72.
RE-2014-BonfimNDS #experience #modelling- Modelling sustainability in a procurement system: An experience report (CB, WN, LD, MS), pp. 402–411.
RE-2014-MartinsO #analysis #fault #functional #protocol #requirements #safety #using- A case study using a protocol to derive safety functional requirements from Fault Tree Analysis (LEGM, TdO), pp. 412–419.
RE-2014-PorterLS #experience #feedback #framework #requirements #using- Building a National E-Service using Sentire experience report on the use of Sentire: A volere-based requirements framework driven by calibrated personas and simulated user feedback (CP, EL, MAS), pp. 374–383.
RE-2014-TohonenKM #game studies- Evaluating the business value of information technology: Case study on game management system (HT, MK, TM), pp. 283–292.
RE-2014-ValencaAHJB #collaboration #contest #ecosystem #requirements- Competition and collaboration in requirements engineering: A case study of an emerging software ecosystem (GV, CFA, VH, SJ, SB), pp. 384–393.
REFSQ-2014-HerrmannHLW #education #experience #requirements- Experience-Oriented Approaches for Teaching and Training Requirements Engineering: An Experience Report (AH, AH, DL, RW), pp. 254–267.
REFSQ-2014-KossakMGI #experience #specification- Improving the Understandability of Formal Specifications: An Experience Report (FK, AM, VG, CI), pp. 184–199.
REFSQ-2014-MaidenLZBAL #approach #experience #specification- A Requirements-Led Approach for Specifying QoS-Aware Service Choreographies: An Experience Report (NAMM, JL, KZ, AB, GDA, FL), pp. 239–253.
ASE-2014-Larsson #experience #industrial #lifecycle- Keynote talk: experiences from developing industrial software systems with long lifecycles (ML), pp. 5–6.
ASE-2014-LiuSLZWDW #automation #detection #documentation #fault- Automatic early defects detection in use case documents (SL, JS, YL, YZ, BW, JSD, XW), pp. 785–790.
ASE-2014-SeguraSC #analysis #automation #e-commerce #experience #testing #variability- Automated variability analysis and testing of an E-commerce site.: an experience report (SS, ABS, ARC), pp. 139–150.
FSE-2014-HigoK #functional #how #java #source code- How should we measure functional sameness from program source code? an exploratory study on Java methods (YH, SK), pp. 294–305.
FSE-2014-KhalidNSH #android #game studies- Prioritizing the devices to test your app on: a case study of Android game apps (HK, MN, ES, AEH), pp. 610–620.
FSE-2014-Penix #developer #experience #tool support- Experiences developing tools for developers (JP), p. 4.
FSE-2014-RayPFD #git #programming language #quality #scalability- A large scale study of programming languages and code quality in github (BR, DP, VF, PTD), pp. 155–165.
FSE-2014-SchultisEL #architecture #challenge #ecosystem #industrial #scalability- Architecture challenges for internal software ecosystems: a large-scale industry case study (KBS, CE, DL), pp. 542–552.
ICSE-2014-GousiosPD #development- An exploratory study of the pull-based software development model (GG, MP, AvD), pp. 345–355.
ICSE-2014-MusluBNC #distributed #version control- Transition from centralized to decentralized version control systems: a case study on reasons, barriers, and outcomes (KM, CB, NN, JC), pp. 334–344.
ICSE-2014-OkurHDD #c# #programming #tool support- A study and toolkit for asynchronous programming in c# (SO, DLH, DD, AvD), pp. 1117–1127.
ICSE-2014-SchillerDCE #contract #specification #tool support- Case studies and tools for contract specifications (TWS, KD, FC, MDE), pp. 596–607.
ICSE-2014-SeoSEAB #fault- Programmers’ build errors: a case study (at google) (HS, CS, SGE, EA, RWB), pp. 724–734.
ICSE-2014-ShethKM #privacy #requirements- Us and them: a study of privacy requirements across north america, asia, and europe (SS, GEK, WM), pp. 859–870.
ICSE-2014-StolF #crowdsourcing #development- Two’s company, three’s a crowd: a case study of crowdsourcing software development (KJS, BF), pp. 187–198.
ICSE-2014-YaoHJ #analysis #equivalence #using- A study of equivalent and stubborn mutation operators using human analysis of equivalence (XY, MH, YJ), pp. 919–930.
SAC-2014-AlabdulhafezE #comparative #in the cloud #virtual machine- Experimenting on virtual machines co-residency in the cloud: a comparative study of available test beds (AA, PDE), pp. 363–365.
SAC-2014-Alonso-RiosRPKF #smarttech #user interface #user study- A user study on tailoring GUIs for smartphones (DAR, DR, RP, HK, JF), pp. 186–192.
SAC-2014-BassoPOF #adaptation #experience #generative #lessons learnt #model transformation- Generative adaptation of model transformation assets: experiences, lessons and drawbacks (FPB, RMP, TCdO, MDDF), pp. 1027–1034.
SAC-2014-ChenML #education #research #testing- Combining research and education of software testing: a preliminary study (ZC, AM, BL), pp. 1179–1180.
SAC-2014-CimanGG #animation #development #mobile #platform- Cross-platform mobile development: a study on apps with animations (MC, OG, NG), pp. 757–759.
SAC-2014-CostaKAC #commit #developer- Unveiling developers contributions behind code commits: an exploratory study (DAdC, UK, EA, RC), pp. 1152–1157.
SAC-2014-CruzBZCC #metadata #workflow- Collecting cloud provenance metadata with Matriohska: a case study with genomic workflows (SMSdC, LMMB, JZ, RMC, MLMC), pp. 351–356.
SAC-2014-FerreiraBBAG #architecture #detection #effectiveness- Detecting architecturally-relevant code anomalies: a case study of effectiveness and effort (MF, EAB, IMB, RA, AG), pp. 1158–1163.
SAC-2014-KarumanchiS #scalability #web #web service- In the wild: a large scale study of web services vulnerabilities (SK, ACS), pp. 1239–1246.
SAC-2014-MatiasPASH #empirical #operating system #reliability- An empirical exploratory study on operating system reliability (RM, MP, LBdA, CS, LH), pp. 1523–1528.
SAC-2014-NogueiraMV #execution- An experimental study on execution time variation in computer experiments (PEN, RMJ, EV), pp. 1529–1534.
SAC-2014-PaivaBSBS #lessons learnt #online- Lessons learned from an online open course: a Brazilian case study (ROAP, DB, JS, IIB, APdS), pp. 229–234.
SAC-2014-PengST #development #mobile #network #social- Success factors in mobile social networking application development: case study of instagram (RP, DS, WTT), pp. 1072–1079.
SAC-2014-SypeS #online #requirements #social #using- Case study: legal requirements for the use of social login features for online reputation updates (YSVDS, JMS), pp. 1698–1705.
ASPLOS-2014-RuanVLS #experience #legacy #transaction #using- Transactionalizing legacy code: an experience report using GCC and Memcached (WR, TV, YL, MFS), pp. 399–412.
CASE-2014-DingSM #assembly #industrial- Optimized task distribution for industrial assembly in mixed human-robot environments — Case study on IO module assembly (HD, MS, BM), pp. 19–24.
CASE-2014-LiuLHPC #industrial- The study of green logistics services to manage reverse logistics of TFT-LCD panel industry (CYL, CYL, LTH, HHP, HCC), pp. 603–606.
CASE-2014-LiWGC #assembly- A pilot study of dual 7-axis -arm robot in small part assembly application (QL, GW, HG, ZC), pp. 196–201.
CASE-2014-ZhaoCWJD - Experimental study of group thermal comfort model (QZ, ZC, FW, YJ, JD), pp. 1075–1078.
DAC-2014-RudraDNH #design #logic- Designing Stealthy Trojans with Sequential Logic: A Stream Cipher Case Study (MRR, NAD, VN, DHKH), p. 4.
DATE-2014-JerkeK #design- Mission profile aware IC design — A case study (GJ, ABK), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-NovoFIAC #approximate #energy #performance #runtime- Energy efficient MIMO processing: A case study of opportunistic run-time approximations (DN, NF, PI, UA, FC), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-PalitSHHNN #architecture- Impact of steep-slope transistors on non-von Neumann architectures: CNN case study (IP, BS, AH, XSH, JN, MTN), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-PerriconeHNN #3d #design #logic- Design of 3D nanomagnetic logic circuits: A full-adder case study (RP, XSH, JN, MTN), pp. 1–6.
PDP-2014-BrilluPLMLBF #design #platform #towards- Towards a Design Space Exploration Tool for MPSoC Platforms Designs: A Case Study (RB, SP, FL, PM, EL, MB, FF), pp. 466–473.
PDP-2014-GaliziaDRC #algorithm #fourier- Compute Intensive Algorithm on Heterogeneous System: A Case Study about Fourier Transform (AG, ED, GR, AC), pp. 223–227.
PDP-2014-GrunzkeHSKGHHKPHMJ #big data #data transformation #metadata- Device-Driven Metadata Management Solutions for Scientific Big Data Use Cases (RG, JH, JS, NK, SG, MH, VH, SK, JP, MH, RMP, RJ), pp. 317–321.
PDP-2014-PalazzoSG #monitoring #scalability #video- Large Scale Data Processing in Ecology: A Case Study on Long-Term Underwater Video Monitoring (SP, CS, DG), pp. 312–316.
PDP-2014-RonchieriCDCTCSCMM #analysis #framework- The WNoDeS Cloud Virtualization Framework: A Macromolecular Surface Analysis Application Case Study (ER, DC, DD, VC, GDT, PC, DS, AC, LM, IM), pp. 218–222.
TACAS-2014-JahierDML #modelling #testing- Environment-Model Based Testing of Control Systems: Case Studies (EJ, SDD, CM, EL), pp. 636–650.
ICST-2014-PatelK #enterprise #experience #implementation #reuse #testing- Test Case Reuse in Enterprise Software Implementation — An Experience Report (SP, RKK), pp. 99–102.
ICST-2014-VarvaressosLMGH #automation #debugging #game studies #monitoring #runtime #video- Automated Bug Finding in Video Games: A Case Study for Runtime Monitoring (SV, KL, ABM, SG, SH), pp. 143–152.
ICST-2014-WojciakT #combinator #concurrent #maintenance #testing- System Level Combinatorial Testing in Practice — The Concurrent Maintenance Case Study (PW, RTB), pp. 103–112.
ICTSS-2014-MossigeGM #constraints #industrial #programming #testing #using- Testing Robotized Paint System Using Constraint Programming: An Industrial Case Study (MM, AG, HM), pp. 145–160.
TAP-2014-KosmatovLA #proving #testing #verification- A Case Study on Verification of a Cloud Hypervisor by Proof and Structural Testing (NK, ML, CA), pp. 158–164.
CBSE-2013-GortonLLED #component #delivery #experience #platform #using- Build less code deliver more science: an experience report on composing scientific environments using component-based and commodity software platforms (IG, YL, CL, TE, KKvD), pp. 159–168.
CBSE-2013-SchwittekE #component #enterprise #java #open source #reuse- A study on third party component reuse in Java enterprise open source software (WS, SE), pp. 75–80.
ECSA-2013-AnvaariCJ #architecture #enterprise #industrial- Architectural Decision-Making in Enterprises: Preliminary Findings from an Exploratory Study in Norwegian Electricity Industry (MA, RC, LJ), pp. 162–175.
DRR-2013-DoesD - Lexicon-supported OCR of eighteenth century Dutch books: a case study (JdD, KD).
HT-2013-WeiHGLZW #analysis #behaviour #twitter- Mainstream media behavior analysis on Twitter: a case study on UK general election (ZW, YH, WG, BL, LZ, KFW), pp. 174–178.
ICDAR-2013-GaoJY #comparative #empirical #online #recognition- An Empirical Comparative Study of Online Handwriting Chinese Character Recognition: Simplified vs. Traditional (YG, LJ, WY), pp. 862–866.
ICDAR-2013-MorillotLG #comparative #recognition- Comparative Study of HMM and BLSTM Segmentation-Free Approaches for the Recognition of Handwritten Text-Lines (OM, LLS, EG), pp. 783–787.
ICDAR-2013-YiYT #comparative #recognition- Feature Representations for Scene Text Character Recognition: A Comparative Study (CY, XY, YT), pp. 907–911.
JCDL-2013-FanielKKBY #challenge #reuse- The challenges of digging data: a study of context in archaeological data reuse (IMF, EK, SWK, JBG, EY), pp. 295–304.
JCDL-2013-GongKZB #behaviour #clustering #effectiveness #interactive #retrieval- Interactive search result clustering: a study of user behavior and retrieval effectiveness (XG, WK, YZ, RB), pp. 167–170.
JCDL-2013-LiPFT #image- Domain-specific image geocoding: a case study on Virginia tech building photos (LTL, OABP, EAF, RdST), pp. 363–366.
JCDL-2013-RoochiTHH #identification #social #social media- Identification of useful user comments in social media: a case study on flickr commons (EMR, KT, BH, GJH), pp. 1–10.
JCDL-2013-ShuaiJLB #comparative #ranking #wiki- A comparative study of academic and Wikipedia ranking (XS, ZJ, XL, JB), pp. 25–28.
PODS-2013-BienvenuCLW #csp #data access #datalog #ontology- Ontology-based data access: a study through disjunctive datalog, CSP, and MMSNP (MB, BtC, CL, FW), pp. 213–224.
SIGMOD-2013-WangLYC #data type- Quantiles over data streams: an experimental study (LW, GL, KY, GC), pp. 737–748.
SIGMOD-2013-ZhangR #scalability #towards- Towards high-throughput gibbs sampling at scale: a study across storage managers (CZ, CR), pp. 397–408.
TPDL-2013-Prasolova-ForlandFH #3d #challenge #community #experience #memory management #repository- Creating a Repository of Community Memory in a 3D Virtual World: Experiences and Challenges (EPF, MF, LMH), pp. 425–428.
TPDL-2013-RuedaDHCMW #library #scalability- Providing Meaningful Information in a Large Scale Digital Library — A Case Study (LR, SDT, PH, SC, SM, SW), pp. 279–284.
TPDL-2013-TammaroM #delphi- A Study of Digital Curator Competencies — A Delphi Study (AMT, MM), pp. 358–361.
VLDB-2013-BediniEV #big data #framework #platform #scalability- The Trento Big Data Platform for Public Administration and Large Companies: Use cases and Opportunities (IB, BE, YV), pp. 1166–1167.
VLDB-2014-GyssensPGWW13 #approach #query #symmetry #towards- An Approach towards the Study of Symmetric Queries (MG, JP, DVG, JW, YW), pp. 25–36.
CSEET-2013-CiancariniDZ #comparative #modelling #process #student- A double comparative study: Process models and student skills (PC, CD, SZ), pp. 189–198.
CSEET-2013-DebGG #experience #re-engineering #social- Software engineering projects with social significance: An experience report at a minority university (DD, LG, MG), pp. 314–318.
ITiCSE-2013-Baumgartner #approach #delivery #design #education #information management #using- Using case studies to design and deliver technology-centered computing education courses: an innovative approach from an undergraduate information systems program in singapore (IB), pp. 189–194.
ITiCSE-2013-Kumar #problem- A study of the influence of code-tracing problems on code-writing skills (ANK), pp. 183–188.
ITiCSE-2013-MellodgeR #arduino #experience #framework #learning #platform #student #using- Using the arduino platform to enhance student learning experiences (PM, IR), p. 338.
ITiCSE-2013-VihavainenVLK #experience- Massive increase in eager TAs: experiences from extreme apprenticeship-based CS1 (AV, TV, ML, JK), pp. 123–128.
SIGITE-2013-BrannockLN #authentication #development #experience #learning- Integrating authentic learning into a software development course: an experience report (EB, RL, NPN), pp. 195–200.
SIGITE-2013-Cold #experience #using- Partially flipped: experiences using POGIL (SJC), pp. 133–134.
SIGITE-2013-WangL - Embedding virtual meeting technology in classrooms: two case studies (YDW, SL), pp. 83–90.
CSMR-2013-AnicheOG #industrial #open source #quality #testing #what- What Do the Asserts in a Unit Test Tell Us about Code Quality? A Study on Open Source and Industrial Projects (MFA, GAO, MAG), pp. 111–120.
CSMR-2013-BagnatoSBV #industrial #internet #testing #uml- The OMG UML Testing Profile in Use — An Industrial Case Study for the Future Internet Testing (AB, AS, EB, TEJV), pp. 457–460.
CSMR-2013-DubinskyRBDBC #industrial #product line- An Exploratory Study of Cloning in Industrial Software Product Lines (YD, JR, TB, SD, MB, KC), pp. 25–34.
CSMR-2013-FitzgeraldCP #industrial #maintenance #web- A Study of Web Maintenance in an Industrial Setting (GF, SC, JP), pp. 391–394.
CSMR-2013-KochharBLJ #open source #testing- Adoption of Software Testing in Open Source Projects — A Preliminary Study on 50,000 Projects (PSK, TFB, DL, LJ), pp. 353–356.
CSMR-2013-PerezMK #industrial #quality- A Pilot Study on Software Quality Practices in Belgian Industry (JP, TM, FK), pp. 395–398.
CSMR-2013-SabanePAG #cost analysis #testing- A Study on the Relation between Antipatterns and the Cost of Class Unit Testing (AS, MDP, GA, YGG), pp. 167–176.
CSMR-2013-WangLJ #comprehension #taxonomy- Understanding Widespread Changes: A Taxonomic Study (SW, DL, LJ), pp. 5–14.
CSMR-2013-XiaLWYLS #algorithm #comparative #debugging #learning #predict- A Comparative Study of Supervised Learning Algorithms for Re-opened Bug Prediction (XX, DL, XW, XY, SL, JS), pp. 331–334.
ICSM-2013-EbertC #debugging #developer #exception- A Study on Developers’ Perceptions about Exception Handling Bugs (FE, FC), pp. 448–451.
ICSM-2013-MarijanGS #industrial #testing- Test Case Prioritization for Continuous Regression Testing: An Industrial Case Study (DM, AG, SS), pp. 540–543.
ICSM-2013-PruijtKB #architecture #comparative #composition #semantics #tool support- Architecture Compliance Checking of Semantically Rich Modular Architectures: A Comparative Study of Tool Support (LP, CK, SB), pp. 220–229.
ICSM-2013-ToroiRV #identification #process #testing- Identifying Process Improvement Targets in Test Processes: A Case Study (TT, AR, LV), pp. 11–19.
ICSM-2013-Yamashita #comparative #how #maintenance #smell- How Good Are Code Smells for Evaluating Software Maintainability? Results from a Comparative Case Study (AY), pp. 566–571.
ICSM-2013-YukselS #analysis #automation #classification- Automated Classification of Static Code Analysis Alerts: A Case Study (UY, HS), pp. 532–535.
MSR-2013-Gala-PerezRGH #evolution #metric #open source- Intensive metrics for the study of the evolution of open source projects: case studies from apache software foundation projects (SGP, GR, JMGB, IH), pp. 159–168.
MSR-2013-GomezCS #stack overflow- A study of innovation diffusion through link sharing on stack overflow (CG, BC, LS), pp. 81–84.
MSR-2013-JiangAG #how #kernel #linux #performance- Will my patch make it? and how fast?: case study on the Linux kernel (YJ, BA, DMG), pp. 101–110.
MSR-2013-SahaRSP #comprehension #evolution- Understanding the evolution of type-3 clones: an exploratory study (RKS, CKR, KAS, DEP), pp. 139–148.
MSR-2013-WangG #android #api #detection #developer- Detecting API usage obstacles: a study of iOS and Android developer questions (WW, MWG), pp. 61–64.
WCRE-2013-AeschlimannLNW #ecosystem #experience #legacy #pl-i- Analyzing PL/1 legacy ecosystems: An experience report (EA, ML, ON, CFW), pp. 441–448.
WCRE-2013-ChatterjiCKH #developer #maintenance- Effects of cloned code on software maintainability: A replicated developer study (DC, JCC, NAK, JH), pp. 112–121.
WCRE-2013-DurfinaKZ #decompiler- PsybOt malware: A step-by-step decompilation case study (LD, JK, PZ), pp. 449–456.
ICFP-2013-PetersenGDAD #experience #functional #programming- Experience report: functional programming of mHealth applications (CP, MG, DTD, JMA, GAD), pp. 357–362.
ICFP-2013-St-AmourT #experience #random testing #testing- Experience report: applying random testing to a base type environment (VSA, NT), pp. 351–356.
AIIDE-2013-HolmgardTY - Decision Making Styles as Deviation from Rational Action: A Super Mario Case Study (CH, JT, GNY).
AIIDE-2013-NogueiraRON #comprehension #experience #game studies- Guided Emotional State Regulation: Understanding and Shaping Players' Affective Experiences in Digital Games (PAN, RAR, ECO, LEN).
AIIDE-2013-ShapiroMGSSSTM #experience #interactive #social- Creating Playable Social Experiences through Whole-Body Interaction with Virtual Characters (DGS, JM, AG, BS, AS, RS, MT, MM).
CIG-2013-Harrell #modelling #network #social #using- Modeling player preferences in avatar customization using social network data: A case-study using virtual items in Team Fortress 2 (CUL, DFH), pp. 1–8.
CIG-2013-ParkK #incremental #learning #modelling- Opponent modeling with incremental active learning: A case study of Iterative Prisoner's Dilemma (HSP, KJK), pp. 1–2.
DiGRA-2013-Chiapello #design #formal method #game studies- Formalizing casual games: A study based on game designers' professional knowledge (LC).
DiGRA-2013-Conde-Pumpido #concept #game studies #persuasion- A Conceptual Model for the Study of Persuasive Games (TdlHCP).
DiGRA-2013-Garner #game studies- Ethnographic Fieldwork in the Study of Game Production (GG).
DiGRA-2013-Grace13a #game studies- Big Huggin' A Case Study in Affection Gaming (LDG).
DiGRA-2013-Lockett #game studies #memory management- Memory of a Broken Dimension: a study in a politics of skill for experimental art games (WL).
DiGRA-2013-ManeroFF #design #game studies- Stanislavky's System as a Game Design Method: A Case Study (BM, CFV, BFM).
DiGRA-2013-MartinG #game studies- A Study of Team Cohesion and Player Satisfaction in two Face-to-Face Games (EM, JG).
DiGRA-2013-RyanG #game studies #social #social media #twitter- Transforming Game Narrative through Social Media: Studying the Mass Effect Universe of Twitter (WR, ZG).
DiGRA-2013-Salazar #behaviour #online- Online Diasporas: Theoretical Considerations on the Study of Diasporic Behavior in MMORPGs (JS).
DiGRA-2013-WilliamsK #approach #behaviour #collaboration #game studies #social- Elements of Social Action: A Micro- Analytic Approach to the Study of Collaborative Behavior in Digital Games (JPW, DK).
FDG-2013-CaplarSM #analysis #performance #rating- Analysis of players' in-game performance vs rating: Case study of Heroes of Newerth (NC, MS, MM), pp. 237–244.
FDG-2013-ZagalT #difference #game studies- Cultural differences in game appreciation: A study of player game reviews (JPZ, NT), pp. 86–93.
VS-Games-2013-FeigenbaumF #collaboration #learning- Gameful Pedagogy and Collaborative Learning a Case Study of the Netsx Project (AF, AF), pp. 1–7.
VS-Games-2013-GuoQ #game studies- Converting Sedentary Games to Exergames: A Case Study with a Car Racing Game (RG, JQ), pp. 1–8.
VS-Games-2013-HendrixBLL #education #experience #game studies #rating- Sharing Experiences with Serious Games - the Edugamelab Rating Tool for Parents and Teachers (MH, PB, ML, HL), pp. 1–4.
VS-Games-2013-MurrayM #game studies- From the outside Looking In: Creating a Serious 'art Game in India - a Case Study (PRM, SM), pp. 1–3.
VS-Games-2013-RibeiroAMP #education #game studies- Serious Games in Formal Medical Education: An Experimental Study (CR, TA, MM, JMP), pp. 1–8.
GT-VMT-2013-MicallefC #detection #modelling #risk management #visual notation- A Case Study on Graphically Modelling and Detecting Knowledge Mobility Risks (MM, CC).
CHI-2013-BaumerAKLSSW #experience #facebook- Limiting, leaving, and (re)lapsing: an exploration of facebook non-use practices and experiences (EPSB, PA, VDK, TCL, MES, VSS, KW), pp. 3257–3266.
CHI-2013-BirnholtzSP #collaboration #exclamation #maintenance- Write here, write now!: an experimental study of group maintenance in collaborative writing (JPB, SBS, AP), pp. 961–970.
CHI-2013-BohmerK #smarttech- A study on icon arrangement by smartphone users (MB, AK), pp. 2137–2146.
CHI-2013-ChilanaKWG #crowdsourcing #multi- A multi-site field study of crowdsourced contextual help: usage and perspectives of end users and software teams (PKC, AJK, JOW, TG), pp. 217–226.
CHI-2013-ClearHMFB #design #student- Domestic food and sustainable design: a study of university student cooking and its impacts (AKC, MH, JM, AF, OB), pp. 2447–2456.
CHI-2013-DalsgardE #approach #library #scalability- Large-scale participation: a case study of a participatory approach to developing a new public library (PD, EE), pp. 399–408.
CHI-2013-DowGW #using- A pilot study of using crowds in the classroom (SD, EG, AW), pp. 227–236.
CHI-2013-DruckerFSHs #data analysis #interface #named- TouchViz: a case study comparing two interfaces for data analytics on tablets (SMD, DF, RS, JH, MMCS), pp. 2301–2310.
CHI-2013-GomesNV13a #flexibility #named #smarttech- MorePhone: a study of actuated shape deformations for flexible thin-film smartphone notifications (AG, AN, RV), pp. 583–592.
CHI-2013-HoubenBVLC #ad hoc #information management- Activity-centric support for ad hoc knowledge work: a case study of co-activity manager (SH, JEB, JV, KL, KC), pp. 2263–2272.
CHI-2013-JonesBOW13a #experience #interactive #named- IllumiRoom: peripheral projected illusions for interactive experiences (BRJ, HB, EO, ADW), pp. 869–878.
CHI-2013-JotaNDW #how #latency #performance- How fast is fast enough?: a study of the effects of latency in direct-touch pointing tasks (RJ, AN, PD, DW), pp. 2291–2300.
CHI-2013-KujalaM #experience #mobile #usability- Emotions, experiences and usability in real-life mobile phone use (SK, TMS), pp. 1061–1070.
CHI-2013-KulkarniC #social- All the news that’s fit to read: a study of social annotations for news reading (CK, EC), pp. 2407–2416.
CHI-2013-ObristSS #experience- Talking about tactile experiences (MO, SAS, SS), pp. 1659–1668.
CHI-2013-RaeTM #communication #experience #trust- In-body experiences: embodiment, control, and trust in robot-mediated communication (IR, LT, BM), pp. 1921–1930.
CSCW-2013-InkpenTJTV #experience #named #process #product line- Experiences2Go: sharing kids’ activities outside the home with remote family members (KI, BT, SJ, JCT, GV), pp. 1329–1340.
CSCW-2013-MorganBWS #experience #user interface #wiki- Tea and sympathy: crafting positive new user experiences on wikipedia (JTM, SB, HW, SS), pp. 839–848.
CSCW-2013-WycheSF #facebook #quote #social #social media- “Facebook is a luxury”: an exploratory study of social media use in rural Kenya (SW, SYS, AF), pp. 33–44.
DHM-HB-2013-IkenoboKKGK #process- A Study of the Effect of the Shape, the Color, and the Texture of Ikebana on a Brain Activity (YI, YK, NK, AG, AK), pp. 59–65.
DHM-HB-2013-MilanowiczB #re-engineering- Numerical Reconstruction of the Real-Life Fatal Accident at Work: A Case Study (MM, PB), pp. 101–110.
DHM-HB-2013-NettenDG #behaviour #metric- Chair Based Measurements of Sitting Behavior a Field Study of Sitting Postures and Sitting Time in Office Work (MPN, LHMvdD, RHMG), pp. 261–268.
DHM-SET-2013-HungCSC #analysis #comparative #education #effectiveness #women- A Comparative Analysis of the Educational Effectiveness of Leaflet and Website for Low-Literate Patients — A Case Study of Immigrant Mothers in Taipei (YLH, KRC, CS, TC), pp. 204–213.
DHM-SET-2013-KosugeIM #multi #using- A Study for Conducting Waves by Using the Multi-channel Surface EMG (TK, NI, KM), pp. 223–231.
DUXU-CXC-2013-CarignanK #gamification #identification- Case Study: Identifying Gamification Opportunities in Sales Applications (JC, SLK), pp. 501–507.
DUXU-CXC-2013-ThinG #behaviour #experience #game studies #integration #interactive- Game-Based Interactive Media in Behavioral Medicine: Creating Serious Affective-Cognitive-Environmental-Social Integration Experiences (AGT, MG), pp. 470–479.
DUXU-NTE-2013-BreyerRVCTK #artificial reality #design- Design Methodology for Body Tracking Based Applications — A Kinect Case Study (FB, BR, LAV, AC, JMXNT, JK), pp. 227–236.
DUXU-NTE-2013-CaladoSCC #artificial reality #interactive #overview #perspective- Virtual Reality Applied to the Study of the Interaction between the User and the Built Space: A Literature Review (AVSC, MMS, FC, WC), pp. 345–351.
DUXU-NTE-2013-ChuangH #difference- A Study on Time Differences between Actual Advertisement Viewing and Retrospective Perception (MHC, CH), pp. 455–464.
DUXU-NTE-2013-DinisDNTVR #artificial reality #design #using- Evaluating Emotional Responses to the Interior Design of a Hospital Room: A Study Using Virtual Reality (SD, ED, PN, LT, EV, FR), pp. 475–483.
DUXU-NTE-2013-FurbachM #navigation- NUI-Based Floor Navigation — A Case Study (UF, MM), pp. 270–279.
DUXU-NTE-2013-GaoB #comparative #design #interactive- Designing Ludic Engagement in an Interactive Virtual Dressing Room System — A Comparative Study (YG, EPB), pp. 504–512.
DUXU-NTE-2013-KitamuraTIS - Feed-In Tariff Personal Carbon Allowance: A Case Study of Psychological Change (TK, AT, HI, HS), pp. 530–539.
DUXU-NTE-2013-ShinAH #interface #smarttech- A Pilot Study of the Intuitiveness of Smartphone Camera Interface for Elderly Users (HS, DA, JH), pp. 316–323.
DUXU-NTE-2013-VegaFF #named #prototype #smarttech #visual notation- Blinklifier: A Case Study for Prototyping Wearable Computers in Technology and Visual Arts (KFCV, PJF, HF), pp. 439–445.
DUXU-PMT-2013-KangS #design #how #process- How to Observe, Share and Apply in Design Process? — Focusing on International Design Workshops as a Case Study (NK, HS), pp. 498–505.
DUXU-PMT-2013-MonteiroSL #human-computer- Metacommunication and Semiotic Engineering: Insights from a Study with Mediated HCI (ITM, CSdS, CFL), pp. 115–124.
DUXU-PMT-2013-ProvostR #experience #interactive #user interface- The Dimensions of Positive and Negative User Experiences with Interactive Products (GP, JMR), pp. 399–408.
DUXU-WM-2013-BaldassariDPEG #interactive #online #scalability- Behind Livia’s Villa: A Case Study for the Devolution of Large Scale Interactive “in-site” to “on-line” Application (GLB, ED, SP, JE, HG), pp. 238–247.
DUXU-WM-2013-DamasioTHD #experience #industrial #internet #mobile- The Adoption of Mobile Internet: Industry and Users Experiences (MJD, ITB, SH, PD), pp. 13–22.
DUXU-WM-2013-FernandesPS #interactive- Evaluating Interaction with Websites: Case Study of a Government Website of the Brazilian Ministry of Labor and Employment (FRF, LCP, JCPdS), pp. 265–273.
DUXU-WM-2013-JangJ #design- Studies on the Design Marketing Strategies in the Experiential Economy through the Case Study of “the Starbucks Company” (YJJ, ECJ), pp. 30–36.
DUXU-WM-2013-KimFJ #experience #feedback #social #social media- The Effect of Feedback within Social Media in Tourism Experiences (J(K, DRF, SLJ), pp. 212–220.
DUXU-WM-2013-KimJ13a #difference #experience #user interface- A Study of the Satisfaction Level of User Experience in Digital Media Space Accordance with Differences in Flow Characteristic (YK, ECJ), pp. 515–524.
DUXU-WM-2013-Komischke #design #smarttech #user interface- 9/11 Memorial App: A Case Study of Serious Smart Phone UX Design (TK), pp. 691–695.
DUXU-WM-2013-LinL13a #design #generative- An Experimental Study for Applying Generative Design to Electronic Consumer Products (MHL, LCL), pp. 392–401.
DUXU-WM-2013-MemonT #experience #locality- Sharing Life Experiences with Friends Based on Individual’s Locality (MAM, JT), pp. 706–713.
DUXU-WM-2013-OzturkR13a #mobile #usability- M-Commerce Usability: An Explorative Study on Turkish Private Shopping Apps and Mobile Sites (ÖÖ, KR), pp. 623–630.
DUXU-WM-2013-PhillipsFSSB #design- Open Design: Non-professional User-Designers Creating Products for Citizen Science: A Case Study of Beekeepers (RDP, YF, KS, SS, SB), pp. 424–431.
DUXU-WM-2013-SauckenML #approach #design #experience #how #metaprogramming #user interface- How to Design Experiences: Macro UX versus Micro UX Approach (CvS, IM, UL), pp. 130–139.
DUXU-WM-2013-TabosaCACD #design #usability- Design and Usability: A Case Study on Selecting Exhibitors for the National Fair of Craftwork — FENEARTE — Recife, PE, Brazil (TT, VC, AA, EC, GD), pp. 121–129.
DUXU-WM-2013-Tussyadiah #approach #experience #mobile #platform- Meta-design Approach for Mobile Platforms Supporting Creative Tourism Experiences (IPT), pp. 733–739.
HCI-AMTE-2013-Ariya #experience- Case Study for Experience Vision — Application for PC (KA), pp. 275–280.
HCI-AMTE-2013-FerreiraS #communication #modelling- Communicating Ideas in Computer-Supported Modeling Tasks: A Case Study with BPMN (JJF, CSdS), pp. 320–329.
HCI-AMTE-2013-GabillonLO #composition #towards #user interface- Towards Ergonomic User Interface Composition: A Study about Information Density Criterion (YG, SL, KMdO), pp. 211–220.
HCI-AMTE-2013-HishinaMAMOM #communication #education- Study on Effects of Text Decoration for a Text Based Communication Tool in Education (MH, KM, NA, SM, YO, TM), pp. 565–574.
HCI-AMTE-2013-HumayounEE #framework #mobile #platform #using- Developing Mobile Apps Using Cross-Platform Frameworks: A Case Study (SRH, SE, AE), pp. 371–380.
HCI-AMTE-2013-ScholzW #interactive #prototype- Established and Innovative Facets of Interactive Prototypes — A Case Study (SCS, DW), pp. 451–459.
HCI-AMTE-2013-SiewYZ #development #information management #research- Participatory Action Research in Software Development: Indigenous Knowledge Management Systems Case Study (STS, AWY, TZ), pp. 470–479.
HCI-AMTE-2013-YuCT #design #experience- Case Study for Experience Vision Designing Notebook PC (DJY, MCC, ST), pp. 540–546.
HCI-AS-2013-CusseauGWZ #health #implementation- Electronic Health Records: A Case Study of an Implementation (GC, JG, CW, FZ), pp. 46–55.
HCI-AS-2013-EshraghiERYEMH - Study on Relationship between Foot Pressure Pattern and Hallux Valgus (HV) Progression (SE, IIE, PR, MY, ME, AM, SH), pp. 76–83.
HCI-AS-2013-MontAlvaoPL #testing #usability- Usability Testing for e-health Application: A Case Study for Sana/Open MRS (CRM, FP, CAPdL), pp. 144–149.
HCI-AS-2013-NouriCZ #collaboration #learning #mobile #performance- Mobile Inquiry-Based Learning — A Study of Collaborative Scaffolding and Performance (JN, TCP, KZ), pp. 464–473.
HCI-AS-2013-TavaresMFM #experience #network- Experiences with Arthron for Live Surgery Transmission in Brazilian Telemedicine University Network (TAT, GHMBM, GLdSF, EM), pp. 197–206.
HCI-AS-2013-WorpenbergG #experience #game studies #navigation #smarttech- Navigation Experiences — A Case Study of Riders Accessing an Orientation Game via Smartphones (AW, BG), pp. 323–332.
HCI-III-2013-ShojiOKO - A Study on Combinative Value Creation in Songs Selection (HS, JO, KK, AO), pp. 372–380.
HCI-IMT-2013-MurataHMH #interface #using- Study on Character Input Methods Using Eye-gaze Input Interface (AM, KH, MM, TH), pp. 320–329.
HCI-IMT-2013-MurataUH - Study on Cursor Shape Suitable for Eye-gaze Input System (AM, RU, TH), pp. 312–319.
HCI-IMT-2013-TamuraYF #documentation #retrieval #visualisation- A Study on Document Retrieval System Based on Visualization to Manage OCR Documents (KT, TY, TF), pp. 740–749.
HCI-IMT-2013-TawatsujiKM #eye tracking #modelling #towards- Experimental Study Toward Modeling of the Uncanny Valley Based on Eye Movements on Human/Non-human Faces (YT, KK, TM), pp. 398–407.
HCI-UC-2013-BergmannMSO #automation #generative #layout #user study- Automatic Layout Generation for Digital Photo Albums: A User Study (FBB, IHM, MSS, JBSdO), pp. 117–126.
HCI-UC-2013-EumanA #experience #user interface #visualisation- Data Visualisation, User Experience and Context: A Case Study from Fantasy Sport (RE, JLAN), pp. 146–155.
HCI-UC-2013-ParkG #data-driven- An Exploratory Study to Understand Knowledge-Sharing in Data-Intensive Science (JP, JLG), pp. 217–226.
HCI-UC-2013-ScheruhnABF #enterprise #implementation- Repository-Based Implementation of Information Pyramid: A Study Based on an ERP Case Study (HJS, DA, RB, UF), pp. 446–455.
HIMI-D-2013-Al-OmarC - Finders, Keepers, Losers, Seekers: A Study of Academics’ Research-Related Personal Information Collections (MAO, AC), pp. 169–176.
HIMI-D-2013-ChangC - A Study of Different Consumer Groups’ Preferences of Time Display on Watches (WCC, WTC), pp. 421–430.
HIMI-D-2013-FukayaOKYOM #3d- A Study on Selection Ability in the 3D Space by the Finger (JF, YO, HK, RY, MO, HM), pp. 30–36.
HIMI-D-2013-IizukaNG #interactive #scalability #using- A Study for Personal Use of the Interactive Large Public Display (SI, WN, KG), pp. 55–61.
HIMI-D-2013-KobayashiSY #interactive- Study on Haptic Interaction with Maps (DK, AS, NY), pp. 62–71.
HIMI-D-2013-NakatsuG #crowdsourcing #design #effectiveness #user interface- Designing Effective User Interfaces for Crowdsourcing: An Exploratory Study (RTN, EBG), pp. 221–229.
HIMI-HSM-2013-FuruyaS - The Study of Surveillance around the Ship II (TF, TS), pp. 56–65.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-ChoL #online- A Study of Customization for Online Business (VC, CL), pp. 443–449.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-Frederick-RecascinoLDKL #game studies #learning- Articulating an Experimental Model for the Study of Game-Based Learning (CFR, DL, SD, JPK, DL), pp. 25–32.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-SutoO #game studies #student- A Study of the Crossroad Game for Improving the Teamwork of Students (HS, RO), pp. 126–136.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-TanikawaA - The Study to Clarify the Type of “Otome-Game” User (MT, YA), pp. 625–631.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-VartiainenJ #collaboration #tool support- Pros and Cons of Various ICT Tools in Global Collaboration — A Cross-Case Study (MV, OJ), pp. 391–400.
OCSC-2013-AllenS #community- The Role of the Community in a Technical Support Community: A Case Study (DMA, TS), pp. 335–344.
OCSC-2013-BourimiK #collaboration #community #experience #online #using- Experiences by Using AFFINE for Building Collaborative Applications for Online Communities (MB, DK), pp. 345–354.
OCSC-2013-HeKP #community #distance #online- You Are Not Alone Online: A Case Study of a Long Distance Romantic Relationship Online Community (YH, KK, JP), pp. 23–32.
OCSC-2013-JiangB #approach #multi #network #social- A Three-Level Approach to the Study of Multi-cultural Social Networking (YJ, OdB), pp. 365–374.
OCSC-2013-LeeKCC #facebook #network #online #social- Exploratory Study on Online Social Networks User from SASANG Constitution-Focused on Korean Facebook Users (JYL, HSK, EJC, SJC), pp. 58–66.
OCSC-2013-LeeKS #experience #social- Assessing the Possibility of a Social e-Book by Analyzing Reader Experiences (SL, JIK, CS), pp. 50–57.
VISSOFT-2013-Wijk #experience #lessons learnt #visualisation- Keynote talk: Information visualization: Experiences and lessons learned (JJvW), p. 1.
CAiSE-2013-MaurinoVV - Coopetitive Data Warehouse: A Case Study (AM, CV, GV), pp. 482–497.
CAiSE-2013-SenG #data-driven #interactive #testing- Testing a Data-Intensive System with Generated Data Interactions — The Norwegian Customs and Excise Case Study (SS, AG), pp. 657–671.
CAiSE-2013-SuriadiWOHD #behaviour #comprehension #process #scalability- Understanding Process Behaviours in a Large Insurance Company in Australia: A Case Study (SS, MTW, CO, AHMtH, NJvD), pp. 449–464.
EDOC-2013-HeroldMRS #architecture #consistency- Checking Conformance with Reference Architectures: A Case Study (SH, MM, AR, IS), pp. 71–80.
ICEIS-J-2013-GiordanoTSAF13a #approach #architecture #enterprise #ontology #semantics- Joining Data and Maps in the Government Enterprise Architecture by a Semantic Approach: Methodology, Ontology and Case Study (DG, AT, CS, SA, AF), pp. 506–519.
ICEIS-v1-2013-RodriguesAGSCS #data flow #data transformation #semistructured data- Integrated Data Management — A Case Study in Heterogeneous Data Sources in Brazilian Government (SAR, MA, AFG, RTdS, MC, JMdS), pp. 316–321.
ICEIS-v2-2013-DobsonSO #ontology- Data, Ontologies and Decision Making — An Inter-disciplinary Case Study (SD, AS, TO), pp. 563–568.
ICEIS-v2-2013-Milosz #enterprise #legacy #performance #testing #using- Performance Testing of New Enterprise Applications using Legacy Load Data — A HIS Case Study (MM), pp. 151–156.
ICEIS-v2-2013-RositoRB #configuration management- An Experimental Study on the Dynamic Reconfiguration of Software Projects (MCR, MBR, RMB), pp. 232–239.
ICEIS-v3-2013-EssienO #architecture #component #enterprise #modelling #student #validation- Enterprise Architecture Models — Description of Integrated Components for Validation — A Case Study of Student Internship Programme (JE, SO), pp. 302–309.
ICEIS-v3-2013-GiordanoTSAF #approach #architecture #enterprise #ontology- An Ontology based Approach to Integrate Data and Maps — In the Government Enterprise Architecture: A Case Study (DG, AT, CS, SA, AF), pp. 356–362.
ICEIS-v3-2013-HsuK - A Study of Cognitive Effort of Decision Makers with Different NC under Framing (CWH, ClK), pp. 75–82.
ICEIS-v3-2013-LambeckKG #design #enterprise #interface #overview #testing- Discovering Potentials in Enterprise Interface Design — A Review of Our Latest Case Studies in the Enterprise Domain (CL, DK, RG), pp. 99–104.
ICEIS-v3-2013-Plechawska-WojcikLW #assessment #experience #user interface #using #web- Assessment of User Experience with Responsive Web Applications using Expert Method and Cognitive Walkthrough — A Case Study (MPW, SLM, LW), pp. 111–118.
CIKM-2013-HanHJY #people- Supporting exploratory people search: a study of factor transparency and user control (SH, DH, JJ, ZY), pp. 449–458.
ECIR-2013-AlhindiKF #interactive #summary #using- A Pilot Study on Using Profile-Based Summarisation for Interactive Search Assistance (AA, UK, CF), pp. 672–675.
ECIR-2013-TaoT #collaboration- An Exploratory Study of Sensemaking in Collaborative Information Seeking (YT, AT), pp. 26–37.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-Aveiro #concept #enterprise #ontology- Enterprise Ontology and DEMO — Benefits, Core Concepts and a Case-study (DA), pp. 1–7.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-GonzagaLSO #performance- Performance Indicators and their Relationship with Organizational Strategy — A Study in Brazilian Companies (RPG, ATMdL, FdAeS, MPVdO), pp. 559–566.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-Ibarra-SanchezPO #analysis #risk management #using- Hospital Risk Management using Healthcare Failure Mode and Effects Analysis — A Case Study on Ventilators Whithin an Intensive Care Unit (MAIS, ABPA, MROP), pp. 328–335.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-KolerovaOB #clustering #industrial- Information and Knowledge Sharing in Industrial Clusters — Theoretical Background and a Case Study (KK, TO, VB), pp. 457–463.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-RauchS #mining #using- Using Domain Knowledge in Association Rules Mining — Case Study (JR, MS), pp. 104–111.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-SaijoSWK #analysis #collaboration #community #multi #process- An Analysis of Multi-disciplinary — Inter-agency Collaboration Process — Case Study of a Japanese Community Care Access Center (MS, TS, MW, SK), pp. 470–475.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-SvobodaC #education #experience- Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Higher Education — A Case Study over a Five-Year Academic Experience (PS, JC), pp. 431–436.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-ZhouNL #collaboration #problem- Mitigating Barriers to Patient-centred Knowledge Sharing — A Case-study of Knowledge Sharing Problems in the Collaboration of Traditional and Western Practitioners in Chinese Hospitals (LZ, MBN, WL), pp. 298–307.
KEOD-2013-BellBBKS #named #ontology- PRONTOE — A Case Study for Developing Ontologies for Operations (SB, RPB, MB, DK, DS), pp. 17–25.
MLDM-2013-ChatzilariLNK #comparative #mobile #recognition #visual notation- A Comparative Study on Mobile Visual Recognition (EC, GL, SN, YK), pp. 442–457.
MLDM-2013-DittakanCC #comparative #image #mining- Satellite Image Mining for Census Collection: A Comparative Study with Respect to the Ethiopian Hinterland (KD, FC, RC), pp. 260–274.
MLDM-2013-YasojimaFBOS #analysis #generative #power management- Partial Discharge Analysis and Inspection Alert Generation in High Power Transformers: A Case Study of an Autotransformer Bank at Eletrobrás-ELETRONORTE Vila do Conde Station (CTKY, MSF, FdSB, TFdO, AMdS), pp. 367–378.
RecSys-2013-KucharK #learning #named #web #web service- GAIN: web service for user tracking and preference learning — a smart TV use case (JK, TK), pp. 467–468.
SEKE-2013-AnchietaSM #diagrams #identification #prototype #uml #user interface #using- Using NLP Techniques for Identifying GUI Prototypes and UML Diagrams From Use Cases (RTA, RFdS, RSM), pp. 48–53.
SEKE-2013-GayedLB #forensics #process #representation- Representing Chains of Custody Along a Forensic Process: A Case Study on Kruse Model (TFG, HL, MB), pp. 674–680.
SEKE-2013-JulianoTSM #assessment #automation #complexity #similarity- Automated Computation of Use Cases Similarity can Aid the Assessment of Cohesion and Complexity of Classes (RCJ, BANT, MSS, MdAM), pp. 494–499.
SEKE-2013-Kung #identification #on the- On Use Case Identification (DCK), pp. 759–764.
SEKE-2013-MarcolinoOGM #approach #effectiveness #towards #variability- Towards the Effectiveness of a Variability Management Approach at Use Case Level (AM, EAOJ, IMSG, JCM), pp. 214–219.
SEKE-2013-SouzaSPFF #generative #using- Generation of Thematic Maps using WPS-Cartographer: An experimental study (FCMS, ACCdS, VP, EF, VRTF), pp. 500–503.
SEKE-2013-WangKWN #feature model #first-order #metric #statistics- A Study on First Order Statistics-Based Feature Selection Techniques on Software Metric Data (HW, TMK, RW, AN), pp. 467–472.
SIGIR-2013-DalipGCC #feedback #rank #stack overflow- Exploiting user feedback to learn to rank answers in q&a forums: a case study with stack overflow (DHD, MAG, MC, PC), pp. 543–552.
SIGIR-2013-GangulyLJ #documentation #retrieval- An LDA-smoothed relevance model for document expansion: a case study for spoken document retrieval (DG, JL, GJFJ), pp. 1057–1060.
SIGIR-2013-Hauff - A study on the accuracy of Flickr’s geotag data (CH), pp. 1037–1040.
SIGIR-2013-Ma #recommendation #social- An experimental study on implicit social recommendation (HM), pp. 73–82.
AMT-2013-KuselSWRSK #atl #model transformation #reuse- Reality Check for Model Transformation Reuse: The ATL Transformation Zoo Case Study (AK, JS, MW, WR, WS, GK), pp. 42–51.
ECMFA-2013-BosS #domain-specific language #evolution- A Case Study in Evidence-Based DSL Evolution (JvdB, TvdS), pp. 207–219.
MoDELS-2013-ElaasarN #development #lifecycle #modelling #tool support- Integrating Modeling Tools in the Development Lifecycle with OSLC: A Case Study (ME, AN), pp. 154–169.
MoDELS-2013-FariasGWL #design #industrial #modelling #scalability- Analyzing the Effort of Composing Design Models of Large-Scale Software in Industrial Case Studies (KF, AG, JW, CJPdL), pp. 639–655.
MoDELS-2013-WangGAL #automation #feature model #industrial #testing #using- Automated Test Case Selection Using Feature Model: An Industrial Case Study (SW, AG, SA, ML), pp. 237–253.
SPLC-2013-FilhoABN #generative #modelling #product line- Generating counterexamples of model-based software product lines: an exploratory study (JBFF, OB, MA, BB, JLN), pp. 72–81.
SPLC-2013-KatoKMOHH #development #network- Case study of applying SPLE to development of network switch products (TK, MK, TM, HO, KH, TH), pp. 198–207.
SPLC-2013-KoziolekGGDS #analysis #experience #identification #reuse- Experiences from identifying software reuse opportunities by domain analysis (HK, TG, TdG, DD, SS), pp. 208–217.
SPLC-2013-MyllarniemiSM #performance #product line #variability- Performance variability in software product lines: a case study in the telecommunication domain (VM, JS, TM), pp. 32–41.
SPLC-2013-PassosGTCWB #kernel #linux #modelling #variability- Coevolution of variability models and related artifacts: a case study from the Linux kernel (LTP, JG, LT, KC, AW, PB), pp. 91–100.
SPLC-2013-ZhangBPSS #evolution #industrial #product line #variability- Variability evolution and erosion in industrial product lines: a case study (BZ, MB, TP, KS, JES), pp. 168–177.
ECOOP-2013-NegaraCVJD #automation #comparative #refactoring- A Comparative Study of Manual and Automated Refactorings (SN, NC, MV, REJ, DD), pp. 552–576.
ECOOP-2013-SvendsenBP #composition #concurrent #higher-order #library #named #specification- Joins: A Case Study in Modular Specification of a Concurrent Reentrant Higher-Order Library (KS, LB, MJP), pp. 327–351.
AdaEurope-2013-FaginC #reliability- Provably Secure DNS: A Case Study in Reliable Software (BSF, MCC), pp. 81–93.
RE-2013-GolnamRWK #integration #scalability- The integration of an RE method and AHP: A pilot study in a large Swiss bank (AG, GR, AW, SK), pp. 308–313.
RE-2013-NiknafsB #effectiveness #elicitation #generative #idea #industrial #requirements- An industrial case study of the impact of domain ignorance on the effectiveness of requirements idea generation during requirements elicitation (AN, DMB), pp. 279–283.
RE-2013-TodoranSG #elicitation #how #requirements- How cloud providers elicit consumer requirements: An exploratory study of nineteen companies (IT, NS, MG), pp. 105–114.
REFSQ-2013-BonBGALTBFGATA #analysis #requirements- Use Case and Requirements Analysis in a Remote Rural Context in Mali (AB, VdB, NBG, CvA, PDL, WT, SB, MF, AG, MA, AT, HA), pp. 331–346.
REFSQ-2013-DanevaBH #architecture #experience #quality #question #requirements #what- Software Architects’ Experiences of Quality Requirements: What We Know and What We Do Not Know? (MD, LB, AH), pp. 1–17.
REFSQ-2013-Zorn-PauliPBKR #industrial #process #release planning- Analyzing an Industrial Strategic Release Planning Process — A Case Study at Roche Diagnostics (GZP, BP, TB, HK, GR), pp. 269–284.
ASE-2013-GhaisasMA #detection #documentation- Detecting system use cases and validations from documents (SG, MM, PRA), pp. 568–573.
ASE-2013-Hellerstein #design #distributed #experience #named- BOOM: Experiences in language and tool design for distributed systems (JMH), p. 1.
ASE-2013-LouLDFZX #experience #online- Software analytics for incident management of online services: An experience report (JGL, QL, RD, QF, DZ, TX), pp. 475–485.
ASE-2013-NguyenNNNR #evolution- A study of repetitiveness of code changes in software evolution (HAN, ATN, TTN, TNN, HR), pp. 180–190.
ASE-2013-SannierAB #comparison #matrix #variability #wiki- From comparison matrix to Variability Model: The Wikipedia case study (NS, MA, BB), pp. 580–585.
ESEC-FSE-2013-SahaSP #comprehension #stack overflow #towards- Toward understanding the causes of unanswered questions in software information sites: a case study of stack overflow (RKS, AKS, DEP), pp. 663–666.
ICSE-2013-ApelRWGB #product line #verification- Strategies for product-line verification: case studies and experiments (SA, AvR, PW, AG, DB), pp. 482–491.
ICSE-2013-BellomoNO #agile- A study of enabling factors for rapid fielding: combined practices to balance speed and stability (SB, RLN, IO), pp. 982–991.
ICSE-2013-BouwersDV #experience #industrial #metric- Evaluating usefulness of software metrics: an industrial experience report (EB, AvD, JV), pp. 921–930.
ICSE-2013-FemmerGLM #consistency #detection #nondeterminism- Detecting inconsistencies in wrappers: a case study (HF, DG, ML, DM), pp. 1022–1031.
ICSE-2013-FitzgeraldSOO #agile #industrial #scalability- Scaling agile methods to regulated environments: an industry case study (BF, KJS, RO, DO), pp. 863–872.
ICSE-2013-GauthierM #data access #fault #modelling #php #semantics #smell- Semantic smells and errors in access control models: a case study in PHP (FG, EM), pp. 1169–1172.
ICSE-2013-LewisLSZOW #debugging #developer #predict- Does bug prediction support human developers? findings from a google case study (CL, ZL, CS, XZ, RO, EJWJ), pp. 372–381.
ICSE-2013-Nadi #open source #variability- A study of variability spaces in open source software (SN), pp. 1353–1356.
ICSE-2013-Northrop #matter #scalability #years after- Does scale really matter? ultra-large-scale systems seven years after the study (LMN), p. 857.
ICSE-2013-PaganoB #evolution- User involvement in software evolution practice: a case study (DP, BB), pp. 953–962.
ICSE-2013-RahmanARP #on the- On the relationships between domain-based coupling and code clones: an exploratory study (MSR, AA, CKR, FP), pp. 1265–1268.
ICSE-2013-SantosS #assessment #authentication #education #re-engineering- Authentic assessment in software engineering education based on PBL principles: a case study in the telecom market (SCdS, FSFS), pp. 1055–1062.
ICSE-2013-SayyadMA #on the #product line #re-engineering #search-based- On the value of user preferences in search-based software engineering: a case study in software product lines (ASS, TM, HA), pp. 492–501.
ICSE-2013-ThummalapentaDSCGNS #automation #industrial #performance #testing- Efficient and change-resilient test automation: an industrial case study (ST, PD, SS, SC, SG, DDN, SS), pp. 1002–1011.
ICSE-2013-ZanettiSTS #categorisation #community #debugging #network #open source #social- Categorizing bugs with social networks: a case study on four open source software communities (MSZ, IS, CJT, FS), pp. 1032–1041.
SAC-2013-GouwBJW #industrial #java #runtime #source code- Run-time checking of data- and protocol-oriented properties of Java programs: an industrial case study (SdG, FSdB, EBJ, PYHW), pp. 1573–1578.
SAC-2013-MatiasOA #experience #operating system #quality #reliability- Operating system reliability from the quality of experience viewpoint: an exploratory study (RMJ, GDO, LBdA), pp. 1644–1649.
SAC-2013-MegasBFUA #integration #lifecycle #modelling #off the shelf- A study of COTS integration projects: product characteristics, organization, and life cycle models (KM, GB, WBF, JU, RA), pp. 1025–1030.
SAC-2013-MeloC #automation #difference #evolution #generative- Automatic generation of evolutionary operators: a study with mutation strategies for the differential evolution (VVdM, GLCC), pp. 188–193.
SAC-2013-SantosGFN0 - Test-based SPL extraction: an exploratory study (ARS, FNG, EF, PdAdSN, JA), pp. 1031–1036.
SAC-2013-ShikanoAYSOU #design- Study on supporting technology for operational procedure design of IT systems in cloud-era datacenters (HS, MA, JY, TS, SO, KU), pp. 405–407.
ASPLOS-2013-Gidra0SS #garbage collection #multi #scalability- A study of the scalability of stop-the-world garbage collectors on multicores (LG, GT, JS, MS), pp. 229–240.
CASE-2013-RoyNSR #comparative #robust- Robust position control of an autonomous underwater vehicle: A comparative study (SR, SN, SNS, RR), pp. 1002–1007.
CGO-2013-GartleyPSG #design #experience #framework #interpreter #profiling #robust #scalability- Experiences in designing a robust and scalable interpreter profiling framework (IG, MP, VS, NG), p. 10.
DAC-2013-TrivediCM #power management- Exploring tunnel-FET for ultra low power analog applications: a case study on operational transconductance amplifier (ART, SC, SM), p. 6.
DATE-2013-Mueller-GritschnederLWGS #framework #platform #prototype #realtime- A virtual prototyping platform for real-time systems with a case study for a two-wheeled robot (DMG, KL, EW, MG, US), pp. 1331–1334.
DATE-2013-RajovicRVGPR #energy #experience #mobile #performance- Experiences with mobile processors for energy efficient HPC (NR, AR, JV, IG, NP, AR), pp. 464–468.
DATE-2013-RizkBJMA #design- Statically-scheduled application-specific processor design: a case-study on MMSE MIMO equalization (MR, AB, MJ, YM, YA), pp. 677–680.
HPDC-2013-MaratheHLSRSY #comparative- A comparative study of high-performance computing on the cloud (AM, RH, DKL, BRdS, BR, MS, XY), pp. 239–250.
HPDC-2013-RamosH #communication #modelling- Modeling communication in cache-coherent SMP systems: a case-study with Xeon Phi (SR, TH), pp. 97–108.
PDP-2013-DziurzanskiM #automation #network #recognition #speech- Core Mapping into an Irregular Network on Chip — Features Extraction System for Automatic Speech Recognition Case Study (PD, TM), pp. 494–498.
PDP-2013-LiuZB #algebra #in the cloud #specification- A Case Study on Algebraic Specification of Cloud Computing (DL, HZ, IB), pp. 269–273.
ICST-2013-AlegrothFO #automation #industrial #testing- Transitioning Manual System Test Suites to Automated Testing: An Industrial Case Study (EA, RF, HHO), pp. 56–65.
ICST-2013-CanforaMVDFM #automation #performance #smarttech #testing #user interface- A Case Study of Automating User Experience-Oriented Performance Testing on Smartphones (GC, FM, CAV, MD, AF, CM), pp. 66–69.
ICST-2013-LeottaCRS #industrial #locality #testing #web- Repairing Selenium Test Cases: An Industrial Case Study about Web Page Element Localization (ML, DC, FR, CS), pp. 487–488.
ICST-2013-NardoABL #industrial #testing- Coverage-Based Test Case Prioritisation: An Industrial Case Study (DDN, NA, LCB, YL), pp. 302–311.
ICTSS-2013-BadriBF #empirical #predict #testing- Predicting the Size of Test Suites from Use Cases: An Empirical Exploration (MB, LB, WF), pp. 114–132.
ICTSS-2013-FengLMNSW #testing- Case Studies in Learning-Based Testing (LF, SL, KM, FN, MAS, PYHW), pp. 164–179.
ISSTA-2013-Bonacchi #proving #safety- Formal safety proof: a real case study in a railway interlocking system (AB0), pp. 378–381.
TAP-2013-BruckerFNW #generative- Test Program Generation for a Microprocessor — A Case-Study (ADB, AF, YN, BW), pp. 76–95.
QoSA-2012-Abi-AntounAH #experience #graph #object-oriented- Extraction of ownership object graphs from object-oriented code: an experience report (MAA, NA, ZH), pp. 133–142.
