2172 papers:
- ECSA-2015-BelleEDKM #architecture #polynomial #problem
- The Layered Architecture Recovery as a Quadratic Assignment Problem (ABB, GEB, CD, SK, HM), pp. 339–354.
- WICSA-2015-ZimmermannWKG #architecture #in the cloud #modelling #problem
- Architectural Decision Guidance Across Projects — Problem Space Modeling, Decision Backlog Management and Cloud Computing Knowledge (OZ, LW, HK, TG), pp. 85–94.
- CASE-2015-GiulianiC #optimisation #problem
- Derivative-free optimization with use of problem structure: Applications to oil production (CMG, EC), pp. 764–768.
- CASE-2015-Houssin #problem
- An exension of the heap of pieces model for the Cyclic Jobshop Problem (LH), pp. 1182–1187.
- CASE-2015-LiDLZ #approach #composition #problem
- A decomposition approach to colored traveling salesman problems (JL, XD, HL, MZ), pp. 51–56.
- CASE-2015-NguyenLK #composition #problem
- Decomposition techniques for urban consolidation problems (DTN, HCL, AK), pp. 57–62.
- CASE-2015-NouaouriSA #data mining #mining #predict #problem
- Evidential data mining for length of stay (LOS) prediction problem (IN, AS, HA), pp. 1415–1420.
- CASE-2015-ShellshearCBT #algorithm #concurrent #multi #problem #thread
- A multi-threaded memetic packing algorithm for the ISO luggage packing problem (ES, JSC, RB, ST), pp. 1509–1514.
- CASE-2015-ShiLGS #problem
- Production planning for a class of batch processing problem (ZS, PL, HG, LS), pp. 1188–1193.
- CASE-2015-TanakaM #algorithm #bound #problem #strict
- Dominance properties for the unrestricted block relocation problem and their application to a branch-and-bound algorithm (ST, FM), pp. 509–514.
- CASE-2015-ZhaoLH #estimation #flexibility #performance #problem
- Plant flexibility planning: Problem formulation and performance estimation (CZ, JL, NH), pp. 659–664.
- DATE-2015-HuangHC #algorithm #clustering #framework #multi #problem #scalability
- Clustering-based multi-touch algorithm framework for the tracking problem with a large number of points (SLH, SYH, CPC), pp. 719–724.
- SIGMOD-2015-RuchanskyBGGK #problem
- The Minimum Wiener Connector Problem (NR, FB, DGS, FG, NK), pp. 1587–1602.
- VLDB-2015-Balazinska15a #big data #data analysis #industrial #problem #question
- Big Data Research: Will Industry Solve all the Problems? (MB), pp. 2053–2064.
- VLDB-2015-DingSMM #algorithm #framework #named #optimisation #problem
- TOP: A Framework for Enabling Algorithmic Optimizations for Distance-Related Problems (YD, XS, MM, TM), pp. 1046–1057.
- ITiCSE-2015-Kumar #problem #semantics
- Solving Code-tracing Problems and its Effect on Code-writing Skills Pertaining to Program Semantics (ANK), pp. 314–319.
- ESOP-2015-BattyMNPS #concurrent #problem #programming language #semantics
- The Problem of Programming Language Concurrency Semantics (MB, KM, KN, JPP, PS), pp. 283–307.
- FoSSaCS-2015-HoO #problem
- The Cyclic-Routing UAV Problem is PSPACE-Complete (HMH, JO), pp. 328–342.
- MSR-2015-MartinHJSZ #mining #problem
- The App Sampling Problem for App Store Mining (WM, MH, YJ, FS, YZ), pp. 123–133.
- SANER-2015-SassoML #detection #problem
- Misery loves company: CrowdStacking traces to aid problem detection (TDS, AM, ML), pp. 131–140.
- STOC-2015-AaronsonA #named #problem #quantum
- Forrelation: A Problem that Optimally Separates Quantum from Classical Computing (SA, AA), pp. 307–316.
- STOC-2015-AggarwalDRS #problem #using
- Solving the Shortest Vector Problem in 2n Time Using Discrete Gaussian Sampling: Extended Abstract (DA, DD, OR, NSD), pp. 733–742.
- STOC-2015-BraunPZ #combinator #problem
- Inapproximability of Combinatorial Problems via Small LPs and SDPs (GB, SP, DZ), pp. 107–116.
- STOC-2015-FeldmanPV #complexity #on the #problem #random #satisfiability
- On the Complexity of Random Satisfiability Problems with Planted Solutions (VF, WP, SV), pp. 77–86.
- STOC-2015-HenzingerKNS #multi #online #problem
- Unifying and Strengthening Hardness for Dynamic Problems via the Online Matrix-Vector Multiplication Conjecture (MH, SK, DN, TS), pp. 21–30.
- STOC-2015-KesselheimKN #order #problem
- Secretary Problems with Non-Uniform Arrival Order (TK, RDK, RN), pp. 879–888.
- STOC-2015-Nikolov #problem #random
- Randomized Rounding for the Largest Simplex Problem (AN), pp. 861–870.
- CIAA-2015-Madejski #linear #permutation #problem
- The Membership Problem for Linear and Regular Permutation Languages (GM), pp. 211–223.
- CIAA-2015-NakanishiY #automaton #problem #quantum
- Classical and Quantum Counter Automata on Promise Problems (MN, AY), pp. 224–237.
- CIAA-2015-Prusa #context-free grammar #decidability #multi #problem
- (Un)decidability of the Emptiness Problem for Multi-dimensional Context-Free Grammars (DP), pp. 250–262.
- DLT-2015-BianchiHK #automaton #liveness #on the #problem
- On the Size of Two-Way Reasonable Automata for the Liveness Problem (MPB, JH, IK), pp. 120–131.
- DLT-2015-GainutdinovaY #automaton #probability #problem #quantum
- Unary Probabilistic and Quantum Automata on Promise Problems (AG, AY), pp. 252–263.
- ICALP-v1-2015-BhangaleKS #approximate #constraints #problem
- Simultaneous Approximation of Constraint Satisfaction Problems (AB, SK, SS), pp. 193–205.
- ICALP-v1-2015-BjorklundDH #exponential #problem #random #set #strict
- The Parity of Set Systems Under Random Restrictions with Applications to Exponential Time Problems (AB, HD, TH), pp. 231–242.
- ICALP-v1-2015-BodirskyMM #constraints #integer #problem
- Constraint Satisfaction Problems over the Integers with Successor (MB, BM, AM), pp. 256–267.
- ICALP-v1-2015-DoronT #approximate #graph #on the #probability #problem
- On the Problem of Approximating the Eigenvalues of Undirected Graphs in Probabilistic Logspace (DD, ATS), pp. 419–431.
- ICALP-v1-2015-FominGKM #bound #graph #morphism #problem
- Lower Bounds for the Graph Homomorphism Problem (FVF, AG, ASK, IM), pp. 481–493.
- ICALP-v1-2015-HuangL #approximate #combinator #optimisation #probability #problem
- Approximating the Expected Values for Combinatorial Optimization Problems over Stochastic Points (LH, JL), pp. 910–921.
- ICALP-v1-2015-KozikO #algebra #constraints #problem
- Algebraic Properties of Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problem (MK, JO), pp. 846–858.
- ICALP-v1-2015-KurpiszLM #on the #problem
- On the Hardest Problem Formulations for the 0/1 0 / 1 Lasserre Hierarchy (AK, SL, MM), pp. 872–885.
- ICALP-v1-2015-LiJ #problem
- A PTAS for the Weighted Unit Disk Cover Problem (JL, YJ), pp. 898–909.
- ICALP-v1-2015-MomkeW #algorithm #approximate #problem
- A (2+ε)-Approximation Algorithm for the Storage Allocation Problem (TM, AW), pp. 973–984.
- ICALP-v2-2015-Feldmann #approximate #graph #parametricity #problem
- Fixed Parameter Approximations for k-Center Problems in Low Highway Dimension Graphs (AEF), pp. 588–600.
- ICALP-v2-2015-FiliotMRT #problem #transducer
- Decision Problems of Tree Transducers with Origin (EF, SM, PAR, JMT), pp. 209–221.
- ICALP-v2-2015-KantorK #problem
- Optimal Competitiveness for the Rectilinear Steiner Arborescence Problem (EK, SK), pp. 675–687.
- ICALP-v2-2015-LerouxST #automaton #on the #problem
- On the Coverability Problem for Pushdown Vector Addition Systems in One Dimension (JL, GS, PT), pp. 324–336.
- LATA-2015-BilottaPPR #problem
- Recurrence Relations, Succession Rules, and the Positivity Problem (SB, EP, RP, SR), pp. 499–510.
- LATA-2015-CreignouKMMOV #problem
- Parameterized Enumeration for Modification Problems (NC, RK, AM, JSM, FO, HV), pp. 524–536.
- LATA-2015-DennunzioFMP #problem
- Preimage Problems for Reaction Systems (AD, EF, LM, AEP), pp. 537–548.
- LATA-2015-KrishnaMT #automaton #bound #decidability #problem #reachability #recursion
- Time-Bounded Reachability Problem for Recursive Timed Automata is Undecidable (SNK, LM, AT), pp. 237–248.
- FM-2015-SchneiderLW #modelling #problem #validation
- Model-Based Problem Solving for University Timetable Validation and Improvement (DS, ML, TW), pp. 487–495.
- SEFM-2015-VollingerR #algorithm #certification #distributed #problem
- Certification of Distributed Algorithms Solving Problems with Optimal Substructure (KV, WR), pp. 190–195.
- ICFP-2015-GenevesG #problem #static typing #type system #xquery
- XQuery and static typing: tackling the problem of backward axes (PG, NG), pp. 88–100.
- ICFP-2015-RendelTO #automation #pattern matching #problem
- Automatic refunctionalization to a language with copattern matching: with applications to the expression problem (TR, JT, KO), pp. 269–279.
- CHI-2015-BorstTR #problem #what
- What Makes Interruptions Disruptive?: A Process-Model Account of the Effects of the Problem State Bottleneck on Task Interruption and Resumption (JPB, NAT, HvR), pp. 2971–2980.
- DUXU-DD-2015-TarkkanenHR #analysis #problem #testing #usability
- Are We Testing Utility? Analysis of Usability Problem Types (KT, VH, PR), pp. 269–280.
- DUXU-UI-2015-MedolaLBSFP #case study #experience #problem
- Experiences, Problems and Solutions in Computer Usage by Subjects with Tetraplegia (FOM, JL, CGB, AS, AEF, LCP), pp. 131–137.
- HIMI-IKC-2015-HoriguchiTH #comprehension #concept #physics #problem #sequence #student
- The Effect of Problem Sequence on Students’ Conceptual Understanding in Physics (TH, TT, TH), pp. 313–322.
- HIMI-IKC-2015-MatsudaOHT #analysis #automation #generative #multi #problem #testing #using
- Analysis of Multiple-Choice Tests Through Erroneous Choices Using a Technique of Automatic Problem Generation (NM, HO, TH, HT), pp. 362–369.
- HIMI-IKD-2015-TrevisanPMG #big data #health #industrial #problem #security #visualisation
- Big Data Visualization for Occupational Health and Security Problem in Oil and Gas Industry (DGT, NSP, LM, ACBG), pp. 46–54.
- ICEIS-v1-2015-AwasthiLK #algorithm #linear #problem #sequence #strict
- Un-restricted Common Due-Date Problem with Controllable Processing Times — Linear Algorithm for a Given Job Sequence (AA, JL, OK), pp. 526–534.
- ICEIS-v1-2015-EnriquezLGMC #identification #open data #problem
- Entity Identification Problem in Big and Open Data (JGE, VL, MG, FJDM, MJEC), pp. 404–408.
- ICEIS-v1-2015-NouriDG #algorithm #flexibility #multi #problem #scheduling #search-based
- Genetic Algorithm Combined with Tabu Search in a Holonic Multiagent Model for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (HEN, OBD, KG), pp. 573–584.
- ICEIS-v1-2015-PecliGPMFTTDFCG #learning #predict #problem #reduction
- Dimensionality Reduction for Supervised Learning in Link Prediction Problems (AP, BG, CCP, CM, FF, FT, JT, MVD, SF, MCC, RRG), pp. 295–302.
- ICEIS-v2-2015-ZoglaMS #analysis #problem #quality #taxonomy
- Analysis of Data Quality Problem Taxonomies (AZ, IM, ES), pp. 445–450.
- ECIR-2015-Tutubalina #problem #topic
- Target-Based Topic Model for Problem Phrase Extraction (ET), pp. 271–277.
- ECIR-2015-WangHS0W0 #network #problem #recommendation #social #towards
- Toward the New Item Problem: Context-Enhanced Event Recommendation in Event-Based Social Networks (ZW, PH, LS, KC, SW, GC), pp. 333–338.
- ICML-2015-Abbasi-YadkoriB #crowdsourcing #markov #problem #scalability
- Large-Scale Markov Decision Problems with KL Control Cost and its Application to Crowdsourcing (YAY, PLB, XC, AM), pp. 1053–1062.
- ICML-2015-BlechschmidtGL #approximate #multi #optimisation #parametricity #problem
- Tracking Approximate Solutions of Parameterized Optimization Problems over Multi-Dimensional (Hyper-)Parameter Domains (KB, JG, SL), pp. 438–447.
- ICML-2015-GiguereRLM #algorithm #kernel #predict #problem #string
- Algorithms for the Hard Pre-Image Problem of String Kernels and the General Problem of String Prediction (SG, AR, FL, MM), pp. 2021–2029.
- ICML-2015-KomiyamaHN #analysis #multi #probability #problem
- Optimal Regret Analysis of Thompson Sampling in Stochastic Multi-armed Bandit Problem with Multiple Plays (JK, JH, HN), pp. 1152–1161.
- ICML-2015-MaeharaYK #game studies #multi #perspective #problem
- Budget Allocation Problem with Multiple Advertisers: A Game Theoretic View (TM, AY, KiK), pp. 428–437.
- ICML-2015-SaRO #convergence #matrix #probability #problem
- Global Convergence of Stochastic Gradient Descent for Some Non-convex Matrix Problems (CDS, CR, KO), pp. 2332–2341.
- ICML-2015-ZhouZ #problem
- Safe Subspace Screening for Nuclear Norm Regularized Least Squares Problems (QZ, QZ), pp. 1103–1112.
- KDD-2015-Gomez-Rodriguez #machine learning #modelling #network #probability #problem #research #social
- Diffusion in Social and Information Networks: Research Problems, Probabilistic Models and Machine Learning Methods (MGR, LS), pp. 2315–2316.
- KDD-2015-IitsukaM #optimisation #problem
- Website Optimization Problem and Its Solutions (SI, YM), pp. 447–456.
- KDD-2015-OkumuraST #analysis #classification #incremental #linear #problem
- Quick Sensitivity Analysis for Incremental Data Modification and Its Application to Leave-one-out CV in Linear Classification Problems (SO, YS, IT), pp. 885–894.
- SEKE-2015-KalinowskiSCPF0 #problem #requirements #towards
- Towards Building Knowledge on Causes of Critical Requirements Engineering Problems (MK, ROS, TC, RP, DMF, SW), pp. 1–6.
- SEKE-2015-Wang #metric #problem
- Improved Metrics for Non-Classic Test Prioritization Problems (ZW), pp. 562–566.
- SIGIR-2015-TrevisiolABB #problem #ranking
- Local Ranking Problem on the BrowseGraph (MT, LMA, PB, RB), pp. 173–182.
- ECOOP-2015-FangDX #detection #named #performance #problem
- PerfBlower: Quickly Detecting Memory-Related Performance Problems via Amplification (LF, LD, G(X), pp. 296–320.
- OOPSLA-2015-ToffolaPG #dynamic analysis #performance #problem
- Performance problems you can fix: a dynamic analysis of memoization opportunities (LDT, MP, TRG), pp. 607–622.
- PPDP-2015-BartakDZ #logic programming #modelling #on the #problem
- On modeling planning problems in tabled logic programming (RB, AD, NFZ), pp. 31–42.
- PADL-2015-DymchenkoM #problem
- Declaratively Solving Google Code Jam Problems with Picat (SD, MM), pp. 50–57.
- SAC-2015-DymchenkoM #eclipse #problem #prolog
- Declaratively solving tricky google code jam problems with prolog-based ECLiPSe CLP system (SD, MM), pp. 2122–2124.
- SAC-2015-FontineleSSNM #network #physics #problem
- A solution to the MCSP problem considering physical layer degradations in transparent optical networks (AF, IS, ACBS, JMN, FM), pp. 662–664.
- SAC-2015-LeeOL #enterprise #problem
- SSD caching to overcome small write problem of disk-based RAID in enterprise environments (EL, YO, DL), pp. 2047–2053.
- SAC-2015-SilvaMR #algorithm #approach #problem #using
- An approach to the MOGAS initialization problem using an algorithm based on path relinking (TGNdS, JEBM, LSR), pp. 118–124.
- ICSE-v1-2015-NistorCRL #detection #named #performance #problem
- CARAMEL: Detecting and Fixing Performance Problems That Have Non-Intrusive Fixes (AN, PCC, CR, SL), pp. 902–912.
- CADE-2015-IborraNVY #dependence #problem #termination
- Reducing Relative Termination to Dependency Pair Problems (JI, NN, GV, AY), pp. 163–178.
- ICST-2015-HarmanJZ #challenge #problem #testing
- Achievements, Open Problems and Challenges for Search Based Software Testing (MH, YJ, YZ), pp. 1–12.
- ICST-2015-PanichellaKT #branch #optimisation #problem
- Reformulating Branch Coverage as a Many-Objective Optimization Problem (AP, FMK, PT), pp. 1–10.
- LICS-2015-BokerHO #problem
- The Target Discounted-Sum Problem (UB, TAH, JO), pp. 750–761.
- LICS-2015-ClementeR #multi #problem #worst-case
- Multidimensional beyond Worst-Case and Almost-Sure Problems for Mean-Payoff Objectives (LC, JFR), pp. 257–268.
- LICS-2015-DalmauEHLR #complexity #problem
- Descriptive Complexity of List H-Coloring Problems in Logspace: A Refined Dichotomy (VD, LE, PH, BL, AR), pp. 487–498.
- LICS-2015-GasconTS #polynomial #problem #unification
- One Context Unification Problems Solvable in Polynomial Time (AG, AT, MSS), pp. 499–510.
- LICS-2015-KlinKOT #constraints #finite #problem
- Locally Finite Constraint Satisfaction Problems (BK, EK, JO, ST), pp. 475–486.
- VMCAI-2015-RandourRS #probability #problem
- Variations on the Stochastic Shortest Path Problem (MR, JFR, OS), pp. 1–18.
- ECSA-2014-AbukwaikTR #architecture #information management #problem
- Interoperability-Related Architectural Problems and Solutions in Information Systems: A Scoping Study (HA, DT, HDR), pp. 308–323.
- CASE-2014-DengWW #algorithm #distributed #problem #scheduling
- A competitive memetic algorithm for the distributed flow shop scheduling problem (JD, LW, SW), pp. 107–112.
- CASE-2014-GaoLWA #monitoring #petri net #problem #sequence #using
- A monitor solution to enforce legal transition firing sequences problems by using Petri nets (XG, ZL, AW, AMAA), pp. 419–424.
- CASE-2014-GunawanNPL #hybrid #metaheuristic #polynomial #problem
- Hybrid metaheuristics for solving the quadratic assignment problem and the generalized quadratic assignment problem (AG, KMN, KLP, HCL), pp. 119–124.
- CASE-2014-HaoLGC #effectiveness #flexibility #markov #network #nondeterminism #problem #scheduling
- An effective Markov network based EDA for flexible job shop scheduling problems under uncertainty (XCH, LL, MG, CFC), pp. 131–136.
- CASE-2014-Murakami #approach #generative #multi #problem
- A column generation approach for the multi-vehicle covering tour problem (KM), pp. 1063–1068.
- CASE-2014-TanakaT #algorithm #bound #performance #problem
- A faster branch-and-bound algorithm for the block relocation problem (ST, KT), pp. 7–12.
- CASE-2014-WangCG #algorithm #constraints #estimation #hybrid #multi #problem #scheduling
- Hybrid estimation of distribution algorithm with multiple subpopulations for semiconductor manufacturing scheduling problem with limited waiting-time constraint (HKW, CFC, MG), pp. 101–106.
- CASE-2014-WangW #algorithm #estimation #problem #scheduling #testing
- Compact estimation of distribution algorithm for semiconductor final testing scheduling problem (SW, LW), pp. 113–118.
- CASE-2014-YuanLJ #health #probability #problem #scheduling
- Home health care crew scheduling and routing problem with stochastic service times (BY, RL, ZJ), pp. 564–569.
- DATE-2014-ZhangYW #analysis #performance #problem
- Efficient high-sigma yield analysis for high dimensional problems (MZ, ZY, YW), pp. 1–6.
- SIGMOD-2014-MottinMRDPV #interactive #named #problem #query
- IQR: an interactive query relaxation system for the empty-answer problem (DM, AM, SBR, GD, TP, YV), pp. 1095–1098.
- VLDB-2014-WuCHKLX #graph #problem
- Path Problems in Temporal Graphs (HW, JC, SH, YK, YL, YX), pp. 721–732.
- VLDB-2014-YanCXLNB #algorithm #graph #performance #problem
- Pregel Algorithms for Graph Connectivity Problems with Performance Guarantees (DY, JC, KX, YL, WN, YB), pp. 1821–1832.
- ITiCSE-2014-MI14a #principle #problem #using
- Problem-solving using the extremality principle (JM, SI), pp. 87–92.
- ITiCSE-2014-WartVP #design #learning #problem #social
- Apps for social justice: motivating computer science learning with design and real-world problem solving (SVW, SV, TSP), pp. 123–128.
- FoSSaCS-2014-AntonopoulosGHKO #induction #logic #problem
- Foundations for Decision Problems in Separation Logic with General Inductive Predicates (TA, NG, CH, MIK, JO), pp. 411–425.
- FoSSaCS-2014-ErbaturKMMNR #on the #problem #symmetry #unification
- On Asymmetric Unification and the Combination Problem in Disjoint Theories (SE, DK, AMM, CM, PN, CR), pp. 274–288.
- TACAS-2014-ReinekeT #modelling #multi #problem
- Basic Problems in Multi-View Modeling (JR, ST), pp. 217–232.
- CSMR-WCRE-2014-BaggeZ #problem
- International workshop on open and original problems in software language engineering (AHB, VZ), p. 478.
- CSMR-WCRE-2014-DietrichJB #empirical #evolution #java #library #problem #source code
- Broken promises: An empirical study into evolution problems in Java programs caused by library upgrades (JD, KJ, PB), pp. 64–73.
- MSR-2014-BellerBZJ #code review #open source #problem #question
- Modern code reviews in open-source projects: which problems do they fix? (MB, AB, AZ, EJ), pp. 202–211.
- STOC-2014-AndoniNOY #algorithm #geometry #graph #parallel #problem
- Parallel algorithms for geometric graph problems (AA, AN, KO, GY), pp. 574–583.
- STOC-2014-EneV #algorithm #approximate #bound #design #network #problem #requirements
- Improved approximation algorithms for degree-bounded network design problems with node connectivity requirements (AE, AV), pp. 754–763.
- STOC-2014-KawarabayashiKK #graph #grid #problem #theorem
- An excluded half-integral grid theorem for digraphs and the directed disjoint paths problem (KiK, YK, SK), pp. 70–78.
- DLT-J-2013-BertoniCD14 #automaton #context-free grammar #decidability #on the #problem #quantum
- On the Decidability of the Intersection Problem for Quantum Automata and Context-Free Languages (AB, CC, FD), pp. 1065–1082.
- DLT-J-2013-DayRS14 #on the #problem
- On the Dual Post Correspondence Problem (JDD, DR, JCS), pp. 1033–1048.
- AFL-2014-Loding #automaton #infinity #problem #word
- Decision Problems for Deterministic Pushdown Automata on Infinite Words (CL), pp. 55–73.
- AFL-2014-Maneth #bibliography #equivalence #problem #transducer
- Equivalence Problems for Tree Transducers: A Brief Survey (SM), pp. 74–93.
- CIAA-2014-Ibarra #ambiguity #on the #problem #transducer
- On the Ambiguity, Finite-Valuedness, and Lossiness Problems in Acceptors and Transducers (OHI), pp. 211–225.
- DLT-2014-Berlinkov #algorithm #automaton #on the #problem
- On Two Algorithmic Problems about Synchronizing Automata — (Short Paper) (MVB), pp. 61–67.
- ICALP-v1-2014-DattaHK #complexity #problem #reachability
- Dynamic Complexity of Directed Reachability and Other Problems (SD, WH, RK), pp. 356–367.
- ICALP-v1-2014-GolovnevKM #approach #problem #product line
- Families with Infants: A General Approach to Solve Hard Partition Problems (AG, ASK, IM), pp. 551–562.
- ICALP-v1-2014-HajiaghayiLP #algorithm #online #problem
- Near-Optimal Online Algorithms for Prize-Collecting Steiner Problems (MH, VL, DP), pp. 576–587.
- ICALP-v1-2014-IvanyosKQSS #complexity #constraints #fault #on the #problem
- On the Complexity of Trial and Error for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (GI, RK, YQ, MS, AS), pp. 663–675.
- ICALP-v1-2014-KlauckP #algorithm #interactive #problem #streaming
- An Improved Interactive Streaming Algorithm for the Distinct Elements Problem (HK, VP), pp. 919–930.
- ICALP-v1-2014-Tzameret #algorithm #problem #random #satisfiability
- Sparser Random 3-SAT Refutation Algorithms and the Interpolation Problem — (Extended Abstract) (IT), pp. 1015–1026.
- ICALP-v2-2014-EmekLUW #finite #problem #state machine
- Solving the ANTS Problem with Asynchronous Finite State Machines (YE, TL, JU, RW), pp. 471–482.
- ICALP-v2-2014-KantorK #problem #symmetry
- Optimal Competitiveness for Symmetric Rectilinear Steiner Arborescence and Related Problems (EK, SK), pp. 520–531.
- ICALP-v2-2014-NikzadR #algorithm #approximate #multi #problem
- Sending Secrets Swiftly: Approximation Algorithms for Generalized Multicast Problems (AN, RR), pp. 568–607.
- ICALP-v2-2014-OuaknineW #linear #on the #problem #sequence
- On the Positivity Problem for Simple Linear Recurrence Sequences, (JO, JW), pp. 318–329.
- LATA-2014-BoyarKLL #on the #problem
- On the List Update Problem with Advice (JB, SK, KSL, ALO), pp. 210–221.
- LATA-2014-Cerny #composition #morphism #multi #problem
- Solutions to the Multi-dimensional Equal Powers Problem Constructed by Composition of Rectangular Morphisms (AC), pp. 273–284.
- LATA-2014-Gysel #algorithm #problem
- Minimal Triangulation Algorithms for Perfect Phylogeny Problems (RG), pp. 421–432.
- LATA-2014-IbarraR #on the #problem
- On the Parikh Membership Problem for FAs, PDAs, and CMs (OHI, BR), pp. 14–31.
- LATA-2014-Vorel #automaton #complexity #problem #word
- Complexity of a Problem Concerning Reset Words for Eulerian Binary Automata (VV), pp. 576–587.
- GT-VMT-2014-ZambonR #problem #towards
- Solving the N-Queens Problem with GROOVE — Towards a Compendium of Best Practices (EZ, AR).
- ICGT-2014-RidderR #morphism #problem
- The Subgraph Isomorphism Problem on a Class of Hyperedge Replacement Languages (HNdR, NdR), pp. 192–206.
- CSCW-2014-PineM #logic #problem
- Institutional logics of the EMR and the problem of “perfect” but inaccurate accounts (KHP, MM), pp. 283–294.
- CSCW-2014-TausczikKK #case study #collaboration #problem
- Collaborative problem solving: a study of MathOverflow (YRT, AK, REK), pp. 355–367.
- HIMI-AS-2014-HirashimaYH #learning #problem #word
- Triplet Structure Model of Arithmetical Word Problems for Learning by Problem-Posing (TH, SY, YH), pp. 42–50.
- HIMI-AS-2014-KoyamaYN #design #development #evaluation #problem #research
- Research on User Involvement in Automobile Design Development — Focusing on the Problems of Design Evaluation (NK, MY, MN), pp. 184–192.
- HIMI-DE-2014-TanikawaSKF #design #problem #process #usability #verification
- Problems in Usability Improvement Activity by Software Engineers — Consideration through Verification Experiments for Human- Centered Design Process Support Environment (YT, HS, HK, SF), pp. 641–651.
- ICEIS-v1-2014-FaheemK #algorithm #architecture #case study #framework #multi #problem
- A Multiagent-based Framework for Solving Computationally Intensive Problems on Heterogeneous Architectures — Bioinformatics Algorithms as a Case Study (HMF, BKR), pp. 526–533.
- ICEIS-v1-2014-HaddadCSM #algorithm #heuristic #named #parallel #problem #scheduling
- AIV: A Heuristic Algorithm based on Iterated Local Search and Variable Neighborhood Descent for Solving the Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Setup Times (MNH, LPC, MJFS, NM), pp. 376–383.
- ICEIS-v1-2014-NoelMC #algorithm #problem #scheduling
- Evolutionary Algorithms Applied to Agribusiness Scheduling Problem (AN, JMJ, AAC), pp. 489–496.
- ICEIS-v1-2014-RezendeJC #communication #problem #workflow
- Possibilistic Interorganizational Workflow Net for the Recovery Problem Concerning Communication Failures (LPdR, SJ, JC), pp. 432–439.
- ICEIS-v1-2014-SilvaSMMS #branch #design #heuristic #network #problem
- A Heuristic Procedure with Local Branching for the Fixed Charge Network Design Problem with User-optimal Flow (PHGS, LGS, CAdJM, PYPM, ES), pp. 384–394.
- ICEIS-v1-2014-SilveiraCC #case study #problem
- A Problem-solving Agent to Test Rational Agents — A Case Study with Reactive Agents (FRdVS, GALdC, MIC), pp. 505–513.
- CIKM-2014-SeolJYCL #problem #summary
- A Problem-Action Relation Extraction Based on Causality Patterns of Clinical Events in Discharge Summaries (JWS, SHJ, WY, JC, KSL), pp. 1971–1974.
- ICML-c1-2014-ChenLL #multi #online #problem
- Boosting with Online Binary Learners for the Multiclass Bandit Problem (STC, HTL, CJL), pp. 342–350.
- ICML-c1-2014-GopalanMM #online #problem
- Thompson Sampling for Complex Online Problems (AG, SM, YM), pp. 100–108.
- ICML-c1-2014-LajugieBA #clustering #learning #metric #problem
- Large-Margin Metric Learning for Constrained Partitioning Problems (RL, FRB, SA), pp. 297–305.
- ICML-c2-2014-DefazioDC #big data #incremental #named #performance #problem
- Finito: A faster, permutable incremental gradient method for big data problems (AD, JD, TSC), pp. 1125–1133.
- ICML-c2-2014-LiuD #learning #problem #set
- Learnability of the Superset Label Learning Problem (LPL, TGD), pp. 1629–1637.
- ICML-c2-2014-LiZ #higher-order #learning #problem
- High Order Regularization for Semi-Supervised Learning of Structured Output Problems (YL, RSZ), pp. 1368–1376.
- ICML-c2-2014-MalekAB #linear #markov #problem #programming #scalability
- Linear Programming for Large-Scale Markov Decision Problems (AM, YAY, PLB), pp. 496–504.
- ICML-c2-2014-RavanbakhshSFG #graph #problem
- Min-Max Problems on Factor Graphs (S(R, CS, BJF, RG), pp. 1035–1043.
- ICML-c2-2014-ZoghiWMR #bound #problem
- Relative Upper Confidence Bound for the K-Armed Dueling Bandit Problem (MZ, SW, RM, MdR), pp. 10–18.
- ICPR-2014-MasselliZ #approach #geometry #performance #problem
- A New Geometric Approach for Faster Solving the Perspective-Three-Point Problem (AM, AZ), pp. 2119–2124.
- ICPR-2014-YingWMYZ #problem #using
- The Perspective-3-Point Problem When Using a Planar Mirror (XY, GW, XM, SY, HZ), pp. 4033–4037.
- KDD-2014-Aggarwal #classification #problem
- The setwise stream classification problem (CCA), pp. 432–441.
- KDD-2014-AmatriainM #problem #recommendation #tutorial
- The recommender problem revisited: morning tutorial (XA, BM), p. 1971.
- KDD-2014-XuL #behaviour #learning #problem
- Product selection problem: improve market share by learning consumer behavior (SX, JCSL), pp. 851–860.
- KEOD-2014-AkamaN #problem
- Solving Query-answering Problems with If-and-Only-If Formulas (KA, EN), pp. 333–344.
- KEOD-2014-HarzallahBGK #automation #experience #ontology #problem #quality
- Ontology Quality Problems — An Experience with Automatically Generated Ontologies (MH, GB, TG, PK), pp. 120–129.
- KMIS-2014-FrancoisMA #communication #design #email #problem #traceability #using
- Discovering Problem-Solving Knowledge in Business Emails — Traceability in Software Design Using Computer Mediated Communication (RF, NM, HA), pp. 186–193.
- KMIS-2014-Mustonen-Ollila #case study #information management #problem
- Knowledge Management Problems in Healthcare — A Case Study based on the Grounded Theory (EMO, HN, AV), pp. 15–26.
- KMIS-2014-NyerwanireMVH #case study #experience #information management #problem
- Knowledge Management Problems in Hospital Work — A Case Study on Experiences in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department (HN, EMO, AV, JH), pp. 261–267.
- KR-2014-BaierMM #problem
- Diagnostic Problem Solving via Planning with Ontic and Epistemic Goals (JAB, BM, SAM).
- KR-2014-HaanS #complexity #problem #reasoning
- The Parameterized Complexity of Reasoning Problems Beyond NP (RdH, SS).
- MLDM-2014-OtteLK #memory management #network #pattern matching #pattern recognition #problem #recognition
- Investigating Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Various Pattern Recognition Problems (SO, ML, DK), pp. 484–497.
- RecSys-2014-Amatriain #problem #recommendation #revisited
- The recommender problem revisited (XA), pp. 397–398.
- SEKE-2014-FuadD #design #development #interactive #mobile #problem
- Design and Development of a Mobile Classroom Response Software for Interactive Problem Solving (MMF, DD), pp. 49–52.
- OOPSLA-2014-SongL #debugging #performance #problem #statistics
- Statistical debugging for real-world performance problems (LS, SL), pp. 561–578.
- REFSQ-2014-AlebrahimFHM #analysis #interactive #problem #requirements
- Problem-Based Requirements Interaction Analysis (AA, SF, MH, RM), pp. 200–215.
- REFSQ-2014-NairVMTdB #analysis #problem #safety #traceability
- Safety Evidence Traceability: Problem Analysis and Model (SN, JLdlV, AM, GT, LdlB, FB), pp. 309–324.
- SAC-2014-GeorgiadisP #algorithm #online #problem #scheduling #smarttech
- Dealing with storage without forecasts in smart grids: problem transformation and online scheduling algorithm (GG, MP), pp. 518–524.
- SAC-2014-LoulergueRTLH #parallel #problem
- Formal derivation and extraction of a parallel program for the all nearest smaller values problem (FL, SR, JT, JL, ZH), pp. 1577–1584.
- SAC-2014-PotocnikCS #debugging #named #problem #scala
- Linter: a tool for finding bugs and potential problems in scala code (MP, UC, BS), pp. 1615–1616.
- FSE-2014-GulwaniRZ #feedback #generative #performance #problem #programming
- Feedback generation for performance problems in introductory programming assignments (SG, IR, FZ), pp. 41–51.
- ICSE-2014-Monperrus #automation #bibliography #evaluation #generative #problem
- A critical review of “automatic patch generation learned from human-written patches”: essay on the problem statement and the evaluation of automatic software repair (MM), pp. 234–242.
- ICSE-2014-VakilianJ #problem #refactoring #usability
- Alternate refactoring paths reveal usability problems (MV, REJ), pp. 1106–1116.
- CGO-2014-SureshS #algorithm #automation #detection #fault #grid #problem
- Automated Algorithmic Error Resilience for Structured Grid Problems Based on Outlier Detection (AS, JS), p. 240.
- ICLP-J-2014-BartakZ #logic programming #problem #using
- Using Tabled Logic Programming to Solve the Petrobras Planning Problem (RB, NFZ), pp. 697–710.
- ISSTA-2014-NistorR #developer #named #performance #predict #problem #smarttech
- SunCat: helping developers understand and predict performance problems in smartphone applications (AN, LR), pp. 282–292.
- LICS-CSL-2014-GottlobM #bound #logic #problem
- Achieving new upper bounds for the hypergraph duality problem through logic (GG, EM), p. 10.
- LICS-CSL-2014-KlinLOT #complexity #constraints #problem #turing machine
- Turing machines with atoms, constraint satisfaction problems, and descriptive complexity (BK, SL, JO, ST), p. 10.
- SAT-2014-CreusFG #automation #evaluation #problem #reduction
- Automatic Evaluation of Reductions between NP-Complete Problems (CC, PF, GG), pp. 415–421.
- VMCAI-2014-BozgaIK #integer #problem #safety #source code
- Safety Problems Are NP-complete for Flat Integer Programs with Octagonal Loops (MB, RI, FK), pp. 242–261.
- ASE-2013-XiaoLXT #execution #generative #problem #symbolic computation #testing
- Characteristic studies of loop problems for structural test generation via symbolic execution (XX, SL, TX, NT), pp. 246–256.
- CASE-2013-LiF #approach #integer #linear #multi #problem #programming #scheduling
- A mixed integer linear programming approach for multi-degree cyclic multi-hoist scheduling problems without overlapping (XL, RYKF), pp. 274–279.
- CASE-2013-Pan #combinator #problem #scheduling
- A combinatorial auctions perspective on min-sum scheduling problems (YP), pp. 564–569.
- CASE-2013-WangSS #novel #order #polynomial #problem #scheduling
- A novel quadratic formulation for customer order scheduling problem (LW, ZS, LS), pp. 576–580.
- DAC-2013-KimJK #algorithm #problem
- An optimal algorithm of adjustable delay buffer insertion for solving clock skew variation problem (JK, DJ, TK), p. 6.
- DATE-2013-KahngLN #design #estimation #metamodelling #problem
- Enhanced metamodeling techniques for high-dimensional IC design estimation problems (ABK, BL, SN), pp. 1861–1866.
- DATE-2013-LoiaconoPPPQRVB #estimation #multi #performance #problem
- Fast cone-of-influence computation and estimation in problems with multiple properties (CL, MP, PP, DP, SQ, SR, DV, JB), pp. 803–806.
- DATE-2013-PaternaR #problem #using
- Mitigating dark-silicon problems using superlattice-based thermoelectric coolers (FP, SR), pp. 1391–1394.
- ICDAR-2013-BreslerPH #modelling #problem #recognition
- Modeling Flowchart Structure Recognition as a Max-Sum Problem (MB, DP, VH), pp. 1215–1219.
- ICDAR-2013-KhanKS #identification #problem #question #verification
- Can Signature Biometrics Address Both Identification and Verification Problems? (SHK, ZK, FS), pp. 981–985.
- VLDB-2013-KornSSY #on the #problem
- On Repairing Structural Problems In Semi-structured Data (FK, BS, DS, SY), pp. 601–612.
- VLDB-2013-MottinMRDPV #framework #optimisation #probability #problem
- A Probabilistic Optimization Framework for the Empty-Answer Problem (DM, AM, SBR, GD, TP, YV), pp. 1762–1773.
- VLDB-2013-TranBD #big data #design #problem #query
- Designing Query Optimizers for Big Data Problems of The Future (NT, SB, JD), pp. 1168–1169.
- CSEET-2013-KumarW #problem #testing
- Guidance for exploratory testing through problem frames (SK, CW), pp. 284–288.
- CSEET-2013-RibaudS #cost analysis #information management #learning #problem
- The cost of problem-based learning: An example in information systems engineering (VR, PS), pp. 259–263.
- ITiCSE-2013-Kumar #case study #problem
- A study of the influence of code-tracing problems on code-writing skills (ANK), pp. 183–188.
- ITiCSE-2013-Trakhtenbrot #algorithm #analysis #complexity #concept #problem #student
- Students misconceptions in analysis of algorithmic and computational complexity of problems (MT), pp. 353–354.
- FoSSaCS-2013-KarandikarS #complexity #parametricity #problem #recursion
- The Parametric Ordinal-Recursive Complexity of Post Embedding Problems (PK, SS), pp. 273–288.
- ICSM-2013-KrishnanT #optimisation #problem #refactoring
- Refactoring Clones: An Optimization Problem (GPK, NT), pp. 360–363.
- MSR-2013-DullemondGSD #distributed #microblog #problem
- Fixing the “out of sight out of mind” problem: one year of mood-based microblogging in a distributed software team (KD, BvG, MADS, AvD), pp. 267–276.
- WCRE-2013-BaggeZ #problem
- Workshop on open and original problems in software language engineering (AHB, VZ), pp. 493–494.
- STOC-2013-BuchbinderNS #clustering #exponential #multi #problem
- Simplex partitioning via exponential clocks and the multiway cut problem (NB, JN, RS), pp. 535–544.
- STOC-2013-ChonevOW #problem
- The orbit problem in higher dimensions (VC, JO, JW), pp. 941–950.
- STOC-2013-Har-PeledR #algorithm #distance #linear #problem
- Net and prune: a linear time algorithm for euclidean distance problems (SHP, BAR), pp. 605–614.
- STOC-2013-Miller #graph #optimisation #problem #scalability #using
- Solving large optimization problems using spectral graph theory (GLM), p. 981.
- CIAA-2013-IbarraR #problem
- Some Decision Problems Concerning NPDAs, Palindromes, and Dyck Languages (OHI, BR), pp. 193–207.
- DLT-2013-BertoniCD #automaton #context-free grammar #decidability #finite #linear #problem #quantum
- Quantum Finite Automata and Linear Context-Free Languages: A Decidable Problem (AB, CC, FD), pp. 82–93.
- DLT-2013-DayRS #on the #problem
- On the Dual Post Correspondence Problem (JDD, DR, JCS), pp. 167–178.
- DLT-2013-LucaPZ #problem #word
- A Coloring Problem for Sturmian and Episturmian Words (AdL, EVP, LQZ), pp. 191–202.
- ICALP-v1-2013-BateniHL #algorithm #approximate #problem
- Improved Approximation Algorithms for (Budgeted) Node-Weighted Steiner Problems (MB, MH, VL), pp. 81–92.
- ICALP-v1-2013-BienkowskiBCDNSSY #algorithm #approximate #problem
- Approximation Algorithms for the Joint Replenishment Problem with Deadlines (MB, JB, MC, NBD, TN, MS, GS, NEY), pp. 135–147.
- ICALP-v1-2013-BodlaenderCKN #algorithm #exponential #problem
- Deterministic Single Exponential Time Algorithms for Connectivity Problems Parameterized by Treewidth (HLB, MC, SK, JN), pp. 196–207.
- ICALP-v1-2013-MuchaS #problem #scheduling #symmetry
- No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Is as Hard as Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (MM, MS), pp. 769–779.
- ICALP-v1-2013-SviridenkoW #problem #scalability #set
- Large Neighborhood Local Search for the Maximum Set Packing Problem (MS, JW), pp. 792–803.
- ICALP-v2-2013-Albers #problem #scheduling
- Recent Advances for a Classical Scheduling Problem (SA), pp. 4–14.
- ICALP-v2-2013-AlurR #problem
- Decision Problems for Additive Regular Functions (RA, MR), pp. 37–48.
- ICALP-v2-2013-Worrell #automaton #equivalence #finite #multi #problem
- Revisiting the Equivalence Problem for Finite Multitape Automata (JW), pp. 422–433.
- LATA-2013-AlurKTY #complexity #graph #on the #problem
- On the Complexity of Shortest Path Problems on Discounted Cost Graphs (RA, SK, KT, YY), pp. 44–55.
- LATA-2013-Blanchet-SadriL #problem #word
- Suffix Trees for Partial Words and the Longest Common Compatible Prefix Problem (FBS, JL), pp. 165–176.
- LATA-2013-Cai #complexity #problem
- Complexity Dichotomy for Counting Problems (JYC), pp. 1–11.
- LATA-2013-FernauHV #analysis #automaton #multi #problem
- A Multivariate Analysis of Some DFA Problems (HF, PH, YV), pp. 275–286.
- ICFP-2013-SculthorpeBGG #problem
- The constrained-monad problem (NS, JB, GG, AG), pp. 287–298.
- CHI-2013-HaraLF #artificial reality #crowdsourcing #identification #problem
- Combining crowdsourcing and google street view to identify street-level accessibility problems (KH, VL, JF), pp. 631–640.
- DHM-HB-2013-LundhBMP #design #problem #visualisation
- Visualizing Design Problems and Solutions of Workstations on Ships (ML, MB, SM, JP), pp. 252–260.
- DHM-SET-2013-BusogiKSRYK #behaviour #problem
- Bayesian Affordance-Based Agent Model for Wayfinding Behaviors in Evacuation Problems (MB, NK, DS, HBR, AY, DK), pp. 297–306.
- DHM-SET-2013-SaparovaBLKMY #health #how #information management #problem #question #usability #what
- Usability Problems in Patient- and Clinician-Oriented Health Information Systems: What Are They and How Do They Differ? (DS, JB, YL, FK, YM, BY), pp. 276–285.
- HCI-UC-2013-KellenCF #diagrams #performance #probability #problem
- Improving User Performance in Conditional Probability Problems with Computer-Generated Diagrams (VK, SSC, XF), pp. 183–192.
- HCI-UC-2013-KobayashiYOO #community #people #problem
- The Present Condition and Problems for Elderly People Participating in Communities (NK, SY, KO, AO), pp. 307–313.
- HIMI-LCCB-2013-YamamotoKYMH #learning #online #problem
- Learning by Problem-Posing with Online Connected Media Tablets (SY, TK, YY, KM, TH), pp. 165–174.
- OCSC-2013-Popescu13b #problem #recommendation
- Group Recommender Systems as a Voting Problem (GP), pp. 412–421.
- ICEIS-v1-2013-AlvesL #problem
- Solving Planning Problems with LRTA* (RMFA, CRL), pp. 475–481.
- ICEIS-v1-2013-PiazzaR #implementation #modelling #multi #problem
- Bridging the Gap between Multidimensional Business Problem Formulation and the Implementation of Multidimensional Data Models (FP, FR), pp. 79–87.
