Tag #interface
1512 papers:
ASPLOS-2020-KhandakerCWW - COIN Attacks: On Insecurity of Enclave Untrusted Interfaces in SGX (MRK, YC, ZW, TW), pp. 971–985.
ICSA-2019-WohlrabPKH #agile #architecture #case study #on the- On Interfaces to Support Agile Architecting in Automotive: An Exploratory Case Study (RW, PP, EK, RH), pp. 161–170.
SANER-2019-BusingeKOBS #eclipse #framework #how #question- How Stable Are Eclipse Application Framework Internal Interfaces? (JB, SK, MO, EB, AS), pp. 117–127.
CoG-2019-McQuighanBP #contest #game studies- B2CI 2019: The IEEE Brain to Computer Interface Competition's Gaming Event (JMM, GB, JMP), pp. 1–7.
FDG-2019-MobramaeinW #design #generative #natural language- A methodology for designing natural language interfaces for procedural content generation (AM, JW), p. 9.
ECOOP-2019-Muijnck-HughesV #hardware #type system- A Typing Discipline for Hardware Interfaces (JdMH, WV), p. 27.
ECOOP-2019-TurcotteAR #modelling #reasoning- Reasoning About Foreign Function Interfaces Without Modelling the Foreign Language (AT, EA, GR), p. 32.
ASE-2019-VerhaegheFGAD #empirical #programming- Empirical Study of Programming to an Interface (BV, CF, LG, NA, SD), pp. 847–850.
GPCE-2019-Chiba #migration- Foreign language interfaces by code migration (SC), pp. 1–13.
ICPC-2018-LiuDAA #behaviour #component #execution #identification- Component interface identification and behavioral model discovery from software execution data (CL, BFvD, NA, WMPvdA), pp. 97–107.
SANER-2018-DamsMKRV #industrial #legacy #lessons learnt #modelling- Model-based software restructuring: Lessons from cleaning up COM interfaces in industrial legacy code (DD, AJM, PK, AR, JV), pp. 552–556.
AIIDE-2018-MobramaeinBW #design- CADI - A Conversational Assistive Design Interface for Discovering Pong Variants (AM, MB, JW), pp. 194–200.
CIG-2018-BaekK - Web-Based Interface for Data Labeling in StarCraft (ICB, KJK), pp. 1–2.
DiGRA-2018-Nolan - The Human Machine Art Interface: Arcade Port Aesthetics and Production Practices (KN).
ICMT-2018-Pankowski #database #ontology #query- Schema Transformations and Query Rewriting in Ontological Databases with a Faceted Interface (TP), pp. 76–91.
ECOOP-2018-OostvogelsKM #constraints #static typing #type system- Static Typing of Complex Presence Constraints in Interfaces (NO, JDK, WDM), p. 27.
CASE-2018-GonzalezCPS #detection #multi- Obstacle Detection and Avoidance Device for Multirotor UAVs through interface with Pixhawk Flight Controller (JG, AC, JAP, CS), pp. 110–115.
CASE-2018-WijayasingheSPP #adaptation #algorithm #search-based #using- Adaptive Interface for Robot Teleoperation using a Genetic Algorithm (IBW, MNS, SP, DOP, SC), pp. 50–56.
FDG-2017-MartensH #game studies #semantics #towards- Languages of play: towards semantic foundations for game interfaces (CM, MAH), p. 10.
ECIR-2017-GyselKR #named #python- Pyndri: A Python Interface to the Indri Search Engine (CVG, EK, MdR), pp. 744–748.
ICML-2017-CzarneckiSJOVK #comprehension- Understanding Synthetic Gradients and Decoupled Neural Interfaces (WMC, GS, MJ, SO, OV, KK), pp. 904–912.
ICML-2017-JaderbergCOVGSK #using- Decoupled Neural Interfaces using Synthetic Gradients (MJ, WMC, SO, OV, AG, DS, KK), pp. 1627–1635.
OOPSLA-2017-ZhangM #morphism #named #polymorphism #product line- Familia: unifying interfaces, type classes, and family polymorphism (YZ, ACM), p. 31.
ASE-2017-LinL0CGLLMR #named #natural language #query- TiQi: a natural language interface for querying software project data (JL, YL, JG0, JCH, WG, WL, SL, NM, AR), pp. 973–977.
ESOP-2017-BonchiGKSZ #confluence #graph grammar- Confluence of Graph Rewriting with Interfaces (FB, FG, AK, PS, FZ), pp. 141–169.
JCDL-2016-JacksonLMR #process #web- Desiderata for Exploratory Search Interfaces to Web Archives in Support of Scholarly Activities (AJ, JJL, IM, NR), pp. 103–106.
ICPC-2016-KawumaBB #eclipse #question- Can we find stable alternatives for unstable Eclipse interfaces? (SK, JB, EB), pp. 1–10.
SCAM-2016-PaulaGLSL #case study #repository- An Exploratory Study of Interface Redundancy in Code Repositories (ACdP, EG, CVL, HS, OALL), pp. 107–116.
FM-2016-HasanagicTLL #formal method #standard #validation- Formalising and Validating the Interface Description in the FMI Standard (MH, PWVTJ, KL, PGL), pp. 344–351.
- IFM-2016-FendrichL #automaton #component #fault
- A Generalised Theory of Interface Automata, Component Compatibility and Error (SF, GL), pp. 160–175.
- IFM-2016-ZaichenkovTS #configuration management #constraints
- A Constraint Satisfaction Method for Configuring Non-local Service Interfaces (PZ, OT, AS), pp. 474–488.
CHI-PLAY-2016-ToupsCWTN #game studies #quote #towards- “The Collecting Itself Feels Good”: Towards Collection Interfaces for Digital Game Objects (ZOT, NKC, RRW, GFT, LEN), pp. 276–290.
VS-Games-2016-KerousL #human-computer #interactive #overview- Brain-Computer Interfaces - A Survey on Interactive Virtual Environments (BK, FL), pp. 1–4.
ECIR-2016-MartinsMC #realtime #twitter- Jitter Search: A News-Based Real-Time Twitter Search Interface (FM, JM, JC), pp. 841–844.
Onward-2016-IndelaKND #encryption #framework #semantics #towards- Helping Johnny encrypt: toward semantic interfaces for cryptographic frameworks (SI, MK, KN, TD), pp. 180–196.
FSE-2016-HoraVRA #question- When should internal interfaces be promoted to public? (ACH, MTV, RR, NA), pp. 278–289.
FSE-2016-ImesBH #energy #monitoring #runtime- A portable interface for runtime energy monitoring (CI, LB, HH), pp. 968–974.
- ICSE-2016-SchroterKTBS #analysis #composition #configuration management
- Feature-model interfaces: the highway to compositional analyses of highly-configurable systems (RS, SK, TT, FB, GS), pp. 667–678.
ASPLOS-2016-LustigSMB #memory management #named #verification- COATCheck: Verifying Memory Ordering at the Hardware-OS Interface (DL, GS, MM, AB), pp. 233–247.
ASPLOS-2016-Witchel #challenge- Programmer Productivity in a World of Mushy Interfaces: Challenges of the Post-ISA Reality (EW), p. 591.
CASE-2016-ChanCY #fault #locality #realtime- BIM-enabled streamlined fault localization with system topology, RFID technology and real-time data acquisition interfaces (PSC, HYC, PHY), pp. 815–820.
ECSA-2015-Jansen #architecture #challenge #ecosystem- Opening the Ecosystem Flood Gates: Architecture Challenges of Opening Interfaces Within a Product Portfolio (SJ), pp. 121–136.
SIGMOD-2015-AmsterdamerKM #mining #named #natural language- NL2CM: A Natural Language Interface to Crowd Mining (YA, AK, TM), pp. 1433–1438.
VLDB-2015-AmsterdamerKM #natural language #query- A Natural Language Interface for Querying General and Individual Knowledge (YA, AK, TM), pp. 1430–1441.
VLDB-2015-JayaramGL #graph #interactive #named #query #visual notation- VIIQ: Auto-Suggestion Enabled Visual Interface for Interactive Graph Query Formulation (NJ, SG, CL), pp. 1940–1951.
ICSME-2015-KranasZV #flexibility- Fitness workout for fat interfaces: Be slim, clean, and flexible (SK, AVZ, PV), pp. 526–530.
SEFM-2015-LarmuseauC #formal method- Formalizing a Secure Foreign Function Interface (AL, DC), pp. 215–230.
SEFM-2015-LohstrohL #internet- An Interface Theory for the Internet of Things (ML, EAL), pp. 20–34.
CHI-PLAY-2015-McArthurTJ #design #framework #roadmap- The Avatar Affordances Framework: Mapping Affordances and Design Trends in Character Creation Interfaces (VM, RJT, JJ), pp. 231–240.
CHI-PLAY-2015-SheininG #development #difference- Quantifying Individual Differences, Skill Development, and Fatigue Effects in Small-Scale Exertion Interfaces (MS, CG), pp. 57–66.
CIG-2015-PaliyawanSCT #analysis #design #game studies- Body motion design and analysis for fighting game interface (PP, KS, WC, RT), pp. 360–367.
VS-Games-2015-VourvopoulosLC #case study #experience #game studies #human-computer- The Effect of Prior Gaming Experience in Motor Imagery Training for Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Pilot Study (AV, FL, MCC), pp. 1–8.
CHI-2015-AmmaKBS - Advancing Muscle-Computer Interfaces with High-Density Electromyography (CA, TK, JB, TS), pp. 929–938.
CHI-2015-BrumbyZ #visual notation- Visual Grouping in Menu Interfaces (DPB, SZ), pp. 4203–4206.
CHI-2015-KatanGF #development #interactive #machine learning #people #using- Using Interactive Machine Learning to Support Interface Development Through Workshops with Disabled People (SK, MG, RF), pp. 251–254.
CHI-2015-KatoM #assessment #named- ExtensionSticker: A Proposal for a Striped Pattern Sticker to Extend Touch Interfaces and its Assessment (KK, HM), pp. 1851–1854.
CHI-2015-LimerickMC #empirical #speech- Empirical Evidence for a Diminished Sense of Agency in Speech Interfaces (HL, JWM, DC), pp. 3967–3970.
CHI-2015-ManciniHAG #detection #multi- Re-Centering Multispecies Practices: A Canine Interface for Cancer Detection Dogs (CM, RH, BA, CG), pp. 2673–2682.
CHI-2015-MiniukovichA - Computation of Interface Aesthetics (AM, ADA), pp. 1163–1172.
CHI-2015-PutzeAS #design #evaluation #fault #gesture #self- Design and Evaluation of a Self-Correcting Gesture Interface based on Error Potentials from EEG (FP, CA, TS), pp. 3375–3384.
CHI-2015-ShovmanBSS #3d #learning- Twist and Learn: Interface Learning in 3DOF Exploration of 3D Scatterplots (MMS, JLB, AS, KCSB), pp. 313–316.
CHI-2015-SteichenF #comparison #multi- Supporting the Modern Polyglot: A Comparison of Multilingual Search Interfaces (BS, LF), pp. 3483–3492.
CHI-2015-TroianoPH #music- Deformable Interfaces for Performing Music (GMT, EWP, KH), pp. 377–386.
CHI-2015-WoltersKMDM #corpus #design- The CADENCE Corpus: A New Resource for Inclusive Voice Interface Design (MKW, JK, SEM, MD, JDM), pp. 3963–3966.
CHI-2015-XuRSSA #quality #realtime- Real-time Guidance Camera Interface to Enhance Photo Aesthetic Quality (YX, JR, JS, GS, RA), pp. 1183–1186.
CHI-2015-YaoOCSWWI #named- bioLogic: Natto Cells as Nanoactuators for Shape Changing Interfaces (LY, JO, CYC, HS, WW, GW, HI), pp. 1–10.
DHM-EH-2015-HarihBR #optimisation #parametricity- Optimisation of Product’s Hand-Handle Interface Material Parameters for Improved Ergonomics (GH, MB, ZR), pp. 15–25.
DUXU-DD-2015-BarrosSRTBS #approach #human-computer #usability- A Usability Study of a Brain-Computer Interface Apparatus: An Ergonomic Approach (RQB, GS, CR, RT, MQB, MMS), pp. 224–236.
DUXU-DD-2015-FalcoZ #convergence #design- Design Perspectives to the Design of Interfaces Connected and Convergent for T-Commerce Applications (MF, RZ), pp. 599–608.
DUXU-DD-2015-SpeicherBG #named #usability- Inuit: The Interface Usability Instrument (MS, AB, MG), pp. 256–268.
DUXU-DD-2015-WuLLL #design #experience #morphism #navigation- Skeuomorphism and Flat Design: Evaluating Users’ Emotion Experience in Car Navigation Interface Design (LW, TL, JL, BL), pp. 567–575.
DUXU-IXD-2015-EndaraL #architecture #design #mobile- Designing an Interface Agent-Based Architecture for Creating a Mobile System of Medical Care (AEE, CJPdL), pp. 606–615.
DUXU-IXD-2015-FernandesL #internet #monitoring- An Internet of Things Application with an Accessible Interface for Remote Monitoring Patients (COF, CJPdL), pp. 651–661.
DUXU-IXD-2015-IslamI #comprehension #ontology #semantics #set #web- Understanding the Semantics of Web Interface Signs: A Set of Ontological Principals (MNI, AKMNI), pp. 46–53.
DUXU-UI-2015-AgnerRVBZ #design #gesture #interactive #tablet- Evaluating Interaction Design in Brazilian Tablet Journalism: Gestural Interfaces and Affordance Communicability (LA, ABR, NV, PB, VZ), pp. 393–402.
DUXU-UI-2015-AldawoodAAAAAHA #collaboration- Collaborative Tangible Interface (CoTI) for Complex Decision Support Systems (SA, FA, AA, TA, TA, RA, MKH, AA, AAW), pp. 415–424.
DUXU-UI-2015-GrimaldiCM #communication #named- CubeMate: A New Communication Device as Non-verbal Interface in a Shared Space (RG, VC, CMM), pp. 434–443.
DUXU-UI-2015-HigashidaI #information retrieval #keyword #smarttech- Keyword Input via Digits: Simplified Smartphone Interface for Information Retrieval (MH, TI), pp. 530–540.
DUXU-UI-2015-InoueYHS #design #process- Applying Human Centered Design Process for Designing Air Traffic Control Interfaces (SI, KY, HH, TS), pp. 307–316.
DUXU-UI-2015-KissingerM #game studies #usability- Usability of Touchpad Based Game Controller Interfaces (JK, TM), pp. 452–463.
DUXU-UI-2015-VegaAF #design #named- Hairware: Designing Conductive Hair Extensions for Seamless Interfaces (KV, RA, HF), pp. 696–704.
HCI-DE-2015-LocknerB #evaluation #towards- Towards the Evaluation of Emotional Interfaces (DL, NB), pp. 500–511.
HCI-DE-2015-ZhangLF #design- Cross-Over Study of Time Perception and Interface Design (HZ, GL, HF), pp. 105–116.
HCI-IT-2015-BandeiraCXK #gesture #using- Using Gesture-Based Interfaces to Control Robots (GMB, MC, BHX, JK), pp. 3–12.
HCI-IT-2015-BhanushaliMV #embedded #gesture #low cost #recognition- A Dome-Shaped Interface Embedded with Low-Cost Infrared Sensors for Car-Game Control by Gesture Recognition (JB, SPM, KV), pp. 575–583.
HCI-IT-2015-EskerudSOH #approach #automation #design- Controlling the Home — A User Participatory Approach to Designing a Simple Interface for a Complex Home Automation System (ME, AS, CSO, HH), pp. 717–728.
HCI-IT-2015-FioriniLEMMBCD #case study #interactive #network #social- Enhancing Human Robot Interaction Through Social Network Interfaces: A Case Study (LF, RL, RE, AM, AM, MB, FC, PD), pp. 729–740.
HCI-IT-2015-JinL #framework #generative #named #physics #research #string- StringWeaver: Research on a Framework with an Alterable Physical Interface for Generative Art (YJ, ZL), pp. 292–304.
HCI-IT-2015-TokdemirACMB #case study #design #interactive #multimodal #navigation #representation #ubiquitous- Multimodal Interaction Flow Representation for Ubiquitous Environments — MIF: A Case Study in Surgical Navigation Interface Design (GT, GA, NEÇ, HHM, AOB), pp. 797–805.
HCI-UC-2015-AlhumoudAAA #aspect-oriented #design #multi- Socio-Cultural Aspects in the Design of Multilingual Banking Interfaces in the Arab Region (SA, LA, NA, AAW), pp. 269–280.
HCI-UC-2015-Hankiewicz #multi- Compatibility of Information and Interface of Universities’ Multilingual Websites (KH), pp. 73–81.
HCI-UC-2015-SanchezA #automation #detection #internet- Automatic Deformations Detection in Internet Interfaces: ADDII (LS, PTAJ), pp. 43–53.
HIMI-IKC-2015-OliveiraCBA #artificial reality #gamification #motivation #using- A Head-up Display with Augmented Reality and Gamification for an E-Maintenance System: Using Interfaces and Gamification to Motivate Workers in Procedural Tasks (AO, NC, LCB, RBdA), pp. 499–510.
HIMI-IKC-2015-UjitokoH #using- Application of the Locomotion Interface Using Anthropomorphic Finger Motion (YU, KH), pp. 666–674.
HIMI-IKD-2015-EldesoukyMSD #knowledge base #natural language- Seed, a Natural Language Interface to Knowledge Bases (BE, HM, SS, AD), pp. 280–290.
HIMI-IKD-2015-FischerOFIW #framework #multi #named #platform #prototype #testing- URU: A Platform for Prototyping and Testing Compatibility of Multifunction Interfaces with User Knowledge Schemata (SF, BO, MF, MI, EW), pp. 151–160.
HIMI-IKD-2015-KaoW #concept #web- Narrower Conceptual Scope in the App Than the Web Store Interface — The Size Does It and the Ad Has It (CLK, MYW), pp. 204–214.
HIMI-IKD-2015-KotaniIAS #using #variability- Changes in Heart Rate Variability by Using Tactile Thermal Interface Device (KK, SI, TA, SS), pp. 405–411.
HIMI-IKD-2015-WhiteFK #generative- Generation of Infotips from Interface Labels (EW, SF, FK), pp. 226–234.
LCT-2015-LiC #collaboration #design #mobile- An Exploration of Mobile Collaborative Writing Interface Design (ML, YMC), pp. 97–105.
LCT-2015-SebilloTVPG #artificial reality #using- The Use of Augmented Reality Interfaces for On-site Crisis Preparedness (MS, GT, GV, LP, AG), pp. 136–147.
CAiSE-2015-WeiBO #web #web service- Deriving Artefact-Centric Interfaces for Overloaded Web Services (FW, AB, CO), pp. 501–516.
ICEIS-v2-2015-MoraisS #modelling #quality- Assessing the Quality of User-interface Modeling Languages (FM, ARdS), pp. 311–319.
ICEIS-v3-2015-NicastroPAMBT #approach #case study #guidelines #mobile- A Semiotic-informed Approach to Interface Guidelines for Mobile Applications — A Case Study on Phenology Data Acquisition (FN, RP, BA, LPCM, CB, RdST), pp. 34–43.
CIKM-2015-RafieiT #novel #web- NWSearch 2015: International Workshop on Novel Web Search Interfaces and Systems (DR, KT), pp. 1949–1950.
CIKM-2015-YangCZPBE #adaptation #named #visual notation- PlateClick: Bootstrapping Food Preferences Through an Adaptive Visual Interface (LY, YC, FZ0, JPP, SJB, DE), pp. 183–192.
ECIR-2015-EdwardsKA #design #performance #query- The Impact of Query Interface Design on Stress, Workload and Performance (AE, DK, LA), pp. 691–702.
SEKE-2015-PereiraSA #sql #standard- Endowing NoSQL DBMS with SQL Features Through Standard Call Level Interfaces (ÓMP, DS, RLA), pp. 201–207.
SIGIR-2015-Hoenkamp #interactive #quality- About the “Compromised Information Need” and Optimal Interaction as Quality Measure for Search Interfaces (ECH), pp. 835–838.
SIGIR-2015-ZhangZ #formal method #game studies #information retrieval #interactive #optimisation- Information Retrieval as Card Playing: A Formal Model for Optimizing Interactive Retrieval Interface (YZ, CZ), pp. 685–694.
ECMFA-2015-BhalotiaK #reuse- Reusable Model Interfaces with Instantiation Cardinalities (SB, JK), pp. 108–124.
POPL-2015-Chlipala15a #case study #composition #network #parallel #thread #verification #web- From Network Interface to Multithreaded Web Applications: A Case Study in Modular Program Verification (AC), pp. 609–622.
DAC-2015-LeeHLP #data flow #debugging #information management #performance- Efficient dynamic information flow tracking on a processor with core debug interface (JL, IH, YL, YP), p. 6.
DAC-2015-LiXGWY - Merging the interface: power, area and accuracy co-optimization for RRAM crossbar-based mixed-signal computing system (BL, LX, PG, YW, HY), p. 6.
DAC-2015-NishimiyaSS #evaluation #functional #mockup #modelling #network- Evaluation of functional mock-up interface for vehicle power network modeling (KN, TS, SS), p. 6.
DAC-2015-WangJSX #adaptation #architecture #human-computer- Adaptive compressed sensing architecture in wireless brain-computer interface (AW, ZJ, CS, WX), p. 6.
DATE-2015-KaneYHSS #architecture #realtime- A neural machine interface architecture for real-time artificial lower limb control (JK, QY, RH, WS, MS), pp. 633–636.
PDP-2015-NanriSAMHKTS #communication #memory management #performance- Channel Interface: A Primitive Model for Memory Efficient Communication (TN, TS, YA, YM, HH, TK, TT, SS), pp. 177–181.
ICLP-2015-AriasC #execution #towards- Towards a Generic Interface to Integrate CLP and Tabled Execution (JA, MC), pp. 204–206.
WICSA-2014-SeriaiSSH #component #legacy- Deriving Component Interfaces after a Restructuring of a Legacy System (AS, SS, HAS, SH), pp. 31–40.
SIGMOD-2014-LiJ #database #interactive #named #natural language #query #relational- NaLIR: an interactive natural language interface for querying relational databases (FL, HVJ), pp. 709–712.
VLDB-2015-LiJ14 #database #interactive #natural language #relational- Constructing an Interactive Natural Language Interface for Relational Databases (FL, HVJ), pp. 73–84.
EDM-2014-SchneiderB #gesture #interactive #recognition #student #using- Unraveling Students' Interaction Around a Tangible Interface Using Gesture Recognition (BS, PB), pp. 320–323.
ICSME-2014-RomanoRP #algorithm #refactoring #search-based #using- Refactoring Fat Interfaces Using a Genetic Algorithm (DR, SR, MP), pp. 351–360.
MSR-2014-LemosPZL #automation #code search #query- Thesaurus-based automatic query expansion for interface-driven code search (OALL, ACdP, FCZ, CVL), pp. 212–221.
CHI-PLAY-2014-JonesDMST #design #experience #game studies #pervasive- Designing an immersive and entertaining pervasive gameplay experience with spheros as game and interface elements (BJ, KRD, SAM, ES, AT0), pp. 425–426.
CHI-PLAY-2014-ToupsDB #design #formal method #game studies- A theory of game mechanic signaling for interface design (ZOT, ID, EMB), pp. 445–446.
CIG-2014-Quadflieg - Improvements for the simulated car racing software interface (JQ), pp. 1–2.
CHI-2014-BidwellHD - Measuring operator anticipatory inputs in response to time-delay for teleoperated human-robot interfaces (JB, AH, SD), pp. 1467–1470.
CHI-2014-BroySAS #3d #design #guidelines #prototype #tool support- FrameBox and MirrorBox: tools and guidelines to support designers in prototyping interfaces for 3D displays (NB, SS, FA, AS), pp. 2037–2046.
CHI-2014-EnsFI #effectiveness- The personal cockpit: a spatial interface for effective task switching on head-worn displays (BME, RF, PPI), pp. 3171–3180.
CHI-2014-GarbettCEGO #people #trust- Finding “real people”: trust and diversity in the interface between professional and citizen journalists (ATG, RC, PE, MG, PO), pp. 3015–3024.
CHI-2014-GronvallKPR - Causing commotion with a shape-changing bench: experiencing shape-changing interfaces in use (EG, SK, MGP, MKR), pp. 2559–2568.
CHI-2014-HachisuF #feedback #interactive #named #using- VacuumTouch: attractive force feedback interface for haptic interactive surface using air suction (TH, MF), pp. 411–420.
CHI-2014-HaddadMJ #design #nondeterminism #towards- Interface design for older adults with varying cultural attitudes toward uncertainty (SH, JM, CJ), pp. 1913–1922.
CHI-2014-HamidiB #named #speech- Rafigh: a living media interface for speech intervention (FH, MB), pp. 1817–1820.
CHI-2014-MayG - Collocating interface objects: zooming into maps (JM, TG), pp. 2085–2094.
CHI-2014-PrasadTGH #named- HaptiMoto: turn-by-turn haptic route guidance interface for motorcyclists (MP, PT, DWG, TAH), pp. 3597–3606.
CHI-2014-RobinsonMLGH #design- Canine-centered interface design: supporting the work of diabetes alert dogs (CLR, CM, JvdL, CG, RH), pp. 3757–3766.
CHI-2014-SchaubSHMR0 #interactive #quote #smarttech- “Broken display = broken interface”: the impact of display damage on smartphone interaction (FS, JS, FH, MM, ER, MW), pp. 2337–2346.
CHI-2014-SchwarzMLHM #gesture- Combining body pose, gaze, and gesture to determine intention to interact in vision-based interfaces (JS, CCM, TL, SEH, JM), pp. 3443–3452.
CHI-2014-ZhangGTR - Non-intrusive tongue machine interface (QZ, SG, BT, RPNR), pp. 2555–2558.
DUXU-DI-2014-AlmutairiR - The Role of Avatars in e-Government Interfaces (BA, DR), pp. 28–37.
DUXU-DI-2014-Barros #gesture #interactive #sketching- Extending ActionSketch for New Interaction Styles: Gestural Interfaces and Interactive Environments (GB), pp. 509–520.
DUXU-DI-2014-CamposNNC #paradigm #usability- The Paradigm of Meta-interface as a Facilitator of Websites Usability and Accessibility (FFCC, EVN, MN, WFMC), pp. 81–91.
DUXU-DI-2014-CorreiaBMM #formal method #gesture #metric #semantics- Syntactic/Semantic Formalizations and Metrics of Residential Applications Based on Gestural Interface (ACdCC, PLSB, LCdM, JNM), pp. 521–532.
DUXU-DI-2014-Lin14a #effectiveness #perspective #visual notation- Interface as a Medium: Creating Effective Visual Services through a User-Experiences Perspective (TSL), pp. 455–462.
DUXU-DI-2014-Luz #evolution #experience #game studies #physics- Evolution of the Physical Interfaces in Videogames as a Support to the Narrative and the Gaming Experience (ARdL), pp. 688–698.
DUXU-DI-2014-MullingLC #android #design #gesture #interactive- Gestural Interfaces Touchscreen: Thinking Interactions beyond the Button from Interaction Design for Gmail Android App (TM, CL, AC), pp. 279–288.
DUXU-DI-2014-OrlandiniCB #evaluation #mobile #usability- Ergonomics and Usability in Sound Dimension: Evaluation of a Haptic and Acoustic Interface Application for Mobile Devices (GO, GAC, LMPB), pp. 193–202.
DUXU-DI-2014-RenziF #gesture #interactive #modelling #multi- Affordances and Gestural Interaction on Multi-touch Interface Systems: Building New Mental Models (ABR, SF), pp. 615–623.
DUXU-DI-2014-SpiliotopoulosDK14a #authoring #design #modelling #policy #prototype- Need Driven Prototype Design for a Policy Modeling Authoring Interface (DS, AD, DK), pp. 481–487.
DUXU-DI-2014-WojdziakG #3d #approach #design #modelling- Beyond Perspective — A Model-Based Approach for Camera-Based 3D-Interface Design (JW, RG), pp. 488–498.
DUXU-DI-2014-WuLW #design #interactive- Interface Design for Somatosensory Interaction (QW, XRL, GW), pp. 794–801.
DUXU-DP-2014-AlTaboli #design #visual notation- Further Investigation of the Effects of Font Styles on Perceived Visual Aesthetics of Website Interface Design (AA), pp. 199–207.
DUXU-DP-2014-AncientG #design #people- Considering People Living with Dementia When Designing Interfaces (CA, AG), pp. 113–123.
DUXU-DP-2014-DiasPdS #communication #design #multimodal #named #people- TAC-ACCESS — Technologies to Support Communication from Interfaces Accessible and Multimodal for People with Disabilities and Diversity: Context-Centered Design of Usage (CdOD, LMP, CdCL, EGS), pp. 141–151.
DUXU-DP-2014-GokturkS #approach #development- A Perception Oriented Approach for Usable and Secure Interface Development (MG, IS), pp. 23–31.
DUXU-DP-2014-ItoHN #design #social #using- Throwing a Smile: Using Smile Icons to Design Social Interfaces (KI, SH, SN), pp. 297–307.
DUXU-DP-2014-NascimentoLPR #design #usability- Emotion, Affectivity and Usability in Interface Design (RN, CDL, ALSdP, JGSR), pp. 339–346.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-DysonJ #question #what- Examining the Interfaces to E-journal Articles: What Do Users Expect? (MCD, EMJ), pp. 164–172.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-GoodS #design #health #people #web- Accessing Web Based Health Care and Resources for Mental Health: Interface Design Considerations for People Experiencing Mental Illness (AG, AS), pp. 25–33.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-MustafaMMAAMEBK #development #learning #multi- Rural Area Development through Multi-interface Technology and Virtual Learning System (FuM, AM, SM, SA, UA, SM, HE, TAB, MFK), pp. 442–451.
DUXU-TMT-2014-KulpaA #evaluation #tablet #usability- Evaluation of Tablet PC Application Interfaces with Low Vision Users: Focusing on Usability (CCK, FGA), pp. 273–284.
DUXU-TMT-2014-MedeirosCCR #challenge #design- Challenges in Designing New Interfaces for Musical Expression (RM, FC, GC, GR), pp. 643–652.
DUXU-TMT-2014-NetoC #case study #multimodal #usability- Evaluating the Usability on Multimodal Interfaces: A Case Study on Tablets Applications (EVN, FFCC), pp. 484–495.
HCI-AIMT-2014-AlkhashramiAA #design #learning- Human Factors in the Design of Arabic-Language Interfaces in Assistive Technologies for Learning Difficulties (SA, HA, AAW), pp. 362–369.
HCI-AIMT-2014-AttenbergerB #named- RemoteHand: A Wireless Myoelectric Interface (AA, KB), pp. 3–11.
HCI-AIMT-2014-CarvalhoP14a #design- Interface Design and Dynamic Audio (LRC, ATCP), pp. 523–531.
HCI-AIMT-2014-ErikssonLSSK #question- Can User-Paced, Menu-free Spoken Language Interfaces Improve Dual Task Handling While Driving? (AE, AL, AS, AS, KK), pp. 394–405.
HCI-AIMT-2014-RederMFK #arduino #concept #human-computer #interactive #proving- Neural Interface Emotiv EPOC and Arduino: Brain-Computer Interaction in a Proof of Concept (EER, ARdQM, VRTF, FK), pp. 612–623.
HCI-AIMT-2014-TewsOFK #detection #research- Current and New Research Perspectives on Dynamic Facial Emotion Detection in Emotional Interface (TKT, MO, HF, TK), pp. 779–787.
HCI-AS-2014-BangSKSSWW - Digital Love Letter: A Handwriting Based Interface for Non-instant Digital Messenger (SJB, YS, JDK, KS, CKS, GW, SW), pp. 103–113.
HCI-AS-2014-Fragoso #design- Interface Design Strategies and Disruptions of Gameplay: Notes from a Qualitative Study with First-Person Gamers (SF), pp. 593–603.
HCI-AS-2014-KhokaleA #comprehension #documentation #information retrieval #web- Intelligent Interface for Web Information Retrieval with Document Understanding (RSK, MA), pp. 21–31.
