Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × USA
2 × Turkey
Collaborated with:
C.Wang X.Li Q.Zhao L.Wang H.H.Ip H.Xu J.Ni Z.Zhao D.Dai Y.Chen D.Kimpe R.B.Ross D.Liu T.Chen S.Liu J.Zhou S.Zhou O.Temam X.Feng Y.Chen
Talks about:
base (3) acceler (2) comput (2) adapt (2) hypermedia (1) increment (1) framework (1) synchron (1) structur (1) recognit (1)
Person: Xuehai Zhou
DBLP: Zhou:Xuehai
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ASPLOS-2015-LiuCLZZTFZC #machine learning #named
- PuDianNao: A Polyvalent Machine Learning Accelerator (DFL, TC, SL, JZ, SZ, OT, XF, XZ, YC), pp. 369–381.
- DATE-2015-WangLZ #big data #named
- SODA: software defined FPGA based accelerators for big data (CW, XL, XZ), pp. 884–887.
- HPDC-2014-DaiCKRZ #framework #incremental #named
- Domino: an incremental computing framework in cloud with eventual synchronization (DD, YC, DK, RBR, XZ), pp. 291–294.
- ICPR-2010-ZhaoWIZ #3d #recognition
- Human 3D Motion Recognition Based on Spatial-Temporal Context of Joints (QZ, LW, HHSI, XZ), pp. 2740–2743.
- HT-2000-XuZNZ #adaptation #education #hypermedia
- Adaptability in KDAEHS: an adaptive educational hypermedia system based on structural computing (HX, XZ, JN, ZZ), pp. 250–251.