Travelled to:
1 × Portugal
Collaborated with:
A.Balatos K.Petropoulos I.Ignatiadis M.Lüken
Talks about:
european (2) commerc (2) region (2) smes (2) base (2) techonolog (1) interegion (1) framework (1) introduc (1) virtual (1)
Person: Vladislav Jivkov
DBLP: Jivkov:Vladislav
Contributed to:
Wrote 1 papers:
- ICEIS-v4-2004-BalatosPIJL #concept #design #e-commerce #framework
- Introducing an Operational and Techonological E-Commerce Framework for European SMEs: Designing Regional and Interegional E-Commerce Zones for SMEs in Four Less Favoured European Regions (LFRS) Based on Request Based Virtual Organisation (RBVO) Concept (AB, KP, II, VJ, ML), pp. 309–315.