HCI-AS-2014-ZhouXDC #future of #interactive #mobile #past present future- Where Is Mobile Projection Interaction Going? The Past, Present and Future of the Mobile Projected Interface (YZ, TX, BD, RC), pp. 189–198.
HCI-TMT-2014-BatistaUF #adaptation #design #guidelines #process #web- A Model and Guidelines for the Interface Design Process for Adaptive Web Applications (IDPAWA) (CRB, VRU, AMdVF), pp. 387–398.
HCI-TMT-2014-Moran - One Interface, Many Views: A Case for Repeatable Patterns (WM), pp. 340–349.
HCI-TMT-2014-SzklannySWCW #metaprogramming #named #performance- SyncBox — Synchronizer and Interface for High-Speed Macro Photography (KS, AS, PW, SC, AW), pp. 652–661.
HCI-TMT-2014-TiefenbacherBR #architecture #composition #evaluation #industrial #using- Evaluation of Industrial Touch Interfaces Using a Modular Software Architecture (PT, FB, GR), pp. 589–600.
HIMI-AS-2014-CaldwellV - Improving Control Room State Awareness through Complex Sonification Interfaces (BSC, JEV), pp. 317–323.
HIMI-AS-2014-ItaiYM #ambiguity- Soft Interface with the Ambiguity Creation of the Action by Avatar Controller Inducing the Embodiment (SI, TY, YM), pp. 413–422.
HIMI-AS-2014-LinLLL #case study #design #functional #navigation- A Study on the Interface Design of a Functional Menu and Icons for In-Vehicle Navigation Systems (MCL, YHL, CCL, JYL), pp. 261–272.
HIMI-AS-2014-OliveiraAJ #maintenance- Human-Centered Interfaces for Situation Awareness in Maintenance (AO, RBdA, AJ), pp. 193–204.
HIMI-AS-2014-TerwilligerIVL - Advancement and Application of Unmanned Aerial System Human-Machine-Interface (HMI) Technology (BAT, DCI, DAV, DL), pp. 273–283.
HIMI-DE-2014-BannaiKA #education #game studies- Food Practice Shooter: A Serious Game with a Real-World Interface for Nutrition and Dietary Education (YB, TK, NA), pp. 139–147.
HIMI-DE-2014-JungAK #using #web- A Map-Based Web Search Interface Using Point of Interest Aggregation (KJ, SCA, HK), pp. 342–351.
LCT-NLE-2014-UlbrichtBFQ #component #learning #testing #usability- The Emotion Component on Usability Testing Human Computer Interface of an Inclusive Learning Management System (VRU, CHB, LF, SRPdQ), pp. 334–345.
LCT-TRE-2014-Khairuddin #collaboration #design #editing #realtime- Interface Design for a Real-Time Collaborative Editing Tool (NNK), pp. 417–428.
ECIR-2014-CamposDJN #clustering #named #query- GTE-Cluster: A Temporal Search Interface for Implicit Temporal Queries (RC, GD, AMJ, CN), pp. 775–779.
KDD-2014-RadosavljevikP #modelling #predict #scalability- Large scale predictive modeling for micro-simulation of 3G air interface load (DR, PvdP), pp. 1620–1629.
SEKE-2014-GrieblerAF #architecture #evaluation #manycore #parallel #performance #programming #usability- Performance and Usability Evaluation of a Pattern-Oriented Parallel Programming Interface for Multi-Core Architectures (DG, DA, LGF), pp. 25–30.
SIGIR-2014-McMinnTYPSPJ #interactive #twitter #visualisation- An interactive interface for visualizing events on Twitter (AJM, DT, TY, AP, RS, JARP, JMJ), pp. 1271–1272.
SIGIR-2014-WangariZA #case study #multimodal- Discovering real-world use cases for a multimodal math search interface (KDVW, RZ, AA), pp. 947–950.
SPLC-2014-SchroterSTS #product line #programming- Feature-context interfaces: tailored programming interfaces for software product lines (RS, NS, TT, GS), pp. 102–111.
OOPSLA-2014-FeldthausM #correctness #javascript #library #typescript- Checking correctness of TypeScript interfaces for JavaScript libraries (AF, AM), pp. 1–16.
POPL-2014-KilpatrickDJM #haskell #named- Backpack: retrofitting Haskell with interfaces (SK, DD, SLPJ, SM), pp. 19–32.
POPL-2014-MurawskiT #game studies #java #semantics- Game semantics for interface middleweight Java (ASM, NT), pp. 517–528.
ICSE-2014-RibeiroBK #maintenance- Feature maintenance with emergent interfaces (MR, PB, CK), pp. 989–1000.
GPCE-2014-HessGP #automation- Automatic locality-friendly interface extension of numerical functions (BH, TRG, MP), pp. 83–92.
DAC-2014-StoermerT #functional #mockup #standard #using- Powertrain Co-Simulation using AUTOSAR and the Functional Mockup Interface standard (CS, GT), p. 1.
DATE-2014-CastellanaTF #adaptation #configuration management #hybrid #memory management- An adaptive Memory Interface Controller for improving bandwidth utilization of hybrid and reconfigurable systems (VGC, AT, FF), pp. 1–4.
PPoPP-2014-RodriguesJDH #algorithm #clustering #named #programming- Triolet: a programming system that unifies algorithmic skeleton interfaces for high-performance cluster computing (CIR, TBJ, AD, WmWH), pp. 247–258.
FASE-2014-EsmaeilsabzaliMWZ - Dynamic Package Interfaces (SE, RM, TW, DZ), pp. 261–275.
ISSTA-2014-LanzaroNWCS #empirical #fault #injection- An empirical study of injected versus actual interface errors (AL, RN, SW, DC, NS), pp. 397–408.
TAP-2014-KurthSW #constraints #generative #process #testing #theorem proving #uml #using- Generating Test Data from a UML Activity Using the AMPL Interface for Constraint Solvers (FK, SS, SW), pp. 169–186.
ECSA-2013-ChoualiCM #architecture #component #requirements #specification- Specifying System Architecture from SysML Requirements and Component Interfaces (SC, OC, HM), pp. 348–352.
TPDL-2013-DiriyeBTV - The Role of Search Interface Features during Information Seeking (AD, AB, AT, PV), pp. 235–240.
TPDL-2013-KemmanKM #eye tracking #using- Eye Tracking the Use of a Collapsible Facets Panel in a Search Interface (MK, MK, JM), pp. 405–408.
VLDB-2013-JiangMN #database #multi #named #query- GestureQuery: A Multitouch Database Query Interface (LJ, MM, AN), pp. 1342–1345.
VLDB-2013-SametAFLS #database #named #query- PhotoStand: A Map Query Interface for a Database of News Photos (HS, MDA, BCF, MDL, JS), pp. 1350–1353.
ICSM-2013-AbdeenSS #design #how- How We Design Interfaces, and How to Assess It (HA, HAS, OS), pp. 80–89.
DiGRA-2013-Nordvall #design #game studies- The Sightlence Game: Designing a Haptic Computer Game Interface (MN).
DiGRA-2013-WehbeN #analysis #game studies #human-computer #research- An Introduction to EEG Analysis Techniques and Brain-Computer Interfaces for Games User Researchers (RRW, LEN).
VS-Games-2013-LiarokapisVEP #game studies #human-computer- Assessing Brain-Computer Interfaces for Controlling Serious Games (FL, AV, AE, PP), pp. 1–4.
VS-Games-2013-YildirimT #interactive- Antsworld - a Tangible Interface for an Interactive Ant Foraging Simulator (MY, DT), pp. 1–4.
CHI-2013-DruckerFSHs #case study #data analysis #named- TouchViz: a case study comparing two interfaces for data analytics on tablets (SMD, DF, RS, JH, MMCS), pp. 2301–2310.
CHI-2013-Grosse-PuppendahlBKK #proximity #recognition #ubiquitous- Swiss-cheese extended: an object recognition method for ubiquitous interfaces based on capacitive proximity sensing (TAGP, AB, FK, AK), pp. 1401–1410.
CHI-2013-GustafsonRB #comprehension #visual notation- Understanding palm-based imaginary interfaces: the role of visual and tactile cues when browsing (SG, BR, PB), pp. 889–898.
CHI-2013-HuismanHDGH #named #visual notation- LEMtool: measuring emotions in visual interfaces (GH, MvH, EvD, TvdG, DH), pp. 351–360.
CHI-2013-LaputDWCALA #editing #image #multimodal #named- PixelTone: a multimodal interface for image editing (GL, MD, GW, WC, AA, JL, EA), pp. 2185–2194.
CHI-2013-PeckYOJC #using #visualisation- Using fNIRS brain sensing to evaluate information visualization interfaces (EMP, BFY, AO, RJKJ, RC), pp. 473–482.
CHI-2013-ScarrCGM #consistency #performance #robust #testing- Testing the robustness and performance of spatially consistent interfaces (JS, AC, CG, SM), pp. 3139–3148.
CHI-2013-SunLFK0 #architecture #multi #performance #sketching- A multi-touch interface for fast architectural sketching and massing (QS, JL, CWF, SK, YH), pp. 247–256.
CHI-2013-TaylorPIFCCBB #biology- At the interface of biology and computation (AST, NP, SI, JF, BC, CC, SB, DB), pp. 493–502.
CHI-2013-WangESM #chat #comparative #evaluation #multi- A comparative evaluation of multiple chat stream interfaces for information-intensive environments (YW, AE, MS, GM), pp. 2717–2720.
CHI-2013-ZhangBG #interactive #named- SideWays: a gaze interface for spontaneous interaction with situated displays (YZ, AB, HG), pp. 851–860.
CSCW-2013-SaketPHZ #design #effectiveness #mobile- Designing an effective vibration-based notification interface for mobile phones (BS, CP, YH, SZ), pp. 1499–1504.
DHM-HB-2013-GuoCWDL #design #e-commerce- An Interface Design Method for E-commerce Sites’ Homepage Considering Users’ Emotions (FG, YC, MW, YD, LWL), pp. 30–39.
DUXU-CXC-2013-Fei #design #mobile- Designing for a Thumb: An Ideal Mobile Touchscreen Interface for Chinese Users (QF), pp. 44–53.
DUXU-CXC-2013-MurrayHSHR #behaviour #feedback- Avatar Interfaces for Biobehavioral Feedback (TM, DH, DSM, EBH, AR), pp. 424–434.
DUXU-NTE-2013-ArningZM #design #exclamation #framework #guidelines #platform #requirements- Join the Ride! User Requirements and Interface Design Guidelines for a Commuter Carpooling Platform (KA, MZ, HM), pp. 10–19.
DUXU-NTE-2013-Lamontagne #smarttech- Fashioning Embodied Interfaces: Open Wearables Crafting (VL), pp. 296–305.
DUXU-NTE-2013-Osen #design #gesture- Minimal Yet Integral — Designing a Gestural Interface (MO), pp. 383–392.
DUXU-NTE-2013-ShinAH #case study #smarttech- A Pilot Study of the Intuitiveness of Smartphone Camera Interface for Elderly Users (HS, DA, JH), pp. 316–323.
DUXU-NTE-2013-TeixeiraVDNRS #artificial reality #development- Strategy for the Development of a Walk-In-Place Interface for Virtual Reality (LT, EV, ED, PN, FR, FMdS), pp. 419–426.
DUXU-PMT-2013-FebrettiLSJKW #component #evaluation #protocol- A Component-Based Evaluation Protocol for Clinical Decision Support Interfaces (AF, KDL, JS, AEJ, GMK, DJW), pp. 232–241.
DUXU-PMT-2013-Flanagan #feedback #how- Haptic Interface Aesthetics — “Feedback Loops, Live Coding and How to Harness the Potential of Embodied Estrangement in Artistic Practices and Aesthetic Theories within Interface Culture” (PJF), pp. 58–67.
DUXU-PMT-2013-FlanaganV - Future Fashion — At the Interface (PJF, KFCV), pp. 48–57.
DUXU-PMT-2013-Islam13a #towards #web- Towards Determinants of User-Intuitive Web Interface Signs (MNI), pp. 84–93.
DUXU-PMT-2013-KulpaTS #usability- A Color Model in the Usability of Computer Interface Applied to Users with Low Vision (CCK, FGT, RPdS), pp. 330–339.
DUXU-WM-2013-InoueHSAFY #concept #design #process- Developing a Concept Interface Design of ATM Systems Based on Human-Centred Design Processes (SI, HH, TS, HA, YF, KY), pp. 506–514.
DUXU-WM-2013-LoLC #design #effectiveness #named #process- dJOE: design Jigsaw On sitE — A Computational Interface of Displacing Ideas in the Design Productive Process (CHNL, ICL, TWC), pp. 402–407.
DUXU-WM-2013-Lopez-OrnelasAZ #question #web #why- Geospatial Web Interfaces, Why Are They So “Complicated”? (ÉLO, RAM, JSZH), pp. 231–237.
DUXU-WM-2013-MeloSCC #evaluation #human-computer #people #visual notation #web- Ergonomic Evaluation of Websites Focusing on the Human-Computer Interface so as to Improve Access to the Web Especially by People with Visual Disabilities (ARM, MMS, FC, WC), pp. 257–264.
DUXU-WM-2013-SpiliotopoulosBKST #design #retrieval #social #testing #usability #web- Usability Design and Testing of an Interface for Search and Retrieval of Social Web Data (DS, RB, GK, PS, DT), pp. 575–580.
DUXU-WM-2013-Zahabi #online #research #student #tool support- Exploring Information-Triage: Speculative Interface Tools to Help College Students Conduct Online Research (LZ), pp. 611–620.
HCI-AMTE-2013-AkiyoshiT #estimation #eye tracking #framework #learning #using- An Estimation Framework of a User Learning Curve on Web-Based Interface Using Eye Tracking Equipment (MA, HT), pp. 159–165.
HCI-AMTE-2013-AlTaboli #design #visual notation- Investigating the Effects of Font Styles on Perceived Visual Aesthetics of Website Interface Design (AA), pp. 549–554.
HCI-AMTE-2013-FearyBCHLSS #design #evaluation #safety- Linking Context to Evaluation in the Design of Safety Critical Interfaces (MF, DB, XC, AH, RLL, LS, SPS), pp. 193–202.
HCI-AMTE-2013-IglesiasT #component #design #reuse #visual notation- Visual Interfaces Design Simplification through Components Reuse (JRI, PMTF), pp. 441–450.
HCI-AMTE-2013-LoriteMTPP #design- Supervisory Control Interface Design for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles through GEDIS-UAV (SL, AM, JT, PP, EP), pp. 231–240.
HCI-AMTE-2013-Teixeira-FariaI #component #design #prototype #specification- An Interface Prototyper Supporting Free Design Components Specification (PMTF, JRI), pp. 490–499.
HCI-AS-2013-Harris #speech- Emotion and Emotion Regulation Considerations for Speech-Based In-Vehicle Interfaces (HH), pp. 571–577.
HCI-AS-2013-HuangC13a #education #learning #music #self #visualisation- Sound to Sight: The Effects of Self-generated Visualization on Music Sight-Singing as an Alternate Learning Interface for Music Education within a Web-Based Environment (YTH, CNC), pp. 386–390.
HCI-AS-2013-KosnikH #data transformation #design #framework #health #monitoring- Design and Interface Considerations for Web-Enabled Data Management in Civil Infrastructure Health Monitoring (DEK, LJH), pp. 107–116.
HCI-AS-2013-KuHCHK #design- Ergonomics Design on Expert Convenience of Voice-Based Interface for Vehicle’s AV Systems (PYK, SLH, HCC, JYH, CCK), pp. 606–611.
HCI-AS-2013-ParthasarathyF - Introducing Emotional Interfaces to Healthcare Systems (RP, XF), pp. 150–162.
HCI-AS-2013-YamaguchiSYNSM - Zoom Interface with Dynamic Thumbnails Providing Learners with Companionship through Videostreaming (TY, HS, MY, YN, HS, TM), pp. 521–528.
HCI-III-2013-AnKK #development #usability #using- Development of a Virtual Keyboard System Using a Bio-signal Interface and Preliminary Usability Test (KOA, DHK, JK), pp. 3–9.
HCI-III-2013-LinWWJ #for free #human-computer #mobile- A Mobile Brain-Computer Interface for Freely Moving Humans (YPL, YW, CSW, TPJ), pp. 448–453.
HCI-III-2013-ShenCJ #design #energy #evaluation- Design and Evaluation of Eco-feedback Interfaces to Support Location-Based Services for Individual Energy Awareness and Conservation (YTS, PCC, TJ), pp. 132–140.
HCI-IMT-2013-FroehlichLS #taxonomy- The Language of Motion: A Taxonomy for Interface (EF, BL, HS), pp. 668–677.
HCI-IMT-2013-GaoIMM - Study of Eye-Glance Input Interface (DG, NI, TM, KM), pp. 225–234.
HCI-IMT-2013-HenschenL #design #network- A Web-Based Interface for a System That Designs Sensor Networks (LJH, JCL), pp. 688–697.
HCI-IMT-2013-KarunanayakaSENG - Magnetic Field Based Near Surface Haptic and Pointing Interface (KK, SS, CPE, RN, GP), pp. 601–609.
HCI-IMT-2013-MurataHMH #case study #using- Study on Character Input Methods Using Eye-gaze Input Interface (AM, KH, MM, TH), pp. 320–329.
HCI-IMT-2013-MurataHO #estimation- Proposal of Estimation Method of Stable Fixation Points for Eye-gaze Input Interface (AM, TH, KO), pp. 330–339.
HCI-IMT-2013-MurataHS #video- Effect of Unresponsive Time for User’s Touch Action of Selecting an Icon on the Video Mirror Interface (KM, MH, YS), pp. 462–468.
HCI-IMT-2013-NoguchiKSSOYST #evaluation #multi- Evaluation of a Soft-Surfaced Multi-touch Interface (AN, TK, AS, YS, TO, TY, BS, JT), pp. 469–478.
HCI-IMT-2013-RigasA13a #communication #speech- Investigating the Impact of Combining Speech and Earcons to Communicate Information in E-government Interfaces (DR, BA), pp. 23–31.
HCI-IMT-2013-RyuLYL #gesture- Conditions of Applications, Situations and Functions Applicable to Gesture Interface (TR, JL, MHY, JHL), pp. 368–377.
HCI-UC-2013-AhnK #design- Interface Design for Minimizing Loss of Context in In-situ Remote Robot Control (JgA, GJK), pp. 87–96.
HCI-UC-2013-HsiehH - The Effect of Information Quantity on Cbp Interface in the Advanced Nuclear Power Plant (MCH, SLH), pp. 166–173.
HCI-UC-2013-ItouTM #communication #development #using- Development of Communication Support System at Mealtimes Using Tabletop Interface (JI, ST, JM), pp. 174–182.
HIMI-D-2013-ChangSCH #design #layout #on the #performance #topic- On the Reading Performance of Text Layout, Switch Position, Topic of Text, and Luminance Contrast for Chinese E-books Interface Design (WTC, LHS, ZC, KCH), pp. 567–575.
HIMI-D-2013-HungCLC #human-computer #novel #web- A Novel Human-Computer Interface for Browsing Web Data by Leaping Up Web Pages (CLH, CC, CCL, HCC), pp. 197–202.
HIMI-HSM-2013-CastronovoMM #what- What, Where, and When? Intelligent Presentation Management for Automotive Human Machine Interfaces and Its Application (SC, AM, CAM), pp. 460–469.
HIMI-HSM-2013-MoreiraB #automation- A Semiotic Based Method for Evaluating Automated Cockpit Interfaces (WM, RB), pp. 530–539.
HIMI-HSM-2013-SakuradaH #physics #using- A New Presence Display System Using Physical Interface Running on IP-Phones (TS, YH), pp. 411–420.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-BarotH #implementation #lifecycle- Lifecycle Support of Automotive Manufacturing Systems through a Next-Generation Operator Interface Implementation (VB, RH), pp. 277–286.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-HadhrawiNAS #collaboration #framework #named #platform- CoPI: A Web-Based Collaborative Planning Interface Platform (MKH, MN, AA, AS), pp. 287–296.
EDOC-2013-AlyCEM #multi #named- XPoints: Extension Interfaces for Multilayered Applications (MA, AC, SE, MM), pp. 237–246.
ICEIS-v3-2013-LambeckKG #case study #design #enterprise #overview #testing- Discovering Potentials in Enterprise Interface Design — A Review of Our Latest Case Studies in the Enterprise Domain (CL, DK, RG), pp. 99–104.
ECIR-2013-MorenoD #clustering #image #mobile #using #web- Using Text-Based Web Image Search Results Clustering to Minimize Mobile Devices Wasted Space-Interface (JGM, GD), pp. 532–544.
SIGIR-2013-BronGNBR #multi- Aggregated search interface preferences in multi-session search tasks (MB, JvG, FN, LBB, MdR), pp. 123–132.
SIGIR-2013-VoS #interactive #named- Spacious: an interactive mental search interface (PDV, HS), pp. 1081–1082.
PADL-2013-CanisiusAW #database #named #prolog- proSQLite: Prolog File Based Databases via an SQLite Interface (SC, NA, LW), pp. 222–227.
RE-2013-DietrichA #requirements- A mode-based pattern for feature requirements, and a generic feature interface (DD, JMA), pp. 82–91.
REFSQ-2013-CallelePW #identification #requirements #risk management- Risk Identification at the Interface between Business Case and Requirements (DC, BP, KW), pp. 253–268.
ESEC-FSE-2013-JensenMS #automation #javascript #testing #web- Server interface descriptions for automated testing of JavaScript web applications (CSJ, AM, ZS), pp. 510–520.
SAC-2013-FranzMN #3d #assessment- Assessment of a user centered interface for teleoperation and 3D environments (JF, AM, LPN), pp. 953–960.
SAC-2013-SilvaC #exception #java- New exception interfaces for Java-like languages (TBLS, FC), pp. 1661–1666.
CASE-2013-ZhangPJST #energy #monitoring #scalability #using- A secure and scalable telemonitoring system using ultra-low-energy wireless sensor interface for long-term monitoring in life science applications (WZ, PP, EJ, RS, KT), pp. 617–622.
DATE-2013-DaneshtalabEPT #manycore #named #network- CARS: congestion-aware request scheduler for network interfaces in NoC-based manycore systems (MD, ME, JP, HT), pp. 1048–1051.
DATE-2013-KleefMLMTBSM #multi- Cyborg insects, neural interfaces and other things: building interfaces between the synthetic and the multicellular (JVK, TM, PL, RM, RT, TB, HS, MMM), p. 1546.
DATE-2013-RethyDSDG #network #power management- A low-power and low-voltage BBPLL-based sensor interface in 130nm CMOS for wireless sensor networks (JVR, HD, VDS, WD, GGEG), pp. 1431–1435.
DATE-2013-SparsoKS #network- An area-efficient network interface for a TDM-based network-on-chip (JS, EK, MS), pp. 1044–1047.
HPCA-2013-LiZL13a #energy #memory management- Exploring high-performance and energy proportional interface for phase change memory systems (ZL, RZ, TL), pp. 210–221.
ISSTA-2013-HowarGR #analysis #generative #hybrid #learning- Hybrid learning: interface generation through static, dynamic, and symbolic analysis (FH, DG, ZR), pp. 268–279.
TPDL-2012-KhooTBALM #documentation #library #repository #semantics #towards- Towards Digital Repository Interoperability: The Document Indexing and Semantic Tagging Interface for Libraries (DISTIL) (MK, DT, CB, EGA, XL, DM), pp. 439–444.
ITiCSE-2012-Johnson #automation #consistency #generative #named #testing- SpecCheck: automated generation of tests for interface conformance (CJ), pp. 186–191.
CHI-2012-BoonsukGK #video- The impact of three interfaces for 360-degree video on spatial cognition (WB, SBG, JWK), pp. 2579–2588.
CHI-2012-DixonFW #analysis #using #visual notation- A general-purpose target-aware pointing enhancement using pixel-level analysis of graphical interfaces (MD, JF, JOW), pp. 3167–3176.
CHI-2012-FourneyLMT #documentation #exclamation #online #quote- “Then click ok!”: extracting references to interface elements in online documentation (AF, BL, RM, MAT), pp. 35–38.
CHI-2012-NguyenNL #navigation #summary #video- Video summagator: an interface for video summarization and navigation (CN, YN, FL), pp. 647–650.
CHI-2012-NobaranyORCMM #design #metric #ranking #rating- The design space of opinion measurement interfaces: exploring recall support for rating and ranking (SN, LO, VKR, CHC, JM, TM), pp. 2035–2044.
CHI-2012-RasmussenPPH #design #open science #overview #research- Shape-changing interfaces: a review of the design space and open research questions (MKR, EWP, MGP, KH), pp. 735–744.
CAiSE-2012-BoerLBGAGTBAA #distributed #information management #named- RadioMarché: Distributed Voice- and Web-Interfaced Market Information Systems under Rural Conditions (VdB, PDL, AB, NBG, CvA, CG, WT, SB, MA, HA), pp. 518–532.
ICEIS-J-2012-BabaianL12a #automation- Composing Interface Demonstrations Automatically from Usage Logs (TB, WTL), pp. 376–392.
ICEIS-v1-2012-PrenzelR #design #human-computer #scheduling- Design of Human-computer Interfaces in Scheduling Applications (AP, GR), pp. 219–228.
ICEIS-v3-2012-BrixiKN #human-computer #research #usability- Computer-Brain Interface Device Experimental Research — Study of Ergonomy and Usability in Business Environment (RB, JK, PN), pp. 86–90.
ECIR-2012-KreuzerSKS #image #interactive #retrieval #sketching- An Interactive Paper and Digital Pen Interface for Query-by-Sketch Image Retrieval (RK, MS, IAK, HS), pp. 317–328.
ICPR-2012-HirokiPS #animation #development- A puppet interface for the development of an intuitive computer animation system (NH, NP, MS), pp. 3136–3139.
KEOD-2012-FreibergP #named- iTree: Skill-building User-centered Clarification Consultation Interfaces (MF, FP), pp. 137–142.
SEKE-2012-BoaratiP #design #guidelines #identification- Identification Guidelines for the Design of Interfaces in the context of ECAs and ADHD (SRSB, CSAP), pp. 594–598.
SEKE-2012-ChavesDMNF #semantics- Semantic Interfaces Discovery Server (LMC, JRVD, BdAM, JCCN, PPMF), pp. 80–87.
SEKE-2012-DamianiV #automation #diagrams #generative #interactive #web- Automatic Generation of Web Interfaces from User Interaction Diagrams (FBD, PV), pp. 605–610.
SIGIR-2012-AzzopardiDMG #named- MaSe: create your own mash-up search interface (LA, DD, KAM, RG), p. 1008.
SIGIR-2012-BronGNRVL #research- A subjunctive exploratory search interface to support media studies researchers (MB, JvG, FN, MdR, AV, SdL), pp. 425–434.
SIGIR-2012-KabaryS #image #similarity #sketching- Sketch-based image similarity search with a pen and paper interface (IAK, HS), p. 1014.
Onward-2012-Schachman #programming- Alternative programming interfaces for alternative programmers (TS), pp. 1–10.
SAS-2012-GiannakopoulouRR #component #learning- Symbolic Learning of Component Interfaces (DG, ZR, VR), pp. 248–264.
ASE-2012-BissyandeRLM #automation #debugging #generative #kernel #linux #named- Diagnosys: automatic generation of a debugging interface to the Linux kernel (TFB, LR, JLL, GM), pp. 60–69.
SAC-2012-FahmyRJ #implementation #kernel #linux #programming #realtime #scheduling #thread- Implementing distributable real-time threads in the Linux kernel: programming interface and scheduling support (SFF, BR, EDJ), pp. 1771–1778.
ASPLOS-2012-KingDA #automation #generative #hardware- Automatic generation of hardware/software interfaces (MK, ND, A), pp. 325–336.
CASE-2012-YamamotoD #learning- Robot interface learning user-defined voice instructions (DY, MD), pp. 926–929.
CGO-2012-LueckPP #debugging #named- PinADX: an interface for customizable debugging with dynamic instrumentation (GL, HP, CP), pp. 114–123.
DAC-2012-ForoutanSP #3d #low cost #using- Cost-efficient buffer sizing in shared-memory 3D-MPSoCs using wide I/O interfaces (SF, AS, FP), pp. 366–375.
DAC-2012-HuangLWT - A non-intrusive timing synchronization interface for hardware-assisted HW/SW co-simulation (YHH, YSL, HIW, RST), pp. 127–132.
DAC-2012-KelleyWSRH - Removing overhead from high-level interfaces (KK, MW, JPS, SR, MH), pp. 783–789.
DATE-2012-KimA - On-chip source synchronous interface timing test scheme with calibration (HK, JAA), pp. 1146–1149.
OSDI-2012-HanMCR #named #network #programming #scalability- MegaPipe: A New Programming Interface for Scalable Network I/O (SH, SM, BGC, SR), pp. 135–148.
PDP-2012-PellegriniPF #c++ #lightweight- A Lightweight C++ Interface to MPI (SP, RP, TF), pp. 3–10.
ECSA-2011-PereiraAS #component #reuse- A Reusable Business Tier Component with a Single Wide Range Static Interface (ÓMP, RLA, MYS), pp. 216–219.
ICDAR-2011-WeberLSSSD #detection #evaluation #multi #online- MCS for Online Mode Detection: Evaluation on Pen-Enabled Multi-touch Interfaces (MW, ML, YTHS, CS, FS, AD), pp. 957–961.
JCDL-2011-ButcherDCDZ #effectiveness #evaluation #library #visual notation- Do graphical search interfaces support effective search for and evaluation of digital library resources (KRB, SD, AC, AD, RZZ), pp. 315–324.
SIGMOD-2011-JinMZD #database #named #web- MOBIES: mobile-interface enhancement service for hidden web database (XJ, AM, NZ, GD), pp. 1263–1266.
SIGMOD-2011-KashyapP #agile #dataset #development #query #xml- Rapid development of web-based query interfacesfor XML datasets with QURSED (AK, MP), pp. 1339–1342.
TPDL-2011-ShiriRDBF #evaluation #library #multi #visual notation- An Evaluation of Thesaurus-Enhanced Visual Interfaces for Multilingual Digital Libraries (AS, SR, LD, MB, CF), pp. 236–243.
ITiCSE-2011-GarciaMGH #learning #unification- A system for usable unification of interfaces of learning objects in m-learning (EG, LdM, AGC, JRH), p. 347.
CSMR-2011-Balloul #lifecycle- Management of the Interfaces during Their Life Cycle in a System Landscape (LB), pp. 385–388.
ICSM-2011-RomanoP #java #metric #predict #source code #using- Using source code metrics to predict change-prone Java interfaces (DR, MP), pp. 303–312.
IFM-J-2009-SchneiderT11 #csp #refinement- Changing system interfaces consistently: A new refinement strategy for CSP||B (SS, HT), pp. 837–860.
FDG-2011-Lotte #3d #game studies #human-computer #question- Brain-computer interfaces for 3D games: hype or hope? (FL), pp. 325–327.
CHI-2011-DixonLF #reverse engineering- Content and hierarchy in pixel-based methods for reverse engineering interface structure (MD, DL, JF), pp. 969–978.
CHI-2011-DongHK #performance- Entity-linking interfaces in user-contributed content: preference and performance (XD, FMH, JAK), pp. 2187–2196.
CHI-2011-GabrielliSMMM #behaviour #feedback #named- BeeParking: feedback interfaces for collective behavior change (SG, AS, JM, MM, OM), pp. 2145–2148.
CHI-2011-GiustiZGW #collaboration- Dimensions of collaboration on a tabletop interface for children with autism spectrum disorder (LG, MZ, EG, PL(W), pp. 3295–3304.
CHI-2011-GrandhiJM #comprehension #gesture- Understanding naturalness and intuitiveness in gesture production: insights for touchless gestural interfaces (SAG, GJ, IM), pp. 821–824.
CHI-2011-GrossYK #named #visual notation- Dinah: an interface to assist non-programmers with selecting program code causing graphical output (PAG, JY, CK), pp. 3397–3400.
