Tag #clustering
2755 papers:
ASPLOS-2020-GhasemazarNL #named #performance- Thesaurus: Efficient Cache Compression via Dynamic Clustering (AG, PN, ML), pp. 527–540.
ECSA-2019-Sozer #architecture #composition #effectiveness #multi- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Multi-level Greedy Modularity Clustering for Software Architecture Recovery (HS), pp. 71–87.
EDM-2019-BahargamLT #algorithm #complexity #problem- The Guided Team-Partitioning Problem: Definition, Complexity, and Algorithm (SB, TL, ET).
EDM-2019-Furr #interactive #learning #online #visualisation- Visualization and clustering of learner pathways in an interactive online learning environment (DF).
EDM-2019-HowlinD #approach #behaviour #detection #fuzzy #student #using- Detecting Outlier Behaviors in Student Progress Trajectories Using a Repeated Fuzzy Clustering Approach (CPH, CDD).
EDM-2019-KhayiR #information management #student- Clustering Students Based on Their Prior Knowledge (NAK, VR).
EDM-2019-NazaretskyHA #education #learning- Kappa Learning: A New Item-Similarity Method for Clustering Educational Items from Response Data (TN, SH, GA).
CIAA-2019-KonstantinidisM #symmetry- Partitioning a Symmetric Rational Relation into Two Asymmetric Rational Relations (SK, MM, JS), pp. 171–183.
CoG-2019-AbuzuraiqFP #framework #generative #graph #named- Taksim: A Constrained Graph Partitioning Framework for Procedural Content Generation (AMA, AF, PP), pp. 1–8.
CoG-2019-VihangaBLK #approach #game studies #online- Weekly Seasonal Player Population Patterns in Online Games: A Time Series Clustering Approach (DV, MB, EL, KK), pp. 1–8.
CIKM-2019-0002DKBJ - A Compare-Aggregate Model with Latent Clustering for Answer Selection (SY0, FD, DSK, TB, KJ), pp. 2093–2096.
CIKM-2019-BiswasGRB #approximate #privacy- Privacy Preserving Approximate K-means Clustering (CB, DG, DR, UB), pp. 1321–1330.
CIKM-2019-LiECL #identification #mobile #multi #network- Multi-scale Trajectory Clustering to Identify Corridors in Mobile Networks (LL, SME, CAC, CL), pp. 2253–2256.
CIKM-2019-LiYH #graph #realtime- Real-time Edge Repartitioning for Dynamic Graph (HL, HY, JH), pp. 2125–2128.
CIKM-2019-LuYGWLC #learning #realtime- Reinforcement Learning with Sequential Information Clustering in Real-Time Bidding (JL, CY, XG, LW, CL, GC), pp. 1633–1641.
CIKM-2019-MarinR #programming #semantics- Clustering Recurrent and Semantically Cohesive Program Statements in Introductory Programming Assignments (VJM, CRR), pp. 911–920.
CIKM-2019-SalloumWH #approximate #big data #data analysis- A Sampling-Based System for Approximate Big Data Analysis on Computing Clusters (SS, YW, JZH), pp. 2481–2484.
CIKM-2019-SheetritK #retrieval- Cluster-Based Focused Retrieval (ES, OK), pp. 2305–2308.
CIKM-2019-YangSC - Streamline Density Peak Clustering for Practical Adoptions (SY, XS, MC), pp. 49–58.
CIKM-2019-ZhangTXZ #embedded #robust- Robust Embedded Deep K-means Clustering (RZ0, HT, YX, YZ), pp. 1181–1190.
ECIR-p1-2019-PfeiferL #approach #modelling #topic- Topic Grouper: An Agglomerative Clustering Approach to Topic Modeling (DP, JLL), pp. 590–603.
ECIR-p2-2019-HalkidiK #assessment #graph #named #quality- QGraph: A Quality Assessment Index for Graph Clustering (MH, IK), pp. 70–77.
ICML-2019-0001HLZZ #multi #named #parametricity- COMIC: Multi-view Clustering Without Parameter Selection (XP0, ZH, JL, HZ, JTZ), pp. 5092–5101.
ICML-2019-0002WF #complexity #kernel #query- Tight Kernel Query Complexity of Kernel Ridge Regression and Kernel $k$-means Clustering (TY0, DPW, MF), pp. 7055–7063.
ICML-2019-BackursIOSVW #scalability- Scalable Fair Clustering (AB, PI, KO, BS, AV, TW), pp. 405–413.
ICML-2019-BravermanJKW #order- Coresets for Ordered Weighted Clustering (VB, SHCJ, RK, XW), pp. 744–753.
ICML-2019-ChenFLM - Proportionally Fair Clustering (XC, BF, LL, KM), pp. 1032–1041.
ICML-2019-CicaleseLM - New results on information theoretic clustering (FC, ESL, LM), pp. 1242–1251.
ICML-2019-GhaffariLM #algorithm #network #parallel- Improved Parallel Algorithms for Density-Based Network Clustering (MG, SL, SM), pp. 2201–2210.
ICML-2019-JangJ #performance #scalability #towards- DBSCAN++: Towards fast and scalable density clustering (JJ, HJ), pp. 3019–3029.
ICML-2019-KleindessnerAM #summary- Fair k-Center Clustering for Data Summarization (MK, PA, JM), pp. 3448–3457.
ICML-2019-KleindessnerSAM #constraints- Guarantees for Spectral Clustering with Fairness Constraints (MK, SS, PA, JM), pp. 3458–3467.
ICML-2019-MercadoT0 #graph #matrix- Spectral Clustering of Signed Graphs via Matrix Power Means (PM0, FT, MH0), pp. 4526–4536.
ICML-2019-XuL - Power k-Means Clustering (JX, KL), pp. 6921–6931.
ICML-2019-YadavKMM #exponential- Supervised Hierarchical Clustering with Exponential Linkage (NY, AK, NM, AM), pp. 6973–6983.
ICML-2019-ZhangJHHL #collaboration- Neural Collaborative Subspace Clustering (TZ, PJ, MH, WbH, HL), pp. 7384–7393.
KDD-2019-AhmadianE0M - Clustering without Over-Representation (SA, AE, RK0, MM), pp. 267–275.
KDD-2019-ChiangLSLBH #algorithm #graph #named #network #performance #scalability- Cluster-GCN: An Efficient Algorithm for Training Deep and Large Graph Convolutional Networks (WLC, XL, SS, YL0, SB, CJH), pp. 257–266.
KDD-2019-MonathKKGM #scalability- Scalable Hierarchical Clustering with Tree Grafting (NM, AK, AK, MRG, AM), pp. 1438–1448.
KDD-2019-MonathZSMA #using- Gradient-based Hierarchical Clustering using Continuous Representations of Trees in Hyperbolic Space (NM, MZ, DS, AM, AA), pp. 714–722.
KDD-2019-NieWL #multi #named- K-Multiple-Means: A Multiple-Means Clustering Method with Specified K Clusters (FN, CLW, XL), pp. 959–967.
KDD-2019-RolnickAPKMN #design #random- Randomized Experimental Design via Geographic Clustering (DR, KA, JPA, SK, VSM, AN), pp. 2745–2753.
KDD-2019-YaoCC #learning #multi #robust- Robust Task Grouping with Representative Tasks for Clustered Multi-Task Learning (YY, JC0, HC), pp. 1408–1417.
PADL-2019-Bock #execution #parallel #spreadsheet- Static Partitioning of Spreadsheets for Parallel Execution (AAB), pp. 221–237.
PLDI-2019-PerryKSZ #imperative #named #programming #semantics- SemCluster: clustering of imperative programming assignments based on quantitative semantic features (DMP, DK, RS, XZ), pp. 860–873.
ASE-2019-LiuZHHZL #named- Logzip: Extracting Hidden Structures via Iterative Clustering for Log Compression (JL, JZ, SH, PH, ZZ, MRL), pp. 863–873.
ASE-2019-LiW0ZCM #detection #effectiveness #fault #named #spreadsheet- SGUARD: A Feature-Based Clustering Tool for Effective Spreadsheet Defect Detection (DL, HW, CX0, RZ, SCC, XM), pp. 1142–1145.
ESEC-FSE-2019-Papachristou #graph #semantics- Software clusterings with vector semantics and the call graph (MP), pp. 1184–1186.
ASPLOS-2019-ChenDM #interactive #multi #named- PARTIES: QoS-Aware Resource Partitioning for Multiple Interactive Services (SC, CD, JFM), pp. 107–120.
CASE-2019-SongLLSG #fault #optimisation- A New Spectral Clustering Based on Particle Swarm Optimization for Unsupervised Fault Diagnosis of Bearings (WS, ML, XL, YS, LG0), pp. 386–391.
ICST-2019-MuscoYN #approach #implementation #named #testing- SmokeOut: An Approach for Testing Clustering Implementations (VM, XY, IN), pp. 473–480.
EDM-2018-FangSLCSFGCCPFG #learning- Clustering the Learning Patterns of Adults with Low Literacy Skills Interacting with an Intelligent Tutoring System (YF, KTS, AL, QC, GS, SF, JG, SC, ZC, PIP, JF, DG, ACG).
ICPC-2018-HartelAL #api #classification- Classification of APIs by hierarchical clustering (JH, HA, RL), pp. 233–243.
SANER-2018-Coviello0SMAC #reduction #testing- Clustering support for inadequate test suite reduction (CC, SR0, GS, AM, GA, AC), pp. 95–105.
FDG-2018-PlumbKS #game studies #hybrid #multi #network #online #using- Hybrid network clusters using common gameplay for massively multiplayer online games (JNP, SKK, RS), p. 10.
CIKM-2018-GuoZNL #fuzzy- Embedding Fuzzy K-Means with Nonnegative Spectral Clustering via Incorporating Side Information (MG, RZ0, FN, XL), pp. 1567–1570.
CIKM-2018-Moreno #symmetry- Point Symmetry-based Deep Clustering (JGM), pp. 1747–1750.
CIKM-2018-RoleMN #algorithm #evaluation #using #word- Unsupervised Evaluation of Text Co-clustering Algorithms Using Neural Word Embeddings (FR, SM, MN), pp. 1827–1830.
CIKM-2018-ShenKBQM #email #learning #multi #query #ranking- Multi-Task Learning for Email Search Ranking with Auxiliary Query Clustering (JS, MK, MB, ZQ, DM), pp. 2127–2135.
CIKM-2018-ZhuVGL #image #multi- Multiple Manifold Regularized Sparse Coding for Multi-View Image Clustering (XZ, KDV, JG, JL), pp. 1723–1726.
ICML-2018-AwasthiV - Clustering Semi-Random Mixtures of Gaussians (PA, AV), pp. 294–303.
ICML-2018-BajajGHHL #named #using- SMAC: Simultaneous Mapping and Clustering Using Spectral Decompositions (CB, TG, ZH, QH, ZL), pp. 334–343.
ICML-2018-BhaskaraW #distributed- Distributed Clustering via LSH Based Data Partitioning (AB, MW), pp. 569–578.
ICML-2018-ChatziafratisNC #constraints- Hierarchical Clustering with Structural Constraints (VC, RN, MC), pp. 773–782.
ICML-2018-DouikH #graph #matrix #optimisation #probability #rank- Low-Rank Riemannian Optimization on Positive Semidefinite Stochastic Matrices with Applications to Graph Clustering (AD, BH), pp. 1298–1307.
ICML-2018-ImamuraSS #analysis #crowdsourcing #fault- Analysis of Minimax Error Rate for Crowdsourcing and Its Application to Worker Clustering Model (HI, IS, MS), pp. 2152–2161.
ICML-2018-KamnitsasCFWTRG #learning- Semi-Supervised Learning via Compact Latent Space Clustering (KK, DCC, LLF, IW, RT, DR, BG, AC, AVN), pp. 2464–2473.
ICML-2018-LangeKA #bound #correlation #performance- Partial Optimality and Fast Lower Bounds for Weighted Correlation Clustering (JHL, AK, BA), pp. 2898–2907.
ICML-2018-LiM - Submodular Hypergraphs: p-Laplacians, Cheeger Inequalities and Spectral Clustering (PL0, OM), pp. 3020–3029.
ICML-2018-MartinLV #approximate #network #performance- Fast Approximate Spectral Clustering for Dynamic Networks (LM, AL, PV), pp. 3420–3429.
ICML-2018-MazharRFH #detection- Bayesian Model Selection for Change Point Detection and Clustering (OM, CRR, CF, MRH), pp. 3430–3439.
ICML-2018-SibliniMK #learning #multi #performance #random- CRAFTML, an Efficient Clustering-based Random Forest for Extreme Multi-label Learning (WS, FM, PK), pp. 4671–4680.
ICML-2018-Sinha #matrix #random #using- K-means clustering using random matrix sparsification (KS), pp. 4691–4699.
ICML-2018-TsakirisV #analysis- Theoretical Analysis of Sparse Subspace Clustering with Missing Entries (MCT, RV), pp. 4982–4991.
ICML-2018-WuWWWVL #parametricity- Deep k-Means: Re-Training and Parameter Sharing with Harder Cluster Assignments for Compressing Deep Convolutions (JW, YW, ZW, ZW, AV, YL), pp. 5359–5368.
ICML-2018-YaroslavtsevV #algorithm #parallel- Massively Parallel Algorithms and Hardness for Single-Linkage Clustering under 𝓁p Distances (GY, AV), pp. 5596–5605.
ICML-2018-YuanST #algorithm #performance- An Efficient Semismooth Newton Based Algorithm for Convex Clustering (YY, DS, KCT), pp. 5704–5712.
ICPR-2018-Chen #scalability #similarity- Scalable spectral clustering with cosine similarity (GC), pp. 314–319.
ICPR-2018-ChenDHLH #automation #classification #image #performance- Improving Image Classification Performance with Automatically Hierarchical Label Clustering (ZC, CD, LH, DL, HH), pp. 1863–1868.
ICPR-2018-HibrajVSP #set #using- Speaker Clustering Using Dominant Sets (FH, SV, TS, MP), pp. 3549–3554.
ICPR-2018-HuangZL #embedded #multi- Spectral Embedded Clustering on Multi-Manifold (SH, LZ, FL), pp. 391–396.
ICPR-2018-JaberiPF #probability #using- Probabilistic Sparse Subspace Clustering Using Delayed Association (MJ, MP, HF), pp. 2087–2092.
ICPR-2018-JinZWJ #behaviour #detection #representation- Sparse Representation and Weighted Clustering Based Abnormal Behavior Detection (DJ, SZ, SW, XYJ), pp. 1574–1579.
ICPR-2018-LiYL #detection #documentation #image #predict- Page Object Detection from PDF Document Images by Deep Structured Prediction and Supervised Clustering (XL, FY, CLL), pp. 3627–3632.
ICPR-2018-LiZ0 - Constrained Sparse Subspace Clustering with Side-Information (CGL, JZ, JG0), pp. 2093–2099.
ICPR-2018-LuoZLW #graph #image #learning- Graph Embedding-Based Ensemble Learning for Image Clustering (XL, LZ0, FL, BW), pp. 213–218.
ICPR-2018-MaL #hybrid #visual notation- Hybrid Sparse Subspace Clustering for Visual Tracking (LM, ZL), pp. 1737–1742.
ICPR-2018-QiuLL #named #nearest neighbour- D-NND: A Hierarchical Density Clustering Method via Nearest Neighbor Descent (TQ, CL, YL), pp. 1414–1419.
ICPR-2018-RathoreBKRP #approximate #heatmap #scalability- Approximate Cluster Heat Maps of Large High-Dimensional Data (PR, JCB, DK, SR, MP), pp. 195–200.
ICPR-2018-TlustyAB #detection #estimation- Unsupervised clustering of mammograms for outlier detection and breast density estimation (TT, GA, RBA), pp. 3808–3813.
ICPR-2018-WangT #estimation- Stream Clustering with Dynamic Estimation of Emerging Local Densities (ZW, GT), pp. 2100–2105.
ICPR-2018-YinLZ #multi- Multi-Source Clustering based on spectral recovery (HY, FL, LZ), pp. 231–236.
ICPR-2018-ZouLZ #adaptation #multi- Nonnegative and Adaptive Multi-view Clustering (PZ, FL, LZ), pp. 1247–1252.
KDD-2018-BachemL0 #lightweight #scalability- Scalable k -Means Clustering via Lightweight Coresets (OB, ML, AK0), pp. 1119–1127.
KDD-2018-ChenHNHYH #normalisation #scalability- Spectral Clustering of Large-scale Data by Directly Solving Normalized Cut (XC0, WH, FN, DH, MY0, JZH), pp. 1206–1215.
KDD-2018-MautzYPB - Discovering Non-Redundant K-means Clusterings in Optimal Subspaces (DM, WY0, CP, CB), pp. 1973–1982.
KDD-2018-NieTL #adaptation #multi- Multiview Clustering via Adaptively Weighted Procrustes (FN, LT, XL), pp. 2022–2030.
KDD-2018-Pouget-AbadieMP #optimisation #random- Optimizing Cluster-based Randomized Experiments under Monotonicity (JPA, VSM, DCP, EMA), pp. 2090–2099.
KDD-2018-WuCYXXA #random #scalability #using- Scalable Spectral Clustering Using Random Binning Features (LW, PYC, IEHY, FX, YX, CCA), pp. 2506–2515.
KDD-2018-YangSJ0 #ll #mobile #predict #social- I Know You'll Be Back: Interpretable New User Clustering and Churn Prediction on a Mobile Social Application (CY, XS, LJ, JH0), pp. 914–922.
KDD-2018-YinCLZYW #modelling- Model-based Clustering of Short Text Streams (JY, DC, ZL, WZ0, XY0, JW), pp. 2634–2642.
KDD-2018-ZhangTCSJSV0 #adaptation #named #taxonomy #topic- TaxoGen: Unsupervised Topic Taxonomy Construction by Adaptive Term Embedding and Clustering (CZ0, FT, XC, JS, MJ0, BMS, MV, JH0), pp. 2701–2709.
KDD-2018-ZhangZY0 #ambiguity #maintenance- Name Disambiguation in AMiner: Clustering, Maintenance, and Human in the Loop (YZ, FZ, PY, JT0), pp. 1002–1011.
MoDELS-2018-KinneerH #architecture #difference #metric- Dissimilarity Measures for Clustering Space Mission Architectures (CK, SJIH), pp. 392–402.
PLDI-2018-GulwaniRZ #automation #program repair #programming- Automated clustering and program repair for introductory programming assignments (SG, IR, FZ), pp. 465–480.
ASE-2018-AlizadehK #interactive #multi #refactoring- Reducing interactive refactoring effort via clustering-based multi-objective search (VA, MK), pp. 464–474.
ASPLOS-2018-YuBQ #in memory- Datasize-Aware High Dimensional Configurations Auto-Tuning of In-Memory Cluster Computing (ZY, ZB, XQ), pp. 564–577.
CASE-2018-AbbatecolaFPU #approach #problem- A New Cluster-Based Approach for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (LA, MPF, GP, WU), pp. 744–749.
CASE-2018-GohSHSS #automation #detection- Semi-Automatic Snore Detection in Polysomnography based on Hierarchical Clustering (CFG, LBS, MHH, GLGS, KS), pp. 1116–1122.
CASE-2018-GovindarajuAPEM #comparison- Comparison of two clustering approaches to find demand patterns in semiconductor supply chain planning (PG, SA, TP, HE, MM), pp. 148–151.
CASE-2018-RohL #worst-case- Characterizing the Worst-Case Wafer Delay in a Cluster Tool Operated in a $K$-Cyclic Schedule (DHR, TEL), pp. 1562–1567.
CASE-2018-SolerBMCPM #evolution #modelling- Emergency Department Admissions Overflow Modeling by a Clustering of Time Evolving Clinical Diagnoses (GS, GB, EM, AC, SP, OM), pp. 365–370.
CASE-2018-Wu #approach #automation #detection #multi #online- CASE 2018 Special Session Presentation-Only Abstract Submission Form: A Sequential Bayesian Partitioning Approach for Online Steady State Detection of Multivariate Systems (JW), pp. 1308–1309.
CASE-2018-XuL #algorithm #optimisation- A New Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Clustering (XX, JL), pp. 768–773.
CASE-2018-YangWSQ #analysis #constraints #scheduling #tool support- Cyclic Scheduling Analysis of Single-arm Cluster Tools with Wafer Residency Time Constraint and Chamber Cleaning Operations (FY, NW, RS, YQ), pp. 241–246.
FASE-2018-KatirtzisDS #api #using- Summarizing Software API Usage Examples Using Clustering Techniques (NK, TD, CAS), pp. 189–206.
ICST-2018-MahajanAMH #automation #search-based #similarity #using #web- Automated Repair of Internationalization Presentation Failures in Web Pages Using Style Similarity Clustering and Search-Based Techniques (SM, AA, PM, WGJH), pp. 215–226.
ICST-2018-WalterSPR #execution #independence #order #performance- Improving Test Execution Efficiency Through Clustering and Reordering of Independent Test Steps (BW, MS, MP, SR), pp. 363–373.
ICSA-2017-KlockWGJ #architecture #set- Workload-Based Clustering of Coherent Feature Sets in Microservice Architectures (SK, JMEMvdW, JPG, SJ), pp. 11–20.
JCDL-2017-KocherS #using- Author Clustering Using SPATIUM (MK, JS), pp. 265–268.
EDM-2017-AdjeiOEH #personalisation #student- Clustering Students in ASSISTments: Exploring System- and School-Level Traits to Advance Personalization (SA, KO, EE, NTH).
EDM-2017-Ortiz-VazquezLL #analysis #modelling #realtime- Cluster Analysis of Real Time Location Data - An Application of Gaussian Mixture Models (AOV, XL, CFL, HSC, GN).
EDM-2017-ShenC #student #using- Clustering Student Sequential Trajectories Using Dynamic Time Wrapping (SS, MC).
MSR-2017-XuDGWWZH #named #similarity #spreadsheet #version control- SpreadCluster: recovering versioned spreadsheets through similarity-based clustering (LX, WD, CG, JW, JW0, HZ, TH0), pp. 158–169.
SCAM-2017-SzalayPK #c #c++ #source code #towards- Towards Better Symbol Resolution for C/C++ Programs: A Cluster-Based Solution (RS, ZP, DK), pp. 101–110.
SEFM-2017-AttardF #component #monitoring- Trace Partitioning and Local Monitoring for Asynchronous Components (DPA, AF), pp. 219–235.
FDG-2017-Abuzuraiq #constraints #generative #graph #morphism #on the #using- On using graph partitioning with isomorphism constraint in procedural content generation (AMA), p. 10.
FDG-2017-RaimbaultC #behaviour #game studies- Session based behavioral clustering in open world sandbox game TUG (MSR, CC), p. 4.
CIKM-2017-An0WY #analysis #feature model- Unsupervised Feature Selection with Joint Clustering Analysis (SA, JW0, JW, ZY), pp. 1639–1648.
CIKM-2017-BaruahML #comparison #summary #timeline- A Comparison of Nuggets and Clusters for Evaluating Timeline Summaries (GB, RM, JL), pp. 67–76.
CIKM-2017-ChaGK #assessment #modelling #readability #word- Language Modeling by Clustering with Word Embeddings for Text Readability Assessment (MC, YG, HTK), pp. 2003–2006.
CIKM-2017-Gollapudi0PP #online #order- Partitioning Orders in Online Shopping Services (SG, RK0, DP, RP), pp. 1319–1328.
CIKM-2017-GuZZ #data transformation #distance #self- An Euclidean Distance based on the Weighted Self-information Related Data Transformation for Nominal Data Clustering (LG, LZ, YZ), pp. 2083–2086.
CIKM-2017-HoangL #mining #network #performance- Highly Efficient Mining of Overlapping Clusters in Signed Weighted Networks (TAH, EPL), pp. 869–878.
CIKM-2017-HuWBZC #performance #scalability- Fast K-means for Large Scale Clustering (QH, JW, LB0, YZ0, JC0), pp. 2099–2102.
CIKM-2017-KozawaAK #graph #parallel- GPU-Accelerated Graph Clustering via Parallel Label Propagation (YK, TA, HK), pp. 567–576.
CIKM-2017-MaHLSYLR #analysis #graph #multi- Multi-view Clustering with Graph Embedding for Connectome Analysis (GM, LH0, CTL, WS, PSY, ADL, ABR), pp. 127–136.
CIKM-2017-SalahAN #documentation- A Way to Boost Semi-NMF for Document Clustering (AS, MA, MN), pp. 2275–2278.
CIKM-2017-SeoK #algorithm #graph #named #performance #scalability- pm-SCAN: an I/O Efficient Structural Clustering Algorithm for Large-scale Graphs (JHS, MHK), pp. 2295–2298.
CIKM-2017-WangPLZJ #graph #named- MGAE: Marginalized Graph Autoencoder for Graph Clustering (CW, SP, GL, XZ, JJ0), pp. 889–898.
CIKM-2017-WhangD - Non-Exhaustive, Overlapping Co-Clustering (JJW, ISD), pp. 2367–2370.
CIKM-2017-XieCLZXTWW #automation #generative- Automatic Navbox Generation by Interpretable Clustering over Linked Entities (CX, LC, JL, KZ, YX, HT, HW, WW0), pp. 1857–1865.
CIKM-2017-ZhuRXLYW #classification #pattern matching #social- Cluster-level Emotion Pattern Matching for Cross-Domain Social Emotion Classification (EZ, YR, HX0, YL, JY0, FLW), pp. 2435–2438.
ECIR-2017-AlkhawaldehPJY #information retrieval #learning #named #query- LTRo: Learning to Route Queries in Clustered P2P IR (RSA, DP0, JMJ, FY), pp. 513–519.
ECIR-2017-BhattacharjeeA #algorithm #dataset #incremental #nearest neighbour- Batch Incremental Shared Nearest Neighbor Density Based Clustering Algorithm for Dynamic Datasets (PB, AA), pp. 568–574.
ECIR-2017-KhandelwalA #estimation #performance- Faster K-Means Cluster Estimation (SK, AA), pp. 520–526.
ICML-2017-BachemLH0 #bound- Uniform Deviation Bounds for k-Means Clustering (OB, ML, SHH, AK0), pp. 283–291.
ICML-2017-BalcanDLMZ - Differentially Private Clustering in High-Dimensional Euclidean Spaces (MFB, TD, YL, WM, HZ0), pp. 322–331.
ICML-2017-BogunovicMSC #approach #robust- Robust Submodular Maximization: A Non-Uniform Partitioning Approach (IB, SM, JS, VC), pp. 508–516.
ICML-2017-BravermanFLSY #data type- Clustering High Dimensional Dynamic Data Streams (VB, GF, HL, CS, LFY), pp. 576–585.
ICML-2017-ChangCCCSD #multi #nondeterminism- Multiple Clustering Views from Multiple Uncertain Experts (YC, JC, MHC, PJC, EKS, JGD), pp. 674–683.
ICML-2017-GentileLKKZE #on the- On Context-Dependent Clustering of Bandits (CG, SL, PK, AK, GZ, EE), pp. 1253–1262.
ICML-2017-HoNYBHP #multi- Multilevel Clustering via Wasserstein Means (NH, XN, MY, HHB, VH, DQP), pp. 1501–1509.
ICML-2017-Kallus #personalisation #recursion #using- Recursive Partitioning for Personalization using Observational Data (NK), pp. 1789–1798.
ICML-2017-LaclauRMBB - Co-clustering through Optimal Transport (CL, IR, BM, YB, VB), pp. 1955–1964.
ICML-2017-LattanziV #consistency- Consistent k-Clustering (SL, SV), pp. 1975–1984.
ICML-2017-LawUZ #learning- Deep Spectral Clustering Learning (MTL, RU, RSZ), pp. 1985–1994.
ICML-2017-LiporB - Leveraging Union of Subspace Structure to Improve Constrained Clustering (JL, LB), pp. 2130–2139.
ICML-2017-NiQWC #modelling #persistent #visual notation- Composing Tree Graphical Models with Persistent Homology Features for Clustering Mixed-Type Data (XN, NQ, YW, CC0), pp. 2622–2631.
ICML-2017-PanahiDJB #algorithm #convergence #incremental #probability- Clustering by Sum of Norms: Stochastic Incremental Algorithm, Convergence and Cluster Recovery (AP, DPD, FDJ, CB), pp. 2769–2777.
ICML-2017-RahmaniA17a #approach #problem- Innovation Pursuit: A New Approach to the Subspace Clustering Problem (MR, GKA), pp. 2874–2882.
ICML-2017-TsakirisV #component- Hyperplane Clustering via Dual Principal Component Pursuit (MCT, RV), pp. 3472–3481.
ICML-2017-YangFSH #learning #towards- Towards K-means-friendly Spaces: Simultaneous Deep Learning and Clustering (BY, XF0, NDS, MH), pp. 3861–3870.
ICML-2017-ZaheerAS #modelling #sequence- Latent LSTM Allocation: Joint Clustering and Non-Linear Dynamic Modeling of Sequence Data (MZ, AA, AJS), pp. 3967–3976.
KDD-2017-BojchevskiMG #modelling #robust #semistructured data- Robust Spectral Clustering for Noisy Data: Modeling Sparse Corruptions Improves Latent Embeddings (AB, YM, SG), pp. 737–746.
KDD-2017-EpastoLL #framework- Ego-Splitting Framework: from Non-Overlapping to Overlapping Clusters (AE, SL, RPL), pp. 145–154.
KDD-2017-GuidottiMNGP #transaction- Clustering Individual Transactional Data for Masses of Users (RG, AM, MN, FG, DP), pp. 195–204.
KDD-2017-HallacVBL #multi- Toeplitz Inverse Covariance-Based Clustering of Multivariate Time Series Data (DH, SV, SPB, JL), pp. 215–223.
KDD-2017-KobrenMKM #algorithm- A Hierarchical Algorithm for Extreme Clustering (AK, NM, AK, AM), pp. 255–264.
KDD-2017-LiuJDJ #normalisation- Supporting Employer Name Normalization at both Entity and Cluster Level (QL, FJ, VSD, AJ), pp. 1883–1892.
KDD-2017-Song0H #named #parallel #performance- PAMAE: Parallel k-Medoids Clustering with High Accuracy and Efficiency (HS, JGL0, WSH), pp. 1087–1096.
KDD-2017-YinBLG #graph #higher-order- Local Higher-Order Graph Clustering (HY, ARB, JL, DFG), pp. 555–564.
KDD-2017-ZhangWLTL #graph #heuristic- Graph Edge Partitioning via Neighborhood Heuristic (CZ, FW, QL, ZGT, ZL), pp. 605–614.
ASPLOS-2017-LiS0L0C - Locality-Aware CTA Clustering for Modern GPUs (AL, SLS, WL0, XL0, AK0, HC), pp. 297–311.
CASE-2017-BaoW #multi #scheduling #tool support- Cyclic scheduling of multi-cluster tools based on equivalent processing modules (TB, HW), pp. 642–647.
CASE-2017-RonB #detection- Density based clustering for detection of robotic operations (MR, PB), pp. 314–319.
CASE-2017-WangPH0 #multi #scheduling #tool support- Scheduling of single-arm cluster tools with multi-type wafers and shared PMs (JW, CP, HH, YZ0), pp. 1046–1051.
CC-2017-JaberK #data type- Data structure-aware heap partitioning (NJ, MK0), pp. 109–119.
CGO-2017-ZhangWZHC #architecture #fine-grained #named- FinePar: irregularity-aware fine-grained workload partitioning on integrated architectures (FZ0, BW0, JZ, BH, WC), pp. 27–38.
CAV-2017-Vazquez-Chanlatte #learning #logic- Logical Clustering and Learning for Time-Series Data (MVC, JVD, XJ, SAS), pp. 305–325.
ICST-2017-PradhanWAYL #algorithm #multi #named #optimisation #search-based- CBGA-ES: A Cluster-Based Genetic Algorithm with Elitist Selection for Supporting Multi-Objective Test Optimization (DP, SW0, SA0, TY0, ML), pp. 367–378.
ICTSS-2017-KrafczykP #effectiveness #equivalence #infinity #model checking- Effective Infinite-State Model Checking by Input Equivalence Class Partitioning (NK, JP0), pp. 38–53.
CBSE-2016-SapienzaSCS #embedded- Extra-Functional Properties Composability for Embedded Systems Partitioning (GS, SS, IC, TS), pp. 69–78.
ECSA-2016-ErsoyKAS #architecture #re-engineering #using- Using Hypergraph Clustering for Software Architecture Reconstruction of Data-Tier Software (EE, KK, MA, HS), pp. 326–333.
JCDL-2016-GrechC #transaction- Investigating Cluster Stability when Analyzing Transaction Logs (DG, PDC), pp. 115–118.
EDM-2016-KlinglerKSG #student- Temporally Coherent Clustering of Student Data (SK, TK, BS, MHG), pp. 102–109.
EDM-2016-LeeRBY #analysis #approach #heatmap #interactive #learning #visualisation- Hierarchical Cluster Analysis Heatmaps and Pattern Analysis: An Approach for Visualizing Learning Management System Interaction Data (JEL, MR, AB, MY), pp. 603–604.
EDM-2016-NiuNZWKY #algorithm #learning- A Coupled User Clustering Algorithm for Web-based Learning Systems (KN, ZN, XZ, CW, KK, MY), pp. 175–182.
EDM-2016-ZhangSC #automation #effectiveness #learning #modelling #student- Deep Learning + Student Modeling + Clustering: a Recipe for Effective Automatic Short Answer Grading (YZ, RS, MC), pp. 562–567.
EDM-2016-ZhengKTG #concept #physics #using- Soft Clustering of Physics Misconceptions Using a Mixed Membership Model (GZ, SK, YT, AG), pp. 658–659.
MSR-2016-KreutzerDREP #automation- Automatic clustering of code changes (PK, GD, MR, BME, MP), pp. 61–72.
SANER-2016-XuXLC #fault #feature model #information management #named #predict- MICHAC: Defect Prediction via Feature Selection Based on Maximal Information Coefficient with Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (ZX, JX, JL0, XC), pp. 370–381.
- ICFP-2016-MuCL #functional
- Queueing and glueing for optimal partitioning (functional pearl) (SCM, YHC, YHL), pp. 158–167.
CIG-2016-DrachenGGHLSK #analysis #behaviour #comparative #profiling- Guns and guardians: Comparative cluster analysis and behavioral profiling in destiny (AD, JG, CG, EH, PL, RS, DK), pp. 1–8.
CIG-2016-SaasGP #game studies- Discovering playing patterns: Time series clustering of free-to-play game data (AS, AG, AP), pp. 1–8.
DiGRA-FDG-2016-LimLH #approach #bottom-up #category theory #image #social #using- Discovering Social and Aesthetic Categories of Avatars: A Bottom-Up Artificial Intelligence Approach Using Image Clustering (CUL, AL, DFH).
CIKM-2016-AlkhawaldehJP #documentation #information retrieval- Evaluating Document Retrieval Methods for Resource Selection in Clustered P2P IR (RSA, JMJ, DP0), pp. 2073–2076.
CIKM-2016-AllabLN #framework- SemiNMF-PCA framework for Sparse Data Co-clustering (KA, LL, MN), pp. 347–356.
CIKM-2016-Avigdor-Elgrabli - Structural Clustering of Machine-Generated Mail (NAE, MC, DDC, IG, IGZ, LLE, YM), pp. 217–226.
CIKM-2016-BairiCR #categorisation #documentation- Beyond Clustering: Sub-DAG Discovery for Categorising Documents (RBB, MJC, GR), pp. 801–810.
CIKM-2016-DaiXC - Query-Biased Partitioning for Selective Search (ZD, CX, JC), pp. 1119–1128.
CIKM-2016-DauBK - Semi-Supervision Dramatically Improves Time Series Clustering under Dynamic Time Warping (HAD, NB, EJK), pp. 999–1008.
CIKM-2016-JinAYWSZ #documentation #hybrid #retrieval #version control- Hybrid Indexing for Versioned Document Search with Cluster-based Retrieval (XJ0, DA, TY0, QW, YS, SZ), pp. 377–386.
CIKM-2016-KangLAC #algorithm- A Filtering-based Clustering Algorithm for Improving Spatio-temporal Kriging Interpolation Accuracy (QK, WkL, AA, ANC), pp. 2209–2214.
CIKM-2016-LeviRKG #documentation #retrieval- Selective Cluster-Based Document Retrieval (OL, FR, OK, IG), pp. 1473–1482.
CIKM-2016-TaoLLF #robust- Robust Spectral Ensemble Clustering (ZT, HL, SL0, YF0), pp. 367–376.
CIKM-2016-WuJ #approach #retrieval- A Density-Based Approach to the Retrieval of Top-K Spatial Textual Clusters (DW0, CSJ), pp. 2095–2100.
CIKM-2016-XuK #effectiveness #performance- Effective and Efficient Spectral Clustering on Text and Link Data (ZX, YK), pp. 357–366.
CIKM-2016-ZengZMZW #network #predict- Exploiting Cluster-based Meta Paths for Link Prediction in Signed Networks (JZ, KZ0, XM, FZ, HW), pp. 1905–1908.
CIKM-2016-ZhangTL #multi #network- Clustering Speed in Multi-lane Traffic Networks (BZ, GT, FL), pp. 2045–2048.
ECIR-2016-AkerKBPBHG #approach #graph #online #topic- A Graph-Based Approach to Topic Clustering for Online Comments to News (AA, EK, ARB, MLP, EB, MH, RJG), pp. 15–29.
ICML-2016-ChenQ #category theory- Clustering High Dimensional Categorical Data via Topographical Features (CC0, NQ), pp. 2732–2740.
ICML-2016-DingLHL #distributed- K-Means Clustering with Distributed Dimensions (HD, YL, LH, JL0), pp. 1339–1348.
ICML-2016-KordaSL #distributed #linear #network- Distributed Clustering of Linear Bandits in Peer to Peer Networks (NK, BS, SL), pp. 1301–1309.
ICML-2016-Pimentel-Alarcon #requirements- The Information-Theoretic Requirements of Subspace Clustering with Missing Data (DLPA, RDN), pp. 802–810.
ICML-2016-PuleoM #bound #correlation #fault- Correlation Clustering and Biclustering with Locally Bounded Errors (GJP, OM), pp. 869–877.
ICML-2016-ShenLX #online #rank #taxonomy- Online Low-Rank Subspace Clustering by Basis Dictionary Pursuit (JS0, PL0, HX), pp. 622–631.
ICML-2016-TremblayPGV - Compressive Spectral Clustering (NT, GP, RG, PV), pp. 1002–1011.
ICML-2016-VikramD #interactive- Interactive Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering (SV, SD), pp. 2081–2090.
ICML-2016-XieGF #analysis- Unsupervised Deep Embedding for Clustering Analysis (JX, RBG, AF), pp. 478–487.
ICPR-2016-BaiCWJ0H #classification #graph #kernel- Shape classification with a vertex clustering graph kernel (LB0, LC, YW0, XJ0, XB0, ERH), pp. 2634–2639.
ICPR-2016-BandyopadhyayM #axiom #incremental #performance- Axioms to characterize efficient incremental clustering (SB, MNM), pp. 450–455.
ICPR-2016-ChakeriFH - Spectral sparsification in spectral clustering (AC, HF, LOH), pp. 2301–2306.
ICPR-2016-ComiterCKT #automation #distributed #implementation #parametricity- Lambda means clustering: Automatic parameter search and distributed computing implementation (MZC, MC, HTK, ST), pp. 2331–2337.
ICPR-2016-HaralickDSK #linear- Inexact MDL for linear manifold clusters (RMH, AD, XS, NYK), pp. 1345–1351.
ICPR-2016-HouP #kernel- A new density kernel in density peak based clustering (JH, MP), pp. 468–473.
ICPR-2016-HuangWLLBC #automation #estimation #learning #parametricity- Ensemble-driven support vector clustering: From ensemble learning to automatic parameter estimation (DH, CDW, JHL, YL0, SB, YC), pp. 444–449.
ICPR-2016-LiuNZWL #automation #multi- Unsupervised automatic attribute discovery method via multi-graph clustering (LL, FN, TZ, AW, BCL), pp. 1713–1718.
ICPR-2016-MoazzenT #approximate #dataset- Sampling based approximate spectral clustering ensemble for partitioning datasets (YM, KT), pp. 1630–1635.
ICPR-2016-MollerNN16a #detection #image #using- Change detection in marine observatory image streams using Bi-Domain Feature Clustering (TM, IN, TWN), pp. 793–798.
ICPR-2016-NguyenNVP #multi #named #parametricity #semistructured data- MCNC: Multi-Channel Nonparametric Clustering from heterogeneous data (TBN, VN0, SV, DQP), pp. 3633–3638.
ICPR-2016-PuZZDY #approximate #matrix #multi #robust- Multiview clustering based on Robust and Regularized Matrix Approximation (JP, QZ0, LZ, BD, JY), pp. 2550–2555.
ICPR-2016-RaiNCD #graph #multi #using- Partial Multi-View Clustering using Graph Regularized NMF (NR, SN, SC, OD), pp. 2192–2197.
ICPR-2016-SahooA0 #approach #automation #generative #multi #using- Automatic generation of biclusters from gene expression data using multi-objective simulated annealing approach (PS, SA, SS0), pp. 2174–2179.
ICPR-2016-SunHH - Structural feature-based event clustering for short text streams (ZS, JH, HH), pp. 3252–3257.
ICPR-2016-ToyamaMS #performance #using- Fast template matching using Brick Partitioning and initial threshold (FT, HM, KS), pp. 687–691.
ICPR-2016-TranVPV - Clustering for point pattern data (NQT, BNV, DQP, BTV), pp. 3174–3179.
ICPR-2016-TripodiVP #matrix- Context aware nonnegative matrix factorization clustering (RT, SV, MP), pp. 1719–1724.
ICPR-2016-WangLHX #image #multi #representation- Manifold Regularized Multi-view Subspace Clustering for image representation (LW0, DL, TH, ZX), pp. 283–288.
ICPR-2016-YanRZC #approach #set- A constrained clustering based approach for matching a collection of feature sets (JY, ZR, HZ, SMC), pp. 3832–3837.
ICPR-2016-YeLYZ #kernel #multi- Co-regularized kernel k-means for multi-view clustering (YY, XL, JY, EZ), pp. 1583–1588.
ICPR-2016-ZemeneTPP #detection #set #using- Simultaneous clustering and outlier detection using dominant sets (EZ, YTT, AP0, MP), pp. 2325–2330.
ICPR-2016-ZhugeHNY #feature model #graph #using- Unsupervised feature extraction using a learned graph with clustering structure (WZ, CH, FN, DY), pp. 3597–3602.
KDD-2016-AgostaGHIKZ #data analysis #scalability #using- Scalable Data Analytics Using R: Single Machines to Hadoop Spark Clusters (JMA, DG, RH, MI, SK, MZ), p. 2115.
KDD-2016-KummerfeldR #metric #modelling- Causal Clustering for 1-Factor Measurement Models (EK, JR), pp. 1655–1664.
KDD-2016-LiangYK #documentation #streaming- Dynamic Clustering of Streaming Short Documents (SL, EY, EK), pp. 995–1004.
KDD-2016-LiuSLF #image #infinity- Infinite Ensemble for Image Clustering (HL, MS, SL0, YF0), pp. 1745–1754.
KDD-2016-MaiAS #algorithm #dataset #named #performance #scalability- AnyDBC: An Efficient Anytime Density-based Clustering Algorithm for Very Large Complex Datasets (STM, IA, MS), pp. 1025–1034.
KDD-2016-MaurusP #named- Skinny-dip: Clustering in a Sea of Noise (SM, CP), pp. 1055–1064.
KDD-2016-WangNH #graph #matrix #probability- Structured Doubly Stochastic Matrix for Graph Based Clustering: Structured Doubly Stochastic Matrix (XW, FN, HH), pp. 1245–1254.
KDD-2016-YeGPB #named- FUSE: Full Spectral Clustering (WY0, SG, CP, CB), pp. 1985–1994.
KDD-2016-YinW #algorithm #online #using- A Text Clustering Algorithm Using an Online Clustering Scheme for Initialization (JY, JW), pp. 1995–2004.
ECMFA-2016-BaburCB #analysis #comparative #metamodelling #visualisation- Hierarchical Clustering of Metamodels for Comparative Analysis and Visualization (ÖB, LC, MvdB), pp. 3–18.
OOPSLA-2016-TreichlerBSSA - Dependent partitioning (ST, MB, RS0, ES, AA), pp. 344–358.
SAS-2016-HeoOY #learning #static analysis- Learning a Variable-Clustering Strategy for Octagon from Labeled Data Generated by a Static Analysis (KH, HO, HY), pp. 237–256.
ASE-2016-YangHKIBZX #dependence #empirical #predict- An empirical study on dependence clusters for effort-aware fault-proneness prediction (YY, MH, JK, SSI, DB, YZ, BX), pp. 296–307.
FSE-2016-ZalmanoviciRT #analysis #functional #testing- Cluster-based test suite functional analysis (MZ, OR, RTB), pp. 962–967.
- ICSE-2016-CheungCLX #automation #detection #named #smell #spreadsheet #using
- CUSTODES: automatic spreadsheet cell clustering and smell detection using strong and weak features (SCC, WC, YL, CX0), pp. 464–475.
- ICSE-2016-RubinovRMR #android #automation #execution
- Automated partitioning of android applications for trusted execution environments (KR, LR, TM, AR), pp. 923–934.
SLE-2016-BenelallamTCLC #distributed #model transformation #performance- Efficient model partitioning for distributed model transformations (AB, MT, JSC, JdL, JC), pp. 226–238.
ASPLOS-2016-HanJCH #distributed #parallel- Interference Management for Distributed Parallel Applications in Consolidated Clusters (JH, SJ, YrC, JH), pp. 443–456.
CASE-2016-ChenKZW #algorithm #classification #novel- A novel under-sampling algorithm based on Iterative-Partitioning Filters for imbalanced classification (XC, QK, MZ, ZW), pp. 490–494.
CASE-2016-QiaoZWZL #linear #optimisation #process #tool support- Optimizing close-down processes of single-robot cluster tools via linear programing (YQ, MZ, NW, QZ, ZL), pp. 148–153.
CASE-2016-SyJDD #detection #graph- Graph-based clustering for detecting frequent patterns in event log data (ES, SAJ, AD, YD0), pp. 972–977.
CASE-2016-YangWBZ #analysis #multi #scheduling #tool support- Optimal one-wafer cyclic scheduling analysis of transport-dominant single-arm multi-cluster tools (FY, NW, LB, MZ), pp. 1405–1410.
CASE-2016-YangWQZ #analysis #hybrid #multi #scheduling #tool support- Optimal scheduling analysis of treelike hybrid multi-cluster tools (FY, NW, YQ, MZ), pp. 1400–1404.
CASE-2016-ZhouCLZ #algorithm #constraints #reduction- Model reduction method based on selective clustering ensemble algorithm and Theory of Constraints in semiconductor wafer fabrication (CZ, ZC, ML0, JZ), pp. 885–890.
FASE-2016-LinYJL #framework #modelling #named- ABS-YARN: A Formal Framework for Modeling Hadoop YARN Clusters (JCL, ICY, EBJ, MCL), pp. 49–65.
DRR-2015-NagyEKS #category theory #web- Clustering header categories extracted from web tables (GN, DWE, MSK, SCS).
DRR-2015-SoheiliKS #image #recognition- Clustering of Farsi sub-word images for whole-book recognition (MRS, EK, DS).
HT-2015-SampsonMML #keyword #twitter- Surpassing the Limit: Keyword Clustering to Improve Twitter Sample Coverage (JS, FM, RM, HL), pp. 237–245.
SIGMOD-2015-AllardHMP #named #privacy- Chiaroscuro: Transparency and Privacy for Massive Personal Time-Series Clustering (TA, GH, FM, EP), pp. 779–794.
SIGMOD-2015-ArmenatzoglouPN #approach #game studies #graph #multi #realtime #social- Real-Time Multi-Criteria Social Graph Partitioning: A Game Theoretic Approach (NA, HP, VN, DP, CS), pp. 1617–1628.
SIGMOD-2015-CochezM #approximate #distance #linear- Twister Tries: Approximate Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering for Average Distance in Linear Time (MC, HM), pp. 505–517.
SIGMOD-2015-PaparrizosG #named #performance- k-Shape: Efficient and Accurate Clustering of Time Series (JP, LG), pp. 1855–1870.
SIGMOD-2015-ZamanianBS #database #parallel- Locality-aware Partitioning in Parallel Database Systems (EZ, CB, AS), pp. 17–30.
VLDB-2015-AlyAMAHEO #adaptation- A Demonstration of AQWA: Adaptive Query-Workload-Aware Partitioning of Big Spatial Data (AMA, ASA, ARM, WGA, MSH, HE, MO), pp. 1968–1979.
VLDB-2015-AlyMHAOEQ #adaptation #named- AQWA: Adaptive Query-Workload-Aware Partitioning of Big Spatial Data (AMA, ARM, MSH, WGA, MO, HE, TQ), pp. 2062–2073.
VLDB-2015-ChuWLHP #detection #named #scalability- ALID: Scalable Dominant Cluster Detection (LC, SW, SL, QH, JP), pp. 826–837.
VLDB-2015-DingWDFZZ #named #performance #scalability- YADING: Fast Clustering of Large-Scale Time Series Data (RD, QW, YD, QF, HZ, DZ), pp. 473–484.
VLDB-2015-EldawyAM - Spatial Partitioning Techniques in Spatial Hadoop (AE, LA, MFM), pp. 1602–1613.
VLDB-2015-SchubertKEZSZ #framework #nondeterminism- A Framework for Clustering Uncertain Data (ES, AK, TE, AZ, KAS, AZ), pp. 1976–1987.
VLDB-2015-SchuhknechtKD #on the- On the Surprising Difficulty of Simple Things: the Case of Radix Partitioning (FMS, PK, JD), pp. 934–937.
VLDB-2015-ShiokawaFO #algorithm #graph #performance #scalability- SCAN++: Efficient Algorithm for Finding Clusters, Hubs and Outliers on Large-scale Graphs (HS, YF, MO), pp. 1178–1189.
EDM-2015-Jing #automation #documentation- Automatic Grading of Short Answers for MOOC via Semi-supervised Document Clustering (SJ), pp. 554–555.
EDM-2015-LiuK #fault #learning #student- Variations in Learning Rate: Student Clustering Based on Systematic Residual Error Patterns Across Practice Opportunities (RL0, KRK), pp. 420–423.
EDM-2015-SaarelaK #approach #education #scalability- Do Country Stereotypes Exist in Educational Data? A Clustering Approach for Large, Sparse, and Weighted Data (MS, TK), pp. 156–153.
ITiCSE-2015-Rubio #analysis #automation #categorisation #programming #student #using- Automatic Categorization of Introductory Programming Students using Cluster Analysis (MAR), p. 340.
SCAM-J-2013-BeszedesSCGJG15 #dependence #empirical- Empirical investigation of SEA-based dependence cluster properties (ÁB, LS, BC, TG, JJ, TG), pp. 3–25.
ICSME-2015-BinkleyBIJV #dependence- Uncovering dependence clusters and linchpin functions (DB, ÁB, SSI, JJ, BV), pp. 141–150.
MSR-2015-TaoK #code review #overview #perspective- Partitioning Composite Code Changes to Facilitate Code Review (YT, SK), pp. 180–190.
SANER-2015-SaeidiHKJ #approach #multi #search-based- A search-based approach to multi-view clustering of software systems (AS, JH, RK, SJ), pp. 429–438.
ICALP-v1-2015-BehsazFSS #algorithm #approximate- Approximation Algorithms for Min-Sum k-Clustering and Balanced k-Median (BB, ZF, MRS, RS), pp. 116–128.
ICALP-v2-2015-FeldmanF #framework #game studies- A Unified Framework for Strong Price of Anarchy in Clustering Games (MF, OF), pp. 601–613.
SEFM-2015-Jakobs #configuration management #reduction #validation- Speed Up Configurable Certificate Validation by Certificate Reduction and Partitioning (MCJ), pp. 159–174.
AIIDE-2015-NormoyleJ #game studies #multi- Bayesian Clustering of Player Styles for Multiplayer Games (AN, STJ), pp. 163–169.
CIG-2015-GlavinM #game studies #learning- Learning to shoot in first person shooter games by stabilizing actions and clustering rewards for reinforcement learning (FGG, MGM), pp. 344–351.
FDG-2015-CampbellTV - Clustering Player Paths (JC, JT, CV).
HIMI-IKC-2015-IshiiMKS #education #topic- A Topic Model for Clustering Learners Based on Contents in Educational Counseling (TI, SM, KK, YS), pp. 323–331.
CAiSE-2015-AbubahiaC #approach- A Clustering Approach for Protecting GIS Vector Data (AA, MC), pp. 133–147.
CAiSE-2015-SunB #approach #novel #top-down- A Novel Top-Down Approach for Clustering Traces (YS, BB), pp. 331–345.
ICEIS-v1-2015-CarboneraA #algorithm #category theory #named- CBK-Modes: A Correlation-based Algorithm for Categorical Data Clustering (JLC, MA), pp. 603–608.
ICEIS-v1-2015-CostaFMO #database #scalability- Sharding by Hash Partitioning — A Database Scalability Pattern to Achieve Evenly Sharded Database Clusters (CHC, JVBMF, PHMM, FCMBO), pp. 313–320.
ICEIS-v1-2015-SautotBJF #design #modelling #multi #refinement- Mixed Driven Refinement Design of Multidimensional Models based on Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (LS, SB, LJ, BF), pp. 547–555.
CIKM-2015-AilemRN #composition #graph #matrix- Co-clustering Document-term Matrices by Direct Maximization of Graph Modularity (MA, FR, MN), pp. 1807–1810.
CIKM-2015-ChenYC #difference #privacy- WaveCluster with Differential Privacy (LC, TY, RC), pp. 1011–1020.
CIKM-2015-GhoshP #feedback- Clustered Semi-Supervised Relevance Feedback (KG, SKP), pp. 1723–1726.
CIKM-2015-GribelBA #approach #detection- A Clustering-based Approach to Detect Probable Outcomes of Lawsuits (DLG, MGdB, LGA), pp. 1831–1834.
CIKM-2015-HongWW #classification #learning- Clustering-based Active Learning on Sensor Type Classification in Buildings (DH, HW, KW), pp. 363–372.
CIKM-2015-HuangLY #approach #data type #parallel #performance- A Parallel GPU-Based Approach to Clustering Very Fast Data Streams (PH, XL, BY0), pp. 23–32.
CIKM-2015-JiangLSW #behaviour #matrix #predict #twitter- Message Clustering based Matrix Factorization Model for Retweeting Behavior Prediction (BJ, JL, YS, LW), pp. 1843–1846.
CIKM-2015-KangGWM #algorithm #network #scalability- Scalable Clustering Algorithm via a Triangle Folding Processing for Complex Networks (YK, XG, WW0, DM), pp. 33–42.
CIKM-2015-KangPC #approximate #rank #robust- Robust Subspace Clustering via Tighter Rank Approximation (ZK, CP, QC), pp. 393–401.
CIKM-2015-MishraH #learning #multi #using- Learning Task Grouping using Supervised Task Space Partitioning in Lifelong Multitask Learning (MM, JH), pp. 1091–1100.
CIKM-2015-NandiSLDR - Lifespan-based Partitioning of Index Structures for Time-travel Text Search (AN, SS, SL, PMD, SR), pp. 123–132.
CIKM-2015-PetroniQDKI #graph #named- HDRF: Stream-Based Partitioning for Power-Law Graphs (FP, LQ, KD, SK, GI), pp. 243–252.
CIKM-2015-WangYHWT #multi #rank #representation- Multi-view Clustering via Structured Low-rank Representation (DW, QY, RH, LW0, TT), pp. 1911–1914.
CIKM-2015-YinWW #learning #multi- Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Subspace Learning (QY, SW, LW0), pp. 383–392.
CIKM-2015-Zhao #graph #named- gSparsify: Graph Motif Based Sparsification for Graph Clustering (PZ), pp. 373–382.
ECIR-2015-AmigoGM #approach #effectiveness #formal method #information management #metric #retrieval- A Formal Approach to Effectiveness Metrics for Information Access: Retrieval, Filtering, and Clustering (EA, JG, SM), pp. 817–821.
ECIR-2015-KimVBR #multi- Temporal Multinomial Mixture for Instance-Oriented Evolutionary Clustering (YMK, JV, SB, MAR), pp. 593–604.
ECIR-2015-KingI #generative #music- Generating Music Playlists with Hierarchical Clustering and Q-Learning (JK, VI), pp. 315–326.
ICML-2015-AhnCGMW #correlation #data type- Correlation Clustering in Data Streams (KJA, GC, SG, AM, AW), pp. 2237–2246.
ICML-2015-BahadoriKFL #functional- Functional Subspace Clustering with Application to Time Series (MTB, DCK, YF, YL), pp. 228–237.
