2262 papers:
ECSA-2015-0002QDSV #cyber-physical #named #smarttech- SmartyCo: Managing Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Environments (DR, CQ, LD, LS, CV), pp. 294–302.
CASE-2015-LuW- Human-directed robot motion/force control for contact tasks in unstructured environments (LL, JTW), pp. 1165–1170.
CASE-2015-NakhaeiniaPHK #architecture #hybrid #mobile #navigation- A hybrid control architecture for autonomous mobile robot navigation in unknown dynamic environment (DN, PP, TSH, BK), pp. 1274–1281.
CASE-2015-NohAH #assessment #behaviour- Situation assessment and behavior decision for vehicle/driver cooperative driving in highway environments (SN, KA, WH), pp. 626–633.
CASE-2015-PanciroliTBBF #realtime #simulation- Overcoming real time bond in high level simulation environments (RP, CT, GB, RB, CF), pp. 1644–1648.
CASE-2015-QiuZL #modelling- Visible light communication-based indoor environment modeling and metric-free path planning (KQ, FZ, ML), pp. 200–205.
CASE-2015-RanatungaCLP #adaptation #case study- Neuroadaptive control for safe robots in human environments: A case study (IR, SC, FLL, DOP), pp. 322–327.
DATE-2015-GorevUD #fault #parallel #simulation- Fault simulation with parallel exact critical path tracing in multiple core environment (MG, RU, SD), pp. 1180–1185.
SIGMOD-2015-MishimaF #database #middleware #migration #named- Madeus: Database Live Migration Middleware under Heavy Workloads for Cloud Environment (TM, YF), pp. 315–329.
ITiCSE-2015-AtapattuFF #adaptation #concept #online- Task-Adapted Concept Map Scaffolding to Support Quizzes in an Online Environment (TA, KEF, NJGF), pp. 272–277.
ICPC-2015-AmintabarHG #development #exception #ide #named #recommendation- ExceptionTracer: a solution recommender for exceptions in an integrated development environment (VA, AH, MG), pp. 299–302.
SANER-2015-BrandtnerMLG #integration #named #process #rule-based- SQA-Profiles: Rule-based activity profiles for Continuous Integration environments (MB, SCM, PL, HCG), pp. 301–310.
PLDI-2015-EmaniO #approach #runtime- Celebrating diversity: a mixture of experts approach for runtime mapping in dynamic environments (MKE, MFPO), pp. 499–508.
CHI-2015-BrotmanBFHL #design- Building Change: Constructive Design of Smart Domestic Environments for Goal Achievement (RB, WB, JF, WH, JL), pp. 3083–3092.
CHI-2015-KatoNG #design #named- TextAlive: Integrated Design Environment for Kinetic Typography (JK, TN, MG), pp. 3403–3412.
CHI-2015-OskampBHG #analysis #design #evaluation #multi #named- TerraGuide: Design and Evaluation of a Multi-Surface Environment for Terrain Visibility Analysis (MO, CB, RH, TCNG), pp. 3553–3562.
CHI-2015-SemaanFRMD #design #interactive- Designing Political Deliberation Environments to Support Interactions in the Public Sphere (BS, HAF, SPR, MM, SKD), pp. 3167–3176.
CHI-2015-SimeoneVG #artificial reality #case study #design #experience #physics #using- Substitutional Reality: Using the Physical Environment to Design Virtual Reality Experiences (ALS, EV, HG), pp. 3307–3316.
CHI-2015-ValtchanovH #feedback #named- EnviroPulse: Providing Feedback about the Expected Affective Valence of the Environment (DV, MSH), pp. 2073–2082.
CSCW-2015-AzariaRK #detection- An Agent for Deception Detection in Discussion Based Environments (AA, AR, SK), pp. 218–227.
DHM-EH-2015-IkenoboMK- Usefulness of Ikebana a Nursing Care Environment (YI, YM, AK), pp. 441–447.
DHM-EH-2015-MaruyamaKD #adaptation #scalability #simulation- MoCap-Based Adaptive Human-Like Walking Simulation in Laser-Scanned Large-Scale as-Built Environments (TM, SK, HD), pp. 193–204.
DHM-EH-2015-MeryS #modelling #requirements #using- Analyzing Requirements Using Environment Modelling (DM, NKS), pp. 345–357.
DUXU-IXD-2015-BorumBB #design #learning #lessons learnt- Designing with Young Children: Lessons Learned from a Co-creation of a Technology-Enhanced Playful Learning Environment (NB, EPB, ALB), pp. 142–152.
DUXU-IXD-2015-Farkas #human-computer #user interface- Defining HCI/UX Principles for Urban Environment (PF), pp. 346–356.
DUXU-IXD-2015-OliveiraVSBRS #analysis #interactive #usability- Ergonomic and Usability Analysis of Interactive Whiteboards in the Academic Environment (EO, EV, ES, SB, TR, MMS), pp. 208–217.
DUXU-UI-2015-BeltranUPSSSPCA #design #game studies #learning- Inclusive Gaming Creation by Design in Formal Learning Environments: “Girly-Girls” User Group in No One Left Behind (MEB, YU, AP, CS, WS, BS, SdlRP, MFCU, MTA), pp. 153–161.
DUXU-UI-2015-MarczalJ #analysis #behaviour #mobile- Behavioural Variables Analysis in Mobile Environments (DM, PTAJ), pp. 118–130.
HCI-DE-2015-AbibA #design #guidelines #interactive #process #social- Guidelines to Integrate Professional, Personal and Social Context in Interaction Design Process: Studies in Healthcare Environment (JCA, JCA), pp. 119–131.
HCI-DE-2015-KornB0 #gamification #recognition- The Effect of Gamification on Emotions — The Potential of Facial Recognition in Work Environments (OK, SB, AS), pp. 489–499.
HCI-DE-2015-SalanitriHBLSW #trust #usability- Relationship Between Trust and Usability in Virtual Environments: An Ongoing Study (DS, CH, SB, GL, SS, BW), pp. 49–59.
HCI-IT-2015-TokdemirACMB #case study #design #interactive #interface #multimodal #navigation #representation #ubiquitous- Multimodal Interaction Flow Representation for Ubiquitous Environments — MIF: A Case Study in Surgical Navigation Interface Design (GT, GA, NEÇ, HHM, AOB), pp. 797–805.
HIMI-IKC-2015-ParkBH #named #recognition- SAFT: Firefighting Environment Recognition Improvement for Firefighters (JHP, IJB, SJH), pp. 569–578.
HIMI-IKC-2015-TogawaK #collaboration #framework #using- Disaster Recovery Framework for e-Learning Environment Using Private Cloud Collaboration and Emergency Alerts (ST, KK), pp. 588–596.
HIMI-IKD-2015-WinterSTMCSVS #learning #question #student- Learning to Manage NextGen Environments: Do Student Controllers Prefer to Use Datalink or Voice? (AW, JS, YT, AM, SC, KS, KPLV, TZS), pp. 661–667.
LCT-2015-ArenasZDA #artificial reality #development #education #framework #game studies- A Platform for Supporting the Development of Mixed Reality Environments for Educational Games (LA, TZ, PD, IA), pp. 537–548.
LCT-2015-KimCD #artificial reality #learning #simulation- The Learning Effect of Augmented Reality Training in a Computer-Based Simulation Environment (JHK, TC, WD), pp. 406–414.
LCT-2015-Ludi #programming- A Tablet-Based Lego Mindstorms Programming Environment for Children (SL), pp. 106–114.
LCT-2015-SatohAYYEH #collaboration #self #tablet- Collaborative Tablet PC the System for Self-Active Awareness in a Dormitory Environment (HS, SA, MY, TY, FE, YH), pp. 503–509.
CAiSE-2015-HarmanBJRK #elicitation #memory management #process- Virtual Business Role-Play: Leveraging Familiar Environments to Prime Stakeholder Memory During Process Elicitation (JH, RB, DJ, SRM, UK), pp. 166–180.
ICEIS-v1-2015-SirohiS #multitenancy #optimisation #performance #query #sql- Context-sensitive Indexes in RDBMS for Performance Optimization of SQL Queries in Multi-tenant/Multi-application Environments (AKS, VS), pp. 259–270.
ICEIS-v2-2015-MaranMAWO #information management #query- Proactive Domain Data Querying based on Context Information in Ambient Assisted Living Environments (VM, AM, IA, LKW, JPMdO), pp. 610–617.
ICEIS-v3-2015-VolpentestaF #interactive #modelling #smarttech- Modeling NFC-triggered User Interactions with Simple Services in a Smart Environment (APV, NF), pp. 96–104.
ICML-2015-BerlindU #nearest neighbour- Active Nearest Neighbors in Changing Environments (CB, RU), pp. 1870–1879.
ICML-2015-WuGS #combinator #feedback #finite #identification #on the- On Identifying Good Options under Combinatorially Structured Feedback in Finite Noisy Environments (YW, AG, CS), pp. 1283–1291.
RecSys-2015-Bourke #multi #recommendation- The Application of Recommender Systems in a Multi Site, Multi Domain Environment (SB), p. 229.
RecSys-2015-MarinhoTP #algorithm #question #recommendation- Are Real-World Place Recommender Algorithms Useful in Virtual World Environments? (LBM, CT, DP), pp. 245–248.
SEKE-2015-OliveiraBFM #development #product line #user interface- Adoption of Software Product Line Development to an Environment of Voice User Interface (DRFO, BLDB, ELSXF, AMAM), pp. 705–708.
ECMFA-J-2012-PfeifferW15 #design #development #multi- The design space of multi-language development environments (RHP, AW), pp. 383–411.
Onward-2015-ChariGMD #towards- Towards fully reflective environments (GC, DG, SM, SD), pp. 240–253.
GPCE-2015-ReyndersDP #api #bound #generative- Generating safe boundary APIs between typed EDSLs and their environments (BR, DD, FP), pp. 31–34.
REFSQ-2015-HiisilaKK #case study #challenge #outsourcing #process #requirements- Challenges of the Customer Organization’s Requirements Engineering Process in the Outsourced Environment — A Case Study (HH, MK, SK), pp. 214–229.
SAC-2015-AbdiH #algorithm #distributed- An algorithm for distributed certificate chain discovery in open environments (SA, JH), pp. 2292–2298.
SAC-2015-BadouelHKM #approach #collaboration #distributed- A grammatical approach to data-centric case management in a distributed collaborative environment (EB, LH, GEK, CM), pp. 1834–1839.
SAC-2015-CruzPQSSOBO #algorithm #game studies #named #probability #using- Amê: an environment to learn and analyze adversarial search algorithms using stochastic card games (ABC, LP, JQ, US, SS, AO, EB, ESO), pp. 208–213.
SAC-2015-DiasGKT #3d #adaptation #architecture #clustering #collaboration- A dynamic-adaptive architecture for 3d collaborative virtual environments based on graphic clusters (DRCD, MdPG, TWK, LCT), pp. 480–487.
SAC-2015-HogenboomNJFV #distributed #optimisation #query #rdf- RDF chain query optimization in a distributed environment (AH, EN, MJ, FF, DV), pp. 353–359.
SAC-2015-LeeOL #enterprise #problem- SSD caching to overcome small write problem of disk-based RAID in enterprise environments (EL, YO, DL), pp. 2047–2053.
SAC-2015-MiyashitaITK #distributed #graph #named #representation- Catalogue: graph representation of file relations for a globally distributed environment (YM, HI, FT, KK), pp. 806–809.
SAC-2015-PaivaBSIJ #behaviour #learning #recommendation #student- Improving pedagogical recommendations by classifying students according to their interactional behavior in a gamified learning environment (ROAP, IIB, APdS, SI, PAJ), pp. 233–238.
SAC-2015-PalviainenKKLMN #collaboration #design #developer #experience #framework- Design framework enhancing developer experience in collaborative coding environment (JP, TK, JK, JL, TM, AN), pp. 149–156.
SAC-2015-PedroLPVI #case study #gamification #learning #women- Does gamification work for boys and girls?: An exploratory study with a virtual learning environment (LZP, AMZL, BGP, JV, SI), pp. 214–219.
SAC-2015-Pesare #learning #social- Smart learning environments for social learning (EP), pp. 273–274.
SAC-2015-PiMMG #analysis #health #ontology #security- Ontology definition and cognitive analysis in ocupational health and security (OHS) environments (NSP, LM, JMM, ACBG), pp. 201–206.
SAC-2015-SampaioEF #coordination- Determining the location of buildings given a single picture, environment maps and inaccurate GPS coordinates (JCS, RSE, LAFF), pp. 542–547.
SAC-2015-SugiyamaS #learning #multi- Meta-strategy for cooperative tasks with learning of environments in multi-agent continuous tasks (AS, TS), pp. 494–500.
ICSE-v2-2015-BaresiGGMAA #interactive #middleware #mobile #named #proximity #social- SPF: A Middleware for Social Interaction in Mobile Proximity Environments (LB, LWG, SG, VPLM, JA, DA), pp. 79–88.
ICSE-v2-2015-FooJAHZF #automation #case study #detection #industrial #performance- An Industrial Case Study on the Automated Detection of Performance Regressions in Heterogeneous Environments (KCF, ZMJ, BA, AEH, YZ, PF), pp. 159–168.
ICSE-v2-2015-PeiFNM #automation #development #ide #program repair- Automated Program Repair in an Integrated Development Environment (YP, CAF, MN, BM), pp. 681–684.
PLEASE-2015-SeguraTRSAC #multitenancy #named- WISE-SPL: Bringing Multi-tenancy to the Weather InSights Environment System (VCVBS, LPT, JPdFR, MNdS, LGA, RFGC), pp. 7–10.
ICLP-2015-RoseckyPB #energy #grid #prolog #simulation- Grid Mind: Prolog-Based Simulation Environment for Future Energy Grids (JR, FP, BB).
ICST-2015-HemmatiFM #agile #testing- Prioritizing Manual Test Cases in Traditional and Rapid Release Environments (HH, ZF, MVM), pp. 1–10.
CBSE-2014-Attouchi0BM #execution #memory management #monitoring #multitenancy- Memory monitoring in a multi-tenant OSGi execution environment (KA, GT, AB, GM), pp. 107–116.
CBSE-2014-CidHMJ- Ensuring application integrity in shared sensing environments (PJdC, DH, SM, WJ), pp. 149–158.
CBSE-2014-NoorshamsRRKR #architecture #modelling #performance #predict #statistics- Enriching software architecture models with statistical models for performance prediction in modern storage environments (QN, RR, AR, SK, RHR), pp. 45–54.
ASE-2014-ArcuriFG #automation #dependence #generative #testing- Automated unit test generation for classes with environment dependencies (AA, GF, JPG), pp. 79–90.
ASE-2014-MoreiraP #modelling #testing #user interface- PBGT tool: an integrated modeling and testing environment for pattern-based GUI testing (RMLMM, ACRP), pp. 863–866.
CASE-2014-DingSM #assembly #case study #industrial- Optimized task distribution for industrial assembly in mixed human-robot environments — Case study on IO module assembly (HD, MS, BM), pp. 19–24.
CASE-2014-HabibRSP #multimodal #named #simulation- SkinSim: A simulation environment for multimodal robot skin (AH, IR, KS, DOP), pp. 1226–1231.
CASE-2014-LinW- Applications of data assimilation to forecasting indoor environment (CCL, LW), pp. 1097–1102.
CASE-2014-MurookaNNKOI #learning #physics #scalability- Manipulation strategy learning for carrying large objects based on mapping from object physical property to object manipulation action in virtual environment (MM, SN, SN, YK, KO, MI), pp. 263–270.
CASE-2014-OberlanderKHRD #3d #multi- A multi-resolution 3-D environment model for autonomous planetary exploration (JO, SK, GH, AR, RD), pp. 229–235.
CASE-2014-ParkLK #implementation #visualisation- Implementation of spatial visualization for a tele-operated robot in a complex and hazardous environment (SP, YCL, GWK), pp. 285–289.
DATE-2014-NaqviS #resource management- A tree arbiter cell for high speed resource sharing in asynchronous environments (SRN, AS), pp. 1–6.
DocEng-2014-KolbergFRF #analysis #documentation #performance #throughput #using- JAR tool: using document analysis for improving the throughput of high performance printing environments (MLK, LGF, MR, CF), pp. 175–178.
DocEng-2014-SarkisCD #multi #refactoring #web- The virtual splitter: refactoring web applications for themultiscreen environment (MS, CC, JCD), pp. 139–142.
DocEng-2014-SchmitzPD #automation #collaboration #metadata #tool support- DH-CASE II: collaborative annotations in shared environments: metadata, tools and techniques in the digital humanities (PS, LP, QD), pp. 211–212.
SIGMOD-2014-KarnagelHLHLHM #performance #query- Demonstrating efficient query processing in heterogeneous environments (TK, MH, ML, DH, WL, MH, VM), pp. 693–696.
SIGMOD-2014-PangKFF #commit #named #predict- PLANET: making progress with commit processing in unpredictable environments (GP, TK, MJF, AF), pp. 3–14.
SIGMOD-2014-WongKCLY #database #query- Secure query processing with data interoperability in a cloud database environment (WKW, BK, DWLC, RL, SMY), pp. 1395–1406.
VLDB-2014-AndersonCJWZ #development #ide #performance #re-engineering- An Integrated Development Environment for Faster Feature Engineering (MRA, MJC, YJ, GW, BZ), pp. 1657–1660.
CSEET-2014-BoeschS #automation #learning- Automated mentor assignment in blended learning environments (CB, KS), pp. 94–98.
CSEET-2014-Ding #learning #re-engineering #self- Self-guided learning environment for undergraduate software engineering (JD), pp. 188–189.
ITiCSE-2014-EllisJBPHD #learning- Learning within a professional environment: shared ownership of an HFOSS project (HJCE, SJ, DB, LP, GWH, JD), p. 337.
ITiCSE-2014-MonasorVPNB #assessment #development #process- Assessment process for a simulation-based training environment in global software development (MJM, AV, MP, JN, SB), pp. 231–236.
TFPIE-2014-OlmerHJ #haskell- Evaluating Haskell expressions in a tutoring environment (TO, BH, JJ), pp. 50–66.
TACAS-2014-HartmannsH #ide #modelling #tool support #verification- The Modest Toolset: An Integrated Environment for Quantitative Modelling and Verification (AH, HH), pp. 593–598.
TACAS-2014-JahierDML #case study #modelling #testing- Environment-Model Based Testing of Control Systems: Case Studies (EJ, SDD, CM, EL), pp. 636–650.
ICPC-2014-DelimarschiSK #development #ide #interactive #user interface- Enabling integrated development environments with natural user interface interactions (DD, GS, HHK), pp. 126–129.
ICSME-2014-Anslow #collaboration #visualisation- Reflections on Collaborative Software Visualization in Co-located Environments (CA), pp. 645–650.
ICSME-2014-GuanaGS #named #towards- ChainTracker: Towards a Comprehensive Tool for Building Code-Generation Environments (VG, KG, ES), pp. 613–616.
SEFM-2014-DuboisR #functional #using- Verified Functional Iterators Using the FoCaLiZe Environment (CD, RR), pp. 317–331.
ILC-2014-Cooper #knowledge base #lisp- A Gentle Introduction to Gendl®, a Common Lisp-based Knowledge Based Engineering Environment (DC), p. 6.
CHI-2014-HunterMTIH #distance #exclamation #game studies #video- WaaZam!: supporting creative play at a distance in customized video environments (SEH, PM, AT, KMI, SMH), pp. 1197–1206.
CHI-2014-MonserratLZC #interactive #learning- L.IVE: an integrated interactive video-based learning environment (TJKPM, YL, SZ, XC), pp. 3399–3402.
CHI-2014-TrinhYE #named- PitchPerfect: integrated rehearsal environment for structured presentation preparation (HT, KY, DE), pp. 1571–1580.
CHI-2014-WeichelLKVG #named- MixFab: a mixed-reality environment for personal fabrication (CW, ML, DK, NV, HWG), pp. 3855–3864.
CSCW-2014-MurphyRX #case study #collaboration #privacy- Privacy practices in collaborative environments: a study of emergency department staff (ARM, MCR, HX), pp. 269–282.
CSCW-2014-OleksikMJ #collaboration #design- Study of electronic lab notebook design and practices that emerged in a collaborative scientific environment (GO, NMF, RJ), pp. 120–133.
DHM-2014-FacoettiGV- An Environment for Domestic Supervised Amblyopia Treatment (GF, AG, AV), pp. 340–350.
DHM-2014-WongpatikasereeKT #analysis- Context-Aware Posture Analysis in a Workstation-Oriented Office Environment (KW, HK, YT), pp. 148–159.
DUXU-DI-2014-Barros #gesture #interactive #interface #sketching- Extending ActionSketch for New Interaction Styles: Gestural Interfaces and Interactive Environments (GB), pp. 509–520.
DUXU-DI-2014-EschrichKKHG #mobile #using- Controlling Light Environments Using Segmented Light Sources and Mobile Devices (BE, DK, KK, JH, RG), pp. 533–540.
DUXU-DI-2014-SchusterHBRJ #experience #how #using- Diving in? How Users Experience Virtual Environments Using the Virtual Theatre (KS, MH, UB, AR, SJ), pp. 636–646.
DUXU-DP-2014-ChunpirB0- User Support System in the Complex Environment (HIC, AAB, TL), pp. 392–402.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-HeibachST #research- Extended Senses in Responsive Environments — An Artistic Research Project on Atmosphere (CH, AS, JLT), pp. 687–698.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-Martins #industrial #learning #prototype- Prototyping in a Learning Environment — Digital Publishing Projects from the Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial (MAFM), pp. 195–206.
DUXU-TMT-2014-CoventryBJM #behaviour #named #security- SCENE: A Structured Means for Creating and Evaluating Behavioral Nudges in a Cyber Security Environment (LMC, PB, DJ, APAvM), pp. 229–239.
HCI-AIMT-2014-CataniaPS #human-computer #interactive #internet- Introducing Consciousnet : Internet Content as an Environment for Human-Machine Interaction (VC, DP, MS), pp. 382–393.
HCI-AS-2014-MwangiKK #communication #online- Textual Emotion Communication with Non-verbal Symbols in Online Environments (ENM, SK, MK), pp. 42–48.
HCI-AS-2014-StelzerSO #novel #safety #user interface- Evaluating Novel User Interfaces in (Safety Critical) Railway Environments (AS, IS, AO), pp. 502–512.
HCI-TMT-2014-BuchholzF #design #modelling #smarttech- Combining Design of Models for Smart Environments with Pattern-Based Extraction (GB, PF), pp. 285–294.
HCI-TMT-2014-ColetiMN #evaluation #named #recognition #speech #usability #using- ErgoSV: An Environment to Support Usability Evaluation Using Face and Speech Recognition (TAC, MM, FdLdSN), pp. 554–564.
HIMI-AS-2014-KojimaHMH #physics- Training Archived Physical Skill through Immersive Virtual Environment (TK, AH, TM, MH), pp. 51–58.
HIMI-AS-2014-MatsuiHKA #behaviour #case study #education #learning- A Study on Exploration of Relationships between Behaviors and Mental States of Learners for Value Co-creative Education and Learning Environment (TM, YH, KK, TA), pp. 69–79.
HIMI-AS-2014-Sakurai #education- The Value Improvement in Education Service by Grasping the Value Acceptance State with ICT Utilized Education Environment (YS), pp. 90–98.
HIMI-AS-2014-TogawaK #collaboration #framework #smarttech #using- Private Cloud Collaboration Framework for e-Learning Environment for Disaster Recovery Using Smartphone Alert Notification (ST, KK), pp. 118–126.
HIMI-DE-2014-TanikawaSKF #design #problem #process #usability #verification- Problems in Usability Improvement Activity by Software Engineers — Consideration through Verification Experiments for Human- Centered Design Process Support Environment (YT, HS, HK, SF), pp. 641–651.
LCT-NLE-2014-FardounKCC #education- Applying Gianni Rodari Techniques to Develop Creative Educational Environments (HMF, IAK, APC, JRC), pp. 388–397.
LCT-NLE-2014-UzunosmanogluC #collaboration #learning #online #paradigm- Examining an Online Collaboration Learning Environment with the Dual Eye-Tracking Paradigm: The Case of Virtual Math Teams (SDU, MPÇ), pp. 462–472.
LCT-NLE-2014-VasiliouIZ #case study #experience #learning #multimodal #student- Measuring Students’ Flow Experience in a Multimodal Learning Environment: A Case Study (CV, AI, PZ), pp. 346–357.
LCT-TRE-2014-AzkorretaO #artificial reality- Augmented Reality Applications in the Engineering Environment (KOA, HOR), pp. 83–90.
LCT-TRE-2014-EradzeL #design #interactive #learning- Interrelation between Pedagogical Design and Learning Interaction Patterns in different Virtual Learning Environments (ME, ML), pp. 23–32.
LCT-TRE-2014-LoureiroSBR #collaboration #question #what- Collaboration, Knowledge Sharing and Digital Environments: What about Argumentation and Questioning Skills? (MJ(L, FNdS, AB, AR), pp. 440–449.
SCSM-2014-FawziS #gender #network #online #social- An Investigation into Gender Role Conformity in an Online Social Networking Environment (AF, AS), pp. 322–330.
SCSM-2014-WhittyDCH #image #online- Image Choice to Represent the Self in Different Online Environments (MTW, JD, SC, DH), pp. 528–537.
VISSOFT-2014-KuleszSB #spreadsheet- Integrating Anomaly Diagnosis Techniques into Spreadsheet Environments (DK, JS, FB), pp. 11–19.
ICEIS-v1-2014-PequenoG #integration #relational #specification- Specifying Complex Correspondences Between Relational Schemas in a Data Integration Environment (VMP, HG), pp. 18–29.
ICEIS-v1-2014-PintoNH #multi #optimisation- Multi-objective Optimization of Investment Strategies — Based on Evolutionary Computation Techniques, in Volatile Environments (JMP, RFN, NH), pp. 480–488.
ICEIS-v2-2014-ChangS #multi- Cooperation Strategies for Multi-user Transmission in Manhattan Environment (JC, WS), pp. 415–419.
ICEIS-v2-2014-Monte-AltoH #information management- Capturing Context Information in a Context Aware Virtual Environment (HHLCMA, EHMH), pp. 605–612.
ICEIS-v2-2014-ShamsuzzohaAKH #collaboration #internet #monitoring #process #realtime #repository- Smart Collaborative Processes Monitoring in Real-time Business Environment — Applications of Internet of Things and Cloud-data Repository (AS, SA, SK, PTH), pp. 556–563.
ICEIS-v2-2014-SilvaMTW #modelling #process- Business Process Modeling and Instantiation in Home Care Environments (JKKdS, GMM, LHT, LKW), pp. 513–525.
ECIR-2014-AngeliniFSS #interactive #visual notation- A Visual Interactive Environment for Making Sense of Experimental Data (MA, NF, GS, GS), pp. 767–770.
ICPR-2014-MatsuoSY #detection #image #using- Vehicle Driver Face Detection in Various Sunlight Environments Using Composed Face Images (HM, TS, NY), pp. 1687–1691.
ICPR-2014-PaudelDHV #2d #3d #locality #using- Localization of 2D Cameras in a Known Environment Using Direct 2D-3D Registration (DPP, CD, AH, PV), pp. 196–201.
ICPR-2014-PinheiroRCJS #fuzzy #independence #robust #verification- Type-2 Fuzzy GMMs for Robust Text-Independent Speaker Verification in Noisy Environments (HNBP, TIR, GDCC, IJT, JS), pp. 4531–4536.
ICPR-2014-YanSRLS #classification #interactive #learning #multi- Evaluating Multi-task Learning for Multi-view Head-Pose Classification in Interactive Environments (YY, RS, ER, OL, NS), pp. 4182–4187.
KDD-2014-Waltzman #security- Information environment security (RW), p. 1521.
KEOD-2014-AliG #integration- Ontology-Driven Mediated Data Integration in Open Environment (IA, HG), pp. 230–239.
SEKE-2014-EstecaSSVB #component #project management #web- PSP support component integrated into a web project management environment (AMNE, RCGdS, ABS, CRV, VdAB), pp. 516–521.
SEKE-2014-RodriguesPTZOS #automation #component #design #on the #requirements- On the Requirements and Design Decisions of an In-House Component-Based SPL Automated Environment (EMR, LTP, LT, AFZ, FMdO, RSS), pp. 402–407.
ICMT-2014-GuanaS #analysis- ChainTracker, a Model-Transformation Trace Analysis Tool for Code-Generation Environments (VG, ES), pp. 146–153.
MoDELS-2014-WestmanN #contract #cyber-physical #design- Environment-Centric Contracts for Design of Cyber-Physical Systems (JW, MN), pp. 218–234.
MoDELS-2014-WestmanN #contract #cyber-physical #design- Environment-Centric Contracts for Design of Cyber-Physical Systems (JW, MN), pp. 218–234.
PLATEAU-2014-HundhausenC #education #interactive #programming #social- Supporting Social Interactions and Awareness in Educational Programming Environments (CDH, ASC), pp. 55–56.
SAC-2014-AnjosTCON #3d #evaluation #interactive #statistics- Statistical methods in the evaluation of sensory-motor skills acquisition in 3D interactive virtual environments (AMdA, RT, AC, SdO, FLSN), pp. 223–228.
SAC-2014-BaeCPJKC #clustering #effectiveness #memory management- An effective data clustering method based on expected update time in flash memory environment (DHB, JWC, SMP, BSJ, SWK, SjC), pp. 1492–1497.
SAC-2014-NunesNR #contest #game studies #people- Motivating people to perform better in exergames: competition in virtual environments (MBN, LPN, VR), pp. 970–975.
SAC-2014-PessinOUWMV #evolution #learning #network #self- Self-localisation in indoor environments combining learning and evolution with wireless networks (GP, FSO, JU, DFW, RCM, PAV), pp. 661–666.
FSE-2014-ElbaumRP #development #integration #testing- Techniques for improving regression testing in continuous integration development environments (SGE, GR, JP), pp. 235–245.
FSE-2014-HermansD #named #refactoring #spreadsheet- BumbleBee: a refactoring environment for spreadsheet formulas (FH, DD), pp. 747–750.
ICSE-2014-MiyashitaTA #modelling #spreadsheet #using- Controlled modeling environment using flexibly-formatted spreadsheets (HM, HT, SA), pp. 978–988.
SLE-2014-SloaneRBM #development #ide #named- Monto: A Disintegrated Development Environment (AMS, MR, SB, SM), pp. 211–220.
SPLC-2014-GreggSLC #aspect-oriented #lessons learnt #multi #product line- Lessons from AEGIS: organizational and governance aspects of a major product line in a multi-program environment (SPG, RS, EL, PC), pp. 264–273.
ASPLOS-2014-AmitTS #memory management #named- VSwapper: a memory swapper for virtualized environments (NA, DT, AS), pp. 349–366.
ASPLOS-2014-ZhangRZGBXZ #correlation #detection #named- EnCore: exploiting system environment and correlation information for misconfiguration detection (JZ, LR, XZ, NG, VB, TX, YZ), pp. 687–700.
CGO-2014-MargiolasO #communication #optimisation- Portable and Transparent Host-Device Communication Optimization for GPGPU Environments (CM, MFPO), p. 55.
CGO-2014-WuDSABGY #execution #query #relational- Red Fox: An Execution Environment for Relational Query Processing on GPUs (HW, GFD, TS, MA, SB, MG, SY), p. 44.
ICTSS-2014-PalmieriCO #automation #testing- Cutting Time-to-Market by Adopting Automated Regression Testing in a Simulated Environment (MP, AC, AÖ), pp. 129–144.
CBSE-2013-GortonLLED #case study #component #experience #using- Build less code deliver more science: an experience report on composing scientific environments using component-based and commodity software platforms (IG, YL, CL, TE, KKvD), pp. 159–168.
ASE-2013-TillmannHXB #automation #education #game studies #generative #named #testing- Pex4Fun: A web-based environment for educational gaming via automated test generation (NT, JdH, TX, JB), pp. 730–733.
ASE-2013-XuYMCL #adaptation #dependence #self #towards- Environment rematching: Toward dependability improvement for self-adaptive applications (CX, WY, XM, CC, JL), pp. 592–597.
CASE-2013-CecilRRPP #collaboration- Collaborative virtual environments for orthopedic surgery (JC, PR, VR, AP, MPC), pp. 133–137.
CASE-2013-ChengXZZWS- Integrated control of blind and lights in daily office environment (ZC, LX, QZ, YZ, FW, FS), pp. 587–592.
CASE-2013-DingHMS #behaviour #collaboration #industrial- Structured collaborative behavior of industrial robots in mixed human-robot environments (HD, JH, BM, HS), pp. 1101–1106.
CASE-2013-SehestedtPRL #3d #maintenance #performance- Prior-knowledge assisted fast 3D map building of structured environments for steel bridge maintenance (SS, GP, DRS, DL), pp. 1040–1046.
DATE-2013-Rodriguez-RodriguezCCPT #memory management #performance #policy #using- Reducing writes in phase-change memory environments by using efficient cache replacement policies (RRR, FC, DC, LP, FT), pp. 93–96.
DocEng-2013-TomasiV #automation #collaboration #metadata- Collaborative annotations in shared environments: metadata, vocabularies and techniques in the digital humanities (DH-CASE 2013) (FT, FV), pp. 283–284.
ICDAR-2013-HoRRES #approach #classification #documentation- Document Classification in a Non-stationary Environment: A One-Class SVM Approach (AKNH, NR, JYR, VE, NS), pp. 616–620.
SIGMOD-2013-BarnettCDDFGMP #big data #exclamation #interactive- Stat!: an interactive analytics environment for big data (MB, BC, RD, SMD, DF, JG, PM, JCP), pp. 1013–1016.
VLDB-2013-NagendraC #framework #named- SkySuite: A Framework of Skyline-Join Operators for Static and Stream Environments (MN, KSC), pp. 1266–1269.
VLDB-2013-ZhouTWN #2d #learning #named #predict #probability- R2-D2: a System to Support Probabilistic Path Prediction in Dynamic Environments via “Semi-Lazy” Learning (JZ, AKHT, WW, WSN), pp. 1366–1369.
ITiCSE-2013-CapovillaH #education #spreadsheet #student- Teaching spreadsheets to visually-impaired students in an environment similar to a mainstream class (DC, PH), pp. 99–104.
ITiCSE-2013-JalilPWL #design #interactive #learning #taxonomy- Design eye: an interactive learning environment based on the solo taxonomy (SAJ, BP, IW, ALR), pp. 22–27.
ITiCSE-2013-Wildsmith #learning #named- Kinetic: a learning environment within business (CW), p. 3.
ICFP-2013-St-AmourT #case study #experience #random testing #testing- Experience report: applying random testing to a base type environment (VSA, NT), pp. 351–356.
GCM-J-2012-FaithfullPH #development #graph- Big Red: A Development Environment for Bigraphs (AJF, GP, TTH).
GT-VMT-2013-GreenyerBM #diagrams #sequence chart #specification- The ScenarioTools Play-Out of Modal Sequence Diagram Specifications with Environment Assumptions (JG, CB, VPLM).
CHI-2013-LeeOIB #2d #3d #interactive #named- SpaceTop: integrating 2D and spatial 3D interactions in a see-through desktop environment (JL, AO, HI, CNB), pp. 189–192.
CHI-2013-RauARR #design #interactive #learning #why- Why interactive learning environments can have it all: resolving design conflicts between competing goals (MAR, VA, NR, SR), pp. 109–118.
CHI-2013-WangESM #chat #comparative #evaluation #interface #multi- A comparative evaluation of multiple chat stream interfaces for information-intensive environments (YW, AE, MS, GM), pp. 2717–2720.
CSCW-2013-NawahdahI #design- Virtually dining together in time-shifted environment: KIZUNA design (MN, TI), pp. 779–788.
DHM-HB-2013-KuzMMS #human-computer #industrial #interactive #morphism #using- Using Anthropomorphism to Improve the Human-Machine Interaction in Industrial Environments (Part I) (SK, MPM, SM, CMS), pp. 76–85.
DHM-HB-2013-MaruyamaKD #3d #simulation- Simulating a Walk of Digital Human Model Directly in Massive 3D Laser-Scanned Point Cloud of Indoor Environments (TM, SK, HD), pp. 366–375.
DHM-HB-2013-MayerKS #human-computer #industrial #interactive #morphism #using- Using Anthropomorphism to Improve the Human-Machine Interaction in Industrial Environments (Part II) (MPM, SK, CMS), pp. 93–100.
DUXU-CXC-2013-ClaudioCPEL #social- Virtual Environment to Treat Social Anxiety (APC, MBC, TP, FE, EL), pp. 442–451.
DUXU-NTE-2013-GokturkP #navigation- Effects of In-Car Navigation Systems on User Perception of the Spatial Environment (MG, AP), pp. 57–64.
DUXU-NTE-2013-MankodiyaMFGGN #experience #interactive- Interactive Shopping Experience through Immersive Store Environments (KM, RM, JF, EG, RG, PN), pp. 372–382.
DUXU-NTE-2013-ReisDR #usability #using- Main Usability Issues in Using Virtual Environments for Older Population Warning Studies (LR, ED, FR), pp. 189–198.
DUXU-PMT-2013-Silveira #approach #behaviour #design #usability- Participatory Design and Usability: A Behavioral Approach of Workers’ Attitudes in the Work Environment (DMCdS), pp. 409–416.
DUXU-WM-2013-GuoGZZ #online- Exploring Offline Browsing Patterns to Enhance the Online Environment (XG, JG, YZ, ZZ), pp. 183–192.
HCI-AMTE-2013-ForbrigMZ #challenge #modelling #smarttech- Special Challenges for Models and Patterns in Smart Environments (PF, CM, MZ), pp. 340–349.
HCI-AMTE-2013-LuderschmidtHLD #agile #authoring #design #interactive #named #prototype- EMIL: A Rapid Prototyping Authoring Environment for the Design of Interactive Surface Applications (JL, NH, SL, RD), pp. 381–390.
HCI-AS-2013-BitontoLRR #collaboration #process #recommendation- Recommendation of Collaborative Activities in E-learning Environments (PDB, ML, TR, VR), pp. 484–492.
HCI-AS-2013-HuangC13a #education #interface #learning #music #self #visualisation- Sound to Sight: The Effects of Self-generated Visualization on Music Sight-Singing as an Alternate Learning Interface for Music Education within a Web-Based Environment (YTH, CNC), pp. 386–390.
HCI-AS-2013-PlischkeSPK #specification #standard- Human Adequate Lighting in Optimal Healing Environments — Measuring Non-visual Light Effects of a LED Light Source According to German Draft Pre-standard DIN SPEC 5031-100: 2012 (HP, CS, PP, NK), pp. 163–172.
HCI-AS-2013-TogawaK #framework- Private Cloud Cooperation Framework for Reducing the Earthquake Damage on e-Learning Environment (ST, KK), pp. 503–510.
HCI-IMT-2013-CamaraBMRB #3d #navigation #tool support- Evaluating Devices and Navigation Tools in 3D Environments (MC, PFdAB, ITM, AR, SDJB), pp. 439–448.
HCI-IMT-2013-CarrinoCKIM #functional #gesture #interactive- Functional Gestures for Human-Environment Interaction (SC, MC, OAK, RI, EM), pp. 167–176.
HCI-IMT-2013-CorbettYLHBN #3d #feedback- Influence of Haptic Feedback on a Pointing Task in a Haptically Enhanced 3D Virtual Environment (BC, TY, SL, LH, SB, CSN), pp. 561–567.
HCI-IMT-2013-KuncMLK #speech- Speech-Based Text Correction Patterns in Noisy Environment (LK, TM, ML, JK), pp. 59–66.
HCI-IMT-2013-LeeBN #visual notation- Use of Reference Frame in Haptic Virtual Environments: Implications for Users with Visual Impairments (JYL, SB, CSN), pp. 610–617.
HCI-IMT-2013-LiuBCN #behaviour #visual notation- Behavioral Characteristics of Users with Visual Impairment in Haptically Enhanced Virtual Environments (SL, SB, HC, CSN), pp. 618–625.
HCI-IMT-2013-OblaenderE #3d #concept #interactive- Study of Interaction Concepts in 3D Virtual Environment (VO, ME), pp. 706–711.
HCI-IMT-2013-PelaezSC #collaboration #research #scalability- Research on a Large Digital Desktop Integrated in a Traditional Environment for Informal Collaboration (MPP, RS, IC), pp. 348–357.
HIMI-D-2013-OhnoNK #approach #design- Environment-Centered Approach to ICT Service Design (TO, MN, YK), pp. 347–356.
HIMI-D-2013-SugayaSNT #recognition #using- Basic Investigation into Hand Shape Recognition Using Colored Gloves Taking Account of the Peripheral Environment (TS, TS, HN, HT), pp. 133–142.
HIMI-HSM-2013-HighamVMSB #automation #trust- Training Air Traffic Controller Trust in Automation within a NextGen Environment (TMH, KPLV, JM, TZS, VB), pp. 76–84.
HIMI-HSM-2013-YamanakaUIHSY #design- Web- and Mobile-Based Environment for Designing and Presenting Spatial Audiovisual Content (MY, MU, YI, SH, HS, TY), pp. 430–439.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-AehneltBRKUK #interactive #multi #smarttech- Situation Aware Interaction with Multi-modal Business Applications in Smart Environments (MA, SB, GR, FK, BU, TK), pp. 413–422.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-BoltonS #collaboration #design #education #network #social #tool support- Social Networking and Culturally Situated Design Teaching Tools: Providing a Collaborative Environment for K-12 (ATB, CDS), pp. 3–8.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-HayashiON #collaboration #interactive #learning- An Experimental Environment for Analyzing Collaborative Learning Interaction (YH, YO, YIN), pp. 43–52.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-KimLNP #interactive #user interface- User Interface of Interactive Media Art in a Stereoscopic Environment (YK, ML, SN, JWP), pp. 219–227.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-Takahashi13a- Role of Assigned Persona for Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Remote Control Environment (YT), pp. 372–380.
OCSC-2013-FardounAC #community #education #network #online #social #student- Improvement of Students Curricula in Educational Environments by Means of Online Communities and Social Networks (HMF, AHA, APC), pp. 147–155.
VISSOFT-2013-AnslowMNB #collaboration #named #visualisation- SourceVis: Collaborative software visualization for co-located environments (CA, SM, JN, RB), pp. 1–10.
VISSOFT-2013-BradleyH #composition #development #named #navigation- Visuocode: A software development environment that supports spatial navigation and composition (DRB, IJH), pp. 1–4.
VISSOFT-2013-PauwWB #distributed #visualisation- Visualizing jobs with shared resources in distributed environments (WDP, JLW, AB), pp. 1–10.
CAiSE-2013-AguileraGO #concept #development #ide #quality- Enforcement of Conceptual Schema Quality Issues in Current Integrated Development Environments (DA, CG, AO), pp. 626–640.
ICEIS-J-2013-CarneiroN13a #multi #named #towards #visualisation- SourceMiner: Towards an Extensible Multi-perspective Software Visualization Environment (GdFC, MGdMN), pp. 242–263.
ICEIS-J-2013-MoraesSPP13a #architecture #health #pervasive- An Architecture for Health Information Exchange in Pervasive Healthcare Environment (JLCdM, WLdS, LFP, AFdP), pp. 385–401.
ICEIS-J-2013-RibeiroRBE #coordination- Coordinating Agents in Dynamic Environment (RR, AFR, MACB, FE), pp. 137–153.
ICEIS-v1-2013-FreireJC #modelling #multi- A Modeling Environment for Normative Multi-Agent Systems (ESSF, RMRJ, MIC), pp. 451–458.
ICEIS-v1-2013-RibeiroRBFE #coordination #policy- Updating Strategies of Policies for Coordinating Agent Swarm in Dynamic Environments (RR, AFR, MACB, FF, FE), pp. 345–356.
ICEIS-v2-2013-CarneiroN #multi #named #visualisation- SourceMiner — A Multi-perspective Software Visualization Environment (GdFC, MGdMN), pp. 25–36.
ICEIS-v2-2013-IzurietaG #capacity #in the cloud- Impressionism in Cloud Computing — A Position Paper on Capacity Planning in Cloud Computing Environments (ICI, CFRG), pp. 333–338.
ICEIS-v2-2013-MoreiraF #learning #mobile- A Blended Mobile Learning Context Oriented Model in a Cloud Environment applied to a RE Course (FM, MJF), pp. 539–544.
ICEIS-v2-2013-TrindadeGG #collaboration #community #concept #design #framework- Conceptual Framework for Design of Collaborative Environments — Cultivating Communities of Practices for Deaf Inclusion (DdFGT, CG, LSG), pp. 206–215.
ICML-c3-2013-BellemareVB #learning #recursion- Bayesian Learning of Recursively Factored Environments (MGB, JV, MB), pp. 1211–1219.
KDD-2013-ZengJZLLLSZLDLW #data mining #distributed #mining #named #performance- FIU-Miner: a fast, integrated, and user-friendly system for data mining in distributed environment (CZ, YJ, LZ, JL, LL, HL, CS, WZ, TL, BD, ML, PW), pp. 1506–1509.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-Dasarathy #information management #multi #robust- Information Fusion — An Appealing Avenue for Robust Knowledge Discovery in Multi-Source Environments (BVD), pp. 1–9.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-SmirnovSK #approach #multi #self #smarttech- Multilevel Self-Organization in Smart Environment — Service-Oriented Approach (AVS, NS, AK), pp. 290–297.
SEKE-2013-BarbosaFNM #architecture #learning #towards- Towards the Establishment of a Reference Architecture for Developing Learning Environments (EFB, MLF, EYN, JCM), pp. 350–355.
SEKE-2013-BublitzSOLAP #adaptation #pervasive #petri net #specification- A Petri Net Model Specification for Delivering Adaptable Ads through Digital Signage in Pervasive Environments (FMB, LCS, EASO, SODL, HOdA, AP), pp. 405–410.
SEKE-2013-Chang #re-engineering- Environment-Aware Software Engineering (SKC).
SEKE-2013-FortalezaJCVP #development #distributed #simulation- Improving Software Engineers’ Skills through the Simulation of Distributed Software Development in Academic Environments (LLF, OOMJ, TC, SRCV, RP), pp. 190–195.
SEKE-2013-Lou0 #artificial reality #gesture #interactive #personalisation #realtime #using- A Real-time Personalized Gesture Interaction System Using Wii Remote and Kinect for Tiled-Display Environment (YL, WW), pp. 131–136.
SAC-PL-J-2010-RodriguesNPM13 #semantics- Preserving the original MPI semantics in a virtualized processor environment (ERR, POAN, JP, CLM), pp. 412–421.
SAC-2013-AllaniGP #hybrid #named #protocol- Hyphen: a hybrid protocol for generic overlay construction in P2P environments (MA, BG, PP), pp. 423–430.
SAC-2013-FilhoB #learning #mobile #requirements- A requirements catalog for mobile learning environments (NFDF, EFB), pp. 1266–1271.
SAC-2013-FranzMN #3d #assessment #interface- Assessment of a user centered interface for teleoperation and 3D environments (JF, AM, LPN), pp. 953–960.
SAC-2013-KimGKTSK #optimisation- Maximizing availability of content in disruptive environments by cross-layer optimization (MK, AG, JMK, DT, MOS, JSK), pp. 447–454.
SAC-2013-SimaoV- A progress and profile-driven cloud-VM for resource-efficiency and fairness in e-science environments (JS, LV), pp. 357–362.
ICSE-2013-FitzgeraldSOO #agile #case study #industrial #scalability- Scaling agile methods to regulated environments: an industry case study (BF, KJS, RO, DO), pp. 863–872.
ICSE-2013-Guana #code generation #maintenance- Supporting maintenance tasks on transformational code generation environments (VG), pp. 1369–1372.
ASPLOS-2013-KangW #approach #hardware- To hardware prefetch or not to prefetch?: a virtualized environment study and core binding approach (HK, JLW), pp. 357–368.
HPDC-2013-WangQGDSD #flexibility #memory management #named- kMemvisor: flexible system wide memory mirroring in virtual environments (BW, ZQ, HG, HD, WS, YD), pp. 251–262.
HPDC-2013-ZhouWSJS #parallel #realtime- Supporting parallel soft real-time applications in virtualized environment (LZ, SW, HS, HJ, XS), pp. 117–118.
ICST-2013-MossigeGM #constraints #generative #integration #programming #testing #using- Test Generation for Robotized Paint Systems Using Constraint Programming in a Continuous Integration Environment (MM, AG, HM), pp. 489–490.