CHI-2011-HirshfieldGHHRWWJ #functional #testing #usability- This is your brain on interfaces: enhancing usability testing with functional near-infrared spectroscopy (LMH, RG, SHH, SWH, MR, RW, TW, RJKJ), pp. 373–382.
CHI-2011-JakobsenH #overview #visualisation- Sizing up visualizations: effects of display size in focus+context, overview+detail, and zooming interfaces (MRJ, KH), pp. 1451–1460.
CHI-2011-KandoganKMP #how #problem- How a freeform spatial interface supports simple problem solving tasks (EK, JK, TPM, PP), pp. 925–934.
CHI-2011-KimS #community #health #online #using- Using interface cues in online health community boards to change impressions and encourage user contribution (HSK, SSS), pp. 599–608.
CHI-2011-LiuSII #multi #named #sketching- Roboshop: multi-layered sketching interface for robot housework assignment and management (KL, DS, MI, TI), pp. 647–656.
CHI-2011-MarshallMRKD #approach #how #multi- Rethinking “multi-user”: an in-the-wild study of how groups approach a walk-up-and-use tabletop interface (PM, RM, YR, SK, MD), pp. 3033–3042.
CHI-2011-NiBN #gesture #named- AirStroke: bringing unistroke text entry to freehand gesture interfaces (TN, DAB, CN), pp. 2473–2476.
CHI-2011-PedersenH #interactive- Tangible bots: interaction with active tangibles in tabletop interfaces (EWP, KH), pp. 2975–2984.
CHI-2011-QuekBWMTPST #design #development #human-computer #interactive #simulation #social- Simulating the feel of brain-computer interfaces for design, development and social interaction (MQ, DB, JW, RMS, MT, SP, MS, MT), pp. 25–28.
CHI-2011-RobinsonRJJSN #mobile #named #towards- TapBack: towards richer mobile interfaces in impoverished contexts (SR, NR, MJ, AJ, SS, AAN), pp. 2733–2736.
CHI-2011-SunFH #interactive #multi #sketching- An interactive multi-touch sketching interface for diffusion curves (QS, CWF, YH), pp. 1611–1614.
CHI-2011-Vazquez-AlvarezB #mobile #multi- Eyes-free multitasking: the effect of cognitive load on mobile spatial audio interfaces (YVA, SAB), pp. 2173–2176.
CHI-2011-YoderS #facebook #identification #social- Identifying social capital in the facebook interface (CY, FS), pp. 585–588.
DUXU-v1-2011-ChellaliBBZ #multi #video- Interface for Multi-robots Based Video Coverage (RC, EB, KB, MZ), pp. 203–210.
DUXU-v1-2011-Hsu #case study #design- A Study of Interface Design Method on Crossing Media-Dimension (HPH), pp. 247–255.
DUXU-v1-2011-KimLML #collaboration #design #generative #idea #process- Developing Idea Generation for the Interface Design Process with Mass Collaboration System (DK, SSL, SM, KPL), pp. 69–76.
DUXU-v1-2011-TurnerC #question- Phone Use and Aging: Do Spatial Interface Metaphors Help? (MT, RC), pp. 678–686.
DUXU-v2-2011-ChenL11a #2d #3d #design #evaluation #using- Design and Evaluation of the Customized Product Color Combination Interfaces Using 3D Model and 2D Illustration Display (CYC, YJL), pp. 269–275.
DUXU-v2-2011-DahlS #case study #composition #smarttech #usability- End-User Composition Interfaces for Smart Environments: A Preliminary Study of Usability Factors (YD, RMS), pp. 118–127.
DUXU-v2-2011-LeiZLC #usability- Influencing Mechanism of Apparent Space Dimensions on Interface Aesthetics and Apparent Usability (TL, YZ, XL, XC), pp. 588–597.
DUXU-v2-2011-ReilyB #gesture- Applying Gestural Interfaces to Command-and-Control (TR, MB), pp. 187–194.
DUXU-v2-2011-Sauter #approach #mobile #towards- Implied Aesthetics: A Sensor-Based Approach towards Mobile Interfaces (DS), pp. 645–654.
HCD-2011-FujitaK #design #development #mobile- Design and Development of Eyes- and Hands-Free Voice Interface for Mobile Phone (KF, TK), pp. 207–216.
HCD-2011-PommeranzWJ #composition #design #elicitation #evaluation #towards- Towards Compositional Design and Evaluation of Preference Elicitation Interfaces (AP, PW, CMJ), pp. 586–596.
HCI-DDA-2011-AlTaboliL #design #metric #visual notation- Objective and Subjective Measures of Visual Aesthetics of Website Interface Design: The Two Sides of the Coin (AA, YL), pp. 35–44.
HCI-DDA-2011-FeuerstackP #execution #modelling #multimodal- Building Multimodal Interfaces Out of Executable, Model-Based Interactors and Mappings (SF, EBP), pp. 221–228.
HCI-DDA-2011-GoncalvesS #agile #development #named #prototype- POLVO — Software for Prototyping of Low-Fidelity Interfaces in Agile Development (JG, CS), pp. 63–71.
HCI-DDA-2011-PeregoTGA #evaluation #human-computer- Psychometric Evaluation with Brain-Computer Interface (PP, ACT, CG, GA), pp. 406–413.
HCI-ITE-2011-AsanOPM #case study #design #scalability- Designing a Better Morning: A Study on Large Scale Touch Interface Design (OA, MO, DP, ENHM), pp. 13–22.
HCI-ITE-2011-CarrinoTMKI #approach #multimodal- Head-Computer Interface: A Multimodal Approach to Navigate through Real and Virtual Worlds (FC, JT, EM, OAK, RI), pp. 222–230.
HCI-ITE-2011-ChoiHK #3d #estimation #gesture #using- 3D-Position Estimation for Hand Gesture Interface Using a Single Camera (SHC, JHH, JHK), pp. 231–237.
HCI-ITE-2011-EdlingerHG #human-computer #hybrid #smarttech- A Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface for Smart Home Control (GE, CH, CG), pp. 417–426.
HCI-ITE-2011-JayaramanB #using- Uni-model Human System Interface Using sEMG (SJ, VB), pp. 446–453.
HCI-ITE-2011-JiangCL #performance- Musical Skin: A Dynamic Interface for Musical Performance (HJ, TWC, CLL), pp. 53–61.
HCI-ITE-2011-MurataKMST #design #visualisation- Design of Shadows on the OHP Metaphor-Based Presentation Interface Which Visualizes a Presenter’s Actions (YM, KK, TM, BS, JT), pp. 557–564.
HCI-ITE-2011-NakaI #3d #communication #gesture #using- Web-Based Nonverbal Communication Interface Using 3DAgents with Natural Gestures (TN, TI), pp. 565–574.
HCI-ITE-2011-ParkAK #interactive #mobile- Gaze-Directed Hands-Free Interface for Mobile Interaction (GsP, JgA, GJK), pp. 304–313.
HCI-ITE-2011-TakedaMMA - A Tabletop-Based Real-World-Oriented Interface (HT, HM, MM, DKA), pp. 133–139.
HCI-ITE-2011-TanakaMK #case study #human-computer #interactive #multi- Experimental Study on Appropriate Reality of Agents as a Multi-modal Interface for Human-Computer Interaction (KT, TM, KK), pp. 613–622.
HCI-MIIE-2011-CharissisPMA #evaluation #prototype- Evaluation of Collision Avoidance Prototype Head-Up Display Interface for Older Drivers (VC, SP, LMM, SA), pp. 367–375.
HCI-MIIE-2011-Edlin-WhiteCDFLR #adaptation #challenge- Accessibility for Older Users through Adaptive Interfaces: Opportunities, Challenges and Achievements (REW, SC, MD, AF, SL, JckhR), pp. 483–489.
HCI-MIIE-2011-IchiyanagiCKO - A Haptic Emotional Model for Audio System Interface (YI, EWC, VVK, HO), pp. 535–542.
HCI-MIIE-2011-LinW #evaluation #performance- Evaluation of Wayfinding Performance and Workload on Electronic Map Interface (YLL, CHW), pp. 311–320.
HCI-MIIE-2011-ParkCKK #multimodal #optimisation- Multimodal Interface for Driving-Workload Optimization (HP, JC, HJK, KhK), pp. 452–461.
HCI-UA-2011-BeheshtiL #people- An Interface for Opportunistic Discovery of Information for Young People (JB, AL), pp. 541–548.
HCI-UA-2011-BiswasL - Investigating the Accessibility of Program Selection Menus of a Digital TV Interface (PB, PL), pp. 425–434.
HCI-UA-2011-LargeB #comparison #retrieval #using #visualisation- A Comparison of Children’s and Adults’ Retrieval Performances and Affective Reactions When Using a Conventional Interface and an Information Visualization Interface (AL, JB), pp. 590–598.
HCI-UA-2011-NisimuraMKKI #automation #development #identification #recognition #speech- Development of Web-Based Voice Interface to Identify Child Users Based on Automatic Speech Recognition System (RN, SM, LK, HK, TI), pp. 607–616.
HIMI-v1-2011-ChiabrandoFGLL #configuration management #ontology- Dynamic Interface Reconfiguration Based on Different Ontological Relations (EC, RF, PG, SL, IL), pp. 538–547.
HIMI-v1-2011-MoriTK #adaptation #design- Design of Vibration Alert Interface Based on Tactile Adaptation Model to Vibration Stimulation (YM, TT, SK), pp. 462–469.
HIMI-v1-2011-ZhouDHY #industrial #tool support- A Human Interface Toolkit for Developing Operation Support System of Complex Industrial Systems with IVI-COM Technology (YZ, YD, XH, HY), pp. 82–89.
HIMI-v2-2011-ChanST #design- Developing Optimum Interface Design for On-Screen Chinese Proofreading Tasks (AHSC, JCYS, SNHT), pp. 3–10.
HIMI-v2-2011-ProctorV #design #interactive #overview #perspective #web- Designing Web Sites and Interfaces to Optimize Successful User Interactions: Symposium Overview (RWP, KPLV), pp. 62–65.
HIMI-v2-2011-TsaiY #evaluation- Interface Evaluation of Web-Based e-Picture Books in Taiwan (PsT, MlY), pp. 94–102.
HIMI-v2-2011-YamaguchiKH - Balance Ball Interface for Performing Arts (TY, TK, SH), pp. 440–445.
IDGD-2011-HwangY #multi- Accommodating Both Expert Users and Novice Users in One Interface by Utilizing Multi-layer Interface in Complex Function Products (TKPH, HYY), pp. 159–165.
OCSC-2011-CarstensG #network #privacy #question #social- Is Your Social Networking Privacy Reliant on Intuitive Interfaces? (DSC, VG), pp. 309–318.
OCSC-2011-OhiraMM #communication #interactive #named #online #visual notation- CICRO: An Interactive Visual Interface for Crowd Communication Online (MO, HM, KiM), pp. 251–260.
OCSC-2011-TakaiOM #quality- Effects of a Synchronized Scoring Interface on Musical Quality (YT, MO, KiM), pp. 363–372.
ICEIS-v2-2011-BajwaNCA #modelling #natural language- A Controlled Natural Language Interface to Class Models (ISB, MAN, AAC, SA), pp. 102–110.
ICEIS-v4-2011-AbramowiczBDFK #semantics #web- Web Interface for Semantically Enabled Experts Finding System (WA, EB, JD, AF, MK), pp. 291–296.
ICEIS-v4-2011-SinghW #adaptation #design #enterprise #resource management- The Design of Adaptive Interfaces for Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (AS, JW), pp. 281–286.
CIKM-2011-YamamotoNT #named #ranking- RerankEverything: a reranking interface for exploring search results (TY, SN, KT), pp. 1913–1916.
KEOD-2011-Ylisaukko-ojaHKSV #semantics- Semantic Interface for Resource Constrained Wireless Sensors (AYo, PH, JK, JPS, EV), pp. 505–511.
RecSys-2011-Chen #design #interactive #recommendation #social- Interface and interaction design for group and social recommender systems (YC), pp. 363–366.
SEKE-2011-VilkomirKT #algorithm #case study #testing #using- Interface Testing Using a Subgraph Splitting Algorithm: A Case Study (SV, AAK, NT), pp. 219–224.
OOPSLA-2011-LiT #exception #java #named- JET: exception checking in the Java native interface (SL, GT), pp. 345–358.
AdaEurope-2011-ChilAOP #ada #using- Using Robotics as a Motivational Tool: An Ada Interface to a Pioneer Robot (RC, DA, FJO, JAP), pp. 147–159.
ASE-2011-LiXBLM #formal method #hardware #specification- Formalizing hardware/software interface specifications (JL, FX, TB, VL, CM), pp. 143–152.
ESEC-FSE-2011-InostrozaTB #aspect-oriented #composition #reasoning #source code- Join point interfaces for modular reasoning in aspect-oriented programs (MI, ÉT, EB), pp. 508–511.
GTTSE-2011-PfeifferW #component- Tengi Interfaces for Tracing between Heterogeneous Components (RHP, AW), pp. 431–447.
ICSE-2011-BianculliGP #composition- Interface decomposition for service compositions (DB, DG, CSP), pp. 501–510.
ICSE-2011-StengelFAFKD #development #feature model #infinity- View infinity: a zoomable interface for feature-oriented software development (MS, MF, SA, JF, CK, RD), pp. 1031–1033.
SAC-2011-PorresR #behaviour #modelling #rest #uml #web #web service- Modeling behavioral RESTful web service interfaces in UML (IP, IR), pp. 1598–1605.
SAC-2011-QueirozGRGQ #diagrams #education #interactive- Effects of scaffoldings on interactive diagram constructions in educational interface for elementary school teachers training (AEdMQ, ASG, CR, AG, SSdQ), pp. 1212–1213.
SAC-2011-ShiC #authoring #data access #natural language #policy- A controlled natural language interface for authoring access control policies (LLS, DWC), pp. 1524–1530.
DAC-2011-LiLWCDCHCLHHMBWTWKHC #low cost #testing- A low-cost wireless interface with no external antenna and crystal oscillator for cm-range contactless testing (CFL, CYL, CHW, SLC, LMD, CCC, HJH, MYC, JJL, SYH, PCH, HPM, JCB, CWW, CCT, CHW, YSK, CTH, TYC), pp. 771–776.
DATE-2011-LopezMBPGE #design #process #programmable- Systematic design of a programmable low-noise CMOS neural interface for cell activity recording (CML, SM, CB, RP, GGEG, WE), pp. 818–823.
DATE-2011-VissersNN #realtime #synthesis #tool support #using- Building real-time HDTV applications in FPGAs using processors, AXI interfaces and high level synthesis tools (KAV, SN, JN), pp. 848–850.
DATE-2011-ZhangHYG #case study #reliability- Case study: Alleviating hotspots and improving chip reliability via carbon nanotube thermal interface (WZ, JH, SY, PG), pp. 1071–1076.
PDP-2011-OrtizODP #network #web- Improving Dynamic Web Servers by Affinity-Based Network Interfaces (AO, JO, AFD, AP), pp. 478–482.
SOSP-2011-GuoWZHYZ #model checking #reduction- Practical software model checking via dynamic interface reduction (HG, MW, LZ, GH, JY, LZ), pp. 265–278.
FASE-2011-FiadeiroL #design- An Interface Theory for Service-Oriented Design (JLF, AL), pp. 18–33.
CAV-2011-MullerP #hardware #verification- Complete Formal Hardware Verification of Interfaces for a FlexRay-Like Bus (CAM, WJP), pp. 633–648.
ECDL-2010-DiriyeBT - Exploring the Impact of Search Interface Features on Search Tasks (AD, AB, AT), pp. 184–195.
ECDL-2010-HoareS #analysis #design- Application of Session Analysis to Search Interface Design (CH, HS), pp. 208–215.
SIGMOD-2010-Stolte #visual notation- Visual interfaces to data (CRS), pp. 1067–1068.
VLDB-2011-TodaCSM10 #approach #automation #probability #web- A Probabilistic Approach for Automatically Filling Form-Based Web Interfaces (GAT, EC, ASdS, ESdM), pp. 151–160.
CIG-2010-YoonJC #artificial reality #experience #game studies- Enhanced user immersive experience with a virtual reality based FPS game interface (JY, SHJ, SBC), pp. 69–74.
FDG-2010-NortonWL #game studies #guidelines #video- Exploring strategies and guidelines for developing full body video game interfaces (JN, CAW, JJLJ), pp. 155–162.
FDG-2010-SaliWDMKRL #evaluation #game studies #word- Playing with words: from intuition to evaluation of game dialogue interfaces (SS, NWF, SD, MM, SK, AAR, RL), pp. 179–186.
CHI-2010-BragdonZRKCKCAL #comprehension #maintenance- Code bubbles: a working set-based interface for code understanding and maintenance (AB, RCZ, SPR, SK, WC, JK, CC, FA, JJLJ), pp. 2503–2512.
CHI-2010-ChinF #difference #interactive #performance- Interactive effects of age and interface differences on search strategies and performance (JC, WTF), pp. 403–412.
CHI-2010-ChoKJSS #distance #proximity #query- Dynamic query interface for spatial proximity query with degree-of-interest varied by distance to query point (MC, BHK, DKJ, YGS, JS), pp. 693–702.
CHI-2010-CostanzaPZNFHH #mobile #named #network- SensorTune: a mobile auditory interface for DIY wireless sensor networks (EC, JP, GZ, JN, JF, JH, JPH), pp. 2317–2326.
CHI-2010-DixonF #behaviour #implementation #named #reverse engineering #using- Prefab: implementing advanced behaviors using pixel-based reverse engineering of interface structure (MD, JF), pp. 1525–1534.
CHI-2010-DruinFHGH #keyword #using- Children’s roles using keyword search interfaces at home (AD, EF, HH, EG, LH), pp. 413–422.
CHI-2010-FreirePSG #analysis #multi #named #network #visualisation- ManyNets: an interface for multiple network analysis and visualization (MF, CP, BS, JG), pp. 213–222.
CHI-2010-FuXH #3d #interactive #multi #named- LayerPaint: a multi-layer interactive 3D painting interface (CWF, JX, YH), pp. 811–820.
CHI-2010-HogganB #multimodal #named #testing #using- Crosstrainer: testing the use of multimodal interfaces in situ (EEH, SAB), pp. 333–342.
CHI-2010-LipfordWWFR #comparison #policy #privacy #visual notation- Visual vs. compact: a comparison of privacy policy interfaces (HRL, JW, MW, KF, RWR), pp. 1111–1114.
CHI-2010-RicoB #gesture #mobile #social- Usable gestures for mobile interfaces: evaluating social acceptability (JR, SAB), pp. 887–896.
CHI-2010-SaponasTMTL - Making muscle-computer interfaces more practical (TSS, DST, DM, JT, JAL), pp. 851–854.
CHI-2010-ShaerKSFGE #collaboration- G-nome surfer: a tabletop interface for collaborative exploration of genomic data (OS, GK, MS, CF, CG, SE), pp. 1427–1436.
CHI-2010-SundarXB #design #perspective- Designing interactivity in media interfaces: a communications perspective (SSS, QX, SB), pp. 2247–2256.
CHI-2010-VogelB - Occlusion-aware interfaces (DV, RB), pp. 263–272.
CHI-2010-YukselDTS #human-computer #multi #novel #using- A novel brain-computer interface using a multi-touch surface (BFY, MD, JT, AS), pp. 855–858.
EDOC-2010-Halle #contract #ltl #monitoring #runtime- Cooperative Runtime Monitoring of LTL Interface Contracts (SH), pp. 227–236.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-Cruz-LaraOGBB #chat #communication #multi #standard- Standards for Communication and e-Learning in Virtual Worlds — The Multilingual-assisted Chat Interface (SCL, TO, JG, NB, LB), pp. 45–52.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-FortunaBB #ajax #flexibility #framework- A Framework for Flexibility at the Interface — Joining Ajax Technology and Semiotics (FJF, RB, MCCB), pp. 30–37.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-LeiteGPSCBS #education- A User-interface Environment as a Support in Maths Teaching for Deaf Children (MDL, LSG, ARP, MSS, MAC, LCEB, FS), pp. 79–85.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-VinhasOR #assessment #automation #multi #named #realtime- BioStories — Dynamic Multimedia Interfaces based on Automatic Real-time User Emotion Assessment (VV, ECO, LPR), pp. 21–29.
ICEIS-J-2010-Cruz-LaraOGBBC #chat #communication #standard #using- A Chat Interface Using Standards for Communication and e-Learning in Virtual Worlds (SCL, TO, JG, NB, LB, JPC), pp. 541–554.
CIKM-2010-SushmitaJLV #behaviour- Factors affecting click-through behavior in aggregated search interfaces (SS, HJ, ML, RV), pp. 519–528.
ICPR-2010-AmcalarC #design #evaluation #human-computer #implementation #realtime- Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Real-Time P300-based Brain-Computer Interface System (AA, MÇ), pp. 117–120.
ICPR-2010-AngGLLNC #human-computer- A Brain-Computer Interface for Mental Arithmetic Task from Single-Trial Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Brain Signals (KKA, CG, KL, JQL, SN, BC), pp. 3764–3767.
ICPR-2010-ArgunsahC #approach #classification #human-computer- AR-PCA-HMM Approach for Sensorimotor Task Classification in EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (AOA, MÇ), pp. 113–116.
ICPR-2010-EklundAOYK #communication #realtime #using- A Brain Computer Interface for Communication Using Real-Time fMRI (AE, MTA, HO, AY, HK), pp. 3665–3669.
ICPR-2010-SattiGCP #adaptation #human-computer- A Covariate Shift Minimisation Method to Alleviate Non-stationarity Effects for an Adaptive Brain-Computer Interface (ARS, CG, DC, GP), pp. 105–108.
SEKE-2010-Cao #automaton #refinement- Refinement Checking for Interface Automata with Z Notation (ZC), pp. 399–404.
SEKE-2010-CintoP #design #guidelines #human-computer- Human-Computer Interface Design Guidelines: An Expert System (TC, CSAP), pp. 361–366.
SEKE-2010-KongZLR #adaptation #design #multimodal #pervasive- A Cross-Layer Design for Adaptive Multimodal Interfaces in Pervasive Computing (JK, WZ, JL, AGR), pp. 726–731.
SEKE-2010-NetoFRR #design #evaluation #multimodal #named #reuse #usability- MMWA-ae: boosting knowledge from Multimodal Interface Design, Reuse and Usability Evaluation (ATN, RPdMF, RGR, SOR), pp. 355–360.
OOPSLA-2010-Kell #adaptation #assembly #component #using- Component adaptation and assembly using interface relations (SK), pp. 322–340.
PLDI-2010-LeeWHGM #debugging #detection #named- Jinn: synthesizing dynamic bug detectors for foreign language interfaces (BL, BW, MH, RG, KSM), pp. 36–49.
QAPL-2010-AltisenLM #automaton #calculus #component #evaluation #performance #realtime #using- Performance Evaluation of Components Using a Granularity-based Interface Between Real-Time Calculus and Timed Automata (KA, YL, MM), pp. 16–33.
SAC-2010-ElliottMCOO #database #network #query- Advanced querying interface for biochemical network databases (BE, SM, AC, GÖ, ZMÖ), pp. 1526–1533.
SAC-2010-JungCKCGK #multi #network #protocol #stack- Virtual protocol stack interface for multiple wireless sensor network simulators (JJ, YC, YK, YC, BG, JK), pp. 240–241.
CASE-2010-KawasakiKME - Finger pad force display for hand haptic interface (HK, SK, TM, TE), pp. 374–379.
DATE-2010-BhaduriS #realtime- A proposal for real-time interfaces in SPEEDS (PB, IS), pp. 441–446.
DATE-2010-BraunBLR #specification #verification- Simulation-based verification of the MOST NetInterface specification revision 3.0 (AB, OB, DL, WR), pp. 538–543.
DATE-2010-LoiB #3d #distributed #framework #manycore #memory management #performance- An efficient distributed memory interface for many-core platform with 3D stacked DRAM (IL, LB), pp. 99–104.
PDP-2010-EbrahimiDLPT #architecture #network #using- A High-Performance Network Interface Architecture for NoCs Using Reorder Buffer Sharing (ME, MD, PL, JP, HT), pp. 546–550.
CAV-2010-SinghGP #abstraction #component #learning- Learning Component Interfaces with May and Must Abstractions (RS, DG, CSP), pp. 527–542.
CAV-2010-TorreMP #concurrent #linear #model checking #source code #using- Model-Checking Parameterized Concurrent Programs Using Linear Interfaces (SLT, PM, GP), pp. 629–644.
DocEng-2009-ConcolatoFD #declarative- Declarative interfaces for dynamic widgets communications (CC, JLF, JCD), pp. 241–244.
ICDAR-2009-RegmiW #collaboration #documentation #multimodal- A Collaborative Interface for Multimodal Ink and Audio Documents (AR, SMW), pp. 901–905.
JCDL-2009-HalveyVHJ #library #named #retrieval #video- ViGOR: a grouping oriented interface for search and retrieval in video libraries (MH, DV, DH, JMJ), pp. 87–96.
JCDL-2009-KulesCBS #question #what- What do exploratory searchers look at in a faceted search interface? (BK, RC, MB, TS), pp. 313–322.
SIGMOD-2009-MaitiDZD #named #web- HDSampler: revealing data behind web form interfaces (AM, AD, NZ, GD), pp. 1131–1134.
VLDB-2009-DragutFSYM #integration #problem #web #word- Stop Word and Related Problems in Web Interface Integration (ECD, FF, APS, CTY, WM), pp. 349–360.
VLDB-2009-KabischDYL #approach #integration #query #web- A Hierarchical Approach to Model Web Query Interfaces for Web Source Integration (TK, ECD, CTY, UL), pp. 325–336.
IFM-2009-SchneiderT #csp #refinement- Changing System Interfaces Consistently: A New Refinement Strategy for CSP||B (SS, HT), pp. 103–117.
SEFM-2009-HieronsN #distributed #simulation- Simulation Relations for Systems with Distributed Interfaces (RMH, MN), pp. 41–50.
AIIDE-2009-HeckelYH #behaviour #design #interactive #named- BehaviorShop: An Intuitive Interface for Interactive Character Design (FWPH, GMY, DHH).
DiGRA-2009-KoBOR #case study #human-computer- A Study on New Gameplay Based on Brain-Computer Interface (MK, KB, GO, TR).
FDG-2009-BottCLL #3d #game studies #gesture #music #video- Exploring 3D gestural interfaces for music creation in video games (JNB, JGC, JJLJ), pp. 18–25.
FDG-2009-JuulN - Easy to use and incredibly difficult: on the mythical border between interface and gameplay (JJ, MN), pp. 107–112.
FDG-2009-Le - The Brain: revolutionary interface for next-generation digital media (TL).
CHI-2009-BighamC - Evaluating existing audio CAPTCHAs and an interface optimized for non-visual use (JPB, AC), pp. 1829–1838.
CHI-2009-BragdonZWML #gesture #named- GestureBar: improving the approachability of gesture-based interfaces (AB, RCZ, BW, TSM, JJLJ), pp. 2269–2278.
CHI-2009-ChoiK #design #evaluation #named- TouchBall: a design and evaluation of a hand-held trackball based touch-haptic interface (MC, GJK), pp. 1535–1538.
CHI-2009-HirshfieldSGKJSF #adaptation #functional #metric #testing #usability- Brain measurement for usability testing and adaptive interfaces: an example of uncovering syntactic workload with functional near infrared spectroscopy (LMH, ETS, AG, JK, RJKJ, AS, SF), pp. 2185–2194.
CHI-2009-KeranenBK #gesture #mobile #music- Gravity sphere: gestural audio-tactile interface for mobile music exploration (JK, JB, JK), pp. 1531–1534.
CHI-2009-PatelARNDP #case study #comparative #speech- A comparative study of speech and dialed input voice interfaces in rural India (NP, SKA, NR, AAN, PD, TSP), pp. 51–54.
CHI-2009-SakamotoHII #sketching- Sketch and run: a stroke-based interface for home robots (DS, KH, MI, TI), pp. 197–200.
CHI-2009-SauvanLLC #human-computer #performance- A performance model of selection techniques for p300-based brain-computer interfaces (JBS, AL, FL, GC), pp. 2205–2208.
CHI-2009-VaucelleBI #design- Design of haptic interfaces for therapy (CV, LB, HI), pp. 467–470.
CHI-2009-ZhaoNII - Magic cards: a paper tag interface for implicit robot control (SZ, KN, KI, TI), pp. 173–182.
HCD-2009-AnandBCD #case study- Tailoring Interface for Spanish Language: A Case Study with CHICA System (VA, PGB, AEC, SMD), pp. 398–407.
HCD-2009-GonzalezPST #development #process- Development of CSCW Interfaces from a User-Centered Viewpoint: Extending the TOUCHE Process Model through Defeasible Argumentation (MPG, VMRP, GRS, RT), pp. 955–964.
HCD-2009-JeongPS #smarttech- Grouping Preferences of Americans and Koreans in Interfaces for Smart Home Control (KAJ, RWP, GS), pp. 436–445.
HCD-2009-Kushi #case study #concept #design #process #research #student #video #visualisation- Organized Reframing Process with Video Ethnography: A Case Study of Students’ Design Project for New Interface Concept from Research to Visualization (KK), pp. 239–246.
HCD-2009-LinHS #design #mobile- Exploring the Interface Design of Mobile Phone for the Elderly (CJL, TLH, WJS), pp. 476–481.
HCD-2009-MahouiJZA #behaviour #design #personalisation #web- Leveraging User Search Behavior to Design Personalized Browsing Interfaces for Healthcare Web Sites (MM, JFJ, DZ, KA), pp. 511–520.
HCD-2009-RiversCT #collaboration #design #process- Combining Activity Theory and Grounded Theory for the Design of Collaborative Interfaces (CR, JC, AT), pp. 312–321.
HCD-2009-Wang09b - Influence and Impact Relationship between GIS Users and GIS Interfaces (HW), pp. 815–824.
HCI-AUII-2009-BillinghurstGSD #artificial reality #towards- Towards Ambient Augmented Reality with Tangible Interfaces (MB, RG, HS, AD), pp. 387–396.
HCI-AUII-2009-MahlerHW #interactive #mobile- Mobile Interfaces in Tangible Mnemonics Interaction (TDM, MH, MW), pp. 58–66.
HCI-AUII-2009-NestlerTK #interactive- Common Interaction Schemes for In-Vehicle User-Interfaces (SN, MT, GK), pp. 159–168.
HCI-AUII-2009-OrenG #multi #named- ConvoCons: Encouraging Affinity on Multitouch Interfaces (MAO, SBG), pp. 651–659.
HCI-AUII-2009-PirhonenK #comparison #design- Flight Searching — A Comparison of Two User-Interface Design Strategies (AP, NK), pp. 179–188.
HCI-AUII-2009-RavandiMC #development- Development of an Emotional Interface for Sustainable Water Consumption in the Home (MR, JM, MHC), pp. 660–669.
HCI-AUII-2009-WatanabeMSNM #interactive #novel #towards- Electromyography Focused on Passiveness and Activeness in Embodied Interaction: Toward a Novel Interface for Co-creating Expressive Body Movement (TW, NM, RS, HN, YM), pp. 554–562.
HCI-NIMT-2009-Allison #adaptation #generative #human-computer- The I of BCIs: Next Generation Interfaces for Brain-Computer Interface Systems That Adapt to Individual Users (BZA), pp. 558–568.
HCI-NIMT-2009-JacksonMBHVSI #paradigm- Continuous Control Paradigms for Direct Brain Interfaces (MMJ, RLMI, EB, SH, GRV, CS, AI), pp. 588–595.
HCI-NIMT-2009-KitamuraSYFIK #multi- Multi-modal Interface in Multi-Display Environment for Multi-users (YK, SS, TY, RF, YI, FK), pp. 66–74.
HCI-NIMT-2009-KoudaKS #design #using- Motion Stroke-A Tablet-Based Interface for Motion Design Tool Using Drawing (HK, IK, KS), pp. 821–829.