- ICEIS-v1-2013-SimrinAD #heuristic #problem #using
- A Lagrangian Relaxation based Heuristic for the Static Berth Allocation Problem using the Cutting Plane Method (ASS, NNA, AHD), pp. 565–569.
- ICEIS-v2-2013-DjuanaXLJC #ontology #problem #recommendation
- An Ontology-based Method for Sparsity Problem in Tag Recommendation (ED, YX, YL, AJ, CC), pp. 467–474.
- ICEIS-v3-2013-SunkleKR #architecture #enterprise #modelling #problem
- Intentional Modeling for Problem Solving in Enterprise Architecture (SS, VK, SR), pp. 267–274.
- ECIR-2013-PCK #problem #query #repository
- Query Suggestions for Textual Problem Solution Repositories (DP, SC, DK), pp. 569–581.
- ICML-c1-2013-AbernethyAKD #learning #problem #scalability
- Large-Scale Bandit Problems and KWIK Learning (JA, KA, MK, MD), pp. 588–596.
- ICML-c2-2013-GongZLHY #algorithm #optimisation #problem
- A General Iterative Shrinkage and Thresholding Algorithm for Non-convex Regularized Optimization Problems (PG, CZ, ZL, JH, JY), pp. 37–45.
- ICML-c3-2013-GrosshansSBS #game studies #problem
- Bayesian Games for Adversarial Regression Problems (MG, CS, MB, TS), pp. 55–63.
- ICML-c3-2013-MemisevicE #invariant #learning #problem
- Learning invariant features by harnessing the aperture problem (RM, GE), pp. 100–108.
- KDD-2013-Mu0ZT #probability #problem #scalability
- Constrained stochastic gradient descent for large-scale least squares problem (YM, WD, TZ, DT), pp. 883–891.
- KDD-2013-Neumann #big data #problem #using
- Using “big data” to solve “small data” problems (CN), p. 1140.
- KDD-2013-YangWFZWY #algorithm #multi #performance #problem
- An efficient ADMM algorithm for multidimensional anisotropic total variation regularization problems (SY, JW, WF, XZ, PW, JY), pp. 641–649.
- KDIR-KMIS-2013-ZhouNL #case study #collaboration #problem
- Mitigating Barriers to Patient-centred Knowledge Sharing — A Case-study of Knowledge Sharing Problems in the Collaboration of Traditional and Western Practitioners in Chinese Hospitals (LZ, MBN, WL), pp. 298–307.
- KEOD-2013-AkamaN #problem #proving
- Embedding Proof Problems into Query-answering Problems and Problem Solving by Equivalent Transformation (KA, EN), pp. 253–260.
- MLDM-2013-PrieditisL #bound #classification #performance #problem #using
- When Classification becomes a Problem: Using Branch-and-Bound to Improve Classification Efficiency (AP, ML), pp. 466–480.
- RecSys-2013-AzariaKR #multi #problem
- A system for advice provision in multiple prospectselection problems (AA, SK, AR), pp. 311–314.
- SEKE-2013-BelleEDM #architecture #optimisation #problem #question
- The Layered Architecture revisited: Is it an Optimization Problem? (ABB, GEB, CD, HM), pp. 344–349.
- SEKE-2013-BurnayJF #matter #problem #requirements #what #why
- Context Factors: What they are and why they matter for Requirements Problems (CB, IJ, SF), pp. 30–35.
- SEKE-2013-JanesMSS #analysis #problem #programming #requirements
- Domain Analysis in Combination with Extreme Programming toAddress Requirements Volatility Problems (S) (AJ, SM, AS, GS), pp. 226–231.
- SEKE-2013-SilvaOL #declarative #explosion #modelling #problem #process
- A Solution to the State Space Explosion Problem in Declarative Business Process Modeling (S) (NCS, CALO, RMFL), pp. 26–29.
- MoDELS-2013-WhittleHRBH #industrial #modelling #problem #question #tool support
- Industrial Adoption of Model-Driven Engineering: Are the Tools Really the Problem? (JW, JH, MR, HB, RH), pp. 1–17.
- MoDELS-2013-WhittleHRBH #industrial #modelling #problem #question #tool support
- Industrial Adoption of Model-Driven Engineering: Are the Tools Really the Problem? (JW, JH, MR, HB, RH), pp. 1–17.
- Onward-2013-ValleeWZFK #modelling #problem #reasoning #security
- Usable security as a static-analysis problem: modeling and reasoning about user permissions in social-sharing systems (HQdlV, JMW, WZ, KF, SK), pp. 1–16.
- OOPSLA-2013-BaoZ #detection #execution #float #on the fly #problem
- On-the-fly detection of instability problems in floating-point program execution (TB, XZ), pp. 817–832.
- PPDP-2013-MatsudaW #approach #bidirectional #for free #problem #runtime
- Bidirectionalization for free with runtime recording: or, a light-weight approach to the view-update problem (KM, MW), pp. 297–308.
- POPL-2013-Ben-AmramG #constraints #integer #linear #on the #problem #ranking
- On the linear ranking problem for integer linear-constraint loops (AMBA, SG), pp. 51–62.
- REFSQ-2013-JantunenHG #challenge #problem
- Adjusting to Increasing Product Management Problems: Challenges and Improvement Proposals in One Software Company (SJ, KH, DCG), pp. 386–400.
- SAC-2013-FariaGC #algorithm #data type #detection #multi #problem
- Novelty detection algorithm for data streams multi-class problems (ERF, JG, ACPLFC), pp. 795–800.
- SAC-2013-NakamuraNTO #problem #towards
- Towards solving an obstacle problem by the cooperation of UAVs and UGVs (SN, HN, YT, AO), pp. 77–82.
- SAC-2013-PerkusichAP #detection #development #problem
- A model to detect problems on scrum-based software development projects (MP, HOdA, AP), pp. 1037–1042.
- SAC-2013-RabanalR #metaheuristic #polynomial #problem #reduction #using
- Using polynomial reductions to test the suitability of metaheuristics for solving NP-complete problems (PR, IR), pp. 194–199.
- SAC-2013-ToledoAOD #algorithm #hybrid #multi #problem #search-based
- A hybrid compact genetic algorithm applied to the multi-level capacitated lot sizing problem (CFMT, MdSA, RRRdO, ACBD), pp. 200–205.
- ICSE-2013-Carvalho #comprehension #concept #ontology #problem #tool support
- An ontology toolkit for problem domain concept location in program comprehension (NRC), pp. 1415–1418.
- ICSE-2013-NetoCLGM #approach #named #problem #programming #student #testing
- POPT: a problem-oriented programming and testing approach for novice students (VLN, RC, LL, DSG, APM), pp. 1099–1108.
- ICSE-2013-NistorSML #data access #detection #named #performance #problem
- Toddler: detecting performance problems via similar memory-access patterns (AN, LS, DM, SL), pp. 562–571.
- ICSE-2013-PastoreMG #c #c++ #debugging #named #problem
- RADAR: a tool for debugging regression problems in C/C++ software (FP, LM, AG), pp. 1335–1338.
- ICSE-2013-WertHH #automation #performance #problem
- Supporting swift reaction: automatically uncovering performance problems by systematic experiments (AW, JH, LH), pp. 552–561.
- PPoPP-2013-GrassoKCF #automation #clustering #parallel #problem
- Automatic problem size sensitive task partitioning on heterogeneous parallel systems (IG, KK, BC, TF), pp. 281–282.
- CADE-2013-WilliamsK #problem #proving #reduction #satisfiability
- Propositional Temporal Proving with Reductions to a SAT Problem (RW, BK), pp. 421–435.
- CSL-2013-BilkowskiS #ambiguity #infinity #problem
- Unambiguity and uniformization problems on infinite trees (MB, MS), pp. 81–100.
- ICST-2013-PastoreMF #named #problem #question
- CrowdOracles: Can the Crowd Solve the Oracle Problem? (FP, LM, GF), pp. 342–351.
- LICS-2013-Comon-Lundh #logic #modelling #named #problem #security
- LICS: Logic in Computer Security — Some Attacker’s Models and Related Decision Problems (HCL), p. 1.
- LICS-2013-FacchiniMS #automaton #problem
- Rabin-Mostowski Index Problem: A Step beyond Deterministic Automata (AF, FM, MS), pp. 499–508.
- LICS-2013-LerouxPS #on the #problem
- On the Context-Freeness Problem for Vector Addition Systems (JL, VP, GS), pp. 43–52.
- SAT-2013-Atserias #algebra #bound #problem #proving
- The Proof-Search Problem between Bounded-Width Resolution and Bounded-Degree Semi-algebraic Proofs (AA), pp. 1–17.
- SAT-2013-Stuckey #problem
- There Are No CNF Problems (PJS), pp. 19–21.
- CASE-2012-CaiL #algorithm #hybrid #multi #problem #scheduling #search-based
- A hybrid genetic algorithm for resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem with resource transfer time (ZC, XL), pp. 569–574.
- CASE-2012-GhonaimGS #on the #problem
- On the assignment problem of arbitrary processing time operations in partially overlapping manufacturing resources (WG, HG, WS), pp. 341–346.
- CASE-2012-NilakantanP #assembly #performance #problem
- An efficient PSO for type II robotic assembly line balancing problem (JMN, SGP), pp. 600–605.
- CASE-2012-Rodriguez-VerjanAGXB #problem
- Healthcare at home facility location-allocation problem (CRV, VA, TG, XX, VB), pp. 150–155.
- CASE-2012-SugiyamaNITU #approach #composition #problem
- A bilevel decomposition approach to railway crew rostering problems for fair labor condition (TS, TN, MI, ST, KU), pp. 383–389.
- CASE-2012-WikborgL #multi #petri net #problem #scheduling
- Scheduling of Petri nets as a multi-objective shortest path problem (UW, TEL), pp. 212–217.
- CASE-2012-YalcindagMS #health #problem
- Operator assignment and routing problems in home health care services (SY, AM, ES), pp. 329–334.
- DAC-2012-JoubertDBTH #3d #exclamation #problem
- Capacitance of TSVs in 3-D stacked chips a problem?: not for neuromorphic systems! (AJ, MD, BB, OT, RH), pp. 1264–1265.
- DAC-2012-KirschP #problem
- Incorrect systems: it’s not the problem, it’s the solution (CMK, HP), pp. 913–917.
- DATE-2012-KirschPSCHHLLRSTV #cyber-physical #in the cloud #migration #problem
- Cyber-physical cloud computing: The binding and migration problem (CMK, EP, RS, HC, RH, JH, FL, ML, AR, RS, RT, DV), pp. 1425–1428.
- DATE-2012-LiuMG #estimation #performance #problem
- A fast analog circuit yield estimation method for medium and high dimensional problems (BL, JM, GGEG), pp. 751–756.
- DATE-2012-SuriBE #approach #multi #problem #scalability
- A scalable GPU-based approach to accelerate the multiple-choice knapsack problem (BS, UDB, PE), pp. 1126–1129.
- PODS-2012-DengFG #complexity #on the #problem #recommendation
- On the complexity of package recommendation problems (TD, WF, FG), pp. 261–272.
- VLDB-2012-ErdosILTB #multi #problem
- The Filter-Placement Problem and its Application to Minimizing Information Multiplicity (DE, VI, AL, ET, AB), pp. 418–429.
- VLDB-2013-LiDLMS12 #problem #question #web
- Truth Finding on the Deep Web: Is the Problem Solved? (XL, XLD, KL, WM, DS), pp. 97–108.
- ITiCSE-2012-Bunimovich #education #problem
- Teachers’ perception of teaching problem-solving strategies to novices (LB), p. 393.
- ITiCSE-2012-JarusekP #problem
- A web-based problem solving tool for introductory computer science (PJ, RP), p. 371.
- ITiCSE-2012-MorgadoB #problem
- Problem presentation in CS1 courses (CM, FB), p. 396.
- ITiCSE-2012-MorgadoB12a #approach #problem
- A structured approach to problem solving in CS1 (CM, FB), p. 399.
- ITiCSE-2012-Sudol-DeLyserSC #comprehension #learning #problem
- Code comprehension problems as learning events (LASD, MS, SC), pp. 81–86.
- FoSSaCS-2012-KieferMOWW #automaton #complexity #equivalence #on the #probability #problem
- On the Complexity of the Equivalence Problem for Probabilistic Automata (SK, ASM, JO, BW, JW), pp. 467–481.
- PLDI-2012-BenzHH #float #problem #program analysis
- A dynamic program analysis to find floating-point accuracy problems (FB, AH, SH), pp. 453–462.
- STOC-2012-BartalGK #approximate #polynomial #problem
- The traveling salesman problem: low-dimensionality implies a polynomial time approximation scheme (YB, LAG, RK), pp. 663–672.
- STOC-2012-BartoK #constraints #problem #robust #satisfiability
- Robust satisfiability of constraint satisfaction problems (LB, MK), pp. 931–940.
- STOC-2012-BulanekKS #bound #online #problem
- Tight lower bounds for the online labeling problem (JB, MK, MES), pp. 1185–1198.
- STOC-2012-ChakrabartiFW #multi #network #problem
- When the cut condition is enough: a complete characterization for multiflow problems in series-parallel networks (AC, LF, CW), pp. 19–26.
- STOC-2012-DeDFS #approximate #parametricity #problem
- Nearly optimal solutions for the chow parameters problem and low-weight approximation of halfspaces (AD, ID, VF, RAS), pp. 729–746.
- STOC-2012-KhotPV #preprocessor #problem
- 2log1-ε n hardness for the closest vector problem with preprocessing (SK, PP, NKV), pp. 277–288.
- STOC-2012-MakarychevMV #algorithm #approximate #clustering #problem
- Approximation algorithms for semi-random partitioning problems (KM, YM, AV), pp. 367–384.
- STOC-2012-Vegh #algorithm #low cost #polynomial #problem
- Strongly polynomial algorithm for a class of minimum-cost flow problems with separable convex objectives (LAV), pp. 27–40.
- FLOPS-2012-Morihata #algorithm #parallel #problem
- Calculational Developments of New Parallel Algorithms for Size-Constrained Maximum-Sum Segment Problems (AM), pp. 213–227.
- DLT-2012-0002HOT #context-free grammar #problem #word
- Semigroups with a Context-Free Word Problem (MH, DFH, MDO, RMT), pp. 97–108.
- ICALP-v1-2012-BarmanUCM #problem
- Secretary Problems with Convex Costs (SB, SU, SC, DLM), pp. 75–87.
- ICALP-v1-2012-CharikarL #approach #problem
- A Dependent LP-Rounding Approach for the k-Median Problem (MC, SL), pp. 194–205.
- ICALP-v1-2012-DeDS #problem
- The Inverse Shapley Value Problem (AD, ID, RAS), pp. 266–277.
- ICALP-v1-2012-GharibianK #approximate #problem #quantum
- Hardness of Approximation for Quantum Problems (SG, JK), pp. 387–398.
- ICALP-v1-2012-GuptaL #metric #online #problem
- The Online Metric Matching Problem for Doubling Metrics (AG, KL), pp. 424–435.
- ICALP-v1-2012-HughesPRS #problem
- A Thirty Year Old Conjecture about Promise Problems (AH, AP, NR, ALS), pp. 473–484.
- ICALP-v1-2012-LaekhanukitGS #approach #problem
- A Rounding by Sampling Approach to the Minimum Size k-Arc Connected Subgraph Problem (BL, SOG, MS), pp. 606–616.
- ICALP-v2-2012-Barenboim #locality #on the #problem
- On the Locality of Some NP-Complete Problems (LB), pp. 403–415.
- ICALP-v2-2012-BhawalkarKLRS #network #problem #social
- Preventing Unraveling in Social Networks: The Anchored k-Core Problem (KB, JMK, KL, TR, AS), pp. 440–451.
- ICALP-v2-2012-Torunczyk #problem #word
- Languages of Profinite Words and the Limitedness Problem (ST), pp. 377–389.
- LATA-2012-AbdullaAS #automaton #low cost #problem #reachability
- The Minimal Cost Reachability Problem in Priced Timed Pushdown Systems (PAA, MFA, JS), pp. 58–69.
- LATA-2012-Hovland #constraints #problem #regular expression
- The Membership Problem for Regular Expressions with Unordered Concatenation and Numerical Constraints (DH), pp. 313–324.
- FM-2012-AndreFKS #problem #robust #scheduling
- IMITATOR 2.5: A Tool for Analyzing Robustness in Scheduling Problems (ÉA, LF, UK, RS), pp. 33–36.
- FM-2012-DIppolitoBPU #problem
- The Modal Transition System Control Problem (ND, VAB, NP, SU), pp. 155–170.
- CHI-2012-BoujarwahAA #problem #social
- Socially computed scripts to support social problem solving skills (FAB, GDA, RIA), pp. 1987–1996.
- CHI-2012-HartswoodPTBARS #problem #reuse
- Problems of data mobility and reuse in the provision of computer-based training for screening mammography (MH, RP, PT, LB, SA, MR, RS), pp. 909–918.
- CHI-2012-PetrieP #comparison #interactive #problem #usability #what
- What do users really care about?: a comparison of usability problems found by users and experts on highly interactive websites (HP, CP), pp. 2107–2116.
- CHI-2012-PowerFPS #guidelines #problem #web
- Guidelines are only half of the story: accessibility problems encountered by blind users on the web (CP, APF, HP, DS), pp. 433–442.
- CSCW-2012-HuhA #collaboration #problem
- Collaborative help in chronic disease management: supporting individualized problems (JH, MSA), pp. 853–862.
- CSCW-2012-ZhouZAH #documentation #health #problem
- Cooperative documentation: the patient problem list as a nexus in electronic health records (XZ, KZ, MSA, DAH), pp. 911–920.
- ICEIS-J-2012-BonacinHRPB12a #aspect-oriented #collaboration #concept #framework #problem #towards
- Pragmatic Aspects of Collaborative Problem Solving: Towards a Framework for Conceptualizing Dynamic Knowledge (RB, HHH, JCdR, RP, MCCB), pp. 410–426.
- ICEIS-v3-2012-BonacinHRPB #analysis #aspect-oriented #challenge #problem #social
- Interacting with Dynamic Social Knowledge — Revealing Challenges through an Analysis of Pragmatic Aspects of Problem Solving (RB, HHH, JCdR, RP, MCCB), pp. 54–63.
- CIKM-2012-NiuLGC #probability #problem #ranking
- A new probabilistic model for top-k ranking problem (SN, YL, JG, XC), pp. 2519–2522.
- ICML-2012-BootsG #identification #problem
- Two Manifold Problems with Applications to Nonlinear System Identification (BB, GJG), p. 8.
- ICML-2012-CharlinZB #learning #problem
- Active Learning for Matching Problems (LC, RSZ, CB), p. 23.
- ICML-2012-PachauriCS #analysis #problem
- Incorporating Domain Knowledge in Matching Problems via Harmonic Analysis (DP, MDC, VS), p. 112.
- ICML-2012-ScherrerHTH #algorithm #coordination #problem #scalability
- Scaling Up Coordinate Descent Algorithms for Large ℓ1 Regularization Problems (CS, MH, AT, DH), p. 50.
- ICML-2012-SunRZ #adaptation #multi #named #problem
- AOSO-LogitBoost: Adaptive One-Vs-One LogitBoost for Multi-Class Problem (PS, MDR, JZ), p. 103.
- ICML-2012-XiaoZ #problem
- A Proximal-Gradient Homotopy Method for the L1-Regularized Least-Squares Problem (LX, TZ), p. 160.
- ICPR-2012-CermanH #learning #problem
- Tracking with context as a semi-supervised learning and labeling problem (LC, VH), pp. 2124–2127.
- ICPR-2012-GimelfarbGND #concurrent #optimisation #problem
- Concurrent propagation for solving ill-posed problems of global discrete optimisation (GLG, RG, RN, PD), pp. 1864–1867.
- ICPR-2012-GkamasCN #probability #problem
- A probabilistic formulation of the optical flow problem (TG, GKC, CN), pp. 754–757.
- ICPR-2012-LiuCSTN #learning #multi #performance #problem #recursion #scalability
- Recursive NMF: Efficient label tree learning for large multi-class problems (LL, PMC, SS, PNT, AN), pp. 2148–2151.
- ICPR-2012-TurkovKM #concept #pattern matching #pattern recognition #problem #recognition
- The Bayesian logistic regression in pattern recognition problems under concept drift (PAT, OK, VM), pp. 2976–2979.
- KDD-2012-Li #problem
- Nine real hard problems we’d like you to solve (RL), p. 1.
- KDD-2012-MajumderDN #network #problem #social
- Capacitated team formation problem on social networks (AM, SD, KVMN), pp. 1005–1013.
- KDIR-2012-LemnaruTCP #case study #classification #detection #hybrid #network #problem
- A Hybrid Solution for Imbalanced Classification Problems — Case Study on Network Intrusion Detection (CL, ATV, AC, RP), pp. 348–352.
- KDIR-2012-MountassirBB #analysis #problem #semistructured data #sentiment #set
- Addressing the Problem of Unbalanced Data Sets in Sentiment Analysis (AM, HB, IB), pp. 306–311.
- KEOD-2012-ArtesCM #modelling #problem
- Modeling Genealogical Domain — An Open Problem (JCA, JCC, EM), pp. 202–207.
- KMIS-2012-AkiyoshiSK #learning #problem #towards
- A Project Manager Skill-up Simulator Towards Problem Solving-based Learning (MA, MS, NK), pp. 190–195.
- KR-2012-FaberTW #equivalence #optimisation #problem
- Strong Equivalence of Qualitative Optimization Problems (WF, MT, SW).
- MLDM-2012-ChanguelL #independence #machine learning #metadata #problem
- Content Independent Metadata Production as a Machine Learning Problem (SC, NL), pp. 306–320.
- MLDM-2012-TurkovKM #approach #concept #pattern matching #pattern recognition #problem #recognition
- Bayesian Approach to the Concept Drift in the Pattern Recognition Problems (PAT, OK, VM), pp. 1–10.
- SIGIR-2012-LipkaSA #classification #clustering #information retrieval #problem
- Cluster-based one-class ensemble for classification problems in information retrieval (NL, BS, MA), pp. 1041–1042.
- SIGIR-2012-Whiting #problem #ranking
- The essence of time: considering temporal relevance as an intent-aware ranking problem (SW), p. 1000.
- ECMFA-2012-BurtonPRKPS #modelling #problem #using
- Solving Acquisition Problems Using Model-Driven Engineering (FRB, RFP, LMR, DSK, SMP, SS), pp. 428–443.
- OOPSLA-2012-KulkarniC #compilation #machine learning #optimisation #problem #using
- Mitigating the compiler optimization phase-ordering problem using machine learning (SK, JC), pp. 147–162.
- PADL-2012-LierlerSTW #declarative #problem
- Weighted-Sequence Problem: ASP vs CASP and Declarative vs Problem-Oriented Solving (YL, SS, MT, AW), pp. 63–77.
- REFSQ-2012-GulkeRJA #complexity #development #problem #requirements
- High-Level Requirements Management and Complexity Costs in Automotive Development Projects: A Problem Statement (TG, BR, MJ, JA), pp. 94–100.
- SAC-2012-AlebrahimCHCH #architecture #design #interactive #model transformation #problem
- Designing architectures from problem descriptions by interactive model transformation (AA, IC, MH, CC, DH), pp. 1256–1258.
- SAC-2012-BenreguiaK #consistency #graph #morphism #problem
- A consistency rule for graph isomorphism problem (BB, HK), pp. 906–911.
- SAC-2012-KosinaG #multi #performance #problem
- Very Fast Decision Rules for multi-class problems (PK, JG), pp. 795–800.
- SAC-2012-ManciniFP #combinator #constraints #database #problem #relational #synthesis
- Combinatorial problem solving over relational databases: view synthesis through constraint-based local search (TM, PF, JP), pp. 80–87.
- SAC-2012-SalehSRDBB #design #distributed #problem
- Mechanism design for decentralized vehicle routing problem (MS, AS, SR, MD, JB, AB), pp. 749–754.
- FSE-2012-WalkerRS #composition #problem #question
- Do crosscutting concerns cause modularity problems? (RJW, SR, JS), p. 49.
- ICSE-2012-GrechanikFX #automation #learning #performance #problem #testing
- Automatically finding performance problems with feedback-directed learning software testing (MG, CF, QX), pp. 156–166.
- ICSE-2012-RoehmM #automation #detection #developer #development #problem #process
- Automatically detecting developer activities and problems in software development work (TR, WM), pp. 1261–1264.
- ICSE-2012-YanXR #java #performance #problem #profiling
- Uncovering performance problems in Java applications with reference propagation profiling (DY, G(X, AR), pp. 134–144.
- ICSE-2012-ZhengZ #detection #problem #static analysis
- Static detection of resource contention problems in server-side scripts (YZ, XZ), pp. 584–594.
- PLEASE-2012-LeitnerWK #multi #optimisation #problem
- Optimizing problem space representations through domain multi-modeling (AL, RW, CK), pp. 49–52.
- CSL-2012-BodirskyW #constraints #equivalence #problem
- Equivalence Constraint Satisfaction Problems (MB, MW), pp. 122–136.
- ICLP-2012-BlockeelBBCP #data mining #machine learning #mining #modelling #problem
- Modeling Machine Learning and Data Mining Problems with FO(·) (HB, BB, MB, BdC, SDP, MD, AL, JR, SV), pp. 14–25.
- ICLP-J-2012-BliemMW #declarative #named #problem #programming #using
- D-FLAT: Declarative problem solving using tree decompositions and answer-set programming (BB, MM, SW), pp. 445–464.
- ICST-2012-RunesonE #3d #problem #product line #testing
- Software Product Line Testing — A 3D Regression Testing Problem (PR, EE), pp. 742–746.
- ICTSS-2012-LahamiKBJ #adaptation #architecture #design #distributed #problem #using
- Using Knapsack Problem Model to Design a Resource Aware Test Architecture for Adaptable and Distributed Systems (ML, MK, MB, MJ), pp. 103–118.
- IJCAR-2012-RathsO #first-order #library #logic #problem
- The QMLTP Problem Library for First-Order Modal Logics (TR, JO), pp. 454–461.
- IJCAR-2012-RauSS #correctness #problem #program transformation #termination
- Correctness of Program Transformations as a Termination Problem (CR, DS, MSS), pp. 462–476.
- LICS-2012-BarceloFL #graph #logic #problem
- Graph Logics with Rational Relations and the Generalized Intersection Problem (PB, DF, LL), pp. 115–124.
- LICS-2012-ChatterjeeT #automaton #decidability #infinity #probability #problem #word
- Decidable Problems for Probabilistic Automata on Infinite Words (KC, MT), pp. 185–194.
- LICS-2012-CreusGGR #problem
- The HOM Problem is EXPTIME-Complete (CC, AG, GG, LR), pp. 255–264.
- LICS-2012-FijalkowGO #automaton #probability #problem
- Deciding the Value 1 Problem for Probabilistic Leaktight Automata (NF, HG, YO), pp. 295–304.
- RTA-2012-Al-HassaniMCS #problem #term rewriting
- A Term Rewriting System for Kuratowski’s Closure-Complement Problem (OAH, QaM, CSC, VS), pp. 38–52.
- SAT-2012-AbalCHP #problem #term rewriting #using
- Using Term Rewriting to Solve Bit-Vector Arithmetic Problems — (Poster Presentation) (IA, AC, JH, JSP), pp. 493–495.
- SAT-2012-CreignouV #complexity #problem #satisfiability
- Parameterized Complexity of Weighted Satisfiability Problems (NC, HV), pp. 341–354.
- SAT-2012-GaneshOSDRS #named #problem #satisfiability
- Lynx: A Programmatic SAT Solver for the RNA-Folding Problem (VG, CWO, MS, SD, MCR, ASL), pp. 143–156.
- SMT-2012-AzizWD #estimation #machine learning #problem #smt
- A Machine Learning Technique for Hardness Estimation of QFBV SMT Problems (MAA, AGW, NMD), pp. 57–66.
- WICSA-2011-GalsterA #architecture #problem #variability
- Handling Variability in Software Architecture: Problems and Implications (MG, PA), pp. 171–180.
- CASE-2011-AmbrosinoBPSS #modelling #problem
- Modeling and solving the train load planning problem in seaport container terminals (DA, AB, MP, SS, SS), pp. 208–213.
- CASE-2011-FantiSU #constraints #problem #scheduling #symmetry #using
- Solving scheduling problems in distribution centers using symmetry breaking constraints (MPF, GS, WU), pp. 58–65.
- CASE-2011-NishiYI #approach #generative #problem #scheduling
- Column generation approach to ship scheduling problems for international crude oil transportation (TN, SY, TI), pp. 468–473.
- CASE-2011-StumpM #multi #persistent #problem
- Multi-robot persistent surveillance planning as a Vehicle Routing Problem (ES, NM), pp. 569–575.
- CASE-2011-Tanaka #approach #problem #scheduling
- A unified approach for the scheduling problem with rejection (ST), pp. 369–374.
- CASE-2011-WuS #bound #multi #problem
- A lower and upper bound guided nested partitions method for solving capacitated multi-level production planning problems (TW, LS), pp. 78–83.
- DATE-2011-PavlenkoWSKDSG #algebra #named #problem #reasoning #smt #verification
- STABLE: A new QF-BV SMT solver for hard verification problems combining Boolean reasoning with computer algebra (EP, MW, DS, WK, AD, FS, GMG), pp. 155–160.
- ICDAR-2011-LoprestiN #problem #question
- When is a Problem Solved? (DPL, GN), pp. 32–36.
- PODS-2011-JowhariST #bound #problem
- Tight bounds for Lp samplers, finding duplicates in streams, and related problems (HJ, MS, GT), pp. 49–58.
- PODS-2011-ShengT #problem
- FIFO indexes for decomposable problems (CS, YT), pp. 25–35.
- CSEET-2011-IyerMJ #incremental #problem
- Incremental sequential problem based training model — Institute corporate readiness (SI, SM, AMJ), pp. 507–511.
- CSEET-2011-RichardsonRSPD #learning #problem #quality #research
- Educating software engineers of the future: Software quality research through problem-based learning (IR, LR, SBS, BP, YD), pp. 91–100.
- CSEET-2011-Sweedyk #education #how #problem
- How middle school teachers solved our SE project problems (ES), pp. 449–453.
- ITiCSE-2011-LevyV #education #problem
- A problem solving teaching guide based on a procedure intertwined with a teaching model (RBBL, JÁVI), p. 374.
- ITiCSE-2011-MesserK #problem #process
- The use of mediating artifacts in embedding problem solving processes in an e-learning environment (OMM, AK), p. 390.
- ITiCSE-2011-OliveiraMR #learning #problem #programming
- From concrete to abstract?: problem domain in the learning of introductory programming (OLO, AMM, NTR), pp. 173–177.
- FoSSaCS-2011-VelnerR #problem #synthesis
- Church Synthesis Problem for Noisy Input (YV, AR), pp. 275–289.
- TACAS-2011-TeigeF #probability #problem #satisfiability
- Generalized Craig Interpolation for Stochastic Boolean Satisfiability Problems (TT, MF), pp. 158–172.
- ICPC-2011-Wu #api #evolution #framework #modelling #multi #optimisation #problem
- Modeling Framework API Evolution as a Multi-objective Optimization Problem (WW), pp. 262–265.
- MSR-2011-Zhou #debugging #detection #problem
- Connecting technology with real-world problems — from copy-paste detection to detecting known bugs: (keynote abstract) (YZ), p. 2.
- STOC-2011-BrandaoCY #algorithm #problem #quantum
- A quasipolynomial-time algorithm for the quantum separability problem (FGSLB, MC, JY), pp. 343–352.
- STOC-2011-Chuzhoy #algorithm #graph #problem
- An algorithm for the graph crossing number problem (JC), pp. 303–312.
- STOC-2011-KawarabayashiK #algorithm #approximate #problem
- Breaking o(n1/2)-approximation algorithms for the edge-disjoint paths problem with congestion two (KiK, YK), pp. 81–88.
- DLT-J-2009-BertoniCR11 #context-free grammar #problem
- The Inclusion Problem of Context-Free Languages: Some Tractable Cases (AB, CC, RR), pp. 289–299.
- DLT-J-2009-HalavaH11 #problem #reduction
- Reduction Tree of the Binary Generalized Post Correspondence Problem (VH, SH), pp. 473–490.
- CIAA-J-2010-BujtasDINT11 #problem
- The Graph-Bin Packing Problem (CB, GD, CI, JNG, ZT), pp. 1971–1993.
- AFL-2011-Blanchet-Sadri #problem #word
- Open Problems on Avoidable Patterns in Partial Words (FBS), pp. 12–24.
- AFL-2011-BorgwardtP #automaton #infinity #problem
- The Inclusion Problem for Weighted Automata on Infinite Trees (SB, RP), pp. 108–122.
- CIAA-2011-Ibarra #equivalence #linear #on the #problem #transducer
- On the Containment and Equivalence Problems for GSMs, Transducers, and Linear CFGs (OHI), pp. 190–202.
- CIAA-2011-Martyugin #automaton #complexity #problem #word
- Complexity of Problems Concerning Reset Words for Cyclic and Eulerian Automata (PM), pp. 238–249.
- DLT-2011-DiekertM #infinity #problem #word
- Solving Word Problems in Group Extensions over Infinite Words (VD, AGM), pp. 192–203.
- DLT-2011-RodaroS #automaton #problem
- Never Minimal Automata and the Rainbow Bipartite Subgraph Problem (ER, PVS), pp. 374–385.
- ICALP-v1-2011-AustrinK #distance #problem #reduction
- A Simple Deterministic Reduction for the Gap Minimum Distance of Code Problem (PA, SK), pp. 474–485.
- ICALP-v1-2011-BermanBMRY #approximate #problem
- Improved Approximation for the Directed Spanner Problem (PB, AB, KM, SR, GY), pp. 1–12.
- ICALP-v1-2011-BockenhauerKKK #complexity #on the #problem
- On the Advice Complexity of the k-Server Problem (HJB, DK, RK, RK), pp. 207–218.
- ICALP-v1-2011-ChekuriE #problem
- Submodular Cost Allocation Problem and Applications (CC, AE), pp. 354–366.
- ICALP-v1-2011-DingX #clustering #problem
- Solving the Chromatic Cone Clustering Problem via Minimum Spanning Sphere (HD, JX), pp. 773–784.
- ICALP-v1-2011-GuoLV #complexity #problem #symmetry
- The Complexity of Symmetric Boolean Parity Holant Problems — (Extended Abstract) (HG, PL, LGV), pp. 712–723.
- ICALP-v1-2011-HuangK #problem
- Popular Matchings in the Stable Marriage Problem (CCH, TK), pp. 666–677.
- ICALP-v1-2011-Mengel #constraints #problem
- Characterizing Arithmetic Circuit Classes by Constraint Satisfaction Problems — (Extended Abstract) (SM), pp. 700–711.
- ICALP-v1-2011-QianW #algorithm #online #problem
- An O(logn)-Competitive Algorithm for Online Constrained Forest Problems (JQ, DPW), pp. 37–48.
- ICALP-v1-2011-Varadaraja #approximate #problem
- Buyback Problem — Approximate Matroid Intersection with Cancellation Costs (ABV), pp. 379–390.
- ICALP-v2-2011-AhnG #linear #problem #programming
- Linear Programming in the Semi-streaming Model with Application to the Maximum Matching Problem (KJA, SG), pp. 526–538.
- ICALP-v2-2011-BertrandBBS #automaton #problem
- Emptiness and Universality Problems in Timed Automata with Positive Frequency (NB, PB, TB, AS), pp. 246–257.
- ICALP-v2-2011-Li #algorithm #approximate #problem
- A 1.488 Approximation Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem (SL), pp. 77–88.
- LATA-2011-BareckaC #automaton #complexity #finite #problem
- The Parameterized Complexity of Chosen Problems for Finite Automata on Trees (AB, WC), pp. 129–141.
- LATA-2011-DelahayeLLPW #markov #problem
- Decision Problems for Interval Markov Chains (BD, KGL, AL, MLP, AW), pp. 274–285.
- LATA-2011-Leroux #problem #proving #reachability #self
- Vector Addition System Reachability Problem: A Short Self-contained Proof (JL), pp. 41–64.
- LATA-2011-Quaas #automaton #bound #on the #problem
- On the Interval-Bound Problem for Weighted Timed Automata (KQ), pp. 452–464.
- GCM-2010-PicardM11 #embedded #graph #induction #problem #representation
- Coinductive Graph Representation: the Problem of Embedded Lists (CP, RM).
- CHI-2011-HuangWD #problem #using
- No clicks, no problem: using cursor movements to understand and improve search (JH, RWW, STD), pp. 1225–1234.
- CHI-2011-KandoganKMP #how #interface #problem
- How a freeform spatial interface supports simple problem solving tasks (EK, JK, TPM, PP), pp. 925–934.
- CHI-2011-TashmanE #problem
- Active reading and its discontents: the situations, problems and ideas of readers (CST, WKE), pp. 2927–2936.
- CSCW-2011-NewmanLMRM #challenge #facebook #health #network #online #problem #social #using
- It’s not that I don’t have problems, I’m just not putting them on facebook: challenges and opportunities in using online social networks for health (MWN, DL, SAM, PR, MEM), pp. 341–350.
- DUXU-v1-2011-ChenT #design #industrial #learning #problem #student
- Exploring the Learning Problems and Resources Usage of Undergraduate Industrial Design Students in Design Studio (WC, HHT), pp. 43–52.
- HCD-2011-YajimaSY #comprehension #problem #visualisation
- Understanding the Business Realities: An Interview Technique Which Can Visualize the Job Problems (AY, YS, TY), pp. 449–457.
- HCI-UA-2011-BonariniCGMRT #game studies #problem
- Affective Videogames: The Problem of Wearability and Comfort (AB, FC, MG, MM, MR, ST), pp. 649–658.
- HCI-UA-2011-KimLK #interactive #problem #usability
- Inherent Usability Problems in Interactive Voice Response Systems (HCK, DL, HK), pp. 476–483.
- HIMI-v2-2011-YuCW #communication #framework #interactive #named #problem #product line
- SAM: A Spatial Interactive Platform for Studying Family Communication Problem (GJY, TWC, YCW), pp. 207–216.
- CAiSE-2011-QureshiJP #adaptation #ontology #problem #requirements #self
- Requirements Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: Core Ontology and Problem Statement (NAQ, IJ, AP), pp. 33–47.
- ICEIS-J-2011-LemnaruP #classification #problem
- Imbalanced Classification Problems: Systematic Study, Issues and Best Practices (CL, RP), pp. 35–50.
- ICEIS-v2-2011-BadarudinSSMM #algorithm #memory management #problem #representation #search-based
- An Improved Genetic Algorithm with Gene Value Representation and Short Term Memory for Shape Assignment Problem (IB, ABMS, MNS, AM, MTMM), pp. 178–183.
- ICEIS-v2-2011-Ng #framework #problem
- Problem Solving Framework within Decision Support Systems (YHN), pp. 140–146.
- ICEIS-v2-2011-Santibanez-GonzalezLM #algorithm #design #problem #search-based
- A Genetic Algorithm for Solving a Public Sector Sustainable Supply Chain Design Problem (EDRSG, HPLL, GRM), pp. 222–227.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-YangJZH #multi #problem
- Vehicle Routing Problem with Multi-depot and Multi-task (HY, LJ, YZ, MH), pp. 650–655.
- CIKM-2011-AnderkaSL #classification #detection #problem #quality
- Detection of text quality flaws as a one-class classification problem (MA, BS, NL), pp. 2313–2316.
- CIKM-2011-PCK #problem #repository #trade-off
- More or better: on trade-offs in compacting textual problem solution repositories (DP, SC, DK), pp. 2321–2324.
- CIKM-2011-XingZZ #bias #feedback #on the #problem
- On bias problem in relevance feedback (QX, YZ, LZ), pp. 1965–1968.
- ICML-2011-HannahD #approximate #problem #programming
- Approximate Dynamic Programming for Storage Problems (LH, DBD), pp. 337–344.
- ICML-2011-Potetz #linear #problem #using
- Estimating the Bayes Point Using Linear Knapsack Problems (BP), pp. 257–264.
- ICML-2011-WaughZB #equilibrium #problem
- Computational Rationalization: The Inverse Equilibrium Problem (KW, BDZ, DB), pp. 1169–1176.
- KDD-2011-BrucknerS #game studies #predict #problem
- Stackelberg games for adversarial prediction problems (MB, TS), pp. 547–555.
- KEOD-2011-SharmaB #ontology #problem #question
- Can Ontologies Be Sufficient Solution to Requirement Engineering Problem? (RS, KKB), pp. 461–465.
- RecSys-2011-AnandG #approach #problem
- A market-based approach to address the new item problem (SSA, NG), pp. 205–212.
- SEKE-2011-Zhang #heuristic #problem
- Inconsistency-Induced Heuristics for Problem Solving (DZ), pp. 137–142.
- SEKE-2011-ZirkelW #correlation #problem
- Proactive Problem Management and Event Correlation (WZ, GW), pp. 572–577.
- ECMFA-2011-ColomboKL #analysis #design #generative #modelling #problem #requirements #using
- Generating Early Design Models from Requirements Analysis Artifacts Using Problem Frames and SysML (PC, FK, LL), pp. 97–114.
- ECMFA-2011-DouxABCFL #approach #eclipse #framework #problem
- An MDE-Based Approach for Solving Configuration Problems: An Application to the Eclipse Platform (GD, PA, GB, JC, MDDF, SUJL), pp. 160–171.
- MoDELS-2011-LettnerTM #bibliography #embedded #identification #migration #problem
- A Critical Review of Applied MDA for Embedded Devices: Identification of Problem Classes and Discussing Porting Efforts in Practice (ML, MT, RM), pp. 228–242.
- MoDELS-2011-LettnerTM #bibliography #embedded #identification #migration #problem
- A Critical Review of Applied MDA for Embedded Devices: Identification of Problem Classes and Discussing Porting Efforts in Practice (ML, MT, RM), pp. 228–242.
- POPL-2011-Leroux #problem #proving #reachability #self
- Vector addition system reachability problem: a short self-contained proof (JL), pp. 307–316.
- RE-2011-CoteHSH #analysis #named #problem #requirements #uml
- UML4PF — A tool for problem-oriented requirements analysis (IC, MH, HS, DH), pp. 349–350.
- RE-2011-Regnell #evolution #mobile #problem #scalability
- Large-scale feature evolution: Problems and solutions from the mobile domain (BR), p. 323.
- RE-2011-VeerappaL #clustering #comprehension #multi #problem
- Understanding clusters of optimal solutions in multi-objective decision problems (VV, EL), pp. 89–98.
- SAC-2011-ChhelGLLSHB #problem
- The bacterial strains characterization problem (FC, AG, AL, FL, FS, GH, TB), pp. 108–109.
- SAC-2011-ClevenWW #analysis #design #performance #problem #process
- Process performance management: illuminating design issues through a systematic problem analysis (AC, RW, FW), pp. 280–286.
- SAC-2011-FontesNPC #architecture #detection #learning #problem
- An agent-based architecture for supporting the workgroups creation and the detection of out-of-context conversation on problem-based learning in virtual learning environments (LMdOF, FMMN, AÁAP, GALdC), pp. 1175–1180.
- SAC-2011-KatayamaKKM #algorithm #clique #problem
- Memetic algorithm with strategic controller for the maximum clique problem (KK, AK, KK, HM), pp. 1062–1069.
- SAC-2011-KienHB #algorithm #communication #hybrid #problem #search-based
- New hybrid genetic algorithm for solving optimal communication spanning tree problem (PTK, NDH, HTTB), pp. 1076–1081.
- SAC-2011-RosaGO #problem #quality #satisfiability
- Optimal stopping methods for finding high quality solutions to satisfiability problems with preferences (EDR, EG, BO), pp. 901–906.
- SAC-2011-Zhang #analysis #constraints #geometry #graph #problem
- Well-constrained completion for under-constrained geometric constraint problem based on connectivity analysis of graph (GFZ), pp. 1094–1099.
- ICSE-2011-Xiao #developer #generative #identification #problem #testing #towards
- Problem identification for structural test generation: first step towards cooperative developer testing (XX), pp. 1179–1181.
- ICSE-2011-XiaoXTH #generative #identification #precise #problem #testing
- Precise identification of problems for structural test generation (XX, TX, NT, JdH), pp. 611–620.
- ICSE-2011-XiaoXTH11a #identification #named #precise #problem
- Covana: precise identification of problems in pex (XX, TX, NT, JdH), pp. 1004–1006.
- PLEASE-2011-MichalikWB #evolution #on the #problem #product line
- On the problems with evolving Egemin’s software product line (BM, DW, WVB), pp. 15–19.
- SPLC-2011-DaoLK #approach #problem #product line #quality
- Problem Frames-Based Approach to Achieving Quality Attributes in Software Product Line Engineering (TMD, HL, KCK), pp. 175–180.
- CGO-2011-LiuM #analysis #locality #problem #using
- Pinpointing data locality problems using data-centric analysis (XL, JMMC), pp. 171–180.
- CADE-2011-Brown #higher-order #problem #proving #satisfiability #sequence #theorem proving
- Reducing Higher-Order Theorem Proving to a Sequence of SAT Problems (CEB), pp. 147–161.
- CADE-2011-DeharbeFMP #problem #smt #symmetry
- Exploiting Symmetry in SMT Problems (DD, PF, SM, BWP), pp. 222–236.
- CSL-2011-DurandS #complexity #higher-order #logic #problem #query
- Enumeration Complexity of Logical Query Problems with Second-order Variables (AD, YS), pp. 189–202.
- CSL-2011-Egri #constraints #on the #problem
- On Constraint Satisfaction Problems below P (LE), pp. 203–217.
- CSL-2011-JenkinsORW #metric #problem #synthesis
- The Church Synthesis Problem with Metric (MJ, JO, AR, JW), pp. 307–321.
- CSL-2011-LeCY #complexity #formal method #problem
- A Formal Theory for the Complexity Class Associated with the Stable Marriage Problem (DTML, SAC, YY), pp. 381–395.
- LICS-2011-Barto #constraints #problem #revisited
- The Dichotomy for Conservative Constraint Satisfaction Problems Revisited (LB), pp. 301–310.
- RTA-2011-StumpKO #confluence #problem
- Type Preservation as a Confluence Problem (AS, GK, REHO), pp. 345–360.
- SAT-2011-Minato #diagrams #named #performance #permutation #problem
- πDD: A New Decision Diagram for Efficient Problem Solving in Permutation Space (SiM), pp. 90–104.
- ASE-2010-TrezentosLO #dependence #named #optimisation #problem #pseudo #using
- Apt-pbo: solving the software dependency problem using pseudo-boolean optimization (PT, IL, ALO), pp. 427–436.
