Tag #mockup
4 papers:
DAC-2015-NishimiyaSS #evaluation #functional #interface #modelling #network- Evaluation of functional mock-up interface for vehicle power network modeling (KN, TS, SS), p. 6.
DAC-2014-StoermerT #functional #interface #standard #using- Powertrain Co-Simulation using AUTOSAR and the Functional Mockup Interface standard (CS, GT), p. 1.
DATE-2012-MillerVG #automation #cyber-physical #named #testing #using- MEDS: Mockup Electronic Data Sheets for automated testing of cyber-physical systems using digital mockups (BM, FV, TG), pp. 1417–1420.
DAC-1970-Borgmeyer - A mathematical mockup — engine envelope described by computer (CHB), pp. 310–314.