Collaborated with:
A.Binzenhöfer G.Kunzmann K.Eger R.Nagel
Talks about:
network (3) effici (2) simul (2) scale (2) larg (2) transmiss (1) structur (1) compact (1) model (1) time (1)
Person: Tobias Hoßfeld
DBLP: Ho=szlig=feld:Tobias
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- PDP-2007-BinzenhoferHKE #data type #network #performance #scalability #simulation
- Efficient Simulation of Large-Scale P2P Networks: Compact Data Structures (AB, TH, GK, KE), pp. 467–474.
- PDP-2007-KunzmannNHBE #modelling #network #performance #scalability #simulation
- Efficient Simulation of Large-Scale P2P Networks: Modeling Network Transmission Times (GK, RN, TH, AB, KE), pp. 475–481.