- CASE-2010-FrohlichS #automation #constraints #matrix #modelling #problem #scheduling #using
- Relation matrices for automated MILP modeling of scheduling problems using temporal constraints (RF, SCS), pp. 69–74.
- CASE-2010-LiH #analysis #framework #modelling #problem
- Modeling and analysis of hospital emergency department: An analytical framework and problem formulation (JL, PKH), pp. 897–902.
- CASE-2010-TaoW #3d #algorithm #constraints #heuristic #problem
- A new packing heuristic based algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with Three-dimensional Loading constraints (YT, FW), pp. 972–977.
- CASE-2010-XuSY #algorithm #problem
- Exact algorithms for non-overlapping 2-frame problem with non-partial coverage for networked robotic cameras (YX, DS, JY), pp. 503–508.
- DAC-2010-NSRKALPST #problem #question #variability
- Who solves the variability problem? (NN, JCR, JK, RCA, CL, VP, AJS, ST), pp. 218–219.
- DATE-2010-Cota #embedded #problem #question #testing #what
- Embedded software testing: What kind of problem is this? (ÉFC), p. 1486.
- PODS-2010-KaneNW #algorithm #problem
- An optimal algorithm for the distinct elements problem (DMK, JN, DPW), pp. 41–52.
- VLDB-2010-KopckeTR #evaluation #problem
- Evaluation of entity resolution approaches on real-world match problems (HK, AT, ER), pp. 484–493.
- ITiCSE-2010-KiesmullerSBR #identification #online #pattern matching #pattern recognition #problem #recognition #using
- Online identification of learner problem solving strategies using pattern recognition methods (UK, SS, TB, KR), pp. 274–278.
- TACAS-2010-LegrielGCM #approximate #multi #optimisation #problem
- Approximating the Pareto Front of Multi-criteria Optimization Problems (JL, CLG, SC, OM), pp. 69–83.
- TACAS-2010-MoyA #calculus #problem #realtime
- Arrival Curves for Real-Time Calculus: The Causality Problem and Its Solutions (MM, KA), pp. 358–372.
- CSMR-2010-CavalcantiACLM #debugging #problem
- An Initial Study on the Bug Report Duplication Problem (YCC, ESdA, CEAdC, DL, SRdLM), pp. 264–267.
- ICPC-2010-BeronPOC #problem
- SVS, BORS, SVSi: Three Strategies to Relate Problem and Program Domains (MMB, MJVP, NO, DCdC), pp. 60–61.
- PEPM-2010-HofmannK #detection #morphism #problem #towards
- I/O guided detection of list catamorphisms: towards problem specific use of program templates in IP (MH, EK), pp. 93–100.
- PLDI-2010-GulwaniZ #bound #problem
- The reachability-bound problem (SG, FZ), pp. 292–304.
- STOC-2010-BurgisserC #equation #polynomial #problem
- Solving polynomial equations in smoothed polynomial time and a near solution to smale’s 17th problem (PB, FC), pp. 503–512.
- STOC-2010-GodoyGRA #decidability #problem
- The HOM problem is decidable (GG, OG, LR, CÀ), pp. 485–494.
- STOC-2010-Hirai #bound #multi #problem
- The maximum multiflow problems with bounded fractionality (HH), pp. 115–120.
- STOC-2010-HrubesWY #commutative #problem
- Non-commutative circuits and the sum-of-squares problem (PH, AW, AY), pp. 667–676.
- STOC-2010-Madry #algorithm #approximate #graph #multi #performance #problem
- Faster approximation schemes for fractional multicommodity flow problems via dynamic graph algorithms (AM), pp. 121–130.
- STOC-2010-MicciancioV #algorithm #exponential #problem
- A deterministic single exponential time algorithm for most lattice problems based on voronoi cell computations (DM, PV), pp. 351–358.
- STOC-2010-Patrascu #bound #polynomial #problem #towards
- Towards polynomial lower bounds for dynamic problems (MP), pp. 603–610.
- FLOPS-2010-TamuraTB #constraints #problem #satisfiability
- Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems with SAT Technology (NT, TT, MB), pp. 19–23.
- AFL-J-2008-Lohrey10 #automaton #problem #regular expression
- Compressed Membership Problems for Regular Expressions and Hierarchical Automata (ML), pp. 817–841.
- CIAA-2010-Rudie #problem #summary
- A Summary of Some Discrete-Event System Control Problems (KR), pp. 4–16.
- DLT-2010-BremerF #bound #problem
- Inclusion Problems for Patterns with a Bounded Number of Variables (JB, DDF), pp. 100–111.
- DLT-2010-CarpiD #hybrid #on the #problem
- On the Hybrid Cerný-Road Coloring Problem and Hamiltonian Paths (AC, FD), pp. 124–135.
- DLT-2010-ChambartS #problem #set
- Computing Blocker Sets for the Regular Post Embedding Problem (PC, PS), pp. 136–147.
- DLT-2010-HauboldLM #graph #morphism #problem #word
- Compressed Conjugacy and the Word Problem for Outer Automorphism Groups of Graph Groups (NH, ML, CM), pp. 218–230.
- DLT-2010-Ibarra #on the #problem
- On Decision Problems for Simple and Parameterized Machines (OHI), p. 31.
- ICALP-v1-2010-BansalBN #problem
- Metrical Task Systems and the k-Server Problem on HSTs (NB, NB, JN), pp. 287–298.
- ICALP-v1-2010-BansalK #problem #scheduling
- Inapproximability of Hypergraph Vertex Cover and Applications to Scheduling Problems (NB, SK), pp. 250–261.
- ICALP-v1-2010-BrietFV #constraints #problem #rank
- The Positive Semidefinite Grothendieck Problem with Rank Constraint (JB, FMdOF, FV), pp. 31–42.
- ICALP-v1-2010-FakcharoenpholLN #algorithm #performance #problem
- Faster Algorithms for Semi-matching Problems (Extended Abstract) (JF, BL, DN), pp. 176–187.
- ICALP-v1-2010-GrandoniR #design #network #problem
- Network Design via Core Detouring for Problems without a Core (FG, TR), pp. 490–502.
- ICALP-v1-2010-GuptaNR10a #adaptation #algorithm #approximate #problem
- Approximation Algorithms for Optimal Decision Trees and Adaptive TSP Problems (AG, VN, RR), pp. 690–701.
- ICALP-v1-2010-KratschW #preprocessor #problem
- Preprocessing of Min Ones Problems: A Dichotomy (SK, MW), pp. 653–665.
- ICALP-v1-2010-MakarychevMS #algorithm #approximate #polynomial #problem #reduction
- Maximum Quadratic Assignment Problem: Reduction from Maximum Label Cover and LP-Based Approximation Algorithm (KM, RM, MS), pp. 594–604.
- ICALP-v2-2010-BlockiW #complexity #privacy #problem
- Resolving the Complexity of Some Data Privacy Problems (JB, RW), pp. 393–404.
- ICALP-v2-2010-ChambartS #problem
- Pumping and Counting on the Regular Post Embedding Problem (PC, PS), pp. 64–75.
- ICALP-v2-2010-GimbertO #automaton #decidability #finite #probability #problem #word
- Probabilistic Automata on Finite Words: Decidable and Undecidable Problems (HG, YO), pp. 527–538.
- LATA-2010-AravantinosCP #complexity #problem #satisfiability
- Complexity of the Satisfiability Problem for a Class of Propositional Schemata (VA, RC, NP), pp. 58–69.
- LATA-2010-BalanS #incremental #problem
- Incremental Building in Peptide Computing to Solve Hamiltonian Path Problem (MSB, PS), pp. 549–560.
- LATA-2010-BousquetL #ambiguity #automaton #equivalence #problem
- Equivalence and Inclusion Problem for Strongly Unambiguous Büchi Automata (NB, CL), pp. 118–129.
- LATA-2010-CarrascosaCGL #problem #word
- Choosing Word Occurrences for the Smallest Grammar Problem (RC, FC, MG, GGIL), pp. 154–165.
- LATA-2010-Hovland #problem #regular expression
- The Inclusion Problem for Regular Expressions (DH), pp. 309–320.
- LATA-2010-KlunderR #commutative #problem
- Post Correspondence Problem with Partially Commutative Alphabets (BK, WR), pp. 356–367.
- LATA-2010-LetichevskySS #automaton #equivalence #finite #multi #problem #proving #using
- The Equivalence Problem of Deterministic Multitape Finite Automata: A New Proof of Solvability Using a Multidimensional Tape (AAL, ASS, SKS), pp. 392–402.
- LATA-2010-ManeaT #problem #word
- Hard Counting Problems for Partial Words (FM, CT), pp. 426–438.
- CHI-2010-EdwardsNP #framework #human-computer #problem
- The infrastructure problem in HCI (WKE, MWN, ESP), pp. 423–432.
- CHI-2010-WangZC #gesture #mobile #named #predict #problem
- SHRIMP: solving collision and out of vocabulary problems in mobile predictive input with motion gesture (JW, SZ, JFC), pp. 15–24.
- SIGAda-2010-JemliR #compilation #problem #static analysis #using
- A methodology for avoiding known compiler problems using static analysis (MJ, JPR), pp. 23–30.
- CAiSE-2010-BouassidaB #approach #detection #problem
- A New Approach for Pattern Problem Detection (NB, HBA), pp. 150–164.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-MokotoffGP #multi #normalisation #problem
- Normalization Procedures on Multicriteria Decision Making — An Example on Environmental Problems (EM, EG, JP), pp. 206–211.
- ICEIS-DISI-2010-Duin #pattern matching #pattern recognition #problem #recognition
- Pattern Recognition as a Human Centered non-Euclidean Problem (RPWD), p. 5.
- ICEIS-HCI-2010-AstolfiMSA #difference #enterprise #people #problem #using
- Using Cultural Differences to Join People with Common Interests or Problems in Enterprise Environment (GA, VMAdM, MARS, JCA), pp. 192–197.
- ICEIS-J-2010-Duin10a #pattern matching #pattern recognition #problem #recognition
- Non-Euclidean Problems in Pattern Recognition Related to Human Expert Knowledge (RPWD), pp. 15–28.
- ICML-2010-JaggiS #algorithm #problem
- A Simple Algorithm for Nuclear Norm Regularized Problems (MJ, MS), pp. 471–478.
- ICML-2010-ThiaoTA #approach #problem #programming
- A DC Programming Approach for Sparse Eigenvalue Problem (MT, PDT, LTHA), pp. 1063–1070.
- ICML-2010-ThieryS #policy #problem #trade-off
- Least-Squares Policy Iteration: Bias-Variance Trade-off in Control Problems (CT, BS), pp. 1071–1078.
- ICML-2010-XuHFPJ #detection #mining #problem #scalability
- Detecting Large-Scale System Problems by Mining Console Logs (WX, LH, AF, DAP, MIJ), pp. 37–46.
- ICPR-2010-FaradjiWB #approach #classification #problem
- A Simple Approach to Find the Best Wavelet Basis in Classification Problems (FF, RKW, GEB), pp. 641–644.
- ICPR-2010-FreireCF #approach #generative #graph #problem
- A Column Generation Approach for the Graph Matching Problem (ASF, RMCJ, CEF), pp. 1088–1091.
- ICPR-2010-LuoN #classification #fault #learning #multi #problem
- Employing Decoding of Specific Error Correcting Codes as a New Classification Criterion in Multiclass Learning Problems (YL, KN), pp. 4238–4241.
- ICPR-2010-PernekH #polynomial #problem #re-engineering
- Perspective Reconstruction and Camera Auto-Calibration as Rectangular Polynomial Eigenvalue Problem (ÁP, LH), pp. 49–52.
- ICPR-2010-SomolGP #algorithm #feature model #problem #set
- The Problem of Fragile Feature Subset Preference in Feature Selection Methods and a Proposal of Algorithmic Workaround (PS, JG, PP), pp. 4396–4399.
- ICPR-2010-WangS #approach #problem
- The Motion Dynamics Approach to the PnP Problem (BW, FS), pp. 1682–1685.
- KDD-2010-LiuYY #algorithm #performance #problem
- An efficient algorithm for a class of fused lasso problems (JL, LY, JY), pp. 323–332.
- KDD-2010-SozioG #how #problem
- The community-search problem and how to plan a successful cocktail party (MS, AG), pp. 939–948.
- KDIR-2010-PadmajaBK #framework #problem #reduction
- A Class Specific Dimensionality Reduction Framework for Class Imbalance Problem: CPC_SMOTE (TMP, RSB, PRK), pp. 237–242.
- KR-2010-HuL #correctness #problem #reasoning
- A Correctness Result for Reasoning about One-Dimensional Planning Problems (YH, HJL).
- KR-2010-KoniecznyGP #problem #taxonomy
- Taxonomy of Improvement Operators and the Problem of Minimal Change (SK, MMG, RPP).
- RecSys-2010-AlbanesedMPP #modelling #problem #recommendation #social
- Modeling recommendation as a social choice problem (MA, Ad, VM, FP, AP), pp. 329–332.
- SIGIR-2010-Flake #problem #refactoring
- Refactoring the search problem (GWF), p. 250.
- ECMFA-2010-ColomboKL #analysis #case study #modelling #problem #requirements
- Requirements Analysis and Modeling with Problem Frames and SysML: A Case Study (PC, FK, LL), pp. 74–89.
- POPL-2010-AtigBBM #memory management #modelling #on the #problem #verification
- On the verification problem for weak memory models (MFA, AB, SB, MM), pp. 7–18.
- RE-2010-ChenYJ #named #problem
- Dptool: A Tool for Supporting the Problem Description and Projection (XC, BY, ZJ), pp. 401–402.
- RE-2010-Gervasi #design #interactive #problem
- Who Framed Roger User? Problem Frames as a User Interaction Design Tool (VG), pp. 377–378.
- RE-2010-MaidenJKNZM #idea #problem #requirements #research
- Requirements Engineering as Creative Problem Solving: A Research Agenda for Idea Finding (NAMM, SJ, IKK, RN, KZ, AM), pp. 57–66.
- SAC-2010-CarvalhoCB #constraints #probability #problem #reliability
- Probabilistic constraints for reliability problems (EC, JC, PB), pp. 2055–2060.
- SAC-2010-PirkolaT #approach #crawling #problem #using
- Addressing the limited scope problem of focused crawling using a result merging approach (AP, TT), pp. 1735–1740.
- SAC-2010-RiponGHT #approach #layout #multi #problem #using
- Multi-objective evolutionary approach for solving facility layout problem using local search (KSNR, KG, MH, JT), pp. 1155–1156.
- SAC-2010-ToledoOOP #algorithm #parallel #problem #scheduling #search-based
- Parallel genetic algorithm approaches applied to solve a synchronized and integrated lot sizing and scheduling problem (CFMT, LdO, RRRdO, MRP), pp. 1148–1152.
- ICSE-2010-SutcliffeT #people #problem #requirements
- Analysing “people” problems in requirements engineering (AGS, ST), pp. 469–470.
- SPLC-2010-DaoK #approach #component #problem #reuse
- Mapping Features to Reusable Components: A Problem Frames-Based Approach (TMD, KCK), pp. 377–392.
- CSL-2010-ChenF #on the #problem #proving #slicing
- On Slicewise Monotone Parameterized Problems and Optimal Proof Systems for TAUT (YC, JF), pp. 200–214.
- CSL-2010-KuskeLL #morphism #problem
- The Isomorphism Problem for ω-Automatic Trees (DK, JL, ML), pp. 396–410.
- ICLP-2010-ShakarianSS10 #network #optimisation #problem #social #source code #using
- Using Generalized Annotated Programs to Solve Social Network Optimization Problems (PS, VSS, MLS), pp. 182–191.
- ICTSS-2010-CabralPV #algorithm #integration #order #problem
- A Pareto Ant Colony Algorithm Applied to the Class Integration and Test Order Problem (RdVC, AP, SRV), pp. 16–29.
- LICS-2010-BargunoCGJV #automaton #constraints #problem
- The Emptiness Problem for Tree Automata with Global Constraints (LB, CC, GG, FJ, CV), pp. 263–272.
- LICS-2010-KuskeLL #automation #morphism #problem
- The Isomorphism Problem on Classes of Automatic Structures (DK, JL, ML), pp. 160–169.
- RTA-2010-FujitaS #problem #system f
- The Undecidability of Type Related Problems in Type-free Style System F (KeF, AS), pp. 103–118.
- SAT-2010-BofillSV #constraints #problem #smt
- A System for Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems with SMT (MB, JS, MV), pp. 300–305.
- SAT-2010-MakinoTY #algorithm #problem
- An Exact Algorithm for the Boolean Connectivity Problem for k-CNF (KM, ST, MY), pp. 172–180.
- SAT-2010-PankratovB #on the #problem #satisfiability
- On the Relative Merits of Simple Local Search Methods for the MAX-SAT Problem (DP, AB), pp. 223–236.
- SAT-2010-PorschenSS #complexity #linear #problem
- Complexity Results for Linear XSAT-Problems (SP, TS, ES), pp. 251–263.
- CASE-2009-GirishJ #algorithm #flexibility #optimisation #problem #scheduling
- A particle swarm optimization algorithm for flexible job shop scheduling problem (BSG, NJ), pp. 298–303.
- CASE-2009-KhawP #assembly #multi #optimisation #problem
- Multi-rule multi-objective Ant Colony Optimization for straight and U-type assembly line balancing problem (CLEK, SGP), pp. 177–182.
- CASE-2009-SinghR #behaviour #problem
- The Potluck Problem with consumers’ choice behavior (NS, SR), pp. 328–333.
- CASE-2009-WuCCW #heuristic #problem
- Heuristic for lane reservation problem in time constrained transportation (YW, CC, FC, NW), pp. 543–548.
- CASE-2009-WuS #heuristic #multi #problem
- A new heuristic method for capacitated multi-level lot sizing problem with backlogging (TW, LS), pp. 483–488.
- DAC-2009-AmadorPR #architecture #memory management #problem
- Optimum LDPC decoder: a memory architecture problem (EA, RP, VR), pp. 891–896.
- DAC-2009-PellauerACE #composition #problem
- Soft connections: addressing the hardware-design modularity problem (MP, MA, DC, JSE), pp. 276–281.
- DAC-2009-StapletonT #component #design #problem #reuse #verification
- Verification problems in reusing internal design components (WS, PT), pp. 209–211.
- DATE-2009-KwonYUJ #performance #problem
- In-network reorder buffer to improve overall NoC performance while resolving the in-order requirement problem (WCK, SY, JU, SWJ), pp. 1058–1063.
- ICDAR-2009-KaeL #learning #on the fly #problem
- Learning on the Fly: Font-Free Approaches to Difficult OCR Problems (AK, EGLM), pp. 571–575.
- ICDAR-2009-NguyenBL #problem #verification
- Global Features for the Off-Line Signature Verification Problem (VN, MB, GL), pp. 1300–1304.
- VLDB-2009-BorisovBURS #database #named #network #problem
- DIADS: A Problem Diagnosis Tool for Databases and Storage Area Networks (NB, SB, SU, RR, AS), pp. 1546–1549.
- VLDB-2009-DragutFSYM #integration #interface #problem #web #word
- Stop Word and Related Problems in Web Interface Integration (ECD, FF, APS, CTY, WM), pp. 349–360.
- CSEET-2009-RichardsonD #learning #problem #re-engineering
- Problem Based Learning in the Software Engineering Classroom (IR, YD), pp. 174–181.
- ITiCSE-2009-HsiaoSB #java #personalisation #problem
- Extending parameterized problem-tracing questions for Java with personalized guidance (IHH, SAS, PB), p. 392.
- ITiCSE-2009-KiesmullerB #algorithm #automation #identification #problem
- Automatically identifying learners’ problem solving strategies in-process solving algorithmic problems (UK, TB), p. 354.
- ITiCSE-2009-Mirolo #analysis #modelling #problem #recursion
- Mental models of recursive computations vs. recursive analysis in the problem domain (CM), p. 397.
- ITiCSE-2009-RosslingM #problem #social
- Social engineering: a serious underestimated problem (GR, MM), p. 384.
- ESOP-2009-YuanE #algorithm #performance #problem #reachability
- An Efficient Algorithm for Solving the Dyck-CFL Reachability Problem on Trees (HY, PTE), pp. 175–189.
- FASE-2009-FullebornMH #design pattern #documentation #problem
- Problem-Oriented Documentation of Design Patterns (AF, KM, MH), pp. 294–308.
- FoSSaCS-2009-Thomas #problem #synthesis
- Facets of Synthesis: Revisiting Church’s Problem (WT), pp. 1–14.
- ICSM-2009-ChanZHS #problem #testing #visualisation
- Visualizing the structure of field testing problems (BC, YZ, AEH, AS), pp. 429–432.
- ICSM-2009-KnabFGP #interactive #problem
- Interactive views for analyzing problem reports (PK, BF, HG, MP), pp. 527–530.
- PLDI-2009-LivshitsNRB #data flow #named #problem #specification
- Merlin: specification inference for explicit information flow problems (VBL, AVN, SKR, AB), pp. 75–86.
- STOC-2009-CaiLX #csp #problem
- Holant problems and counting CSP (JyC, PL, MX), pp. 715–724.
- STOC-2009-ChengW #distance #problem #reduction
- A deterministic reduction for the gap minimum distance problem: [extended abstract] (QC, DW), pp. 33–38.
- STOC-2009-KarpinskiS #approximate #game studies #linear #problem
- Linear time approximation schemes for the Gale-Berlekamp game and related minimization problems (MK, WS), pp. 313–322.
- STOC-2009-Peikert #problem #worst-case
- Public-key cryptosystems from the worst-case shortest vector problem: extended abstract (CP), pp. 333–342.
- DLT-2009-BertoniCR #context-free grammar #problem
- The Inclusion Problem of Context-Free Languages: Some Tractable Cases (AB, CC, RR), pp. 103–112.
- DLT-2009-Harju #matrix #problem
- Post Correspondence Problem and Small Dimensional Matrices (TH), pp. 39–46.
- ICALP-v1-2009-AgnarssonHL #algorithm #independence #problem #set
- SDP-Based Algorithms for Maximum Independent Set Problems on Hypergraphs (GA, MMH, EL), pp. 12–23.
- ICALP-v1-2009-AilonL #clustering #correlation #cost analysis #fault #problem
- Correlation Clustering Revisited: The “True” Cost of Error Minimization Problems (NA, EL), pp. 24–36.
- ICALP-v1-2009-BorosM #algorithm #parallel #performance #problem
- A Fast and Simple Parallel Algorithm for the Monotone Duality Problem (EB, KM), pp. 183–194.
- ICALP-v1-2009-HolubN #problem
- The Ehrenfeucht-Silberger Problem (SH, DN), pp. 537–548.
- ICALP-v1-2009-KoutisW #algebra #problem
- Limits and Applications of Group Algebras for Parameterized Problems (IK, RW), pp. 653–664.
- ICALP-v1-2009-Nederlof #algorithm #performance #problem #using
- Fast Polynomial-Space Algorithms Using Möbius Inversion: Improving on Steiner Tree and Related Problems (JN), pp. 713–725.
- ICALP-v2-2009-GottlobGS #optimisation #problem #strict
- Tractable Optimization Problems through Hypergraph-Based Structural Restrictions (GG, GG, FS), pp. 16–30.
- ICALP-v2-2009-KorulaP #algorithm #graph #problem
- Algorithms for Secretary Problems on Graphs and Hypergraphs (NK, MP), pp. 508–520.
- LATA-2009-BergH #problem
- Reoptimization of Traveling Salesperson Problems: Changing Single Edge-Weights (TB, HH), pp. 141–151.
- LATA-2009-BordihnHK #problem #subclass
- Undecidability of Operation Problems for T0L Languages and Subclasses (HB, MH, MK), pp. 236–246.
- LATA-2009-BrzozowskiSX #problem
- Decision Problems for Convex Languages (JAB, JS, ZX), pp. 247–258.
- LATA-2009-GlasserPT #fault tolerance #np-hard #problem
- The Fault Tolerance of NP-Hard Problems (CG, AP, SDT), pp. 374–385.
- LATA-2009-Moore #data access #documentation #generative #problem
- The Halting Problem and Undecidability of Document Generation under Access Control for Tree Updates (NM), pp. 601–613.
- CHI-2009-AkersSJW #problem #undo #usability
- Undo and erase events as indicators of usability problems (DA, MS, RJ, TW), pp. 659–668.
- CHI-2009-BinderHS #network #problem #social
- The problem of conflicting social spheres: effects of network structure on experienced tension in social network sites (JB, AH, AGS), pp. 965–974.
- CHI-2009-Guiard #consistency #design #distance #problem
- The problem of consistency in the design of Fitts’ law experiments: consider either target distance and width or movement form and scale (YG), pp. 1809–1818.
- CHI-2009-SellenMLTB #comprehension #interactive #problem #prototype
- The people-prototype problem: understanding the interaction between prototype format and user group (KMS, MM, DML, KNT, SAB), pp. 635–638.
- DHM-2009-Wang #problem #re-engineering
- Problems Encountered in Seated Arm Reach Posture Reconstruction: Need for a More Realistic Spine and Upper Limb Kinematic Model (XW), pp. 160–169.
- HCD-2009-NieminenT #concept #development #problem
- Concept Development with Real Users: Involving Customers in Creative Problem Solving (MPN, MT), pp. 869–878.
- HCI-NIMT-2009-PantforderVS #3d #evaluation #interactive #problem #process #visualisation
- Benefit and Evaluation of Interactive 3D Process Data Visualization for the Presentation of Complex Problems (DP, BVH, KS), pp. 869–878.
- VISSOFT-2009-Reiss #detection #java #memory management #problem #visualisation
- Visualizing the Java heap to detect memory problems (SPR), pp. 73–80.
- SIGAda-2009-Barkstrom #ada #algorithm #concurrent #multi #on the #problem #using
- On using Ada to solve problems in computational economics and related disciplines with concurrent, multiagent algorithms (BRB), pp. 61–72.
- CAiSE-2009-Guizzardi #concept #modelling #problem #revisited #transitive
- The Problem of Transitivity of Part-Whole Relations in Conceptual Modeling Revisited (GG), pp. 94–109.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-JuanRMJF #problem
- A Simulation-based Methodology to Assist Decision-makers in Real Vehicle Routing Problems (AAJ, DR, DM, JJ, JF), pp. 212–217.
- ICEIS-HCI-2009-SantosRG #collaboration #problem
- Integrating VR in an Engineering Collaborative Problem Solving Environment (IHFdS, AR, MG), pp. 124–129.
- ICEIS-J-2009-SpahnW #analysis #development #information management #problem
- End-User Development for Individualized Information Management: Analysis of Problem Domains and Solution Approaches (MS, VW), pp. 843–857.
- CIKM-2009-GaoXCA #monitoring #problem #web
- The gardener’s problem for web information monitoring (BJG, MX, WC, DCA), pp. 1525–1528.
- CIKM-2009-LimWW #challenge #database #problem #query #semantics
- Semantic queries in databases: problems and challenges (LL, HW, MW), pp. 1505–1508.
- CIKM-2009-MartineauFJP #classification #difference #problem #using #word
- Improving binary classification on text problems using differential word features (JM, TF, AJ, SP), pp. 2019–2024.
- CIKM-2009-TakamuraO #modelling #problem #summary
- Text summarization model based on the budgeted median problem (HT, MO), pp. 1589–1592.
- ICML-2009-BaillyDR #analysis #component #grammar inference #problem
- Grammatical inference as a principal component analysis problem (RB, FD, LR), pp. 33–40.
- ICML-2009-DiukLL #adaptation #feature model #learning #problem
- The adaptive k-meteorologists problem and its application to structure learning and feature selection in reinforcement learning (CD, LL, BRL), pp. 249–256.
- ICML-2009-SunJY #machine learning #problem
- A least squares formulation for a class of generalized eigenvalue problems in machine learning (LS, SJ, JY), pp. 977–984.
- ICML-2009-YueJ #information retrieval #optimisation #problem
- Interactively optimizing information retrieval systems as a dueling bandits problem (YY, TJ), pp. 1201–1208.
- ICML-2009-YuM #problem
- Piecewise-stationary bandit problems with side observations (JYY, SM), pp. 1177–1184.
- KDD-2009-BackstromKK #optimisation #problem #scheduling #web
- Optimizing web traffic via the media scheduling problem (LB, JMK, RK), pp. 89–98.
- KEOD-2009-TsalapatiSK #approximate #ontology #problem #reuse
- A Method for Approximation to Ontology Reuse Problem (ET, GBS, GK), pp. 416–419.
- KMIS-2009-SonntagM #image #information management #problem #query #repository #semantics
- Unifying Semantic Annotation and Querying in Biomedical Image Repositories — One Solution for Two Problems of Medical Knowledge Engineering (DS, MM), pp. 89–94.
- MLDM-2009-MorelandT09a #problem
- The Needles-in-Haystack Problem (KM, KT), pp. 516–524.
- RecSys-2009-ConryKR #problem #recommendation
- Recommender systems for the conference paper assignment problem (DC, YK, NR), pp. 357–360.
- SEKE-2009-GaoSSVPDB #assessment #estimation #problem #risk management
- Systematic Risk Assessment and Cost Estimation for Software Problems (JG, MS, MS, DV, PP, KD, EB), pp. 103–109.
- SIGIR-2009-TrotmanCL #problem #topic #visualisation
- Visualizing the problems with the INEX topics (AT, MdRGC, ML), p. 826.
- SIGIR-2009-YangGH #identification #information retrieval #problem
- Protein identification as an information retrieval problem (YY, SG, AH), pp. 752–753.
- MoDELS-2009-HorvathV #constraints #csp #modelling #problem
- CSP(M): Constraint Satisfaction Problem over Models (ÁH, DV), pp. 107–121.
- MoDELS-2009-HorvathV #constraints #csp #modelling #problem
- CSP(M): Constraint Satisfaction Problem over Models (ÁH, DV), pp. 107–121.
- GPCE-2009-NedunuriC #performance #problem #source code #synthesis
- Synthesis of fast programs for maximum segment sum problems (SN, WRC), pp. 117–126.
- GPCE-2009-SanenTJ #approach #feature model #interactive #problem
- Mapping problem-space to solution-space features: a feature interaction approach (FS, ET, WJ), pp. 167–176.
- PADL-2009-XiFWZ #ad hoc #ambiguity #problem
- Ad Hoc Data and the Token Ambiguity Problem (QX, KF, DW, KQZ), pp. 91–106.
- RE-2009-TunJLNY #problem #using
- Are Your Lights Off? Using Problem Frames to Diagnose System Failures (TTT, MJ, RCL, BN, YY), pp. 343–348.
- REFSQ-2009-TunYLN #approach #identification #interactive #problem
- Early Identification of Problem Interactions: A Tool-Supported Approach (TTT, YY, RCL, BN), pp. 74–88.
- SAC-2009-AgentA #approach #problem
- Extending Problem Frames to deal with stakeholder problems: An Agent- and Goal-Oriented Approach (SS, LC), pp. 389–394.
- SAC-2009-BangerthJ #adaptation #finite #problem
- Adaptive finite element methods for nonlinear inverse problems (WB, AJ), pp. 1002–1006.
- SAC-2009-Brand #composition #constraints #matrix #problem
- The sum-of-increments constraint in the consecutive-ones matrix decomposition problem (SB), pp. 1417–1418.
- SAC-2009-BuckerRRW #automation #parallel #problem #simulation
- Semi-automatic parallelization of direct and inverse problems for geothermal simulation (HMB, AR, VR, AW), pp. 971–975.
- SAC-2009-LavorLMM #distance #geometry #on the #problem #subclass
- On a discretizable subclass of instances of the molecular distance geometry problem (CL, LL, AM, NM), pp. 804–805.
- SAC-2009-TangL #problem
- The unique solution for P3P problem (JT, NL), pp. 1138–1139.
- ESEC-FSE-2009-KnabKP #problem
- Smart views for analyzing problem reports: tool demo (PK, HG, MP), pp. 289–290.
- ICSE-2009-ChangMP #component #integration #off the shelf #problem
- In-field healing of integration problems with COTS components (HC, LM, MP), pp. 166–176.
- SLE-2009-Bezivin #problem #question #what
- If MDE Is the Solution, Then What Is the Problem? (JB), p. 2.
- SPLC-2009-KastnerARRBS #analysis #case study #on the #problem
- On the impact of the optional feature problem: analysis and case studies (CK, SA, SSuR, MR, DSB, GS), pp. 181–190.
- SPLC-2009-WhiteDSB #automation #feature model #multi #problem #reasoning
- Automated reasoning for multi-step feature model configuration problems (JW, BD, DCS, DB), pp. 11–20.
- SOSP-2009-XuHFPJ #detection #mining #problem #scalability
- Detecting large-scale system problems by mining console logs (WX, LH, AF, DAP, MIJ), pp. 117–132.
- CSL-2009-AtseriasW #consistency #constraints #decidability #problem
- Decidable Relationships between Consistency Notions for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (AA, MW), pp. 102–116.
- CSL-2009-CockettS #communication #on the #problem #word
- On the Word Problem for ΣΠ-Categories, and the Properties of Two-Way Communication (JRBC, LS), pp. 194–208.
- CSL-2009-DuparcFM #automaton #decidability #game studies #linear #problem
- Linear Game Automata: Decidable Hierarchy Problems for Stripped-Down Alternating Tree Automata (JD, AF, FM), pp. 225–239.
- CSL-2009-Rabinovich #decidability #problem
- Decidable Extensions of Church’s Problem (AR), pp. 424–439.
- CSL-2009-UmmelsW #game studies #nash #probability #problem
- Decision Problems for Nash Equilibria in Stochastic Games (MU, DW), pp. 515–529.
- LICS-2009-ChenF #logic #problem
- A Logic for PTIME and a Parameterized Halting Problem (YC, JF), pp. 397–406.
- LICS-2009-Clarke #explosion #problem
- My 27-year Quest to Overcome the State Explosion Problem (EMC), p. 3.
- LICS-2009-KazakovP #complexity #logic #problem #satisfiability
- A Note on the Complexity of the Satisfiability Problem for Graded Modal Logics (YK, IPH), pp. 407–416.
- LICS-2009-Leroux #induction #invariant #problem #reachability
- The General Vector Addition System Reachability Problem by Presburger Inductive Invariants (JL), pp. 4–13.
- LICS-2009-PaganiT #linear #logic #problem
- The Inverse Taylor Expansion Problem in Linear Logic (MP, CT), pp. 222–231.
- SAT-2009-BalintHG #approach #novel #problem #satisfiability
- A Novel Approach to Combine a SLS- and a DPLL-Solver for the Satisfiability Problem (AB, MH, OG), pp. 284–297.
- SAT-2009-SinzI #heuristic #problem
- Problem-Sensitive Restart Heuristics for the DPLL Procedure (CS, MI), pp. 356–362.
- SAT-2009-SoosNC #encryption #problem #satisfiability
- Extending SAT Solvers to Cryptographic Problems (MS, KN, CC), pp. 244–257.
- VMCAI-2009-DimoulasW #higher-order #problem
- The Higher-Order Aggregate Update Problem (CD, MW), pp. 44–58.
- VMCAI-2009-Emerson #model checking #problem
- Model Checking: Progress and Problems (EAE), p. 1.
- CASE-2008-ArnaoutMR #algorithm #optimisation #parallel #problem #scheduling
- Ant colony optimization algorithm to parallel machine scheduling problem with setups (JPA, RM, GR), pp. 578–582.
- CASE-2008-CamponogaraP #generative #problem #scheduling
- Column generation for solving a compressor scheduling problem (EC, AP), pp. 796–801.
- CASE-2008-ChenS #problem
- A variant of examination timetabling problem (WC, LS), pp. 353–358.
- CASE-2008-HuLH #bibliography #enterprise #modelling #problem #towards
- Towards modeling of resilience dynamics in manufacturing enterprises: Literature review and problem formulation (YH, JL, LEH), pp. 279–284.
- CASE-2008-SakuraiOKT #algorithm #multi #problem #search-based
- A multi-inner-world Genetic Algorithm to optimize delivery problem with interactive-time (YS, TO, SK, ST), pp. 583–590.
- CASE-2008-TeoP #heuristic #hybrid #layout #problem
- A hybrid ACO/PSO heuristic to solve single row layout problem (YTT, SGP), pp. 597–602.
- CASE-2008-WengF #algorithm #evolution #problem #scheduling
- Self evolution algorithm for common due date scheduling problem (WW, SF), pp. 790–795.
- CASE-2008-XuFWY #algorithm #multi #problem
- An Or-opt NSGA-II algorithm for multi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (HX, WF, TW, LY), pp. 309–314.
- DAC-2008-PuriVEWFYK #problem #question
- Keeping hot chips cool: are IC thermal problems hot air? (RP, DV, DE, AJW, PDF, AY, SVK), pp. 634–635.
- DATE-2008-AvnitDSRP #approach #formal method #problem #protocol
- A Formal Approach To The Protocol Converter Problem (KA, VD, AS, SR, SP), pp. 294–299.
- DATE-2008-VelevG #comparison #encoding #problem #satisfiability
- Comparison of Boolean Satisfiability Encodings on FPGA Detailed Routing Problems (MNV, PG), pp. 1268–1273.
- DATE-2008-WolffPBC #analysis #detection #problem #towards
- Towards Trojan-Free Trusted ICs: Problem Analysis and Detection Scheme (FGW, CAP, SB, RSC), pp. 1362–1365.
- DocEng-2008-LaenderGCFSS #library #problem
- Keeping a digital library clean: new solutions to old problems (AHFL, MAG, RGC, AAF, RLTS, AJCS), pp. 257–262.
- PODS-2008-LiuPRY #algorithm #problem
- A generic flow algorithm for shared filter ordering problems (ZL, SP, AR, HY), pp. 79–88.
- VLDB-2008-ShaoCTYA #enterprise #named #problem #recommendation
- EasyTicket: a ticket routing recommendation engine for enterprise problem resolution (QS, YC, ST, XY, NA), pp. 1436–1439.
- CSEET-2008-RyooFJ #design #education #game studies #learning #object-oriented #problem #re-engineering
- Teaching Object-Oriented Software Engineering through Problem-Based Learning in the Context of Game Design (JR, FF, DSJ), pp. 137–144.
- ITiCSE-2008-KiesmullerB #algorithm #analysis #how #problem
- How do 7th graders solve algorithmic problems?: a tool-based analysis (UK, TB), p. 353.
- ITiCSE-2008-Rubio-Sanchez #combinator #equivalence #problem
- An introduction to problem equivalence with combinatorics (MRS), p. 313.
- FoSSaCS-2008-AntonikHLNW #complexity #problem #specification
- Complexity of Decision Problems for Mixed and Modal Specifications (AA, MH, KGL, UN, AW), pp. 112–126.
- FoSSaCS-2008-BaierBG #automaton #on the #probability #problem
- On Decision Problems for Probabilistic Büchi Automata (CB, NB, MG), pp. 287–301.
- FoSSaCS-2008-ChambartS #problem
- The ω-Regular Post Embedding Problem (PC, PS), pp. 97–111.
- ICSM-2008-JiangHHF #automation #identification #problem #testing
- Automatic identification of load testing problems (ZMJ, AEH, GH, PF), pp. 307–316.
- PASTE-2008-ShonleGL #problem
- Addressing common crosscutting problems with Arcum (MS, WGG, SL), pp. 64–69.
- PEPM-2008-Mu #algorithm #bound #problem
- Maximum segment sum is back: deriving algorithms for two segment problems with bounded lengths (SCM), pp. 31–39.
- STOC-2008-AttiyaHW #bound #problem
- Tight rmr lower bounds for mutual exclusion and other problems (HA, DH, PW), pp. 217–226.
- STOC-2008-BartoKN #complexity #graph #morphism #problem
- Graphs, polymorphisms and the complexity of homomorphism problems (LB, MK, TN), pp. 789–796.
- STOC-2008-BodirskyK #complexity #constraints #problem
- The complexity of temporal constraint satisfaction problems (MB, JK), pp. 29–38.
- STOC-2008-CaiCL #bound #exclamation #polynomial #problem
- A quadratic lower bound for the permanent and determinant problem over any characteristic != 2 (JyC, XC, DL), pp. 491–498.
- STOC-2008-ChenLL #algorithm #feedback #parametricity #problem #set
- A fixed-parameter algorithm for the directed feedback vertex set problem (JC, YL, SL, BO, IR), pp. 177–186.
- STOC-2008-ColeF #algorithm #problem
- Fast-converging tatonnement algorithms for one-time and ongoing market problems (RC, LF), pp. 315–324.
- STOC-2008-FakcharoenpholL #algorithm #approximate #problem
- An o(log2 k)-approximation algorithm for the k-vertex connected spanning subgraph problem (JF, BL), pp. 153–158.
- STOC-2008-ODonnellS #parametricity #problem
- The chow parameters problem (RO, RAS), pp. 517–526.
- STOC-2008-Vondrak #approximate #problem
- Optimal approximation for the submodular welfare problem in the value oracle model (JV), pp. 67–74.
- AFL-2008-BreveglieriCNR #equation #problem #satisfiability
- NP-completeness of the alphabetical satisfiability problem for trace equations (LB, AC, CDN, ER), pp. 111–121.
- AFL-2008-Lohrey #problem #revisited
- Compressed membership problems revisited (ML), pp. 31–53.
- AFL-2008-Martyugin #automaton #commutative #complexity #problem #word
- Complexity of problems concerning reset words for commutative automata and automata with simple idempotents (PVM), pp. 314–324.
- DLT-2008-CarpiD #automaton #problem #transitive
- The Synchronization Problem for Strongly Transitive Automata (AC, FD), pp. 240–251.
- DLT-2008-FreydenbergerR #problem
- Bad News on Decision Problems for Patterns (DDF, DR), pp. 327–338.
- DLT-2008-Shallit #problem
- The Frobenius Problem and Its Generalizations (JS), pp. 72–83.
- ICALP-A-2008-BjorklundHKK #bound #graph #problem
- The Travelling Salesman Problem in Bounded Degree Graphs (AB, TH, PK, MK), pp. 198–209.
- ICALP-A-2008-BlellochVW #approach #combinator #graph #problem
- A New Combinatorial Approach for Sparse Graph Problems (GEB, VV, RW), pp. 108–120.
- ICALP-A-2008-BodlaenderDFH #kernel #on the #polynomial #problem
- On Problems without Polynomial Kernels (Extended Abstract) (HLB, RGD, MRF, DH), pp. 563–574.
- ICALP-A-2008-BorradaileK #graph #network #problem
- The Two-Edge Connectivity Survivable Network Problem in Planar Graphs (GB, PNK), pp. 485–501.
- ICALP-A-2008-Briest #problem
- Uniform Budgets and the Envy-Free Pricing Problem (PB), pp. 808–819.
- ICALP-A-2008-Bulatov #complexity #constraints #problem
- The Complexity of the Counting Constraint Satisfaction Problem (AAB), pp. 646–661.
- ICALP-A-2008-ChekuriK #algorithm #problem
- Algorithms for 2-Route Cut Problems (CC, SK), pp. 472–484.
- ICALP-A-2008-FialaGK #complexity #distance #problem
- Computational Complexity of the Distance Constrained Labeling Problem for Trees (Extended Abstract) (JF, PAG, JK), pp. 294–305.
- ICALP-A-2008-Koutis #algebra #algorithm #performance #problem
- Faster Algebraic Algorithms for Path and Packing Problems (IK), pp. 575–586.
- ICALP-C-2008-GilbertRS #how #problem
- How to Encrypt with the LPN Problem (HG, MJBR, YS), pp. 679–690.
- LATA-2008-BaumeisterR #problem #reduction
- The Three-Color and Two-Color TantrixTM Rotation Puzzle Problems Are NP-Complete Via Parsimonious Reductions (DB, JR), pp. 76–87.
- LATA-2008-Yoshinaka #algorithm #performance #problem #subclass
- An Efficient Algorithm for the Inclusion Problem of a Subclass of DPDAs (RY), pp. 487–498.
- ICFP-2008-Krauss #data type #problem #recursion
- Pattern minimization problems over recursive data types (AK), pp. 267–274.
- GT-VC-2007-Pennemann08 #algorithm #approximate #problem #satisfiability
- An Algorithm for Approximating the Satisfiability Problem of High-level Conditions (KHP), pp. 75–94.
- ICGT-2008-ChalopinMM #graph #problem
- Labelled (Hyper)Graphs, Negotiations and the Naming Problem (JC, AWM, YM), pp. 54–68.
- CSCW-2008-ONeillMCRW #problem
- Colour management is a socio-technical problem (JO, DBM, TC, FR, JW), pp. 599–608.
- SOFTVIS-2008-WettelL #design #problem #visual notation
- Visually localizing design problems with disharmony maps (RW, ML), pp. 155–164.
- SIGAda-2008-Maurer #ada #problem #source code
- Removing backward go-to statements from Ada programs: possibilities and problems (WDM), pp. 105–108.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-PanahiT #clustering #hybrid #performance #problem
- An Efficient Hybrid Method for Clustering Problems (HP, RTM), pp. 288–294.
- ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-Venable #analysis #problem #requirements
- Improving Requirements Analysis — Rigourous Problem Analysis and Formulation with Coloured Cognitive Maps (JRV), pp. 466–470.
- CIKM-2008-Croft #approach #how #problem
- Unsolved problems in search: (and how we approach them) (WBC), p. 1001.
- ICPR-2008-GhoshB #evolution #how #pattern matching #pattern recognition #problem #recognition
- How current BNs fail to represent evolvable pattern recognition problems and a proposed solution (NG, BB), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-IlayarajaNJ #implementation #performance #problem #scalability
- Efficient implementation of SVM for large class problems (PI, NVN, CVJ), pp. 1–4.
- KDD-2008-ChenW #classification #feature model #metric #named #performance #problem
- FAST: a roc-based feature selection metric for small samples and imbalanced data classification problems (XwC, MW), pp. 124–132.
- KDD-2008-DavisD #learning #metric #problem
- Structured metric learning for high dimensional problems (JVD, ISD), pp. 195–203.
- RecSys-2008-TakacsPNT #algorithm #matrix #problem
- Matrix factorization and neighbor based algorithms for the netflix prize problem (GT, IP, BN, DT), pp. 267–274.
- RecSys-2008-YildirimK #collaboration #problem #random
- A random walk method for alleviating the sparsity problem in collaborative filtering (HY, MSK), pp. 131–138.
- SEKE-2008-ChenLMW #algorithm #case study #optimisation #polynomial #problem #verification
- Verification of Optimization Algorithms: a Case Study of a Quadratic Assignment Problem Solver (TYC, HL, RGM, DW), pp. 16–21.