HCI-NIMT-2009-LeeJLYP #gesture #multi- Gesture-Based Interface for Connection and Control of Multi-device in a Tabletop Display Environment (HL, HJ, JHL, KWY, JHP), pp. 216–225.
HCI-NIMT-2009-LeeSLCH #image #interactive #realtime- A Real-Time Hand Interaction System for Image Sensor Based Interface (SL, JS, SBL, YCC, TDH), pp. 208–215.
HCI-NIMT-2009-RehrlBGRW #human-computer #named #novel- cfHMI: A Novel Contact-Free Human-Machine Interface (TR, AB, JG, GR, FW), pp. 246–254.
HCI-NIMT-2009-SanchezFFP #development #using- Development of Symbiotic Brain-Machine Interfaces Using a Neurophysiology Cyberworkstation (JCS, RJOF, JABF, JCP), pp. 606–615.
HCI-NIMT-2009-SellersTSMVM #human-computer #novel- A Novel Dry Electrode for Brain-Computer Interface (EWS, PJT, WAS, TM, TMV, RM), pp. 623–631.
HCI-NIMT-2009-SuzukiKYY #interactive #towards- A Basic Study of Sensory Characteristics toward Interaction with a Box-Shaped Interface (NS, TK, SY, SY), pp. 513–522.
HCI-NIMT-2009-SuzukiMT #interactive #using- Interaction Technique for a Pen-Based Interface Using Finger Motions (YS, KM, JT), pp. 503–512.
HCI-NIMT-2009-WechsungESSMM #evaluation #multimodal #question #usability- Usability Evaluation of Multimodal Interfaces: Is the Whole the Sum of Its Parts? (IW, KPE, SS, JS, FM, SM), pp. 113–119.
HCI-NIMT-2009-YamaguchiH - Grasping Interface with Photo Sensor for a Musical Instrument (TY, SH), pp. 542–547.
HCI-NT-2009-AgarwalP #how #usability- Building on the Usability Study: Two Explorations on How to Better Understand an Interface (AA, MP), pp. 385–394.
HCI-NT-2009-Balagtas-FernandezH #development #evaluation #mobile- Evaluation of User-Interfaces for Mobile Application Development Environments (FTBF, HH), pp. 204–213.
HCI-NT-2009-BeeldersBMD #performance #prototype #using #word- Measuring User Performance for Different Interfaces Using a Word Processor Prototype (TRB, PJB, TM, ED), pp. 395–404.
HCI-NT-2009-EfeO #effectiveness- Evaluating User Effectiveness in Exploratory Search with TouchGraph Google Interface (KE, SO), pp. 405–412.
HCI-NT-2009-Liu #design #difference #gender #industrial- Effects of Gender Difference on Emergency Operation Interface Design in Semiconductor Industry (HL), pp. 484–489.
HCI-NT-2009-LiuUC #3d #classification- Goods-Finding and Orientation in the Elderly on 3D Virtual Store Interface: The Impact of Classification and Landmarks (CLL, STU, CHC), pp. 474–483.
HCI-NT-2009-WatanabeSMY #design- Time-Oriented Interface Design: Picking the Right Time and Method for Information Presentation (KW, KS, SM, MY), pp. 752–759.
HCI-NT-2009-WookS #design #evaluation #usability- Usability Evaluation of Graphic Design for Ilmu’s Interface (TSMTW, SSS), pp. 514–519.
HCI-NT-2009-Yang #design #development #evaluation- Website Designer as an Evaluator: A Formative Evaluation Method for Website Interface Development (CYY), pp. 372–381.
HCI-NT-2009-YoonSYSH #evaluation #usability- A Usability Evaluation of Public Icon Interface (SY, JS, JY, SS, TDH), pp. 540–546.
HCI-VAD-2009-CharissisPV #case study #development- Interface Development for Early Notification Warning System: Full Windshield Head-Up Display Case Study (VC, SP, GV), pp. 683–692.
HCI-VAD-2009-HsuC09a #design #game studies #multi #online- Exploring the Elements and Design Criteria of Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) Interfaces (CCH, ECHC), pp. 325–334.
HCI-VAD-2009-LinYYC #automation- Allocating Human-System Interfaces Functions by Levels of Automation in an Advanced Control Room (CJL, CWY, TCY, LYC), pp. 741–750.
HIMI-DIE-2009-Ehnes #artificial reality #automation- A Tangible Mixed Reality Interface for the AMI Automated Meeting Assistant (JE), pp. 485–494.
HIMI-DIE-2009-KatoS #design #smarttech- Design of Wearable Interface Considering Touch Communications (MK, NS), pp. 524–533.
HIMI-DIE-2009-LeeCW #design #evaluation #experience- Design and Evaluation of the Customized Product Color Combination Interface Based on Scenario Experience (YJL, CYC, FGW), pp. 263–270.
HIMI-DIE-2009-LeuchterM #human-computer- Distribution of Human-Machine Interfaces in System-of-Systems Engineering (SL, DM), pp. 271–278.
HIMI-II-2009-ChangLZ #challenge- Human-System Interface (HSI) Challenges in Nuclear Power Plant Control Rooms (JLC, HL, LZ), pp. 729–737.
HIMI-II-2009-ItoTHNYUST #human-computer- Clinical Usefulness of Human-Computer Interface for Training Targeted Facial Expression: Application to Patients with Cleft Lip and/or Palate (KI, AT, SH, SN, MY, SU, NS, KT), pp. 513–521.
HIMI-II-2009-LinL #evaluation #usability #web- Usability Evaluation of Dynamic RSVP Interface on Web Page (YLL, DL), pp. 55–64.
HIMI-II-2009-NakataniSSN #case study #design #guidelines- A Study of Auditory Warning Signals for the Design Guidelines of Man-Machine Interfaces (MN, DS, NS, SN), pp. 826–834.
HIMI-II-2009-WallhoffBGRDR #exclamation #game studies #statistics- Statistics-Based Cognitive Human-Robot Interfaces for Board Games — Let’s Play! (FW, AB, JG, TR, MD, GR), pp. 708–715.
IDGD-2009-AlostathAA #design #difference #identification- Identifying and Measuring Cultural Differences in Cross-Cultural User-Interface Design (JMA, SA, ABA), pp. 3–12.
IDGD-2009-KondratovaG #design #development #research- Cultural Interface Design Advisor Tool: Research Methodology and Practical Development Efforts (IK, IG), pp. 259–265.
IDGD-2009-ShenPC #novel #testing #web- Testing of a Novel Web Browser Interface for the Chinese Market (STS, SDP, KMC), pp. 413–418.
IDGD-2009-TranL #question #research- Attention to Effects of Different Cross-Cultural Levels in User Research Method’s Interface: Discipline or Nationality — Which Has Stronger Force? (TTT, KPL), pp. 127–134.
OCSC-2009-DohiI - A Life-Like Agent Interface System with Second Life Avatars on the OpenSimulator Server (HD, MI), pp. 182–190.
OCSC-2009-MatsudaIY #design #web- Web Interface for Designing and Sharing Sound Space (SM, SI, TY), pp. 374–380.
OCSC-2009-ReisBM #education #mobile- Mobile Phone Interfaces for Informal Education (JCdR, RB, MCM), pp. 515–524.
OCSC-2009-TsuchihashiO #case study #using- A Study on the Interface for Viewing the Information Menu of a Town from Intersections Using a Digital Compass (MT, KO), pp. 126–133.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-MazieroSG #aspect-oriented #communication #evaluation #interactive- The Impact of Interface Aspects on Interactive Map Communication — An Evaluation Methodology (LPM, CRS, LSG), pp. 105–112.
ICEIS-J-2009-CarrascoHRSE #embedded #monitoring #safety #using- Remote Controlling and Monitoring of Safety Devices Using Web-Interface Embedded Systems (AC, MDH, MCR, FS, JIE), pp. 737–744.
ICEIS-J-2009-Ehnes #artificial reality #automation- An Automated Meeting Assistant: A Tangible Mixed Reality Interface for the AMIDA Automatic Content Linking Device (JE), pp. 952–962.
ICEIS-J-2009-NerisB #approach- Interfaces for All: A Tailoring-Based Approach (VPdAN, MCCB), pp. 928–939.
CIKM-2009-DasdanDKD #automation #query #retrieval #using- Automatic retrieval of similar content using search engine query interface (AD, PD, SK, CD), pp. 701–710.
CIKM-2009-KhareA #empirical #markov #segmentation #using- An empirical study on using hidden markov model for search interface segmentation (RK, YA), pp. 17–26.
ECIR-2009-AminHOEH - Organizing Suggestions in Autocompletion Interfaces (AA, MH, JvO, VE, LH), pp. 521–529.
KDIR-2009-Chmielewski #3d #concept #interactive #metadata- Building Extensible 3D Interaction Metadata with Interaction Interface Concept (JC), pp. 160–167.
SIGIR-2009-VillaCJJ - An aspectual interface for supporting complex search tasks (RV, IC, HJ, JMJ), pp. 379–386.
SPLC-2009-Slegers #product line- Building automotive product lines around managed interfaces (WJS), pp. 257–264.
ASE-2009-BookBGH #internet #specification- Specification and Control of Interface Responses to User Input in Rich Internet Applications (MB, TB, VG, MH), pp. 321–331.
SAC-2009-MenezesNQF - Expert system for supporting conformity inspections of software application interfaces to the ISO 9241 (LLdM, MRdN, JERdQ, JMF), pp. 110–115.
SAC-2009-MiyamotoTT #design #implementation- Design and implementation on a pie menu interface for analog joysticks (MM, TT, MT), pp. 154–155.
SAC-2009-NetoBFF #case study #multimodal #usability #web- Developing and evaluating web multimodal interfaces — a case study with usability principles (ATN, TJB, RPdMF, KF), pp. 116–120.
SAC-2009-RobertsSG - Model interfaces for two-way obliviousness (NVR, ES, PCG), pp. 488–495.
GPCE-2009-WehrT #experience- JavaGI in the battlefield: practical experience with generalized interfaces (SW, PT), pp. 65–74.
ASPLOS-2009-MontesinosHKT #multi #named- Capo: a software-hardware interface for practical deterministic multiprocessor replay (PM, MH, STK, JT), pp. 73–84.
DATE-2009-HaoX #component #design #hardware- Componentizing hardware/software interface design (KH, FX), pp. 232–237.
DATE-2009-LoiAB #configuration management #network #synthesis- Synthesis of low-overhead configurable source routing tables for network interfaces (IL, FA, LB), pp. 262–267.
DATE-2009-MendlerHT #algebra- WCRT algebra and interfaces for esterel-style synchronous processing (MM, RvH, CT), pp. 93–98.
HPCA-2009-Patt #manycore- Multi-core demands multi-interfaces (YNP), pp. 147–148.
PDP-2009-CasconOHDR #concurrent #multi #network #thread #using- A Multi-Threaded Network Interface Using Network Processors (PC, JO, WMH, AFD, IR), pp. 196–200.
PDP-2009-OrtizODP #communication #network #performance- A New Offloaded/Onloaded Network Interface for High Performance Communication (AO, JO, AFD, AP), pp. 143–150.
PPoPP-2009-Patt #manycore- Multi-core demands multi-interfaces (YNP), pp. 99–100.
SOSP-2009-YuGI #distributed #implementation- Distributed aggregation for data-parallel computing: interfaces and implementations (YY, PKG, MI), pp. 247–260.
FASE-2009-GiannakopoulouP #composition #generative #verification- Interface Generation and Compositional Verification in JavaPathfinder (DG, CSP), pp. 94–108.
CAV-2009-HalleV #contract #web- Browser-Based Enforcement of Interface Contracts in Web Applications with BeepBeep (SH, RV), pp. 648–653.
ISSTA-2009-HalfondAO #analysis #identification #precise #testing #web- Precise interface identification to improve testing and analysis of web applications (WGJH, SA, AO), pp. 285–296.
CBSE-2008-LumpeGS #component #reduction- State Space Reduction Techniques for Component Interfaces (ML, LG, JGS), pp. 130–145.
ECDL-2008-StaffordSRBMAR #evaluation #library #named #visual notation- Searchling: User-Centered Evaluation of a Visual Thesaurus-Enhanced Interface for Bilingual Digital Libraries (AS, AS, SR, MB, PM, KA, XR), pp. 117–121.
JCDL-2008-BainbridgeW - A fedora librarian interface (DB, IHW), pp. 407–416.
JCDL-2008-BauerK #design- Note-taking, selecting, and choice: designing interfaces that encourage smaller selections (AB, KRK), pp. 397–406.
JCDL-2008-Fazl-ErsiMT #interactive #named #product line- slab: smart labeling of family photos through an interactive interface (EFE, ISM, JKT), pp. 351–354.
VLDB-2008-JayapandianJ #automation #database #query- Automated creation of a forms-based database query interface (MJ, HVJ), pp. 695–709.
FM-2008-EmmiGP #automaton #verification- Assume-Guarantee Verification for Interface Automata (ME, DG, CSP), pp. 116–131.
SEFM-2008-TruongTHNTH #aspect-oriented #interactive #programming #protocol #using- Checking Interface Interaction Protocols Using Aspect-Oriented Programming (AHT, TBT, DVH, VHN, NTTT, PDH), pp. 382–386.
CIG-2008-PourGAGC #development #distributed #framework #game studies #generative #human-computer #platform #video- Brain-computer interface: Next generation thought controlled distributed video game development platform (PAP, TG, OA, GDG, RAC), pp. 251–257.
CHI-2008-AliakseyeuILS #evaluation #multi #named- Multi-flick: an evaluation of flick-based scrolling techniques for pen interfaces (DA, PI, AL, SS), pp. 1689–1698.
CHI-2008-GajosWW #performance- Improving the performance of motor-impaired users with automatically-generated, ability-based interfaces (KZG, JOW, DSW), pp. 1257–1266.
CHI-2008-JacobGHHSSZ #framework #interactive- Reality-based interaction: a framework for post-WIMP interfaces (RJKJ, AG, LMH, MSH, OS, ETS, JZ), pp. 201–210.
CHI-2008-KarrerWLB #named #navigation #video- DRAGON: a direct manipulation interface for frame-accurate in-scene video navigation (TK, MW, EL, JOB), pp. 247–250.
CHI-2008-OviattSA #adaptation #speech- Implicit user-adaptive system engagement in speech and pen interfaces (SLO, CS, AMA), pp. 969–978.
CHI-2008-ParkesRI - Topobo in the wild: longitudinal evaluations of educators appropriating a tangible interface (AJP, HR, HI), pp. 1129–1138.
CHI-2008-SaponasTMB #using- Demonstrating the feasibility of using forearm electromyography for muscle-computer interfaces (TSS, DST, DM, RB), pp. 515–524.
CHI-2008-SchnadelbachERBWW #design- Performing thrill: designing telemetry systems and spectator interfaces for amusement rides (HS, SRE, SR, SB, BW, MW), pp. 1167–1176.
CHI-2008-StockZKREGTW - A co-located interface for narration to support reconciliation in a conflict: initial results from Jewish and Palestinian youth (OS, MZ, CK, CR, ZE, DGB, DT, PL(W), pp. 1583–1592.
CSCW-2008-WangJR #interactive- Investigating the effect of discussion forum interface affordances on patterns of conversational interactions (YCW, MJ, CPR), pp. 555–558.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-FalguerasCDG #interactive #web- A Guided Interface for Web Interaction (JF, AC, DD, AG), pp. 70–77.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-GarciaMDS #learning #visualisation- An Interface Environment for Learning Object Search and Pre-Visualisation (LSG, ROdOM, AID, MSS), pp. 240–247.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-MordechaiFD #named #taxonomy #using- TTLS: A Grouped Display of Search Results Based on Organizational Taxonomy Using the LCC&K Interface (VM, AJF, OD), pp. 47–53.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-ParkMJCJR #interactive- An Interactive Information Seeking Interface for Exploratory Search (HP, SHM, GJ, JwC, SJ, HcR), pp. 276–285.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-PicussaGBFDBSCS #education #online #web- A User-Interface Environment Solution as an Educational Tool for an Online Chess Server on the Web (JP, LSG, JB, MVRF, AID, LCEDB, FS, MAC, MSS), pp. 262–267.
CIKM-2008-VieiraBFS #keyword- Siphon++: a hidden-webcrawler for keyword-based interfaces (KV, LB, JF, ASdS), pp. 1361–1362.
ECIR-2008-ShtykhCJ #mobile #web- Slide-Film Interface: Overcoming Small Screen Limitations in Mobile Web Search (RYS, JC, QJ), pp. 622–626.
ICPR-2008-LotteML #design #human-computer #self- Pattern rejection strategies for the design of self-paced EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (FL, HM, AL), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-LuGZ #independence- Subject-independent brain computer interface through boosting (SL, CG, HZ), pp. 1–4.
RecSys-2008-ChenP #evaluation #recommendation- A cross-cultural user evaluation of product recommender interfaces (LC, PP), pp. 75–82.
RecSys-2008-OostendorpR #recommendation #reduction- Three recommender approaches to interface controls reduction (NO, PR), pp. 235–242.
SEKE-2008-DuffyHM #c++ #comprehension #evolution #library #protocol #reverse engineering #scalability- Reverse Engineering Interface Protocols for Comprehension of Large C++ Libraries during Code Evolution Tasks (EBD, JOH, BAM), pp. 303–308.
SEKE-2008-MarquesMNF #approach #ontology #semantics #using #web #web service- Active Ontologies — an Approach for Using Ontologies as Semantic Web Services Interfaces (TCM, MGM, JCCN, PPMF), pp. 847–852.
SIGIR-2008-VillaGJ #multi- A faceted interface for multimedia search (RV, NG, JMJ), pp. 775–776.
MoDELS-2008-HessellundW #metamodelling #modelling- Interfaces and Metainterfaces for Models and Metamodels (AH, AW), pp. 401–415.
MoDELS-2008-HessellundW #metamodelling #modelling- Interfaces and Metainterfaces for Models and Metamodels (AH, AW), pp. 401–415.
ECOOP-2008-BessonJT #stack- Computing Stack Maps with Interfaces (FB, TPJ, TT), pp. 642–666.
AdaEurope-2008-VilloingB #database #type safety- A Type-Safe Database Interface (FV, EB), pp. 144–157.
ASE-2008-AdnanGDZ #analysis #clustering #component #design #using- Using Cluster Analysis to Improve the Design of Component Interfaces (RA, BG, AvD, JZ), pp. 383–386.
ASE-2008-LiHG #code generation #modelling #multi #named #process- MaramaEML: An Integrated Multi-View Business Process Modelling Environment with Tree-Overlays, Zoomable Interfaces and Code Generation (RLL, JGH, JCG), pp. 477–478.
SAC-2008-Paraiso #ontology- Ontology-based utterance interpretation for intelligent conversational interfaces (ECP), pp. 1578–1582.
SAC-2008-SansL #algebra #named #order #visualisation #xquery- IFOX: interface for ordered XQuery an algebraic oriented tool for ordered XQuery visualization (VS, DL), pp. 1252–1257.
CASE-2008-Mainardi #design- Design of a portable touchscreen interface for powerline domotic systems (EM), pp. 680–684.
CASE-2008-ZhangZLK #design #interactive #morphism- Service robot anthropomorphism and interface design for emotion in human-robot interaction (TZ, BZ, LL, DK), pp. 674–679.
DAC-2008-HsiehH #debugging #embedded #framework #platform- An embedded infrastructure of debug and trace interface for the DSP platform (MCH, CTH), pp. 866–871.
DAC-2008-SavolainenR #design #mobile #performance #standard- Standard interfaces in mobile terminals: increasing the efficiency of device design and accelerating innovation (RS, TR), p. 592.
DATE-2008-BombieriFP #communication- A Mutation Model for the SystemC TLM 2.0 Communication Interfaces (NB, FF, GP), pp. 396–401.
DATE-2008-GuiducciSGL #architecture #novel- Novel Front-End Circuit Architectures for Integrated Bio-Electronic Interfaces (CG, AS, FKG, YL), pp. 1328–1333.
PDP-2008-OrtizODP #comparison #network- Comparison of Onloading and Offloading Strategies to Improve Network Interfaces (AO, JO, AFD, AP), pp. 253–260.
PPoPP-2008-HoustonPRKFADH #memory management #multi #runtime- A portable runtime interface for multi-level memory hierarchies (MH, JYP, MR, TJK, KF, AA, WJD, PH), pp. 143–152.
ISSTA-2008-KondohO #debugging #java #source code- Finding bugs in java native interface programs (GK, TO), pp. 109–118.
CBSE-2007-Dahlgren #component #contract- Performance-Driven Interface Contract Enforcement for Scientific Components (TD), pp. 157–172.
DocEng-2007-Matulic #documentation #online- Touch scan-n-search: a touchscreen interface to retrieve online versions of scanned documents (FM), pp. 97–98.
ECDL-2007-MayerRR #information management #library- Supporting Information Management in Digital Libraries with Map-Based Interfaces (RM, AR, AR), pp. 475–480.
ECDL-2007-Shiri #library #metadata #using #visual notation- The Use of Metadata in Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries (AS), pp. 489–494.
HT-2007-HishamE #case study- Incorporating culture in user-interface: a case study of older adults in malaysia (SH, ADNE), pp. 145–146.
ICDAR-2007-RodriguezSL #documentation #realtime- A Pen-Based Interface for Real-Time Document Edition (JAR, GS, JL), pp. 939–943.
JCDL-2007-McCownN - Agreeing to disagree: search engines and their public interfaces (FM, MLN), pp. 309–318.
JCDL-2007-MonroyFS #editing #tool support #workflow- Digital Donne: workflow, editing tools, and the reader’s interface of a collection of 17th-century english poetry (CM, RF, GS), pp. 411–412.
JCDL-2007-NicholsBT #library- Constructing digital library interfaces (DMN, DB, MBT), pp. 331–332.
SIGMOD-2007-LiCYSJ #adaptation #named #natural language #query #xml- DaNaLIX: a domain-adaptive natural language interface for querying XML (YL, IC, HY, SPS, HVJ), pp. 1165–1168.
SIGMOD-2007-NandiJ #query #using- Assisted querying using instant-response interfaces (AN, HVJ), pp. 1156–1158.
ITiCSE-2007-HayesTSW #assessment #automation- An investigation into the automated assessment of the design-code interface (AH, PGT, NS, KGW), p. 324.
ITiCSE-2007-Helmick #automation #java #programming #source code- Interface-based programming assignments and automatic grading of java programs (MTH), pp. 63–67.
ITiCSE-2007-MorenoMRI #education #multi- Accessible interface for multimedia presentation in inclusive education (LM, PM, BRM, AI), p. 321.
ITiCSE-2007-PecinovskyP #order- Order of explanation should be interface: abstract classes — overriding (RP, JP), p. 338.
CSMR-2007-MesbahD #ajax #migration #multi #web- Migrating Multi-page Web Applications to Single-page AJAX Interfaces (AM, AvD), pp. 181–190.
ICSM-2007-HouZXMS #component #testing- Applying Interface-Contract Mutation in Regression Testing of Component-Based Software (SSH, LZ, TX, HM, JS), pp. 174–183.
AGTIVE-2007-RangerGH #graph- Defining Abstract Graph Views as Module Interfaces (UR, KG, MH), pp. 120–135.
CHI-2007-BallagasMRB #mobile #prototype #ubiquitous- iStuff mobile: rapidly prototyping new mobile phone interfaces for ubiquitous computing (RB, FM, RR, JOB), pp. 1107–1116.
CHI-2007-CockburnKAZ #learning- Hard lessons: effort-inducing interfaces benefit spatial learning (AC, POK, JA, SZ), pp. 1571–1580.
CHI-2007-CostanzaIAM #gesture #usability- Intimate interfaces in action: assessing the usability and subtlety of emg-based motionless gestures (EC, SAI, RA, PM), pp. 819–828.
CHI-2007-DahlbackWNA #similarity #speech- Similarity is more important than expertise: accent effects in speech interfaces (ND, QW, CN, JA), pp. 1553–1556.
CHI-2007-JeffersonH - An interface to support color blind computer users (LJ, RH), pp. 1535–1538.
CHI-2007-PattenI #constraints- Mechanical constraints as computational constraints in tabletop tangible interfaces (JP, HI), pp. 809–818.
CHI-2007-ThompsonRYB #detection #visual notation- Command line or pretty lines?: comparing textual and visual interfaces for intrusion detection (RST, EMR, WY, BPB), p. 1205.
CHI-2007-VogelB #named #using- Shift: a technique for operating pen-based interfaces using touch (DV, PB), pp. 657–666.
CHI-2007-ZanbakaUGH #design #social- Social responses to virtual humans: implications for future interface design (CAZ, ACU, PG, LFH), pp. 1561–1570.
DHM-2007-ChuangL #design #usability- The Usability of Metaphors with Different Degree of Abstract in Interface Design (MCC, IL), pp. 343–352.
DHM-2007-KanezashiMO #difference- Strategy to Operate Cylindrical Interface-Operation Difference According to the Dimension of the Cylinder and That of the Hand (OK, NM, JO), pp. 865–873.
DHM-2007-WangYLLT #human-computer- Brain-Computer Interfaces Based on Attention and Complex Mental Tasks (JW, NY, HL, ML, CT), pp. 467–473.
HCI-AS-2007-AlTaboliA #consistency #design #performance #physics #web- Effect of Physical Consistency of Web Interface Design on Users’ Performance and Satisfaction (AA, MRAZ), pp. 849–858.
HCI-AS-2007-CorradiniBH #2d #game studies #natural language- A Natural Language Interface for a 2D Networked Game (AC, AB, TH), pp. 225–234.
HCI-AS-2007-KikuchiHNK #evaluation #web- Chat-Robot Based Web Content Presentation Interface and Its Evaluation (YK, KH, SN, MK), pp. 934–943.
HCI-AS-2007-LaarniNK #collaboration #process- Affordance Table — A Collaborative Smart Interface for Process Control (JL, LN, HMKK), pp. 611–619.
HCI-AS-2007-LinC #design #multi- A Camera-Based Multi-touch Interface Builder for Designers (HHL, TWC), pp. 1102–1109.
HCI-IDU-2007-DhakhwaHGMT #named- Sambad — Computer Interfaces for Non-literates (SD, PAVH, GBG, PM, IT), pp. 721–730.
HCI-IDU-2007-DuarteCG #usability #visual notation- Evaluating Usability Improvements by Combining Visual and Audio Modalities in the Interface (CD, LC, NG), pp. 428–437.
HCI-IDU-2007-Janlert #concept #human-computer #interactive- The Evasive Interface — The Changing Concept of Interface and the Varying Role of Symbols in Human-Computer Interaction (LEJ), pp. 117–126.
HCI-IDU-2007-JiJMK #development #evaluation- Development of AHP Model for Telematics Haptic Interface Evaluation (YGJ, BSJ, JSM, SMK), pp. 517–526.
HCI-IDU-2007-Lee #design #usability- Usability Test for Cellular Phone Interface Design That Controls Home Appliances (HL), pp. 891–900.
HCI-IDU-2007-MorganN #development #research- Interface Between Two Disciplines — The Development of Theatre as a Research Tool (MM, AFN), pp. 184–193.
HCI-IDU-2007-TaibR #deployment #design #multimodal- Wizard of Oz for Multimodal Interfaces Design: Deployment Considerations (RT, NR), pp. 232–241.
HCI-IDU-2007-WongK #concept #design #visualisation- Quantifying the Narration Board for Visualising Final Design Concepts by Interface Designers (CYW, CWK), pp. 273–282.
HCI-IPT-2007-AverbukhBBIT #visualisation- Interface and Visualization Metaphors (VLA, MB, AB, DI, PT), pp. 13–22.
HCI-IPT-2007-AymanTT #interactive- Coin Size Wireless Sensor Interface for Interaction with Remote Displays (AA, ST, JT), pp. 733–742.
HCI-IPT-2007-BartneckAK #rating- Hit Me Baby One More Time: A Haptic Rating Interface (CB, PA, TK), pp. 743–747.
HCI-IPT-2007-CharissisNPP #design- Designing a Direct Manipulation HUD Interface for In-Vehicle Infotainment (VC, MN, SP, MP), pp. 551–559.
HCI-IPT-2007-CheongKH #evaluation #image #mobile #usability- Usability Evaluation of Designed Image Code Interface for Mobile Computing Environment (CC, DCK, TDH), pp. 241–251.
HCI-IPT-2007-IshidoKIO #evaluation- Evaluation of Content Handling Methods for Tabletop Interface (RI, KK, TI, KiO), pp. 326–335.
HCI-IPT-2007-LeeC #design #visual notation- Interface Design Technique Considering Visual Cohesion-Rate by Object Unit (CML, OBC), pp. 72–81.
HCI-IPT-2007-NayaCAC #2d #editing #geometry #named #parametricity #sketching- ParSketch: A Sketch-Based Interface for a 2D Parametric Geometry Editor (FN, MC, NA, PC), pp. 115–124.
HCI-IPT-2007-OyarzabalFCMBO #collaboration #multi- Multi-finger Haptic Interface for Collaborative Tasks in Virtual Environments (MO, MF, SC, MM, JB, JO), pp. 673–680.
HCI-IPT-2007-PhamJYWA #human-computer #locality #novel- A Novel Human-Computer Interface Based on Passive Acoustic Localisation (DTP, ZJ, MY, ZW, MAK), pp. 901–909.
HCI-IPT-2007-RolshofenDS - Application of Tangible Acoustic Interfaces in the Area of Production Control and Manufacturing (WR, PD, GS), pp. 920–925.
HCI-IPT-2007-SongWT #game studies #using- A Tangible Game Interface Using Projector-Camera Systems (PS, SW, JT), pp. 956–965.
HCI-IPT-2007-SuhLSJY #collaboration #concept #design #evaluation #framework- An Evaluation Framework for the Design Concepts of Tangible Interface on New Collaborative Work Support System (YS, CL, JS, MJ, MHY), pp. 1210–1219.
HCI-IPT-2007-WangGQ #recognition #sketching- Freehand Sketching Interfaces: Early Processing for Sketch Recognition (SxW, MTG, LhQ), pp. 161–170.
HCI-IPT-2007-WuZHZ #evaluation- Evaluation of Wayfinding Aids Interface in Virtual Environment (AW, WZ, BH, XZ), pp. 700–709.
HCI-MIE-2007-HirotaWI #using- Menu Selection Using Auditory Interface (KH, YW, YI), pp. 70–75.
HCI-MIE-2007-KomogortsevK #design- Kalman Filtering in the Design of Eye-Gaze-Guided Computer Interfaces (OK, JIK), pp. 679–689.
HCI-MIE-2007-LiLXJ #gesture #named- EyeScreen: A Gesture Interface for Manipulating On-Screen Objects (SL, JL, YX, YJ), pp. 710–717.
HCI-MIE-2007-RigasA #design #empirical #multimodal #tool support- A Toolkit for Multimodal Interface Design: An Empirical Investigation (DIR, MMA), pp. 196–205.
HCI-MIE-2007-Sarter #adaptation #complexity #design- Coping with Complexity Through Adaptive Interface Design (NBS), pp. 493–498.
HCI-MIE-2007-SerbanTM #behaviour #learning #predict- A Learning Interface Agent for User Behavior Prediction (GS, AT, GSM), pp. 508–517.
HCI-MIE-2007-SunCSC #algorithm #gesture #integration #natural language- An Input-Parsing Algorithm Supporting Integration of Deictic Gesture in Natural Language Interface (YS, FC, Y(S, VC), pp. 206–215.
HCI-MIE-2007-VilimekHO #multimodal- Multimodal Interfaces for In-Vehicle Applications (RV, TH, BO), pp. 216–224.
HCI-MIE-2007-WangYCI #interactive #multimodal #realtime #using- Character Agents in E-Learning Interface Using Multimodal Real-Time Interaction (HW, JY, MHC, MI), pp. 225–231.
HIMI-IIE-2007-FujinoIS #development #motivation- Development of an Affective Interface for Promoting Employees’ Work Motivation in a Routine Work (HF, HI, HS), pp. 873–882.
HIMI-IIE-2007-HoriguchiASTNHK #multi #performance- Ecological Interface to Enhance User Performance in Adjusting Computer-Controlled Multihead Weigher (YH, RA, TS, YT, KN, NH, HK), pp. 883–892.