QoSA-2012-AliRB #architecture #multi #realtime- Characterizing real-time reflexion-based architecture recovery: an in-vivo multi-case study (NA, JR, JB), pp. 23–32.
QoSA-2012-Barnes #architecture #evolution #multi- NASA’s advanced multimission operations system: a case study in software architecture evolution (JMB), pp. 3–12.
QoSA-2012-Brebner #architecture #assessment #experience #lifecycle #modelling #performance- Experiences with early life-cycle performance modeling for architecture assessment (PB), pp. 149–154.
QoSA-2012-DajsurenBSH #architecture #consistency #multi- Automotive ADLS: a study on enforcing consistency through multiple architectural levels (YD, MvdB, AS, RH), pp. 71–80.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-HeiderVLG #component #evolution #product line- A Case Study on the Evolution of a Component-based Product Line (WH, MV, DL, PG), pp. 1–10.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-SuTHG #architecture #documentation #information management- A Study of Architectural Information Foraging in Software Architecture Documents (MTS, EDT, JGH, JCG), pp. 141–150.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-WoodsB #architecture #experience #industrial #information management #scalability #using- Using an Architecture Description Language to Model a Large-Scale Information System — An Industrial Experience Report (EW, RB), pp. 239–243.
DocEng-2012-AubertPS #authoring- Advene as a tailorable hypervideo authoring tool: a case study (OA, YP, DS), pp. 79–82.
JCDL-2012-HsiehDDW #collaboration #library #research- The “City of Lit” digital library: a case study of interdisciplinary research and collaboration (HH, BD, ND, JW), pp. 203–212.
JCDL-2012-WynholdsWBST - Data, data use, and scientific inquiry: two case studies of data practices (LW, JCW, CLB, AES, ST), pp. 19–22.
TPDL-2012-HinzeHSL #documentation #experience #lessons learnt #semantics- User-Defined Semantic Enrichment of Full-Text Documents: Experiences and Lessons Learned (AH, RH, AS, MLR), pp. 209–214.
TPDL-2012-MahouiBST #collaboration #library- Collaborative Tagging of Art Digital Libraries: Who Should Be Tagging? — A Case Study (MM, CNBC, RS, NT), pp. 162–172.
CSEET-2012-AlmeidaLFLRWYYY #development #distributed #education #experience- Teaching Globally Distributed Software Development: An Experience Report (ESdA, DL, SRF, CL, ZR, DMW, JY, MY, LY), pp. 105–109.
CSEET-2012-BollinHMS #education #experience #re-engineering #simulation- Experiences with Integrating Simulation into a Software Engineering Curriculum (AB, EH, RM, LS), pp. 62–71.
CSEET-2012-MacKellar #communication #re-engineering #scalability- A Case Study of Group Communication Patterns in a Large Project Software Engineering Course (BM), pp. 134–138.
ITiCSE-2012-BaghdadiAR #distance #learning #safety #tool support- Applying advanced technology tools in distance learning: case study: traffic data and road safety (MB, KA, JR), p. 389.
ITiCSE-2012-GomesSM #behaviour #learning #student #towards- A study on students’ behaviours and attitudes towards learning to program (AJG, ÁNS, AJM), pp. 132–137.
ITiCSE-2012-Kumar - A study of stereotype threat in computer science (ANK), pp. 273–278.
ITiCSE-2012-MalekoHD #experience #learning #mobile #programming #social- Novices’ perceptions and experiences of a mobile social learning environment for learning of programming (MM, MH, DJD), pp. 285–290.
ITiCSE-2012-MyllymakiH #learning- Choosing a study mode in blended learning (MM, IH), pp. 291–296.
SIGITE-2012-AndersonG #experience #programming #student #using- Engaging undergraduate programming students: experiences using lego mindstorms NXT (MA, CG), pp. 139–144.
SIGITE-2012-HislopEEG #experience #named- Panel: capstone experiences for information technology (GWH, JJE, HJCE, SG), pp. 111–112.
SIGITE-2012-Lincke #health #security- Planning organizational security: the health first case study (SJL), pp. 3–8.
SIGITE-2012-WangW #distance #education #experience #student- Assisting students with disabilities in distance education: an exploratory study into their experiences (YDW, GW), pp. 83–84.
CSMR-2012-EspinhaCZG #maintenance #research #standard #towards- Maintenance Research in SOA — Towards a Standard Case Study (TE, CC, AZ, HGG), pp. 391–396.
CSMR-2012-GauthierM #concept analysis #data access #modelling- Investigation of Access Control Models with Formal Concept Analysis: A Case Study (FG, EM), pp. 397–402.
CSMR-2012-GoulaoFWA #analysis #comparative #evolution #predict #using- Software Evolution Prediction Using Seasonal Time Analysis: A Comparative Study (MG, NF, MW, FBeA), pp. 213–222.
CSMR-2012-KaushikT #comparative #debugging #detection #information retrieval #modelling #performance- A Comparative Study of the Performance of IR Models on Duplicate Bug Detection (NK, LT), pp. 159–168.
ICPC-2012-NunezK #abstraction #comprehension #user study- Understanding registration-based abstractions: A quantitative user study (JJN, GK), pp. 93–102.
ICSM-2012-NasehiSMB #programming #stack overflow #what- What makes a good code example?: A study of programming Q&A in StackOverflow (SMN, JS, FM, CB), pp. 25–34.
ICSM-2012-OhiraHOM #debugging #eclipse- The impact of bug management patterns on bug fixing: A case study of Eclipse projects (MO, AEH, NO, KiM), pp. 264–273.
ICSM-2012-OmoriKM #code completion- A study on repetitiveness of code completion operations (TO, HK, KM), pp. 584–587.
ICSM-2012-SuvorovNHZA #empirical #kernel #linux- An empirical study of build system migrations in practice: Case studies on KDE and the Linux kernel (RS, MN, AEH, YZ, BA), pp. 160–169.
ICSM-2012-ZouG #algorithm #automation #detection #industrial #what #why- An industrial case study of Coman’s automated task detection algorithm: What Worked, What Didn’t, and Why (LZ, MWG), pp. 6–14.
MSR-2012-AsaduzzamanBRS #android #debugging- Bug introducing changes: A case study with Android (MA, MCB, CKR, KAS), pp. 116–119.
MSR-2012-KhomhDZA #empirical #performance #quality- Do faster releases improve software quality? An empirical case study of Mozilla Firefox (FK, TD, YZ, BA), pp. 179–188.
MSR-2012-Zhang #experience- MSR 2012 keynote: Software analytics in practice — Approaches and experiences (DZ), p. 1.
WCRE-2012-BaysalKHG - The Secret Life of Patches: A Firefox Case Study (OB, OK, RH, MWG), pp. 447–455.
WCRE-2012-HemelK #clone detection #detection #linux #reverse engineering #source code #using #variability- Reverse Engineering Variability in Source Code Using Clone Detection: A Case Study for Linux Variants of Consumer Electronic Devices (AH, RK), pp. 357–366.
FM-2012-JohnsonGMDE #hybrid #verification- Satellite Rendezvous and Conjunction Avoidance: Case Studies in Verification of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems (TTJ, JG, SM, RD, RSE), pp. 252–266.
FM-2012-OsaiweranFGR #component #design #experience #formal method #using- Experience Report on Designing and Developing Control Components Using Formal Methods (AO, TF, JFG, BJvR), pp. 341–355.
FM-2012-ZhaoZKL #approach #hybrid #industrial- A “Hybrid” Approach for Synthesizing Optimal Controllers of Hybrid Systems: A Case Study of the Oil Pump Industrial Example (HZ, NZ, DK, KGL), pp. 471–485.
IFM-2012-CalderS #algebra #network #process #runtime #verification- Process Algebra for Event-Driven Runtime Verification: A Case Study of Wireless Network Management (MC, MS), pp. 21–23.
Haskell-2012-Swierstra #coq #experience #programming #proving- xmonad in Coq (experience report): programming a window manager in a proof assistant (WS), pp. 131–136.
ICFP-2012-DanielsGR #biology #experience #haskell- Experience report: Haskell in computational biology (NMD, AG, NR), pp. 227–234.
ICFP-2012-PikeWNG #compilation #experience- Experience report: a do-it-yourself high-assurance compiler (LP, NW, SN, AG), pp. 335–340.
IFL-2012-WuMBS #experience #lazy evaluation #mining- Pure and Lazy λ Mining — An Experience Report (NW, JPM, JB, WS), pp. 207–223.
FDG-2012-DebeauvaisNLYD - 10, 000 gold for 20 dollars: an exploratory study of World of Warcraft gold buyers (TD, BAN, CVL, NY, ND), pp. 105–112.
FDG-2012-PhamT #experience #game studies- Game controllers for older adults: experimental study on gameplay experiences and preferences (TPP, YLT), pp. 284–285.
FDG-2012-SmithAMP #automation #design #game studies #tool support- A case study of expressively constrainable level design automation tools for a puzzle game (AMS, EA, MM, ZP), pp. 156–163.
CHI-2012-AntinS #bias #motivation #self #social- Social desirability bias and self-reports of motivation: a study of amazon mechanical turk in the US and India (JA, ADS), pp. 2925–2934.
CHI-2012-BogartBDAW #debugging #design #interactive #programming- Designing a debugging interaction language for cognitive modelers: an initial case study in natural programming plus (CB, MMB, SD, HA, RW), pp. 2469–2478.
CHI-2012-DombrowskiVHM - The labor practices of service mediation: a study of the work practices of food assistance outreach (LD, AV, GRH, MM), pp. 1977–1986.
CHI-2012-Friess #design #process- Personas and decision making in the design process: an ethnographic case study (EF), pp. 1209–1218.
CHI-2012-KjeldskovSPP #mobile #using- Using mobile phones to support sustainability: a field study of residential electricity consumption (JK, MBS, JP, RP), pp. 2347–2356.
CHI-2012-LeeKFR #embedded #social- Ripple effects of an embedded social agent: a field study of a social robot in the workplace (MKL, SBK, JF, PER), pp. 695–704.
CHI-2012-LeeKYYK #comprehension #mobile- Understanding mobile Q&A usage: an exploratory study (UL, HK, EY, MY, JK), pp. 3215–3224.
CHI-2012-LicoppeI #mobile #quote #using- “Timid encounters”: a case study in the use of proximity-based mobile technologies (CL, YI), pp. 2759–2768.
CHI-2012-MalheirosJPBS #effectiveness #personalisation- Too close for comfort: a study of the effectiveness and acceptability of rich-media personalized advertising (MM, CJ, SP, SB, MAS), pp. 579–588.
CHI-2012-MuellerVGEASH #experience- Balancing exertion experiences (FM, FV, MRG, DE, SA, JGS, JH), pp. 1853–1862.
CHI-2012-MullerWBNA - Looking glass: a field study on noticing interactivity of a shop window (JM, RW, GB, MN, FA), pp. 297–306.
CHI-2012-OganWBRCLC #collaboration #design #recommendation- Collaboration in cognitive tutor use in latin America: field study and design recommendations (AO, EW, RSJdB, GRM, MJC, TL, AMJBdC), pp. 1381–1390.
CHI-2012-OlssonS #artificial reality #experience #mobile- Narratives of satisfying and unsatisfying experiences of current mobile augmented reality applications (TO, MS), pp. 2779–2788.
CHI-2012-RaihaO #fault #type system- An exploratory study of eye typing fundamentals: dwell time, text entry rate, errors, and workload (KJR, SO), pp. 3001–3010.
CHI-2012-TolmieBFBATFG #experience #quote- “Act natural”: instructions, compliance and accountability in ambulatory experiences (PT, SB, MF, PB, MA, NT, JRF, GG), pp. 1519–1528.
CSCW-2012-EletaG #image #multi #social- A study of multilingual social tagging of art images: cultural bridges and diversity (IE, JG), pp. 695–704.
CSCW-2012-VasalouOJ #product line- A case study of non-adoption: the values of location tracking in the family (AV, AMO, ANJ), pp. 779–788.
CSCW-2012-WangDLXG #empirical #experience #framework #game studies #online #platform- Infrastructural experiences: an empirical study of an online arcade game platform in China (QW, XD, TL, HX, NG), pp. 583–592.
CSCW-2012-WycheG #communication #how #product line #quote- “This is how we do it in my country”: a study of computer-mediated family communication among Kenyan migrants in the United States (SW, REG), pp. 87–96.
CSCW-2012-XuB #community #interactive #online #scalability #what- What do you think?: a case study of benefit, expectation, and interaction in a large online critique community (AX, BPB), pp. 295–304.
CAiSE-2012-BaroneTM #modelling- Business Intelligence Modeling in Action: A Hospital Case Study (DB, TT, JM), pp. 502–517.
CAiSE-2012-BinderDDDFGGHHRRW #clustering #experience #on the #process- On Analyzing Process Compliance in Skin Cancer Treatment: An Experience Report from the Evidence-Based Medical Compliance Cluster (EBMC2) (MB, WD, GD, RD, KAF, WG, WG, KH, MH, SRM, CR, SW), pp. 398–413.
CAiSE-2012-EngelAZPW #mining #modelling #process- Mining Inter-organizational Business Process Models from EDI Messages: A Case Study from the Automotive Sector (RE, WMPvdA, MZ, CP, HW), pp. 222–237.
ICEIS-v2-2012-AleixoKFCN #comparative #modelling #process #using- Modularizing Software Process Lines using Model-driven Approaches — A Comparative Study (FAA, UK, MAF, DAdC, ECN), pp. 120–125.
ICEIS-v3-2012-KimO #architecture #enterprise #modelling- A Case Study on Modeling of Complex Event Processing in Enterprise Architecture (HK, SO), pp. 173–180.
ICEIS-v3-2012-StuckenschmidtNF #integration- A Study in User-centric Data Integration (HS, JN, FF), pp. 5–14.
ICPR-2012-AroraE #automation #classification #comparative #towards- Towards automated classification of fine-art painting style: A comparative study (RSA, AME), pp. 3541–3544.
ICPR-2012-ChangLCH #comparative #recognition- Applying scattering operators for face recognition: A comparative study (KYC, CFL, CSC, YPH), pp. 2985–2988.
ICPR-2012-DinhDL #difference #representation- A study on semi-supervised dissimilarity representation (VCD, RPWD, ML), pp. 2861–2864.
ICPR-2012-Gomez-BarreroGFOMF #authentication #geometry- Inverse biometrics: A case study in hand geometry authentication (MGB, JG, JF, JOG, AM, MAF), pp. 1281–1284.
ICPR-2012-NaritaOWK #3d #estimation #recognition- A study on three dimensional rotation-free character recognition and rotation angle estimation of characters (RN, WO, TW, FK), pp. 677–680.
KDD-2012-AndersonHKL #community #process #stack overflow- Discovering value from community activity on focused question answering sites: a case study of stack overflow (AA, DPH, JMK, JL), pp. 850–858.
KDD-2012-ChenFDS - Differentially private transit data publication: a case study on the montreal transportation system (RC, BCMF, BCD, NMS), pp. 213–221.
KDD-2012-Lin #data mining #experience #machine learning #mining- Experiences and lessons in developing industry-strength machine learning and data mining software (CJL), p. 1176.
KDIR-2012-ArmanoGV #effectiveness- Are Related Links Effective for Contextual Advertising? — A Preliminary Study (GA, AG, EV), pp. 221–226.
KDIR-2012-Bhasker #algorithm #collaboration #comparative- Comparative Study of Collaborative Filtering Algorithms (BB), pp. 132–137.
KDIR-2012-KharbatBO #algorithm #dataset- A New Compaction Algorithm for LCS Rules — Breast Cancer Dataset Case Study (FK, LB, MO), pp. 382–385.
KDIR-2012-LemnaruTCP #classification #detection #hybrid #network #problem- A Hybrid Solution for Imbalanced Classification Problems — Case Study on Network Intrusion Detection (CL, ATV, AC, RP), pp. 348–352.
KDIR-2012-Vaz0M #comparative- LitRec vs. Movielens — A Comparative Study (PCV, RR, DMdM), pp. 370–373.
KEOD-2012-GarciaAGG #metadata #ontology- Case Study: Ontology for Metadata in e-Learning (AMFG, SSA, MEBG, RBG), pp. 317–320.
KEOD-2012-Otero-CerdeiraRVA #industrial #multi #ontology- Multi-agent Systems and Ontologies Applied to New Industrial Domains — Case Study: Ornamental Plants (LOC, FJRM, TVR, LLA), pp. 357–364.
KMIS-2012-GoyM #documentation #ontology #towards- Towards an Ontology-based Software Documentation Management — A Case Study (AG, DM), pp. 125–131.
KMIS-2012-MenasselM #formal method #novel #process- A Novel Formalization Process for Use Case Maps (YM, FM), pp. 307–310.
KMIS-2012-NgocIC #modelling #using- Modeling of Indicators using UTL — A Study Case with Hop3x System (DPTN, SI, CC), pp. 269–272.
MLDM-2012-JoutsijokiJ #dataset- DAGSVM vs. DAGKNN: An Experimental Case Study with Benthic Macroinvertebrate Dataset (HJ, MJ), pp. 439–453.
MLDM-2012-KhanCDE #3d #correlation #incremental #symmetry- Finding Correlations between 3-D Surfaces: A Study in Asymmetric Incremental Sheet Forming (MSK, FC, CD, SES), pp. 366–379.
MLDM-2012-SilvaA #clustering- Semi-supervised Clustering: A Case Study (AS, CA), pp. 252–263.
RecSys-2012-BellufXG #online #personalisation #recommendation #scalability- Case study on the business value impact of personalized recommendations on a large online retailer (TB, LX, RG), pp. 277–280.
SEKE-2012-AlbuquerquePL #approach #experience #natural language #requirements #reuse #using- Reuse of Experiences Applied to Requirements Engineering: An Approach Based on Natural Language Processing (AA, VP, TL), pp. 574–577.
SEKE-2012-AnguswamyF #component #reuse- An Exploratory Study of One-Use and Reusable Software Components (RA, WBF), pp. 194–219.
SEKE-2012-BritoOMNBGM #composition #implementation #social #web- Implementing Web Applications as Social Machines Composition: A Case Study (KdSB, LEAO, PFM, LMN, VAdAB, VCG, SRdLM), pp. 311–314.
SEKE-2012-BublitzAP #ontology #pervasive- A Context Ontology Model for Pervasive Advertising: a Case Study on Pervasive Displays (FB, HOdA, AP), pp. 426–431.
SEKE-2012-DingX #modelling #testing- Model-Based Metamorphic Testing: A Case Study (JD, DX), pp. 363–368.
SIGIR-2012-Ko #classification #using- A study of term weighting schemes using class information for text classification (YK), pp. 1029–1030.
SIGIR-2012-LarsenLFS #metadata #retrieval- Preliminary study of technical terminology for the retrieval of scientific book metadata records (BL, CL, IF, HS), pp. 1131–1132.
SIGIR-2012-LevelingJ #documentation- Making results fit into 40 characters: a study in document rewriting (JL, GJFJ), pp. 1107–1108.
SIGIR-2012-MishneL #twitter- Twanchor text: a preliminary study of the value of tweets as anchor text (GM, JL), pp. 1159–1160.
SIGIR-2012-SaidJNPAS #recommendation #user study- Estimating the magic barrier of recommender systems: a user study (AS, BJJ, SN, TP, SA, CS), pp. 1061–1062.
AMT-2012-TisoRL #experience #model transformation #testing- Early experiences on model transformation testing (AT, GR, ML), pp. 15–20.
ECMFA-2012-ElaasarL #process #testing- Model Interchange Testing: A Process and a Case Study (ME, YL), pp. 49–61.
ECMFA-2012-SelimWCD #industrial #legacy #migration #model transformation #modelling- Model Transformations for Migrating Legacy Models: An Industrial Case Study (GMKS, SW, JRC, JD), pp. 90–101.
ECMFA-2012-VotintsevaWRS #comparative #industrial #modelling #multi- Comparative Study of Model-Based and Multi-Domain System Engineering Approaches for Industrial Settings (AV, PW, NR, PES), pp. 20–31.
ECMFA-2012-YueA #industrial #non-functional #requirements #state machine #testing- Bridging the Gap between Requirements and Aspect State Machines to Support Non-functional Testing: Industrial Case Studies (TY, SA), pp. 133–145.
MoDELS-2012-AliYBW #industrial #modelling #product line #testing- A Product Line Modeling and Configuration Methodology to Support Model-Based Testing: An Industrial Case Study (SA, TY, LCB, SW), pp. 726–742.
MoDELS-2012-IqbalAYB #experience #industrial #uml- Experiences of Applying UML/MARTE on Three Industrial Projects (MZZI, SA, TY, LCB), pp. 642–658.
MoDELS-2012-KuhnMT #development #modelling #scalability- An Exploratory Study of Forces and Frictions Affecting Large-Scale Model-Driven Development (AK, GCM, CAT), pp. 352–367.
PLEASE-2012-HuYWRW #industrial- Value-based portfolio scoping: an industrial case study (JH, YY, QW, GR, HW), pp. 45–48.
SPLC-2012-KircherH #agile #development #experience #reuse- Combining systematic reuse with Agile development: experience report (MK, PH), pp. 215–219.
SPLC-2012-PatzkeBSSSF #evolution #identification #product line- Identifying improvement potential in evolving product line infrastructures: 3 case studies (TP, MB, MS, KS, JES, TF), pp. 239–248.
SPLC-2012-PleussHKB #user interface #variability- A case study on variability in user interfaces (AP, BH, MK, GB), pp. 6–10.
PLATEAU-2012-MeyerovichR12a #developer #experience #how #overview #repository- How not to survey developers and repositories: experiences analyzing language adoption (LAM, ASR), pp. 7–16.
AdaEurope-2012-Iliasov #development #reasoning- Augmenting Formal Development with Use Case Reasoning (AI), pp. 133–146.
PEPM-2012-UrecheRSCO #development #domain-specific language #named- StagedSAC: a case study in performance-oriented DSL development (VU, TR, AKS, HC, MO), pp. 73–82.
RE-2012-AmellerACF #architecture #how #non-functional #requirements- How do software architects consider non-functional requirements: An exploratory study (DA, CPA, JC, XF), pp. 41–50.
RE-2012-GordonB #multi #requirements- Reconciling multi-jurisdictional legal requirements: A case study in requirements water marking (DGG, TDB), pp. 91–100.
RE-2012-KongHDD #process #traceability- Process improvement for traceability: A study of human fallibility (WKK, JHH, AD, OD), pp. 31–40.
REFSQ-2012-EngelsmanW #architecture #enterprise #lessons learnt #requirements- Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Enterprise Architecture: Two Case Studies and Some Lessons Learned (WE, RW), pp. 306–320.
REFSQ-2012-FrickerS #industrial #release planning- Release Planning with Feature Trees: Industrial Case (SF, SS), pp. 288–305.
REFSQ-2012-LiM #comparative #traceability #visualisation- Which Traceability Visualization Is Suitable in This Context? A Comparative Study (YL, WM), pp. 194–210.
REFSQ-2012-RaspotnigO #analysis #diagrams #sequence chart- Supporting Failure Mode and Effect Analysis: A Case Study with Failure Sequence Diagrams (CR, ALO), pp. 117–131.
FSE-2012-KimZN #challenge #refactoring- A field study of refactoring challenges and benefits (MK, TZ, NN), p. 50.
FSE-2012-RayK #migration- A case study of cross-system porting in forked projects (BR, MK), p. 53.
FSE-2012-TaoDXZK #how #industrial- How do software engineers understand code changes?: an exploratory study in industry (YT, YD, TX, DZ, SK), p. 51.
ICSE-2012-BianculliGPS #industrial #research #specification- Specification patterns from research to industry: A case study in service-based applications (DB, CG, CP, PS), pp. 968–976.
ICSE-2012-DevosPDBMA #industrial #performance #reuse #smarttech #using- Efficient reuse of domain-specific test knowledge: An industrial case in the smart card domain (ND, CP, JCD, RB, BM, GA), pp. 1123–1132.
ICSE-2012-Duala-EkokoR #api- Asking and answering questions about unfamiliar APIs: An exploratory study (EDE, MPR), pp. 266–276.
ICSE-2012-GreilerDS #plugin #testing- Test confessions: A study of testing practices for plug-in systems (MG, AvD, MADS), pp. 244–254.
ICSE-2012-Johnson #question #static analysis #tool support #using #why- A study on improving static analysis tools: Why are we not using them? (BJ), pp. 1607–1609.
ICSE-2012-KilamoHC #collaboration #development #education- Teaching collaborative software development: A case study (TK, IH, MAC), pp. 1165–1174.
ICSE-2012-KimKKJ #approach #industrial #testing #using- Industrial application of concolic testing approach: A case study on libexif by using CREST-BV and KLEE (YK, MK, YJK, YJ), pp. 1143–1152.
ICSE-2012-Mendes #elicitation #estimation #industrial #lessons learnt #using #web- Using knowledge elicitation to improve Web effort estimation: Lessons from six industrial case studies (EM), pp. 1112–1121.
ICSE-2012-SillittiSV #comprehension #developer #industrial #programming #scalability- Understanding the impact of Pair Programming on developers attention: A case study on a large industrial experimentation (AS, GS, JV), pp. 1094–1101.
ICSE-2012-Sprenger #experience #how #re-engineering- How software engineering can benefit from traditional industries — A practical experience report (TS), p. 1000.
SAC-2012-AbeniP #experience #interactive- Experiences with client/server interactions in a reservation-based system (LA, TP), pp. 1837–1839.
SAC-2012-BasuVDK #collaboration #performance #privacy- Feasibility of a privacy preserving collaborative filtering scheme on the Google App Engine: a performance case study (AB, JV, TD, HK), pp. 447–452.
SAC-2012-BollatiAMV #model management #modelling- Model Management Systems vs. Model Driven Engineering: a case study (VAB, PA, EM, JMV), pp. 865–872.
SAC-2012-EgginkAB #classification- A pilot study for mood-based classification of TV programmes (JE, PA, DB), pp. 918–922.
SAC-2012-GrooteOW #experience #formal method- Experience report on developing the Front-end client unit under the control of formal methods (JFG, AO, JHW), pp. 1183–1190.
SAC-2012-MaloneG #groovy #using- A case study in the use of Groovy and Grails (KM, JG), pp. 1254–1255.
SAC-2012-PedreschiRT #metric- A study of top-k measures for discrimination discovery (DP, SR, FT), pp. 126–131.
SAC-2012-ScandurraAYD #functional #modelling #requirements #state machine #validation- Functional requirements validation by transforming use case models into Abstract State Machines (PS, AA, TY, MD), pp. 1063–1068.
SAC-2012-TiwariG #validation- Statechart-based use case requirement validation of event-driven systems (ST, AG), pp. 1091–1093.
ASPLOS-2012-FerdmanAKVAJKPAF #hardware- Clearing the clouds: a study of emerging scale-out workloads on modern hardware (MF, AA, YOK, SV, MA, DJ, CK, ADP, AA, BF), pp. 37–48.
CASE-2012-BaekKAYK - Study on iterative method of electro-hydraulic actuator in force control (SGB, HK, KTA, HGY, JCK), pp. 178–183.
CASE-2012-DriesselM #composition #heuristic #scheduling- An exploratory study of a decomposition heuristic for complex shop scheduling with transportation (RD, LM), pp. 413–418.
CASE-2012-FantiIMU #design #evaluation #performance- A three level strategy for the design and performance evaluation of Hospital Departments: A case study (MPF, GI, AMM, WU), pp. 323–328.
CASE-2012-KimRYCKKP #metric- A study on the measurement of axial cracks in the Magnetic Flux Leakage NDT system (HMK, YWR, HRY, SHC, DKK, SJK, GSP), pp. 624–629.
CASE-2012-LiST #challenge #realtime- Real time electricity demand response for sustainable manufacturing systems: Challenges and a case study (LL, ZS, ZT), pp. 353–357.
CASE-2012-XieLSD12a #agile #delivery- Improving rapid response operations in acute care delivery — part II: Continuous improvement and case study (XX, JL, CHS, PD), pp. 309–314.
CASE-2012-YeunHLK - An experimental study on fastener anchor system supporting curtain wall and cleaning robot (KWY, YGH, YWL, JK), pp. 1022–1027.
DAC-2012-HuangYCL #industrial- Alternate hammering test for application-specific DRAMs and an industrial case study (RFH, HYY, MCTC, SCL), pp. 1012–1017.
DAC-2012-PinoLCHL #modelling #statistics- Statistical memristor modeling and case study in neuromorphic computing (REP, HHL, YC, MH, BL), pp. 585–590.
DATE-2012-KwonKKYL #in memory #memory management #ram- A case study on the application of real phase-change RAM to main memory subsystem (SK, DK, YK, SY, SL), pp. 264–267.
DATE-2012-ZuluagaBT #design #predict #trade-off- Predicting best design trade-offs: A case study in processor customization (MZ, EVB, NPT), pp. 1030–1035.
OSDI-2012-Levis #development #experience- Experiences from a Decade of TinyOS Development (PL), pp. 207–220.
ICST-2012-BorazjanyYLKK #combinator #testing- Combinatorial Testing of ACTS: A Case Study (MNB, LY, YL, RK, RK), pp. 591–600.
ICST-2012-BorjessonF #automation #comparative #industrial #testing #tool support #user interface #using #visual notation- Automated System Testing Using Visual GUI Testing Tools: A Comparative Study in Industry (EB, RF), pp. 350–359.
ICST-2012-EldhS #challenge #industrial #mobile #robust #testing- Robustness Testing of Mobile Telecommunication Systems: A Case Study on Industrial Practice and Challenges (SE, DS), pp. 895–900.
ICST-2012-JollyGE #automation #industrial #research #testing- Automated Unit Testing of a SCADA Control Software: An Industrial Case Study Based on Action Research (SAJ, VG, MME), pp. 400–409.
ICST-2012-KimKJ #embedded #industrial #testing- Industrial Application of Concolic Testing on Embedded Software: Case Studies (MK, YK, YJ), pp. 390–399.
ICST-2012-LiuNT #bound #smt #using #verification- Bounded Program Verification Using an SMT Solver: A Case Study (TL, MN, MT), pp. 101–110.
ICST-2012-Runeson #collaboration #experience #industrial- It Takes Two to Tango — An Experience Report on Industry — Academia Collaboration (PR), pp. 872–877.
LICS-2012-Schuster #algebra #induction- Induction in Algebra: A First Case Study (PS), pp. 581–585.
ECSA-2011-TizzeiR #architecture #comparative #component #evolution #product line- Aspect-Connectors to Support the Evolution of Component-Based Product Line Architectures: A Comparative Study (LPT, CMFR), pp. 59–66.
WICSA-2011-BoerV #architecture #experience #information management #semantics #wiki- Experiences with Semantic Wikis for Architectural Knowledge Management (RCdB, HvV), pp. 32–41.
WICSA-2011-TsakirisKM #evaluation #hybrid #industrial #plugin #quality #using- Evaluation of the Use of Quality Attribute Scenarios in a Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Controls System — Industrial Case Study (AT, JK, RM), pp. 66–72.
DocEng-2011-AdamsPS #forensics #interactive- A study of the interaction of paper substrates on printed forensic imaging (GBA, SBP, SJS), pp. 263–266.
DocEng-2011-AlmeidaHY - Contributions to the study of SMS spam filtering: new collection and results (TAA, JMGH, AY), pp. 259–262.
DocEng-2011-QuKWH #metadata #semantics- Interoperable metadata semantics with meta-metadata: a use case integrating search engines (YQ, AK, AMW, AH), pp. 171–174.
ICDAR-2011-LuoOWK #automation #classification- A Study on Automatic Chinese Text Classification (XL, WO, TW, FK), pp. 920–924.
ICDAR-2011-RabaevBEKD - Case Study in Hebrew Character Searching (IR, OB, JES, KK, ID), pp. 1080–1084.
ICDAR-2011-SongUL11a #comparative #recognition- Comparative Study of Part-Based Handwritten Character Recognition Methods (WS, SU, ML), pp. 814–818.
JCDL-2011-BogenF #named- Ember: a case study of a digital memorial museum of born-digital artifacts (PLBI, RF), pp. 77–80.
JCDL-2011-SaadG #using #web- Archiving the web using page changes patterns: a case study (MBS, SG), pp. 113–122.
JCDL-2011-WynholdsFBT #library- When use cases are not useful: data practices, astronomy, and digital libraries (LW, DSFJ, CLB, ST), pp. 383–386.
SIGMOD-2011-SilbersteinSZC #experience- A batch of PNUTS: experiences connecting cloud batch and serving systems (AS, RS, WZ, BFC), pp. 1101–1112.
TPDL-2011-BlusteinRG - Making Sense in the Margins: A Field Study of Annotation (JB, DR, ABG), pp. 252–259.
TPDL-2011-Colombo #design #experience- Designing Highly Engaging eBook Experiences for Kids (LC), pp. 531–534.
TPDL-2011-CongletonY #comparative- A Comparative Study of Academic Digital Copyright in the United States and Europe (RJC, SQY), pp. 216–226.
TPDL-2011-LiS #library- Developing National Digital Library of Albania for Pre-university Schools: A Case Study (XL, AS), pp. 341–347.
TPDL-2011-Reitz0 #community #quality- Did They Notice? — A Case-Study on the Community Contribution to Data Quality in DBLP (FR, OH), pp. 204–215.
TPDL-2011-SmithOG #capacity #named #using- CloudCAP: A Case Study in Capacity Planning Using the Cloud (JAS, JFO, JRG), pp. 110–117.
CSEET-2011-Shepperd #education #experience- Group project work from the outset: An in-depth teaching experience report (MJS), pp. 361–370.
CSEET-2011-TabriziVD #development #experience #re-engineering- Development of North Carolina’s first Software Engineering program: An experience report (MHNT, SV, JD), pp. 266–273.
CSEET-2011-Tanuan #delivery #design #experience #mobile #programming- Design and delivery of a modern mobile application programming course — An experience report (MT), pp. 237–246.
CSEET-2011-WongBDMOV #education #experience #lessons learnt #testing- Teaching software testing: Experiences, lessons learned and the path forward (WEW, AB, VD, APM, JO, MAV), pp. 530–534.
ITiCSE-2011-BackCMM #modelling #student #using- A study in engaging female students in computer science using role models (JB, PC, CM, PWM), pp. 63–67.
ITiCSE-2011-BreimerCCY #information management- A study of video-based versus text-based labs for a management information systems course (EB, MC, JC, RY), pp. 128–132.
ITiCSE-2011-Grasser #component #developer #experience #implementation #web- Experiences in implementing a studio component into a course for novice web developers (RG), pp. 23–27.
ITiCSE-2011-KoppelmanDH #research- Undergraduate research: a case study (HK, BvD, GvDH), pp. 288–292.
ITiCSE-2011-OliveiraMR11a #natural language #programming- Natural language in introductory programming: an experimental study (OLO, AMM, NTR), p. 363.
ITiCSE-2011-PauHGW #exclamation #experience #programming #student- Female students’ experiences of programming: it’s not all bad! (RP, WH, MG, JW), pp. 323–327.
ITiCSE-2011-PorterLSCZ #experience #multi- Experience report: a multi-classroom report on the value of peer instruction (LP, CBL, BS, QIC, DZ), pp. 138–142.
ITiCSE-2011-VilnerZT11a - Integrating greenfoot into CS1: a case study (TV, EZ, ST), p. 350.
SIGITE-2011-ZhangW #communication #performance- Effects of communication, leadership, and team performance on successful IT capstone projects: a case study (CZ, AJAW), pp. 281–286.
ICPC-J-2009-SamalikovaKTWS11 #experience #process #towards- Toward objective software process information: experiences from a case study (JS, RJK, JJMT, TW, PS), pp. 101–120.
SCAM-J-2009-PhalpAJVK11 #comprehension #requirements- The role of comprehension in requirements and implications for use case descriptions (KP, AA, SJ, JV, JMK), pp. 461–486.
CSMR-2011-CoutoVF #compilation #product line #using- Extracting Software Product Lines: A Case Study Using Conditional Compilation (MVC, MTV, EF), pp. 191–200.
CSMR-2011-MantylaV #challenge #deployment #process- Software Deployment Activities and Challenges — A Case Study of Four Software Product Companies (MM, JV), pp. 131–140.
CSMR-2011-MendeKP #fault #integration #on the #predict #testing- On the Utility of a Defect Prediction Model during HW/SW Integration Testing: A Retrospective Case Study (TM, RK, JP), pp. 259–268.
CSMR-2011-VanyaPV #approximate #set- Approximating Change Sets at Philips Healthcare: A Case Study (AV, RP, HvV), pp. 121–130.
ICPC-2011-HouL #api #framework #using- Obstacles in Using Frameworks and APIs: An Exploratory Study of Programmers’ Newsgroup Discussions (DH, LL), pp. 91–100.
ICPC-2011-SyerAH #behaviour #comprehension #industrial- Industrial Case Study on Supporting the Comprehension of System Behaviour under Load (MDS, BA, AEH), pp. 215–216.
ICSM-2011-CarlsonDD #approach #clustering #industrial #testing- A clustering approach to improving test case prioritization: An industrial case study (RC, HD, AD), pp. 382–391.
ICSM-2011-DhaliwalKZ #debugging- Classifying field crash reports for fixing bugs: A case study of Mozilla Firefox (TD, FK, YZ), pp. 333–342.
ICSM-2011-GuoSGCTSSS #technical debt- Tracking technical debt — An exploratory case study (YG, CBS, RG, AC, GT, FQBdS, ALMS, CdS), pp. 528–531.
ICSM-2011-KuDYW #industrial #maintenance- Estimating software maintenance effort from use cases: An industrial case study (YK, JD, YY, QW), pp. 482–491.
ICSM-2011-RogstadBDRA #automation #database #experience #industrial #legacy #testing- Industrial experiences with automated regression testing of a legacy database application (ER, LCB, RD, MR, EA), pp. 362–371.
ICSM-2011-Salvaneschi #documentation #evolution #information management- The evolution of Information Systems a case study on document management (PS), pp. 428–437.
ICSM-2011-SrikanthC #as a service #industrial #testing- Regression testing in Software as a Service: An industrial case study (HS, MBC), pp. 372–381.
ICSM-2011-VasilescuSB #metric- You can’t control the unfamiliar: A study on the relations between aggregation techniques for software metrics (BV, AS, MvdB), pp. 313–322.
ICSM-2011-WangPXZ #feature model #process- An exploratory study of feature location process: Distinct phases, recurring patterns, and elementary actions (JW, XP, ZX, WZ), pp. 213–222.
ICSM-2011-ZhangSPXZ #incremental #industrial #product line #re-engineering #towards- Incremental and iterative reengineering towards Software Product Line: An industrial case study (GZ, LS, XP, ZX, WZ), pp. 418–427.
MSR-2011-EshkevariAPOGA #identifier- An exploratory study of identifier renamings (LME, VA, MDP, RO, YGG, GA), pp. 33–42.
MSR-2011-KarusG #evolution #open source- A study of language usage evolution in open source software (SK, HCG), pp. 13–22.
MSR-2011-PaganoM #developer #how- How do developers blog?: an exploratory study (DP, WM), pp. 123–132.
MSR-2011-RaoK #comparative #debugging #library #locality #modelling #retrieval- Retrieval from software libraries for bug localization: a comparative study of generic and composite text models (SR, ACK), pp. 43–52.
MSR-2011-ZamanAH #debugging #performance #security- Security versus performance bugs: a case study on Firefox (SZ, BA, AEH), pp. 93–102.
SCAM-2011-AlvesHR #comparative #query- A Comparative Study of Code Query Technologies (TLA, JH, PR), pp. 145–154.
SCAM-2011-SyerAZH #android #development #platform- Exploring the Development of Micro-apps: A Case Study on the BlackBerry and Android Platforms (MDS, BA, YZ, AEH), pp. 55–64.
SCAM-2011-WangG #linux- A Study of Cloning in the Linux SCSI Drivers (WW, MWG), pp. 95–104.
WCRE-2011-BergerBS #android #security- An Android Security Case Study with Bauhaus (BJB, MB, KS), pp. 179–183.
WCRE-2011-HerraizSNH #quality- Impact of Installation Counts on Perceived Quality: A Case Study on Debian (IH, ES, THDN, AEH), pp. 219–228.
WCRE-2011-HouY #api #evolution- Exploring the Intent behind API Evolution: A Case Study (DH, XY), pp. 131–140.
WCRE-2011-JaafarGHA #metaprogramming- An Exploratory Study of Macro Co-changes (FJ, YGG, SH, GA), pp. 325–334.
WCRE-2011-KaushikTM #debugging #testing #traceability- Reconstructing Traceability between Bugs and Test Cases: An Experimental Study (NK, LT, MM), pp. 411–414.
WCRE-2011-KhomhCZH #approach #evaluation- An Entropy Evaluation Approach for Triaging Field Crashes: A Case Study of Mozilla Firefox (FK, BC, YZ, AEH), pp. 261–270.
WCRE-2011-ShangJAHGNF #evolution #execution #scalability- An Exploratory Study of the Evolution of Communicated Information about the Execution of Large Software Systems (WS, ZMJ, BA, AEH, MWG, MNN, PF), pp. 335–344.
WCRE-2011-TreudeFSS #reverse engineering #security- An Exploratory Study of Software Reverse Engineering in a Security Context (CT, FMFF, MADS, MS), pp. 184–188.
CIAA-2011-SkvortsovT #automaton #random #word- Experimental Study of the Shortest Reset Word of Random Automata (ES, ET), pp. 290–298.
FM-2011-BowenR #community #formal method- From a Community of Practice to a Body of Knowledge: A Case Study of the Formal Methods Community (JPB, SR), pp. 308–322.
FM-2011-KlebanovMSLWAABCCHJLMPPRSTTUW #contest #experience- The 1st Verified Software Competition: Experience Report (VK, PM, NS, GTL, VW, EA, RA, DB, RC, EC, MAH, BJ, KRML, RM, FP, NP, TR, JS, ST, TT, MU, BW), pp. 154–168.
SEFM-2011-VassevH #experience #model checking- Developing Model-Checking Mechanisms for ASSL: An Experience Report (EV, MH), pp. 19–34.
ICFP-2011-MagalhaesH #experience #functional #modelling- Functional modelling of musical harmony: an experience report (JPM, BdH), pp. 156–162.
AIIDE-2011-RiedlLAR #experience #multi #robust- Robust and Authorable Multiplayer Storytelling Experiences (MR, BL, HA, AR).
DiGRA-2011-DecockL - Forbidden or Promising Fruit? An experimental study into the effects of warning labels on the purchase intention of digital gamers (JD, JVL).
DiGRA-2011-FlanaganSBPDAD #design #game studies #health #people- Preventing a POX Among the People? A Design Case Study of a Public Health Game (MF, MS, JB, SP, ZD, MA, AD).
DiGRA-2011-HerrewijnP #effectiveness #experience #game studies #how- Putting Brands into Play: How Player Experiences Influence the Effectiveness of In-Game Advertising (LH, KP).
DiGRA-2011-Lange-Nielsen #experience #game studies- The Power-up Experience: A study of Power-ups in Games and their Effect on Player Experience (FLN).
DiGRA-2011-WangS #experience #game studies #social- Game reward systems: Gaming experiences and social meanings (HW, CTS).
DiGRA-2011-WimmerS - The professional identity of gameworkers revisited. A qualitative inquiry on the case study of German professionals (JW, TS).
FDG-2011-LimN - A study of raiders with disabilities in World of Warcraft (TL, BAN), pp. 161–167.
VS-Games-2011-VosinakisKZ #learning #problem- An Exploratory Study of Problem-Based Learning in Virtual Worlds (SV, PK, PZ), pp. 112–119.
AGTIVE-2011-BuchmannWW #configuration management #graph transformation- The Added Value of Programmed Graph Transformations — A Case Study from Software Configuration Management (TB, BW, SW), pp. 198–209.
AGTIVE-2011-PatzinaP #atl #comparison- A Case Study Based Comparison of ATL and SDM (SP, LP), pp. 210–221.
GT-VMT-2011-BoronatM #automation #maude #uml- Automated Model Synchronization: A Case Study on UML with Maude (AB, JM).
CHI-2011-FurnissBC #experience #lessons learnt- Confessions from a grounded theory PhD: experiences and lessons learnt (DF, AB, PC), pp. 113–122.
CHI-2011-HazlewoodSC - Issues in evaluating ambient displays in the wild: two case studies (WRH, ES, KC), pp. 877–886.
CHI-2011-LaquaSGG #information management #user study- Do you know dis?: a user study of a knowledge discovery tool for organizations (SL, MAS, SG, CG), pp. 2887–2896.
CHI-2011-LeshedS #experience #quote #tool support- “I lie to myself that I have freedom in my own schedule”: productivity tools and experiences of busyness (GL, PS), pp. 905–914.
CHI-2011-MarshallB #experience #interactive #performance #using- Using fast interaction to create intense experiences (JM, SB), pp. 1255–1264.
CHI-2011-OregliaLZ #design #experience- Designing for emerging rural users: experiences from China (EO, YL, WZ), pp. 1433–1436.
CHI-2011-PaldaniusKVJH #communication #experience #interactive- Communication technology for human-dog interaction: exploration of dog owners’ experiences and expectations (MP, TK, KVVM, OJ, JH), pp. 2641–2650.
CHI-2011-PazminoL #mobile- An exploratory study of input modalities for mobile devices used with museum exhibits (PJP, LL), pp. 895–904.
CHI-2011-SrikulwongO #comparative #representation #smarttech- A comparative study of tactile representation techniques for landmarks on a wearable device (MS, EO), pp. 2029–2038.
CHI-2011-WhittakerMCBT #email- Am I wasting my time organizing email?: a study of email refinding (SW, TM, JAC, HB, JCT), pp. 3449–3458.
CSCW-2011-AlsheikhRL #design #distance- (Whose) value-sensitive design: a study of long- distance relationships in an Arabic cultural context (TA, JAR, SEL), pp. 75–84.
CSCW-2011-HandelP #experience #scalability- Working around official applications: experiences from a large engineering project (MJH, SEP), pp. 309–312.
CSCW-2011-JiangGH #3d #video- The video of Xland: two core use cases of 3D blog (YJ, RG, YH), pp. 583–584.
CSCW-2011-QuHZZ #microblog- Microblogging after a major disaster in China: a case study of the 2010 Yushu earthquake (YQ, CH, PZ, JZ), pp. 25–34.
CSCW-2011-TangZCI #collaboration- Your time zone or mine?: a study of globally time zone-shifted collaboration (JCT, CZ, XC, KI), pp. 235–244.
CSCW-2011-WulfRPS #design #framework #research- Engaging with practices: design case studies as a research framework in CSCW (VW, MR, VP, GS), pp. 505–512.
DHM-2011-HowardY #predict- Predicting Support Reaction Forces for Standing and Seated Tasks with Given Postures-A Preliminary Study (BH, J(Y), pp. 89–98.
DHM-2011-JiangWTXW #evaluation #performance- Study on Synthetic Evaluation of Human Performance in Manually Controlled Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking Tasks (TJ, CW, ZT, YX, ZW), pp. 387–393.
DHM-2011-LuximonL - Preliminary Study on Dynamic Foot Model (AL, YL), pp. 321–327.
DHM-2011-OzsoyY - Planar Vertical Jumping Simulation-A Pilot Study (BO, J(Y), pp. 161–170.
DUXU-v1-2011-CuiXLLS #agile #development #in the cloud- A Study of Rapid Business Application Development in the Cloud (JC, JMX, HL, WL, ZMS), pp. 398–407.
DUXU-v1-2011-HeckerB #enterprise #experience #process #scalability #user interface- Scalability of UX Activities in Large Enterprises: An Experience Report from SAP AG (BH, MB), pp. 425–431.
DUXU-v1-2011-Hsu #design #interface- A Study of Interface Design Method on Crossing Media-Dimension (HPH), pp. 247–255.
DUXU-v1-2011-KimPHE #approach #design #experience- The Essence of Enjoyable Experiences: The Human Needs — A Psychological Needs-Driven Experience Design Approach (JK, SP, MH, KE), pp. 77–83.
DUXU-v1-2011-OhgiS #enterprise #standard #using- ISO Standards and Enterprise Software: A Case Study Using SUMI and SUS in an International Sale (JO, JS), pp. 178–184.
DUXU-v2-2011-DahlS #composition #interface #smarttech #usability- End-User Composition Interfaces for Smart Environments: A Preliminary Study of Usability Factors (YD, RMS), pp. 118–127.
DUXU-v2-2011-InversiniCB #analysis #assessment #experience #risk management #usability #user interface- Connecting Usages with Usability Analysis through the User Experience Risk Assessment Model: A Case Study in the Tourism Domain (AI, LC, DB), pp. 283–293.
DUXU-v2-2011-NakataniOKNH #internet #layout- The Layout for the User-Friendly Manual: Case Study on an Internet Set-Up Manual (MN, TO, YK, AN, SH), pp. 40–45.
DUXU-v2-2011-SatoTO #experience- Experience-Based Curiosity Model: Curiosity Extracting Model Regarding Individual Experiences of Urban Spaces (CS, ST, NO), pp. 635–644.
DUXU-v2-2011-SuzukiKN #estimation #evaluation #metric #usability #web- A Study on the Time Estimation Measurement for Web Usability Evaluation (KS, MK, HN), pp. 53–59.
DUXU-v2-2011-TsaoCY #design #image- A Study on the Expected Image and Relevant Design Techniques in Different Product-Use Stages (YCT, BC, YPY), pp. 655–663.
DUXU-v2-2011-ZhangCV #experience #modelling- Modeling Users’ Data Usage Experiences from Scientific Literature (JZ, CC, MSEV), pp. 337–346.
HCD-2011-FukudaKSM - A Study on the Visibility of the Light Emitting Braille Block (HF, NK, TS, KM), pp. 295–303.
HCD-2011-Huang #design #web- An Experimental Study of Home Page Design on Green Electronic Products Web Site (FHH), pp. 509–518.
HCD-2011-Yamane #authentication #design #game studies #multi #online- Secure Online Game Play with Token: A Case Study in the Design of Multi-factor Authentication Device (SRY), pp. 597–605.
HCI-ITE-2011-AsanOPM #design #interface #scalability- Designing a Better Morning: A Study on Large Scale Touch Interface Design (OA, MO, DP, ENHM), pp. 13–22.
HCI-ITE-2011-MorieCB #using- Report on a Preliminary Study Using Breath Control and a Virtual Jogging Scenario as Biofeedback for Resilience Training (JFM, EC, JGB), pp. 474–480.
HCI-ITE-2011-TanakaMK #human-computer #interactive #interface #multi- Experimental Study on Appropriate Reality of Agents as a Multi-modal Interface for Human-Computer Interaction (KT, TM, KK), pp. 613–622.
HCI-ITE-2011-UllahLORM #collaboration #distributed #interactive #what- What You Feel Is What I Do: A Study of Dynamic Haptic Interaction in Distributed Collaborative Virtual Environment (SU, XL, SO, PR, MM), pp. 140–147.
HCI-MIIE-2011-AkahoNYKKN #artificial reality #evaluation #navigation- A Study and Evaluation on Route Guidance of a Car Navigation System Based on Augmented Reality (KA, TN, YY, KK, HK, SN), pp. 357–366.
HCI-MIIE-2011-LabskyMKQC - In-Car Dictation and Driver’s Distraction: A Case Study (ML, TM, JK, HQ, CC), pp. 418–425.
HCI-UA-2011-FiddianBMFCKML #design- An End User and Environment Field Study for an Inclusive Design of Consumer Products (TF, CB, MM, AF, JOC, PTK, YM, ML), pp. 443–452.
HCI-UA-2011-KallinenKR #experience #multi #tablet #user interface- The Effects of Content Type and Presentation Style on User Experiences of Multimedia Content on a Tablet PC (KK, JK, NR), pp. 466–475.
HCI-UA-2011-Loiacono-MelloDTP #generative #why- Why Virtual Job Recruitment Is Not Well Accepted by Generation Y? — A Case Study on Second Life (ETLM, SD, BT, OVP), pp. 245–254.
HIMI-v1-2011-KobayashiAY #interactive #mobile- Study on Haptic Interaction with Digital Map on Mobile Device (DK, YA, SY), pp. 443–449.
HIMI-v1-2011-KomatsuO #evaluation #using #visual notation- Study on Evaluation of Kawaii Colors Using Visual Analog Scale (TK, MO), pp. 103–108.
HIMI-v1-2011-MitaWKM #communication #using- A Study of Attention Control by Using Eye Communication with an Anthropomorphic Agent (TM, RW, NK, KM), pp. 603–611.
HIMI-v1-2011-OkaOKYM #3d- A Study on Selection Ability in the 3D Space by the Finger (MO, YO, HK, RY, HM), pp. 488–497.
HIMI-v1-2011-Pavel #analysis #authentication #protocol- Analysis of Authentication Protocols with Scyter: Case Study (OP), pp. 359–365.
HIMI-v2-2011-RanasingheFC #experience #named #network #social- Petimo: Sharing Experiences through Physically Extended Social Networking (NR, ONNF, ADC), pp. 66–74.
HIMI-v2-2011-YonemuraK - Study on Accessibility of Urgent Message Transmission Service in a Disaster (SY, KK), pp. 446–450.
IDGD-2011-ChangH11a #design- A Study on the Application of Cultural Elements in Product Design (WCC, MrH), pp. 3–10.
IDGD-2011-EksiogluKCSO #evaluation #heuristic #testing #usability- Heuristic Evaluation and Usability Testing: Case Study (ME, EK, BÇ, MNS, SO), pp. 143–151.
IDGD-2011-GuoSCWL #fuzzy- Study on the Perception of Car Appearance Based on Fuzzy Inference (FG, YS, CC, HW, CyL), pp. 369–378.
IDGD-2011-GuoSR #design #effectiveness- Creating Effective Personas for Product Design: Insights from a Case Study (FYG, SS, BR), pp. 37–46.
IDGD-2011-HsuLL #design #development #framework #process- A Study of Framework and Process Development for Cultural Product Design (CHH, CLL, RL), pp. 55–64.
IDGD-2011-LuL - A Study of Producing Ceramic Glaze Utilizing Shihmen Reservoir Silt (CCL, PHL), pp. 201–210.
IDGD-2011-OzturkRPKB #interactive #network #smarttech #social- The Impact of “Device” in Social Networking: An Explorative Study with Turkish Social Network Site Users on the Nature of Interactions through Personal Computers and Smartphones (ÖÖ, KR, SP, FK, OB), pp. 473–482.
IDGD-2011-YangLD #behaviour #internet #mobile- A Case Study: Behavior Study of Chinese Users on the Internet and Mobile Internet (YY, HL, GD), pp. 585–593.
IDGD-2011-YouL #design #education- Design Ethics Education in Taiwan: A Study of Syllabi of Ethics-Related Courses (MY, YL), pp. 594–603.
OCSC-2011-DamianosCD #enterprise #named #network- Handshake: A Case Study for Exploring Business Networking for the Enterprise, Inside and Out (LED, DLC, SD), pp. 162–171.
OCSC-2011-HanCJ #network #social #visualisation- A Study on Social Network Services Visualization Based on User Needs (YSH, JKC, YGJ), pp. 319–325.
OCSC-2011-WuLL #navigation #semantics #wiki- An Exploratory Study of Navigating Wikipedia Semantically: Model and Application (ICW, YSL, CHL), pp. 140–149.
CAiSE-2011-AsnarPM #design pattern #logic #modelling- Modeling Design Patterns with Description Logics: A Case Study (YA, EP, JM), pp. 169–183.
CAiSE-2011-AuerBKS #process #research- Exploratory Case Study Research on SOA Investment Decision Processes in Austria (LA, EB, NK, CS), pp. 329–336.
CAiSE-2011-BiderJS #architecture #communication #experience #process #using- Experiences of Using Different Communication Styles in Business Process Support Systems with the Shared Spaces Architecture (IB, PJ, RS), pp. 299–313.
EDOC-2011-CurleyK #framework #maturity #using- Using the IT Capability Maturity Framework to Improve IT Capability and Value Creation: An Intel IT Case Study (MC, JK), pp. 107–115.
ICEIS-J-2011-Li11f #analysis #approach #machine learning #type system #using- A Study on Noisy Typing Stream Analysis Using Machine Learning Approach (JL0), pp. 149–161.
ICEIS-v1-2011-EngouangY #information management #named- AVIS — Applied Visa Information System — Case Study for the Embassy of the Gabonese Republic in China (TDE, LY), pp. 197–204.
ICEIS-v1-2011-GuGGL - Study on Green Tourism Consumptions of Chinese Tourist with Different Environment Perception (HmG, JG, FG, SL), pp. 457–468.
ICEIS-v1-2011-LiCL #enterprise #information management- Study on Information Management System and Its Application in Colliery Enterprises (YL, HC, JL), pp. 589–592.
ICEIS-v1-2011-XiaoXYZ - Study on Developing Warehouse Receipt Hypothecation Financing Method in China (XX, SX, CY, ZZ), pp. 295–300.
ICEIS-v2-2011-Fan - Study on the Green Transport in Bi-typed Society Construction (XF), pp. 394–399.
ICEIS-v2-2011-Feng #contract #research- The Study on Member Incentive of Scientific Research Group in University based on Psychological Contracts (HF), pp. 423–431.
ICEIS-v2-2011-Jiang #enterprise #information management- A case Study for Information Management System in Construction Enterprises (JJ), pp. 311–317.
ICEIS-v2-2011-LinDL - A Study on the Electronic Supervision Model of Drug Distribution (ZKL, ZSD, YL), pp. 378–383.
ICEIS-v2-2011-TianZX #analysis #network #social #using- Study on the Knowledge -Sharing Network of Innovation Teams using Social Network Analysis (ZT, ZZ, DX), pp. 438–443.
ICEIS-v2-2011-Xu #development #enterprise #information management- Case Study on Development and Application of Information Management Systems in Highway Construction Enterprises (HX), pp. 327–335.
ICEIS-v3-2011-BhuiyanRH #modelling #multi #using- Supporting Business Modeling using Multiple Notations — A Case Study (MB, SR, KH), pp. 301–306.
ICEIS-v3-2011-DoninsO #development #enterprise #modelling- Topological Modeling for Enterprise Data Synchronization System — A Case Study of Topological Model-driven Software Development (UD, JO), pp. 87–96.
ICEIS-v3-2011-JiangZC #security- Study on the Information Security System for Bank in China (XJ, ZZ, FC), pp. 190–195.
ICEIS-v3-2011-LiuT #evolution #network- Study on the Evolution Mechanisms of the Network Public Opinion (HL, ZT), pp. 444–448.
ICEIS-v3-2011-LutteriR #enterprise #process- Characterization of Consultant Activities in ERP Projects — A Case Study (EL, BR), pp. 293–300.
ICEIS-v4-2011-AlgarniCL #towards- Towards an Explanatory Model of eMarketplaces Utilization — A Case Study of Saudi Arabia (FA, YC, VCSL), pp. 63–75.
ICEIS-v4-2011-OndoaDS #evaluation #industrial #process- A Cross Industry Evaluation of Critical Success Factors for Alignment of Strategy and Business Processes — A Case Study of SMEs in the Region of Jönköping in Sweden (MNEO, FAD, US), pp. 338–347.
ICEIS-v4-2011-Xin #internet- Study on Application of Internet of Things based on RFID Technology (CX), pp. 518–521.
ICEIS-v4-2011-XuF #approach #education #game studies #re-engineering #social- A Case Study: Integrating a Game Application-driven Approach and Social Collaborations into Software Engineering Education (WX, STF), pp. 23–32.
ICEIS-v4-2011-ZhouZ #scalability- Study on the Long-term Incentive Mechanism of the Large-scale Dredging Project (BZ, ZZ), pp. 574–580.
CIKM-2011-HeRSOQ #generative #using- Generating links to background knowledge: a case study using narrative radiology reports (JH, MdR, MS, RCvO, YQ), pp. 1867–1876.
CIKM-2011-KiselevaAB #mining #query- Mining query structure from click data: a case study of product queries (JK, EA, DB), pp. 2217–2220.
ECIR-2011-ElsweilerBR #email #what- What Makes Re-finding Information Difficult? A Study of Email Re-finding (DE, MB, IR), pp. 568–579.
KDD-2011-Boire #data mining #lessons learnt #mining- The practitioner’s viewpoint to data mining: key lessons learned in the trenches and case studies (RB), p. 785.
KDD-2011-NeuvirthOHLKER #personalisation #towards- Toward personalized care management of patients at risk: the diabetes case study (HN, MOF, JH, JL, MSK, SE, MRZ), pp. 395–403.
KDD-2011-PatnaikBRPKH #challenge #experience #mining #sequence- Experiences with mining temporal event sequences from electronic medical records: initial successes and some challenges (DP, PB, NR, LP, BJK, DAH), pp. 360–368.
KDD-2011-PradelSDGRUFD #recommendation- A case study in a recommender system based on purchase data (BP, SS, JD, SG, CR, NU, FFS, FDJ), pp. 377–385.
KDIR-2011-ArmengolP #classification #information management #lazy evaluation #learning- Combining Two Lazy Learning Methods for Classification and Knowledge Discovery — A Case Study for Malignant Melanoma Diagnosis (EA, SP), pp. 200–207.
KDIR-2011-HsiehY #mining- A Study of Profit Mining (YLH, DLY), pp. 510–514.
