Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Greece
1 × Ireland
1 × Italy
Collaborated with:
P.Constantopoulos Y.Kargakis P.Fafalios G.Flouris Y.Theoharis P.Papadakos S.Kopidaki N.Armenatzoglou N.Spyratos A.Analyti
Talks about:
search (2) result (2) inform (2) web (2) exploratori (1) taxonomi (1) intellig (1) function (1) epimenid (1) preserv (1)
Person: Yannis Tzitzikas
DBLP: Tzitzikas:Yannis
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- JCDL-2014-KargakisT #automation #information management #named #reasoning
- Epimenides: An information system offering automated reasoning for the needs of digital preservation (YK, YT), pp. 411–412.
- SIGIR-2013-FafaliosT #named #realtime #semantics #web
- X-ENS: semantic enrichment of web search results at real-time (PF, YT), pp. 1089–1090.
- ECDL-2009-PapadakosKAT #clustering #taxonomy #web
- Exploratory Web Searching with Dynamic Taxonomies and Results Clustering (PP, SK, NA, YT), pp. 106–118.
- ECDL-2007-TzitzikasF
- Mind the (Intelligibility) Gap (YT, GF), pp. 87–99.
- ECIR-2007-TzitzikasT
- Naming Functions for the Vector Space Model (YT, YT), pp. 613–620.
- CAiSE-2002-TzitzikasSCA #ontology
- Extended Faceted Ontologies (YT, NS, PC, AA), pp. 778–781.
- CAiSE-1996-ConstantopoulosT
- Context-Driven Information Base Update (PC, YT), pp. 319–344.