HIMI-IIE-2007-HsuCSWY #analysis #assessment #game studies #online #using- Function Interfaces Assessment of Online Game Websites in Great China Area Using Content Analysis (CIH, CC, CHS, PJW, YJY), pp. 337–346.
HIMI-IIE-2007-IkeiOK #memory management- Spatial Electronic Mnemonics: A Virtual Memory Interface (YI, HO, TK), pp. 30–37.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Kani-ZabihiG #design- Involving Users in OPAC Interface Design: Perspective from a UK Study (EKZ, GG), pp. 374–383.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ParkJ07b #multi #video- Integrated Multi-view Compensation for Real Sense Video Interfaces (JP, BJ), pp. 608–617.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Sanchez-PueblaAD #evaluation #parametricity #predict #validation- Validation of Critical Parameters for Predictive Evaluation of Notification System in Avionics Interfaces (MASP, IA, PD), pp. 1109–1118.
HIMI-IIE-2007-SchmidtRWMF #development #human-computer #video- Development of an Augmented Vision Video Panorama Human-Machine Interface for Remote Airport Tower Operation (MS, MR, BW, CM, NF), pp. 1119–1128.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ShinLPKOL #chat- A Tactile Emotional Interface for Instant Messenger Chat (HS, JL, JP, YK, HO, TL), pp. 166–175.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Sonntag #design #implementation #interactive #mobile #multimodal #semantics #web- Interaction Design and Implementation for Multimodal Mobile Semantic Web Interfaces (DS), pp. 645–654.
HIMI-IIE-2007-WookS #concept #design- A Conceptual Design for Children’s WebOPAC Interface: Graphic Design Issues (TSMTW, SSS), pp. 785–791.
HIMI-IIE-2007-YuasaA #information management #process- Production Information Management Interface for Operators in Production Process (TY, YA), pp. 994–1003.
HIMI-MTT-2007-ChuCWCR - A Treemap-Based Result Interface for Search Engine Users (SC, JC, ZW, CHHC, VVR), pp. 401–410.
HIMI-MTT-2007-FuchigamiOTO #case study #comparative #process- A Comparative Study of Brain Activities Engaged in Interface Operations by Means of NIRS Trajectory Map (MF, AO, HT, MO), pp. 830–839.
HIMI-MTT-2007-MascioLM #image- The Interface of VISTO, a New Vector Image Search Tool (TDM, LL, VM), pp. 417–426.
HIMI-MTT-2007-MooneyW - Evaluating Interfaces to Publicly Available Environmental Information (PM, ACW), pp. 107–114.
HIMI-MTT-2007-OehlSZ #how #performance- Considerations on Efficient Touch Interfaces — How Display Size Influences the Performance in an Applied Pointing Task (MO, CS, MZ), pp. 136–143.
HIMI-MTT-2007-SakuradaHON #online #recognition #using- A Japanese Text Input Interface Using On-Line Writing-Box-Free Handwriting Recognition and Kana-to-Kanji Conversion (TS, YH, HO, MN), pp. 940–949.
HIMI-MTT-2007-SatoKF #concept #precise #verification- Basic Experimental Verification of Grasping Information Interface Concept, Grasping Force Increases in Precise Periods (SS, MK, YF), pp. 180–188.
HIMI-MTT-2007-TamuraOC #process- NIRS Trajectories in Oxy-Deoxy Hb Plane and the Trajectory Map to Understand Brain Activities Related to Human Interface (HT, MO, MC), pp. 994–1003.
HIMI-MTT-2007-TouyamaH07a #image- Brain Computer Interface Via Stereoscopic Images in CAVE (HT, MH), pp. 1004–1007.
OCSC-2007-Shen #multi #social- From Clicks to Touches: Enabling Face-to-Face Shared Social Interface on Multi-touch Tabletops (CS), pp. 169–175.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-SpillnerBS #flexibility- Flexible Human Service Interfaces (JS, IB, AS), pp. 79–85.
SIGIR-2007-DiasJFC #mobile- Mobile interface of the memoria project (RJD, RMJ, RF, NC), p. 904.
MoDELS-2007-SukaviriyaSRM #approach #design #lifecycle #modelling- Model-Driven Approach for Managing Human Interface Design Life Cycle (NS, VS, TR, SM), pp. 226–240.
MoDELS-2007-SukaviriyaSRM #approach #design #lifecycle #modelling- Model-Driven Approach for Managing Human Interface Design Life Cycle (NS, VS, TR, SM), pp. 226–240.
ECOOP-2007-WehrLT #java- JavaGI : Generalized Interfaces for Java (SW, RL, PT), pp. 347–372.
OOPSLA-2007-HirzelG #developer #java #named- Jeannie: granting java native interface developers their wishes (MH, RG), pp. 19–38.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-SteimannM #analysis #design #towards- Type Access Analysis: Towards Informed Interface Design (FS, PM), pp. 147–164.
SAC-OOPS-J-2006-Steimann07 #programming #refactoring- The Infer Type Refactoring and its Use for Interface-Based Programming (FS), pp. 99–120.
ESEC-FSE-2007-HalfondO #automation #generative #testing #using #web- Improving test case generation for web applications using automated interface discovery (WGJH, AO), pp. 145–154.
ICSE-2007-LeavensM #information management #specification- Information Hiding and Visibility in Interface Specifications (GTL, PM), pp. 385–395.
CASE-2007-AramakiNKHT #knowledge base #using- Human-Robot Interface by using frame like knowledge base (SA, TN, MK, YH, TT), pp. 729–734.
CASE-2007-GreenKKS #automation #prototype #testing #usability- Prototyping and Usability Testing of Supervisory Control Interfaces for Life Science Automation (RSG, SHK, DK, NS), pp. 646–651.
DATE-2007-Stanley-MarbellM #communication #energy #multi #power management- An 0.9 × 1.2”, low power, energy-harvesting system with custom multi-channel communication interface (PSM, DM), pp. 15–20.
DATE-2007-YeungTB #framework #interactive #multi #novel- Interactive presentation: Novel test infrastructure and methodology used for accelerated bring-up and in-system characterization of the multi-gigahertz interfaces on the cell processor (PY, AT, PB), pp. 725–730.
LCTES-2007-ChoAG #manycore #modelling #synthesis #transaction- Interface synthesis for heterogeneous multi-core systems from transaction level models (HC, SA, DG), pp. 140–142.
ESOP-2007-LarsenNW #automaton #product line- Modal I/O Automata for Interface and Product Line Theories (KGL, UN, AW), pp. 64–79.
FASE-2007-BurdyHP #behaviour #bytecode #design #java #specification- Preliminary Design of BML: A Behavioral Interface Specification Language for Java Bytecode (LB, MH, MP), pp. 215–229.
FASE-2007-FisherER #web- Dynamic Characterization of Web Application Interfaces (MFI, SGE, GR), pp. 260–275.
TACAS-2007-GheorghiuGP #composition #verification- Refining Interface Alphabets for Compositional Verification (MG, DG, CSP), pp. 292–307.
CAV-2007-BeyerHS #algorithm #synthesis- Algorithms for Interface Synthesis (DB, TAH, VS), pp. 4–19.
ICLP-2007-Hunyadi #framework #named #prolog #web- Prosper: A Framework for Extending Prolog Applications with a Web Interface (LH), pp. 432–433.
ISSTA-2007-HughesB #composition #model checking- Interface grammars for modular software model checking (GH, TB), pp. 39–49.
CBSE-2006-LeeKLC #adaptation #integration #web #web service- A Tool to Generate an Adapter for the Integration of Web Services Interface (KL, JK, WL, KC), pp. 328–335.
DocEng-2006-ChidlovskiiFL #documentation #learning #named- ALDAI: active learning documents annotation interface (BC, JF, LL), pp. 184–185.
ECDL-2006-KaradkarNFLQ #constraints #information management #testing- An Exploration of Space-Time Constraints on Contextual Information in Image-Based Testing Interfaces (UK, MN, RF, CL, CQ), pp. 391–402.
ECDL-2006-KoutrikaS #library- An Enhanced Search Interface for Information Discovery from Digital Libraries (GK, AS), pp. 87–98.
ECDL-2006-Sam-RajkumarSVFF #coordination #multi #named #visual notation- EtanaCMV: A Visual Browsing Interface for ETANA-DL Based on Coordinated Multiple Views (JLSR, RS, NSV, WF, EAF), pp. 492–494.
JCDL-2006-PlaisantRYAKSCL #mining #visual notation- Exploring erotics in Emily Dickinson’s correspondence with text mining and visual interfaces (CP, JR, BY, LA, MGK, MNS, TC, GL), pp. 141–150.
SIGMOD-2006-ChandramouliXY #database #network #on the #scalability- On the database/network interface in large-scale publish/subscribe systems (BC, JX, JY), pp. 587–598.
VLDB-2006-DragutYM #query- Meaningful Labeling of Integrated Query Interfaces (ECD, CTY, WM), pp. 679–690.
ICSM-2006-BoulangerR - Managing Concern Interfaces (JSB, MPR), pp. 14–23.
WCRE-2006-LaitkorpiKS #approach #uml- A UML-based Approach for Abstracting Application Interfaces to REST-like Services (ML, JK, TS), pp. 134–146.
WCRE-2006-SneedS #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering of System Interfaces A Report from the Field (HMS, SHS), pp. 125–133.
FM-2006-LarsenNW #automaton- Interface Input/Output Automata (KGL, UN, AW), pp. 82–97.
AIIDE-2006-PatelBCHHJLSVZH #case study #experience #interactive #performance #social- A Guided Performance Interface for Augmenting Social Experiences with an Interactive Animatronic Character (SP, WB, DC, SAH, AH, TJJ, SJML, PS, JV, SZ, BH), pp. 72–79.
CHI-2006-Adar #graph #named- GUESS: a language and interface for graph exploration (EA), pp. 791–800.
CHI-2006-KaratKBF #authoring #policy #privacy- Evaluating interfaces for privacy policy rule authoring (CMK, JK, CB, JF), pp. 83–92.
CHI-2006-KarlsonRRCS #mobile #named- FaThumb: a facet-based interface for mobile search (AKK, GGR, DCR, MC, GS), pp. 711–720.
CHI-2006-PlouznikoffPRD #human-computer #interactive #smarttech- Enhancing human-machine interactions: virtual interface alteration through wearable computers (AP, NP, JMR, MD), pp. 373–376.
SOFTVIS-2006-TanimotoL #source code- A transparent interface to state-space search programs (SLT, SL), pp. 151–152.
EDOC-2006-BookG #enterprise #multi #specification #web- Specifying and Controlling Multi-Channel Web Interfaces for Enterprise Applications (MB, VG), pp. 274–283.
ICEIS-HCI-2006-Andrenucci #empirical #personalisation- Medical Information Portals: An Empirical Study of Personalized Search Mechanisms and Search Interfaces (AA), pp. 95–102.
ICEIS-HCI-2006-DoyleWBW #mobile #multimodal #personalisation- A Multimodal Interface for Personalising Spatial Data in Mobile GIS (JD, JW, MB, DCW), pp. 71–78.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-YooC - A SOA-Based System Interface Control for E-Government (NY, HAC), pp. 242–245.
ICML-2006-SongE #human-computer #learning- Classifying EEG for brain-computer interfaces: learning optimal filters for dynamical system features (LS, JE), pp. 857–864.
ICPR-v1-2006-ZhangG #human-computer #kernel #locality- A Kernel-based Signal Localization Method for NIRS Brain-computer Interfaces (HZ, CG), pp. 1158–1161.
ICPR-v1-2006-ZhuWCW #classification #human-computer #predict- GMM-Based Classification Method for Continuous Prediction in Brain-Computer Interface (XZ, JW, YC, YW), pp. 1171–1174.
ICPR-v2-2006-KurazumeOUTH - Embodied Proactive Human Interface “PICO-2” (RK, HO, SU, RiT, TH), pp. 1233–1237.
ICPR-v3-2006-SakaueKMS #recognition #ubiquitous- A Real-life Test of Face Recognition System for Dialogue Interface Robot in Ubiquitous Environments (FS, MK, TM, TS), pp. 1155–1160.
ICPR-v4-2006-YodaTRSI #gesture- Stereo Camera Based Non-Contact Non-Constraining Head Gesture Interface for Electric Wheelchairs (IY, JT, BR, KS, TI), pp. 740–745.
ECOOP-2006-SkotiniotisPL #adaptation #programming- Demeter Interfaces: Adaptive Programming Without Surprises (TS, JP, KJL), pp. 477–500.
AdaEurope-2006-MirandaS #c++- Abstract Interface Types in GNAT: Conversions, Discriminants, and C++ (JM, ES), pp. 179–190.
PEPM-2006-LeuschelEVCF #web- The Ecce and Logen partial evaluators and their web interfaces (ML, DE, MV, SJC, MF), pp. 88–94.
ASE-2006-AcharyaSXX #effectiveness #generative #robust #static analysis- Effective Generation of Interface Robustness Properties for Static Analysis (MA, TS, JX, TX), pp. 293–296.
ICSE-2006-CsallnerS #invariant- Dynamically discovering likely interface invariants (CC, YS), pp. 861–864.
ICSE-2006-MartinX #analysis #comprehension #string- Understanding software application interfaces via string analysis (EM, TX), pp. 901–904.
SAC-2006-CarvalhoRHS #chat #interactive- A chat interface for human-agent interaction in MAST (MMC, MR, JH, NS), pp. 112–118.
SAC-2006-LinsS #component #evolution- Supporting transparent evolution of component interfaces (EPL, UPS), pp. 1629–1630.
SAC-2006-RuttiWS #abstraction #implementation #protocol- Service interface: a new abstraction for implementing and composing protocols (OR, PTW, AS), pp. 691–696.
SAC-2006-SteimannMM - Decoupling classes with inferred interfaces (FS, PM, AM), pp. 1404–1408.
GPCE-2006-ReppyS #generative- Application-specific foreign-interface generation (JHR, CS), pp. 49–58.
ASPLOS-2006-BinkertSR #network- Integrated network interfaces for high-bandwidth TCP/IP (NLB, AGS, SKR), pp. 315–324.
CGO-2006-HazelwoodC #architecture- A Cross-Architectural Interface for Code Cache Manipulation (KMH, RSC), pp. 17–27.
DAC-2006-JerrayaBP #abstraction #modelling #multi #programming- Programming models and HW-SW interfaces abstraction for multi-processor SoC (AAJ, AB, FP), pp. 280–285.
DATE-2006-BalarinP #functional #generative #specification #verification- Functional verification methodology based on formal interface specification and transactor generation (FB, RP), pp. 1013–1018.
DATE-2006-LinHF #hardware- Cooptimization of interface hardware and software for I/O controllers (KJL, SHH, SCF), pp. 724–725.
HPDC-2006-NiH #adaptation #implementation #message passing #network #peer-to-peer- An Implementation of the Message Passing Interface over an Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Network (LN, AH), pp. 371–372.
OSDI-2006-KimR #network #policy- Connection Handoff Policies for TCP Offload Network Interfaces (HyK, SR), pp. 293–306.
OSDI-2006-Ta-MinLL #configuration management #operating system #trust- Splitting Interfaces: Making Trust Between Applications and Operating Systems Configurable (RTM, LL, DL), pp. 279–292.
PDP-2006-AliagaBBCMQQABRSS #parallel #web #web service- Parallelization of GSL: The Web Service Interface (JIA, JMB, SB, MC, RM, ESQO, GQO, FA, VBP, CR, FdS, AS), pp. 301–307.
CAV-2006-AdlerASFLRR #composition #named- Ticc: A Tool for Interface Compatibility and Composition (BTA, LdA, LDdS, MF, AL, VR, PR), pp. 59–62.
ECDL-2005-GoodPJB #library- A Fluid Interface for Personal Digital Libraries (LG, ACP, WCJ, EAB), pp. 162–173.
JCDL-2005-Weatherley #distributed #framework #library #web #web service- A web service framework for embedding discovery services in distributed library interfaces (JW), pp. 42–43.
SIGMOD-2005-LiYJ #interactive #named #natural language #query #xml- NaLIX: an interactive natural language interface for querying XML (YL, HY, HVJ), pp. 900–902.
VLDB-2005-HeMYW #named #web- WISE-Integrator: A System for Extracting and Integrating Complex Web Search Interfaces of the Deep Web (HH, WM, CTY, ZW), pp. 1314–1317.
SEFM-2005-GurovH #abstraction #composition- Interface Abstraction for Compositional Verificatio (DG, MH), pp. 414–424.
SEFM-2005-WandelerJLT #automaton #modelling #static analysis- Counting Interface Automata and their Application in Static Analysis of Actor Models (EW, JWJ, EAL, LT), pp. 106–116.
DiGRA-2005-LinBB - Interface and Narrative Texture (MABL, JB, JB).
DiGRA-2005-Nieuwdorp #pervasive- The Pervasive Interface; Tracing the Magic Circle (EN).
DiGRA-2005-Rhody #game studies- Game Fiction: Playing the Interface in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and Asheron's Call (JR).
DiGRA-2005-SchraderJC #game studies #pervasive- Tangible Interfaces for Pervasive Gaming (AS, BJ0, DC).
CHI-2005-CockburnSW #automation #testing- Tuning and testing scrolling interfaces that automatically zoom (AC, JS, AW), pp. 71–80.
CHI-2005-CostanzaIA #mobile #towards #using- Toward subtle intimate interfaces for mobile devices using an EMG controller (EC, SAI, RA), pp. 481–489.
CHI-2005-GnanayuthamBC #paradigm #personalisation- Discrete acceleration and personalised tiling as brain?body interface paradigms for neurorehabilitation (PG, CB, GC), pp. 261–270.
CHI-2005-SalvucciZBM #agile #evaluation #named #prototype- Distract-R: rapid prototyping and evaluation of in-vehicle interfaces (DDS, MZ, EB, DM), pp. 581–589.
CHI-2005-ZuckermanAR #education- Extending tangible interfaces for education: digital montessori-inspired manipulatives (OZ, SA, MR), pp. 859–868.
ICEIS-v5-2005-FichemanPAOLSAF #editing #usability- An Interface Usability Test for the Editor Musical (IKF, ARP, DFA, ICAdO, RdDL, JSS, JRdAA, LVLF), pp. 122–127.
CIKM-2005-DakkaIW #automation #multi- Automatic construction of multifaceted browsing interfaces (WD, PGI, KRW), pp. 768–775.
ICML-2005-LalSHP #feedback #online- A brain computer interface with online feedback based on magnetoencephalography (TNL, MS, NJH, HP, TH, JM, MB, WR, TH, NB, BS), pp. 465–472.
SEKE-2005-HsuCCY #configuration management #named- Cricketbot — A Configurable Human Interface Software Robot (WTH, YLC, JCC, YPY), pp. 25–28.
SIGIR-2005-BainbridgeWO #metadata- An interface to search human movements based on geographic and chronological metadata (WB, RWW, DWO), pp. 579–580.
SIGIR-2005-DaumkeSM #web- A CLIR interface to a web search engine (PD, SS, KGM), p. 675.
SIGIR-2005-KajiyamaKS #testing #usability #visual notation- Examination and enhancement of a ring-structured graphical search interface based on usability testing (TK, NK, SS), pp. 623–624.
AdaEurope-2005-MirandaSD #ada #compilation #implementation- The Implementation of Ada 2005 Interface Types in the GNAT Compiler (JM, ES, GD), pp. 208–219.
POPL-2005-AlurCMN #java #specification #synthesis- Synthesis of interface specifications for Java classes (RA, PC, PM, WN), pp. 98–109.
SIGAda-2005-MirandaSK #ada #compilation #implementation- The implementation of ada 2005 synchronized interfaces in the GNAT compiler (JM, ES, HHK), pp. 41–48.
ESEC-FSE-2005-HenzingerJM - Permissive interfaces (TAH, RJ, RM), pp. 31–40.
ESEC-FSE-2005-SullivanGSCSTR #aspect-oriented #design #information management- Information hiding interfaces for aspect-oriented design (KJS, WGG, YS, YC, MS, NT, HR), pp. 166–175.
GPCE-2005-CulpepperOF #abstraction #component- Syntactic Abstraction in Component Interfaces (RC, SO, MF), pp. 373–388.
HPCA-2005-WillmannKRP #network #performance #programmable- An Efficient Programmable 10 Gigabit Ethernet Network Interface Card (PW, HyK, SR, VSP), pp. 96–107.
CBSE-2004-Jonkers #specification- Interface Specification: A Balancing Act (HBMJ), pp. 5–6.
ECDL-2004-Apps #library #web #web service- zetoc SOAP: A Web Services Interface for a Digital Library Resource (AA), pp. 198–208.
ECDL-2004-FalquetJZ #library #ontology- Ontology Based Interfaces to Access a Library of Virtual Hyperbooks (GF, CLMJ, JCZ), pp. 99–110.
ECDL-2004-HunterFL #data analysis #generative #interactive- Next Generation Search Interfaces — Interactive Data Exploration and Hypothesis Formulation (JH, KF, SL), pp. 86–98.
JCDL-2004-Allen #query- A query interface for an event gazetteer (RBA), pp. 72–73.
JCDL-2004-PeruginiMRPSRWF #interactive #multimodal #usability #visualisation- Enhancing usability in CITIDEL: multimodal, multilingual, and interactive visualization interfaces (SP, KM, RR, MAPQ, RS, NR, CW, EAF), pp. 315–324.
SIGMOD-2004-HeZC #integration #query #web- Knocking the Door to the Deep Web: Integration of Web Query Interfaces (BH, ZZ, KCCC), pp. 913–914.
SIGMOD-2004-WuYDM #approach #clustering #interactive #query #web- An Interactive Clustering-based Approach to Integrating Source Query interfaces on the Deep Web (WW, CTY, AD, WM), pp. 95–106.
SIGMOD-2004-ZhangHC #comprehension #parsing #query #syntax #web- Understanding Web Query Interfaces: Best-Effort Parsing with Hidden Syntax (ZZ, BH, KCCC), pp. 107–118.
ICSM-2004-TonellaC #aspect-oriented #implementation #migration- Migrating Interface Implementation to Aspects (PT, MC), pp. 220–229.
Haskell-2004-MarlowJT #concurrent #haskell- Extending the Haskell foreign function interface with concurrency (SM, SLPJ, WT), pp. 22–32.
CHI-2004-KoM #behaviour #debugging #design- Designing the whyline: a debugging interface for asking questions about program behavior (AJK, BAM), pp. 151–158.
CHI-2004-LecuyerBE #pseudo- Feeling bumps and holes without a haptic interface: the perception of pseudo-haptic textures (AL, JMB, LE), pp. 239–246.
CHI-2004-TsangBSR #3d #image #sketching- A suggestive interface for image guided 3D sketching (ST, RB, KS, AR), pp. 591–598.
CSCW-2004-SouzaRCMP #case study #programming- Sometimes you need to see through walls: a field study of application programming interfaces (CRBdS, DFR, LTC, DRM, JFP), pp. 63–71.
CSCW-2004-WinbergB #design #towards #visual notation- Assembling the senses: towards the design of cooperative interfaces for visually impaired users (FW, JB), pp. 332–341.
ICEIS-v5-2004-CostagliolaMFOMP #information management- An Innovative Vocal Interface for Automotive Information Systems (GC, SDM, FF, GO, UM, AP), pp. 9–14.
ICEIS-v5-2004-DuarteCS #architecture #flexibility- A Flexible Interface Architecture for Digital Talking Books (CD, LC, HS), pp. 146–151.
ICEIS-v5-2004-Zajicek #design- A Methodology for Interface Design for Older Adults (MZ), pp. 81–88.
ICPR-v4-2004-GreenPBG #recognition #visual notation- Location and Recognition of Flashlight Projections for Visual Interfaces (JG, TPP, SB, AG), pp. 949–952.
ICPR-v4-2004-SatoKYI #using- An Immersive Telepresence System with a Locomotion Interface Using High-Resolution Omnidirectional Movies (SI, TS, MK, NY), pp. 396–399.
ICPR-v4-2004-YamamotoYS #gesture #using- Arm-Pointing Gesture Interface Using Surrounded Stereo Cameras System (YY, IY, KS), pp. 965–970.
KDD-2004-HeCH #approach #correlation #mining #query #web- Discovering complex matchings across web query interfaces: a correlation mining approach (BH, KCCC, JH), pp. 148–157.
ECOOP-2004-Henzinger - Rich Interfaces for Software Modules (TAH), pp. 517–518.
ECOOP-2004-IterumC #corba #inheritance #version control- Inheritance-Inspired Interface Versioning for CORBA (SI, RC), pp. 268–290.
ECOOP-2004-LiuS #communication- Modules with Interfaces for Dynamic Linking and Communication (YDL, SFS), pp. 414–439.
SAC-J-2003-ShinjoKP04 #imperative #performance- Efficient mediators with closures for handling dynamic interfaces in an imperative language (YS, TK, CP), pp. 351–357.
ASE-2004-BlundellFKH #product line #verification- Parameterized Interfaces for Open System Verification of Product Lines (CB, KF, SK, PVH), pp. 258–267.
SAC-2004-BergholzC #learning #query #web- Learning query languages of Web interfaces (AB, BC), pp. 1114–1121.
SAC-2004-GossnerMS #development #java- Interface utilization in the Java Development Kit (JG, PM, FS), pp. 1310–1315.
DAC-2004-YoussefYSPJ #case study #debugging #design #video- Debugging HW/SW interface for MPSoC: video encoder system design case study (MWY, SY, AS, YP, AAJ), pp. 908–913.
DATE-v1-2004-VuleticRPI #configuration management #operating system- Operating System Support for Interface Virtualisation of Reconfigurable Coprocessors (MV, LR, LP, PI), p. 748.
DATE-v2-2004-LiverisB #design #power management #synthesis- Power Aware Interface Synthesis for Bus-Based SoC Design (NDL, PB), pp. 864–869.
DATE-v2-2004-RadulescuDGRW #abstraction #flexibility #network #performance- An Efficient On-Chip Network Interface Offering Guaranteed Services, Shared-Memory Abstraction, and Flexible Network Configuration (AR, JD, KGWG, ER, PW), pp. 878–883.
LCTES-2004-WillmannBP #architecture #named #network #programmable- Spinach: a liberty-based simulator for programmable network interface architectures (PW, MB, VSP), pp. 20–29.
PDP-2004-VilayannurRCTSK #on the #performance- On the Performance of the POSIX I/O Interface to PVFS (MV, RBR, PHC, RT, AS, MTK), pp. 332–339.
DATE-2005-HabibiAMT04 #design #on the #verification- On the Design and Verification Methodology of the Look-Aside Interface (AH, AIA, OAM, ST), pp. 290–295.
CAV-2004-ChangBD #design #refinement #using #verification- Using Interface Refinement to Integrate Formal Verification into the Design Cycle (JC, SB, DLD), pp. 122–134.
ECDL-2003-BainbridgeEMW #library- Managing Change in a Digital Library System with Many Interface Languages (DB, KDE, JRM, IHW), pp. 350–361.
ECDL-2003-KaradkarKFFSW - Connecting Interface Metaphors to Support Creation of Path-Based Collections (UK, AK, RF, LFR, FMSI, JW), pp. 338–349.
JCDL-2003-MostafaB #analysis #library #retrieval #visualisation- International Workshop on Information Visualization Interfaces for Retrieval and Analysis (IVIRA) at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2003 (JM, KB), p. 416.
JCDL-2003-SumnerBAG #concept #design #library- Designing a Language for Creating Conceptual Browsing Interfaces for Digital Libraries (TS, SB, FA, QG), pp. 258–260.
SIGMOD-2003-HeC #query #statistics #web- Statistical Schema Matching across Web Query Interfaces (BH, KCCC), pp. 217–228.
SIGMOD-2003-LiuFP #database #grid #named- GridDB: A Database Interface to the Grid (DTL, MJF, DP), p. 660.
VLDB-2003-HeMYW #automation #e-commerce #named #web- WISE-Integrator: An Automatic Integrator of Web Search Interfaces for E-Commerce (HH, WM, CTY, ZW), pp. 357–368.
ITiCSE-2003-Scott #education #game studies #java #programming #visual notation- Teaching graphical interface programming in Java with the game of wari (KS), p. 254.
CIAA-2003-Henzinger #automaton #component #specification- Automata for Specifying Component Interfaces (TAH), pp. 1–2.
IFL-2003-MartinezP #algebra #algorithm- Building an Interface Between Eden and Maple: A Way of Parallelizing Computer Algebra Algorithms (RMT, RP), pp. 135–151.
CHI-2003-CosleyLAKR #how #recommendation- Is seeing believing?: how recommender system interfaces affect users’ opinions (DC, SKL, IA, JAK, JR), pp. 585–592.
CHI-2003-CoventryAJ #usability #verification- Usability and biometric verification at the ATM interface (LMC, ADA, GJ), pp. 153–160.
CHI-2003-GrossmanBS #using- An interface for creating and manipulating curves using a high degree-of-freedom curve input device (TG, RB, KS), pp. 185–192.
CHI-2003-KlemmerGWL #physics- Books with voices: paper transcripts as a physical interface to oral histories (SRK, JG, GJW, JAL), pp. 89–96.
CHI-2003-MuellerAP #distance #social- Exertion interfaces: sports over a distance for social bonding and fun (FM, SA, RWP), pp. 561–568.
EDOC-2003-BahlerCM #approach #experience #generative #modelling #specification #xml- Experience with a Model-Driven Approach for Enterprise-Wide Interface Specification and XML Schema Generation (LB, FC, JM), pp. 288–295.
CIKM-2003-Sifer #coordination #visual notation- A visual interface technique for exploring OLAP data with coordinated dimension hierarchies (MS), pp. 532–535.
ESEC-FSE-2003-Viljamaa #framework #reuse #reverse engineering- Reverse engineering framework reuse interfaces (JV), pp. 217–226.
ICSE-2003-LorenzV #implementation- Pluggable Reflection: Decoupling Meta-Interface and Implementation (DHL, JMV), pp. 3–13.
SAC-2003-AugurusaBCC #design #implementation #visual notation #xquery- Design and Implementation of a Graphical Interface to Xquery (EA, DB, AC, SC), pp. 1163–1167.
GPCE-2003-NordstromSCSEL #automation #named- ANEMIC: Automatic Interface Enabler for Model Integrated Computing (SN, SS, KGC, JS, BE, ÁL), pp. 138–150.
DATE-2003-ChengP #encoding #power management #visual notation- Chromatic Encoding: A Low Power Encoding Technique for Digital Visual Interface (WCC, MP), pp. 10694–10699.
PDP-2003-CalafateM #development #multi #platform #programming #protocol- A multi-platform programming interface for protocol development (CMTC, PM), pp. 243–249.
PPoPP-2003-KimPR #concurrent #network #programmable- Exploiting task-level concurrency in a programmable network interface (HyK, VSP, SR), pp. 61–72.
FASE-2003-ZhaoR #aspectj #behaviour #named #specification- Pipa: A Behavioral Interface Specification Language for AspectJ (JZ, MCR), pp. 150–165.
CBSE-2003-Heineman #component #modelling- Integrating Interface Assertion Checkers into Component Models (GTH), p. 9.
JCDL-2002-BornerFM #collaboration #library #visual notation- Collaborative visual interfaces to digital libraries (KB, YF, TM), pp. 279–280.
JCDL-2002-Derthick #image- Interfaces for palmtop image search (MD), pp. 340–341.
JCDL-2002-WangABAFN #library- Enhancing the ENVISION interface for digital libraries (JW, AA, AB, SA, EAF, CN), pp. 275–276.
SIGMOD-2002-CranorGJSS #monitoring #named #network #performance #sql- Gigascope: high performance network monitoring with an SQL interface (CDC, YG, TJ, VS, OS), p. 623.
CGDC-2002-KingK #game studies- Computer Games / Cinema / Interfaces (GK, TK).
CHI-2002-AccotZ - More than dotting the i’s — foundations for crossing-based interfaces (JA, SZ), pp. 73–80.
