Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
2 × Denmark
2 × Italy
2 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
E.Ritter N.Ghani T.Braüner P.N.Benton G.M.Bierman M.Hyland M.E.Maietti N.Alechina M.Mendler
Talks about:
linear (4) substitut (3) explicit (3) categor (3) model (3) logic (3) intuitionist (2) construct (2) calculus (2) categori (1)
Person: Valeria de Paiva
DBLP: Paiva:Valeria_de
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- CSL-2001-AlechinaMPR #category theory #logic #semantics
- Categorical and Kripke Semantics for Constructive S4 Modal Logic (NA, MM, VdP, ER), pp. 292–307.
- FoSSaCS-2000-MaiettiPR #category theory #linear #modelling #type system
- Categorical Models for Intuitionistic and Linear Type Theory (MEM, VdP, ER), pp. 223–237.
- FoSSaCS-1999-GhaniPR #category theory #modelling
- Categorical Models of Explicit Substitutions (NG, VdP, ER), pp. 197–211.
- ICALP-1998-GhaniPR
- Explicit Substitutions for Constructive Necessity (NG, VdP, ER), pp. 743–754.
- CSL-1997-BraunerP #linear #logic
- A Formulation of Linear Logic Based on Dependency-Relations (TB, VdP), pp. 129–148.
- ICALP-1997-RitterP #on the
- On Explicit Substitution and Names (ER, VdP), pp. 248–258.
- TLCA-1993-BentonBPH #calculus #linear #logic
- A Term Calculus for Intuitionistic Linear Logic (PNB, GMB, VdP, MH), pp. 75–90.
- CSL-1992-BentonBPH #linear #modelling #revisited #λ-calculus
- Linear λ-Calculus and Categorial Models Revisited (PNB, GMB, VdP, MH), pp. 61–84.