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1603 papers:

CASECASE-2015-BoubouHS #locality #visual notation
Visual impression localization of autonomous robots (SB, AHAH, ES), pp. 328–334.
CASECASE-2015-DamesK #automation #detection #locality #multi #smarttech
Automated detection, localization, and registration of smart devices with multiple robots (PD, VK), pp. 564–571.
CASECASE-2015-GuoD #bottom-up #coordination #multi
Bottom-up motion and task coordination for loosely-coupled multi-agent systems with dependent local tasks (MG, DVD), pp. 348–355.
CASECASE-2015-JiaJCS #locality #named #using
SoundLoc: Accurate room-level indoor localization using acoustic signatures (RJ, MJ, ZC, CJS), pp. 186–193.
CASECASE-2015-Lee #locality #mobile #reliability
A reliable range-free indoor localization method for mobile robots (YCL), pp. 720–727.
CASECASE-2015-LuoCCOLL #fault #geometry #locality #modelling
Enhancement of weld coverage and localization of defect through geometrical modeling for ultrasound inspection of TKY weld (HL, QHC, WSC, ETO, WJL, WL), pp. 1484–1489.
CASECASE-2015-MillerM #locality #using
Optimal planning for target localization and coverage using range sensing (LMM, TDM), pp. 501–508.
CASECASE-2015-SchafaschekQC #clustering #composition #scheduling #tool support
Local modular supervisory control applied to the scheduling of cluster tools (GS, MHdQ, JERC), pp. 1381–1388.
CASECASE-2015-WuJG #complexity #optimisation
Local and global event-based optimization: Performace and complexity (ZW, QSJ, XG), pp. 1375–1380.
CASECASE-2015-ZhuCS #energy #linear #process #recognition #using
Using unlabeled acoustic data with locality-constrained linear coding for energy-related activity recognition in buildings (QZ, ZC, YCS), pp. 174–179.
CASECASE-2015-ZouLLJX #locality #online
A mutual information based online access point selection strategy for WiFi indoor localization (HZ, YL, XL, HJ, LX), pp. 180–185.
DACDAC-2015-BockHKS #algorithm #modelling
Local search algorithms for timing-driven placement under arbitrary delay models (AB, SH, NK, US), p. 6.
DACDAC-2015-HanLKNL #framework #multi #optimisation #reduction
A global-local optimization framework for simultaneous multi-mode multi-corner clock skew variation reduction (KH, JL, ABK, SN, JL), p. 6.
DACDAC-2015-MaoHCL #named
VWS: a versatile warp scheduler for exploring diverse cache localities of GPGPU applications (MM, JH, YC, HL), p. 6.
DATEDATE-2015-FarkashHS #data mining #debugging #locality #mining
Data mining diagnostics and bug MRIs for HW bug localization (MF, BGH, BS), pp. 79–84.
DATEDATE-2015-LezosDM #analysis #distance #locality #optimisation #reuse
Reuse distance analysis for locality optimization in loop-dominated applications (CL, GD, KM), pp. 1237–1240.
DATEDATE-2015-StoppeWD #automation #design #locality
Automated feature localization for dynamically generated SystemC designs (JS, RW, RD), pp. 277–280.
DATEDATE-2015-StrobelBOSP #named #using
Scandalee: a side-channel-based disassembler using local electromagnetic emanations (DS, FB, DO, FS, CP), pp. 139–144.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2015-YangWWW #approximate #performance #query #string
Local Filtering: Improving the Performance of Approximate Queries on String Collections (XY, YW, BW, WW), pp. 377–392.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2015-ZamanianBS #clustering #database #parallel
Locality-aware Partitioning in Parallel Database Systems (EZ, CB, AS), pp. 17–30.
VLDBVLDB-2015-WuJLZ #community #detection #robust
Robust Local Community Detection: On Free Rider Effect and Its Elimination (YW, RJ, JL, XZ), pp. 798–809.
ESOPESOP-2015-RaadVG #concurrent #logic #named
CoLoSL: Concurrent Local Subjective Logic (AR, JV, PG), pp. 710–735.
ICPCICPC-2015-ChittimalliS #fault #locality #testing
Fault localization during system testing (PKC, VS), pp. 285–286.
ICSMEICSME-2015-LeLL #fault #feature model
Constrained feature selection for localizing faults (TDBL, DL, ML), pp. 501–505.
STOCSTOC-2015-BassilyS #performance #protocol
Local, Private, Efficient Protocols for Succinct Histograms (RB, ADS), pp. 127–135.
CIAACIAA-2015-AdigaKMRRS #complexity
Complexity of Inferring Local Transition Functions of Discrete Dynamical Systems (AA, CJK, MVM, SSR, DJR, RES), pp. 21–34.
DLTDLT-2015-CzybaST #automaton #finite #infinity #modelling
Finite Automata Over Infinite Alphabets: Two Models with Transitions for Local Change (CC, CS, WT), pp. 203–214.
ICALPICALP-v1-2015-AlbersF #locality
Quantifying Competitiveness in Paging with Locality of Reference (SA, DF), pp. 26–38.
Ground State Connectivity of Local Hamiltonians (SG, JS), pp. 617–628.
ICALPICALP-v1-2015-GoldbergGL #approximate
Approximately Counting Locally-Optimal Structures (LAG, RG, JL), pp. 654–665.
ICALPICALP-v1-2015-JahanjouMV #reduction
Local Reductions (HJ, EM, EV), pp. 749–760.
ICALPICALP-v2-2015-ChenHKLM #information management
Secretary Markets with Local Information (NC, MH, MK, CL, PM), pp. 552–563.
ICALPICALP-v2-2015-StatonU #algebra
Effect Algebras, Presheaves, Non-locality and Contextuality (SS, SU), pp. 401–413.
ICFPICFP-2015-Pavlinovic0W #fault #locality #smt
Practical SMT-based type error localization (ZP, TK, TW), pp. 412–423.
ICGTICGT-2015-BurUHV #pattern matching #search-based
Local Search-Based Pattern Matching Features in EMF-IncQuery (MB, ZU, ÁH, DV), pp. 275–282.
ICGTICGT-2015-KwantesGKR #modelling #process #towards #verification
Towards Compliance Verification Between Global and Local Process Models (PMK, PVG, JK, AR), pp. 221–236.
ICGTICGT-2015-TaentzerG #analysis #confluence #graph transformation #towards
Towards Local Confluence Analysis for Amalgamated Graph Transformation (GT, UG), pp. 69–86.
CHICHI-2015-BirnholtzMP #facebook #quote
“Is it Weird to Still Be a Virgin”: Anonymous, Locally Targeted Questions on Facebook Confession Boards (JPB, NARM, AP), pp. 2613–2622.
CHICHI-2015-IvkovicSGS #3d #game studies
Quantifying and Mitigating the Negative Effects of Local Latencies on Aiming in 3D Shooter Games (ZI, IS, CG, SWTS), pp. 135–144.
CHICHI-2015-SenFMGKH #locality #volunteer
Barriers to the Localness of Volunteered Geographic Information (SS, HF, DRM, MG, OSBK, BH), pp. 197–206.
CSCWCSCW-2015-KoganPA #twitter
Think Local, Retweet Global: Retweeting by the Geographically-Vulnerable during Hurricane Sandy (MK, LP, KMA), pp. 981–993.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2015-Xylogiannopoulos #detection #roadmap
Discretization Method for the Detection of Local Extrema and Trends in Non-discrete Time Series (KFX, PK, RA), pp. 346–352.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2015-SmirnovP #architecture #hybrid #network #peer-to-peer #privacy #recommendation
Privacy-preserving Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Recommendation System Architecture — Locality-Sensitive Hashing in Structured Overlay Network (AVS, AP), pp. 532–542.
ICMLICML-2015-FetayaU #invariant #learning
Learning Local Invariant Mahalanobis Distances (EF, SU), pp. 162–168.
ICMLICML-2015-RajanHSFJ #locality #multi
Bayesian Multiple Target Localization (PR, WH, RS, PIF, BJ), pp. 1945–1953.
Estimating Local Intrinsic Dimensionality (LA, OC, TF, SG, MEH, KiK, MN), pp. 29–38.
KDDKDD-2015-GleichM #algorithm #graph #learning #using
Using Local Spectral Methods to Robustify Graph-Based Learning Algorithms (DFG, MWM), pp. 359–368.
KDDKDD-2015-LimK #graph #named
MASCOT: Memory-efficient and Accurate Sampling for Counting Local Triangles in Graph Streams (YL, UK), pp. 685–694.
Locally Densest Subgraph Discovery (LQ, RHL, LC, CZ), pp. 965–974.
KDDKDD-2015-ZhangTYPY #consistency #named #network #social
COSNET: Connecting Heterogeneous Social Networks with Local and Global Consistency (YZ, JT, ZY, JP, PSY), pp. 1485–1494.
KDDKDD-2015-ZhangW #recommendation
A Collective Bayesian Poisson Factorization Model for Cold-start Local Event Recommendation (WZ, JW), pp. 1455–1464.
MLDMMLDM-2015-DavidsenSP #classification #fuzzy #search-based
Local and Global Genetic Fuzzy Pattern Classifiers (SAD, ES, MP), pp. 55–69.
SEKESEKE-2015-AlshaikhMWH #empirical #locality #open source
A Empirical Study on the Status of Software Localization in Open Source Projects (ZA, SM, XW, SH), pp. 692–695.
SEKESEKE-2015-ParkP #adaptation #ecosystem #framework #middleware
A Middleware Framework for Leveraging Local and Global Adaptation in IT Ecosystems (SP, YBP), pp. 18–23.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-AlbakourMO #data type #identification #metadata #topic #using
Using Sensor Metadata Streams to Identify Topics of Local Events in the City (MDA, CM, IO), pp. 711–714.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-FoleyBJ #learning #web
Learning to Extract Local Events from the Web (JF, MB, VJ), pp. 423–432.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-TrevisiolABB #problem #ranking
Local Ranking Problem on the BrowseGraph (MT, LMA, PB, RB), pp. 173–182.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2015-NtzikG #file system #reasoning
Reasoning about the POSIX file system: local update and global pathnames (GN, PG), pp. 201–220.
POPLPOPL-2015-Castagna0XA #polymorphism #re-engineering #type inference
Polymorphic Functions with Set-Theoretic Types: Part 2: Local Type Inference and Type Reconstruction (GC, KN, ZX, PA), pp. 289–302.
SACSAC-2015-BekkoucheCR #approach #constraints #fault #locality #named
LocFaults: a new flow-driven and constraint-based error localization approach (MB, HC, MR), pp. 1773–1780.
SACSAC-2015-BohdanowiczFFMN #locality
RSSI-based localization of a wireless sensor node with a flying robot (FB, HF, RF, DM, FN, IS), pp. 708–715.
SACSAC-2015-HanHQY #clustering
Locality-preserving L1-graph and its application in clustering (SH, HH, HQ, DY), pp. 813–818.
SACSAC-2015-SilvaLP #locality #multi #replication
Boosting locality in multi-version partial data replication (JAS, JL, HP), pp. 1309–1314.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-LeOL #debugging #information retrieval #locality
Information retrieval and spectrum based bug localization: better together (TDBL, RJO, DL), pp. 579–590.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-YuanWWLYHFLCG #concurrent #debugging #named #using
ReCBuLC: Reproducing Concurrency Bugs Using Local Clocks (XY, CW, ZW, JL, PCY, JH, XF, YL, YC, YG), pp. 824–834.
CCCC-2015-Buchwald #generative #named #optimisation
Optgen: A Generator for Local Optimizations (SB), pp. 171–189.
CGOCGO-2015-KimHSLH #architecture #concurrent #cpu #modelling #programming #scheduling #thread
Locality-centric thread scheduling for bulk-synchronous programming models on CPU architectures (HSK, IEH, JAS, SSL, WmWH), pp. 257–268.
CGOCGO-2015-ShresthaGMMF #concurrent #locality
Locality aware concurrent start for stencil applications (SS, GRG, JM, AM, JF), pp. 157–166.
PPoPPPPoPP-2015-AcharyaB #locality #modelling #parallel
PLUTO+: near-complete modeling of affine transformations for parallelism and locality (AA, UB), pp. 54–64.
PPoPPPPoPP-2015-MajoG #composition #library #locality #optimisation
A library for portable and composable data locality optimizations for NUMA systems (ZM, TRG), pp. 227–238.
Deciding Local Theory Extensions via E-matching (KB, AR, TK, CWB, TW), pp. 87–105.
CSLCSL-2015-CarapelleL #constraints #logic
Temporal Logics with Local Constraints (Invited Talk) (CC, ML), pp. 2–13.
ICLPICLP-2015-Zaniolo #algorithm #logic programming #source code
Expressing and Supporting Efficiently Greedy Algorithms as Locally Stratified Logic Programs (CZ).
ICSTICST-2015-BaiSP #fault #named #using
NUMFL: Localizing Faults in Numerical Software Using a Value-Based Causal Model (ZB, GS, AP), pp. 1–10.
ICSTICST-2015-MahajanH #detection #html #locality #using
Detection and Localization of HTML Presentation Failures Using Computer Vision-Based Techniques (SM, WGJH), pp. 1–10.
ISSTAISSTA-2015-WangPO #fault #locality
Evaluating the usefulness of IR-based fault localization techniques (QW, CP, AO), pp. 1–11.
LICSLICS-2015-KlinKOT #constraints #finite #problem
Locally Finite Constraint Satisfaction Problems (BK, EK, JO, ST), pp. 475–486.
A Fibrational Account of Local States (KM, PAM), pp. 402–413.
Dismatching and Local Disunification in EL (FB, SB, BM), pp. 40–56.
ICSTSAT-2015-CaiLS #named #satisfiability
CCAnr: A Configuration Checking Based Local Search Solver for Non-random Satisfiability (SC, CL, KS), pp. 1–8.
TLCATLCA-2015-CastellanCD #similarity
Undecidability of Equality in the Free Locally Cartesian Closed Category (SC, PC, PD), pp. 138–152.
ASEASE-2014-KochharTL #bias #debugging #locality #matter #question
Potential biases in bug localization: do they matter? (PSK, YT, DL), pp. 803–814.
ASEASE-2014-LuciaLX #fault
Fusion fault localizers (L, DL, XX), pp. 127–138.
ASEASE-2014-WangWWYSYLFG #concurrent #debugging #locality #memory management #using
Localization of concurrency bugs using shared memory access pairs (WW, ZW, CW, PCY, XS, XY, JL, XF, YG), pp. 611–622.
CASECASE-2014-ChouW #image #locality
1-point affine RANSAC for scene image matching in appearance-based localization (CCC, CCW), pp. 1194–1199.
CASECASE-2014-LeePP #locality #using
Coarse-to-fine robot localization method using radio fingerprint and Particle Filter (YCL, BP, SP), pp. 290–296.
CASECASE-2014-VaskeviciusMBTSFPLB0 #locality #recognition #robust
Object recognition and localization for robust grasping with a dexterous gripper in the context of container unloading (NV, CAM, MB, VT, TS, GF, KP, AJL, AB, AB), pp. 1270–1277.
CASECASE-2014-VaskeviciusP0 #locality #low cost #recognition
Fitting superquadrics in noisy, partial views from a low-cost RGBD sensor for recognition and localization of sacks in autonomous unloading of shipping containers (NV, KP, AB), pp. 255–262.
DACDAC-2014-KhosraviRGT #multi #optimisation #reliability #using
Multi-Objective Local-Search Optimization using Reliability Importance Measuring (FK, FR, MG, JT), p. 6.
DACDAC-2014-LiuCYLHL #fault #locality #named
EC-Cache: Exploiting Error Locality to Optimize LDPC in NAND Flash-Based SSDs (RSL, MYC, CLY, CHL, KCH, HPL), p. 6.
DACDAC-2014-YounGK #debugging #locality #probability #statistics
Probabilistic Bug Localization via Statistical Inference based on Partially Observed Data (SY, CG, JK), p. 6.
DATEDATE-2014-Braak #adaptation #embedded #scalability #using
Using guided local search for adaptive resource reservation in large-scale embedded systems (TDtB), pp. 1–4.
DATEDATE-2014-FriedlerKMNS #effectiveness #locality #slicing #using
Effective post-silicon failure localization using dynamic program slicing (OF, WK, AM, AN, VS), pp. 1–6.
DATEDATE-2014-RoyJ #named #optimisation #thread
ALLARM: Optimizing sparse directories for thread-local data (AR, TMJ), pp. 1–6.
DocEngDocEng-2014-Fan0N #using
Paper stitching using maximum tolerant seam under local distortions (WF, JS, SN), pp. 35–44.
DRRDRR-2014-BanerjeeC #locality #using #video
Video text localization using wavelet and shearlet transforms (PB, BBC), p. ?–10.
HTHT-2014-Ahlers #quality
Spatio-temporal quality issues for local search (DA), pp. 297–299.
HTHT-2014-ThomeeM #automation #equivalence
Automatic discovery of global and local equivalence relationships in labeled geo-spatial data (BT, GDFM), pp. 158–168.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2014-CuiXWW #community #graph #scalability
Local search of communities in large graphs (WC, YX, HW, WW), pp. 991–1002.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2014-SricharanD #graph
Localizing anomalous changes in time-evolving graphs (KS, KD), pp. 1347–1358.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2014-WuJZ #graph #nearest neighbour #performance #query #random #scalability
Fast and unified local search for random walk based k-nearest-neighbor query in large graphs (YW, RJ, XZ), pp. 1139–1150.
VLDBVLDB-2015-WangZZLW14 #correlation #estimation #streaming #using
Selectivity Estimation on Streaming Spatio-Textual Data Using Local Correlations (XW, YZ, WZ, XL, WW), pp. 101–112.
ESOPESOP-2014-GardnerNW #file system #reasoning
Local Reasoning for the POSIX File System (PG, GN, AW), pp. 169–188.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2014-AdamekMMU #theorem
Generalized Eilenberg Theorem I: Local Varieties of Languages (JA, SM, RSRM, HU), pp. 366–380.
SANERCSMR-WCRE-2014-VidacsBTSG #approach #detection #fault #locality #reduction #testing
Test suite reduction for fault detection and localization: A combined approach (LV, ÁB, DT, IS, TG), pp. 204–213.
ICPCICPC-2014-WangL #debugging #locality #version control
Version history, similar report, and structure: putting them together for improved bug localization (SW, DL), pp. 53–63.
ICPCICPC-2014-XiaLWZW #debugging #locality
Cross-language bug localization (XX, DL, XW, CZ, XW), pp. 275–278.
ICSMEICSME-2014-AbreuCFMPS14a #detection #fault #locality #smell
FaultySheet Detective: When Smells Meet Fault Localization (RA, JC, JPF, PM, AP, JS), pp. 625–628.
ICSMEICSME-2014-Al-KofahiNN #fault #locality
Fault Localization for Make-Based Build Crashes (JMAK, HVN, TNN), pp. 526–530.
ICSMEICSME-2014-MorenoTMS #debugging #locality #on the #stack
On the Use of Stack Traces to Improve Text Retrieval-Based Bug Localization (LM, JJT, AM, WS), pp. 151–160.
ICSMEICSME-2014-SahaLKP #c #debugging #effectiveness #information retrieval #locality #on the #source code
On the Effectiveness of Information Retrieval Based Bug Localization for C Programs (RKS, JL, SK, DEP), pp. 161–170.
ICSMEICSME-2014-WangLL #composition #debugging #locality #modelling
Compositional Vector Space Models for Improved Bug Localization (SW, DL, JL), pp. 171–180.
ICSMEICSME-2014-WongXZHZM #analysis #fault #locality #segmentation
Boosting Bug-Report-Oriented Fault Localization with Segmentation and Stack-Trace Analysis (CPW, YX, HZ, DH, LZ, HM), pp. 181–190.
ICSMEICSME-2014-XuanM #fault #learning #locality #metric #multi #ranking
Learning to Combine Multiple Ranking Metrics for Fault Localization (JX, MM), pp. 191–200.
MSRMSR-2014-KochharLL #classification #debugging #locality #question
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature: does misclassification affect bug localization? (PSK, TDBL, DL), pp. 296–299.
SCAMSCAM-2014-OhSSW #fault #locality
Concolic Fault Localization (CO, MS, DSN, TW), pp. 135–144.
STOCSTOC-2014-AwasthiBL #learning #linear #locality #power of
The power of localization for efficiently learning linear separators with noise (PA, MFB, PML), pp. 449–458.
STOCSTOC-2014-Christiano #learning #online #programming
Online local learning via semidefinite programming (PC), pp. 468–474.
STOCSTOC-2014-Yoshida #composition #invariant #theorem
A characterization of locally testable affine-invariant properties via decomposition theorems (YY), pp. 154–163.
ICALPICALP-v1-2014-AbrahamC #distance
Distance Labels with Optimal Local Stretch (IA, SC), pp. 52–63.
ICALPICALP-v1-2014-MertziosNRS #interactive #memory management #network
Determining Majority in Networks with Local Interactions and Very Small Local Memory (GBM, SEN, CR, PGS), pp. 871–882.
FMFM-2014-AntoninoSW #analysis #concurrent #csp #network #process #refinement
A Refinement Based Strategy for Local Deadlock Analysis of Networks of CSP Processes (PRGA, AS, JW), pp. 62–77.
CHICHI-2014-LeivaA #locality #user interface #visual notation
The impact of visual contextualization on UI localization (LAL, VA), pp. 3739–3742.
CHICHI-2014-MarentakisL #evaluation #locality
Evaluation of hear-through sound localization (GM, RL), pp. 267–270.
CSCWCSCW-2014-GanglbauerFSG #case study #community #network #social
Think globally, act locally: a case study of a free food sharing community and social networking (EG, GF, ÖS, FG), pp. 911–921.
Civic action brokering platforms: facilitating local engagement with ACTion Alexandria (DLH, JAK, PTJ, JCB, TV), pp. 1308–1322.
CSCWCSCW-2014-HanSRC #community #mobile
Enhancing community awareness of and participation in local heritage with a mobile application (KH, PCS, MBR, JMC), pp. 1144–1155.
HCIDUXU-DI-2014-MushtahaT #concept #design #locality
The Cultural Conceptual Model for Simplifying the Design of Localized Websites (AM, ODT), pp. 158–169.
HCIHCI-AS-2014-KurosakiIN #interactive
Memory-Sharing Support Tool for Improving Local Interaction (YK, TI, YN), pp. 444–453.
HCIHCI-TMT-2014-NawrotD #locality #timeline
Timeline Localization (IN, AD), pp. 611–622.
HCIHCI-TMT-2014-SteigerLMKK #layout
Deterministic Local Layouts through High-Dimensional Layout Stitching (MS, HLT, TM, AK, JK), pp. 643–651.
HCIHIMI-DE-2014-ShiozuKYS #question
Does ICT Promote the Private Provision of Local Public Goods? (YS, KK, KY, KS), pp. 629–640.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2014-HaddadCSM #algorithm #heuristic #named #parallel #problem #scheduling
AIV: A Heuristic Algorithm based on Iterated Local Search and Variable Neighborhood Descent for Solving the Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Setup Times (MNH, LPC, MJFS, NM), pp. 376–383.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2014-SilvaSMMS #branch #design #heuristic #network #problem
A Heuristic Procedure with Local Branching for the Fixed Charge Network Design Problem with User-optimal Flow (PHGS, LGS, CAdJM, PYPM, ES), pp. 384–394.
CIKMCIKM-2014-LiuLK #classification #information management #performance #using
Using Local Information to Significantly Improve Classification Performance (WL, DL, RK), pp. 1947–1950.
Searching Locally-Defined Entities (ZW, YL, AF), pp. 1499–1508.
CIKMCIKM-2014-YaoRSLF #locality #probability
Exploring Tag-Free RFID-Based Passive Localization and Tracking via Learning-Based Probabilistic Approaches (LY, WR, QZS, XL, NJGF), pp. 1799–1802.
ECIRECIR-2014-BaiGLC #documentation #linear #matrix #modelling
Local Linear Matrix Factorization for Document Modeling (LB, JG, YL, XC), pp. 398–411.
ECIRECIR-2014-LiakosPS #locality #network #on the #social
On the Effect of Locality in Compressing Social Networks (PL, KP, MS), pp. 650–655.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-AwasthiBV #algorithm #clustering #interactive
Local algorithms for interactive clustering (PA, MFB, KV), pp. 550–558.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-SongGJMHD #learning #locality #on the
On learning to localize objects with minimal supervision (HOS, RBG, SJ, JM, ZH, TD), pp. 1611–1619.
Local Ordinal Embedding (YT, UvL), pp. 847–855.
ICPRICPR-2014-AhmetovicBGM #locality #named #performance #precise
ZebraRecognizer: Efficient and Precise Localization of Pedestrian Crossings (DA, CB, AG, SM), pp. 2566–2571.
ICPRICPR-2014-BiswasBC #approach #documentation #image
A Global-to-Local Approach to Binarization of Degraded Document Images (BB, UB, BBC), pp. 3008–3013.
ICPRICPR-2014-ChenL #effectiveness #locality
Effective Part Localization in Latent-SVM Training (YC, RL), pp. 4269–4274.
ICPRICPR-2014-DavarzaniM #adaptation #image #robust
Robust Image Description with Weighted and Adaptive Local Binary Pattern Features (RD, SM), pp. 1097–1102.
ICPRICPR-2014-DengHXC #analysis #composition #matrix #rank
Sparse and Low Rank Matrix Decomposition Based Local Morphological Analysis and Its Application to Diagnosis of Cirrhosis Livers (JD, XHH, GX, YWC), pp. 3363–3368.
ICPRICPR-2014-DornaikaBSR #classification #encoding #graph #locality
Locality Constrained Encoding Graph Construction and Application to Outdoor Object Classification (FD, AB, HS, YR), pp. 2483–2488.
ICPRICPR-2014-El-GaalyTE #classification
Spatial-Visual Label Propagation for Local Feature Classification (TEG, MT, AME), pp. 3422–3427.
ICPRICPR-2014-Garcia-OlallaAFG #classification #statistics
Local Oriented Statistics Information Booster (LOSIB) for Texture Classification (OGO, EA, LFR, VGC), pp. 1114–1119.
ICPRICPR-2014-Gomez-BarreroRGFB #adaptation
Protected Facial Biometric Templates Based on Local Gabor Patterns and Adaptive Bloom Filters (MGB, CR, JG, JF, CB), pp. 4483–4488.
ICPRICPR-2014-Hast #invariant #robust
Robust and Invariant Phase Based Local Feature Matching (AH), pp. 809–814.
ICPRICPR-2014-HegenbartU #adaptation
An Orientation-Adaptive Extension to Scale-Adaptive Local Binary Patterns (SH, AU), pp. 1120–1125.
ICPRICPR-2014-ItohIS #2d #image #linear #using
Two-Dimensional Global Image Registration Using Local Linear Property of Image Manifold (HI, AI, TS), pp. 3862–3867.
ICPRICPR-2014-JainCL #image
Local Binary Patterns Calculated over Gaussian Derivative Images (VJ, JLC, AL), pp. 3987–3992.
ICPRICPR-2014-LablackDBD #approach #detection
A Local Approach for Negative Emotion Detection (AL, TD, IMB, CD), pp. 417–420.
ICPRICPR-2014-LeiYL #order #recognition #representation
Local Gradient Order Pattern for Face Representation and Recognition (ZL, DY, SZL), pp. 387–392.
ICPRICPR-2014-LiDXWP #classification #image #probability
Local Label Probability Propagation for Hyperspectral Image Classification (HL, JD, SX, LW, CP), pp. 4251–4256.
ICPRICPR-2014-LiHYGPJ #classification #re-engineering
Locality-Constrained Sparse Reconstruction for Trajectory Classification (CL, ZH, QY, SG, LP, JJ), pp. 2602–2606.
ICPRICPR-2014-LiuFW #keyword
Audio-visual Keyword Spotting for Mandarin Based on Discriminative Local Spatial-Temporal Descriptors (HL, TF, PW), pp. 785–790.
ICPRICPR-2014-LiuLS #documentation #image #novel
Novel Global and Local Features for Near-Duplicate Document Image Matching (LL, YL, CYS), pp. 4624–4629.
ICPRICPR-2014-LiuZC #identification #learning #metric #multi #parametricity
Parametric Local Multi-modal Metric Learning for Person Re-identification (KL, ZCZ, AC), pp. 2578–2583.
ICPRICPR-2014-MasiFBM #component #independence #recognition
Pose Independent Face Recognition by Localizing Local Binary Patterns via Deformation Components (IM, CF, ADB, GGM), pp. 4477–4482.
ICPRICPR-2014-MatsukawaOS #identification
Person Re-identification via Discriminative Accumulation of Local Features (TM, TO, YS), pp. 3975–3980.
ICPRICPR-2014-MercanASWBE #image #locality
Localization of Diagnostically Relevant Regions of Interest in Whole Slide Images (EM, SA, LGS, DLW, TTB, JGE), pp. 1179–1184.
ICPRICPR-2014-MuddamsettySTM #detection #using
Spatio-temporal Saliency Detection in Dynamic Scenes Using Local Binary Patterns (SMM, DS, AT, FM), pp. 2353–2358.
ICPRICPR-2014-NayefGO #documentation #image
Deblurring of Document Images Based on Sparse Representations Enhanced by Non-local Means (NN, PGK, JMO), pp. 4441–4446.
ICPRICPR-2014-NieJ14a #recognition
Capturing Global and Local Dynamics for Human Action Recognition (SN, QJ), pp. 1946–1951.
ICPRICPR-2014-OlssonUE #refinement
Local Refinement for Stereo Regularization (CO, JU, APE), pp. 4056–4061.
ICPRICPR-2014-PaudelDHV #2d #3d #locality #using
Localization of 2D Cameras in a Known Environment Using Direct 2D-3D Registration (DPP, CD, AH, PV), pp. 196–201.
ICPRICPR-2014-PedersenNM #adaptation #algorithm #estimation
Adaptive Non-local Means for Cost Aggregation in a Local Disparity Estimation Algorithm (CP, KN, TBM), pp. 2442–2447.
ICPRICPR-2014-RahmaniMHM #classification #linear
Action Classification with Locality-Constrained Linear Coding (HR, AM, DQH, ASM), pp. 3511–3516.
ICPRICPR-2014-RehnS #locality #visual notation
Nonlinear Supervised Locality Preserving Projections for Visual Pattern Discrimination (EMR, HS), pp. 1568–1573.
ICPRICPR-2014-RenL #gender #recognition #using
Gender Recognition Using Complexity-Aware Local Features (HR, ZNL), pp. 2389–2394.
ICPRICPR-2014-ReschLL #image
Local Image Feature Matching Improvements for Omnidirectional Camera Systems (BR, JL, HPAL), pp. 918–923.
ICPRICPR-2014-SaleemBS #image #robust #symmetry
A Gradient Extension of Center Symmetric Local Binary Patterns for Robust RGB-NIR Image Matching (SS, AB, RS), pp. 815–820.
ICPRICPR-2014-ScheltenR #estimation #image #kernel #locality #parametricity
Localized Image Blur Removal through Non-parametric Kernel Estimation (KS, SR), pp. 702–707.
ICPRICPR-2014-SenletEE #locality #semantics #visual notation
Hierarchical Semantic Hashing: Visual Localization from Buildings on Maps (TS, TEG, AME), pp. 2990–2995.
ICPRICPR-2014-SharifzadehZK #estimation #forensics #modelling #multi #parametricity #visualisation
Vein Pattern Visualization through Multiple Mapping Models and Local Parameter Estimation for Forensic Investigation (HRS, HZ, AWKK), pp. 160–165.
ICPRICPR-2014-SintornK #recognition
Virus Recognition Based on Local Texture (IMS, GK), pp. 3227–3232.
ICPRICPR-2014-SjolundJAKN #segmentation
Skull Segmentation in MRI by a Support Vector Machine Combining Local and Global Features (JS, AEJ, MTA, HK, HN), pp. 3274–3279.
ICPRICPR-2014-TianLL #image #modelling #segmentation
A Histogram-Based Chan-Vese Model Driven by Local Contrast Pattern for Texture Image Segmentation (HT, YL, JHL), pp. 954–959.
ICPRICPR-2014-UbukataSTMKMU #detection #image #performance #segmentation
Fast Human Detection Combining Range Image Segmentation and Local Feature Based Detection (TU, MS, KT, AM, TK, GM, KU), pp. 4281–4286.
Computing Local Binary Patterns on Discrete Manifolds (NW, SB, ADB), pp. 2430–2435.
ICPRICPR-2014-Xiang0L #classification #hybrid #image
Local Hybrid Coding for Image Classification (WX, JW, ML), pp. 3744–3749.
ICPRICPR-2014-YiMHP #classification #invariant #locality #multi #process
Pose Invariant Activity Classification for Multi-floor Indoor Localization (SY, PWM, TKH, VP), pp. 3505–3510.
ICPRICPR-2014-YiS #recognition #representation
Principal Local Binary Patterns for Face Representation and Recognition (JY, FS), pp. 4554–4559.
