Tag #clique
64 papers:
CIKM-2019-DuttaL #graph #statistics- Finding a Maximum Clique in Dense Graphs via χ2 Statistics (SD0, JL), pp. 2421–2424.
CIKM-2019-Zhang00QZL - Selecting the Optimal Groups: Efficiently Computing Skyline k-Cliques (CZ0, WZ0, YZ0, LQ, FZ0, XL0), pp. 1211–1220.
CIKM-2019-ZhengSKY #identification #set- Author Set Identification via Quasi-Clique Discovery (YZ, CS, XK, YY), pp. 771–780.
KDD-2019-Chang #graph #performance #scalability- Efficient Maximum Clique Computation over Large Sparse Graphs (LC), pp. 529–538.
KDD-2019-GongZDLGSOZ #optimisation #recommendation- Exact-K Recommendation via Maximal Clique Optimization (YG, YZ, LD, QL, ZG, FS, WO, KQZ), pp. 617–626.
ICML-2018-SharmaNK #problem #random #using- Solving Partial Assignment Problems using Random Clique Complexes (CS, DN, MK), pp. 4593–4602.
SANER-2017-TiellaC #automation #generative #obfuscation #problem- Automatic generation of opaque constants based on the k-clique problem for resilient data obfuscation (RT, MC), pp. 182–192.
ICML-2017-BackursT #algorithm #performance- Improving Viterbi is Hard: Better Runtimes Imply Faster Clique Algorithms (AB, CT), pp. 311–321.
ICPR-2016-ZhangHYK #visual notation- Maximum clique based RGB-D visual odometry (YZ, ZH, JY0, HK), pp. 2764–2769.
ICALP-v2-2015-BojanczykMW #bound #datalog #monad #source code- Containment of Monadic Datalog Programs via Bounded Clique-Width (MB, FM, AW), pp. 427–439.
LATA-2015-DabrowskiHP #bound #graph- Bounding Clique-Width via Perfect Graphs (KKD, SH, DP), pp. 676–688.
KDD-2015-MitzenmacherPPT #detection #network #scalability- Scalable Large Near-Clique Detection in Large-Scale Networks via Sampling (MM, JP, RP, CET, SCX), pp. 815–824.
FoSSaCS-2015-Ganardi #bound #game studies- Parity Games of Bounded Tree- and Clique-Width (MG), pp. 390–404.
STOC-2015-MekaPW #bound- Sum-of-squares Lower Bounds for Planted Clique (RM, AP, AW), pp. 87–96.
CHI-2013-DunneS #network #readability #visualisation- Motif simplification: improving network visualization readability with fan, connector, and clique glyphs (CD, BS), pp. 3247–3256.
KDD-2013-TsourakakisBGGT #quality- Denser than the densest subgraph: extracting optimal quasi-cliques with quality guarantees (CET, FB, AG, FG, MAT), pp. 104–112.
KDD-2013-WangCF - Redundancy-aware maximal cliques (JW, JC, AWCF), pp. 122–130.
STOC-2013-FeldmanGRVX #algorithm #bound #detection #statistics- Statistical algorithms and a lower bound for detecting planted cliques (VF, EG, LR, SV, YX), pp. 655–664.
SAT-2013-HeuleS #approach #satisfiability- A SAT Approach to Clique-Width (MH, SS), pp. 318–334.
SAT-2013-RazgonP #compilation- Cliquewidth and Knowledge Compilation (IR, JP), pp. 335–350.
ICALP-v1-2012-CyganKPPW #graph- Clique Cover and Graph Separation: New Incompressibility Results (MC, SK, MP, MP, MW), pp. 254–265.
ICALP-v1-2012-HalldorssonSSW #approximate #communication #complexity #streaming- Streaming and Communication Complexity of Clique Approximation (MMH, XS, MS, CW), pp. 449–460.
ICML-2012-QuadriantoCL #graph #persistent #set- The Most Persistent Soft-Clique in a Set of Sampled Graphs (NQ, CC, CHL), p. 32.
ICPR-2012-ChenCZ #classification #representation- Object clique representation for scene classification (JC, XC, BZ), pp. 2829–2832.
ICPR-2012-HouXCXQ #set- Dominant set and target clique extraction (JH, EX, LC, QX, NQ), pp. 1831–1834.
KDD-2012-ChengZKC #algorithm #memory management #performance- Fast algorithms for maximal clique enumeration with limited memory (JC, LZ, YK, SC), pp. 1240–1248.
VLDB-2011-KargarA #graph #keyword- Keyword Search in Graphs: Finding r-cliques (MK, AA), pp. 681–692.
ICALP-v1-2011-Nonner #clustering #graph- Clique Clustering Yields a PTAS for max-Coloring Interval Graphs (TN), pp. 183–194.
MLDM-2011-LiHO #correlation #performance- Contrasting Correlations by an Efficient Double-Clique Condition (AL, MH, YO), pp. 469–483.
SAC-2011-KatayamaKKM #algorithm #problem- Memetic algorithm with strategic controller for the maximum clique problem (KK, AK, KK, HM), pp. 1062–1069.
FoSSaCS-2011-DelzannoSZ #ad hoc #network #on the #power of #verification- On the Power of Cliques in the Parameterized Verification of Ad Hoc Networks (GD, AS, GZ), pp. 441–455.