ICML-2015-BoutsidisKG - Spectral Clustering via the Power Method — Provably (CB, PK, AG), pp. 40–48.
ICML-2015-GhoshdastidarD - A Provable Generalized Tensor Spectral Method for Uniform Hypergraph Partitioning (DG, AD), pp. 400–409.
ICML-2015-LimCX #framework #optimisation- A Convex Optimization Framework for Bi-Clustering (SHL, YC, HX), pp. 1679–1688.
ICML-2015-SunLXB #multi- Multi-view Sparse Co-clustering via Proximal Alternating Linearized Minimization (JS, JL, TX, JB), pp. 757–766.
ICML-2015-WangWS #analysis- A Deterministic Analysis of Noisy Sparse Subspace Clustering for Dimensionality-reduced Data (YW, YXW, AS), pp. 1422–1431.
ICML-2015-WangZ #named #parametricity- DP-space: Bayesian Nonparametric Subspace Clustering with Small-variance Asymptotics (YW, JZ), pp. 862–870.
ICML-2015-YangRV - Sparse Subspace Clustering with Missing Entries (CY, DR, RV), pp. 2463–2472.
ICML-2015-YangX15b #distributed #divide and conquer #framework #graph- A Divide and Conquer Framework for Distributed Graph Clustering (WY, HX), pp. 504–513.
KDD-2015-BegumUWK #novel- Accelerating Dynamic Time Warping Clustering with a Novel Admissible Pruning Strategy (NB, LU, JW, EJK), pp. 49–58.
KDD-2015-BotezatuBGVW #multi- Multi-View Incident Ticket Clustering for Optimal Ticket Dispatching (MMB, JB, IG, HV, DW), pp. 1711–1720.
KDD-2015-DuFASS #documentation #process- Dirichlet-Hawkes Processes with Applications to Clustering Continuous-Time Document Streams (ND, MF, AA, AJS, LS), pp. 219–228.
KDD-2015-FisherCWR #framework- A Clustering-Based Framework to Control Block Sizes for Entity Resolution (JF, PC, QW, ER), pp. 279–288.
KDD-2015-HallacLB #graph #network #optimisation #scalability- Network Lasso: Clustering and Optimization in Large Graphs (DH, JL, SB), pp. 387–396.
KDD-2015-HouWGD #programming #rank- Non-exhaustive, Overlapping Clustering via Low-Rank Semidefinite Programming (YH, JJW, DFG, ISD), pp. 427–436.
KDD-2015-LiuLWTF - Spectral Ensemble Clustering (HL, TL, JW, DT, YF), pp. 715–724.
KDD-2015-MayaMMAY #using- Discovery of Glaucoma Progressive Patterns Using Hierarchical MDL-Based Clustering (SM, KM, HM, RA, KY), pp. 1979–1988.
KDD-2015-NiTFZ #flexibility #multi #robust- Flexible and Robust Multi-Network Clustering (JN, HT, WF, XZ), pp. 835–844.
KDD-2015-PengKLC #approximate #rank #using- Subspace Clustering Using Log-determinant Rank Approximation (CP, ZK, HL, QC), pp. 925–934.
KDD-2015-RenEWTVH #effectiveness #named #recognition #type system- ClusType: Effective Entity Recognition and Typing by Relation Phrase-Based Clustering (XR, AEK, CW, FT, CRV, JH), pp. 995–1004.
KDD-2015-SongLZ - Turn Waste into Wealth: On Simultaneous Clustering and Cleaning over Dirty Data (SS, CL, XZ), pp. 1115–1124.
KDD-2015-Verroios0JG #modelling- Client Clustering for Hiring Modeling in Work Marketplaces (VV, PP, RJ, HGM), pp. 2187–2196.
KDD-2015-WangSERZH #documentation #network- Incorporating World Knowledge to Document Clustering via Heterogeneous Information Networks (CW, YS, AEK, DR, MZ, JH), pp. 1215–1224.
KDD-2015-Yi0YLW #algorithm #constraints #performance- An Efficient Semi-Supervised Clustering Algorithm with Sequential Constraints (JY, LZ, TY, WL, JW), pp. 1405–1414.
KDD-2015-ZhouLB #analysis #graph- Integrating Vertex-centric Clustering with Edge-centric Clustering for Meta Path Graph Analysis (YZ, LL, DB), pp. 1563–1572.
KDD-2015-ZhuYH #optimisation #predict- Co-Clustering based Dual Prediction for Cargo Pricing Optimization (YZ, HY, JH), pp. 1583–1592.
MLDM-2015-AmalamanE #algorithm #named- Avalanche: A Hierarchical, Divisive Clustering Algorithm (PKA, CFE), pp. 296–310.
MLDM-2015-IshayH #algorithm #integration #novel- A Novel Algorithm for the Integration of the Imputation of Missing Values and Clustering (RBI, MH), pp. 115–129.
MLDM-2015-MojahedBWI #analysis #matrix #semistructured data #similarity #using- Applying Clustering Analysis to Heterogeneous Data Using Similarity Matrix Fusion (SMF) (AM, JHBS, WW, BdlI), pp. 251–265.
MLDM-2015-OliveiraVZ #on the- On Bicluster Aggregation and its Benefits for Enumerative Solutions (SHGdO, RV, FJVZ), pp. 266–280.
MLDM-2015-TreechalongRW #using- Semi-Supervised Stream Clustering Using Labeled Data Points (KT, TR, KW), pp. 281–295.
SEKE-2015-SaberE #algorithm #array #novel- BiBinConvmean : A Novel Biclustering Algorithm for Binary Microarray Data (HBS, ME), pp. 178–181.
SIGIR-2015-HarelY #identification #query- Modularity-Based Query Clustering for Identifying Users Sharing a Common Condition (MGOH, EYT), pp. 819–822.
AdaEurope-2015-PerezGTT #concept #manycore #safety- A Safety Concept for an IEC-61508 Compliant Fail-Safe Wind Power Mixed-Criticality System Based on Multicore and Partitioning (JP, DG, ST, TT), pp. 3–17.
REFSQ-2015-DuanDCM #online #requirements- User-Constrained Clustering in Online Requirements Forums (CD, HD, JCH, BM), pp. 284–299.
SAC-2015-BarddalGE #algorithm #data type #named #social- SNCStream: a social network-based data stream clustering algorithm (JPB, HMG, FE), pp. 935–940.
SAC-2015-DiasGKT #3d #adaptation #architecture #collaboration- A dynamic-adaptive architecture for 3d collaborative virtual environments based on graphic clusters (DRCD, MdPG, TWK, LCT), pp. 480–487.
SAC-2015-GuedesBOX #graph #multi- Exploring multiple clusterings in attributed graphs (GPG, EB, ESO, GX), pp. 915–918.
SAC-2015-HanHQY - Locality-preserving L1-graph and its application in clustering (SH, HH, HQ, DY), pp. 813–818.
SAC-2015-HendersonGE #empirical #named #parametricity #performance #probability- EP-MEANS: an efficient nonparametric clustering of empirical probability distributions (KH, BG, TER), pp. 893–900.
SAC-2015-KimHC #documentation #representation #semantics- Semantically enriching text representation model for document clustering (HjK, KjH, JyC), pp. 922–925.
SAC-2015-LiuI #framework #optimisation #parallel #using- An ETL optimization framework using partitioning and parallelization (XL, NI), pp. 1015–1022.
SAC-2015-MonteiroL #power management #scalability #web- Scalable model for dynamic configuration and power management in virtualized heterogeneous web clusters (AFM, OL), pp. 464–467.
SAC-2015-RodriguesBM #approach #behaviour #correlation #energy #using- Using fractal clustering to explore behavioral correlation: a new approach to reduce energy consumption in WSN (FR, AB, JEBM), pp. 589–591.
SAC-2015-SilvaBAR #multi #prototype #using- Semi-supervised clustering using multi-assistant-prototypes to represent each cluster (WJS, MCNB, SdA, HLR), pp. 831–836.
CASE-2015-BoH #fault #process- Qualitative trend clustering of process data for fault diagnosis (ZB, YH), pp. 1584–1588.
CASE-2015-FeiAR #bound #resource management #symbolic computation #using- Symbolic computation of boundary unsafe states in complex resource allocation systems using partitioning techniques (ZF, KÅ, SAR), pp. 799–806.
CASE-2015-PanZQ #how #process #tool support- How to start-up dual-arm cluster tools involving a wafer revisiting process (CP, MZ, YQ), pp. 1194–1199.
CASE-2015-SchafaschekQC #composition #scheduling #tool support- Local modular supervisory control applied to the scheduling of cluster tools (GS, MHdQ, JERC), pp. 1381–1388.
CASE-2015-ZhuQZ #modelling #multi #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Petri net modeling and one-wafer scheduling of single-arm tree-like multi-cluster tools (QZ, YQ, MZ), pp. 292–297.
DAC-2015-JiangWS #power management #sorting- A low power unsupervised spike sorting accelerator insensitive to clustering initialization in sub-optimal feature space (ZJ, QW, MS), p. 6.
DAC-2015-MengYOLW #array #data access #memory management #parallel #performance- Efficient memory partitioning for parallel data access in multidimensional arrays (CM, SY, PO, LL, SW), p. 6.
DAC-2015-PanthSDL #3d #delivery #mobile #power management #trade-off- Tier-partitioning for power delivery vs cooling tradeoff in 3D VLSI for mobile applications (SP, KS, YD, SKL), p. 6.
DAC-2015-RahimiCMGB #embedded #hardware #memory management #scheduling #variability- Task scheduling strategies to mitigate hardware variability in embedded shared memory clusters (AR, DC, AM, RKG, LB), p. 6.
DATE-2015-0001B #energy #manycore #performance- A ultra-low-energy convolution engine for fast brain-inspired vision in multicore clusters (FC, LB), pp. 683–688.
DATE-2015-CakirM #correlation #detection #hardware #using- Hardware Trojan detection for gate-level ICs using signal correlation based clustering (BÇ, SM), pp. 471–476.
DATE-2015-CilardoG #memory management #multi- Interplay of loop unrolling and multidimensional memory partitioning in HLS (AC, LG), pp. 163–168.
DATE-2015-HuangHC #algorithm #framework #multi #problem #scalability- Clustering-based multi-touch algorithm framework for the tracking problem with a large number of points (SLH, SYH, CPC), pp. 719–724.
DATE-2015-LiDC #algorithm #power of- A scan partitioning algorithm for reducing capture power of delay-fault LBIST (NL, ED, GC), pp. 842–847.
DATE-2015-LoCH #architecture #fault- Architecture of ring-based redundant TSV for clustered faults (WHL, KC, TH), pp. 848–853.
HPCA-2015-RosDK #classification #performance- Hierarchical private/shared classification: The key to simple and efficient coherence for clustered cache hierarchies (AR, MD, SK), pp. 186–197.
HPDC-2015-SabneSE #named #pipes and filters #programming- HeteroDoop: A MapReduce Programming System for Accelerator Clusters (AS, PS, RE), pp. 235–246.
ISMM-2015-CutlerM - Reducing pause times with clustered collection (CC, RM), pp. 131–142.
PDP-2015-ArresKB #multi #optimisation- Optimizing OLAP Cubes Construction by Improving Data Placement on Multi-nodes Clusters (BA, NK, OB), pp. 520–524.
PDP-2015-CheshmiMVTT #architecture- A Clustered GALS NoC Architecture with Communication-Aware Mapping (KC, SM, DV, DT, JT), pp. 425–429.
PDP-2015-RossiXMR #energy #on the- On the Impact of Energy-Efficient Strategies in HPC Clusters (FDR, MGX, YJM, CAFDR), pp. 17–21.
PDP-2015-ZahidGBJS #algorithm #enterprise #performance- A Weighted Fat-Tree Routing Algorithm for Efficient Load-Balancing in Infini Band Enterprise Clusters (FZ, EGG, BB, BDJ, TS), pp. 35–42.
PPoPP-2015-XiangS #hardware #transaction- Software partitioning of hardware transactions (LX, MLS), pp. 76–86.
STOC-2015-ChanL #combinator #integer- Clustered Integer 3SUM via Additive Combinatorics (TMC, ML), pp. 31–40.
STOC-2015-ChawlaMSY #algorithm #graph- Near Optimal LP Rounding Algorithm for CorrelationClustering on Complete and Complete k-partite Graphs (SC, KM, TS, GY), pp. 219–228.
STOC-2015-CohenEMMP #approximate #rank #reduction- Dimensionality Reduction for k-Means Clustering and Low Rank Approximation (MBC, SE, CM, CM, MP), pp. 163–172.
STOC-2015-CzumajPS #graph #testing- Testing Cluster Structure of Graphs (AC, PP, CS), pp. 723–732.
ICST-2015-ErmanTBRA #approach #automation #development #information management #multi #navigation #testing- Navigating Information Overload Caused by Automated Testing — a Clustering Approach in Multi-Branch Development (NE, VT, MB, PR, AA), pp. 1–9.
ICTSS-2015-SultanBGDZ #algorithm #search-based- Genetic Algorithm Application for Enhancing State-Sensitivity Partitioning (AMS, SB, AAAG, JD, HZ), pp. 249–256.
SAT-2015-HyvarinenMS #smt- Search-Space Partitioning for Parallelizing SMT Solvers (AEJH, MM, NS), pp. 369–386.
VMCAI-2015-BackesR #abstraction #analysis #graph transformation #infinity- Analysis of Infinite-State Graph Transformation Systems by Cluster Abstraction (PB, JR), pp. 135–152.
WICSA-2014-SapienzaCP #architecture #multi- Architectural Decisions for HW/SW Partitioning Based on Multiple Extra-Functional Properties (GS, IC, PP), pp. 175–184.
DocEng-2014-NourashrafeddinMA #approach #concept #documentation #using #wiki- An ensemble approach for text document clustering using Wikipedia concepts (SN, EEM, DVA), pp. 107–116.
DRR-2014-DiemKFS #automation #documentation #image #retrieval- Semi-automated document image clustering and retrieval (MD, FK, SF, RS), p. ?–10.
JCDL-2014-MorenoD #induction #web #word- PageRank-based Word Sense Induction within Web Search Results Clustering (JGM, GD), pp. 465–466.
SIGMOD-2014-PolychroniouR #in memory #scalability- A comprehensive study of main-memory partitioning and its application to large-scale comparison- and radix-sort (OP, KAR), pp. 755–766.
SIGMOD-2014-ShiMWC #network- Density-based place clustering in geo-social networks (JS, NM, DW, DWC), pp. 99–110.
SIGMOD-2014-SunFKX #fine-grained- Fine-grained partitioning for aggressive data skipping (LS, MJF, SK, RSX), pp. 1115–1126.
SIGMOD-2014-TranNST #approach #named- JECB: a join-extension, code-based approach to OLTP data partitioning (KQT, JFN, BS, DT), pp. 39–50.
SIGMOD-2014-ZhuGCL #analysis #graph #sentiment #social #social media- Tripartite graph clustering for dynamic sentiment analysis on social media (LZ, AG, JC, KL), pp. 1531–1542.
VLDB-2014-KunjirKB #multi #named #towards- Thoth: Towards Managing a Multi-System Cluster (MK, PK, SB), pp. 1689–1692.
VLDB-2014-SarmaHC #framework #named #similarity #using- ClusterJoin: A Similarity Joins Framework using Map-Reduce (ADS, YH, SC), pp. 1059–1070.
VLDB-2014-SunKXF #framework- A Partitioning Framework for Aggressive Data Skipping (LS, SK, RSX, MJF), pp. 1617–1620.
VLDB-2014-XuCC #graph #named- LogGP: A Log-based Dynamic Graph Partitioning Method (NX, LC, BC), pp. 1917–1928.
VLDB-2015-TaftMSDEAPS14 #distributed #fine-grained #named #transaction- E-Store: Fine-Grained Elastic Partitioning for Distributed Transaction Processing (RT, EM, MS, JD, AJE, AA, AP, MS), pp. 245–256.
EDM-2014-BergnerSD #assessment #sequence #visualisation- Visualization and Confirmatory Clustering of Sequence Data from a Simulation-Based Assessment Task (YB, ZS, AAvD), pp. 177–184.
EDM-2014-ValeMA #education #evolution #mining- Mining coherent evolution patterns in education through biclustering (AV, SCM, CA), pp. 391–392.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-AlalfiCD #analysis #experience #industrial- Analysis and clustering of model clones: An automotive industrial experience (MHA, JRC, TRD), pp. 375–378.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-SantosVA #analysis #semantics #using- Remodularization analysis using semantic clustering (GS, MTV, NA), pp. 224–233.
ICPC-2014-WenT #evaluation #product line- The MoJo family: a story about clustering evaluation (ZW, VT), p. 2.
ICSME-2014-Muske #analysis #overview- Improving Review of Clustered-Code Analysis Warnings (TM), pp. 569–572.
ICSME-2014-YamauchiYHHK #commit #comprehension #implementation- Clustering Commits for Understanding the Intents of Implementation (KY, JY, KH, YH, SK), pp. 406–410.
ICALP-v1-2014-MakarychevM #graph- Nonuniform Graph Partitioning with Unrelated Weights (KM, YM), pp. 812–822.
AIIDE-2014-NogueiraARON #fuzzy #modelling- Fuzzy Affective Player Models: A Physiology-Based Hierarchical Clustering Method (PAN, RA, RAR, ECO, LEN).
CIG-2014-BauckhageSDTH #behaviour #game studies #heatmap #using- Beyond heatmaps: Spatio-temporal clustering using behavior-based partitioning of game levels (CB, RS, AD, CT, FH), pp. 1–8.
CIG-2014-JustesenTTR - Script- and cluster-based UCT for StarCraft (NJ, BT, JT, SR), pp. 1–8.
CHI-2014-SunBNR #interactive- The role of interactive biclusters in sensemaking (MS, LB, CLN, NR), pp. 1559–1562.
CSCW-2014-AndreKD #category theory #synthesis- Crowd synthesis: extracting categories and clusters from complex data (PA, AK, SPD), pp. 989–998.
HIMI-AS-2014-XingGLK - Decision Support Based on Time-Series Analytics: A Cluster Methodology (WX, RG, NL, TRK), pp. 217–225.
HIMI-DE-2014-BoscarioliVTR #human-computer #tool support- Analyzing HCI Issues in Data Clustering Tools (CB, JV, MFT, VHR), pp. 22–33.
HIMI-DE-2014-SugayaNT #recognition #using- Enhancement of Accuracy of Hand Shape Recognition Using Color Calibration by Clustering Scheme and Majority Voting Method (TS, HN, HT), pp. 251–260.
HIMI-DE-2014-ValdezSZH #network #platform #research #scalability #social #visualisation- Enhancing Interdisciplinary Cooperation by Social Platforms — Assessing the Usefulness of Bibliometric Social Network Visualization in Large-Scale Research Clusters (ACV, AKS, MZ, AH), pp. 298–309.
ICEIS-v1-2014-AmorimC #evaluation- Paired Indices for Clustering Evaluation — Correction for Agreement by Chance (MJA, MGMSC), pp. 164–170.
ICEIS-v1-2014-HuangZZ #generative #multi- Multi-domain Schema Clustering and Hierarchical Mediated Schema Generation (QH, CZ, JZ), pp. 111–118.
ICEIS-v1-2014-SilvaLS #integration #maintenance #semantics- A Proposal to Maintain the Semantic Balance in Cluster-based Data Integration Systems (ERdS, BFL, ACS), pp. 90–98.
ICEIS-v2-2014-BorattoC #collaboration #recommendation #using- Using Collaborative Filtering to Overcome the Curse of Dimensionality when Clustering Users in a Group Recommender System (LB, SC), pp. 564–572.
CIKM-2014-ChatzistergiouV #data type #heuristic #performance- Fast Heuristics for Near-Optimal Task Allocation in Data Stream Processing over Clusters (AC, SDV), pp. 1579–1588.
CIKM-2014-Deolalikar14a #behaviour #modelling #parametricity #retrieval- Parameter Tuning with User Models: Influencing Aggregate User Behavior in Cluster Based Retrieval Systems (VD), pp. 1823–1826.
CIKM-2014-Deolalikar14b #documentation #what- What is the Shape of a Cluster?: Structural Comparisons of Document Clusters (VD), pp. 1927–1930.
CIKM-2014-HeiseKN - Estimating the Number and Sizes of Fuzzy-Duplicate Clusters (AH, GK, FN), pp. 959–968.
CIKM-2014-NguyenL #multi- Dynamic Clustering of Contextual Multi-Armed Bandits (TTN, HWL), pp. 1959–1962.
CIKM-2014-NtoutsiSRK #difference #quote #recommendation- “Strength Lies in Differences”: Diversifying Friends for Recommendations through Subspace Clustering (EN, KS, KR, HPK), pp. 729–738.
CIKM-2014-QianZ #feature model #multi #web- Unsupervised Feature Selection for Multi-View Clustering on Text-Image Web News Data (MQ, CZ), pp. 1963–1966.
CIKM-2014-ShiWLYW #network- Ranking-based Clustering on General Heterogeneous Information Networks by Network Projection (CS, RW, YL, PSY, BW), pp. 699–708.
CIKM-2014-VlachosFMKV #quality #recommendation- Improving Co-Cluster Quality with Application to Product Recommendations (MV, FF, CM, ATK, VGV), pp. 679–688.
CIKM-2014-XuLL #collaboration #community #overview- Collaborative Filtering Incorporating Review Text and Co-clusters of Hidden User Communities and Item Groups (YX, WL, TL), pp. 251–260.
CIKM-2014-YangLLLH #automation #detection #multi #social #using- Automatic Social Circle Detection Using Multi-View Clustering (YY, CL, XL, BL, JH), pp. 1019–1028.
CIKM-2014-ZhangXTW0 #framework #generative #named #platform #wiki- WiiCluster: a Platform for Wikipedia Infobox Generation (KZ, YX, HT, HW, WW), pp. 2033–2035.
ECIR-2014-CamposDJN #interface #named #query- GTE-Cluster: A Temporal Search Interface for Implicit Temporal Queries (RC, GD, AMJ, CN), pp. 775–779.
ECIR-2014-FrommholzA #on the- On Clustering and Polyrepresentation (IF, MKA), pp. 618–623.
ECIR-2014-Kurland #information retrieval- The Cluster Hypothesis in Information Retrieval (OK), pp. 823–826.
ECIR-2014-LiangRR #documentation #microblog #semantics- The Impact of Semantic Document Expansion on Cluster-Based Fusion for Microblog Search (SL, ZR, MdR), pp. 493–499.
ECIR-2014-Moe - Improvements to Suffix Tree Clustering (REM), pp. 662–667.
ICML-c1-2014-GopalY #modelling- Von Mises-Fisher Clustering Models (SG, YY), pp. 154–162.
ICML-c1-2014-LajugieBA #learning #metric #problem- Large-Margin Metric Learning for Constrained Partitioning Problems (RL, FRB, SA), pp. 297–305.
ICML-c1-2014-NguyenPNVB #multi #parametricity- Bayesian Nonparametric Multilevel Clustering with Group-Level Contexts (TVN, DQP, XN, SV, HB), pp. 288–296.
ICML-c1-2014-SamdaniCR #online- A Discriminative Latent Variable Model for Online Clustering (RS, KWC, DR), pp. 1–9.
ICML-c1-2014-SteegGSD - Demystifying Information-Theoretic Clustering (GVS, AG, FS, SD), pp. 19–27.
ICML-c2-2014-AwasthiBV #algorithm #interactive- Local algorithms for interactive clustering (PA, MFB, KV), pp. 550–558.
ICML-c2-2014-Ben-DavidH - Clustering in the Presence of Background Noise (SBD, NH), pp. 280–288.
ICML-c2-2014-CarlssonMRS #network #symmetry- Hierarchical Quasi-Clustering Methods for Asymmetric Networks (GEC, FM, AR, SS), pp. 352–360.
ICML-c2-2014-ChenLX #graph #nondeterminism- Weighted Graph Clustering with Non-Uniform Uncertainties (YC, SHL, HX), pp. 1566–1574.
ICML-c2-2014-GentileLZ #online- Online Clustering of Bandits (CG, SL, GZ), pp. 757–765.
ICML-c2-2014-RomanoBNV #standard- Standardized Mutual Information for Clustering Comparisons: One Step Further in Adjustment for Chance (SR, JB, XVN, KV), pp. 1143–1151.
ICML-c2-2014-Yi0WJJ #algorithm- A Single-Pass Algorithm for Efficiently Recovering Sparse Cluster Centers of High-dimensional Data (JY, LZ, JW, RJ, AKJ), pp. 658–666.
ICPR-2014-BauckhageM #analysis #kernel #web- Kernel Archetypal Analysis for Clustering Web Search Frequency Time Series (CB, KM), pp. 1544–1549.
ICPR-2014-BloomMA #online #recognition- Clustered Spatio-temporal Manifolds for Online Action Recognition (VB, DM, VA), pp. 3963–3968.
ICPR-2014-BruneauPO #algorithm #automation #heuristic- A Heuristic for the Automatic Parametrization of the Spectral Clustering Algorithm (PB, OP, BO), pp. 1313–1318.
ICPR-2014-Cardenas-PenaOCAC #3d #kernel #representation- A Kernel-Based Representation to Support 3D MRI Unsupervised Clustering (DCP, MOA, AECO, AMÁM, GCD), pp. 3203–3208.
ICPR-2014-ChakeriH #approach #framework #game studies #set- Dominant Sets as a Framework for Cluster Ensembles: An Evolutionary Game Theory Approach (AC, LOH), pp. 3457–3462.
ICPR-2014-ChamroukhiBG #parametricity- Bayesian Non-parametric Parsimonious Gaussian Mixture for Clustering (FC, MB, HG), pp. 1460–1465.
ICPR-2014-ChandrasekharTMLLL #graph #incremental #performance #retrieval #streaming #video- Incremental Graph Clustering for Efficient Retrieval from Streaming Egocentric Video Data (VC, CT, WM, LL, XL, JHL), pp. 2631–2636.
ICPR-2014-ChaudhariM #matrix #semistructured data #symmetry #using- Average Overlap for Clustering Incomplete Data Using Symmetric Non-negative Matrix Factorization (SC, MNM), pp. 1431–1436.
ICPR-2014-DeCannRC #on the- On Clustering Human Gait Patterns (BD, AR, MC), pp. 1794–1799.
ICPR-2014-DiotFJMM #graph- Unsupervised Tracking from Clustered Graph Patterns (FD, ÉF, BJ, EM, OM), pp. 3678–3683.
ICPR-2014-DumonceauxRG #algebra #approach- An Algebraic Approach to Ensemble Clustering (FD, GR, MG), pp. 1301–1306.
ICPR-2014-FahadTR #classification #process #recognition #smarttech #using- Activity Recognition in Smart Homes Using Clustering Based Classification (LGF, SFT, MR), pp. 1348–1353.
ICPR-2014-GuoZLCZ #kernel #learning #multi- Multiple Kernel Learning Based Multi-view Spectral Clustering (DG, JZ, XL, YC, CZ), pp. 3774–3779.
ICPR-2014-HasnatAT #image #using- Unsupervised Clustering of Depth Images Using Watson Mixture Model (MAH, OA, AT), pp. 214–219.
ICPR-2014-HouXCXQ #robust #set- Robust Clustering Based on Dominant Sets (JH, EX, LC, QX, NQ), pp. 1466–1471.
ICPR-2014-HuangHWW #network- Deep Embedding Network for Clustering (PH, YH, WW, LW), pp. 1532–1537.
ICPR-2014-IoannidisCL #modelling #multi #using- Key-Frame Extraction Using Weighted Multi-view Convex Mixture Models and Spectral Clustering (AI, VC, AL), pp. 3463–3468.
ICPR-2014-KrawczykWC #classification #fuzzy- Weighted One-Class Classifier Ensemble Based on Fuzzy Feature Space Partitioning (BK, MW, BC), pp. 2838–2843.
ICPR-2014-LefevreAG - Brain Lobes Revealed by Spectral Clustering (JL, GA, DG), pp. 562–567.
ICPR-2014-MarcaciniDHR #approach #documentation #learning #metric- Privileged Information for Hierarchical Document Clustering: A Metric Learning Approach (RMM, MAD, ERH, SOR), pp. 3636–3641.
ICPR-2014-Mishra0M #database #on the #validation- On Validation of Clustering Techniques for Bibliographic Databases (SM, SS, SM), pp. 3150–3155.
ICPR-2014-RazafindramananaRV #incremental- Incremental Delaunay Triangulation Construction for Clustering (OR, FR, GV), pp. 1354–1359.
ICPR-2014-RosaCJPFT #network #on the #using- On the Training of Artificial Neural Networks with Radial Basis Function Using Optimum-Path Forest Clustering (GHR, KAPC, LAPJ, JPP, AXF, JMRST), pp. 1472–1477.
ICPR-2014-TasdemirMY #approximate- Geodesic Based Similarities for Approximate Spectral Clustering (KT, YM, IY), pp. 1360–1364.
ICPR-2014-XiaPQ - Face Clustering in Photo Album (SYX, HP, AKQ), pp. 2844–2848.
ICPR-2014-YanRLSS #analysis #invariant #linear #multi #recognition- Clustered Multi-task Linear Discriminant Analysis for View Invariant Color-Depth Action Recognition (YY, ER, GL, RS, NS), pp. 3493–3498.
ICPR-2014-ZouYCDJ #correlation #topic #video- A Belief Based Correlated Topic Model for Trajectory Clustering in Crowded Video Scenes (JZ, QY, YC, DSD, JJ), pp. 2543–2548.
KDD-2014-BonchiGL #correlation #theory and practice- Correlation clustering: from theory to practice (FB, DGS, EL), p. 1972.
KDD-2014-ChierichettiDK #correlation #pipes and filters- Correlation clustering in MapReduce (FC, NND, RK), pp. 641–650.
KDD-2014-FuXGYZZ #dependence #ranking- Exploiting geographic dependencies for real estate appraisal: a mutual perspective of ranking and clustering (YF, HX, YG, ZY, YZ, ZHZ), pp. 1047–1056.
KDD-2014-GolshanLT - Profit-maximizing cluster hires (BG, TL, ET), pp. 1196–1205.
KDD-2014-GunnemannFRS #multi #named- SMVC: semi-supervised multi-view clustering in subspace projections (SG, IF, MR, TS), pp. 253–262.
KDD-2014-HeFKMP #category theory- Relevant overlapping subspace clusters on categorical data (XH, JF, BK, STM, CP), pp. 213–222.
KDD-2014-LinRRYRF #enterprise #scalability- Unveiling clusters of events for alert and incident management in large-scale enterprise it (DL, RR, VR, JY, RR, JF), pp. 1630–1639.
KDD-2014-NieWH #adaptation- Clustering and projected clustering with adaptive neighbors (FN, XW, HH), pp. 977–986.
KDD-2014-PerozziASM #detection #graph #scalability- Focused clustering and outlier detection in large attributed graphs (BP, LA, PIS, EM), pp. 1346–1355.
KDD-2014-RenLYKGWH #effectiveness #named #recommendation- ClusCite: effective citation recommendation by information network-based clustering (XR, JL, XY, UK, QG, LW, JH), pp. 821–830.
KDD-2014-RossCCD #process- Dual beta process priors for latent cluster discovery in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (JCR, PJC, MHC, JGD), pp. 155–162.
KDD-2014-YinW #approach #modelling #multi- A dirichlet multinomial mixture model-based approach for short text clustering (JY, JW), pp. 233–242.
KDD-2014-ZufleESMZR #nondeterminism- Representative clustering of uncertain data (AZ, TE, KAS, NM, AZ, MR), pp. 243–252.
KDIR-2014-BigdeliMRM #summary- Arbitrary Shape Cluster Summarization with Gaussian Mixture Model (EB, MM, BR, SM), pp. 43–52.
KDIR-2014-JohnsonC #identification #network- Mathematical Foundations of Networks Supporting Cluster Identification (JEJ, JWC), pp. 277–285.
KDIR-2014-OliveiraBSC #automation #classification #twitter- Combining Clustering and Classification Approaches for Reducing the Effort of Automatic Tweets Classification (EO, HGB, MRS, PMC), pp. 465–472.
KMIS-2014-PascalT #experience #framework #information management #memory management #platform- Transactive Memory System in Clusters — The Knowledge Management Platform Experience (AP, CT), pp. 5–14.
MLDM-2014-BaroutiKKM #data type #distributed #monitoring- Monitoring Distributed Data Streams through Node Clustering (MB, DK, JK, YM), pp. 149–162.
MLDM-2014-HassaniSS #adaptation #multi- Adaptive Multiple-Resolution Stream Clustering (MH, PS, TS), pp. 134–148.
MLDM-2014-JayabalR #modelling #performance #student- Clustering Students Based on Student’s Performance — A Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM) Study (YJ, CR), pp. 393–407.
MLDM-2014-Manzanilla-SalazarEG #classification #fault- Minimizing Cluster Errors in LP-Based Nonlinear Classification (OMS, JEK, UMGP), pp. 163–174.
RecSys-2014-PetroniQ #distributed #graph #matrix #named #probability- GASGD: stochastic gradient descent for distributed asynchronous matrix completion via graph partitioning (FP, LQ), pp. 241–248.
SEKE-2014-BarnesL #analysis- Text-Based Clustering and Analysis of Intelligent Argumentation Data (ECB, XFL), pp. 422–425.
SEKE-2014-SalmanSD #feature model #information retrieval- Feature Location in a Collection of Product Variants: Combining Information Retrieval and Hierarchical Clustering (HES, AS, CD), pp. 426–430.
SIGIR-2014-AmigoGM #effectiveness #metric #retrieval- A general account of effectiveness metrics for information tasks: retrieval, filtering, and clustering (EA, JG, SM), p. 1289.
SIGIR-2014-MorenoDC #query #web- Query log driven web search results clustering (JGM, GD, GC), pp. 777–786.
SIGIR-2014-RaiberK14a #correlation #effectiveness #retrieval #testing- The correlation between cluster hypothesis tests and the effectiveness of cluster-based retrieval (FR, OK), pp. 1155–1158.
SIGIR-2014-RoitmanHS #approach- A fusion approach to cluster labeling (HR, SH, MSS), pp. 883–886.
SIGIR-2014-Sebastian #predict #semantics #using- Cluster links prediction for literature based discovery using latent structure and semantic features (YS), p. 1275.
AMT-2014-RentschlerWNHR #automation #legacy #model transformation- Remodularizing Legacy Model Transformations with Automatic Clustering Techniques (AR, DW, QN, LH, RR), pp. 4–13.
SAC-2014-AhmedWK #energy #named #performance- EENC — energy efficient nested clustering in UASN (SHA, AW, DK), pp. 706–710.
SAC-2014-BaeCPJKC #effectiveness #memory management- An effective data clustering method based on expected update time in flash memory environment (DHB, JWC, SMP, BSJ, SWK, SjC), pp. 1492–1497.
SAC-2014-BertoutFO #automation #heuristic #realtime #set- A heuristic to minimize the cardinality of a real-time task set by automated task clustering (AB, JF, RO), pp. 1431–1436.
SAC-2014-ChangHL #adaptation #optimisation #using- Optimizing FTL mapping cache for random-write workloads using adaptive block partitioning (LPC, SMH, WPL), pp. 1504–1510.
SAC-2014-HuangYKYLYGFQ #analysis #self- Diffusion-based clustering analysis of coherent X-ray scattering patterns of self-assembled nanoparticles (HH, SY, KK, KGY, FL, DY, OG, AF, HQ), pp. 85–90.
SAC-2014-LeePKH - Per-cluster allocation of relocation staff on electric vehicle sharing systems (JL, GLP, JK, NH), pp. 1541–1542.
SAC-2014-LiW #matrix #multi- Single multiplicatively updated matrix factorization for co-clustering (ZL, XW), pp. 97–104.
SAC-2014-SahuR #runtime- Creating heterogeneity at run time by dynamic cache and bandwidth partitioning schemes (AS, SR), pp. 872–879.
SAC-2014-SeelandKK #graph- Structural clustering of millions of molecular graphs (MS, AK, SK), pp. 121–128.
SAC-2014-TinK #distributed #performance- Method for fast clustering of data distributed on a sphere surface (TT, SRK), pp. 1735–1736.
SAC-2014-XavierOPR #database #in the cloud #platform #towards- Towards better manageability of database clusters on cloud computing platforms (MGX, ICDO, RDDP, CAFDR), pp. 366–367.
ASPLOS-2014-DelimitrouK #named- Quasar: resource-efficient and QoS-aware cluster management (CD, CK), pp. 127–144.
CASE-2014-YangWQZ #multi #scheduling #tool support- Optimal scheduling of single-arm multi-cluster tools with two-space buffering modules (FY, NW, YQ, MZ), pp. 75–80.
CASE-2014-YanLBSDG #energy- Energy-efficient building clusters (BY, PBL, MAB, CS, CD, ZG), pp. 966–971.
CASE-2014-ZhuWQZ #analysis #constraints #modelling #multi #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Modeling and schedulability analysis of single-arm multi-cluster tools with residency time constraints via Petri nets (QZ, NW, YQ, MZ), pp. 81–86.
DAC-2014-CongLXZ #architecture #reuse- An Optimal Microarchitecture for Stencil Computation Acceleration Based on Non-Uniform Partitioning of Data Reuse Buffers (JC, PL, BX, PZ), p. 6.
DAC-2014-KozhikkottuPPDR #parallel #source code #thread- Variation Aware Cache Partitioning for Multithreaded Programs (VJK, AP, VSP, SD, AR), p. 6.
DAC-2014-LiangC #analysis #named #network #probability #reduction #scalability #smarttech- ClusRed: Clustering and Network Reduction Based Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow Analysis for Large-Scale Smart Grids (YL, DC), p. 6.
DATE-2014-AguileraLFMSK #algorithm #multi #process- Process variation-aware workload partitioning algorithms for GPUs supporting spatial-multitasking (PA, JL, AFF, KM, MJS, NSK), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-BurgioDMCB #hardware #programmable #scalability- A tightly-coupled hardware controller to improve scalability and programmability of shared-memory heterogeneous clusters (PB, RD, AM, PC, LB), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-BurgioTCMB #embedded #hardware #memory management #parallel- Tightly-coupled hardware support to dynamic parallelism acceleration in embedded shared memory clusters (PB, GT, FC, AM, LB), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-PapadimitriouHBML #fault #injection #modelling #multi #towards- A multiple fault injection methodology based on cone partitioning towards RTL modeling of laser attacks (AP, DH, VB, PM, RL), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-ZhangWSX - Lifetime holes aware register allocation for clustered VLIW processors (XZ, HW, HS, JX), pp. 1–4.
HPCA-2014-0001A #energy- Implications of high energy proportional servers on cluster-wide energy proportionality (DW, MA), pp. 142–153.
HPCA-2014-HeirmanCCHJE #architecture #thread- Undersubscribed threading on clustered cache architectures (WH, TEC, KVC, IH, AJ, LE), pp. 678–689.
HPCA-2014-KhanAWMJ #performance #using- Improving cache performance using read-write partitioning (SMK, ARA, CW, OM, DAJ), pp. 452–463.
HPCA-2014-PhamBEL - Increasing TLB reach by exploiting clustering in page translations (BP, AB, YE, GHL), pp. 558–567.
HPCA-2014-XieTHC #memory management #throughput- Improving system throughput and fairness simultaneously in shared memory CMP systems via Dynamic Bank Partitioning (MX, DT, KH, XC), pp. 344–355.
HPDC-2014-ChenWDZXJS #scheduling- Communication-driven scheduling for virtual clusters in cloud (HC, SW, SD, BBZ, ZX, HJ, XS), pp. 125–128.
HPDC-2014-El-HelwHB #manycore #named #pipes and filters- Glasswing: accelerating mapreduce on multi-core and many-core clusters (IEH, RFHH, HEB), pp. 295–298.
LCTES-2014-ChandramohanO #design #energy #source code- Partitioning data-parallel programs for heterogeneous MPSoCs: time and energy design space exploration (KC, MFPO), pp. 73–82.
LCTES-2014-MartinsNDMC #compilation #optimisation #sequence #using- Exploration of compiler optimization sequences using clustering-based selection (LGAM, RN, ACBD, EM, JMPC), pp. 63–72.
OSDI-2014-VenkataramanPAFS #power of #scheduling- The Power of Choice in Data-Aware Cluster Scheduling (SV, AP, GA, MJF, IS), pp. 301–316.
PDP-2014-DangSHH - Parallelized Clustering of Protein Structures on CUDA-Enabled GPUs (HVD, BS, AH, AKH), pp. 1–8.
PDP-2014-GrandjeanU #2d #difference #distributed #finite #memory management #on the #parallel- On Partitioning Two Dimensional Finite Difference Meshes for Distributed Memory Parallel Computers (AG, BU), pp. 9–16.
PDP-2014-SmithWWA #approach #distributed- A Cluster-Based Approach to Consensus Based Distributed Task Allocation (DS, JW, SRW, AAA), pp. 428–431.
PDP-2014-XavierNR #comparison #performance #pipes and filters- A Performance Comparison of Container-Based Virtualization Systems for MapReduce Clusters (MGX, MVN, CAFDR), pp. 299–306.
PDP-2014-ZlydarevaMMOO #network- Event-Oriented Focal Weight-Based Clustering for Environmental Wireless Sensor Networks (OZ, BFM, WGM, JJO, GMPO), pp. 170–173.
PPoPP-2014-RodriguesJDH #algorithm #interface #named #programming- Triolet: a programming system that unifies algorithmic skeleton interfaces for high-performance cluster computing (CIR, TBJ, AD, WmWH), pp. 247–258.
STOC-2014-KrishnaswamyNPS #approximate #design #energy #network #performance- Cluster before you hallucinate: approximating node-capacitated network design and energy efficient routing (RK, VN, KP, CS), pp. 734–743.
ISSTA-2014-JustEF #analysis #execution #mutation testing #performance- Efficient mutation analysis by propagating and partitioning infected execution states (RJ, MDE, GF), pp. 315–326.
DocEng-2013-CarelCBO #documentation #image #segmentation- Dominant color segmentation of administrative document images by hierarchical clustering (EC, VC, JCB, JMO), pp. 115–118.
DocEng-2013-MarcaciniR #incremental- Incremental hierarchical text clustering with privileged information (RMM, SOR), pp. 231–232.
DocEng-2013-NourashrafeddinMA #documentation #interactive #using- Interactive text document clustering using feature labeling (SN, EEM, DVA), pp. 61–70.
DocEng-2013-YelogluMZ #concept #documentation #wiki- Beyond term clusters: assigning Wikipedia concepts to scientific documents (OY, EEM, ANZH), pp. 233–234.
DRR-2013-AriesON #algorithm #automation #classification #summary #using- Using clustering and a modified classification algorithm for automatic text summarization (AA, HO, ON).
ICDAR-2013-GarzFBI #approach- A Binarization-Free Clustering Approach to Segment Curved Text Lines in Historical Manuscripts (AG, AF, HB, RI), pp. 1290–1294.
ICDAR-2013-TatawRK #using- Clustering of Symbols Using Minimal Description Length (OMT, TR, EJK), pp. 180–184.
ICDAR-2013-WalhaDLGA #image #multi- Multiple Learned Dictionaries Based Clustered Sparse Coding for the Super-Resolution of Single Text Image (RW, FD, FL, CG, AMA), pp. 484–488.
JCDL-2013-GongKZB #behaviour #case study #effectiveness #interactive #retrieval- Interactive search result clustering: a study of user behavior and retrieval effectiveness (XG, WK, YZ, RB), pp. 167–170.
JCDL-2013-Ke #documentation- Information-theoretic term weighting schemes for document clustering (WK), pp. 143–152.
JCDL-2013-Organisciak #corpus- Addressing diverse corpora with cluster-based term weighting (PO), pp. 163–166.
SIGMOD-2013-NobariTHKBA #in memory #named- TOUCH: in-memory spatial join by hierarchical data-oriented partitioning (SN, FT, TH, PK, SB, AA), pp. 701–712.
SIGMOD-2013-SchaffnerJKKPFJ #database #in memory #named #robust- RTP: robust tenant placement for elastic in-memory database clusters (JS, TJ, MK, TK, HP, MJF, DJ), pp. 773–784.
VLDB-2013-AbbasogluGF - Aggregate Profile Clustering for Telco Analytics (MAA, BG, HF), pp. 1234–1237.
VLDB-2013-EftekharK #data flow #ranking- Partitioning and Ranking Tagged Data Sources (ME, NK), pp. 229–240.
VLDB-2013-HuaiMLO0 #comprehension- Understanding Insights into the Basic Structure and Essential Issues of Table Placement Methods in Clusters (YH, SM, RL, OO, XZ), pp. 1750–1761.
VLDB-2013-LeeL #graph #query #rdf #scalability #semantics- Scaling Queries over Big RDF Graphs with Semantic Hash Partitioning (KL, LL), pp. 1894–1905.
VLDB-2013-LiKHYYS #memory management #performance #string- Memory Efficient Minimum Substring Partitioning (YL, PK, FH, SY, XY, SS), pp. 169–180.
VLDB-2013-RekatsinasDM #multi- A SPARSI: Partitioning Sensitive Data amongst Multiple Adversaries (TR, AD, AM), pp. 1594–1605.
VLDB-2014-CaoR13 #performance #query- High Performance Stream Query Processing With Correlation-Aware Partitioning (LC, EAR), pp. 265–276.
ITiCSE-2013-Malan - From cluster to cloud to appliance (DJM), pp. 88–92.
CSMR-2013-CsabaSBJHG #metric #quality- Relating Clusterization Measures and Software Quality (BC, LS, ÁB, JJ, PH, TG), pp. 345–348.
ICPC-2013-MahmoudN #algorithm #comprehension- Evaluating software clustering algorithms in the context of program comprehension (AM, NN), pp. 162–171.
SCAM-2013-AnnervazKMSTM - Code clustering workbench (KMA, VSK, JM, SS, GT, AM), pp. 31–36.
SCAM-2013-BeszedesSCGJG #dependence #empirical- Empirical investigation of SEA-based dependence cluster properties (ÁB, LS, BC, TG, JJ, TG), pp. 1–10.
SCAM-2013-MuskeBS #overview #reduction #static analysis- Review efforts reduction by partitioning of static analysis warnings (TBM, AB, TS), pp. 106–115.
WCRE-2013-FryW #fault #maintenance #static analysis- Clustering static analysis defect reports to reduce maintenance costs (ZPF, WW), pp. 282–291.
CIAA-J-2012-Berlinkov13 #automaton- Synchronizing quasi-Eulerian and quasi-One-Cluster Automata (MVB), pp. 729–746.
ICALP-v1-2013-AumullerD - Optimal Partitioning for Dual Pivot Quicksort — (MA, MD), pp. 33–44.
ICALP-v1-2013-DinurG - Clustering in the Boolean Hypercube in a List Decoding Regime (ID, EG), pp. 413–424.
FDG-2013-DrachenTSB #behaviour #comparison- A comparison of methods for player clustering via behavioral telemetry (AD, CT, RS, CB), pp. 245–252.
DHM-HB-2013-WangH13a #re-engineering- Model Reconstruction of Human Buttocks and the Shape Clustering (LW, XH), pp. 245–251.
HCI-III-2013-YangWC #fuzzy #image #kernel #segmentation #similarity- Kernel Fuzzy Similarity Measure-Based Spectral Clustering for Image Segmentation (YY, YW, YmC), pp. 246–253.
ICEIS-v1-2013-IsmailHQDE #evaluation #query #simulation #using- Clustering using Hypergraph for P2P Query Routing — Simulation and Evaluation (AI, MH, MQ, ND, MES), pp. 247–254.
CIKM-2013-Caruana #approximate #named #question- Clustering: probably approximately useless? (RC), pp. 1259–1260.
CIKM-2013-GilpinQD #dataset #performance #scalability- Efficient hierarchical clustering of large high dimensional datasets (SG, BQ, ID), pp. 1371–1380.
CIKM-2013-HachenbergG #classification #documentation #locality #scalability #web- Locality sensitive hashing for scalable structural classification and clustering of web documents (CH, TG), pp. 359–368.
CIKM-2013-LiHZW #mining- Mining entity attribute synonyms via compact clustering (YL, BJPH, CZ, KW), pp. 867–872.
CIKM-2013-MackoMS #graph- Local clustering in provenance graphs (PM, DWM, MIS), pp. 835–840.
CIKM-2013-QiuYJ #interactive #modelling- Modeling interaction features for debate side clustering (MQ, LY, JJ), pp. 873–878.
CIKM-2013-SchneiderV #performance #random- Fast parameterless density-based clustering via random projections (JS, MV), pp. 861–866.
CIKM-2013-YuanWJL #graph #performance #streaming- Efficient processing of streaming graphs for evolution-aware clustering (MY, KLW, GJS, YL), pp. 319–328.
ECIR-2013-MirkinS - Least Square Consensus Clustering: Criteria, Methods, Experiments (BGM, AS), pp. 764–767.
ECIR-2013-MorenoD #image #interface #mobile #using #web- Using Text-Based Web Image Search Results Clustering to Minimize Mobile Devices Wasted Space-Interface (JGM, GD), pp. 532–544.
ICML-c1-2013-BuhlerRSH #community #detection #set #source code- Constrained fractional set programs and their application in local clustering and community detection (TB, SSR, SS, MH), pp. 624–632.
ICML-c1-2013-WangX - Noisy Sparse Subspace Clustering (YXW, HX), pp. 89–97.
ICML-c2-2013-HanczarN - Precision-recall space to correct external indices for biclustering (BH, MN), pp. 136–144.
ICML-c2-2013-Rebagliati #fault #normalisation #strict- Strict Monotonicity of Sum of Squares Error and Normalized Cut in the Lattice of Clusterings (NR), pp. 163–171.
ICML-c2-2013-WestonMY #ranking #sublinear- Label Partitioning For Sublinear Ranking (JW, AM, HY), pp. 181–189.
ICML-c2-2013-WulffUB - Monochromatic Bi-Clustering (SW, RU, SBD), pp. 145–153.
ICML-c3-2013-AilonCX #graph- Breaking the Small Cluster Barrier of Graph Clustering (NA, YC, HX), pp. 995–1003.
ICML-c3-2013-WangNH13a #learning #multi- Multi-View Clustering and Feature Learning via Structured Sparsity (HW, FN, HH), pp. 352–360.
ICML-c3-2013-YiZJQJ #matrix #similarity- Semi-supervised Clustering by Input Pattern Assisted Pairwise Similarity Matrix Completion (JY, LZ, RJ, QQ, AKJ), pp. 1400–1408.
ICML-c3-2013-ZhuLM #algorithm- A Local Algorithm for Finding Well-Connected Clusters (ZAZ, SL, VSM), pp. 396–404.
KDD-2013-ChengZGWSW #flexibility #graph #multi #robust- Flexible and robust co-regularized multi-domain graph clustering (WC, XZ, ZG, YW, PFS, WW), pp. 320–328.
KDD-2013-ChenLYSY #optimisation #query- Query clustering based on bid landscape for sponsored search auction optimization (YC, WL, JY, AS, TWY), pp. 1150–1158.
KDD-2013-KuangP #documentation #matrix #performance- Fast rank-2 nonnegative matrix factorization for hierarchical document clustering (DK, HP), pp. 739–747.
KDD-2013-NishimuraU #algorithm #graph- Restreaming graph partitioning: simple versatile algorithms for advanced balancing (JN, JU), pp. 1106–1114.
KDD-2013-RaederPDSP #reduction #scalability #using- Scalable supervised dimensionality reduction using clustering (TR, CP, BD, OS, FJP), pp. 1213–1221.
KDD-2013-UganderKBK #graph #multi #network- Graph cluster randomization: network exposure to multiple universes (JU, BK, LB, JMK), pp. 329–337.
KDD-2013-WangDYWCSI #data mining #framework #identification #mining #towards- Towards long-lead forecasting of extreme flood events: a data mining framework for precipitation cluster precursors identification (DW, WD, KY, XW, PC, DLS, SI), pp. 1285–1293.
KDD-2013-ZhouL #network #social- Social influence based clustering of heterogeneous information networks (YZ, LL), pp. 338–346.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-CunhaFM #documentation #integration- Clustering and Classifying Text Documents — A Revisit to Tagging Integration Methods (EC, ÁF, ÓM), pp. 160–168.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-DuarteFD #constraints #using #validation- Data Clustering Validation using Constraints (JMMD, ALNF, FJFD), pp. 17–27.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-KolerovaOB #case study #industrial- Information and Knowledge Sharing in Industrial Clusters — Theoretical Background and a Case Study (KK, TO, VB), pp. 457–463.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-NcirE #on the #question- On the Extension of k-Means for Overlapping Clustering — Average or Sum of Clusters’ Representatives? (CEBN, NE), pp. 208–213.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-VensVB - Semi-supervised Clustering with Example Clusters (CV, BV, HB), pp. 45–51.
MLDM-2013-ParraL #dataset #using- Unsupervised Tagging of Spanish Lyrics Dataset Using Clustering (FLP, EL), pp. 130–143.
MLDM-2013-SappP #classification #predict- Accuracy-Based Classification EM: Combining Clustering with Prediction (SS, AP), pp. 458–465.
RecSys-2013-MirbakhshL #collaboration- Clustering-based factorized collaborative filtering (NM, CXL), pp. 315–318.
SIGIR-2013-CenDSO #adaptation #ambiguity- Author disambiguation by hierarchical agglomerative clustering with adaptive stopping criterion (LC, ECD, LS, MO), pp. 741–744.
SIGIR-2013-Kurland #information retrieval- The cluster hypothesis in information retrieval (OK), p. 1126.
SIGIR-2013-RaiberK #documentation #markov #random #ranking #using- Ranking document clusters using markov random fields (FR, OK), pp. 333–342.
SIGIR-2013-RavivKC - The cluster hypothesis for entity oriented search (HR, OK, DC), pp. 841–844.
OOPSLA-2013-TreichlerBA - Language support for dynamic, hierarchical data partitioning (ST, MB, AA), pp. 495–514.
REFSQ-2013-FerrariGT #documentation #natural language #requirements #using- Using Clustering to Improve the Structure of Natural Language Requirements Documents (AF, SG, GT), pp. 34–49.
ASE-2013-RosnerSAKF #alloy #analysis #modelling #named #parallel- Ranger: Parallel analysis of alloy models by range partitioning (NR, JHS, NA, SK, MFF), pp. 147–157.
ASE-2013-ScannielloGMM #fault #predict #using- Class level fault prediction using software clustering (GS, CG, AM, TM), pp. 640–645.
ESEC-FSE-2013-SilicDS #predict #reliability #web #web service- Prediction of atomic web services reliability based on k-means clustering (MS, GD, SS), pp. 70–80.
SAC-2013-BellatrecheBCM #algorithm #incremental #query- Horizontal partitioning of very-large data warehouses under dynamically-changing query workloads via incremental algorithms (LB, RB, AC, SM), pp. 208–210.
SAC-2013-DietrichRP #detection #visual notation- Exploiting visual appearance to cluster and detect rogue software (CJD, CR, NP), pp. 1776–1783.
SAC-2013-KangCLLKN - Onion and pizza: new disk partitioning schemes for virtualization systems (DK, JC, NL, DL, SK, SHN), pp. 1616–1621.
SAC-2013-KhaniHAB #algorithm #semistructured data #set- An algorithm for discovering clusters of different densities or shapes in noisy data sets (FK, MJH, AAA, HB), pp. 144–149.
SAC-2013-MottaLNRJO #algorithm #relational- Comparing relational and non-relational algorithms for clustering propositional data (RM, AdAL, BMN, SOR, AMJ, MCFdO), pp. 150–155.
SAC-2013-Serafino #composition #graph- Speeding up graph clustering via modular decomposition based compression (PS), pp. 156–163.
SAC-2013-SouzaRB #data access #metric #performance- Faster construction of ball-partitioning-based metric access methods (JAdS, HLR, MCNB), pp. 8–12.
SAC-2013-SrivastavaSM #graph #using- Text clustering using one-mode projection of document-word bipartite graphs (AS, AJS, EEM), pp. 927–932.
CASE-2013-DanishvarMSA #modelling #realtime- Event-clustering for real-time data modeling (MD, AM, PAMdS, RA), pp. 362–367.
CASE-2013-JinM #algorithm #constraints #scheduling #tool support- Transient scheduling of single armed cluster tools: Algorithms for wafer residency constraints (HYJ, JRM), pp. 856–861.
CASE-2013-KimLK #scheduling #tool support- Optimal scheduling of transient cycles for single-armed cluster tools (DKK, TEL, HJK), pp. 874–879.
CASE-2013-QiaoWZ #scheduling #tool support- Scheduling of time constrained dual-arm cluster tools with wafer revisiting (YQ, NW, MZ), pp. 868–873.
