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Travelled to:
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Collaborated with:
S.Danicic M.Harman M.Daoudi C.Fox D.Binkley T.Gyimóthy Á.Kiss L.Hu M.Munro X.Zhang J.Howroyd M.P.Ward
Talks about:
interprocedur (2) slicer (2) slice (2) approach (1) scalabl (1) program (1) forward (1) formal (1) execut (1) condit (1)

Person: Lahcen Ouarbya

DBLP DBLP: Ouarbya:Lahcen

Contributed to:

SCAM 20042004
SCAM 20022002
WCRE 20022002

Wrote 4 papers:

SCAM-2004-BinkleyDGHKO #execution #formal method #slicing
Formalizing Executable Dynamic and Forward Slicing (DB, SD, TG, MH, ÁK, LO), pp. 43–52.
SCAM-2002-HarmanHMZDDO #interprocedural #slicing
An Interprocedural Amorphous Slicer for WSL (MH, LH, MM, XZ, SD, MD, LO), pp. 105–114.
WCRE-2002-DaoudiOHDHFW #approach #named #scalability #slicing
ConSUS: A Scalable Approach to Conditioned Slicing (MD, LO, JH, SD, MH, CF, MPW), pp. 109–118.
WCRE-2002-OuarbyaDDHF #interprocedural #slicing
A Denotational Interprocedural Program Slicer (LO, SD, MD, MH, CF), p. 181–?.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.