ICPRICPR-2014-YlioinasHKP #recognition
An In-depth Examination of Local Binary Descriptors in Unconstrained Face Recognition (JY, AH, JK, MP), pp. 4471–4476.
ICPRICPR-2014-ZambaniniKK #consistency #evaluation #geometry
Classifying Ancient Coins by Local Feature Matching and Pairwise Geometric Consistency Evaluation (SZ, AK, MK), pp. 3032–3037.
ICPRICPR-2014-ZamunerBB #adaptation
A Pose-Adaptive Constrained Local Model for Accurate Head Pose Tracking (LZ, KB, EB), pp. 2525–2530.
ICPRICPR-2014-ZhenS #evaluation #performance #recognition
A Performance Evaluation on Action Recognition with Local Features (XZ, LS), pp. 4495–4500.
KDDKDD-2014-HerodotouDBOF #locality #network #realtime #scalability
Scalable near real-time failure localization of data center networks (HH, BD, SB, GO, PF), pp. 1689–1698.
KMISKMIS-2014-TeixeiraAOPS #case study #quality
Business Intelligence to Improve the Quality of Local Government Services — Case-study in a Local Government Town Hall (RT, FA, BCdSO, FP, MFS), pp. 153–160.
KRKR-2014-SazonauSB #owl #performance #predict #question
Predicting Performance of OWL Reasoners: Locally or Globally? (VS, US, GB).
RecSysRecSys-2014-SaveskiM #learning #recommendation
Item cold-start recommendations: learning local collective embeddings (MS, AM), pp. 89–96.
SEKESEKE-2014-DoranGD #coordination #estimation #social #social media
Accurate Local Estimation of Geo-Coordinates for Social Media Posts (DD, SSG, AD), pp. 642–647.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-ChengCBB #approach #twitter
Who is the barbecue king of texas?: a geo-spatial approach to finding local experts on twitter (ZC, JC, HB, VB), pp. 335–344.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-WangZZL #identification #keyword #twitter
Efficiently identify local frequent keyword co-occurrence patterns in geo-tagged Twitter stream (XW, YZ, WZ, XL), pp. 1215–1218.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-ZhangKQH #detection #semantics #word
Continuous word embeddings for detecting local text reuses at the semantic level (QZ, JK, JQ, XH), pp. 797–806.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2014-HoltBCO #automation #locality #migration #named
Alembic: automatic locality extraction via migration (BH, PB, LC, MO), pp. 879–894.
GPCEGPCE-2014-HessGP #automation #interface
Automatic locality-friendly interface extension of numerical functions (BH, TRG, MP), pp. 83–92.
SACSAC-2014-BergamascoN #3d #approach #feature model #retrieval #using
A new local feature extraction approach for content-based 3D medical model retrieval using shape descriptor (LCCB, FLSN), pp. 902–907.
SACSAC-2014-CaetanoAGA #recognition #representation #visual notation
Representing local binary descriptors with BossaNova for visual recognition (CC, SEFdA, SJFG, AdAA), pp. 49–54.
SACSAC-2014-FerrazPG #feature model #symmetry
Feature description based on center-symmetric local mapped patterns (CTF, OPJ, AG), pp. 39–44.
SACSAC-2014-HosokawaNY #identification #information retrieval
Location-aware information retrieval for identifying local and distant landmark (YH, YN, TY), pp. 428–435.
SACSAC-2014-LiSSJW #information management
Preventing the diffusion of negative information based on local influence tree (YL, YS, JS, BJ, JW), pp. 650–652.
SACSAC-2014-LoCCSL #algorithm #locality
ICAP, a new flash wear-leveling algorithm inspired by locality (SWL, BHC, YWC, TCS, YCL), pp. 1478–1483.
SACSAC-2014-MuneraDAC #flexibility #parallel
Flexible cooperation in parallel local search (DM, DD, SA, PC), pp. 1360–1361.
SACSAC-2014-PapadakisT #analysis #approach #effectiveness #fault #locality #mutation testing
Effective fault localization via mutation analysis: a selective mutation approach (MP, YLT), pp. 1293–1300.
SACSAC-2014-TogneriCK #information management #locality #online
The importance of geographic locality for online information diffusion (RMT, BTC, CAK), pp. 622–627.
SACSAC-2014-Zanchettin #recognition
Face recognition based on global and local features (CZ), pp. 55–57.
FSEFSE-2014-Song #effectiveness #fault #locality
Estimating the effectiveness of spectrum-based fault localization (SS), pp. 814–816.
FSEFSE-2014-ThungLKL #debugging #locality #named #tool support
BugLocalizer: integrated tool support for bug localization (FT, TDBL, PSK, DL), pp. 767–770.
FSEFSE-2014-TuSD #locality #on the
On the localness of software (ZT, ZS, PTD), pp. 269–280.
FSEFSE-2014-XuanM #fault #locality #testing
Test case purification for improving fault localization (JX, MM), pp. 52–63.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2014-KwonKP #multi
Locality-oblivious cache organization leveraging single-cycle multi-hop NoCs (WCK, TK, LSP), pp. 715–728.
HPCAHPCA-2014-AgrawalAT #energy #locality #named #process
Mosaic: Exploiting the spatial locality of process variation to reduce refresh energy in on-chip eDRAM modules (AA, AA, JT), pp. 84–95.
HPCAHPCA-2014-KurianDK #replication
Locality-aware data replication in the Last-Level Cache (GK, SD, OK), pp. 1–12.
HPDCHPDC-2014-ChenZJ #community #locality #named #network #online #performance #social
CBL: exploiting community based locality for efficient content search in online social networks (HC, FZ, HJ), pp. 299–304.
HPDCHPDC-2014-YinWFZZ #analysis #middleware #named #scalability #visualisation
SLAM: scalable locality-aware middleware for I/O in scientific analysis and visualization (JY, JW, WcF, XZ, JZ), pp. 257–260.
PPoPPPPoPP-2014-HerlihyL #locality
Well-structured futures and cache locality (MH, ZL), pp. 155–166.
PPoPPPPoPP-2014-WangWYYWL0 #concurrent #debugging #locality #memory management #using
Concurrency bug localization using shared memory access pairs (WW, CW, PCY, XY, ZW, JL, XF), pp. 375–376.
ICSTICST-2014-MoonKKY #fault #locality #source code
Ask the Mutants: Mutating Faulty Programs for Fault Localization (SM, YK, MK, SY), pp. 153–162.
ICSTICST-2014-TokumotoSSUW #automation #industrial #locality
Semi-automatic Incompatibility Localization for Re-engineered Industrial Software (ST, KS, KS, TU, HW), pp. 91–94.
IJCARIJCAR-2014-HorbachS #axiom #locality #reachability
Locality Transfer: From Constrained Axiomatizations to Reachability Predicates (MH, VSS), pp. 192–207.
LICSLICS-CSL-2014-KoskinenT #reasoning
Local temporal reasoning (EK, TT), p. 10.
RTARTA-TLCA-2014-Mellies #diagrams #string
Local States in String Diagrams (PAM), pp. 334–348.
ASEASE-2013-CamposAFd #fault #generative #locality #testing
Entropy-based test generation for improved fault localization (JC, RA, GF, Md), pp. 257–267.
ASEASE-2013-SagdeoEPV #automation #debugging #invariant #locality #testing #using
Using automatically generated invariants for regression testing and bug localization (PS, NE, DP, SV), pp. 634–639.
ASEASE-2013-SahaLKP #debugging #information retrieval #locality #using
Improving bug localization using structured information retrieval (RKS, ML, SK, DEP), pp. 345–355.
ASEASE-2013-SouzaC #fault #integration #locality
Adding context to fault localization with integration coverage (HAdS, MLC), pp. 628–633.
CASECASE-2013-PrettoTM #3d #flexibility #industrial #locality
Flexible 3D localization of planar objects for industrial bin-picking with monocamera vision system (AP, ST, EM), pp. 168–175.
CASECASE-2013-RajaramanDSB #automation #locality
Automated workpiece localization for robotic welding (MR, MDH, KS, DAB), pp. 681–686.
CASECASE-2013-RenfrewBC #locality
Particle filter based active localization of target and needle in robotic image-guided intervention systems (MR, ZB, MCC), pp. 448–454.
CASECASE-2013-VallamSNNN #locality #network
Topologies of stable strategic networks with localized payoffs (RDV, CAS, YN, RN, SN), pp. 844–849.
DATEDATE-2013-AkhlaghiKAP #architecture #network #performance
An efficient network on-chip architecture based on isolating local and non-local communications (VA, MK, AAK, MP), pp. 350–353.
DATEDATE-2013-BaiS #architecture #automation #data transformation #manycore #memory management #performance
Automatic and efficient heap data management for limited local memory multicore architectures (KB, AS), pp. 593–598.
DATEDATE-2013-LeGD #design #fault #locality #scalability
Scalable fault localization for SystemC TLM designs (HML, DG, RD), pp. 35–38.
DATEDATE-2013-PigorschS #locality
Lemma localization: a practical method for downsizing SMT-interpolants (FP, CS), pp. 1405–1410.
DATEDATE-2013-ZhouMS #locality #optimisation #power management
Placement optimization of power supply pads based on locality (PZ, VM, SSS), pp. 1655–1660.
DRRDRR-2013-YangP #documentation #segmentation
Local projection-based character segmentation method for historical Chinese documents (LY, LP).
ICDARICDAR-2013-BaiYL #correlation #locality #using
Scene Text Localization Using Gradient Local Correlation (BB, FY, CLL), pp. 1380–1384.
ICDARICDAR-2013-DingsAE #approach #segmentation
A Locale Group Based Line Segmentation Approach for Non Uniform Skewed and Curved Arabic Handwritings (LD, AAH, ME), pp. 803–806.
ICDARICDAR-2013-HigaH #classification #image #recognition
Local Subspace Classifier with Transformation Invariance for Appearance-Based Character Recognition in Natural Images (KH, SH), pp. 533–537.
ICDARICDAR-2013-LiuLSX #documentation #image #modelling #retrieval #word
Modeling Local Word Spatial Configurations for Near Duplicate Document Image Retrieval (LL, YL, CYS, JX), pp. 235–239.
ICDARICDAR-2013-LiWTLG #image #locality #speech
Unsupervised Speech Text Localization in Comic Images (LL, YW, ZT, XL, LG), pp. 1190–1194.
ICDARICDAR-2013-MondalRRP #kernel #locality #performance #retrieval #word
A Fast Word Retrieval Technique Based on Kernelized Locality Sensitive Hashing (TM, NR, JYR, UP), pp. 1195–1199.
ICDARICDAR-2013-PhamDBR #consistency #geometry #locality #performance #robust
Robust Symbol Localization Based on Junction Features and Efficient Geometry Consistency Checking (TAP, MD, SB, JYR), pp. 1083–1087.
ICDARICDAR-2013-RoeM #documentation #image #using
Binarization of Color Historical Document Images Using Local Image Equalization and XDoG (ER, CABM), pp. 205–209.
ICDARICDAR-2013-SunBOK #detection #using
Specific Comic Character Detection Using Local Feature Matching (WS, JCB, JMO, KK), pp. 275–279.
ICDARICDAR-2013-ZhangL #polynomial
Locally Smoothed Modified Quadratic Discriminant Function (XYZ, CLL), pp. 8–12.
PODSPODS-2013-AbiteboulV #collaboration #data-driven #workflow
Collaborative data-driven workflows: think global, act local (SA, VV), pp. 91–102.
VLDBVLDB-2013-AbdelhaqSG #detection #locality #named #online #twitter
EvenTweet: Online Localized Event Detection from Twitter (HA, CS, MG), pp. 1326–1329.
VLDBVLDB-2013-SundaramTSMIMD #parallel #similarity #streaming #twitter #using
Streaming Similarity Search over one Billion Tweets using Parallel Locality-Sensitive Hashing (NS, AT, NS, TM, PI, SM, PD), pp. 1930–1941.
FASEFASE-2013-HoferRWAG #empirical #evaluation #fault #locality #on the #spreadsheet
On the Empirical Evaluation of Fault Localization Techniques for Spreadsheets (BH, AR, FW, RA, EG), pp. 68–82.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2013-KrebbersW #control flow #logic
Separation Logic for Non-local Control Flow and Block Scope Variables (RK, FW), pp. 257–272.
ICSMEICSM-2013-LeL #approach #automation #effectiveness #fault #locality #predict #tool support
Will Fault Localization Work for These Failures? An Automated Approach to Predict Effectiveness of Fault Localization Tools (TDBL, DL), pp. 310–319.
ICSMEICSM-2013-LeTL #fault #locality #theory and practice
Theory and Practice, Do They Match? A Case with Spectrum-Based Fault Localization (TDBL, FT, DL), pp. 380–383.
ICSMEICSM-2013-LeWL #locality #multi
Multi-abstraction Concern Localization (TDBL, SW, DL), pp. 364–367.
ICSMEICSM-2013-NguyenNNN13a #fault #locality #web
Database-Aware Fault Localization for Dynamic Web Applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 456–459.
MSRMSR-2013-RaemaekersNDV #locality #testing
Testing principles, current practices, and effects of change localization (SR, GFN, AvD, JV), pp. 257–266.
MSRMSR-2013-SismanK #automation #code search #debugging #locality #query
Assisting code search with automatic query reformulation for bug localization (BS, ACK), pp. 309–318.
MSRMSR-2013-WangKZ #correlation #debugging #locality #using
Improving bug localization using correlations in crash reports (SW, FK, YZ), pp. 247–256.
PASTEPASTE-2013-ModiRA #debugging #locality #statistics
Exploring program phases for statistical bug localization (VM, SR, SKA), pp. 33–40.
SCAMSCAM-2013-PapadakisDT #analysis #fault #mutation testing #named #using
Proteum/FL: A tool for localizing faults using mutation analysis (MP, MED, YLT), pp. 94–99.
WCREWCRE-2013-RaoMK #debugging #framework #incremental #library #locality #performance #retrieval
An incremental update framework for efficient retrieval from software libraries for bug localization (SR, HM, ACK), pp. 62–71.
PEPMPEPM-2013-SunCZ #analysis #constraints #locality #source code
Constraint-based locality analysis for X10 programs (QS, YC, JZ), pp. 137–146.
PLDIPLDI-2013-HuangZD #concurrent #named
CLAP: recording local executions to reproduce concurrency failures (JH, CZ, JD), pp. 141–152.
PLDIPLDI-2013-Ragan-KelleyBAPDA #compilation #image #locality #named #optimisation #parallel #pipes and filters
Halide: a language and compiler for optimizing parallelism, locality, and recomputation in image processing pipelines (JRK, CB, AA, SP, FD, SPA), pp. 519–530.
Localizing Widening and Narrowing (GA, FS), pp. 25–42.
SASSAS-2013-DragoiES #analysis #data type
Local Shape Analysis for Overlaid Data Structures (CD, CE, MS), pp. 150–171.
SASSAS-2013-WhiteM #algebra #analysis #memory management #optimisation #using
Concise Analysis Using Implication Algebras for Task-Local Memory Optimisation (LW, AM), pp. 433–453.
STOCSTOC-2013-Ben-SassonGKKS #algebra #geometry #product line
A new family of locally correctable codes based on degree-lifted algebraic geometry codes (EBS, AG, YK, SK, SS), pp. 833–842.
STOCSTOC-2013-BhattacharyyaFHHL #invariant
Every locally characterized affine-invariant property is testable (AB, EF, HH, PH, SL), pp. 429–436.
STOCSTOC-2013-BrandaoH #metric #quantum #theorem
Quantum de finetti theorems under local measurements with applications (FGSLB, AWH), pp. 861–870.
STOCSTOC-2013-HarrisS #constraints
Constraint satisfaction, packet routing, and the lovasz local lemma (DGH, AS), pp. 685–694.
CIAACIAA-J-2012-Crespi-ReghizziP13 #strict #testing
Strict Local Testability with Consensus Equals Regularity, and Other Properties (SCR, PSP), pp. 747–764.
Local Correctability of Expander Codes (BH, RO, MW), pp. 540–551.
ICALPICALP-v1-2013-SviridenkoW #problem #scalability #set
Large Neighborhood Local Search for the Maximum Set Packing Problem (MS, JW), pp. 792–803.
ICALPICALP-v2-2013-CzyzowiczKP #locality
Localization for a System of Colliding Robots (JC, EK, EP), pp. 508–519.
ICALPICALP-v2-2013-HoeferW #strict
Locally Stable Marriage with Strict Preferences (MH, LW), pp. 620–631.
LATALATA-2013-Schaeffer #word
Ostrowski Numeration and the Local Period of Sturmian Words (LS), pp. 493–503.
CSCWCSCW-2013-LampinenLCS #online
Indebtedness, reciprocity, and fairness in local online exchange (AL, VL, CC, ES), pp. 661–672.
CSCWCSCW-2013-LopezB #community #online
Consequences of content diversity for online public spaces for local communities (CAL, BSB), pp. 673–682.
CSCWCSCW-2013-ParkPC #design #documentation #locality #named
Local-universality: designing EMR to support localized informal documentation practices (SYP, KP, YC), pp. 55–66.
HCIDUXU-CXC-2013-SturmSG #locality #performance
Localization beyond National Characteristics: The Impact of Language on Users’ Performance with Different Menu Structures (CS, GS, SG), pp. 105–114.
HCIDUXU-CXC-2013-Sun #approach #experience #locality #social #social media #user interface
Tracing Technology Diffusion of Social Media with Culturally Localized User Experience Approach (HS), pp. 115–120.
HCIDUXU-WM-2013-MemonT #case study #experience #locality
Sharing Life Experiences with Friends Based on Individual’s Locality (MAM, JT), pp. 706–713.
HCIHCI-UC-2013-RodilJRW #identification #representation
Identifying and Representing Elements of Local Contexts in Namibia (KR, KLJ, MR, HWT), pp. 332–341.
HCIHIMI-D-2013-PetersSHKSJLJ #bibliography #locality #user interface
Overview of Global User Interfaces for Localization (CP, MS, MH, JK, SKS, DHJ, SL, HJ), pp. 357–364.
HCIHIMI-HSM-2013-TakahashiY #information management
An Improvement of Disaster Information System for Local Residents (YT, SY), pp. 217–222.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2013-GouveiaCA #fault #html #locality #using #visualisation
Using HTML5 visualizations in software fault localization (CG, JC, RA), pp. 1–10.
CIKMCIKM-2013-HachenbergG #classification #clustering #documentation #locality #scalability #web
Locality sensitive hashing for scalable structural classification and clustering of web documents (CH, TG), pp. 359–368.
CIKMCIKM-2013-MackoMS #clustering #graph
Local clustering in provenance graphs (PM, DWM, MIS), pp. 835–840.
CIKMCIKM-2013-XieSYPZ #correlation #detection #streaming
Local correlation detection with linearity enhancement in streaming data (QX, SS, BY, CP, XZ), pp. 309–318.
ECIRECIR-2013-ZhangZBC #categorisation #distance #encoding #visual notation
Encoding Local Binary Descriptors by Bag-of-Features with Hamming Distance for Visual Object Categorization (YZ, CZ, SB, LC), pp. 630–641.
ICMLICML-c1-2013-BuhlerRSH #clustering #community #detection #set #source code
Constrained fractional set programs and their application in local clustering and community detection (TB, SSR, SS, MH), pp. 624–632.
ICMLICML-c1-2013-SznitmanLFJF #locality #policy
An Optimal Policy for Target Localization with Application to Electron Microscopy (RS, AL, PIF, BJ, PF), pp. 1–9.
ICMLICML-c2-2013-LeeKLS #approximate #matrix #rank
Local Low-Rank Matrix Approximation (JL, SK, GL, YS), pp. 82–90.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-JoseGAV #kernel #learning #performance #predict
Local Deep Kernel Learning for Efficient Non-linear SVM Prediction (CJ, PG, PA, MV), pp. 486–494.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-ZhuLM #algorithm #clustering
A Local Algorithm for Finding Well-Connected Clusters (ZAZ, SL, VSM), pp. 396–404.
RecSysRecSys-2013-CodinaRC #modelling #semantics
Local context modeling with semantic pre-filtering (VC, FR, LC), pp. 363–366.
SEKESEKE-2013-AgrawalT #locality #smarttech
Smart Phone Based Indoor Pedestrian Localization System (S) (LA, DT), pp. 283–286.
SEKESEKE-2013-LiLY #fault #locality #testing
Exploiting Weights of Test Cases to Enhance Fault Localization (S) (YL, CL, ZY), pp. 589–593.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-LagunSWBB #feedback
Explicit feedback in local search tasks (DL, AS, RWW, PB, GB), pp. 1065–1068.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-SonKP #analysis #locality #recommendation #semantics
A location-based news article recommendation with explicit localized semantic analysis (JWS, AYK, SBP), pp. 293–302.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2013-Zhang0K #developer #evolution #fault #injection #locality
Injecting mechanical faults to localize developer faults for evolving software (LZ, LZ, SK), pp. 765–784.
RERE-2013-NakagawaOH #evolution
A goal model elaboration for localizing changes in software evolution (HN, AO, SH), pp. 155–164.
SACSAC-2013-BarrosJBFBF #gesture #recognition #sequence
Convexity local contour sequences for gesture recognition (PVAB, NTMJ, JMMB, BJTF, BLDB, SMMF), pp. 34–39.
Discovering local attractions from geo-tagged photos (OG), pp. 730–735.
SACSAC-2013-LeeJS #locality
Demand-based flash translation layer considering spatial locality (YL, TJ, IS), pp. 1550–1551.
SACSAC-2013-TeixeiraRG #detection #locality #parallel #using
Indoor localization using SLAM in parallel with a natural marker detector (LT, ABR, MG), pp. 27–33.
ICSEICSE-2013-TanA00DC #composition #synthesis
Dynamic synthesis of local time requirement for service composition (THT, ÉA, JS, YL, JSD, MC), pp. 542–551.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2013-SahooCGA #automation #fault #invariant #locality #using
Using likely invariants for automated software fault localization (SKS, JC, CG, VSA), pp. 139–152.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2013-XiangDLB #higher-order #locality #named
HOTL: a higher order theory of locality (XX, CD, HL, BB), pp. 343–356.
CGOCGO-2013-DingZKSY #multi #scheduling
Locality-aware mapping and scheduling for multicores (WD, YZ, MTK, JS, PY), p. 12.
CGOCGO-2013-LiHCZ0L #debugging #effectiveness #fault #locality #set
Effective fault localization based on minimum debugging frontier set (FL, WH, CC, LZ, XF, ZL), p. 10.
HPDCHPDC-2013-BuRX #clustering #pipes and filters #scheduling
Interference and locality-aware task scheduling for MapReduce applications in virtual clusters (XB, JR, CZX), pp. 227–238.
HPDCHPDC-2013-ZhouTKB #automation #debugging #detection #named #scalability
WuKong: automatically detecting and localizing bugs that manifest at large system scales (BZ, JT, MK, SB), pp. 131–142.
CAVCAV-2013-ArmoniFJ #approach
SVA and PSL Local Variables — A Practical Approach (RA, DF, NJ), pp. 197–212.
CSLCSL-2013-HarwathS #first-order #invariant #locality #logic #on the #quantifier
On the locality of arb-invariant first-order logic with modulo counting quantifiers (FH, NS), pp. 363–379.
ICLPICLP-J-2013-ArbelaezTC #parallel #predict #runtime #satisfiability #using
Using sequential runtime distributions for the parallel speedup prediction of SAT local search (AA, CT, PC), pp. 625–639.
ICSTICST-2013-LeottaCRS #case study #industrial #locality #testing #web
Repairing Selenium Test Cases: An Industrial Case Study about Web Page Element Localization (ML, DC, FR, CS), pp. 487–488.
ICSTICST-2013-ShuSPC #fault #locality #named
MFL: Method-Level Fault Localization with Causal Inference (GS, BS, AP, FC), pp. 124–133.
ICTSSICTSS-2013-KocaSA #concurrent #fault #locality
Spectrum-Based Fault Localization for Diagnosing Concurrency Faults (FK, HS, RA), pp. 239–254.
ISSTAISSTA-2013-JinO #fault #locality #named
F3: fault localization for field failures (WJ, AO), pp. 213–223.
ISSTAISSTA-2013-QiMLW #automation #effectiveness #fault #locality #program repair #using
Using automated program repair for evaluating the effectiveness of fault localization techniques (YQ, XM, YL, CW), pp. 191–201.
Local Backbones (RdH, IAK, SS), pp. 377–393.
TLCATLCA-2013-Clairambault #bound #linear #reduction
Bounding Skeletons, Locally Scoped Terms and Exact Bounds for Linear Head Reduction (PC), pp. 109–124.
VMCAIVMCAI-2013-ChristESW #fault #locality
Flow-Sensitive Fault Localization (JC, EE, MS, TW), pp. 189–208.
CBSECBSE-2012-Manna #component #distributed
Local dynamic update for component-based distributed systems (VPLM), pp. 167–176.
ASEASE-2012-GongLJZ #fault #locality
Diversity maximization speedup for fault localization (LG, DL, LJ, HZ), pp. 30–39.
ASEASE-2012-GopinathZK #effectiveness #fault #locality #specification #using
Improving the effectiveness of spectra-based fault localization using specifications (DG, RNZ, SK), pp. 40–49.
CASECASE-2012-Moller #coordination
Local vs. global coordination control schemes (CM), pp. 1132–1137.
CASECASE-2012-SuhYO #algorithm #locality #mobile #network
A cooperative localization algorithm for mobile sensor networks (JS, SY, SO), pp. 1126–1131.
CASECASE-2012-TataraLOC #adaptation #framework #interactive #mobile #network #self
Locally communicative interaction framework for adaptively self-organizing mobile sensor networks (KT, GL, HO, NYC), pp. 1138–1143.
CASECASE-2012-ZhaoLKH #data fusion #locality #simulation #using
A simulation study of sensor data fusion using UKF for bucket wheel reclaimer localization (SZ, TFL, BK, AH), pp. 1192–1197.
DACDAC-2012-MalburgFF #automation #design #hardware #locality #metric #using
Automated feature localization for hardware designs using coverage metrics (JM, AF, GF), pp. 941–946.
DACDAC-2012-WeiSVLARHTKS #evaluation #named
GLARE: global and local wiring aware routability evaluation (YW, CCNS, NV, ZL, CJA, LNR, ADH, GET, DK, SSS), pp. 768–773.
DATEDATE-2012-LiangCZRZJC #3d #implementation #locality #optimisation #performance #realtime
Real-time implementation and performance optimization of 3D sound localization on GPUs (YL, ZC, SZ, KR, YZ, DLJ, DC), pp. 832–835.
DATEDATE-2012-SharmaCAHCD #power management #variability
Ultra low power litho friendly local assist circuitry for variability resilient 8T SRAM (VS, SC, MA, JH, FC, WD), pp. 1042–1047.
PODSPODS-2012-FaginK #equivalence
Local transformations and conjunctive-query equivalence (RF, PGK), pp. 179–190.
Locality-sensitive hashing scheme based on dynamic collision counting (JG, JF, QF, WN), pp. 541–552.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2012-HansenL #database #named #scalability #towards
ColumbuScout: towards building local search engines over large databases (CH, FL), pp. 617–620.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2012-RekatsinasDG #database #probability
Local structure and determinism in probabilistic databases (TR, AD, LG), pp. 373–384.
VLDBVLDB-2012-CandanRSW #constraints #named #using
sDTW: Computing DTW Distances using Locally Relevant Constraints based on Salient Feature Alignments (KSC, RR, MLS, XW), pp. 1519–1530.
VLDBVLDB-2012-SatuluriP #locality #performance #similarity
Bayesian Locality Sensitive Hashing for Fast Similarity Search (VS, SP), pp. 430–441.
VLDBVLDB-2012-YangLW #database #named #sequence
ALAE: Accelerating Local Alignment with Affine Gap Exactly in Biosequence Databases (XY, HL, BW), pp. 1507–1518.
WRLAWRLA-2012-BaeM #locality #model checking
Model Checking LTLR Formulas under Localized Fairness (KB, JM), pp. 99–117.
ICSMEICSM-2012-GongLJZ #fault #feedback #interactive #locality
Interactive fault localization leveraging simple user feedback (LG, DL, LJ, HZ), pp. 67–76.
MSRMSR-2012-BettenburgNH #fault #modelling #predict
Think locally, act globally: Improving defect and effort prediction models (NB, MN, AEH), pp. 60–69.
MSRMSR-2012-ReinaR #android #locality #mining
Mining for localization in Android (LAR, GR), pp. 136–139.
MSRMSR-2012-SismanK #debugging #information retrieval #locality #version control
Incorporating version histories in Information Retrieval based bug localization (BS, ACK), pp. 50–59.
SCAMSCAM-2012-HillRK #debugging #java #locality #on the
On the Use of Stemming for Concern Location and Bug Localization in Java (EH, SR, ACK), pp. 184–193.
STOCSTOC-2012-Applebaum #generative #locality #pseudo #random
Pseudorandom generators with long stretch and low locality from random local one-way functions (BA), pp. 805–816.
From irreducible representations to locally decodable codes (KE), pp. 327–338.
DLTDLT-J-2011-ChenYSLL12 #multi #network #set
Minimum Local Disk Cover Sets for Broadcasting in Heterogeneous Multihop Wireless Networks (GC, CWY, MTS, FCL, WCL), pp. 1147–1172.
CIAACIAA-2012-Crespi-ReghizziP #strict #testing
Strict Local Testability with Consensus Equals Regularity (SCR, PSP), pp. 113–124.
ICALPICALP-v1-2012-MansourRVX #algorithm #online
Converting Online Algorithms to Local Computation Algorithms (YM, AR, SV, NX), pp. 653–664.
ICALPICALP-v1-2012-PolacekS #strict
Quasi-polynomial Local Search for Restricted Max-Min Fair Allocation (LP, OS), pp. 726–737.
ICALPICALP-v2-2012-Barenboim #locality #on the #problem
On the Locality of Some NP-Complete Problems (LB), pp. 403–415.
ICALPICALP-v2-2012-DieudonneP #network
Deterministic Network Exploration by Anonymous Silent Agents with Local Traffic Reports (YD, AP), pp. 500–512.
LATALATA-2012-BilleS #dependence #performance #programming
Fast and Cache-Oblivious Dynamic Programming with Local Dependencies (PB, MS), pp. 131–142.
CHICHI-2012-HeimerlGCPH #named #physics
CommunitySourcing: engaging local crowds to perform expert work via physical kiosks (KH, BG, KC, TSP, BH), pp. 1539–1548.
Characterizing local interests and local knowledge (RW, GB), pp. 1607–1610.
Integrating local and remote worlds through channel blending (EI, MHS, YY, JG, KI), pp. 617–626.
CSCWCSCW-2012-LiuWLWD #named
HappyGo: a field trial of local group buying (HL, WW, DL, HW, ND), pp. 505–508.
CSCWCSCW-2012-Schroeter #interactive
Engaging new digital locals with interactive urban screens to collaboratively improve the city (RS), pp. 227–236.
CIKMCIKM-2012-BahmaniGS #distributed #locality #performance
Efficient distributed locality sensitive hashing (BB, AG, RS), pp. 2174–2178.
CIKMCIKM-2012-HuangQYY #algorithm #detection #robust
Local anomaly descriptor: a robust unsupervised algorithm for anomaly detection based on diffusion space (HH, HQ, SY, DY), pp. 405–414.
CIKMCIKM-2012-KangLC #category theory #predict
Predicting primary categories of business listings for local search (CK, JL, YC), pp. 2591–2594.
CIKMCIKM-2012-LeeH #distributed #robust
Robust distributed indexing for locality-skewed workloads (MWL, SwH), pp. 1342–1351.
CIKMCIKM-2012-SunG #learning
Active learning for relation type extension with local and global data views (AS, RG), pp. 1105–1112.
CIKMCIKM-2012-WangWYHDC #framework #learning #modelling #novel
A novel local patch framework for fixing supervised learning models (YW, BW, JY, YH, ZHD, ZC), pp. 1233–1242.
CIKMCIKM-2012-YangZW #collaboration #incremental #predict #scalability #using
Scalable collaborative filtering using incremental update and local link prediction (XY, ZZ, KW), pp. 2371–2374.
CIKMCIKM-2012-YaoC #locality #matrix
Accelerating locality preserving nonnegative matrix factorization (GY, DC), pp. 2271–2274.
ECIRECIR-2012-AlbakourKNASFR #analysis #query #web
Analysis of Query Reformulations in a Search Engine of a Local Web Site (MDA, UK, NN, IA, DS, MF, ANDR), pp. 517–521.
ICMLICML-2012-Araya-LopezBT #using
Near-Optimal BRL using Optimistic Local Transitions (MAL, OB, VT), p. 70.
ICMLICML-2012-BalleQC #learning #modelling #optimisation
Local Loss Optimization in Operator Models: A New Insight into Spectral Learning (BB, AQ, XC), p. 236.
ICMLICML-2012-BowlingZ #on the
On Local Regret (MB, MZ), p. 56.
ICMLICML-2012-KongD #algorithm #linear
An Iterative Locally Linear Embedding Algorithm (DK, CHQD), p. 122.