CASE-2013-ZhuWQZ #modelling #multi #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Petri net modeling and one-wafer scheduling of single-arm multi-cluster tools (QZ, NW, YQ, MZ), pp. 862–867.
DAC-2013-AgrawalRHSPC #architecture #framework #multi #platform- Early exploration for platform architecture instantiation with multi-mode application partitioning (PA, PR, MH, NS, LVdP, FC), p. 8.
DAC-2013-OnizawaG #network #power management #scalability- Low-power area-efficient large-scale IP lookup engine based on binary-weighted clustered networks (NO, WJG), p. 6.
DAC-2013-WangLZZC #array #memory management #multi #synthesis- Memory partitioning for multidimensional arrays in high-level synthesis (YW, PL, PZ, CZ, JC), p. 8.
DAC-2013-ZhangLSSR #automation- Automatic clustering of wafer spatial signatures (WZ, XL, SS, AJS, RAR), p. 6.
DATE-2013-BurgioTMB #fine-grained #memory management- Enabling fine-grained OpenMP tasking on tightly-coupled shared memory clusters (PB, GT, AM, LB), pp. 1504–1509.
DATE-2013-GiraoSW #policy- Exploring resource mapping policies for dynamic clustering on NoC-based MPSoCs (GG, TS, FRW), pp. 681–684.
DATE-2013-LiuLHCLL #effectiveness #linear #network #programming #prototype #statistics- Effective power network prototyping via statistical-based clustering and sequential linear programming (SYSL, CJL, CCH, HMC, CTL, CHL), pp. 1701–1706.
DATE-2013-RahimiMBGB - Variation-tolerant OpenMP tasking on tightly-coupled processor clusters (AR, AM, PB, RKG, LB), pp. 541–546.
DATE-2013-TodorovMRS #approach #synthesis- A spectral clustering approach to application-specific network-on-chip synthesis (VT, DMG, HR, US), pp. 1783–1788.
HPDC-2013-BuRX #pipes and filters #scheduling- Interference and locality-aware task scheduling for MapReduce applications in virtual clusters (XB, JR, CZX), pp. 227–238.
HPDC-2013-ClaySM #interactive #scalability- Building and scaling virtual clusters with residual resources from interactive clouds (RBC, ZS, XM), pp. 119–120.
HPDC-2013-CostaDOR #3d #named #network #stack- CamCubeOS: a key-based network stack for 3D torus cluster topologies (PC, AD, GO, AITR), pp. 73–84.
HPDC-2013-SajjapongseWB #multi #runtime- A preemption-based runtime to efficiently schedule multi-process applications on heterogeneous clusters with GPUs (KS, XW, MB), pp. 179–190.
HPDC-2013-ZhangODJ #framework #implementation #manycore #named- Orthrus: a framework for implementing high-performance collective I/O in the multicore clusters (XZ, JO, KD, SJ), pp. 113–114.
LCTES-2013-MehiaouiWPMNZBLG #distributed #optimisation- A two-step optimization technique for functions placement, partitioning, and priority assignment in distributed systems (AM, EW, STP, CM, MDN, HZ, JPB, LL, SG), pp. 121–132.
LCTES-2013-PorpodasC #adaptation #named #scheduling- LUCAS: latency-adaptive unified cluster assignment and instruction scheduling (VP, MC), pp. 45–54.
PDP-2013-BachCMK #data analysis #grid #multi #power management- Power Grid Time Series Data Analysis with Pig on a Hadoop Cluster Compared to Multi Core Systems (FB, HKÇ, HM, UGK), pp. 208–212.
PDP-2013-BahrebarFHDMS #communication #manycore- Making Communication a First-Class Citizen in Multicore Partitioning (PB, RMF, WH, LD, AM, DS), pp. 287–293.
PDP-2013-TemboNB #adaptation #distributed #problem #protocol #self #simulation- Distributed Iterative Solution of Numerical Simulation Problems on Infiniband and Ethernet Clusters via the P2PSAP Self-Adaptive Protocol (SRT, TTN, DEB), pp. 121–125.
PPoPP-2013-GrassoKCF #automation #parallel #problem- Automatic problem size sensitive task partitioning on heterogeneous parallel systems (IG, KK, BC, TF), pp. 281–282.
STOC-2013-BuchbinderNS #exponential #multi #problem- Simplex partitioning via exponential clocks and the multiway cut problem (NB, JN, RS), pp. 535–544.
STOC-2013-KwokLLGT #algorithm #analysis #difference #higher-order- Improved Cheeger’s inequality: analysis of spectral partitioning algorithms through higher order spectral gap (TCK, LCL, YTL, SOG, LT), pp. 11–20.
ICST-2013-ArafeenD #testing #using- Test Case Prioritization Using Requirements-Based Clustering (MJA, HD), pp. 312–321.
SAT-2013-MartinsML #satisfiability- Community-Based Partitioning for MaxSAT Solving (RM, VMM, IL), pp. 182–191.
DocEng-2012-HuMBL #documentation #personalisation- Personalized document clustering with dual supervision (YH, EEM, JB, SL), pp. 161–170.
DRR-2012-ChandaFP #documentation #using- Clustering document fragments using background color and texture information (SC, KF, UP).
HT-2012-CravinoDF #community #network #using- Using the overlapping community structure of a network of tags to improve text clustering (NC, JLD, ÁF), pp. 239–244.
PODS-2012-XuT #on the- On the optimality of clustering properties of space filling curves (PX, ST), pp. 215–224.
SIGMOD-2012-IoriSPWH #monitoring #named- CloudAlloc: a monitoring and reservation system for compute clusters (EI, AS, TP, KW, SH), pp. 721–724.
SIGMOD-2012-KimPSLDC #distributed #named #performance #ram #scalability- CloudRAMSort: fast and efficient large-scale distributed RAM sort on shared-nothing cluster (CK, JP, NS, HL, PD, JC), pp. 841–850.
SIGMOD-2012-PavloCZ #automation #database #parallel- Skew-aware automatic database partitioning in shared-nothing, parallel OLTP systems (AP, CC, SBZ), pp. 61–72.
SIGMOD-2012-XuKWCC #approach #graph #modelling- A model-based approach to attributed graph clustering (ZX, YK, YW, HC, JC), pp. 505–516.
SIGMOD-2012-ZhouBL #distributed- Advanced partitioning techniques for massively distributed computation (JZ, NB, WL), pp. 13–24.
TPDL-2012-HallCS #automation #library #using- Evaluating the Use of Clustering for Automatically Organising Digital Library Collections (MMH, PDC, MS), pp. 323–334.
VLDB-2012-AgarwalRB #graph #identification #realtime- Real Time Discovery of Dense Clusters in Highly Dynamic Graphs: Identifying Real World Events in Highly Dynamic Environments (MKA, KR, MB), pp. 980–991.
VLDB-2012-CheungAMM #automation #database- Automatic Partitioning of Database Applications (AC, OA, SM, ACM), pp. 1471–1482.
VLDB-2012-GulloT #nondeterminism- Uncertain Centroid based Partitional Clustering of Uncertain Data (FG, AT), pp. 610–621.
VLDB-2012-LangHPST #database #design #energy #towards- Towards Energy-Efficient Database Cluster Design (WL, SH, JMP, MAS, DT), pp. 1684–1695.
VLDB-2012-NguyenHZW - Boosting Moving Object Indexing through Velocity Partitioning (TN, ZH, RZ, PW), pp. 860–871.
VLDB-2012-Sahin #challenge #self- Challenges in Economic Massive Content Storage and Management (MCSAM) in the Era of Self-Organizing, Self-Expanding and Self-Linking Data Clusters (KES), p. 1698.
VLDB-2012-SunAH #network- Relation Strength-Aware Clustering of Heterogeneous Information Networks with Incomplete Attributes (YS, CCA, JH), pp. 394–405.
VLDB-2012-XuLGC #analysis #big data #in the cloud #interactive #named #visual notation- CloudVista: Interactive and Economical Visual Cluster Analysis for Big Data in the Cloud (HX, ZL, SG, KC), pp. 1886–1889.
ITiCSE-2012-Radenski #data-driven #in the cloud #multi- Integrating data-intensive cloud computing with multicores and clusters in an HPC course (AR), pp. 69–74.
SIGITE-2012-AhmadzadehM #algorithm #education #programming #research #using- A feasibility study on using clustering algorithms in programming education research (MA, EM), pp. 145–150.
CSMR-2012-BeszedesSG #development #framework #platform #quality- Development of a Unified Software Quality Platform in the Szeged InfoPólus Cluster (ÁB, LS, TG), pp. 495–498.
ICSM-2012-KobayashiKKYM #composition #dependence #using- Feature-gathering dependency-based software clustering using Dedication and Modularity (KK, MK, KK, KY, AM), pp. 462–471.
SCAM-2012-SchrettnerJGBG #dependence #impact analysis #using- Impact Analysis in the Presence of Dependence Clusters Using Static Execute after in WebKit (LS, JJ, TG, ÁB, TG), pp. 24–33.
WCRE-2012-MisraAKST #semantics- Software Clustering: Unifying Syntactic and Semantic Features (JM, KMA, VSK, SS, GT), pp. 113–122.
ICALP-v1-2012-BalcanL - Clustering under Perturbation Resilience (MFB, YL), pp. 63–74.
ICALP-v2-2012-GugelmannPP #graph #random #sequence- Random Hyperbolic Graphs: Degree Sequence and Clustering — (LG, KP, UP), pp. 573–585.
CIG-2012-DrachenSBT #behaviour #game studies- Guns, swords and data: Clustering of player behavior in computer games in the wild (AD, RS, CB, CT), pp. 163–170.
VS-Games-2012-AsteriadisKSY #behaviour #detection #towards #using #visual notation- Towards Detecting Clusters of Players using Visual and Gameplay Behavioral Cues (SA, KK, NS, GNY), pp. 140–147.
GRAPHITE-2012-EdelkampKT #named- Lex-Partitioning: A New Option for BDD Search (SE, PK, ÁT), pp. 66–82.
CAiSE-2012-BinderDDDFGGHHRRW #case study #experience #on the #process- On Analyzing Process Compliance in Skin Cancer Treatment: An Experience Report from the Evidence-Based Medical Compliance Cluster (EBMC2) (MB, WD, GD, RD, KAF, WG, WG, KH, MH, SRM, CR, SW), pp. 398–413.
ICEIS-v1-2012-CarvalhoBSR - Labeling Methods for Association Rule Clustering (VOdC, DSB, FFdS, SOR), pp. 105–111.
CIKM-2012-BodenGS #evolution #graph- Tracing clusters in evolving graphs with node attributes (BB, SG, TS), pp. 2331–2334.
CIKM-2012-ChengZPW - Hierarchical co-clustering based on entropy splitting (WC, XZ, FP, WW), pp. 1472–1476.
CIKM-2012-ChiangWD #network #normalisation #scalability #using- Scalable clustering of signed networks using balance normalized cut (KYC, JJW, ISD), pp. 615–624.
CIKM-2012-FanZCCO - Maximum margin clustering on evolutionary data (XF, LZ, LC, XC, YSO), pp. 625–634.
CIKM-2012-GaoZLH #recommendation #twitter- Twitter hyperlink recommendation with user-tweet-hyperlink three-way clustering (DG, RZ, WL, YH), pp. 2535–2538.
CIKM-2012-KurlandRS #predict #ranking- Query-performance prediction and cluster ranking: two sides of the same coin (OK, FR, AS), pp. 2459–2462.
CIKM-2012-LiBCH #learning #relational- Relational co-clustering via manifold ensemble learning (PL, JB, CC, ZH), pp. 1687–1691.
CIKM-2012-NguyenNMF #wiki- Clustering Wikipedia infoboxes to discover their types (THN, HDN, VM, JF), pp. 2134–2138.
CIKM-2012-RaiberK #retrieval #web- Exploring the cluster hypothesis, and cluster-based retrieval, over the web (FR, OK), pp. 2507–2510.
CIKM-2012-SteinGH - Search result presentation based on faceted clustering (BS, TG, DH), pp. 1940–1944.
CIKM-2012-SuhGCK #multi- A new tool for multi-level partitioning in teradata (YKS, AG, AC, PK), pp. 2214–2218.
CIKM-2012-VlachosWS - Right-protected data publishing with hierarchical clustering preservation (MV, AW, JS), pp. 654–663.
CIKM-2012-WangQD #automation #documentation #using- Improving document clustering using automated machine translation (XW, BQ, ID), pp. 645–653.
CIKM-2012-YamamotoSIYWT #mining #query- The wisdom of advertisers: mining subgoals via query clustering (TY, TS, MI, CY, JRW, KT), pp. 505–514.
CIKM-2012-YanGLCW #matrix #using- Clustering short text using Ncut-weighted non-negative matrix factorization (XY, JG, SL, XC, YW), pp. 2259–2262.
ECIR-2012-GalleR - Full and Mini-batch Clustering of News Articles with Star-EM (MG, JMR), pp. 494–498.
ECIR-2012-ParaparB #constraints #modelling- Language Modelling of Constraints for Text Clustering (JP, AB), pp. 352–363.
ECIR-2012-TholpadiDBS #corpus #multi #using- Cluster Labeling for Multilingual Scatter/Gather Using Comparable Corpora (GT, MKD, CB, SKS), pp. 388–400.
ICML-2012-DavisCBPPC #predict #relational- Demand-Driven Clustering in Relational Domains for Predicting Adverse Drug Events (JD, VSC, EB, DP, PLP, MC), p. 172.
ICML-2012-HaiderS #graph #using- Finding Botnets Using Minimal Graph Clusterings (PH, TS), p. 37.
ICML-2012-JalaliS12a #optimisation #using- Clustering using Max-norm Constrained Optimization (AJ, NS), p. 205.
ICML-2012-KrishnamurthyBXS #algorithm #performance- Efficient Active Algorithms for Hierarchical Clustering (AK, SB, MX, AS), p. 39.
ICML-2012-LiLJX #re-engineering- Groupwise Constrained Reconstruction for Subspace Clustering (RL, BL, CJ, XX), p. 25.
ICML-2012-ReyR - Copula Mixture Model for Dependency-seeking Clustering (MR, VR), p. 40.
ICML-2012-ShiS #adaptation #learning- Information-Theoretical Learning of Discriminative Clusters for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (YS, FS), p. 166.
ICML-2012-TelgarskyD - Agglomerative Bregman Clustering (MT, SD), p. 132.
ICML-2012-VaroquauxGT #correlation #design- Small-sample brain mapping: sparse recovery on spatially correlated designs with randomization and clustering (GV, AG, BT), p. 178.
ICML-2012-WangC12a - Clustering to Maximize the Ratio of Split to Diameter (JW, JC), p. 74.
ICML-2012-WulsinJL #modelling #multi #process- A Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Model with Multiple Levels of Clustering for Human EEG Seizure Modeling (DW, SJ, BL), p. 67.
ICML-2012-XiangMCCTZ #framework- A Split-Merge Framework for Comparing Clusterings (QX, QM, KMAC, HLC, IWT, ZZ), p. 164.
ICML-2012-YangO #composition #matrix #probability #rank- Clustering by Low-Rank Doubly Stochastic Matrix Decomposition (ZY, EO), p. 94.
ICML-2012-ZhongK #flexibility #learning #multi- Convex Multitask Learning with Flexible Task Clusters (WZ, JTYK), p. 66.
ICPR-2012-AmornbunchornvejLAIT #algorithm- Iterative Neighbor-Joining tree clustering algorithm for genotypic data (CA, TL, AA, AI, ST), pp. 1827–1830.
ICPR-2012-AyechZ #feature model #image #modelling #segmentation #statistics- Terahertz image segmentation based on K-harmonic-means clustering and statistical feature extraction modeling (MWA, DZ), pp. 222–225.
ICPR-2012-BaiHHR #complexity #graph #using- Graph clustering using graph entropy complexity traces (LB, ERH, LH, PR), pp. 2881–2884.
ICPR-2012-BakrYI #documentation #incremental #performance- Efficient incremental phrase-based document clustering (AMB, NAY, MAI), pp. 517–520.
ICPR-2012-BenJY #analysis #automation #fuzzy- Automatic fuzzy clustering based on mistake analysis (SB, ZJ, JY), pp. 2914–2917.
ICPR-2012-BoomHHF #dataset #image #using- Supporting ground-truth annotation of image datasets using clustering (BJB, PXH, JH, RBF), pp. 1542–1545.
ICPR-2012-CaoCZL #query- Locating high-density clusters with noisy queries (CC, SC, CZ, JL), pp. 3537–3540.
ICPR-2012-ChenWY #dataset #graph- Centroid-based clustering for graph datasets (LC, SW, XY), pp. 2144–2147.
ICPR-2012-FausserS #dataset #kernel #scalability- Clustering large datasets with kernel methods (SF, FS), pp. 501–504.
ICPR-2012-Gao12a #estimation #multi #using- Facial age estimation using Clustered Multi-task Support Vector Regression Machine (PXG), pp. 541–544.
ICPR-2012-GiotCD - Local water diffusion phenomenon clustering from high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) (RG, CC, MD), pp. 3745–3749.
ICPR-2012-HuangLC #feature model #kernel #multi #self- Cluster-dependent feature selection by multiple kernel self-organizing map (KCH, YYL, JZC), pp. 589–592.
ICPR-2012-HuangLW #detection #incremental- Incremental support vector clustering with outlier detection (DH, JHL, CDW), pp. 2339–2342.
ICPR-2012-HuynhL #crowdsourcing- Connecting the dots: Triadic clustering of crowdsourced data to map dirt roads (AH, AL), pp. 3766–3769.
ICPR-2012-HuZFZ #multi #strict- Multi-way constrained spectral clustering by nonnegative restriction (HH, JZ, JF, JZ), pp. 1550–1553.
ICPR-2012-JiangLLL #collaboration #multi- Collaborative PLSA for multi-view clustering (YJ, JL, ZL, HL), pp. 2997–3000.
ICPR-2012-JiS #robust #segmentation- Robust motion segmentation via refined sparse subspace clustering (HJ, FS), pp. 1546–1549.
ICPR-2012-KafaiBA #classification #estimation #network- Cluster-Classification Bayesian Networks for head pose estimation (MK, BB, LA), pp. 2869–2872.
ICPR-2012-KiwanukaW - Cluster-based vector-attribute filtering for CT and MRI enhancement (FNK, MHFW), pp. 3112–3115.
ICPR-2012-KongW #learning #multi- A multi-task learning strategy for unsupervised clustering via explicitly separating the commonality (SK, DW), pp. 771–774.
ICPR-2012-KongW12a - Transfer heterogeneous unlabeled data for unsupervised clustering (SK, DW), pp. 1193–1196.
ICPR-2012-LiVBB #learning #using- Feature learning using Generalized Extreme Value distribution based K-means clustering (ZL, OV, HB, RB), pp. 1538–1541.
ICPR-2012-MarcaciniCR #approach #learning- An active learning approach to frequent itemset-based text clustering (RMM, GNC, SOR), pp. 3529–3532.
ICPR-2012-MitraKGSMLOVM #multimodal #performance- Spectral clustering to model deformations for fast multimodal prostate registration (JM, ZK, SG, DS, RM, XL, AO, JCV, FM), pp. 2622–2625.
ICPR-2012-SchleifZGH #approximate #kernel #performance #relational- Fast approximated relational and kernel clustering (FMS, XZ, AG, BH), pp. 1229–1232.
ICPR-2012-UlmB #online #robust- Robust online trajectory clustering without computing trajectory distances (MU, NB), pp. 2270–2273.
ICPR-2012-ValevY #classification #graph #using- Classification using graph partitioning (VV, NY), pp. 1261–1264.
ICPR-2012-VieuxD #classification #documentation #image- Hierarchical clustering model for pixel-based classification of document images (RV, JPD), pp. 290–293.
ICPR-2012-XieLH #matrix #multi- Multi-task co-clustering via nonnegative matrix factorization (SX, HL, YH), pp. 2954–2958.
ICPR-2012-YangGAZW #classification #query- Iterative clustering and support vectors-based high-confidence query selection for motor imagery EEG signals classification (HY, CG, KKA, HZ, CW), pp. 2169–2172.
ICPR-2012-ZhangLM12a #adaptation #automation #detection #fault- An adaptive unsupervised clustering of pronunciation errors for automatic pronunciation error detection (LZ, HL, LM), pp. 1521–1525.
ICPR-2012-ZhangYCLZ #segmentation #video- Video object segmentation by clustering region trajectories (GZ, ZY, DC, YL, NZ), pp. 2598–2601.
ICPR-2012-ZhaoRCF #automation #categorisation #keyword- Keyword clustering for automatic categorization (QZ, MR, HC, PF), pp. 2845–2848.
KDD-2012-BonchiGGU #correlation- Chromatic correlation clustering (FB, AG, FG, AU), pp. 1321–1329.
KDD-2012-CorreaL #graph #using- Locally-scaled spectral clustering using empty region graphs (CDC, PL), pp. 1330–1338.
KDD-2012-Davidson #comprehension #constraints- Two approaches to understanding when constraints help clustering (ID), pp. 1312–1320.
KDD-2012-GunnemannFS #modelling #multi #using- Multi-view clustering using mixture models in subspace projections (SG, IF, TS), pp. 132–140.
KDD-2012-GunnemannFVS #correlation- Subspace correlation clustering: finding locally correlated dimensions in subspace projections of the data (SG, IF, KV, TS), pp. 352–360.
KDD-2012-HaiderCB #segmentation- Discriminative clustering for market segmentation (PH, LC, UB), pp. 417–425.
KDD-2012-HiraiY #detection #normalisation #using- Detecting changes of clustering structures using normalized maximum likelihood coding (SH, KY), pp. 343–351.
KDD-2012-JiZL - A sparsity-inducing formulation for evolutionary co-clustering (SJ, WZ, JL), pp. 334–342.
KDD-2012-LiuA #data flow #web- Stratified k-means clustering over a deep web data source (TL, GA), pp. 1113–1121.
KDD-2012-OlteanuS #correlation #energy #named #network #nondeterminism #predict- DAGger: clustering correlated uncertain data (to predict asset failure in energy networks) (DO, SJvS), pp. 1504–1507.
KDD-2012-Plant #dependence #metric- Dependency clustering across measurement scales (CP), pp. 361–369.
KDD-2012-SeelandKK #graph #kernel #learning- A structural cluster kernel for learning on graphs (MS, AK, SK), pp. 516–524.
KDD-2012-StantonK #distributed #graph #scalability #streaming- Streaming graph partitioning for large distributed graphs (IS, GK), pp. 1222–1230.
KDD-2012-SunNHYYY #network- Integrating meta-path selection with user-guided object clustering in heterogeneous information networks (YS, BN, JH, XY, PSY, XY), pp. 1348–1356.
KDD-2012-WauthierJJ #nondeterminism #reduction- Active spectral clustering via iterative uncertainty reduction (FLW, NJ, MIJ), pp. 1339–1347.
KDIR-2012-AbdullinN #data type #framework #learning- A Semi-supervised Learning Framework to Cluster Mixed Data Types (AA, ON), pp. 45–54.
KDIR-2012-ArbelaitzGLMPP #adaptation #mining #navigation #profiling #using- Adaptation of the User Navigation Scheme using Clustering and Frequent Pattern Mining Techiques for Profiling (OA, IG, AL, JM, JMP, IP), pp. 187–192.
KDIR-2012-DuarteFD #constraints #using- Evidence Accumulation Clustering using Pairwise Constraints (JMMD, ALNF, FJFD), pp. 293–299.
KDIR-2012-VolkovichA - Model Selection and Stability in Spectral Clustering (ZV, RA), pp. 25–34.
KEOD-2012-LuC #documentation #order #recommendation- Bringing Order to Legal Documents — An Issue-based Recommendation System Via Cluster Association (QL, JGC), pp. 76–88.
KEOD-2012-MykowieckaM - Clustering of Medical Terms based on Morpho-syntactic Features (AM, MM), pp. 214–219.
MLDM-2012-EbrahimiA #approach- Semi Supervised Clustering: A Pareto Approach (JE, MSA), pp. 237–251.
MLDM-2012-IsakssonDH #data type #named- SOStream: Self Organizing Density-Based Clustering over Data Stream (CI, MHD, MH), pp. 264–278.
MLDM-2012-MondalPMMB #approach #concept analysis #mining #using- A New Approach for Association Rule Mining and Bi-clustering Using Formal Concept Analysis (KCM, NP, AM, UM, SB), pp. 86–101.
MLDM-2012-PaliwalP #documentation #segmentation- Investigating Usage of Text Segmentation and Inter-passage Similarities to Improve Text Document Clustering (SP, VP), pp. 555–565.
MLDM-2012-SilvaA #case study- Semi-supervised Clustering: A Case Study (AS, CA), pp. 252–263.
MLDM-2012-TaTB #approach #data type #using- Clustering Data Stream by a Sub-window Approach Using DCA (MTT, LTHA, LBA), pp. 279–292.
MLDM-2012-VlaseMI #metadata #using- Improvement of K-means Clustering Using Patents Metadata (MV, DM, AI), pp. 293–305.
RecSys-2012-BelloginP #collaboration #graph #using- Using graph partitioning techniques for neighbour selection in user-based collaborative filtering (AB, JP), pp. 213–216.
SEKE-2012-MiaoCLZZ #correctness #fault #identification #locality #testing- Identifying Coincidental Correctness for Fault Localization by Clustering Test Cases (YM, ZC, SL, ZZ, YZ), pp. 267–272.
SEKE-2012-XiePDMRTR #categorisation #grid #power management- Progressive Clustering with Learned Seeds: An Event Categorization System for Power Grid (BX, RJP, HD, JYM, AR, AT, CR), pp. 100–105.
SIGIR-2012-LipkaSA #classification #information retrieval #problem- Cluster-based one-class ensemble for classification problems in information retrieval (NL, BS, MA), pp. 1041–1042.
RE-2012-NiuM #generative #requirements #revisited- Enhancing candidate link generation for requirements tracing: The cluster hypothesis revisited (NN, AM), pp. 81–90.
RE-2012-ReddivariCN #named #requirements #visual notation- ReCVisu: A tool for clustering-based visual exploration of requirements (SR, ZC, NN), pp. 327–328.
FSE-2012-ChandramohanTS #behaviour #modelling #scalability- Scalable malware clustering through coarse-grained behavior modeling (MC, HBKT, LKS), p. 27.
FSE-2012-DiGiuseppeJ12a #concept- Concept-based failure clustering (ND, JAJ), p. 29.
ICSE-2012-Bohme - Software regression as change of input partitioning (MB), pp. 1523–1526.
ICSE-2012-DangWZZN #named #similarity #stack- ReBucket: A method for clustering duplicate crash reports based on call stack similarity (YD, RW, HZ, DZ, PN), pp. 1084–1093.
ICSE-2012-NistorLPGM #automation #generative #named #parallel #performance #random #testing #thread- Ballerina: Automatic generation and clustering of efficient random unit tests for multithreaded code (AN, QL, MP, TRG, DM), pp. 727–737.
SAC-2012-CentenoA #algorithm #approach #image- Clustering approach algorithm for image interpolation (TMC, MTA), pp. 56–57.
SAC-2012-FariaBGC #algorithm #data type- Improving the offline clustering stage of data stream algorithms in scenarios with variable number of clusters (ERF, RCB, JG, ACPLFC), pp. 829–830.
SAC-2012-FerrariGT #approach #requirements #specification- A clustering-based approach for discovering flaws in requirements specifications (AF, SG, GT), pp. 1043–1050.
SAC-2012-GuccioneCAMM #network- Trend cluster based interpolation everywhere in a sensor network (PG, AC, AA, DM, AM), pp. 827–828.
SAC-2012-HanJ #kernel #linux- Kernel-level ARINC 653 partitioning for Linux (SH, HWJ), pp. 1632–1637.
SAC-2012-HuangZGWCW - Reducing last level cache pollution through OS-level software-controlled region-based partitioning (TH, QZ, XG, XW, XC, KW), pp. 1779–1784.
SAC-2012-HuMB #documentation- Semi-supervised document clustering with dual supervision through seeding (YH, EEM, JB), pp. 144–151.
SAC-2012-HuMB12a #documentation- Enhancing semi-supervised document clustering with feature supervision (YH, EEM, JB), pp. 929–936.
SAC-2012-KamieHK #effectiveness #using #video #web- Effective web video clustering using playlist information (MK, TH, HK), pp. 949–956.
SAC-2012-MakanjuZML #composition #detection #identification- Spatio-temporal decomposition, clustering and identification for alert detection in system logs (AM, ANZH, EEM, ML), pp. 621–628.
SAC-2012-NogueiraJR - Hierarchical confidence-based active clustering (BMN, AMJ, SOR), pp. 216–219.
ASPLOS-2012-AhmadCRV #named #optimisation #pipes and filters- Tarazu: optimizing MapReduce on heterogeneous clusters (FA, STC, AR, TNV), pp. 61–74.
CASE-2012-MatsumotoN #approach #composition #concurrent #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Petri net decomposition approach to deadlock-free scheduling for dual-armed cluster tools (IM, TN), pp. 194–199.
CASE-2012-ParkM #behaviour #bound #hybrid #linear #performance #tool support- Performance bounds for hybrid flow lines: Fundamental behavior, practical features and application to linear cluster tools (KP, JRM), pp. 371–376.
CASE-2012-QiaoWZ #analysis #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Petri net-based scheduling analysis of dual-arm cluster tools with wafer revisiting (YQ, NW, MZ), pp. 206–211.
CASE-2012-TonkeL #independence #scheduling- Scheduling of a dual-armed cluster tool with two independent robot arms (DT, TEL), pp. 200–205.
CGO-2012-KimJLMA #automation- Automatic speculative DOALL for clusters (HK, NPJ, JWL, SAM, DIA), pp. 94–103.
CGO-2012-ZhangM #3d #gpu- Auto-generation and auto-tuning of 3D stencil codes on GPU clusters (YZ, FM), pp. 155–164.
DAC-2012-TovinakereSD #estimation #logic- A semiempirical model for wakeup time estimation in power-gated logic clusters (VDT, OS, SD), pp. 48–55.
DATE-2012-AbellanPABBMB #communication #design #framework- Design of a collective communication infrastructure for barrier synchronization in cluster-based nanoscale MPSoCs (JLA, JFP, MEA, DB, DB, AM, LB), pp. 491–496.
DATE-2012-GaoWHZL #concurrent #debugging #manycore- A clustering-based scheme for concurrent trace in debugging NoC-based multicore systems (JG, JW, YH, LZ, XL), pp. 27–32.
DATE-2012-KakoeeLB #architecture #communication #latency- A resilient architecture for low latency communication in shared-L1 processor clusters (MRK, IL, LB), pp. 887–892.
DATE-2012-MahmoodPLM #energy #memory management #optimisation- Application-specific memory partitioning for joint energy and lifetime optimization (HM, MP, ML, EM), pp. 364–369.
DATE-2012-MarongiuBB #embedded #lightweight #parallel #performance- Fast and lightweight support for nested parallelism on cluster-based embedded many-cores (AM, PB, LB), pp. 105–110.
HPCA-2012-SundararajanPJTF #energy- Cooperative partitioning: Energy-efficient cache partitioning for high-performance CMPs (KTS, VP, TMJ, NPT, BF), pp. 311–322.
HPDC-2012-BecchiSGPRC #memory management #multitenancy #runtime- A virtual memory based runtime to support multi-tenancy in clusters with GPUs (MB, KS, IG, AMP, VTR, STC), pp. 97–108.
HPDC-2012-HefeedaGA #approximate #dataset #distributed #scalability- Distributed approximate spectral clustering for large-scale datasets (MH, FG, WAA), pp. 223–234.
HPDC-2012-PhullLRCC #resource management- Interference-driven resource management for GPU-based heterogeneous clusters (RP, CHL, KR, SC, STC), pp. 109–120.
LCTES-2012-HuangZX #architecture #embedded #realtime- WCET-aware re-scheduling register allocation for real-time embedded systems with clustered VLIW architecture (YH, MZ, CJX), pp. 31–40.
PDP-2012-AchourN #approach #multi #performance #predict- A Performance Prediction Approach for MPI Routines on Multi-clusters (SA, WN), pp. 125–129.
PDP-2012-AlessiMB #manycore- Accelerating the Production of Synthetic Seismograms by a Multicore Processor Cluster with Multiple GPUs (FA, AM, RB), pp. 434–441.
PDP-2012-DumitrescuA #network- Clustering Superpeers in P2P Networks by Growing Neural Gas (MD, RA), pp. 311–318.
PDP-2012-OliveiraPR #virtual machine- Running User-Provided Virtual Machines in Batch-Oriented Computing Clusters (VO, AMP, AR), pp. 583–587.
PDP-2012-RungsawangM #gpu #performance #rank- Fast PageRank Computation on a GPU Cluster (AR, BM), pp. 450–456.
PPoPP-2012-KimSLNJL #cpu #gpu #programming- OpenCL as a unified programming model for heterogeneous CPU/GPU clusters (JK, SS, JL, JN, GJ, JL), pp. 299–300.
PPoPP-2012-KwonJEM #approach #hybrid- A hybrid approach of OpenMP for clusters (OK, FJ, RE, SPM), pp. 75–84.
STOC-2012-LeeGT #higher-order #multi- Multi-way spectral partitioning and higher-order cheeger inequalities (JRL, SOG, LT), pp. 1117–1130.
STOC-2012-MakarychevMV #algorithm #approximate #problem- Approximation algorithms for semi-random partitioning problems (KM, YM, AV), pp. 367–384.
ICST-2012-DiGiuseppeJ #behaviour #empirical #fault- Software Behavior and Failure Clustering: An Empirical Study of Fault Causality (ND, JAJ), pp. 191–200.
ICST-2012-GuoSC #analysis #testing- Analysis of Test Clusters for Regression Testing (BG, MS, PC), p. 736.
ICST-2012-JuzgadoVSAR #abstraction #branch #effectiveness #equivalence #testing- Comparing the Effectiveness of Equivalence Partitioning, Branch Testing and Code Reading by Stepwise Abstraction Applied by Subjects (NJJ, SV, MS, SA, IR), pp. 330–339.
VMCAI-2012-LeeLY #static analysis #statistics- Sound Non-statistical Clustering of Static Analysis Alarms (WL, WL, KY), pp. 299–314.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-DettenB #component #detection #re-engineering- Combining clustering and pattern detection for the reengineering of component-based software systems (MvD, SB), pp. 23–32.
ICDAR-2011-HamamuraINOS #concurrent #optimisation #recognition #using #word- Concurrent Optimization of Context Clustering and GMM for Offline Handwritten Word Recognition Using HMM (TH, BI, TN, NO, SS), pp. 523–527.
ICDAR-2011-LiuZLL #image #locality- A Chinese Character Localization Method Based on Intergrating Structure and CC-Clustering for Advertising Images (JL, SZ, HL, WL), pp. 1044–1048.
ICDAR-2011-LuLLZG #multi #web- Web Multimedia Object Clustering via Information Fusion (WL, LL, TL, HZ, JG), pp. 319–323.
ICDAR-2011-ManoharVCPN #graph #segmentation- Graph Clustering-Based Ensemble Method for Handwritten Text Line Segmentation (VM, SNPV, HC, RP, PN), pp. 574–578.
ICDAR-2011-SpasojevicP #scalability #similarity- Large Scale Page-Based Book Similarity Clustering (NS, GP), pp. 119–125.
ICDAR-2011-WakaharaK #image #string #using- Binarization of Color Character Strings in Scene Images Using K-Means Clustering and Support Vector Machines (TW, KK), pp. 274–278.
ICDAR-2011-XiaWL #keyword #knowledge-based #using- Chinese Keyword Spotting Using Knowledge-Based Clustering (YX, KW, ML), pp. 789–793.
SIGMOD-2011-GulloDT - Advancing data clustering via projective clustering ensembles (FG, CD, AT), pp. 733–744.
SIGMOD-2011-NehmeB #automation #database #design #parallel- Automated partitioning design in parallel database systems (RVN, NB), pp. 1137–1148.
SIGMOD-2011-SatuluriPR #graph #scalability- Local graph sparsification for scalable clustering (VS, SP, YR), pp. 721–732.
SIGMOD-2011-SchallH #energy #named- WattDB: an energy-proportional cluster of wimpy nodes (DS, VH), pp. 1229–1232.
VLDB-2011-KantereBS #named- GrouPeer: A System for Clustering PDMSs (VK, DB, TKS), pp. 1371–1374.
VLDB-2011-LiuNC #query- Query Expansion Based on Clustered Results (ZL, SN, YC), pp. 350–361.
VLDB-2012-YangRW11 #streaming #summary- Summarization and Matching of Density-Based Clusters in Streaming Environments (DY, EAR, MOW), pp. 121–132.
CSMR-2011-CorazzaMMS #using- Investigating the Use of Lexical Information for Software System Clustering (AC, SDM, VM, GS), pp. 35–44.
CSMR-2011-NaseemMM #metric #similarity- Improved Similarity Measures for Software Clustering (RN, OM, SM), pp. 45–54.
CSMR-2011-SiddiqueM - Analyzing Term Weighting Schemes for Labeling Software Clusters (FS, OM), pp. 85–88.
ICPC-2011-ScannielloM #concept #source code- Clustering Support for Static Concept Location in Source Code (GS, AM), pp. 1–10.
ICSM-2011-CarlsonDD #approach #case study #industrial #testing- A clustering approach to improving test case prioritization: An industrial case study (RC, HD, AD), pp. 382–391.
ICSM-2011-LeeK #recommendation- Clustering and recommending collections of code relevant to tasks (SL, SK), pp. 536–539.
ICSM-2011-RomanoSRG #design pattern #source code- Clustering and lexical information support for the recovery of design pattern in source code (SR, GS, MR, CG), pp. 500–503.
ICSM-2011-ShternT #multi #using- Evaluating software clustering using multiple simulated authoritative decompositions (MS, VT), pp. 353–361.
WCRE-2011-AliGA #object-oriented #requirements #source code #traceability- Requirements Traceability for Object Oriented Systems by Partitioning Source Code (NA, YGG, GA), pp. 45–54.
WCRE-2011-FuhrHR #dynamic analysis #implementation #legacy #reuse #using- Using Dynamic Analysis and Clustering for Implementing Services by Reusing Legacy Code (AF, TH, VR), pp. 275–279.
WCRE-2011-TanPPZ #fault #predict #quality- Assessing Software Quality by Program Clustering and Defect Prediction (XT, XP, SP, WZ), pp. 244–248.
DLT-J-2009-BealBP11 #automaton #bound #polynomial #word- A Quadratic Upper Bound on the Size of a Synchronizing Word in One-Cluster Automata (MPB, MVB, DP), pp. 277–288.
ICALP-v1-2011-DingX #problem- Solving the Chromatic Cone Clustering Problem via Minimum Spanning Sphere (HD, JX), pp. 773–784.
ICALP-v1-2011-LokshtanovM #strict- Clustering with Local Restrictions (DL, DM), pp. 785–797.
ICALP-v1-2011-Nonner #clique #graph- Clique Clustering Yields a PTAS for max-Coloring Interval Graphs (TN), pp. 183–194.
DUXU-v2-2011-Nakata #analysis #monitoring #usability- Clustering Analysis to Evaluate Usability of Work-Flow Systems and to Monitor Proficiency of Workers (TN), pp. 487–496.
HCD-2011-LeeKLSL #design #effectiveness #monitoring- Designing of an Effective Monitor Partitioning System with Adjustable Virtual Bezel (SSL, HK, YKL, MS, KPL), pp. 537–546.
HCI-DDA-2011-LuoY #algorithm #framework #network #novel #parallel #using- A Novel Parallel Clustering Algorithm Based on Artificial Immune Network Using nVidia CUDA Framework (RL, QY), pp. 598–607.
HCI-MIIE-2011-KimPCJ #effectiveness #traversal- The Effective IVIS Menu and Control Type of an Instrumental Gauge Cluster and Steering Wheel Remote Control with a Menu Traversal (SMK, JP, JC, ESJ), pp. 401–410.
ICEIS-J-2011-ChaoC11a #data type #resource management #ubiquitous- Ubiquitous Resource-Aware Clustering of Data Streams (CMC, GLC), pp. 81–97.
ICEIS-J-2011-MasadaTSO #documentation #string- Clustering Documents with Maximal Substrings (TM, AT, YS, KO), pp. 19–34.
ICEIS-v1-2011-CarvalhoSR #metric- Post-processing Association Association Rules with Clustering and Objective Measures (VOdC, FFdS, SOR), pp. 54–63.
ICEIS-v1-2011-ChaoC #data type #quality #resource management #ubiquitous- Resource-aware High Quality Clustering in Ubiquitous Data Streams (CMC, GLC), pp. 64–73.
ICEIS-v1-2011-MasadaSO #documentation #feature model #string- Documents as a Bag of Maximal Substrings — An Unsupervised Feature Extraction for Document Clustering (TM, YS, KO), pp. 5–13.
ICEIS-v1-2011-RafeaSA #network #social- Label Oriented Clustering for Social Network Discussion Groups (AR, AEKS, SGA), pp. 205–210.
CIKM-2011-AielloDOM #behaviour #query #topic- Behavior-driven clustering of queries into topics (LMA, DD, UO, FM), pp. 1373–1382.
CIKM-2011-AnastasiuGB #collaboration #framework #personalisation- A framework for personalized and collaborative clustering of search results (DCA, BJG, DB), pp. 573–582.
CIKM-2011-CostantiniN #image- Image clustering fusion technique based on BFS (LC, RN), pp. 2093–2096.
CIKM-2011-DangXC #aspect-oriented #query #using- Inferring query aspects from reformulations using clustering (VD, XX, WBC), pp. 2117–2120.
CIKM-2011-GunnemannFMAS #evaluation #metric- External evaluation measures for subspace clustering (SG, IF, EM, IA, TS), pp. 1363–1372.
CIKM-2011-JinLZYY #topic- Transferring topical knowledge from auxiliary long texts for short text clustering (OJ, NNL, KZ, YY, QY), pp. 775–784.
CIKM-2011-LiBY #ad hoc #architecture #mobile #network- A cluster based mobile peer to peer architecture in wireless ad hoc networks (HL, KB, JY), pp. 2393–2396.
CIKM-2011-LiCBZH #semantics- Facilitating pattern discovery for relation extraction with semantic-signature-based clustering (YL, VC, SB, HZ, HH), pp. 1415–1424.
CIKM-2011-LiuWZ #feature model #using- Feature selection using hierarchical feature clustering (HL, XW, SZ), pp. 979–984.
CIKM-2011-LuCAK #documentation #segmentation #topic- Legal document clustering with built-in topic segmentation (QL, JGC, KAK, WK), pp. 383–392.
CIKM-2011-MontanerSFD #database #named- MEMSCALE: in-cluster-memory databases (HM, FS, HF, JD), pp. 2569–2572.
CIKM-2011-MullerAGS #scalability- Scalable density-based subspace clustering (EM, IA, SG, TS), pp. 1077–1086.
CIKM-2011-PimentelCS #data-driven #database #kernel #metric- A partitioning method for symbolic interval data based on kernelized metric (BAP, AFBFdC, RMCRdS), pp. 2189–2192.
CIKM-2011-SteinGH #precise #web- Beyond precision@10: clustering the long tail of web search results (BS, TG, DH), pp. 2141–2144.
CIKM-2011-WangBFG #information management- Filtering and clustering relations for unsupervised information extraction in open domain (WW, RB, OF, BG), pp. 1405–1414.
CIKM-2011-WangHD #matrix #multi #relational #symmetry- Simultaneous clustering of multi-type relational data via symmetric nonnegative matrix tri-factorization (HW, HH, CHQD), pp. 279–284.
CIKM-2011-WangNSTC #dependence #documentation #graph #representation- Representing document as dependency graph for document clustering (YW, XN, JTS, YT, ZC), pp. 2177–2180.
CIKM-2011-WattanakitrungrojL #data type #streaming- Memory-less unsupervised clustering for data streaming by versatile ellipsoidal function (NW, CL), pp. 967–972.
CIKM-2011-YangGRW #framework #interactive #named- CLUES: a unified framework supporting interactive exploration of density-based clusters in streams (DY, ZG, EAR, MOW), pp. 815–824.
ECIR-2011-LiWJC #documentation #web- User-Related Tag Expansion for Web Document Clustering (PL, BW, WJ, YC), pp. 19–31.
ICML-2011-AroraGKF #matrix- Clustering by Left-Stochastic Matrix Factorization (RA, MRG, AK, MF), pp. 761–768.
ICML-2011-HockingVBJ #algorithm #named #using- Clusterpath: an Algorithm for Clustering using Convex Fusion Penalties (TH, JPV, FRB, AJ), pp. 745–752.
ICML-2011-JalaliCSX #graph #optimisation- Clustering Partially Observed Graphs via Convex Optimization (AJ, YC, SS, HX), pp. 1001–1008.
ICML-2011-KpotufeL #nearest neighbour- Pruning nearest neighbor cluster trees (SK, UvL), pp. 225–232.
ICML-2011-KumarD #approach #multi- A Co-training Approach for Multi-view Spectral Clustering (AK, HDI), pp. 393–400.
ICML-2011-LiP #exclamation- Time Series Clustering: Complex is Simpler! (LL, BAP), pp. 185–192.
ICML-2011-SugiyamaYKH #on the #parametricity- On Information-Maximization Clustering: Tuning Parameter Selection and Analytic Solution (MS, MY, MK, HH), pp. 65–72.
KDD-2011-AlqadahB #framework #game studies #network- A game theoretic framework for heterogenous information network clustering (FA, RB), pp. 795–804.
KDD-2011-ApplegateDKU #distance #multi #using- Unsupervised clustering of multidimensional distributions using earth mover distance (DA, TD, SK, SU), pp. 636–644.
KDD-2011-ChittaJHJ #approximate #kernel #scalability- Approximate kernel k-means: solution to large scale kernel clustering (RC, RJ, TCH, AKJ), pp. 895–903.
KDD-2011-CordeiroTTLKF #dataset #multi #pipes and filters #scalability- Clustering very large multi-dimensional datasets with MapReduce (RLFC, CTJ, AJMT, JL, UK, CF), pp. 690–698.
KDD-2011-EneIM #performance #pipes and filters #using- Fast clustering using MapReduce (AE, SI, BM), pp. 681–689.
KDD-2011-GilpinD #algorithm #approach #flexibility #performance #satisfiability- Incorporating SAT solvers into hierarchical clustering algorithms: an efficient and flexible approach (SG, IND), pp. 1136–1144.
KDD-2011-KremerKJSBHP #data type #effectiveness #evaluation #evolution- An effective evaluation measure for clustering on evolving data streams (HK, PK, TJ, TS, AB, GH, BP), pp. 868–876.
KDD-2011-LiuZW #constraints- Clustering with relative constraints (EYL, ZZ, WW), pp. 947–955.
KDD-2011-PlantB #category theory #named- INCONCO: interpretable clustering of numerical and categorical objects (CP, CB), pp. 1127–1135.
KDIR-2011-AzamV #comparative #evaluation #metric #proximity- A Comparative Evaluation of Proximity Measures for Spectral Clustering (NFA, HLV), pp. 30–41.
KDIR-2011-BarbieriCMR #approach #probability- Characterizing Relationships through Co-clustering — A Probabilistic Approach (NB, GC, GM, ER), pp. 64–73.
KDIR-2011-Ibrahim #algorithm #network- Enhancing Clustering Network Planning Algorithm in the Presence of Obstacles (LFI), pp. 480–486.
KDIR-2011-MoralesCT - Clustering of Heterogeneously Typed Data with Soft Computing (AFKM, LECB, DTB), pp. 499–502.
KDIR-2011-OlegA #analysis #approach- Methods for Discovering and Analysis of Regularities Systems — Approach based on Optimal Partitioning of Explanatory Variables Space (OVS, AVK), pp. 423–426.
KDIR-2011-Osuna-OntiverosLS #approach #documentation #semantics- A Semantic Clustering Approach for Indexing Documents (DOO, ILA, VSS), pp. 288–293.
KDIR-2011-PaliwalP #documentation #proximity- Utilizing Term Proximity based Features to Improve Text Document Clustering (SP, VP), pp. 537–544.
KDIR-2011-ZalikZ #algorithm #network- Network Clustering by Advanced Label Propagation Algorithm (KRZ, BZ), pp. 444–447.
KEOD-2011-FukumotoS #classification #graph #semantics #word- Semantic Classification of Unknown Words based on Graph-based Semi-supervised Clustering (FF, YS), pp. 37–46.
MLDM-2011-AidosF #higher-order- Hierarchical Clustering with High Order Dissimilarities (HA, ALNF), pp. 280–293.
MLDM-2011-Bouguessa #approach #transaction- A Practical Approach for Clustering Transaction Data (MB), pp. 265–279.
MLDM-2011-LozanoA #algorithm- Comparing Clustering and Metaclustering Algorithms (EL, EA), pp. 306–319.
MLDM-2011-MadaniBZ #named #xml- Clust-XPaths: Clustering of XML Paths (AM, OB, DEZ), pp. 294–305.
RecSys-2011-Alam #recommendation #web- Intelligent web usage clustering based recommender system (SA), pp. 367–370.
SEKE-2011-CassellAG #approach #refactoring- A Dual Clustering Approach to the Extract Class Refactoring (KC, PA, LG), pp. 77–82.
SIGIR-2011-AnastasiuGB #collaboration #named #personalisation- ClusteringWiki: personalized and collaborative clustering of search results (DCA, BJG, DB), pp. 1263–1264.
SIGIR-2011-KozorovitzkyK - Cluster-based fusion of retrieved lists (AKK, OK), pp. 893–902.
SIGIR-2011-LeungLL #collaboration #framework #named #recommendation- CLR: a collaborative location recommendation framework based on co-clustering (KWTL, DLL, WCL), pp. 305–314.
SIGIR-2011-YangGU #identification #self- Identifying points of interest by self-tuning clustering (YY, ZG, LHU), pp. 883–892.
SIGIR-2011-ZhangWS11a #documentation- Document clustering with universum (DZ, JW, LS), pp. 873–882.
AdaEurope-2011-EsquinasZPMRC #ada #framework #platform- ORK+/XtratuM: An Open Partitioning Platform for Ada (ÁE, JZ, JAdlP, MM, IR, AC), pp. 160–173.
RE-2011-MahmoudN #named #traceability- TraCter: A tool for candidate traceability link clustering (AM, NN), pp. 335–336.
RE-2011-VeerappaL #comprehension #multi #problem- Understanding clusters of optimal solutions in multi-objective decision problems (VV, EL), pp. 89–98.
REFSQ-2011-VeerappaL #requirements- Clustering Stakeholders for Requirements Decision Making (VV, EL), pp. 202–208.
ASE-2011-SagdeoAKV #invariant #named #using- PRECIS: Inferring invariants using program path guided clustering (PS, VA, SK, SV), pp. 532–535.
SAC-2011-BelcaidBHP #performance #using- Efficient clustering of populations using a minimal SNP panel (MB, KB, DH, GP), pp. 83–88.
SAC-2011-ChenHT #power management #quality #requirements- Power management schemes for heterogeneous clusters under quality of service requirements (JJC, KH, LT), pp. 546–553.
SAC-2011-CuzzocreaS #database #framework #mining #named- ClustCube: an OLAP-based framework for clustering and mining complex database objects (AC, PS), pp. 976–982.
SAC-2011-FuPT #distributed #framework #named- CluB: a cluster based framework for mitigating distributed denial of service attacks (ZF, MP, PT), pp. 520–527.
SAC-2011-HsuCK - Hierarchical comments-based clustering (CFH, JC, EK), pp. 1130–1137.
SAC-2011-HuMB #documentation #feature model #interactive- Interactive feature selection for document clustering (YH, EEM, JB), pp. 1143–1150.
SAC-2011-KontogiannisWM #comprehension #reduction #runtime- Event clustering for log reduction and run time system understanding (KK, AW, SM), pp. 191–192.
SAC-2011-KuoLC #algorithm #testing- Testing a binary space partitioning algorithm with metamorphic testing (FCK, SL, TYC), pp. 1482–1489.
SAC-2011-RodriguesGAL #named- L2GClust: local-to-global clustering of stream sources (PPR, JG, JA, LMBL), pp. 1006–1011.
SAC-2011-VandicDHF #approach #semantics- A semantic clustering-based approach for searching and browsing tag spaces (DV, JWvD, FH, FF), pp. 1693–1699.
ASPLOS-2011-LiuPMZ #named- Flikker: saving DRAM refresh-power through critical data partitioning (SL, KP, TM, BGZ), pp. 213–224.
ASPLOS-2011-SharmaBIS #named- Blink: managing server clusters on intermittent power (NS, SKB, DEI, PJS), pp. 185–198.
CASE-2011-BoemPFP #distance #multi #using- Multi-feature trajectory clustering using Earth Mover’s Distance (FB, FAP, GF, TP), pp. 310–315.
CASE-2011-KimL #constraints #scheduling #tool support- Scheduling of cluster tools with ready time constraints for small lot production (HJK, TEL), pp. 96–101.
CASE-2011-LeeL #concurrent #multi- Concurrent processing of multiple wafer types in a single-armed cluster tool (JHL, TEL), pp. 102–107.
CASE-2011-QiaoWZ #analysis #modelling #tool support- Modeling and analysis of dual-arm cluster tools for wafer fabrication with revisiting (YQ, NW, MZ), pp. 90–95.
CC-2011-GreweO #approach #using- A Static Task Partitioning Approach for Heterogeneous Systems Using OpenCL (DG, MFPO), pp. 286–305.
DAC-2011-KandemirYK #concurrent #parallel #thread- A helper thread based dynamic cache partitioning scheme for multithreaded applications (MTK, TY, EK), pp. 954–959.
DAC-2011-LiuZXL #hybrid #in memory #memory management #power management- Power-aware variable partitioning for DSPs with hybrid PRAM and DRAM main memory (TL, YZ, CJX, ML), pp. 405–410.
DAC-2011-MoffittSV #functional #robust #verification- Robust partitioning for hardware-accelerated functional verification (MDM, MAS, PGV), pp. 854–859.
DAC-2011-Pomeranz #fault- Diagnosis of transition fault clusters (IP), pp. 429–434.
DAC-2011-RajavelA #named- MO-pack: many-objective clustering for FPGA CAD (STR, AA), pp. 818–823.
DAC-2011-WangMR #configuration management #energy #manycore #optimisation #realtime- Dynamic cache reconfiguration and partitioning for energy optimization in real-time multi-core systems (WW, PM, SR), pp. 948–953.
DATE-2011-FalkZHT #algorithm #data flow #embedded #performance #rule-based #synthesis- A rule-based static dataflow clustering algorithm for efficient embedded software synthesis (JF, CZ, CH, JT), pp. 521–526.
DATE-2011-KolpeZS #manycore #power management- Enabling improved power management in multicore processors through clustered DVFS (TK, AZ, SSS), pp. 293–298.
DATE-2011-KongYD #energy #multi #realtime #scheduling- Energy-efficient scheduling of real-time tasks on cluster-based multicores (FK, WY, QD), pp. 1135–1140.
DATE-2011-KumarRPB #3d #testing- Hyper-graph based partitioning to reduce DFT cost for pre-bond 3D-IC testing (AK, SMR, IP, BB), pp. 1424–1429.
DATE-2011-RahimiLKB #network- A fully-synthesizable single-cycle interconnection network for Shared-L1 processor clusters (AR, IL, MRK, LB), pp. 491–496.
DATE-2011-Struzyna #constraints- Flow-based partitioning and position constraints in VLSI placement (MS), pp. 607–612.
HPCA-2011-RanjanLMG #concurrent #multi #named #thread- Fg-STP: Fine-Grain Single Thread Partitioning on Multicores (RR, FL, PM, AG), pp. 15–24.
HPDC-2011-JuveD #named- Wrangler: virtual cluster provisioning for the cloud (GJ, ED), pp. 277–278.
HPDC-2011-TejedorFGBAL #named #programming- ClusterSs: a task-based programming model for clusters (ET, MF, DG, RMB, GA, JL), pp. 267–268.
LCTES-2011-JangKLKYKKR #architecture #configuration management- An instruction-scheduling-aware data partitioning technique for coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (CJ, JK, JL, HSK, DY, SK, HK, SR), pp. 151–160.
PDP-2011-AchourAKN #automation #named #performance #predict #source code #towards- MPI-PERF-SIM: Towards an Automatic Performance Prediction Tool of MPI Programs on Hierarchical Clusters (SA, MA, BK, WN), pp. 207–211.
PDP-2011-FresnoGF #automation #multi- Automatic Data Partitioning Applied to Multigrid PDE Solvers (JF, AGE, DRLF), pp. 239–246.
PDP-2011-KarantasisP #abstraction #gpu #memory management #programming- Programming GPU Clusters with Shared Memory Abstraction in Software (KIK, EDP), pp. 223–230.
