Travelled to:
1 × Germany
3 × Canada
Collaborated with:
M.Harman L.Hu M.Munro S.Danicic M.Daoudi L.Ouarbya R.M.Hierons J.J.Dolado M.C.Otero J.Wegener
Talks about:
transform (2) effect (2) amorph (2) slice (2) remov (2) side (2) wsl (2) interprocedur (1) placement (1) algorithm (1)
Person: Xingyuan Zhang
DBLP: Zhang:Xingyuan
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ICSM-2002-HarmanHHMZDOW #algorithm
- A Post-Placement Side-Effect Removal Algorithm (MH, LH, RMH, MM, XZ, JJD, MCO, JW), pp. 2–11.
- SCAM-2002-HarmanHMZDDO #interprocedural #slicing
- An Interprocedural Amorphous Slicer for WSL (MH, LH, MM, XZ, SD, MD, LO), pp. 105–114.
- SCAM-2002-ZhangMHH #semantics
- Mechanized Operational Semantics of WSL (XZ, MM, MH, LH), pp. 73–82.
- IWPC-2001-HarmanMHZ
- Side-Effect Removal Transformation (MH, MM, LH, XZ), pp. 310–319.
- WCRE-2001-HarmanHMZ #named #slicing
- GUSTT: An Amorphous Slicing System which Combines Slicing and Transformation (MH, LH, MM, XZ), pp. 271–280.