QoSA-2012-KrebsMK #metric #performance- Metrics and techniques for quantifying performance isolation in cloud environments (RK, CM, SK), pp. 91–100.
QoSA-2012-YuHSHV #deployment #enterprise #testing- A virtual deployment testing environment for enterprise software systems (JY, JH, JGS, CMH, SV), pp. 101–110.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-KeulerWW #agile #architecture #programming- Architecture-aware Programming in Agile Environments (TK, SW, BW), pp. 229–233.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-SimantaLMHS #architecture #mobile- A Reference Architecture for Mobile Code Offload in Hostile Environments (SS, GAL, EJM, KH, MS), pp. 282–286.
ASE-2012-CicchettiCMPPZV #development #industrial #modelling #named- CHESS: a model-driven engineering tool environment for aiding the development of complex industrial systems (AC, FC, SM, SP, MP, AZ, TV), pp. 362–365.
ASE-2012-HineSHV #enterprise #interactive #named #visualisation- Quokka: visualising interactions of enterprise software environment emulators (CMH, JGS, JH, SV), pp. 370–373.
CASE-2012-LiLCS #3d- Extended RRT-based path planning for flying robots in complex 3D environments with narrow passages (DL, QL, NC, JS), pp. 1173–1178.
CASE-2012-ShibataH- Fabric manipulation utilizing contacts with the environment (MS, SH), pp. 442–447.
CASE-2012-YuLCCJ #automation #scalability- Automated robotic service in large-scale exhibition environments (WY, YCL, SC, HC, JJ), pp. 1156–1161.
DATE-2012-HammamiLB #named #network #verification- NOCEVE: Network on chip emulation and verification environment (OH, XL, JMB), pp. 163–164.
DATE-2012-LeMKV #debugging #satisfiability #using- Non-solution implications using reverse domination in a modern SAT-based debugging environment (BL, HM, BK, AGV), pp. 629–634.
VLDB-2012-AgarwalRB #clustering #graph #identification #realtime- Real Time Discovery of Dense Clusters in Highly Dynamic Graphs: Identifying Real World Events in Highly Dynamic Environments (MKA, KR, MB), pp. 980–991.
CSEET-2012-BollinHS #concept #education #experience #project management #simulation #using- Teaching Software Project Management using Simulations — The AMEISE Environment: from Concepts to Class Room Experience (AB, EH, LS), pp. 85–86.
CSEET-2012-DingLLS #collaboration #in the cloud #re-engineering #research- Research on Remote Collaborative Engineering Practices for Master of Software Engineering Based on Cloud Computing Environment (QD, XL, YL, ZS), pp. 110–114.
CSEET-2012-RongS #challenge #education- Delivering Software Process-Specific Project Courses in Tertiary Education Environment: Challenges and Solution (GR, DS), pp. 52–61.
ITiCSE-2012-BoyceCPCB #behaviour #game studies #learning- Maximizing learning and guiding behavior in free play user generated content environments (AKB, AC, SP, DC, TB), pp. 10–15.
ITiCSE-2012-MalekoHD #case study #experience #learning #mobile #programming #social- Novices’ perceptions and experiences of a mobile social learning environment for learning of programming (MM, MH, DJD), pp. 285–290.
ITiCSE-2012-Santos #education #java- An open-ended environment for teaching Java in context (AS), pp. 87–92.
TACAS-2012-DavidJJJMS #development #ide #petri net- TAPAAL 2.0: Integrated Development Environment for Timed-Arc Petri Nets (AD, LJ, MJ, KYJ, MHM, JS), pp. 492–497.
WCRE-2012-ClearySCSP #analysis #assembly #named- ATLANTIS — Assembly Trace Analysis Environment (BC, MADS, LC, MS, FP), pp. 505–506.
WCRE-2012-QiSQZZR #execution #modelling- Modeling Software Execution Environment (DQ, WNS, FQ, MZ, XZ, AR), pp. 415–424.
IFM-2012-RochaCMS #execution #interactive #verification- A Formal Interactive Verification Environment for the Plan Execution Interchange Language (CR, HC, CAM, RS), pp. 343–357.
CHI-2012-BentleyCHB- Drawing the city: differing perceptions of the urban environment (FB, HSMC, WH, SB), pp. 1603–1606.
CHI-2012-HuhnKLK #evaluation #on the- On the use of virtual environments for the evaluation of location-based applications (AEH, VJK, AL, PK), pp. 2569–2578.
CHI-2012-Hutchings #multi- An investigation of Fitts’ law in a multiple-display environment (DH), pp. 3181–3184.
CHI-2012-WooL #named #smarttech #tool support- Clipoid: an augmentable short-distance wireless toolkit for “accidentally smart home” environments (JbW, YKL), pp. 1751–1754.
CSCW-2012-BasuRJ #collaboration #process #ubiquitous- Ubiquitous collaborative activity virtual environments (AB, AR, KJ), pp. 647–650.
CSCW-2012-KolkoHBSGKN #adaptation #collaboration- Adapting collaborative radiological practice to low-resource environments (BEK, AH, WB, KS, WG, MK, RN), pp. 97–106.
CSCW-2012-LiuBS #collaboration #design #detection #product line- Conflict detection and resolution for product line design in a collaborative decision making environment (X(L, ECB, JES), pp. 1327–1336.
ICEIS-v1-2012-RibeiroFBBDKE #algorithm #approach #learning- Unified Algorithm to Improve Reinforcement Learning in Dynamic Environments — An Instance-based Approach (RR, FF, MACB, APB, OBD, ALK, FE), pp. 229–238.
ICEIS-v3-2012-BrixiKN #human-computer #interface #research #usability- Computer-Brain Interface Device Experimental Research — Study of Ergonomy and Usability in Business Environment (RB, JK, PN), pp. 86–90.
ICEIS-v3-2012-CarofiglioGA #adaptation #design #evaluation #realtime- A Pilot Panel Study in User-centered Design and Evaluation of Real-time Adaptable Emotional Virtual Environments (VC, NG, FA), pp. 67–71.
CIKM-2012-MaRHMHZCL #performance- An efficient index for massive IOT data in cloud environment (YM, JR, WH, XM, XH, YZ, YC, CL), pp. 2129–2133.
ECIR-2012-AzzopardiDTEGGHJKMMPSV #named- EmSe: Supporting Children’s Information Needs within a Hospital Environment (LA, DD, SDT, CE, RG, KG, DH, FdJ, FK, KAM, SM, TP, FvdS, APdV), pp. 578–580.
ICML-2012-MakinoT #learning #parametricity- Apprenticeship Learning for Model Parameters of Partially Observable Environments (TM, JT), p. 117.
ICPR-2012-ChikhaouiWP #pervasive #process #recognition #statistics- A new statistical model for activity discovery and recognition in pervasive environments (BC, SW, HP), pp. 3435–3438.
ICPR-2012-FilipHS #predict- Predicting environment illumination effects on material appearance (JF, MH, JS), pp. 2075–2078.
ICPR-2012-Largeteau-SkapinZASK #set- Optimal consensus set and preimage of 4-connected circles in a noisy environment (GLS, RZ, EA, AS, YK), pp. 3774–3777.
ICPR-2012-LiuL #analysis #detection #learning #multi- Unsupervised multi-target trajectory detection, learning and analysis in complicated environments (HL, JL), pp. 3716–3720.
ICPR-2012-LuWH #classification #gender- Gait-based gender classification in unconstrained environments (JL, GW, TSH), pp. 3284–3287.
ICPR-2012-MarieLM #invariant #locality #recognition #visual notation- Invariant signatures for omnidirectional visual place recognition and robot localization in unknown environments (RM, OLI, EMM), pp. 2537–2540.
ICPR-2012-MotlicekSWMM #authentication #mobile #modelling #using #variability- Bi-modal authentication in mobile environments using session variability modelling (PM, LES, RW, CM, SM), pp. 1100–1103.
ICPR-2012-SiddiquieFDD #detection #invariant- Unsupervised model selection for view-invariant object detection in surveillance environments (BS, RSF, AD, LSD), pp. 3252–3255.
KDD-2012-AgarwalSS #named #performance- SmartDispatch: enabling efficient ticket dispatch in an IT service environment (SA, RS, BS), pp. 1393–1401.
KDD-2012-Douglas #modelling #multi #predict- Leveraging predictive modeling to reduce signal theft in a multi-service organization environment (SD), p. 1004.
KDD-2012-HoensC #learning- Learning in non-stationary environments with class imbalance (TRH, NVC), pp. 168–176.
KDD-2012-SchifanellaCCA #dependence #named #web- D-INDEX: a web environment for analyzing dependences among scientific collaborators (CS, LDC, MC, MAA), pp. 1520–1523.
KDIR-2012-Zamora-MartinezRPT #empirical #network- Some Empirical Evaluations of a Temperature Forecasting Module based on Artificial Neural Networks for a Domotic Home Environment (FZM, PR, JP, DT), pp. 206–211.
KMIS-2012-HanelF #towards- Facing the Change — Towards a Dynamic Decision Making in Manufacturing Environments (TH, CF), pp. 107–112.
KMIS-2012-MartinsCJ #architecture #collaboration #distributed #ontology #repository- Architecture of a Collaborative Business Intelligence Environment based on an Ontology Repository and Distributed Data Services (VAM, JPCLdC, RTdSJ), pp. 99–106.
KR-2012-FelliGL #ltl #multi #protocol #specification- Synthesizing Agent Protocols From LTL Specifications Against Multiple Partially-Observable Environments (PF, GDG, AL).
SEKE-2012-RodriguesZJGMD #automation #named #product line- PlugSPL: An Automated Environment for Supporting Plugin-based Software Product Lines (EdMR, AFZ, EAdOJ, IMdSG, JCM, ARPD), pp. 647–650.
SIGIR-2012-BaskayaKJ #interactive #simulation- Time drives interaction: simulating sessions in diverse searching environments (FB, HK, KJ), pp. 105–114.
ECMFA-2012-PfeifferW #development #multi #named- TexMo: A Multi-language Development Environment (RHP, AW), pp. 178–193.
Onward-2012-KatsVKV #development #research #web- Software development environments on the web: a research agenda (LCLK, RGV, KTK, EV), pp. 99–116.
Onward-2012-TaeumelSH #programming #runtime- The VIVIDE programming environment: connecting run-time information with programmers’ system knowledge (MT, BS, RH), pp. 117–126.
OOPSLA-2012-MusluBHEN #analysis #development #ide #recommendation- Speculative analysis of integrated development environment recommendations (KM, YB, RH, MDE, DN), pp. 669–682.
PADL-2012-MartinsME #functional #programming- The Environment as an Argument — Context-Aware Functional Programming (PMM, JAM, SE), pp. 48–62.
RE-2012-YiZ0J #collaboration #feature model #modelling #named- CoFM: An environment for collaborative feature modeling (LY, HZ, WZ, ZJ), pp. 317–318.
SAC-2012-ErraS #3d #towards #visualisation- Towards the visualization of software systems as 3D forests: the CodeTrees environment (UE, GS), pp. 981–988.
SAC-2012-LocoroMS #collaboration #evolution #ontology #validation- Evolving and validating annotations in web-based collaborative environments through ontology matching (AL, VM, AMS), pp. 725–727.
SAC-2012-MahdianGTM #smarttech #using- Location based routing using smartphones in an infrastructureless environment (AM, HG, ST, SM), pp. 594–599.
SAC-2012-SenarathneW #approach #coordination #multi- A two-level approach for multi-robot coordinated exploration of unstructured environments (PGCNS, DW), pp. 274–279.
SAC-2012-Skubch #constraints #realtime- Solving non-linear arithmetic constraints in soft realtime environments (HS), pp. 67–73.
FSE-2012-Murphy-HillJM #developer #development #recommendation- Improving software developers’ fluency by recommending development environment commands (ERMH, RJ, GCM), p. 42.
ICSE-2012-CunhaFMS12a #bidirectional #modelling #spreadsheet- A bidirectional model-driven spreadsheet environment (JC, JPF, JM, JS), pp. 1443–1444.
ICSE-2012-Imtiaz #architecture #distributed #perspective #traceability- Architectural task allocation in distributed environment: A traceability perspective (SI), pp. 1515–1518.
ICSE-2012-PloomSG #migration #process #scalability- Methodology for migration of long running process instances in a global large scale BPM environment in Credit Suisse’s SOA landscape (TP, SS, AG), pp. 977–986.
ICSE-2012-ReissBL #programming- Code Bubbles: A practical working-set programming environment (SPR, JNB, JJLJ), pp. 1411–1414.
ICSE-2012-TreudeGGS #development #interactive #named #using #visualisation- WorkItemExplorer: Visualizing software development tasks using an interactive exploration environment (CT, PG, LG, MADS), pp. 1399–1402.
SPLC-2012-LeitnerZTW #identification #variability- Requirement identification for variability management in a co-simulation environment (AL, JZ, PT, DW), pp. 269–274.
ASPLOS-2012-VasicNMKB #named #resource management- DejaVu: accelerating resource allocation in virtualized environments (NV, DMN, SM, DK, RB), pp. 423–436.
HPDC-2012-SharmaK #named- Singleton: system-wide page deduplication in virtual environments (PS, PK), pp. 15–26.
ICTSS-2012-HervieuBG #execution #experience #industrial #testing #variability- Managing Execution Environment Variability during Software Testing: An Industrial Experience (AH, BB, AG), pp. 24–38.
ISSTA-2012-IqbalAB #algorithm #embedded #empirical #modelling #realtime #testing- Empirical investigation of search algorithms for environment model-based testing of real-time embedded software (MZZI, AA, LCB), pp. 199–209.
WICSA-2011-BordeCFLLMPS #component #development #distributed #embedded #named #realtime- PRIDE — An Environment for Component-Based Development of Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems (EB, JC, JF, LL, TL, JM, AP, SS), pp. 351–354.
WICSA-2011-DemirliT #architecture #modelling #named- SAVE: Software Architecture Environment for Modeling Views (ED, BT), pp. 355–358.
WICSA-2011-FaniyiBEK #architecture #predict #security- Evaluating Security Properties of Architectures in Unpredictable Environments: A Case for Cloud (FF, RB, AE, RK), pp. 127–136.
ASE-2011-AcherCLF11a #feature model #modelling- Decomposing feature models: language, environment, and applications (MA, PC, PL, RBF), pp. 600–603.
DAC-2011-YunKKH #embedded #manycore #parallel #simulation- Simulation environment configuration for parallel simulation of multicore embedded systems (DY, JK, SK, SH), pp. 345–350.
DATE-2011-BeutelBFKZT #named- X-SENSE: Sensing in extreme environments (JB, BB, FF, MK, MZ, LT), pp. 1460–1465.
ICDAR-2011-ClausnerPA #documentation #layout #named- Aletheia — An Advanced Document Layout and Text Ground-Truthing System for Production Environments (CC, SP, AA), pp. 48–52.
SIGMOD-2011-Bajda-PawlikowskiASP #execution #performance #query- Efficient processing of data warehousing queries in a split execution environment (KBP, DJA, AS, EP), pp. 1165–1176.
SIGMOD-2011-ChiticariuCDGHKLLLRRVZ #development #ide #information management- The SystemT IDE: an integrated development environment for information extraction rules (LC, VC, SD, TWG, HH, RK, AL, YL, BL, SR, FR, SV, HZ), pp. 1291–1294.
VLDB-2012-YangRW11 #clustering #streaming #summary- Summarization and Matching of Density-Based Clusters in Streaming Environments (DY, EAR, MOW), pp. 121–132.
CSEET-2011-RongZCS #challenge #education- Delivering PSP course in tertiary education environment: Challenges and solution (GR, HZ, ZC, DS), pp. 284–293.
CSEET-2011-SouzaMB #evaluation #named #process #programming #testing- ProgTest: An environment for the submission and evaluation of programming assignments based on testing activities (DMdS, JCM, EFB), pp. 1–10.
ITiCSE-2011-LeeR #algorithm #behaviour #towards #visualisation- Toward replicating handmade algorithm visualization behaviors in a digital environment: a pre-study (MHL, GR), pp. 198–202.
ITiCSE-2011-MesserK #problem #process- The use of mediating artifacts in embedding problem solving processes in an e-learning environment (OMM, AK), p. 390.
ITiCSE-2011-YooSKF #named #programming- WeScheme: the browser is your programming environment (DY, ES, SK, KF), pp. 163–167.
ITiCSE-2011-ZarbH #programming- Exploring flow in novice programming environments (MZ, JH), p. 394.
CSMR-2011-FreyH #architecture #constraints #detection #legacy #migration- An Extensible Architecture for Detecting Violations of a Cloud Environment’s Constraints during Legacy Software System Migration (SF, WH), pp. 269–278.
ICPC-2011-Storey #interactive #java #revisited #source code #visualisation- An Interactive Visualization Environment for Exploring Java Programs: SHriMP Views Revisited (MADS), p. xviii.
PASTE-2011-QiNSR- Locating failure-inducing environment changes (DQ, MNN, TS, AR), pp. 29–36.
AGTIVE-2011-Kocsis- Best Practices to Model Business Services in Complex IT Environments (ZK), p. 1.
CHI-2011-BragdonNLH #analysis #design #gesture #mobile- Experimental analysis of touch-screen gesture designs in mobile environments (AB, EN, YL, KH), pp. 403–412.
CHI-2011-ChoiHLLL #interactive #named- RemoteTouch: touch-screen-like interaction in the tv viewing environment (SC, JH, GL, NL, WL), pp. 393–402.
CHI-2011-DabbishMG #self #why- Why do i keep interrupting myself?: environment, habit and self-interruption (LD, GM, VMG), pp. 3127–3130.
CHI-2011-EricksonSKL #evaluation #interactive- Synchronous interaction among hundreds: an evaluation of a conference in an avatar-based virtual environment (TE, NSS, WAK, DWL), pp. 503–512.
CHI-2011-KinMBDHA #multi #named- Eden: a professional multitouch tool for constructing virtual organic environments (KK, TM, BB, TD, BH, MA), pp. 1343–1352.
CHI-2011-MorrisonVM #interactive- Building sensitising terms to understand free-play in open-ended interactive art environments (AJM, SV, PM), pp. 2335–2344.
CHI-2011-RaijGKS #mobile #privacy #risk management #smarttech- Privacy risks emerging from the adoption of innocuous wearable sensors in the mobile environment (AR, AG, SK, MBS), pp. 11–20.
CHI-2011-RyokaiOMA #named- GreenHat: exploring the natural environment through experts’ perspectives (KR, LO, MM, AMA), pp. 2149–2152.
CHI-2011-TashmanE11a #flexibility #multi #named- LiquidText: a flexible, multitouch environment to support active reading (CST, WKE), pp. 3285–3294.
CSCW-2011-BouwerNE #collaboration #navigation #towards- Towards support for collaborative navigation in complex indoor environments (AB, FN, VE), pp. 601–604.
CSCW-2011-LobunetsP #game studies #prototype- Evaluating a smart working environment with a digital card game prototype (OL, WP), pp. 673–676.
CSCW-2011-MarshallRP #interactive #physics #using- Using F-formations to analyse spatial patterns of interaction in physical environments (PM, YR, NP), pp. 445–454.
CSCW-2011-SemaanM #trust- Creating a context of trust with ICTs: restoring a sense of normalcy in the environment (BS, GM), pp. 255–264.
DHM-2011-BenderiusMWW #analysis #modelling #optimisation #simulation- A Simulation Environment for Analysis and Optimization of Driver Models (OB, GM, KW, MW), pp. 453–462.
DHM-2011-ElepfandtS #artificial reality #interactive #multimodal- Multimodal, Touchless Interaction in Spatial Augmented Reality Environments (ME, MS), pp. 263–271.
DHM-2011-KaklanisMMT #assessment #automation #framework- A Framework for Automatic Simulated Accessibility Assessment in Virtual Environments (NK, PM, KM, DT), pp. 302–311.
DHM-2011-TangwenF #analysis #architecture #cumulative #learning #polymorphism- Polymorphic Cumulative Learning in Integrated Cognitive Architectures for Analysis of Pilot-Aircraft Dynamic Environment (TY, SF), pp. 409–416.
DUXU-v2-2011-DahlS #case study #composition #interface #smarttech #usability- End-User Composition Interfaces for Smart Environments: A Preliminary Study of Usability Factors (YD, RMS), pp. 118–127.
HCD-2011-AndradeTSRB #3d #multi #navigation #testing #usability- Usability Tests for Improvement of 3D Navigation in Multiscale Environments (TMA, DRT, ERS, ABR, SDJB), pp. 481–490.
HCI-DDA-2011-SeisslerBM #adaptation #runtime #smarttech #towards #user interface- Towards Pattern-Driven Engineering of Run-Time Adaptive User Interfaces for Smart Production Environments (MS, KB, GM), pp. 299–308.
HCI-DDA-2011-SeoCH #comparison #mobile #performance- Imaged Based Codes Performance Comparison for Mobile Environments (JS, JHC, TDH), pp. 653–659.
HCI-DDA-2011-ZakiF #smarttech- User-Oriented Accessibility Patterns for Smart Environments (MZ, PF), pp. 319–327.
HCI-ITE-2011-BarbuceanuADR #analysis #artificial reality #interactive #user interface- Attentive User Interface for Interaction within Virtual Reality Environments Based on Gaze Analysis (FB, CA, MD, ZR), pp. 204–213.
HCI-ITE-2011-UllahLORM #case study #collaboration #distributed #interactive #what- What You Feel Is What I Do: A Study of Dynamic Haptic Interaction in Distributed Collaborative Virtual Environment (SU, XL, SO, PR, MM), pp. 140–147.
HCI-ITE-2011-ZhouDC #smarttech #user interface- Innovative User Interfaces for Wearable Computers in Real Augmented Environment (YZ, BD, RC), pp. 500–509.
HCI-MIIE-2011-BraunK #identification #smarttech- Passive Identification and Control of Arbitrary Devices in Smart Environments (AB, FK), pp. 147–154.
HCI-MIIE-2011-CarrinoMKI #approach #hybrid #interactive #named #towards- ARAMIS: Toward a Hybrid Approach for Human- Environment Interaction (SC, EM, OAK, RI), pp. 165–174.
HCI-MIIE-2011-CasillasM #documentation #process- Field to File: A Tool for Activity Documentation Work in Remote Mobility Environments (RC, ALM), pp. 3–12.
HCI-MIIE-2011-WangZYZSP #what- Believe What You Hear, Not What You See — Vision Interferes with Auditory Route Guidance in Complex Environment (YW, HZ, LY, KZ, XS, TP), pp. 346–354.
HCI-UA-2011-AbrahamJ #comprehension #perspective #why- An Enriched Understanding of Why the Environment and Individual Characteristics Are Important in Understanding Technology Utilization in Healthcare: An Evolutionary Psychology Perspective (CA, IAJ), pp. 141–150.
HCI-UA-2011-AdamsS #learning- A Web-Based Learning Environment to Support Chemistry (CA, CS), pp. 3–11.
HCI-UA-2011-Chu #navigation- Windows Positioning System: Aural Assistance Environment for the Aging in Windows Navigation (CNC), pp. 435–438.
HCI-UA-2011-FiddianBMFCKML #case study #design- An End User and Environment Field Study for an Inclusive Design of Consumer Products (TF, CB, MM, AF, JOC, PTK, YM, ML), pp. 443–452.
HCI-UA-2011-Klenner-Moore #learning #process- Creating a New Context for Activity in Blended Learning Environments: Engaging the Twitchy Fingers (JKM), pp. 61–67.
HCI-UA-2011-LeeKJ #analysis #fault- Control Error Analysis of Computerized Operational Environment in Nuclear Power Plants (SJL, JK, SCJ), pp. 360–367.
HCI-UA-2011-OhkuraKKTESIW #using- Restoration Support System for a Historic Textile Market Using Virtual Environment (MO, MK, YK, ST, HE, AS, TI, YW), pp. 413–422.
HIMI-v1-2011-LeeKW #authentication #multi #smarttech #using- Cryptanalysis to a Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards for Multi-server Environment (YL, JK, DW), pp. 321–329.
HIMI-v1-2011-MarincSBLHK #interactive #personalisation- Interactive Personalization of Ambient Assisted Living Environments (AM, CS, AB, CL, CH, AK), pp. 567–576.
HIMI-v1-2011-MoghaddamB #interactive #multi #named #visualisation- VICPAM: A Visualization Tool for Examining Interaction Data in Multiple Display Environments (RZM, BPB), pp. 278–287.
IDGD-2011-BaZ #bibliography- A Review of Driver Mental Workload in Driver-Vehicle-Environment System (YB, WZ), pp. 125–134.
OCSC-2011-PuseyM #collaboration #design #learning #recommendation #wiki- Assessments in Large- and Small-Scale Wiki Collaborative Learning Environments: Recommendations for Educators and Wiki Designers (PP, GM), pp. 60–68.
EDOC-2011-PsaierSSD #resource management- Resource and Agreement Management in Dynamic Crowdcomputing Environments (HP, FS, DS, SD), pp. 193–202.
EDOC-2011-SchleicherFGLNSS #strict- Compliance Domains: A Means to Model Data-Restrictions in Cloud Environments (DS, CF, SG, FL, AN, PS, DS), pp. 257–266.
ICEIS-v1-2011-ChengL #anti #network- An Anti-phishing Model for Ecommerce under a Network Environment (YC, GL), pp. 400–404.
ICEIS-v1-2011-Cuzzocrea #approach #information management #mining- A UML-extended Approach for Mining OLAP Data Cubes in Complex Knowledge Discovery Environments (AC), pp. 281–289.
ICEIS-v1-2011-GuGGL #case study- Study on Green Tourism Consumptions of Chinese Tourist with Different Environment Perception (HmG, JG, FG, SL), pp. 457–468.
ICEIS-v1-2011-MakkiAGJ #evaluation #performance #query #semantics- Performance Evaluation of Query Trimming Strategies in Semantic Caching Environment (SKM, SA, YG, MSJ), pp. 169–176.
ICEIS-v2-2011-GoncalvesFCFOS #modelling #multi- MAS-ML Tool — A Modeling Environment for Multi-agent Systems (EJTG, KF, MIC, ARF, FRO, VTdS), pp. 192–197.
ICEIS-v3-2011-ChenE #adaptation #in the cloud- Adapting SCADA Systems to Cloud Computing Environment (ZC, DE), pp. 559–563.
ICEIS-v3-2011-GongZPJ #information management #integration #network #research- Research on Issues Related to Copyright Information Service Integration in Network Environment (XG, ZZ, JP, DJ), pp. 459–466.
ICEIS-v3-2011-PapatheocharousTYA #agile #cost analysis #development #diagrams #estimation #modelling #using- Cost Modeling and Estimation in Agile Software Development Environments using Influence Diagrams (EP, DT, PSY, ASA), pp. 117–127.
ICEIS-v3-2011-ViriyasitavatM #formal method #requirements #specification #trust #workflow- Formalizing Trust Requirements and Specification in Service Workflow Environments (WV, AM), pp. 196–206.
ICEIS-v3-2011-Zhu #e-commerce #information management- The Information System of Bank Under the e-Commerce Environment (LZ), pp. 554–558.
ICEIS-v4-2011-SchulteKRF #research #towards- Laboratory 2.0 — Towards an Integrated Research Environment for Engineering Mechanics (JS, RK, JR, FF), pp. 407–412.
CIKM-2011-DadzieUZW #ide #information management #semantics- An integrated environment for semantic knowledge work (ASD, VSU, ZZ, PW), pp. 2529–2532.
CIKM-2011-KrishnaswamyGG #data type #mining #mobile #roadmap #ubiquitous- Advances in data stream mining for mobile and ubiquitous environments (SK, JG, MMG), pp. 2607–2608.
CIKM-2011-VirgilioOTT #flexibility #information management #semantics- Semantic data markets: a flexible environment for knowledge management (RDV, GO, LT, RT), pp. 1559–1564.
KDD-2011-ChenGTY #rating- User reputation in a comment rating environment (BCC, JG, BLT, JY), pp. 159–167.
KEOD-2011-BeheNGK #3d #multi #semantics- Semantic Management of Intelligent Multi-agents Systems in a 3D Environment (FB, CN, SG, AK), pp. 91–98.
KEOD-2011-LimYSH #metric #modelling #robust #semantics- Robust Semantic World Modeling by Beta Measurement Likelihood in a Dynamic Indoor Environment (GHL, CY, IHS, SWH), pp. 311–316.
KMIS-2011-BuresPCO #framework #interactive #towards- Interactive Digital TV as the e-Learning Platform — Towards Supportive Environments for Elderly (VB, DP, PC, TO), pp. 107–113.
KMIS-2011-JezekB #case study #deployment #framework #tool support- Extra-functional Properties Framework with Configuration based on Deployment Environment — Tool Demonstration and Case-study (KJ, PB), pp. 322–325.
SEKE-2011-FaureFHUV #execution #ubiquitous- User-defined Scenarios in Ubiquitous Environments: Creation, Execution Control and Sharing (MF, LF, MH, CU, SV), pp. 302–307.
Onward-2011-PetersLH #smarttech- The intuitive control of smart home and office environments (SP, VL, VH), pp. 113–114.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-CianconeFDMG #analysis #component #modelling #named #performance #reliability- KlaperSuite: An Integrated Model-Driven Environment for Reliability and Performance Analysis of Component-Based Systems (AC, AF, MLD, RM, VG), pp. 99–114.
GPCE-2011-ErdwegKRKOV #editing #library- Growing a language environment with editor libraries (SE, LCLK, TR, CK, KO, EV), pp. 167–176.
SAC-2011-AlencarRB #composition #evaluation #human-computer #hybrid- Composition of HCI evaluation methods for hybrid virtual environments (MFCA, ABR, SDJB), pp. 1237–1244.
SAC-2011-FontesNPC #architecture #detection #learning #problem- An agent-based architecture for supporting the workgroups creation and the detection of out-of-context conversation on problem-based learning in virtual learning environments (LMdOF, FMMN, AÁAP, GALdC), pp. 1175–1180.
SAC-2011-KookHLJK #embedded #linux #memory management #optimisation- Optimization of out of memory killer for embedded Linux environments (JK, SH, WL, EJ, JK), pp. 633–634.
SAC-2011-SouzaSSOW #navigation- Template-based autonomous navigation in urban environments (JRS, DOS, PYS, FSO, DFW), pp. 1376–1381.
SAC-2011-TrindadeR #3d #multi #navigation #using- Improving 3D navigation in multiscale environments using cubemap-based techniques (DRT, ABR), pp. 1215–1221.
SAC-2011-YouYH #framework #pipes and filters- A load-aware scheduler for MapReduce framework in heterogeneous cloud environments (HHY, CCY, JLH), pp. 127–132.
ICSE-2011-AndroutsopoulosBCGHLL #modelling #strict- Model projection: simplifying models in response to restricting the environment (KA, DB, DC, NG, MH, KL, ZL), pp. 291–300.
ICSE-2011-Chen #game studies #named #testing- GATE: game-based testing environment (NC), pp. 1078–1081.
ICSE-2011-ZhouM #developer #future of- Does the initial environment impact the future of developers (MZ, AM), pp. 271–280.
SPLC-2011-WendeAZK #development #modelling- Feature-Based Customisation of Tool Environments for Model-Driven Software Development (CW, UA, SZ, HK), pp. 45–54.
HPDC-2011-FadikaDGR #adaptation #pipes and filters- Adapting MapReduce for HPC environments (ZF, ED, MG, LR), pp. 263–264.
HPDC-2011-RaviBAC #framework #gpu #runtime- Supporting GPU sharing in cloud environments with a transparent runtime consolidation framework (VTR, MB, GA, STC), pp. 217–228.
ISMM-2011-HertzKKBDGB #garbage collection- Waste not, want not: resource-based garbage collection in a shared environment (MH, SK, EK, TB, CD, XG, JEB), pp. 65–76.
PPoPP-2011-PrabhakarSGK #multi- QoS aware storage cache management in multi-server environments (RP, SS, RG, MTK), pp. 289–290.
SOSP-2011-MickensD #execution #named #robust #web- Atlantis: robust, extensible execution environments for web applications (JWM, MD), pp. 217–231.
ICST-2011-Zech #in the cloud #security #testing- Risk-Based Security Testing in Cloud Computing Environments (PZ), pp. 411–414.
ECSA-2010-AltiBR #approach #modelling #pervasive #quality- Context-Aware Quality Model Driven Approach: A New Approach for Quality Control in Pervasive Computing Environments (AA, AB, PR), pp. 441–448.
CASE-2010-DoroodgarN #architecture #learning- A hierarchical reinforcement learning based control architecture for semi-autonomous rescue robots in cluttered environments (BD, GN), pp. 948–953.
CASE-2010-LiYG #learning- Learning compliance control of robot manipulators in contact with the unknown environment (YL, CY, SSG), pp. 644–649.
CASE-2010-MobediN #3d- An active light sensory system for 3D mapping of unknown cluttered environments (BM, GN), pp. 954–959.
CASE-2010-NetoMPM #programming- CAD-based robot programming: The role of Fuzzy-PI force control in unstructured environments (PN, NM, JNP, APM), pp. 362–367.
DAC-2010-ChenXDM #manycore #modelling #performance- Performance and power modeling in a multi-programmed multi-core environment (XC, CX, RPD, ZMM), pp. 813–818.
DAC-2010-DhimanMR #modelling #online #predict #using- A system for online power prediction in virtualized environments using Gaussian mixture models (GD, KM, TR), pp. 807–812.
DATE-2010-ShenHH #adaptation #configuration management- Learning-based adaptation to applications and environments in a reconfigurable Network-on-Chip (JSS, CHH, PAH), pp. 381–386.
DocEng-2010-TruranGCZ #documentation #readability- Assessing the readability of clinical documents in a document engineering environment (MT, GG, MC, DZ), pp. 125–134.
HT-2010-TielletPRLC #design #evaluation #learning- Design and evaluation of a hypervideo environment to support veterinary surgery learning (CABT, AGP, EBR, JVdL, TC), pp. 213–222.
HT-2010-TielletPRLC10a #learning #named- HVet: a hypervideo environment to support veterinary surgery learning (CABT, AGP, EBR, JVdL, TC), pp. 313–314.
ITiCSE-2010-Cox #development #education #usability- Usability, engagement & development of a digital usability laboratory in a higher education environment (DC), pp. 269–273.
FASE-2010-XiaoOWL #development #scheduling- Dynamic Resource Scheduling in Disruption-Prone Software Development Environments (JX, LJO, QW, ML), pp. 107–122.
TACAS-2010-ParizekK #component #detection #fault #java #performance #random #using- Efficient Detection of Errors in Java Components Using Random Environment and Restarts (PP, TK), pp. 451–465.
ICSM-2010-HayashiSS #comprehension #implementation #interactive #named- iFL: An interactive environment for understanding feature implementations (SH, KS, MS), pp. 1–5.
ICALP-v1-2010-EisenbrandHNSVW #realtime #scheduling- Scheduling Periodic Tasks in a Hard Real-Time Environment (FE, NH, MN, MS, JV, AW), pp. 299–311.
IFM-2010-Stratulat #induction #proving- Integrating Implicit Induction Proofs into Certified Proof Environments (SS), pp. 320–335.
GT-VMT-2010-StroblM #editing #generative #interactive #modelling #specification #visual notation- Specifying and Generating Editing Environments for Interactive Animated Visual Models (TS, MM).
ICGT-2010-Biermann #emf #formal method #graph transformation #model transformation- EMF Model Transformation Based on Graph Transformation: Formal Foundation and Tool Environment (EB), pp. 381–383.
CHI-2010-AssogbaD #bound #named #programming- Share: a programming environment for loosely bound cooperation (YA, JSD), pp. 961–970.
CHI-2010-BrandtDWK #development #programming #web- Example-centric programming: integrating web search into the development environment (JB, MD, MW, SRK), pp. 513–522.
CHI-2010-KangFK #social- Exploiting knowledge-in-the-head and knowledge-in-the-social-web: effects of domain expertise on exploratory search in individual and social search environments (RK, WTF, TGK), pp. 393–402.
CHI-2010-SjolieBEEJN #3d #process- Effects of interactivity and 3D-motion on mental rotation brain activity in an immersive virtual environment (DS, KB, EE, JE, LEJ, LN), pp. 869–878.
CHI-2010-SugiuraSWII #design- Cooking with robots: designing a household system working in open environments (YS, DS, AIW, MI, TI), pp. 2427–2430.
CHI-2010-UnruhSCP- Transforming clinic environments into information workspaces for patients (KTU, MMS, ACH, WP), pp. 183–192.
SOFTVIS-2010-JeanA #named #prototype #realtime #visual notation- VIPERS: visual prototyping environment for real-time imaging systems (FJ, ABA), pp. 211–212.
SOFTVIS-2010-ParninGR #interactive #maintenance #named #programming- CodePad: interactive spaces for maintaining concentration in programming environments (CP, CG, SR), pp. 15–24.
SOFTVIS-2010-PauwH #named #scalability #visual notation- Zinsight: a visual and analytic environment for exploring large event traces (WDP, SH), pp. 143–152.
SIGAda-2010-RasC #runtime- A deterministic run-time environment for Ada-05 on the ATmega16 microcontroller (JR, AMKC), pp. 13–22.
CAiSE-2010-HolmesZDD #internet #monitoring- Monitoring and Analyzing Service-Based Internet Systems through a Model-Aware Service Environment (TH, UZ, FD, SD), pp. 98–112.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-KetataMMH #automation #maintenance #ontology #performance- Efficient Semi-automatic Maintenance of Mapping between Ontologies in a Biomedical Environment (IK, RM, FM, AH), pp. 257–262.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-PreisslerHL #data type #streaming- Process-based Data Streaming in Service-oriented Environments — Application and Technique (SP, DH, WL), pp. 40–49.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-AstolfiMSA #difference #enterprise #people #problem #using- Using Cultural Differences to Join People with Common Interests or Problems in Enterprise Environment (GA, VMAdM, MARS, JCA), pp. 192–197.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-DiosERR #collaboration #learning- Virtual and Collaborative Environment for Learning Maths (AQD, AHE, IVR, ÁMdR), pp. 86–90.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-FerrazS #analysis #multi #named- GlobeOLAP — Improving the Geospatial Realism in Multidimensional Analysis Environment (VRTF, MTPS), pp. 99–107.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-LeiteGPSCBS #education #interface- A User-interface Environment as a Support in Maths Teaching for Deaf Children (MDL, LSG, ARP, MSS, MAC, LCEB, FS), pp. 79–85.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-FernandesPMP #execution #optimisation #process- Integrating and Optimizing Business Process Execution in P2P Environments (MF, MP, JAM, JSP), pp. 171–177.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-ZhangJ #challenge #comprehension #data access #multi- Understanding Access Control Challenges in Loosely-Coupled Multidomain Environments (YZ, JBDJ), pp. 356–361.
ICEIS-J-2010-DiosERR10a #collaboration #student- A Virtual Collaborative Environment Helps University Students to Learn Maths (AQD, AHE, IVR, ÁMdR), pp. 600–606.
ICEIS-J-2010-VinhasOR10a #assessment #multi #named #realtime- BioStories: Dynamic Multimedia Environments Based on Real-Time Audience Emotion Assessment (VV, ECO, LPR), pp. 512–525.
CIKM-2010-ShinPWL #data type #execution #named #online- i-SEE: integrated stream execution environment over on-line data streams (SJS, HKP, HJW, WSL), pp. 1959–1960.
ICPR-2010-DederscheckZFM- Optical Rails: View-Based Track Following with Hemispherical Environment Model and Orientation View Descriptors (DD, MZ, HF, RM), pp. 2752–2755.
ICPR-2010-DitzlerPC #algorithm #incremental #learning- An Incremental Learning Algorithm for Non-stationary Environments and Class Imbalance (GD, RP, NVC), pp. 2997–3000.
ICPR-2010-KanetoNB #estimation #realtime #using- Real-Time User Position Estimation in Indoor Environments Using Digital Watermarking for Audio Signals (RK, YN, NB), pp. 97–100.
ICPR-2010-Nolazco-FloresLG #automation #recognition #speech- Speech Magnitude-Spectrum Information-Entropy (MSIE) for Automatic Speech Recognition in Noisy Environments (JANF, RAAL, LPGP), pp. 4364–4367.
ICPR-2010-RudinacJ #detection #locality- Saliency Detection and Object Localization in Indoor Environments (MR, PPJ), pp. 404–407.
ICPR-2010-SunDTX #approach #locality #multi #robust- A Robust Approach for Person Localization in Multi-camera Environment (LS, HD, LT, GX), pp. 4036–4039.
ICPR-2010-TawariT #analysis #speech- Speech Emotion Analysis in Noisy Real-World Environment (AT, MMT), pp. 4605–4608.
KEOD-2010-LimaFC #approach #collaboration #information management #semantics- A Knowledge Engineering Approach Supporting Collaborative Working Environments based on Semantic Services (CL, PF, RC), pp. 123–132.
KEOD-2010-Occelli #policy- Reconciling Tempus and Hora — Policy Knowledge in an Information Wired Environment (SO), pp. 213–217.
KMIS-2010-HoH #effectiveness #library #network #social- Effectiveness of Social Networking in a University Library Environment (HIH, JH), pp. 307–310.
KR-2010-AntoniouPB #reasoning- Reasoning about Context in Ambient Intelligence Environments: A Report from the Field (GA, CP, AB).
SEKE-2010-ChavesHVS #concept #development #distributed- A Context Conceptual Model for a Distributed Software Development Environment (APC, EHMH, VV, IS), pp. 437–442.
SEKE-2010-Pelaez #convergence #forensics #modelling #network- A Pattern Methodology for Modeling Network Forensic Investigations in Converged Tactical Environments (JCP), pp. 777–782.
SEKE-2010-PinheiroGMS #automation #industrial #testing- Introducing Automated Environment Configuration Testing in an Industrial Setting (CP, VG, FM, JS), pp. 186–191.
SEKE-2010-Yeh #animation #human-computer #interactive #learning- The effects of human-computer interaction modes for weak learners in an animation learning environment (YFY), pp. 18–23.
SIGIR-2010-Efron #hashtag #microblog #retrieval- Hashtag retrieval in a microblogging environment (ME), pp. 787–788.
SIGIR-2010-KardanGB #automation- A method to automatically construct a user knowledge model in a forum environment (AK, MG, BB), pp. 717–718.
MoDELS-v1-2010-IqbalAB #black box #case study #embedded #industrial #modelling #realtime #testing #uml- Environment Modeling with UML/MARTE to Support Black-Box System Testing for Real-Time Embedded Systems: Methodology and Industrial Case Studies (MZZI, AA, LCB), pp. 286–300.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-HalleuxT #named- Moles: Tool-Assisted Environment Isolation with Closures (JdH, NT), pp. 253–270.
SAC-2010-ChangLHCSYHK #embedded #manycore #modelling- SysML-based requirement modeling environment for multicore embedded system (CHC, CWL, NLH, WCC, CS, CTY, PAH, CSK), pp. 2224–2228.
SAC-2010-CostaMB #consistency #database #distributed #mobile #protocol- A distributed protocol for ensuring replicated database consistency in mobile computing environments (AC, JMM, AB), pp. 1688–1693.
SAC-2010-Fernandez-MarquezAS- Infrastructureless storage in dynamic environments (JLFM, JLA, GDMS), pp. 1334–1338.
SAC-2010-LeeKWAHP #3d #finite #random #using- Tracking random finite objects using 3D-LIDAR in marine environments (KWL, BK, WSW, MA, FSH, NMP), pp. 1282–1287.
SAC-2010-MelchiorsSMSPGT #distributed #network- A network polling solution through a P2P-based distributed management environment (CM, AHdS, DM, CRPdS, AP, LZG, LMRT), pp. 729–730.
SAC-2010-NardiniVP #coordination #semantics #tuple- Coordination in open and dynamic environments with TuCSoN semantic tuple centres (EN, MV, EP), pp. 2037–2044.
SAC-2010-ParizekY #component #interactive #traversal #using- Extraction of component-environment interaction model using state space traversal (PP, NY), pp. 2203–2210.
SAC-2010-WibisonoLZ #ad hoc #collaboration #framework #mobile #network- Collaborative context management framework for mobile ad hoc network environments (WW, SL, ABZ), pp. 558–562.
FSE-2010-WinbladhZR #interactive #modelling #named- iMuse: interactive model-based use-case and storytelling environment (KW, HZ, DJR), pp. 383–384.
ICSE-2010-BragdonRZKCKCAL #development #ide #paradigm #user interface- Code bubbles: rethinking the user interface paradigm of integrated development environments (AB, SPR, RCZ, SK, WC, JK, CC, FA, JJLJ), pp. 455–464.
ICSE-2010-DeLineR #development #towards- Code canvas: zooming towards better development environments (RD, KR), pp. 207–210.
ICSE-2010-DiosDSBCE #development #modelling #named #user interface- SSG: a model-based development environment for smart, security-aware GUIs (MAGdD, CD, MS, DAB, MC, ME), pp. 311–312.
HPCA-2010-KunduRDZ #modelling #performance- Application performance modeling in a virtualized environment (SK, RR, KD, MZ), pp. 1–10.
HPDC-2010-LinMAFGZ #named #pipes and filters- MOON: MapReduce On Opportunistic eNvironments (HL, XM, JSA, WcF, MKG, ZZ), pp. 95–106.
HPDC-2010-PanBM #multi #pipes and filters #query- Parallelizing multiple group-by query in share-nothing environment: a MapReduce study case (JP, YLB, FM), pp. 856–863.
HPDC-2010-RoderoJQPG #energy #towards- Towards energy-aware autonomic provisioning for virtualized environments (IR, JJ, AQ, MP, FG), pp. 320–323.
HPDC-2010-RoodGLS #performance #towards- Toward high performance computing in unconventional computing environments (BR, NG, MJL, NS), pp. 627–635.
HPDC-2010-TeodoroHCF #optimisation #runtime- Run-time optimizations for replicated dataflows on heterogeneous environments (GT, TDRH, ÜVÇ, RF), pp. 13–24.
HPDC-2010-ZhuA #adaptation #constraints #resource management- Resource provisioning with budget constraints for adaptive applications in cloud environments (QZ, GA), pp. 304–307.
CAV-2010-ChatterjeeHJS #probability- Measuring and Synthesizing Systems in Probabilistic Environments (KC, TAH, BJ, RS), pp. 380–395.
CSL-2010-CoeckeP #category theory #quantum- Environment and Classical Channels in Categorical Quantum Mechanics (BC, SP), pp. 230–244.
CBSE-2009-HauckKKR #component #execution #modelling #performance #predict- Modelling Layered Component Execution Environments for Performance Prediction (MH, MK, KK, RHR), pp. 191–208.
ASE-2009-WimmerKSKRS #debugging #petri net #qvt- A Petri Net Based Debugging Environment for QVT Relations (MW, GK, JS, AK, WR, WS), pp. 3–14.
CASE-2009-AllenGT #logic #nondeterminism #verification- Closed-loop determinism for non-deterministic environments: Verification for IEC 61499 logic controllers (LVA, KMG, DMT), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2009-FummiPR #design #embedded #middleware- Networked embedded system applications design driven by an abstract middleware environment (FF, GP, NR), pp. 1024–1029.
DATE-2009-GoossensVN #debugging- A high-level debug environment for communication-centric debug (KG, BV, ABN), pp. 202–207.
DATE-2009-GregertsenS #ada #multi #performance #runtime- An efficient and deterministic multi-tasking run-time environment for Ada and the Ravenscar profile on the Atmel AVR®32 UC3 microcontroller (KNG, AS), pp. 1572–1575.
DATE-2009-LiuX09a #framework #reduction- A generic framework for scan capture power reduction in fixed-length symbol-based test compression environment (XL, QX), pp. 1494–1499.
HT-2009-RosenC #analysis #network #social- Social network analysis in virtual environments (DR, MC), pp. 317–322.
HT-2009-StyliarasC #hypermedia #named #towards #web- HyperSea: towards a spatial hypertext environment for web 2.0 content (GDS, SPC), pp. 35–44.
ICDAR-2009-AbdulkaderC #fault #learning #low cost #multi #using- Low Cost Correction of OCR Errors Using Learning in a Multi-Engine Environment (AA, MRC), pp. 576–580.
SIGMOD-2009-LiuMBJILG #named #physics- SmartCIS: integrating digital and physical environments (ML, SRM, ZB, MJ, ZGI, BTL, SG), pp. 1111–1114.
