Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × Finland
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
M.M.Halldórsson M.Szegedy C.Wang N.Chen X.Deng A.C.Yao P.Zhang W.Chen Y.Wang J.Zhang A.Ambainis M.Bavarian Y.Gao J.Mao S.Zuo
Talks about:
complex (2) probabilist (1) guarante (1) communic (1) approxim (1) tighter (1) sequenc (1) network (1) coverag (1) between (1)
Person: Xiaoming Sun
DBLP: Sun:Xiaoming
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ICALP-v1-2014-AmbainisBGMSZ #complexity #metric
- Tighter Relations between Sensitivity and Other Complexity Measures (AA, MB, YG, JM, XS, SZ), pp. 101–113.
- KDD-2014-ZhangCSWZ #network #probability #set #social
- Minimizing seed set selection with probabilistic coverage guarantee in a social network (PZ, WC, XS, YW, JZ), pp. 1306–1315.
- ICALP-v1-2012-HalldorssonSSW #approximate #clique #communication #complexity #streaming
- Streaming and Communication Complexity of Clique Approximation (MMH, XS, MS, CW), pp. 449–460.
- ICALP-2004-ChenDSY #sequence
- Dynamic Price Sequence and Incentive Compatibility (NC, XD, XS, ACCY), pp. 320–331.