SIGMOD-2010-ChengKFYZ #network- Finding maximal cliques in massive networks by H*-graph (JC, YK, AWCF, JXY, LZ), pp. 447–458.
KEOD-2009-VealeL #ontology- Ontological Cliques — Analogy as an Organizing Principle in Ontology Construction (TV, GL), pp. 34–41.
CIKM-2008-LinL #mining #performance- Fast spatial co-location mining without cliqueness checking (ZL, SL), pp. 1461–1462.
CIKM-2008-ModaniD #graph #scalability- Large maximal cliques enumeration in sparse graphs (NM, KD), pp. 1377–1378.
ICPR-2008-ChangLAH #clustering #constraints #using- Unsupervised clustering using hyperclique pattern constraints (YC, DJL, JKA, YH), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SanromaSA #graph #using- Improving the matching of graphs generated from shapes by the use of procrustes distances into a clique-based MAP formulation (GS, FS, RA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SrihariNNL #detection #network- Detecting hubs and quasi cliques in scale-free networks (SS, HKN, KN, HWL), pp. 1–4.
SIGIR-2008-HuXZSL #clustering #documentation #perspective- Hypergraph partitioning for document clustering: a unified clique perspective (TH, HX, WZ, SYS, HL), pp. 871–872.
STOC-2008-Rossman #complexity #on the- On the constant-depth complexity of k-clique (BR), pp. 721–730.
SAT-2008-HerasL #preprocessor #satisfiability- A Max-SAT Inference-Based Pre-processing for Max-Clique (FH, JL), pp. 139–152.
ICML-2007-GuptaDS #performance- Efficient inference with cardinality-based clique potentials (RG, AAD, SS), pp. 329–336.
CSL-2007-Obdrzalek #game studies- Clique-Width and Parity Games (JO), pp. 54–68.
JCDL-2006-OnELKP #approach #effectiveness #library #problem #using- An effective approach to entity resolution problem using quasi-clique and its application to digital libraries (BWO, EE, DL, JK, JP), pp. 51–52.
ICALP-v1-2006-KhotP - Better Inapproximability Results for MaxClique, Chromatic Number and Min-3Lin-Deletion (SK, AKP), pp. 226–237.
KDD-2006-ZengWZK #database #graph #scalability- Coherent closed quasi-clique discovery from large dense graph databases (ZZ, JW, LZ, GK), pp. 797–802.
PADL-2006-NavasBH #analysis #performance #top-down #using- Efficient Top-Down Set-Sharing Analysis Using Cliques (JAN, FB, MVH), pp. 183–198.
STOC-2006-FellowsRRS #np-hard- Clique-width minimization is NP-hard (MRF, FAR, UR, SS), pp. 354–362.
STOC-2006-Zuckerman #linear- Linear degree extractors and the inapproximability of max clique and chromatic number (DZ), pp. 681–690.
LICS-2006-LaurentF #bound #complexity #semantics- Obsessional Cliques: A Semantic Characterization of Bounded Time Complexity (OL, LTdF), pp. 179–188.
KDD-2005-PeiJZ #mining #on the- On mining cross-graph quasi-cliques (JP, DJ, AZ), pp. 228–238.
ICEIS-v2-2004-KuusikLV #data mining #mining- Data Mining: Pattern Mining as a Clique Extracting Task (RK, GL, LV), pp. 519–522.
ICML-2004-LaffertyZL #kernel #random #representation- Kernel conditional random fields: representation and clique selection (JDL, XZ, YL).
SAC-2004-KatayamaHN #problem- Solving the maximum clique problem by k-opt local search (KK, AH, HN), pp. 1021–1025.
ICALP-2001-GottlobP #model checking- Hypergraphs in Model Checking: Acyclicity and Hypertree-Width versus Clique-Width (GG, RP), pp. 708–719.
ICALP-2000-EngebretsenH #approximate- Clique Is Hard to Approximate within n1-o(1) (LE, JH), pp. 2–12.
ICPR-v1-2000-LerasleDL - Relaxation vs. Maximal Cliques Search for Projected Beams Labeling in a Structured Light Sensor (FL, MD, JML), pp. 1782–1785.
STOC-2000-Srinivasan - The value of strong inapproximability results for clique (AS), pp. 144–152.
- DL-1998-AlspectorKK #modelling
- Comparing Feature-Based and Clique-Based User Models for Movie Selection (JA, AK, NK), pp. 11–18.
SAC-1998-Marchiori98a #algorithm #heuristic #problem #search-based- A simple heuristic based genetic algorithm for the maximum clique problem (EM), pp. 366–373.
STOC-1996-Hastad #testing- Testing of the Long Code and Hardness for Clique (JH), pp. 11–19.
STOC-1991-FederM #algorithm #graph- Clique Partitions, Graph Compression, and Speeding-Up Algorithms (TF, RM), pp. 123–133.
PLDI-1989-GuptaSS - Register Allocation via Clique Separators (RG, MLS, TS), pp. 264–274.
CAAP-1987-Wegener #branch #complexity #on the #source code- On the Complexity of Branching Programs and Decision Trees for Clique Functions (IW), pp. 1–12.