SIGMOD-2009-NehmeLBR #approach #data type #named #privacy #security #towards- StreamShield: a stream-centric approach towards security and privacy in data stream environments (RVN, HSL, EB, EAR), pp. 1027–1030.
SIGMOD-2009-XuBEHS #clustering #enterprise #nondeterminism- E = MC3: managing uncertain enterprise data in a cluster-computing environment (FX, KSB, VE, PJH, EJS), pp. 441–454.
VLDB-2009-WongCHKM #mining #outsourcing- An Audit Environment for Outsourcing of Frequent Itemset Mining (WKW, DWLC, EH, BK, NM), pp. 1162–1172.
ITiCSE-2009-BuendiaCB #approach #learning- An instructional approach to drive computer science courses through virtual learning environments (FB, JCC, JVB), pp. 6–10.
ITiCSE-2009-MhiriR #development #learning #named- AARTIC: development of an intelligent environment for human learning (FM, SR), p. 359.
ITiCSE-2009-Pantaleev #learning #named #visual notation- Dzver: a visual computer science learning environment (AP), p. 387.
ITiCSE-2009-TiradoBMB #interactive #student- Inducing student interaction in a virtual environment (FT, AB, AM, AEDB), p. 378.
CSMR-2009-SpekK #framework- Transferring Software to a New Framework in a Brownfield Environment (PvdS, SK), pp. 311–312.
ICPC-2009-HouJJ #named #programming #towards- CnP: Towards an environment for the proactive management of copy-and-paste programming (DH, PJ, FJ), pp. 238–242.
SCAM-2009-Ward09a #maintenance #tool support- The FermaT Maintenance Environment Tool Demonstration (MPW), pp. 125–126.
PEPM-2009-LiT #clone detection #detection #erlang #refactoring- Clone detection and removal for Erlang/OTP within a refactoring environment (HL, SJT), pp. 169–178.
PEPM-2009-MoretBV #execution #named #profiling- CCCP: complete calling context profiling in virtual execution environments (PM, WB, AV), pp. 151–160.
CHI-2009-HerkVF #adaptation #programming- ESPranto SDK: an adaptive programming environment for tangible applications (RvH, JV, WF), pp. 849–858.
CHI-2009-KlokmoseB #interactive #multi #named- VIGO: instrumental interaction in multi-surface environments (CNK, MBL), pp. 869–878.
CHI-2009-LutherCSHJ #collaboration #named #online- Pathfinder: an online collaboration environment for citizen scientists (KL, SC, KBS, AH, PJ), pp. 239–248.
CHI-2009-PapeV #case study #dependence- An experimental study of field dependency in altered Gz environments (MALP, RKV), pp. 1255–1264.
DHM-2009-BurghardtK #approach #behaviour #modelling #probability #smarttech- A Probabilistic Approach for Modeling Human Behavior in Smart Environments (CB, TK), pp. 202–210.
DHM-2009-SchwartzeFA #behaviour #smarttech #user interface- Behavior-Sensitive User Interfaces for Smart Environments (VS, SF, SA), pp. 305–314.
HCD-2009-MoranC #comprehension #documentation #process- Understanding Activity Documentation Work in Remote Mobility Environments (ALM, RC), pp. 1023–1032.
HCD-2009-Rocker- Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease-of-Use of Ambient Intelligence Applications in Office Environments (CR), pp. 1052–1061.
HCD-2009-Vartiainen #collaboration #how #multi #question- Working in Multi-locational Office — How Do Collaborative Working Environments Support? (MV), pp. 1090–1098.
HCD-2009-Wurdel #collaboration #comprehension #towards- Towards an Holistic Understanding of Tasks, Objects and Location in Collaborative Environments (MW), pp. 357–366.
HCD-2009-YousefiSH #design #mobile- Human Centered Design of Mobile Machines by a Virtual Environment (HY, AMS, HH), pp. 1099–1108.
HCI-AUII-2009-GrammenosGPZSKTAS #agile #prototype- Rapid Prototyping of an AmI-Augmented Office Environment Demonstrator (DG, YG, NP, XZ, TS, SK, PT, AAA, CS), pp. 397–406.
HCI-AUII-2009-HermannBJKSS #challenge #smarttech- Challenges for User Centered Smart Environments (FH, RB, DJ, TK, AS, DS), pp. 407–415.
HCI-AUII-2009-HuangTKWLT #interactive #smarttech- Interaction Wearable Computer with Networked Virtual Environment (JyH, MCT, HCK, JJW, KHL, CHT), pp. 741–751.
HCI-AUII-2009-MatsuiIK #image #recognition #using- Front Environment Recognition of Personal Vehicle Using the Image Sensor and Acceleration Sensors for Everyday Computing (TM, TI, YK), pp. 151–158.
HCI-AUII-2009-WelchLLWSW #artificial reality #interactive #paradigm #social- An Affect-Sensitive Social Interaction Paradigm Utilizing Virtual Reality Environments for Autism Intervention (KCW, UL, CL, RW, NS, ZW), pp. 703–712.
HCI-AUII-2009-ZarraonandiaVDA #learning #protocol- A Virtual Environment for Learning Aiport Emergency Management Protocols (TZ, MRRV, PD, IA), pp. 228–235.
HCI-NIMT-2009-AtiaTMT #gesture #named #profiling #ubiquitous- UbiGesture: Customizing and Profiling Hand Gestures in Ubiquitous Environment (AA, ST, KM, JT), pp. 141–150.
HCI-NIMT-2009-BazarganF #3d #geometry #representation #specification- Specifying the Representation of Non-geometric Information in 3D Virtual Environments (KB, GF), pp. 773–782.
HCI-NIMT-2009-KitamuraSYFIK #interface #multi- Multi-modal Interface in Multi-Display Environment for Multi-users (YK, SS, TY, RF, YI, FK), pp. 66–74.
HCI-NIMT-2009-LeeJLYP #gesture #interface #multi- Gesture-Based Interface for Connection and Control of Multi-device in a Tabletop Display Environment (HL, HJ, JHL, KWY, JHP), pp. 216–225.
HCI-NIMT-2009-MatsumotoUYM #analysis #interactive #ubiquitous #video- Life with a Robot Companion: Video Analysis of 16-Days of Interaction with a Home Robot in a “Ubiquitous Home” Environment (NM, HU, TY, HM), pp. 341–350.
HCI-NIMT-2009-NagaiKI- A Basic Study on a Drawing-Learning Support System in the Networked Environment (TN, MK, KI), pp. 860–868.
HCI-NT-2009-AsteriadisKK #feature model #human-computer- Feature Extraction and Selection for Inferring User Engagement in an HCI Environment (SA, KK, SDK), pp. 22–29.
HCI-NT-2009-Balagtas-FernandezH #development #evaluation #interface #mobile- Evaluation of User-Interfaces for Mobile Application Development Environments (FTBF, HH), pp. 204–213.
HCI-VAD-2009-BreinerGMMZ #adaptation #runtime #user interface- Run-Time Adaptation of a Universal User Interface for Ambient Intelligent Production Environments (KB, DG, OM, GM, DZ), pp. 663–672.
HCI-VAD-2009-DeickeMP #development #editing #interactive- A Web-Based, Interactive Annotation Editor for the eCampus Development Environment for SCORM Compliant E-Learning Modules (BD, JTM, HMP), pp. 88–93.
HCI-VAD-2009-Lane #learning- Promoting Metacognition in Immersive Cultural Learning Environments (HCL), pp. 129–139.
HCI-VAD-2009-LeeC #game studies #information management #online- The Effects of Quest Types and Gaming Motivations on Players’ Knowledge Acquisitions in an Online Role-Playing Game Environment (JL, CYC), pp. 353–358.
HCI-VAD-2009-MajimaNMS #development #on-demand #student #ubiquitous- Development of Ubiquitous On-Demand Study Support Environment for Nursing Students (YM, YN, YM, YS), pp. 149–155.
HCI-VAD-2009-MazzolaM #adaptation #learning #student- Supporting Learners in Adaptive Learning Environments through the Enhancement of the Student Model (LM, RM), pp. 166–175.
HCI-VAD-2009-ParkHC #3d #analysis #experience #web- The Experience of Presence in 3D Web Environment: An Analysis of Korean Second Life (SP, HSH, MC), pp. 387–395.
HCI-VAD-2009-PohlDM #generative #ide #multi- From Paper to Module — An Integrated Environment for Generating SCORM Compliant Moodle Courses Out of Text and Multimedia Elements (HMP, BD, JTM), pp. 196–203.
HCI-VAD-2009-TamaokiTM #user interface- Developing Some User Interfaces of TV under Enormous Channels Environment (ST, TT, HM), pp. 624–631.
HCI-VAD-2009-ZhangLBAMY #development #learning #simulation #visualisation- Development of a Visualised Sound Simulation Environment: An e-Approach to a Constructivist Way of Learning (JZ, BL, IB, LA, YM, SY), pp. 266–275.
HIMI-DIE-2009-FederoffC #agile #enterprise #experience #user interface- Successful User Experience in an Agile Enterprise Environment (MF, CC), pp. 233–242.
HIMI-DIE-2009-TarasewichNS #mobile #privacy #security- Exploring Employee Perspectives on Information Privacy and Security in the Mobile Environment (PT, BN, MS), pp. 171–180.
HIMI-II-2009-Bunnig #privacy #ubiquitous- Smart Privacy Management in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (CB), pp. 131–139.
HIMI-II-2009-HadaS #development #mobile #process #using- Development of an Annotation-Based Classroom Activities Support Environment Using Digital Appliance, Mobile Device and PC (YH, MS), pp. 642–649.
HIMI-II-2009-IbrahimN #design #online #quote #web- “Online Legitimacy”: Defining Institutional Symbolisms for the Design of Information Artifact in the Web Mediated Information Environment (W-MIE) (ENMI, NLMN), pp. 65–73.
HIMI-II-2009-KwonSB #communication #comprehension- Redefining Interoperability: Understanding Police Communication Task Environments (GHK, TLSJ, CWB), pp. 797–805.
HIMI-II-2009-LigdaJLJ #automation #distributed #tool support #using- Pilot Confidence with ATC Automation Using Cockpit Situation Display Tools in a Distributed Traffic Management Environment (SVL, NHJ, JL, WWJ), pp. 816–825.
HIMI-II-2009-LiuZL #collaboration #design #effectiveness #empirical #learning #perspective- An Empirical Investigation on the Effectiveness of Virtual Learning Environment in Supporting Collaborative Learning: A System Design Perspective (NL, YZ, JL), pp. 650–659.
HIMI-II-2009-MarusterFH #design #learning #personalisation- Personalization for Specific Users: Designing Decision Support Systems to Support Stimulating Learning Environments (LM, NRF, RJFvH), pp. 660–668.
HIMI-II-2009-NishinoH #embedded #learning #named #visualisation- Minato: Integrated Visualization Environment for Embedded Systems Learning (YN, EH), pp. 325–333.
IDGD-2009-MiyabeY #communication #design #multi #people- Design of Face-to-Face Multilingual Communication Environment for Illiterate People (MM, TY), pp. 283–292.
OCSC-2009-BramanVDJ #learning- Learning Computer Science Fundamentals through Virtual Environments (JB, GV, AMAD, AJ), pp. 423–431.
OCSC-2009-HaslerBP #3d #collaboration #framework #research- Collaborative Work in 3D Virtual Environments: A Research Agenda and Operational Framework (BSH, TB, RP), pp. 23–32.
OCSC-2009-KadenbachK #challenge #collaboration #development #education #social #using- Benefits and Challenges of Using Collaborative Development Environments with Social Software in Higher Computer Science Education (DK, CK), pp. 479–487.
OCSC-2009-PastorRRHH #adaptation #community #distance #enterprise- Virtual Communities Adapted to the EHEA in an Enterprise Distance e-Learning Based Environment (RPV, TR, SR, RH, RH), pp. 488–497.
AdaEurope-2009-BerthomieuBCDFV #specification #verification- Formal Verification of AADL Specifications in the Topcased Environment (BB, JPB, CC, SDZ, MF, FV), pp. 207–221.
AdaEurope-2009-LasnierZPH #analysis #automation #code generation #modelling- Ocarina : An Environment for AADL Models Analysis and Automatic Code Generation for High Integrity Applications (GL, BZ, LP, JH), pp. 237–250.
SIGAda-2009-Gardinier #ada #development #open source #safety- Open source development of a safety critical dual redundant (Ada95/C++) signal control program environment (SCOPE) (MG), pp. 23–30.
CAiSE-2009-UbayashiONY #aspect-oriented #modelling- An Extensible Aspect-Oriented Modeling Environment (NU, GO, KN, JY), pp. 17–31.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-Geczy #behaviour #interactive #web- Human Behavior and Interactions in Web Environments (PG), pp. 5–6.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-AlbusacCLVL #analysis #detection- Intelligent Surveillance for Trajectory Analysis — Detecting Anomalous Situations in Monitored Environments (JA, JJCS, LJL, DV, LMLL), pp. 102–107.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-CardosoO #contract #monitoring- Monitoring Cooperative Business Contracts in an Institutional Environment (HLC, ECO), pp. 206–211.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-SpradoG #semantics- Semantic Argumentation in Dynamic Environments (JS, BG), pp. 236–241.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-GorawskiD #algorithm #distributed #execution #performance #query- Algorithms for Efficient Top-K Spatial Preference Query Execution in a Heterogeneous Distributed Environment (MG, KD), pp. 43–48.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-Casalino #aspect-oriented #learning- An Innovative Model of Trans-national Learning Environment for European Senior Civil Servants — Organizational Aspects and Governance (NC), pp. 148–153.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-SantosRG #collaboration #problem- Integrating VR in an Engineering Collaborative Problem Solving Environment (IHFdS, AR, MG), pp. 124–129.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-VinhasSOR #assessment #multi #realtime #towards- Dynamic Multimedia Environment based on Realtime user Emotion Assessment — Biometric User Data towards Affective Immersive Environments (VV, DCS, ECO, LPR), pp. 42–47.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-CiaramellaCLM #agile #process #prototype #using- Using BPMN and Tracing for Rapid Business Process Prototyping Environments (AC, MGCAC, BL, FM), pp. 206–212.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-LundbergG #approach #distributed #information management #robust #towards- Robust Approach Towards Context Dependant Information Sharing in Distributed Environments (JL, RG), pp. 200–205.
ICEIS-J-2009-MullerKEHZ #as a service #enterprise #multitenancy- Customizing Enterprise Software as a Service Applications: Back-End Extension in a Multi-tenancy Environment (JM, JK, SE, MH, AZ), pp. 66–77.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-Bogelsack #enterprise #performance- Performance Overhead of ERP Systems in Paravirtualized Environments (AB), pp. 200–207.
CIKM-2009-JinSLY #algorithm #flexibility #simulation- A flexible simulation environment for flash-aware algorithms (PJ, XS, ZL, LY), pp. 2093–2094.
CIKM-2009-WooSYL #data type #named- DS-Cuber: an integrated OLAP environment for data streams (HJW, SJS, WSY, WSL), pp. 2067–2068.
ICML-2009-HazanS #algorithm #learning #performance- Efficient learning algorithms for changing environments (EH, CS), pp. 393–400.
KEOD-2009-MoulinL #approach #distributed #ontology #semantics- Ontologies based Approach for Semantic Indexing in Distributed Environments (CM, CL), pp. 420–423.
SEKE-2009-EzenwoyeVSFDK #adaptation #composition #distributed #staging #workflow- Task Decomposition for Adaptive Data Staging in Workflows for Distributed Environments (OE, BV, SMS, LF, GD, SK), pp. 16–19.
SEKE-2009-MoavenAHK #architecture- Decision Support System Environment for Software Architecture Style Selection (DESAS v1.0) (SM, HA, JH, AK), pp. 147–151.
SEKE-2009-RetkowitzAN #smarttech #towards- Towards Mobility Support in Smart Environments (DR, IA, MN), pp. 603–608.
SEKE-2009-SeidelGFBM- An Agent-based Centralized e-Marketplace in a Virtual Environment (IS, MG, JF, HB, DM), pp. 218–221.
ECMDA-FA-2009-EvansFM #case study #eclipse #experience #modelling #network #using- Experiences of Developing a Network Modeling Tool Using the Eclipse Environment (AE, MAF, PM), pp. 301–312.
MoDELS-2009-ThumSS #collaboration #lightweight #modelling #named- SLIM — A Lightweight Environment for Synchronous Collaborative Modeling (CT, MS, MS), pp. 137–151.
MoDELS-2009-ThumSS #collaboration #lightweight #modelling #named- SLIM — A Lightweight Environment for Synchronous Collaborative Modeling (CT, MS, MS), pp. 137–151.
ECOOP-2009-GilS #question- Are We Ready for a Safer Construction Environment? (JYG, TS), pp. 495–519.
OOPSLA-2009-KatsJNV #agile #composition #fault #feedback #parsing- Providing rapid feedback in generated modular language environments: adding error recovery to scannerless generalized-LR parsing (LCLK, MdJ, ENN, EV), pp. 445–464.
OOPSLA-2009-LeeHGM #debugging- Debug all your code: portable mixed-environment debugging (BL, MH, RG, KSM), pp. 207–226.
RE-2009-LongLYJ #approach #evaluation #requirements #security- AVT Vector: A Quantitative Security Requirements Evaluation Approach Based on Assets, Vulnerabilities and Trustworthiness of Environment (TL, LL, YY, ZJ), pp. 377–378.
SAC-2009-CerutiDTPDTLMAFRLE #communication #gesture #recognition- Wireless communication glove apparatus for motion tracking, gesture recognition, data transmission, and reception in extreme environments (MGC, VVD, NXT, HVP, LD, TAT, GL, EWM, OA, SF, GJR, RL, JE), pp. 172–176.
SAC-2009-EirakuSPKK #network #performance #virtual machine- Fast networking with socket-outsourcing in hosted virtual machine environments (HE, YS, CP, YK, KK), pp. 310–317.
SAC-2009-Fernandez-MarquezA- Keeping diversity when exploring dynamic environments (JLFM, JLA), pp. 1192–1196.
SAC-2009-HohfeldGBBSS #collaboration #multi #self- Self-organizing collaborative filtering in global-scale massive multi-user virtual environments (AH, PG, AB, JB, HS, IS), pp. 1719–1723.
SAC-2009-KatoriSNN #embedded #multi #self- Building a self-healing embedded system in a multi-OS environment (TK, LS, DKN, TN), pp. 293–298.
SAC-2009-MartinsBPS #feedback #information retrieval- Implicit relevance feedback for context-aware information retrieval in UbiLearning environments (DSM, MB, AFdP, WLdS), pp. 659–663.
SAC-2009-MendesPDB #ad hoc #execution #named #process #specification #web #web service- WebFlowAH: an environment for ad-hoc specification and execution of web services-based processes (RM, PFP, FCD, TVB), pp. 692–693.
SAC-2009-MonacoNP #architecture #latency #orthogonal #realtime #requirements #scheduling- An orthogonal real-time scheduling architecture for responsiveness QoS requirements in SOA environments (FJM, MN, MLMP), pp. 1990–1995.
SAC-2009-ParkH #embedded #fine-grained #operating system #programming #using- Building a customizable embedded operating system with fine-grained joinpoints using the AOX programming environment (JP, SH), pp. 1952–1956.
SAC-2009-PrettoMLSP #artificial reality- Augmented reality environment for life support training (FP, IHM, MHIL, ERdS, MSP), pp. 836–841.
ESEC-FSE-2009-PaveseBU #analysis #behaviour #modelling #probability- Probabilistic environments in the quantitative analysis of (non-probabilistic) behaviour models (EP, VAB, SU), pp. 335–344.
ICSE-2009-ComanSS #analysis #automation #case study #industrial #metric #re-engineering #using- A case-study on using an Automated In-process Software Engineering Measurement and Analysis system in an industrial environment (IDC, AS, GS), pp. 89–99.
ICSE-2009-HumayounDC #development #evaluation #named- UEMan: A tool to manage user evaluation in development environments (SRH, YD, TC), pp. 551–554.
ICSE-2009-RamasubbuB #analysis #empirical #maturity #process- The impact of process choice in high maturity environments: An empirical analysis (NR, RKB), pp. 529–539.
CC-2009-CampanoniSAC #compilation #jit #manycore- Dynamic Look Ahead Compilation: A Technique to Hide JIT Compilation Latencies in Multicore Environment (SC, MS, GA, SCR), pp. 220–235.
HPDC-2009-CastilloRH #distributed #resource management #scalability- Resource co-allocation for large-scale distributed environments (CC, GNR, KH), pp. 131–140.
HPDC-2009-DickensL #file system #library #named #performance- Y-lib: a user level library to increase the performance of MPI-IO in a lustre file system environment (PMD, JL), pp. 31–38.
HPDC-2009-GlasnerV #adaptation #predict #runtime- Adaptive run-time prediction in heterogeneous environments (CG, JV), pp. 61–62.
CAV-2009-BouissouGPTV #named #source code- HybridFluctuat: A Static Analyzer of Numerical Programs within a Continuous Environment (OB, EG, SP, KT, FV), pp. 620–626.
TLCA-2009-TsukadaI #classification #logic- A Logical Foundation for Environment Classifiers (TT, AI), pp. 341–355.
ECSA-2008-BatistaGCCG #aspect-oriented #configuration management #on the- On the Interplay of Aspects and Dynamic Reconfiguration in a Specification-to-Deployment Environment (TVB, ATAG, GC, CC, AG), pp. 314–317.
ECSA-2008-Kotonya #architecture #black box #component #development- An Architecture-Centric Development Environment for Black-Box Component-Based Systems (GK), pp. 98–113.
ECSA-2008-MendezA #architecture #comparison #how- How Do Agents Affect Modifiability? A Comparison between Two Architectures for Intelligent Virtual Environments for Training (GM, AdA), pp. 82–97.
WICSA-2008-MendezA #architecture- A Modifiable Agent-Based Software Architecture for Intelligent Virtual Environments for Training (GM, AdA), pp. 319–322.
ASE-2008-HegdeD #ad hoc #collaboration #programming- Connecting Programming Environments to Support Ad-Hoc Collaboration (RH, PD), pp. 178–187.
ASE-2008-LiHG #code generation #interface #modelling #multi #named #process- MaramaEML: An Integrated Multi-View Business Process Modelling Environment with Tree-Overlays, Zoomable Interfaces and Code Generation (RLL, JGH, JCG), pp. 477–478.
ASE-2008-SentillesPCH #component #development #embedded #ide #named #predict- Save-IDE: An Integrated Development Environment for Building Predictable Component-Based Embedded Systems (SS, PP, IC, JH), pp. 493–494.
ASE-2008-ShenLXS #collaboration #constraints #distributed #maintenance #modelling #uml- Distributed Constraints Maintenance in Collaborative UML Modeling Environments (HS, SL, SX, CS), pp. 367–370.
CASE-2008-BeghiBBC #algorithm #design #simulation- A simulation environment for dry-expansion evaporators with application to the design of autotuning control algorithms for electronic (AB, UB, CB, LC), pp. 814–820.
CASE-2008-LiuWJ #protocol- A geographic source routing protocol for traffic sensing in urban environment (LL, ZW, WKJ), pp. 347–352.
CASE-2008-NugentHHFS #impact analysis #reliability- Assessing the impact of individual sensor reliability within smart living environments (CDN, XH, JH, DDF, KS), pp. 685–690.
CASE-2008-OkadaQHUK #multi #self- Multiple self-organizing maps for control of a redundant manipulator in an environment with obstacles (NO, JQ, MH, RU, EK), pp. 212–217.
CASE-2008-XuDAG #3d #random #using- Motion planning for steerable needles in 3D environments with obstacles using rapidly-exploring Random Trees and backchaining (JX, VD, RA, KG), pp. 41–46.
DATE-2008-AltCS #algorithm #architecture #detection #hardware #realtime- Hardware/software architecture of an algorithm for vision-based real-time vehicle detection in dark environments (NA, CC, WS), pp. 176–181.
DATE-2008-BadarogluDLC #using- Calibration of Integrated CMOS Hall Sensors Using Coil-on-Chip in ATE Environment (MB, GD, FL, OC), pp. 873–878.
DATE-2008-StrikGW #concurrent #design #process- Subsystem Exchange in a Concurrent Design Process Environment (MS, AG, PW), pp. 953–958.
DATE-2008-VogtW #configuration management #set- A Reconfigurable Application Specific Instruction Set Processor for Convolutional and Turbo Decoding in a SDR Environment (TV, NW), pp. 38–43.
DocEng-2008-CesarVKMHBSBG #adaptation #documentation #multi #ubiquitous- Multimedia adaptation in ubiquitous environments: benefits of structured multimedia documents (PC, IV, RK, SM, CH, MB, AS, DCAB, BG), pp. 275–284.
DocEng-2008-MikacRD #architecture #authoring #multi- An export architecture for a multimedia authoring environment (JM, CR, BLD), pp. 28–31.
SIGMOD-2008-VlachouDNV #distributed #on the #performance #query- On efficient top-k query processing in highly distributed environments (AV, CD, KN, MV), pp. 753–764.
VLDB-2008-ZerrN #distributed #documentation #framework #privacy- Privacy preserving document indexing infrastructure for a distributed environment (SZ, WN), pp. 1638–1643.
ITiCSE-2008-BoyerDFVL #collaboration #development #distributed #programming- A development environment for distributed synchronous collaborative programming (KEB, AAD, RTF, MAV, JCL), pp. 158–162.
ITiCSE-2008-GoldweberD #named #network- VDE: an emulation environment for supporting computer networking courses (MG, RD), pp. 138–142.
ITiCSE-2008-Ross #authoring- Hypertextbooks and a Hypertextbook authoring environment (RJR), pp. 133–137.
ITiCSE-2008-SierraCF #learning- An environment for supporting active learning in courses on language processing (JLS, AMFPC, AFV), pp. 128–132.
ITiCSE-2008-TonderNC #development #lightweight #named #programming- Jenuity: a lightweight development environment for intermediate level programming courses (MvT, KN, CC), pp. 58–62.
FASE-2008-AtkinsonS #modelling- Orthographic Modeling Environment (CA, DS), pp. 93–96.
FASE-2008-BruckerW #higher-order #named #ocl #proving #uml- HOL-OCL: A Formal Proof Environment for UML/OCL (ADB, BW), pp. 97–100.
TACAS-2008-ClarkeTV #abstraction #concurrent #framework #model checking #proving- Proving Ptolemy Right: The Environment Abstraction Framework for Model Checking Concurrent Systems (EMC, MT, HV), pp. 33–47.
CSMR-2008-TeleaV #c++ #named #reverse engineering- SOLIDFX: An Integrated Reverse Engineering Environment for C++ (ACT, LV), pp. 320–322.
ICSM-2008-ScannielloLMT #approach #eclipse #migration- An approach and an eclipse based environment for data migration (GS, ADL, MM, GT), pp. 237–246.
MSR-2008-OmoriM #development #editing #source code- A change-aware development environment by recording editing operations of source code (TO, KM), pp. 31–34.
STOC-2008-MironovNS #sketching- Sketching in adversarial environments (IM, MN, GS), pp. 651–660.
SEFM-2008-TavaresSM #constraints #embedded #energy #scheduling- An Environment for Measuring and Scheduling Time-Critical Embedded Systems with Energy Constraints (ET, BS, PRMM), pp. 291–300.
CHI-2008-BiehlBBTIC #collaboration #development #evaluation #framework #interactive #multi #named- Impromptu: a new interaction framework for supporting collaboration in multiple display environments and its field evaluation for co-located software development (JTB, WTB, BPB, DST, KMI, MC), pp. 939–948.
CHI-2008-CarmienF #assessment #design #independence- Design, adoption, and assessment of a socio-technical environment supporting independence for persons with cognitive disabilities (SC, GF), pp. 597–606.
CHI-2008-ElmqvistTT #3d #constraints- Evaluating motion constraints for 3D wayfinding in immersive and desktop virtual environments (NE, MET, PT), pp. 1769–1778.
CHI-2008-FindlaterMM #approach #development #evaluation- Evaluation of a role-based approach for customizing a complex development environment (LF, JM, DM), pp. 1267–1270.
CHI-2008-LeshedVRKS #navigation- In-car gps navigation: engagement with and disengagement from the environment (GL, TV, OR, BJK, PS), pp. 1675–1684.
CHI-2008-McQuigganRL #learning- The effects of empathetic virtual characters on presence in narrative-centered learning environments (SWM, JPR, JCL), pp. 1511–1520.
CSCW-2008-EgelmanBI #paradigm #product line- Family accounts: a new paradigm for user accounts within the home environment (SE, AJBB, KMI), pp. 669–678.
CSCW-2008-SteptoeWMGRSRS #analysis #collaboration- Eye-tracking for avatar eye-gaze and interactional analysis in immersive collaborative virtual environments (WS, RW, AM, EG, JR, PMS, DJR, AS), pp. 197–200.
SOFTVIS-2008-TeleaV #c++ #interactive #reverse engineering #scalability- An interactive reverse engineering environment for large-scale C++ code (ACT, LV), pp. 67–76.
CAiSE-2008-NiknafsR #analysis- Computer-Aided Method Engineering: An Analysis of Existing Environments (AN, RR), pp. 525–540.
EDOC-2008-PreteC #mobile #reliability- Reliable Discovery and Selection of Composite Services in Mobile Environments (LDP, LC), pp. 171–180.
EDOC-2008-TserpesKMLCV #quality- Evaluating Quality Provisioning Levels in Service Oriented Business Environments (KT, DK, AM, AL, CC, TAV), pp. 309–315.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-RomeroCSP #industrial #modelling #multi- Applying Multi-Agent Systems to Organizational Modelling in Industrial Environments (MCR, RMC, YWS, TRP), pp. 181–186.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-RybakovB #algorithm #logic #multi- Algorithms for AI Logic of Decisions in Multi-Agent Environment (VVR, SB), pp. 125–129.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-AsselK #collaboration #data transformation #integration- Data Management and Integration within Collaborative Working Environments (MA, AK), pp. 258–263.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-GarciaMDS #interface #learning #visualisation- An Interface Environment for Learning Object Search and Pre-Visualisation (LSG, ROdOM, AID, MSS), pp. 240–247.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-PicussaGBFDBSCS #education #interface #online #web- A User-Interface Environment Solution as an Educational Tool for an Online Chess Server on the Web (JP, LSG, JB, MVRF, AID, LCEDB, FS, MAC, MSS), pp. 262–267.
ICEIS-ISAS1-2008-Yang #flexibility #information management- Better IT Governance for Organizations — A Model for Improving Flexibility and Capabilities of Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) through EA and BPR under e-Business Environment (JY), pp. 30–41.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-Hawryszkiewycz #modelling- Modeling Increasingly Complex Socio-Technical Environments (ITH), pp. 111–116.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-SchmitzAFA #implementation #nondeterminism #order- Defining the Implementation Order of Software Projects in Uncertain Environments (EAS, AJA, MCF, CMdA), pp. 23–29.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-AtkinsZYN- Application of Knowledge Hub and RFID Technology in Auditing and Tracking of Plasterboard for Environment Recycling and Waste Disposal (ASA, LZ, HY, BPN), pp. 190–195.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-RanW #adaptation #metric #performance #using- Develop Adaptive Workplace E-Learning Environments by Using Performance Measurement Systems (WR, MW), pp. 142–147.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-VallejoCAG #communication #e-commerce #protocol #standard- Integrating a Standard Communication Protocol into an E-Commerce Environment Based on Intelligent Agents (DV, JJCS, JA, CGM), pp. 55–60.
CIKM-2008-LeeSZL #mobile #query- Valid scope computation for location-dependent spatial query in mobile broadcast environments (KCKL, JS, BZ, WCL), pp. 1231–1240.
ECIR-2008-AbdullahG #approach #usability #using- Using a Task-Based Approach in Evaluating the Usability of BoBIs in an E-book Environment (NA, FG), pp. 246–257.
ECIR-2008-FrankeA #collaboration #enterprise #topic- Collaborative Topic Tracking in an Enterprise Environment (CF, OA), pp. 632–636.
ICPR-2008-KarnickMP #approach #classification #concept #incremental #learning #multi #using- Incremental learning in non-stationary environments with concept drift using a multiple classifier based approach (MTK, MM, RP), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KongBSL #video- Tracking of persons for video surveillance of unattended environments (SK, MKB, CS, BCL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LuoHMJY #image- Recognizing picture-taking environment from satellite images: A feasibility study (JL, WH, DM, DJ, JY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MaruyamaOTKYTT #3d #locality- 3D localization of partially buried object in unstructured environment (KM, KO, RT, YK, TY, HT, FT), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-RicharzPF #3d #detection #gesture #realtime- Real-time detection and interpretation of 3D deictic gestures for interactionwith an intelligent environment (JR, TP, GAF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SimonB #detection #estimation #geometry #multi #realtime- Detection of the intersection lines in multiplanar environments: Application to real-time estimation of the camera-scene geometry (GS, MOB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WangZ #collaboration #distributed #learning- Collaborative learning by boosting in distributed environments (SW, CZ), pp. 1–4.
RecSys-2008-DrachslerHK #learning #navigation- Navigation support for learners in informal learning environments (HD, HGKH, RK), pp. 303–306.
SEKE-2008-BuchwalderP #modelling #named- MEtaGile: A Pragmatic Domain-specific Modeling Environment (OB, CP), pp. 764–768.
SEKE-2008-DasguptaEFKSV #design #fault tolerance #grid #standard #using- Design of a Fault-tolerant Job-flow Manager for Grid Environments Using Standard Technologies, Job-flow Patterns, and a Transparent Proxy (GD, OE, LF, SK, SMS, BV), pp. 814–819.
SEKE-2008-DebOP #deployment #distributed #self- Self-managed Deployment in a Distributed Environment via Utility Functions (DD, MJO, JP), pp. 808–813.
SEKE-2008-ParveenATMF #analysis #detection #probability #towards- Towards the Detection of Emulated Environments via Analysis of the Stochastic Nature of System Calls (TP, WHA, SRT, GAM, RF), pp. 802–807.
SIGIR-2008-MaekawaYSKKO #retrieval #ubiquitous #web- Web page retrieval in ubiquitous sensor environments (TM, YY, YS, YK, KK, TO), pp. 759–760.
SIGIR-2008-Shah #behaviour #collaboration #comprehension #implementation- Understanding system implementation and user behavior in a collaborative information seeking environment (CS), p. 896.
MoDELS-2008-GutheilKA #approach #modelling #multi- A Systematic Approach to Connectors in a Multi-level Modeling Environment (MG, BK, CA), pp. 843–857.
MoDELS-2008-GutheilKA #approach #modelling #multi- A Systematic Approach to Connectors in a Multi-level Modeling Environment (MG, BK, CA), pp. 843–857.
ECOOP-2008-SomanKD #memory management #multi #named #runtime #scalability- MTM2: Scalable Memory Management for Multi-tasking Managed Runtime Environments (SS, CK, LD), pp. 335–361.
ECOOP-2008-ZiarekWAMSJ #execution #java #transaction- A Uniform Transactional Execution Environment for Java (LZ, AW, ARAT, VM, TS, SJ), pp. 129–154.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-ParizekP #component #modelling #process- Modeling of Component Environment in Presence of Callbacks and Autonomous Activities (PP, FP), pp. 2–21.
REFSQ-2008-BendjennaZC #distributed #elicitation #process- Enhancing Elicitation Technique Selection Process in a Cooperative Distributed Environment (HB, NZ, PJC), pp. 23–36.
SAC-2008-AhamedHT #pervasive #trust- Service sharing with trust in pervasive environment: now it’s time to break the jinx (SIA, MMH, NT), pp. 1622–1628.
SAC-2008-Al-GahmiC #middleware #runtime #towards- Towards a service-based middleware layer for runtime environments (AAG, JEC), pp. 507–511.
SAC-2008-BublitzAPLCD #framework #pervasive- An infrastructure for developing context aware applications in pervasive environments (FB, HOdA, AP, EL, EdBC, LDdS), pp. 1958–1959.
SAC-2008-CasimiroLDBV #adaptation #framework #probability- A framework for dependable QoS adaptation in probabilistic environments (AC, PL, MD, AB, PV), pp. 2192–2196.
SAC-2008-CattelanP #framework #mobile #multi #peer-to-peer- Supporting multimedia capture in mobile computing environments through a peer-to-peer platform (RGC, MdGCP), pp. 1649–1650.
SAC-2008-ConceicaoDFB #scalability #simulation- Large-scale simulation of V2V environments (HC, LD, MF, JB), pp. 28–33.
SAC-2008-DinizFM #adaptation #architecture #ubiquitous- An architecture of services for session management and contents adaptation in ubiquitous medical environments (JRBD, CAGF, HM), pp. 1353–1357.
SAC-2008-MartinsSBPS #information retrieval #learning #ubiquitous- Context-aware information retrieval on a ubiquitous medical learning environment (DSM, LHZS, MB, AFdP, WLdS), pp. 2348–2349.
SAC-2008-MusicantePC #programming #web #web service- A programming environment for web services (MAM, EP, MAC), pp. 2363–2367.
SAC-2008-Nassiri #3d #e-commerce #trust- Increasing trust through the use of 3d e-commerce environment (NN), pp. 1463–1466.
SAC-2008-RochaO08a #agile #development #embedded #file system- An environment for the rapid development of embedded file systems (FRdlR, RSdO), pp. 694–699.
SAC-2008-RodriguesAP #c++ #evolution- A C++ environment for dynamic unanticipated software evolution (AR, HOdA, AP), pp. 815–819.
SAC-2008-SantosSMSPB #education #ubiquitous- A ubiquitous computing environment for medical education (HdFS, LHZS, DSM, WLdS, AFdP, MB), pp. 1395–1399.
ICSE-2008-GrundyHHL #eclipse #generative #multi #named- Marama: an eclipse meta-toolset for generating multi-view environments (JCG, JGH, JH, KNLL), pp. 819–822.
ICSE-2008-XiaoLG #distributed #protocol #security- Developing a security protocol for a distributed decision support system in a healthcare environment (LX, PHL, AG), pp. 673–682.
SPLC-2008-EichelbergerS #named #product line- EASy-Producer — A Product Line Production Environment (HE, KS), p. 357.
SPLC-2008-MagroGP #product line #validation- A Software Product Line Definition for Validation Environments (BM, JG, JP), pp. 45–54.
CGO-2008-ZhuangKSC #analysis #difference #framework #named #performance #virtual machine- Perfdiff: a framework for performance difference analysis in a virtual machine environment (XZ, SK, MJS, JDC), pp. 4–13.
OSDI-2008-ZahariaKJKS #performance #pipes and filters- Improving MapReduce Performance in Heterogeneous Environments (MZ, AK, ADJ, RHK, IS), pp. 29–42.
ICLP-2008-Degrave #automation #development #testing- Development of an Automatic Testing Environment for Mercury (FD), pp. 805–806.
ICLP-2008-DemoenN08a #reuse- Environment Reuse in the WAM (BD, PLN), pp. 698–702.
ICST-2008-LindstromOA #empirical #execution #realtime #testing- Testability of Dynamic Real-Time Systems: An Empirical Study of Constrained Execution Environment Implications (BL, AJO, SFA), pp. 112–120.
ICST-2008-RogozP #testing- The Role of Stability Testing in Heterogeneous Application Environment (KR, TP), pp. 432–439.
TAP-2008-CarlierD #functional #testing- Functional Testing in the Focal Environment (MC, CD), pp. 84–98.
CBSE-2007-FornasierWG #component #composition #named #programming #runtime #using- Soya: A Programming Model and Runtime Environment for Component Composition Using SSDL (PF, JW, IG), pp. 227–241.
CBSE-2007-LauU #case study #component #execution- A Study of Execution Environments for Software Components (KKL, VU), pp. 107–123.
ASE-2007-TkachukR #composition #generative #model checking #slicing- Combining environment generation and slicing for modular software model checking (OT, SPR), pp. 401–404.
CASE-2007-AlbieriBBC #design #simulation- A Simulation Environment for the Design of Advanced Chiller Control Systems (MA, AB, CB, LC), pp. 962–967.
CASE-2007-FontanelliRS #algorithm #locality #metric #performance #using- A Fast RANSAC-Based Registration Algorithm for Accurate Localization in Unknown Environments using LIDAR Measurements (DF, LR, SS), pp. 597–602.
CASE-2007-HallbergNDSDFM #named #smarttech- HomeRuleML — A Model for the Exchange of Decision Support Rules Within Smart Environments (JH, CDN, RJD, KS, MPD, DDF, MDM), pp. 513–520.
CASE-2007-LinF #multi #smarttech- Multi-user Preference Model and Service Provision in a Smart Home Environment (ZHL, LCF), pp. 759–764.
CASE-2007-MartinWS #algorithm #online #performance- Offline and Online Evolutionary Bi-Directional RRT Algorithms for Efficient Re-Planning in Dynamic Environments (SRM, SEW, JWS), pp. 1131–1136.
CASE-2007-NarasimhaKS #approach #email #information management #markov #process- A Semi Markov Decision Process Approach To E-mail Management In A Knowledge Work Environment (CYN, MK, RS), pp. 1051–1056.
DATE-2007-MossNFFBA #hardware #performance #simulation- Seamless hardware/software performance co-monitoring in a codesign simulation environment with RTOS support (LM, MdN, LF, SF, GB, EMA), pp. 876–881.
DocEng-2007-GeorgJ #documentation #guidelines- A document engineering environment for clinical guidelines (GG, MCJ), pp. 69–78.
DRR-2007-Giannetti #architecture #authoring #xml- Generic architecture for professional authoring environments to export XML-based formats (FG).
SIGMOD-2007-BhideGGRMI #named- LIPTUS: associating structured and unstructured information in a banking environment (MB, AG, RG, PR, MKM, ZI), pp. 915–924.
SIGMOD-2007-Resende #data flow #semistructured data- Handling heterogeneous data sources in a SOA environment with service data objects (SDO) (LR), pp. 895–897.
CSEET-2007-NavarroH #education #evaluation #re-engineering #simulation- Comprehensive Evaluation of an Educational Software Engineering Simulation Environment (EON, AvdH), pp. 195–202.
ITiCSE-2007-AmelungPR #component #named- eduComponents: a component-based e-learning environment (MA, MP, DFR), p. 352.
ITiCSE-2007-Arnold #interactive #learning #logic- Introducing propositional logic and queueing theory with the infotraffic interactive learning environments (RA), p. 356.
ITiCSE-2007-StallmannBRBGH #automaton #correctness #named #proving- ProofChecker: an accessible environment for automata theory correctness proofs (MFS, SB, RDR, SB, MCG, SDH), pp. 48–52.
FASE-2007-ChechikGG- Finding Environment Guarantees (MC, MG, AG), pp. 352–367.
TACAS-2007-BohnenkampHK #named- motor: The modestTool Environment (HCB, HH, JPK), pp. 500–504.
CSMR-2007-BrandBEJKKSV #ide #legacy #maintenance #using- Using The Meta-Environment for Maintenance and Renovation (MvdB, MB, GRE, HAdJ, PK, ATK, TvdS, JJV), pp. 331–332.
ICSM-2007-BalintMGM #distributed #named #re-engineering- NOREX: A Distributed Reengineering Environment (MB, PFM, TG, RM), pp. 523–524.
ICSM-2007-GustavssonLLMB #development #distributed #maintenance #modelling #uml #using- Simplifying maintenance by using XSLT to unlock UML models in a distributed development environment (HG, BL, BL, AM, MB), pp. 465–468.
ICSM-2007-WangSY #case study #distributed #experience #re-engineering- Experience Report: Reengineering Standalone System into the Service-Partition Distributed Environment (XW, JS, XY), pp. 477–480.
PLDI-2007-WangCCJTGYLW #architecture #manycore #named #parallel #programming #thread- EXOCHI: architecture and programming environment for a heterogeneous multi-core multithreaded system (PHW, JDC, GNC, HJ, XT, MG, NYY, GYL, HW), pp. 156–166.
SEFM-2007-Mehta #development #proving- Supporting Proof in a Reactive Development Environment (FM), pp. 103–112.
ICFP-2007-FlattYFF #composition #programming- Adding delimited and composable control to a production programming environment (MF, GY, RBF, MF), pp. 165–176.
ILC-2007-ConnollyQ #comprehension #image #lisp #named #open source- FREEDIUS: an open source Lisp-based image understanding environment (CC, LQ), p. 16.
ILC-2007-Mallery #deployment #development #named #open source #web- CL-HTTP: an open-source cross-platform environment for web application development and deployment (JCM), p. 3.
ILC-2007-Serrano #named #web- HOP: an environment for developing web 2.0 applications (MS), p. 6.
AGTIVE-2007-RangerW #graph grammar- The Graph Rewriting Language and Environment PROGRES (UR, EW), pp. 575–576.
CHI-2007-WigdorSFB #multi #visual notation- Perception of elementary graphical elements in tabletop and multi-surface environments (DW, CS, CF, RB), pp. 473–482.
DHM-2007-LinP #experience #modelling #user interface- User Experience Modeling and Enhancement for Virtual Environments That Employ Wide-Field Displays (JJWL, DEP), pp. 423–433.
DHM-2007-LiuLC #framework #named #simulation- AIPlayer: A Platform of Intelligent Simulation of Virtual Human in Virtual Environment (JL, YL, JC), pp. 434–442.
DHM-2007-Su #detection #performance #precise- Enhancing Sense of Reality by Efficient and Precise Collision Detection in Virtual Environments (CJS), pp. 969–978.
DHM-2007-ThomasCRMM #3d #modelling #navigation- Modeling Human Bipedal Navigation in a Dynamic Three Dimensional Virtual Environment (MDT, DWC, BR, JAM, AM), pp. 205–214.
HCI-AS-2007-BreuerBSM #design pattern #interactive- Interaction Design Patterns for Classroom Environments (HB, NB, CS, MM), pp. 163–172.
HCI-AS-2007-EshetC #realtime- Synchronous Reading in Real-Time Environments (YE, EC), pp. 245–254.
HCI-AS-2007-KatzensteinC- Integrating Technology into the Medical Environment of a Developing African Country (JK, BC), pp. 468–473.
HCI-AS-2007-SchlegelSFBNdHMCSMIP #distributed #interactive #named- INT-MANUS: Interactive Production Control in a Distributed Environment (TS, AS, MF, MB, RN, Dd, GH, IM, JC, DS, FM, JAI, AHP), pp. 1150–1159.
HCI-AS-2007-ThielSS #distributed- Decentralized Information Aggregation and Central Control in Networked Production Environments (ST, TS, DS), pp. 762–770.
HCI-IDU-2007-HeldalRBW #collaboration- Presence, Creativity and Collaborative Work in Virtual Environments (IH, DJR, LB, RW), pp. 802–811.
HCI-IDU-2007-HwangP #experience #social- Being Together: User’s Subjective Experience of Social Presence in CMC Environments (HSH, SP), pp. 844–853.
HCI-IDU-2007-SchwerzMS #evaluation #usability #web- A Task Model Proposal for Web Sites Usability Evaluation for the ErgoMonitor Environment (ALS, MM, SRPdS), pp. 1188–1197.
HCI-IDU-2007-SoeffnerN #representation- Co-presence in Shared Virtual Environments: Avatars Beyond the Opposition of Presence and Representation (JS, CSN), pp. 949–958.
HCI-IDU-2007-VerpoortenLC #interactive #predict- Task-Based Prediction of Interaction Patterns for Ambient Intelligence Environments (KV, KL, KC), pp. 1216–1225.
HCI-IPT-2007-CheongKH #evaluation #image #interface #mobile #usability- Usability Evaluation of Designed Image Code Interface for Mobile Computing Environment (CC, DCK, TDH), pp. 241–251.
HCI-IPT-2007-HuangT #scalability #security #smarttech- A Wearable Computing Environment for the Security of a Large-Scale Factory (JyH, CHT), pp. 1113–1122.
HCI-IPT-2007-MartiG #physics- Coupling the Digital and the Physical in Therapeutic Environments (PM, LG), pp. 1173–1182.
HCI-IPT-2007-MavrommatiD #bibliography #perspective #tool support- End User Tools for Ambient Intelligence Environments: An Overview (IM, JD), pp. 864–872.
HCI-IPT-2007-MaWMWM #smarttech- Wearable Computers IN the Operating Room Environment (QM, PW, GM, AW, DM), pp. 1165–1172.
HCI-IPT-2007-Ouramdane-DjerrahOM #3d #collaboration #interactive- A New Model of Collaborative 3D Interaction in Shared Virtual Environment (NOD, SO, MM), pp. 663–672.
