Travelled to:
1 × Japan
1 × Turkey
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
Q.Huang Q.Tian W.Gao L.Qin S.Wang W.Wang Z.Cheng Q.Hu L.Hu Y.Wang S.Ma D.Zhang Q.Wang J.Pang G.Liu Z.Wu Q.Xu P.Cui L.Li
Talks about:
learn (3) imag (3) recognit (2) multipl (2) kernel (2) featur (2) effici (2) detect (2) match (2) local (2)
Person: Shuqiang Jiang
DBLP: Jiang:Shuqiang
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- ICPR-2012-WangPLQHJ #detection
- Color Maximal-Dissimilarity Pattern for pedestrian detection (QW, JP, GL, LQ, QH, SJ), pp. 1952–1955.
- CIKM-2011-WangHJT #categorisation #image #learning #metric #multi #performance
- Efficient lp-norm multiple feature metric learning for image categorization (SW, QH, SJ, QT), pp. 2077–2080.
- ICPR-2010-ChengQHJT #estimation #process #recognition
- Group Activity Recognition by Gaussian Processes Estimation (ZC, LQ, QH, SJ, QT), pp. 3228–3231.
- ICPR-2010-HuQHJT #recognition #using
- Action Recognition Using Spatial-Temporal Context (QH, LQ, QH, SJ, QT), pp. 1521–1524.
- ICPR-2010-WangJHT #higher-order #kernel #learning #multi
- Multiple Kernel Learning with High Order Kernels (SW, SJ, QH, QT), pp. 2138–2141.
- ICPR-2010-WuXJHCL #constraints #geometry #image #invariant #retrieval
- Adding Affine Invariant Geometric Constraint for Partial-Duplicate Image Retrieval (ZW, QX, SJ, QH, PC, LL), pp. 842–845.
- ICPR-2008-HuWJHG #detection #learning #online
- Human reappearance detection based on on-line learning (LH, YW, SJ, QH, WG), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-MaWHJG #effectiveness
- Effective scene matching with local feature representatives (SM, WW, QH, SJ, WG), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-ZhangWHJG #image
- Matching images more efficiently with local descriptors (DZ, WW, QH, SJ, WG), pp. 1–4.