KDIR-2011-RoleN #metric #similarity #word- Handling the Impact of Low Frequency Events on Co-occurrence based Measures of Word Similarity — A Case Study of Pointwise Mutual Information (FR, MN), pp. 226–231.
KDIR-2011-WongLZYFXKC #segmentation- Time Series Segmentation as a Discovery Tool — A Case Study of the US and Japanese Financial Markets (JCW, GHTL, YZ, WSY, RPF, DYX, JLK, SAC), pp. 52–63.
KEOD-2011-GarridoRM #ontology- Building Brief Ontologies — A Case Study for Floods Management (JG, IR, SM), pp. 28–36.
KEOD-2011-HlomaniGKS #composition #evaluation #framework #ontology- Utilizing a Compositional System Knowledge Framework for Ontology Evaluation — A Case Study on BioSTORM (HH, MGG, DK, DAS), pp. 167–175.
KMIS-2011-AndrikopoulosPPL #community #experience #research- The S-Cube Knowledge Model — Experiences in Integrating SSME Research Communities (VA, MP, MPP, PL), pp. 201–210.
KMIS-2011-GimutaoFD #information management- Knowledge Management and the Corporate Nature of Local Governance — A Case Study from the Philippines (KG, BPF, WD), pp. 363–368.
KMIS-2011-JezekB #deployment #framework #tool support- Extra-functional Properties Framework with Configuration based on Deployment Environment — Tool Demonstration and Case-study (KJ, PB), pp. 322–325.
KMIS-2011-Jurczyk-BunkowskaJ #experience #information management #process- Perspectives of Knowledge Management System Application in Innovation Processes — A Study based on Experience of Polish IT Company (MJB, KJ), pp. 287–293.
KMIS-2011-SmirnovSKJSO #industrial- Ontology-driven Product Configuration — Industrial Use Case (AVS, NS, AK, TJ, MS, AO), pp. 38–47.
SEKE-2011-Amasaki #consistency #estimation #linear #nondeterminism #performance- A Study on Performance Inconsistency between Estimation by Analogy and Linear Regression (SA), pp. 485–488.
SEKE-2011-BarrosNHT #natural language #specification- The ucsCNL: A Controlled Natural Language for Use Case Specifications (FAB, LN, EH, DT), pp. 250–253.
SEKE-2011-BoorjessonF #multi #re-engineering- Structuring Software Engineering Case Studies to Cover Multiple Perspectives (EB, RF), pp. 276–281.
SEKE-2011-ColaceS #network- Slow Intelligence System and Network Management: a case study (FC, MDS), pp. 17–24.
SEKE-2011-FerreiraS #behaviour- Use Case Driven Extension of ProjectIT-RSL to Support Behavioral Concerns (DdAF, ARdS), pp. 740–745.
SEKE-2011-GuedesV #analysis #metamodelling #multi #requirements #uml #validation- Applying and Validating a UML Metamodel for the Requirements Analysis in Multi-Agent Systems: The AME-A Case Study (GTAG, RMV), pp. 746–751.
SEKE-2011-KhoshgoftaarGN #comparative #predict #quality- A Comparative Study of Different Strategies for Predicting Software Quality (TMK, KG, AN), pp. 65–70.
SEKE-2011-SantosWCV #education #experience #learning #re-engineering #repository- Supporting Software Engineering Education through a Learning Objects and Experience Reports Repository (RPdS, CW, HC, SV), pp. 272–275.
SEKE-2011-VilainM #agile- Neglecting Agile Principles and Practices: A Case Study (PV, AJBM), pp. 596–601.
SEKE-2011-VilkomirKT #algorithm #interface #testing #using- Interface Testing Using a Subgraph Splitting Algorithm: A Case Study (SV, AAK, NT), pp. 219–224.
SIGIR-2011-SmuckerJ #comparison #user study- Measuring assessor accuracy: a comparison of nist assessors and user study participants (MDS, CPJ), pp. 1231–1232.
ECMFA-2011-NoirDESB #consistency #detection #experience #nondeterminism #representation- Operation Based Model Representation: Experiences on Inconsistency Detection (JLN, OD, DE, MAAdS, XB), pp. 85–96.
ECMFA-2011-YueAB #automation #state machine #testing #uml- Automated Transition from Use Cases to UML State Machines to Support State-Based Testing (TY, SA, LCB), pp. 115–131.
MoDELS-2011-ElaasarL #diagrams #uml- Diagram Definition: A Case Study with the UML Class Diagram (ME, YL), pp. 364–378.
MoDELS-2011-FabryZG #design #experience #interactive- Expressing Aspectual Interactions in Design: Experiences in the Slot Machine Domain (JF, AZ, SEG), pp. 93–107.
PLEASE-2011-GurgelDG #integration #on-demand #product line #reuse- On-demand integration of product lines: a study of reuse and stability (ACG, FD, AFG), pp. 35–39.
SPLC-2011-Achatz #challenge #experience #industrial #product line- Product Line Engineering at Siemens — Challenges and Success Factors: A Report on Industrial Experiences in Product Line Engineering (RA), pp. 10–11.
SPLC-2011-BuschmannS #experience #product line- Successful Product Line Engineering: Experiences from the Real World (FB, CS), p. 349.
SPLC-2011-Lopez-HerrejonME #feature model #refactoring #requirements- From Requirements to Features: An Exploratory Study of Feature-Oriented Refactoring (RELH, LMM, AE), pp. 181–190.
SPLC-2011-Pohjalainen #agile #bottom-up #experience #mobile #modelling #network #product line- Bottom-up Modeling for a Software Product Line: An Experience Report on Agile Modeling of Governmental Mobile Networks (PP), pp. 323–332.
SPLC-2011-QuiltyC #development #experience #product line #risk management- Experiences with Software Product Line Development in Risk Management Software (GQ, MÓC), pp. 251–260.
SPLC-2011-TischerMMK #experience #product line #scalability- Experiences from a Large Scale Software Product Line Merger in the Automotive Domain (CT, AM, TM, RK), pp. 267–276.
SPLC-2011-Volter #domain-specific language #experience #product line #tool support- DSLs for Product Lines: Approaches, Tools, Experiences (MV), p. 353.
PLATEAU-2011-BarisicAGB #domain-specific language #quality #using- Quality in use of domain-specific languages: a case study (AB, VA, MG, BB), pp. 65–72.
PLATEAU-2011-KleinschmagerH #how #programming #self- How to rate programming skills in programming experiments?: a preliminary, exploratory, study based on university marks, pretests, and self-estimation (SK, SH), pp. 15–24.
PLATEAU-2011-SadowskiK #evaluation #heuristic #parallel #programming language- Heuristic evaluation of programming language features: two parallel programming case studies (CS, SK), pp. 9–14.
RE-2011-BjarnasonWR #communication #development #requirements #scalability- Requirements are slipping through the gaps — A case study on causes & effects of communication gaps in large-scale software development (EB, KW, BR), pp. 37–46.
RE-2011-McGeeG #evaluation #requirements #taxonomy- Software requirements change taxonomy: Evaluation by case study (SM, DG), pp. 25–34.
RE-2011-RaatikainenMTV #challenge #energy #requirements- Challenges of requirements engineering — A case study in nuclear energy domain (MR, TM, TT, JV), pp. 253–258.
REFSQ-2011-LauesenK - Use Cases versus Task Descriptions (SL, MAK), pp. 106–120.
REFSQ-2011-MahauxHS #experience #requirements- Discovering Sustainability Requirements: An Experience Report (MM, PH, GS), pp. 19–33.
REFSQ-2011-MarkovHC #industrial #process #requirements- Requirements Engineering Process Improvement: An Industrial Case Study (GAM, AH, OC), pp. 34–47.
REFSQ-2011-PostMP #requirements #strict- Applying Restricted English Grammar on Automotive Requirements — Does it Work? A Case Study (AP, IM, AP), pp. 166–180.
ESEC-FSE-2011-ShihabMKAH #fault- High-impact defects: a study of breakage and surprise defects (ES, AM, YK, BA, AEH), pp. 300–310.
ICSE-2011-ApelB #product line- Feature cohesion in software product lines: an exploratory study (SA, DB), pp. 421–430.
ICSE-2011-BhattacharyaN #c #c++ #development #maintenance #programming language- Assessing programming language impact on development and maintenance: a study on c and c++ (PB, IN), pp. 171–180.
ICSE-2011-KamalrudinHG #interactive #quality #requirements #using- Improving requirements quality using essential use case interaction patterns (MK, JGH, JCG), pp. 531–540.
ICSE-2011-KoziolekSBWBKTMK #evolution #industrial #predict #quality- An industrial case study on quality impact prediction for evolving service-oriented software (HK, BS, CGB, RW, SB, KK, MT, RM, AK), pp. 776–785.
ICSE-2011-LaymanBZF #process #safety- A case study of measuring process risk for early insights into software safety (LL, VRB, MVZ, KLF), pp. 623–632.
ICSE-2011-Lee #haskell #refactoring #source code- A case study on refactoring in Haskell programs (DYL), pp. 1164–1166.
ICSE-2011-PortNHH #development #experience #mining #scalability- Experiences with text mining large collections of unstructured systems development artifacts at jpl (DP, APN, JH, LH), pp. 701–710.
ICSE-2011-RobbesL #ecosystem- A study of ripple effects in software ecosystems (RR, ML), pp. 904–907.
ICSE-2011-SchmerlGDBC #analysis #design #framework #named #platform- SORASCS: a case study in soa-based platform design for socio-cultural analysis (BRS, DG, VD, MWB, KMC), pp. 643–652.
ICSE-2011-WuSG #empirical- Empirical results on the study of software vulnerabilities (YW, HPS, RG), pp. 964–967.
SAC-2011-BabichCPK #abstraction #eclipse #fault #object-oriented #predict #using- Using a class abstraction technique to predict faults in OO classes: a case study through six releases of the Eclipse JDT (DB, PJC, JFP, BMGK), pp. 1419–1424.
SAC-2011-FilhoSM #network #simulation- Policy-driven network simulation: a resilience case study (AESF, PS, AM), pp. 492–497.
SAC-2011-LanLSH #algorithm #analysis #classification #comparative #image- A comparative study and analysis on K-view based algorithms for image texture classification (YL, HL, ES, CCH), pp. 859–860.
SAC-2011-RamosCAA #modelling #process #towards- Towards the improvement of use case models: the AIRDoc process (RAR, JBdC, JA, FMRA), pp. 708–709.
GPCE-2011-SlattenKH #automation #distributed #generative #industrial #reliability #specification #towards #validation #verification- Towards automatic generation of formal specifications to validate and verify reliable distributed systems: a method exemplified by an industrial case study (VS, FAK, PH), pp. 147–156.
SLE-2011-StappersWRAN #domain-specific language #formal method #industrial #using- Formalizing a Domain Specific Language Using SOS: An Industrial Case Study (FPMS, SW, MAR, SA, IN), pp. 223–242.
ASPLOS-2011-DalessandroCWLMSS #effectiveness #hardware #hybrid #memory management #transaction- Hybrid NOrec: a case study in the effectiveness of best effort hardware transactional memory (LD, FC, SW, YL, MM, MLS, MFS), pp. 39–52.
CASE-2011-GhirardiPS #multimodal #platform #throughput- Maximizing the throughput of multimodal logistic platforms by simulation-optimization: The Duferco case study (MG, GP, DS), pp. 52–57.
CASE-2011-HajiD #simulation #using- A simulation case study: Reducing outpatient waiting time of otolaryngology care services using VBA (MH, HD), pp. 525–530.
CASE-2011-KaoCW - Preliminary study of run-to-run control utilizing virtual metrology with reliance index (CAK, FTC, WMW), pp. 256–261.
CASE-2011-SernaCBRC #design #framework #platform- Control software design for a cutting glass machine tool based on the COSME platform. Case study (FS, CC, AB, JMR, JMC), pp. 501–506.
DAC-2011-HongSK #estimation #performance #throughput- Emulation based high-accuracy throughput estimation for high-speed connectivities: case study of USB2.0 (BH, CS, DK), pp. 609–614.
DAC-2011-JavaidSPH #adaptation #multi #pipes and filters #power management #video- Low-power adaptive pipelined MPSoCs for multimedia: an H.264 video encoder case study (HJ, MS, SP, JH), pp. 1032–1037.
DATE-2011-KapoorHT #experience #power management #verification- Power management verification experiences in Wireless SoCs (BK, AH, PT), pp. 507–508.
DATE-2011-ZhangHYG #interface #reliability- Case study: Alleviating hotspots and improving chip reliability via carbon nanotube thermal interface (WZ, JH, SY, PG), pp. 1071–1076.
HPDC-2011-HudsonNRWJP #data-driven #experience #simulation #using- Experiences using smaash to manage data-intensive simulations (RH, JN, LBR, KW, GCJI, MEP), pp. 205–216.
HPDC-2011-WolinskyF #distributed #experience #grid #self #using- Experiences with self-organizing, decentralized grids using the grid appliance (DIW, RJOF), pp. 183–194.
PDP-2011-BarlasHJ #approach #cpu #design #encryption #gpu #parallel- An Analytical Approach to the Design of Parallel Block Cipher Encryption/Decryption: A CPU/GPU Case Study (GDB, AH, YAJ), pp. 247–251.
PDP-2011-PascualRMBCL #monte carlo #performance- More Efficient Executions of Monte Carlo Fusion Codes by Means of Montera: The ISDEP Use Case (MARP, AJRM, RM, AB, FC, IML), pp. 380–384.
ICST-2011-CzerwonkaDNTT #analysis #experience #named #predict- CRANE: Failure Prediction, Change Analysis and Test Prioritization in Practice — Experiences from Windows (JC, RD, NN, AT, AT), pp. 357–366.
ICST-2011-EngstromRL #industrial #performance #testing- Improving Regression Testing Transparency and Efficiency with History-Based Prioritization — An Industrial Case Study (EE, PR, AL), pp. 367–376.
ICST-2011-SprenklePS #modelling #navigation #testing #web- A Study of Usage-Based Navigation Models and Generated Abstract Test Cases for Web Applications (SS, LLP, LS), pp. 230–239.
ICST-2011-TakalaKH #android #experience #modelling #testing #user interface- Experiences of System-Level Model-Based GUI Testing of an Android Application (TT, MK, JH), pp. 377–386.
SAT-2011-GaoYX #compilation- Phase Transitions in Knowledge Compilation: An Experimental Study (JG, MY, KX), pp. 364–366.
CBSE-2010-DietrichS #component #contract #eclipse- Component Contracts in Eclipse — A Case Study (JD, LS), pp. 150–165.
ECSA-2010-ReijonenKH #architecture #experience- Experiences from Scenario-Based Architecture Evaluations with ATAM (VR, JK, IJH), pp. 214–229.
ECSA-2010-SavolainenKMN #architecture #development #experience #framework #platform- Experiences in Making Architectural Decisions during the Development of a New Base Station Platform (JS, JK, TM, AN), pp. 425–432.
ECDL-2010-PalacioCSH #effectiveness #evaluation #framework #information retrieval #library- Measuring Effectiveness of Geographic IR Systems in Digital Libraries — Evaluation Framework and Case Study (DP, GC, CS, GH), pp. 340–351.
HT-2010-HsiaoBYO #adaptation #approach- The value of adaptive link annotation in e-learning: a study of a portal-based approach (IHH, PB, MY, AO), pp. 223–228.
CSEET-2010-Garousi #experience #testing- An Open Modern Software Testing Laboratory Courseware — An Experience Report (VG), pp. 177–184.
EDM-2010-KimC #analysis #experience #learning #sentiment #student- Sentiment Analysis in Student Experiences of Learning (SMK, RAC), pp. 111–120.
EDM-2010-RaiB #analysis #approach #education #modelling- Analysis of a causal modeling approach: a case study with an educational intervention (DR, JEB), pp. 313–314.
EDM-2010-VialardiCBVEPO #data mining #mining #student- A Case Study: Data Mining Applied to Student Enrollment (CVS, JC, AB, DV, JE, JPP, AO), pp. 333–334.
ITiCSE-2010-BrindaH #design #education #experience- A lecture about teaching informatics in secondary education: lecture design and first experiences (TB, PH), p. 320.
ITiCSE-2010-GomesM #performance #student- A study on student performance in first year CS courses (AJG, AJM), pp. 113–117.
ITiCSE-2010-KyrilovCT #assessment #education #evaluation #online #using- Improving CS education at Wits using an online assessment and evaluation system: a case study (AK, JC, MT), p. 314.
ITiCSE-2010-MarkhamK #experience #using- Using personal robots in CS1: experiences, outcomes, and attitudinal influences (SM, KNK), pp. 204–208.
ITiCSE-2010-Marsh #comparative #programming #student #towards- A sub-saharan comparative study of university students’ attitudes towards computer programming (CJM), pp. 33–37.
ITiCSE-2010-MartinezLDC #experience #re-engineering #using- Experiences in software engineering courses using psychometrics with RAMSET (LGM, GL, ARD, JRC), pp. 244–248.
ITiCSE-2010-SimonKPZ #experience- Experience report: CS1 for majors with media computation (BS, PK, LP, DZ), pp. 214–218.
ITiCSE-2010-YukselturkYSK #education #experience #online- Online education experiences: information technologies certificate program at METU (EY, AY, AS, ÖK), pp. 83–87.
SIGITE-2010-KaplanT #experience #re-engineering- Real world experiences in a software engineering course (RMK, JT), pp. 89–94.
CSMR-2010-BritoGM #experience #re-engineering- Experiences from a Brazilian Bank Reengineering Project (KdSB, VCG, SRdLM), pp. 66–67.
CSMR-2010-LiuM #analysis #data flow- Static Information Flow Analysis with Handling of Implicit Flows and a Study on Effects of Implicit Flows vs Explicit Flows (YL, AM), pp. 146–155.
CSMR-2010-SanchezNCP #java #refactoring- Refactoring Generics in JAVA: A Case Study on Extract Method (RMS, CLN, YC, FJP), pp. 212–221.
ICPC-2010-CanforaCPP - An Exploratory Study of Factors Influencing Change Entropy (GC, LC, MDP, FP), pp. 134–143.
ICPC-2010-ChenR #dependence #feature model #graph #using- Case Study of Feature Location Using Dependence Graph, after 10 Years (KC, VR), pp. 1–3.
ICPC-2010-Elish #design #metric- Exploring the Relationships between Design Metrics and Package Understandability: A Case Study (MOE), pp. 144–147.
ICSM-2010-AryaniPH #analysis #co-evolution #enterprise- Domain-based change propagation analysis: An enterprise system case study (AA, IDP, MH), pp. 1–9.
ICSM-2010-BezemerZPHH #experience #industrial #multitenancy- Enabling multi-tenancy: An industrial experience report (CPB, AZ, BP, TH, A'H), pp. 1–8.
ICSM-2010-GergelyBGG #experience #industrial #metric- Effect of test completeness and redundancy measurement on post release failures — An industrial experience report (TG, ÁB, TG, MIG), pp. 1–10.
ICSM-2010-GuptaDKR #implementation- A case study in matching service descriptions to implementations in an existing system (HSG, DD, RK, GMR), pp. 1–10.
ICSM-2010-OlbrichCS #evolution #open source #smell- Are all code smells harmful? A study of God Classes and Brain Classes in the evolution of three open source systems (SMO, DC, DIKS), pp. 1–10.
MSR-2010-GegickRX #debugging #identification #industrial #mining #security- Identifying security bug reports via text mining: An industrial case study (MG, PR, TX), pp. 11–20.
MSR-2010-Robles #mining #repository- Replicating MSR: A study of the potential replicability of papers published in the Mining Software Repositories proceedings (GR), pp. 171–180.
SCAM-2010-KatsV #aspect-oriented #encapsulation #framework #logic #platform #programming #using- Encapsulating Software Platform Logic by Aspect-Oriented Programming: A Case Study in Using Aspects for Language Portability (LCLK, EV), pp. 147–156.
WCRE-2010-NguyenAH #bias #dataset #debugging- A Case Study of Bias in Bug-Fix Datasets (THDN, BA, AEH), pp. 259–268.
WCRE-2010-RiccaM - Heroes in FLOSS Projects: An Explorative Study (FR, AM), pp. 155–159.
WCRE-2010-ShihabIKIOAHM #debugging #eclipse #predict- Predicting Re-opened Bugs: A Case Study on the Eclipse Project (ES, AI, YK, WMI, MO, BA, AEH, KiM), pp. 249–258.
Haskell-2010-Morris #design #experience #using- Experience report: using hackage to inform language design (JGM), pp. 61–66.
ICFP-2010-CrestaniS #experience #programming language #student- Experience report: growing programming languages for beginning students (MC, MS), pp. 229–234.
ICFP-2010-Pop #experience #haskell #python #using- Experience report: Haskell as a reagent: results and observations on the use of Haskell in a python project (IP), pp. 369–374.
IFL-2010-HerhutJSPG #concurrent #experience- Concurrent Non-deferred Reference Counting on the Microgrid: First Experiences (SH, CJ, SBS, RP, CG), pp. 185–202.
CIG-2010-HagelbackJ #game studies #realtime- A study on human like characteristics in real time strategy games (JH, SJJ), pp. 139–145.
FDG-2010-AngottiHPSM #video- Game-themed instructional modules: a video case study (RLA, CH, MP, KS, KM), pp. 9–16.
FDG-2010-LewisW #game studies #mining #statistics #web #web service- Mining game statistics from web services: a World of Warcraft armory case study (CL0, NWF), pp. 100–107.
CHI-2010-BaileyH #idea #pipes and filters #scalability #what- What’s your idea?: a case study of a grassroots innovation pipeline within a large software company (BPB, EH), pp. 2065–2074.
CHI-2010-BeatonHT #collaboration #coordination- Digital drumming: a study of co-located, highly coordinated, dyadic collaboration (BB, SH, DGT), pp. 1417–1426.
CHI-2010-DubroyB - A study of tabbed browsing among mozilla firefox users (PD, RB), pp. 673–682.
CHI-2010-FlorLJPKC #mobile #process- The case of the disappearing Ox: a field study of mobile activity and context logging (GdlF, PL, MJ, JP, RK, AC), pp. 473–482.
CHI-2010-HuhtalaSMIH #mobile #user interface #user study- Animated UI transitions and perception of time: a user study on animated effects on a mobile screen (JH, AHS, JM, MI, JH), pp. 1339–1342.
CHI-2010-IlinkinK #evaluation #mobile #user study- Evaluation of text entry methods for Korean mobile phones, a user study (II, SK), pp. 2023–2026.
CHI-2010-JensenLWCSD - The life and times of files and information: a study of desktop provenance (CJ, HL, EW, JC, MS, TGD), pp. 767–776.
CHI-2010-KarkkainenVV #mobile #process- I don’t mind being logged, but want to remain in control: a field study of mobile activity and context logging (TK, TV, KVVM), pp. 163–172.
CHI-2010-KumarTSCKC #learning #mobile- An exploratory study of unsupervised mobile learning in rural India (AK, AT, GS, DC, MK, JC), pp. 743–752.
CHI-2010-LindleyHS #design #game studies- Designing a technological playground: a field study of the emergence of play in household messaging (SEL, RHRH, AS), pp. 2351–2360.
CHI-2010-PatelCJDP #interactive- Avaaj Otalo: a field study of an interactive voice forum for small farmers in rural India (NP, DC, AJ, PD, TSP), pp. 733–742.
CHI-2010-SaeedPRW #social- Managing nomadic knowledge: a case study of the European social forum (SS, VP, MR, VW), pp. 537–546.
CHI-2010-WoelferH #community #experience #information management #people- Homeless young people’s experiences with information systems: life and work in a community technology center (JPW, DGH), pp. 1291–1300.
CHI-2010-ZhangQCW #enterprise- A case study of micro-blogging in the enterprise: use, value, and related issues (JZ, YQ, JC, YW), pp. 123–132.
CSCW-2010-BardramH #coordination #why- Why the plan doesn’t hold: a study of situated planning, articulation and coordination work in a surgical ward (JEB, TRH), pp. 331–340.
CSCW-2010-IqbalH - Notifications and awareness: a field study of alert usage and preferences (STI, EH), pp. 27–30.
SOFTVIS-2010-KuhnEN #ide #visualisation- Embedding spatial software visualization in the IDE: an exploratory study (AK, DE, ON), pp. 113–122.
CAiSE-2010-HordijkW - Rationality of Cross-System Data Duplication: A Case Study (WH, RW), pp. 68–82.
CAiSE-2010-KielyBF #coordination #development- Coordinating Global Virtual Teams: Building Theory from a Case Study of Software Development (GK, TB, PF), pp. 281–295.
CAiSE-2010-LagunaMC #modelling #on the #question #semantics- On the Semantics of the Extend Relationship in Use Case Models: Open-Closed Principle or Clairvoyance? (MAL, JMM, YC), pp. 409–423.
CAiSE-2010-StalhaneSB #analysis #diagrams #safety #sequence chart- Comparing Safety Analysis Based on Sequence Diagrams and Textual Use Cases (TS, GS, LdB), pp. 165–179.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-CaronD #analysis- What-if Analysis in OLAP — With a Case Study in Supermarket Sales Data (EC, HD), pp. 208–213.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-ZhangOCK #data mining #education #mining #student- Use Data Mining to Improve Student Retention in Higher Education — A Case Study (YZ, SO, TC, HK), pp. 190–197.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-Campos #agile #development #interactive- Agile Development of Interactive Installations — Two Case Studies (PC), pp. 174–179.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-NosseirT #authentication- A Study in Authentication Via Electronic Personal History Questions (AN, ST), pp. 63–70.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-CouturierHT #automation #contract #information management- Engineering Agent-based Information Systems — A Case Study of Automatic Contract Net Systems (VC, MPH, DT), pp. 242–248.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-KokkinakiV #performance- Performance Management and Control — A Case Study in Mercedes Benz Cyprus (AIK, AV), pp. 321–325.
ICEIS-J-2010-AversanoT #open source #quality- Evaluating the Quality of Free/Open Source Systems: A Case Study (LA, MT), pp. 119–134.
ICEIS-J-2010-KisilevichKLBR - Developing Analytical GIS Applications with GEO-SPADE: Three Success Case Studies (SK, DAK, AL, LB, LR), pp. 495–511.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-MaximianoF #mobile- Mobile e-Learning — Support Services Case Study (CM, VBF), pp. 106–113.
CIKM-2010-BundschusBTFK #information management- Digging for knowledge with information extraction: a case study on human gene-disease associations (MB, ABM, VT, LIF, HPK), pp. 1845–1848.
CIKM-2010-NguyenYLF #experience #learning #multi #ranking #using- Experiences with using SVM-based learning for multi-objective ranking (LTN, WGY, RL, OF), pp. 1917–1920.
CIKM-2010-TripathyBM #network #social- A study of rumor control strategies on social networks (RMT, AB, SM), pp. 1817–1820.
ICPR-2010-Amores #comparative #multi- Vocabulary-Based Approaches for Multiple-Instance Data: A Comparative Study (JA), pp. 4246–4250.
ICPR-2010-BelaroussiFTSCP #detection #image- Road Sign Detection in Images: A Case Study (RB, PF, JPT, BS, PC, NP), pp. 484–488.
ICPR-2010-Carneiro #automation #comparative #design #image #using- A Comparative Study on the Use of an Ensemble of Feature Extractors for the Automatic Design of Local Image Descriptors (GC), pp. 3356–3359.
ICPR-2010-CheongL #clustering #detection #topic #twitter- A Study on Detecting Patterns in Twitter Intra-topic User and Message Clustering (MC, VCSL), pp. 3125–3128.
ICPR-2010-ChetverikovM #component #image #metric- An Experimental Study of Image Components and Data Metrics for Illumination-Robust Variational Optical Flow (DC, JM), pp. 1694–1697.
ICPR-2010-HemerySR #authentication #image- Study on Color Spaces for Single Image Enrolment Face Authentication (BH, JJS, CR), pp. 1249–1252.
ICPR-2010-IbbaDL #set- A Study on Combining Sets of Differently Measured Dissimilarities (AI, RPWD, WJL), pp. 3360–3363.
ICPR-2010-KrajewskiBK #classification #detection #multi #self #speech- Comparing Multiple Classifiers for Speech-Based Detection of Self-Confidence — A Pilot Study (JK, AB, SK), pp. 3716–3719.
ICPR-2010-LeECA #classification- A Study of Voice Source and Vocal Tract Filter Based Features in Cognitive Load Classification (PNL, JE, EHCC, EA), pp. 4516–4519.
ICPR-2010-MonzoAAM #comparative #locality #recognition #using- A Comparative Study of Facial Landmark Localization Methods for Face Recognition Using HOG descriptors (DM, AA, AA, JMM), pp. 1330–1333.
ICPR-2010-WangH10a #classification #design #multi #prototype #using- A Study of Designing Compact Recognizers of Handwritten Chinese Characters Using Multiple-Prototype Based Classifiers (YW, QH), pp. 1872–1875.
ICPR-2010-WhitelamJB #detection #multi- Multispectral Eye Detection: A Preliminary Study (CW, ZJ, TB), pp. 209–212.
KDD-2010-DasMSO #algorithm #detection #kernel #learning #multi #safety- Multiple kernel learning for heterogeneous anomaly detection: algorithm and aviation safety case study (SD, BLM, ANS, NCO), pp. 47–56.
KEOD-2010-GilCM #evaluation #learning #ontology- A Systemic Methodology for Ontology Learning — An Academic Case Study and Evaluation (RG, LC, MJMB), pp. 206–212.
KEOD-2010-GillespieSC #composition #modelling- Satisfying user Expectations in Ontology-driven Compositional Systems — A Case Study in Fish Population Modeling (MGG, DAS, SSC), pp. 133–143.
KEOD-2010-RedavidEI #comparative #distributed #framework #perspective #semantics #web #web service- A Comparative Study on Semantic Web Services Frameworks from the Dynamic Orchestration Perspective (DR, FE, LI), pp. 355–359.
KEOD-2010-SlimaniBBHP #empirical #health #ontology- An Ontology Change Management System — An Experiment on a Health Care Case Study (SS, KB, SB, MH, EP), pp. 449–452.
RecSys-2010-ZhengWZLY #empirical #recommendation #user study- Do clicks measure recommendation relevancy?: an empirical user study (HZ, DW, QZ, HL, TY), pp. 249–252.
SEKE-2010-BernhartAMG #automation #experience #framework #integration #testing #verification- Automated Integration Testing and Verification of a Secured SOA Infrastructure — an Experience Report in eHealth (MB, TA, AM, TG), pp. 198–202.
SEKE-2010-DingWT #aspect-oriented #design- Designing Aspects with Use Cases: A Case Study (JD, CRW, MNHT), pp. 797–803.
SEKE-2010-El-Attar #analysis #precise #robust #security- Developing Precise Misuse Cases with Security Robustness Analysis (MEA), pp. 571–576.
SEKE-2010-LopezN #requirements- Soft Systems in Requirements Engineering: A Case Study (AYL, NN), pp. 38–41.
SEKE-2010-MauczkaBG #classification #metric #process- Analyzing the Relationship of Process Metrics And Classified Changes — A Pilot Study (AM, MB, TG), pp. 269–272.
SEKE-2010-PaikariRR #comparative #fault #predict #reasoning #using- A Comparative Study of Attribute Weighting Techniques for Software Defect Prediction Using Case-based Reasoning (EP, MMR, GR), pp. 380–386.
SEKE-2010-PeixotoBRP #implementation #process- A Case Study of Software Process Improvement Implementation (DCCP, VAB, RFR, CIPSP), pp. 716–721.
ECMFA-2010-ColomboKL #analysis #modelling #problem #requirements- Requirements Analysis and Modeling with Problem Frames and SysML: A Case Study (PC, FK, LL), pp. 74–89.
ECMFA-2010-Corcoran #development #experience #modelling #scalability- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Experiences with Model Driven Development in Large Scale Projects at Ericsson (DC), p. 2.
ECMFA-2010-YueBL #approach #automation #diagrams #process- An Automated Approach to Transform Use Cases into Activity Diagrams (TY, LCB, YL), pp. 337–353.
MoDELS-v1-2010-IqbalAB #black box #embedded #industrial #modelling #realtime #testing #uml- Environment Modeling with UML/MARTE to Support Black-Box System Testing for Real-Time Embedded Systems: Methodology and Industrial Case Studies (MZZI, AA, LCB), pp. 286–300.
MoDELS-v2-2010-LussenburgSVW #development #modelling #named- Mod4J: A Qualitative Case Study of Model-Driven Software Development (VL, TvdS, JJV, JW), pp. 346–360.
PLEASE-2010-StroblBG #evolution #experience #incremental- An experience report on the incremental adoption and evolution of an SPL in eHealth (SS, MB, TG), pp. 16–23.
SPLC-2010-JonesN #experience #product line- Recent Experiences with Software Product Lines in the US Department of Defense (LGJ, LMN), pp. 486–490.
SPLC-2010-Kim #product line- Case Study of Software Product Line Engineering in Insurance Product (JAK), p. 495.
SPLC-2010-NolanA #estimation #experience #product line- Dealing with Cost Estimation in Software Product Lines: Experiences and Future Directions (AJN, SA), pp. 121–135.
SPLC-2010-SvendsenZLFHMO #product line- Developing a Software Product Line for Train Control: A Case Study of CVL (AS, XZ, RLT, FF, ØH, BMP, GKO), pp. 106–120.
OOPSLA-2010-OgataMKTO #java #memory management- A study of Java’s non-Java memory (KO, DM, KK, ST, TO), pp. 191–204.
AdaEurope-2010-BritoP #comparative #verification- Program Verification in SPARK and ACSL: A Comparative Case Study (EB, JSP), pp. 97–110.
AdaEurope-2010-GraydonKY #dependence- Practical Limits on Software Dependability: A Case Study (PJG, JCK, XY), pp. 83–96.
SIGAda-2010-Schmidt #ada #experience #integration #java- Experience report: Ada & Java integration in the FAA’s ERAM SWIM program (RBS), pp. 33–34.
RE-2010-BerryCAA #experience #requirements- Requirements Determination is Unstoppable: An Experience Report (DMB, KC, MA, MA), pp. 311–316.
RE-2010-CuddebackDH #automation #requirements #traceability- Automated Requirements Traceability: The Study of Human Analysts (DC, AD, JHH), pp. 231–240.
RE-2010-FerrariMSHGS #architecture #prototype #requirements- Requirements Engineering Decisions in the Context of an Existing Architecture: A Case Study of a Prototypical Project (RF, NHM, OS, CH, JG, WS), pp. 79–88.
RE-2010-FrickerG #analysis #comparison #requirements- Comparison of Requirements Hand-off, Analysis, and Negotiation: Case Study (SF, MG), pp. 167–176.
RE-2010-RachevaDSHW #agile #requirements- Do We Know Enough about Requirements Prioritization in Agile Projects: Insights from a Case Study (ZR, MD, KS, AH, RW), pp. 147–156.
RE-2010-SinhaPTN #analysis #automation #natural language- Extending Automated Analysis of Natural Language Use Cases to Other Languages (AS, AMP, HT, TN), pp. 364–369.
REFSQ-2010-BittnerRW #multi #product line #requirements- A Case Study on Tool-Supported Multi-level Requirements Management in Complex Product Families (MB, MOR, MW), pp. 173–187.
REFSQ-2010-BrillSK #question #requirements- Videos vs. Use Cases: Can Videos Capture More Requirements under Time Pressure? (OB, KS, EK), pp. 30–44.
REFSQ-2010-BruijnD #ambiguity #natural language #requirements- Ambiguity in Natural Language Software Requirements: A Case Study (FdB, HLD), pp. 233–247.
REFSQ-2010-KarpatiSO #visualisation- Visualizing Cyber Attacks with Misuse Case Maps (PK, GS, ALO), pp. 262–275.
ASE-2010-KamalrudinGH #requirements #tool support- Tool support for essential use cases to better capture software requirements (MK, JCG, JGH), pp. 255–264.
ASE-2010-ShangAH #experience #mining #pipes and filters #repository #scalability #tool support #using- An experience report on scaling tools for mining software repositories using MapReduce (WS, BA, AEH), pp. 275–284.
FSE-2010-BadreddinL #industrial #prototype #research- A study of applying a research prototype tool in industrial practice (OBB, TCL), pp. 353–356.
FSE-2010-GabelS #source code- A study of the uniqueness of source code (MG, ZS), pp. 147–156.
FSE-2010-HemmatiBAA #approach #industrial #modelling #testing- An enhanced test case selection approach for model-based testing: an industrial case study (HH, LCB, AA, SA), pp. 267–276.
FSE-2010-RamasubbuB #evolution #product line- Evolution of a bluetooth test application product line: a case study (NR, RKB), pp. 107–116.
ICSE-2010-Cruz #fault #metric #predict #uml- Exploratory study of a UML metric for fault prediction (AECC), pp. 361–364.
ICSE-2010-FerrariBLGFCLTSSRMBM #aspect-oriented #evolution #source code- An exploratory study of fault-proneness in evolving aspect-oriented programs (FCF, RB, OALL, AG, EF, NC, FL, NT, LS, SS, AR, PCM, TVB, JCM), pp. 65–74.
ICSE-2010-HarperZM #concurrent #experience #research- Experiences in initiating concurrency software research efforts (KEH, JZ, SM), pp. 139–148.
ICSE-2010-HuberBRSR #industrial #modelling #performance- Performance modeling in industry: a case study on storage virtualization (NH, SB, CR, JS, RHR), pp. 1–10.
ICSE-2010-KlasEMHG #fault #industrial #metric #predict- Transparent combination of expert and measurement data for defect prediction: an industrial case study (MK, FE, JM, KH, OvG), pp. 119–128.
ICSE-2010-MetayerMTMPCFH #approach #overview #re-engineering- Liability in software engineering: overview of the LISE approach and illustration on a case study (DLM, MM, VVTT, EM, MLP, NC, SF, RH), pp. 135–144.
ICSE-2010-PaulischZ #architecture #certification #experience- A role-based qualification and certification program for software architects: an experience report from Siemens (FP, PZ), pp. 21–27.
ICSE-2010-PentaGGA #evolution- An exploratory study of the evolution of software licensing (MDP, DMG, YGG, GA), pp. 145–154.
ICSE-2010-RastkarMM #debugging- Summarizing software artifacts: a case study of bug reports (SR, GCM, GM), pp. 505–514.
ICSE-2010-WangZ #development #multi #policy- Penalty policies in professional software development practice: a multi-method field study (YW, MZ), pp. 39–47.
SAC-2010-AversanoGT #process- Measuring the alignment between business processes and software systems: a case study (LA, CG, MT), pp. 2330–2336.
SAC-2010-FotoohiG #approach #behaviour- A supervisory control approach for safe behavior of service robot case study: FRIEND (LF, AG), pp. 1305–1306.
SAC-2010-HadarKPRRS #comprehension #empirical #modelling #requirements- An empirical study of requirements model understanding: Use Case vs. Tropos models (IH, TK, AP, IRB, FR, AS), pp. 2324–2329.
SAC-2010-Hammerle-UhlRU #recognition #robust- Experimental study on the impact of robust watermarking on iris recognition accuracy (JHU, KR, AU), pp. 1479–1484.
SAC-2010-HeraviZ #classification #metric- A study on interestingness measures for associative classifiers (MJH, ORZ), pp. 1039–1046.
SAC-2010-OliveiraGGD #detection #experience- Experiences in reading detection with EEG signals (IO, OG, NG, CD), pp. 1236–1237.
SAC-2010-ScheithauerKKHHW #modelling #outsourcing- Business modeling for service engineering: a case study in the IT outsourcing domain (GS, HK, JK, SH, HH, GW), pp. 118–123.
SAC-2010-ZambranoFJS #experience #interactive #requirements- Expressing aspectual interactions in requirements engineering: experiences in the slot machine domain (AZ, JF, GJ, SEG), pp. 2161–2168.
SAC-2010-ZhangGCQC #effectiveness #reduction #testing- A study of relative redundancy in test-suite reduction while retaining or improving fault-localization effectiveness (XZ, QG, XC, JQ, DC), pp. 2229–2236.
LDTA-2010-BrandMSH #domain-specific language #experience- Formally specified type checkers for domain specific languages: experience report (MvdB, APvdM, AS, ATH), p. 12.
LDTA-2010-GiorgettiMTK #java #source code #specification- Specifying generic Java programs: two case studies (AG, CM, ET, OK), p. 8.
SLE-2010-HubauxBHMH #feature model #industrial #modelling- Evaluating a Textual Feature Modelling Language: Four Industrial Case Studies (AH, QB, HH, RM, PH), pp. 337–356.
CASE-2010-GengAXJ #process- Experimental study of Magnetic Resonance Imaging examination reservation process for stroke patients (NG, VA, XX, ZJ), pp. 774–779.
CASE-2010-ShahNK #optimisation #parallel- CAD-enhanced workspace optimization for parallel manipulators: A case study (HS, MSN, VNK), pp. 816–821.
DATE-2010-BerahaWCK #design #requirements- Leveraging application-level requirements in the design of a NoC for a 4G SoC — a case study (RB, IW, IC, AK), pp. 1408–1413.
DATE-2010-ChouYCDK #design #nondeterminism #scalability- Finding reset nondeterminism in RTL designs — scalable X-analysis methodology and case study (HZC, HY, KHC, DD, SYK), pp. 1494–1499.
DATE-2010-KlobedanzKT0 #analysis #development #modelling- Timing modeling and analysis for AUTOSAR-based software development — a case study (KK, CK, AT, WM), pp. 642–645.
DATE-2010-SigdelTGPB #evaluation #heuristic #runtime- Evaluation of runtime task mapping heuristics with rSesame — a case study (KS, MT, CG, ADP, KB), pp. 831–836.
HPDC-2010-ChardBK #grid #resource management- High occupancy resource allocation for grid and cloud systems, a study with DRIVE (KC, KB, PK), pp. 73–84.
HPDC-2010-HeZKDM - Case study for running HPC applications in public clouds (QH, SZ, BK, DCD, TM), pp. 395–401.
HPDC-2010-LuJB #named- AzureBlast: a case study of developing science applications on the cloud (WL, JJ, RSB), pp. 413–420.
PDP-2010-AlonsoRL #clustering #implementation #manycore #matrix #parallel- Experimental Study of Six Different Implementations of Parallel Matrix Multiplication on Heterogeneous Computational Clusters of Multicore Processors (PA, RR, ALL), pp. 263–270.
FASE-2010-GhezziMS #automation #multi #specification #validation- Automatic Cross Validation of Multiple Specifications: A Case Study (CG, AM, GS), pp. 233–247.
ICLP-J-2010-BaralGPS #logic #logic programming #modelling- Logic programming for finding models in the logics of knowledge and its applications: A case study (CB, GG, EP, TCS), pp. 675–690.
ICST-2010-MadaniPP #testing #towards- Towards a Testing Methodology for Reactive Systems: A Case Study of a Landing Gear Controller (LM, VP, IP), pp. 489–497.
ICST-2010-SinhaSP #automation #named #natural language- Text2Test: Automated Inspection of Natural Language Use Cases (AS, SMSJ, AMP), pp. 155–164.
ICTSS-2010-WalkinshawBDP #functional #induction #testing- Increasing Functional Coverage by Inductive Testing: A Case Study (NW, KB, JD, JP), pp. 126–141.
ISSTA-2010-KettunenKTS #process #testing- A study on agility and testing processes in software organizations (VK, JK, OT, KS), pp. 231–240.
QoSA-2009-KoziolekWD #architecture #evolution #industrial #product line- Evolving Industrial Software Architectures into a Software Product Line: A Case Study (HK, RW, JD), pp. 177–193.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-Axelsson #architecture #embedded #industrial #product line- Evolutionary architecting of embedded automotive product lines: An industrial case study (JA), pp. 101–110.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-Babar #agile #architecture #challenge #development #using- An exploratory study of architectural practices and challenges in using agile software development approaches (MAB), pp. 81–90.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-EklundO #architecture- A case study of the Architecture Business Cycle for an in-vehicle software architecture (UE, CMO), pp. 91–100.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-FigueiredoGKGSPMSBRBAZM #architecture #detection- Detecting architecture instabilities with concern traces: An exploratory study (EF, IG, SSK, AG, CS, AP, ALM, LFdS, TVB, RAR, PvdB, MA, SZ, AMDM), pp. 261–264.
ECDL-2009-CanazzaO - Digital Preservation and Access of Audio Heritage: A Case Study for Phonographic Discs (SC, NO), pp. 451–454.
HT-2009-ChinS #mobile #user study #web #web service- A user study of mobile web services and applications from the 2008 Beijing Oympics (AC, JPS), pp. 343–344.
HT-2009-Mazali - ZEXE.NET, a case study of video-moblog (TM), pp. 381–382.
ICDAR-2009-LapointeB #evaluation #performance #recognition- Issues in Performance Evaluation: A Case Study of Math Recognition (AL, DB), pp. 1355–1359.
ICDAR-2009-MaHS #design #markov #modelling #online #recognition- A Study of Feature Design for Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Based on Continuous-Density Hidden Markov Models (LM, QH, YS), pp. 526–530.
ICDAR-2009-PalWK #classification #comparative #recognition #using- Comparative Study of Devnagari Handwritten Character Recognition Using Different Feature and Classifiers (UP, TW, FK), pp. 1111–1115.
JCDL-2009-BeerPC #flexibility #repository- Developing a flexible content model for media repositories: a case study (CAB, PDP, KC), pp. 97–100.
JCDL-2009-DalipGCC #assessment #automation #community #quality #web #wiki- Automatic quality assessment of content created collaboratively by web communities: a case study of wikipedia (DHD, MAG, MC, PC), pp. 295–304.
JCDL-2009-MartinsGLP #learning #quality- Learning to assess the quality of scientific conferences: a case study in computer science (WSM, MAG, AHFL, GLP), pp. 193–202.
JCDL-2009-MikealCMPLM #library #repository #scalability- Large-scale ETD repositories: a case study of a digital library application (AM, JC, AM, SP, JJL, MM), pp. 135–144.
JCDL-2009-ZhangWZZY #metadata- Review-oriented metadata enrichment: a case study (LZ, JW, YZ, YZ, CY), pp. 173–182.
SIGMOD-2009-WangYGYTWLP #communication #data mining #mining #mobile #named- MobileMiner: a real world case study of data mining in mobile communication (TW, BY, JG, DY, ST, HW, KL, JP), pp. 1083–1086.
CSEET-2009-BarkerI #education #re-engineering #scalability- IT SPIRAL: A Case Study in Scalable Software Engineering Education (MB, KI), pp. 53–60.
CSEET-2009-ChimalakondaN #automation- Automating an eLearning System — A Case Study (SC, KVN), pp. 150–153.
CSEET-2009-GargV #assessment #re-engineering #tool support- Case Studies as Assessment Tools in Software Engineering Classrooms (KG, VV), pp. 8–11.
CSEET-2009-KoolmanojwongB #education #experience #research #using- Using Software Project Courses to Integrate Education and Research: An Experience Report (SK, BWB), pp. 26–33.
CSEET-2009-KrishnanRS #collaboration #experience #industrial- Industry Academia Collaboration: An Experience Report at a Small University (PK, KJR, PAPS), pp. 117–121.
CSEET-2009-RamingwongSI #multi #student- A Study on a Multidimensional Model of Mum Effect among IT Students (SR, ASMS, LI), pp. 69–76.
CSEET-2009-SkandanS #education #experience #induction #re-engineering- Software Engineering Education at TCS Induction — An Experience Report (SS, MS), pp. 16–19.
CSEET-2009-TaranMSS #authoring #framework #industrial #multi #platform #scalability #using- Using Rich Multimedia Case Studies: Developing a Scalable Authoring Platform for Academia and Industry (GT, RM, RS, AS), pp. 61–68.
CSEET-2009-TaranVG #authoring #education #framework #multi #platform #re-engineering- Multimedia Case Studies in Software Engineering: A Look at MDM CAP: A Case Authoring Platform for Education and Training (GT, VV, KG), pp. 296–297.
EDM-2009-DekkerPV #predict #student- Predicting Students Drop Out: A Case Study (GD, MP, JV), pp. 41–50.
ITiCSE-2009-DeePBP #experience #why #women- Why are we still here?: experiences of successful women in computing (HMD, KEP, RDB, RP), pp. 233–237.
ITiCSE-2009-DicksonAHA #experience- First experiences with a classroom recording system (PED, WRA, ARH, DTA), pp. 298–302.
ITiCSE-2009-EnglishR #assessment #automation #source code #student #using- Evaluating students’ programs using automated assessment: a case study (JE, TR), p. 371.
ITiCSE-2009-HislopEM #experience #student- Evaluating student experiences in developing software for humanity (GWH, HJCE, RAM), pp. 263–267.
ITiCSE-2009-WhiteI #education #experience #learning #research- Relating research and teaching: learning from experiences and beliefs (SW, AI), pp. 75–79.
SIGITE-2009-Hartpence #experience #network #security #source code- Qos content and experiences for IT, networking and security programs (BH), pp. 60–64.
CSMR-2009-AckermannLD #flexibility #maintenance- Redesign for Flexibility and Maintainability: A Case Study (CA, ML, GD), pp. 259–262.
CSMR-2009-CapiluppiB #complexity- Structural Complexity and Decay in FLOSS Systems: An Inter-repository Study (AC, KB), pp. 169–178.
CSMR-2009-ElishE #comparative #maintenance #object-oriented #predict- Application of TreeNet in Predicting Object-Oriented Software Maintainability: A Comparative Study (MOE, KOE), pp. 69–78.
CSMR-2009-Ghazarian #evolution #source code- A Case Study of Source Code Evolution (AG), pp. 159–168.
CSMR-2009-KokkoAS #experience- Adopting SOA — Experiences from Nine Finnish Organizations (TK, JA, TS), pp. 129–138.
CSMR-2009-Teppe #challenge #experience #industrial #migration #scalability- The ARNO Project: Challenges and Experiences in a Large-Scale Industrial Software Migration Project (WT), pp. 149–158.
ICPC-2009-FeilkasRJ #architecture #evolution #industrial- The loss of architectural knowledge during system evolution: An industrial case study (MF, DR, EJ), pp. 188–197.
ICPC-2009-RevelleP #feature model- An exploratory study on assessing feature location techniques (MR, DP), pp. 218–222.
ICSM-2009-GeetD #cobol #experience #feature model- Feature location in COBOL mainframe systems: An experience report (JVG, SD), pp. 361–370.
ICSM-2009-HolmesCWD #source code #using- The end-to-end use of source code examples: An exploratory study (RH, RC, RJW, JD), pp. 555–558.
ICSM-2009-HouW #eclipse #evolution- Analyzing the evolution of user-visible features: A case study with Eclipse (DH, YW), pp. 479–482.
ICSM-2009-StarkeLS - Searching and skimming: An exploratory study (JS, CL, JS), pp. 157–166.
WCRE-1999-AlamAH99a #dependence- A Study of the Time Dependence of Code Changes (OA, BA, AEH), pp. 21–30.
WCRE-1999-KhomhPG99a #smell- An Exploratory Study of the Impact of Code Smells on Software Change-proneness (FK, MDP, YGG), pp. 75–84.
WCRE-1999-VaucherKMG99a #design #lessons learnt #smell- Tracking Design Smells: Lessons from a Study of God Classes (SV, FK, NM, YGG), pp. 145–154.
CIAA-2009-CaoN #protocol- Formally Synthesising a Protocol Converter: A Case Study (JC, AN), pp. 249–252.
ICALP-v1-2009-AroraSW #graph #towards- Towards a Study of Low-Complexity Graphs (SA, DS, AW), pp. 119–131.
ICALP-v2-2009-Boldo #float #verification- Floats and Ropes: A Case Study for Formal Numerical Program Verification (SB), pp. 91–102.
FM-2009-DaylightS #design #on the- On the Difficulties of Concurrent-System Design, Illustrated with a 2×2 Switch Case Study (EGD, SKS), pp. 273–288.
FM-2009-McIverM #composition #refinement #security- Sums and Lovers: Case Studies in Security, Compositionality and Refinement (AM, CCM), pp. 289–304.
FM-2009-PlatzerC #verification- Formal Verification of Curved Flight Collision Avoidance Maneuvers: A Case Study (AP, EMC), pp. 547–562.
ICFP-2009-BalatVY #experience #framework #programming #web- Experience report: ocsigen, a web programming framework (VB, JV, BY), pp. 311–316.
ICFP-2009-CuoqSBBCCMPP #experience #framework #ml #static analysis- Experience report: OCaml for an industrial-strength static analysis framework (PC, JS, PB, RB, GC, LC, BM, VP, AP), pp. 281–286.
ICFP-2009-KleinDE #experience #kernel #verification- Experience report: seL4: formally verifying a high-performance microkernel (GK, PD, KE), pp. 91–96.
ICFP-2009-NewtonK #domain-specific language #embedded #experience #functional #parallel- Experience report: embedded, parallel computer-vision with a functional DSL (RN, TK), pp. 59–64.
ICFP-2009-PaganoAMCCWMC #certification #embedded #experience #framework #ml #safety #tool support #using- Experience report: using objective caml to develop safety-critical embedded tools in a certification framework (BP, OA, TM, BC, EC, PW, PM, JLC), pp. 215–220.
ICFP-2009-Sampson #experience #functional #haskell #lazy evaluation- Experience report: Haskell in the “real world”: writing a commercial application in a lazy functional language (CJS), pp. 185–190.
DiGRA-2009-DanseySE #game studies #pervasive- Contextually-Ambiguous Pervasive Games: An Exploratory Study (ND, BS, RE).
DiGRA-2009-FlanaganL #game studies- Anxiety, Openness, and Activist Games: A Case Study for Critical Play (MF, AL).
DiGRA-2009-Hjorth #personalisation #social #social media- Digital Art in the Age of Social Media: A Case Study of the politics of personalization via cute culture (LH).
DiGRA-2009-KoBOR #human-computer #interface- A Study on New Gameplay Based on Brain-Computer Interface (MK, KB, GO, TR).
DiGRA-2009-Light #experience- More Than Just a Combo of Slaps? Representations and Experiences of LGBT Gamers On and Beyond the Screen [Abstract] (BL).
DiGRA-2009-Pearce #collaboration #community #game studies #learning- Collaboration, Creativity and Learning in a Play Community: A Study of The University of There (CP).
DiGRA-2009-Perron - In the Horrifying Magic Cycle of Resident Evil 5: A Case Study [Abstract] (BP).
DiGRA-2009-Poels #experience #game studies #how- World of Warcraft, the Aftermath How game elements transfer into real life perceptions and experiences [Abstract] (KP).
DiGRA-2009-RibbensP #experience #research #using- Researching player experiences through the use of different qualitative methods (WR, YP).
FDG-2009-HoldsworthL #learning- GPS-enabled mobiles for learning shortest paths: a pilot study (JJH, SML), pp. 86–90.
FDG-2009-WernerDBR #game studies- Can middle-schoolers use Storytelling Alice to make games?: results of a pilot study (LLW, JD, MB, PR), pp. 207–214.
VS-Games-2009-FreitasRLMP #evaluation #experience #learning- Developing an Evaluation Methodology for Immersive Learning Experiences in a Virtual World (SdF, GRM, FL, GDM, AP), pp. 43–50.
CHI-2009-BenfordGKR #design #experience #interactive #user interface- From interaction to trajectories: designing coherent journeys through user experiences (SB, GG, BK, TR), pp. 709–718.
CHI-2009-DucheneautWYW #personalisation- Body and mind: a study of avatar personalization in three virtual worlds (ND, MHW, NY, GW), pp. 1151–1160.
CHI-2009-HoltenW #graph #user study #visualisation- A user study on visualizing directed edges in graphs (DH, JJvW), pp. 2299–2308.
CHI-2009-HuangHTNMMR #chat #communication #social- Of social television comes home: a field study of communication choices and practices in tv-based text and voice chat (EMH, GH, JT, AN, NM, CJM, GR), pp. 585–594.
CHI-2009-KamMKC #design #game studies- Designing digital games for rural children: a study of traditional village games in India (MK, AM, AK, JFC), pp. 31–40.
CHI-2009-KolevaESGGRD #experience #hybrid- Supporting the creation of hybrid museum experiences (BK, SRE, HS, KG, CG, TR, MDR), pp. 1973–1982.
CHI-2009-KristenssonD #performance #recognition #state of the art #user study- Text entry performance of state of the art unconstrained handwriting recognition: a longitudinal user study (POK, LCD), pp. 567–570.
CHI-2009-MorrisonOPLJRNJ #artificial reality #comparative #mobile- Like bees around the hive: a comparative study of a mobile augmented reality map (AM, AO, PP, SL, GJ, GR, JN, AJ), pp. 1889–1898.
CHI-2009-NamAA #community- Questions in, knowledge in?: a study of naver’s question answering community (KKN, MSA, LAA), pp. 779–788.
CHI-2009-PapeV #dependence- An experimental study of field dependency in altered Gz environments (MALP, RKV), pp. 1255–1264.
CHI-2009-PatelARNDP #comparative #interface #speech- A comparative study of speech and dialed input voice interfaces in rural India (NP, SKA, NR, AAN, PD, TSP), pp. 51–54.
CHI-2009-VoidaM #experience- It feels better than filing: everyday work experiences in an activity-based computing system (SV, EDM), pp. 259–268.
DHM-2009-SummerskillMCGSD #evaluation #using #validation- Validation of the HADRIAN System Using an ATM Evaluation Case Study (SJS, RM, KC, DEG, RES, PD), pp. 727–736.
HCD-2009-AnandBCD #interface- Tailoring Interface for Spanish Language: A Case Study with CHICA System (VA, PGB, AEC, SMD), pp. 398–407.
HCD-2009-AnastassovaM #elicitation #interactive #mobile #prototype #requirements #visual notation- Elicitation of User Requirements for Mobile Interaction with Visual and RFID Tags: A Prototype-Based Exploratory Study (MA, OMI), pp. 159–166.
HCD-2009-AshleyD #design #enterprise #maturity #usability- Usability Maturity: A Case Study in Planning and Designing an Enterprise Application Suite (JA, KD), pp. 579–584.
HCD-2009-CangianoH - Capturing and Restoring the Context of Everyday Work: A Case Study at a Law Office (GRC, JDH), pp. 945–954.
HCD-2009-Cinar #eye tracking #usability #web- Eye Tracking Method to Compare the Usability of University Web Sites: A Case Study (MOÇ), pp. 671–678.
HCD-2009-Komischke #development #experience #user interface- Integrating User Experience into a Software Development Company — A Case Study (TK), pp. 221–229.
HCD-2009-KondoY #security- HCD Case Study for the Information Security Training System (AK, MY), pp. 979–985.
HCD-2009-Kushi #concept #design #interface #process #research #student #video #visualisation- Organized Reframing Process with Video Ethnography: A Case Study of Students’ Design Project for New Interface Concept from Research to Visualization (KK), pp. 239–246.
HCD-2009-LeeI #evaluation #framework #game studies- A Study on User Centered Game Evaluation Guideline Based on the MIPA Framework (JL, CYI), pp. 84–93.
HCD-2009-LoveHA #design #industrial #mobile #process #requirements- Accommodating Real User and Organisational Requirements in the Human Centered Design Process: A Case Study from the Mobile Phone Industry (SL, PH, MA), pp. 758–764.
HCD-2009-MisawaF #experience #generative #idea #user interface #using- A Proposal of XB-Method, an Idea Generation System for New Services Using User Experiences (NM, MF), pp. 276–283.
HCD-2009-Park09b #design #information management- A Study of Design That Understands the Influences on the Changes of Information Processing Ability of Users (JHP), pp. 538–547.
HCD-2009-PylaHPASH #evaluation #experience #how- “How Do I Evaluate THAT?” Experiences from a Systems-Level Evaluation Effort (PSP, HRH, MAPQ, JDA, TLSJ, DH), pp. 292–301.
HCI-AUII-2009-QuSPW #information retrieval- A Study of Information Retrieval of En Route Display of Fire Information on PDA (WQ, XS, TP, LW), pp. 86–94.
HCI-AUII-2009-SunQPW #detection- A Study of Fire Information Detection on PDA Device (XS, WQ, TP, LW), pp. 105–113.
HCI-AUII-2009-WuHW #design #navigation- A Study on the Design of Voice Navigation of Car Navigation System (CFW, WFH, TCW), pp. 141–150.
HCI-NIMT-2009-AsaoHHKH #information management- A Study on Fundamental Information Transmission Characteristics of an Air-Jet Driven Tactile Display (TA, HH, MH, KK, KH), pp. 397–406.
HCI-NIMT-2009-IizukaY - Experimental Study about Effect of Thermal Information Presentation to Mouse (SI, SY), pp. 444–450.
HCI-NIMT-2009-Ito - Preliminary Study on Vibrotactile Messaging for Sharing Brief Information (TI), pp. 451–460.
HCI-NIMT-2009-NakanishiOY #effectiveness- A Study on Effective Tactile Feeling of Control Panels for Electrical Appliances (MN, YO, SY), pp. 486–495.
HCI-NT-2009-Williams #framework #research- Leveraging a User Research Framework to Guide Research Investments: Windows Vista Case Study (GW), pp. 530–539.
HCI-VAD-2009-CharissisPV #development #interface- Interface Development for Early Notification Warning System: Full Windshield Head-Up Display Case Study (VC, SP, GV), pp. 683–692.
HCI-VAD-2009-SancarCITOE #education #validation- Developing a Validation Methodology for Educational Driving Simulators and a Case Study (HS, KÇ, VI, GT, NO, UE), pp. 760–769.