Continuous Inverse Optimal Control with Locally Optimal Examples (SL, VK), p. 65.
ICMLICML-2012-ParrishG #reduction
Dimensionality Reduction by Local Discriminative Gaussians (NP, MRG), p. 30.
ICMLICML-2012-SohnL #invariant #learning
Learning Invariant Representations with Local Transformations (KS, HL), p. 174.
ICPRICPR-2012-0001ZP #segmentation #using
Unsupervised dynamic texture segmentation using local descriptors in volumes (JC, GZ, MP), pp. 3622–3625.
ICPRICPR-2012-0007B #classification #feature model #image #kernel #multi
Multiple local kernel integrated feature selection for image classification (YS, BB), pp. 2230–2233.
ICPRICPR-2012-AbdelmaseehBAE #recognition
Car Make and Model recognition combining global and local cues (MA, IB, MFA, MES), pp. 910–913.
ICPRICPR-2012-ArpitSF #rank #recognition
Locality-constrained Low Rank Coding for face recognition (DA, GS, YF), pp. 1687–1690.
ICPRICPR-2012-ArthMS #locality #mobile
Exploiting sensors on mobile phones to improve wide-area localization (CA, AM, DS), pp. 2152–2156.
ICPRICPR-2012-BaccoucheMWGB #2d #invariant #learning #recognition #representation #sequence
Sparse shift-invariant representation of local 2D patterns and sequence learning for human action recognition (MB, FM, CW, CG, AB), pp. 3823–3826.
ICPRICPR-2012-BrownLG #linear #recognition
Locality-Regularized Linear Regression for face recognition (DB, HL, YG), pp. 1586–1589.
ICPRICPR-2012-BuchholzKWW #3d #image #locality #using
3D object localization using single camera images (DB, DK, SW, FMW), pp. 821–824.
ICPRICPR-2012-BurgessKA #locality #network
Node localization in unsynchronized time of arrival sensor networks (SB, YK, ), pp. 2042–2046.
ICPRICPR-2012-ChenH0N #classification #documentation
Structured document classification by matching local salient features (SC, YH, JS, SN), pp. 653–656.
ICPRICPR-2012-CheungP #detection #using
Salient region detection using local and global saliency (YmC, QP), pp. 210–213.
ICPRICPR-2012-ChumM #estimation
Homography estimation from correspondences of local elliptical features (OC, JM), pp. 3236–3239.
ICPRICPR-2012-dAngeloAV #image
Beyond bits: Reconstructing images from Local Binary Descriptors (Ed, AA, PV), pp. 935–938.
ICPRICPR-2012-DoshiS #algorithm #benchmark #metric #retrieval
A comprehensive benchmark of local binary pattern algorithms for texture retrieval (NPD, GS), pp. 2760–2763.
ICPRICPR-2012-DuongDNLDLS #detection #eye tracking #locality #robust #video
Robust eye localization in video by combining eye detector and eye tracker (CND, TCPD, TDN, DDL, DAD, BHL, SS), pp. 242–245.
ICPRICPR-2012-El-GaalyT #kernel #multi #recognition #using
RGBD object pose recognition using local-global multi-kernel regression (TEG, MT), pp. 2468–2471.
ICPRICPR-2012-GaoY #automation #segmentation
Saliency-seeded localizing region-based active contour for automatic natural object segmentation (SG, JY), pp. 3644–3647.
ICPRICPR-2012-GhianiMR #detection #liveness
Fingerprint liveness detection by local phase quantization (LG, GLM, FR), pp. 537–540.
ICPRICPR-2012-GiotCD #clustering
Local water diffusion phenomenon clustering from high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) (RG, CC, MD), pp. 3745–3749.
ICPRICPR-2012-Goldstein #algorithm #detection #named
FastLOF: An Expectation-Maximization based Local Outlier detection algorithm (MG), pp. 2282–2285.
ICPRICPR-2012-GuSM #image #performance
Fast image super resolution via local regression (SG, NS, FM), pp. 3128–3131.
ICPRICPR-2012-HesseGGE #multi #recognition #using
Multi-view facial expression recognition using local appearance features (NH, TG, HG, HKE), pp. 3533–3536.
ICPRICPR-2012-HongZPC #correlation
Combining local and global correlation for texture description (XH, GZ, MP, XC), pp. 2756–2759.
ICPRICPR-2012-InoueSK #representation #using
Local intensity compensation using sparse representation (KI, HS, YK), pp. 951–954.
ICPRICPR-2012-KalkanNDL #automation #classification
Automated classification of local patches in colon histopathology (HK, MN, RPWD, ML), pp. 61–64.
ICPRICPR-2012-KananA #order #pseudo #recognition #using
Recognition of facial expressions using locally weighted and adjusted order Pseudo Zernike Moments (HRK, MA), pp. 3419–3422.
ICPRICPR-2012-LankinenKK #categorisation #comparison #detection #visual notation
A comparison of local feature detectors and descriptors for visual object categorization by intra-class repeatability and matching (JL, VK, JKK), pp. 780–783.
ICPRICPR-2012-LiangYCJ #evaluation #representation
Evaluation of local feature descriptors and their combination for pedestrian representation (JL, QY, JC, JJ), pp. 2496–2499.
ICPRICPR-2012-Liao #reduction
Commensurate dimensionality reduction for extended local ternary patterns (WHL), pp. 3013–3016.
ICPRICPR-2012-LiCHWM #3d #kernel #learning #multi #recognition
3D facial expression recognition via multiple kernel learning of Multi-Scale Local Normal Patterns (HL, LC, DH, YW, JMM), pp. 2577–2580.
ICPRICPR-2012-LiST #locality #using
Accurate iris localization using contour segments (HL, ZS, TT), pp. 3398–3401.
ICPRICPR-2012-LiuLW #effectiveness #image #locality
Effectively localize text in natural scene images (XL, KL, WW), pp. 1197–1200.
ICPRICPR-2012-LiuLWZ #learning #linear
Locally linear embedding based example learning for pan-sharpening (QL, LL, YW, ZZ), pp. 1928–1931.
ICPRICPR-2012-LiXLL #independence #recognition
Combination of global and local baseline-independent features for offline Arabic handwriting recognition (NL, XX, WL, KML), pp. 713–716.
ICPRICPR-2012-LoWCC #3d #estimation #locality #people
Acceleration of vanishing point-based line sampling scheme for people localization and height estimation via 3D line sampling (KHL, CJW, JHC, HTC), pp. 2788–2791.
ICPRICPR-2012-LuHLC #recognition #using
Insect species recognition using discriminative local soft coding (AL, XH, CLL, XC), pp. 1221–1224.
ICPRICPR-2012-MaoYLZ #classification #invariant #verification
Age-invariant face verification based on Local Classifier Ensemble (XJM, YBY, NL, YZ), pp. 2408–2411.
ICPRICPR-2012-MarieLM #invariant #locality #recognition #visual notation
Invariant signatures for omnidirectional visual place recognition and robot localization in unknown environments (RM, OLI, EMM), pp. 2537–2540.
ICPRICPR-2012-MazinDG #geometry #image
Combining color and geometry for local image matching (BM, JD, YG), pp. 2667–2680.
ICPRICPR-2012-MiksikM #detection #evaluation #performance
Evaluation of local detectors and descriptors for fast feature matching (OM, KM), pp. 2681–2684.
ICPRICPR-2012-NarayanamN #algorithm #community #detection #distributed #game studies #graph #information management #social
A game theory inspired, decentralized, local information based algorithm for community detection in social graphs (RN, YN), pp. 1072–1075.
ICPRICPR-2012-PangHYQW #analysis #classification #learning
Theoretical analysis of learning local anchors for classification (JP, QH, BY, LQ, DW), pp. 1803–1806.
ICPRICPR-2012-ParisHG #analysis #categorisation #image #towards
Sparse coding for histograms of local binary patterns applied for image categorization: Toward a Bag-of-Scenes analysis (SP, XH, HG), pp. 2817–2820.
ICPRICPR-2012-PedoneH #invariant #recognition #robust
Local phase quantization descriptors for blur robust and illumination invariant recognition of color textures (MP, JH), pp. 2476–2479.
ICPRICPR-2012-RiveraRC #recognition
Local Gaussian Directional Pattern for face recognition (ARR, JARC, OC), pp. 1000–1003.
ICPRICPR-2012-RoyG #detection #framework #image #locality #probability
A probabilistic framework for logo detection and localization in natural scene images (AR, UG), pp. 2051–2054.
ICPRICPR-2012-SankaranarayananD #locality #modelling #segmentation
Segmentation and scene modeling for MIL-based target localization (KS, JWD), pp. 3325–3328.
ICPRICPR-2012-SchaeferD #analysis #multi
Multi-dimensional local binary pattern descriptors for improved texture analysis (GS, NPD), pp. 2500–2503.
ICPRICPR-2012-SchmeingJ #optimisation #using
Faithful Spatio-Temporal disocclusion filling using local optimization (MS, XJ), pp. 3799–3802.
ICPRICPR-2012-ShiraiOI #component #composition #image
Color-line vector field and local color component decomposition for smoothing and denoising of color images (KS, MO, MI), pp. 3050–3053.
ICPRICPR-2012-SimoesSW #detection #image #using
Using local texture maps of brain MR images to detect Mild Cognitive Impairment (RS, CHS, AMvCvW), pp. 153–156.
ICPRICPR-2012-Srikham #segmentation
Active contours segmentation with edge based and local region based (MS), pp. 1989–1992.
ICPRICPR-2012-SuYLW #bound #classification #editing #using
Local color editing using color classification and boundary inpainting (ZS, XY, XL, DW), pp. 3196–3199.
ICPRICPR-2012-TangHW #detection #multi #recognition
Hand-dorsa vein recognition based on multi-level keypoint detection and local feature matching (YT, DH, YW), pp. 2837–2840.
ICPRICPR-2012-TaniguchiHISC #image #linear
Image super-resolution based on locality-constrained linear coding (KT, XHH, YI, SS, YWC), pp. 1948–1951.
ICPRICPR-2012-VidalCMST #database #image #scalability
Sorted dominant local color for searching large and heterogeneous image databases (MLAV, JMBC, ESdM, ASdS, RdST), pp. 1960–1963.
ICPRICPR-2012-WangHB #bound #locality
Glass object localization by joint inference of boundary and depth (TW, XH, NB), pp. 3783–3786.
ICPRICPR-2012-WangHWZ #classification #gender #using
Facial image-based gender classification using Local Circular Patterns (CW, DH, YW, GZ), pp. 2432–2435.
ICPRICPR-2012-WangLNZ #image #retrieval
Local tangent space based manifold entropy for image retrieval (YW, HL, JN, LZ), pp. 262–265.
ICPRICPR-2012-WangSCSW #categorisation #representation
Object categorization via sparse representation of local features (JW, XS, RC, MFS, QW), pp. 3005–3008.
ICPRICPR-2012-WongLTYCCBW #approach #automation #graph #locality
Automatic localization of the macula in a supervised graph-based approach with contextual superpixel features (DWKW, JL, NMT, FY, XC, CMGC, MB, TYW), pp. 2063–2066.
ICPRICPR-2012-WuHWT #classification #encoding #image
Group encoding of local features in image classification (ZW, YH, LW, TT), pp. 1505–1508.
ICPRICPR-2012-XuLCYTWCTW #classification #image #locality #performance
Efficient optic cup localization based on superpixel classification for glaucoma diagnosis in digital fundus images (YX, JL, JC, FY, NMT, DWKW, CYC, YCT, TYW), pp. 49–52.
ICPRICPR-2012-YinYHI #effectiveness #geometry #image #locality
Effective text localization in natural scene images with MSER, geometry-based grouping and AdaBoost (XY, XCY, HWH, KI), pp. 725–728.
ICPRICPR-2012-Yu #locality #using #video
Localization and extraction of the four clock-digits using the knowledge of the digital video clock (XY), pp. 1217–1220.
ICPRICPR-2012-ZarifFR #image #multi #performance #similarity #using
Fast and efficient multichannel image completion using local similarity (SZ, IF, DR), pp. 3116–3119.
ICPRICPR-2012-ZhangYSP #locality
Optic disc localization by projection with vessel distribution and appearance characteristics (DZ, YY, XS, YP), pp. 3176–3179.
KDDKDD-2012-BawabMC #personalisation #query #recommendation #topic
Finding trending local topics in search queries for personalization of a recommendation system (ZAB, GHM, JFC), pp. 397–405.
KDDKDD-2012-CorreaL #clustering #graph #using
Locally-scaled spectral clustering using empty region graphs (CDC, PL), pp. 1330–1338.
KDDKDD-2012-CosciaRGP #community #named
DEMON: a local-first discovery method for overlapping communities (MC, GR, FG, DP), pp. 615–623.
KDDKDD-2012-GleichS #community
Vertex neighborhoods, low conductance cuts, and good seeds for local community methods (DFG, CS), pp. 597–605.
KDDKDD-2012-GunnemannFVS #clustering #correlation
Subspace correlation clustering: finding locally correlated dimensions in subspace projections of the data (SG, IF, KV, TS), pp. 352–360.
RecSysRecSys-2012-DeDGM #difference #learning #using
Local learning of item dissimilarity using content and link structure (AD, MSD, NG, PM), pp. 221–224.
RecSysRecSys-2012-YangCZLY #feedback #mining #music #recommendation
Local implicit feedback mining for music recommendation (DY, TC, WZ, QL, YY), pp. 91–98.
SEKESEKE-2012-FarfelederMK #elicitation #locality #requirements #semantics #using
Using Semantic Relatedness and Locality for Requirements Elicitation Guidance (SF, TM, AK), pp. 19–24.
SEKESEKE-2012-MiaoCLZZ #clustering #correctness #fault #identification #locality #testing
Identifying Coincidental Correctness for Fault Localization by Clustering Test Cases (YM, ZC, SL, ZZ, YZ), pp. 267–272.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-LvLW #heuristic #mobile #ranking
An exploration of ranking heuristics in mobile local search (YL, DL, QW), pp. 295–304.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-XiaWHJ #image #kernel #multi #retrieval #scalability
Boosting multi-kernel locality-sensitive hashing for scalable image retrieval (HX, PW, SCHH, RJ), pp. 55–64.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2012-JoK #automation #locality #traversal
Automatically enhancing locality for tree traversals with traversal splicing (YJ, MK), pp. 355–374.
QAPLQAPL-2012-GazeauMP #analysis #float #robust #source code
A non-local method for robustness analysis of floating point programs (IG, DM, CP), pp. 63–76.
SACSAC-2012-AhnC #algorithm #locality #multi
A sensor network-based multiple acoustic source localization algorithm (JA, HC), pp. 544–549.
SACSAC-2012-HeFP #constraints
Solution neighbourhoods for constraint-directed local search (JH, PF, JP), pp. 74–79.
SACSAC-2012-Longuet #sequence chart #testing
Global and local testing from Message Sequence Charts (DL), pp. 1332–1338.
SACSAC-2012-ManciniFP #combinator #constraints #database #problem #relational #synthesis
Combinatorial problem solving over relational databases: view synthesis through constraint-based local search (TM, PF, JP), pp. 80–87.
SACSAC-2012-Pizzuti #algorithm #community #composition #detection #search-based
Boosting the detection of modular community structure with genetic algorithms and local search (CP), pp. 226–231.
Maximum Common Subgraph based locally weighted regression (MS, FB, SK, BP), pp. 165–172.
SACSAC-2012-YuHJSLH #novel #programming #segmentation
A novel segmentation method for convex lesions based on dynamic programming with local intra-class variance (MY, QH, RJ, ES, HL, CCH), pp. 39–44.
Discovering global and local bursts in a stream of news (MZ, IN, ZFS, MS, HPK), pp. 807–812.
FSEFSE-2012-ShepherdDRF #code search #framework #named
Sando: an extensible local code search framework (DS, KD, BR, TF), p. 15.
ICSEICSE-2012-ServantJ #automation #developer #fault #locality #named
WhoseFault: Automatic developer-to-fault assignment through fault localization (FS, JAJ), pp. 36–46.
ICSEICSE-2012-Wen #fault #locality #slicing
Software fault localization based on program slicing spectrum (WW), pp. 1511–1514.
ICSEICSE-2012-ZhouZL #debugging #information retrieval #locality
Where should the bugs be fixed? More accurate information retrieval-based bug localization based on bug reports (JZ, HZ, DL), pp. 14–24.
An update-aware storage system for low-locality update-intensive workloads (DNS, ML, TcC), pp. 375–386.
CCCC-2012-UnkuleSQ #automation #gpu #kernel #locality #thread
Automatic Restructuring of GPU Kernels for Exploiting Inter-thread Data Locality (SU, CS, AQ), pp. 21–40.
HPCAHPCA-2012-JeongYSSLE #locality #memory management #parallel
Balancing DRAM locality and parallelism in shared memory CMP systems (MKJ, DHY, DS, MS, IL, ME), pp. 53–64.
HPDCHPDC-2012-NicolaeC #hybrid #migration
A hybrid local storage transfer scheme for live migration of I/O intensive workloads (BN, FC), pp. 85–96.
HPDCHPDC-2012-ParkLKHM #configuration management #pipes and filters #virtual machine
Locality-aware dynamic VM reconfiguration on MapReduce clouds (JP, DL, BK, JH, SM), pp. 27–36.
ISMMISMM-2012-ZhouD #configuration management #locality #manycore #memory management #policy
Memory management for many-core processors with software configurable locality policies (JZ, BD), pp. 3–14.
PPoPPPPoPP-2012-CaniouDRCA #analysis #constraints #parallel #performance
Performance analysis of parallel constraint-based local search (YC, DD, FR, PC, SA), pp. 337–338.
ICLPICLP-J-2012-AreiasR #concurrent #multi #thread #towards #using
Towards multi-threaded local tabling using a common table space (MA, RR), pp. 427–443.
ICSTICST-2012-Bandyopadhyay #correctness #fault #locality
Mitigating the Effect of Coincidental Correctness in Spectrum Based Fault Localization (AB), pp. 479–482.
ICSTICST-2012-BandyopadhyayG #fault #feedback #locality
Tester Feedback Driven Fault Localization (AB, SG), pp. 41–50.
ICSTICST-2012-MasriAZF #fault #locality #multi #visualisation
Enhancing Fault Localization via Multivariate Visualization (WM, RAA, FAZ, NF), pp. 737–741.
ICSTICST-2012-OcarizaPM #automation #fault #javascript #named
AutoFLox: An Automatic Fault Localizer for Client-Side JavaScript (FSOJ, KP, AM), pp. 31–40.
ICSTICST-2012-ParkVH #approach #concurrent #debugging
A Unified Approach for Localizing Non-deadlock Concurrency Bugs (SP, RWV, MJH), pp. 51–60.
ICSTICST-2012-Wotawa #challenge #constraints #fault #open science #research #source code #using
Open Research Challenges of Localizing Faults in Programs Using Constraints (FW), pp. 770–771.
LICSLICS-2012-CoeckeDKW #category theory #quantum
Strong Complementarity and Non-locality in Categorical Quantum Mechanics (BC, RD, AK, QW), pp. 245–254.
ICSTSAT-2012-ArbelaezC #parallel #satisfiability #towards
Towards Massively Parallel Local Search for SAT — (Poster Presentation) (AA, PC), pp. 481–482.
ICSTSAT-2012-BalintS #probability
Choosing Probability Distributions for Stochastic Local Search and the Role of Make versus Break (AB, US), pp. 16–29.
ICSTSAT-2012-LiL #satisfiability
Satisfying versus Falsifying in Local Search for Satisfiability — (Poster Presentation) (CML, YL), pp. 477–478.
ICSTSAT-2012-LiWL #satisfiability
Exploiting Historical Relationships of Clauses and Variables in Local Search for Satisfiability — (Poster Presentation) (CML, WW, YL), pp. 479–480.
VMCAIVMCAI-2012-NamjoshiT #composition #symmetry #verification
Local Symmetry and Compositional Verification (KSN, RJT), pp. 348–362.
ASEASE-2011-AlvesGJd #impact analysis #slicing #using
Fault-localization using dynamic slicing and change impact analysis (EA, MG, VJ, Md), pp. 520–523.
ASEASE-2011-Bandyopadhyay #fault #locality #testing #using
Improving spectrum-based fault localization using proximity-based weighting of test cases (AB), pp. 660–664.
ASEASE-2011-BandyopadhyayG #fault #locality #proximity #testing
Proximity based weighting of test cases to improve spectrum based fault localization (AB, SG), pp. 420–423.
ASEASE-2011-BokorKSS #partial order #reduction
Supporting domain-specific state space reductions through local partial-order reduction (PB, JK, MS, NS), pp. 113–122.
ASEASE-2011-ClarkCKJH #database #fault #sql
Localizing SQL faults in database applications (SRC, JC, GMK, JAJ, MJH), pp. 213–222.
ASEASE-2011-Gonzalez-SanchezAGG #ambiguity #fault #locality #reduction #testing
Prioritizing tests for fault localization through ambiguity group reduction (AGS, RA, HGG, AJCvG), pp. 83–92.
ASEASE-2011-MenziesBMZC #estimation #fault #modelling #predict
Local vs. global models for effort estimation and defect prediction (TM, AB, AM, TZ, DRC), pp. 343–351.
ASEASE-2011-WangLJLL #fault #locality #search-based
Search-based fault localization (SW, DL, LJ, L, HCL), pp. 556–559.
CASECASE-2011-HeoOP #locality #mobile #using
A localization system of mobile robots using artificial landmarks (DHH, ARO, THP), pp. 139–144.
DACDAC-2011-KoseF #algorithm #analysis #information retrieval #locality #performance
Fast algorithms for IR voltage drop analysis exploiting locality (SK, EGF), pp. 996–1001.
DocEngDocEng-2011-ChidlovskiiB #learning #metric #network #recommendation #social
Local metric learning for tag recommendation in social networks (BC, AB), pp. 205–208.
ICDARICDAR-2011-AbediF #analysis #documentation #image #locality #string #using
Localization of Digit Strings in Farsi/Arabic Document Images Using Structural Features and Syntactical Analysis (AA, KF), pp. 728–733.
ICDARICDAR-2011-IwamuraKK #image #multi #recognition #using
Recognition of Multiple Characters in a Scene Image Using Arrangement of Local Features (MI, TK, KK), pp. 1409–1413.
ICDARICDAR-2011-JamilSAR #image #locality #video
Edge-Based Features for Localization of Artificial Urdu Text in Video Images (AJ, IS, FA, AR), pp. 1120–1124.
ICDARICDAR-2011-KluznerT #using
Page Curling Correction for Scanned Books Using Local Distortion Information (VK, AT), pp. 890–894.
ICDARICDAR-2011-LiuZLL #clustering #image #locality
A Chinese Character Localization Method Based on Intergrating Structure and CC-Clustering for Advertising Images (JL, SZ, HL, WL), pp. 1044–1048.
ICDARICDAR-2011-NeumannM #image #locality #using
Text Localization in Real-World Images Using Efficiently Pruned Exhaustive Search (LN, JM), pp. 687–691.
ICDARICDAR-2011-SimistiraPSK #segmentation #word
Enhancing Handwritten Word Segmentation by Employing Local Spatial Features (FS, VP, TS, VK), pp. 1314–1318.
ICDARICDAR-2011-SituLT #image #locality #probability #using #web
Text Localization in Web Images Using Probabilistic Candidate Selection Model (LS, RL, CLT), pp. 1359–1363.
ICDARICDAR-2011-TaoLJG #learning #locality #recognition #using
Similar Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Using Discriminative Locality Alignment Manifold Learning (DT, LL, LJ, YG), pp. 1012–1016.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2011-SatuluriPR #clustering #graph #scalability
Local graph sparsification for scalable clustering (VS, SP, YR), pp. 721–732.
VLDBVLDB-2011-LeeNS #estimation #locality #similarity #using
Similarity Join Size Estimation using Locality Sensitive Hashing (HL, RTN, KS), pp. 338–349.
VLDBVLDB-2011-VenetisGJH #ranking
Hyper-local, directions-based ranking of places (PV, HG, CSJ, AYH), pp. 290–301.
ESOPESOP-2011-GuhaSK #analysis #type system #using
Typing Local Control and State Using Flow Analysis (AG, CS, SK), pp. 256–275.
Localizing failure-inducing program edits based on spectrum information (LZ, MK, SK), pp. 23–32.
MSRMSR-2011-RaoK #case study #comparative #debugging #library #locality #modelling #retrieval
Retrieval from software libraries for bug localization: a comparative study of generic and composite text models (SR, ACK), pp. 43–52.
WCREWCRE-2011-Beard #debugging #information retrieval #locality #using
Extending Bug Localization Using Information Retrieval and Code Clone Location Techniques (MDB), pp. 425–428.
WCREWCRE-2011-BeardKEL #debugging #information retrieval #locality
Measuring the Accuracy of Information Retrieval Based Bug Localization Techniques (MDB, NAK, LHE, SKL), pp. 124–128.
WCREWCRE-2011-WangLXJ #empirical #information retrieval #kernel #linux #locality #using
Concern Localization using Information Retrieval: An Empirical Study on Linux Kernel (SW, DL, ZX, LJ), pp. 92–96.
PLDIPLDI-2011-JoseM #fault #locality #satisfiability #using
Cause clue clauses: error localization using maximum satisfiability (MJ, RM), pp. 437–446.
STOCSTOC-2011-BarakDYW #bound #design #geometry #matrix #rank
Rank bounds for design matrices with applications toc ombinatorial geometry and locally correctable codes (BB, ZD, AY, AW), pp. 519–528.
ICALPICALP-v1-2011-ElsasserT #complexity
Settling the Complexity of Local Max-Cut (Almost) Completely (RE, TT), pp. 171–182.
ICALPICALP-v1-2011-KuhnM #graph
Vertex Cover in Graphs with Locally Few Colors (FK, MM), pp. 498–509.
ICALPICALP-v1-2011-LokshtanovM #clustering #strict
Clustering with Local Restrictions (DL, DM), pp. 785–797.
ICALPICALP-v2-2011-AndersonMSS #first-order #invariant #locality #logic #query
Locality of Queries Definable in Invariant First-Order Logic with Arbitrary Built-in Predicates (MA, DvM, NS, LS), pp. 368–379.
ICALPICALP-v2-2011-Hoefer #network #social
Local Matching Dynamics in Social Networks (MH), pp. 113–124.
LATALATA-2011-JansenHKN #normalisation
A Local Greibach Normal Form for Hyperedge Replacement Grammars (CJ, JH, JPK, TN), pp. 323–335.
FMFM-2011-MeryMT #algorithm #verification
Refinement-Based Verification of Local Synchronization Algorithms (DM, MM, MT), pp. 338–352.
AGTIVEAGTIVE-2011-Strecker #graph transformation #locality #reasoning
Locality in Reasoning about Graph Transformations (MS), pp. 169–181.
CSCWCSCW-2011-KwonLK #locality
The Tree of Knowledge: a localized collective intelligence tool (GHK, YSL, MK), pp. 665–668.
HCIDUXU-v2-2011-BaughD #design #experience #locality #user interface
Designing Notebook Computers to Ensure a Comfortable User Experience: Effects of Surface Temperature, Material, Locality, and Ambient Temperature (EB, RD), pp. 539–547.
HCIDUXU-v2-2011-KimJH #concept #design #experience #implementation #user interface
Different UI, Same UX: A Design Concept for Implementing a Locally-Optimized and Globally-Unified User Experience (SWK, HKJ, DYH), pp. 440–448.
HCIHCI-ITE-2011-AbushamB #graph #recognition #using
Face Recognition Using Local Graph Structure (LGS) (EEAA, HKB), pp. 169–175.
HCIHIMI-v2-2011-ChellaliB #locality #question #what
What Maps and What Displays for Remote Situation Awareness and ROV Localization? (RC, KB), pp. 364–372.
HCIHIMI-v2-2011-SutoS #communication #concept
Local Communication Media Based on Concept of Media Biotope (HS, MS), pp. 396–402.
Disaster Information Collecting/Providing Service for Local Residents (YT, DK, SY), pp. 411–418.
HCIIDGD-2011-YehL #design
Applying Local Culture Features into Creative Craft Products Design (MLY, PHL), pp. 114–122.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2011-Li #image #lifecycle #locality #novel
A Novel Method for Dynamic Image Localization of Tourism Destination based on Butler Life Cycle Theory (CL), pp. 473–476.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2011-ZdravkovicTP #network #ontology #semantics
Local Ontologies for Semantic Interoperability in Supply Chain Networks (MZ, MT, HP), pp. 22–31.
CIKMCIKM-2011-BianC #classification #query #taxonomy
A taxonomy of local search: semi-supervised query classification driven by information needs (JB, YC), pp. 2425–2428.
CIKMCIKM-2011-BressanP #rank #ranking
Local computation of PageRank: the ranking side (MB, LP), pp. 631–640.
CIKMCIKM-2011-LymberopoulosZKBL #mobile #predict
Location-aware click prediction in mobile local search (DL, PZ, ACK, KB, JL), pp. 413–422.
CIKMCIKM-2011-SafadiQ #ranking #retrieval #video
Re-ranking by local re-scoring for video indexing and retrieval (BS, GQ), pp. 2081–2084.
CIKMCIKM-2011-WatanabeOOO #detection #microblog #named #realtime
Jasmine: a real-time local-event detection system based on geolocation information propagated to microblogs (KW, MO, MO, RO), pp. 2541–2544.
ECIRECIR-2011-DinhT #information retrieval #semantics
Combining Global and Local Semantic Contexts for Improving Biomedical Information Retrieval (DD, LT), pp. 375–386.
ECIRECIR-2011-OhCM #classification #modelling #scalability #taxonomy #using
Text Classification for a Large-Scale Taxonomy Using Dynamically Mixed Local and Global Models for a Node (HSO, YC, SHM), pp. 7–18.
ICMLICML-2011-GuanDJ #feature model #probability
A Unified Probabilistic Model for Global and Local Unsupervised Feature Selection (YG, JGD, MIJ), pp. 1073–1080.
ICMLICML-2011-LadickyT #linear
Locally Linear Support Vector Machines (LL, PHST), pp. 985–992.
KDDKDD-2011-AgarwalCL #locality #modelling #multi #recommendation
Localized factor models for multi-context recommendation (DA, BCC, BL), pp. 609–617.
KDDKDD-2011-BoleyLPG #performance #random
Direct local pattern sampling by efficient two-step random procedures (MB, CL, DP, TG), pp. 582–590.
KDDKDD-2011-DasguptaKS #performance
Fast locality-sensitive hashing (AD, RK, TS), pp. 1073–1081.
KDDKDD-2011-JiangFH #data type #graph #locality #network
Anomaly localization for network data streams with graph joint sparse PCA (RJ, HF, JH), pp. 886–894.
KMISKMIS-2011-GimutaoFD #case study #information management
Knowledge Management and the Corporate Nature of Local Governance — A Case Study from the Philippines (KG, BPF, WD), pp. 363–368.
MLDMMLDM-2011-LiTM #classification #hybrid #named #performance
ACE-Cost: Acquisition Cost Efficient Classifier by Hybrid Decision Tree with Local SVM Leaves (LL, UT, NDM), pp. 60–74.
SEKESEKE-2011-CellierDFR #data mining #fault #locality #mining #multi
Multiple Fault Localization with Data Mining (PC, MD, SF, OR), pp. 238–243.
SEKESEKE-2011-WenLSL #fault #locality #slicing
Program slicing spectrum-based software fault localization (WW, BL, XS, JL), pp. 213–218.
SEKESEKE-2011-ZhaoZWY #fault #locality #named #reduction
PAFL: Fault Localization via Noise Reduction on Coverage Vector (LZ, ZZ, LW, XY), pp. 203–206.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-BerberichKLZ #ranking
Improving local search ranking through external logs (KB, ACK, DL, PZ), pp. 785–794.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-TangWB #recommendation
Recommending interesting activity-related local entities (JT, RWW, PB), pp. 1161–1162.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-TureEL #similarity
No free lunch: brute force vs. locality-sensitive hashing for cross-lingual pairwise similarity (FT, TE, JJL), pp. 943–952.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2011-JoK #locality #recursion #traversal
Enhancing locality for recursive traversals of recursive structures (YJ, MK), pp. 463–482.
SACSAC-2011-CaniouCDA #constraints #parallel
Parallel constraint-based local search on the HA8000 supercomputer (abstract) (YC, PC, DD, SA), pp. 920–921.
SACSAC-2011-DebroyW #equivalence #fault #locality #on the
On the equivalence of certain fault localization techniques (VD, WEW), pp. 1457–1463.
SACSAC-2011-Gonzalez-SanchezAGG #empirical #fault #locality #testing
An empirical study on the usage of testability information to fault localization in software (AGS, RA, HGG, AJCvG), pp. 1398–1403.
SACSAC-2011-ParisiniM #branch #continuation #slicing
Improving CP-based local branching via sliced neighborhood search (FP, MM), pp. 887–892.