SOSP-2011-ErlingssonPPB #distributed #kernel #named- Fay: extensible distributed tracing from kernels to clusters (ÚE, MP, SP, MB), pp. 311–326.
STOC-2011-FeldmanL #approximate #framework- A unified framework for approximating and clustering data (DF, ML), pp. 569–578.
STOC-2011-IndykP #distance #modelling- K-median clustering, model-based compressive sensing, and sparse recovery for earth mover distance (PI, EP), pp. 627–636.
ICST-2011-ChenCZXF #testing #using- Using semi-supervised clustering to improve regression test selection techniques (SC, ZC, ZZ, BX, YF), pp. 1–10.
DocEng-2010-DubucB #social #social media #topic- Structure-aware topic clustering in social media (JD, SB), pp. 247–250.
DRR-2010-BianneKL #modelling #recognition #using #word- Context-dependent HMM modeling using tree-based clustering for the recognition of handwritten words (ALB, CK, LLS), pp. 1–10.
ECDL-2010-GippTB #analysis #proximity- Link Proximity Analysis — Clustering Websites by Examining Link Proximity (BG, AT, JB), pp. 449–452.
HT-2010-LeivaV #approach #documentation #interactive #web- Assessing users’ interactions for clustering web documents: a pragmatic approach (LAL, EV), pp. 277–278.
SIGMOD-2010-MahmoudA #integration #multi #retrieval- Schema clustering and retrieval for multi-domain pay-as-you-go data integration systems (HAM, AA), pp. 411–422.
VLDB-2010-BuHBE #named #performance #scalability- HaLoop: Efficient Iterative Data Processing on Large Clusters (YB, BH, MB, MDE), pp. 285–296.
VLDB-2010-CurinoZJM #approach #database #named #replication- Schism: a Workload-Driven Approach to Database Replication and Partitioning (CC, YZ, EPCJ, SM), pp. 48–57.
VLDB-2010-GunnemannFKS #concept #interactive #named- CoDA: Interactive Cluster Based Concept Discovery (SG, IF, HK, TS), pp. 1633–1636.
VLDB-2010-LangP #energy #pipes and filters- Energy Management for MapReduce Clusters (WL, JMP), pp. 129–139.
VLDB-2010-LiDHK #mining #named- Swarm: Mining Relaxed Temporal Moving Object Clusters (ZL, BD, JH, RK), pp. 723–734.
VLDB-2010-MacropolS #graph #scalability- Scalable Discovery of Best Clusters on Large Graphs (KM, AKS), pp. 693–702.
VLDB-2010-TzoumasDJ #correlation #query- Sharing-Aware Horizontal Partitioning for Exploiting Correlations During Query Processing (KT, AD, CSJ), pp. 542–553.
VLDB-2011-LeeH10 #named #performance #using- QSkycube: Efficient Skycube Computation using Point-Based Space Partitioning (JL, SwH), pp. 185–196.
EDM-2010-Bian #learning #process #student- Clustering Student Learning Activity Data (HB), pp. 277–278.
EDM-2010-NugentDA #algorithm #automation #set #specification- Skill Set Profile Clustering: The Empty K-Means Algorithm with Automatic Specification of Starting Cluster Centers (RN, ND, EA), pp. 151–160.
CSMR-2010-CorazzaMS #approach #probability #towards- A Probabilistic Based Approach towards Software System Clustering (AC, SDM, GS), pp. 88–96.
ICPC-2010-ScannielloDDD #algorithm #using- Using the Kleinberg Algorithm and Vector Space Model for Software System Clustering (GS, AD, CD, TD), pp. 180–189.
ICPC-2010-ShternT #algorithm #on the- On the Comparability of Software Clustering Algorithms (MS, VT), pp. 64–67.
PASTE-2010-IslamKBH #dependence- Coherent dependence clusters (SSI, JK, DB, MH), pp. 53–60.
WCRE-2010-BeckD #evolution- Evaluating the Impact of Software Evolution on Software Clustering (FB, SD), pp. 99–108.
ICALP-v1-2010-LiYZ - Clustering with Diversity (JL, KY, QZ), pp. 188–200.
SOFTVIS-2010-IslamKB #dependence #visualisation- Dependence cluster visualization (SSI, JK, DB), pp. 93–102.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-AdamLDB #parallel #performance #using- Performance Gain for Clustering with Growing Neural Gas using Parallelization Methods (AA, SL, SD, WB), pp. 264–269.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-SahaPMB #classification #difference #image #using- Improvement of Differential Crisp Clustering using ANN Classifier for Unsupervised Pixel Classification of Satellite Image (IS, DP, UM, SB), pp. 21–29.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-BohmHL #multi #optimisation #queue- Multi-process Optimization Via Horizontal Message Queue Partitioning (MB, DH, WL), pp. 5–14.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-BottcherHK #named #xml- CluX — Clustering XML Sub-trees (SB, RH, CK), pp. 142–150.
ICEIS-J-2010-BohmHL10a #multi #optimisation #queue- Multi-flow Optimization via Horizontal Message Queue Partitioning (MB, DH, WL), pp. 31–47.
CIKM-2010-ChatterjeeBR - Feature subspace transformations for enhancing k-means clustering (AC, SB, PR), pp. 1801–1804.
CIKM-2010-DasguptaBL #performance #taxonomy #web #web service- Taxonomic clustering of web service for efficient discovery (SD, SB, YL), pp. 1617–1620.
CIKM-2010-EatondJ #constraints #learning #multi- Multi-view clustering with constraint propagation for learning with an incomplete mapping between views (EE, Md, SJ), pp. 389–398.
CIKM-2010-FangSS #learning #multi- Multilevel manifold learning with application to spectral clustering (HrF, SS, YS), pp. 419–428.
CIKM-2010-FanWW #normalisation #performance #visual notation- Maximum normalized spacing for efficient visual clustering (ZGF, YW, BW), pp. 409–418.
CIKM-2010-HuangSHDSL #algorithm #community #detection #named #network- SHRINK: a structural clustering algorithm for detecting hierarchical communities in networks (JH, HS, JH, HD, YS, YL), pp. 219–228.
CIKM-2010-LuETP #video #visualisation- Visualization and clustering of crowd video content in MPCA subspace (HL, HLE, MT, KNP), pp. 1777–1780.
CIKM-2010-WangL #documentation #incremental #summary #using- Document update summarization using incremental hierarchical clustering (DW, TL), pp. 279–288.
ECIR-2010-PapapetrouSF #network #peer-to-peer #probability- Text Clustering for Peer-to-Peer Networks with Probabilistic Guarantees (OP, WS, NF), pp. 293–305.
ICML-2010-BshoutyL #linear #using- Finding Planted Partitions in Nearly Linear Time using Arrested Spectral Clustering (NHB, PML), pp. 135–142.
ICML-2010-CoenAF - Comparing Clusterings in Space (MHC, MHA, NF), pp. 231–238.
ICML-2010-DasguptaN #mining- Mining Clustering Dimensions (SD, VN), pp. 263–270.
ICML-2010-FaivishevskyG #algorithm #parametricity- Nonparametric Information Theoretic Clustering Algorithm (LF, JG), pp. 351–358.
ICML-2010-LinC - Power Iteration Clustering (FL, WWC), pp. 655–662.
ICML-2010-NiuDJ #multi- Multiple Non-Redundant Spectral Clustering Views (DN, JGD, MIJ), pp. 831–838.
ICML-2010-PoonZCW #modelling- Variable Selection in Model-Based Clustering: To Do or To Facilitate (LKMP, NLZ, TC, YW), pp. 887–894.
ICML-2010-Ryabko #process- Clustering processes (DR), pp. 919–926.
ICML-2010-VogtPFR #distance #invariant #process- The Translation-invariant Wishart-Dirichlet Process for Clustering Distance Data (JEV, SP, TJF, VR), pp. 1111–1118.
ICPR-2010-AbdalaWJ #random- Ensemble Clustering via Random Walker Consensus Strategy (DDA, PW, XJ), pp. 1433–1436.
ICPR-2010-AbergW #3d #algorithm- A Memetic Algorithm for Selection of 3D Clustered Features with Applications in Neuroscience (MBÅ, JW), pp. 1076–1079.
ICPR-2010-AyechKA #adaptation #image #segmentation- Image Segmentation Based on Adaptive Fuzzy-C-Means Clustering (MWA, KK, BeA), pp. 2306–2309.
ICPR-2010-BassiouK #distance #using #word- Word Clustering Using PLSA Enhanced with Long Distance Bigrams (NB, CK), pp. 4226–4229.
ICPR-2010-BauckhageT #adaptation #image- Adapting Information Theoretic Clustering to Binary Images (CB, CT), pp. 910–913.
ICPR-2010-BicegoLFD #array #modelling #topic- Biclustering of Expression Microarray Data with Topic Models (MB, PL, AF, MD), pp. 2728–2731.
ICPR-2010-BuloP #difference #probability #using- Probabilistic Clustering Using the Baum-Eagon Inequality (SRB, MP), pp. 1429–1432.
ICPR-2010-CapitaineF10a #image #on the #segmentation- On Selecting an Optimal Number of Clusters for Color Image Segmentation (HLC, CF), pp. 3388–3391.
ICPR-2010-ChenWL #on the- On Dynamic Weighting of Data in Clustering with K-Alpha Means (SC, HW, BL), pp. 774–777.
ICPR-2010-CheongL #case study #detection #topic #twitter- A Study on Detecting Patterns in Twitter Intra-topic User and Message Clustering (MC, VCSL), pp. 3125–3128.
ICPR-2010-ChiuHW - AP-Based Consensus Clustering for Gene Expression Time Series (TYC, TCH, JSW), pp. 2512–2515.
ICPR-2010-DinhPLL - Tensor Voting Based Color Clustering (TND, JP, CL, GL), pp. 597–600.
ICPR-2010-IsmailF #finite #modelling #robust- Possibilistic Clustering Based on Robust Modeling of Finite Generalized Dirichlet Mixture (MMBI, HF), pp. 573–576.
ICPR-2010-JiLZ #modelling- CDP Mixture Models for Data Clustering (YJ, TL, HZ), pp. 637–640.
ICPR-2010-JouiliTL #algorithm #graph- Median Graph Shift: A New Clustering Algorithm for Graph Domain (SJ, ST, VL), pp. 950–953.
ICPR-2010-KitaW #image #using- Binarization of Color Characters in Scene Images Using k-means Clustering and Support Vector Machines (KK, TW), pp. 3183–3186.
ICPR-2010-KlareMJD - Clustering Face Carvings: Exploring the Devatas of Angkor Wat (BK, PKM, AKJ, KD), pp. 1517–1520.
ICPR-2010-KobayashiO - Von Mises-Fisher Mean Shift for Clustering on a Hypersphere (TK, NO), pp. 2130–2133.
ICPR-2010-LourencoFJ #on the #scalability- On the Scalability of Evidence Accumulation Clustering (AL, ALNF, AKJ), pp. 782–785.
ICPR-2010-MakiharaY #analysis- Cluster-Pairwise Discriminant Analysis (YM, YY), pp. 577–580.
ICPR-2010-MarinaiMS #identification #recognition- Bag of Characters and SOM Clustering for Script Recognition and Writer Identification (SM, BM, GS), pp. 2182–2185.
ICPR-2010-Mirzaei #algorithm #multi #novel- A Novel Multi-view Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm Based on Ensemble of Partitions on Different Views (HM), pp. 1007–1010.
ICPR-2010-NgPS #automation #fuzzy- Automated Feature Weighting in Fuzzy Declustering-based Vector Quantization (TFN, TDP, CS), pp. 686–689.
ICPR-2010-NielsenBS - Bhattacharyya Clustering with Applications to Mixture Simplifications (FN, SB, OS), pp. 1437–1440.
ICPR-2010-PinedaKW #correlation #set #visual notation #word- Object Discovery by Clustering Correlated Visual Word Sets (GFP, HK, TW), pp. 750–753.
ICPR-2010-SaboorianJR #adaptation #database #image #scalability- User Adaptive Clustering for Large Image Databases (MMS, MJ, HRR), pp. 4271–4274.
ICPR-2010-SakarKSG #feature model #predict- Prediction of Protein Sub-nuclear Location by Clustering mRMR Ensemble Feature Selection (COS, OK, HS, FG), pp. 2572–2575.
ICPR-2010-SenkoK #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition #using- Pattern Recognition Method Using Ensembles of Regularities Found by Optimal Partitioning (OVS, AVK), pp. 2957–2960.
ICPR-2010-SfikasHN #analysis #multi #using- Multiple Atlas Inference and Population Analysis Using Spectral Clustering (GS, CH, CN), pp. 2500–2503.
ICPR-2010-TakalaCP #network #sequence- Boosting Clusters of Samples for Sequence Matching in Camera Networks (VT, YC, MP), pp. 400–403.
ICPR-2010-TaxHVP #concept #detection #learning #multi #using- The Detection of Concept Frames Using Clustering Multi-instance Learning (DMJT, EH, MFV, MP), pp. 2917–2920.
ICPR-2010-VuLB #algorithm #constraints #performance- An Efficient Active Constraint Selection Algorithm for Clustering (VVV, NL, BBM), pp. 2969–2972.
ICPR-2010-WangB #automation #evaluation #fault #performance- Performance Evaluation of Automatic Feature Discovery Focused within Error Clusters (SYW, HSB), pp. 718–721.
ICPR-2010-WangLR #graph- Combining Real and Virtual Graphs to Enhance Data Clustering (LW, CL, KR), pp. 790–793.
ICPR-2010-WojcikiewiczBK #classification #image- Enhancing Image Classification with Class-wise Clustered Vocabularies (WW, AB, MK), pp. 1060–1063.
ICPR-2010-ZhangH - A Hierarchical Clustering Method for Color Quantization (JZ, JH), pp. 786–789.
ICPR-2010-ZhangW #named- ARImp: A Generalized Adjusted Rand Index for Cluster Ensembles (SZ, HSW), pp. 778–781.
ICPR-2010-ZhanY - Cluster Preserving Embedding (YZ, JY), pp. 621–624.
KDD-2010-BohmPSY - Clustering by synchronization (CB, CP, JS, QY), pp. 583–592.
KDD-2010-CaiZH #feature model #multi- Unsupervised feature selection for multi-cluster data (DC, CZ, XH), pp. 333–342.
KDD-2010-DangB #linear- A hierarchical information theoretic technique for the discovery of non linear alternative clusterings (XHD, JB), pp. 573–582.
KDD-2010-HossainTWDHR - Unifying dependent clustering and disparate clustering for non-homogeneous data (MSH, ST, LTW, ID, RFH, NR), pp. 593–602.
KDD-2010-LiuLNFL #towards- Towards mobility-based clustering (SL, YL, LMN, JF, ML), pp. 919–928.
KDD-2010-PrestonBKSF #constraints #using- Redefining class definitions using constraint-based clustering: an application to remote sensing of the earth’s surface (DP, CEB, RK, DSM, MAF), pp. 823–832.
KDD-2010-WangD #flexibility- Flexible constrained spectral clustering (XW, ID), pp. 563–572.
KDD-2010-YeLCJ #automation #categorisation #using- Automatic malware categorization using cluster ensemble (YY, TL, YC, QJ), pp. 95–104.
KDD-2010-YuHW #documentation #feature model #process- Document clustering via dirichlet process mixture model with feature selection (GY, RzH, ZW), pp. 763–772.
KDIR-2010-GabrielSN #folksonomy #named #process- Crosssense — Sensemaking in a Folksonomy with Cross-modal Clustering over Content and User Activities (HHG, MS, AN), pp. 100–111.
KDIR-2010-KumarVSV #documentation #n-gram #wiki- Exploiting N-gram Importance and Wikipedia based Additional Knowledge for Improvements in GAAC based Document Clustering (NK, VVBV, KS, VV), pp. 182–187.
KDIR-2010-LourencoF #learning #multi- Selectively Learning Clusters in Multi-EAC (AL, ALNF), pp. 491–499.
KDIR-2010-NcirEB #kernel- Kernel Overlapping K-Means for Clustering in Feature Space (CEBN, NE, PB), pp. 250–255.
KDIR-2010-OlsonL #performance- Simple and Efficient Projective Clustering (CFO, HJL), pp. 45–55.
KDIR-2010-SaidW #concurrent #online #thread- Clustering of Thread Posts in Online Discussion Forums (DAS, NMW), pp. 314–319.
KDIR-2010-ThanhYU #documentation #scalability #set #similarity- Clustering Documents with Large Overlap of Terms into Different Clusters based on Similarity Rough Set Model (NCT, KY, MU), pp. 396–399.
KDIR-2010-TsaiHYC #algorithm #performance- An Efficient PSO-based Clustering Algorithm (CWT, KWH, CSY, MCC), pp. 150–155.
KEOD-2010-JohnF #personalisation #semantics #web- The Effect of Semantic Clustering on Web Search Personalization (JDG, FO), pp. 60–69.
KMIS-2010-Caballero-GilCM #analysis #information management #simulation #using- Knowledge Management using Clusters in VANETs — Description, Simulation and Analysis (CCG, PCG, JMG), pp. 170–175.
RecSys-2010-KhoshneshinS10a #collaboration #incremental- Incremental collaborative filtering via evolutionary co-clustering (MK, WNS), pp. 325–328.
RecSys-2010-MoldvayBFS #graph #named #recommendation #semantics #social- Tagmantic: a social recommender service based on semantic tag graphs and tag clusters (JM, IB, AF, MS), pp. 345–346.
SEKE-2010-DuanCZQY #slicing #testing- Improving Cluster Selection Techniques of Regression Testing by Slice Filtering (YD, ZC, ZZ, JQ, ZY), pp. 253–258.
SEKE-2010-MarcaciniR #incremental #topic #using- Incremental Construction of Topic Hierarchies using Hierarchical Term Clustering (RMM, SOR), p. 553.
SIGIR-2010-CarpinetoR - Optimal meta search results clustering (CC, GR), pp. 170–177.
SIGIR-2010-DasguptaN #towards- Towards subjectifying text clustering (SD, VN), pp. 483–490.
SIGIR-2010-FernandezPLB #approach- Where to start filtering redundancy?: a cluster-based approach (RTF, JP, DEL, AB), pp. 735–736.
SIGIR-2010-KimAGG #documentation #multi- Multi-view clustering of multilingual documents (YMK, MRA, CG, PG), pp. 821–822.
SIGIR-2010-LiL #algorithm #named- HCC: a hierarchical co-clustering algorithm (JL, TL), pp. 861–862.
SIGIR-2010-MingWC #categorisation #navigation #prototype #web- Prototype hierarchy based clustering for the categorization and navigation of web collections (ZM, KW, TSC), pp. 2–9.
SIGIR-2010-MuhrKG #analysis- Analysis of structural relationships for hierarchical cluster labeling (MM, RK, MG), pp. 178–185.
SIGIR-2010-WangWVL #documentation #learning #metric- Text document clustering with metric learning (JW, SW, HQV, GL), pp. 783–784.
SAC-2010-BautistaSHPD #power management #requirements #set- Dynamic task set partitioning based on balancing resource requirements and utilization to reduce power consumption (DB, JS, HH, SP, JD), pp. 521–526.
SAC-2010-ColantonioPOV #adaptation #approach #matrix #named- ABBA: adaptive bicluster-based approach to impute missing values in binary matrices (AC, RDP, AO, NVV), pp. 1026–1033.
SAC-2010-ConceicaoPC #novel- A novel stable and low-maintenance clustering scheme (LC, DP, MC), pp. 699–705.
SAC-2010-FacchinettiF #architecture #manycore #realtime- Resource partitioning for real-time processing on a multicore architecture (TF, MF), pp. 359–360.
SAC-2010-GabrielSN #matrix #similarity #using- Eigenvector-based clustering using aggregated similarity matrices (HHG, MS, AN), pp. 1083–1087.
SAC-2010-GuoH #algorithm- A two stage yard crane workload partitioning and job sequencing algorithm for container terminals (XG, SYH), pp. 2383–2388.
SAC-2010-LamprierASL - Traveling among clusters: a way to reconsider the benefits of the cluster hypothesis (SL, TA, FS, BL), pp. 1774–1780.
SAC-2010-LamprierASL10a #approach #multi #query- Query-oriented clustering: a multi-objective approach (SL, TA, FS, BL), pp. 1789–1795.
SAC-2010-MatteoPTV #algorithm #ambiguity #folksonomy- Of mice and terms: clustering algorithms on ambiguous terms in folksonomies (NRDM, SP, FT, FV), pp. 844–848.
SAC-2010-NaceraHAM #ad hoc #network- A new two level hierarchy structuring for node partitioning in ad hoc networks (BN, HG, HA, MM), pp. 719–726.
SAC-2010-NepomucenoLA #correlation #linear #metaheuristic- Evolutionary metaheuristic for biclustering based on linear correlations among genes (JAN, ATL, JSAR), pp. 1143–1147.
SAC-2010-PetrucciLM #optimisation #performance- Dynamic optimization of power and performance for virtualized server clusters (VP, OL, DM), pp. 263–264.
SAC-2010-PortugalR #algorithm #graph #multi #using- MSP algorithm: multi-robot patrolling based on territory allocation using balanced graph partitioning (DP, RPR), pp. 1271–1276.
SAC-2010-RosswogG #detection #mobile- Efficiently detecting clusters of mobile objects in the presence of dense noise (JR, KG), pp. 1095–1102.
SAC-2010-RyuLYS #file system- Flash-aware cluster allocation method based on filename extension for FAT file system (SR, CL, SY, SS), pp. 502–509.
SAC-2010-SantanaLM #realtime #web- Load forecasting applied to soft real-time web clusters (CS, JCBL, DM), pp. 346–350.
SAC-2010-ShestakovS #web- Host-IP clustering technique for deep web characterization (DS, TS), pp. 874–875.
CASE-2010-AhnM #analysis #behaviour #modelling #tool support- Analysis of circular cluster tools: Transient behavior and semiconductor equipment models (YA, JRM), pp. 39–44.
CASE-2010-ChanR #estimation #multi #on the #scheduling #tool support- On gradient estimation of scheduling for multi-cluster tools with general robot moving times (WK(C, TMR), pp. 112–117.
CASE-2010-LeeL #architecture #scheduling #tool support- An open scheduling architecture for cluster tools (JHL, TEL), pp. 420–425.
CASE-2010-RoutrayRS #detection #fault #reduction- Data reduction and clustering techniques for fault detection and diagnosis in automotives (AR, AR, SS), pp. 326–331.
CASE-2010-SinghR #energy #optimisation #policy- Energy optimization policies for server clusters (NS, SR), pp. 293–300.
CASE-2010-WuZ #bound #petri net #process #scheduling #tool support- Petri net-based scheduling of time-constrained dual-arm cluster tools with bounded activity time variation (NW, MZ), pp. 465–470.
DAC-2010-YuP #manycore #memory management #platform- Off-chip memory bandwidth minimization through cache partitioning for multi-core platforms (CY, PP), pp. 132–137.
DATE-2010-NeishaburiZ #debugging #performance- Enabling efficient post-silicon debug by clustering of hardware-assertions (MHN, ZZ), pp. 985–988.
DATE-2010-SrinivasJ #graph #performance- Clock gating approaches by IOEX graphs and cluster efficiency plots (JS, SJ), pp. 638–641.
DATE-2010-TakaseTT #memory management #multi- Partitioning and allocation of scratch-pad memory for priority-based preemptive multi-task systems (HT, HT, HT), pp. 1124–1129.
HPCA-2010-LeeLSKKS #manycore- COMIC++: A software SVM system for heterogeneous multicore accelerator clusters (JL, JL, SS, JK, SK, ZS), pp. 1–12.
HPCA-2010-LiuJS #comprehension #how #memory management #multi #performance- Understanding how off-chip memory bandwidth partitioning in Chip Multiprocessors affects system performance (FL, XJ, YS), pp. 1–12.
HPDC-2010-FuRLFG #data-driven #named #scalability- DiscFinder: a data-intensive scalable cluster finder for astrophysics (BF, KR, JL, EF, GAG), pp. 348–351.
HPDC-2010-HermenierLM - Cluster-wide context switch of virtualized jobs (FH, AL, JMM), pp. 658–666.
HPDC-2010-HuLZHX #manycore #scheduling #virtual machine- I/O scheduling model of virtual machine based on multi-core dynamic partitioning (YH, XL, JZ, JH, LX), pp. 142–154.
HPDC-2010-JonesDD #performance- Impact of sub-optimal checkpoint intervals on application efficiency in computational clusters (WMJ, JTD, ND), pp. 276–279.
HPDC-2010-RajannaSJLG #coordination #in the cloud #named #network #platform- XCo: explicit coordination to prevent network fabric congestion in cloud computing cluster platforms (VSR, SS, AJ, CL, KG), pp. 252–263.
HPDC-2010-SonmezYAIE #analysis #multi #performance #scheduling #workflow- Performance analysis of dynamic workflow scheduling in multicluster grids (OOS, NY, SA, AI, DHJE), pp. 49–60.
HPDC-2010-StoutFMG #network #scalability #using- Scaling virtual organization clusters over a wide area network using the Kestrel workload management system (LS, MF, MAM, SG), pp. 692–698.
OSDI-2010-AnanthanarayananKGSLSH #using- Reining in the Outliers in Map-Reduce Clusters using Mantri (GA, SK, AGG, IS, YL, BS, EH), pp. 265–278.
PDP-2010-AlonsoRL #case study #implementation #manycore #matrix #parallel- Experimental Study of Six Different Implementations of Parallel Matrix Multiplication on Heterogeneous Computational Clusters of Multicore Processors (PA, RR, ALL), pp. 263–270.
PDP-2010-KushidaTT - High Speed Eigenvalue Solver on the Cell Cluster System for Controlling Nuclear Fusion Plasma (NK, HT, ST), pp. 482–488.
PDP-2010-LeoAGZ #analysis #data transformation #throughput #using- Using Virtual Clusters to Decouple Computation and Data Management in High Throughput Analysis Applications (SL, PA, MG, GZ), pp. 411–415.
PDP-2010-SantoRSZ #distributed #memory management #parallel #transaction- Software Distributed Shared Memory with Transactional Coherence — A Software Engine to Run Transactional Shared-memory Parallel Applications on Clusters (MDS, NR, CS, EZ), pp. 175–179.
PDP-2010-SunWC #approach #coordination #graph #network- A Graph Clustering Approach to Computing Network Coordinates (YS, BW, KC), pp. 129–136.
PDP-2010-UcarC #matrix #modelling #on the #scalability- On the Scalability of Hypergraph Models for Sparse Matrix Partitioning (BU, ÜVÇ), pp. 593–600.
PPoPP-2010-MuralidharaKR #parallel #thread- Intra-application shared cache partitioning for multithreaded applications (SPM, MTK, PR), pp. 329–330.
ICST-2010-YanCZZZ #execution- A Dynamic Test Cluster Sampling Strategy by Leveraging Execution Spectra Information (SY, ZC, ZZ, CZ, YZ), pp. 147–154.
DocEng-2009-KuttyNL #approach #documentation #hybrid #named #performance #xml- HCX: an efficient hybrid clustering approach for XML documents (SK, RN, YL), pp. 94–97.
DRR-2009-TanVK #identification #online #using- Online writer identification using alphabetic information clustering (GXT, CVG, ACK), pp. 1–10.
ECDL-2009-PapadakosKAT #taxonomy #web- Exploratory Web Searching with Dynamic Taxonomies and Results Clustering (PP, SK, NA, YT), pp. 106–118.
ICDAR-2009-BharathM #framework- A Framework Based on Semi-Supervised Clustering for Discovering Unique Writing Styles (AB, SM), pp. 891–895.
ICDAR-2009-CaoPSN #adaptation #using- Unsupervised HMM Adaptation Using Page Style Clustering (HC, RP, SS, PN), pp. 1091–1095.
ICDAR-2009-GaoTLTC #analysis #documentation- Analysis of Book Documents’ Table of Content Based on Clustering (LG, ZT, XL, XT, YC), pp. 911–915.
ICDAR-2009-MarinaiMS #order #using- Mathematical Symbol Indexing Using Topologically Ordered Clusters of Shape Contexts (SM, BM, GS), pp. 1041–1045.
ICDAR-2009-MoghaddamC #automation #classification #documentation #image #multi #word- Application of Multi-Level Classifiers and Clustering for Automatic Word Spotting in Historical Document Images (RFM, MC), pp. 511–515.
ICDAR-2009-PletschacherHA #documentation #framework #recognition- A New Framework for Recognition of Heavily Degraded Characters in Historical Typewritten Documents Based on Semi-Supervised Clustering (SP, JH, AA), pp. 506–510.
ICDAR-2009-RasagnaKJM #documentation #recognition #robust #word- Robust Recognition of Documents by Fusing Results of Word Clusters (VR, AK, CVJ, RM), pp. 566–570.
PODS-2009-GuhaM #nondeterminism- Exceeding expectations and clustering uncertain data (SG, KM), pp. 269–278.
SIGMOD-2009-AndreiCCJS #optimisation- Ordering, distinctness, aggregation, partitioning and DQP optimization in sybase ASE 15 (MA, XC, SC, CJ, ES), pp. 917–924.
SIGMOD-2009-XuBEHS #enterprise #nondeterminism- E = MC3: managing uncertain enterprise data in a cluster-computing environment (FX, KSB, VE, PJH, EJS), pp. 441–454.
SIGMOD-2009-ZhangMC #scalability #using- Scalable skyline computation using object-based space partitioning (SZ, NM, DWC), pp. 483–494.
VLDB-2009-HassanzadehCML #algorithm #detection #framework- Framework for Evaluating Clustering Algorithms in Duplicate Detection (OH, FC, RJM, HCL), pp. 1282–1293.
VLDB-2009-KimH #network- A Particle-and-Density Based Evolutionary Clustering Method for Dynamic Networks (MSK, JH), pp. 622–633.
VLDB-2009-KoloniariP #game studies #peer-to-peer- A Recall-Based Cluster Formation Game in Peer-to-Peer Systems (GK, EP), pp. 455–466.
VLDB-2009-MullerGAS - Evaluating Clustering in Subspace Projections of High Dimensional Data (EM, SG, IA, TS), pp. 1270–1281.
VLDB-2009-ZhouCY #graph- Graph Clustering Based on Structural/Attribute Similarities (YZ, HC, JXY), pp. 718–729.
EDM-2009-NugentAD #identification #student- Subspace Clustering of Skill Mastery: Identifying Skills that Separate Students (RN, EA, ND), pp. 101–110.
CSMR-2009-BittencourtG #algorithm #architecture #comparison #graph- Comparison of Graph Clustering Algorithms for Recovering Software Architecture Module Views (RAB, DDSG), pp. 251–254.
CSMR-2009-PatelHR #dependence #dynamic analysis #using- Software Clustering Using Dynamic Analysis and Static Dependencies (CP, AHL, JR), pp. 27–36.
ICPC-2009-HanWYCZL #comprehension #design pattern #open source #source code- Design pattern directed clustering for understanding open source code (ZH, LW, LY, XC, JZ, XL), pp. 295–296.
ICPC-2009-ShternT #algorithm- Methods for selecting and improving software clustering algorithms (MS, VT), pp. 248–252.
ICSM-2009-FokaefsTCS #object-oriented #using- Decomposing object-oriented class modules using an agglomerative clustering technique (MF, NT, AC, JS), pp. 93–101.
ICSM-2009-ShternT #evaluation #using- Refining clustering evaluation using structure indicators (MS, VT), pp. 297–305.
SCAM-2009-BinkleyH #dependence #identification #scalability- Identifying “Linchpin Vertices” That Cause Large Dependence Clusters (DB, MH), pp. 89–98.
WCRE-1999-AnquetilL99b #years after- Ten Years Later, Experiments with Clustering as a Software Remodularization Method (NA, TCL), p. 7.
WCRE-1999-VanyaKRV99a - Characterizing Evolutionary Clusters (AV, SK, NvR, HvV), pp. 227–236.
DLT-2009-BealP #automaton #bound #polynomial #word- A Quadratic Upper Bound on the Size of a Synchronizing Word in One-Cluster Automata (MPB, DP), pp. 81–90.
ICALP-v1-2009-AilonL #correlation #cost analysis #fault #problem- Correlation Clustering Revisited: The “True” Cost of Error Minimization Problems (NA, EL), pp. 24–36.
CHI-2009-BergstromK #human-computer #topic- Conversation clusters: grouping conversation topics through human-computer dialog (TB, KK), pp. 2349–2352.
CHI-2009-SchrammelLT #empirical #evaluation #semantics- Semantically structured tag clouds: an empirical evaluation of clustered presentation approaches (JS, ML, MT), pp. 2037–2040.
DHM-2009-NiuLX #3d- Comparisons of 3D Shape Clustering with Different Face Area Definitions (JN, ZL, SX), pp. 55–63.
DHM-2009-NiuLX09a #3d- Block Division for 3D Head Shape Clustering (JN, ZL, SX), pp. 64–71.
HIMI-DIE-2009-DumanHG #adaptation #visual notation- Adaptive Visual Clustering for Mixed-Initiative Information Structuring (HD, AH, RAGH), pp. 384–393.
HIMI-II-2009-AllamrajuC #documentation #heuristic #preprocessor- Enhancing Document Clustering through Heuristics and Summary-Based Pre-processing (SHA, RC), pp. 105–113.
HIMI-II-2009-KimMC #network #protocol #using- A Hierarchical Data Dissemination Protocol Using Probability-Based Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks (MK, MWM, HC), pp. 149–158.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-KuoWHH #network #optimisation #order #using- An Order Clustering System using ART2 Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization Methodn (RJK, MJW, TWH, TLH), pp. 54–59.
ICEIS-J-2009-GadK #performance #semantics #similarity #using- Enhancing Text Clustering Performance Using Semantic Similarity (WKG, MSK), pp. 325–335.
ICEIS-J-2009-MohebiS #ambiguity #analysis #detection #hybrid #network #using- An Optimized Hybrid Kohonen Neural Network for Ambiguity Detection in Cluster Analysis Using Simulated Annealing (EM, MNMS), pp. 389–401.
CIKM-2009-AlonsoGB #timeline #using- Clustering and exploring search results using timeline constructions (OA, MG, RABY), pp. 97–106.
CIKM-2009-BalachandranPK #configuration management #dataset #documentation- Interpretable and reconfigurable clustering of document datasets by deriving word-based rules (VB, DP, DK), pp. 1773–1776.
CIKM-2009-BashirR #documentation #feedback #pseudo- Improving retrievability of patents with cluster-based pseudo-relevance feedback documents selection (SB, AR), pp. 1863–1866.
CIKM-2009-BohmNPW #using- Density-based clustering using graphics processors (CB, RN, CP, BW), pp. 661–670.
CIKM-2009-GurajadaK #maintenance #online #using- On-line index maintenance using horizontal partitioning (SG, PSK), pp. 435–444.
CIKM-2009-GuZ - Subspace maximum margin clustering (QG, JZ), pp. 1337–1346.
CIKM-2009-HeZSC #data type #multi #query #rank- Cluster based rank query over multidimensional data streams (DH, YZ, LS, GC), pp. 1493–1496.
CIKM-2009-HungP #network #predict- Clustering object moving patterns for prediction-based object tracking sensor networks (CCH, WCP), pp. 1633–1636.
CIKM-2009-HuSZC #semantics #using- Exploiting internal and external semantics for the clustering of short texts using world knowledge (XH, NS, CZ, TSC), pp. 919–928.
CIKM-2009-KurasawaFTA #metric #similarity- Maximal metric margin partitioning for similarity search indexes (HK, DF, AT, JA), pp. 1887–1890.
CIKM-2009-KuttyNL #approach #documentation #named #using #xml- XCFS: an XML documents clustering approach using both the structure and the content (SK, RN, YL), pp. 1729–1732.
CIKM-2009-LiuZSNW #documentation #query #ranking- Clustering queries for better document ranking (YL, LZ, RS, JYN, JRW), pp. 1569–1572.
CIKM-2009-LuCP #network #social #web- Exploit the tripartite network of social tagging for web clustering (CL, XC, EKP), pp. 1545–1548.
CIKM-2009-MomtaziK #approach #modelling #retrieval #word- A word clustering approach for language model-based sentence retrieval in question answering systems (SM, DK), pp. 1911–1914.
CIKM-2009-PuH #feedback #pseudo #semantics #using- Pseudo relevance feedback using semantic clustering in relevance language model (QP, DH), pp. 1931–1934.
CIKM-2009-StoyanovichA #dataset- Rank-aware clustering of structured datasets (JS, SAY), pp. 1429–1432.
CIKM-2009-WangCH #algorithm #performance #scalability #topic #web- An efficient clustering algorithm for large-scale topical web pages (LW, PC, LH), pp. 1851–1854.
CIKM-2009-WhissellCA #query #web- Clustering web queries (JSW, CLAC, AA), pp. 899–908.
CIKM-2009-WuZH - Fragment-based clustering ensembles (OW, MZ, WH), pp. 1795–1798.
ECIR-2009-ParaparB #algorithm #documentation #evaluation- Evaluation of Text Clustering Algorithms with N-Gram-Based Document Fingerprints (JP, AB), pp. 645–653.
ICML-2009-BuhlerH #graph- Spectral clustering based on the graph p-Laplacian (TB, MH), pp. 81–88.
ICML-2009-ChaudhuriKLS #analysis #canonical #correlation #multi- Multi-view clustering via canonical correlation analysis (KC, SMK, KL, KS), pp. 129–136.
ICML-2009-DeodharGGCD #framework #scalability #semistructured data- A scalable framework for discovering coherent co-clusters in noisy data (MD, GG, JG, HC, ISD), pp. 241–248.
ICML-2009-GiesekePK #performance- Fast evolutionary maximum margin clustering (FG, TP, OK), pp. 361–368.
ICML-2009-HaiderS #detection #email- Bayesian clustering for email campaign detection (PH, TS), pp. 385–392.
ICML-2009-NguyenEB #comparison #metric #question- Information theoretic measures for clusterings comparison: is a correction for chance necessary? (XVN, JE, JB), pp. 1073–1080.
ICML-2009-NowozinJ #graph #learning #linear #programming- Solution stability in linear programming relaxations: graph partitioning and unsupervised learning (SN, SJ), pp. 769–776.
ICML-2009-StreichFBB #multi- Multi-assignment clustering for Boolean data (APS, MF, DAB, JMB), pp. 969–976.
KDD-2009-AndoS #detection- Detection of unique temporal segments by information theoretic meta-clustering (SA, ES), pp. 59–68.
KDD-2009-BekkermanSV #combinator- Improving clustering stability with combinatorial MRFs (RB, MS, KV), pp. 99–108.
KDD-2009-DaruruMWG #data flow #data mining #mining #parallel #pervasive #scalability- Pervasive parallelism in data mining: dataflow solution to co-clustering large and sparse Netflix data (SD, NMM, MW, JG), pp. 1115–1124.
KDD-2009-GuZ - Co-clustering on manifolds (QG, JZ), pp. 359–368.
KDD-2009-HuZLPZ #documentation #wiki- Exploiting Wikipedia as external knowledge for document clustering (XH, XZ, CL, EKP, XZ), pp. 389–396.
KDD-2009-LeeHNW #query- Query result clustering for object-level search (JL, SwH, ZN, JRW), pp. 1205–1214.
KDD-2009-MakanjuZM #using- Clustering event logs using iterative partitioning (AM, ANZH, EEM), pp. 1255–1264.
KDD-2009-PandeyASMK #analysis #approach- An association analysis approach to biclustering (GP, GA, MS, CLM, VK), pp. 677–686.
KDD-2009-QiD #flexibility #framework- A principled and flexible framework for finding alternative clusterings (ZQ, ID), pp. 717–726.
KDD-2009-SatuluriP #community #graph #probability #scalability #using- Scalable graph clustering using stochastic flows: applications to community discovery (VS, SP), pp. 737–746.
KDD-2009-SunYH #network- Ranking-based clustering of heterogeneous information networks with star network schema (YS, YY, JH), pp. 797–806.
KDD-2009-WuXC #adaptation #metric- Adapting the right measures for K-means clustering (JW, HX, JC), pp. 877–886.
KDD-2009-YanHJ #approximate #performance- Fast approximate spectral clustering (DY, LH, MIJ), pp. 907–916.
KDIR-2009-CamposDJ #topic #web- Disambiguating Web Search Results by Topic and Temporal Clustering — A Proposal (RC, GD, AMJ), pp. 292–296.
KDIR-2009-DuarteDRF #consistency #using- Cluster Ensemble Selection — Using Average Cluster Consistency (FJFD, JMMD, FR, ALNF), pp. 85–95.
KDIR-2009-SilvestreCF #category theory #modelling- Selecting Categorical Features in Model-based Clustering (CMVS, MMGSC, MATF), pp. 303–306.
KDIR-2009-SzekelyBM - Unsupervised Discriminant Embedding in Cluster Spaces (ES, EB, SMM), pp. 70–76.
KEOD-2009-YiR #algorithm #ontology #using- Using a Clustering Algorithm for Domain Related Ontology Construction (HY, VJRS), pp. 336–341.
KMIS-2009-GindiyehGHA - Linguistically Enhanced Clustering of Technical Publications (MG, GG, JH, AA), pp. 324–327.
MLDM-2009-AbdalaJ #approach- An Evidence Accumulation Approach to Constrained Clustering Combination (DDA, XJ), pp. 361–371.
MLDM-2009-BenabdeslemS #approach #probability- A Probabilistic Approach for Constrained Clustering with Topological Map (KB, JS), pp. 413–426.
MLDM-2009-CzarnowskiJ #distributed- Agent-Based Non-distributed and Distributed Clustering (IC, PJ), pp. 347–360.
MLDM-2009-GadK #semantics #similarity #using- New Semantic Similarity Based Model for Text Clustering Using Extended Gloss Overlaps (WKG, MSK), pp. 663–677.
MLDM-2009-SakaiI #performance #random- Fast Spectral Clustering with Random Projection and Sampling (TS, AI), pp. 372–384.
MLDM-2009-SarmentoKOU #performance #set- Efficient Clustering of Web-Derived Data Sets (LS, AK, ECO, LHU), pp. 398–412.
MLDM-2009-SmaouiMM #algorithm #assessment #named #quality- CSBIterKmeans: A New Clustering Algorithm Based on Quantitative Assessment of the Clustering Quality (TS, SM, CMS), pp. 337–346.
RecSys-2009-GansnerHKV #recommendation #visualisation- Putting recommendations on the map: visualizing clusters and relations (ERG, YH, SGK, CV), pp. 345–348.
RecSys-2009-Nnadi #correlation #multi #recommendation #set- Applying relevant set correlation clustering to multi-criteria recommender systems (NN), pp. 401–404.
SEKE-2009-ChaoS #data type #privacy- Privacy-preserving Clustering of Data Streams (CMC, CCS), pp. 530–535.
SEKE-2009-DoranG #web- Classifying Web Robots by K-means Clustering (DD, SSG), pp. 97–102.
SEKE-2009-JiCXZ #analysis #novel- A Novel Method of Mutation Clustering Based on Domain Analysis (CJ, ZC, BX, ZZ), pp. 422–425.
SEKE-2009-RuhelaR #documentation #web- Improving Text Document Clustering by Exploiting Open Web Directory (GR, PKR), pp. 87–92.
SEKE-2009-RusNSC #algorithm #fault #graph #using- Clustering of Defect Reports Using Graph Partitioning Algorithms (VR, XN, SGS, YC), pp. 442–445.
SIGIR-2009-AmbaiY #image #multi #ranking #set #visual notation- Multiclass VisualRank: image ranking method in clustered subsets based on visual features (MA, YY), pp. 732–733.
SIGIR-2009-BrunoM #approach #modelling #multi #using- Multiview clustering: a late fusion approach using latent models (EB, SMM), pp. 736–737.
SIGIR-2009-CarmelRZ #using #wiki- Enhancing cluster labeling using wikipedia (DC, HR, NZ), pp. 139–146.
SIGIR-2009-GongO #ambiguity #web- Selecting hierarchical clustering cut points for web person-name disambiguation (JG, DWO), pp. 778–779.
SIGIR-2009-KalmanovichK #query- Cluster-based query expansion (IGK, OK), pp. 646–647.
SIGIR-2009-KeSM #effectiveness #online- Dynamicity vs. effectiveness: studying online clustering for scatter/gather (WK, CRS, JM), pp. 19–26.
SIGIR-2009-MeisterKK #documentation #retrieval- Integrating clusters created offline with query-specific clusters for document retrieval (LM, OK, IGK), pp. 706–707.
SIGIR-2009-MonzW #ambiguity #comparison- A comparison of retrieval-based hierarchical clustering approaches to person name disambiguation (CM, WW), pp. 650–651.
SIGIR-2009-VriesG #documentation #named #scalability- K-tree: large scale document clustering (CMDV, SG), pp. 718–719.
REFSQ-2009-LiRFM #composition #design #question #requirements- Does Requirements Clustering Lead to Modular Design? (ZL, QAR, RF, NHM), pp. 233–239.
ASE-2009-BarnatBS #ltl #model checking- Cluster-Based I/O-Efficient LTL Model Checking (JB, LB, PS), pp. 635–639.
ASE-2009-CassellAGN #automation #towards #using- Towards Automating Class-Splitting Using Betweenness Clustering (KC, PA, LG, JN), pp. 595–599.
ASE-2009-GuldaliFJSE #automation #requirements #testing #using- Semi-automated Test Planning for e-ID Systems by Using Requirements Clustering (BG, HF, MJ, SS, GE), pp. 29–39.
ESEC-FSE-2009-VangalaCT #comparison #execution #testing #using- Test case comparison and clustering using program profiles and static execution (VV, JC, PT), pp. 293–294.
SAC-2009-ChaovalitG #data type- A method for clustering transient data streams (PC, AG), pp. 1518–1519.
SAC-2009-ChiangWLC #multi #policy #web- New content-aware request distribution policies in web clusters providing multiple services (MLC, CHW, YJL, YFC), pp. 79–83.
SAC-2009-CorderoVB #framework- A new protein motif extraction framework based on constrained co-clustering (FC, AV, MB), pp. 776–781.
SAC-2009-FodehPT #documentation #semantics #statistics- Combining statistics and semantics via ensemble model for document clustering (SJF, WFP, PNT), pp. 1446–1450.
SAC-2009-JangYC #algorithm #multi #set- A smart clustering algorithm for photo set obtained from multiple digital cameras (CJJ, TY, HGC), pp. 1784–1791.
SAC-2009-KumarZ #graph #visualisation- Visualization of clustered directed acyclic graphs with node interleaving (PK, KZ), pp. 1800–1805.
SAC-2009-KuuskeriM #web- Partitioning web applications between the server and the client (JK, TM), pp. 647–652.
SAC-2009-PetrucciLM #adaptation #framework #power management- A framework for dynamic adaptation of power-aware server clusters (VP, OL, DM), pp. 1034–1039.
SAC-2009-RajgurePBH #network #self #transaction- Geographical data collection in sensor networks with self-organizing transaction cluster-heads (NR, EP, CB, SH), pp. 1214–1218.
SAC-2009-WeiSW #algorithm #email #fuzzy #novel #string- Clustering malware-generated spam emails with a novel fuzzy string matching algorithm (CW, AS, GW), pp. 889–890.
SAC-2009-ZhangCCW #image #visual notation- Revealing common sources of image spam by unsupervised clustering with visual features (CZ, WbC, XC, GW), pp. 891–892.
ASPLOS-2009-CaulfieldGS #data-driven #memory management #named #performance #power management #using- Gordon: using flash memory to build fast, power-efficient clusters for data-intensive applications (AMC, LMG, SS), pp. 217–228.
CASE-2009-GargM #agile #algorithm #named #using- RACK: RApid clustering using K-means algorithm (VKG, MNM), pp. 621–626.
CASE-2009-Morrison #modelling #process #tool support- Regular flow line models for semiconductor cluster tools: A case of lot dependent process times (JRM), pp. 561–566.
CASE-2009-VeilumuthuR #query- Intent based clustering of search engine query log (AV, PR), pp. 647–652.
CASE-2009-WuCCZ #approach #novel #scheduling #tool support- A novel approach to scheduling of single-arm cluster tools with wafer revisiting (NW, FC, CC, MZ), pp. 567–572.
DAC-2009-SarbisheiAF #heuristic #optimisation #polynomial #using- Polynomial datapath optimization using partitioning and compensation heuristics (OS, BA, MF), pp. 931–936.
DATE-2009-LombardiMB #manycore #realtime #robust #scheduling- Robust non-preemptive hard real-time scheduling for clustered multicore platforms (ML, MM, LB), pp. 803–808.
DATE-2009-LongLFDY #adaptation #energy #network- Energy-efficient spatially-adaptive clustering and routing in wireless sensor networks (HL, YL, XF, RPD, HY), pp. 1267–1272.
DATE-2009-SathanurPBMM #design #variability- Physically clustered forward body biasing for variability compensation in nanometer CMOS design (AVS, AP, LB, GDM, EM), pp. 154–159.
HPDC-2009-AssuncaoCB #capacity #in the cloud #using- Evaluating the cost-benefit of using cloud computing to extend the capacity of clusters (MDdA, AdC, RB), pp. 141–150.
HPDC-2009-YiMEJT #abstraction #manycore #parallel- Harnessing parallelism in multicore clusters with the all-pairs and wavefront abstractions (LY, CM, SJE, KJ, DT), pp. 1–10.
PDP-2009-AchourNS #adaptation #algorithm #modelling #on the #performance #using- On the Use of Performance Models for Adaptive Algorithm Selection on Heterogeneous Clusters (SA, WN, LAS), pp. 85–89.
PDP-2009-MurphyFG - Virtual Organization Clusters (MAM, MF, SG), pp. 401–408.
PDP-2009-RabenseifnerHJ #hybrid #manycore #parallel #programming- Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Parallel Programming on Clusters of Multi-Core SMP Nodes (RR, GH, GJ), pp. 427–436.
PDP-2009-TuFZZ #manycore #message passing #modelling- Accurate Analytical Models for Message Passing on Multi-core Clusters (BT, JF, JZ, XZ), pp. 133–139.
SOSP-2009-ClementKLWADR - Upright cluster services (AC, MK, SL, YW, LA, MD, TR), pp. 277–290.
SOSP-2009-IsardPCWTG #distributed #named #scheduling- Quincy: fair scheduling for distributed computing clusters (MI, VP, JC, UW, KT, AG), pp. 261–276.
ICST-2009-LuoPC #testing #web- Clustering and Tailoring User Session Data for Testing Web Applications (XL, FP, MHC), pp. 336–345.
ISSTA-2009-YooHTS #effectiveness #scalability #testing- Clustering test cases to achieve effective and scalable prioritisation incorporating expert knowledge (SY, MH, PT, AS), pp. 201–212.
SAT-2009-OhmuraU #named #parallel #satisfiability- c-sat: A Parallel SAT Solver for Clusters (KO, KU), pp. 524–537.
DRR-2008-FumeI #analysis #categorisation #documentation #modelling #semantics- Model-based document categorization employing semantic pattern analysis and local structure clustering (KF, YI), p. 68150.
PODS-2008-AnagnostopoulosDK #algorithm #approximate- Approximation algorithms for co-clustering (AA, AD, RK), pp. 201–210.
PODS-2008-CormodeM #algorithm #approximate #nondeterminism- Approximation algorithms for clustering uncertain data (GC, AM), pp. 191–200.
SIGMOD-2008-BohmFP #component #independence #using- Outlier-robust clustering using independent components (CB, CF, CP), pp. 185–198.
SIGMOD-2008-EadonCSRSD - Supporting table partitioning by reference in oracle (GE, EIC, SS, AR, JS, SD), pp. 1111–1122.
SIGMOD-2008-JohnsonMSS #data type #monitoring #network- Query-aware partitioning for monitoring massive network data streams (TJ, SMM, VS, OS), pp. 1135–1146.
SIGMOD-2008-MitraWH #documentation #lifecycle- Query-based partitioning of documents and indexes for information lifecycle management (SM, MW, WWH), pp. 623–636.
SIGMOD-2008-PanZW #composition #dataset #matrix #named #performance #scalability- CRD: fast co-clustering on large datasets utilizing sampling-based matrix decomposition (FP, XZ, WW), pp. 173–184.
SIGMOD-2008-VlachouDK #parallel #performance- Angle-based space partitioning for efficient parallel skyline computation (AV, CD, YK), pp. 227–238.
VLDB-2008-ChengHV - Constrained locally weighted clustering (HC, KAH, KV), pp. 90–101.
VLDB-2008-DeWittPRNRSK #data transformation #named- Clustera: an integrated computation and data management system (DJD, EP, ER, JFN, JR, SS, AK), pp. 28–41.
VLDB-2008-KriegelKZ #correlation #detection- Detecting clusters in moderate-to-high dimensional data: subspace clustering, pattern-based clustering, and correlation clustering (HPK, PK, AZ), pp. 1528–1529.
VLDB-2008-LeeHLG #classification #named #using- TraClass: trajectory classification using hierarchical region-based and trajectory-based clustering (JGL, JH, XL, HG), pp. 1081–1094.
VLDB-2008-SoundararajanCSA - Dynamic partitioning of the cache hierarchy in shared data centers (GS, JC, MAS, CA), pp. 635–646.
EDM-2008-AyersND #set #student- Skill Set Profile Clustering Based on Weighted Student Responses (EA, RN, ND), pp. 210–217.
CSMR-2008-KanellopoulosTHV #maintenance #source code- Interpretation of Source Code Clusters in Terms of the ISO/IEC-9126 Maintainability Characteristics (YK, CT, IH, JV), pp. 63–72.
ICPC-2008-VanyaHKLV - Assessing Software Archives with Evolutionary Clusters (AV, LH, SK, PvdL, HvV), pp. 192–201.
WCRE-2008-HayesAG #analysis #named- PREREQIR: Recovering Pre-Requirements via Cluster Analysis (JHH, GA, YGG), pp. 165–174.
WCRE-2008-RobillardD - Retrieving Task-Related Clusters from Change History (MPR, BD), pp. 17–26.
ICGT-2008-Hammoudeh #modelling #network- Modelling Clustering of Sensor Networks with Synchronised Hyperedge Replacement (MH), pp. 490–492.
SOFTVIS-2008-DietrichYMJD #analysis #dependence #graph #java- Cluster analysis of Java dependency graphs (JD, VY, CM, GJ, MD), pp. 91–94.
SOFTVIS-2008-ZeckzerKSHK #3d #communication #graph #reliability #using #visualisation- Analyzing the reliability of communication between software entities using a 3D visualization of clustered graphs (DZ, RK, LS, HH, TK), pp. 37–46.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-ChengSZ #realtime- Real Time Clustering Model (JC, MRS, MRZ), pp. 235–240.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-MarinakisMMZ #algorithm- A Memetic-Grasp Algorithm for Clustering (YM, MM, NFM, CZ), pp. 36–43.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-MatiasMMR #automation #visual notation- Semi-Automatic Partitioning by Visual Snapshopts (RM, JPM, PM, FR), pp. 78–86.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-PanahiT #hybrid #performance #problem- An Efficient Hybrid Method for Clustering Problems (HP, RTM), pp. 288–294.
CIKM-2008-AlqadahB #algorithm #effectiveness #mining- An effective algorithm for mining 3-clusters in vertically partitioned data (FA, RB), pp. 1103–1112.
CIKM-2008-AlqadahB08a #detection #set- Detecting significant distinguishing sets among bi-clusters (FA, RB), pp. 1455–1456.
CIKM-2008-AnnexsteinS #collaboration #user satisfaction- Collaborative partitioning with maximum user satisfaction (FSA, SS), pp. 1445–1446.
CIKM-2008-AssentKMS #named #performance- EDSC: efficient density-based subspace clustering (IA, RK, EM, TS), pp. 1093–1102.
CIKM-2008-BekkermanS #scalability #state of the art #weaving- Data weaving: scaling up the state-of-the-art in data clustering (RB, MS), pp. 1083–1092.
CIKM-2008-BordognaCPR #documentation #web- A language for manipulating clustered web documents results (GB, AC, GP, SR), pp. 23–32.
CIKM-2008-BoutsidisSA #metric #set- Clustered subset selection and its applications on it service metrics (CB, JS, NA), pp. 599–608.
CIKM-2008-ChenWD #approach #documentation- A matrix-based approach for semi-supervised document co-clustering (YC, LW, MD), pp. 1523–1524.
CIKM-2008-DuanCM #approach #requirements- A consensus based approach to constrained clustering of software requirements (CD, JCH, BM), pp. 1073–1082.
CIKM-2008-KimPAG #documentation- An extension of PLSA for document clustering (YMK, JFP, MRA, PG), pp. 1345–1346.
CIKM-2008-LeeL #data type #multi #online- A coarse-grain grid-based subspace clustering method for online multi-dimensional data streams (JWL, WSL), pp. 1521–1522.
CIKM-2008-ParaparB - Winnowing-based text clustering (JP, AB), pp. 1353–1354.