HIMI-DIE-2009-AshleyV #enterprise #experience #user interface- Crafting Contemporary Enterprise Application User Experiences (JA, MWV), pp. 3–12.
HIMI-DIE-2009-BruinLB #feedback #how- How to Learn from Intelligent Products; The Structuring of Incoherent Field Feedback Data in Two Case Studies (RdB, YL, AB), pp. 227–232.
HIMI-DIE-2009-LimAC #grid #performance- A Study on Computing Resource Partition for Increasing Efficiency of Grid System (CL, SJA, JC), pp. 563–569.
HIMI-DIE-2009-MatsumotoSS #effectiveness #visual notation- A Study on Effective Methods of Visual Inspection for Reused-Parts by Inspectors (TM, HS, KS), pp. 131–139.
HIMI-DIE-2009-OkaOMS #identification #people- A Study on Color Conversion for Color Deficient People to Identify Color (MO, NO, HM, AS), pp. 594–600.
HIMI-DIE-2009-YatsuzukaTT #motivation- A Study on a Method of Support for Improving the Motivation of Employees (DY, YT, TT), pp. 197–204.
HIMI-II-2009-FagerstromG #contest #design #online #persuasion #web- The Persuasive Effects from Web 2.0 Marketing: A Case Study Investigating the Persuasive Effect from an Online Design Competition (AF, GG), pp. 10–16.
HIMI-II-2009-FujitaS #process #safety- The Importance of Information in the Process of Acquisition and Usage of a Medicine for Patient Safety: A Study of the Brazilian Context (PLF, CGS), pp. 489–496.
HIMI-II-2009-KarashimaH #information management #scheduling- Implications for Developing Information System on Nursing Administration — Case Study on Nurse Scheduling System - (MK, NH), pp. 529–538.
HIMI-II-2009-NakataniSSN #design #guidelines #interface- A Study of Auditory Warning Signals for the Design Guidelines of Man-Machine Interfaces (MN, DS, NS, SN), pp. 826–834.
HIMI-II-2009-NishiharaSS #experience #visualisation- Event Extraction and Visualization for Obtaining Personal Experiences from Blogs (YN, KS, WS), pp. 315–324.
IDGD-2009-AlsharaA - The Effect of E-Learning on Business Organizations: A UAE Case Study (OKA, MKA), pp. 437–446.
IDGD-2009-ChenCJ #design- A Study of Innovation Design on Taiwan Culture Creative Product — A Case Study of the Facial Mask of Ba Ja Jang (CHC, BCC, CDJ), pp. 337–346.
IDGD-2009-Ellis - A Case Study in Community-Driven Translation of a Fast-Changing Website (DE), pp. 236–244.
IDGD-2009-KoLL #design #industrial- A Study of Service Innovation Design in Cultural and Creative Industry (YYK, PHL, RL), pp. 376–385.
IDGD-2009-McCollough #configuration management #quote- “Whose Rule Is It Anyway?” — A Case Study in the Internationalization of User-Configurable Business Rules (MM), pp. 274–282.
IDGD-2009-Rampoldi-HniloWSS #enterprise #future of #mobile- The Future of Enterprise Is with the Mobile Workforce: An International Field Study (LRH, BKW, MS, ACS), pp. 308–315.
IDGD-2009-RizvanogluO #comprehension- Cross-Cultural Understanding of the Dual Structure of Metaphorical Icons: An Explorative Study with French and Turkish Users on an E-Learning Site (KR, ÖÖ), pp. 89–98.
OCSC-2009-GhineaBS #community #experience #multi #online- Multi-dimensional Moderation in Online Communities: Experiences with Three Norwegian Sites (GG, BB, CS), pp. 191–196.
OCSC-2009-IsaNM09a #architecture #online- Cultural Prescription vs. User Perception of Information Architecture for Culture Centred Website: A Case Study on Muslim Online User (WARWMI, NLMN, SM), pp. 535–544.
OCSC-2009-OlssonTWVL #community #interactive #user study- Collective Content as a Facilitator of Community Interaction: A User Study of Four Close-Knit Communities (TO, HT, MW, KVVM, JL), pp. 246–255.
OCSC-2009-TsuchihashiO #interface #using- A Study on the Interface for Viewing the Information Menu of a Town from Intersections Using a Digital Compass (MT, KO), pp. 126–133.
OCSC-2009-WangWLWC #concept #design #network #social #user study- Ethnographic User Study and Concept Design for Chinese Migrant Workers’ Social Networks (JW, WW, YL, XW, QC), pp. 710–718.
VISSOFT-2009-TeleaHER #c #c++ #comparative #dependence #scalability #visualisation- Extraction and visualization of call dependencies for large C/C++ code bases: A comparative study (ACT, HH, OE, DR), pp. 81–88.
VISSOFT-2009-TeleaV #visual notation- Case study: Visual analytics in software product assessments (ACT, LV), pp. 65–72.
CAiSE-2009-Ghazarian #fault- A Case Study of Defect Introduction Mechanisms (AG), pp. 156–170.
CAiSE-2009-GottschalkWJAR #configuration management #experience #modelling #process- Configurable Process Models: Experiences from a Municipality Case Study (FG, TACW, MHJV, WMPvdA, MLR), pp. 486–500.
CAiSE-2009-MouratidisSJ #experience #health #information management #lessons learnt- Secure Information Systems Engineering: Experiences and Lessons Learned from Two Health Care Projects (HM, AS, JJ), pp. 231–245.
EDOC-2009-ZhuM #refactoring- Refactoring J2EE Application for JBI-Based ESB: A Case Study (WZ, WM), pp. 213–217.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-ZhengZLL #classification #image #multi- Study on Image Classification based on SVM and the Fusion of Multiple Features (DZ, TZ, SL, YL), pp. 80–84.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-BergerS #architecture #implementation #named #query- FedDW: A Tool for Querying Federations of Data Warehouses — Architecture, Use Case and Implementation (SB, MS), pp. 113–122.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-IskaniusHM #enterprise #experience- Experiences of ERP use in Small Enterprises (PI, RH, MM), pp. 5–10.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-GarciaMDDSCBS #collaboration #community #evaluation #on the #web- On Collaborative Software for Web Communities Evaluation — A Case Study (LSG, DFM, JD, AID, MSS, MAC, LCEDB, FS), pp. 61–65.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-NetoD #gesture #scalability #using- A Study on the use of Gestures for Large Displays (AN, CD), pp. 55–60.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-LopesGBF #industrial #ontology #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering a Domain Ontology to Uncover Fundamental Ontological Distinctions — An Industrial Case Study in the Domain of Oil and Gas Production and Exploration (ML, GG, FAB, RdAF), pp. 262–267.
ICEIS-J-2009-CabralRLSCF #agile #information management- A Case Study of Knowledge Management Usage in Agile Software Projects (AYC, MBR, APL, MTS, MC, CF), pp. 627–638.
ICEIS-J-2009-ChenPZQ #hybrid- A Study of Indexing Strategies for Hybrid Data Spaces (CC, SP, QZ, GQ), pp. 149–159.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-CiuffoI #collaboration #information management #recommendation #using- Using Grids to Support Information Filtering Systems — A Case Study of Running Collaborative Filtering Recommendations on gLite (LNC, EI), pp. 12–18.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-Haider09a #automation- A Case Study of Automated Inventory Management (AH), pp. 141–148.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-ZeeshanCS #multi- Influencing Factors for the Adoption of m-Commerce Applications — A Multiple Case Study (SAZ, YC, HS), pp. 53–60.
CIKM-2009-LvZ09a #comparative #feedback #modelling #pseudo #query- A comparative study of methods for estimating query language models with pseudo feedback (YL, CZ), pp. 1895–1898.
CIKM-2009-PengMHO #enterprise- A study of selective collection enrichment for enterprise search (JP, CM, BH, IO), pp. 1999–2002.
CIKM-2009-SunLL #category theory #classification #performance #predict #what- What makes categories difficult to classify?: a study on predicting classification performance for categories (AS, EPL, YL), pp. 1891–1894.
CIKM-2009-YangXBHSY #cumulative #generative #information retrieval #social #using- A study of information retrieval on accumulative social descriptions using the generation features (LY, SX, SB, DH, ZS, YY), pp. 721–730.
ECIR-2009-HalveyPHVHGJ #difference #low level #metric #retrieval #using #video- Diversity, Assortment, Dissimilarity, Variety: A Study of Diversity Measures Using Low Level Features for Video Retrieval (MH, PP, DH, RV, FH, AG, JMJ), pp. 126–137.
ECIR-2009-KurashimaFO #experience #scalability- Discovering Association Rules on Experiences from Large-Scale Blog Entries (TK, KF, HO), pp. 546–553.
ECIR-2009-SarigiannisPB #distributed #query #web- A Study of the Impact of Index Updates on Distributed Query Processing for Web Search (CS, VP, RABY), pp. 595–602.
ECIR-2009-YiA #comparative #information retrieval #modelling #topic- A Comparative Study of Utilizing Topic Models for Information Retrieval (XY, JA), pp. 29–41.
KDD-2009-ChuPBMPCZ #analysis #behaviour #exclamation- A case study of behavior-driven conjoint analysis on Yahoo!: front page today module (WC, STP, TB, NM, AP, SC, JZ), pp. 1097–1104.
KDD-2009-DundarHBRR #dataset #detection #learning #using- Learning with a non-exhaustive training dataset: a case study: detection of bacteria cultures using optical-scattering technology (MD, EDH, AKB, JPR, BR), pp. 279–288.
KDD-2009-LuoLXZS #classification #information management #towards #web- Towards combining web classification and web information extraction: a case study (PL, FL, YX, YZ, ZS), pp. 1235–1244.
KDD-2009-MohammedFHL - Anonymizing healthcare data: a case study on the blood transfusion service (NM, BCMF, PCKH, CkL), pp. 1285–1294.
KDIR-2009-NettletonMM #evaluation #image #internet #user study- User Study of the Assignment of Objective and Subjective Type Tags to Images in Internet — Evaluation for Native and non Native English Language Taggers (DFN, MCM, BML), pp. 99–104.
KDIR-2009-VillalbaC #biology #classification #generative #reduction- Artificial Data Generation for One-class Classification — A Case Study of Dimensionality Reduction for Text and Biological Data (SDV, PC), pp. 202–210.
KEOD-2009-HermidaRMP #modelling #ontology #owl #reuse #uml- Reusing UML Class Models to Generate OWL Ontologies — A Use Case in the Pharmacotherapeutic Domain (JMH, MTRF, AM, MP), pp. 281–286.
KMIS-2009-AuerbachH #information management #process- Process Oriented Knowledge Management — IT System and Case Study (MA, AH), pp. 262–265.
KMIS-2009-BahrsH #evaluation #process- KMDL for Innovation and Production Ramp-up Process Evaluation — A Case Study (JB, PH), pp. 280–283.
KMIS-2009-MorenoCCAMCG #experience #research- When Knowledge Meets Innovation Technology — The ENEA e-LEARN Experiences through Technology and Research (AM, FC, CC, AA, CM, AC, SG), pp. 161–166.
KMIS-2009-MottaPR #documentation #elicitation #requirements- User Goal-oriented Requirements Elicitation to Improve Acceptance and Use — A Case Study on Document Management (GM, GP, PR), pp. 153–160.
KMIS-2009-StockerT #enterprise #multi #wiki- Exploring the Value of Enterprise Wikis — A Multiple-Case Study (AS, KT), pp. 5–12.
MLDM-2009-IsakssonD #algorithm #comparative #detection- A Comparative Study of Outlier Detection Algorithms (CI, MHD), pp. 440–453.
MLDM-2009-Mendes-MoreiraJSS #approach #learning- Ensemble Learning: A Study on Different Variants of the Dynamic Selection Approach (JMM, AMJ, CS, JFdS), pp. 191–205.
RecSys-2009-JannachH #effectiveness #internet #mobile #recommendation- A case study on the effectiveness of recommendations in the mobile internet (DJ, KH), pp. 205–208.
SEKE-2009-LiangKS #approach #automation #diagrams- Automatic Class Matching to Compare Extracted Class Diagrams: Approach and Case Study (YL, NAK, RKS), pp. 268–273.
SEKE-2009-LiuKC #adaptation #random testing #testing- Dynamic Test Profiles in Adaptive Random Testing: A Case Study (HL, FCK, TYC), pp. 418–421.
SEKE-2009-UllahRG #architecture #design #evaluation #open source #towards- Towards Design and Architectural Evaluation of Product Variants: A Case Study on an Open Source Software System (MIU, GR, VG), pp. 141–146.
SIGIR-2009-BerminghamS #retrieval- A study of inter-annotator agreement for opinion retrieval (AB, AFS), pp. 784–785.
SIGIR-2009-Hosseini #information retrieval #performance- A study on performance volatility in information retrieval (MH), p. 853.
ECMDA-FA-2009-EvansFM #eclipse #experience #modelling #network #using- Experiences of Developing a Network Modeling Tool Using the Eclipse Environment (AE, MAF, PM), pp. 301–312.
ECMDA-FA-2009-MilanovicCKWK #industrial #information management #modelling- Model-Based Interoperability of Heterogeneous Information Systems: An Industrial Case Study (NM, MC, RDK, JW, FK), pp. 325–336.
ICMT-2009-VaraVBM #database #development #modelling- Supporting Model-Driven Development of Object-Relational Database Schemas: A Case Study (JMV, BV, VAB, EM), pp. 181–196.
MoDELS-2009-HermansPD #domain-specific language #user study- Domain-Specific Languages in Practice: A User Study on the Success Factors (FH, MP, AvD), pp. 423–437.
MoDELS-2009-NugrohoC #industrial #modelling #quality #uml- Evaluating the Impact of UML Modeling on Software Quality: An Industrial Case Study (AN, MRVC), pp. 181–195.
MoDELS-2009-YueBL #analysis #approach #concept #empirical #evaluation #modelling #towards- A Use Case Modeling Approach to Facilitate the Transition towards Analysis Models: Concepts and Empirical Evaluation (TY, LCB, YL), pp. 484–498.
SPLC-2009-BabarIP #agile #architecture #development #industrial #product line- An industrial case of exploiting product line architectures in agile software development (MAB, TI, MP), pp. 171–179.
SPLC-2009-KastnerARRBS #analysis #on the #problem- On the impact of the optional feature problem: analysis and case studies (CK, SA, SSuR, MR, DSB, GS), pp. 181–190.
SPLC-2009-OLearyRRT #experience #independence #process #research- Important issues and key activities in product derivation: experiences from two independent research projects (PO, RR, IR, ST), pp. 121–130.
SPLC-2009-PechKCSH #development #experience #lessons learnt #variability- Variability management in small development organizations: experiences and lessons learned from a case study (DP, JK, RC, CS, DH), pp. 285–294.
SPLC-2009-TakebeFCHS #development #experience #product line- Experiences with software product line engineering in product development oriented organization (YT, NF, MC, TH, OS), pp. 275–283.
MoDELS-2009-HermansPD #domain-specific language #user study- Domain-Specific Languages in Practice: A User Study on the Success Factors (FH, MP, AvD), pp. 423–437.
MoDELS-2009-NugrohoC #industrial #modelling #quality #uml- Evaluating the Impact of UML Modeling on Software Quality: An Industrial Case Study (AN, MRVC), pp. 181–195.
MoDELS-2009-YueBL #analysis #approach #concept #empirical #evaluation #modelling #towards- A Use Case Modeling Approach to Facilitate the Transition towards Analysis Models: Concepts and Empirical Evaluation (TY, LCB, YL), pp. 484–498.
PLDI-2009-InoueKN #manycore #memory management- A study of memory management for web-based applications on multicore processors (HI, HK, TN), pp. 386–396.
RE-2009-OmoronyiaSRFW #developer #navigation #source code #traceability- Use Case to Source Code Traceability: The Developer Navigation View Point (IO, GS, MR, JDF, MW), pp. 237–242.
RE-2009-SongHR #experience #framework #platform- Experiences in Developing Quantifiable NFRs for the Service-Oriented Software Platform (XS, BH, JR), pp. 337–342.
RE-2009-WangZZJM #approach #feature model #modelling- A Use Case Based Approach to Feature Models’ Construction (BW, WZ, HZ, ZJ, HM), pp. 121–130.
REFSQ-2009-BeattyH #experience #requirements- Experiences with a Requirements Object Model (JB, JH), pp. 104–117.
REFSQ-2009-GandhiL #assurance #design #requirements #research- Assurance Case Driven Case Study Design for Requirements Engineering Research (RAG, SWL), pp. 190–196.
REFSQ-2009-HerrmannWP #requirements #specification- Specifying Changes Only — A Case Study on Delta Requirements (AH, AW, BP), pp. 45–58.
REFSQ-2009-SeyffGMG #experience #requirements- Scenarios in the Wild: Experiences with a Contextual Requirements Discovery Method (NS, FG, NAMM, PG), pp. 147–161.
REFSQ-2009-WnukRS #architecture #coordination #industrial #requirements- Architecting and Coordinating Thousands of Requirements — An Industrial Case Study (KW, BR, CS), pp. 118–123.
ASE-2009-GrunbacherRDL #deployment #experience #industrial #modelling #tool support- Model-Based Customization and Deployment of Eclipse-Based Tools: Industrial Experiences (PG, RR, DD, ML), pp. 247–256.
ICSE-2009-BirdNDGM #development #distributed #empirical #quality- Does distributed development affect software quality? An empirical case study of Windows Vista (CB, NN, PTD, HG, BM), pp. 518–528.
ICSE-2009-ComanSS #analysis #automation #industrial #metric #re-engineering #using- A case-study on using an Automated In-process Software Engineering Measurement and Analysis system in an industrial environment (IDC, AS, GS), pp. 89–99.
SAC-2009-AktemurK #comparative #library- A comparative study of techniques to write customizable libraries (BA, SK), pp. 522–529.
SAC-2009-CatanoW #java #ml #specification- Executing JML specifications of Java card applications: a case study (NC, TW), pp. 404–408.
SAC-2009-ChangLCHK #development #framework #quality- A case study of pattern-based software framework to improve the quality of software development (CHC, CWL, WCC, NLH, CSK), pp. 443–447.
SAC-2009-MikkonenT #experience #framework #kernel #mobile #platform #web- Creating a mobile web application platform: the lively kernel experiences (TM, AT), pp. 177–184.
SAC-2009-NetoBFF #interface #multimodal #usability #web- Developing and evaluating web multimodal interfaces — a case study with usability principles (ATN, TJB, RPdMF, KF), pp. 116–120.
SAC-2009-Rittgen #collaboration #comparative #modelling #process- Collaborative modeling of business processes: a comparative case study (PR), pp. 225–230.
SAC-2009-RoeslerHC #distance #learning #multi- A new multimedia synchronous distance learning system: the IVA study case (VR, RH, CHC), pp. 1765–1770.
SAC-2009-SinnigCK #automaton #lts #modelling #semantics- LTS semantics for use case models (DS, PC, FK), pp. 365–370.
GPCE-2009-RadermacherCGT #component #execution #generative #modelling #realtime #specification- Generating execution infrastructures for component-oriented specifications with a model driven toolchain: a case study for MARTE’s GCM and real-time annotations (AR, AC, SG, FT), pp. 127–136.
CASE-2009-BalajiGK #using- Selection of a machine tool for FMS using ELECTRE III — a case study (CMB, AG, RK), pp. 171–176.
CASE-2009-MonchZ #experience #prototype #state of the art #web #web service- Providing production planning and control functionality by web services: State of the art and experiences with prototypes (LM, JZ), pp. 495–500.
DAC-2009-ThorolfssonGF #3d #automation #design- Design automation for a 3DIC FFT processor for synthetic aperture radar: a case study (TT, KG, PDF), pp. 51–56.
DATE-2009-0001BW #fault #network- Error correction in single-hop wireless sensor networks — A case study (DS, MB, NW), pp. 1296–1301.
DATE-2009-AbateSVK #functional- A study of the Single Event Effects impact on functional mapping within Flash-based FPGAs (FA, LS, MV, FLK), pp. 1226–1229.
DATE-2009-LeonardiPC #deployment #distributed #embedded #network- A case study in distributed deployment of embedded software for camera networks (FL, AP, LPC), pp. 1006–1011.
DATE-2009-NagarajK #process- A study on placement of post silicon clock tuning buffers for mitigating impact of process variation (KN, SK), pp. 292–295.
DATE-2009-TrautmannMBDUDPC #framework #simulation- Simulation framework for early phase exploration of SDR platforms: A case study of platform dimensioning (MT, SM, BB, JD, EU, AD, LVdP, FC), pp. 312–315.
PDP-2009-AldinucciDK #component #towards- Towards Hierarchical Management of Autonomic Components: A Case Study (MA, MD, PK), pp. 3–10.
PDP-2009-DeduL - A Study on the Benefit of TCP Packet Prioritisation (ED, EL), pp. 161–166.
PDP-2009-SeppanenM #experience #industrial #legacy #manycore #migration- Porting Legacy Applications to Multicore: Experiences from an Industrial System (AS, TM), pp. 127–132.
PPoPP-2009-BhateleBK #api- Topology aware task mapping techniques: an api and case study (AB, EJB, LVK), pp. 301–302.
ICLP-2009-Mungall #experience #logic programming #using- Experiences Using Logic Programming in Bioinformatics (CM), pp. 1–21.
ICST-2009-AlmeidaAM #approach #estimation- An Alternative Approach to Test Effort Estimation Based on Use Cases (ERCdA, BTdA, RLdOM), pp. 279–288.
ISSTA-2009-PolikarpovaCM #automation #comparative #contract- A comparative study of programmer-written and automatically inferred contracts (NP, IC, BM), pp. 93–104.
CBSE-2008-GjorvenER #adaptation #component #experience #framework- Experiences from Developing a Component Technology Agnostic Adaptation Framework (EG, FE, RR), pp. 230–245.
ECSA-2008-AngelovTG #architecture #evaluation #experience #towards- Towards a Method for the Evaluation of Reference Architectures: Experiences from a Case (SA, JJMT, PWPJG), pp. 225–240.
ECSA-2008-RoyG #architecture #experience #framework- An Iterative Framework for Software Architecture Recovery: An Experience Report (BR, TCNG), pp. 210–224.
WICSA-2008-MillerFM #architecture #requirements- Architectural Effects on Requirements Decisions: An Exploratory Study (JAM, RF, NHM), pp. 231–240.
ECDL-2008-AttfieldMKBGE - Prioritisation, Resources and Search Terms: A Study of Decision-Making at the Virtual Reference Desk (SA, SM, JK, AB, SDG, ME), pp. 106–116.
ECDL-2008-KruseSBCHNPRST #communication #community- A User Field Study: Communication in Academic Communities and Government Agencies (FK, ABS, BB, BCD, HH, MPN, JWPF, SR, KS, JT), pp. 447–449.
ECDL-2008-MastoraMK #behaviour #query- Exploring Query Formulation and Reformulation: A Preliminary Study to Map Users’ Search Behaviour (AM, MM, SK), pp. 427–430.
HT-2008-Recuero #data flow #social- Information flows and social capital in weblogs: a case study in the brazilian blogosphere (RdCR), pp. 97–106.
JCDL-2008-LiesaputraW #user study- Seeking information in realistic books: a user study (VL, IHW), pp. 29–38.
JCDL-2008-LiewK #image #retrieval- Slide image retrieval: a preliminary study (GML, MYK), pp. 359–362.
JCDL-2008-VillaGJ #multi- A study of awareness in multimedia search (RV, NG, JMJ), pp. 221–230.
CSEET-2008-HilburnTS - The DigitalHome Case Study Material (TBH, MT, SS), pp. 279–280.
CSEET-2008-LisboaNAM #education #experience #product line- A Case Study in Software Product: Lines An Educational Experience (LBL, LMN, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 155–162.
CSEET-2008-MeyerP #development #distributed #experience #re-engineering #risk management- The Allure and Risks of a Deployable Software Engineering Project: Experiences with Both Local and Distributed Development (BM, MP), pp. 3–16.
EDM-2008-BarnesSLC #logic #proving #student #using- A pilot study on logic proof tutoring using hints generated from historical student data (TB, JCS, LL, MJC), pp. 197–201.
EDM-2008-PechenizkiyCVB #assessment #mining #student- Mining the Student Assessment Data: Lessons Drawn from a Small Scale Case Study (MP, TC, EV, PDB), pp. 187–191.
ITiCSE-2008-Abad #distributed #experience #learning- Learning through creating learning objects: experiences with a class project in a distributed systems course (CLA), pp. 255–259.
ITiCSE-2008-Caldeira #education #sql- Teaching SQL: a case study (CPC), p. 340.
ITiCSE-2008-KollanusI #agile #development #education #experience #testing- Test-driven development in education: experiences with critical viewpoints (SK, VI), pp. 124–127.
ITiCSE-2008-KoppelmanV #distance #education #experience- Experiences with a synchronous virtual classroom in distance education (HK, HPEV), pp. 194–198.
SIGITE-2008-Holden #assessment #database- Assessment of an introductory database course: a case study (EPH), pp. 131–138.
SIGITE-2008-RigbyDER #comprehension #concept- Measuring conceptual understanding: a case study (SR, MJD, JJE, MKR), pp. 11–16.
CSMR-2008-GlorieZHD #concept analysis #evolution #experience #industrial #scalability #using- Splitting a Large Software Archive for Easing Future Software Evolution — An Industrial Experience Report using Formal Concept Analysis (MG, AZ, LH, AvD), pp. 153–162.
CSMR-2008-KnodelMHM #architecture #experience #industrial- Architecture Compliance Checking — Experiences from Successful Technology Transfer to Industry (JK, DM, UH, GM), pp. 43–52.
CSMR-2008-PantosBGG #adaptation #assessment #experience #quality #source code- Experiences in Adapting a Source Code-Based Quality Assessment Technology (JP, ÁB, PG, TG), pp. 311–313.
CSMR-2008-SmitSW #documentation #user interface- Use Case Redocumentation from GUI Event Traces (MS, ES, KW), pp. 263–268.
ICPC-2008-SridharaHPV #comparative #identification #semantics #similarity #tool support #word- Identifying Word Relations in Software: A Comparative Study of Semantic Similarity Tools (GS, EH, LLP, KVS), pp. 123–132.
ICSM-2008-KellensSDJD #aspect-oriented #experience- Experiences in modularizing business rules into aspects (AK, KDS, TD, VJ, HD), pp. 448–451.
ICSM-2008-WermelingerYL #architecture #design #evolution- Design principles in architectural evolution: A case study (MW, YY, AL), pp. 396–405.
PASTE-2008-Abi-AntounA #architecture #runtime- A field study in static extraction of runtime architectures (MAA, JA), pp. 22–28.
FM-2008-Engler #experience #lessons learnt #scalability- Lessons in the Weird and Unexpected: Some Experiences from Checking Large Real Systems (DRE), p. 33.
FM-2008-VerhulstJM #development #formal method #industrial- An Industrial Case: Pitfalls and Benefits of Applying Formal Methods to the Development of a Network-Centric RTOS (EV, GGdJ, VM), pp. 411–418.
FM-2008-WijbransBRG #development #experience #formal method #re-engineering- Software Engineering with Formal Methods: Experiences with the Development of a Storm Surge Barrier Control System (KW, FB, RR, WG), pp. 419–424.
RTA-2008-LafontR #diagrams #matrix #orthogonal- Diagram Rewriting for Orthogonal Matrices: A Study of Critical Peaks (YL, PR), pp. 232–245.
SFM-2008-PaunR #framework #modelling- Membrane Computing as a Modeling Framework. Cellular Systems Case Studies (GP, FJRC), pp. 168–214.
AFP-2008-PlasmeijerAKLN08 - An iTask Case Study: A Conference Management System (RP, PA, PWMK, BL, TvN), pp. 306–329.
ICFP-2008-ConveyFGMH #erlang #experience- Experience report: erlang in acoustic ray tracing (CC, AF, CG, DM, LH), pp. 115–118.
ICFP-2008-DukeBRW #experience #functional #pipes and filters #visualisation- Experience report: visualizing data through functional pipelines (DJD, RB, CR, MW), pp. 379–382.
ICFP-2008-Jones #domain-specific language #experience #game studies- Experience report: playing the DSL card (MPJ), pp. 87–90.
ICFP-2008-Nanavati #experience- Experience report: a pure shirt fits (RN), pp. 347–352.
CIG-2008-KimC #game studies- Ensemble approaches in evolutionary game strategies: A case study in Othello (KJK, SBC), pp. 212–219.
CIG-2008-KloetzerIB #comparative- A comparative study of solvers in Amazons endgames (JK, HI, BB), pp. 378–384.
CIG-2008-Sahraei-ArdakaniRRL #optimisation #using- A study of electricity market dynamics using Invasive Weed Colonization Optimization (MSA, MR, ARK, CL), pp. 276–282.
CHI-2008-BauerCRRV #flexibility #policy #user study- A user study of policy creation in a flexible access-control system (LB, LFC, RWR, MKR, KV), pp. 543–552.
CHI-2008-GuoS #comparative #interactive #user interface #using- Exploring the use of tangible user interfaces for human-robot interaction: a comparative study (CG, ES), pp. 121–130.
CHI-2008-IsenbergTC #analysis #visual notation- An exploratory study of visual information analysis (PI, AT, MSTC), pp. 1217–1226.
CHI-2008-KapoorH #comparative #experience #modelling #predict- Experience sampling for building predictive user models: a comparative study (AK, EH), pp. 657–666.
CHI-2008-NaamanNK #mobile- Photos on the go: a mobile application case study (MN, RN, VK), pp. 1739–1748.
CHI-2008-PererS #data analysis #statistics #visualisation- Integrating statistics and visualization: case studies of gaining clarity during exploratory data analysis (AP, BS), pp. 265–274.
CSCW-2008-AbrahamR #coordination- Moving patients around: a field study of coordination between clinical and non-clinical staff in hospitals (JA, MCR), pp. 225–228.
CSCW-2008-CaoMB #ad hoc #game studies #multi- Flashlight jigsaw: an exploratory study of an ad-hoc multi-player game on public displays (XC, MM, RB), pp. 77–86.
CSCW-2008-PoonTAL #distributed- Context-linked virtual assistants for distributed teams: an astrophysics case study (SSP, RCT, CRA, BL), pp. 361–370.
SOFTVIS-2008-Eichelberger #automation #diagrams #layout #uml- Automatic layout of UML use case diagrams (HE), pp. 105–114.
CAiSE-2008-KhanGGR #architecture #dependence #evolution #on the- On the Impact of Evolving Requirements-Architecture Dependencies: An Exploratory Study (SSK, PG, AG, AR), pp. 243–257.
CAiSE-2008-SienaMLKPS #effectiveness #modelling #traceability- Exploring the Effectiveness of Normative i* Modelling: Results from a Case Study on Food Chain Traceability (AS, NAMM, JL, IKK, AP, AS), pp. 182–196.
CAiSE-2008-ViscusiTS #approach #empirical #using- Strategic Alignment in the Context of e-Services — An Empirical Investigation of the INSTAL Approach Using the Italian eGovernment Initiative Case Study (GV, LHT, CS), pp. 163–166.
EDOC-2008-BoehmCFP #authentication- Federated Authentication and Authorization: A Case Study (OB, JC, MF, OP), pp. 356–362.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-JansLV #data mining #mining #reduction- Internal Fraud Risk Reduction — Results of a Data Mining Case Study (MJ, NL, KV), pp. 161–166.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-BarryS #commit #enterprise #experience #multi #scalability- Hesitancy in Committing to Large-Scale Enterprise Systems Solutions — Experiences at a Multi-national Corporation (CB, WS), pp. 282–289.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-GascuenaG #modelling #multi #representation- A Study of the Spatial Representation in Multidimensional Models (CMG, RG), pp. 339–348.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-TrienekensG #enterprise- Measuring Critical Success Factors in ERP Projects — Results from a Case Study in a SME (JJMT, PvG), pp. 203–209.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-FurtadoSFC #communication #design #interactive #requirements #validation- Promoting Communication and Participation through Enactments of Interaction Design Solutions — A Study Case for Validating Requirements for Digital TV (EF, AS, FF, LC), pp. 268–275.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-TrulockH #implementation #web- Assessing the Progress of Implementing Web Accessibility — An Irish Case Study (VT, RH), pp. 105–111.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-KillispergerSPS #challenge #design #scalability- Challenges in Software Design in Large Corporations — A Case Study at Siemens AG (PK, MS, GP, TS), pp. 123–128.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-ParvathyVB #analysis #comparative #correlation #documentation #traceability- A Comparative Study of Document Correlation Techniques for Traceability Analysis (AGP, BGV, RB), pp. 64–69.
ICEIS-J-2008-Gulla08a #experience #industrial #ontology- Experiences with Industrial Ontology Engineering (JAG), pp. 61–72.
ECIR-2008-PandeyL #comparative #information retrieval- Exploiting Session Context for Information Retrieval — A Comparative Study (GP, JL), pp. 652–657.
ICML-2008-DundarWLSR #classification #detection- Polyhedral classifier for target detection: a case study: colorectal cancer (MD, MW, SL, MS, VCR), pp. 288–295.
ICPR-2008-HuZYWTH #recognition- A study of non-frontal-view facial expressions recognition (YH, ZZ, LY, XW, JT, TSH), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Kita #detection #image #using- A study of change detection from satellite images using joint intensity histogram (YK), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WangH #modelling #online #recognition- A study of semi-tied covariance modeling for online handwritten Chinese character recognition (YW, QH), pp. 1–5.
KDD-2008-BoriahKSPK #detection- Land cover change detection: a case study (SB, VK, MS, CP, SAK), pp. 857–865.
RecSys-2008-DiasLLEL #personalisation #recommendation- The value of personalised recommender systems to e-business: a case study (MBD, DL, ML, WED, PJGL), pp. 291–294.
SEKE-2008-ChenLMW #algorithm #optimisation #polynomial #problem #verification- Verification of Optimization Algorithms: a Case Study of a Quadratic Assignment Problem Solver (TYC, HL, RGM, DW), pp. 16–21.
SEKE-2008-DingZ #explosion #problem- A Study of the Model Explosion Problem in CTL Model Update (YD, YZ), pp. 752–757.
SEKE-2008-GaoLCSX #approach #component- Building Testable Components — a Systematic Approach and Its Experimental Study (JG, WRL, RC, RS, MX), pp. 715–722.
SEKE-2008-GhezziT #approach #architecture- Choosing a Software Architecture: An Approach and a Case Study (CG, GT), pp. 255–260.
SEKE-2008-MeedeniyaP #comparative #data transformation #documentation #representation- A Comparative Study on Data Representation to Categorize Text Documents (DAM, ASP), pp. 371–374.
SEKE-2008-Mikolajczak #collaboration #object-oriented #petri net #specification- Formal Specification of Object-oriented Systems with Collaborative Objects and Petri Nets — a Case Study (BM), pp. 267–272.
SEKE-2008-NakaoaTM #independence #validation #verification- Estimating the Effort of Independent Verification and Validation in the Context of Mission-critical Software Systems — A Case Study (HN, AT, JM), pp. 167–172.
SEKE-2008-ScheithauerW #process- Case Study: Applying Business Process Management Systems (GS, GW), pp. 12–15.
SEKE-2008-ShinP #component #off the shelf #self- A Case Study: Self-managed COTS Component-based Elevator System (MES, FP), pp. 577–580.
SEKE-2008-ZhouRF #component #development #estimation #reuse- Supporting Reusable Component Selection with Use Case Gap-based Development Effort Estimation (XZ, BR, CF), pp. 155–166.
SIGIR-2008-ArampatzisK #query- A study of query length (AA, JK), pp. 811–812.
SIGIR-2008-RoellekeW - TF-IDF uncovered: a study of theories and probabilities (TR, JW), pp. 435–442.
SIGIR-2008-SunHL #query- Searching blogs and news: a study on popular queries (AS, MH, EPL), pp. 729–730.
SIGIR-2008-TsaiWC #information retrieval #learning #multi- A study of learning a merge model for multilingual information retrieval (MFT, YTW, HHC), pp. 195–202.
SIGIR-2008-WangFZ #feedback- A study of methods for negative relevance feedback (XW, HF, CZ), pp. 219–226.
ECMDA-FA-2008-MohagheghiD #experience #industrial #overview #proving- Where Is the Proof? — A Review of Experiences from Applying MDE in Industry (PM, VD), pp. 432–443.
ICMT-2008-FreemanBL #modelling #product line- Lifting Transformational Models of Product Lines: A Case Study (GF, DSB, RGL), pp. 16–30.
MoDELS-2008-GutierrezNCMR #automation #diagrams #process #visualisation- Visualization of Use Cases through Automatically Generated Activity Diagrams (JJG, CN, MJEC, MM, IMR), pp. 83–96.
MoDELS-2008-SinhaKPW #modelling #requirements #using #validation- Requirements Modeling and Validation Using Bi-layer Use Case Descriptions (AS, MK, AMP, CW), pp. 97–112.
MoDELS-2008-StalhaneS #comparison #diagrams #identification #safety- Safety Hazard Identification by Misuse Cases: Experimental Comparison of Text and Diagrams (TS, GS), pp. 721–735.
SPLC-2008-AlvesCA #development #experience #game studies #mobile #product line- Experiences with Mobile Games Product Line Development at Meantime (VA, TC, CFA), pp. 287–296.
SPLC-2008-AlvesSBRSRPR #analysis #information retrieval- An Exploratory Study of Information Retrieval Techniques in Domain Analysis (VA, CS, LB, AR, PS, PR, CP, AR), pp. 67–76.
SPLC-2008-KrsekZRCD #experience #product line #scalability- Experiences of Large Banks: Hurdles and Enablers to the Adoption of Software Product Line Practices in Large Corporate Organisations (MK, JvZ, RR, BC, ND), pp. 161–169.
MoDELS-2008-GutierrezNCMR #automation #diagrams #process #visualisation- Visualization of Use Cases through Automatically Generated Activity Diagrams (JJG, CN, MJEC, MM, IMR), pp. 83–96.
MoDELS-2008-SinhaKPW #modelling #requirements #using #validation- Requirements Modeling and Validation Using Bi-layer Use Case Descriptions (AS, MK, AMP, CW), pp. 97–112.
MoDELS-2008-StalhaneS #comparison #diagrams #identification #safety- Safety Hazard Identification by Misuse Cases: Experimental Comparison of Text and Diagrams (TS, GS), pp. 721–735.
ECOOP-2008-CoelhoRGFCKSL #aspect-oriented #exception #impact analysis- Assessing the Impact of Aspects on Exception Flows: An Exploratory Study (RC, AR, AG, FCF, NC, UK, AvS, CJPdL), pp. 207–234.
PLDI-2008-PizloPS #concurrent #garbage collection #realtime- A study of concurrent real-time garbage collectors (FP, EP, BS), pp. 33–44.
POPL-2008-TristanL #optimisation #scheduling #validation #verification- Formal verification of translation validators: a case study on instruction scheduling optimizations (JBT, XL), pp. 17–27.
SIGAda-2008-McCormick08a #ada #education #experience #re-engineering- Ada and software engineering education: one professor’s experiences (JWM), pp. 91–96.
RE-2008-BeattyA #experience #requirements- Games-Based Requirements Engineering Training: An Initial Experience Report (JB, MA), pp. 211–216.
RE-2008-BreauxABD #industrial #requirements- Legal Requirements, Compliance and Practice: An Industry Case Study in Accessibility (TDB, AIA, KB, MD), pp. 43–52.
RE-2008-DubocLRW #elicitation #requirements #scalability- A Case Study in Eliciting Scalability Requirements (LD, EL, DSR, TW), pp. 247–252.
RE-2008-FortunaWB #domain model #modelling- Info Cases: Integrating Use Cases and Domain Models (MHF, CMLW, MRSB), pp. 81–84.
RE-2008-NakataniHUKH #elicitation #process #requirements- A Case Study: Requirements Elicitation Processes throughout a Project (TN, SH, NU, KK, MH), pp. 241–246.
REFSQ-2008-MaidenNL #experience #requirements- Inventing Requirements: Experiences with an Airport Operations System (NAMM, CN, JL), pp. 58–72.
ASE-2008-ShevertalovM #automation #composition #network- A Case Study on the Automatic Composition of Network Application Mashups (MS, SM), pp. 359–362.
ICSE-2008-Bortis #experience #health #integration #open source- Experiences with Mirth: an open source health care integration engine (GB), pp. 649–652.
ICSE-2008-FlemingKSXD #concurrent #maintenance #student- A study of student strategies for the corrective maintenance of concurrent software (SDF, EK, REKS, SX, LKD), pp. 759–768.
ICSE-2008-GoldschmidtRW #evaluation #maintenance #performance- A case study evaluation of maintainability and performance of persistency techniques (TG, RR, JW), pp. 401–410.
ICSE-2008-MichalikNO #architecture #evaluation- 3-step knowledge transition: a case study on architecture evaluation (BM, JRN, MO), pp. 741–748.
ICSE-2008-NagappanMB #empirical #quality- The influence of organizational structure on software quality: an empirical case study (NN, BM, VRB), pp. 521–530.
ICSE-2008-RigbyGS #open source #overview- Open source software peer review practices: a case study of the apache server (PCR, DMG, MADS), pp. 541–550.
ICSE-2008-VieiraSMSTH #experience #modelling #testing- Applying model-based testing to healthcare products: preliminary experiences (MV, XS, GM, SS, RT, WMH), pp. 669–672.
ICSE-2008-WhittleWH #execution #modelling #security- Executable misuse cases for modeling security concerns (JW, DW, MH), pp. 121–130.
SAC-2008-CeriottiMP #message passing- Data sharing vs. message passing: synergy or incompatibility?: an implementation-driven case study (MC, ALM, GPP), pp. 100–107.
SAC-2008-ChalinST #modelling #requirements #transaction- Capturing business transaction requirements in use case models (PC, DS, KT), pp. 602–606.
SAC-2008-DiasSCCA #approach #specification- Elaboration of use case specifications: an approach based on use case fragments (FGD, EAS, MLMC, ALC, AJA), pp. 614–618.
SAC-2008-FerreiraS #requirements #specification- A requirements specification case study with ProjectIT-studio/requirements (DdAF, ARdS), pp. 656–657.
SAC-2008-GruianW #architecture #embedded #java- VHDL vs. Bluespec system verilog: a case study on a Java embedded architecture (FG, MW), pp. 1492–1497.
SAC-2008-LiZC #mining- Mining disease-specific molecular association profiles from biomedical literature: a case study (JL, XZ, JYC), pp. 1287–1291.
SAC-2008-MenezesB #modelling- A study of terrain coverage models (RM, HB), pp. 1964–1968.
SAC-2008-NardiniMOD - SPEM on test: the SODA case study (EN, AM, AO, ED), pp. 700–706.
SAC-2008-SchobelP #clustering #cpu #kernel #research #scheduling #using- Kernel-mode scheduling server for CPU partitioning: a case study using the Windows research kernel (MS, AP), pp. 1700–1704.
SAC-2008-SomeC #approach #generative- An approach for supporting system-level test scenarios generation from textual use cases (SSS, XC), pp. 724–729.
SLE-2008-AlvesV #grammarware- A Case Study in Grammar Engineering (TLA, JV), pp. 285–304.
SLE-2008-GjosaeterIP #named- Sudoku — A Language Description Case Study (TG, IFI, AP), pp. 305–321.
CASE-2008-AzarnasabHAF #design- Progressive simulation-based design: A case study example on software defined radio (EA, XH, PA, BFB), pp. 394–399.
CASE-2008-FerrariniBV #approach #automation #fault- A pragmatic approach to fault diagnosis in hydraulic circuits for automated machining: A case study (LF, RB, CV), pp. 29–34.
CASE-2008-NummelaUSK #industrial- Exploiting passive UHF RFID in paper industry — Case study: End user (JN, LU, LS, MK), pp. 436–441.
CASE-2008-SunWHRW #effectiveness #identification #monitoring #set- Identification of feature set for effective tool condition monitoring — a case study in titanium machining (JS, YSW, GSH, MR, ZW), pp. 273–278.
DAC-2008-BaertGB #automation #memory management- An automatic scratch pad memory management tool and MPEG-4 encoder case study (RB, EdG, EB), pp. 201–204.
DAC-2008-JinC #benchmark #metric #performance #simulation #statistics #using- Improve simulation efficiency using statistical benchmark subsetting: an ImplantBench case study (ZJ, ACC), pp. 970–973.
DAC-2008-ReshadiGG #design #internet #protocol- C-based design flow: a case study on G.729A for voice over internet protocol (VoIP) (MR, BG, DG), pp. 72–75.
DATE-2008-GizopoulosRMS #fault- Soft Errors: System Effects, Protection Techniques and Case Studies (DG, KR, SM, PS).
DATE-2008-MayAW #design- A Case Study in Reliability-Aware Design: A Resilient LDPC Code Decoder (MM, MA, NW), pp. 456–461.
ISMM-2008-JonesR #java- A study of java object demographics (REJ, CR), pp. 121–130.
OSDI-2008-ChenZMB #automation #dependence #experience #network- Automating Network Application Dependency Discovery: Experiences, Limitations, and New Solutions (XC, MZ, ZMM, PB), pp. 117–130.
PDP-2008-OhzahataK #evaluation- A Study on Traffic Characteristics Evaluation for a Pure P2P Application (SO, KK), pp. 483–490.
PPoPP-2008-AnsariKJLKW #adaptation #algorithm #concurrent #experience #memory management #transaction #using- Experiences using adaptive concurrency in transactional memory with Lee’s routing algorithm (MA, CK, KJ, ML, CCK, IW), pp. 261–262.
PPoPP-2008-BrevnovDKYSCMS #experience #java #memory management #transaction- Practical experiences with Java software transactional memory (EB, YD, BK, DY, VS, DyC, VM, SS), pp. 287–288.
PPoPP-2008-Cameron #parallel- A case study in SIMD text processing with parallel bit streams: UTF-8 to UTF-16 transcoding (RDC), pp. 91–98.
ICLP-2008-SivaLZ #constraints #database #sql- A Case Study in Engineering SQL Constraint Database Systems (SS, JJL, HZ), pp. 774–778.
ICST-2008-HaslingGB #modelling #requirements #testing #uml #using- Model Based Testing of System Requirements using UML Use Case Models (BH, HG, KB), pp. 367–376.
ICST-2008-OffuttWO #industrial #testing #web- An Industrial Case Study of Bypass Testing on Web Applications (JO, QW, JJO), pp. 465–474.
MBT-2008-Jurjens #modelling #security #testing #using- Model-based Security Testing Using UMLsec: A Case Study (JJ), pp. 93–104.
TestCom-FATES-2008-CalameP #html #modelling #testing- Applying Model-Based Testing to HTML Rendering Engines — A Case Study (JRC, JvdP), pp. 250–265.
CBSE-2007-LauU #component #execution- A Study of Execution Environments for Software Components (KKL, VU), pp. 107–123.
CBSE-2007-LiuZG #assessment #experience #performance- Performance Assessment for e-Government Services: An Experience Report (YL, LZ, IG), pp. 74–89.
ECSA-2007-OrtizPAAS #approach #architecture #component #experience #framework #using- Experiences Using a Component-Oriented Architectural Framework for Robots and Its Improvement with a MDE Approach (FJO, JAP, DA, BÁ, PS), pp. 335–338.
WICSA-2007-BassMBHC #architecture #experience- Architectural Misalignment: An Experience Report (MB, VM, LB, JDH, MC), p. 17.
DocEng-2007-NollM #comparative #documentation #metadata- Authors vs. readers: a comparative study of document metadata and content in the www (MGN, CM), pp. 177–186.
ECDL-2007-Bertoncini #convergence #experience #library #on the #towards- On the Move Towards the European Digital Library: BRICKS, TEL, MICHAEL and DELOS Converging Experiences (MB), pp. 440–441.
ECDL-2007-KapoorBMFSK #online- A Study of Citations in Users’ Online Personal Collections (NK, JTB, SMM, GCF, JAS, JAK), pp. 404–415.
ECDL-2007-NussbaumerH #challenge #experience- CIDOC CRM in Action — Experiences and Challenges (PN, BH), pp. 532–533.
HT-2007-HishamE #interface- Incorporating culture in user-interface: a case study of older adults in malaysia (SH, ADNE), pp. 145–146.
HT-2007-MasonT #network #social #using- Tags, networks, narrative: exploring the use of social software for the study of narrative in digital contexts (BLM, ST), pp. 39–40.
HT-2007-MoganW #information management #trust- A study into user perceptions of information sharing and trust in virtual teams (SM, WW), pp. 43–44.
HT-2007-SteinH #matter #wiki- Does it matter who contributes: a study on featured articles in the german wikipedia (KS, CH), pp. 171–174.
HT-2007-WrightP - A study of publisher, writer, and reader: different perspectives on digital fiction (HW, DP), pp. 157–158.
JCDL-2007-DruinWMB #library #using- Children’s interests and concerns when using the international children’s digital library: a four-country case study (AD, AW, SM, BBB), pp. 167–176.
JCDL-2007-HuggettL #hypermedia #user study- Static reformulation: a user study of static hypertext for query-based reformulation (MH, JL), pp. 319–328.
JCDL-2007-LiCZL #automation #classification #network #using- Automatic patent classification using citation network information: an experimental study in nanotechnology (XL, HC, ZZ, JL), pp. 419–427.
JCDL-2007-Marshall - The gray lady gets a new dress: a field study of the times news reader (CCM), pp. 259–268.
JCDL-2007-ReckerGWHMP #how #learning #online- A study of how online learning resource are used (MR, SG, AEW, SH, XM, BP), pp. 179–180.
CSEET-2007-BradySVW #approach #communication #development- Addressing Communication Issues in Software Development: A Case Study Approach (AB, MS, TV, CW), pp. 301–308.
CSEET-2007-GargV #approach #education #effectiveness #re-engineering- A Study of the Effectiveness of Case Study Approach in Software Engineering Education (KG, VV), pp. 309–316.
CSEET-2007-GrothH #how #student- How Students Perceive Risk: A Study of Senior Capstone Project Teams (DPG, MPH), pp. 45–54.
CSEET-2007-PortK #experience #learning #re-engineering- Laptop Enabled Active Learning in the Software Engineering Classroom: An Experience Report (DP, RK), pp. 262–274.
CSEET-2007-TaranR #comparative #education #people #perspective #process #re-engineering- Software Engineering Education in Russia: A Comparative Study of People, Process and Technology a Four Year Perspective (GT, MRL), pp. 19–28.
ITiCSE-2007-Deibel #experience #student- Studying our inclusive practices: course experiences of students with disabilities (KD), pp. 266–270.
ITiCSE-2007-Dooley #experience- Experiences with CC2001 at a small college (JFD), p. 314.
ITiCSE-2007-Hwang #education #experience #operating system- Teaching operating systems with Windows: experiences and contributions (SwH), p. 316.
ITiCSE-2007-MarraHW #tool support- A study of phylogenetic tools for genomic nomenclature data cleaning (JDM, KGH, JTLW), p. 347.
ITiCSE-2007-Martin #collaboration #design #named #object-oriented #sketching- Scribbles: an exploratory study of sketch based support for early collaborative object oriented design (CJM), pp. 286–290.
ITiCSE-2007-VilnerZG #concept #object-oriented #paradigm- Fundamental concepts of CS1: procedural vs. object oriented paradigm — a case study (TV, EZ, JGE), pp. 171–175.
ITiCSE-2007-WhaleyG #design #experience #student- Do students know best?: experiences of allowing students to become course designers (HW, SG), p. 330.
WCRE-J-2005-AkersBMEL07 #automation #c++ #component #modelling #program transformation #re-engineering- Case study: Re-engineering C++ component models via automatic program transformation (RLA, IDB, MM, BJE, KRL), pp. 275–291.
CSMR-2007-GuptaSCMRL - A Case Study of Defect-Density and Change-Density and their Progress over Time (AG, OPNS, RC, PM, HR, EL), pp. 7–16.
CSMR-2007-KanstrenHK #experience #legacy #testing- Integrating and Testing a System-Wide Feature in a Legacy System: An Experience Report (TK, MH, KK), pp. 203–212.
ICPC-2007-AlwisMR #comparative #tool support- A Comparative Study of Three Program Exploration Tools (BdA, GCM, MPR), pp. 103–112.
ICPC-2007-HeldalSS #interactive #visualisation- Scenario Explorer: Interactive Visualization of Use Cases (RH, JS, OS), pp. 241–252.
ICPC-2007-RoyURD #mining- Evaluating Aspect Mining Techniques: A Case Study (CKR, MGU, BR, TRD), pp. 167–176.
ICSM-2007-HenrardRCH #data-driven #experience #industrial #legacy #migration- An Industrial Experience Report on Legacy Data-Intensive System Migration (JH, DR, AC, JLH), pp. 473–476.
ICSM-2007-HindleGH #database- Release Pattern Discovery: A Case Study of Database Systems (AH, MWG, RCH), pp. 285–294.
ICSM-2007-QuCW #combinator #generative #interactive #testing- Combinatorial Interaction Regression Testing: A Study of Test Case Generation and Prioritization (XQ, MBC, KMW), pp. 255–264.
ICSM-2007-WangSY #distributed #experience #re-engineering- Experience Report: Reengineering Standalone System into the Service-Partition Distributed Environment (XW, JS, XY), pp. 477–480.
MSR-2007-HindleGH #clustering- Release Pattern Discovery via Partitioning: Methodology and Case Study (AH, MWG, RCH), p. 19.
PASTE-2007-ShepherdPV #natural language #program analysis #reverse engineering- Case study: supplementing program analysis with natural language analysis to improve a reverse engineering task (DCS, LLP, KVS), pp. 49–54.
WCRE-2007-Krinke #consistency- A Study of Consistent and Inconsistent Changes to Code Clones (JK), pp. 170–178.
IFM-2007-SinnigCK #modelling #semantics- Common Semantics for Use Cases and Task Models (DS, PC, FK), pp. 579–598.
SEFM-2007-SampathRSR #generative #how #using- How to Test Program Generators? A Case Study using flex (PS, ACR, KCS, SR), pp. 80–92.
SEFM-2007-SchmittT #verification- Verifying the Mondex Case Study (PHS, IT), pp. 47–58.
CEFP-2007-KozsikCHKKLNTV #erlang #refactoring- Use Cases for Refactoring in Erlang (TK, ZC, ZH, RK, RK, LL, TN, MT, ANV), pp. 250–285.
ICFP-2007-BeshersFS #experience #functional #linux #programming #using- Experience report: using functional programming to manage a linux distribution (CB, DF, JS), pp. 213–218.
ICFP-2007-CooperM #experience #haskell #interpreter- Experience report: a Haskell interpreter for cellML (JC, SM), pp. 247–250.
ICFP-2007-Frenzel #experience #haskell #ide- Experience report: building an eclipse-based IDE for Haskell (LF), pp. 220–222.
ICFP-2007-SimsD #experience #validation- Experience report: the reactis validation tool (SS, DCD), pp. 137–140.
ICFP-2007-Wazny #experience #functional #programming- Experience report: functional programming in c-rules (JW), pp. 25–28.
ICFP-2007-WelshG #development #experience #web- Experience report: scheme in commercial web application development (NW, DG), pp. 153–156.
AIIDE-2007-RobertsCI #design #interactive- Player Autonomy versus Designer Intent: A Case Study of Interactive Tour Guides (DLR, ASC, CLIJ), pp. 95–97.
CIG-2007-RiedmillerG #experience #game studies #learning #on the- On Experiences in a Complex and Competitive Gaming Domain: Reinforcement Learning Meets RoboCup (MAR, TG), pp. 17–23.
DiGRA-2007-Lemay #experience #game studies #pattern matching #video- Developing a pattern language for flow experiences in video games (PL).
DiGRA-2007-RambuschJP - Exploring E-sports: A Case Study of Gameplay in Counter-strike (JR, PJ, DP).
DiGRA-2007-StromE #bound #industrial #interactive #network- The unbound network of product and service interaction of the MMOG industry: with a case study of China (PS, ME).
AGTIVE-2007-BuchmannDUW #comparative #development #graph transformation #modelling- Model-Driven Software Development with Graph Transformations: A Comparative Case Study (TB, AD, SU, BW), pp. 345–360.
AGTIVE-2007-RensinkDEJKLMSZ #graph transformation #named #tool support- Ludo: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools (AR, AD, CE, SJ, OK, JdL, SM, TS, AZ), pp. 493–513.
AGTIVE-2007-TaentzerBBBBBGGHKMNPV #generative #graph transformation #tool support- Generation of Sierpinski Triangles: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools (GT, EB, DB, BB, IB, AB, LG, RG, ÁH, OK, TM, BN, DP, TV), pp. 514–539.
AGTIVE-2007-VarroABBDGGGKNRW #csp #graph transformation #modelling #tool support #uml- Transformation of UML Models to CSP: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools (DV, MA, DB, AB, DHD, RG, JG, PVG, OK, AN, ER, EW), pp. 540–565.
CHI-2007-BirnholtzGMB #process #scalability #using- An exploratory study of input configuration and group process in a negotiation task using a large display (JPB, TG, CM, RB), pp. 91–100.
CHI-2007-ButlerZEBHK #design- Work-centered design: a case study of a mixed-initiative scheduler (KAB, JZ, CE, AB, RH, DEK), pp. 747–756.
CHI-2007-DiSalvoMM #named #research- Mapmover: a case study of design-oriented research into collective expression and constructed publics (CFD, JM, NM), pp. 1249–1252.
CHI-2007-IqbalH #analysis- Disruption and recovery of computing tasks: field study, analysis, and directions (STI, EH), pp. 677–686.
CHI-2007-LandgrenN #interactive #mobile- A study of emergency response work: patterns of mobile phone interaction (JL, UN), pp. 1323–1332.
CHI-2007-MahlkeT #experience #interactive- Studying antecedents of emotional experiences in interactive contexts (SM, MT), pp. 915–918.
CHI-2007-MakelaBGH #interactive #mobile #visual notation- Mobile interaction with visual and RFID tags: a field study on user perceptions (KM, SB, DG, JH), pp. 991–994.
CHI-2007-MillerE - Give and take: a study of consumer photo-sharing culture and practice (ADM, WKE), pp. 347–356.
CHI-2007-PeruginiAM #interactive- A study of out-of-turn interaction in menu-based, IVR, voicemail systems (SP, TJA, WFM), pp. 961–970.
CHI-2007-SellenFAHRW #memory management #using- Do life-logging technologies support memory for the past?: an experimental study using sensecam (AS, AF, MA, SH, CR, KRW), pp. 81–90.
CHI-2007-TullioDCF #how- How it works: a field study of non-technical users interacting with an intelligent system (JT, AKD, JC, JF), pp. 31–40.
CHI-2007-YeeBR #experience #user interface- A meta-analysis of the impact of the inclusion and realism of human-like faces on user experiences in interfaces (NY, JNB, KR), pp. 1–10.
DHM-2007-DebrilPMGL #estimation- Human Articulation Efforts Estimation in the Automobile Vehicle Accessibility Movement — A Pilot Study (JFD, PP, MOAEM, PG, FXL), pp. 23–32.
DHM-2007-DingYYYL - Study on the Appraisal Methods of Hand Fatigue (LD, FY, CY, XY, YL), pp. 33–41.
DHM-2007-EstevesKZW #industrial #modelling #performance- Applied User Performance Modeling in Industry — A Case Study from Medical Imaging (ME, TK, SZ, AW), pp. 576–585.
DHM-2007-NiuLS07a #multi #representation- A Case Study of Multi-resolution Representation of Heads (JN, ZL, GS), pp. 171–178.
HCI-AS-2007-Ficarra #game studies- A Study of Acteme on Users Unexpert of Videogames (FVCF), pp. 215–224.
HCI-AS-2007-IzumiyaOT - A Study on Display to Improve the Visibility of PTP Sheets (AI, MO, FT), pp. 443–449.
HCI-AS-2007-SekiWYYH #multi- Multiple Viewed Search Engine for an e-Journal — A Case Study on Zoological Science (TS, TW, YY, NY, SH), pp. 989–998.
HCI-AS-2007-SongLH #evaluation #framework #game studies #multi #online #usability- A New Framework of Usability Evaluation for Massively Multi-player Online Game: Case Study of “World of Warcraft” Game (SS, JL, IH), pp. 341–350.
HCI-AS-2007-SunH - A Study of Learners’ Perceptions of the Interactivity of Web-Based Instruction (JnS, YcH), pp. 351–360.
HCI-AS-2007-YoonK07a #internet- A Study on the Characteristics for the Day and Night Time Consumer Groups of Internet Shopping Malls (ShY, SaK), pp. 150–159.
HCI-IDU-2007-DaimotoAMK #research #safety- Application of Micro-Scenario Method (MSM) to User Research for the Motorcycle’s Informatization — A Case Study for the Information Support System for Safety (HD, SA, MM, MK), pp. 49–57.
HCI-IDU-2007-FujimuraSMKSIMOWFT #why- Why Does IT Support Enjoyment of Elderly Life? — Case Studies Performed in Japan (KF, HS, TM, KK, KiS, YI, SM, KO, TW, YF, TT), pp. 756–764.
HCI-IDU-2007-HanDTE #design #e-commerce #experience- Streamlining Checkout Experience — A Case Study of Iterative Design of a China e-Commerce Site (AH, JD, WT, BE), pp. 796–801.