- SEKE-2008-DingZ #case study #explosion #problem
- A Study of the Model Explosion Problem in CTL Model Update (YD, YZ), pp. 752–757.
- SEKE-2008-ParkK08a #problem #satisfiability
- Japanese Puzzle as a SAT Problem (SP, GK), pp. 543–548.
- MoDELS-2008-HateburHS #metamodelling #problem
- A Formal Metamodel for Problem Frames (DH, MH, HS), pp. 68–82.
- MoDELS-2008-KessentiniSB #model transformation #optimisation #problem
- Model Transformation as an Optimization Problem (MK, HAS, MB), pp. 159–173.
- MoDELS-2008-HateburHS #metamodelling #problem
- A Formal Metamodel for Problem Frames (DH, MH, HS), pp. 68–82.
- MoDELS-2008-KessentiniSB #model transformation #optimisation #problem
- Model Transformation as an Optimization Problem (MK, HAS, MB), pp. 159–173.
- RE-2008-HoWR #fault #performance #problem #requirements
- Examining the Relationships between Performance Requirements and “Not a Problem” Defect Reports (CWH, LW, BR), pp. 135–144.
- RE-2008-JuretaMF #ontology #problem #requirements
- Revisiting the Core Ontology and Problem in Requirements Engineering (IJ, JM, SF), pp. 71–80.
- RE-2008-LencastreMAC #aspect-oriented #composition #problem
- Aspects Composition in Problem Frames (ML, AMDM, JA, JC), pp. 343–344.
- REFSQ-2008-WelshS #adaptation #identification #problem
- When to Adapt? Identification of Problem Domains for Adaptive Systems (KW, PS), pp. 198–203.
- SAC-2008-Denner-Broser #algorithm #analysis #problem #using
- An algorithm for the tracing problem using interval analysis (BDB), pp. 1832–1837.
- SAC-2008-MeiraM #clustering #problem
- A continuous facility location problem and its application to a clustering problem (LAAM, FKM), pp. 1826–1831.
- SAC-2008-OliveiraRSCBM #heuristic #problem
- A vehicular waiting time heuristic for dynamic vehicle routing problem (HCBdO, GMR, MMdS, LAC, VRB, GRM), pp. 13–17.
- SAC-2008-PetrilloPTD #bibliography #development #game studies #problem
- Houston, we have a problem...: a survey of actual problems in computer games development (FP, MSP, FMT, CD), pp. 707–711.
- SAC-2008-RoyS #data flow #problem
- Improving flow-insensitive solutions for non-separable dataflow problems (SR, YNS), pp. 211–216.
- SAC-2008-TanWWC #detection #problem #semantics #using
- Using unlabeled data to handle domain-transfer problem of semantic detection (ST, YW, GW, XC), pp. 896–903.
- SAC-2008-ToledoFR #algorithm #problem #scheduling #search-based
- Evaluating genetic algorithms with different population structures on a lot sizing and scheduling problem (CFMT, PMF, KAR), pp. 1777–1781.
- SAC-2008-VasiraniO #coordination #distributed #problem
- Decentralized coordination strategies for the vehicle routing problem (MV, SO), pp. 130–131.
- CSL-2008-ColcombetL #calculus #problem #μ-calculus
- The Nesting-Depth of Disjunctive μ-Calculus for Tree Languages and the Limitedness Problem (TC, CL), pp. 416–430.
- CSL-2008-CreignouSS #constraints #problem
- Non-uniform Boolean Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Cardinality Constraint (NC, HS, IS), pp. 109–123.
- ICLP-2008-CodishLS #constraints #partial order #problem
- Telecommunications Feature Subscription as a Partial Order Constraint Problem (MC, VL, PJS), pp. 749–753.
- IJCAR-2008-KonevWW #difference #logic #problem
- The Logical Difference Problem for Description Logic Terminologies (BK, DW, FW), pp. 259–274.
- LICS-2008-BrazdilFKK #probability #problem #satisfiability
- The Satisfiability Problem for Probabilistic CTL (TB, VF, JK, AK), pp. 391–402.
- LICS-2008-CarvalhoDK #constraints #problem
- Caterpillar Duality for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CC, VD, AAK), pp. 307–316.
- LICS-2008-ChenMM #constraints #problem #quantifier
- Quantified Constraints and Containment Problems (HC, FRM, BM), pp. 317–328.
- SAT-2008-Gao #algorithm #complexity #problem #random
- Random Instances of W[2]-Complete Problems: Thresholds, Complexity, and Algorithms (YG), pp. 91–104.
- CASE-2007-ChengOKKO #algorithm #problem #scheduling
- Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Daily Nursing Care Scheduling Problem (MC, HIO, NK, KK, JO), pp. 507–512.
- CASE-2007-GuHSX #assembly #estimation #problem
- Assembly Line Balancing Problems Solved by Estimation of Distribution (LG, SH, AS, XX), pp. 123–127.
- CASE-2007-GuLZF #approach #problem #scheduling
- Dynamic Local Focusing Approach for Production Scheduling Problems (PG, YL, XZ, SF), pp. 466–471.
- CASE-2007-NishiHI #problem #scheduling
- A Successive Lagrangian Relaxation Method for Solving Flowshop Scheduling Problems with Total Weighted Tardiness (TN, YH, MI), pp. 875–880.
- CASE-2007-ShiomiSOOYKI #2d #problem #process
- The Solution of 2-Dimensional Rectangular Cutting Stock Problem Considering Cutting Process (YS, MS, JO, TO, MY, HK, KI), pp. 140–145.
- CASE-2007-YogeswaranPT #algorithm #heuristic #hybrid #problem #search-based #using
- An hybrid heuristic using genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm to solve machine loading problem in FMS (MY, SGP, MKT), pp. 182–187.
- HT-2007-MelguizoOJ #navigation #predict #problem #web
- Predicting and solving web navigation problems (MCPM, HvO, IJ), pp. 47–48.
- ITiCSE-2007-ByrdCCKK #problem #student
- Solving recurring student problems with recurrences (JB, MC, DC, PK, MJK), p. 343.
- ITiCSE-2007-ChinnSM #algorithm #data type #performance #problem #student
- Problem solving and student performance in data structures and algorithms (DDC, CS, KM), pp. 241–245.
- ITiCSE-2007-MullerGH #composition #problem
- Pattern-oriented instruction and its influence on problem decomposition and solution construction (OM, DG, BH), pp. 151–155.
- FoSSaCS-2007-Rosu #algorithm #effectiveness #problem #regular expression
- An Effective Algorithm for the Membership Problem for Extended Regular Expressions (GR), pp. 332–345.
- STOC-2007-AgarwalAC #approximate #problem
- Improved approximation for directed cut problems (AA, NA, MC), pp. 671–680.
- STOC-2007-ChuzhoyK #polynomial #problem
- Polynomial flow-cut gaps and hardness of directed cut problems (JC, SK), pp. 179–188.
- STOC-2007-GuhaM #algorithm #approximate #learning #problem
- Approximation algorithms for budgeted learning problems (SG, KM), pp. 104–113.
- STOC-2007-HavivR #polynomial #problem
- Tensor-based hardness of the shortest vector problem to within almost polynomial factors (IH, OR), pp. 469–477.
- CIAA-2007-IliopoulosRVV #problem #sequence #string
- The Constrained Longest Common Subsequence Problem for Degenerate Strings (CSI, MSR, MV, LV), pp. 309–311.
- ICALP-2007-AlonFGKS #algorithm #problem
- Parameterized Algorithms for Directed Maximum Leaf Problems (NA, FVF, GG, MK, SS), pp. 352–362.
- ICALP-2007-BozzelliT #automaton #bound #parametricity #problem
- Decision Problems for Lower/Upper Bound Parametric Timed Automata (LB, SLT), pp. 925–936.
- ICALP-2007-BurgisserC #complexity #problem #quantifier
- Exotic Quantifiers, Complexity Classes, and Complete Problems (PB, FC), pp. 207–218.
- ICALP-2007-GroheG #problem
- Parameterized Approximability of the Disjoint Cycle Problem (MG, MG), pp. 363–374.
- ICALP-2007-GuoN #graph #kernel #linear #np-hard #problem
- Linear Problem Kernels for NP-Hard Problems on Planar Graphs (JG, RN), pp. 375–386.
- ICALP-2007-KatrielKU #nondeterminism #probability #problem
- Commitment Under Uncertainty: Two-Stage Stochastic Matching Problems (IK, CKM, EU), pp. 171–182.
- ICALP-2007-LaroseT #algebra #constraints #problem
- Universal Algebra and Hardness Results for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (BL, PT), pp. 267–278.
- LATA-2007-LohreyS #graph #problem #set
- The submonoid and rational subset membership problems for graph groups (ML, BS), pp. 367–378.
- SEFM-2007-HallRJ #framework #problem #re-engineering
- Problem Oriented Software Engineering: A design-theoretic framework for software engineering (JGH, LR, MJ), pp. 15–24.
- SFM-2007-Smith #performance #problem
- Introduction to Software Performance Engineering: Origins and Outstanding Problems (CUS), pp. 395–428.
- HCI-AS-2007-Kilic #problem #user interface
- “My Money in E-Purse” Searching Problems in Self Service User Interface (EK), pp. 58–66.
- HCI-IDU-2007-FujiokaTKO #coordination #detection #problem #usability
- Tool for Detecting Webpage Usability Problems from Mouse Click Coordinate Logs (RF, RT, YK, HO), pp. 438–445.
- HCI-IDU-2007-HwangS #detection #problem #usability #what
- What Makes Evaluators to Find More Usability Problems?: A Meta-analysis for Individual Detection Rates (WH, GS), pp. 499–507.
- HCI-IPT-2007-KellenCF #probability #problem
- Facilitating Conditional Probability Problems with Visuals (VK, SSC, XF), pp. 63–71.
- HCI-MIE-2007-BaranDC #approach #eye tracking #how #problem
- How Do Adults Solve Digital Tangram Problems? Analyzing Cognitive Strategies Through Eye Tracking Approach (BB, BD, KÇ), pp. 555–563.
- HIMI-IIE-2007-LazzariB #education #experience #guidelines #problem #quality #towards
- Towards Guidelines on Educational Podcasting Quality: Problems Arising from a Real World Experience (ML, AB), pp. 404–412.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-CastroO #distributed #multi #problem
- A Distributed Multi-Agent System to Solve Airline Operations Problems (AJMC, EO), pp. 22–30.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-CuellarDP #algorithm #hybrid #network #problem
- Problems and Features of Evolutionary Algorithms to Build Hybrid Training Methods for Recurrent Neural Networks (MPC, MD, MdCPJ), pp. 204–211.
- ICEIS-DISI-2007-ChristianssonS #open data #problem #standard
- Problems with non-open data standards in swedish municipals — when integrating and adopting systems (BC, FS), pp. 264–267.
- ICEIS-EIS-2007-AmritH #detection #matrix #problem #process
- Matrix Based Problem Detection in the Application of Software Process Patterns (CA, JvH), pp. 316–320.
- ICEIS-EIS-2007-Custers #problem #profiling
- Risk Profiling of Money Laundering and Terrorism Funding — Practical Problems of Current Information Strategies (BHMC), pp. 90–94.
- ICEIS-J-2007-CastroO07a #distributed #multi #problem #using
- Solving Airline Operations Problems Using Specialized Agents in a Distributed Multi-Agent System (AJMC, ECO), pp. 173–184.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2007-Maximilien #approach #challenge #problem #ruby #semantics #using #web #web service
- A Partial Solution to the Semantic Web Services Challenge Problem Using Swashup — The Ruby on Rails Services Mashup Approach (EMM), pp. 438–446.
- CIKM-2007-TanWTC #analysis #novel #problem #sentiment
- A novel scheme for domain-transfer problem in the context of sentiment analysis (ST, GW, HT, XC), pp. 979–982.
- ECIR-2007-Silvestri #documentation #identifier #problem #sorting
- Sorting Out the Document Identifier Assignment Problem (FS), pp. 101–112.
- ICML-2007-LarochelleECBB #architecture #empirical #evaluation #problem
- An empirical evaluation of deep architectures on problems with many factors of variation (HL, DE, ACC, JB, YB), pp. 473–480.
- ICML-2007-PandeyCA #multi #problem
- Multi-armed bandit problems with dependent arms (SP, DC, DA), pp. 721–728.
- KDD-2007-GaoESCX #consistency #data mining #mining #problem #set
- The minimum consistent subset cover problem and its applications in data mining (BJG, ME, JyC, OS, HX), pp. 310–319.
- MLDM-2007-LeeP #multi #on the #problem #reduction
- On Applying Dimension Reduction for Multi-labeled Problems (ML, CHP), pp. 131–143.
- SIGIR-2007-ErtekinHG #learning #problem
- Active learning for class imbalance problem (SE, JH, CLG), pp. 823–824.
- SIGIR-2007-Feng #clustering #documentation #optimisation #problem
- Document clustering: an optimization problem (AF), pp. 819–820.
- SIGIR-2007-SandersonS #problem
- Problems with Kendall’s tau (MS, IS), pp. 839–840.
- PPDP-2007-LushmanC #decidability #problem
- A larger decidable semiunification problem (BL, GVC), pp. 143–152.
- PADL-2007-BarahonaK #approach #constraints #problem #programming
- A Constraint Programming Approach to Bioinformatics Structural Problems (PB, LK), pp. 33–49.
- RE-2007-SalifuYN #monitoring #problem #specification
- Specifying Monitoring and Switching Problems in Context (MS, YY, BN), pp. 211–220.
- RE-2007-Sutcliffe #problem #requirements
- Requirements in the Global Economy-Experience, Problems and Prospects (AGS), pp. 359–360.
- SAC-2007-MouhoubS #constraints #problem
- Solving conditional and composite constraint satisfaction problems (MM, AS), pp. 336–337.
- SAC-2007-Suzuki #approach #problem
- An edit operation-based approach to the inclusion problem for DTDs (NS), pp. 482–488.
- SAC-2007-ViroliCG #distributed #problem #self #tuple
- A self-organising solution to the collective sort problem in distributed tuple spaces (MV, MC, LG), pp. 354–359.
- SAC-2007-ZengS #combinator #geometry #optimisation #problem
- Semi-mechanization method for a unsolved optimization problem in combinatorial geometry (ZZ, MS), pp. 762–766.
- SAC-2007-ZhangMMB #locality #network #performance #problem #self #using
- Performance problem localization in self-healing, service-oriented systems using Bayesian networks (RZ, SM, SM, AB), pp. 104–109.
- CGO-2007-OzturkCKK #latency #problem
- Compiler-Directed Variable Latency Aware SPM Management to CopeWith Timing Problems (ÖÖ, GC, MTK, MK), pp. 232–243.
- HPDC-2007-MaassenB #grid #named #problem
- Smartsockets: solving the connectivity problems in grid computing (JM, HEB), pp. 1–10.
- CAV-2007-BruttomessoCFGHNPS #industrial #lazy evaluation #problem #smt #verification
- A Lazy and Layered SMT(BV) Solver for Hard Industrial Verification Problems (RB, AC, AF, AG, ZH, AN, AP, RS), pp. 547–560.
- CSL-2007-RabinovichT #logic #problem
- Logical Refinements of Church’s Problem (AR, WT), pp. 69–83.
- LICS-2007-EgriLT #constraints #datalog #problem #symmetry
- Symmetric Datalog and Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Logspace (LE, BL, PT), pp. 193–202.
- LICS-2007-Hales #geometry #problem
- Some Methods of Problem Solving in Elementary Geometry (TCH), pp. 35–40.
- SAT-2007-LukasiewyczGHT #multi #problem #pseudo
- Solving Multi-objective Pseudo-Boolean Problems (ML, MG, CH, JT), pp. 56–69.
- SAT-2007-MakinoTY #on the #problem
- On the Boolean Connectivity Problem for Horn Relations (KM, ST, MY), pp. 187–200.
- SAT-2007-PerezV #effectiveness #encoding #logic #problem
- Encodings of Problems in Effectively Propositional Logic (JANP, AV), p. 3.
- SAT-2007-PorschenS #algorithm #problem #satisfiability
- Algorithms for Variable-Weighted 2-SAT and Dual Problems (SP, ES), pp. 173–186.
- TestCom-FATES-2007-NeukirchenB #detection #problem #quality #smell #testing
- Utilising Code Smells to Detect Quality Problems in TTCN-3 Test Suites (HN, MB), pp. 228–243.
- TLCA-2007-Kusmierek #problem #rank
- The Inhabitation Problem for Rank Two Intersection Types (DK), pp. 240–254.
- QoSA-2006-Bosch #problem #product line
- Expanding the Scope of Software Product Families: Problems and Alternative Approaches (JB), p. 1.
- CASE-2006-CapachoPGD #assembly #heuristic #problem
- Heuristic Methods to Solve the Alternative Subgraphs Assembly Line Balancing Problem (LC, RP, OG, AD), pp. 501–506.
- CASE-2006-ChandrasekaranSPV #algorithm #optimisation #permutation #problem #scheduling
- An Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problems to Minimize Makespan, Total Flowtime and Completion Time Variance (SC, RKS, SGP, NV), pp. 513–518.
- CASE-2006-NishiM #composition #optimisation #petri net #problem
- Decomposition of Petri Nets for Optimization of Routing Problem for AGVs in Semiconductor Fabrication Bays (TN, RM), pp. 236–241.
- CASE-2006-PiPS #problem
- Nested Partitions Method for the Local Pickup and Delivery Problem (LP, YP, LS), pp. 375–380.
- CASE-2006-Wen #collaboration #design #problem #research
- A Model for Industry-University Collaborative Research: Transforming Specific Problem Solution into Broad Design Methodologies (JTW), p. 1.
- DocEng-2006-HurstMA #layout #problem
- Solving the simple continuous table layout problem (NH, KM, DWA), pp. 28–30.
- DRR-2006-BentleyM #challenge #problem #string
- CAPTCHA challenge strings: problems and improvements (JLB, CLM).
- PODS-2006-CondonDHW #algorithm #pipes and filters #problem
- Flow algorithms for two pipelined filter ordering problems (AC, AD, LH, NW), pp. 193–202.
- PODS-2006-JayramKV #problem #query
- The containment problem for REAL conjunctive queries with inequalities (TSJ, PGK, EV), pp. 80–89.
- SIGMOD-2006-DuanB #identification #performance #problem
- Proactive identification of performance problems (SD, SB), pp. 766–768.
- CSEET-2006-WallaceWB #analysis #problem
- Instruction in Problem Structuring and Analysis Through Problem Frames (CW, XW, VB), pp. 185–186.
- ITiCSE-2006-BirdC #learning #problem
- Building a search engine to drive problem-based learning (SB, JRC), pp. 153–157.
- ITiCSE-2006-ChenWHL #algorithm #benchmark #design #metric #problem
- Design and applications of an algorithm benchmark system in a computational problem solving environment (MYC, JDW, JHH, DTL), pp. 123–127.
- ITiCSE-2006-OKellyG #approach #education #learning #problem #programming
- RoboCode & problem-based learning: a non-prescriptive approach to teaching programming (JO, JPG), pp. 217–221.
- ITiCSE-2006-SchreyerW #automaton #finite #modelling #problem
- Finite automata models for CS problem with binary semaphore (BS, WW), p. 330.
- ITiCSE-2006-Utting #education #java #problem #programming #using
- Problems in the initial teaching of programming using Java: the case for replacing J2SE with J2ME (IU), pp. 193–196.
- FASE-2006-Ghezzi #problem #re-engineering
- Software Engineering: Emerging Goals and Lasting Problems (CG), p. 2.
- FASE-2006-LavazzaB #problem #requirements #uml
- Combining Problem Frames and UML in the Description of Software Requirements (LL, VDB), pp. 199–213.
- CSMR-2006-Kajko-Mattsson #evaluation #industrial #problem
- Evaluation of CM3: Front-End Problem Management within Industry (MKM), pp. 367–368.
- ICSM-2006-BakerHSS #component #problem
- Search Based Approaches to Component Selection and Prioritization for the Next Release Problem (PB, MH, KS, AS), pp. 176–185.
- ICSM-2006-BakotaFGRX #maintenance #modelling #problem #towards
- Towards Portable Metrics-based Models for Software Maintenance Problems (TB, RF, TG, CR, JX), pp. 483–486.
- STOC-2006-AchlioptasR #constraints #geometry #on the #problem #random
- On the solution-space geometry of random constraint satisfaction problems (DA, FRT), pp. 130–139.
- STOC-2006-AndrewsZ #problem
- Logarithmic hardness of the directed congestion minimization problem (MA, LZ), pp. 517–526.
- STOC-2006-BansalS #problem
- The Santa Claus problem (NB, MS), pp. 31–40.
- STOC-2006-BeimelCNW #approximate #problem
- Private approximation of search problems (AB, PC, KN, EW), pp. 119–128.
- STOC-2006-ChuzhoyK #graph #problem
- Hardness of cut problems in directed graphs (JC, SK), pp. 527–536.
- STOC-2006-DevanurKSV #linear #problem
- Integrality gaps for sparsest cut and minimum linear arrangement problems (NRD, SK, RS, NKV), pp. 537–546.
- STOC-2006-GoldbergP #equilibrium #problem
- Reducibility among equilibrium problems (PWG, CHP), pp. 61–70.
- STOC-2006-RegevR #problem
- Lattice problems and norm embeddings (OR, RR), pp. 447–456.
- STOC-2006-ReingoldTV #graph #problem #pseudo
- Pseudorandom walks on regular digraphs and the RL vs. L problem (OR, LT, SPV), pp. 457–466.
- DLT-J-2005-AfoninH06 #problem #regular expression #set
- Membership and Finiteness Problems for Rational Sets of Regular Languages (SA, EH), pp. 493–506.
- ICALP-v1-2006-AlonSS #approximate #problem
- Additive Approximation for Edge-Deletion Problems (Abstract) (NA, AS, BS), pp. 1–2.
- ICALP-v1-2006-ChenD #2d #complexity #fixpoint #on the #problem
- On the Complexity of 2D Discrete Fixed Point Problem (XC, XD), pp. 489–500.
- ICALP-v1-2006-EpsteinL #problem #robust
- A Robust APTAS for the Classical Bin Packing Problem (LE, AL), pp. 214–225.
- ICALP-v1-2006-Harren #approximate #orthogonal #problem
- Approximating the Orthogonal Knapsack Problem for Hypercubes (RH), pp. 238–249.
- ICALP-v1-2006-HoangMT #on the #problem
- On the Bipartite Unique Perfect Matching Problem (TMH, MM, TT), pp. 453–464.
- ICALP-v1-2006-KortsarzN #algorithm #approximate #problem
- Tight Approximation Algorithm for Connectivity Augmentation Problems (GK, ZN), pp. 443–452.
- ICALP-v1-2006-Marx #optimisation #problem
- A Parameterized View on Matroid Optimization Problems (DM), pp. 655–666.
- ICALP-v1-2006-VassilevskaWY #graph #problem
- Finding the Smallest H-Subgraph in Real Weighted Graphs and Related Problems (VV, RW, RY), pp. 262–273.
- ICALP-v2-2006-Jurdzinski #complexity #on the #problem #safety
- On Complexity of Grammars Related to the Safety Problem (TJ), pp. 432–443.
- ICALP-v2-2006-KariantoKT #on the #problem #set
- On Intersection Problems for Polynomially Generated Sets (KW, AK, WT), pp. 516–527.
- FM-2006-Boute #formal method #independence #problem #using
- Using Domain-Independent Problems for Introducing Formal Methods (RTB), pp. 316–331.
- ICFP-2006-Rosu #problem #similarity
- Equality of streams is a Pi0 over 2-complete problem (GR), pp. 184–191.
- CHI-2006-BergmanBN #information management #problem
- The project fragmentation problem in personal information management (OB, RBM, RN), pp. 271–274.
- CSCW-2006-KoschmannLGF #problem
- The mystery of the missing referent: objects, procedures, and the problem of the instruction follower (TK, CL, CG, PJF), pp. 373–382.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2006-GoeppK #information management #problem #question #requirements
- Key-Problem and Goal Driven Requirements Engineering — Which Complementarities for Manufacturing Information Systems? (VG, FK), pp. 102–109.
- ECIR-2006-UrbanJ #image #problem #query #question #retrieval
- Can a Workspace Help to Overcome the Query Formulation Problem in Image Retrieval? (JU, JMJ), pp. 385–396.
- ICML-2006-ConitzerG #algorithm #learning #online #problem
- Learning algorithms for online principal-agent problems (and selling goods online) (VC, NG), pp. 209–216.
- ICML-2006-DegrisSW #learning #markov #problem #process
- Learning the structure of Factored Markov Decision Processes in reinforcement learning problems (TD, OS, PHW), pp. 257–264.
- ICML-2006-GreeneC #clustering #documentation #kernel #problem
- Practical solutions to the problem of diagonal dominance in kernel document clustering (DG, PC), pp. 377–384.
- ICML-2006-StrehlMLH #learning #problem
- Experience-efficient learning in associative bandit problems (ALS, CM, MLL, HH), pp. 889–896.
- ICPR-v2-2006-CourteilleDM #problem #using
- A Global Solution to the SFS Problem Using B-spline Surface and Simulated Annealing (FC, JDD, GM), pp. 332–335.
- ICPR-v2-2006-ZhengL #analysis #component #kernel #learning #locality #problem
- Regularized Locality Preserving Learning of Pre-Image Problem in Kernel Principal Component Analysis (WSZ, JHL), pp. 456–459.
- ICPR-v2-2006-ZhengLY #kernel #learning #problem
- Weakly Supervised Learning on Pre-image Problem in Kernel Methods (WSZ, JHL, PCY), pp. 711–715.
- ICPR-v2-2006-ZhengYYW #classification #effectiveness #image #problem
- Effective classification image space which can solve small sample size problem (YJZ, JYY, JY, XW), pp. 861–864.
- ICPR-v3-2006-CharoentamPJ #image #multi #problem #robust
- A Robust Region-Based Multiscale Image Fusion Scheme for Mis-Registration Problem of Thermal and Visible Images (OC, VP, SJ), pp. 669–672.
- ICPR-v3-2006-ChengC #problem
- A Complementary Ordering Method for Class Imbalanced Problem (HTC, CSC), pp. 429–432.
- ICPR-v3-2006-SagheerTTAM #approach #feature model #multi #performance #problem
- Fast Feature Extraction Approach for Multi-Dimension Feature Space Problems (AES, NT, RiT, DA, SM), pp. 417–420.
- ICPR-v4-2006-ChaoTWC #framework #kernel #problem #testing #verification
- A Kernel-based Discrimination Framework for Solving Hypothesis Testing Problems with Application to Speaker Verification (YHC, WHT, HMW, RCC), pp. 229–232.
- ICPR-v4-2006-HocquetRC #estimation #parametricity #problem
- Estimation of User Specific Parameters in One-class Problems (SH, JYR, HC), pp. 449–452.
- KDD-2006-Kahn #problem #statistics
- Capital One’s statistical problems: our top ten list (WK), p. 834.
- KDD-2006-TongF #performance #problem
- Center-piece subgraphs: problem definition and fast solutions (HT, CF), pp. 404–413.
- SEKE-2006-LehmanW #convergence #problem #rule-based #simulation
- A Rule-Based Expert System for the Diagnosis of Convergence Problems in Circuit Simulation (CWL, MJW), pp. 57–60.
- SEKE-2006-TamzalitSO #architecture #component #evolution #problem
- Evolution problem within Component-Based Software Architecture (DT, NS, MO), pp. 296–301.
- PADL-2006-QuesadaRDC #problem #using
- Using Dominators for Solving Constrained Path Problems (LQ, PVR, YD, RC), pp. 73–87.
- RE-2006-LiuJ #analysis #problem #requirements
- Integrating Goals and Problem Frames in Requirements Analysis (LL, ZJ), pp. 342–343.
- RE-2006-RegevGW #problem
- Creativity and the Age-Old Resistance to Change Problem in RE (GR, DCG, AW), pp. 284–291.
- RE-2006-SeaterJ #problem
- Requirement Progression in Problem Frames Applied to a Proton Therapy System (RS, DJ), pp. 166–175.
- SAC-2006-AltLM #linear #on the #probability #problem #using
- On the numerical solution to linear problems using stochastic arithmetic (RA, JLL, SM), pp. 1635–1639.
- SAC-2006-DantsinWK #algorithm #constraints #problem #quantum #towards
- Quantum versions of k-CSP algorithms: a first step towards quantum algorithms for interval-related constraint satisfaction problems (ED, AW, VK), pp. 1640–1644.
- SAC-2006-LeongL #algorithm #multi #problem
- A multi-agent algorithm for vehicle routing problem with time window (HWL, ML), pp. 106–111.
- SAC-2006-Oltean #multi #named #problem
- A-Brain: the multiple problems solver (MO), pp. 955–959.
- SAC-2006-PavonDL #constraints #geometry #problem #theorem proving
- An adjustment model in a geometric constraint solving problem (RP, FD, MVL), pp. 968–973.
- SAC-2006-SinghXMH #geometry #linear #locality #problem #programming #using
- Solving the brachytherapy seed localization problem using geometric and linear programming techniques (VS, LM, JX, KRH), pp. 229–234.
- SAC-2006-WintzSM #constraints #framework #geometry #problem
- A framework for geometric constraint satisfaction problem (JW, PS, PM), pp. 974–978.
- ICSE-2006-Abrial #formal method #industrial #problem
- Formal methods in industry: achievements, problems, future (JRA), pp. 761–768.
- ICSE-2006-YamauchiWIV #development #problem
- The problem of knowledge decoupling in software development projects (YY, JW, NI, EV), pp. 877–880.
- CC-2006-XueK #fresh look #problem
- A Fresh Look at PRE as a Maximum Flow Problem (JX, JK), pp. 139–154.
- HPDC-2006-DjerrahCCR #bound #framework #optimisation #problem
- Bob++: Framework for Solving Optimization Problems with Branch-and-Bound methods (AD, BLC, VDC, CR), pp. 369–370.
- CSL-2006-HellaT #higher-order #logic #problem
- Complete Problems for Higher Order Logics (LH, JMTT), pp. 380–394.
- CSL-2006-Rabinovich #parametricity #problem #synthesis
- Church Synthesis Problem with Parameters (AMR), pp. 546–561.
- FATES-RV-2006-KrichenT #finite #identification #problem #transducer
- State-Identification Problems for Finite-State Transducers (MK, ST), pp. 148–162.
- ICLP-2006-Brain #declarative #problem #semantics #set #using
- Declarative Problem Solving Using Answer Set Semantics (MB), pp. 459–460.
- LICS-2006-DawarGKS #approximate #first-order #optimisation #problem
- Approximation Schemes for First-Order Definable Optimisation Problems (AD, MG, SK, NS), pp. 411–420.
- LICS-2006-LaroseLT #constraints #first-order #problem
- A Characterisation of First-Order Constraint Satisfaction Problems (BL, CL, CT), pp. 201–210.
- LICS-2006-Otto #bound #first-order #logic #monad #problem
- The Boundedness Problem for Monadic Universal First-Order Logic (MO), pp. 37–48.
- SAT-2006-ChenIJSS #constraints #problem #theorem
- A Dichotomy Theorem for Typed Constraint Satisfaction Problems (SC, TI, KJ, DS, MS), pp. 226–239.
- SAT-2006-FuM #on the #problem #satisfiability
- On Solving the Partial MAX-SAT Problem (ZF, SM), pp. 252–265.
- SAT-2006-NieuwenhuisO #modulo theories #on the #optimisation #problem #satisfiability
- On SAT Modulo Theories and Optimization Problems (RN, AO), pp. 156–169.
- SAT-2006-WatanabeY #analysis #problem #satisfiability
- Average-Case Analysis for the MAX-2SAT Problem (OW, MY), pp. 277–282.
- TestCom-2006-ChenU #detection #distributed #problem #testing
- Detecting Observability Problems in Distributed Testing (JC, HU), pp. 213–226.
- WICSA-2005-CapillaD #component #integration #problem #product line #web
- Integration Problems of Core Components in a Web Product Line (RC, JCD), pp. 215–216.
- CASE-2005-ChiangF #problem #scheduling
- An iterative refining mechanism for general job shop scheduling problems (TCC, LCF), pp. 203–208.
- CASE-2005-PanSY #approach #optimisation #problem
- A new optimization approach to the general single machine earliness-tardiness problem (YP, LS, HY), pp. 43–48.
- CASE-2005-TangK #distributed #game studies #modelling #multi #problem
- Cooperation in a multi-stage game for modeling distributed task delegation in a supply chain procurement problem (KT, SRTK), pp. 93–98.
- CASE-2005-TanonkouBBX #approach #probability #problem #using
- Solving a stochastic inventory-location problem using Lagrangian relaxation approach (GAT, LB, RB, XX), pp. 279–284.
- DAC-2005-LiSB #bound #effectiveness #problem
- Effective bounding techniques for solving unate and binate covering problems (XYL, MFMS, FB), pp. 385–390.
- HT-2005-Moulthrop #hypermedia #problem #what
- What the geeks know: hypertext and the problem of literacy (SM), pp. 227–231.
- CSEET-2005-ArmaregoC #design #education #problem
- Problem-based Design Studios for Undergraduate SE Education (JA, SC), pp. 254–256.
- ITiCSE-2005-MullerH #algorithm #guidelines #multi #object-oriented #problem
- Guidelines for a multiple-goal CS introductory course: algorithmic problem-solving woven into OOP (OM, BH), p. 356.
- FASE-2005-CaneteM #ontology #problem #re-engineering #towards
- Towards a Theory on the Role of Ontologies in Software Engineering Problem Solving (JMC, FJGM), pp. 205–219.
- IWPC-2005-KirkRW #framework #identification #problem #reuse
- Identifying and Addressing Problems in Framework Reuse (DK, MR, MW), pp. 77–86.
- WCRE-2005-TrifuM #design #object-oriented #problem
- Diagnosing Design Problems in Object Oriented Systems (AT, RM), pp. 155–164.
- SAS-2005-TerauchiA #data flow #problem #safety
- Secure Information Flow as a Safety Problem (TT, AA), pp. 352–367.
- STOC-2005-AgarwalCMM #algorithm #approximate #problem
- O(sqrt(log n)) approximation algorithms for min UnCut, min 2CNF deletion, and directed cut problems (AA, MC, KM, YM), pp. 573–581.
- STOC-2005-AndrewsZ #problem
- Hardness of the undirected edge-disjoint paths problem (MA, LZ), pp. 276–283.
- STOC-2005-AndrewsZ05a #problem
- Hardness of the undirected congestion minimization problem (MA, LZ), pp. 284–293.
- STOC-2005-ChekuriKS #multi #problem
- Multicommodity flow, well-linked terminals, and routing problems (CC, SK, FBS), pp. 183–192.
- STOC-2005-FlaxmanFV #algorithm #approximate #on the #performance #problem
- On the average case performance of some greedy approximation algorithms for the uncapacitated facility location problem (AF, AMF, JCV), pp. 441–449.
- STOC-2005-Garg #approximate #graph #problem
- Saving an epsilon: a 2-approximation for the k-MST problem in graphs (NG), pp. 396–402.
- STOC-2005-VegaKKV #approximate #composition #constraints #problem
- Tensor decomposition and approximation schemes for constraint satisfaction problems (WFdlV, MK, RK, SV), pp. 747–754.
- CIAA-J-2004-BordihnHK05 #context-free grammar #problem #subclass
- Unsolvability levels of operation problems for subclasses of context-free languages (HB, MH, MK), pp. 423–440.
- DLT-J-2004-DassowH05 #problem #product line
- Language families defined by a ciliate bio-operation: hierarchies and decision problems (JD, MH), pp. 645–662.
- CIAA-2005-PodlovchenkoRZ #equivalence #on the #problem #source code
- On the Equivalence Problem for Programs with Mode Switching (RIP, DMR, VAZ), pp. 351–352.
- DLT-2005-AfoninH #problem #regular expression #set
- Membership and Finiteness Problems for Rational Sets of Regular Languages (SA, EH), pp. 88–99.
- DLT-2005-Massazza #ambiguity #problem
- The Inclusion Problem for Unambiguous Rational Trace Languages (PM), pp. 350–361.
- ICALP-2005-BilleG #performance #problem
- The Tree Inclusion Problem: In Optimal Space and Faster (PB, ILG), pp. 66–77.
- ICALP-2005-ChlebusGKR #network #on the #problem
- On the Wake-Up Problem in Radio Networks (BSC, LG, DRK, TR), pp. 347–359.
- ICALP-2005-JainHT #concurrent #problem
- The Generalized Deadlock Resolution Problem (KJ, MTH, KT), pp. 853–865.
- ICALP-2005-Karakostas #approximate #problem
- A Better Approximation Ratio for the Vertex Cover Problem (GK), pp. 1043–1050.
- ICALP-2005-KoiranNP #bound #complexity #problem #quantum #query
- A Quantum Lower Bound for the Query Complexity of Simon’s Problem (PK, VN, NP), pp. 1287–1298.
- ICALP-2005-KonemannLSZ #problem
- From Primal-Dual to Cost Shares and Back: A Stronger LP Relaxation for the Steiner Forest Problem (JK, SL, GS, SHMvZ), pp. 930–942.
- ICALP-2005-KumarSS #algorithm #clustering #linear #problem
- Linear Time Algorithms for Clustering Problems in Any Dimensions (AK, YS, SS), pp. 1374–1385.
- ICALP-2005-LiDIY #problem #verification
- Signaling P Systems and Verification Problems (CL, ZD, OHI, HCY), pp. 1462–1473.
- ICALP-2005-PemmarajuR #algorithm #approximate #problem
- Approximation Algorithms for the Max-coloring Problem (SVP, RR), pp. 1064–1075.
- ICALP-2005-RadhakrishnanRS #fourier #on the #power of #problem #random
- On the Power of Random Bases in Fourier Sampling: Hidden Subgroup Problem in the Heisenberg Group (JR, MR, PS), pp. 1399–1411.
- CHI-2005-BlackmonKP #effectiveness #navigation #predict #problem
- Tool for accurately predicting website navigation problems, non-problems, problem severity, and effectiveness of repairs (MHB, MK, PGP), pp. 31–40.
- CHI-2005-HornbaekF #development #problem #usability
- Comparing usability problems and redesign proposals as input to practical systems development (KH, EF), pp. 391–400.
- ICEIS-v1-2005-HammerschmidtKL #problem #xml
- The Index Update Problem for XML Data in XDBMS (BCH, MK, VL), pp. 27–34.
- ICEIS-v2-2005-CuellarDJ #network #predict #problem #programming
- An Application of Non-Linear Programming to Train Recurrent Neural Networks in Time Series Prediction Problems (MPC, MD, MdCPJ), pp. 35–42.
- ICEIS-v2-2005-Hakansson #comprehension #problem
- Transferring Problem Solving Strategies from the Expert to the End Users — Supporting Understanding (AH), pp. 3–10.
- ICEIS-v3-2005-TanL #enterprise #framework #modelling #problem #simulation #using
- Enterprise Infrastructure Planning — Modelling and Simulation Using the Problem Articulation Method (ST, KL), pp. 240–245.
- ICML-2005-HillD #adaptation #classification #problem
- Adapting two-class support vector classification methods to many class problems (SIH, AD), pp. 313–320.
- ICML-2005-ScholkopfSB #machine learning #problem
- Object correspondence as a machine learning problem (BS, FS, VB), pp. 776–783.
- ICML-2005-TsangKL #problem #scalability
- Core Vector Regression for very large regression problems (IWT, JTK, KTL), pp. 912–919.
- ICML-2005-WalderCS #modelling #problem
- Implicit surface modelling as an eigenvalue problem (CW, OC, BS), pp. 936–939.
- KDD-2005-FujimakiYM #approach #detection #kernel #problem #using
- An approach to spacecraft anomaly detection problem using kernel feature space (RF, TY, KM), pp. 401–410.
- SIGIR-2005-BlancoB #documentation #identifier #problem
- Characterization of a simple case of the reassignment of document identifiers as a pattern sequencing problem (RB, AB), pp. 587–588.
- MoDELS-2005-MiliE #design pattern #problem #question #representation #what
- Representing and Applying Design Patterns: What Is the Problem? (HM, GEB), pp. 186–200.
- MoDELS-2005-MiliE #design pattern #problem #question #representation #what
- Representing and Applying Design Patterns: What Is the Problem? (HM, GEB), pp. 186–200.
- ECOOP-2005-Meyer #object-oriented #problem #programming
- Attached Types and Their Application to Three Open Problems of Object-Oriented Programming (BM), pp. 1–32.
- PADL-2005-Munoz-HernandezG #collaboration #fuzzy #problem
- Solving Collaborative Fuzzy Agents Problems with CLP(FD) (SMH, JMGP), pp. 187–202.
- POPL-2005-FosterGMPS #approach #combinator #problem
- Combinators for bi-directional tree transformations: a linguistic approach to the view update problem (JNF, MBG, JTM, BCP, AS), pp. 233–246.
- RE-2005-ArkleyR #problem #traceability
- Overcoming the Traceability Benefit Problem (PA, SR), pp. 385–389.
- SAC-2005-ChabertTN #consistency #constraints #problem
- Box-set consistency for interval-based constraint problems (GC, GT, BN), pp. 1439–1443.
- SAC-2005-GuoLLW #linear #problem
- The shortest route cut and fill problem in linear topological structure (SG, WL, AL, FW), pp. 409–410.
- SAC-2005-LauW #approach #multi #optimisation #problem
- A multi-agent approach for solving optimization problems involving expensive resources (HCL, HW), pp. 79–83.
- SAC-2005-LimZ #problem
- The container loading problem (AL, XZ), pp. 913–917.
- SAC-2005-LimZLR #graph #heuristic #problem
- Heuristic methods for graph coloring problems (AL, YZ, QL, BR), pp. 933–939.
- SAC-2005-OConnellOF #constraints #problem
- Timid acquisition of constraint satisfaction problems (SO, BO, ECF), pp. 404–408.
- SAC-2005-SpohnG #network #problem #set #using
- A solution for the location problem in arbitrary computer networks using generic dominating sets (MAS, JJGLA), pp. 739–743.
- SAC-2005-XiaoLJ #clustering #on the #problem #scheduling
- On unit task linear-nonlinear two-cluster scheduling problem (ZX, WNL, JJFJ), pp. 713–717.
- GTTSE-2005-PorkolabZ #c++ #composition #metaprogramming #problem
- A Feature Composition Problem and a Solution Based on C++ Template Metaprogramming (ZP, IZ), pp. 459–470.
- ICSE-2005-Olalekan #empirical #problem #re-engineering #research
- Conducting empirical software engineering research in Nigeria: the posing problems (ASO), pp. 633–634.
- HPCA-2005-MukherjeeER #architecture #fault #perspective #problem
- The Soft Error Problem: An Architectural Perspective (SSM, JSE, SKR), pp. 243–247.
- SAT-J-2004-AnsoteguiM05 #problem
- Mapping Problems with Finite-Domain Variables to Problems with Boolean Variables (CA, FM), pp. 1–15.
- SAT-J-2004-PorschenS05 #bound #problem
- Worst Case Bounds for Some NP-Complete Modified Horn-SAT Problems (SP, ES), pp. 251–262.
- SAT-J-2004-TangYRM05 #algorithm #analysis #problem #quantifier #satisfiability
- Analysis of Search Based Algorithms for Satisfiability of Propositional and Quantified Boolean Formulas Arising from Circuit State Space Diameter Problems (DT, YY, DR, SM), pp. 292–305.
- ICLP-2005-DovierFP #comparison #problem
- A Comparison of CLP(FD) and ASP Solutions to NP-Complete Problems (AD, AF, EP), pp. 67–82.
- LICS-2005-Atserias #on the #problem
- On Digraph Coloring Problems and Treewidth Duality (AA), pp. 106–115.
- SAT-2005-ArgelichM #problem #satisfiability
- Solving Over-Constrained Problems with SAT Technology (JA, FM), pp. 1–15.
- SAT-2005-MeierS #algebra #benchmark #metric #problem #satisfiability #set
- A New Set of Algebraic Benchmark Problems for SAT Solvers (AM, VS), pp. 459–466.
- TestCom-2005-KrichenT #automaton #identification #problem
- State Identification Problems for Timed Automata (MK, ST), pp. 175–191.
- CBSE-2004-MinCK #component #off the shelf #problem #using
- Using Smart Connectors to Resolve Partial Matching Problems in COTS Component Acquisition (HGM, SWC, SDK), pp. 40–47.
- DAC-2004-AntonelliCDHKKMN #automaton #clustering #modelling #problem
- Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (QCA) circuit partitioning: problem modeling and solutions (DAA, DZC, TJD, XSH, ABK, PMK, RCM, MTN), pp. 363–368.
- DATE-v1-2004-CatthoorCMGLMSW #design #how #problem #question #scalability
- How Can System-Level Design Solve the Interconnect Technology Scaling Problem? (FC, AC, GM, PG, RL, KM, PvdS, RW), pp. 332–339.
- PODS-2004-HershbergerS #adaptation #data type #geometry #problem
- Adaptive Sampling for Geometric Problems over Data Streams (JH, SS), pp. 252–262.
- VLDB-2004-BraganholoDH #problem #relational #xml
- From XML View Updates to Relational View Updates: old solutions to a new problem (VPB, SBD, CAH), pp. 276–287.
- ITiCSE-2004-AlfonsiSPS #named #problem
- IT4PS: information technology for problem solving (CRA, NS, DP, MS), p. 241.
- ITiCSE-2004-Gal-EzerLS #problem
- Interesting basic problems for CS1 (JGE, DL, DS), p. 275.
- ITiCSE-2004-MintonBD #case study #problem
- If diversity is a problem could e-learning be part of the solution?: a case study (LM, RDB, VD), pp. 42–46.
- ITiCSE-2004-MullerHA #problem
- (An almost) pedagogical pattern for pattern-based problem-solving instruction (OM, BH, HA), pp. 102–106.
- ITiCSE-2004-PaciniFF #database #learning #problem #spreadsheet #tool support
- Learning problem solving with spreadsheet and database tools (GP, GF, AF), p. 267.
- ITiCSE-WGR-2004-CinneideT #approach #design pattern #education #problem
- A problem-based approach to teaching design patterns (MÓC, RT), pp. 80–82.
- ITiCSE-WGR-2004-RolfeP #backtracking #bound #problem
- An alternative problem for backtracking and bounding (TJR, PWP), pp. 83–84.
- FoSSaCS-2004-Kirsten #automaton #distance #problem
- Distance Desert Automata and the Star Height One Problem (DK), pp. 257–272.
