Travelled to:
1 × Estonia
1 × Greece
1 × Ireland
1 × Luxembourg
1 × Norway
1 × Singapore
1 × Switzerland
2 × Canada
2 × Finland
2 × Spain
3 × Poland
4 × Italy
6 × United Kingdom
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
N.Aguirre Z.Diskin ∅ M.Lawford A.M.Haeberer P.F.Castro A.Wassyng K.Czarnecki H.Gholizadeh S.Kokaly M.F.Frias I.A.M.El-Maddah E.K.Mugisa T.Dimitrakos J.L.Fiadeiro W.M.Turski P.R.F.Cunha K.C.II N.K.Singh R.Demasi A.Safilian M.Y.Sanati W.MacCaull L.M.Patcas G.Regis J.Bicarregui K.Lano S.Kent W.J.Quirk C.Niskier D.Schwabe F.Golshani M.R.Sadler M.M.Moscato W.Chen A.Iqbal A.Abdrakhmanov J.Parlar C.George N.Ricci H.Wang C.L.Pombo G.Baum P.Abad V.S.Bengolea D.Ciolek J.P.Galeotti N.Rosner I.Vissani
Talks about:
system (8) softwar (7) specif (6) formal (5) base (5) approach (4) tempor (4) model (4) logic (4) engin (4)
♂ Person: Thomas Stephen Edward Maibaum
DBLP: Maibaum:Thomas_Stephen_Edward
Facilitated 4 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 37 papers:
- AMT-2015-GholizadehDKM #analysis #model transformation
- Analysis of Source-to-Target Model Transformations in QueST (HG, ZD, SK, TSEM), pp. 46–55.
- DHM-EH-2015-SinghLMW #formal method
- Formalizing the Cardiac Pacemaker Resynchronization Therapy (NKS, ML, TSEM, AW), pp. 374–386.
- ECMFA-2015-DiskinMC #category theory #imperative #model management #visual notation
- A Model Management Imperative: Being Graphical Is Not Sufficient, You Have to Be Categorical (ZD, TSEM, KC), pp. 154–170.
- FM-2015-SafilianMD #feature model #formal method #modelling #semantics
- The Semantics of Cardinality-Based Feature Models via Formal Languages (AS, TSEM, ZD), pp. 453–469.
- TACAS-2015-DemasiCRMA #fault tolerance #named #source code #specification
- syntMaskFT: A Tool for Synthesizing Masking Fault-Tolerant Programs from Deontic Specifications (RD, PFC, NR, TSEM, NA), pp. 188–193.
- AMT-2014-GholizadehDM #approach #model transformation #query
- A Query Structured Approach for Model Transformation (HG, ZD, TSEM), pp. 54–63.
- DHM-2014-SinghWLMW #formal method
- Formalizing the Glucose Homeostasis Mechanism (NKS, HW, ML, TSEM, AW), pp. 460–471.
- FM-2014-SanatiMM #decidability #guidelines #logic #metric #using
- Analyzing Clinical Practice Guidelines Using a Decidable Metric Interval-Based Temporal Logic (MYS, WM, TSEM), pp. 611–626.
- IFM-2014-PatcasLM #embedded
- A Separation Principle for Embedded System Interfacing (LMP, ML, TSEM), pp. 373–388.
- ICST-2013-AbadABCFGMMRV #bound #contract #generative #incremental #satisfiability #testing
- Improving Test Generation under Rich Contracts by Tight Bounds and Incremental SAT Solving (PA, NA, VSB, DC, MFF, JPG, TSEM, MMM, NR, IV), pp. 21–30.
- IFM-2013-DemasiCMA #fault tolerance #simulation
- Characterizing Fault-Tolerant Systems by Means of Simulation Relations (RD, PFC, TSEM, NA), pp. 428–442.
- SLE-2013-DiskinKM #design pattern #megamodelling
- Mapping-Aware Megamodeling: Design Patterns and Laws (ZD, SK, TSEM), pp. 322–343.
- FASE-2012-DiskinMC #category theory #query
- Intermodeling, Queries, and Kleisli Categories (ZD, TSEM, KC), pp. 163–177.
- ICEIS-J-2012-ChenIAPGLMW12a #enterprise #scalability
- Large-Scale Enterprise Systems: Changes and Impacts (WC, AI, AA, JP, CG, ML, TSEM, AW), pp. 274–290.