SACSAC-2011-RodriguesGAL #clustering #named
L2GClust: local-to-global clustering of stream sources (PPR, JG, JA, LMBL), pp. 1006–1011.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2011-BaahPH #dependence #effectiveness #fault #locality
Mitigating the confounding effects of program dependences for effective fault localization (GKB, AP, MJH), pp. 146–156.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2011-SahaNDNSC #fault #locality #source code
Fault localization for data-centric programs (DS, MGN, PD, VKN, VS, SC), pp. 157–167.
CGOCGO-2011-KandemirZLY #locality #multi #optimisation
Neighborhood-aware data locality optimization for NoC-based multicores (MTK, YZ, JL, TY), pp. 191–200.
CGOCGO-2011-LiuM #analysis #locality #problem #using
Pinpointing data locality problems using data-centric analysis (XL, JMMC), pp. 171–180.
CGOCGO-2011-RusAL #automation #distance #locality #optimisation #reuse #string
Automated locality optimization based on the reuse distance of string operations (SR, RA, DXL), pp. 181–190.
HPDCHPDC-2011-ZhouKB #debugging #detection #locality #named #parallel #scalability #source code #using
Vrisha: using scaling properties of parallel programs for bug detection and localization (BZ, MK, SB), pp. 85–96.
ISMMISMM-2011-MarlowJ #garbage collection #manycore
Multicore garbage collection with local heaps (SM, SLPJ), pp. 21–32.
CAVCAV-2011-JoseM #fault #locality #named #source code
Bug-Assist: Assisting Fault Localization in ANSI-C Programs (MJ, RM), pp. 504–509.
CSLCSL-2011-LoschP #semantics
Relating Two Semantics of Locally Scoped Names (SL, AMP), pp. 396–411.
ISSTAISSTA-2011-DiGiuseppeJ #fault #locality #multi #on the
On the influence of multiple faults on coverage-based fault localization (ND, JAJ), pp. 210–220.
ICSTSAT-2011-TompkinsBH #heuristic #satisfiability
Captain Jack: New Variable Selection Heuristics in Local Search for SAT (DADT, AB, HHH), pp. 302–316.
TLCATLCA-2011-ClairambaultD #category theory
The Biequivalence of Locally Cartesian Closed Categories and Martin-Löf Type Theories (PC, PD), pp. 91–106.
VMCAIVMCAI-2011-OhBY #locality
Access Analysis-Based Tight Localization of Abstract Memories (HO, LB, KY), pp. 356–370.
CASECASE-2010-JohnsonM #optimisation #using
Local planning using switching time optimization (ERJ, TDM), pp. 828–834.
CASECASE-2010-KwokHFRW #approach #image #using
Color image contrast enhancement using a local equalization and weighted sum approach (NMK, QPH, GF, ABR, DW), pp. 568–573.
DACDAC-2010-ParkBWM #debugging #graph #locality #named #using
BLoG: post-silicon bug localization in processors using bug localization graphs (SBP, AB, HW, SM), pp. 368–373.
DATEDATE-2010-LiSC #logic #manycore
Exploiting local logic structures to optimize multi-core SoC floorplanning (CHL, SS, LPC), pp. 1291–1296.
DATEDATE-2010-RitheGWDGBC #analysis #logic #statistics
Non-linear Operating Point Statistical Analysis for Local Variations in logic timing at low voltage (RR, JG, AW, SD, GG, DB, AC), pp. 965–968.
DRRDRR-2010-OuwayedBA #approach #estimation
General text line extraction approach based on locally orientation estimation (NO, AB, FA), pp. 1–10.
PODSPODS-2010-GrecoS #algorithm #consistency #power of
The power of tree projections: local consistency, greedy algorithms, and larger islands of tractability (GG, FS), pp. 327–338.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2010-ShindeGGD #locality #similarity #using
Similarity search and locality sensitive hashing using ternary content addressable memories (RS, AG, PG, DD), pp. 375–386.
VLDBVLDB-2011-LianC #correlation #framework #nondeterminism
A Generic Framework for Handling Uncertain Data with Local Correlations (XL, LC), pp. 12–21.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2010-Staton #algebra
Completeness for Algebraic Theories of Local State (SS), pp. 48–63.
ICSMEICSM-2010-FryW #fault #locality
A human study of fault localization accuracy (ZPF, WW), pp. 1–10.
ICSMEICSM-2010-LuciaLJB #evaluation #fault #locality #metric
Comprehensive evaluation of association measures for fault localization (L, DL, LJ, AB), pp. 1–10.
PASTEPASTE-2010-FengG #fault #learning #locality #modelling #probability
Learning universal probabilistic models for fault localization (MF, RG), pp. 81–88.
SASSAS-2010-AlbertAGPD #analysis #approach
From Object Fields to Local Variables: A Practical Approach to Field-Sensitive Analysis (EA, PA, SG, GP, DVRD), pp. 100–116.
SASSAS-2010-HofmannKS #coq #verification
Verifying a Local Generic Solver in Coq (MH, AK, HS), pp. 340–355.
STOCSTOC-2010-AmbainisKS #quantum
A quantum lovász local lemma (AA, JK, OS), pp. 151–160.
STOCSTOC-2010-KoppartyS #fault #linear #random #testing
Local list-decoding and testing of random linear codes from high error (SK, SS), pp. 417–426.
STOCSTOC-2010-LeeSV #power of
Matroid matching: the power of local search (JL, MS, JV), pp. 369–378.
Local Search: Simple, Successful, But Sometimes Sluggish (BM, DD, TT), pp. 1–17.
ICALPICALP-v1-2010-Welzl #constraints #satisfiability
When Conflicting Constraints Can Be Resolved — The Lovász Local Lemma and Satisfiability (EW), p. 18.
ICALPICALP-v2-2010-ChalopinD #mobile
Rendezvous of Mobile Agents without Agreement on Local Orientation (JC, SD), pp. 515–526.
Non-local Choice and Implied Scenarios (HD, RMH, SC), pp. 53–62.
ICFPICFP-2010-DreyerNB #higher-order #reasoning #relational
The impact of higher-order state and control effects on local relational reasoning (DD, GN, LB), pp. 143–156.
ICGTICGT-2010-EhrigHLOG #confluence
Local Confluence for Rules with Nested Application Conditions (HE, AH, LL, FO, UG), pp. 330–345.
CSCWCSCW-2010-ArazyN #difference #quality #wiki
Determinants of wikipedia quality: the roles of global and local contribution inequality (OA, ON), pp. 233–236.
CSCWCSCW-2010-GrimesLG #community #health
Characteristics of shared health reflections in a local community (AG, BML, REG), pp. 435–444.
CSCWCSCW-2010-HechtG #locality #on the
On the “localness” of user-generated content (BH, DG), pp. 229–232.
CIKMCIKM-2010-KaliciakSWP #hybrid #image #novel #retrieval
Novel local features with hybrid sampling technique for image retrieval (LK, DS, NW, JP), pp. 1557–1560.
CIKMCIKM-2010-KazaiMHMILMM #information management #online
Connecting the local and the online in information management (GK, NMF, TH, NM, KI, AL, PM, MM), pp. 1941–1942.
CIKMCIKM-2010-LiSWZD #approximate #locality
Approximate membership localization (AML) for web-based join (ZL, LS, LW, XZ, XD), pp. 1321–1324.
Local Minima Embedding (MK, FDlT), pp. 527–534.
Non-Local Contrastive Objectives (DV, CCYL, DK), pp. 1103–1110.
ICMLICML-2010-YuZ #coordination #using
Improved Local Coordinate Coding using Local Tangents (KY, TZ), pp. 1215–1222.
ICPRICPR-2010-AdluruTWD #re-engineering #using
Improving Undersampled MRI Reconstruction Using Non-local Means (GA, TT, RTW, EVRDB), pp. 4000–4003.
ICPRICPR-2010-AlySTT #multi #recognition #robust #self #similarity #using
Robust Face Recognition Using Multiple Self-Organized Gabor Features and Local Similarity Matching (SKHA, AS, NT, RiT), pp. 2909–2912.
ICPRICPR-2010-BayramogluA #image #recognition #using
Shape Index SIFT: Range Image Recognition Using Local Features (NB, AAA), pp. 352–355.
ICPRICPR-2010-BimboDLP #locality
Sensor Fusion for Cooperative Head Localization (ADB, FD, GL, FP), pp. 384–387.
ICPRICPR-2010-CaoZGXG #image #multi
Matching Image with Multiple Local Features (YC, HZ, YG, XX, JG), pp. 519–522.
ICPRICPR-2010-CappelliMT #benchmark #metric #recognition
Benchmarking Local Orientation Extraction in Fingerprint Recognition (RC, DM, FT), pp. 1144–1147.
ICPRICPR-2010-Carneiro #automation #case study #comparative #design #image
A Comparative Study on the Use of an Ensemble of Feature Extractors for the Automatic Design of Local Image Descriptors (GC), pp. 3356–3359.
ICPRICPR-2010-ChakrabortyE #locality
Object Localization by Propagating Connectivity via Superfeatures (IC, AME), pp. 3069–3072.
ICPRICPR-2010-DikmenH #canonical #classification #correlation
Improving Classification Accuracy by Comparing Local Features through Canonical Correlations (MD, TSH), pp. 4032–4035.
ICPRICPR-2010-DuGC #classification #web
Enhancing Web Page Classification via Local Co-training (YD, XG, ZC), pp. 2905–2908.
ICPRICPR-2010-DuYXGT #identification
Wavelet Domain Local Binary Pattern Features For Writer Identification (LD, XY, HX, ZG, YYT), pp. 3691–3694.
ICPRICPR-2010-EudesLND #integration #performance #visual notation
Fast Odometry Integration in Local Bundle Adjustment-Based Visual SLAM (AE, ML, SNC, MD), pp. 290–293.
ICPRICPR-2010-Fehr #3d #invariant
Local Rotation Invariant Patch Descriptors for 3D Vector Fields (JF), pp. 1381–1384.
ICPRICPR-2010-FleckD #image #invariant #using
Using Local Affine Invariants to Improve Image Matching (DF, ZD), pp. 1844–1847.
ICPRICPR-2010-FraundorferWP #locality #mobile #using #visual notation #word
Combining Monocular and Stereo Cues for Mobile Robot Localization Using Visual Words (FF, CW, MP), pp. 3927–3930.
ICPRICPR-2010-GaoEFS #multi #verification
Multi-resolution Local Appearance-Based Face Verification (HG, HKE, MF, RS), pp. 1501–1504.
ICPRICPR-2010-GaoHLZW #detection #kernel
Local Outlier Detection Based on Kernel Regression (JG, WH, WL, Z(Z, OW), pp. 585–588.
ICPRICPR-2010-Garcia-TubioWS #detection #geometry
Combining Geometry and Local Appearance for Object Detection (MPGT, HW, LS), pp. 4024–4027.
ICPRICPR-2010-GonenA #kernel #locality #multi
Localized Multiple Kernel Regression (MG, EA), pp. 1425–1428.
Improved Blur Insensitivity for Decorrelated Local Phase Quantization (JH, VO, ER), pp. 818–821.
ICPRICPR-2010-Hotta #classification #using #visual notation #word
Scene Classification Using Local Co-occurrence Feature in Subspace Obtained by KPCA of Local Blob Visual Words (KH), pp. 4230–4233.
ICPRICPR-2010-HuangM #automation #detection #locality #video
Automatic Detection and Localization of Natural Scene Text in Video (XH, HM), pp. 3216–3219.
ICPRICPR-2010-HuiWX #linear
Globally-Preserving Based Locally Linear Embedding (KH, CW, BX), pp. 531–534.
ICPRICPR-2010-HuYLS #3d #locality #multi #novel #using
A Novel Facial Localization for Three-dimensional Face Using Multi-level Partition of Unity Implicits (YH, JY, WL, PS), pp. 682–685.
ICPRICPR-2010-Ikizler-CinbisS #locality #recognition
Object Recognition and Localization Via Spatial Instance Embedding (NIC, SS), pp. 452–455.
ICPRICPR-2010-JabidKC #classification #gender #using
Gender Classification Using Local Directional Pattern (LDP) (TJ, MHK, OC), pp. 2162–2165.
ICPRICPR-2010-Jean #analysis
Local Optical Operators for Subpixel Scene Analysis (YDJ), pp. 3448–3451.
ICPRICPR-2010-JokoKY #learning #linear #modelling
Learning Non-linear Dynamical Systems by Alignment of Local Linear Models (MJ, YK, TY), pp. 1084–1087.
ICPRICPR-2010-JungO #identification #image #web
Local Binary Pattern-Based Features for Text Identification of Web Images (IJ, ISO), pp. 4320–4323.
ICPRICPR-2010-KeuperSPHPBR #3d #parametricity #robust #self
3D Deformable Surfaces with Locally Self-Adjusting Parameters — A Robust Method to Determine Cell Nucleus Shapes (MK, TS, JP, PH, KP, HB, OR), pp. 2254–2257.
ICPRICPR-2010-KeustermansMVS #automation #identification #modelling #using
Automated Cephalometric Landmark Identification Using Shape and Local Appearance Models (JK, WM, DV, PS), pp. 2464–2467.
ICPRICPR-2010-KhushabaEAAM #analysis #fuzzy #locality #orthogonal
Orthogonal Locality Sensitive Fuzzy Discriminant Analysis in Sleep-Stage Scoring (RNK, RE, AA, AAA, SM), pp. 165–168.
ICPRICPR-2010-KohGC #locality #robust #using
A Robust Iris Localization Method Using an Active Contour Model and Hough Transform (JK, VG, VC), pp. 2852–2856.
ICPRICPR-2010-KopenkovM #algorithm #performance #recursion #research
Research the Performance of a Recursive Algorithm of the Local Discrete Wavelet Transform (VNK, VVM), pp. 4452–4455.
ICPRICPR-2010-KurugolODSB #3d #segmentation #set
Locally Deformable Shape Model to Improve 3D Level Set Based Esophagus Segmentation (SK, NO, JGD, GCS, DHB), pp. 3955–3958.
ICPRICPR-2010-LaiJYW #feature model
Sparse Local Discriminant Projections for Feature Extraction (ZL, ZJ, JY, WKW), pp. 926–929.
ICPRICPR-2010-Liao #using
Region Description Using Extended Local Ternary Patterns (WHL), pp. 1003–1006.
ICPRICPR-2010-LiGZ #classification #representation
Local Sparse Representation Based Classification (CGL, JG, HGZ), pp. 649–652.
ICPRICPR-2010-LiuCLL #automation #locality #parametricity #using
A Lip Contour Extraction Method Using Localized Active Contour Model with Automatic Parameter Selection (XL, YmC, ML, HL), pp. 4332–4335.
ICPRICPR-2010-MaalejADSB #3d #analysis #recognition
Local 3D Shape Analysis for Facial Expression Recognition (AM, BBA, MD, AS, SB), pp. 4129–4132.
ICPRICPR-2010-Manzanera #similarity
Local Jet Based Similarity for NL-Means Filtering (AM), pp. 2668–2671.
ICPRICPR-2010-MatsukawaK #recognition #using
Action Recognition Using Three-Way Cross-Correlations Feature of Local Moton Attributes (TM, TK), pp. 1731–1734.
ICPRICPR-2010-Mattoccia #consistency
Accurate Dense Stereo by Constraining Local Consistency on Superpixels (SM), pp. 1832–1835.
ICPRICPR-2010-MikulikMPC #precise
Construction of Precise Local Affine Frames (AM, JM, MP, OC), pp. 3565–3569.
ICPRICPR-2010-MonzoAAM #case study #comparative #locality #recognition #using
A Comparative Study of Facial Landmark Localization Methods for Face Recognition Using HOG descriptors (DM, AA, AA, JMM), pp. 1330–1333.
ICPRICPR-2010-NguyenAC #approach #locality #performance
Unifying Approach for Fast License Plate Localization and Super-Resolution (CDN, MA, LC), pp. 376–379.
ICPRICPR-2010-OReillyP #analysis #prototype #statistics
Prototype-Based Methodology for the Statistical Analysis of Local Features in Stereotypical Handwriting Tasks (CO, RP), pp. 1864–1867.
Moving Cast Shadow Removal Based on Local Descriptors (RQ, SL, ZL, SZL), pp. 1377–1380.
ICPRICPR-2010-Ramirez-OrtegonR #documentation #evaluation
Unsupervised Evaluation Methods Based on Local Gray-Intensity Variances for Binarization of Historical Documents (MARO, RR), pp. 2029–2032.
ICPRICPR-2010-RudinacJ #detection #locality
Saliency Detection and Object Localization in Indoor Environments (MR, PPJ), pp. 404–407.
ICPRICPR-2010-ShiSG #documentation #image #using
Removing Rule-Lines from Binary Handwritten Arabic Document Images Using Directional Local Profile (ZS, SS, VG), pp. 1916–1919.
ICPRICPR-2010-StottingerZKH #dataset #evaluation
FeEval A Dataset for Evaluation of Spatio-temporal Local Features (JS, SZ, RK, AH), pp. 499–502.
ICPRICPR-2010-SunDTX #approach #locality #multi #robust
A Robust Approach for Person Localization in Multi-camera Environment (LS, HD, LT, GX), pp. 4036–4039.
ICPRICPR-2010-SunSHE #learning #locality #metric
Localized Supervised Metric Learning on Temporal Physiological Data (JS, DMS, JH, SE), pp. 4149–4152.
ICPRICPR-2010-TorrentPLFSMP #approach #detection #using
Detecting Faint Compact Sources Using Local Features and a Boosting Approach (AT, MP, XL, JF, JRSS, JM, JMP), pp. 4613–4616.
ICPRICPR-2010-UchidaL #analysis #recognition
Analysis of Local Features for Handwritten Character Recognition (SU, ML), pp. 1945–1948.
ICPRICPR-2010-VenkateshaT #process #recognition #using
Human Activity Recognition Using Local Shape Descriptors (SV, MT), pp. 3704–3707.
Dynamic Amelioration of Resolution Mismatches for Local Feature Based Identity Inference (YW, CS, SM, BCL), pp. 1200–1203.
ICPRICPR-2010-Xie #segmentation #set #using
Level Set Based Segmentation Using Local Feature Distribution (XX), pp. 2780–2783.
ICPRICPR-2010-YamashitaW #correlation #matrix
Subspace Methods with Globally/Locally Weighted Correlation Matrix (YY, TW), pp. 4259–4262.
ICPRICPR-2010-YangGG #analysis #locality #recognition
Extended Locality Preserving Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition (LY, WG, XG), pp. 539–542.
ICPRICPR-2010-YangL #locality #performance #recognition
Efficient Finger Vein Localization and Recognition (JY, XL), pp. 1148–1151.
ICPRICPR-2010-YaoYH #correlation #evaluation #image #locality
Localized Image Matte Evaluation by Gradient Correlation (GY, HY, QH), pp. 332–335.
ICPRICPR-2010-ZhouK #identification #image #locality #using
Personal Identification from Iris Images Using Localized Radon Transform (YZ, AK), pp. 2840–2843.
ICPRICPR-2010-ZhouR #image #optimisation
Image Inpainting Based on Local Optimisation (JZ, ARK), pp. 4440–4443.
ICPRICPR-2010-ZhuBC #multi #recognition #visual notation
Multi-scale Color Local Binary Patterns for Visual Object Classes Recognition (CZ, CEB, LC), pp. 3065–3068.
KDDKDD-2010-ChenLB #approach #detection #named #statistics
GLS-SOD: a generalized local statistical approach for spatial outlier detection (FC, CTL, APB), pp. 1069–1078.
KDIRKDIR-2010-Ghosh #locality #mining #modelling #multi #predict #scalability #using
Actionable Mining of Large, Multi-relational Data using Localized Predictive Models (JG), pp. 9–10.
KDIRKDIR-2010-KoopmansW #community #identification
Broader Perception for Local Community Identification (FTW(K, TPvdW), pp. 400–403.
RecSysRecSys-2010-SandholmUAH #recommendation
Global budgets for local recommendations (TS, HU, CA, BAH), pp. 13–20.
SEKESEKE-2010-Radlinski #development #predict #quality #using
Software Development Effort and Quality Prediction Using Bayesian Nets and small Local Qualitative Data (LR), pp. 113–116.
SEKESEKE-2010-XuDWG #evaluation #fault #locality
An Evaluation of Tie-Breaking Strategies for Fault Localization Techniques (XX, VD, WEW, DG), pp. 123–128.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-LopesR #health #information retrieval #precise #using
Using local precision to compare search engines in consumer health information retrieval (CTL, CR), pp. 835–836.
PADLPADL-2010-MarquesSC #concurrent #implementation #performance
A Simple and Efficient Implementation of Concurrent Local Tabling (RM, TS, JCC), pp. 264–278.
SACSAC-2010-JiaLLZ #satisfiability
Local lemma: a new strategy of pruning in SAT solvers (XJ, RL, SL, JZ), pp. 2071–2072.
SACSAC-2010-OhCM #classification #information management
Combining global and local information for enhanced deep classification (HSO, YC, SHM), pp. 1760–1767.
SACSAC-2010-RiponGHT #approach #layout #multi #problem #using
Multi-objective evolutionary approach for solving facility layout problem using local search (KSNR, KG, MH, JT), pp. 1155–1156.
SACSAC-2010-RoyPL #component #detection #documentation #image #using
Seal object detection in document images using GHT of local component shapes (PPR, UP, JL), pp. 23–27.
SACSAC-2010-ZhangGCQC #case study #effectiveness #reduction #testing
A study of relative redundancy in test-suite reduction while retaining or improving fault-localization effectiveness (XZ, QG, XC, JQ, DC), pp. 2229–2236.
SACSAC-2010-ZhangHJ #java #locality #transaction
Optimized Java Card transaction mechanism based on object locality (DZ, ZH, WJ), pp. 550–551.
ICSEICSE-2010-ArtziDTP #fault #locality #web
Practical fault localization for dynamic web applications (SA, JD, FT, MP), pp. 265–274.
ICSEICSE-2010-ParkVH #concurrent #fault #locality #named #source code
Falcon: fault localization in concurrent programs (SP, RWV, MJH), pp. 245–254.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2010-SudanCNABD #named #performance
Micro-pages: increasing DRAM efficiency with locality-aware data placement (KS, NC, DWN, MA, RB, AD), pp. 219–230.
CCCC-2010-BurckhardtMS #memory management #modelling #verification
Verifying Local Transformations on Relaxed Memory Models (SB, MM, VS), pp. 104–123.
CCCC-2010-JiangZTS #analysis #distance #locality #multi #question #reuse
Is Reuse Distance Applicable to Data Locality Analysis on Chip Multiprocessors? (YJ, EZZ, KT, XS), pp. 264–282.
HPDCHPDC-2010-AgrawalMHC #estimation #named #parallel #sequence #statistics
MPIPairwiseStatSig: parallel pairwise statistical significance estimation of local sequence alignment (AA, SM, DH, ANC), pp. 470–476.
ISMMISMM-2010-HellyerJH #concurrent #locality
The locality of concurrent write barriers (LH, REJ, ALH), pp. 83–92.
PPoPPPPoPP-2010-GuoZCS #adaptation #manycore #named #scalability
SLAW: a scalable locality-aware adaptive work-stealing scheduler for multi-core systems (YG, YZ, VC, VS), pp. 341–342.
PPoPPPPoPP-2010-LiuL #algorithm #locality #parallel
Improving parallelism and locality with asynchronous algorithms (LL, ZL), pp. 213–222.
CAVCAV-2010-CohenMST #concurrent #invariant #source code #verification
Local Verification of Global Invariants in Concurrent Programs (EC, MM, WS, ST), pp. 480–494.
ICLPICLP-2010-Parisini10 #branch #constraints #framework #programming
Local Branching in a Constraint Programming Framework (FP), pp. 286–288.
ICSTICST-2010-MasriA #correctness #testing
Cleansing Test Suites from Coincidental Correctness to Enhance Fault-Localization (WM, RAA), pp. 165–174.
ISSTAISSTA-2010-ArtziDTP #effectiveness #fault #generative #locality #testing
Directed test generation for effective fault localization (SA, JD, FT, MP), pp. 49–60.
ISSTAISSTA-2010-BaahPH #fault #locality #statistics
Causal inference for statistical fault localization (GKB, AP, MJH), pp. 73–84.
ICSTSAT-2010-BalintF #probability #satisfiability
Improving Stochastic Local Search for SAT with a New Probability Distribution (AB, AF), pp. 10–15.
ICSTSAT-2010-BelovS #satisfiability
Improved Local Search for Circuit Satisfiability (AB, ZS), pp. 293–299.
ICSTSAT-2010-KrocSS #empirical #runtime
An Empirical Study of Optimal Noise and Runtime Distributions in Local Search (LK, AS, BS), pp. 346–351.
ICSTSAT-2010-PankratovB #on the #problem #satisfiability
On the Relative Merits of Simple Local Search Methods for the MAX-SAT Problem (DP, AB), pp. 223–236.
ASEASE-2009-AbreuZG #fault #locality #multi
Spectrum-Based Multiple Fault Localization (RA, PZ, AJCvG), pp. 88–99.
ASEASE-2009-AliADW #fault #locality
Evaluating the Accuracy of Fault Localization Techniques (SA, JHA, TD, WW), pp. 76–87.
ASEASE-2009-DeanPMW #approach #automation #fault #linear #locality #multi #programming
A Linear Programming Approach for Automated Localization of Multiple Faults (BCD, WBP, BAM, AAW), pp. 640–644.
ASEASE-2009-JanssenAG #automation #fault #locality #named #tool support
Zoltar: A Toolset for Automatic Fault Localization (TJ, RA, AJCvG), pp. 662–664.
ASEASE-2009-WeiglhoferFW #fault #locality #testing #using
Using Spectrum-Based Fault Localization for Test Case Grouping (MW, GF, FW), pp. 630–634.
CASECASE-2009-BahugunaRK #locality #multi
MDP based active localization for multiple robots (JB, BR, KMK), pp. 635–640.
DACDAC-2009-MutluLMC #analysis #approach #parametricity
A parametric approach for handling local variation effects in timing analysis (AAM, JL, RM, MC), pp. 126–129.
DATEDATE-2009-ArmengaudS #metric #network
Remote measurement of local oscillator drifts in FlexRay networks (EA, AS), pp. 1082–1087.
DATEDATE-2009-FlynnGG #configuration management
Bitstream relocation with local clock domains for partially reconfigurable FPGAs (AF, AGR, ADG), pp. 300–303.
DocEngDocEng-2009-VallePC #consistency #documentation #geometry #retrieval
Geometric consistency checking for local-descriptor based document retrieval (EV, DP, MC), pp. 135–138.
ICDARICDAR-2009-DiemS #recognition #using
Recognition of Degraded Handwritten Characters Using Local Features (MD, RS), pp. 221–225.
ICDARICDAR-2009-EmmanouilidisBP #classification #development #evaluation #locality
Development and Evaluation of Text Localization Techniques Based on Structural Texture Features and Neural Classifiers (CE, CB, NP), pp. 1270–1274.
ICDARICDAR-2009-HanifP #algorithm #detection #image #locality #using
Text Detection and Localization in Complex Scene Images using Constrained AdaBoost Algorithm (SMH, LP), pp. 1–5.
ICDARICDAR-2009-KonyaSEG #adaptation
Constant-Time Locally Optimal Adaptive Binarization (IVK, CS, SE, SG), pp. 738–742.
ICDARICDAR-2009-LandreMR #classification #difference #image #using
Ornamental Letters Image Classification Using Local Dissimilarity Maps (JL, FMN, SR), pp. 186–190.
ICDARICDAR-2009-LiFWL #documentation #image #retrieval #sequence
Document Image Retrieval with Local Feature Sequences (JL, ZGF, YW, NL), pp. 346–350.
ICDARICDAR-2009-Likforman-SulemDS #documentation #preprocessor
Pre-Processing of Degraded Printed Documents by Non-local Means and Total Variation (LLS, JD, EHBS), pp. 758–762.
ICDARICDAR-2009-PanHL #image #locality #random
Text Localization in Natural Scene Images Based on Conditional Random Field (YFP, XH, CLL), pp. 6–10.
ICDARICDAR-2009-ShaoLQXB #constraints #documentation #re-engineering
Locally Developable Constraint for Document Surface Reconstruction (YS, XL, XQ, YX, HB), pp. 226–230.
A Steerable Directional Local Profile Technique for Extraction of Handwritten Arabic Text Lines (ZS, SS, VG), pp. 176–180.
ICDARICDAR-2009-WakaharaU #2d #composition #using
Hierarchical Decomposition of Handwriting Deformation Vector Field Using 2D Warping and Global/Local Affine Transformation (TW, SU), pp. 1141–1145.
ICDARICDAR-2009-Washizawa #classification #metric
Pattern Classification on Local Metric Structure (YW), pp. 471–475.
VLDBVLDB-2009-HeN #top-down
Anonymization of Set-Valued Data via Top-Down, Local Generalization (YH, JFN), pp. 934–945.
CSMRCSMR-2009-SoriaPC #architecture #fault #locality #modelling #tool support #using
Tool Support for Fault Localization Using Architectural Models (AS, JADP, MRC), pp. 59–68.
ICSMEICSM-2009-JeffreyGG #effectiveness #fault #locality #multi #performance #using
Effective and efficient localization of multiple faults using value replacement (DJ, NG, RG), pp. 221–230.
PEPMPEPM-2009-ChenLWK #aspect-oriented #design #locality
Designing aspects for side-effect localization (KC, JYL, SCW, SCK), pp. 189–198.
STOCSTOC-2009-AndersenP #evolution #set #using
Finding sparse cuts locally using evolving sets (RA, YP), pp. 235–244.
3-query locally decodable codes of subexponential length (KE), pp. 39–44.
STOCSTOC-2009-Moser #proving
A constructive proof of the Lovász local lemma (RAM), pp. 343–350.
ICALPICALP-v2-2009-CooperIKK #graph #random #using
Derandomizing Random Walks in Undirected Graphs Using Locally Fair Exploration Strategies (CC, DI, RK, AK), pp. 411–422.
ICALPICALP-v2-2009-PlaceS #decidability
A Decidable Characterization of Locally Testable Tree Languages (TP, LS), pp. 285–296.
LATALATA-2009-Onodera #locality #using
New Morphic Characterizations of Languages in Chomsky Hierarchy Using Insertion and Locality (KO), pp. 648–659.
CHICHI-2009-BaoG #what
What’s “this” you say?: the use of local references on distant displays (PB, DG), pp. 1029–1032.
HCIHCI-NIMT-2009-SaitoS #exclamation #locality
Fly! Little Me: Localization of Body-Image within Reduced-Self (TS, MS), pp. 255–260.
HCIIDGD-2009-PetriePS #locality #navigation
Internationalization and Localization of Websites: Navigation in English Language and Chinese Language Sites (HP, CP, WS), pp. 293–300.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2009-MarinicaOG #algorithm #mining #using
User-driven Association Rule Mining using a Local Algorithm (CM, AO, FG), pp. 200–205.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS-2009-HidalgoGT #consistency #data type #detection #nondeterminism #performance
Efficient Data Structures for Local Inconsistency Detection in Firewall ACL Updates (SPH, RMG, FTdlR), pp. 176–181.
Agglomerating local patterns hierarchically with ALPHA (LC, PNM, JFB), pp. 1753–1756.
CIKMCIKM-2009-HuangSN #documentation #graph #word
Smoothing document language model with local word graph (YH, LS, JYN), pp. 1943–1946.
CIKMCIKM-2009-KriegelKSZ #named
LoOP: local outlier probabilities (HPK, PK, ES, AZ), pp. 1649–1652.
CIKMCIKM-2009-LeeNL #approach #feedback #retrieval #using
An improved feedback approach using relevant local posts for blog feed retrieval (YL, SHN, JHL), pp. 1971–1974.
CIKMCIKM-2009-VienVCYKC #kernel #locality #named #using #visualisation
VRIFA: a nonlinear SVM visualization tool using nomogram and localized radial basis function (LRBF) kernels (NAV, NHV, TC, HY, SK, BHC), pp. 2081–2082.
ICMLICML-2009-CaiWH #consistency #data analysis #probability
Probabilistic dyadic data analysis with local and global consistency (DC, XW, XH), pp. 105–112.
MLDMMLDM-2009-SegataB #dataset #performance #scalability
Fast Local Support Vector Machines for Large Datasets (NS, EB), pp. 295–310.
SEKESEKE-2009-CellierDFR #data mining #fault #locality #mining #named #process
DeLLIS: A Data Mining Process for Fault Localization (PC, MD, SF, OR), pp. 432–437.
SIGIRSIGIR-2009-DonmezSB #on the
On the local optimality of λRank (PD, KMS, CJCB), pp. 460–467.
ECOOPECOOP-2009-WrigstadPMZV #java #named #thread
Loci: Simple Thread-Locality for Java (TW, FP, FM, LZ, JV), pp. 445–469.
POPLPOPL-2009-Feng #reasoning
Local rely-guarantee reasoning (XF), pp. 315–327.
SACSAC-2009-AbreuMSG #fault #locality #ranking
Refining spectrum-based fault localization rankings (RA, WM, MS, AJCvG), pp. 409–414.