CHI-2002-FukayamaOMSH #embedded- Messages embedded in gaze of interface agents — impression management with agent’s gaze (AF, TO, NM, MS, NH), pp. 41–48.
CHI-2002-JacobIPP #grid #using- A tangible interface for organizing information using a grid (RJKJ, HI, GP, JP), pp. 339–346.
CHI-2002-McGrenereBB #design #evaluation #multi- An evaluation of a multiple interface design solution for bloated software (JM, RB, KSB), pp. 164–170.
CHI-2002-PiperRI #3d #analysis- Illuminating clay: a 3-D tangible interface for landscape analysis (BP, CR, HI), pp. 355–362.
CHI-2002-SchnadelbachKFFICFBGR #artificial reality- The augurscope: a mixed reality interface for outdoors (HS, BK, MF, MF, SI, PC, MF, SB, CG, TR), pp. 9–16.
CHI-2002-SuhWRG #documentation #overview- Popout prism: adding perceptual principles to overview+detail document interfaces (BS, AW, RR, AG), pp. 251–258.
CHI-2002-WhittakerHASBISZR #named #speech- SCANMail: a voicemail interface that makes speech browsable, readable and searchable (SW, JH, BA, LAS, MB, PLI, LS, GZ, AER), pp. 275–282.
CSCW-2002-CadizVJG #design- Designing and deploying an information awareness interface (JJC, GDV, GJ, AG), pp. 314–323.
EDOC-2002-PiccinelliEZS #automation #framework #process #web #web service- Web Service Interfaces for Inter-Organisational Business Processes: An Infrastructure for Automated Reconciliation (GP, WE, CZ, KS), pp. 285–292.
ICEIS-2002-GnasaW #information management #natural language- Natural Language Interface to Knowledge Management Systems (MG, JW), pp. 494–499.
ICPR-v2-2002-YonemotoT #3d #interactive- Vision-Based 3D Direct Manipulation Interface for Smart Interaction (SY, RiT), pp. 655–654.
ICPR-v3-2002-DuricWY #adaptation #gesture #using- Adaptive and Smart Interface for VCR Remote Control Using Hand Gestures (ZD, HW, JY), pp. 1035–1038.
ICPR-v3-2002-KawaiT #3d #using #visual notation- A Support System for Visually Impaired Persons to Understand Three-dimensional Visual Information Using Acoustic Interface (YK, FT), pp. 974–977.
ICPR-v3-2002-ShihL #visual notation- A Bi-Directional Visual Stereo Interface for Accessing Stereo Matching Results from a Human Brain (SWS, THL), pp. 1039–1042.
SIGIR-2002-HansenPKBS #design #information retrieval- User-centered interface design for cross-language information retrieval (PH, DP, JK, MB, MS), pp. 383–384.
AdaEurope-2002-RivasH #scheduling- A POSIX-Ada Interface for Application-Defined Scheduling (MAR, MGH), pp. 136–150.
AdaEurope-2002-Rosen #ada #paradigm- Ada, Interfaces and the Listener Paradigm (JPR), pp. 344–356.
PADL-2002-ShenSNS #eclipse #programming language- A High-Level Generic Interface to External Programming Languages for ECLiPSe (KS, JS, SN, JS), pp. 262–279.
ASE-2002-LiKF #composition #verification- Interfaces for Modular Feature Verification (HCL, SK, KF), pp. 195–204.
SAC-2002-BuckerR #performance- Efficient derivative computations in neutron scattering via interface contraction (HMB, AR), pp. 184–188.
SAC-2002-Wilson #design- The “look and feel” of an ebook: considerations in interface design (RW), pp. 530–534.
ASPLOS-2002-KimPR #network #throughput #web- Increasing web server throughput with network interface data caching (HyK, VSP, SR), pp. 239–250.
DAC-2002-AmickGL #concept #megamodelling- Macro-modeling concepts for the chip electrical interface (BWA, CRG, DL), pp. 391–394.
DAC-2002-ChakrabartiDCB #realtime #specification #verification- Formal verification of module interfaces against real time specifications (AC, PD, PPC, AB), pp. 141–145.
DAC-2002-OliveiraH #automation #generative #monitoring #specification- High-Level specification and automatic generation of IP interface monitors (MTO, AJH), pp. 129–134.
DATE-2002-RichterE #analysis- Event Model Interfaces for Heterogeneous System Analysis (KR, RE), pp. 506–513.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-WakabayashiT #adaptation #approach #debugging #evaluation #specification #standard- Standardization approach of ITRON debugging interface specification and evaluation of its adaptability (TW, HT), pp. 65–74.
PDP-2002-Gross - Ambient Interfaces in a Web-Based Theatre of Work (TG), pp. 55–62.
CADE-2002-Hurd #first-order #logic- An LCF-Style Interface between HOL and First-Order Logic (JH), pp. 134–138.
CAV-2002-ChakrabartiAHJM - Interface Compatibility Checking for Software Modules (AC, LdA, TAH, MJ, FYCM), pp. 428–441.
CAV-2002-ChakrabartiAHM #bidirectional #component- Synchronous and Bidirectional Component Interfaces (AC, LdA, TAH, FYCM), pp. 414–427.
ISSTA-2002-WhaleyML #automation #component #object-oriented- Automatic extraction of object-oriented component interfaces (JW, MCM, MSL), pp. 218–228.
WICSA-2001-Jonkers #architecture- Interface-Centric Architecture Descriptions (HJ), pp. 113–124.
HT-2001-WealHMM #hypermedia #ontology- Open hypermedia as a navigational interface to ontological information spaces (MJW, GVH, DEM, LM), pp. 227–236.
CSEET-2001-VeerV #component #education #human-computer #re-engineering- The Human-Computer Interface is the System: A Plea for a Poor Man’s HCI Component in Software Engineering Curricula (GCvdV, HvV), p. 276–?.
WCRE-2001-Sneed #cobol #legacy #source code #xml- Wrapping Legacy COBOL Programs behind an XML-Interface (HMS), p. 189–?.
CHI-2001-Chao #process- Doom as an interface for process management (DLC), pp. 152–157.
CHI-2001-DohertyCBB #performance- Improving the performance of the cyberlink mental interface with “yes / no program” (EPD, GC, CB, DB), pp. 69–76.
CHI-2001-HornbaekF #documentation #linear #overview #usability- Reading of electronic documents: the usability of linear, fisheye, and overview+detail interfaces (KH, EF), pp. 293–300.
CHI-2001-MamykinaMT - Time Aura: interfaces for pacing (LM, EDM, MAT), pp. 144–151.
CHI-2001-Salvucci #architecture #predict #using- Predicting the effects of in-car interfaces on driver bahavior using a cognitive architecture (DDS), pp. 120–127.
CHI-2001-StantonBNGBCIWPO #collaboration #design- Classroom collaboration in the design of tangible interfaces for storytelling (DS, VB, HN, AG, SB, SC, RI, JRW, TPP, CO), pp. 482–489.
SVIS-2001-OechsleS #automation #debugging #diagrams #java #named #sequence chart #using #visualisation- JAVAVIS: Automatic Program Visualization with Object and Sequence Diagrams Using the Java Debug Interface (JDI) (RO, TS), pp. 176–190.
ICEIS-v1-2001-Lingen #database #object-oriented #xml- XML Interface for Object Oriented Databases (FvL), pp. 29–35.
ICEIS-v2-2001-LeeLW #design #implementation #online #visual notation- Design and Implementation of a Visual Online Product Catalog Interface (JL, HSL, PW), pp. 1010–1017.
CIKM-2001-JamilMT #database #query #towards #visual notation- Towards a Visual Query Interface for Phylogenetic Databases (HMJ, GAM, MAT), pp. 57–64.
UML-2001-RoubtsovaGKJ #specification- A Specification Model for Interface Suites (EER, LCMvG, RK, HBMJ), pp. 457–471.
OOPSLA-2001-AlpernCFGL #harmful #implementation #java #performance- Efficient Implementation of Java Interfaces: Invokeinterface Considered Harmless (BA, AC, SJF, DG, DL), pp. 108–124.
AdaEurope-2001-OppenheimerZN #communication #modelling- Modelling Communication Interfaces with COMIX (FO, DZ, WN), pp. 337–348.
GCSE-2001-Wijnstra #architecture #component #framework #modelling #platform- Components, Interfaces and Information Models within a Platform Architecture (JGW), pp. 25–35.
PADL-2001-TyagiT #algorithm #prolog- A Most Specific Method Finding Algorithm for Reflection Based Dynamic Prolog-to-Java Interfaces (ST, PT), pp. 322–336.
ASE-2001-EgyedB #off the shelf- Unfriendly COTS Integration-Instrumentation and Interfaces for Improved Plugability (AE, RB), pp. 223–231.
ESEC-FSE-2001-AlfaroH #automaton- Interface automata (LdA, TAH), pp. 109–120.
DAC-2001-ChelceaN #protocol #robust- Robust Interfaces for Mixed-Timing Systems with Application to Latency-Insensitive Protocols (TC, SMN), pp. 21–26.
DATE-2001-SiegmundM #communication #design #modelling #multi #named- SystemCSV — an extension of SystemC for mixed multi-level communication modeling and interface-based system design (RS, DM), pp. 26–33.
- DL-2000-GerweV #query
- User effort in query construction and interface selection (PG, CLV), pp. 246–247.
- DL-2000-SmithCS #speech
- A speech interface for building musical score collections (LAS, EFC, BLS), pp. 165–173.
ECDL-2000-LeeSBMMO #analysis #implementation #video- Implementation and Analysis of Several Keyframe-Based Browsing Interfaces to Digital Video (HL, AFS, CB, NM, SM, NEO), pp. 206–218.
ECDL-2000-NicholsPDLBT #collaboration #library #named- DEBORA: Developing an Interface to Support Collaboration in a Digital Library (DMN, DP, SD, OL, CB, MT), pp. 239–248.
VLDB-2000-RisheYACLMVSV #database #query #semantics- Semantic Access: Semantic Interface for Querying Databases (NR, JY, RA, SCC, XL, XM, AV, AS, DV), pp. 591–594.
WCRE-2000-Sim #generative- Next Generation Data Interchange: Tool-to-Tool Application Program Interfaces (SES), pp. 278–280.
IFM-2000-Jonkers #named #specification #towards- ISpec: Towards Practical and Sound Interface Specifications (HBMJ), pp. 116–135.
CHI-2000-KoikeSKTK #diagrams #interactive- Interactive textbook and interactive Venn diagram: natural and intuitive interfaces on augmented desk system (HK, YS, YK, HT, MK), pp. 121–128.
CHI-2000-KolevaSBG - Traversable interfaces between real and virtual worlds (BK, HS, SB, CG), pp. 233–240.
CHI-2000-MankoffHA #ambiguity- Providing integrated toolkit-level support for ambiguity in recognition-based interfaces (JM, SEH, GDA), pp. 368–375.
CHI-2000-SalvucciA - Intelligent gaze-added interfaces (DDS, JRA), pp. 273–280.
CHI-2000-SchianoERS - Face to interface: facial affect in (hu)man and machine (DJS, SME, KR, KS), pp. 193–200.
CHI-2000-WhittakerDHM #named #what- Jotmail: a voicemail interface that enables you to see what was said (SW, RD, JH, UM), pp. 89–96.
CSCW-2000-YanoNIM #using- Shared walk environment using locomotion interfaces (HY, HN, HI, TM), pp. 163–170.
ICEIS-2000-ChevalierV #information retrieval #named #visualisation- ISIDOR: A Visualisation Interface for Advanced Information Retrieval (MC, MV), pp. 414–418.
ICML-2000-LaneB #learning #reduction- Data Reduction Techniques for Instance-Based Learning from Human/Computer Interface Data (TL, CEB), pp. 519–526.
ICPR-v1-2000-KatoS #visual notation- Visual Interface from Uncalibrated Camera for Unknown Displays (MK, JS), pp. 1428–1431.
ICPR-v1-2000-SegenKG #visual notation- Visual Interface for Conducting Virtual Orchestra (JS, SK, JG), pp. 1276–1279.
ICPR-v2-2000-Pavlidis #2d- A New Paper/Computer Interface: Two-Dimensional Symbologies (TP), pp. 2145–2151.
ICPR-v2-2000-VarstaHMM #human-computer #performance #set- Evaluating the Performance of Three Feature Sets for Brain-Computer Interfaces with an Early Stopping MLP Committee (MV, JH, JdRM, JM), pp. 2907–2910.
ICPR-v3-2000-ChoKN #image #performance #using- An Efficient Walkthrough from Two Images Using View Morphing and Spidery Mesh Interface (HSC, CHK, SN), pp. 3143–3146.
ICPR-v4-2000-Uchida #authentication #mobile- Fingerprint-Based User-Friendly Interface and Pocket-PID for Mobile Authentication (KU), pp. 4205–4209.
SPLC-2000-Pronk #approach #framework #platform- An Interface-based platform approach (BJP), pp. 331–352.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-CanalFTV #calculus #corba #protocol- Extending CORBA Interfaces with p-Calculus for Protocol Compatibility (CC, LF, JMT, AV), pp. 208–225.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-JacobsenK #modelling- Modeling Interface Definition Language Extensions (HAJ, BJK), pp. 242–252.
TOOLS-USA-2000-GhoshM #component #testing- Interface Mutation to Assess the Adequacy of Tests for Components and Systems (SG, APM), p. 37–?.
AdaEurope-2000-HovaterMB #design #documentation #generative #using- Generation of Interface Design Description Documents Using ASIS (SVH, WM, AB), pp. 138–148.
PADL-2000-GuptaA #constraints #named #source code #spreadsheet #visual notation- Knowledgesheet: A Graphical Spreadsheet Interface for Interactively Developing a Class of Constraint Programs (GG, SFA), pp. 308–323.
ASE-2000-HuchardL #java- Computing Interfaces in Java (MH, HL), pp. 317–320.
ASE-2000-MansurovV #case study #modelling #visual notation- New Visual Interface for Engineering Use Case Models (NM, DV), pp. 297–300.
ICSE-2000-CorbettDHR #java #model checking #named #source code- Bandera: a source-level interface for model checking Java programs (JCC, MBD, JH, R), pp. 762–765.
DATE-2000-JosephsF #specification #synthesis- Delay-Insensitive Interface Specification and Synthesis (MBJ, DPF), pp. 169–173.
ISSTA-2000-SchulzM #debugging #thread- A thread-aware debugger with an open interface (DS, FM), pp. 201–211.
- DL-1999-DempseyWG
- Use of an Expanding Directory Interface for WWW Legal Resources (BJD, BMW, GG), pp. 223–224.
- DL-1999-SpertusS #database #relational #web
- A Relational Databases Interface to the World-Wide Web (ES, LAS), pp. 248–249.
SIGMOD-1999-CruzJ #database #distributed #multi #query- A User-Centered Interface for Querying Distributed Multimedia Databases (IFC, KMJ), pp. 590–592.
VLDB-1999-NinkHR #database #generative #programming- Generating Call-Level Interfaces for Advanced Database Application Programming (UN, TH, NR), pp. 575–586.
ITiCSE-1999-YangB #education #java #programming #using- Using Java and the socket interface in teaching client/server programming (AY, YB), p. 206.
WCRE-1999-StrouliaEKSM #approach #legacy #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering Legacy Interfaces: An Interaction-Driven Approach (ES, MER, LK, PGS, BM), p. 292–?.
WCRE-1999-TuckerS #modelling #re-engineering- Model Based User-Interface Reengineering (KT, KS), p. 56–?.
FM-v1-1999-Kurki-Suonio #component #refinement #specification- Component and Interface Refinement in Closed-System Specifications (RKS), pp. 134–154.
CHI-1999-BalakrishnanK #3d- Exploring Bimanual Camera Control and Object Manipulation in 3D Graphics Interfaces (RB, GK), pp. 56–62.
CHI-1999-CassellBBCCVY - Embodiment in Conversational Interfaces: Rea (JC, TWB, MB, LC, KC, HHV, HY), pp. 520–527.
CHI-1999-CohenWP #multi #named #video- Logjam: A Tangible Multi-Person Interface for Video Logging (JC, MW, PP), pp. 128–135.
CHI-1999-GoldsteinBAT #mobile #type system- Non-Keyboard QWERTY Touch Typing: A Portable Input Interface for The Mobile User (MG, RB, GA, ST), pp. 32–39.
CHI-1999-IshiiWOCP #design #game studies #named- PingPongPlus: Design of an Athletic-Tangible Interface for Computer-Supported Cooperative Play (HI, CW, JO, BC, JAP), pp. 394–401.
CHI-1999-JohnsonWBKB #using- Sympathetic Interfaces: Using a Plush Toy to Direct Synthetic Characters (MPJ, ADW, BB, CK, AFB), pp. 152–158.
CHI-1999-NelsonIPA #named- Palette: A Paper Interface for Giving Presentations (LN, SI, ERP, LA), pp. 354–361.
CHI-1999-OlsenHVHP #implementation- Implementing Interface Attachments Based on Surface Representations (DRO, SEH, TV, JMH, MP), pp. 191–198.
CHI-1999-PuertaCOM #mobile #named- MOBILE: User-Centered Interface Building (ARP, EC, TO, JM), pp. 426–433.
CHI-1999-Salvucci #eye tracking #modelling #process- Inferring Intent in Eye-Based Interfaces: Tracing Eye Movements with Process Models (DDS), pp. 254–261.
CHI-1999-StrommenA #design #interactive #social- Emotional Interfaces for Interactive Aardvarks: Designing Affect into Social Interfaces for Children (ES, KA), pp. 528–535.
CHI-1999-ToyodaS #editing #multi #navigation #network #perspective #predict- Hyper Mochi Sheet: A Predictive Focusing Interface for Navigating and Editing Nested Networks Through a Multi-Focus Distortion-Oriented View (MT, ES), pp. 504–511.
HCI-CCAD-1999-BarretoSA #human-computer- Hands-off human-computer interfaces for individuals with severe motor disabilities (AB, SS, MA), pp. 970–974.
HCI-CCAD-1999-BookG - Mental effort increases when adding a voice control feature to a familiar interface (RB, MG), pp. 23–27.
HCI-CCAD-1999-BoussoffaraE #performance #scalability- Influence of interfaces on human performance in S&C of large technical systems (BB, PFE), pp. 1286–1290.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Brewster #mobile- Sound in the interface to a mobile computer (SAB), pp. 43–47.
HCI-CCAD-1999-FurutaOK #human-computer- Intelligent plant human-machine interface based on intent inferencing (KF, YO, SK), pp. 1192–1196.
HCI-CCAD-1999-IshiiTY #design- User-interface design of the support system for constructing virtual environment (HI, TT, HY), pp. 1182–1186.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KarshmerPG - Software technology and computer interfaces for the disabled: non-visual WWW browsing (AIK, EP, GG), pp. 792–796.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KernB #case study #experience- Experiences with interfaces for virtual environments in the field of engineering (PK, RB), pp. 696–700.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KochRGS #community- Paper user-interfaces for local community support (MK, AR, AG, DS), pp. 417–421.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KoisoFN #coordination #visual notation- Proposal of visual interfaces to coordinate decision making in hierarchical structures and their application to fire systems (TK, TF, SN), pp. 367–371.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MarcusFAG #design- Global User-Interface Design (AM, VF, JA, EG), pp. 772–776.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MulkenAM #empirical- An empirical study on the trustworthiness of life-like interface agents (SvM, EA, JM), pp. 152–156.
HCI-CCAD-1999-SantosP #framework #multi- Multi-modal interfaces: R&D opportunities in the 5th framework programme (JMS, CMP), pp. 918–921.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Tielsch #health #network #safety- Call center — interface between companies’ practice and the competence network of safety and health at work in North-Rhine-Westfalia (RT), pp. 1332–1336.
HCI-CCAD-1999-YanoKOH - Haptic interface for immersive projection display (HY, NK, TO, MH), pp. 1030–1034.
HCI-CCAD-1999-ZajicekPR #evaluation #visual notation #web- Evaluation of a world wide web scanning interface for blind and visually impaired users (MZ, CP, CR), pp. 980–984.
HCI-EI-1999-Adam #human-computer #specification- Specifications of Human-Machine Interfaces for Helping Cooperation in Human Organizations (EA), pp. 311–315.
HCI-EI-1999-Arnold #approach #evaluation- Mental effort and evaluation of user-interfaces: a questionnaire approach (AGA), pp. 1003–1007.
HCI-EI-1999-BaggenW #approach #evaluation #interactive #named- WorkLAB — An interactive interface evaluation approach (RB, RW), pp. 1013–1017.
HCI-EI-1999-BussemakersHL #categorisation #design- The effect of auditory accessory stimuli on picture categorisation; implications for interface design (MPB, AdH, PMCL), pp. 436–440.
HCI-EI-1999-CastellsS #named- HandsOn: Dynamic Interface Presentations by Example (PC, PAS), pp. 1288–1292.
HCI-EI-1999-ChenC #case study #visual notation- A study on tactile interfaces as an aid to home electronic appliance operation for the visually impaired (WZC, WKC), pp. 740–744.
HCI-EI-1999-ChengYH #design #distributed #human-computer #learning- Cognition and Learning in Distributed Design Environments: Experimental Studies and Human-Computer Interfaces (FC, YHY, HH), pp. 631–635.
HCI-EI-1999-ChenL #development #multi- Development of an Interface for Computing and Analyzing Multidimensional Perceptual Space (LLC, JWL), pp. 621–625.
HCI-EI-1999-FarrellAT - Harnessing New Dimensions for Creating Informed Interfaces (CF, RA, FT), pp. 357–361.
HCI-EI-1999-Fischer #design #human-computer #speech- Repeats, Reformulations, and Emotional Speech: Evidence for the Design of Human-Computer Speech Interfaces (KF), pp. 560–565.
HCI-EI-1999-Ginnow-Merkert - Interface Issues in Everyday Products (HGM), pp. 626–630.
HCI-EI-1999-GriffithsPGW #database #development #modelling- Task Modelling for Database Interface Development (TG, NWP, CAG, AW), pp. 1033–1037.
HCI-EI-1999-Haller #design #relational- Systematic Design of Human-Computer-Interfaces as Relational Semiotic Systems (RH), pp. 607–611.
HCI-EI-1999-HennS #e-commerce #problem- Compatibility Problems in e-Commerce Interfaces (HH, TS), pp. 571–575.
HCI-EI-1999-Hollnagel - Keep Cool: The Value of Affective Computer Interfaces in a Rational World (EH), pp. 676–680.
HCI-EI-1999-KongSM #approach #legacy #migration- Legacy Interface Migration: A Task-Centered Approach (LK, ES, BM), pp. 1167–1171.
HCI-EI-1999-Kuutti99a #community #human-computer #question- Small interfaces — a blind spot of the academical HCI community? (KK), pp. 710–714.
HCI-EI-1999-LiuHW #design- WWW Interface Design for Computerized Service Supporting System (THL, SLH, JCW), pp. 735–739.
HCI-EI-1999-MachiiMAKYKNK #3d #internet #using- An Easy Internet Browsing System with Sophisticated Human Interface Using 3-D Graphics (KM, SM, YA, SK, MY, KK, YN, KK), pp. 228–232.
HCI-EI-1999-MarcusAFG99a #design #online #transaction- User-Interface Design for Online Transactions: Planet SABRE Air-Travel Booking (AM, JA, VF, EG), pp. 656–660.
HCI-EI-1999-MarcusAFG99b #design- Good Things in Small Packages: User-Interface Design for Baby Faces in Devices and Appliances for Y2K and Beyond (AM, JA, VF, EG), pp. 715–719.
HCI-EI-1999-MarcusAFG99c #design- Vehicle-Navigation User-Interface Design: Lessons for Consumer Devices (AM, JA, VF, EG), pp. 1143–1147.
HCI-EI-1999-MarcusAFG99d #development- User-Interface Development: Lessons for the Future from two Past Projects (AM, JA, VF, EG), pp. 1227–1231.
HCI-EI-1999-MatsuoNNO #evaluation #maintenance- Simulation-Based Human Interface Evaluation for Maintenance Facilities (SM, TN, YN, TO), pp. 948–952.
HCI-EI-1999-OliveiraB #communication #design- Communicating Entities: a Semiotic-Based Methodology for Interface Design (OLDO, MCCB), pp. 1237–1241.
HCI-EI-1999-PentlandRW #adaptation #gesture #learning #word- Perceptual Intelligence: learning gestures and words for individualized, adaptive interfaces (AP, DR, CRW), pp. 286–290.
HCI-EI-1999-Puerta99a #development #modelling- Human-Centered Model-Based Interface Development (ARP), pp. 1048–1052.
HCI-EI-1999-SchedlPS #design #segmentation- Customer Segmentation and Interface Design (HS, HP, HS), pp. 576–579.
HCI-EI-1999-SegenK #animation #gesture #interactive #using- Dextrous Interaction with Computer Animations using Vision-Based Gesture Interface (JS, SK), pp. 281–285.
HCI-EI-1999-ShibuyaT #image #using #video- Interface Using Video Captured Images (YS, HT), pp. 247–250.
HCI-EI-1999-SiebraR #adaptation #named- Athena: An User-Centered Adaptive Interface (SdAS, GR), pp. 346–350.
HCI-EI-1999-SmithD99a #design #multi- Interface Design Factors for Shared Multicultural Interfaces (AS, LD), pp. 661–665.
HCI-EI-1999-StedmonB #development #speech- Evaluating Stress in the Development of Speech Interface Technology (AWS, CB), pp. 545–549.
HCI-EI-1999-TakahashiK #3d #using- 3-D Input Device Using a Ball Rotation Interface (TT, MK), pp. 397–401.
HCI-EI-1999-TakahashiKMFK #adaptation #design- Design of Interface for Operational Support of an Experimental Accelerator with adaptability to User Preference and Skill Level (MT, YK, SM, MF, MK), pp. 251–255.
HCI-EI-1999-VienneJJ #adaptation #fuzzy #logic #using- Use of Fuzzy Logic in an Adaptive Interface meant for Teleoperation (FV, AMJD, DJ), pp. 306–310.
HCI-EI-1999-VoorhorstK - User-friendly by making the interface graspable (FV, HK), pp. 416–420.
HCI-EI-1999-WatanabeYEIOKOY #named- FRONTIER: An Application of A Pen Based Interface to An ITS For Guiding Fraction Calculation (KW, TY, HE, JI, YO, HK, MO, TY), pp. 238–242.
ICEIS-1999-RodriguesGG #web- Web Interface to a Meteorological Station (FMR, JBG, JFG), p. 793.
SIGIR-1999-SebrechtsCLVM #2d #3d #comparative #evaluation #visualisation- Visualization of Search Results: A Comparative Evaluation of Text, 2D, and 3D Interfaces (MMS, JC, SJL, JV, MSM), pp. 3–10.
UML-1999-TortBHW #constraints #ocl- Correct Realization of Interface Constraints with OCL (FT, MB, RH, MW), pp. 399–415.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Collins-Cope #analysis #approach #case study #requirements- The Requirements/Service/Interface (RSI) Approach to Use Case Analysis (MCC), pp. 172–183.
ICSE-1999-McKinney #off the shelf #re-engineering- Impact of Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Software on the Interface Between Systems and Software Engineering (DM), pp. 627–628.
SAC-1999-PuntigamP #component #concurrent- Changeable Interfaces and Promised Messages for Concurrent Components (FP, CP), pp. 141–145.
DAC-1999-BeniniMMPS #communication #power management #synthesis- Synthesis of Low-Overhead Interfaces for Power-Efficient Communication over Wide Buses (LB, AM, EM, MP, RS), pp. 128–133.
DAC-1999-BrunvandNY #design- Practical Advances in Asynchronous Design and in Asynchronous/Synchronous Interfaces (EB, SMN, KYY), pp. 104–109.
DAC-1999-WilkesH #design #hardware- Application of High Level Interface-Based Design to Telecommunications System Hardware (DW, MMKH), pp. 778–783.
DATE-1999-RenovellPFZ #configuration management #logic #testing- Testing the Configurable Interconnect/Logic Interface of SRAM-Based FPGA’s (MR, JMP, JF, YZ), pp. 618–622.
DATE-1999-VercauterenSV #constraints #generative #hardware #realtime #synthesis- Combining Software Synthesis and Hardware/Software Interface Generation to Meet Hard Real-Time Constraints (SV, JvdS, DV), pp. 556–561.
OSDI-1999-FordHLMT #execution #kernel #modelling- Interface and Execution Models in the Fluke Kernel (BF, MH, JL, RM, PT), pp. 101–115.
ADL-1998-WatanabeJU #library- Personal Interface Mechanism on Digital Library (TW, NTCJ, TU), pp. 76–85.
- DL-1998-CubaudTT #3d #library
- Experimenting a 3D Interface for the Access to a Digital Library (PC, CT, AT), pp. 281–282.
- DL-1998-SlaughterOWHW #retrieval #speech #visual notation
- A Graphical Interface for Speech-Based Retrieval (LAS, DWO, VLW, JLH, GJW), pp. 305–306.
ECDL-1998-CostabileESFF #adaptation #visual notation- Interacting With IDL: The Adaptive Visual Interface (MFC, FE, GS, NF, SF), pp. 515–534.
ECDL-1998-GavrilovaV #adaptation #design #library- User-Centered Design of Adaptive Interfaces for Digital Libraries (TG, AVV), pp. 693–694.
ECDL-1998-KhooPTLG #named #online #prototype #web- E-Referencer: A Prototype Expert System Web Interface to Online Catalogs (CSGK, DCCP, TKT, SKL, ANMG), pp. 315–333.
VLDB-1998-ArunJ #architecture #independence #kernel #named- KODA — The Architecture And Interface of a Data Model Independent Kernel (GA, AJ), pp. 671–674.
ICFP-1998-FinneLMJ #haskell #named- H/Direct: A Binary Foreign Language Interface for Haskell (SF, DL, EM, SLPJ), pp. 153–162.
IFL-1998-McAdam #on the #unification- On the Unification of Substitutions in Type Interfaces (BJM), pp. 137–152.
CHI-1998-DobsonR #development #education #incremental #tool support- Tools for Incremental Development of Educational Software Interfaces (WD, CR), pp. 384–391.
CHI-1998-GorbetOI #named- Triangles: Tangible Interface for Manipulation and Exploration of Digital Information Topography (MGG, MO, HI), pp. 49–56.
CHI-1998-NassKL #comparison- When My Face Is the Interface: An Experimental Comparison of Interacting With One’s Own Face or Someone Else’s Face (CN, EYK, EJL), pp. 148–154.
CHI-1998-Strommen #learning- When the Interface is a Talking Dinosaur: Learning Across Media with ActiMates Barney (ES), pp. 288–295.
CHI-1998-UnderkofflerI #design- Illuminating Light: An Optical Design Tool with a Luminous-Tangible Interface (JU, HI), pp. 542–549.
CHI-1998-WalkerFFMH #email #what- What can I say? Evaluating a Spoken Language Interface to Email (MAW, JF, GDF, CM, DH), pp. 582–589.
CHI-1998-WojahnNB #collaboration #communication- Effects of Interfaces for Annotation on Communication in a Collaborative Task (PGW, CN, BB), pp. 456–463.
CSCW-1998-BraveID #collaboration #communication- Tangible Interfaces for Remote Collaboration and Communication (SB, HI, AD), pp. 169–178.
EDOC-1998-Moniz #data-driven #middleware #object-oriented- Developing practical, object-oriented middleware interfaces for data-intensive applications (DLM), pp. 174–182.
ACIR-1998-ManglanoBR #behaviour #evaluation #modelling- Evaluation of Interfaces for IRS: Modelling End-User Searching Behaviour (VM, MB, SER).
ICPR-1998-SegenK #3d #gesture #performance #recognition- Fast and accurate 3D gesture recognition interface (JS, SK), pp. 86–91.
KDD-1998-GoodmanE #information management #statistics- Knowledge Discovery and the Interface of Computing and Statistics (AG, JFEI), pp. 375–378.
OOPSLA-1998-CzajkowskiE #java #named- JRes: A Resource Accounting Interface for Java (GC, TvE), pp. 21–35.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-DellaC #framework #persistent- From Interface to Persistence: A Framework for Business Oriented Applications (LD, DC), pp. 27–39.