CIKM-2008-PengLS #adaptation #multi- Clustering multi-way data via adaptive subspace iteration (WP, TL, BS), pp. 1519–1520.
CIKM-2008-WangZLCG #comprehension #documentation #multi #summary- Integrating clustering and multi-document summarization to improve document understanding (DW, SZ, TL, YC, YG), pp. 1435–1436.
ECIR-2008-Gottron #documentation #web- Clustering Template Based Web Documents (TG), pp. 40–51.
ECIR-2008-NaKL08a #ranking #retrieval- Structural Re-ranking with Cluster-Based Retrieval (SHN, ISK, JHL), pp. 658–662.
ECIR-2008-RaftopoulouP #information retrieval #named #network #self- iCluster: A Self-organizing Overlay Network for P2P Information Retrieval (PR, EGMP), pp. 65–76.
ECIR-2008-WeiLLH #graph #multi #query #summary- A Cluster-Sensitive Graph Model for Query-Oriented Multi-document Summarization (FW, WL, QL, YH), pp. 446–453.
ICML-2008-ColemanSW #consistency- Spectral clustering with inconsistent advice (TC, JS, AW), pp. 152–159.
ICML-2008-CrammerTP - A rate-distortion one-class model and its applications to clustering (KC, PPT, FCNP), pp. 184–191.
ICML-2008-DaiYXY #self- Self-taught clustering (WD, QY, GRX, YY), pp. 200–207.
ICML-2008-SeldinT #category theory #classification #multi- Multi-classification by categorical features via clustering (YS, NT), pp. 920–927.
ICML-2008-ZhaoWZ #multi #performance- Efficient multiclass maximum margin clustering (BZ, FW, CZ), pp. 1248–1255.
ICPR-2008-AsgharbeygiM - Geodesic K-means clustering (NA, AM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Basak #adaptation #framework #online- Online adaptive clustering in a decision tree framework (JB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-BucakG #incremental #matrix- Incremental clustering via nonnegative matrix factorization (SSB, BG), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-CarulloBGL #documentation #web- Clustering of short commercial documents for the web (MC, EB, IG, NL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ChangFLI #detection #kernel #multi- Clustered Microcalcification detection based on a Multiple Kernel Support Vector Machine with Grouped Features (GF-SVM) (TTC, JF, HWL, HHSI), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ChangLAH #clique #constraints #using- Unsupervised clustering using hyperclique pattern constraints (YC, DJL, JKA, YH), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ChengWL #categorisation #sequence- Dual clustering for categorization of action sequences (JC, LW, CL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Cleuziou - An extended version of the k-means method for overlapping clustering (GC), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-GuptaR #approach #multi- A microeconomic approach to multi-objective spatial clustering (UG, NR), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HautamakiNF #approximate #prototype- Time-series clustering by approximate prototypes (VH, PN, PF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HortaMF #algorithm #comparison #image #using- A comparison of clustering fully polarimetric SAR images using SEM algorithm and G0P mixture modelwith different initializations (MMH, NDAM, ACF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HuaSY #algorithm #invariant- Scale-invariant density-based clustering initialization algorithm and its application (CH, RS, YY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HuiW #linear- Clustering-based locally linear embedding (KH, CW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HuSM #categorisation #using- Categorization using semi-supervised clustering (JH, MS, AM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KashimaHRS #distance #using- K-means clustering of proportional data using L1 distance (HK, JH, BKR, MS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LeKM #graph- Coring method for clustering a graph (TVL, CAK, IBM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LezorayTE #graph- Impulse noise removal by spectral clustering and regularization on graphs (OL, VTT, AE), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LiZWH #analysis #multi- Multiclass spectral clustering based on discriminant analysis (XL, ZZ, YW, WH), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MirzaeiR #transitive #using- Combining hierarchical clusterings using min-transitive closure (AM, MR), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-OikeWW #adaptation- Adaptive selection of non-target cluster centers for K-means tracker (HO, HW, TW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ParkCDK #analysis #linear- Linear discriminant analysis for data with subcluster structure (HP, JC, BLD, JK), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-RothausJ #distance #graph #novel- Constrained clustering by a novel graph-based distance transformation (KR, XJ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SahaB #multi #symmetry #using- A new multiobjective simulated annealing based clustering technique using stability and symmetry (SS, SB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ShettyA #algorithm- A uniformity criterion and algorithm for data clustering (SS, NA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TanY #image #segmentation #towards- Image segmentation towards natural clusters (ZT, NHCY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TorselloBP - Beyond partitions: Allowing overlapping groups in pairwise clustering (AT, SRB, MP), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WangWCW #algorithm #learning- A clustering algorithm combine the FCM algorithm with supervised learning normal mixture model (WW, CW, XC, AW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-YousriKI #novel- A novel validity measure for clusters of arbitrary shapes and densities (NAY, MSK, MAI), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-YuW #3d #classification #knowledge base- Knowledge based cluster ensemble for 3D head model classification (ZY, HSW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhangW #order #ranking- Partial closure-based constrained clustering with order ranking (SZ, HSW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhangWZ - Clustering by evidence accumulation on affinity propagation (XZ, FW, YZ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhongYSCG #using- Hierarchical background subtraction using local pixel clustering (BZ, HY, SS, XC, WG), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-HuangDLL #equivalence #higher-order- Simultaneous tensor subspace selection and clustering: the equivalence of high order svd and k-means clustering (HH, CHQD, DL, TL), pp. 327–335.
KDD-2008-MoiseS #approach #novel #statistics- Finding non-redundant, statistically significant regions in high dimensional data: a novel approach to projected and subspace clustering (GM, JS), pp. 533–541.
KDD-2008-MullerAKJS #interactive #named- Morpheus: interactive exploration of subspace clustering (EM, IA, RK, TJ, TS), pp. 1089–1092.
KDD-2008-WalkerR #documentation #modelling- Model-based document clustering with a collapsed gibbs sampler (DDW, EKR), pp. 704–712.
KDD-2008-WuXC #incremental #learning #named- SAIL: summation-based incremental learning for information-theoretic clustering (JW, HX, JC), pp. 740–748.
RecSys-2008-ShepitsenGMB #personalisation #recommendation #social #using- Personalized recommendation in social tagging systems using hierarchical clustering (AS, JG, BM, RDB), pp. 259–266.
SEKE-2008-RusMS #automation #fault- Automatic Clustering of Defect Reports (VR, SM, SGS), pp. 291–296.
SEKE-2008-WuSF #mining #re-engineering- Discovering Meaningful Clusters from Mining the Software Engineering Literature (YW, HPS, LF), pp. 613–618.
SIGIR-2008-AvrachenkovDNPS #documentation #hypermedia #rank- Pagerank based clustering of hypertext document collections (KA, VD, DN, SKP, ES), pp. 873–874.
SIGIR-2008-ChenJYW #debugging #information retrieval #learning- Information retrieval on bug locations by learning co-located bug report clusters (IXC, HJ, CZY, PJW), pp. 801–802.
SIGIR-2008-DingLLP #probability #using- Posterior probabilistic clustering using NMF (CHQD, TL, DL, WP), pp. 831–832.
SIGIR-2008-HuFCZLYC #semantics #wiki- Enhancing text clustering by leveraging Wikipedia semantics (JH, LF, YC, HJZ, HL, QY, ZC), pp. 179–186.
SIGIR-2008-HuXZSL #clique #documentation #perspective- Hypergraph partitioning for document clustering: a unified clique perspective (TH, HX, WZ, SYS, HL), pp. 871–872.
SIGIR-2008-Kurland #approach #documentation #ranking- The opposite of smoothing: a language model approach to ranking query-specific document clusters (OK), pp. 171–178.
SIGIR-2008-KurlandD #approach- A rank-aggregation approach to searching for optimal query-specific clusters (OK, CD), pp. 547–554.
SIGIR-2008-LeeCA #feedback #pseudo- A cluster-based resampling method for pseudo-relevance feedback (KSL, WBC, JA), pp. 235–242.
SIGIR-2008-LiuLLJ #geometry #query #ranking- Spectral geometry for simultaneously clustering and ranking query search results (YL, WL, YL, LJ), pp. 539–546.
SIGIR-2008-WanY #analysis #multi #summary #using- Multi-document summarization using cluster-based link analysis (XW, JY), pp. 299–306.
SIGIR-2008-YasukawaY #mobile- Clustering search results for mobile terminals (MY, HY), p. 880.
SIGIR-2008-ZhangHZ #comparative #documentation #evaluation- A comparative evaluation of different link types on enhancing document clustering (XZ, XH, XZ), pp. 555–562.
SPLC-2008-NiuE #analysis #functional #on-demand #product line #requirements- On-Demand Cluster Analysis for Product Line Functional Requirements (NN, SME), pp. 87–96.
AdaEurope-2008-UruenaPLZP #approach #memory management- A New Approach to Memory Partitioning in On-Board Spacecraft Software (SU, JAP, JL, JZ, JAdlP), pp. 1–14.
ASE-2008-AdnanGDZ #analysis #component #design #interface #using- Using Cluster Analysis to Improve the Design of Component Interfaces (RA, BG, AvD, JZ), pp. 383–386.
ASE-2008-ZhangGC #analysis #automation #recommendation- Automated Aspect Recommendation through Clustering-Based Fan-in Analysis (DZ, YG, XC), pp. 278–287.
SAC-2008-AntonellisMT #documentation #named #summary #using #xml- XEdge: clustering homogeneous and heterogeneous XML documents using edge summaries (PA, CM, NT), pp. 1081–1088.
SAC-2008-AquinoFNFLF #network #reduction- Sensor stream reduction for clustered wireless sensor networks (ALLdA, CMSF, EFN, ACF, AAFL, AOF), pp. 2052–2056.
SAC-2008-ChidlovskiiL08a #coordination #visual notation- Semi-supervised visual clustering for spherical coordinates systems (BC, LL), pp. 891–895.
SAC-2008-CostaMO #approach #modelling- A hierarchical model-based approach to co-clustering high-dimensional data (GC, GM, RO), pp. 886–890.
SAC-2008-KeeneyJRLO #knowledge-based #semantics- Knowledge-based semantic clustering (JK, DJ, DR, DL, DO), pp. 460–467.
SAC-2008-LeoneS #network #process #scalability- Interacting urns processes: for clustering of large-scale networks of tiny artifacts (PL, EMS), pp. 2046–2051.
SAC-2008-MattosLFM #documentation #framework #named #platform- BigBatch: a document processing platform for clusters and grids (GdOM, RDL, AdAF, FMJM), pp. 434–441.
SAC-2008-MeiraM #problem- A continuous facility location problem and its application to a clustering problem (LAAM, FKM), pp. 1826–1831.
SAC-2008-PalmaBKA #approach- A clustering-based approach for discovering interesting places in trajectories (ATP, VB, BK, LOA), pp. 863–868.
SAC-2008-SchobelP #case study #cpu #kernel #research #scheduling #using- Kernel-mode scheduling server for CPU partitioning: a case study using the Windows research kernel (MS, AP), pp. 1700–1704.
SAC-2008-SpinosaCG #concept #data type #detection #network #novel- Cluster-based novel concept detection in data streams applied to intrusion detection in computer networks (EJS, ACPLFdC, JG), pp. 976–980.
SAC-2008-SungCM #concept #learning #lifecycle #ontology #performance #using #web- Efficient concept clustering for ontology learning using an event life cycle on the web (SS, SC, DM), pp. 2310–2314.
ASPLOS-2008-KulkarniPRWBC #parallel- Optimistic parallelism benefits from data partitioning (MK, KP, GR, BW, KB, LPC), pp. 233–243.
CASE-2008-BellurNB - Cost sharing mechanisms for business clusters with strategic firms (AB, YN, SB), pp. 1001–1006.
CASE-2008-ChanYDS #scheduling #tool support- Optimal scheduling of k-unit production of cluster tools with single-blade robots (WKC, JY, SD, DS), pp. 335–340.
CASE-2008-JungL #performance #scheduling #tool support- Efficient scheduling method based on an assignment model for robotized cluster tools (CJ, TEL), pp. 79–84.
CASE-2008-Kim #constraints- Stable schedule for a single-armed cluster tool with time constraints (JHK), pp. 97–102.
CASE-2008-PaekL #scheduling #strict #tool support- Optimal scheduling of dual-armed cluster tools without swap restriction (JHP, TEL), pp. 103–108.
CASE-2008-WuZPCC #constraints #modelling #petri net #process #realtime #tool support- Petri net modeling and real-time control of dual-arm cluster tools with residency time constraint and activity time variations (NW, MZ, SP, FC, CC), pp. 109–114.
DAC-2008-ElmWIZLM #reduction- Scan chain clustering for test power reduction (ME, HJW, MEI, CGZ, JL, NM), pp. 828–833.
DAC-2008-GoraczkoLLMPZ #embedded #energy #multi- Energy-optimal software partitioning in heterogeneous multiprocessor embedded systems (MG, JL, DL, SM, BP, FZ), pp. 191–196.
DAC-2008-LinL - Analog placement based on hierarchical module clustering (MPHL, SCL), pp. 50–55.
DAC-2008-SuhendraM #multi #predict- Exploring locking & partitioning for predictable shared caches on multi-cores (VS, TM), pp. 300–303.
DATE-2008-LeinweberB #composition #fine-grained #reduction- Fine-Grained Supply Gating Through Hypergraph Partitioning and Shannon Decomposition for Active Power Reduction (LL, SB), pp. 373–378.
DATE-2008-Schat #fault #process- Fault Clustering in deep-submicron CMOS Processes (JS), pp. 511–514.
DATE-2008-XueSSQ #constraints #effectiveness #memory management #scheduling- Effective Loop Partitioning and Scheduling under Memory and Register Dual Constraints (CJX, EHMS, ZS, MQ), pp. 1202–1207.
HPCA-2008-LinLDZZS #manycore #simulation- Gaining insights into multicore cache partitioning: Bridging the gap between simulation and real systems (JL, QL, XD, ZZ, XZ, PS), pp. 367–378.
HPCA-2008-WangC #feedback #optimisation #performance- Cluster-level feedback power control for performance optimization (XW, MC), pp. 101–110.
HPDC-2008-YanR #automation #parallel #towards- Toward automatic parallelization of spatial computation for computing clusters (BY, PJR), pp. 45–54.
PDP-2008-AldinucciTVZ #abstraction- The VirtuaLinux Storage Abstraction Layer for Ef?cient Virtual Clustering (MA, MT, MV, PZ), pp. 619–627.
PDP-2008-AyusoGL #named #performance- FT-FW: Efficient Connection Failover in Cluster-based Stateful Firewalls (PNA, RMG, LL), pp. 573–580.
PDP-2008-HeienFH #communication #parallel- Static Load Distribution for Communication Intensive Parallel Computing in Multiclusters (EMH, NF, KH), pp. 321–328.
PDP-2008-LinC #algorithm #graph #internet #named #parallel #simulation- BC-GA: A Graph Partitioning Algorithm for Parallel Simulation of Internet Applications (SL, XC), pp. 358–365.
PDP-2008-MarinB #crawling #online- Bulk-Synchronous On-Line Crawling on Clusters of Computers (MM, CB), pp. 414–421.
PPoPP-2008-BocchinoAC #memory management #scalability #transaction- Software transactional memory for large scale clusters (RLBJ, VSA, BLC), pp. 247–258.
PPoPP-2008-KejariwalNBVP - Cache-aware iteration space partitioning (AK, AN, UB, AVV, CDP), pp. 269–270.
STOC-2008-BalcanBV #framework #similarity- A discriminative framework for clustering via similarity functions (MFB, AB, SV), pp. 671–680.
STOC-2008-OrecchiaSVV #graph #on the- On partitioning graphs via single commodity flows (LO, LJS, UVV, NKV), pp. 461–470.
DRR-2007-HeD #adaptation #corpus #retrieval- Combining text clustering and retrieval for corpus adaptation (FH, XD).
ECDL-2007-Madsen #scalability- Large-Scale Clustering and Complete Facet and Tag Calculation (BAM), pp. 309–320.
HT-2007-GuerreroCPMM #approach #automation #semantics- Clustering as an approach to support the automatic definition of semantic hyperlinks (JACG, AAC, MdGCP, EVM, AAM), pp. 81–84.
ICDAR-2007-GuoMBSR #approach #geometry #web- A General Approach for Partitioning Web Page Content Based on Geometric and Style Information (HFG, JM, YB, AS, IVR), pp. 929–933.
ICDAR-2007-XiCLWSJ07a #segmentation- Character Line Segmentation Based on Feature Clustering (YX, YC, QL, LW, FS, DJ), pp. 402–406.
JCDL-2007-CheeS #community #documentation #using- Document clustering using small world communities (BWC, BRS), pp. 53–62.
JCDL-2007-TakedaT #named #performance #summary #using- UpdateNews: a news clustering and summarization system using efficient text processing (TT, AT), pp. 438–439.
PODS-2007-ChierichettiPRSTU - Finding near neighbors through cluster pruning (FC, AP, PR, MS, AT, EU), pp. 103–112.
SIGMOD-2007-LeeHW #framework- Trajectory clustering: a partition-and-group framework (JGL, JH, KYW), pp. 593–604.
SIGMOD-2007-LiGLSZ #database #named #parallel- InfiniteDB: a pc-cluster based parallel massive database management system (JL, HG, JL, SS, WZ), pp. 899–909.
SIGMOD-2007-LiWLWC #ranking- Supporting ranking and clustering as generalized order-by and group-by (CL, MW, LL, HW, KCCC), pp. 127–138.
SIGMOD-2007-MiloZV #topic- Boosting topic-based publish-subscribe systems with dynamic clustering (TM, TZ, EV), pp. 749–760.
SIGMOD-2007-YangDHP #named #relational #scalability- Map-reduce-merge: simplified relational data processing on large clusters (HcY, AD, RLH, DSPJ), pp. 1029–1040.
VLDB-2007-AbadiMMH #data transformation #scalability #semantics #using #web- Scalable Semantic Web Data Management Using Vertical Partitioning (DJA, AM, SM, KJH), pp. 411–422.
VLDB-2007-BansalCKT - Seeking Stable Clusters in the Blogosphere (NB, FC, NK, FWT), pp. 806–817.
VLDB-2007-BhattacharjeeMLMKBK #multi #performance- Efficient Bulk Deletes for Multi Dimensionally Clustered Tables in DB2 (BB, TM, SL, SM, JAK, RVB, JK), pp. 1197–1206.
WCRE-J-2005-AndreopoulosATW07 #multi #scalability- Clustering large software systems at multiple layers (BA, AA, VT, XW), pp. 244–254.
WCRE-J-2005-ChristlKS07 #automation- Automated clustering to support the reflexion method (AC, RK, MADS), pp. 255–274.
WCRE-J-2005-KuhnDG07 #identification #semantics #source code #topic- Semantic clustering: Identifying topics in source code (AK, SD, TG), pp. 230–243.
MSR-2007-HindleGH #case study- Release Pattern Discovery via Partitioning: Methodology and Case Study (AH, MWG, RCH), p. 19.
WCRE-2007-SchaferAMMO #framework #generative- Clustering for Generating Framework Top-Level Views (TS, IA, MM, MM, KO), pp. 239–248.
CHI-2007-CuiWXTT #interactive #named #ranking- EasyAlbum: an interactive photo annotation system based on face clustering and re-ranking (JC, FW, RX, YT, XT), pp. 367–376.
CHI-2007-WangJHDZ #image #named #semantics #web- IGroup: presenting web image search results in semantic clusters (SW, FJ, JH, QD, LZ), pp. 587–596.
DHM-2007-GeraciLMPR #algorithm #array #scalability- FPF-SB : A Scalable Algorithm for Microarray Gene Expression Data Clustering (FG, ML, MM, MP, MER), pp. 606–615.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-SantosB #named #optimisation- PIN: A partitioning and indexing optimization method for olap (RJS, JB), pp. 170–177.
CIKM-2007-FanizzidE #concept #induction #knowledge base #metric #random #semantics- Randomized metric induction and evolutionary conceptual clustering for semantic knowledge bases (NF, Cd, FE), pp. 51–60.
CIKM-2007-LiA #approach #multi #named #relational- Diva: a variance-based clustering approach for multi-type relational data (TL, SSA), pp. 147–156.
CIKM-2007-ParkL #data type- Grid-based subspace clustering over data streams (NHP, WSL), pp. 801–810.
CIKM-2007-RosenfeldF #identification- Clustering for unsupervised relation identification (BR, RF), pp. 411–418.
CIKM-2007-TanMG #crawling #design #policy #web- Designing clustering-based web crawling policies for search engine crawlers (QT, PM, CLG), pp. 535–544.
ECIR-2007-CachedaCPO #comparison #information retrieval #performance- Performance Comparison of Clustered and Replicated Information Retrieval Systems (FC, VC, VP, IO), pp. 124–135.
ECIR-2007-DalmauF #approach- Experimental Results of the Signal Processing Approach to Distributional Clustering of Terms on Reuters-21578 Collection (MCD, ÓWMF), pp. 678–681.
ECIR-2007-LiuYZQM #optimisation #performance #scalability- Fast Large-Scale Spectral Clustering by Sequential Shrinkage Optimization (TYL, HYY, XZ, TQ, WYM), pp. 319–330.
ECIR-2007-RoullandKCRGPO #query #refinement #using- Query Reformulation and Refinement Using NLP-Based Sentence Clustering (FR, ANK, SC, CR, AG, KP, JO), pp. 210–221.
ECIR-2007-SevillanoCAS #architecture #documentation #robust- A Hierarchical Consensus Architecture for Robust Document Clustering (XS, GC, FA, JCS), pp. 741–744.
ECIR-2007-ZhuTZM #documentation #multi #probability- A Probabilistic Model for Clustering Text Documents with Multiple Fields (SZ, IT, SZ, HM), pp. 331–342.
ICML-2007-AimeurBG #algorithm #quantum- Quantum clustering algorithms (EA, GB, SG), pp. 1–8.
ICML-2007-BusseOB #analysis #rank- Cluster analysis of heterogeneous rank data (LMB, PO, JMB), pp. 113–120.
ICML-2007-DavidsonR #constraints- Intractability and clustering with constraints (ID, SSR), pp. 201–208.
ICML-2007-DingL #adaptation #analysis #reduction #using- Adaptive dimension reduction using discriminant analysis and K-means clustering (CHQD, TL), pp. 521–528.
ICML-2007-GriraH #heuristic- Best of both: a hybridized centroid-medoid clustering heuristic (NG, MEH), pp. 313–320.
ICML-2007-HaiderBS #detection #email #streaming- Supervised clustering of streaming data for email batch detection (PH, UB, TS), pp. 345–352.
ICML-2007-LiCFX - Support cluster machine (BL, MC, JF, XX), pp. 505–512.
ICML-2007-LongZWY #relational #symmetry- Relational clustering by symmetric convex coding (BL, Z(Z, XW, PSY), pp. 569–576.
ICML-2007-NelsonC #constraints #modelling #probability- Revisiting probabilistic models for clustering with pair-wise constraints (BN, IC), pp. 673–680.
ICML-2007-RattiganMJ #graph #network- Graph clustering with network structure indices (MJR, MEM, DJ), pp. 783–790.
ICML-2007-SongSGB #dependence- A dependence maximization view of clustering (LS, AJS, AG, KMB), pp. 815–822.
ICML-2007-ZhangTK - Maximum margin clustering made practical (KZ, IWT, JTK), pp. 1119–1126.
ICML-2007-ZhouB #learning #multi- Spectral clustering and transductive learning with multiple views (DZ, CJCB), pp. 1159–1166.
KDD-2007-AggarwalTWFZ #documentation #framework #named #xml- Xproj: a framework for projected structural clustering of xml documents (CCA, NT, JW, JF, MJZ), pp. 46–55.
KDD-2007-BhagwatEM #corpus #documentation #scalability #similarity- Content-based document routing and index partitioning for scalable similarity-based searches in a large corpus (DB, KE, PM), pp. 105–112.
KDD-2007-ChenT #realtime- Density-based clustering for real-time stream data (YC, LT), pp. 133–142.
KDD-2007-ChenZYL #adaptation #distance #learning #metric- Nonlinear adaptive distance metric learning for clustering (JC, ZZ, JY, HL), pp. 123–132.
KDD-2007-ChiSZHT - Evolutionary spectral clustering by incorporating temporal smoothness (YC, XS, DZ, KH, BLT), pp. 153–162.
KDD-2007-DaiXYY #classification #documentation- Co-clustering based classification for out-of-domain documents (WD, GRX, QY, YY), pp. 210–219.
KDD-2007-DavidsonRE #incremental #performance- Efficient incremental constrained clustering (ID, SSR, ME), pp. 240–249.
KDD-2007-DeodharG #framework #learning- A framework for simultaneous co-clustering and learning from complex data (MD, JG), pp. 250–259.
KDD-2007-GeEJD #constraints- Constraint-driven clustering (RG, ME, WJ, ID), pp. 320–329.
KDD-2007-JanssensGM #analysis #hybrid #mining- Dynamic hybrid clustering of bioinformatics by incorporating text mining and citation analysis (FALJ, WG, BDM), pp. 360–369.
KDD-2007-LiuJJ #constraints #named- BoostCluster: boosting clustering by pairwise constraints (YL, RJ, AKJ), pp. 450–459.
KDD-2007-LongZY #framework #probability #relational- A probabilistic framework for relational clustering (BL, Z(Z, PSY), pp. 470–479.
KDD-2007-MoserGE #analysis #specification- Joint cluster analysis of attribute and relationship data withouta-priori specification of the number of clusters (FM, RG, ME), pp. 510–519.
KDD-2007-Schickel-ZuberF #learning #recommendation #using- Using hierarchical clustering for learning theontologies used in recommendation systems (VSZ, BF), pp. 599–608.
KDD-2007-ShigaTM #approach #composition #network- A spectral clustering approach to optimally combining numericalvectors with a modular network (MS, IT, HM), pp. 647–656.
KDD-2007-TangWXZ #perspective- Enhancing semi-supervised clustering: a feature projection perspective (WT, HX, SZ, JW), pp. 707–716.
KDD-2007-XuYFS #algorithm #named #network- SCAN: a structural clustering algorithm for networks (XX, NY, ZF, TAJS), pp. 824–833.
MLDM-2007-GrimH #analysis #category theory- Minimum Information Loss Cluster Analysis for Categorical Data (JG, JH), pp. 233–247.
MLDM-2007-HuWW - Varying Density Spatial Clustering Based on a Hierarchical Tree (XH, DW, XW), pp. 188–202.
MLDM-2007-Jain - Data Clustering: User’s Dilemma (AKJ), p. 1.
MLDM-2007-KyrgyzovKMC #kernel- Kernel MDL to Determine the Number of Clusters (IOK, OOK, HM, MC), pp. 203–217.
MLDM-2007-SaittaRS #bound- A Bounded Index for Cluster Validity (SS, BR, IFCS), pp. 174–187.
MLDM-2007-SakaiIKH - Critical Scale for Unsupervised Cluster Discovery (TS, AI, TK, SH), pp. 218–232.
MLDM-2007-SuarezM #algorithm- A Clustering Algorithm Based on Generalized Stars (APS, JEMP), pp. 248–262.
RecSys-2007-AngladeTV #identification- Complex-network theoretic clustering for identifying groups of similar listeners in p2p systems (AA, MT, FV), pp. 41–48.
RecSys-2007-HarperSF #recommendation #social- Supporting social recommendations with activity-balanced clustering (FMH, SS, DF), pp. 165–168.
RecSys-2007-NathansonBG #adaptation #recommendation #using- Eigentaste 5.0: constant-time adaptability in a recommender system using item clustering (TN, EB, KYG), pp. 149–152.
SIGIR-2007-AltingovdeOOCU #retrieval #scalability- Large-scale cluster-based retrieval experiments on Turkish texts (ISA, RO, HCO, FC, ÖU), pp. 891–892.
SIGIR-2007-BanerjeeRG #using #wiki- Clustering short texts using wikipedia (SB, KR, AG), pp. 787–788.
SIGIR-2007-Feng #documentation #optimisation #problem- Document clustering: an optimization problem (AF), pp. 819–820.
SIGIR-2007-KyriakopoulouK #classification #using- Using clustering to enhance text classification (AK, TK), pp. 805–806.
SIGIR-2007-LiQLY #categorisation #detection- Detecting, categorizing and clustering entity mentions in Chinese text (WL, DQ, QL, CY), pp. 647–654.
SIGIR-2007-SevillanoAS #named- BordaConsensus: a new consensus function for soft cluster ensembles (XS, FA, JCS), pp. 743–744.
SIGIR-2007-Wan #documentation #evaluation #named #using- OMES: a new evaluation strategy using optimal matching for document clustering (XW), pp. 693–694.
SIGIR-2007-WangZL #documentation- Regularized clustering for documents (FW, CZ, TL), pp. 95–102.
SIGIR-2007-WanY #collaboration #documentation #multi #named- CollabSum: exploiting multiple document clustering for collaborative single document summarizations (XW, JY), pp. 143–150.
ASE-2007-DuanC #automation- Clustering support for automated tracing (CD, JCH), pp. 244–253.
SAC-2007-AppelPSTT - Biased box sampling — a density-biased sampling for clustering (APA, AAP, EPMdS, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 445–446.
SAC-2007-LamprierALS #named #segmentation- ClassStruggle: a clustering based text segmentation (SL, TA, BL, FS), pp. 600–604.
SAC-2007-LiuMB #approach- A clustering entropy-driven approach for exploring and exploiting noisy functions (SHL, MM, BRB), pp. 738–742.
SAC-2007-SpinosaCG #approach #concept #data type #detection #named- OLINDDA: a cluster-based approach for detecting novelty and concept drift in data streams (EJS, ACPdLFdC, JG), pp. 448–452.
SAC-2007-ZhangXLY #modelling- Improved structural modeling based on conserved domain clusters and structure-anchored alignments (FZ, LX, ZL, BY), pp. 128–132.
CASE-2007-ChanYD #multi #on the #scheduling #tool support- On the Optimality of One-Unit Cycle Scheduling of Multi-Cluster Tools with Single-Blade Robots (WKC, JY, SD), pp. 392–397.
CASE-2007-ChoDCT #locality #network #robust- Robust Calibration for Localization in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks (JJC, YD, YC, JT), pp. 919–924.
CASE-2007-MorrisonM #on the #throughput #tool support- On the Throughput of Clustered Photolithography Tools: Wafer Advancement and Intrinsic Equipment Loss (JRM, MKM), pp. 88–93.
CASE-2007-YiDZ0 #analysis #linear #throughput #tool support- Throughput Analysis of Linear Cluster Tools (JY, SD, MTZ, PvdM), pp. 1063–1068.
CGO-2007-AletaCGK #architecture- Heterogeneous Clustered VLIW Microarchitectures (AA, JMC, AG, DRK), pp. 354–366.
CGO-2007-CodinaSG #graph #scheduling- Virtual Cluster Scheduling Through the Scheduling Graph (JMC, FJS, AG), pp. 89–101.
DAC-2007-OgrasMCM - Voltage-Frequency Island Partitioning for GALS-based Networks-on-Chip (ÜYO, RM, PC, DM), pp. 110–115.
DAC-2007-Ozdal - Escape Routing For Dense Pin Clusters In Integrated Circuits (MMO), pp. 49–54.
DAC-2007-YuYBY #network #recursion- Program Mapping onto Network Processors by Recursive Bipartitioning and Refining (JY, JY, LNB, JY), pp. 805–810.
DATE-2007-NarayananKB #performance- Performance aware secure code partitioning (SHKN, MTK, RRB), pp. 1122–1127.
DATE-2007-SathanurCBMMP #bound #interactive #performance- Interactive presentation: Efficient computation of discharge current upper bounds for clustered sleep transistor sizing (AVS, AC, LB, AM, EM, MP), pp. 1544–1549.
DATE-2007-Scholzel #interactive- Interactive presentation: Time-constrained clustering for DSE of clustered VLIW-ASP (MS), pp. 467–472.
DATE-2007-SirowyWLV - Two-level microprocessor-accelerator partitioning (SS, YW, SL, FV), pp. 313–318.
HPCA-2007-DybdahlS #adaptation #multi- An Adaptive Shared/Private NUCA Cache Partitioning Scheme for Chip Multiprocessors (HD, PS), pp. 2–12.
HPDC-2007-ShankarD #data-driven #workflow- Data driven workflow planning in cluster management systems (SS, DJD), pp. 127–136.
LCTES-2007-ChuM #parallel- Code and data partitioning for fine-grain parallelism (MLC, SAM), pp. 161–164.
LCTES-2007-YanL #architecture #execution- Stream execution on wide-issue clustered VLIW architectures (SY, BL), pp. 158–160.
PDP-2007-AlmeidaGB #analysis #multi #performance #symmetry- Performance analysis for clusters of symmetric multiprocessors (FA, JAG, JMB), pp. 121–128.
PDP-2007-BrinkmannE #effectiveness- Cost-Effectiveness of Storage Grids and Storage Clusters (AB, SE), pp. 517–525.
PDP-2007-RufinoAEP #distributed #named #prototype- pDomus: a prototype for Cluster-oriented Distributed Hash Tables (JR, AA, JE, AP), pp. 97–104.
PDP-2007-TudrujM #communication #matrix #on the fly #parallel- Dynamic SMP Clusters with Communication on the Fly in SoC Technology Applied for Medium-Grain Parallel Matrix Multiplication (MT, LM), pp. 270–277.
PPoPP-2007-Hoeflinger #programming- Programming with cluster openMP (JH), p. 270.
PPoPP-2007-MohrorK #case study #linux- A study of tracing overhead on a high-performance linux cluster (KM, KLK), pp. 158–159.
SOSP-2007-ChongLMQVZZ #automation #web- Secure web application via automatic partitioning (SC, JL, ACM, XQ, KV, LZ, XZ), pp. 31–44.
FASE-2007-ZhouY #approach #design #object-oriented- A Clustering-Based Approach for Tracing Object-Oriented Design to Requirement (XZ, HY), pp. 412–422.
TACAS-2007-SebastianiTV #abstraction #refinement- Property-Driven Partitioning for Abstraction Refinement (RS, ST, MYV), pp. 389–404.
SAT-2007-SamulowitzB - Dynamically Partitioning for Solving QBF (HS, FB), pp. 215–229.
DRR-2006-RahmanKAA #collaboration #documentation #library- Document clustering: applications in a collaborative digital library (FR, AK, YTA, HA).
DRR-2006-SmithA - Partitioning of the degradation space for OCR training (EHBS, TLA).
ECDL-2006-FuGF #algorithm #collaboration #query- A Hierarchical Query Clustering Algorithm for Collaborative Querying (LF, DHLG, SSBF), pp. 441–444.
JCDL-2006-YooH #comparison #documentation #library- A comprehensive comparison study of document clustering for a biomedical digital library MEDLINE (IY, XH), pp. 220–229.
PODS-2006-AggarwalFKKPTZ - Achieving anonymity via clustering (GA, TF, KK, SK, RP, DT, AZ), pp. 153–162.
PODS-2006-GollapudiKS #programmable- Programmable clustering (SG, RK, DS), pp. 348–354.
SIGMOD-2006-GernerYDGRS #automation #data-driven #web- Automatic client-server partitioning of data-driven web applications (NG, FY, AJD, JG, MR, JS), pp. 760–762.
VLDB-2006-CandanHCTA #adaptation #named #xml- AFilter: Adaptable XML Filtering with Prefix-Caching and Suffix-Clustering (KSC, WPH, SC, JT, DA), pp. 559–570.
VLDB-2006-HokeSF #monitoring #named #scalability- InteMon: Intelligent System Monitoring on Large Clusters (EH, JS, CF), pp. 1239–1242.
VLDB-2006-KanneM #algorithm #approximate #linear- A Linear Time Algorithm for Optimal Tree Sibling Partitioning and Approximation Algorithms in Natix (CCK, GM), pp. 91–102.
VLDB-2006-YinHY #named #performance #semantics- LinkClus: Efficient Clustering via Heterogeneous Semantic Links (XY, JH, PSY), pp. 427–438.
CSMR-2006-WierdaDS #architecture #case study #using- Using Version Information in Architectural Clustering — A Case Study (AW, ED, LJS), pp. 214–228.
ICPC-2006-KothariSMH #evolution #using- Studying the Evolution of Software Systems Using Change Clusters (JK, AS, SM, AEH), pp. 46–55.
ICALP-v1-2006-Coja-Oghlan #adaptation #graph #heuristic #random- An Adaptive Spectral Heuristic for Partitioning Random Graphs (ACO), pp. 691–702.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-HuynhGB #metric- Discovering the Stable Clusters between Interestingness Measures (HXH, FG, HB), pp. 196–201.
ICEIS-HCI-2006-CoppolaCMFP #distance #empirical- A Fuzzy-Based Distance to Improve Empirical Methods for Menu Clustering (CC, GC, SDM, FF, TP), pp. 59–64.
CIKM-2006-AngelovaS #approach #documentation- A neighborhood-based approach for clustering of linked document collections (RA, SS), pp. 778–779.
CIKM-2006-ChuHCC #on the- On subspace clustering with density consciousness (YHC, JWH, KTC, MSC), pp. 804–805.
CIKM-2006-DangLLHC #similarity- Query-specific clustering of search results based on document-context similarity scores (EKFD, RWPL, DLL, KSH, SCfC), pp. 886–887.
CIKM-2006-GoldinMN #algorithm #distance #sequence- In search of meaning for time series subsequence clustering: matching algorithms based on a new distance measure (DQG, RM, GN), pp. 347–356.
CIKM-2006-HuZZ #array #identification #integration #mining- Integration of cluster ensemble and EM based text mining for microarray gene cluster identification and annotation (XH, XZ, XZ), pp. 824–825.
CIKM-2006-JainZC #adaptation #data type- Adaptive non-linear clustering in data streams (AJ, ZZ, EYC), pp. 122–131.
CIKM-2006-LiuJK #query- Measuring the meaning in time series clustering of text search queries (BL, RJ, KLK), pp. 836–837.
CIKM-2006-QamraTC #mining #using- Mining blog stories using community-based and temporal clustering (AQ, BLT, EYC), pp. 58–67.
CIKM-2006-SahooCKDP #documentation #incremental- Incremental hierarchical clustering of text documents (NS, JC, RK, GTD, RP), pp. 357–366.
CIKM-2006-VardeRRBMS #design #semantics- Designing semantics-preserving cluster representatives for scientific input conditions (ASV, EAR, CR, DCB, MM, RDSJ), pp. 708–717.
CIKM-2006-YanCL #transaction- Efficiently clustering transactional data with weighted coverage density (HY, KC, LL), pp. 367–376.
CIKM-2006-YangJZNX #documentation #ranking #using #validation- Document re-ranking using cluster validation and label propagation (LY, DHJ, GZ, NY, GX), pp. 690–697.
ECIR-2006-CarpinetoPMR #mobile- Mobile Clustering Engine (CC, ADP, SM, GR), pp. 155–166.
ECIR-2006-NaughtonKC - Clustering Sentences for Discovering Events in News Articles (MN, NK, JC), pp. 535–538.
ECIR-2006-Osinski #approximate #matrix #quality- Improving Quality of Search Results Clustering with Approximate Matrix Factorisations (SO), pp. 167–178.
ECIR-2006-SanJuanI #documentation- Phrase Clustering Without Document Context (ES, FIS), pp. 496–500.
ECIR-2006-SmithR #navigation #online- Clustering-Based Searching and Navigation in an Online News Source (SCS, MAR), pp. 143–154.
ICML-2006-AzranG #approach #data-driven- A new approach to data driven clustering (AA, ZG), pp. 57–64.
ICML-2006-Carreira-Perpinan #parametricity #performance- Fast nonparametric clustering with Gaussian blurring mean-shift (MÁCP), pp. 153–160.
ICML-2006-Elkan #approximate #documentation #multi- Clustering documents with an exponential-family approximation of the Dirichlet compound multinomial distribution (CE), pp. 289–296.
ICML-2006-GreeneC #documentation #kernel #problem- Practical solutions to the problem of diagonal dominance in kernel document clustering (DG, PC), pp. 377–384.
ICML-2006-Li #multi- Multiclass boosting with repartitioning (LL), pp. 569–576.
ICML-2006-LongZWY #multi #relational- Spectral clustering for multi-type relational data (BL, Z(Z, XW, PSY), pp. 585–592.
ICML-2006-LuV - Combined central and subspace clustering for computer vision applications (LL, RV), pp. 593–600.
ICML-2006-SrebroSR - An investigation of computational and informational limits in Gaussian mixture clustering (NS, GS, STR), pp. 865–872.
ICML-2006-TorreK #analysis- Discriminative cluster analysis (FDlT, TK), pp. 241–248.
ICML-2006-TsudaK #graph #mining- Clustering graphs by weighted substructure mining (KT, TK), pp. 953–960.
ICPR-v1-2006-AsharafM #scalability #using- Scalable non-linear Support Vector Machine using hierarchical clustering (SA, MNM), pp. 908–911.
ICPR-v1-2006-BerrettiBP #3d #using- Partitioning of 3D Meshes using Reeb Gra (SB, ADB, PP), pp. 19–22.
ICPR-v1-2006-BhattacharyaRD #fuzzy #image #representation #retrieval #semantics #using- Image Representation and Retrieval Using Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy C-means Clustering Based Semantical Spaces (PB, MMR, BCD), pp. 929–935.
ICPR-v1-2006-BouguessaWJ #algorithm- A K-means-based Algorithm for Projective Clustering (MB, SW, QJ), pp. 888–891.
ICPR-v1-2006-CaoH - Nonlinear Manifold Clustering By Dimensionality (WC, RMH), pp. 920–924.
ICPR-v1-2006-FredJ #learning #similarity- Learning Pairwise Similarity for Data Clustering (ALNF, AKJ), pp. 925–928.
ICPR-v1-2006-HansenMT #analysis #re-engineering #sorting- Cluster Analysis and Priority Sorting in Huge Point Clouds for Building Reconstruction (WvH, EM, UT), pp. 23–26.
ICPR-v1-2006-HanXG #segmentation #video- Video Foreground Segmentation Based on Sequential Feature Clustering (MH, WX, YG), pp. 492–496.
ICPR-v1-2006-KimC #ambiguity #permutation- ICA-Based Clustering for Resolving Permutation Ambiguity in Frequency-Domain Convolutive Source Separation (MK, SC), pp. 950–954.
ICPR-v1-2006-LamY #algorithm #calculus- Improved Clustering Algorithm Based on Calculus of Variation (BSYL, HY), pp. 900–903.
ICPR-v1-2006-Li #algorithm #performance- A clustering Based Color Model and Fast Algorithm for Object Tracking (PL), pp. 671–674.
ICPR-v1-2006-LiHH - A Coarse-to-Fine Strategy for Vehicle Motion Trajectory Clustering (XL, WH, WH), pp. 591–594.
ICPR-v1-2006-LiuPHCB #detection- Detecting Virulent Cells of Cryptococcus Neoformans Yeast: Clustering Experiments (JL, PvdP, FH, XC, TB), pp. 1112–1115.
ICPR-v1-2006-MitraBP #array #framework- A MOE framework for Biclustering of Microarray Data (SM, HB, SKP), pp. 1154–1157.
ICPR-v1-2006-MollerR #approach #nearest neighbour- A Cluster Validity Approach based on Nearest-Neighbor Resampling (UM, DR), pp. 892–895.
ICPR-v1-2006-OngB #learning- Learning Wormholes for Sparsely Labelled Clustering (EJO, RB), pp. 916–919.
ICPR-v1-2006-PrehnS #adaptation #algorithm #classification #incremental #robust #using- An Adaptive Classification Algorithm Using Robust Incremental Clustering (HP, GS), pp. 896–899.
ICPR-v1-2006-RiponTKI #algorithm #multi #search-based #using- Multi-Objective Evolutionary Clustering using Variable-Length Real Jumping Genes Genetic Algorithm (KSNR, CHT, SK, MKI), pp. 1200–1203.
ICPR-v1-2006-ViswanathP #hybrid #performance- l-DBSCAN : A Fast Hybrid Density Based Clustering Method (PV, RP), pp. 912–915.
ICPR-v1-2006-WenGL #detection #markov #monte carlo- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Data Association for Merge and Split Detection in Tracking Protein Clusters (QW, JG, KLP), pp. 1030–1033.
ICPR-v2-2006-BhattacharyaRD06a #fuzzy #image #representation #retrieval #semantics #using- Image Representation and Retrieval Using Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy C-means Clustering Based Semantical Spaces (PB, MMR, BCD), pp. 1162–1168.
ICPR-v2-2006-ChoL #identification #image #novel- A novel Virus Infection Clustering for Flower Images Identification (SYC, PTL), pp. 1038–1041.
ICPR-v2-2006-FerchichiW #2d #3d #algorithm- A Clustering-based Algorithm for Extracting the Centerlines of 2D and 3D Objects (SF, SW), pp. 296–299.
ICPR-v2-2006-Gil-GarciaBP #algorithm #framework- A General Framework for Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms (RGG, JMBC, APP), pp. 569–572.
ICPR-v2-2006-Maruyama #configuration management #hardware #image #realtime- Real-time K-Means Clustering for Color Images on Reconfigurable Hardware (TM), pp. 816–819.
ICPR-v2-2006-SadriSB #recognition- A New Clustering Method for Improving Plasticity and Stability in Handwritten Character Recognition Systems (JS, CYS, TDB), pp. 1130–1133.
ICPR-v2-2006-ScarpaH #independence #segmentation- Unsupervised Texture Segmentation by Spectral-Spatial-Independent Clustering (GS, MH), pp. 151–154.
ICPR-v2-2006-Sternby #refinement- Class Dependent Cluster Refinement (JS), pp. 833–836.
ICPR-v2-2006-UsoPSG #multi #using- Clustering-based multispectral band selection using mutual information (AMU, FP, JMS, PGS), pp. 760–763.
ICPR-v2-2006-ViswanathJ #performance- A Fast and Efficient Ensemble Clustering Method (PV, KJ), pp. 720–723.
ICPR-v2-2006-YangLWW #markov #robust- Robust Clustering based on Winner-Population Markov Chain (FWY, HJL, PSPW, HHW), pp. 589–592.
ICPR-v2-2006-YuW #algorithm #named #realtime #scalability #set- GCA: A real-time grid-based clustering algorithm for large data set (ZY, HSW), pp. 740–743.
ICPR-v3-2006-BaldacciGLR #approach- A Template-Matching Approach for Protein Surface Clustering (LB, MG, AL, SR), pp. 340–343.
ICPR-v3-2006-HanD #array #modelling #parametricity- Semi-Parametric Model-Based Clustering for DNA Microarray Data (BH, LSD), pp. 324–327.
ICPR-v3-2006-HuRH #approach #robust- An Interweaved HMM/DTW Approach to Robust Time Series Clustering (JH, BKR, LH), pp. 145–148.
ICPR-v3-2006-HuS06a #classification #functional #image #normalisation- Normalization of Functional Magnetic Resonance Images by Classified Cerebrospinal Fluid Cluster (ZH, PS), pp. 938–941.
ICPR-v3-2006-JainHSVHG #algorithm #hybrid #recursion #sequence- A Hybrid, Recursive Algorithm for Clustering Expressed Sequence Tags in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (MJ, HJH, JS, OV, CH, AG), pp. 404–407.
ICPR-v3-2006-JainML #feedback- Bayesian Feedback in Data Clustering (AKJ, PKM, MHCL), pp. 374–378.
ICPR-v3-2006-KyanG #self- Local Variance Driven Self-Organization for Unsupervised Clustering (MJK, LG), pp. 421–424.
ICPR-v3-2006-QiuXT #feedback #kernel #performance #using- Efficient Relevance Feedback Using Semi-supervised Kernel-specified K-means Clustering (BQ, CX, QT), pp. 316–319.
ICPR-v3-2006-RipsL - The Twin Towers Cluster in Torah Codes (ER, AL), pp. 408–411.
ICPR-v3-2006-VlietF #analysis #multi- Multi-orientation analysis by decomposing the structure tensor and clustering (LJvV, FGAF), pp. 856–860.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZhangHT #comparison #metric #similarity- Comparison of Similarity Measures for Trajectory Clustering in Outdoor Surveillance Scenes (ZZ, KH, TT), pp. 1135–1138.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZhangSZS #approach #geometry #image- A Global Geometric Approach for Image Clustering (SZ, CS, ZZ, ZS), pp. 1244–1247.
ICPR-v4-2006-FengL #graph #self- Self-Validated and Spatially Coherent Clustering with Net-Structured MRF and Graph Cuts (WF, ZQL), pp. 37–40.
ICPR-v4-2006-KwonYKL #using- Fingerprint Matching Method Using Minutiae Clustering and Warping (DK, IDY, DHK, SUL), pp. 525–528.
ICPR-v4-2006-PhamS #approximate #classification #metric #performance- Metric tree partitioning and Taylor approximation for fast support vector classification (TVP, AWMS), pp. 132–135.
ICPR-v4-2006-ZaimQSIT #image #robust #segmentation #using- A Robust and Accurate Segmentation of Iris Images Using Optimal Partitioning (AZ, MKQ, JS, JI, RT), pp. 578–581.
ICPR-v4-2006-ZhangSZS06a #approach #geometry #image- A Global Geometric Approach for Image Clustering (SZ, CS, ZZ, ZS), p. 960.
ICPR-v4-2006-ZhaoSC #using- Fingerprint Registration Using Minutia Clusters and Centroid Structure 1 (DZ, FS, AC), pp. 413–416.
KDD-2006-AchtertBKKZ #correlation #modelling- Deriving quantitative models for correlation clusters (EA, CB, HPK, PK, AZ), pp. 4–13.
KDD-2006-BohmFPP #robust- Robust information-theoretic clustering (CB, CF, JYP, CP), pp. 65–75.
KDD-2006-ChakrabartiKT - Evolutionary clustering (DC, RK, AT), pp. 554–560.
KDD-2006-DingLPP #matrix #orthogonal- Orthogonal nonnegative matrix t-factorizations for clustering (CHQD, TL, WP, HP), pp. 126–135.
KDD-2006-GaoGEJ - Discovering significant OPSM subspace clusters in massive gene expression data (BJG, OLG, ME, SJMJ), pp. 922–928.
KDD-2006-LiuZWMP #difference #order #set- Clustering pair-wise dissimilarity data into partially ordered sets (JL, QZ, WW, LM, JP), pp. 637–642.
KDD-2006-NathBM #approach #classification #scalability #using- Clustering based large margin classification: a scalable approach using SOCP formulation (JSN, CB, MNM), pp. 674–679.
KDD-2006-SpiliopoulouNTS #modelling #monitoring #named- MONIC: modeling and monitoring cluster transitions (MS, IN, YT, RS), pp. 706–711.
KDD-2006-XiongWC #metric #perspective #validation- K-means clustering versus validation measures: a data distribution perspective (HX, JW, JC), pp. 779–784.
KDD-2006-YooHS #graph #integration #refinement #representation #semantics- Integration of semantic-based bipartite graph representation and mutual refinement strategy for biomedical literature clustering (IY, XH, IYS), pp. 791–796.
KDD-2006-ZhangCWZ #concept #identification- Identifying bridging rules between conceptual clusters (SZ, FC, XW, CZ), pp. 815–820.
SEKE-2006-Mayer #effectiveness #performance #random testing #testing- Efficient and Effective Random Testing based on Partitioning and Neighborhood (JM), pp. 479–484.
SEKE-2006-WuHY #ranking- Salient Phrases-based Clustering and Ranking in Chinese Bulletin Board System (XW, SH, YY), pp. 73–78.
SIGIR-2006-AlonsoG #using- Clustering of search results using temporal attributes (OA, MG), pp. 597–598.
SIGIR-2006-HuangM #feedback- Text clustering with extended user feedback (YH, TMM), pp. 413–420.
SIGIR-2006-JiX #documentation #information management- Document clustering with prior knowledge (XJ, WX), pp. 405–412.
SIGIR-2006-KurlandL #exclamation #modelling- Respect my authority!: HITS without hyperlinks, utilizing cluster-based language models (OK, LL), pp. 83–90.
SIGIR-2006-LiuC #representation #retrieval- Representing clusters for retrieval (XL, WBC), pp. 671–672.
SIGIR-2006-SevillanoCAS #documentation #robust- Feature diversity in cluster ensembles for robust document clustering (XS, GC, FA, JCS), pp. 697–698.
SIGIR-2006-TreeratpitukC #automation #case study #statistics #using- An experimental study on automatically labeling hierarchical clusters using statistical features (PT, JPC), pp. 707–708.
SIGIR-2006-YangC #detection- Near-duplicate detection by instance-level constrained clustering (HY, JPC), pp. 421–428.
AdaEurope-2006-ChenHZ #adaptation #random testing #testing- Adaptive Random Testing Through Iterative Partitioning (TYC, DH, ZZ), pp. 155–166.
SAC-2006-GaberY #approach #data type #framework #information management #resource management- A framework for resource-aware knowledge discovery in data streams: a holistic approach with its application to clustering (MMG, PSY), pp. 649–656.
SAC-2006-GeraciPPS #algorithm #scalability #web- A scalable algorithm for high-quality clustering of web snippets (FG, MP, PP, FS), pp. 1058–1062.
SAC-2006-HabichWLP #set- Two-phase clustering strategy for gene expression data sets (DH, TW, WL, CP), pp. 145–150.
SAC-2006-HadiET #summary #video- Video summarization by k-medoid clustering (YH, FE, ROHT), pp. 1400–1401.
SAC-2006-NemalhabibS #algorithm #category theory #dataset #named- CLUC: a natural clustering algorithm for categorical datasets based on cohesion (AN, NS), pp. 637–638.
SAC-2006-OliveiraPCA #database #equivalence- Revisiting 1-copy equivalence in clustered databases (RCO, JP, ACJ, EA), pp. 728–732.
CASE-2006-DingYZA #evaluation #multi #nondeterminism #optimisation #performance #process #tool support- Performance Evaluation and Schedule Optimization of Multi-Cluster Tools with Process Times Uncertainty (SD, JY, MTZ, RAT), pp. 112–117.
CASE-2006-LeeLS #graph- Token delays and generalized workload balancing for timed event graphs with application to cluster tool operation (TEL, HYL, RSS), pp. 93–99.
CASE-2006-WuZ #constraints #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Schedulability and Scheduling of Dual-Arm Cluster Tools with Residency Time Constraints Based on Petri Net (NW, MZ), pp. 87–92.
CGO-2006-ChuM #multi- Compiler-directed Data Partitioning for Multicluster Processors (MLC, SAM), pp. 208–220.
DAC-2006-LinCC #optimisation- Optimal simultaneous mapping and clustering for FPGA delay optimization (JYL, DC, JC), pp. 472–477.
DAC-2006-RadT #hybrid- A new hybrid FPGA with nanoscale clusters and CMOS routing (RMR, MT), pp. 727–730.
DATE-2006-HePE #scheduling #testing- Power constrained and defect-probability driven SoC test scheduling with test set partitioning (ZH, ZP, PE), pp. 291–296.
DATE-2006-KandemirCLIK #process- Activity clustering for leakage management in SPMs (MTK, GC, FL, MJI, IK), pp. 696–697.
DATE-2006-LahiriBCM #speech- Battery-aware code partitioning for a text to speech system (AL, AB, MC, SM), pp. 672–677.
DATE-2006-NascimentoL #architecture #complexity #configuration management #image- Temporal partitioning for image processing based on time-space complexity in reconfigurable architectures (PSBdN, MEdL), pp. 375–380.
DATE-2006-XueOLKK #architecture #embedded #memory management- Dynamic partitioning of processing and memory resources in embedded MPSoC architectures (LX, ÖÖ, FL, MTK, IK), pp. 690–695.
DATE-DF-2006-ArifinC #adaptation #implementation #logic #novel #segmentation- A novel FPGA-based implementation of time adaptive clustering for logical story unit segmentation (SA, PYKC), pp. 227–232.
DATE-DF-2006-BannowHR #automation #design #evaluation #performance- Automatic systemC design configuration for a faster evaluation of different partitioning alternatives (NB, KH, WR), pp. 217–218.
HPDC-2006-BernardiCFJK #architecture #geometry #grid- Geometrical Interpretation for Data partitioning on a Grid Architecture (DB, CC, HF, MJ, MK), pp. 355–356.
HPDC-2006-LopesM #file system #parallel- Cooperative Caching in the pCFS parallel Cluster File System (PAL, PDM), pp. 347–348.
HPDC-2006-WuB #adaptation #performance- Improving I/O Performance of Clustered Storage Systems by Adaptive Request Distribution (CW, RCB), pp. 207–217.
PDP-2006-Barlas #analysis #taxonomy #video- A Taxonomy and DLT-Based Analysis of Cluster-Based Video Trans/En-Coding (GDB), pp. 388–395.