- TACAS-2004-KrcalY #analysis #automaton #decidability #problem #scheduling #using
- Decidable and Undecidable Problems in Schedulability Analysis Using Timed Automata (PK, WY), pp. 236–250.
- TACAS-2004-LugiezNZ #approach #automaton #explosion #partial order #problem #semantics
- A Partial Order Semantics Approach to the Clock Explosion Problem of Timed Automata (DL, PN, SZ), pp. 296–311.
- ICSM-2004-Gustavsson #evolution #problem #process #runtime
- Strategies for Handling the Activity Problem in Runtime Software Evolution by Reducing Activity (JG), p. 525.
- STOC-2004-BienstockI #problem
- Solving fractional packing problems in Oast(1/?) iterations (DB, GI), pp. 146–155.
- STOC-2004-ChekuriKS #multi #problem
- The all-or-nothing multicommodity flow problem (CC, SK, FBS), pp. 156–165.
- STOC-2004-Elkin #approximate #bound #distributed #problem #trade-off
- Unconditional lower bounds on the time-approximation tradeoffs for the distributed minimum spanning tree problem (ME), pp. 331–340.
- STOC-2004-Indyk #algorithm #data type #geometry #problem
- Algorithms for dynamic geometric problems over data streams (PI), pp. 373–380.
- STOC-2004-LeviRS #algorithm #problem
- Primal-dual algorithms for deterministic inventory problems (RL, RR, DBS), pp. 353–362.
- STOC-2004-Yao #graph #problem #quantum #sorting
- Graph entropy and quantum sorting problems (ACCY), pp. 112–117.
- CIAA-2004-BordihnHK #context-free grammar #linear #problem
- Some Non-semi-decidability Problems for Linear and Deterministic Context-Free Languages (HB, MH, MK), pp. 68–79.
- CIAA-2004-ZakharovZ #automaton #multi #on the #problem #source code
- On the Equivalence-Checking Problem for a Model of Programs Related with Multi-tape Automata (VAZ, IZ), pp. 293–305.
- DLT-2004-GruskaTP #array #communication #problem
- Optimal Time and Communication Solutions of Firing Squad Synchronization Problems on Square Arrays, Toruses and Rings (JG, SLT, MP), pp. 200–211.
- DLT-2004-LakinT #problem
- Context-Sensitive Decision Problems in Groups (SRL, RMT), pp. 296–307.
- DLT-2004-Potapov #automaton #matrix #multi #problem #reachability
- From Post Systems to the Reachability Problems for Matrix Semigroups and Multicounter Automata (IP), pp. 345–356.
- DLT-2004-Reidenbach #equivalence #on the #pattern matching #problem
- On the Equivalence Problem for E-pattern Languages over Small Alphabets (DR), pp. 368–380.
- ICALP-2004-DurrHHM #complexity #graph #problem #quantum #query
- Quantum Query Complexity of Some Graph Problems (CD, MH, PH, MM), pp. 481–493.
- ICALP-2004-DvorakKP #consistency #constraints #problem
- Locally Consistent Constraint Satisfaction Problems: (Extended Abstract) (ZD, DK, OP), pp. 469–480.
- ICALP-2004-FeigenbaumKMSZ #graph #on the #problem
- On Graph Problems in a Semi-streaming Model (JF, SK, AM, SS, JZ), pp. 531–543.
- ICALP-2004-HalperinK #problem #set
- The Minimum-Entropy Set Cover Problem (EH, RMK), pp. 733–744.
- ICALP-2004-HeeringaA #design #problem
- Optimal Website Design with the Constrained Subtree Selection Problem (BH, MA), pp. 757–769.
- ICALP-2004-IndykLLP #problem
- Closest Pair Problems in Very High Dimensions (PI, ML, OL, EP), pp. 782–792.
- ICALP-2004-JothiR #algorithm #approximate #design #network #problem
- Approximation Algorithms for the Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree Problem and Its Variants in Network Design (RJ, BR), pp. 805–818.
- ICALP-2004-Lohrey #problem #word
- Word Problems on Compressed Words (ML), pp. 906–918.
- ICALP-2004-Midrijanis #bound #polynomial #problem #quantum #query #set #similarity
- A Polynomial Quantum Query Lower Bound for the Set Equality Problem (GM), pp. 996–1005.
- ICALP-2004-SahinalpU #problem #similarity #string
- Hardness of String Similarity Search and Other Indexing Problems (SCS, AU), pp. 1080–1098.
- SFM-2004-AlurM #automaton #bibliography #problem
- Decision Problems for Timed Automata: A Survey (RA, PM), pp. 1–24.
- AdaEurope-2004-Gogolla #formal method #problem
- Benefits and Problems of Formal Methods (MG), pp. 1–15.
- ICEIS-v2-2004-EnnigrouG #approach #flexibility #multi #problem #scheduling
- Multi-Agent Approach Based on Tabu Search for the Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (ME, KG), pp. 22–28.
- ICEIS-v2-2004-VeskiojaV #problem
- Majority Voting in Stable Marriage Problem with Couples (TV, LV), pp. 442–447.
- ICEIS-v3-2004-CastelaT #modelling #problem
- As Is Organizational Modeling: The Problem of Its Dynamic Management (NC, JMT), pp. 561–564.
- ICEIS-v3-2004-CheungHY #problem
- The Delegation Problem and Practical PKI-Based Solutions (VLSC, LCKH, SMY), pp. 73–84.
- ICEIS-v4-2004-LeDG #multi #on the #ontology #problem #semantics #web
- On Ontology Matching Problems — for Building a Corporate Semantic Web in a Multi-Communities Organization (BTL, RDK, FG), pp. 236–243.
- CIKM-2004-AndrusBST #problem
- Key problems in integrating structured and unstructured information (DCA, DB, JTS, ET), p. 360.
- ICML-2004-AppiceCRF #multi #problem
- Redundant feature elimination for multi-class problems (AA, MC, SR, PAF).
- ICML-2004-FernB #clustering #graph #problem
- Solving cluster ensemble problems by bipartite graph partitioning (XZF, CEB).
- ICML-2004-FrankK #multi #problem
- Ensembles of nested dichotomies for multi-class problems (EF, SK).
- ICML-2004-KoppelS #classification #problem #verification
- Authorship verification as a one-class classification problem (MK, JS).
- ICML-2004-Zhang #algorithm #linear #predict #probability #problem #scalability #using
- Solving large scale linear prediction problems using stochastic gradient descent algorithms (TZ0).
- ICPR-v1-2004-DuinPT #classification #problem
- The Characterization of Classification Problems by Classifier Disagreements (RPWD, EP, DMJT), pp. 140–143.
- ICPR-v1-2004-MottlDK #algorithm #pattern matching #pattern recognition #problem #recognition
- Pattern Recognition in Interrelated Data: The Problem, Fundamental Assumptions, Recognition Algorithms (VM, SD, AK), pp. 188–191.
- ICPR-v2-2004-RayBP #algorithm #problem #search-based
- New Operators of Genetic Algorithms for Traveling Salesman Problem (SSR, SB, SKP), pp. 497–500.
- ICPR-v3-2004-KoKB04a #learning #multi #problem
- Improved N-Division Output Coding for Multiclass Learning Problems (JK, EK, HB), pp. 470–473.
- ICPR-v3-2004-TwiningMT #approach #image #problem
- A Unified Information-Theoretic Approach to the Correspondence Problem in Image Registration (CJT, SM, CJT), pp. 704–709.
- KDD-2004-EsterGJH #data mining #mining #problem #segmentation
- A microeconomic data mining problem: customer-oriented catalog segmentation (ME, RG, WJ, ZH), pp. 557–562.
- KR-2004-GrootTH #analysis #approximate #case study #classification #problem #towards
- Towards a Structured Analysis of Approximate Problem Solving: A Case Study in Classification (PG, AtT, FvH), pp. 399–406.
- KR-2004-ZhangZ #integer #problem #scheduling
- An Improved Integer Local Search for Complex Scheduling Problems (WZ, XZ), pp. 692–700.
- SEKE-2004-CairoA #architecture #problem #reuse
- The KAMET II Architecture for Problem-Solving Method Reuse (OC, JCA), pp. 435–438.
- SIGIR-2004-KazaiLV #evaluation #problem #retrieval #xml
- The overlap problem in content-oriented XML retrieval evaluation (GK, ML, APdV), pp. 72–79.
- TOOLS-USA-2003-HamzaE04 #analysis #problem
- Applying Analysis Patterns Through Analogy: Problems and Solutions (HSH, MEF), pp. 197–208.
- ECOOP-2004-Torgersen #problem #revisited
- The Expression Problem Revisited (MT), pp. 123–143.
- RE-2004-LaneyBJN #problem #requirements #using
- Composing Requirements Using Problem Frames (RCL, LB, MJ, BN), pp. 122–131.
- RE-2004-LinNIJ #bound #problem #security #using
- Using Abuse Frames to Bound the Scope of Security Problems (LL, BN, DCI, MJ), pp. 354–355.
- RE-2004-RapanottiHJN #architecture #composition #problem
- Architecture-driven Problem Decomposition (LR, JGH, MJ, BN), pp. 80–89.
- SAC-2004-AlbaC #fault #heuristic #hybrid #parallel #problem
- Solving the error correcting code problem with parallel hybrid heuristics (EA, JFC), pp. 985–989.
- SAC-2004-AvinoGM #finite #problem #reverse engineering
- Applications of finite fields to dynamical systems and reverse engineering problems (MAA, ELG, OM), pp. 191–196.
- SAC-2004-BistarelliFO #constraints #detection #modelling #problem #using
- Modeling and detecting the cascade vulnerability problem using soft constraints (SB, SNF, BO), pp. 383–390.
- SAC-2004-BoughaciD #metaheuristic #optimisation #problem #satisfiability #using
- Solving weighted Max-Sat optimization problems using a Taboo Scatter Search metaheuristic (DB, HD), pp. 35–36.
- SAC-2004-CaldeiraMR #algorithm #hybrid #problem #using
- Using a hybrid Evolutionary-Taboo Algorithm to solve Job Shop Problem (JPC, FM, ACR), pp. 1446–1451.
- SAC-2004-FeltlR #algorithm #hybrid #problem #search-based
- An improved hybrid genetic algorithm for the generalized assignment problem (HF, GRR), pp. 990–995.
- SAC-2004-JulstromA #algorithm #hybrid #problem
- Two hybrid evolutionary algorithms for the rectilinear Steiner arborescence problem (BAJ, AA), pp. 980–984.
- SAC-2004-KatayamaHN #clique #problem
- Solving the maximum clique problem by k-opt local search (KK, AH, HN), pp. 1021–1025.
- SAC-2004-PreinfalkM #automation #framework #problem #scheduling
- Automatic construction of drama school timetables based on a generic evolutionary framework for allocation and scheduling problems (OP, HAM), pp. 996–1000.
- SAC-2004-ZumpanoGTV #on the #optimisation #power of #problem #semantics
- On the semantics and expressive power of Datalog-like languages for NP search and optimization problems (EZ, SG, IT, PV), pp. 692–697.
- FSE-2004-Marks #exclamation #problem #usability
- The usability problem for home appliances: engineers caused it, engineers can fix it! (JM), p. 95.
- ICSE-2004-Keenan #agile #analysis #problem #process
- Agile Process Tailoring and probLem analYsis (APTLY) (FK), pp. 45–47.
- SPLC-2004-DeelstraSB #case study #experience #problem #product line
- Experiences in Software Product Families: Problems and Issues During Product Derivation (SD, MS, JB), pp. 165–182.
- HPDC-2004-DenisAHVKB #communication #performance #problem #security
- Wide-Area Communication for Grids: An Integrated Solution to Connectivity, Performance and Security Problems (AD, OA, RFHH, KV, TK, HEB), pp. 97–106.
- IJCAR-2004-BaaderGT #decidability #logic #problem #word
- A New Combination Procedure for the Word Problem That Generalizes Fusion Decidability Results in Modal Logics (FB, SG, CT), pp. 183–197.
- IJCAR-2004-GilHSZ #algorithm #constraints #finite #order #performance #problem
- Efficient Algorithms for Constraint Description Problems over Finite Totally Ordered Domains: Extended Abstract (ÀJG, MH, GS, BZ), pp. 244–258.
- LICS-2004-Bulatov #constraints #graph #problem #relational
- A Graph of a Relational Structure and Constraint Satisfaction Problems (AAB), pp. 448–457.
- LICS-2004-DalmauKL #first-order #graph #problem #reflexive
- First-Order Definable Retraction Problems for Posets and Reflexive Graph (VD, AAK, BL), pp. 232–241.
- LICS-2004-FlumG #model checking #problem
- Model-Checking Problems as a Basis for Parameterized Intractability (JF, MG), pp. 388–397.
- LICS-2004-OuaknineW #automaton #decidability #on the #problem
- On the Language Inclusion Problem for Timed Automata: Closing a Decidability Gap (JO, JW), pp. 54–63.
- RTA-2004-MitsuhashiOOY #confluence #problem #unification
- The Joinability and Unification Problems for Confluent Semi-constructor TRSs (IM, MO, YO, TY), pp. 285–300.
- SAT-2004-AnsoteguiM #problem
- Mapping Problems with Finite-Domain Variables into Problems with Boolean Variables (CA, FM), pp. 111–119.
- SAT-2004-Connamacher #constraints #problem #random
- A Random Constraint Satisfaction Problem That Seems Hard for DPLL (HSC), pp. 3–11.
- SAT-2004-TangYRM #algorithm #analysis #problem #quantifier #satisfiability
- Analysis of Search Based Algorithms for Satisfiability of Quantified Boolean Formulas Arising from Circuit State Space Diameter Problems (DT, YY, DR, SM), pp. 214–223.
- DAC-2003-NgPMJ #industrial #problem
- Solving the latch mapping problem in an industrial setting (KN, MRP, RM, JJ), pp. 442–447.
- DATE-2003-SchlebuschSSGMLGSK #design #problem #question #transaction
- Transaction Based Design: Another Buzzword or the Solution to a Design Problem? (HJS, GS, DS, DG, CM, CKL, FG, SS, JK), pp. 10876–10879.
- DRR-2003-Summers #classification #documentation #image #problem
- Document image improvment for OCR as a classification problem (KMS), pp. 73–83.
- ICDAR-2003-LeeO #classification #multi #problem
- Binary Classification Trees for Multi-class Classification Problems (JSL, ISO), pp. 770–774.
- PODS-2003-GuptaSH #problem #xml
- The view selection problem for XML content based routing (AKG, DS, AYH), pp. 68–77.
- SIGMOD-2003-GuptaLM #named #problem #semantics
- BIRN-M: A Semantic Mediator for Solving Real-World Neuroscience Problems (AG, BL, MEM), p. 678.
- VLDB-2003-KornMZ #database #monitoring #network #problem #quality
- Checks and Balances: Monitoring Data Quality Problems in Network Traffic Databases (FK, SM, YZ), pp. 536–547.
- ITiCSE-2003-EkateriniSP #education #learning #problem
- Teaching IT in secondary education through problem-based learning could be really beneficial (GE, BS, GP), p. 243.
- ITiCSE-2003-PapamanthouP #algorithm #problem #visualisation
- A visualization of the primal simplex algorithm for the assignment problem (CP, KP), p. 267.
- CSMR-2003-Kajko-Mattsson #maintenance #problem
- Problems within Support (Upfront Maintenance) (MKM), pp. 331–340.
- ICSM-2003-Mitchell #approach #clustering #heuristic #problem
- A Heuristic Approach to Solving the Software Clustering Problem (BSM), pp. 285–288.
- WCRE-2003-WalensteinJLYL #clone detection #detection #problem
- Problems Creating Task-relevant Clone Detection Reference Data (AW, NJ, JL, YY, AL), pp. 285–295.
- STOC-2003-AlonAA #online #problem #set
- The online set cover problem (NA, BA, YA, NB, JN), pp. 100–105.
- STOC-2003-CharikarOP #algorithm #clustering #problem #streaming
- Better streaming algorithms for clustering problems (MC, LO, RP), pp. 30–39.
- STOC-2003-Gurvits #complexity #problem #quantum
- Classical deterministic complexity of Edmonds’ Problem and quantum entanglement (LG), pp. 10–19.
- STOC-2003-JayramKKR #bound #problem
- Cell-probe lower bounds for the partial match problem (TSJ, SK, RK, YR), pp. 667–672.
- STOC-2003-Plaxton #algorithm #approximate #problem
- Approximation algorithms for hierarchical location problems (CGP), pp. 40–49.
- STOC-2003-Thorup #constant #integer #problem
- Integer priority queues with decrease key in constant time and the single source shortest paths problem (MT), pp. 149–158.
- STOC-2003-VegaKKR #approximate #clustering #problem
- Approximation schemes for clustering problems (WFdlV, MK, CK, YR), pp. 50–58.
- CIAA-2003-MelicharP #approach #automaton #finite #problem #sequence
- The Longest Common Subsequence Problem A Finite Automata Approach (BM, TP), pp. 294–296.
- CIAA-2003-XieLD #complexity #equation #linear #problem #using
- New Complexity Results for Some Linear Counting Problems Using Minimal Solutions to Linear Diophantine Equations (GX, CL, ZD), pp. 163–175.
- DLT-2003-AnselmoM #formal method #perspective #problem
- Covering Problems from a Formal Language Point of View (MA, MM), pp. 122–133.
- ICALP-2003-AgeevYZ #algorithm #approximate #combinator #problem
- Improved Combinatorial Approximation Algorithms for the k-Level Facility Location Problem (AAA, YY, JZ), pp. 145–156.
- ICALP-2003-AroraC #approximate #problem #strict
- Approximation Schemes for Degree-Restricted MST and Red-Blue Separation Problem (SA, KLC), pp. 176–188.
- ICALP-2003-BorosEGKM #difference #generative #problem
- An Intersection Inequality for Discrete Distributions and Related Generation Problems (EB, KME, VG, LK, KM), pp. 543–555.
- ICALP-2003-ChenKPSX #complexity #graph #problem
- Genus Characterizes the Complexity of Graph Problems: Some Tight Results (JC, IAK, LP, ES, GX), pp. 845–856.
- ICALP-2003-CieliebakFPS #problem
- Solving the Robots Gathering Problem (MC, PF, GP, NS), pp. 1181–1196.
- ICALP-2003-Condon #design #predict #problem
- Problems on RNA Secondary Structure Prediction and Design (AC), pp. 22–32.
- ICALP-2003-ElkinK #algorithm #approximate #multi #problem
- Approximation Algorithm for Directed Telephone Multicast Problem (ME, GK), pp. 212–223.
- ICALP-2003-FialaP #complexity #problem
- The Computational Complexity of the Role Assignment Problem (JF, DP), pp. 817–828.
- ICALP-2003-Okhotin #equation #problem
- Decision Problems for Language Equations with Boolean Operations (AO), pp. 239–251.
- ICALP-2003-Senizergues #equivalence #problem
- The Equivalence Problem for t-Turn DPDA Is Co-NP (GS), pp. 478–489.
- ICALP-2003-SittersSP #algorithm #problem
- A Competitive Algorithm for the General 2-Server Problem (RS, LS, WdP), pp. 624–636.
- CHI-2003-BlackmonKP #problem #usability #web
- Repairing usability problems identified by the cognitive walkthrough for the web (MHB, MK, PGP), pp. 497–504.
- ICEIS-v2-2003-IsikK #network #problem
- Partially Connected Neural Networks for Mapping Problems (CI, SK), pp. 469–473.
- ICEIS-v2-2003-OkuharaU #multi #problem
- Logistics By Applying Evolutionary Computation to Multicommodity Flow Problem (KO, NU), pp. 511–514.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-GoeppK #evolution #information management #problem #towards
- Towards a Definition of the Key-Problems in Information System Evolution — Formulating Problems to Better Address Information System Projects (VG, FK), pp. 586–589.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-MatsumotoT #modelling #problem
- A Promising Manifesto for E-Business Value Modeling Problems (MJM, MT), pp. 112–120.
- CIKM-2003-Liben-NowellK #network #predict #problem #social
- The link prediction problem for social networks (DLN, JMK), pp. 556–559.
- ICML-2003-KennedyJ #learning #problem
- Characteristics of Long-term Learning in Soar and its Application to the Utility Problem (WGK, KADJ), pp. 337–344.
- ICML-2003-KwokT03a #kernel #problem
- The Pre-Image Problem in Kernel Methods (JTK, IWT), pp. 408–415.
- LOPSTR-2003-FlenerPA #combinator #modelling #problem #relational
- Introducing esra, a Relational Language for Modelling Combinatorial Problems (PF, JP, MÅ), pp. 214–232.
- PADL-2003-FernandezHS #combinator #constraints #functional #logic #problem
- Solving Combinatorial Problems with a Constraint Functional Logic Language (AJF, MTHG, FSP), pp. 320–338.
- SAC-2003-HareJ #algorithm #problem #search-based
- A Spanning Tree-Based Genetic Algorithm for Some Instances of the Rectilinear Steiner Problem with Obstacles (RMH, BAJ), pp. 725–729.
- SAC-2003-LiLR #approach #hybrid #problem
- A Hybrid AI Approach for Nurse Rostering Problem (HL, AL, BR), pp. 730–735.
- SAC-2003-RaidlJ #algorithm #bound #heuristic #problem
- Greedy Heuristics and an Evolutionary Algorithm for the Bounded-Diameter Minimum Spanning Tree Problem (GRR, BAJ), pp. 747–752.
- SAC-2003-RaisanenW #communication #evaluation #multi #network #optimisation #problem
- Multi-objective Optimization in the Area Coverage Problems for Cellular Communication Networks: Evaluation of an Elitist Evolutionary Strategy (LR, RMW), pp. 714–720.
- ESEC-FSE-2003-McCamantE #component #predict #problem
- Predicting problems caused by component upgrades (SM, MDE), pp. 287–296.
- ICSE-2003-BakerNH #education #game studies #problem #re-engineering
- Problems and Programmers: An Educational Software Engineering Card Game (AB, EON, AvdH), pp. 614–621.
- ICSE-2003-RaghavachariRJ #configuration management #performance #problem #reliability
- The Deployer’s Problem: Configuring Application Servers for Performance and Reliability (MR, DR, RDJ), pp. 484–489.
- CADE-2003-CohenMPS #permutation #problem
- Certifying Solutions to Permutation Group Problems (AMC, SHM, MP, VS), pp. 258–273.
- CADE-2003-Lynch #problem #unification
- Schematic Saturation for Decision and Unification Problems (CL), pp. 427–441.
- CAV-2003-XieDIP #problem #verification
- Dense Counter Machines and Verification Problems (GX, ZD, OHI, PSP), pp. 93–105.
- CSL-2003-KanovichV #problem
- Coping Polynomially with Numerous but Identical Elements within Planning Problems (MIK, JV), pp. 285–298.
- CSL-2003-MaksimovaV #calculus #complexity #problem
- Complexity of Some Problems in Modal and Intuitionistic Calculi (LM, AV), pp. 397–412.
- LICS-2003-Bulatov #constraints #problem
- Tractable conservative Constraint Satisfaction Problems (AAB), p. 321–?.
- SAT-2003-Parisi #approach #on the #probability #problem #random #satisfiability
- On the Probabilistic Approach to the Random Satisfiability Problem (GP), pp. 203–213.
- SAT-2003-PorschenRS #algorithm #linear #problem #satisfiability
- Linear Time Algorithms for Some Not-All-Equal Satisfiability Problems (SP, BR, ES), pp. 172–187.
- SAT-2003-Prestwich #problem
- Local Search on SAT-encoded Colouring Problems (SDP), pp. 105–119.
- SAT-2003-Pretolani #problem #reduction #satisfiability
- Hypergraph Reductions and Satisfiability Problems (DP), pp. 383–397.
- SAT-2003-SabharwalBK #learning #performance #problem #using
- Using Problem Structure for Efficient Clause Learning (AS, PB, HAK), pp. 242–256.
- SAT-2003-SemerjianM #case study #physics #problem #random #satisfiability
- A Study of Pure Random Walk on Random Satisfiability Problems with “Physical” Methods (GS, RM), pp. 120–134.
- TLCA-2003-Joly #encoding #problem
- Encoding of the Halting Problem into the Monster Type & Applications (TJ), pp. 153–166.
- DAC-2002-AnderssonBCH #approach #automation #design #problem #proving
- A proof engine approach to solving combinational design automation problems (GA, PB, BC, ZH), pp. 725–730.
- DATE-2002-FavalliM #fault #problem #self
- Problems Due to Open Faults in the Interconnections of Self-Checking Data-Paths (MF, CM), pp. 612–617.
- DATE-2002-GoldbergPB #algorithm #problem #satisfiability #symmetry #using
- Using Problem Symmetry in Search Based Satisfiability Algorithms (EIG, MRP, RKB), pp. 134–141.
- DATE-2002-HuangTXWL #algorithm #polynomial #problem
- A Polynomial Time Optimal Diode Insertion/Routing Algorithm for Fixing Antenna Problem (LDH, XT, HX, DFW, IML), pp. 470–475.
- DATE-2002-KoranneC #network #problem #scheduling
- Formulation of SOC Test Scheduling as a Network Transportation Problem (SK, VSC), p. 1125.
- DATE-2002-LampeL #optimisation #problem
- Global Optimization Applied to the Oscillator Problem (SL, SL), pp. 322–326.
- DATE-2002-LeeLFCH #problem
- A New Formulation for SOC Floorplan Area Minimization Problem (CHL, YCL, WYF, CCC, TMH), p. 1100.
- PODS-2002-Chirkova #bound #problem #query
- The View-Selection Problem Has an Exponential-Time Lower Bound for Conjunctive Queries and Views (RC), pp. 159–168.
- CSEET-2002-Armarego #design #learning #problem
- Advanced Software Design: A Case in Problem-Based Learning (JA), pp. 44–54.
- ITiCSE-2002-Gries #education #problem
- Problems with CS education (DG), p. 135.
- TACAS-2002-GentiliniPP #problem #simulation
- Simulation as Coarsest Partition Problem (RG, CP, AP), pp. 415–430.
- CSMR-2002-RaysideK #algorithm #graph #problem #program analysis #reachability
- A Generic Worklist Algorithm for Graph Reachability Problems in Program Analysis (DR, KK), pp. 67–76.
- ICSM-2002-Kajko-Mattsson #maintenance #maturity #problem
- Corrective Maintenance Maturity Model: Problem Management (MKM), pp. 486–490.
- STOC-2002-Aaronson #bound #problem #quantum
- Quantum lower bound for the collision problem (SA), pp. 635–642.
- STOC-2002-AdlemanCGHKER #combinator #optimisation #problem #self
- Combinatorial optimization problems in self-assembly (LMA, QC, AG, MDAH, DK, PMdE, PWKR), pp. 23–32.
- STOC-2002-AlonVKK #approximate #problem #random
- Random sampling and approximation of MAX-CSP problems (NA, WFdlV, RK, MK), pp. 232–239.
- STOC-2002-BeameV #communication #complexity #multi #nearest neighbour #problem #trade-off
- Time-space tradeoffs, multiparty communication complexity, and nearest-neighbor problems (PB, EV), pp. 688–697.
- STOC-2002-ElkinK #algorithm #approximate #combinator #problem
- Combinatorial logarithmic approximation algorithm for directed telephone broadcast problem (ME, GK), pp. 438–447.
- STOC-2002-Hallgren #algorithm #equation #polynomial #problem #quantum
- Polynomial-time quantum algorithms for Pell’s equation and the principal ideal problem (SH), pp. 653–658.
- STOC-2002-JainMS #approach #problem
- A new greedy approach for facility location problems (KJ, MM, AS), pp. 731–740.
- STOC-2002-Molloy02a #constraints #modelling #problem #random
- Models and thresholds for random constraint satisfaction problems (MM), pp. 209–217.
- DLT-2002-BonizzoniFMZ #linear #problem
- Decision Problems for Linear and Circular Splicing Systems (PB, CdF, GM, RZ), pp. 78–92.
- DLT-2002-Kari #infinity #problem
- Infinite Snake Tiling Problems (JK), pp. 67–77.
- ICALP-2002-BrodalLOP #problem #statistics #string
- Solving the String Statistics Problem in Time O(n log n) (GSB, RBL, AÖ, CNSP), pp. 728–739.
- ICALP-2002-CharikarIP #algorithm #orthogonal #problem #query #set
- New Algorithms for Subset Query, Partial Match, Orthogonal Range Searching, and Related Problems (MC, PI, RP), pp. 451–462.
- ICALP-2002-CzumajLZ #approximate #design #network #polynomial #problem
- Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes for the Euclidean Survivable Network Design Problem (AC, AL, HZ), pp. 973–984.
- ICALP-2002-Dalmau #constraints #nondeterminism #problem
- Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Non-deterministic Logarithmic Space (VD), pp. 414–425.
- ICALP-2002-IwamaT #online #problem
- Removable Online Knapsack Problems (KI, ST), pp. 293–305.
- ICALP-2002-JakobyL #problem #symmetry
- Paths Problems in Symmetric Logarithmic Space (AJ, ML), pp. 269–280.
- ICALP-2002-KarhumakiL #equivalence #finite #problem
- The Equivalence Problem of Finite Substitutions on ab*c, with Applications (JK, LPL), pp. 812–820.
- ICALP-2002-Mannila #data mining #mining #problem
- Local and Global Methods in Data Mining: Basic Techniques and Open Problems (HM), pp. 57–68.
- ICALP-2002-WuC #problem
- Optimal Net Surface Problems with Applications (XW, DZC), pp. 1029–1042.
- ICGT-2002-BeckPS #graph transformation #problem #scheduling
- Graph Transformations for the Vehicle Routing and Job Shop Scheduling Problems (JCB, PP, ES), pp. 60–74.
- CAiSE-2002-Kajko-Mattsson #problem
- Evaluating CM3: Problem Management (MKM), pp. 436–451.
- ICEIS-2002-FloresG #algorithm #case study #estimation #fuzzy #learning #problem
- Applicability of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms to the Fuzzy Rule Learning Problem: A Preliminary Study (MJF, JAG), pp. 350–357.
- ICPR-v1-2002-PhillipsSRGB #algorithm #challenge #identification #problem #set
- The Gait Identification Challenge Problem: Data Sets and Baseline Algorithm (PJP, SS, IRV, PG, KWB), pp. 385–388.
- ICPR-v2-2002-AltyncayD #classification #multi #normalisation #problem #question #why
- Why Does Output Normalization Create Problems in Multiple Classifier Systems? (HA, MD), pp. 775–778.
- ICPR-v2-2002-Torkkola02a #feature model #learning #problem
- Learning Feature Transforms Is an Easier Problem Than Feature Selection (KT), pp. 104–107.
- ICPR-v3-2002-CooperWABCHKKLOVVJKLM #geometry #problem
- Bayesian Pot-Assembly from Fragments as Problems in Perceptual-Grouping and Geometric-Learning (DBC, ARW, SA, JB, YC, DH, KK, WK, FFL, XO, SV, EV, MSJ, BBK, DHL, DM), pp. 297–302.
- ICPR-v3-2002-HuangLLM #problem
- Solving the Small Sample Size Problem of LDA (RH, QL, HL, SM), pp. 29–32.
- ICPR-v3-2002-Klette02a #problem
- Switche May Solve Adjacency Problems (RK), pp. 907–910.
- ICPR-v4-2002-MannL #problem
- Optical Snow and the Aperture Problem (RM, MSL), pp. 264–267.
- RE-2002-HallJLNR #architecture #problem #requirements #using
- Relating Software Requirements and Architectures Using Problem Frames (JGH, MJ, RCL, BN, LR), pp. 137–144.
- SAC-2002-ChadesSC #approach #assessment #heuristic #problem
- A heuristic approach for solving decentralized-POMDP: assessment on the pursuit problem (IC, BS, FC), pp. 57–62.
- SAC-2002-DiazWB #documentation #problem #xml
- Inter-organizational document exchange: facing the conversion problem with XML (LMD, EW, PB), pp. 1043–1047.
- SAC-2002-LiL #problem
- Local search with annealing-like restarts to solve the vehicle routing problem with time windows (HL, AL), pp. 560–565.
- SAC-2002-ParsopoulosV #multi #optimisation #problem
- Particle swarm optimization method in multiobjective problems (KEP, MNV), pp. 603–607.
- CC-2002-MiecznikowskiH #bytecode #java #problem
- Decompiling Java Bytecode: Problems, Traps and Pitfalls (JM, LJH), pp. 111–127.
- HPDC-2002-DeBardelebenLPS #framework #named #performance #problem
- Coven — A Framework for High Performance Problem Solving Environments (ND, WBLI, SP, DCSJ), p. 291–?.
- CSL-2002-BarbanchonG #linear #problem
- Local Problems, Planar Local Problems and Linear Time (RB, EG), pp. 397–411.
- LICS-2002-HesseI #complexity #problem
- Complete Problems for Dynamic Complexity Classes (WH, NI), p. 313–?.
- RTA-2002-LevyV #higher-order #problem #unification
- Currying Second-Order Unification Problems (JL, MV), pp. 326–339.
- SAT-2002-CreignouD #problem #random #satisfiability
- Random generalized satisfiability problems (NC, HD), p. 2.
- SAT-2002-EglyWP #on the #problem
- On deciding subsumption problems (UE, SW, RP), p. 36.
- SAT-2002-GentP #encoding #problem #satisfiability
- SAT encodings of the stable marriage problem with ties and incomplete lists (IG, PP), p. 19.
- SAT-2002-Kusper #linear #problem #satisfiability
- Solving the resolution-free SAT problem by hyper-unit propagation in linear time (GK), p. 32.
- SAT-2002-TakenakaH #algorithm #problem #satisfiability
- An analog algorithm for the satisfiability problem (YT, AH), p. 40.
- SAT-2002-ZhaoB #equivalence #problem
- Extension and equivalence problems for clause minimal formulas (XZ, HKB), p. 43.
- TestCom-2002-WilliamsP #integer #interactive #problem #test coverage
- Formulation of the Interaction Test Coverage Problem as an Integer Program (AWW, RLP), p. 283–?.
- CBSE-2001-Hamlet #component #problem #synthesis
- Component Synthesis Theory: The Problem of Scale (DH), p. 15.
- CBSE-2001-PreissW #composition #problem #towards
- Towards a Composition Model Problem based on IEC61850 (OP, AW), p. 18.
- WICSA-2001-Laine #architecture #development #embedded #object-oriented #problem #scalability
- The Role of SW Architectures in Solving Fundamental Problems in Object-Oriented Development of Large Embedded SW Systems (PKL), pp. 14–23.
- DATE-2001-MinatoI #combinator #problem #scalability #streaming
- Streaming BDD manipulation for large-scale combinatorial problems (SiM, SI), pp. 702–707.
- ICDAR-2001-KoerichSS #distributed #problem #recognition #scalability #word
- A Distributed Scheme for Lexicon-Driven Handwritten Word Recognition and its Application to Large Vocabulary Problems (ALK, RS, CYS), pp. 660–664.
- VLDB-2001-ChirkovaHS #formal method #problem
- A Formal Perspective on the View Selection Problem (RC, AYH, DS), pp. 59–68.
- ITiCSE-2001-Cassel #problem #student #summary
- Reading summaries: relating class to student’s problems with the current reading assignment (LNC), p. 188.
- ITiCSE-2001-Ginat #algorithm #learning #problem
- Metacognitive awareness utilized for learning control elements in algorithmic problem solving (DG), pp. 81–84.
- ITiCSE-2001-SatratzemiDE #assessment #problem #visualisation
- A system for program visualization and problem-solving path assessment of novice programmers (MS, VD, GE), pp. 137–140.
- ITiCSE-2001-Sooriamurthi #problem #recursion
- Problems in comprehending recursion and suggested solutions (RS), pp. 25–28.
- ITiCSE-2001-Velazquez-Iturbide #algorithm #problem
- A first problem for the algorithms course (JÁVI), p. 187.
- ESOP-2001-CadoliS #compilation #problem #satisfiability #specification
- Compiling Problem Specifications into SAT (MC, AS), pp. 387–401.
- FoSSaCS-2001-Bojanczyk #automaton #finite #graph #problem
- The Finite Graph Problem for Two-Way Alternating Automata (MB), pp. 88–103.
- TACAS-2001-RiccaT #analysis #problem #testing #web
- Building a Tool for the Analysis and Testing of Web Applications: Problems and Solutions (FR, PT), pp. 373–388.
- CSMR-2001-Kajko-MattssonWFAMEFJTH #problem #process #taxonomy
- Taxonomy of Problem Management Activities (MKM, UW, SF, GAI, MM, SE, TF, SEJ, ST, MH), pp. 1–10.
- PASTE-2001-Hind #analysis #pointer #problem #question
- Pointer analysis: haven’t we solved this problem yet? (MH), pp. 54–61.
- STOC-2001-AjtaiKS #algorithm #problem
- A sieve algorithm for the shortest lattice vector problem (MA, RK, DS), pp. 601–610.
- STOC-2001-AryaGKMP #heuristic #problem
- Local search heuristic for k-median and facility location problems (VA, NG, RK, AM, KM, VP), pp. 21–29.
- STOC-2001-BorgsCP #clustering #integer #problem #scalability
- Sharp threshold and scaling window for the integer partitioning problem (CB, JTC, BP), pp. 330–336.
- STOC-2001-GoemansW #algorithm #approximate #problem #programming
- Approximation algorithms for MAX-3-CUT and other problems via complex semidefinite programming (MXG, DPW), pp. 443–452.
- STOC-2001-GrigniSVV #algorithm #problem #quantum
- Quantum mechanical algorithms for the nonabelian hidden subgroup problem (MG, LJS, MV, UVV), pp. 68–74.
- STOC-2001-GuhaMM #approximate #constant #problem
- A constant factor approximation for the single sink edge installation problems (SG, AM, KM), pp. 383–388.
- STOC-2001-GuptaKKRY #design #multi #network #problem
- Provisioning a virtual private network: a network design problem for multicommodity flow (AG, JMK, AK, RR, BY), pp. 389–398.
- STOC-2001-MossR #algorithm #approximate #problem
- Approximation algorithms for constrained for constrained node weighted steiner tree problems (AM, YR), pp. 373–382.
- STOC-2001-Tokuyama #multi #optimisation #parametricity #problem
- Minimax parametric optimization problems and multi-dimensional parametric searching (TT), pp. 75–83.
- STOC-2001-Trevisan #bound #optimisation #problem
- Non-approximability results for optimization problems on bounded degree instances (LT), pp. 453–461.
- DLT-2001-CulikKK #automaton #problem
- A Note on Synchronized Automata and Road Coloring Problem (KCI, JK, JK), pp. 175–185.
- ICALP-2001-AlberFN #complexity #exponential #graph #problem
- Parameterized Complexity: Exponential Speed-Up for Planar Graph Problems (JA, HF, RN), pp. 261–272.
- ICALP-2001-ChrobakCINSW #multi #problem #scheduling
- The Buffer Minimization Problem for Multiprocessor Scheduling with Conflicts (MC, JC, CI, JN, JS, GJW), pp. 862–874.
- ICALP-2001-GandhiKS #algorithm #approximate #problem
- Approximation Algorithms for Partial Covering Problems (RG, SK, AS), pp. 225–236.
- ICALP-2001-Kirsten #monad #problem #reduction
- The Star Problem in Trace Monoids: Reductions Beyond C4 (DK), pp. 591–602.
- ICALP-2001-Kunc #decidability #problem
- The Trace Coding Problem Is Undecidable (MK), pp. 603–614.
- ICALP-2001-LinCJW #problem #sequence
- The Longest Common Subsequence Problem for Sequences with Nested Arc Annotations (GHL, ZZC, TJ, JW), pp. 444–455.
- ICALP-2001-Seiden #on the #online #problem
- On the Online Bin Packing Problem (SSS), pp. 237–248.
- CAiSE-2001-Kajko-Mattsson #problem
- A Glimpse into CM3: Problem Management (MKM), pp. 469–472.
- ICEIS-v1-2001-SoonthornphisajK #algorithm #categorisation #problem #set #using #web
- The Effects of Differnet Feature Sets on the Web Page Categorization Problem Using the Iterative Cross-Training Algorithm (NS, BK), pp. 404–410.
- ICEIS-v2-2001-EtcheverryLD #approach #coordination #problem
- An Approach for Coordination Problem Solving (PE, PL, PD), pp. 880–883.
- ICEIS-v2-2001-OmelayenkoF #analysis #integration #problem
- An Analysis of B2B Catalogue Integration Problems (BO, DF), pp. 945–952.
- ICML-2001-LatinneSD #classification #multi #problem
- Adjusting the Outputs of a Classifier to New a Priori Probabilities May Significantly Improve Classification Accuracy: Evidence from a multi-class problem in remote sensing (PL, MS, CD), pp. 298–305.
- ICML-2001-SatoK #learning #markov #problem
- Average-Reward Reinforcement Learning for Variance Penalized Markov Decision Problems (MS, SK), pp. 473–480.
- ICML-2001-SchefferW #incremental #information management #problem
- Incremental Maximization of Non-Instance-Averaging Utility Functions with Applications to Knowledge Discovery Problems (TS, SW), pp. 481–488.
- ICML-2001-Zhang #approximate #bound #problem
- Some Sparse Approximation Bounds for Regression Problems (TZ0), pp. 624–631.
- KDD-2001-IndurkhyaW #classification #problem #rule-based
- Solving regression problems with rule-based ensemble classifiers (NI, SMW), pp. 287–292.
- SIGIR-2001-GodaKTFC #optimisation #problem #query
- Query Optimization for Vector Space Problems (KG, MK, TT, OF, AC), pp. 416–417.
- TOOLS-USA-2001-Meyer #object-oriented #problem #programming
- Open Problems in Object-Oriented Programming (BM), p. 8.
- GCSE-2001-Lopez-HerrejonB #problem #product line #standard
- A Standard Problem for Evaluating Product-Line Methodologies (RELH, DSB), pp. 10–24.
- SAIG-2001-SasanoHT #generative #multi #performance #problem #source code
- Generation of Efficient Programs for Solving Maximum Multi-marking Problems (IS, ZH, MT), pp. 72–91.
- PADL-2001-FlenerHK01a #metaheuristic #problem #set
- A Meta-heuristic for Subset Problems (PF, BH, ZK), pp. 274–287.
- RE-2001-NelsonCA #problem
- Geographic Problem Frames (MAVN, DDC, PSCA), pp. 306–307.
- SAC-2001-BaroneBVM #algorithm #analysis #approximate #problem
- An approximation algorithm for the shortest common supersequence problem: an experimental analysis (PB, PB, GDV, GM), pp. 56–60.
- SAC-2001-DeermanLP #algorithm #predict #problem #search-based
- Linkage-learning genetic algorithm application to the protein structure prediction problem (KRD, GBL, RP), pp. 333–339.
- SAC-2001-FernandesTMR #algorithm #problem #search-based #using
- Using assortative mating in genetic algorithms for vector quantization problems (CMF, RT, CM, ACR), pp. 361–365.
- SAC-2001-GaliassoW #algorithm #hybrid #multi #problem #search-based
- A hybrid genetic algorithm for the point to multipoint routing problem with single split paths (PG, RLW), pp. 327–332.
- SAC-2001-JulstromR #algorithm #graph #problem
- Weight-biased edge-crossover in evolutionary algorithms for wto graph problems (BAJ, GRR), pp. 321–326.
- SAC-2001-ThangiahSM #architecture #problem
- An agent architecture for vehicle routing problems (SRT, OS, WM), pp. 517–521.
- SAC-2001-ZhouCH #correlation #identification #optimisation #problem #set #using
- Identifying the most significant pairwise correlations of residues in different positions of helices: the subset selection problem using least squares optimization (XZ, GC, MTH), pp. 51–55.
- HPDC-2001-SchuchardtMS #authoring #data transformation #distributed #open data #problem #version control
- Open Data Management Solutions for Problem Solving Environments: Application of Distributed Authoring and Versioning to the Extensible Computational Chemistry Environment (KS, JDM, EGS), p. 228–?.
- LICS-2001-Ganzinger #concept #decidability #problem #semantics #word
- Relating Semantic and Proof-Theoretic Concepts for Polynominal Time Decidability of Uniform Word Problems (HG), pp. 81–90.
- LICS-2001-SzwastT #on the #problem #transitive
- On the Decision Problem for the Guarded Fragment with Transitivity (WS, LT), pp. 147–156.
- RTA-2001-OyamaguchiO #confluence #problem #term rewriting #unification
- The Unification Problem for Confluent Right-Ground Term Rewriting Systems (MO, YO), pp. 246–260.
- SAT-2001-HorvitzRGKSC #approach #problem
- A Bayesian Approach to Tackling Hard Computational Problems (Preliminary Report) (EH, YR, CPG, HAK, BS, DMC), pp. 376–391.
- SAT-2001-HuntMS #complexity #constraints #probability #problem #quantifier
- Complexity and Approximability of Quantified and Stochastic Constraint Satisfaction Problems (HBHI, MVM, RES), pp. 217–230.
- SAT-2001-KautzRAGSS #problem #satisfiability
- Balance and Filtering in Structured Satisfiable Problems (Preliminary Report) (HAK, YR, DA, CPG, BS, MES), pp. 2–18.
- SAT-2001-RanderathSBHKMSC #graph #problem #satisfiability
- A Satisfiability Formulation of Problems on Level Graphs (BR, ES, EB, PLH, AK, KM, BS, OC), pp. 269–277.
- SAT-2001-Shlyakhter #effectiveness #generative #problem #symmetry
- Generating effective symmetry-breaking predicates for search problems (IS), pp. 19–35.
- DAC-2000-NarasimhanR #bound #on the #problem #scheduling #synthesis
- On lower bounds for scheduling problems in high-level synthesis (MN, JR), pp. 546–551.
- DATE-2000-CordoneFSC #approach #heuristic #performance #problem
- An Efficient Heuristic Approach to Solve the Unate Covering Problem (RC, FF, DS, RWC), pp. 364–371.
- HT-2000-Willerton #hypermedia #problem
- Structure problems in hypertext mysteries (CW), pp. 234–235.
- PODS-2000-AngiulliBIP #problem
- Computational Properties of Metaquerying Problems (FA, RBEZ, GI, LP), pp. 237–244.
- ITiCSE-2000-Kumar #generative #problem
- Dynamically generating problems on static scope (AK), pp. 9–12.
- ITiCSE-2000-WuZ #fuzzy #problem
- Embedding problem of noncompact fuzzy number space E~ (II) (CW, BZ), pp. 135–142.