SACSAC-2009-BohnetVD #debugging #execution #locality
Projecting code changes onto execution traces to support localization of recently introduced bugs (JB, SV, JD), pp. 438–442.
SACSAC-2009-CheriniB #abstraction #reasoning
Local reasoning for abstraction and sharing (RC, JOB), pp. 552–557.
SACSAC-2009-DungDH #constraints #framework #graph #optimisation
LS(graph & tree): a local search framework for constraint optimization on graphs and trees (PQD, YD, PVH), pp. 1402–1407.
SACSAC-2009-JazayeriCZTB #locality #video
An intelligent video system for vehicle localization and tracking in police cars (AJ, HC, JYZ, MT, HB), pp. 939–940.
SACSAC-2009-KrocSS #heuristic #message passing #satisfiability
Message-passing and local heuristics as decimation strategies for satisfiability (LK, AS, BS), pp. 1408–1414.
SACSAC-2009-LuYLELW #correlation #data type #detection #incremental #using
Incremental outlier detection in data streams using local correlation integral (XL, TY, ZL, ME, WL, HW), pp. 1520–1521.
SACSAC-2009-PostarnakevichS #modelling #representation #using #visualisation
Global-to-local representation and visualization of molecular surfaces using deformable models (NP, RS), pp. 782–787.
ICSEICSE-2009-SantelicesJYH #lightweight #multi #using
Lightweight fault-localization using multiple coverage types (RAS, JAJ, YY, MJH), pp. 56–66.
ICSEICSE-2009-WangCCZ #correctness #fault #locality #refinement
Taming coincidental correctness: Coverage refinement with context patterns to improve fault localization (XW, SCC, WKC, ZZ), pp. 45–55.
HPCAHPCA-2009-Chaudhuri #locality #multi #named #policy #scalability
PageNUCA: Selected policies for page-grain locality management in large shared chip-multiprocessor caches (MC), pp. 227–238.
HPCAHPCA-2009-SeoLS #design #implementation #memory management #multi
Design and implementation of software-managed caches for multicores with local memory (SS, JL, ZS), pp. 55–66.
ISMMISMM-2009-GuCBZD #component #locality
A component model of spatial locality (XG, IC, TB, CZ, CD), pp. 99–108.
ISMMISMM-2009-JulaR #locality #memory management
Two memory allocators that use hints to improve locality (AJ, LR), pp. 109–118.
CADECADE-2009-Sofronie-Stokkermans #locality
Locality Results for Certain Extensions of Theories with Bridging Functions (VSS), pp. 67–83.
CAVCAV-2009-Jacobs #generative #incremental #reasoning
Incremental Instance Generation in Local Reasoning (SJ), pp. 368–382.
ICLPICLP-2009-HildebrandtL #concurrent #constraints #pattern matching #programming
Types for Secure Pattern Matching with Local Knowledge in Universal Concurrent Constraint Programming (TTH, HAL), pp. 417–431.
ICLPICLP-2009-Rosa #detection #distributed #programming
Locally Distributed Predicates: A Programming Facility for Distributed State Detection (MD), pp. 557–558.
ISSTAISSTA-2009-SinhaSGJKH #exception #fault #java #locality #runtime
Fault localization and repair for Java runtime exceptions (SS, HS, CG, SJ, MK, MJH), pp. 153–164.
RTARTA-2009-EndrullisVW #termination
Local Termination (JE, RCdV, JW), pp. 270–284.
ICSTSAT-2009-BelovS #probability #process #satisfiability
Improving Variable Selection Process in Stochastic Local Search for Propositional Satisfiability (AB, ZS), pp. 258–264.
ICSTSAT-2009-Szeider #complexity #satisfiability
The Parameterized Complexity of k-Flip Local Search for SAT and MAX SAT (SS), pp. 276–283.
ECSAECSA-2008-HanselOS #data type #named
L-DSMS — A Local Data Stream Management System (CH, HJO, EPS), pp. 298–305.
CASECASE-2008-Froehlich #modelling
Mission control: Local versus global modeling of robot tasking and routing (RF), pp. 566–571.
CASECASE-2008-LiMAM #multi #network #scheduling
Low-complexity Channel-Aware Scheduling for multichannel wireless local area networks (YL, SM, PA, SFM), pp. 133–138.
DACDAC-2008-ParkM #analysis #debugging #locality #named
IFRA: instruction footprint recording and analysis for post-silicon bug localization in processors (SBP, SM), pp. 373–378.
DACDAC-2008-TamPB #analysis #automation #layout #locality #precise #using
Precise failure localization using automated layout analysis of diagnosis candidates (WCT, OP, RD(B), pp. 367–372.
DATEDATE-2008-VersenSSD #analysis #locality
Test Instrumentation for a Laser Scanning Localization Technique for Analysis of High Speed DRAM devices (MV, AS, JS, DD), pp. 776–779.
DocEngDocEng-2008-ValleCP #documentation #identification #performance #using #visual notation
Fast identification of visual documents using local descriptors (EV, MC, SPF), pp. 173–176.
DRRDRR-2008-FumeI #analysis #categorisation #clustering #documentation #modelling #semantics
Model-based document categorization employing semantic pattern analysis and local structure clustering (KF, YI), p. 68150.
DRRDRR-2008-GacebELE #graph #locality
Address block localization based on graph theory (DG, VE, FL, HE), p. 68150.
DRRDRR-2008-ShafaitKB #adaptation #image #implementation #performance #using
Efficient implementation of local adaptive thresholding techniques using integral images (FS, DK, TMB), p. 681510.
PODSPODS-2008-GardnerSWZ #hoare #reasoning
Local Hoare reasoning about DOM (PG, GS, MJW, UZ), pp. 261–270.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2008-SinhaPMT #array #locality #pattern matching #performance
Improving suffix array locality for fast pattern matching on disk (RS, SJP, AM, AT), pp. 661–672.
VLDBVLDB-2008-ChengHV #clustering
Constrained locally weighted clustering (HC, KAH, KV), pp. 90–101.
CSEETCSEET-2008-MeyerP #case study #development #distributed #experience #re-engineering #risk management
The Allure and Risks of a Deployable Software Engineering Project: Experiences with Both Local and Distributed Development (BM, MP), pp. 3–16.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2008-PetkovicTT #assessment #comparison
Assessment and comparison of local and global SW engineering practices in a classroom setting (DP, GDT, RT), pp. 78–82.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2008-RazaG #reasoning
Footprints in Local Reasoning (MR, PG), pp. 201–215.
TACASTACAS-2008-IhlemannJS #on the #reasoning #verification
On Local Reasoning in Verification (CI, SJ, VSS), pp. 265–281.
WCREWCRE-2008-LukinsKE #debugging #locality #retrieval #source code #using
Source Code Retrieval for Bug Localization Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (SKL, NAK, LHE), pp. 155–164.
PLDIPLDI-2008-BondhugulaHRS #automation #locality
A practical automatic polyhedral parallelizer and locality optimizer (UB, AH, JR, PS), pp. 101–113.
STOCSTOC-2008-Meir #combinator
Combinatorial construction of locally testable codes (OM), pp. 285–294.
ICALPICALP-A-2008-AlbersL #locality #on the
On List Update with Locality of Reference (SA, SL), pp. 96–107.
ICALPICALP-A-2008-ChierichettiV #graph
The Local Nature of List Colorings for Graphs of High Girth (FC, AV), pp. 320–332.
SEFMSEFM-2008-BhatejaM #message passing #testing
Tagging Make Local Testing of Message-Passing Systems Feasible (PB, MM), pp. 171–180.
ICGTICGT-2008-DerbelMG #graph #implementation #mobile
Mobile Agents Implementing Local Computations in Graphs (BD, MM, SG), pp. 99–114.
CSCWCSCW-2008-StuckelG #distributed #interactive
The effects of local lag on tightly-coupled interaction in distributed groupware (DS, CG), pp. 447–456.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2008-WettelL #design #problem #visual notation
Visually localizing design problems with disharmony maps (RW, ML), pp. 155–164.
Non-local evidence for expert finding (KB, MdR), pp. 489–498.
CIKMCIKM-2008-Bar-YossefM #approximate #rank
Local approximation of pagerank and reverse pagerank (ZBY, LTM), pp. 279–288.
ECIRECIR-2008-PehcevskiVT #locality #ranking #wiki
Exploiting Locality of Wikipedia Links in Entity Ranking (JP, AMV, JAT), pp. 258–269.
ICMLICML-2008-GonenA #kernel #learning #locality #multi
Localized multiple kernel learning (MG, EA), pp. 352–359.
ICMLICML-2008-LebanonZ #modelling
Local likelihood modeling of temporal text streams (GL, YZ), pp. 552–559.
ICMLICML-2008-ZhangDT #algorithm
Estimating local optimums in EM algorithm over Gaussian mixture model (ZZ, BTD, AKHT), pp. 1240–1247.
ICPRICPR-2008-ChakrabortyE #constraints #invariant #locality #using
Object localization using affine invariant substructure constraints (IC, AME), pp. 1–5.
ICPRICPR-2008-ChenZP #segmentation #using
Unsupervised dynamic texture segmentation using local spatiotemporal descriptors (JC, GZ, MP), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-FehrB #3d #invariant
3D rotation invariant local binary patterns (JF, HB), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-GongC #graph #learning #online #optimisation #realtime #segmentation #using
Real-time foreground segmentation on GPUs using local online learning and global graph cut optimization (MG, LC), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-Gonzalez-AguirreABD #geometry #graph #modelling #self #using #visual notation
Model-based visual self-localization using geometry and graphs (DIGA, TA, EBC, RD), pp. 1–5.
ICPRICPR-2008-GuiHY #consistency #learning
An improvement on learning with local and global consistency (JG, DSH, ZY), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-GuoX #difference #recognition
Local Gabor phase difference pattern for face recognition (YG, ZX), pp. 1–4.
A Bayesian Local Binary Pattern texture descriptor (CH, TA, MP), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-HeiseleR #recognition
Local shape features for object recognition (BH, CR), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-HuiW #clustering #linear
Clustering-based locally linear embedding (KH, CW), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-JiaZ #reduction
Local Regularized Least-Square Dimensionality Reduction (YJ, CZ), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-LachezeB #image #locality #using
Image sampling for localization using entropy (LL, RB), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-LiDM #feature model #learning #locality #using
Localized feature selection for Gaussian mixtures using variational learning (YL, MD, YM), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-LiuWBM #kernel #learning #linear
Semi-supervised learning by locally linear embedding in kernel space (RL, YW, TB, DM), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-LouJ #distance #image #probability #recognition
Integrated probability function on local mean distance for image recognition (ZL, ZJ), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-MakiharaY #segmentation
Silhouette extraction based on iterative spatio-temporal local color transformation and graph-cut segmentation (YM, YY), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-MakiHM #image #using
Tracking features on a moving object using local image bases (AM, YH, TM), pp. 1–5.
ICPRICPR-2008-MaruyamaKYT #3d #locality #using
3D object localization based on occluding contour using STL CAD model (KM, YK, TY, FT), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-MaruyamaOTKYTT #3d #locality
3D localization of partially buried object in unstructured environment (KM, KO, RT, YK, TY, HT, FT), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-MaWHJG #effectiveness
Effective scene matching with local feature representatives (SM, WW, QH, SJ, WG), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-NguyenLV #2d #locality
Ridge Regression for Two Dimensional Locality Preserving Projection (NTN, WL, SV), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-OjansivuRH #analysis #invariant
Rotation invariant local phase quantization for blur insensitive texture analysis (VO, ER, JH), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-RabinDG08a #comparison #distance
Circular Earth Mover’s Distance for the comparison of local features (JR, JD, YG), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-RebiereAD #image #using
Image mosaicing using local optical flow registration (NR, MFAF, FD), pp. 1–5.
ICPRICPR-2008-Salgian #3d #categorisation #recognition
Combining local descriptors for 3D object recognition and categorization (AS), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-ServantMHM #artificial reality #locality #refinement #visual notation
Visual planes-based simultaneous localization and model refinement for augmented reality (FS, ÉM, PH, IM), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-SukumarBPKA #locality #multi #nondeterminism #using
Uncertainty minimization in multi-sensor localization systems using model selection theory (SRS, HB, DLP, AK, MAA), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-TsaiWY #named
CDIKP: A highly-compact local feature descriptor (YTT, QW, SY), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-TuSK #3d #approach #image
A new approach to 3D shape recovery of local planar surface patches from shift-variant blurred images (XT, MS, YsK), pp. 1–5.
ICPRICPR-2008-UedaT #locality #on the #scalability #using
On the scalability of robot localization using high-dimensional features (TU, KT), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-WatanabeK #locality #multi
Locality preserving multi-nominal logistic regression (KW, TK), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-WuF #3d #classification #learning #multi #using
Multiple view based 3D object classification using ensemble learning of local subspaces (JW, KF), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-XiaDG #analysis #invariant
Locally invariant texture analysis from the topographic map (GSX, JD, YG), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-XiaRH #invariant #ranking #robust #visual notation
Ranking the local invariant features for the robust visual saliencies (SX, PR, ERH), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-XieSCG #named #recognition #representation
V-LGBP: Volume based local Gabor binary patterns for face representation and recognition (SX, SS, XC, WG), pp. 1–4.
A local descriptor for finding corresponding points in vector fields (LX, HQD), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-YangWRY #feature model
Feature Extraction base on Local Maximum Margin Criterion (WY, JW, MR, JY), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-ZhangGY #3d #adaptation #modelling
Local stereo matching with 3D adaptive cost aggregation for slanted surface modeling and sub-pixel accuracy (YZ, MG, YHY), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-ZhangLHT #automation #classification
Boosting local feature descriptors for automatic objects classification in traffic scene surveillance (ZZ, ML, KH, TT), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-ZhangLHT08a #3d #evaluation #locality #modelling #optimisation
3D model based vehicle localization by optimizing local gradient based fitness evaluation (ZZ, ML, KH, TT), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-ZhangWHJG #image
Matching images more efficiently with local descriptors (DZ, WW, QH, SJ, WG), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-ZhangYDG #recognition #using
Handwritten Chinese character recognition using Local Discriminant Projection with Prior Information (HZ, JY, WD, JG), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-ZhaoZG #comparative #evaluation #recognition
A comparative evaluation of Average Face on holistic and local face recognition approaches (SZ, XZ, YG), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-ZhengW #detection #precise #robust
Robust and precise eye detection based on locally selective projection (YZ, ZW), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-ZhongYSCG #clustering #using
Hierarchical background subtraction using local pixel clustering (BZ, HY, SS, XC, WG), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-ZhuBQ #lazy evaluation #learning
Bagging very weak learners with lazy local learning (XZ, CB, WQ), pp. 1–4.
KDDKDD-2008-BecchettiBCG #algorithm #graph #performance
Efficient semi-streaming algorithms for local triangle counting in massive graphs (LB, PB, CC, AG), pp. 16–24.
KDDKDD-2008-EshghiR #locality #order #rank #statistics
Locality sensitive hash functions based on concomitant rank order statistics (KE, SR), pp. 221–229.
KDDKDD-2008-GaoFJH #information management #multi
Knowledge transfer via multiple model local structure mapping (JG, WF, JJ, JH), pp. 283–291.
KDDKDD-2008-YangZYW #detection
Local peculiarity factor and its application in outlier detection (JY, NZ, YY, JW), pp. 776–784.
KRKR-2008-Cortes-CalabuigDAB #approximate #database #fixpoint #performance #query
Accuracy and Efficiency of Fixpoint Methods for Approximate Query Answering in Locally Complete Databases (ACC, MD, OA, MB), pp. 81–91.
KRKR-2008-VassosLL #first-order
First-Order Strong Progression for Local-Effect Basic Action Theories (SV, GL, HJL), pp. 662–672.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-Bar-YossefM #approximate #rank
Local approximation of PageRank and reverse PageRank (ZBY, LTM), pp. 865–866.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-SeoC #detection #reuse
Local text reuse detection (JS, WBC), pp. 571–578.
ECOOPECOOP-2008-BanerjeeNR #invariant #logic #reasoning
Regional Logic for Local Reasoning about Global Invariants (AB, DAN, SR), pp. 387–411.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2008-BellamyAMS #performance #type inference
Efficient local type inference (BB, PA, OdM, DS), pp. 475–492.
SACSAC-2008-AbreuGZG #automation #fault #invariant #locality #using
Automatic software fault localization using generic program invariants (RA, AG, PZ, AJCvG), pp. 712–717.
SACSAC-2008-BadishiK #adaptation #using
Improving denial of service resistance using dynamic local adaptations (GB, IK), pp. 2212–2218.
SACSAC-2008-Juarez-MartinezO #named
Énfasis: a model for local variable crosscutting (UJM, JOOA), pp. 261–265.
Handle local optimum traps in CBIR systems (DL, KAH, HC), pp. 1202–1206.
SACSAC-2008-OliveiraMWS #analysis #locality
Brain registration and subtraction — improved localization for SPECT analysis (B.R.A.S.I.L.): a computer-aided diagnosis in epilepsy tool kit (LFdO, PMdAM, LWA, ACS), pp. 1390–1394.
SACSAC-2008-ZhuDXW #documentation #image #linear #using
Perspective rectification of camera-based document images using local linear structure (YZ, RD, BX, CW), pp. 451–452.
ICSEICSE-2008-YilmazPW #fault #locality #using
Time will tell: fault localization using time spectra (CY, AMP, CW), pp. 81–90.
ICSEICSE-2008-YuJH #empirical #fault #locality #reduction #testing
An empirical study of the effects of test-suite reduction on fault localization (YY, JAJ, MJH), pp. 201–210.
CCCC-2008-BondhugulaBKRRS #automation #locality #optimisation #parallel
Automatic Transformations for Communication-Minimized Parallelization and Locality Optimization in the Polyhedral Model (UB, MMB, SK, JR, AR, PS), pp. 132–146.
HPCAHPCA-2008-GaoMDZ #branch #correlation #locality #novel #predict
Address-branch correlation: A novel locality for long-latency hard-to-predict branches (HG, YM, MD, HZ), pp. 74–85.
ISMMISMM-2008-ZhongC #approximate #locality
Sampling-based program locality approximation (YZ, WC), pp. 91–100.
PPoPPPPoPP-2008-ChandraSSB #analysis #data type #distributed #locality #type inference
Type inference for locality analysis of distributed data structures (SC, VAS, VS, RB), pp. 11–22.
CAVCAV-2008-CohenN #concurrent #linear #proving #source code
Local Proofs for Linear-Time Properties of Concurrent Programs (AC, KSN), pp. 149–161.
ICLPICLP-2008-Cipriano #constraints #modelling #on the #programming #tool support
On the Hybridization of Constraint Programming and Local Search Techniques: Models and Software Tools (RC), pp. 803–804.
ICLPICLP-2008-MarquesS #concurrent #evaluation #source code
Concurrent and Local Evaluation of Normal Programs (RM, TS), pp. 206–222.
ICSTICST-2008-WongWQZ #effectiveness #fault #locality #statistics
A Crosstab-based Statistical Method for Effective Fault Localization (WEW, TW, YQ, LZ), pp. 42–51.
ISSTAISSTA-2008-JeffreyGG #fault #locality #using
Fault localization using value replacement (DJ, NG, RG), pp. 167–178.
LICSLICS-2008-Pottier #anti #higher-order
Hiding Local State in Direct Style: A Higher-Order Anti-Frame Rule (FP), pp. 331–340.
Local Restarts (VR, OS), pp. 271–276.
ICSTSAT-2008-StachniakB #learning #satisfiability
Speeding-Up Non-clausal Local Search for Propositional Satisfiability with Clause Learning (ZS, AB), pp. 257–270.
ASEASE-2007-DallmeierZ #benchmark #debugging #locality #metric
Extraction of bug localization benchmarks from history (VD, TZ), pp. 433–436.
CASECASE-2007-Boehnke #locality
Object localization in range data for robotic bin picking (KB), pp. 572–577.
CASECASE-2007-ChengYT #evaluation #testing
A Quantitative Knife-edge Testing Method for Local Deformation Evaluation in Optical Aspheric Fabrication (HC, YY, HT), pp. 818–822.
CASECASE-2007-ChoDCT #clustering #locality #network #robust
Robust Calibration for Localization in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks (JJC, YD, YC, JT), pp. 919–924.
CASECASE-2007-FagioliniVPDB #detection #distributed #implementation #monitoring #multi
Local Monitor Implementation for Decentralized Intrusion Detection in Secure Multi-Agent Systems (AF, GV, LP, GD, AB), pp. 454–459.
CASECASE-2007-FontanelliRS #algorithm #locality #metric #performance #using
A Fast RANSAC-Based Registration Algorithm for Accurate Localization in Unknown Environments using LIDAR Measurements (DF, LR, SS), pp. 597–602.
CASECASE-2007-GuLZF #approach #problem #scheduling
Dynamic Local Focusing Approach for Production Scheduling Problems (PG, YL, XZ, SF), pp. 466–471.
CASECASE-2007-LeungG #behaviour #locality #multi
Multi-Robot Localization and Mapping Strategy: Utilizing Behavior Based Dynamic Tree Structure and Observer-explorer Routine (KKKL, GG), pp. 881–886.
CASECASE-2007-LiI #image #locality
Qualitative Localization by Full-View Spherical Image (SL, TI), pp. 566–571.
DACDAC-2007-HallschmidS #automation #energy #modelling #using
Automatic Cache Tuning for Energy-Efficiency using Local Regression Modeling (PH, RS), pp. 732–737.
DACDAC-2007-LongS #verification
Synthesizing SVA Local Variables for Formal Verification (JL, AS), pp. 75–80.
ICDARICDAR-2007-BaudrierR #image #visualisation
A Method for Image Local-Difference Visualization (EB, AR), pp. 949–953.
ICDARICDAR-2007-Hotta #classification #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition
Transform-Invariance in Local Averaging Classifier for Handwritten Digit Pattern Recognition (SH), pp. 347–351.
ICDARICDAR-2007-LuongP #image #re-engineering
Non-Local Text Image Reconstruction (HQL, WP), pp. 546–550.
ICDARICDAR-2007-MaWXD #algorithm #evaluation #locality #performance
Usage-Oriented Performance Evaluation for Text Localization Algorithms (YM, CW, BX, RD), pp. 1033–1037.
ICDARICDAR-2007-PrasanthBSRM #online #using
Elastic Matching of Online Handwritten Tamil and Telugu Scripts Using Local Features (LP, VB, RS, GVR, DM), pp. 1028–1032.
ICDARICDAR-2007-RanzatoL #documentation #image #invariant
A Sparse and Locally Shift Invariant Feature Extractor Applied to Document Images (MR, YL), pp. 1213–1217.
ICDARICDAR-2007-SubramanianNDC #detection
Character-Stroke Detection for Text-Localization and Extraction (KS, PN, MD, DAC), pp. 33–37.
ICDARICDAR-2007-TerasawaT #documentation #image #locality #pseudo
Locality Sensitive Pseudo-Code for Document Images (KT, YT), pp. 73–77.
ICDARICDAR-2007-ValleCP #database #identification #image
Matching Local Descriptors for Image Identification on Cultural Databases (EV, MC, SPF), pp. 679–683.
VLDBVLDB-2007-LangBMW #multi
Increasing Buffer-Locality for Multiple Index Based Scans through Intelligent Placement and Index Scan Speed Control (CAL, BB, TM, KW), pp. 1298–1309.
CSEETCSEET-2007-RichardsonMPCZ #development
Globalizing Software Development in the Local Classroom (IR, SM, DJP, VC, DZ), pp. 64–71.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2007-ArmstrongM #education
Remote and local delivery of cisco education for the vision-impaired (HA, IM), pp. 78–81.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2007-YoshidaHB #higher-order #logic #reasoning
Logical Reasoning for Higher-Order Functions with Local State (NY, KH, MB), pp. 361–377.
MSRMSR-2007-JoshiZRB #approach #debugging #predict
Local and Global Recency Weighting Approach to Bug Prediction (HJ, CZ, SR, CB), p. 33.
STOCSTOC-2007-AbrahamBN #metric
Local embeddings of metric spaces (IA, YB, ON), pp. 631–640.
STOCSTOC-2007-Yekhanin #towards
Towards 3-query locally decodable codes of subexponential length (SY), pp. 266–274.
CIAACIAA-2007-Marschner #transducer #using
Efficiently Matching with Local Grammars Using Prefix Overlay Transducers (CM), pp. 314–316.
DLTDLT-2007-Richomme #word
A Local Balance Property of Episturmian Words (GR), pp. 371–381.
Private Locally Decodable Codes (RO, OP, AS), pp. 387–398.
LATALATA-2007-NomikosR #boolean grammar
Locally Stratified Boolean Grammars (CN, PR), pp. 437–448.
CHICHI-2007-KamRDTC #design #framework #learning #locality
Localized iterative design for language learning in underdeveloped regions: the PACE framework (MK, DR, VD, AT, JFC), pp. 1097–1106.
CHICHI-2007-LudfordPRT #using
Capturing, sharing, and using local place information (PJL, RP, KR, LGT), pp. 1235–1244.
HCIDHM-2007-ZhaoL #3d #image #locality #orthogonal #using
Capturing 3D Human Motion from Monocular Images Using Orthogonal Locality Preserving Projection (XZ, YL), pp. 304–313.
HCIHCI-AS-2007-HayakawaUSAK #design #developer #identification #process #web
Report on Project to Identify Excellent Local Government Web Sites An Attempt to Educate Web Systems Developers on the Importance of Human-Centered Design Processes (SH, HU, TS, NA, YK), pp. 899–905.
HCIHCI-IPT-2007-OtsukiKNST #artificial reality #interactive #novel
RealSound Interaction: A Novel Interaction Method with Mixed Reality Space by Localizing Sound Events in Real World (MO, AK, TN, FS, HT), pp. 653–662.
ICEISICEIS-HCI-2007-AkoumianakisVVMK #collaboration #framework #performance #social
Experience-Based Social and Collaborative Performance in an “Electronic Village” of Local Interest: The EKONES Framework (DA, NV, GV, GM, DK), pp. 117–122.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2007-MoretonRC #development
Developing an IT Masterplan: The Implications for Local Systems Development (RM, PR, JC), pp. 375–379.
CIKMCIKM-2007-CaiHZH #locality
Regularized locality preserving indexing via spectral regression (DC, XH, WVZ, JH), pp. 741–750.
CIKMCIKM-2007-YanH #feedback #multi #probability #query #retrieval #using
Query expansion using probabilistic local feedback with application to multimedia retrieval (RY, AGH), pp. 361–370.
ICMLICML-2007-CazzantiG #analysis #similarity
Local similarity discriminant analysis (LC, MRG), pp. 137–144.
ICMLICML-2007-KlamiK #component
Local dependent components (AK, SK), pp. 425–432.
ICMLICML-2007-WuYYS #learning
Local learning projections (MW, KY, SY, BS), pp. 1039–1046.
ICMLICML-2007-Yairi #locality #reduction
Map building without localization by dimensionality reduction techniques (TY), pp. 1071–1078.
KDDKDD-2007-WuWCX #analysis #composition
Local decomposition for rare class analysis (JW, HX, PW, JC), pp. 814–823.
MLDMMLDM-2007-SzepannekBW #classification #on the
On the Combination of Locally Optimal Pairwise Classifiers (GS, BB, CW), pp. 104–116.
SEKESEKE-2007-WongZQCD #effectiveness #fault #locality #network #using
Effective Fault Localization using BP Neural Networks (WEW, LZ, YQ, KYC, JD), pp. 374–379.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-Abou-AssalehG #ranking
Geographic ranking for a local search engine (TAA, WG), p. 911.
The wild thing goes local (KWC, BT), p. 901.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-FernandezL #analysis #detection #using
Novelty detection using local context analysis (RTF, DEL), pp. 725–726.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-HuDGX #classification #documentation #locality
Locality discriminating indexing for document classification (JH, WD, JG, WX), pp. 689–690.
PPDPPPDP-2007-Berdine #reasoning
Local reasoning about storable locks (JB), p. 153.
POPLPOPL-2007-ShenSMD #approximate #locality #using
Locality approximation using time (XS, JS, BM, CD), pp. 55–61.
SACSAC-2007-GramoliAV #configuration management #memory management #named #scalability
SQUARE: scalable quorum-based atomic memory with local reconfiguration (VG, EA, AV), pp. 574–579.
SACSAC-2007-HuangHYCK #named #network #operating system
LA-TinyOS: a locality-aware operating system for wireless sensor networks (TYH, KYH, HYY, ETHC, CTK), pp. 1151–1158.
SACSAC-2007-ZhangMMB #locality #network #performance #problem #self #using
Performance problem localization in self-healing, service-oriented systems using Bayesian networks (RZ, SM, SM, AB), pp. 104–109.
ICSEICSE-2007-ChesleyRRT #fault #java #locality #source code
Crisp- A Fault Localization Tool for Java Programs (OCC, XR, BGR, FT), pp. 775–779.
LCTESLCTES-2007-HuangCTC #automation #fault #locality #statistics
Automated fault localization with statistically suspicious program states (TYH, PCC, CHT, HAC), pp. 11–20.
PPoPPPPoPP-2007-SaitoT #rank
Locality-aware connection management and rank assignment for wide-area MPI (HS, KT), pp. 150–151.
CAVCAV-2007-CohenN #proving #safety
Local Proofs for Global Safety Properties (AC, KSN), pp. 55–67.
CSLCSL-2007-Dawar #automaton #first-order #locality #logic #model checking
Model-Checking First-Order Logic: Automata and Locality (AD), p. 6.
ISSTAISSTA-2007-RenR #fault #heuristic #java #locality #ranking
Heuristic ranking of java program edits for fault localization (XR, BGR), pp. 239–249.
LICSLICS-2007-CalcagnoOY #logic
Local Action and Abstract Separation Logic (CC, PWO, HY), pp. 366–378.
Locally Excluding a Minor (AD, MG, SK), pp. 270–279.
ICSTSAT-2007-LiWZ #adaptation #satisfiability
Combining Adaptive Noise and Look-Ahead in Local Search for SAT (CML, WW, HZ), pp. 121–133.
ICSTSAT-2007-Prestwich #dependence
Variable Dependency in Local Search: Prevention Is Better Than Cure (SDP), pp. 107–120.
ICSTSAT-2007-StaberB #fault #locality
Fault Localization and Correction with QBF (SS, RB), pp. 355–368.
VMCAIVMCAI-2007-CheremR #analysis #invariant #maintenance #reasoning
Maintaining Doubly-Linked List Invariants in Shape Analysis with Local Reasoning (SC, RR), pp. 234–250.
CASECASE-2006-LiZYC #algorithm #analysis #locality #network #novel
A Novel Algorithm for Node Localization and Motion Analysis in Wireless Sensor Networks (SL, DZ, ZY, NC), pp. 574–579.
CASECASE-2006-PiPS #problem
Nested Partitions Method for the Local Pickup and Delivery Problem (LP, YP, LS), pp. 375–380.
DACDAC-2006-ZhuKKS #satisfiability
SAT sweeping with local observability don’t-cares (QZ, NK, AK, ALSV), pp. 229–234.
DATEDATE-2006-DuttA #incremental #locality #performance #using
Efficient timing-driven incremental routing for VLSI circuits using DFS and localized slack-satisfaction computations (SD, HA), pp. 768–773.
DATEDATE-2006-TsengLC #2d #using
A built-in redundancy-analysis scheme for RAMs with 2D redundancy using 1D local bitmap (TWT, JFL, DMC), pp. 53–58.
VLDBVLDB-2006-ChenRST #analysis #predict
Bellwether Analysis: Predicting Global Aggregates from Local Regions (BCC, RR, JWS, PT), pp. 655–666.
TACASTACAS-2006-DistefanoOY #analysis #logic
A Local Shape Analysis Based on Separation Logic (DD, PWO, HY), pp. 287–302.
PLDIPLDI-2006-ChenBCGC #garbage collection #locality #optimisation
Profile-guided proactive garbage collection for locality optimization (WkC, SB, TMC, XG, WC), pp. 332–340.
Local zero knowledge (SM, RP), pp. 306–315.
STOCSTOC-2006-Zhang #bound #quantum #random
New upper and lower bounds for randomized and quantum local search (SZ), pp. 634–643.
EDOCEDOC-2006-ZahaDHBD #interactive #modelling
Service Interaction Modeling: Bridging Global and Local Views (JMZ, MD, AHMtH, APB, GD), pp. 45–55.
CIKMCIKM-2006-ChiritaFN #personalisation #web
Summarizing local context to personalize global web search (PAC, CSF, WN), pp. 287–296.
ICMLICML-2006-DaiYTK #adaptation #classification #nondeterminism
Locally adaptive classification piloted by uncertainty (JD, SY, XT, JTK), pp. 225–232.
ICMLICML-2006-LawrenceC #constraints #distance
Local distance preservation in the GP-LVM through back constraints (NDL, JQC), pp. 513–520.