PDP-2006-GlatardMP #framework #grid #optimisation #probability- Probabilistic and Dynamic Optimization of Job Partitioning on a Grid Infrastructure (TG, JM, XP), pp. 231–238.
PDP-2006-NagelR #configuration management #middleware #multi #named- RCM — A Multi-Layered Reconfigurable Cluster Middleware (RN, TR), pp. 203–210.
PDP-2006-XieC #distributed #flexibility #reliability- A Decentralized Storage Cluster with High Reliability and Flexibility (CX, BC), pp. 116–123.
PPoPP-2006-ChristodoulopoulouMBA #performance- Fast and transparent recovery for continuous availability of cluster-based servers (RC, KM, AB, CA), pp. 221–229.
PPoPP-2006-ManassievMA #concurrent #distributed #memory management #transaction- Exploiting distributed version concurrency in a transactional memory cluster (KM, MM, CA), pp. 198–208.
PPoPP-2006-SpringerLRF #energy #execution #source code- Minimizing execution time in MPI programs on an energy-constrained, power-scalable cluster (RS, DKL, BR, VWF), pp. 230–238.
STOC-2006-KhandekarRV #graph #using- Graph partitioning using single commodity flows (RK, SR, UVV), pp. 385–390.
WICSA-2005-VasconcelosW #approach #architecture #independence #set #towards- Towards a Set of Application Independent Clustering Criteria within an Architecture Recovery Approach (APVdV, CW), pp. 235–236.
DocEng-2005-KerneKSM #generative #hypermedia #semantics- Generative semantic clustering in spatial hypertext (AK, EK, VS, JMM), pp. 84–93.
DRR-2005-LiuD #automation #image- Automatic style clustering of printed characters in form images (CL, XD), pp. 175–182.
ICDAR-2005-BarbuHAT #documentation #image #representation #using- Clustering document images using a bag of symbols representation (EB, PH, SA, ÉT), pp. 1216–1220.
ICDAR-2005-BulacuS #comparison #identification #verification- A Comparison of Clustering Methods for Writer Identification and Verification (MB, LS), pp. 1275–1279.
ICDAR-2005-Mancas-ThillouG #distance #image- Color Text Extraction from Camera-based Images the Impact of the Choice of the Clustering Distance (CMT, BG), pp. 312–316.
ICDAR-2005-SaoiGK #detection #image #multi- Text Detection in Color Scene Images based on Unsupervised Clustering of Multi-channel Wavelet Features (TS, HG, HK), pp. 690–694.
JCDL-2005-HanZG #ambiguity #using- Name disambiguation in author citations using a K-way spectral clustering method (HH, HZ, CLG), pp. 334–343.
PODS-2005-ChengVKW - A divide-and-merge methodology for clustering (DC, SV, RK, GW), pp. 196–205.
SIGMOD-2005-PapadiasMH #concept #monitoring #nearest neighbour #performance- Conceptual Partitioning: An Efficient Method for Continuous Nearest Neighbor Monitoring (KM, MH, DP), pp. 634–645.
SIGMOD-2005-TungXO #correlation #named #visualisation- CURLER: Finding and Visualizing Nonlinear Correlated Clusters (AKHT, XX, BCO), pp. 467–478.
SIGMOD-2005-ZhaoZ #3d #algorithm #array #effectiveness #mining #named- TriCluster: An Effective Algorithm for Mining Coherent Clusters in 3D Microarray Data (LZ, MJZ), pp. 694–705.
VLDB-2005-RonstromO - Recovery Principles in MySQL Cluster 5.1 (MR, JO), pp. 1108–1115.
CSMR-2005-RousidisT #case study #java #maintenance #source code- Clustering Data Retrieved from Java Source Code to Support Software Maintenance: A Case Study (DR, CT), pp. 276–279.
CSMR-2005-XiaoT #dependence- Software Clustering Based on Dynamic Dependencies (CX, VT), pp. 124–133.
ICSM-2005-BinkleyH #dependence- Locating Dependence Clusters and Dependence Pollution (DB, MH), pp. 177–186.
ICSM-2005-LuoZS #composition #identification #object-oriented- A Hierarchical Decomposition Method for Object-Oriented Systems Based on Identifying Omnipresent Clusters (JL, LZ, JS), pp. 647–650.
ICSM-2005-WuHH #algorithm #comparison #evolution- Comparison of Clustering Algorithms in the Context of Software Evolution (JW, AEH, RCH), pp. 525–535.
ICSM-2005-ZhaoZMS #requirements- Requirements Guided Dynamic Software Clustering (WZ, LZ, HM, JS), pp. 605–608.
IWPC-2005-BeyerN - Clustering Software Artifacts Based on Frequent Common Changes (DB, AN), pp. 259–268.
IWPC-2005-WenT #detection- Software Clustering based on Omnipresent Object Detection (ZW, VT), pp. 269–278.
WCRE-2005-AndreopoulosATW #multi #scalability- Multiple Layer Clustering of Large Software Systems (BA, AA, VT, XW), pp. 79–88.
WCRE-2005-ChristlKS #automation- Equipping the Reflexion Method with Automated Clustering (AC, RK, MADS), pp. 89–98.
WCRE-2005-KuhnDG #reverse engineering #semantics- Enriching Reverse Engineering with Semantic Clustering (AK, SD, TG), pp. 133–142.
ICALP-2005-KumarSS #algorithm #linear #problem- Linear Time Algorithms for Clustering Problems in Any Dimensions (AK, YS, SS), pp. 1374–1385.
FM-2005-IyerSEJ #model checking #on the- On Partitioning and Symbolic Model Checking (SKI, DS, EAE, JJ), pp. 497–511.
VISSOFT-2005-LunguKGL #interactive #semantics- Interactive Exploration of Semantic Clusters (ML, AK, TG, ML), pp. 95–100.
ICEIS-v1-2005-FengWM #hybrid- A Hybrid Clustering Criterion for R*-Tree on Business Data (YF, ZW, AM), pp. 346–352.
ICEIS-v2-2005-CarrascoVG #using- Using DMFSQL for Financial Clustering (RAC, MAVM, JG), pp. 135–141.
ICEIS-v2-2005-HuynhGB #metric- Clustering Interestingness Measures with Positive Correaltion (HXH, FG, HB), pp. 248–253.
ICEIS-v2-2005-KumarKDB #mining #using #web- Web Usage Mining Using Rough Agglomerative Clustering (PK, PRK, SKD, RSB), pp. 315–320.
ICEIS-v2-2005-SantosPS #data mining #framework #mining #modelling- A Cluster Framework for Data Mining Models — An Application to Intensive Medicine (MFS, JP, ÁMS), pp. 163–168.
CIKM-2005-BambaRM #named #query- OSQR: overlapping clustering of query results (BB, PR, MKM), pp. 239–240.
CIKM-2005-KriegelP #distributed #effectiveness #performance- Efficient and effective server-sided distributed clustering (HPK, MP), pp. 339–340.
CIKM-2005-LesterMZ #geometry #online #performance- Fast on-line index construction by geometric partitioning (NL, AM, JZ), pp. 776–783.
CIKM-2005-LiC #documentation #sequence #word- Text document clustering based on frequent word sequences (YL, SMC), pp. 293–294.
CIKM-2005-MiaoKM #comparative #documentation #evaluation #n-gram #using- Document clustering using character N-grams: a comparative evaluation with term-based and word-based clustering (YM, VK, EEM), pp. 357–358.
CIKM-2005-OrlandicLY #effectiveness #performance #reduction #using- Clustering high-dimensional data using an efficient and effective data space reduction (RO, YL, WGY), pp. 201–208.
CIKM-2005-Polyzotis #effectiveness #optimisation #paradigm #query- Selectivity-based partitioning: a divide-and-union paradigm for effective query optimization (NP), pp. 720–727.
CIKM-2005-XiongLZ #network #parallel- Supporting ranked search in parallel search cluster networks (FX, QL, DJZ), pp. 263–264.
ECIR-2005-AminiUG #algorithm #automation #ranking #summary- Automatic Text Summarization Based on Word-Clusters and Ranking Algorithms (MRA, NU, PG), pp. 142–156.
ECIR-2005-DingCZ #analysis #concept #detection #video- Temporal Shot Clustering Analysis for Video Concept Detection (DD, LC, BZ), pp. 558–560.
ICML-2005-BekkermanEM #interactive #multi- Multi-way distributional clustering via pairwise interactions (RB, REY, AM), pp. 41–48.
ICML-2005-BreitenbachG #ranking- Clustering through ranking on manifolds (MB, GZG), pp. 73–80.
ICML-2005-FinleyJ - Supervised clustering with support vector machines (TF, TJ), pp. 217–224.
ICML-2005-GuptaG #hybrid #robust #using- Robust one-class clustering using hybrid global and local search (GG, JG), pp. 273–280.
ICML-2005-HellerG - Bayesian hierarchical clustering (KAH, ZG), pp. 297–304.
ICML-2005-JoachimsH #bound #correlation #fault- Error bounds for correlation clustering (TJ, JEH), pp. 385–392.
ICML-2005-KulisBDM #approach #graph #kernel- Semi-supervised graph clustering: a kernel approach (BK, SB, ISD, RJM), pp. 457–464.
ICML-2005-Meila #axiom #perspective- Comparing clusterings: an axiomatic view (MM), pp. 577–584.
ICML-2005-SimsekWB #graph #identification #learning- Identifying useful subgoals in reinforcement learning by local graph partitioning (ÖS, APW, AGB), pp. 816–823.
ICML-2005-ZhouLZ #distance #metric- A new Mallows distance based metric for comparing clusterings (DZ, JL, HZ), pp. 1028–1035.
KDD-2005-BanerjeeKGBM #modelling- Model-based overlapping clustering (AB, CK, JG, SB, RJM), pp. 532–537.
KDD-2005-DhillonGK #algorithm #graph #kernel #multi #performance- A fast kernel-based multilevel algorithm for graph clustering (ISD, YG, BK), pp. 629–634.
KDD-2005-GaoLZCM #consistency #graph #higher-order #semistructured data- Consistent bipartite graph co-partitioning for star-structured high-order heterogeneous data co-clustering (BG, TYL, XZ, QC, WYM), pp. 41–50.
KDD-2005-GionisHPT - Dimension induced clustering (AG, AH, SP, PT), pp. 51–60.
KDD-2005-GondekH - Non-redundant clustering with conditional ensembles (DG, TH), pp. 70–77.
KDD-2005-JagannathanW #distributed #privacy- Privacy-preserving distributed k-means clustering over arbitrarily partitioned data (GJ, RNW), pp. 593–599.
KDD-2005-KriegelP #nondeterminism- Density-based clustering of uncertain data (HPK, MP), pp. 672–677.
KDD-2005-Li - A general model for clustering binary data (TL), pp. 188–197.
KDD-2005-LongZY #composition- Co-clustering by block value decomposition (BL, Z(Z, PSY), pp. 635–640.
KDD-2005-NeillMSD #detection- Detection of emerging space-time clusters (DBN, AWM, MS, KD), pp. 218–227.
KDD-2005-SanghaiSDK #architecture #design #multi #performance #simulation- A multinomial clustering model for fast simulation of computer architecture designs (KS, TS, JGD, DRK), pp. 808–813.
KDD-2005-SurdeanuTA #approach #documentation #hybrid- A hybrid unsupervised approach for document clustering (MS, JT, AA), pp. 685–690.
KDD-2005-YinHY - Cross-relational clustering with user’s guidance (XY, JH, PSY), pp. 344–353.
KDD-2005-ZakiPAS #algorithm #category theory #dataset #effectiveness #mining #named- CLICKS: an effective algorithm for mining subspace clusters in categorical datasets (MJZ, MP, IA, TS), pp. 736–742.
MLDM-2005-BarbuHAT #documentation #graph #image #summary #using- Clustering Document Images Using Graph Summaries (EB, PH, SA, ÉT), pp. 194–202.
MLDM-2005-CandillierTTB #named #statistics- SSC: Statistical Subspace Clustering (LC, IT, FT, OB), pp. 100–109.
MLDM-2005-DuKAB #algorithm #encoding #multi #search-based- Alternative Clustering by Utilizing Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm with Linked-List Based Chromosome Encoding (JD, EEK, RA, KB), pp. 346–355.
MLDM-2005-EickRBV #assessment #distance #similarity #using- Using Clustering to Learn Distance Functions for Supervised Similarity Assessment (CFE, AR, AB, RV), pp. 120–131.
MLDM-2005-GiacintoPR #detection #network- Alarm Clustering for Intrusion Detection Systems in Computer Networks (GG, RP, FR), pp. 184–193.
MLDM-2005-HalveyKS #internet #navigation #predict #using- Birds of a Feather Surf Together: Using Clustering Methods to Improve Navigation Prediction from Internet Log Files (MH, MTK, BS), pp. 174–183.
MLDM-2005-HammoudaMK #documentation #named- CorePhrase: Keyphrase Extraction for Document Clustering (KMH, DNM, MSK), pp. 265–274.
MLDM-2005-HaralickH #linear- Linear Manifold Clustering (RMH, RH), pp. 132–141.
MLDM-2005-JanichenP #concept- Acquisition of Concept Descriptions by Conceptual Clustering (SJ, PP), pp. 153–162.
MLDM-2005-NikulinS #probability- Universal Clustering with Regularization in Probabilistic Space (VN, AJS), pp. 142–152.
MLDM-2005-SiaL #dataset #scalability #using- Clustering Large Dynamic Datasets Using Exemplar Points (WS, MML), pp. 163–173.
MLDM-2005-SilvaK #distributed- Inference on Distributed Data Clustering (JCdS, MK), pp. 610–619.
SIGIR-2005-KurlandLD #modelling #pseudo #using- Better than the real thing?: iterative pseudo-query processing using cluster-based language models (OK, LL, CD), pp. 19–26.
SIGIR-2005-XueLYXZYC #collaboration #scalability #using- Scalable collaborative filtering using cluster-based smoothing (GRX, CL, QY, WX, HJZ, YY, ZC), pp. 114–121.
OOPSLA-2005-CharlesGSDKEPS #approach #named #object-oriented- X10: an object-oriented approach to non-uniform cluster computing (PC, CG, VAS, CD, AK, KE, CvP, VS), pp. 519–538.
PLDI-2005-DaiHLH #architecture #automation #pipes and filters- Automatically partitioning packet processing applications for pipelined architectures (JD, BH, LL, LH), pp. 237–248.
SIGAda-2005-AlexandrID #ada #analysis #performance #source code- Experimental performance analysis of ada programs in cluster system (KA, SI, KD), pp. 31–36.
RE-2005-ChenZZM #approach #feature model #modelling #requirements- An Approach to Constructing Feature Models Based on Requirements Clustering (KC, WZ, HZ, HM), pp. 31–40.
SAC-2005-Aguilar-RuizD - Evolutionary computation for biclustering of gene expression (JSAR, FD), pp. 959–960.
SAC-2005-DongH #classification #parametricity- Text classification based on data partitioning and parameter varying ensembles (YSD, KSH), pp. 1044–1048.
SAC-2005-FalcoTCG #algorithm #search-based- A new variable-length genome genetic algorithm for data clustering in semeiotics (IDF, ET, ADC, FG), pp. 923–927.
SAC-2005-FalcoTCG05a #approach #grammarware #novel #programming #search-based- A novel grammar-based genetic programming approach to clustering (IDF, ET, ADC, FG), pp. 928–932.
SAC-2005-HanMZTGZ #documentation #metadata #rule-based #word- Rule-based word clustering for document metadata extraction (HH, EM, HZ, KT, CLG, XZ), pp. 1049–1053.
SAC-2005-HuangSMZGGP #approach #predict- A clustering-based approach for prediction of cardiac resynchronization therapy (HH, LS, FM, SZ, MG, LG, JDP), pp. 260–266.
SAC-2005-KankarM #summary #visualisation- Text-based summarization and visualization of gene clusters (PK, SM), pp. 210–211.
SAC-2005-LeeWC #performance- Rearranging data objects for efficient and stable clustering (GL, XW, JC), pp. 519–523.
SAC-2005-McPhersonMO #graph #parametricity #social- Discovering parametric clusters in social small-world graphs (JM, KLM, MO), pp. 1231–1238.
SAC-2005-OcaGA #algorithm #classification #network- An hybridization of an ant-based clustering algorithm with growing neural gas networks for classification tasks (MAMdO, LG, JLA), pp. 9–13.
SAC-2005-Ordonez - A model for association rules based on clustering (CO), pp. 545–546.
SAC-2005-TangV #approach #documentation- An artificial immune system approach to document clustering (NT, VRV), pp. 918–922.
SAC-2005-WangP - Tree-based clustering for gene expression data (BW, WP), pp. 204–205.
SAC-2005-XiaoLJ #on the #problem #scheduling- On unit task linear-nonlinear two-cluster scheduling problem (ZX, WNL, JJFJ), pp. 713–717.
SAC-2005-ZhengZOMF #network- Node clustering based on link delay in P2P networks (WZ, SZ, YO, FM, JF), pp. 744–749.
CC-2005-EnnalsSM #manycore #network- Task Partitioning for Multi-core Network Processors (RE, RS, AM), pp. 76–90.
DAC-2005-BanerjeeBD #architecture #configuration management- Physically-aware HW-SW partitioning for reconfigurable architectures with partial dynamic reconfiguration (SB, EB, NDD), pp. 335–340.
DAC-2005-LiQTWCH #approach #performance- Partitioning-based approach to fast on-chip decap budgeting and minimization (HL, ZQ, SXDT, LW, YC, XH), pp. 170–175.
DAC-2005-TomL #design #logic #scalability- Logic block clustering of large designs for channel-width constrained FPGAs (MT, GGL), pp. 726–731.
DATE-2005-BarrettaFSB #embedded #parallel #thread- Multithreaded Extension to Multicluster VLIW Processors for Embedded Applications (DB, WF, MS, DB), pp. 748–749.
DATE-2005-GangwarBPK #architecture #evaluation- Evaluation of Bus Based Interconnect Mechanisms in Clustered VLIW Architectures (AG, MB, PRP, AK), pp. 730–735.
DATE-2005-LiC #analysis #hybrid #sequence- Hybrid BIST Based on Repeating Sequences and Cluster Analysis (LL, KC), pp. 1142–1147.
DATE-2005-LyseckyV #case study #hardware #using- A Study of the Speedups and Competitiveness of FPGA Soft Processor Cores using Dynamic Hardware/Software Partitioning (RLL, FV), pp. 18–23.
DATE-2005-SrinivasanLV #architecture- Simultaneous Partitioning and Frequency Assignment for On-Chip Bus Architectures (SS, LL, NV), pp. 218–223.
DATE-2005-StittV #approach #decompiler #platform- A Decompilation Approach to Partitioning Software for Microprocessor/FPGA Platforms (GS, FV), pp. 396–397.
DATE-2005-StreichertHT #configuration management #distributed #embedded #network- Distributed HW/SW-Partitioning for Embedded Reconfigurable Networks (TS, CH, JT), pp. 894–895.
DATE-2005-WenzelRKP #context-free grammar #generative #model checking- utomatic Timing Model Generation by CFG Partitioning and Model Checking (IW, BR, RK, PPP), pp. 606–611.
HPCA-2005-KondoN #performance #power management- A Small, Fast and Low-Power Register File by Bit-Partitioning (MK, HN), pp. 40–49.
HPDC-2005-AnandS #algorithm #automation #search-based- Genetic algorithm based automatic data partitioning scheme for HPF (SKA, YNS), pp. 289–290.
HPDC-2005-BatsakisB #fault tolerance- Cluster delegation: high-performance, fault-tolerant data sharing in NFS (AB, RCB), pp. 100–109.
HPDC-2005-RanjanBH #distributed- A model for cooperative federation of distributed clusters (RR, RB, AH), pp. 295–296.
HPDC-2005-TierneyG #workflow- Techniques for tuning workflows in cluster environments (BT, DKG), pp. 303–305.
LCTES-2005-XuZRMM #embedded #energy #policy- Energy-efficient policies for embedded clusters (RX, DZ, CR, RGM, DM), pp. 1–10.
PDP-2005-FaberoBC #equation #parallel #performance #simulation- Efficiency on Clusters of Parallel Simulation of Sine-Gordon Equation over Hexagonal Tessellation (JCF, AB, LC), pp. 68–75.
PDP-2005-KoukisK #memory management #scheduling- Memory Bandwidth Aware Scheduling for SMP Cluster Nodes (EK, NK), pp. 187–196.
PDP-2005-SanjurjoBAD #parallel- Parallel Global Illumination Method Based on a Non-Uniform Partitioning of the Scene (JRS, MB, MA, RD), pp. 251–257.
PPoPP-2005-FreehL #energy #multi #source code #using- Using multiple energy gears in MPI programs on a power-scalable cluster (VWF, DKL), pp. 164–173.
PPoPP-2005-HeathDCMB #energy- Energy conservation in heterogeneous server clusters (TH, BD, EVC, WMJ, RB), pp. 186–195.
PPoPP-2005-KejariwalNBP #approach #novel- A novel approach for partitioning iteration spaces with variable densities (AK, AN, UB, CDP), pp. 120–131.
SOSP-2005-CohenZGSKF - Capturing, indexing, clustering, and retrieving system history (IC, SZ, MG, JS, TK, AF), pp. 105–118.
ESOP-2005-MauborgneR #abstract interpretation- Trace Partitioning in Abstract Interpretation Based Static Analyzers (LM, XR), pp. 5–20.
FASE-2005-ChangHK #component #identification- A Tool to Automate Component Clustering and Identification (SHC, MJH, SDK), pp. 141–144.
STOC-2005-AilonCN #consistency #ranking- Aggregating inconsistent information: ranking and clustering (NA, MC, AN), pp. 684–693.
DRR-2004-PengHL #automation #component #image- Automatic content extraction of filled-form images based on clustering component block projection vectors (HP, XH, FL), pp. 204–214.
PODS-2004-AgarwalM - k-Means Projective Clustering (PKA, NHM), pp. 155–165.
PODS-2004-FerhatosmanogluRT - Replicated Declustering of Spatial Data (HF, AR, AST), pp. 125–135.
PODS-2004-ZhouW #matrix- Clustering via Matrix Powering (HZ, DPW), pp. 136–142.
SIGMOD-2004-AgrawalNY #automation #database #design #physics- Integrating Vertical and Horizontal Partitioning Into Automated Physical Database Design (SA, VRN, BY), pp. 359–370.
SIGMOD-2004-BohmKKZ #correlation- Computing Clusters of Correlation Connected Objects (CB, KK, PK, AZ), pp. 455–466.
SIGMOD-2004-NassarSC #effectiveness #incremental #summary- Incremental and Effective Data Summarization for Dynamic Hierarchical Clustering (SN, JS, CC), pp. 467–478.
SIGMOD-2004-QianZZ #approach #effectiveness #named #performance- FAÇADE: A Fast and Effective Approach to the Discovery of Dense Clusters in Noisy Spatial Data (YQ, GZ, KZ), pp. 921–922.
SIGMOD-2004-WuYDM #approach #interactive #interface #query #web- An Interactive Clustering-based Approach to Integrating Source Query interfaces on the Deep Web (WW, CTY, AD, WM), pp. 95–106.
SIGMOD-2004-YiuM #network- Clustering Objects on a Spatial Network (MLY, NM), pp. 443–454.
VLDB-2004-AggarwalHWY #data type #framework- A Framework for Projected Clustering of High Dimensional Data Streams (CCA, JH, JW, PSY), pp. 852–863.
VLDB-2004-LightstoneB #automation #database #design #multi #relational- Automating the design of multi-dimensional clustering tables in relational databases (SL, BB), pp. 1170–1181.
VLDB-2004-ManegoldBKN - Cache-Conscious Radix-Decluster Projections (SM, PAB, NN), pp. 684–695.
CSMR-2004-BauerT #adaptation #architecture #object-oriented- Architecture-Aware Adaptive Clustering of OO Systems (MB, MT), pp. 3–14.
CSMR-2004-MaqboolB #algorithm- The Weighted Combined Algorithm: A Linkage Algorithm for Software Clustering (OM, HAB), pp. 15–24.
CSMR-2004-ZaidmanD #execution #process- Managing Trace Data Volume through a Heuristical Clustering Process Based on Event Execution Frequency (AZ, SD), pp. 329–338.
IWPC-2004-KanellopoulosT #c++ #comprehension #data mining #mining #source code- Data Mining Source Code to Facilitate Program Comprehension: Experiments on Clustering Data Retrieved from C++ Programs (YK, CT), pp. 214–225.
IWPC-2004-RiccaTGP #empirical #keyword #web- An Empirical Study on Keyword-based Web Site Clustering (FR, PT, CG, EP), pp. 204–213.
IWPC-2004-WenT #algorithm #effectiveness- An Effectiveness Measure for Software Clustering Algorithms (ZW, VT), pp. 194–203.
SCAM-2004-XuLZS - Program Restructuring Through Clustering Techniques (XX, CHL, MZ, AS), pp. 75–84.
ICALP-2004-CzumajS #approximate #random- Sublinear-Time Approximation for Clustering Via Random Sampling (AC, CS), pp. 396–407.
IFM-2004-PuHHY #approach #hardware- An Optimal Approach to Hardware/Software Partitioning for Synchronous Model (GP, DVH, JH, WY), pp. 363–381.
SEFM-2004-GeguangXSZHY #approach #hardware #multi- An Approach to Hardware/Software Partitioning for Multiple Hardware Devices Model (GP, XZ, SW, ZQ, JH, WY), pp. 376–385.
CHI-2004-MillerM - Cluster-based find and replace (RCM, AMM), pp. 57–64.
CSCW-2004-TseHSG #dependence #how #people- Avoiding interference: how people use spatial separation and partitioning in SDG workspaces (ET, JH, SDS, SG), pp. 252–261.
ICEIS-v2-2004-CastilhoPL #information management #process- Informed K-Means: A Clustering Process biased by Prior Knowledge (WFC, HAdP, ML), pp. 469–475.
ICEIS-v2-2004-ChenSMA #modelling #relational- Hierarchical Model-Based Clustering for Relational Data (JC, MS, SIM, KA), pp. 92–97.
ICEIS-v2-2004-SalemSA #documentation #network- Unsupervised Artificial Neural Networks for Clustering of Document Collections (ABMS, MMS, AFA), pp. 383–392.
ICEIS-v2-2004-TagarelliTG #linear #mining #programming- Mining Scientific Results Through the Combined Use of Clustering and Linear Programming Techniques (AT, IT, SG), pp. 84–91.
ICEIS-v2-2004-WallaceK #performance #robust- Robust, Generalized, Quick and Efficient Agglomerative Clustering (MW, SDK), pp. 409–416.
ICEIS-v2-2004-ZaratePSSVD #network #optimisation #representation #set- Optimization of Neural Network’s Training Sets via Clustering: Application in Solar Collector Representation (LEZ, EMDP, DAS, JPDS, RV, ASCD), pp. 147–152.
CIKM-2004-ChenL #dataset #named #scalability #visualisation- ClusterMap: labeling clusters in large datasets via visualization (KC, LL), pp. 285–293.
CIKM-2004-ChungJM #dataset #mining #using- Mining gene expression datasets using density-based clustering (SC, JJ, DM), pp. 150–151.
CIKM-2004-HeTC #approach #query #web- Organizing structured web sources by query schemas: a clustering approach (BH, TT, KCCC), pp. 22–31.
CIKM-2004-HuangOM #category theory #difference- Compression schemes for differential categorical stream clustering (WH, EO, LM), pp. 232–233.
CIKM-2004-KoreniusLJJ #documentation- Stemming and lemmatization in the clustering of finnish text documents (TK, JL, KJ, MJ), pp. 625–633.
CIKM-2004-LiOM #multi #on the- On combining multiple clusterings (TL, MO, SM), pp. 294–303.
CIKM-2004-MekhaldiLI #documentation #speech #using- Using bi-modal alignment and clustering techniques for documents and speech thematic segmentations (DM, DL, RI), pp. 69–77.
CIKM-2004-NiuJT #documentation #validation- Document clustering based on cluster validation (ZYN, DHJ, CLT), pp. 501–506.
CIKM-2004-WangSZCM #summary #web- Web page clustering enhanced by summarization (XW, DS, HJZ, ZC, WYM), pp. 242–243.
CIKM-2004-ZhaoK #documentation #summary- Soft clustering criterion functions for partitional document clustering: a summary of results (YZ, GK), pp. 246–247.
ECIR-2004-DobryninPR #documentation- Contextual Document Clustering (VD, DWP, NR), pp. 167–180.
ECIR-2004-HungWS #bottom-up #predict #top-down- Predictive Top-Down Knowledge Improves Neural Exploratory Bottom-Up Clustering (CH, SW, PS), pp. 154–166.
ICML-2004-BilenkoBM #constraints #learning #metric- Integrating constraints and metric learning in semi-supervised clustering (MB, SB, RJM).
ICML-2004-ChangY #adaptation #linear #metric- Locally linear metric adaptation for semi-supervised clustering (HC, DYY).
ICML-2004-ClimerZ #approach- Take a walk and cluster genes: a TSP-based approach to optimal rearrangement clustering (SC, WZ).
ICML-2004-DingH - Linearized cluster assignment via spectral ordering (CHQD, XH).
ICML-2004-DingH04a #analysis #component- K-means clustering via principal component analysis (CHQD, XH).
ICML-2004-FernB #graph #problem- Solving cluster ensemble problems by bipartite graph partitioning (XZF, CEB).
ICML-2004-HertzBW #distance- Boosting margin based distance functions for clustering (TH, ABH, DW).
ICML-2004-LiMO #category theory- Entropy-based criterion in categorical clustering (TL, SM, MO).
ICML-2004-MannorMHK #abstraction #learning- Dynamic abstraction in reinforcement learning via clustering (SM, IM, AH, UK).
ICML-2004-NguyenS #learning #using- Active learning using pre-clustering (HTN, AWMS).
ICML-2004-RosalesAF #learning #using- Learning to cluster using local neighborhood structure (RR, KA, BJF).
ICPR-v1-2004-JainTLB #algorithm- Landscape of Clustering Algorithms (AKJ, APT, MHCL, JMB), pp. 260–263.
ICPR-v1-2004-JohnstonFD #execution #grid #image #performance- An Event-Based Execution Model for Efficient Image Processing on Workstation Clusters and the Grid (DJJ, MF, ACD), pp. 732–735.
ICPR-v1-2004-MaedaKI #data-driven #database #probability #process #segmentation- Segmentation of Range Data Based on A Stochastic Clustering Method with Competitive Process (MM, KK, KI), pp. 624–627.
ICPR-v1-2004-MiasnikovRH #algorithm- A Hierarchical Projection Pursuit Clustering Algorithm (ADM, JER, RMH), pp. 268–271.
ICPR-v1-2004-PetrosinoV #algorithm #fuzzy #named #parallel #scalability- P-AFLC: A Parallel Scalable Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm (AP, MV), pp. 809–812.
ICPR-v1-2004-TopchyMJP #adaptation- Adaptive Clustering Ensembles (APT, BMB, AKJ, WFP), pp. 272–275.
ICPR-v1-2004-VirmajokiF #algorithm #divide and conquer #graph- Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Creating Neighborhood Graph for Clustering (OV, PF), pp. 264–267.
ICPR-v1-2004-ZhouT #analysis #coordination #documentation #geometry #re-engineering #visual notation- Coordinate Systems Reconstruction for Graphical Documents by Hough-feature Clustering and Geometric Analysis (YPZ, CLT), pp. 376–379.
ICPR-v2-2004-BerrettiB #multi #representation- Multiresolution Spatial Partitioning for Shape Representation (SB, ADB), pp. 775–778.
ICPR-v2-2004-BuzanSK #video- Extraction and Clustering of Motion Trajectories in Video (DB, SS, GK), pp. 521–524.
ICPR-v2-2004-HuR #classification #probability #using- Probability Table Compression Using Distributional Clustering for Scanning N-Tuple Classifiers (JH, ER), pp. 533–536.
ICPR-v2-2004-KoskelaLO #image #metric #retrieval- Entropy-Based Measures for Clustering and SOM Topology Preservation Applied to Content-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval (MK, JL, EO), pp. 1005–1009.
ICPR-v2-2004-MachadoMC #adaptation #image #using- The Influence of the Noise in the Restoration of Solar Radio Images using Adaptive Regularization Techniques Based on Clustering (WRSM, NDAM, JERC), pp. 371–374.
ICPR-v2-2004-MitraM #feature model- Feature Selection and Gene Clustering from Gene Expression Data (PM, DDM), pp. 343–346.
ICPR-v2-2004-Olson - Pose Clustering Guided by Short Interpretation Trees (CFO), pp. 149–152.
ICPR-v2-2004-VijayaMS #classification #performance #sequence- An Efficient Technique for Protein Sequence Clustering and Classification (PAV, MNM, DKS), pp. 447–450.
ICPR-v3-2004-DEliaMMPST #classification #detection #segmentation- Detection of Microcalcifications Clusters in Mammograms through TS-MRF Segmentation and SVM-based Classification (CD, CM, MM, GP, GS, FT), pp. 742–745.
ICPR-v3-2004-KashinoKK #video- A Quick Video Search Method based on Local and Global Feature Clustering (KK, AK, TK), pp. 894–897.
ICPR-v3-2004-XiangW #image #segmentation- Range Image Segmentation Based on Split-Merge Clustering (RX, RW), pp. 614–617.
ICPR-v4-2004-Cheung #algorithm #automation #towards- A Rival Penalized EM Algorithm towards Maximizing Weighted Likelihood for Density Mixture Clustering with Automatic Model Selection (YmC), pp. 633–636.
ICPR-v4-2004-FuYHT #detection #multi #using- Mixture Clustering Using Multidimensional Histograms for Skin Detection (ZF, JY, WH, TT), pp. 549–552.
ICPR-v4-2004-HeidemannBBS #gesture #recognition #scalability #self #set #user interface #visual notation- Hand Gesture Recognition: Self-Organising Maps as a Graphical User Interface for the Partitioning of Large Training Data Sets (GH, HB, IB, AS), pp. 487–490.
ICPR-v4-2004-LiuSCH #personalisation #using #verification- Personalized Face Verification System Using Owner-Specific Cluster-Dependent LDA-Subspace (HCL, CHS, YHC, YPH), pp. 344–347.
ICPR-v4-2004-NockN #algorithm #optimisation- Improving Clustering Algorithms through Constrained Convex Optimization (RN, FN), pp. 557–560.
ICPR-v4-2004-ParkJZK #graph- Support Vector Clustering Combined with Spectral Graph Partitioning (JHP, XJ, HZ, RK), pp. 581–584.
ICPR-v4-2004-QinandS #algorithm #analysis #kernel- Kernel Neural Gas Algorithms with Application to Cluster Analysis (AKQ, PNS), pp. 617–620.
ICPR-v4-2004-Qiu #image- Image and Feature Co-Clustering (GQ), pp. 991–994.
ICPR-v4-2004-SamsonB #learning #parallel #robust #video- Learning Classes for Video Interpretation with a Robust Parallel Clustering Method (VS, PB), pp. 569–572.
ICPR-v4-2004-Syeda-Mahmood - Order-Preserving Clustering and Its Application to Gene Expression Data (TFSM), pp. 637–640.
ICPR-v4-2004-TothSWA #detection #using- Detection of Moving Shadows using Mean Shift Clustering and a Significance Test (DT, IS, AW, TA), pp. 260–263.
ICPR-v4-2004-WongCSI #3d #modelling #retrieval- Indexing and Retrieval of 3D Models by Unsupervised Clustering with Hierarchical SOM (HSW, KKTC, YS, HHSI), pp. 613–616.
ICPR-v4-2004-XuF #difference- Delta-MSE Dissimilarity in Suboptimal K-Means Clustering (MX, PF), pp. 577–580.
KDD-2004-BagnallJ #modelling- Clustering time series from ARMA models with clipped data (AJB, GJJ), pp. 49–58.
KDD-2004-BanerjeeDGMM #approach #approximate #matrix- A generalized maximum entropy approach to bregman co-clustering and matrix approximation (AB, ISD, JG, SM, DSM), pp. 509–514.
KDD-2004-BanerjeeL #evaluation- An objective evaluation criterion for clustering (AB, JL), pp. 515–520.
KDD-2004-BasuBM #framework #probability- A probabilistic framework for semi-supervised clustering (SB, MB, RJM), pp. 59–68.
KDD-2004-DhillonGK #kernel #normalisation- Kernel k-means: spectral clustering and normalized cuts (ISD, YG, BK), pp. 551–556.
KDD-2004-Iyengar #detection #on the- On detecting space-time clusters (VSI), pp. 587–592.
KDD-2004-JiangPRTZ #array #mining- Mining coherent gene clusters from gene-sample-time microarray data (DJ, JP, MR, CT, AZ), pp. 430–439.
KDD-2004-LiHY - Clustering moving objects (YL, JH, JY), pp. 617–622.
KDD-2004-LiuWY #framework- A framework for ontology-driven subspace clustering (JL, WW, JY), pp. 623–628.
KDD-2004-MelkmanS - Sleeved coclustering (AAM, ES), pp. 635–640.
KDD-2004-NeillM #agile #detection- Rapid detection of significant spatial clusters (DBN, AWM), pp. 256–265.
KDD-2004-Ordonez #algorithm #programming #sql- Programming the K-means clustering algorithm in SQL (CO), pp. 823–828.
KDD-2004-PavlovBDKP #classification #documentation #multi #naive bayes #preprocessor- Document preprocessing for naive Bayes classification and clustering with mixture of multinomials (DP, RB, BD, SK, JP), pp. 829–834.
KDD-2004-PopesculU #concept #learning #relational #statistics- Cluster-based concept invention for statistical relational learning (AP, LHU), pp. 665–670.
KDD-2004-WuGH #mining #network #using- Mining scale-free networks using geodesic clustering (AYW, MG, JH), pp. 719–724.
SEKE-2004-FoxF #adaptation #documentation #reduction- Document Clustering with Adaptive Term Weighting and Feature Reduction Capabilities (TWF, BJF), pp. 142–147.
SEKE-2004-JahnkeB #architecture #reverse engineering #using- Reverse Engineering Software Architecture using Rough Clusters (JHJ, YB), pp. 270–275.
SIGIR-2004-AzmanO - Discovery of aggregate usage profiles based on clustering information needs (AA, IO), pp. 470–471.
SIGIR-2004-LiMO #adaptation #documentation- Document clustering via adaptive subspace iteration (TL, SM, MO), pp. 218–225.
SIGIR-2004-LiuC #modelling #retrieval #using- Cluster-based retrieval using language models (XL, WBC), pp. 186–193.
SIGIR-2004-SiersdorferS #documentation #self #strict- Restrictive clustering and metaclustering for self-organizing document collections (SS, SS), pp. 226–233.
SIGIR-2004-SilvestriOP #documentation #identifier- Assigning identifiers to documents to enhance the clustering property of fulltext indexes (FS, SO, RP), pp. 305–312.
SIGIR-2004-XuG #concept #documentation- Document clustering by concept factorization (WX, YG), pp. 202–209.
SIGIR-2004-YeS #retrieval- Aggregated feature retrieval for MPEG-7 via clustering (JY, AFS), pp. 514–515.
SIGIR-2004-ZengHCMM #learning #web- Learning to cluster web search results (HJZ, QCH, ZC, WYM, JM), pp. 210–217.
SAC-2004-BolshakovaAC #array #assessment- An integrated tool for microarray data clustering and cluster validity assessment (NB, FA, PC), pp. 133–137.
SAC-2004-ChenSMA #modelling #relational- Hierarchical model-based clustering of relational data with aggregates (JC, MS, SIM, KA), pp. 620–621.
SAC-2004-DingH #consistency #information management #nearest neighbour #optimisation- K-nearest-neighbor consistency in data clustering: incorporating local information into global optimization (CHQD, XH), pp. 584–589.
SAC-2004-EggermontKK #classification #programming #search-based- Genetic Programming for data classification: partitioning the search space (JE, JNK, WAK), pp. 1001–1005.
SAC-2004-Guo #algorithm #evaluation #framework #functional- A new framework for clustering algorithm evaluation in the domain of functional genomics (AG), pp. 143–146.
SAC-2004-JuhaszC #multi #performance #platform- Exploiting fast ethernet performance in multiplatform cluster environment (SJ, HC), pp. 1407–1411.
SAC-2004-KasturiA #using- Clustering of diverse genomic data using information fusion (JK, RA), pp. 116–120.
SAC-2004-LuLFDB #algorithm #named #performance #search-based- FGKA: a Fast Genetic K-means Clustering Algorithm (YL, SL, FF, YD, SJB), pp. 622–623.
SAC-2004-QianZ #automation #named #performance- GraphZip: a fast and automatic compression method for spatial data clustering (YQ, KZ), pp. 571–575.
SAC-2004-Tosun #query- Replicated declustering for arbitrary queries (AST), pp. 748–753.
SAC-2004-UngureanuMBK - Class-Dependent Assignment in cluster-based servers (VU, BM, PGB, MNK), pp. 1420–1425.
DAC-2004-AntonelliCDHKKMN #automaton #modelling #problem- Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (QCA) circuit partitioning: problem modeling and solutions (DAA, DZC, TJD, XSH, ABK, PMK, RCM, MTN), pp. 363–368.
DAC-2004-HuM04a #adaptation #multi- Adaptive data partitioning for ambient multimedia (XH, RM), pp. 562–565.
DAC-2004-KejariwalGNDG #algorithm #energy #mobile- Proxy-based task partitioning of watermarking algorithms for reducing energy consumption in mobile devices (AK, SG, AN, ND, RG), pp. 556–561.
DAC-2004-SelvakkumaranRRK #algorithm #multi- Multi-resource aware partitioning algorithms for FPGAs with heterogeneous resources (NS, AR, SR, GK), pp. 741–746.
DATE-v1-2004-FengWCL #simulation- Improved Symoblic Simulation by Dynamic Funtional Space Partitioning (TF, LCW, KTC, CCL), pp. 42–49.
DATE-v1-2004-LyseckyV #architecture #configuration management #hardware #logic- A Configurable Logic Architecture for Dynamic Hardware/Software Partitioning (RLL, FV), pp. 480–485.
DATE-v1-2004-WangH #memory management #multi #power management #scheduling- Power Aware Variable Partitioning and Instruction Scheduling for Multiple Memory Banks (ZW, XSH), pp. 312–317.
DATE-v2-2004-PopEPIHB #design #embedded #multi #optimisation #realtime- Design Optimization of Multi-Cluster Embedded Systems for Real-Time Application (PP, PE, ZP, VI, MH, OB), pp. 1027–1033.
HPDC-2004-ChungH #automation #performance #web #web service- Automated Cluster-Based Web Service Performance Tuning (IHC, JKH), pp. 36–44.
HPDC-2004-WuB #consistency #performance- Achieving Performance Consistency in Heterogeneous Clusters (CW, RCB), pp. 140–149.
OSDI-2004-DeanG #named #pipes and filters #scalability- MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters (JD, SG), pp. 137–150.
PDP-2004-AthanasakiKK #scheduling- Scheduling of Tiled Nested Loops onto a Cluster with a Fixed Number of SMP Nodes (MA, EK, NK), pp. 424–433.
PDP-2004-BanosGOM #graph #heuristic #parallel- Parallel Heuristic Search in Multilevel Graph Partitioning (RB, CG, JO, FGM), pp. 88–95.
PDP-2004-GourgoulisTKW #scalability #simulation- Creating Scalable Traffic Simulation on Clusters (AG, GT, PK, SCW), pp. 60–65.
PDP-2004-PardinesR #architecture- Minimizing the Load Redistribution Cost in Cluster Architectures (IP, FFR), pp. 326–331.
DATE-2005-GalanisMTSG04 #configuration management #hybrid #platform- A Partitioning Methodology for Accelerating Applications in Hybrid Reconfigurable Platforms (MDG, AM, GT, DS, CEG), pp. 247–252.
STOC-2004-AroraRV #geometry #graph- Expander flows, geometric embeddings and graph partitioning (SA, SR, UVV), pp. 222–231.
STOC-2004-Har-PeledM #on the- On coresets for k-means and k-median clustering (SHP, SM), pp. 291–300.
STOC-2004-Kelner #bound #graph- Spectral partitioning, eigenvalue bounds, and circle packings for graphs of bounded genus (JAK), pp. 455–464.
STOC-2004-SpielmanT #algorithm #graph #linear- Nearly-linear time algorithms for graph partitioning, graph sparsification, and solving linear systems (DAS, SHT), pp. 81–90.
ECDL-2003-TombrosJR #information management- Clustering Top-Ranking Sentences for Information Access (AT, JMJ, IR), pp. 523–528.
ICDAR-2003-BrittoSSSB #algorithm #low cost #parallel #using- A Low-Cost Parallel K-Means VQ Algorithm Using Cluster Computing (AdSBJ, PSLdS, RS, SdRSdS, DLB), pp. 839–843.
ICDAR-2003-GovindarajuT - Postal address block location by contour clustering (VG, ST), pp. 429–432.
ICDAR-2003-YonekuraF #2d #segmentation- Postal Envelope Segmentation by 2-D Histogram Clustering through Watershed Transform (EAY, JF), pp. 338–342.
SIGMOD-2003-KimC #adaptation #feedback #image #named #retrieval #using- Qcluster: Relevance Feedback Using Adaptive Clustering for Content-Based Image Retrieval (DHK, CWC), pp. 599–610.
SIGMOD-2003-PadmanabhanBMCH #layout #multi- Multi-Dimensional Clustering: A New Data Layout Scheme in DB2 (SP, BB, TM, LC, MH), pp. 637–641.
VLDB-2003-AggarwalHWY #data type #evolution #framework- A Framework for Clustering Evolving Data Streams (CCA, JH, JW, PSY), pp. 81–92.
VLDB-2003-BhattacharjeePMLCH #multi #performance #query- Efficient Query Processing for Multi-Dimensionally Clustered Tables in DB2 (BB, SP, TM, TL, LC, MH), pp. 963–974.
VLDB-2003-HelmerNM - Estimating the Output Cardinality of Partial Preaggregation with a Measure of Clusteredness (SH, TN, GM), pp. 656–667.
VLDB-2003-ZhouS #metric- Data Bubbles for Non-Vector Data: Speeding-up Hierarchical Clustering in Arbitrary Metric Spaces (JZ, JS), pp. 452–463.
CSMR-2003-AntoniolPN #algorithm #library #search-based- Moving to Smaller Libraries via Clustering and Genetic Algorithms (GA, MDP, MN), pp. 307–316.
CSMR-2003-SaeedMBHS #algorithm #using- Software Clustering Techniques and the Use of Combined Algorithm (MS, OM, HAB, SZH, SMS), pp. 301–306.
ICSM-2003-MahdaviHH #approach #multi- A Multiple Hill Climbing Approach to Software Module Clustering (KM, MH, RMH), pp. 315–324.
ICSM-2003-Mitchell #approach #heuristic #problem- A Heuristic Approach to Solving the Software Clustering Problem (BSM), pp. 285–288.
IWPC-2003-ChiricotaJM #component #graph #using- Software Components Capture Using Graph Clustering (YC, FJ, GM), pp. 217–226.
IWPC-2003-RiccaT #migration #using #web- Using Clustering to Support the Migration from Static to Dynamic Web Pages (FR, PT), pp. 207–216.
SCAM-2003-Martel #static analysis- Improving the Static Analysis of Loops by Dynamic Partitioning Techniques (MM), pp. 13–21.
WCRE-2003-AndritsosT - Software Clustering based on Information Loss Minimization (PA, VT), pp. 334–344.
ICEIS-v2-2003-HogoLS #network #using- Conventional Versus Interval Clustering Using Kohonen Networks (MH, PL, MS), pp. 250–257.
ICEIS-v4-2003-LimP #using #web- Dynamically Reconstructive Web Server Cluster Using a Hierarchical Grouping Mechanism (SiL, MSP), pp. 271–279.
CIKM-2003-AllanFB #evaluation #flexibility- Flexible intrinsic evaluation of hierarchical clustering for TDT (JA, AF, AB), pp. 263–270.
ECIR-2003-ChenKS #multi #summary #visualisation- Clustering and Visualization in a Multi-lingual Multi-document Summarization System (HHC, JJK, TCS), pp. 266–280.
ECIR-2003-Masowska #web- Phrase-Based Hierarchical Clustering of Web Search Results (IM), pp. 555–562.
ICML-2003-FernB03a #approach #random- Random Projection for High Dimensional Data Clustering: A Cluster Ensemble Approach (XZF, CEB), pp. 186–193.
ICML-2003-Joachims #graph #learning- Transductive Learning via Spectral Graph Partitioning (TJ), pp. 290–297.
ICML-2003-LiuLCM #evaluation #feature model- An Evaluation on Feature Selection for Text Clustering (TL, SL, ZC, WYM), pp. 488–495.
KDD-2003-AliK #divide and conquer #using #web- Golden Path Analyzer: using divide-and-conquer to cluster Web clickstreams (KA, SPK), pp. 349–358.
KDD-2003-BanerjeeDGS #generative #modelling- Generative model-based clustering of directional data (AB, ISD, JG, SS), pp. 19–28.
KDD-2003-ChudovaGMS #invariant #modelling- Translation-invariant mixture models for curve clustering (DC, SG, EM, PS), pp. 79–88.
KDD-2003-DhillonMM - Information-theoretic co-clustering (ISD, SM, DSM), pp. 89–98.
KDD-2003-Houle #navigation #set- Navigating massive data sets via local clustering (MEH), pp. 547–552.
KDD-2003-KorenH #visualisation- A two-way visualization method for clustered data (YK, DH), pp. 589–594.
KDD-2003-PeterCG #algorithm #dataset #scalability- New unsupervised clustering algorithm for large datasets (WP, JC, CG), pp. 643–648.
KDD-2003-SahooORGMMVS #predict #scalability- Critical event prediction for proactive management in large-scale computer clusters (RKS, AJO, IR, MG, JEM, SM, RV, AS), pp. 426–435.
KDD-2003-SteinbachTKKP #using- Discovery of climate indices using clustering (MS, PNT, VK, SAK, CP), pp. 446–455.
KDD-2003-TantrumMS #assessment #modelling- Assessment and pruning of hierarchical model based clustering (JT, AM, WS), pp. 197–205.
KDD-2003-VaidyaC #privacy- Privacy-preserving k-means clustering over vertically partitioned data (JV, CC), pp. 206–215.
KDD-2003-YuYH #scalability #set #using- Classifying large data sets using SVMs with hierarchical clusters (HY, JY, JH), pp. 306–315.
MLDM-2003-BicegoMF #markov #modelling #sequence #similarity #using- Similarity-Based Clustering of Sequences Using Hidden Markov Models (MB, VM, MATF), pp. 86–95.
MLDM-2003-RodriguesDFVC #algorithm #analysis #comparative #profiling- A Comparative Analysis of Clustering Algorithms Applied to Load Profiling (FR, FJFD, VF, ZAV, MC), pp. 73–85.
SEKE-2003-LoC #architecture #component #design- Application of Clustering Techniques to Component Architecture Design (ScL, JhC), pp. 699–705.
SEKE-2003-MunchHD - A Practical Way to Use Clustering and Context Knowledge for Software Project Planning (JM, JH, AD), pp. 377–384.
SIGIR-2003-HanMGZ #classification #rule-based #word- Rule-based word clustering for text classification (HH, EM, CLG, HZ), pp. 445–446.
SIGIR-2003-WangZCLTM #multi #named- ReCoM: reinforcement clustering of multi-type interrelated data objects (JW, HJZ, ZC, HL, LT, WYM), pp. 274–281.
SIGIR-2003-XuLG #documentation #matrix- Document clustering based on non-negative matrix factorization (WX, XL, YG), pp. 267–273.
PLDI-2003-ChuFM #multi- Region-based hierarchical operation partitioning for multicluster processors (MLC, KF, SAM), pp. 300–311.
SAC-2003-ChenL #dataset #visualisation- Cluster Rendering of Skewed Datasets via Visualization (KC, LL), pp. 909–916.
SAC-2003-MancoOS #similarity #transaction #web- Similarity-Based Clustering of Web Transactions (GM, RO, DS), pp. 1212–1216.
SAC-2003-NgGLC #algorithm #database #search-based- Applying Genetic Algorithms in Database Partitioning (VTYN, NG, DML, CKC), pp. 544–549.
SAC-2003-QianZ #approach #hybrid- A Customizable Hybrid Approach to Data Clustering (YQ, KZ), pp. 485–489.
SAC-2003-SaliceFVP #architecture #embedded #multi- Partitioning of Embedded Applications onto Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Architectures (FS, WF, LDV, LP), pp. 661–665.
CGO-2003-GibertSG #distributed #memory management #scheduling- Local Scheduling Techniques for Memory Coherence in a Clustered VLIW Processor with a Distributed Data Cache (EG, FJS, AG), pp. 193–203.
DAC-2003-ChenCCKMSYZ #algebra #layout #multi- An algebraic multigrid solver for analytical placement with layout based clustering (HC, CKC, NCC, ABK, JFM, PS, BY, ZZ), pp. 794–799.
DAC-2003-HuM #predict- Wire length prediction based clustering and its application in placement (BH, MMS), pp. 800–805.
DAC-2003-MaideeAB #performance- Fast timing-driven partitioning-based placement for island style FPGAs (PM, CA, KB), pp. 598–603.
DAC-2003-StittLV #approach #hardware- Dynamic hardware/software partitioning: a first approach (GS, RLL, FV), pp. 250–255.
DATE-2003-DoboliGD #modelling #network #using- Extraction of Piecewise-Linear Analog Circuit Models from Trained Neural Networks Using Hidden Neuron Clustering (SD, GG, AD), pp. 11098–11099.
DATE-2003-FornaciariMSZ #specification #towards #uml- A First Step Towards Hw/Sw Partitioning of UML Specifications (WF, PM, FS, LZ), pp. 10668–10673.
DATE-2003-HettiaratchiC #approach #energy #layout #performance- Mesh Partitioning Approach to Energy Efficient Data Layout (SH, PYKC), pp. 11076–11081.
DATE-2003-MaciiMP #memory management #performance- Improving the Efficiency of Memory Partitioning by Address Clustering (AM, EM, MP), pp. 10018–10023.
DATE-2003-Mooney #hardware #operating system- Hardware/Software Partitioning of Operating Systems (VJM), pp. 10338–10339.
DATE-2003-PillaiJ #scheduling- Compiler-Directed ILP Extraction for Clustered VLIW/EPIC Machines: Predication, Speculation and Modulo Scheduling (SP, MFJ), pp. 10422–10427.
DATE-2003-PopEP #analysis #distributed #embedded #multi #optimisation #scheduling #synthesis- Schedulability Analysis and Optimization for the Synthesis of Multi-Cluster Distributed Embedded Systems (PP, PE, ZP), pp. 10184–10189.
HPCA-2003-ChristodoulopoulouAB #approach #fault tolerance #memory management #replication- Dynamic Data Replication: An Approach to Providing Fault-Tolerant Shared Memory Clusters (RC, RA, AB), pp. 203–214.
HPCA-2003-NagarajaKBMN #architecture #communication- Evaluating the Impact of Communication Architecture on the Performability of Cluster-Based Services (KN, NK, RB, RPM, TDN), pp. 229–240.
HPCA-2003-TerechkoTGEC #communication #modelling- Inter-Cluster Communication Models for Clustered VLIW Processors (AT, ELT, MG, JTJvE, HC), pp. 354–364.
HPDC-2003-BucurE #multi #policy #simulation- Trace-Based Simulations of Processor Co-Allocation Policies in Multiclusters (AIDB, DHJE), pp. 70–79.
HPDC-2003-ChaseIGMS #grid- Dynamic Virtual Clusters in a Grid Site Manager (JSC, DEI, LEG, JDM, SS), pp. 90–103.
HPDC-2003-SenapathiCSSP #adaptation #interactive #middleware- QoS-Aware Middleware for Cluster-Based Servers to support Interactive and Resource-Adaptive Applications (SS, BC, DS, HWS, DKP), pp. 205–215.
LCTES-2003-PopEP #distributed #embedded #multi- Schedulability-driven frame packing for multi-cluster distributed embedded systems (PP, PE, ZP), pp. 113–122.
LCTES-2003-SureshNVVS #embedded #hardware #profiling #tool support- Profiling tools for hardware/software partitioning of embedded applications (DCS, WAN, FV, JRV, GS), pp. 189–198.
LCTES-2003-ZhangPV - Tamper-resistant whole program partitioning (TZ, SP, AVG), pp. 209–219.
PDP-2003-AlmeidaGMRT #algorithm #on the #predict- On the Prediction of Master-Slave algorithms over Heterogeneous Clusters (FA, DG, LMM, CR, JT), p. 433–?.
PDP-2003-BanosGMO #algorithm #parallel- A Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm for Circuit Partitioning (RB, CG, MDGM, JO), pp. 365–371.
