Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Kanai H.Date D.Feng Z.Tan L.Chen K.Muniswamy-Reddy Y.Li D.D.E.Long
Talks about:
approach (1) anatomi (1) variat (1) storag (1) proven (1) hybrid (1) effici (1) verif (1) model (1) digit (1)
Person: Yulai Xie
DBLP: Xie:Yulai
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DHM-HB-2013-XieKD #modelling #verification
- Anatomy-Based Variational Modeling of Digital Hand and Its Verification (YX, SK, HD), pp. 384–392.
- CIKM-2012-XieFTCMLL #approach #hybrid #performance
- A hybrid approach for efficient provenance storage (YX, DF, ZT, LC, KKMR, YL, DDEL), pp. 1752–1756.