HCI-IDU-2007-HeoPS #usability- A Study on the Improving Product Usability Applying the Kano’s Model of Customer Satisfaction (JH, SP, CS), pp. 482–489.
HCI-IDU-2007-KantolaJ #requirements #usability- Determining High Level Quantitative Usability Requirements: A Case Study (NK, TJ), pp. 536–543.
HCI-IDU-2007-Knapp #experience #modelling #navigation- Mental Models of Chinese and German Users and Their Implications for MMI: Experiences from the Case Study Navigation System (BK), pp. 882–890.
HCI-IDU-2007-KoutsabasisSD #evaluation #usability- Evaluating Usability Evaluation Methods: Criteria, Method and a Case Study (PK, TS, JD), pp. 569–578.
HCI-IDU-2007-MahlkeL #experience #interactive #quality- Emotional Experiences and Quality Perceptions of Interactive Products (SM, GL), pp. 164–173.
HCI-IDU-2007-TinglingS #programming- Extreme Programming in Action: A Longitudinal Case Study (PT, AS), pp. 242–251.
HCI-IDU-2007-XuQC #design- A Case Study of New Way to Apply Card Sort in Panel Design (YX, XQ, SSC), pp. 289–297.
HCI-IDU-2007-YangLZ #representation- A Study on the Form of Representation of the User’s Mental Model-Oriented Ancient Map of China (RY, DL, WZ), pp. 1001–1010.
HCI-IPT-2007-HongCH #smarttech- A Study on the Acceptance Factors of the Smart Clothing (JYH, HSC, KHH), pp. 1106–1112.
HCI-IPT-2007-VastenburgKR #experience #prototype #user interface- Measuring User Experiences of Prototypical Autonomous Products in a Simulated Home Environment (MHV, DVK, HdR), pp. 998–1007.
HCI-MIE-2007-KoLKJL #evaluation #personalisation #recommendation #user satisfaction- A Study on User Satisfaction Evaluation About the Recommendation Techniques of a Personalized EPG System on Digital TV (SMK, YJL, MHK, YGJ, SWL), pp. 909–917.
HCI-MIE-2007-WangHW - A Study of Human Vision Inspection for Mura (PCW, SLH, CHW), pp. 747–754.
HCI-MIE-2007-YoonK #interactive #using- A Study on Interactive Artwork as an Aesthetic Object Using Computer Vision System (JY, JK), pp. 763–768.
HCI-MIE-2007-ZhuL #recognition #speech- Study on Speech Emotion Recognition System in E-Learning (AZ, QL), pp. 544–552.
HIMI-IIE-2007-DoyoSA #transaction #using- A Study of Production / Transaction-Related Model Using Control Theory (DD, KS, KA), pp. 855–862.
HIMI-IIE-2007-HiyamaHTH #user interface- Study on Public User Interface (AH, KH, TT, MH), pp. 518–525.
HIMI-IIE-2007-HorinouchiWAT #effectiveness- A Study of an Effective Rehearsal Method in e-Learning (TH, SW, MA, TT), pp. 328–336.
HIMI-IIE-2007-KohL #distance #education #effectiveness #scalability- The Effectiveness of Educational Technology: A Preliminary Study of Learners from Small and Large Power Distance Cultures (EK, JL), pp. 384–393.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Quraishy #design #health #how #implementation #information management- How Participation at Different Hierarchical Levels Can Have an Impact on the Design and Implementation of Health Information Systems at the Grass Root Level — A Case Study from India (ZBQ), pp. 128–136.
HIMI-IIE-2007-SoufiM #evaluation #usability #web- Achieving Usability Within E-Government Web Sites Illustrated by a Case Study Evaluation (BS, MCM), pp. 777–784.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ZhangYIS #analysis #development #energy- A Study on Analysis Support System of Energy and Environmental System for Sustainable Development Based on MFM and GIS (QZ, HY, HI, HS), pp. 1148–1157.
HIMI-MTT-2007-FuchigamiOTO #comparative #interface #process- A Comparative Study of Brain Activities Engaged in Interface Operations by Means of NIRS Trajectory Map (MF, AO, HT, MO), pp. 830–839.
HIMI-MTT-2007-KarshEAHSMPSAKSB #predict #quality- Do Beliefs About Hospital Technologies Predict Nurses’ Perceptions of Their Ability to Provide Quality Care? A Study in Two Pediatric Hospitals (BTK, KE, SA, RJH, MS, KM, NP, TS, JA, RK, KS, RLB), pp. 77–83.
HIMI-MTT-2007-LeeJ #using- A Study on a Stereoscopic Display System Using a Rotary Disk Type Beam Shutter (KHL, TJJ), pp. 868–875.
HIMI-MTT-2007-NishimuraH #approach #data mining #fault #mining #visualisation- The Study of Past Working History Visualization for Supporting Trial and Error Approach in Data Mining (KN, MH), pp. 327–334.
HIMI-MTT-2007-ParkK07a #effectiveness #mobile- A Case Study on Effective Application of Inquiry Methods to Find Out Mobile Phone’s New Function (SP, YK), pp. 163–170.
HIMI-MTT-2007-SutoKH #data flow #design- A Study of Information Flow Between Designers and Users Via Website Focused on Property of Hyper Links (HS, HK, HH), pp. 189–198.
HIMI-MTT-2007-TagawaHH #interactive #simulation- A Study on Haptic Interaction and Simulation of Motion and Deformation of Elastic Object (KT, KH, MH), pp. 985–993.
OCSC-2007-Huang #library #social- Integrating Digital Library Resources in Elementary School Classrooms — A Case Study of Social Study Instruction (KHH), pp. 372–374.
OCSC-2007-MaZ - A Study on Content and Management Style of Corporate Blogs (SM, QZ), pp. 116–123.
OCSC-2007-YehWH #behaviour #online- A Study of Emotional and Rational Purchasing Behavior for Online Shopping (LY, EMYW, SLH), pp. 222–227.
CAiSE-2007-DerzsiGKAT - Assessing Feasibility of IT-Enabled Networked Value Constellations: A Case Study in the Electricity Sector (ZD, JG, KK, HA, YHT), pp. 66–80.
CAiSE-2007-StirnaPS #enterprise #experience #modelling #recommendation- Participative Enterprise Modeling: Experiences and Recommendations (JS, AP, KS), pp. 546–560.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-Andrenucci - Creating a Bilingual Psychology Lexicon for Cross Lingual Question Answering — A Pilot Study (AA), pp. 129–136.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-DanielsC #benchmark #contest #generative #metric #modelling #performance- Explanation Generation in Business Performance Models — With a Case Study in Competition Benchmarking (HD, EC), pp. 119–128.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-KirwanGM #adaptation #energy #implementation #information management #using- Energy Management Information Systems: An Exploratory study of Implementations Using Adaptive Structuration Theory (OK, WG, PM), pp. 303–309.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-ArntsenK #composition #transaction- Transaction service composition — a study of compatibility related issues (ABA, RK), pp. 239–245.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-BlaszkowskaPW #traceability- Logistics traceability for supply chain improvement — case study of SMMART project (PB, JP, MW), pp. 599–604.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-Calvo-FloresNGF #fuzzy #using- Using fuzzy datacubes in the study of trading strategies (MDCF, JFNN, ELGG, JCFM), pp. 164–169.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-KankaanpaaTAKTS #comparative #evolution #legacy- Legacy system evolution — a comparative study of modernisation and replacement initiation factors (IK, PT, JJA, JK, TT, HS), pp. 280–287.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-ApelkransH #enterprise #process- Enterprise Systems Configuration as an Information Logistics Process — A Study (MA, AH), pp. 212–220.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-CombemaleGCTV #process #towards #verification- Towards a Formal Verification of Process Model’s Properties SIMPLEPDL and TOCL Case Study (BC, PLG, XC, XT, FV), pp. 80–89.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-SandkuhlOSSK #experience #industrial #ontology #recommendation- Ontology Construction in Practice — Experiences and Recommendations from Industrial Cases (KS, AÖ, AVS, NS, AK), pp. 250–256.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-SanzCMB #comparative #framework #grid #web #web service- A Comparative Study between Web Service and Grid Service Developments in a MDA Framework (MLS, VdC, EM, JLB), pp. 114–124.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-SomeN #consistency #requirements #verification- Use Case Based Requirements Verification — Verifying the Consistency between Use Cases and Assertions (SSS, DKN), pp. 190–195.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-ValenteS #identification #process- Process Use Cases: Use Cases Identification (PV, PNMS), pp. 301–307.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-HassaneinHJ #experience #online #social- The Impact of Social Presence on the Experiences of Online Shoppers — A Cross-Cultural Study (KH, MMH, CJ), pp. 11–18.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-SallaberryBLG #evaluation #information retrieval #library #towards- Towards an IE and IR System Dealing with Spatial Information in Digital Libraries — Evaluation Case Study (CS, MB, JL, MG), pp. 190–197.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-DrumondGL #modelling #recommendation #specification- A Case Study on the Application of the MAAEM Methodology for the Specification Modeling of Recommender Systems in the Legal Domain (LD, RG, AL), pp. 155–160.
CIKM-2007-Chu-CarrollP #information management #performance #semantics- An experimental study of the impact of information extraction accuracy on semantic search performance (JCC, JMP), pp. 505–514.
ECIR-2007-McDonald #algorithm #multi #summary- A Study of Global Inference Algorithms in Multi-document Summarization (RTM), pp. 557–564.
ECIR-2007-MelucciP #information retrieval #network #peer-to-peer- A Study of a Weighting Scheme for Information Retrieval in Hierarchical Peer-to-Peer Networks (MM, AP), pp. 136–147.
KDD-2007-CurryGLVB #detection #scalability #set- Detecting changes in large data sets of payment card data: a case study (CC, RLG, DL, SV, JB), pp. 1018–1022.
KDD-2007-PandeySGGK #interactive #network #predict- Association analysis-based transformations for protein interaction networks: a function prediction case study (GP, MS, RG, TG, VK), pp. 540–549.
MLDM-2007-ChristiansenD #approach #evaluation #generative #machine learning #testing- A Machine Learning Approach to Test Data Generation: A Case Study in Evaluation of Gene Finders (HC, CMD), pp. 742–755.
MLDM-2007-SadoddinG #comparative #data mining #detection #machine learning #mining- A Comparative Study of Unsupervised Machine Learning and Data Mining Techniques for Intrusion Detection (RS, AAG), pp. 404–418.
SEKE-2007-LimCR #automation #diagrams #documentation #generative #specification- Automatic Generation of Use Case Diagrams from English Specifications Document (NRTL, CTC, JAER), pp. 203–208.
SEKE-2007-MizouniSD #composition #requirements #using- Using Formal Composition of Use Cases in Requirements Engineering (RM, AS, RD), p. 238–?.
SEKE-2007-PengJRZ #component #database #product line #reuse #using- Reuse of Database Access Layer Components in JEE Product Lines: Limitations and a Possible Solution (Case Study) (DP, SJ, DCR, HZ), pp. 308–313.
SEKE-2007-SantosRC #development #ontology- MDA-based Ontology Development: A Study Case (ESdS, CGR, HSC), pp. 616–621.
SIGIR-2007-MeiFZ #generative #information retrieval #query- A study of Poisson query generation model for information retrieval (QM, HF, CZ), pp. 319–326.
SIGIR-2007-ShahKF #algorithm #feedback- Making mind and machine meet: a study of combining cognitive and algorithmic relevance feedback (CS, DK, XF), pp. 877–878.
ECMDA-FA-2007-UlrichP #distributed #industrial #modelling #reverse engineering #validation- Reverse Engineering Models from Traces to Validate Distributed Systems — An Industrial Case Study (AU, AP), pp. 184–193.
MoDELS-2007-SmialekBNAS - Complementary Use Case Scenario Representations Based on Domain Vocabularies (MS, JB, WN, AA, TS), pp. 544–558.
SPLC-2007-BragancaM #automation #diagrams #feature model #modelling #product line- Automating Mappings between Use Case Diagrams and Feature Models for Software Product Lines (AB, RJM), pp. 3–12.
SPLC-2007-GanesanKKHM #cost analysis #product line- Comparing Costs and Benefits of Different Test Strategies for a Software Product Line: A Study from Testo AG (DG, JK, RK, UH, GM), pp. 74–83.
SPLC-2007-Jensen #analysis #development #experience #multi #product line- Experiences with Product Line Development of Multi-Discipline Analysis Software at Overwatch Textron Systems (PJ), pp. 35–43.
SPLC-2007-KastnerAB #aspectj #implementation #using- A Case Study Implementing Features Using AspectJ (CK, SA, DSB), pp. 223–232.
MoDELS-2007-SmialekBNAS - Complementary Use Case Scenario Representations Based on Domain Vocabularies (MS, JB, WN, AA, TS), pp. 544–558.
ECOOP-2007-CabralM #dot-net #exception #java- Exception Handling: A Field Study in Java and .NET (BC, PM), pp. 151–175.
RE-2007-AlvesRD #challenge #development #game studies #mobile #requirements- Challenges in Requirements Engineering for Mobile Games Development: The Meantime Case Study (CFA, GR, ALGD), pp. 275–280.
RE-2007-JantunenSG #how #process #requirements- How Internationalization of a Product Changes Requirements Engineering Activities: An Exploratory Study (SJ, KS, DCG), pp. 163–172.
REFSQ-2007-AlkkiomakiS #architecture #functional #integration #modelling #requirements #uml- Integration Use Cases — An Applied UML Technique for Modeling Functional Requirements in Service Oriented Architecture (VA, KS), pp. 190–202.
REFSQ-2007-NcubeLM #automation #experience #generative #modelling #requirements- Automatically Generating Requirements from i* Models: Experiences with a Complex Airport Operations System (CN, JL, NAMM), pp. 33–47.
ESEC-FSE-2007-LuJZ #test coverage- A study of interleaving coverage criteria (SL, WJ, YZ), pp. 533–536.
ESEC-FSE-2007-PatelBS #capacity #using- A case study in assessing and improving capacity using an anatomy of good practice (MP, AB, KS), pp. 509–512.
GTTSE-2007-Visser #domain-specific language #named- WebDSL: A Case Study in Domain-Specific Language Engineering (EV), pp. 291–373.
ICSE-2007-CarverKSP #development- Software Development Environments for Scientific and Engineering Software: A Series of Case Studies (JCC, RPK, SES, DEP), pp. 550–559.
ICSE-2007-JensenS #comparative #migration #process- Role Migration and Advancement Processes in OSSD Projects: A Comparative Case Study (CJ, WS), pp. 364–374.
ICSE-2007-Jones #analysis #design #implementation #re-engineering- Bringing the Systems Analysis and Design Course into 21^st Century: A Case Study in Implementing Modern Software Engineering Principles (CGJ), pp. 744–747.
ICSE-2007-KarailaS #experience #industrial #metaprogramming #visual notation- Applying Template Meta-Programming Techniques for a Domain-Specific Visual Language — An Industrial Experience Report (MK, TS), pp. 571–580.
ICSE-2007-MaidenNR #experience #requirements- Can Requirements Be Creative? Experiences with an Enhanced Air Space Management System (NAMM, CN, SR), pp. 632–641.
ICSE-2007-TrujilloBD #development #modelling- Feature Oriented Model Driven Development: A Case Study for Portlets (ST, DSB, OD), pp. 44–53.
SAC-2007-NunesFA #component #framework #multi- Applying a component-based framework to develop multi-agent environments: case study (CN, MF, HOdA), pp. 37–41.
SAC-2007-SilvaNI #automation- A computation environment for automated negotiation: a case study in electronic tourism (AS, JAN, IIB), pp. 654–658.
CASE-2007-LjungkrantzA #component #industrial #library #logic #programming #using- A Study of Industrial Logic Control Programming using Library Components (OL, KÅ), pp. 117–122.
DAC-2007-HuangHPBGLyCCJ #design- Simulink-Based MPSoC Design Flow: Case Study of Motion-JPEG and H.264 (KH, SIH, KP, LBdB, XG, LL, XY, SIC, LC, AAJ), pp. 39–42.
DAC-2007-HuangTKC #analysis #flexibility #reliability- Reliability Analysis for Flexible Electronics: Case Study of Integrated a-Si: H TFT Scan Driver (TCH, HYT, CPK, KTC), pp. 966–969.
DATE-2007-BloemGJPPW #automation #hardware #interactive #specification #synthesis- Interactive presentation: Automatic hardware synthesis from specifications: a case study (RB, SJG, BJ, NP, AP, MW), pp. 1188–1193.
DATE-2007-SchamannHLB #algorithm #architecture #design #power management- Low power design on algorithmic and architectural level: a case study of an HSDPA baseband digital signal processing system (MS, SH, UL, MB), pp. 1406–1411.
HPDC-2007-MullerGSF #game studies #multi #online #replication #scalability #using- Scaling multiplayer online games using proxy-server replication: a case study of Quake 2 (JM, SG, TS, SF), pp. 219–220.
LCTES-2007-Engelsma #experience #perspective #tool support- Enabling seamless mobility: an enablers, experiences and tools perspective (JE), p. 136.
PPoPP-2007-MohrorK #clustering #linux- A study of tracing overhead on a high-performance linux cluster (KM, KLK), pp. 158–159.
FASE-2007-Lopez-HerrejonA #metric #source code- Measuring and Characterizing Crosscutting in Aspect-Based Programs: Basic Metrics and Case Studies (RELH, SA), pp. 423–437.
FASE-2007-Whittle #precise #specification- Precise Specification of Use Case Scenarios (JW), pp. 170–184.
TACAS-2007-BlomCLOPPDW #analysis #distributed- Distributed Analysis with µCRL: A Compendium of Case Studies (SB, JRC, BL, SO, JP, JvdP, MTD, AW), pp. 683–689.
MBT-2007-LedruBDA #proving- A Case Study in Matching Test and Proof Coverage (YL, LdB, FD, FA), pp. 73–84.
TestCom-FATES-2007-EldhPHJ #component #fault #middleware #testing- Component Testing Is Not Enough — A Study of Software Faults in Telecom Middleware (SE, SP, HH, PJ), pp. 74–89.
CBSE-2006-KadriMS #enterprise #experience- CBSE in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise: Experience Report (RK, FM, SS), pp. 154–165.
ECDL-2006-BorgmanWE #library- Building Digital Libraries for Scientific Data: An Exploratory Study of Data Practices in Habitat Ecology (CLB, JCW, NE), pp. 170–183.
ECDL-2006-GendtIMS #multi #semantics #web- Semantic Web Techniques for Multiple Views on Heterogeneous Collections: A Case Study (MvG, AI, LvdM, SS), pp. 426–437.
JCDL-2006-CoutoCGCZMR #classification #comparative #documentation- A comparative study of citations and links in document classification (TC, MC, MAG, PC, NZ, ESdM, BARN), pp. 75–84.
SIGMOD-2006-KoudasMS #experience #using- Using SPIDER: an experience report (NK, AM, DS), p. 719.
CSEET-2006-BunseGPSV #developer #experience- Coaching Professional Software Developers — An Experience Report (CB, IG, CP, SSN, CV), pp. 123–130.
CSEET-2006-BurgeT #challenge #education #re-engineering #using- Rising to the Challenge: Using Business-Oriented Case Studies in Software Engineering Education (JEB, DT), pp. 43–50.
CSEET-2006-HendrixUC #design #experience- Designing a First-Year Project Course to Engage Freshman Software Engineers: An Experience Report (TDH, DAU, JHCI), pp. 25–34.
CSEET-2006-LucenaBG #education #experience #re-engineering #student- A Germany-Brazil Experience Report on Teaching Software Engineering for Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Students (VFdLJ, AB, PG), pp. 69–76.
CSEET-2006-MeadH #education #re-engineering #requirements #security- Security Requirements Engineering for Software Systems: Case Studies in Support of Software Engineering Education (NRM, EDH), pp. 149–158.
CSEET-2006-ThomasWT #delivery #education #experience #re-engineering- Eight Years of Delivering Professional Education and Training for Software Engineering at Fraunhofer IESE: An Experience Report (LT, PEW, ST), pp. 131–140.
ITiCSE-2006-AmelungPR #component #education #experience #named- EduComponents: experiences in e-assessment in computer science education (MA, MP, DFR), pp. 88–92.
ITiCSE-2006-BennettBC - High school computing clubs: a pilot study (AB, JB, MC), pp. 38–42.
ITiCSE-2006-GharibyanG #gender- Gender gap in computer science does not exist in one former soviet republic: results of a study (HG, SG), pp. 222–226.
ITiCSE-2006-Hamer #approach #experience #student- Some experiences with the “contributing student approach” (JH), pp. 68–72.
ITiCSE-2006-SpaccoHPEHP #design #experience #programming #testing #using- Experiences with marmoset: designing and using an advanced submission and testing system for programming courses (JS, DH, WP, FE, JKH, NPP), pp. 13–17.
SIGITE-2006-Rutherfoord #using- Using personality inventories to form teams for class projects: a case study (RHR), pp. 9–14.
CSMR-2006-CostagliolaLDGR #design pattern #visual notation- Case Studies of Visual Language Based Design Patterns Recovery (GC, ADL, VD, CG, MR), pp. 165–174.
CSMR-2006-DAnielloMT #experience- Technological Innovation within EDS Italia Software: Experience Report (AD, AM, AT), pp. 362–366.
CSMR-2006-MarchantTT #industrial #legacy #metric #requirements- A Metric of Confidence in Requirements Gathered from Legacy Systems: Two Industrial Case Studies (JM, CT, MT), pp. 355–361.
CSMR-2006-WierdaDS #architecture #clustering #using- Using Version Information in Architectural Clustering — A Case Study (AW, ED, LJS), pp. 214–228.
ICPC-2006-LawrieMFB #identifier #what- What’s in a Name? A Study of Identifiers (DL, CM, HF, DB), pp. 3–12.
ICSM-2006-BouktifAM #assessment #evolution #feedback #open source #quality- A Feedback Based Quality Assessment to Support Open Source Software Evolution: the GRASS Case Study (SB, GA, EM), pp. 155–165.
ICSM-2006-XingS #eclipse #how #refactoring- Refactoring Practice: How it is and How it Should be Supported — An Eclipse Case Study (ZX, ES), pp. 458–468.
MSR-2006-German - A study of the contributors of PostgreSQL (DMG), pp. 163–164.
SCAM-2006-LiT #comparative #erlang #haskell #refactoring #source code- Comparative Study of Refactoring Haskell and Erlang Programs (HL, SJT), pp. 197–206.
WCRE-2006-CoxS #experience #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering in Support of Litigation: Experiences in an Adversarial Environment (AC, TJS), pp. 288–292.
WCRE-2006-GanesanMKY #aspect-oriented #product line #source code- Discovering Organizational Aspects from the Source Code History Log during the Product Line Planning Phase — A Case Study (DG, DM, JK, KY), pp. 211–220.
WCRE-2006-LormansGDSS #industrial #monitoring #requirements #using- Monitoring Requirements Coverage using Reconstructed Views: An Industrial Case Study (ML, HGG, AvD, RvS, AS), pp. 275–284.
WCRE-2006-Sim - Case Studies for Reverse Engineers (SES), p. 319.
WCRE-2006-ZouG #industrial #maintenance- An Industrial Case Study of Program Artifacts Viewed During Maintenance Tasks (LZ, MWG), pp. 71–82.
FM-2006-UmenoL #automaton #protocol #proving #safety #theorem proving #using- Proving Safety Properties of an Aircraft Landing Protocol Using I/O Automata and the PVS Theorem Prover: A Case Study (SU, NAL), pp. 64–80.
FM-2006-ZhengWWX #approach #development #formal method #object-oriented #using- Partially Introducing Formal Methods into Object-Oriented Development: Case Studies Using a Metrics-Driven Approach (YZ, JW, KW, JX), pp. 190–204.
AIIDE-2006-CheongY #experience #framework #game studies- A Framework for Summarizing Game Experiences as Narratives (YGC, RMY), pp. 106–108.
AIIDE-2006-PatelBCHHJLSVZH #experience #interactive #interface #performance #social- A Guided Performance Interface for Augmenting Social Experiences with an Interactive Animatronic Character (SP, WB, DC, SAH, AH, TJJ, SJML, PS, JV, SZ, BH), pp. 72–79.
CHI-2006-BenfordCRSDFD #design #experience #risk management #staging- Designing for the opportunities and risks of staging digital experiences in public settings (SB, AC, SR, JGS, AJD, MF, AD), pp. 427–436.
CHI-2006-Hazlett #experience #game studies #interactive #video- Measuring emotional valence during interactive experiences: boys at video game play (RLH), pp. 1023–1026.
CHI-2006-KamvarB #behaviour #mobile #scalability- A large scale study of wireless search behavior: Google mobile search (MK, SB), pp. 701–709.
CHI-2006-Wyeth #experience #game studies- Ethnography in the kindergarten: examining children’s play experiences (PW), pp. 1225–1228.
CSCW-2006-WycheHHG - Technology in spiritual formation: an exploratory study of computer mediated religious communications (SW, GRH, LDH, REG), pp. 199–208.
CAiSE-2006-RosemannRIG #evolution #modelling #process- A Study of the Evolution of the Representational Capabilities of Process Modeling Grammars (MR, JR, MI, PFG), pp. 447–461.
EDOC-2006-TaoYJ #collaboration #development- Business Collaboration Development: A Case Study in Capital Market (ATT, JY, HJ), pp. 449–452.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-RamezaniM #design #fuzzy #implementation- Design and Implementation of a Fuzzy Expert Decision Support System for Vendor Selection — Case Study in OIEC Iran (Oil Industerial Engineering and Construction) (MR, GAM), pp. 243–248.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-Abad-GrauAMHH #enterprise #information management #web- Web Knowledge Management for Small and Medium-Size Enterprises — WebTour: A Case Study from the Tourism Sector (MMAG, FA, RM, MVH, MJH), pp. 239–244.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-PatroARMB #database #information management #integration #using- Databases and Information Systems Integration Using CALOPUS: A Case Study (PKP, PA, MR, RMV, SB), pp. 200–207.
ICEIS-HCI-2006-MazieroSGE #evaluation #information management #user interface- Evaluation of User Interfaces for Geographic Information Systems: A Case Study (LPM, CRS, LSG, CdPE), pp. 79–86.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-GrimanPGR #architecture #collaboration #evaluation #ontology- An Ontology for Architectural Evaluation — Case Study: Collaboration Systems (AG, MAP, JG, MR), pp. 310–315.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-RinderleBRB #challenge #process #visualisation- Business Process Visualization — Use Cases, Challenges, Solutions (SR, RB, MR, TB), pp. 204–211.
CIKM-2006-AhlgrenG #comparative #evaluation #metric #retrieval- Retrieval evaluation with incomplete relevance data: a comparative study of three measures (PA, LG), pp. 872–873.
CIKM-2006-WhiteK #feedback #performance #personalisation- A study on the effects of personalization and task information on implicit feedback performance (RWW, DK), pp. 297–306.
CIKM-2006-XiaoLXM #comparative #web- A comparative study on classifying the functions of web page blocks (XX, QL, XX, WYM), pp. 776–777.
ECIR-2006-JohoJ #comparative #effectiveness #web- A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Search Result Presentation on the Web (HJ, JMJ), pp. 302–313.
ECIR-2006-MishneR - A Study of Blog Search (GM, MdR), pp. 289–301.
ICPR-v1-2006-QiDZ #analysis #image #semantics- Semantic Analysis on Medical Images: A Case Study (DQ, ERED, RZ), pp. 1260–1263.
ICPR-v2-2006-BaiH #normalisation #online #recognition- A Study of Nonlinear Shape Normalization for Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition: Dot Density vs. Line Density Equalization (ZLB, QH), pp. 921–924.
ICPR-v2-2006-TakiguchiOM #comprehension #fault #recognition- A Study on Character Recognition Error Correction at Higher Level Recognition Step for Mathematical Formulae Understanding (YT, MO, YM), pp. 966–969.
ICPR-v3-2006-GarainCC #documentation #image- Lossless Compression of Textual Images: A Study on Indic Script Documents (UG, MPC, BC), pp. 806–809.
ICPR-v3-2006-YangLA #automation #classification #gender- An Experimental Study on Automatic Face Gender Classification (ZY, ML, HA), pp. 1099–1102.
ICPR-v4-2006-RathaCBC - Cancelable Biometrics: A Case Study in Fingerprints (NKR, JHC, RMB, SC), pp. 370–373.
SEKE-2006-AcunaGR #quality- Experimental Study on the Impact of Team Climate on Software Quality (STA, MG, RR), pp. 246–251.
SEKE-2006-KhoshgoftaarH #metric #multi- Multiple Imputation of Software Measurement Data: A Case Study (TMK, JVH), pp. 220–226.
SEKE-2006-LeeK #architecture #framework #re-engineering #verification- Verifying a Software Architecture Reconstruction Framework with a Case Study (SL, SK), pp. 102–107.
SEKE-2006-LinWCS #diagrams #modelling #process #uml- UML and Modeling A Use Case Model and its Transformation to Activity Diagram (XYL, CHW, WCC, CS), pp. 556–561.
SEKE-2006-PauliX #composition #consistency- Ensuring Consistent Use/Misuse Case Decomposition for Secure Systems (JJP, DX), pp. 392–397.
SEKE-2006-SongZDASNVSV #named- SOPHIANN: A Tool for Extraction Knowledge Rules from ANN Previously Trained A Case Study (MAJS, LEZ, SMD, AA, BS, BMN, RV, TRAS, NV), pp. 631–638.
SEKE-2006-SoundarajanH #evolution- Pattern-Based System Evolution: A Case-Study (NS, JOH), pp. 321–326.
SEKE-2006-SridharHS #component #deployment- Container-Based Component Deployment: A Case Study (NS, JOH, PAGS), pp. 274–277.
SIGIR-2006-GaoN #modelling #query #statistics- A study of statistical models for query translation: finding a good unit of translation (JG, JYN), pp. 194–201.
SIGIR-2006-LinD #concept #information management #retrieval- The role of knowledge in conceptual retrieval: a study in the domain of clinical medicine (JJL, DDF), pp. 99–106.
SIGIR-2006-LiZZL #comparative #design #experience #library #user interface- A comparative study of the effect of search feature design on user experience in digital libraries (DLs) (YL, XZ, YZ, JL), pp. 669–670.
SIGIR-2006-TreeratpitukC #automation #clustering #statistics #using- An experimental study on automatically labeling hierarchical clusters using statistical features (PT, JPC), pp. 707–708.
SIGIR-2006-WhiteM #effectiveness #query #realtime- A study of real-time query expansion effectiveness (RWW, GM), pp. 715–716.
MoDELS-2006-CeriaC #development- Use Case Driven Iterative Development: Hurdles and Solutions (SC, JJC), pp. 73–82.
MoDELS-2006-KuhnGW #development #experience #modelling #process #tool support- Model-Driven Development with SDL — Process, Tools, and Experiences (TK, RG, CW), pp. 83–97.
MoDELS-2006-MustafizSKV #assessment #modelling- Model-Driven Assessment of Use Cases for Dependable Systems (SM, XS, JK, HV), pp. 558–573.
MoDELS-2006-Staron #development #industrial #modelling- Adopting Model Driven Software Development in Industry — A Case Study at Two Companies (MS), pp. 57–72.
SPL-BOOK-2006-BertolinoFGL #product line #requirements #specification #testing- Product Line Use Cases: Scenario-Based Specification and Testing of Requirements (AB, AF, SG, GL), pp. 425–445.
SPL-BOOK-2006-Mansell #experience #reuse- Experiences and Expectations Regarding the Introduction of Systematic Reuse in Small- and Medium-Sized Companies (JXM), pp. 91–124.
SPLC-2006-BragancaM #metamodelling #specification #uml #variability- Extending UML 2.0 Metamodel for Complementary Usages of the «extend» Relationship within Use Case Variability Specification (AB, RJM), pp. 123–130.
SPLC-2006-Gomaa #architecture #design #product line #uml- Designing Software Product Lines with UML 2.0: From Use Cases to Pattern-Based Software Architectures (HG), p. 218.
SPLC-2006-KolbJKMHM #development #embedded #experience #product line- Experiences with Product Line Development of Embedded Systems at Testo AG (RK, IJ, JK, DM, UH, GM), pp. 172–181.
MoDELS-2006-CeriaC #development- Use Case Driven Iterative Development: Hurdles and Solutions (SC, JJC), pp. 73–82.
MoDELS-2006-KuhnGW #development #experience #modelling #process #tool support- Model-Driven Development with SDL — Process, Tools, and Experiences (TK, RG, CW), pp. 83–97.
MoDELS-2006-MustafizSKV #assessment #modelling- Model-Driven Assessment of Use Cases for Dependable Systems (SM, XS, JK, HV), pp. 558–573.
MoDELS-2006-Staron #development #industrial #modelling- Adopting Model Driven Software Development in Industry — A Case Study at Two Companies (MS), pp. 57–72.
LOPSTR-2006-Silva #algorithm #comparative #debugging- A Comparative Study of Algorithmic Debugging Strategies (JS), pp. 143–159.
RE-2006-EbnenasirCK #analysis #fault tolerance #modelling- Use Case-Based Modeling and Analysis of Failsafe Fault-Tolerance (AE, BHCC, SK), pp. 336–337.
RE-2006-El-AttarM #modelling #quality- Matching Antipatterns to Improve the Quality of Use Case Models (MEA, JM), pp. 96–105.
RE-2006-JiangTBM #analysis #biology #data transformation #database #design- Incorporating Goal Analysis in Database Design: A Case Study from Biological Data Management (LJ, TT, AB, JM), pp. 196–204.
RE-2006-PichlerRW #agile #requirements #risk management #social- Agile Requirements Engineering for a Social Insurance for Occupational Risks Organization: A Case Study (MP, HR, WW), pp. 246–251.
RE-2006-SoB #experience #requirements- Experiences of Requirements Engineering for Two Consecutive Versions of a Product at VLSC (JS, DMB), pp. 216–221.
RE-2006-TangL #modelling- Improving the Modeling of Use Case Relationship (JT, DL), pp. 348–351.
RE-2006-TormerIP #assessment #empirical #quality- An Empirical Quality Assessment of Automotive Use Cases (FT, MI, FP, PÖ), pp. 86–95.
RE-2006-Wasson #requirements- A Case Study in Systematic Improvement of Language for Requirements (KSW), pp. 6–15.
RE-2006-WhittleJ #generative #state machine- Generating Hierarchical State Machines from Use Case Charts (JW, PKJ), pp. 16–25.
ASE-2006-NeumullerG #automation #lessons learnt #traceability- Automating Software Traceability in Very Small Companies: A Case Study and Lessons Learned (CN, PG), pp. 145–156.
ICSE-2006-DistanteCTH #legacy #web- Redesigning legacy applications for the web with UWAT+: a case study (DD, GC, SRT, SH), pp. 482–491.
ICSE-2006-GurbaniGH #development #open source- A case study of a corporate open source development model (VKG, AG, JDH), pp. 472–481.
ICSE-2006-KimKPCKG #development #uml- UML-based service robot software development: a case study (MK, SK, SP, MTC, MK, HG), pp. 534–543.
ICSE-2006-Komuro #development #experience #process- Experiences of applying SPC techniques to software development processes (MK), pp. 577–584.
ICSE-2006-LaTozaVD #developer #maintenance #modelling- Maintaining mental models: a study of developer work habits (TDL, GV, RD), pp. 492–501.
ICSE-2006-LiHSR #experience #fault #predict- Experiences and results from initiating field defect prediction and product test prioritization efforts at ABB Inc (PLL, JDH, MS, BR), pp. 413–422.
ICSE-2006-PerrySE - Case studies for software engineers (DEP, SES, SME), pp. 1045–1046.
ICSE-2006-PoonY #enterprise #experience #resource management- Procurement of enterprise resource planning systems: experiences with some Hong Kong companies (PLP, YTY), pp. 561–568.
ICSE-2006-Sakamura #challenge #development #embedded #framework #platform #ubiquitous- Challenges in the age of ubiquitous computing: a case study of T-Engine, an open development platform for embedded systems (KS), pp. 713–720.
ICSE-2006-SisonJORH - Software practices in five ASEAN countries: an exploratory study (RS, SJ, SHO, WR, NNH), pp. 628–631.
ICSE-2006-SohnGSLCSC #experience #open source #tool support- Experiences with place lab: an open source toolkit for location-aware computing (TS, WGG, JS, AL, YC, IES, MYC), pp. 462–471.
ICSE-2006-SongHMRNHG #challenge #comprehension #experience #requirements #workflow- Understanding requirements for computer-aided healthcare workflows: experiences and challenges (XS, BH, GM, AR, CN, MH, AG), pp. 930–934.
SAC-2006-AgiusA #experience #user interface- MPEG-7 in action: end user experiences with COSMOS-7 front end systems (HWA, MCA), pp. 1348–1355.
SAC-2006-KramerMH #elicitation #mobile #using- Field study on methods for elicitation of preferences using a mobile digital assistant for a dynamic tour guide (RK, MM, KtH), pp. 997–1001.
SAC-2006-NguyenLL #modelling #process- A space aware agent-based modeling process for the study of hierarchical complex systems (TMLN, CL, IL), pp. 126–127.
SAC-2006-Wang #domain-specific language #modelling- Modeling and analyzing applications with domain-specific languages by reflective rewriting: a case study (BYW), pp. 1773–1778.
GPCE-2006-ApelB #aspect-oriented- When to use features and aspects?: a case study (SA, DSB), pp. 59–68.
CASE-2006-ChenLS #process- Study on Active Process Control of Burr Formation in Al-Alloy Milling Process (MC, GL, ZS), pp. 431–436.
CASE-2006-DotoliFM #identification #online- On-Line Identification of Discrete Event Systems: a Case Study (MD, MPF, AMM), pp. 405–410.
CGO-2006-SundaresanMRS #compilation #experience #java #multi #thread- Experiences with Multi-threading and Dynamic Class Loading in a Java Just-In-Time Compiler (VS, DM, PR, MGS), pp. 87–97.
DATE-2006-ChenMBR #design #power management- Circuit-aware device design methodology for nanometer technologies: a case study for low power SRAM design (QC, SM, AB, KR), pp. 983–988.
DATE-2006-GrossschadlIPTV #algorithm #design #encryption #set- Combining algorithm exploration with instruction set design: a case study in elliptic curve cryptography (JG, PI, LP, ST, AKV), pp. 218–223.
DATE-2006-RaychowdhuryPBR #comparative #power management- Ultralow power computing with sub-threshold leakage: a comparative study of bulk and SOI technologies (AR, BCP, SB, KR), pp. 856–861.
DATE-2006-ReyesKBAN #design #modelling #simulation- A unified system-level modeling and simulation environment for MPSoC design: MPEG-4 decoder case study (VR, WK, TB, GA, AN), pp. 474–479.
DATE-DF-2006-NogueraBSA #industrial- Software-friendly HW/SW co-simulation: an industrial case study (JN, LB, NS, LA), pp. 100–105.
HPCA-2006-JaleelMJ #data mining #mining #parallel #performance- Last level cache (LLC) performance of data mining workloads on a CMP — a case study of parallel bioinformatics workloads (AJ, MM, BLJ), pp. 88–98.
HPDC-2006-ChungH #automation #performance #scalability #source code #using- A Case Study Using Automatic Performance Tuning for Large-Scale Scientific Programs (IHC, JKH), pp. 45–56.
HPDC-2006-MerrerKM #comparative #estimation #network #scalability- Peer to peer size estimation in large and dynamic networks: A comparative study (ELM, AMK, LM), pp. 7–17.
LCTES-2006-Martonosi #deployment #embedded #experience #hardware- Embedded systems in the wild: ZebraNet software, hardware, and deployment experiences (MM), p. 1.
OSDI-2006-PetersonBFM #experience- Experiences Building PlanetLab (LLP, ACB, MEF, SM), pp. 351–366.
PPoPP-2006-SharapovKDCR #estimation #parallel #performance #scalability #top-down- A case study in top-down performance estimation for a large-scale parallel application (IS, RK, GD, RC, MR), pp. 81–89.
A-MOST-J-2005-Paradkar06 #detection #effectiveness #fault #generative #modelling #testing- A quest for appropriate software fault models: Case studies on fault detection effectiveness of model-based test generation techniques (AMP), pp. 949–959.
CAV-2006-BurckhardtAM #bound #concurrent #data type #memory management #model checking #modelling- Bounded Model Checking of Concurrent Data Types on Relaxed Memory Models: A Case Study (SB, RA, MMKM), pp. 489–502.
SAT-2006-SebastianiV #encoding #logic #satisfiability- Encoding the Satisfiability of Modal and Description Logics into SAT: The Case Study of K(m)/ALC (RS, MV), pp. 130–135.
TestCom-2006-CavalliMMMQ #generative #industrial #testing #tool support- Application of Two Test Generation Tools to an Industrial Case Study (ARC, SM, WM, MM, YMQ), pp. 134–148.
CBSE-2005-Beznosov #architecture #component #design #experience #implementation #web #web service- Experience Report: Design and Implementation of a Component-Based Protection Architecture for ASP.NET Web Services (KB), pp. 337–352.
WICSA-2005-Abi-AntounC #architecture #incremental #legacy #re-engineering- A Case Study in Incremental Architecture-Based Re-engineering of a Legacy Application (MAA, WC), pp. 159–168.
WICSA-2005-LandBLC #architecture #experience #industrial #integration- Architectural Concerns When Selecting an In-House Integration Strategy — Experiences from Industry (RL, LB, SL, IC), pp. 274–275.
WICSA-2005-RatcliffeCO #architecture #design #monitoring- Case Study on Architecture-Centered Design for Monitoring Views at CERN (OR, SC, FO), pp. 213–214.
DocEng-2005-GruhlMP #data type #xml- A case study on alternate representations of data structures in XML (DG, DNM, JP), pp. 217–219.
ECDL-2005-Davis-PerkinsBCF - A Study into the Effect of Digitisation Projects on the Management and Stability of Historic Photograph Collections (VDP, RB, PC, BF), pp. 278–289.
ECDL-2005-RaghavanVSGFF #automation #incremental #integration #library- Incremental, Semi-automatic, Mapping-Based Integration of Heterogeneous Collections into Archaeological Digital Libraries: Megiddo Case Study (AR, NSV, RS, MAG, WF, EAF), pp. 139–150.
ECDL-2005-RamnishathJMR #adaptation #framework #repository- Adapting Kepler Framework for Enriching Institutional Repositories: An Experimental Study (AR, FJ, FM, TBR), pp. 521–522.
ECDL-2005-SchaeferJKF #library #query- Active Support for Query Formulation in Virtual Digital Libraries: A Case Study with DAFFODIL (AS, MJ, CPK, NF), pp. 414–425.
ECDL-2005-ShenGFF #framework #library #modelling #requirements- Requirements Gathering and Modeling of Domain-Specific Digital Libraries with the 5S Framework: An Archaeological Case Study with ETANA (RS, MAG, WF, EAF), pp. 1–12.
ECDL-2005-VakkariT #using- The Influence of the Scatter of Literature on the Use of Electronic Resources Across Disciplines: A Case Study of FinELib (PV, ST), pp. 207–217.
HT-2005-GarzottoM #enterprise #framework #hypermedia #towards- Towards enterprise frameworks for networked hypermedia: a case-study in cultural tourism (FG, LM), pp. 257–266.
HT-2005-Matias #3d #hypermedia- Philadelphia fullerine: a case study in three-dimensional hypermedia (JNM), pp. 7–14.
HT-2005-ShipmanGW #experience- Hypervideo expression: experiences with hyper-hitchcock (FMSI, AG, LW), pp. 217–226.
ICDAR-2005-BaiH #online #recognition #using- A Study On the Use of 8-Directional Features For Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (ZLB, QH), pp. 262–266.
ICDAR-2005-YamazakiNTK #online #verification- A Study on Vulnerability in On-line Writer Verification System (YY, AN, KT, NK), pp. 640–644.
JCDL-2005-OnLKM #ambiguity #comparative #framework #problem #scalability #using- Comparative study of name disambiguation problem using a scalable blocking-based framework (BWO, DL, JK, PM), pp. 344–353.
SIGMOD-2005-Sedlar #xml- Managing structure in bits & pieces: the killer use case for XML (ES), pp. 818–821.
SIGMOD-2005-Shasha #lessons learnt- Computing for biologists: lessons from some successful case studies (DS), pp. 968–969.
VLDB-2005-MarkowitzKPSIK #biology #data transformation- The Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG) System: A Case Study in Biological Data Management (VMM, FK, KP, ES, NI, NK), pp. 1067–1078.
CSEET-2005-KonskyR #re-engineering- A Case Study: GQM and TSP in a Software Engineering Capstone Project (BRvK, MCR), pp. 215–222.
CSEET-2005-Sindre #communication #education #experience #game studies #student- Teaching Oral Communication Techniques in RE by Student-Student Role Play: Initial Experiences (GS), pp. 85–92.
CSEET-2005-VerkamoTTBK #distributed #student- Distributed Cross-Cultural Student Software Project: A Case Study (AIV, JT, TT, YB, DK), pp. 207–214.
ITiCSE-2005-BrusilovskyS #self #student- Engaging students to work with self-assessment questions: a study of two approaches (PB, SAS), pp. 251–255.
ITiCSE-2005-LahtinenAJ - A study of the difficulties of novice programmers (EL, KAM, HMJ), pp. 14–18.
ITiCSE-2005-RaoJMSAF #design #education #implementation- Principles of curriculum design and revision: a case study in implementing computing curricula CC2001 (MRKKR, SJ, TM, MS, MA, KAF), pp. 256–260.
CSMR-2005-BernardiL #diagrams #named- UsCaAb: A Tool for Abstracting Use Case Diagrams (MLB, GADL), p. 194.
CSMR-2005-GraafDD #architecture #embedded #experience #industrial- Evaluating an Embedded Software Reference Architecture — Industrial Experience Report (BG, HWvD, AvD), pp. 354–363.
CSMR-2005-KarailaS #analysis #industrial #maintenance #source code #visual notation- Maintenance and Analysis of Visual Programs — An Industrial Case (MK, TS), pp. 158–167.
CSMR-2005-MendoF #evolution #web- A Preliminary Study of the Evolution of SMEs Web Sites in the UK (FAM, GF), pp. 375–384.
CSMR-2005-RiccaT #detection #overview #web- Anomaly Detection in Web Applications: A Review of Already Conducted Case Studies (FR, PT), pp. 385–394.
CSMR-2005-RousidisT #clustering #java #maintenance #source code- Clustering Data Retrieved from Java Source Code to Support Software Maintenance: A Case Study (DR, CT), pp. 276–279.
ICSM-2005-AntoniolG #approach #identification #novel- Feature Identification: A Novel Approach and a Case Study (GA, YGG), pp. 357–366.
ICSM-2005-BaldassarreBCV05a #development #industrial #reuse- An Industrial Case Study on Reuse Oriented Development (MTB, AB, DC, GV), pp. 283–292.
ICSM-2005-BhawnaniFR - Explorative Study to Provide Decision Support for Software Release Decisions (PB, BHF, GR), pp. 617–620.
ICSM-2005-HaoZZMS #fault #locality #reduction #testing #using- Eliminating Harmful Redundancy for Testing-Based Fault Localization Using Test Suite Reduction: An Experimental Study (DH, LZ, HZ, HM, JS), pp. 683–686.
ICSM-2005-JansenBBN #development #enterprise #maintenance #performance- Integrated Development and Maintenance of Software Products to Support Efficient Updating of Customer Configurations: A Case Study in Mass Market ERP Software (SJ, SB, GB, AvN), pp. 253–262.
ICSM-2005-KolbMPY #component #legacy #product line #refactoring #reuse- A Case Study in Refactoring a Legacy Component for Reuse in a Product Line (RK, DM, TP, KY), pp. 369–378.
ICSM-2005-SubramanianPC #comparative #evaluation #maintenance- A Comparative Evaluation of Maintainability: A Study of Engineering Department’s Website Maintainability (NS, RP, LC), pp. 669–672.
ICSM-IT-2005-Ballintijn #information management- A Case Study of the Release Management of a Health-care Information System (GB), pp. 34–43.
IWPC-2005-GearBCCO #component #industrial #process #reuse- Achieving a Reuse Perspective within a Component Recovery Process: An Industrial Scale Case Study (ALG, JB, BC, JJC, KO), pp. 279–288.
IWPC-2005-RevelleBC #comprehension- Understanding Concerns in Software: Insights Gained from Two Case Studies (MR, TB, DC), pp. 23–32.
ICALP-2005-FominGK - Measure and Conquer: Domination — A Case Study (FVF, FG, DK), pp. 191–203.
FM-2005-EislerSJSS #model checking- Preliminary Results of a Case Study: Model Checking for Advanced Automotive Applications (SE, CS, BJ, GS, JS), pp. 533–536.
IFM-2005-MalikR #adaptation #comparative #embedded #specification- Adaptive Techniques for Specification Matching in Embedded Systems: A Comparative Study (RM, PSR), pp. 33–52.
SEFM-2005-HubertM #algorithm #c #source code #verification- A case study of C source code verification: the Schorr-Waite algorithm (TH, CM), pp. 190–199.
IFL-2005-ShafarenkoSHGT #equation #experience #implementation #lessons learnt #using- Implementing a Numerical Solution of the KPI Equation Using Single Assignment C: Lessons and Experiences (AVS, SBS, SH, CG, KT), pp. 160–177.
CIG-2005-ChisholmF #game studies #machine learning #using- A Study of Machine Learning using the Game of Fox and Geese (KC, DF).
CIG-2005-Gold #game studies #prototype #research- Academic AI and Videogames: A Case Study of Incorporating Innovative Academic Research Into a Videogame Prototype (AG).
DiGRA-2005-Adams #behaviour #maintenance- Information Behavior and the Formation and Maintenance of Peer Cultures: A Case Study of MMORPG' (SA).
DiGRA-2005-ChangW #behaviour #game studies #online- The Study on the Gamers' Lifestyles in On-line Game World: The Emergence of Cyber-Behavior Patterns in two Different Cultural Context of Korea and Japan (GYC, LSMW).
DiGRA-2005-Chee #comprehension #experience #game studies #online- Understanding Korean experiences of online game hype, identity, and the menace of the “Wang-tta” (FC).
DiGRA-2005-Deal #game studies #online- The Ability of Online Branded Games to Build Brand Equity: An Exploratory Study (DD).
DiGRA-2005-Galarneau #authentication #experience #game studies #learning #simulation- Authentic Learning Experiences Through Play: Games, Simulations and the Construction of Knowledge (LG).
DiGRA-2005-GilTR #architecture #experience #game studies #multi #online #scalability- Architecting Scalability for Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming Experiences (RG, JT, LR).
DiGRA-2005-Kirkpatrick #comparative- The reception of personal computers in cold war Europe: a small scale comparative study (GK).
DiGRA-2005-Lankoski - Building and Reconstructing Character. A Case Study of Silent Hill 3 (PL).
DiGRA-2005-NeulightK #experience #learning #multi #what- What happens if you catch Whypox? Children's learning experiences of infectious disease in a multi-user virtual environment (NN, YBK).
DiGRA-2005-Roque #development #experience #game studies #multi #online- A Sociotechnical Conjecture about the Context and Development of Multiplayer Online Game Experiences (LR).
DiGRA-2005-Shinkle #game studies- 'Feel It, Don't Think: the Significance of Affect in the Study of Digital Games (ES).
DiGRA-2005-ZhouK #game studies #locality- The Localization of Digital Games: A Case Study in China (QZ, BEK).
CHI-2005-BenfordRFDHRMF #collaboration #experience- Life on the edge: supporting collaboration in location-based experiences (SB, DR, MF, AD, RH, JR, JM, KF), pp. 721–730.
CHI-2005-MankoffFT #comparative #web- Is your web page accessible?: a comparative study of methods for assessing web page accessibility for the blind (JM, HF, TT), pp. 41–50.
CHI-2005-VoidaPKP #2d #artificial reality- A study on the manipulation of 2D objects in a projector/camera-based augmented reality environment (SV, MP, RK, CSP), pp. 611–620.
SOFTVIS-2005-KholkarKSV #analysis #specification #visual notation- Visual specification and analysis of use cases (DK, GMK, US, RV), pp. 77–85.
ICEIS-v1-2005-TrienekensKH #enterprise #industrial- Critical Success Factors in ERP Projects: Case Studies in Two Industrial Organizations in The Netherlands (JJMT, WK, RH), pp. 84–91.
ICEIS-v3-2005-BeckerJDF #documentation #process- Perspectives on Process Documentation — a Case Study (JB, CJ, PD, WF), pp. 46–56.
ICEIS-v3-2005-CechichP #detection #functional #off the shelf- Early Detection of Cots Functional Suitability for an E-Payment Case Study (AC, MP), pp. 11–28.
ECIR-2005-SuomelaK #concept #ontology #query- Ontology as a Search-Tool: A Study of Real Users’ Query Formulation With and Without Conceptual Support (SS, JK), pp. 315–329.
SEKE-2005-Gong - A Case Study on the BPR-before-IT of Food Company in Taiwan (DCG), pp. 77–81.
SEKE-2005-HuangC #approximate #distance- A Study of the Approximate Shortest Distance Route for the Construction Walk of Welding Robot (CJH, BKC), pp. 550–555.
SEKE-2005-JuricWM #automation #component #experience #generative #off the shelf- Experiences of Generating COTS Components when Automating Medicinal Product Evaluations (RJ, SW, PM), pp. 653–656.
SEKE-2005-LamineJG #estimation #named #product line #reuse- Reuse: Case of a Software Cost Estimation Model for Product Line Engineering (SBABL, LLJ, HHBG), pp. 657–660.
SEKE-2005-LopesA #requirements #specification- Impact of GSD in Requirements Specification — A Case Study (LL, JLNA), pp. 473–478.
SEKE-2005-MarewKB #aspect-oriented #composition #development #functional #product line #using- Case Study on Systematic Functional Decomposition in a Product Line using Aspect Oriented Software Development (TM, JK, DHB), pp. 152–157.
SEKE-2005-PaivaF #design #re-engineering- Design Rationale in Software Engineering: A Case Study (DMBP, RPdMF), pp. 342–347.
SIGIR-2005-HeO #normalisation- A study of the dirichlet priors for term frequency normalisation (BH, IO), pp. 465–471.
SIGIR-2005-QinLZCM #web- A study of relevance propagation for web search (TQ, TYL, XDZ, ZC, WYM), pp. 408–415.
SIGIR-2005-WhiteRJ #feedback- A study of factors affecting the utility of implicit relevance feedback (RWW, IR, JMJ), pp. 35–42.
ECMDA-FA-2005-StaikopoulosB #comparative #integration #metamodelling #uml #web #web service- A Comparative Study of Metamodel Integration and Interoperability in UML and Web Services (AS, BB), pp. 145–159.
MoDELS-2005-BakerLW #industrial #modelling #scalability- Model-Driven Engineering in a Large Industrial Context — Motorola Case Study (PB, SL, FW), pp. 476–491.
MoDELS-2005-ShuiMKD - Exceptional Use Cases (AS, SM, JK, CD), pp. 568–583.
MoDELS-2005-Vieira #experience #generative #modelling #testing- Invited Presentation II: Experiences in Applying Model Based System Testing Generation (MV), p. 430.
MoDELS-2005-VokacG #challenge #domain-specific language #experience #multi #tool support #using- Using a Domain-Specific Language and Custom Tools to Model a Multi-tier Service-Oriented Application — Experiences and Challenges (MV, JMG), pp. 492–506.
MoDELS-2005-WhiteSG #development #enterprise #java #modelling- Simplifying Autonomic Enterprise Java Bean Applications Via Model-Driven Development: A Case Study (JW, DCS, ASG), pp. 601–615.
SPLC-2005-ErikssonBB #approach #domain model #modelling- The PLUSS Approach — Domain Modeling with Features, Use Cases and Use Case Realizations (ME, JB, KB), pp. 33–44.
SPLC-2005-KangKLK #feature model #legacy #product line #re-engineering- Feature-Oriented Re-engineering of Legacy Systems into Product Line Assets — a Case Study (KCK, MK, JL, BK), pp. 45–56.
SPLC-2005-TolvanenK #domain-specific language #experience #modelling- Defining Domain-Specific Modeling Languages to Automate Product Derivation: Collected Experiences (JPT, SK), pp. 198–209.
MoDELS-2005-BakerLW #industrial #modelling #scalability- Model-Driven Engineering in a Large Industrial Context — Motorola Case Study (PB, SL, FW), pp. 476–491.
MoDELS-2005-ShuiMKD - Exceptional Use Cases (AS, SM, JK, CD), pp. 568–583.
MoDELS-2005-Vieira #experience #generative #modelling #testing- Invited Presentation II: Experiences in Applying Model Based System Testing Generation (MV), p. 430.
MoDELS-2005-VokacG #challenge #domain-specific language #experience #multi #tool support #using- Using a Domain-Specific Language and Custom Tools to Model a Multi-tier Service-Oriented Application — Experiences and Challenges (MV, JMG), pp. 492–506.
MoDELS-2005-WhiteSG #development #enterprise #java #modelling- Simplifying Autonomic Enterprise Java Bean Applications Via Model-Driven Development: A Case Study (JW, DCS, ASG), pp. 601–615.
PADL-2005-BraunerEFGP #generative- Specializing Narrowing for Timetable Generation: A Case Study (NB, RE, GF, HG, FP), pp. 22–36.
SIGAda-2005-Ruocco #experience #using- Experiences using SPARK in an undergraduate CS course (ASR), pp. 37–40.
RE-2005-BucchiaroneGP #analysis #industrial #quality #requirements- Quality Analysis of NL Requirements: An Industrial Case Study (AB, SG, PP), pp. 390–394.
RE-2005-DorrKKOS #industrial #non-functional #requirements- Non-Functional Requirements in Industry — Three Case Studies Adopting an Experience-based NFR Method (JD, DK, TK, TO, TS), pp. 373–384.
RE-2005-EasterbrookYAFHLQ #concept #modelling- Do Viewpoints Lead to Better Conceptual Models? An Exploratory Case Study (SME, ESKY, JA, YF, JH, ML, RAQ), pp. 199–208.
RE-2005-HassineRD #semantics- An ASM Operational Semantics for Use Case Maps (JH, JR, RD), pp. 467–468.
RE-2005-IvanovicMSW #elicitation #requirements- Eliciting User Requirements for Ambient Intelligent Systems: A Case Study (AI, AM, KS, RW), pp. 477–478.
RE-2005-JordanSN #evolution #requirements- The Extravehicular Mobility Unit: Case Study in Requirements Evolution (NCJ, JHS, DJN), pp. 434–438.
RE-2005-MaidenR #experience #process #requirements- Integrating Creativity into Requirements Processes: Experiences with an Air Traffic Management System (NAMM, SR), pp. 105–116.
RE-2005-Some #requirements #validation- Use Cases based Requirements Validation with Scenarios (SSS), pp. 465–466.
ASE-2005-ErikssonMBB #modelling #product line #tool support- The PLUSS toolkit — extending telelogic DOORS and IBM-rational rose to support product line use case modeling (ME, HM, JB, KB), pp. 300–304.
ESEC-FSE-2005-HeindlB #requirements- A case study on value-based requirements tracing (MH, SB), pp. 60–69.
ICSE-2005-BasitRJ - Beyond templates: a study of clones in the STL and some general implications (HAB, DCR, SJ), pp. 451–459.
ICSE-2005-BeekMLGFS #automation #protocol #verification- A case study on the automated verification of groupware protocols (MHtB, MM, DL, SG, AF, MS), pp. 596–603.
ICSE-2005-GortonZ #architecture #evaluation #experience #re-engineering #tool support- Tool support for just-in-time architecture reconstruction and evaluation: an experience report (IG, LZ), pp. 514–523.
ICSE-2005-HeitmeyerP #experience- Introduction to the experience reports track (CLH, KP), p. 480.
ICSE-2005-HulkkoA #multi #programming #quality- A multiple case study on the impact of pair programming on product quality (HH, PA), pp. 495–504.
ICSE-2005-KimLKHB #architecture #re-engineering- Re-engineering software architecture of home service robots: a case study (MK, JL, KCK, YH, SB), pp. 505–513.
ICSE-2005-MaidenR #process #requirements- Developing use cases and scenarios in the requirements process (NAMM, SR), pp. 561–570.
ICSE-2005-MohagheghiAC #development #estimation #incremental #scalability- Effort estimation of use cases for incremental large-scale software development (PM, BA, RC), pp. 303–311.
ICSE-2005-PankratiusS #development #experience #information management- Information systems development at the virtual global university: an experience report (VP, WS), pp. 639–640.
ICSE-2005-Woit #interactive #programming #requirements- Requirements interaction management in an eXtreme programming environment: a case study (DMW), pp. 489–494.
SAC-2005-BaresiCM #adaptation #consistency #experience #modelling- First experiences on constraining consistency and adaptivity of W2000 models (LB, SC, LM), pp. 1674–1678.
SAC-2005-BlakeCRIG #component #development #product line #specification- Use case-driven component specification: a medical applications perspective to product line development (MBB, KC, SR, LI, KG), pp. 1470–1477.
SAC-2005-GriffinSC #design #embedded #garbage collection #java #on the #power management- On designing a low-power garbage collector for java embedded devices: a case study (PAG, WSa, JMC), pp. 868–873.