TOOLS-USA-1998-HuberRR #component #modelling- Modeling Dynamic Component Interfaces (FH, AR, BR), pp. 58–70.
TOOLS-USA-1998-LeontievOS #implementation #on the #representation- On Separation between Interface, Implementation, and Representation in Object DBMSs (YL, MTÖ, DS), pp. 155–167.
TOOLS-USA-1998-Watkins #contract #programming #using- Using Interface Definition Languages to Support Path Expressions and Programming by Contract (DW), p. 308–?.
SAC-1998-BeschHW #design #modelling #parallel- Parallel scientific computing in PROMOTER: on the interface between appliction modelling and language design (MB, GH, MW), pp. 677–683.
ASPLOS-1998-ChenBDDL #named #network- UTLB: A Mechanism for Address Translation on Network Interfaces (YC, AB, SND, CD, KL), pp. 193–204.
DAC-1998-KishinevskyCK #analysis #specification #synthesis- Asynchronous Interface Specification, Analysis and Synthesis (MK, JC, AK), pp. 2–7.
DAC-1998-PasseroneRS #automation #protocol #synthesis- Automatic Synthesis of Interfaces Between Incompatible Protocols (RP, JAR, ALSV), pp. 8–13.
DATE-1998-HansenKR #comparison #simulation #synthesis #using #verification- Verification by Simulation Comparison using Interface Synthesis (CH, AK, WR), pp. 436–443.
DATE-1998-Kazmierski98a #simulation- Fuzzy-logic digital-analogue interfaces for accurate mixed-signal simulation (TJK), pp. 941–944.
DATE-1998-MalyNHK - Design-Manufacturing Interface: Part I — Vision (WM, PKN, HTH, JK), pp. 550–556.
DATE-1998-MalyNOHKS - Design-Manufacturing Interface: Part II — Applications (WM, PKN, CHO, HTH, JK, PS), pp. 557–562.
DATE-1998-VandenbusscheDLGS #design #specification #top-down- Hierarchical Top-Down Design of Analog Sensor Interfaces: From System-Level Specifications Down to Silicon (JV, SD, FL, GGEG, WMCS), pp. 716–720.
HPCA-1998-MukherjeeH #data transfer #design #network- The Impact of Data Transfer and Buffering Alternatives on Network Interface Design (SSM, MDH), pp. 207–218.
HPCA-1998-SchoinasH #network- Address Translation Mechanisms In Network Interfaces (IS, MDH), pp. 219–230.
HPDC-1998-LowekampMSGSS #query- A Resource Query Interface for Network-Aware Applications (BL, NM, DS, TRG, PS, JS), pp. 189–196.
PDP-1998-SupalovT #case study #parallel- PARASOL interface to new parallel solvers: a case study (AVS, CAT), pp. 279–285.
CADE-1998-SlindGBB - System Description: An Interface Between CLAM and HOL (KS, MJCG, RJB, AB), pp. 134–138.
ADL-1997-LimN #relational- A Relational Interface for Heterogeneous Information Sources (EPL, WKN), pp. 128–139.
HT-1997-PetrieMMOM #design #evaluation #hypermedia- Initial Design and Evaluation of an Interface to Hypermedia Systems for Blind Users (HP, SM, PM, AMO, DM), pp. 48–56.
SIGMOD-1997-GebhardtJJ #multi #tool support- A Toolkit for Negotiation Support Interfaces to Multi-Dimensional Data (MG, MJ, SJ), pp. 348–356.
SIGMOD-1997-LiCHH #image #named #query #retrieval #visual notation- SEMCOG: An Object-based Image Retrieval System and Its Visual Query Interface (WSL, KSC, KH, YH), pp. 521–524.
VLDB-1997-LiCHH #database #multi #query #visual notation- Facilitating Multimedia Database Exploration through Visual Interfaces and Perpetual Query Reformulations (WSL, KSC, KH, YH), pp. 538–547.
WCRE-1997-Sneed #re-engineering- Program Interface Reengineering for Wrapping (HMS), pp. 206–214.
FME-1997-MikhajlovaS #object-oriented #refinement #source code- Class Refinement and Interface Refinement in Object-Oriented Programs (AM, ES), pp. 82–101.
CHI-1997-BaldonadoW #evolution #named- SenseMaker: An Information-Exploration Interface Supporting the Contextual Evolution of a User’s Interests (MQWB, TW), pp. 11–18.
CHI-1997-Borchers #design #interactive #music #named- WorldBeat: Designing a Baton-Based Interface for an Interactive Music Exhibit (JOB), pp. 131–138.
CHI-1997-IshiiU #people #towards- Tangible Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits and Atoms (HI, BU), pp. 234–241.
CHI-1997-Lieberman - Autonomous Interface Agents (HL), pp. 67–74.
CHI-1997-RappinGRL #learning #usability- Balancing Usability and Learning in an Interface (NR, MG, MR, PL), pp. 479–486.
CHI-1997-TerveenHAMC - Building Task-Specific Interfaces to High Volume Conversational Data (LGT, WCH, BA, DWM, JC), pp. 226–233.
CHI-1997-TerwilligerP - Relationships Between Users’ and Interfaces’ Task Representations (RBT, PGP), pp. 99–106.
HCI-CC-1997-AkoumianakisSS #constraints #design #elicitation #people- Interface Design for Disabled People: Eliciting User-Centred Design Constraints (DA, CS, GS), pp. 437–440.
HCI-CC-1997-Aoki #using- An Ergonomical Study on Computer Interface Using Input Devices (MA), pp. 587–590.
HCI-CC-1997-AraiYIHU #using- An Input Interface System Using VEP for the Physically Challenged (YA, YY, KI, MH, YU), pp. 397–400.
HCI-CC-1997-ChoongS #design- Design of Computer Interfaces for the Chinese Population (YYC, GS), pp. 173–176.
HCI-CC-1997-GlinertK #multimodal #ubiquitous- MultiModal Multi-Interface Environments for Accessible Ubiquitous Computing (EPG, RLK), pp. 445–448.
HCI-CC-1997-HuZX #design #human-computer- Views on Designing Human-Computer Interface for ELS (WH, WZ, NX), pp. 809–812.
HCI-CC-1997-KappC #design- Organizational Culture and Ideology in the Design of Complex Computer System Interfaces (EAK, BSC), pp. 125–128.
HCI-CC-1997-KojimaYME #adaptation #human-computer #performance- Task Adaptive Electronic Manual as Human-Computer Interface for Business Performance Improvement Support (HK, TY, YM, HE), pp. 789–792.
HCI-CC-1997-Marcus97a #design #standard- International User-Interface Standards for Information Superhighways: Some Design Issues (AM), pp. 189–192.
HCI-CC-1997-MarshallG #adaptation #database #multi- Multi Agents to Provide Adaptivity in an Intelligent Interface to a Medical Database (PM, SG), pp. 769–772.
HCI-CC-1997-RoastS #framework #towards- Towards a Framework for Managing Interface Delay (CR, JIAS), pp. 745–748.
HCI-CC-1997-SavidisAS #adaptation #architecture #implementation #interactive- Software Architecture for Transformable Interface Implementations: Building User-Adapted Interactions (AS, DA, CS), pp. 453–456.
HCI-CC-1997-SavidisSE #design #incremental #physics #polymorphism- Abstract Task Definition and Incremental Polymorphic Physical Instantiation: The Unified Interface Design Method (AS, CS, PLE), pp. 465–468.
HCI-CC-1997-SmithBSA - Ergonomic Systems Engineering: The Human Interface and the Management of International Relations in the 21st Century (JHS, ADB, MJS, GAF), pp. 185–188.
HCI-CC-1997-StephanidisSP #development- Addressing Cultural Diversity Through Unified Interface Development (CS, AS, AP), pp. 165–168.
HCI-CC-1997-Vanderheiden97a #architecture #using- Use of a Common Table Architecture for Creating Hands Free, Eyes Free, Noisy Environment (Flex-Modal, Flex-Input) Interfaces (GCV), pp. 449–452.
HCI-SEC-1997-Albers - Information Engineering: Creating an Integrated Interface (MJA), pp. 213–216.
HCI-SEC-1997-AndreMR - Computer-Generated Presentation Scripts for Life-Like Interface Agents (EA, JM, TR), pp. 643–646.
HCI-SEC-1997-BianchiBMRS #design #modelling- Participatory Interface Design: From Naive Models to Systems (NB, PB, PM, GR, MGS), pp. 573–576.
HCI-SEC-1997-BoussoffaraE #process- Reducing Operator Mental Load Through Dynamic Icons Interfaces and Process Notice (BB, PFE), pp. 391–394.
HCI-SEC-1997-Breinholt #hardware #prototype- Software Prototyping of Hardware Interfaces (GB), pp. 585–588.
HCI-SEC-1997-DavisonH #adaptation #towards- Toward an Adaptive Command Line Interface (BDD, HH), pp. 505–508.
HCI-SEC-1997-Eggleston #adaptation #approach #human-computer- Adaptive Interfaces as an Approach to Human-Machine Cooperation (RGE), pp. 495–500.
HCI-SEC-1997-HolstCG #analysis #constraints- Transporting Honey Bears: A Cognitive Analysis of the Effects of Interface Manipulation Style on a Constraint-Based Planning Task (SJH, EFC, DJG), pp. 169–172.
HCI-SEC-1997-JackoD #analysis #requirements- Interface Requirements: An Analysis of Technologies Designed for Individual and Group Work (JAJ, VGD), pp. 347–350.
HCI-SEC-1997-JonesD #animation #named #realtime- MARTI: Man-Machine Animation Real-Time Interface: The Illusion of Life (CMJ, SSD), pp. 841–844.
HCI-SEC-1997-KeysonS #design #framework #multimodal #platform- TacTool v2.0: An Object-Based Multimodal Interface Design Platform (DVK, LvS), pp. 311–314.
HCI-SEC-1997-KnizhnikHMG #design #navigation #semantics #web- Semantic Stimulus Structure in World Wide Web Interface Design for Navigation by Novice Users (SZK, PEVH, MM, GG), pp. 823–826.
HCI-SEC-1997-KondoSYN #concept #detection #difference #information management #interactive- Interactive Interfaces to Detect Conceptual Difference for Knowledge Acquisition (TK, NS, TY, SN), pp. 303–306.
HCI-SEC-1997-LawsonRGGM #challenge #human-computer #using- The Human-Machine Interface Challenges of Using Virtual Environment (VE) Displays Aboard Centrifuge Devices (BDL, AHR, FEG, JDG, AMM), pp. 945–948.
HCI-SEC-1997-LowryHK #bias #evolution #heuristic #human-computer #robust- Heuristics and Biases in the Evolution of a Robust Human-Machine Interface Methodology (JCL, PEVH, SZK), pp. 323–326.
HCI-SEC-1997-LucasMP #network #re-engineering- Re-Engineering a Complex Network Interface (ML, JFM, CP), pp. 771–774.
HCI-SEC-1997-MulgundRIZ #estimation #modelling- Situation Awareness Modeling and Pilot State Estimation for Tactical Cockpit Interfaces (SSM, GR, CI, GZ), pp. 487–490.
HCI-SEC-1997-MurphyKG #learning- Enhancing the Interface to Provide Intelligent Computer Aided Language Learning (MM, AK, AG), pp. 149–152.
HCI-SEC-1997-Nakagawa - Enhancing Handwriting Interfaces (MN), pp. 451–454.
HCI-SEC-1997-NakagawaKNT #evaluation- Simulation-Based Interface Evaluation Method of Equipment in Power Plants (TN, MK, YN, NT), pp. 233–236.
HCI-SEC-1997-NakajimaHNT #realtime #using- A System for Real-time Groupware Using a Pen Interface for Creative Thought Support (KN, EH, MN, NT), pp. 443–446.
HCI-SEC-1997-NishimuraN - Form Input System by Pen Interface (YN, MN), pp. 431–434.
HCI-SEC-1997-OhashiYE #using- A Real World Oriented Interface Technique Using Computer Vision (TO, TY, TE), pp. 949–952.
HCI-SEC-1997-Okamoto #information management #people #theory and practice #towards- Toward Rehabilitation Cognitive Engineering-Gap Between Theory and Practice in the Human Interface of Information Processing Devices for People with Disabilities (AO), pp. 551–554.
HCI-SEC-1997-OomikaNN #idea #scalability- Idea Memo PDA in Scalable Handwriting Interfaces (KO, AN, MN), pp. 455–458.
HCI-SEC-1997-PatelK #design #interactive #learning- Granular Interface Design: Decomposing Learning Tasks and Enhancing Tutoring Interaction (AP, K), pp. 161–164.
HCI-SEC-1997-RayHG #adaptation #design- Mapping Physiology to Cognition in Adaptive Interface Design (WJR, SH, JG), pp. 491–494.
HCI-SEC-1997-SantoniFF #adaptation #design- Aid Methodology for Designing Adaptive Human Computer Interfaces for Supervision Systems (CS, EF, PF), pp. 501–504.
HCI-SEC-1997-ShirabeB #3d #game studies #question #realtime- Do Three Dimensional Realtime Interfaces Really Play Important Roles? (MS, YB), pp. 849–852.
HCI-SEC-1997-SmithD #design- User Centred Design: The Application of the LUCID Interface Design Method (AS, LD), pp. 563–568.
HCI-SEC-1997-Souya #elicitation- A System for Eliciting and Helping to Score Test Answers Input Through a Handwriting Interface (TS), pp. 427–430.
HCI-SEC-1997-Strijland #research- Human Interface Research and Practice at Apple Computer (PFS), pp. 543–546.
HCI-SEC-1997-StytzBKRV #design #requirements- Requirements and Design of the Information Pod Interface (MRS, SBB, JJK, JJR, JV), pp. 941–944.
HCI-SEC-1997-YiuBSL #email- A Time-Based Interface for Electronic Mail and Task Management (KSY, RB, NS, BL), pp. 19–22.
HCI-SEC-1997-YoonP - An Interface Model for Evaluating Task-Interface Congruity (WCY, JP), pp. 295–298.
EDOC-1997-Kindel #black box #encapsulation #multi #named #what- COM: what makes it work, black-box encapsulation through multiple, immutable interfaces (CK), pp. 68–77.
SIGIR-1997-HearstK #interactive #named #retrieval #scalability #specification #using- Cat-a-Cone: An Interactive Interface for Specifying Searches and Viewing Retrieval Results using a Large Category Hierarchy (MAH, CK), pp. 246–255.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-Exton #distributed #fault tolerance #specification #using- Distributed Fault Tolerance Specification through the use of Interface Definitions (CE), pp. 254–259.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-ExtonWT #corba #distributed- Comparisons between CORBA IDL & COM/DCOM MIDL: Interfaces for Distributed Computing (CE, DW, DT), pp. 15–32.
TOOLS-USA-1997-BencomoLMM #framework #implementation #java- Java Implementations of User-Interface Frameworks (NB, FL, FM, AM), pp. 232–246.
TOOLS-USA-1997-GiffenT #programming #smalltalk #visual notation- A Visual Programming Interface for Smalltalk (RG, IT), p. 260–?.
TOOLS-USA-1997-Winroth #c++ #library #scripting language- A Scripting Language Interface to C++ Libraries (HW), pp. 247–259.
AdaEurope-1997-BakerO #ada #c #implementation #lessons learnt- Ada Bindings for C Interfaces: Lessons Learned from the Florist Implementation (TPB, DIO), pp. 13–22.
ASE-1997-Tan #component #data-driven #reuse #source code #usability- Enhancing the Component Reusability in Data-Intensive Business Programs through Interface Separation (HBKT), pp. 313–314.
ICSE-1997-JacquotQ #approach #formal method #specification #towards- Early Specification of User-Interfaces: Toward a Formal Approach (JPJ, DQ), pp. 150–160.
DAC-1997-DagaS #design #verification- Interface Timing Verification Drives System Design (AJD, PS), pp. 240–245.
DAC-1997-HeinekenKMNOP - CAD at the Design-Manufacturing Interface (HTH, JK, WM, PKN, CHO, WAP), pp. 321–326.
DAC-1997-RowsonS #design- Interface-Based Design (JAR, ALSV), pp. 178–183.
EDTC-1997-DonnayGSKLB #synthesis- High-level synthesis of analog sensor interface front-ends (SD, GGEG, WMCS, WK, DL, WvB), pp. 56–60.
EDTC-1997-GirodiasC #constraints #correlation #logic programming #using #verification- Interface timing verification with delay correlation using constraint logic programming (PG, EC), pp. 12–19.
HPCA-1997-WelshBE #communication #network #performance- ATM and Fast Ethernet Network Interfaces for User-Level Communication (MW, AB, TvE), pp. 332–342.
HPDC-1997-RosuSF #approach #clustering #network #parallel- Supporting Parallel Applications on Clusters of Workstations: The Intelligent Network Interface Approach (MCR, KS, RF), pp. 159–168.
HPDC-1997-SteeleDKL #multi #network- A Bus-Efficient Low-Latency Network Interface for the PDSS Multicomputer (CSS, JTD, JK, CL), pp. 213–222.
TAPSOFT-1997-KolyangLMW #development #proving #theorem proving- TAS and IsaWin: Generic Interfaces for Transformational Program Development and Theorem Proving (K0, CL, TM0, BW), pp. 855–858.
TAPSOFT-1997-LeavensW #specification- Protective Interface Specifications (GTL, JMW), pp. 520–534.
TAPSOFT-1997-Voisin #proving- A new Proof-Manager and Graphic Interface for the Larch Prover (FV), pp. 863–866.
ICSM-1996-TakahashiN #complexity #fault- The effect of interface complexity on program error density (RT, YN), pp. 77–86.
WPC-1996-CitrinSZ #comprehension #scalability- Scalable Interfaces to Support Program Comprehension (WC, CS, BGZ), pp. 123–132.
FME-1996-ChalinGR #identification #specification- Identification of and Solutions to Shortcomings of LCL, a Larch/C Interface Specification Language (PC, PG, TR), pp. 385–404.
RTA-1996-Voisin #proving- A New Proof Manager and Graphic Interface for Larch Prover (FV), pp. 408–411.
CHI-1996-Eisenberg #algorithm #design- The Thin Glass Line: Designing Interfaces to Algorithms (ME), pp. 181–188.
CHI-1996-HopperHK #design- Real World Design in the Corporate Environment: Designing an Interface for the Technically Challenged (SH, HH, PK), pp. 489–495.
CHI-1996-MereuK #3d #visual notation- Audio Enhanced 3D Interfaces for Visually Impaired Users (SWM, RK), pp. 72–78.
CHI-1996-Oviatt #interactive #multimodal- Multimodal Interfaces for Dynamic Interactive Maps (SLO), pp. 95–102.
CHI-1996-Raman #named #speech- Emacspeak — A Speech Interface (TVR), pp. 66–71.
CHI-1996-RoyS #interactive #named- NewsComm: A Hand-Held Interface for Interactive Access to Structured Audio (DKR, CS), pp. 173–180.
CSCW-1996-Ramduny #architecture- Temporal Interface Issues and Software Architecture for Remote Cooperative Work (doctoral colloquium) (DR), p. 447.
ICPR-1996-SauvolaP #composition #documentation- A document management interface utilizing page decomposition and content-based compression (JJS, MP), pp. 752–757.
ICPR-1996-SharmaHPZLCS #gesture #speech #visual notation- Speech/gesture interface to a visual computing environment for molecular biologists (RS, TSH, VIP, YZ, ZL, SMC, KS), pp. 964–968.
ICPR-1996-YamashitaFO #array #memory management #realtime- An integrated memory array processor with a synchronous-DRAM interface for real-time vision applications (NY, YF, SO), pp. 575–580.
KDD-1996-ImielinskiVA #database #mining #named #programming #query- DataMine: Application Programming Interface and Query Language for Database Mining (TI, AV, AA), pp. 256–262.
SEKE-1996-AdamsW #generative #information management #natural language #representation- Generating Natural Language Interfaces for Terminological Knowledge Representation Systems (RA, HW), pp. 585–594.
SEKE-1996-PaulKGDS #database #metric #query #visual notation- A Visual Query Interface for Software Metrics Databases (RAP, AK, AG, YFD, YS), pp. 317–322.
SIGIR-1996-MulhemN #design #information retrieval #interactive- Interactive Information Retrieval Systems: From User Centred Interface Design to Software Design (PM, LN), pp. 326–334.
AdaEurope-1996-Celier #ada #migration #scalability- Visibility Control and Migration of Interfaces in Large Ada Systems (VC), pp. 451–459.
HPCA-1996-BlumrichDFL #network- Protected, User-Level DMA for the SHRIMP Network Interface (MAB, CD, EWF, KL), pp. 154–165.
HPCA-1996-KontothanassisS #distributed #memory management #network #performance #using- Using Memory-Mapped Network Interfaces to Improve the Performance of Distributed Shared Memory (LIK, MLS), pp. 166–177.
HPDC-1996-AgusleoS #memory management #network- Employing Logic-Enhanced Memory for High-Performance ATM Network Interfaces (HA, NS), pp. 192–200.
HPDC-1996-Cooperman #c #named #parallel- TOP-C: A Task-Oriented Parallel C Interface (GC), pp. 141–150.
HPDC-1996-RobinsonRFH #implementation #message passing #migration- A Task Migration Implementation of the Message-Passing Interface (JR, SHR, BKF, BH), pp. 61–68.
HPDC-1996-SarkarB #clustering #named #network- CNI: A High-Performance Network Interface for Workstation Clusters (PS, MLB), pp. 151–160.
ADL-1995-Allen #documentation #interactive #multi- Interface Issues for Interactive Multimedia Documents (RBA), pp. 179–189.
- DL-1995-JohnsonC #hypermedia
- A Hypertextual Interface for a Searcher’s Thesaurus (EHJ, PAC).
ICDAR-v1-1995-JuliaF #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Pattern recognition and beautification for a pen based interface (LJ, CF), pp. 58–63.
SIGMOD-1995-AbiteboulCM #database- A Database Interface for File Updates (SA, SC, TM), pp. 386–397.
VLDB-1995-OrensteinK #database #object-oriented #relational- Accessing a Relational Database through an Object-Oriented Database Interface (JAO, DNK), pp. 702–705.
ICSM-1995-NakanishiAI #library #metric- A metric for evaluating class library interfaces and its application to library upgrades (KN, TA, MI), pp. 12–19.
CHI-1995-BradleyJ #network- Replacing a Networking Interface “From Hell” (RFB, LDJ), pp. 538–545.
CHI-1995-FelsH #adaptation #named- GloveTalkII: An Adaptive Gesture-to-Formant Interface (SF, GEH), pp. 456–463.
CHI-1995-FrankishHM #recognition- Recognition Accuracy and User Acceptance of Pen Interfaces (CF, RH, PM), pp. 503–510.
CHI-1995-FurnasB #comprehension #diagrams #multi- Space-Scale Diagrams: Understanding Multiscale Interfaces (GWF, BBB), pp. 234–241.
CHI-1995-KurlanderL #animation- Planning-Based Control of Interface Animation (DK, DTL), pp. 472–479.
CHI-1995-ParikhL #design- Electronic Futures Markets versus Floor Trading: Implications for Interface Design (SSP, GLL), pp. 296–303.
CHI-1995-PiernotFSMY #design #hardware- Designing the PenPal: Blending Hardware and Software in a User-Interface for Children (PP, RMF, RS, JM, MPY), pp. 511–518.
CHI-1995-SavidisS - Developing Dual Interfaces for Integrating Blind and Sighted Users: The HOMER UIMS (AS, CS), pp. 106–113.
CHI-1995-ZimmermanSPAG #human-computer- Applying Electric Field Sensing to Human-Computer Interfaces (TGZ, JRS, JAP, DA, NG), pp. 280–287.
KDD-1995-EsterKX #clustering #database #scalability- A Database Interface for Clustering in Large Spatial Databases (ME, HPK, XX), pp. 94–99.
SIGIR-1995-JarvelinN #documentation #relational #retrieval- An NF2 Relational Interface For Document Retrieval, Restructuring and Aggregation (KJ, TN), pp. 102–110.
SIGIR-1995-WillieB #information management #modelling- Improving the Information Search Interface: the case for two search models (SW, PB), pp. 205–210.
ECOOP-1995-LeaM #protocol #specification #using- Interface-Based Protocol Specification of Open Systems using PSL (DL, JM), pp. 374–398.
AdaEurope-1995-ObermayerSL #distributed #interactive #named #simulation- DIS — An Interface to Distributed Interactive Simulation (PEO, GS, RL), pp. 187–190.
KBSE-1995-LindenV #development- An Interface Between Different Software Development Environments (GL, AIV), pp. 79–87.
DAC-1995-NarayanG #generative #process #protocol #using- Interfacing Incompatible Protocols Using Interface Process Generation (SN, DG), pp. 468–473.
SOSP-1995-EickenBBV #distributed #named #network #parallel- U-Net: A User-Level Network Interface for Parallel and Distributed Computing (TvE, AB, VB, WV), pp. 40–53.
SOSP-1995-FordHL #using- Using Annotated Interface Definitions to Optimize RPC (BF, MH, JL), p. 232.
VLDB-1994-GehaniJR #database #file system #named #object-oriented- OdeFS: A File System Interface to an Object-Oriented Database (NHG, HVJ, WDR), pp. 249–260.
CHI-1994-ByrneWFKS #automation #evaluation- Automating interface evaluation (MDB, SDW, JDF, DEK, PNS), pp. 232–237.
CHI-1994-Carr94a #interactive #specification- Specification of interface interaction objects (DAC), pp. 372–378.
CHI-1994-HarrisonMBN94a #communication #design- Communicating About Communicating: Cross-Disciplinary Design of a Media Space Interface (BH, MMM, GB, TN), pp. 124–130.
CHI-1994-HinckleyPGK94a #visualisation- Passive real-world interface props for neurosurgical visualization (KH, RP, JCG, NFK), pp. 452–458.
CHI-1994-LemaireM94a #tutorial #visual notation- An improved interface for tutorial dialogues: browsing a visual dialogue history (BL, JDM), pp. 16–22.
CHI-1994-MoriyonSN94a #automation #design #generative #modelling- Automatic generation of help from interface design models (RM, PAS, RN), pp. 225–231.
CHI-1994-Ogozalek94a #comparison #multi #using- A comparison of the use of text and multimedia interfaces to provide information to the elderly (VZO), pp. 65–71.
CHI-1994-Oviatt94a - Interface techniques for minimizing disfluent input to spoken language systems (SLO), pp. 205–210.
CHI-1994-RiemanLYP94a #architecture #consistency #reasoning #why- Why is a raven like a writing desk?: lessons in interface consistency and analogical reasoning from two cognitive architectures (JR, CHL, RMY, PGP), pp. 438–444.
CHI-1994-Strommen94a #using- Children’s use of mouse-based interfaces to control virtual travel (ES), pp. 405–410.
CHI-1994-SutcliffeF94a #design #multi- Designing presentation in multimedia interfaces (AGS, PF), pp. 92–98.
CHI-1994-Travers94b #recursion- Recursive interfaces for reactive objects (MT), pp. 379–385.
CHI-1994-VoraHS94a #hypermedia #multi- Evaluating the influence of interface styles and multiple access paths in hypertext (PRV, MH, VLS), pp. 323–329.
CHI-1994-WalkerSS94a #using- Using a human face in an interface (JHW, LS, RS), pp. 85–91.
CSCW-1994-GreenbergM #concurrent #distributed #realtime- Real Time Groupware as a Distributed System: Concurrency Control and Its Effect on the Interface (SG, DM), pp. 207–217.
SEKE-1994-ZajicekB #constraints #design #interactive #resource management #specification #visual notation- Investigating formal specification of graphical interface design for an interactive constraint based resource allocation system (MZ, KWB), pp. 217–224.
OOPSLA-1994-YellinS #adaptation #automation #protocol- Interfaces, Protocols, and the Semi-Automatic Construction of Software Adaptors (DMY, RES), pp. 176–190.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-SimGKS #programming #specification #tool support- The Specification of a Seamless O-O Programming Interface for CAD Tools (MS, WG, PK, NS), pp. 135–145.
POPL-1994-Thatte #adaptation #automation #reuse #synthesis- Automated Synthesis of Interface Adapters for Reusable Classes (ST), pp. 174–187.
SAC-1994-Brown #parallel- A parallel application interface (JAB), pp. 588–593.
ASPLOS-1994-HayashiDHKSISIS #architecture #compilation- AP1000+: Architectural Support of PUT/GET Interface for Parallelizing Compiler (KH, TD, TH, YK, OS, NI, TS, HI, TS), pp. 196–207.
CC-1994-BenkerBZ #array #compilation #fortran #performance- Processing Array Statements and Procedure Interfaces in the PREPARE High Performance Fortran Compiler (SB, PB, HPZ), pp. 324–338.
DAC-1994-DagaB #composition #state machine- The Minimization and Decomposition of Interface State Machines (AJD, WPB), pp. 120–125.
DAC-1994-WalkupB #synthesis #verification- Interface Timing Verification with Application to Synthesis (EAW, GB), pp. 106–112.
EDAC-1994-HaberlK #maintenance #standard- Self Testable Boards with Standard IEEE 1149.5 Module Test and Maintenance (MTM) Bus Interface (OFH, TK), pp. 220–225.
EDAC-1994-KorfS #specification #synthesis- Interface Controller Synthesis from Requirement Specifications (FK, RS), pp. 385–394.
EDAC-1994-NarayanG #synthesis- Synthesis of System-Level Bus Interfaces (SN, DG), pp. 395–399.
EDAC-1994-VanbekbergenYLM #graph #specification- A Generalized Signal Transition Graph Model for Specification of Complex Interfaces (PV, CYC, BL, HDM), pp. 378–384.
PDP-1994-ChenK #execution #flexibility #memory management #network #performance- Integrating Memory And Network Accesses : A Flexible Processor-network Interface For Efficient Application Execution (YYC, CTK), pp. 103–110.
ESOP-1994-CiceroneP #composition #design- Strategies in Modular System Design by Interface Rewriting (SC, FPP), pp. 165–179.
CADE-1994-BaumgartnerF94a #named #proving- PROTEIN: A PROver with a Theory Extension INterface (PB, UF), pp. 769–773.
ICLP-1994-HolsheimerBA #database- A Database Interface for Complex Objects (MH, RAdB, HAK), pp. 437–455.
ICDAR-1993-NakagawaKMS #design- Principles of pen interface design for creative work (MN, NK, KM, TS), pp. 718–721.
ICDAR-1993-WatanabeKS #retrieval #visual notation- Visual interface for retrieval of electronic-formed books (TW, YK, NS), pp. 692–695.
SIGMOD-1993-KupperSR #database #named #natural language #relational- NAUDA — A Cooperative, Natural Language Interface to Relational Databases (DK, MS, DFR), pp. 529–533.
HCI-ACS-1993-ArnetzB #named- Techno-Stress: Psycho-physiological Consequences of Poor Man-Machine Interface (BBA, MB), pp. 891–896.
HCI-ACS-1993-LipnerSS #design- The Relationship Between Task Structure and Choice of Navigational Aid in Human Computer Interface Design (RSL, GWS, KEOS), pp. 522–527.
HCI-ACS-1993-LomanBR #human-computer- Cognitive Model of Human-Computer Interface (HCI) Onboard Space Station Freedom (SSF) (JML, DJB, CR), pp. 201–206.
HCI-ACS-1993-MacGregorHL - The Effect of User Characteristics on Interface Choice (RCM, HH, HTL), pp. 570–574.
HCI-ACS-1993-MiwaFKO #communication- A Method of Communication Between CAD and VR Interfaces (MM, MF, MK, TO), pp. 255–260.
HCI-ACS-1993-NakauchiSYA #named- FRECS: Interface System for Human-Robot Cooperation (YN, MS, YY, YA), pp. 237–242.
HCI-ACS-1993-NtuenPK #architecture #human-computer #mining- A Blackboard Architecture for Human-Machine Interface in a Mining Teleoperation (CAN, EHP, SMK), pp. 50–55.