HCI-IPT-2007-OyarzabalFCMBO #collaboration #interface #multi- Multi-finger Haptic Interface for Collaborative Tasks in Virtual Environments (MO, MF, SC, MM, JB, JO), pp. 673–680.
HCI-IPT-2007-RashidiYCD #smarttech- Inhabitant Guidance of Smart Environments (PR, GMY, DJC, SKD), pp. 910–919.
HCI-IPT-2007-SantosSGPAJBJPWCABPHM #artificial reality #design #effectiveness #interactive #named- IMPROVE: Designing Effective Interaction for Virtual and Mixed Reality Environments (PS, AS, TG, AP, BA, RJ, LCB, JAJ, JMP, MW, GC, RdA, IB, CP, MH, DM), pp. 689–699.
HCI-IPT-2007-SuhPYCW #interactive #mobile #personalisation #ubiquitous- Context-Aware Mobile AR System for Personalization, Selective Sharing, and Interaction of Contents in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (YS, YP, HY, YC, WW), pp. 966–974.
HCI-IPT-2007-UedaMCSKMK #interactive #network #ubiquitous- Human-Robot Interaction in the Home Ubiquitous Network Environment (HU, MM, MC, JS, AK, KM, MK), pp. 990–997.
HCI-IPT-2007-VastenburgKR #case study #experience #prototype #user interface- Measuring User Experiences of Prototypical Autonomous Products in a Simulated Home Environment (MHV, DVK, HdR), pp. 998–1007.
HCI-IPT-2007-WuZHZ #evaluation #interface- Evaluation of Wayfinding Aids Interface in Virtual Environment (AW, WZ, BH, XZ), pp. 700–709.
HCI-IPT-2007-ZaharakisK #behaviour #interactive #social #ubiquitous- Social Intelligence as the Means for Achieving Emergent Interactive Behaviour in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (IDZ, ADK), pp. 1018–1029.
HCI-MIE-2007-FoursaW #interactive- Movement-Based Interaction and Event Management in Virtual Environments with Optical Tracking Systems (MF, GW), pp. 615–624.
HCI-MIE-2007-JungS #adaptation #email #multi- A Location-Adaptive Human-Centered Audio Email Notification Service for Multi-user Environments (RJ, TS), pp. 340–348.
HCI-MIE-2007-Lee07b #3d #game studies #self- Emotion and Sense of Telepresence: The Effects of Screen Viewpoint, Self-transcendence Style, and NPC in a 3D Game Environment (JJL), pp. 393–400.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Foley #collaboration #comprehension- Understanding a Sense of Place in Collaborative Environments (SF), pp. 863–872.
HIMI-IIE-2007-IbrahimNM #concept #framework #online #trust #web- “Seeing Is Not Believing But Interpreting”, Inducing Trust Through Institutional Symbolism: A Conceptual Framework for Online Trust Building in a Web Mediated Information Environment (ENMI, NLMN, SM), pp. 64–73.
HIMI-IIE-2007-KusukawaMA #e-commerce- Impact of E-Commerce Environment on Selection of Sales Methods Considering Delivery Lead Time of Goods (EK, SM, IA), pp. 929–938.
HIMI-IIE-2007-MoradiKSH #algorithm #detection #navigation #realtime- A Real-Time GPU-Based Wall Detection Algorithm for Mapping and Navigation in Indoor Environments (HM, EK, DNS, JH), pp. 1072–1077.
HIMI-IIE-2007-MurakamiTOH #development #energy- Development of Cooperative Building Controller for Energy Saving and Comfortable Environment (YM, MT, FO, MH), pp. 1078–1087.
HIMI-IIE-2007-NakataniMSKN #communication- Communication Environment for Sharing Fond Memories (MN, SM, MS, HK, SN), pp. 110–117.
HIMI-IIE-2007-RheeLP #adaptation- Adaptive Information Providing System for R&D Meeting Environments (SKR, JL, MWP), pp. 147–155.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ShimodaIHIYOT #development #evaluation- Development of Productivity Evaluation Method to Improve Office Environment (HS, KI, YH, HI, HY, FO, MT), pp. 965–972.
HIMI-IIE-2007-TsengLH #learning #mobile- A Mobile Environment for Chinese Language Learning (CCT, CHL, WLH), pp. 485–489.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Wang07a #adaptation #generative #mobile #multi #named- Mach: A Content Generating Engine for Adaptive Multimedia Applications in the Mobile Environment (CW), pp. 674–681.
HIMI-MTT-2007-BalasuriyaMWO #analysis #ubiquitous- Kansei Analysis for Robotic Motions in Ubiquitous Environments (JCB, CAM, KW, MO), pp. 804–813.
HIMI-MTT-2007-Encarnacao #exclamation #interactive- HEI! — The Human Environment Interaction (JLE), pp. 623–631.
HIMI-MTT-2007-SeoKKJ #performance #ubiquitous- Performance Improvement of SCTP for Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Environment (DWS, HK, JK, JJ), pp. 747–754.
OCSC-2007-ChoC #collaboration #learning #self- Self-Awareness in a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environment (KC, MHC), pp. 284–291.
OCSC-2007-GonzalezGC #development- Fostering Knowledge Mode Conversion in New Product Development Environment (EGM, DAGZ, MC), pp. 352–361.
OCSC-2007-MarzialiC #communication #community #online- An E-Health Community of Practice: Online Communication in an E-Health Service Delivery Environment (EM, TC), pp. 395–405.
OCSC-2007-Voiskounsky #experience- A Cross-Cultural Study of Flow Experience in the IT Environment: The Beginning (AEV), pp. 202–211.
VISSOFT-2007-RothlisbergerGL- Feature-centric Environment (DR, OG, AL), pp. 150–151.
CAiSE-2007-BarhamgiCBO #collaboration #web #web service- Composing Data-Providing Web Services in P2P-Based Collaboration Environments (MB, PAC, DB, AMO), pp. 531–545.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-QiaoLG #multi- Multi-Agent Building Control in Shared Environment (BQ, KL, CG), pp. 159–164.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-WenningGTSK #algorithm #distributed #framework- Investigations on Object-Centered Routing in Dynamic Environments: Algorithmic Framework and Initial Numerical Results — Support for Distributed Decision Making in Transport Systems (BLW, CG, ATG, JS, HK), pp. 225–230.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-YasuiLGWT #collaboration #online #topic- Delineating Topic and Discussant Transitions in Online Collaborative Environments (NIY, XL, DEG, YW, HT), pp. 14–21.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-KraftM #api #independence #statistics- Statistics API: DBMS-independent access and management of dbms statistics in heterogeneous environments (TK, BM), pp. 5–12.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-KirnerSK #requirements- Contribution to the Requirements Engineering of Virtual Environments (TGK, VFMS, CK), pp. 142–147.
ICEIS-J-2007-YasuiLGWT07a #collaboration #online- Key Elements Extraction in Online Collaborative Environments (NIY, XL, DEG, YW, HT), pp. 148–159.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-BentoP #collaboration #editing #mobile- Supporting Asynchronous Collaborative Editing in Mobile Computing Environments (MB, NMP), pp. 343–350.
CIKM-2007-RoussinovT #online #semantics #verification- Semantic verification in an online fact seeking environment (DR, OT), pp. 71–78.
CIKM-2007-YangRW #query #visual notation- Nugget discovery in visual exploration environments by query consolidation (DY, EAR, MOW), pp. 603–612.
ECIR-2007-Gori #learning- Learning in Hyperlinked Environments (MG), p. 3.
ICML-2007-SuttonKS #on the- On the role of tracking in stationary environments (RSS, AK, DS), pp. 871–878.
SEKE-2007-SaD #distributed- An Agent Based System for Search in Distributed Environments (LS, YD), p. 570–?.
SIGIR-2007-BalogBARB #retrieval- Broad expertise retrieval in sparse data environments (KB, TB, LA, MdR, AvdB), pp. 551–558.
SIGIR-2007-ZhouC #performance #predict #query #web- Query performance prediction in web search environments (YZ, WBC), pp. 543–550.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-Vicente-ChicoteMA #modelling #named #pretty-printing #requirements #specification #validation- REMM-Studio: an Integrated Model-Driven Environment for Requirements Specification, Validation and Formatting (CVC, BM, JATÁ), pp. 437–454.
RE-2007-Gopalakrishnan #requirements- Requirements Engineering in a Globalized Business Environment (KG).
SAC-2007-BillhardtHOC #trust- Trust-based service provider selection in open environments (HB, RH, SO, RC), pp. 1375–1380.
SAC-2007-BraghettoFP #control flow #process #specification #using- Using control-flow patterns for specifying business processes in cooperative environments (KRB, JEF, CP), pp. 1234–1241.
SAC-2007-BrunauerLMMP #evolution- Evolution of iterated prisoner’s dilemma strategies with different history lengths in static and cultural environments (RB, AL, HAM, GM, HP), pp. 720–727.
SAC-2007-FuL #effectiveness #protocol- An effective kNN search protocol in wireless broadcast environments (SYF, CML), pp. 925–929.
SAC-2007-KimVH #coordination #network #scalability- Scalable coordination for sensor networks in challenging environments (SK, VV, KH), pp. 214–221.
SAC-2007-KumarMS #mobile #policy- A weighted cache replacement policy for location dependent data in mobile environments (AK, MM, AKS), pp. 920–924.
SAC-2007-MonteiroBL #consistency #mobile- A mechanism for replicated data consistency in mobile computing environments (JMM, AB, SL), pp. 914–919.
SAC-2007-NunesFA #case study #component #framework #multi- Applying a component-based framework to develop multi-agent environments: case study (CN, MF, HOdA), pp. 37–41.
SAC-2007-SilvaNI #automation #case study- A computation environment for automated negotiation: a case study in electronic tourism (AS, JAN, IIB), pp. 654–658.
ESEC-FSE-2007-PaytonJR #assessment #automation #consistency #query- Automatic consistency assessment for query results in dynamic environments (JP, CJ, GCR), pp. 245–254.
ESEC-FSE-2007-Wolf #pervasive- Engineering software services for pervasive environments (ALW), pp. 619–620.
ICSE-2007-CarverKSP #case study #development- Software Development Environments for Scientific and Engineering Software: A Series of Case Studies (JCC, RPK, SES, DEP), pp. 550–559.
CC-2007-BakerCPV #garbage collection #lazy evaluation #pointer- Accurate Garbage Collection in Uncooperative Environments with Lazy Pointer Stacks (JB, AC, FP, JV), pp. 64–79.
CGO-2007-Fang #parallel #programming- Parallel Programming Environment: A Key to Translating Tera-Scale Platforms into a Big Success (JF), p. 18.
PPoPP-2007-Adl-TabatabaiKS #manycore #programming #transaction- Transactional programming in a multi-core environment (ARAT, CK, BS), p. 272.
PPoPP-2007-Fang #parallel #programming- Parallel programming environment: a key to translating tera-scale platforms into a big success (JZF), p. 1.
SOSP-2007-CriswellLDA #architecture #execution #operating system- Secure virtual architecture: a safe execution environment for commodity operating systems (JC, AL, DD, VSA), pp. 351–366.
CAV-2007-SuwimonteerabuthBSE #java #named #source code #testing- jMoped: A Test Environment for Java Programs (DS, FB, SS, JE), pp. 164–167.
TAP-2007-BackEM #invariant #source code #testing #verification- Testing and Verifying Invariant Based Programs in the SOCOS Environment (RJB, JE, MM), pp. 61–78.
CBSE-2006-RoyonFM #multi- Virtualization of Service Gateways in Multi-provider Environments (YR, SF, FLM), pp. 385–392.
CASE-2006-HuCLY #algorithm #detection #robust #statistics- A Robust Statistical-based Speaker’s Location Detection Algorithm in a Vehicular Environment (JSH, CCC, WHL, CHY), pp. 274–279.
CASE-2006-LopatinY #algorithm #approximate #polynomial #using- Using the forward search and the polynomial approximation algorithms in the exact algorithm for manipulator’s control in an unknown environment (PKL, ASY), pp. 206–211.
CASE-2006-MiddletonWBCN #smarttech- A smart environment for biometric capture (LM, DKW, AIB, JNC, MSN), pp. 57–62.
DAC-2006-RiccobeneSRB #design #embedded #modelling- A model-driven design environment for embedded systems (ER, PS, AR, SB), pp. 915–918.
DATE-2006-HandziskiKWW #network- An environment for controlled experiments with in-house sensor networks (VH, AK, AW, AW), p. 1108.
DATE-2006-KanajanZPS #architecture #distributed #integration #trade-off #using- Exploring trade-off’s between centralized versus decentralized automotive architectures using a virtual integration environment (SK, HZ, CP, ALSV), pp. 548–553.
DATE-2006-MallikSBZ #design #optimisation #power management- Smart bit-width allocation for low power optimization in a systemc based ASIC design environment (AM, DS, PB, HZ), pp. 618–623.
DATE-2006-ReyesKBAN #case study #design #modelling #simulation- A unified system-level modeling and simulation environment for MPSoC design: MPEG-4 decoder case study (VR, WK, TB, GA, AN), pp. 474–479.
DATE-2006-ViaudPG #modelling #parallel #performance #simulation- An efficient TLM/T modeling and simulation environment based on conservative parallel discrete event principles (EV, FP, AG), pp. 94–99.
DATE-2006-XianL #adaptation #energy #multi #reduction- Energy reduction by workload adaptation in a multi-process environment (CX, YHL), pp. 514–519.
DATE-DF-2006-PapaefstathiouP #classification- A hardware-engine for layer-2 classification in low-storage, ultra-high bandwidth environments (VP, IP), pp. 112–117.
HT-2006-Bucur #hypermedia #named- HyWrite: writing in hypermedia eLearning environments (JB), pp. 45–48.
HT-2006-Gronbaek #hypermedia #interactive #physics #social #ubiquitous- Ubiquitous hypermedia and social interaction in physical environments (KG), pp. 119–120.
SIGMOD-2006-LeeLWZX #data access #mobile- CS cache engine: data access accelerator for location-based service in mobile environments (KCKL, WCL, JW, BZ, JX), pp. 787–789.
ITiCSE-2006-ChenWHL #algorithm #benchmark #design #metric #problem- Design and applications of an algorithm benchmark system in a computational problem solving environment (MYC, JDW, JHH, DTL), pp. 123–127.
ITiCSE-2006-HielscherW #automaton #education #formal method #learning #named- AtoCC: learning environment for teaching theory of automata and formal languages (MH, CW), p. 306.
ITiCSE-2006-LindqvistL #education #named #online- VERKKOKE: online teaching environment for telecommunications software and routing (JL, SL), p. 319.
ICSM-2006-LuciaFSTV #architecture #eclipse #legacy #migration #multi- A Strategy and an Eclipse Based Environment for the Migration of Legacy Systems to Multi-tier Web-based Architectures (ADL, RF, GS, GT, NV), pp. 438–447.
ICSM-2006-SriplakichBG #collaboration #development- Supporting Collaborative Development in an Open MDA Environment (PS, XB, MPG), pp. 244–253.
WCRE-2006-ColosimoLST #eclipse #legacy #migration #named #web- MELIS: an Eclipse Based Environment for the Migration of Legacy Systems to the Web (MC, ADL, GS, GT), pp. 293–294.
WCRE-2006-CoxS #case study #experience #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering in Support of Litigation: Experiences in an Adversarial Environment (AC, TJS), pp. 288–292.
WCRE-2006-SartipiDS #architecture #multi #re-engineering- An Orchestrated Multi-view Software Architecture Reconstruction Environment (KS, ND, HS), pp. 61–70.
FM-2006-DelahayeED #security #using- Certifying Airport Security Regulations Using the Focal Environment (DD, JFÉ, VDG), pp. 48–63.
ICGT-2006-MendizabalD #analysis #distributed #graph grammar #non-functional #probability #using- Non-functional Analysis of Distributed Systems in Unreliable Environments Using Stochastic Object Based Graph Grammars (OMM, FLD), pp. 275–290.
CHI-2006-GweonRCZ #adaptation #collaboration #learning #online- Providing support for adaptive scripting in an on-line collaborative learning environment (GG, CPR, RC, ZZ), pp. 251–260.
CHI-2006-MandrykAI #evaluation #experience #game studies #interactive- A continuous and objective evaluation of emotional experience with interactive play environments (RLM, MSA, KMI), pp. 1027–1036.
CHI-2006-NacentaSCSG #interactive #multi- Perspective cursor: perspective-based interaction for multi-display environments (MAN, SS, BC, SS, CG), pp. 289–298.
CSCW-2006-SchollMH #chat #comparison- A comparison of chat and audio in media rich environments (JS, JDM, RH), pp. 323–332.
SOFTVIS-2006-PazelT #development #programming #visual notation- Intentional MPI programming in a visual development environment (DPP, BT), pp. 169–170.
CAiSE-2006-EstradaRPM #empirical #evaluation #framework #generative #modelling- An Empirical Evaluation of the i* Framework in a Model-Based Software Generation Environment (HE, AMR, OP, JM), pp. 513–527.
CAiSE-2006-MarottaPA #quality- Managing Quality Properties in a ROLAP Environment (AM, FP, AA), pp. 127–141.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-Cebulla #coordination #knowledge-based #modelling #pervasive- Knowledge-Based Modeling and Natural Computing for Coordination in Pervasive Environments (MC), pp. 99–106.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-Vemuri #agile- The Benefits of Accurate, and Timely Data in Lean Production Environments — RFID in Supply Chain Management (VKV), pp. 221–225.
ICEIS-HCI-2006-CostagliolaMF #simulation- A Simulation Environment to Evaluate Driver Performances while Interacting with Telematics Systems (GC, SDM, FF), pp. 3–10.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-EnamiTH #distributed #project management #re-engineering- A Project Management Model to a Distributed Software Engineering Environment (LNME, TFCT, EHMH), pp. 382–387.
ICEIS-J-2006-CostagliolaMF06a #simulation- A Simulation Environment to Assess Driving Performances while Interacting with On-board Telematics Systems (GC, SDM, FF), pp. 439–451.
ICEIS-J-2006-EssmannGH #collaboration #visualisation- Collaborative Visualization in Rich Media Environments (BE, FG, TH), pp. 375–387.
ICEIS-SAIC-2006-ChungO #grid- A Grid Service Computing Environment for Supply Chain Management (SC, GAO), pp. 112–118.
ICEIS-SAIC-2006-EssmannHG #architecture #collaboration #visualisation- An Open Architecture for Collaborative Visualization in Rich Media Environments (BE, TH, FG), pp. 27–34.
ICEIS-SAIC-2006-MaamarMB #approach #web #web service- A Policy-Based Approach to Secure Context in a Web Services Environment (ZM, GKM, DB), pp. 100–105.
ICEIS-SAIC-2006-ReeseMOM #distributed #process- Distributed Business Processes in Open Agent Environments (CR, KM, SO, DM), pp. 81–86.
CIKM-2006-KunkleZC #mining #performance- Efficient mining of max frequent patterns in a generalized environment (DK, DZ, GC), pp. 810–811.
CIKM-2006-NasraouiCRG #collaboration- Collaborative filtering in dynamic usage environments (ON, JC, CR, FAG), pp. 794–795.
ECIR-2006-SiersdorferS #automation #documentation- Automatic Document Organization in a P2P Environment (SS, SS), pp. 265–276.
ICML-2006-SilvaBBE #detection #using- Dealing with non-stationary environments using context detection (BCdS, EWB, ALCB, PME), pp. 217–224.
ICPR-v1-2006-HadidP #approach #detection #hybrid- A Hybrid Approach to Face Detection under Unconstrained Environments (AH, MP), pp. 227–230.
ICPR-v1-2006-Lopez-de-TeruelRF #3d #navigation #performance #re-engineering #visual notation- Efficient Monocular 3D Reconstruction from Segments for Visual Navigation in Structured Environments (PELdT, AR, LF), pp. 143–146.
ICPR-v2-2006-OsawaWWY #3d #using- Human Tracking by Particle Filtering Using Full 3D Model of Both Target and Environment (TO, XW, KW, TY), pp. 25–28.
ICPR-v2-2006-WangLC #locality- Topological Localization Based on Salient Regions in Unknown Environments (LW, YL, ZC), pp. 369–372.
ICPR-v3-2006-AgrawalK #locality #realtime #using- Real-time Localization in Outdoor Environments using Stereo Vision and Inexpensive GPS (MA, KK), pp. 1063–1068.
ICPR-v3-2006-LapedrizaMV #gender #recognition- Gender Recognition in Non Controlled Environments (ÀL, MJMJ, JV), pp. 834–837.
ICPR-v3-2006-SakaueKMS #interface #recognition #ubiquitous- A Real-life Test of Face Recognition System for Dialogue Interface Robot in Ubiquitous Environments (FS, MK, TM, TS), pp. 1155–1160.
ICPR-v3-2006-TangelderS #image #learning #multi #online #recognition #representation- Learning a Sparse Representation from Multiple Still Images for On-Line Face Recognition in an Unconstrained Environment (JWHT, BAMS), pp. 1087–1090.
ICPR-v3-2006-TranP #pervasive #probability #process #representation- A probabilistic model with parsinomious representation for sensor fusion in recognizing activity in pervasive environment (DTT, DQP), pp. 168–172.
ICPR-v4-2006-JunejoCF06a #artificial reality #configuration management- Configuring Mixed Reality Environment (INJ, XC, HF), pp. 884–887.
ICPR-v4-2006-LandgrebePD- Precision-recall operating characteristic (P-ROC) curves in imprecise environments (TL, PP, RPWD), pp. 123–127.
ICPR-v4-2006-MitaniTKF #analysis #mobile #recognition- Environment Recognition Based on Analysis of Human Actions for Mobile Robot (MM, MT, AK, KF), pp. 782–786.
SEKE-2006-AversanoCV #named #web- WECAP: A Web Environment for Project Planning (LA, GC, CAV), pp. 591–594.
SEKE-2006-DiasPV #database #information management- An Environment of Knowledge Discovery in Database (MMD, RCdSP, LGV), pp. 676–681.
SEKE-2006-HungL #data mining #mining #performance #using- Using Data Mining Schemes for Improvement on System Performance in Virtual Environments (SSH, DSML), pp. 61–66.
SEKE-2006-LiLWD #process #re-engineering- A Negotiation Model for the Process Agents in an Agent-Based Process-Centered Software Engineering Environment (NL, ML, QW, SD), pp. 664–669.
SIGIR-2006-MaoPH #information management #named #ontology- DiLight: an ontology-based information access system for e-learning environments (MM, YP, DH), p. 733.
ECMDA-FA-2006-Kleppe #model transformation #named- MCC: A Model Transformation Environment (AK), pp. 173–187.
MoDELS-2006-LundellLPM #analysis #uml #xmi- UML Model Interchange in Heterogeneous Tool Environments: An Analysis of Adoptions of XMI 2 (BL, BL, AP, AM), pp. 619–630.
MoDELS-2006-SriplakichBG #distributed- Applying Model Fragment Copy-Restore to Build an Open and Distributed MDA Environment (PS, XB, MPG), pp. 631–645.
MoDELS-2006-LundellLPM #analysis #uml #xmi- UML Model Interchange in Heterogeneous Tool Environments: An Analysis of Adoptions of XMI 2 (BL, BL, AP, AM), pp. 619–630.
MoDELS-2006-SriplakichBG #distributed- Applying Model Fragment Copy-Restore to Build an Open and Distributed MDA Environment (PS, XB, MPG), pp. 631–645.
GPCE-2006-MascenaMAG #effectiveness #reuse #towards- Towards an effective integrated reuse environment (JCCPM, SRdLM, ESdA, VCG), pp. 95–100.
POPL-2006-MightS #analysis- Environment analysis via Delta CFA (MM, OS), pp. 127–140.
SAC-2006-Ben-AsherBE #multi- Management of unspecified semi-structured data in multi-agent environment (YBA, SB, YE), pp. 101–105.
SAC-2006-BodhuinCPT #complexity #physics- Hiding complexity and heterogeneity of the physical world in smart living environments (TB, GC, RP, MT), pp. 1921–1927.
SAC-2006-CaceresFOV #architecture #coordination #peer-to-peer #semantics- An abstract architecture for semantic service coordination in agent-based intelligent peer-to-peer environments (CC, AF, SO, MV), pp. 447–448.
SAC-2006-DoyleB #effectiveness #interactive #mobile #speech- Combining speech and pen input for effective interaction in mobile geospatial environments (JD, MB), pp. 1182–1183.
SAC-2006-HungHHC #scheduling- Scheduling dependent items in data broadcasting environments (HPH, JWH, JLH, MSC), pp. 1177–1181.
SAC-2006-Kerrigan #execution #web #web service- Web service selection mechanisms in the Web Service Execution Environment (WSMX) (MK), pp. 1664–1668.
SAC-2006-LamLC #named #query #ubiquitous- BBQ: group-based querying in a ubiquitous environment (GHKL, HVL, SCfC), pp. 1910–1914.
SAC-2006-Nakajima #how #interactive #question #reuse #ubiquitous- How to reuse exisiting interactive applications in ubiquitous computing environments? (TN), pp. 1127–1133.
SAC-2006-RosaSHZ #collaboration #development- Development of a collaborative environment applied to pediatric oncology (ALMdR, IdAS, AYH, MKZ), pp. 256–257.
SAC-2006-Roth #detection #mobile- Detecting identifiable areas in mobile environments (JR), pp. 986–991.
SAC-2006-YangYCW #grid #implementation #performance- Implementation of a dynamic adjustment mechanism with efficient replica selection in data grid environments (CTY, IHY, CHC, SYW), pp. 797–804.
SAC-2006-ZhaiLL #data access #mobile #statistics #streaming- Statistical buffering for streaming media data access in a mobile environment (JZ, XL, QL), pp. 1161–1165.
ICSE-2006-KimKASCK #named #product line #testing- ASADAL: a tool system for co-development of software and test environment based on product line engineering (KK, HK, MA, MS, YC, KCK), pp. 783–786.
ICSE-2006-WangSYHHM #c++ #distributed #legacy #re-engineering- Reengineering standalone C++ legacy systems into the J2EE partition distributed environment (XW, JS, XY, CH, ZH, SRM), pp. 525–533.
LDTA-J-2004-BrandIM- An Action Environment (MvdB, JI, PDM), pp. 245–264.
ASPLOS-2006-JonesAA #monitoring #named #virtual machine- Geiger: monitoring the buffer cache in a virtual machine environment (STJ, ACAD, RHAD), pp. 14–24.
HPDC-2006-DobberMK #effectiveness #grid #predict #scalability- Effective Prediction of Job Processing Times in a Large-Scale Grid Environment (MD, RDvdM, GK), pp. 359–360.
HPDC-2006-KeeYCC #distributed #resource management #robust #scalability- Robust Resource Allocation for Large-scale Distributed Shared Resource Environments (YSK, KY, AAC, HC), pp. 341–342.
HPDC-2006-LebreDHS #adaptation #distributed #multi #scheduling- Adaptive I/O Scheduling for Distributed Multi-applications Environments (AL, YD, GH, PS), pp. 343–344.
HPDC-2006-MarchalPRZ #grid- Optimal Bandwidth Sharing in Grid Environments (LM, PVBP, YR, JZ), pp. 144–155.
HPDC-2006-XuRRKG #adaptation #distributed #framework #multi- Autonomic Adaptation of Virtual Distributed Environments in a Multi-Domain Infrastructure (DX, PR, JR, RK, SG), pp. 317–320.
HPDC-2006-ZhangJHMS #grid #nondeterminism- Replicating Nondeterministic Services on Grid Environments (XZ, FJ, MAH, KM, RDS), pp. 105–116.
AMOST-J-2005-AugustonMS06 #assessment #automation #behaviour #modelling #safety #testing- Environment behavior models for automation of testing and assessment of system safety (MA, JBM, MtS), pp. 971–980.
ISSTA-2006-TkachukR #automation #generative- Application of automated environment generation to commercial software (OT, SPR), pp. 203–214.
VMCAI-2006-ClarkeTV #abstraction #verification- Environment Abstraction for Parameterized Verification (EMC, MT, HV), pp. 126–141.
WICSA-2005-GeorgantasMBIKKGM #architecture- The Amigo Service Architecture for the Open Networked Home Environment (NG, SBM, YDB, VI, JK, JK, AG, RM), pp. 295–296.
ASE-2005-KapfhammerSM #execution #testing- Testing in resource constrained execution environments (GMK, MLS, DM), pp. 418–422.
ASE-2005-LiuGH #visual notation #web #web service- A visual language and environment for composing web services (NL, JCG, JGH), pp. 321–324.
ASE-2005-MokhtarLGI #composition- QoS-aware dynamic service composition in ambient intelligence environments (SBM, JL, NG, VI), pp. 317–320.
CASE-2005-LeeK #behaviour #distributed #multi- Estimating global stress environment by observing local behavior in distributed multiagent systems (SL, SRTK), pp. 215–219.
DAC-2005-BhattM #design #development #matlab- Matlab as a development environment for FPGA design (TMB, DM), pp. 607–610.
DATE-2005-BaleaniFMSFSW #design #development #embedded #modelling- Correct-by-Construction Transformations across Design Environments for Model-Based Embedded Software Development (MB, AF, LM, ALSV, UF, ES, HJW), pp. 1044–1049.
DocEng-2005-LiuHT #dependence #documentation #maintenance #xml- An environment for maintaining computation dependency in XML documents (DL, ZH, MT), pp. 42–51.
HT-2005-GagliardiP #hypermedia #information retrieval- Audio information retrieval in HyperMedia environment (IG, PP), pp. 248–250.
HT-2005-ManeewatthanaWH #adaptation #semantics #web- Adaptive personal information environment based on the semantic web (TM, GW, WH), pp. 214–216.
HT-2005-MillardR #3d #hypermedia #physics- The 3D sonification of links in physical hypermedia environments (DEM, MR), pp. 251–253.
ICDAR-2005-YacoubSS #documentation #named- PerfectDoc: A Ground Truthing Environment for Complex Documents (SMY, VS, SNS), pp. 452–457.
SIGMOD-2005-BragaCCR #learning #named #query #visual notation #xml- XQBE: a visual environment for learning XML query languages (DB, AC, SC, AR), pp. 903–905.
SIGMOD-2005-Friedrich #configuration management #metadata #multi- Meta-data version and configuration management in multi-vendor environments (JRF), pp. 799–804.
SIGMOD-2005-SinhaK #named #navigation #semistructured data- Magnet: Supporting Navigation in Semistructured Data Environments (VS, DRK), pp. 97–106.
CSEET-2005-NavarroH #design #education #evaluation #process #simulation- Design and Evaluation of an Educational Software Process Simulation Environment and Associated Model (EON, AvdH), pp. 25–32.
CSEET-2005-NavarroH05a #design #how #prototype #scalability #student- Scaling up: How Thirty-two Students Collaborated and Succeeded in Developing a Prototype Software Design Environment (EON, AvdH), pp. 155–162.
ITiCSE-2005-AmershiACCMMP #design #learning #usability- Designing CIspace: pedagogy and usability in a learning environment for AI (SA, NA, GC, CC, AKM, HM, DP), pp. 178–182.
ITiCSE-2005-CrescenziGI #ide #network #protocol #visualisation- NetPrIDE an integrated environment for developing and visualizing computer network protocols (PC, GG, GI), pp. 306–310.
ITiCSE-2005-EfopoulosDES #named #programming- WIPE: a programming environment for novices (VE, VD, GE, MS), pp. 113–117.
ITiCSE-2005-Fossum #interpreter- Classes as first class objects in an environment-passing interpreter (TVF), pp. 261–265.
ITiCSE-2005-GoldwasserL #student #visual notation- Providing students universal access to a centralized, graphical computing environment (MHG, DL), pp. 79–83.
ITiCSE-2005-Olsevicova #topic- Application of topic maps in e-learning environment (KO), p. 363.
ITiCSE-2005-SilvestrePCCCC #framework #generative- A platform for the generation of virtual environments inhabited by intelligent virtual humans (MS, MPA, MBC, APC, JDC, HC), p. 402.
ITiCSE-2005-Truong #learning- The environment for learning to program (NT), p. 383.
ITiCSE-2005-Walls #behaviour- Integrating views on ethical behavior for computer professionals in an interdisciplinary environment (DCW), p. 414.
ITiCSE-2005-WoitB #challenge #communication #distributed #re-engineering #student- Student communication challenges in distributed software engineering environments (DMW, KJB), pp. 286–290.
WRLA-2004-JohnsenOA05 #concurrent #runtime- A Run-Time Environment for Concurrent Objects With Asynchronous Method Calls (EBJ, OO, EWA), pp. 375–392.
TACAS-2005-ChenR #java #monitoring #named #programming- Java-MOP: A Monitoring Oriented Programming Environment for Java (FC, GR), pp. 546–550.
ICSM-2005-GuzmanPP #ide #re-engineering- An Integrated Environment for Reengineering (IGRdG, MP, MP), pp. 165–174.
ICSM-IT-2005-MensKPW- The Intensional View Environment (KM, AK, FP, RW), pp. 81–84.
IFL-2005-Hanna #haskell- A Document-Centered Environment for Haskell (KH), pp. 196–211.
CHI-2005-Louca #programming #student #syntax #usability- The syntax or the story behind it?: a usability study of student work with computer-based programming environments in elementary science (LTL), pp. 849–858.
CHI-2005-MillenMGWB #collaboration- Patterns of media use in an activity-centric collaborative environment (DRM, MJM, WG, EW, BB), pp. 879–888.
CHI-2005-VoidaPKP #2d #artificial reality #case study- A study on the manipulation of 2D objects in a projector/camera-based augmented reality environment (SV, MP, RK, CSP), pp. 611–620.
SOFTVIS-2005-FrishmanT #mobile #visualisation- Visualization of mobile object environments (YF, AT), pp. 145–154.
CAiSE-2005-RiggioUKK #approach- Interoperability in Meta-environments: An XMI-Based Approach (RR, DU, HK, DK), pp. 77–89.
CAiSE-2005-Vanderdonckt #information management #user interface- A MDA-Compliant Environment for Developing User Interfaces of Information Systems (JV), pp. 16–31.
ICEIS-v1-2005-ChaariL #adaptation #generative #named #user interface #visual notation- SEFAGI: Simple Environment for Adaptable Graphical Interfaces — Generating User Interfaces for Different Kinds of Terminals (TC, FL), pp. 232–237.
ICEIS-v1-2005-MiatidisJ #ide #workflow- Integrating Workflow Extensions into a Process-Integrated Environment for Chemical Engineering (MM, MJ), pp. 255–260.
ICEIS-v3-2005-WhiteJM #adaptation #data access #ubiquitous- User-Centric Adaptive Access Control and Resource Configuration for Ubiquitous Computing Environments (MW, BJ, SvdM), pp. 349–354.
ICEIS-v3-2005-ZhaoVB #collaboration #distributed #interactive #trust- Type and Scope of Trust Relationships in Collaborative Interactions in Distributed Environments (WZ, VV, GB), pp. 331–336.
ICEIS-v4-2005-BoppH #architecture #distributed #kernel #mobile- A Microkernel Architecture for Distributed Mobile Environments (TB, TH), pp. 151–156.
ICEIS-v4-2005-EssmannH #distributed #framework #peer-to-peer- A Framework for Distributed Objects in Peer-to-Peer Cooperation Environments (BE, TH), pp. 157–162.
ICEIS-v4-2005-RusselB #data transfer #grid #performance #predict- Predicting the Performance of Data Transfer in a Grid Environment (ABMR, SB), pp. 176–181.
ICEIS-v5-2005-BeaudouxB #named #tool support- OPENDPI: A Toolkit for Developing Document-Centered Environments (OB, MBL), pp. 39–47.
ICEIS-v5-2005-LorenzoGMG #music #online #web- Hedonic Motivations in the Web Site: Effects of Music on Consumer Responses in an Online Shopping Environment (CL, MÀG, AM, JG), pp. 59–66.
CIKM-2005-HallerST #coordination #distributed #peer-to-peer #process #transaction- Decentralized coordination of transactional processes in peer-to-peer environments (KH, HS, CT), pp. 28–35.
CIKM-2005-HerzogLD #information management- SyynX solutions: practical knowledge management in a medical environment (CH, GL, MD), pp. 556–559.
LSO-2005-Salo #agile #development #learning #validation- Systematical Validation of Learning in Agile Software Development Environment (OS), pp. 92–96.
LSO-2005-SantosMRFMAPA #development #information management #process #using- Using a Software Development Environment with Knowledge Management to Support Deploying Software Processes in Small and Medium Size Companies (GS, MM, ARR, SF, SM, AA, BDP, MA), pp. 72–76.
LSO-2005-VillelaRT #development #on the- On the Importance Attributed to Different Knowledge in Software Development Environments (KV, ARR, GT), pp. 97–101.
SEKE-2005-ChuW #evolution #metamodelling #process #xml- An XML-based Meta-model for PRocess and Agent-based Integrated Software Evolution environment (PRAISE) (WCC, CHW), pp. 324–329.
SEKE-2005-FalboPS #multi #re-engineering- A Multi-Agent System for Knowledge Delivery in a Software Engineering Environment (RdAF, JP, MMS), pp. 253–258.
SEKE-2005-FalboRM #ontology #re-engineering #semantics #using- Using Ontologies to Add Semantics to a Software Engineering Environment (RdAF, FBR, RDM), pp. 151–156.
SEKE-2005-FerreiraV #algorithm #generative #hybrid #named #search-based #testing- TDSGen: An Environment Based on Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Generation of Test Data (LPF, SRV), pp. 312–317.
SIGIR-2005-DownieET #evaluation #information retrieval #music #prototype #research- Music-to-knowledge (M2K): a prototyping and evaluation environment for music information retrieval research (JSD, AFE, DKT), p. 676.
SIGIR-2005-TryfonopoulosIK #information retrieval #network #using- Publish/subscribe functionality in IR environments using structured overlay networks (CT, SI, MK), pp. 322–329.
MoDELS-2005-PaesschenMD #named- SelfSync: A Dynamic Round-Trip Engineering Environment (EVP, WDM, MD), pp. 633–647.
MoDELS-2005-PaesschenMD #named- SelfSync: A Dynamic Round-Trip Engineering Environment (EVP, WDM, MD), pp. 633–647.
POPL-2005-FieldV #consistency #distributed #maintenance #named #programming- Transactors: a programming model for maintaining globally consistent distributed state in unreliable environments (JF, CAV), pp. 195–208.
SAC-2005-Chefrour #adaptation #component #mobile- Developing component based adaptive applications in mobile environments (DC), pp. 1146–1150.
SAC-2005-LiWLC #mobile #realtime #transaction- Mobile real-time read-only transaction processing in data broadcast environments (GL, HW, YL, JC), pp. 1176–1177.
SAC-2005-Omitola #declarative- Declarative control of the future home environment (TO), pp. 1626–1627.
SAC-2005-RahmanBA #approach #grid- Replica selection in grid environment: a data-mining approach (RMR, KB, RA), pp. 695–700.
SAC-2005-TafatCH #coordination #pervasive- Implicit environment-based coordination in pervasive computing (AT, MC, BH), pp. 457–461.
SAC-2005-VishwanathGL #ubiquitous- Intelligent file management in ubiquitous environments (KV, AG, YL), pp. 1621–1625.
SAC-2005-YonekiB #communication #mobile #peer-to-peer- Dynamic group communication in mobile peer-to-peer environments (EY, JB), pp. 986–992.
SAC-2005-ZhaoCL #modelling #process #re-engineering- Applying agent technology to software process modeling and process-centered software engineering environment (XZ, KC, ML), pp. 1529–1533.
ESEC-FSE-2005-DucasseGN #agile #named #re-engineering #smalltalk- Moose: an agile reengineering environment (SD, TG, ON), pp. 99–102.
ESEC-FSE-2005-NierstraszDG #agile #re-engineering #smalltalk- The story of moose: an agile reengineering environment (ON, SD, TG), pp. 1–10.
GTTSE-2005-Brand #asf+sdf #ide- Applications of the Asf+Sdf Meta-Environment (MvdB), pp. 278–296.
ICSE-2005-ChungHKOSTCCHJ- The concern manipulation environment (WC, WHH, VJK, HO, SMSJ, PLT, MC, AC, HH, SJ), pp. 666–667.
ICSE-2005-Woit #case study #interactive #programming #requirements- Requirements interaction management in an eXtreme programming environment: a case study (DMW), pp. 489–494.
CC-2005-QianH #analysis #case study #jit- A Study of Type Analysis for Speculative Method Inlining in a JIT Environment (FQ, LJH), pp. 255–270.
CGO-2005-HuVJ #adaptation #effectiveness #optimisation- Effective Adaptive Computing Environment Management via Dynamic Optimization (SH, MGV, LKJ), pp. 63–73.
HPDC-2005-LuJ05a #consistency #detection #distributed #framework #grid #nondeterminism #performance- A framework for efficient inconsistency detection in a grid and Internet-scale distributed environment (YL, HJ), pp. 318–319.
HPDC-2005-SundararajGD #adaptation #performance #runtime- Increasing application performance in virtual environments through run-time inference and adaptation (AIS, AG, PAD), pp. 47–58.
HPDC-2005-TierneyG #clustering #workflow- Techniques for tuning workflows in cluster environments (BT, DKG), pp. 303–305.
SAT-J-2004-TompkinsH05 #algorithm #implementation #named #satisfiability- UBCSAT: An Implementation and Experimentation Environment for SLS Algorithms for SAT and MAX-SAT (DADT, HHH), pp. 306–320.
AMOST-2005-AugustonMS #automation #behaviour #generative #modelling #testing- Environment behavior models for scenario generation and testing automation (MA, JBM, MtS).
AMOST-2005-BinderH #mobile #testing- The advanced mobile application testing environment (RVB, JEH), p. 1.
CBSE-2004-Mikic-RakicM #architecture #distributed- Software Architectural Support for Disconnected Operation in Highly Distributed Environments (MMR, NM), pp. 23–39.
WICSA-2004-RivaSSTXY #architecture- Establishing a Software Architecting Environment (CR, PS, TS, APT, JX, YY), pp. 188–200.
ASE-2004-SmithWHDLC #requirements- An Environment for Building a System out of its Requirements (CS, KW, IJH, RGD, PAL, DAC), pp. 398–399.
DAC-2004-AlpertHHQ #flexibility #layout #performance #physics- Fast and flexible buffer trees that navigate the physical layout environment (CJA, MH, JH, STQ), pp. 24–29.
DATE-DF-2004-SchmittR #design #low cost #prototype #using #verification- Verification of a Microcontroller IP Core for System-on-a-Chip Designs Using Low-Cost Prototyping Environments (SS, WR), pp. 96–101.
DATE-v2-2004-LoghiABBZ #communication- Analyzing On-Chip Communication in a MPSoC Environment (ML, FA, DB, LB, RZ), pp. 752–757.
DATE-2005-FalconeriNR04 #modelling #reuse #verification- Common Reusable Verification Environment for BCA and RTL Models (GF, WN, NR), pp. 272–277.
HT-2004-MillardRMTW #hypermedia #modelling #physics- Navigational hypertext models For physical hypermedia environments (DEM, DDR, DTM, MKT, MJW), pp. 110–111.
SIGMOD-2004-Hall #challenge #policy #requirements- Requirements and Policy Challenges in Highly Secure Environments (DEH), pp. 897–898.
VLDB-2004-KraftS #evaluation #named #optimisation- CHICAGO: A Test and Evaluation Environment for Coarse-Grained Optimization (TK, HS), pp. 1345–1348.
ITiCSE-2004-BlumensteinGNM #analysis #automation #game studies- An experimental analysis of GAME: a generic automated marking environment (MB, SG, AN, VM), pp. 67–71.
ITiCSE-2004-Dixon #automation #education #learning- A single CASE environment for teaching and learning (MD), p. 271.
ITiCSE-2004-McKennaL #concept #learning- Constructivist or instructivist: pedagogical concepts practically applied to a computer learning environment (PM, BL), pp. 166–170.
ITiCSE-2004-PriceP #programming- Common environment for undergraduate computer programming (CBP, JP), p. 248.
FASE-2004-ChildsGRDDHJSS #analysis #component #development #ide #named #synthesis #verification- Cadena: An Integrated Development Environment for Analysis, Synthesis, and Verification of Component-Based Systems (AC, JG, VPR, XD, MBD, JH, GJ, PS, GS), pp. 160–164.
FASE-2004-El-MaddahM #design #development #ide #process #requirements- The GOPCSD Tool: An Integrated Development Environment for Process Control Requirements and Design (IAMEM, TSEM), pp. 261–266.
TACAS-2004-BallLX #automation #modelling- Automatic Creation of Environment Models via Training (TB, VL, FX), pp. 93–107.
WCRE-2004-EichbergMOS #development #kernel #named- XIRC: A Kernel for Cross-Artifact Information Engineering in Software Development Environments (ME, MM, KO, TS), pp. 182–191.
CIAA-2004-FrishertCW #automaton #finite #regular expression- FIRE Station: An Environment for Manipulating Finite Automata and Regular Expression Views (MF, LGC, BWW), pp. 125–133.
DLT-2004-KurganskyyP #2d #automaton #finite #on the #power of- On the Computation Power of Finite Automata in Two-dimensional Environments (OK, IP), pp. 261–271.
SEFM-2004-SchinzTMW #uml #verification- The Rhapsody UML Verification Environment (IS, TT, CM, BW), pp. 174–183.
CHI-2004-GrossmanB #3d- Pointing at trivariate targets in 3D environments (TG, RB), pp. 447–454.
CHI-2004-GutwinBDFVG #collaboration- Revealing delay in collaborative environments (CG, SB, JD, MF, IV, CG), pp. 503–510.
CHI-2004-LinAL #effectiveness- Virtual guiding avatar: an effective procedure to reduce simulator sickness in virtual environments (JJWL, HAR, ML), pp. 719–726.
CHI-2004-MullerGBWM #collaboration- One-hundred days in an activity-centric collaboration environment based on shared objects (MJM, WG, BB, EW, DRM), pp. 375–382.
CHI-2004-SchraefelHMSPF #pervasive- Breaking the book: translating the chemistry lab book into a pervasive computing lab environment (MMCS, GVH, HRM, GS, TRP, JGF), pp. 25–32.
CSCW-2004-BrownB #collaboration #game studies- CSCW at play: “there” as a collaborative virtual environment (BB, MB), pp. 350–359.
CSCW-2004-HupferCRP #collaboration #development- Introducing collaboration into an application development environment (SH, LTC, SIR, JFP), pp. 21–24.
CSCW-2004-Randell- Accountability in an alarming environment (RR), pp. 125–131.
CSCW-2004-YoonONKG #interactive #named #social- FishPong: encouraging human-to-human interaction in informal social environments (JY, JO, JN, KK, NG), pp. 374–377.
CAiSE-2004-BerkumBM #development #runtime #web- A Combined Runtime Environment and Web-Based Development Environment for Web Application Engineering (MvB, SB, AM), pp. 307–321.
CAiSE-2004-GePL #analysis #database- Secure Databases: An Analysis of Clark-Wilson Model in a Database Environment (XG, FP, RL), pp. 234–247.
CAiSE-2004-GuabtniC #multi #workflow- Multiple Instantiation in a Dynamic Workflow Environment (AG, FC), pp. 175–188.
CAiSE-2004-KovseH #model transformation #named #workflow- MT-Flow — An Environment for Workflow-Supported Model Transformations in MDA (JK, TH), pp. 160–174.
ICEIS-v2-2004-CamponovoBP #analysis- Strategic Analysis of the Environment: A DSS for Assessing Technology Environments (GC, SB, YP), pp. 122–129.
ICEIS-v2-2004-MendezHA- Intelligent Virtual Environments for Training in Nuclear Power Plants (GM, PH, AdA), pp. 204–209.
ICEIS-v3-2004-BrowneSW #distributed #process #workflow- Activity Crediting in Distributed Workflow Environments (EDB, MS, JRW), pp. 245–253.
ICEIS-v3-2004-CostagliolaDFG #modelling #visual notation- A User-Centered Methodology to Generate Visual Modeling Environments (GC, VD, FF, CG), pp. 147–154.
ICEIS-v3-2004-KaletasAH- A Methodology for Integrating New Scientific Domains and Applications in a Virtual Laboratory Environment (ECK, HA, LOH), pp. 265–272.
ICEIS-v3-2004-NetoLBCPCS #component #development- Component-Based Software Development Environment (CBDE) (RMSN, DL, AAB, JRDDC, AFdP, ICSC, AMdS), pp. 338–343.