SAC-2005-KvaleLC #aspect-oriented #programming #using- A case study on building COTS-based system using aspect-oriented programming (AAK, JL, RC), pp. 1491–1498.
SAC-2005-Menezes #adaptation #coordination #security #self- Self-organization and computer security: a case study in adaptive coordination (RM), pp. 467–468.
SAC-2005-ProdanF #grid #scheduling #workflow- Dynamic scheduling of scientific workflow applications on the grid: a case study (RP, TF), pp. 687–694.
SAC-2005-SchaadSW #process- A case study of separation of duty properties in the context of the Austrian “eLaw” process (AS, PS, HW), pp. 1328–1332.
ATEM-2004-KarailaS05 #industrial #metadata #on the #reuse #reverse engineering #visual notation- On the Role of Metadata in Visual Language Reuse and Reverse Engineering — An Industrial Case (MK, TS), pp. 29–41.
GPCE-2005-PeruginiR #approach #experience #generative #information retrieval #interactive #programming- A Generative Programming Approach to Interactive Information Retrieval: Insights and Experiences (SP, NR), pp. 205–220.
CC-2005-QianH #analysis #jit- A Study of Type Analysis for Speculative Method Inlining in a JIT Environment (FQ, LJH), pp. 255–270.
CC-2005-VerdoolaegeBBC #experience #integer #parametricity- Experiences with Enumeration of Integer Projections of Parametric Polytopes (SV, KB, MB, FC), pp. 91–105.
DAC-2005-AdirADLRVCCD #named #parallel #verification- VLIW: a case study of parallelism verification (AA, YA, BD, YL, MR, MV, MAC, AC, GD), pp. 779–782.
DAC-2005-LingSB - FPGA technology mapping: a study of optimality (ACL, DPS, SDB), pp. 427–432.
DATE-2005-IllgenO #assurance #experience #perspective #process #quality- Process Oriented Software Quality Assurance — An Experience Report in Process Improvement — OEM Perspective (TI, SO), pp. 536–537.
DATE-2005-LyseckyV #clustering #hardware #using- A Study of the Speedups and Competitiveness of FPGA Soft Processor Cores using Dynamic Hardware/Software Partitioning (RLL, FV), pp. 18–23.
HPDC-2005-KonishiOHI #throughput- A case study of instant workbench for InterProScan by Knoppix high throughput computing edition (FK, SO, YH, MI), pp. 301–302.
A-MOST-2005-Paradkar #detection #effectiveness #fault #generative #modelling #testing- Case studies on fault detection effectiveness of model based test generation techniques (AMP), pp. 70–76.
TestCom-2005-KulvatunyouIJ #consistency #testing- Content-Level Conformance Testing: An Information Mapping Case Study (BK, NI, ATJ), pp. 349–364.
CBSE-2004-CervantesH #adaptation #component #concept #experience #framework- A Framework for Constructing Adaptive Component-Based Applications: Concepts and Experiences (HC, RSH), pp. 130–137.
WICSA-2004-Matinlassi #architecture #maintenance #product line- Evaluating the Portability and Maintainability of Software Product Family Architecture: Terminal Software Case Study (MM), pp. 295–300.
WICSA-2004-OliveiraWFL #approach #architecture- An Architectural Approach to Mobility — The Handover Case Study (CO, MW, JLF, AL), pp. 305–310.
WICSA-2004-Purhonen #architecture #embedded #optimisation #performance- Performance Optimization of Embedded Software Architecture — A Case Study (AP), pp. 112–121.
DocEng-2004-BlusteinN - Personal glossaries on the WWW: an exploratory study (JB, MN), pp. 54–56.
ECDL-2004-RavindranathanSGFFF #data flow #library #prototype #semistructured data- Prototyping Digital Libraries Handling Heterogeneous Data Sources — The ETANA-DL Case Study (UR, RS, MAG, WF, EAF, JWF), pp. 186–197.
HT-2004-DavisB #experience #learning #migration- Experiences migrating microcosm learning materials (HCD, RAB), pp. 141–142.
HT-2004-King #design- A format design case study: PDF (JCK), pp. 95–97.
HT-2004-MooreGBA #hypermedia- Practical applitudes: case studies of applications of the ZigZag hypermedia system (AM, JG, TJB, HA), pp. 143–152.
JCDL-2004-BlandfordKCE #evaluation #library #usability- Analytical usability evaluation for digital libraries: a case study (AB, SK, IC, HE), pp. 27–36.
VLDB-2004-BandiSAA #database #hardware- Hardware Acceleration in Commercial Databases: A Case Study of Spatial Operations (NB, CS, AEA, DA), pp. 1021–1032.
VLDB-2004-BloomS #data transformation- Managing Data from High-Throughput Genomic Processing: A Case Study (TB, TS), pp. 1198–1201.
VLDB-2004-BornhovdLHS #automation #experience #framework #process- Integrating Automatic Data Acquisition with Business Processes — Experiences with SAP’s Auto-ID Infrastructure (CB, TL, SH, JS), pp. 1182–1188.
CSEET-2004-Endicott-PopovskyF #agile #assurance #education #re-engineering- A Case Study in Rapid Introduction of an Information Assurance Track into a Software Engineering Curriculum (BEP, DAF), pp. 118–123.
CSEET-2004-HassonC #re-engineering #requirements #specification #using- A Case Study Involving the Use of Z to Aid Requirements Specification in the Software Engineering Course (PH, SC), pp. 84–90.
CSEET-2004-Nikula #experience #requirements- Experiences of Embedding Training in a Basic Requirements Engineering Method (UN), pp. 104–109.
ITiCSE-2004-Lopez-HerrejonS #experience #interactive #java #using- Using interactive technology in a short java course: an experience report (RELH, MS), pp. 203–207.
ITiCSE-2004-MintonBD #problem- If diversity is a problem could e-learning be part of the solution?: a case study (LM, RDB, VD), pp. 42–46.
ITiCSE-2004-SimonAHS #experience #learning #tablet- Preliminary experiences with a tablet PC based system to support active learning in computer science courses (BS, REA, CH, JS), pp. 213–217.
ITiCSE-2004-StuurmanF #design pattern #education #experience- Experiences with teaching design patterns (SS, GF), pp. 151–155.
ITiCSE-2004-To - Determinants affecting organizations’ intent to adopt e-tailing: a study based on innovation theories (LMT), p. 243.
SIGITE-2004-BurnettS #education- Defining the information technology workforce from the educational perspectives: a pilot study (KB, MMS), pp. 202–205.
SIGITE-2004-EdwardsB #experience #programming #tablet #using- Experiences using tablet PCs in a programming laboratory (SHE, NDB), pp. 160–164.
SIGITE-2004-HelpsR #design #flexibility #operating system- Design of a flexible case-study instructional module for operating systems for information technology (CRGH, SAR), pp. 56–59.
SIGITE-2004-McMahon #c# #dot-net #education #framework #how #learning #what- How can you teach what you don’t know?: a case study of learning and teaching microsoft .NET framework and C# (REM), p. 269.
CSMR-2004-Pizka #adaptation #experience #open source #scalability- Adaptation of Large-Scale Open Source Software — An Experience Report (MP), pp. 147–153.
ICSM-2004-Granja-Alvarez #analysis #maintenance #specification- Software Maintenance: Analysis of Estimates Based on Requirement Specification in the Context of New Technologies, a Case Study (JCGA), p. 531.
ICSM-2004-LuoJZMS #analysis #component #graph #object-oriented- An Experimental Study of Two Graph Analysis Based Component Capture Methods for Object-Oriented Systems (JL, RJ, LZ, HM, JS), pp. 390–398.
ICSM-2004-RostkowyczRM #documentation- A Case Study on the Long-Term Effects of Software Redocumentation (AJR, VR, AM), pp. 92–101.
ICSM-2004-SatpathySR #analysis #maintenance #object-oriented- Assertions in Object Oriented Software Maintenance: Analysis and a Case Study (MS, NTS, DR), pp. 124–135.
ICSM-2004-SkoglundR #evolution #maintenance #testing- A Case Study on Regression Test Suite Maintenance in System Evolution (MS, PR), pp. 438–442.
IWPC-2004-CapiluppiMR #evolution #open source- Structural Evolution of an Open Source System: A Case Study (AC, MM, JFR), pp. 172–182.
IWPC-2004-SarmientoT #automation #comprehension #legacy- Understanding CASE Generated Legacy Applications: A Case Study (CS, ST), pp. 111–119.
WCRE-2004-KarailaS #analysis #industrial #maintenance #source code #visual notation- Maintenance and Analysis of Visual Programs — An Industrial Case (MK, TS), pp. 294–295.
WCRE-2004-Kollmann #experience #industrial #re-engineering- Experiences with an Industrial Long-Term Reengineering Project (RK), pp. 8–16.
IFM-2004-CurzonB #design #fault- Formally Justifying User-Centred Design Rules: A Case Study on Post-completion Errors (PC, AB), pp. 461–480.
IFM-2004-MollerORW #java #uml- Linking CSP-OZ with UML and Java: A Case Study (MM, ERO, HR, HW), pp. 267–286.
SEFM-2004-KazhamiakinPR #requirements #using #verification #web #web service- Formal Verification of Requirements using SPIN: A Case Study on Web Services (RK, MP, MR), pp. 406–415.
CHI-2004-AndersonHWA - A study of digital ink in lecture presentation (RJA, CH, SAW, REA), pp. 567–574.
CHI-2004-TeevanAAK #behaviour- The perfect search engine is not enough: a study of orienteering behavior in directed search (JT, CA, MSA, DRK), pp. 415–422.
CSCW-2004-CubranicMSB #development #learning- Learning from project history: a case study for software development (DC, GCM, JS, KSB), pp. 82–91.
CSCW-2004-DucheneautM #game studies #interactive #multi #online #social- The social side of gaming: a study of interaction patterns in a massively multiplayer online game (ND, RJM), pp. 360–369.
CSCW-2004-KethersHW #research #symmetry- Remote meetings between farmers and researchers: a case study on asymmetry (SK, DMGH, RW), pp. 624–627.
CSCW-2004-SouzaRCMP #interface #programming- Sometimes you need to see through walls: a field study of application programming interfaces (CRBdS, DFR, LTC, DRM, JFP), pp. 63–71.
CAiSE-2004-BaidaGSMA #energy- Energy Services: A Case Study in Real-World Service Configuration (ZB, JG, HS, AZM, HA), pp. 36–50.
CAiSE-2004-MaidenJMGR #modelling #requirements- Model-Driven Requirements Engineering: Synchronising Models in an Air Traffic Management Case Study (NAMM, SJ, SM, JG, LR), pp. 368–383.
CAiSE-2004-Matulevicius #how #quality #requirements #specification #tool support- How Requirements Specification Quality Depends on Tools: A Case Study (RM), pp. 353–367.
EDOC-2004-GorpJG #performance- Write Once, Deploy N: A Performance Oriented MDA Case Study (PVG, DJ, TG), pp. 123–134.
ICEIS-v1-2004-ChertourasC #approach #enterprise #process #re-engineering- ERP Based Business Process Reengineering in a Human Resources Department: A Case Study Approach (KC, TC), pp. 78–83.
ICEIS-v2-2004-CuellarNJP #algorithm #comparative #network #predict- A Comparative Study of Evolutionary Algorithms for Training Elman Recurrent Neural Networks to Predict Autonomous Indebtedness (MPC, AN, MdCPJ, RPP), pp. 461–464.
ICEIS-v2-2004-MataRR #data mining #development #mining- Applying Data Mining to Software Development Projects: A Case Study (JMV, JLÁM, JCRS, IR), pp. 54–60.
ICEIS-v3-2004-Baranauskas #development #embedded- Organisational Semiotics Embedded in a System Development Cycle: A Case Study in a Business Organisation (CACS, MCCB), pp. 519–522.
ICEIS-v3-2004-HaratyOE #algorithm #comparative #encryption- A Comparative Study of Elgamal Based Cryptographic Algorithms (RAH, HO, ANEK), pp. 79–84.
ICEIS-v3-2004-HarzallahB #modelling- Competence Modeling and Management: A Case Study (MH, GB), pp. 350–358.
ICEIS-v3-2004-KilpelainenT - The Degree of Digitalization of the Information Over-Flow: A Case Study (TK, PT), pp. 367–374.
ICEIS-v3-2004-KrishnaVG #framework- A Case Study of Combining I* Framework and the Z Notation (AK, SAV, AKG), pp. 192–200.
ICEIS-v3-2004-Noran #comparative #modelling #uml- UML vs. IDEF: An Ontology-Oriented Comparative Study in View of Business Modelling (ON), pp. 674–682.
ICEIS-v3-2004-Ovaska #e-commerce #evolution- Measuring Requirement Evolution — A Case Study in the E-Commerce Domain (PO), pp. 669–673.
ICEIS-v3-2004-PerkinsC #authentication #collaboration #design #industrial #process #social- E-Systems Design Through the Study of Authentic Work Practice — Social Activity Theory and the Case of University — Industry Collaboration (JP, SC), pp. 317–324.
ICEIS-v3-2004-PoulsonHNG - Reversing the Trend of Commoditization: A Case Study of the Strategic Planning and Management of a Call Center (BP, JCH, SN, RDG), pp. 396–402.
ICEIS-v3-2004-RenBRXYL #prototype #refactoring- A Prototype Tool for Use Case Refactoring (SR, GB, KR, JX, WY, RL), pp. 173–178.
ICEIS-v4-2004-CaoSUV #game studies- A Study of User Attitude Dynamics in a Computer Game (YC, GS, YU, JV), pp. 222–229.
ICEIS-v4-2004-CotaCCS #communication #education- The Impact of the Information Technologies and Communication in the Educational System — Case Study of North of Portugal and South of Galicia (MPC, LVC, JPMDC, AIDS), pp. 197–201.
ICEIS-v4-2004-MahmoodF #evaluation- Can Avatars Replace the Trainer? A Case Study Evaluation (AKM, EF), pp. 208–213.
ICEIS-v5-2004-SooC #3d #assembly #interactive- Interactive 3D Product Assembler for the WWW — A Case Study of a 3D Furniture Store (SMKS, SCfC), pp. 126–133.
ECIR-2004-JohoSB #concept #interactive #query- A Study of User Interaction with a Concept-Based Interactive Query Expansion Support Tool (HJ, MS, MB), pp. 42–56.
ECIR-2004-KazaiML #assessment- A Study of the Assessment of Relevance for the INEX’02 Test Collection (GK, SM, ML), pp. 296–310.
ICML-2004-BahamondeBDQLCAG #learning #set- Feature subset selection for learning preferences: a case study (AB, GFB, JD, JRQ, OL, JJdC, JA, FG).
ICML-2004-CastilloW #comparative #learning #multi- A comparative study on methods for reducing myopia of hill-climbing search in multirelational learning (LPC, SW).
ICPR-v2-2004-ToyozumiYMKMST #recognition #segmentation #using- A Study of Symbol Segmentation Method for Handwritten Mathematical Formula Recognition using Mathematical Structure Information (KT, NY, KM, TK, KM, YS, TT), pp. 630–633.
ICPR-v3-2004-AdeodatoVASCM #comparative #network #scalability #set- Neural Networks vs Logistic Regression: a Comparative Study on a Large Data Set (PJLA, GCV, ALA, RAFS, RCLVC, DSMPM), pp. 355–358.
KDD-2004-AbajoDLC #data mining #delivery #industrial #mining #modelling #quality- ANN quality diagnostic models for packaging manufacturing: an industrial data mining case study (NdA, ABD, VL, SRC), pp. 799–804.
KR-2004-GrootTH #analysis #approximate #classification #problem #towards- Towards a Structured Analysis of Approximate Problem Solving: A Case Study in Classification (PG, AtT, FvH), pp. 399–406.
KR-2004-Rintanen - Phase Transitions in Classical Planning: An Experimental Study (JR), pp. 710–719.
LSO-2004-FolkestadPT #development #process- Effects of Software Process in Organization Development — A Case Study (HF, EP, BT), pp. 153–164.
LSO-2004-RasW #experience- Embedding Experiences in Micro-didactical Arrangements (ER, SW), pp. 55–66.
SEKE-2004-GaoDYHBC #design #security- Applying Aspect-Orientation in Designing Security Systems: A Case Study (SG, YD, HY, XH, KB, KMLC), pp. 360–365.
SEKE-2004-JarzabekSZZ #analysis #metaprogramming- Analysis of meta-programs: a case study (SJ, RS, HZ, ZS), pp. 68–73.
SEKE-2004-KhoshgoftaarJ #classification #quality- Noise Elimination with Ensemble-Classifier Filtering: A Case-Study in Software Quality Engineerin (TMK, VHJ), pp. 226–231.
SEKE-2004-LeeR #re-engineering #research #validation- Case Study Methodology Designed Research in Software Engineering Methodology Validation (SWL, DCR), pp. 117–122.
SEKE-2004-SubramaniamLFE #development #generative #named- UCDA: Use Case Driven Development Assistant Tool for Class Model Generation (KS, DL, BHF, AE), pp. 324–329.
SIGIR-2004-JinS #collaboration #normalisation- A study of methods for normalizing user ratings in collaborative filtering (RJ, LS), pp. 568–569.
SIGIR-2004-WhiteJ #metric #similarity #topic- A study of topic similarity measures (RWW, JMJ), pp. 520–521.
SPLC-2004-DeelstraSB #experience #problem #product line- Experiences in Software Product Families: Problems and Issues During Product Derivation (SD, MS, JB), pp. 165–182.
SPLC-2004-FantechiGLN #product line #verification- A Methodology for the Derivation and Verification of Use Cases for Product Lines (AF, SG, GL, EN), pp. 255–265.
SPLC-2004-StegerTBMPSF #experience- Introducing PLA at Bosch Gasoline Systems: Experiences and Practices (MS, CT, BB, AM, OP, WS, SF), pp. 34–50.
UML-2004-BauerdickGG #detection #experience #ocl #uml- Detecting OCL Traps in the UML 2.0 Superstructure: An Experience Report (HB, MG, FG), pp. 188–196.
UML-2004-DuranBGP #empirical #evolution #metamodelling- Empirically Driven Use Case Metamodel Evolution (AD, BB, MG, MP), pp. 1–11.
UML-2004-MullerBS #architecture #experience #modelling- Model-Driven Architecture for Automatic-Control: An Experience Report (PAM, DB, PS), pp. 260–274.
ECOOP-2004-SillitoDEV - Use Case Level Pointcuts (JS, CD, ADE, KDV), pp. 244–266.
PADL-2004-ChenZX #dependent type #haskell #implementation #simulation- Implementing Cut Elimination: A Case Study of Simulating Dependent Types in Haskell (CC, DZ, HX), pp. 239–254.
RE-2004-HeumesserH #experience #process #requirements- Experiences in Managing an Automotive Requirements Engineering Process (NH, FH), pp. 322–327.
RE-2004-KaiyaOK #diagrams #identification- Identifying Stakeholders and Their Preferences about NFR by Comparing Use Case Diagrams of Several Existing Systems (HK, AO, KK), pp. 112–121.
RE-2004-OmasreiterM #process #specification- A Context-Driven Use Case Creation Process for Specifying Automotive Driver Assistance Systems (HO, EM), pp. 334–339.
RE-2004-Some #requirements- An Environment for Use Cases based Requirements Engineering (SSS), pp. 364–365.
RE-2004-VinsenJC #estimation- Use Case Estimation — The Devil is in the Detail (KV, DJ, GC), pp. 10–15.
ASE-2004-Andrews #data type #random #testing- Case Study of Coverage-Checked Random Data Structure Testing (JHA), pp. 316–319.
ASE-2004-BousquetLMOL #validation- Case Study in JML-Based Software Validation (LdB, YL, OM, CO, JLL), pp. 294–297.
ASE-2004-CaiGH #automation #experience #generative #open source #performance #scalability- Experiences Integrating and Scaling a Performance Test Bed Generator with an Open Source CASE Tool (YC, JCG, JGH), pp. 36–45.
ASE-2004-ChoiH #approach #model checking- Combination Model Checking: Approach and a Case Study (YC, MPEH), pp. 354–357.
ASE-2004-PerssonY #automation #experience #industrial #testing- Establishment of Automated Regression Testing at ABB: Industrial Experience Report on “Avoiding the Pitfalls” (CP, NY), pp. 112–121.
ASE-2004-YuLB #modelling #refactoring- Refactoring Use Case Models on Episodes (WY, JL, GB), pp. 328–331.
ICSE-2004-GortonH #architecture #experience #nondeterminism- Architecting in the Face of Uncertainty: An Experience Report (IG, JH), pp. 543–551.
ICSE-2004-HaRCRD #composition #experience #induction #proving #realtime- Feature-Based Decomposition of Inductive Proofs Applied to Real-Time Avionics Software: An Experience Report (VH, MR, DDC, HR, BD), pp. 304–313.
ICSE-2004-HasselbringRJSTK #design pattern #experience #information management #migration- The Dublo Architecture Pattern for Smooth Migration of Business Information Systems: An Experience Report (WH, RR, HJ, JS, TT, SK), pp. 117–126.
ICSE-2004-ManhartS #agile #development #embedded #experience #industrial- Breaking the Ice for Agile Development of Embedded Software: An Industry Experience Report (PM, KS), pp. 378–386.
ICSE-2004-PerrySE - Case Studies for Software Engineers (DEP, SES, SME), pp. 736–738.
ICSE-2004-TurnerZKRBBBKLR #experience #using #web #web service- Using Web Service Technologies to Create an Information Broker: An Experience Report (MT, FZ, IAK, MR, DB, KHB, PB, JAK, PJL, MR), pp. 552–561.
SAC-2004-DerntlM #concept #evaluation #experience #learning- Patterns for blended, Person-Centered learning: strategy, concepts, experiences, and evaluation (MD, RMP), pp. 916–923.
SAC-2004-EgidiP #certification #email- Anonymity and certification: e-mail, a case study (LE, GP), pp. 397–403.
SAC-2004-FujinamiYN #cyber-physical #exclamation #physics #quote- “Take me with you!”: a case study of context-aware application integrating cyber and physical spaces (KF, TY, TN), pp. 1607–1614.
SAC-2004-MitsosAK - A study for provisioning of QoS web-based services to the end-user (YM, FA, DK), pp. 318–321.
SAC-2004-PapapetrouP #aspect-oriented #component #programming- Aspect Oriented Programming for a component-based real life application: a case study (OP, GAP), pp. 1554–1558.
SAC-2004-SchaadM #overview #process- Separation, review and supervision controls in the context of a credit application process: a case study of organisational control principles (AS, JDM), pp. 1380–1384.
SAC-2004-WilsonSL #usability- A study into the usability of e-encyclopaedias (RW, JS, ML), pp. 1688–1692.
SAC-2004-ZhangCC #architecture #migration #web #web service- Migration to web services oriented architecture: a case study (JZ, JYC, CKC), pp. 1624–1628.
SAC-PL-J-2004-FagorziZ #encoding #multi- A Case-Study in Encoding Configuration Languages: Multiple Class Loaders (SF, EZ), pp. 31–54.
GPCE-2004-KovseG #named #product line #version control- VS-Gen: A Case Study of a Product Line for Versioning Systems (JK, CG), pp. 396–415.
LDTA-2004-JohnstoneSE #algorithm #glr #parsing- The Grammar Tool Box: A Case Study Comparing GLR Parsing Algorithms (AJ, ES, GRE), pp. 97–113.
DAC-2004-YoussefYSPJ #debugging #design #interface #video- Debugging HW/SW interface for MPSoC: video encoder system design case study (MWY, SY, AS, YP, AAJ), pp. 908–913.
DATE-DF-2004-BlancGG #architecture #experience #validation- Experiences during the Experimental Validation of the Time-Triggered Architecture (SB, JG, PJG), pp. 256–261.
DATE-DF-2004-LettninBBGR #design #embedded #network #synthesis- Synthesis of Embedded SystemC Design: A Case Study of Digital Neural Networks (DL, AGB, MB, JG, WR), pp. 248–255.
DATE-v1-2004-JangKLCLS #architecture #modelling #network- High-Level System Modeling and Architecture Exploration with SystemC on a Network SoC: S3C2510 Case Study (HOJ, MK, MjL, KC, KL, KS), pp. 538–543.
DATE-v2-2004-MeiVVL #architecture #configuration management #design #matrix- Design Methodology for a Tightly Coupled VLIW/Reconfigurable Matrix Architecture: A Case Study (BM, SV, DV, RL), pp. 1224–1229.
DATE-v2-2004-XuWHCL #design #embedded #video- A Case Study in Networks-on-Chip Design for Embedded Video (JX, WW, JH, STC, TL), pp. 770–777.
HPCA-2004-JosephHM #analysis #design #experience- Wavelet Analysis for Microprocessor Design: Experiences with Wavelet-Based dI/dt Characterization (RJ, ZH, MM), pp. 36–47.
HPDC-2004-PearlmanKGSFRFHS #distributed #experience #grid #hybrid- Distributed Hybrid Earthquake Engineering Experiments: Experiences with a Ground-Shaking Grid Application (LP, CK, SG, BFSJ, JF, KR, ITF, PH, CS), pp. 14–23.
PDP-2004-HuedoML #adaptation #experience #grid #parametricity #scheduling- Experiences on Adaptive Grid Scheduling of Parameter Sweep Applications (EH, RSM, IML), pp. 28–33.
FASE-2004-ChoppyR #requirements #specification #using- Improving Use Case Based Requirements Using Formally Grounded Specifications (CC, GR), pp. 244–260.
FASE-2004-HuismanGSC #interactive- Checking Absence of Illicit Applet Interactions: A Case Study (MH, DG, CS, GC), pp. 84–98.
ECDL-2003-IsmailYTGL #education #library #metadata #towards- Towards a Role-Based Metadata Scheme for Educational Digital Libraries: A Case Study in Singapore (DMMI, MY, YLT, DHLG, EPL), pp. 41–51.
ECDL-2003-WeinheimerC #framework- A Framework for Unified AuthorityFiles: A Case Study of Corporate Body Names in the FAO Catalogue (JW, KC), pp. 374–386.
ECDL-2003-YorkWC #challenge #library #query- Structure-Aware Query for Digital Libraries: Use Cases and Challenges for the Humanities (CY, CEW, GRC), pp. 188–193.
HT-2003-MacedoTCP #automation #experience #recommendation #web- Automatically sharing web experiences through a hyperdocument recommender system (AAM, KNT, JACG, MdGCP), pp. 48–56.
HT-2003-Obendorf #comparative- Simplifying annotation support for real-world-settings: a comparative study of active reading (HO), pp. 120–121.
ICDAR-2003-IshideraN #generative #image #recognition #top-down #word- A Study on Top-down Word Image Generation for Handwritten Word Recognition (EI, DN), pp. 1173–1177.
JCDL-2003-MuMP #architecture #education #interactive #user interface- The Interactive Shared Educational Environment: User Interface, System Architecture and Field Study (XM, GM, AP), p. 291–?.
CSEET-2003-HornK #re-engineering- A Study Program for Professional Software Engineering (EH, MK), pp. 298–308.
CSEET-2003-WildeWKEK #evolution #experience- Some Experiences with Evolution and Process-Focused Projects (NW, LJW, LBK, DDE, EAK), pp. 242–250.
ITiCSE-2003-GeorgiopoulosCWDGGKM #experience #machine learning- CRCD in machine learning at the University of Central Florida preliminary experiences (MG, JC, ASW, RFD, EG, AJG, MKK, MM), p. 249.
ITiCSE-2003-KoldehofePT #distributed #using #visualisation- Integrating a simulation-visualisation environment in a basic distributed systems course: a case study using LYDIAN (BK, MP, PT), pp. 35–39.
ITiCSE-2003-MurrayHKMWST #education #experience #ide #java #what- Experiences with IDEs and Java teaching: what works and what doesn’t (KAM, JMH, MK, TM, PJW, NCS, JAT), pp. 215–216.
ITiCSE-2003-NevisonW #design pattern #education #java #using- Teaching objects early and design patterns in Java using case studies (CN, BW), pp. 94–98.
CSMR-2003-JiangS #difference #tool support- Exploring Differences in Exchange Formats — Tool Support and Case Studies (JJ, TS), pp. 389–398.
ICSM-2003-LandC #analysis #architecture #integration- Software Systems Integration and Architectural Analysis — A Case Study (RL, IC), pp. 338–347.
ICSM-2003-Mall #optimisation- A Case Study in Optimization (DNM), pp. 214–223.
ICSM-2003-SneedB #maintenance- Critical Success Factors in Software Maintenance — A Case Study (HMS, PB), pp. 190–198.
IWPC-2003-DeursenFKR #comprehension #education #evolution #experience- Experiences in Teaching Software Evolution and Program Comprehension (AvD, JMF, RK, JR), pp. 283–284.
SCAM-2003-Ward #semantics #slicing- Slicing the SCAM Mug: A Case Study in Semantic Slicing (MPW), pp. 88–97.
ICALP-2003-AlbersS #documentation- A Study of Integrated Document and Connection Caching (SA, RvS), pp. 653–667.
FME-2003-BouquetL #execution #generative #java #testing #transaction- Reification of Executable Test Scripts in Formal Specicifation-Based Test Generation: The Java Card Transaction Mechanism Case Study (FB, BL), pp. 778–795.
FME-2003-BozzanoCCVV #assessment #industrial #safety- Improving Safety Assessment of Complex Systems: An Industrial Case Study (MB, AC, MC, LV, AV), pp. 208–222.
SEFM-2003-JinLE #analysis #component #design- Component-Based Design and Analysis: A Case Study (YJ, CL, RE), p. 126–?.
DiGRA-2003-Ericsson #experience #platform- Enchanting reality: a vision of big experiences on small platforms (ME).
DiGRA-2003-Kerr #game studies #women- Women just want to have fun - a study of adult female players of digital games (AK).
DiGRA-2003-KolkoT #game studies- Games as Technological Entry Point: A Case Study of Uzbekistan (BEK, AT).
CHI-2003-FlinthamBAHCGTAR #artificial reality #experience #game studies #mobile #online- Where on-line meets on the streets: experiences with mobile mixed reality games (MF, SB, RA, TH, AC, CG, NT, MA, JRF), pp. 569–576.
CHI-2003-GoodK #privacy #usability- Usability and privacy: a study of Kazaa P2P file-sharing (NG, AK), pp. 137–144.
CHI-2003-LuchiniQS #concept #design- Pocket PiCoMap: a case study in designing and assessing a handheld concept mapping tool for learners (KL, CQ, ES), pp. 321–328.
SOFTVIS-2003-LinternMSW #eclipse #experience #visualisation- Plugging-in Visualization: Experiences Integrating a Visualization Tool with Eclipse (RL, JM, MADS, XW), pp. 47–56.
VISSOFT-2003-LinternSWM #eclipse #experience #visualisation- Plugging-in Visualization: Experiences Integrating a Visualization Tool with Eclipse (RL, MAS, XW, JM), pp. 64–65.
CAiSE-2003-DonzelliB #requirements- Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering: A Case Study in E-government (PD, PB), pp. 601–616.
CAiSE-2003-Weiss #approach #design- Pattern-Driven Design of Agent Systems: Approach and Case Study (MW), pp. 711–723.
ICEIS-v1-2003-NeelameghanV #information management #knowledge-based- Hospital Case Records Information System: Case Study of a Knowledge-Based Product (AN, MCV), pp. 541–544.
ICEIS-v1-2003-ZhangLZC #approach #enterprise #implementation #metric- ERP Systems Implementation Determinants and Success Measures in China: A Case Study Approach (LZ, MKOL, ZZ, CMKC), pp. 136–143.
ICEIS-v3-2003-RuiRB #modelling #refactoring- Refactoring Use Case Models: A Case Study (KR, SR, GB), pp. 239–244.
ICEIS-v3-2003-ShishkovD #process- Deriving Use Cases From Business Processes, the Advantages of Demo (BS, JLGD), pp. 138–146.
ICEIS-v3-2003-TianZC #enterprise- Study on Chinese Enterprise E-Readiness Index and Application (YT, YZ, JC), pp. 468–473.
ICEIS-v4-2003-Oriogun #analysis #online #re-engineering #reliability #using- Content Analysis of Online Interrater Reliability Using the Transcript Reliability Cleaning Percentage (Trcp): A Software Engineering Case Study (PKO), pp. 296–307.
ICEIS-v4-2003-TyrvainenJS #learning #on the- On Estimating the Amount of Learning Materials a Case Study (PT, MJ, AS), pp. 127–135.
CIKM-2003-HeO #normalisation #parametricity- A study of parameter tuning for term frequency normalization (BH, IO), pp. 10–16.
ECIR-2003-DominichGS #query #web- A Study of the Usefulness of Institutions’ Acronyms as Web Queries (SD, JG, AS), pp. 580–587.
ECIR-2003-Moschitti #classification #parametricity- A Study on Optimal Parameter Tuning for Rocchio Text Classifier (AM), pp. 420–435.
KDD-2003-ShimazuMF - Experimental study of discovering essential information from customer inquiry (KS, AM, KF), pp. 741–746.
SEKE-2003-CanforaCPT #approach #implementation- A Tool for Decision Support Implementing OFNWA Approach: A Case Study (GC, LC, RP, LT), pp. 714–720.
SEKE-2003-DongSWLL #alloy #ontology #web- Analysing Web Ontology in Alloy: A Military Case Study (JSD, JS, HHW, CHL, HBL), pp. 542–546.
SEKE-2003-FresaAF #development #maintenance #process- Corrective Maintenance Process: a Case Study from a Telecom Software Development and Maintenance Organization (AF, MCA, FF), pp. 39–45.
SIGIR-2003-LiOL #classification #comparative #music- A comparative study on content-based music genre classification (TL, MO, QL), pp. 282–289.
UML-2003-AlghathbarW #consistency #data access #policy- Consistent and Complete Access Control Policies in Use Cases (KA, DW), pp. 373–387.
UML-2003-YangX #architecture #encoding #experience #uml- Encoding Informal Architectural Descriptions with UML: An Experience Report (YY, JX), pp. 138–142.
OOPSLA-2003-GarciaJLSW #comparative #programming- A comparative study of language support for generic programming (RG, JJ, AL, JGS, JW), pp. 115–134.
AdaEurope-2003-Mikkonen #experience #specification #tool support #using- Experiences on Developing and Using a Tool Support for Formal Specification (TM), pp. 297–308.
AdaEurope-2003-OrtizAPS #architecture #evaluation #performance #realtime #uml #using- A Case Study in Performance Evaluation of Real-Time Teleoperation Software Architectures Using UML-MAST (FJO, BÁ, JAP, PS), pp. 417–428.
LOPSTR-2003-Ruiz-ReinaJHM #data type #performance #reasoning- Formal Reasoning about Efficient Data Structures: A Case Study in ACL2 (JLRR, JAAJ, MJH, FJMM), pp. 75–91.
SIGAda-2003-Rosen #database #experience #web- Experiences in developing a typical web/database application (JPR), pp. 38–48.
RE-2003-AlspaughA #analysis- Contrasting Use Case, Goal, and Scenario Analysis of the Euronet System (TAA, AIA), pp. 355–356.
RE-2003-MaidenJF #requirements #specification- Integrating RE Methods to Support Use Case Based Requirements Specification (NAMM, SJ, MF), pp. 369–370.
RE-2003-MavinM #experience #generative #requirements- Determining Socio-Technical Systems Requirements: Experiences with Generating and Walking through Scenarios (AM, NAMM), pp. 213–222.
RE-2003-RichardsFA #approach #multi #visualisation- An Approach to Visualise and Reconcile Use Case Descriptions from Multiple Viewpoints (DR, ABF, OA), pp. 373–374.
ESEC-FSE-2003-BertolinoG #product line #testing- Use case-based testing of product lines (AB, SG), pp. 355–358.
ICSE-2003-Berner #development #experience- About the Development of a Point of Sale System: an Experience Report (SB), pp. 528–533.
ICSE-2003-Fairbanks #architecture #developer #experience #modelling #why- Why Can’t They Create Architecture Models Like “Developer X”? An Experience Report (GF), pp. 548–552.
ICSE-2003-GantnerB #adaptation #experience #overview #process- Experiences on Defining and Evaluating an Adapted Review Process (TG, TB), pp. 506–511.
ICSE-2003-SindreLV #experience #programming- Positive Experiences with an Open Project Assignment in an Introductory Programming Course (GS, SL, OVV), pp. 608–613.
ICSE-2003-SmeikalG #distributed #fault tolerance- Fault-tolerance in a Distributed Management System: a Case Study (RS, KMG), pp. 478–483.
ICSE-2003-WhittleSK - From Scenarios to Code: An Air Traffic Control Case Study (JW, JS, RK), pp. 490–497.
SAC-2003-ScerriMST #algorithm #constraints #distributed #hardware #multi- Are Multiagent Algorithms Relevant for Real Hardware? A Case Study of Distributed Constraint Algorithms (PS, PJM, WMS, MT), pp. 38–44.
DAC-2003-LuWCMH #correlation #industrial- A signal correlation guided ATPG solver and its applications for solving difficult industrial cases (FL, LCW, KTC, JM, ZH), pp. 436–441.
DAC-2003-WongMP #design- Design techniques for sensor appliances: foundations and light compass case study (JLW, SM, MP), pp. 66–71.
DATE-2003-AndritsopoulosCDKMPTPR #verification- Verification of a Complex SoC: The PRO3 Case-Study (FA, CC, GD, FK, YM, FP, IT, SP, DIR), pp. 20224–20231.
DATE-2003-BaganneBEGM #design #integration #multi- A Multi-Level Design Flow for Incorporating IP Cores: Case Study of 1D Wavelet IP Integration (AB, IB, ME, RG, EM), pp. 20250–20255.
DATE-2003-BesanaB #automation #code generation #design #framework #hardware #platform- Application Mapping to a Hardware Platform through Automated Code Generation Targeting a RTOS: A Design Case Study (MB, MB), pp. 20041–20044.
DATE-2003-CheungHP #agile- Rapid Configuration and Instruction Selection for an ASIP: A Case Study (NC, JH, SP), pp. 10802–10809.
DATE-2003-GriesKSK #modelling #network #simulation- Comparing Analytical Modeling with Simulation for Network Processors: A Case Study (MG, CK, CS, KK), pp. 20256–20261.
DATE-2003-JanDE #development #embedded #encryption #migration #network- Porting a Network Cryptographic Service to the RMC2000: A Case Study in Embedded Software Development (SJ, PdD, SAE), pp. 20150–20157.
DATE-2003-MangerucaFSPP #design #detection #embedded- System Level Design of Embedded Controllers: Knock Detection, A Case Study in the Automotive Domain (LM, AF, ALSV, AP, MP), pp. 20232–20237.
DATE-2003-SayintaCPAD #abstraction #using #verification- A Mixed Abstraction Level Co-Simulation Case Study Using SystemC for System on Chip Verification (AS, GC, MP, AA, WD), pp. 20095–20100.
PDP-2003-HeLJ #approach #queue- A Case Study of a System Level Approach to Exploration of Queuing Management Schemes for Input Queue Packet Switches (CH, ML, MFJ), pp. 401–408.
PDP-2003-MameiRZ #automaton #behaviour #distributed- Dissipative Cellular Automata As Minimalist Distributed Systems: A Study On Emergent Behaviors (MM, AR, FZ), pp. 250–257.
PDP-2003-VeselovskyB #permutation- A Study of the Permutation Capability of a Binary Hypercube under Deterministic Dimension-order Routing (GV, DAB), p. 173–?.
TACAS-2003-Lee #experience #what- What Are We Trying to Prove? Reflections on Experiences with Proof-Carrying Code (PL0), p. 1.
FATES-2003-BadriBN #approach #collaboration #diagrams #formal method #process #testing #towards #uml- A Use Case Driven Testing Process: Towards a Formal Approach Based on UML Collaboration Diagrams (MB, LB, MN), pp. 223–235.
FATES-2003-HeimdahlRVDG #model checking #sequence #testing #using- Auto-generating Test Sequences Using Model Checkers: A Case Study (MPEH, SR, WV, GD, JG), pp. 42–59.
ICLP-2003-ZhaoL #programming #set #source code- Answer Set Programming Phase Transition: A Study on Randomly Generated Programs (YZ, FL), pp. 239–253.
SAT-2003-SemerjianM #physics #problem #random #satisfiability- A Study of Pure Random Walk on Random Satisfiability Problems with “Physical” Methods (GS, RM), pp. 120–134.
SAT-2003-ZhangM #algorithm #implementation #performance #satisfiability- Cache Performance of SAT Solvers: a Case Study for Efficient Implementation of Algorithms (LZ, SM), pp. 287–298.
TestCom-2003-AcharyaS #stack #testing- Testing of 3G 1xEV-DV Stack — A Case Study (IA, HKS), pp. 20–32.
ECDL-2002-KwakJGH #evaluation #library- A Study on the Evaluation Model for University Libraries in Digital Environments (BHK, WJ, LG, SkH), pp. 204–217.
JCDL-2002-AllenBCC #collaboration #experience #library #what- You mean I have to do what with whom: statewide museum/library DIGI collaborative digitization projects — the experiences of California, Colorado & North Carolina (NA, LB, RLC, KC), p. 359.
JCDL-2002-ChauCQZQSM #comparison- Comparison of two approaches to building a vertical search tool: a case study in the nanotechnology domain (MC, HC, JQ, YZ, YQ, WKS, DM), pp. 135–144.
JCDL-2002-MarshallR #named- Reading-in-the-small: a study of reading on small form factor devices (CCM, CR), pp. 56–64.
VLDB-2002-KiesslingK #design #experience #implementation #sql- Preference SQL — Design, Implementation, Experiences (WK, GK), pp. 990–1001.
VLDB-2002-ZellerK #database #experience #optimisation #scalability- Experience Report: Exploiting Advanced Database Optimization Features for Large-Scale SAP R/3 Installations (BZ, AK), pp. 894–905.
CSEET-2002-FullerCD #approach #education #risk management- A New Approach to Teaching Software Risk Management with Case Studies (AF, PRC, LD), p. 215–?.
CSEET-2002-KroneJS #education #industrial- When Theory Meets Practice: Enriching the CS Curriculum through Industrial Case Studies (JK, DWJ, MS), pp. 207–214.
ITiCSE-2002-Laxer #experience #student- Evaluating student team project experiences (CL), p. 198.
ITiCSE-2002-MalmiKS #assessment #automation #design #experience- Experiences in automatic assessment on mass courses and issues for designing virtual courses (LM, AK, RS), pp. 55–59.
CSMR-2002-AkkanenKN #component #editing #evolution #experience #network- Evolution of a Software Component — Experiences with a Network Editor Component (JA, AK, JKN), pp. 119–125.
CSMR-2002-AlbaneseBGT #migration #tool support- A Toolkit for Applying a Migration Strategy: A Case Study (CA, TB, EG, MT), pp. 154–163.
CSMR-2002-AversanoCLG #documentation #tool support #using #web #workflow #xml- Integrating Document and Workflow Management Tools using XML and Web Technologies: A Case Study (LA, GC, ADL, PG), p. 24–?.
CSMR-2002-MartinM #c #experience #java #migration- C to Java Migration Experiences (JM, HAM), pp. 143–153.
CSMR-2002-YuSM #industrial #metric #object-oriented #predict #using- Predicting Fault-Proneness using OO Metrics: An Industrial Case Study (PY, TS, HAM), pp. 99–107.
ICSM-2002-Harrison #adaptation #maintenance #using #web #web service- Using Service Specific Proxies to Migrate Web Services to the “Wireless Web”: An Illustrative Case Study of Adaptive Maintenance (WH), pp. 300–309.
ICSM-2002-RajlichG #incremental- A Case Study of Unanticipated Incremental Change (VR, PG), pp. 442–451.
ICSM-2002-SatpathySR #maintenance #object-oriented #re-engineering- Maintenance of Object Oriented Systems through Re-Engineering: A Case Study (MS, NTS, DR), pp. 540–549.
ICSM-2002-Wu #re-engineering- Case Study on Software Engineering Practices with Parnas Tables (ZLW), p. 572.
IWPC-2002-AversanoCLS #comprehension #evolution #reuse- Evolving Ispell: A Case Study of Program Understanding for Reuse (LA, GC, ADL, SS), pp. 197–206.
IWPC-2002-El-RamlySS #interactive #mining #modelling- Mining System-User Interaction Traces for Use Case Models (MER, ES, PGS), pp. 21–29.
IWPC-2002-IvkovicG #architecture- Architecture Recovery of Dynamically Linked Applications: A Case Study (II, MWG), pp. 178–184.
IWPC-2002-KnightM #comprehension #experience- Program Comprehension Experiences with GXL; Comprehension for Comprehension (CK, MM), pp. 147–156.
WCRE-2002-KollmanSSSZ #reverse engineering #state of the art #uml- A Study on the Current State of the Art in Tool-Supported UML-Based Static Reverse Engineering (RK, PS, ES, TS, AZ), p. 22–?.
FME-2002-ArtsED #erlang #verification- Verifying Erlang Code: A Resource Locker Case-Study (TA, CBE, JD), pp. 184–203.
FME-2002-Burguillo-RialIGN #heuristic #specification #testing- Heuristic-Driven Test Case Selection from Formal Specifications. A Case Study (JCBR, MJFI, FJGC, MLN), pp. 57–76.
ICFP-2002-HansenC #garbage collection- An experimental study of renewal-older-first garbage collection (LTH, WDC), pp. 247–258.
CGDC-2002-Kucklich #game studies #higher-order- The Study of Computer Games as a Second-Order Cybernetic System (JK).
CGDC-2002-MadsenJ #game studies- Gameplay Rhetoric: A Study of the Construction of Satirical and Associational Meaning in Short Computer Games for the WWW (HM, TDJ).
CHI-2002-QuintanaKS #guidelines- A Case Study to Distill Structural Scaffolding Guidelines for Scaffolded Software Environments (CQ, JK, ES), pp. 81–88.
CHI-2002-SuhmBMFGGP #comparative #natural language #speech- A comparative study of speech in the call center: natural language call routing vs. touch-tone menus (BS, JB, DM, BF, DG, KG, PP), pp. 283–290.
CHI-2002-TaylorH #mobile- Age-old practices in the “new world”: a study of gift-giving between teenage mobile phone users (AST, RHRH), pp. 439–446.
CSCW-2002-LuttersA #bound #safety- Achieving safety: a field study of boundary objects in aircraft technical support (WGL, MSA), pp. 266–275.
CSCW-2002-Painter #information management- The electronic claim file: a case study of impacts of information technology in knowledge work (BP), pp. 276–285.
CSCW-2002-PetterssonRH - Ambiguities, awareness and economy: a study of emergency service work (MP, DWR, BH), pp. 286–295.
CAiSE-2002-SugumaranT #approach #information management #lifecycle- Life Cycle Based Approach for Knowledge Management: A Knowledge Organization Case Study (VS, MT), pp. 766–769.
CAiSE-2002-SuI #comparative #ontology #tool support- A Comparative Study of Ontology Languages and Tools (XS, LI), pp. 761–765.
EDOC-2002-Anido-RifonSRC #experience- An MDA-Based Model for Vertical Application Task Forces: An Experience Report (LEAR, JMS, JSR, MC), p. 167–?.
ICEIS-2002-FloresG #algorithm #estimation #fuzzy #learning #problem- Applicability of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms to the Fuzzy Rule Learning Problem: A Preliminary Study (MJF, JAG), pp. 350–357.
ECIR-2002-BoughanemT #documentation #optimisation #query #retrieval #search-based #using- A Study on Using Genetic Niching for Query Optimisation in Document Retrieval (MB, LT), pp. 135–149.
ICML-2002-GambergerL #induction- Descriptive Induction through Subgroup Discovery: A Case Study in a Medical Domain (DG, NL), pp. 163–170.
ICPR-v1-2002-LaliberteGS #comparative #image- Registration and Fusion of Retinal Images: A Comparative Study (FL, LG, YS), pp. 715–718.
ICPR-v1-2002-SinghS #analysis #comparative- Spatial Texture Analysis: A Comparative Study (MS, SS), pp. 676–679.
ICPR-v2-2002-ShiWOK #comparative #image #learning- Comparative Study on Mirror Image Learning (MIL) and GLVQ (MS, TW, WO, FK), p. 248–?.
ICPR-v3-2002-Cuesta-FrauPAN #clustering #comparative #feature model- Feature Extraction Methods Applied to the Clustering of Electrocardiographic Signals. A Comparative Study (DCF, JCPC, GAG, DN), pp. 961–964.
ICPR-v3-2002-GeH #comparative #modelling #recognition #scalability- A Comparative Study of Several Modeling Approaches for Large Vocabulary Offline Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Characters (YG, QH), pp. 85–88.
ICPR-v3-2002-HallouliLS #comparative #data fusion #markov #recognition- A Comparative Study between Decision Fusion and Data Fusion in Markovian Printed Character Recognition (KH, LLS, MS), pp. 147–150.
ICPR-v3-2002-PankantiRB #fault #verification- Structure in Errors: A Case Study in Fingerprint Verification (SP, NKR, RMB), pp. 440–447.
ICPR-v4-2002-FengWP #agile #analysis #comparative #modelling- A Comparative Study of Two Velocity ProfIle Models for Rapid Stroke Analysis (CF, AW, RP), p. 52–?.
ICPR-v4-2002-TamSS #categorisation #comparative #documentation #effectiveness #statistics- A Comparative Study of Centroid-Based, Neighborhood-Based and Statistical Approaches for Effective Document Categorization (VT, AS, RS), pp. 235–238.
KDD-2002-Aggarwal02a #collaboration #crawling #experience #mining #resource management #topic #user interface- Collaborative crawling: mining user experiences for topical resource discovery (CCA), pp. 423–428.
LSO-2002-FeldmannP #experience #online #re-engineering #repository- An On-Line Software Engineering Repository for Germany?s SME ? An Experience Report (RLF, MP), pp. 34–43.
SEKE-2002-AndaS #modelling #towards- Towards an inspection technique for use case models (BA, DIKS), pp. 127–134.
SEKE-2002-DonzelliS #process #requirements- Handling the knowledge acquired during the requirements engineering process: a case study (PD, RS), pp. 673–679.
SEKE-2002-FresaNPS #architecture #assessment- Assessment of software architectures: a case study (AF, GN, EP, GS), pp. 699–706.
SIGIR-2002-SakaiR #comparative #information retrieval- Relative and absolute term selection criteria: a comparative study for English and Japanese IR (TS, SER), pp. 411–412.
SPLC-2002-JaringB #product line #representation #variability- Representing Variability in Software Product Lines: A Case Study (MJ, JB), pp. 15–36.
UML-2002-BruckerW #design #experience #higher-order #named #ocl- HOL-OCL: Experiences, Consequences and Design Choices (ADB, BW), pp. 196–211.
UML-2002-Dietzsch #adaptation #experience #modelling #uml- Adapting the UML to Business Modelling’s Needs — Experiences in Situational Method Engineering (AD), pp. 73–83.
UML-2002-GenovaLQ - Digging into Use Case Relationships (GG, JL, VQ), pp. 115–127.
UML-2002-MiguelJS #experience- Practical Experiences in the Application of MDA (MdM, JJ, SS), pp. 128–139.
ECOOP-2002-NeumannZ #design #implementation #interpreter #parsing #rdf #xml- Pattern-Based Design and Implementation of an XML and RDF Parser and Interpreter: A Case Study (GN, UZ), pp. 392–414.
TOOLS-USA-2002-HallstromS #development #framework #incremental #object-oriented #using- Incremental Development Using Object Oriented Frameworks: A Case Study (JOH, NS), pp. 189–205.
AdaEurope-2002-AlonsoLVP #object-oriented #using- Using Object Orientation in High Integrity Applications: A Case Study (AA, RL, TV, JAdlP), pp. 357–366.
AdaEurope-2002-Hoe #development #experience #re-engineering- Software Development Reengineering — An Experience Report (AH), pp. 100–112.
RE-2002-Alexander #analysis #experience #industrial #trade-off- Initial Industrial Experience of Misuse Cases in Trade-Off Analysis (IFA), pp. 61–70.
RE-2002-FantechiGLM #analysis- Application of Linguistic Techniques for Use Case Analysis (AF, SG, GL, AM), pp. 157–164.
RE-2002-FenkamGJ #requirements #validation #visual notation- Visual Requirements Validation: Case Study in a Corba-Supported Environment (PF, HCG, MJ), pp. 81–90.
RE-2002-SantanderC #modelling- Deriving Use Cases from Organizational Modeling (VFAS, JC), pp. 32–42.
RE-2002-WeberW #challenge #development #experience #requirements- Requirements Engineering in Automotive Development — Experiences and Challenges (MW, JW), pp. 331–340.
ASE-2002-FenkamGJ #automation #testing- Constructing Corba-Supported Oracles for Testing: A Case Study in Automated Software Testing (PF, HCG, MJ), pp. 129–138.
ASE-2002-RoachB #automation #deduction #experience #synthesis- Experience Report on Automated Procedure Construction for Deductive Synthesis (SR, JVB), p. 69–?.
ICSE-2002-ChandraGP #industrial #model checking- Software model checking in practice: an industrial case study (SC, PG, CP), pp. 431–441.
ICSE-2002-HausmannHT #approach #detection #functional #graph transformation #requirements #static analysis- Detection of conflicting functional requirements in a use case-driven approach: a static analysis technique based on graph transformation (JHH, RH, GT), pp. 105–115.
ICSE-2002-Maccari #architecture #evolution #experience #product line- Experiences in assessing product family software architecture for evolution (AM), pp. 585–592.
SAC-2002-BecksSM #comparative #documentation #information management- Benefits of document maps for text access in knowledge management: a comparative study (AB, CS, RM), pp. 621–626.
GPCE-2002-Butler #architecture #evolution #framework #refactoring- Architectural Refactoring in Framework Evolution: A Case Study (GB), pp. 128–139.
GPCE-2002-CzarneckiBUE #embedded #experience #generative #industrial #programming- Generative Programming for Embedded Software: An Industrial Experience Report (KC, TB, PU, UWE), pp. 156–172.
ASPLOS-2002-JuangOWMPR #design #energy #experience #trade-off- Energy-efficient computing for wildlife tracking: design tradeoffs and early experiences with ZebraNet (PJ, HO, YW, MM, LSP, DR), pp. 96–107.
ASPLOS-2002-MukherjeeSBELW #algorithm #comparative #pipes and filters- A comparative study of arbitration algorithms for the Alpha 21364 pipelined router (SSM, FS, PJB, JSE, SL, DW), pp. 223–234.
DATE-2002-PenaCSP #verification- A Case Study for the Verification of Complex Timed Circuits: IPCMOS (MAP, JC, ABS, EP), pp. 44–51.
DATE-2002-RizzoC #architecture #configuration management #video- A Video Compression Case Study on a Reconfigurable VLIW Architecture (DR, OC), pp. 540–546.
HPDC-2002-KurzyniecSM #component #distributed #framework #on the #performance- On the Viability of Component Frameworks for High Performance Distributed Computing: A Case Study (DK, VSS, MM), pp. 275–283.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-WahlenGNHLM #architecture #compilation- Application specific compiler/architecture codesign: a case study (OW, TG, AN, AH, RL, HM), pp. 185–193.
FASE-2002-LopezLG #approach #automation #generative #petri net #workflow- Automatic Generation of Use Cases from Workflows: A Petri Net Based Approach (OL, MAL, FJGP), pp. 279–293.
CADE-2002-Paulson #reasoning #theorem- The Reflection Theorem: A Study in Meta-theoretic Reasoning (LCP), pp. 377–391.
ISSTA-2002-MoorsVTZB #automation #experience #testing- Experiences in automating the testing of SS7 signalling transfer points (TM, MV, ZT, XZ, RB), pp. 154–158.
TestCom-2002-Szabo #development #experience- Experiences of TTCN-3 Test Executor Development (JZS), pp. 191–200.
CBSE-2001-MohagheghiC #certification #component #experience #reuse- Experiences with Certification of Reusable Components in the GSN Project in Ericsson, Norway (PM, RC), p. 7.
DocEng-2001-McKechnieSL #documentation #industrial #scalability #set- Computer assisted processing of large unstructured document sets: a case study in the construction industry (JM, SS, SL), pp. 11–17.
ECDL-2001-BorgmanLGG #design #evaluation #library #prototype #student- Iterative Design and Evaluation of a Geographic Digital Library for University Students: A Case Study of the Alexandria Digital Earth Prototype (ADEPT) (CLB, GHL, AJGS, RG), pp. 390–401.
ECDL-2001-Khoo #design #evaluation- Ethnography, Evaluation, and Design as Integrated Strategies: A Case Study from WES (MK), pp. 263–274.
HT-2001-Simpson #experience #web- Experiences with Web squirrel: my life on the information farm (RMS), pp. 127–128.
JCDL-2001-BlandfordSB #library #multi #using- Use of multiple digital libraries: a case study (AB, HS, NBK), pp. 179–188.
JCDL-2001-CraneSW #hypermedia #library- Building a hypertextual digital library in the humanities: a case study on London (GRC, DAS, CEW), pp. 426–434.
JCDL-2001-DavisD #collaboration #design- Collaborative design with use case scenarios (LD, MD), pp. 146–147.
VLDB-2001-DattaDTVRF #comparative #web- A Comparative Study of Alternative Middle Tier Caching Solutions to Support Dynamic Web Content Acceleration (AD, KD, HMT, DEV, KR, DF), pp. 667–670.
CSEET-2001-MaleticHM #experience #re-engineering- Incorporating PSP into a Traditional Software Engineering Course: An Experience Report (JIM, AH, AM), pp. 89–97.
CSEET-2001-Newman #education #re-engineering- Observations on Relationships between Initial Professional Education for Software Engineering and Systems Engineering-A Case Study (IN), p. 172–?.
CSEET-2001-Runeson #education #experience- Experiences from Teaching PSP for Freshmen (PR), p. 98–?.
CSEET-2001-Tilley #estimation- Preliminary Results from a Case Study of Effort Estimation for Net-Centric Applications at the Undergraduate Level (SRT), p. 56–?.
ITiCSE-2001-Stevens #education #experience #re-engineering- Experiences teaching software engineering for the first time (KTS), pp. 77–80.
CSMR-2001-AversanoCCL #experience #legacy #migration #web- Migrating Legacy Systems to the Web: An Experience Report (LA, GC, AC, ADL), pp. 148–157.
CSMR-2001-CagninPMM #comparison #maintenance #re-engineering #segmentation- Comparison of Maintainability Improvement by Segmentation and Reengineering — A Case Study (MIC, RP, PCM, JCM), pp. 158–167.
CSMR-2001-FioravantiN #detection #object-oriented- A Study on Fault-Proneness Detection of Object-Oriented Systems (FF, PN), pp. 121–130.
CSMR-2001-WildeBPR #feature model #fortran #legacy- A Case Study of Feature Location in Unstructured Legacy Fortran Code (NW, MB, HP, VR), pp. 68–76.
ICSM-2001-BiemanJY #design pattern #industrial #object-oriented- OO Design Patterns, Design Structure, and Program Changes: An Industrial Case Study (JMB, DJ, HJY), p. 580–?.
ICSM-2001-ChungS #architecture #embedded #evolution #semantics- Architecture-Based Semantic Evolution: A Study of Remotely Controlled Embedded Systems (LC, NS), pp. 663–666.
ICSM-2001-MohapatraM #fault #predict- Defect Prevention through Defect Prediction: A Case Study at Infosys (SM, BM), pp. 260–272.
ICSM-2001-PoloPR #legacy #maintenance #metric #predict #source code #using- Using Code Metrics to Predict Maintenance of Legacy Programs: A Case Study (MP, MP, FR), pp. 202–208.
ICSM-2001-Terekhov #automation- Automating Language Conversion: A Case Study (AAT), pp. 654–658.
IWPC-2001-AversanoCS #comprehension #maintenance #process- Understanding and Improving the Maintenance Process: A Method and Two Case Studies (LA, GC, SS), pp. 199–208.
IWPC-2001-TilleyD #comprehension- Spreading Knowledge about Gnutella: A Case Study in Understanding Net-Centric Applications (SRT, MD), pp. 189–198.
SCAM-2001-WeberSR #constraints #detection #optimisation #security #using- A Case Study in Detecting Software Security Vulnerabilities Using Constraint Optimization (MW, VS, CR), pp. 3–13.
CIAA-2001-Neto #adaptation- Adaptive Rule-Driven Devices — General Formulation and Case Study (JJN), pp. 234–250.
FME-2001-IglesiasGCNF #protocol #prototype #specification- From Complex Specifications to a Working Prototype. A Protocol Engineering Case Study (MJFI, FJGC, JMPC, MLN, ARF), pp. 436–448.
FLOPS-2001-Delzanno #debugging #prolog #protocol #security #specification- Specifying and Debugging Security Protocols via Hereditary Harrop Formulas and λ Prolog — A Case-study (GD), pp. 123–137.
CHI-2001-Hahn #online- The dynamics of mass online marketplaces: a case study of an online auction (JH), pp. 317–324.
CHI-2001-Yeo #development #lifecycle- Global-software development lifecycle: an exploratory study (AWY), pp. 104–111.
CAiSE-2001-Lockemann #architecture #database #design- Database Systems Architecture: A Study in Factor-Driven Software System Design (PCL), pp. 13–35.
