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Open Knowledge
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Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × USA
2 × Turkey
Collaborated with:
C.Wang X.Li Q.Zhao L.Wang H.H.Ip H.Xu J.Ni Z.Zhao D.Dai Y.Chen D.Kimpe R.B.Ross D.Liu T.Chen S.Liu J.Zhou S.Zhou O.Temam X.Feng Y.Chen
Talks about:
base (3) acceler (2) comput (2) adapt (2) hypermedia (1) increment (1) framework (1) synchron (1) structur (1) recognit (1)

Person: Xuehai Zhou

DBLP DBLP: Zhou:Xuehai

Contributed to:

ASPLOS 20152015
DATE 20152015
HPDC 20142014
ICPR 20102010
HT 20002000

Wrote 5 papers:

ASPLOS-2015-LiuCLZZTFZC #machine learning #named
PuDianNao: A Polyvalent Machine Learning Accelerator (DFL, TC, SL, JZ, SZ, OT, XF, XZ, YC), pp. 369–381.
DATE-2015-WangLZ #big data #named
SODA: software defined FPGA based accelerators for big data (CW, XL, XZ), pp. 884–887.
HPDC-2014-DaiCKRZ #framework #incremental #named
Domino: an incremental computing framework in cloud with eventual synchronization (DD, YC, DK, RBR, XZ), pp. 291–294.
ICPR-2010-ZhaoWIZ #3d #recognition
Human 3D Motion Recognition Based on Spatial-Temporal Context of Joints (QZ, LW, HHSI, XZ), pp. 2740–2743.
HT-2000-XuZNZ #adaptation #education #hypermedia
Adaptability in KDAEHS: an adaptive educational hypermedia system based on structural computing (HX, XZ, JN, ZZ), pp. 250–251.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.