Travelled to:
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Luxembourg
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
N.Aguirre M.F.Frias P.Ponzio J.P.Galeotti D.Marinov N.Rosner A.Godio M.F.Frias M.Politano S.A.Khalek S.Khurshid P.Abad D.Ciolek T.S.E.Maibaum M.M.Moscato I.Vissani
Talks about:
test (5) generat (4) bound (4) criteria (3) exhaust (3) coverag (3) input (2) increment (1) structur (1) incorpor (1)
Person: Valeria S. Bengolea
DBLP: Bengolea:Valeria_S=
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- OOPSLA-2014-RosnerBPKAFK #bound #generative #hybrid #invariant
- Bounded exhaustive test input generation from hybrid invariants (NR, VSB, PP, SAK, NA, MFF, SK), pp. 655–674.
- ICST-2013-AbadABCFGMMRV #bound #contract #generative #incremental #satisfiability #testing
- Improving Test Generation under Rich Contracts by Tight Bounds and Incremental SAT Solving (PA, NA, VSB, DC, MFF, JPG, TSEM, MMM, NR, IV), pp. 21–30.
- TAP-2012-BengoleaAMF #bound #test coverage #testing #using
- Using Coverage Criteria on RepOK to Reduce Bounded-Exhaustive Test Suites (VSB, NA, DM, MFF), pp. 19–34.
- TAP-2011-AguirreBFG #black box #bound #generative #test coverage #testing
- Incorporating Coverage Criteria in Bounded Exhaustive Black Box Test Generation of Structural Inputs (NA, VSB, MFF, JPG), pp. 15–32.
- ASE-2019-GodioBPAF #generative #performance #test coverage #testing
- Efficient Test Generation Guided by Field Coverage Criteria (AG, VSB, PP, NA, MFF), pp. 91–101.
- FASE-2019-PonzioBPAF #api #automation #identification
- Automatically Identifying Sufficient Object Builders from Module APIs (PP, VSB, MP, NA, MFF), pp. 427–444.