30 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-KatsisOPZ #incremental #maintenance- Utilizing IDs to Accelerate Incremental View Maintenance (YK, KWO, YP, KKZ), pp. 1985–2000.
CHI-2015-FlatlaATKS #identification #named #people- ColourID: Improving Colour Identification for People with Impaired Colour Vision (DRF, ARA, RDT, DLK, CS), pp. 3543–3552.
CHI-2015-LiYS #detection #interactive #named- IDSense: A Human Object Interaction Detection System Based on Passive UHF RFID (HL, CY, APS), pp. 2555–2564.
ICEIS-v2-2015-Martin-Fernandez #alias #encryption #performance #using- Efficient Management of Revoked Pseudonyms in VANETs using ID-Based Cryptography (FMF, PCG, CCG), pp. 701–708.
SAC-2015-GouthamLY #authentication #protocol #smarttech #using- An anonymous ID-based remote mutual authentication with key agreement protocol on ECC using smart cards (RAG, GJL, KYY), pp. 169–174.
ICPR-2012-CoronaTG #classification #multi #named #web #web service- SuStorID: A multiple classifier system for the protection of web services (IC, RT, GG), pp. 2375–2378.
ICST-2012-ZhangLZ #combinator #testing- Combinatorial Testing on ID3v2 Tags of MP3 Files (ZZ, XL, JZ), pp. 587–590.
EDOC-2011-Bellamy-McIntyreLW #analysis #authentication #enterprise #modelling- OpenID and the Enterprise: A Model-Based Analysis of Single Sign-On Authentication (JBM, CL, GW), pp. 129–138.
SAC-2011-YueFCY #algorithm- ID* Lite: improved D* Lite algorithm (WY, JF, WC, HY), pp. 1364–1369.
ICPR-2010-LeePJ #image #named #retrieval- PILL-ID: Matching and Retrieval of Drug Pill Imprint Images (YBL, UP, AKJ), pp. 2632–2635.
ASE-2009-GuldaliFJSE #automation #clustering #requirements #testing #using- Semi-automated Test Planning for e-ID Systems by Using Requirements Clustering (BG, HF, MJ, SS, GE), pp. 29–39.
ICALP-v1-2009-DomLS- Incompressibility through Colors and IDs (MD, DL, SS), pp. 378–389.
SAC-2008-KemalisT #approach #detection #injection #named- SQL-IDS: a specification-based approach for SQL-injection detection (KK, TT), pp. 2153–2158.
SAT-2008-MarienWDB #induction #logic #satisfiability- SAT(ID): Satisfiability of Propositional Logic Extended with Inductive Definitions (MM, JW, MD, MB), pp. 211–224.
DRR-2005-LoprestiN #documentation- Chipless ID for paper documents (DPL, GN), pp. 208–215.
ICEIS-v1-2005-RisheBCVGSW #encoding #semantics- Object ID Distribution and Encoding in the Semantic Binary Engine (NR, AB, MC, DV, SG, SS, OW), pp. 279–284.
VLDB-2004-BornhovdLHS #automation #case study #experience #framework #process- Integrating Automatic Data Acquisition with Business Processes — Experiences with SAP’s Auto-ID Infrastructure (CB, TL, SH, JS), pp. 1182–1188.
CAiSE-2004-NuffelenCDAB #integration #using- Data Integration Using ID-Logic (BVN, ACC, MD, OA, MB), pp. 67–81.
ICEIS-v3-2004-BonatoG- A New Model to Manage IDS Alerts (MAB, WGJ), pp. 601–604.
CSL-2000-KahleS #formal method- A Theory of Explicit Mathematics Equivalent to ID1 (RK, TS), pp. 356–370.
ICPR-1998-JainHK #identification #named #using- F2ID: a personal identification system using faces and fingerprints (AKJ, LH, YK), pp. 1373–1375.
ICDAR-v2-1995-JangKHK #recognition- Two-stage recognition of freight train ID number under outdoor environment (JHJ, JHK, KSH, JHK), pp. 986–991.
SAC-1994-FlachsbartBCH #algorithm #classification #using- Using the ID3 symbolic classification algorithm to reduce data density (BF, WEB, DCSC, JH), pp. 292–296.
SAC-1993-GallionSCB #algorithm #learning- Dynamic ID3: A Symbolic Learning Algorithm for Many-Valued Attribute Domains (RG, CLS, DCSC, WEB), pp. 14–20.
SAC-1993-ThakoreC- Effect of the χ² Test on Construction of ID3 Decision Trees (MT, DCSC), pp. 1–8.
ILPS-1993-Shilcrat #framework #logic- Id Est, A Logic Based Framework for Direct Manipulation Systems (EDS), p. 646.
ML-1990-DietterichHB #case study #comparative- A Comparative Study of ID3 and Backpropagation for English Text-to-Speech Mapping (TGD, HH, GB), pp. 24–31.
ML-1988-ChengFIQ- Improved Decision Trees: A Generalized Version of ID3 (JC, UMF, KBI, ZQ), pp. 100–106.
ML-1988-Utgoff #incremental #named- ID5: An Incremental ID3 (PEU), pp. 107–120.
ML-1988-WirthC #cost analysis- Experiments on the Costs and Benefits of Windowing in ID3 (JW, JC), pp. 87–99.