8 papers:
CASE-2014-LiY #scheduling- ACO-ICSA based scheduling of re-entrant manufacturing system with Mix-processing Style (LL, QY), pp. 87–92.
SAC-2013-NardelliTB #behaviour- Cross-lattice behavior of general ACO folding for proteins in the HP model (MN, LT, AB), pp. 1320–1327.
ASE-2009-AletiGMM #deployment #optimisation- Let the Ants Deploy Your Software — An ACO Based Deployment Optimisation Strategy (AA, LG, IM, IM), pp. 505–509.
CASE-2009-LiQW #parallel #scheduling- ACO-based scheduling of parallel batch processing machines to minimize the total weighted tardiness (LL, FQ, QW), pp. 280–285.
CASE-2009-YungPY #flexibility #multi #scheduling- Multi-objective ACO for integrated scheduling of machines and material handling equipment in flexible manufacturing systems (TWY, SGP, MY), pp. 304–309.
CASE-2008-LiQ #scheduling- ACO-based scheduling for a single Batch Processing Machine in semiconductor manufacturing (LL, FQ), pp. 85–90.
CASE-2008-TeoP #heuristic #hybrid #layout #problem- A hybrid ACO/PSO heuristic to solve single row layout problem (YTT, SGP), pp. 597–602.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-MahdaviSP #approach #automation #using- Machine Grouping in Cellular Manufacturing System Using Tandem Automated Guided vehicle with ACO Based Six Sigma Approach (IM, BS, MMP), pp. 261–267.