PDP-2003-BatistaCM #consistency #using- Computing Binary Space Partition Trees using a Scope Consistent DSM System in a Cluster of Workstations (RBB, ALACC, ACMAdM), pp. 93–100.
PDP-2003-BeaumontLR #parallel #scheduling- Scheduling strategies for mixed data and task parallelism on heterogeneous clusters and grids (OB, AL, YR), p. 209–?.
PDP-2003-BorzemskiZ #adaptation #algorithm #fuzzy #web- A Fuzzy Adaptive Request Distribution Algorithm for Cluster-based Web Systems (LB, KZ), pp. 119–126.
PDP-2003-GaoSGL #parallel #simulation- Load Balancing for Spatial-grid-based Parallel Numeric Simulations on Clusters of SMPs (HG, AS, AG, PL), pp. 75–82.
PDP-2003-Marzolla #monitoring #performance #scalability- A Performance Monitoring System for Large Computing Clusters (MM), pp. 393–400.
PDP-2003-ProdanFGMFM #architecture #grid #on the #parametricity #performance #using- On Using ZENTURIO for Performance and Parameter Studies on Cluster and Grid Architectures (RP, TF, MG, GM, FF, HM), pp. 185–192.
PDP-2003-Tessera #analysis #performance- Performance Analysis of an IBM supercluster (DT), pp. 417–424.
PDP-2003-TudrujM #communication #configuration management #execution #on the fly- Communication on the Fly and Program Execution Control in a System of Dynamically Configurable SMP Clusters (MT, LM), pp. 67–74.
PPoPP-2003-ChuTYS #internet #optimisation- Optimizing data aggregation for cluster-based internet services (LC, HT, TY, KS), pp. 119–130.
PPoPP-2003-KarwandeYL #communication #named #prototype- CC-MPI: a compiled communication capable MPI prototype for ethernet switched clusters (AK, XY, DKL), p. 3.
PPoPP-2003-KarwandeYL03a #communication #named #prototype- CC-MPI: a compiled communication capable MPI prototype for ethernet switched clusters (AK, XY, DKL), pp. 95–106.
STOC-2003-CharikarOP #algorithm #problem #streaming- Better streaming algorithms for clustering problems (MC, LO, RP), pp. 30–39.
STOC-2003-VegaKKR #approximate #problem- Approximation schemes for clustering problems (WFdlV, MK, CK, YR), pp. 50–58.
PODS-2002-ChenC #multi #query- From Discrepancy to Declustering: Near optimal multidimensional declustering strategies for range queries (CMC, CTC), pp. 29–38.
SIGMOD-2002-HinneburgKW #named #visual notation- HD-Eye: visual clustering of high dimensional data (AH, DAK, MW), p. 629.
SIGMOD-2002-ProcopiucJAM #algorithm #monte carlo #performance- A Monte Carlo algorithm for fast projective clustering (CMP, MJ, PKA, TMM), pp. 418–427.
SIGMOD-2002-WangWYY #scalability #set #similarity- Clustering by pattern similarity in large data sets (HW, WW, JY, PSY), pp. 394–405.
VLDB-2002-GhoshPSH #query- Plan Selection Based on Query Clustering (AG, JP, VSS, JRH), pp. 179–190.
VLDB-2002-KarayannidisTSPMRFEB #query- Processing Star Queries on Hierarchically-Clustered Fact Tables (NK, AT, TKS, RP, VM, FR, RF, KE, RB), pp. 730–741.
VLDB-2002-RohmBSS #component #coordination #middleware #named- FAS — A Freshness-Sensitive Coordination Middleware for a Cluster of OLAP Components (UR, KB, HJS, HS), pp. 754–765.
IWPC-2002-LuccaFPTC #approach #web- Comprehending Web Applications by a Clustering Based Approach (GADL, ARF, FP, PT, UdC), pp. 261–270.
WCRE-2002-ShokoufandehMM - Applying Spectral Methods to Software Clustering (AS, SM, MM), pp. 3–10.
ICEIS-2002-GharibMT #algorithm #using- High Dimensional Data Clustering Using SOFM And K-Means Algorithms (TFG, MGM, MFT), pp. 488–493.
ICEIS-2002-SalemEKH #approach #database- A Density-Based Approach for Clustering Spatial Database (ABMS, TE, MFK, AEH), pp. 418–423.
CIKM-2002-BarbaraLC #algorithm #category theory #named- COOLCAT: an entropy-based algorithm for categorical clustering (DB, YL, JC), pp. 582–589.
CIKM-2002-HamerlyE #algorithm- Alternatives to the k-means algorithm that find better clusterings (GH, CE), pp. 600–607.
CIKM-2002-JensenBPGF #algorithm #documentation #performance- Parallelizing the buckshot algorithm for efficient document clustering (ECJ, SMB, AJP, NG, OF), pp. 684–686.
CIKM-2002-LeeYHY #effectiveness #integration #named #xml- XClust: clustering XML schemas for effective integration (MLL, LHY, WH, XY), pp. 292–299.
CIKM-2002-OrdonezO #named #performance #robust #scalability #set- FREM: fast and robust EM clustering for large data sets (CO, EO), pp. 590–599.
CIKM-2002-WangK #web- Evaluating contents-link coupled web page clustering for web search results (YW, MK), pp. 499–506.
CIKM-2002-ZhaoK #algorithm #dataset #documentation #evaluation- Evaluation of hierarchical clustering algorithms for document datasets (YZ, GK), pp. 515–524.
ECIR-2002-GaussierGPC #categorisation #documentation- A Hierarchical Model for Clustering and Categorising Documents (ÉG, CG, KP, FC), pp. 229–247.
ICML-2002-BasuBM - Semi-supervised Clustering by Seeding (SB, AB, RJM), pp. 27–34.
ICML-2002-KamvarKM #algorithm #approach #modelling #using- Interpreting and Extending Classical Agglomerative Clustering Algorithms using a Model-Based approach (SDK, DK, CDM), pp. 283–290.
ICML-2002-KleinKM #constraints #information management- From Instance-level Constraints to Space-Level Constraints: Making the Most of Prior Knowledge in Data Clustering (DK, SDK, CDM), pp. 307–314.
ICML-2002-RaskuttiFK #classification #parametricity #using- Using Unlabelled Data for Text Classification through Addition of Cluster Parameters (BR, HLF, AK), pp. 514–521.
ICPR-v1-2002-CucchiaraGPSP #recursion- Building the Topological Tree by Recursive FCM Color Clustering (RC, CG, AP, SS, GP), pp. 759–762.
ICPR-v1-2002-Meas-YedidTO #analysis #image #markov #random #segmentation- Color Image Segmentation Based on Markov Random Field Clustering for Histological Image Analysis (VMY, ST, JCOM), pp. 796–799.
ICPR-v1-2002-MohantaMA #image #segmentation- Agglomerative Clustering for Image Segmentation (PPM, DPM, STA), pp. 664–667.
ICPR-v1-2002-MuralikrishnanNR #correlation #functional #novel #process- Process Mapping and Functional Correlation in Surface Metrology: A Novel Clustering Application (BM, KN, JR), pp. 29–32.
ICPR-v1-2002-NilssonH #modelling #segmentation- Model-based Segmentation of Leukocytes Clusters (BN, AH), pp. 727–730.
ICPR-v1-2002-SauxB #categorisation #database #image #robust- Unsupervised Robust Clustering for Image Database Categorization (BLS, NB), pp. 259–262.
ICPR-v1-2002-SinghSM #feature model #recognition- Feature Selection for Face Recognition Based on Data Partitioning (SS, MS, MM), pp. 680–683.
ICPR-v2-2002-AbeM - Clustering-Based Control of Active Contour Model (TA, YM), pp. 663–667.
ICPR-v2-2002-BarataP #classification #modelling #set #using- Improving Classification Rates by Modelling the Clusters of Trainings Sets in Features Space Using Mathematical Morphology Operators (TB, PP), pp. 328–331.
ICPR-v2-2002-FrantiVK #bound- Branch-and-Bound Technique for Solving Optimal Clustering (PF, OV, TK), pp. 232–235.
ICPR-v2-2002-KarkkainenF - Dynamic Local Search for Clustering with Unknown Number of Clusters (IK, PF), pp. 240–243.
ICPR-v2-2002-KimJKS #detection #segmentation #word- Word Segmentation of Printed Text Lines Based on Gap Clustering and Special Symbol Detection (SHK, CBJ, HKK, CYS), pp. 320–323.
ICPR-v2-2002-QunTHC #algorithm #automation #identification #using- Automatic Fingerprint Identification Using Cluster Algorithm (QR, JT, YH, JC), pp. 398–401.
ICPR-v2-2002-RendonB #performance- Fast Hierarchical Clustering Based on Compressed Data (ER, RB), pp. 216–219.
ICPR-v2-2002-ZollerHB #parametricity #segmentation- Combined Color And Texture Segmentation by Parametric Distributional Clustering (TZ, LH, JMB), pp. 627–630.
ICPR-v3-2002-BresEG #documentation- Unsupervised Clustering of Text Entities in Heterogeneous Grey Level Documents (SB, VE, AG), pp. 224–227.
ICPR-v3-2002-Cuesta-FrauPAN #case study #comparative #feature model- Feature Extraction Methods Applied to the Clustering of Electrocardiographic Signals. A Comparative Study (DCF, JCPC, GAG, DN), pp. 961–964.
ICPR-v3-2002-GuestF #analysis #approach #image- A Clustering Approach to Corner Point Analysis in Hand Drawn Images (RMG, MCF), pp. 940–943.
ICPR-v3-2002-KimCK #automation #using- Automatic Text Location Using Cluster-Based Template Matching (EYK, JSC, HJK), pp. 423–426.
ICPR-v3-2002-Kwon #classification #using- Hangul Tree Classifier for Type Clustering Using Horizontal and Vertical Strokes (YBK), pp. 228–231.
ICPR-v3-2002-LiS #consistency #recognition- Consistent Line Clusters for Building Recognition in CBIR (YL, LGS), pp. 952–956.
ICPR-v3-2002-LiY #normalisation- Normalized Sampling for Color Clustering in Medical Diagnosis (CHL, PCY), pp. 819–822.
ICPR-v3-2002-Saint-JeanF #algorithm #robust- A Robust Semi-Supervised EM-Based Clustering Algorithm with a Reject Option (CSJ, CF), pp. 399–402.
ICPR-v3-2002-VuoriL #automation #comparison- A Comparison of Techniques for Automatic Clustering of Handwritten Characters (VV, JL), pp. 168–171.
ICPR-v4-2002-BarataP02a #classification #modelling #set #using- Improving Classification Rates by Modelling the Clusters of Trainings Sets in Features Space Using Mathematical Morphology Operators (TB, PP), pp. 90–93.
ICPR-v4-2002-FredJ #using- Data Clustering Using Evidence Accumulation (ALNF, AKJ), pp. 276–280.
ICPR-v4-2002-IbrahimovSD #analysis #performance #similarity #topic- The Performance Analysis of a Chi-square Similarity Measure for Topic Related Clustering of Noisy Transcripts (OI, IKS, ND), pp. 285–288.
ICPR-v4-2002-ShiYWZ - Potential-Based Hierarchical Clustering (SS, GY, DW, WZ), pp. 272–275.
ICPR-v4-2002-ZhangR #kernel #scalability- A Large Scale Clustering Scheme for Kernel K-Means (RZ, AIR), pp. 289–292.
KDD-2002-AntalGF #learning #network #on the- On the potential of domain literature for clustering and Bayesian network learning (PA, PG, GF), pp. 405–414.
KDD-2002-BeilEX - Frequent term-based text clustering (FB, ME, XX), pp. 436–442.
KDD-2002-ChungC #cvs #information retrieval #named- CVS: a Correlation-Verification based Smoothing technique on information retrieval and term clustering (CYC, BC), pp. 469–474.
KDD-2002-CohenR #integration #learning #scalability #set- Learning to match and cluster large high-dimensional data sets for data integration (WWC, JR), pp. 475–480.
KDD-2002-DhillonMK #classification #word- Enhanced word clustering for hierarchical text classification (ISD, SM, RK), pp. 191–200.
KDD-2002-Frigui #approach #identification #named #performance #scalability #set- SyMP: an efficient clustering approach to identify clusters of arbitrary shapes in large data sets (HF), pp. 507–512.
KDD-2002-KumarPW #fault- Clustering seasonality patterns in the presence of errors (MK, NRP, JW), pp. 557–563.
KDD-2002-LinC #algorithm #performance #robust #self- A robust and efficient clustering algorithm based on cohesion self-merging (CRL, MSC), pp. 582–587.
KDD-2002-RaskuttiFK #classification #using- Combining clustering and co-training to enhance text classification using unlabelled data (BR, HLF, AK), pp. 620–625.
KDD-2002-TantrumMS #dataset #modelling #scalability- Hierarchical model-based clustering of large datasets through fractionation and refractionation (JT, AM, WS), pp. 183–190.
KDD-2002-YangGY #algorithm #effectiveness #named #performance #transaction- CLOPE: a fast and effective clustering algorithm for transactional data (YY, XG, JY), pp. 682–687.
SIGIR-2002-LiuGXZ #documentation #refinement- Document clustering with cluster refinement and model selection capabilities (XL, YG, WX, SZ), pp. 191–198.
SIGIR-2002-PantelL #documentation- Document clustering with committees (PP, DL), pp. 199–206.
SIGIR-2002-Zha #summary #using- Generic summarization and keyphrase extraction using mutual reinforcement principle and sentence clustering (HZ), pp. 113–120.
ECOOP-2002-TilevichS #automation #java #named- J-Orchestra: Automatic Java Application Partitioning (ET, YS), pp. 178–204.
SAC-2002-ChangJ #data mining #mining #scalability- A new cell-based clustering method for large, high-dimensional data in data mining applications (JWC, DSJ), pp. 503–507.
SAC-2002-GoldmanGBJ #behaviour #simulation- Individual-based simulation of the clustering behaviour of epidermal growth factor receptors (JPG, WJG, DB, CGJ), pp. 127–131.
SAC-2002-KimL #adaptation #distance #documentation #effectiveness #metric #using- An effective document clustering method using user-adaptable distance metrics (HjK, SgL), pp. 16–20.
SAC-2002-Sankoff - Short inversions and conserved gene clusters (DS), pp. 164–167.
SAC-2002-TourinoBDG #analysis #performance- Performance analysis of MPI-I/O primitives on a PC cluster (JT, JB, RD, VMG), pp. 907–912.
DAC-2002-AnisMEA #automation #performance #power management #reduction #using- Dynamic and leakage power reduction in MTCMOS circuits using an automated efficient gate clustering technique (MA, MM, MIE, SA), pp. 480–485.
DAC-2002-BonaSSZSZ #embedded #energy #estimation #optimisation- Energy estimation and optimization of embedded VLIW processors based on instruction clustering (AB, MS, DS, VZ, CS, RZ), pp. 886–891.
DATE-2002-AbabeiB #statistics- Statistical Timing Driven Partitioning for VLSI Circuits (CA, KB), p. 1109.
DATE-2002-CabodiCQ #image #scheduling- Dynamic Scheduling and Clustering in Symbolic Image Computation (GC, PC, SQ), pp. 150–156.
DATE-2002-ChandraC #testing- Test Resource Partitioning and Reduced Pin-Count Testing Based on Test Data Compression (AC, KC), pp. 598–603.
HPCA-2002-CarreraRIB #communication- User-Level Communication in Cluster-Based Servers (EVC, SR, LI, RB), pp. 275–286.
HPCA-2002-JamiesonB #concurrent #memory management #named #thread- CableS: Thread Control and Memory Management Extensions for Shared Virtual Memory Clusters (PJ, AB), pp. 263–274.
HPCA-2002-SuhDR #memory management #monitoring #scheduling- A New Memory Monitoring Scheme for Memory-Aware Scheduling and Partitioning (GES, SD, LR), pp. 117–128.
HPDC-2002-BellCL - A High-Performance Cluster Storage Server (KB, AAC, ML), pp. 311–320.
HPDC-2002-BucurE #multi #performance- The Performance of Processor Co-Allocation in Multicluster Systems (AIDB, DHJE), p. 414.
HPDC-2002-McCombsS #network #parallel- Multigrain Parallelism for Eigenvalue Computations on Networks of Clusters (JRM, AS), pp. 143–149.
HPDC-2002-Schulz #parallel #performance #semantics #using- Using Semantic Information to Guide Efficient Parallel I/O on Clusters (MS), pp. 135–142.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-KesslerB #architecture #code generation- Optimal integrated code generation for clustered VLIW architectures (CWK, AB), pp. 102–111.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-QianCS #architecture- Loop fusion for clustered VLIW architectures (YQ, SC, PHS), pp. 112–119.
OSDI-2002-ShenTYC #internet #resource management- Integrated Resource Management for Cluster-based Internet Services (KS, HT, TY, LC), pp. 225–238.
PDP-2002-AugeratMS #monitoring #scalability #tool support- Scalable Monitoring and Configuration Tools for Grids and Clusters (PA, CM, BdOS), pp. 147–153.
PDP-2002-CanoM #energy #protocol #using- Reducing Energy Consumption in a Clustered MANET using the Intra Cluster Data-Dissemination Protocol (Icdp) (JCC, PM), pp. 411–418.
PDP-2002-GutierrezPZ #on the #parallel #performance #reduction- On Improving the Performance of Data Partitioning Oriented Parallel Irregular Reductions (EG, OGP, ELZ), p. 445–?.
STOC-2002-BadoiuHI #approximate- Approximate clustering via core-sets (MB, SHP, PI), pp. 250–257.
ISSTA-2002-Stoller - Domain partitioning for open reactive systems (SDS), pp. 44–54.
WICSA-2001-MitchellRM #algorithm #architecture- An Architecture for Distributing the Computation of Software Clustering Algorithms (BSM, MT, SM), pp. 181–190.
ECDL-2001-IshikawaCK #documentation #online- An On-Line Document Clustering Method Based on Forgetting Factors (YI, YC, HK), pp. 325–339.
ECDL-2001-MuresanH #documentation #information management #modelling- Document Clustering and Language Models for System-Mediated Information Access (GM, DJH), pp. 438–449.
ICDAR-2001-KimSJL #segmentation #word- Word Segmentation in Handwritten Korean Text Lines Based on Gap Clustering Techniques (SHK, CYS, SJ, GL), pp. 189–193.
ICDAR-2001-PerroudSBH #documentation- Text Extraction from Color Documents — Clustering Approaches in Three and Four Dimensions (TP, KS, HB, LOH), pp. 937–941.
ICDAR-2001-ShiOWK #distance #pseudo #recognition- Clustering with Projection Distance and Pseudo Bayes Discriminant Function for Handwritten Numeral Recognition (MS, WO, TW, FK), pp. 1007–1011.
JCDL-2001-PalmerPVCHNW #documentation #library #retrieval- Demonstration of hierarchical document clustering of digital library retrieval results (CRP, JP, REVP, MGC, AGH, TDN, HDW), p. 451.
JCDL-2001-WangD #image #retrieval #scalability #statistics #using- Scalable integrated region-based image retrieval using IRM and statistical clustering (JZW, YD), pp. 268–277.
VLDB-2001-LahiriSCMC - Cache Fusion: Extending Shared-Disk Clusters with Shared Caches (TL, VS, WC, NM, SC), pp. 683–686.
VLDB-2001-ManolopoulosT #named- C2P: Clustering based on Closest Pairs (AN, YT, YM), pp. 331–340.
ICSM-2001-MitchellM #algorithm #metric #similarity #using- Comparing the Decompositions Produced by Software Clustering Algorithms Using Similarity Measurements (BSM, SM), pp. 744–753.
WCRE-2001-MitchellM #benchmark #framework #metric #named- CRAFT: A Framework for Evaluating Software Clustering Results in the Absence of Benchmark Decompositions (BSM, SM), pp. 93–102.
WCRE-2001-SartipiK #component- Component Clustering Based on Maximal Association (KS, KK), pp. 103–114.
CIAA-2001-KatritzkeMT #automaton #finite #image #using- Enhancements of Partitioning Techniques for Image Compression Using Weighted Finite Automata (FK, WM, MT), pp. 177–189.
FME-2001-SilvaSJ #hardware #parallel #process- Serialising Parallel Processes in a Hardware/Software Partitioning Context (LS, AS, GJ), pp. 344–363.
CHI-2001-Grudin #monitoring #multi- Partitioning digital worlds: focal and peripheral awareness in multiple monitor use (JG), pp. 458–465.
ICEIS-v1-2001-Rao #algorithm #multi- An Algorithm for Determining Subspaces Containing Clusters with Multiple Minimum Density Thresholds for Numerical Data (PRR), pp. 530–532.
CIKM-2001-GrabsBS #database #information retrieval #named- PowerDB-IR — Information Retrieval on Top of a Database Cluster (TG, KB, HJS), pp. 411–418.
CIKM-2001-KrishnaK #algorithm #mining #symmetry- A Clustering Algorithm for Asymmetrically Related Data with Applications to Text Mining (KK, RK), pp. 571–573.
CIKM-2001-Leuski #documentation #information retrieval #interactive- Evaluating Document Clustering for Interactive Information Retrieval (AL), pp. 33–40.
CIKM-2001-ZhaHDGS #graph- Bipartite Graph Partitioning and Data Clustering (HZ, XH, CHQD, MG, HDS), pp. 25–32.
ICML-2001-DomingosH #algorithm #machine learning #scalability- A General Method for Scaling Up Machine Learning Algorithms and its Application to Clustering (PMD, GH), pp. 106–113.
ICML-2001-MarxDB #detection- Coupled Clustering: a Method for Detecting Structural Correspondence (ZM, ID, JMB), pp. 353–360.
ICML-2001-PellegM - Mixtures of Rectangles: Interpretable Soft Clustering (DP, AWM), pp. 401–408.
ICML-2001-SebastianiR - Clustering Continuous Time Series (PS, MR), pp. 497–504.
ICML-2001-WagstaffCRS - Constrained K-means Clustering with Background Knowledge (KW, CC, SR, SS), pp. 577–584.
KDD-2001-Aggarwal #effectiveness #human-computer- A human-computer cooperative system for effective high dimensional clustering (CCA), pp. 221–226.
KDD-2001-ChiuFCWJ #algorithm #database #robust #scalability- A robust and scalable clustering algorithm for mixed type attributes in large database environment (TC, DF, JC, YW, CJ), pp. 263–268.
KDD-2001-Dhillon #documentation #graph #using #word- Co-clustering documents and words using bipartite spectral graph partitioning (ISD), pp. 269–274.
KDD-2001-HarelK #random #using- Clustering spatial data using random walks (DH, YK), pp. 281–286.
KDD-2001-KaltonLWY #learning- Generalized clustering, supervised learning, and data assignment (AK, PL, KW, JPY), pp. 299–304.
KDD-2001-Kandogan #coordination #multi #roadmap #using #visualisation- Visualizing multi-dimensional clusters, trends, and outliers using star coordinates (EK), pp. 107–116.
MLDM-2001-BhanuD #concept #feedback #fuzzy #learning- Concepts Learning with Fuzzy Clustering and Relevance Feedback (BB, AD), pp. 102–116.
MLDM-2001-ToivonenVVBV #documentation #validation- Validation of Text Clustering Based on Document Contents (JT, AV, TV, BB, HV), pp. 184–195.
MLDM-2001-TrinidadS #algorithm #concept #named- LC: A Conceptual Clustering Algorithm (JFMT, GSD), pp. 117–127.
SIGIR-2001-BekkermanEWT #categorisation #on the- On Feature Distributional Clustering for Text Categorization (RB, REY, YW, NT), pp. 146–153.
SIGIR-2001-FranzMWZ #topic- Unsupervised and Supervised Clustering for Topic Tracking (MF, JSM, TW, WJZ), pp. 310–317.
SIGIR-2001-LeeS #image #learning #retrieval #using- Intelligent Object-based Image Retrieval Using Cluster-driven Personal Preference Learning (KML, WNS), pp. 436–437.
SIGIR-2001-WenZN #feedback #query #using #word- Query Clustering Using Content Words and User Feedback (JRW, HZ, JYN), pp. 442–443.
ASE-2001-BastenB #partial order #process #reduction- Enhancing Partial-Order Reduction via Process Clustering (TB, DB), pp. 245–253.
ICSE-2001-DickinsonLP #analysis #execution- Finding Failures by Cluster Analysis of Execution Profiles (WD, DL, AP), pp. 339–348.
SAC-2001-GuptaMP #data type #distributed #evaluation #performance #scalability- Performance evaluation of the LH*lh scalable, distributed data structure for a cluster of workstations (VG, MM, ADP), pp. 544–548.
SAC-2001-HuangH #approach- Finding a hamiltonian paths in tournaments on clusters — a provably communication-efficient approach (CHH, XH), pp. 549–553.
SAC-2001-LoiaL #automation #categorisation #documentation #fuzzy #web- Genetic-based fuzzy clustering for automatic Web document categorization (VL, PL), pp. 477–478.
SAC-2001-OngCC #approach #image- A simple partitioning approach to fractal image compression (GHO, CMC, YC), pp. 301–305.
DAC-2001-CongR #multi- Performance-Driven Multi-Level Clustering with Application to Hierarchical FPGA Mapping (JC, MR), pp. 389–394.
DAC-2001-GanesanV #behaviour #synthesis- Behavioral Partitioning in the Synthesis of Mixed Analog-Digital Systems (SG, RV), pp. 133–138.
DAC-2001-JacomeVP #architecture- Clustered VLIW Architectures with Predicated Switching (MFJ, GdV, SP), pp. 696–701.
DAC-2001-LapinskiiJV - High-Quality Operation Binding for Clustered VLIW Datapaths (VSL, MFJ, GdV), pp. 702–707.
DAC-2001-WolfeWP #graph- Watermarking Graph Partitioning Solutions (GW, JLW, MP), pp. 486–489.
DAC-2001-YildizM #sequence- Improved Cut Sequences for Partitioning Based Placement (MCY, PHM), pp. 776–779.
DATE-2001-CheungWC #logic #using- Further improve circuit partitioning using GBAW logic perturbation techniques (CCC, YLW, DIC), pp. 233–239.
DATE-2001-IrionKVW #logic #performance #synthesis- Circuit partitioning for efficient logic BIST synthesis (AI, GK, HPEV, HJW), pp. 86–91.
DATE-2001-KuterB #architecture- Architecture driven partitioning (JK, EB), pp. 479–487.
DATE-2001-NogueraB #algorithm #architecture #configuration management- A HW/SW partitioning algorithm for dynamically reconfigurable architectures (JN, RMB), p. 729.
DATE-2001-SaitohAT #performance #scheduling- Clustering based fast clock scheduling for light clock-tree (MS, MA, AT), pp. 240–245.
DATE-2001-TerechkoPE #architecture #named- PRMDL: a machine description language for clustered VLIW architectures (AT, EJDP, JTJvE), p. 821.
HPCA-2001-KailasEA #code generation #framework #named- CARS: A New Code Generation Framework for Clustered ILP Processors (KK, KE, AKA), pp. 133–143.
HPDC-2001-Cuenca-AcunaN #middleware- Cooperative Caching Middleware for Cluster-Based Servers (FMCA, TDN), pp. 303–314.
HPDC-2001-GavrilovskaSO #adaptation- Adaptable Mirroring in Cluster Servers (AG, KS, VO), pp. 3–13.
PDP-2001-ArnoldELS #case study- Cluster Computing vs. Cray T3E-A Case Study from Numerical Field Theory (GA, NE, TL, KS), pp. 475–479.
PDP-2001-BaragliaPHLT #algorithm #parallel #search-based- A Parallel Compact Genetic Algorithm for Multi-FPGA Partitioning (RB, RP, JIH, JL, FT), pp. 113–120.
PDP-2001-BeaumontBLRR #algorithm #approximate #multi- Heterogeneous Matrix-Matrix Multiplication or Partitioning a Square into Rectangles: NP-Completeness and Approximation Algorithms (OB, VB, AL, FR, YR), pp. 298–305.
PPoPP-2001-CarreraB #network #performance- Efficiency vs. portability in cluster-based network servers (EVC, RB), pp. 113–122.
PPoPP-2001-LimLL #array #using- Blocking and array contraction across arbitrarily nested loops using affine partitioning (AWL, SWL, MSL), pp. 103–112.
SOSP-2001-ZdancewicZNM - Untrusted Hosts and Confidentiality: Secure Program Partitioning (SZ, LZ, NN, ACM), pp. 1–14.
STOC-2001-BartalCR #approximate #metric- Approximating min-sum k-clustering in metric spaces (YB, MC, DR), pp. 11–20.
STOC-2001-BorgsCP #integer #problem #scalability- Sharp threshold and scaling window for the integer partitioning problem (CB, JTC, BP), pp. 330–336.
STOC-2001-CharikarP - Clustering to minimize the sum of cluster diameters (MC, RP), pp. 1–10.
ADL-2000-PopesculFLUG #database #documentation #identification #roadmap- Clustering and Identifying Temporal Trends in Document Databases (AP, GWF, SL, LHU, CLG), pp. 173–182.
ECDL-2000-RamosM #search-based #segmentation- Map Segmentation by Colour Cube Genetic K-Mean Clustering (VR, FM), pp. 319–323.
HT-2000-ModhaS #hypermedia #web- Clustering hypertext with applications to web searching (DSM, WSS), pp. 143–152.
SIGMOD-2000-AggarwalY - Finding Generalized Projected Clusters In High Dimensional Spaces (CCA, PSY), pp. 70–81.
SIGMOD-2000-OrdonezC #algorithm #named #performance #sql #using- SQLEM: Fast Clustering in SQL using the EM Algorithm (CO, PC), pp. 559–570.
SIGMOD-2000-PalmerF #data mining #mining- Density Biased Sampling: An Improved Method for Data Mining and Clustering (CRP, CF), pp. 82–92.
CSMR-2000-AbreuPS #analysis #approach #composition #object-oriented- A Coupling-Guided Cluster Analysis Approach to Reengineer the Modularity of Object-Oriented Systems (FBeA, GP, PMAS), pp. 13–22.
IWPC-2000-KoschkeE #evaluation #framework- A Framework for Experimental Evaluation of Clustering Techniques (RK, TE), pp. 201–210.
IWPC-2000-RaysideRHK #algorithm #automation #graph #object-oriented #source code- The Effect of Call Graph Construction Algorithms for Object-Oriented Programs on Automatic Clustering (DR, SR, EH, KK), pp. 191–200.
IWPC-2000-TzerposH #algorithm #on the- On the Stability of Software Clustering Algorithms (VT, RCH), pp. 211–218.
WCRE-2000-DaveyB - Evaluating the Suitability of Data Clustering for Software Remodularization (JD, EB), p. 268–?.
WCRE-2000-TzerposH #algorithm #named- ACDC: An Algorithm for Comprehension-Driven Clustering (VT, RCH), pp. 258–267.
CIKM-2000-AslamPR #using- Using Star Clusters for Filtering (JAA, KP, DR), pp. 306–313.
CIKM-2000-BohmBBK #performance #similarity- High Performance Clustering Based on the Similarity Join (CB, BB, MMB, HPK), pp. 298–305.
CIKM-2000-KimL #documentation #information management- A Semi-Supervised Document Clustering Technique for Information Organization (HjK, SgL), pp. 30–37.
CIKM-2000-LiuXY - Clustering Through Decision Tree Construction (BL, YX, PSY), pp. 20–29.
ICML-2000-LiB #approach #markov #modelling #using- A Bayesian Approach to Temporal Data Clustering using Hidden Markov Models (CL, GB), pp. 543–550.
ICML-2000-NiyogiK #approach #reduction- An Approach to Data Reduction and Clustering with Theoretical Guarantees (PN, NK), pp. 679–686.
ICML-2000-PaliourasPKS #community #scalability #web- Clustering the Users of Large Web Sites into Communities (GP, CP, VK, CDS), pp. 719–726.
ICML-2000-PellegM #estimation #named #performance- X-means: Extending K-means with Efficient Estimation of the Number of Clusters (DP, AWM), pp. 727–734.
ICML-2000-Reynolds #adaptation #bound #learning- Adaptive Resolution Model-Free Reinforcement Learning: Decision Boundary Partitioning (SIR), pp. 783–790.
ICML-2000-WagstaffC #constraints- Clustering with Instance-level Constraints (KW, CC), pp. 1103–1110.
ICPR-v1-2000-Abrantes #algorithm #analysis #multi- A Constrained Clustering Algorithm for Shape Analysis with Multiple Features (AJA), pp. 1912–1919.
ICPR-v1-2000-Boujemaa #on the- On Competitive Unsupervised Clustering (NB), pp. 1631–1634.
ICPR-v1-2000-GulsrudH #detection- Optimal Filter for Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications (TOG, JHH), pp. 1508–1511.
ICPR-v1-2000-NoordamBB #fuzzy #geometry #image #multi #segmentation- Geometrically Guided Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Multivariate Image Segmentation (JCN, WHAMVdB, LMCB), pp. 1462–1465.
ICPR-v1-2000-RosenbergerC #estimation #image #segmentation- Unsupervised Clustering Method with Optimal Estimation of the Number of Clusters: Application to Image Segmentation (CR, KC), pp. 1656–1659.
ICPR-v1-2000-SchuppEFHB #fuzzy #image #modelling #multi #segmentation- Image Segmentation via Multiple Active Contour Models and Fuzzy Clustering with Biomedical Applications (SS, AE, MJF, PH, DB), pp. 1622–1625.
ICPR-v2-2000-Ben-HurSHV - A Support Vector Clustering Method (ABH, HTS, DH, VV), pp. 2724–2727.
ICPR-v2-2000-BradleyRF #database #modelling #scalability #using- Clustering Very Large Databases Using EM Mixture Models (PSB, CR, UMF), pp. 2076–2080.
ICPR-v2-2000-BuhmannZ #learning- Active Learning for Hierarchical Pairwise Data Clustering (JMB, TZ), pp. 2186–2189.
ICPR-v2-2000-FredL #difference- Clustering Under a Hypothesis of Smooth Dissimilarity Increments (ALNF, JMNL), pp. 2190–2194.
ICPR-v2-2000-GiacintoRF #classification #design #effectiveness #multi- Design of Effective Multiple Classifier Systems by Clustering of Classifiers (GG, FR, GF), pp. 2160–2163.
ICPR-v2-2000-KabanG #documentation- Initialized and Guided EM-Clustering of Sparse Binary Data with Application to Text Based Documents (AK, MG), pp. 2744–2747.
ICPR-v2-2000-LawK #learning #modelling #sequence- Rival Penalized Competitive Learning for Model-Based Sequence Clustering (MHCL, JTK), pp. 2195–2198.
ICPR-v2-2000-MollinedaFV #classification #prototype- A Cluster-Based Merging Strategy for Nearest Prototype Classifiers (RAM, FJF, EV), pp. 2755–2758.
ICPR-v2-2000-PolickerG #algorithm #fuzzy #predict- A New Algorithm for Time Series Prediction by Temporal Fuzzy Clustering (SP, ABG), pp. 2728–2731.
ICPR-v2-2000-QianS - Clustering Combination Method (YQ, CYS), pp. 2732–2735.
ICPR-v2-2000-RibertEL - Clustering Data: Dealing with High Density Variations (AR, AE, YL), pp. 2736–2739.
ICPR-v2-2000-SanfeliuAS #graph #synthesis- Clustering of Attributed Graphs and Unsupervised Synthesis of Function-Described Graphs (AS, RA, FS), pp. 6022–6025.
ICPR-v2-2000-UmRK #comparison #verification- Comparison of Clustering Methods for MLP-Based Speaker Verification (ITU, JHR, MHK), pp. 2475–2474.
ICPR-v2-2000-VinokourovG #documentation #probability- Probabilistic Hierarchical Clustering Method for Organizing Collections of Text Documents (AV, MG), pp. 2182–2185.
ICPR-v3-2000-LiuL #image #using- Wavelet Image Coding Using Cluster Growing Embedding (YL, YDL), pp. 3250–3253.
ICPR-v3-2000-LoretteDZ #fuzzy- Fully Unsupervised Fuzzy Clustering with Entropy Criterion (AL, XD, JZ), pp. 3998–4001.
ICPR-v3-2000-Manduchi #segmentation- A Cluster Grouping Technique for Texture Segmentation (RM), pp. 7072–7075.
ICPR-v3-2000-PetrosinoC #fuzzy #parallel #set- Unsupervised Texture Discrimination Based on Rough Fuzzy Sets and Parallel Hierarchical Clustering (AP, MC), pp. 7100–7103.
ICPR-v3-2000-Verges-LlahiSC #algorithm #constraints #graph #image #segmentation- Color Image Segmentation Solving Hard-Constraints on Graph Partitioning Greedy Algorithms (JVL, AS, JC), pp. 3629–3632.
ICPR-v3-2000-XiongC #algorithm #database #fuzzy #image #towards- Towards An Unsupervised Optimal Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Image Database Organization (XX, KLC), pp. 3909–3912.
ICPR-v3-2000-ZhangW #image #segmentation- A New Method of Color Image Segmentation Based on Intensity and Hue Clustering (CZ, PSPW), pp. 3617–3620.
ICPR-v3-2000-ZouY #image- Line Image Vectorization Based on Shape Partitioning and Merging (JJZ, HY), pp. 7006–7009.
ICPR-v4-2000-CordellaTV - Combining Experts with Different Features for Classifying Clustered Microcalcifications in Mammograms (LPC, FT, MV), pp. 4324–4327.
ICPR-v4-2000-VeneauRB #segmentation #sequence #video- From Video Shot Clustering to Sequence Segmentation (EV, RR, PB), pp. 4254–4257.
KDD-2000-BarbaraC #dataset #using- Using the fractal dimension to cluster datasets (DB, PC), pp. 260–264.
KDD-2000-BeefermanB #query- Agglomerative clustering of a search engine query log (DB, ALB), pp. 407–416.
KDD-2000-CadezGS #framework #probability- A general probabilistic framework for clustering individuals and objects (IVC, SG, PS), pp. 140–149.
KDD-2000-CadezHMSW #modelling #navigation #using #visualisation #web- Visualization of navigation patterns on a Web site using model-based clustering (IVC, DH, CM, PS, SW), pp. 280–284.
KDD-2000-McCallumNU #performance #set- Efficient clustering of high-dimensional data sets with application to reference matching (AM, KN, LHU), pp. 169–178.
SIGIR-2000-HatzivassiloglouGM #algorithm #documentation #topic- An investigation of linguistic features and clustering algorithms for topical document clustering (VH, LG, AM), pp. 224–231.
SIGIR-2000-Iwayama #documentation #feedback #incremental- Relevance reedback with a small number of relevance judgements: incremental relevance feedback vs. document clustering (MI), pp. 10–16.
SIGIR-2000-SlonimT #documentation #using #word- Document clustering using word clusters via the information bottleneck method (NS, NT), pp. 208–215.
PPDP-2000-Faggian #calculus #commutative #proving- Proof construction and non-commutativity: a cluster calculus (CF), pp. 80–91.
ICSE-2000-PenixVELW #kernel #verification- Verification of time partitioning in the DEOS scheduler kernel (JP, WV, EE, AL, NW), pp. 488–497.
SAC-2000-AlhamedL #analysis #approach #multi #using- A Clustering Approach to Multi-Model Ensemble Analysis Using SAMEX Data (AA, SL), pp. 111–116.
SAC-2000-BrestVZ #algorithm #sorting- A Sorting Algorithm on a PC Cluster (JB, AV, VZ), pp. 710–715.
SAC-2000-RudraG #adaptation #problem #using- Adaptive Use of a Cluster of PCs for Data Warehousing Applications: Some Problems and Issues (AR, RPG), pp. 698–703.
SAC-2000-WuL #fuzzy #named #network- F3MCNN: A Fuzzy Minimum Mean Maximum Clustering Neural Network (LGW, HL), pp. 10–14.
DAC-2000-CongLW #multi #performance- Performance driven multi-level and multiway partitioning with retiming (JC, SKL, CW), pp. 274–279.
DAC-2000-HarrisT #architecture #testing- Interconnect testing in cluster-based FPGA architectures (IGH, RT), pp. 49–54.
DAC-2000-McDonaldB #scheduling #simulation #using- Symbolic timing simulation using cluster scheduling (CBM, REB), pp. 254–259.
DAC-2000-OuP - Timing-driven placement based on partitioning with dynamic cut-net control (SLTO, MP), pp. 472–476.
DAC-2000-WangKS #latency #memory management #scheduling- Optimal two level partitioning and loop scheduling for hiding memory latency for DSP applications (ZW, MK, EHMS), pp. 540–545.
DATE-2000-FrohlichGF #parallel #simulation- A New Partitioning Method for Parallel Simulation of VLSI Circuits on Transistor Level (NF, VG, JF), pp. 679–684.
DATE-2000-GanesanV00a #configuration management #design #latency- An Integrated Temporal Partitioning and Partial Reconfiguration Technique for Design Latency Improvement (SG, RV), pp. 320–325.
DATE-2000-Lopez-VallejoGL #constraints- Constraint-Driven System Partitioning (MLLV, JG, JCL), pp. 411–416.
DATE-2000-NicoliciA #multi #power management- Scan Latch Partitioning into Multiple Scan Chains for Power Minimization in Full Scan Sequential Circuits (NN, BMAH), pp. 715–722.
DATE-2000-Saab #algorithm #effectiveness #multi #performance- A New Effective And Efficient Multi-Level Partitioning Algorithm (YS), pp. 112–116.
DATE-2000-SousaA #complexity #fault #modelling #using- Reducing the Complexity of Defect Level Modeling Using the Clustering Effect (JTdS, VDA), pp. 640–644.
HPCA-2000-CanalPG - Dynamic Cluster Assignment Mechanisms (RC, JMP, AG), pp. 133–142.
HPCA-2000-CappelloRE #modelling #performance #programming- Investigating the Performance of Two Programming Models for Clusters of SMP PCs (FC, OR, DE), pp. 349–359.
HPDC-2000-AdabalaKF #network- Interfacing Wide-Area Network Computing and Cluster Management Software: Condor, DQS and PBS via PUNCH (SA, NHK, JABF), pp. 306–307.
HPDC-2000-BianchiniC #network- Evaluating Cluster-based Network Servers (RB, EVC), pp. 63–70.
HPDC-2000-HeissRN #distributed #scalability- Distributed Processor Allocation in Large PC Clusters (HUH, CAFDR, POAN), pp. 288–289.
HPDC-2000-HwangJH #array #distributed #named- RAID-x: A New Distributed Disk Array for I/O-Centric Cluster Computing (KH, HJ, RSCH), pp. 279–286.
HPDC-2000-SumimotoTHHTI #communication #network #performance #using- High Performance Communication using a Commodity Network for Cluster Systems (SS, HT, AH, HH, TT, YI), pp. 139–146.
HPDC-2000-TanakaHSNS #evaluation #performance- Performance Evaluation of a Firewall-Compliant Globus-based Wide-Area Cluster System (YT, MH, MS, HN, SS), pp. 121–128.
HPDC-2000-XiaoZK #memory management #migration #network #ram- Incorporating Job Migration and Network RAM to Share Cluster Memory Resources (LX, XZ, SAK), pp. 71–78.
PDP-2000-Czech #parallel #problem- Parallel simulated annealing for the set-partitioning problem (ZJC), pp. 343–350.
PDP-2000-KozirisRTP #algorithm #architecture #graph #multi #performance #physics- An efficient algorithm for the physical mapping of clustered task graphs onto multiprocessor architectures (NK, MR, PT, GKP), pp. 406–413.
PDP-2000-LefevreR #communication #multi #performance #protocol #thread- Combining low-latency communication protocols with multithreading for high performance DSM systems on clusters (LL, OR), pp. 333–340.
PDP-2000-MooreKW #architecture #self- Tailoring a self-distributing architecture to a cluster computer environment (RM, BK, KW), pp. 150–157.
PDP-2000-SpyropoulosPB #finite- Finite element computations on cluster of PCs and workstations (ANS, JAP, AGB), pp. 56–61.
STOC-2000-Schulman - Clustering for edge-cost minimization (LJS), pp. 547–555.
ICDAR-1999-BansalS99a #string #taxonomy- Partitioning and Searching Dictionary for Correction of Optically Read Devanagari Character Strings (VB, RMKS), pp. 653–656.
ICDAR-1999-JiangBW #detection #documentation #image #nearest neighbour- Skew Detection of Document Images by Focused Nearest-Neighbor Clustering (XJ, HB, DWK), pp. 629–632.
ICDAR-1999-KosmalaWR #online #recognition #scalability- Advanced State Clustering for Very Large Vocabulary HMM-based On-Line Handwriting Recognition (AK, DW, GR), pp. 442–445.
ICDAR-1999-WorringT #documentation #segmentation #using- Segmentation of Color Documents by Line Oriented Clustering using Spatial Information (MW, LT), pp. 67–70.
ICDAR-1999-Yamasaki #automation #generative #online #prototype #recognition- Automatic Prototype Stroke Generation based on Stroke Clustering for On-Line Handwritten Japanese Character Recognition (KY), pp. 673–676.
PODS-1999-Raman #database #locality #theory and practice- Locality Preserving Dictionaries: Theory and Application to Clustering in Databases (VR), pp. 337–345.
SIGMOD-1999-AggarwalPWYP #algorithm #performance- Fast Algorithms for Projected Clustering (CCA, CMP, JLW, PSY, JSP), pp. 61–72.
SIGMOD-1999-AnkerstBKS #identification #named- OPTICS: Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure (MA, MMB, HPK, JS), pp. 49–60.
SIGMOD-1999-HinneburgK #database #scalability- Clustering Methods for Large Databases: From the Past to the Future (AH, DAK), p. 509.
SIGMOD-1999-JagadishLS - Snakes and Sandwiches: Optimal Clustering Strategies for a Data Warehouse (HVJ, LVSL, DS), pp. 37–48.
VLDB-1999-KeimH #towards- Optimal Grid-Clustering: Towards Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality in High-Dimensional Clustering (AH, DAK), pp. 506–517.
VLDB-1999-TamuraK #mining #parallel- Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel Association Rule Mining on Heterogenous PC Cluster Systems (MT, MK), pp. 162–173.
CSMR-1999-SousaPPA #database #reverse engineering- Clustering Relations into Abstract ER Schemas for Database Reverse Engineering (PMAS, MdLPdJ, GP, FBeA), pp. 169–177.
ICSM-1999-MancoridisMCG #maintenance #named- Bunch: A Clustering Tool for the Recovery and Maintenance of Software System Structures (SM, BSM, YFC, ERG), p. 50–?.
WCRE-1999-AnquetilL - Experiments with Clustering as a Software Remodularization Method (NA, TCL), pp. 235–255.
WCRE-1999-TzerposH #distance #metric #named- MoJo: A Distance Metric for Software Clusterings (VT, RCH), p. 187–?.
FM-v2-1999-IyodaSS #named- ParTS: A Partitioning Transformation System (JI, AS, LS), pp. 1400–1419.
HCI-CCAD-1999-NakagawaN #algorithm #image- Image clustering by computer with human-oriented emergence algorithm (MN, HN), pp. 1221–1225.
ACIR-1999-HarperMM #documentation #information management- Document Clustering for Mediated Information Access (DJH, MM, GM).
ACIR-1999-KuralRJ #information retrieval- Clustering Information Retrieval Search Outputs (YK, SER, SJ).
CIKM-1999-EpterK #multi- A Multiple-Resolution Method for Edge-Centric Data Clustering (SE, MSK), pp. 491–498.
CIKM-1999-FerhatosmanogluAA #performance #retrieval- Clustering Declustered Data for Efficient Retrieval (HF, DA, AEA), pp. 343–350.
CIKM-1999-HuLL #scheduling- Indexing Techniques for Wireless Data Broadcast Under Data Clustering and Scheduling (QH, WCL, DLL), pp. 351–358.
CIKM-1999-WangXL #scalability #transaction #using- Clustering Transactions Using Large Items (KW, CX, BL), pp. 483–490.
ICML-1999-Talavera #feature model #preprocessor- Feature Selection as a Preprocessing Step for Hierarchical Clustering (LT), pp. 389–397.
ICML-1999-VaithyanathanD #documentation #learning- Model Selection in Unsupervised Learning with Applications To Document Clustering (SV, BD), pp. 433–443.
KDD-1999-AggarwalGY #categorisation #on the- On the Merits of Building Categorization Systems by Supervised Clustering (CCA, SCG, PSY), pp. 352–356.
KDD-1999-ChengFZ #mining- Entropy-based Subspace Clustering for Mining Numerical Data (CHC, AWCF, YZ), pp. 84–93.
KDD-1999-GaffneyS #modelling- Trajectory Clustering with Mixtures of Regression Models (SG, PS), pp. 63–72.
KDD-1999-GantiGR #category theory #named #summary #using- CACTUS — Clustering Categorical Data Using Summaries (VG, JG, RR), pp. 73–83.
KDD-1999-LarsenA #documentation #effectiveness #linear #mining #performance #using- Fast and Effective Text Mining Using Linear-Time Document Clustering (BL, CA), pp. 16–22.
KDD-1999-Oates #identification #multi #sequence- Identifying Distinctive Subsequences in Multivariate Time Series by Clustering (TO), pp. 322–326.
KDD-1999-WangWLSSZ #algorithm #data mining #mining- Evaluating a Class of Distance-Mapping Algorithms for Data Mining and Clustering (JTLW, XW, KIL, DS, BAS, KZ), pp. 307–311.
KDD-T-1999-KeimH #scalability #set- Clustering Techniques for Large Data Sets — from the Past to the Future (DAK, AH), pp. 141–181.
MLDM-1999-KingL #information retrieval #learning- Non-hierarchical Clustering with Rival Penalized Competitive Learning for Information Retrieval (IK, TKL), pp. 116–130.
SIGIR-1999-XuC #distributed #modelling #retrieval- Cluster-Based Language Models for Distributed Retrieval (JX, WBC), pp. 254–261.
SAS-1999-JeannetHR #analysis- Dynamic Partitioning in Analyses of Numerical Properties (BJ, NH, PR), pp. 39–50.
ASE-1999-MaleticV #analysis #automation #semantics- Automatic Software Clustering via Latent Semantic Analysis (JIM, NV), pp. 251–254.
ASE-1999-Pecheur #file system #modelling #verification- Advanced Modelling and Verification Techniques Applied to a Cluster File System (CP), pp. 119–126.
ICSE-1999-DeursenK #concept analysis #identification #using- Identifying Objects Using Cluster and Concept Analysis (AvD, TK), pp. 246–255.
SAC-1999-BrestZO #scheduling- Dynamic Scheduling on a PC Cluster (JB, VZ, MO), pp. 496–500.
SAC-1999-JinH #array #problem- False Sharing Problems in Cluster-Based Disk Arrays (HJ, KH), pp. 461–465.
SAC-1999-MarmelsteinL #approach #evolution- A New Approach for Evolving Clusters (REM, GBL), pp. 268–274.
DAC-1999-CaldwellKKM #development #heuristic- Hypergraph Partitioning for VLSI CAD: Methodology for Heuristic Development, Experimentation and Reporting (AEC, ABK, AAK, ILM), pp. 349–354.
DAC-1999-CaldwellKM - Hypergraph Partitioning with Fixed Vertices (AEC, ABK, ILM), pp. 355–359.
DAC-1999-ChinosiZG #parallel #simulation- Parallel Mixed-Level Power Simulation Based on Spatio-Temporal Circuit Partitioning (MC, RZ, CG), pp. 562–567.
DAC-1999-CongLW #optimisation #performance- Simultaneous Circuit Partitioning/Clustering with Retiming for Performance Optimization (JC, HL, CW), pp. 460–465.
DAC-1999-Henkel #approach #embedded #hardware #power management- A Low Power Hardware/Software Partitioning Approach for Core-Based Embedded Systems (JH), pp. 122–127.
DAC-1999-HurL #framework #linear- Relaxation and Clustering in a Local Search Framework: Application to Linear Placement (SWH, JL), pp. 360–366.
DAC-1999-KapadiaH #automation #convergence #design #standard #using- Using Partitioning to Help Convergence in the Standard-Cell Design Automation Methodology (HK, MH), pp. 592–597.
DAC-1999-KarypisK #multi- Multilevel k-way Hypergraph Partitioning (GK, VK), pp. 343–348.
DAC-1999-KaulVGO #approach #automation #configuration management #synthesis- An Automated Temporal Partitioning and Loop Fission Approach for FPGA Based Reconfigurable Synthesis of DSP Applications (MK, RV, SG, IO), pp. 616–622.
DATE-1999-HwangVH #functional #power management- FSMD Functional Partitioning for Low Power (EH, FV, YCH), pp. 22–27.
DATE-1999-KaulV #design #latency #runtime- Temporal Partitioning combined with Design Space Exploration for Latency Minimization of Run-Time Reconfigured Designs (MK, RV), pp. 202–209.
DATE-1999-KrupnovaS #multi- Iterative Improvement Based Multi-Way Netlist Partitioning for FPGAs (HK, GS), p. 587–?.
DATE-1999-RibasC #modelling- Digital MOS Circuit Partitioning with Symbolic Modeling (LR, JC), pp. 503–508.
HPDC-1999-AgbariaF #fault tolerance #named #source code- Starfish: Fault-Tolerant Dynamic MPI Programs on Clusters of Workstations (AA, RF), pp. 167–176.
HPDC-1999-CoadyOF #embedded #memory management #network #using- Using Embedded Network Processors to Implement Global Memory Management in a Workstation Cluster (YC, JSO, MJF), pp. 319–328.
HPDC-1999-KoussihAS #memory management #named- Dodo: A User-level System for Exploiting Idle Memory in Workstation Clusters (SK, AA, SS), pp. 301–308.
OSDI-1999-HuntS #automation #distributed- The Coign Automatic Distributed Partitioning System (GCH, MLS), pp. 187–200.
PDP-1999-Gennaro #bound #modelling #performance- Performance models for I/O bound SPMD applications on clusters of workstations (CG), pp. 263–270.
PPoPP-1999-KielmannHBPB #communication #named- MagPIe: MPI’s Collective Communication Operations for Clustered Wide Area Systems (TK, RFHH, HEB, AP, RB), pp. 131–140.
SOSP-1999-GovilTHR #multi #resource management #using- Cellular Disco: resource management using virtual clusters on shared-memory multiprocessors (KG, DT, YH, MR), pp. 154–169.
SOSP-1999-SaitoBL #performance #scalability- Manageability, Availability and Performance in Porcupine: A Highly Scalable, Cluster-based Mail Service (YS, BNB, HML), pp. 1–15.
STOC-1999-BorodinOR99a #algorithm #approximate #problem- Subquadratic Approximation Algorithms for Clustering Problems in High Dimensional Spaces (AB, RO, YR), pp. 435–444.
ADL-1998-NelsonMSZ #multi #protocol #using- NCSTRL+: Adding Multi-Discipline and Multi-Genre Support to the Dienst Protocol Using Clusters and Buckets (MLN, KM, SNTS, MZ), pp. 128–136.
HT-1998-HirtleSC #web- Clusters on the World Wide Web: Creating Neighborhoods of Make-Believe (SCH, MES, GC), pp. 289–290.
SIGMOD-1998-AgrawalGGR #automation #data mining #mining- Automatic Subspace Clustering of High Dimensional Data for Data Mining Applications (RA, JG, DG, PR), pp. 94–105.
SIGMOD-1998-GuhaRS #algorithm #database #named #performance #scalability- CURE: An Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Large Databases (SG, RR, KS), pp. 73–84.
VLDB-1998-EsterKSWX #incremental #mining- Incremental Clustering for Mining in a Data Warehousing Environment (ME, HPK, JS, MW, XX), pp. 323–333.
VLDB-1998-GibsonKR #approach #category theory- Clustering Categorical Data: An Approach Based on Dynamical Systems (DG, JMK, PR), pp. 311–322.
VLDB-1998-SheikholeslamiCZ #approach #database #multi #named #scalability- WaveCluster: A Multi-Resolution Clustering Approach for Very Large Spatial Databases (GS, SC, AZ), pp. 428–439.
ICSM-1998-BurdM #approach #component #evolution #maintenance #re-engineering #using- Investigating Component-Based Maintenance and the Effect of Software Evolution: A Reengineering Approach Using Data Clustering (EB, MM), pp. 199–207.
IWPC-1998-MancoridisMRCG #automation #source code #using- Using Automatic Clustering to Produce High-Level System Organizations of Source Code (SM, BSM, CR, YFC, ERG), pp. 45–52.
EDOC-1998-HuntS #automation #distributed- A guided tour of the Coign automatic distributed partitioning system (GCH, MLS), pp. 252–262.
ACIR-1998-SmeatonBCQ #architecture #documentation #performance #retrieval- An Architecture for Efficient Document Clustering and Retrieval on a Dynamic Collection of Newspaper Texts (AFS, MB, FC, GQ).
