Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Italy
1 × Portugal
2 × United Kingdom
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.Speckenmeyer B.Randerath T.Schmidt A.Wotzlaw
Talks about:
problem (4) linear (4) formula (3) some (3) sat (3) algorithm (2) satisfi (2) general (2) time (2) horn (2)
Person: Stefan Porschen
DBLP: Porschen:Stefan
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- SAT-2011-SpeckenmeyerWP #approach #graph #satisfiability
- A Satisfiability-Based Approach for Embedding Generalized Tanglegrams on Level Graphs (ES, AW, SP), pp. 134–144.
- SAT-2010-PorschenSS #complexity #linear #problem
- Complexity Results for Linear XSAT-Problems (SP, TS, ES), pp. 251–263.
- SAT-2009-PorschenSS #aspect-oriented #on the
- On Some Aspects of Mixed Horn Formulas (SP, TS, ES), pp. 86–100.
- SAT-2008-PorschenS #linear
- A CNF Class Generalizing Exact Linear Formulas (SP, ES), pp. 231–245.
- SAT-2007-PorschenS #algorithm #problem #satisfiability
- Algorithms for Variable-Weighted 2-SAT and Dual Problems (SP, ES), pp. 173–186.
- SAT-2006-PorschenSR #linear #on the
- On Linear CNF Formulas (SP, ES, BR), pp. 212–225.
- SAT-J-2004-PorschenS05 #bound #problem
- Worst Case Bounds for Some NP-Complete Modified Horn-SAT Problems (SP, ES), pp. 251–262.
- SAT-2003-PorschenRS #algorithm #linear #problem #satisfiability
- Linear Time Algorithms for Some Not-All-Equal Satisfiability Problems (SP, BR, ES), pp. 172–187.
- SAT-2002-PorschenRS #decidability #satisfiability
- X3SAT is decidable in time O(2n/5) (SP, BR, ES), p. 10.