- FASE-2000-GruerHK #design #network #problem #specification #using #verification
- Verification of Object-Z Specifications by Using Transition Systems: Application to the Radiomobile Network Design Problem (PG, VH, AK), pp. 222–236.
- FoSSaCS-2000-LaroussinieS #bisimulation #equivalence #explosion #problem
- The State Explosion Problem from Trace to Bisimulation Equivalence (FL, PS), pp. 192–207.
- TACAS-2000-LarssonPY #model checking #on the #problem #traversal
- On Memory-Block Traversal Problems in Model-Checking Timed-Systems (FL, PP, WY), pp. 127–141.
- ICSM-2000-AntoniolCCT #approach #problem
- An Approach to Limit the Wynot Problem (GA, GC, AC, MT), pp. 207–215.
- STOC-2000-AleksandrovMS #algorithm #approximate #geometry #problem
- Approximation algorithms for geometric shortest path problems (LA, AM, JRS), pp. 286–295.
- STOC-2000-BarkolR #bound #nearest neighbour #problem
- Tighter bounds for nearest neighbor search and related problems in the cell probe model (OB, YR), pp. 388–396.
- STOC-2000-BlumKW #learning #problem #query #statistics
- Noise-tolerant learning, the parity problem, and the statistical query model (AB, AK, HW), pp. 435–440.
- STOC-2000-CzumajS #algorithm #approach #problem #satisfiability #scheduling
- A new algorithm approach to the general Lovász local lemma with applications to scheduling and satisfiability problems (extended abstract) (AC, CS), pp. 38–47.
- STOC-2000-GuptaT #algorithm #approximate #classification #constant #problem
- A constant factor approximation algorithm for a class of classification problems (AG, ÉT), pp. 652–658.
- STOC-2000-KabanetsC #problem
- Circuit minimization problem (VK, JyC), pp. 73–79.
- STOC-2000-KaoNT #optimisation #problem
- The risk profile problem for stock portfolio optimization (extended abstract) (MYK, AN, SRT), pp. 228–234.
- STOC-2000-KempeKK #network #problem
- Connectivity and inference problems for temporal networks (DK, JMK, AK), pp. 504–513.
- STOC-2000-MotwaniPSV #decidability #on the #problem
- On the decidability of accessibility problems (extended abstract) (RM, RP, VAS, SV), pp. 306–315.
- STOC-2000-PapadimitriouV #on the #problem
- On the approximability of the traveling salesman problem (extended abstract) (CHP, SV), pp. 126–133.
- CIAA-2000-Neto #adaptation #automaton #problem
- Solving Complex Problems Efficiently with Adaptive Automata (JJN), pp. 340–342.
- ICALP-2000-AmbuhlGS #algorithm #problem
- Optimal Projective Algorithms for the List Update Problem (CA, BG, BvS), pp. 305–316.
- ICALP-2000-BolligW #bound #problem
- Asymptotically Optimal Bounds for OBDDs and the Solution of Some Basic OBDD Problems (BB, IW), pp. 187–198.
- ICALP-2000-BulatovKJ #algebra #constraints #finite #problem
- Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Finite Algebras (AAB, AAK, PJ), pp. 272–282.
- ICALP-2000-CzumajL #approximate #multi #performance #problem
- Fast Approximation Schemes for Euclidean Multi-connectivity Problems (AC, AL), pp. 856–868.
- ICALP-2000-ElkinP #problem
- Strong Inapproximability of the Basic k-Spanner Problem (ME, DP), pp. 636–647.
- ICALP-2000-Hastad #algorithm #approximate #np-hard #optimisation #performance #problem #question
- Which NP-Hard Optimization Problems Admit Non-trivial Efficient Approximation Algorithms? (JH), p. 235.
- ICALP-2000-MargaraS #network #problem
- Wavelength Assignment Problem on All-Optical Networks with k Fibres per Link (LM, JS), pp. 768–779.
- ICALP-2000-Mayr #bisimulation #complexity #on the #parallel #problem #process
- On the Complexity of Bisimulation Problems for Basic Parallel Processes (RM), pp. 329–341.
- WLC-2000-DomosiI #context-sensitive grammar #parsing #problem
- A Parsing Problem for Context-Sensitive Languages (PD, MI), pp. 183–184.
- ICFP-2000-SasanoHTO #algorithm #linear #problem
- Make it practical: a generic linear-time algorithm for solving maximum-weightsum problems (IS, ZH, MT, MO), pp. 137–149.
- ICEIS-2000-KostarasMMP #industrial #multi #problem #scalability
- Solving Large Scale Multi-Criteria Job Sequencing Problems in Real Industrial Environments (GK, IM, GM, JEP), pp. 157–162.
- ICML-2000-Bowling #convergence #learning #multi #problem
- Convergence Problems of General-Sum Multiagent Reinforcement Learning (MHB), pp. 89–94.
- ICML-2000-Domingos #classification #problem
- Bayesian Averaging of Classifiers and the Overfitting Problem (PMD), pp. 223–230.
- ICML-2000-Randlov #learning #physics #problem
- Shaping in Reinforcement Learning by Changing the Physics of the Problem (JR), pp. 767–774.
- ICML-2000-SebbanN #problem
- Instance Pruning as an Information Preserving Problem (MS, RN), pp. 855–862.
- ICML-2000-WnagZ #approach #lazy evaluation #learning #multi #problem
- Solving the Multiple-Instance Problem: A Lazy Learning Approach (JW, JDZ), pp. 1119–1126.
- ICML-2000-ZelikovitzH #classification #problem #using
- Improving Short-Text Classification using Unlabeled Data for Classification Problems (SZ, HH), pp. 1191–1198.
- ICPR-v1-2000-DuchesneH #approach #artificial reality #problem
- A Point-Based Approach to the Interposition Problem in Augmented Reality (CD, JYH), pp. 1261–1265.
- ICPR-v1-2000-NielsenP #adaptation #problem #representation #segmentation #using
- A Solution to the Problem of Segmentation near Edges Using Adaptable Class-Specific Representation (CFN, PJP), pp. 1436–1440.
- ICPR-v2-2000-HoB #classification #complexity #problem
- Measuring the Complexity of Classification Problems (TKH, MB), pp. 2043–2047.
- ICPR-v2-2000-LeeC #feature model #multi #optimisation #problem
- Optimizing Feature Extraction for Multiclass Problems (CL, EC), pp. 2402–2405.
- KDD-2000-GardnerB #data mining #mining #problem
- Data mining solves tough semiconductor manufacturing problems (MG, JB), pp. 376–383.
- KR-2000-BaralMS #problem #using
- Formulating diagnostic problem solving using an action language with narratives and sensing (CB, SAM, TCS), pp. 311–322.
- KR-2000-IsmailS #problem #reasoning
- Two Problems with Reasoning and Acting in Time (HOI, SCS), pp. 355–365.
- ECOOP-2000-GrogonoS #problem
- Copying and Comparing: Problems and Solutions (PG, MS), pp. 226–250.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-Taylor #architecture #object-oriented #problem
- Problem Frames and Object-Oriented Software Architecture (PRT), pp. 70–81.
- PPDP-2000-LeuschelL #deduction #petri net #problem
- Solving coverability problems of petri nets by partial deduction (ML, HL), pp. 268–279.
- PADL-2000-YunesMS #approach #hybrid #problem #scalability #scheduling
- A Hybrid Approach for Solving Large Scale Crew Scheduling Problems (THY, AVM, CCdS), pp. 293–307.
- SAC-2000-Gottlieb #algorithm #multi #problem
- Permutation-Based Evolutionary Algorithms for Multidimensional Knapsack Problems (JG), pp. 408–414.
- SAC-2000-GottliebK #algorithm #problem
- Selection in Evolutionary Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem (JG, TK), pp. 415–421.
- SAC-2000-LimT #animation #evolution #interactive #problem
- Solve Customers’ Problems: Interactive Evolution for Tinkering with Computer Animation (ISL, DT), pp. 404–407.
- SAC-2000-MarchioriS #algorithm #constraints #problem #random #search-based
- A Genetic Local Search Algorithm for Random Binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems (EM, AGS), pp. 458–462.
- SAC-2000-PowerM #approach #c++ #modelling #problem #programming language
- An Approach for Modeling the Name Lookup Problem in the C++ Programming Language (JFP, BAM), pp. 792–796.
- SAC-2000-RaidlJ #algorithm #problem #search-based
- A Weighted Coding in a Genetic Algorithm for the Degree-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem (GRR, BAJ), pp. 440–445.
- SAC-2000-RibeiroHOR #algorithm #implementation #parallel #problem
- A Parallel Algorithm for the Routing Problem: An Implementation in The Parallel Computer IBM-SP2 (CMR, FH, FCJdO, JFFR), pp. 649–654.
- SAC-2000-RossiMK #adaptation #algorithm #problem #satisfiability
- An Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm for the Satisfiability Problem (CR, EM, JNK), pp. 463–469.
- SAC-2000-RudraG #adaptation #clustering #problem
- Adaptive Use of a Cluster of PCs for Data Warehousing Applications: Some Problems and Issues (AR, RPG), pp. 698–703.
- SAC-2000-YunesMS #problem #scalability #scheduling
- Solving Very Large Crew Scheduling Problems to Optimality (THY, AVM, CCdS), pp. 446–451.
- ICSE-2000-Brewer #problem
- Improving problem-oriented mailing list archives with MCS (RSB), pp. 95–104.
- ICSE-2000-Bryant #problem #question #re-engineering
- It’s engineering Jim ... but not as we know it: software engineering — solution to the software crisis, or part of the problem? (AB), pp. 78–87.
- HPDC-2000-AllenBGHLMRSS #grid #problem
- The Cactus Code: A Problem Solving Environment for the Grid (GA, WB, TG, HCH, GL, AM, TR, ES, JS), pp. 253–260.
- HPDC-2000-GermainPMJ #named #parallel #problem
- Uintah: A Massively Parallel Problem Solving Environment (JDdSG, SGP, JM, CRJ), pp. 33–42.
- CL-2000-AzevedoB #constraints #modelling #problem #set
- Modelling Digital Circuits Problems with Set Constraints (FA, PB), pp. 414–428.
- CL-2000-HolldoblerS #calculus #diagrams #problem #using
- Solving the Entailment Problem in the Fluent Calculus Using Binary Decision Diagrams (SH, HPS), pp. 747–761.
- CL-2000-LoncT #on the #problem #semantics
- On the Problem of Computing the Well-Founded Semantics (ZL, MT), pp. 673–687.
- LICS-2000-BergmanS #algebra #complexity #problem
- Computational Complexity of Some Problems Involving Congruences on Algebras (CB, GS), pp. 168–174.
- LICS-2000-Selman #challenge #problem #satisfiability #testing
- Satisfiability Testing: Recent Developments and Challenge Problems (BS), p. 178.
- RTA-2000-Lohrey #confluence #problem #strict #word
- Word Problems and Confluence Problems for Restricted Semi-Thue Systems (ML), pp. 172–186.
- RTA-2000-Statman #combinator #on the #problem #word
- On the Word Problem for Combinators (RS), pp. 203–213.
- ASE-1999-Biggerstaff #problem
- Fixing Some Transformation Problems (TJB), pp. 148–157.
- DAC-1999-DasdanIG #algorithm #performance #problem
- Efficient Algorithms for Optimum Cycle Mean and Optimum Cost to Time Ratio Problems (AD, SI, RKG), pp. 37–42.
- DAC-1999-QuWP #problem
- Optimization-Intensive Watermarking Techniques for Decision Problems (GQ, JLW, MP), pp. 33–36.
- DATE-1999-MaestroMH #approach #hardware #problem
- The Heterogeneous Structure Problem in Hardware/Software Codesign: A Macroscopic Approach (JAM, DM, RH), pp. 766–767.
- ICDAR-1999-StockerRL #classification #network #problem #self
- Self-organized Classification Problem Solving with Yprel Neural Networks (ES, AR, YL), pp. 390–393.
- PODS-1999-BoassonCGM #linear #problem #sequence
- Window-Accumulated Subsequence Matching Problem is Linear (LB, PC, IG, YM), pp. 327–336.
- PODS-1999-KarloffM #complexity #on the #problem
- On the Complexity of the View-Selection Problem (HJK, MM), pp. 167–173.
- PODS-1999-Tygar #problem
- Open Problems in Electronic Commerce (JDT), p. 101.
- FoSSaCS-1999-BogaertST #automaton #problem
- The Recognizability Problem for Tree Automata with Comparisons between Brothers (BB, FS, ST), pp. 150–164.
- TACAS-1999-Heljanko #concurrent #logic programming #petri net #problem #reachability #semantics #source code #using
- Using Logic Programs with Stable Model Semantics to Solve Deadlock and Reachability Problems for 1-Safe Petri Nets (KH), pp. 240–254.
- ICSM-1999-Kajko-Mattsson #experience #maintenance #problem #process
- Experience Paper: Maintenance at ABB (I): Software Problem Administration Processes (MKM), p. 167–?.
- STOC-1999-AroraK #approximate #latency #problem
- Approximation Schemes for Minimum Latency Problems (SA, GK), pp. 688–693.
- STOC-1999-BeameF #bound #problem
- Optimal Bounds for the Predecessor Problem (PB, FEF), pp. 295–304.
- STOC-1999-BorodinOR #bound #nearest neighbour #problem
- Lower Bounds for High Dimensional Nearest Neighbor Search and Related Problems (AB, RO, YR), pp. 312–321.
- STOC-1999-BorodinOR99a #algorithm #approximate #clustering #problem
- Subquadratic Approximation Algorithms for Clustering Problems in High Dimensional Spaces (AB, RO, YR), pp. 435–444.
- STOC-1999-CharikarGTS #algorithm #approximate #problem
- A Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithm for the k-Median Problem (Extended Abstract) (MC, SG, ÉT, DBS), pp. 1–10.
- STOC-1999-FederHKM #complexity #graph #problem
- Complexity of Graph Partition Problems (TF, PH, SK, RM), pp. 464–472.
- STOC-1999-FerraginaMB #approach #geometry #multi #problem #string
- Multi-Method Dispatching: A Geometric Approach With Applications to String Matching Problems (PF, SM, MdB), pp. 483–491.
- STOC-1999-GoelHPT #data transfer #network #problem #scheduling #set
- Scheduling Data Transfers in a Network and the Set Scheduling Problem (AG, MRH, SAP, ÉT), pp. 189–197.
- STOC-1999-GuruswamiKRSY #algorithm #approximate #problem
- Near-Optimal Hardness Results and Approximation Algorithms for Edge-Disjoint Paths and Related Problems (VG, SK, RR, FBS, MY), pp. 19–28.
- STOC-1999-Indyk #algorithm #metric #problem #sublinear
- Sublinear Time Algorithms for Metric Space Problems (PI), pp. 428–434.
- STOC-1999-SchulmanV #approximate #problem
- Majorizing Estimators and the Approximation of #P-Complete Problems (LJS, VVV), pp. 288–294.
- STOC-1999-Zwick99a #problem #programming
- Outward Rotations: A Tool for Rounding Solutions of Semidefinite Programming Relaxations, with Applications to MAX CUT and Other Problems (UZ), pp. 679–687.
- DLT-1999-Anselmo #problem
- A non-ambiguous language factorization problem (MA), pp. 141–152.
- DLT-1999-LoftusSW #problem
- New problems of pattern avoidance (JL, JS, MwW), pp. 185–199.
- ICALP-1999-Ajtai #generative #problem
- Generating Hard Instances of the Short Basis Problem (MA), pp. 1–9.
- ICALP-1999-DickhoferW #automaton #model checking #problem
- Timed Alternating Tree Automata: The Automata-Theoretic Solution to the TCTL Model Checking Problem (MD, TW), pp. 281–290.
- ICALP-1999-Kirsten #finite #monad #problem
- A Connection between the Star Problem and the Finite Power Property in Trace Monoids (DK), pp. 473–482.
- ICALP-1999-KirstenM #problem
- Two Techniques in the Area of the Star Problem (DK, JM), pp. 483–492.
- ICALP-1999-KrauseSW #approximate #problem
- Approximations by OBDDs and the Variable Ordering Problem (MK, PS, IW), pp. 493–502.
- ICALP-1999-Umans #complexity #on the #problem
- On the Complexity and Inapproximability of Shortest Implicant Problems (CU), pp. 687–696.
- IFM-1999-GibsonHM #integration #problem #requirements
- Integration Problems in Telephone Feature Requirements (JPG, GWH, DM), pp. 129–148.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-JohnsonO #learning #multi #problem #using
- Innovative mathematical learning environments — Using multimedia to solve real world problems (LFJ, POJ), pp. 677–681.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-Swezey #metric #performance #problem #simulation
- Measurement of team problem solving performance via a computerized quasi-experimental simulation (RWS), pp. 482–486.
- HCI-EI-1999-HartsonAWR #classification #framework #problem #usability
- The User Action Framework: A Theory-Based Foundation for Inspection and Classification of Usability Problems (HRH, TSA, RCW, LvR), pp. 1058–1062.
- HCI-EI-1999-HennS #e-commerce #interface #problem
- Compatibility Problems in e-Commerce Interfaces (HH, TS), pp. 571–575.
- HCI-EI-1999-LeinoRH #problem #usability
- Computer Usability Problems and Psychological Well-being (TL, TR, PH), pp. 11–14.
- SIGAda-1999-RusanovaK #distributed #parallel #problem #scheduling
- Scheduling problems for parallel and distributed systems (OR, AK), pp. 195–201.
- ICEIS-1999-Athans #distributed #problem
- A Class of Distributed Decision Problems (MA), p. III.
- ICEIS-1999-MelicioCR #problem
- Solving the Timetabling Problem with Simulated Annealing (FM, JPC, ACR), pp. 272–279.
- ICEIS-1999-PsarrasMMA #industrial #optimisation #problem #scheduling
- Optimizing a Real-World Scheduling Problem in the Steel Industry (JEP, GM, IM, DA), p. 767.
- MLDM-1999-MilanovaAOS #network #problem
- Applications of Celluar Neural Networks for Shape from Shading Problem (MGM, PEMA, JOJ, MGS), pp. 51–63.
- SIGIR-1999-Baumgarten #distributed #information retrieval #problem
- A Probabilitstic Solution to the Selection and Fusion Problem in Distributed Information Retrieval (CB), pp. 246–253.
- OOPSLA-1999-France #analysis #concept #modelling #problem #requirements #uml
- A Problem-Oriented Analysis of Basic UML Static Requirements Modeling Concepts (RBF), pp. 57–69.
- TOOLS-USA-1999-Ciupke #automation #design #detection #object-oriented #problem #re-engineering
- Automatic Detection of Design Problems in Object-Oriented Reengineering (OC), pp. 18–32.
- TOOLS-USA-1999-Lilly #case study #problem #using
- Use Case Pitfalls: Top 10 Problems from Real Projects Using Use Cases (SL), pp. 174–183.
- PADL-1999-CadoliPSV #execution #named #problem #specification
- NP-SPEC: An Executable Specification Language for Solving All Problems in NP (MC, LP, AS, DV), pp. 16–30.
- SAC-1999-Haynes #adaptation #combinator #distributed #optimisation #problem
- Distributed Collective Adaptation Applied to Hard Combinatorial Optimization Problem (TH), pp. 339–343.
- SAC-1999-JinH #array #clustering #problem
- False Sharing Problems in Cluster-Based Disk Arrays (HJ, KH), pp. 461–465.
- SAC-1999-KatayamaN #algorithm #problem #search-based #using
- A New Iterated Local Search Algorithm Using Genetic Crossover for the Traveling Salesman Problem (KK, HN), pp. 302–306.
- SAC-1999-Raidl #algorithm #multi #problem #search-based
- A Weight-Coded Genetic Algorithm for the Multiple Container Packing Problem (GRR), pp. 291–296.
- SAC-1999-Rivera-Gallego #algorithm #distance #matrix #problem #search-based
- A Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Euclidean Distance Matrices Completion Problem (WRG), pp. 286–290.
- ICSE-1999-OssherT #development #evolution #object-oriented #problem #programming #using
- Using Subject-Oriented Programming to Overcome Common Problems in Object-Oriented Software Development/Evolution (HO, PLT), pp. 687–688.
- HPDC-1999-LigonMS #multi #problem
- Spatially Decomposed Multigrain MOM Problems on NOWs (WBLI, AQM, DCSJ), pp. 149–155.
- CADE-1999-Pichler #equation #problem
- Solving Equational Problems Efficiently (RP), pp. 97–111.
- ICLP-1999-MomiglianoP #higher-order #problem
- The Relative Complement Problem for Higher-Order Patterns (AM, FP), pp. 380–394.
- ICLP-1999-TickYM #constraints #problem
- Finding Fair Allocations for the Coalition Problem with Constraints (ET, RHCY, MJM), pp. 530–544.
- LICS-1999-Friedman #complexity #problem
- Some Decision Problems of Enormous Complexity (HF), pp. 2–12.
- LICS-1999-Johannsen #bound #problem
- Weak Bounded Arithmetic, the Diffie-Hellman Problem and Constable’s Class K (JJ), pp. 268–274.
- RTA-1999-BaaderT #equation #problem #word
- Deciding the Word Problem in the Union of Equational Theories Sharing Constructors (FB, CT), pp. 175–189.
- TLCA-1999-EidorffHMNST #approach #problem
- AnnoDomini in Practice: A Type-Theoretic Approach to the Year 2000 Problem (PHE, FH, CM, HN, MHS, MT), pp. 6–13.
- DAC-1998-ZhongAMM #case study #configuration management #problem #satisfiability #using
- Using Reconfigurable Computing Techniques to Accelerate Problems in the CAD Domain: A Case Study with Boolean Satisfiability (PZ, PA, SM, MM), pp. 194–199.
- DATE-1998-HelvigRZ #approximate #bound #problem
- Improved Approximation Bounds for the Group Steiner Problem (CSH, GR, AZ), pp. 406–413.
- DATE-1998-LubaszewskiCC #approach #problem #testing
- Microsystems Testing: an Approach and Open Problems (ML, ÉFC, BC), pp. 524–528.
- DATE-1998-MartinezAQH #problem
- A Dynamic Model for the State Assignment Problem (MM, MJA, JMQ, JLH), pp. 835–839.
- PODS-1998-BaileyDR #database #decidability #problem #termination
- Decidability and Undecidability Results for the Termination Problem of Active Database Rules (JB, GD, KR), pp. 264–273.
- PODS-1998-KolaitisMT #complexity #on the #problem #query
- On the Complexity of the Containment Problem for Conjunctive Queries with Built-in Predicates (PGK, DLM, MNT), pp. 197–204.
- VLDB-1998-FlorescuLS #database #problem #question
- Is Web-site Management a Database Problem? (DF, AYL, DS), p. 696.
- VLDB-1998-RezendeH #case study #database #experience #middleware #performance #problem
- The Heterogeneity Problem and Middleware Technology: Experiences with and Performance of Database Gateways (FdFR, KH), pp. 146–157.
- ITiCSE-1998-Ellis #development #internet #learning #multi #problem
- Group 1 (working group): development and use of multimedia and Internet resources for a problem based learning environment (AE), p. 269.
- ITiCSE-1998-Marneffe #algorithm #problem
- The problem of examination questions in algorithmics (PAdM), pp. 74–76.
- CSMR-1998-KawabeMUO #classification #problem
- Variable Classification Technique and Application to the Year 2000 Problem (KK, AM, SU, AO), pp. 44–51.
- ICSM-1998-YangLZ #abstraction #approach #problem #re-engineering #reverse engineering
- Tackling the Abstraction Problem for Reverse Engineering in a System Re-engineering Approach (HY, XL, HZ), pp. 284–293.
- SAS-1998-GoyalP #problem
- A New Solution to the Hidden Copy Problem (DG, RP), pp. 327–348.
- STOC-1998-Ajtai #np-hard #problem #random #reduction
- The Shortest Vector Problem in L2 is NP-hard for Randomized Reductions (Extended Abstract) (MA), pp. 10–19.
- STOC-1998-Arora #np-hard #problem
- The Approximability of NP-hard Problems (SA), pp. 337–348.
- STOC-1998-AroraRR #approximate #problem
- Approximation Schemes for Euclidean k-Medians and Related Problems (SA, PR, SR), pp. 106–113.
- STOC-1998-BlumKRV #problem
- Semi-Definite Relaxations for Minimum Bandwidth and other Vertex-Ordering Problems (AB, GK, RR, SV), pp. 100–105.
- STOC-1998-GoldreichG #on the #problem
- On the Limits of Non-Approximability of Lattice Problems (OG, SG), pp. 1–9.
- STOC-1998-HuangR #algebra #approach #black box #composition #problem #set
- A Black Box Approach to the Algebraic Set Decomposition Problem (MDAH, AJR), pp. 497–506.
- STOC-1998-Kleinberg #algorithm #problem
- Decision Algorithms for Unsplittable Flow and the Half-Disjoint Paths Problem (JMK), pp. 530–539.
- STOC-1998-KleinbergPR #problem #segmentation
- Segmentation Problems (JMK, CHP, PR), pp. 473–482.
- STOC-1998-NatanzonSS #algorithm #approximate #polynomial #problem
- A Polynomial Approximation Algorithm for the Minimum Fill-In Problem (AN, RS, RS), pp. 41–47.
- ICALP-1998-AkutsuY #biology #complexity #on the #problem
- On the Complexity of Deriving Score Functions from Examples for Problems in Molecular Biology (TA, MY), pp. 832–843.
- ICALP-1998-BazganST #algorithm #approximate #performance #problem #similarity
- Efficient Approximation Algorithms for the Subset-Sums Equality Problem (CB, MS, ZT), pp. 387–396.
- ICALP-1998-HusfeldtR #problem
- Hardness Results for Dynamic Problems by Extensions of Fredman and Saks’ Chronogram Method (TH, TR), pp. 67–78.
- CHI-1998-AbowdABEGL #education #integration #problem #ubiquitous
- Investigating the Capture, Integration and Access Problem of Ubiquitous Computing in an Educational Setting (GDA, CGA, JAB, TE, PG, JL), pp. 440–447.
- ICML-1998-Cesa-BianchiF #bound #finite #multi #problem
- Finite-Time Regret Bounds for the Multiarmed Bandit Problem (NCB, PF), pp. 100–108.
- ICML-1998-WeissH #problem
- The Problem with Noise and Small Disjuncts (GMW, HH), p. 574–?.
- ICPR-1998-Duin #analysis #problem #relational #scalability
- Relational discriminant analysis and its large sample size problem (RPWD), pp. 445–449.
- ICPR-1998-Kwok #classification #problem
- Support vector mixture for classification and regression problems (JTYK), pp. 255–258.
- ICPR-1998-OkataniD #identification #invariant #on the #problem #using
- On identification of singular points using photometric invariants for global shape from shading problem (TO, KD), pp. 1787–1790.
- ICPR-1998-Shevlin #analysis #problem #using
- Analysis of orientation problems using Plucker lines (FS), pp. 685–689.
- KDD-1998-LingL #data mining #mining #problem
- Data Mining for Direct Marketing: Problems and Solutions (CXL, CL), pp. 73–79.
- KR-1998-Mani #formal method #problem
- A Theory of Granularity and its Application to Problems of Polysemy and Underspecification of Meaning (IM), pp. 245–257.
- ECOOP-1998-MikhajlovS #case study #problem
- A Study of The Fragile Base Class Problem (LM, ES), pp. 355–382.
- ALP-PLILP-1998-Aoto #persistent #problem #term rewriting
- Solution to the Problem of Zantema on a Persistent Property of Term Rewriting Systems (TA), pp. 250–265.
- ALP-PLILP-1998-LimetS #framework #problem
- A General Framework for R-Unification Problems (SL, FS), pp. 266–281.
- SAC-1998-CappJ #algorithm #problem #search-based
- A weight-coded genetic algorithm for the minimum weight triangulation problem (KC, BAJ), pp. 327–331.
- SAC-1998-HarandiR #classification #distributed #problem
- Classification and organizational issues in distributed problem solving (MTH, GR), pp. 65–69.
- SAC-1998-KangH #algorithm #graph transformation #problem #search-based #using
- Solving the rural postman problem using a genetic algorithm with a graph transformation (MJK, CGH), pp. 356–360.
- SAC-1998-Kimm #2d #configuration management #pipes and filters #problem
- Two dimensional maximal elements problem on a reconfigurable optical pipelined bus system (HK), pp. 623–627.
- SAC-1998-Marchiori98a #algorithm #clique #heuristic #problem #search-based
- A simple heuristic based genetic algorithm for the maximum clique problem (EM), pp. 366–373.
- SAC-1998-Nemer-PreeceW #algorithm #parallel #problem #satisfiability #search-based
- Parallel genetic algorithm to solve the satisfiability problem (NNP, RWW), pp. 23–28.
- FSE-1998-DisneyJ #problem #quality
- Investigation Data Quality Problems in the PSP (AMD, PMJ), pp. 143–152.
- ICSE-1998-GruhnU #case study #experience #industrial #modelling #problem #process
- Software Process Modeling and Enactment: An Experience Report Related to Problem Tracking in an Industrial Project (VG, JU), pp. 13–21.
- ICSE-1998-SimH #case study #how #problem
- The Ramp-Up Problem in Software Projects: A Case Study of How Software Immigrants Naturalize (SES, RCH), pp. 361–370.
- HPCA-1998-AbramsonLPR #problem
- FPGA Based Custom Computing Machines for Irregular Problems (DA, PL, AP, MR), pp. 324–333.
- ISMM-1998-JohnstoneW #memory management #problem #question
- The Memory Fragmentation Problem: Solved? (MSJ, PRW), pp. 26–36.
- ISSTA-1998-StocksRLZ #context-sensitive grammar #problem
- Comparing Flow and Context Sensitivity on the Modification-Side-Effects Problem (PS, BGR, WL, SZ), pp. 21–31.
- LICS-1998-ComonNNR #order #problem
- Decision Problems in Ordered Rewriting (HC, PN, RN, MR), pp. 276–286.
- LICS-1998-KolaitisO #bound #first-order #logic #on the #problem
- On the Boundedness Problem for Two-Variable First-Order Logic (PGK, MO), pp. 513–524.
- RTA-1998-DershowitzT #database #online #problem
- An On-line Problem Database (ND, RT), pp. 332–342.
- RTA-1998-Levy #decidability #higher-order #problem #unification
- Decidable and Undecidable Second-Order Unification Problems (JL), pp. 47–60.
- RTA-1998-VermaRL #algorithm #problem #reduction
- Algorithms and Reductions for Rewriting Problems (RMV, MR, DL), pp. 166–180.
- DAC-1997-LiaoD #bound #problem #using
- Solving Covering Problems Using LPR-Based Lower Bounds (SYL, SD), pp. 117–120.
- EDTC-1997-ChiusanoCPR #graph #hybrid #problem
- Hybrid symbolic-explicit techniques for the graph coloring problem (SC, FC, PP, MSR), pp. 422–426.
- EDTC-1997-Coudert #graph #optimisation #problem
- Solving graph optimization problems with ZBDDs (OC), pp. 224–228.
- ICDAR-1997-AnquetilL #problem #segmentation
- Perceptual Model of Handwriting Drawing Application to the Handwriting Segmentation Problem (ÉA, GL), p. 112–?.
- ICDAR-1997-Kim #analysis #documentation #problem
- Problems and Approaches for Oriental Document Analysis (JHK), p. 1111.
- ITiCSE-WGR-1997-PetreP #internet #problem #programming
- Programming practical work and problem sessions via the Internet (MP, BAP), pp. 125–128.
- CSMR-1997-Kisting #challenge #problem
- The challenge of the Year 2000 problem (JK), pp. 89–92.
- WCRE-1997-TzerposH #architecture #maintenance #problem
- The Orphan Adoption Problem in Architecture Maintenance (VT, RCH), p. 76–?.
- STOC-1997-BermanC #algorithm #online #problem
- On-Line Algorithms for Steiner Tree Problems (Extended Abstract) (PB, CC), pp. 344–353.
- STOC-1997-Dietzfelbinger #communication #complexity #problem
- The Linear-Array Problem in Communication Complexity Resolved (MD), pp. 373–382.
- STOC-1997-KhannaSW #classification #constraints #problem
- A Complete Classification of the Approximability of Maximization Problems Derived from Boolean Constraint Satisfaction (SK, MS, DPW), pp. 11–20.
- STOC-1997-ParnafesRW #communication #modelling #problem
- Direct Product Results and the GCD Problem, in Old and New Communication Models (IP, RR, AW), pp. 363–372.
- STOC-1997-ShmoysTA #algorithm #approximate #problem
- Approximation Algorithms for Facility Location Problems (Extended Abstract) (DBS, ÉT, KA), pp. 265–274.
- STOC-1997-Vardy #algorithm #complexity #distance #problem
- Algorithmic Complexity in Coding Theory and the Minimum Distance Problem (AV), pp. 92–109.
- ICALP-1997-EilamFZ #layout #network #problem
- A Complete Characterization of the Path Layout Construction Problem for ATM Networks with Given Hop Count and Load (Extended Abstract) (TE, MF, SZ), pp. 527–537.
- ICALP-1997-Fujito #approach #approximate #problem
- A Primal-Dual Approach to Approximation of Node-Deletion Problems for Matroidal Properties (TF), pp. 749–759.
- ICALP-1997-GrossiI #algorithm #order #performance #problem
- Efficient Splitting and Merging Algorithms for Order Decomposable Problems (Extended Abstract) (RG, GFI), pp. 605–615.
- ICALP-1997-GurevichV #monad #problem
- Monadic Simultaneous Rigid E-Unification and Related Problems (YG, AV), pp. 154–165.
- ICALP-1997-Jansen #approximate #problem
- Approximation Results for the Optimum Cost Partition Problem (KJ), pp. 727–737.
- ICALP-1997-NarendranO #confluence #decidability #finite #problem #string #term rewriting #word
- The Word Matching Problem Is Undecidable For Finite Special String-Rewriting Systems That Are Confluent (PN, FO), pp. 638–648.
- ICALP-1997-Senizergues #automaton #decidability #equivalence #problem
- The Equivalence Problem for Deterministic Pushdown Automata is Decidable (GS), pp. 671–681.
- WIA-1997-Ziadi #automaton #clustering #problem #set #sorting
- Sorting and Doubling Techniques for Set Partitioning and Automata Minimization Problems (DZ), pp. 241–251.
- ICFP-1997-SabelfeldS #analysis #functional #problem #semantics #source code
- Simple Semantic Analysis Problems for Functional Programs (VKS, AS), p. 319.
- HCI-CC-1997-Michelis #challenge #design #problem
- Designing Services with ICT: Problems and Challenges (GDM), pp. 209–212.
- HCI-CC-1997-PerusichM #fuzzy #problem #using
- Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to Define the Search Space in Problem Solving (KP, MDM), pp. 805–808.
- HCI-CC-1997-SkybergSEVG #health #problem
- Electric Fields, Dust and Health Problems Among VDU-Users in an Office Environment: An Intervention Program (KS, KS, EW, AIV, LOG), pp. 655–657.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Bannon97a #communication #human-computer #interactive #problem
- Problems in Human-Machine Interaction and Communication (LJB), pp. 47–50.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Chiu #effectiveness #modelling #problem
- Modeling the User’s Problem-Solving Expertise for Effective Decision Support (CC), pp. 99–102.
- HCI-SEC-1997-HollnagelH #communication #lessons learnt #problem #question
- Twenty-Five Years of Operator-Process Communication: Lessons Learned and Problems Solved? (EH, JØH), pp. 221–224.
- AdaEurope-1997-GellerichP #alias #problem
- : Parameter-Induced Aliasing and Related Problems can be Avoided (WG, EP), pp. 161–172.
- TRI-Ada-1997-SuchanS #ada #education #problem #using
- Using Ada 95 as a Tool to Teach Problem Solving to Non-CS Majors (WKS, TLS), pp. 31–36.
- ICML-1997-Schapire #learning #multi #problem #using
- Using output codes to boost multiclass learning problems (RES), pp. 313–321.
- TOOLS-USA-1997-MattssonB #composition #framework #problem
- Framework Composition: Problems, Causes and Solutions (MM, JB), pp. 203–214.
- PLILP-1997-Thompson #approach #education #functional #problem #programming
- Where Do I Begin? A Problem Solving Approach in teaching Functional Programming (SJT), pp. 323–334.
- RE-1997-BoisDZ #on the #problem
- On the Use of a Formal R. E. Language — The Generalized Railroad Crossing Problem (PDB, ED, JMZ), p. 128–?.
- SAC-1997-BinkleyK #named #problem
- Crozzle: an NP-complete problem (DB, BMK), pp. 30–34.
- SAC-1997-ChristensenWS #algorithm #hybrid #multi #problem
- A hybrid algorithm for the point to multipoint routing problem (HLC, RLW, DAS), pp. 263–268.
- SAC-1997-ChungP #algorithm #problem #question #representation #search-based #why
- Why is problem-dependent and high-level representation scheme better in a genetic algorithm? (SC, RP), pp. 239–246.
- SAC-1997-JagotaD #algorithm #distributed #problem
- Simple distributed algorithms for the cycle cutset problem (AKJ, RD), pp. 366–373.
- SAC-1997-KhuriC #algorithm #heuristic #problem
- Heuristic algorithms for the terminal assignment problem (SK, TC), pp. 247–251.
- SAC-1997-LinXY #analysis #parallel #performance #problem
- Performance analysis for parallel solutions to generic search problems (WML, WX, BY), pp. 422–430.
- SAC-1997-Maddi #problem
- Token based solutions to M resources allocation problem (AM), pp. 340–344.
- SAC-1997-Mao #constraints #order #parallel #problem #scheduling
- A parallel multi-operation scheduling problem with machine order constraints (WM), pp. 473–477.
- SAC-1997-OchiDF #algorithm #design #implementation #parallel #problem #search-based
- Design and implementation of a parallel genetic algorithm for the travelling purchaser problem (LSO, LMdAD, RMVF), pp. 257–262.
- ESEC-FSE-1997-RepsBDL #maintenance #problem #profiling
- The Use of Program Profiling for Software Maintenance with Applications to the Year 2000 Problem (TWR, TB, MD, JRL), pp. 432–449.
- ICSE-1997-Sullivan #design #problem #user interface
- The Windows 95 User Interface: Iterative Design and Problem Tracking in Action (KS), pp. 562–563.
- PPoPP-1997-HuJT #fortran #performance #problem
- High Performance FORTRAN for Highly Unstructured Problems (YCH, SLJ, SHT), pp. 13–24.
- CADE-1997-BaaderT #approach #problem #word
- A New Approach for Combining Decision Procedure for the Word Problem, and Its Connection to the Nelson-Oppen Combination Method (FB, CT), pp. 19–33.
- CADE-1997-FuchsF #named #problem #proving
- CODE: A Powerful Prover for Problems of Condensed Detachment (DF, MF), pp. 260–263.
- CSL-1997-CoquandP #problem
- A Proof-Theoretical Investigation of Zantema’s Problem (TC, HP), pp. 177–188.
- ILPS-1997-GrecoS #datalog #optimisation #problem
- NP Optimization Problems in Datalog (SG, DS), pp. 181–195.
- RTA-1997-McCune #problem
- Well-Behaved Search and the Robbins Problem (WM), pp. 1–7.
- RTA-1997-OttoKK #decidability #monad #problem #word
- Cross-Sections for Finitely Presented Monoids with Decidable Word Problems (FO, MK, YK), pp. 53–67.
- RTA-1997-Struth #for free #on the #problem #word
- On the Word Problem for Free Lattices (GS), pp. 128–141.
- DAC-1996-Coudert #on the #problem
- On Solving Covering Problems (OC), pp. 197–202.
- DAC-1996-LalgudiPP #effectiveness #optimisation #problem
- Optimizing Systems for Effective Block-Processing: The k-Delay Problem (KNL, MCP, MP), pp. 714–719.
- HT-1996-JoyceKMSU #complexity #design #generative #problem #visual notation #visualisation #web
- Visual Metaphor and the Problem of Complexity in the Design of Web Sites: Techniques for Generating, Recognizing and Visualizing Structure (MJ, RK, SM, BS, JMU), p. 257.
- PODS-1996-Manber #problem #research #web
- Future Directions and Research Problems in the World Wide Web (Abstract) (UM), pp. 213–215.
- SIGMOD-1996-GoyalHKMS #database #problem #programming #question #research #user interface
- Is GUI Programming a Database Research Problem? (NG, CH, RK, BM, MS), pp. 517–528.
- VLDB-1996-GuptaM #problem #what
- What is the Data Warehousing Problem? (Are Materialized Views the Answer?) (AG, ISM), p. 602.
- CSEE-1996-Gates #problem
- Integrating a Problem-Solving Methodology and Group Skills into CS1 (AQG), pp. 6–15.
- ITiCSE-1996-Jones #distance #education #problem
- Computing by distance education: problems and solutions (DJ), pp. 139–146.
- ESOP-1996-Jones #problem #semantics
- Some Practical Problems and Their Influence on Semantics (CBJ), pp. 1–17.
- STOC-1996-Ajtai #generative #problem
- Generating Hard Instances of Lattice Problems (Extended Abstract) (MA), pp. 99–108.
- STOC-1996-BartalFL #bound #graph #online #problem
- Lower Bounds for On-line Graph Problems with Application to On-line Circuit and Optical Routing (YB, AF, SL), pp. 531–540.
- STOC-1996-BlumRV #algorithm #approximate #problem
- A Constant-factor Approximation Algorithm for the k MST Problem (Extended Abstract) (AB, RR, SV), pp. 442–448.
- ICALP-1996-AlonS #approximate #integer #parallel #problem #programming
- Improved Parallel Approximation of a Class of Integer Programming Programming Problems (NA, AS), pp. 562–573.
- ICALP-1996-Chen #approximate #graph #problem
- Practical Approximation Schemes for Maximum Induced-Subgraph Problems on K_{3, 3}-free or K_5-free Graphs (ZZC), pp. 268–279.
- ICALP-1996-ShuklaHRS #complexity #finite #on the #problem #process #relational
- On the Complexity of Relational Problems for Finite State Processes (Extended Abstract) (SKS, HBHI, DJR, RES), pp. 466–477.
- ICALP-1996-YuY #problem #symmetry
- Agent Rendezvous: A Dynamic Symmetry-Breaking Problem (XY, MY), pp. 610–621.
- WIA-1996-RavikumarX #implementation #parallel #problem #sequence #source code
- Implementing Sequential and Parallel Programs for the Homing Sequence Problem (BR, XX), pp. 120–131.
- ICFP-1996-ChuangH #approach #automation #data transformation #probability #problem
- A Probabilistic Approach to the Problem of Automatic Selection of Data Representations (TRC, WLH), pp. 190–200.
- CHI-1996-VirziSK #identification #problem #prototype #usability #using
- Usability Problem Identification Using Both Low- and High-Fidelity Prototypes (RAV, JLS, DK), pp. 236–243.
- AdaEurope-1996-ChenY #on the #problem #testing
- On Some Characterisation Problems of Subdomain Testing (TYC, YTY), pp. 147–158.
- ICPR-1996-Benois-PineauKB #graph #optimisation #problem
- Coding of structure in the region-based coder as a problem of optimization on graphs (JBP, AK, DB), pp. 651–655.
- ICPR-1996-HoC #multi #problem #representation
- Wavelet representation for multigrid computation in surface interpolation problem (WJH, WTC), pp. 740–744.
- ICPR-1996-KimuraWM #feature model #on the #problem
- On feature extraction for limited class problem (FK, TW, YM), pp. 191–194.
- ICPR-1996-MottlMBK #image #problem
- Hidden tree-like quasi-Markov model and generalized technique for a class of image processing problems (VM, IBM, AB, AK), pp. 715–719.
- ICPR-1996-MurshedBS #approach #classification #detection #fuzzy #problem
- A fuzzy ARTMAP-based classification system for detecting cancerous cells, based on the one-class problem approach (NAM, FB, RS), pp. 478–482.
- ICPR-1996-Pito #problem
- A sensor-based solution to the “next best view” problem (RP), pp. 941–945.
- ICPR-1996-SpinuGC #approach #detection #distributed #multi #optimisation #problem
- A multi-agent approach to edge detection as a distributed optimization problem (CS, CG, JMC), pp. 81–85.
- KDD-1996-MongeE #algorithm #problem
- The Field Matching Problem: Algorithms and Applications (AEM, CE), pp. 267–270.
- KR-1996-CrawfordGLR #problem #symmetry
- Symmetry-Breaking Predicates for Search Problems (JMC, MLG, EML, AR), pp. 148–159.
- KR-1996-Kelley #calculus #case study #modelling #problem #using
- Modeling Complex Systems in the Situation Calculus: A Case Study Using the Dagstuhl Steam Boiler Problem (TGK), pp. 26–37.
- KR-1996-Thielscher #problem
- Causality and the Qualification Problem (MT), pp. 51–62.
- SEKE-1996-Robertson96a #problem
- Domain Specific Problem Description (DR), pp. 206–213.
- SEKE-1996-XuZ #analysis #automation #problem #requirements #specification
- Requirements Analysis and Specification as a Problem of Software Automation (JX, HZ), pp. 457–464.
- POPL-1996-SagivRW #problem
- Solving Shape-Analysis Problems in Languages with Destructive Updating (SS, TWR, RW), pp. 16–31.
- SAC-1996-AbualiWS #algorithm #design #problem #search-based #set #using
- Solving the subset interconnection design problem using genetic algorithms (FNA, RLW, DAS), pp. 299–304.
- SAC-1996-GowerW #np-hard #problem
- R-by-C Crozzle: an NP-hard problem (MG, RWW), pp. 73–76.
- SAC-1996-Hartley #problem #satisfiability
- Steiner systems and the Boolean satisfiability problem (SJH), pp. 277–281.
- SAC-1996-HoeltingSW96a #algorithm #precedence #problem #search-based #using
- A genetic algorithm for the minimum broadcast time problem using a global precedence vector (CJH, DAS, RLW), pp. 258–262.
- SAC-1996-HurleyTS #algorithm #comparison #problem
- A comparison of local search algorithms for radio link frequency assignment problems (SH, SUT, DHS), pp. 251–257.
- SAC-1996-LeeHHC #case study #how #implementation #performance #problem #process #set
- Efficient implementations of two variant subset sum problems: a case study of how to process appraisal books resulting from fire-destroyed money (PL, FYH, CYH, HTC), pp. 230–237.
- FSE-1996-Jackson #problem
- Problems, Methods, and Structures (Abstract) (MJ), p. 1.
- ICSE-1996-WoodsY #analysis #approach #comprehension #heuristic #problem
- The Program Understanding Problem: Analysis and a Heuristic Approach (SGW, QY), pp. 6–15.