ICMLICML-2006-Sugiyama #analysis #reduction
Local Fisher discriminant analysis for supervised dimensionality reduction (MS), pp. 905–912.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-ChavarriaS #3d #estimation #representation
Local Representation of 3D Free-Form Contours for Pose Estimation (MAC, GS), pp. 751–754.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-GaoWFZ #recognition #using
Face Recognition Using Most Discriminative Local and Global Features (YG, YW, XF, XZ), pp. 351–354.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-KushalRFPH #locality #modelling #using #visual notation
Audio-Visual Speaker Localization Using Graphical Models (AK, MR, FFL, JP, TSH), pp. 291–294.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-LiuZH #detection #symmetry
Fingerprint Reference Point Detection Based on Local Axial Symmetry (TL, CZ, PH), pp. 1050–1053.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-WuNC #feature model #locality
Biologically Inspired Hierarchical Model for Feature Extraction and Localization (LW, PN, LNC), pp. 259–262.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-ZhangG #human-computer #interface #kernel #locality
A Kernel-based Signal Localization Method for NIRS Brain-computer Interfaces (HZ, CG), pp. 1158–1161.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-Hotta #adaptation #classification
Adaptive Weighting of Local Classifiers by Particle Filter (KH), pp. 610–613.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-KimYK #robust
Background Robust Object Labeling by Voting of Weight-Aggregated Local Features (SK, KJY, ISK), pp. 219–222.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-LiLL #framework #geometry #multi #using
A Geometric Active Contour Framework using Multi-Cue and Local Feature (ZL, QL, HL), pp. 113–116.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-LiuHZ #independence #robust #verification
Robust Local Scoring Function for Text-Independent Speaker Verification (ML, TSH, ZZ), pp. 1146–1149.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-MahiniKDD #locality #performance
An Efficient Features — Based License Plate Localization Method (HM, SK, FD, FD), pp. 841–844.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-MatsakisNW #2d #locality
Object Localization Based on Directional Information: Case of 2D Raster Data (PM, JN, XW), pp. 142–146.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-MeleMS #categorisation #image #probability #using
Image Categorization Using Local Probabilistic Descriptors (KM, JM, DS), pp. 336–340.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-MengSCG #modelling #recognition #visual notation
Local Visual Primitives (LVP) for Face Modelling and Recognition (XM, SS, XC, WG), pp. 536–539.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-NiuSYCG #2d #locality
2D Cascaded AdaBoost for Eye Localization (ZN, SS, SY, XC, WG), pp. 1216–1219.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-TongDXTL #analysis #recognition #video
Local Motion Analysis and Its Application in Video based Swimming Style Recognition (XT, LYD, CX, QT, HL), pp. 1258–1261.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-VajariaISSK #locality #segmentation
Audio Segmentation and Speaker Localization in Meeting Videos (HV, TI, SS, RS, RK), pp. 1150–1153.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-WangLC #locality
Topological Localization Based on Salient Regions in Unknown Environments (LW, YL, ZC), pp. 369–372.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-WangZC #locality #performance #using
Efficient Topological Localization Using Orientation Adjacency Coherence Histograms (JW, HZ, RC), pp. 271–274.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-ZhangC #classification #locality
Comparing Different Localization Approaches of the Radon Transform for Road Centerline Extraction from Classified Satellite Imagery (QZ, IC), pp. 138–141.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-ZhangJHW #detection #using
Learning-Based License Plate Detection Using Global and Local Features (HZ, WJ, XH, QW), pp. 1102–1105.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-ZhaoP #recognition
Local Binary Pattern Descriptors for Dynamic Texture Recognition (GZ, MP), pp. 211–214.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-ZhengL #analysis #component #kernel #learning #locality #problem
Regularized Locality Preserving Learning of Pre-Image Problem in Kernel Principal Component Analysis (WSZ, JHL), pp. 456–459.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-AgrawalK #locality #realtime #using
Real-time Localization in Outdoor Environments using Stereo Vision and Inexpensive GPS (MA, KK), pp. 1063–1068.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-ArtolazabalIA #invariant #named
LIGHT: Local Invariant Generalized Hough Transform (JARA, JI, ASA), pp. 304–307.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-BaudrierMNR #comparison #performance #quantifier
A fast binary-image comparison method with local-dissimilarity quantification (EB, GM, FN, SR), pp. 216–219.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-BeleznaiFB #multi #using
Multiple Object Tracking Using Local PCA (CB, BF, HB), pp. 79–82.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-BianchiniMS #locality #network #recursion #using
Object Localization Using Input/Output Recursive Neural Networks (MB, MM, LS), pp. 95–98.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-HarmoucheCAFA #classification #modelling
Bayesian MS Lesion Classification Modeling Regional and Local Spatial Information (RH, DLC, DLA, SJF, TA), pp. 984–987.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-HoppeS #algorithm #linear #modelling
Fusion Algorithm for Locally Arranged Linear Models (FH, GS), pp. 1208–1211.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-JiangDL #locality #polynomial #programming
Convex Quadratic Programming for Object Localization (HJ, MSD, ZNL), pp. 24–27.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-KananFE #locality #performance #recognition #using
An Efficient Face Recognition System Using a New Optimized Localization Method (HRK, KF, ME), pp. 564–567.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-KyanG #clustering #self
Local Variance Driven Self-Organization for Unsupervised Clustering (MJK, LG), pp. 421–424.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-Law-ToGBB #behaviour #detection #video
Local Behaviours Labelling for Content Based Video Copy Detection (JLT, VGB, OB, NB), pp. 232–235.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-LiC #classification #nearest neighbour #probability #using
Classification Using the Local Probabilistic Centers of k-Nearest Neighbors (BYL, YWC), pp. 1220–1223.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-LoogR #analysis
Local Discriminant Analysis (ML, DdR), pp. 328–331.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-MatosC #classification #network
Combining global and local classifiers with Bayesian network (LNM, JMdC), pp. 1212–1215.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-WangGZLZ #identification #using
Palmprint Identification using Boosting Local Binary Pattern (XW, HG, HZ, BL, ZZ), pp. 503–506.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-WangLH #image #video #visual notation
Video Local Pattern based Image Matching for Visual Mapping (LW, HL, RIH), pp. 67–70.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-XueD #2d #3d #locality #multi #using
3D+2D Face Localization Using Boosting in Multi-Modal Feature Space (FX, XD), pp. 499–502.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-XueLF #image #using
Iterative Image Restoration using a Non-Local Regularization Function and a Local Regularization Operator (FX, QSL, WF), pp. 766–769.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-AreekulSJ #algorithm #locality
The New Focal Point Localization Algorithm for Fingerprint Registration (VA, KS, SJ), pp. 497–500.
Global-to-Local Non-Rigid Shape Registration (HC, BB), pp. 57–60.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-ChikkerurPJRB #locality #representation #using
Fingerprint Representation Using Localized Texture Features (SC, SP, AJ, NKR, RMB), pp. 521–524.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-FengFCS #novel
A Novel Fingerprint Matching Scheme Based on Local Structure Compatibility (YF, JF, XC, ZS), pp. 374–377.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-FengFDW #locality
Iris Localization with Dual Coarse-to-fine Strategy (XF, CF, XD, YW), pp. 553–556.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-FusseneggerOP #locality #segmentation #using
Object localization/segmentation using generic shape priors (MF, AO, AP), pp. 41–44.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-HeTS #locality
Iris Localization via Pulling and Pushing (ZH, TT, ZS), pp. 366–369.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-HoppeS06a #algorithm #linear #modelling
Fusion Algorithm for Locally Arranged Linear Models (FH, GS), p. 951.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-HuangCC #image
Contrast Context Histogram — A Discriminating Local Descriptor for Image Matching (CRH, CSC, PCC), pp. 53–56.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-LiC06a #classification #nearest neighbour #probability #using
Classification Using the Local Probabilistic Centers of k-Nearest Neighbors (BYL, YWC), p. 954.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-MatosC06a #classification #network
Combining global and local classifiers with Bayesian network (LNM, JMdC), p. 952.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-RosL #image
Description of Local Singularities for Image Registration (JR, CL), pp. 61–64.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-ShanZSCG06a #recognition
Ensemble of Piecewise FDA Based on Spatial Histograms of Local (Gabor) Binary Patterns for Face Recognition (SS, WZ, YS, XC, WG), pp. 606–609.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-ShibuyaU #image #mobile #self #standard #using
Self-Localization of a Mobile Robot Using Compressed Image Data of Average and Standard Deviation (NS, KU), pp. 614–617.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-TsujiYI #integration #locality #realtime
Real-time Sound Source Localization Based on Audiovisual Frequency Integration (TT, KY, II), pp. 322–325.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-VillamizarSA #detection #image #invariant #realtime #using
Computation of Rotation Local Invariant Features using the Integral Image for Real Time Object Detection (MV, AS, JAC), pp. 81–85.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-XuZM #automation #segmentation
Automatic Iris Segmentation Based on Local Areas (GX, ZZ, YM), pp. 505–508.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-Yang #graph #linear
Building Connected Neighborhood Graphs for Locally Linear Embedding (LY), pp. 194–197.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-Yang06a #multi #reduction #scalability
Locally Multidimensional Scaling for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction (LY), pp. 202–205.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-ZhangMH #feature model #multi #network
Multiscale Feature Extraction of Finger-Vein Patterns Based on Curvelets and Local Interconnection Structure Neural Network (ZZ, SM, XH), pp. 145–148.
KDDKDD-2006-XuWPWSF #using
Utility-based anonymization using local recoding (JX, WW, JP, XW, BS, AWCF), pp. 785–790.
POPLPOPL-2006-AlurCM #calculus #fixpoint
A fixpoint calculus for local and global program flows (RA, SC, PM), pp. 153–165.
POPLPOPL-2006-ZhangDOZW #locality
A hierarchical model of data locality (CZ, CD, MO, YZ, YW), pp. 16–29.
SACSAC-2006-SinghXMH #geometry #linear #locality #problem #programming #using
Solving the brachytherapy seed localization problem using geometric and linear programming techniques (VS, LM, JX, KRH), pp. 229–234.
SACSAC-2006-ZytnickiGS #consistency #csp
A new local consistency for weighted CSP dedicated to long domains (MZ, CG, TS), pp. 394–398.
FSEFSE-2006-LiuH #approach #fault #proximity
Failure proximity: a fault localization-based approach (CL, JH), pp. 46–56.
FSEFSE-2006-YeCCX #analysis #collaboration
Local analysis of atomicity sphere for B2B collaboration (CY, SCC, WKC, CX), pp. 186–196.
ICSEICSE-2006-BaudryFT #fault #locality #performance #testing
Improving test suites for efficient fault localization (BB, FF, YLT), pp. 82–91.
ICSEICSE-2006-Hao #fault #interactive #locality #testing
Testing-based interactive fault localization (DH), pp. 957–960.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2006-ParasharSG #locality #multi #named #performance #thread
SlicK: slice-based locality exploitation for efficient redundant multithreading (AP, AS, SG), pp. 95–105.
CCCC-2006-GuoRW #execution #fault #locality
Accurately Choosing Execution Runs for Software Fault Localization (LG, AR, TW), pp. 80–95.
CGOCGO-2006-DasLH #detection #monitoring #optimisation
Region Monitoring for Local Phase Detection in Dynamic Optimization Systems (AD, JL, WCH), pp. 124–134.
CGOCGO-2006-SonCK #approach #locality #power management
A Compiler-Guided Approach for Reducing Disk Power Consumption by Exploiting Disk Access Locality (SWS, GC, MTK), pp. 256–268.
HPDCHPDC-2006-YueMSN #adaptation #memory management #runtime
Runtime Support for Memory Adaptation in Scientific Applications via Local Disk and Remote Memory (CY, RTM, AS, DSN), pp. 183–194.
ISMMISMM-2006-SchneiderAN #memory management #parallel #scalability #thread
Scalable locality-conscious multithreaded memory allocation (SS, CDA, DSN), pp. 84–94.
ISMMISMM-2006-SiegwartH #garbage collection #locality #parallel
Improving locality with parallel hierarchical copying GC (DS, MH), pp. 52–63.
PPoPPPPoPP-2006-BikshandiGHAFGPP #array #locality #parallel #programming
Programming for parallelism and locality with hierarchically tiled arrays (GB, JG, DH, GA, BBF, MJG, DAP, CvP), pp. 48–57.
CSLCSL-2006-LowS #modelling
Universality Results for Models in Locally Boolean Domains (TL, TS), pp. 456–470.
ICLPICLP-2006-SahaR #algorithm #evaluation #incremental #logic programming #source code
A Local Algorithm for Incremental Evaluation of Tabled Logic Programs (DS, CRR), pp. 56–71.
Interpolation in Local Theory Extensions (VSS), pp. 235–250.
ICSTSAT-2006-BulatovS #performance
Efficiency of Local Search (AAB, ESS), pp. 297–310.
ICSTSAT-2006-PrestwichL #satisfiability
Local Search for Unsatisfiability (SDP, IL), pp. 283–296.
ASEASE-2005-HaoPZZMS #approach #fault #locality #testing
A similarity-aware approach to testing based fault localization (DH, YP, LZ, WZ, HM, JS), pp. 291–294.
ASEASE-2005-JonesH #automation #empirical #evaluation
Empirical evaluation of the tarantula automatic fault-localization technique (JAJ, MJH), pp. 273–282.
ASEASE-2005-WangR #automation #fault #generative #locality
Automated path generation for software fault localization (TW, AR), pp. 347–351.
CASECASE-2005-LeeK #behaviour #distributed #multi
Estimating global stress environment by observing local behavior in distributed multiagent systems (SL, SRTK), pp. 215–219.
DACDAC-2005-GilbertCS #network
MIMO technology for advanced wireless local area networks (JMG, WJC, QS), pp. 413–415.
DACDAC-2005-LiK #architecture
Locality-conscious workload assignment for array-based computations in MPSOC architectures (FL, MTK), pp. 95–100.
DATEDATE-2005-DasguptaY #architecture #modelling #verification
Modeling and Verification of Globally Asynchronous and Locally Synchronous Ring Architectures (SD, AY), pp. 568–569.
DATEDATE-2005-GhoshG #distributed #locality #named #network #protocol #scheduling
LORD: A Localized, Reactive and Distributed Protocol for Node Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks (AG, TG), pp. 190–195.
DATEDATE-2005-KandemirC #embedded #process #scheduling
Locality-Aware Process Scheduling for Embedded MPSoCs (MTK, GC), pp. 870–875.
DATEDATE-2005-SomaniCP #contest #design #optimisation #search-based
Mixing Global and Local Competition in Genetic Optimization based Design Space Exploration of Analog Circuits (AS, PPC, AP), pp. 1064–1069.
DATEDATE-2005-SuCP #configuration management #using
Yield Enhancement of Digital Microfluidics-Based Biochips Using Space Redundancy and Local Reconfiguration (FS, KC, VKP), pp. 1196–1201.
ICDARICDAR-2005-RichiardiKD #feature model #online #verification
Local and Global Feature Selection for On-line Signature Verification (JR, HK, AD), pp. 625–629.
ICDARICDAR-2005-ShiSG #adaptation #documentation #image #using
Text Extraction from Gray Scale Historical Document Images Using Adaptive Local Connectivity Map (ZS, SS, VG), pp. 794–798.
Local Norm Features based on ridgelets Transform (ORT, EV), pp. 700–704.
Non-local Choice and Beyond: Intricacies of MSC Choice Nodes (AJM, NG, JR), pp. 273–288.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2005-AbbesB #branch #probability
Branching Cells as Local States for Event Structures and Nets: Probabilistic Applications (SA, AB), pp. 95–109.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2005-BartolettDF #data access #policy
History-Based Access Control with Local Policies (MB, PD, GLF), pp. 316–332.
TACASTACAS-2005-JainIGG #abstraction #locality
Localization and Register Sharing for Predicate Abstraction (HJ, FI, AG, MKG), pp. 397–412.
ICSMEICSM-2005-HaoZZMS #case study #fault #locality #reduction #testing #using
Eliminating Harmful Redundancy for Testing-Based Fault Localization Using Test Suite Reduction: An Experimental Study (DH, LZ, HZ, HM, JS), pp. 683–686.
SCAMSCAM-2005-JonesK #analysis #garbage collection #performance #thread
A Fast Analysis for Thread-Local Garbage Collection with Dynamic Class Loading (REJ, ACK), pp. 129–138.
SASSAS-2005-EsparzaGS #abstraction
Locality-Based Abstractions (JE, PG, SS), pp. 118–134.
STOCSTOC-2005-DvirS #polynomial #query #testing
Locally decodable codes with 2 queries and polynomial identity testing for depth 3 circuits (ZD, AS), pp. 592–601.
DLTDLT-2005-BatuS #approximate #consistency #parsing #string
Locally Consistent Parsing and Applications to Approximate String Comparisons (TB, SCS), pp. 22–35.
ICALPICALP-2005-BorodinCM #algorithm #how #question
How Well Can Primal-Dual and Local-Ratio Algorithms Perform? (AB, DC, AM), pp. 943–955.
ICALPICALP-2005-WehnerW #bound #information retrieval
Improved Lower Bounds for Locally Decodable Codes and Private Information Retrieval (SW, RdW), pp. 1424–1436.
IFLIFL-2005-GrelckHS #locality #parallel
With-Loop Fusion for Data Locality and Parallelism (CG, KH, SBS), pp. 178–195.
CIKMCIKM-2005-GuptaNR #performance #using
Efficient data dissemination using locale covers (SG, JN, CVR), pp. 243–244.
CIKMCIKM-2005-LianCNOA #locality #network #query
Localized routing trees for query processing in sensor networks (JL, LC, KN, MTÖ, GBA), pp. 259–260.
CIKMCIKM-2005-XiaHL #estimation #named #nearest neighbour #performance #retrieval
ERkNN: efficient reverse k-nearest neighbors retrieval with local kNN-distance estimation (CX, WH, MLL), pp. 533–540.
ICMLICML-2005-GuptaG #clustering #hybrid #robust #using
Robust one-class clustering using hybrid global and local search (GG, JG), pp. 273–280.
ICMLICML-2005-HeCM #analysis #locality #statistics
Statistical and computational analysis of locality preserving projection (XH, DC, WM), pp. 281–288.
ICMLICML-2005-PalettaFS #recognition #visual notation
Q-learning of sequential attention for visual object recognition from informative local descriptors (LP, GF, CS), pp. 649–656.
ICMLICML-2005-SimsekWB #clustering #graph #identification #learning
Identifying useful subgoals in reinforcement learning by local graph partitioning (ÖS, APW, AGB), pp. 816–823.
ICMLICML-2005-ToussaintV #learning #modelling
Learning discontinuities with products-of-sigmoids for switching between local models (MT, SV), pp. 904–911.
KDDKDD-2005-ChenJUY #component #detection #locality #online
Failure detection and localization in component based systems by online tracking (HC, GJ, CU, KY), pp. 750–755.
KDDKDD-2005-Kolcz #classification #naive bayes
Local sparsity control for naive Bayes with extreme misclassification costs (AK), pp. 128–137.
Local Software Organizations with Global Customers: a Survival Quest (KS, PO, PJ), pp. 57–61.
MLDMMLDM-2005-TaniguchiHO #correlation #database #difference #transaction
Discovery of Hidden Correlations in a Local Transaction Database Based on Differences of Correlations (TT, MH, YO), pp. 537–548.
SEKESEKE-2005-Wang #infinity #logic #model checking #specification
Specification of an Infinite-State Local Model Checker in Rewriting Logic (BYW), pp. 442–447.
SIGIRSIGIR-2005-CaiH #locality #orthogonal
Orthogonal locality preserving indexing (DC, XH), pp. 3–10.
ECOOPECOOP-2005-DallmeierLZ #fault #java #lightweight #locality
Lightweight Defect Localization for Java (VD, CL, AZ), pp. 528–550.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2005-AlvezL #algorithm #logic programming #source code
An Algorithm for Local Variable Elimination in Normal Logic Programs (, PL), pp. 61–79.
PPDPPPDP-2005-FernandezG #abstraction #generative #locality
Nominal rewriting with name generation: abstraction vs. locality (MF, MG), pp. 47–58.
POPLPOPL-2005-LernerMRC #analysis #automation #data flow #proving
Automated soundness proofs for dataflow analyses and transformations via local rules (SL, TDM, ER, CC), pp. 364–377.
POPLPOPL-2005-RinetzkyBRSW #abstraction #semantics
A semantics for procedure local heaps and its abstractions (NR, JB, TWR, SS, RW), pp. 296–309.
SACSAC-2005-CleenewerckD #implementation
Disentangling the implementation of local-to-global transformations in a rewrite rule transformation system (TC, TD), pp. 1398–1403.
SACSAC-2005-LambertMS #constraints #using
Solving strategies using a hybridization model for local search and constraint propagation (TL, EM, FS), pp. 398–403.
SACSAC-OOPS-J-2005-Heinlein #c++
Global and Local Virtual Functions in C++ (CH), pp. 71–93.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2005-LiuYFHM #debugging #locality #modelling #named #statistics
SOBER: statistical model-based bug localization (CL, XY, LF, JH, SPM), pp. 286–295.
ICSEICSE-2005-RuthruffBR #empirical #fault #locality
An empirical study of fault localization for end-user programmers (JRR, MMB, GR), pp. 352–361.
LDTALDTA-2005-CleenewerckB #composition
An Invasive Composition System for Local-to-Global Transformations (TC, JB), pp. 77–98.
CCCC-2005-SadeSS #c #memory management #optimisation #parallel #thread #using
Optimizing C Multithreaded Memory Management Using Thread-Local Storage (YS, SS, RS), pp. 137–155.
LCTESLCTES-2005-Oi #design #hardware #java #on the #virtual machine
On the design of the local variable cache in a hardware translation-based java virtual machine (HO), pp. 87–94.
PPoPPPPoPP-2005-ChenWDKLA #game studies #locality #multi
Locality aware dynamic load management for massively multiplayer games (JC, BW, MD, BK, HL, CA), pp. 289–300.
CADECADE-2005-Sofronie-Stokkermans #reasoning
Hierarchic Reasoning in Local Theory Extensions (VSS), pp. 219–234.
CAVCAV-2005-McPeakN #axiom #data type #similarity #specification
Data Structure Specifications via Local Equality Axioms (SM, GCN), pp. 476–490.
FATESFATES-2005-Mayer #adaptation #locality #random testing #testing
Adaptive Random Testing by Bisection and Localization (JM), pp. 72–86.
LICSLICS-2005-Niemisto #locality #on the #reduction
On Locality and Uniform Reduction (HN), pp. 41–50.
RTARTA-2005-Meseguer #locality #semantics
Localized Fairness: A Rewriting Semantics (JM), pp. 250–263.
ICSTSAT-2005-GentR #learning
Local and Global Complete Solution Learning Methods for QBF (IPG, AGDR), pp. 91–106.
ICSTSAT-2005-LiH #satisfiability
Diversification and Determinism in Local Search for Satisfiability (CML, WH), pp. 158–172.
ICSTSAT-2005-Southey #constraints #metric
Constraint Metrics for Local Search (FS), pp. 269–281.
DACDAC-2004-BiswasCAPID #memory management #set
Introduction of local memory elements in instruction set extensions (PB, VC, KA, LP, PI, ND), pp. 729–734.
DACDAC-2004-Kandemir #multi #named #scheduling
LODS: locality-oriented dynamic scheduling for on-chip multiprocessors (MTK), pp. 125–128.
DATEDATE-v1-2004-AlakarhuN #estimation #locality #metric #performance
Scalar Metric for Temporal Locality and Estimation of Cache Performance (JA, JN), pp. 730–731.
DATEDATE-v1-2004-HeathBH #named #nondeterminism
Synchro-Tokens: Eliminating Nondeterminism to Enable Chip-Level Test of Globally-Asynchronous Locally-Synchronous SoC?s (MWH, WPB, IGH), pp. 410–415.
DATEDATE-v1-2004-Kandemir #data transformation #locality #memory management
Impact of Data Transformations on Memory Bank Locality (MTK), pp. 506–511.
DATEDATE-v2-2004-OlbrichB #locality #probability #using
Placement Using a Localization Probability Model (LPM) (MO, EB), p. 1412.
DATEDATE-v2-2004-Stanley-MarbellM #adaptation #fault tolerance
Local Decisions and Triggering Mechanisms for Adaptive Fault-Tolerance (PSM, DM), pp. 968–973.
PODSPODS-2004-ArenasBLF #consistency #query
Locally Consistent Transformations and Query Answering in Data Exchange (MA, PB, RF, LL), pp. 229–240.
ESOPESOP-2004-OHearn #concurrent #reasoning
Resources, Concurrency, and Local Reasoning (Abstract) (PWO), pp. 1–2.
Election and Local Computations on Edges (JC, YM), pp. 90–104.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2004-Laird #game studies #semantics
A Game Semantics of Local Names and Good Variables (JL), pp. 289–303.
STOCSTOC-2004-Aaronson04a #bound #quantum
Lower bounds for local search by quantum arguments (SA), pp. 465–474.
STOCSTOC-2004-Reichardt #algorithm #optimisation #quantum
The quantum adiabatic optimization algorithm and local minima (BR), pp. 502–510.
STOCSTOC-2004-SanthaS #quantum #query
Quantum and classical query complexities of local search are polynomially related (MS, MS), pp. 494–501.
ICALPICALP-2004-DvorakKP #consistency #constraints #problem
Locally Consistent Constraint Satisfaction Problems: (Extended Abstract) (ZD, DK, OP), pp. 469–480.
SEFMSEFM-2004-SchuleS #comparison #infinity #model checking #verification
Global vs. Local Model Checking: A Comparison of Verification Techniques for Infinite State Systems (TS, KS), pp. 67–76.
Election, Naming and Cellular Edge Local Computations (JC, YM, WZ), pp. 242–256.
Synchronizers for Local Computations (YM, MM, RO, AS), pp. 271–286.
CIKMCIKM-2004-ChenGS #rank
Local methods for estimating pagerank values (YYC, QG, TS), pp. 381–389.
CIKMCIKM-2004-JingYKT #locality #performance #similarity #transaction
Localized signature table: fast similarity search on transaction data (QJ, RY, PK, AKHT), pp. 314–323.
CIKMCIKM-2004-LitaC #corpus
Unsupervised question answering data acquisition from local corpora (LVL, JGC), pp. 607–614.
CIKMCIKM-2004-RenRPS #detection
A vertical distance-based outlier detection method with local pruning (DR, IR, WP, KS), pp. 279–284.
ICMLICML-2004-ChangY #adaptation #clustering #linear #metric
Locally linear metric adaptation for semi-supervised clustering (HC, DYY).
ICMLICML-2004-CrammerC #optimisation
A needle in a haystack: local one-class optimization (KC, GC).
ICMLICML-2004-HuangYKL #classification #learning #scalability
Learning large margin classifiers locally and globally (KH, HY, IK, MRL).
ICMLICML-2004-RosalesAF #clustering #learning #using
Learning to cluster using local neighborhood structure (RR, KA, BJF).
ICPRICPR-v1-2004-Bruce #analysis #image #information management #metric
Image Analysis Through Local Information Measures (NB), pp. 616–619.
ICPRICPR-v1-2004-BuciuP #matrix #recognition
Application of non-Negative and Local non Negative Matrix Factorization to Facial Expression Recognition (IB, IP), pp. 288–291.
ICPRICPR-v1-2004-KolschKNP #classification #image
Enhancements for Local Feature Based Image Classification (TK, DK, HN, RP), pp. 248–251.
ICPRICPR-v1-2004-MicheletGBC #estimation #multi #network #recursion
Local Multiple Orientation Estimation: Isotropic and Recursive Oriented Network (FM, CG, PB, JPDC), pp. 712–715.
ICPRICPR-v1-2004-PopoviciTRM #algorithm #detection #evaluation #locality #on the #performance
On Performance Evaluation of Face Detection and Localization Algorithms (VP, JPT, YR, SM), pp. 313–317.
ICPRICPR-v1-2004-Vliet #normalisation #robust
Robust Local Max-Min Filters by Normalized Power-Weighted Filtering (LJvV), pp. 696–699.
ICPRICPR-v1-2004-YangPB #locality
Localization of Saliency through Iterative Voting (QY, BP, MHBH), pp. 63–66.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-CaputoWN #categorisation #kernel
Object Categorization via Local Kernels (BC, CW, MEN), pp. 132–135.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-EdenC #image #independence #statistics
Local Straightness: A Contrast Independent Statistical Edge Measure for Color and Gray Level Images (JE, HIC), pp. 451–454.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-FritzPB #information management #recognition #using
Object Recognition Using Local Information Content (GF, LP, HB), pp. 15–18.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-HalawaniB #evaluation #image #kernel #retrieval
Image Retrieval by Local Evaluation of Nonlinear Kernel Functions around Salient Points (AH, HB), pp. 955–960.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-LourakisAM #approach #graph #information management #similarity #using
A Graph-Based Approach to Corner Matching Using Mutual Information as a Local Similarity Measure (MIAL, AAA, KM), pp. 827–830.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-OkataniS #image
Range Image Registration Preserving Local Structures of Object Surfaces (ISO, AS), pp. 224–228.
Local Fisher Embedding (DdR, ML, MJTR), pp. 295–298.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-AhonenPHM #recognition
Face Recognition Based on the Appearance of Local Regions (TA, MP, AH, TM), pp. 153–156.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-AssfalgBP #3d #image #retrieval #similarity
Spin Images for Retrieval of 3D Objects by Local and Global Similarity (JA, ADB, PP), pp. 906–909.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-CarneiroJ #using
Pruning Local Feature Correspondences Using Shape Context (GC, ADJ), pp. 16–19.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-ChenB #3d #image #recognition #using
3D Free-Form Object Recognition in Range Images Using Local Surface Patches (HC, BB), pp. 136–139.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-GrossK #mobile #probability #robust #scalability #self
Robust Omniview-based Probabilistic Self-Localization for Mobile Robots in Large Maze-like Environments (HMG, AK), pp. 266–269.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-Hotta #kernel #recognition #robust
Support Vector Machine with Local Summation Kernel for Robust Face Recognition (KH), pp. 482–485.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-KashinoKK #clustering #video
A Quick Video Search Method based on Local and Global Feature Clustering (KK, AK, TK), pp. 894–897.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-Li04a #representation
Sky-Ground Representation for Local Scene Description (SL), pp. 252–255.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-PalenichkaMZ #image #locality #multi #performance #using
Fast Object Localization using Multi-Scale Image Relevance Function (RMP, RM, MBZ), pp. 227–230.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-SchuldtLC #approach
Recognizing Human Actions: A Local SVM Approach (CS, IL, BC), pp. 32–36.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-TonniesPC #identification #image
Local Identification and Removal of Scatter Artefacts based on the Temporal Information in Dynamic SPECT images (KDT, CP, AC), pp. 762–765.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-WangBW #image #modelling #robust
Robust Modelling of Local Image Structures and Its Application to Medical Imagery (LW, AB, RW), pp. 534–537.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-FraundorferBO #image #locality
Natural, Salient Image Patches for Robot Localization (FF, HB, SO), pp. 881–884.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-HuartFB #locality
Moving Object Extraction with a Localized Pyramid (JH, GF, PB), pp. 783–786.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-KeysersGN #modelling #recognition
Local Context in Non-Linear Deformation Models for Handwritten Character Recognition (DK, CG, HN), pp. 511–514.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-KobayashiO #higher-order #identification #multi #polynomial #using
Action and Simultaneous Multiple-Person Identification Using Cubic Higher-Order Local Auto-Correlation (TK, NO), pp. 741–744.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-KoseckaY #estimation #invariant #locality
Global Localization and Relative Pose Estimation Based on Scale-Invariant Features (JK, XY), pp. 319–322.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-OrWCI #re-engineering #scalability
Large Scene Reconstruction with Local Details Recovery (SHO, KhW, MMYC, CYI), pp. 44–47.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-SungLPL #bound #locality #recognition #using
Iris Recognition Using Collarette Boundary Localization (HS, JL, JhP, YL), pp. 857–860.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-TanakaOKK #locality #mobile #probability #using
Probabilistic Localization for Mobile Robots using Incomplete Maps (KT, NO, EK, YK), pp. 709–712.
KDDKDD-2004-LazarevicKK #detection #effectiveness #locality #scalability
Effective localized regression for damage detection in large complex mechanical structures (AL, RK, CK), pp. 450–459.
KRKR-2004-ZhangZ #integer #problem #scheduling
An Improved Integer Local Search for Complex Scheduling Problems (WZ, XZ), pp. 692–700.
SIGIRSIGIR-2004-HeCLM #documentation #locality #representation
Locality preserving indexing for document representation (XH, DC, HL, WYM), pp. 96–103.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2004-HuangBMMWC #garbage collection #locality
The garbage collection advantage: improving program locality (XH, SMB, KSM, JEBM, ZW, PC), pp. 69–80.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2004-Moody #locality #logic
Logical Mobility and Locality Types (JM), pp. 69–84.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2004-PueblaAH #performance #prolog
Efficient Local Unfolding with Ancestor Stacks for Full Prolog (GP, EA, MVH), pp. 149–165.
LOPSTRPDCL-2004-FioravantiPP #constraints #logic programming #source code
Transformation Rules for Locally Stratified Constraint Logic Programs (FF, AP, MP), pp. 291–339.