ICEIS-v4-2004-FloresGVS #learning- Amplia Learning Environment: A Proposal for Pedagogical Negotiation (CDF, JCG, RMV, LJS), pp. 279–286.
ICEIS-v4-2004-PuentesC #collaboration- Virtual Active IP Node for Collaborative Environments (FP, VC), pp. 49–54.
ICEIS-v4-2004-SharifiVD #communication #mobile- Seamless Communication and Access to Information for Mobile Users in a Wireless Environment (GS, JV, RD), pp. 122–129.
ICEIS-v5-2004-RaouzaiouKK #synthesis- Emotion Synthesis in Virtual Environments (AR, KK, SDK), pp. 44–52.
ICEIS-v5-2004-SantosVRG #adaptation #collaboration #multi #workflow- A Multimedia Workflow-Based Collaborative Engineering Environment: Integrating an Adaptative Workflow with a Multimedia Collaboration System and a Collaborative Virtual Environment for Petroleum Engeneering (IHFdS, CV, AR, MG), pp. 259–262.
CIKM-2004-ChenZ #formal method #logic programming #mobile #multi- An extended logic programming based multi-agent system formalization in mobile environments (JC, YZ), pp. 166–167.
CIKM-2004-KnabeT #distributed #query- Processing search queries in a distributed environment (FK, DT), pp. 492–494.
CIKM-2004-MasonCV #on the #traceability- On structuring formal, semi-formal and informal data to support traceability in systems engineering environments (PM, KC, PV), pp. 642–651.
ICML-2004-ScullyML- Coalition calculation in a dynamic agent environment (TS, MGM, GL).
ICPR-v2-2004-KanbaraY #artificial reality #estimation #realtime- Real-time Estimation of Light Source Environment for Photorealistic Augmented Reality (MK, NY), pp. 911–914.
ICPR-v3-2004-GrossK #mobile #probability #robust #scalability #self- Robust Omniview-based Probabilistic Self-Localization for Mobile Robots in Large Maze-like Environments (HMG, AK), pp. 266–269.
ICPR-v4-2004-AlisiBPV #collaboration #distributed #fault- Motion Capture Based on Color Error Maps in a Distributed Collaborative Environment (TMA, ADB, FP, AV), pp. 953–956.
ICPR-v4-2004-LeoDGSD #monitoring #process #recognition- Complex Human Activity Recognition for Monitoring Wide Outdoor Environments (ML, TD, IG, PS, AD), pp. 913–916.
ICPR-v4-2004-Moreno-NoguerS #integration #multi #segmentation- Integration of Shape and a Multihypotheses Fisher Color Model for Figure-Ground Segmentation in Non-Stationary Environments (FMN, AS), pp. 771–774.
ICPR-v4-2004-Nait-CharifM #detection #process #summary- Activity Summarisation and Fall Detection in a Supportive Home Environment (HNC, SJM), pp. 323–326.
ICPR-v4-2004-SongN- Combined Face-body Tracking in Indoor Environment (XS, RN), pp. 159–162.
KDD-2004-GilburdSW #distributed #named #privacy #scalability- k-TTP: a new privacy model for large-scale distributed environments (BG, AS, RW), pp. 563–568.
KR-2004-Pirri #classification- Indoor Environment Classification and Perceptual Matching (FP), pp. 73–84.
LSO-2004-SantosVSRT #development #ontology #tool support- Building Ontology Based Tools for a Software Development Environment (GS, KV, LS, ARR, GHT), pp. 19–30.
SEKE-2004-MaidantchikSM #approach #distributed #information management #xml- Organizational Knowledge: an XML-based Approach to Support Knowledge Management in Distributed and Heterogeneous Environments (CM, GS, MM), pp. 427–430.
TOOLS-USA-2003-LucredioBPTA04 #component #re-engineering- A Component-Based Software Engineering Environment (DL, CDPB, AFdP, LCT, ESdA), pp. 51–74.
OOPSLA-2004-SachindranMB #garbage collection #named- MC2: high-performance garbage collection for memory-constrained environments (NS, JEBM, EDB), pp. 81–98.
RE-2004-Some #case study #requirements- An Environment for Use Cases based Requirements Engineering (SSS), pp. 364–365.
SAC-2004-AnconaC #implementation #runtime- Implementing the essence of reflection: a reflective run-time environment (MA, WC), pp. 1503–1507.
SAC-2004-AntoniouVPHJ #generative #network #simulation- A discrete event based simulation environment for enhanced UMTS 3rd generation networks (JA, VV, AP, GH, NJ), pp. 369–370.
SAC-2004-CavarraRS #framework #modelling #simulation #uml- A framework to simulate UML models: moving from a semi-formal to a formal environment (AC, ER, PS), pp. 1519–1523.
SAC-2004-InverardiMN #adaptation #declarative #framework- A declarative framework for adaptable applications in heterogeneous environments (PI, FM, MN), pp. 1177–1183.
SAC-2004-JiangWM #network #thread- Protein threading with residue-environment matching by artificial neural networks (NJ, WXW, IM), pp. 209–210.
SAC-2004-JuhaszC #clustering #multi #performance- Exploiting fast ethernet performance in multiplatform cluster environment (SJ, HC), pp. 1407–1411.
SAC-2004-LampeSF #maintenance #ubiquitous- A Ubiquitous Computing environment for aircraft maintenance (ML, MS, EF), pp. 1586–1592.
SAC-2004-MatsushitaKI #distributed #peer-to-peer #using- Feature-based distributed object search using signatures in Peer-to-Peer environments (RM, HK, YI), pp. 729–734.
SAC-2004-NeelyLEBNG #architecture #distributed #learning- An architecture for supporting vicarious learning in a distributed environment (SN, HL, DME, JB, JN, XG), pp. 963–970.
SAC-2004-WongCL #performance #xml- Efficient management of XML contents over wireless environment by Xstream (EYCW, ATSC, HVL), pp. 1122–1127.
LDTA-2004-BrandIM- An Action Environment (MvdB, JI, PDM), pp. 149–168.
LDTA-2004-BrandIM04a #tool support- The Action Environment: — Tool Demonstration -- (MvdB, JI, PDM), pp. 177–180.
ISMM-2004-ChenKVI #analysis #embedded #java #optimisation- Field level analysis for heap space optimization in embedded java environments (GC, MTK, NV, MJI), pp. 131–142.
RTA-2004-MatthewsFFF #term rewriting #visual notation- A Visual Environment for Developing Context-Sensitive Term Rewriting Systems (JM, RBF, MF, MF), pp. 301–311.
SAT-2004-TompkinsH #algorithm #implementation #named #satisfiability- UBCSAT: An Implementation and Experimentation Environment for SLS Algorithms for SAT & MAX-SAT (DADT, HHH), pp. 37–46.
ASE-2003-TkachukDP #automation #generative #model checking- Automated Environment Generation for Software Model Checking (OT, MBD, CSP), pp. 116–129.
DAC-2003-FummiPGPMR #embedded #modelling #simulation- A timing-accurate modeling and simulation environment for networked embedded systems (FF, GP, PG, MP, SM, FR), pp. 42–47.
DAC-2003-HenftlingZBZE #architecture- Re-use-centric architecture for a fully accelerated testbench environment (RH, AZ, MB, MZ, WE), pp. 372–375.
DAC-2003-YuanAAP #constraints #functional #modelling #synthesis #verification- Constraint synthesis for environment modeling in functional verification (JY, KA, AA, CP), pp. 296–299.
DATE-2003-Dales #configuration management- Managing a Reconfigurable Processor in a General Purpose Workstation Environment (MD), pp. 10980–10985.
DATE-2003-YooBBPJ #abstraction #hardware #modelling #performance #simulation- Building Fast and Accurate SW Simulation Models Based on Hardware Abstraction Layer and Simulation Environment Abstraction Layer (SY, IB, AB, YP, AAJ), pp. 10550–10555.
HT-2003-ItoT #composition #visual notation #web- A visual environment for dynamic web application composition (KI, YT), pp. 184–193.
HT-2003-NguyenMB #configuration management #development- Configuration management in a hypermedia-based software development environment (TNN, EVM, JB), pp. 194–195.
VLDB-2003-VieiraM #benchmark #dependence #metric- A Dependability Benchmark for OLTP Application Environments (MV, HM), pp. 742–753.
ITiCSE-2003-Garvin-DoxasB #interactive #learning- Creating learning environments that support interaction (KGD, LJB), p. 276.
ITiCSE-2003-HuangS #design #education #using- Teaching undergraduate software design in a liberal arts environment using RoboCup (TH, FS), pp. 114–118.
ITiCSE-2003-KoldehofePT #case study #distributed #using #visualisation- Integrating a simulation-visualisation environment in a basic distributed systems course: a case study using LYDIAN (BK, MP, PT), pp. 35–39.
ITiCSE-2003-LynchM #learning #student- The winds of change: students’ comfort level in different learning environments (KL, SM), pp. 70–73.
FASE-2003-ScottBM #mobile #policy #security- Spatial Security Policies for Mobile Agents in a Sentient Computing Environment (DJS, ARB, AM), pp. 102–117.
FASE-2003-VanderperrenSWJ #component #composition #visual notation- PacoSuite and JAsCo: A Visual Component Composition Environment with Advanced Aspect Separation Features (WV, DS, BW, VJ), pp. 166–169.
ICSM-2003-GargCCWH #architecture #evolution #product line- An Environment for Managing Evolving Product Line Architectures (AG, MC, PC, CvdW, AvdH), p. 358–?.
ICSM-2003-KnethenG #automation #impact analysis #named- QuaTrace: A Tool Environment for (Semi-) Automatic Impact Analysis Based on Traces (AvK, MG), pp. 246–255.
SCAM-2003-MossienkoKASG #dependence #legacy #maintenance #towards- Towards managing environment dependence during legacy systems renovation and maintenance (MM, OK, DA, OS, AG), pp. 131–140.
WCRE-2003-AlvaroLGPTA #component #named #re-engineering- Orion-RE: A Component-Based Software Reengineering Environment (AÁ, DL, VCG, AFdP, LCT, ESdA), pp. 248–259.
WCRE-2003-SalahM #distributed #towards- Toward an environment for comprehending distributed systems (MS, SM), pp. 238–247.
FME-2003-HayesJJ #specification- Determining the Specification of a Control System from That of Its Environment (IJH, MAJ, CBJ), pp. 154–169.
AGTIVE-2003-BardohlEW #modelling #named #visual notation- GenGED — A Visual Definition Tool for Visual Modeling Environments (RB, CE, IW), pp. 413–419.
AGTIVE-2003-Taentzer #graph transformation #modelling #named #validation- AGG: A Graph Transformation Environment for Modeling and Validation of Software (GT), pp. 446–453.
CHI-2003-BallagasRSB #named #physics #tool support #ubiquitous #user interface- iStuff: a physical user interface toolkit for ubiquitous computing environments (RB, MR, MCS, JOB), pp. 537–544.
CHI-2003-GarauSVBSS #communication #quality- The impact of avatar realism and eye gaze control on perceived quality of communication in a shared immersive virtual environment (MG, MS, VV, AB, AS, MAS), pp. 529–536.
CHI-2003-RoddenB #design #evolution #ubiquitous- The evolution of buildings and implications for the design of ubiquitous domestic environments (TR, SB), pp. 9–16.
VISSOFT-2003-Lanza1 #development #visualisation- Program Visualization Support for Highly Iterative Development Environments (ML), pp. 67–72.
AdaEurope-2003-AlonsoPZ #development #testing- A Test Environment for High Integrity Software Development (AA, JAdlP, JZ), pp. 359–267.
AdaEurope-2003-MartelSMH #visual notation- A Graphical Environment for GLADE (EM, FGS, JM, LH), pp. 182–195.
SIGAda-2003-HumphriesCW #ada #dot-net #multi #programming- Multilanguage programming with ada in the .Net environment (JWH, MCC, TAW), pp. 1–3.
CAiSE-2003-AntonellisMPP #strict- A Methodology for e -Service Substitutability in a Virtual District Environment (VDA, MM, BP, PP), pp. 552–567.
CAiSE-2003-BraynerF #configuration management #database #mobile- Sharing Mobile Databases in Dynamically Configurable Environments (AB, JdAMF), pp. 724–737.
CAiSE-2003-GansJLS #modelling #network #simulation- Deliberation in a Modeling and Simulation Environment for Inter-organizational Networks (GG, MJ, GL, DS), pp. 242–257.
CAiSE-2003-SpiekermannDGR #e-commerce #industrial- User Agents in E-commerce Environments: Industry vs. Consumer Perspectives on Data Exchange (SS, ID, OG, DR), pp. 696–710.
ICEIS-v1-2003-FatoohiG #distributed #execution #using #web- A Distributed Job Execution Environment Using Asynchronous Messaging and Web Technologies (RF, NG), pp. 246–251.
ICEIS-v1-2003-KarlsenS #web #web service- Trigger-Based Compensation in Web Service Environments (RK, TS), pp. 487–490.
ICEIS-v2-2003-KallimaniIBK #knowledge base #process- Integrated Knowledge Based Process in Manufacturing Environment (VPK, DI, PB, JVK), pp. 465–468.
ICEIS-v2-2003-OkuharaSMIN- Application of Group Method of Data Handling to Virtual Environment Simulator (KO, WS, YM, HI, TN), pp. 545–548.
ICEIS-v2-2003-OliveiraSS #information management #named- Epistheme: A Scientific Knowledge Management Environment (JO, JMdS, JCMS), pp. 330–335.
ICEIS-v3-2003-AntonioV #collaboration #development #distributed- An Environment for Software Development Based on a Distributed Collaborative Model (AdA, MVA), pp. 272–277.
ICEIS-v3-2003-ColletDHP #collaboration #design #distributed- A New User-Centered Design of Distributed Collaboration Environments: The Réciprocité Project (LC, AD, FH, XLP), pp. 544–546.
ICEIS-v3-2003-HirabayashiOKMK #social- Scoring WWW Pages with Social Credibility in a Hyperlink Environment (MH, KO, HK, JyM, SK), pp. 326–333.
ICEIS-v3-2003-Kulakov- Augmentation of Virtual Object to Real Environment (FK), pp. 609–614.
ICEIS-v3-2003-Raabe #information management #re-engineering- Software Engineering Environment for Business Information Systems (AR), pp. 129–137.
ICEIS-v3-2003-YangZ #data access #enterprise #xml- An XML Based Administration Method on Role-Based Access Control in the Enterprise Environment (CY, CNZ), pp. 646–649.
ICEIS-v4-2003-LiuWS #design- Knowledge Construction in E-Learning — Designing an E-Learning Environment (KL, SW, LS), pp. 111–118.
ICEIS-v4-2003-Tagg- Software Agents to Support Administration in Asynchronous Team Environments (RT), pp. 119–126.
CIKM-2003-ConradGS #detection #documentation #online #reliability #retrieval- Online duplicate document detection: signature reliability in a dynamic retrieval environment (JGC, XSG, CPS), pp. 443–452.
CIKM-2003-HuangCP #mobile- Exploring group mobility for replica data allocation in a mobile environment (JLH, MSC, WCP), pp. 161–168.
ECIR-2003-LinKT #e-commerce #performance- Attaining Fast and Successful Searches in E-commerce Environments (RL, SK, JDT), pp. 120–134.
SEKE-2003-AversanoLGR #distributed #flexibility #named #re-engineering- GENESIS: A Flexible and Distributed Environment for Cooperative Software Engineering (LA, ADL, MG, PR), pp. 497–502.
SIGIR-2003-NurayC #automation #ranking #retrieval- Automatic ranking of retrieval systems in imperfect environments (RN, FC), pp. 379–380.
UML-2003-PleumannH #modelling #runtime #web- A Model-Driven Runtime Environment for Web Applications (JP, SH), pp. 190–204.
UML-2003-SussLWK #evolution #validation- Model-Centric Engineering with the Evolution and Validation Environment (JGS, AL, HW, RDK), pp. 31–43.
OOPSLA-2003-ChenKVIMW #java- Heap compression for memory-constrained Java environments (GC, MTK, NV, MJI, BM, MW), pp. 282–301.
POPL-2003-TahaN #classification- Environment classifiers (WT, MFN), pp. 26–37.
SAC-2003-AhnM #distributed #health- Role-Based Authorization in Decentralized Health Care Environments (GJA, BM), pp. 251–256.
SAC-2003-HuC #adaptation #information management- Adaptive Dissemination of Dynamic Information Services in an Extended Data Broadcast Environment (CLH, MSC), pp. 855–859.
SAC-2003-LaiTB #mobile #performance- Cost Efficient Broadcast Based Cache Invalidation for Mobile Environments (KYL, ZT, PB), pp. 871–877.
SAC-2003-TraoreK #collaboration- A Protection Scheme for Collaborative Environments (IT, SK), pp. 331–337.
SAC-2003-TsengT #mining #mobile #performance #web- An Efficient Method for Mining Associated Service Patterns in Mobile Web Environments (SMT, CFT), pp. 455–459.
SAC-2003-Valverde-AlbacetePCDNM #design #named- InterMediActor: an Environment for Instructional Content Design Based on Competences (FJVA, RPJ, JCS, PDP, ANV, HYMB), pp. 575–579.
SAC-2003-VuHJ #effectiveness #image #retrieval- Improving Image Retrieval Effectiveness in Query-by-Example Environment (KV, KAH, NJ), pp. 774–781.
ICSE-2003-FredrikssonG- Trustworthy and sustainable operations in marine environments (MF, RG), pp. 806–807.
ICSE-2003-HatcliffDDJR #analysis #component #development #named #verification- Cadena: An Integrated Development, Analysis, and Verification Environment for Component-based Systems (JH, XD, MBD, GJ, VPR), pp. 160–173.
ICSE-2003-ReissKWK #evolution #named- CLIME: An Environment for Constrained Evolution Demonstration Description (SPR, CMK, TW, SK), pp. 818–819.
LDTA-2003-SanchezCMN #coordination #named #specification- CoordMaude: Simplifying Formal Coordination Specifications of Cooperation Environment (MS, PJC, JMM, JHN), pp. 643–658.
HPDC-2003-TalwarBK #interactive- An Environment for Enabling Interactive Grids (VT, SB, RK), pp. 184–193.
PPoPP-2003-TanSSAM #design pattern #distributed #generative #memory management #parallel #using- Using generative design patterns to generate parallel code for a distributed memory environment (KT, DS, JS, JA, SM), pp. 203–215.
SOSP-2003-CastroDKNRS #multi #named- SplitStream: high-bandwidth multicast in cooperative environments (MC, PD, AMK, AN, AITR, AS), pp. 298–313.
FATES-2003-BarnettGNSTV #modelling #testing #towards- Towards a Tool Environment for Model-Based Testing with AsmL (MB, WG, LN, WS, NT, MV), pp. 252–266.
RTA-2003-BrandMV #exclamation #for free #term rewriting- Environments for Term Rewriting Engines for Free! (MvdB, PEM, JJV), pp. 424–435.
WICSA-2002-SousaG #architecture #framework #named #ubiquitous- Aura: an Architectural Framework for User Mobility in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (JPS, DG), pp. 29–43.
DAC-2002-WohlWPM #effectiveness- Effective diagnostics through interval unloads in a BIST environment (PW, JAW, SP, GAM), pp. 249–254.
DATE-2002-CotaCLO #design #testing- Test Planning and Design Space Exploration in a Core-Based Environment (ÉFC, LC, ML, AO), pp. 478–485.
DATE-2002-DoucetSGO #co-evolution #component #composition #design #performance- An Environment for Dynamic Component Composition for Efficient Co-Design (FD, SKS, RKG, MO), pp. 736–743.
DATE-2002-IndrusiakGR #analysis #comparative #design #distributed #framework #repository- Comparative Analysis and Application of Data Repository Infrastructure for Collaboration-Enabled Distributed Design Environments (LSI, MG, RAdLR), p. 1130.
DATE-2002-LiuCG #identification- An Interval-Based Diagnosis Scheme for Identifying Failing Vectors in a Scan-BIST Environment (CL, KC, MG), pp. 382–386.
SIGMOD-2002-YangWYH #mining- Mining long sequential patterns in a noisy environment (JY, WW, PSY, JH), pp. 406–417.
VLDB-2002-CiliaHB #internet #profiling- Profiling and Internet Connectivity in Automotive Environments (MC, PH, APB), pp. 1071–1074.
VLDB-2002-ConradGJM #database #logic #physics #using- Database Selection Using Actual Physical and Acquired Logical Collection Resources in a Massive Domain-specific Operational Environment (JGC, XSG, PJ, MM), pp. 71–82.
VLDB-2002-SeifertS #hybrid #multi #policy- A Multi-version Cache Replacement and Prefetching Policy for Hybrid Data Delivery Environments (AS, MHS), pp. 850–861.
VLDB-2002-ShengBDM #agile #composition #framework #named #peer-to-peer #self #web #web service- SELF-SERV: A Platform for Rapid Composition of Web Services in a Peer-to-Peer Environment (QZS, BB, MD, EOYM), pp. 1051–1054.
CSEET-2002-Sebern #development #industrial- The Software Development Laboratory: Incorporating Industrial Practice in an Academic Environment (MJS), pp. 118–127.
ITiCSE-2002-Chalk #aspect-oriented #education #human-computer #learning- Evaluating the use of a virtual learning environment for teaching aspects of HCI (PC), pp. 125–129.
ITiCSE-2002-HoldfeldtKLOPSV #algorithm #distributed #education #named #visualisation- EnViDiA: an educational environment for visualization of distributed algorithms in virtual environments (PH, BK, CL, TO, WP, JS, LV), p. 226.
ITiCSE-2002-StewartKM #authoring #named- MediaMime: after-the-fact authoring annotation system for an e-learning environment (AS, PK, MM), p. 243.
FASE-2002-GouveiaKWAF #coordination #development- The Coordination Development Environment (JG, GK, MW, LFA, JLF), pp. 323–326.
FASE-2002-PaulaB #component #development- Mapping an ADL to a Component-Based Application Development Environment (VCCdP, TVB), pp. 128–142.
ICSM-2002-LauCKL #e-commerce #enterprise #java #legacy #re-engineering- Re-Engineering of E-commerce Legacy Applications for Enterprise JavaTM Environment (TCL, YC, RK, JL), p. 573.
IWPC-2002-JahnkeMWMW #evolution #visualisation- Fused Data-Centric Visualizations for Software Evolution Environments (JHJ, HAM, AW, NM, KW), pp. 187–196.
SCAM-2002-HarmerW #metric #object-oriented #programming language- An Extensible Metrics Extraction Environment for Object-Oriented Programming Languages (TJH, FGW), pp. 26–35.
IFL-2002-LindahlS #compilation #float- Unboxed Compilation of Floating Point Arithmetic in a Dynamically Typed Language Environment (TL, KFS), pp. 134–149.
ICGT-2002-ReisRASN #execution #graph transformation #process #semantics #using- Using Graph Transformation as the Semantical Model for Software Process Execution in the APSEE Environment (CALR, RQR, MMdA, HS, DJN), pp. 254–269.
CHI-2002-CockburnM #2d #3d #effectiveness #memory management #physics- Evaluating the effectiveness of spatial memory in 2D and 3D physical and virtual environments (AC, BJM), pp. 203–210.
CHI-2002-MontemayorDFSCD #design #interactive #physics #programming #tool support- Physical programming: designing tools for children to create physical interactive environments (JM, AD, AF, SS, WC, AD), pp. 299–306.
CHI-2002-PierceP #feedback- Comparing voodoo dolls and HOMER: exploring the importance of feedback in virtual environments (JSP, RFP), pp. 105–112.
CHI-2002-QuintanaKS #case study #guidelines- A Case Study to Distill Structural Scaffolding Guidelines for Scaffolded Software Environments (CQ, JK, ES), pp. 81–88.
AdaEurope-2002-Erdmann #ada #database #development- GNAT Ada Database Development Environment (ME), pp. 334–343.
AdaEurope-2002-MartelSG #distributed #programming- A Tailorable Distributed Programming Environment (EM, FGS, FJMG), pp. 269–281.
AdaEurope-2002-PinhoV- Transparent Environment for Replicated Ravenscar Applications (LMP, FV), pp. 297–308.
SIGAda-2002-CarlisleSH #ada #dot-net #weaving- Weaving Ada 95 into the .net environment (MCC, RES, JWH), pp. 22–26.
CAiSE-2002-GansLJV #modelling #named #network #simulation- SNet: A Modeling and Simulation Environment for Agent Networks Based on i* and ConGolog (GG, GL, MJ, TV), pp. 328–343.
ICEIS-2002-ArrudaBL #integration #named #web- MEDIweb: A Mediator-Based Environment for Data Integration on the Web (LSA, CdSB, CAAL), pp. 34–41.
ICEIS-2002-ChouT- Predicate-Based Caching Scheme for Wireless Environments (PLC, ZT), pp. 57–64.
ICEIS-2002-ChristoffelSS #adaptation #automation #generative- Semi-Automatic Wrapper Generation and Adaption: Living with Heterogeneity in a Market Environment (MC, BS, JS), pp. 65–72.
ICEIS-2002-GusikhinKRACM #artificial reality #assembly- Virtual Reality Web-Based Environment for Workcell Planning in an Automotive Assembly (OYG, EK, GR, CA, GC, TM), pp. 263–268.
ICEIS-2002-Oliver #automation- A Training Environment for Automated Sales Agents to Learn Negotiation Strategies (JRO), pp. 410–417.
ICEIS-2002-PrikladnickiPAMP #development #distributed #process #requirements #specification- Requirements Specification Model in a Software Development Process inside a Physically Distributed Environment (RP, FP, JLNA, MdCM, AP), pp. 830–834.
ICEIS-2002-Sihvonen #middleware #mobile #requirements- Profile Negotiation Requirements in a Mobile Middleware Service Environment (MS), pp. 1009–1015.
ICEIS-2002-TrujilloLM #design- The Gold Model Case Tool: An Environment for Designing OLAP Applications (JT, SLM, EM), pp. 699–707.
ICEIS-2002-WangSHMY #health #information management #network- The Millennium Information System (MIS) for European Public Health and Environment Network (EPHEN) (FW, RS, NH, FM, YJY), pp. 302–306.
CIKM-2002-LiuCR #maintenance- Batch data warehouse maintenance in dynamic environments (BL, SC, EAR), pp. 68–75.
CIKM-2002-SharafC #semantics #summary- Semantic-based delivery of OLAP summary tables in wireless environments (MAS, PKC), pp. 84–92.
ICPR-v1-2002-CaronMV #detection- A Method for Detecting Artificial Objects in Natural Environments (YC, PM, NV), pp. 600–603.
ICPR-v1-2002-NguyenVWB #behaviour #monitoring #multi #people #using- Hierarchical Monitoring of People’s Behaviors in Complex Environments Using Multiple Cameras (NTN, SV, GAWW, HHB), pp. 13–16.
ICPR-v1-2002-YuanGY #detection #robust- Robust Frontal Face Detection in Complex Environment (QY, WG, HY), pp. 25–28.
ICPR-v2-2002-Chen- Signal Processing for Preserving the Environment (CHC), p. 523.
ICPR-v2-2002-ChenCH #approach #programming #recognition- A Dynamic Programming Approach for Appearance-Based Recognition of Environments (CSC, JHC, WTH), pp. 893–896.
ICPR-v2-2002-Kolesnik #adaptation #visual notation- Visual Orientation in the Sewer Adaptation to the Environment (MK), p. 856–?.
ICPR-v3-2002-AlbalateDM #3d- Perception Planning for an Exploration Task of a 3D Environment (MTLA, MD, JMSM), pp. 704–707.
ICPR-v3-2002-BurschkaH #classification- Scene Classification from Dense Disparity Maps in Indoor Environments (DB, GDH), pp. 708–712.
KDD-2002-Olecka #classification #performance- Evaluating classifiers’ performance in a constrained environment (AO), pp. 605–612.
SEKE-2002-Albalooshi #automation #consistency #database #representation- A database representation that improves automation and maintains consistency in a mulitple view environment (FA), pp. 281–288.
SEKE-2002-BagnoliFS #distance #education #named- WebTeach: an integrated web-based cooperative environment for distance teaching (FB, FF, AS), pp. 519–520.
SEKE-2002-ChellaCPR #modelling #ontology- Modeling ontologies for robotic environments (AC, MC, RP, AR), pp. 77–80.
SEKE-2002-CostagliolaFRSL #component #development #process #visual notation- A component-based visual environment development process (GC, RF, MR, GS, ADL), pp. 327–334.
SEKE-2002-FalboGNBRM #re-engineering #semantics #towards- Towards semantic software engineering environments (RdAF, GG, ACCN, GB, FFR, PGM), pp. 477–478.
SEKE-2002-GrutznerAP #approach #information management #learning- A systematic approach to produce small courseware modules for combined learning and knowledge management environements (IG, NA, DP), pp. 533–539.
SEKE-2002-Wang #process #re-engineering- A process centred environment for cooperative software engineering (AIW), pp. 469–472.
SIGIR-2002-ConradYC #effectiveness #locality #performance #retrieval- Effective collection metasearch in a hierarchical environment: global vs. localized retrieval performance (JGC, CY, JSC), pp. 371–372.
TOOLS-USA-2002-BackerDS #education #eiffel #encapsulation #web #web service- An Encapsulated Eiffel Education Environment, based on Web Services (MDB, GD, MS), pp. 97–106.
RE-2002-FenkamGJ #case study #requirements #validation #visual notation- Visual Requirements Validation: Case Study in a Corba-Supported Environment (PF, HCG, MJ), pp. 81–90.
SAC-2002-Abu-GhazalehP #execution #mobile #performance #towards #verification- Verification caching: towards efficient and secure mobile code execution environments (NBAG, DSP), pp. 964–968.
SAC-2002-BrazierOSW #generative #migration #mobile- Agent factory: generative migration of mobile agents in heterogeneous environments (FMTB, BJO, MvS, NJEW), pp. 101–106.
SAC-2002-ThompsonWM #security #testing- Software security vulnerability testing in hostile environments (HHT, JAW, FEM), pp. 260–264.
FSE-2002-JulienR #ad hoc #mobile #programming- Egocentric context-aware programming in ad hoc mobile environments (CJ, GCR), pp. 21–30.
ICSE-2002-KimP #testing- A history-based test prioritization technique for regression testing in resource constrained environments (JMK, AAP), pp. 119–129.
ICSE-2002-ZachariadisCME #information management #middleware #mobile #named- XMIDDLE: information sharing middleware for a mobile environment (SZ, LC, CM, WE), p. 712.
LDTA-2002-BrandMR #asf+sdf #logic- The ELAN Environment: a Rewriting Logic Environment based on ASF+SDF Technology — System Demonstration (MvdB, PEM, CR), pp. 50–56.
CC-2002-MernikLAZ #development #interactive #named #programming language- LISA: An Interactive Environment for Programming Language Development (MM, ML, EA, VZ), pp. 1–4.
HPCA-2002-ChenSKVIW #embedded #garbage collection #java- Tuning Garbage Collection in an Embedded Java Environment (GC, RS, MTK, NV, MJI, MW), pp. 92–103.
HPDC-2002-DeBardelebenLPS #framework #named #performance #problem- Coven — A Framework for High Performance Problem Solving Environments (ND, WBLI, SP, DCSJ), p. 291–?.
HPDC-2002-HuangV #resource management- QoS-Based Resource Discovery in Intermittently Available Environments (YH, NV), p. 50–?.
HPDC-2002-IamnitchiFN #approach #grid #peer-to-peer- A Peer-to-Peer Approach to Resource Location in Grid Environments (AI, ITF, DN), p. 419.
HPDC-2002-IvanHAK #adaptation #distributed #framework- Partitionable Services: A Framework for Seamlessly Adapting Distributed Applications to Heterogeneous Environments (AAI, JH, MA, VK), pp. 103–112.
ISMM-2002-Henderson #garbage collection- Accurate garbage collection in an uncooperative environment (FH), pp. 256–263.
OSDI-2002-AdyaBCCCDHLTW #named #reliability- FARSITE: Federated, Available, and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment (AA, WJB, MC, GC, RC, JRD, JH, JRL, MT, RW), pp. 1–14.
OSDI-2002-OsmanSSN #design #implementation #migration- The Design and Implementation of Zap: A System for Migrating Computing Environments (SO, DS, GS, JN), pp. 361–376.
OSDI-2002-WhiteLSRGNHBJ #distributed #network- An Integrated Experimental Environment for Distributed Systems and Networks (BW, JL, LS, RR, SG, MN, MH, CB, AJ), pp. 255–270.
CAV-2002-BozgaGM #component #realtime #validation- IF-2.0: A Validation Environment for Component-Based Real-Time Systems (MB, SG, LM), pp. 343–348.
ISSTA-2002-HillerJS #fault #named- PROPANE: an environment for examining the propagation of errors in software (MH, AJ, NS), pp. 81–85.
ISSTA-2002-SrivastavaT #development #effectiveness #testing- Effectively prioritizing tests in development environment (AS, JT), pp. 97–106.
TestCom-2002-BrederekeS #automation #flexibility #testing- An Automated, Flexible Testing Environment for UMTS (JB, BHS), pp. 79–94.
TestCom-2002-Gehring #testing- Testing of IP Services & Applications in a Service Provider Environment (AG), p. 17–?.
TestCom-2002-MannCK #testing- Testing Access to External Information Sources in a Mediator Environment (ZÁM, JC, PK), p. 111–?.
CBSE-2001-GarlanS #component #pervasive #re-engineering- Component-Based Software Engineering in Pervasive Computing Environments (DG, BS), p. 10.
DATE-2001-BensoCNP #analysis #distributed #fault #injection #open source- SEU effect analysis in an open-source router via a distributed fault injection environment (AB, SDC, GDN, PP), pp. 219–225.
DATE-2001-ZolfyMN #adaptation #concurrent #fault #simulation- Adaptation of an event-driven simulation environment to sequentially propagated concurrent fault simulation (MZ, SM, ZN), p. 823.
DocEng-2001-SampaioLC #consistency #documentation #ide- An integrated environment for the presentation of consistent SMIL 2.0 documents (PNMS, CL, JPC), pp. 115–124.
VLDB-2001-TanSHCR #realtime #scalability- Walking Through a Very Large Virtual Environment in Real-time (LS, JC, ZH, YR, KLT), pp. 401–410.
CSEET-2001-ArmaregoFR #development #learning #online #re-engineering- Constructing Software Engineering Knowledge: Development of an Online Learning Environment (JA, LF, GGR), pp. 258–267.
CSEET-2001-RatcliffeTW #learning- A Learning Environment for First Year Software Engineers (MR, LT, JW), pp. 268–275.
ITiCSE-2001-Chalk #learning- Scaffolding learning in virtual environments (PC), pp. 85–88.
ITiCSE-2001-KhuriH #algorithm #education #graph #named- EVEGA: an educational visulalization environment for graph algorithms (SK, KH), pp. 101–104.
ITiCSE-2001-ThomasL #distance #fault #learning #student #using- Observational studies of student errors in a distance learning environment using a remote recording and replay tool (PT, KL), pp. 117–120.
FASE-2001-NieseNHKGEH #automation #testing- Demonstration of an Automated Integrated Testing Environment for CTI Systems (ON, MN, AH, KKS, WG, AE, BH), pp. 249–252.
TACAS-2001-Castillo #analysis #modelling #state machine #tool support #validation- The ASM Workbench — A Tool Environment for Computer-Aided Analysis and Validation of Abstract State Machine Models Tool Demonstration (GDC), pp. 578–581.
ICSM-2001-ZelkowitzR #independence #maintenance #safety #validation #verification- The Role of Independent Verification and Validation in Maintaining a Safety Critical Evolutionary Software in a Complex Environment: The NASA Space Shuttle Program (MVZ, IR), pp. 118–126.
IWPC-2001-Bennett #component #comprehension #evolution- Systems Evolution, Components and Services: Understanding the New Software Environment (KHB), pp. 3–6.
IWPC-2001-Favre #named- GSEE: A Generic Software Exploration Environment (JMF), pp. 233–244.
IWPC-2001-StoreyBM #interactive #java #source code- SHriMP Views: An Interactive Environment for Exploring Java Programs (MADS, CB, JM), pp. 111–112.
WCRE-2001-Rilling #comprehension #functional- Maximizing Functional Cohesion of Comprehension Environments by Integrating User and Task Knowledge (JR), pp. 157–165.
FLOPS-2001-SatoSK #calculus- A Simply Typed Context Calculus with First-Class Environments (MS, TS, YK), pp. 359–374.
IFL-2001-Grelck #array #memory management #optimisation- Optimizations on Array Skeletons in a Shared Memory Environment (CG), pp. 36–54.
CHI-2001-BersGD #community- Identity construction environments: supporting a virtual therapeutic community of pediatric patients undergoing dialysis (MUB, JGH, DRD), pp. 380–387.
CHI-2001-LiuRGC #automation- Automating camera management for lecture room environments (QL, YR, AG, JJC), pp. 442–449.
CHI-2001-MasonWLM- Reaching movements to augmented and graphic objects in virtual environments (AHM, MAW, EJL, CLM), pp. 426–433.
SVIS-2001-Mehner #concurrent #debugging #java #named #source code #uml #visualisation- JaVis: A UML-Based Visualization and Debugging Environment for Concurrent Java Programs (KM), pp. 163–175.
EDOC-2001-Ensel #approach #automation #dependence #modelling #scalability- A Scalable Approach to Automated Service Dependency Modeling in Heterogeneous Environments (CE), pp. 128–139.
ICEIS-v1-2001-FatoohiS #corba #java #legacy- Integrating Legacy Applications within a JAVA/CORBA Environment (RF, LS), pp. 157–162.
ICEIS-v1-2001-GoncalvesLB #integration- Specializing Agents on Data Integration in Data Warehousing System Environment (JG, AL, OB), pp. 19–23.
ICEIS-v2-2001-BressanAAG #3d #learning #multi #web- Multiuser 3D Learning Environments in the Web (CMB, SdA, RBdA, CG), pp. 1170–1173.
ICEIS-v2-2001-MorilloFD #analysis #named- RSHP: A Scheme to Classify Information in a Domain Analysis Environment (JLM, JMF, ID), pp. 686–690.
CIKM-2001-FeldmanALASR #independence #information management- A Domain Independent Environment for Creating Information Extraction Modules (RF, YA, YL, KA, YS, BR), pp. 586–588.
CIKM-2001-HuangPC #mobile #on-demand- Binary Interpolation Search for Solution Mapping on Broadcast and On-demand Channels in a Mobile Computing Environment (JLH, WCP, MSC), pp. 434–441.
CIKM-2001-KimLJH #algorithm #hybrid #named #transaction- O-PreH: Optimistic Transaction Processing Algorithm based on Pre-Reordering in Hybrid Broadcast Environments (SK, SL, SYJ, CSH), pp. 553–555.
CIKM-2001-QiuL- Index Filtering and View Materialization in ROLAP Environment (SGQ, TWL), pp. 334–340.
ICML-2001-LiuECBT #3d #mobile #modelling #using- Using EM to Learn 3D Models of Indoor Environments with Mobile Robots (YL, RE, DC, WB, ST), pp. 329–336.
ICML-2001-Wiering #learning #using- Reinforcement Learning in Dynamic Environments using Instantiated Information (MW), pp. 585–592.
KDD-2001-ChiuFCWJ #algorithm #clustering #database #robust #scalability- A robust and scalable clustering algorithm for mixed type attributes in large database environment (TC, DF, JC, YW, CJ), pp. 263–268.
KDD-2001-HotzGHNW #analysis #detection #industrial- REVI-MINER, a KDD-environment for deviation detection and analysis of warranty and goodwill cost statements in automotive industry (EH, UG, WH, GN, MW), pp. 432–437.
KDD-T-2001-KarguptaJ #data mining #distributed #mining #mobile #ubiquitous- Data mining “to go”: ubiquitous KDD for mobile and distributed environments (HK, AJ), pp. 186–263.
SEKE-2001-SeguraAIMA #design #development- Design Task in Virtual Environments Development (MISS, AdA, RI, GM, AdAS), pp. 317–320.
SIGIR-2001-Milic-FraylingS #modelling #web- MS Read: User Modeling in the Web Environment (NMF, RS), p. 458.
GCSE-2001-HakalaHKPVV #development #framework #generative #java- Generating Application Development Environments for Java Frameworks (MH, JH, KK, JP, AV, JV), pp. 163–176.
LOPSTR-2001-AlferesBLP #behaviour #logic programming- Computing Environment-Aware Agent Behaviours with Logic Program Updates (JJA, AB, JAL, LMP), pp. 216–232.
RE-2001-DorfmanC #experience #industrial #requirements #traceability- Early Experience with Requirements Traceability in an Industrial Environment (MD, RC), p. 265.
RE-2001-Traore #development- An Integrated V&V Environment for Critical Systems Development (IT), p. 287.
RE-2001-WinterDC #modelling #requirements #validation- Virtual Environment Modeling for Requirements Validation of High Consequence Systems (VLW, DD, BC), pp. 23–30.
SAC-2001-Ben-MiledSBNLAOGKNCMS #object-oriented #transaction #using- Global change master directory: object-oriented active asynchronous transaction management in a federated environment using data agents (ZBM, SS, OAB, KN, EL, MA, LO, CG, DK, TN, RC, GM, JS), pp. 207–214.
SAC-2001-LeeLS #adaptation #mobile #semantics- Adaptive semantic data broadcast in a mobile environment (KCKL, HVL, AS), pp. 393–400.
SAC-2001-OkadaTY #collaboration #distributed #education- Distributed virtual environment realizing collaborative environment education (MO, HT, TY), pp. 83–88.
SAC-2001-Shimoura #communication #design #performance #self #simulation- Self-consistent simulation studying environment for the design of high-speed optical communication lines (KS), pp. 73–76.
SAC-2001-VuongSD #distributed #policy #security #using #xml- Managing security policies in a distributed environment using eXtensible markup language (XML) (NNV, GS, YD), pp. 405–411.
ESEC-FSE-2001-LuerR #component #development #named- WREN — an environment for component-based development (CL, DSR), pp. 207–217.
ESEC-FSE-2001-SliskiBCO #architecture #evolution #flexibility- An architecture for flexible, evolvable process-driven user-guidance environments (TJS, MPB, LAC, LJO), pp. 33–43.
ICSE-2001-BalzerG #industrial #re-engineering- Process-Centered Software Engineering Environments: Academic and Industrial Perspectives (RB, VG), pp. 671–672.
ICSE-2001-MullerT #case study #programming- Case Study: Extreme Programming in a University Environment (MMM, WFT), pp. 537–544.
ICSE-2001-ZelkowitzR #comprehension #safety- Understanding IV & V in a Safety Critical and Complex Evolutionary Environment: The NASA Space Shuttle Program (MVZ, IR), pp. 349–357.
LDTA-2001-AttaliCDFPP #generative #interactive #named #tool support- SmartTools: a Generator of Interactive Environment Tools (IA, CC, PD, AF, DP, CP), pp. 225–231.
LDTA-2001-BrandDHJJKKMOSVVV #asf+sdf #component #development #ide- The Asf+Sdf Meta-Environment: a Component-Based Language Development Environment (MvdB, AvD, JH, HAdJ, MdJ, TK, PK, LM, PAO, JS, JJV, EV, JV), pp. 3–8.
LDTA-2001-LammelW #asf+sdf #ide #syntax- Transformation of SDF syntax definitions in the ASF+SDF Meta-Environment (RL, GW), pp. 9–33.
LDTA-2001-MenezesMCLR #action semantics #development #ide #semantics- An Action Semantics Integrated Development Environment (LCdSM, HPdM, WC, FL, LR), pp. 157–160.
CC-2001-AttaliCDFPP #generative #interactive #named #tool support- SmartTools: A Generator of Interactive Environments Tools (IA, CC, PD, AF, DP, CP), pp. 355–360.
CC-2001-BrandDHJJKKMOSVVV #asf+sdf #component #development #ide- The ASF+SDF Meta-environment: A Component-Based Language Development Environment (MvdB, AvD, JH, HAdJ, MdJ, TK, PK, LM, PAO, JS, JJV, EV, JV), pp. 365–370.
HPDC-2001-FollenKLTS #corba #development #legacy- A CORBA-Based Development Environment for Wrapping and Coupling Legacy Scientific Codes (GJF, CMK, IL, ST, JS), p. 22–?.
HPDC-2001-SchuchardtMS #authoring #data transformation #distributed #open data #problem #version control- Open Data Management Solutions for Problem Solving Environments: Application of Distributed Authoring and Versioning to the Extensible Computational Chemistry Environment (KS, JDM, EGS), p. 228–?.
DAC-2000-KrishnaswamyCT #fault #simulation- A switch level fault simulation environment (VK, JC, TT), pp. 780–785.
DATE-2000-OuaissV #configuration management #performance- Efficient Resource Arbitration in Reconfigurable Computing Environments (IO, RV), pp. 560–566.
DATE-2000-SosnowskiB #testing- Testing Arithmetic Coprocessor in System Environment (JS, TB), p. 752.
DATE-2000-ZuoD #concept #design- An Integrated Design Environment for Early Stage Conceptual Design (JZ, SWD), p. 754.
HT-2000-NaF #hypermedia #petri net- Context-aware hypermedia in a dynamically-changing environment, supported by a high-level Petri net (JCN, RF), pp. 222–223.
HT-2000-WiilNHR #component #development #hypermedia- A development environment for building component-based open hypermedia systems (UKW, PJN, DLH, SR), pp. 266–267.
VLDB-2000-BalminPP #query- Hypothetical Queries in an OLAP Environment (AB, TP, YP), pp. 220–231.
VLDB-2000-PappasC #design #development- Design and Development of a Stream Service in a Heterogenous Client Environment (NP, SC), pp. 578–589.
CSEET-2000-DrummondB #development #re-engineering #student- The Development and Trial of SEGWorld: A Virtual Environment for Software Engineering Student Group Work (SD, CB), p. 87–?.
CSEET-2000-HarrisonN #programming #re-engineering- A Model-Oriented Programming Support Environment for Software Engineering Courses (CJH, MN), p. 191.
CSEET-2000-McDonald #education #industrial #project management- Teaching Software Project Management in Industrial and Academic Environments (JM), pp. 151–160.
CSEET-2000-Vaughn #industrial #re-engineering- A Report on Industrial Transfer of Software Engineering to the Classroom Environment (RBV), pp. 15–22.
ITiCSE-2000-HosnyKF #named- ILE: a Java-based environment for CS courses (HMH, OMK, MEF), pp. 152–155.
ITiCSE-2000-KoldehofePT #algorithm #animation #distributed #education- LYDIAN (poster session): an extensible educational animation environment for distributed algorithms (BK, MP, PT), p. 189.
CSMR-2000-Oinas #case study #fault #metric- Defining Goal-driven Fault Management Metrics in a Real World Environment: A Case-Study from Nokia (AO), pp. 101–108.
ICSM-2000-Chiang #distributed #re-engineering- Leveraging Software Reengineering Systems for Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environments (CCC), pp. 254–261.
IWPC-2000-Normark #programming #requirements- Requirements for an Elucidative Programming Environment (KN), pp. 119–128.
CIAA-2000-ZijlHO- The MERLin Environment Applied to *-NFAs (LvZ, JPH, FO), pp. 318–326.
ICALP-2000-MeenakshiR #finite #message passing #reasoning- Reasoning about Message Passing in Finite State Environments (BM, RR), pp. 487–498.
CHI-2000-JensenFDK #communication #online- The effect of communication modality on cooperation in online environments (CJ, SF, SMD, PK), pp. 470–477.
CHI-2000-PatrickCSRVC #artificial reality #scalability #using- Using a large projection screen as an alternative to head-mounted displays for virtual environments (EP, DC, AS, JAR, TV, GC), pp. 478–485.
CHI-2000-RodensteinD #design- Talking in circles: designing a spatially-grounded audioconferencing environment (RR, JSD), pp. 81–88.
CHI-2000-TanriverdiJ #eye tracking- Interacting with eye movements in virtual environments (VT, RJKJ), pp. 265–272.
CHI-2000-WangM #constraints #visual notation- The role of contextual haptic and visual constraints on object manipulation in virtual environments (YW, CLM), pp. 532–539.
CSCW-2000-RodensteinD #social- Talking in circles: a spatially-grounded social environment (RR, JSD), p. 349.
CSCW-2000-SingleySFFS #algebra #collaboration #learning- Algebra jam: supporting teamwork and managing roles in a collaborative learning environment (MKS, MS, PGF, RGF, SS), pp. 145–154.