- HPDC-1996-KumarSSG #algorithm #distributed #problem #robust #search-based
- Robust and Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Ordering Problems (AK, AS, AS, RKG), pp. 253–262.
- HPDC-1996-NicklasASW #clustering #parallel #problem
- A Parallel Solution to the Cutting Stock Problem for a Cluster of Workstations (LDN, RWA, SS, PYW), pp. 521–530.
- CSL-1996-Malmstrom #approximate #optimisation #problem
- Optimization Problems with Approximation Schemes (AM), pp. 316–333.
- CSL-1996-Yashin #logic #problem
- New Intuitionistic Logical Constants: Undecidability of the Conservativsness Problem (ADY), pp. 460–471.
- JICSLP-1996-CholewinskiT #logic programming #problem
- Extremal Problems in Logic Programming and Stable Model Computation (PC, MT), pp. 408–422.
- JICSLP-1996-FordanGN #constraints #optimisation #problem #using
- Optimizing Constraint-Intensive Problems Using Early Projection (Poster Abstract) (AF, UG, AN), p. 537.
- LICS-1996-DegtyarevMV #algorithm #problem
- Simultaneous E-Unification and Related Algorithmic Problems (AD, YM, AV), pp. 494–502.
- LICS-1996-DegtyarevV #decidability #logic #problem
- Decidability Problems for the Prenex Fragment of Intuitionistic Logic (AD, AV), pp. 503–512.
- LICS-1996-MatiyasevichS #problem
- Decision Problems for Semi-Thue Systems with a Few Rules (YM, GS), pp. 523–531.
- LICS-1996-TiurynU #decidability #higher-order #problem #type system
- The Subtyping Problem for Second-Order Types is Undecidable (JT, PU), pp. 74–85.
- RTA-1996-Senizergues #on the #problem #termination
- On the Termination Problem for One-Rule Semi-Thue System (GS), pp. 302–316.
- DAC-1995-Bergamaschi #design #problem #question #tool support
- Productivity Issues in High-Level Design: Are Tools Solving the Real Problems? (RAB), pp. 674–677.
- DAC-1995-CoudertM #problem
- New Ideas for Solving Covering Problems (OC, JCM), pp. 641–646.
- DAC-1995-HuangKT #bound #on the #problem
- On the Bounded-Skew Clock and Steiner Routing Problems (DJHH, ABK, CWAT), pp. 508–513.
- ICDAR-v2-1995-WakaharaSNMO #online #problem #recognition
- On-line cursive Kanji character recognition as stroke correspondence problem (TW, AS, NN, SM, KO), pp. 1059–1064.
- PODS-1995-ChekuriHM #optimisation #parallel #problem #query #scheduling
- Scheduling Problems in Parallel Query Optimization (CC, WH, RM), pp. 255–265.
- PODS-1995-Goodman #database #problem #research
- Research Problems in Genome Databases (NG), p. 125.
- SIGMOD-1995-Freeston #problem
- A General Solution of the n-dimensional B-tree Problem (MF), pp. 80–91.
- SIGMOD-1995-HernandezS #database #problem #scalability
- The Merge/Purge Problem for Large Databases (MAH, SJS), pp. 127–138.
- VLDB-1995-Bayer #database #documentation #problem
- Document Management as a Database Problem (RB), pp. 7–10.
- CSEE-1995-Budgen #design #education #problem #question
- Is Teaching Software Design a “Wicked” Problem, too? (DB), pp. 239–254.
- WCRE-1995-RugaberSW #comprehension #problem
- The Interleaving Problem in Program Understanding (SR, KS, LMW).
- PEPM-1995-Reps #analysis #problem
- Shape Analysis as a Generalized Path Problem (TWR), pp. 1–11.
- STOC-1995-AroraKK #approximate #np-hard #polynomial #problem
- Polynomial time approximation schemes for dense instances of NP-hard problems (SA, DRK, MK), pp. 284–293.
- STOC-1995-BeameCEIP #complexity #problem
- The relative complexity of NP search problems (PB, SAC, JE, RI, TP), pp. 303–314.
- STOC-1995-BlumCV #approximate #problem
- A constant-factor approximation for the k-MST problem in the plane (AB, PC, SV), pp. 294–302.
- STOC-1995-CzumajGGPP #algorithm #parallel #problem #string
- Work-time-optimal parallel algorithms for string problems (AC, ZG, LG, KP, WP), pp. 713–722.
- STOC-1995-Karger #approximate #network #polynomial #problem #random #reliability
- A randomized fully polynomial time approximation scheme for the all terminal network reliability problem (DRK), pp. 11–17.
- STOC-1995-KargerP #combinator #constraints #multi #optimisation #problem
- Adding multiple cost constraints to combinatorial optimization problems, with applications to multicommodity flows (DRK, SAP), pp. 18–25.
- STOC-1995-KhullerR #algorithm #approximate #problem
- Improved approximation algorithms for uniform connectivity problems (SK, BR), pp. 1–10.
- STOC-1995-KleinbergT #approximate #network #problem
- Approximations for the disjoint paths problem in high-diameter planar networks (JMK, ÉT), pp. 26–35.
- STOC-1995-Pulleyblank #problem
- Two Steiner tree packing problems (Extended Abstract) (WRP), pp. 383–387.
- STOC-1995-Srinivasan #approximate #problem
- Improved approximations of packing and covering problems (AS), pp. 268–276.
- STOC-1995-Wang #problem #word
- Average-case completeness of a word problem for groups (JW), pp. 325–334.
- DLT-1995-Jedrzejowicz #decidability #problem
- An Undecidable Problem for Shuffle Languages (JJ), pp. 112–118.
- DLT-1995-Lipponen #on the #problem
- On F-Prime Solutions of the Post Correspondence Problem (ML), pp. 139–147.
- DLT-1995-Satta #problem
- The Membership Problem for Unordered Vector Languages (GS), pp. 267–275.
- ICALP-1995-BozanisKMT #bound #problem
- New Upper Bounds for Generalized Intersection Searching Problems (PB, NK, CM, AKT), pp. 464–474.
- ICALP-1995-Lipponen #problem #word
- Post Correspondence Problem: Words Possible as Primitive Solutions (ML), pp. 63–74.
- ICALP-1995-MaratheRSRRH #design #network #problem
- Bicriteria Network Design Problems (MVM, RR, RS, SSR, DJR, HBHI), pp. 487–498.
- FPCA-1995-JeuringS #analysis #functional #problem #source code
- Constructing Functional Programs for Grammar Analysis Problems (JJ, SDS), pp. 259–269.
- AdaEurope-1995-RybinSZ #implementation #problem
- ASIS for GNAT: Goals, Problems and Implementation Strategy (SR, AS, EZ), pp. 139–151.
- AdaEurope-1995-Sanden #concurrent #design #problem
- Design of Concurrent Software Based on Problem Concurrency (BS), pp. 298–310.
- TRI-Ada-1995-Sanden95a #modelling #problem
- Modeling Problem-Domain Asynchrony (BS), pp. 27–69.
- CAiSE-1995-OpdahlS #analysis #modelling #problem
- Facet Models for Problem Analysis (ALO, GS), pp. 54–67.
- CIKM-1995-HughesW #database #problem
- The Index Suggestion Problem for Object Database Applications (EH, MW), pp. 50–57.
- CIKM-1995-Widom #problem #research
- Research Problems in Data Warehousing (JW), pp. 25–30.
- ICML-1995-Duff #problem
- Q-Learning for Bandit Problems (MOD), pp. 209–217.
- ICML-1995-GambardellaD #approach #learning #named #problem
- Ant-Q: A Reinforcement Learning Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem (LMG, MD), pp. 252–260.
- ICML-1995-Lang95a #problem #search-based #synthesis
- Hill Climbing Beats Genetic Search on a Boolean Circuit Synthesis Problem of Koza’s (KJL), pp. 340–343.
- SEKE-1995-VerkamoL #development #problem #tool support
- Problems in Interfacing Tools of Different Development Environments (AIV, GL), pp. 429–437.
- SIGIR-1995-SchutzeHP #classification #comparison #documentation #problem
- A Comparison of Classifiers and Document Representations for the Routing Problem (HS, DAH, JOP), pp. 229–237.
- OOPSLA-1995-KristensenL #consistency #memory management #problem
- Problem-Oriented Object Memory: Customizing Consistency (AK, CL), pp. 399–413.
- LOPSTR-1995-BossiCE #order #problem #source code
- Transformation of Left Terminating Programs: the Reordering Problem (AB, NC, SE), pp. 33–45.
- LOPSTR-1995-WaalT #deduction #problem #program analysis #program transformation #using
- Solving Deductive Planning Problems Using Program Analysis and Transformation (DAdW, MT), pp. 189–203.
- RE-1995-Jackson #development #problem #requirements
- Problems and requirements (software development) (MJ), pp. 2–9.
- RE-1995-LamsweerdeDM #lessons learnt #problem #requirements
- Goal-directed elaboration of requirements for a meeting scheduler: problems and lessons learnt (AvL, RD, PM), pp. 194–203.
- SAC-1995-AbualiWS95a #algorithm #morphism #problem #search-based #using
- Solving the three-star tree isomorphism problem using genetic algorithms (FNA, RLW, DAS), pp. 337–344.
- SAC-1995-Gibson #algorithm #data type #multi #optimisation #problem #search-based
- A genetic algorithm for optimizing problems with multiple disparate data types (GMG), pp. 300–304.
- SAC-1995-GopalanHSDS #fuzzy #problem #search-based
- Fuzzy genetic controllers for the autonomous rendezvous and docking problem (VG, AH, MRS, RWD, BS), pp. 532–536.
- SAC-1995-HalgamugeGG #fuzzy #network #problem #prototype
- A sub Bayesian nearest prototype neural network with fuzzy interpretability for diagnosis problems (SKH, CG, MG), pp. 445–449.
- SAC-1995-HoeltingSW #approximate #problem
- Approximation techniques for variations of the p-median problem (CJH, DAS, RLW), pp. 293–299.
- SAC-1995-Julstrom #algorithm #problem #search-based
- Very greedy crossover in a genetic algorithm for the traveling salesman problem (BAJ), pp. 324–328.
- SAC-1995-Spector #development #problem #using
- Using system dynamics to model courseware development: the project dynamics of complex problem-solving (JMS), pp. 32–35.
- SAC-1995-ThuenteS #algorithm #hybrid #problem #programming #search-based
- Mathematical programming in a hybrid genetic algorithm for Steiner point problems (DJT, PS), pp. 357–363.
- HPCA-1995-KimMJAJK #effectiveness #named #problem
- U-Cache: A Cost-Effective Solution to the Synonym Problem (JK, SLM, SJ, BA, DKJ, CSK), pp. 243–252.
- CAV-1995-EsparzaK #branch #logic #model checking #on the #parallel #problem #process
- On the Model Checking Problem for Branching Time Logics and Basic Parallel Processes (JE, AK), pp. 353–366.
- ICLP-1995-ShiraiH #constraints #problem
- Two Approaches for Finite-Domain Constraint Satisfaction Problems — CP and CMGTP (YS, RH), pp. 249–263.
- LICS-1995-BouajjaniEH #on the #problem #process #verification
- On the Verification Problem of Nonregular Properties for Nonregular Processes (AB, RE, PH), pp. 123–133.
- LICS-1995-LincolnSS #higher-order #linear #logic #problem
- Decision Problems for Second-Order Linear Logic (PL, AS, NS), pp. 476–485.
- RTA-1995-DershowitzJK #problem
- Problems in Rewriting III (ND, JPJ, JWK), pp. 457–471.
- RTA-1995-Gehrke #category theory #concept #monad #problem
- Problems in Rewriting Applied to Categorical Concepts by the Example of a Computational Comonad (WG), pp. 210–224.
- RTA-1995-StickelZ #problem
- Studying Quasigroup Identities by Rewriting Techniques: Problems and First Results (MES, HZ), pp. 450–456.
- DAC-1994-BenedettoLSY #problem
- Chain Closure: A Problem in Molecular CAD (MDDB, PL, ALSV, KY), pp. 497–502.
- DAC-1994-BuiM #algorithm #clustering #hybrid #performance #problem #search-based
- A Fast and Stable Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Ratio-Cut Partitioning Problem on Hypergraphs (TNB, BRM), pp. 664–669.
- EDAC-1994-EsbensenM #algorithm #graph #problem #search-based
- A Genetic Algorithm for the Steiner Problem in a Graph (HE, PM), pp. 402–406.
- SIGMOD-1994-GravanoGT #database #effectiveness #problem
- The Effectiveness of GlOSS for the Text Database Discovery Problem (LG, HGM, AT), pp. 126–137.
- STOC-1994-AwerbuchL #algorithm #approximate #multi #network #problem
- Improved approximation algorithms for the multi-commodity flow problem and local competitive routing in dynamic networks (BA, TL), pp. 487–496.
- STOC-1994-BlumCCPRS #latency #problem
- The minimum latency problem (AB, PC, DC, WRP, PR, MS), pp. 163–171.
- STOC-1994-BodlaenderFH #bound #problem
- Beyond NP-completeness for problems of bounded width: hardness for the W hierarchy (HLB, MRF, MTH), pp. 449–458.
- STOC-1994-GargH #algorithm #approximate #problem
- An O(log k) approximation algorithm for the k minimum spanning tree problem in the plane (NG, DSH), pp. 432–438.
- STOC-1994-Karger #design #network #problem #random
- Random sampling in cut, flow, and network design problems (DRK), pp. 648–657.
- STOC-1994-MaratheHSR #approximate #problem #specification
- Approximation schemes for PSPACE-complete problems for succinct specifications (preliminary version) (MVM, HBHI, RES, VR), pp. 468–477.
- STOC-1994-Miltersen #bound #problem #random
- Lower bounds for union-split-find related problems on random access machines (PBM), pp. 625–634.
- STOC-1994-Mulmuley #bound #linear #parallel #problem #programming
- Lower bounds for parallel linear programming and other problems (KM), pp. 603–614.
- STOC-1994-YangA #bound #problem
- Time bounds for mutual exclusion and related problems (JHY, JHA), pp. 224–233.
- ICALP-1994-AbdullaJ #decidability #problem #source code #verification
- Undecidable Verification Problems for Programs with Unreliable Channels (PAA, BJ), pp. 316–327.
- ICALP-1994-BirgetMMW #algorithm #problem
- PSPACE-Completeness of Certain Algorithmic Problems on the Subgroups of Free Groups (JCB, SWM, JCM, PW), pp. 274–285.
- ICALP-1994-JakobyRSW #complexity #parallel #problem
- The Average Case Complexity of the Parallel Prefix Problem (AJ, RR, CS, SW), pp. 593–604.
- ICALP-1994-PrzytyckaL #problem #revisited
- The Optimal Alphabetic Tree Problem Revisited (TMP, LLL), pp. 251–262.
- TAGT-1994-NaglS #graph grammar #integration #problem #specification
- Software Integration Problems and Coupling of Graph Grammar Specifications (MN, AS), pp. 155–169.
- TAGT-1994-SkodinisW #bound #graph grammar #problem
- The Bounded Degree Problem for Non-Obstructing eNCE Graph Grammars (KS, EW), pp. 211–224.
- CSCW-1994-StarR #collaboration #design #framework #problem #scalability #towards
- Steps Towards an Ecology of Infrastructure: Complex Problems in Design and Access for Large-Scale Collaborative Systems (SLS, KR), pp. 253–264.
- TRI-Ada-1994-Gilroy #problem #reuse
- Interesting Problems in Transforming Existing Software for Reusability (KG), pp. 374–387.
- ICML-1994-JohnKP #problem #set
- Irrelevant Features and the Subset Selection Problem (GHJ, RK, KP), pp. 121–129.
- ICML-1994-Pereira #bias #machine learning #natural language #problem
- Frequencies vs. Biases: Machine Learning Problems in Natural Language Processing — Abstract (FCNP), p. 380.
- KR-1994-Konolige #algorithm #problem
- Easy to be Hard: Difficult Problems for Greedy Algorithms (KK), pp. 374–378.
- SIGIR-1994-Hull #problem #retrieval #semantics #using
- Improving Text Retrieval for the Routing Problem using Latent Semantic Indexing (DAH), pp. 282–291.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Sikora #empirical #object-oriented #problem #programming #roadmap
- Selected Results from an Empirical Study on Problem Areas and Trends of Object-Oriented Programming (HS), pp. 303–313.
- ICRE-1994-GotelF #analysis #problem #requirements #traceability
- An analysis of the requirements traceability problem (OCZG, AF), pp. 94–101.
- SAC-1994-CorcoranW #algorithm #parallel #problem #scheduling #search-based
- A parallel island model genetic algorithm for the multiprocessor scheduling problem (ALC, RLW), pp. 483–487.
- SAC-1994-GordonBW #algorithm #performance #problem #search-based
- A note on the performance of genetic algorithms on zero-one knapsack problems (VSG, APWB, DW), pp. 194–195.
- SAC-1994-Julstrom #algorithm #performance #problem #search-based
- Seeding the population: improved performance in a genetic algorithm for the rectilinear Steiner problem (BAJ), pp. 222–226.
- SAC-1994-KhuriBH #algorithm #multi #problem #search-based
- The zero/one multiple knapsack problem and genetic algorithms (SK, TB, JH), pp. 188–193.
- SAC-1994-KucherovR #on the #problem #term rewriting #word
- On ground reducibility problem for word rewriting systems with variables (GK, MR), pp. 271–276.
- SAC-1994-RaoI #approach #probability #problem
- A stochastic approach to the bin-packing problem (RLR, SSI), pp. 261–265.
- SAC-1994-TsouS #adaptation #fuzzy #problem
- Fuzzy control for the pursuing problem of an adaptive planar structure (PT, MHHS), pp. 150–154.
- SAC-1994-WarwickT #algorithm #problem #search-based #using
- Using a genetic algorithm to tackle the processors configuration problem (TW, EPKT), pp. 217–221.
- CC-1994-Reps #analysis #interprocedural #problem
- Solving Demand Versions of Interprocedural Analysis Problems (TWR), pp. 389–403.
- HPDC-1994-NguyenZZ #distributed #problem #using
- Distributed Computation of Electromagnetic Scattering Problems Using Finite-Difference Time-Domain Decompositions (SN, BJZ, XZ), pp. 85–89.
- HPDC-1994-PramanickP #distributed #evaluation #fault #problem #quality
- Distributed Solutions to the Delay Fault Test Quality Evaluation Problem (IP, AKP), pp. 177–185.
- CADE-1994-ClarkeZ #problem #proving #symbolic computation #theorem proving
- Combining Symbolic Computation and Theorem Proving: Some Problems of Ramanujan (EMC, XZ), pp. 758–763.
- CADE-1994-HermannK #complexity #equation #problem
- The Complexity of Counting Problems in Equational Matching (MH, PGK), pp. 560–574.
- CADE-1994-Prehofer #decidability #higher-order #problem #unification
- Decidable Higher-Order Unification Problems (CP), pp. 635–649.
- CADE-1994-SutcliffeSY #library #problem
- The TPTP Problem Library (GS, CBS, TY), pp. 252–266.
- CADE-1994-Zhang #finite #generative #modelling #problem
- Problems on the Generation of Finite Models (JZ0), pp. 753–757.
- CAV-1994-LeeR #algorithm #implementation #parallel #problem #relational
- A Parallel Algorithm for Relational Coarsest Partition Problems and Its Implementation (IL, SR), pp. 404–414.
- CAV-1994-SinghalP #problem
- The Verifiacation Problem for Safe Replaceability (VS, CP), pp. 311–323.
- ICLP-1994-LauOT #deduction #logic programming #problem #source code #synthesis
- The Halting Problem for Deductive Synthesis of Logic Programs (KKL, MO, SÅT), pp. 665–683.
- LICS-1994-Urzyczyn #problem
- The Emptiness Problem for Intersection Types (PU), pp. 300–309.
- DAC-1993-HuangPS #approach #approximate #heuristic #polynomial #problem
- A Polynomial-Time Heuristic Approach to Approximate a Solution to the False Path Problem (STH, TMP, JMS), pp. 118–122.
- DAC-1993-Minato #combinator #problem #set
- Zero-Suppressed BDDs for Set Manipulation in Combinatorial Problems (SiM), pp. 272–277.
- ICDAR-1993-HoriuchiTYYI #optimisation #problem
- Generalized interpretation of optimization methods for labeling problems (TH, KT, HY, KY, TI), pp. 6–9.
- ICDAR-1993-RochaP #problem
- A solution to the problem of touching and broken characters (JR, TP), pp. 602–605.
- VLDB-1993-Fitzgerald #challenge #database #industrial #problem
- Problems/Challenges facing Industry Data Base Users (KF), p. 707.
- CSM-1993-Chapin #maintenance #problem
- Management Problems Seen in Software Maintenance: An Empowerment Study (NC), pp. 329–336.
- STOC-1993-BoppanaN #problem
- The biased coin problem (RBB, BON), pp. 252–257.
- STOC-1993-ChariRS #problem
- Randomness-optimal unique element isolation, with applications to perfect matching and related problems (SC, PR, AS), pp. 458–467.
- STOC-1993-Karp #biology #combinator #problem
- Mapping the genome: some combinatorial problems arising in molecular biology (RMK), pp. 278–285.
- STOC-1993-LundY #approximate #on the #problem
- On the hardness of approximating minimization problems (CL, MY), pp. 286–293.
- STOC-1993-MatousekS #3d #algorithm #problem
- A deterministic algorithm for the three-dimensional diameter problem (JM, OS), pp. 478–484.
- STOC-1993-Phillips #network #problem
- The network inhibition problem (CAP), pp. 776–785.
- STOC-1993-WilliamsonGMV #algorithm #approximate #network #problem
- A primal-dual approximation algorithm for generalized Steiner network problems (DPW, MXG, MM, VVV), pp. 708–717.
- ICALP-1993-CzumajG #graph #problem
- Problems on Pairs of Trees and the Four Colour Problem of Planar Graphs (AC, AG), pp. 88–101.
- ICALP-1993-Kann #approximate #bound #problem
- Polynomially Bounded Minimization Problems which are Hard to Approximate (VK), pp. 52–63.
- ICALP-1993-KozenZ #bound #problem
- Optimal Bounds for the Change-Making Problem (DK, SZ), pp. 150–161.
- ICALP-1993-LundY #approximate #problem
- The Approximation of Maximum Subgraph Problems (CL, MY), pp. 40–51.
- ICALP-1993-MaratheHR #approximate #complexity #problem #specification
- The Complexity of Approximating PSPACE-Complete Problems for Hierarchical Specifications (Extended Abstract) (MVM, HBHI, SSR), pp. 76–87.
- FME-1993-EngelhardtR #problem
- Generalizing Abadi & Lamport’s Method to Solve a Problem Posed by A. Pnueli (KE, WPdR), pp. 294–313.
- HCI-ACS-1993-Hayanhjelm #design #evolution #problem #process
- The Ergonomic Deisgn Process — The User Involved in Problem Solving and the Design Evolution (HIJH), pp. 966–969.
- HCI-ACS-1993-KarlssonK #problem
- Do Computers Solve the Problem? Telephone vs. Telefax vs. Computers in Home Shopping Systems in Scandinavia (MAK, MK), pp. 427–432.
- HCI-ACS-1993-Lewis #modelling #probability #problem #usability
- Problem Discovery in Usability Studies: A Models Based on the Binomial Probability Formula (JRL), pp. 666–671.
- HCI-SHI-1993-Nakamura93a #problem #tool support
- Problem Solving Support System as Thinking Acceleration Tools (TN), pp. 297–302.
- HCI-SHI-1993-YeS #design #interface #problem
- Introducing Problem Solving Strategies of Users into the Interface Design (NY, GS), pp. 873–878.
- HCI-SHI-1993-YoungM #approach #assessment #learning #problem
- A Situated Cognition Approach to Problem Solving with Implications for Computer-Based Learning and Assessment (MFY, MDM), pp. 825–830.
- INTERCHI-1993-NielsenL #problem #usability
- A mathematical model of the finding of usability problems (JN, TKL), pp. 206–213.
- CIKM-1993-Anderson #approach #database #deduction #knowledge base #multi #problem #statistics
- A Dynamic Knowledge Based Approach to the Problem of Deduction in a Non-Statistical Multilevel Secure Database (MA), pp. 154–163.
- ICML-1993-Rymon #induction #problem
- An SE-tree based Characterization of the Induction Problem (RR), pp. 268–275.
- ICML-1993-VanLehnJ #problem
- Better Learners Use Analogical Problem Solving Sparingly (KV, RMJ), pp. 338–345.
- SEKE-1993-ChenV #fault #information management #problem
- Knowledge Engineering in Fault Diagnostic Problem Solving (LC, PV), pp. 255–257.
- TOOLS-USA-1993-CaseauSK #object-oriented #optimisation #problem #programming
- Extending Object-Oriented Programming to Address Hard Optimization Problems (YC, GS, PK), pp. 351–361.
- SAC-1993-FrederickSW #algorithm #metric #network #problem #search-based
- The Hamming Metric in Genetic Algorithms and Its Application to Two Network Problems (WGF, RLS, CMW), pp. 126–130.
- SAC-1993-GrimmLT #multi #problem
- A Parallelized Search Strategy for Solving a Multicriteria Aircraft Routing Problem (JJG, GBL, AJT), pp. 570–577.
- SAC-1993-JoshiRN #algorithm #network #performance #problem
- A Fast Algorithm for Generalized Network Location Problems (DSJ, SR, CN), pp. 701–708.
- SAC-1993-Kim #problem #program transformation #set
- Program Transformation for the Longest Upsequence Set Problem (HK), pp. 609–613.
- SAC-1993-RankinWHS #algorithm #evaluation #hybrid #problem #search-based
- A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for an NP-Complete Problem with an Expensive Evaluation Function (RR, RWW, GH, JS), pp. 251–256.
- SAC-1993-SouzaT #multi #problem
- Asynchronous Organizations for Multi-Algorithm Problems (PSdS, ST), pp. 286–293.
- ICSE-1993-BiggerstaffMW #comprehension #concept #problem
- The Concept Assignment Problem in Program Understanding (TJB, BGM, DEW), pp. 482–498.
- ICSE-1993-BorgidaMR #problem #quote #specification
- “...And Nothing Else Changes”: The Frame Problem in Procedure Specifications (AB, JM, RR), pp. 303–314.
- HPDC-1993-Pramanick #distributed #problem
- Distributed Computing Solutions to the All-Pairs Shortest Path Problem (IP), pp. 196–203.
- CSL-1993-GradelM #problem #random
- Approximable Minimization Problems and Optimal Solutions on Random Inputs (EG, AM), pp. 139–149.
- CSL-1993-Hishfeld #equivalence #petri net #problem
- Petri Nets and the Equivalence Problem (YH), pp. 165–174.
- ICLP-1993-BisdorffL #industrial #problem
- Industrial Disposing Problem Solved in CHIP (RB, SL), p. 831.
- ILPS-1993-BoizumaultDP #problem #using
- Solving a real life exams problem using CHIP (PB, YD, LP), p. 661.
- ILPS-1993-DevienneLR #decidability #horn clause #problem #recursion
- The Emptiness Problem of One Binary Recursive Horn Clause is Undecidable (PD, PL, JCR), pp. 250–265.
- RTA-1993-Adian #algorithm #monad #on the #problem
- On some Algorithmic Problems for Groups and Monoids (SIA), pp. 289–300.
- RTA-1993-BaaderS #problem
- Combination Techniques and Decision Problems for Disunification (FB, KUS), pp. 301–315.
- RTA-1993-DershowitzJK #problem
- More Problems in Rewriting (ND, JPJ, JWK), pp. 468–487.
- RTA-1993-Fernandez #problem #satisfiability
- AC Complement Problems: Satisfiability and Negation Elimination (MF), pp. 358–373.
- RTA-1993-Senizergues #decidability #problem #termination
- Some Undecidable Termination Problems for Semi-Thue Systems (Abstract) (GS), p. 434.
- DAC-1992-ChengM #algorithm #on the #problem
- On the Over-Specification Problem in Sequential ATPG Algorithms (KTC, HKTM), pp. 16–21.
- DAC-1992-FangFL #approach #multi #performance #problem
- A New Efficient Approach to Multilayer Channel Routing Problem (SCF, WSF, SLL), pp. 579–584.
- DAC-1992-LavagnoMBS #graph #problem
- Solving the State Assignment Problem for Signal Transition Graphs (LL, CWM, RKB, ALSV), pp. 568–572.
- DAC-1992-LiLAS #implementation #on the #problem
- On the Circuit Implementation Problem (WNL, AL, PA, SS), pp. 478–483.
- DAC-1992-LinS #approach #fuzzy #logic #problem
- Fuzzy Logic Approach to Placement Problem (RBL, ES), pp. 153–158.
- DAC-1992-RaghavanBR #named #performance #problem #simulation
- AWESpice: A General Tool for the Accurate and Efficient Simulation of Interconnect Problems (VR, JEB, RAR), pp. 87–92.
- HT-ECHT-1992-Osterbye #hypermedia #problem #version control
- Structural and Cognitive Problems in Providing Version Control for Hypertext (KØ), pp. 33–42.
- SIGMOD-1992-MehrotraRBKS #concurrent #multi #problem
- The Concurrency Control Problem in Multidatabases: Characteristics and Solutions (SM, RR, YB, HFK, AS), pp. 288–297.
- STOC-1992-BartalFKV #algorithm #problem #scheduling
- New Algorithms for an Ancient Scheduling Problem (YB, AF, HJK, RV), pp. 51–58.
- STOC-1992-FeigeL92a #problem #proving
- Two-Prover One-Round Proof Systems: Their Power and Their Problems (Extended Abstract) (UF, LL), pp. 733–744.
- STOC-1992-PanconesiS #algorithm #composition #distributed #network #problem
- Improved Distributed Algorithms for Coloring and Network Decomposition Problems (AP, AS), pp. 581–592.
- STOC-1992-Seidel #on the #problem
- On the All-Pairs-Shortest-Path Problem (RS), pp. 745–749.
- STOC-1992-VenkatesanR #matrix #problem
- Average Case Intractability of Matrix and Diophantine Problems (Extended Abstract) (RV, SR), pp. 632–642.
- ICALP-1992-KirschenhoferPS #analysis #how #probability #problem
- How to Count Quickly and Accurately: A Unified Analysis of Probabilistic Counting and Other Related Problems (PK, HP, WS), pp. 211–222.
- ICALP-1992-Krob #decidability #multi #problem #similarity
- The Equality Problem for Rational Series with Multiplicities in the Tropical Semiring is Undecidable (DK), pp. 101–112.
- CHI-1992-Nielsen #evaluation #heuristic #problem #usability
- Finding usability problems through heuristic evaluation (JN), pp. 373–380.
- CSCW-1992-BerlinJ #collaboration #learning #problem
- Consultants and Apprentices: Observations about Learning and Collaborative Problem Solving (LMB, RJ), pp. 130–137.
- AdaEurope-1992-LanderM #ada #detection #multi #problem #realtime
- Detection and Avoidance of Elaboration-Time Problems for Multi-Unit Real-Time Ada Applications (LCL, SM), pp. 165–181.
- KR-1992-FreitagF #independence #problem
- Focusing on Independent Diagnosis Problems (HF, GF), pp. 521–531.
- ML-1992-FawcettU #automation #generative #problem
- Automatic Feature Generation for Problem Solving Systems (TF, PEU), pp. 144–153.
- ML-1992-GratchD #analysis #learning #problem
- An Analysis of Learning to Plan as a Search Problem (JG, GD), pp. 179–188.
- ML-1992-PerezE #named #problem
- DYNAMIC: A New Role for Training Problems in EBL (MAP, OE), pp. 367–372.
- ML-1992-Schaffer #problem #recognition
- Deconstructing the Digit Recognition Problem (CS), pp. 394–399.
- SEKE-1992-Bertolotti #interactive #problem
- Opportunistic Production Planning Through Interactive Problem Solving (EB), pp. 404–411.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-CervoniR #constraints #design #named #object-oriented #problem #reuse
- C/O: A Tool Reusing OO Design for Temporal Constraints Satisfaction Problems (LC, FR), pp. 79–85.
- PLILP-1992-AptP #problem #why
- Why the Occur-Check is Not a Problem (KRA, AP), pp. 69–86.
- CC-1992-Assmann #problem
- Another Solution of Scoping Problems in Symbol Tables (WA), pp. 66–71.
- CADE-1992-DigricoliK #challenge #problem
- LIM+ Challenge Problems by RUE Hyper-Resolution (VJD, EK), pp. 239–252.
- CADE-1992-LuskW #benchmark #metric #problem #similarity
- Benchmark Problems in Which Equality Plays the Major Role (ELL, LW), pp. 781–785.
- CAV-1992-McMillan #explosion #problem #using #verification
- Using Unfoldings to Avoid the State Explosion Problem in the Verification of Asynchronous Circuits (KLM), pp. 164–177.
- CSL-1992-BehrendtCG #approximate #optimisation #problem
- Optimization Problems: Expressibility, Approximation Properties and Expected Asymptotic Growth of Optimal Solutions (TB, KJC, EG), pp. 43–60.
- CSL-1992-Creignou #linear #problem #proving #satisfiability
- The Class of Problems that are Linear Equivalent to Satisfiability or a Uniform Method for Proving NP-Completeness (NC), pp. 115–133.
- CSL-1992-Grandjean #algorithm #linear #problem
- Linear Time Algorithms and NP-Complete Problems (EG), pp. 248–273.
- CSL-1992-Lautemann #logic #monad #problem
- Logical Definability of NP-Optimization Problems with Monadic Auxiliary Predicates (CL), pp. 327–339.
- IWPTS-1992-Koster #consistency #problem #protocol #testing
- Problems and Difficulties with GSM Protocol Conformance Testing (RK), p. 291.
- JICSLP-1992-Szeredi #optimisation #problem
- Exploiting Or-Parallelism in Optimisation Problems (PS), pp. 703–716.
- LICS-1992-ComonHJ #decidability #equation #problem
- Decidable Problems in Shallow Equational Theories (Extended Abstract) (HC, MH, JPJ), pp. 255–265.
- DAC-1991-FangCFC #multi #problem
- Constrained via Minimization with Practical Considerations for Multi-Layer VLSI/PCB Routing Problems (SCF, KEC, WSF, SJC), pp. 60–65.
- HT-1991-BernsteinBFGLZ #hypermedia #navigation #problem
- Structure, Navigation, and Hypertext: The Status of the Navigation Problem (MB, PJB, MEF, RJG, GPL, PZ), pp. 363–366.
- VLDB-1991-Kent #database #object-oriented #problem #programming language
- Solving Domain Mismatch and Schema Mismatch Problems with an Object-Oriented Database Programming Language (WK), pp. 147–160.
- STOC-1991-AgrawalKR #algorithm #approximate #network #problem
- When Trees Collide: An Approximation Algorithm for the Generalized Steiner Problem on Networks (AA, PNK, RR), pp. 134–144.
- STOC-1991-AndersonW #algorithm #parallel #problem
- Wait-free Parallel Algorithms for the Union-Find Problem (RJA, HW), pp. 370–380.
- STOC-1991-DengM #game studies #infinity #online #problem
- Infinite Games, Randomization, Computability, and Applications to Online Problems (Preliminary Version) (XD, SM), pp. 289–298.
- STOC-1991-DjidjevR #algorithm #performance #problem
- An Efficient Algorithm for the Genus Problem with Explicit Construction of Forbidden Subgraphs (HD, JHR), pp. 337–347.
- STOC-1991-GalilI #algorithm #problem
- Fully Dynamic Algorithms for Edge-Connectivity Problems (Extended Abstract) (ZG, GFI), pp. 317–327.
- STOC-1991-LeightonMPSTT #algorithm #approximate #multi #performance #problem
- Fast Approximation Algorithms for Multicommodity Flow Problems (FTL, FM, SAP, CS, ÉT, ST), pp. 101–111.
- WSA-1991-NielBV #functional #partial evaluation #problem #representation
- Partial Evaluation of Polymorphically Typed Functional Languages: the Representation Problem (ADN, EB, KDV), pp. 90–97.
- ICALP-1991-CuckerT #formal method #problem
- Two P-Complete Problems in the Theory of the Reals (FC, AT), pp. 556–565.
- ICALP-1991-GalilM #algorithm #linear #problem
- An Almost Linear-Time Algorithm for the Dense Subset-Sum Problem (ZG, OM), pp. 719–727.
- ICALP-1991-JiangR #automaton #nondeterminism #problem
- Minimal NFA Problems Are Hard (TJ, BR), pp. 629–640.
- ICALP-1991-LengauerT #algorithm #performance #problem
- Efficient Algorithms for Path Problems with Gernal Cost Citeria (TL, DT), pp. 314–326.
- ICALP-1991-RaviAK #approximate #graph #problem #scheduling
- Ordering Problems Approximated: Single-Processor Scheduling and Interval Graph Completion (RR, AA, PNK), pp. 751–762.
- CHI-1991-KoenemannR #comprehension #problem
- Expert problem solving strategies for program comprehension (JK, SPR), pp. 125–130.
- KR-1991-Bylander #abduction #functional #problem
- The Monotonic Abduction Problem: A Functional Characterization on the Edge of Tractability (TB), pp. 70–77.
- KR-1991-ChalasaniEM #algorithm #performance #permutation #problem
- Integrating Efficient Model-Learning and Problem-Solving Algorithms in Permutation Environments (PC, OE, JM), pp. 89–98.
- KR-1991-Freuder #constraints #problem
- Completable Representations of Constraint Satisfaction Problems (ECF), pp. 186–195.
- ML-1991-Day #csp #heuristic #learning #problem
- Learning Variable Descriptors for Applying Heuristics Across CSP Problems (DSD), pp. 127–131.
- POPL-1991-LandiR #alias #classification #pointer #problem
- Pointer-Induced Aliasing: A Problem Classification (WL, BGR), pp. 93–103.
- ESEC-1991-Lang #automation #problem #process
- CASE Support for the Software Process: Advances and Problems (BL), pp. 512–515.
- CAV-1991-Courcoubetis #problem #realtime
- Minimum and Maximum Delay Problems in Real-Time Systems (CC), pp. 399–409.
- CSL-1991-ThistleW #automaton #problem
- Control of ω-Automata, Church’s Problem, and the Emptiness Problem for Tree ω-Automata (JGT, WMW), pp. 367–382.
- ICLP-1991-Scowen #bibliography #problem #prolog #standard
- An Overview of Prolog Standardization — Progress, Problems and Solutions (RSS), pp. 922–936.
- ICLP-1991-WatanabeK #layout #parallel #problem
- Co-operative Hierarchical Layout Problem Solver on Parallel Inference Machine (TW, KK), p. 892.
- RTA-1991-Baader #bound #problem #unification
- Unification, Weak Unification, Upper Bound, Lower Bound, and Generalization Problems (FB), pp. 86–97.
- RTA-1991-DershowitzJK #problem
- Open Problems in Rewriting (ND, JPJ, JWK), pp. 445–456.
- DAC-1990-SaabR #effectiveness #evolution #heuristic #layout #performance #probability #problem
- Stochastic Evolution: a Fast Effective Heuristic for Some Generic Layout Problems (YS, VBR), pp. 26–31.
- DAC-1990-SinghS #algorithm #heuristic #problem
- A Heuristic Algorithm for the Fanout Problem (KJS, ALSV), pp. 357–360.
- SIGMOD-1990-Saraiya #logic programming #problem #source code
- Hard Problems for Simple Logic Programs (YPS), pp. 64–73.
- STOC-1990-AggarwalHL #diagrams #problem
- Solving Query-Retrieval Problems by Compacting Voronoi Diagrams (Extended Abstract) (AA, MH, FTL), pp. 331–340.
- STOC-1990-BlumLR #problem #self
- Self-Testing/Correcting with Applications to Numerical Problems (MB, ML, RR), pp. 73–83.
- STOC-1990-FischerMRT #problem
- The Wakeup Problem (Extended Abstract) (MJF, SM, SR, GT), pp. 106–116.
- STOC-1990-KfouryTU #problem
- The Undecidability of the Semi-Unification Problem (Preliminary Report) (AJK, JT, PU), pp. 468–476.
- STOC-1990-Poutre #bound #pointer #problem
- Lower Bounds for the Union-Find and the Split-Find Problem on Pointer Machines (JALP), pp. 34–44.
- ICALP-1990-FlajoletSS #problem
- Analytic Variations on the Common Subexpression Problem (PF, PS, JMS), pp. 220–234.
- ICALP-1990-Hoffmann #on the #problem
- On the Rectilinear Art Gallery Problem (Extended Abstract) (FH), pp. 717–728.
- ICALP-1990-Johnson #optimisation #problem
- Local Optimization and the Traveling Salesman Problem (DSJ), pp. 446–461.
- ICALP-1990-Wiedermann #metric #normalisation #problem #ram
- Normalizing and Accelerating RAM Computations and the Problem of Reasonable Space Measures (JW), pp. 125–138.
- CSCW-1990-MarkusC #problem #tool support #why
- Why CSCW Applications Fail: Problems in the Adoption of Interdependent Work Tools (MLM, TC), pp. 371–380.
- CSCW-1990-NardiM #development #distributed #problem #spreadsheet
- An Ethnographic Study of Distributed Problem Solving in Spreadsheet Development (BAN, JRM), pp. 197–208.
- ML-1990-Holder #machine learning #problem
- The General Utility Problem in Machine Learning (LBH), pp. 402–410.
- ML-1990-Kodratoff #abduction #problem #proving #using
- Using Abductive Recovery of Failed Proofs for Problem Solving by Analogy (YK), pp. 295–303.
- SEKE-1990-SaveantC #metalanguage #problem #representation
- A Metalanguage for Representation and Control in Assumption-based Problem Solvers (PS, PC), pp. 159–164.
- ALP-1990-SimonisD #calculus #problem
- Propositional Calculus Problems in CHIP (HS, MD), pp. 189–203.
- PLILP-1990-SagivFRW #analysis #approach #data flow #problem
- A Logic-Based Approach to Data Flow Analysis Problem (SS, NF, MR, RW), pp. 277–292.
- CAV-1990-Clarke #explosion #logic #model checking #problem
- Temporal Logic Model Checking: Two Techniques for Avoiding the State Explosion Problem (EMC), p. 1.
- CAV-1990-PengP #approach #communication #concurrent #detection #finite #network #problem #state machine
- A Unified Approach to the Deadlock Detection Problem in Networks of Communicating Finite State Machines (WP, SP), pp. 243–252.
- CAV-1990-ProbstL #explosion #partial order #problem #semantics #using
- Using Partial-Order Semantics to Avoid the State Explosion Problem in Asynchronous Systems (DKP, HFL), pp. 146–155.
- CLP-1990-ReynoldsK90 #problem #prolog
- OR-Parallel Prolog and Search Problems in AI Applications (TJR, PK), pp. 340–354.
- CLP-1990-Vardi90 #database #logic programming #optimisation #problem #source code
- Global Optimization Problems for Database Logic Programs (MYV), pp. 767–771.
- CSL-1990-CantoneCS #problem #set
- Decision Problems for Tarski and Presburger Arithmetics Extended With Sets (DC, VC, JTS), pp. 95–109.
- CSL-1990-Ranaivoson #bound #graph #problem
- Nontrivial Lower Bounds for some NP-Problems on Directed Graphs (SR), pp. 318–339.
- DAC-1989-DuYG #analysis #on the #problem
- On the General False Path Problem in Timing Analysis (DHCD, SHY, SG), pp. 555–560.
- DAC-1989-HoVW #approach #problem
- A New Approach to the Rectilinear Steiner Tree Problem (JMH, GV, CKW), pp. 161–166.
- DAC-1989-Libeskind-HadasL #network #problem
- Solutions to the Module Orientation and Rotation Problems by Neural Computation Networks (RLH, CLL), pp. 400–405.
- DAC-1989-SastryP #clustering #problem #statistics
- An Investigation into Statistical Properties of Partitioning and Floorplanning Problems (SS, JIP), pp. 382–387.
- DAC-1989-SherwaniD #heuristic #problem
- A New Heuristic for Single Row Routing Problems (NAS, JSD), pp. 167–172.
- SIGMOD-1989-Kent #bibliography #problem #version control
- An Overview of the Versioning Problem (WK), pp. 5–7.
- SIGMOD-1989-SunKN #database #problem
- Solving Implication Problems in Database Applications (XHS, NK, LMN), pp. 185–192.
- STOC-1989-BerkmanBGSV #problem
- Highly Parallelizable Problems (Extended Abstract) (OB, DB, ZG, BS, UV), pp. 309–319.
- STOC-1989-Motwani #algorithm #analysis #graph #problem
- Expanding Graphs and the Average-case Analysis of Algorithms for Matchings and Related Problems (RM), pp. 550–561.
- STOC-1989-PittW #approximate #automaton #consistency #polynomial #problem
- The Minimum Consistent DFA Problem Cannot Be Approximated within any Polynomial (LP, MKW), pp. 421–432.
- CHI-1989-Gutierrez #problem #prototype
- Prototyping techniques for different problem contexts (OG), pp. 259–264.
- CAiSE-1989-Kingsbury #development #problem
- Systems Development: Basic Flaws in the Current Culture — Ideas for Rectifying Some of the Problems (MAK).
- KR-1989-Baker #problem
- A Simple Solution to the Yale Shooting Problem (ABB), pp. 11–20.
- KR-1989-Kasif #constraints #parallel #problem
- Parallel Solutions to Constraint Satisfaction Problems (SK), pp. 180–188.
- KR-1989-KautzS #logic #problem
- Hard Problems for Simple Default Logics (HAK, BS), pp. 189–197.
- KR-1989-Rayner #predict #problem #question
- Did Newton Solve the “Extended Prediction Problem”? (MR), pp. 381–385.
- ML-1989-Flann #abstraction #learning #problem
- Learning Appropriate Abstractions for Planning in Formation Problems (NSF), pp. 235–239.
- ML-1989-HilliardLRP #approach #classification #hybrid #learning #problem #scheduling
- Learning Decision Rules for scheduling Problems: A Classifier Hybrid Approach (MRH, GEL, GR, MRP), pp. 188–190.
- ML-1989-Jones #learning #problem
- Learning to Retrieve Useful Information for Problem Solving (RMJ), pp. 212–214.
- ML-1989-Mahadevan #problem #using
- Using Determinations in EBL: A Solution to the incomplete Theory Problem (SM), pp. 320–325.
- ML-1989-Rajamoney #approach #consistency #experience #problem
- Exemplar-Based Theory Rejection: An Approach to the Experience Consistency Problem (SAR), pp. 284–289.