POPLPOPL-2004-BirkedalTR #garbage collection #reasoning
Local reasoning about a copying garbage collector (LB, NTS, JCR), pp. 220–231.
SACSAC-2004-DingH #clustering #consistency #information management #nearest neighbour #optimisation
K-nearest-neighbor consistency in data clustering: incorporating local information into global optimization (CHQD, XH), pp. 584–589.
SACSAC-2004-KatayamaHN #clique #problem
Solving the maximum clique problem by k-opt local search (KK, AH, HN), pp. 1021–1025.
SACSAC-2004-MotaiK #3d #feature model #locality #robust
Concatenate feature extraction for robust 3D elliptic object localization (YM, AK), pp. 21–28.
ICSEICSE-2004-Jones #fault #locality #using #visualisation
Fault Localization Using Visualization of Test Information (JAJ), pp. 54–56.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2004-ShenZD #locality #predict
Locality phase prediction (XS, YZ, CD), pp. 165–176.
HPDCHPDC-2004-KramerM #grid #using
Utilization of a Local Grid of Mac OS X-Based Computers using Xgrid (DAK, MM), pp. 264–265.
CSLCSL-2004-ArenasBL #finite #game studies #locality #modelling
Game-Based Notions of Locality Over Finite Models (MA, PB, LL), pp. 175–189.
ICLPICLP-2004-MonfroySL #constraints #on the
On Hybridization of Local Search and Constraint Propagation (EM, FS, TL), pp. 299–313.
ASEASE-2003-BunusF #automation #behaviour #fault #locality #modelling #physics #simulation #verification
Semi-Automatic Fault Localization and Behavior Verification for Physical System Simulation Models (PB, PF), pp. 253–258.
ASEASE-2003-RenierisR #fault #locality #nearest neighbour #query
Fault Localization With Nearest Neighbor Queries (MR, SPR), pp. 30–39.
Interconnect Planning with Local Area Constrained Retiming (RL, CKK), pp. 10442–10447.
Local Search for Boolean Relations on the Basis of Unit Propagation (YN), pp. 10810–10815.
ICDARICDAR-2003-ChoisyB #markov #network #recognition #word
Coupling of a local vision by Markov field and a global vision by Neural Network for the recognition of handwritten words (CC, AB), pp. 849–853.
ICDARICDAR-2003-DelalandreNTO #recognition #representation #xml
Symbols Recognition by Global-Local Structural Approaches, Based on the Scenarios Use, and with a XML Representation of Data (MD, SN, ÉT, JMO), pp. 1002–1006.
ICDARICDAR-2003-DimauroIMP #recognition
Numeral Recognition by Weighting Local Decisions (GD, SI, RM, GP), pp. 1070–1074.
ICDARICDAR-2003-FeldbachT #documentation #segmentation #semantics #word
Word Segmentation of Handwritten Dates in Historical Documents by Combining Semantic A-Priori-Knowledge with Local Features (MF, KDT), pp. 333–337.
ICDARICDAR-2003-NegiSC #documentation #image #locality #recognition
Localization, Extraction and Recognition of Text in Telugu Document Images (AN, KNS, CKC), pp. 1193–1197.
ICDARICDAR-2003-ZouTLL #analysis #online #using #verification
On-line Signature Verification Using Local Shape Analysis (MZ, JT, CL, ZL), pp. 314–318.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2003-SchleimerWA #algorithm #documentation #named
Winnowing: Local Algorithms for Document Fingerprinting (SS, DSW, AA), pp. 76–85.
VLDBVLDB-2003-MeekPK #biology #named #online #sequence
OASIS: An Online and Accurate Technique for Local-alignment Searches on Biological Sequences (CM, JMP, SK), pp. 910–921.
VLDBVLDB-2003-YuPM #distributed #query
Distributed Top-N Query Processing with Possibly Uncooperative Local Systems (CTY, GP, WM), pp. 117–128.
FASEFASE-2003-Muccini #branch #detection
Detecting Implied Scenarios Analyzing Non-local Branching Choices (HM), pp. 372–386.
PLDIPLDI-2003-AikenFKT #alias
Checking and inferring local non-aliasing (AA, JSF, JK, TT), pp. 129–140.
PLDIPLDI-2003-DingZ #analysis #distance #locality #predict #reuse
Predicting whole-program locality through reuse distance analysis (CD, YZ), pp. 245–257.
SASSAS-2003-ShahamYKS #memory management #safety
Establishing Local Temporal Heap Safety Properties with Applications to Compile-Time Memory Management (RS, EY, EKK, SS), pp. 483–503.
STOCSTOC-2003-KerenidisW #bound #exponential #quantum
Exponential lower bound for 2-query locally decodable codes via a quantum argument (IK, RdW), pp. 106–115.
STOCSTOC-2003-KonemannR #approximate #bound
Primal-dual meets local search: approximating MST’s with nonuniform degree bounds (JK, RR), pp. 389–395.
CIAACIAA-2003-Trakhtman #complexity #testing
Reducing the Time Complexity of Testing for Local Threshold Testability (AT), pp. 141–149.
DLTDLT-2003-Giammarresi #bound #set
Computing Languages by (Bounded) Local Sets (DG), pp. 304–315.
ICALPICALP-2003-ChattopadhyayT #category theory #commutative
Locally Commutative Categories (AC, DT), pp. 984–995.
ICALPICALP-2003-IkedaKOY #finite #graph #random
Impact of Local Topological Information on Random Walks on Finite Graphs (SI, IK, NO, MY), pp. 1054–1067.
ICFPICFP-2003-BeffaraD #exception #normalisation
Disjunctive normal forms and local exceptions (EB, VD), pp. 203–211.
AGTIVEAGTIVE-2003-SmithPS #algorithm #specification
Local Specification of Surface Subdivision Algorithms (CS, PP, FFS), pp. 313–327.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2003-MuTSM #architecture #interactive #locality #optimisation
Interactive Locality Optimization on NUMA Architectures (TM, JT, MS, SAM), pp. 133–141.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2003-RuthruffCBCPFM #fault #locality #visualisation
End-User Software Visualizations for Fault Localization (JRR, EC, MMB, CRC, SP, MFI, MM), pp. 123–132.
Portuguese Local E_Government (SD, LS, LAMdA), pp. 573–576.
CIKMCIKM-2003-GravanoHL #categorisation #locality #query #web
Categorizing web queries according to geographical locality (LG, VH, RL), pp. 325–333.
CIKMCIKM-2003-YangK #adaptation
Margin-based local regression for adaptive filtering (YY, BK), pp. 191–198.
ICMLICML-2003-RuckertK #learning #probability
Stochastic Local Search in k-Term DNF Learning (UR, SK), pp. 648–655.
KDDKDD-2003-Houle #clustering #navigation #set
Navigating massive data sets via local clustering (MEH), pp. 547–552.
KDDKDD-2003-SequeiraZSC #data mining #locality #mining #source code
Improving spatial locality of programs via data mining (KS, MJZ, BKS, CDC), pp. 649–654.
MLDMMLDM-2003-HadidP #linear #performance
Efficient Locally Linear Embeddings of Imperfect Manifolds (AH, MP), pp. 188–201.
PADLPADL-2003-FerreiraD #analysis
WAM Local Analysis (MF, LD), pp. 286–303.
POPLPOPL-2003-BallNR #fault
From symptom to cause: localizing errors in counterexample traces (TB, MN, SKR), pp. 97–105.
SACSAC-2003-WombacherMR #ad hoc #classification #modelling #multi #workflow
Classification of Ad hoc Multi-lateral Collaborations Based on Local Workflow Models (AW, BM, TR), pp. 1185–1190.
CCCC-2003-BastoulF #locality
Improving Data Locality by Chunking (CB, PF), pp. 320–334.
CGOCGO-2003-GibertSG #clustering #distributed #memory management #scheduling
Local Scheduling Techniques for Memory Coherence in a Clustered VLIW Processor with a Distributed Data Cache (EG, FJS, AG), pp. 193–203.
ICSTSAT-2003-BessiereHW #consistency #satisfiability
Local Consistencies in SAT (CB, EH, TW), pp. 299–314.
ICSTSAT-2003-LiSB #effectiveness #performance #satisfiability #using
A Local Search SAT Solver Using an Effective Switching Strategy and an Efficient Unit Propagation (XYL, MFMS, FB), pp. 53–68.
ICSTSAT-2003-Prestwich #problem
Local Search on SAT-encoded Colouring Problems (SDP), pp. 105–119.
DACDAC-2002-BhuniaRS #analysis #detection #fault #locality #novel
A novel wavelet transform based transient current analysis for fault detection and localization (SB, KR, JS), pp. 361–366.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2002-YangO #reasoning #semantics
A Semantic Basis for Local Reasoning (HY, PWO), pp. 402–416.
TACASTACAS-2002-BornotMNZ #black box
Black Box Unfolding with Local First Search (SB, RM, PN, SZ), pp. 386–400.
TACASTACAS-2002-Mateescu #calculus #lts #model checking #μ-calculus
Local Model-Checking of Modal μ-Calculus on Acyclic Labeled Transition Systems (RM), pp. 281–295.
ICSMEICSM-2002-BochicchioL #approach #effectiveness
An Effective Approach to Reduce the “Avalanche Effect” in the Management of Fiscal Data in Local Public Administration (MAB, AL), pp. 560–567.
STOCSTOC-2002-AlbersFG #locality #on the
On paging with locality of reference (SA, LMF, OG), pp. 258–267.
CIAACIAA-2002-Trahtman #algorithm #polynomial #testing
A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Left [Right] Local Testability (ANT), pp. 203–212.
ICALPICALP-2002-AdsulS #linear #logic
Complete and Tractable Local Linear Time Temporal Logics over Traces (BA, MAS), pp. 926–937.
ICALPICALP-2002-Mannila #data mining #mining #problem
Local and Global Methods in Data Mining: Basic Techniques and Open Problems (HM), pp. 57–68.
CIKMCIKM-2002-KalogerakiGZ #network #peer-to-peer
A local search mechanism for peer-to-peer networks (VK, DG, DZY), pp. 300–307.
ECIRECIR-2002-BenammarHM #analysis #automation #documentation #using
Automatic Profile Reformulation Using a Local Document Analysis (AB, GH, JM), pp. 124–134.
ICMLICML-2002-ChisholmT #learning #random
Learning Decision Rules by Randomized Iterative Local Search (MC, PT), pp. 75–82.
ICPRICPR-v1-2002-HadidKP #analysis #learning #linear #using
Unsupervised Learning Using Locally Linear Embedding: Experiments with Face Pose Analysis (AH, OK, MP), pp. 111–114.
ICPRICPR-v1-2002-OhyamaWKTS #automation #correlation
Automatic Tracking of Local Myocardial Motion by Correlation Weighted Velocity Method (WO, TW, FK, ST, KS), pp. 711–714.
ICPRICPR-v1-2002-YangP #locality
Harmonic Cut and Regularized Centroid Transform for Localization of Subcellular Structures (QY, BP), pp. 788–791.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-Andrade-CettoS #concurrent #locality #validation
Concurrent Map Building and Localization with Landmark Validation (JAC, AS), pp. 693–696.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-AuLD #segmentation #using #video
Object Segmentation and Tracking Using Video Locales (JA, ZNL, MSD), pp. 544–547.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-FangTW #verification
Fusion of Global and Local Features for Face Verification (YF, TT, YW), pp. 382–385.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-Gutmann #locality #mobile
Markov-Kalman Localization for Mobile Robots (JSG), pp. 601–604.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-JoganLWB #locality #mobile
Mobile Robot Localization Under Varying Illumination (MJ, AL, HW, HB), pp. 741–744.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-KarkkainenF #clustering
Dynamic Local Search for Clustering with Unknown Number of Clusters (IK, PF), pp. 240–243.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-KawanishiMT #3d #detection #locality #multi
Quick 3D Object Detection and Localization by Dynamic Active Search with Multiple Active Cameras (TK, HM, ST), pp. 605–608.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-Keren #identification #naive bayes #using
Painter Identification Using Local Features and Naive Bayes (DK), pp. 474–477.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-OhLM #algorithm #feature model #search-based
Local Search-Embedded Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection (ISO, JSL, BRM), pp. 148–151.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-WolfJC #documentation #locality #multi
Text Localization, Enhancement and Binarization in Multimedia Documents (CW, JMJ, FC), pp. 1037–1040.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-BoomgaardW #analysis #equivalence #estimation #on the #robust
On the Equivalence of Local-Mode Finding, Robust Estimation and Mean-Shift Analysis as Used in Early Vision Tasks (RvdB, JvdW), pp. 927–930.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-CampbellF #recognition #using
Recognition of Free-Form Objects in Dense Range Data Using Local Features (RJC, PJF), pp. 607–610.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-CeguerraK #automation #verification
Integrating Local and Global Features in Automatic Fingerprint Verification (AC, IK), pp. 347–350.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-ChenHF #database #performance #sequence
Fast Semi-Local Alignment for DN Sequence Database Search (YSC, YPH, CSF), pp. 1019–1022.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-GargAH #detection #information management
Fusion of Global and Local Information for Object Detection (AG, SA, TSH), p. 723–?.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-HontaniSKA #feature model #image #symmetry
Vibratory Image Feature Extraction Based on Local Log-Polar Symmetry (HH, JS, AK, SA), pp. 839–842.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-LeeCK #algorithm #robust #using
A Robust Fingerprint Matching Algorithm Using Local Alignment (DL, KC, JK), pp. 803–806.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-MaalmiEBVDG #detection #fault #locality #using
Crack Defect Detection and Localization Using Genetic-Based Inverse Voting Hough Transform (KM, AEO, RB, LFCLYV, AD, PG), pp. 257–260.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-MoghaddamZ02a #modelling
Factorized Local Appearance Models (BM, XZ), pp. 553–556.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-PawlakR #image
Non-Linear Local Harmonic Filters For Edge-Preserving Image Denoising (MP, ER), pp. 895–897.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-SumiIT #locality #realtime
Hyper Frame Vision: A Real-Time Vision System for 6-DOF Object Localization (YS, YI, FT), pp. 577–580.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-SuriLSL #3d #automation
Automatic Local Effect of Window/Level on 3-D Scale-Space Ellipsoidal Filtering on Run-Off-Arteries from White Blood Magnetic Resonanc Angiography (JSS, KL, SS, SL), pp. 899–902.
Local Affine Frames for Wide-Baseline Stereo (JM, SO, OC), pp. 363–366.
ICPRICPR-v4-2002-RomaniukDRD #linear #locality #statistics
Linear and Non-Linear Model for Statistical Localization of Landmarks (BR, MD, MR, MJD), p. 393–?.
SEKESEKE-2002-SantoneV #bytecode #java #model checking
Local model checking of Java bytecode (AS, GV), pp. 383–389.
SIGIRSIGIR-2002-ConradYC #effectiveness #locality #performance #retrieval
Effective collection metasearch in a hierarchical environment: global vs. localized retrieval performance (JGC, CY, JSC), pp. 371–372.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2002-MichelH #architecture #constraints
A constraint-based architecture for local search (LM, PVH), pp. 83–100.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2002-ShufGFAS #garbage collection #java #locality
Creating and preserving locality of java applications at allocation and garbage collection times (YS, MG, HF, AWA, JPS), pp. 13–25.
SACSAC-2002-Leopold #locality #on the
On optimal temporal locality of stencil codes (CL), pp. 948–952.
SACSAC-2002-LiL #problem
Local search with annealing-like restarts to solve the vehicle routing problem with time windows (HL, AL), pp. 560–565.
SACSAC-2002-VedovaW #algorithm
Optimal algorithms for local vertex quartet cleaning (GDV, TW), pp. 173–177.
ICSEICSE-2002-JonesHS #fault #locality #visualisation
Visualization of test information to assist fault localization (JAJ, MJH, JTS), pp. 467–477.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2002-SasankaHA #adaptation #energy #hardware
Joint local and global hardware adaptations for energy (RS, CJH, SVA), pp. 144–155.
HPCAHPCA-2002-SkadronAS #locality #modelling
Control-Theoretic Techniques and Thermal-RC Modeling for Accurate and Localized Dynamic Thermal Management (KS, TFA, MRS), pp. 17–28.
HPDCHPDC-2002-CoreyJV #adaptation #architecture #empirical #grid #parametricity
Local Discovery of System Architecture — Application Parameter Sensitivity: An Empirical Technique for Adaptive Grid Applications (IC, JRJ, JSV), p. 399–?.
ISMMISMM-2002-DomaniGKLPS #java #thread
Thread-local heaps for Java (TD, GG, EKK, EL, EP, DS), pp. 183–194.
CAVCAV-2002-BarnerGG #backtracking #locality #re-engineering #reduction
Symbolic Localization Reduction with Reconstruction Layering and Backtracking (SB, DG, AG), pp. 65–77.
CSLCSL-2002-BarbanchonG #linear #problem
Local Problems, Planar Local Problems and Linear Time (RB, EG), pp. 397–411.
ICLPICLP-2002-DimopoulosS #set #towards
Towards Local Search for Answer Sets (YD, AS), pp. 363–377.
SATSAT-2002-HirschK #named #satisfiability
UnitWalk: A new SAT solver that uses local search guided by unit clause elimination (EH, AK), p. 38.
SATSAT-2002-Roli #parallel #satisfiability
Impact of structure on parallel local search for SAT (AR), p. 24.
DATEDATE-2001-GrunDN #embedded #memory management #power management
Access pattern based local memory customization for low power embedded systems (PG, NDD, AN), pp. 778–784.
ICDARICDAR-2001-BrakensiekRWR #adaptation
Adaptation of an Address Reading System to Local Mail Streams (AB, JR, FW, GR), pp. 872–876.
ICDARICDAR-2001-ChoisyB #normalisation #recognition #using
Handwriting Recognition Using Local Methods for Normalization and Global Methods for Recognition (CC, AB), pp. 23–27.
ICDARICDAR-2001-DongKS #framework #learning #multi #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition
A Multi-Net Local Learning Framework for Pattern Recognition (JxD, AK, CYS), pp. 328–332.
ICDARICDAR-2001-JinT #composition #locality #using
Text Area Localization under Complex-Background Using Wavelet Decomposition (NJ, YYT), pp. 1126–1130.
PLDIPLDI-2001-Chilimbi #abstraction #locality #performance
Efficient Representations and Abstractions for Quantifying and Exploiting Data Reference Locality (TMC), pp. 191–202.
STOCSTOC-2001-AryaGKMP #heuristic #problem
Local search heuristic for k-median and facility location problems (VA, NG, RK, AM, KM, VP), pp. 21–29.
ICALPICALP-2001-BilardiP #locality #memory management
A Characterization of Temporal Locality and Its Portability across Memory Hierarchies (GB, EP), pp. 128–139.
ICALPICALP-2001-MadhusudanT #distributed #specification #synthesis
Distributed Controller Synthesis for Local Specifications (PM, PST), pp. 396–407.
Majority Consensus and the Local Majority Rule (NHM, AP), pp. 530–542.
KDDKDD-2001-JinTH #database #mining #scalability
Mining top-n local outliers in large databases (WJ, AKHT, JH), pp. 293–298.
MLDMMLDM-2001-DongKS #framework #learning #recognition
Local Learning Framework for Recognition of Lowercase Handwritten Characters (JxD, AK, CYS), pp. 226–238.
POPLPOPL-2001-Kandemir #compilation #locality
A compiler technique for improving whole-program locality (MTK), pp. 179–192.
POPLPOPL-2001-OderskyZZ #type inference
Colored local type inference (MO, CZ, MZ), pp. 41–53.
SACSAC-2001-Kandemir #algebra #algorithm #linear #locality #optimisation
A dynamic locality optimization algorithm for linear algebra codes (MTK), pp. 632–635.
CCCC-2001-KandemirU #array #locality #optimisation #unification
Array Unification: A Locality Optimization Technique (MTK), pp. 259–273.
CSLCSL-2001-GroheW #locality #theorem
An Existential Locality Theorem (MG, SW), pp. 99–114.
CSLCSL-2001-OHearnRY #data type #reasoning #source code
Local Reasoning about Programs that Alter Data Structures (PWO, JCR, HY), pp. 1–19.
ICLPICLP-2001-BasuMRRV #bisimulation #constraints #logic programming #using
Local and Symbolic Bisimulation Using Tabled Constraint Logic Programming (SB, MM, CRR, IVR, RMV), pp. 166–180.
LICSLICS-2001-Laird #exception #game studies #semantics
A Fully Abstract Game Semantics of Local Exceptions (JL), pp. 105–114.
ICSTSAT-2001-Goldberg #proving #satisfiability
Proving unsatisfiability of CNFs locally (EG), pp. 96–114.
DACDAC-2000-GoelL #verification
Formal verification of an IBM CoreConnect processor local bus arbiter core (AG, WRL), pp. 196–200.
DACDAC-2000-LachMP #debugging #detection #fault #locality #performance
Efficient error detection, localization, and correction for FPGA-based debugging (JL, WHMS, MP), pp. 207–212.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2000-BreunigKNS #identification #named
LOF: Identifying Density-Based Local Outliers (MMB, HPK, RTN, JS), pp. 93–104.
VLDBVLDB-2000-ChakrabartiM #approach #reduction
Local Dimensionality Reduction: A New Approach to Indexing High Dimensional Spaces (KC, SM), pp. 89–100.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2000-Damiani #rank #type system
Typing Local Definitions and Conditional Expressions with Rank 2 Intersection (FD), pp. 82–97.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2000-Merro #calculus #locality
Locality and Polyadicity in Asynchronous Name-Passing Calculi (MM), pp. 238–251.
WCREWCRE-J-1997-JerdingR00 #architecture #locality #using #visualisation
Using visualization for architectural localization and extraction (DFJ, SR), pp. 267–284.
STOCSTOC-2000-CzumajS #algorithm #approach #problem #satisfiability #scheduling
A new algorithm approach to the general Lovász local lemma with applications to scheduling and satisfiability problems (extended abstract) (AC, CS), pp. 38–47.
STOCSTOC-2000-KatzT #on the #performance
On the efficiency of local decoding procedures for error-correcting codes (JK, LT), pp. 80–86.
ICALPICALP-2000-DantsinGHS #algorithm #satisfiability
Deterministic Algorithms for k-SAT Based on Covering Codes and Local Search (ED, AG, EAH, US), pp. 236–247.
CHICHI-2000-JanckeGG #design
Presenting to local and remote audiences: design and use of the TELEP system (GJ, JG, AG), pp. 384–391.
ICMLICML-2000-GrudicU #policy
Localizing Policy Gradient Estimates to Action Transition (GZG, LHU), pp. 343–350.
ICMLICML-2000-RandlovBR #algorithm #learning
Combining Reinforcement Learning with a Local Control Algorithm (JR, AGB, MTR), pp. 775–782.
ICMLICML-2000-Towell #detection
Local Expert Autoassociators for Anomaly Detection (GGT), pp. 1023–1030.
ICMLICML-2000-VijayakumarS #incremental #learning #realtime
Locally Weighted Projection Regression: Incremental Real Time Learning in High Dimensional Space (SV, SS), pp. 1079–1086.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-AwanzinoLDLV #locality
A Method Designed for Trihedron Localization in a Textured Environment (CA, JML, MD, LL, MV), pp. 1664–1667.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-BigorgneAD #image #invariant #retrieval
An Invariant Local Vector for Content-Based Image Retrieval (EB, CA, JD), pp. 5019–5022.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-GotzeDH #invariant #recognition
Invariant Object Recognition with Discriminant Features Based on Local Fast-Fourier Mellin Transform (NG, SD, GH), pp. 1948–1951.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-LhuillierQ #constraints #geometry #robust #using
Robust Dense Matching Using Local and Global Geometric Constraints (ML, LQ), pp. 1968–1972.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-SomeyaKHI #3d #locality #segmentation #using
Localization of Objects in Electric Distribution Systems by Using Segmentation and 3D Template Matching with M-Estimators (YS, KK, KH, KI), pp. 1725–1729.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-VogelhuberS #constraints #detection
Face Detection Based on Generic Local Descriptors and Spatial Constraints (VV, CS), pp. 5084–5087.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-GuillametV #comparison #recognition
A Comparison of Global versus Local Color Histograms for Object Recognition (DG, JV), pp. 2422–2425.
Fingerprint Minutiae Matching Based on the Local and Global Structures (XJ, WYY), pp. 6038–6041.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-Mariani #constraints #invariant #recognition
Local Invariants and Local Constraints for Face Recognition (RM), pp. 2949–2952.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-RaducanuG #locality #multi
Face Localization Based on the Morphological Multiscale Fingerprint (BR, MG), pp. 2925–2928.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-Scheunders #image #multi #using
Multispectral Image Fusion Using Local Mapping Techniques (PS), pp. 2311–2314.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-Singh #classification #locality
EEG Data Classification with Localized Structural Information (SS), pp. 2271–2274.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-SuzukiHS #component #performance
Fast Connected-Component Labeling Based on Sequential Local Operations in the Course of Forward Raster Scan Followed by Backward Raster Scan (KS, IH, NS), pp. 2434–2437.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-WohlerKA #classification #image #recognition #sequence
Pedestrian Recognition by Classification of Image Sequences — Global Approaches vs. Local Spatio-Temporal Processing (CW, UK, JKA), pp. 2540–2544.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-BouttePLC #adaptation
Texel Extraction on Inclined Textures by Adaptive Thresholding of Local Scales (LB, JP, SL, PC), pp. 3560–3563.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-CoquinBO #3d #distance
3D Nonstationary Local Distance Operator (DC, PB, AO), pp. 3963–3966.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-GomezSM #estimation #probability
Probabilistic Estimation of Local Scale (GG, LES, JLM), pp. 3798–3801.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-HuangCH00a #2d #analysis #pseudo
Local Spectra Features Extraction Based-On 2D Pseudo-Wigner Distribution for Texture Analysis (ZH, KLC, YH), pp. 3925–3928.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-JiangK #3d #adaptation #algorithm #image #search-based
3D MR Image Restoration by Combining Local Genetic Algorithm with Adaptive Pre-Conditioning (TJ, FK), pp. 3302–3305.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-MaenpaaOPM #classification #robust #set
Robust Texture Classification by Subsets of Local Binary Patterns (TM, TO, MP, MS), pp. 3947–3950.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-MaenpaaPO #classification #multi
Texture Classification by Multi-Predicate Local Binary Pattern Operators (TM, MP, TO), pp. 3951–3954.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-MurakamiN #detection
High Speed Line Detection by Hough Transform in Local Area (KM, TN), pp. 3471–3474.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-Papamarkos #network #reduction #using
Using Local Features in a Neural Network Based Gray-Level Reduction Technique (NP), pp. 7037–7040.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-AdamRS #locality #modelling #navigation #using
Using Model-Based Localization with Active Navigation (AA, ER, IS), pp. 4676–4680.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-ChouB #image #locality
Accurate Localization of Edges in Noisy Volume Images (PcC, MB), pp. 4760–4763.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-GotoA #multi
Character Pattern Extraction Based on Local Multilevel Thresholding and Region Growing (HG, HA), pp. 4430–4433.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-ImagawaMTALI #recognition
Recognition of Local Features for Camera-Based Sign Language Recognition System (KI, HM, RiT, DA, SL, SI), pp. 4849–4853.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-JoganL #locality #recognition #robust #using
Robust Localization Using Panoramic View-Based Recognition (MJ, AL), pp. 4136–4139.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-TauberLD #retrieval #visual notation
Locale-Based Visual Object Retrieval under Illumination Change (ZT, ZNL, MSD), pp. 4043–4046.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-WalterA #locality
Gabor Filters for Object Localization and Robot Grasping (JAW, BA), pp. 4124–4127.
SIGIRSIGIR-2000-Davison #locality #topic #web
Topical locality in the Web (BDD0), pp. 272–279.
PADLPADL-2000-BistarelliCGR #consistency #constraints #programming
Labeling and Partial Local Consistency for Soft Constraint Programming (SB, PC, YG, FR), pp. 230–248.
SACSAC-2000-MarchioriS #algorithm #constraints #problem #random #search-based
A Genetic Local Search Algorithm for Random Binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems (EM, AGS), pp. 458–462.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2000-ZhangYG #design #locality
Frequent Value Locality and Value-Centric Data Cache Design (YZ, JY, RG), pp. 150–159.
HPCAHPCA-2000-CasadoBQSD #configuration management #evaluation #network #performance
Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Reconfiguration in High-Speed Local Area Networks (RC, AB, FJQ, JLS, JD), pp. 85–96.
HPDCHPDC-2000-NishiTYKA #network #parallel #performance
A Local Area System Network RHinet-1: A Network for High Performance Parallel Computing (HN, KT, JY, TK, HA), pp. 296–297.
ICLPCL-2000-NilssonL #constraints #logic programming #model checking
Constraint Logic Programming for Local and Symbolic Model-Checking (UN, JL), pp. 384–398.
LICSLICS-2000-JeffreyR #bisimulation #concurrent #formal method #ml
A Theory of Bisimulation for a Fragment of Concurrent ML with Local Names (AJ, JR), pp. 311–321.
DACDAC-1999-HemaniMKPONOEL #design #power management #using
Lowering Power Consumption in Clock by Using Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Design Style (AH, TM, SK, AP, TO, PN, , PE, DL), pp. 873–878.
DACDAC-1999-HurL #clustering #framework #linear
Relaxation and Clustering in a Local Search Framework: Application to Linear Placement (SWH, JL), pp. 360–366.
DACDAC-1999-SalekLP #generative #independence #named #using
MERLIN: Semi-Order-Independent Hierarchical Buffered Routing Tree Generation Using Local Neighborhood Search (AHS, JL, MP), pp. 472–478.
ICDARICDAR-1999-FrecheV #metric
Local and Global Approaches to Achieve Quantitative Measurement of Handwritings (TF, NV), pp. 593–596.
PODSPODS-1999-Raman #clustering #database #locality #theory and practice
Locality Preserving Dictionaries: Theory and Application to Clustering in Databases (VR), pp. 337–345.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1999-HabermanG #distance #education #learning
Distance learning model with local workshop sessions applied to in-service teacher training (BH, DG), pp. 64–67.
FASEFASE-1999-AttanasioCI #performance #realtime #specification
Yet Another Real-Time Specification for the Steam Boiler: Local Clocks to Statically Measure Systems Performance (CA, FC, PI), pp. 45–59.
PLDIPLDI-1999-SongL #locality
New Tiling Techniques to Improve Cache Temporal Locality (YS, ZL), pp. 215–228.
Right and left strongly locally testable semigroups and languages (JR, PG), pp. 232–241.
ICALPICALP-1999-FrickG #first-order #graph
Deciding First-Order Properties of Locally Tree-Decomposalbe Graphs (MF, MG), pp. 331–340.
ICALPICALP-1999-Lepisto #word
Relations between Local and Global Periodicity of Words (AL), pp. 534–543.
CIAAWIA-1999-Trahtman #algorithm #automaton #finite #testing #verification
An Algorithm to Verify Local Threshold Testability of Deterministic Finite Automata (ANT), pp. 164–173.
IFLIFL-1999-AchtenP #implementation #interactive
The Implementation of Interactive Local State Transition Systems in Clean (PA, MJP), pp. 115–130.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-KochRGS #community #interface
Paper user-interfaces for local community support (MK, AR, AG, DS), pp. 417–421.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-ShimizuIN #locality #representation #using
Pattern representation system using movement sense of localized sound (MS, KI, TN), pp. 990–994.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-Aykin99a #locality #web
Internationalization and Localization of the Web Sites (NMA), pp. 1218–1222.
CIKMCIKM-1999-WuY #replication #web
Local Replication for Proxy Web Caches with Hash Routing (KLW, PSY), pp. 69–76.
ICMLICML-1999-BontempiBB #learning #predict
Local Learning for Iterated Time-Series Prediction (GB, MB, HB), pp. 32–38.
ICMLICML-1999-KimuraK #linear #performance
Efficient Non-Linear Control by Combining Q-learning with Local Linear Controllers (HK, SK), pp. 210–219.
ICMLICML-1999-ZhouB #algorithm #approach #hybrid #learning #memory management #parametricity #requirements
A Hybrid Lazy-Eager Approach to Reducing the Computation and Memory Requirements of Local Parametric Learning Algorithms (YZ, CEB), p. 503–?.
KDDKDD-1999-MannilaPS #predict #using
Prediction with Local Patterns using Cross-Entropy (HM, DP, PS), pp. 357–361.
MLDMMLDM-1999-Jahn #image #learning #preprocessor
Unsupervised Learning of Local Mean Gray Values for Image Pre-processing (HJ), pp. 64–74.
MLDMMLDM-1999-PalenichkaV #image #multi #using
Extraction of Local Structural Features in Images by Using a Multi-scale Relevance Function (RMP, MAV), pp. 87–102.
SIGIRSIGIR-1999-KretserM #documentation #effectiveness #heuristic #similarity
Effective Document Presentation with a Locality-Based Similarity Heuristic (OdK, AM), pp. 113–120.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-1999-SchaerfLC #algorithm #c++ #framework
LOCAL++: A C++ Framework for Local Search Algorithms (AS, ML, MC), pp. 152–161.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1999-DucasseR #consistency #formal method #proving
Proof Obligations of the B Formal Method: Local Proofs Ensure Global Consistency (MD, LR), pp. 10–29.
