Collaborated with:
Sanaz Mostaghim Sandy Brand Diego Perez Liebana
Talks about:
approach (2) hybrid (2) plan (2) hierarch (1) function (1) behavior (1) network (1) environ (1) execut (1) state (1)
Person: Xenija Neufeld
DBLP: Neufeld:Xenija
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- AIIDE-2018-NeufeldMB #approach #behaviour #execution #hybrid #network
- A Hybrid Approach to Planning and Execution in Dynamic Environments Through Hierarchical Task Networks and Behavior Trees (XN, SM, SB), pp. 201–207.
- CoG-2019-NeufeldML #approach #evaluation #evolution #game studies #hybrid
- Evolving Game State Evaluation Functions for a Hybrid Planning Approach (XN, SM, DPL), pp. 1–8.