- ML-1989-Schlimmer #problem #quality
- Refining Representations to Improve Problem Solving Quality (JCS), pp. 457–460.
- ML-1989-VanLehn #problem #what
- Discovering Problem Solving Strategies: What Humans Do and Machines Don’t (Yet) (KV), pp. 215–217.
- SIGIR-1989-RaghavanBJ #evaluation #precise #problem #retrieval #using
- Retrieval System Evaluation Using Recall and Precision: Problems and Answers (VVR, PB, GSJ), pp. 59–68.
- ECOOP-1989-TaenzerGP #object-oriented #problem #reuse
- Problems in Object-Oriented Software Reuse (DHT, MG, SP), pp. 25–38.
- OOPSLA-1989-RossonG #design #object-oriented #problem
- Problem-Solution Mapping in Object-Oriented Design (MBR, EG), pp. 7–10.
- ICSE-1989-Curtis #behaviour #development #modelling #problem #process
- Three Problems Overcome with Behavioral Models of the Software Development Process (BC), pp. 398–399.
- CSL-1989-CantoneCP #problem #reduction
- Set-Theoretic Reductions of Hilbert’s Tenth Problem (DC, VC, AP), pp. 65–75.
- LICS-1989-KfouryTU #problem #unification
- Computational Consequences and Partial Solutions of a Generalized Unification Problem (Partial Report) (AJK, JT, PU), pp. 98–105.
- DAC-1988-BhandariHS #problem #towards
- The Min-cut Shuffle: Toward a Solution for the Global Effect Problem of Min-cut Placement (ISB, MH, DPS), pp. 681–685.
- DAC-1988-XiongK #design #problem
- The Constrained Via Minimization Problem for PCB and VLSI Design (XMX, ESK), pp. 573–578.
- DAC-1988-YaoYL #approach #problem
- A New Approach to the Pin Assignment Problem (XY, MY, CLL), pp. 566–572.
- SIGMOD-1988-Malvestuto #problem #summary
- The Derivation Problem for Summary Data (FMM), pp. 82–89.
- STOC-1988-CosmadakisGKV #database #decidability #logic programming #optimisation #problem #source code
- Decidable Optimization Problems for Database Logic Programs (Preliminary Report) (SSC, HG, PCK, MYV), pp. 477–490.
- STOC-1988-GabowT #algorithm #problem
- Almost-Optimum Speed-ups of Algorithms for Bipartite Matching and Related Problems (HNG, RET), pp. 514–527.
- STOC-1988-LoeblN #problem #set
- Linearity and Unprovability of Set Union Problem Strategies (ML, JN), pp. 360–366.
- STOC-1988-ManasseMS #algorithm #online #problem
- Competitive Algorithms for On-line Problems (MSM, LAM, DDS), pp. 322–333.
- STOC-1988-VenkatesanL #graph #problem #random
- Random Instances of a Graph Coloring Problem Are Hard (RV, LAL), pp. 217–222.
- STOC-1988-Yannakakis #combinator #linear #optimisation #problem #source code
- Expressing Combinatorial Optimization Problems by Linear Programs (Extended Abstract) (MY), pp. 223–228.
- ICALP-1988-ArnborgLS #graph #problem
- Problems Easy for Tree-Decomposable Graphs (Extended Abstract) (SA, JL, DS), pp. 38–51.
- ICALP-1988-Culik #decidability #equivalence #problem #proving
- New Techniques for Proving the Decidability of Equivalence Problems (KCI), pp. 162–175.
- CSCW-1988-Grudin #design #evaluation #interface #problem #why
- Why CSCW Applications Fail: Problems in the Design and Evaluation of Organization of Organizational Interfaces (JG), pp. 65–84.
- ML-1988-RajamoneyD #approach #multi #problem #reduction
- Active Explanation Reduction: An Approach to the Multiple Explanations Problem (SAR, GD), pp. 242–255.
- CADE-1988-ButlerK #deduction #parallel #problem #prototype
- Exploitation of Parallelism in Prototypical Deduction Problems (RB, NTK), pp. 333–343.
- CADE-1988-KounalisR #on the #problem #word
- On Word Problems in Horn Theories (EK, MR), pp. 527–537.
- CADE-1988-McCune #challenge #problem #similarity
- Challenge Equality Problems in Lattice Theory (WM), pp. 704–709.
- CADE-1988-Stevens #challenge #problem #proving #theorem proving
- Challenge Problems from Nonassociative Rings for Theorem Provers (RLS), pp. 730–734.
- CADE-1988-WosM #automation #challenge #combinator #logic #problem #similarity #source code
- Challenge Problems Focusing on Equality and Combinatory Logic: Evaluating Automated Theorem-Proving Programs (LW, WM), pp. 714–729.
- CSL-1988-Karpinski #algebra #complexity #problem
- Boolean Complexity of Algebraic Interpolation Problems (MK), pp. 138–147.
- CSL-1988-Niemela #complexity #logic #on the #problem
- On the Complexity of the Decision Problem in Propositional Nonmonotonic Logic (IN), pp. 226–239.
- CSL-1988-Wagner #automaton #logic #on the #problem #source code
- On the Emptiness Problem of Tree Automata and Completeness of Modal Logics of Programs (HW), pp. 384–399.
- JICSCP-1988-DincbasSH88 #constraints #logic programming #problem
- Solving a Cutting-Stock Problem in Constraint Logic Programming (MD, HS, PVH), pp. 42–58.
- JICSCP-1988-RamanS88 #distributed #execution #logic #problem
- Fully Distributed, AND/OR-Parallel Execution of Logic Problems (PR, EWS), pp. 1188–1203.
- LICS-1988-KolaitisV #higher-order #logic #problem
- 0-1 Laws and Decision Problems for Fragments of Second-Order Logic (PGK, MYV), pp. 2–11.
- DAC-1987-Krishnamurthy #approach #problem #programming
- A Dynamic Programming Approach to the Test Point Insertion Problem (BK), pp. 695–705.
- HT-1987-Marshall #hypermedia #problem #representation #using
- Exploring Representation Problems Using Hypertext (CCM), pp. 253–268.
- STOC-1987-Awerbuch #algorithm #distributed #problem #summary
- Optimal Distributed Algorithms for Minimum Weight Spanning Tree, Counting, Leader Election and Related Problems (Detailed Summary) (BA), pp. 230–240.
- STOC-1987-BeameH #bound #problem
- Optimal Bounds for Decision Problems on the CRCW PRAM (PB, JH), pp. 83–93.
- STOC-1987-Buss #problem
- The Boolean Formula Value Problem Is in ALOGTIME (SRB), pp. 123–131.
- STOC-1987-GoldbergT #approximate #low cost #problem
- Solving Minimum-Cost Flow Problems by Successive Approximation (AVG, RET), pp. 7–18.
- STOC-1987-KolaitisV #higher-order #problem
- The Decision Problem for the Probabilities of Higher-Order Properties (PGK, MYV), pp. 425–435.
- ICALP-1987-AalbersbergH #problem
- Decision Problems for Regular Trace Languages (IJA, HJH), pp. 250–259.
- ICALP-1987-AggarwalV #complexity #problem #sorting
- The I/O Complexity of Sorting and Related Problems (Extended Abstract) (AA, JSV), pp. 467–478.
- ICALP-1987-ChoffrutD #monad #problem
- A Star-Height Problem in Free Monoids with Partial Communications (CC, CD), pp. 190–201.
- ICALP-1987-HsiangR #equation #on the #problem #word
- On Word Problems in Equational Theories (JH, MR), pp. 54–71.
- ICALP-1987-Marchetti-SpaccamelaV #algorithm #online #performance #problem
- Efficient On-Line Algorithms for the Knapsack Problem (Extended Abstract) (AMS, CV), pp. 445–456.
- ICALP-1987-MehlhornNA #bound #complexity #problem
- A Lower Bound for the Complexity of the Union-Split-Find Problem (KM, SN, HA), pp. 479–488.
- ICALP-1987-Miyano #algorithm #problem
- The Lexicographically First Maximal Subgraph Problems: P-Completeness and NC Algorithms (SM), pp. 425–434.
- ICALP-1987-SchwartzS #on the #problem
- On the Bivariate Function Minimization Problem And Its Applications to Motion Planning (JTS, MS), pp. 357–363.
- HCI-CE-1987-AnzaiMIH #problem
- A Serial-Parallel Integrated Information-Processing Model for Complex Human Problem Solving (YA, HM, MI, YH), pp. 175–182.
- HCI-CE-1987-GlinertGS #approach #problem #programming #visual notation
- An Integrated Approach to Solving Visual Programming’s Problems (EPG, JG, CDS), pp. 341–348.
- HCI-CE-1987-Kitto #information management #paradigm #problem #research #tool support
- Knowledge Acquisition Tools for Different Problem-Solving Paradigms Research at Boeing Computing Services (CMK), pp. 515–522.
- HCI-CE-1987-Swain #automation #dependence #problem
- Four Human Factors Problems for System Operators as Dependence on Automation Increases (ADS), pp. 105–112.
- HCI-SES-1987-Sanders #problem
- Problems of a Novice: Some Introspective Observations (AFS), pp. 219–230.
- HCI-SES-1987-TominagaM #automation #problem
- Noise Problem in Japanese automated Office (YT, NM), pp. 203–208.
- CSL-1987-RehrmannP #equivalence #problem
- Deciding the Path- and Word-Fair Equivalence Problem (RR, LP), pp. 211–222.
- CSL-1987-Speckenmeyer #backtracking #complexity #on the #problem #satisfiability
- On the Average Case Complexity of Backtracking for the Exact-Satisfiability Problem (ES), pp. 281–288.
- ICLP-1987-HeintzeMS87 #problem
- CLP(R) and Some Electrical Engineering Problems (NH, SM, PJS), pp. 675–703.
- ICLP-1987-OKeefe87 #finite #fixpoint #problem
- Finite Fixed-Point Problems (RAO), pp. 729–743.
- LICS-1987-GaifmanMSV #database #decidability #logic programming #optimisation #problem #source code
- Undecidable Optimization Problems for Database Logic Programs (HG, HGM, YS, MYV), pp. 106–115.
- RTA-1987-SquierO #canonical #finite #monad #problem #term rewriting #word
- Th Word Problem for Finitely Presented Monoids and Finite Canonical Rewriting Systems (CCS, FO), pp. 74–82.
- SLP-1987-Saraswat87 #haskell #named #problem #semantics
- GHC: Operational Semantics, Problems, and Relationships with CP(|, |) (VAS), pp. 347–358.
- DAC-1986-ChangD #preprocessor #problem
- A preprocessor for the via minimization problem (KCC, DHCD), pp. 702–707.
- DAC-1986-JustKJ #layout #on the #problem #standard
- On the relative placement and the transportation problem for standard-cell layout (KMJ, JMK, FMJ), pp. 308–313.
- STOC-1986-GoldbergT #approach #problem
- A New Approach to the Maximum Flow Problem (AVG, RET), pp. 136–146.
- STOC-1986-Krentel #complexity #optimisation #problem
- The Complexity of Optimization Problems (MWK), pp. 69–76.
- ICALP-1986-BorodinFHUW #problem #taxonomy #trade-off
- A Tradeoff Between Search and Update Time for the Implicit Dictionary Problem (AB, FEF, FMadH, EU, AW), pp. 50–59.
- ICALP-1986-MannilaU #backtracking #problem #set
- The Set Union Problem with Backtracking (HM, EU), pp. 236–243.
- ICALP-1986-Willard #bound #problem #query
- Lower Bounds for Dynamic Range Query Problems That Permit Subtraction (Extended Abstract) (DEW), pp. 444–453.
- CSCW-1986-KraemerK #development #problem
- Computer-based systems for cooperative work and group decisionmaking: status of use and problems in development (KLK, JLK), pp. 353–375.
- SIGIR-1986-Doszkocs #information retrieval #natural language #online #problem
- IR, NLP, AI and UFOS: Or IR-Relevance, Natural Language Problems, Artful Intelligence and User-Friendly Online Systems (TED), pp. 49–57.
- CADE-1986-KapurN #problem #set #unification
- NP-Completeness of the Set Unification and Matching Problems (DK, PN), pp. 489–495.
- CADE-1986-Walther #classification #problem #unification
- A Classification of Many-Sorted Unification Problems (CW), pp. 525–537.
- ICLP-1986-Wolfram86 #backtracking #problem
- Intractable Unifiability Problems and Backtracking (DAW), pp. 107–121.
- LICS-1986-Statman #combinator #on the #problem
- On Translating λ Terms into Combinators; The Basis Problem (RS), pp. 378–382.
- SLP-1986-ArmstrongEV86 #logic programming #problem
- The Phoning Philosopher’s Problem or Logic Programming for Telecommunications Applications (JLA, NAE, RV), pp. 28–33.
- STOC-1985-Anderson #algorithm #parallel #problem
- A Parallel Algorithm for the Maximal Path Problem (RA), pp. 33–37.
- STOC-1985-Clarkson #algorithm #probability #problem
- A Probabilistic Algorithm for the Post Office Problem (KLC), pp. 175–184.
- STOC-1985-CoanDDS #distributed #problem
- The Distributed Firing Squad Problem (Preliminary Version) (BAC, DD, CD, LJS), pp. 335–345.
- STOC-1985-FriedlR #algebra #polynomial #problem
- Polynomial Time Solutions of Some Problems in Computational Algebra (KF, LR), pp. 153–162.
- STOC-1985-Harel #algorithm #graph #linear #problem
- A Linear Time Algorithm for Finding Dominators in Flow Graphs and Related Problems (DH), pp. 185–194.
- STOC-1985-Heide #algorithm #performance #problem #strict
- Fast Algorithms for N-Dimensional Restrictions of Hard Problems (FMadH), pp. 413–420.
- STOC-1985-Huynh #commutative #complexity #equivalence #problem #symmetry
- The Complexity of the Equivalence Problem for Commutative Semigroups and Symmetric Vector Addition Systems (DTH), pp. 405–412.
- STOC-1985-KarpUW85a #problem #question
- Are Search and Decision Problems Computationally Equivalent? (RMK, EU, AW), pp. 464–475.
- STOC-1985-Luby #algorithm #independence #parallel #problem #set
- A Simple Parallel Algorithm for the Maximal Independent Set Problem (ML), pp. 1–10.
- STOC-1985-VaziraniV #problem #scheduling
- The Two-Processor Scheduling Problem is in R-NC (UVV, VVV), pp. 11–21.
- ICALP-1985-ChazelleE #problem #retrieval
- Optimal Solutions for a Class of Point Retrieval Problems (BC, HE), pp. 80–89.
- ICALP-1985-HartmanisI #on the #problem
- On Complete Problems for NP∩CoNP (JH, NI), pp. 250–259.
- ICALP-1985-KarlssonMR #bound #nearest neighbour #problem
- The Nearest Neighbor Problem on Bounded Domains (RGK, JIM, ELR), pp. 318–327.
- ICALP-1985-SistlaVW #automaton #logic #problem
- The Complementation Problem for Büchi Automata with Applications to Temporal Logic (Extended Abstract) (APS, MYV, PW), pp. 465–474.
- POPL-1985-HudakB #functional #problem #programming
- The Aggregate Update Problem in Functional Programming Systems (PH, AB), pp. 300–314.
- RTA-1985-ArnborgT #problem #unification
- Unification Problems with One-Sided Distributivity (SA, ET), pp. 398–406.
- RTA-1985-BenanavKN #complexity #problem
- Complexity of Matching Problems (DB, DK, PN), pp. 417–429.
- RTA-1985-Kandri-RodyKN #algebra #approach #commutative #problem #unification
- An Ideal-Theoretic Approach to Work Problems and Unification Problems over Finitely Presented Commutative Algebras (AKR, DK, PN), pp. 345–364.
- DAC-1984-AshokMR #design #problem #process
- Uniform support for information handling and problem solving required by the VLSI design process (VA, WLM, JR), pp. 694–696.
- DAC-1984-ChenK #design #layout #problem
- The channel expansion problem in layout design (RRC, YK), pp. 388–391.
- STOC-1984-ColeSY #on the #problem
- On k-hulls and Related Problems (RC, MS, CKY), pp. 154–166.
- STOC-1984-FredericksonL #communication #problem
- The Impact of Synchronous Communication on the Problem of Electing a Leader in a Ring (GNF, NAL), pp. 493–503.
- STOC-1984-GabowBT #geometry #problem #scalability
- Scaling and Related Techniques for Geometry Problems (HNG, JLB, RET), pp. 135–143.
- STOC-1984-GoldbergM #on the #problem
- On Finding the Exact Solution of a Zero-One Knapsack Problem (AVG, AMS), pp. 359–368.
- STOC-1984-HochbaumS #approximate #graph #problem
- Powers of Graphs: A Powerful Approximation Technique for Bottleneck Problems (DSH, DBS), pp. 324–333.
- STOC-1984-KarpLM #analysis #multi #probability #problem
- A Probabilistic Analysis of Multidimensional Bin Packing Problems (RMK, ML, AMS), pp. 289–298.
- STOC-1984-KarpW #algorithm #independence #parallel #performance #problem #set
- A Fast Parallel Algorithm for the Maximal Independent Set Problem (RMK, AW), pp. 266–272.
- STOC-1984-Levin #problem
- Problems, Complete in “Average” Instance (LAL), p. 465.
- ICALP-1984-Jung #complexity #matrix #on the #performance #probability #problem
- On Probabilistic Tape Complexity and Fast Circuits for Matrix Inversion Problems (Extended Abstract) (HJ), pp. 281–291.
- ICALP-1984-PaigeT #algorithm #linear #problem
- A Linear Time Algorithm to Solve the Single Function Coarsest Partition Problem (RP, RET), pp. 371–379.
- ICALP-1984-Willard #algorithm #difference #problem #retrieval
- Sampling Algorithms for Differential Batch Retrieval Problems (Extended Abstract) (DEW), pp. 514–526.
- SIGIR-1984-Defude #architecture #design #knowledge base #problem
- Knowledge Based Systems Versus Thesaurus: An Architecture Problem About Expert Systems Design (BD), pp. 267–280.
- ICSE-1984-LucenaMVC #problem #programming
- The Data Transform Programming Metho: An Example for File Processing Problems (CJPdL, RCBM, PASV, DDC), pp. 388–397.
- ICSE-1984-ToriiMSK #analysis #functional #logic #problem #programming
- Functional Programming and Logical Programming for the Telegram Analysis Problem (KT, YM, YS, TK), pp. 463–472.
- CADE-1984-OhlbachW #automation #logic #problem #proving #theorem proving
- Solving a Problem in Relevance Logic with an Automated Theorem Prover (HJO, GW), pp. 496–508.
- CADE-1984-PelinG #algebra #complexity #problem #using #word
- Solving Word Problems in Free Algebras Using Complexity Functions (AP, JHG), pp. 476–495.
- CADE-1984-Ursic #linear #problem
- A Linear Characterization of NP-Complete Problems (SU), pp. 80–100.
- ILPC-1984-Sterling84 #logic #problem
- Logical Levels of Problem Solving (LS), pp. 231–242.
- SLP-1984-Plaisted84 #problem #prolog
- The Occur-Check Problem in Prolog (DAP), pp. 272–280.
- DAC-1983-Chuquillanqui #problem #scalability
- Internal connection problem in large optimized PLAs (SC), pp. 795–802.
- DAC-1983-CohoonS #heuristic #problem
- Heuristics for the Circuit Realization Problem (JC, SS), pp. 560–566.
- DAC-1983-LeongL #problem
- A new channel routing problem (HWL, CLL), pp. 584–590.
- PODS-1983-ImielinskiL #database #problem #relational
- Inverting Relational Expressions — A Uniform and Natural Technique for Various Database Problems (TI, WLJ), pp. 305–311.
- PODS-1983-MurthyKK #algorithm #approximate #network #problem
- An Approximation Algorithm to the File Allocation Problem in Computer Networks (KM, JBK, MSK), pp. 258–266.
- SIGMOD-1983-Gray #data transformation #problem
- Practical Problems in Data Management — A Position Paper (JG), p. 3.
- VLDB-1983-Reimer #concurrent #problem
- Solving the Phantom Problem by Predicative Optimistic Concurrency Control (MR), pp. 81–88.
- STOC-1983-Gabow #network #performance #problem #reduction
- An Efficient Reduction Technique for Degree-Constrained Subgraph and Bidirected Network Flow Problems (HNG), pp. 448–456.
- STOC-1983-Gathen #algebra #algorithm #parallel #problem
- Parallel algorithms for algebraic problems (JvzG), pp. 17–23.
- STOC-1983-Heide #algorithm #linear #polynomial #problem
- A Polynomial Linear Search Algorithm for the N-Dimensional Knapsack Problem (FMadH), pp. 70–79.
- STOC-1983-KanellakisCV #dependence #polynomial #problem
- Unary Inclusion Dependencies have Polynomial Time Inference Problems (Extended Abstract) (PCK, SSC, MYV), pp. 264–277.
- STOC-1983-Kannan #algorithm #integer #problem #programming
- Improved Algorithms for Integer Programming and Related Lattice Problems (RK), pp. 193–206.
- ICALP-1983-ChandraFL #bound #constant #problem
- Lower Bounds for Constant Depth Circuits for Prefix Problems (AKC, SF, RJL), pp. 109–117.
- ICALP-1983-CohenLP #distributed #problem #symmetry
- Symmetric and Economical Solutions to the Mutual Exclusion Problem in a Distributed System (Extended Abstract) (SC, DJL, AP), pp. 128–136.
- ICALP-1983-CulikS #ambiguity #problem
- Ambiguity and Decision Problems Concerning Number Systems (KCI, AS), pp. 137–146.
- ICALP-1983-HambruschS #bound #graph #problem
- Lower Bounds for Solving Undirected Graph Problems on VLSI (SEH, JS), pp. 292–303.
- SIGIR-1983-Maron #information retrieval #problem
- Open Problems in Information Retrieval (MEM), pp. 266–267.
- SIGIR-1983-Salton #automation #information retrieval #problem #research
- Some Research Problems in Automatic Information Retrieval (GS), pp. 252–263.
- DAC-1982-Adshead #algorithm #complexity #hardware #problem #question #scalability #towards
- Towards VLSI complexity: The DA algorithm scaling problem: can special DA hardware help? (HGA), pp. 339–344.
- DAC-1982-Hassett #approach #automation #layout #problem
- Automated layout in ASHLAR: An approach to the problems of “General Cell” layout for VLSI (JEH), pp. 777–784.
- DAC-1982-WieselM #2d #problem
- Two-dimensional channel routing and channel intersection problems (MW, DAM), pp. 733–739.
- PODS-1982-GurevichL #dependence #problem
- The Inference Problem for Template Dependencies (YG, HRL), pp. 221–229.
- PODS-1982-Vardi #dependence #finite #problem
- The Implication and Finite Implication Problems for Typed Template Dependencies (MYV), pp. 230–238.
- VLDB-1982-Shoshani #database #problem #statistics
- Statistical Databases: Characteristics, Problems, and some Solutions (AS), pp. 208–222.
- STOC-1982-AsanoH #problem
- Edge-Deletion and Edge-Contraction Problems (TA, TH), pp. 245–254.
- STOC-1982-AtallahK #array #graph #problem
- Graph Problems on a Mesh-Connected Processor Array (Preliminary Version) (MJA, SRK), pp. 345–353.
- ICALP-1982-BertoniMS #equivalence #problem
- Equivalence and Membership Problems for Regular Trace Languages (AB, GM, NS), pp. 61–71.
- ICALP-1982-Karhumaki #equivalence #on the #problem
- On the Equivalence Problem for Binary DOL Systems (JK), pp. 339–347.
- ICALP-1982-SelmanY #complexity #problem
- The Complexity of Promise Problems (ALS, YY), pp. 502–509.
- GG-1982-Schnitzler #graph #morphism #problem
- The isomorphism problem is polynomially solvable for certain graph languages (MS), pp. 369–379.
- SIGIR-1982-Maron #documentation #probability #problem #retrieval
- Probabilistic Approaches to the Document Retrieval Problem (MEM), pp. 98–107.
- DAC-1981-MartinBLMMTW #design #named #problem
- CELTIC — solving the problems of LSI design with an integrated polycell DA system (GM, JB, TL, DM, JM, DT, LW), pp. 804–811.
- DAC-1981-PatelC #clustering #problem
- Partitioning for VLSI placement problems (AMP, LCC), pp. 411–418.
- DAC-1981-TsukiyamaKS #multi #on the #problem
- On the layering problem of multilayer PWB wiring (ST, ESK, IS), pp. 738–745.
- VLDB-1981-Curtice #assessment #problem
- Data Dictionaries: An Assessment of Current Practice and Problems (RMC), pp. 564–570.
- STOC-1981-ChandraLM #dependence #embedded #problem
- Embedded Implicational Dependencies and their Inference Problem (AKC, HRL, JAM), pp. 342–354.
- STOC-1981-CulikH #decidability #equivalence #problem
- The ω-Sequence Equivalence Problem for DOL Systems Is Decidable (KCI, TH), pp. 1–6.
- STOC-1981-Fich #bound #detection #problem
- Lower Bounds for the Cycle Detection Problem (FEF), pp. 96–105.
- STOC-1981-Mayr #algorithm #petri net #problem #reachability
- An Algorithm for the General Petri Net Reachability Problem (EWM), pp. 238–246.
- STOC-1981-MonienS #problem
- Bandwidth Constrained NP-Complete Problems (BM, IHS), pp. 207–217.
- STOC-1981-MullerS #automaton #graph #higher-order #logic #problem #reachability
- Pushdown Automata, Graphs, Ends, Second-Order Logic, and Reachability Problems (DEM, PES), pp. 46–54.
- STOC-1981-Orlin #complexity #optimisation #problem
- The Complexity of Dynamic Languages and Dynamic Optimization Problems (JBO), pp. 218–227.
- STOC-1981-Yao #on the #parallel #problem
- On the Parallel Computation for the Knapsack Problem (ACCY), pp. 123–127.
- ICALP-1981-BeeriV #dependence #problem
- The Implication Problem for Data Dependencies (CB, MYV), pp. 73–85.
- ICALP-1981-EhrenfeuchtR #on the #problem
- On the (Generalized) Post Correspondence Problem with Lists of Length 2 (AE, GR), pp. 408–416.
- ICALP-1981-GurariI #complexity #multi #problem
- The Complexity of Decision Problems for Finite-Turn Multicounter Machines (EMG, OHI), pp. 495–505.
- ICALP-1981-MeyerSM #deduction #logic #problem
- The Deducibility Problem in Propositional Dynamic Logic (ARM, RSS, GM), pp. 238–248.
- SIGIR-1981-Bookstein #problem #retrieval
- The Generalized Retrieval Problem (AB), pp. 4–14.
- SIGIR-1981-Fraenkel #classification #documentation #problem
- Document Classification, Indexing and Abstracting May be Inherently Difficult Problems (ASF), pp. 77–82.
- SIGIR-1981-SmeatonR #algorithm #bound #information retrieval #nearest neighbour #problem #using
- The Nearest Neighbour Problem in Information Retrieval: An Algorithm Using Upperbounds (AFS, CJvR), pp. 83–87.
- POPL-1981-LehmannR #distributed #on the #problem #symmetry
- On the Advantages of Free Choice: A Symmetric and Fully Distributed Solution to the Dining Philosophers Problem (DJL, MOR), pp. 133–138.
- POPL-1981-RamanathanS #development #modelling #problem
- Modeling of Problem Domains for Driving Program Development Systems (JR, CJS), pp. 28–40.
- ICSE-1981-FutamuraKHT #analysis #development #diagrams #problem #source code
- Development of Computer Programs by Problem Analysis Diagram (PAD) (YF, TK, HH, MT), pp. 325–332.
- DAC-1980-BiehlGH #optimisation #problem
- Optimization of the influence of problem modifications on given microprogrammed controllers (GB, WG, PSH), pp. 309–317.
- DAC-1980-CoteP #algorithm #problem
- The interchange algorithms for circuit placement problems (LCC, AMP), pp. 528–534.
- DAC-1980-HeynsSB #algorithm #problem
- A line-expansion algorithm for the general routing problem with a guaranteed solution (WH, WS, HB), pp. 243–249.
- DAC-1980-SahniB #automation #complexity #design #problem
- The complexity of design automation problems (SS, AB), pp. 402–411.
- DAC-1980-SatoO #problem
- A prestructuring model for system arrangement problems (KS, CLO), pp. 226–236.
- DAC-1980-SzepieniecO #approach #layout #problem
- The genealogical approach to the layout problem (AAS, RHJMO), pp. 535–542.
- SIGMOD-1980-LamY #algorithm #approximate #distributed #problem
- An Approximation Algorithm for a File-Allocation Problem in a Hierarchical Distributed System (KL, CTY), pp. 125–132.
- STOC-1980-Cypher #approach #problem
- An Approach to The k Paths Problem (AC), pp. 211–217.
- STOC-1980-DeMilloL #consistency #problem
- The Consistency of “P = NP” and Related Problems with Fragments of Number Theory (RAD, RJL), pp. 45–57.
- STOC-1980-Hong #complexity #on the #problem
- On Some Deterministic Space Complexity Problems (JWH), pp. 310–317.
- STOC-1980-IbarraL #complexity #equivalence #problem #source code
- The Complexity of the Equivalence Problem for Straight-Line Programs (OHI, BSL), pp. 273–280.
- STOC-1980-JaJa #algebra #problem #trade-off
- Time-Space Tradeoffs for some Algebraic Problems (JJ), pp. 339–350.
- STOC-1980-KannanL #decidability #problem
- The Orbit Problem is Decidable (RK, RJL), pp. 252–261.
- STOC-1980-KarpT #algorithm #linear #problem
- Linear Expected-Time Algorithms for Connectivity Problems (Extended Abstract) (RMK, RET), pp. 368–377.
- STOC-1980-Tompa #problem
- An Optimal Solution to a Wire-Routing Problem (Preliminary Version) (MT), pp. 161–176.
- STOC-1980-Yap #first-order #problem #source code #trade-off
- Space-time Tradeoffs and First Order Problems in a Model of Programs (CKY), pp. 318–325.
- ICALP-1980-Furer #complexity #problem #regular expression
- The Complexity of the Inequivalence Problem for Regular Expressions with Intersection (MF), pp. 234–245.
- SIGIR-1980-TagueNW #problem #retrieval #simulation
- Problems in the Simulation of Bibliographic Retrieval Systems (JT, MJN, HW), pp. 236–255.
- POPL-1980-HolleyR #data flow #problem
- Qualified Data Flow Problems (LHH, BKR), pp. 68–82.
- POPL-1980-MannaP #problem
- Synchronous Schemes and Their Decision Problems (ZM, AP), pp. 62–67.
- DAC-1979-Goto #2d #algorithm #layout #problem #slicing
- A two-dimensional placement algorithm for the master slice LSI layout problem (SG), pp. 11–17.
- DAC-1979-Hightower #design #problem
- Can CAD meet the VLSI design problems of the 80’s (DWH), pp. 552–553.
- DAC-1979-Larsen #design #problem #question
- Can CAD meet the VLSI design problems of the 80’s? (RPL), p. 551.
- DAC-1979-Lattin #design #problem
- VLSI design methodology the problem of the 80’s for microprocessor design (BL), pp. 548–549.
- SIGMOD-1979-YuLSO #analysis #performance #problem
- Performance Analysis of three Related Assignment Problems (CTY, KL, MKS, ZMÖ), pp. 82–92.
- VLDB-1979-Buneman #database #multi #problem
- The Problem of Multiple Paths in a Database Schema (PB), pp. 368–372.
- STOC-1979-Fredman #data type #problem #query
- A Near Optimal Data Structure for a Type of Range Query Problem (MLF), pp. 62–66.
- STOC-1979-GilbertLT #polynomial #problem
- The Pebbling Problem is Complete in Polynomial Space (JRG, TL, RET), pp. 237–248.
- STOC-1979-GurariI #complexity #equivalence #linear #problem #set #source code
- The Complexity of the Equivalence Problem for Counter Machines, Semilinear Sets, and Simple Programs (EMG, OHI), pp. 142–152.
- STOC-1979-Kosaraju #multi #on the #problem
- On a Multidimensional Search Problem (Preliminary Version) (SRK), pp. 67–73.
- STOC-1979-Kosaraju79a #algorithm #array #graph #parallel #performance #problem
- Fast Parallel Processing Array Algorithms for some Graph Problems (Preliminary Version) (SRK), pp. 231–236.
- STOC-1979-Ladner #communication #complexity #csp #problem #process
- The Complexity of Problems in Systems of Communicating Sequential Processes (Extended Abstract) (REL), pp. 214–223.
- ICALP-1979-PapadimitriouY #complexity #problem #strict
- The Complexity of Restricted Minimum Spanning Tree Problems (Extended Abstract) (CHP, MY), pp. 460–470.
- ICSE-1979-JonesS #distributed #problem
- TASK Forces: Distributed Software for Solving Problems of Substantial Size (AKJ, KS), pp. 315–331.
- SOSP-1979-Gehringer #problem
- Variable-Length Capabilities as a Solution to the Small-Object Problem (EFG), pp. 131–142.
- DAC-1978-Haims #2d #on the #problem
- On the optimum two-dimensional allocation problem (MJH), pp. 298–304.
- DAC-1978-Huey #graph #problem #reduction #using
- Guiding sensitization searches using problem reduction graphs (BH), pp. 312–320.
- VLDB-1978-KungL #concurrent #database #problem
- A Concurrent Database Manipulation Problem: Binary Search Trees (Abstract) (HTK, PLL), p. 498.
- STOC-1978-GurariI #problem
- An NP-Complete Number-Theoretic Problem (EMG, OHI), pp. 205–215.
- STOC-1978-Katseff #problem
- A New Solution to the Critical Section Problem (HPK), pp. 86–88.
- STOC-1978-KirkpatrickH #on the #problem
- On the Completeness of a Generalized Matching Problem (DGK, PH), pp. 240–245.
- STOC-1978-LapaughR #morphism #problem
- The Subgraph Homeomorphism Problem (ASL, RLR), pp. 40–50.
- STOC-1978-Lewis #complexity #on the #problem
- On the Complexity of the Maximum Subgraph Problem (JML), pp. 265–274.
- STOC-1978-Lueker #graph #problem
- Maximization Problems on Graphs with Edge Weights Chosen from a Normal Distribution (Extended Abstract) (GSL), pp. 13–18.
- STOC-1978-Schaefer #complexity #problem #satisfiability
- The Complexity of Satisfiability Problems (TJS), pp. 216–226.
- STOC-1978-Yannakakis #problem
- Node- and Edge-Deletion NP-Complete Problems (MY), pp. 253–264.
- ICALP-1978-DobkinM #bound #problem
- Time and Space Bounds for Selection Problems (DPD, JIM), pp. 192–204.
- ICALP-1978-Lingas #game studies #problem
- A PSPACE Complete Problem Related to a Pebble Game (AL), pp. 300–321.
- ICALP-1978-Wiehagen #formal method #induction #problem
- Characterization Problems in the Theory of Inductive Inference (RW), pp. 494–508.
- GG-1978-CatalanoGM #algebra #framework #problem
- Shortest Path Problems and Tree Grammars: An Algebraic Framework (AC, SG, UM), pp. 167–179.
- DAC-1977-ChenFKNS #automation #layout #problem
- The chip layout problem: An automatic wiring procedure (KAC, MF, KHK, NN, SS), pp. 298–302.
- DAC-1977-KhokhaniP #layout #problem
- The chip layout problem: A placement procedure for lsi (KHK, AMP), pp. 291–297.
- VLDB-1977-AntonacciDST #implementation #problem #query #relational
- Structure and Implementation of a Relational Query Language for the Problem Solver (FA, PD, VNS, AT), pp. 351–358.
- STOC-1977-PetersonF #distributed #problem
- Economical Solutions for the Critical Section Problem in a Distributed System (Extended Abstract) (GLP, MJF), pp. 91–97.
- STOC-1977-SacerdoteT #decidability #problem #reachability
- The Decidability of the Reachability Problem for Vector Addition Systems (Preliminary Version) (GSS, RLT), pp. 61–76.
- STOC-1977-YaoAR #bound #problem
- An Ω(n² log n) Lower Bound to the Shortest Paths Problem (ACCY, DA, RLR), pp. 11–17.
- ICALP-1977-AusielloDP #combinator #on the #problem #reduction
- On the Structure of Combinatorial Problems and Structure Preserving Reductions (GA, AD, MP), pp. 45–60.
- ICALP-1977-BertoniMT #automaton #probability #problem #recursion
- Some Recursive Unsolvable Problems Relating to Isolated Cutpoints in Probabilistic Automata (AB, GM, MT), pp. 87–94.
- ICALP-1977-CulikF #decidability #equivalence #problem #sequence
- The Sequence Equivalence Problem for D0L Systems is Decidable (KCI, IF), pp. 148–163.
- ICALP-1977-ItaiR #problem
- Some Matching Problems (AI, MR), pp. 258–268.
- ICALP-1977-JonesS #complexity #problem
- Complexity of Some Problems Concerning L Systems (NDJ, SS), pp. 301–308.
- ICALP-1977-PazM #approximate #nondeterminism #optimisation #polynomial #problem
- Non-Deterministic Polynomial Optimization Problems and Their Approximation (AP, SM), pp. 370–379.
- ICALP-1977-PnueliS #problem #source code
- Simple Programs and Their Decision Problems (AP, GS), pp. 380–390.
- POPL-1977-Lewis #equivalence #problem
- The Equivalence Problem for Program Schemata with Nonintersecting Loops (HRL), pp. 253–266.
- DAC-1976-Cleemput #aspect-oriented #layout #on the #problem
- On the topological aspects of the circuit layout problem (WMvC), pp. 441–450.
- DAC-1976-Misra #algorithm #design #problem
- A principle of algorithm design on limited problem domain (JM), pp. 479–483.
- DAC-1976-Rozeboom #functional #problem #testing
- Current problems related to LSI functional testing (RWR), pp. 203–204.
- STOC-1976-CardozaLM #commutative #exponential #petri net #problem
- Exponential Space Complete Problems for Petri Nets and Commutative Semigroups: Preliminary Report (EC, RJL, ARM), pp. 50–54.
- STOC-1976-GareyGJ #geometry #problem
- Some NP-Complete Geometric Problems (MRG, RLG, DSJ), pp. 10–22.
- STOC-1976-Hirschberg #algorithm #component #parallel #problem #transitive
- Parallel Algorithms for the Transitive Closure and the Connected Component Problems (DSH), pp. 55–57.
- STOC-1976-HuntS #problem #reachability
- Dichotomization, Reachability, and the Forbidden Subgraph Problem (Extended Abstract) (HBHI, TGS), pp. 126–134.
- STOC-1976-IbarraK #problem
- A Useful Device for Showing the Solvability of Some Decision Problems (OHI, CEK), pp. 135–140.
- STOC-1976-MandersA #polynomial #problem
- NP-Complete Decision Problems for Quadratic Polynomials (KLM, LMA), pp. 23–29.
- STOC-1976-PapadimitriouS #complexity #problem
- Some Complexity Results for the Traveling Salesman Problem (CHP, KS), pp. 1–9.
- STOC-1976-Schaefer #complexity #finite #game studies #problem
- Complexity of Decision Problems Based on Finite Two-Person Perfect-Information Games (TJS), pp. 41–49.
- ICALP-1976-Schnorr #algorithm #problem #self
- Optimal Algorithms for Self-Reducible Problems (CPS), pp. 322–337.
- ICALP-1976-Valiant #decidability #equivalence #problem
- The Equivalence Problem for DOL Systems and its Decidability for Binary Alphabets (LGV), pp. 31–37.
- POPL-1976-Hunt #complexity #problem
- A Complexity Theory of Grammar Problems (HBHI), pp. 12–18.
- ICSE-1976-BellT #problem #question #requirements
- Software Requirements: Are They Really a Problem? (TEB, TAT), pp. 61–68.
- DAC-1975-Ciampi #problem
- A system for solution of the placement problem (PLC), pp. 317–323.
- DAC-1975-Quinn #physics #problem
- The placement problem as viewed from the physics of classical mechanics (NRQJ), pp. 173–178.
- VLDB-1975-Carlson #database #interactive #problem #scalability #using
- Using Large Data Bases for Interactive Problem Solving (EDC), pp. 499–501.
- STOC-1975-EvenT #combinator #polynomial #problem
- a Combinatorial Problem which is Complete in Polynomial Space (SE, RET), pp. 66–71.
- STOC-1975-HuntS #complexity #on the #problem
- On the Complexity of Grammar and Related Problems (HBHI, TGS), pp. 54–65.
- STOC-1975-Wagner #complexity #on the #problem #string
- On the Complexity of the Extended String-to-String Correction Problem (RAW), pp. 218–223.
- STOC-1975-Wotschke #polynomial #problem #recognition
- Degree-Languages, Polynomial Time Recognition, and the LBA Problem (DW), pp. 145–152.
- SOSP-1975-Lipner #problem
- A Comment on the Confinement Problem (SBL), pp. 192–196.
- DAC-1974-CleemputL #formal method #graph #layout #problem
- An improved graph-theoretic model for the circuit layout problem (WMvC, JGL), pp. 82–90.
- DAC-1974-HananMS #approach #clustering #interactive #logic #problem
- An interactive man-machine approach to the computer logic partitioning problem (MH, AM, PKWS), pp. 70–81.
- STOC-1974-GareyJS #problem
- Some Simplified NP-Complete Problems (MRG, DSJ, LJS), pp. 47–63.
- STOC-1974-JonesL #polynomial #problem
- Complete Problems for Deterministic Polynomial Time (NDJ, WTL), pp. 40–46.
- STOC-1974-Leeuwen #problem
- A Partial Solution to the Reachability-Problem for Vector-Addition Systems (JvL), pp. 303–309.
- ICALP-1974-BohmD #combinator #equation #normalisation #problem
- Combinatorial Problems, Combinator Equations and Normal Forms (CB, MDC), pp. 185–199.
- ICALP-1974-Kreczmar #algorithm #logic #problem
- Effectivity Problems of Algorithmic Logic (AK), pp. 584–600.
- DAC-1973-Hightower #problem #tutorial
- The interconnection problem — a tutorial (DWH), pp. 1–21.
- STOC-1973-Johnson #algorithm #approximate #combinator #problem
- Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Problems (DSJ), pp. 38–49.
- STOC-1973-Sethi #problem
- Complete Register Allocation Problems (RS), pp. 182–195.
- STOC-1973-StockmeyerM #exponential #problem #word
- Word Problems Requiring Exponential Time: Preliminary Report (LJS, ARM), pp. 1–9.
- SIGIR-1973-Dockery #problem
- Remarks on Tactical Computer Problems (JTD), p. 176.
- POPL-1973-Chandra #commutative #on the #problem
- On the Decision Problems of Program Schemas with Commutative and Invertable Functions (AKC), pp. 235–242.
- POPL-1973-HechtU #algorithm #analysis #problem
- Analysis of a Simple Algorithm for Global Flow Problems (MSH, JDU), pp. 207–217.
- SOSP-1973-Ullman #polynomial #problem #scheduling
- Polynomial Complete Scheduling Problems (JDU), pp. 96–101.
- DAC-1972-FrewR #approach #layout #problem
- Building polyonimoes; an approach to the space layout problem (RSF, PHR), p. 238.
- DAC-1972-Grant #architecture #design #problem #proximity #using
- Combining proximity criteria with nature-of-the-spot criteria in architectural and urban design space planning problems using a computer-aided space allocation technique: A proposed technique and an example of its application (DPG), pp. 197–202.
- DAC-1972-Oishi #problem #specification
- Problem areas and the combination of wall-units to satisfy room relation specification between rooms (IO), pp. 239–249.
- STOC-1972-ConstableM #decidability #equivalence #problem #recursion
- Subrecursive Program Schemata I & II: I. Undecidable Equivalence Problems; II. Decidable Equivalence Problems (RLC, SSM), pp. 1–17.
- STOC-1972-Hamlet #independence #problem #programming language
- A Patent Problem for Abstract Programming Languages: Machine-Independent Computations (RGH), pp. 193–197.
- ICALP-1972-Bertoni #approximate #complexity #probability #problem
- Complexity Problems Related to the Approximation of Probabilistic Languages and Events by Deterministic Machines (AB), pp. 507–516.
- ICALP-1972-PazR #approximate #automaton #linear #problem
- Linear Automata — Approximation Problem (Extended Abstract) (AP, MR), pp. 99–102.
- DAC-1971-Milne #design #named #problem
- CLUSTR: A program for structuring design problems (MAM), pp. 242–249.
- SIGIR-1971-Paola #problem #relational
- The Relational Data File and the Decision Problem for Classes of Proper Formulas (RADP), pp. 95–104.
- DAC-1970-BottorffSV #approach #automation #fault #memory management #problem #testing
- An automatic system approach to the problem of memory circuit testing & fault diagnosis (PSB, MES, FJV), pp. 95–99.
- DAC-1970-CorreiaCPS #design #interactive #logic #problem #testing
- Minimizing the problem of logic testing by the interaction of a design group with user-oriented facilities (MC, DC, FP, TJS), pp. 100–107.
- DAC-1970-KrolakFM #approach #problem #towards
- A man-machine approach toward solving the traveling salesman problem (PDK, WF, GM), pp. 250–264.
- SIGFIDET-1970-DempseyM #hybrid #problem
- Problems of Building a Hybrid Data Definition Facility (JWD, JKM), pp. 174–187.
- STOC-1970-Burkhard #complexity #problem #realtime
- Complexity Problems in Real Time Computation (WAB), pp. 62–69.
- STOC-1970-Cudia #decidability #problem
- The Degree Hierarchy of Undecidable Problems of Formal Grammars (DFC), pp. 10–21.
- DAC-1969-Hightower #problem
- A solution to line-routing problems on the continuous plane (DWH), pp. 1–24.
- STOC-1969-Avizienis #complexity #on the #problem
- On the Problem of Computational Time and Complexity of Arithmetic Functions (AA), pp. 255–258.
- STOC-1969-Ullian #algorithm #ambiguity #context-free grammar #problem
- The Inherent Ambiguity Partial Algorithm Problem for Context Free Languages (JSU), pp. 19–20.
- DAC-1968-Weinberg #problem
- Microelectronics and printed circuits: Problems and their solutions (LW).
- DAC-1967-EshlemanM #design #problem
- Graphic applications to aerospace structural design problems (ALE, HDM).
- SHARE-1966-Dunn #problem
- Information technology a management problem (OED).
- SHARE-1965-Bolino #problem #source code
- Manpower training problems and programs (ACB).
- SHARE-1965-Frayne #problem
- Three levels of the wiring interconnection problem (DKF).