CIKM-1998-AslamPR #information management- Static and Dynamic Information Organization with Star Clusters (JAA, KP, DR), pp. 208–217.
CIKM-1998-KimC #performance #query- Sibling Clustering of Tree-Based Spatial Indexes for Efficient Spatial Query Processing (KK, SKC), pp. 398–405.
CIKM-1998-ThomasianCL #approximate #composition- Clustering and Singular Value Decomposition for Approximate Indexing in High Dimensional Spaces (AT, VC, CSL), pp. 201–207.
ICML-1998-BlockeelRR #induction #top-down- Top-Down Induction of Clustering Trees (HB, LDR, JR), pp. 55–63.
ICML-1998-BradleyF - Refining Initial Points for K-Means Clustering (PSB, UMF), pp. 91–99.
ICPR-1998-HofmanJ #analysis #approach #performance #robust #using- Robust and efficient cluster analysis using a shared near neighbours approach (IH, RAJ), pp. 243–247.
ICPR-1998-HuYY #algorithm #string- Algorithms for partitioning path construction of handwritten numeral strings (JH, DY, HY), pp. 372–374.
ICPR-1998-KosmalaR98a #online #recognition #scalability #self #using- Tree-based state clustering using self-organizing principles for large vocabulary on-line handwriting recognition (AK, GR), pp. 1313–1315.
ICPR-1998-PalubinskasDK #using- An unsupervised clustering method using the entropy minimization (GP, XD, FK), pp. 1816–1818.
ICPR-1998-Rizzi #approach #graph #search-based- A genetic approach to hierarchical clustering of Euclidean graphs (SR), pp. 1543–1545.
ICPR-1998-SimonB #analysis #image- WaveStat-cluster analysis of image data and wavelet coefficients (US, MB), pp. 1622–1625.
ICPR-1998-WakaharaO - Extended mean shift in handwriting clustering (TW, KO), pp. 384–388.
ICPR-1998-Yamasaki #automation #categorisation #online #recognition- Automatic allograph categorization based on stroke clustering for online handwritten Japanese character recognition (KY), pp. 1150–1152.
ICPR-1998-ZhaoO #adaptation- Adaptive local thresholding with fuzzy-validity-guided spatial partitioning (XZ, SHO), pp. 988–990.
KDD-1998-BradleyFR #algorithm #database #scalability- Scaling Clustering Algorithms to Large Databases (PSB, UMF, CR), pp. 9–15.
KDD-1998-FayyadRB #algorithm #refinement- Initialization of Iterative Refinement Clustering Algorithms (UMF, CR, PSB), pp. 194–198.
KDD-1998-HinneburgK #approach #database #multi #performance #scalability- An Efficient Approach to Clustering in Large Multimedia Databases with Noise (AH, DAK), pp. 58–65.
KDD-1998-KeoghP #classification #feedback #performance #representation- An Enhanced Representation of Time Series Which Allows Fast and Accurate Classification, Clustering and Relevance Feedback (EJK, MJP), pp. 239–243.
KDD-1998-MacskassyBDH #case study #performance #web- Human Performance on Clustering Web Pages: A Preliminary Study (SAM, AB, BDD, HH), pp. 264–268.
SIGIR-1998-BakerM #classification #word- Distributional Clustering of Words for Text Classification (LDB, AM), pp. 96–103.
SIGIR-1998-MechkourHM #using #web- The WebCluster Project: Using Clustering for Mediating Access to the World Wide Web (MM, DJH, GM), pp. 357–358.
SIGIR-1998-ZamirE #documentation #web- Web Document Clustering: A Feasibility Demonstration (OZ, OE), pp. 46–54.
OOPSLA-1998-McAuliffeCS #fine-grained #flexibility #named- Vclusters: A Flexible, Fine-Grained Object Clustering Mechanism (MLM, MJC, MHS), pp. 230–243.
SAS-1998-HandjievaT #analysis #control flow #using- Refining Static Analyses by Trace-Based Partitioning Using Control Flow (MH, ST), pp. 200–214.
ICSE-1998-AnquetilL #concept- Extracting Concepts from File Names: A New File Clustering Criterion (NA, TCL), pp. 84–93.
SAC-1998-AbunawassBDL #algorithm #convergence #fuzzy- Fuzzy clustering improves convergence of the backpropagation algorithm (AMA, OSB, MD, WL), pp. 277–281.
SAC-1998-BeschP #approach- A group theoretic approach to data and code partitioning (MB, HWP), pp. 575–583.
SAC-1998-Sterling - Beowulf PC clusters: breaking the cost barrier to high end application computing (TLS), p. 1.
SAC-1998-WaldenBH #approximate #fuzzy #multi #using- Evaluating multi-valued inverse functions using clustering and fuzzy approximations (MAW, MB, AH), pp. 74–79.
ASPLOS-1998-PaiABSDZN #network- Locality-Aware Request Distribution in Cluster-based Network Servers (VSP, MA, GB, MS, PD, WZ, EMN), pp. 205–216.
DAC-1998-FangW #functional #multi #replication #using- Performance-Driven Multi-FPGA Partitioning Using Functional Clustering and Replication (WJF, ACHW), pp. 283–286.
DAC-1998-SeawrightM #optimisation- Partitioning and Optimizing Controllers Synthesized from Hierarchical High-Level Descriptions (AS, WM), pp. 770–775.
DATE-1998-GrimmW #hybrid- Repartitioning and Technology-Mapping of Electronic Hybrid Systems (CG, KW), pp. 52–58.
DATE-1998-GrodeKM #hardware #resource management- Hardware Resource Allocation for Hardware/Software Partitioning in the LYCOS System (JG, PVK, JM), pp. 22–27.
DATE-1998-KaulV #architecture #configuration management #synthesis- Optimal Temporal Partitioning and Synthesis for Reconfigurable Architectures (MK, RV), pp. 389–396.
DATE-1998-Lopez-VallejoIL #knowledge-based- A Knowledge-based System for Hardware-Software Partitioning (MLLV, CAI, JCL), pp. 914–915.
DATE-1998-MaestroMM #estimation #hardware #parallel #process- A Macroscopic Time and Cost Estimation Model Allowing Task Parallelism and Hardware Sharing for the Codesign Partitioning Process (JAM, DM, HM), pp. 218–225.
DATE-1998-RoyAB #named #power management- PowerShake: A Low Power Driven Clustering and Factoring Methodology for Boolean Expressions (SR, HA, PB), pp. 967–968.
DATE-1998-SongSZ #concept #effectiveness- An Effective General Connectivity Concept for Clustering (JS, ZS, WZ), pp. 398–405.
DATE-1998-SrinivasanRV #design #hardware- Hardware Software Partitioning with Integrated Hardware Design Space Exploration (VS, SR, RV), pp. 28–35.
HPCA-1998-Arpaci-DusseauACHP #architecture #comparison #streaming- The Architectural Costs of Streaming I/O: A Comparison of Workstations, Clusters, and SMPs (RHAD, ACAD, DEC, JMH, DAP), pp. 90–101.
HPCA-1998-MogaD #effectiveness #network- The Effectiveness of SRAM Network Caches in Clustered DSMs (AM, MD), pp. 103–112.
HPCA-1998-SamantaBIS #design #performance #protocol- Home-Based SVM Protocols for SMP Clusters: Design and Performance (RS, AB, LI, JPS), pp. 113–124.
HPCA-1998-ScalesGA #distributed #memory management- Fine-Grain Software Distributed Shared Memory on SMP Clusters (DJS, KG, AA), pp. 125–136.
HPDC-1998-AndersenA #case study #implementation #multi- Implementation and Utilization of a Heterogeneous Multicomputer Cluster for the Study of Load Balancing Strategies (PHA, JKA), pp. 362–363.
HPDC-1998-AndresenM #distributed #scheduling #towards- Towards a Hierarchical Scheduling System for Distributed WWW Server Clusters (DA, TM), pp. 301–308.
HPDC-1998-ChenT #distributed- Mesh Partitioning for Distributed Systems (JC, VET), pp. 292–300.
HPDC-1998-GianniniC #architecture #communication #performance- A Software Architecture for Global Address Space Communication on Clusters: Put/Get on Fast Messages (LAG, AAC), pp. 330–337.
HPDC-1998-OguchiSTK #data mining #effectiveness #evaluation #mining #optimisation #parallel #parametricity #protocol #scalability- Optimizing Protocol Parameters to Large Scale PC Cluster and Evaluation of its Effectiveness with Parallel Data Mining (MO, TS, TT, MK), pp. 34–41.
HPDC-1998-ParkD #architecture- The Effect of Clustering in Client-Caching Architectures (JHP, AD), pp. 354–355.
HPDC-1998-RoyC #distributed #memory management #multi #named #string #symmetry- Strings: A High-Performance Distributed Shared Memory for Symmetrical Multiprocessor Clusters (SR, VC), pp. 90–97.
HPDC-1998-ZhuYZWIS #adaptation #library- Adaptive Load Sharing for Clustered Digital Library Servers (HZ, TY, QZ, DW, OHI, TRS), pp. 235–242.
LCTES-1998-AnantharamanP #embedded #memory management #performance- An Efficient Data Partitioning Method for Limited Memory Embedded Systems (SA, SP), pp. 108–222.
PDP-1998-Allison #network- Virtual networks and QoS for cluster computing (CA), pp. 127–132.
PDP-1998-BeckZU #architecture #dependence #graph- Architecture-dependent partitioning of dependence graphs (MB, EZ, TU), pp. 70–76.
PDP-1998-GilO #generative #parallel #testing #using- Parallel test generation using circuit partitioning and spectral techniques (CG, JO), pp. 264–270.
PDP-1998-JungLK #multi #performance- Performance issues of message transmission on cluster-based multicomputer (SIJ, JKL, HJK), pp. 422–428.
ICDAR-1997-HobbyH #documentation #image- Enhancing Degraded Document Images via Bitmap Clustering and Averaging (JDH, TKH), pp. 394–400.
ICDAR-1997-VuurpijlS #categorisation- Finding structure in diversity: a hierarchical clustering method for the categorization of allographs in handwriting (LV, LS), p. 387–?.
WCRE-1997-Wiggerts #algorithm #legacy #using- Using Clustering Algorithms in Legacy Systems Remodularization (TAW), pp. 33–43.
ICALP-1997-KhannaMS #array #performance- Efficient Array Partitioning (SK, SM, SS), pp. 616–626.
WIA-1997-Ziadi #automaton #problem #set #sorting- Sorting and Doubling Techniques for Set Partitioning and Automata Minimization Problems (DZ), pp. 241–251.
FME-1997-SilvaSB #hardware #normalisation #reduction- A Normal Form Reduction Strategy for Hardware/Software Partitioning (LS, AS, EB), pp. 624–643.
CHI-1997-KominekK #concept #multi- Accessing Multimedia through Concept Clustering (JK, RK), pp. 19–26.
CAiSE-1997-GoncalvesSM #web- Digital Neighbourhoods: Partitioning the Web for Information Indexing and Searching (PFG, ACS, SRdLM), pp. 289–302.
ICML-1997-DevaneyR #concept #feature model #performance- Efficient Feature Selection in Conceptual Clustering (MD, AR), pp. 92–97.
KDD-1997-Ketterlin #sequence- Clustering Sequences of Complex Objects (AK), pp. 215–218.
KDD-1997-SmythGIRF #detection #using- Detecting Atmospheric Regimes Using Cross-Validated Clustering (PS, MG, KI, JR, AF), pp. 61–66.
KDD-1997-ZamirEMK #documentation #performance #web- Fast and Intuitive Clustering of Web Documents (OZ, OE, OM, RMK), pp. 287–290.
SIGIR-1997-AnickV #information retrieval- Exploiting Clustering and Phrases for Context-based Information Retrieval (PGA, SV), pp. 314–323.
SIGIR-1997-SchuetzeS #documentation #performance- Projections for Efficient Document Clustering (HS, CS), pp. 74–81.
SIGIR-1997-SilversteinP #corpus #set- Almost-Constant-Time Clustering of Arbitrary Corpus Subsets (CS, JOP), pp. 60–66.
POPL-1997-Ruf #analysis #data flow #using- Partitioning Dataflow Analyses Using Types (ER), pp. 15–26.
SAC-1997-DamianiT #analysis- Dynamic clustering for technology-based domain analysis (TDA) (ED, ADT), pp. 204–206.
SAC-1997-LiuLS #concurrent #multi #performance #thread- An efficient processor partitioning and thread mapping strategy for mesh-connected multiprocessor systems (HL, WML, YS), pp. 403–412.
SAC-1997-MoonLK #2d #search-based- Genetic VLSI circuit partitioning with two-dimensional geographic crossover and zigzag mapping (BRM, YSL, CKK), pp. 274–278.
DAC-1997-AgrawalG #behaviour #data flow #embedded- Data-Flow Assisted Behavioral Partitioning for Embedded Systems (SA, RKG), pp. 709–712.
DAC-1997-AlpertHK #multi- Multilevel Circuit Partitioning (CJA, JHH, ABK), pp. 530–533.
DAC-1997-BakshiG #hardware #pipes and filters- Hardware/Software Partitioning and Pipelining (SB, DG), pp. 713–716.
DAC-1997-CabodiCLQ #approach #effectiveness #scalability #traversal- Disjunctive Partitioning and Partial Iterative Squaring: An Effective Approach for Symbolic Traversal of Large Circuits (GC, PC, LL, SQ), pp. 728–733.
DAC-1997-FangW #design #multi- Multi-Way FPGA Partitioning by Fully Exploiting Design Hierarchy (WJF, ACHW), pp. 518–521.
DAC-1997-KarypisAKS #multi- Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning: Application in VLSI Domain (GK, RA, VK, SS), pp. 526–529.
DAC-1997-KrupnovaAS - A Hierarchy-Driven FPGA Partitioning Method (HK, AA, GS), pp. 522–525.
DAC-1997-KuoC #approach #network- A Network Flow Approach for Hierarchical Tree Partitioning (MTK, CKC), pp. 512–517.
DAC-1997-XuGC #refinement- Cluster Refinement for Block Placement (JX, PNG, CKC), pp. 762–765.
EDTC-1997-GovindarajanV #algorithm #heuristic- Cone-based clustering heuristic for list-scheduling algorithms (SG, RV), pp. 456–462.
EDTC-1997-SeongK #design #layout- Two-way partitioning based on direction vector [layout design] (KSS, CMK), pp. 306–310.
EDTC-1997-Vahid #functional- Procedure cloning: a transformation for improved system-level functional partitioning (FV), pp. 487–492.
HPCA-1997-LimHPS #communication #performance- Message Proxies for Efficient, Protected Communication on SMP Clusters (BHL, PH, PP, MS), pp. 116–127.
HPDC-1997-LeichtlCC #parallel #programming- Parallel Programming in Multi-Paradigm Clusters (JL, PC, MJC), pp. 326–335.
HPDC-1997-RosuSF #approach #interface #network #parallel- Supporting Parallel Applications on Clusters of Workstations: The Intelligent Network Interface Approach (MCR, KS, RF), pp. 159–168.
PDP-1997-DeckerD - Mapping of coarse-grained applications onto workstation clusters (TD, RD), pp. 5–12.
PDP-1997-Rabenseifner #logic #monitoring #parallel- The controlled logical clock--a global time for trace-based software monitoring of parallel applications in workstation clusters (RR), pp. 477–484.
PDP-1997-SenarRCL #approach #parallel #performance #source code- An efficient clustering-based approach for mapping parallel programs (MAS, AR, AC, EL), pp. 407–412.
PPoPP-1997-Hascoet #automation #parallel- Automatic Placement of Communications in Mesh-Partitioning Parallelization (LH), pp. 136–144.
SOSP-1997-FoxGCB #network #scalability- Cluster-Based Scalable Network Services (AF, SDG, YC, EAB, PG), pp. 78–91.
SOSP-1997-StetsDHHKPS #memory management #named #network- Cashmere-2L: Software Coherent Shared Memory on a Clustered Remote-Write Network (RS, SD, NH, GCH, LIK, SP, MLS), pp. 170–183.
STOC-1997-CharikarCFM #incremental #information management #information retrieval- Incremental Clustering and Dynamic Information Retrieval (MC, CC, TF, RM), pp. 626–635.
- DL-1996-KelloggS #hypermedia #library #problem #question
- Text to Hypertext: Can Clustering Solve the Problem in Digital Libraries? (RBK, MS), pp. 144–150.
HT-1996-WeissVSNSDG #hypermedia #named #network- HyPursuit: A Hierarchical Network Search Engine that Exploits Content-Link Hypertext Clustering (RW, BV, MAS, CN, PS, AD, DKG), pp. 180–193.
SIGMOD-1996-ZhangRL #database #named #performance #scalability- BIRCH: An Efficient Data Clustering Method for Very Large Databases (TZ, RR, ML), pp. 103–114.
VLDB-1996-DiwanRSS - Clustering Techniques for Minimizing External Path Length (AAD, SR, SS, SS), pp. 342–353.
ICSM-1996-MancoridisH #graph #using- Recovering the Structure of Software Systems Using Tube Graph Interconnection Clustering (SM, RCH), p. 23–?.
WPC-1996-Kunz #automation #comprehension #process- Evaluating process clusters to support automatic program understanding (TK), pp. 198–207.
ICFP-1996-WiseW #pointer #thread- Static and Dynamic Partitioning of Pointers as Links and Threads (DSW, JW), pp. 42–49.
CIKM-1996-HuangJR #database #effectiveness #graph #query- Effective Graph Clustering for Path Queries in Digital Map Databases (YWH, NJ, EAR), pp. 215–222.
ICPR-1996-ArumugaveluR #algorithm- SIMD algorithms for single link and complete link pattern clustering (SA, NR), pp. 625–629.
ICPR-1996-BajcsyA - Uniformity and homogeneity-based hierarchical clustering (PB, NA), pp. 96–100.
ICPR-1996-DucSB #automation #fuzzy #segmentation- Motion segmentation by fuzzy clustering with automatic determination of the number of motions (BD, PS, JB), pp. 376–380.
ICPR-1996-FredL - A minimum code length technique for clustering of syntactic patterns (ALNF, JMNL), pp. 680–684.
ICPR-1996-HeA #approach #documentation #string- A clustering-based approach to the separation of text strings from mixed text/graphics documents (SH, NA), pp. 706–710.
ICPR-1996-JuddMJ #parallel #scalability- Large-scale parallel data clustering (DJ, PKM, AKJ), pp. 488–493.
ICPR-1996-MariD #fuzzy #segmentation- A segmentation method based on fuzzy topology and clustering (MM, SGD), pp. 565–569.
ICPR-1996-MollerGW #network #performance- Fast vector quantizer on neural clustering networks providing globally optimal cluster solutions (UM, MG, HW), pp. 351–355.
ICPR-1996-Roberts #analysis- Scale-space unsupervised cluster analysis (SJR), pp. 106–110.
ICPR-1996-Schikuta #named #performance #scalability #set- Grid-clustering: an efficient hierarchical clustering method for very large data sets (ES), pp. 101–105.
ICPR-1996-SenguptaB #using- Using spectral features for modelbase partitioning (KS, KLB), pp. 65–69.
ICPR-1996-Sinclair96a #analysis- Cluster-based texture analysis (DS), pp. 825–829.
ICPR-1996-YeungY #segmentation #video- Time-constrained clustering for segmentation of video into story units (MMY, BLY), pp. 375–380.
KDD-1996-EsterKSX #algorithm #database #scalability- A Density-Based Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Large Spatial Databases with Noise (ME, HPK, JS, XX), pp. 226–231.
KDD-1996-HofmannB - Inferring Hierarchical Clustering Structures by Deterministic Annealing (TH, JMB), pp. 363–366.
KDD-1996-Smyth #monte carlo #using- Clustering Using Monte Carlo Cross-Validation (PS), pp. 126–133.
SIGIR-1996-HearstP #retrieval- Reexamining the Cluster Hypothesis: Scatter/Gather on Retrieval Results (MAH, JOP), pp. 76–84.
ECOOP-1996-BullatS #database #effectiveness #using- Dynamic Clustering in Object Databases Exploiting Effective Use of Relationships Between Objects (FB, MS), pp. 344–365.
ICRE-1996-HsiaHKH #composition #requirements- User-Centered System Decomposition: Z-Based Requirements Clustering (PH, CTH, DCK, LBH), pp. 126–135.
SAC-1996-DoroodchiR #fuzzy- Nonlinear smoothing of signals by applying fuzzy clustering to local points (MD, AMR), pp. 595–599.
SAC-1996-KulkarniM #fuzzy #modelling #network- Fuzzy neural network models for clustering (ADK, VKM), pp. 523–528.
SAC-1996-OuyangC #design #reuse #specification #usability- Enhancing design reusability by clustering specifications (YO, DLC), pp. 493–499.
ASPLOS-1996-ErlichsonNCH #distributed #memory management #named #performance- SoftFLASH: Analyzing the Performance of Clustered Distributed Virtual Shared Memory (AE, NN, GC, JLH), pp. 210–220.
DAC-1996-BinhISH #algorithm #design #hardware #pipes and filters- A Hardware/Software Partitioning Algorithm for Designing Pipelined ASIPs with Least Gate Counts (NNB, MI, AS, NH), pp. 527–532.
DAC-1996-DuttD #approach- A Probability-Based Approach to VLSI Circuit Partitioning (SD, WD), pp. 100–105.
DAC-1996-Johannes - Partitioning of VLSI Circuits and Systems (FMJ), pp. 83–87.
DAC-1996-KuoLC #network- Network Partitioning into Tree Hierarchies (MTK, LTL, CKC), pp. 477–482.
DAC-1996-LiLLC #approach #linear- New Spectral Linear Placement and Clustering Approach (JL, JL, LTL, CKC), pp. 88–93.
DAC-1996-MehtaOI #energy- Energy Characterization based on Clustering (HM, RMO, MJI), pp. 702–707.
HPCA-1996-KarlssonS #evaluation #multi #performance- Performance Evaluation of a Cluster-Based Multiprocessor Built from ATM Switches and Bus-Based Multiprocessor Servers (MK, PS), pp. 4–13.
HPCA-1996-MarkatosK #named #network #parallel- Telegraphos: High-Performance Networking for Parallel Processing on Workstation Clusters (EPM, MK), pp. 144–153.
HPCA-1996-NayfehOS #multi- The Impact of Shared-Cache Clustering in Small-Scale Shared-Memory Multiprocessors (BAN, KO, JPS), pp. 74–84.
HPDC-1996-CarterLA #comparison #performance- Commodity Clusters: Performance Comparison Between PC’s and Workstations (RC, JL, RA), pp. 292–304.
HPDC-1996-Chan #parallel- Task Partitionings for Parallel Triangular Solver on an MIMD Computer (JQ, TKYC), pp. 365–373.
HPDC-1996-CrandallSC #comparison #multi #performance- Performance Comparison of Desktop Multiprocessing and Workstation Cluster Computing (PC, EVS, MJC), pp. 272–281.
HPDC-1996-NicklasASW #parallel #problem- A Parallel Solution to the Cutting Stock Problem for a Cluster of Workstations (LDN, RWA, SS, PYW), pp. 521–530.
HPDC-1996-SarkarB #interface #named #network- CNI: A High-Performance Network Interface for Workstation Clusters (PS, MLB), pp. 151–160.
HPDC-1996-SolimanE #adaptation #distributed #performance #simulation- An Efficient Clustered Adaptive-Risk Technique for Distributed Simulation (HMS, ASE), pp. 383–391.
PDP-1996-BenkahlaAR #architecture #parallel- System-Diagnosis of Cluster-Based Parallel Architectures (OEKB, CA, CR), pp. 305–309.
CADE-1996-ParkG #satisfiability #scalability #testing- Partitioning Methods for Satisfiability Testing on Large Formulas (TJP, AVG), pp. 748–762.
ICDAR-v1-1995-HochbergKKT #automation #identification #image #using- Automatic script identification from images using cluster-based templates (JH, LK, PK, TT), pp. 378–381.
ICDAR-v1-1995-JonkS #approach #axiom- An axiomatic approach to clustering line-segments (AJ, AWMS), pp. 386–389.
ICDAR-v1-1995-LeeT #modelling #recognition #semantics #word- A language model based on semantically clustered words in a Chinese character recognition system (HJL, CHT), pp. 450–453.
ICDAR-v1-1995-TsudaSMI #database #documentation #image- Clustering OCR-ed texts for browsing document image database (KT, SS, MM, KI), pp. 171–174.
ICDAR-v2-1995-DengelD #approach #classification #documentation #machine learning- Clustering and classification of document structure-a machine learning approach (AD, FD), pp. 587–591.
ICDAR-v2-1995-FanLW #approach #documentation #segmentation- A feature point clustering approach to the segmentation of form documents (KCF, JML, JYW), pp. 623–626.
ICDAR-v2-1995-LeeK95c #multi #network #recognition- Multiresolution recognition of handwritten numerals with wavelet transform and multilayer cluster neural network (SWL, YJK), pp. 1010–1013.
ICDAR-v2-1995-TakahashiM - A clustering method and radius tuning by end users (HT, KMM), pp. 698–701.
PODS-1995-PagelSW - Window Query-Optimal Clustering of Spatial Objects (BUP, HWS, MW), pp. 86–94.
VLDB-1995-ChenRS #database- Declustering Databases on Heterogeneous Disk Systems (LTC, DR, SS), pp. 110–121.
VLDB-1995-GardarinGT #cost analysis #database #object-oriented- A Cost Model for Clustered Object-Oriented Databases (GG, JRG, ZHT), pp. 323–334.
VLDB-1995-MogiK #array- Hot Block Clustering for Disk Arrays with Dynamic Striping (KM, MK), pp. 90–99.
CIKM-1995-Teuhola #effectiveness #linear- Effective Clustering of Objects Stored by Linear Hashing (JT), pp. 274–280.
KDD-1995-EsterKX #database #interface #scalability- A Database Interface for Clustering in Large Spatial Databases (ME, HPK, XX), pp. 94–99.
KDD-1995-Fisher #optimisation- Optimization and Simplification of Hierarchical Clusterings (DF), pp. 118–123.
KDD-1995-KetterlinGK #approach #concept #database- Conceptual Clustering in Structured Databases: A Practical Approach (AK, PG, JJK), pp. 180–185.
SIGIR-1995-BooksteinKR #detection #word- Detecting Content-Bearing Words by Serial Clustering (AB, STK, TR), pp. 319–327.
SIGIR-1995-IwayamaT #categorisation #comparison- Cluster-Based Text Categorization: A Comparison of Category Search Strategies (MI, TT), pp. 273–280.
SIGIR-1995-Ornager #analysis #database #empirical #image #word- The Newspaper Image Database: Empirical Supported Analysis of Users’ Typology and Word Association Clusters (SO), pp. 212–218.
POPL-1995-SchauserCG #algorithm #constraints #source code #strict #thread- Separation Constraint Partitioning — A New Algorithm for Partitioning Non-strict Programs into Sequential Threads (KES, DEC, SCG), pp. 259–271.
SAS-1995-Coorg #code generation #concurrent #functional #multi #strict #thread- Partitioning Non-strict Functional Languages for Multi-threaded Code Generation (SRC), pp. 82–99.
SAC-1995-CarchioloM #approach #co-evolution #design #fuzzy- A fuzzy approach to co-design system partitioning (VC, MM), pp. 514–518.
DAC-1995-AlpertY - Spectral Partitioning: The More Eigenvectors, The Better (CJA, SZY), pp. 195–200.
DAC-1995-LiuKCH #approach #graph #replication #using- Performance-Driven Partitioning Using a Replication Graph Approach (LTL, MTK, CKC, TCH), pp. 206–210.
DAC-1995-NakamuraY #logic #matrix #optimisation #scalability- A Partitioning-Based Logic Optimization Method for Large Scale Circuits with Boolean Matrix (YN, TY), pp. 653–657.
DAC-1995-SawkarT #multi- Multi-way Partitioning for Minimum Delay for Look-Up Table Based FPGAs (PS, DET), pp. 201–205.
HPDC-1995-Crandall #composition- The Limited Applicability of Block Decomposition in Cluster Computing (PC), pp. 102–109.
HPDC-1995-DowdPCHC #configuration management #named #network #scalability- LIGHTNING: A Scalable Dynamically Reconfigurable Hierarchical WDM Network for High-Performance Clustering (PWD, JAP, JCC, DCH, DC), pp. 220–229.
HPDC-1995-RamanjuanBT #approach #memory management #network #parallel- Network Shared Memory: A New Approach for Clustering Workstations for Parallel Processing (RSR, JB, KJT), pp. 48–56.
HPDC-1995-Skordos #parallel #simulation- Parallel Simulation of Subsonic Fluid Dynamics on a Cluster of Workstations (PS), pp. 6–16.
HPDC-1995-Woodward #distributed #multi #simulation- Distributed Computing on Clusters of Shared-Memory Multiprocessors to Simulate Unsteady Turbulent Flows (PRW), p. 4.
LCT-RTS-1995-KopetzN #compilation #design #realtime- The Cluster Compiler — A Tool for the Design of Time-Triggered Real-Time Systems (HK, RN), pp. 108–116.
LCT-RTS-1995-Mueller #compilation- Compiler Support for Software-Based Cache Partitioning (FM), pp. 125–133.
PDP-1995-DormannsH #scalability #self- Partitioning and mapping of large FEM-graphs by self-organization (MD, HUH), pp. 227–235.
PDP-1995-MartinFTB #difference #distributed #equation #parallel #simulation- Distributed parallel computers versus PVM on a workstation cluster in the simulation of time dependent partial differential equations (IML, JCF, FT, AB), pp. 20–26.
PDP-1995-PoloGHMMN #database #parallel- Multi-dimensional partitioning for massively parallel database machines (APM, MBG, JHN, JMM, PdM, MMNR), pp. 244–253.
SOSP-1995-FeeleyMPKL #implementation #memory management- Implementing Global Memory Management in a Workstation Cluster (MJF, WEM, FHP, ARK, HML, CAT), pp. 201–212.
HT-ECHT-1994-MukherjeaFH #hypermedia #interactive #navigation- Interactive Clustering for Navigating in Hypermedia Systems (SM, JDF, SEH), pp. 136–145.
PODS-1994-HuaLL - A Decomposition-Based Simulated Annealing Technique for Data Clustering (KAH, SDL, WKL), pp. 117–128.
SIGMOD-1994-McIverK #adaptation #online #self- Self-Adaptive, On-Line Reclustering of Complex Object Data (WJMJ, RK), pp. 407–418.
VLDB-1994-BrinkhoffK #database- The Impact of Global Clustering on Spatial Database Systems (TB, HPK), pp. 168–179.
VLDB-1994-NgH #data mining #effectiveness #mining #performance- Efficient and Effective Clustering Methods for Spatial Data Mining (RTN, JH), pp. 144–155.
CIKM-1994-Shrufi #performance #policy- Performance of Clustering Policies in Object Bases (AS), pp. 80–87.
ICRE-1994-LiangP #approach #pattern matching #requirements- A pattern matching and clustering based approach for supporting requirements transformation (JL, JDP), pp. 180–183.
SAC-1994-GentherG #automation #classification #fuzzy #generative #using- Automatic generation of a fuzzy classification system using fuzzy clustering methods (HG, MG), pp. 180–183.
CC-1994-DuesterwaldGS #congruence #cost analysis #data flow- Reducing the Cost of Data Flow Analysis By Congruence Partitioning (ED, RG, MLS), pp. 357–373.
DAC-1994-AlpertK #multi #programming- Multi-Way Partitioning Via Spacefilling curves and Dynamic Programming (CJA, ABK), pp. 652–657.
DAC-1994-BuiM #algorithm #hybrid #performance #problem #search-based- A Fast and Stable Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Ratio-Cut Partitioning Problem on Hypergraphs (TNB, BRM), pp. 664–669.
DAC-1994-ChouLCDL #logic- Circuit Partitioning for Huge Logic Emulation Systems (NCC, LTL, CKC, WJD, RL), pp. 244–249.
DAC-1994-CongLB #multi #network- Acyclic Multi-Way Partitioning of Boolean Networks (JC, ZL, RB), pp. 670–675.
DAC-1994-KuznarBZ #multi- Multi-way Netlist Partitioning into Heterogeneous FPGAs and Minimization of Total Device Cost and Interconnect (RK, FB, BZ), pp. 238–243.
DAC-1994-LiuSC #data flow #latency- Data Flow Partitioning for Clock Period and Latency Minimization (LTL, MS, CKC), pp. 658–663.
DAC-1994-PuriG #approach #composition #synthesis- A Modular Partitioning Approach for Asynchronous Circuit Synthesis (RP, JG), pp. 63–69.
DAC-1994-RiessDJ #scalability #using- Partitioning Very Large Circuits Using Analytical Placement Techniques (BMR, KD, FMJ), pp. 646–651.
EDAC-1994-BrasenS - FPGA Partitioning for Critical Paths (DRB, GS), pp. 99–103.
EDAC-1994-IsmailOJ #interactive- Interactive System-level Partitioning with PARTIF (TBI, KO, AAJ), pp. 464–468.
EDAC-1994-RamachandranGC #algorithm #array- An Algorithm for Array Variable Clustering (LR, DG, VC), pp. 262–266.
EDAC-1994-WuLCL #distributed #fault #simulation- Distributed Fault Simulation for Sequential Circuits by Pattern Partitioning (WCW, CLL, JEC, WYL), p. 661.
HPDC-1994-CataniaPRV #array #evaluation #performance- Performance Evaluation of a Partial Dynamic Declustering Disk Array System (VC, AP, SR, LV), pp. 244–252.
HPDC-1994-SaletoreJP #parallel- Parallel Computations on the CHARM Heterogeneous Workstation Cluster (VAS, JJ, MP), pp. 203–210.
HPDC-1994-WeissmanG #network #parallel- Network Partitioning of Data Parallel Computations (JBW, ASG), pp. 149–156.
PDP-1994-JoosenPV #performance- The Efficient Management Of Task Clusters In A Dynamic Load Balancer (WJ, JP, PV), pp. 285–290.
PDP-1994-MegsonC #array- Partitioning And Mapping For Lower Dimensional Given Arrays (GMM, XC), pp. 149–155.
ICDAR-1993-HochK #on the #recognition #scalability- On virtual partitioning of large dictionaries for contextual post-processing to improve character recognition (RH, TK), pp. 226–231.
VLDB-1993-ChenR #visualisation- Declustering Objects for Visualization (LTC, DR), pp. 85–96.
CSM-1993-IbbaNBN #component #reuse- Structure-Based Clustering of Components for Software Reuse (RI, DN, PB, RN), pp. 210–215.
FPCA-1993-RohNB #data flow #evaluation #generative- Generation and Quantitative Evaluation of Dataflow Clusters (LR, WAN, APWB), pp. 159–168.
ICML-1993-CarpinetoR #approach #concept #named- GALOIS: An Order-Theoretic Approach to Conceptual Clustering (CC, GR), pp. 33–40.
ICML-1993-Connolly #concept #network- Constructing Hidden Variables in Bayesian Networks via Conceptual Clustering (DC), pp. 65–72.
ICML-1993-Ellman #abstraction #approximate #constraints #synthesis- Synthesis of Abstraction Hierarchies for Constraint Satisfaction by Clustering Approximately Equivalent Objects (TE), pp. 104–111.
SEKE-1993-MineauGM #concept #induction #modelling- Induction of Generic Data Models by Conceptual Clustering (GWM, RG, RM), pp. 554–564.
SIGIR-1993-Botafogo #analysis #hypermedia- Cluster Analysis for Hypertext Systems (RAB), pp. 116–125.
FSE-1993-PodgurskiY #analysis #testing- Partition testing, stratified sampling, and cluster analysis (AP, CY), pp. 169–181.
SAC-1993-BhatiaD #information retrieval- Cluster Characterization in Information Retrieval (SKB, JSD), pp. 721–728.
SAC-1993-HenshawB - Partitioning in X.500 (JH, MAB), pp. 294–301.
DAC-1993-AlpertK #geometry #multi #performance- Geometric Embeddings for Faster and Better Multi-Way Netlist Partitioning (CJA, ABK), pp. 743–748.
DAC-1993-ChanSZ93a - Spectral K-Way Ratio-Cut Partitioning and Clustering (PKC, MDFS, JYZ), pp. 749–754.
DAC-1993-CongS #algorithm #bottom-up #design #parallel- A Parallel Bottom-Up Clustering Algorithm with Applications to Circuit Partitioning in VLSI Design (JC, MS), pp. 755–760.
DAC-1993-Edahiro #algorithm #optimisation- A Clustering-Based Optimization Algorithm in Zero-Skew Routings (ME), pp. 612–616.
DAC-1993-RajaramanW - Optimal Clustering for Delay Minimization (RR, DFW), pp. 309–314.
DAC-1993-ShihK #polynomial #programming- Quadratic Boolean Programming for Performance-Driven System Partitioning (MS, ESK), pp. 761–765.
DAC-1993-SrinivasanGB #performance #pseudo #testing- An Efficient Partitioning Strategy for Pseudo-Exhaustive Testing (RS, SKG, MAB), pp. 242–248.
DAC-1993-WooK #implementation #multi #performance- An Efficient Method of Partitioning Circuits for Multiple-FPGA Implementation. (NSW, JK), pp. 202–207.
HPDC-1993-BanerjiKTGC #distributed #memory management- High-Performance Distributed Shared Memory Substrate for Workstation Clusters (AB, DCK, JMT, PMG, DLC), pp. 344–351.
SIGMOD-1992-GhandeharizadehDQ #analysis #multi #performance- A Performance Analysis of Alternative Multi-Attribute Declustering Strategies (SG, DJD, WQ), pp. 29–38.
SIGMOD-1992-TsangarisN #on the #performance- On the Performance of Object Clustering Techniques (MMT, JFN), pp. 144–153.
VLDB-1992-LiS #concept #database- A Conceptual Model for Dynamic Clustering in Object Databases (QL, JLS), pp. 457–468.
VLDB-1992-LiSR #named #parallel- CMD: A Multidimensional Declustering Method for Parallel Data Systems (JL, JS, DR), pp. 3–14.
LFP-1992-TraubCS #analysis #source code #strict #thread- Global Analysis for Partitioning Non-Strict Programs into Sequential Threads (KRT, DEC, KES), pp. 324–334.
ML-1992-FisherXZ - Ordering Effects in Clustering (DHF, LX, NZ), pp. 162–168.
ML-1992-WeinbergBK #concept- Conceptual Clustering with Systematic Missing Values (JBW, GB, GRK), pp. 464–469.
SIGIR-1992-CuttingPKT #approach #documentation #named #scalability- Scatter/Gather: A Cluster-based Approach to Browsing Large Document Collections (DRC, JOP, DRK, JWT), pp. 318–329.
SIGIR-1992-Lewis #categorisation #evaluation- An Evaluation of Phrasal and Clustered Representations on a Text Categorization Task (DDL), pp. 37–50.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-Pree #concept #development #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Software Development Based On Clusters: Concepts, Consequences and Examples (WP), pp. 111–117.
KBSE-1992-Novak #reuse- Software Reuse through View Type Clusters (GSN), p. 15.
ASPLOS-1992-HollandG #array- Parity Declustering for Continuous Operation in Redundant Disk Arrays (MH, GAG), pp. 23–35.
DAC-1992-RaoK - Partitioning by Regularity Extraction (DSR, FJK), pp. 235–238.
DAC-1992-ShihKT #multi- Performance-Driven System Partitioning on Multi-Chip Modules (MS, ESK, RST), pp. 53–56.
DAC-1992-VahidG #design #specification- Specification Partitioning for System Design (FV, DG), pp. 219–224.
HPDC-1992-BetelloRSR - Lattice Boltzmann Method on a Cluster of IBM RISC System/6000 Workstations (GB, GR, SS, FR), pp. 242–247.
HPDC-1992-CheungR #performance- High Performance Computing on a Cluster of Workstations (ALC, APR), pp. 152–160.
PODS-1991-Roy #complexity #independence #query #relational #semantics- Semantic Complexity of Classes of Relational Queries and Query Independent Data Partitioning (SR), pp. 259–267.
SIGMOD-1991-ChengH #database #effectiveness #object-oriented- Effective Clustering of Complex Objects in Object-Oriented Databases (JbRC, ARH), pp. 22–31.
SIGMOD-1991-TsangarisN #approach #probability- A Stochastic Approach for Clustering in Object Bases (MMT, JFN), pp. 12–21.
KDD-1991-HongM #incremental #parallel- Incremental Discovery of Rules and Structure by Hierarchical and Parallel Clustering (JH, CM), pp. 177–194.
KR-1991-DavisC - Clustering Temporal Intervals To Generate Reference Hierarchies (WSD, JRC), pp. 111–117.
ML-1991-BhuyanR #adaptation #information retrieval #probability- A Probabilistic Retrieval Scheme for Cluster-based Adaptive Information Retrieval (JNB, VVR), pp. 240–244.
ML-1991-BiswasWYK #concept #data analysis- Conceptual Clustering and Exploratory Data Analysis (GB, JBW, QY, GRK), pp. 591–595.
DAC-1991-Chen #concurrent #graph #scheduling- Graph Partitioning for Concurrent Test Scheduling in VLSI Circuit (CIHC), pp. 287–290.
DAC-1991-YehCL #algorithm #multi- A General Purpose Multiple Way Partitioning Algorithm (CWY, CKC, TTYL), pp. 421–426.
PPoPP-1991-BalasundaramFKK #performance- A Static Performance Estimator to Guide Data Partitioning Decisions (VB, GF, KK, UK), pp. 213–223.
ISLP-1991-HidakaKTT #commit #execution- A Static Load Partitioning Method based on Execution Profile for Committed Choice Languages (YH, HK, JT, HT), pp. 470–484.
PODS-1990-SoparkarS - Data-value Partitioning and Virtual Messages (NS, AS), pp. 357–367.
SIGMOD-1990-Jagadish #linear #multi- Linear Clustering of Objects with Multiple Atributes (HVJ), pp. 332–342.
VLDB-1990-CheineyM #parallel #transitive- A Parallel Strategy for Transitive Closure usind Double Hash-Based Clustering (JPC, CdM), pp. 347–358.
VLDB-1990-GhandeharizadehD #database #multi- Hybrid-Range Partitioning Strategy: A New Declustering Strategy for Multiprocessor Database Machines (SG, DJD), pp. 481–492.
VLDB-1990-HaradaNKT #multi #query- Query Processing for Multi-Attribute Clustered Records (LH, MN, MK, MT), pp. 59–70.
ICALP-1990-SavageW #heuristic #on the- On Parallelizing Graph-Partitioning Heuristics (JES, MGW), pp. 476–489.
ML-1990-Segen #graph #learning- Graph Clustering and Model Learning by Data Compression (JS), pp. 93–101.
ML-1990-ThintW #feature model #modelling- Feature Extraction and Clustering of Tactile Impressions with Connectionist Models (MT, PPW), pp. 253–258.
SIGIR-1990-LewisC - Term Clustering of Syntactic Phrases (DDL, WBC), pp. 385–404.
DAC-1990-ChatterjeeH #approach- A New Simultaneous Circuit Partitioning and Chip Placement Approach Based on Simulated Annealing (AC, RIH), pp. 36–39.
DAC-1990-DeyBK - Corolla Based Circuit Partitioning and Resynthesis (SD, FB, GK), pp. 607–612.
HT-1989-CrouchCA #hypermedia #information retrieval #using- The Use of Cluster Hierarchies in Hypertext Information Retrieval (DBC, CJC, GA), pp. 225–237.
PODS-1989-FaloutsosM #fault #using- Declustering Using Error Correcting Codes (CF, DNM), pp. 253–258.
PODS-1989-Rotem #multi- Clustered Multiattribute Hash Files (DR), pp. 225–234.
SIGMOD-1989-ChangK #effectiveness #inheritance #object-oriented #semantics- Exploiting Inheritance and Structure Semantics for Effective Clustering and Buffering in an Object-Oriented DBMS (EEC, RHK), pp. 348–357.
SIGMOD-1989-NavatheR #algorithm #database #design #visual notation- Vertical Partitioning for Database Design: A Graphical Algorithm (SBN, MR), pp. 440–450.
FPCA-1989-Traub #approach #compilation #functional #strict- Compilation as Partitioning: A New Approach to Compiling Non-Strict Functional Languages (KRT), pp. 75–88.
ML-1989-MorkK #approach #concept- A Bootstrapping Approach to Concept Clustering (KM, JUK), pp. 503–504.
ML-1989-Segen #incremental #representation- Incremental Clustering by Minimizing Representation Length (JS), pp. 400–403.
ML-1989-YangF #concept- Conceptual Clustering of Mean-Ends Plans (HY, DHF), pp. 232–234.
ML-1989-YooF #concept- Conceptual Clustering of Explanations (JPY, DHF), pp. 8–10.
SIGIR-1989-ChangLL #data access #multi- Multikey Access Methods Based on Term Discrimination and Signature Clustering (JWC, JHL, YJL), pp. 176–185.
DAC-1989-Blanks #probability- Partitioning by Probability Condensation (JB), pp. 758–761.
DAC-1989-CahnK #network- Computing Signal Delay in General RC Networks by Tree/Link Partitioning (PKC, KK), pp. 485–490.
DAC-1989-GabbeS - A Note on Clustering Modules for Floorplanning (JDG, PAS), pp. 594–597.
DAC-1989-JoneP #approach #coordination #generative #pseudo #testing- A Coordinated Approach to Partitioning and Test Pattern Generation for Pseudoexhaustive Testing (WBJ, CAP), pp. 525–534.
DAC-1989-LagneseT #architecture #design- Architectural Partitioning for System Level Design (EDL, DET), pp. 62–67.
DAC-1989-Paulin #finite #state machine- Horizontal Partitioning of PLA-based Finite State Machines (PGP), pp. 333–338.
DAC-1989-SaabR #approach- An Evolution-Based Approach to Partitioning ASIC Systems (YS, VBR), pp. 767–770.
DAC-1989-SastryP #problem #statistics- An Investigation into Statistical Properties of Partitioning and Floorplanning Problems (SS, JIP), pp. 382–387.
DAC-1989-Vijayan - Min-cost Partitioning on a Tree Structure and Applications (GV), pp. 771–774.
DAC-1989-YihM #design #network- A Neural Network Design for Circuit Partitioning (JSY, PM), pp. 406–411.
CSL-1989-SpeckenmeyerK #complexity #on the #set- On the Average Time Complexity of Set Partitioning (ES, RK), pp. 369–381.
SIGIR-1988-Crouch #approach- A Cluster-Based Approach to Thesaurus Construction (CJC), pp. 309–320.
POPL-1988-IrigoinT - Supernode Partitioning (FI, RT), pp. 319–329.
ICSE-1988-HuangZC #algorithm #distributed #heuristic #realtime- Heuristic Software Partitioning Algorithms for Distributed Real-Time Applications (XH, HZ, XC), pp. 116–121.
DAC-1988-MallelaG #standard- Clustering Based Simulated Annealing for Standard Cell Placement (SM, LKG), pp. 312–317.
PPEALS-1988-Katseff #assembly #parallel #using- Using Data Partitioning to Implement a Parallel Assembler (HPK), pp. 66–76.
STOC-1988-FederG #algorithm #approximate- Optimal Algorithms for Approximate Clustering (TF, DHG), pp. 434–444.
SIGIR-1987-CanO #information retrieval #maintenance- A Dynamic Cluster Maintenance System for Information Retrieval (FC, EAO), pp. 123–131.
SIGIR-1987-KantorBDS #concept #retrieval- Clustering of Concepts for Optimal Retrieval (PBK, AB, MD, TS), p. 316.
SIGIR-1987-OommenM #automaton #learning #performance #probability #using- Fast Object Partitioning Using Stochastic Learning Automata (BJO, DCYM), pp. 111–122.
SIGIR-1987-RaghavanD - Optimal Determination of User-Oriented Clusters (VVR, JSD), pp. 140–146.
SIGIR-1987-RasmussenW #array #distributed #documentation #using- Non-Hierarchic Document Clustering Using the ICL Distributed Array Processor (EMR, PW), pp. 132–139.
DAC-1987-Chi #automation #standard- An Automatic Rectilinear Partitioning Procedure for Standard Cells (MCC), pp. 50–55.
ICLP-1987-SatoSMRG87 #execution #memory management- KL1 Execution Model for PIM Cluster with Shared Memory (MS, HS, AM, KR, AG), pp. 338–355.
VLDB-1986-CheineyFMT #multi #reliability #using- A Reliable Backend Using Multiattribute Clustering and Select-Join Operator (JPC, PF, RM, JMT), pp. 220–227.
VLDB-1986-FangLC #idea- The Idea of De-Clustering and its Applications (MTF, RCTL, CCC), pp. 181–188.
LFP-1986-SarkarH #parallel #source code- Partitioning Parallel Programs for Macro-Dataflow (VS, JLH), pp. 202–211.
CSCW-1986-DelisleS #concept #hypermedia #named- Contexts: a partitioning concept for hypertext (NMD, MDS), pp. 147–152.
SIGIR-1986-DeogunR #documentation #framework #information retrieval #learning- User-Oriented Document Clustering: A Framework for Learning in Information Retrieval (JSD, VVR), pp. 157–163.
SIGIR-1986-El-HamdouchiW #documentation #using- Hierarchic Document Clustering Using Ward’s Method (AEH, PW), pp. 149–156.
SIGIR-1986-Voorhees #performance- The Efficiency of Inverted Index and Cluster Searches (EMV), pp. 164–174.
DAC-1986-Larsen #analysis #data type #synthesis- Rules-based object clustering: a data structure for symbolic VLSI synthesis and analysis (RPL), pp. 768–777.
SIGMOD-1985-FushimiKNTM #adaptation #algorithm #evaluation #multi #performance- Algorithm and Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Multidimensional Clustering Technique (SF, MK, MN, HT, TMO), pp. 308–318.
SIGMOD-1985-ShinI #approach #database #knowledge-based #relational #using- Partitioning a Relational Database Horizontally Using a Knowledge-Based Approach (DGS, KBI), pp. 95–105.
VLDB-1985-OzkarahanO #database #order- Dynamic and Order Preserving Data Partitioning for Database Machines (EAO, AMO), pp. 358–368.
ICALP-1985-Cole #set- Partitioning Point Sets in 4 Dimensions (RC0), pp. 111–119.
SIGIR-1985-CanO #concept- Concepts of the Cover-Coefficient-Based Clustering Methodology (FC, EAO), pp. 204–211.
SIGIR-1985-Radecki #ranking #retrieval- Output Ranking Methodology for Document-Clustering-Based Boolean Retrieval Systems (TR), pp. 70–76.
SIGIR-1985-Voorhees #revisited- The Cluster Hypothesis Revisited (EMV), pp. 188–196.
SIGIR-1985-Yu #adaptation #documentation- Adaptive Document Clustering (CTY), pp. 197–203.
DAC-1985-DelormeRdGLMC #functional #generative #sequence #testing- A functional partitioning expert system for test sequences generation (CD, PR, LDd, NG, RL, BM, RC), pp. 820–824.
SOSP-1985-KronenbergLS #distributed #named- VAXclusters: A Closely-Coupled Distributed System (NPK, HML, WDS), p. 1.
SIGIR-1984-OmiecinskiS #approach- A Global Approach to Record Clustering and File Reorganization (EO, PS), pp. 201–219.
DAC-1984-DasguptaGRWW #design #testing- Chip partitioning aid: A design technique for partitionability and testability in VLSI (SD, MCG, RAR, RGW, TWW), pp. 203–208.
PODS-1983-ChinR #network #termination- Optimal Termination Prococols for Network Partitioning (FYLC, KVSR), pp. 25–35.
VLDB-1983-SaccaW #database- Database Partitioning in a Cluster of Processors (DS, GW), pp. 242–247.
ICALP-1983-YannakakisKCP #graph- Cutting and Partitioning a Graph aifter a Fixed Pattern (MY, PCK, SSC, CHP), pp. 712–722.
SIGIR-1983-CanO - A Clustering Scheme (FC, EAO), pp. 115–121.
SIGIR-1983-FraenkelM #scalability- Combinational Compression and Partitioning of Large Dictionaries: Theory and Experiments (ASF, MM), pp. 205–219.
DAC-1983-McFarland #behaviour #hardware- Computer-aided partitioning of behavioral hardware descriptions (MCM), pp. 472–478.
DAC-1983-OdawaraIK - Partitioning and placement technique for bus-structured PWB (GO, KI, TK), pp. 449–456.
PODS-1982-RotemTK #design #multi- Foundations for Multifile Design by Application Partitioning (DR, FWT, DGK), pp. 262–267.
SIGMOD-1982-CeriNP #database #design- Horizontal Data Partitioning in Database Design (SC, MN, GP), pp. 128–136.
SIGIR-1982-RaghavanI #case study #comparative- Techniques for Measuring the Stability of Clustering: A Comparative Study (VVR, MYLI), pp. 209–237.
DAC-1982-PayneC #automation- Automated partitioning of hierarchically specified digital systems (TSP, WMvC), pp. 182–192.
SIGIR-1981-KambayashiHY - Dynamic Clustering Procedures for Bibliographic Data (YK, TH, SY), pp. 90–99.
SIGIR-1981-StorerE #validation- Experiments on the Application of Clustering Techniques to Data Validation (WFS, CME), pp. 88–89.
ICSE-1981-ChenZ #analysis #re-engineering #using- Use of Cluster Analysis to Evaluate Software Engineering Methodologies (EC, MVZ), pp. 117–124.
DAC-1981-PatelC #problem- Partitioning for VLSI placement problems (AMP, LCC), pp. 411–418.
SIGMOD-1980-ChangF #database #design #physics- A Dynamic Clustering Technique for Physical Database Design (JMC, KsF), pp. 188–199.
ICALP-1980-BeckerPS #algorithm- A Shifting Algorithm for Min-Max Tree Partitioning (RIB, YP, SRS), pp. 64–75.
SIGIR-1980-Radecki #information retrieval- A Model of a Document-Clustering-Based Information Retrieval System with a Boolean Search Request Formulation (TR), pp. 334–344.
SIGMOD-1979-HammerN #approach #heuristic- A Heuristic Approach to Attribute Partitioning (MH, BN), pp. 93–101.
SIGIR-1979-RaghavanB #effectiveness #process- A Clustering Strategy Based on a Formalism of the Reproductive Process in Natural Systems (VVR, KB), pp. 10–22.
DAC-1979-Corrigan - A placement capability based on partitioning (LIC), pp. 406–413.
DAC-1979-StablerKK #algorithm- Placement algorithm by partitioning for optimum rectangular placement (EPS, VMK, VAK), pp. 24–25.
SIGIR-1978-Croft #retrieval- A File Organization for Cluster-Based Retrieval (WBC), pp. 65–82.
ICSE-1976-LeeSM - Application of Clustering to Estimate Missing Data and Improve Data Integrity (RCTL, JRS, CTM), pp. 539–544.
DAC-1976-GoundanH #fault #logic- Partitioning logic circuits to maximize fault resolution (AG, JPH), pp. 271–277.
VLDB-1975-HofferS #analysis #database #design #physics #using- The Use of Cluster Analysis in Physical Data Base Design (JAH, DGS), pp. 69–86.
DAC-1975-Groger #approach #logic- A new approach to structural partitioning of computer logic (HJG), pp. 378–383.
DAC-1975-IshigaKS #logic- A logic partitioning procedure by interchanging clusters (TI, TK, SS), pp. 369–377.
DAC-1974-HananMS #approach #interactive #logic #problem- An interactive man-machine approach to the computer logic partitioning problem (MH, AM, PKWS), pp. 70–81.
DAC-1974-Wang #algorithm- A partitioning technique for LSI chips including a bunching algorithm (PTW), p. 91.
SOSP-1973-DenningS - Dynamic Storage Partitioning (PJD, JRS), pp. 73–79.
DAC-1972-SchulerU #linear- Clustering and linear placement (DMS, EGU), pp. 50–56.
DAC-1972-SchweikertK - A proper model for the partitioning of electrical circuits (DGS, BWK), pp. 57–62.
SOSP-J-1973-CoffmanR72 #case study #locality #using- A Study of Storage Partitioning Using a Mathematical Model of Locality (EGCJ, TAR), pp. 185–190.
DAC-1971-LarsenM #equation #layout #logic- Partitioning and ordering of logic equations for optimum MOS LSI device layout (RPL, LM), pp. 131–142.
SOSP-1971-CoffmanR #case study #using- A Study of Storage Partitioning Using a Mathematical Model (EGCJ, TAR), pp. 122–129.
DAC-1970-Sr #analysis #graph #logic #reduction- Partitioning of logic graphs: A theoretical analysis of pin reduction (RBHS), pp. 54–63.
DAC-1968-CharneyP #component #performance- Efficient partitioning of components (HRC, DLP).
SHARE-1966-Stone #logic- Logic partitioning (AJS).