Collaborated with:
D.C.S.Clair J.J.Aleshunas B.Flachsbart J.Holland R.Gallion C.L.Sabharwal
Talks about:
algorithm (2) classif (2) symbol (2) id (2) characterist (1) attribut (1) densiti (1) domain (1) reduc (1) learn (1)
Person: William E. Bond
DBLP: Bond:William_E=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SAC-1994-AleshunasCB #classification
- Classification characteristics of SOM and ART2 (JJA, DCSC, WEB), pp. 297–302.
- SAC-1994-FlachsbartBCH #algorithm #classification #using
- Using the ID3 symbolic classification algorithm to reduce data density (BF, WEB, DCSC, JH), pp. 292–296.
- SAC-1993-GallionSCB #algorithm #learning
- Dynamic ID3: A Symbolic Learning Algorithm for Many-Valued Attribute Domains (RG, CLS, DCSC, WEB), pp. 14–20.