CAiSE-2001-PerssonS #enterprise #modelling #why- Why Enterprise Modelling? An Explorative Study into Current Practice (AP, JS), pp. 465–468.
ICEIS-v1-2001-DamnjanovicRSOPR #data flow #integration- Integration of Different Data Sources and Message Queueing System in Postnet-Case Studies (DD, ZR, MS, PO, BP, MR), pp. 279–282.
ICEIS-v1-2001-OriogunM #assessment #framework #re-engineering #student- Winwin Decision Support Framework: A Case Study on Students’ In-Course Assessment in a Software Engineering Module (PKO, RM), pp. 370–376.
ICEIS-v1-2001-RobardetV #classification- A Preliminary Study of a New Classification to Build Homogeneous Patient’s Groups in Home-Based Care (CR, CV), pp. 397–403.
ICEIS-v2-2001-Dawson01a #requirements #specification- Template-Based Requirements Specification: A Case Study (LD), pp. 864–868.
ICEIS-v2-2001-ShishkovD #analysis #diagrams #modelling #process- Analysis of Suitability, Appropriateness and Adequacy of Use Cases Combined with Activity Diagram for Business Systems Modelling (BS, JLGD), pp. 854–858.
ICEIS-v2-2001-SoaresGS #development #experience #industrial #information management- Experiences in the Development of Information Systems in an Industrial Innovation Context (ALS, WG, CS), pp. 846–853.
KDD-2001-AdderleyM #behaviour #commit #data mining #mining #modelling- Data mining case study: modeling the behavior of offenders who commit serious sexual assaults (RA, PBM), pp. 215–220.
LSO-2001-Segal #learning #process- Organisational Learning and Software Process Improvement: A Case Study (JS), pp. 68–82.
SEKE-2001-GiorginiPMGB #development- Agent- Oriented Software Development: A Case Study (PG, AP, JM, FG, PB), pp. 283–290.
SEKE-2001-Perez-MartinezS #information management #requirements- Application of Knowledge Acquisition Techniques to Requirements Capture: A Case Study (JEPM, ASA), pp. 53–60.
SIGIR-2001-Yang #categorisation- A Study on Thresholding Strategies for Text Categorization (YY), pp. 137–145.
SIGIR-2001-ZhaiL #ad hoc #information retrieval #modelling- A Study of Smoothing Methods for Language Models Applied to Ad Hoc Information Retrieval (CZ, JDL), pp. 334–342.
UML-2001-AndaDSJ #development #industrial- Estimating Software Development Effort Based on Use Cases-Experiences from Industry (BA, HD, DIKS, MJ), pp. 487–502.
UML-2001-MetzOW - Against Use Case Interleaving (PM, JO, WW), pp. 472–486.
ECOOP-2001-AndaSJ #modelling #quality- Quality and Understandability of Use Case Models (BA, DIKS, MJ), pp. 402–428.
OOPSLA-2001-OgasawaraKN #exception #java #optimisation- A Study of Exception Handling and Its Dynamic Optimization in Java (TO, HK, TN), pp. 83–95.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-BelleFVD #experience #mobile #multi- Experiences in Mobile Computing: The CBorg Mobile Multi-Agent System (WVB, JF, KV, TD), pp. 7–18.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-KleppeW #approach #architecture #aspect-oriented #integration #metamodelling #modelling #object-oriented #uml- Integration of Static and Dynamic Core for UML: A Study in Dynamic Aspects of the pUML OO Meta Modelling Approach to the Rearchitecting of UML (AK, JW), pp. 66–77.
SIGAda-2001-Edgerton #architecture #development #experience- Experience report: architecture-based software development on the Crusader program (SE), pp. 127–128.
SIGAda-2001-PritchettW #experience- Vetronics technology testbed: experience report (WP, BW), pp. 115–116.
RE-2001-Alexander - Capturing Use Cases with DOORS (IFA), p. 264.
RE-2001-Faulk #approach #product line #requirements #specification- Product-Line Requirements Specification (PRS): An Approach and Case Study (SRF), pp. 48–55.
RE-2001-GobboM #fault tolerance #re-engineering #requirements #specification- Re-Engineering Fault Tolerance Requirements: A Case Study in Specifying Fault Tolerant Flight Control Systems (DDG, AM), pp. 236–247.
ASE-2001-LegeardP #functional #generative #industrial #sequence #testing- Generation of Functional Test Sequences from B Formal Specifications-Presentation and Industrial Case Study (BL, FP), pp. 377–381.
ESEC-FSE-2001-FreimutHKKK #implementation #industrial #risk management- An industrial case study of implementing software risk management (BGF, SH, PK, JK, WK), pp. 277–287.
ESEC-FSE-2001-Zundorf #development #uml- From use cases to code---rigorous software development with UML (AZ), pp. 324–325.
ICSE-2001-AmyotM #design #requirements- Bridging the Requirements/Design Gap in Dynamic Systems with Use Case Maps (UCMs) (DA, GM), pp. 743–744.
ICSE-2001-AokiHKNNRTY #3d #evolution #library #multi #object-oriented #open source- A Case Study of the Evolution of Jun: An Object-Oriented Open-Source 3D Multimedia Library (AA, KH, KK, KN, YN, BR, AT, YY), pp. 524–533.
ICSE-2001-InBRD #quality #requirements- Applying WinWin to Quality Requirements: A Case Study (HI, BWB, TLR, MD), pp. 555–564.
ICSE-2001-Korson #architecture #java #uml- From UML to Java, Building a 3-Tier Architecture: Case Study (TDK), pp. 735–736.
ICSE-2001-MullerT #programming- Case Study: Extreme Programming in a University Environment (MMM, WFT), pp. 537–544.
ICSE-2001-MurphyLWR #source code- Separating Features in Source Code: An Exploratory Study (GCM, AL, RJW, MPR), pp. 275–284.
ICSE-2001-TilleyH #comprehension #reverse engineering #tool support #web- Evaluating the Reverse Engineering Capabilities of Web Tools for Understanding Site Content and Structure: A Case Study (SRT, SH), pp. 514–523.
ICSE-2001-Zundorf #development #uml- From Use Cases to Code — Rigorous Software Development with UML (AZ), pp. 711–712.
SAC-2001-Flater #debugging #interactive- Debugging agent interactions: a case study (DWF), pp. 107–114.
DATE-2001-DessoukyKLG #design #reuse- Analog design for reuse — case study: very low-voltage sigma-delta modulator (MD, AK, MML, AG), pp. 353–360.
HPDC-2001-NatrajanFHGWCB #experience #grid #using- Studying Protein Folding on the Grid: Experiences Using CHARMM on NPACI Resources under Legion (AN, ADF, MAH, ASG, NWD, MC, CLBI), pp. 14–21.
HPDC-2001-TakefusaMCB #grid #scheduling- A Study of Deadline Scheduling for Client-Server Systems on the Computational Grid (AT, SM, HC, FB), pp. 406–405.
PDP-2001-ArnoldELS #clustering- Cluster Computing vs. Cray T3E-A Case Study from Numerical Field Theory (GA, NE, TL, KS), pp. 475–479.
PDP-2001-DaneseLLQRT #algorithm #implementation #network #parallel- A Parallel Neurochip for Neural Networks Implementing the Reactive Tabu Search Algorithm: Application Case Studies (GD, IDL, FL, AQ, SR, GT), p. 273.
PDP-2001-TesseraD #communication #performance #policy- Communication Policies Performance: A Case Study (DT, AD), p. 491–?.
FASE-2001-Stevens #modelling #on the- On Use Cases and Their Relationships in the Unified Modelling Language (PS), pp. 140–155.
CBSE-2000-Hall #component #education #question #what- Educational Case Study–What is the Model of an Ideal Component? Must it be an Object? (PH), p. 8.
CBSE-2000-Ning #component #development- A Component-Based Development Case Study (JQN), p. 3.
CBSE-2000-Seacord - Case Study: Global Combat Support System — Air Force (RCS), p. 2.
- DL-2000-NevesF #behaviour #library
- A study of user behavior in an immersive virtual environment for digital libraries (FADN, EAF), pp. 103–111.
- DL-2000-PaynterWCB #scalability
- Scalable browsing for large collections: a case study (GWP, IHW, SJC, GB), pp. 215–223.
ECDL-2000-Afifi #library #multi- Asian Film Connection: Developing a Scholarly Multilingual Digital Library — A Case Study (MA), pp. 481–484.
HT-2000-Boese #hypermedia- Making a successful case for a hypertextual doctoral dissertation (CB), pp. 232–233.
CSEET-2000-AndrewsL #experience #maintenance- Experience Report: A Software Maintenance Project Course (JHA, HL), pp. 132–139.
CSEET-2000-BreretonLBBDLMY #collaboration #re-engineering #student- Student Collaboration across Universities: A Case Study in Software Engineering (PB, SL, RB, CB, SD, PJL, LAM, RY), pp. 76–86.
CSEET-2000-HanlonSP #distance #education #project management- Mixing Project Management and Distance Education: A Case Study (DH, MS, PP), p. 176–?.
CSEET-2000-ParrishDHH #approach #component #education #re-engineering- A Case Study Approach to Teaching Component Based Software Engineering (ASP, BD, DPH, JEH), p. 140–?.
CSEET-2000-Runeson #experience #re-engineering- A New Software Engineering Program — Structure and Initial Experiences (PR), pp. 223–232.
ITiCSE-2000-OdekirkJJ #experience #java #using- Three semesters of CSO using Java: assignments and experiences (EO, DJ, PJ), pp. 144–147.
ITiCSE-2000-SpalterS #education #experience #interactive #learning- Integrating interactive computer-based learning experiences into established curricula: a case study (AMS, RMS), pp. 116–119.
CSMR-2000-AntoniolCCL #identification #maintenance #set- Identifying the Starting Impact Set of a Maintenance Request: A Case Study (GA, GC, GC, ADL), pp. 227–230.
CSMR-2000-Oinas #fault #metric- Defining Goal-driven Fault Management Metrics in a Real World Environment: A Case-Study from Nokia (AO), pp. 101–108.
CSMR-2000-SwaffordEAM #experience #reverse engineering- Experiences Reverse Engineering Manually (DS, DE, PA, JM), pp. 189–198.
ICSM-2000-GodfreyT #evolution #open source- Evolution in Open Source Software: A Case Study (MWG, QT), pp. 131–142.
ICSM-2000-RamilL #evolution #metric #predict- Metrics of Software Evolution as Effort Predictors — A Case Study (JFR, MML), pp. 163–172.
IWPC-2000-BianchiVF #effectiveness #maintenance #modelling #traceability- An Exploratory Case Study of the Maintenance Effectiveness of Traceability Models (AB, GV, ARF), pp. 149–158.
IWPC-2000-ChenR #dependence #feature model #graph #using- Case Study of Feature Location Using Dependence Graph (KC, VR), pp. 241–247.
IWPC-2000-RifkinD #comprehension- Program Comprehension Techniques Improve Software Inspections: A Case Study (SR, LED), pp. 131–138.
WCRE-2000-LuccaFC #approach #modelling #object-oriented #thread- Recovering Use Case Models from Object-Oriented Code: A Thread-based Approach (GADL, ARF, UdC), pp. 108–117.
WCRE-2000-Riva #architecture #experience #industrial- Reverse Architecting: An Industrial Experience Report (CR), p. 42–?.
WCRE-2000-TateishiW #experience #maintenance #tool support- Applying Traditional Unix Tools during Maintenance: An Experience Report (AT, AW), pp. 203–206.
CHI-2000-CheverstDMFE #experience- Developing a context-aware electronic tourist guide: some issues and experiences (KC, ND, KM, AF, CE), pp. 17–24.
CHI-2000-PuF #approach #experience- Enriching buyers’ experiences: the SmartClient approach (PP, BF), pp. 289–296.
CSCW-2000-MamykinaW #evolution- Evolution of Contact Point: a case study of a help desk and its users (LM, CGW), pp. 41–48.
EDOC-2000-OkuboMNHU #collaboration #design #distributed #experience- Practical Experiences of Designing a Distributed Collaborative System (TO, TM, YN, HH, SU), p. 21–?.
ICEIS-2000-DawsonA #requirements- Facilitating a User Performed Requirements Analysis-A Case Study (RD, AAZ), pp. 525–526.
ICEIS-2000-Emery #network- The Use of Information Theory in the Construction of a Bayesian Belief Network: A Case Study (DEE), pp. 121–126.
ICEIS-2000-Ghanea-Hercock #future of- Case Study: Agents — The Future of Intelligent Communications (RAGH), p. XLIV.
ICEIS-2000-Greene #open source- Case Study: A New World for the Enterprise--E-Commerce and Open Sources (TG), p. XLIII.
ICEIS-2000-PiresEAL #concept #framework- Conception of a Framework for Electronic Commerce-Case Study: RURALNET (JAGP, JLPE, AAGA, ALFL), pp. 472–477.
ICEIS-2000-Seddon #framework #multi #question- Case Study: Can a Multi Terabyte Data Warehouse Be Built on a ORACLE/UNIX Platform? (DS), p. XLV.
ICEIS-2000-Theaker #industrial- Case Study: “Industry Strength” — It’s True Meaning for High-Tech SMEs (CJT), p. XLVI.
CIKM-2000-Norvag #comparative #database- A Comparative Study of Log-Only and In-Place Update Based Temporal Object Database Systems (KN), pp. 496–503.
ICML-2000-Ting #algorithm #comparative- A Comparative Study of Cost-Sensitive Boosting Algorithms (KMT), pp. 983–990.
ICPR-v2-2000-PanditKLC #comparative #segmentation- A Comparative Study of Different Segmentation Approaches for Audio Track Indexing (MP, JK, YL, EC), pp. 2467–2470.
ICPR-v3-2000-Garcia-SevillaP #analysis #comparative- Analysis of Irregularly Shaped Texture Regions: A Comparative Study (PGS, MP), pp. 7080–7083.
ICPR-v3-2000-GrigorescuPK #comparative #distance #using- A Comparative Study of Filter Based Texture Operators Using Mahalanobis Distance (SEG, NP, PK), pp. 3897–3900.
ICPR-v3-2000-HaoS #comparative #image #integer- Comparative Study of Color Transforms for Image Coding and Derivation of Integer Reversible Color Transform (PH, QYS), pp. 3228–3231.
ICPR-v3-2000-Pech-PachecoCCF #comparative- Diatom Autofocusing in Brightfield Microscopy: a Comparative Study (JLPP, GC, JCM, JFV), pp. 3318–3321.
ICPR-v3-2000-ValdesME #analysis #behaviour #image- Behavior Analysis of Fractal Features for Texture Description in Digital Images: An Experimental Study (JJV, LCM, SE), pp. 3917–3920.
ICPR-v4-2000-JiangBMHSIBGLB #algorithm #comparison #image #segmentation- Some Further Results of Experimental Comparison of Range Image Segmentation Algorithms (XJ, KWB, YM, SH, KS, SI, MB, CG, REL, JMHdB), pp. 4877–4882.
KDD-2000-GerstenWA #experience #modelling #predict #roadmap #tool support- Predictive modeling in automotive direct marketing: tools, experiences and open issues (WG, RW, DA), pp. 398–406.
KDD-2000-Senator #detection #information management #scalability- Ongoing management and application of discovered knowledge in a large regulatory organization: a case study of the use and impact of NASD Regulation’s Advanced Detection System (RADS) (TES), pp. 44–53.
KDD-2000-WangMSW #biology #classification #data mining #mining #network #sequence- Application of neural networks to biological data mining: a case study in protein sequence classification (JTLW, QM, DS, CHW), pp. 305–309.
SIGIR-2000-EfthimiadisF #behaviour #database #image #query- The effect of query type on subject searching behavior of image databases: an exploratory study (ENE, RF), pp. 328–330.
UML-2000-AmyotM #concept #on the #uml- On the Extension of UML with Use Case Maps Concepts (DA, GM), pp. 16–31.
UML-2000-GraubmannR #diagrams #modelling #sequence chart #testing- HyperMSCs and Sequence Diagrams for Use Case Modelling and Testing (PG, ER), pp. 32–46.
UML-2000-SendallS #specification- From Use Cases to System Operation Specifications (SS, AS), pp. 1–15.
UML-2000-WegmannG #diagrams- The Roles of “Roles” in Use Case Diagrams (AW, GG), pp. 210–224.
OOPSLA-2000-HerrmannM #multi #named #re-engineering- PIROL: a case study for multidimensional separation of concerns in software engineering environments (SH, MM), pp. 188–207.
OOPSLA-2000-IshizakiKYKN #compilation #java- A study of devirtualization techniques for a JavaTM Just-In-Time compiler (KI, MK, TY, HK, TN), pp. 294–310.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-DammHTT #component #experience #integration #tool support #using #xmi- Tool Integration: Experiences and Issues in Using XMI and Component Technology (CHD, KMH, MT, MT), pp. 94–107.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-Graham #generative #requirements- Requirements Engineering: Use Cases Are from Mars, Generative Languages are from Venus (IMG), p. 4.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-LeblancO #comparative #uml- Comparative Case Study in SDL and UML (PL, IO), pp. 120–131.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-ParssinenKHOT #experience #protocol #uml- UML for Protocol Engineering — Extensions and Experiences (JP, NvK, JH, TO, MT), pp. 82–93.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-ChristensenR #design #framework #reuse- A Case Study of Framework Design for Horizontal Reuse (HBC, HR), pp. 278–289.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-Moisiadis - Prioritising Use Cases and Scenarios (FM), pp. 108–119.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-SindreO #elicitation #requirements #security- Eliciting Security Requirements by Misuse Cases (GS, ALO), pp. 120–131.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Adolph #pattern matching- The Use Case Pattern Language (SA), pp. 459–460.
TOOLS-USA-2000-HindP #experience #object-oriented #program analysis- Traveling Through Dakota: Experiences with an Object-Oriented Program Analysis System (MH, AP), pp. 49–60.
AdaEurope-2000-RybinSFK #experience #named- ASIS-for-GNAT: A Report of Practical Experiences (SR, AS, VF, AK), pp. 125–137.
GCSE-2000-BoschH #product line- Product Instantiation in Software Product Lines: A Case Study (JB, MH), pp. 147–162.
PEPM-2000-Das #experience #scalability #source code #static analysis- Static Analysis of Large Programs: Some Experiences (MD), p. 1.
PEPM-2000-Walpole #challenge #experience #operating system- Operating Systems Specialization: Experiences, Opportunities and Challenges (JW), p. 83.
SAIG-2000-VuducD #automation #code generation #experience #kernel- Code Generators for Automatic Tuning of Numerical Kernels: Experiences with FFTW (RV, JD), pp. 190–211.
ICRE-2000-GervasiN #lightweight #natural language #requirements #validation- Lightweight Validation of Natural Language Requirements: A Case Study (VG, BN), pp. 140–149.
ICRE-2000-Saeki #aspect-oriented #reuse- Patterns and Aspects for Use Cases: Reuse Techniques for Use Case Descriptions (MS), p. 62.
ASE-2000-Li #diagrams #sequence chart- Translating Use Cases to Sequence Diagrams (LL), pp. 293–296.
ASE-2000-MansurovV #interface #modelling #visual notation- New Visual Interface for Engineering Use Case Models (NM, DV), pp. 297–300.
ASE-2000-MenziesS #assessment #query #risk management #scalability- Practical Large Scale What-If Queries: Case Studies with Software Risk Assessment (TM, ES), p. 165–?.
FSE-2000-HollingsworthBW #experience #using- Experience report: using RESOLVE/C++ for commercial software (JEH, LB, BWW), pp. 11–19.
ICSE-2000-BalkK #integration #named #off the shelf- PPT: a COTS integration case study (LDB, AK), pp. 42–49.
ICSE-2000-CrnkovicL #component #development- A case study: demands on component-based development (IC, ML), pp. 23–31.
ICSE-2000-LeszakPS #analysis #fault- A case study in root cause defect analysis (ML, DEP, DS), pp. 428–437.
ICSE-2000-LippertL #aspect-oriented #detection #exception #programming #using- A study on exception detecton and handling using aspect-oriented programming (ML, CVL), pp. 418–427.
ICSE-2000-MockusFH #development #open source- A case study of open source software development: the Apache server (AM, RTF, JDH), pp. 263–272.
ICSE-2000-OHara #experience #process- European experiences with software process improvement (FO), pp. 635–640.
SAC-2000-BojicV #reverse engineering #uml- Reverse Engineering of Use Case Realizations in UML (DB, DMV), pp. 741–747.
SAC-2000-BougeMNP #architecture #distributed #parallel #runtime #thread #using- Using the VI Architecture to Build Distributed, Multithreaded Runtime Systems: A Case Study (LB, JFM, RN, LP), pp. 704–709.
DAC-2000-PhelpsKRCH #synthesis- A case study of synthesis for industrial-scale analog IP: redesign of the equalizer/filter frontend for an ADSL CODEC (RP, MK, RAR, LRC, JRH), pp. 1–6.
DAC-2000-SinghLFMLKB #configuration management #multi #named- MorphoSys: case study of a reconfigurable computing system targeting multimedia applications (HS, GL, EMCF, RM, MHL, FJK, NB), pp. 573–578.
DATE-2000-SakallahAS #heuristic #satisfiability- An Experimental Study of Satisfiability Search Heuristics (KAS, FAA, JPMS), p. 745.
HPCA-2000-BoschSSRH #analysis #parallel #performance #using #visualisation- Performance Analysis and Visualization of Parallel Systems Using SimOS and Rivet: A Case Study (RB, CS, GS, MR, PH), pp. 360–371.
HPDC-2000-NolteH #biology #distributed #parallel #research #sorting- Parallel Matching and Sorting with TACO’s Distributed Collections — A Case Study from Molecular Biology Research (JN, PH), pp. 247–252.
PDP-2000-PuentePIGB #network #simulation- A case study of trace-driven simulation for analyzing interconnection networks: cc-NUMAs with ILP processors (VP, JMP, CI, JÁG, RB), pp. 174–180.
FASE-2000-HuneS #automaton #synthesis #using- A Case Study on Using Automata in Control Synthesis (TH, AS), pp. 349–362.
FASE-2000-Wehrheim #automation #formal method #specification #using- Specification of an Automatic Manufacturing System: A Case Study in Using Integrated Formal Methods (HW), pp. 334–348.
WRLA-2000-Rodriguez #analysis #maude #protocol #specification- Case Studies in the Specification and Analysis of Protocols in Maude (DER), pp. 257–273.
ISSTA-2000-FranklD #branch #comparison #data flow #reliability #testing- Comparison of delivered reliability of branch, data flow and operational testing: A case study (PGF, YD), pp. 124–134.
ISSTA-2000-Lev-AmiRSW #static analysis #verification- Putting static analysis to work for verification: A case study (TLA, TWR, SS, RW), pp. 26–38.
ISSTA-2000-Pincus #analysis #developer #experience #tool support- Analysis is necessary, but far from sufficient: Experiences building and deploying successful tools for developers and testers (JDP), p. 1.
WICSA-1999-Bosch #architecture #composition #evolution #product line #reuse- Evolution and Composition of Reusable Assets in Product-Line Architectures: A Case Study (JB), pp. 321–340.
WICSA-1999-GruhnW #architecture #experience #integration- Integration of Heterogeneous Software Architectures — An Experience Report (VG, UW), pp. 437–454.
WICSA-1999-JaktmanLL #analysis #architecture #assessment #maintenance- Structural Analysis of the Software Architecture — A Maintenance Assessment Case Study (CBJ, JL, ML), pp. 455–470.
WICSA-1999-PreeK #architecture #concept #legacy- Rearchitecting Legacy System — Concepts and Case Study (WP, KK), pp. 51–64.
ECDL-1999-BesserL #education #image #metadata- Image and Metadata Distribution at Seven University Campuses: Reports from a Study of the Museum Educational Site Licensing Project (HB, RL), pp. 3–18.
ICDAR-1999-SundaresanK #recognition- A Study of Representations for Pen based Handwriting Recognition of Tamil Characters (CSS, SSK), pp. 422–425.
CSEET-1999-Butler #re-engineering #student- A Client/Server Case Study for Software Engineering Students (SAB), p. 156–?.
CSEET-1999-MengelU #analysis #source code #student- A Case Study of the Analysis of Novice Student Programs (SAM, JVU), pp. 40–49.
CSEET-1999-SikkelSW #information management- Replacing a Hospital Information System: An Example of a Real-World Case Study (KS, TAMS, RLWvdW), pp. 6–15.
CSEET-1999-ThompsonE #experience #re-engineering- Providing New Graduate Opportunities in Software Engineering: Experiences with a UK Master’s Level Conversion Course (JBT, HME), pp. 50–61.
ITiCSE-1999-Polak #communication #education #using- Teaching computer communication skills using case study method (PP), p. 190.
ICSM-1999-AntoniolCL #evolution #maintenance #object-oriented #traceability- Maintaining Traceability During Object-Oriented Software Evolution: A Case Study (GA, GC, ADL), pp. 211–219.
ICSM-1999-DomschS #experience #maintenance #object-oriented- Experience Paper: A Case Study in Object-Oriented Maintenance (MLD, SRS), pp. 346–352.
ICSM-1999-InteresseD #experience #verification- Experience Paper: Beyond Year 2000 Remediation: The Compliance Verification: A Case Study (MI, RD), pp. 155–160.
ICSM-1999-KloschE #challenge #evolution #experience- Experience Paper: Challenges and Experiences in Managing Major Software Evolution Endeavours Such as Euro Conversion or Y2000 Compliance (RK, WE), pp. 161–166.
IWPC-1999-CanforaCLL #approach #identification- A Case Study of Applying an Eclectic Approach to Identify Objects in Code (GC, AC, ADL, GADL), pp. 136–143.
IWPC-1999-LinosOK #visual notation- Improving the Visibility of Graphical Program Displays: An Experimental Study (PKL, ETO, VK), pp. 12–19.
WCRE-1999-GannodC99a #approach #formal method #reverse engineering- A Formal Approach for Reverse Engineering: A Case Study (GCG, BHCC), pp. 100–111.
FM-v1-1999-AlurEKKL #analysis #coordination #formal method #hybrid #modelling #multi- Formal Modeling and Analysis of Hybrid Systems: A Case Study in Multi-robot Coordination (RA, JME, MK, VK, IL), pp. 212–232.
FM-v1-1999-Bousquet #detection #experience #feature model #interactive #model checking #testing #using- Feature Interaction Detection Using Testing and Model-Checking Experience Report (LdB), pp. 622–641.
FM-v1-1999-WongC #formal method #modelling- Formal Modeling in a Commercial Setting: A Case Study (AW, MC), pp. 590–607.
FM-v2-1999-HabriasPL #collaboration #specification- A Study of Collaborative Work: Answers to a Test on Formal Specification in B (HH, PP, JYL), pp. 1856–1857.
TLCA-1999-MikamiA #automaton #linear- A Study of Abramsky’s Linear Chemical Abstract Machine (SM, YA), pp. 243–257.
CHI-1999-QuintanaECWS #analysis #design #named #process- Symphony: A Case Study in Extending Learner-Centered Design through Process Space Analysis (CQ, JE, AC, HKW, ES), pp. 473–480.
HCI-CCAD-1999-ContractorBZ #community #named #network- PrairieKNOW: a tool to assist the study, creation, and growth of community networks (NSC, APB, DZ), pp. 447–451.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KernB #experience #interface- Experiences with interfaces for virtual environments in the field of engineering (PK, RB), pp. 696–700.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KirvesojaSVT #experience- Field experiences of providing home care and related services over a videophone (HK, JS, SV, VT), pp. 266–270.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Lee #user interface #visual notation- A study on perceptual responses to electrocutaneous stimulation for blind access to computers with graphical user interfaces (SL), pp. 1009–1013.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MeleES #user interface- The impact of mobility on user interfaces for subjects who are motor impaired: case study in a wireless LAN environment (IVM, KE, AS), pp. 1018–1022.
HCI-CCAD-1999-NealI #distance #education #experience #learning- Asynchronous distance learning for corporate education: experiences with Lotus LearningSpace (LN, DI), pp. 750–754.
HCI-CCAD-1999-OzawaAFSY #adaptation #education #implementation #process #realtime- An experimental study on implementing real-time estimator of human cognitive process into eye-sensing head mounted display for realizing adaptive CAI for teaching plant diagnosis knowledge (TO, YA, SF, HS, HY), pp. 1197–1200.
HCI-CCAD-1999-ParamythisSSS #lessons learnt #web- Non-visual web browsing: lessons learned from the AVANTI case study (AP, MS, AS, CS), pp. 812–817.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Raikundalia #distributed- Results of experiments in text-based, synchronous, distributed, formal electronic meetings (GKR), pp. 507–511.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Rebstock #complexity #industrial #lessons learnt- Adding complexity to the electronic market model: lessons learned from an oil industry case study (MR), pp. 1147–1151.
HCI-CCAD-1999-SchummerTTB #experience- Introducing groupware in administrative environments — experiences from the POLIWORK project (JS, TT, DAT, AB), pp. 492–496.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Ui #agile #aspect-oriented- A study on organizational aspects of agile manufacturing in Japan (TU), pp. 1250–1255.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Wirth #monitoring #network #visualisation- Maximizing data density: a case study of visualization in network monitoring (JW), pp. 127–131.
HCI-CCAD-1999-WuC #community #design #web- Cultural and cultivation features on web designing: a case study of gold peach community (TXW, YLC), pp. 66–70.
HCI-CCAD-1999-YenWNL #design #education #information management #learning- Design of a computer-mediated environment to capture and evaluate knowledge transfer and learning: a case study in a larger higher education class (SY, BW, JN, LJL), pp. 735–739.
HCI-EI-1999-ChenC #interface #visual notation- A study on tactile interfaces as an aid to home electronic appliance operation for the visually impaired (WZC, WKC), pp. 740–744.
HCI-EI-1999-ChenH #data transformation #user interface- An Experimental Study of User Interface in a Data Management System (JC, SLH), pp. 646–650.
HCI-EI-1999-Chuan #using #web- Small Group CSCW Using Web Recources: A Case Study (TKC), pp. 788–792.
HCI-EI-1999-FukuzumiY - Study on Stress Management — Relationship among Body Sway, Eye Accomodation, and Mental Fatigue by VDT Work - (SF, TY), pp. 79–83.
HCI-EI-1999-KurosuSM #comparative #evaluation #heuristic- A Comparative Study of sHEM (structured heuristic evaluation method) (MK, MS, SM), pp. 938–942.
HCI-EI-1999-KylmaahoRKV - Supporting the forearm and wrist during mouse and keybord work. A field study (EK, SR, RK, EVJ), pp. 23–26.
HCI-EI-1999-MaggioniR #experience #novel #user interface- Virtual Touchscreen — a novel User Interface made of Light — Principles, metaphors and experiences (CM, HR), pp. 301–305.
HCI-EI-1999-PoC #challenge #communication #design #user interface- Challenges in Designing User Interfaces for Handheld Communication Devices: — A Case Study (TMP, TKC), pp. 808–812.
HCI-EI-1999-SunCH #3d #how- A Study on How Depth Perception Is Affected by Different Presentations of 3D Objects (HS, KWC, PAH), pp. 481–485.
EDOC-1999-KellerR #internet #java- Dynamic management of Internet telephony servers: a case study based on JavaBeans and JDMK (AK, HR), pp. 135–146.
ICEIS-1999-MoreiraA #generative #specification- Generating Object-Z Specifications from Use Cases (AMDM, JA), pp. 493–500.
ICEIS-1999-PapicBPM #enterprise- Transportation in Postal Enterprise of Serbia: A Case Study (VP, MB, JP, OM), p. 781.
ICEIS-1999-Wu #perspective #web- A Causal Model for the Intention to Use a Web Site: A Study Based on the Technology Acceptance Model and the Uses and Gratifications Perspective (CJW), p. 788.
ICML-1999-MorikBJ #approach #knowledge-based #learning #monitoring #statistics- Combining Statistical Learning with a Knowledge-Based Approach — A Case Study in Intensive Care Monitoring (KM, PB, TJ), pp. 268–277.
KDD-1999-BrijsSVW #using- Using Association Rules for Product Assortment Decisions: A Case Study (TB, GS, KV, GW), pp. 254–260.
KDD-1999-SyedLS #independence- A Study of Support Vectors on Model Independent Example Selection (NAS, HL, KKS), pp. 272–276.
SEKE-1999-Brossler #experience #information management- Knowledge Management at a Software House. An Experience Report (PB), pp. 163–170.
UML-1999-FirleyHDGG #analysis #diagrams #sequence chart- Timed Sequence Diagrams and Tool-Based Analysis — A Case Study (TF, MH, KD, TG, UG), pp. 645–660.
UML-1999-PetreBP #contract #uml- Analysing UML Use Cases as Contracts (LP, RJB, IP), pp. 518–533.
UML-1999-SendallS #analysis #uml- UML Based Fusion Analysis Applied to a Bank Case Study (SS, AS), pp. 278–291.
ECOOP-1999-DieckmannH #behaviour #benchmark #java #metric- A Study of the Allocation Behavior of the SPECjvm98 Java Benchmark (SD, UH), pp. 92–115.
OOPSLA-1999-KerstenM #aspect-oriented #learning #named #programming #using- Atlas: A Case Study in Building a Web-Based Learning Environment using Aspect-oriented Programming (MK, GCM), pp. 340–352.
OOPSLA-1999-OnoderaK - A Study of Locking Objects with Bimodal Fields (TO, KK), pp. 223–237.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Collins-Cope #analysis #approach #interface #requirements- The Requirements/Service/Interface (RSI) Approach to Use Case Analysis (MCC), pp. 172–183.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Li #approach #automation #diagrams #sequence chart- A Semi-Automatic Approach to Translating Use Cases to Sequence Diagrams (LL), pp. 184–193.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Poo #identification #specification- Events in Use Cases as a Basis for Identifying and Specifying Classes and Business Rules (DCCP), pp. 204–213.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Simons #harmful- Use Cases Considered Harmful (AJHS), pp. 194–203.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-ZarazagaVCNM #experience #information management #named #network #object-oriented- TRUNIS: An Object Oriented Trunking Radio Telephone Network Information System. An Experience Report (FJZ, JV, SC, JNI, PRMM), pp. 251–260.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Zorzo #interactive #multi- Dependable Multiparty Interactions: A Case Study (AFZ), pp. 319–328.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Dedene #education #eiffel #experience #programming language #student- Experiences Teaching Eiffel as a First Programming Language to Economy Students (GD), pp. 584–592.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Firesmith #guidelines #modelling- Use Case Modeling Guidelines (DF), pp. 184–193.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Lilly #problem #using- Use Case Pitfalls: Top 10 Problems from Real Projects Using Use Cases (SL), pp. 174–183.
TOOLS-USA-1999-PraehoferSS #component #framework- Component Frameworks — A Case Study (HP, JS, AS), pp. 148–157.
AdaEurope-1999-VardanegaCP #embedded #realtime #reuse #using- A Case Study in the Reuse of On-board Embedded Real-Time Software (TV, GC, JSP), pp. 425–436.
PPDP-1999-CorrensonDPR #declarative #deforestation #program transformation- Declarative Program Transformation: A Deforestation Case-Study (LC, ÉD, DP, GR), pp. 360–377.
SIGAda-1999-BallbastreTVC #ada #distributed #experience #realtime #using- Experiences using Ada in a real-time and distributed laboratory (PB, ST, JViC, AC), pp. 145–155.
RE-1999-AchourRSM #authoring #empirical- Guiding Use Case Authoring: Results of an Empirical Study (CBA, CR, CS, NAMM), pp. 36–43.
RE-1999-AmyotLBG #distributed #requirements #validation- Use Case Maps for the Capture and Validation of Distributed Systems Requirements (DA, LL, RJAB, TG), p. 44–?.
RE-1999-Jacobs #quality #requirements- Introducing Measurable Quality Requirements: A Case Study (SJ), pp. 172–179.
RE-1999-Spence #process #requirements #uml- Requirements, Use Cases, the UML and The Rational Unified Process (IS), p. 3–?.
ASE-1999-DevulderL #comparative #linear #programming #validation #verification- A Comparative Study between Linear Programming Validation (LPV) and other Verification Methods (SD, JLL), pp. 299–302.
ASE-1999-Kreuer #automation #network #testing- Applying Test Automation to Type Acceptance Testing of Telecom Networks: A Case Study with Customer Participation (DK), pp. 216–223.
ICSE-1999-BengtssonB #architecture #design #experience- Haemo Dialysis Software Architecture Design Experiences (PB, JB), pp. 516–525.
ICSE-1999-Bosch #architecture #industrial #product line- Product-Line Architectures in Industry: A Case Study (JB), pp. 544–554.
ICSE-1999-BowmanHB #architecture #linux- Linux as a Case Study: Its Extracted Software Architecture (ITB, RCH, NVB), pp. 555–563.
ICSE-1999-BriandWIL #design #industrial #object-oriented #quality- Investigating Quality Factors in Object-Oriented Designs: An Industrial Case Study (LCB, JW, SVI, HL), pp. 345–354.
ICSE-1999-EzranMT #experience #industrial #reuse #source code #synthesis- Failure and Success Factors in Reuse Programs: A Synthesis of Industrial Experiences (ME, MM, CT), pp. 681–682.
SAC-1999-Haraty #comparative #database- C2 Secure Database Management Systems — A Comparative Study (RAH), pp. 216–220.
DAC-1999-BenjaminGHMSW #generative #testing- A Study in Coverage-Driven Test Generation (MB, DG, AH, GM, RS, YW), pp. 970–975.
DATE-1999-DabrowskiP #experience #modelling- Experiences with Modeling of Analog and Mixed A/D Systems Based on PWL Technique (JD, AP), pp. 790–791.
DATE-1999-JantschKH #analysis #concept #modelling #synthesis- The Rugby Model: A Conceptual Frame for the Study of Modelling, Analysis and Synthesis Concepts of Electronic Systems (AJ, SK, AH), pp. 256–262.
DATE-1999-MoserN #embedded- Case Study: System Model of Crane and Embedded Control (EM, WN), p. 721.
DATE-1999-Wakabayashi #behaviour #experience #synthesis- C-based Synthesis Experiences with a Behavior Synthesizer, “Cyber” (KW), p. 390–?.
HPCA-1999-RotenbergJS #independence- A Study of Control Independence in Superscalar Processors (ER, QJ, JES), pp. 115–124.
TACAS-1999-DongDRRRSSSW #comparative #concurrent #tool support #verification- Fighting Livelock in the i-Protocol: A Comparative Study of Verification Tools (YD, XD, YSR, CRR, IVR, SAS, OS, EWS, DSW), pp. 74–88.
CAV-1999-RameshB #design #pipes and filters #tool support #using #validation- Validation of Pipelined Processor Designs Using Esterel Tools: A Case Study (SR, PB), pp. 84–95.
- DL-1998-Marshall #metadata
- Making Metadata: A Study of Metadata Creation for a Mixed Physical-Digital Collection (CCM), pp. 162–171.
ECDL-1998-HughesM #development #library #metadata- The Planetary Data System. A Case Study in the Development and Management of Meta-Data for a Scientific Digital Library (JSH, SKM), pp. 335–350.
HT-1998-Bouvin #design #experience #hypermedia- Designing Open Hypermedia Applets: Experiences and Prospects (NOB), pp. 281–282.
HT-1998-HightowerRHBH #multi #visual notation #web- Graphical Multiscale Web Histories: A Study of Padprints (RRH, LTR, JH, BBB, JDH), pp. 58–65.
HT-1998-ShipmanFBCH #adaptation #experience #using- Using Paths in the Classroom: Experiences and Adaptations (FMSI, RF, DB, CCC, HwH), pp. 267–270.
SIGMOD-1998-FernandezFKLS #experience- Catching the Boat with Strudel: Experiences with a Web-Site Management System (MFF, DF, JK, AYL, DS), pp. 414–425.
VLDB-1998-CarinoJ - Bank of America Case Study: The Information Currency Advantage (FC, MJ), pp. 641–644.
VLDB-1998-FankhauserGLMT #database #experience- Experiences in Federated Databases: From IRO-DB to MIRO-Web (PF, GG, ML, JM, AT), pp. 655–658.
VLDB-1998-RezendeH #database #experience #middleware #performance #problem- The Heterogeneity Problem and Middleware Technology: Experiences with and Performance of Database Gateways (FdFR, KH), pp. 146–157.
ITiCSE-1998-AbernethyGT #experience- Inquiry-based computer science instruction: some initial experiences (KA, PG, KT), pp. 14–17.
ITiCSE-1998-SheardH #student- Our failing students: a study of a repeat group (JS, DH), pp. 223–227.
CSMR-1998-Kutscha #experience #re-engineering- The Task Artifact Cycle: Some Experiences from Reengineering Practice (SK), p. 234.
ICSM-1998-FiutemA #consistency #identification #nondeterminism #object-oriented- Identifying Design-Code Inconsistencies in Object-Oriented Software: A Case Study (RF, GA), p. 94–?.
ICSM-1998-FrenchL #communication #distributed- A Study of Communication and Cooperation in Distributed Software Project Teams (AF, PJL), p. 146–?.
ICSM-1998-Hissam #experience #information management #off the shelf- Experience Report: Correcting System Failure in a COTS Information System (SAH), pp. 170–176.
ICSM-1998-NiessinkV #maintenance- Two Case Studies in Measuring Software Maintenance Effort (FN, HvV), pp. 76–85.
ICSM-1998-SneedM - A Case Study in Software Wrapping (HMS, RM), pp. 86–93.
IWPC-1998-DeursenK #agile #cobol #comprehension- Rapid System Understanding: Two COBOL Case Studies (AvD, TK), pp. 90–97.
WCRE-1998-FusaroTV #component #named #process- REP — chaRacterising and Exploiting Process component: Results of Experimentation (PF, MT, GV), pp. 20–29.
WCRE-1998-GannodSFC #named #re-engineering- PACKRAT: A Software Reengineering Case Study (GCG, GS, MF, BHCC), pp. 125–134.
FM-1998-FujitaRH #experience #parallel #protocol #verification- Two Real Formal Verification Experiences: ATM Switch Chip and Parallel Cache Protocol (MF, SPR, AJH), pp. 281–295.
FM-1998-OwreRSS #experience #named- PVS: An Experience Report (SO, JMR, NS, DWJSC), pp. 338–345.
IFL-1998-Scholz #benchmark #metric- A Case Study: Effects of WITH-Loop-Folding on the NAS Benchmark MG in SAC (SBS), pp. 216–228.
CHI-1998-BoyarskiNFR - A Study of Fonts Designed for Screen Display (DB, CN, JF, SHR), pp. 87–94.
CHI-1998-Stubblefield #design- Patterns of Change in Design Metaphor: A Case Study (WAS), pp. 73–80.
CHI-1998-SumnerT #design #experience #learning- New Media, New Practices: Experiences in Open Learning Course Design (TS, JT), pp. 432–439.
CHI-1998-WolfZ #evolution- Evolution of the Conversation Machine: A Case Study of Bringing Advanced Technology to the Marketplace (CGW, WZ), pp. 488–495.
CSCW-1998-McDonaldA - Just Talk to Me: A Field Study of Expertise Location (DWM, MSA), pp. 315–324.
CAiSE-1998-NurcanGS #approach #process- Describing Business Processes with a Guided Use Case Approach (SN, GG, CS), pp. 339–362.
ICML-1998-JuilleP #learning- Coevolutionary Learning: A Case Study (HJ, JBP), pp. 251–259.
ICML-1998-McCluskeyW #requirements #using #validation- A Case Study in the Use of Theory Revision in Requirements Validation (TLM, MMW), pp. 368–376.
ICPR-1998-ImNK #product line- Recognizing plant species by leaf shapes-a case study of the Acer family (CI, HN, TLK), pp. 1171–1173.
KDD-1998-ChanS #detection #learning #scalability #towards- Toward Scalable Learning with Non-Uniform Class and Cost Distributions: A Case Study in Credit Card Fraud Detection (PKC, SJS), pp. 164–168.
KDD-1998-MacskassyBDH #clustering #performance #web- Human Performance on Clustering Web Pages: A Preliminary Study (SAM, AB, BDD, HH), pp. 264–268.
SIGIR-1998-YangPC #detection #online- A Study of Retrospective and On-Line Event Detection (YY, TP, JGC), pp. 28–36.
UML-1998-BourdeauLR #analysis #diagrams #experience #uml- Hierarchical Context Diagrams with UML: An Experience Report on Satellite Ground System Analysis (EB, PL, PR), pp. 227–239.
UML-1998-OliveS #experience #migration #uml- Porting ROSES to UML — An Experience Report (AO, MRS), pp. 64–77.
UML-1998-OvergaardP #approach #formal method- A Formal Approach to Use Cases and Their Relationships (GÖ, KP), pp. 406–418.
ECOOP-1998-CordsenS #experience #memory management #paradigm #using- Experiences Developing a Virtual Shared Memory System Using High-Level Object Paradigms (JC, JN, WSP), pp. 285–306.
ECOOP-1998-MikhajlovS #problem- A Study of The Fragile Base Class Problem (LM, ES), pp. 355–382.
OOPSLA-1998-CockburnF #exclamation- Question time! about Use Cases (AC, MF), pp. 226–229.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-MisicT #estimation #object-oriented #quality- Downsizing the Estimation of Software Quality: A Small Object-Oriented Case Study (VBM, DNT), pp. 308–317.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-WatkinsDT #uml- From UML to IDL: A Case Study (DW, MD, DT), p. 141–?.
TOOLS-USA-1998-FosterMN #architecture #data-driven #distributed #experience #implementation #named- AutoPilot: Experiences Implementing a Distributed Data-Driven Agent Architecture (SSF, DM, BAN), pp. 259–268.
TOOLS-USA-1998-WydaegheVMDAJ #design pattern #experience #using- Building an OMT-Editor Using Design Patterns: An Experience Report (BW, KV, BM, BVD, EA, VJ), pp. 20–32.
AdaEurope-1998-FernandezAGPP #architecture #evaluation #realtime- A Case Study in Quantitative Evaluation of Real-Time Software Architectures (JLF, BÁ, FJGI, ÁP, JAdlP), pp. 213–224.
AdaEurope-1998-Tonndorf #ada #compilation #experience- Ten Years of Tool Based Ada Compiler Validations. An Experience Report (MT), pp. 176–187.
PLDI-1998-SweeneyT #c++- A Study of Dead Data Members in C++ Applications (PFS, FT), pp. 324–332.
SAS-1998-Gouranton #semantics #slicing- Deriving Analysers by Folding/Unfolding of Natural Semantics and a Case Study: Slicing (VG), pp. 115–133.
SIGAda-1998-Kamrad #ada #experience- Ada experience report for BlazeNet, Inc. (JMKI), pp. 215–216.
ICRE-1998-ForsgrenD #experience #industrial #requirements- Requirements Engineering In Control Center Procurement Projects Practical Experiences from the Power Industry (PF, AD), pp. 224–232.
ICRE-1998-HaglindJR #analysis #empirical #experience #requirements- Experiences Integrating Requirements Engineering and Business Analysis An Empirical Study of Operations & Management System Procurement Projects (MH, LJ, MR), pp. 108–117.
ICRE-1998-HammerH #automation #experience #how #requirements #tool support- Automated Requirements Management — Beware HOW You Use Tools: An Experience Report (TH, LH), pp. 34–40.
ICRE-1998-KaindlKK #functional #requirements #using- A Case Study of Decomposing Functional Requirements Using Scenarios (HK, SK, RK), pp. 156–163.
ICRE-1998-RussoNK #consistency #nondeterminism #requirements #specification- Restructuring Requirements Specifications For Managing Inconsistency And Change: A Case Study (AR, BN, JK), p. 51–?.
REFSQ-1998-Paech - The Four Levels of Use Case Description (BP), pp. 207–218.
ASE-1998-MaoSL #machine learning #reuse #usability #using #verification- Reusability Hypothesis Verification using Machine Learning Techniques: A Case Study (YM, HAS, HL), pp. 84–93.
FSE-1998-KontioGL #concept #experience #process #risk management #using- Experiences in Improving Risk Management Processes Using the Concepts of the Riskit Method (JK, GG, DL), pp. 163–172.
ICSE-1998-GruhnU #experience #industrial #modelling #problem #process- Software Process Modeling and Enactment: An Experience Report Related to Problem Tracking in an Industrial Project (VG, JU), pp. 13–21.
ICSE-1998-HerbslebG #complexity #concept #metric- Conceptual Simplicity Meets Organizational Complexity: Case Study of a Corporate Metrics Program (JDH, REG), pp. 271–280.
ICSE-1998-HostW - An Experimental Study of Individual Subjective Effort Estimations and Combinations of the Estimates (MH, CW), pp. 332–339.
ICSE-1998-HoudekSW #experience- Establishing Experience Factories at Daimler-Benz An Experience Report (FH, KS, EW), pp. 443–447.
ICSE-1998-KuuselaMX #architecture #experience #industrial #modelling- Architectural Modeling in Industry — An Experience Report (JK, AM, JX), pp. 512–515.
ICSE-1998-PerrySV #development #parallel #scalability- Parallel Changes in Large Scale Software Development: An Observational Case Study (DEP, HPS, LGV), pp. 251–260.
ICSE-1998-SimH #how #problem- The Ramp-Up Problem in Software Projects: A Case Study of How Software Immigrants Naturalize (SES, RCH), pp. 361–370.
DAC-1998-CuattoPLJDSS #design #embedded- A Case Study in Embedded System Design: An Engine Control Unit (TC, CP, LL, AJ, AD, CS, ALSV), pp. 804–807.
DAC-1998-IenneG #design #experience #question #standard #tool support- Practical Experiences with Standard-Cell Based Datapath Design Tools: Do We Really Need Regular Layouts? (PI, AG), pp. 396–401.
DAC-1998-ZhongAMM #configuration management #problem #satisfiability #using- Using Reconfigurable Computing Techniques to Accelerate Problems in the CAD Domain: A Case Study with Boolean Satisfiability (PZ, PA, SM, MM), pp. 194–199.
HPDC-1998-AndersenA #clustering #implementation #multi- Implementation and Utilization of a Heterogeneous Multicomputer Cluster for the Study of Load Balancing Strategies (PHA, JKA), pp. 362–363.
HPDC-1998-BrunettCFFJKLT #experience #tool support- Application Experiences with the Globus Toolkit (SB, KC, SF, ITF, AEJ, CK, JL, ST), pp. 81–88.
ISMM-1998-HicksHMN #scalability- A Study of Large Object Spaces (MWH, LH, JTM, SN), pp. 138–145.
LCTES-1998-KollochF #embedded #network #realtime #specification- Mapping an Embedded Hard Real-Time Systems SDL Specification to an Analyzable Task Network — A Case Study (TK, GF), pp. 156–165.
PDP-1998-ArtiagaMBN #experience #implementation #metaprogramming #multi- Experiences on implementing PARMACS macros to run the SPLASH-2 suite on multiprocessors (EA, XM, YB, NN), pp. 64–69.
PDP-1998-GerbessiotisS #algorithm #sorting- An experimental study of BSP sorting algorithms (AVG, CJS), pp. 479–485.
PDP-1998-SupalovT #interface #parallel- PARASOL interface to new parallel solvers: a case study (AVS, CAT), pp. 279–285.
ESOP-1998-Scherlis #data transformation #representation- Systematic Change of Data Representation: Program Manipulations and a Case Study (WLS), pp. 252–266.
FASE-1998-BussowGK #embedded #safety #specification- Specifying Safety-Critical Embedded Systems with Statecharts and Z: A Case Study (RB, RG, MK), pp. 71–87.
FASE-1998-NielsonAN #analysis #behaviour #safety- Behaviour Analysis and Safety Conditions: A Case Study in CML (HRN, TA, FN), pp. 255–269.
WRLA-1998-StegglesK #logic #protocol #semantics- A timed rewriting logic semantics for SDL: A case study of alternating bit protocol (LJS, PK), pp. 83–104.
CAV-1998-HenzingerQR - You Assume, We Guarantee: Methodology and Case Studies (TAH, SQ, SKR), pp. 440–451.
IWTCS-1998-DesrochesLPRSV #experience #migration #testing- Test Suite Migration Experiences for B-ISUP and B-MTP (CD, ML, SP, AR, IS, TVG), pp. 327–342.
ECDL-1997-FrenchPSP #automation #library- Automating the Construction of Authority Files in Digital Libraries: A Case Study (JCF, ALP, ES, JLP), pp. 55–71.
HT-1997-FurutaSMBH #experience #hypermedia #web- Hypertext Paths and the World-Wide Web: Experiences with Walden’s Paths (RF, FMSI, CCM, DB, HwH), pp. 167–176.
ICDAR-1997-LiaoL #recognition- A study of moment functions and its use in Chinese character recognition (SXL, QL), pp. 572–575.
ICDAR-1997-RahmanF #multi #recognition #using- Introducing New Multiple Expert Decision Combination Topologies: A Case Study using Recognition of Handwritten Characters (AFRR, MCF), p. 886–?.
ICDAR-1997-WorringS #documentation #internet #linear- From Linear to Non-Linear Reading: A Case Study to Provide Internet Access to Paper Documents (MW, AWMS), p. 273–?.
SIGMOD-1997-Kramer #architecture #database #web- Databases on the Web: Technologies for Federation Architectures and Case Studies (RK), pp. 503–506.
SIGMOD-1997-Shasha #lessons learnt- Lessons from Wall Street: Case Studies in Configuration, Tuning, and Distribution (DS), pp. 498–501.
CSEET-1997-Umphress #education #experience #re-engineering- Experiences in constructing a level-2 software engineering graduate curriculum (DAU), pp. 4–12.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-TengstrandH #assessment #communication- Forms of assessment that develop communication skills in computer science and mathematics — a case study (AT, MH), pp. 135–136.
CSMR-1997-MullerG #experience #standard #tool support #using- Planning Year 2000 transformations using standard tools: an experience report (BM, RG), pp. 94–100.
CSMR-1997-PidaparthiC #design #migration #object-oriented #using- Case Study in Migration to Object-Oriented System Structure Using Design Transformation Methods (SP, GC), pp. 128–135.
ICSM-1997-BurchK #maintenance #modelling- Modeling software maintenance requests: a case study (EB, HJK), pp. 40–47.
ICSM-1997-Gupta #comprehension #experience #using- Program Understanding Using Program Slivers — An Experience Report (AG), pp. 66–71.
WCRE-1997-HainautHHRE #database #information management #reverse engineering- Knowledge Transfer in Database Reverse Engineering: A Supporting Case Study (JLH, JMH, JH, DR, VE), p. 194–?.
WPC-1997-ClaytonRTW #comprehension- A Case Study of Domain-based Program Understanding (RC, SR, LT, LMW), pp. 102–110.
ICSM-2000-PearseO #experience #maintenance #multi #platform- Experiences Developing and Maintaining Software in a Multi-Platform Environment (TTP, PWO), pp. 270–277.
FME-1997-BoitenBDS #consistency- Viewpoint Consistency in Z and LOTOS: A Case Study (EAB, HB, JD, MS), pp. 644–664.
FME-1997-DierksD #reasoning #specification #visual notation- Graphical Specification and Reasoning: Case Study Generalised Railroad Crossing (HD, CD), pp. 20–39.
FME-1997-Stringer-CalvertSW #refinement #using- Using PVS to Prove a Z Refinement: A Case Study (DWJSC, SS, IW), pp. 573–588.
CHI-1997-MoranPHCKMMZ #ll #multi #quote- “I’ll Get That Off the Audio”: A Case Study of Salvaging Multimedia Meeting Records (TPM, LP, SRH, PC, DK, SLM, WvM, PZ), pp. 202–209.
HCI-CC-1997-BadhamM #implementation #tool support #using- Tools for Implementing Socio-Technical Systems: An Australian Case Study and the Use of Handbooks (RB, IM), pp. 245–248.
HCI-CC-1997-BextenJH #development #experience- Experiences in the Development of a Medical Expert System (EMzB, MJ, JH), pp. 777–780.
HCI-CC-1997-BrandtH #enterprise #experience- Applying the Sociotechnical Strategy to the Redesign of Organizations: Experiences in German Manufacturing and Service Enterprises (DB, KH), pp. 217–220.
HCI-CC-1997-MatarazzoN #automation- A Human-Oriented Case Study of Office Automation Systems (GM, AN), pp. 749–752.
HCI-CC-1997-Seppala #experience #information management- Usage of an Integrated Office Information System: Experiences from a Municipal Organization (PKS), pp. 801–804.
HCI-CC-1997-SiauN - An Experimental Study on User Interpretation of Icons (KS, FFHN), pp. 721–724.
HCI-SEC-1997-BlachSR #experience #interactive- Experiences with User Interactions in a CAVETM-Like Projection Environment (RB, AS, OR), pp. 977–980.
HCI-SEC-1997-EarlYMK #analysis #design #usability- The Contribution of Usability Analysis to the Design of Medical Devices: A Case Study (SE, MY, BM, RJK), pp. 601–604.
HCI-SEC-1997-GiannettiMT #contract #experience #lifecycle #scalability #usability- Developing Usability in the Software Life-Cycle: Experiences from a Large European Government Software Contract (AG, RM, GT), pp. 581–584.
HCI-SEC-1997-LaugheryP #performance #predict- Predicting Human Performance in Complex Systems-A Method and Case Study (KRLJ, BMP), pp. 75–78.
HCI-SEC-1997-MartiRBLT #evaluation- From System Evaluation to Service Redesign: A Case Study (PM, AR, SB, PL, LT), pp. 779–782.
HCI-SEC-1997-Rauterberg #game studies #interactive #user interface #video- Natural User Interface (NUI): A Case Study of a Video Based Interaction Technique for a Computer Game (MR), pp. 253–256.
HCI-SEC-1997-RauterbergBKM #interactive #user interface #video- Natural User Interfaces (NUI): A Case Study of a Video Based Interaction Technique for CAD Systems (MR, MB, HK, MM), pp. 929–932.
HCI-SEC-1997-ScottS - Ergonomics Training in Industrially Developing Countries: Case Studies from “Roving Seminars” (PAS, HS), pp. 139–144.
HCI-SEC-1997-SoFTSY #approach #database #development #distributed- A Closed-Loop Approach for Integrating Human Factors into Systems Development: A Case Study Involving a Distributed Database System (RHYS, CMF, MMT, CJS, BPY), pp. 517–520.
EDOC-1997-HerringMK #distributed #enterprise #experience #modelling #nondeterminism- Selecting Distributed Object Technologies in the Presence of Uncertainty: an Experience Report on C4I enterprise modelling (CH, ZM, SMK), p. 245–?.
CIKM-1997-Jaczynski #experience #framework- A Framework for the Management of Past Experiences with Time-Extended Situations (MJ), pp. 32–39.
ICML-1997-AskerM #classification #detection #re-engineering- Feature Engineering and Classifier Selection: A Case Study in Venusian Volcano Detection (LA, RM), pp. 3–11.
ICML-1997-CohenD #comparative #fault #induction #logic programming #predict- A Comparative Study of Inductive Logic Programming Methods for Software Fault Prediction (WWC, PTD), pp. 66–74.
ICML-1997-YangP #categorisation #comparative #feature model- A Comparative Study on Feature Selection in Text Categorization (YY, JOP), pp. 412–420.
SIGIR-1997-NgGL #categorisation #feature model #learning #usability- Feature Selection, Perceptron Learning, and a Usability Case Study for Text Categorization (HTN, WBG, KLL), pp. 67–73.
OOPSLA-1997-Lorenz #design pattern #interpreter #using- Tiling Design Patterns — A Case Study Using the Interpreter Pattern (DHL), pp. 206–217.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-SheardH #c++ #concept #education #experience #object-oriented #programming #student #using- Experiences with Teaching Object-Oriented Concepts to Introductory Programming Students Using C++ (JS, DH), pp. 310–319.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-StobartPT #object-oriented #polymorphism #source code #testing #using- Using Extended General Statecharts to Generate Test Cases for Overloaded/Polymorphic Object-Oriented Programs: A Case Study (SS, NP, BYT), pp. 96–103.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-WangMS #design pattern #development #experience #using- Experience Report: Using Design Patterns in the Development of JB System (YW, HM, WS), pp. 159–165.
AdaEurope-1997-Thornley #development #experience #static analysis #using- Static Analysis and Diversity in the Software Development Process- Experiences with the Use of SPARK (JPT), pp. 266–277.
TRI-Ada-1997-KaiserP #implementation #reliability #resource management- Comparing the Reliability Provided by Tasks or Protected Objects for Implementing a Resource Allocation Service: a Case Study (CK, JFPP), pp. 51–65.
RE-1997-DanoBB #approach #concept #object-oriented #specification- An Approach Based on the Concept of Use Case to Produce Dynamic Object-Oriented Specifications (BD, HB, FB), pp. 54–64.
RE-1997-GotelF #industrial #requirements #traceability- Extended Requirements Traceability: Results of an Industrial Case Study (OG, AF), p. 169–?.
ASE-1997-PunshonTSF #natural language #specification- From Formal Specifications to Natural Language: A Case Study (JMP, JPT, PGS, PSF), pp. 309–310.
ESEC-FSE-1997-Ebert #development #experience #predict- Experiences with Criticality Predictions in Software Development (CE), pp. 278–293.
ESEC-FSE-1997-Obbink #analysis #architecture #experience #industrial- Analysis of Software Architectures in High and Low Volume Electronic Systems, Industrial Experience Report (JHO), pp. 523–524.