CSCW-2000-VidotCFS #collaboration #convergence #distributed #realtime- Copies convergence in a distributed real-time collaborative environment (NV, MC, JF, MS), pp. 171–180.
CSCW-2000-YanoNIM #interface #using- Shared walk environment using locomotion interfaces (HY, HN, HI, TM), pp. 163–170.
CAiSE-2000-Zhang #automation #component- Defining Components in a MetaCASE Environment (ZZ), pp. 340–354.
ICEIS-2000-CouletteTCT #component #process #re-engineering- RHODES, A Process Component Centered Software Engineering Environment (BC, TDT, XC, DTBT), pp. 253–260.
ICEIS-2000-KostarasMMP #industrial #multi #problem #scalability- Solving Large Scale Multi-Criteria Job Sequencing Problems in Real Industrial Environments (GK, IM, GM, JEP), pp. 157–162.
CIKM-2000-BellatrecheKS #on the #performance- On Efficient Storage Space Distribution Among Materialized Views and Indices in Data Warehousing Environments (LB, KK, MS), pp. 397–404.
ICPR-v1-2000-AwanzinoLDLV #locality- A Method Designed for Trihedron Localization in a Textured Environment (CA, JML, MD, LL, MV), pp. 1664–1667.
ICPR-v1-2000-GidasRA #monte carlo- Tracking of Moving Objects in Cluttered Environments via Monte Carlo Filter (BG, CR, MPdA), pp. 1175–1178.
ICPR-v1-2000-LaoWLO- Creating Virtual Walkthrough Environment from Vertical Panoramic Mosaic (TkL, KhW, KsL, SHO), pp. 1575–1578.
ICPR-v1-2000-MarcenaroRV #automation #generative #multi #statistics- Automatic Generation of the Statistical Model of a Non-Rigid Object in a Multiple-Camera Environment (LM, CSR, GV), pp. 1530–1533.
ICPR-v1-2000-YiW #3d #recognition- 3D Artificial Objects Recognition under Virtual Environment (MY, PSPW), pp. 1995–1998.
ICPR-v2-2000-Takeda #estimation- Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Sensor Configuration in a Polygonal Environment (HT), pp. 2446–2450.
ICPR-v3-2000-Kiema #automation #classification #data fusion #using- Wavelet Compression and Data Fusion: An Investigation into the Automatic Classification of Urban Environments using Color Photography and Laser Scanning Data (JBKK), pp. 3089–3093.
ICPR-v3-2000-MurinoFIP #3d #re-engineering- 3D Mosaicing for Environment Reconstruction (VM, AF, NI, EP), pp. 3362–3366.
ICPR-v4-2000-BuiVW #framework #probability- A Probabilistic Framework for Tracking in Wide-Area Environments (HHB, SV, GAWW), pp. 4702–4705.
ICPR-v4-2000-MaeUAI #modelling #recognition #using- Object Recognition using Appearance Models Accumulated into Environment (YM, TU, TA, KI), pp. 4845–4848.
ICPR-v4-2000-ShimamuraTYY #image #modelling #using- Construction and Presentation of a Virtual Environment Using Panoramic Stereo Images of a Real Scene and Computer Graphics Models (JS, HT, NY, KY), pp. 4463–4467.
ICPR-v4-2000-TakahashiKIS #image #using- Expanding Possible View Points of Virtual Environment Using Panoramic Images (TT, HK, KI, MS), pp. 4468–4472.
KR-2000-McGuinnessFRW #ontology #scalability #testing- An Environment for Merging and Testing Large Ontologies (DLM, RF, JR, SW), pp. 483–493.
OOPSLA-2000-HerrmannM #case study #multi #named #re-engineering- PIROL: a case study for multidimensional separation of concerns in software engineering environments (SH, MM), pp. 188–207.
OOPSLA-2000-LeeKK #modelling #realtime #simulation- A real world object modeling method for creating simulation environment of real-time systems (JYL, HJK, KCK), pp. 93–104.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-MinyiMS #mobile #network- Cooperative Mobile Agents in Dynamic Network Environment (WM, ZM, YS), pp. 162–167.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-XuHWC #corba #persistent #web- A Strategy for Persistent Object Service under CORBA and WEB Environment (DX, XH, JW, YC), pp. 100–107.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-PerssonH #development #interactive #realtime- An Interactive Environment for Real-Time Software Development (PP, GH), p. 57–?.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-SegarraA #adaptation #framework- A Framework for Dynamic Adaptation in Wireless Environments (MTS, FA), pp. 336–347.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-SilveiraM #component #named #reuse- CoDelivery: An Environment for Distribution of Reusable Components (GEdS, SRdLM), pp. 371–382.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Khwaja #concurrent #embedded #multi #testing #thread #validation- An MFC Based Multi-Threaded Test Environment for the Validation of an Embedded Automotive Microcontroller (AAK), pp. 15–24.
TOOLS-USA-2000-LozanoGR #automation #development #modelling #object-oriented #specification #user interface- User Interface Specification and Modeling in an Object Oriented Environment for Automatic Software Development (MDL, PG, IR), p. 373–?.
TOOLS-USA-2000-YacoubXA #composition #design #named- POD: A Composition Environment for Pattern-Oriented Design (SMY, HX, HHA), pp. 263–272.
SAC-2000-BarraCPGRS #distance #education #learning- Teach++: A Cooperative Distance Learning and Teaching Environment (MB, GC, UFP, VG, CR, VS), pp. 124–130.
SAC-2000-JungKM #distributed #internet #parallel #thread- Multithreaded Distributed MPEGI-Video Delivery in the Internet Environment (GSJ, KWK, QMM), pp. 592–597.
SAC-2000-LohHTN #concurrent #database #hybrid #mobile- A Hybrid Method for Concurrent Updates on Disconnected Databases in Mobile Computing Environments (YHL, TH, MT, SN), pp. 563–565.
SAC-2000-LokeRZ #mobile- Enabling Awareness in Dynamic Mobile Agent Environments (SWL, AR, ABZ), pp. 547–548.
SAC-2000-MouelA #mobile- Distribution over Mobile Environments (FLM, FA), pp. 568–569.
FoSE-2000-OssherHT #re-engineering #roadmap #tool support- Software engineering tools and environments: a roadmap (HO, WHH, PLT), pp. 261–277.
FSE-2000-YamamotoMI #cumulative #file system #metric #version control- Accumulative versioning file system Moraine and its application to metrics environment MAME (TY, MM, KI), pp. 80–87.
ICSE-2000-NickelNZ- The FUJABA environment (UN, JN, AZ), pp. 742–745.
ICSE-2000-PoerwantoroEKS #multi #testing- Multibook’s test environment (NP, AES, BJK, RS), pp. 680–683.
ICSE-2000-Ramakrishnan #interactive #internet #learning #named #object-oriented #testing #visual notation- LIGHTVIEWS — visual interactive Internet environment for learning OO software testing (SR), pp. 692–695.
HPDC-2000-AllenBGHLMRSS #grid #problem- The Cactus Code: A Problem Solving Environment for the Grid (GA, WB, TG, HCH, GL, AM, TR, ES, JS), pp. 253–260.
HPDC-2000-GermainPMJ #named #parallel #problem- Uintah: A Massively Parallel Problem Solving Environment (JDdSG, SGP, JM, CRJ), pp. 33–42.
HPDC-2000-KonCMNB #distributed #named #operating system- 2K: A Distributed Operating System for Dynamic Heterogeneous Environments (FK, RHC, MDM, KN, FJB), pp. 201–210.
HPDC-2000-RenambotBGS #artificial reality #framework #named- CAVEStudy: An Infrastructure for Computational Steering in Virtual Reality Environments (LR, HEB, DG, HJWS), pp. 239–246.
HPDC-2000-TierneyCGHLT #grid #monitoring- A Monitoring Sensor Management System for Grid Environments (BT, BC, DG, MH, JL, MRT), pp. 97–104.
LCTES-2000-LeeLKK #debugging #design #embedded #implementation #internet- A Design and Implementation of a Remote Debugging Environment for Embedded Internet Software (KL, CL, KK, HNK), pp. 199–203.
LCTES-2000-LeeSJ #communication #multi- An Integrated Push/Pull Buffer Management Method in Multimedia Communication Environments (SL, HS, TJ), pp. 216–220.
CADE-2000-AllenCEKL #logic- The Nuprl Open Logical Environment (SFA, RLC, RE, CK, LL), pp. 170–176.
CAV-2000-BienmullerDW #verification- The STATEMATE Verification Environment — Making It Real (TB, WD, HW), pp. 561–567.
CAV-2000-BozgaFGGKM #named #validation- IF: A Validation Environment for Timed Asynchronous Systems (MB, JCF, LG, SG, JPK, LM), pp. 543–547.
TestCom-2000-KatoOSMIS #testing- Interoperability Testing System of TCP/IP Based Systems in Operational Environment (TK, TO, HS, YM, AI, KS), p. 143–?.
DAC-1999-AbtsR #multi #scalability #using #verification- Verifying Large-Scale Multiprocessors Using an Abstract Verification Environment (DA, MR), pp. 163–168.
DAC-1999-HaynalB #component #scheduling- A Model for Scheduling Protocol-Constrained Components and Environments (SH, FB), pp. 292–295.
DAC-1999-KalavadeOAS #multi- Software Environment for a Multiprocessor DSP (AK, JO, BDA, KJS), pp. 827–830.
DAC-1999-LavagnoS #design #named #specification- ECL: A Specification Environment for System-Level Design (LL, ES), pp. 511–516.
DATE-1999-CmarRSVB #design #fixpoint #refinement- A Methodology and Design Environment for DSP ASIC Fixed-Point Refinement (RC, LR, PS, SV, IB), p. 271–?.
DATE-1999-Junkkari #challenge #complexity #design #development #testing- Higher Product Complexity and Shorter Development Time — Continuous Challenge to Design and Test Environment (JJ), pp. 2–3.
HT-1999-Wang #data access #hypermedia- Team-and-RoleBbased Organizational Context and Access Control for Cooperative Hypermedia Environments (WW), pp. 37–46.
ICDAR-1999-CracknellD #agile #analysis #comprehension #documentation #prototype #research- A Handwriting Understanding Environment (HUE) for Rapid Prototyping in Handwriting and Document Analysis Research (CC, ACD), pp. 362–365.
SIGMOD-1999-RundensteinerKZWLLN #evolution #maintenance- Evolvable View Environment (EVE): Non-Equivalent View Maintenance under Schema Changes (EAR, AK, XZ, AvW, YL, AJL, AN), pp. 553–555.
SIGMOD-1999-ShanmugasundaramNSR #concurrent #performance- Efficient Concurrency Control for Broadcast Environments (JS, AN, RMS, KR), pp. 85–96.
ITiCSE-1999-Ben-AriS #distributed #named #programming- DPLab: an environment for distributed programming (MBA, SS), pp. 91–94.
ITiCSE-1999-MiaoPW #collaboration #learning- Combining the metaphors of an institute and of networked computers for building collaborative learning environments (YM, HRP, MW), p. 188.
ITiCSE-1999-Rossi #education #internet #named #programming- KPPCDL: an Internet based shared environment for introductory programming education (AJR), p. 196.
ITiCSE-1999-SheardH #learning #student- A special learning environment for repeat students (JS, DH), pp. 56–59.
TACAS-1999-BakhmurovKS #analysis #design #embedded #named- DYANA: An Environment for Embedded System Design and Analysis (AGB, APK, RLS), pp. 390–404.
ICSM-1999-SerranoOC #distributed #legacy #migration- Evolutionary Migration of Legacy Systems to an Object-Based Distributed Environment (MAS, CMdO, DLC), p. 86–?.
IWPC-1999-KnightM #comprehension #visualisation- Comprehension with[in] Virtual Environment Visualisations (CK, MM), pp. 4–11.
PASTE-1999-KokaiNN #named #programming #prolog #visual notation- GIDTS: A Graphical Programming Environment for Prolog (GK, JN, CN), pp. 95–104.
PASTE-1999-Steindl #data flow #programming- Benefits of a Data Flow-Aware Programming Environment (CS), pp. 105–109.
WCRE-1999-SouderM #distributed #legacy- A Tool for Securely Integrating Legacy Systems into a Distributed Environment (TSS, SM), pp. 47–55.
WIA-1999-AndaryCCDFL #automaton #named- SEA: A Symbolic Environment for Automata Theory (PA, PC, JMC, GD, MF, ÉL), pp. 13–26.
FM-v1-1999-BozgaFGGKM #named #representation #validation- IF: An Intermediate Representation and Validation Environment for Timed Asynchronous Systems (MB, JCF, LG, SG, JPK, LM), pp. 307–327.
FM-v2-1999-Krieg-BrucknerPOB #development #formal method- The UniForM Workbench, a Universal Development Environment for Formal Methods (BKB, JP, ERO, AB), pp. 1186–1205.
FM-v2-1999-MoriF #behaviour #specification #verification- Verifying Behavioural Specifications in CafeOBJ Environment (AM, KF), pp. 1625–1643.
AGTIVE-1999-BardohlNS #development #named #visual notation- GenGEd: A Development Environment for Visual Languages (RB, MN, MS), pp. 233–240.
AGTIVE-1999-NiereZ99a #simulation #testing #using- Testing and Simulating Production Control Systems Using the Fujaba Environment (JN, AZ), pp. 449–456.
AGTIVE-1999-Taentzer #algebra #graph transformation #named- AGG: A Tool Environment for Algebraic Graph Transformation (GT), pp. 481–488.
CHI-1999-Graham #documentation #personalisation- The Reader’s Helper: A Personalized Document Reading Environment (JG), pp. 481–488.
CHI-1999-LindemanSH #empirical #towards #user interface- Towards Usable VR: An Empirical Study of User Interfaces for Immersive Virtual Environments (RWL, JLS, JKH), pp. 64–71.
CHI-1999-RekimotoS #hybrid- Augmented Surfaces: A Spatially Continuous Work Space for Hybrid Computing Environments (JR, MS), pp. 378–385.
CHI-1999-Vinson #design #guidelines #navigation- Design Guidelines for Landmarks to Support Navigation in Virtual Environments (NGV), pp. 278–285.
CHI-1999-WangM #matter- Object Manipulation in Virtual Environments: Relative Size Matters (YW, CLM), pp. 48–55.
HCI-CCAD-1999-BrownS #development #education #learning #people- An illustrated methodology for the development of virtual learning environments for use by people in special needs education (DJB, DSS), pp. 1105–1110.
HCI-CCAD-1999-BussMR #3d #chat #communication #distributed- Advantages and disadvantages of a 3D virtual environment for supporting informal communication in distributed workgroups compared with a text-chat and a chat/cam system (RB, LM, DR), pp. 512–516.
HCI-CCAD-1999-CarroMR #adaptation #education #learning- Teaching tasks in an adaptive learning environment (RMC, RM, EP, PR), pp. 740–744.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Chen #design #navigation #social- The StarWalker virtual environment — an integrative design for social navigation (CC), pp. 207–211.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Dachselt #3d #challenge #component #flexibility #user interface- The challenge to build flexible user interface components for non-immersive 3D environments (RD), pp. 1055–1059.
HCI-CCAD-1999-EngelKM99a #development #multi- Multiple actors development of videoconferencing environments (AE, SK, AM), pp. 538–542.
HCI-CCAD-1999-FachB #adaptation #design #learning- Training wheels: an “old” method for designing modern and adaptable learning environments (PWF, MB), pp. 725–729.
HCI-CCAD-1999-HorneckerR- Vocational training with combined real/virtual environments (EH, BR), pp. 730–734.
HCI-CCAD-1999-InmanL #education #using- Teaching orientation and mobility skills to blind children using simulated acoustical environments (DPI, KL), pp. 1090–1094.
HCI-CCAD-1999-IshiiTY #design #interface- User-interface design of the support system for constructing virtual environment (HI, TT, HY), pp. 1182–1186.
HCI-CCAD-1999-JohnsonO #learning #multi #problem #using- Innovative mathematical learning environments — Using multimedia to solve real world problems (LFJ, POJ), pp. 677–681.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KernB #case study #experience #interface- Experiences with interfaces for virtual environments in the field of engineering (PK, RB), pp. 696–700.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Kim- Cooperative tele-operation in virtual environment (SJK), pp. 598–603.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KohnoMNA #network- A sensor network system for human support in living environments (MK, MM, HN, YA), pp. 241–245.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Loftin #human-computer #interactive- Human-Computer Interactions in shared virtual environments (RBL), pp. 1120–1123.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MaidaNM #using- Effects on training using illumination in virtual environments (JM, JN, KM), pp. 1124–1128.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MasoodianC #design #people- User-centred design of a virtual meeting environment for ordinary people (MM, BC), pp. 528–532.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MatsuuraSM #communication #named #visual notation- HiQIS: a networked virtual environment for visual communication (NM, SS, SM), pp. 588–592.
HCI-CCAD-1999-McNeese #analysis #learning #metric #performance #process #protocol- Making sense of teamwork: the use of protocol analysis / performance measures to reveal cooperative work processes in a situated learning environment (MDM), pp. 502–506.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MeleES #case study #user interface- The impact of mobility on user interfaces for subjects who are motor impaired: case study in a wireless LAN environment (IVM, KE, AS), pp. 1018–1022.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MocciaB #artificial reality #flexibility- A flexible environment for virtual reality applications (VM, AB), pp. 1085–1089.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MoriKSO #behaviour- A computer-augmented office environment: integrating virtual and real world objects and behavior (HM, TK, ES, YO), pp. 1065–1069.
HCI-CCAD-1999-OgiYH #named #network- CABINet: networking of immersive projection environment (TO, TY, MH), pp. 1025–1029.
HCI-CCAD-1999-OshibaT #3d #modelling- Three-dimensional modeling environment “claymore” based on augmented direct manipulation technique (TO, JT), pp. 1075–1079.
HCI-CCAD-1999-PatelKR #learning- Cognitive apprenticeship based learning environment in numeric domains (AP, K, DR), pp. 637–641.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Pederson #design #information management #physics- Physical-virtual instead of physical or virtual — designing artefacts for future knowledge work environments (TP), pp. 1070–1074.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Pieper- Information environments to overcome isolation, marginalization and stigmatization in an overaging information society (MP), pp. 883–887.
HCI-CCAD-1999-RizzoBNCRLKKTH #bibliography #process- Virtual environments for targeting cognitive processes: an overview of projects at the University of Southern California (AAR, JGB, UN, CC, AvR, PL, KK, CK, MT, LH), pp. 1095–1099.
HCI-CCAD-1999-SchummerTTB #case study #experience- Introducing groupware in administrative environments — experiences from the POLIWORK project (JS, TT, DAT, AB), pp. 492–496.
HCI-CCAD-1999-YenWNL #case study #design #education #information management #learning- Design of a computer-mediated environment to capture and evaluate knowledge transfer and learning: a case study in a larger higher education class (SY, BW, JN, LJL), pp. 735–739.
HCI-CCAD-1999-YuCK #approximate #multi #using- Dynamic event filtering technique using multi-level path approximation in a shared virtual environment (SJY, YCC, KK), pp. 583–587.
HCI-EI-1999-Aborg #documentation #physics- Electronic Document Handling — a Longitudinal Study on the Effects on Physical and Psychosocial Work Environment (CÅ), pp. 15–18.
HCI-EI-1999-CarbonellD #empirical #gesture #human-computer #multimodal #speech- Empirical data on the use of speech and gestures in a multimodal human-computer environment (NC, PD), pp. 446–450.
HCI-EI-1999-CarrerasE #empirical- The Temporal Structure of a Dynamic Environment in a Microworld Experiment (OC, HE), pp. 885–889.
HCI-EI-1999-ChengYH #design #distributed #human-computer #interface #learning- Cognition and Learning in Distributed Design Environments: Experimental Studies and Human-Computer Interfaces (FC, YHY, HH), pp. 631–635.
HCI-EI-1999-ChenLCW #evaluation- The Comfort Evaluation of VR in Vibration and Slopes Environment (CHC, MCL, DYC, HTW), pp. 133–136.
HCI-EI-1999-CoovertEFCR #metric- Measurement in Synthetic Task Environments for Teams: a Methodological Typology (MDC, LRE, LLF, JPC, DR), pp. 686–690.
HCI-EI-1999-MeyerZMG #automation #diagrams- Automatic Construction of Intelligent Diagrammatic Environments (BM, HZ, LM, ZG), pp. 1303–1307.
HCI-EI-1999-RistH #adaptation #generative #visual notation- Adaptive Generation of Graphical Information Presentations in a Heterogeneous Telecooperation Environment (TR, MH), pp. 331–335.
HCI-EI-1999-TokudaMTL #analysis #development #requirements #user interface- A New Integrated Support Environment for Requirements Analysis of User Interface Development (YT, TM, YT, ESL), pp. 895–899.
AdaEurope-1999-GonzalezC #ada #development #realtime #source code #specification- Environment for the Development and Specification of Real-Time Ada Programs (AG, AC), pp. 124–135.
CAiSE-1999-Wietek #data analysis #modelling #multi #visual notation- Modelling Multidimensional Data in a Dataflow-Based Visual Data Analysis Environment (FW), pp. 149–163.
EDOC-1999-AleksyST #component #middleware #state of the art- Interoperability and interchangeability of middleware components in a three-tier CORBA-environment-state of the art (MA, MS, CT), pp. 204–213.
EDOC-1999-KochM #architecture #corba- Service architecture integrates mainframes in a CORBA environment (TK, SM), pp. 194–203.
EDOC-1999-StefanoBS #internet #mobile- Naming and locating mobile agents in an Internet environment (ADS, LLB, CS), pp. 153–161.
ICEIS-1999-AllouiCOV #modelling #named #process- ALLIANCE: An Agent-Based Case Environment for Enterprose Process Modelling, Enactment and Quantitative Control (IA, SC, FO, HV), pp. 371–382.
ICEIS-1999-Leal #database #named #web- ALEPH: An Environment for Managing Web Database Applications (JPL), p. 792.
ICEIS-1999-ThomsonM #enterprise #towards #visual notation- Towards a Visual Environment for Enterprise Systems (ST, JAWM), p. 774.
CIKM-1999-AdarKS #named- Haystack: Per-User Information Environments (EA, DRK, LAS), pp. 413–422.
CIKM-1999-ChangS #distributed #performance #semantics- Performance and Implications of Semantic Indexing in a Distributed Environment (CTKC, BRS), pp. 391–398.
CIKM-1999-McCabeCGF #information retrieval- A Unified Environment for Fusion of Information Retrieval Approaches (MCM, AC, DAG, OF), pp. 330–334.
ICML-1999-BurgardFJMT #mobile #scalability #using- Sonar-Based Mapping of Large-Scale Mobile Robot Environments using EM (WB, DF, HJ, CM, ST), pp. 67–76.
KDD-1999-HotzNPS #data mining #industrial #mining- WAPS, a Data Mining Support Environment for the Planning of Warranty and Goodwill Costs in the Automobile Industry (EH, GN, BP, HS), pp. 417–419.
KDD-1999-KaudererNAJ #optimisation- Optimization of Collection Efforts in Automobile Financing — a KDD Supported Environment (HK, GN, FA, HJ), pp. 414–416.
KDD-1999-LeeSM #data flow #detection #experience #mining #network- Mining in a Data-Flow Environment: Experience in Network Intrusion Detection (WL, SJS, KWM), pp. 114–124.
OOPSLA-1999-KerstenM #aspect-oriented #case study #learning #named #programming #using- Atlas: A Case Study in Building a Web-Based Learning Environment using Aspect-oriented Programming (MK, GCM), pp. 340–352.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-AnLWJCWC #corba #framework #ide #java- A Java/CORBA Based Universal Framework for Super Server User-End Integrated Environments (HA, HL, MW, YJ, ZC, FW, GC), pp. 336–341.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-LinLZZ #web- Efficiently Computing Frequent Tree-Like Topology Patterns in a Web Environment (XL, CL, YZ, XZ), pp. 440–447.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-YangW #development #distributed #process- Supporting Distributed Software Development Processes in a Web-Based Environment (YY, PW), pp. 292–295.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-DuvalC #architecture #concurrent #distributed- Developing Safe Concurrent and Distributed Applications with an Architectural Environment (GD, TC), pp. 20–32.
TOOLS-USA-1999-MacgregorTW #programming #smalltalk- Recording User Actions in a Smalltalk Programming Environment (MM, PT, MW), pp. 280–289.
TOOLS-USA-1999-MuenchaisriM #development- Entity-Relationship Software Development Environment (PM, TM), pp. 354–363.
GCSE-1999-PulvermullerKS #aspect-oriented #distributed- Aspects in Distributed Environments (EP, HK, AS), pp. 37–48.
GCSE-1999-RanaLWS #component #generative #scalability #simulation #xml- An XML Based Component Model for Generating Scientific Applications and Performing Large Scale Simulations in a Meta-computing Environment (OFR, ML, DWW, MSS), pp. 210–224.
SAC-1999-AnconaDG #mobile- Mobile Computing in Outdoor Environments (Extended Abstract) (MA, GD, VG), pp. 413–415.
SAC-1999-GellersenBS #mobile- Environment-Mediated Mobile Computing (HWG, MB, AS), pp. 416–418.
SAC-1999-JacksonTW #artificial reality #collaboration #education #multi- Peer Collaboration and Virtual Environments: A Preliminary Investigation of Multi-Participant Virtual Reality Applied in Science Education (RLJ, WT, WW), pp. 121–125.
SAC-1999-Jimenez-PerisPP #named #programming- VisMod: A Beginner-Friendly Programming Environment (RJP, MPM, JPM), pp. 115–120.
SAC-1999-JoSKL #distributed #internet #programming- The Distributed Programming Environment on the Internet (CHJ, JGS, YK, PSL), pp. 85–90.
ESEC-FSE-1999-DossickK #development #distributed #named- CHIME: A Metadata-Based Distributed Software Development Environment (SED, GEK), pp. 464–475.
ICSE-1999-BousquetORZ #named #testing- Lutess: A Specification-Driven Testing Environment for Synchronous Software (LdB, FO, JLR, NZ), pp. 267–276.
ICSE-1999-DevanbuCGMM #maintenance #named #re-engineering- CHIME: Customizable Hyperlink Insertion and Maintenance Engine for Software Engineering Environments (PTD, YFC, ERG, HAM, JM), pp. 473–482.
ICSE-1999-Johnson #named- Leap: A “Personal Information Environment” for Software Engineers (PMJ), pp. 654–657.
ICSE-1999-MedvidovicRT #architecture #development #evolution- A Language and Environment for Architecture-Based Software Development and Evolution (NM, DSR, RNT), pp. 44–53.
ICSE-1999-Murphy #algorithm #development #mobile- Algorithm Development in the Mobile Environment (ALM), pp. 728–729.
ICSE-1999-WoodmanGMH #programming #smalltalk- OU LearningWorks: A Customized Programming Environment for Smalltalk Modules (MW, RG, MM, SH), pp. 638–641.
ICSE-1999-WoodmanGMHR #programming #smalltalk- Exploiting Smalltalk Modules in a Customizable Programming Environment (MW, RG, MM, SH, HR), pp. 65–74.
HPDC-1999-AlmasiCP #matlab #memory management #named #programming- MATmarks: A Shared Memory Environment for MATLAB Programming (GSA, CC, DAP), pp. 341–342.
HPDC-1999-BruneRV #distributed- A Resource Description Environment for Distributed Computing Systems (MB, AR, JV), pp. 279–286.
HPDC-1999-CruzP #dependence #maintenance #named #network- DUNES: A Performance-Oriented System Support Environment for Dependency Maintenance in Workstation Networks (JC, KP), pp. 309–318.
HPDC-1999-JohnstonGN #aspect-oriented #grid #power management- Grids as Production Computing Environments: The Engineering Aspects of NASA’s Information Power Grid (WEJ, DG, BN), pp. 197–204.
HPDC-1999-KapadiaFB #grid #modelling #predict- Predictive Application-Performance Modeling in a Computational Grid Environment (NHK, JABF, CEB), pp. 47–54.
HPDC-1999-LeighJDBG #analysis #collaboration #set- A Methodology for Supporting Collaborative Exploratory Analysis of Massive Data Sets in Tele-Immersive Environments (JL, AEJ, TAD, SB, RLG), pp. 62–69.
HPDC-1999-LowekampOG #distributed #network #query- Direct Queries for Discovering Network Resource Properties in a Distributed Environment (BL, DRO, TRG), pp. 38–46.
HPDC-1999-TierneyLCHHD #data-driven #distributed- A Network-Aware Distributed Storage Cache for Data Intensive Environments (BT, JL, BC, MH, JH, FLD), pp. 185–193.
TLCA-1999-SatoSB- Explicit Environments (MS, TS, RMB), pp. 340–354.
ASE-1998-HaebererM #architecture #concept #development #idea #paradigm- The Very Idea of Software Development Environments: A Conceptual Architecture for the ARTS Environment Paradigm (AMH, TSEM), pp. 260–271.
DAC-1998-AagaardJS #evaluation #industrial #proving #theorem proving- Combining Theorem Proving and Trajectory Evaluation in an Industrial Environment (MA, RBJ, CJHS), pp. 538–541.
DAC-1998-ChanSN #design #named- WELD — An Environment for Web-based Electronic Design (FLC, MDS, ARN), pp. 146–151.
DAC-1998-McGrawAK #design #pipes and filters #top-down- A Top-Down Design Environment for Developing Pipelined Datapaths (RMM, JHA, RHK), pp. 236–241.
DAC-1998-SchaumontVREB #design #programming- A Programming Environment for the Design of Complex High Speed ASICs (PS, SV, LR, ME, IB), pp. 315–320.
DATE-1998-EconomakosPT #attribute grammar #automation #design #grammarware #named- AGENDA: An Attribute Grammar Driven Environment for the Design Automation of Digital Systems (GE, GKP, PT), pp. 933–934.
DATE-1998-GerlachR #design #estimation #scalability- A Scalable Methodology for Cost Estimation in a Transformational High-Level Design Space Exploration Environment (JG, WR), pp. 226–231.
DATE-1998-HiguchiS #design- Innovative System-level Design Environment Based on FORM for Transport Processing System (KH, KS), pp. 883–890.
DATE-1998-KedingWCM #design #fixpoint #named #simulation- FRIDGE: A Fixed-Point Design and Simulation Environment (HK, MW, MC, HM), pp. 429–435.
DATE-1998-PostMG #design #hardware- A System-Level Co-Verification Environment for ATM Hardware Design (GP, AM, TG), pp. 424–428.
DATE-1998-WahlV #performance #validation- A VHDL SGRAM Model for the Validation Environment of a High Performance Graphic Processor (MGW, HV), pp. 937–938.
VLDB-1998-EsterKSWX #clustering #incremental #mining- Incremental Clustering for Mining in a Data Warehousing Environment (ME, HPK, JS, MW, XX), pp. 323–333.
ITiCSE-1998-Cooper #design #internet- Designing Internet instructional environments (poster) (PAC), p. 275.
ITiCSE-1998-Daly #approach #learning- A proposed structure for a computer based learning environment — a pragmatic approach (poster) (CD), p. 276.
ITiCSE-1998-DavidovicT #learning- Open learning environment and instruction system (OLEIS) (AD, ET), pp. 69–73.
ITiCSE-1998-Ellis #development #internet #learning #multi #problem- Group 1 (working group): development and use of multimedia and Internet resources for a problem based learning environment (AE), p. 269.
ITiCSE-1998-Ellis98a #multi #tutorial #web- Use of multimedia and World Wide Web resources in a traditional lecture/tutorial environment (poster) (AE), p. 279.
ITiCSE-1998-GrayBS #java #learning- A constructivist learning environment implemented in Java (JG, TB, CS), pp. 94–97.
ITiCSE-1998-LewisM #comparison #compilation #learning- A comparison between novice and experienced compiler users in a learning environment (SL, GM), pp. 157–161.
ITiCSE-1998-WadeP #design #education- Evaluating the design and delivery of WWW based educational environments and courseware (VPW, CP), pp. 243–248.
ICSM-1998-BasiliLS #maintenance #process- Investigating Maintenance Processes in a Framework-Based Environment (VRB, FL, FS), pp. 256–264.
IWPC-1998-Lakhotia #development #named- DIME: A Direct Manipulation Environment for Evolutionary Development of Software (AL), pp. 72–79.
PASTE-1998-Reiss #visualisation- Software Visualization in the Desert Environment (SPR), pp. 59–66.
WCRE-1998-Kolsch #distributed #information management #object-oriented #re-engineering- Object-Oriented Reengineering of Information Systems in a Heterogeneous Distributed Environment (UK), pp. 104–114.
WIA-1998-Velinov #graph #implementation #on the #semantics #syntax- On the Syntax, Semantics, and Implementation of a Graph-Based Computational Environment (YV), pp. 199–212.
FM-1998-BussowGHH #integration #modelling #tool support- An Open Environment for the Integration of Hetereogenous Modelling Techniques and Tools (RB, WG, WH, SH), pp. 184–195.
FM-1998-Castillo #architecture #state machine #tool support #towards- Towards Comprehensive Tool Support for Abstract State Machines: The ASM Workbench Tool Environment and Architecture (GDC), pp. 311–325.
CHI-1998-BersACDGDSLBK #interactive- Interactive Storytelling Environments: Coping with Cardiac Illness at Boston’s Children’s Hospital (MUB, EA, JC, BD, JGH, DRD, CS, SL, DB, JK), pp. 603–610.
CHI-1998-BrownGW #design #user interface- The Vista Environment for the Coevolutionary Design of User Interfaces (JB, TCNG, TNW), pp. 376–383.
CHI-1998-ChinR #collaboration #design #evolution #learning #staged- Progressive Design: Staged Evolution of Scenarios in the Design of a Collaborative Science Learning Environment (GCJ, MBR), pp. 611–618.
CHI-1998-JacksonKS #adaptation #design #interactive #learning- The Design of Guided Learner-Adaptable Scaffolding in Interactive Learning Environments (SLJ, JK, ES), pp. 187–194.
CHI-1998-LangeJM- Insight Lab: An Immersive Team Environment Linking Paper, Displays, and Data (BML, MAJ, JLM), pp. 550–557.
CHI-1998-ReynardBGH #collaboration #quality #video- Awareness Driven Video Quality of Service in Collaborative Virtual Environments (GR, SB, CG, CH), pp. 464–471.
CHI-1998-WallaceSKBHHKKPRR #design #education #named- ARTEMIS: Learner-Centered Design of an Information Seeking Environment for K-12 Education (RW, ES, JK, NB, JH, HEH, DK, EK, GP, DR, OR), pp. 195–202.
CSCW-1998-HindmarshFHBG #interactive- Fragmented Interaction: Establishing Mutual Orientation in Virtual Environments (JH, MF, CH, SB, CG), pp. 217–226.
CAiSE-1998-CasatiFM #design #exception #workflow- An Environment for Designing Exceptions in Workflows (FC, MGF, IM), pp. 139–157.
CAiSE-1998-GasparyA #interactive #multi #named #specification- MUSE — An Interactive Networked Multimedia Applications Specification Environment with E-LOTOS Translator (LPG, MJBA), pp. 273–287.
CAiSE-1998-LiuOL #automation #workflow- Automating Handover in Dynamic Workflow Environments (CL, MEO, HL), pp. 159–171.
EDOC-1998-FisherRE #multi- Interoperability in a multiple-provider telecommunications environment (MF, SR, CE), pp. 296–303.
ICPR-1998-KatoTI #navigation #representation- Representing environment through target-guided navigation (KK, ST, HI), pp. 1794–1798.
ICPR-1998-LinSH #3d #automation #re-engineering #towards- Toward automatic reconstruction of 3D environment with an active binocular head (CYL, SWS, YPH), pp. 1708–1710.
ICPR-1998-MatsuoNI #distributed #evaluation #image #performance- A distributed image processing environment VIOS III and it’s performance evaluation (HM, KN, AI), pp. 1538–1542.
ICPR-1998-YouBH #image #parallel #realtime #recognition #virtual machine- Real-time object recognition: hierarchical image matching in a parallel virtual machine environment (JY, PB, SH), pp. 275–277.
KDD-1998-StaudtKR #data mining #mining- A Data Mining Support Environment and its Application on Insurance Data (MS, JUK, UR), pp. 105–111.
SIGIR-1998-BharatH #algorithm #topic- Improved Algorithms for Topic Distillation in a Hyperlinked Environment (KB, MRH), pp. 104–111.
SIGIR-1998-TakakiK #performance- Efficient Search Server Assignment in a Disproportionate System Environment (TT, TK), pp. 375–376.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-GeZYZ #development #uml- A Development and Management Environment Based on UML (KG, LZ, SY, BZ), pp. 214–221.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-Hsiung98a #message passing #object-oriented #parallel #synthesis- Parallel Object-Oriented Synthesis Environment Based On Message-Passing (PAH), p. 251–?.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-LiZG #distributed #implementation #research- Research and Implementation of Distributed Time Service in Distributed Object Environment (YL, XZ, JG), pp. 340–345.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-YuanHXLZ #object-oriented- Complete Object-Oriented Z and Its Supporting Environment COOZ-Tools (XY, DH, HX, YL, GZ), pp. 206–213.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-KimKP #development #framework- Development of PDM Framework and Customization Environment (JAK, JHK, NP), p. 40–?.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-MathewSH #bytecode #java #performance- Inter-Server Transport Performance of Java Bytecode in a Metacomputing Environment (JAM, AJS, KAH), p. 264–?.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-SonYK #component #development #java #using- A Component-Based Client/Server Application Development Environment using Java (SS, IY, CK), pp. 168–179.
TOOLS-USA-1998-BallH #corba #data access- Data Access and Transportation Services for the CORBA Environment (CHB, SH), p. 269–?.
ALP-PLILP-1998-EskilsonC #execution #parallel #prolog #thread- SICStus MT — A Multithreaded Execution Environment for SICStus Prolog (JE, MC), pp. 36–53.
SAC-1998-Baggio #adaptation #mobile- System support for transparency and network-aware adaptation in mobile environments (AB), pp. 405–408.
SAC-1998-Konstantas #bibliography #distributed- Overview of a telepresence environment for distributed musical rehearsals (DK), pp. 456–457.
SAC-1998-Patino-MartinezJA #ada #distributed #transaction- Synchronizing group transaction with rendezvous in a distributed Ada environment (MPM, RJP, SA), pp. 2–9.
SAC-1998-YeadonDFB #mobile #video- Supporting video in heterogeneous mobile environments (NJY, ND, AF, GSB), pp. 439–444.
FSE-1998-Karasick #architecture #c++ #incremental #programming- The Architecture of Montana: An Open and Extensible Programming Environment with an Incremental C++ (MK), pp. 131–142.
HPDC-1998-GoddardS #generative #named- ToolSpace: A Next Generation Computing Environment (TG, VSS), pp. 356–357.
HPDC-1998-MillerHPJ #distributed #simulation- Simulation Steering with SCIRun in a Distributed Environment (MM, CDH, SGP, CRJ), pp. 364–365.
HPDC-1998-NaikTC #algorithm #distributed #named #network #object-oriented- NETMAN: An Object-Oriented Environment for Experimenting Distributed Algorithms on a Network of Workstations (KN, YT, ZC), pp. 350–351.
LCTES-1998-ChildersD #design #pipes and filters #synthesis- A Design Environment for Counterflow Pipeline Synthesis (BRC, JWD), pp. 113–234.
CADE-1998-KreitzHH #communication #development #proving- A Proof Environment for the Development of Group Communication Systems (CK, MH, JH), pp. 317–332.
CAV-1998-Bouali #verification- XEVE, an ESTEREL Verification Environment (AB), pp. 500–504.
CAV-1998-Cuellar #formal method #industrial- Formal Methods in an Industrial Environment (JC), pp. 57–60.
CAV-1998-FerrariGMPR #mobile #process #verification- Verifying Mobile Processes in the HAL Environment (GLF, SG, UM, MP, GR), pp. 511–515.
ISSTA-1998-OstrandAFG #development #user interface #visual notation- A Visual Test Development Environment for GUI Systems (TJO, AA, HF, TG), pp. 82–92.
DAC-1997-BentzRL #design #estimation- A Dynamic Design Estimation and Exploration Environment (OB, JMR, DL), pp. 190–195.
DAC-1997-KlenkeMAJRG #analysis #dependence #design #performance- An Integrated Design Environment for Performance and Dependability Analysis (RHK, MM, JHA, BWJ, RR, AG), pp. 184–189.
DAC-1997-LiaoTG #design #hardware #implementation #modelling #performance- An Efficient Implementation of Reactivity for Modeling Hardware in the Scenic Design Environment (SYL, SWKT, RKG), pp. 70–75.
DAC-1997-LiemCSPJGLFB #case study #development #embedded #multi- Am Embedded System Case Study: The Firm Ware Development Environment for a Multimedia Audio Processor (CL, MC, MS, PGP, AAJ, JMG, JL, XF, LB), pp. 780–785.
HT-1997-HirataMOLH #integration #navigation- Object-based Navigation: An Intuitive Navigation Style for Content-Oriented Integration Environment (KH, SM, YO, WSL, YH), pp. 75–86.
HT-1997-Whitehead #architecture #hypermedia #integration- An Architectural Model for Application Integration in Open Hypermedia Environments (EJWJ), pp. 1–12.
ICDAR-1997-DoriW #algorithm #segmentation- Arc Segmentation from Complex Line Environments: A Vector-Based Stepwise Recovery Algorithm (DD, LW), pp. 76–80.
ICDAR-1997-LiangRHP #analysis #documentation #image- UW-ISL Document Image Analysis Toolbox: An Experimental Environment (JL, RR, RMH, ITP), pp. 984–988.
ICDAR-1997-LiLRRZ #comprehension #documentation #image #knowledge-based- A Knowledge-Based Image Understanding Environment for Document Processing (YL, ML, ER, JFR, CZ), pp. 979–983.
SIGMOD-1997-BohrerBBCFHKKMNRRSUUW #experience #integration #named #semantics- InfoSleuth: Semantic Integration of Information in Open and Dynamic Environments (Experience Paper) (RJBJ, WB, RSB, AC, JF, AH, VK, TK, GM, MHN, MR, MR, RS, CU, AU, DW), pp. 195–206.
SIGMOD-1997-IoannidisLANT #named- ZOO: A Desktop Emperiment Management Environment (YEI, ML, AA, AN, AT), pp. 580–583.
VLDB-1997-Huyn #multi #self- Multiple-View Self-Maintenance in Data Warehousing Environments (NH), pp. 26–35.
VLDB-1997-YangKL #algorithm #design- Algorithms for Materialized View Design in Data Warehousing Environment (JY, KK, QL), pp. 136–145.
CSEET-1997-Wohlin #challenge #development #education #scalability- Meeting the Challenge of Large-Scale Software Development in an Educational Environment (CW), pp. 40–52.
ITiCSE-1997-Houle #programming- Ethics, programming, and virtual environments (MEH), pp. 91–93.
ITiCSE-1997-Moser #game studies #learning #what #why- A fantasy adventure game as a learning environment: why learning to program is so difficult and what can be done about it (RM), pp. 114–116.
ITiCSE-1997-RautamaST #algorithm #animation- Excel as an algorithm animation environment (ER, ES, JT), pp. 24–26.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-GavrilovaSU #distance #internet #learning- Teletutor workbench for Internet distance learning environment (poster) (TG, TS, SU), p. 149.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-Goldberg97a #learning- WebCT, a tool for the creation of sophisticated web-based learning environments (demonstration) (MWG), p. 149.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-Maurer #distributed #education #learning- The emergence of sophisticated distributed teaching and learning environments (HM), pp. 112–113.
TACAS-1997-FerrariFGMPR #automation #mobile #process #verification- An Automated Based Verification Environment for Mobile Processes (GLF, GF, SG, UM, MP, GR), pp. 275–289.
CSMR-1997-MendoncaK #analysis #architecture- A Quality-Based Analysis of Architecture Recovery Environments (NCM, JK), pp. 54–59.
ICSM-1997-AntoniolFLTZM #comprehension #maintenance- Program Understanding and Maintenance with the CANTO Environment (GA, RF, GL, PT, SZ, EM), p. 72–?.
ICSM-2000-PearseO #case study #experience #maintenance #multi- Experiences Developing and Maintaining Software in a Multi-Platform Environment (TTP, PWO), pp. 270–277.
STOC-1997-AlbersH- Exploring Unknown Environments (SA, MRH), pp. 416–425.
FME-1997-SchonhoffK #explosion #specification #testing- Specifying the Remote Control of Valves in an Explosion Test Environment (MS, MK), pp. 201–220.
CHI-1997-BenfordGL #collaboration- Crowded Collaborative Virtual Environments (SB, CG, DL), pp. 59–66.
CHI-1997-RaderBL #comprehension #programming #visual notation- Degrees of Comprehension: Children’s Understanding of a Visual Programming Environment (CR, CB, CHL), pp. 351–358.
CHI-1997-ScaifeRAD #design #interactive #learning- Designing For or Designing With? Informant Design For Interactive Learning Environments (MS, YR, FA, MD), pp. 343–350.
HCI-CC-1997-Bradley #interactive- Interactive Creative Environments (ICE)-Strategic Organizational and Psychosocial Factors (GB), pp. 351–354.
HCI-CC-1997-BullingerWS #collaboration #design- Floor Control in Collaborative Design Environments (HJB, JW, OS), pp. 797–800.
HCI-CC-1997-GlinertK #interface #multimodal #ubiquitous- MultiModal Multi-Interface Environments for Accessible Ubiquitous Computing (EPG, RLK), pp. 445–448.
HCI-CC-1997-JoynerSS #evaluation- The Context of Co-operative Working-Generic Issues, and all Evaluation of Some Software for Co-operative Working in a Manufacturing Engineering Engineering Environment (SMJ, CES, MAS), pp. 297–300.
HCI-CC-1997-LuczakSS #communication #social- Computer Supported Communication and Cooperation-Building Social Environments into Computer Systems (HL, JS, SS), pp. 277–280.
HCI-CC-1997-SkybergSEVG #health #problem- Electric Fields, Dust and Health Problems Among VDU-Users in an Office Environment: An Intervention Program (KS, KS, EW, AIV, LOG), pp. 655–657.
HCI-CC-1997-TanakaMTKY #distributed #symmetry- Tele-Consultation System Supporting Asymmetrical Communications Between Customers and Expert Staff in Distributed Environment (TT, HM, HT, HK, HY), pp. 27–30.
HCI-CC-1997-Vanderheiden97a #architecture #interface- Use of a Common Table Architecture for Creating Hands Free, Eyes Free, Noisy Environment (Flex-Modal, Flex-Input) Interfaces (GCV), pp. 449–452.
HCI-CC-1997-Yang #development #framework #integration- An Integration Framework for Software Development Environments to Incorporate Task, Team and Tool Perspectives (YY), pp. 61–64.
HCI-SEC-1997-BlachSR #case study #experience #interactive- Experiences with User Interactions in a CAVETM-Like Projection Environment (RB, AS, OR), pp. 977–980.
HCI-SEC-1997-DeisingerCRS #comparison #monitoring- The Effect of Different Viewing Devices for the Sense of Presence of Immersion in Virtual Environments: A Comparison of Stereoprojections Based on Monitors, HMDs and Screens (JD, CCN, OR, JS), pp. 881–884.
HCI-SEC-1997-DiZioL- Circumventing Side Effects of Immersive Virtual Environments (PD, JRL), pp. 893–896.
HCI-SEC-1997-EnyedyVG #design #interactive #learning- Designing Interactions for Guided Inquiry Learning Environments (NE, PV, BG), pp. 157–160.
HCI-SEC-1997-GollLH #design #hypermedia #modelling- An Environment for Modelling and Designing Hypertext Applications (SG, JL, WH), pp. 735–738.
HCI-SEC-1997-HirotaK #implementation- Implementation of Elastic Object in Virtual Environment (KH, TK), pp. 969–972.
HCI-SEC-1997-HondaKTOOM- A Virtual Office Environment for Supporting Informal Communications and Securing Personal Space (SH, TK, HT, TO, KiO, YM), pp. 909–912.
HCI-SEC-1997-Keller #usability- Usability in the Perspective of Work Environment (KDK), pp. 621–624.
HCI-SEC-1997-KennedyS- Aftereffects of Virtual Environment Exposure: Psychometric Issues (RSK, KMS), pp. 897–900.
HCI-SEC-1997-KiyokawaTY #3d #design- Manipulation Aid for Two-Handed 3-D Designing Within a Shared Virtual Environment (KK, HT, NY), pp. 937–940.