HCI-ACS-1993-OkadaYA #interactive- The Active Interface for Human Robot Interaction (TO, YY, YA), pp. 231–236.
HCI-ACS-1993-Rauterberg #human-computer #metric- Quantitative Measures for Evaluating Human-Computer Interfaces (MR), pp. 612–617.
HCI-ACS-1993-Stanton #design #human-computer- Designing the Human-Computer Interface for a Medical Information Workstation (NAS), pp. 827–832.
HCI-ACS-1993-Vanderheiden #generative #information management #protocol #using- Use of Seamless Access Protocol to Expand the Hman Interface of Next Generation Information Systems and Appliances (GCV), pp. 492–497.
HCI-ACS-1993-VendaB #design- Data Chunking and Interface Display Design (VFV, LB), pp. 648–653.
HCI-ACS-1993-WickSH #assembly #testing- Testing the Human Computer Interface for the Telerobotic Assembly of the Space Station (DTW, NMS, ARH), pp. 213–218.
HCI-ACS-1993-YufikS #complexity #framework #human-computer- A Framework for Measuring Cognitive Complexity of the Human-Machine Interface (YMY, TBS), pp. 587–592.
HCI-SHI-1993-BiasGT #usability- Three Usability Enhancements to the Human Factors-Design Interface (RGB, DJG, TST), pp. 169–174.
HCI-SHI-1993-CarlsonH #design #performance- The Impact of the Design of the Software Control Interface on User Performance (JRC, LLH), pp. 116–121.
HCI-SHI-1993-Chau #natural language #network- Natural Language Interfaces for Integrated Network Management (RC), pp. 368–372.
HCI-SHI-1993-Cohill #approach #design #development #tool support- Information Tools: A New Approach to Interface Design and Development (AMC), pp. 915–920.
HCI-SHI-1993-FrascinaS #analysis #design #human-computer- Task Analysis in Design of a Human-Computer Interface for a Ward Based System (TF, RAS), pp. 226–230.
HCI-SHI-1993-GerlachO - A Dialogue Manager as Interface between Aircraft Pilots and a Pilot Assistant System (MG, RO), pp. 98–103.
HCI-SHI-1993-GodbertPS #concept #constraints #natural language #specification #using- Natural Language Interfaces: Specifying and Using Conceptual Constraints (EG, RP, PS), pp. 385–390.
HCI-SHI-1993-GulliksenJLNS - The Need for New Application Specific Interface Elements (JG, MJ, ML, EN, BLS), pp. 15–20.
HCI-SHI-1993-LeeWV #2d #interactive- Interactive Haptic Interface: Two-Dimensional Form Perception for Blind Access to Computers (SL, SFW, GCV), pp. 190–195.
HCI-SHI-1993-NakagawaKSF - Pen-Based Interfaces for Drawing Figures with “Stationery Metaphors” (MN, SK, TS, NF), pp. 1046–1051.
HCI-SHI-1993-Page - Selecting Colors for Dialog Boxes and Buttons in a Text Interface (SRP), pp. 208–213.
HCI-SHI-1993-SchryverG #3d- Eye-Gaze and Intent: Application in 3D Interface Control (JCS, JG), pp. 573–578.
HCI-SHI-1993-SonodaMOK #coordination- Coordinating an Interface Agent with Direct Manipulation Environments (TS, FM, KO, MK), pp. 927–932.
HCI-SHI-1993-Tollmar #named- CoDesk — An Interface to TheKnowledgeNet (KT), pp. 238–243.
HCI-SHI-1993-TrabelsiKN #database #generative #heuristic #natural language #query- Heuristics for Generating Informative Responses to Failing User’s Queries in Natural Language Database Interfaces (ZT, YK, HN), pp. 362–367.
HCI-SHI-1993-WangSHPW #evaluation #speech #usability- A Usability Evaluation of Text and Speech Redundant Help Messages on a Reader Interface (EMYW, HS, LH, KP, NW), pp. 724–729.
HCI-SHI-1993-YakohYA #design- Designing Interfaces of Autonomous Agents (TY, NY, YA), pp. 86–91.
HCI-SHI-1993-YeS #design #problem- Introducing Problem Solving Strategies of Users into the Interface Design (NY, GS), pp. 873–878.
INTERCHI-1993-Bailey #design #human-computer- Iterative methodology and designer training in human-computer interface design (GSB), pp. 198–205.
INTERCHI-1993-BowersR #case study #experience #network- Exploding the interface: experiences of a CSCW network (JB, TR), pp. 255–262.
INTERCHI-1993-BrewsterWE #evaluation #human-computer- An evaluation of earcons for use in auditory human-computer interfaces (SAB, PCW, ADNE), pp. 222–227.
INTERCHI-1993-CalvertBMSW #evolution- The evolution of an interface for choreographers (TWC, AB, SM, TS, CW), pp. 115–122.
INTERCHI-1993-DesmaraisL #assessment- Exploring the applications of user-expertise assessment for intelligent interfaces (MD, JL), pp. 308–313.
INTERCHI-1993-FrishbergCDWS - Sign language interfaces (NJF, SC, LD, SW, RS), pp. 194–197.
INTERCHI-1993-KuuttiB #concept- Searching for unity among diversity: exploring the “interface” concept (KK, LJB), pp. 263–268.
INTERCHI-1993-LuoSN #design- Management of interface design in humanoid (PL, PAS, RN), pp. 107–114.
INTERCHI-1993-NielsenP #empirical #heuristic #usability- Estimating the relative usability of two interfaces: heuristic, formal, and empirical methods compared (JN, VLP), pp. 214–221.
INTERCHI-1993-RussoB #design #how- How fluent is your interface?: designing for international users (PR, SB), pp. 342–347.
INTERCHI-1993-StifelmanASH #named #speech- VoiceNotes: a speech interface for a hand-held voice notetaker (LS, BA, CS, EAH), pp. 179–186.
INTERCHI-1993-SzekelyLN #modelling #tool support- Beyond interface builders: model-based interface tools (PAS, PL, RN), pp. 383–390.
INTERCHI-1993-Tognazzini #design- Principles, techniques, and ethics of stage magic and their application to human interface design (BT), pp. 355–362.
INTERCHI-1993-Wenzel #design #hardware #performance- Perceptual vs. hardware performance in advanced acoustic interface design (EMW), pp. 363–366.
CAiSE-1993-PalanqueBDS #design #petri net #using- Design of User-Driven Interfaces Using Petri Nets and Objects (PAP, RB, LD, CSB), pp. 569–585.
CIKM-1993-Terveen - Interface Support for Data Archaeology (LGT), pp. 356–363.
SIGIR-1993-RoseMOPSW #file system #implementation- Content Awareness in a File System Interface: Implementing the “Pile” Metaphor for Organizing Information (DER, RM, TO, DBP, GS, YYW), pp. 260–269.
OOPSLA-1993-Lamping #type system- Typing the Specialization Interface (JL), pp. 201–214.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Malloy #assessment #empirical #object-oriented #prototype- An Empirical Assessment of Interface Changes for an Object-Oriented, “Not-So-Rapid” Prototype (MAM), pp. 241–253.
TRI-Ada-1993-White #ada #semantics #specification #using- A Universal Delogger Using the Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) (MW), pp. 347–353.
ICSE-1993-BeckE #reverse engineering #slicing- Program and Interface Slicing for Reverse Engineering (JB, DE), pp. 509–518.
SAC-1993-HowellSW #network #object-oriented #programming- An Object Oriented Application/Programmer Interface for Network Programming (JH, MS, RW), pp. 437–444.
SAC-1993-WuD #database #named #object-oriented #visual notation- InGRAPH: Graphical Interface for a Fully Object-Oriented Database System (XW, GD), pp. 318–325.
DAC-1993-SilvaK #design #documentation- Active Documentation: A New Interface for VLSI Design (MJS, RHK), pp. 654–660.
HPDC-1993-ChenFFFRWY #distributed #programming #prototype #scalability- A Low-Latency Programming Interface and a Prototype Switch for Scalable High-Performance Distributed Computing (TC, JF, GF, GF, SR, BW, FKY), pp. 160–168.
HPDC-1993-HaririPYPF #distributed #message passing #parallel- A Message Passing Interface for Parallel and Distributed Computing (SH, JP, FKY, MP, GF), pp. 84–91.
SOSP-1993-Jones - Interposition Agents: Transparently Interposing User Code at the System Interface (MBJ), pp. 80–93.
ICLP-1993-Balogh #prolog #sql- The SQL Interface of MProlog (KB), pp. 829–830.
SEI-1992-Taulbee #perspective #re-engineering- The Software Engineering — Patent Law Interface: A Practitioner’s View (GMT), pp. 194–244.
ICALP-1992-Olderog #communication- Interfaces between Languages for Communicating Systems (ERO), pp. 641–655.
CHI-1992-Adelson #design #multi- Evocative agents and multi-media interface design (BA), pp. 351–356.
CHI-1992-Brouwer-JanseBENSG #how #question- Interfaces for consumer products: how to camouflage the computer? (MDBJ, RWB, TE, FLvN, HJS, DRG), pp. 287–290.
CHI-1992-Guindon #design #object-oriented #requirements #visual notation- Requirements and design of DesignVision and object-oriented graphical interface to an intelligent software design assistant (RG), pp. 499–506.
CHI-1992-Houde #3d #design- Iterative Design of an Interface for Easy 3-D Direct Manipulation (SH), pp. 135–142.
CHI-1992-Johnson #named- Selectors: Going Beyond User-Interface Widgets (JAJ), pp. 273–279.
CHI-1992-Maulsby #prototype- Prototyping an Instructible Interface: Moctec (DM), pp. 153–154.
CHI-1992-OsbornA #interactive #reasoning #visualisation- An Interface for Interactive Spatial Reasoning and Visualization (JRO, AMA), pp. 75–82.
CHI-1992-ResnickV - Skip and scan: cleaning up telephone interface (PR, RAV), pp. 419–426.
CHI-1992-RopaA #case study #collaboration #communication #design #multi- A Case Study of a Multimedia Co-working Task and the Resulting Interface Design of a Collaborative Communication Tool (AR, BA), pp. 649–650.
CHI-1992-RussellXW #design #flexibility #human-computer #process- Action Assignable Graphics: A Flexible Human-Computer Interface Design Process (MDR, HX, LW), pp. 71–72.
CHI-1992-SzekelyLN #design- Facilitating the exploration of interface design alternatives: the HUMANOID model of interface design (PAS, PL, RN), pp. 507–515.
CHI-1992-TylerS #knowledge-based #reuse- Interface Support for Comet: A Knowledge-based Software Reuse Environment (SWT, JLS), pp. 155–156.
SEKE-1992-Olson #analysis #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Analysis Model of an Iconic Interface to Macsyma (AMO), pp. 253–260.
OOPSLA-1992-Cook #specification- Interfaces and Specifications for the Smalltalk-80 Collection Classes (WRC), pp. 1–15.
TOOLS-USA-1992-McKimM #design- Class Interface Design (JCM, DAM), pp. 151–160.
TOOLS-USA-1992-MiliEI #automation #reuse #visual notation- Building a Graphical Interface for a Reuse-Oriented CASE Tool (HM, AEEW, YI), pp. 81–95.
AdaEurope-1992-Treurniet #assessment #set #tool support- SWG APSE Test Support Toolset (Assessment of the CAIS-A Interface Set) (WT), pp. 214–229.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-BlakeB #ada #case study #experience #perspective #semantics #specification- Experiences with The Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS): Developing a Tool with a View (SJB, JBB), pp. 458–468.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Jones92 #tool support- A Toolkit for Interposing User Code at the System Interface (MBJ), p. 21.
ASPLOS-1992-HenryJ - A Tightly-Coupled Processor-Network Interface (DSH, CFJ), pp. 111–122.
DAC-1992-LeongB #automation #generative #modelling- The Automatic Generation of Bus-Interface Models (YHL, WPB), pp. 634–637.
IWMM-1992-Hayes - Finalization in the Collector Interface (BH), pp. 277–298.
CADE-1992-ChirimarGI #named #performance #proving #visual notation- Xpnet: A Graphical Interface to Proof Nets with an Efficient Proof Checker (JC, CAG, MVI), pp. 711–715.
HT-1991-Bieber #hypermedia #modelling- Issues in Modeling a “Dynamic” Hypertext Interface for Non-Hypertext Systems (MB), pp. 203–217.
VDME-1991-GuttagH #tutorial- A Tutorial on LARCH and LCL, A LARCH/C Interface Language (JVG, JJH), pp. 1–78.
CHI-1991-BarfieldBP - The views user-interface system (LB, EB, SP), pp. 415–416.
CHI-1991-BauersfeldS #design- User-oriented color interface design: direct manipulation of color in context (PB, JLS), pp. 417–418.
CHI-1991-BrennanDLMSF #question- Should we or shouldn’t we use spoken commands in voice interfaces? (PB, GD, DL, MM, ECS, MF), pp. 369–372.
CHI-1991-CurtisKHMC - Retrospective on the MCC Human Interface Laboratory (BC, RK, JH, SJM, GC), pp. 373–376.
CHI-1991-DzidaFV #named- ERGO-Shell: a UNIX-interface for task preparation (WD, RF, WV), pp. 421–422.
CHI-1991-Ehrlich - Human interface at SUN (East) (KE), pp. 471–472.
CHI-1991-Furnas #comprehension #modelling #reasoning #visual notation- New graphical reasoning models for understanding graphical interfaces (GWF), pp. 71–78.
CHI-1991-Gomoll - Apple computer’s human interface group: advanced technology group (KMG), pp. 473–474.
CHI-1991-LaurelBDS - Interface and narrative arts: contributions from narrative, drama, and film (BL, JB, AD, RMS), pp. 381–383.
CHI-1991-LunatiR - Spoken language interfaces: the OM system (JML, AIR), pp. 453–454.
CHI-1991-MyersCMSS #question- Demonstrational interfaces: Coming soon? (BAM, AC, DM, DCS, BS), pp. 393–396.
CHI-1991-NonogakiU - FRIEND21 project: a construction of 21st century human interface (HN, HU), pp. 407–414.
CHI-1991-Ropa #comprehension #design #multi- Computers as communicators: designing a multimedia interface that facilitates cultural understanding among sixth graders (AR), pp. 429–430.
CHI-1991-SebrechtsJL #design #hypermedia- Hypermedia and echocardiography: an interface design for guided discovery (MMS, CCJ, PL), pp. 435–436.
CHI-1991-TetzlaffS #design #guidelines #using- The use of guidelines in interface design (LT, DRS), pp. 329–333.
CHI-1991-Thiel #gesture- The cue ball as part of a gestural interface (DDT), pp. 463–464.
CHI-1991-ZandenM #design #visual notation- The Lapidary graphical interface design tool (BTVZ, BAM), pp. 465–466.
TOOLS-USA-1991-CarricoGA #named #object-oriented- INGRID — an Object-Oriented Interface Builder (LC, NG, PA), pp. 291–300.
KBSE-1991-MajidiR #comprehension #knowledge-based- A Knowledge-Based Interface to Promote Software Understanding (MM, DFR), pp. 178–185.
ASPLOS-1991-Keppel #on the fly- A Portable Interface for On-the-Fly Instruction Space Modifiction (DK), pp. 86–95.
CCPSD-1991-BrinksmaJO #communication- Refining Interfaces of Communicating Systems (EB, BJ, FO), pp. 297–312.
SIGMOD-1990-AgrawalGS #named #visual notation- OdeView: The Graphical Interface to Ode (RA, NHG, JS), pp. 34–43.
SIGMOD-1990-AgrawalGS90a #named #visual notation- OdeView: A User-Friendly Graphical Interface to Ode (RA, NHG, JS), p. 389.
SIGMOD-1990-ChaW #named #query- Kaleidoscope: A Cooperative Menu-Guided Query Interface (SKC, GW), p. 387.
SIGMOD-1990-Kuntz #knowledge base #named #visual notation- Pasta-3: A Graphical Direct Manipulation Interface for Knowledge Base Management Systems (MK), p. 391.
CHI-1990-EndoI #overview- NTT human interface laboratories (lab review) (TE, HI), pp. 81–82.
CHI-1990-GentnerG #why- Why good engineers (sometimes) create bad interfaces (DRG, JG), pp. 277–282.
CHI-1990-GillanB #design #human-computer #modelling- Designers’ models of the human-computer interface (DJG, SDB), pp. 391–398.
CHI-1990-Grudin #design- The computer reaches out: the historical continuity of interface design (JG), pp. 261–268.
CHI-1990-LaurelOD #design #integration #multi- Issues in multimedia interface design: media integration and interface agents (BL, TO, AD), pp. 133–139.
CHI-1990-LewisPWR #design #testing- Testing a walkthrough methodology for theory-based design of walk-up-and-use interfaces (CHL, PGP, CW, JR), pp. 235–242.
CHI-1990-TangM #collaboration #named #video- VideoDraw: a video interface for collaborative drawing (JCT, SLM), pp. 313–320.
CHI-1990-Telles - Updating an older interface (MT), pp. 243–248.
CHI-1990-Took #interactive #paradigm- Surface interaction: a paradigm and model for separating application and interface (RKT), pp. 35–42.
CHI-1990-Williges #human-computer #overview- Human-computer interface laboratory — Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (lab review) (RCW), pp. 283–284.
CSCW-1990-Grudin - Interface (JG), pp. 269–278.
CSCW-1990-WulffER - Animating Interfaces (WW, SE, JR), pp. 241–254.
SIGIR-1990-AnickBFHAR #information retrieval #natural language #query- A Direct Manipulation Interface for Boolean Information Retrieval via Natural Language Query (PGA, JDB, RAF, DRH, BA, JMR), pp. 135–150.
SIGIR-1990-BelkinM #information retrieval- Determining the Functionality and Features of an Intelligent Interface to an Information Retrieval System (NJB, PGM), pp. 151–177.
SIGIR-1990-HoppeALZ #information retrieval #named- EXPRESS: An Experimental Interface for Factual Information Retrieval (HUH, KA, BLS, GZ), pp. 63–81.
WAGA-1990-AlexinGHF #attribute grammar #comprehension #natural language #specification- Attribute Grammar Specification for a Natural Language Understanding Interface (ZA, TG, TH, KF), pp. 313–326.
CC-1990-HartwigSS #ada #implementation #specification- Specification and Implementation of a Tree-Abiding Interface for Ada (MH, ES, RS), pp. 215–216.
CC-1990-HorvathAGF #comprehension #multi #natural language #towards- Towards a Multilingual Natural Language Understanding Interface (TH, ZA, TG, KF), pp. 217–218.
NACLP-1990-OhwadaM #approach #consistency #constraints #design #logic programming #maintenance- A Constraint Logic Programming Approach for Maintaining Consistency in User-Interface Design (HO, FM), pp. 139–153.
VLDB-1989-Bitton #database #tool support- Database Tools and Interfaces (DB), p. 443.
VLDB-1989-KingN #database #design #named #tool support- FaceKit: A Database Interface Design Toolkit (RK, MN), pp. 115–123.
CHI-1989-ColluraJBK #design #monitoring- User-interface design for a clinical neurophysiological intensive monitoring system (TFC, ECJ, RCB, GHK), pp. 363–368.
CHI-1989-GillanLR #interactive #modelling #statistics #visual notation- Models of user interactions with graphical interfaces: 1. statistical (DJG, RL, MR), pp. 375–380.
CHI-1989-Halstead-Nussloch #design- The design of phone-based interfaces for consumers (RHN), pp. 347–352.
CHI-1989-Hendrickson #design #performance #visual notation- Performance, preference, and visual scan patterns on a menu-based system: implications for interface design (JJH), pp. 217–222.
CHI-1989-SpenkeB #logic programming #spreadsheet- A spreadsheet interface for logic programming (MS, CB), pp. 75–80.
CHI-1989-YoungGS #design #evaluation #modelling #predict #programmable- Programmable user models for predictive evaluation of interface designs (RMY, TRGG, TJS), pp. 15–19.
CAiSE-1989-KollerbaurLK - Lexivisual Interfaces — The New Look (AK, TL, MK).
CAiSE-1989-Skjellaug #multi #named- IB — An Information Bus: A Multilayered Information Base Interface for Remote Applications (BS).
CAiSE-1989-Sutcliffe #automation #design #tool support- CASE Tools and the Human Computer Interface: Implications for Designers (AS).
SIGIR-1989-GodinGP #design #information retrieval- Design of a Browsing Interface for Information Retrieval (RG, JG, CP), pp. 32–39.
SIGIR-1989-Pejtersen #analysis #information retrieval #library- A Library System for Information Retrieval Based on a Cognitive Task Analysis and Supported by an Icon-Based Interface (AMP), pp. 40–47.
ECOOP-1989-LaenensSV #database #object-oriented- A Customizable Window-Interface to Object-Oriented Databases (EL, FS, DV), pp. 367–381.
OOPSLA-1989-CanningCHO #object-oriented #programming- Interfaces for Strongly-Typed Object-Oriented Programming (PSC, WRC, WLH, WGO), pp. 457–467.
OOPSLA-1989-MaloneyBF #constraints- Constraint Technology fur User-Interface Construction in ThingLab II (JM, AB, BNFB), pp. 381–388.
OOPSLA-1989-MullerRKS #multi #using- The Use of Multimethods and Method Combination in a CLOS Based Window System Interface (HM, JRR, JK, TS), pp. 239–253.
ESEC-1989-Wordsworth #experience #programming #specification- Practical Experience of Formal Specification: A Programming Interface for Communications (JW), pp. 140–158.
DAC-1989-BusetE #architecture #named #synthesis #visual notation- ACE: A Hierarchical Graphical Interface for Architectual Synthesis (OAB, MIE), pp. 537–542.
VLDB-1988-LecluseS #implementation #query- Implementing Queries and Updates on Universal Scheme Interfaces (CL, NS), pp. 62–75.
LFP-1988-DybvigH - A Variable-Arity Procedural Interface (RKD, RH), pp. 106–115.
CSCW-1988-Grudin #design #evaluation #problem #why- Why CSCW Applications Fail: Problems in the Design and Evaluation of Organization of Organizational Interfaces (JG), pp. 65–84.
SIGIR-1988-Teskey - Intelligent Support for Interface Systems (FNT), pp. 401–415.
SIGIR-1988-Veronis #fault #natural language- Correction of Phonographic Errors in Natural Language Interfaces (JV), pp. 101–115.
CCHSC-1988-Kastens #compilation #generative #tool support- Abstract Interfaces for Compiler Generating Tools (UK), pp. 103–114.
DAC-1988-OdawaraTHOHO #compilation- A Human Machine Interface for Silicon Compilation (GO, MT, KH, OO, TH, MO), pp. 115–120.
HT-1987-Walker #delivery #documentation #hypermedia- Document Examiner: Delivery Interface for Hypertext Documents (JHW), pp. 307–323.
HCI-CE-1987-Balzert #adaptation #architecture #human-computer- A Blackboard Architecture to Realize Adaptive Human-Computer Interfaces and Application Systems (HB), pp. 89–96.
HCI-CE-1987-Chao #case study #prototype- Prototyping a Dialogue Interface: A Case Study (BPC), pp. 357–363.
HCI-CE-1987-Chignell - Computer Interfaces for the Humanities (MHC), pp. 273–280.
HCI-CE-1987-Muckler #human-computer- The Human-Computer Interface: The Past 35 Years and the Next 35 Years (FAM), pp. 3–12.
HCI-CE-1987-PaulW #human-computer #towards- Towards a Truly High-Level and Integrated Human-Computer Interface (DWP, HRW), pp. 53–60.
HCI-CE-1987-SewellGR #evaluation- Initial Evaluation of an Intelligent Interface for Operators (DRS, NDG, WBR), pp. 551–558.
HCI-CE-1987-TaladoireMTL #named #relational- SQL-U: A Casual-User Oriented Interface for a Relational DBMS on Micro-Computers (GT, SM, NLT, LL), pp. 155–166.
HCI-CE-1987-Williges #adaptation #human-computer- Adapting Human-Computer Interfaces for Inexperienced Users (RCW), pp. 21–28.
HCI-CE-1987-Williges87a #human-computer- Analyzing Human-Computer Dialogue Interfaces (BHW), pp. 67–74.
HCI-CE-1987-YoshikawaMNUW #flexibility #simulation- Realization of Flexible User-Interface System for Module-Based Simulation System of Nuclear Power Plant (HY, NM, NN, NU, JW), pp. 249–256.
HCI-SES-1987-Leicht - Management of Communications in Customer/System Interface (WSL), pp. 327–336.
HCI-SES-1987-Malt #analysis #approach #human-computer- Skills Analysis in Human-Computer Interface: A Holistic Approach (LGM), pp. 319–326.
HCI-SES-1987-SmithS #feedback- Motor Feedback Control of Human Cognition: Implication for the Cognitive Interface (TJS, KUS), pp. 239–254.
HCI-SES-1987-Watanabe #architecture #automation- Human-Interface Architecture: Its Significance for Office Automation System (HW), pp. 279–294.
ECOOP-1987-EgeM #visual notation- The Filter Browser Defining Interfaces Graphically (RKE, DM), pp. 140–150.
ECOOP-1987-Riekert #knowledge base #object-oriented- The ZOO Metasystem: A Direct-Manipulation Interface to Object-Oriented Knowledge Bases (WFR), pp. 131–139.
OOPSLA-1987-GrossmanE #composition #logic #object-oriented- Logical Composition of Object-Oriented Interfaces (MG, RKE), pp. 295–306.
ESEC-1987-CartmellA #database #eclipse- The Eclipse Two-Tier Database Interface (JC, AA), pp. 129–137.
ICSE-1987-Hall - Tool Interfaces in Integrated Project Support Environments (AH), pp. 289–290.
DAC-1987-GranackiP #named #natural language #specification- PHRAN-SPAN: A Natural Language Interface for System Specifications (JJGJ, ACP), pp. 416–422.
DAC-1987-Shahdad - An Interface between VHDL and EDIF (MS), pp. 472–478.
VLDB-1986-KelloggOT #optimisation- Optimizing the Rule-Data Interface in a KMS (CK, ABO, LT), pp. 42–51.
VLDB-1986-PistorA #design- Designing A Generalized NF2 Model with an SQL-Type Language Interface (PP, FA), pp. 278–285.
OOPSLA-1986-Ewing #object-oriented #operating system- An Object-Oriented Operating System Interface (JJE), pp. 46–56.
OOPSLA-1986-SmithDB #design #named #object-oriented- Impulse-86: A Substrate for Object-Oriented Interface Design (RGS, RD, PB), pp. 167–176.
DAC-1986-HammerRRHT #automation #generative #interactive- Automating the generation of interactive interfaces (KH, DR, TR, JH, TT), pp. 152–158.
DAC-1986-JullienLL #database- A database interface for an integrated CAD system (CJ, AL, JL), pp. 760–767.
PODS-1985-BrosdaV #database #relational- Updating a Relational Database through a Universal Schema Interface (VB, GV), pp. 66–75.
SIGMOD-1985-GoldmanGKZ #information management #named #semantics- ISIS: Interface for a Semantic Information System (KJG, SAG, PCK, SBZ), pp. 328–342.
VLDB-1985-HeilerR #functional #recursion #visual notation- G-WHIZ, a Visual Interface for the Functional Model with Recursion (SH, AR), pp. 209–218.
SIGIR-1985-BorgmanCM #design #information retrieval- Designing an Information Retrieval Interface Based on User Characteristics (CLB, DOC, CTM), pp. 139–146.
POPL-1985-JonesRT #distributed #named #specification- Matchmaker: An Interface Specification Language for Distributed Processing (MBJ, RFR, MRT), pp. 225–235.
ICSE-1985-LudewigGHMMS #design #named #specification #visual notation- SPADES — A Specification and Design System and Its Graphical Interface (JL, MG, HH, GM, HM, MFS), pp. 83–91.
ICSE-1985-WolfCW #development #incremental- Interface Control and Incremental Development in the PIC Environment (ALW, LAC, JCW), pp. 75–82.
DAC-1985-GranackiKP #automation #design #natural language #overview- The ADAM advanced design automation system: overview, planner and natural language interface (JJG, DK, ACP), pp. 727–730.
DAC-1985-SamadD #natural language #towards- Towards a natural language interface for CAD (TS, SWD), pp. 2–8.
SIGMOD-1984-Fogg #database #lessons learnt #query #visual notation- Lessons from a “Living in a Database” Graphical Query Interface (DF), pp. 100–106.
VLDB-1984-KingM #information management #named #semantics- Ski: A Semantics-Knowledgeable Interface (RK, SM), pp. 30–33.
VLDB-1984-StonebrakerR #database- Database Portals: A New Application Program Interface (MS, LAR), pp. 3–13.
ICALP-1984-Vitter #complexity- Computational Complexity of an Optical Disk Interface (JSV), pp. 490–502.
VLDB-1983-Demo #database #navigation #program analysis #specification- Program Analysis for Conversion from a Navigation to a Specification Database Interface (GBD), pp. 387–398.
VLDB-1983-ThompsonRTS #database #natural language- Building Usable Menu-Based Natural Language Interfaces To Databases (CWT, KMR, HRT, RMS), pp. 43–55.
SIGIR-1983-BatesB #information retrieval #natural language #using- Information Retrieval Using a Transportable Natural Language Interface (MB, RJB), pp. 81–86.
Ada-1983-GoodenoughP #ada #design #testing- Designing and Testing Interfaces for Portable Software: Ada TEXT_IO as an Example (JBG, THP), pp. 104–114.
Ada-1983-PaytonKPM - The Diana Interfacer (TFP, SEK, JAP, SPM), pp. 88–103.
DAC-1983-Hill #visual notation- Edisim and Edicap: Graphical simulator interfaces (DDH), pp. 608–614.
VLDB-1982-Kerschberg #database #taxonomy- The Database/Data Dictionary Interface (LK), pp. 386–387.
DAC-1982-AllenET #automation #named- DORA: : CAD interface to automatic diagnostics (RWA, MMEW, RET), pp. 559–565.
ICSE-1981-BrittonPP #design- A Procedure for Designing Abstract Interfaces for Device Interface Modules (KHB, RAP, DLP), pp. 195–206.
DAC-1981-Barck #automation #evolution- The role of engineering in the evolving technology/automation interface (PEB), pp. 706–707.
DAC-1981-Lydick #automation #evolution- The role of engineering in the evolving technology/automation interface (RPL), p. 712.
VLDB-1980-Studer #database- A Dialogue Interface for Data Base Applications (RS), pp. 167–182.
VLDB-1979-Osborn #towards- Towards a Universal Relation Interface (SLO), pp. 52–60.
SIGMOD-1978-Morgan #natural language- Natural Language Interfaces (HLM), p. 1.
VLDB-1978-KamenyWCBGB #data transformation #named- EUFID: The End User Friendly Interface to Data Management Systems (IK, JW, MC, JB, RG, DB), pp. 380–391.
DAC-1978-Eisenberg #named- CADMON: Improving the CAD system human interface (HE), pp. 353–358.
VLDB-1977-DaleY #database #multi- A Processing Interface for Multiple External Schema Access to a Data Base Management System (AGD, CVY), pp. 318–325.
VLDB-1977-HendrixSSS #natural language- Developing a Natural Language Interface to Complex Data (GGH, EDS, DS, JS), p. 292.
SIGMOD-1975-SmithC #algebra #database #optimisation #performance #relational- Optimizing the Performance of a Relational Algebra Data Base Interface (JMS, PYTC), p. 64.
DAC-1975-ThompsonB #specification- A module interface specification language (EWT, RFB), pp. 42–49.
DAC-1974-GeroJH #design #interactive- Interaction, interfaces and design (JSG, WGJ, WNH), pp. 248–256.
SIGIR-1973-Artandi #documentation #library #online #retrieval- The On-Line Interface of Library Management and Document Retrieval Systems (SA), pp. 71–74.
SIGIR-1973-Marcus #interactive #network #retrieval- A Translating Computer Interface for a Network of Heterogeneous Interactive Retrieval Systems (RSM), pp. 2–12.
DAC-1967-RossST #design #multi #programming- The design and programming of a display interface system integrating multi-access and satellite computers (DTR, RHS, DET).