Travelled to:
2 × United Kingdom
4 × Italy
Collaborated with:
M.Tribastone A.Clark J.Hillston A.Degasperi A.Vandin G.Yaikhom M.Cole M.Buchholtz V.Haenel C.Montangero L.Bortolussi R.D.Nicola V.Galpin D.Latella M.Loreti M.Massink
Talks about:
analysi (5) system (3) stochast (2) scalabl (2) quantit (2) perform (2) model (2) use (2) end (2) choreograph (1)
Person: Stephen Gilmore
DBLP: Gilmore:Stephen
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- QAPL-2015-BortolussiNGGHL #adaptation #markov #named
- CARMA: Collective Adaptive Resource-sharing Markovian Agents (LB, RDN, VG, SG, JH, DL, ML, MM), pp. 16–31.
- IFM-2014-GilmoreTV #analysis #evaluation
- An Analysis Pathway for the Quantitative Evaluation of Public Transport Systems (SG, MT, AV), pp. 71–86.
- FASE-2009-ClarkGT #analysis #scalability
- Scalable Analysis of Scalable Systems (AC, SG, MT), pp. 1–17.
- SFM-2009-ClarkGT #analysis #using #web #web service
- Quantitative Analysis of Web Services Using SRMC (AC, SG, MT), pp. 296–339.
- SFM-2008-DegasperiG #analysis #modelling #probability
- Sensitivity Analysis of Stochastic Models of Bistable Biochemical Reactions (AD, SG), pp. 1–20.
- QAPL-2007-YaikhomCGH #approach #modelling #performance #using
- A Structural Approach for Modelling Performance of Systems Using Skeletons (GY, MC, SG, JH), pp. 167–183.
- SFM-2007-ClarkGHT #algebra #probability #process
- Stochastic Process Algebras (AC, SG, JH, MT), pp. 132–179.
- FM-2005-BuchholtzGHM #analysis #framework #performance #platform #security
- End-to-End Integrated Security and Performance Analysis on the DEGAS Choreographer Platform (MB, SG, VH, CM), pp. 286–301.