ICSE-1997-JohnsonT #overview #using- Assessing Software Review Meetings: A Controlled Experimental Study Using CSRS (PMJ, DT), pp. 118–127.
ICSE-1997-PodorizhnyO #comparison #design #experience #modelling- The Criticality of Modeling Formalisms in Software Design Method Comparison: Experience Report (RMP, LJO), pp. 303–313.
ICSE-1997-ShimaTMT #fault- A Study on the Failure Intensity of Different Software Faults (KS, ST, KiM, KT), pp. 86–94.
ICSE-1997-SteinRHM #distributed- A Case Study of Distributed, Asynchronous Software Inspection (MS, JR, SJH, VM), pp. 107–117.
ASF+SDF-1997-DineshT #approach #fault- A case study of a slicing-based approach for locating type errors (TBD, FT), p. 8.
DAC-1997-JangQKP #verification- Formal Verification of FIRE: A Case Study (JYJ, SQ, MK, CP), pp. 173–177.
DAC-1997-LiemCSPJGLFB #development #embedded #multi- Am Embedded System Case Study: The Firm Ware Development Environment for a Multimedia Audio Processor (CL, MC, MS, PGP, AAJ, JMG, JL, XF, LB), pp. 780–785.
DAC-1997-PotkonjakKK #behaviour #design- Methodology for Behavioral Synthesis-Based Algorithm-Level Design Space Exploration: DCT Case Study (MP, KK, RK), pp. 252–257.
DAC-1997-SmailagicSMS #agile #design #off the shelf #prototype #smarttech- Very Rapid Prototyping of Wearable Computers: A Case Study of Custom versus Off-the-Shelf Design Methodologies (AS, DPS, RM, JS), pp. 315–320.
DAC-1997-XanthopoulosYC #architecture #estimation #using- Architectural Exploration Using Verilog-Based Power Estimation: A Case Study of the IDCT (TX, YY, AC), pp. 415–420.
PPoPP-1997-SodanGMST #architecture #experience #parallel #thread- Experiences with Non-numeric Applications on Multithreaded Architectures (AS, GRG, OM, JUS, XT), pp. 124–135.
CAV-1997-Rowe #verification- Formal Verification — Applications & Case Studies (MR), p. 11.
CAV-1997-TasiranB #composition #named #verification- STARI: A Case Study in Compositional and Hierarchical Timing Verification (ST, RKB), pp. 191–201.
- DL-1996-Crane #library
- Building a Digital Library: The Perseus Project as a Case Study in the Humanities (GRC), pp. 3–10.
- DL-1996-NorthSP #image #library
- User Controlled Overviews of an Image Library: A Case Study of the Visible Human (CN, BS, CP), pp. 74–82.
HT-1996-GirgensohnLS #collaboration #experience #using #web- Experiences in Developing Collaborative Applications Using the World Wide Web “Shell” (AG, AL, KS), pp. 246–255.
HT-1996-GraceWGG #hypermedia- Case Study: A Hypermedia System as Change Agent (MG, WW, KG, RJG), p. 256.
HT-1996-JonesC #web- A Study of Navigational Support Provided by World Wide Web Browsing Applications (SJ, AC), pp. 161–169.
SIGMOD-1996-MogiK - Hot Mirroring: A Study to Hide Parity Upgrade Penalty and Degradations During Rebuilds for RAID5 (KM, MK), pp. 183–194.
ITiCSE-1996-MalyWOAGYSTP #experience #interactive- Interactive remote instruction: initial experiences (KM, JCW, CMO, HMAW, AG, AY, ES, RT, AP), pp. 153–155.
ITiCSE-1996-Taylor #education #experience #multi- Integrating multimedia and telecommunications laboratory experiences into teacher education (HGT), p. 230.
ICSM-1996-GarciaA #maintenance- Maintainability as a key factor in maintenance productivity: a case study (MJBG, JCGA), p. 87–?.
ICSM-1996-GefenS #maintenance- The non-homogeneous maintenance periods: a case study of software modifications (DG, SLS), pp. 134–141.
ICSM-1996-McCrickardA #architecture #impact analysis #visual notation- Assessing the impact of changes at the architectural level: a case study on graphical debuggers (DSM, GDA), p. 59–?.
ICSM-1996-SlaughterB #development #maintenance- A study of the effects of software development practices on software maintenance effort (SS, RDB), pp. 197–205.
ICSM-1996-WallaceCW #distributed #framework #legacy #migration- Discovering a system modernization decision framework: a case study in migrating to distributed object technology (EW, PCC, KCW), p. 185–?.
WCRE-1996-TonellaFAM #analysis #architecture- Augmenting Pattern-Based Architectural Recovery with Flow Analysis: Mosaic — A Case Study (PT, RF, GA, EM), pp. 198–207.
WPC-1996-DoorleyC #automation #data flow #diagrams #experience- Experiences in Automatic Leveling of Data Flow Diagrams (MD, AC), pp. 218–229.
FME-1996-BrookesFL #comparative #component #specification- Formal and Informal Specifications of a Secure System Component: Final Results in a Comparative Study (TMB, JSF, PGL), pp. 214–227.
FME-1996-GroenboomSRL #formal method #specification- Formalizing Anaesthesia: a case study in formal specification (RG, ES, ER, GRRdL), pp. 120–139.
FME-1996-Jackson #embedded #experience #scheduling- Experiences in Embedded Scheduling (DMJ), pp. 445–464.
FME-1996-Sivertsen #development #safety- A Case Study on the Formal Development of a Reactor Safety System (TS), pp. 18–38.
CHI-1996-KoenemannB #behaviour #effectiveness #information retrieval #interactive- A Case for Interaction: A Study of Interactive Information Retrieval Behavior and Effectiveness (JK, NJB), pp. 205–212.
CHI-1996-SolowayJKQRSSSES #design #learning- Learning Theory in Practice: Case Studies of Learner-Centered Design (ES, SLJ, JK, CQ, JR, JS, SJS, SS, JE, NS), pp. 189–196.
CHI-1996-Sullivan #usability #user interface- The Windows 95 User Interface: A Case Study in Usability Engineering (KS), pp. 473–480.
CSCW-1996-Elliott #how- Conflict and Cooperation in the Courts: Case Study of how CSCW Alters Work (doctoral colloquium) (MSE), p. 445.
CSCW-1996-FitzpatrickKM #physics #social- Physical Spaces, Virtual Places and Social Worlds: a Study of Work in the Virtual (GF, SMK, TM), pp. 334–343.
CSCW-1996-Greenbaum #process- Back to Labor: Returning to Labor Process Discussions in the Study of Work (JG), pp. 229–237.
CSCW-1996-HindusAMS #named- Thunderwire: A Field Study of an Audio-Only Media Space (DH, MSA, SDM, BS), pp. 238–247.
CSCW-1996-MoranCHKMM #collaboration #process- Evolutionary Engagement in an Ongoing Collaborative Work Process: A Case Study (TPM, PC, SRH, GK, SLM, WvM), pp. 150–159.
CSCW-1996-PoltrockG #experience #roadmap #workflow- CSCW, Groupware and Workflow: Experiences, State of Art and Future Trends (SEP, JG), p. 3.
CAiSE-1996-KroneKHDE #information management #using- Developing an Information System Using TROLL: An Application Field Study (MK, MK, PH, GD, HDE), pp. 136–159.
CAiSE-1996-KudrassLB #experience #legacy #re-engineering- Tool-Based Re-Engineering of a Legacy MIS: An Experience Report (TK, ML, APB), pp. 116–135.
CIKM-1996-WarshawM #declarative- A Case Study of Venus and a Declarative Basis for Rule Modules (LW, DPM), pp. 317–325.
ICPR-1996-KroepelienVJ #authentication #database #image- Image databases: a case study in Norwegian silver authentication (BK, AV, AKJ), pp. 370–374.
KDD-1996-ProvanS #data mining #mining- Data Mining and Model Simplicity: A Case Study in Diagnosis (GMP, MS), pp. 57–62.
KR-1996-Kelley #calculus #modelling #problem #using- Modeling Complex Systems in the Situation Calculus: A Case Study Using the Dagstuhl Steam Boiler Problem (TGK), pp. 26–37.
SEKE-1996-AgyapongB #elicitation- Eliciting Domain Knowledge for Decision Support: A Case Study in the Criminal Justice System (OAA, POB), pp. 129–135.
SEKE-1996-ChangW #data mining #mining- Scientific Data Mining: A Case Study (CYC, JTLW), pp. 100–107.
SEKE-1996-KarallB #independence #re-engineering #visualisation- Case Study: EasyCODE — A Language Independent Visualization Tool for Reengineering (OK, SB), pp. 353–360.
SIGIR-1996-BrajnikMT #information retrieval #user interface- Evaluating User Interfaces to Information Retrieval Systems: A Case Study on User Support (GB, SM, CT), pp. 128–136.
ECOOP-1996-BaumerKGZ #experience #object-oriented #scalability- Large Scale Object-Oriented Software-Development in a Banking Environment: An Experience Report (DB, RK, GG, HZ), pp. 73–90.
OOPSLA-1996-EcklundDF #identification #requirements- Change Cases: Use Cases that Identify Future Requirements (EFEJ, LMLD, MJF), pp. 342–358.
OOPSLA-1996-Yelland #design pattern #framework #using- Creating Host Compliance in a Portable Framework: A Study in the Use of Existing Design Patterns (PMY), pp. 18–29.
AdaEurope-1996-Bremmon #ada #experience #information management #legacy #object-oriented- The Funds Management Modernization: Experiences with Developing an Object-Oriented, Client-Server Management Information System in Ada 95 (CB), pp. 427–438.
AdaEurope-1996-EmeryHR #architecture #experience- Experiences Applying a Practical Architectural Method (DEE, RFHI, TBR), pp. 471–484.
LOPSTR-1996-LauO #logic #specification- Forms of Logic Specifications: A Preliminary Study (KKL, MO), pp. 295–312.
PLDI-1996-DawsonRW #logic programming #program analysis #using- Practical Program Analysis Using General Purpose Logic Programming Systems — A Case Study (SD, CRR, DSW), pp. 117–126.
PLILP-1996-DanvyV #compilation #partial evaluation #semantics- Semantics-Based Compiling: A Case Study in Type-Directed Partial Evaluation (OD, RV), pp. 182–197.
TRI-Ada-1996-Moody #ada #architecture #experience #migration #reuse- Migrating Well Engineered Ada 83 Applications into Newer Architecture and Reuse Based Ada 95 Systems: Experiences from Boeing’s Reuse Initiative Project (SAM), pp. 219–229.
ICRE-1996-LutzW #analysis #experience #requirements- Experience Report: Contributions of SFMEA to Requirements Analysis (RRL, RMW), pp. 44–51.
ICRE-1996-NissenJJZH #analysis #concept #experience #modelling #multi #requirements- Requirements Analysis from Multiple Perspectives: Experiences with Conceptual Modeling Technology (HWN, MAJ, MJ, GVZ, HH), p. 217.
ICSE-1996-BifflGO #distributed #experience #platform- Engineering an “Open” Client/Server-Platform for a Distributed Austrian Alpine Road-Pricing System in 240 Days: Case Study and Experience Report (SB, TG, SO), pp. 115–124.
ICSE-1996-Kontio #off the shelf- A Case Study in Applying a Systematic Method for COTS Selection (JK), pp. 201–209.
ICSE-1996-OgasawaraYK #experience #lifecycle #metric #quality #using- Experiences of Software Quality Management Using Metrics through the Life-Cycle (HO, AY, MK), pp. 179–188.
SAC-1996-LeeHHC #how #implementation #performance #problem #process #set- Efficient implementations of two variant subset sum problems: a case study of how to process appraisal books resulting from fire-destroyed money (PL, FYH, CYH, HTC), pp. 230–237.
SAC-1996-LiK #c++ #design #graph #implementation #object-oriented #reuse- An object-oriented design and implementation of reusable graph objects with C++: a case study (WNL, RK), pp. 510–514.
CC-1996-VerbruggeCH #c #constant- Generalized Constant Propagation: A Study in C (CV, PC, LJH), pp. 74–90.
DAC-1996-CoudertHM #algorithm #comparative- New Algorithms for Gate Sizing: A Comparative Study (OC, RWH, SM), pp. 734–739.
HPDC-1996-OguchiO #distributed #network- A Study of Caching Proxy Mechanisms Realized on Wide Area Distributed Networks (MO, KO), pp. 443–449.
PDP-1996-GruberHKV #parallel #programming- Parallel Programming with CAPSE — A Case Study (BG, GH, DK, JV), pp. 130–138.
PDP-1996-ZambonelliPLS #experience #migration #network #parallel- Experiences on Porting a Parallel Objects Environment from a Transputer Network to a PVM-Based System (FZ, MP, LL, NS), pp. 367–376.
CADE-1996-GiunchigliaS #logic- Building Decision Procedures for Modal Logics from Propositional Decision Procedure — The Case Study of Modal K (FG, RS), pp. 583–597.
CAV-1996-CapellmannDFGNO #abstraction #behaviour #detection #interactive #network #verification- Verification by Behaviour Abstraction — A Case Study of Service Interaction Detection in Intelligent Telephone Networks (CC, RD, FFV, RGE, UN, PO), pp. 466–469.
ISSTA-1996-DaranT #analysis #fault- Software Error Analysis: A Real Case Study Involving Real Faults and Mutations (MD, PTF), pp. 158–171.
ISSTA-1996-Heimdahl #analysis #experience #lessons learnt- Experiences and Lessons from the Analysis of TCAS II (MPEH), pp. 79–83.
- DL-1995-CroccaA #experience #library
- Delivering Technology for Digital Libraries: Experiences as Vendors (WTC, WLA).
- DL-1995-CroftCW #experience #internet
- Providing Government Information on the Internet: Experiences with THOMAS (WBC, RC, DW).
ICDAR-v2-1995-DrouhardSG #classification #comparative #nearest neighbour #network #using #verification- Comparative study of the k nearest neighbour, threshold and neural network classifiers for handwritten signature verification using an enhanced directional PDF (JPD, RS, MG), pp. 807–810.
ICDAR-v2-1995-MatsunagaK #classification #learning #statistics- An experimental study of learning curves for statistical pattern classifiers (TM, HK), pp. 1103–1106.
ICDAR-v2-1995-Yeung #approach #grammar inference #modelling #online #recognition- A grammatical inference approach to on-line handwriting modeling and recognition: a pilot study (DYY), pp. 1069–1073.
ICDAR-v2-1995-ZramdiniI #documentation #image #recognition- A study of document image degradation effects on font recognition (AWZ, RI), pp. 740–743.
SIGMOD-1995-PapadiasTSE #bound- Topological Relations in the World of Minimum Bounding Rectangles: A Study with R-trees (DP, YT, TKS, MJE), pp. 92–103.
CSEE-1995-CoyneDGR #approach #education #experience #modelling #re-engineering- Teaching More Comprehensive Model-Based Software Engineering: Experience with Objectory’s Use Case Approach (RFC, AHD, BB, DR), pp. 339–374.
FPLE-1995-JarvisPM #comprehension #education #experience #functional #programming #scalability- Understanding LOLITA: Experiences in Teaching Large Scale Functional Programming (SAJ, SP, RGM), pp. 103–119.
ICSM-1995-BoldyreffBHMMY #approach #comprehension- The AMES approach to application understanding: a case study (CB, EB, RMH, REM, MM, EJY), pp. 182–191.
ICSM-1995-CimitileLM #identification #reuse #slicing #specification #using- Identifying reusable functions using specification driven program slicing: a case study (AC, ADL, MM), pp. 124–133.
ICSM-1995-French #experience #legacy #maintenance #process #re-engineering- Applying software engineering and process improvement to legacy defence system maintenance: an experience report (VAF), p. 337–?.
ICSM-1995-HsiaGKPL #architecture #maintenance #object-oriented- A study on the effect of architecture on maintainability of object-oriented systems (PH, AG, DCK, JP, SL), pp. 4–11.
ICSM-1995-WeddeSN #maintenance- A case study of a maintenance support system (KJW, TS, IN), pp. 32–41.
ICSM-1995-Williams #analysis #design #experience #object-oriented #using- Using object oriented analysis and design in a non-object oriented environment experience report (KW), p. 109–?.
CHI-1995-JohnP #approach #learning #using- Learning and Using the Cognitive Walkthrough Method: A Case Study Approach (BEJ, HP), pp. 429–436.
CHI-1995-Sumner #design- The High-Tech Toolbelt: A Study of Designers in the Workplace (TS), pp. 178–185.
CAiSE-1995-NaratV #evaluation #experience #maintenance- A Guide for Software Maintenance Evaluation: Experience Report (VN, AV), pp. 366–374.
ICML-1995-DeJong - A Case Study of Explanation-Based Control (GD), pp. 167–175.
KDD-1995-FeeldersLZ #data mining #evaluation #mining- Data Mining for Loan Evaluation at ABN AMRO: A Case Study (AJF, AJFlL, JWvZ), pp. 106–111.
ECOOP-1995-Thomas #experience- Experiences on The Road to Object Utopia (DAT), p. 1.
OOPSLA-1995-MalanCL #experience #lessons learnt- Lessons from the Experiences of Leading-Edge Object Technology Projects in Hewlett Packard (RM, DC, RL), pp. 33–46.
TRI-Ada-1995-Ogren95a #development #experience #using- Experiences from Trial Use of MIL-STD-498 in Connection with the O4S (Objects for Systems) Development Method (IÖ), pp. 773–789.
RE-1995-EmamM #development #information management #requirements- A field study of requirements engineering practices in information systems development (KEE, NHM), pp. 68–80.
RE-1995-GoughFHR #hypermedia #industrial #named- Scenarios — an industrial case study and hypermedia enhancements (PAG, FTF, SAH, SJR), pp. 10–17.
RE-1995-RameshPSE #implementation #requirements #traceability- Implementing requirements traceability: a case study (BR, TP, CS, ME), pp. 89–99.
RE-1995-RegnellKW #approach #requirements- Improving the use case driven approach to requirements engineering (BR, KK, AW), pp. 40–41.
ESEC-1995-BrownCCMSWW #quality #scalability- Assessing the Quality of Large, Software-Intensive Systems: A Case Study (AWB, DJC, PCC, BCM, DBS, NHW, WGW), pp. 384–404.
ESEC-1995-Chamillard #analysis #metric #performance #predict #reachability- An Exploratory Study of Program Metrics as Predictors of Reachability Analysis Performance (ATC), pp. 343–361.
ESEC-1995-VottaZ #design #process #using- Design Process Improvement Case Study Using Process Waiver Data (LGV, MLZ), pp. 44–58.
FSE-1995-Fekete #liveness #modelling #specification- Liveness Conditions in Model-Based Service Specifications: A Case Study (AF), pp. 62–71.
FSE-1995-WingV #model checking- Model Checking Software Systems: A Case Study (JMW, MV), pp. 128–139.
ICSE-1995-ArdisCJMPSO #experience #framework #specification- A Framework for Evaluating Specification Methods for Reactive Systems: Experience Report (MAA, JAC, LJJ, PM, CP, MGS, JVO), pp. 159–168.
ICSE-1995-GautierLST #experience #integration #tool support- Tool Integration: Experiences and Directions (BG, CWL, ES, LT), pp. 315–324.
ICSE-1995-RosenbaumC #experience #reuse- Managing Software Reuse — An Experience Report (SR, BdC), pp. 105–111.
KBSE-1995-FeldmanF #automation #scalability- Portability by Automatic Translation — A Large-Scale Case Study (YAF, DF), pp. 123–130.
KBSE-1995-KraanB #framework #logic #tool support #verification- Logical Frameworks as a Basis for Verification Tools: A Case Study (IK, PB), pp. 36–43.
SAC-1995-Akbarzadeh-TotonchiJD #distributed #fuzzy #parametricity- Fuzzy hierarchical control of distributed parameter systems: a case study on a heating slab (MRAT, MJ, PD), pp. 552–556.
SAC-1995-SaiedianM #framework #process #quality- A study of two frameworks for quality software process (HS, LMM), pp. 434–439.
ASF+SDF-1995-Vigna #asf+sdf #specification #using- Specifying Imp(G) Using ASF+SDF: A Case Study (SV), pp. 65–88.
DAC-1995-BombanaCCHMZ #synthesis- Design-Flow and Synthesis for ASICs: A Case Study (MB, PC, SC, RBH, GM, GZ), pp. 292–297.
HPDC-1995-EwyEFM #experience- TCP/ATM Experiences in the MAGIC Testbed (BJE, JBE, VF, GJM), pp. 87–93.
PDP-1995-ButtnerG #modelling #object-oriented- Load-balancing and object-orientation: a case study from mesoscale flow modelling (LB, JG), pp. 114–121.
PDP-1995-SantoFI #experience #multi- Experiences in dynamic placement of actors on multicomputer systems (MDS, FF, GI), pp. 130–137.
PPoPP-1995-BaderJ #algorithm #component #image #parallel- Parallel Algorithms for Image Histogramming and Connected Components with an Experimental Study (DAB, JJ), pp. 123–133.
TAPSOFT-1995-AndersenM #algebra #process- Describing a Signal Analyzer in the Process Algebra PMC - A Case Study (HRA, MM), pp. 620–635.
TAPSOFT-1995-Kleuker #specification #using- A Gentle Introduction to Specification Engineering Using a Case Study in Telecommunications (SK), pp. 636–650.
CAV-1995-EirikssonM #analysis #design #using #verification- Using Formal Verification/Analysis Methods on the Critical Path in System Design: A Case Study (ÁTE, KLM), pp. 367–380.
ILPS-1995-JaffarMN #logic programming #modelling- Logic Programming and Object Modelling: A Case Study (JJ, MJM, GN), p. 48.
HT-ECHT-1994-DavisKH #hypermedia #integration- Light Hypermedia Link Services: A Study of Third Party Application Integration (HCD, SK, WH), pp. 41–50.
CSEE-1994-Dalcher #community #re-engineering- Falling Down is Part of Growing Up; the Study of Failure and the Software Engineering Community (DD), pp. 489–496.
CSEE-1994-PurtiloS #experience- Experiences with CCB-Directed Projects in the Classroom (JMP, SS), pp. 285–302.
ICSM-1994-AntoniniCC #experience #legacy #quality #re-engineering #requirements- Reengineering Legacy Systems to Meet Quality Requirements: An Experience Report (PA, GC, AC), pp. 146–153.
ICSM-1994-PigoskiN #maintenance #metric- Software Maintenance Metrics: A Case Study (TMP, LEN), pp. 392–401.
ICSM-1994-QueilleVWM #impact analysis #maintenance- The Impact Analysis Task in Software Maintenance: A Model and a Case Study (JPQ, JFV, NW, MM), pp. 234–242.
ICSM-1994-SolingerEN #development #experience #maintenance #re-engineering- Transferring Reengineering Technology to a Software Development and Maintenance Organization: An Experience Report (MS, AE, JQN), pp. 100–108.
FME-1994-ErasmyS #refinement #using- Stepwise Refinement of Control Software — A Case Study Using RAISE (FE, ES), pp. 547–566.
FME-1994-FitzgeraldBGL #comparative #component #specification- Formal and Informal Specifications of a Secure System Component: first results in a comparative study (JSF, TMB, MAG, PGL), pp. 35–44.
FME-1994-RitchieBH #automaton #experience #using- Experiences in Using the Abstract Machine Notation in a GKS Case Study (BR, JB, HPH), pp. 93–104.
FME-1994-Seidel #refinement #specification- Case Study: Specification and Refinement of the PI-Bus (KS), pp. 532–546.
CHI-1994-AdlerH94a #experience- A room of our own: experiences from a direct office share (AA, DAHJ), pp. 138–144.
CSCW-1994-AbbottS #experience #generative #workflow- Experiences with Workflow Management: Issues for the Next Generation (KRA, SKS), pp. 113–120.
CSCW-1994-Ackerman #memory management- Augmenting the Organizational Memory: A Field Study of Answer Garden (MSA), pp. 243–252.
CAiSE-1994-Kurbel #analysis #automation #code generation #experience #using- From Analysis to Code Generation: Experiences from an Information Engineering Project Using I-CASE Technology (KK), pp. 214–227.
ICML-1994-Mahadevan #learning- To Discount or Not to Discount in Reinforcement Learning: A Case Study Comparing R Learning and Q Learning (SM), pp. 164–172.
KDD-1994-DruzdzeG #student- Application of the TETRAD II Program to the Study of Student Retention in U.S. Colleges (MJD, CG), pp. 419–430.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-DabbeneLV #experience #object-oriented- Experiences in Object Oriented Software Redesign (DD, FL, EV), pp. 395–403.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-DoesburgEKW #experience- Practical Experiences with OMT (ED, DE, AK, JW), pp. 75–87.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Graham #analysis #object-oriented #process #re-engineering #requirements- Beyond the Use Case: Combining Task Analysis and Scripts in Object-Oriented Requirements Capture and Business Process Re-engineering (IMG), pp. 203–215.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-PereiraD #comparison #experience #object-oriented #realtime #using- Using Object-Orientation in Real-Time Applications: An Experience Report or (1 Application + 5 Approaches = 1 Comparison) (CEP, PD), pp. 147–158.
AdaEurope-1994-Anderson94a #analysis #development #experience #object-oriented- Experiences Integrating Object-Oriented Analysis with Joint Application Development (JAD) (JAA), pp. 509–521.
LOPSTR-1994-SemeraroEMBP #learning #logic #source code- Avoiding Non-Termination when Learning Logical Programs: A Case Study with FOIL and FOCL (GS, FE, DM, CB, MJP), pp. 183–198.
ICRE-1994-AcostaBRS #agile #prototype #requirements- A case study of applying rapid prototyping techniques in the Requirements Engineering Environment (RDA, CLB, WER, JLS), pp. 66–73.
ICRE-1994-HollandSCC #analysis #information management- The directorate information system at St Thomas’ hospital: a study in domain analysis (JH, PHS, ERC, BC), pp. 102–109.
ICSE-1994-BrodmanJ #experience #what- What Small Business and Small Organizations Say About the CMM: Experience Report (JGB, DLJ), pp. 331–340.
ICSE-1994-DeshmukhDLL #experience #standard #testing- The Role of Testing Methodologies in Open Systems Standards: A POSIX Experience Report (GD, RD, JFL, KAL), pp. 233–240.
ICSE-1994-DevanbuJ #experience #logic #using- The Use of Description Logics in KBSE Systems: Experience Report (PTD, MAJ), pp. 23–35.
ICSE-1994-Johnson94a #experience #process- Software Process Improvement Experience in the DP/MIS Function: Experience Report (AJ), pp. 323–329.
ICSE-1994-KeaneH #approach #experience #formal method #parallel- A Formal Approach to Determining Parallel Resource Bindings: Experience Report (JAK, WH), pp. 15–22.
KBSE-1994-TerveenS - Intelligent Assistance for Software Construction: A Case Study (LGT, PGS), pp. 14–21.
EDAC-1994-McGowenF #detection- A Study of Undetectable Non-Feedback Shorts for the Purpose of Physical-DFT (RM, FJF), pp. 371–375.
ICDAR-1993-LeeDKA #functional- A study on a method of dividing machine-parts into functional groups for technical illustrations (IL, SD, TK, NA), pp. 886–889.
SIGMOD-1993-BlakeleyMG #experience #query- Experiences Building the Open OODB Query Optimizer (JAB, WJM, GG), pp. 287–296.
CSM-1993-AbranR #reliability- Reliability of Function Points Productivity Model for Enhancement Projects (A Field Study) (AA, PNR), pp. 80–87.
CSM-1993-CanforaCMT #c #data type #source code- Extracting Abstract Data Types from C Programs: A Case Study (GC, AC, MM, CJT), pp. 200–209.
CSM-1993-FoleyC #quality #testing- Improving the Quality of Three Products Through Improved Testing: A Case Study (DF, FWC), pp. 180–189.
CSM-1993-KhoshgoftaarML #comparative #maintenance #modelling #predict #testing- A Comparative Study of Predictive Models for Program Changes During System Testing and Maintenance (TMK, JCM, DLL), pp. 72–79.
CSM-1993-Narat #database #maintenance #relational #using- Using a Relational Database for Software Maintenance: A Case Study (VN), pp. 244–251.
CSM-1993-NewtonB #design #maintenance- Designing Systems for Future Maintainability: A Case Study (JN, KHB), pp. 272–280.
CSM-1993-PigoskiL #experience #maintenance- Software Maintenance Training: Transition Experiences (TMP, CSL), pp. 314–318.
FME-1993-HaxthausenG #concurrent #using- A Concurrency Case Study Using RAISE (AEH, CG), pp. 367–387.
RTA-1993-Zhang - A Case Study of Completion Modulo Distributivity and Abelian Groups (HZ), pp. 32–46.
FPCA-1993-Hicks #experience- Experiences with Compiler-Directed Storage Reclamation (JH), pp. 95–105.
HCI-ACS-1993-AhmadHRHHHKM #development- User-driven Software Development: Translator’s Workbench — An Exemplar Case Study (KA, PHH, MR, MH, KLH, CH, RK, RM), pp. 319–324.
HCI-ACS-1993-Ala-Siuru #experience #specification #user interface #using- Using QFD Techniques in User Interface Specification: First Experiences (PAS), pp. 456–461.
HCI-ACS-1993-BaughG #interactive- Human Computer Interaction Within the Criminal Justice System: A Study of the Probation Service (PJB, ACG), pp. 344–349.
HCI-ACS-1993-Beck #design- User Participation in systems Design — Results of a Field Study (AB), pp. 534–539.
HCI-ACS-1993-BollenS #automation #how #process- How to Survive Process Control Automation: A Case Study of Integral User Participation (LAAB, TWvdS), pp. 121–126.
HCI-ACS-1993-Burger #assessment #performance #usability- Performance of a Usability Assessment Model: A New Zealand Case Study (SVB), pp. 660–665.
HCI-ACS-1993-ChasePHH #documentation #using- Task-Oriented User Documentation Using the User Action Notation: A Case Study (JDC, MP, HRH, DH), pp. 421–426.
HCI-ACS-1993-ClarkH #automation #human-computer #interactive- A Study of Human-Computer Interaction in the Selection of Commercial Pilots for Automated Flight Decks (REC, WFHI), pp. 350–355.
HCI-ACS-1993-HajnalC #interactive- A Study of Additive and Interactive Effects of Work and Extra-Organizational Factors on Female VDT Workers (CH, PC), pp. 925–930.
HCI-ACS-1993-InoueN #recognition #sequence- A Case Study of Plan Recognition: Command Sequences as Acts (YI, MN), pp. 392–397.
HCI-ACS-1993-JarvenpaaCHLY #comparison #framework- A Cross-Cultural Framework for the Study of Stres Among Computer Users: Comparison of the USA and Finland (EJ, PC, CH, SYL, CLY), pp. 874–879.
HCI-ACS-1993-KorunkaHK #aspect-oriented #experience #human-computer- Methodological Aspects of Longitudinal Studies — Experiences from a HCI Study (CK, KHH, BK), pp. 709–714.
HCI-ACS-1993-LuCA - VDTs in Offices: A Field Study (HL, JC, FA), pp. 786–790.
HCI-ACS-1993-LundellW #development- Integrating QFD Into Software Development: A Case Study (JL, MDW), pp. 404–409.
HCI-ACS-1993-Seppala #experience- Experiences on Computerization in Different Occupational Groups: A Study in Municipal Workplaces (PKS), pp. 988–993.
HCI-ACS-1993-SeppalaT #experience #implementation #industrial- Experiences in the Use and Implementation of Information Technology in the Printing Industry (PKS, ET), pp. 56–61.
HCI-ACS-1993-VaananenH #communication #guidelines #multi #testing #usability- Testing Acceptance and Usability of Multimedia in Man-Machine Communication: A Case Study and Guidelines (KV, DH), pp. 450–455.
HCI-SHI-1993-HsiA #design #multi- Navigational Issues in Multimedia Case Studies of Engineering Design (SH, AMA), pp. 464–469.
HCI-SHI-1993-Karsenty - Task-Dependent Descriptions: A Preliminary Study (LK), pp. 897–902.
INTERCHI-1993-BowersR #experience #interface #network- Exploding the interface: experiences of a CSCW network (JB, TR), pp. 255–262.
INTERCHI-1993-MonkNGMM #communication- Mixing oil and water?: Ethnography versus experimental psychology in the study of computer-mediated communication (AFM, BAN, NG, MMM, JCM), pp. 3–6.
ECOOP-1993-BirrerE #experience #framework- Frameworks in the Financial Engineering Domain — An Experience Report (AB, TE), pp. 21–35.
OOPSLA-1993-BinghamHH #experience #library #object-oriented #using- Experiences Developing and Using an Object-Oriented Library for Program Manipulation (TB, NH, DH), pp. 83–89.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-Jacobson #approach #object-oriented #re-engineering- Object-Oriented Software Engineering — a Use Case Driven Approach (IJ), p. 333.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-LaurentS #approach #industrial #object-oriented- “Traditional” versus Object-Oriented Approach: a Case Study in an Industrial Environment (PL, NS), pp. 109–114.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Taylor93a #development #experience #object-oriented- Experiences with Object Oriented Software Development (PT), pp. 507–519.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Fayad #experience #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Experiences (MF), p. 532.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Putnam #c++ #experience #programming- C++ vs Sather: Experiences in Experimental Programming (JP), pp. 265–277.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Sanders #algebra #eiffel #object-oriented #programming- A Case Study in Object Oriented Programming: Algebraic Structures in Eiffel (PS), pp. 379–388.
AdaEurope-1993-BurnsWBF #design #implementation #realtime- The Olympus Attitude and Orbital Control System: A Case Study in Hard Real-Time System Design and Implementation (AB, AJW, CMB, EF), pp. 19–35.
AdaEurope-1993-KamradH #ada #realtime- Applying Ada 9X to Two Real-Time Applications: A Case Study (JMKI, JH), pp. 79–94.
PLDI-1993-GroveT #constant #implementation #interprocedural- Interprocedural Constant Propagation: A Study of Jump Function Implementations (DG, LT), pp. 90–99.
TRI-Ada-1993-Klingler #process- A Case Study in Process Definition (CDK), pp. 65–79.
ESEC-1993-BrownMZ #experience- Experiences with a Federated Environment Testbed (AWB, EJM, PFZ), pp. 175–196.
ESEC-1993-Cederling #development #industrial- Industrial Software Development — A Case Study (UC), pp. 226–237.
ESEC-1993-PerryS #evolution #fault #realtime #scalability- Software Faults in Evolving a Large, Real-Time System: a Case Study (DEP, CSS), pp. 48–67.
ICSE-1993-DrakeXTZ #analysis #approach- Approach and Case Study of Requirement Analysis Where End Users Take an Active Role (JMD, WWX, WTT, IAZ), pp. 177–186.
DAC-1993-VemuriMSKRV #experience #functional #synthesis #validation- Experiences in Functional Validation of a High Level Synthesis System (RV, PM, PS, NK, JR, RV), pp. 194–201.
PDP-1993-HoltonMM #development #experience #parallel- Experiences with the rigorous development of a parallel program (DRWH, JDMM, RMM), pp. 375–382.
PPoPP-1993-HallHKMMOPR #editing #experience #interactive #parallel #programming #using- Experiences Using the ParaScope Editor: an Interactive Parallel Programming Tool (MWH, TJH, KK, NM, KSM, JDO, MHP, GR), pp. 33–43.
SOSP-1993-HauserJTWW #interactive #thread #using- Using Threads in Interactive Systems: A Case Study (CH, CJ, MT, BBW, MW), pp. 94–105.
TAPSOFT-1993-InverardiKY #formal method #named #using- Yeast: A Case Study for a Practical Use of Formal Methods (PI, BK, DY), pp. 105–120.
TAPSOFT-1993-OlderogR #concurrent #design- A Case Study in Transformational Design of Concurrent Systems (ERO, SR), pp. 90–104.
ISSTA-1993-StocksC #framework #testing- Test Template Framework: A Specification-Based Testing Case Study (PS, DAC), pp. 11–18.
IWPTS-1993-AhtiainenCHK #automation #experience #tool support- Experiences with Octopus Automated TTCN Translation Tools Applied to GSM/SS7 (AA, BC, MWAH, SK), pp. 231–253.
IWPTS-1993-EkEW #experience #generative #testing- Experiences with Computer Aided Test Suite Generation (AE, JE, AW), pp. 181–196.
HT-ECHT-1992-MarshallR #experience- Two Years before the Mist: Experiences with Aquanet (CCM, RAR), pp. 53–62.
VLDB-1992-Heimbigner #experience- Experiences With an Object Manager for a Process-Centered Environment (DH), pp. 585–595.
SEI-1992-Christel #experience #interactive #video- Experiences with an Interactive Video Code Inspection Laboratory (MGC), pp. 395–412.
CHI-1992-GarberG - The Art of Search: A Study of Art Directors (SG, MBG), pp. 157–163.
CHI-1992-PauschVC #user study- One dimensional motion tailoring for the disabled: a user study (RFP, LV, MC), pp. 405–411.
CHI-1992-RopaA #collaboration #communication #design #interface #multi- A Case Study of a Multimedia Co-working Task and the Resulting Interface Design of a Collaborative Communication Tool (AR, BA), pp. 649–650.
CHI-1992-SmithL #design- Designing theory-based systems: a case study (JBS, ML), pp. 479–488.
CHI-1992-Spohrer #experience #learning #prototype- Simulation-based learning systems: prototypes and experiences (AJ, JCS), pp. 523–524.
CHI-1992-WhartonBJF #experience #recommendation #user interface- Applying cognitive walkthroughs to more complex user interfaces: experiences, issues, and recommendations (CW, JB, RJ, MF), pp. 381–388.
CSCW-1992-GronbaekKM #challenge #scalability- CSCW Challenges in Large-Scale Technical Projects — A Case Study (KG, MK, PM), pp. 338–345.
CSCW-1992-Sanderson #implementation #process- The CSCW Implementation Process: An Interpretative Model and Case Study of the Implementation of a Videoconference System (DS), pp. 370–377.
CSCW-1992-ShuF #3d #design #experience- Groupware Experiences in Three-Dimensional Computer-Aided Design (LS, WF), pp. 179–186.
KR-1992-Sadek #logic- A Study in the Logic of Intention (MDS), pp. 462–473.
ML-1992-Aha - Generalizing from Case studies: A Case Study (DWA), pp. 1–10.
SEKE-1992-SotiropoulouP #difference #equation #information management- A Case Study of Knowledge Engineering in the Application Area of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations (PDE’s) (VVS, TSP), pp. 261–268.
OOPSLA-1992-ChampeauxAF #development #object-oriented- Case Study of Object-Oriented Software Development (DdC, AA, EF), pp. 377–391.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-Berre #experience #integration #object-oriented- Experiences from System Integration through an OO Software Bus (AJB), pp. 33–45.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-CapobianchiGLR #parallel- Active Objects on Parallel Machines: a Case Study (RC, RG, AL, PR), pp. 207–216.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-StevensB #experience #object-oriented #scheduling- Developing Re-Usable Software for Scheduling Applications: a Report of Experiences with OO Technology (AS, FB), pp. 149–156.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-Duke #object-oriented #specification- Case Studies in Object-Oriented Formal Specification (RD), p. 236.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-Malone #design #object-oriented #programming- Object Oriented Design and Programming: A Case Study (CM), pp. 119–130.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-BerryS #ada #experience #re-engineering #requirements #scalability- Estimating Requirements for a Large Software Engineering Project: Experiences with Ada COCOMO on SIDPERS-3 (RHB, RMS), pp. 375–383.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-BlakeB #ada #experience #interface #perspective #semantics #specification- Experiences with The Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS): Developing a Tool with a View (SJB, JBB), pp. 458–468.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-JurikS #development #experience #object-oriented- Experiences in Object Oriented Development (JAJ, RSS), pp. 189–197.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-LawlisE #ada #assembly- Ada Outperforms Assembly: A Case Study (PKL, TWE), pp. 334–337.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-Reed #ada #experience #implementation- Experiences in Implementing Ada 9X Protected Records and Requeue (PR), pp. 62–67.
TRI-Ada-T1-1992-FayadC #experience #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Experiences (MF, DdC), pp. 380–496.
ICSE-1992-Isoda #experience #process #reuse #statistics- Experience Report on Software Reuse Project: Its Structure, Activities, and Statistical Results (SI), pp. 320–326.
HPDC-1992-GrimshawWP #biology #experience- No Pain and Gain — Experiences with Mentat on a Biological Application (ASG, EAW, WRP), pp. 57–66.
HPDC-1992-WilsonGC #experience #performance- Experiences in High Performance Computing with Pleiades and ESP (LFW, MJG, MWC), pp. 67–76.
ESOP-1992-Levaire #programming #using- Using the Centaur System to for Data-Parallel SIMD Programming: A Case Study (JLL), pp. 341–350.
CAV-1992-AagaardL #logic #synthesis #verification- Verifying a Logic Synthesis Tool in Nuprl: A Case Study in Software Verification (MA, ML), pp. 69–81.
CAV-1992-Bruns #design #safety- A Case Study in Safety-Critical Design (GB), pp. 220–233.
CAV-1992-FischerST #algebra #distributed #process #verification- Verification in Process Algebra of the Distributed Control of Track Vehicles — A Case Study (SF, AS, DT), pp. 192–205.
VLDB-1991-BrantGLM #database #performance- Effects of Database Size on Rule System Performance: Five Case Studies (DAB, TG, BJL, DPM), pp. 287–296.
VDME-1991-HoustonK #cics #experience #using- CICS Project Report: Experiences and Results from the use of Z in IBM (IH, SK), pp. 588–596.
VDME-1991-Woodcock91c #refinement- Two Refinement Case Studies (JW), pp. 118–140.
CHI-1991-ManteiBSBMW #experience #using- Experiences in the use of a media space (MMM, RMB, AS, WB, TM, BW), pp. 203–208.
CHI-1991-McCarthyMM #communication- An experimental study of common ground in text-based communication (JCM, VCM, AFM), pp. 209–215.
CHI-1991-MinnemanB #design #distributed #multi- Managing a trois: a study of a multi-user drawing tool in distributed design work (SLM, SAB), pp. 217–224.
CHI-1991-SiochiH #analysis #evaluation #user interface #using- A study of computer-supported user interface evaluation using maximal repeating pattern analysis (ACS, DH), pp. 301–305.
CAiSE-1991-HillstonOP #using- A Case Study Using the IMSE Experimentation Tool (JH, ALO, RP), pp. 284–306.
ML-1991-WhitehallL #how #knowledge-based #learning- A Study of How Domain Knowledge Improves Knowledge-Based Learning Systems (BLW, SCYL), pp. 559–563.
ML-1991-YangRB #comparative- Fringe-Like Feature Construction: A Comparative Study and a Unifying Scheme (DSY, LAR, GB), pp. 223–227.
OOPSLA-1991-HansonHR #database #experience #implementation #object-oriented #persistent #programming language #tool support #using- Experiences in DBMS Implementation Using an Object-Oriented Persistent Programming Language and a Database Toolkit (ENH, TMH, MAR), pp. 314–328.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Murphy #analysis #experience #object-oriented- Experiences in Applying Object-Oriented Analysis (GCM), pp. 249–264.
AdaEurope-1991-Baumgarten #ada #comparative #distributed- Distributed Systems and Ada — Current Projects and Approaches Comparative Study’s Results (UB), pp. 260–278.
LOPSTR-1991-ReadK #composition #development #prolog- Formal Program Development in Modular Prolog: A Case Study (MGR, EAK), pp. 69–93.
PLILP-1991-Vollmer #compilation #experience #logic programming #performance- Experiences with Gentle: Efficient Compiler Construction Based On Logic Programming (JV), pp. 425–426.
WSA-1991-EchahedJPS #comparative #equation #program transformation- Equational Reasonning and the Completion Procedure. A Comparative Study in Program Transformation (RE, PJ, MLP, SS), pp. 53–61.
ICSE-1991-DunnK #industrial #reuse- Software Reuse in an Industrial Setting: A Case Study (MFD, JCK), pp. 329–338.
ICSE-1991-PopovichSP #experience #generative- Experiences with an Environment Generation System (SSP, WMS, DEP), pp. 219–224.
DAC-1991-AmonB91a #synthesis- Sizing Synchronization Queues: A Case Study in Higher Level Synthesis (TA, GB), pp. 690–693.
PPoPP-1991-Malony #performance- Event-Based Performance Perturbation: A Case Study (ADM), pp. 201–212.
STOC-1991-CoffmanCGJMSWY #analysis- Fundamental Discrepancies between Average-Case Analyses under Discrete and Continuous Distributions: A Bin Packing Case Study (EGCJ, CC, MRG, DSJ, LAM, PWS, RRW, MY), pp. 230–240.
ISLP-1991-FilkornSTW #design #experience #industrial #scalability- Experiences from a Large Industrial Circuit Design Application (TF, RS, ET, PW), pp. 581–595.
IWPTS-1991-Cowin #documentation #experience #testing- Experiences in Developing a Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes Document for Open Systems (GWC), pp. 151–162.
TAV-1991-DoongF #object-oriented #source code #testing- Case Studies on Testing Object-Oriented Programs (RKD, PGF), pp. 165–177.
PODS-1990-KolaitisV #datalog #on the #power of #tool support- On the Expressive Power of Datalog: Tools and a Case Study (PGK, MYV), pp. 61–71.
VLDB-1990-DeWittFMV #architecture #database #object-oriented- A Study of Three Alternative Workstation-Server Architectures for Object Oriented Database Systems (DJD, PF, DM, FV), pp. 107–121.
CHI-1990-RossonCB #smalltalk- Smalltalk scaffolding: a case study of minimalist instruction (MBR, JMC, RKEB), pp. 423–430.
CAiSE-1990-Elzer #experience #prototype- Experiences from Prototyping (PFE), p. 306.
CAiSE-1990-SmolanderTL #how #tool support- How to Combine Tools and Methods in Practice — a Field Study (KS, VPT, KL), pp. 195–214.
CAiSE-1990-Suomi #development #experience #tool support- Selecting System Development Tools: Some Experiences (RS), pp. 61–78.
CAiSE-1990-WijersD #automation #experience #using- Experiences with the Use of CASE-Tools in the Netherlands (GMW, HED), pp. 5–20.
ML-1990-DietterichHB #comparative- A Comparative Study of ID3 and Backpropagation for English Text-to-Speech Mapping (TGD, HH, GB), pp. 24–31.
OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-Berlin #experience #multi #reuse- When Objects Collide: Experiences with Reusing Multiple Class Hierarchies (LMB), pp. 181–193.
ICSE-1990-LafontaineLS #development #empirical #formal method #proving #theorem proving #using- An Experiment in Formal Software Development: Using the B Theorem Prover on a VDM Case Study (CL, YL, PYS), pp. 34–42.
ICSE-1990-Pilaud #development #experience- Some Experiences of Critical Software Development (EP), pp. 225–226.
DAC-1990-UpadhyayaT - BIST PLAs, Pass or Fail — A Case Study (SJU, JAT), pp. 724–727.
SEI-1989-Page #ada #approach #re-engineering- Holisitc Case Study Approach to Ada Based Software Engineering Training (RDP), pp. 109–123.
CHI-1989-ManheimerBW #development #user interface- A case study of user interface management system development and application (JMM, RCB, JAW), pp. 127–132.
CAiSE-1989-LaenensSSV #design #knowledge base #object-oriented #using- A Case Study in Object-Oriented Knowledge-Base Design Using the KIWI System (EL, JS, FS, DV).
ML-1989-ORorkeMS #abduction- Theory Formation by Abduction: Initial Results of a Case Study Based on the Chemical Revolution (PO, SM, DS), pp. 266–271.
ML-1989-ScottM #experience #learning #nondeterminism- Uncertainty Based Selection of Learning Experiences (PDS, SM), pp. 358–361.
ML-1989-Selfridge #adaptation #contest #learning- Atoms of Learning II: Adaptive Strategies A Study of Two-Person Zero-Sum Competition (OGS), pp. 412–415.
ML-1989-TongF #automation #re-engineering #towards- Toward Automated Rational Reconstruction: A Case Study (CT, PF), pp. 302–307.
ECOOP-1989-GammaWM #integration #programming- Integration of a Programming Environment into ET++ — A Case Study (EG, AW, RM), pp. 283–297.
PLDI-1989-AtkinsonDHJKW #experience- Experiences Creating a Portable Cedar (RRA, AJD, CH, CJ, PK, MW), pp. 322–329.
ICSE-1989-VernerTJH #analysis #dependence #overview #perspective- Technology Dependence in Function Point Analysis: A Case Study and Critical Review (JMV, GT, BJ, RGH), pp. 375–382.
DAC-1989-Yu - A Study of the Applicability of Hopfield Decision Neural Nets to VLSI CAD (MLY), pp. 412–417.
SOSP-1989-CoxF #abstraction #experience #implementation #memory management #multi- The Implementation of a Coherent Memory Abstraction on a NUMA Multiprocessor: Experiences with PLATINUM (ALC, RJF), pp. 32–44.
SIGMOD-1988-ReuterS #database- High Contention in a Stock Trading Database: A Case Study (PP, AR, HS), pp. 260–268.
VLDB-1988-CareyL #algorithm #concurrent #distributed #performance #replication- Distributed Concurrency Control Performance: A Study of Algorithms, Distribution, and Replication (MJC, ML), pp. 13–25.
VLDB-1988-KentTO #email #experience- Browsing Electronic Mail: Experiences Interfacing a Mail System to a DBMS (JK, DBT, WSO), pp. 112–123.
VDME-1988-WoodcockD #experience #using- Using VDM with Rely and Guarantee-Conditions — Experiences from a Real Project (JW, BD), pp. 434–458.
CSCW-1988-Mantei #concept #design- Capturing the Capture Concepts: A Case Study in the Design of Computer-Supported Meeting Environments (MMM), pp. 257–270.
SIGIR-1988-CroftLC #documentation- Retrieving Documents by Plausible Inference: A Preliminary Study (WBC, TJL, PRC), pp. 481–494.
OOPSLA-1988-SzczurM #experience #user interface- Transportable Applications Environment (TAE) Plus Experiences in “Object”-ively Modernizing a User Interface Environment (MRS, PM), pp. 58–70.
ALP-1988-Drosten #algebra #comparative #prolog #source code #specification- Translating Algebraic Specifications to Prolog Programs: A Comparative Study (KD), pp. 137–146.
PLDI-1988-PallasU #multi #programming #smalltalk- Multiprocessor Smalltalk: A Case Study of a Multiprocessor-Based Programming Environment (JP, DU), pp. 268–277.
PLDI-1988-SchwarzKL #ada #design #experience- An Optimizer for Ada — Design, Experiences and Results (BS, WK, RL), pp. 175–184.
PLDI-1988-Stone #concurrent #debugging #process- Debugging Concurrent Processes: A Case Study (JMS), pp. 145–153.
ICSE-1988-BoehmR #project management- Theory-W Software Project Management: A Case Study (BWB, RR), pp. 30–40.
ICSE-1988-LieberherrR #named- Demeter: A Case Study of Software Growth through Parameterized Classes (KJL, AJR), pp. 254–264.
CCHSC-1988-LippsMW #experience #named #overview #program transformation #specification- OPTRAN — A Language/System for the Specification of Program Transformations: System Overview and Experiences (PL, UM, RW), pp. 52–65.
DAC-1988-StavridouBE #comparative #hardware #specification #verification- Formal Specification and Verification of Hardware: A Comparative Case Study (VS, HB, DAE), pp. 197–204.
PPEALS-1988-NotkinSSBFGGGHKLMN #experience- Experiences with Poker (DN, LS, DS, MLB, BF, KG, RG, WGG, TJH, RK, GL, RM, PAN), pp. 10–20.
JICSCP-1988-HirschmanHS88 #natural language- OR-Parallel Speed-Up in Natural Language Processing: A Case Study (LH, WCH, RCS), pp. 263–279.
HT-1987-TriggI #experience #hypermedia- Hypertext Habitats: Experiences of Writers in NoteCards (RHT, PMI), pp. 89–108.
SIGMOD-1987-JagadishAN #recursion #transitive- A Study of Transitive Closure As a Recursion Mechanism (HVJ, RA, LN), pp. 331–344.
SIGMOD-1987-NixonCLBMS #compilation #experience #implementation #semantics- Implementation of a Compiler for a Semantic Data Model: Experiences with Taxis (BAN, LC, DL, AB, JM, MS), pp. 118–131.
HCI-CE-1987-Chao #interface #prototype- Prototyping a Dialogue Interface: A Case Study (BPC), pp. 357–363.
HCI-CE-1987-NakamuraS #flexibility #scheduling- Human Decision Making in Computer-Based Scheduling within a Flexible Manufacturing System: An Experimental Study (NN, GS), pp. 257–264.
HCI-CE-1987-Nielsen #user interface- A User Interface Case Study of the Macintosh (JN), pp. 241–248.
HCI-SES-1987-FukuyumiYH #readability- Study on VDT Display Color and Readability (SF, IY, YH), pp. 189–196.
HCI-SES-1987-SeppalaTK #experience #industrial- Psychosocial Factors in the Introduction of Computerized Technology: Experiences from the Finnish Engineering Industry (PKS, ET, PK), pp. 51–58.
OOPSLA-1987-SmithZ #database #difference #named #object-oriented #relational- Intermedia: A Case Study of the Differences Between Relational and Object-Oriented Database Systems (KES, SBZ), pp. 452–465.
ICSE-1987-Matsumoto #experience #hardware- Ten Years Experiences of a Software/Hardware Producing Environment (YM), p. 291.
ASPLOS-1987-BorrielloCDN #prolog- RISCs versus CISCs for Prolog: A Case Study (GB, ARC, PBD, MNN), pp. 136–145.
ASPLOS-1987-WeissS #compilation #pipes and filters- A Study of Scalar Compilation Techniques for Pipelined Supercomputers (SW, JES), pp. 105–109.
DAC-1987-Elias #compilation #generative #layout #re-engineering- A Case Study in Silicon Compilation Software Engineering, HVDEV High Voltage Device Layout Generator (NJE), pp. 82–88.
SLP-1987-Wilson87 #concurrent #logic programming- Concurrent α-β: A Study in Concurrent Logic Programming (WGW), pp. 360–367.
VLDB-1986-LehmanC #database #in memory #memory management- A Study of Index Structures for Main Memory Database Management Systems (TJL, MJC), pp. 294–303.
VLDB-1986-Menon #algorithm #database #multi #sorting- A Study of Sort Algorithms for Multiprocessor Database Machines (JM0), pp. 197–206.
LFP-1986-BoehmCRO #higher-order #programming- Exact Real Arithmetic: A Case Study in Higher Order Programming (HJB, RC, MR, MJO), pp. 162–173.
LFP-1986-White #configuration management #lisp #performance- Reconfigurable, Retargetable Bignums: A Case Study in Efficient, Portable Lisp System Building (JLW), pp. 174–191.
CSCW-1986-CrowstonML #design- Cognitive science and organizational design: a case study of computer conferencing (KC, TWM, FL), pp. 43–61.
CSCW-1986-StefikBLTF #experience #multi #user interface- WYSIWIS revised: early experiences with multi-user interfaces (MS, DGB, SL, DGT, GF), pp. 276–290.
SIGIR-1986-Harman #documentation #ranking- An Experimental Study of Factors Important in Document Ranking (DH), pp. 186–193.
OOPSLA-1986-Cargill #named #object-oriented #programming- Pi: A Case Study in Object-Oriented Programming (TAC), pp. 350–360.
ESOP-1986-GeserH #experience #interpreter #specification #term rewriting- Experiences with the RAP System — A Specification Interpreter Combining Term Rewriting and Resolution (AG, HH), pp. 339–350.
SIGIR-1985-ShepherdLP #query- A Study of the Relationship between User Profiles and User Queries (MAS, AL, WJP), pp. 274–281.
DAC-1985-RoyalHB #independence #process- A case study in process independence (NR, JH, IB), pp. 591–596.
CSE-1985-AlwsG #experience #object-oriented #programming- Experiences with Object Oriented Programming (KHA, IGS), pp. 435–452.
CSE-1985-Snelting #experience #generative #programming- Experiences with the PSG - Programming System Generator (GS), pp. 148–162.
SCC-1984-KellerPPM #experience #program transformation- Tree transformation techniques and experiences (SEK, JAP, TFP, SPM), pp. 190–201.
ICSE-1984-ClemmensenO #ada #compilation #development #specification- Formal Specification and Development of an Ada Compiler — A VDM Case Study (GBC, ONO), pp. 430–440.
DAC-1984-AbadirR #generative #testing- Test generation for LSI: A case study (MSA, HKR), pp. 180–195.
DAC-1984-ChapmanC #approach #design #experience- The scan line approach to design rules checking: Computational experiences (PTC, KCJ), pp. 235–241.
CADE-1984-Stickel #commutative #proving #theorem proving- A Case Study of Theorem Proving by the Knuth-Bendix Method: Discovering That x³=x Implies Ring Commutativity (MES), pp. 248–258.
ILPC-1984-Miklos84 #comparison #logic programming #programming language- A Comparison of two Logic Programming Languages: A Case Study (MS), pp. 41–51.
ICALP-1983-LescanneS #data type #on the- On the Study Data Structures: Binary Tournaments with Repeated Keys (PL, JMS), pp. 466–477.
SIGIR-1983-Das-GuptaK #documentation- A Study of the Overlap Among Document Representations (PDG, JK), pp. 106–114.
SIGIR-1982-RaghavanI #clustering #comparative- Techniques for Measuring the Stability of Clustering: A Comparative Study (VVR, MYLI), pp. 209–237.
SCC-1982-Seyfer #compilation #experience #testing- Tailoring Testing to a Specific Compiler — Experiences (HKS), pp. 140–152.
ICSE-1982-ManoOT #experience #multi #programming- Early Experiences with a Multi-Display Programming Environment (YM, KO, KT), pp. 422–423.
ASPLOS-1982-Wiecek #compilation #execution #set- A Case Study of VAX-11 Instruction Set Usage for Compiler Execution (CAW), pp. 177–184.
DAC-1982-Glass #architecture #design #user interface- A user interface for architectural design, a case study (GJG), pp. 508–513.
ICSE-1981-WortmanC #experience- Early Experiences with Euclid (DBW, JRC), pp. 27–33.
SOSP-1981-Satyanarayanan #functional- A Study of File Sizes and Functional Lifetimes (MS), pp. 96–108.
POPL-1980-Sethi #programming language #semantics #specification- A Case Study in Specifying the Semantics of a Programming Language (RS), pp. 117–130.
SDCG-1980-Raiha #compilation #experience- Experiences with the compiler writing system HLP (KJR), pp. 350–362.
VLDB-1979-Hardgrave #ambiguity #query- Ambiguity in Processing Boolean Queries on TDMS Tree Structures: A Study of Four Different Philosophies (WTH), pp. 373–397.
VLDB-1979-QuintellaGOAL #database #development #tool support- A Methodologic Guide-Line for the Instalation of Data Base Development Tools and Data Administration Tools: Two Case Studies from Brazil (HMQ, GAdG, MRdO, LTdA, FRL), pp. 313–318.
ICSE-1979-BelfordBH #development #effectiveness #re-engineering- Central Flow Control Software Development: A Case Study of the Effectiveness of Software Engineering Techniques (PCB, RAB, TLH), pp. 85–93.
ICSE-1979-Elovitz #architecture #empirical #re-engineering #research- An Experiment in Software Engineering: The Architecture Research Facility as a Case Study (HSE), pp. 145–152.
ICSE-1979-HorsleyL #named #re-engineering- Pilot: A Software Engineering Case Study (RRH, WCL), pp. 94–99.
SIGMOD-1977-RiesS #database- A Study of the Effects of Locking Granularity in a Data Base Management System (DRR, MS), p. 121.
SIGMOD-1977-YuC #database #statistics- A Study on the Protection of Statistical Data Bases (CTY, FYLC), pp. 169–181.
DAC-1977-Magnhagen #design #experience #probability #simulation- Practical experiences from signal probability simulation of digital designs (BM), pp. 216–219.
ICSE-1976-Feldman #programming language- New Languages from Old: The Extension of Programming Languages by Embedding, with a Case Study (MBF), pp. 237–242.
SOSP-1975-DenningK #locality- A Study of Program Locality and Lifetime Functions (PJD, KCK), pp. 207–216.
SOSP-1975-PopekK #architecture #virtual machine- The PDP-11 Virtual Machine Architecture: A Case Study (GJP, CSK), pp. 97–105.
SIGFIDET-1974-MehlW #database #order- A Study of Order Transformations of Hierarchical Structures in IMS Data Base (JWM, CPW), pp. 125–139.
STOC-1973-GentlemanJ #algorithm #analysis- Analysis of Algorithms, a Case Study: Determinants of Polynomials (WMG, SCJ), pp. 135–141.
SIGFIDET-1972-ShemerC #concurrent #database- Database Sharing: A Study of Interference, Roadblock and Deadlock (JES, AJC), pp. 147–163.
SOSP-J-1973-CoffmanR72 #clustering #locality #using- A Study of Storage Partitioning Using a Mathematical Model of Locality (EGCJ, TAR), pp. 185–190.
SOSP-1971-CoffmanR #clustering #using- A Study of Storage Partitioning Using a Mathematical Model (EGCJ, TAR), pp. 122–129.