- ICEIS-v2-2012-ChenIAPGLMW #enterprise #impact analysis #scalability
- Change Impact Analysis for Large-scale Enterprise Systems (WC, AI, AA, JP, CG, ML, TSEM, AW), pp. 359–368.
- FASE-2009-AguirreFMMW #alloy #behaviour #specification #using
- Describing and Analyzing Behaviours over Tabular Specifications Using (Dyn)Alloy (NA, MFF, MMM, TSEM, AW), pp. 155–170.
- IFM-2007-AguirreRM #community #design #verification
- Verifying Temporal Properties of CommUnity Designs (NA, GR, TSEM), pp. 1–20.
- SEFM-2007-CastroM #fault tolerance #logic #reasoning
- An ought-to-do deontic logic for reasoning about fault-tolerance: the diarrheic philosophers (PFC, TSEM), pp. 151–160.
- TestCom-2005-Maibaum #testing #validation #verification
- The Epistemology of Validation and Verification Testing (TSEM), pp. 1–8.
- FASE-2004-El-MaddahM #design #development #ide #process #requirements
- The GOPCSD Tool: An Integrated Development Environment for Process Control Requirements and Design (IAMEM, TSEM), pp. 261–266.
- FASE-2003-AguirreM #component #configuration management #logic #specification
- A Logical Basis for the Specification of Reconfigurable Component-Based Systems (NA, TSEM), pp. 37–51.
- FME-2003-FriasPBAM #alloy
- Taking Alloy to the Movies (MFF, CLP, GB, NA, TSEM), pp. 678–697.
- ASE-2002-AguirreM #approach #component #configuration management #logic #specification
- A Temporal Logic Approach to the Specification of Reconfigurable Component-Based Systems (NA, TSEM), pp. 271–274.
- ICSE-2001-HaebererM #framework #re-engineering
- Scientific Rigour, an Answer to a Pragmatic Question: A Linguistic Framework for Software Engineering (AMH, TSEM), pp. 463–472.
- FoSE-2000-Maibaum #re-engineering #roadmap
- Mathematical foundations of software engineering: a roadmap (TSEM), pp. 161–172.
- WICSA-1999-MugisaM #architecture #framework #reuse
- A Framework for Describing Software Architectures for Reuse (EKM, TSEM), pp. 245–272.
- ASE-1998-HaebererM #architecture #concept #development #idea #paradigm
- The Very Idea of Software Development Environments: A Conceptual Architecture for the ARTS Environment Paradigm (AMH, TSEM), pp. 260–271.
- ASE-1997-DimitrakosM #refinement
- Notes on Refinement, Interpolation and Uniformity (TD, TSEM), pp. 108–116.
- ECOOP-1997-BicarreguiLM #approach #encapsulation
- Objects, Associations and Subsystems: A Hierarchical Approach to Encapsulation (JB, KL, TSEM), pp. 324–343.
- ESEC-FSE-1997-Maibaum #education #question #what
- What We Teach Software Engineers in the University: Do We Take Engineering Seriously? (TSEM), pp. 40–50.
- FSE-1995-FiadeiroM #composition #reuse
- Interconnecting Formalisms: Supporting Modularity, Reuse and Incrementality (JLF, TSEM), pp. 72–80.
- RE-1993-KentMQ #constraints #fault #specification
- Formally specifying temporal constraints and error recovery (SK, TSEM, WJQ), pp. 208–215.
- ESEC-1989-NiskierMS #approach #knowledge-based #specification
- A Pluralistic Knowledge-Based Approach to Software Specification (CN, TSEM, DS), pp. 411–423.
- ICSE-1984-MaibaumT #on the #what
- On What Exactly Is Going On When Software Is Developed Step-by-Step (TSEM, WMT), pp. 528–533.
- VLDB-1983-GolshaniMS #algebra #database #query #specification
- A Modal System of Algebras for Database Specification and Query/Update Language Support (FG, TSEM, MRS), pp. 331–339.
- ICSE-1981-CunhaM #data type #programming
- Resource = Abstract Data Type + Synchronization — A Methodology for Message Oriented Programming (PRFC, TSEM), pp. 263–272.
- ICALP-1974-CulikM #parallel #term rewriting
- Parallel Rewriting Systems on terms (KCI, TSEM), pp. 495–510.