HCI-SEC-1997-LathanN #performance #quantifier- Quantification of Human Performance in Extreme Environments (CEL, DJN), pp. 1005–1008.
HCI-SEC-1997-LawsonRGGM #challenge #human-computer #interface #using- The Human-Machine Interface Challenges of Using Virtual Environment (VE) Displays Aboard Centrifuge Devices (BDL, AHR, FEG, JDG, AMM), pp. 945–948.
HCI-SEC-1997-MartinH #adaptation #design #generative #modelling #multi #object-oriented- Generating Adaptable Multimedia Software from Dynamic Object Oriented Models: The ObjectWand Design Environment (CM, MH), pp. 703–706.
HCI-SEC-1997-Nguifo #interactive #machine learning- An Interactive Environment for Dynamic Control of Machine Learning Systems (EMN), pp. 31–34.
HCI-SEC-1997-OgiHWK #realtime #simulation- Real-Time Numerical Simulation in Haptic Environment (TO, MH, HW, NK), pp. 965–968.
HCI-SEC-1997-StelovskyC #interactive #java #visualisation- A WWW Environment for Visualizing User Interactions with Java Applets (JS, MEC), pp. 755–758.
HCI-SEC-1997-Sugiyama #development #user interface #visual notation- A Highly Extensible Graphical User Interface in a Software Development Environment (YS), pp. 327–330.
HCI-SEC-1997-WilliamsFSTE #education #learning #named #student- PEBBLES: Providing Education by Bringing Learning Environments to Students (LAW, DIF, GS, JT, RE), pp. 115–118.
HCI-SEC-1997-Wilson #industrial- Barriers to Industrial Application of Virtual Environments (JRW), pp. 985–988.
HCI-SEC-1997-ZieglerM #user interface- Integrated User Interfaces for the Home Environment (JZ, JM), pp. 807–810.
AdaEurope-1997-Mueller #ada #distributed- Supporting Ada 95 Passive Partitions in a Distributed Environment (FM), pp. 218–229.
CAiSE-1997-KlimathianakisL #named #network #repository- DELOS — A Repository Based Environment for Developing Network Centric Applications (PK, PL), pp. 375–388.
CAiSE-1997-PastorIPRM #formal method #named #object-oriented- OO-METHOD: An OO Software Production Environment Combining Conventional and Formal Methods (OP, EI, VP, JRR, JM), pp. 145–158.
EDOC-1997-Atkinson #distributed #metamodelling- Meta-Modeling for Distributed Object Environments (CA), p. 90–?.
EDOC-1997-BakerMG #distributed #workflow- Scientific workflow management in a distributed production environment (NB, RM, JMLG), pp. 291–299.
CIKM-1997-LeeHL #approach #concurrent #multi- A Uniform Approach to Global Concurrency Control and Recovery in Multidatabase Environment (SL, CSH, WGL), pp. 51–58.
ICML-1997-SuematsuHL #approach #learning #markov- A Bayesian Approach to Model Learning in Non-Markovian Environments (NS, AH, SL), pp. 349–357.
KDD-1997-DerthickKR #data analysis #interactive #visualisation- An Interactive Visualization Environment for Data Exploration (MD, JK, SFR), pp. 2–9.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-GuofuSS #programming #research- The Research of Distributive Object Programming Environment (ZG, LS, CS), pp. 238–243.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-PasalaR #collaboration #constraints #design pattern #flexibility #mobile #named- PolyConstraints: A Design Pattern for Flexible Collaboration in Heterogeneous Mobile Environments (AP, DJR), pp. 166–175.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-RozmanGHHD #metric #object-oriented- OO Metrics Data Gathering Environment (IR, JG, MH, RVH, TD), pp. 80–85.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-WangMG #database #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Environment Database for AGV Path Planing (TW, QHM, NEG), pp. 86–95.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-WernerTRCSV #development #named #reuse- Memphis: A Reuse Based O.O. Software Development Environment (CMLW, GHT, ARCdR, AMdC, MFdS, FMdVJ), pp. 182–191.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-XiaopengTT #component #named- PCLAgenda: A Process-Centered Support Environment for Component Software (WX, HT, FT), pp. 232–237.
TOOLS-USA-1997-Belkhatir #distributed #framework #object-oriented #process- An Object Oriented Framework for Distributed, Interoperable Process Engineering Environments (NB), p. 318–?.
TOOLS-USA-1997-TamuraN #named #object-oriented #prototype #specification- ROAD/EE: A Prototyping Environment for Object-Oriented Specifications (NT, TN), p. 176–?.
PLILP-1997-FindlerFFKF #named #programming- DrScheme: A Pedagogic Programming Environment for Scheme (RBF, CF, MF, SK, MF), pp. 369–388.
RE-1997-DarimontDML #analysis #integration #layout #named #requirements- GRAIL/KAOS: An Environment for Goal-Driven Requirements Analysis, Integration and Layout (RD, ED, PM, AvL), p. 140.
RE-1997-MadhavjiTLAV #evolution #requirements- The Impact of Environment Evolution on Requirements Changes (NHM, TT, PL, WWA, KV), pp. 98–99.
SAC-1997-RobertRB #development #integration- A cooperative mission development environment for crossplatform integration (MAR, CR, CB), pp. 180–181.
SAC-1997-SongL #performance #predict #scheduling- Performance prediction based loop scheduling for heterogeneous computing environment (YS, WML), pp. 413–421.
ESEC-FSE-1997-MeijlerDE #adaptation #composition #design pattern- Making Design Patterns Explicit in FACE: A Frame Work Adaptive Composition Environment (TDM, SD, RE), pp. 94–110.
ICSE-1997-BoscoMM #generative #specification- TINA ACE: An Environment for Specifying, Developing and Generating TINA Services (PGB, GM, CM), pp. 620–621.
ICSE-1997-DarimontDML #named #requirements- GRAIL/KAOS: An Environment for Goal-Driven Requirements Engineering (RD, ED, PM, AvL), pp. 612–613.
ICSE-1997-FriesenJW #specification- Specification of Software Controlling a Discrete-Continuous Environment (VF, SJ, MW), pp. 315–325.
ICSE-1997-HsiaK #maintenance #object-oriented #testing- An Object-Oriented Testing and Maintenance Environment (PH, DCK), pp. 608–609.
ICSE-1997-KaiserDJY #architecture- An Architecture for WWW-based Hypercode Environments (GEK, SED, WJ, JJY), pp. 3–13.
ICSE-1997-Ning #architecture #component #design #named #re-engineering- ADE — An Architecture Design Environment for Component-Based Software Engineering (JQN), pp. 614–615.
ICSE-1997-RobbinsHR #architecture #design #evolution #named- Argo: A Design Environment for Evolving Software Architectures (JER, DMH, DFR), pp. 600–601.
ICSE-1997-StoreyWM #named #reverse engineering #visualisation- Rigi: A Visualization Environment for Reverse Engineering (MADS, KW, HAM), pp. 606–607.
ASF+SDF-1997-AnlauffKP #aspect-oriented #development- Formal aspects of and development environments for Montages (MA, PWK, AP), p. 1.
ASF+SDF-1997-BrandHK #asf+sdf #ide #legacy- Renovation of the ASF+SDF meta-environment: current state of affairs (MvdB, JH, PK), p. 4.
ASF+SDF-1997-BrandKMO #asf+sdf #ide #implementation #prototype- Implementation of a prototype for the new ASF+SDF meta-environment (MvdB, TK, LM, PO), p. 5.
HPDC-1997-AsthanaSS #multi #named- Kaleido: An Environment for Composing Networked Multimedia Applications (AA, JS, MBS), pp. 181–190.
HPDC-1997-DincerF #design #programming- Design Issues in Building Web-Based Programming Environments (KD, GF), pp. 283–292.
HPDC-1997-HuL #adaptation #mobile- Adaptive Cache Invalidation Methods in Mobile Environments (QH, DLL), pp. 264–273.
HPDC-1997-LeeHL #mobile- Channel Allocation Methods for Data Dissemination in Mobile Computing Environments (WCL, QH, DLL), pp. 274–281.
HPDC-1997-TopcuogluHFVRKKBY #architecture #distributed- The Software Architecture of a Virtual Distributed Computing Environment (HT, SH, WF, JV, IR, DK, YK, XB, BY), pp. 40–49.
CADE-1997-EastaughffeOC #formal method #proving #state machine #visual notation- Proof Tactics for a Theory of State Machines in a Graphical Environment (KAE, MAO, AC), pp. 366–379.
DAC-1996-ImanP #named #optimisation #synthesis- POSE: Power Optimization and Synthesis Environment (SI, MP), pp. 21–26.
DAC-1996-SchnaiderY #development #hardware #simulation- Software Development in a Hardware Simulation Environment (BS, EY), pp. 684–689.
DAC-1996-VideiraVS #communication #design #performance- Efficient Communication in a Design Environment (IV, PV, HS), pp. 169–174.
KBSE-1996-RobbinsHR #architecture #design- Extending Design Environments to Software Architecture Design (JER, DMH, DFR), p. 12.
HT-1996-Dieberger #framework- Browsing the WWW by Interacting with a Textual Virtual Environment — A Framework for Experimenting with Navigational Metaphors (AD), pp. 170–179.
VLDB-1996-Hess #database #scalability- Very Large Databases in a Commercial Application Environment (KHH), p. 2.
VLDB-1996-IoannidisLGP #empirical- ZOO : A Desktop Experiment Management Environment (YEI, ML, SG, NP), pp. 274–285.
ITiCSE-1996-CaoLLPZ #education #information management #learning- Integrating CSCW in a cooperative learning environment to teach information systems (NVC, AL, ML, OP, CZ), pp. 125–129.
ITiCSE-1996-CoeWI #architecture #education #interactive- An interactive environment for the teaching of computer architecture (PSC, LMW, RNI), pp. 33–35.
ITiCSE-1996-LiffickA- A novice programmer’s support environment (BWL, RMA), pp. 49–51.
ITiCSE-1996-SanchezV #analysis #education #image #lisp- ViLi (Vision LISP): a software environment for teaching image processing and analysis (JS, JV), p. 234.
ITiCSE-1996-Velazquez-Iturbide #functional #named #programming- HIPE: a Turbo-like environment for functional programming (JÁVI), p. 234.
TACAS-1996-CleavelandLSS #concurrent #development- The Concurrency Factory Software Development Environment (RC, PML, SAS, OS), pp. 391–395.
TACAS-1996-SteffenMCBNR #constraints- A Constraint-Oriented Service Creation Environment (BS, TMS, AC, VB, RN, MR), pp. 418–421.
ICSM-1996-ChenTHPRW #c++ #ide #maintenance #named- Omega — an integrated environment for C++ program maintenance (XC, WTT, HH, MHP, SR, YW), p. 114–?.
ICSM-1996-FiutemTAM #architecture #reverse engineering- A Cliche-Based Environment to Support Architectural Reverse Engineering (RF, PT, GA, EM), pp. 319–328.
ICSM-1996-JahnkeSZ #database #design #migration #object-oriented #relational- A Design Environment for Migrating Relational to Object Oriented Database Systems (JHJ, WS, AZ), pp. 163–170.
ICSM-1996-Keller #cost analysis #maintenance- Change Costing in a Maintenance Environment (TK), p. 130–?.
WCRE-1996-Cifuentes #automation #reverse engineering- Partial Automation of an Integrated Reverse Engineering Environment of Binary Code (CC), pp. 50–56.
WCRE-1996-FiutemTAM #architecture #reverse engineering- A Cliche-Based Environment to Support Architectural Reverse Engineering (RF, PT, GA, EM), pp. 277–286.
WCRE-1996-RobertsPK #assembly #reverse engineering- A Portable Assembler Reverse Engineering Environment (PARE) (SNR, RLP, DGK), p. 76–?.
ICALP-1996-BodeiDP #distributed #mobile #process- Mobile Processes with a Distributed Environment (CB, PD, CP), pp. 490–501.
FME-1996-HutterLSSSW #deduction #verification- Deduction in the Verification Support Environment (VSE) (DH, BL, CS, JHS, WS, AW), pp. 268–286.
ICFP-1996-QueinnecR- Sharing Code through First-class Environments (CQ, DDR), pp. 251–261.
CHI-1996-BowersPO #collaboration- Talk and Embodiment in Collaborative Virtual Environments (JB, JP, JO), pp. 58–65.
CHI-1996-HopperHK #design #interface- Real World Design in the Corporate Environment: Designing an Interface for the Technically Challenged (SH, HH, PK), pp. 489–495.
CHI-1996-MarxS #named #navigation- MailCall: Message Presentation and Navigation in a Nonvisual Environment (MM, CS), pp. 165–172.
CHI-1996-RansonPKRMCSS #agile #physics- Rapid Scout: Bridging the Gulf Between Physical and Virtual Environments (DSR, ESP, DLK, GAR, MLM, JMC, ES, CSS), pp. 442–449.
CHI-1996-Stafford-FraserR #named- BrightBoard: A Video-Augmented Environment (QSF, PR), pp. 134–141.
CSCW-1996-BowersOP- Practically Accomplishing Immersion: Cooperation in and for Virtual Environments (JB, JO, JP), pp. 380–389.
CSCW-1996-IsaacsTM #interactive #named- Piazza: A Desktop Environment Supporting Impromptu and Planned Interactions (EI, JCT, TM), pp. 315–324.
CSCW-1996-PrinzK #workflow- Support for Workflows in a Ministerial Environment (WP, SK), pp. 199–208.
CSCW-1996-Smith #2d #lessons learnt #multi #user interface- Cooperative Virtual Environments: Lessons from 2D Multi User Interfaces (GS), pp. 390–398.
CSCW-1996-Waldo #collaboration #java #programming #tutorial #using- Using the Java Programming Environment to Build Collaborative Applications (Tutorial) (JW), p. 3.
TRI-Ada-1996-NeedhamDGPZME #ada #design #eiffel #independence #inheritance #modelling #named #object-oriented- ADAM: A Language-Independent, Object-Oriented, Design Environment for Modeling Inheritance and Relationship Variants in Ada 95, C++, and Eiffel (DMN, SAD, KEG, TJP, PZ, MM, HJCE), pp. 99–113.
CAiSE-1996-KellyLR #automation #configuration management #multi- MetaEdit+: A Fully Configurable Multi-User and Multi-Tool CASE and CAME Environment (SK, KL, MR), pp. 1–21.
CAiSE-1996-Si-SaidRG #named #requirements- MENTOR: A Computer Aided Requirements Engineering Environment (SSS, CR, GG), pp. 22–43.
ICPR-1996-BerangerH #recognition- Recognition of intersections in corridor environments (VB, JYH), pp. 133–137.
ICPR-1996-BergerSPW #image #synthesis #video- Mixing synthesis and video images of outdoor environments: application to the bridges of Paris (MOB, GS, SP, BWD), pp. 90–94.
ICPR-1996-LiTH #representation- Qualitative representation of outdoor environment along route (SL, ST, AH), pp. 176–180.
ICPR-1996-MaseN- Computing the field-of-view of a stitched panorama to create for sensitive virtual environments (KM, HN), pp. 151–155.
ICPR-1996-SharmaHPZLCS #gesture #interface #speech #visual notation- Speech/gesture interface to a visual computing environment for molecular biologists (RS, TSH, VIP, YZ, ZL, SMC, KS), pp. 964–968.
ICPR-1996-VeelaertP #flexibility #mobile #navigation- Mobile robot navigation based on flexibility maps of the environment (PV, HP), pp. 146–150.
SEKE-1996-AllouiO #multi #process- Peace+: A Multi-Agent System for Computer-supported Cooperative work in Software Process Centered Environments (IA, FO), pp. 465–473.
SEKE-1996-CanforaLM #c #ide #re-engineering #reuse- An Integrated Environment for Reuse Reengineering C Code (GC, ADL, MM), pp. 214–221.
SEKE-1996-CostaPF #design #multi #petri net- A Multi-Agent Based Environment to Aid in the Design of Petri Nets Based Software Systems (EdBC, AP, JCAdF), pp. 253–260.
SIGIR-1996-HendryH #architecture #implementation- An Architecture for Implementing Extensible Information-Seeking Environments (DGH, DJH), pp. 94–100.
SIGIR-1996-Henrich #development #documentation #retrieval- Document Retrieval Facilities for Repository-Based System Development Environments (AH), pp. 101–109.
ECOOP-1996-BaumerKGZ #case study #experience #object-oriented #scalability- Large Scale Object-Oriented Software-Development in a Banking Environment: An Experience Report (DB, RK, GG, HZ), pp. 73–90.
ECOOP-1996-GarbinatoFG #design #distributed #protocol #reliability- Protocol Classes for Designing Reliable Distributed Environments (BG, PF, RG), pp. 316–343.
SAC-1996-Al-Salman #programming- An Arabic programming environment (ASAS), pp. 480–486.
ICSE-1996-EickelmannR #architecture #evaluation #testing- An Evaluation of Software Test Environment Architectures (NSE, DJR), pp. 353–364.
ICSE-1996-Fischer #design- Domain-Oriented Design Environments (Extended Abstract) (GF), pp. 517–520.
ICSE-1996-Reiss #design #development #integration- Simplifying Data Integration: The Design of the Desert Software Development Environment (SPR), pp. 398–407.
ASPLOS-1996-JamrozikFVEKLV #latency #memory management #network #using- Reducing Network Latency Using Subpages in a Global Memory Environment (HAJ, MJF, GMV, JEI, ARK, HML, MKV), pp. 258–267.
HPDC-1996-AlfanoS #collaboration #multi- Controlling QoS in a Collaborative Multimedia Environment (MA, RS), pp. 340–347.
HPDC-1996-FosterPS #collaboration #distributed #research #tool support- Tools for Distributed Collaborative Environments: A Research Agenda (ITF, MEP, RLS), pp. 23–28.
HPDC-1996-HarrisonCGB #collaboration #development #process #simulation- Virtual Collaborative Simulation Environment for Integrated Product and Process Development (JPH, BC, MG, JB), pp. 19–22.
HPDC-1996-KaddouraR #adaptation #parallel #runtime- Runtime Support for Parallelization of Data-Parallel Applications on Adaptive and Nonuniform Computational Environments (MK, SR), pp. 30–39.
HPDC-1996-PapkaS #artificial reality #design #named- UbiWorld: An Environment Integrating Virtual Reality, Supercomputing and Design (MEP, RLS), pp. 306–307.
CAV-1996-CleavelandLSS #concurrent #development- The Concurrency Factory: A Development Environment for Concurrent Systems (RC, PML, SAS, OS), pp. 398–401.
CAV-1996-KochUW #verification- Verification Support Environment (FAK, MU, SW), pp. 454–457.
CAV-1996-SteffenMCB- The METAFrame’95 Environment (BS, TMS, AC, VB), pp. 450–453.
JICSLP-1996-DeransartPBS #hypermedia #logic programming #source code- A Hypertext Based Environment to Write Literate Logic Programs (Poster Abstract) (PD, PP, RdSB, JdS), p. 540.
JICSLP-1996-Neumerkel96a #named #programming #prolog- GUPU: A Prolog Course Environment and its Programming Methodology (Poster Abstract) (UN), p. 549.
DAC-1995-ReddyKP #framework #novel #synthesis #verification- Novel Verification Framework Combining Structural and OBDD Methods in a Synthesis Environment (SMR, WK, DKP), pp. 414–419.
KBSE-1995-LindenV #development #interface- An Interface Between Different Software Development Environments (GL, AIV), pp. 79–87.
ICDAR-v2-1995-JangKHK #recognition- Two-stage recognition of freight train ID number under outdoor environment (JHJ, JHK, KSH, JHK), pp. 986–991.
SIGMOD-1995-AcharyaAFZ #data transformation #symmetry- Broadcast Disks: Data Management for Asymmetric Communications Environments (SA, RA, MJF, SBZ), pp. 199–210.
SIGMOD-1995-Team #agile #database #development #object-oriented- Object-Oriented, Rapid Application Development in a PC Database Environment, pp. 423–424.
SIGMOD-1995-ZhugeGHW #maintenance- View Maintenance in a Warehousing Environment (YZ, HGM, JH, JW), pp. 316–327.
VLDB-1995-GuptaHQ- Aggregate-Query Processing in Data Warehousing Environments (AG, VH, DQ), pp. 358–369.
ICSM-1995-Schneberger #complexity #component #distributed #maintenance- Software maintenance in distributed computer environments: system complexity versus component simplicity (SLS), pp. 304–317.
ICSM-1995-Williams #analysis #case study #design #experience #object-oriented #using- Using object oriented analysis and design in a non-object oriented environment experience report (KW), p. 109–?.
WCRE-1995-QuiliciC #legacy #named- DECODE: A Cooperative Environment for Reverse-Engineering Legacy Software (AQ, DNC).
WCRE-1995-ZigmanW #re-engineering #reuse #reverse engineering #specification- Integrating Reengineering, Reuse and Specification Tool Environments to Enable Reverse Engineering (FJZ, MLW).
CHI-1995-BenfordBFGS #collaboration- User Embodiment in Collaborative Virtual Environments (SB, JB, LEF, CG, DS), pp. 242–249.
CHI-1995-CooperstockTBNB #evolution- Evolution of a Reactive Environment (JRC, KT, GB, TN, WB), pp. 170–177.
CHI-1995-MastaglioW #development #scalability- User-Centered Development of a Large-Scale Complex Networked Virtual Environment (TWM, JW), pp. 546–552.
CHI-1995-PirolliC #information management- Information Foraging in Information Access Environments (PP, SKC), pp. 51–58.
CHI-1995-SeligmannME #interactive #multi- Providing Assurances in a Multimedia Interactive Environment (DDS, RM, JTE), pp. 250–256.
CIKM-1995-KourmajianDFB #collaboration #framework #named #transaction- Consortium: A Framework for Transaction Collaborative Environments (VK, RD, JF, DGB), pp. 260–265.
CIKM-1995-TangV #concept #transaction- Transaction-oriented Work-flow Concepts in Inter-Organizational Environments (JT, JV), pp. 250–259.
ICML-1995-LittmanCK #learning #policy #scalability- Learning Policies for Partially Observable Environments: Scaling Up (MLL, ARC, LPK), pp. 362–370.
SEKE-1995-LuD #analysis #distributed #object-oriented #simulation #specification- An Environment for Specification, Simulation and Analysis of Distributed Object-Oriented Systems (SL, YD), pp. 402–410.
SEKE-1995-SchaferW #development- Cooperation Patterns for process-centred Software Development Environments (WS, SW), pp. 454–463.
SEKE-1995-VerkamoL #development #problem #tool support- Problems in Interfacing Tools of Different Development Environments (AIV, GL), pp. 429–437.
ECOOP-1995-Amsellem #hypermedia #named #programming- ChyPro: A Hypermedia Programming Environment for Smalltalk-80 (MA), pp. 449–470.
RE-1995-FickasF #monitoring #requirements- Requirements monitoring in dynamic environments (SF, MSF), pp. 140–147.
RE-1995-MacfarlaneR #development #ide #requirements #traceability- Requirements traceability in an integrated development environment (IAM, IR), pp. 116–127.
SAC-1995-Beams #approach #development- Adding spice to software development: a software development approach designed for rapidly changing environments (JDB), pp. 384–389.
SAC-1995-GuzdialRC #collaboration #education #interactive #learning #multi- Collaborative and multimedia interactive learning environment for engineering education (MG, NR, DC), pp. 5–9.
SAC-1995-HaynesW #adaptation #simulation- A simulation of adaptive agents in a hostile environment (TDH, RLW), pp. 318–323.
SAC-1995-Wong #fuzzy- Fuzzy routing control of service request messages in an individual computing environment (KWW), pp. 548–551.
SAC-1995-WongP #analysis #design- Design and analysis of fractals in an individual computing environment (KWW, JP), pp. 431–433.
ESEC-1995-BarghoutiKC #interactive #multi #named #process #visualisation- Improvise: Interactive Multimedia Process Visualization Environment (NSB, EK, EC), pp. 28–43.
ICSE-1995-HeinemanK #architecture #concurrent #framework- An Architecture for Integrating Concurrency Control into Environment Frameworks (GTH, GEK), pp. 305–313.
ICSE-1995-LeonhardtKN #development #distributed #multi #process- Decentralised Process Enactment in a Multi-Perspective Development Environment (UL, JK, BN), pp. 255–264.
ASF+SDF-1995-Brand #asf+sdf #ide #past present future #pretty-printing- Pretty printing in the ASF+SDF Meta-environment: Past, Present, and Future (MvdB), pp. 155–174.
ASF+SDF-1995-Klint #asf+sdf #evolution #ide #implementation- The Evolution of Implementation Techniques in the ASF+SDF Meta-environment (PK), pp. 5–26.
HPDC-1995-OguchiAS #architecture #distributed #evaluation- A Proposal for a DSM Architecture Suitable for a Widely Distributed Environment and its Evaluation (MO, HA, TS), pp. 32–39.
HPDC-1995-YadavRH #message passing #parallel #thread- A Multithreaded Message Passing Environment for ATM LAN/WAN (RY, RR, SH), pp. 238–245.
DAC-1994-AzizBCHKKRSSTWBS #named #verification- HSIS: A BDD-Based Environment for Formal Verification (AA, FB, STC, RH, TK, SCK, RKR, TRS, VS, ST, HYW, RKB, ALSV), pp. 454–459.
DAC-1994-KeeSGK #framework- The Use of CAD Frameworks in a CIM Environment (WTK, DS, JG, LKK), pp. 257–261.
DAC-1994-Radtke #design #hardware #process #scalability- The AT&T 5ESS Hardware Design Environment: A Large System’s Hardware design Process (KAR), pp. 527–531.
EDAC-1994-EdwardsF #development #embedded #hardware- A Development Environment for the Cosynthesis of Embedded Software/Hardware Systems (ME, JF), pp. 469–473.
EDAC-1994-Su #bound #random testing #testing- Random Testing of Interconnects in A Boundary Scan Environment (CS), pp. 226–231.
KBSE-1994-LowryPPU94a #approach #design #formal method- A Formal Approach to Domain-Oriented Software Design Environments (MRL, AP, TP, IU), pp. 48–57.
KBSE-1994-QuiliciC #comprehension- A Cooperative Program Understanding Environment (AQ, DNC), pp. 125–132.
HT-ECHT-1994-AndersonTW #hypermedia #named- Chimera: Hypertext for Heterogeneous Software Environments (KMA, RNT, EJWJ), pp. 94–107.
HT-ECHT-1994-BieberW #backtracking #hypermedia #multi- Backtracking in a Multiple-Window Hypertext Environment (MB, JW), pp. 158–166.
HT-ECHT-1994-HillH #distributed- Extending the Microcosm Model to a Distributed Environment (GH, WH), pp. 32–40.
SIGMOD-1994-BarbaraI #mobile- Sleepers and Workaholics: Caching Strategies in Mobile Environments (DB, TI), pp. 1–12.
SIGMOD-1994-CatarciS #database #diagrams #query #visual notation- Query by Diagram: A Graphical Environment for Querying Databases (TC, GS), p. 515.
CSEE-1994-Horton #automation #design #education #using- Using Commercial CASE Environments to Teach Software Design (TBH), pp. 97–115.
CSEE-1994-Prete #education #named #visual notation- Cachesim: A Graphical Software Environment to Support the Teaching of Computer Systems with Cache Memories (CAP), pp. 317–327.
PLDI-1994-EbciogluGKSZ #compilation- VLIW Compilation Techniques in a Superscalar Environment (KE, RDG, KCK, GMS, IZ), pp. 36–48.
ICALP-1994-FixS #reasoning #source code- Reasoning about Programs by Exploiting the Environment (LF, FBS), pp. 328–339.
ICALP-1994-MeiI #navigation #performance- Efficient Strategies for Robot Navigation in Unknown Environment (AM, YI), pp. 630–641.
CHI-1994-EisenbergF94a #design #programmable #programming- Programmable design environments: integrating end-user programming with domain-oriented assistance (ME, GF), pp. 431–437.
CHI-1994-FischerMORS94a #design #development #incremental- Seeding, evolutionary growth and reseeding: supporting the incremental development of design environments (GF, RM, JLO, BR, FMSI), pp. 292–298.
CHI-1994-HoudeS94a #design #programming- In search of design principles for programming environments (SH, RS), pp. 424–430.
CSCW-1994-PacullSS #collaboration #distributed #editing #named #scalability- Duplex: A Distributed Collaborative Editing Environment in Large Scale (FP, AS, AS), pp. 165–173.
CSCW-1994-SohlenkampC #communication- Integrating Communication, Cooperation, and Awareness: The DIVA Virtual Office Environment (MS, GC), pp. 331–343.
CSCW-1994-StreitzGHH #named- DOLPHIN: Integrated Meeting Support Across Local and Remote Desktop Environments and LiveBoards (NAS, JG, JMH, JH), pp. 345–358.
AdaEurope-1994-AbadieB #development #execution #named #realtime- CEDEX — A Tool for the Selection of a Development and Execution Environment for Real Time On-Board Applications (JA, BB), pp. 465–482.
AdaEurope-1994-CorreriniP #assurance #named- ESSPASE — European Space Software Product Assurance Support Environment (FC, PP), pp. 258–269.
AdaEurope-1994-Gale #ada #development #recommendation- Recommendations and Proposals for an Ada Strategy in the Space Software Development Environment (LPG), pp. 175–203.
AdaEurope-1994-JovanovicSS #ada #evolution- Interfacing Computer Communications from Ada in a Diverse and Evolving Environment (SSJ, LS, DMS), pp. 387–396.
AdaEurope-1994-Taylor #development #formal method- Formal Methods for a Space Software Development Environment (PT), pp. 90–103.
TRI-Ada-1994-GuemhiouiDPE #ada #code generation #design #object-oriented #profiling- Profiling in an Object-Oriented Design Environment That Supports Ada 9X and Ada 83 Code Generation (KEG, SAD, TJP, HJCE), pp. 180–190.
CAiSE-1994-Lonchamp #collaboration #kernel- A Collaborative Process-Centered Environment Kernel (JL), pp. 28–41.
CAiSE-1994-TarumiTY #development #named #visual notation- IKUMI: A Groupware Development Support System with Visual Environment (HT, AT, KY), pp. 66–79.
CIKM-1994-GohMS #challenge #database #scalability- Context Interchange: Overcoming the Challenges of Large-Scale Interoperable Database Systems in a Dynamic Environment (CHG, SEM, MS), pp. 337–346.
CIKM-1994-PitouraB #information management #mobile- Building Information Systems for Mobile Environments (EP, BKB), pp. 371–378.
KDD-1994-HuCX #database #learning- Learning Data Trend Regularities From Databases in a Dynamic Environment (XH, NC, JX), pp. 323–334.
KDD-1994-ZuckerCTR #bias #induction #named- DICE: A Discovery Environment Integrating Inductive Bias (JDZ, VC, JT, GR), pp. 275–286.
SEKE-1994-AbbattistaLV #architecture #development- Open architecture for a process-centered development environment (FA, FL, GV), pp. 405–413.
SEKE-1994-BelliJ #prolog #testing- A test environment for Prolog (FB, OJ), pp. 430–437.
SEKE-1994-ChiangWBN #automation #documentation #named #programming #visual notation- DocFlow: an event-driven visual programming environment for office automation through document processing (SCYC, JTLW, MPB, PAN), pp. 454–461.
SEKE-1994-VanthienenW #database #relational- Managing decision table knowledge in a relational database environment (JV, GW), pp. 352–357.
SEKE-1994-Verkamo #automation #development- Cooperation of KBS development environments and CASE environments (AIV), pp. 358–365.
SIGIR-1994-BuckleySA #feedback- The Effect of Adding Relevance Information in a Relevance Feedback Environment (CB, GS, JA), pp. 292–300.
OOPSLA-1994-RobertsonCMRAK #design #learning #named #object-oriented #self- ODE: A Self-Guided, Scenario-Based Learning Environment for Object-Oriented Design Principles (SPR, JMC, RLM, MBR, SRA, JKB), pp. 51–64.
OOPSLA-1994-SpinelliSCR #integration #named #object-oriented- MI — An Object Oriented Environment for Integration of Scientific Applications (AS, PS, MC, MR), pp. 212–222.
ICRE-1994-AcostaBRS #agile #case study #prototype #requirements- A case study of applying rapid prototyping techniques in the Requirements Engineering Environment (RDA, CLB, WER, JLS), pp. 66–73.
SAC-1994-HughesWK #learning- Virtual space learning: creating text-based learning environments (BH, JW, BK), pp. 578–582.
FSE-1994-GarlanAO #architecture #design- Exploiting Style in Architectural Design Environments (DG, RA, JO), pp. 175–188.
ICSE-1994-Ben-ShaulK #distributed #modelling #paradigm #process- A Paradigm for Decentralized Process Modeling and Its Realization in the Oz Environment (IBS, GEK), pp. 179–188.
HPDC-1994-ArmstrongM #distributed #framework #parallel- The Use of Frameworks for Scientific Computation in a Parallel Distributed Environment (RCA, JM), pp. 15–25.
HPDC-1994-AsthanaCK #network- An Experimental Active-Memory-Based Network Environment (AA, MC, PK), pp. 139–146.
HPDC-1994-Dongarra #library- Constructing Numerical Software Libraries for HPCC Environments (JD), p. 4.
HPDC-1994-MechosoFS #distributed- Running a Climate Model in a Heterogeneous, Distributed Computer Environment (CRM, JDF, JAS), pp. 79–84.
HPDC-1994-RousselleTHF- The Virtual Computing Environment (PR, PT, SH, GF), pp. 7–14.
HPDC-1994-Stevens #multi- Multimedia Supercomputing: The Use of Supercomputers to Drive High-Performance Multimedia Systems and Virtual Environments (RS), p. 3.
CADE-1994-HuangKKMNRS #development #named #proving- Omega-MKRP: A Proof Development Environment (XH, MK, MK, EM, DN, JR, JHS), pp. 788–792.
DAC-1993-Kra #co-evolution #design #hardware- A Cross-Debugging Method for Hardware/Software Co-design Environments (YK), pp. 673–677.
DAC-1993-LeeJW #behaviour #synthesis- Behavioral Synthesis of Highly Testable Data Paths under the Non-Scan and Partial Scan Environments (TCL, NKJ, WW), pp. 292–297.
KBSE-1993-Jr. #development #research #scalability- A researcher’s view of life in a large software development environment (Keynote) (ESJ), p. 4.
HT-1993-LucarellaPZ #multi #named #retrieval- MORE: Multimedia Object Retrieval Environment (DL, SP, AZ), pp. 39–50.
ICDAR-1993-BoccignoneCSP #documentation #object-oriented- Building an object-oriented environment for document processing (GB, AC, MDS, AP), pp. 436–439.
SIGMOD-1993-Colton #distributed- Replicated Data in a Distributed Environment (MC), pp. 464–466.
SIGMOD-1993-PolyachenkoA #development #distributed #parallel- Instrumental Complex of Parallel Software System Development and Operating Environment Support for Distributed Processing within Multitransputer Systems, TRANSSOFT (BEP, FIA), pp. 548–549.
SIGMOD-1993-SuLRD #estimation- An Instant and Accurate Estimation Method for Joins and Selection in a Retrieval-Intensive Environment (WS, YL, NR, YD), pp. 79–88.
SIGMOD-1993-WoynaCHS #database #modelling- Modeling Battlefield Sensor Environments with an Object Database Management System (MAW, JHC, CWH, KLS), pp. 499–501.
CSM-1993-CherinkaOS #maintenance #perspective- Building An Integrated Software Maintenance Environment — From a Maintainer’s Perspective (RC, CMO, RS), pp. 31–40.
CSM-1993-LinosADHLT #c #comprehension #named #re-engineering #source code- CARE: An Environment for Understanding and Re-Engineering C Programs (PKL, PA, LD, YH, PL, PT), pp. 130–139.
FME-1993-BrownM #concurrent #proving #source code- A Proof Environment for Concurrent Programs (NB, DM), pp. 196–215.
FPCA-1993-Yoshida #reduction #λ-calculus- Optimal Reduction in Weak-λ-calculus with Shared Environments (NY), pp. 243–254.
HCI-ACS-1993-ArcieriFN #development #interactive #prototype #visual notation- A Prototyping and Development Environment for Graphical Interactive Telematic Applications (FA, MF, EN), pp. 20–25.
HCI-ACS-1993-FerraraLPP #development #user interface- The Hyperface/Interactors User Interface Development Environment (PF, CL, EP, RP), pp. 325–330.
HCI-ACS-1993-Hale #design- Ergonomics and VDT Design for Space Environments (JPH), pp. 196–200.
HCI-ACS-1993-LehaneWL #design #modelling #parallel- Parallel Modeling: Addressing the Issues of Creative Designing in CAD Environments (ARL, DKW, EBL), pp. 249–254.
HCI-ACS-1993-Smith #automation- Automation of Work in Dangerous Environments (TJS), pp. 273–277.
HCI-ACS-1993-SpeelmanBK #modelling- The Rle of Mental Models in Complex Dynamic Environments (CPS, DBJ, KK), pp. 593–598.
HCI-ACS-1993-Stahre #named- Humanufacturing — Operator Decision Suport in a CIM Environment (JS), pp. 2–7.
HCI-ACS-1993-Steinmuller #framework- JESSI Common Framework JCF — An Open Framework for Integrated CAx-Environments (BS), pp. 337–342.
HCI-ACS-1993-StuartSHFL- Remote Operations in the Hazardous Environments of Space (MAS, CES, RCH, TFF, AJL), pp. 295–300.
HCI-ACS-1993-Westlander #health #research- The Simultaneous Attack on Several Work Environment Factors — An Organizational Change Project Inspired of Occupational Health Research Findings (GW), pp. 833–838.
HCI-SHI-1993-Anzai #interactive #multi- Human-Robot-Computer Interaction in Multiagent Environment (YA), pp. 2–7.
HCI-SHI-1993-BarfieldW #concept #framework- The Sense of Presence within Virtual Environments: A Conceptual Framework (WB, SW), pp. 699–704.
HCI-SHI-1993-BenaliaDM #parallel #programming language #visual notation- HelpDraw Graphical Environment: A Step Beyond Data Parallel Programming Languages (ADB, JLD, PM), pp. 591–596.
HCI-SHI-1993-BenyshK #implementation #simulation- The Implementation of Knowledge Structures in Cognitive Simulation Environments (DVB, RJK), pp. 309–314.
HCI-SHI-1993-BextenM #aspect-oriented #human-computer- HCI Aspects of the CASSY-Environment (EMzB, CM), pp. 279–284.
HCI-SHI-1993-HohlHR #design #interactive #visual notation- An Interactive Design Environment for Graphical Browsers (HH, JH, MR), pp. 585–590.
HCI-SHI-1993-OhiwaKST #collaboration #named- KJ-Editor: A Collaboration Environment for Brain Storming and Consensus Forming (HO, KK, AS, NT), pp. 939–942.
HCI-SHI-1993-SonodaMOK #coordination #interface- Coordinating an Interface Agent with Direct Manipulation Environments (TS, FM, KO, MK), pp. 927–932.
HCI-SHI-1993-WillsCM- Sharing Customization in a Campus Computing Environment (CEW, KC, WM), pp. 196–201.
INTERCHI-1993-CarlssonF #3d #tool support- Integrated CSCW tools within a shared 3D virtual environment (abstract) (CC, LEF), p. 513.
INTERCHI-1993-DiGianoBO #behaviour #monitoring #named #programming- LogoMedia: a sound-enhanced programming environment for monitoring program behavior (CD, RMB, RNO), pp. 301–302.
INTERCHI-1993-FahlenBSC #interactive- A space based model for user interaction in shared synthetic environments (LEF, CGB, OS, CC), pp. 43–48.
INTERCHI-1993-JohnsonWMP #design #modelling #named #prototype- ADEPT: Advanced Design Environment for Prototyping with Task Models (PJ, SW, PM, JP), p. 56.
INTERCHI-1993-NechesABHHLMS- The Integrated User-Support Environment (IN-USE) Group at USC/ISI (RN, PA, DB, BH, LH, PL, RM, PAS), pp. 53–54.
INTERCHI-1993-Repenning #named #programming #visual notation- Agentsheets: a tool for building domain-oriented visual programming environments (AR), pp. 142–143.
INTERCHI-1993-SukaviriyaFG #architecture #design #generative #runtime #user interface- A second generation user interface design environment: the model and the runtime architecture (PNS, JDF, TG), pp. 375–382.
AdaEurope-1993-Bloch- An Operational Computer Aided Software Environment: ILIADE (MGB), pp. 216–226.
AdaEurope-1993-GlasgowN- Data Compatibility in a Heterogeneous Processor Environment (MJG, BDN), pp. 197–215.
TRI-Ada-1993-BrownCFOZ- A Project Support Environment Reference Model (AWB, DJC, PHF, PAO, MVZ), pp. 82–89.
TRI-Ada-1993-Tonndorf #ada #compilation- An Integrated Tool Environment for Ada Compiler Validations (MT), pp. 268–276.
CAiSE-1993-PrevelakisT #development- Perspectives on Software Development Environments (VP, DT), pp. 586–600.
CIKM-1993-PearceN #analysis #generative #hypermedia #n-gram- Generating a Dynamic Hypertext Environment with n-gram Analysis (CP, CKN), pp. 148–153.
CIKM-1993-PetrouniasL #deduction #development #evaluation- Development and Evaluation of an Application in a Deductive Environment (IP, PL), pp. 184–193.
CIKM-1993-ThomasMMD- Enchancing Knowledge Processing in Client/Server Environments (JT, BM, NMM, SD), pp. 324–334.
SEKE-1993-ChunP #integration- An Environment for the Control and Software Integration of Expert Systems (RKC, BJP), pp. 499–506.
SEKE-1993-DeBellis- Intelligent Assistance for Transformation-Based Environments (MD), pp. 158–165.
SEKE-1993-LauxBC #development #ide #specification- An Integrated Development Environment for Formal Specifications (MRL, RHB, BHCC), pp. 681–688.
SEKE-1993-LindlandWGS #automation #prototype- Prototyping in Transformation-Based CASE Environments (OIL, GW, JAG, AS), pp. 596–603.
SEKE-1993-LuciaNTT #development- The Tool Development Language TDL for the Software Development Environment WSDW (ADL, MN, GT, MT), pp. 421–428.
SEKE-1993-Poulin #development #metric #reuse- Issues in the Development and Application of Reuse Metrics in a Corporate Environment (JSP), pp. 258–262.
SEKE-1993-QuiliciM #simulation- An Intelligent Environment for Spacecraft Simulation (AQ, LM), pp. 414–420.
SEKE-1993-Scacchi #integration #process- Process Integration for KBSE Environments (WS), p. 587.
SEKE-1993-WangMLSN #documentation- An Intelligent Documentation Support Environment (JTLW, FSM, QL, WCS, PAN), pp. 429–436.
OOPSLA-1993-BrachaG #named #smalltalk- Strongtalk: Typechecking Smalltalk in a Production Environment (GB, DG), pp. 215–230.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-BarrilBB #authoring #object-oriented- Class Cooperation in a Dedicated Object System: The Force Authoring Environment (PB, MB, JFB), pp. 115–123.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-Harmon #object-oriented #tool support- Object-Oriented Tools and Environments (PH), p. 345.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-LaurentS #approach #case study #industrial #object-oriented- “Traditional” versus Object-Oriented Approach: a Case Study in an Industrial Environment (PL, NS), pp. 109–114.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-McHughC #distributed #eiffel #implementation #persistent- Eiffel**: An Implementation of Eiffel on Amadeus, a Persistent, Distributed Applications Support Environment (CM, VC), pp. 47–62.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-GrundyH #framework #named #programming #visual notation- MViews: A Framework for Developing Visual Programming Environments (JCG, JGH), pp. 465–473.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-KangG #framework #object-oriented #re-engineering- An Object-Oriented Framework for Process-Sensitive Software Engineering Environments (MK, DDG), pp. 233–252.
TOOLS-USA-1993-AliBM #education #industrial #object-oriented- Factors Influencing the Success of Object-Oriented Education in Industrial Environments (YA, AJB, LSM), pp. 597–606.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Berg-Cross #coordination #development #standard #tool support- Leveraging Productivity with a Standard Environment and Coordinated Tools for O-O Development (GBC), pp. 489–495.
TOOLS-USA-1993-BoschR #evolution #object-oriented- An Environment for Managing the Evolution of Object-oriented (CJB, DR), pp. 163–172.
TOOLS-USA-1993-GangopadhyayM #modelling #named #visual notation- ObjChart-Builder: An Environment for Executing Visual Object Models (DG, SM), pp. 319–334.
TOOLS-USA-1993-HalbachSH #reuse- Managing a Software Reusability Effort in a Business Environment (DSH, JAS, RBH), pp. 13–19.
TOOLS-USA-1993-HarmonH #object-oriented #tool support- Object-Oriented Tools and Environments (PH, CH), p. 528.
TOOLS-USA-1993-LobeSS #component #enterprise #object-oriented #parallel #programming- The Object-Oriented Components of the Enterprise Parallel Programming Environment (GL, DS, JS), pp. 215–229.
RE-1993-OhnishiA #named #requirements- CARD: a software requirements definition environment (AO, KA), pp. 90–93.
SAC-1993-KhwajaU #editing- Syntax-Directed Editing Environments: Issues and Features (AAK, JEU), pp. 230–237.
SAC-1993-Yalcinalp #logic programming #named- Ushell: An Environment for Introduction to Logic Programming (LÜY), pp. 598–603.
ESEC-1993-BrownMZ #case study #experience- Experiences with a Federated Environment Testbed (AWB, EJM, PFZ), pp. 175–196.
ESEC-1993-EmmerichSW #database #re-engineering- Databases for Software Engineering Environments — The Goal has not yet been attained (WE, WS, JW), pp. 145–162.
ESEC-1993-KrishnamurthyB #named #process #visualisation- Provence: A Process Visualisation and Enactment Environment (BK, NSB), pp. 451–465.
ESEC-1993-Thomas #process- Observations on Object Management Systems and Process Support in Environments (IT), pp. 197–212.
FSE-1993-TarrP #named #re-engineering- PLEIADES: An Object Management System for Software Engineering Environments (PLT, LAC), pp. 56–70.
ICSE-1993-KleynB #graph #programming #specification- A High Level Language for Specifying Graph Based Languages and Their Programming Environments (MFK, JCB), pp. 324–335.
ICSE-1993-TarrS #development #programming #transaction- Programming Heterogeneous Transactions for Software Development Environments (PLT, SMSJ), pp. 358–369.
ICSE-1993-Zelkowitz #classification- Use of an Environment Classification Model (MVZ), pp. 348–357.
HPDC-1993-Skjellum #library #scalability- Scalable Libraries in a Heterogeneous Environment (AS), pp. 13–20.
SOSP-1993-JonesH #distributed #video- Handling Audio and Video Streams in a Distributed Environment (AJ, AH), pp. 231–243.
SOSP-1993-SpreitzerT #ubiquitous- Providing Location Information in a Ubiquitous Computing Environment (MS, MT), pp. 270–283.
CAV-1993-Wilding- A Mechanically Verified Application for a Mechanically Verified Environment (MW), pp. 268–279.
ILPS-1993-Kaiser #development #multi- MARVEL 3: 1: A Multi-User Software Development Environment (GEK), pp. 36–39.
ISSTA-1993-Vogel #automation #testing- An Integrated General Purpose Automated Test Environment (PAV), pp. 61–69.
IWPTS-1993-ChansonDKLLVZZZ #protocol #testing- The UBC Protocol Testing Environment (STC, HD, MK, QL, YL, STV, SZ, LZ, JZ), pp. 215–230.
DAC-1992-BeckerST #hardware- An Engineering Environment for Hardware/Software Co-Simulation (DB, RKS, SGT), pp. 129–134.
KBSE-1992-Fischer #design- Domain Oriented Design Environments (Keynote) (GF), p. 32.
KBSE-1992-FischerR #design #prototype- Prototypes of Domain-Oriented Design Environments (Demonstration) (GF, DR), p. 13.
KBSE-1992-Heineman #knowledge-based #multi #named- MARVEL: A Multiuser Knowledge-Based Environment (Demonstration) (GH), p. 10.
KBSE-1992-KellerR #development #knowledge-based- A Knowledge-based Software Development Environment for Scientific Model-building (RK, MR), p. 27.
HT-ECHT-1992-DavisHHHW #hypermedia #towards- Towards an Integrated Information Environment with Open Hypermedia Systems (HCD, WH, IH, GH, RW), pp. 181–190.