PPDPPPDP-1999-NeumerkelM #logic programming #source code
Localizing and Explaining Reasons for Non-terminating Logic Programs with Failure-Slices (UN, FM), pp. 328–342.
PADLPADL-1999-Lai #constraints #debugging #proving #using
Using Constraints in Local Proofs for CLP Debugging (CL), pp. 350–359.
SACSAC-1999-KatayamaN #algorithm #problem #search-based #using
A New Iterated Local Search Algorithm Using Genetic Crossover for the Traveling Salesman Problem (KK, HN), pp. 302–306.
ICSEICSE-1999-ChanABJNW #model checking #performance
Decoupling Synchronization from Local Control for Efficient Symbolic Model Checking of Statecharts (WC, RJA, PB, DHJ, DN, WEW), pp. 142–151.
CCCC-1999-LiberatoreFK #algorithm #evaluation
Evaluation of Algorithms for Local Register Allocation (VL, MFC, UK), pp. 137–152.
HPCAHPCA-1999-HuangL #locality #reuse
Exploiting Basic Block Value Locality with Block Reuse (JH, DJL), pp. 106–114.
LCTESLCTES-1999-EcksteinK #low cost
Minimizing Cost of Local Variables Access for DSP-Processors (EE, AK), pp. 20–27.
OSDIOSDI-1999-GamsaKAS #concurrent #locality #memory management #multi #named #operating system
Tornado: Maximizing Locality and Concurrency in a Shared Memory Multiprocessor Operating System (BG, OK, JA, MS), pp. 87–100.
LICSLICS-1999-JeffreyR #bisimulation #formal method #towards
Towards a Theory of Bisimulation for Local Names (AJ, JR), pp. 56–66.
DATEDATE-1998-PomeranzR98a #using
Design-for-Testability for Synchronous Sequential Circuits using Locally Available Lines (IP, SMR), pp. 983–984.
TACASTACAS-1998-HuhnNW #verification
Verification Based on Local States (MH, PN, FW), pp. 36–51.
TACASTACAS-1998-LiuRS #evaluation #fixpoint #performance
Fully Local and Efficient Evaluation of Alternating Fixed Points (Extended Abstract) (XL, CRR, SAS), pp. 5–19.
PLDIPLDI-1998-AgesenDM #garbage collection #java #liveness #virtual machine
Garbage Collection and Local Variable Type-Precision and Liveness in Java Virtual Machines (OA, DD, JEBM), pp. 269–279.
STOCSTOC-1998-MolloyR #algorithm #aspect-oriented
Further Algorithmic Aspects of the Local Lemma (MM, BAR), pp. 524–529.
STOCSTOC-1998-Vorobjov #algebra #set
Computing Local Dimension of a Semialgebraic Set (NV), pp. 483–487.
ICALPICALP-1998-KarhumakiLP #behaviour #infinity #word
Locally Periodic Infinite Words and a Chaotic Behaviour (JK, AL, WP), pp. 421–430.
ICALPICALP-1998-Sewell #distributed #type system #π-calculus
Global/Local Subtyping and Capability Inference for a Distributed π-calculus (PS), pp. 695–706.
LAND*: an AND with local bindings, a guarded LET* special form (OK), p. 336.
ICGTTAGT-1998-FischerKT #communication #distributed
Local Views on Distributed Systems and Their Communication (IF, MK, GT), pp. 164–178.
ICGTTAGT-1998-GodardMM #graph #power of
The Power of Local Computations in Graphs with Initial Knowledge (EG, YM, AM), pp. 71–84.
ICGTTAGT-1998-VerlindenJ #framework
A Framework for NLC and ESM: Local Action Systems (NV, DJ), pp. 194–214.
CHICHI-1998-Moon #distance #human-computer #interactive
The Effects of Distance in Local versus Remote Human-Computer Interaction (YM), pp. 103–108.
Local Cascade Generalization (JG), pp. 206–214.
ICPRICPR-1998-AiharaIYT #image #self #using
Memory-based self-localization using omnidirectional images (NA, HI, NY, HT), pp. 1799–1803.
ICPRICPR-1998-AvrinD #estimation #sequence #video
Local motion estimation and resolution enhancement of video sequences (VA, ID), pp. 539–541.
ICPRICPR-1998-BouthemyF #metric #video
Motion characterization from temporal cooccurrences of local motion-based measures for video indexing (PB, RF), pp. 905–908.
ICPRICPR-1998-BulowS #classification
Quaternionic gabor filters for local structure classification (TB, GS), pp. 808–810.
ICPRICPR-1998-HiranoHOMTE #3d #image
Three dimensional concentration index-a local feature for analyzing three dimensional digital line patterns and its application to chest X-ray CT images (YH, JiH, HO, YM, JiT, KE), pp. 1040–1043.
ICPRICPR-1998-KaufmannB #fault #locality #using
Amount translation and error localization in check processing using syntax-directed translation (GK, HB), pp. 1530–1534.
ICPRICPR-1998-MadhavanDD #locality #pattern matching #statistics
Map-building and map-based localization in an underground-mine by statistical pattern matching (RM, GD, HDW), pp. 1744–1746.
ICPRICPR-1998-MaedaNMSS #fuzzy #image #segmentation #using
Fuzzy region-growing segmentation of natural images using local fractal dimension (JM, SN, AM, SS, YS), pp. 991–993.
ICPRICPR-1998-MyersWH #distance #edit distance #performance #relational
Efficient relational matching with local edit distance (RM, RCW, ERH), pp. 1711–1714.
ICPRICPR-1998-PengB #learning #recognition
Local reinforcement learning for object recognition (JP, BB), pp. 272–274.
ICPRICPR-1998-SeemannT #image #segmentation #using
Structure preserving noise filtering of images using explicit local segmentation (TS, PET), pp. 1610–1612.
ICPRICPR-1998-ShikuKN #string #using
A method for character string extraction using local and global segment crowdedness (OS, KK, AN), pp. 1077–1080.
ICPRICPR-1998-ZhangB98a #adaptation #performance #representation
An efficient surface mesh representation adaptive to local smoothness (ZZ, MB), pp. 1555–1557.
ICPRICPR-1998-ZhaoO #adaptation #clustering
Adaptive local thresholding with fuzzy-validity-guided spatial partitioning (XZ, SHO), pp. 988–990.
KRKR-1998-GiunchigliaG #locality #modelling #reasoning #semantics
Local Models Semantics, or Contextual Reasoning = Locality + Compatibility (FG, CG), pp. 282–291.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1998-AndreattaCR #framework #heuristic #object-oriented
An Object-Oriented Framework for Local Search Heuristics (AAA, SERC, CCR), pp. 33–45.
POPLPOPL-1998-PierceT #type inference
Local Type Inference (BCP, DNT), pp. 252–265.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1998-PaiABSDZN #clustering #network
Locality-Aware Request Distribution in Cluster-based Network Servers (VSP, MA, GB, MS, PD, WZ, EMN), pp. 205–216.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1998-Temam #memory management #performance
Investigating Optimal Local Memory Performance (OT), pp. 218–227.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1998-Weissman #approach #concurrent #locality #performance #thread
Performance Counters and State Sharing Annotations: a Unified Approach to Thread Locality (BW), pp. 127–138.
CCCC-1998-Boyland #attribute grammar #dependence
Analyzing Direct Non-local Dependencies in Attribute Grammars (JB), pp. 31–49.
CCCC-1998-MaierhoferE #stack
Local Stack Allocation (MM, MAE), pp. 189–203.
LCTESLCTES-1998-CooperS #scheduling
Non-local Instruction Scheduling with Limited Code Growth (KDC, PJS), pp. 193–207.
LICSLICS-1998-Libkin #logic #on the
On Counting Logics and Local Properties (LL), pp. 501–512.
DACDAC-1997-ManneGS #locality #memory management
Remembrance of Things Past: Locality and Memory in BDDs (SM, DG, FS), pp. 196–201.
ICDARICDAR-1997-Antonacopoulos #estimation
Local Skew Angle Estimation from Background Space in Text Regions (AA), pp. 684–688.
ICDARICDAR-1997-GuoDR #detection #random
Local correspondence for detecting random forgeries (JKG, DSD, AR), pp. 319–323.
ICDARICDAR-1997-WakaharaO #adaptation #normalisation #using
Adaptive Normalization of Handwritten Characters Using Global/Local Affine Transformation (TW, KO), p. 28–?.
ICDARICDAR-1997-WolfN #locality
Form--Based Localization of the Destination Address Block on Complex Envelopes (MW, HN), p. 908–?.
TACASTACAS-1997-Ben-AbdallahL #detection #process #sequence chart
Syntactic Detection of Process Divergence and Non-local Choice inMessage Sequence Charts (HBA, SL), pp. 259–274.
WCREWCRE-1997-JerdingR #architecture #locality #using #visualisation
Using Visualization for Architectural Localization and Extraction (DFJ, SR), pp. 56–65.
STOCSTOC-1997-DuhF #approximate #optimisation
Approximation of k-Set Cover by Semi-Local Optimization (RcD, MF), pp. 256–264.
STOCSTOC-1997-IndykMRV #multi
Locality-Preserving Hashing in Multidimensional Spaces (PI, RM, PR, SV), pp. 618–625.
STOCSTOC-1997-OstrovskyR #algorithm
Universal O(Congestion + Dilation + log1+epsilonN) Local Control Packet Switching Algorithms (RO, YR), pp. 644–653.
STOCSTOC-1997-SrinivasanT #algorithm #approximate
A Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithm for Packet Routing, and Balancing Local vs. Global Criteria (AS, CPT), pp. 636–643.
CIAAWIA-1997-Trahtman #automaton #estimation #finite #order #precise #testing
A Precise Estimation of the Order of Local Testability of a Deterministic Finite Automaton (ANT), pp. 198–212.
HCIHCI-CC-1997-Donskoy #adaptation #locality
The Cultural Adaptation Versus Localization (MVD), pp. 137–139.
HCIHCI-CC-1997-PrabhuCBK #locality
Internationalization and Localization for Cultural Diversity (GVP, BC, WB, CK), pp. 149–152.
HCIHCI-SEC-1997-TamuraZ #communication
Remote and Local Camera Works in Media Communication (HT, RZ), pp. 419–422.
ICMLICML-1997-MooreSD #performance #polynomial #predict
Efficient Locally Weighted Polynomial Regression Predictions (AWM, JGS, KD), pp. 236–244.
LICSLICS-1997-Libkin #finite #locality #modelling #on the
On the Forms of Locality over Finite Models (LL), pp. 204–215.
DACDAC-1996-LiM #adaptation #linear #modelling #parametricity #using
Computing Parametric Yield Adaptively Using Local Linear Models (ML, LSM), pp. 831–836.
ASEKBSE-1996-Jr.B #algebra #algorithm #synthesis
Synthesis of Local Search Algorithms by Algebraic Means (RPGJ, PDB), p. 7.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1996-VeraartW #student #using #web
Using CD-ROMs and local Web pages to provide course materials for distance-students (VEV, SLW), pp. 90–92.
TACASTACAS-1996-BhatC #calculus #model checking #μ-calculus
Efficent Local Model-Checking for Fragments of teh Modal μ-Calculus (GB, RC), pp. 107–126.
STOCSTOC-1996-DimitriouI #algorithm #analysis #optimisation #towards
Towards an Analysis of Local Optimization Algorithms (TD, RI), pp. 304–313.
FMFME-1996-BoerH #communication #nondeterminism #process
Local Nondeterminism in Asynchronously Communicating Processes (FSdB, MvH), pp. 367–384.
ICPRICPR-1996-BrucksteinRW #invariant #using
Recognizing objects using scale space local invariants (AMB, ER, IW), pp. 760–764.
ICPRICPR-1996-GunnN #bound #energy #using
Snake head boundary extraction using global and local energy minimisation (SRG, MSN), pp. 581–585.
ICPRICPR-1996-HusseinNO #analysis #using
Analysis of detailed patterns of contour shapes using wavelet local extrema (EH, YN, YO), pp. 335–339.
ICPRICPR-1996-NishimuraK0HNNO #image #locality #using
Effect of time-spatial size of motion image for localization by using the spotting method (TN, HK, YI, AH, SN, SN, RO), pp. 191–195.
ICPRICPR-1996-RamelVE #comprehension #documentation
Combining global and local vision for technical document understanding (JYR, NV, HE), pp. 773–777.
ICPRICPR-1996-SabourinGP #verification
Pattern spectrum as a local shape factor for off-line signature verification (RS, GG, FJP), pp. 43–48.
ICPRICPR-1996-ScheundersHL #image #on the
On the local optimality of image quantizers (PS, HVH, SL), pp. 664–668.
ICPRICPR-1996-SchlicherBV #locality #performance
Fast analytical medial-axis localization in convex polyhedra (MPPS, EB, PWV), pp. 55–61.
ICPRICPR-1996-YamadaT #sequence
Elastic edge sequence matching method for global extraction and local tracking of echocardiogram (HY, KT), pp. 637–641.
ICPRICPR-1996-YangT #geometry #locality #mobile #modelling
Mobile robot localization by geometric hashing and model-based scene matching (YBY, HTT), pp. 181–185.
KDDKDD-1996-ChanS #database #modelling
Sharing Learned Models among Remote Database Partitions by Local Meta-Learning (PKC, SJS), pp. 2–7.
KDDKDD-1996-FultonKSW #data mining #induction #interactive #mining #towards
Local Induction of Decision Trees: Towards Interactive Data Mining (TF, SK, SS, DLW), pp. 14–19.
SEKESEKE-1996-BurnsteinMRST #automation #fault #information management #locality #recognition
Knowledge Engineering for Automated Program Recognition and Fault Localization (IB, AM, KR, FS, AT), pp. 85–91.
SIGIRSIGIR-1996-XuC #analysis #documentation #query #using
Query Expansion Using Local and Global Document Analysis (JX, WBC), pp. 4–11.
SACSAC-1996-DoroodchiR #clustering #fuzzy
Nonlinear smoothing of signals by applying fuzzy clustering to local points (MD, AMR), pp. 595–599.
SACSAC-1996-HurleyTS #algorithm #comparison #problem
A comparison of local search algorithms for radio link frequency assignment problems (SH, SUT, DHS), pp. 251–257.
SACSAC-1996-Leopold #approach #automation #fuzzy #locality #optimisation
A fuzzy approach to automatic data locality optimization (CL), pp. 515–518.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1996-LipastiWS #locality #predict
Value Locality and Load Value Prediction (MHL, CBW, JPS), pp. 138–147.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1996-McKinleyT #analysis #locality
A Quantitative Analysis of Loop Nest Locality (KSM, OT), pp. 94–104.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1996-PhilbinEADL #concurrent #locality #scheduling #thread
Thread Scheduling for Cache Locality (JP, JE, OJA, CCD, KL), pp. 60–71.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1996-VergheseDGR #locality #operating system
Operating System Support for Improving Data Locality on CC-NUMA Compute Servers (BV, SD, AG, MR), pp. 279–289.
HPDCHPDC-1996-AgasaveeranL #distributed #multi #scheduling
Distributed Job Scheduling in SCI Local — Area Multiprocessors (SA, QL), pp. 606–615.
ISSTAISSTA-1996-DeMilloPS #fault #locality #slicing
Critical Slicing for Software Fault Localization (RAD, HP, EHS), pp. 121–134.
LICSLICS-1996-Pitts #logic #reasoning
Reasoning about Local Variables with Operationally-Based Logical Relations (AMP), pp. 152–163.
LICSLICS-1996-Ramanujam #linear #logic
Locally Linear Time Temporal Logic (RR), pp. 118–127.
DACDAC-1995-ChangMC #algorithm #performance #set
An Efficient Algorithm for Local Don’t Care Sets Calculation (SCC, MMS, KTC), pp. 663–667.
ICDARICDAR-v1-1995-HanS #identification
Signature identification via local association of features (KH, IKS), pp. 187–190.
ICDARICDAR-v1-1995-RoosliM #constraints #metric #quality
A high quality vectorization combining local quality measures and global constraints (MR, GM), pp. 243–248.
ICDARICDAR-v2-1995-CongedoDIP #recognition
A structural method with local refining for handwritten character recognition (GC, GD, SI, GP), pp. 853–856.
TACASTACAS-1995-Tofts #approximate #probability #process
Analytic and Locally Approximate Solutions to Properties of Probabilistic Processes (CMNT), pp. 174–194.
WCREWCRE-1995-KontogiannisDBGM #concept #design #locality #pattern matching
Pattern Matching for Design Concept Localization (KK, RdM, MB, MG, EM).
STOCSTOC-1995-FiatK #locality #multi #random
Randomized and multipointer paging with locality of reference (AF, ARK), pp. 626–634.
STOCSTOC-1995-GhoshLMMPRRTZ #algorithm #analysis
Tight analyses of two local load balancing algorithms (BG, FTL, BMM, SM, CGP, RR, AWR, RET, DZ), pp. 548–558.
PPDPPLILP-1995-McEvoyH #linear #locality #logic #multi
Local Linear Logic for Locality Consciousness in Multiset Transformation (HM, PHH), pp. 357–379.
POPLPOPL-1995-Sands #correctness #program transformation
Total Correctness by Local Improvement in Program Transformation (DS), pp. 221–232.
HPCAHPCA-1995-SivasubramaniamSRV #locality #network #parallel
Abstracting Network Characteristics and Locality Properties of Parallel Systems (AS, AS, UR, HV), pp. 54–63.
ISMMIWMM-1995-MatthewsS #distributed #garbage collection #memory management #named
LEMMA: A Distributed Shared Memory with Global and Local Garbage Collection (DCJM, TLS), pp. 297–311.
PPoPPPPoPP-1995-SpertusD #locality
Evaluating the Locality Benefits of Active Messages (ES, WJD), pp. 189–198.
CAVCAV-1995-AlurH #composition #liveness #modelling
Local Liveness for Compositional Modeling of Fair Reactive Systems (RA, TAH), pp. 166–179.
CAVCAV-1995-SokolskyS #model checking #realtime
Local Model Checking for Real-Time Systems (Extended Abstract) (OS, SAS), pp. 211–224.
ESOPESOP-1994-Amtoft #fixpoint #re-engineering
Local Type Reconstruction by Means of Symbolic Fixed Point Iteration (TA), pp. 43–57.
ICSMEICSM-1994-KontogiannisDBM #concept #design #legacy #locality
Localization of Design Concepts in Legacy Systems (KK, RdM, MB, EM), pp. 414–423.
STOCSTOC-1994-AwerbuchL #algorithm #approximate #multi #network #problem
Improved approximation algorithms for the multi-commodity flow problem and local competitive routing in dynamic networks (BA, TL), pp. 487–496.
ICALPICALP-1994-CorradiniN #concurrent #locality
Distribution and Locality of Concurrent Systems (FC, RDN), pp. 154–165.
ICALPICALP-1994-VergauwenL #correctness #equation #performance
Efficient Local Correctness Checking for Single and Alternating Boolean Equation Systems (BV, JL), pp. 304–315.
LISPLFP-1994-Queinnec #continuation #locality
Locality, Causality and Continuations (CQ), pp. 91–102.
CSCWCSCW-1994-StreitzGHH #named
DOLPHIN: Integrated Meeting Support Across Local and Remote Desktop Environments and LiveBoards (NAS, JG, JMH, JH), pp. 345–358.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1994-BjornfotLWA #network
Distribution of Tasks within a Centrally Scheduled Local Area Network (LB, KL, GW, LA), pp. 421–432.
CAiSECAiSE-1994-CauvetS #abstraction #concept #locality #modelling #object-oriented
Abstraction Forms in Object-Oriented Conceptual Modeling: Localization, Aggregation and Generalization Extensions (CC, FS), pp. 149–171.
PPDPALP-1994-BuenoHMR #concurrent #semantics #source code
From Eventual to Atomic Locally Atomic CC Programs: A Concurrent Semantics (FB, MVH, UM, FR), pp. 114–132.
POPLPOPL-1994-Odersky #functional
A Functional Theory of Local Names (MO), pp. 48–59.
SACSAC-1994-GordonMW #algorithm #locality #search-based
Cellular genetic algorithms as function optimizers: locality effects (VSG, KEM, DW), pp. 237–241.
SACSAC-1994-WassermanS #locality #logic programming
The locality principle and completeness in logic programming (HCW, ZS), pp. 286–291.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1994-CarrMT #compilation #locality #optimisation
Compiler Optimizations for Improving Data Locality (SC, KSM, CWT), pp. 252–262.
ICLPILPS-1994-Marchiori #unification
Localizations of Unification Freedom through Matching Directions (MM), pp. 392–406.
ICDARICDAR-1993-Ishitani #complexity #detection #documentation
Document skew detection based on local region complexity (YI), pp. 49–52.
ICDARICDAR-1993-JainC #analysis #locality #using
Bar code localization using texture analysis (AKJ, YC), pp. 41–44.
ICDARICDAR-1993-KanungoHP #documentation #modelling
Global and local document degradation models (TK, RMH, ITP), pp. 730–734.
ICDARICDAR-1993-YoshimuraSY #locality #recognition #using
A zip code recognition system using the localized arc pattern method (MY, TS, IY), pp. 183–186.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1993-GuptaW #constraints #database #distributed #verification
Local Verification of Global Integrity Constraints in Distributed Databases (AG, JW), pp. 49–58.
VLDBVLDB-1993-FranklinCL #database
Local Disk Caching for Client-Server Database Systems (MJF, MJC, ML), pp. 641–655.
VLDBVLDB-1993-Hong #database #distributed #performance
Performance of Catalog Management Schemes for Running Access Modules in a Locally Distributed Database System (EKH), pp. 194–205.
PLDIPLDI-1993-AndersonL #locality #optimisation #parallel #scalability
Global Optimizations for Parallelism and Locality on Scalable Parallel Machines (JAMA, MSL), pp. 112–125.
PLDIPLDI-1993-GrunwaldZH #locality #memory management
Improving the Cache Locality of Memory Allocation (DG, BGZ, RH), pp. 177–186.
STOCSTOC-1993-NaorS #question #what
What can be computed locally? (MN, LJS), pp. 184–193.
STOCSTOC-1993-SzegedyV #graph #locality
Locality based graph coloring (MS, SV), pp. 201–207.
DLTDLT-1993-Cazanescu #equation #logic
Local Equational Logic II (VEC), pp. 210–221.
ICALPICALP-1993-HungarS #model checking #process
Local Model Checking for Context-Free Processes (HH, BS), pp. 593–605.
ICALPICALP-1993-KalyanasundaramP #information management
Constructing Competitive Tours From Local Information (BK, KP), pp. 102–113.
ICMLICML-1993-DanylukP #fault #learning #network
Small Disjuncts in Action: Learning to Diagnose Errors in the Local Loop of the Telephone Network (APD, FJP), pp. 81–88.
POPLPOPL-1993-OHearnT #parametricity #relational
Relational Parametricity and Local Variables (PWO, RDT), pp. 171–184.
PPoPPPPoPP-1993-ChandraGH #locality
Data Locality and Load Balancing in COOL (RC, AG, JLH), pp. 249–259.
PPoPPPPoPP-1993-ChatterjeeGLST #communication #generative #set #source code
Generating Local Address and Communication Sets for Data-Parallel Programs (SC, JRG, FJEL, RS, SHT), pp. 149–158.
PPoPPPPoPP-1993-HsiehWW #locality #migration #parallel
Computation Migration: Enhancing Locality for Distributed-Memory Parallel Systems (WCH, PW, WEW), pp. 239–248.
ICALPICALP-1992-MontanariY #approach #parametricity
A Parametric Approach to Localities (UM, DY), pp. 617–628.
ICALPICALP-1992-Ong #lazy evaluation #modelling #λ-calculus
Lazy λ Calculus: Theories, Models and Local Structure Characterization (Extended Abstract) (CHLO), pp. 487–498.
New Results on Local Inference Relations (RG, DAM), pp. 403–412.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1992-AndersonOST #network #scheduling
High Speed Switch Scheduling for Local Area Networks (TEA, SSO, JBS, CPT), pp. 98–110.
ISMMIWMM-1992-LamWM #garbage collection #locality
Object Type Directed Garbage Collection To Improve Locality (MSL, PRW, TGM), pp. 404–425.
CAVCAV-1992-Larsen #correctness #performance
Efficient Local Correctness Checking (KGL), pp. 30–43.
ICTSSIWPTS-1992-Witteman #consistency #experience #protocol
Promoting the Local Test Method, GSM Protocol Conformance Test Experience (MFW), pp. 292–294.
LICSLICS-1992-MasonT #reasoning
References, Local Variables and Operational Reasoning (IAM, CLT), pp. 186–197.
PLDIPLDI-1991-WilsonLM #effectiveness #garbage collection #locality
Effective “Static-Graph” Reorganization to Improve Locality in Garbage-Collected Systems (PRW, MSL, TGM), pp. 177–191.
PLDIPLDI-1991-WolfL #algorithm #locality #optimisation
A Data Locality Optimizing Algorithm (MEW, MSL), pp. 30–44.
STOCSTOC-1991-Babai #finite #generative #graph #random #transitive
Local Expansion of Vertex-Transitive Graphs and Random Generation in Finite Groups (LB), pp. 164–174.
STOCSTOC-1991-BorodinIRS #locality
Competitive Paging with Locality of Reference (Preliminary Version) (AB, SI, PR, BS), pp. 249–259.
PLDIBest-of-PLDI-1991-LamW #algorithm #locality #optimisation
A data locality optimizing algorithm (with retrospective) (MSL, MEW), pp. 442–459.
CHICHI-1991-WenzelWK #locality
Localization with non-individualized virtual acoustic display cues (EMW, FLW, DJK), pp. 351–359.
CSLCSL-1991-Dahlhaus #first-order #how #memory management #modelling
How to Implement First Order Formulas in Local Memory Machine Models (ED), pp. 68–78.
ICLPISLP-1991-FosterW #analysis #reuse
Copy Avoidance through Compile-Time Analysis and Local Reuse (ITF, WHW), pp. 455–469.
STOCSTOC-1990-GoddardKS #algorithm #random #sorting
Optimal Randomized Algorithms for Local Sorting and Set-Maxima (WG, VK, LJS), pp. 45–53.
STOCSTOC-1990-PapadimitriouSY #complexity #on the
On the Complexity of Local Search (Extended Abstract) (CHP, AAS, MY), pp. 438–445.
ICALPICALP-1990-Choffrut #decidability
Iterated Substitutions and Locally Catanative Systems: A Decidability Result in the Binary Case (CC), pp. 490–500.
ICALPICALP-1990-Johnson #optimisation #problem
Local Optimization and the Traveling Salesman Problem (DSJ), pp. 446–461.
PPDPPLILP-1990-KamkarNF #algorithm #debugging #locality #slicing
Bug Localization by Algorithmic Debugging and Program Slicing (MK, NS, PF), pp. 60–74.
PLDIPLDI-1989-RogersP #composition #locality #process
Process Decomposition Through Locality of Reference (AR, KP), pp. 69–80.
STOCSTOC-1989-KaoS #order
Local Reorientation, Global Order, and Planar Topology (Preliminary Version) (MYK, GES), pp. 286–296.
Circuits and Local Computation (ACCY), pp. 186–196.
ICALPICALP-1989-FussellRT #component
Finding Triconnected Components by Local Replacements (DSF, VR, RT), pp. 379–393.
KRKR-1989-Koomen #constraints
Localizing Temporal Constraint Propagation (JAGMK), pp. 198–202.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1989-Holliday #architecture #migration
Reference History, Page Size, and Migration Daemons in Local/Remote Architectures (MAH), pp. 104–112.
RTARTA-1989-LatchS #term rewriting #termination
A Local Termination Property for Term Rewriting Systems (DML, RS), pp. 222–233.
CSCWCSCW-1988-BowersC #communication
Local and Global Structuring of Computer Mediated Communication: Developing Linguistic Perspectives on CSCW in Cosmos (JB, JC), pp. 125–139.
POPLPOPL-1988-MeyerS #semantics #towards
Towards Fully Abstract Semantics for Local Variables (ARM, KS), pp. 191–203.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-Taylor88 #haskell
Localizing the GHC Suspension Test (HT), pp. 1257–1271.
DACDAC-1987-Keutzer #graph #named #optimisation
DAGON: Technology Binding and Local Optimization by DAG Matching (KK), pp. 341–347.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1986-CareyL #database #distributed
Load Balancing in a Locally Distributed Database System (MJC, HL), pp. 108–119.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1986-MackertL #evaluation #performance #query #validation
R* Optimizer Validation and Performance Evaluation for Local Queries (LFM, GML), pp. 84–95.
ICALPICALP-1986-ShavitF #approach #detection
A New Approach to Detection of Locally Indicative Stability (NS, NF), pp. 344–358.
DACDAC-1985-YoffaH #approach #design #named #physics
ACORN: a local customization approach to DCVS physical design (EJY, PSH), pp. 32–38.
PODSPODS-1985-CasanovaMT #correctness #on the
On the Correctness of a Local Storage Subsystem (MAC, AVM, LT), pp. 123–134.
PODSPODS-1985-PageP #distributed #network
Distributed Management in Local Area Networks (TWPJ, GJP), pp. 135–142.
VLDBVLDB-1985-LuC #algorithm #distributed #network
Some Experimental Results on Distributed Join Algorithms in a Local Network (HL, MJC), pp. 292–304.
VLDBVLDB-1985-SatohTNO #database #optimisation #query #relational
Local and Global Query Optimization Mechanisms for Relational Databases (KS, MT, FN, KO), pp. 405–417.
POPLPOPL-1985-PollockS #compilation #incremental
Incremental Compilation of Locally Optimized Code (LLP, MLS), pp. 152–164.
ICALPICALP-1984-Tsakalidis #locality
AVL-Trees for Localized Search (AKT), pp. 473–485.
POPLPOPL-1984-HalpernMT #question #semantics #what
The Semantics of Local Storage, or What Makes the Free-List Free? (JYH, ARM, BAT), pp. 245–257.
POPLPOPL-1984-ShashaPE #network #protocol #verification
Temporal Verification of Carrier-Sense Local Area Network Protocols (DS, AP, WE), pp. 54–65.
ICSEICSE-1984-AlmesBBW #distributed #named
Edmas: A Locally Distributed Mail System (GTA, APB, CB, DW), pp. 56–66.
POPLPOPL-1983-Minsky #locality
Locality in Software Systems (NHM), pp. 299–312.
ICALPICALP-1982-BackM #composition #locality
Locality in Modular Systems (RJB, HM), pp. 1–13.
ICALPICALP-1982-Sifakis #invariant
Global and Local Invariants in Transition Systems (JS), pp. 510–522.
LISPLFP-1982-White #bound #constant
Constant Time Interpretation for Shallow-bound Variables in the Presence of Mixed SPECIAL/LOCAL Declarations (JLW), pp. 196–200.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1981-GoudaD #database #distributed #query
Optimal Semijoin Schedules For Query Processing in Local Distributed Database Systems (MGG, UD), pp. 164–175.
VLDBVLDB-1981-TanakamK #database #distributed #independence #integration #logic #relational
Logical Integration of Locally Independent Relational Databases into a Distributed Database (KT, YK), pp. 131–141.
STOCSTOC-1981-Kosaraju #locality
Localized Search in Sorted Lists (SRK), pp. 62–69.
SOSPSOSP-1981-Spector #network #summary
Performing Remore Operations Efficiently on a Local Computer Network (Summary) (AZS), pp. 76–77.
STOCSTOC-1980-Angluin #network
Local and Global Properties in Networks of Processors (Extended Abstract) (DA), pp. 82–93.
ICALPICALP-1980-LucaR #on the #testing
On Some Properties of Local Testability (AdL, AR), pp. 385–393.
LISPLISP-1980-MasinterD #compilation #lisp #optimisation
Local Optimization in a Compiler for Stack-based LISP Machines (LM, LPD), pp. 223–230.
ICGTGG-1978-EhrigL #graph grammar #parallel
Locally Star Sluing Formulas for a Class of Parallel Graph Grammars (HE, AL), pp. 206–223.
POPLPOPL-1978-JoshiLY #constraints #programming language #semantics #syntax
Local Constraints in the Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages (AKJ, LSL, KY), pp. 255–264.
SOSPSOSP-1977-Masuda #memory management
Effect of Program Localities on Memory Management Strategies (TM), pp. 117–124.
Characteristics of Program Localities (AWM, APB), pp. 285–294.
SOSPSOSP-1975-DenningK #case study #locality
A Study of Program Locality and Lifetime Functions (PJD, KCK), pp. 207–216.
SOSPSOSP-J-1973-CoffmanR72 #case study #clustering #locality #using
A Study of Storage Partitioning Using a Mathematical Model of Locality (EGCJ, TAR), pp. 185–190.
STOCSTOC-1971-Chang #on the #parallel
On the Parallel Computation of Local Operations (SKC), pp. 101–115.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.