HT-ECHT-1992-Martucci92a #hypermedia- The CHE Hypermedia Environment (Demonstration) (RM), p. 292.
HT-ECHT-1992-MonnardP #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Scripting Environment for the WEBSs Electronic Book System (JM, JPB), pp. 81–90.
HT-ECHT-1992-Streitz #authoring #hypermedia- The Hypermedia Authoring Environment SEPIA (Demonstration) (NAS), p. 290.
HT-ECHT-1992-StreitzHHLSST #authoring #hypermedia #named- SEPIA: A Cooperative Hypermedia Authoring Environment (NAS, JMH, JH, ACL, WS, HS, MT), pp. 11–22.
VLDB-1992-CeriW #database #distributed #parallel- Production Rules in Parallel and Distributed Database Environments (SC, JW), pp. 339–351.
VLDB-1992-Heimbigner #case study #experience- Experiences With an Object Manager for a Process-Centered Environment (DH), pp. 585–595.
VLDB-1992-ImielinskiB #distributed #mobile #query- Querying in Highly Mobile Distributed Environments (TI, BRB), pp. 41–52.
VLDB-1992-Raz #multi #principle #using- The Principle of Commitment Ordering, or Guaranteeing Serializability in a Heterogeneous Environment of Multiple Autonomous Resource Mangers Using Atomic Commitment (YR), pp. 292–312.
PEPM-1992-ConselP #programming- A Programming Environment for Binding-time Based Partial Evaluators (CC, SP), pp. 62–66.
CHI-1992-CeccoLP #prototype- The Ircam Signal Processing Workstation Prototyping Environment (MDC, EL, MP), pp. 639–640.
CHI-1992-GaverMMLDCB #video- Realizing a Video Environment: EuroPARC’s RAVE System (WWG, TPM, AM, LL, PD, KC, WB), pp. 27–35.
CHI-1992-SteinerM #interactive- Graphic StoryWriter: an interactive environment for emergent storytelling (KES, TGM), pp. 357–364.
CHI-1992-Szczur #design #user interface- Transportable Applications Environment (TAE) Plus User Interface Designer WorkBench (MRS), pp. 231–232.
CHI-1992-ThomasPRSSW #collaboration #design- Designing collaborative, knowledge-building environments for tomorrow’s schools (ANT, JP, PR, MS, ES, JW), pp. 427–430.
CHI-1992-TylerS #interface #knowledge-based #reuse- Interface Support for Comet: A Knowledge-based Software Reuse Environment (SWT, JLS), pp. 155–156.
CSCW-1992-Rogers #distributed #network- Ghosts in the Network: Distributed Troubleshooting in a Shared Working Environment (YR), pp. 346–355.
CSCW-1992-ShenD #collaboration #data access- Access Control for Collaborative Environments (HS, PD), pp. 51–58.
CSCW-1992-TakemuraK #using- Cooperative Work Environment Using Virtual Workspace (HT, FK), pp. 226–232.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-Cleveland #implementation- Implementation versus Binding to the X Window Environment (SC), pp. 477–481.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-Hodges #ada #idea- Ada Program Support Environments: A Good Idea Overcome by Changes (WMH), pp. 439–448.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-Sielski #ada #implementation #parallel #thread- Implementing Ada Tasking in a Multiprocessing, Multithreaded UNIX Environment (KLS), pp. 512–517.
CAiSE-1992-BorrasDP #database #object-oriented #programming- A Fully Integrated Programming Environment for an Object-Oriented Database (PB, AD, PP), pp. 33–47.
CAiSE-1992-OquendoZG #automation- A Meta-CASE Environment for Software Process-Centred CASE Environments (FO, JDZ, PG), pp. 568–588.
SEKE-1992-AkhrasM #generative #knowledge-based #process #towards- Towards Dynamic Generation of Knowledge-Based Environments for Software Process Assistance (FNA, SSSM), pp. 79–86.
SEKE-1992-AvellisB #design #maintenance- A Blackboard Model to Design Integrated Intelligent Software Maintenance Environment (GA, LB), pp. 325–332.
SEKE-1992-Bendix #automation #configuration management- Automatic Configuration Management in a General Object-Based Environment (LB), pp. 186–193.
SEKE-1992-BrunoMG #modelling #re-engineering- A Software Engineering Environment for Modeling and Developing Knowledge-Intensive Systems (GB, GM, AG), pp. 519–533.
SEKE-1992-KimH #database #deduction #evaluation #parallel #recursion- Network-Based Simple Recursive Answer Evaluation for Deductive Databases in Parallel Environment (KK, LJH), pp. 63–70.
ECOOP-1992-Jezequel #distributed #eiffel #memory management #named #parallel- EPEE: an Eiffel Environment to Program Distributed Memory Parallel Computers (JMJ), pp. 197–212.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-DojatP #prototype #representation #smalltalk #using- Representation of a Medical Expertise using the Smalltalk Environment: Putting a Prototype to Work (MD, FP), pp. 379–389.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-NobleG #animation- An Introduction to the Tarraingím Program Animation Environment (JN, LG), pp. 37–50.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-OgataKID #named #smalltalk- HoME: Smalltalk on the Match Environment (KO, SK, MI, ND), pp. 153–161.
TOOLS-USA-1992-FirthOFBN #development #object-oriented #using- Improving a software development environment using object-oriented technology (MAF, MHO, REF, SKB, TCN), pp. 41–49.
TOOLS-USA-1992-HeyesJQW #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Run Control Environment for the CEBAF Data Acquisition System (GH, EJ, DRQ, WAWI), pp. 171–183.
PLILP-1992-HenrardC #declarative #logic programming #named #source code- FOLON: An Environment for Declarative Construction of Logic Programs (JH, BLC), pp. 217–231.
CC-1992-GyimothyAS #attribute grammar- Integrated Graphics Environment to Develop Applications Based on Attribute Grammars (TG, ZA, RS), pp. 51–58.
CC-1992-ViklundHF #implementation #programming- The Implementation of ObjectMath — a High-Level Programming Environment for Scientific Computing (LV, JH, PF), pp. 312–318.
CC-1992-Weber #compilation #component #product line #reuse #runtime- Creation of a Family of Compilers and Runtime Environments by Combining Reusable Components (CW), pp. 110–124.
CAV-1992-MeryM #ide #interactive #named #specification #verification- Crocos: An Integrated Environment for Interactive Verification of SDL Specifications (DM, AM), pp. 343–356.
KBSE-1991-BailinGT #re-engineering- A Learning-Based Software Engineering Environment (SCB, RHG, WT), pp. 198–206.
KBSE-1991-Graves #automation #programming- Lockheed Environment for Automatic Programming (HG), pp. 68–76.
HT-1991-FrisseCH #hypermedia #named #research- WALT: A Research Environment for Medical Hypertext (MEF, SBC, SWH), pp. 389–394.
HT-1991-GertleyM #hypermedia- Hypermedia Applied to Manufacturing Environments (GGG, BRM), pp. 419–424.
VLDB-1991-Joshi #adaptation #multi- Adaptive Locking Strategies in a Multi-node Data Sharing Environment (AMJ), pp. 181–191.
VLDB-1991-MohanN #performance #protocol #transaction- Recovery and Coherency-Control Protocols for Fast Intersystem Page Transfer and Fine-Granularity Locking in a Shared Disks Transaction Environment (CM, IN), pp. 193–207.
VDME-1991-1-ScheweSW #database #refinement #specification- Specification and Refinement in an Integrated Database Application Environment (KDS, JWS, IW), pp. 496–510.
CHI-1991-HeathL #communication #multi #video- Disembodied conduct: communication through video in a multi-media office environment (CH, PL), pp. 99–103.
CHI-1991-WolfRZO #tool support- We-met (window environment-meeting enhancement tools) (CGW, JRR, LAZ, HO), pp. 441–442.
AdaEurope-1991-LarreAGG #modelling #process- Introducing HOOD into Software Process Modelling Based Environments (JRL, NA, JJG, JG), pp. 212–226.
CAiSE-1991-GullaLW #automation #named- PPP: A Integrated CASE Environment (JAG, OIL, GW), pp. 194–221.
CAiSE-1991-PapahristosG #automation- Federated CASE Environment (SP, WAG), pp. 461–478.
CAiSE-1991-SmolanderLTM #flexibility #modelling #named #visual notation- MetaEdit — A Flexible Graphical Environment for Methodology Modelling (KS, KL, VPT, PM), pp. 168–193.
KR-1991-ChalasaniEM #algorithm #performance #permutation #problem- Integrating Efficient Model-Learning and Problem-Solving Algorithms in Permutation Environments (PC, OE, JM), pp. 89–98.
SIGIR-1991-Aalbersberg #retrieval- Posting Compression in Dynamic Retrieval Environments (IJA), pp. 72–81.
SIGIR-1991-Henningen #programming- Retrieving Software Objects in an Example-Based Programming Environment (SH), pp. 251–260.
ECOOP-1991-AlencarG #named #object-oriented- OOZE: An Object Oriented Z Environment (AJA, JAG), pp. 180–199.
OOPSLA-1991-GoldR #named #smalltalk- Portia: AN Instance-Centered Environment for Smalltalk (EG, MBR), pp. 62–74.
TOOLS-USA-1991-GrundyHH #programming #visual notation- A Visual Programming Environment for O-O Languages (JCG, JGH, JH), pp. 129–138.
TOOLS-USA-1991-LeaW #approach #distributed #object-oriented- Supporting Object-Oriented Languages in a Distributed Environment: The COOL Approach (RL, JW), pp. 37–48.
TOOLS-USA-1991-LescaudronBB #concurrent #experience #object-oriented #programming #prototype- Associated Paper: Prototyping Programming Environments for Object-Oriented Concurrent Languages: a Smalltalk-Based Experience (LL, JPB, MB), pp. 449–462.
ESEC-1991-BarghoutiK #development #rule-based #scalability- Scaling Up Rule-Based Software Development Environments (NSB, GEK), pp. 380–395.
ESEC-1991-Coen-PorisiniP #named- SESADA: An Environment Supporting Software Specialization (ACP, FDP), pp. 266–289.
ESEC-1991-CollinsEGGT #composition #named #object-oriented #re-engineering- Tickle: Object-Oriented Description and Composition Services for Software Engineering Environments (TC, KE, CG, JG, IT), pp. 409–423.
ESEC-1991-CreusotLRTKMS #execution- Execution Environment for ELECTRE Applications (DC, PL, OR, YT, AK, OM, CSM), pp. 147–165.
ESEC-1991-Tattersall #generative- Integrated Project Support Environments, Text Generation and Technical Writing (CT), pp. 424–442.
ICSE-1991-KellerCTT #development #user interface- User Interface Development and Software Environments: The Chiron-1 System (RKK, MC, RNT, DBT), pp. 208–218.
ICSE-1991-PopovichSP #case study #experience #generative- Experiences with an Environment Generation System (SSP, WMS, DEP), pp. 219–224.
PPoPP-1991-FeeleyBCL #configuration management- Dynamic Node Reconfiguration in a Parallel-Distributed Environment (MJF, BNB, JSC, HML), pp. 114–121.
ICLP-1991-Porto #logic programming- Logic Programming Environments (AP), p. 946.
IWPTS-1991-DubucDB #design #finite #incremental #modelling #named #testing- TESTL: An Environment for Incremental Test Suite Design Based on Finite-State Models (MD, RD, GvB), pp. 195–206.
IWPTS-1991-HordiesS #concept #testing- OPEN ITS: An Advanced Concept of an Open Test Environment for the Testing of OSI-based Products (MH, SS), pp. 179–193.
DAC-1990-ChungK #design #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented VHDL Design Environment (MJC, SK), pp. 431–436.
DAC-1990-Liu #data transformation #design #framework- Design Data Management in a CAD Framework Environment (LCL), pp. 156–161.
VLDB-1990-DanDY #data access- The Effect of Skewed Data Access on Buffer Hits and Data Contention an a Data Sharing Environment (AD, DMD, PSY), pp. 419–431.
VLDB-1990-ZellerG #adaptation #algorithm #multi- An Adaptive Hash Join Algorithm for Multiuser Environments (HZ, JG), pp. 186–197.
SEI-1990-JacquotGB #modelling- Modeling Teamwork in an Academic Environment (JPJ, JG, LB), pp. 110–122.
PLDI-1990-MitsolidesH #alloy #generative #parallel- Generators and the Replicator Control Structures in the Parallel Environment of ALLOY (TM, MH), pp. 189–196.
PLDI-1990-TeitelbaumC #attribute grammar #editing #higher-order- Higher-Order Attribute Grammars and Editing Environments (TT, RC), pp. 197–208.
GG-1990-NaglS #graph grammar #specification- A Specification Environment for Graph Grammars (MN, AS), pp. 599–609.
GG-1990-Schurr #incremental- Presentation of the IPSEN-Environment: An Integrated and Incremental Project Support ENvironment (AS), p. 66.
CHI-1990-FischerG #design- End-user modifiability in design environments (GF, AG), pp. 183–192.
ML-1990-Hammond #learning #process- Learning and Enforcement: Stabilizing Environments to Facilitate Activity (KJH), pp. 204–210.
ML-1990-Hume #induction #learning- Learning Procedures by Environment-Driven Constructive Induction (DVH), pp. 113–121.
ML-1990-RamseyGS #contest #difference #learning- Simulation-Assisted Learning by Competition: Effects of Noise Differences Between Training Model and Target Environment (CLR, JJG, ACS), pp. 211–215.
SEKE-1990-SheuVH #execution #process- Integrated Process Description and Execution in Manufacturing Environments (PCYS, RV, SSH), pp. 25–32.
SEKE-1990-SunK #development- Graphics Application Development Under Window Environment (TSS, CYK), pp. 234–238.
SEKE-1990-Venugopal #integration #knowledge-based- Plan Integration in Knowledge-Based Software Environments (VV), pp. 98–103.
OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-HabertA #kernel #named #object-oriented- COOL: Kernel Support for Object-Oriented Environments (SH, VA), pp. 269–277.
ICSE-1990-Kishida #aspect-oriented- Technology Transfer Aspects of Environment Construction (KK), p. 336.
ICSE-1990-MadhavjiGDS- Prism = Methodology + Process-oriented Environment (NHM, VG, WD, WS), pp. 277–288.
ICSE-1990-OswaldEM #petri net #specification- An Environment for Specifying and Executing Hierarchical Petri Nets (HO, RE, RM), pp. 164–172.
WAGA-1990-FengKT #evaluation #incremental #multi- Incremental Attribute Evaluation for Multiple Subtree Replacements in Structure-Oriented Environments (AF, TK, KT), pp. 192–206.
CAV-1990-BerthelotJP #analysis #named #petri net- PAPETRI: Environment for the Analysis of Petri Nets (GB, CJ, LP), pp. 13–22.
DAC-1989-DragomireckyGJDSd #synthesis #user interface #visual notation- High-Level Graphical User Interface Management in the FACE Synthesis Environment (MD, EPG, JRJ, DAD, WDS, MAd), pp. 549–554.
DAC-1989-George #hardware #modelling #simulation- Evaluating Hardware Models in DIGITAL’s System Simulation Environment (AKG), pp. 642–644.
DAC-1989-LeeGHHBBG #design #named #programmable- GABRIEL: A Design Environment for Programmable DSPs (EAL, EG, HH, WHH, SSB, JCB, EG), pp. 141–146.
DAC-1989-LiS- A Unified Data Exchange Environment Based on EDIF (WL, HS), pp. 803–806.
DAC-1989-MillerGSW #design #integration #object-oriented- The Object-Oriented Integration Methodology of the Cadlab Work Station Design Environment (JM, KG, GS, CW), pp. 807–810.
DAC-1989-SmithDDCHJd #development- FACE Core Environment: The Model and Its Application in CAE/CAD Tool Development (WDS, DAD, MD, JC, MJH, JRJ, MAd), pp. 466–471.
DAC-1989-Wasserman #automation #design- CASE Environments for Design Automation (AIW), pp. 193–196.
DAC-1989-WeinerS #analysis #logic #synthesis- Timing Analysis in a Logic Synthesis Environment (NW, ALSV), pp. 655–661.
DAC-1989-WinslettKHW #coordination #design- Use of Change Coordination in an Information-rich Design Environment (MW, DWK, KH, GW), pp. 252–257.
HT-1989-FischerMM #design #hypermedia #knowledge-based #named- JANUS: Integrating Hypertext with a Knowledge-Based Design Environment (GF, RM, AIM), pp. 105–117.
SIGMOD-1989-AgrawalG #database- ODE (Object Database and Environment): The Language and the Data Model (RA, NHG), pp. 36–45.
SIGMOD-1989-SchneiderD #algorithm #evaluation #parallel #performance- A Performance Evaluation of Four Parallel Join Algorithms in a Shared-Nothing Multiprocessor Environment (DAS, DJD), pp. 110–121.
VLDB-1989-BhargavaG #database- Achieving Zero Information-Loss in a Classical Database Environment (GB, SKG), pp. 217–224.
VLDB-1989-CornellY #database #integration #optimisation #query #relational- Integration of Buffer Management and Query Optimization in Relational Database Environment (DWC, PSY), pp. 247–255.
SEI-1989-Collofello #industrial #maintenance- Improving Software Maintenance Skills in an Industrial Environment (JSC), pp. 26–36.
SEI-1989-Schoeffler #programming #realtime- A Personal Computer Environment for Realtime Programming (JDS), pp. 156–168.
SEI-1989-WerthW #education #object-oriented #programming #using- Teaching Object-Oriented Programming Using the Macintosh MPW/MacApp Environment (LHW, JW), pp. 141–155.
FPCA-1989-Peterson- Untagged Data in Tagged Environments: Choosing Optimal Representations at Compile Time (JP), pp. 89–99.
CHI-1989-FischerMM #design- Design environments for constructive and argumentative design (GF, RM, AIM), pp. 269–275.
CHI-1989-LangeM #object-oriented #programming #reuse- Some strategies of reuse in an object-oriented programming environment (BML, TGM), pp. 69–73.
CHI-1989-MaulsbyW #source code- Inducing programs in a direct-manipulation environment (DLM, IHW), pp. 57–62.
CHI-1989-WeimerG #visual notation- A synthetic visual environment with hand gesturing and voice input (DMW, SKG), pp. 235–240.
CAiSE-1989-BuorsV #documentation #hypermedia- Edition of Structured Documents in a Hypertext Environment (CB, JLV).
CAiSE-1989-Holloway #generative- Organisational Implications Caused by the Fourth Generation Environment (SH).
CAiSE-1989-LuchnerKE #automation #tool support- Glueing CASE Tools Together in a Heterogeneous CASE Environment (PL, GRK, FE).
CAiSE-1989-LyytinenST #automation #development #modelling- Modelling CASE Environments in Systems Development (KL, KS, VPT).
CAiSE-1989-Potucek #automation #tool support- CASE Tools in an IRM Environment (JP).
KR-1989-Rosenschein #automaton- Synthesizing Information-Tracking Automata from Environment Descriptions (SJR), pp. 386–393.
ML-1989-Tallis #bias- Overcoming Feature Space Bias in a Reactive Environment (HT), pp. 505–508.
SEKE-1989-AsdjodiH #reuse- An Environment for Software Reusability (MA, JWH), pp. 48–53.
SEKE-1989-LiRPS #execution #hybrid #modelling #paradigm #simulation- A Hybrid Modeling Paradigm for Simulating Existing Software and Its Execution Environment (XL, AR, RP, JS), pp. 61–66.
SEKE-1989-Newcomb #architecture #development #integration #knowledge base- Architecture of the Knowledge Integration Tocl: A Knowledge Based System Development Environment (PN), pp. 31–37.
SEKE-1989-YinYT #design #knowledge-based #process- Design Activity Agent: A Knowledge-Based Software Design Environment (WPY, DYYY, MMT), pp. 1–8.
SIGIR-1989-BerrutC #approach #multi- Indexing Medical Reports in a Multimedia Environment: The RIME Experimental Approach (CB, YC), pp. 187–197.
ECOOP-1989-Briot #design #in the small #named- Actalk: A Testbed for Classifying and Designing Actor Languages in the Smalltalk-80 Environment (JPB), pp. 109–129.
ECOOP-1989-GammaWM #case study #integration #programming- Integration of a Programming Environment into ET++ — A Case Study (EG, AW, RM), pp. 283–297.
ECOOP-1989-MullerP #object-oriented #programming #rest- Four Steps and a Rest in Putting an Object-Oriented Programming Environment to Practical Use (GM, AKP), pp. 271–282.
OOPSLA-1989-HarrisonSS #development #experience #object-oriented #paradigm #using- Good News, Bad News: Experience Building a Software Development Environment Using the Object-Oriented Paradigm (WHH, JJS, PFS), pp. 85–94.
OOPSLA-1989-MarquesG #object-oriented #operating system- Extending the Operating System to Support an Object-Oriented Environment (JAM, PG), pp. 113–122.
OOPSLA-1989-PageBCM #modelling #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Modeling Environment (TWPJ, SB, WCC, RRM), pp. 287–296.
OOPSLA-1989-ReenskaugS #programming #smalltalk- An Environment for Literate Smalltalk Programming (TR, ALS), pp. 337–345.
OOPSLA-1989-RosenblattWW #development #named #towards- OROS: Toward a Type Model for Software Development Environments (WRR, JCW, ALW), pp. 297–304.
ESEC-1989-Armenise #development #framework #process- Software Process Machines: A Framework for Future Software Development Environments (PA), pp. 118–139.
ESEC-1989-FastenbauerS #automation #design #generative #named #realtime- HCDM/GSDS — A Design Environment for Real-time Software with Automatic Program Generation (MF, HS), pp. 324–335.
ESEC-1989-LacroixV #integration #tool support- Tool Integration in an Open Environment (ML, MV), pp. 311–323.
ESEC-1989-OquendoBGMT #re-engineering- Version Management in the PACT Integrated Software Engineering Environment (FO, KB, FG, RM, IT), pp. 222–242.
ICSE-1989-AdamsHM #automation- Object Management in a CASE Environment (EA, MH, TCM), pp. 154–163.
ICSE-1989-AllenL #composition #development #knowledge-based- A Knowledge-Based Environment for the Development of Software Parts Composition Systems (BPA, SDL), pp. 104–112.
ICSE-1989-JadoulDP #agile #algebra #data type #prototype #specification- An Algebraic Data Type Specification Language and Its Rapid Prototyping Environment (LJ, LD, WVP), pp. 74–84.
ICSE-1989-KozaczynskiN #knowledge-based #named #process #re-engineering #scalability- SRE: A Knowledge-Based Environment for Large-Scale Software Re-Engineering Activities (WK, JQN), pp. 113–122.
ICSE-1989-Lubars #design #idea- The IDeA Design Environment (MDL), pp. 23–32.
ICSE-1989-Perry- The Inscape Environment (DEP), pp. 2–12.
ICSE-1989-Thomas #integration #tool support- Tool Integration in the Pact Environment (IT), pp. 13–22.
ASPLOS-1989-VegdahlP #implementation #runtime- The Run-Time Environment for Screme, A Scheme Implementation on the 88000 (SRV, UFP), pp. 172–182.
NACLP-1989-MarienD #on the- On the Management of Choicepoint and Environment Frames in the WAM (AM, BD), pp. 1030–1047.
RTA-1989-AvenhausMS #named #term rewriting- COMTES — An Experimental Environment for the Completion of Term Rewriting Systems (JA, KM, JS), pp. 542–546.
RTA-1989-BidoitCC #named #specification- ASSPEGIQUE: An Integrated Specification Environment (MB, FC, CC), p. 547.
TAV-1989-Perry #logic- The Logic of Propagation in the Inscape Environment (DP), pp. 114–121.
DAC-1988-DubaRAR #distributed #fault #simulation- Fault Simulation in a Distributed Environment (PAD, RKR, JAA, WAR), pp. 686–691.
DAC-1988-LyG #constraints #design #object-oriented- Constraint Propagation in an Object-Oriented IC Design Environment (TAL, EFG), pp. 628–633.
SIGMOD-1988-SellisLR #algorithm #concept #implementation #scalability- Implementing Large Production Systems in a DBMS Environment: Concepts and Algorithms (TKS, CCL, LR), pp. 404–412.
SIGMOD-1988-VinesK #ada #framework #named #object-oriented- Gaia: An Object-Oriented Framework for an Ada Environment (Extended Abstract) (DV, TK), p. 206.
ESOP-1988-BahlkeS #formal method #interactive #programming- The PSG System: From Formal Language Definitions to Interactive Programming Environments (RB, GS), pp. 374–375.
ESOP-1988-Horwitz #development #query #relational- Adding Relational Query Facilities to Software Development Environments (SH), pp. 269–283.
ESOP-1988-MartelliR #programming #prolog- Enhancing Prolog to Support Prolog Programming Environments (AM, GR), pp. 317–327.
PLDI-1988-PallasU #case study #multi #programming #smalltalk- Multiprocessor Smalltalk: A Case Study of a Multiprocessor-Based Programming Environment (JP, DU), pp. 268–277.
CSCW-1988-Mantei #case study #concept #design- Capturing the Capture Concepts: A Case Study in the Design of Computer-Supported Meeting Environments (MMM), pp. 257–270.
CSCW-1988-Newman #collaboration #design- Sixth Graders and Shared Data: Designing a LAN Environment to Support Collaborative Work (DN), pp. 291–305.
CSCW-1988-Trigg #communication #hypermedia #tool support- Guided Tours and Tabletops: Tools for Communicating in a Hypertext Environment (RHT), pp. 216–226.
ML-1988-Tallis #rule-based- Tuning Rule-Based Systems to Their Environments (HT), pp. 8–14.
SIGIR-1988-Wilson #hypermedia #information retrieval- Integrated Information Retrieval for Law in a Hypertext Environment (EW), pp. 663–677.
ECOOP-1988-HedinM #abstraction #interactive- The Mjølner Environment: Direct Interaction with Abstractions (GH, BM), pp. 41–54.
OOPSLA-1988-IngallsWCLD #named #programming #visual notation- Fabrik: A Visual Programming Environment (DI, SW, YYC, FL, KD), pp. 176–190.
OOPSLA-1988-ScalettiJ #composition #interactive #music #object-oriented #synthesis- An Interactive Environment for Object-Oriented Music Composition and Sound Synthesis (CAS, REJ), pp. 222–233.
OOPSLA-1988-SzczurM #case study #experience #user interface- Transportable Applications Environment (TAE) Plus Experiences in “Object”-ively Modernizing a User Interface Environment (MRS, PM), pp. 58–70.
PLILP-1988-AsirelliI #database #development #logic #using- Using Logic Databases in Software Development Environments (PA, PI), pp. 292–299.
POPL-1988-JohnsonD #continuation- Stores and Partial Continuations as First-Class Objects in a Language and its Environment (GFJ, DD), pp. 158–168.
ICSE-1988-HarelLNPPSS #development- STATEMATE; A Working Environment for the Development of Complex Reactive Systems (DH, HL, AN, AP, MP, RS, AST), pp. 396–406.
ICSE-1988-KishidaKMMOSSTW #approach #design #named #novel- SDA: A Novel Approach to Software Environment Design and Construction (KK, TK, MM, IM, KO, NS, JHS, KT, LGW), pp. 69–79.
ICSE-1988-PerryK #development #modelling- Models of Software Development Environments (DEP, GEK), pp. 60–68.
ICSE-1988-TarumiAO #object-oriented #programming #reuse- A Programming Environment Supporting Reuse of Object-Oriented Software (HT, KA, YO), pp. 265–273.
ICSE-1988-YoungTTK #design- Design Principles behind Chiron: A UIMS for Software Environments (MY, RNT, DBT, CDK), pp. 367–376.
ICSE-1988-ZeilE- Interpretation in a Tool-Fragment Environment (SJZ, ECE), pp. 241–249.
CCHSC-1988-Mughal #generative #incremental #programming #thread- Generation of Incremental Indirect Threaded Code for Language-Based Programming Environments (KAM), pp. 230–242.
PPEALS-1988-BershadLLW #parallel #programming- An Open Environment for Building Parallel Programming Systems (BNB, EDL, HML, DBW), pp. 1–9.
CADE-1988-Basin #automation #reasoning- An Environment For Automated Reasoning About Partial Functions (DAB), pp. 101–110.
CADE-1988-DuchierM #development #interactive #named #proving- LOGICALC: An Environment for Interactive Proof Development (DD, DVM), pp. 121–130.
CADE-1988-Griffin #interactive #named- EFS — An Interactive Environment for Formal Systems (TG), pp. 740–741.
JICSCP-1988-CarlssonDO88 #approach #implementation- A Simplified Approach to the Implementation of AND-Parallelism in an OR-Parallel Environment (MC, KJD, RAO), pp. 1565–1577.
JICSCP-1988-CosciaFLST88 #compilation #logic programming- Meta-Level Definition and Compilation of Inference Engines in the Epsilon Logic Programming Environment (PC, PF, GL, GS, LT), pp. 359–373.
JICSCP-1988-KaleRS88 #execution #independence #logic programming #memory management #parallel #source code- A Memory Organization Independent Binding Environment for AND and OR Parallel Execution of Logic Programs (LVK, RR, WWS), pp. 1223–1240.
JICSCP-1988-Reintjes88 #design #prolog- A VLSI Design Environment in PROLOG (PBR), pp. 70–81.
DAC-1987-Bulterman #architecture #automation #design #named- CASE: An Integrated Design Environment for Algorithm-Driven Architectures (DCAB), pp. 596–599.
DAC-1987-GirczycL #design #mvc #named #smalltalk- STEM: An IC Design Environment Based on the Smalltalk Model-View-Controller Construct (EFG, TAL), pp. 757–763.
DAC-1987-Hines- Where VHDL Fits Within the CAD Environment (JH), pp. 491–494.
DAC-1987-Masurkar #re-engineering #requirements- Requirements for a Practical Software Engineering Environment (VM), pp. 67–73.
DAC-1987-MorisonPTW #design #named- EASE: A Design Support Environment for the HDDL ELLA (JDM, NEP, TLT, EVW), pp. 741–749.
DAC-1987-Waxman #automation #design #standard- The Design Automation Standards Environment (RW), pp. 559–561.
HT-1987-SmithWF #hypermedia- A Hypertext Writing Environment and its Cognitive Basis (JBS, SFW, GJF), pp. 195–214.
SIGMOD-1987-Halasz #data transformation #design #re-engineering- The Impact of Software Engineering Environments on the Design of Data Management Systems (FGH), p. 3.
SIGMOD-1987-HudsonK #database #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Database Support for Software Environments (SEH, RK), pp. 491–503.
VLDB-1987-CooperADA #database #persistent- Constructing Database Systems in a Persistent Environment (RC, MPA, AD, DA), pp. 117–125.
VLDB-1987-WhangN #approach #logic #normalisation #optimisation #query #recursion- An Extended Disjunctive Normal Form Approach for Optimizing Recursive Logic Queries in Loosely Coupled Environments (KYW, SBN), pp. 275–287.
PLDI-1987-CordyG #design- Design of an interpretive environment for Turing (JRC, TCNG), pp. 199–204.
VDME-1987-Jones- Support Environments for VDM (KDJ), pp. 110–117.
HCI-CE-1987-Ruggles #design- Enhancing a Traditional Typeface Design Environment Through the Use of Contemporary Computing Technology (LR), pp. 481–488.
HCI-CE-1987-Schmandt- Conversational Telecommunications Environments (CS), pp. 439–446.
SIGIR-1987-Harman #analysis #online- A Failure Analysis on the Limitations of Suffixing in an Online Environment (DH), pp. 102–107.
OOPSLA-1987-AndrewsH #database #development #object-oriented- Combining Language and Database Advances in an Object-Oriented Development Environment (TA, CH), pp. 430–440.
OOPSLA-1987-Jacobson #development #industrial #object-oriented- Object Oriented Development in an Industrial Environment (IJ), pp. 183–191.
OOPSLA-1987-OBrienHK #programming- The Trellis Programming Environment (PDO, DCH, MFK), pp. 91–102.
POPL-1987-GelernterJL- Environments as First Class Objects (DG, SJ, TL), pp. 98–110.
ESEC-1987-BernardLLV #configuration management- Configuration Management in an Open Environment (YB, ML, PL, MV), pp. 35–43.
ESEC-1987-Christ-NeumannS #named #object-oriented #specification- ASDL — An Object-Oriented Specification Language for Syntax-Directed Environments (MLCN, HWS), pp. 71–79.
ESEC-1987-CroweNCOJ #ada #development- A Software Development Environment for Ada (MKC, CN, MEC, JWO, DGJ), pp. 318–326.
ESEC-1987-CurrieFC #automaton #named- Ten15: An Abstract Machine for Portable Environments (IFC, JMF, PWC), pp. 138–148.
ESEC-1987-Donzeau-GougeDFJ #development #programming- Development of a Programming Environment for Setl (VDG, CD, PF, FJ), pp. 21–32.
ESEC-1987-EngelsS #development #hybrid #interpreter- A Hybrid Interpreter in a Software Development Environment (GE, AS), pp. 80–88.
ESEC-1987-FantechiGIM #ada- An Executon Environment for the Formal Definiton of Ada (AF, SG, PI, UM), pp. 327–335.
ESEC-1987-Knabe #exception #fault #industrial #re-engineering #safety- The Impact of Exception Handling on Labour Division, Safety, and Error Diagnostics in an Industrial Software Engineering Environment (CK), pp. 369–376.
ESEC-1987-Oswald #development #named- PantaPM: An Integrated Software Development Environment (HO), pp. 12–20.
ESEC-1987-Poncet #design #development #named #programming #specification- SADL: A Software Development Environment for Software Specification, Design and Programming (FP), pp. 3–11.
ESEC-1987-RobinsonE #analysis #database #requirements- Requirements Analysis for a Database Administration Support Environment (HMR, JME), pp. 377–386.
ICSE-1987-BasiliR #process- Tailoring the Software Process to Project Goals and Environments (VRB, HDR), pp. 345–359.
ICSE-1987-Hall #interface- Tool Interfaces in Integrated Project Support Environments (AH), pp. 289–290.
ICSE-1987-Matsumoto #case study #experience #hardware- Ten Years Experiences of a Software/Hardware Producing Environment (YM), p. 291.
ICSE-1987-Osterweil87a #lessons learnt- Lessons of Current Environments (LJO), p. 286.
ICSE-1987-Perry87a #version control- Version Control in the Inscape Environment (DEP), pp. 142–149.
ICSE-1987-Reiss #concept #programming- A Conceptual Programming Environment (SPR), pp. 225–237.
ICSE-1987-Stenning #on the- On the Role of an Environment (VS), pp. 30–35.
ICSE-1987-Weiderman #development- Evaluating Software Development Environments (NHW), pp. 292–295.
SOSP-1987-Nichols #using- Using Idle Workstations in a Shared Computing Environment (DAN), pp. 5–12.
SLP-1987-Conery87 #logic programming #memory management #parallel #source code- Binding Environments for Parallel Logic Programs in Non-Shared Memory Multiprocessors (JSC), pp. 457–467.
DAC-1986-BushnellD #integration #tool support #using- VLSI CAD tool integration using the Ulysses environment (MLB, SWD), pp. 55–61.
DAC-1986-SixCRM #generative- An intelligent module generator environment (PS, LJMC, JMR, HDM), pp. 730–735.
VLDB-1986-ChouK #framework #version control- A Unifying Framework for Version Control in a CAD Environment (HTC, WK), pp. 336–344.
GG-1986-Nagl86a #development #graph- A Software Development Environment based on Graph Technology (MN), pp. 458–478.
CSCW-1986-DanielsenPPPPSS #communication- The AMIGO Project: advanced group communication model for computer-based communications environment (TD, UPB, WP, AP, PAP, KS, RS), pp. 115–142.
CRAI-1986-Archer #design- Design of the Rational Environment (JEAJ), pp. 1–15.
CRAI-1986-Mitchell #ada #multi #programming- Engineering VAX Ada for a Multi-Language Programming Environment (CZM), pp. 30–47.
CRAI-1986-Stenning #ada #perspective- The Ada Environment — A Personal View (VS), pp. 48–61.
SIGIR-1986-Crouch #information retrieval #visual notation- The Visual Display of Information in an Information Retrieval Environment (DBC), pp. 58–67.
SIGIR-1986-Thurmair #architecture #information retrieval- A Common Architecture for Different Text Processing Techniques in an Information Retrieval Environment (GT), pp. 138–143.
ICLP-1986-Chikayama86 #architecture #implementation #programming #prolog- Prolog Programming Environments: Architecture and Implementation (TC), pp. 552–553.
ICLP-1986-Gupta86 #generative #prolog- Test-pattern Generation for VLSI Circuits in a Prolog Environment (RG), pp. 528–535.
DAC-1985-BarabinoBBM #data access- A module for improving data access and management in an integrated CAD environment (GPB, GSB, GB, MM), pp. 577–583.
DAC-1985-EliasBCM #design #integration #multi- The ITT VLSI design system: CAD integration in a multi-national environment (NJE, RJB, ADC, RMM), pp. 549–553.
DAC-1985-FungHK #compilation #design #testing- Design for testability in a silicon compilation environment (HSF, SH, RK), pp. 190–196.
DAC-1985-GoatesHSH #design- Star’s envoling design environment: a user’s perspective on CAE (GBG, PMH, RJSI, RH), pp. 584–590.
DAC-1985-Smith #architecture #design #nondeterminism- A data architecture for an uncertain design and manufacturing environment (TRS), pp. 312–318.
VLDB-1985-NierstraszT #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Environment for OIS Applications (ON, DT), pp. 335–345.
FPCA-1985-PatelSE85 #algorithm #analysis #hardware #multi #named #specification #synthesis- vFP: An Environment for the Multi-level Specification, Analysis, and Synthesis of Hardware Algorithms (DP, MDFS, MDE), pp. 238–255.
SIGIR-1985-TongACT #information retrieval #named- RUBRIC — An Environment for Full Text Information Retrieval (RMT, VNA, JFC, CJT), pp. 243–251.
ICSE-1985-BasiliS #metric #set- Calculation and Use of an Environment’s Characteristic Software Metric Set (VRB, RWS), pp. 386–393.
ICSE-1985-BuhrWKLL #design #multi #prolog #tool support- Experiments with Prolog Design Descriptions and Tools in CAEDE: An Iconic Design Environment for Multitasking, Embdedded Systems (RJAB, CMW, GMK, KVDL, DGL), pp. 62–67.
ICSE-1985-HendersonW #execution- Continous Execution: The VisiProg Environment (PBH, MW), pp. 68–74.
ICSE-1985-HorowitzW #documentation #named- SODOS — A Software Documentation Support Environment: Its Use (EH, RW), pp. 8–14.
ICSE-1985-PenedoS #database #named #re-engineering- PMDB — A Project Master Database for Software Engineering Environments (MH(P, EDS), pp. 150–157.
ICSE-1985-WolfCW #development #incremental #interface- Interface Control and Incremental Development in the PIC Environment (ALW, LAC, JCW), pp. 75–82.
SLP-1985-ChomickiM85 #programming #prolog #scalability #source code #towards- Towards a Programming Environment for Large Prolog Programs (JC, NHM), pp. 230–241.
SLP-1985-LeeG85 #concurrent #multi #prolog- Concurrent Prolog in a Multiprocess Environment (RKSL, RG), pp. 100–109.
DAC-1984-Banin #automation #design #hardware- Hardware accelerators in the design automation environment (RB), p. 648.
DAC-1984-SherhartVO #design- The engineering design environment (KS, MV, JO), pp. 466–472.
VLDB-1984-ChristodoulakisVLLWWPB #development #information management #multi- Development of a Multimedia Information System for an Office Environment (SC, JV, JL, TL, SW, YW, MPP, EB), pp. 261–271.
VLDB-1984-HarderP #multi #operating system- Evaluating Multiple Server DBMS in General Purpors Operating System Environments (TH, PP), pp. 129–140.
VLDB-1984-Tagg #automation #database #scalability- End User Access to Very Large Databases in an Automated Office/Workstation Environment (RMT), pp. 272–279.
STOC-1984-Manber #concurrent #information management #maintenance #on the- On Maintaining Dynamic Information in a Concurrent Environment (Preliminary Version) (UM), pp. 273–278.
ICSE-1984-Donzeau-GougeLM #syntax- Practical Applications of a Syntax Directed Program Manipulation Environment (VDG, BL, BM), pp. 346–357.
ICSE-1984-GuyardJ #named #programming- MAIDAY: An Environment for Guided Programming (JG, JPJ), pp. 126–137.
ICSE-1984-TaylorS #ada #programming- Steps to an Advanced Ada Programming Environment (RNT, TAS), pp. 116–125.
ICSE-1984-VosburghCWAMHL #programming- Productivity Factors and Programming Environments (JV, BC, RW, BA, HM, SH, YL), pp. 143–152.
CADE-1984-LuskO #automation #reasoning #research- A Portable Environment for Research in Automated Reasoning (ELL, RAO), pp. 43–52.
DAC-1983-RosenbergBDDPPRW #design- A vertically integrated VLSI design environment (JBR, DGB, JAD, SWD, CJP, JP, CDR, NW), pp. 31–38.
SIGMOD-1983-YuC #database #design #distributed #on the #query- On the Design of a Query Processing Strategy in a Distributed Database Environment (CTY, CCC), pp. 30–39.
VLDB-1983-Morgenstern #database #paradigm- Active Databases as a Paradigm for Enhanced Computing Environments (MM), pp. 34–42.
Ada-1983-Hall #ada #database #development #programming- Databases in Software Development: The Ada Programming Support Environment (JAH), pp. 115–132.
Ada-1983-OsterweilC #approach- The Toolpack/IST Approach to Extensibility in Software Environments (LJO, GC), pp. 133–163.
POPL-1983-Pratt #data flow #design #paradigm #programming- Five Paradigm Shifts in Language Design and their Realization in Viron, a Dataflow Programming Environment (VRP), pp. 1–9.
VLDB-1982-BalzerDFS- Specification-Based Computing Environments (RB, DD, MF, SS), pp. 273–279.
SCC-1982-Marshall #compilation #graph #linear- The Linear Graph Package, a Compiler Building Environment (HZM), pp. 294–300.
STOC-1982-Willard #maintenance- Maintaining Dense Sequential Files in a Dynamic Environment (Extended Abstract) (DEW), pp. 114–121.
SIGIR-1982-BuellK #named #query #testing- LIARS: A Software Environment for Testing Query Processing Strategies (DAB, DHK), pp. 20–27.
ICSE-1982-ManoOT #case study #experience #multi #programming- Early Experiences with a Multi-Display Programming Environment (YM, KO, KT), pp. 422–423.
ICSE-1982-Osterweil #development #named #research- Toolpack — An Experimental Software Development Environment Research Project (LJO), pp. 166–177.
ICSE-1982-Wertz #design #incremental #interactive #programming- The Design of an Integrated, Interactive and Incremental Programming Environment (HW), pp. 157–165.
DAC-1981-Cleghorn #design #named- PRIMEAIDS: An integrated electrical design environment (RC), pp. 632–638.
DAC-1981-Shupe #automation #component #interactive- Automatic component placement in an interactive minicomputer environment (CFS), pp. 145–152.
ICALP-1981-Sethi- Circular Expressions: Elimination of Static Environments (RS), pp. 378–392.
SIGIR-1981-BuellK #fuzzy #metric #performance #retrieval- Performance Measurement in a Fuzzy Retrieval Environment (DAB, DHK), pp. 56–62.
ICSE-1981-FeilerM #incremental #programming- An Incremental Programming Environment (PHF, RMM), pp. 44–53.
ICSE-1981-HausenM #re-engineering- Conspectus of Software Engineering Environments (HLH, MM), pp. 34–43.
ICSE-1981-Huff #configuration management #database #effectiveness #programming- A Database Model for Effective Configuration Management in the Programming Environment (KEH), pp. 54–62.
ICSE-1981-SandewallSS #architecture #communication- Software Architecture Based on Communicating Residential Environments (ES, CS, HS), pp. 144–152.
SOSP-1981-CoxCLP #communication #implementation #multi- A Unified Model and Implementation for Interprocess Communication in a Multiprocessor Environment (GWC, WMC, KKL, FJP), pp. 125–126.
LISP-1980-McDermott #interpreter #lisp #performance- An Efficient Environment Allocation Scheme in an Interpreter for a Lexically-Scoped LISP (DVM), pp. 154–162.
LISP-1980-SandewallSS #communication- A System of Communicating Residential Environments (ES, HS, CS), pp. 82–89.
LISP-1980-White #lisp #memory management- Address/Memory Management for a Gigantic LISP Environment (JW), pp. 119–127.
SIGIR-1980-NoreaultMK #documentation #evaluation #metric #performance #similarity- A Performance Evaluation of Similarity Measures, Document Term Weighting Schemes and Representations in a Boolean Environment (TN, MM, MBK), pp. 57–76.
DAC-1979-Bresnen #automation #metric- Automation of manufacturing planning, shop loading and work measurement in an engineering job shop environment (EJB), pp. 215–221.
DAC-1979-Hoskins #database #design- Descriptive databases in some design/manufacturing environments (EMH), pp. 421–436.
DAC-1979-Meyer #interactive #low cost #performance- A low cost satellite for fast interactive graphics in a time-sharing environment (BM), pp. 39–44.
DAC-1979-OrdyP #design #evaluation- An evaluation of the N. mPc design environment (GMO, FIP), pp. 537–542.
DAC-1979-Parke #design- An introduction to the N. mPc design environment (FIP), pp. 513–519.
DAC-1979-ParkeHR #runtime- The N.mPc runtime environment (FIP, DCHJ, CWR), pp. 529–536.
ICSE-1979-AsirelliDLMMPST #development #flexibility #interpreter- A Flexible Environment for Program Development Based on a Symbolic Interpreter (PA, PD, GL, AM, UM, GP, FS, FT), pp. 251–264.
ICSE-1979-BrackettEHT- An Environment for Producing Well-Engineered Microcomputer Software (JWB, RSE, CKH, RT), pp. 386–398.
ICSE-1979-Rohmer #re-engineering- The APL2M System : A General Computer-Aided Software Engineering Environment for Mini and Microcomputers (JR), pp. 403–411.
SOSP-1979-LantzR #multi #process- Virtual Terminal Management in a Multiple Process Environment (KAL, RFR), pp. 86–97.
SOSP-1979-SwinehartMB #distributed #file system #named- WFS: A Simple Shared File System for a Distributed Environment (DCS, GM, DB), pp. 9–17.
VLDB-1977-Merten #database #information management- Information Processing Systems in a Database Environment (AGM), p. 2.
SOSP-1977-BabonneauAMM #adaptation #automation #source code- Automatic and General Solution to the Adaption of Programs in a Paging Environment (JYB, MSA, GM, MBM), pp. 109–116.
SOSP-1977-McDaniel #distributed #kernel #metric #named- METRIC: A Kernel Instrumentation System for Distributed Environments (GM), pp. 93–99.
DAC-1976-Hightower #interactive #named- SLEUTH — a metal-to-metal audit program in an interactive environment (DWH), pp. 318–326.
POPL-1976-BrittonDGHH- Procedure Referencing Environments in SL5 (DEB, FCD, REG, DRH, RAH), pp. 185–191.
DAC-1975-BlainLR #industrial- The system bal: a technique for spreading the use of CAD techniques within an industrial environment (GB, AL, JCR), pp. 77–84.
SOSP-1975-BayerL #multi #named #operating system #realtime- MERT — A Multi-Environment Real-Time Operating System (DLB, HL), pp. 33–42.
SOSP-1975-Janson #multi #process- Dynamic Linking and Environment Initialization in a Multi-Domain Process (PAJ), pp. 43–50.
DAC-1974-GarrocqH #design- The IPAD System: A future management/engineering/design environment (CAG, MJH), pp. 327–334.
SIGFIDET-1974-SuL #automation #database #network- A Semi-automatic Data Base Translation System for Achieving Data Sharing in a Network Environment (SYWS, HL), pp. 227–247.
SIGIR-1971-Katcher #performance- Efficient Utilization of Limited Access Archival Storage in a Time Shared Environment (AMK), pp. 197–205.
SOSP-1969-Mills #multi- Multiprogramming in a small-systems environment (DLM), pp. 112–119.
SOSP-1969-VarehaRG- Strategies for structuring two level memories in a paging environment (ALV, RMR, MMG), pp. 54–59.
SHARE-1966-Loomis #design #fortran- A design study on graphics support in a Fortran environment (RGL).